#healed Longbottoms
daliyla · 1 year
Healing together (Nobleflower, Muggle!Au, part 2/2)
Tw: mild smut, mostly implied
Narcissa couldn't exactly remember the first time she saw Alice. Probably at Hogwarts, seeing that they want to school around the same years, but they never actually talked. Alice was a gryffindor, Narcissa a slytherin. Different classes, different friends. Sometimes Narcissa saw her playing rugby when the gryffindor team was against the slytherin one, but nothing more.
However, she remembered clearly the first time she saw Alice after Lucius went to jail.
See, before that, Draco used to go to a private, expensive elementary school. As you can easily imagine, after her husband went to jail, Narcissa didn't have the money to keep sending Draco there. She had to sell Malfoy manor to pay Lucius' debts, buy a new, smaller house in a little city, find a job and choose a new school for Draco, a public one.
Draco's first day at the new school was in mid november. That morning Draco was still sleepy and a bit grumpy. Okay, very grumpy, because he didn't want to change school, but mostly because he missed his daddy a lot and he still wasn't used to be in that small house with only his mum.
"Uncle Reggie suggested me this school" she repeated to her child entering in the school's garden "his son goes there. Do you remember Harry, don't you?"
"And Regulus sometimes comes to pick him up, so you'll see him more often"
"I promise it's going to be alright, honey" she told him, hugging him "you'll meet new friends and learn a lot of things"
Draco hugged her back. He was so tiny, so frail, and she was so scared of ruin everything.
"Maman" he whispered.
"J'ai peur. Papa me manquer"
"I know, dear. I know. We'll go visit him soon, I promise"
And then, Narcissa saw her. They arrived at school beforehand time, so the garden was mostly empty and it was easy to spot her. She was beautiful, this was Narcissa's first thought. Short brown hair, a sweat face and brown, dark eyes. She walked through that cold day bringing the colors of a warm october on her way, holding hands with a kid who was clearly her son.
"Mum" called Draco "who is that kid?"
"I don't know, honey. Do you want to talk with him?"
Draco hid behind her legs, shyly "no"
"Okay" she faced her son again "you'll be in the same class Harry is. If you feel too shy to start a new friendship, stay with him, alright?"
"I'll pick you up at four, mh? If you'll be good, I'll take you to drink an hot chocolate"
Draco smiled "with whipped cream?"
"Of course, honey"
Draco hugged her "I love you, mum"
"Me too, Draco. So much"
But then, when Draco came out of school that afternoon, he was chatting with Harry, a red haired boy and the kid of that beautiful woman, and then he wanted to stay in the park next to school to play with his new friends instead of the hot chocolate.
So, naturally, Narcissa ended up talking with Alice. There was also Regulus with them, but she only thought about Alice.
It was hard in those months, and it was easy. It was hard to celebrate the first Christmas without Lucius, it was hard to answer to all Draco's questions about his father, it was hard to overcome the days where Draco was sad and angry because he missed his dad. It was easy to enter into the new routine, it was easy to become friend with the other mothers and fathers of the group class, it was easy to talk with Alice. It was so, so easy to talk with Alice, the only other single mum in Draco's class.
They talked about their children and their fathers, their families and their dreams, the projects for the school parties and their favourite disney film.
They talked, and talked, and talked and Alice was so, so lovely that some nights Narcissa ended up dreaming of her, of her soft hair, and her sweat fingers, and her warm colors, and her smooth sweaters, and her lips. Only for waking up and feeling so guilty, because there she was, dreaming of a woman in not necessarily innocent ways, while her son was sleeping in the room next to her, missing his dad.
The idea of being divorced, that was another difficult thing to get used to. Also explaining it to Draco, but he seemed so... calm about it, like he was expecting it.
And so the months passed, until the end of may. It made sense that Alice, the warm, warm Alice, chose such a warm month to finally kiss her on her couch, after Narcissa said something about being grateful to have her in her life.
Unfortunately Neville and Draco decided that that was a good moment to come out of Neville's bedroom to show them something, and so they saw the kiss and ran away giggling.
After that the questions about Lucius temporarily stopped, replaced by question about Alice.
"So I will have two mums like Harry?" was the most common, followed by "so Neville will be my brother?"
Narcissa never knew what to say. She was trying so hard to avoid the subject.
And now this. Now her fucking cousin planned against her.
Noneless, she started to prepare. She took a long, hot bath, then she did her skin care (oh, how long she hadn't been able to do it! Having a son was hard). She actually wore the dress Regulus suggested, a beautiful green silk dress, and a pair of black heel shoes. Seeing that Reg's birthday was in january, at the time she wore a wool shawl and warm tights. It's may now, so there's no need, and her pale and smooth legs were shining against the dark sky. She also put on some makeup, eyeliner and eyeshadow and red lipstick. Yeah, in short, she was putting the effort into looking as hot as possible for the first time since the end of her marriage.
At six and fifty four, the doorbell rang. Narcissa smiled. Alice was always a bit beforehand. So was she.
The moment she saw Alice, she almost choked. She was beautiful, wearing a brown suit that was perfect for her.
Looking at her face, probably also Alice was having a wild gay panic at the moment.
"I- uhm... You... You're... Ehm..." She inhaled deply "hi, Narcissa. You're beautiful tonight. I- well, you're beautiful always, of course, just... tonight even more than the usual" she smiled and offered her arm, like a true gentlewoman "shall we go?"
Suddenly, something inside Narcissa snapped. Probably it was Alice's smile. Maybe her perfume, or the eyeliner on her eyes. Still, something happened. A button clicked and a voice inside Narcissa's head said, loudly, "fuck it".
So she grabbed Alice by her shirt, she dragged her inside the house, closed the door and kissed her against it.
Their first kiss had been sweat, warm, slow. This, because Narcissa started it, was ravenous, hot and passionate.
Alice whimpered quietly, leaning her back on the door and her hands on Narcissa's hips. Narcissa wanted more, so, so much more, so she grabbed Alice's hand and dragged her to the couch, where she forced her to sit and sat on her lap, kissing her again.
"Nar... Narcissa, I-..."
Narcissa started kissing her neck. Oh, she had suck a good scent. The blond woman couldn't resist to the urge to bite her, hard, making her moan.
"Oh God, Cissa..."
"Is that okay?"
Please, say that it is she though. She wanted her so much but, of course, she would have stopped any moment if Alice wanted so.
But she laughed "to me it's more than okay, way more than okay actually. I was just trying to say that I had booked in a restaurant for this evening"
"Fuck the restaurant" hissed Narcissa "I want to eat you"
And, well, that clearly did something to Alice, because she grabbed Narcissa and threw her out of her lap, on the couch, making her lie on it, just to settle herself between Narcissa's open thighs, kissing her neck so nicely that the blond woman was about to scream. Alice was going down with kissed, toward her decolleté, and so were her hands, setting on fire each inch of her body they were touching.
"This dress..." Alice inhaled sharply against Narcissa's neck "the first time I saw you wearing it, I was this close to drag you in the bathroom and fuck you senseless. It should be illegal on you"
Narcissa laughed "probably James would've killed you, seeing how long he planned Reg's birthday party"
"Oh, what a way to go" Alice's hand finally found it's way under that damn dress "now no one's here, though, so..."
Narcissa freezed. No, that was wrong. Why was it wrong? She wanted it so badly, why suddently she didn't? Well, she still wanted it, but why...
Unfortunatly, Alice noticed it and removed her lovely hands from Cissa's body.
"Are you okay?"
Narcissa inhaled. She nodded.
"Yeah, I just... I just think I need some time. I haven't... you know... since Lucius and..."
"Oh, sure" Alice stood up and offered her hand, smiling "we can go to the restaurant. You don't have to do anything, dear, obviously. I want you to pass a good evening"
Narcissa frowned. Now, a dinner was a long time.
"I don't think I can last an entire dinner" she replied "just... I need some minutes to, you know, come to terms with the fact that I'm about to have sex with a wonderful woman who's not Lucius and this doesn't make me a bad mother and so on" Alice didn't seem convinced "I want to do it! It's not that. I just need to... get used to it. But I'm fine. I would tell you if I wasn't. Oh, and I expect you to do the same. Telling me if something is wrong, I mean" since when was she such a disaster? Sirius' company was ruining her.
Alice laughed "okay. I can go to the kitchen to call the restaurant and inform them that we'll not go today, and then when I come back we can decide what to do. Do you fancy it?"
Narcissa sighed with relief. How was it possible that Alice understood what she wanted so well?
"Yes. I fancy it, if you don't mind"
"Perfect" she was about to go, but Narcissa stopped her by her hand, a tiny smile on her red lips.
"Why don't you give me another kiss?"
Alice smiled and bent down just to peck her lips, but the other woman stopped her, deepening the kiss. Alice took a step back, breaking the kiss.
"Oh, you're a dangerous, dangerous woman"
Narcissa couldn't help but laugh "am I?"
"Oh yes, you're. I'm going to call the restaurant. No more kisses until you've understood what you want"
"And if what I want is a kiss?"
Alice stepped back again.
"Stay away from me. I need to do that call. Six feet of distance 'till I've done it"
Narcissa stopped laughing only when Alice closed the kitchen's door.
Alone with herself, she had no other choice than face the problem, that was...
Well, she wasn't sure about it. What was the problem?
Alice was wonderful, amazing and Narcissa wanted to do it with her, because she had a pathetic crush on her that could've easily grow in something more, and she was ready to let it grow. Their two sons loved each other, they were best friends, and Draco had been delighted by the idea of his mummy in a relationship with Alice, so that wasn't the problem.
What was it? She had been divorced by Lucius for months, so she kind of was used to it.
What was stopping her?
She was... well, nervous. That's it. It was so strange for her, who had never been nervous for something like that since her first time, years ago, and why was she?
When the answer arrived, suddenly everything was clear. Oh, she didn't want to muck it up, did she? Shit, Sirius really was a bad influence.
The fact is... she knew how hard it had been for Alice after her lover's death. She knew her complicated relationship with pleasure, with her own body, the level of trust she needed to build a new connection with someone.
She knew that they were both healing from the bruises life caused them. Slowly but surely, they were doing it, for their children and for themselves.
But, Narcissa realised, they were ready to heal together. It wasn't going to be easy, that was sure, but-
Yeah, but. But they were going to anyway.
They started healing alone for their children, because they needed a mother, but the would have continued healing together for themselves, because they wanted it. They were about to choose each other, not because they needed it but precisely because they were choosing to.
And Narcissa thought there was nothing more beautiful than this.
She stood up and went straight to the kitchen, looking at Alice, who was still talking at her phone.
"...yeah, Neville is fine, he's excited for the summer, you know he loves it. Sure. I'll tell him. Okay. Thank you. Sorry again. Bye" she put the phone away and turned to face Narcissa. She smiled.
"Okay, done it. How are you?"
Narcissa kissed her. It was soft, and sweet, and tender. She took her hand.
"Let's go upstairs" she whispered "my bedroom is there"
Alice licked her lips and nodded, letting herself being led up the stairs.
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heartofspells · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could possibly write something to do with Benjy? One of the lines that you wrote that really stuck with me was the line about benjys horrified and angry face and how Sirius would never forget that, I would be very intrigued to see benjys pov of anything!
Can I say I love you? Is that all right? Because Benjy...mmm. I love Benjy. He's rarely seen (which is just a travesty to me), but the strength of his character in Healing Edge was astonishing to me. He created himself. I had no idea what or who he was going to be when I included him. Sort of like with Remus, he had a mind of his own, and he took himself over, out of my hands, and I will always be thrilled about that.
Because Benjy is one of those characters we know virtually nothing about, so he could be anyone. Which makes me all the happier for who he became in this. I could write towering sonnets for Benjy Fenwick just from Healing Edge alone, so thank you so much for asking for him.
I...don't know if this is what you were expecting. It's not even really what I was expecting, but well...here it is.
Another outtake from At the Healing Edge of Broken, taking place after chapter 9.
