#he really has 0 idea on his anger levels
sigmadolos · 2 years
angry sigma starter call - @ofpowr​​​ 
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   Water droplets dripped from Sigma’s hair as he sat against the wall for a moment, heart still pounding in his chest. They needed to move, Dazai had a timer after all given that poison. But his head fell forwards, resting against his knees as his fingers curled into the wet fabric of his clothes. He was a fool. He was the same fool he’d always been.
   Tears burned his eyes and he could hear Dazai moving as he slowly lifted his head. Each tear burned as it rolled down his cheek, even as he forced a too cheery smile for their situation while his eyes closed. God, they both were fake, weren’t they? Dazai and him. What a pair.  He swallows the lump that felt like it was suffocating him.  “  It hurts so much.  “  It comes out as a whispered croak, far louder than he would have wished. Even the hellish torture of the Furies in Tartaros might have been less painful than this. Of seeing people burn each other and turn to tear each other limb from limb. Of being thrown aside or reduced to just his ability again. Again. After everything he’d been through, it always came back to his damn ability. Like he was just a tool to be used and thrown aside time and time again. He’d thought this was different. He’d cared for them, he’d treasured those bonds. It had seemed like it was different for so long - but Fyodor had just been so willing to drown him or burn him alive alongside Dazai, and Nikolai just wanted his ability now. It felt like this pain was a knife twisting deep in his chest. His head HURT, burning with sorrow and something darker. 
   “  ....I’m angry. That’s new.  “  Sigma’s smile lingered for a moment before it faded and his eyes slowly opened. What was ordinarily an inviting and warm silver gaze had turned as hard as bullets, even with the tears that still slowly fell.  “  I’m...really, really angry.  “  He’d had people treat him worse, but THIS is what made him angry, this was what it made feel like something ugly was being formed in his chest. Even when he’d killed, it’d never been maliciously intended, only necessity.  He had nothing left to lose. His gaze flicked up to look at Dazai probably now, grey unyielding in the angel’s new found anger.  “  We’re bringing them both down.  “  Somehow. Even he wasn’t sure to what he might do or what extent his wrath burned. He only knew that if he was falling from the Heavens, he’d drag them down to crash into the mud with him.
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eleanore-delphinium · 10 months
For Sauce Weekend: Day 3: "Put This On For Me"
This idea isn’t mine completely, this came from a book in goodnovel (app) titled ‘ Yearning for Her Return’. And it bothered me so this is me amending it to make it make sense.
Also, The Life of A Vampire & A Witch in the Woods, was supposed to be a halloween special. I forgot to say it there and it has bothered me for days.
And A03 link for this fic if you read there (my ff.net is fucked my stats always shows 0 for 3 months now.)
Disclaimer: Modern AU, again not really smut more on domestic fluff. CEO Dami, MATURE.
For Sauce Weekend: Day 3: "Put This On For Me"
Word Count: 10 310 (ish)
"Put This On For Me"
Damian Wayne and Rachel ‘Raven’ Roth were arranged to be married and on the evening of their wedding, Raven was shipped out of Gotham like some unwanted child after a divorce. She didn’t even get to have her long-awaited wedding night, not that she was actually anticipating it. 
People had told her such wonderful things about the wedding night, all the bells and whistles you could ever think of. But she was aware that her wedding was nothing but a show and that expecting all those promises was foolish. 
She knew they only told her that to comfort her.
It’s been three months since her wedding and she never saw or heard from her husband. But it didn’t matter, she had other things to worry about, like finishing up her university and getting her degree in Metropolis.
She returned to her apartment rather early in the morning, having not slept there because she was out doing a project. When she opened the door, she wasn’t really paying attention as she was tired and closed the door the moment, she opened it. Her back turned to the living room instantly. She leaned against the door as she locked it, sighing aloud.
“You should pay more attention to your surroundings.” A male voice came from behind her and she yelped, jumping to the door and hitting her head on the wood.
“God, and I married you?” The voice said and Raven turned to the voice and she gasped taking a step back, her back now pressed on the wooden door.
She’d recognize that face anywhere. Even though she had only seen him once. On their wedding ceremony.
He wore a black suit and a dark green dress shirt underneath. It matched his eyes well. He was the most handsome man Raven had ever had the honor to meet if she'd be honest. His green eyes that were locked on her were nothing less than intoxicating. Or maybe it was his effect on her. He was just that handsome.
“How- how did you get in here?” She asked, trying to breathe normally.
“I’m your husband.” He just answered back and she frowned.
“I should talk to my landlord.” She mumbled under her breath.
“I will deal with that for you, dear wife, but first we have other pressing matters to deal with.” He approached her and she watched him come closer to her. 
She nervously gulped, “Like what?”
“Like the fact that you ran off right after our wedding?” There was an edge to his voice and it annoyed Raven. 
She frowned and the annoyance became anger, “You were the one who sent me away!” 
Damian froze and she watched his jaw tighten and his gaze turned even colder, “What?”
Raven wasn’t dumb, she could see it in his body language that he didn’t send her away. Then he continued making his way to her, she was shaking in her spot against the door. She didn’t know him on a personal level, so being afraid was quite natural.
“How about you changing your number?” He asked, putting a hand beside her head, pinning her to the wall.
She got even angrier, “What are you talking about?” She glared at him then placed both her hands on his chest, pushing him harshly, “You blocked me!” But he didn’t even budge and her hands on his firm chest felt like they were burning.
His chest was really hard underneath all the layers of clothes.
Damian’s face softened a little but not significant enough, even so, she noted how his brows looked less close to one another. His other hand that wasn’t near her head, rummaged inside his blazer pocket and she couldn’t help but look down. He took out his phone and then showed her the screen.
She pulled her head away a bit and blinked as she looked down at the screen. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the light.
After a few seconds he said, “Isn’t this your number?”
Raven frowned and then nodded.
“Then press the call button for me.” He stated as she looked up at him, looking like she wanted to say no but still did what was asked.
“Sorry, the number you have dialed is out of service.” She looked genuinely shocked hearing the robotic voice of a woman tell her that her number is out of service. 
For a moment, the anger subsided, “I never changed my number…” She mumbled to which he raised a brow at her.
Then she tried to push him away again, “But you blocked me!” She countered recalling how many times she tried to reach out to him. And to prove a point, she pulled out her phone and did the same thing he did.
“This is your number, right?” She showed him his phone number on her phone and he nodded. She quickly dialed it and they got the same robotic voice.
Her husband’s angular jaw seemed sharper as he clenched his teeth. “Looks like someone is playing tricks on us.” 
Raven pressed her lips, she had nothing to say, and had no idea who would go to such lengths. 
“Well, now that that mystery is solved– What are you doing here?” She asked carefully and he studied her.
He smiled, a quite enchanting smile if she may add, “Well, I didn’t get to have my honeymoon.”
Her body stiffened then the words sunk it, “You sent me away!”
“I didn’t.” His smile and gaze were alluring and distracting her.
The next thing she knew, his hands were on her waist as he took one step and now his face was just a breath away. One of his hands caressed her spine. 
“I didn’t block you nor did I send you away.” He inhaled deeply. “We were robbed of our own wedding night. As a responsible husband, it seems like I owe you a lot due to your grievances. That includes our first night as a couple.” He whispered and she swallowed her saliva. 
Raven only realized now how deep his voice was and how dangerously close he was. His mouth was hovering over hers and, to be honest, she was anticipating the kiss. His eyes locked on her lips and she didn’t notice it but she had licked her dry lips, making the corners of his lips twitch.
The next moment his lips were on hers and the couple continued to explore each other’s mouths.
Eventually, he pulled away, “Tell me where the bedroom is or I am having you on this damn floor.”
She swallowed and raised an arm while her eyes fluttered, pointing at a door almost directly across the entrance.
He nodded and smiled at her then lifted her up by the waist. Her eyes widened as he pulled her to him and she naturally wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her with ease while also groping her ass. 
Raven felt embarrassed but they were married. 
“I’ve been waiting for this since our wedding ceremony, you can imagine my disappointment when I heard you just left.” There was a tinge of anger in his voice and yet, she just felt even more embarrassed by what he said.
He looked forward to fucking her? 
The nervousness couldn’t be controlled, not with his implications.
The next thing she knew, she was placed gently on her bed that had white sheets and he lightly lifted her chin, “I will rectify this issue and I will treat you well, but I expect the same from you.”
She didn’t even know why, she just nodded. 
He kissed her neck, “I mean I don’t want you cheating on me, wife.”
Raven snapped out of whatever trance he induced in her. She poked his shoulder harshly, “Shouldn’t I say that to you?”
He lifted his head from her neck and raised a brow at her, “And why is that?”
She frowned, “Business meetings? Women and half their tits out bouncing to get your attention?”
He chuckled casually, “I don’t think that is a business meeting, beloved.”
She choked, oh how easy it was for him to pull out a pet name for her out of thin air. 
He stroked her jaw, “Don’t you think it suits you? Beloved?”
She couldn’t answer, she couldn’t even look at him. But she felt that her face was crimson red.
“We will discuss other details later, for now,” His hands found their way under her shirt and to her slim waist. “Let’s have our long-awaited wedding night.”
He was overbearing. She knew this the moment she met him. And as he tossed and turned her for hours, all she could think about was how right she was. 
He was so overbearing. 
He did make her feel good though. And tired. 
Raven sighed as she woke, she remembered that she had a class. She tried to get out but strong arms wrapped around her.
“Where are you going?” He sounded displeased and even though her mind told her to obey, even though she was sore, she knew she had a class. So, she fought through her desire to comply with whatever he would demand of her.
“I have a class.” She mumbled trying not to shy away from his presence. She was her own person before she met him.
The strong arms that she was wrapped around with were starting to feel familiar to her and he easily pulled her back to his chest. He twisted a little, trapping her between his body weight and the bed.
“Skip it.” He just mumbled back, lips finding her neck.
“I have never skipped a class in my life.” She struggled to escape his stronghold as she spoke.
“Well, there is always a first.” He answered back and she sighed loudly. “Your husband came all the way here to Metropolis to see you. We’ve been apart for long enough. You can afford to skip a class.”
She pinched his arm hoping he would let her go, but he didn’t even flinch. 
“We didn’t get the chance to get to know each other. Why don’t we take this fine opportunity, dear beloved wife?” He whispered into her ear and she stiffened. She felt him angle her body so that her butt touched his growing erection.
She gulped, “You seem to like giving me a lot of pet names.” She tried to focus on other things and refused to move an inch, but he had other plans. 
He pressed himself against her supple ass, rendering her nonmovement useless, “I think ‘beloved’ suits you the most, but I have to get used to the idea of having a wife. With that said, you should call me husband so the idea doesn’t get forgotten, don’t you agree, beloved wife?” He blew against her ear. 
Raven’s eyes were swimming, she couldn’t focus, not with the goliath poking at her butt. 
“Wife?” He sang grinding against her with one stroke of his hips and she gasped and gripped the sheets. She couldn’t see how his lips curled up cunningly.
He really was overbearing. And she was married to him.
When he was done with prying and probing every inch of her body, yet again, he studied the woman before him. She was laying on her back on the bed, her legs spread before him forming an M, her chest rose and fell carefully with eyes glazed and lips ajar. He was kneeling in front of her between her open legs.
His hand traced her collarbone then went down between her breasts and pressed her lower abdomen as he watched his cum slip out of her slit. A soft moan came out from her lips.
Then his eyes suddenly lit up, not with desire but a sharpness that could not be identified as a good or bad sign.
“Are you on birth control?” The question from his lips made Raven wake up from her trance. She propped herself up quickly with wide eyes.
She gasped, “Oh my god! No!” 
The sharpness in his gaze turned dark. “Do you not want children?” His jaws tightened but his companion did not notice this.
“Of course not!” She pulled away from his touch as she twisted and tried to get off the bed. “I have to finish university; I don’t want to be pregnant yet.”
Damian looked pleased with her answer, ‘yet’ was the word that calmed him, not that she noticed his distress. His hand wrapped around her ankle and she was suddenly pulled back to the bed, putting her in the same position she was previously laying.
She looked at him confusedly.
“I will have someone buy you some pills, so don’t worry about it.” He simply stated and all she could do was study him. “But I would like you to decide on what kind of birth control you would prefer in the long run.” 
“Okay.” She quietly answered, she didn’t know why but it felt like he was talking to her like a business partner. Although to be fair, their marriage is business for their families.
He leaned down to her, “I don’t mind you getting pregnant, after all, you are my wife and there is nothing wrong with that. But since you want to focus on your studies, I will adhere to your wishes.” 
With the way he looked at her, she was really convinced that this was merely business for him.
“Alright. I understand.” She repeated meekly.
Damian felt that she sounded like a schoolgirl being scolded by her teacher and he sighed. He then lifted her chin with his fingers.
“Raven,” He called her name and she looked up surprised, eyes locked onto his lips, “You are my wife, and I respect our union even if this marriage is arranged. I will treat you the way you deserve. Do not doubt that.”
She gulped nervously and nodded and he hovered over her body.
“I will deal with whoever tried to make us have this misunderstanding. You do not have to worry about anything. In the meantime, for now, we have to act as if we have not–” His finger swiped her crotch, putting stray liquid back in her, “finalized this marriage.” His green eyes were firm on her face. 
He leaned back into her, his face just above hers, “I will honor this marriage and I hope you can do the same.”
She nodded and he frowned, tugging at her chin and tilting her head closer to his face, “I need words, beloved.”
“I will honor this marriage.” She answered quietly, chest rising from the tension he was causing.
He smiled and it took her breath away.
“Good.” He kissed her forehead. “I will have someone buy us new phones; we shall communicate through them as well as acquire your pills.” He pulled away as he got off the bed.
“It’s best we still keep our old phones and use the new ones to exclusively communicate with one another. We would need to make whoever is behind this plot think we haven’t made contact. And I came here in secret if you are wondering.” He explained as he picked up his phone.  He could feel her eyes on him.
Was it bad that Raven kind of felt like she just made a deal with the devil?
Damian then got back onto the bed and pinned her down.
“Why did it sound like you don’t want my kids?” He suddenly asked, his sharp eyes studying her, “Other than school.” 
“I’m a virgin.” She just answered instantly and he looked like he got punched.
He pulled away, the confusion on his face clear, “What?” His eyes studied her legs.
“What, looking for blood?” Her voice sounded on edge, “Men are always the same.”
She could feel his annoyance as he said, “It’s not like that.”
There was indeed an absence of blood and there was no complaining about pain. A common idea of how female virgins act when their virginity is taken from them.
He brought his lips against her ear, “You seemed to know what you were doing.” His tongue flickered on her ear.
She had placed a hand on his chest and his hand captured her fist. “It seems like you and I are very sexually compatible.” His teeth tugged at her reddened ear. 
She couldn’t answer him, she didn’t know how to. There was a voice in the back of her head agreeing to his words.
And as if to prove their sexual compatibility he fucked her again. Oh and how he did her good.
“Fuck!” She swore, forcing herself to roll off of him after another round of his probing. 
He groaned in disapproval. “Where are you going?” He asked her, his belly lying on the bed.
“I told you I had class.” She glared but struggled to get up. And she looked like she was about to cry, she was so sore. Who said having sex with their husband is magical? She pressed her lips as she sat up.
It was magically painful in ways she didn’t think that her body could possibly ache.
Damian honestly enjoyed seeing her struggle and seeing her bare breasts– among the general bareness of such a beautiful body.
“You know you don’t really need to go to classes physically. You can still get your degree while you're in Gotham.” He drawled, flipping over, not attempting to pull her back into bed which she was grateful for.
His words, not so much.
She glared at him as she stood up gasping with wide eyes and finding her balance, “I’m sorry we can’t be like you– graduating uni at age sixteen.” She hissed, “Oh my gosh.” She whispered leaning on her nightstand.
He shifted in the bed and she suddenly added as she turned away from him, “We can’t all have two degrees–”
“Three actually.” He cut her off and she turned to glare at him.
“Besides, I like seeing my classmates and teachers.” She added gently but the discomfort was clear in her face and in the way she moved or lack thereof.
“I didn't. Which was why I finished uni as fast as I could. Father, however, did not enjoy it and kept putting me to school.” He shrugged and pressed his lips when his wife’s face told him to shut up.
“I’m sorry for being dumb.” She muttered and he didn’t know how to respond.
“If you want to go to school, I won’t stop you. I advocate for education.” He propped himself up on the headboard, the blanket covering his lower regions.
He caught the surprise in her eyes and she nodded with a small happy smile.
“I will be right where you left me, wife.” He said with crossed arms, his eyes filled with joy from seeing his wife filled with marks he made. 
And what a lovely piece of art he made indeed.
Raven absentmindedly nodded and made her way to a door at the side which he assumed was the bathroom. And indeed, it was the bathroom when he faintly heard the sound of water from a shower. 
Once she was out of the bathroom, she shyly changed her clothes with an audience. She supposed she’d have to get used to it eventually. She changed her clothes with her towel still covering her up. 
Raven was sore but she endured and had to cover up really well because of what her husband so graciously left on her entire body. She could feel that this relationship would not be easy or convenient.
Damian could tell she was having a hard time changing but she’ll get used to someone being in the same room. And he still enjoyed the little show. It was like peek-a-boo.
“I’ll go to school now.” She awkwardly said, her eyes trying not to look at him. His abdomen looked so goddamn nice. What the fuck!
“I’ll be right here, where you left me.” He smiled, giving her a little salute and wink. 
Damian was really true to his words; he really was where she had left him by the time she returned home. He was on the bed shirtless and looking over papers. 
She frowned at him, “Don’t you run a multi-million company?” 
He glanced up from the paper he was holding, and she didn’t think he’d look even hotter with the eyeglasses he had on. For someone who was a virgin a few hours ago, was it bad that she could feel herself get wet at the sight?
She gulped down her desires as she anticipated his answer.
“That's what this is.” He raised the paper casually. 
“Don’t you need to be there?” She tried to clear up.
He looked at her thoughtfully, she was still standing by her door. “I still haven't taken my honeymoon leave.” His eyes for the briefest second locked at a certain part of her body with the slightest hint of displeasure. But she had not noticed the very quick change.
She scrutinized his face and body language, was he serious?
He placed the papers on the side table, “I am all naked underneath waiting for your return, beloved wife.” 
It took a moment, but Raven’s face turned crimson when his words sunk into her brain. 
Again, he was true to his words, this was starting to feel like a honeymoon– the one filled with nothing but sex. She wasn’t even sure how she reached his side and how they got to grinding against one another’s naked bodies and moaning.
When he was done, and she calmed from her high with his body over hers on the bed. His hand slipped to one of her hands, caressing her knuckles. There was an absence of a ring on either of her hands.
Raven suddenly said, “I used to do gymnastics.”
He looked really taken aback, not understanding where this was coming from. Thankfully his mind was always sharp. He chuckled suddenly to which she frowned.
“Have you been thinking about that this entire time? While you were at school?” He asked after shaking his head. He glanced down at her and saw her serious face and he reeled in his laughter. “I believed you when you said you were a virgin. It doesn’t matter to me if you weren’t either. But now that we are married, again, I expect loyalty and faithfulness.”
“I don’t think I can handle being with another man with your libido.” She muttered, clearly not paying attention to her words and her eyes widened when she realized what she said aloud.
He laughed heartily, “Good.” He kissed her forehead. 
She had to be honest, she thought he’d scold her. And then she felt his hand caressing her thigh. Ah, there it was.
