#he’s so transparent it’s kind of embarrassing
aritsukemo · 3 days
What it's like with an Mitsuri Kanroji!partner | Akatsuki Members
Characters: Itachi Uchiha, Sasori, Hidan, and Konan
Warnings: Hidan. That said, vulgarity and threats ahead. Reader is heavily implied to be female/fem-bodied!
A/N: Been rewatching Naruto lately ( with my bsf who's watching Naruto for the first time ) and soon plan to rewatch Naruto Shippuden. ( Never finished it.. ) That said, I got the inspo to make this after Itachi and Kisame got introduced! This wasn't meant to exactly be romantic, but you can see these as whatever makes you comfortable! 🙈
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Itachi Uchiha
↪ He found you odd, but in a good way.
↪ Being apart of the Akatsuki, he's met and collabrated with some of the most sick in the head and heartless people across the nations and he himself is far from a saint. That said, he was surprised, and quite suspicious, when he first met you.
↪ You were everything the Akatsuki wasn't; as bright and as cheery the sun with a transparent air of innocence to around you to boot.
↪ Everything about you from your smooth, clean, and supple skin to your wide, glossy smile told him that you had yet to see even the smallest slither of the terrors of this world..so why were you here before him squealing and blushing like a little kid?
↪ At first, he thought you were a spy like Orochimaru and were trying to steal information on the Akatsuki or get to him and his eyes, but it didn't take long for his suspicions to be dispelled.
↪ Your first mission together was a test. One that was to prove your loyalty and dependablity to the Akatsuki and during your entire walk, you talked. You never stopped and eagerly hopped to different topics and by the time you reached the village that hid away the Four-Tails, he had learned just about your entire life that you had left behind; how many siblings you had, your two bunnys and three cats you had as a child and their names, and your strange reason for becoming a rogue ninja; to find someone suitable to marry you.
↪ Futhermore, he was able to get the front row show of your abilities. Your Kekkei Genkai was nothing too eye-widening as it simply allowed you to manipulate metal, yet the way you went about using it was nothing he expected. Never did he think someone would use a Kekkei Genkai such as yours to manipulate a whip-like sword nor did he anticipate the utter destruction a weapon like that would cause.
↪ With all that said, your inexperience shone through here and there. You made simple, avoidable mistakes but your sheer power, flexibility—your flexibility especially—and your agility helped you escape majority of what would've been life-threatening injuries.
↪ Then again, you did tell him that you left your village on a whim and basically everything other than your Kekkei Genkai was self-crafted and taught..
↪ Anyways, after your mission was over and done with, you took him out to celebrate! ..And what I mean by that is that you took him to a run-down ramen shop in the middle of nowhere.
↪ It was then that he learned something new about you; that you held the appetite larger than the tailed beast you just killed. You were embarrassed about it, but seeing as Itachi didn't mind, you let yourself run wild and bought two or three ( or was it four? ) of every kind of dish the little shack had to offer! ( It was a rather humorous sight when your meals were set down and your food towered over your head and completely covered your face and body while as Itachi was able to hold his meal—a singlaur dango stick—in his hand )
↪ After that day, his suspicions were pretty much nonexistent. He also deduced that you wore every emotion of yours on your cloud patterned sleeves for the world to see and poured your golden soul onto everyone you met whether it be friend or foe. You were naively open about everything and overall just easy to read, not that he necessarily saw that as a bad thing.
↪ He eventually told you about his past. How he slaughtered his own people and even admitted the true reason behind it. That said, you were sullen for a while after that, having realized that your reason for becoming a dangerous criminal was rather silly and kind of disrespectful in certain ways. Itachi told you that your reason for walking down this path was just as serious/valid as his even if it's not filled with guts, blood, and pain. In a way, he felt like that made you even more fit for this path. ( Because who in their right mind decides to go rogue just to find someone that would be so insanely out of their mind and strong that they'd see you—who has the raw strength to potientally manhandle the nine tails itself and features flashier/brighter than it—as a normal woman?? )
↪ He quickly got used to your fangirling and rants about the others. Although some of them, including himself, he found odd to have you raving about like a lovesick, diehard fan, he took it as one of the many odd things that makes you the person you are. It does make him worry whenever you do it on the battlefield though. ( Times like those tend to end with him swooping you out of danger like some prince charming while gently scolding you which makes you even more flustered and squealy. )
↪ Most of the others view your partnership like a parent looking after their little kid because of how much more mature Itachi is compared to you and how much he ultimately looks after you despite the two of you being around the same age.
↪ Whenever you would throw off your cloak, revealing your embarrassingly revealing outfit underneath, he's quick to grab it—ready to drape it back over you whenever the fight is done and over with.
↪ Doesn't mind your touchiness! After a battle, no matter how simple or difficult, you had a tendency of running over and crashing into him, wrapping your arms around him and giving him a tight hug and he lets you without complaint. Sadly he never reciprocates it, simply patting your head or not touching you at all, deciding to ask you about your wellbeing instead.
↪ Overall, he respects you as a comrade and as a person in general. He commends your resilience and your determination, because never once has he ever met someone who treads a path such as this one do it with a genuine, beaming, sinless smile. Never once has he met someone in this profession shed tears for the ones they strike down and apologize to the cities they ruthlessly trample and mean it with their entire being. Never once has he met someone who's guilt for their actions were just as strong as their conviction..but he can understand it. He can sympathize with you. And he will, though, he wishes that you'll achieve your goal and leave this life behind before it breaks you down, taints your soul, and ultimately kills everything he admires about you.
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Sasori ( of the Red Sand )
↪ He thought of you as a complete idiot.
↪ He honestly thought Pain was trying to play some elaborate prank on him at first, that's how much he couldn't believe it.
↪ You were..nothing the Akatsuki stood for and after the first conversation with you, ( that lasted ages by the way ) he went straight to Pain and questioned his decisions only for Pain to simply smirk and say with utmost confidence, "Just wait, you'll see her true worth in due time, Sasori. You simply have to be patient."
↪ And like the loyal dog he was, he did. Despite his impatience, he waited until your first mission was given and you two were sent to retrieve the One-Tail Beast.
↪ During your walk, you never stopped talking. You attempted to get to know your new partner, but as he was rather tight-lipped, the conversation became all about you. Your upbringing, your small, unknown clan, and even more unimportant things that he didn't care for like your siblings and their names, your pets, and your favorite sweets. That in itself was irritating, but what really got to him was how much of a klutz you were. You were rather animated and as you two passed various places to get to Sunagakure, you would often trip or slip, slowing your travels..
↪ There were various moments were he wanted to just impale you on Hiruko's tail and be done with you, but as Pain and his own curiosity insisted, he refrained and patiently awaited the time to witness your true power. And, when he was finally able to witness you completely in the zone, he was completely blown!
↪ He watched from afar, but he was able to see everything from the very moment you whipped out your peculiar sword to the moment you had the Kazekage in your grasp and were escaping.
↪ He was dumbfounded. Your power completely defied any kind of logic he once knew. Your Kekkei Genkai was nothing to gawk at, but the idea of using it to make and manipulate a flacid sword that can cut through and completely destroy even something like sand was as astonishing as it was illogical. He couldn't wrap his head around how it worked nor how you manage to wield such a high-maintenance weapon with such ease.
↪ He was also taken aback by your unique body composition. There was a moment where you miscalculated and were hit with a head on attacks from shinobi—many of which could exploded and should've completely obliterated you—but you came out of the attack completely fine and intact save for some burn marks.
↪ It was then that he was finally able to see what Pain saw in you. It was also the moment he saw you in a different light. He saw you as an actual comrade and not just some hinderance like Tobi.
↪ As you walked back together, Kankuro attacked you after having tailed you for some time. You were ready for the battle, as moved as you were by Kankuro's actions to save his little brother, but Sasori had other plans. Whether watching you fight had fired him up or there was some other reason, he told you to stand down but stay put as it was his turn to 'show off his art to you'.
↪ He went on to destroy Kankuro's puppets and immobilize him, feeling a sense of pride in the way you squealed and eagerly complimented him and his puppet.
↪ On the venture back to the hideout, he was much more open to conversation. After listening to your odd speech about how bad you felt about what you were doing, he asked about your view on what you believe is true art.
↪ "True art? Hm...well I suppose it'd be love!" And you went on to explain that whether platonic or romantic, you believed the art of love was the truest form of art there was as it was completely honest, showed a person's true character, and made people see others in a breathtaking light. That led to your confession behind your reason of joining the Akatsuki; to find someone who shared your views, someone who'd believed in love and all of its aspects and would accept someone as abnormal as you and take you as their bride.
↪ It was honestly laughable how stupid you sounded to him. Nevertheless, your acceptance of others views—no matter how illogical or flat out wrong they were—was something you two shared in common, and to that, he decided not to express his thoughts aloud for once.
↪ You didn't know Sasori for long as he died to the hands of that pink-haired kunoichi and his grandmother some time after you parted to fight the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and his sensei, Kakashi Hatake, but even in that short of a time, you had left quite the impression on Sasori.
↪ You were immature, innocent, bubbly, and capable of sympathizing with the ones you brought misfortunate to. You were a complete enigma to him in many ways despite how willing you were to tell him everything he wished to know about you and, in a way, he liked that. It added to your charm, as dumb as that sounded coming from him.
↪ Huh, you truly were a work of art in your own right. It's a shame that he had to bite the bullet before you. He's sure that if it were the other way around and he was able to perserve your beauty in wood and silk and turn you into one of his puppets, you would've became his favorite work of art yet.
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↪ He found you hot as hell.
↪ He didn't care about anything regarding you, the only thing he could think in that moment was how you would look butt ass naked and bouncing on his—
↪ Anyways, he could care less for you pass that, but he was overjoyed that you two were partnered together because that meant he'd have the best view of your tits at all times. How Jashin has blessed him!
↪ Speaking of tits, that's the nickname he chose to refer to you as. It was fitting in his opinion since you always kept your cloak open and the outfit you had on under..well, let's just say that it left little to the imagination. ( Which he loves more than anything because, again, the view it gives him is fantastic! )
↪ On your first mission together, it was realized very quickly that you two were polar opposites and pretty much a complete mismatch for each other in both personality and fighting wise. For reference, Hidan was like a ruthless machine gun that only cared about the rush of the sight of his opponents blood filling his vision and you were like sunflower who brightened everyone day and shed it's petals for all but people like Hidan.
↪ Safe to say that you weren't a big fan of him. Nevertheless, Pain had paired you two together and you couldn't bring yourself to bother him over something like this. ( Especially not after how you embarrassed yourself the first couple times you talked to him! >.< )
↪ Despite your many differences, you did share your story with him as well as your reasons for joining the Akatsuki. And at the face of your heartfelt story, Hidan laughed in your face and insulted you, calling you every name in the book.
↪ He also didn't believe half of what you said. I mean..you? So strong that even the kage of your village couldn't take you? Oh, please! He's sure he can beat your ass in five seconds flat! ( And he stands by that even after watching you manhandle a tailed beast )
↪ He found your worrying annoying. Whenever he would perform rituals, you would whine about him stabbing himself, worried about both him and the soil beneath him that was being mercilessly soiled by his blood. In times like those, he'll yell at you to be quiet 'lest you want to face the wrath of Jashin and yada yada.
↪ Over time, Hidan became more manageable as a partner ( or maybe you simply got so used to him that meany became an incorrect word to describe him as when brought up in conversations ) and from the jump, he wasn't all bad. For example, he didn't care for your big appetite or bright appearance! ( Though, of course, his reasons behind not caring was as vulgar as ever )
↪ He also had moments that showed that he wasn't completely heartless. There was once a time where your opponents caught you off guard and you took a big attack head on. One would think Hidan would laugh at the sight or insult you for getting taken by surprise, but instead, panic coursed through his veins and he frantically called your name and even went as far as yanking you out of danger when the smoke cleared and he realized that the attack knocked you out.
