#he's also disastrously bi
autumn-breeze0 · 2 years
Sirius: So I'm bi
Remus: *hopeful gasp*
Sirius: -lingual. I speak two languages.
Remus, sadly: Oh. *sips water*
Sirius: Also, I like boys too.
Renus: *spits out water*
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mywingsareonwheels · 1 year
An absolutely crucial bit of Shakespearean casting
Orsino must be hot.
Obviously there are many many different ways in which people can be hot, and (never) fuck anyone who says otherwise. But he must give an overall impression of hotness. His clothes should suit him well, his voice should be a delight, his energy should be devastatingly attractive. Bonus points if he opens his shirt at least once, which tbf he usually does. ;-) He should also be extremely bi, but I hope that goes without saying.
Orsino is... not one of my favourite Shakespearean men, and I always feel that Viola is vastly too good for him (as indeed would Olivia have been). But if he is a hot, disastrous bi, then I can at least see what Viola sees in him, which makes the entire play work far better. :D
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koko-heads · 1 year
saiki k is my new comfort show fr
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buggyjuggie · 6 months
The lin kuei trio + johnny,raiden and kung lao with a figure skating reader?⛸️
──★ ˙ ̟The Lin kuei trio + Johnny, Raiden and Kung lao x GN! Figure skating reader
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「 ✦ Bi-han ✦ 」
* Ok i known it might seem obvious that ice powers = good at figure skating but i dont think Bi han is good at it…like at all
* I don’t know this idea is kinda funny to me he tries ,then fails, gets mad and says he’ll never do it again ( if you plead with him enough he’ll try and the cycle repeats)
* Just like with the skater headcanon he has to watch from the sidelines
* Tho as an act of service (hc: his love language) he cleans your skates, makes sure they are up to code and sharpens them.
* Like with Thomas back in they’re childhood he helps you practice by changing the ground into ice.
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「 ✦ Kuai liang ✦ 」
* I would say Kua liang is decent at figure skating. Not disastrous like Bi han but also not 10/10 like Thomas
* He enjoys just skating in circles slowly while talking to you
* Just make sure to help him if he ever falls down so that he doesn’t melt the ice out of embarrassment
* He tries to attend every competition that your in but if he’s busy he leaves some flowers and a note for you
* Is the most supportive partner ever gives hugs, kisses, praises and so on after shows.
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「 ✦ Smoke/Thomas ✦ 」
*As stated in Kuai liangs sections he’s a GOD at figure skating, it’s practically his secret talent
* Both of you tend to get competitive and try to out do each other
*He sometimes overdoes the spins in an effort to win against you and makes himself dizzy
* During his childhood would pleade with Bihan to turn the ground to ice so he could practice (Bi han caved but then messed with Thomas and made him fall)
* Like Kuai liang he tries to show up to every competition that your in. Even makes those supportive homemade posters
* He tends to embarrass you sometimes but it’s out of love so you can’t get mad at him.
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「 ✦ Johnny Cage ✦ 」
* If you compete in any skating competitions your trophies go next to his
* He even sometimes cleans them for you
* Is always posting pictures or videos of either you performing or practicing to his socials
* You now have stan accounts dedicated to you and your carrier thanks to him
* If he ever has to play a roll that includes figure skating your phone better NOT be on silent because your the first person he’s calling up
* Takes you ice skates and costume shopping and yes he does get you custom everything as a surprise
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「 ✦ Raiden ✦ 」
* I feel like Raiden is less than average when it comes to figure skatting
* He doesn’t fall on his ass all the time but he still has to use a skating aid or hold on to you
* Like Kuai liang likes just slow skatting around the ring and talking or in silence while taking in your presence
* After competitions takes you to Madam Bo’s even if you didn’t win he still wants to show that you should still be proud of yourself
* Once your done with practice if he sees that your cold he gives you his jacket and always carries a thermos with hot tea to keep you warm.
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(Oh my god this gif)
「 ✦ Kung lao ✦ 」
* Tries to act like he isn’t but he’s scared
* After a bit of practice slowly starts to get the hang of things
* Once he’s good enough to be on his own first thing he learns is how to do a hockey stop just to annoy you
* Always brags to people about how cool you are and the amount of awards you’ve won
* Tried to write a message for you on ice ussing his hat but forgot that the skattes also leave marks so it just ended up being unreadable (you still appreciate the thought at least)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
And another request done ! I had so much fun with this one like my brain was filled with ideas i managed to finish this in only a day and again i really enjoys doing this one :3
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morgangalaxy43 · 1 day
My sexuality headcanons for everyone in the bat family because it’s pride month and way not
Alfred: Bisexual and polyamorous (I imagine him bring being in a relationship with Thomas and Martha)
Bruce: most disastrous bi person to ever exist in Gotham City
Dick: also bisexual
Tim: he’s bi too (canon)
Jason: he’s bi and asexual
Duke: pansexual
Damian: gay
Cassandra: lesbian and she’s dating Stephanie who is bi sorry I didn’t make the rules I just fallow them
But yeah happy pride to everyone
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ari-but-unhinged · 12 days
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Art for Toritsuka/Hairo fic where I explored what was meant to be a crack ship and is now one of my favourite (??) ships in Saiki k- PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
(A long rant ensues so, if you don’t want that then that’s all good and you don’t have to click, but if you’re interested, then welcome to my rant about a rare pair i love!)
Of course, I started out by simply laughing at the “I hate men” line Toritsuka said about Hairo and thinking writing a crack taken seriously fic would be funny and it would be a nice break before I started this other fic I have planned that is going to be an even bigger endeavour with Saiki k x Danganronpa. What I didn’t see happening was for this Torihai fic to completely take over my brain space and end up with a fic just shy of 20,000 words.
This may not seem like a lot, but I usually only write fics in 1,000-2,000s so this is a lot for me, especially since I’m a slow writer/editor so it takes me a while.