Raven was sure she was being punished, but fuck was he doing it so gently and all she could do was moan into his hand. He thrust from behind her with a softness that seeped into her heart.
“I hope you kept some of those leotards, I think we can make good use of them.” He whispered hoarsely against her ear, still pounding at her. His hips hit her plump ass. 
He couldn’t tell if the moans into his hand were out of agreement or just pleasure, he was more certain it was the latter, but he had to cover her mouth as she had become rather loud. He didn’t want the neighbors banging on her door.
When they were finished, he wrapped her in his arms and whispered to the exhausted woman, “Which reminds me, I got us our new phones–” He stopped, noticing that she was struggling to keep her eyes open. He kissed her forehead.
“Later then.” He mumbled, closing his eyes.
The fact that she lacked a ring did not escape his mind. 
Raven’s husband had been staying with her for three days. And she had no choice but to miss some classes because of him. Much to her dismay.
And every time she went back home from her classes, he’d be propped up on the bed naked, a blanket over his legs while he read papers and with his eyeglasses on. But now it seemed that he had bought a laptop.
“Oh, I noticed you didn’t have a laptop and printer. They are yours, but as of now I am borrowing the laptop.” He nonchalantly said. She absentmindedly nodded.
Raven did need a laptop and printer for school so she was appreciative. 
He didn’t look up from reading his report, “Oh, by the way, I talked to your landlord. I told him your contract is invalid.”
“What?” She glanced at him. She was making her way to her closet, used to having company now, and was planning to change. She had gotten used to his domineering personality too. 
He glanced up to look at her and she studied his face trying to understand him. 
It dawned on her and she replied with an edge on her voice, “Because I wrote Raven on the contract?” He frowned and she continued on, “You are making a big deal over that?”
He sighed, making her stop as she watched him take off his eyeglasses and placed it on the bed. She pressed her lips, the sight was so hot, that she couldn’t help but admit.
Raven tried not to avoid his gaze and tried to glare at him to focus that she was angry at him. The implications of an invalid contract were less than ideal.
“I don’t care if you write Rachel or Raven,” he said carefully and she looked very confused. “But you are a Wayne.” 
He heard her gasp from where he was and she blinked.
“Would you rather resign the contract or move?” He asked and saw how she frowned when he suggested moving.
“I like my apartment.” She stated simply and he studied her room. He knew he could give her better.
He sighed aloud, it was clear to her that he didn’t like her answer. He reached out for a stack of paper that had a pen clipped on it as he offered it to her, “Here is the contract and sign in properly. I will give it to your landlord.”
Raven was surprised, she thought he would tell her to move. Her feet moved by themselves as she approached him and sat beside him as she took the papers from him. She signed Raven Wayne on the paper and gave it to him for checking. 
She was nervous as she waited for his approval, head cast down. She didn’t even know why she was feeling like this or acting like this. She didn’t see how her husband’s lips twitched seeing her name.
“Alright.” He said and she looked up. She was still expecting him to tell her that she couldn’t stay here. From what she heard of Damian he was the excessive type. And with how he had been handling her in the short time they have been together, she can’t deny the statement.
“Oh, I have something for you.” He said and opened the drawer on the nightstand at his side. She tilted her head at him in confusion. 
What else did he have for her?
Damian pulled out a black velvet box and her brows furrowed to show her confusion.
“I noticed you don’t wear your wedding ring.” He said and she stiffened and he opened the box. “I figure it’s too much for school.” He showed her the wedding set inside the box and her eyes twinkled.
“I had this made, I thought this was more to your taste.” He spoke as if they were talking about the weather. 
It was a gold set of two thin band rings. One was a half eternity diamond ring and the other was a larger solitaire ring. This set was far smaller than the platinum set she got at their wedding. Being that the two-ring platinum set was filled with big diamonds stacked with another bigger diamond. 
The design and appearance of the two sets were similar, an eternity ring with a solitaire diamond on one of the bands. But Raven thought the rings she got at her wedding were so gaudy she was embarrassed to be seen wearing them. And it would be too much for school as Damian pointed out. She was also certain she’d be robbed if she so casually walked around wearing the platinum set. 
With Damian’s free hand stuck out, inviting her to put her hand atop his, he said, “This is just a mere placeholder for now. When I get to the bottom of who is trying to fuck with our relationship and when you are ready, we will go and have something made which fits both our preferences.” 
Raven slipped her hand on top of his and watched him slide the two rings onto her finger and she was surprised by the perfect fit. Though, now that she thought about it, was there really something her husband couldn’t do?
“I was rather upset to see that you didn’t wear any kind of a ring as a placeholder to show that you are married.” He sighed putting her hand down and he reached out to his other hand playing with a ring on his ring finger that she didn’t even realize he had one on until now. “I always wear mine.”
His ring was three-toned, mostly black, but had gold and platinum on it. She would like to say it was simple, but with three colors on it, it clearly wasn’t.
“I’m sorry…” She couldn’t help but mumble, finding the new set on her finger with her other hand. “And thank you.”
He smiled thinly, eyes on her fingers brushing her wedding rings.
“Alright, when you figure things out we’ll go to a jeweler.” She mumbled and he nodded.
Just when she was about to stand up, he grabbed her wrist. And he pulled her to him.
“But now I must welcome my wife home.” He smirked as he watched her eyes widen.
Again. This man always gets what he wants. Though, he could have forced her hand and made her move, but he didn’t.
Maybe this time her spreading her legs for him was to show her silent gratitude that he didn’t force her hand and made her move. But maybe not, once his body touched hers it was like her skin was aflame. Memories of how good he fucks her would flash into her mind like a flash flood and she just can’t think straight.
And God, he really fucks her good.
They had finished yet another passionate moment and the two were cuddling in each other’s arms. Her head rested on his chest as she listened to his steady heartbeat. His hand caressed her arm.
“I think I know what I want for my long-term contraceptive.” She whispered, fingers playing with the curves of his abdomen muscles. For a second, she wondered if he really had a desk job as a CEO and all. How does he have time to work out? 
“Oh? What is it?” He asked, breaking her chain of thought. He pulled away from her and shifted her in his arms so they could gaze at one another.
“I want an implant.” She stared at his eyes. She had thought about it. With his libido and her studies, this sounded… well sound. The best option so she didn’t have to think about taking contraceptive pills or injections on a regular basis. 
She thought that he would say no, but he surprised her again, “Alright, I will arrange a hospital appointment for tomorrow.”
She thought he would say no, but she didn’t expect that he would set an appointment just like that. 
Damian saw how his wife frowned and he kissed her forehead, “It is a good choice, beloved, I don’t mind you getting pregnant.” He squeezed her in his arms briefly. “I can take care of you and our child. But we have to pretend like we have not met since our wedding. I’m still looking into who is trying to screw our marriage up. It would be a problem if everyone believed you were fooling around with someone else and that's how you wound up pregnant.” He sighed into her hair.
He made a very reasonable explanation and she nodded her head that was against his firm chest. 
Yet still, he didn’t argue with her. She was certain that he could have. He could get what he wanted by force. And yet, he didn’t.
His attitude was starting to become endearing for Raven, even his arrogance.
Damian has been staying in her apartment for almost a week now and every time she arrived home she wished and hoped he would have already left. At this point, it’s what she hoped for because his sexual libido was so high she believed she couldn’t handle it. But every time he made a move she couldn’t say no, like quite literally the word disappeared from her mind. And she winds up in various positions with him.
She was convinced that he was right about their sexual compatibility.
Again, she entered her bedroom to see Damian on the bed. The same way he always was when she got home. But it was clear that he was very upset over something as he read the paper in his hands.
Raven studied her room, she realized that their clothes from their latest rendezvous were still scattered on the floor. Only at this moment did she realize that he cleans up the bedroom by the time she comes back from school or even when she is in the shower, but he’d always be on the bed when she reenters her bedroom. 
She picked up his boxers, “Put this on for me.” She tossed it on the bed. 
It appeared that he didn’t even realize that she had returned. Whatever troubles he had, it appeared to be deep. But the moment she spoke, his face softened and he glanced at his boxers and scrunched up his face.
He clicked his tongue and she thought he would say no. But she knew better now, she should not approach the bed because he would have her on her back the second, she was in arms reach.
To her surprise, he reached for the boxers and heaved a sigh, likely a show that he didn’t like what she was asking. He got out of the bed and he was indeed naked underneath the sheets like always.
Raven quickly looked away; she still wasn’t sure how that fit in her.
“You act like you weren’t enjoying this just before you left.” He chided pulling his boxers on and her face turned red. She felt even more embarrassed.
“Can’t you learn to put on clothes?” She rebuked helplessly. He just chuckled at her response.
“I don’t have clothes here.” He innocently answered and she glared at him.
“I’ve seen your bodyguards or whatever the hell they are, I know you ask them to bring you boxers.” She crossed her arms as she looked at him. She was thankful he had bottoms on, but that well-toned body was still distracting. “You can ask them to bring you more than just boxers.”
He shrugs at her casually, “It’s not like I plan to leave any time soon.” 
Raven’s eyes were starting to stray and so were her thoughts. She quickly turned around and cleared her throat, “I will make us dinner and I would like it if you are there with me.”
She didn’t try to argue with him as she knew it would be useless.
She didn’t need to ask him to join her, truth be told, normally he’d follow her around if she decided to cook or if she went out of the bedroom. But this was the first time that she asked him to go with her to the kitchen. She didn’t see it but there was a very happy smile on Damian’s lips.
“Alright.” He replied after clearing the smile off his face, sounding casual and whatever.
Raven didn’t take a peek at him because she knew she would swoon and if he laid his hand on her she’d jump him. She coughed to clear her throat and her naughty thoughts. 
In the kitchen, Raven was cutting a carrot and he sat across the counter watching her in all his shirtless glory. His chest had claw marks from her, but at this point, she was way past being embarrassed. His choice of not wearing clothes for almost a week has trained her eyes and mind to the sight. Thankfully, he would wear his boxers when outside the bedroom, but other than that, he was virtually naked as he stayed in her apartment.
He had a strained smile on his face as he watched her.
“What is it?” She pouted, glancing at him.
“I genuinely enjoy your cooking and the fact that you enjoy cooking for me.” He emphasized each word and she frowned as she stopped chopping. “But I admit my palette is used to world-renowned chefs.”
Raven put down her knife, “So, you’re saying my cooking sucks?” 
He approached her, placing a hand on the counter, and genuinely said, “No, your cooking is superb, beloved.” He smiled and she actually believed his sincerity. It felt like he was radiating truthfulness from his very pores.
Or maybe because the sex was so good, she couldn’t get mad at him. He literally just said her cooking sucks by implying he only eats from some classy chef. But they were married and already fucking so she has to endure his attitude, right? Fuck!
Raven was chewing on her lower lip and he placed a thumb against her lip making her stop.
“I am a picky eater; I won’t deny that. If it isn’t a chef I approve of, I don’t eat the dish.” He spoke.
She wanted to bite his thumb. And to think she had been cooking for him out of the goodness of her heart.
“It’s why I learned how to cook.” It felt like Damian had dropped a bomb on Raven. Her feet were unsteady.
“What?” She almost chuckled as she studied him, “You cook?” She raised a brow at him.
He smiled politely, “Yes and I truly love your cooking,” The sincerity in his eyes was something she could not deny. His hands found her waist. “But let me cook for you this time.”
Damian swiftly pulled her to him and their lips were so close to one another that she was expecting a kiss at the back of her mind. Raven gulped as her eyes locked on his mouth. 
He turned themselves around, exchanging spots with his lovely wife. Then he pulled away quite easily from their contact.
“Alright?” He smiled at her and took a step back, reaching for the knife. “I can make do with these ingredients, but I will have my men buy better ingredients for you as always.” 
Raven hummed a response, having no choice but to watch him. She went and sat down on the seat where he would always sit when he watched her cook. And damn it, she felt so fucking stupid. 
Damian was cooking like he himself was some world-renowned chef! How the hell did he let her make him just sit and watch her cook?
She was utterly speechless and embarrassed. She must have looked like a buffoon.
When he was plating the dish he made, adding the last leaf on the plate he said, “Plating matters too, beloved.”
She wished she could make a snarky remark but the dish he put before her was so beautiful. With the same ingredients, she couldn’t possibly make such a beautiful dish.
Damian tilted his head when he placed the plate before her but she did not move.
“Le-let’s see how it tastes then!” She grabbed the plate and turned around from him. He could tell that she was embarrassed by how red her ears were, but he didn’t point it out.
“How is it?” He instead asked as he walked around the counter and slipped a hand on her lower back.
“Oh, God and I cooked for you?” She looked up at him with her back arched forward, eyes watery. 
His Adam’s Apple bobbed at the sight. A similar image of how she looked right now overlapped in his mind, and it was a very very different kind of image, that of when he would confine her in her bedroom to have some fun.
He cleared his throat, “Sit up properly.” He gently told her and rubbed her back upward briefly. She instantly did what was told and he withdrew his hand from her back. 
Raven was temptation incarnate for him. A seductress. 
And what's worse is that she doesn't know how much she could ignite his desire for her with one flick of her wrist.
“I feel so embarrassed cooking for you.” She admitted in a soft voice and he was surprised.
“What? No.” He stood in front of her and pinned her by placing his hands on the counter that was behind her. “Your cooking is world-class.” 
She pressed her lips as she looked up at him. God, his sincerity was intoxicating.
“I should know. I have expensive tastes.” He stated nonchalantly. 
He watched her glance down at her plate with a soft smile. 
The next thing she knew, her head was lifted up and they shared a kiss. A rather chaste kiss.
Maybe even the first chaste kiss since their wedding. Honestly, quite comparable to the chaste kiss at their wedding. 
“I wish I could stay longer, beloved, but I am needed back in Gotham.” He confessed softly. 
“Oh.” She grabbed her fork and tried to prepare a bite of the food he made. “Well, I can finally take a break from you.”
He wished he could get mad or laugh, but he felt neither emotion at her words. He did wish he could just be with her.
“Oh, don’t go celebrating yet.” He leaned to her, bringing his mouth near her ear. “When I return, you and I both know I will make you regret being happy that I’m leaving right now.”
Damian felt her body stiffen and he smirked. “But for now, let us enjoy our remaining time together.”
And they did. They enjoyed their time together, laughing a little. His hands strayed on her body but never did more. He had texted his men to bring him a fresh suit complete with all his accessories. 
He showered in her bathroom and used her things. He smelled like her and it made her blush. He was adjusting the cuff of his white shirt from under his dark blue suit’s jacket cuff. 
This was the third time she had seen him in a suit. He looked colder, yet still hot. He smelled of her and yet looked like the boss that he was. 
Oh my God. She was gushing. 
And so was her pussy.
“Oh, before I forget.” He looked up at her and she stared at him with wide eyes and a smile trying to think of anything but how he made her feel. “I will pay you back for the rent you paid on the apartment.”
She looked confusedly at him and was about to argue but he raised a hand and she pressed her lips shut.
“It’s my responsibility, and besides, I want to do it.” He looked at her as if he was inspecting a product for his company, at least that is what Raven felt like he was doing. He then pulled out his wallet and handed her two cards. “One is a credit card, buy whatever the hell you want, it doesn’t have a limit. The other is an ATM card. Your allowance from me will be deposited every month on the same date as our wedding day. I placed the money you paid for the rent of this apartment in there along with the allowance I owe you since you've been staying here since our wedding.”
She sucked in her lips and stared at the items he was holding out for her. She licked her lips and he patiently waited for her to accept it.
Raven wanted to reject it, but with one quiet glance at his calm face she knew he wouldn’t allow it. And the thing was, she was surprised that he even remembered their wedding day and was going to give her an allowance on the same date every month. 
After a minute or two passed she nodded her head and sighed as she took a step forward and reached out for the cards. “Thank you…” She mumbled.
Damian was pleased that she took the cards and she could tell. 
His hand reached out and cupped her face and she looked at him. He kissed the top of her head.
"Rachel Wayne." She mumbled reading the names on the cards.
"Rachel is your legal name. Unless you want to change it to Raven, in that case, tell me and I will have it arranged." Everything that came out of Damian's mouth was factual. It's just how he always talked. 
"Wayne. I'm a Wayne." She muttered and he pressed his lips atop her ear. 
"Yes, that's right." He whispered with a sigh.
Damian and Raven's relationship was pretty good. She was still in Metropolis over a year later and he'd visit her often since they reunited.
"Augh, I hate this city," Damian said, glaring at the city by the ceiling to the floor window in their apartment.
Raven rolled her eyes, she had known him long enough, he was baiting her.
"You'd rather I finish uni in Gotham?" She asked, of course, she'd still bite.
He turned to look at her thoughtfully, "I suppose it's safer here." He answered as he always does when she asks him if she should go back to Gotham.
He placed her safety a priority, something she noticed fairly quickly since they started a relationship with one another.
She no longer lived in the apartment where they reunited after their wedding; due to the frequency of his visits her former apartment became too small. You’d think he’d respect her space, but somehow, he started taking up so much space in her apartment that she had no choice but to suggest moving. 
Damian of course moved her to a high-rise with a great view and space that was way too big for just them. He had come by to help her move and had stayed ever since, helping her adjust and arrange their apartment. 
She was convinced he purposely took up so much space in her previous apartment so she would move to a bigger ‘safer’ apartment that he of course chose and showed her just as fast as when she suggested moving. 
It seemed planned is what she was saying. But still, he had wormed his way to her heart that she could not find a flaw to what he did, that is if he really did it.
"You always say you hate it here." She mumbled as she reached out for his waist with both arms and embraced him.
"It's bright." He answered, enjoying her warmth.
She never understood what he meant by that. 
"Well, anyway," She pulled her head away and glanced up at him, "I have to go, I need to meet some classmates for a project."
He studied her and said, "Why don't I join you?"
She laughed, shaking her head, "Your face is rather well known, I wouldn't want my classmates to be intimidated by you."
She pulled away from his hold turning around.
"I can wear a hat and sunglasses." He followed her and she paused then turned to him.
"Hmm… Alright." She agreed with a soft smile on her lips.
"I won't be a bother." He promised.
And as always, he was true to his words. When he went to the bathroom and was about to return to her side, Damian heard her friend ask why her husband was wearing a beanie that covered his ears and dark sunglasses.
"Oh, he is sensitive about his hair and he got a terrible eye infection..." He frowned at her lie.
He stepped out from his hiding spot and kissed his wife, "Oh, what are you talking about, beloved?"
"Oh, you know, how best to do this paper," Raven answered calmly.
He just smiled. But the moment they got back home, he pinned her to the door and whispered hoarsely.
"So, I'm balding?" He asked as he pulled the beanie off his head and to the floor. His black thick and luscious hair shone against the light coming from their windows.
Quite the opposite of what she had just made her classmate believe.
Her eyes widened in realization and she pressed her lips as she reached out to remove his sunglasses. "And with an eye infection." She whispered back seriously, tossing the shades away too.
"I will have to punish you." He said, pressing her by the arch of her ass against his hips.
"I know, for being caught." She sighed, and she could feel his erection on her lower abdomen.
He chuckled, "Well, for lying." His tongue licked the curve of her ear.
When the punishment was done and she was sprawled on the bed, lying on her belly, he caressed her hair. 
"I hope you don't lie often." He told her with a dark tone in his voice. 