↪ He has also attempted to recruit you to Jashin on occasion. When he first saw you in action, for example. You declined every time, telling him that you had no interest in becoming apart of a religion that would allow someone as cruel and as heartless as him to join. ( He berated you for that one by the way, even went as far as to attempt to slice your head off )
↪ Speaking of which, just because he finds you attractive does not save you from his short temper! He has attacked you on various occasions and once or twice during a battle and no amount of time together will make him like you nearly enough not to attempt to kill you when you even slightly tick him off.
↪ Overall, Hidan was a tough partner to deal with. Nevertheless, you found yourself shedding tears during your escape after finding out he, despite his immortality, died. You didn't hope that his soul would be carried onto the heavens. You didn't say, "Good riddance," and say rot in hell. You didn't even pray that he'd get reborn into this world as a better person. You simply cried. After all, as horrible of a person he was, you'd be lying if you were to say that your dear partner didn't leave little marks of fondness on your heart after a while.. ( And he was just starting to warm up to you too.. :( )
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↪ She found you cute, but peculiar.
↪ You were the first person she ever recruited. When Tobi described you to her, she had some thoughts in mind in terms of the type of person you'd be. You were the princess of a clan unknown to the majority of the world. With that in mind, she thought you'd be rather down to earth, possibly a bit arrogant.
↪ It turns out she was way off. Firstly, you were much more..ebullient, than she expected. Not only that, but your appearance was much bolder than she anticipated..
↪ She wasn't expecting your eager acceptance either. While you did exchange blows initially, you immediately ceased your attacking once you heard more about the Akatsuki—specifically the part about having strong comrades.
↪ On the way back, she quickly realized how talkative you were. In the span of the day it took to get back to the hideout, she had learned virtually everything about you. Not only that, but you were unashamed in complimenting her appearance and jutsu. ( She did find it odd, though, that you grew all flustered when she politely returned the favor. )
↪ She didn't become your partner per say, but you did travel with her many times. Your unique fighting style and overall power and disposition earned you special tasks from Pain, and since the Akatsuki wasn't one to travel by themselves ( and with you two being the only females ), he sent Konan with you on those special missions.
↪ She wasn't one to become comfortable around those she wasn't especially close with, but you made it really hard not to. You were such a warm person that she naturally gravitated towards you which ultimately resulted in the two of you spending a lot time together.
↪ It was sometime during your first or second mission together that you confessed your reason behind joining. You had been feeling guilty after learning the overall goal of the Akatsuki and felt the need to apologize to Konan for joining with the sole intent on using the Akatsuki to lure in capable shinobi and rogues alike who would be crazy enough to take a woman like yourself as a bride.
↪ To your surprise, she didn't scold you nor did she laugh. She simply told you that she didn't mind your reason for joining as long as you would remain loyal to Pain and his ambitions.
↪ She found you rather silly for someone your age. Every once in a while, your mind would fill with these puerile thoughts and you'd go to the extremes acting on them.
↪ For example, there was a time where you grew weak for a while due to your attempts at hiding your appetite. You really liked Konan and thought she was cool ( Same with a lot of the others in the Akatsuki! ) and you feared that you'd put her off or that she'd consider you a risk factor or something and kick you out of the organization.
↪ Konan found out that your sudden lack of strength was due to starvation and when she confronted you about it, you tearfully confessed your fears to which she sighed. ( Because did you honestly think her or Pain would discard you over something like that? ) Not only did she not kick you, but she also took you out to eat, pushing you to order whatever and however much you'd like.
↪ Safe to say that she severely underestimated just how much you could eat. ( You had a mountain of giant bowls and plates that took up the whole entire table the two of you sat at )
↪ There was another time where you two were walking to your next mission and you were noticeably glum and silent the entire way there. She noticed that you refrained from your usual cheery rambling and during the entirety of your mission, you held this weird, scrunched expression.
↪ When questioned why after everything was over and done with, you told her the most surprising reason ever; that you were trying to seem mature and overall more like her.
↪ That was the first time you ever heard her laugh.
↪ She couldn't help it. The whole situation was incredulous to her. I mean, you want to be like her? She can maybe see your reason, but at the same time..why in the world would you do that?
↪ That said, she told you that she prefers you acting like your normal bilthesome self and was more fond of the sight of your face covered in a wide smile. She's flattered that you look up to her so much, but going so far wasn't necessary as it wasn't considered a bother or hindrance to her, Pain, or anyone else.
↪ She honestly did love how passionate you were about everything you did/believed in. Your emotional sensitivity to the people and things around you was something she admired and respected as she had overall grown to have a heart of stone over the years.
↪ She also found your unique fighting style beautiful and fitting for you. To her, it completely encapsulates your style and being, and she has mentally commended you on being able to take such a simple Kekkei Genkai such as Metal Manipulation and mold it into something like this; a weapon that no other could wield even if they had a similar power which is not an easy feat!
↪ When you're not on a mission, you two have spent time once or twice at a hot springs. Konan herself isn't one for such leisure activities, but she couldn't resist you whenever you asked. ( Plus, you managed to find one secluded that had zero knowledge on the Akatsuki and ultimately let you two in without batting an eye to your appearance ) She'll admit that it grew to be a seldom, but enjoyable pass time to partake in with you.
↪ Speaking of which, during one of those rare pass times, she saw the tattoo on your collarbone for the first time. She found it beautiful and when asked, you were more than happy to tell her all she wanted to know. ( Apparently the tattoo grants you unimaginable power and even amongst the people of your clan, it is rare to obtain. It comes with it's costs, but whether it was because of your sheer determination or some other reason, you were able to live long past the twenty-five age limit unlike the others who were granted it. )
↪ Slowly, she watched as her sunflower companion started to shrivel up. With each Akatsuki member that was killed off, you bawled your pretty little eyes out. The more it happened, the more it seem a piece of your heart cracked away. Thankfully, your rapturous personality didn't cease to exist, but Konan could see how each death that occured got to you little by little. She did her best to comfort you each time, but she could only grant you little relief.
↪ You did do something surprising, however, promising to her that you'd be her and Pain's knight and shining armor and keep them protected and alive. It was a tall order, but she humored you for the chance to see you revert back to normal.
↪ Alas, it seems that tall order was even taller in reality. Pain—or, I guess it would be better to call him by his actual name, Nagato—died, albeit of his own volition.
↪ Konan told you not to blame yourself, but you found yourself doing it anyway. Lately it seemed that all you've managed to do is get in the way and get others hurt trying to save you..and Konan could tell from a mile a day that you were thinking that.
↪ And so, after calling a truce with Naruto, she invited you to come with her back to Amegakure and work as her second in command which you ended up accepting, wanting to at least do the bare minimum of protecting her.
↪ During that small time of peace, it was nice. Amegakure saw you as the Angel's spear and praised your beauty and strength. Even then, your guilt didn't settle, if anything it ate away at you for relaxing/doing menial task while the others who passed fought long, hard battles and died fighting for what they stood for.
↪ In the end, you were finally given relief as you were soon killed by Tobi. You fought as best you could and lost half of your limbs doing your best to protect Konan and the secret of where Nagato's corpse's laid. You didn't want to go so soon, especially so quickly after the battle had begun, but your senses were dulling at a rapid rate and your blood was pooling out of you from various angles.
↪ Not everything was bad though. You died in the arms of the one who's comforted you the most throughout the years; Konan. And, even at that point, despite your uselessness, she smiled and thanked you for everything you had done and told you to rest.
↪ You didn't feel as though you deserved such kindness from her, but you didn't have the strength to fight her at that point and ended up passing away with tears rolling down your bloody, wet face..
↪ Konan loved everything about you. To her, you were the true angel, shielding everyone with your golden wings even when they began to wear down and tear. You were the light that illuminated the darkness that was the Akatsuki—her world—and she's forever grateful to fate that led you two together.
↪ You were pure—purer than the life you led. She hopes that in the next you'll have better, even if that meant she wouldn't be reborn alongside you to see it.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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kiwowiwo · 1 year
Listen the reason House was so confident about being able to break up Stacy’s marriage is because he’s been able to do it to all of Wilson’s marriages without fail
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lovlidollie · 2 months
pairing ; kenji sato x fem!reader
rating ; nsfw
cw ; softdom kenji, pussytalking (he’s so down bad), lwk kind of mean kenji but it’s moreso he’s just teasing
author’s note ; it’s been a while but I finally finished this little blurb ! hopefully you guys like it :3 title is from the following song, it’s so good pls listen while reading
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thinkin about kenji playing with you for the first time …
you’ve only got a pair of panties on, blanket wrapped around your waist. you’re flushed, cheeks warm and eyes blown wide just from kissing him. kenji’s eyes are hooded as he looks down at you, a tiny smile pulling at the corner of his kiss-bitten lips.
“you ready, sweetheart?” he asks gently, wrapping his large hands around your thighs to pry them apart. you jerk, squeezing them together, and he laughs. it’s a light, teasing sound, one that has you feeling dazed. “c’mon baby, jus’ wanna see her.”
you choke at his words, face warming. “oh-kay,” you manage to sound out. your voice is breathy, tense. your nerves are alight, brain buzzing and chest racing.
kenji presses a kiss on your knee before spreading your legs. he groans at the sight, eyes widening almost comically. “oh, there she is!” he grunts with a sort of perverse amazement, reaching out with a finger to lightly trace the skin of your inner most thigh. you twitch into him, body so sensitive, so ready for him, and he hasn’t even touched you there yet.
he gets closer to you and you fight the urge to clamp your thighs together in embarrassment. the centre of your little panties are soaked through, basically transparent at this point. the wet fabric nudges your clit with every deep inhale you take making you needier and needier.
“oh, poor girl,” kenji says sympathetically, using his middle finger to trail up and down your slit. the first touch has you whimpering, hands curling into fists at your sides and hole clenching. you think he’s talking to you at first. “you been sittin’ here so wet ‘n ready f’me haven’t you?” you glance down, expecting to see his face tracking yours, but what you see is kenji absolutely entranced, looking at one thing and one thing only. his mouth is slightly open and his eyes seem to be glowing, shining so bright you swear you see yourself reflected in them.
“pretty little pussy, aren’t you?” he sounds so mesmerised by the outline of your cunt alone.
“k-ken!” you whine shyly, shrinking into the bed. you feel so - so overstimulated. so hazy. so floaty and warm.
his eyes flicker up to yours, smug smirk plastered across his lips. kenji arches an eyebrow mockily. “what’s wrong, baby? ‘s too much? too much for this lil’ cunnie?”
kenji laughs and you feel yourself clench around nothing. he slides his middle finger against you more insistently, holding eye contact. he seems to vibrate when your eyes roll back and a tiny little mewl slips out of your swollen mouth.
“nuh-uh, sweetie, eyes on me. you wanna be good f’me don’t ‘ya? we’ve only jus’ started.”
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shunsuiken · 26 days
cw. gn!reader + you are a rather shy lover & sunday thinks its the cutest thing ever + kinda ooc + set in pre-version 2.2
sunday looks… far too handsome for a gala. it’s actually baffling how he captures your attention like no other being on penacony—or even the entire universe in fact! his shimmery golden eyes resemble a warm horizon and his voice is smooth and soothing like honey. but that smile… oh, that smile—it stirs a storm of butterflies in your belly and muffles the sound of people in the hall.
you gaze at him softly from where you stand, partially participating in conversation with guests. he’s really gone all out for this gala, huh… you’re snapped out of your thoughts the second your name is mentioned, immediately you giving the guest a smile to acknowledge what they’ve said, and then offer some input on what they were talking about.
when the conversation allows you to withdraw, you find yourself looking for sunday again. but he’s not where he was standing at earlier—he’s gone somewhere else! you unknowingly pout at the thought of this, folding your hands in front of yourself neatly as you try to search for your lover.
