#hello beloved followers today I bring you. this.
fluentisonus · 1 year
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zaczenemiji · 3 months
Hello Dearest Writer! I have read the Shattered Pride that you wrote which I like it! and I hope you don't mind me requesting ^^. I wanted to request for a lil' bit angsty Kenji Sato x Reader, where kenji & reader have a heated argument that leads to reader with tears streaming down her face from kenji's hurtful words and attempted to remove her engagement ring and proposed to end things for the better and kenji got scared and regret everything he said, so he asked for forgiveness, convinced her to stay and makes it up for her. Thank you so much, Writer! I hope you have a nice day!
Second to None
Kenji Sato x Reader
Word Count: 2,076
Genre/Warning: Angst, Character Development, Drama, Established Long-Term Relationship, Heartbreak, hurt/Comfort, Redemption
Author’s Note: My works are becoming longer lately 🤧 Is that a good thing or not?
MASTERLIST | Shattered Pride
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The reservation; a special menu and a gift sat neatly wrapped beside your plate. Your eyes dart to the door every few minutes, eagerly yet anxiously anticipating Kenji’s arrival.
The minutes turned into an hour, each second becoming agonizingly longer than the last. Your discomfort became noticeable to those who arrived before and after you.
Some couples came in pairs. Others also waited but the arrival of their beloveds was only half as long as the duration of your waiting.
The waiter approached with a sympathetic smile. “Would you like to order now, miss?” He asked gently.
"Not yet," you replied, forcing a smile. "He should be here any minute." You smoothed down your dress, avoiding any more contact with someone who isn’t Kenji.
“Are you on your way? Our reservation was at 7,” your message long showed as delivered, but still, no reply, and all your calls went straight to voicemail.
Your heart sank as the waiter returned, his expression more apologetic than before, "Shall I bring you a drink while you wait?"
"Yes, please," you answered, trying to mask your growing disappointment. You chose a glass of your favorite wine with Kenji, hoping the familiar taste would bring some comfort.
It was your fifth anniversary together, a milestone you had been looking forward to for weeks. Yet just like last year, it seemed like this would be a missed one too.
The first years of your relationship were pure bliss. The years that followed were less exciting but more comfortable. Yet from last year til today, some things were never the same.
At first, it felt like it was just because both of you had gotten used to each other. But as time progressed, it started seeming like your relationship was just a background—a television turned on not for the sake of watching, but for the sake of not being alone.
It started with last year’s missed anniversary; he said that it was an important out-of-town game that he couldn't skip. "I'm so sorry, the game went into extra innings and I missed the last train back. I'll be home late.”
He went home the next day.
You reminisced your first anniversary, a weekend getaway, a brief escape from your busy lives. The second, you had gone to a cozy little restaurant. The third had been a quiet dinner at home.
The fourth anniversary was marked by absence and loneliness; as this year’s. It wasn't the first time Kenji's baseball career had come between you, but you had hoped that anniversaries would be different.
You started to wonder if you would always come second to his dreams.
Another hour passed and the restaurant began to empty as the night grew older. "Kenji, I'm still here. Please call me." But still, there was no response.
Finally, your phone buzzed, "I'm so sorry, practice ran late and then we had a team meeting. I’ll try to get there as soon as I can."
You stared at the message, a tear slipping down your cheek. You heard similar apologies countless times before, each one chipping away at your patience and hope.
You signaled the waiter and asked for the check. You couldn't sit there any longer and pretend that everything was fine.
You walked out into the cool night, clutching the small gift you had brought for Kenji. The streets were quiet, the city's usual buzz dulled by the lateness of the hour.
You felt a profound loneliness, one that wasn't just about this night but about the accumulation of missed moments and broken promises.
When you finally got home, the flat was dark. You placed the untouched gift on the table and changed into more comfortable clothes.
You were too drained, emotionally, to even wait for Kenji in case he’d come over. You lay down on your bed, more than willing to sleep off the pain you just can’t get used to.