She understood his implications. With how the two grew closer even if it was just a glance she could tell what he wanted to convey to her. He was the same with her. 
"I don't lie about being married." She whispered, and his face softened. The answer to the question that was never truly asked.
"Good." He scooched over to her side, his crotch pressed against the side of her hip as he littered her shoulder with kisses.
She sighed, closing her eyes, but also refusing to move. If she moved the thing pressed on her side would wake up instantly and she'd be done for. Not that she couldn't tell that it was starting to stir. But if she didn't move, her husband wouldn't either.
"Which reminds me," He pulled his head away from her shoulder and her skin was relieved of the pressure pressing on her thigh. He laid on his side and she turned her head towards him with curious eyes. "I'm transferring to Metropolis."
"What?" Raven propped herself up a little with her confusion clear in her face and voice. He never talked about this before.
He should feel some form of displeasure with her reaction. At least he thought he should because it would seem like she wasn't happy with the news. But he felt calm.
"With how frequently I visit it seems impractical to stay in Gotham." He explained gently and he watched her eyes widen as a soft blush appeared on her cheeks. Maybe this was why he didn't feel upset, he knew her like the back of his hand. Unconsciously he must have known that her confusion was not because she didn't want him here.
"I made plans with Father, and I will be stationed here for the time being as you finish uni. Thank God Wi-Fi exists, it will make this transfer seamless." He smiled at her and she cupped his face.
"You'll be here every day?" She whispered, brushing his cheek with her fingertips. The excitement on her face was clear.
"Yes." He whispered back, snuggling near her.
Then suddenly her eyes widened in fear, "Then you need to control yourself." She poked his shoulder and he chuckled.
At first, he was afraid that she didn't want him here but then understood why she was scared. The fear wasn’t unfounded.
"Oh, whatever do you mean." Damian blinked innocently.
"I'm serious, Dami, if you expect me to spread my legs every day– I'm moving." She stared at him and the smile on his lips was wiped off his face.
"Do not threaten me, beloved." He responded, darkness brewing in his aura.
"I'm serious. I have school." She did not back down. She knew him and she knew he almost always followed her lead no matter what.
He sighed aloud, and then again while he looked away and then one more time. "We'll arrange something."
Damian reached for his wife's waist and buried his face on the side of her shoulder. But she could tell he was pouting. He had actually stuck his lower lip but she couldn't see that.
His libido was really something even after a year he didn't show any signs of not being turned on by her. Though, to be honest, she was the same. 
The moment he'd pin her down and the desire was clear in his eyes, she got so wet. It didn't matter if she was exhausted from school, she'd strip without him even asking.
She recalled what he told her so long ago, "We really are sexually compatible." 
He looked up from her side with wide eyes gazing at her and his eyes sparkled as a smile bloom.
"I have to agree, beloved." His love for her is clear in those beautiful green eyes.
"We'll make it work; we always do."
Put This On Me: Graduation Gift
Raven had no regrets about the birth control that she chose. Sometimes she'd wake up the next day after their midnight sessions thinking that she forgot to take the pill. 
Then she remembers that she has an implant. 
Her burst of fear of an unexpected pregnancy always came after several rounds of fucking from her husband especially when he goes all out for a couple of days straight.
Currently, she was looking out at the city through their apartment window in their living room. When she woke up this morning she had a little burst of fear, yet again. Which was why she was thinking about her birth control.
They've been together for almost four years but gosh was he built differently.
Strong arms wrapped around her body from behind.
"You're graduating soon." He mumbled against her shoulder and she leaned back to him. 
"In a few months." She reminded him.
One of his hands was now on one of her shoulders and the other snaking down to her lower abdomen. "What do you think of a baby for your graduation gift?"
She froze. She knew there was a reason for her unreasonable pregnancy scare. She swatted his hands and stepped away from him. "Not yet."
He sighed and studied her back.
"I want to work first." She turned to look at him.
"You can work for me." He answered immediately and she rolled her eyes. Her eyes locked at his dress shirt collar and she took a step closer and fixed his collar for him.
"If you had your way, you would just have me on your desk panting and moaning, I'm sure." She clicked her tongue and noticed how he bit his bottom lip lustfully and she shook her head but still smoothened his shirt of invisible wrinkles. He had strong pecs.
One of his hands slipped onto her upper spine and slid down to her lower waist pulling her closer to him and she gasped, "Well, then what would my beloved wife want for her graduation gift?"
His eyes looked down at her softly.
"Hmm, I don't know." She admitted.
"Really a no to having a baby?" He asked again with a boyish smile. She giggled at him.
"Hmm, I will have to think about that." Her hand reached out for his black tie, then suddenly tugged at it bringing his face closer to her, "But while I do, you can use it for some sexy dirty talk." She licked her lips.
"Well, don't mind if I do…" He leaned down and captured her lips.
"Doesn't the thought of you pregnant as you get your hard-earned diploma hot, beloved?" He whispered to her kissing her neck and she smiled. She didn't mean for him to do it at this very instant, but God was this man insatiable. "Or maybe– imagine, you accepting your diploma with my cum tightly clenched inside you? Considering how often you are taking in my cock in your tight pussy.”
She choked at the visuals he was painting for her. She felt his teeth tug at her ear as he continued on, “How many times did you fuck me before going to school? Or how many times you went to your classes with my fresh cum still in that naughty pussy? Or when your first meal is my dick.”
Raven’s face was red. She was now regretting telling him to use it for dirty talk.
“Tell me beloved, what would be written in your diploma, Master’s Degree of sucking cock?” His voice had become hoarse and Raven was breathless, “Masters of my dick?” His lips sucking on her ear.
She regrets it. But she also felt the need to fight him back. She was also very embarrassed by his words. She tugged at his tie, making him pull away from her ear. She stared at him seriously.
“On the note of graduation day,” Her free hand brushed the buttons on his shirt. “Should I be completely naked underneath the graduation gown?” This time it was her turn to whisper in his ear.
She felt his body tense up.
This was something she knew to be a fact. Damian was the jealous type. 
“In that case, I will buy you the gown and we can use it in the bedroom.” She thought she could hear his teeth grinding. The flirtiness disappeared from his voice.
Raven smirked; it was her win. 
Another thing she noticed about her husband, he didn’t even like the thought of someone possibly seeing her in any potentially suggestive way. He rarely vocally object, sometimes he’d make a face, but she could always tell when he didn't like it when someone looked at her in the wrong way for even just a second. 
She would notice how his cold face would change on a micro level when she purposely wore a dangerously short skirt or a really revealing outfit. But he had only told her to change clothes a couple of times since they'd been married. All of which were outfits she wore on purpose to see his bottom line. Still, he rarely says his objections but often she can tell when he doesn't like something.
She looped his tie around her hand, “In that case, we can pretend you're the professor, and I, your naughty student.”
It was clear that he wasn’t happy, “Is there a hot professor I didn’t know about?” 
He knows her classmates and her teachers but Raven thinks this is the first time he sounded threatened by a teacher she randomly mentioned.
She studied her husband’s face, it seemed that he was riding his jealousy. “Hmm, hotter than my husband? Quite impossible.” She let go of his tie and placed both her hands on his chest as she rubbed his torso soothingly.
“Then why the professor suggestion?” He quietly asked and she sighed.
“I was thinking you were my hot professor.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and he still wasn’t convinced. 
In all the years that they had been together, he was often cockier than not, but very rarely he would show her this side of him. Uncertain and unsure, so opposite from how the whole world perceived him. 
A man who knows what he wants and gets it without fail.
Damian was often gentle towards her. The only time he'd be rough was during sex. But unsure of himself? Rarely.
“About the baby…” She watched him carefully and it seemed to have caught his attention. He stared at her as he waited for her to continue. “In a few more years, I promise.”
She saw the small smile on his face as the uncertainty disappeared which turned to a gentleness in his demeanor that honestly made her swoon. 
“A baby?” He smiled as his hands found her waist. “Then I’ll have to start looking for our future home with our children.” He said dreamily, there was this softness on his face that tugged at her heart. How could he easily make her swoon and wet in mere seconds? 
“Children?” She ventured, eyes carefully observing his face.
“One is not enough.” He answered back in a quieter voice. No hint of doubt on his face but the volume of his voice might say otherwise. Yet, it was just factual to him, that much she could tell.
She smiled and leaned her forehead against his jaw, “Hmm, you’re always right, beloved.” Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he hugged her back with his muscled arms around her waist.
There was clear surprise in his eyes at her words but he smiled and pressed his upturned lips against her temple. 
He was going to have a family with her. Even if their marriage was arranged, he was happy and excited for their future. He was glad he married her.
"Our fifth wedding anniversary is coming around the corner too. How about another wedding as your graduation gift?" He whispered and Raven pulled away looking up at him with wide eyes. "One where we profess our love and where we plan the wedding the way we actually want it."
She smiled brightly. "I don't think that's a graduation gift." And she saw how his lips were about to frown, she quickly added. "It's a gift for a lifetime."
She watched her husband's tan cheeks flush at her words.
"I love you."
Well, in the book I read the couple got married, she got shipped out on their wedding night and they never met for like 3-5 years. Apparently, they tried calling each other but only to hear that the number is out of service. And the two knew each other since childhood tho still arranged (and forced) marriage, but still you’d think someone would go find the other. So, this is me coping.
And I still don’t know why they were getting ‘out of service’ when they called each other. 
And then the image of Damian naked but with a blanket over his legs working on the bed with eyeglasses on was stuck in my mind and so I decided to use it here. It also makes sense to me in modern AUs that Damian is cocky. On Modern AU notes, I have like 3 on my drafts with cocky Dami because I was inspired. 
I didn’t even think I would participate too, I wrote this in a few hours in a span of a couple of days. I am impressed but this is also rushed. And I do have some other bonus scene ideas floating currently in my head. But this is already quite long so, maybe I might dump it somewhere, one day. (11/16/23, I do not remember what I had planned, but I will keep this here, so I know that I did at one point. I think one was about the wedding.)
I thought that using the line “Put This On For Me” in this manner would be unique. Which also drove me to write, but it took a while to get there. I think the common thing people would think when they see this line is some sexy outfit. So doing the opposite really called to me.
And if someone is going to ask why the sexy is like that, I am still traumatized from writing smut. There was a time I was writing 5 different smut scenes back-to-back… it left an impression. I can write it if I don’t think about it, but it’s something I have to think about most of the time to write so…it’s hard… anyway…
Before I forget, the end of the bonus scene and the graduation gift, who said it is up for your interpretation, maybe even they said it both.
And to add, in my head this Raven attended college or uni later than normal.
Hope you guys enjoyed it.
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zelda-cooper · 1 year
Thoughts, Headcanons and Comments on Bushroot (My AU).
This here is more of a commentary blog and maybe a rant, it can also be considered as a headcanon blog and also for Bushroot fans. For those who want to, they can read it as they wish, but I'm already advancing that it's LONG and will have some low-level words (I'll censor it, but it's still worth it). Feel free to leave comments about your opinions...
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So... These days I was looking at the Darkwing Duck wiki, more specifically the Bushroot one, until I got to the curiosities... And I came across this...
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Then the thought came to me: "Wait wait wait... IS THE BUSHROOT A WORSE KILLER THAN NEGADUCK?!?!?! 0-0"
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Okay... Sorry... But actually it wasn't like that... I already knew a little bit about it because of Annie that Bushroot was in a way kind of... A bloodthirsty killer... But then a question came to me: How much was that on purpose and how much was accidental? See, I know Bushroot is a villain and is basically insane, but... Considering his personality... Do you really think he kills KILLS on purpose most of the time?
Obviously Disney wouldn't even dream of putting it in a children's series, but... Darkwing Duck tackles death a couple of times like it's nothing! Bushroot itself has "died" a few times and people speak verbally! I don't want to get into how much Disney is very childish to the extreme and how this makes current productions a little worse, but that's not my point... The point is... I don't believe that Bushroot did the murders knowingly or WANTING. And here I get an idea from another cartoon, this time a current one: The Owl House. More specifically... Willow and Gus.
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I'm not going to go into the merits of how I love TOH and blah blah blah... But one thing that I found interesting about this series is this characteristic of when the character is having a breakdown or is out of control, the powers apparently get stronger and the eyes of the staff are shining. I particularly like the way Willow looks, basically it's Bushroot. Here comes my Headcanon...
When Bushroot ends up with some extremely strong negative emotion, the most common being anger or fear, he ends up losing control of his powers and this makes him completely lose reason and attack everything in front of him. Be it allies, enemies and even innocent people... And here comes a very heavy question... He may be a murderer, but he's not a sociopath or a psychopath.
Let's face it... Bushroot only killed his Bullies because they harassed him ALL DAY. This one he had a taste for killing them first! The DWD is obvious, the hero was always interfering with his plans (which I honestly think he stopped caring, because Darkwing is not one of the most competent heroes...). But it's JUST THESE people we know he wanted to kill... What about the other victims? Did he mean to kill them or was it an accident?
For me, I think that most of the victims were accidental and, after he got out of that frenzy, if he found out... I think he would go into despair with so much blood. Here is also the question of his remorse and guilt, he would probably cry in despair and Liquidator would be comforting him (although he is not the most emotional person... Then more Liquidator headcanons) or any of the other Fearsome, except for Negaduck, who shouldn't even have feelings anyway.
To wrap up this whole thread... Let's go to Bushroot's weakness... I know everyone knows that this plant zombie is basically immortal in the series, but here I thought of a good weakness for him... Fire.
Reasons? Zombie in most movies is defeated with fire. Plants are easily burned by fire. There are forests that are burned. I think you get the point... It would also serve as something for Negaduck to use as a triumph for him against Bush and could threaten him. This is something from Negaduck, but not giving too much spoiler... Basically the Fearsome Four didn't betray him before in our AU because they were constantly threatened by Negaduck, everything for the negative duck was a matter of having control of everything. He knew the weakness of the four and always used threats and intimidation to get what he wanted. And let's face it... Bushroot didn't have much attitude, so he was easily manipulated by ND. Otherwise...
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Yeah, you get the idea... Anyway, I want to thank Annie for the arts and I also want to thank you for reading everything... That's it... Bye!
Arts for @anniesilveratl2
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(Tea for the poor guy to relax...)
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asmoteeth · 2 years
¡Hey Asmo! How are you doing? I hope that you have been fine (idk from which part of Argentina are you (and it's not my business to know), but I hope that you are not suffering the heatwave as much as I'm XD)....
That last wedge fanart was simply sooo good Asmo...the look of shock, but also betrayal/slash anger, was spot on *chef kiss* idk about you, but with all the fluff present, some angst too would do really nicely (this is so perfect)
My personal hc: even as an established couple, HS still feels awful for his attitude towards Wedge when he found out he was an ex-con; it's really obvious when he's in that state, because he looks like a kicked puppy and exudes misery when around Wedge. How do you think he would fix this? Mandatory cuddle time? Wedge will turn HS into a burrito when he refuses to cuddle? Kinda like this?:
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*I bet he also does it when HS tries to do something stupid or when he's sleepy but doesn't want to recharge* Bonus: if you are into completing ship charts, would you be interested in doing this one? Only if you wanna ofc... You can ignore the horny level part, though (cause I know your opinion on that matter)
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Anyway, ¡sending you good wishes Asmo!
THE FIRST LINES WERE A WHISPLASH DO YOU MEAN LIKE-- YOU LIVE IN ARGENTINA TOO????? THAT'S SO COOL IF THAT'S THE CASE JSNWKABSIWKWBEIQJQ WHUAAAA The heatwaves have been painful, my clasroom is a forsaken OVEN and I almost threw up from the heat today, thank you for asking (´-﹏-`;)
THANK YOU SO MUCH <333 Honestly the expression was the first thing I drew in the whole piece, I just had an idea of anger+shock+fear+sadness and had to put it down to drawing QUICKLY and then I kept going, I didn't even expect to finish it today, I'm very proud of the lighting and blurry parts doing their job at giving the drawing profundity.
I DEFINITELY FEEL LIKE HOTSHOT COULD GET THOSE GUILT TRIPPING MOMENTS, even if he changed his whole view on deceptions he was probably raised with AS SOON AS HE DISCOVERED WEDGE WAS ONE I feel the things he said ("decepticons don't count as anyone" for example, ouch) might crawl on his back from time to time, what if he needs to overcompensate for that night?
What if he makes a day FULL of silly activities Wedge enjoys? Idk, weight lifting? THEIR DUO DRAG RACE STUNT, etc.
But Hotshot keeps getting guilt trips and it shows so at some point Wedge shakes him by the shoulders like WHAT'S WRONG WHY AREN'T U HAVING FUN
Hotshot is cornered and has no other way than to explain what's bothering him, Wedge is a little mad, but over the fact that he didn't tell him in the first place, specially when it was related to him and the fact that it was eating him from the inside this much.
They decide this day should be more soft, so they just head back inside, SOMEHOW GET A BLANKET LONG ENOUGH FOR THEM (sewing???) And YES, THEY CUDDLE YOU ARE SO RIGHT (tho honestly for me their "cuddling" is napping sprawled on the conversation pit, Hotshot is def a spider hugger when sleeping I accept 0 criticism)
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I love the slider thingie so much omg
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 11 months
1. capturing the sun
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A/N: Hello everyone!! I bring to you my very first demon slayer fic!! I've been in the kny fandom for awhile with many fic ideas coming to mind, but this is the first time I've actually written it out. This is also the first story for Inotan Week!! I hosted my own list of prompts for this year, you can find the post here!! I really hope you enjoy this story, I have a lot of plans for this AU, tbh, so I can't wait to write it all out. This is actually a bit shorter than my usual chapters, but it felt right to end it where I did and the other chapters will definitely be longer!! Happy reading!!
Inspiration Post
Pairings: N/A (The romance hasn't started yet, lmao)
Prompt: Day 1 - Fantasy
Summary: The King of Kirauai receives an unexpected visit.
Tag(s): Angst, death threats, death, kingdom customs(?)
Word Count: 886
Song Inspiration: N/A (Me? :0 Not using a song lyric for a title? :0)
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Author Masterlist]
[Series Masterlist]
[Read on AO3]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]
King Inosuke, ruler of Kirauai. Also known as “King of the Mountains” or “the Boar King”. A fearsome, ruthless man who took his place upon the throne by force. He’s cruel, cold, he laughs at the pain of others and he’s never apologized a day in his life. That is the reputation he must uphold. Because without such a reputation, no one takes him seriously.
And so, when the Sun Warrior, Kamado Tanjiro, throws open the doors to his throne room and rushes across the royal blue carpet leading right to him, he keeps his face neutral and unsurprised. In truth, he really wasn’t surprised. He was well aware that Tanjiro had been making his way to him. The trail of destruction and bodies he left in his wake was difficult to miss. So many of the King’s Boar Knights lost due to this red-haired man who wields the power of the sun. All of the death left the King sick to his stomach, but so did the thought of destroying the man storming towards him.
Not surprised to see him here, no, but extremely saddened instead. He had been hoping that he’d never have to actually look Kamado Tanjiro directly in the face, but it appears his wishes did not come true. Sighing internally, he narrows his eyes as he looks down at the man intruding in his place. He gives his guards a wave of his hand, telling them to hold off. He’d like to hear what the Warrior has to say.
“Kamado Tanjiro.” King Inosuke calls out, his deep voice echoing throughout the large room. “I was wondering when we’d officially meet.” He says calmly.
“Inosuke Hashibira!!” The Warrior shouts, a fierce, determined expression on his face. “I have come here to kill you!!”