Part of the reason I love these two together is because of the inherent dynamic of Hairo’s inspirational preachiness and how it doesn’t work on Toritsuka, and how it might be refreshing for Hairo to have someone who challenges him (and not in the fake way Teruhashi does, with Toritsuka being very upfront and honest about it). Toritsuka also, because he’s so upfront about his feelings, helps Hairo to express certain emotions like annoyance/sadness that he wouldn’t normally express outwardly. Something else too is that Toritsuka tends to be very physically affectionate, and I don’t know that Hairo is used to that (I haven’t seen any examples of him being physically affectionate in any other way than a bro way) so that could be refreshing as well. Also, also, Toritsuka is Hairo’s gym buddy who was reluctantly dragged along that day Saiki was trying to avoid everyone and no one can change my mind lol (this, in Hairo’s mind, forms a bond between them that can never be broken and he will never stop reminding Toritsuka of this when they hang out).
I just think their dynamic can be playful/fun because they’re both real with each other if that makes sense?
On Toritsuka’s side of things, he doesn’t have a lot of friends and the friends he does have he either doesn’t have any chemistry with or hate him (Saiki lol), so I think it’d be nice for him to have someone who is extremely caring/attentive to his friends and clearly cares deeply about them and shows it often. Because of this, Hairo shows interest in Toritsuka’s life, and for someone who probably hasn’t had many friends, that would mean a lot. Also the fact that Hairo cares so much for Toritsuka sets an example as to how to be a good friend/human would behave and could help him grow as a person (which are always the best friendships/relationships when they grow together rather than staying stagnant and dragging each other down). Being more caring of others and allow him to develop his interpersonal relationships with more than just ghosts, instead with real humans.
Also, I’ve taken to calling them the “errand boys” because it’s a great prompt to force two people who are polar opposites and would never interact to hang out/do an activity together, so I thought it fit them perfectly.
In the fic I changed a few things from canon (sexualities obviously- Tori is bi/queer and Hairo is gay. Although quick side-tangent- I’ve written Tori/Kaidou, Tori/Akechi, and now Tori/Hairo and all three of them either are Asexual or are often headcanonned as ace by the community/me and I just find it very funny that the horniest character is continuously shipped with them. I only realized I did this after I first started writing the fic.)
- Hairo explicitly has psychic powers (it’s something they can bond over and it’s something that plays off of Hairo’s emotions. Cue a lot of blushing not only because of embarrassment but also actual literal heat rushing to his face.)
- Hairo was raised by a single parent (His family is never mentioned so I just made one up)
- Personal headcanon, but I feel like Toritsuka might occasionally pretend to not see spirits in order to avoid getting approached.
- Toritsuka’s backstory has been slightly altered and has a lot more angst to an already pretty sad backstory (it’s played for laughs, but imagine how that would’ve felt for him :( he realized he lost two people he loved in a matter of minutes. Also, he’s a child when this happens so that’s even sadder. I honestly wonder if they died somewhere in the house or he was just there and his guardians didn’t know, like??? How???)
If this made you interested in reading the fic which this is all about, I’ll link it at the end, but if you were just here for the rant, that’s cool too! I’m obsessed with these two because they’re adorable and I must spread the gospel of Torihai.
Link to original fic-
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14carrotghoul · 7 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thank you to @ssmtskw @cultofsappho and @bitbybitwrites for tagging me! I've been bouncing between WIPs a LOT and now my attention is lasered on this Christmas-y best friends/fake dating WIP because my mom watched way too many Hallmark movies over the holiday! Also the beginning is lowkey dedicated to anyone fighting for their life on dating apps 😔
Alex's dating life is admittedly disastrous. There was Annie, who was wonderful until she started stealing Henry's designer clothes and selling them on Poshmark. Kayleigh, who was completely obsessed with anything and everything Kardashian and/or Jenner. Mina, who tried way too hard to make Henry her fabulous Gay Best Friend. Then, Alex had the audacity to give Henry a flicker of hope when he came out as bi and broadened his dating pool, but the fool still had horrible taste that disqualified Henry. Brandon, who was probably the original Man Holding a Fish on Tinder and had a gross Latin fetish. Chase the overworked line cook – he was okay, just intense, which was a bad combination with Alex's own intensity.
No pressure tagging @sherryvalli @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @read-and-write- @happiness-of-the-pursuit @cha-melodius @affectionatelyrs @myheartalivewrites @tintagel-or-cockleshells @suseagull04 @xthelastknownsurvivorx <3
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pumpkinhrat · 11 months
Martin nearly drops his glass of wine in his lap when the notification pops up. A bit does splash over the lip of the glass and nearly ruins his freshly folded laundry, but he can’t bring himself to care. The message blinks at him from his phone screen: Tinder (now) – Somebody Super Liked you! Find out who.
Martin stares blankly at it until the screen starts to go dark. A Super Like. A Super Like? It’s been a week since Martin opened the account and he’s barely had 5 matches in the time since. He’s not even really sure what a Super Like is besides the fact that Tinder keeps trying to make him buy them. Did someone pay to match with him? Martin’s pulse quickens and before he can talk himself out of it, he’s typing in his passcode and pulling up the app. Immediately, a profile pops up with a bright blue star under the scowling face of–
Jonathan Sims.
Martin freezes, the skin of his neck prickling suddenly. What… He takes a furtive look around his flat, suddenly and bizarrely self conscious, as if someone’s gonna pop up beside him to judge his every reaction – ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. He takes a large swallow of wine.
Martin’s first instinct upon discovering that his boss Super Liked him on Tinder of all places is, of course, to deny, deny, deny that it’s really happening. Because, really, imagining dour, dry Jon sitting down to set up an online dating profile after scoffing at Tim’s own profile so hard that he’d set himself into a coughing fit is unbelievable. It doesn’t help Martin’s denial, however, that the third picture on Jon’s account is one of Tim and Sasha crowding beside him at a bar. It also doesn’t help that Martin remembers that night very clearly and knows for certain that after Sasha had taken that selfie of the three of them, Tim had insisted on a photo with Martin as well. (“Gotta have documentation that I actually managed to drag all three of you out at once!” he remembers Tim shouting in his ear.)
