#he so confuse that it's almost funny
clickerflight · 10 months
Esial : Part 6 - Hospital
Part 5
Here we go! I'm having so much fun with this story. I was a little stuck for how to continue, but I have some plans and some plot that will link into Joseph's story and everything. Is a good time. Anyways, here you are.
Content: Vampire whumpee, hit by car, broken leg, road burn, hospital setting, lacerations from glass, surgery, open wound, gun mention (not used)
Esial didn’t know any of these people. There were people all over Kyle’s home, looking at things, using weird tools, and taking Kyle away. 
Esial nearly lost it when some people came in with strange things covering their hands, putting Kyle on a board that was made from something Esial still did not recognize, and started rolling him out. 
Joseph had a hold of him, and spoke quickly. “It’s okay, man. It’s alright. They’re going to get him some help, okay?”
“NO!” Esial hissed, trying to break free, but he was still weak from the regeneration, even if he was full of animal and human blood. “No!”
“I know, man. It’s gonna be okay, yeah? You’ll see him later.”
Neither Joseph or Esial watched as Joanna was taken from the room. 
“Please, please, I-” Esial didn’t know how to express what he was feeling. He had some words, but not enough. He didn’t know what was going on, he didn’t know who these people were, he didn’t know why Joseph was a vampire like him but seemed so very different. He didn’t know what anything was made of and he craved the blood of the humans ducking in and out of the room. 
“Is he the one who nearly drained the woman?” another weird vampire asked. She had more pockets on her clothes than Esial had ever seen, and she seemed very formal. 
“Ah, yes, Granger,” Joseph said. “It was definitely self defense, though.”
The woman hummed. “Alright, we’ll need to get him to the rehab center and into the hands of the employees there. Get him taken care of and we’ll come by to ask him some questions.”
“Works for me,” Joseph said with a nod. “Come on, man. Let’s go somewhere quieter.”
Esial hissed. He was confused, he was scared, and he didn’t want Kyle to die. Kyle was the only person who had been kind to him since he woke up and he didn’t want that kindness to be repaid in blood and violence. 
“Hey,” Joseph said, a strange crooning entering his voice as he spoke. “You’ll be alright, kay? How about we go to my apartment and I’ll make some calls.”
“Don’t want calls,” Esial said, his voice thick with emotion. “Don’t want- I-” Esial sucked in a breath, the air still laced with the scent of blood. “I want crocodiles.”
“What? Nevermind, we’ll unpack that later. Just come with me.”
Esial sobbed, stumbling as he was tucked under Joseph’s arm. 
“You’ll be okay,” Joseph said as he helped Esial down the stairs and to a slightly ajar door. 
Esial looked around the room, surprised that the design was the same as Kyle’s home. 
“Alright, let's get the blood off you first. You’re kind of small. I’m not sure I have any clothes that will fit you, and none of Muir’s things will fit you in the slightest.”
Esial nodded faintly as he entered a room with a seeing glass. Esial stared at himself for a moment. He had watched himself in Kyle’s seeing glass for a while when Kyle had been out, but it was still strange. His hair was curled around his face, dark and long enough to brush his collar bones. He looked so frail, though maybe less so with the blood smeared on his face and arms. 
Joseph took a rag from one of the drawers and started wiping the blood away after soaking the rag in the magically appearing water. Esial closed his eyes, holding still as the other vampire muttered to himself. 
“There,” Joseph said, tossing the rag into a basket by the sink. “Wait here. I’ll get some clothes.”
Esial watched him go and looked around the bathroom. He didn’t want whatever clothing Joseph was going to bring him. It was going to be weird and suffocating like the clothing Kyle had brought him. 
He pulled off the blood stained garments and grabbed a towel from a stack of them. He froze for a moment, mind flashing to Joanna, picking at the fabric while she pounded words into his head. He shook his head. Her blood was inside him now. He felt like he had taken a part of himself back. 
Still, he put the towel down. 
Joseph came back, holding a couple of things. “Alright, this will probably work and- Oh geez. I didn’t think you’d… you know what, never mind. Here you go.”
Esial took the shirt and pants and slipped them on, pulling at the fabric uncomfortably. 