As your consciousness was being tugged to sleep, your phone buzzed again. It was Kenji, calling. And for the first time, you decided to put yourself first and slept.
Morning came and you sat at the dining table, a half-empty glass of wine in front of you. It was far too early to be drinking, but the remnants of last night's disappointment and loneliness still clung to you, and you needed something to numb the ache.
You swirled the wine in your glass, your mind replaying the evening over and over. The beautifully wrapped gift lay discarded on the coffee table.
You immediately slept last night but somehow, you hoped that Kenji would walk through the door with some grand gesture, some sign that he valued your relationship as much as she did. But he never came.
The sound of the key turning in the lock pulled you from your thoughts. Kenji walked in, looking exhausted and worn. His eyes immediately found yours, and he saw the wine glass in your hand.
"You're drinking this early?" he asked, concern laced with surprise. You didn't respond, just took another sip.
The silence was heavy, filled with all the words you wanted to say but didn't know how to begin. You set the glass down and met his gaze.
"Do you even realize what day it was yesterday, Kenji?" you asked, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Of course, I do. I'm so sorry. Practice ran late and then there was an unexpected team meeting. I—“
"You always have an excuse,” You cut him off, your voice rising. “Do you know how many times I've heard 'practice ran late' or 'there was a meeting’? I'm tired of it!"
"I know," he said, trying to calm you down. "I really wanted to be here, but you know how important baseball is to me."
"And what about me, Kenji? Am I not important to you?" you snapped, tears welling up in your eyes. "I've sacrificed everything for you! I left my career, my family, my friends, everything to come to Japan and support you! And for what? To be stood up on our anniversary again?"
His face tightened, "It's not like that. You knew what you were getting into when you decided to come with me."
You took a step back, your voice dropping to a whisper. "So, it's my fault now?” You asked. “I chose to support you because I believed in us. But it feels like I'm the only one making sacrifices here."
"That's not fair," he retorted, frustration creeping into his tone. "I work hard for us. I'm trying to build a future for us."
"But at what cost, Kenji?" you shot back. "Every time I need you, you're not there. Every important moment, every milestone, you're always somewhere else. Do you even understand how lonely that is?"
He ran a hand through his hair, struggling to find the right words, "I'm doing my best. It's just... baseball is my dream. I can't give that up."
"And what about my dreams?" you cried, your voice breaking. "I had a career I loved, a life I was proud of! I gave all that up for you, believing that you would be there for me, that we would support each other. But it feels like I'm the only one who gave anything up!”
He took a deep breath, his own anger rising. "I never asked you to give up your career!” He said. “You made that choice!”
Your eyes widened in shock and pain. "I made that choice because I loved you—because I thought we were building a life together,” you said, voice softening and heart breaking. “But it seems like I'm the only one who sees it that way."
There was a long silence as you two stared at each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily between you. Slowly, you reached for your engagement ring, your hands shaking.
"What are you doing?" Kenji asked, panic creeping into his voice.
You struggled to remove the ring, tears streaming down your face. "Maybe we're fooling ourselves, Kenji,” you said in between sobs. “Maybe this isn't working. I can't keep feeling like I'm second to your career. Maybe it's better if we end this now."
His heart raced, panic surged through him, and his voice trembled with desperation. "No, please don't," he said, stepping closer, his hands reaching out but hesitating to touch you. "I'm sorry for everything I've said. I didn't mean it. I love you, and I can't lose you."
You looked at him, the ring held loosely in your hand. "Do you really love me, Kenji?” You asked. “Or do you love the idea of me being here, waiting for you, always understanding and never complaining?"
He stepped closer, his eyes pleading. "I love you. I know I've been an idiot, and I know I haven't been there for you like I should. But I promise I'll do better. Just please, don't leave me."
His eyes filled with tears as he dropped to his knees in front of you, the weight of his regret crashing down on him. "I love you," he said, his voice breaking. "I know I've been an idiot, and I know I haven't been there for you like I should. Every time I chose baseball over you, I was wrong. I see that now.”