The King can’t help the laughter that bursts from his lips, his amusement surprising himself. “You? Kill me?” He questions, his words filled with a level of arrogance that people never believe he was actually born with. “What makes you so sure you could do such a thing?”
Anger starts to bleed through into the Warrior’s expression. “I refuse to accept anything less. I’ll kill you if it’s the last thing I do.” The redhead grits out, his arm extending out in front of him in order to point his sword at the King sitting upon his throne.
King Inosuke’s face falls into a cold mask, his voice completely monotone. “Do you truly think that killing me is going to do good for this country? That you’re going to help the people by getting rid of me?”
"Don’t you realize what you’ve done!?” The Warrior exclaims, expression filled with rage, the flame mark on his forehead flaring. “How far you’ve gone!?” His grip on his sword visibly tightens, but it’s also clear that he’s shaking. “How many people have died to achieve this world domination of yours!?" Tears prick at the man’s eyes and the King tries to shake off the quivering of his limbs at such a question. At the reminder.
"769.” He states simply, without hesitation.
"...What?" The man before him falters slightly, though he tries to hide it.
"769 people died to achieve my plans. I counted them, and had each of their names etched on my throne so I never forget what my victory cost the world.” The black-haired man explains. “Now tell me, how many have you killed to see me dead?" He demands.
Tanjiro falters at his words. "I didn't..." He shakes his head, the fierce look in his eyes returning. "The only ones I killed were your men!! Those who were already killing others!!"
King Inosuke, leans forward atop his hand-carved throne, expression unreadable. "Yes, and I'm asking you. How many have you killed, Monjiro?"
For a few minutes, there's nothing but silence. Neither of them move from their positions and it's only the King who can see all the emotions flickering across the Warrior's face. Only the King knows how spooked the man before him is.
"I-I-" With a stuttered gasp, the sword slips from his hands, clattering to the marble floor.
"How many have you killed?" The question whispers through his mind on repeat.
Another gasp and he falls to his knees, chest heaving. "I-I don't-" He clutches his chest, to rip his heart out or attempt to calm it down, no one is certain. "How many have I- What have I- What-I-"
Nothing coherent falls from his lips, as if the man is unable to truly process the question he's been asked. The King watches him with a frown and hard eyes, though if anyone looked closely enough, they would see the shine of tears. But no one realizes their King is on the verge of weeping. He's too far away from them, and none of them dare to get closer.
King Inosuke nods to his guards hovering behind Tanjiro and they immediately grab him under his arms and start dragging him away. The Warrior never even registers what's happening to him, too far into his own head to realize that his body has been captured. The King didn’t realize how easy it would be to break him. He finds himself questioning if doing it was actually a good thing or not long into the rest of the day.
A/N: What do you all think?? This AU is quite interesting and I LOVE fantasy settings like this, so I'm super excited. One thing, Kirauai, the name of their country/continent, is meant to be pronounced as "Keer-uh-way". But anyways, please, tell me what you think!! Feedback from my readers is always so important to me!!
Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!!
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valleyfthdolls · 1 year
Tell me about Rian :0
There is a LOT to say about Rian.
Rian o’Broin is the protagonist of a fangan I've been working on with a Discord friend, and the Ultimate Horror Novelist. From his personality segment of my comprehensive lore doc:
Rian is best described as eccentric. He has a very passionate love of horror and prefers stories over people, and tends to lock himself away in his writing. In fact, he’s highly socially awkward and very bad at talking to people. He is very emotionally driven, but seems to lack much confidence and prefers to protect himself from harm. He believes he is below the others at the academy and doesn’t deserve his success. It’s clear he suffers from an inferiority complex and sees things in a very black and white way. Not only does he view himself and his talent as completely separate entities, his talent good and himself bad, he similarly tends to idealize those he cares about and completely turn himself off to others he feels hurt or threatened by. This, along with his strong sense of a need for self defense, causes him to overreact in anger to situations where he feels attacked."
"Despite that, though, Rian is undeniably passionate, loving toward those he cares about, and over time, he shows himself to be very gentle with people who need help and extremely dedicated. Despite the personality he sees as unbearably awful, he has a very sweet side, a desire to look out for others, and he will do anything for those he loves. He simply fails to see it due to his black and white worldview and the way he emphasizes the negative aspects of his personality- poor social skills, emotional behavior, etc.- in his own mind."
In his eyes, he isn't really a person. He doesn’t feel like he’s on the same level as the people around him, and so he doesn’t really feel like he himself is a person. He feels like he doesn’t belong, and he views himself and his talents as two separate entities. Or maybe more accurately, like his talent was something bestowed upon him that he shouldn’t have, or something he stole from someone more deserving. The ultimates are special, they're better than everyone else, but he's not like them, he's not even as good as most normal people. Therefore, he is less than a person, and his talent doesn't belong to him.
He has hypoesthesia thanks to an injury he suffered as a kid, and almost his entire body is partially numb. As such, he's really vigilant about being touched, because the idea of something as simple as being touched happening to him and him not knowing freaks him out. He's very protective of himself and always wants to know what's going on if it involves him and keep himself safe and strong if anything happens.
This is in stark contrast to his love interest, Alice Aldaine, the Ultimate Psychologist, the girl next to Rian in the drawing I submitted for @gayestdangantourney. Alice is avoidant, and feels pressured to overperform and be easy on others. She doesn't know how to protect or fight for herself, so she withdraws, retreats, and stays away from any dangerous situation. In this way, they balance each other out, looking out for each other's safety and wellbeing. She tends to hide herself away for safety. Rian is very protective of Alice, but it takes him a long time to understand that she likes for who he actually is because of his struggle to actually understand himself as a person.
I submitted him for the gayest dangan character tournament despite having a female love interest because Rian is canonically a trans man, which is part of his idea of how he perceives himself and the world, and is also bisexual- having a long term romantic development with Alice as well as being both implicitly and explicitly attracted to other characters, male and female. Alice is revealed in chapter 1 to be trans as well, though she's more secretive about it because she passes easily as a cis girl. While it's not stated explicitly at any point for either of them, Alice is also bisexual.
Fun fact about Rian: his favorite breed of dog is samoyed, but his design is modeled loosely after a doberman. Dogs are a continued motif through Rian's character. Part of his backstory actually includes him having had a dog in his childhood.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Exes Meme: Tatiana & Kliff
Yay, I finished this, so now I can talk about it ^o^! This mostly reflects their post-revolution state (I forgot that meant that Tatiana should have her rock hair, but this look is more iconic, alright), but I’ll make note if there’s something more to it.
I’ll go through it section by section and explain it as I go, but the order that everything is in doesn’t necessarily lend itself to good narrative progression, so not everything will make sense by itself and even by the end of this, I don’t think I’ve really described the full picture. Maybe someday I’ll write the full backstory in a way that makes sense, but for now, this is what I’ve got.
Anyways, here we go:
Sadness Level: I think they’re both kinda sad that it didn’t work out. In general, Kliff feels his emotions a little more strongly than Tatiana, but they'll feel the same way about most given topics. I just think Tatiana is able to manage herself a little better, since she accepted their relationship as a lost cause much earlier than he did.
Anger Level: They both still blame each other for everything falling apart. Tatiana is mad because Kliff wasn’t respecting her space and choices, and Kliff is mad because he felt like she was giving up while he was trying to make it work. Their anger levels basically doubled after the revolution, so Kliff is 100% a ball of anger and resentment now, while Tatiana is pissed about how he got B2J and her artists involved in their mess. They’d probably mellow out as more time passes though.
Awkwardness Level: I interpreted this prompt to mean how easy it is for them to talk to one another. Post-revolution, I don’t think there’s really any “awkwardness” and they just immediately start fighting if they exchange words at all, but in general I actually think it’s Tatiana who’s slightly more hesitant about it. Whenever they’re in the same room, it’s usually Kliff that instigates the fighting and he just has a way of dragging her down to his level.
Horny Level: During their relationship, Tatiana didn’t realize she was a lesbian and didn’t understand why she wasn’t attracted to the one person who consistently stayed with her, so she would overcompensate and initiate sex more often, but didn’t actually like it much. The only reason her horny level isn’t “0″ is that I consider “wanting to cuddle” as a part of being horny, and sometimes she does miss the sensation of just curling up on a couch and cuddling him. Kliff's sex drive was never that high to begin with. If anything, he got hornier after they split because he didn’t realize how much he liked it until they weren’t intimate at all.
Fond Memories vs. Wants to Forget: They both realize in hindsight that their relationship wasn’t actually healthy for either of them, but neither really “wants to forget,” they just wish the good times hadn’t ended the way they did.
Fling vs. Committed For Life: Back in the day, Tatiana was a real player, so she hooked up with several fans. Kliff was not supposed to be more than another hook-up. She told him as much even back then, but he still didn’t give up and just accepted it as a part of this lifestyle. He thought he would be happy as long as he thought he was the closest one to her, but her having multiple partners did start weighing on him a lot, so he actually isn’t as committed as he wants to appear to be.
On and Off Again Vs. Never Getting Back Together: Tatiana would absolutely never reopen the possibility of a relationship. Pre-revolution Kliff was slightly open to the idea, but post-revolution he feels way too betrayed to even want to pursue that possibility.
Moves on Quickly Vs. Closed Break-Up: They both invested a lot of time into the relationship, so it’s difficult for either of them to move-on “quickly.” Tatiana is only slightly quicker because she thinks it’s for the best if she does. Kliff is still getting over it.
Calm and Collected vs. Dramatic as Hell: If you don’t think assisting in a revolution against your Ex isn’t dramatic as hell, then I don’t know what to tell you. Similarly, I think blasting away your Ex with a sick guitar riff is also dramatic as hell, just a little less so.
Closer than Ever Vs. Worst Enemies: If they were any saltier towards each other, you’d be able to bottle it and sell it as seasoning.
Started the Relationship: Again, Tatiana really gave into the hedonistic part of rock culture, so she was the one to approach Kliff. If you wanna be technical about it, she basically just asked him if he wanted to bang, and he was the one that tried to turn it into a relationship and Tatiana never said it wasn’t. It was more like, “Oh, I guess we’re dating now. That’s cool.”
Ended the Relationship: I think punching your Ex in the face hard enough to launch them on their back is a pretty conclusive end to any kind of good will between each other. Again, if you wanna be technical, Kliff basically ended it when he chose to drop the satellite, but I think this was more of a power play/manipulation tactic and not really a conclusive end.
Saw it Coming: Tatiana realized early on that she just wasn’t capable of loving Kliff as much as he loved her, and saw them breaking up as inevitable and at some point stopped trying to make it work. Meanwhile, Kliff was so sure that if he tried hard enough, he could force it to work out, so he never saw the end till it was punching him in the face.
Would Get Back Together: Kliff would only get back together if Tatiana initiated it. He’s lost all hope of that happening in the post-revolution, but in the off chance that it did, he would get back together.
Was in Love: It was more like they were both in love with the ideas of each other: Tatiana wanted to love someone that was so devoted to her, so she ignored a lot of Kliff’s red flags. Kliff was in love with her persona as a strong, hot rocker babe, but didn’t consider how vulnerable and flawed she was underneath. Despite their mutual delusion on the matter, beneath it all, I still think that there was a genuine love between them at some point.
Still in Love: I think that before he dropped the satellite, Tatiana may have still had some residual feelings for Kliff, but they all evaporated after the fact. Kliff just can’t fall out of love with someone that he dedicated more than half his life to, so despite it all, he’s still attracted to her, and he hasn’t pursued another romantic interest since.
Friends Again?: Despite everything that’s happened, they still have good chemistry, which is evident in how easy it is for them to push each other’s buttons. If the stars were to align in just the right way, then they might be able to patch things up, but the odds are terribly low. However, since they both still hang around B2J on occasion, their chances to meet again have gone up, so who knows?
Responsibility Graph: I think to say it was Tatiana’s “fault” is a little strong, but the relationship failed partially due to their incompatible sexualities and how she chose to handle things. If she had been more honest about her feelings from the beginning, then a lot of this wouldn’t have happened, but I don’t think the environment she was in would have easily allowed her to be honest. She blamed herself a lot for what happened, especially when they first split, but after some reflection, she came to realize that Kliff was part of the blame too, with all his insisting. Kliff meanwhile thought that he was the only one trying to keep everything together without realizing that this is part of why they were getting driven apart. If he hadn’t raised her up so high in his mind, he might have been able to let go easier.
Feelings Graph: Tatiana is right on the line between being “torn up about it” and “Margaritaville”, because by this point she’s already accepted this as something that happened and has already moved on from it. She only edges closer to being torn up about it, because if she were to take the time to reflect on it, she does wish that she had tried harder to at least maintain a friendship with Kliff. I'd just be repeating myself if I explained Kliff’s feelings on the matter.
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nobaraisalive · 3 years
Shoko Ieiri analysis and appreciation of Gege’s writing
the development of her character
her relationship with her powers.
her problematic consumption and mental health
her ethical bond with her role as sorcerer
a brief appreciation of Gege’s writing
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One of my many favorite things about Jujutsu Kaisen is how secondary characters are portrayed with such deepness. It’s admirable how Gege can elaborate a character with a few panels without the need of a monologue of the character talking about their problems.
Maki’s mother is an excellent example of this, when you pay attention to her and her role in the plot you access a deep understanding of the story. I’m not going to elaborate on the analysis of Maki’s mother because there is a post of that and this is for Shoko. But Maki’s mother is the maximum expression of how to elaborate an amazing development of character in like 3 pages.
Shoko is a regular character that we don’t get to see talking about her own ideas. She seems like being around, the third wheel of Satosugu friendship: a side character. Surely, she is a secondary character but Gege has elaborate her personality and her psychology in a very subtle way.
Her relationship with her powers: I believe Shoko hates her own powers, but I don’t think she is aware of this hate. The reason for this hate is that she may feel trapped by the immense duty that fell on her shoulders as the only sorcerer who can heal others (beside the recent addition of Yuuta and Nitta).
Even if is not hate, surely there is a discomfort inside her. She has a self-destructive behavior; she heavily drinks and smoke. She seems to be often drunk, as we get to know because of Nobara’s line in the Accomplices episode.
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She may find in alcohol a way to avoid herself from reality. In her position she gets to see the death of students and sorcerers very often. She obviously has to overwork being the only one with a healing technique in such a level. So, she is trapped in a never-ending circle of healing people and watching them die. You may think “like any other doctor”. Well, actually no, the weight of the duty is heavy on her because for many years she was the only one who could heal others. A doctor can quit and do something else that makes them happier knowing that there are plenty others that could take their positions. But even now, only Shoko can heal others from such serious wounds.
We don’t know what Shoko's motivations are, we don’t even get to know her political position regarding the jujutsu world. And is not because she is a plain character, it is because she may not have a clear idea of this. I believe she started like Suguru, she had a cursed technique and she wanted to help others. But suddenly, when she got into the de jujutsu world, she found out that being a heroine is not so glamorous as in movies. She may have wished to leave like Nanami, but she stayed because she couldn’t leave others on their own.. Shoko is a good person who is trapped in a life that she dislikes because she can’t abandon others to their luck.
This scene of Shoko by the side of this huge mountain of cigarettes is how Gege chose to portray the hell inside of Shoko. She seems like wanting to drown herself in all those cigarettes and alcohol.
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I saw a post where someone talked about how Satoru refers to Suguru- at the end of volume 0- like his only friend, the only one he had. This makes me think how much of herself she gives and how much she gets back in the life she chose. May the happiness she gets not be enough against the distress she gets. And her constant expression of boredom maybe is her resignation.
Since she can heal herself, she is not really killing herself with alcohol and cigarettes. I think this is very interesting because it perfectly reflects her relationship with her powers. Many times, we feel angst, sadness, anger, or we just don’t feel good and we don’t even know why. Sometimes we get used to those feelings and we just carry on with us. That is the result of the incapacity to process the angst of everyday life. Probably Shoko doesn’t perceive herself as someone in depression. She tries to destroy herself with alcohol and cigarettes and she heals herself at the same time. Maybe she likes her power and hates it at the same time. She wants to stay and she wants to leave. She is convinced of the reason why she is sorcerer but feels trapped at the same time. All these contradictions are the result of the struggles to deal with a reality that continuously puts her on the edge. Shoko is not weak or pitiful, she is a human that is trapped in the routine of a corrupted system.
With Shoko, as was done with Maki’s mother, Gege presents how characters are not comfortable with the structures of jujutsu society. How those structures put pressure on them until they explode (like Maki’s mothers). I wonder if Shoko would have a breakdown like Maki’s mother or Higuruma.
In regular Shonen we see secondary characters just accomplishing their role in the plot. They are one dimensional characters. But in JJK we see conflict, even inside of the secondary characters. In JJK the structures of the society where characters live are part of conflict, even play like the “enemies”. This is what I most like about Gege's writing. In real life how much of our angst are due to the weight or the structures of society? (social inequality, labor exploitation, social roles that we cannot fill, patriarchy, systemic violence). In JJK we have the enemy, Kenjaku/Sukuna, but we also have the shitty jujutsu society that killed Yaga and Mai and fucked up Suguru, Toji and Maki. Who was fighting Satoru? He was fighting the structures of jujutsu society; he wasn’t even concerned about Sukuna.
In JJK a deep narrative is presented to us, which portrays several problems that allows us to reflect and not only entertain. This is my appreciation of Gege’s writing.
As some kind of theory, I believe Shoko is going to die soon. Maybe drown in the duty like Nanami or maybe she is going to shake the distress and take a more active role in the current situation. In any case, I believe she will die (the story won’t end with her alive) but she is going to die without regrets. Even if she feels distress, she is convinced that what she is doing is the right thing. As Nanami was. Whatever happens, if she dies, she will leave in peace with herself as the boss she is. Because having conflict with the path you take, and the thing you chose to stand for, doesn’t mean that you are weak or pitiful, it only means that you are human. Human enough to suffer, strong enough to stay in the route. More strong will than Suguru. Praise to our alcoholic queen.
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I will unbottle a wine in her name.
Plot twist, Shoko helped Kenjaku to take over Suguru and has been helping him ever since. She knew that Suguru's body was there, which is why she felt nostalgic and smoked again in Shibuya’s arc. She went crazy because of distress and now wants to destroy the current world and make one different.
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leonicscorpio · 3 years
Batboy Headcanons because I made this for me but you all can enjoy this too if want. (May contain mild NSFW)
Has a weird relationship with unwanted gaze and the attention he receives because of his physique. He genuinely likes the attention but he draws the line when people start getting touchy. Just because he's shirtless working out doesn't mean he gave you consent to touch him.
Has good dieting skills but he's in his mid-late 20's and his metabolism has 0 signs of slowing down. He once ate a whole xl bag of M&M's in front of Steph and Babs and both said they wanted to murder him because he won't gain a pound.
Dick has ADHD and I'm sorry if you don't think otherwise. He has hyperactive type ADHD and while he's gotten better at controlling his symptoms he still stims stretching and flexing his arms and shaking his arms.
While not so much in Gotham, Dick is very politically active and volunteers at voter registration and working with organizations with the mission of police demilitarization in Blüdhaven.
Dick is a very sexually driven individual. However, I don't think it's entirely healthy. His ADHD also comes into play with this but Dick just needs to have a release at least twice a day or he'll feel physically sick.