Stepping into the stadium or onto the pitch now is a dangerous thing. His body ripples with it, tenses, hands clenching to tight fists until his palms are nearly bleeding, fingers threatening to break. Nothing has changed, except that everything has changed, down to the most minute detail, and Benjy rankles with it.
Everyone tries to go about their business like usual, but there's a heavy, dark pall draped over them all. Gideon acts as though he's done nothing wrong, sauntering around them all as though he rules the roost, like he's the tops now. And why should he behave any differently? Nothing has happened to him. Moody and McGonagall had tried, but the red head had whinged and lied until the Association reps had stepped in. He thinks he's untouchable, believes what he'd done holds no consequences, that he'd been right in his actions. It's all so clear in his demeanor that it makes Benjy want to slice his skin away from his bones, leave him a puddle of misery.
He sneers whenever he looks at the other man, nearly releases snarls of wrath and violence. Benjy wants to drop Gideon into a lake, leave him there to suffer and rot, allow innocent fish to swim through his decaying carcass. Anything to get him away, eliminate him and make him a non-factor any longer. He wants to cause pain just as Gideon had caused immeasurable pain. Wants to lash out, hurt, strike him down, break him just as Gideon had so effortlessly broken Sirius, stolen away what had once been so good and bright, Sirius always this wholesome light that's now been extinguished. And it hurts deeply, aches in places Benjy can't reach. He doesn't know what to do with it all except enact whatever vengeance he can manage when the opportunities arise.
"You need to calm down and keep it together," hisses Frank, pulling Benjy aside on the pitch one drizzling afternoon after he'd nearly purposefully trampled over Gideon when the other man had tripped and fallen to the ground. "You're helping nothing."
"Helping?" snaps Benjy furiously, wrenching his arm from Frank's firm grip, angling a hot glare in his friend's direction. "I'll help him off the tallest cliff-face with the most jagged rocks at the bottom. How's that for helping?"
Frank looks him over, expression ineffable, stony. Benjy doesn't back down and Frank eventually sighs. "You're not helping Sirius," he attempts. "You know how he is. The more attention you draw to it, the worse he'll be."
"Piss off with that," snarls Benjy, face flashing with unrestrained fury. "And fuck you, Longbottom. Do you honestly think any of that matters anymore? We ignored what was happening, all of us, because Sirius told us it was fine, he was handling it on his own. And look what's it's got him. You were there! Did you even see what he –?" Benjy motions wildly in Gideon's direction ragefully, the other man watching them with dark, hooded eyes. "Prewett attacked him, Frank! He attacked him, tried to pull him apart at his seams. He knew exactly what he was doing. He waited! He stood back and waited for the perfect opportunity, planned it out. He – he – " Benjy chokes, his wrath and helplessness swelling up and trying to suffocate him.
Frank steps forward, places both of his hands on Benjy's shoulders, holding them there, a purposeful weight. "I know," he says gently. "I know."
"And he's just there! He's right there!" rages Benjy still, unable to stop it now. "He's there and you're standing here telling me there's nothing I can do about it? No, I won't accept it. He deserves to suffer for what he's done, and I'll never stop making him, not ever. Because Sirius, he's…Frank, he's our friend, and he's just…" Benjy sucks in a horrible, shaking breath, so unlike himself it's terrifying. "What if he's gone, Frank? Because of this, what if he's just gone and we never get him back, who he was, who he's always been? I can't deal with that. It's not right, he deserved more than this, more than friends who turned the other way and let it happen. We let it happen, Frank, you and me. He was there, he was with us, and we left him to it. We saw it coming and we left him."
Frank stares at him, not speaking, seemingly barely breathing. The sadness and regret flooding his eyes is enough to cripple everything that still remains upright within Benjy. A strangled noise leaves him before he can stop it, and Frank's fingers tighten in their grip.
They say nothing else, because what else can be said? Both of their thoughts drift to their friend who might never be as he once was, their guilt strong, overpowering, stealing their breaths from their lungs. But there's nothing either of them can do, not now, and they wallow in it for as long as they can, until Moody calls them back to attention, and they're forced to square their shoulders and continue with their lives like everything hasn't erupted around them.
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luvvyouforever · 5 months
headcanons : harry potter boys x keeper!reader
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↳ harry, ron, draco, neville, fred, george, remus, and sirius with a partner who can wield ancient magic (hogwarts legacy style).
↳ requests are open! submit ideas, drabbles, headcanons, or one shots to the link in my bio! don’t be shy <3
harry potter:
-thinks it is the coolest shit ever! when you're in a fight together and you protect him by shooting a powerful blue bolt towards the enemy that disintegrates their very beginning, he feels so proud to be your partner!
-on the other side, he also knows it feels like to have a lot of pressure and power on your side. he worries about what it must feel like to wield ancient magic and be the only living person who can see it. every time you use it, he checks on you after, ensuring that you don't feel too exhausted and can continue fighting.
-supported you so much through the trials. he didn't need to know every detail of what you did and went through but he would hold you so tight when you came back, praising you over and over for being so strong and brave.
ron weasley:
-he's a little jealous, ngl. like his partner can use this sick magic and is responsible for keeping the magic safe and alive out of the wrong hands?? why can't he do that???
-i also feel like ron would be confused, if not a little angry, that you refuse to share the power and attempt what others have before (such as isidora using the magic to remove pain). he doesn't really understand the problem and feels like the keepers are suspicious.
-he'd brag about you alllllll the time though! like oh my god every second he would find some way to bring up the fact that you can do really awesome things and that you are his awesome partner forever!
draco malfoy:
-draco loves you a lot and finds your magic incredibly cool, don't get me wrong, but i think his family swayed his pursuit of you because wouldn't it be so grand if the malfoys had a keeper in their family? someone so powerful and knowledgeable? who would pass down the truth and their magic? yes please! (every time narcissa brings it up, it irks draco but also he pats himself on the shoulder for choosing you)
-wants to know every detail about the trials and the past and the memories you're viewing! you'll come back from a trial, sweaty and tired, maybe bleeding, and he'd help you first then ask hundreds of questions after.
-your use of ancient magic is not necessarily unknown and makes you quite popular among the students of hogwarts. this, however, makes draco really jealous. if he could, he would follow you everywhere, glaring down anyone who tries to make a move on you. before you go on adventures, classes, or just to the common room, he'll drape you in his slytherin scarf as if he was marking you.
neville longbottom:
-poor thing gets so nervous when you have to complete the trials or do something incredibly important for the sake of keeping the magic safe. he knows he can't go along with you but he'd stay by your side until the very moment you enter the map chamber, whispering praises and support the whole time.
-would heal up all your wounds and take care of you if you exerted too much during a fight. he knows how much everyone depends on you and the least he can do is take care of you properly! he would run you a bath, apply soothing balms to your skin or use his plants to heal you up, and cuddle you tightly!
-tries his hardest to not feel useless but sometimes it's hard when you're so strong and he's so...not. of course you'll always reassure him and give him the confidence he needs but very frequently, he gets really down on himself about it.
fred weasley:
-every day he comes to you with a new scheme that involves your magic. could you make a portal that leads from the dungeons of hogwarts to the top of the astronomy tower? it's important. snape is gonna get really mad when he goes into his office? can your magic fix that?
-begs, and i mean BEGS, you to let him come along on your adventures and battles. he wants nothing more than to support you and fight along your side! as long it's not a trial, you can't help but let him come along. you usually end up saving him after he pays a little more attention to the way your whip around the battle, taking down everyone effortlessly.
-speaking of paying too much attention to you, he thinks it is so attractive than you can do what you do! he gives you some time after fighting to recuperate but then immediately he is ON you. he's kissing you and telling you how hot it is when you turn someone to just particles.
george weasley:
-he wants you to teach him everything you can. there are some things that are just simply innate and can not be taught but all your tips and tricks when it comes to fighting will now be all of his tips and tricks. you two would just find some field away from the burrow and go at it, sending spell after spell at each other. georgie is just overflowing with adrenaline and it's a great way to get it out.
-deep down, a part of him wants to be protective of you. he wants to keep you from going out into danger and taking on dangerous tasks all for magic and some old people telling you what to do. but he knows better, trust me. he knows you can defend yourself just fine but he just wants to put you in a little bubble and never let anything hurt you.
-just like ron, he will brag about you whenever he can. everyone is sitting around the great hall table, talking about how it's so cool that you defeated a troll in one fell swoop and he just wraps his arm around your shoulders, a glimmer in his eye as he proceeds to say "yeah, aren't they just so amazing?"
remus lupin:
-fears for your health and safety so much! when you come back from a trial, he's hushing you and putting you in bed, feeding you chocolate and brewing tea until you feel better!! you are bearing the weight of centuries old magic all alone. the least he can do is take care of you!
-supports your decisions throughout your entire journey as a keeper. if you truly believe that releasing ancient magic to the world and using it for more than the original keepers intended, then he understands. if you want to continue to keep it hidden, he will not question your judgement.
-this is so fluffy but i feel like you figured out how to manipulate your ancient magic to floating, bright blue scenes and pictures. around remus's time of the month (said lovingly), you'll lay in bed with him and use your wand to paint pictures of animals, lakes, waves, stars, or, in more sappy moments, your future.
sirius black:
-he thinks it is SO hot that you can take someone down without barely blinking an eye. his favorite move you do is when you lift someone into the air and slam them down repeatedly. gets blushy and turned on excited every time.
-once followed you down into the map chamber only to be very harshly yelled at by one of the keeper's portraits. he just wanted to see what it looked like and to know where you go on dangerous missions!! who can blame him, truly? definitely grumbled the whole rest of the day.
-when you two get married, he refuses to let you take his last name and instead will either take yours or say screw it and come up with one! he doesn't want his family to have the gratification of having a keeper with the black family name. he wants you to shine for who you are and in another century, he wants your name to be yours, not his.
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ibbythebee · 9 months
Hospital Wing Hermits
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gif credit: @handknit on wattpad
pairing: Neville Longbottom x year younger!reader
summary: From Neville's second year at Hogwarts to his last, his most memorable times with you have been spent in the hospital wing.
genre: fluffiness all round, slight angst at the end... but only a little, slow-burny
warnings: this fic is so soft that you will potentially combust, slight swearing, SO MUCH hand holding, the reader is an oblivious goofball until she's not, kissing, talks about illnesses and injuries, blood and boogers
words: 6k
»»————- ⌁ ————-««
Neville's 2nd Year
Clutching onto Madame Pomfrey is nothing new to Neville. In the middle of the night, however, is a different story. The Nurse coos whenever the boy makes the slightest sound of pain, holding him up as not to put anymore pressure on his right foot.
"We're just about there, dear. Come on, just a few more steps..."
Leading him to the middle of the hospital wing's room, she then guides him onto an untouched bed, and immediately slides a pillow underneath his ankle. A spot of light on the opposite side of the room does not go unnoticed to either the woman or boy as soon as they had entered the room.
Neville rubs his eyes, squinting at the strange glowing mound of sheets. He watches as, with a sigh, Madame Pomfrey marches to the other preoccupied bed and pulls over the white covers to reveal you, a sheepish looking girl.
Under the light of your wand, your face looks puffy, lips and nose chapped, hair amuck. You cough into your elbow and smile a toothy innocent smile, batting your big eyes at the woman, silently pleading your innocence.
Pomfrey, however, does not play games. "Turn off that incessant light, Miss L/N. Do you realise what time it is?"
Your lips shape into a pout, voice stuffy as you answer. "But Madame Pomfrey, it's so boring here. I'm bored."
"No, you should be asleep. Turn that off right now. I don't want to have to send another owl to your mother about you refusing medical help."
"Just a few more minutes please? I'll finish the page I'm reading."
"Absolutely not. It's basic manners and respect for your fellow peer." She motions to Neville, and you finally turn to him.
Despite the fatigue in your features, your eyes seem to glow, piercing through the dark room. Perhaps it's just his lack of sleep or absence of light, but there is something drawing him to you and he fails to look away. Nothing comes out of his mouth even though he knows he's probably supposed to greet you, but neither do you.