“Please, don't take off that ring. Don't leave me,” he pleased. “I can't imagine my life without you."
You looked down at him, your own tears blurring your vision, “How can I believe you, Kenji?"
He reached out, taking her hands in his and holding them tightly. "Because I can't bear the thought of losing you,” he said. “I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that you're the most important thing in my life. I'll talk to my coach, I'll cut back on practice—anything. Just please, give me one more chance."
You hesitated, the pain and love warring within you. His eyes were filled with genuine fear and remorse, and you could feel his hands trembling. "One more chance, Kenji,” you said. “But things have to change. I can't keep feeling like this."
He nodded fervently, pulling you into a tight embrace, his heart pounding with a mix of relief and fear. "I promise, things will change,” he said. “I'll make it up to you, I swear. I love you more than anything. Please, believe me."
The next morning, Kenji came over early and made you breakfast, a small but heartfelt gesture to start making amends. He took the morning off practice and thought of having breakfast together.
Over the next few weeks, Kenji made noticeable changes. He began to prioritize your time together, making sure to balance his demanding baseball schedule with moments that were just for you two.
One evening, as you sat on the couch watching a movie, Kenji turned to you with a serious expression, "I talked to a few people, and I found a way for you to continue your work here in Japan.”
You looked at him, curiosity and hope in your eyes, "What do you mean?"
“There are some production companies interested in meeting with you,” he said. “I want you to have your career back, to have something that's yours."
Tears welled up in your eyes, this time from gratitude and joy. "Kenji, that's... I don't know what to say. Thank you."
He took your hand, squeezing it gently. "I want you to be happy. I want us to build our lives together, supporting each other's dreams,” he said. “I'm sorry it took me so long to realize how much you were sacrificing."
True to his word, Kenji began to make your relationship a priority. He surprised you with small dates, like picnics in the park or quiet dinners at home. He even started learning a bit of Japanese cuisine to cook your favorite meals.
Kenji made it a point to never miss another important moment, attending every event and celebration that mattered to you. He cheered you on as you restarted your career, eager to see you shine.
In the end, you both learned that love required effort and compromise from both sides. It wasn't always easy, but you faced your challenges together, knowing that your love was worth fighting for. And with each passing day, you both found yourselves more deeply in love, more committed to the life you were building together.
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st4rfckerz · 4 months
The Serpent and The Lamb | Priest!Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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word count: 4.1k
warnings: dddne, religious themes, infidelity, masturbation (f), oral sex (m), unprotected sex, praise, aftercare, not proofread
summary: Your family’s beloved priest suggests at home tutoring to help you with your bible studies.
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The weeks since that encounter with Father Anakin had been a whirlwind of emotions, leaving you feeling conflicted and guilty. But you had promised him, and you couldn't break that trust. He continues to be your trusted priest, guiding you through your faith, but there's a new layer of understanding between you. Every touch, every whispered word, carries a heavier weight, a promise of more to come. You try to fight it, but the attraction is too strong, too consuming.
As you sit at dinner with your family, you couldn't help but think back to the last time you saw him. The memory still sent shivers down your spine, even though you knew it was wrong. You glanced around the table, watching your family enjoy their meal, before bringing your attention back to the food in front of you, forcing a smile onto your lips.
Your father cleared his throat, taking a sip from his glass of water. “So, I spoke to Father Anakin today,” he said, a twinkle in his eye. “He was asking about you, sweetheart. Seems he missed your presence at church this past Sunday.”
“Oh?” you squeak trying to keep your voice casual, hoping your nerves didn't show. Last Sunday, instead of attending church as usual, you stayed home, tucked away in bed with a small cold. Your mom chimed in, recounting their brief conversation. “He asked how you were doing and expressed his concern for your well-being,” she said with a warm smile. “He truly cares for you, dear.”
