#he's one of my oldest characters and it really shows
the-blazing-light · 11 months
The ask to ramble about Fenrar! Plus some extra questions of my own.
Is his name change a canon thing he goes through or just a change to his overall canon name? If former what made him do so?
What kind of interactions does he have with the revenant legendary echoes? Any big serious talks? Any funny discussions? And with what ones?
Other than those, feel free to ramble all you want about him.
So Fenrar's a bit of a mess, he's overdue for me sitting down and figuring out the details of his story as a lot of them are extremely vague so this is as much of a brainstorm as it is a ramble
He's a Priory researcher and a big ol' nerd with an interest in the Mists and all things Mists-related. Despite his vast knowledge, he's been seen as odd at best within the Priory, with a tendency to overlook everything and everyone in favor of pursuing his own interests, be it not out of any malice but rather sheer, constant insatisfiable curiosity that often led him to put himself and other people in danger, he's the definition of "curiosity killed the cat".
Some years before the start of personal story he led a group of researchers into the Mists to track down and study anomalies and the possibility of travelling through the Mists. That, however, didn't turn out great for Fenrar, as he ended up separated from his group in an accident, falling through an opened portal and finding himself on the literal edge of the mists, a weird amalgamation of different places floating in the void with no clear way out, but despite all odds, Fenrar was fascinated and in awe of the place he found himself in, and he'd wander for a long time, only the odd astral creatures that inhabit the far reaches of the Mists keeping him some sort of a company. As time passed by though, the days all started to blur together, the odd, otherworldly landscape, Fenrar lost track of his travels, but luckily for him, eventually, through a sheer accident, he ended up falling through another portal, finding himself back in Tyria yet feeling... Different. Odd. Like his time in the mists changed his very being. Stuck on the edge between the Mists and Tyria, walking the thin veil that separates the two.
He returned back to the Priory, with all his colleauges being surprised to see him back and alive to say the least, interested in his story and the data he could provide to the research team, something Fenrar avoided under the pretence that he doesn't remember much, settling down and continuing his work, along with discovering and training his new abilities of a revenant.
As for his name, it's not really canon either way, as he's a Lion's Arch charr originally, he's never been a part of a warband or a legion, with Mistwalker being more of a title than anything. As for Starcatcher, I simply thought it'd fit him better nowadays, given his connection to the far reaches of the mists that are just empty, chaotic space inhabited by astral creatures, and that his revenant magic creates not regular mists rifts and white clouds of fog, but rather cosmic-looking portals and swirling, star-filled nebulae clouds due to the nature of his revenant abilities.
Now the legends thing is interesting, because in my initial idea Fenrar only really invokes and communes with one legend, Shiro. The idea is, while travelling through the far reaches of the Mists he'd ran into Shiro's spirit, imprisoned and chained up not unlike Balthazar, asking Fenrar for help in exchange for helping him escape the Mists. Things didn't go quite as planned however, with Fenrar basically dying and the two of them getting smushed together into one body, Fenrar's, throughout the process of falling through multiple chaotic portals before finally finding themselves back in Tyria.
I'm not quite sure if I wanna keep that bit of his lore as to not make his story bloated but I do like his interactions with Shiro and how they deal with being stuck together in the same body, Shiro more or less trapped again after over a century of imprisonment far away in the Mists, and Fenrar having to learn how to coexist with a murderous ancient Canthan ghost in his head.
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did NOT expect to get into Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But here we are!!
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zephyrchama · 3 months
It was dinnertime in the House of Lamentation. Conversation petered out as everyone focused on the hot food in front of them, leaving a quiet lull interrupted only by clinking silverware.
“I’ve always wanted a traditional church wedding,” you said, entirely unprompted.
The clinking came to a stop as the seven brothers processed what you had just said. They turned their eyes towards you.
Beelzebub was the first to break the silence despite his mouth full of food. “Huh?”
“I just always thought it would be nice. A quaint wedding in a nice little church. Maybe a chapel.”
Leviathan briefly choked on what he was chewing.
“Oh I totally get it!” Asmodeus empathized. “Rows of pews with white flowers, those high arched ceilings, the evening light of the human world sun shining on us through a beautiful stained glass window as we kiss? Oh!” He clutched his shoulders, “it gives me chills just imagining it!”
“Asmo, we can’t enter churches,” Satan stated matter-of-factly. The knife handle gripped in his fist started to bend.
“Hah!? What? Lucifer, is that true?” Mammon slammed his fork down and just about jumped out of his chair as he shouted at the oldest.
“Sit down, Mammon.” Lucifer rubbed his temple and tried to perform damage control before the inevitable headache set in. “What brought this on suddenly?” he asked you.
Keeping a straight face was immensely difficult but you pulled it off. “I was just thinking about weddings and stuff, y’know. It’d be nice. Ever since I was little I thought a church wed-”
Belphegor interjected with “You’re not even that religious.”
A flood of complaints washed over the table as everyone started loudly protesting.
“You… You’re not allowed to get married anywhere without me!” Leviathan shouted.
“Does it have to be a church? What about a restaurant instead?” Beel suggested, looking worried. “I know a lot of pretty ones.”
“We could build a mock church in a studio and get married there,” Asmo fantasized. “The stained glass could be you and me as cherubs, we can ask Luke to be the flower boy. He’d be so cute in a little tux!”
“You wouldn’t even need a ceremony with me,” Belphegor said. “If you really want one, we can have it outdoors under the stars.”
Satan’s knife was bent at a 90-degree angle. “What a stupid thing to say. Libraries are just as quiet and nice as churches. Probably. They sure suit you better than a church.” 
“The restaurants also have in-house catering,” Beel continued.
“That ain’t gonna happen!” Mammon bounced his knee, shaking the entire table as he lamented, “I ain’t lettin’ my human get married in some church! We can go anywhere you want! Anywhere else!”
”There’s a church in my game!” Leviathan gasped. He thought an in-game wedding would be just as good as a real one. “I can show you! We can go now! Lets make you a character!”
Lucifer cleared his throat once. Then twice. The third time was a warning that got lost amid all of the whining. “Enough,” he finally growled. The room went silent for him. “You’re not getting married in a church. End of discussion.”
“Oh.” Weird of him to decide that on his own, but you were at your limit. A wide grin had already spread across your face. “Yeah, ok. By the way this roast you made is delicious.”
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sunshine-tattoo · 5 months
some stuff about Alastor:
he was in his early 30s when he died in 1933
putting his birth year around 1900 or so
because of his age, there's a very good chance he fought in the WW1 trenches
hes black but had a mixed background and could potentially pass in white social circles
which was very useful since Louisiana is incredibly racist and segregation was very powerful then
he grew up speaking a mixture of English and French in New Orleans
gave himself a trans Atlantic accent at some point so he would be taken seriously
he had a very popular radio show host in New Orleans from the mid 20s to early 30s
also he was a serial killer
we don't know who he targeted as his victims (or why) but he did often eat them
my guess is rich white men who were paying slave wages during the Depression but that's just a theory
he was killed accidentally by a hunter who saw him in the swamp and thought he was a deer
which is why he has deer attributes in Hell
thought that the stock market crash in 1929 was really funny
probably because a lot of stupid rich white men lost everything
loves to cook and learned how from his mother
aro ace
Rosie the Cannibal Overlord is his very best friend
was a voodoo king when he was alive and brought those same skills and powers to Hell when he died
he is one of Viv's oldest characters, having first conceived of him during her high school days in the early 2010s
a lot of his aesthetic is based on Doctor Facilier from The Princess and the Frog
which is kinda funny that his voice actor (Keith David) now plays Husk on the show
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eggonthemoon · 2 months
Alien Stage Round 6 Character Analysis and Lyrics Breakdown
Okay so obviously spoilers, don't click Keep Reading if you haven't watched Round 6.
God fuck it's so fucking beautiful, where do I start?
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I don't even know what is going on with those rapid shots of what I assume is some form of experiment that Till was involved in. I have no clue what the goal was or if it succeeded but somehow (for no real reason other than that one image of Luka standing behind Till ominously) I feel that Luka is involved with it.
Was this an attempt by Heperu's (Luka's guardian) rival to make a human capable of going up against Luka? Till being the youngest and Luka being the oldest also means that Till's guardian could have caught on to what Heperu was planning to do with Luka and then start experimenting on humans shortly after and it would still somewhat line up with the timeline.
But I'm getting into conspiracy territory, back to suffering!!
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Allow me, to the tips of your fingers
Allow me, to the ends of your feet
Dissolve me in your gaze
I don't want to let you go
Oh this hurts. Seeing him look so defeated and exhausted, you can tell that even though to the public it's not certain whether Mizi died or not it doesn't matter to him. Because she's still gone away from his world, where he is unable to reach her. He wants to dissolve and die but he also doesn't want to let her go if there is even a sliver of hope that she lives.
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Please, leave me scars
Please, hurt me so that
Not a single drop of me remains
Let me drown in you
The footage that plays to these lyrics really show how defeated he is. He refuses to sing, his passion for the art completely dead and buried. And (his guardian I assume) when someone shoves the fact that Mizi is gone in his face he lashes out and punches one of the aliens near him.
Until these falling stars
Are buried in the blur of time
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However his heart isn't entirely in it and is quickly apprehended.
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He is beyond exhausted and doesn't even protest or put up a fight while (the same alien he punched btw) another alien runs their fingers through his hair.
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On your icy lips
Read my soul
Yes, my soul
He hopes that even if Mizi is dead that her spirit watches over him, seeing his soul and by extension, Him, for all that he is. Every thought and breath until he falls asleep is for Mizi.
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But didn't we already know this is how he'd be like? Time for something juicier~
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Even if your cold words
Carve scars beneath my eyes
May they linger on your tongue
You can break me apart
God this is heart shattering. Even if Till doesn't care for him, even if Till throws hurtful words his way, Ivan will still lie awake at night, cherishing what sliver of attention he is given. It doesn't matter if Till hates him, because as long as he is on Till's mind Ivan is happy. He is entirely in Till's hands, capable of being build up or torn down depending on how much (or how little) he is perceived by him.
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Notice my pain
And mend me right now
To quiet my fears
I'll drown in you
He wants so deeply to be seen by Till, noticed. Till who doesn't let anything hold him down and always picks himself back up became a pillar of hope and strength to Ivan. It didn't matter how or in what context he gets to be seen, so he went out of his way to provoke him just to get Till to look at him even for a moment.
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This was mentioned a while back on VIVINOS Patreon but the entire incident where Mizi and Till got attacked by that hound monster was orchestrated by him. I feel like there is two possible reasons for this depending on when in the timeline this takes place.