“Are you tired?” Joseph asked.
Esial wasn’t. He felt like he had electricity surging in his veins, telling him to find Kyle. But he wanted to be away from Joseph, so he nodded. 
“Thought so. You’ve had a crazy night. Here, you can take my bed. I’ll have the couch for the night. 
Esial nodded. He wanted to skip to the part where he was alone. Joseph kept talking as he showed the way to a room and Esial made a show of getting cozy, but he wasn’t listening. The only thought on his mind was escape. 
“Good night. Wake me up if you need anything,” Joseph said and he turned out the light using the little switch by the door and left, closing the door behind him. 
Esial was up in a moment, digging through everything as silently as he could. 
He found fabric in the closet with a texture he didn’t hate. It wasn’t as stupidly soft as what he was wearing, that was for certain. 
He pulled off his clothes and threw them across the room in a fit of stressed out anger before tying the large sheet of fabric around himself in a way that was similar to his old clothes. He tore off a strip from another length of fabric, using it to tie his hair back. 
After making sure everything would stay, tearing off another bit of fabric to use as a belt just to be sure, he started looking for a way out. 
To his delight, he discovered that the glass in the windows could be slid to the side, and the mesh beyond was easy to pop out. He did so and leapt out, landing on the hard flat rock that seemed to line everything outside. 
With that, he lifted his head, smelling for Kyle. The man had been bleeding so it was easy enough to find the trail. Until it wasn’t. Kyle’s scent mixed with the smell of caustic burning things, like the smell that rolled off of the car Kyle had brought him here in. 
Esial was smart. He was a hunter. He could figure this out. 
He paced in circles, taking in deep breaths and pausing to clear his sinuses. There were differences in the smells. The burning from Kyle’s car smelled different from the others. And there was a very different burning smell mixed around Kyle’s scent. 
He took off running, following it and memorizing it at the same time. They had a headstart on him. His speed seemed to be returning sure enough, though, so he wasn’t too worried. Besides, they had to stop somewhere. That was how hunting worked. The prey had to stop somewhere to rest and he would catch up when that happened. 
At least, that had been the plan. 
Something bright appeared on the stone ahead, and Esial froze, trying to figure out what it was that was approaching so quickly. 
There was a loud noise that blasted through the air and he flinched back, trying to run from whatever was making it, but the lights slammed into him, sending him off the rock and into the prickly growth alongside it. He heard something, maybe a door? And voices. 
He didn’t wait and took off limping. His leg was definitely broken and his arms were badly skinned but he kept going. They were healing anyway. 
He ran as fast as he could, falling into a couple of ditches and slamming his shins into rocks. 
He got back to the hard rock, running when his legs healed properly. The pain had been Nothing compared to regenerating, but he still made sure to throw himself off the rock whenever another set of lights showed up through the dark. He skidded to a halt when he saw the city. It was huge, and bright. There were lights everywhere, and some buildings in the distance that were large enough to probably touch the sun barge as it flew overhead. The smell rolling off of it was nothing he’d ever experienced. He covered his nose, coughing and retching. The scent was so hostile. There was no fertility here. Just bad smelling rock and acrid burning. 
He did not forget his task. He had to find Kyle, and so, after a few eye watering minutes of gathering himself, he forged ahead. 
His feet hurt, the rock sapping moisture from him at every step, the smell burned in his sinuses, he still ached from being hit by the lights, and he just wanted things to make sense. He gagged everytime he smelled for the trail, but he managed to find it again, and he took off running. 
There were people here, occasionally, coming out of buildings or walking along the stone paths. There were more of the lights, attached to cars, but they were moving much slower here. 
He turned and saw a man looking at him, concern and a bit of fear showing on his face. “You alright?”
Esial didn’t have time for the distraction and bared his fangs at the man, hissing. The man stumbled back, pulling out a rectangular object and holding it to his ear. 
Esial heard something about ‘feral vampire’ and ‘threatened me’ but he was running again. 
The car passed in front of a huge, bright building. He picked up Kyle’s smell again and dropped the car trail to pick up that on. He forced his way through the doors, surprising the people on the other side. 