Martin clicks through the rest of the profile with a deliberate sort of detachment, though his cheeks warm against his will. It’s not his fault that every previously unseen photo of his stuffy, starched shirt boss in jeans and a flannel ignites a new wash of fire down his back. The blue Super Like star continuing to glow merrily under each photo doesn’t help, either.
Martin mindlessly scrolls down a bit further and encounters the description he’d missed while scouring Jon’s photo album. The bio reads: ‘Stressed, depressed, well dressed. Put the bi in bibliophile. Looking for someone to raise a cat with.’ Martin’s attention catches on the second line, specifically the word ‘bi’. He knows that Jon had dated at least one woman before but he never wanted to assume anything about his preferences. It’s nice to know, he supposes, as his traitorous body sends another wash of elated heat down his back.
This is bad. Very, very bad. Jon had been alluring enough when he’d been Marin’s mean, unfairly hot boss who’d occasionally dress him down in a way that made his hands tingle. Cold, strict, and gloriously, mercifully unattainable. It’s been a few years since those rocky beginnings, though. Now, Jon has settled into his gig as Head Archivist and the spiky walls of his glaringly obvious inferiority complex have disappeared entirely. He still snaps and snipes, of course, but that’s to be expected no matter how close you are to Jonathan Sims.
This, unfortunately, means that Martin’s… interest (he refuses to say ‘infatuation’ as Tim had) in Jon has taken a bit more of a realistic turn. In the past year or so, Jon has turned into something of a friend, which is incredible on its own but also has disastrous implications for Martin’s ability to maintain his self control. And this? This is bad.
The wine (a thank you gift from Jon for hosting his birthday party at his flat the year prior) sits warm and soft in Martin’s belly as his thumb hovers over the swipe right and left options. Nothing about this makes a lick of sense, but Martin’s imagination never really needs much to go on in order to find the most ridiculous course of action and convince him to act on it.
He downs the rest of his glass in one go and swipes his thumb to the right. Who needs self control?
“And what, exactly, do you mean by concerned?”
Sasha cringes slightly at Jon’s sharp tone but Tim just slings an arm around his neck, snatching his phone and the offending Tinder account away from him. “Oh come on Boss Man, you know we worry! We’re just looking out for you! Consider it a favor.”
“A favor.” His tone is so dry that even Tim grimaces but he quickly recovers.
“Yeah! You were just whingeing about how terrible company Sash and I make on a night out, always running off for a bit of fun and leaving you by your lonesome. We thought we’d solicit you some company!”
“Must you phrase it that way? It sounds as if you’re hiring me an escort.” Jon gripes without much bite, crossing his arms where he leans against Sasha’s desk. Tim grins at him so widely he rolls his eyes and looks away. “So, what, you want to find someone for me to interact with while the two of you go off to- to do whatever it is you do? I’m just supposed to stay behind and rendezvous with some stranger?”
“Well,” Sasha says slowly. Jon turns his imperious look on her. “We tried to encourage you to, um, rendezvous with someone at the bar when the two of us break off but you didn’t seem to like that idea either.”
Jon puffs out an exasperated little sigh that is honestly endearing as fuck and levels a flat look at Sasha. “You know perfectly well that that is not something I’m–”
“That’s not what I meant,” she cuts in quickly. “It’s perfectly possible to make friends at bars even if you’re not looking for anything else.”
“Maybe for some people,” he mutters, looking away, and Sasha’s heart squeezes much in the way that had made her start this entire endeavor. She opens her mouth to explain just this but Tim beats her to the punch.
“That’s kinda the point, Boss Man. We know you aren’t particularly comfortable having full blown conversations with strangers, so we thought this would be is a great solution! Match with a few people, see who fits the best, then you can meet the ones who you think you’d actually survive socializing with.” Jon takes a breath and Tim quickly barrels on. “Aaaand if you don’t find anyone who meets that bar, then no harm done! Just delete the app and you’ll never have to think about it again.” He gently pushes the phone across Sasha’s desk toward Jon, the app open to the ‘matches’ page.
Jon stares down at it with clear disdain before eyeing them both doubtfully. “I appreciate the effort,” he starts carefully and Sasha has to bite her tongue to resist interrupting. “But isn’t this an entirely unnecessary endeavor? It’s not as if we go out all that often, anyway. Everyone’s far too busy to agree on nights to go out, and Martin hasn’t been able to attend in months.”
“Well, y’know, that’s also kind of the point, Boss Man,” Tim says. He yanks out a chair and sits on it backward beside Sasha so they’re both looking up at Jon. He taps his phone pointedly. “We want you to get out there, mingle with other people now that Martin’s lost his weekends to his mom and Sash and I are dipping into territory you’re not as comfortable with–”
“You two do know I am capable of hearing the word sex without bursting into flame, yes?”
“–and, hey, we get it, you’re not the most social guy. But everyone needs a little bit of time with a friend or partner. We don’t want you to miss out on that because our little quartet has encountered a few scheduling conflicts.”
Jon stares at them, a look Sasha does not like filling his eyes, and his lips thin slightly. “You think I’m lonely.” He says the word with such a tone of accusation that Sasha cringes again.
“We don’t think you’re lonely,” she corrects quickly. “We just think you’d benefit from new social connections now that we’re less available.”
“And we still wanna go out,” Tim adds. “As often as we can. We just want–”
“Me to have more options than just you three, yes, I understand the premise.” He turns his attention back to Tim’s phone and gingerly pokes through the app, huffing and making more Jon Noises. Precious. After an excruciating amount of time, he heaves a gigantic sigh. “I suppose it won’t hurt to- to test it out. See if your theory holds any weight.” He sounds reluctant but Tim and Sasha share an excited glance, Sasha giving an endeared little nose scrunch at the wording. What an utterly Jon thing to say. “It has– It’s been a while since Georgie, so I believe now is as good a time as any to ‘get back out there’. I hadn’t thought there’d be anyone particularly interesting on apps like these but…” He trails off as he clicks through one of his matches’ profiles and Sasha just barely catches a glimpse of a foggy silhouette on a mountain.