A second longer you stare at your new roommate and in eventual defeat, you pout. The light from your wand fades, as you mumble 'nox' under your breath and get comfortable under the blankets.
Satisfied, Madame Pomfrey clears the rubbish bin underneath your bed and turns back to Neville handing him a small flask of some sort of healing potion.
"All right. Off to bed now both of you. Good night, dears."
You both mutter a 'goodnight', closing your eyes, gingerly pulling the covers up to your chins.
It stays mostly quiet in the room, apart from the Nurse's shuffling. Though as time passes, shoes click and click away, and then the door creaks shut.
Neville stirs.
"Hey, psst!"
"Huh?" Is all Neville can manage, lifting his head with a groggy squint.
"What happened to you?" You ask in a loud whisper and sniffle. Sitting straight, and staring right at him. Your eyes really are big, inquisitive.
"Well I... twisted my ankle," he finally says.
"I... I'd rather not say. It's embarrassing, really."
"I won't tell anyone," you say as-a-matter-of-factly. "You can hex me if I do."
He looks at you through narrow eyes again and this time it's your teeth that glow. As you show no interest in falling asleep, Neville's neck admits defeat and his head crashes back down onto the pillow. "Can we just please go to sleep?"
"I caught a cold... or maybe a fever. Runny nose—" you sniff, wiping your face with your pajama sleeve "—wet cough, high temperature. My mum says I have a weak immune system."
"Well, that's not very good, is it?" He comments half-heartedly to the ceiling.
"No, it isn't."
Silence. For a moment, he believes that you've finally surrendered yourself.
"So how'd you twist your ankle in the middle of the night?"
Never mind.
"You don't seem like a rule-breaker," you say.
He carefully shuffles up to sit and sighs. Where on earth did you get your energy from? He hadn't met such a talkative first year before.
Neville takes a moment to answer, debating on whether or not you're harmless enough for him to be vulnerable. "I had a nightmare, okay? I fell off my bed and... landed badly."
"Well, that's not very good, is it?" You echo.
"No, it isn't."
Silence once again ensues, but this time Neville's ready for your chatterbox mouth.
"What's your name? I'm..." You suddenly stop and he nearly laughs when your silhouette jerks and you sneeze. It's loud, like his Gran.
"Nice to meet you, Achoo." He chuckles, holding a hand over his mouth.
You sniff again, face hot in a new wave of humiliation, and this time you wipe your face with more aggression. "Hey, that's not funny! My name is — A-ACHHHOO!"
"Isn't that what I just said?" He can't help but laugh again. Relishing in the groan you emit and how furiously you blow your nose.
With a poke of your tongue, you retort. "Whatever, Mr... mm... Fall-out-of-bed...n-nightmare-broken-ankle-boy."
"Wow, that's really fantastic, Achoo." He slides back down into his bed, closing his eyes with content and tries to hold in his giggles as you continue with determination to clear up your mistake.
Initially, Neville thought he wouldn't even be able to get in a nap, but now with the understanding that you bark more than you bite, he creates a silly image of you in the form of a puppy. As your voice rings in the background, the puppy image barks with you, and he feels his eyes grow heavy, falling into a content and nightmare-less sleep.
»»————- ⌁ ————-««
Neville’s 4th Year
Ever since sleeping the night in the hospital wing, Neville knew he'd be seeing more of you. It was surprising to him that he hadn't noticed you before that night, especially seeing as you were such a social butterfly. And despite being in the year below, he'd always manage to catch your eyes in the Great Hall. And in the courtyard. And in the halls. And through a classroom window. You were everywhere and anywhere. And when you weren't, you were in bed in the hospital wing.
Just like you are now. The fourteen-year-old hadn't seen you for the past few weeks after the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, and needless to say, he had to see you.
And such a perfect opportunity had arose today, albeit a painful one, but an opportunity none the less.
Neville opens the door to the wing as gently as possible as not to wake you, however knowing you, you probably already were.
Entering the room, he clutches his sore hand to his ribs and cranes his neck to spot the nurse. Instead he finds your lying form under a mountain of blankets.
You stir, and Neville curses at his shoes for making so much noise. Sure, his intention of coming here was to see you, but he’d seldom seen you in such a peaceful state and didn’t want to ruin that for you.
“Neville?” He hears you say and then you’re facing him.
He smiles down at you, with a voice just as soft as silk. "Hey, Achoo. Didn't mean to wake you. How you feeling?”
“I’m feeling alright. Kinda headache-y, but fine. Ugh, what time is it?” You rub your eyes and stretch as you sit up.
The messiness of your bed-hair is incredibly endearing and the curve in Neville’s lips only grow at the sight.
“It’s third period.”
“Then… what are you doing here? Are you hurt?”
You’re suddenly on your feet, eyes round and wide, taking in the scene of the tall boy. He flinches, attempting to hide his hand in his robe sleeve.
You snatch his hand, bringing it close to your face. It’s a burn. All over the back of his palm. "Bloody hell— Where's Madame Pomfrey?"
"I was about to ask you the same question." A small chuckle falls from his lips as you examine him. Somehow, in some miracle he watches your big eyes grow larger as you twist his hand, move his long fingers to get as much information about his wound.
He feels like he’s going crazy, your touch is a new kind of burn on his skin. It doesn’t sting, but it is hot. And you don’t even know you’re causing it.
"She's always gone when you actually need her,” you huff.
"It's not as bad as it looks, really. Just hurts a little when I move it."
"What about when I...?" You drift off, as you slide a delicate thumb over his beet-red knuckles.
The tips of his ears turn the same shade of red. "Stings."
With no further words, he lets you pull him to one corner of the hospital wing, searching for a particular ointment on the many shelves of medical supplies. You don't let go of his hand, and he doesn't dare pull away.
"Let me guess how it happened—" you say, grabbing a round jar of blue gel to read the label.
"Seamus." You both state and then share a laugh.
Placing the jar back, you continue your search and Neville fills the comfortable silence. "It's Potions class. For once I thought I was doing pretty decent and then next thing I know, Seamus' cauldron blows up next to me and of course I get the damage."
His hand is held up to your face again and he watches as you grab a new jar with a less solid looking gel, creamy in colour.
"I suppose it's a good way for me to get out of the rest of the class," he shrugs.
"And get away from Snape," you quip and earn a chuckle from him. There was a time in Neville’s third year, when you had come to learn about his amusing boggart. He’d snuck into the hospital wing, claiming he had a nasty headache and ended up staying the night, neither of you getting a wink of sleep. It had also been revealed that the thing you were most frightened of was giants.
“Sit down,” your motioning to the mattress behind him.
He does so without question, still attached to you by your pinkie, making himself comfortable on the edge of a neatly tucked bed. He follows your every action as you place the ointment jar beside his thigh and open the lid. You scoop a teaspoon amount with your fingers and lifted his burnt hand again.
Before the cream touches his burn, you begin to tell him about what illness you've caught today and he barely feels the sting of the medicine. There's no better spell or potion to kill pain than your voice, that much was evident even back when he first met you.
Concentration laces your features and unbeknownst to you, your hips hit the edge of the mattress, unaware to the fact that Neville's knees are on either side of you.
The sight of you between him for some reason makes it difficult for him to swallow. The urge to trap you with his legs increases by the second. "Hey, Y/N?"
You wipe off excess ointment on your pajama top and turn your attention to him. He rarely called you by your first name. Something's up.
"Well, the erm... You know in a week or so?"
There's a pause as he searches your eyes for confidence, then he finally announces. "Would you say you're a good dancer?"
Creases form between your brows and you pout at the question, really thinking it over. If there was anything else Neville had learnt about you was that you always answered his queries with great interest and thought. You never treat his questions as though they're dumb, and he’s come to adore you for that.
As you ponder, he slides his non-burnt hand under yours, idly fiddling with your delicate fingers; tracing around the length of them, lifting them up and dropping them one by one, and eventually laying his palm flat on top of yours. Were his hands always this big?
The tips of your fingers tap-tap against his, as you finally answer. "I suppose... I would like to think I am."
"Well... that's good to hear."
"What about you?"
"Oh me?" He finds your face and swallows thickly. "I've been practicing lately, so I can only hope I've improved."
A giggle breaks free from your lips and it’s music to his ears. "Practicing? Whatever for?"
"The Yule Ball, of course."
"The..." The creases near your brows form again. "I've completely forgotten about that."
He squeezes a finger of yours. "So, no one's asked you yet?"
You sneeze into your elbow and then for a second time, and your voice becomes stuffy to the amusement of Neville. "Asked me what?"
"Asked you to be their date, of course."
"Oh. No." Scoffing. "Being stuck in here means no social-life. And besides—" You spin around quick to grab a roll of bandage, and gingerly flatten it over his burn "—who's gonna want to dance with someone who sneezes every five minutes?"
"I would."
"That's what I thought — wait... you would?"
In an effort to look nonchalant, Neville shrugs, finding interest in a bird that's flying near the window. The tips of his ears poking out of his shaggy hair are giving you a different response, they're blushing.
You finish with his wound and step away from the bed, fingers feeling cold when you let go of him.
Upon inspection of your medical handiwork, he smiles gently. He hadn't felt a thing. "Thanks for this."
"I... I can't guarantee that I'll be completely healthy that day," you say.
"The Yule Ball?"
You nod in an almost embarrassed way, as you fiddle with the collar of your sleeping clothes.
Neville just shakes his head. "The suit my Gran got for me has a lot of pockets so I’ll carry all your tissues for you. Or anything else you might need, I'll keep them for you."
"That'sssss.... ACHHU!"
"Bless you. So what do you say? Would you... want to go with me? Maybe? I promise not to step on your feet."
"Miss L/N?! What on earth are you doing out of bed?!"
"MADAME POMFREY!" You both exclaim, faces and necks feeling hot.
"Come on, dear, why don't you ever follow simple orders?!"
Mumbles of pathetic protest fall from your lips as the woman drags you back to the other side of the room. You knock into Neville’s knee on the way and so he’s quick to follow behind you with his own incoherent babble about the burn on his hand.
You're settled under the blankets once again and watch as the nurse's eyes bulge at the sight of the tall boy's perfectly cared for palm. She inspects the bandage, inquires about the pain and what the cause was, all while Neville can't keep the flushed look off his face.
"She— well... Y/N helped me out. It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm fine now, Ma'am."
As the said woman keeps a hold of his hand, she turns to you with daggers. "What did you use? A potion? Spell, perhaps? Mr Longbottom could have severe side-effects if you're not careful."
"He won't," you grin toothily as you did back in your first year and point to the shelf in the right corner. "I used the ointment that you gave Theodore Nott not that long ago. Haha, Nott not."
Neville stifles a laugh, and isn't surprised when the nurse doesn't question you further. You might be the only student that can get away with arguing with Madame Pomfrey.
The nurse's face instead takes the form of an appreciative and impressed expression. It's only natural that with your ‘weak immune system’, you've gained as much medical knowledge as you have colds and flus.
"I'll admit, you've done a splendid job with Neville. However, you simply cannot use whatever you like, whenever you like, on whomever you like. Next time this happens you need to wait for me to return, alright? Is that understood?"
Taking a glance at Neville's sheepish state, you sigh and nod in response.
"And Neville dear, don't encourage this behaviour. Especially not from Miss L/N."
"Okay, Ma'am."
She gives the boy a goodbye and immediately turns to you, a full on lecture spilling from her mouth. He isn’t supposed to leave yet, not when he’s just finally had the courage to ask you out.
Neville finds your helpless gaze behind the woman’s shoulder, and sends you a sad sort of smile before turning on his heel to get to the door.
"I-I'll go with you!" You yell.
The tall boy pauses, heart flipping at your words.
"To the Yule Ball."
There’s no stopping the grin that forms, and he finally nods after a second, hair shaking with the action.
Your eyes speak to him as your own smile appears.
Meanwhile, the woman huffs and puffs, cleaning the area around your bed. "Not in this state, you won't."