I don't know if you all have seen male gymnasts. But Dick, like the rest of them, has FREAKSISHLY large biceps. Everyone talks about Dick has the best ass in the bat family and while Jason may be larger and stronger, Dick has the best physique.
Dick's apartment is littered with sticky notes in places such as the fridge/in front of his computer. If it's not written down and in a place where he can't ignore it, it's not going to get done.
I'm sorry I know everyone says his birthday is in March but I have to go to the older Nightwing comics and say his Birthday is December 1st. I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me this man doesn't give off Sagittarius energy. You can't. I respect you but you can't look at that and tell me that man isn't a Sagittarius or has super heavy Sag in his birth chart.
Dick's at home doing nothing but chilling? You best believe he's gonna be shirts off, tits out, and rocking some blue flannel PJ's.
Dick is currently the only member of the family asides from Barbara who is regularly attending therapy. And he actively encourages each of his brothers and sisters to go every time.
After his Agent 37 days. He sits down with Jason and talks about having to use a gun and how hard it was. And how having to kill people has affected him. When he had to kill the KGBeast (Agent 37 days he snapped his neck) I headcanon Dick just trauma v*mit*d. Jason hugged him and just consoled him.
It's canon that Dick has anger issues but to me, it's not explored or talked about enough and not a lot of people like to talk about it. Dick is very much the 'if I ignore it it'll go away' type when it comes to his anger and he can brush most insults or harassment off fine enough. But when he breaks, he makes Jason look like a saint. I'm talking slamming you into a wall and screaming in your face angry. He'll be profusely apologetic afterward but still.
Despite popular belief, I don't think he's that bad of a cook. He's just not very experimentative. He can follow a recipe and does look at some guides. But to me, Dick Grayson just is that guy who is like Chicken veggies and rice are a meal that I can cook 4-6 times a week.
Dick has a slight fear of dentists. He doesn't have bad teeth and has good dental health. He just doesn't like the idea of a drill going in his mouth and the few times Bruce has to take him to a dentist he had a panic attack every time.
Everyone lives for the fics where Jason beats the shit out of Tim and everyone is just like lol well Bruce and Dick just forgives him. No. When Dick found out it was Jason who beat Tim to the ground, Dick was literally seething and told Jason "Pick on someone your own size or else I'll make you wish you back in that f'ing coffin."
Dick's favorite foods (some based in Canon*): Milk Chocolate*, Cereal*, Asparagus, Bananas, Banana flavored candy, Hawaiian Pizza* (suffer its canon) Rum, thanksgiving Turkey.
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He may be the self-diagnosed black sheep (rightfully so) of the family, but Jason does genuinely love spending time with his siblings. Whether it be sharing memes with them on social media or just randomly showing up where they are and abducting them to go get ice cream/coffee/snacks.
He'd probably attempt to harm you if you told him this to his face. But he is the closest acting to Bruce out of all of the family. In terms of mannerisms and inherent warmth and kindness behind a dark façade.
Has two moods: either exceptionally, almost neat-freak levels of clean, or his life is completely falling apart and Jason can't tell you for sure what color his floors are because there's so much stuff scattered about.
Despite their initial hatred of each other, Jason truly feels closest to Tim and Tim is the only person asides from maybe Barbra who he can just talk to without feeling any judgment.
Jason only smokes when he's extremely nervous about an operation or a hit. For those who don't know criminal justice cigarettes are the fastest way to get genetic material on someone. That being said he does still like to smoke occasionally.
Me, plus a lot of people give him this sort of 'Lazarus Rage' as I like to call it. When he's in the heat of a mission or if he's getting upset/angry his vision will get blurred with green, and it feeds on his anger and just gets perpetually harder to contain until he releases it. Jason has gotten much better at controlling it. But as he will tell Tim or Babs, he's "seeing green" which means they need to be careful because Jason could kill.
Everyone says Dick is the mother hen. I see you, I accept you, but let me raise you. Jason came to realize that he died because of his rash decision to go after The Joker alone. If Jason finds any of his siblings out acting alone, or even at the very least without Oracle. Jason WILL forcefully interject himself and ask them what the fuck they think their doing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Trying to get close to Jason is hard. He will degrade you can attempt to try to get you to hate him before he lets you in (that cheeky Tsun of him)
He genuinely cares for and supports all of his siblings but has been rough on them needlessly. But if Bruce is being the distant or absent parent he is, you better believe if any of the siblings drops him a text or a call, Jason will be there in a heartbeat.
He's the most physically powerful of the whole Bat Family. You don't understand because of his time in the League, his time with the All-Caste, and having abused Venom for a time, he can snap an arm bone like it's a carrot with little effort.
Everyone in the family likes dogs and goes out of their way to gush over a dog, but Jason takes it to a whole new level. And even when he's masked up dogs just gravitate to Jason.
Can and has grown a beard in a matter of a few days. He usually likes to be clean shaven but some days he likes to wear a beard just to throw everyone off.
One time him, Steph, Tim, and Duke all went to a restaurant (Red Robin lol) and the waitress got his order wrong and his burger had raw tomatoes on it, Jason took the tomatoes off and ate it while looking absolutely miserable. Tim: Jay why did you eat that you didn't have to you know you could have asked the server to fix your burger. Jason, almost in tears: "She works really hard and she tried and I'm a scary dude I don't want to make her upset.." Duke: "... Jason you literally shot at a cop for looking at you funny the other day. But you're afraid of upsetting a waitress?!? I mean ACAB but dude.. "
Jason's happiest big brother moment™ was taking Tim and Damian to the shooting range and watching them both get their first bullseye.
You can't tell me Jason Todd was into the Emo/Screamo/Warped-Tour Scene. His favorite bands/Albums in no particular order, That's the Spirit (Literally the whole album is Jason Themed and I'm gonna die on this hill) & Sempiternal by Bring me the Horizon, Digital Renegade & Everyone's Safe in the Treehouse by I See Stars, The Resistance: Rise of the Runaways by Crown the Empire,
Jason Todd's favorite foods: (Also some based in Canon*) Burgers, Chili Dogs*, Lager-style beers, Freshly baked bread*, Neopolitan ice cream, grilled corn, and Chinese Chicken noodle soup with Duck.
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This boy *slaps car roof* gives off so much asexual energy. I know New 52 exists but I just feel like Tim is the person who really, REALLY has to trust you and like you before he's sexually active with you.
HYPERFIXATES. You also can't tell me Tim isn't on the spectrum/or has ADHD.
Is the only member of the family who regularly checks up on Jason and talks to him every day via text message. The two are memelords together and love to play pranks on the other members.
While Dick may give the most frequent hugs and Jason gives the tightest, most secure hugs, Tim's hugs are always the warmest and make you just feel good.
Tim's birthday is July 19th. Meaning he's a Cancer. Let that sink in.. no, really let that information just soak. (Note I have nothing against Cancer women, cancer men however....)
All of the bat boys really struggle with talking about their feelings. Dick will manipulate you into changing the subject via twisting it to be about you, Jason will just cut you off or will ignore you, Damian will deflect everything and harass you until you stop, Tim however, Tim is very emotional and while he's very calculated about who he's emotional with, he's not afraid to break down and cry if he trusts you.
Everyone who says he's the level headed Robin haha how's it feel to be WRONG. Tim is at best the least functional college student and at worst a lemming. 'No Tim, coffee isn't a meal I'm going to make you some food or I'm going to stick you in a room with Damian for an hour.' Richard (Dick) John Grayson.
People overblow how addicted to caffeine Tim is. But it's true. Just overblown. You can talk to him before he's had his caffeine just don't expect him to be anything but curt and blunt.
Everyone says Jason would be the worst at texting but it's Tim. He's the master of leaving you on read. While Jason may do it on purpose, Tim is just really bad at texting people and while he always will read your messages he forgets to respond unless it's really funny or really pressing.
Everyone sees Tim as this bean pole super skinny boy Robin. Tim may not be stacked like Dick or a freaking tank like Jason, but Tim is NOT super skinny. He's just as muscular and likes to work out as anyone, but he just is super lean, so he looks a lot bigger and his muscles are more defined because of how thin his skin is. He has those almost disgusting spider veins on his arm. Kind of gross to look at, but he's the dream of any nurse. This means Tim is also the king of accidentally sending/posting thirst traps.
He really is the glue of the Bat Family. Everyone kidnaps Tim for 'Tim Time'.
Dick likes to spar with and in general just hang out with Tim. Tim tried to teach Dick how to skateboard and you'd think the boy who mastered the trapeze would know how to skateboard but you'd be wrong.
Babs and Tim always hang out and talk about computer stuff and Babs knows she can vent to Tim about anything and he won't say a word.
Tim and Steph were a thing for a while and even though they're just friends now, they still are very close and the two have a very deep bond, liking to shop with each other and watch movies,
Cass just loves to be around Tim because of how calming he is but also she knows she can spar with him AND Cass can also skateboard with Tim too.
Even though him and Damian are always fighting, the two still end up being together and have this unspoken bond. They work great together on a team but other than that they still hate each other.
And while everyone still is hesitant around Jason, and despite the fact that Jason literally beat Tim to within an inch of his life, AND would still trigger Tim and taunt him about it. The two have this odd closeness that rivals even him and Steph. Tim will always be the first to bat for Jason. Jason was Tim's Robin. And despite the fact Jason literally beat it into Tim's head to "never meet your heroes." Tim will always be there for Jason should he ask. The two are just close. And it's hard to describe. Bruce has caught Tim and Jason just platonically sleeping next to each other or just doing their own things shoulder to shoulder silently, just enjoying each other's company.
Tim and Duke also have a really positive relationship with one another and the two can stay up all night just talking about anything. Their minds just mesh well together. The two also love to team up and prank the other members of the Batman Family.
Tim's favorite ASMR/Stim? Watching those Tik Toks of people cleaning computers or cleaning phones. The sound of an air duster is like music to his ears and if any of the Bats need their technology cleaned it secretly makes Tim so happy to help them.
Wear his hair up or wear his hair down? It depends! While Tim likes his long hair he also has gotten plenty of compliments for his short hair and likes to style it to suit any occasion.
My one pet-peeve with Tim is that he probably is that person who lets his privilege show from time to time. While he was essentially raised to just sit down, shut up, and be a perfect trophy son to the Drake's. The Drake's were in the same tax bracket as Bruce and Tim definitely was a rich kid. He never means to come across as spoiled, but sometimes Jason will give him harsh looks if Tim just throws away food he doesn't like or says things like Chipotle is 'poor people food'
Tim Drake's favorite foods (you know by now*) Donuts*, Shallot and Artichoke Pizza with Canadian Bacon* (odd choice but it could work) Artichokes in general are his favorite vegetable, Strawberries, and Beef Pho.
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I headcanon that he has the worst teeth of all of the Bat Boys and he actually has to use lingual braces. (Hence why you can't see his braces)
Canonically is a very good artist and while him and Tim don't get along, Tim introduced Damian to digital art and gave him a photoshop pack and a nice tablet for his birthday one year and Damian loved it so much.
Damian is a capricorn and I will die on this hill. A January capricorn too.
Now you want a good chef? You've got Damian. Having converted to veganism Damian has had to get creative whenever he goes out to eat so he tends to like to eat more home cooked foods. Damian loves all matters of mushrooms, eggplant, and bell peppers.
Damian really struggles the most with his wanting to just be a normal kid. Despite the fact he will dismiss you for it, anytime he gets to spend at Gotham Academy with Jon and the rest of the kids he's naturally the happiest.
Damian LOVES to give gifts. He loves the look on people's faces when they are shocked when they actually get something from Damian.
Despite the fact that he's been traumatized from both his times with Ra's and Talia as well as with Bruce. He just wants Bruce and Talia to be together because he loves them both equally.
While he's the least flexible and least gymnastic of the Robins do let your guard down around him. He is the fastest runner and the guy is rivaled only by Jason in terms of lethality.
So someone (Jason Todd & Duke Thomas) introduced Damian to trap music and ever since anytime his phone gets stolen people will be shocked to find he's listening to some combination of Lil' Yachty, X, Kendrick Lamar, Wiz, and Kodak.
If any random person tries to hug Damian he'll immediately push them away, he'll bitch and moan about just about anyone hugging him other than Bruce & Dick.
Damian loves to go to the beach/the ocean. He just thinks it's so vast and he loves the brineness of the air. Also being half white, quarter middle-eastern and quarter Chinese (Yes everyone forgets Talia is half Chinese) Damian gets DARK. And although he's just okay as a swimmer he still likes bogeyboarding and eventually wants to learn how to surf.
I'm genuinely afraid once Puberty is done with this kid and everyone in the family is. He has Bruce Wayne AND Talia Al-Ghouls genes and those are two SEXY human beings. Damian's gonna grow a beard one day and people aren't going to know how to act.
Damian secretly plays Fortnight and not even Jon knows. He doesn't want to get shamed. He'd rather lose a match and ruin his streaks than deal with the shame of anyone in that family finding out he plays Fortnight.
Damian Wayne's favorite foods (canon*) Cereal*, Avocados, Grilled Tempeh, his mom's Tabbouleh, Mushroom Tacos, and Vegan Sushi rolls, and grape juice.
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Duke Thomas
Duke is like, freakishly good with a piano, and he picked it up naturally!
Also everyone says Tim brews the best pot of coffee in the Bat Family, cue to everyone's surprise when Tim was sick one day and couldn't make a pot. Only to find the coffee was freaking amazing. Duke didn't take any credit at first until Alfred let it slip that Duke was the one who brewed the pot.
Duke being the only Meta of the family originally thought he was the double-token because he was a Meta and a black boy. Needless to say his fears were seriously unfounded the moment he got to know everyone.
Although he somewhat fears Jason and his temper initially, he and Jason have one of the closest relationships in the family. If Tim isn't around to bat for Jason, Duke will happily take his spot. The two work on each other's bikes and grew to share the same taste in music.
Duke uses his Photokenetic powers as a force for good and for shenanigans. Jason wants to play a prank on Dick and Damian while Dick is reading Damian a story? Duke will hide Jason in the shadows and will cover up his shadow. Alfred dropped something in the dark? You better believe Duke will find it in 3 seconds or less.
Duke makes it a point to visit his parents every weekend to talk to them. Although they are making some progress in their recoveries, it's still slow going. Eventually, he starts bringing members of the family to see his parents. It started with Cass, then Jason, and the rest followed suit.
Duke loves playing video games with Damian and even helps Damian beat some tougher levels when Damian is about to rage and destroy the console.
Duke is into Magic the Gathering and you cannot tell me otherwise. Duke also is the DM for the Bat Kids annual D&D games. I can and will make a D&D Batfam Headcanons if asked.
Loves Pho just as much as Cass and Tim and they all call it a date night every now and then where they can go to a hole in the wall pho place. It's really a secret between the three of them.
Finding out his birth father is a supervillain was really tough for him. He went into a shell for a little bit afterwards. Cass and Steph were there to help talk him out of his funk.
Duke Thomas's favorite foods (lol what canon DC hasn't acknowleged our boy in a while..) Chicken Pho, Thai Iced Tea, Papaya, Crab Cakes, Italian Hoagies, his mom's Lemon Poundcake, mint chocolate chip ice cream.
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I hope y'all enjoyed! Up next (eventually) will be the Bat Girls!
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Vampire Atem/Yami Alphabet Headcanons
Found this list of vamp-themes headcanons by @an-annyeoing-writer and I knew I had to do them for our favorite king-turned-spirit!
For those of you who read my Spells of Defiance series, these headcanons can be taken as 100% canon to that AU <3
A - Accident - would they turn someone to save their life?
Oof, already starting with a hard one. So, Atem is one of those vampires who hates his existence, he believes it’s a curse. However, he does still love and care for people deeply, and he knows that for many, life is sacred even if it’s a cursed life. I think in a moment of weakness, especially in his earlier years as a vampire, he might turn someone just because he’s desperate not to lose them, only to regret his decision later, especially if that someone is like him and hates what they’ve become. We all make mistakes, right?
B - Bite - how do they bite? Sensually, aggressively? Do they make it hurt or try to be gentle?
Atem is extremely gentle when he feeds off of people, always careful not to bite too deep or tear the skin more than needed, he even holds you and tries to soothe you with gentle strokes of his hands. Now, whether he tries to make it “sensual” or at all sexual...that’s a complicated topic. While Atem is almost always disgusted with himself when/while he feeds, he does recognize that there is a level of intimacy and even romance that can be connected with drinking blood, so sometimes he can be persuaded to make it a more sensual thing if you’re his lover. 
C - Control - do they take advantage of their powers?
That depends on who’s in the equation. I can see Atem using his new powers in order to bring justice to those he sees as wrong doers (like his season 0/early manga-self) as a way to make his vampire abilities useful, so from that angle he would “take advantage” of his powers. He might even get some small gratification in using his strength and speed to hunt down evil people, them cowering in fear is retribution for their wrong-doings, but even that’s not too over the top. Other than that, no, he doesn’t really use his powers for advantages over others.
D - Dangerous - how scary they can get? How bad things can they do? What’s their ethics?
So, while Atem does have a very strong moral code, Atem also has a temper, and said temper might be harder to control when he’s a vampire. Even when he’s not growling in anger, he can have this cold glare that could make bikers squeamish. There are moments, especially when he was a younger vampire, where he loses his temper and can get pretty scary. If you’re his loved one don’t worry too much, he would never lose control enough to hurt you, even though his yelling (and maybe throwing a thing or two) is pretty scary on it’s own. If you’re someone he sees a vermin though watch out, when he gets scary you’re probably going to end up dead or wishing you were dead.
E - Exchange - do they opt for blood bags or animal blood, if possible?
He opts for animal blood as often as he can. Sometimes he’ll hunt said animals himself but even that is a little too violent for his liking (Atem is a softie okay?!) so if he can go to a local butcher and get animal blood from them he’ll do it that way. He’s not fond of blood bags because A) they’re harder to acquire and B) having human blood in a cold plastic bag just makes him long for warm human blood and skin under his teeth more. Sure animal blood isn’t as sustaining for him, but Atem spent decades (maybe even centuries) figuring out how much animal blood he needs to consume in order to keep his blood lust under control so he’ll choose that over harming an innocent human.
Also, side note, if you live with him I hope you don’t have a sensitive sense of smell, because he heats up the blood on the stove to make it taste better and it can make the house stinky lol
F - First bite - on what occasion would they bite you for the first time?
Oooh that’s a good one. Like I said Atem has a very complicated relationship with feeding from his loved ones, especially his s/o, and he’s never going to ask you for your blood. So I’d say that not only would you have to offer your blood to him, but he would have to be out of other feeding options at the time. He knows that once he reaches a certain point of hunger he loses control and might kill you in a hunger-induced blood rage, so if drinking from you now, before he gets to that point, prevents that danger, he’d be willing to. Like I said above, Atem would be very gentle with you on that occasion, holding you close and stroking the skin around the bite mark to soothe any pain, and when he’s done he’d kiss the wound and the sore skin around it as amends.
The only other “first bite” scenario I can think of is if you spend months convincing him that you don’t mind (or even like) the occasional bite and finally convince him to drink your blood during an intimate moment, and again he’s very gentle and mindful of not hurting you.
G - Growl - are they more on the “civilized” side or do they enjoy hunting their prey down?
A bit of both, I guess? Since he tries not to drink from humans he’s more civilized in that way, but like I said before he does “hunt” evil people like an avenging dark angel, which he may get some small form of enjoyment from, so... 