“We handpicked a few people that we thought you might gel with,” she cuts in quickly, before Jon can expand on his ‘but’ and shut the whole thing down. “The one you’re looking at right now is Tim’s favorite, though I think he’s a bit boring.” Tim makes an affronted noise but Jon just hums, scrolling slowly through the profile’s long winded description.
“Yes, quite,” he says, clearly not paying any attention to what she’s saying. Tim grins at her.
‘Told ya so!’ He mouths and Sasha gives him the finger under her desk.
“Well, whaddya say, Boss?” Tim asks after another few minutes, which Jon spends entirely on Martin’s profile. “Shall I get you all logged in on your phone so you can start chatting him up? Or am I gonna lose my phone entirely to you and this ‘Martin’?” Jon looks up at Tim, surprised, then back down at the phone.
“Oh, right, yes, this is–“ He fumbles to return the phone to Tim, as if looking through it hadn’t been the entire point of the account, and pulls out his own phone. “I’ll just take over from you now, shall I? It is, ah, apparently my account, after all.”
He says the last bit with no small amount of pointed wryness but Sasha ignores their squabbling, leaning back in her chair triumphantly. Another successful mission in order to expand Jon’s little world, this one possibly the most satisfying. She glows a little with the feeling of a job well done.
After all, what could possibly go wrong?
[Here is the previous part] --- [next part]
UPDATE: You can read the whole story by JJanuaryRain on AO3! Go give them lots of love -> "all's fair in love & tinder"
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gunnerkriggcritical · 6 months
The ambiguity in Annie's love life has always been really compelling to me. I'm gonna discuss some of the facets of this below.
First off, Annie responds to Mort's supposed romantic "claim" on her (via the blinker stone) with a level of anger that shocks both Mort and Kat. That's such a fascinating scene to me. I think it's the first time in the comic that we really get a taste of Annie's temper, and it's in the context of her not wanting to be claimed by a suitor against her will.
Then there's Jack. Annie doesn't seem to know how to act around him, while the question of whether she genuinely has a crush on him is left unanswered; she veers between acting awkwardly and not seeming to know how to treat him, to deliberately manipulating him to hurt him after hearing about her mother doing the same to Renard (and based on Irial's advice), to - this is my interpretation, anyway - offering him a kiss because she thinks that's what you're supposed to do in such situations, not because she genuinely wants to. The way Jack refuses her kiss and gives her a hug instead always seemed to me like, to a certain level, pity? He's learned over the course of the chapter that Annie is a mess who has no idea what she's doing, least of all romantically, and he doesn't want to take advantage of that. At least, that's how I always interpreted that moment.
"The Torn Sea" really makes a point of emphasizing that Annie has no partner while most of her friends have paired off. I'm still not sure why - and it's possible, I guess, that the chapter only does this for comedic effect. It's also more than possible that we haven't reached the point in Annie's arc that will make all these past moments make sense in retrospect. There's also, of course, the moment in "Dealing With HER" where the Annies briefly discuss having a crush on someone. And the moment in "Annie and the Forest" when Annie is asked if she has a "love back home," misunderstands the question and says "Yes, my friend Kat," and then, when it's clarified, mentally scrolls through the list of boys she knows before settling on Jack with a confused look on her face. And speaking of "Annie in the Forest," there is, of course, her crush on Kamlen, which is also contrasted with a (maybe?) crush on Jones in "Divine," hinting that Annie might be bi.
A lot is going on here, but it all fits into the broader context of who Annie is. This is way more apparent in earlier chapters than later ones, but socially, she's a strange, underdeveloped girl who was raised in isolation and doesn't quite know how to navigate the world of school-age drama. Her awkwardness and lack of experience in romance are part of a broader character arc that highlights her social ineptitude; while her peers pair off, she's left alone, and attention is drawn to this by the narrative, both in terms of friendships and romantic relationships (although she does have a small group of friends other than Kat by the later days of the comic).
She learns how to behave based on mimicry, which, in the romantic context, is especially apparent in "Faraway Morning," when she mimics her mother's behaviour and Irial's advice to manipulate Jack, to disastrous results, before eventually relenting and admitting she regrets it. She does have crushes, but she doesn't know how to act on them properly. In fact, since the question of whether she actually has a crush on Jack or was just trying to manipulate him for revenge is left unanswered, I don't know if we've ever really seen Annie acting on a crush at all.
With all this in mind, I don't really have a concrete opinion or theory on "who Annie will end up with," only my personal opinion that I would rather she didn't end up with anyone at all.
It's very very common for main characters to "end up with" somebody, but the way the comic has treated Annie's love life has, so far, been much more complex and nuanced than that. I don't think she's aromantic (although I totally understand and respect why someone would headcanon that) - I do think she has romantic crushes, that there's canon evidence for her being bisexual, and that the comic wants us to pay attention to everything it's doing in regards to her romantic leanings. I also think, and hope, that Gunnerkrigg intends to subvert the "who will the main character end up with?!" question that every other piece of media in history has asked, by saying: "No one." That answer is, to me, far more in keeping with the nuance the comic has managed towards Annie's romantic leanings than "she ends up with Kat," or any other possible pairing, would be. I would rather the answer be left cryptic instead of made concrete, like many other concepts in the comic have been.
To finish: I have long thought Gunnerkrigg is about the fierce, loyal, powerful platonic love between Annie and Kat. The dyadic friendship that unites forest and Court, technology and magic, fantasy and science fiction. The idea of them being in love with each other is nowhere near as compelling to me as the idea of them caring about each other so deeply they would do anything for the other, without being in romantic love.
(If Annie and Kat do get together, I would also question how quickly and unceremoniously Paz got booted out of the comic to make way for this pairing, but that's neither here nor there, lol.)
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charmixpower · 1 year
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Here's a version with no bg! And under the cut imma explain my hcs!