»»————- ⌁ ————-««
Neville's 5th Year
The last time Neville was in the hospital wing, he'd come to talk to you about his recent endeavours in Herbology and let slip that he's been secretly practicing defensive magic with a group of other students, being taught by none other than Harry himself. There was no doubt that you would also be trusted enough to join, however seeing as you were once again bed-ridden, it felt best to keep it a secret until you got better.
Now it wasn't a secret anymore, and each time he'd visit you'd ask him to put in a good word with Harry, with the group. Neville always said he would, but he never did, fearing that Professor Umbitch would eventually catch onto you and you'd have to pay the ultimate price.
Karma is an Umbitch, however, and now it looks as if the only answer to Neville's current predicament is to let you join Dumbledore's Army, despite all his worries and his efforts to stop you from doing that.
Today’s DA training has been cut short, due to the fact that the fifteen-year old is now incapacitated. Blood refusing to slow down from his nose.
Going to Madame Pomfrey would've required him to come up with a believable story as to what happened, so the next best thing was to send for you, someone who already knows about this secret group.
"Neville!" A Ravenclaw boy shouts, interrupting his thoughts. "Your Bogey Bug is here— ow!"
Someone smacks the kid, and then suddenly the Weasley twins are leading you into the Room of Requirement. You stand over him, adorning new pajamas he hadn't seen before.
"Hey Achoo," he weakly smiles. "Thanks for coming."
The DA gather around, as you crouch to his side and immediately take the cloth he's been holding to his nose. You make a face at him. “Oh Neville… what are we going to do with you?”
A fresh line of blood rolls down to his lip, so you let him leave the fabric there to sink it in.
"Keep your head steady, okay? Don't lean back, just let the blood flow for now."
"I think my nose might be broken?"
"Neville, I swear to..." your head spins sharply, and a few students flinch. "Who did this?"
"We were practicing stupefy," the familiar voice of Seamus answers and immediately your tense shoulders relax seeing his face emerge behind the twins. "I didn't mean to. I swear, Y/N."
"He really didn't mean to," Neville echoes.
You sneeze into your elbow and shake your head, palm making contact with your cheek. "See, this is why you should’ve told me about this secret army group thing so I could've joined and stopped something like this from happening.”
"I'm sorry."
You take Neville's hand again and lift the cloth, checking over the damage. There is damage, alright. You try not to make a show of wincing, fearing that the brown-haired boy would get anxious by your reaction, but his nose really does look quite out of sorts. Out of line. Broken.
He realises you haven't said a word in a while and smiles again, "you can fix, can't you, Achoo?"
"I told Neville I could treat him, but he kept refusing and insisted for your presence," Luna's soft voice interrupts as she crouches down beside you.
Someone amongst the crowd starts to coo and the tips of Neville's ears manage to turn beet red, more so when you turn your attention to him, expression unreadable.
Luna carries on, eyes focused on you. "He wouldn't let anyone touch him. Not until now, anyway."
"Okay!" A sudden clap startles even Luna, and you all turn to the perpetrator. Harry Potter's back is turned to your direction as he addresses the crowd, "I think we'll call it a day. Neville needs his strength and so do you."
The crowd murmurs, exchanging pouts and disappointed shrugs.
"Be proud of yourselves, you all did brilliantly today. Each and every one of you have improved. Next time we get to meet we'll continue with the Patronus Charm."
"What about Bogey Bug? How do we know she's not gonna rat us out?" A girl in Hufflepuff asks.
Neville sees you stand up, slapping a hand over your chest. "I swear on my life and the life of Neville—."
"—that I will not snitch on this group or expose any of you. I promise to be loyal and keep my mouth shut about this."
Some faces don't seem convinced, as more murmurs and chatter erupt.
"She can be our nurse!" Neville exclaims, stealing everyone's attention. It's time to put in that good word for you. "We won't have to go to the hospital wing if Achoo— I mean, Y/N is here. She's really good at what she does. Plus, I accidentally told her about the army about a month ago and she hasn't told a soul since. I do..."
Your big eyes soften when he turns to you.
"...I trust her with my life."
"All right then," Harry claps once more. "All those in favour of Y/N becoming part of the army, raise your hand."
A few hands come up, whilst others whisper for a moment. One more, then four more, and then more hands raise faster than you can count them. You and the broken-nosed boy share grins, as you squeeze his free hand.
"That's it then. Y/N, welcome to Dumbledore's Army."
»»————- ⌁ ————-««
Neville’s 6th year
Following the events of the previous year of school you and Neville had grown ever closer. Outside of the classroom you'd never be seen without the other. Inseparable. There'd even been a rumour going around that you were dating, but you always denied such claims and Neville could only comply. He hadn't yet told anyone about his feelings for you, although it seemed that those in his close circle were figuring it out on their own.
After having looked like a lost pygmy puff in the Great Hall, Luna found Neville and mentioned to him that you looked 'out of sorts' during class. He hadn't even asked about you. She just knew to tell him.
So, it’s only fitting for him to be by your side now, during lunch hour.
You’re shivering underneath all the sheets and blankets, and yet as Neville glides the back of his fingers across your forehead, you’re sweating as well.
“Hang in there Achoo, you’ll be fine in no time. The spell will take effect.”
You can only give so much as a nod, and groan when your lower abdomen tightens with a deep, stabbing ache.
“Shh,” Neville smooths his delicate fingers over your forehead again, tucking loose strands back to their place with the rest of your hair. “I'm here. Do you want me to distract you with anything?"
"Anything," you squeak, eyes shut tightly as if doing that would stop your cramps and make you fall asleep faster. "Please."
"Alright, erm..." He slides his tongue over his bottom lip and leans in closer to you, elbow pressing into the mattress. "I suppose I can tell you about a dream I had not long ago. You were in it."
"The Hippogriff one?" You tremble.
"No, this is a new one," he smiles when you meet his gaze, finding your fingers peeking through the sheets and taking them into his hands. "It's really stupid, as dreams usually go, but I really like it."
Your fingers are stretched out, as Neville begins to trace over your palm. First he draws a circle and you giggle a little at the feeling.
"This is me," he draws a triangle, "and this is you. It seems like any ordinary day, except you and I have the same classes. In the dream we're both popular. Everyone cheers for us when we get good marks, and even Professor Snape smiles at you."
"No way."
He laughs and traces a shape with lots of spikes. "Yes way. It really seems too good to be true, because there's even a moment where we successfully sneak out at night, we're just in our pajamas and we're watching the stars from the astronomy tower."
"I'm waiting for the 'but'."
"But — here comes the stupid part — you just start flying out of nowhere. One second you're next to me, the next you're just in the sky. I'm freaking out trying to reach for your hand, but you're just so calm about the fact that you mysteriously gained the ability to fly."
You're giggling again, especially as he slaps your palm a few times to emphasise the story. "Accurate reaction."
"And then it just ends with me being able to breath fire."
"What?" You laugh, brows pulling together in amusement. "I wonder what Professor Trelawney would say about that. What all of it might represent."
He draws a line on each of your fingers, slow and tickly. "If it's anything like I've been told before, it probably means bad luck."
"Well I was also in the dream with you, so we'll go through the bad luck together." To his surprise, you thread your fingers through his and squeeze. You're not trembling anymore, you haven't been for the past minute or so, and it doesn't feel like you're being stabbed over and over in the stomach.
"Think you can sleep now?" He asks, fingers hesitantly unravelling.
You nod, grinning at him, those eyes of yours finally shining as bright as they usually do.
"Want me to go get Madame Pomfrey?"
You shake your head. And then your arms are around his neck, head tucked in the space between your bicep and his jawline.
It feels like a millennium till he returns your gesture, arms securing around your waist and back, pulling you in tightly and desperately. The mix of the wing's clinical scent and the smell of baked desserts fills his nose. He could've sworn he'd smelt something like this during Potions class.
"Stay with me," you purr. "Please."
He knows he has class in ten minutes, he knows he can't skip, he knows he'll get in trouble.
So with your arms determined to remain wrapped around each other he bends over, moving till your head meets the pillow. He kicks off one of his school shoes. Then the other.
You feel his knees dip into the mattress beside your thighs, and then you have to part for a moment as he slips under the blankets, his head settling on the pillow right beside yours.
When he's comfortable, you take one of his hands and lower it until he brushes over your clothed belly.
Keeping the heat from entering his ears and cheeks is impossible, as his hand flattens over your stomach, shock evident in his features from your bold action.
"Could you keep it there?" You say, when you feel his uncertainty. "It'll help if the cramps come back." Your own hands smooth over his, trapping him there.
"I will." He swallows thickly. "Are you comfortable?"
You nod. "Are you?"
"Absolutely. Yes. I am."
A content breath passes your lips and you smile, all giddy like, at the ceiling. "Thank you for being here. For being with me always. For not making fun of me being sick all the time. Not calling me Bogey Bug. For... for just being you. For being my most favourite person ever."
"I could really say the same about you." Both your voices are barely above a whisper, seeing as your faces are so close together.
"Thanks Neville," you turn to him, and tap the back of his hand on your belly.
You stare at each other for a moment, and for some reason it doesn't feel wrong. It's not awkward.
Neville breaks the silence. "You... you know how everyone keeps saying that we're... you know going out?"
Neville pauses for a second, you're staring so intensely, pupils large and beautiful. He tries to swallow past the lump in his throat and squeezes the material of your clothes. He can talk to you, he can ask you the question. He's battled against Bellatrix Lestrange before, he's been put in Gryffindor for a reason. He can ask you. "What do you say we make those rumours... not rumours anymore?"
The corners of your mouth twitch. "You-You mean... you mean like...?"
"Yes. Like that. Like... I want to spend the rest of my life with you, sort of way."
You don't say anything.
He continues, with a small bite of his lip. "Like... I'm completely mad for you and if I don't tell you now I don't think I'll ever get the chance to again."
"This... isn't a dream, is it?"
"Can I prove to you this isn't a dream?"
And it really feels like a dream, as his face leans in and you feels his lips press against the corner of your mouth.
"Did that help?" he whispers.
You twist around to lay on your side, guiding Neville's big hand up to your waist. "You missed, Neville."
"You missed."
This time you both lean in, and this time Neville doesn't miss.
»»————- ⌁ ————-««
Neville’s 7th year
The last Horcrux has been destroyed, Voldemort's killed, the Death Eaters have fled. New life has been brought to Hogwarts, sun pooling through the shattered windows of the Great Hall.
People sit on broken stools, torn and ashy blankets, chatter quiet and solemn. A few people manage to tell jokes and liven the mood, others cuddle, kiss, crying tears of relief. Nurses scamper around tending to the badly wounded.
As Neville limps his way through the hall he desperately scans over the crowds only to realise you're not here. You're not by Madame Pomfrey. You're not by Luna either. Neville finds Ginny's tired but hopeful figure and before he can tap her shoulder, she's already turned to him with a gentle smile.
She shakes her head before he even has a chance to speak. "I haven't seen Y/N. Not since... well not since she took care of Freddie. 'M sorry Neville."
"No," he shakes his head and gives the girl a gentle hug when her voice wavers and her bottom lip quivers. "No, I'm sorry."
"You helped kill Voldemort. That's hardly anything to be sorry for," she smiles again as they part, softly pushing at his shoulder to leave. To keep searching for you. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for her."
Neville sends her a purposeful nod and turns to leave, the sword of Gryffindor still snug in his hand. At times he uses the weapon as a crutch, the pain in his everything starting to take a toll as previous rushes of adrenaline begin to fade. The only thing keeping him going is the thought of you. You and your sneezes, your messy hair, your often nasally voice, your big eyes and equally big grins. You.
He passes what looks to be remnant of the hospital wing's door, merely a pile of wood chips and metal beams now. He hears the distant tweet of a bird, the pitter-patter of loose rubble and someone's sneeze.
The sword clangs to the ground and he's sprinting. Neville rounds the corner of the entrance to the wing and he stops, breath heavy, vision blurry.