“I appreciate his concern.” you replied, your voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Thoughts swarmed in your mind like bees to honey, questioning Anakin's motives for asking about you. Was it genuine concern? Or was there another reason behind his inquiries? A part of you couldn't help but wonder if he was as affected by your encounter as you were.
Upon hearing that you'll be attending church with them tomorrow, a pang of guilt hit you, knowing that your secret affair with Anakin was far from what God intended. You prayed silently, asking for forgiveness and guidance, seeking clarity on your path forward. Deep down, you longed for Anakin's touch again, craving the lust that had consumed you, while fearing the consequences it may bring.
The following day, you found yourself standing outside the church, heart racing in anticipation of seeing Anakin again. As you walked through the doors with your family, your eyes scanned the familiar surroundings, searching for a glimpse of his imposing figure. Anakin and his wife, Padme, approached you and your family, a serene smile playing at the corners of his lips, his eyes locking onto yours for a brief moment.
“Hello, Ma’am,” he greeted, extending a hand towards your mother. “How are you this lovely morning?” He turned to your dad next, shaking his hand firmly, the two men exchanging pleasantries while you stood nearby, trying to remain inconspicuous. Throughout their conversation, Anakin's gaze kept drifting back to you, a kind expression etched on his face that belied the intensity of their previous encounters. It was as if they were playing two different roles, one public and one private - a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
Anakin's gaze turned towards you, his eyes softening with concern. "And how is our little church mouse doing?" he asked, addressing you directly, a tender smile playing on his lips. "We missed you last week."
Your cheeks flushed pink, heart racing in response to his words, and you nervously fidgeted with the small, silver cross necklace perched on your chest. "I’m well, thank you for asking," you managed to respond, a hint of defensiveness creeping into your voice.
Anakin turned to your dad again, adding, “Now that you’re here I should mention that we’ve started providing extra guidance to some of the younger parishioners. If you ever need help with the Bible, please feel free to have them reach out to me. Our home is always open for such discussions.” Your dad nodded appreciatively and nudged your arm with his elbow.
“It might be a good idea, dear.” Your dad nodded in agreement, adding that it would allow you more time with Anakin, which would benefit you spiritually. Anakin and Padmé walked away, their conversation seemingly innocuous, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy seeing them together. However, you quickly pushed it aside, and sat with your family to listen to today's sermon. Anakin began to speak, his words resonating through the hallowed halls, reminding you of the divine presence that should guide your life.
You knelt down to pray, your mind was flooded with images of Anakin, the serpent in the garden of your faith; his touch, his voice, and the intense feelings he evoked within you. The sacred space of the church seemed to close in around you, suffocating you with its silent judgment as you struggled to focus on the words of prayer. Your heart raced, your breaths became shallow, and the line between your reality and fantasy blurred, threatening to drown you in a sea of forbidden desires and hidden sins. The holy water of the baptism seemed to lose its sanctity, tainted by the impurities of your thoughts, and you swear the cross of the rosary you held onto felt just as hot as your insides, like a branding iron searing its mark onto your palm. In the quietude of the church, enveloped by the scent of incense and the whispers of penance, you found yourself drowning in the whirlpool of your own transgressions, desperately seeking salvation in the arms of the man who had led you astray.
Confession time arrived, the somber atmosphere of the church amplifying the heaviness of the act. You stood in line, heart pounding in your chest, as you waited for your turn to enter the confessional. The dimly lit booth loomed ahead. Your palms felt clammy and your hands quivered slightly, as you tried to prepare yourself for the upcoming confrontation. Each person ahead of you seemed to move in slow motion, the minutes ticking by like hours, stretching the moment into an eternity.
You finally reach the confessional booth and sit on the little bench, the partition separating you from Father Anakin feeling as thin as gossamer. The dim light flickered, casting eerie shadows across the wooden walls, as if mocking your impending reckoning.
“Father, it’s me.” you whisper. You could hear his soft chuckle on the other side, his soothing words resonating through the screen that served as a link between you and him.