Going in order;
Tecna: Nonbinary Flag cape, Aro and Ace belt clips, Transfeminine pin, and Autism pin
Tecna doesn't really care about figuring out what her exact gender is because that doesn't affect the happiness she experiences in her life so she uses the macro label of Nonbinary and Transfeminine, and was very happy simply socially transitioning to being more feminine
She uses She/He/They pronouns, and doesn't actually care which one people use for her. Since magic is a very female dominant field and because she's transfeminine most people just assume she only uses she/her and she honestly doesn't care enough to correct them
She experiences no type of attraction, but isn't repulsed. She's completely neutral but is very much interested in not participating
She's very autistic. She experiences shut downs, takes things very literally, is like aggressive sincere bc not doing that never occurred to her, can't read others emotions to save her life—people on Zenith usually keep to themselves and have a extremely straightforward culture that very autism friendly so Tecna never noticed she was different until she left
Aisha: Lesbian Flag, Demi aro ace pin, and that's the Pride flag in her bag
Aisha is exclusively attracted to women and only experiences attraction after knowing someone well. Additionally, Demi people have different amounts of time for when they feel attraction and for Aisha they have to be at the very least good friends before any attraction can develop
Musa: Bisexual jacket
Musa is bisexual with a preference for men. She figured out she was bisexual after watching the world's shittest romance movie and wished she was dating both of them. She is the most disastrous of bisexuals. Shes never had a crush on a normal person, that or it's another straight girl. Someone pray for her
Bloom: Omni Flag cape, and Autism pin
Had a friend describe Omni as being between Pan and Bi, where gender plays a role but not as big and it really fitt the way I see Bloom so here. Bloom experiences attraction differently based on gender but has no preference, so she's Omni. I genuinely think Bloom would like and use micro labels, she just comes off to me as a "I need to find the perfect word to decide my experience" girlie
Bloom's autism is all in the sensitivity, being easily overwhelmed and wanting to process in a safe place, complete lack of understanding of danger, and huge special interest baybeee. Also her complete inability to express empathy without filtering it though her own life experience but eventually she figures out how to just express empathy and sympathy without doing that XD
Stella: Pan dress, ADHD purse, and three different Polyamorous pins
Stella is pan "because I can't deny any gender a shot" - Stella of Solaria
That's a real quote. She told me herself. Yeah but she's pan and thinks everyone is hot. Shes our Combined type ADHD queen. Bow down. The three different polyam pins are because there're two different popular flags, the most common really ugly one and the redesign so I used both so people would understand and the new polyam symbol. If she and Brandon met someone they wanted to date there would be no question if they tried to bring them into the relationship. Only when
Flora: Bisexual dress, Pride belt, and Pride earrings
Flora is bisexual with a preference for women. She has no clue she was into men for a little while, primarily bc she finds femininity the most attractive so it was until she saw a gnc guy and couldn't stop staring that she realized she was bisexual. The distinguished bisexual to Musa's utter disaster
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I have not shared in a bit but I’ve finally got a lil’ something today. This is another snippet from something I was previously calling a secret project, but now that the prologue and first chapter of the series has been shared and my name is linked to the series, I can reveal that this is from my episode of Star Trek: Redemption, a birthday gift for the lovely @raenestee 🎉
Also going to take this opportunity to plug the intro @facewithoutheart has written. You do not have to be a Trek fan to read it, either. It’s an adventurous, fun and sweet ride, and the rest of the series promises to be amazing as well. Lots of wonderful people working on it and bringing some fantastic ideas to the plate.
Anywho! On to my excerpt. (With nothing redacted this time! )
“Traveling the universe isn’t as glamorous as the Starfleet pamphlets made it sound, is it?”
Baz exhales through his nose by way of an answer.
“No, it isn’t.”
“You know this trade agreement is important,” I say quietly.
He nods. He’s got his arms crossed tightly and he’s looking at his feet, his toes pushing pebbles along the path. He looks so young all of a sudden.
“I know.”
“And just because our first few encounters in this quadrant were disastrous, doesn’t automatically mean this one will be too.”
He clicks his tongue. “Yes, but don’t those other experiences mean we should be cautious?” He turns and looks at me finally. His look is defiant. Challenging. But I’m not here for a fight.
I keep my tone gentle and do my best to coax him with my words.
“Cautious, yes. And I think we are being so. But Baz, we can’t just close ourselves off from everyone just because there’s a possibility we may get hurt. We won’t survive that way.”
A small update on my progress, if you like reading about these things. I got a good bit done on this sucker in later April/Early May but ended up chopping a good 5k (nearly everything I wrote in the last 5 weeks) recently because it was a lot of slow moving and boring exposition that I’ve decided to just recap instead. This seems to be the story of my writing these days. :vibin:
But! This bit I am determined to save and rework somehow. Wish me luck!
Thank you to all the wonderful people tagging me lately. Tagging y’all back today and then some:
@fatalfangirl @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @mostlymaudlin @tea-brigade @technetiumai @ebbpettier @ileadacharmedlife @imagineacoolusername @ivelovedhimthroughworse @rimeswithpurple @shrekgogurt @confused-bi-queer @forabeatofadrum @martsonmars @hushed-chorus @valeffelees @nightimedreamersworld @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ic3-que3n @blackberrysummerblog @palimpsessed @theearlgreymage @nausikaaa @captain-aralias @larkral @thewholelemon @letraspal @mysterioussheep @whogaveyoupermission @sosoapi @johnwgrey And anyone else who sees this and wants to share 💛
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mental-mona · 4 months
In 1979, Iran underwent an Islamic Revolution that reversed decades of progress in economic development, women’s rights, education, health, and more. But why would a country that had taken such strides toward a promising future undergo a revolution? To understand this, it's important to recognize that the so-called Islamic Revolution in Iran was not purely Islamic — it was initiated by leftists and executed by both leftists and Islamists.
Many Mullahs, including Ayatollah Khomeini, grew increasingly enraged with Iran's rulers, Reza Shah and his son Mohammad Reza Shah (the last of the Pahlavi royal dynasty) due to their progressive reforms concerning women's rights. These reforms, perceived as Westernized and contrary to Islamic values, were instrumental in inflaming the discontent that fueled the Islamic Revolution. However, the Mullahs themselves lacked the political skills necessary to instigate a revolution on their own.