You're there, and you're already staring at him, your grin so large and your eyes even more so and you're holding onto something familiar.
"N-Neville?" your voice is soft and so stuffy and gorgeous.
"Achoo, good Godric." His sore legs carry him to your side, and you're running toward him, arms open. And then you jump and he completely forgets about how much pain he's in when he catches you.
You cling to his sweater, to his shoulders, to his neck, to his waist, squeezing him with every bit of strength you've got left.
He's grasping at your hoody, your waist, your hair, your skin, he's touching all of you, scared that if he'll let go you won't be there anymore.
"I love you so much," he says through a trembling voice.
You pull away slightly and return your feet to the ground, legs unwrapping from his hips. You crane your neck to kiss his jaw, and then you kiss his cheek and his other and then finally his lips. And it sets your heart on fire, full of adoration and care and relief. You don't ever want to stop feeling him here, his supple lips against yours, especially as his hands cup your jaw, reeling you in for more and more.
"I love you Neville," you cry when you finally have to pull away to catch your breaths. "Ever since I first met you. You and your twisted ankle."
He chuckles, tenderly wiping a tear from the apple of your cheek with his thumb. He scans over the room for a moment, as he feels your fingers come to dance over the dry trail of blood from his head wound.
"I don't think we're ever gonna leave this place," he says with a caress of your jaw.
Following his gaze, you giggle. Those beds you spent countless nights on, those countless concoctions and medical supplies you've had used on you, they're all here, scattered and battered around the room.
"That's why I came here instead of the Hall," you say, keeping one arm around your boyfriend's waist and unravelling the other to reveal an intact jar of creamy coloured ointment. "I'm so sorry, I must've scared you nuts."
"Scared me to death more like, but all I had to do was listen out for your sneezes. Turns out it isn't that hard to find you."
You poke your tongue out and he laughs. "That's so embarrassing. Always comes back to me being a Bogey Bug."
"Yeah," he smoothly pulls you in for an ardent kiss, "my Bogey Bug."
"You know what else I am?"
You're leaning against his arms that are wrapped around you and he watches as you take off the lid of the jar. Just like his fourth year, you use your fingers to scoop up a teaspoon of the cream.
"What? What else are you?"
You step out and take one of his hands, letting his palm sit over the top of yours. And then the cream is applied over the burns on the back of his hands. In spite of these burns looking way worse than his wound from Potions class back in his fourth year, the pain is still barely felt once the ointment's smoothed over. What's also killing the sting is looking at your breathtaking eyes. He's lost in them, distracted completely.
"I'm also your nurse," you finally say, wiping the excess over your hoody.
Neville's mouth curls into a smirk, snaking his arms around you again and pressing your bodies tightly together. "Well, nurse. My lips are feeling kind of sore, do you think you can fix them?"
You hum, eyes twinkling with mischief as your hands link behind his neck.
His gaze dips to your mouth, trying to fight the heat flowing to his cheeks and ears. There will never be a time when you won't make him nervous and giddy.
You mirror his action, eyes taking their time stare at his lips. "You know what, darling? I think I've got just the thing for you."
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houserautha · 3 months
random feyd headcanons you have pls
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General Headcanons:
• Feyd is the Neville Longbottom to Paul’s Harry Potter and in the book he also receives visions. I have a headcanon that he saw you/reader in a vision before meeting
• He never sleeps. Never.
• Feyd is a masochist. After a battle or fight he will refuse to let anyone heal him, much to the concern of others. He has several scars for this reason.
• He likes to play the role of an unhinged psychopath (because he is) but he’s actually very intelligent and politically savvy. Its sort of canon to the books but I believe that, even though he’s absolutely feral, he’s more cunning and diplomatic than Rabban and that’s why he’s chosen as heir to House Harkonnen
• Feyd definitely doses himself with various poisons in order to not use a poison snooper in front of political guests just to freak them out and exert his dominance
• Feyd is addicted to the adrenaline rush of the arena and nothing else really compares. He’s always chasing that high and gets restless if he hasn’t “performed” in awhile
• (Warning: implications of sexual abuse, pedophilia) Feyd will do everything in his power to intercept the young boys being sent to the Baron. He also sends them somewhere safe. He does not want the same pain inflicted on others.
🌶️Spicy Headcanons🌶️ (18+):
• He has female presenting concubines (that I could tell from in the movie) but for some reason I get the sense he’s sexually fluid. As long as he derives pleasure from you then he doesn’t really care
• He LOVES oral sex. Like just let him stay between your legs all day long.
• It makes him irrevocably horny when you have fights with him or yell at him. Much to your annoyance (and pleasure)
• He definitely walks you through it
• If he’s in the mood then he will stop whatever he’s doing to drag you away. No excuses, nothing. Sometimes you’re abruptly pulled from conversations or meals but you’re more than happy to comply. It was strange at first but now you don’t even question it.
• Knife play and blood/wound play are almost a guarantee. I won’t get into details but like I said: masochist.
Please feel free to ask me questions/more about any of them😂🫶🏻
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When it comes to some people headcanon about severus as a child or regarding children it becomes concerning...
Someone in the comments say: "severus Snape is obsessive creep, a racist incel who stalk her and hurt her sister"
Um...You do realize that you're speaking about a nine years old, right? You're accusing a nine years old, poor, abused child of those things, right?
Do you expect children to act "right" when someone belittle them or mock them? Of course they'll snap.
Petunia doesn't deserve to be belittled for who She's, and severus doesn't deserves to be mocked for his poverty, and what happens next is a reaction to the insult was nothing but an accidental magic.
Someone else would say: "if Harry was a girl, then severus would be obsessed with her"
For this idea to come into your mind and you treated it as a fact is in fact... sickening.
I used to see this headcanon treated as a fact in literally every YouTube video relating to HP and that made me avoid any video relating to severus, you know my favorite character...
I swear, people would write an amazing metas and make videos and once they get into severus, suddenly they loss their braincells.
I don’t say don’t headcanon these characters doing reprehensible things or consumed with bad thoughts, art is a way of healing.
I don't own your mind and you don't own mine, but learn to differeniate between what's in your head and what's outside of it.
You can hate a character as much as you want, but don't judge its fans over loving said character just because you have a sickening headcanon.
Someone else would say: "Snape was the worst fear of Neville"
And so was McGonagall to Hermione, you'll say that different: She's afraid of failure and she hold McGonagall in a high regard.
So the same doesn't go to severus? He's doesn't deserve respect? Or for Neville to treat him seriously?
I'll be honest, I'm so tired from hearing this, as if Neville supposed to be afraid of Bellatrix who, mind you, never met her before, even lupin explained the meaning of the boggart, it's what we think as our worst fear because it's recent.
Neville became a strong, brave man, who carve his way through the books, found the courage within himself, and killed the snake that killed his supposedly "worst fear" -heh, ironic-.
Severus Snape got nothing on Neville longbottom, especially if you'll use his fear as an excuse on hating severus instead of his treatment, because new flash, people aren't responsible about how we feel about them.
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yupthisisshe · 2 months
Your voice is my favorite sound -- Neville Longbottom x gn! Reader
Summary: Nevile begins rambling about plants and Neville apologizes for talking too much. Reader assures him that they do not mind at all.
A/N: Reader and Neville may or may not be dating. It’s up to you <3
Happy reading! :)
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Neville had been rambling on about plants for the last 6 minutes. You didn’t mind. You liked plants as well, and you loved learning more from Neville. You also loved it when he felt confident and comfortable enough to talk as much as he was right now.
“ohandmynewfavoriteplantisohmymerlinitssooooooocoolandithealsanditsfriendlyand [oh and my new favorite is oh my Merlin it's soooooooo cool and it heals and it's friendly and]- oh my Merlin I’m so sorry I’m talking so much. I’ll stop now.” Neville says abruptly, cutting himself off.
“What? Why?!” you questioned.
“Well- because- I-… am I not talking too much? I mean most people tend to get annoyed and tell me to shut up and-”
“Then those people won’t get to hear all the lovely and helpful things you have to say,” you responded with a smile, indicating that you weren’t annoyed in the slightest and that you wanted to hear more.
“Oh… um… thank you. For saying that.”
“Well, I meant it. I love listening to you. I could listen to you talk all day, although I don't know if I could go all day without accidentally interrupting when I get excited,” you chuckled. “But honestly, I love it when you talk, and I love talking to you. And you're super helpful. I've learned a lot from you and the information you share is extremely useful.” Neville grinned widely but sheepishly all the same. After a pause, he spoke again.
“So then, would you… like for me to continue?” he asked nervously.
“Of course!” you replied positively.
“Really?” Neville asked. His surprise that you wanted to hear him talk broke your heart a little bit. Even though the two of you had been close for a while now, he still wasn’t always sure of himself, even about simple things. You knew you had to say something to reassure him and demonstrate just how much you truly did love to hear him talk.
“Neville,” you began. Neville looked way more nervous than he should’ve. You gave him a smile to ease his worries as you continued. “Do you know what my favorite sound is?”
He pauses, taken aback by the seemingly sudden question, but not necessarily thrown off by the randomness in of itself. You can be pretty random at times, but he doesn’t mind. He thinks for a moment, then responds,
“Um, n-no. I don’t,” he responds, awaiting a revelation that he will surely take note of later, so as to not forget.
“Your voice.” You smile, and Neville looks like he could burst with joy and like he can’t believe his ears. It seems he really can’t believe his ears because he asks for clarification.
“M-my voice?” he asks tentatively.
“Yes.” you smile sweetly, and Neville swears he looking at the kindest person he’s ever met and ever will meet, “your voice.” He smiles even wider than before, and you swear his brightness puts the sun to shame. He continues to tell you more about plants and you continue to listen faithfully, adding in a few questions and thoughts of your own along the way. Neville’s jubilance doesn’t fade one bit for the rest of the day, and you could swear he must’ve worn his smile to sleep because he was still grinning a bit when you saw him the next morning.
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If you intend to write a second part, could reader be a little like katherine in vampire diaries? Maybe where she stops visiting them, only goes out to party, moves away. But every time she is called to heal someone she is cold to them. She doesn’t sugarcoat her words not to hurt elain.
I don’t know if there is a way for her to even end up with azriel but maybe this will not be a happy end for them? But for her and somebody else?
Hi! I am making a second part and I have so many ideas!
I just answered a comment that said that reader turning off her emotions seemed like tvd and I immediately thought of Katherine.
So I think we're on the same page! Reader is going to be a completely different person in this part (I can see the Inner Circle being scared of her).