“i could feel your stare from a mile away, my dearest,” sunday chuckles lightly, a free hand caressing your back to comfort you. “have you found who you were looking for?” he raises a brow cheekily, amusement laced in his tone.
you jump slightly at the sudden presence of a person, then relax when you realise it’s your lover. you lean in a little closer, happy you’ve found who you’ve been searching for before awkwardly tearing your gaze away from him after considering how much your face must have brightened up. oh how embarrassing…
sunday watches your entire thought process from start to finish on the look on your face, having to stifle a laugh behind his gloved hand. “i’m afraid your expressions are as transparent as glass,” he hums, tilting his head to meet your timid gaze. “were you looking for me?”
you want to slide under the table and make yourself home there. there’s nowhere for you to run when you’re in sunday’s arms! your cheeks are lit aflame at how he stares at you—observing every inch of your features and how they twitch or curl because of him.
“no, i wasn’t—i simply was taking note of how well dressed everyone happened to be tonight!” you elaborate, obviously lying. sunday sees right through you.
and so he decides to play along.
the halovian hums a sound of agreement. “well said, my dove. but in your opinion, who would you say is the most best-dressed?”
no one dares to look upon the kind of affection sunday gives you. guests and members of the family simply turn their gaze away while the oak family head practically cradles you in his arms. red hearts might as well be shooting out of his eyes!
you blink, a little shocked by his question because did he really have to ask?! the answer is right in front of you!
“w-well,” you stutter, averting your gaze and it is to your misfortune that you miss to see how his soft amber gaze follows yours, as if not to miss a single thought that would reveal itself from the look on your face. “the suit you’ve chosen for this occasion is the most splendid colour.”
a small laugh erupts from his throat. “why thank you, my dove.” he pulls you a little closer and you squeak. “so you think i’m the best dressed?”
you stare at him and grant him an answer with a small nod. but with every passing second he showers you with his attention, the gradual heat that was previously tolerable is now a blazing inferno, dancing across your cheeks.
sunday realises now that he has to calm down. for the sake of his fragile-hearted lover and for the sake of his reputation. any more of this teasing and that really inappropriate sentence queuing at the back of his throat will really leave his lips.
his eyes do sparkle at how your lip quivers. you are just the cutest little thing!
“i am only kidding, dearest one.” he gives you a soft smile, hand rubbing circles on your hip. “though i do appreciate your thoughts.”
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rachalixie · 10 months
a/n: minho being as delulu as the rest of us are because i choose to believe that he is just like me
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“do you think i could have been an idol?” he’s running his fingers through your hair, featherlight touches that you almost can’t feel. “in another life?”
“hmm,” you think for a minute, genuinely considering. “i think you’re definitely pretty enough. talented, too.”
“oh,” you can feel him preen a bit, his body wriggling under yours. 
“but you’re a little too weird, i think,” you follow, giggling at the indignant squawk he lets out in response. 
“you like weird,” you can hear the pout in his voice, his emotions written into his words like a transparent script only you can see. 
“yeah, but i’m in love with you.” you glance up just in time to see his entire face go soft, his eyes breaking into shining gems as his body melts into the couch. “so i’m kind of biased.”
“i would be your bias right?” he asks, continuing his traces in your hair. 
“please, i would be your manager,” you scoff, poking his tummy with your pointer finger. “i have to make sure no one else is looking at you too much.”
“or you could be an idol too, and we could get into a dating scandal,” he smirks, some crazy fantasy of a different life rushing through his head. “we could hug each other while we cry over the hate comments.”
“we are definitely keeping our relationship a secret, min,” you reason, leaning into his absurd story. “i’d rather hide than have our companies try to tear us apart.”
“ooh, you want to sneak around with me?” he teases, his eyebrows raising adorably. “we can hide in closets and make out between schedules."
“if sneaking around means that i get to keep you with me forever, then yes,” you say, completely serious even though you’ve been in an openly transparent relationship for years. 
“i’d write songs about you,” his voice is dreamy. “and i would perform them all the time. the fans would go crazy wondering who they were about.” 
“minho,” you whine, embarrassed at the way tears spring to your eyes at his words. “why are you so sweet in every universe? isn’t there one where you’re an asshole?”
“oh, for sure. do you want to hear about the mafia universe?”
soft thoughts
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 11 months
Hi hii, I've seen your requests are open and I was wondering if I could request somewhat one-sided Astarion x reader/Tav/he catches feelings first kinda situation??? Pretty please, love your writing 🙏
Too Generous Too Kind
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pairing : astarion x (gn) reader
summary : astarion has travelled by your side for weeks and it makes his stomach churn when he grows to trust you, the trust turns into something more and he feels even worse.
warnings : astarion's scars, reader is injured.
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For weeks Astarion had been travelling by your side. And for weeks he was under the impression he was only using you to get to Baldur's Gate safely. You were a powerful ally, an asset to his plan of revenge. 
He would stand by your side, of course, and watch your back as you had always watched his. But he couldn’t hold back how aggravating you were, you didn’t care whether he approved of your decisions or not. You made your own, walked your own street, and he was forced to follow it if he wanted to keep you around. 
And for weeks he had watched you talk your way out of situations, or convince a trader to give you free supplies. A master with your words. He watched as you lied and manipulated, and it made his faith in you soar. 
But then you would turn around and help a helpless child or a person that meant nothing to you, and his respect for you waivered. Why did they deserve any of your help? It’s not like they helped you in any way. And they definitely wouldn’t help you the same way you chose to help them if it were you stranded on the side of the road with no help. They would leave you, he was sure of it. He would, just like everyone had done to him, no one was deserving of your help if they had nothing to give you in return. 
So constantly you would find yourself in front of him, as he yelled at you and glared down at you with fire burning behind his eyes. He was tired of wasting time with people who didn’t matter. “Must you stop to help every worthless person we find on the side of the road?” His voice is venomous and unimpressed. It’s not the first time he has made a complaint, and him continuing to be unacknowledged was becoming more and more irritating each time he tried.
“You’d regret saying that if it was you on the side of the road, and we left you to grovel in your own misery.” Your arms are crossed, disciplinary stare on your face like he’s a child. He hates it. 
It’s not like anyone ever stopped to help him in the past.
Too generous. Too kind. 
Sure it gave you allies, and more often than not they would reward you for your good deed. But still, you could’ve killed them and taken it from their cold, dead body. Or he could’ve pickpocketed them for you, no time wasted. 
Astarion only feels his opinion change when your actions begin to affect him and not just the strangers you pass by through your travels. 
Suddenly he feels himself growing overwhelmingly close to you. Close enough that he feels he’s safe to tell you about Cazador and the threat he may play in your life in the future, and in a moment of privacy, just you and him, he offers to show you the scars on your back. You're not sure what to say at first, you just stare and it makes his skin crawl with insecurity. 
He shivers when your fingers meet his back to trace along the lines, “He did this?” He can only nod, embarrassed by this moment of transparency and weakness. God forbid he try to speak and all that comes out is a wobbly, pathetic cry where a snide comment laced with sarcasm should be.
You grab his shoulder to turn him around, holding both his hands in your own with a tightness that has his skin crawling in a different way. “I won’t let him hurt you again, we won’t, all of us, you'll never have to fight him alone. We’ll help you, no matter what,” Your thumbs swipe across the skin of his pale and shaky fingers and it sends heat up his cold arm,  “I’ll help you.” 
It’s so genuine and so sincere, it almost makes the air catch in his lungs. 
His eyes widen, and he has to force himself to hide how grateful he is to hear the words leave your mouth. He hadn’t realized that he’d forgotten what it was like to feel safe. To have someone who cares for him so much that they would put their life in danger to protect him. You were always kind to the helpless and needy, he just never thought he would allow himself to fit that description again, especially not in front of you.
You barely know him. You barely know his story, you’ve only seen his scars once and briefly heard of his former master's cruelty. But you’re ready to lay your life down for his cause. For him. To protect him. He feels lighter, holding the weight of Cazadors power on two pairs of shoulders instead of his alone..
Too generous. Too kind. 
For a while, he finds himself to be less annoyed by the way you stop to help. He doesn't mind as much when it inevitably slows the journey down. It still bothers him but finds it easier to manage when he sees the satisfactory smile you wear after. The sight almost makes a proud smile appear on his own face, smile lines subtly deepening before he wipes the evidence away.
You impress him, through it all. You hold your own while managing to deal with everyone else’s problems on your back, and while he hates the way you try to help everyone, he admires the way you handle it all.
Again his opinion changes when you reach Moonrise Towers. Whilst exploring, you meet a woman named  Araj, a drow, who offers a potion of immense power in exchange for Astarions teeth sinking into her skin. The mere idea has you scoffing, the potion would be nice but you would never jeopardize Astarions freedom in exchange for something that would only benefit yourself. 
But she pushes, even after Astarion declines. He is clearly uncomfortable and her continuous attempt to convince him has your blood boiling, face beginning to develop a red tinge from frustration.
“Excuse me if I’m mistaken but I’m sure I just heard him say no..”
“And I’m sure you can tell him to change his mind, he is yours, correct? I assume he follows your orders.” Your eyebrow raises at the suggestion that Astarion was anything but his own being. Your party is murmuring behind you, Karlach’s hand finding a place on your shoulder to tell you to calm down before things get out of hand. 
Even Astarion feels himself becoming concerned for how this would pan out. He’d never seen you so angry. A part of him was touched that you could be so angry on his behalf. But the majority of his mind is conflicted on if he should step in before you rip this woman's head clean off her shoulders. 
You feel your mouth open to shout at the drow in front of you but Astarions fingers slip within your own, squeezing in warning. Your mind clears a little, and you take a deep breath to calm your breathing. Karlach and Shadowheart stare at the scene in silence, but Karlach’s fingers give your shoulder another reassuring squeeze before slipping away. 
“I don’t own him, if that’s what you're trying to imply. He’s his own person. Who can make his own decisions, and he said no. That’s the last I’ll hear of the matter.”
A vampire spawn, a slave to Cazador for so many years, suddenly with the ability to act on his own and think for himself. His heart swells. He can’t think of any other word to describe how he feels but grateful. But maybe something else is lingering deeper underneath? Whatever the feeling is, it clouds his mind and puts a weight on his chest.
Later at camp he dwells on it, it’s hard not to see how your tired eyes consistently meet him. What could you be thinking? He can’t stop focusing on the way you speak to everyone but him, and jealousy is beginning to fester around his tent. What did he do to make you ignore him? When you finally reach him to say goodnight, his jealousy from earlier returns and he wants to send you away, but he can’t. 
“Thank you..” He’s cut you off before you can say goodnight and walk away from him, and you're stunned. His voice is soft, much softer then he wanted it to be, but he allows his tone to stay the same. Trust. Trusting you without realizing. 
“For what exactly?”
“For what you did at Moonrise. You could’ve forced me to go through with that..but you didn’t,” Astarion feels his eyes soften, stomach turning, “And I’m grateful.”
He gets anxious in front of your eyes when you don’t say anything. But his body becomes lighter when your arms wrap around him. He is certain it’s not a hug for your own comfort, but for his. And going against every instinct in his body that tells him to push you away, he hugs you back, wrapping his arms around you.. 
“I want you to know I will never put you in a position where you don’t have free will. You control yourself, Astarion, I will never jeopardize your freedom for my own benefit. You're a member of my party..you're my friend. I could never do that to you.” 
Friend? He couldn’t remember the last time he had someone to call a friend. If ever. But the words have him squeezing you closer to his body, face slipping into the crevice of your neck. 
“I was worried you might’ve been mad at me for refusing her, you were ignoring me. I wasn’t sure what I had done..” His words pull at your heart, you hadn’t meant to make him feel that way..
“Hm?” He doesn’t move, he’s not sure if he wants to. Astarion is sure that he could hold you like this for as long as you would let him. 
“I didn’t mean to ignore you.. I was actually deciding how I should apologize..” 
“Apologize for what, dear?” He scoffs in your ear, he’s so close and the pet name flows with ease from his lips. If it were any other man you wouldn’t have noticed.
“For how I handled her today. I should’ve stayed calm. I just..I got so angry and she kept pushing and I was scared that she would do something to you..” 