Either he wanted to test Till's resolve in hopes of being proven wrong about his courage (after all your hopes can't be dashed on the rocks, if you never had hopes to begin with) only for his obsession to end up growing even stronger than before.
Or he tried to let Till get roughed up enough that he'd be transferred (solitary confinement? emergency room?) somewhere else away from the others at Anakt, so they could escape together.
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But we all know how that turned out.
Either way what Ivan wants isn't freedom, he's long since given up on that. There's no point in his freedom if the person that inspired him to yearn for it isn't by his side. He needs Till there, his very presence to reassure him that no matter what Till won't falter. But he failed to take account of the one thing that weakens Till's resolve.
Mizi is to Till what Till is to Ivan. And so without Mizi in his world Till crumbles. Since Till will only go where Mizi is and Mizi already gave away her heart to someone else, it's impossible for Ivan to be free while keeping Till in his world.
And so he follows him, resigning himself to a life without freedom.
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Sick of these nights to come
To be engulfed in silence
But the distance between them is killing him, and each and every day they come closer to their inevitable doom.
It doesn't matter if they believe the lie the aliens told them, that if they die singing they will be blessed. Because what is the point in that? How can going somewhere far away from the people they love be a blessing?
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In your gaze where I am seen
Consume me
Yes, me
His desires mirror Till's. He wants his soul to be seen by him, recognized for his undying love for him. He wants Till to see that he can give him all that Till yearns for in Mizi and more.
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To this everlasting melody
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Face to face we dance
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And yet Till still refuses to look Ivan in the eyes.
Things get a little unclear but since they aren't shown singing here and there's no flashback to accompany the lyrics, we can assume that at this moment Till most likely gave up on singing.
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With our story
Lost in forever's embrace
I'm not sure if Ivan intended this from the start or if it's a decision he made then and there but one thing is certain. If Till stops singing then that would mean he forfeits, he'll lose. Till has never once given up. Even when he went back for Mizi that night, he never intended to leave her in the first place. But now without her he crumbles.
And Ivan can't let that happen, not like this.
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Moral grey area aside, this scene is so deeply moving to me
And I don't say that in a romantic context, absolutely not. This is something much deeper than just love. This is the culmination of everything they've been through, all those moments lead up to this.
Because this isn't a kiss.
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This is Ivan throwing his life away for Till.
Till was going to loose, the only thing that could overturn that is if his opponent attacks him. The kiss was to distract Till and keep him from catching up to what Ivan was planning.
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Just look at the contrast between their first and second kiss. As soon as the score board shows Till is in the lead, he gives him a gentle peck on the lips. The contrast is stark and full of meaning. This was the genuine kiss, hidden behind a smokescreen of aggressive bravado created from the previous one.
And it worked. Till was completely convinced that Ivan's intentions was to kill him, and he was fully intent on letting him.
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I know a lot of people doubted his intentions. Because he didn't let go of Till's neck the minute he saw their scores, a lot of people assume that this was Ivan trying to drag Till down with him.
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But the minute he coughed up blood what does he do?
He smiles.
and let's Till go.
He's only human. He might know logically that Till has won the match. But emotionally he refuses to let go until he is certain.
Until he knows for a fact that he is the one bleeding and dying he'll keep up his charade.
And then.
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And only then.
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Till truly sees Ivan.
As he dissolves in his gaze.
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fuzzylogic-27 · 4 months
Worlds oldest OFMD fan!
Ok, so I think I might have created the world's oldest OFMD fan - my 91 year old mother! Yep, you read it right, Ninety one!
She's a very with it old lady, she still lives independently and drives her own car.
She took a bit of persuading as pirates aren't really her thing but once we started she loved it.
She preferred season two. She went "Ooh!" when she saw MerStede. She said "Aww, aren't they adorable?" when Ed and Stede kissed under the moonlight. She laughed out loud at Buttons weird chanting before he became a bird, and Roach was her favourite character. She thought Izzy had a great singing voice.
In the last episode when Ed and Stede were looking at each other with love by the inn, the shot was on Ed and she said "God, isn't he gorgeous?!" You're never too old to crush on Taika it seems!
I'm pleased to have initiated one more fan, and now she'll understand when I keep talking about my favourite show and 'My boys'. 😊
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acey-wacey · 2 years
i’m a newer twst fan and came across your account while scrolling through tumblr and really liked your first year “meeting their future children” hcs ! May i request the same for all of the dorm leaders ? Or just Malleus, Azul and Leona as they’re my fav dorm leaders ^^ its okay if not , i hope u have a good day/night regardless !
I love these headcanons and I have already planned out the baby names for all the characters future children!!!!
🐲 Malleus Draconia 🐲
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It was late at night and you were taking your usual evening walk with Malleus.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence, admiring the scenery of the campus peacefully.
At least it was peaceful before a little girl ran up to you and hid behind your leg, closely followed by two older boys.
"Mama, tell Killian to stop being mean!" the girl cried.
"I barely even touched you!" the shorter boy replied.
"He's pulling on my horns!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Hey!" you yelled, quieting the children.
You were quite used to wrangling kids at this point *cough* Grim *cough* so it didn't take more than a stern look to make them behave.
"Who are you kids anyway? Where are your parents?"
The three kids looked at each other in confusion.
"You're right there, mama. If we're playing hide and seek, you're not very good at it," the oldest boy said, confused but playful.
You perked up upon realizing he called you Mama.
You also noticed just then how strikingly similar that boy looked to Malleus.
All three children had dark horns just like the dragon fae but the girl and youngest boy had a hair color and texture more similar to your own.
"They're... Our children?" Malleus questioned, amused.
It wasn't the weirdest magical phenomenon he had witnessed in his years but it was definitely the best to him, considering how you became very flustered at the prospect of having children with him.
"It seems our timelines have gotten muddled. Would you mind introducing yourselves?" Malleus bent down to look the children in the eye.
The oldest beamed and stood up tall.
"I'm Adonis, he's Killian, and Agape is the baby!"
"You're adorable!" You cooed, patting each of them on the head.
You didn't notice Malleus gazing at you lovingly, quite enjoying the quiet domestic moment.
That glimpse of the future fueled his fantasies for many dreams to come.
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
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It was more than a shock when Jade called you to come to the Mostro Lounge only to find Azul playing with two little girls.
He lit up when you walked in, only to curl in on himself in embarrassment.
"Y/N, this is Claire and Mia Ashengrotto," he shyly introduced the two girls who waved enthusiastically.
"Your little sisters?"
"For Seven's sake! They're your daughters from the future, Y/N! Keep up!" Floyd interrupted, sick of Azul's bashfulness.
"Our... daughters?"
The two girls jumped off of Azul's lap to run to you.
They each hugged one of your legs with the younger one jumping up for you to pick her up.
You obliged and bounced her on your hips while she giggled.
Azul's embarrassment only grew as you smiled so lovingly at the little girl that shared his hair color and the pudginess from his childhood.
He told you how much he wanted to meet the little girls again in the future, but he forgot that he had yet to ask you out.
🦁 Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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It wasn't a great surprise to find Leona napping, but he wasn't usually joined by two little boys.
The boys woke up first and were delighted to see you.
The older boy, who looked about 11, sat up and reached for your hand. You took it, though you were very confused.
"Abba already told us that you won't know who we are. I'm Amir! Arlow, introduce yourself."
The younger boy rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned, his baby fangs showing and reminding you of a certain other beastman.
"I'm Arlow. Hi, Imma."
You giggled at the sleepy little boy and sat down on the bed.
"So you are the children of me and Leona, I suppose?"
"Wouldn't be the worst husband in the world, I guess."
"I heard that."
You were startled by Leona suddenly speaking.
He had one eye cracked open and a lazy smirk on his face.
"You wouldn't be the worst spouse either, Y/N."
He chuckled, leaving you a blushing mess.
You refused to let him fluster you too much so you retorted.
"Are you sure you would want to marry a nasty herbivore like me?"
"Wouldn't doubt it for a second."
You were about to sputter back a rebuttal but Amir interrupted you with a tug on your arm.
"Imma, stop flirting and come cuddle with us!"
"Yeah, Imma."
Leona smirked at you and snuggled into the bed, an arm around both boys on either side of him.
You laid down next to Arlow, who turned to snuggle into your shoulder.
You guessed it wouldn't be that bad to marry Leona, but only because you want to see Amir and Arlow again obviously.
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marwolaeth-76 · 6 months
Please can you write fluff where the reader is Velvet and Veneer's younger sister? Like Velvet just hates the reader but Veneer adores her and stands up to Velve whenever she insults her.
Hello!! thank you for your request and thank you for waiting, I hope you like it🩷
Velvet & Veneer x younger sister
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You're Velvet and Veneer's little sister, pretty much younger. You always watch their concerts live with admiration, listening to their songs and being very proud of your elders, thinking about how when you grow up you will become the same as them. And finally, Velvet and Veneer must visit themselves at their parents' house. You were so excited for your big siblings to get home from their performance. When you heard their voices at the door, you ran to greet them. "Velvet! Veneer!" - Your voice is full of joy to finally meet your star brother and sister, your eyes sparkle when you see them. Velvet walked in with an annoyed look. "Ugh not so loud, jailbait, I've got a headache after arrival" - Velvet had never been particularly nice to you and Veneer, so you would expect that she wouldn't be very nice now either. On the one hand, you can understand her, she is the oldest child and before she always had to keep an eye on you. Your smile fell slightly, it still hurt you, but then Veneer swept you up in a hug. "Hey! There's my favorite sis! I missed you so much" You giggled and hugged him tight. Veneer always made you feel better when Velvet was mean. He gave you a kiss on the forehead before setting you down. "I missed you too! So how was the show?" You wanted them to tell everything about how they perform, you were so eager to hear about all their stories from their performances.
Seeing you hugging Veneer, and the way you said that you missed him.. Velvet for a second feels hurt deep in her heart, which means her little sister really didn't miss her best big sister? "It was great until this one messed up his lines" Velvet shot a glare at Veneer, her eyes were directed sharply towards him. Sighing, the singer released you from his embrace and straightened up. "I said I was sorry Vel, it was an accident." "Yeah sure. If you weren't so useless we'd be even bigger stars." Her harsh words made you frown. "Hey don't be mean to Veneer, Velvet, you both try and well..everyone can make mistakes" - For a second you thought that it wasn’t the best decision to contradict your older sister, but you didn’t want to see Veneer being hurt. Velvet rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you're just a little stupid kid. Go to your room and play with your toys, the adults are talking." - Now, she really went too far, you just wanted them not to quarrel, but received a new portion of negativity addressed to you. "Oh come on, we haven't seen the little one for so long, she doesn't need to leave.." - Veneer said gently, he didn’t want to anger her even more, but at the same time he would like to be in a less tense atmosphere at home. You smiled at him gratefully. Velvet huffed in annoyance. "Whatever, I'm going to rest. Just try to prevent me from getting a good sleep, I don't know what I'll do to you." - The older sister spoke with a bit of irritation, she rolled her eyes and turned around. With that she stalked off to her bedroom, leaving you and Veneer alone. He pulled you in for another hug. "Don't listen to her. Sis, you know that she says this not out of malice" You were a little offended by Velvet’s words, but you didn’t hold your anger for long, as Veneer, your beloved older brother, said. Still, you've known Velvet all your life, and it's time to get used to she's character.