As for who she's going to end up with, I have an idea. 🤭
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maladaptivewriting · 4 months
marauders era characters and their favorite movies
if they lived in the muggle world circa 2024
remus: little miss sunshine brutal and disturbingly human, but intertwined with themes of love, family, support, and healing
james: talladega nights the theme of this movie is that friendship is magic. you know james was saying "if you're not first, you're last" for years after seeing this movie. also he tried to create a shake-and-bake thing with sirius
sirius: howl's moving castle "that howl is so fucking hot" "he literally just looks like you" "exactly" sirius sees himself as this main love interest (howl) and he sees remus as sophie, especially when she's an old woman that howl has to take care of. all he wants to do is take care of remus
peter: bridge to terabithia peter seems like the kind of person to find stories of tragical childhood friendships really compelling. he also loves josh hutcherson (who doesn't)
regulus: the secret life of walter mitty he relates to the main character - a man who is controlled and meticulous but longs to go on an adventure. he also wishes that sirius would pull him out of his monotonous life and into the unknowable but with complete acceptance of who he is.
lily: little women in the way that i feel like i've been shot every time i watch a movie involving complicated mother/daughter relationships, lily would be deeply compelled by stories about sisterhood. especially jo and amy who always feel second to each other
mary: princess mononoke she would relate to the main character and be very enthralled by ashitaka. definitely a comfort watch for her.
marlene: raising arizona or zoolander she loves absurdist comedies with lovable and endearing characters. she is also low-key attracted to nick cage when he was young, but don't tell anyone, it's a secret.
dorcas: arrival or parasite dorcas has unequivocally good movie tastes. she likes high concept stories with heavy thematic writing and devastating plots. she talks about them in detail for weeks afterward
pandora: midsommar and pan's labyrinth she loves movies with comically intense violence. she finds high control groups fascinating. she definitely loves pan's labyrinth because of the freaky monsters and the fact that it sounds like it could belong to her
xenophilius: the twilight saga he knows every detail and loves to examine the story from all sides. he and pandora bond over the fact that carlisle is a joseph smith archetype.
evan: deadpool evan sees deadpool as barty and loves the character because of it. he is also envious of the characters freedom to be himself
barty: the mummy he just thinks that everyone in this movie is really fucking hot
snape: pride and prejudice (2005) finds it super romantic and loves the way characters talk and deliver lines. he listens to the soundtrack as background music while he works.
frank longbottom: spiderman (no way home) no one was more excited than he was when the three spiderman characters interacted. he cried a lot when watching this movie
alice: narnia it was her sexual awakening ;)
narcissa: glass onion she loves a who-done-it story, she reads mystery novels all the time and she thought this one was the most exciting
bellatrix: barbarian or bones and all she watches bones and all like "when is it my turn to be happy?" and she watches barbarian like "what is it like to have a mother who loves you?" everyone thinks she's crazy
lucius: dune or the king he sees himself as the king. that scene where robert pattinson's character is slipping around in the mud and timmy's character is standing there unbothered - that's how lucius pictures himself and arthur weasley. he also thinks of his own family when he watches dune
also this came from a question that @wolfpadx asked in the discord and i just had to elaborate on my thoughts.
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heartofspells · 2 years
I would love to see something with Frank if you could, I loved his scenes in the fic and how caring he was with Sirius💟
Yes, Frank! Thank you for this!
Another outtake from At the Healing Edge of Broken, occurring during chapter 13.
"He looks good, doesn't he?"
Frank's eyes dart to look at Alice, having not heard her sidle up beside him. He hums noncommittally, shifting his gaze back to his friend at the table. She's right, of course. Sirius does look better than Frank had expected. Brighter, less weight pressing in around him.
He's been worried, checking on him often whenever he's been able, but there's only so much that can be garnered from texts and brief phone calls. Lies are easily told and made believable without face-to-face interaction.
Frank can see it in Benjy's face as well, the deep, lingering concern. It exists for them all, everyone that cares for Sirius just as they do. So, they'd been more than thrilled when Lily had phoned and invited them to this small party, this gathering of close people. It gave them the excuse to see Sirius firsthand, to take in his appearance, gauge his mannerisms, his emotional state.
But the last thing either of them had expected was to find some random man they'd never met draped all over their friend. And that's not strictly fair. They know who he is, this person that seems to have pulled Sirius' focus, has made his eyes light up and gleam with a new sort of spark. They've been aware of Sirius' interest in him since before Sirius himself had been. Yet, none of that squashes the doubt Frank can feel surging through him like murky, infecting water.
"Frank," say Alice softly. Frank grunts, not shifting his eyes away from where Sirius has been pulled into Remus' lap. He looks happy, at least on the surface, a smile gracing his features, something that had surprised Frank more than anything else, having not expected it. Alice's hand rests gently in the crook of his elbow, finally pulling his attention. "I think he's fine, love. You can stop staring for two minutes."
Frank looks down at her, frowning a little. "Alice," he says, on the breath of a sigh, but his wife only shakes her head, stopping him.
"What's going to happen here?" she questions, eyebrows lifting on her head imploringly.
"That's not the point and you know it," grouses Frank under his breath.
Alice rolls her eyes. "Do you honestly believe that if Lily or James either one thought there was anything wrong with Remus Lupin, they'd be allowing that to happen in their kitchen?" she asks pointedly, and Frank glances back over to the table where Sirius has his head ducked low, lips grazing the other man's, Remus hand gliding up and down Sirius' side with light, easy motions. He shakes his head in answer, and Alice smiles at him, touching his cheek, urging him to look down at her again. "I think he's in love," she says serenely.
Frank jolts out a surprised laugh. "Sirius Black doesn't fall in love," he denies, but Alice only hums in disagreement.
"How many times do I have to tell you that you're wrong before you begin believing me without question?" she murmurs, and Frank smiles down at her, fingers lifting to tweak at her chin affectionately.
"Maybe just once more," he responds, planting a kiss on top of her dark head.
Alice laughs a little and then trails over to Lily's side, striking up further conversation, but Frank stays where he is. His eyes settle back on the table, flickering to Benjy briefly. His friend glances up when he feels the gaze, his own eyes travelling to the pair all alone in the chair on the opposite side of the room. And Frank can still see it, that worry they can't stop from encroaching. As Benjy's gaze darts back to mee his, Frank knows they're thinking the same thing.
They won't let Sirius get hurt again, not the way he has been already. They'll do anything to prevent that, whatever it takes. Because they care about him, he's been through enough, and if anyone deserves to be happy now and stay that way, it's Sirius Black.
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wildoceanstarz · 28 days
Marauders Masterchef AU
Currently watching Masterchef Australia and a marauders masterchef au would go soo hard
Judges: Minerva McGonagall, Rita Skeeter, Horace Slughorn, Frank Longbottom
Guest appearance: Tom Riddle is the chef making the last Pressure Test..
Dumbledore is the chef that comes from like a week at some point and seems nice but also send like 4 people home..
Alice Fortescue is the chef that comes and help them out a few times in the Restoration Challenges during the competition
Evan Rosier is a young prodigy chef that comes a few times (and end up hooking up with Barty)
Poppy Pomfrey comes by also (Minnie and Poppy <3)
Etc, you get the idea.
Contestants: 25 (not in order of leaving)
1- James Potter, 2- Sirius Black (he registered under a fake name), 3- Remus Lupin, 4- Peter Pettigrew, 5- Marlene McKinnon
6- Lily Evans, 7- Mary MacDonald, 8- Dorcas Meadowes, 9- Pandora Lovegood, 10- Severus Snape
11- Emmeline Vance, 12- Emma Vanity, 13- Sybill Trelawney, 14- Molly Prewett, 15- Arthur Weasley
16- Bellatrix Black (her and Rita end up hooking up and after they’re found out she get ejected from the competition lol), 17- Damocles Belby, 18- Rose Rosmerta, 19- Stephen Gould, 20- Amycus Carrow
21- Edgard Bones or Amelia Bones, 22- Gilderoy Lockarts, 23- Lucius Malfoy, 24- Ignatus Prewett, 25- Myrtle Warren
It’s over the duration of a couple of weeks. They start not knowing each other’s at all.
I would probably play with the ages a little because otherwise it would be weird if most people are the same age lmao.
They all live in the same place for who knows how long so they form deep relationships. Some people fall in love along the way. Regulus and Sirius heal their relationship. Shit get messy when the families are invited.
It would literally be so fun… I can’t write it guys I have so many other project going on 😭😭 but like also I want too..
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fangirlshrieks · 2 years
How did Neville develop a Mommy Kink?
a/n: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just got really busy and time has been passing by faster than I thought. Here's something I finished back in May but never got the chance to post.
I think it is a popular head cannon that Neville has a mommy kink, but what I want to know is how you guys think he developed this kink? Feel free to reblog this, send me a message in my inbox, comment with your opinion, make your own post, etc. on how he developed this kink. Please, I'm dying to know! I just want more Neville content 😩
Parings: Neville Longbottom x fem! reader
Warnings: smut!, fluff!, mommy kink!
Summary: How Neville developed a mommy kink.
This is just how I imagined Neville developed a mommy kink:
First of all, it definitely stems from his mommy issues
Poor boy didn't have a mommy 😢 (I mean he does but she doesn't remember him after Bellatrix tortured her 🥲)
But I think it probably started in his first year, it didn’t develop full on but just began to bloom
After melting Seamus’s cauldron in Snape’s poisons lesson and red boils spring up all over his body he was sent to the hospital wing
I think it was here where he developed sort of a small crush on Madam Pomfrey
I think Madam Pomfrey might have known about Neville’s parents, considering she was one of the best healers and probably made frequent trips to Saint Mungos, and knew he lived with his grandmother.
Madam Pomfrey knew Neville’s gran, Augusta, before his parents went insane
Before the incident Augusta was a cheerful woman who adored her son and loved her daughter-in-law
After they were sent to live in Saint Mungos for the rest of their lives, Augusta became more stern and raised Neville in their shadow
It’s not that Augusta didn’t love Neville, she did, but she was not the warm sweet woman she once was. She was broken inside
Neville sometimes wished his gran showed him that she loved him
Even at age 11 he couldn’t remember a time when his gran held him. Not that she could anyways, she was an old woman
So when Madam Pomfrey made a fuss about Neville when he entered the hospital wing, it tugged on a few strings in his heart
She made him drink a potion that would help with the boils and bandaged him up
He cried through the whole thing as the boils became more painful by the second
He would have to stay overnight as it would take a couple hours for the boils to go away
She gave him a sweet to calm him down and held his hand for a while
She hushed him and whispered that it would be okay and for him to be more careful next time
He tried to go to sleep that night but he couldn’t
He quietly whimpered under the covers from the pain
When Madam Pofrey heard his cries she got her candle lamp and some more healing potions and headed to sit besides Neville
Neville was startled a bit but when he saw that it was Madam Pomfrey he hugged her tightly
He wailed that he was in pain
Madam Pomfrey was a bit surprised but felt pity for the boy and rubbed her hand up and down his back to calm him down
Neville had felt safe in Madam Pomfrey's arms and wondered if this is what it would be like if his mother could comfort him
That obviously wasn’t Neville’s last trip to the hospital wing
After he broke his wrist from crash landing a broomstick during his very first flying lesson, he was sent to the hospital wing for the second time
Madam Pomfrey held Neville’s hand as he cried
But she was able to fix his arm in no time
Neville stayed in the hospital wing for about an hour afterwards so Madam Pomfrey could make sure that he was properly healed
Although Madam Pomfrey scolded Neville for hurting himself again, she comforted him
After that day he felt sort of an affinity towards Madam Pomfrey
He saw Madam Pomfrey as sort of a maternal figure
But this made him sad because he missed his own mother even though there wasn't a time he could remember having a mother
He just wished that his mother and father could remember who he was and they could be a family
Then over the years he found a maternal figure in Professor Sprout
She was one of the first professors at Hogwarts to truly believe in his abilities
Outside of class Neville helped Professor Sprout with projects she had for other students in different years
Whenever Neville did a good job Professor Sprout would always say “good job Neville” and compliment him on his achievements
This filled Neville with pride and he wanted to keep making Professor Sprout proud
He once accidentally called Professor Sprout “mum” when he was helping her repot a few plants at the beginning of his third year
He was so embarrassed but thankful it didn’t happen during class
This definitely surprised Professor Sprout but she took pity on the boy and pretended like she didn’t hear what he had said
He left earlier than usual that day
But before he could leave that day she told him that his parent would be proud of him and that she was proud of him
When he met you he slowly began to fall in love
He knew who you were since first year but you two had never really talked much
But then one day during third year, the two of you were paired up together for potions
Professor Snape had paired you two together because he was tired of Neville managing to mess up another potion and you were one of his top students so Professor Snape hoped to have a stress free day
You actually taught Neville how to make the potion properly and taught him the importance of each ingredient
You were not condescending in any way, like Professor Snape was, but you were actually kind and understanding and you took every opportunity to help Neville learn from his mistakes
Neville appreciated this greatly and after that week the two of you quickly became friends and you were his occasional tutor
During his tutoring sessions he would try his very best to learn the subject he was having trouble with
Whenever he mastered something you would boost his ego with words of affirmation
“See I knew you could do it!”
“Good Job!”
“You’re doing amazing!”