In the years leading up to the revolution, Iranian leftists, deeply influenced by revolutionary communist theories and literature, were also growing restless and impatient. Lacking the means to mobilize a people’s revolution independently, these leftists found allies in the Islamic clerical establishment. The mullahs, with their extensive network in mosques and influence over the populace, provided the perfect machinery for an uprising. Together, they were powerful enough to overthrow the system.
A key architect in building the ideological framework for the Islamic Revolution was the Iranian sociologist Ali Shariati. Influenced by his time among Parisian radicals in the 1960s, he sought to reinterpret Islam with a strong emphasis on social justice and anti-imperialism by incorporating elements of revolutionary Marxism. He aimed to synthesize these schools of thought to mobilize the Muslim masses (especially the youth) against imperialism, and to promote social change within an Islamic framework. His Islamic-left ideology was the single most influential doctrine that led to the 1979 revolution.
The revolution succeeded. The Pahlavi shahs were deposed and the Ayatollah Khomeini emerged as the leader of Iran. It didn’t take long after the success of the revolution, however, for leftist ideals to be jettisoned.
In 1988, the Islamic Republic began coordinating extrajudicial mass executions of political prisoners, including the Tudeh Party and members and supporters of other leftist political groups. The main target of the killings was the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, also known as Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), a militant leftist group. Khomeini issued an order for their execution referring to them as "moharebs" (those who war against Allah) and "mortads" (apostates from Islam), using their alleged non-Islamist beliefs and actions as a justification.
Iran today ranks among the least free countries in the world. LGBT people have virtually no rights. Same-sex behavior between gay and bi men is a crime that carries a maximum penalty of death. Indeed, thousands of LGBT people have been executed by the Iranian regime since the 1979 Revolution. Women who refuse to wear the hijab risk brutal attacks, imprisonment, or even death, as the much-publicized case of Mahsa Jina Amini showed. And political and religious minorities live as second-class citizens or worse. How might things have turned out if the progress prior to the revolution had been allowed to continue?
The trends, behaviors, and beliefs that led to the disastrous Iranian Revolution threaten to repeat themselves today in the West. We have already begun to see early glimpses. The most prominent example is the ongoing wave of mass anti-Israel and/or pro-Hamas protests following the Oct 7th attacks. Not only has Hamas been a disaster for women, LGBT people, and their own civilians, but the Palestinian “one state” solution would result in a country as unfree as Iran —  and one equally antithetical to left-aligned values. Other warning signs include the case of Hamtramck, Michigan, where a progressive-backed Muslim-majority town council voted to ban Pride flags, or the spate of young TikTokers siding with Osama bin Laden’s 21-year-old “Letter to America.” This goes beyond Islamism. Segments of the far-left and Christian far-right are more than willing to team up, as we’ve seen in recent years with European populist movements, the opposition to defending Ukraine from Russian conquest, and radical lefties voting for Donald Trump to “let the empire burn.” The question is: why?
There is a particular strain within leftist thought that often exhibits a fascination with revolution and a drive to dismantle and disrupt, sometimes indiscriminately. Young (and some not-so-young) radicals see the problems that exist today, and with no appreciation for how far we’ve come, pronounce society to be irredeemably flawed. The only solution is to tear it all down. Whatever rises from the ashes, this dubious logic goes, cannot help but be better than the status quo. This perspective, while rooted in a desire for human betterment, usually leads to the precise opposite. Such revolutionary zeal is not just a desire for change, but an impulse to break the existing order, often “by any means necessary”, as so many recent anti-Israel protest signs can attest. This includes allying with any group or ideology that opposes the current power structures. This “enemy of my enemy is my friend” approach leads to alliances that are, at best, ideologically inconsistent, and at worst, counterproductive to the values that many leftists traditionally uphold.
In their pursuit of anti-establishment goals, many leftist factions find common ground with Islamist movements, not because of shared values, but because of a shared opposition to perceived imperialist or colonialist forces. The fact that Islamic fundamentalists oppose women’s rights, secular governance, and basic freedoms; the fact that they criminalize homosexuality and bisexuality in every society they control, is willfully overlooked by the far-left in the pursuit of a common adversary. But the blanket romanticizing of perceived underdogs, often without a critical assessment of their values or intentions, risks empowering forces that, given requisite power, could establish regimes far more oppressive than those they replace. In their quest for a radical overhaul, they’re willing to discard tangible progress in the pursuit of an idealized, hypothetical future. In Iran, decades of progress in economic development and women’s rights were thrown away in the revolution. The West today, which is so much further along, has even more to lose.
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it's kinda sad really but based on the poll, not a lot of people know about luna snow, white fox, aero, wave, etc! which is a shame because, genuinely, they’re really interesting characters!
sure, some of them has only appeared in one series or doesn’t even have a solo run, but here’s a quick rundown of a couple of asian supes that i think you all should know and love because its aapi and im a proud asian <3
before i start, do read new agents of atlas!! there are a lot of east asian heroes there :)
Let's start...!
Luna Snow
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Seol Hee is a K-pop star who gains ice powers after a rather disastrous debut. In 4L1T, the group she’s in, she was dubbed as Luna (aka her idol name) which became her official hero name! Interestingly, she does occasionally save the world while juggling her idol life. Truly an icon. Also, fun fact! She has an official spotify and released songs so go stream!
See her in:
Marvel’s Future Fight - yes, she’s actually an original character for the game. a few of them are!
Future Fight Firsts - a marvel comic about a few future fight original characters! this comic is going to appear a lot lol
New Agents of Atlas
Tiger Division
White Fox
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As the last descendant of the Kumiho, an ancient Korean yokai, she was first forced to hide her true nature to the world. After her mother’s death, Ami went to live with her uncle and aunt and enrolled into a human high school. This causes her to find out about the evils that killed her mother and, while saving her friend, she defeated them. Afterwards, Ami was invited by a National Intelligence Service agent to join the agency.