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божж I feel like poop, I’m absolutely unable to come up with a plot for requests oh my god I just accidentally DELETED EVERYTHING I WRITTEN RIGHT NOW LITERALLY ☠️☠️☠️☠️
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bones4thecats · 5 months
hellooo can i request a hades , Poseidon , and Hermes with a Dum Dum orange cat type of reader(female)
How would they handle the reader , and how would they just try to get the reader to not just do anything dumb enough to injure or kill her tyyy
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades, Poseidon, and Hermes Name: {Character} with their Dumb-Dumb! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: Honestly, I kinda vibe with this reader. My brain just shuts down whenever I finish a task and I look back going, 'how the hell did I do this?' like five seconds afterwards.
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💀 He was one of the smartest Gods known anywhere, Valhalla and Earth alike. But you, you were known around Valhalla for your 'idiocy', as declared by many
💀 Now, as rude and sad as that may sound, your husband somehow couldn't fully disagree with those claims
💀 Hades would just be working on some paperwork given to him by Zeus when one of his guards would walk in with a tired expression to announce to the God that you had gotten into an accident
💀 And by accident, I mean by you were just walking around and somehow stumbled into multiple different paint cans and got covered head to tow in the multiple colors of paint
💀 Your husband has gone to many measures to make sure you didn't somehow injure, or worse, killed yourself, because of your moments of flat-mindedness
💀 He had gotten some, in other's words, baby-proofing materials installed, including covering electric outlets, since one time you stuck a fork in there for who knows what reason, and a place to keep medications and vitamins out of your reach
💀 Needless to say, one time you saw your daily vitamins on the counter-top and you pushed the bottle over to get more to fall out
💀 And when Hades saw that nearly one fourth of the container was gone, he nearly had a heart-attack because of how much he was overthinking
💀 Whenever someone asks why your vitamins were locked up in a closet with the key being constantly around Hades, he would just answer with
" To keep it plain and simple, my dear S/O had gotten into the old container and nearly gave me a, what humans describe, heart-attack. "
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🔱 He was put off by how, in his words, 'mind-numbingly ignorant' you were when it came to, well, literally anything
🔱 Poseidon is a very serious individual, even among the God's standards, he was very stoic and cold appearing. So, when you have that information and you compare you to him, it's a surprise he hasn't tried killing you yet
🔱 Unlike Hades, he discovered your idiocy quite fast, since he didn't really act, he preferred to watch and observe how people act
🔱 Your husband, like his brother, was normally busy with different things, from making sure his ocean's waves measured well according to schedule, to making sure that the paperwork he had to commission to his oldest brother was done, this guy was on average fairly busy
🔱 Though, whenever he would get a fair amount of time off, he would head off to his S/O and make sure they were okay
🔱 This guy had been dealing with your actions for many years, and in that time you haven't stopped getting a bruise every week, whether it be from hitting your tow or running into an object, he had never gotten a week off from your injuries
🔱 While he may not show it, Poseidon really does care about you, but, unlike his oldest, he protects you in another way
🔱 He doesn't baby-proof his home, he finds that to be dumb. If there is a creature that dumb in the world, they don't deserve life, his words, not mine! Though they do change if you guys have children
🔱 Instead, Poseidon just puts either a couple guards to be by your side to make sure you didn't somehow mess up an entire room just by getting scared by a, in your words, 'flying cucumber', or, he'll have you positioned around him so he could watch over you
🔱 The latter happens more often, though. And whenever you have to be around him, he'll make sure that you have something to mess with, just so you didn't end up destroying something else somehow
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📨 Unlike many beings that you and him have met, Hermes loves how you get into trouble at random, it gives you an aura of mystery and difference, and he likes that
📨 Hermes loves to, when he can, watch you as you just walk around and get into trouble, like that one time where you ended up getting chased around by geese because you fell out of a tree while playing with Heracles and Ares when you were younger
📨 Whenever you would end up getting into trouble with another Deity, your husband would appear out of nowhere and distract the person as you escaped
📨 This guy loves writing songs in devotion of others, take the human fighters from Ragnarok into account, and for you? He has nearly five folders full of songs dedicated to you
📨 One of his favorite memories of you was when he was coming home from work and he stumbled upon two of his father's allies, Shiva, the head of the Hindu Pantheon, and Apollo, the Greek's God of the Sun
📨 The two men ran up to him dounced in a mixture of paint, glue, and a ton of multi-color glitter, and that alerted him that something happened, and it definitely would give him some kind of blackmail
📨 So, when they asked where you were, Hermes just chuckled and pat their shoulders, making sure his gloves didn't get any of the colorful mix on the white fabric, and he told them you were staying with Aphrodite for the night, despite knowing you were at home hiding from the angry duo
📨 When he eventually arrived home, he ushered you out and began to comfort you from your scared faze, which was understandable. And, when he asked if you wanted to see the photos he sneakily took, he chuckled as your eyes lit up
📨 You may be quite danger-prone and not the brightest star in the sky, but, he loved you for that
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zels-echoes · 9 days
I’ll never forget…
Talking about sexuality to a former friend who used to work for a big name gaming studio. I told them that I thought I was asexual, and they said that they hoped not and told me that I should see a doctor about my libido before I make such a determination.
I’ll never forget…
Coming out as asexual to my oldest brother, in which he immediately shot it down saying that asexuality isn’t a real thing and that the right person just hasn’t come into my life yet.
I’ll never forget…
Seeing characters as asexual/aromantic and being told by others that they can’t be ace/aro because they’re too hot to be. Or seeing very obvious hints that a character is ace/aro, but everyone beats around the bush and jumps through hoops to shoot the idea down, yet they’ll jump on the other bandwagons in an instant if a character shows even a subtle hint of being gay/bi/pan.
I’ll never forget…
How often I’ll take a liking to a character (who isn’t already canonically in a relationship), and the first question everyone asks me when they find out I like said character is, ‘Do you ship them with xyz???’
I’ll never forget…
Witnessing a non-ace take two canon ace characters and saying they need to experience sex in their fanfic because everyone at some point should experience it.
I’ll never forget…
That people would rather focus on if an ace/aro may be in love with someone and instead make it about them being gay or bi, completely erasing any acknowledgment of their asexuality or aromanticism.
I’ll never forget…
The only time non-aces/aros seem to want to make characters asexual or aromantic is if they are a robot, cyborg, someone unattractive looking who no one really cares about, or belong to a species of creatures or humanoids that are all asexual.
I’ll never forget…
A certain gaming studio talking about celebrating pride and fighting against homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, but no mention of aphobia. Same studio drawing all of their characters for pride fitting under every aspect of it… Except for asexuality or aromanticism. Instead only being included in the form of some random critter in a corner wearing the flag colors and it’s barely even noticeable.
I’ll never forget…
That asexuality and aromanticism to non-aces/aros are nothing beyond colors on flags that are buried underneath all other flags.
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delcakoo · 2 years
enha reacts to another member interrupting you ·˚ ༘
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୭ PAIRING ! enhypen x gn!reader
୭ GENRE ! est relationship, fluff, crack, suggestive
୭ WC ! 2.8k
୭ WARNINGS ! a lot of kissing, making out, slight suggestive (just skip hee + jay)
a/n: here's another react to feed u guys !! thank u sm for all the notes on my other one i’m very grateful <3
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mans will get annoyed and use his oldest card to kick them tf out LMAO
orrr he’ll just drag you somewhere else to continue where you left off
he wanted alone time with you? he’ll get it!
it’s pitch black outside
you guess sometime around midnight
heeseung is playing video games with jake and niki while you’re sitting on his lap 
he has his giant black headphones on, yelling callouts to the boys with a focused expression
he looks so soft and boyfriend like this ^^
you’ve been sitting with him for around two hours, letting him have his fun while you keep yourself busy with your phone
however, you were beginning to crave some of his attention for yourself :c
you shove your phone into your pocket, poking your boyfriends cheek needily
he looks down at you, “what’s up baby?”
you don’t say anything, deciding to just show him instead
 you push your lips onto his plush ones, kissing him gently 
he hums happily, eyes closing as he takes his hand from the keyboard to hold the back of your head and deepen the kiss
he really can’t resist you !!
“you need me, jagi?”
you nod shyly, pulling him in once more
behind you, you can hear the sound of gunshots and, what you assume to be heeseung’s character dying. 
suddenly, two loud voices interrupt the both of you, forcing you to separate 
“hyung, what the fuck was that!?” 