“Sir, are you-”
Esial hissed, dashing past them and slamming into a door that he found wouldn’t open for him. He drew back his hand and punched through the glass to the side of the door, forcing his way through and ignoring the cuts in his feet and hand. 
Blood trailed after him as he rushed through the bright halls, past rooms that smelled of injury, sickness, and awful acrid things he couldn’t quite place. 
His blood scent was strong and distracting, as were the many noises in this place and the loud blaring that lit through the halls as people shouted at him. 
He didn’t care. He needed to make sure Kyle was alive. He needed to know he was going to be okay. He needed to- he wanted-
He wanted his crocodiles. 
He forced his way past strange people in strange clothing, an unstoppable force as he found Kyle. He was laying on a table, eyes closed and masked people  standing over him, one with a blade in hand. Were they priests? Were they removing Kyle’s organs to have him mummified? 
He shrieked, diving forward to fight them off. 
“Get out!”
“It’s feral!”
“The patient!”
“No, leave. Get out!”
The priests left quickly, though Esial could hear people coming so he grabbed the nearest heavy object and shoved it in front of the doors. He did so with a few more things before backing off, breathing hard. He ran to the table, ripping off the strange thing on Kyle’s face. 
“Kyle,” he cried horsley. “Kyle, please. Wake up, please.”
He glanced down at the wound and back at Kyle’s face. He shook the man a little, tears now running down his face. “Please, wake up. Please, I’m scared.”
Kyle’s heart was still beating, the beats lining up with the soft beeps coming from an object with moving lines and symbols. Esial didn’t know what sort of witchcraft it was, but it only made him more nervous. He looked down at his bleeding arm, backing up into a corner to pull shards of glass from it. He stumbled back to Kyle once he’d done so, shaking him again, now openly sobbing. 
“Please, I’m scared, please don’t be dead. Kyle, please.”
Kyle groaned, his eyes fluttering and Esial choked on his saliva in surprise. 
“Kyle!” he cried as men started to ram the door. 
Kyle opened his eyes, looking around in confusion. “E-Esial?”
“Oh, thank Heka! I don’t know what those priests were doing to you, but we need to go!”
“Go?” Kyle croaked, looking around. “Am I in a hospital?”
“We need to go! They’re going to get in!” Esial said, frantic. 
Kyle looked down his body and made a very strange noise. Somewhere between a croak and a yelp, with the undertone of ‘about to be sick.’ 
“Surgery? Esial, am I in a surgery room?”
“Why would I know!? We need to go! There’s still time to-”
“You’re bleeding.”
“Kyle!” Esial whined, voice trembling as there was another bang and the stuff in front of the door moved. 
“ESIAL!?” Kyle shrieked, sitting up slightly to see better. “Did you just break into a hospital and barricade us in a surgery room while they were in the middle of operating on me!?”
“I only know what half of those words mean,” Esial whispered, bringing his shoulders up to hide. Kyle was angry at him and he had no idea why. He was trying to save Kyle’s life. 
Kyle stared at him, and Esial didn’t like how pale he looked. “I… I thought I was help-”
The doors slammed open and Esial flew back to the corner. There were weapons in their hands like the one Joanna had. 
“No!” Kyle yelped. “No, don’t shoot him! I can explain. Please, he’s just scared!”
Esial made himself small as one of the men said, “What’s going on here?”
“He, augh, he’s from 3000 BC. He’s been just a heart for 5000 years. He just barely, mmm, he barely regenerated. He thought I was in danger. Don’t hurt him!”
Esial stayed pressed into the corner, trying to look small and harmless. He was in a lot of trouble, he knew that now. 
"Please. Just, um-" Kyle rubbed his head, glancing back at Esial. 
"It's alright, sir," said the leader of the armed men. "We'll take him to the station and keep him safe for a bit. Do you know if he has a rehab worker assigned to him?"
"I think Joseph Blackham was taking care of him?"
"Alright. Lay back down. We'll take care of this."
"Kyle," Esial whimpered as the man approached steadily. 
"Go with them, Esial," Kyle said, looking exhausted. "They won't hurt you."
Esial trembled as the man bent down, pulling him up by his good arm. 
He looked back at Kyle as the priests ran in again, covering the wound and preparing to move Kyle.