See her in:
Marvel’s Future Fight (game)
Future Fight Firsts
Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox
New Agents of Atlas
Tiger Division
White Fox Infinity Comics
Lei Ling
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Lei Ling, aka Aero, was a Shanghai agent who also worked as an architect! She had her powers since childhood and she also founded her own architecture firm.
See her in:
New Agents of Atlas
Lin Lie
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Lin Lie was a young man from Shanghai when his father gave him the sword of Fu Xi. The mystical sword dispels demons and its goal is to stop Chiyou from re-emerging. After several fuck ups in DODS: White Fox, the sword shattered and Lie was tossed into a cliff. We learn after a while that he did not die, in fact he got revived by the chi of Shou-Lao which grants him the Iron Fist.
See him in:
Warriors of Three Sovereigns (or just Sword Master in some sites)
New Agents of Atlas
Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox
Iron Fist (2020)
A.X.E: Iron Fist
Pearl Pangan
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Pearl Pangan grew up by the beach on Mactan Island in Cebu, Philippines. She loved the sea and became a really good swimmer, having the potential to win the Olympics. However, obstacles in life turned her aside from that path. She was approached by AlonTech who used Pearl’s swimming abilities to conduct experiments on her. AlonTech was eventually attacked by the Triumph Division and during this attack, Pearl was exposed to several unknown energies which granted her the ability to control water.
See her in:
New Agents of Atlas
Marvel Voices Infinity Comics issue 50
Dan Bi
(ive reached the photo max whopsie)
Dan Bi is the daughter of an antique shop owner. One day after Tae Kwon Do class, she returned home to see her father's shop in ruins, her father nowhere to be found. Bounty hunters entered the building and hearing them, she hid under a bed, finding the mask that contained Io. On the quest to search for her father, Dan Bi went after the buyer of an artefact, leading her to Jimmy Woo, who recruited her into the New Agents of Atlas. Keep in mind she’s like 11 or something.
See her in:
Future Fight Firsts
New Agents of Atlas
And that’s some of them! Obviously I didn’t add some like Taegukgi, or else this would've gotten too long, but please check them out and give them some love <3
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cacophony-eg · 11 months
Hehe what do you think of Season 4 Lmk?
Though I haven't watch it yet but I will watch it when there's English subtitle but If you haved already watch it what do you think? :D
I feel safe answering this now without spoiling anyone.
I really enjoyed Season 4 of LMK, like if you asked me who stole the show, I would not be able to point out just one person or pair.
I even wanna give a shout out the accounting demon, who showed off her badass side protecting Yin and Gin (I swear she’s gotta be their sister, or cousin or some kind of family member cause I can’t imagine her protecting them like that other wise. I also can’t see her being hired help either since Yin and Gin always give this kind of broke as a side walk vibe.)
MK and Monkey, these two balls of sunshine just swell my heart with so much emotions during all their shared screen time.
MK and Mei are the best lovable, supportive, goofballs around.
MK and Macaque with baby monkey had me happy flapping so much. I love how even though Macaque is on the ‘good side’ he hasn’t become goodie goodie, but still tries to help in his own ways, and even became; dare I say, comforting when he saw MK flickering between forms.
Pigsy and Tang not only get great arch’s as individuals this season, but as a pair as well. Season 3 we got to see them really supporting one another but this season showed us how deep these two are dedicated to each other. Label their relationship however you want to, but no one can deny that Pigsy and Tang care a lot about each other (and their shared love of food).
All the interactions between Past Macaque and Wukong have me crying in the corner, both in joy and in sadness.
I would say the only person out of the main cast that got the short end of the stick would be Sandy. I love Sandy but this season didn’t really let him have a chance to shine. Even the ep with past Sandy, was more about Pigsy’s development and character growth then it had to do with Sandy’s. Outside of creating a blimp for the team to travel on, Mo did more than Sandy.
Mo not only hid Tang from the remaining Brotherhood group/ thus showing Tang Azure’s true intentions but was also the one that triggered Sandy’s memories to come back. Now let that sink in… MO the CAT who I swear has Sans from Undertales transportation abilities, had more of an impact on the plot than SANDY.
Even the small cameo that the Demon Bull Family had was a lot more impactful not only to the plot but emotionally impactful as well. Like DBK is such a disastrous Bi, that loves those who can step on him. Getting to see the beginning of PIF and DBK’s romance was a treat that I’m so glad was given to us. I think PIF only had one line this whole season, but that soft loving and fearful worry as she says ‘my love’ hit me in the feels so hard. SHE ONLY HAD ONE LINE BUT THIS QUEEN MADE IT COUNT FOR SO MUCH! Then poor Red Son not only had to watch both his parents get ripped away (AGAIN!!!!) I would say he got the most horrifying sucked into the scroll scene out of anyone this season. Azure really did not hold back on his hate for BDK’s and PIF’s Son. I say this, as I’m 90% sure Azure’s hate towards Red Son is more about Red Son being a product of BDK’s and PIF’s union than about Red Son personally. (So glad the bull family was part of the beach scene at the end of the S4 special, they needed this Vacation Day just as much as he main cast. Like can we go at least one season without tearing down/apart this family that’s trying to recover from not only their individual trauma but their group trauma as well? Please!)
Also it was just so cool seeing Red and Nezha standing side by side, readying themselves for the battle to come. (Not quite as cool as the shot of Red standing side by side with Macaque, but a close second.) I have feelings and theories revolving around Nezha and this season that I will save for a later post.
Inky, or Ink MK was such a delightful addition to the antagonist group, with so much potential and versatility, that I’m hoping we see a return of them in some form or another in the coming season.
Peng was is such a fun, bitchy love to hate you character that really made the most out of every single frame they were in.
Tusk is a little harder, he really didn’t get much time to show his personality till the special. (Outside of the fact that he likes to give big hugs <3). Thankfully the special did give use a better look at Tusk, and show off not only his more reasonable side, but how deeply he cares about his friends, even after he was captured he doesn’t regret him and his friends intentions. But I feel sorry for the big guy as I feel he must be feeling retry lost now that’s Azures gone and Peng seemingly abandoned them. I bet poor Tusk didn’t put up much of a fight when he was captured, cause he probably doesn’t even know what to do with himself now that all he values so dearly is gone.