“yo this guys throwing!” 
heeseung groans at their annoying voices, “can you two asshats shut up? i’m with y/n” 
you just sit there trying to hold in your proud giggle
“bro we should’ve known,” niki replies, the disappointment evident in his tone
jake sighs with him, “cmon hyung, bros before ho-”
heeseung ends the call 
as soon as he does, you both burst out into an amused laugh before going right back to where you ended off~
this man doesn’t care 
like at all
he just wants you <3
you had just finished up dinner at the enha dorm
it was jay’s turn with clean up, allowing everyone else to leave right for their rooms
after taking a quick bathroom break, you walk into the kitchen to see your boyfriend washing the dishes
mans is looking so husband T-T
he’s humming a quiet tune, scrubbing each plate with a sponge thoroughly
you walk up behind him quietly, giving him a back hug 
he flinches in surprise, ready to push whoever it was off
he was tired and grumpy :(
but when he notices it’s you, he relaxes and turns back to the dishes, his lips raising at the ends slightly. “what are you doing?”
you reach over and turn off the water, making jay look back at you, head tilted
cutie <3
you grab his hips and force him towards you before kissing him, running a hand up his stomach lightly 
as you kiss him, he grabs your waist despite his wet hands, forcing you closer. 
you can feel the water from his hands drip down your legs but you don’t mind at all
just as things begin getting heated, a familiar red head appears rather sneakily next to you
“seriously, in the kitchen?!” you both look up to see jungwon, hair disheveled and half asleep with his eyes narrowed at the both of you
jay shrugs, unphased “why not?”
you only grin, watching as jungwon shakes his head sighing before grabbing a cup of water
“if you make any mess or wake us up-” 
“hurry up will you?” jay interrupts, practically pushing the poor leader back to his room 
justice for jungwon king just wanted some water
there’s a high chance he’d just. act like nothing happened and make the situation worse HEL
you’d be literally making out on the couch, the movie you were just watching fading into the background
the members were scattered around the dorms
from what you knew heeseung and niki were playing video games
jay was asleep as usual
you weren’t sure about the rest of the idiots, but with jake pressed up against you, you did not care
“i missed you,” he whispers into your ear
it is a shame he’s been so busy, but his work was priority 
you smile, pulling him in for another kiss
as you do though, a dolphin like scream scares you apart again
“hyung!! what are you doing!?” 
jake raises his head, getting up off you calmly
“oh hey, wanna watch this movie with us?” he grins at the younger boy
you facepalm, watching sunoo stare at your boyfriend in utter confusion and disbelief
“b-but weren’t- you were-” poor boy is just lost T-T
“uh- sure” he stutters out hesitantly 
you barely hold in your laugh, scooting over so sunoo can awkwardly sit next to you 
jake seems to be in on it, smiling and sending a wink your way when you meet his eyes
poor sunoo has to deal with third wheeling for the remainder of the film, eyes set on staring only at the tv, not daring to meet either of your eyes
he regrets agreeing to the whole fiesta in the first place
moral of the story: jake is evil
and you are most definitely his eviller sidekick
hoon probably wouldn’t care and just laugh it off or tease them back for not having an s/o
he’d bring you to the gym for moral support while he built up his muscles
you were not into working out, but watching your boyfriend do it was a whole different story ;)
of course, niki and jay tag along too
gym bros!!
while niki and jay are doing pull ups, sunghoon suddenly walks over to you with a dumbbell in his hand
he seems to be up to something, a mischievous smirk adorning his face
which is never good for you
“what are you thinking, park?”
he stops in front of you, grinning idiotically
“wanna try lifting weights with me?”
“seriously?” you deadpan
he nods, still smiling
why is he like this T-T
“why me? go ask the people who literally came here to workout with you”
“but i want to see you try!” sunghoon pushes, offering his free hand out to you
you roll your eyes, taking it reluctantly
there was no point in trying to fight back, in the end he’d somehow convince you
he brings you over to the shelf of different weights, picking up one of the smaller sized ones
“okay, try to lift this up and down a few times” he offers it to you, watching excitedly
this man is lucky you love him, as on any other day you’d never be caught doing weightlifting of all things
you take it from his hand, doing as he said without much difficulty, easily moving it up and down
“not bad babe!”
you scoff in offense, reading the label, “1kg? how weak do you think i am!?”
he grins once more, walking over and grabbing a much bigger dumbbell with ease
“yeah? try this one then, big shot,” he teases, taking the other one from you
you huff in surprise as soon as you grab hold of the weight, your arms beginning to shake slightly
sunghoon laughs uncontrollably, watching you suffer happily
you drop the dumbbell to the floor, walking over to him with a pout and punching his chest, “yah! you’re so cruel, you owe me an apology now”
he leans down with a smirk still on his face, kissing you playfully
“was that enough?”
“hey lovebirds, we’re here to work out not make out!” jay calls out
niki shakes his head, “this is why y/n shouldn’t come, they’re too distracting”
your jaw drops, “i didn’t sign up for this! i’m not saying names, but a certain someone who starts with an ‘s’ and ends with a ‘n’ forced me here!!”
sunghoon only continues laughing, “you guys are just jealous”
the two boys don’t reply to that
W for hoon ^^
he probably wouldn’t care much cuz he’s always acting cute n mushy in front of the members anyway
even if they teased you guys he’d just be agreeing like “yep i am madly in love with them! and? :)”
segway to the scenario
you and sunoo were currently making cupcakes for him and the members to share
they were going to be having them on vlive tomorrow in celebration of future perfect’s third win (hell yeah!!)
you both weren’t exactly five star chefs, but sunoo definitely knew more than you
he did most of the hard part like stirring and measuring, while you got to do the fun stuff like pouring in the ingredients
he didn’t mind at all
in fact he loves babying you <3
but now it was time for the most anticipated part of the y/n and sunoo cupcake project
you had bought orange icing in honor of the iconic theme of the manifesto albums
and it was now time to put it to good use
“are you sure you can do it? i feel like you’re going to somehow mess this up” sunoo giggles, watching you struggle to get the icing out of the pipe bag
“at least have some faith in me, this thing just isn’t working!”
until suddenly, a ridiculous amount of icing shoots out of the bag, all over the cupcakes..
you stand there, jaw dropped while your boyfriend bursts into laughter manically in the background
“i knew something was going to happen! don’t move, i have to take a picture!” he exclaims, looking around the kitchen for his phone
oh hell no
you whip your head to him distressed, icing bag still in hand, “absolutely not, i don’t need engenes making fun of me!”
before he can pick up his phone, you shoot a bit of orange icing at him, laughing as it gets right across his pretty face
“yah, what’s wrong with you!? clean this up now jagi!” walking over to you, he points to the icing that's slowly sticking to his cheek in expectation
you grin mischievously, lifting your head slightly to lick the icing off his face
sunoo flinches at you in disgust, lifting a hand to wipe your spit and the remaining icing off his face
“the fuck happened in here?” you both look up to see jay watching the both of you in utter disappointment
you quickly point to each other, “it was them!”
“nuh uh, it was sunoo!”
jay only sighs at your childishness, “want me to help you dumbasses?”
your boyfriend shakes his head, “this is me and y/n’s project,” he leans down to give you a quick peck, “we can do it right?”
you glance back at the cupcakes which now have orange icing splattered all over them
“well.. uh-“
“look who’s not having faith now!”
baby may get embarrassed.. but also annoyed :c
just ‘cause as the leader of their group he’s always trying to stay very mature and y'know
leaderly with the members
so if they do catch him being all vulnerable and mushy with you they’re definitely going all in teasing
but at the same time he’d be like “go away this is my time with y/n not your annoying asses!!”
mostly depends if he has enough energy to put up a fight T-T
you and won are chilling in bed
he had just got back from an awards show, exhausted and stressed from promotions
he was simply done for the night <\3
the boy just wanted to be with you and have your full attention :(
which you were more than glad to give
anything to see those dimples!
you’re massaging his temples, listening intently to your boyfriend’s story
his eyes are half closed as he rants to you about the exhausting day of interviews they had to film
“— and anyway, the point is it was way too long and boring, and i missed you”
you feel your heart melt at his needy confession, grinning in his embrace
it was quite rare for jungwon to be so straightforward, he was more the type to just show what he wanted rather than admit it out loud, so you make sure to really enjoy the moment ;)
“that does sound exhausting geez,” you emphasize, rubbing his head softly, “n’ you know i missed you too, pretty boy”
he grins, reaching for your waist and pulling you into his chest further
it was nice being able to switch up who was little or big spoon, neither of you really cared as long as you touching the other
just as he moves in to give you a kiss, the door to jungwon’s room suddenly swings open, ruining the peaceful atmosphere instantly
“yah, do you have a toothbrush? sunoo definitely stole mine, i was— oh hi y/n!”
you both don't bother getting up, but jungwon settles for death staring at jake, who is standing awkwardly in the middle of the room
meanwhile you just offer a small, lazy wave in his direction
“hyung, get out,” jungwon demands, rubbing his forehead with his palm
poor boy just wanted to spend time with his s/o
“aw, is our leader getting soft?” you try to maintain a straight face, watching jungwon get more annoyed next to you, “you should’ve seen your dopey smile when i walked in wonnie, you’re soooo in lo—“
“hyung, i said get out!” jungwon barks, throwing a pillow at the elder who ducks in defense, laughing
“okay okay, i’m going!” jake runs out, closing the door behind him swiftly
you giggle quietly, making your boyfriend snap his head toward you
the betrayal…
“that was not funny at all!” he says, yet he can’t help but smile himself at the sound of your laugh throughout the room
it’s safe to say you both weren’t off the hook, jake making sure to tell the rest of enha the events of the night
poor won was teased for the next week straight (justice for jungwon pt 2)
niki would not be embarrassed if another member interrupted you,,
but he’d undeniably get flustered and his ears would turn bright red if they teased too much T-T
at the same time he’d try n’ be all defensive like “stay jealous 😒”
so while your boyfriend is an idol and gets to do his fancy idol things
you most definitely aren’t
this means you have to go to high school like every other teen nikis age
it’d been a long day, you groan as you exit the school grounds with your ridiculously heavy backpack over one shoulder
you were ready to get home and flop down on your bed and watch all of niki’s new performances or other appearances on youtube
until a familiar black van pulls up near you
you hesitate slightly, a giant van slowly pulling up near a school did look a bit suspicious
however, your reluctant expression turns into one of pure shock when your boyfriend hops out of the back seat
“babe?” you call in surprise
he runs over without a word, smiling brightly before pulling you into a tight hug
you quickly hug him back, overwhelmed, “what are you doing here!? shouldn’t you be practising or something?”
niki giggles at your shocked expression, adjusting the bucket hat hiding his face, “we got some free time so i decided to come pick you up today”
he looks behind you at the giant building, “wah, i’ve always wanted to see your school”
luckily there were no other students nearby, or else the sidewalk would probably turn into a zoo of fans and paparazzi
you smile gratefully, watching as he takes your backpack for you and pulls it over his own shoulder
he’s always watching out for you !!
“it’s not very exciting is it? not compared to what you do everyday”
he’s still smiling, and can’t help but to lean down and kiss you quickly
mans just missed you so much and for some reason seeing you in your uniform all.. normal looking (he means this in the best way possible) makes him all giddy inside
just as you begin kissing him back, reaching a hand up to massage the back of his neck, the drivers window is rolled down
“heeseung hyung, the kids are kissing again!” jake complains
“yah, stop that before someone sees and get in here!” jungwon scolds, pulling open the back seat once again
niki can’t help but blush slightly, he tried not to be touchy in front of the members
but you both end up snickering, taking each others hands and hopping in the back next to jungwon
noticing your intertwined fingers through the front mirror, jake shakes his head with a chuckle
“how did niki out of all the members get in a relationship?”
heeseung sighs, “y/n, don’t forget this kid microwaves his strawberries and puts salt on watermelon”
you ponder for a minute, “if niki likes it, i should definitely try it”
maybe you were a simp for the boy
but could you blame yourself?
they all groan in sync, while niki only grins smugly
W for hoon and niki mwahaha
the end! thank you so much for reading c: if you enjoyed it, reblogging n commenting is appreciated!