The feeling is back in his chest, heavy and heating his face. His arms tighten and it silences your rambling, “Don’t apologize for being angry. You did nothing wrong… I actually quite appreciate your anger on my behalf. You didn’t have to but I appreciate that you denied her. I was certain you were going to kill her.” A chuckle stumbles from his lips, breath heavy on your ear. 
“I might’ve if you didn’t step in.” He pulls away from you, hands still resting on your arms, and disappointment fills your body. 
Astarion feels it again when your eyes look up into his with comfort painted across your face, a jab at his heart, and he is certain. He’s smitten and he can’t help the way his eyes fill with adoration. 
You wear a small smile on your face, filling him with comfort, but a sadness lingers in his mind. The fact is , you don’t feel the same and it causes his heart to become heavier. His hands fall from your arms, waving you off with a gentle goodnight before entering his tent. You stay standing in confusion, it sends your thoughts spiraling as you leave towards your own tent. 
Too generous. Too kind.
The next few days he is dazed, distracted and it shows. He misses his shots, when you speak to him his mind is elsewhere and the words you deliver slip through his ears. Everyone is clearly annoyed. 
But he cannot see it. He truly can’t see or hear anything, his thoughts are screaming at him about you. He cares for someone other than himself. He is depending on someone who is not himself.  He’s worried for your well-being, and he knows you’d be better without him by your side. He’s a burden with his mission to defeat Cazador, and he thinks about leaving.
And he thinks about you again. Every time he draws his bow, the thought of losing you fills his head and his fingers slip, arrow flying with unfocused aim. You trip and his previously unattentive eyes fly to your body, catching your arm in his tight grip to keep you from falling. The only words he speaks are soft, “I’ve got you.” He doesn't wait for your acknowledgement before he slips back into his clouded mind. 
He is unaware of his surroundings. He isn’t paying attention. Even when you’re fighting and he is tasked with shooting, he isn’t fully there. 
But when a cry leaves your mouth, hand clutching your side where you’ve been stabbed, he suddenly sees all. He’s breathing heavily as he rushes to your side to hold his hand on your wound, putting pressure on it. “I’ve got you..I've got you. please..you're gonna be okay..”
His eyes don’t leave yours as Karlach lifts you. He holds your fingers in his own as she carries you to camp for the night. He doesn't leave your side , even after everyone has gone to sleep, and your eyes have closed he remains. 
Eyes wide, he looks up tiredly from where his eyes were staring at your wound. “Oh..gods. I’m so sorry..” His forehead falls onto your thigh in a huff.
“W..what?” You let your hand fall onto his head, concerned and not fully awake yet. 
“I’m so sorry..I..I let you get hurt. I was distracted and you got hurt because of me, my love.” 
“Astarion, what are you talking about? What..” You wince as you try to sit up, Astarion lifting his head from your lap instantly when he hears the hiss leave your mouth. 
He slips his fingers into your hand, squeezing tightly. “I..I couldn’t stop thinking..and I wasn’t paying attention. If I was..you never would’ve been hurt.” 
His words would almost make you laugh if they weren’t so somber, “Astarion please..this is not your fault.” 
“I knew this would happen..”
“I’m only putting you in danger, being in this group, I’ll only be a burden on you. This will keep happening..” 
Your heart sinks, “Astarion..”
“No..”, His eyes won't meet yours, “I can’t stay any longer. I need to find Cazador.” You open your mouth to speak but he already knows what you're about to say, “Without you.” 
“No..no way!”
“Please..just..” His fingers squeeze around yours again, “I can’t keep hurting the person I love. I can’t do it..not to the only person who's ever allowed me to feel safe.” 
“Astarion..” You place your other hand over his, sitting up straighter to put your face in his, “If you think for a minute that you can get away with telling me you love me, just to run away and leave me, you’re mistaken.” Your foreheads meet, head falling to touch his while lifting your head to cup his cheek in your palm, thumb rubbing over a dried patch of blood on his face. 
He stayed by your side when he could’ve gone to rest and clean himself off, and it makes your heart swell in your chest. You figured you would be alone when you woke up but here Astarion sits in front of you with dried blood covering his face and making his strands of his hair hard under your fingers, eyes tired but still open. 
“Besides I told you, you’d never have to fight him alone..ever again.” 
“I can’t do this to you.” His eyes close, lips pursing. 
“You're not doing anything to me, we're in this together. I promise. ”
“Astarion. I said we're in this together. You can leave but you better believe I will follow you until the end to keep you safe. Just like you keep me safe..”
Too Generous. Too Kind.
He opens his eyes to look into yours. They’re so soft, searching your eyes for genuinity. He is unsure whether you mean everything you're saying. But Astarion is sure then as he searches, you’ve never been more truthful in your life. You mean everything. His barricade is broken and he slowly moves in to plant his lips softly to yours, hands shaking against your skin. 
It's soft and unsure. Just like he is. And he doesn’t stay there long in fear of making you uncomfortable, or god forbid he irritates your injury. You can’t help but smile at the genuine smile that peeks out at his lips. 
“So..the person you love?”
“Careful..I can still take it back.” 
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kierahn · 6 months
DRIVEN. [ y ! assassin x m ! reader ]
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[ nsfw, minors DNI ]
yandere! assassin x journalist! male reader
warnings :
forced non-con [in bold letters]
dead dove
reader death
slight torture warning
semi-necrophilia ?
hi, i'm back after three months of dying🧍‍♂️ it might take me awhile before i post a fic again, but here's an update for you guys.
malachi was a man whose services could be availed with just the right amount of money. he isn't the type to settle for less, confident that he was beyond excellent at doing his job.
ask him to dispose of someone and it would be as if they never existed in the first place. most of his victims' bodies had never been found. that, or they would be beyond recognizable when found. traces of his victims' existence would be gone in a pull of a trigger, with only their names to be remembered by their loved ones.
you were a journalist, renowned for your boldness and endless pursuit for the truth. unlike malachi, your silence can't be bought by any amount of money. you never hesitated to shed light on several issues which made you a formidable force in the eyes of the elite. after all, a journalist who values transparency above anything is someone to be feared by their kind; shrouded with secrets that they dare not reveal to the media.
you were well aware of the risks that came with your job, but that never once detered your work. truly remarkable, but idiotic in a sense.
you knew that it would all come to bite you back someday. with all those companies that you had brought down and names that you have ruined; maybe this was your karma catching up to you.
even as you stood at the receiving end of malachi's gun, regret never once entered your mind. you will never regret challenging the elites. they were nothing but a bunch of cowards, hiding behind their status and disposing of anything that threatened to destroy it.
over the past few months he had been keeping a watchful eye on you, malachi hadn't expected you to barely flinch despite having a gun pressed against your forehead.
"what an interesting reaction," the male on the other end mused as his calculating gaze studied your unfazed expression.
you truly were a bold one, always so headstrong and indifferent. even when threatened with a bullet through your skull, you stood your ground, not even a yell for help or a plead for him to spare you.
"why am i not surprised," a sound of amusement escaped malachi's lips. "you've always been so fearless. perhaps, you were already expecting this to happen."
he wasn't entirely wrong, you've long envisioned this scenario inside your head.
you stood with an oddly placid expression before the barrel of his gun, but your hands told a completely different story. they trembled against your sides, a stark contrast to your calm demeanor.
you were scared.
you could only hope that he could do it quickly to save you from further embarrassment.
"there's no point in prolonging this, is there ?" you spat out in spite, opening the door for death who stood at your doorstep.
your eyes were always so full of challenge, malachi wanted to rip that away from you. he had always wanted to see you with a different expression; whether it was fear or something more.
"a shame," he slightly lowered the gun in his hand, now pointed right where your heart lies. "i've grown quite fond of you, journalist." malachi shamelessly confessed.
something you two had in common was being highly driven by your work. unfortunately for you, malachi still had a job he was committed to.
‘ bang! ‘
he didn't fret over the possibility of the gunshot being heard by a passerby. if anyone were to investigate the source of the sound, he would simply dispose of them too.
malachi watched intently as you dropped to the ground.
and there it was. your fearful expression.
your eyes were wide with tears as you clutched your side where the bullet lodged itself, your breathing laboured as your mind quickly worked to try and numb out the excruciating pain you felt. curses left your lips, the warmth of your own blood trickling down your wrist.
he wasn't quite contented in ending things there. normally, he would go for a swift kill and dispose of his victims afterwards. however, he had purposely shot you in a spot that didn't instantly put you to rest.
the sound of footsteps nearing your fallen form reached your ears before your hand was forcefully ripped away from your bleeding side and pinned beside your head, leaving you more vulnerable than you intially were as your killer straddles your bloodied waist.
malachi's eyes scanned your tearful expression with a hint of content. absentmindedly, his free hand moved to caress your open wound.
"!!" an excruciating scream left your lips when malachi suddenly dug his finger through your bullet wound.
his grip around your wrist tightened when you started to thrash around under him, your survival instincts kicking in. you tried to throw him off of you, but your frantic movements only caused your wound to open up more.
malachi clicked his tongue in disapproval, removing his finger from your wound. "now you're just making things harder for yourself."
“HN!– ha.. f.. uck you,” you curse him through gritted teeth. your expression hardened as you shut your teary eyes tightly, trying to minimize the pain.
he leans down to move his face close to yours, examining the tears that slid down your reddened cheeks and the saliva that trickled down your chin. malachi drew his hand that was stained with your blood, brushing it under your eye and leaving a streak of crimson red.
"you know," he starts softly, feeling you tremble underneath him. "this look suits you better than the stoic one that you always wore.”
"i bet i can make you show so much more than that," malachi chuckled darkly, his words holding anticipation. "consider this a parting gift for my dear journalist."
the male roughly grabbed your cheeks to prevent you from struggling when he leans in to capture your lips into a forced kiss. his other hand left your limp wrist to rest, slipping under your bloodied shirt and brushing over the bullet wound up to your chest.
his touch was gentle, a stark contrast to the tight grip on your cheeks. anyone could tell that malachi was, to some degree, fond of the man under him.
he soon broke the kiss to trail his lips down your neck. his lips land on your shoulder where he suddenly bit down to leave his mark, making you flinch and let out a pained groan.
malachi pulled his lips away and gently licked the bleeding bitemark to try and soothe you in a way. he straightened back up to examine his handiwork.
your eyes seemed to be in a daze, your breathing slowing down. it was a clear indication that your conciousness was beginning to slip. but before life could completely escape you, malachi lands a harsh slap to your cheek.
"don't be so ungrateful, y/n." he warns, grabbing your cheeks roughly once more, his hand that was under your shirt leaving to grasp onto your thigh. "leaving without accepting my gift. no, no. i won’t let you do that.”
malachi released his grasp on your cheeks by roughly tossing your head to the side, he worked to unbuckle your belt before slipping your trousers down to your knees. he was seething. you couldn't leave him just yet, not without him seeing your expressions as he's (literally) fucking the life out of you.
your vision swayed as the blood loss eventually made you cease your struggles. the light in your eyes was slowly fading and so was your warmth.
but that didn't stop malachi from getting his entertainment. after pulling down his own trousers, malachi rammed himself into you in one single thrust, leaving you with no preparation as you jolt at the sudden intrusion.
you weakly claw at the male's clothed chest. there was just so much pain, from the bullet wound on your side to the bitemark on your shoulder, and now the size that stretched you out dry. you could feel something warm trickling down your thighs, a a texture you could recognize.
you sobbed quietly as the pain doubled when malachi started to move without giving you the time adjust to his size. the tip of his cock worked its way on your insides, trying to find the spot that would make you melt under him.
his eyes watched as your pained expressions turn into one of hesitance. readjusting himself, malachi sets his pace. he knew that he finally found the right spot when he felt your thigh twitch in his grasp and your walls tighten around his dick. lo and behold, your look of hesitance contorted into a disturbed one as you quickly throw an arm over your face to cover yourself.
a shameful moan escaped your lips as soon as he finally hits the spot that broke it all for you. it wasn't long before you turned into a hot mess under him. your chest rose and fell in a rapid rate as you whimpered and moaned under him.
malachi's free hand roughly removed the arm that covered your slutty expressions. you looked so lewd with his cock inside you, drool spilling from your lips and your eyes rolled back in undeniable pleasure.
now this was the sight he had been longing to see.
the pain from your wound was long gone as intense pleasure eventually replaced it. malachi quickened his pace when he noticed how your cock twitched, indicating that you were near your climax. he wasn't that cruel to deny you of orgasm in your last moments.
or maybe he was.
before the knot in your lower abdomen could come undone, malachi grabbed a hold of his gun and shot you straight in between your eyes, lodging a bullet through your skull and finally putting you to rest.
your warm blood stained his lower abdomen, trickling down to his cock that continued to drive into you who had long went limp under him, your eyes deprived of life.
he gave a few more thrusts before finally spilling his warm seed inside of your ass. his breaths were heavy as he kept his cock buried inside your now freezing and stiff body.
malachi soon pulled out of your corpse, fixing his trousers and standing back up. he sheated his gun back on its holster as he gazed down at your limp body.
he knew he was fucked up, but this was on another level.
he smiled smugly.
maybe you should've picked another job in the first place.