Part 7
Esial: @whumpsday @honeycollectswhump @writereleaserepeat @tragedyinblue @hyrules-sleepiest-knight
From Dust to Ashes: @whumpsday @writereleaserepeat @currentlyinthespiral
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fisheito · 1 month
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i am thinking about. From the Earth, Nectar
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theloveinc · 5 months
Shinsou "I dont know why she's into me either" Hitoshi
ALWAYS on his "am shy and humble or actually just cocky" shit because sometimes this means he's holding your palms in his hands and getting all watery-eyed because he thinks you're WAY too good for him ... and other times it means cheers-ing someone when they get snotty about how you're out of his league.
They're trying to piss him off, meanwhile he's just raising his glass an tipping a shot back, kinda smirking, all: "cheers, I'll drink to that!" (then going home to make sure you aren't about to leave him--as if he doesn't have ROCK HARD ABS he wants you grinding against every night. why would you ever give that up????? adjflakdhj)
Not to mention all the times Denki asks him how he managed to score you and Shinso genuinely goes blank and has to take 20 minutes to ponder it too:
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skulandcrossbones · 11 months
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thedrotter · 1 month
i saw this trend and it reminded me of Yuuichi okay i had to do it ... featuring Yuuichi's heart on the back: for once they get along on the topic of mayonnaise
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sysig · 2 months
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Incomplete exchange (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#DAX#*throws idea spaghetti throws idea spaghetti throws idea spaghetti throws#So Max and ZEX changing places - what if that but This lol#It would also be funny to watch Max stumble around in ZEX's body lol but considering ''how'' ZEX got isekai'd...#Not much left probably :| Dark#Really I'm just fascinated by throwing the almost-dynamics into relief hehehe - DAX and Dex so similar! And Max and ZEX similar in some ways#How would DAX react to Max :3c How would Max react to DAX! One of them knows the other - at least at arm's length - but not the other!#Seeing a VUX ''in person'' would probably be a whole other feeling as well haha - there's a familiarity when he's inhabiting ZEX's POV#Still thinks he's dreaming because I mean - would the reality be any easier to swallow? No lol#I guess this would be a scenario before ZEX dies since y'know - DAX is here haha - unless this is some afterlife something???#Both Max and DAX /would/ be dead in that scenario - or would they?? Haha the grey area is the funnest to play in <3#I think it'd be very interesting on DAX's end as well - obviously Max is very different from ZEX but if the language thing works both ways#VUX already have the translators of course but like - Max speaks very differently from ZEX he formulates his sentences very specifically#But if the way he attacks the words the way his accent moves the sounds around - if he speaks like ZEX but not /like/ him - s'interesting!#Would probably confuse the heck out of DAX haha he knows that voice very well!#By the transitive property would that make their accent space New Jersey? No that's too silly haha#I really love Max just dropping years and events out of the blue haha - very important! Written down! Kept track of!#A lot of things he doesn't pay much attention to but he's very careful with his dream data I'm love him <3#I also had So much fun drawing his hands here hehe ♪ His hand expressions have quickly risen to being my favourite :D#ZEX doesn't express with his hands! Which means it's a Max-specific type of thing in his body!#Tells <3
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fragmentedblade · 2 months
"Though I don't know exactly what you are or what you're up to... My bullets will find you — until then, you best find a casket store in Penacony, and ask the owner to reserve a good quality casket for you, imposter!"