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not repost, translate, cross post, copy, etc.
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royboyfanpage · 3 months
Okay, let's talk about Ollie's experience with fatherhood.
I'm an Oliver Queen apologist forever, but I think that there's a tendency in fandom to go one of two ways- "absolutely perfect dad, no flaws whatsoever" or "evil abuser who shouldn't be within six miles of a child". This isn't an Ollie exclusive phenomenon, a lot of characters and topics do fall into that black-and-white mindset. But the thing is- Ollie doesn't have to be either extreme. Particularly with Roy, who most of the debate centres around, Ollie wasn't perfect! I think there's such a rich discussion point in terms of young Roy's relationship with Ollie, so much more than just That Panel. Because, in my interpretation, Ollie absolutely cared about him, absolutely saw him as a son, but also the idea of being a father is something that deeply terrified him. The idea that this literal child being dependent on him made it feel more real, if that makes sense. Coming to terms with the fact that he was responsible for another person's life was difficult for him, and so he put up this wall- hero and sidekick. A conceptual dynamic, one that's not based in reality. He can keep that distance between himself and Roy and decide what that means, he doesn't have to be a father because that word has so many strong connotations, but he can still express that he cares about Roy, in his own way. That's why he always calls Roy 'Speedy' even out of costume, that's why his first thought is that Roy's undercover in Snowbirds. He can focus on being a good mentor to Speedy, which will have a trickle-down effect to being a good guardian to Roy, right?
Unfortunately, kids' brains don't work like that! Especially not a kid who's already lost two fathers. Roy needed a stability in his teenage years that Ollie just wasn't able to give at that time. He didn't see "Ollie's nice to me as Speedy because he loves me and doesn't know how to show it", he saw "Ollie's nice to me as Speedy, which means I'm only good as Speedy". This, at least in my opinion, is a major factor in Roy’s later self-esteem issues. Roy’s constantly underestimating himself as a hero, constantly comparing himself to Dick, and pushing himself 24/7 to improve because he internalised the idea that if he’s good, if he’s the perfect hero, then he’ll be loveable. He can’t be bad, he can’t fail, he can’t back down because if he does, he’s nothing.
It’s absolutely not Roy’s fault, but also this doesn’t mean that Ollie’s an evil neglecting abuser, either. Even the best parents fuck up, and Ollie was by no means the best parent. He took in Roy as a sidekick, as a buddy, and then never really found a way to combine the ideas of sidekick and son. He assumed that Roy would be able to interpret meanings behind gestures, which is something that Roy seems to struggle with even into adulthood. I’ve talked about it a fair bit, Roy’s absolutely someone who relies on the explicit, but he’s also not someone who’ll ask for clarification, which has caused conflict in his relationships time and time again. And while it's something he has gotten better at as he's gotten older, a 12-18 year old Roy would absolutely not be able to read Ollie's motives.
And Ollie's fear of fatherhood isn't something exclusive to Roy, either. Sure, he'd gotten better at it by the time Connor and Mia entered the picture (speaking as an oldest child myself, we are the guinea pigs of parenting, I was my mum's sibling), he absolutely still expresses this with them. I mean, just look at his face when he finds out Connor's his son.
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That's the face of a man who's just had the crushing weight of parenthood slammed down onto him again, the moment Connor stopped being an ally and started being his responsibility. He's scared, because Ollie absolutely does not see himself as a good father for someone to have. This was very much present during Roy's teenage years, but particularly since this is post-Snowbirds. Both in terms of Roy developing a drug addiction and in terms of Ollie's own initial reaction to it, he immediately spirals. And, since we've already established he does not know how to process things, he lashes out at Connor.
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And as for Mia, he's definitely matured significantly by the time she comes into the picture, and compared to with Roy he's a lot more open with his feelings. However!
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He still won't explicitly accept the responsibility of fatherhood! Despite acting like a father to Mia in every way through his actions, he still won't use his words! Even though in the issue following, he expresses a paternal protectiveness over her.
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And I think Mia's HIV diagnosis is maybe one of the biggest examples of his distancing himself and hiding his feelings, particularly when Connor asks him how he's feeling about it.
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He's so fine, so totally fine, trust him when he says he's fine, totally not freaking out. He's absolutely not terrified for his not-daughter, no way.
Ollie has this fear that if he gets too attached to his kids, he's gonna end up failing them. If he keeps a distance from them, then he can't blame himself when they get hurt. Is this good parenting? No! Absolutely not! But this is also the man who dresses up as Robin Hood and who chose to die rather than lose his arm. This is not a healthy man.
But he tries, he tries so hard, even if it's in his own way. And he recognises when he fucks up! And he tries his best to mend it later on!
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He's not the best at showing his kids that he loves them, but he's so proud of Roy when he becomes Red Arrow. He comes back to life to save Connor. He stands by Mia's side when she gets diagnosed and becomes Speedy. He's not a great dad, but goddamnit he's trying to be.
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In conclusion, no, Ollie is not the perfect father. He's deeply flawed, and his own emotional incompetency has been and always will be a point of conflict between him and his kids. But he's not some uncaring abuser, either. He's trying.
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okay so I’ve seen and loved a bunch of these posts already but everything u say is immediately correct and amazing and sending u asks is the best
opinions on why zukka works and makes sense as a ship and if you think it could work in canon (outside of fanon)?
I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST MADE MY ENTIRE LIFE COMPLETE AND FULL BY ASKING ME THIS QUESTIONNNN (strap in folks hold on to your hats keep a good hold on your bladders bc this is 10+ years worth of BUSINESS)
Why "Zukka" works and makes sense as a ship
something i've discussed THROUGHLY with my notes app and a school slides presentation is that Zuko and Sokka are both direct parallels AND contrasts to one another, at the same time. i'll list them out here:
Their fathers' roles in their lives
Both Hakoda and Ozai were the leaders of their respective nations, with Sokka and Zuko as the heirs. Then, they both become absent in their sons' lives and leave them to fend for themselves.
This is a parallel, but this is also where they contrast. Sokka's father left to go fight in the war, a noble and honest pursuit, and left Sokka to protect his sister and the village.
Ozai, on the other hand, cast Zuko out of the nation and forced him to protect and defend himself, while effectively turning all their people and his own sister against him.
Their sisters' roles in their lives
Despite both of them being the oldest sibling and brother, they both have severe inferiority complexes due to their younger, powerful bending sisters.
With Katara, she was the only waterbender in the entire tribe, a marvel. She could learn to protect the tribe in a way that Sokka had been trying all his life, and she eventually does. Despite all this, Katara is still a grounding and valued person in his life, and he would be completely lost without her (something he openly admits to in canon!!)
With Azula, she was a prodigy firebender, while also being a special kind of keen and cunning. She was adored by their father and grandfather and Zuko could never quite measure up. Because of this, Azula is the main villain in Zuko's childhood. She does everything she can to break him down, and that continues when she returns as a character in his life in season two. All throughout the show, instead of being a source of comfort and familial love, she is his main obstacle he must overcome.
The loss of their mothers
Both Sokka and Zuko lost their mothers at very young ages to the Fire Nation, but they had vastly different impacts on their families (and further developed their sisters' roles in their lives!!)
When Sokka's mother died, she was killed by a Fire Nation general. Katara quickly took over the motherly role in his life, cementing her place as a grounding and comforting force. Her death also did not break their family. It deeply hurt all of them, but Katara, Sokka, and Hakoda still loved one another just as much as before.
When Zuko's mother died (obviously not really, but this is what he believes for many years), she was "killed" in order for his father to ascend to the throne and become Fire Lord. This left Zuko without anyone to protect him from Azula's tormenting and cemented her place as a destructive, villainous person in his life. Ursa's death also did destroy their family. Whatever way she had managed to keep them all together was eradicated, and Zuko was left with a sister and father that resented him and a sister fighting for his place in the line of succession.
Their obessesions
Both Sokka and Zuko had two bone-deep obsessions that were very defining parts of their characters in the first season, that slowly wavered and faded away as the story progressed and they developed as people. They were both given these obsessions by their fathers immediately before they became absent in their lives (whether leaving themself or sending their son away) and proceeded to dedicate their entire life to these goals in the name of honor.
With Sokka, his father asked him to protect his sister and his village. Sokka then dedicates all his time and energy to becoming a brave soldier and training the children of the village in order to protect his people. This is seen further in season one even after they leave, when he is overly protective of Katara and constantly worried for her safety (something this fandom doesn't talk about enough!!)
With Zuko, his father sent him on a wild goose-chase to find the hundred-years-lost Avatar, and when he actually does, all he can do is chase after Aang so he can go back home. As we see in season three, letting go of capturing the Avatar was essentially letting go of his former self.
Unlearning their flawed cultures (the big one!!!!)
Both of their cultures had many flaws that became ingrained in their belief systems and characters; their whole development is dedicated to unlearning these flawed teachings and reorienting their perception of the world.
It is very obvious throughout the shows that the Water Tribe had strict gender roles that were both implicitly and explicitly taught from birth. The men go off to fight in the war, the women take care of the children, Sokka has to protect his "defenseless" little sister, etc. Suki helped start him on the journey of unlearning his deeply-rooted misogyny, and by the end of the series he's really drinking the Respect Women Juice™️ (unlearning the flaws of his culture also brought him much closer to his sister and strengthened their bond and respect for one another)
The Fire Nation is a lot more complicated with a lot more cultural nuances and implicit and explicit teachings, but we'll focus on one central cultural theme: the constant prioritization of ambition over absolutely everything else, including (if not especially) love. (I actually talk about this extensively in another analysis post about Azula, if you want to check that out<3) We see Zuko battle with this teaching all throughout the series, and it is the main conflict he faces, at its heart.
We watch him commit his entire life to capturing the Avatar in season one. We watch him betray his uncle in season two. We watch him, time and time again, put his own health and safety on the line trying to capture Aang, especially in season one. Constantly, over and over again, he puts his ambition first because that was what he was taught.
And though this is a trait him and Azula share, it is also what pits them against each other. Azula's entire character is built on putting ambition first, and that leads her to chasing the throne that is Zuko's birthright. Zuko just wants to go home, but that would reestablish him as the heir to the throne. Time and time again, we watch them fight and betray each other, constantly battling for this crown for a broken nation. In the end, it is Azula's undoing, but that's another post.
All in all, unlearning the flaws of their culture is central to their development as characters and a place where they parallel... but it is also a place where they directly (and perfectly) contrast.