He would work hard on his studies just to hear those words
To be honest you were the mom friend of the group (it's me, I’m the mom friend of the group and the oldest sibling so I’m basically my younger siblings second mother)
Always making sure everyone was safe at parties, making sure your friends ate and drank water, and keeping up with their studies
One day you found Neville crying
You were looking for him because you wanted to return his herbology notebook
You went to find him in the Gryffindor common room but he wasn’t there and he wasn’t in his dorm either
It was getting late and you were worried about him
So you went searching for him
You checked all his usual hiding spots until you remember that he loved to hang out in the green house
As you approached the green house you quietly opened the glass door
It didn’t look like anyone was there and you were about to leave until you heard quiet sobs coming from the far end of the green house
You tipped toed closer to the noise and noticed Neville was curled up in the fetal position under the table with his back facing you
“Neville?” you whispered and squatted down to his level.
He froze and held his breath to stop crying but didn’t turn around
“Neville, what’s wrong?”
“I’m fine” he choked. “Just… just go away”
“Neville, I’m not leaving you here like this” you said, joining him under the table sitting near his head. You sat with your legs to one side
“Are you hurt?” you asked.
He shook his head no
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He didn’t say anything but shifted uncomfortably. He wiped away a few tears before speaking.
“No one will let me in the Gryffindor common room”
You had heard about Neville losing a list of passwords to get into the Gryffindor common room letting Sirius Black almost kill Harry Potter. That’s why the castle was on high alert.
You hadn’t had the chance to talk to Neville since then and didn’t know what punishment he received until now
“I’m not allowed to know the password anymore” Neville sniffled.
You stared pitifully at the back of Neville’s head
“And Gran sent a howler this morning” at this Neville started to cry again.
You scooted closer to Neville and started to comb through his hair with your fingers to calm him down.
You were late to breakfast that morning and didn’t see Neville there. He must have left before you got there
You knew his grandmother could be harsh with her words, but you didn’t understand why he was suddenly upset about this
“My parents would never had done something so stupid”
Your hand froze, Neville never spoke about his parents. You had assumed they were dead because he was living with his grandmother.
Then you scooted closer to Neville so that he could put his head in your lap and continue to pet his hair
He didn’t fight it but once his head was in your lap a sob escaped his lips
“Neville, you can’t be so hard on yourself. It was an honest mistake”
Then he weeped even harder and started to babble about his parents but you couldn��t understand
“It’s not fair” he sobbed
You didn’t know what to do so you just comforted him brushing his hair
It took him a couple of minutes before he calmed down
“They were auror’s you know” he muttered
“I was one when it happened. When they were tortured by the death eater, Bellatrix Lestrange,” he sniffled and wiped his nose with his hand.
“They were sent to Saint Mungos, where they live now. They don’t even know who I am”
Hearing this broke your heart and a few tears left your eyes
After that day you spent more time with Neville
He didn’t mean to be so vulnerable with you but he was glad to have finally told someone
And he was especially grateful that you didn’t tell anyone about it
For a couple of weeks you were more touchy with him
He felt awkward at first but he liked the occasional hugs and when you played with his hair
When he left home that summer he found himself thinking about you often
He was happy to see that he received a letter from you the first week he was home and the two of you would write to each other
He kept all your letters in a shoe box
He missed you and looked forward to when he could see you again
Then one night he found himself falling asleep to rereading your letters
He dreamt about you for the first time, in what would be a series of dreams
The two of you were sitting under a tree and he was laying in your lap
You were playing with his hair, like you occasionally did in real life
He was looking up at you and he found himself staring at your eyes
He never realized how pretty your eyes were or how your lips were shaped so perfectly
You smiled down at him and he thought your smile was the most beautiful thing in the world
He instantly felt butterflies in his stomach and felt the heat rise to his face
You caressed his cheek and then you leaned down to kiss him
Then he was abruptly woken up by his alarm clock
There was cold sweat on Neville’s forehead and his heart was pounding
“Oh no” he said laying down in his bed
And his crush on you started his mommy kink started
He couldn’t get you out of his mind
Wherever he went, he found himself thinking about you
He even started to have multiple dreams about you
Some were cute innocent dreams were the two of you would cuddle
And some were not so innocent
But as a young teenager in the 90s with no sex eduaction he didn’t really know what was going on down there for girls so all he could dream about were your boobs, thighs, hips, and ass
A particular recurring dream he would have was were the two of you were naked and he would lay his head in your lap and suck on your tits
In his dream you would brush your fingers through his hair like you would do in real life to help calm him down
As he nuzzled into your chest he would get a raging erection
One of your hands would stay playing with his hair while the other slowly made its way to touch him
And every time he would wake up in a cold sweat and find a mess in his briefs
He didn’t mind the dreams but the closer school was approaching the more terrified he was about how he would act around you
Let’s just say that there were plenty of embarrassing moments for him
When the two of you finally became a couple in the middle of 6th year and the two of you had taken your relationship slow, not that you really had a choice
You had only gotten together after winter break and afterwards things were pretty much the same; except with more kissing and hand holding obviously
Then after Dumbledors death at the end of your sixth year marked off the start of the war
It was pretty difficult to have a physical relationship with Neville during your seventh year with the war going on and having to make sure Neville didn’t get hurt in his attempts to stand up to the Carrows
It wasn’t until after leaving Hogwarts when the two of you moved in together that the two of you decided to have sex for the first time
You found out Neville was a little on the submissive side in bed after a couple of months which you didn’t mind at all
But the way you found out about his mommy kink was on accident
You were riding his face furiously one night and screaming his name
Neville's eyes were rolled to the back of his head as usual as he eat you out
His mind was foggy and he wasn’t really understanding what he was saying
Not that you could hear him anyway as his mouth was full of pussy
But the things he was mumbling into your pussy were his most secret thoughts
"Use me, please use me"
"I'm yours"
"I want to be under your control"
"Let me please you"
All these things came out as incomprehensible moans and cries
But as you reached your crashing point your breathing quickened and you tugged on his hair
Neville mewled at his hair being pulled and groped at your thighs and hips to pull you closer to him as you came all over his mouth and chin
As you sat up from Neville’s face he whimpered a quiet "mommy" with his eyes blissfully closed, a smile on his face, and your juices glistening on his lips
Hearing Neville call you "mommy" gave you butterflies in your stomach
You sat on his bare chest as he came down from his high
It was only after he had caught his breath and stared up at you did he find you already looking down at him fondly
“Is that what you want to call me?” you smirked and brushed a strand of hair out of his face
“What?” Neville was completely confused
“Mommy?” you said dreamily
Then his eyes widened in horror. He was never supposed to say that out loud. You were never supposed to find out
Neville was so embarrassed all he could do was hid his face into your legs
You giggled at this
You thought he was so cute when ever he turned red
"Please can we just forget about that!" He said trying to get out from under you
Then you sat on his neck with his chin right under your pussy and your thighs squeezing the sides of his head
"Where do you think you're going?" You said in a stern voice
Neville just looked up at you eye lids half closed and a whimper escaping his lips
He could feel his dick twitch at the feeling of being chocked by your thighs
"Mommy's not done with you yet"
Neville's bottom lip quivered as you caressed his face between your thighs
His hardened cock ached for your touch but all it could do was stain against his stomach
"Mommy" he managed to yelp out
That was the beginning of a long night
Taglist: @clareissad, @josierosie2, @nevsluvr, @blulemonades, @elemental-of-magic, @nevillesimp, @dreamilydazed
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heyjude19-writing · 6 months
HP Rec Fest: Day 14
Today's prompt from @hprecfest: A favorite series
Fic series: The World of Wait and Hope which includes the following fics (and also, by the way, this the author's suggested reading order for anyone still wondering. Read them in this order. Kthanx):
Wait and Hope
Beginning and End
Sight and Seeing
Picked and Planted
The Couch Collection
Author: @mightbewriting
Pairing(s): Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini, Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson
Rating(s): M and E
Why I rec this: This fic series has EVERYTHING. We begin with Wait and Hope, which is such a perfect memory loss dramione fic that I want to chew on a banister thinking about it. Then we have Beginning and End which gives us the context for W&H while also delivering a fantastic draco redemption arc, fucked up malfoy family dynamics (the best kind), and time turner shenanigans. These two fics also give us something beautiful: the ensemble cast and side pairings that feel so real and fleshed out. These are friends, these are people we've come to really care about and then MBW delivers even more of them with their own stories. Sight and Seeing (theo/blaise) has the best final line to a fic i have ever read in my entire fic reading life and that is not an oversell. I think about that last line all the time and want to weep in awe/jealousy. Picked and Planted is such a sweet palate cleanser after the angst and will heal your heart with a lovely Neville and beautifully acerbic Pansy. To be honest, I really regret recc'ing this universe right now because all I want to do is re-read every single fic and i do NOT have the time. So if you haven't read these, I really do not know what you are waiting for. Start. Today.
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senlinyu · 2 years
Malfoy’s hair was cropped against his skull when they brought him from Azkaban to St Mungo’s.
Hermione almost didn’t recognize him, just skin and bones, and none of that pale white-blond hair. She remembered the flashing lights, the healers and aurors scurrying through the halls.
Day of his release — Not conscious — How long? — Vitals unstable — How long did the Dementor have him?
The words bled together, the clamor went on.
After two months, he was still unconscious. It didn’t take all of his soul, she was told. There was a possibility he might wake, but they put him in permanent spell damage.
An extra room added to Janus Thickey for the unusual case.
He just lay there, bone thin, grey eyes staring blindly at the ceiling. Never moving.
Unaware, unresponsive, said his file, palliative care necessary.
He filled out again. Round the clock hospital care could do that. Eventually the hollows in his cheeks faded and color returned and he looked like Draco Malfoy. He stayed that way, as if encased in amber, frozen in a moment.
Only his hair changed, growing.
She thought about cutting it. When it reached his shoulders, she told herself she would. If it tangled or matted it would create discomfort, but she felt unsettled by the idea of looming over him with scissors. Most care used spells, but hair was finicky.
She didn’t want to give him another Azkaban hack job.
She’d do it when he started looking like his father; it would be more than enough reason.
Instead his long hair accentuated the ways he didn’t look like his father. His features were not so sharp, his mouth flatter, sadder.
It made her realise that Draco Malfoy was not just a replica of his father.
He was someone else, and his life was slipping by like sand in an hourglass. She didn’t even know if he knew.
She started talking to him, not on purpose, it happened eventually, just narration at first, but after so many circular discussions with Lockhart, it was novel to have someone who didn’t interrupt or walk away when she talked about the books she read, her friends, and her research on mind-healing, while she set him up in a chair, combed his hair and enchanted a view.
She knew he didn’t really listen.
When his hair reached his elbows she knew she needed to do something. She combed it, but couldn’t bring herself to cut it. It was the only thing about him that reflected the passage of time.
She hesitated and then set the scissors down, lacing her fingers through carefully, she braided it down his back, pulling it away from his eyes and tying it off with her hairband.
She stepped around and studied him, and then pulled out a mirror, holding it so that he could see his reflection, their faces side-by-side.
“See?” she said. “You aren’t your father.”
His hand twitched, long fingers curling, and she watched his eyes move as if trying to focus.
Her voice caught in her throat. “Malfoy?”
That was all she could say before all the monitors went off, the room filling with sounds and colors. Healers came flooding into the room, and Hermione barely got a word out before he was whisked away.
Because if he was responsive that meant his soul was intact, and if his soul was intact it meant he would recover, and if he could recover then that meant he no longer belonged in the Janus Thickey Ward for Permanent Spell Damage.
He was gone.
Just like that.
By the end of the day, the room was cleared, cleaned, and waiting for the next long term resident to occupy it.
Hermione resolved not to visit him, even though the miraculous recovery was all the hospital talked about for several days. It was not as if she’d had anything to do with it. Assuming he’d recovered as much as everyone was saying, he wouldn’t be pleased if she showed up acting like they were friends because she’d been his palliative care healer. He probably had no idea at all. He’d be horrified.
She had tea with Lockhart and accepted bubblegum wrappers from the Longbottoms, and looked through her mind healing books again, because surely if a sliver of a soul was enough to bring a person back, then a whole lifetime of memories could be restored somehow. Somehow.