H - Hate - how do they feel about their kind? About themselves?
It’s honestly pretty depressing how much self-loathing Atem harbors. He genuinely thinks he’s an abomination. It doesn’t help that in all his centuries of living, he’s met very few vampires who’re “good” like him. He’s also someone who’s on a high horse and if he met a vamp who didn’t kill human’s but also wasn’t self loathing like him, he’d look down on said vampire. I’m warning you now if you fall in love with him, his self-hatred is very upsetting and can be hard to deal with.
I - Intimacy - how fast would they let you close to them? Would they want to share with you what they are?
Surprisingly, I say it’s not that hard. See, even though Atem thinks he’s a monster and tries his best to stay away from people, he also craves companionship and love. Sure, he’s spent several chunks of his immortal life isolating himself in remote woods and tall mountains for decades at a time, but he always returns to humanity at some point. So if you show that you want to be close to him he’ll try to warn you or even scare you away a bit, but it won’t take too long to let you in. And yes, he’d share what he is with you if you started to get close to him, not only as a means to scare you away “before he can hurt you” but also so you know what you’re getting into by being near him.
J - Joke - would they do pranks on other people with the use of their powers?
Sometimes, yes. If he’s close to you, he’ll start to get comfortable and like teasing you, so he’ll do minor things like sneak up behind you soundlessly and jump scare you, or zoom past you to get to something before you and play keep-away. Also, he doesn’t do this one intentionally, but sometimes he’ll be sitting in a dark room, and when you walk in you just suddenly hear this voice calling out to you in the darkness, scaring the crap outta you lol
K - Key - what’s the way of making them open up to you?
Honestly just...continue to shove your friendship in his face. Like I said under “intimacy” he still craves relationships and companionship despite how much he fears hurting people. He may try to push you away at first but if you just continue to hang around him he’ll eventually stop trying to scare you away and start opening up to you little by little.
L - Life - do they wish they were human?
Absolutely. I can see Atem, ever the fixer of problems, spending the first few hundred years searching for a cure for his “condition” not just for himself but for others who view vampires the same way. He often thinks about what his life would have been if he hadn’t been turned, and daydreams about the possibility of becoming human again. 
M - Murder - would they kill someone while feeding? Have they ever done so?
Atem has killed while feeding, yes, but not voluntarily. I’m going with the general lore that vampires, when starved too long, can't control their bloodlust and Atem has killed while in that state. When he wakes with a limp, lifeless body in his arms, he’s a devastated wreck. Hurting innocent people is literally his living nightmare and the idea that his bloodlust can turn him into an animal sickens him. He would spend decades learning how much blood he needs to consume and how often, in order to keep that bloodlust from taking control.
N - Nature - do they justify their doings? Do they consider them natural?
Atem, the self-loathing martyr of a fanged prince, considering his bloodlust natural? LMAOOOO No. No he doesn’t, nor does he ever justify his actions. In fact, he uses the terrible things he’s done to justify why he shouldn’t be loved or even alive.
O - Odd - do they have any specific hobbies or habits?
Our gentle dark prince still loves games and puzzles, I think he’d like modern brain teasers that keep his mind sharp and un-ironically loves the puzzle games printed on the back of sunday newspapers, even though they aren’t hard (for him anyway). If you got close to him and showed him games he never got to play bc they’re multiplayers he’d honestly love you. He’d win most of the time, let's be honest, especially things like Clue, but his expression is just so cute and excited when you play his favorites that you’d lose 1000 times over just to see it.
P - Pain - are they sadistic? Do they enjoy what they do?
Nope. I think you all have the idea by now but Atem is one of the most self-loathing and gentle vampires you’d meet....or at least he’s gentle with you. Other vampires who hurt people for fun? Okay, I can see him being ever so slightly sadistic when dealing with creatures like that, he has no mercy for vampires who’ve embraced their monstrous curse, best you run the other way when he punishes them, else you may actually get a little frightened of him...
R - Roles - do they enjoy pretending to be normal people? How do they feel about leaving their life behind to start a new one?
I wouldn’t say that Atem pretends to be normal, in fact, the only part of his vampirism that he embraces is being an “other”, or rather, the aesthetic of being odd,��something that most humans feel uneasy when confronted with. He’d see this as a good tool to keep people he may hurt away from him. He’s no stranger to stalking graveyards/cemeteries, creeping in the shadows in a way that has others scurrying past if they happen to spot him, basically anything that makes him seem creepy and makes others keep their distance. Ultimately it hurts him since he’s unexplainably lonely, but it hurts more to know he may hurt the humans he comes across. On the same note, leaving behind one life for another to avoid suspicion is a double-edged sword for him, while it reminds him how terribly lonely existence is, it’s good to keep those who might’ve grown close to him safe.
S - Scars - do they leave marks or try to make the wounds small and invisible?
If Atem feeds from someone voluntarily (as in, not in an animalistic state), he’ll do everything he can to not leave lasting marks. Leaving marks means more pain and we all know how much he hates causing pain to others. 
T - Turned - how were they turned?
In my fic, Marik turned Atem as a form of revenge, but otherwise, I could honestly see Atem being turned by any YGO villain. I say villain because him being cursed with this life by a villain (like Bakura for example, or maybe another minion of Zorc) kind of goes along with the original story’s need to punish Atem and cast him into darkness for things that ultimately weren’t his fault.
U - Universe - what’s their biggest wish that they can’t achieve as immortals?
Mostly just...being close to people without constantly worrying that he’ll hurt or kill them. I can also see Atem yeaning for the simple pleasure of growing old and dying with one's family. If he fell in love he would crave the ability to just settle down and grow old together. Hell, he’s even one of those morbid romantics who thinks couples dying within days of each other is sweet and wishes he could do that when he loses his lover to old age.
V - Vampire - would they turn you?
Man again with the hard ones! Oof, okay, so...If you asked Atem to turn you, he’d say no, reciting his monologue about how vampires are cursed vermin who shouldn’t even exist, even if you retained your humanity after the turn, he knows the deep reaches of this curse and what it will make you do, and he hates the idea of you going through what he has.
...However, much like in the very first headcanon on this list...Atem makes mistakes and has his weak moments. If your life ended unexpectedly, of you were taken from him suddenly, like attacked or in some fatal accident, he may turn you in a moment of weakness; a desperate need to cling to you taking over his better judgment. He’d hate himself after and the only way he’d ever feel okay with it, is if time proved that you retained your humanity. He would teach you how to control your blood lust so you don’t have to go through half the things he has, and only then would he be okay with what he did to you in his moment of weakness.
W - War - would they engage in fighting their own kind for the humanity’s sake?
Yes! No one even has to ask him, Atem basically thinks the only good thing he can do with his powers is to rid the world of other vampires. He’s basically an avenging angel who’ll hunt down any vampire who threatens a human.
Y - Yandere - would they become dangerous to you (their lover)?
For the most part, I’d say no. Atem is self-aware and emotionally intelligent enough to tell if he ever starts crossing lines into “unhealthy” territory, and if that ever happened, he’d literally run away. He would leave you in order to protect you, no matter how much it hurt. There may be one (literally ONE) incident where he does something to you that crosses the line, but he’d be instantly horrified and remove himself from your life, moving to the other side of the world with no means to follow him, if it meant protecting you from himself. Now the chances of this happening in the first place? Hard to say. I really don’t think Atem is unhinged or even violent enough for it to be likely, but, an argument could be made that after everything he’s gone through, Atem may start seeing you and his love for you in an obsessives, unhealthy way. Again though, even if this did happen he would realize it and run away before it can go too far.
Z - Zombie - are they on their way to losing sanity?
I don’t think so. Atem is as strong (mentally/emotionally) as they come. Maybe eventually, after millennia and millennia of constantly losing loved ones and dealing the the monster he’s become he would start losing his sanity, but that would take a long, long time. 
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worminstuff · 4 years
The Balcony of the Treehouse Pt.6
sleepy bois x reader au
no warnings:)
also merry christmas:)
“Is that good or bad” Y/n asked Techno, her gaze soft.
“I'm not sure. He was really cool but..” Techno shrugged his shoulders.
It was currently the next day, and Y/n was accompanying Techno in the treehouse. They were currently discussing Techno’s new friend as of yesterday, Bo. Sam's older son.
Apparently Bo was sorta like Techno in some ways. They were both pretty shy at first but then found some common interest, and became rather comfortable pretty fast. Bo even let Techno ramble about Y/n for a bit and also said he would totally wanna meet her too.
“He's just not me.” Y/n grinned cockily and Techno pushed her shoulder.
“Right.” he rolled his eyes. “How was it with the other boys?”
“It was alright. Surprisingly very chill. I guess Tommy and Tubbo had really tired themselves out in the morning beforehand.” she shrugged. She was telling the truth, they slept for quite a while and were only awake for about an hour before everyone else got back.
“What about Will?” Techno wondered how she handled being around him while he was still..angsty.
Y/n shrugged again. She didn't really want to tell him about the kitchen and how they talked for the whole tiny Tommy and Tubbo napped. Or the cigarettes.
She couldn't stop thinking about how she was sitting on the counter and how he seemed so calm and sweet as if nothing happened.
She just had no idea, he was doing it on purpose. Will figures, if he can ignore his protective and jealous feelings, and maybe just try to get a connection with her. He may actually be able to get somewhere. Techno has the higher ground, he spends all his time with her and he has for years. Wilbur's only just started to in the past year and a half or so.
Wilbur doubts Techno actually has genuine feelings for Y/n. He has no way of genuinely knowing. It's just sort of a hunch. Or a hope maybe.
“He actually asked if i wanted to go to that bonfire thing with him..” her voice was almost a mumble. Just after she said she thought it would be fun, Wilbur explained the next evening they were going down to the beach to have a bonfire and hangout and chill. He said they do it often and it's always really fun.
Techno looked at her, slightly surprised. She wanted to hangout with Wilbur? No way.
“And you said..no..right?” his brows furrowed.
“Well..wait why would I say no?” she looked at him. Her brows furrowed also.
“Well obviously..I- he- what?” Techno shook his head.
“What do you mean what? Why would I have said no? It sounds fun.” she crossed her arms.
Techno stared at her for a moment. He slid a bit forward, so he was a bit closer. He leaned his elbows on his knees and rested his head on his hands. Y/n stared back questioningly.
“Odds.” he stated, staring right into her eyes.
“Techno!” Y/n pushed his leg a bit, and looked away, slightly mad. “What the hell?!”
Odds was something they created when they were young, similar to the game odds, it ends with saying a number between certain odds to help decide something.except that's usually for something like a dare. In this case, they used it in sort of flip of a coin situations, but only when one of them thought it was really really important. And the person that calls odds, gets to pick the odds, ex. 1 through 5 or 1 through 10 etc. they did this so they didn't argue about situations sorta like this.
“If you say the same number as me, 1 through 4, you stay. If not, you can go. odds on your side.” he had 0 emotion to his features.
“That's not fair!” she frowned.
“It is though. I called it.” he shrugged, almost smiling. Almost.
Y/n huffed. “Fine.”
Techno counted them down and on the count of three,
“Two.” they spoke at the same time.
“Fuck!” Y/n hit his knee as Techno grinned. Crisis averted. Or so he thought.
Techno grinned as she huffed and crossed her arms with a pout, shooting daggers with her eyes.
“Hey, it's not that bad! Now I can read you that book you got me.” Techno had a happy little grin on his face.
“Oh no, i'm definitely going.” Y/n said. His smile disappeared instantly.
“What? But- but odds?” his shoulders sank. Y/n alone with will in a car, and then alone with him and his friends, at a bonfire. There would be beer and shit everywhere! He just wanted her with him, safe away from Wilbur's scummy friends.
“I told Will I would! I can't go back on that. That's so rude.” she looked at him with puppy eyes.
Techno glared slightly, looked away, then looked back. She knew the eyes work, he acts all tough but he's too soft for it not to work.
“Okay. but i want you back here, when it's over. Not your house, not inside our house. Treehouse.” he pointed to the floor.
“And then normal sleepover?” Y/n smiled a little.
Techno's face softened as he saw her smile. He tried not to match her smile while shaking his head a little.
“Who's going this time?” Phil asked Wilbur.
It was around 5 or 5:30 and everyone was sat around the dining room table having dinner like they always do. Phil was currently discussing the bonfire with Wilbur, because he wanted to make a guesstimate in his head for how long Will would be gone using context clues. Because Will was never really home by the times he says he will.
“The usual group” Wilbur pointed his fork at his plate. “Oh! And Y/n”
Wilbur looked to her with a grin. Phil, for a lack of better words, looked as if one of his kids just had a pregnancy scare.
“Sorry, “ Phil shook his head slightly, “say that again?”
“Or don't.” Techno mumbled, Y/n jabbed him in the side with her elbow.
“I'm going along! I haven't done anything fun lately so Wilbur offered to let me tag along. It'll be fun.”Y/n shrugged.
Wilbur was beaming, Techno was silently livid, and Phil was looking in between the two very nervously.
The reason Techno was so genuinely angry was because Wilbur looked so smug when they sat down at the table. His grin was from ear to ear and he was excited to talk to Y/n about when she wanted to go and if she needed anything from her house, and the entire time Techno sat and felt his anger levels rise. His ears were hot, his shoulders tense and not a smile in sight.
He wanted to smack the smirk of his brother's face to be frank.
Techno knew what was going to happen. She was going to go with him, and have an amazing time. Great, right? Wrong. Clear to Techno, this was some evil master plan. Wilbur was going to give her more friends she would only go see with him. So when she wanted to spend time with these new people she had to also see him. And obviously at first she'll be all she so he gets to confront her and break her out of her shell. Techno knows how social Y/n can be, and she loves meeting new people! He hated to say it, but his brother was a genius.
Techno's fingers were starting to tremble.
What if she did like them? And wanted to see them more? What if they're cooler than him and what if they do drugs? Y/n wouldn't do drugs..would she?
His breath was slowly starting to catch up on him. He excused himself quickly and made his way off to the bathroom.
The crisp sound of the door creaking filled his ears as his back slid against it till he was on the floor.
His mind was running rampant.
How well does he really know Y/n? What could she possibly want with a bonfire when she has him and the treehouse? Is he not enough for her? Should he try to make more friends?
What was wrong with him?
He clutched his leg as he silently shook and took tiny shallow breaths.
Soon enough, just as he was starting to be able to allow more air into his lungs there was a soft knock on the door.
“Techno?..” Phil's voice was soft on the other side of the door.
Techno sniffled as he stood, he brushed himself off, and took a deep breath pushing all emotion from his features. He reached over and flushed the toilet a few feet in front of him, then he ran the sink for a moment before opening the door with one hand wiping on his leg.
“Hm?” he raised his brows.
Phil stared at him, analyzing his face fully. He looked fine, sort of. He looks normal to anyone who isn't his father per say. Phil could see behind his cold eyes he had been crying. No matter how much he pushed his emotions down, he couldn't push away the puffy eye bags or the glossy sheen, though they were actually very subtle.
A simple arm was raised and Techno immediately fell into him, deadweight in his arms. Phil held him tightly, silently. He pressed his cheek onto Techno's head, brushing down the unruly tangles in his hair.
There were no words spoken, they stood silently. Phil knew Techno wasn't going to tell him anything so he did not bear to try.
A little bit of time passed, and they broke apart to make their way back when Phil leaned over,
“Laugh with me like we said something funny. Trust me.”
Techno stared at him for a moment, and then giggled softly. Phil joined him and their laughs were terribly fake which caused more laughter and soon it became real laughter as they were walking into the dining room.
Y/n was staring at a babbling Tommy, while Wilbur was on his phone. Y/n immediately looked to Techno once he was in the room, a worried look on her eyes that disappeared as she saw his face. She was worried for nothing.
Phil patted Techno's back softly as they both picked up their plates to clean them, Tommy following suit with his father and older brother. Will and Y/n stood to do the same.
“Alright dad, think we're gonna head off.” Wilbur said, his grin authentic.
Phil nodded, “Right, don't forget to send me a ping when you get there and on your way home.” he pointed a winger between the pair, both nodded.
Techno stared aimlessly as he watched his girl walk out the door with his brother.
He hoped she was going to have fun.
As soon as both doors to the front seats of Will's car closed, Wilbur looked at her excitedly.
He turned the car on and pulled from the driveway, “Are we excited?”
“You can say that.” her smile was small.
“Don't be nervous, you're gonna love them and they're gonna love you. It's gonna be great.”
Y/n stared at him for a moment, he read her so easily. He looked so giddy. Was it because of her? She didn't want to get cocky but she'd never seen him this excited to see his friends before.
Wilbur's mind was running wild, he was alone with her for once, and then she got to hangout with his people. He even had a small surprise for her that he was even more excited for.
Y/n was progressively getting more and more nervous as they drove silently. She was starting to overthink. As she listened to her thoughts quietly, she failed to notice her leg start to bounce.
Will placed a gentle hand on her knee, “None of that. Nothing to be worried over. I wouldn't have asked you to come if i didn't know for a fact they'd like you.” his eyes broke away from the road momentarily. Y/n nodded. She trusted him.
Soon the smell of saltwater filled the car. Y/n took a quiet deep breath. Letting it fill her lungs. She slowly calmed herself, trying not to think of the hand on her knee, it would only fuel her nervous fire.
Y/n felt strange being here without Techno. It felt wrong. She rarely ever goes anywhere he isn't. He's practically glued to her 85% of the time.
Which was why when she was first meeting Wilbur's “crew”, she felt like a fish out of water.
Even with Wilbur's comforting hand holding hers, she felt stiff and awkward. They were all intimidating, the dudes were tall and confident and the girls were all gorgeous and sweet. Confident too.
She did notice, one of the boys seemed much more approachable. He stood at the back of the group while introductions were going around, she learned his name was Eret and he was one of Wilbur's newer friends but he was really cool.
Wilbur beamed at Y/n as he told her about his friends, his hand was still gentle and it made her smile.
Wilbur was happy she was getting a bit comfortable.
Once they felt everyone had been thoroughly introduced, they all started placing blankets on the sand around the large fire they'd made before Will and her had arrived.
Wilbur set down a blanket he brought and motioned for her to sit with him. When she sat down, he leaned over to speak into her ear, “See, nothing to worry about, yeah?”
He leaned away, showing her a grin. She smiled and shook her head at his silly little grin.
This was really fun.
She loved hearing these kids talk, there was even one girl like her whose parents were also never home. She liked her. The girl even offered that they go drive around some time! When she said that, Y/n of course nodded eagerly.
Wilbur, well he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He loved seeing her like this, it was like she was in her element. Meeting new people and making connections. It's a shame Techno has hogged her from people for so long. He resented him for that. To be fair, it's been like that since they've met. Wilbur saw her all the time, but only in brief interactions up until highschool.
She was so sweet, excited to talk to all of them even though he knew she was nervous, and Wilbur knew his friends loved her already. How could they not?
Wilbur was about to try to get her to talk to him for a little, seeing as how they'd been there for almost 45 minutes already and had barely spoken to him, but he was taped on the shoulder as a signal there was about to be a cigarette break out in the parking lot.
Wilbur stood, and leaned down to Y/n whispering to her where he was going. Just before he was about to go, he placed a soft kiss to her forehead.
Her eyes were wide.
“Look a bit..surprised there?” it was Eret, he sat down on the blanket next to Y/n just after seeing Will was about to go for a butt. He didn't want Y/n to sit all alone.