Despite the cruelty of the Fire Nation, they are the only military that includes women. They seem to not really struggle with the same gender roles the rest of the world does. They may be colonizers, but they're not misogynists. Zuko never looked down on his sister because she was a woman, nor did her father. It was always her propensity for cruelty that undid her. (They even send a team of highly skilled women to capture the Avatar!!)
This is a direct contrast to the teachings of the Water Tribe, which are entrenched in misogyny and gender roles. The men go off to war, the women stay behind. The men are strong, the women are weak. Can you imagine how much Zuko could have assisted Sokka in his development here? (blah blah directly paralleling Suki's role in Sokka's life blah blah blah)
In the Water Tribe, love and family comes before everything. We see that time and time again. Sokka's main priority, every time, is his sister and his tribe. They stick together. They love one another. They are united, with one person leading them as a group but not standing over them like a tyrant. "Ambition" seems like a mostly unheard of concept in their nation. The only ambition we ever really see from Sokka is when he's trying to protect his tribe (season one finale)!!
Can you imagine how much Sokka could have helped Zuko unlearn his constant prioritization of ambition?? Like, come on. All the things Zuko was left to stew with and angst over all on his own Sokka could have gently taken into his own hands and shown him the way. Like, it actually makes me go feral just thinking about it. Sokka could have helped Zuko so much!! (pushing the Ba Sing Se Zukka AU rn)
Okay, let's recap. It looks like Zuko and Sokka are both direct parallels and contrasts, paralleling in the ways that allow them to understand each other but contrasting in the ways that help them heal one another. Like, it's actually insane. I really don't know if it was intentional or not but it's really just so perfect. They slot together perfectly as characters. I hope this all made sense😭😭
Could "Zukka" work in canon?
Now, this is tricky. Believe it or not I'm actually really glad they didn't make Zukka canon. ATLA had a huge problem with writing good romance, and in the canon we saw in the show, neither Sokka or Zuko were in a place to get together.
I've enjoyed my fair share of Zukka AUs where they get together before the end of the war, but you and I both know that would have been a hot mess. (Both of them just weren't ready, they were both in relationships, and sorry but they were kinda busy—Katara was right about the whole "there are other things to worry about.") If they were ever to get together in canon, it would have to be years after the war ended.
Let's address a few things that needed to happen before they could ever have gotten together:
Finally admitting that Maiko was just an extreme example of comphet
Zuko did not give a single shit about that girl. Like. He didn't even personally go get her out of prison WHEN SHE WAS LITERALLY ARRESTED FOR PROTECTING HIM😭😭 And then they try to play off their story as some big epic romance?? uhhhh no
(really, Mai was in long-time unrequited love with Ty Lee that was finally requited after Boiling Rock but idk if society is ready for that yet)
Not to mention, Azula literally forced both of them into that relationship, but if I get started with that I'll never stop so. Moving on.
Figuring out Sokka and Suki
Okay, so while there is a good chance that Sokka and Suki could have made it work in canon, there is also a good chance they would have broken up. They both had very different priorities: while they both did care about overall world peace, it was obvious from Suki's first introduction that her Kyoshi Warriors were her top priority every time, and Sokka's was his tribe, his found family (Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko, yk yk), and world peace at large. You're telling me those don't conflict? Especially because they really seem like a Piper/Jason situation, where they found comfort and love in each other during wartime but wouldn't have known how to keep up the relationship without the constant threat of death.
Overall, in order for Zukka to work, Sokka and Suki would have had to break up, which would not have been difficult to arrange.
Sokka needed to go home and begin rebuilding the Water Tribe
No matter how much I adore fics where Sokka stays behind in the Fire Nation and helps Zuko rebuild, it just wouldn't work. Sokka's obvious priority had always been his tribe. The second the war was over (ignoring the comics bc that's a can of complicated worms i don't want to get into), he would've gone back with Katara to work on rebuilding their destroyed tribe. Only once the Southern Tribe could stand steadily on its own two legs could he have even considered leaving.
Anyways, that's really it. In order for Zukka to work, three plot points would have to be resolved: Maiko, Sukka, and the reparation of the Southern Water Tribe. Extremely doable, imo.
Personality-wise and just as characters, would it have worked?
I really think it would have! Like I said before, Sokka and Zuko are two characters that perfectly parallel and contrast at all the exactly right points to make them slot together flawlessly as a pair. (Whether that's romantic or not—doesn't matter.) Really, I genuinely think they are a real missed opportunity. I have genuinely never seen two characters that seem so different that actually work that well together, or even just characters that work that well together at all.
Like, I really mean it, they are perfect matches. It's genuinely scary. Like it or not, no one will ever be able to replicate the perfection of what Zukka could have been.
Anyone that says that it's "random" or "doesn't work" obviously hasn't been watching the same show or simply just hasn't been paying attention. People might ship it just because it's opposites attract or red and blue or even just the most accessible MLM ship in the fandom, but they really are perfect for each other.
alright, I think that's it! sorry for this monster of a post😭😭 genuinely did NOT expect that to happen. PLS SEND ME ANY ASKS YOU CAN THINK OF ABOUT THESE TWO!! i have spent a concerning amount of time thinking about them and these show has analysis potential for days, so. (and who knows, maybe i'll finally post the like three unfinished fics i have for them💀💀 god knows i should)
thanks for the ask, and have a great day <3
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justthoughts1310 · 4 months
If you have not watched Netflix's live action ATLA yet, let me stop you right now. It is not good and it's score on rotten tomatoes is honestly too high.
However, it's far better than the 2010 Live Action movie.
I'm on episode 6 now, and as I watch, I've been trying to find the words that best describe the series.
I've struggled, but the first thing I've noticed is how all of the actors seem to walk their parts and miss the meaning and motivations of their characters all together. The only one who comes close to embodying their character is Iroh, and the only one who looks like they came from straight out of the avatar universe is the Bounty Hunter.
However, now that I'm in episode 6, I've found the word.
The series is Rushed. It's rushed. It feels that they are trying to pack as much avatar lore into the storyline as possible and they don't care what storylines or arcs they have to mangle in order to do it. It's like a really badly written fanficition or a bad spark notes recap of the OG show. I feel comfortable saying that because I've read the Kiyoshi novels (which are like fanfics) and they are EXCELLENT.
You notice this when the show starts. Aang can fly unassisted. Let me repeat. He can fly unassisted. Only two Airbenders in all of Avatar history can fly unassisted, and one hasn't even been born yet during the time Aang was trying to stop the 100 year war. This boy can fly, but we're 6 episodes in and he has not water bent once. If he hadn't turned into Kiyoshi, I wouldn't believe that he's actually the avatar.
As to not provide any spoilers, they've taken multiple storylines and mashed them together. For example, the spirt of wisdom that we meet in the library in the arc where Appa goes missing. Yeah, we meet the guy in the forest with the Panda Bear Forest spirit and then we meet Kah shortly after. As if that's not all terrible, then we are introduced to the Mother of Faces.
The mother of freaking faces! If you don't know who she is, she is not in the show. She is introduced in the graphic novel trilogy "The Search" when Zuko and Azula try to find their long lost mother.
It is my feeling that if you want to revisit a beloved show that you should work to make it better. Deepen it. Add color to it and help the audience better understand the characters insights. Take your time with it.
Netflix tries to do a little of this by providing some additional backstories, but it does this by running rough shot through literally everything else.
It even changes the characters relational dynamics with one another. For example you know how even though Sokka is the oldest, Katara very much has adopted the place of their mother? Yeah... throw that notion right out the window. Now, instead of Katara being the practical one who keeps everything on track, she's painted as the rash kid who needs to grow up and Sokka is the father figure.
Now, Zuko is kind of the beloved child even though he's been banished and Azula is seen as a nuisance to her father. Like what??????
It's actually ironic that the show removes Sokka's misogynistic nature because the show is kind of misogynistic in and of itself.
It's 6 episodes in and has already stripped three female characters of their core tenants.
1. Azula is a prodigy. She's the pride of the fire nation. Not anymore.
2. Katara is a motherly figure who is the mother of the group. She cares for everybody and keeps them on track. Not anymore.
3. Suki is a fierce and independent warrior who is not impressed by Sokka's misogyny. Now, she's a creepy woman who follows him around the entire time he's on the island until he asks to be trained by her.
When we heard that the OG creators and Netflix went different ways because of creative differences, we should have known right then and there that the live action was going to be trash.
Also, I'm going to put it out there. Considering the fact that this should be a block buster series, Netflix did not spend anywhere enough money on it, because the graphics are so cheesy and Appa looks terrible.
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makeitmingi · 9 months
Meet My Chaos
Tumblr media
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Jongho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Girlfriend!Reader, Boyfriend!Jongho, Friends!Ateez
Summary: After dating you for a bit and maintaining secrecy, Jongho knew you are the one he wants to introduce to his family. While you have met his real family, there's another family that he's been slightly reluctant to let you meet.
Word count: 3.6K
[A/N: I didn't want this to be SUPER fluffy. Just comforting and because I miss Jongho. I'm glad his surgery went well and that he is resting and recuperating.]
"I don't think I've ever seen you this nervous, Jongho." San rested his head on his hand as he watched the youngest pace up and down in the living room.
"Seonghwa hyung, did you help clear Hongjoong's room yet?" Ignoring the older, Jongho went to find the oldest of the group. He had Seonghwa come early in the day to help clean up the dorm since the oldest was known to be the cleanest.
"You know, I don't understanding why we have to clean the bedrooms too." Hongjoong scoffed.
"Less talking, more mopping." Seonghwa ordered.
"I want everything to be ready and presentable." Jongho said, going to where Wooyoung and Mingi were in the kitchen, preparing some small snacks. Yeosang was plating the few take out they got.
"Ah, Yunho hyung!" Jongho yelled when Yunho spilled some rice cake sauce on the counter. He grumbled as he grabbed some kitchen towels to wipe it up quickly.
The 7 older boys watched their youngest with slight fear and amusement. Fear of his wrath and amusement of how he was acting.
"Calm down, Jongho ah. Things are going to be fine." Hongjoong comforted as he entered the kitchen.
"I just want things to be perfect."
"She already likes you enough to be dating you for so long. I don't think a few dirty dishes are going to make her like you any less. Plus, it shows that you're human." Wooyoung shrugged. Jongho shot him a flat look, threatening to throw his house slipper at him. Wooyoung yelped and ducked behind Mingi.
"Hongjoong hyung! Jongho is being a bully again!" Wooyoung complained. Jongho rolled his eyes, taking his phone out from his pocket to send a text message.
'Let me know when you're here. I'll come down and get you. - Jongho'
'Mmm... I'm 10 minutes away, I think! - (y/n)'
"She's 10 minutes away. Those that need to get changed into presentable clothes, please go change now." Jongho announced. He needed to change too.