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blughxreader · 1 year
building off of this platonic yandere batfam headcanon where they're slaves to your moods and whims...
I also kind of enjoy the idea of batfam revering and fearing batsib. Not enough to lesson their control over you (or back off their affection in any way), but they want your love so badly / think you're a jewel among rubble / cling to your every thought... I can see them freezing up when they know they're about to make you mad, or when you give your opinion.
Tim's like, "*shaky sigh* hi... we need to upgrade the tracking chip in your neck :) itwasbruce'sidea." (his idea actually)
or they know your triggers by heart (mentioning your past family, your aspirations of travel, lost career goals, etc) and immediate silence falls over them as they wait for your reaction.
This works especially well for Darlings that withdraw into themselves. It's impossible to NEVER give a single opinion or extra explanation, so on the rare occasion when you divulge something about yourself, they're like oh god its happening JOT THAT DOWN
Dick is good at talking around your pointed silence, even if he gets nervous under your glare. He has stars in his eyes when you finally engage with him, even if it's only a sentence more than your usual "yes/no" responses.
Dick is unpredictable too because you never know where his limit is. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, then he comes back from patrol with broken knuckles and the scariest look on his face because he couldn't take the stress anymore. The only one in the house who will match your anger (rarely happens, though), and he apologizes through actions, not words.
Jason, who always has some shitty remark to make, finds himself at a loss for words when you're not talking. You two sit with your arms crossed in silence and look sour for two hours, then he walks away thinking it was a relatively good visit.
He gets overwhelmed the easiest when you're mad. When you're in a bad mood, very slight disturbance in the house sets him off and he needs the rest of the day to cool off.
Tim has no clue how to handle you. He doesn't fit the reliable older brother role and he can't fool anyone with the doe-eyed baby brother act, so I think he'd take the "best friend sibling" approach.
He's always trying new ways to curry your favor, despite it occasionally pissing you off from how obvious his attempts are. Tim's the least likely to be deterred by your rejection, despite how deeply it hurts. He sulks in the shower for an hour then gets out to cause problems only he can solve.
Kind of like how Damian absorbed Dick and Bruce's moral code because it fit his end goal of being Batman, I feel he would do the same to you but for slightly different reasons.
Damian walks around like your mirror. He unconsciously mimics everything you do, absorbing your behaviors and speech like a sponge. An outsider wouldn't be able to see past his trained neutral expression, but on the inside he thinks you're so cool.
He also copies you as a coping mech in order to limit upsetting you, and gets VERY embarrassed when he says something that contradicts your feelings.
Bruce, ever the scapegoat, has resigned himself to the brunt of your anger. He can't weasel his way into your heart like the boys can, so he's the most transparent about his bonding efforts. His gifts and attention are steady and unrelenting, no matter the response.
I think he's the sweetest... He's definitely the best listener in the house, and genuinely wants nothing more than for you to be safe and happy. Yes he wants you to accept the child/sibling role, but he won't manipulate you to get there (unlike some of the boys). Your anger gives him stress, but he takes it in stride.
for more yandere batfam content, visit my masterlist!
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hii! if it’s not too much trouble could you write headcanons abt the obey me brothers with an mc who likes to be babied/pampered and just wants affection? thanks!
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obey me x gn! reader
a/n: written as romantic. -> do you hug your pillow when you sleep, anon? /lh. also sorry, this kind of escaped the request a bit 😔
He is slightly concerned for you ngl-- and he wonders if something happened in your life that made you be this way.. but he won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Thinks you're the cutest when you're not afraid to ask for affection.
Isn't ashamed of giving you his love in public but he does try to refrain himself. Key word is 'try' because once he gets a little too drunk or jealous, he's holding you like there's no tomorrow even with people around.
Also, his brothers will accuse him of favouritism to no end if he shows a little too much pda and that's always annoying.
He knows he's a bit too soft towards you and maybe he spoils you too much, but it really isn't his fault-- how could he resist? Especially when you lean into his cheek as he's holding you, when you snuggle impossibly closer to him while you're cuddling, or when you chase his lips just as the kiss ends in hope of receiving more.
He likes cheek and hand kisses the most. It's simple and quick, but the sugar-sweet gesture has his old heart fluttering. Don't make fun of him too much-- he's a fan of the classics.
Usually he teases, acting all smug like he doesn't know exactly how you feel when you're gone for just a bit too long. Like he doesn't crave the feeling of your lips on his every second of the day, like he doesn't think of holding and being held by you during the early hours of the morning, as though he too doesn't want your affection as much as you want his.
He's prideful and maybe that will be the death of him one day, but he thinks as long as you love him just the same-- he doesn't mind too much.
you 🤝 mammon -> a constant want for affection.
-though he is incredibly adamant about denying it, but it's Mammon so what can you do.
That being said, he absolutely will pamper you to your heart's content. It's just-- he'll probably spew out every excuse in the book while doing so.
Won't stop him from linking arms while you're walking. He still kisses and hugs you as a greeting. It'll still take you ages to convince him to let you go while the two of you are cuddling.
His brothers are constantly teasing him about babying you-- but as much as he complains and yells, he hasn't stopped at all.
But if you need the genuine truth for him, as in just transparent honesty about how he feels-- he'll give that to you too. He's just perfect like that <3.
PDA is a bit complicated with him. He isn't afraid to kiss you in public but as soon as he gets confronted about it, he'll blush like crazy.
As embarrassed as he gets in public, his favourite way of showing you affection is in front of other people-- even if it's in the most subtle ways.
He likes giving you forehead kisses. Don't ask him why because he honestly doesn't really know the exact reason. He thinks it's the everything in the action, really.
He loves holding your cheek and gently leaning the top of your head to his lips, the way you look at him like he's your treasure. How you squeeze his hands right after as a gesture of appreciation.
It's soft and sweet-- like how he feels about you.
Girlie is trying his best. He really, really is.
Thinks you're so beautiful and lovely and handsome and everything else nice that can be said but the dude is hella awkward.
He just doesn't know how to handle it. He's already amazed that you want to date him-- and now you're telling him you want his affection??
Don't get him wrong, he'll do it. It just takes a few hours to muster up enough courage to do so.
A lot of the affection has to be initiated by you at the start of the relationship, but as you spend more time together, he starts to gain some confidence.
Takes his time when he's kissing, leans towards you when you're sitting next to each other, relaxes into your hugs more and more.
And eventually has the courage to initiate his own affection. Most of it is from romance anime so they might be a little cliche.
He soon realizes that you like to be pampered and he has to stop himself from fangirling too hard. Again, he tries his best to fulfil your affection quota every day.
Lengthy sessions of cuddling, giving kisses throughout the day, hugs when he sees you-- he's a bit shaky in public but he wants to make you happy so he does it anyway.
He likes extra-long hugs more than he likes to admit. It calms the constant anxiety in his heart and silences the thoughts in his head for as long as the hug lasts. Plus, you seem to really like it as well.
He is the gentleman of all time.
Seriously though, his affection is so old-fashioned because he reads a bunch of outdated classical romance books.
If you want a demon who kisses your cheek whenever see each other, a demon who gives you flowers every week, a demon who writes love poems about you by the fire, a demon who imagines you and him every time he reads a romance novel; this is the demon for you.
His brothers tease him way too much about it- INCLUDING Lucifer for some reason, even though Satan's sure his older brother is way worse than he is.
Teases you if you're shy about asking for his affection but gets so red if you're upfront about it.
His favourite date activity is reading by the fire when you're cuddling up to him. Everything about it is absolutely perfect-- the way the light of the fire illuminates your face, your arms wrapped around him as he rereads another romance novel, and it's late enough into the night when everything and everyone is asleep.
He adores making you gifts. Paper roses, flattened flowers for bookmarks, that kind of stuff.
And they always have some sort of secret message. The paper roses have little notes of his 'i love you's inside the petals, the bookmarks he makes you always represent how he feels.
He is curious to know what exactly made you this way. Did you not receive much affection growing up? Were you too afraid to ask for it from the people around you? Or is it something else?
He won't push it, of course. Either way, he'll love you like no one ever could; determined to make your heart flutter as you do his.
You will literally never feel unloved again with him around.
He kisses you in the morning, he does his skincare with you, he makes sure to buy you plenty of outfits (and compliments you in every single one), and much, much more.
Is the least shy about pampering you and thinks you're the only one who can measure up to him when it comes to cuteness.
You're the only one who's ever made him feel like this, the only one who makes his cheeks blossom in pink whenever he thinks of you, so of course he'll have to repay it tenfold.
His favourite thing to do is make you tailored outfits. He gets to be close to you during measurements (despite already having them memorised) and he spends his time doing something he enjoys while making you happy. It's the perfect combination.
He gives you so many kisses throughout the day that you've gotten used to the feeling of sticky lipgloss on your cheeks and lips. Make sure to carry around a package of wet wipes.
Loves showing you off on Devilgram-- you don't even have to appear physically, he just loves talking about you.
He's never told anyone this, including you, but he writes love songs. They're tucked away deep inside his closet, locked with a charm and a key. It's a reminder of all the things he loves about you (like he doesn't think about you as much as he does himself).
The best thing he looks forward to after each day is cuddling up to you when you sleep. Nothing is heard except the both of you whispering, talking to each other about your day. He always says goodnight to you with another kiss-- one that lingers for longer than the rest, a promise for tomorrow.
He's the gentle teddy that every person needs.
His hugs practically engulf you- even if you're just as big as him, he still manages to make you feel like you're being hugged by a friendly bear.
He's more observant than most people give him credit for so it's not long before he figures out you like to be pampered. And pamper you, he will.
He prefers giving you physical affection and doing things for you because he doesn't think he's that good with words.
Big hugs at the door, kissing you awake, buying you food (when he can), that sort of thing.
But when he does use his words, it's the most heartfelt phrase you'll ever hear. He doesn't feel the need to be embarrassed about how he feels, you make his heart fuller than anyone else and he'll tell you that when he can.
His kisses are really warm, too. They feel like the sun and they're as gentle as daffodils.
Speaking of, he's always incredibly gentle with you. He's big and strong and he knows that. The worst thing he could do is hurt you and he vows to never let it come to that.
His favourite dates are the simple ones. Watching a movie, cooking together, feeding each other food. He doesn't tell anyone but Belphie his more domestic dreams. The ones where he comes home to a warm meal and enough love to fill his stomach.
He's a little shit but when is he not.
Loves to tease you about wanting affection but then whines if you try to leave. Such a hypocrite smh
He is very clingy and your his designated pillow so he's kind of always affectionate with you.
When he's not nuzzling up to you, he's either giving you small little kisses around your neck or he's asking you to give him some.
Similar to Beel, he prefers physical affection but only because he's too embarrassed to say how he feels out loud.