“I um..no yeah he just..its nothing.” Y/n laughed at her own lack of words, and Eret did too.
“I take it you two aren't official or anything?” his voice was low, and almost gravely but it was still so comforting.
Y/n knew he didn't mean it as if he were trying to make a move on her, he sounded genuinely curious.
“No it's..complicated. Very complicated.” Y/n stared at the fire.
“If I'm not prying, how so? You both seem..really..content together.” he looked from her to the fire.
“I..well his brother is my..best friend and he..”
“He..?” Eret leaned in a little.
“Well i don't know what he is to me really.” she looked at him, her face in question at her own realization.
“Well I know for a fact, he's infatuated with you.”
Y/ns eyes were wide again, “what?”
“Oh he's always going on about you.” Eret had a cheeky grin, almost like Will’s she thought, “He's been talking about you meeting all of us since he asked you yesterday. Not to mention he’s..” Eret stopped himself. He got carried away in his little ramble.
“He's what?” Y/n was confused why he stopped himself.
“No no, I really shouldn't have said anything.” he waved his hand as if he were brushing away his words.
Y/n groaned and threw her head back, “You can't do that!”
Eret laughed, “I'm sorry!”
“Tell me please.” she looked at him with pleading eyes.
Eret stared at her for a moment and sighed. “He's in love with you. But i don't know if you know that or not..so..” she did not. “I think I'm the only one hes told, but he was so...I don't know how to explain it. When he told me he sounded like he was pouring his heart out.” Eret’s eyes were on the fire.
He was in love with her?
Y/ns heart ached. No wonder he was so...hurt. It was her fault too.
As if on cue, (this boy was terribly good with timing) she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder as it slid around her shoulders. Will pulled her to his chest as he sat behind her. He smelled of smoke, but it was comforting. Before she thought about it, or what they were doing, she leaned back into him. The rest of the group took back their seats and conversion rose again.
Y/n an Wilbur sat listening quietly until she heard Will's voice in her ear.
“Chatting it up with Eret while I was gone?” his arm was still across her chest, his hand on her shoulder.
“I was, he's really nice.” she turned to look at him.
“Yeah?” he smiled at her in the dim light of the fire. She smiled back and nodded.
Wilbur stared at her a moment, “How about..we get out of here, and I show you another pretty place?” he was still smiling, but his eyes were nervous for a response.
“Sure. Sounds fun.” she gave him a reassuring smile.
Wilbur was quick to get up. Telling the group they were heading off, a little too excitedly.
Before Wilbur could pull her away, she quickly got all of the girls numbers and was even added to a group chat. She was beaming once they reached the car.
“And she even told me that i could go and hangout when they went to her house! Isn't that so sweet.” she looked at Will towards the end of her sentence to see he was already staring at her, his hand on the wheel in front of him.
His lip was in between his teeth, “Mhm. I knew you'd get along swimmingly with them.”
Y/n giggled.
“So where are we going?” she smiled to herself as Wilbur put his hand on her knee.
“Not saying, but, it's not far at all. We're practically there.” he was exaggerating, but the ride wasn't long at all.
Even though he wasn't, Wilbur felt as if he was driving slow. He felt like time was still, and he was glad. He wanted this to last as long as it could.
Y/n would have never expected what she saw, she was expecting a pretty clif with a view, or something like that.
He brought her to a flower field.
He parked the car on the side of the road towards the middle of the field.
Once they'd both stepped out, Wilbur went to her side.
“Up you go, turn around.” he motioned up at the top of his car. Y/n stared at him for a moment before turning around and letting him hoist her up so she could climb on top of the car. He climbed up after her and sat beside her.
For a little while, Y/n stared at the way the moonlight was casting a blue white onto the field and all the flowers. Wilbur stared at her. They sat this way for a little while but Y/n was the first to break the silence.
“A little birdy..told me something interesting.” she looked at him.
“Hm?” he hummed.
“Is it hard?” Y/n was staring at the moon, her hand was picking at the seam of her jeans.
“Is what hard?” Wilbur stared at her feet as they swung back and forth.
“..being in love with me.” she looked up at him, her eyes starry.
“Maybe. But it doesn't have to be.”
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baptaincarnacles · 2 years
Pirate AU (Humanized)
So, a few days back, maybe a couple weeks ago, my partner (who doesn’t have Tumblr) and I were on call and had began to mess with an AI story generator. We started with a name, Barnacles specifically, and started the story generation. Of course, I’ve had ideas of him being a pirate before, and I really just enjoyed the ideas that we came up with due to this generator... that mistook Barnacles rank of Captain as piracy.
Thing is, in this AU, Barnacles COMPLETELY loses it. So, there is a lot of mentions of blood, murder, swearing, and violence. But, I suppose I’ll give a run down of the characters and ideas that we came up with.
This includes his original pirate crew being mainly OCs.
OCs relevant to early plot:
Peter- Peter is the oldest member on the M.V. Manitoba, being 29 year old. He has a scrappy, slim appearance, but wears various accessories (especially earrings, due to the belief that it wards off seasickness). He joined the crew while they were in the harbor, having caught the Captain’s eyes. He had assumed it was a merchant ship (as the name would place forth), and joined, looking for a pretty penny. After joining the crew, he was quick to rise in rank, soon becoming the captain’s right hand, the First Mate and quartermaster. Unfortunately, to Pete’s surprise, this captain was notorious for plundering, killing, and looting all that he could. He was apart of Captain Barnacle’s crew, the most feared pirate of the Seven Seas. Physical appearance wise, he’s not impressive. He has a slimmer body, and hardly any upper body strength. He has typical dark brunette hair, grey-blue eyes, pale skin, and a scar along his cheekbone (that’s a story for another time). He’s stubborn, and quite often has his head in the clouds. He seeks nothing but riches, and for a while, that caused problems between him and the Captain. Pete dresses in gentlemanly clothes. A linen shirt, a brown, leather vest; and neckerchief; this and he also sports a pair of breeches, stockings, and leather boots. Extra details: 6′0, 160lbs (72kg), homosexual, and he’s easily angered. ((He quickly adjusted to the life of a pirate and found it to be quite fun.))
Wally- Wally is the captain’s younger brother (AI generation caused this). He is the youngest member of the M.V. Manitoba, being only 19 years old. Though, he had been on the ship since he was 13, following his brother’s and his father’s steps. He learned quickly, after his father (The Great Killian) was killed, what his brother was capable of in moments of rage. He helped with the development of the Manitoba, and had been the one to suggest the name. While he’s not violent, he’s fairly swift, and extremely good with a cutlass. And don’t hold his height against him- he’s the shortest, but he can pack a punch much greater than one would assume of him. He fills the roles that are fairly simple, including being a gunman, boatswain, and on occasion, he’s the cook. Though, he doesn’t mind all the work; he only has to be gunman on special occasions. He has a couple of scars on his jaw, and upper arms from sword fights between attacking crews (which Barnacles had killed them for). Wally’s appearance is very similar to his mother’s. He’s ginger (red/orange hair), shorter, and chubby. He has darker skin and light-blue eyes (like his brother). He is obedient, smart, level-headed, and mostly independent, but enjoys being around the crew (there is always some story to hear). When he dresses, he prefers a linen shirt, red vest, and a nice pair of breeches (as well as leather boots). He likes wearing red so when the opposing crew comes insight, they know he will have no mercy (though, only the red flag flew on the Manitoba, signaling there will be no quarter given.) Extra details: 5′7, 195lbs (86kg), unlabeled, and he’s highly calm and collected. 
Gent- Gent is the ship’s scribe and keeps watch on the archives, though in times of attack, he will serve as a ‘Powder Monkey’. He is the second oldest crew member, being 28 years old. He has a scrawny appearance, bearing little to no muscle, but his cheerful personality and wit makes up for that; and he accessorizes himself with ear gauges.  He became a member for the crew after searching for a new way of life. He started as no more than a petty thief along the costal lines of Australia, but soon heard rumor spike of a pirate crew so powerful that they took down White Beard (canon character in the books/show) and sank the Queen Anne’s Revenge to the sea floor. No one knew what ship the notorious captain sailed with, but when the M.V. Manitoba made port, Gent had a feeling that he knew.  He joined, the Captain pleased with the way he could write, and how quick he was to take mental note of things. For the longest time, he knew Barnacles as Captain Killian the Second, the false name Barnacles used when distracting merchants while the rest of the crew stole supplies. His appearance is similar to the rest of the crew, except he is the only other member on the crew to wear blue other than the Captain. He dresses in a thin linen shirt, cravat/neckerchief, and a finely designed overcoat (accommodated with breeches and leather boots). He’s not impressive to look at, but his speed with a blade is something to be in awe over. And as expressions will have it, his word is mightier than sword (having talked himself out of capture various times). He has raven hair and pale skin. Extra details: 6′1, 166lbs (75kg), pansexual, and easily entertained.
Mary- Mary is the crew’s surgeon (sometimes the cook), being the third youngest at 24. She has a petite appearance (don’t judge her too quickly), and decorates herself with earrings and tattoos.  She found herself as a part of the crew after the Captain came marching in, demanding medical assistance for his eye. Taking interest in whatever kind of life he was living, she volunteered after treating the tall man. Barnacles had accepted and let her onto the ship. There she proved her worth, digging musket balls out of arms and stitching sword wounds together, while at the same time she was an extremely deadly shot herself. She learned medical techniques from watching her father, who had unfortunately came to an early end, and seeming how she was no more than an apprentice to an older doctor; she had been searching for more. It was almost fate that a captain had came in seeking medical attention. The M.V. Manitoba was her new home, and this crew might as well had been her family. She wears a loose linen button-up, breeches, and stockings (as well as boots). It allows her to move quicker, therefore allowing there to be a better chance at saving the wounded. She has blonde hair and green eyes, and she is very nimble (Tweak often comparing her to the younger appearance of Achilles). She’s not then best with hand-to-hand or melee, but give her a distance weapon and the opposing is bound to drop like flies. Extra details: 5′9, 138lbs (62kg), and straight. She’s a very serious person, and doesn’t take too kindly to jokes.
--Sub category: Other made up characters who aren’t as relevant--
The Great Killian- Captain Killian (aka, The Great Killian) is Barnacles father. He was the first Captain of the Manitoba (or, as he named it, Killian’s Revenge), and had been the one to set sail on her first. After an incident with pirates striking the coast (a touring ship that his son, Barnacles, had been on), he decided that he would take revenge on the bunch that harmed his son (and killed Barnacles’ unnamed partner). He was surprised when his eldest son (who was 19 at the time) decided to step up to pirating, his little brother trailing along behind. Of course, Killian did not kill unless it was necessary, and plundered only for what he needed, making sure to teach that lesson to Barnacles. Though, his son only seemed displeased by the efforts. Killian dies to the hands of a crew in a Spanish ship, leaving behind his legacy as the “Generous Pirate,” (before his death, he orders that Barnacles hunts the crew down and kills every last one). 
Canon characters relevant to the Early Plot:
Captain Barnacles- Barnacles is the captain of the M.V. Manitoba, and probably the most fearsome pirate out there. He is the third eldest of the crew, being 25 years old. He took over the ship when he was 20 years old, right after the death of his father (that’s when the ship was named M.V. Manitoba). And through his five years as Captain, he recruited a feared crew, and took down many others. When it comes to most, he is a sight to behold when he appears on an opposing ship. Tall, muscular, and blood thirsty. And that’s his reputation. He gained in soon after his 23rd birthday, when he killed White Beard and burned the man’s ship to the ground. Of course, he had his reasons, White Beard killed his sister, Bianca, without prompt. Barnacles appears very unique from most other captains. He’s not nearly as decorated, and prefers to keep his name heard. If people were afraid of him, he had nothing to fear. His hair is brunette, much like his fathers, but due to a rare genetic trait, his hair has a white stripe, and his eyes are light-blue (he also has darker skin). He has a scar over his left eye, caused by a swipe of a cutlass, resulting in severe damaging (and permanent blindness). Of course, that does not bother him anymore like it did at first, and he doesn’t wear an eyepatch to hide the scar, he shows it to let those he crosses know that he has fought, and will fight again. When harbored, he will often find himself chatting with tradesmen and sailors, as if bargaining deals. He is keen on manipulation and will use it to get what he wants (wether it be a load of supplies, or a new sword/pistol). To do this, he plays the role of a gentleman, talking in an educated manner while his crew moves in silently, taking things. He is well known as Killian the Second, a person of generosity, so when he speaks, people around listen (and with less attention on what people around our doing, that allows his crew to do what they came for). If someone upsets him, he becomes dead silent, and lets his gaze speak in his place. Typically, that person is never seen again. While captain, he’s also the main Sailing Master (Tweak oftentimes being the one helping out). If he’s not on deck with command, he’s in his quarters, drawing maps, expanding accuracies and precision. He will also train sword fighting, and has taught his crew the best way to spar. Extra details: 6′5, 210lbs (95kg), closeted gay, and a very stern leader. Nothing flies over his head, especially bullshit from the crew (for he has shot and killed a former member of his dad’s crew).
Tweak- Tweak is the Engineer of the Manitoba, while sometimes serving as a Sailing Master, or cook. They are second youngest, being 22 years old. They had joined after finding that the Captain was open to anyone joining his crew (including those that had a female-like appearance). They had never been one to believe in superstition, as a matter of fact, they believed there was more logical explanations behind everything. Barnacles took immediate interest in taking them in after seeing their art of craftsmanship at work, as well as their educational values. She had been the third member of Barnacles new crew (third to Wally), and they both found interest in sailing and the Manitoba itself, sparking a quick bond between the two (Barnacles is as protective over her as he is his own brother). Tweak has immense loyalty, and she finds great interest in the liberties that was granted as soon as she had been brought on board. She managed to make a pistol that had almost double the amount of accuracy of a normal one, and often brags about it. She’s one of the strongest members of the crew, and often proves it by lifting heavy cargo, metal, and winning arm wrestles against the rest (except for Barnacles, who doesn’t participate). Her physical appearance is impressive. She has muscles that are visible only when she’s wearing her linen shirt, and she can throw a punch that’ll send someone across the deck. Her usual wear is a brown overcoat, linen shirt, cravat/neckerchief, and breeches (as well as a nose piercing). If days are slow, she’ll often walk without shoes, just stockings. Her hair is brown, dyed green at the tips (with some dye that she had made from natural resources), and her skin is pale/littered with freckles. They are one of the only people on board who can cook, other than their medic, and do so well. They often prepare stews from freshly stolen resources, as well as make sure the crew avoids scurvy with citrus-filled drinks.  Much like Barnacles, if you piss them off, you will not be found. Ever. Extra details: 5′8, 160lbs (72kg), lesbian, and they are a demi-girl. She had ran away from home knowing her father wouldn’t want this kind of life for her.
---Other Important Canon Characters---
Calico Jack- Calico Jack is captain of the Kingston, a smaller Jamaican vessel. (Character not completely developed)
White Beard- White Beard is captain of the Queen Anne’s Revenge. (Character not completely developed)
Bianca- Barnacle’s sister. (Character not completely developed)
But, that’s the main few characters in the early plot (this AU is still in development, and I am writing a story based off of it)! Maybe I’ll draw them here and there, potentially post the drawings in anyone is interested. But as more characters are added/come into relevance, I’ll probably update this, and if anyone would like to add-on some ideas and what-not, feel free to comment!
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lucysometimeswrites · 4 years
Kiss the Girl
hello again! thanks for the love on Awards Season :) this one is based on the beginning of lockdown where the boys were living together. had the idea and the title will make sense in part 2 (if you want it). enjoy!
Never in a million years would I have thought I’d live to see a pandemic, much less quarantine with four boys, one of them who just happens to be my boyfriend. Tom and I had been dating for about six months when the global pandemic was declared, and in the heat of the moment, he suggested I come live with him and his brother and mates, as he called them. I immediately refused, of course, because I didn’t wanna impose in any way or make things awkward for them, but he insisted that everything would be okay and that he would not be able to stand the fact that I was out there living alone while this big thing was happening. I don’t know how, but he was very convincing so here I am. In the UK. In London. Living with my boyfriend and three other boys. Still asking myself how or why.
Don’t get me wrong! It hasn’t been horrible by any means. Sure, it took a bit of getting used to and some uncomfortable silences to get over with his housemates, but other than that it has been quite a beautiful experience. I’ve been able to bond with Tuwaine, Harrison and Harry in different ways, and Tom and I have never been happier. 
Until yesterday.
It’s no surprise lockdown drives all of us a little bit insane sometimes, what with trying to keep our jobs and not being able to go anywhere but the same amount of square feet; it’s hard! It’s also very hard to keep our cool with the people we literally see every day and prevent ourself from projecting our stress onto them, which exactly what happened yesterday with that dear boyfriend of mine. 
Tom had been very busy with some scripts he’d been learning and working on his project with Harry and simultaneously trying to keep his fans happy. Many terrible things had been going on that just piled up on him and his stress level went from 0 to 100 real quick. He was also trying to keep me happy. While he was here living with people he’s known his whole life and his family a 20 minute drive away, he was aware that I am his relatively new girlfriend, an outsider, who was miles away from her family and was living with boys and struggling with online work. I didn’t realize this right away, though. How his shoulders sagged a bit each morning, or how his smile didn’t reach his eyes. His laugh was less present around the house, and he started disappearing into his office more and more until the only times I saw him were sometimes during breakfast and when going to bed. I didn’t notice, and neither did the boys, which I felt really guilty about. 
It clicked at the worst time. I kept wondering why I felt things were weird between him and I, my mind going to the worst of places, of course. I started thinking if he wanted me there at all, how I told him it was not a good idea, or that maybe he now realized that he doesn’t really like me and wanted to break up. Ridiculous, he would say, but he wasn’t there to actually say it or prove me wrong. So, I decided to be upfront and ask him. Communication and all that I said in my head, and headed to his office. 
Yesterday . . .
“Tom?” I softly knocked on the door. I heard a faint “Come in”, so I opened the door and saw him sitting at the desk. Brows furrowed, pursed lips, his back hunched a little as he was looking at something closely in his laptop. His eyes never moving from the screen.
“What do you need?” he said. Wow, blunt. 
“Uh, I wasss wondering if we could talk?” I answered, absently playing with my fingers out of nervousness. Why am I nervous? It’s Tom.
“Does it have to be now?” 
“I was sort of hoping that, yeah” his eyes finally leaving the screen and looking at me, still standing by the door.
“Okay, but I have to get back to work so if you could make it quick, that would be great” How do I make my insecurity “quick”?!
I struggled to find the words before asking him, “Are things okay between us?” my voice becoming small and my eyes finding my feet very interesting while I waited for a response. Which never came. 
I looked up to find him entranced by his laptop once again. It looked as if he hadn’t heard my question, and that upset me.
“Tom” I called his attention sternly, with a bit of a glare.
“What” he said absently.
“I’m trying to talk about something serious here” 
He sighed, clearly annoyed, rubbing his face and turning to me once more, “What is it?”
Trying to be calm, but my voice becoming a little harsher, “I was asking you if things are okay between us”, which didn’t come out as much of a question anymore.
“Of course they are, why do you ask” Wow, he can’t even pretend to be interested?
“Because I feel like I haven’t seen you and that you’re acting weird. I mean you spend most of the day cooped up in here and you don’t hang out with any of us anymore”, I explained.
“Because I have important work to do, Y/N” his face still held seriousness, like his mind was plagued with problems.