“Oh hello little lamb, I was waiting for you,” Anakin's voice resonated through the dimly lit confessional, his tone a swirl of kindness and authority, a perfect blend that had lured you in from the very beginning. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” you mumbled, your voice barely audible, struggling to keep the tremors at bay. “I don’t have any confessions today.”
Anakin's voice broke through your thoughts, pulling you back to the present. "Are you sure?" he asked gently, his tone inquiring but also cautious.
“Well, I wanted to talk about the last time I was here.” you explained. Anakin leans in more towards the screen, and his voice drops down an octave.
“We can’t talk about this here, I’m running out of time,” he said, his words carrying a warning. “Listen, tell your parents that I’m having a session tomorrow at my house and we can talk there okay?” Anakin brings his hand up to the mesh screen and you brought your own hand up to meet his. The contact, fleeting as it was, sent a jolt through you and electrified your senses.
“2:30 tomorrow little lamb. Be there.” a hint of a smile played at the corners of Anakin's lips, a silent acknowledgement of your gesture, a promise of something more that lay beyond the confines of the church.
As you approached your parents, you could feel the weight of your lie pressing down on you, the guilt threatening to consume you. You forced a smile onto your lips, your voice steady as you spoke. "Father Anakin has invited me to his home tomorrow to review the Bible and discuss some aspects of our faith," you explained, your eyes darting between your mom and dad. "He believes it would be beneficial for me spiritually." Your heart raced as you awaited their response, praying that they would accept your explanation without suspicion.
Your mom nodded, her face reflecting concern but also curiosity. "That sounds like a good opportunity, dear. Just make sure you keep us informed." Your dad, ever the protector, added, "We trust Father Anakin, but we also want you to be safe. Make sure you let us know when you arrive and when you leave, okay?" You nodded, grateful for their trust, even as you knew you were leading them down a dangerous path. The rest of the evening passed in a blur, the clock ticking down the minutes until you could flee to Anakin's embrace, the illicit thrill of your secret affair coursing through your veins.
Later that night, you relentlessly tossed and turned in your bed, your mind consumed by thoughts of your family’s beloved priest. His touch, his voice, his intense gaze - each memory was a sharp blade, slicing through the layers of your deception, exposing your deepest desires.
The intensity of your feelings took you by surprise, the arousal coursing through your veins like fire. The sensation of your flesh against your fingertips caused prickly goosebumps to appear all over your arms and thighs as your fingers sank into your pajama shorts. A soft moan slipped past your lips as your fingers danced around your clit, the sensation sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body. your fingers delved deep inside your aching cunt, your breaths became ragged and your body trembles with force.
You struggled to stifle your sweet moans, the sound of your surrender echoing in the silence of your room. Your orgasm was sudden, powerful, washing over you like a tidal wave, leaving you breathless and spent. The intensity of your climax had left you drenched in sweat, your body trembling with the aftershocks of your transgression.You laid still and stared up at your ceiling. your body still throbbing with pleasure, you knew that the price of your sin was a heavy burden, one that only Anakin could ease - at least for a moment, in the safety of his arms.
As you drifted off to sleep, your thoughts were consumed by the anticipation of tomorrow, the thrill of your secret rendezvous with Anakin.
Through the hushed streets, you walked towards Anakin's home, the anticipation of your secret meeting thrumming in your veins. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows that danced along the cobblestone paths. The temptation of the forbidden fruit was too sweet to resist, the pull of Anakin's darkness too strong. The confessional's warning seemed like a distant memory, the allure of your illicit acts were like a siren's song that called to you from within the walls of his home.
After knocking a few times on the big door decorated with a plaque reading ‘Skywalkers’ the door creaks open and Anakin stands there in the threshold, his eyes locking onto yours. “There you are, I wasn’t sure you’d show,” he greeted, his voice a blend of charm and command. “Come in, come in.” He beckoned you inside.