"Do we need our suits?" San teased, earning a glare from Jongho as he went to his bedroom to change into a fresh set of clothes.
"Everyone ready?" Jongho asked as the 7 sat down in the living room.
"Yeah. Everything and everyone is ready." Yunho said. Even though they tease Jongho, they didn't want to add to his stress so they did try their best to be more of a help than a burden. Jongho's phone rang and he stepped aside to answer it.
"Hello?... Mmm, you're downstairs? Okay, I'll come down now..." Jongho spoke, not being able to help the small smile that crept onto his face at the sound of your voice.
"I'll go down and get her." Jongho informed and left the dorm. When Jongho stepped out of the lift, he saw you standing there.
You looked so pretty, dressed in a baby blue sundress with white flowers. You rocked on your heels as you waited patiently for Jongho to pick you.
"Aein (sweetheart) ah." Jongho called out to you. You lifted your head at the sound of his voice.
"Oh, Jongho." You waved with a smile. Jongho jogged over to you. When he stood in front of you, his arm slipped around your waist to pull you in and give you a greeting kiss on your temple.
"What's all this?" He laughed at the paper bags by your feet.
"I bought some desserts and drinks for your hyungs. I don't know what they really like so I went a little overboard. And I bought you the katsu sandwich you like." You said sheepishly, embarrassed by how much you bought. Jongho patted your head, you always bought him something savoury, remembering that he isn't a fan of sweets.
"You didn't need to bring anything, aein. It must have been hard carrying all this on your own in the train." He said, picking up the bags to carry.
"No, it's fine. Plus, I want to make a good impression on your hyungs." You giggled shyly.
"They'll like you just as you are, not by the gifts you bring." He smiled as you began to walk with him back to the lift lobby.
"Your words are biased." You hit his arm.
"If I like you, the hyungs will too. Don't worry. I'm honestly more concerned that they like you too much. A lot of them show their affection through skinship..." He sighed as you pressed the lift button.
"I'll stick to your side then. You can protect me." You reached up to kiss his cheek.
"Yeah, if they know what's good for them, they'll know to back off and not try anything." He rolled his eyes, making you laugh. You knew Jongho's strength was something the others were scared of. You both stepped into the lift and Jongho pressed the button of the floor.
"I hope you didn't bully them into preparing too much for our meeting today." You said.
"There's no such thing as too much when it comes to you." Jongho said, transferring the bags into one hand to free up the other. He laced fingers with you.
"Have you seriously not met her before?" Wooyoung asked Hongjoong and Seonghwa. The two oldest shook their heads.
"I've met her before." Yeosang raised his hand.
"You have?! When?! Why have you not mentioned this?" The others all made a fuss. Jongho had kept you and your relationship very well hidden from all the nosy hyungs for quite a while.
"Yeah, I have. We went out for lunch together and Jongho introduced us." Yeosang nodded his head.
"WHAT?!" Not only has Yeosang met you, he even had a meal with you.
"Probably because Yeosang is the most 'presentable' and 'mature' one." Mingi scoffed. That was when they heard the door open and Jongho's light laughter, as well as your voice, sounded throughout the dorm. The 7 sat there, like puppies waiting for their owner to release them from the wait command.
"I've never heard him laugh like that before." San mumbled. Wooyoung nodded in agreement. They peered down the hall to see if you were coming but you and Jongho seemed to linger by the door.
"Why are you so nervous? I think in this situation I should be the nervous one!" You giggled as Jongho stopped at the door way.
"Ah, they can just be... loud. And overwhelming for people meeting them for the first time." Jongho rubbed the back of his neck as he squeezed your hand that he was holding.
"I'm sure they're lovely." You said.
"Just come in already!" Seonghwa yelled, getting tired of waiting for you two. Jongho sighed while you laughed. He began walking first, leading you to the living room with you trailing behind him.
"Hyungs... this is (y/n). (y/n), meet my 7 Ateez hyungs. Of course, you've met Yeosang hyung before." Jongho introduced as all 7 stood up. You waved to Yeosang, recognising the familiar face. He smiled and waved to you.
"Hello. It's nice to finally meet all of you." You waved shyly. The 7 all melted at how cute you were.
They've never even seen a picture of you before. The only picture Jongho had of you was his KakaoTalk chat background and that was a picture of the back of your head.
"Hyungs... Say hello." Jongho said through gritted teeth when he noticed that they were just frozen there, staring at you.
"Oh, right. Sorry. Hi there. I'm glad we're finally able to meet you. I'm Hongjoong." Hongjoong was the first to reach out and shake your hand. You nodded with a smile, shaking his hand.
"Hongjoong, the captain." You giggled. Jongho had shown you photos of them before, telling you all their names.
"I'm Seonghwa, the oldest." You went through all of them as they introduced themselves to you with a handshake. When you reached Yeosang, you and him shared a friendly hug of familiarity. Jongho watched an endearing smile, he knew you secretly watched Ateez videos to learn and memorise their names.
"You're so cute!" Wooyoung pulled you into a hug. You blinked in surprise but laughed, patting his back. With a small frown, Jongho came between you, pushing Wooyoung away gently.
"Please don't do that, hyung." Jongho mumbled.
"I brought some cakes and pastries for everyone." You said, gesturing to the paper bags that Jongho was carrying for you.
"That's very nice of you, (y/n). Thank you. But really, you didn't need to bring anything." Seonghwa smiled kindly, making your cheeks heat up.
"Go put these in the fridge." He gestured for Mingi to help Jongho take the bags into the kitchen to keep the cakes. Jongho came back out with a glass of water for you.
"Here, (y/n)." He handed it to you. You bowed your head and took the glass to sip the water. Jongho never really liked calling you 'aein' or other endearments in front of others. It was just one of the things he liked to keep private and you were fine with that.
"Hyung, move." Jongho shooed San away from the armchair so you could sit down.
"Jongho!" You lightly hit his arm in shock at the way he chased his hyung away. He just shrugged, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Please, it's okay. You don't have to move. I can sit wherever." You said, bowing apologetically to San.
"It's fine. Please sit." San shook his head with a kind smile, sitting between Wooyoung and Yunho on the couch. Jongho sat on the arm rest to ensure that he's near you.
After you've been dating for a while, you and Jongho agreed that it was time to meet each other's families. While you've met Jongho's parents and brother, you also wanted to meet his Ateez family. He does live with them and is with them most of the time like a real family so you should meet them too.
But Jongho, being Jongho, had always kept his personal life very private, even from Ateez. He was worried you would be "scared off" by how loud and chaotic they could be.
"So Jongho said you're a freshman in university? What do you study?" Yunho asked.
"Yeah, I'm a double biology major, specialising in Molecular Cell Biology and Microbiology." You informed.
"Oh wow. It must not be easy having to juggle a double major." Mingi said, impressed by how smart with were. You rubbed the back your neck, nodding.
"It's not easy... I only did it because I was indecisive on what I wanted to specialise in." You said shyly.
"They both sound like promising fields." Hongjoong laughed and you nodded with a giggle. Jongho watched you conversed with his hyungs, how easily you clicked and carried a conversation with them. He felt a little more relieved that you all got along.
"You're so smart. Then how did you meet Jongho?" Wooyoung asked in amazement. Jongho would have punched him but you were around so he abstained.
"Hyung..." Jongho glared warningly.
"We've actually been friends since high school. Then we reconnected at a reunion dinner." You smiled up at Jongho.
"Mhmm." Jongho hummed in confirmation as he smiled softly at you, patting your head. He held your hand, casually resting your interlocked hands on his thigh.
"Oh, I bought drinks too. Let me give them out." You remembered, going to the kitchen where the bag of drinks were. Jongho trailed behind you to help carry the bag to the living room.
"I hope I got the orders right... Iced americano for Jongho, Wooyoung and Mingi. Iced americano decaf for San, hot latte for Hongjoong, iced caramel macchiato for Yunho and Yeosang. And the none coffee drink they had was strawberry ade. That's for Seonghwa." You gave out the drinks to each of the members.
"That's right. I'm guessing Jongho told you our favourite drink orders?" Mingi blinked.
"I didn't..." Jongho shook his head.
"I remembered you've mentioned them in passing before. But I admit, I had some help with the information Atinys put on the internet." You confessed.
"Well, thank you for remembering and taking the time to research. You really didn't have to." Yunho smiled, sipping his drink.
"This is yours." You handed the iced americano to Jongho.
"Thanks. I can't believe you remembered me saying all that. Even I don't remember saying it myself." Jongho said to you softly, poking his straw into the drink.
"You never know, the information might come in handy one day. Like today." You smiled. Jongho mirrored your soft smile. He noticed the members immersed in their own conversations and quickly leaned in to give you a peck.
"I saw that!" Wooyoung pointed. Jongho pursed his lips and looked away to hide his shyness. You giggled, patting his hand.
"Don't tease them." Yeosang scolded.
"Can we eat now? I'm hungry." San suddenly asked. Hongjong facepalmed but turned to Jongho, who nodded. They all went to take the food that was prepared, leaving you and Jongho behind.
"Sorry." Jongho held your hands, more comfortable now that you two were alone.
"Nothing to be sorry about." You kissed his cheek. All the Ateez members have been very nice and welcoming to you.
"Come. Let's take some food before they finish it all." Jongho led you to the kitchen. He got two plates, instinctively kind of blocking you protectively so you could take food peacefully. The others got their food and Seonghwa rushed them out so you and Jongho could have some private time on your own.
"Want chicken?" You turned to him. Jongho nodded and you put a few pieces on his plate.
"Remember to take some for yourself too, aein." He reminded, looking at how you were taking food for him only.
"I will." You nodded and put some food on your own plate. It was cute, you taking food for yourself and Jongho while Jongho's free hand naturally came to rest of your waist.
"Wait, I'll get another plate to put the pasta so we can share." Jongho left you momentarily and came back with a new plate for you. He held it while you put some of the pasta on, enough for you to share.
"Do you want some rice?" You asked.
"I don't want carb on carb. And you know I'd rather eat more meat later." He shook his head and you laughed.
The other Ateez members watched in silent awe and shock, this side of Jongho was something they have never witnessed before. He smiled and laughed at the littlest things you did and was the one constantly initiating physical skinship with you.
"Jongho, I can carry my own plate." You insisted while laughing.
"You get the cutlery, aein. I got the plates, I promise I won't drop the food." Jongho smiled as he struggled a little to balance the 3 plates. Despite that, he still waited for you.
Obviously he didn't know the hyungs were watching and listening to him. When the two of you came back to sit in the living room, the 7 immediately acted like they were doing something else.