A lot of hugs and cuddling with each other.
You wouldn't know this but he's pretty romantic when he wants to be. Sometimes he writes letters for/about you but it's a 50/50 chance whether or not you'll get to read them though.
He ups his pampering when he's around his brothers because he's just annoying like that lolol
Have I mentioned how clingy he is. He will not let go of you when you're lying down together, you'll have to rip him off.
His favourite thing to do with you is watch the stars with you on his lap or him on yours. His hugs feel different like this, they're tighter and more desperate like he's afraid you'll leave.
It's usually here when he tells you how much he loves you. His words are littered with small sarcastic jokes but you can feel his sincerity.
You both usually end up falling asleep there but strangely enough, Belphie stays awake for a bit to watch you sleep.
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c4qwp · 8 months
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felix catton x fem!reader
| you understand.
📎 tags : angst, female reader, felix being older than you by a year, fanon of felix be i'm such a bad writer guys, bad orthography, felix being a bit annoying but also a cutie patootie, (y/n) not mentioned, angst asfff
📎 author's note : don't hesitate to comment to help me to progress! english isn't my first language, idk if felix is fanon but i tried my best to write him like i how i see him
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you would have seen it coming.
"i think we should break up."
so faint and uncertain, barely more than a whisper.
he looked uncomfortably hunched over, his forearms resting on the table, his breakfast untouched, like he was trying to make himself smaller than you, which was ironic considering you envied his nerves of steel, and of course he was smaller than you shorter It was a very embarrassing moment for a handsome man, but not this kind of moment. Never this weakness.
although the winter sun shines through the windows, the kitchen is still dark and the unpleasant feeling of unusual transparency is almost suffocating. felix isn't the type to get flustered in public, which makes you even more nervous, just when you think you've had all the training you need to imagine scenarios and possible breakup possibilities in every direction.
he didn't dare look at you, shaking his head nervously, choking silently. "say something."
howfunny that he's the best thing you know and can lift you up with one arm effortlessly — his biceps are literally the size of your head, but he says if anyone touches him, he'll cry right now.
It's also a hard pill to swallow, and it's not true that you did this to him, weakening him. you didn't know you had that much power over him yet; and he said he wanted to break, but if he actually said he did, he'd throw up. you shifted in your seat, the wood of the chair suddenly digging into your skin as your body became hyperaware of everything around you, turning your attention away from felix and crossing your hands in your lap.
the answer is on the tip of your tongue, where it has been hidden for months. of course you let him go, and what makes it easier is accepting his warning that half the things about him will be absent and secret, or knowing from the start that your time with him will be limited.
you just don't hesitate; completely overcome the first four stages of grief and begin to accept with ease.
felix catton was essentially ephemeral, either a dreamer or a visible absentee in the present moment of your life. you think of him as an outside cat who was never yours to begin with, appearing randomly and unwittingly when he wanted, a flighty, mysterious companion who was happy and eager to be around.
you don't know if he loves you so much. everyone loved felix. everyone wanted to be around him. the love was there, enough to last a long time, but you thought it was because you were secure and stable.
you were glad you gave him that, if only because you honestly weren't sure what he saw in you.
what was going on was easy enough to experience and because of that you didn't allow yourself to get too attached to him because you knew he didn't love you as much as you loved him. maybe you're kidding yourself, maybe you're sleepy and not as cool as you thought, but you're convinced that's the way it should be, the way it should be.
what's the point of realizing your name isn't at the top of his list?
are you even were you good enough for him? a feeling of insecurity has been itching you for a long time. you may have been beautiful and intelligent, but were you the first in his eyes?
you can't ever be mad at him. you wanted to be with him knowing the way he is, after all. felix is a mess despite trying not to show it, his messy straw-brown hair doesnt shine like it usually does. he hasn't gotten enough sleep in more than a couple days because of his family's issues. time whenever he has to be away for an unprecedented amount of time, or gets buried too long in his pub. wearing a white shirt, he looked very casual and didn't seem to beg to be singled out. feel sorry for him.
he snapped his head up, his eyes immediately meeting yours, and they were no longer blank. he looked unsure if he had heard correctly and had a look of disbelief on his face. "wait what?"
your fingers traced the rim of your teacup, mimicking felix's eager movements. "you can start packing today, but if you want to stop today, i don't mind..."
"no, wait-"
"i said yes, felix."
he frowned at the name, his eyes looking away from you for a moment, and he had to blink, and you thought that not having your usual nickname had hurt him. He had to swallow before he could speak.
"and that's it?"
you don't know if this is an attempt to end your relationship or if you want to let him go easily. you do not get it. what can you say.
"what do you want me to say?"
he sighed, looked away, wiped his forehead with his hand and covered his eyes. yes, not that your hopes are in vain. you have to say no.
he's as handsome as ever, but of course he'll want to know how comfortable you are, and he won't appreciate it when he changes his design. "i heard and will agree so we co—"
"aren't you mad at me?"
this is really what he thought first?
"i don't want to get upset."
"well, ..." because you love him, but talking about him will make it harder.
"i'm not sure. but we are both adult and need to talk like one. i think you and i have been very good together all along. I'm not mad at you for anything. understand."
he had such a subtle, sarcastic look on his face that if you were a complete stranger you would have thought it was sarcasm, but you knew better. He insulted himself. you can read it. but you should think about it. you should be mad at him. why the fuck is he upset. things about felix seem too good to be true, his only flaw is that he is a literal playboy. but of course stopped all his relationships with other girls, right?
"don't you want to know the reason? i mean, my god, why are you taking it so passively?"
"what do you mean?"
it's hard for you too.
"how can you not be so affected?"
"It's not like that. If you want to break up, i can't make you stay, or do anything you don't want to do. that's not fair to any of us. you will be with someone you don't want, and i would know im with someone who doesn't want me."
he shook his head, brown hair framing his face, which floated gently in the air. when he strongly disagrees
with something you say, but decides to say no at the last minute, he'll furrow his brows in anger and you'll feel a little disappointed because he's not denying that he doesn't want you. "you're always doing that, you're always doing that..getting mad. you must be mad at me."
"felix. I'm just tired of all this. you want to beak up and i said yes."
he just said, "I'm sorry,"
he hated it, that was all he had to offer you, and it showed on his face. sit in the chair next to him, you both need some good communication privacy right now. "but i have plenty of time to cry, okay?
"it's not like i'm accepting it or being negative or anything... and"
his eyes search yours for a moment, the realization making him gasp and his eyebrows raise, making him look younger and more innocent.
looking forward to it.
"yeah, i mean.." pressing your lips together.
"look at us. in the long run, this doesn't work. It's not real. i don't know how we got here."
his pupils swallowed all the blue in his eyes, and he had never looked at you with such hostility until the hair on your arms stood up. "did you just think about breaking up?"
"why are you mad at me now? what have I done? you're the one who broke up with me."
"you weren't happy at all. haven't you always been sure?"
"i was and i still am. it's just...you've changed, felix. you're not looking at me like before. i don't know if it's because of me that you've changed but i was here for you every single time. but no mister doesn't want to talk so go to the pub and come back all drunk and doesn't give a shit about me. so yeah i was confused about a time and wasn't sure."
his eyes were finally on you. he called your name, repeated it. "i'm so sorry, love. i'm so-"
"no felix. i'm tired. so please leave me alone for a time and let's talk an other time."
there was a blank of 2 minutes. as you wanted to say another word,
"i understand."
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blasphemecel · 3 months
Michael Kaiser — Nervous Like a Bad Dog
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader WORD COUNT: 0.9k TYPE: Humor, Fluff (debatable), Early relationship WARNING(S): tw Kaiser, tw AWKWARD
You are taunting him.
This is an offense Kaiser considers very grave. Of course you’ve done it before and often to his face, and it can be fun in a way like a fake chase where the victim knows they’re not in any real danger (maybe the word is ‘playful’ even though both of you get foul with it), but this kind of mockery is degrading. You’re not doing it on purpose, which makes it an act of second nature. And that means it's unforgivable.
“I hate this corny ass movie.” You gesture at the screen. “Wish they’d scream more, also.”
“You said you wanted to watch it,” murmurs Kaiser, not really giving a fuck considering he’s not even paying attention to the movie. His gaze is fixated on your hand, now far away from his again. Just when his skin was about to brush against yours and he was mentally congratulating himself for his discretion, you pulled away in such a blithe manner. All that straining for nothing.
“Well it sounded entertaining like, in a bad way, but it’s just boring. Also the religious themes are so superficial and edgy, you can’t even laugh. I think they should’ve been Amish. At least that would’ve been funny.”
You shift, settling your hand back over the couch. Kaiser wishes you were a little closer, though at least he can resume the hand holding mission, inching his fingers towards yours again. The physical response to what he’s attempting is embarrassing. With every advance his heart races harder, and his palms are sweaty, and it’s just fucking ridiculous. He can imagine your skin under his, almost tangible.
Technique-wise it’s not complicated. Despite the amount he’s tensing up, Kaiser understands, logically, that he’s making a mountain out of a molehill. But it is a tender gesture and Kaiser doesn’t know how to be gentle or sweet. Softness is alien to him. There is a certain light he needs you to see him in, to come off as suave and charming. It has to be perfect and smooth and like he’s done it thousands of times before, even though now will be the first. And you will swoon over him also, he’ll make sure of it.
Almost there, he’s about to grasp your hand in his, holy shit-
“Micha, are you even paying attention?” You adjust your position again, pulling it away completely as you recline on your side against the armrest. “I thought a pretentious snob like you would have more critiques to make?”
“The movie’s so shitty it has rendered me speechless,” he says. It comes out easy and natural enough, but his blood is boiling. Can you not sit still for more than a second?! This was the seventh time!
“Fair enough,” you reply, eyes still glued to the screen.
You’re teasing him, aren’t you? Otherwise how would it happen so much? You think messing with him is funny??? Exploiting his moment of weakness and faltering?!
Kaiser smirks (at nothing; the gesture is pointless since you’re not even looking at him and entirely performative for himself). As if you’ll get the better of him. Maybe more drastic measures are in order.
He starts scooting closer. You’re still bitching about the movie and with how slow he’s moving, he doubts you’re noticing him closing in on you, and even if you are you’re choosing to feign ignorance to it in your transparent attempts at belittling him. Well, that’s the way he’s perceiving your behavior, anyway, as a personal slight against him.
His arm is about to reach you, will reach you, wrap around you. He’s going to embrace you soon. Heart thumping away in his chest, Kaiser realizes his throat is dry all of a sudden when he swallows, but it’s going to happen-
You stand up and head to the bathroom without a second glance in his direction.
Kaiser sits there frozen in whatever position he was in mid-movement before your betrayal, jaw hanging open, and he realizes he must look like a stupid buffoon at the moment. He is livid, however. How dare you!? When he grits his teeth, it hurts a little.
After assuming a more acceptable and casual stance, he heeds the tv, finally. Some girl tries to drown the main character, but ends up dying of a head injury instead somehow and then some other bullshit starts happening.
Wow. You weren’t kidding, this movie is fucking garbage. It almost distracts him from his predicament.
You return and sit back down next to him all relaxed like you haven’t been actively giving him an uptick in cortisol and adrenaline. Do you think this is a game? It’s as if you can’t even tell you’re dealing him psychic damage — playing innocent and oblivious to your transgressions. What a cunning pretense that is.
Kaiser… grabs your hand and tugs it. And stares at you straight on. It’s kind of unnerving and intense for no reason.
You raise your eyebrows at him as if he’s being strange, this confused expression on your face. “Why are you squeezing so hard? I value my blood circulation, you know?”
Eye twitching, he corrects his grip to a proper, more sensible one, lacing your fingers together. You do not understand what his deal is. Kaiser says, “This will be the best hand holding of your fucking life even if it’s the last thing I do.”
… What.
Unable to help yourself, you burst out laughing. “You’re so odd, Micha.”