Hardly could get more Western film than this
#That one scene in A Fistful of Dollars#The casket maker doesn't appear that way in Yojimbo if I recall#I love those films so much#Boothill has such a... soft youthful voice? I didn't recognise him at first. His voice is beautiful though#I talk too much#Boothill#The way he awkwardly laughs a little and asks almost shy 'Did I make a mistake?' lmao#I was wondering how he got her number and she gave it to him but gave him Black Swan's?#Or was Black Swan talking about Constance when she mentioned that 'she' who gave Boothill her whereabouts? Or someone else altogether?#He was kind of cute with that 'Did I make a mistake?' haha#'get that forehead clean and wait for me' this man is hilarious and has watched far too many movies xD#'are you asking me to write your will? Sure‚ go ahead' omg stop hahahahaha#'Not quite' responds Black Swan. Truly an elegant lady. I would have mocked him to no end#Hilarious too the idea or possibility of her apparently clocking him by the way he talks#'She's clearly not a Pathstrider of The Hunt. But you are‚ aren't you?'#Of course it could be context but it'd be funny if simplistic perhaps to think it's his manner of speaking lol#'go buy a bottle of Asdana's White Oak and warm it up‚ and I'll raise a glass to you' this man is hilarious and would be unbearable irl xD#I love the idea of an Emanator of Nihility existing despite the impossible. It seems very fitting#Also‚ unrelated‚ but I love Aventurine's little whimpers before his 'Didn't think you'd have the nerve to show yourself'#When Ratio claims he 'is the manager of this task' does he mean as undertaker or something real in the mission?#When he says Aventurine won't be seeing the Strategic Investment Department because he's the manager#did Ratio mean he will be the one dealing with the funeral or that there won't be a funeral at all because he's in charge?#I found this confusing
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i had to explain Miette and spiders georg to my brother the other day and he had no clue what i was talking about
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not one of my coworkers trying to consistently pressure me into drinking/smoking with him and misgendering me nearly every other sentence then getting mad when i un-added him on snap?? when i never once even opened his original snap to me???
when it's not my day off i'm probably going to talk to my DM to remove myself from training him again bc this is getting ridiculous, it's 2:45 am and he's blowing my phone up about this but i can't block him because we work together-ish
#getting a little fed up about this#he's also been treating me like a district manager when i don't even cover his store at all#i trained him originally bc i train all the managers in my system#for reference he's an assistant manager of another store and i'm the manager of my own store#our district manager oversees both our stores and one other store#initially he and i got along well but 2 days in to training this guy for 3 days straight i was looking for a way out#he tells me all about his 'bad trips with weed' and how he 'doesn't wanna drink alone'#like bitch WHAT#you're 5 years older than me and know i can't legally drink#i'm also 99% certain he's gay? which makes it even more confusing#literally just not gonna reply until thursday bc i'm off today for yom kippur#which he made fun of me taking off. for the record.#fuck this guy lmao💀 always talking about how he deserves to be a full manager yada yada#cant even make a decision by himself! always needs to run it by me or our DM#he's also not fully trained#bc he spent most of the shifts i was trying to train him fucking around or disappearing for an hour to go pick up food#which like. whatever. but i already gave up 3 days i should've been focusing on my own staff to train him#why should i be forced to give up more#literally this dude needs so much validation from me it's not even funny#he almost exclusively sends me voice memos and shit then demands i listen to them while i'm trying to do shit in my own store#i don't care about his store's drama! it doesn't affect me in any way!!#ngl i kind of doubt he'll last the winter especially when he finds out he's not coming in our annual business trip#they don't have me running my own store at 20 and training people 2x my age for nothing#sorry not to vent about work at almost 3am#whizzy speaks#personal#tw vent#oh my god and i know he's pissed bc our dm likes me better💀 he was bitching about dm tearing him to shreds about the state of his store#he asked me if dm does the same to me and i got the absolute pleasure of telling him no#our dm really only gets on me about keeping my freezer alphabetized and i run ideas and numbers by him but that's it. he was SO pissed lmaoo
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I remember when I was in a private school accidentally full of Mormons, one of the guys there (who also used dnd to pretend *r* me. That’s another story) had a big FAT crush on Mettaton. Like loved Mettaton in all entirety and shipped Mettaton with Papyrus.
And one day while discussing it, I said “oh yeah, isn’t Mettaton actually a guy? I remember when I learned that I couldn’t believe it.” And he responded “what? No? He’s not a guy right?” And I told him to look it up because I’m pretty sure he’s actually a guy
He never talked about Mettaton ever again and seemingly stopped crushing and shipping Papyrus with them- lol single handedly ruined this guys experience with Undertale probably.