“Well can’t you do it later? I don’t know, take a break and have a snack with us?” I suggested, with hope that we’d get to have a laugh and get over the tension. 
“No, I can’t” he answered shortly. I stood up and made my way behind his chair, my hands going to rub his shoulders trying to convince him, “Oh come onnnn, maybe you’ll work even better after! We haven’t seen you in ages and I miss you” I pouted, even though he couldn’t see me.
Now, as if a bomb had exploded out of nowhere, he abruptly stood up and threw my hands off his body, “I said no Y/N! I told you I’m working on important stuff and that I can’t take ‘a little break’” he yelled, mocking me in the last part, “I’m trying my best to keep my job and work with Harry while keeping all of you safe and providing for you, so no, I don’t have time for a break and if you could just go away it would make me the happiest man a live right now” he finished strongly. He huffed and puffed just like the big bad wolf, pointing to the door while I stood there dumbfounded
I gaped at him with a mix of shock, anger and sadness. Feeling my emotions coming through, I thought like hell he’s gonna see me cry, so I just took a few steps back while making my way to the door and leaving the room quickly, not looking back. As I made my way to our room, I crossed the living room where Harrison, Harry and Tuwaine all quietly looked at me, with pity in their eyes and clearly having heard the argument. I stopped in the middle, looking at each of them but promptly continuing my way to the bedroom, where I closed the door and leaned against it for support. With a few tears slipping down my eyes, I grabbed a towel and locked myself in the bathroom. After turning the shower on, I took off my clothes and got in, letting the warm water fall on me in a comforting matter while I let myself cry freely, thinking once more why am I spending lockdown here with them...with him?
aaaaa part 2? yes? no? 
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keorami · 3 years
So you know when you wanna write a funny situation but you realise that you have to come up with said funny situation? Yeah... I forgot that my sense of humor is atrocious, but at least I tried...? I couldn't focus on one long story so I decided to write several short ones instead! Hope you enjoy!
"I have the feeling you're not enjoying this sleepover very much."
Dream did not, in fact, enjoy this 'sleepover', because not only did it remind him that his only way out of this hell was stuck in here with him, but said way out had been nothing but insufferable since he got here.
"Is this about the bell-"
"You could have gotten us out of here."
Oh yeah, said way out also wasted their one chance at escaping on a fucking bell. Dream hadn't felt such anger in... he doesn't remember actually. He didn't get to feel angry often in here.
"Listen, it was a very important matter-"
He stopped listening at that point. It was the same tirade every time about clout and viewership and whatever that he honestly could care less about. Staring at and counting the cracks in the obsidian seems like a very interesting activity.
"Hey, are you listening?"
1... 2... 3...
4... 5... 6...
"How long are you gonna ignore me?"
7... 8- wait, didn't he count that one already?
"Look at me at least."
No, he doesn't think he will. Because then the bell will be within view, and Dream knows that if he wasn't so pathetically weak, either the bell or Techno would have been thrown into the lava by now. But he is, so he'll throw the next best thing: his body. And fuck whatever the pig might have to say about it.
He whipped his head so fast his neck hurt a little. He was fully prepared to... well now he doesn't remember, because of all faces he expected Techno to make...
The fuckboy face wasn't one of them.
"Nooo don't be angry, you're so sexy haha."
Oh God, he just died and went to limbo didn't he?
He wasn't sure when exactly he collapsed on the floor, gasping for air in a mix of wheezes and coughing, but Techno was now hovering over him in panic.
"Dream please don't die, I don't want the last thing you ever saw to have been that face-"
Oh, if there was one thing he would make sure not to forget, it would have been that face.
"Man, I'm starving. When do we get food in here again?"
"Um, I don't know really. I guess whenever Sam is in the mood?"
Sam hasn't dropped food a single time since he was locked in here. Well, add 'food' to the basic human rights Dream isn't getting. They're really treating this like a bucket list aren't they?
"It's... You'll get used to it."
Dream gives him some potatoes from his inventory, to Techno's absolute delight. At least Sam has great taste, he'll give him that. But...
"...They're raw."
"Well, obviously."
Listen. He loves potatoes. He'd say he loves them to death, if he could die. No matter how you cook them, they turn out delicious. But raw? He'd only eat them raw if it was a life-or-death situation AND he somehow had no source of heat at his disposal, and the likelihood of that situation happening is practically zero. So yeah, he doesn't like to eat them raw.
"And that's all you get?"
"If you can't eat it-"
Ah, those famous words. Now, he's fairly certain that Dream didn't mean it as a challenge, but at this point Techno is just too competitive to see it any other way. Look, you don't get to his level by being passive, okay? So it's perfectly reasonable.
What wasn't reasonable was the taste of this potato because what in the Blood God's name is this.
"What the hell is this."
"...A potato?"
"No, this is a fucking travesty."
And what a sight it was, the Technoblade swearing and ranting about potatoes, of all things. Dream could only last until "mossy cobblestone tastes better than this dry ass, stinky ass garbage" before he lost it. You gotta give him credit for lasting this long at least. Technoblade was too busy ranting to care either way.
This can't be happening.
He tries to sound neutral, but Techno can hear the snicker in his voice.
"You don't have to do this."
Surely he can reconsider-
"On the contrary, it has to be done."
Dream places a single card on the pile, which happens to be his last one. A Wild Draw 4, to rub salt into the wound. Techno decides that ending on that card should be illegal.
"Remember the deal. No bell for the rest of the day."
Unfortunately, that had been the condition he had to agree to in order to get Dream to play. Because apparently he was "ringing it all the fucking time and it was driving me crazy". There's that, and the threat that Dream would jump in the lava again if he refused. So clearly he had a choice in the matter.
He knew that there was a chance he could lose... but he had deemed it low enough to ignore it. How could he not expect the resident chessmaster of the SMP to utterly trounce him in UNO? He was a fool, and now he has to think about how to make up for the lost clout and money.
At least, judging from the quiet snickers, someone finds his misery funny. He finds consolation in knowing that he may have lost the battle but he won the war. In a way.
"So I almost got mauled to death but that was how I met Steve."
Dream stares at him the way Phil does when he does something particularly outlandish and he fails to see why.
"Can I ask a question."
"Why would the first thing you do upon running into a starving polar bear be hugging it?"
Of course he would question it, because obviously Techno's superior intellect is confusing to the common mind. He just really likes animals, okay? Steve's fur looked so soft and fluffy he just had to touch it, he almost got his face torn off and Phil never let him live that down. But he'll sooner accept governments than let Dream know that. He doesn't want to embarrass himself too much.
"See Dream, I live by a simple philosophy."
"Long live anarchy?"
"No. Well yes, but not just that."
Dramatic silence.
"Any animal is huggable if you aren't a coward."
Dream chokes on his potato, the only one he had eaten today, and Techno worries for a second before he realises that Dream is actually laughing.
"Tech- what-" His body is shaking. "-what is wrong with you??"
"It all started when I was born-"
And it's enough to send Dream rolling on the ground. It wasn't even that funny, but he supposes that prison does a number on you, and Dream's sense of humor was already terrible to begin with.
...Okay, now he had to make sure that the teletubby didn't laugh himself to death.
At the end of the day- at least Techno assumes it's the end of the day, he doesn't know how trustworthy his internal clock is anymore- the two inmates of Pandora's Vault are about ready to fall asleep, but Techno has one last thing to do before that.
"Dream, come here for a minute."
Said man gives him such a wary look that he almost feels insulted.
"I won't bite, ya know."
"That's... debatable."
"Just get over here."
And Dream complies without any further complaints. Techno hopes he didn't sound too harsh, but his cellmate wasn't shivering uncontrollably, so he thinks he's in the clear.
Techno lays his cape down on the very uncomfortable obsidian floor. Seriously, laying down for an hour is enough to make his joints ache. 0/10 would not recommend. How did Dream- right, he doesn't have a choice.
"What are you doing?"
"Making this prison less of a living hell. Come lay down."
"...I'm fine."
Why are you being so difficult, Techno wants to ask, even though he can guess the answer. When was the last time anyone did something remotely nice for him without any catch? Especially in here?
"Stop being difficult and sleep with me already."
"You know what I meant."
In his defense, everyone has their moments, and his usually don't happen that often.
"Stop being so difficult and-"
"Just... get over here. My cape is really soft."
"Is that why you wear it all the time?"
"...Among other things."
But mostly because it was really soft.
Dream still seemed apprehensive about the whole thing, and while usually Techno would have respected his wishes and left him be... the sight of his rival curling up in a corner of the cell, obviously trying to not aggravate his injuries as he did, was saddening even to him. Prime, he's really not good at this... but Dream probably definitely needs it.
So he pulls his roommate into a side hug, which is honestly the best he can manage without ruining his image. It's awkward, Dream is way too stiff, and maybe now would be the time to say something before embarrassment kills either or both of them. Something reassuring, comforting to help Dream relax in his presence for example.
"This is gonna be the best sleepover you've ever had."
...But the day he stops relying on humor for any kind of social interaction is the day it'll either stop working or get him killed.
"...This is so stupid."
And today was not that day.
Dream lets out a laugh, shaky but genuine, and relaxes. Techno sees that as a win. Since he's stuck here for a while, might as well make his favorite teletubby's life in here more bearable.
And it's finally over! It only took me... *looks at calendar* ...time is an illusion. Idk if I'm really happy with this, but on the bright side, it's... done? Now I really wanna continue that endersmile fanfic as I got some ideas, hopefully it won't take as long? God I am a writing disaster
Also if you saw any mistakes... no you didn't :)
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Erasing Dabi's scars and burns would mean taking away the reasons for his anger and trauma in the first place. That's like taking away Shouto's burn on the side of his face or taking away Shigaraki's scars and skin allergies away, right? please correct me if necessary! :0
Partially, yes. However, the marks are the symbols of a trauma and part of the trauma itself.
( Anon, I'm just explaining that I use an hypothetical "you" in all my rants, but none of the following is directed to you. You're right and I just want to expand on the other reasons why erasing Dabi's scars and burns is a bad idea. )
Of course Shouto's scar is not the reason he didn't talk to his mom, but it's the representation of what ended up happening for all the years of abuse from Enji and neglect from Rei.
Of course Tomura's scars are part of the problem, but we have seen how they are indicators to know how bad is the level of stress in Tomura and how much damage Kotaro and AFO did to him.
In Dabi's case is even more complicated. His burns are an active part of his life because they are all over his body. They need time to be cleaned and taken care off. There are things he can't do with those scars. And those burns are not only visible, because he had internal damage from the fire, that's the reason why he cannot cry for example.
Taking Dabi's burns doesn't equals changing his hair color or giving someone freckles. Why? Because they could be the same with any color hair or freckles, but by changing Dabi's burns you're already changing his whole character.
It's like erasing Toshinori's current form, where he is no longer broad and muscular. If someone feels the need to change the physical aspect of some character for the aesthetic or the looks, being that the said physical aspect plays a very important role in the whole person (some amputation, being deaf or mute or blind, not being able to walk, etc), that's ableist.
Why? Because you're feeling the urge to "fix" them. To heal them, to cure them. That's extremely damaging to people with chronic pain or chronic conditions. These people already have little representation, and you're trying to "fix" whatever representation they already have.
Also, the looks and the aesthetic doesn't justify you erasing the experience of someone. This is also valid for characters with skin problems like Shigaraki with his scars. A character and a person shouldn't be forced to find a way to "heal" themselves in order to be able to exists.
What message do you think it gives people when some artist decide to make a "fix it" au or a "good" au and they just erase Dabi's burns? Why can't a person with burns belong in a good au? Why can't they have the opportunity to do any other character has the opportunity to do?
Like I said, there are many reasons. And there are also like a million characters without burn marks. If people really want to write or drawn someone without burn marks, they have a so many characters to do so. So many.
But taking a character that belongs in a minority and changing him to fit a major group, while erasing the experience of said character as a member of that minority? That's really bad.
I hope this explains it a little more, anon.
Thank you so much for your ask! And I hope you're having a nice week! 🥰💕✨
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thestarminstrel · 3 years
as requested, i am now considering figure skater au. would love to hear more thoughts on said au 👀
ohohoho 👀 let me absolutely indulge you on my nonsense
so i do have a sketch page with this au but i'll briefly summarize it here:
(also! if anyone wants to borrow this au plotline or concept, please feel free to :D just credit me and send me what you make!)
- nick is a hockey player for kingston lions and seiji is an olympic level figure skater
- they both use the same rink at kingston, and this ofc is where our conflict arises
- seiji frankly believes that nick's team is terrible since they have won 0 championships and calls nick "zero". because of this, he often begins his own practice early or lets it run late -- cutting into the hockey team's time reservation
- nick has tried numerous times to get the staff to do something but like, tf are they gonna do? seiji is olympic level and they don't wanna be the idiots who denied seiji his practice space and loose revenue (tho it should be noted that seiji is competing for the grand prix in this one -- not the olympics). so nick begins calling seiji "princess" since he's a giant brat :)
- the two don't get along at all -- and i mean at all. they're livid whenever they run into each other and are at each other's throats
- however, coach williams thinks she can get the boys to the connecticut state championships. since nick is the center (position that plays both offensive and defensive), she calls in a favor with dmytro and asks him to work with nick on his form so he can be extra speedy fast.
- guess who dmytro also coaches? that's right. seiji :)))
- they both find this out when dmytro introduces the two and says he doesn't have time to be coaching them separately. they are pissed to say the least (when nick complains to williams, she makes him do suicides which stops him from complaining anymore).
- couple weeks pass, seiji and nick are still not happy but they just barely manage to exist on the same ice. the kingston lions have their first game soon and seiji has first set of qualifying competitions to get through. the hockey team is getting their full practices in, and seiji just goes for some extra practice after they finish up -- despite the ice not being smooth enough for his liking.
- one evening, nick stayed later to sharpen his skates using the rink's equipment. as he exits the locker room though, he hears the sound of skates against ice and assumes that it can only be seiji, so he decides to sneak a peek. he's only seen portions of seiji's routine since he's super secretive about it.
- and his routine is absolutely gorgeous. nick's jaw hangs open the whole time, and he can't deny that seiji really is a talented skater. like he's never really given a shit about the sport, but he can see seiji's passion for it with every turn and contouring of his body. his face too, usually scrunched up in one of displeasure or superiority, was lax and blissful.
- nick disappears quietly, seiji being none the wiser, and he goes home haunted by the images of seiji dancing and realizing that this giant prick is actually kind of beautiful.
- fast forward a week and nick has his first game. seiji is pissy bc it means that he won't get his evening practice, and nick makes the snap decision to invite seiji to his game. they're both surprised by it -- perhaps even more so when seiji accepts with a sneer. if only to prove his point that the lions are terrible.
- few hours later and seiji is in the stands: displeased at being jostled around so much by so many fans (which he is surprised that the kingston lions even have), but settles in to watch the game.
- nick is a speed monster on the ice, dmytro's coaching clearly having paid off, and the lions take home a 6-2 victory. and seiji isn't sure why, but for some odd reason, zero looks almost handome (in a rugged way) under the stadium lights with his wide smile and excited cheering with his teammates.
- he also goes home thinking of someone he was sure he would only think thoughts of malice of.
- another week passes by and seiji's first competition comes up. by some stroke of uncharacteristic brashness, he invites nick to come watch it. he fully accepts nick to reject the invitation, but surprisingly nick does accept it.
- seiji competes, places first, and nick sees the whole thing. even got seiji a bouquet of congratulatory roses and daphnes ("figured you'd win, princess. after all, there has to be some talent underneath that bratty and stuck-up personality of yours.").
- seiji immediately puts the flowers in water when he gets home -- if only to not let a gorgeous gift go to waste (he absolutely does not press a rose and a few daphnes when they start to wilt, not at all).
- more time goes on, the lions make it to the playoffs and seiji is preparing for the first competition of the grand prix series. the two of them are sort of warmed up to each other? def not best buddies, but they're not trying to tear each other's throats out with their skates. nick has been sneaking glances at seiji skating during that time -- his favorite time is during the evening when it seems that seiji skates for himself. seiji on the other hand, has gone to almost to every single one of nick's games without nick being aware of it.
- however, the plot must to go on, and seiji catches nick during one of those evenings nick stayed behind to watch seiji. nick fully expects seiji to blow up at him -- and for them to loose what tedious progress they had made -- but instead he gets an extremely rare blush out of the skater.
- for the sake of time, seiji is skating a different routine after hours and after being pressed about it, he reveals it is about a certain someone who he definitely likes a little more than just an acquaintance. and it's a routine he choreographed himself.
- nick's a bit "woah holy crap" with this information and it does pester his mind for a bit, wondering who tf this person is. but he does say that it's prob his fav routine of seiji's to watch (which proceeds to pester seiji's brain).
- then we get to the playoffs. the score is 7-7 and there's two minutes left on the clock. nick makes a final push through his stamina and get the last goal right before the clock strikes 0 -- making the score 8-7. however, nick falls on his arm, hard.
- nick breaks his arm, and he's out for the rest of the season. nick is obviously very, very upset about it.
- seiji does visit nick in the hospital before he hops on a plane to the grand prix final (since he made it there whee), and explains he saw what happened since he was there. nick interprets the visit as an act of petty charity and lashes out, taking out his anger and frustration on seiji.
- seiji lashes right back, and the two exchange some pretty hurtful blows. the thing that's important to take away is that nick essentially says that seiji's success as a skater only rests on the choreography of dmytro and his coaching. seiji storms out in a rage, and nick is left feeling like shit.
- a few days later, nick realizes that it's the free skate day of the finals and turns on the tv to the channel -- accepting that the reason he feels like shit is bc he misses seiji's skating.
- however, seiji's free skate is apparently very different from what was expected of him according to the announcers -- but nick recognizes it. it's the same routine that seiji does in his evening practices.
- seiji does place first and wins the grand prix finals (which he previously lost bc of a certain blond skater but that's a plot line for another time). nick realizes that he has to apologize, even if seiji said some nasty things, but what he said was seriously a d*ck thing to say.
- few days later, nick is discharged, and he spends every evening in the rink, waiting on the benches for seiji. who does eventually come after the grand prix final celebrations and resting for a few days. he decides to go for a quick evening skate to clear his mind of a certain hockey player.
- upon seeing nick, seiji is filled with rage and he gives nick the cold shoulder. whenever nick calls for him from across the rink, seiji pretends not to hear him. until eventually, nick decides to take matters in his own hands and make his way across the ice in his sneakers.
- obviously, this idea goes terribly, and he does fall a few feet away from seiji, who finally stops to give him the attention he's been asking for -- fully expecting an argument.
- nick apologizes for what he said and how wrong he was for saying it. he also mentions how lucky the person the routine is for must be. seiji is flabbergasted, not expecting this at all, and reveals that the routine was for nick, all this time. now it's nick's turn to be flabbergasted af :)
- nick starts laughing, which makes seiji extremely confused bc why tf is nick laughing since he was expecting rejection. but nick merely coaxes seiji down and kisses him softly -- and seiji understands.
- the lions do withdraw from the championship since nick is out of commission. they return the next season and do win first in a complete underdog fashion in case anyone is curious. seiji places first in the olympic figure skating event because he's seiji.
and just some other silly notes:
- eugesse is something that happens in this (much to nick's dismay)
- jesse and nick are half-brothers but they find that out down the line
- the lions are composited of the weight lifting bros and the one friend from nick's junior high who remains unnamed
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