POV you wanted to have a date but your boyfriend is perpetually mentally stuck in his own version of silent hill
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farfaras · 1 year
Part 1.
Maybe if Steve acts casual Robin won’t even notice. She barely pays attention to him when she’s too busy rambling about her love life. Or lack there of. If Steve’s lucky, today is gonna be one of those days.
But Steve’s good luck probably ended the first time he took a look at a demogorgon.
“What is that?” Robin giggled. If she finds this amusing wait until she hears what actually happened.
“Don’t play dumb. That only worked when I thought you were an actual idiot.” She rolled her eyes.
“Yeah well, I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” Steve put on his family video vest and clocked in.
“What? I notice things!” Robin exclaimed when Steve made his way to the counter.
“Yeah, when you’re not too busy daydreaming about Vickie.”
“You’re changing the subject!”
“Stop it!”
Steve sighed. How could you explain your friend sucked your neck to make your another friend jealous when you don’t even like said friend? Tricky.
Ugh. Robin was gonna make fun of him.
“You wouldn’t believe me.” Steve tried. It was a last resort to save himself from the embarrassment.
“Yeah, because I’ve never experienced anything out of the ordinary.” She raised an eyebrow. Steve knew she wouldn’t let it go. “When did you even go on a date, dingus? I don’t remember you telling me about it.”
“I didn’t go on a date.”
“Well then who did that?” She narrowed her eyes. “Ew! Are you in a friends with benefits situation?” She look scandalized and curious at the same time. “Because honestly Steve, I don’t think that’s your thing. I mean even if you try, it wouldn’t work out. You’re like an actual romantic. Wanting a serious relationship, yearning connection and all that shit. It would be cute if you weren’t kinda desperate sometimes.” Okay he had to cut her off if he wanted to keep his ego unbruised.
“Jesus! Okay! You don’t have to say it like I’m some loser who can’t get a girlfriend!” If he needed humbling he knew who to call now though.
“But you kind of are.”
“Do you want to know or not?” Even if he was embarrassed about the whole thing, he couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t hoping Robin would give him some insight. Once she stopped making fun of him. “It was Eddie.”
Her eyes widened in surprise and… excitement? “Holy shit! It finally happened?” What is she talking about now? “I thought I would actually have to wait another year at least for you guys to figure it out.” There’s nothing that makes Steve feel more inadequate than when he doesn’t get what people are talking about. “I mean anyone who’s got eyes could see how much you two liked each other and it’s cute but I was getting tired of the pining..” she trailed off when she saw how silent Steve was. “Why aren’t you as excited as me?”
Pining? Like each other? Did Robin think..? Did Eddie?
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He questioned. His mind was going through every interaction him and Eddie once had. Trying to analyze his own behavior to come up with an explanation as to why someone would think he likes Eddie.
“Oh god. I thought. Did you guys not like… get together?” She was hesitant. It felt like she was trying not to scare a wild animal.
“I gotta stop running my mouth like that. I’m sorry.” She looked mortified and it would be funny if this was another situation. “But what? Why would he do that? I’m so lost here, Steve.”
Steve went through backstory first, then he started retelling the events of the other day. Including how he actually enjoyed himself a little. He might as well be a hundred percent transparent, she was his best friend after all.
“Robin, say something.” His best friend being silent was not something he was used to.
“I’m so confused.” She said.
“Me too.” His confusion was starting to fade. The answer right in front of his face.
“So you’re… not together? Even after that?”
“I don’t even like him like that!”
“But you said you liked it!”
“Who wouldn’t!”
“I wouldn’t! Steve, a boy giving me hickeys is one of my worst nightmares.” He knew that. He knew it meant something that he liked it. The question is if he’s ready to face what it means.
“I- I know, okay?”
“Steve, say the word and we’ll stop talking about this.” He loves his best friend. He doesn’t know what he’d do without her.
“No. I think I’m ready.” Steve muttered. Robin smiled gently at him and that was all the encouragement he needed to feel safe enough to say it out loud.
“I like him.”
They hugged.
“It kinda sucks that he doesn’t like me back though.”
Robin thunked her head on the counter.
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lanadelnegan · 11 months
Omg I love your work so much, I check your page everyday to see the stuff u post and I love it!!! Could you maybe write some fluff for a reader that’s feeling a little depressed, and negan just is a real sweetheart to them and just wants to see them be happy? Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Hiiii love, omg that is so kind of you. I'm sorry for being inactive lately and for this taking so long. School and work have been so busy but I'm trying!
The Notebook
Negan x Reader (Fluff)
Summary: Negan plans a romantic movie night for the two of you after you've been feeling down. No smut, just fluff and Negan being sweet and gentle with you.
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"Y/n… Negan wants to see you."
You let out a long sigh, staring at the ceiling as you tried to ignore Simon, hoping he'd take the hint and leave.
“I heard you.”
Simon stood at your doorway, waiting for you to get up but to his surprise, you remained still. Unwilling to move an inch from the bed you’ve been glued to for a week.
“Tell him I’m not in the mood.” You mumbled, flipping over on your side to face the wall.
Moments passed and just as you were starting to drift off, you felt arms slide underneath you, lifting you off the mattress and into the arms of your Savior.
“Negan… what are you..”
“Shhh, baby. Don’t ask questions.” You felt his lips press into the top of your head as he carried you down the hall and to his bedroom.
When you got to the room, he gently set you down and you rubbed your eyes before looking around and seeing candlelight and rose petals spread across the dimly lit room.
“Negan.. What is this?”
“You don’t like it?”
“I - I do, but to be honest.. I’m really not in the mood for..”
“For your favorite movie and some cuddling?” He asked innocently, holding up The Notebook dvd.
For the first time in a week, you managed to smile.
“Let’s get you showered and cleaned up first, yeah? Then we’ll relax and I promise I’ll be on my best behavior. Sound like a plan?” He asked, sliding his hand along your cheek before leaning down to give you a soft kiss.
A tear rolled down your cheek when you closed your eyes to kiss him. You tried looking down, but his finger caught your chin, tilting it up to meet his gentle gaze.
“Baby, look at me. I want you to be happy. No more tears tonight, got it? Too fuckin' pretty to cry.” His thumb wiped the tear off your cheek as he gave you another soft peck on the lips.
“Come on..” he said, and you felt slightly embarrassed at the fact that you hadn’t had the energy to shower recently. But Negan made you feel comfortable and unashamed, so you relaxed a little, letting him lead you to the bathroom.
Once he locked the door, he walked closely to you, gently pulling your shirt over your head. His gaze lingered on your exposed chest for a moment too long, but he kept his promise and comments to himself as he focused on guiding your pants and underwear down your legs. Once you were both naked, you stepped into the hot shower and he followed behind you.
You moaned softly as the water fell over you, washing your sadness away. He squeezed some shampoo in his hand before lathering it in your hair and massaging your scalp, tilting your head back under the water.
"I fuckin' love you, doll. You know that right? I'm here any time you wanna talk."
"I don't wanna talk, Negan. Just being here with you is enough."
"Well, my door is always open for you, baby."
Once your hair was rinsed, he pulled you closer, pressing your bodies against each other as he held you tightly. You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your cheek against his hairy chest.
"Total transparency? I am tryin really hard not to get fuckin hard right now."
You giggled, glancing down between the two of you. "You're not doing a very good job."
He chuckled, looking down with you. "Sorry, doll. He has a mind of his own."
He finished rinsing you both off, and helped you step out of the shower. You felt much better now that you were clean and wrapped in a soft towel. You both got dressed, wearing the same thing - one of Negan's t-shirts and a pair of his boxers.
"You look so much better in my clothes than I do. And considering how incredibly sexy I am, that says a lot." He gave you a flirty wink, making you blush and roll your eyes. "Now get your cute ass in my bed while I put our movie on."
"Yes sir." You said happily, falling into his bed and curling up under the covers. After turning off the lights and starting the movie, he climbed into bed with you, immediately pulling you into his arms and snuggling you.
"Aren't you tired of this movie?" You asked him. "I've made you watch it a hundred times."
"And it puts a smile on your face. So I'll watch it a hundred more." He said softly, kissing the top of your head.
You giggled, scrunching your brows. "When did big, bad Negan turn into such a romantic?"
"After watching The Notebook a hundred times I guess."
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lookingfxryou · 5 months
College senior!Geto whom you admire very much because he’s just that good at his subject.
College senior!Geto who is so kind and patient with his juniors and always so helpful whenever someone needs his help.
College senior!Geto who you can’t help but notice every time he crosses you in hallways, your eyes following him until he’s out of sight. Your friends giving you a knowing look and you getting embarrassed at being caught.
College senior!Geto who is asked to supervise your class for a week and teach some helpful topics as your professor is out on a medical leave and you couldn’t be happier.
College senior!Geto who praises your under standing of the subject as you manage to answer a lot of his questions and discuss the topic assigned with critical thinking.
College senior!Geto who you think is oblivious to the way you blush and get nervous at his words but secretly wish he gets a hint and maybe initiate something.
College senior!Geto who starts passing you small smiles and nods of acknowledgement after that week and you’re floating on cloud nine for a while, your friends teasing you but you’re not even ashamed of being transparent anymore.
College senior!Geto who you think doesn’t know but you’re not exactly subtle and he already has a new topic that he’d like to discuss with you. Probably as soon as possible.
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fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
Only Yours
genre: smut, college au
Pairing:  sub ! gyu x possessive dom! gn reader (afab when comes to smut)
Warnings: sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, possessiveness ?palming, handjob, riding,  kinda rough sex ig, dacryphilia
word count: 1.1k
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Beomgyu walks across campus near where the the little pond and park was situated as he took the the time to embrace the surrounding nature; pretty lily pads sat on the water, coi fishes elegantly swimming in all kinds of directions and purple dragonflies hovering above with their transparent wings buzzing. He really did like this area of the campus. It was so pretty. And one of the first things he noticed that caught his eye to end up applying to the uni.
With his earphones in, he listened to music as he enjoyed the peaceful and quiet, scenic stroll, but that was abruptly interrupted as he felt a hand softly tap his shoulder.
Not being able to hear them, he took one of his wired buds out and swiftly turned around.
“Beomgyu right? We’ve sat next to each other in class a few times! I was… wondering if you wanted to get coffee sometime, you’re…you’re pretty cute!” They beamed, fidgeting with their hands uncertainly.
Beomgyu was taken aback, he can’t lie he’d never noticed this person in his class before ever, feeling pretty flattered right now. He can’t control the small smile taking up on his features, but ready to somehow politely and not awkwardly turn them down on their offer.
You were also near the campus pond, sitting on a bench nearby, waiting and waiting, and then finally excitedly noticing your boyfriend, realising he was chatting with someone else at the moment. Someone who was being a bit too close with your boyfriend than you would have liked.
It wouldn’t usually bother you, you know beomgyu is extremely attractive, taking pride in it, your relationship still fairly recent and you weren’t insecure about the lingering stares on him when you walked hand in hand to classes together, beomgyu completely oblivious to the hushed giggles once he walked past, but something about it today ticked you off the wrong way. Do people still not know he’s dating you?
You couldn’t help going up to them, running to beomgyu to embrace him in a hug from behind, resting your head on his shoulder as your hands made their way to grip on his waist-a little too tightly- “Baby! There you are, I was looking for you!” You press a kiss to his cheek.
Beomgyu stutters, slightly blushing and can’t help raising an eyebrow at your unlikely actions. You were never this affectionate or touchy to him in public much to his dismay sometimes, and you would rarely call him cute petnames in front of other people, not that he was complaining at all to this.
“Who’s this, baby?” You ask, clinging onto his arm, a bit too tight and he couldn’t help noticing you stepping in front of him a little bit as if protecting him, he tries to stifle a laugh at your antics.
“Oh, they’re just in my class.” Beomgyu replies, smiling.
“Hi…” The other person quickly shies away.
“Oh! um… nice to meet you! Baby, we’ve got to go we can’t be late for our date. Bye!” And with that you drag beomgyu by his arm, rushing and walking away from the other person before either of them could say anything.