“He wants to see you,” a very irritated wizard announced, making her jump.
“What? Who?”
“The Malfoy boy. Says he wants to see ‘his healer’ which should me, but it’s apparently not me. And if it’s not me, it should be Jorkins, who is a legend here at St Mungo’s, but it’s not him either. ‘Granger’, he says, he wants to see ‘Granger’.” The healer puffed out a breath.
Hermione’s heart was in her throat. “Me? Why?”
The healer just waved a hand. “He’s a toff. We do as he says, we get a new wing in the hospital as thanks.” He glanced at the walls and then emphatically at her. “We really could use a new wing.”
Hermione gulped and followed him.
The healer glanced at her. “So, how’d you do it?”
She stared. “Do what?”
“To bring him back.”
She choked at that. “I didn’t — I just cared for him.”
The healer stopped short, an odd look on his face. “Don’t you know how it works with souls?”
“My specialty is mind-healing.”
“They don’t come back. The souls. Not after dementors. They could in theory, but they don’t. They unravel completely after a few years.”
“Then why did Malfoy come back?”
The healer shrugged. “They always say it’s the bastards who never die. Ask him.”
Malfoy was waiting for her.
She was so used to his eyes being blank and unresponsive, it was startling to find him staring at her the moment she entered.
“Granger,” his voice was faint. Relieved.
It’s then she knew that he recognized her, knew her, was aware of the things she’d talked about to him.
Oh god.
“Hi,” she said nervously. “They said you wanted me.”
“I do.”
A shiver ran down her spine. His hair was still braided with her hair tie.
“I thought you’d visit eventually,” he said, studying her. “You didn’t.”
“I was told you’d be unaware of my care.”
“I was aware.”
“Always?” she asked faintly.
He nodded.
“How did you come back?” she asked.
He looked down. “I didn’t mean to. I meant to fade. I thought I was just another Malfoy, an iteration played over and over, and what would it matter if there was one less? I didn’t know how to do anything but make the same mistakes as my ancestors. To follow their path. But then you of all people were there. I could watch you, listen to you talk. You talk quite a lot. You were fixing your mistakes rather than assuming you’d make them again. I lingered, wanting to know if you could. But I thought, I’m nothing but a reflection of my father, that’s all anyone will ever see in me. But not you.”
Hermione’s heart was pounding.
He exhaled and stared at her, eyes burning. “I had came back to show you, you were right.”
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all-too-random · 8 months
HP Next Gen HC: Character Information
This is just some very basic information about the next gen characters as I see them in my own hcs. I've made some for other canon characters as well as some of my OC's, if anyone wants that
Name: Edward Remus Lupin Nicknames: Teddy (by everyone), Tedward (by James) Birth Date: April 20, 1998 Parents: Remus Lupin & Nymphadora Tonks Siblings: None S/O: Victoire Weasley (as of his 6th year) Gender: Demi-Boy (amab) Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: Pansexual House: Hufflepuff Favorite Subject: Transfiguration Least Favorite Subject: Charms Patronus: Wolf Pet: an Owl named Solstice Blood Type: Half-Blood (Metamorphagus) Favorite Spell: Aparecium (makes ink invisible)
Name: Victoire Appoline Weasley Nicknames: Vic (everyone), Vicky (family ONLY) Birth Date: May 2, 2000 Parents: Bill Weasley & Fleur Weasley (Delacour) Siblings: Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley S/O: Teddy Lupin (as of her 4th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: She's not really sure. She's never been attracted to girls, but she's always attracted to Teddy, and he is not exactly cis House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Charms Least Favorite Subject: Music (she did it for one year... learned the hard way that she cannot sing) Patronus: Albatross Pet: Hermit crab named Shelldon (he stays at home when she's at school) Blood Type: Half-Blood (part veela, possibly a little werewolf??? Her family has never looked into it) Favorite Spell: Geminio (duplicates objects; she's always losing things, so duplicating them helps)
Name: Molly Willow Weasley Nicknames: None. She is Molly or nothing. Birth Date: December 14, 2001 Parents: Percy & Audrey Weasley Siblings: Lucy Weasley S/O: Calum Wood (as of her 6th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight House: Ravenclaw Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes Least Favorite Subject: Divination Patronus: Pheasant Pet: None. She doesn't want another responsibility. (Borrows Lucy's owl to send letters) Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Accio (summons an object)
Name: Dominique Charlene Weasley Nicknames: Domi (pretty much just family), Dom (everyone else) Birth Date: January 22, 2002 Parents: Bill Weasley & Fleur Weasley (Delacour) Siblings: Victoire Weasley, Louis Weasley S/O: Agnes "Aggie" Wood (as of her 5th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Lesbian House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures Least Favorite Subject: Astronomy Patronus: Husky Pet: She is in charge of Peggy, the family Owl Blood Type: Half-blood (part veela, hopes she's part werewolf) Favorite Spell: Episkey (heals minor injuries; she's hurt a lot from quidditch)
Name: Fred Gideon Weasley II Nicknames: Freddy (by literally everyone; he's only Fred if he's in trouble) Birth Date: August 29, 2003 Parents: George Weasley & Angelina Weasley (Johnson) Siblings: Roxanne Weasley S/O: Astor Zabini (as of his 6th year) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: ???? That's a good question, man, he doesn't know either House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: History of Magic and Charms Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes (he took it because Molly recommended it, but it makes no sense to him) Patronus: Bassett Hound Pet: A toad named Frogger Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Scourgify (cleans an object; makes it really easy to clean his messes before he's caught)
Name: James Sirius Potter Nicknames: Jamie (by whoever feels like it) Birth Date: September 2, 2003 (he and Freddy were only born days apart, but bc of when their birthdays fall, James is a year behind in school) Parents: Harry Potter & Ginny Potter (Weasley) Siblings: Albus Potter, Lily Potter S/O: Rylee Finnigan (briefly in 4th year), Alison Longbottom (on-off 3rd year-5th year, solid from Christmas in 5th year-onward) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Straight House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Transfiguration Least Favorite Subject: Potions Patronus: Mountain Lion Pet: An owl named Owlthello (he thinks it's hilarious; also he loves Shakespeare)  (he's also been begging his mom for a dog for YEARS!) Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Repairo (repairs broken objects; uses it on his glasses a lot)
Name: Lucille Audrey Weasley Nicknames: Lucy (by everyone. Hates being called Lucille) Birth Date: February 10, 2005 Parents: Percy & Audrey Weasley Siblings: Molly Weasley S/O: None Gender: "Gender is a social construct. I am whatever I feel like I am. But Im not a man, because fuck the patriarchy." Pronouns: She/They Sexuality: AroAce House: Ravenclaw Favorite Subject: Divination Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes (She's actually never taken it, but has decided it is her least favorite to spite her sister) Patronus: Raven Pet: An owl named Haven Blood Type:  Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Colloportus (closes a door & keeps it from being opened) (this is the only way they were able to stop their family from barging into their room)
Name: Roxanne Fabianna Weasley Nicknames: Roxy (was used a lot when she was little, but not so much as she got older) Birth Date: April 5, 2005 Parents: George Weasley & Angelina Weasley (Johnson) Siblings: Fred Weasley II S/O: Ty Jordan (as of her 3rd year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Pansexual House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Herbology Least Favorite Subject: Transfiguration (everything is only ever partially transfigured...) Patronus: Hyena Pet: an owl named Gem (she wanted a cat, but she's allergic) Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Flagrate (allows the wand to write/draw in the air with fire) (she just thinks it's neat)
Name: Rose Bailey Granger-Weasley Nicknames: Rosie (by family only), Ro (sometimes, can be used by anyone) Birth Date: September 15, 2005 Parents: Ron & Hermione Granger-Weasley Siblings: Hugo Granger-Weasley S/O: Craig Bowker Jr. (as of her 5th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Straight, on the Ace spectrum House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: History of Magic Least Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures (they're too unpredictable) Patronus: Tuxedo cat Pet: A cat named Poppin Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Lumos (makes it easy to pull all-nighters)
Name: Albus Severus Potter Nicknames: Al (Harry; don't call him that.) Alby (by his family when he was young) Birth Date: March 9, 2006 Parents: Harry Potter & Ginny Potter (Weasley) Siblings: James Potter, Lily Potter S/O: Scorpius Malfoy (as of his 4th year) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Gay House: Slytherin Favorite Subject: Potions Least Favorite Subject: Arithmancy (he took it one year bc of Scorpius. Never. Again.) Patronus: Grass Snake Pet: A ferret named Misty Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Revelio (revels a hidden object)
Name: Louis Arthur Weasley Nicknames: Lou Birth Date: November 12, 2006 Parents: Bill Weasley & Fleur Weasley (Delacour) Siblings: Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley S/O: Tierney Finnigan (as of their 4th year) Gender: Nonbinary/Genderfluid?? (They're still kinda figuring it out) Pronouns: Any (they/them is what they usually go by) Sexuality: Pansexual House: Hufflepuff Favorite Subject: Muggle Studies (also really likes Music, but it sometimes makes them feel dysphoric bc of their voice) Least Favorite Subject: Patronus: Dragon Fly Pet: A cat named Atlas Blood Type: Half-blood (part veela, possibly part werewolf) Favorite Spell: Lumos (she's afraid of the dark)
Name: Hugo Jack Granger-Weasley Nicknames: None Birth Date: April 16, 2008 Parents: Ron & Hermione Granger-Weasley Siblings: Rose Granger-Weasley S/O: Ruby Gilligan Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures Least Favorite Subject: History of Magic (its a lot of reading & he has dyslexia) Patronus: Hedgehog Pet: A toad named Toothless (he loves HTTYD) Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Aguamenti (he spent a lot of his childhood in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and has had to extinguish fires on multiple occassions)
Name: Lily Luna Potter Nicknames: Lil/Lils (by everyone), Lulu (by Abus) Birth Date: May 24, 2008 Parents: Harry Potter & Ginny Potter (Weasley) Siblings: James Potter, Albus Potter S/O: Lorcan Scamander (as of her 5th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Straight House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Divination, Astronomy, and Alchemy (she can't pick, she loves all three) Least Favorite Subject: DADA (she doesn't really want to know how to fight, if she's honest) Patronus: Field Mouse Pet: A cat named Aquarius Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Alohomora (opens a lock)
Name: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Nicknames: Scorp, Scor Birth Date: January 31, 2006 Parents: Draco Malfoy & Astoria Malfoy (Greengrass) Siblings: None S/O: Albus Potter (as of his 4th year) Gender: Male (feels gender-neutral, sometimes, but chooses to identify as male) Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: Gay House: Slytherin Favorite Subject: Potions Least Favorite Subject: He likes them all to a degree Patronus: Ferret Pet: An owl named Sparticus (also claims Albus' ferret as his "step-ferret") Blood Type: Pure Blood Favorite Spell: Avifors (turns small objects into birds. Does it when he's bored or to be petty)
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halloworhorecrux · 2 months
Let's talk about it-
Narcissa Malfoy nee Black.
How the families whisper of the only one to escape the fall of the House Black.
The pretty little flower that became Lady Malfoy.
She is the last. She is the end of a Dynasty.
The only Black to escape the madness.
Narcissa has a secret. She didn't escape anything. Because she thought leaving Alice would save them from pain and suffering.
The Black curse never fails though, the curse cannot abide anything good and kind, it cannot abide anything so disgusting as pure love.
So when she hears of what her sister has done to the Longbottoms, she remains inside her garden oasis. She plucks and plucks the thorns until her hands run red.
Lucius will find his wife, bloodied and dirty hands as she continues to work on her garden.
He had thought he had married the sane Black. He was wrong because for the rest of their life together, he will always find his wife working her fingers to the bone until he has to body bind and levitate her inside where he will heal her wounds .
She rarely speaks, and after a while, her hands never quite heal correctly.
Her death will come shortly after Alice Longbottom, though no one alive will know of the connection of a once Nobleflower.
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