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re-decorate · 2 years
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oh he BIG
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roemantics · 2 years
re7 antagonists really speak like southern scooby doo villains how am i supposed to not laugh
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thethingything · 2 years
apparently the system has spent just under 6 hours trying to figure out who a bunch of mysterious proxies in our PluralKit system actually belong to.
this should have been relatively easy, except that one alter had been using the wrong proxy, making a bunch of dates appear to not match up properly with when alters actually split, plus a bunch of alters just hadn't been added at all and several messages where we did add alters no longer appear to exist despite showing up when we search for them. Also all the alters involved in this were doubles of the same couple of sources (hurray for our horrendous tendency to split doubles /s)
we think we've managed to figure them all out except for one where multiple alters have confirmed that alter's existence, but nobody can properly remember who he is? this probably isn't a huge deal but apparently Sylvain, ☏, and one other guy are absolutely determined to figure it out.
anyway here's my absolute favourite message from Sylvain:
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(image transcript: good fuck that's a lot. end transcript)
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webshood · 2 months
Jason and Dick look so much alike during their Robin days that they get confused who was the Robin in certain photos, they literally can't tell each other apart and the fact they have been fighting almost the same lineup of rogues is even more confusing, so their experiences end up mixed up, a lot.
Jason: No, that was me, did ya' read my reports and is confusing them with the real thing ?
Dick: I'm one hundred percent sure that was me, maybe you're the one who is misremembering, you used to read my reports all the time !
Jason: So you're just gonna act like I'm fucking lying, I have 4k memory of that day, that was literally me get outta here with ur Pinocchio looking ass
Dick: You're the one remembering things wrong, I got seventeen years of career I know that was me!
The whole time, the Riddler was running low on funds and used the same strategy twice, hoping nobody would notice, Tim knows the truth – he has read both reports–, but he thinks it's funny to see them argue.
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zehecatl · 7 months
why is my dreams always this plotted out 'could be turned into a story' thing
like. literally dreamt about a 'powerless' kid getting saved from an abusive institute by pirates, who turns out to not be that friendly, but it also turns out said kid can communicate with the fucking dead, and uh oh, drama unfolds!
like i'm not complaining, i'm just wondering
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nkogneatho · 1 month
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— old bf!toji x young gf!reader
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i think toji with a girlfriend that is so much younger than him is so adorable.
before you, he was just a man with a small room that is always so messy because he is rarely home. but, the room feels so much like home now that you have entered his life. he's never bothered to decorate or do anything. his heart flutters when he finds several photoframes hanging on the wall. one of you and him, a few of just his and a lot of megumi.
toji has never in his life ever clicked a selfie. he is not photogenic at all. so when you poke him to click one with you, he's not sure what to do in front of a camera. you tell him to just be himself and he is still confused. you lift the phone and make a peace sign with your hand, your teeth peeking out as your lips curve in a smile. you click it quickly and scan the photo. it is cute. you put a heart emoji with a wink one and upload it on your instagram. soon, your phone is buzzing with notifications. you open them and giggle. toji is so curious so he peeks and finds people calling him "the rock". He snatches the phone to scan the selfie you took earlier. you look so adorable with your cute little peace sign and smile and there he was beside you with a brow raised looking angry. "delete that shit right now," he orders. "are you kidding me? this is gold. it's going on the wall." he can't help but grin at how you find such silly things funny.
toji who is getting used to texting and wants to be even closer to you so he tries to learn some slangs. you are out with your friends when your phone chimes. you unlock it to see the text from toji.
toji: kys
you almost spit out the coffee you were enjoying. what the fuck is he on? what happened? you immediately call him.
"hello," his voice raspy.
"tojii! why the fuck would you say something like that to me?"
"what are you talking about?"
"the text you just sent me. why did you send that?"
"because i care for you, doll." you were even more confused now.
"you told me to kill myself because you care for me?"
"kill yourself? who said that? i sent K.Y.S." he spelled each letter out loud. "it means keep yourself safe." it takes you a few seconds to absorb and then you burst out laughing. he is not sure what is so funny.
"oh my poor big baby. kys means kill yourself."
oh. OH.
"i—i am so fucking sorry, princess. i was just—"
"you are so adorable. when i come home, i need to go through your google search history to know what other slangs you learnt." he is so embarrassed, he bites his lower lip. but he is also feeling so warm and fuzzy because you called him adorable. who would call a man in his late 30s adorable? well, you did. and he is so happy about that. happier that he met you.
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