Beomgyu bursts out laughing once you’re far away enough. “What was that? We don’t even have a date!” Beomgyu smirks and teases you. “Oh were you jealous y/n?”
“Shut up.” You mumble, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“It was pretty hot, you being possessive of me like that. And you should definitely call me ‘baby’ and be like that in public more often. That was so cute.” Beomgyu chuckles.
Beomgyu tries to keep up with your fast pace, hand tightly holding his and dragging him along. “Where we going anyway?”
“Your place.”
Once inside, you roughly push beomgyu on his bed and straddle his lap, pinning his hands above his head, making him gasp.
You attack his lips, kissing him with a fervour he hadn’t experienced before, trailing down and feverishly nipping at his sensitive neck, hands tangled in his hair, pulling it slightly, making beomgyu moan loudly, his usual smooth-talking demeanor replaced by incoherent stuttering.
“Y-y/n what are you—ah…that feels so good…”
You silence him with another kiss, your hand moving down to palm his clothed dick, his body jerks, whimpering your name.
You continue to palm him and lick and suck at his neck, reactions already so pretty. You take his dick out, covered in precum, stroking him which gets his moans even more high pitched, gasping at your every touch, never having seen you act like this towards him before and he can’t say he wasn’t absolutely enjoying it. Cum dribbling out of the tip of his dick constantly as you pump his dick whilst he pants, unable to do anything but moan.
You take your shirt off and your pants, positioning his dick to your pussy and sinking down on his wet dick, not giving him any time to even think before you’re relentlessly riding him, not starting off at a slow pace at all, still holding his wrists down tightly. Beomgyu’s eyes roll to the back of his head as he yelps, screaming your name out loud in surprise.
You don’t stop, roughly bouncing on his dick, wet sounds erupting the room from his cock pumping in and out of you but still not overtaking beomgyu’s loud sounds, his whole body prettily flushed, face so red.
If only everyone could see how beomgyu was like for you right now, at this moment you wanted them and beomgyu himself to get it in his head that you were only his, pretty face and pretty body only yours so why would they still stare at beomgyu like a piece of meat? It was starting to get under your skin honestly.
“Mmh, only mine aren’t you?...” You grab his chin roughly, making his fucked out face look you in the eyes as he groans in response.
“Say it.” You take one of your hands to roughly tug at his hair, beomgyu rolling his eyes at the feeling and stuttering.
“y-yes, yours…ah—I’m only yours! No one else’s…” Beomgyu obliges deliriously with half lidded eyes, finding you so hot right now.
“Good boy.”
Beomgyu eye’s widen, breath hitching, face turning somehow even redder, aroused by the name.
“Say it again…please…”
You smirk, leaning and brushing your lips against his ear, “You’re such a good boy.” Beomgyu only grows more and more flustered, seemingly liking the new pet name.
“I-I am?” Beomgyu’s voice shaky and barely above a whisper.
You chuckle, “Yeah, baby. My good boy.” You stroke his hot cheek with your thumb, bringing your lips back to beomgyu’s, kissing and sucking and biting at his swollen lips.
You mercilessly ride his cock against your gummy walls at a violent and aggressive pace, beomgyu’s head hitting against his bed at your thrusts. Your tits prettily bouncing in front of his face and he reaches his hand out to grope them.
“I-I can’t y/n…need to cum—fuck!” Beomgyu can’t even keep his eyes level at this point, continuously rolling back on their own with tears blurring his vision even more, seeing stars when his hot thick cum gushes inside you none stop, beomgyu’s body trembling and shaking like a leaf.
You hold his hand and he grips on with his life, even his hands shaky as he tries to recover from his high, mind in a daze and panting wildly as he looks up at you prettily with wide watery eyes still in shock.
You carry on after he’s calmed down though, fucking him rough, not stopping until all you remember is beomgyu’s loud cries and screams of your name, the only thing beomgyu able to give out tears and cum continuously, milking him spent until there’s no tears falling from his eyes or cum spurting from his dick left and his throat is all hoarse. Beomgyu’s dorm walls so thin you can only imagine what other people can hear.
You kinda want other people to hear beomgyu moaning your name though.
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“Wake up sleepyhead, you’re gonna miss your class.” Beomgyu flicks your forehead.
“Ow! What the fuck?” You place your hand to your head, rubbing the area. Beomgyu chuckles, but replaces your hand with a kiss on your forehead instead and then peppers some more kisses on your face, flopping his head to muzzle in your neck again. “How come you’re not rushing to get up?” You raise a brow, curiously.
“I don’t have any classes which means I can sleep in as much as I like.” Beomgyu grins triumphantly, doing a little short sleepy victory dance.
“Lucky.” You grimace.
“Oh my god—look how many fucking marks you left on me last night!” Beomgyu pouts, showing you the dozens of bruises and hickeys scattered all on his body. “Someone definitely had fun. I didn’t know you were so scandalous like that, y/n.” He dramatically gasps, teasing you.
“Well you look so pretty marked up like that. How can I not?” You say, unapologetic.
“I think it’s safe to say that it’s pretty clear now to everyone that I’m in a relationship.”
“Maybe I’ll leave even more before I go.” You grin, turning to tilt his chin up and pull him in a kiss. “Don’t cover them.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” Beomgyu grins.
Please !!! reblog !!! & !!! comment !!! if you like the fic. Feedback is always so nice. It’s really appreciated and so so nice if you do tysm !<3🙏💕😊 🌷It’s discouraging and sad when fics have such little reblogs 👎🤨🤨:(
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moonpetrichors-blog · 2 years
can i request for enemies to lovers for neteyam ?? love ur work sm !!
First Impressions
Tags: Neteyam x Metkayina!Reader, Heacanons, Enemies To Lovers, Female!Reader, Anguished Declarations of Love, Reader is Kinda Mean, Forced Proximity
Warnings: None
You are another daughter of Ronal and Tonowari. When the Sully family shows up on your shores, you immediately dislike their eldest son; Neteyam.
Tysm ♥♥ Lucky for you, this was already in a list of things I wanted to write!! Great minds think alike fr 🤝🙄
* ˚ ✦ Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [26/12/22] ❞
He was like no one else you had seen before.
He was a boy from the Omaticaya clan, a foreign stranger who had no business to be seeking refuge on your beaches.
After all, he was clearly suited for swinging in trees, not swimming.
You had heard of the fabled Jake Sully; the Toruk Makto, and as of right now, referred to as a great warrior by none other than Neytiri.
They had travelled a far distance to seek shelter with your people, so that their clan could be safe.
You were against allowing him and his family to hide within the Awa'atlu village. Danger would follow them, and they did not fit in with your people nor the environment.
Alas, you had no power to defy the orders of your father, Tonowari, as he was the Olo'eyktan.
Imagine your surprise when your father, not only simply allowing them to stay, also expected you and your siblings to teach them your ways.
You groaned at the thought, not wanting to spend time with these people or their children.
After their initial introduction, their eldest son Neteyam attempted to get to know you.
However, his kind demeanor towards you quickly turned sour when you made it transparently clear you wanted nothing to do with him.
‘The hell is wrong with you?’ is what Neteyam would think.
You both would want to avoid each other, but unfortunately, that’s not really possible.
He does try to be civil when he can, though. Neteyam has a backbone and won’t let anyone walk all over him, but he’s not like Lo’ak where he’ll freely start fights.
His father warned not to cause problems, and he doesn’t want him to be disappointed in him.
Your sister Tsireya had taken a liking to the younger son, Lo’ak, which meant you were stuck with teaching Neteyam.
So here you were with Tsireya, teaching the two brothers breathing exercises.
You were getting frustrated with Neteyam. His breathing wasn’t on par with your expectations, and time and time again you would smack him (lightly, of course) if he wasn’t doing it right.
“Here, do it like this!” frustrated, you placed your hands on his chest and abdomen. “Breathe like this!”
You took deep breaths through the diaphragm, then gestured your head for Neteyam to do it next.
Well, he wasn’t breathing through his chest anymore, but his heart was definitely going a mile a minute with you being so hands-on with him.
Just when you thought he was finally getting the hang of it, he smacked your hands off of him and said he can do it himself.
You tsked, and decided that if he wants to drown, he can. “Whatever, asshole.”
The next thing you tried to teach him about was riding the ilu and performing tsaheylu with it.
You honestly weren’t expecting much from him, you knew that it would take awhile before he could actually do so.
And you were right. The moment he started gliding underwater, he was thrown off the ilu’s back.
You remained in place treading the water, bursting into laughter at his falling form. This guy really doesn’t know what he’s doing 💀
When Neteyam meets with you again, his face is red with embarrassment. You can’t contain your laughter, and he has to remind himself to stay calm and not yell in a fit of rage.
A few days pass, and Tsireya and Aonung decide to go swimming with Kiri, Lo’ak, and Neteyam.
Tsireya urged for you to come along, and you agreed, because how could you say no to your sister?
As you are swimming, you have to slow down for Neteyam. You were quite irate with the fact that he couldn’t keep up, trading looks with Aonung occasionally.
As you kept swimming, Neteyam was in awe with the underwater scenery. 
The schools of fish, bright coral, and the way the light refracted in the ocean made him amazed. He couldn’t believe that he had never seen something so beautiful before.
And then, he looked at you.
The scenery really tied everything together; being surrounded by a vast, blue world, you were like the centerpiece of an artfully woven painting.
It was in this moment that Neteyam really took in your beauty. He thought you were pretty since the first time he laid eyes on you.
But of course, you didn’t like him, so he quickly picked up the memo and forgot all about those thoughts of you.
Neteyam was so distracted from daydreaming about you, that he forgot his breathing exercises instead.
You turn around to see him flailing in the water, and start panicking because he’s literally about to drown.
You quickly swam over, wrapped your arms around his waist, and hauled him up to the surface.
You start slapping his face, shaking him by the shoulders to breathe.
He’s coughing and sputtering now, muttering a thank you.
His near-drowning experience is swiftly forgotten when he processes the fact that you basically saved him.
At this point he’s making fun of you because you came to his rescue, and Tsireya and Aonung are not too far behind him either.
Angrily, you shove his head underwater, and swim away.
Later on, when it is well over eclipse, you push a stick through the sand to make stupid drawings.
Neteyam creeps up behind you, and you almost whack him with your stick when he sits down besides you.
“The hell do you want?”
He recoils at your attitude. Neteyam wanted to properly thank you for your help earlier that day, but it seemed now that all hint of gratitude left his body.
“What’s wrong with you?” is what he ends up saying.
You promptly begin to argue. Honestly, you didn’t really have a good reason for being so mean to him all the time.
In all honesty, you did find him kind of cute at first, but worrying about the safety of your clan overpowered that more than anything.
You would never admit this though. Instead, you scoop up a handful of sand, and throw it at him.
Neteyam’s patience completely snaps. He has tried to be cordial with you in the past, but that was it.
He tackles you to the ground, and fighting between the two of you ensued.
“You’re so rude for no reason!”
“What’s it to you?”
You’re both practically yelling at this point as you wrestle on the sand.
Out of sheer anger, Neteyam did something he’s never done before. Make an impulsive decision.
In response to you, he blurted out that he likes you, but you’re such a massive asshole to him that it makes him furious!
You aren’t any smarter than him, and reply with the exact same confession.
You both paused.
Neteyam was leaning over you, hands by either side of your head. All his anger had disappeared. Was this guy smiling??
Your face flushed with embarrassment that you had actually admitted that to him. You wanted the sand beneath you to swallow you whole.
You tried to back up, but found yourself trapped between Neteyam and, well... the sand.
Your about to start yelling again when he places a featherlight kiss against your lips, and that’s when your face erupts into a violent blush.
You can’t hide your face from him, which makes him all the more amused.
“Okay, fine. I guess you’re kind of cute...” you trailed off.
He let out a toothy grin, sharp canines on display. “I always thought you were.”
Okay, now you really wanted to be six feet underground.
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