Now for Azure, sweet heaven and hell, Azure Lion. I…. I am not normal about him. I haven’t been this not normal for an LMK character since Possessed Wukong, and anyone who fallows me knows how that turned out. I’ll probably do a post just in dedication of Azure, because that lion boy has got me feeling so many feelings, but right now I am still not okay from his ending so please send Azure fanfic suggestions, to help aid in my recovery.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Hey, would you happen to have lore receipts for Drifter being bi? Just curious, it’s been a while since I read trough his lore :) I would also add Petra to the list of gays as well, while not confirmed, she’s heavily implied to be in love with Mara.
Oh yeah, Petra! 100% wlw and heavily implied to be in love with Mara. Awoken just be like that.
On to Drifter, yes! He is my blorbo and he is the best.
First, we know he likes women because he very obviously had (still has?) a thing for Orin. He also tried flirting with Lady Efrideet (disastrous result). And he very obviously likes Eris. To what extent, we can't tell, but he enjoys her company and has explicitly said that he likes how "freakyx she is. He also most recently dedicated time to make her a nice meal in seasonal armour (Eidolon Pursuant set).
The other hints are in how he talks about certain things in general. For example:
And you know me. I like to keep some folk close—real close. I feel somebody's hand on my throat, I figure they're about to kill me or kiss me.
Personally, I like to keep my options open.
It doesn't specify gender!
Also this:
"Had a face like the end-times and eyes like manna in the desert. One look at him, and I knew I wasn't gonna be saved."
Who is this man whose eyes he's complimenting? (probably Shin)
More directly though, he's very openly flirting with men for no reason and out of nowhere, as well as using as much innuendo as possible while he talks.
His first target? Zavala. These lines from Arrivals for example. He's so direct when asking if Zavala came to see him because he's special. Like, hello? Also this absolutely bonkers innuendo about Zavala he sent to Ikora (from Witch Queen CE book):
Hey Ikora,
Did you sign off on this? Zavala ordered a search of my ship to get samples of my plants? "There are known similarities between your vessel's infestation and the growths aboard the derelict Glykon Volatus." Tell the big guy that if he wants to get at my garden, he'd better start pounding some Primevals.
Transmat firing,
I think that's as far as they could've gone with that one without crossing the ratings line.
And my fave for last. So, there's a lore book about Ada-1 making the loom for transmog and at one point she visits Rahool for help. And he explains that it will take a long time to search for things she needs so she asks if she can search herself. And then:
Rahool shook his head. "Access to the classified archives is limited to sanctioned Guardians, Tower support staff, or the Vanguard themselves. You are none of those things."
Ada scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, I've seen that Drifter perusing this data on a weekly basis for his own amusement."
"That's not— there's no way—" Rahool stammered and blushed. "I assure you, no such breach has occurred."
I'm sorry, but nobody will ever convince me that this isn't confirmation that Rahool and Drifter are hooking up and Rahool is giving him access to the Cryptarchy archives.
The way this is written is beyond funny. First, Ada practically lives next to Drifter and she says she's SEEN him using the archives. So she has personally seen something going on between Drifter and Rahool. On a weekly basis.
And then also Rahool "stammering and blushing." That's fanfic level acknowledgement. Why would he stammer and blush if he didn't allow it? Wouldn't he be angry about it and ask that Ada tell him all she knows right away so that he can report Drifter? Nope. He's stammering and blushing. Case closed.
In conclusion, Drifter likes dangerous women who can snap him in half and Awoken men. I don't blame him.
Additionally, something I like very much, a certain bounty you can take for Gambit:
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The text changes depending on your character's gender. This is the text for the female Guardian, but if you're on a male Guardian, he'll say it the other way around with king/queen.
Drifter says trans rights!
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peachycorner · 1 year
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A sketch of the next gen kids. It's based on the way how I interpret them.
Albus and Scorpius are in love, and you can't change my mind. Rose is the biggest tease.
Rose is not the nerd. She inherited her mother's mind and her father's humour. She is the redhead who makes witty jokes and breaks rules with her best friends. She still hates quidditch though. She can't fly to save her life. Unlike her mother, she prepares for the exam on the last day. She is Ron's clown through and through with a splash of Hermione. She is bossy like her mother but has the calm and outgoing personality of Ron. She loves reading but it's never for studies. You will find her with her nose buried in a series of fictional muggle novels. She loves muggle culture. Scorpius is her best friend. They share a mutual love for muggle world. Arthur is her favorite.
Albus is his father's son. Harry dots on him the most. He gets the most attention even though he is the middle child. Apart from his looks, he has the disastrous personality of Ginny weasley. He doesn't open up to people easily and gets shy and awkward at first. But as you get to know him, he is a true menace. He lives on the moral of "Hex first, ask later". Rose and him didn't get along at first. They often fought when they were kids, but as they got older, they were unbreakable. He loves flying but doesn't like quidditch that much. He is mostly fond of figure flying(like figure skating) and broom gymnastics.
He is also gay and was super scared to tell his parents. But then Harry shocked him by coming out as bi and the whole situation turned upside down by albus interrogating his dad about everything.
Scorpius is the sanest and the most calm out of the three. He is the total opposite of his dad. He idolizes George and is the biggest fan of creating new things. He loves alchemy. He is also the most studious out of the three. He is a hardworker and really sly, but Rose still beats him at the first position in exams. He loves quidditch but Albus is a better flyer. This things always make him super insecure but his friends are always there to hype him up. He is the Slytherin seeker. His friends are always cheering for him, even though they have little interest in quidditch. It often creates harmless conflicts between their siblings.
He was really afraid to tell his dad about his relationship. He didn't even tell him but Draco found out on his own. Draco didn't like the Potters but he never said it aloud infront of his son. Potter always held a wand against his throat, for he even said a single thing against their relationship. But Draco never did. He simply loved his son too much.
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