"Thank you for preparing all the food. It looks really good." You said.
"Hope you enjoy it. There's more than enough for you to get seconds." Seonghwa smiled.
"Yes, yes, eat more." Yunho insisted. Even as you all ate, the 7 hyungs secretly observed you and Jongho. The way Jongho removed the shells from the seafood for you and how you removed the meat off the bones for him. It was something you did for each other habitually that it was second nature.
"Sorry, may I use the washroom?" You apologised and asked. Jongho led you to the toilet. You made him go back, not wanting him to wait for you.
"Relax, she's just using the toilet." Wooyoung teased, seeing Jongho repeatedly turn to the hallway where the toilet was. Jongho huffed, pursing his lips and looking away.
"She's nice and cute." San complimented.
"She is." Jongho nodded, a light blush on his cheeks. You were beyond cute to Jongho, he could never describe it. Whenever Jongho looked at you, he saw this glow around you.
"At least we don't just know what the back of her head looks like anymore." Mingi snickered.
"You weren't even supposed to know about her." Jongho corrected.
The one time Jongho slips up was letting Yunho borrow his phone to text Mingi and Yunho seeing the KakaoTalk background. Jongho was careful, having that as his only picture of you since he assumed it was private. None of his others devices had you as the wallpaper.
But Yunho couldn't contain his shock, loudly asking Jongho who 'that girl' was and that got the attention of the other nosy hyung. Luckily it was just a photo he took of you looking out the window.
"I'm back." You came back, drying your hands with a tissue from the toilet. You and Jongho sat down and continued to eat your food.
"Yah! You made me spill the sauce." Wooyoung yelled as Mingi hit him while standing up to get more food.
"I tripped over Yunho's foot. And besides, you should have moved when you saw me get up." They bickered. Jongho sighed, pinching his nose bridge at how his hyungs acted.
"If you're going to argue, do it in the room. We have a guest." Seonghwa stepped in to mediate the fight. You couldn't help but giggle, they all easily bickered over small things like siblings but just like siblings, they never took things to heart.
"I told you, I never forget I'm the youngest. They just forget that they're older." Jongho leaned over to tell you.
When everyone was done eating, none of them let you help with the dishes when you offered but you did insist on wiping the table that they used to eat on.
"Aein, let me do it." Jongho bent down beside you.
"It's wiping a table, I can do it. It's the least I can do since you all don't let me do anything else to help." You chuckled.
"You're the guest. You shouldn't be doing anything." He reasoned. However, San was talking to Mingi and walking backwards, not noticing you crouched by the table. He tripped over you.
"Be careful!" Fortunately, Jongho had fast instincts and strength, lifting you up and practically hauling you onto his lap. He saved you from being squished by San while the male just landed onto the ground where you previous were. He winced in pain from the impact of his butt hitting the ground.
"HYUNG!" Jongho roared.
"Jongho, I'm fine. It's okay. It was an accident." You put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. You knew he was upset. Jongho's arms remained secured around your waist.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, (y/n). Are you alright?" San scrambled to you.
"Yes, I'm okay. What about you? You took quite a fall." You asked, worried about the impact of his fall on his tail bone.
"I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm sorry" He smiled, a sign that he didn't hurt himself too badly. The others came out of the kitchen, having heard the commotion and Jongho's yell.
"What happened?"
"It's fine. There was just a small accident." You assured, turning to Jongho, who just pursed his lips into a thin line, frowning at you. Jongho was very protective of you and always worrying about you. He never verbally expressed himself much but you knew.
"No more cleaning, come here." Jongho mumbled, holding your hand to lead you away. You hummed and follow him, not wanting to argue with him.
"Go ahead and start eating the dessert." He said to his hyungs before leading you into his bedroom and closed the door.
"Jongho, are you okay?" You asked worriedly.
"That scared me, aein." He sighed, walking over and letting his head fall onto your shoulder. Now that the two of you were alone, Jongho was more relaxed about being close with you.
"Sorry." You apologised, rubbing his back while iis arms hung by his side. You felt bad for causing this to happen.
"Don't apologise, pabo. You didn't even do anything wrong." He mumbled. With another sigh, he finally lifted up his head to look at you. Seeing you stare into his eyes, blinking innocently made him chuckle. He reached up to hold your cheek with his hand and gave you a sweet peck.
"Honestly, aein, I'm really happy you're here and finally got to meet my hyungs." He confessed, ears turning red. His arms loosely coiled around your waist.
"Me too. They're very nice and funny." You giggled.
"I'm glad that you're having a nice time with them then." He said, sitting down with you on his bed.
"Sure, they like to tease me and I don't always partake in their shenanigans or express myself as much as they do but they accept me for who I am. Just like you." He held your hands in his.
"You're amazing, Jongho. For being you. There's no comparison when you're your real, true self. That's who I fell in love with and continue to love." You said. Jongho didn't have much self confidence but there was so much to love about him.
"You meeting my Ateez family today after meeting my family. It's like all my worlds are becoming one."
"Thank you for letting me meet them. They're all great people, I can see why you adore them so much." You hugged him. Jongho hugged you tightly.
"They are good people. They make me a better person. Even if they can be quite chaotic from time to time." He chuckled.
"But that's what makes you guys a family right? They are your chaos." You pointed out.
"Yeah... They are." Jongho smiled softly.
And he wouldn't have it any other way.
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AITA for saying my family shows favoritism towards my baby cousin?
(This is copied from my Reddit drafts because my partner told me tumblr would be better for this and I trust them)
Okay this is a long one so I’m just gonna throw out fake names for everyone and everyone is white middle class Americans
I, Op, 20M, I’m a trans man not accepted by my family. This is relevant
Renee, 20F, my twin sister
Bea, 16F, my younger sister
Lee, 35F, my aunt on my father’s side
Lucas, 2M, my cousin, son of Lee
Suzie, 5F, my cousin, daughter of Lee
My father, 44M, the patriarch of our whole family
My mother, 45F
Grandpa, 76M, paternal grandpa, previous patriarch
Grandma, 74F, paternal grandma
So I’m sending this in on Christmas Day of 2023. For some context, I still live at home, but it’s more of a roommate situation now that I’m an adult. Renee lives on her out-of-state college campus but visits for holidays, and Bea is still a high schooler. Lee, her children, and her husband who isn’t relevant to this (I love my uncle, we just literally never talk) live across the country. My father is losing the battle with cancer and can’t travel, so we had two separate christmases this year, one with my immediate family and one with Lee. Grandma and Grandpa went to Lee’s, which was awesome for me because that meant I got to avoid them this year!
As the character list above states, I’m (one of) the oldest of the five grandkids with my cousins being born a lot later than me and my sisters. My family is a traditional WASP family and staunchly conservative with Aunt Lee actively being a cop right now while my parents and Grandpa served in the military. Growing up undeniably queer was hilarious, I know. But the family dynamic wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, my family did a good job of trying to hide the fact that Renee was the favorite child lol, but that was more on the basis of her having the same traditional values that they do until Aunt Lee had Suzie, then she obviously became the favorite. Fine by me, she’s an adorable girl and I love spoiling her. Also, ACAB does apply for Aunt Lee for being complacent in this system, it’s not just the most relevant part of the story besides explaining how she fits into the family dynamic
But then Lee had Lucas a few years later and the focus in the family shifted to him. At first, it was baby fever making everyone dote over him (and I’m guilty of this too) but after a while, I realized that the fever hasn’t died down. If we had family reunions, everyone would flock to Lucas and I would be the one watching Suzie. For a toddler, she’s a great conversationalist, but it was still sad to see all her aunts and uncles and cousins showering her baby brother with attention and not her. And then the comments started. That my father would only refer to Lucas as “my nephew” even when talking directly to Lee (unhinged to witness in person). That Grandpa was so happy to finally have a grandson (felt great). The lady-killer comments and guessing what profession he’s gonna go into based on how chubby of a baby he is (the money’s on Linebacker, little dude is built like a truck). Stuff like that
None of these comments were ever made about Suzie when she was born, and I really don’t want to admit that it’s because Lucas is a boy, but thats the only answer I can think of when trying to understand the favoritism. Lucas is showered in gifts and love and while I know newborns need that, Suzie received nowhere near this much attention. Lee’s husband doesn’t go to family functions because he works full time, but I heard Suzie mumble at Thanksgiving last month that she wanted to go home to daddy. It broke my fucking heart, so I called him and she got to FaceTime with my uncle until my phone died
At this point, I’m not even upset that the family ignores my obvious trans-ness as I’m over a year on T (paid for by myself too) in favor of my boy cousin. I’m upset that Suzie is getting left out of the fawning while she’s still super young and she could grow up resenting Lucas because of it.
Anyways, so this morning we opened gifts as an immediate family and I got to FaceTime my significant other as they unboxed their gift from me and we were having a good time until my dad FaceTimes Grandpa. Grandpa answers and Dad immediately asks how his nephew is. Lucas is pushed in front of the phone and all I can hear is asking about how Lucas is, is Lucas talking yet, is Lucas reading yet. I manage to squeeze my head in and ask about Suzie and Lee’s voice off camera says that “oh she’s fine, just snobbish.” Snobbish? A five year old?
And here’s where I’m probably the Asshole. Honestly, I’m looking between ESH and JAH here, but would perfectly understandable if tumblr decides YTA. My response to Lee’s comment was: “well maybe she wouldn’t be if everyone didn’t pick Lucas as the family favorite.”
My dad smacked me upside the head, Renee and Bea got really pissed off, and the FaceTime went quiet until it was cut off and Grandpa called back to talk to Dad privately. Bea called me an asshole and while my Mom got onto her for her language, Mom agreed that I was.
My dad came back from the phone and did the silent point towards his bedroom, y’all with shitty parents know the one. Because I’m twenty fucking years old and pay RENT here, I shook my head, grabbed my keys, and went to go hang out with my significant partner and work friends. We had a great time and I’m currently in the car with my significant other while typing this. I’m gonna spend the night at their place and go back in the morning to see how bad the damage is. My significant other says I was justified in what I said, but two of my work friends (one who’s a Cishet guy who grew up in a similar household and another who’s a new dad with his own son) say that what I said was uncalled for and rude. They explained that I had no right to weaponize Lucas and Suzie like that and I understand that. I’m just tired of Suzie being neglected and, selfishly I know, I’m tired of how my identity is ignored as well
So, tumblr, AITA?
TL;DR, My two year old cousin is the “only” grandson in the family. The family ignores my male identity and my baby cousin’s five year old sister to fawn over the two year old. Am I The Asshole for pointing this out point blank in front of the whole family on Christmas morning?
What are these acronyms?
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