You stepped into Anakin's home, you couldn't help but notice the opulence that surrounded you. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, the floors polished to a high shine. Your eyes roamed the room, taking in the grandeur of his sanctuary. A large stone fireplace dominated one wall, the flames crackling softly, casting a warm glow over the room. A plush sofa sat before the fire, inviting you to relax and surrender to the comfort it offered.
Anakin's voice was low and soothing as he guided you towards the plush sofa. “Please, sit down,” he urged, his eyes never leaving yours. “We have much to discuss, and I want you to feel comfortable.” As you settled onto the cushions, he took a seat beside you, his body radiating warmth. “I've taken the liberty of ensuring we are alone today. Padmé is not here to disturb us.”
You felt a shiver run down your spine at his words, the implication clear. You sat down on the sofa, the soft cushions enveloping you in comfort.
“Are you ready to learn?” Anakin's question hung in the air, his eyes fixed on you with an intensity that made you feel like you were the only person in the world. You hesitated for a moment, feeling a slight confusion creep in. The Bible? What happened to the real reason why you were here? You forced a smile onto your face, trying to hide your confusion. “Oh, yes,” you said, your voice steady. “I'd love to discuss the Bible with you.” Anakin's face lit up with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Excellent,” he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. “Let's dive right in, then.”
Anakin opened his Bible, the leather-bound book creaking softly as he flipped through its pages. “Let us discuss the nature of our relationship with God,” he said, his voice low and soothing. “In the book of Matthew, Chapter 22, verse 37, Jesus says, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’”
He looked up at you, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart race. “This is the greatest commandment, little dove. It is the foundation upon which all other relationships are built. But what does it truly mean to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind?”
“I don’t know,” you respond sheepishly, not really knowing how to answer such a tainted question.
He closed the Bible, his gaze never leaving yours. “It means to surrender ourselves fully to Him, to trust in His will, and to obey His commands. It means to love Him more than anything else in this world, including ourselves.”
Anakin's eyes never left yours as he asked, “How do you communicate with God, little mouse? How do you express your love and devotion to Him?”
You felt a flutter in your chest, unsure of how to respond. You had always believed that prayer was the way to communicate with God, but Anakin's question made you realize that there was more to it than just speaking words. You looked down at your hands, feeling a sense of inadequacy. “I'm not sure,” you admitted. “I've always thought that prayer was the way to communicate with God, but I've never really felt like He's listening.”
Anakin's expression softened, his voice taking on a gentle tone.
“Why don’t you show me how you pray?”
You felt a shiver run down your spine as you obeyed, getting down on your knees before him. Your hands clasped together, your eyes closed in reverence. You began to speak, your voice a soft whisper as you poured out your heart to God. But as you prayed, you became aware of Anakin's gaze upon you. You could feel his eyes burning into your skin, his presence intense and overwhelming. Your words faltered, and you opened your eyes to find him watching you with an unreadable expression. He reached out, his hand gently brushing against your cheek. “Beautiful,” he whispered, his voice low and husky. “So beautiful.”
Anakin's thumb ran along your bottom lip, you felt a jolt of arousal shoot through your body. His touch was possessive, claiming you as his own. And when he slipped his thumb into your mouth, you felt a surge of desire wash over you. The taste of him was intoxicating, and you couldn't help but suck gently on his thumb, eager to taste more. Anakin's eyes gleamed with desire as he watched you, his thumb moving in and out of your mouth with a slow, deliberate pace. You could feel his power and control, and it only added to the thrill of the moment.
“Such a good girl.” he coos sweetly, he removes his thumb from your mouth and begins to rake his hand through your soft hair. As you gazed up at Anakin, your eyes landed on the bulge in his pants. Your heart raced with excitement as you reached out, your hand wrapping around his erection through the fabric. You could feel the heat emanating from him, and your palm began to move in slow, deliberate strokes.
“Can I help you Father?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. He nodded slowly, his voice low and gravelly as he spoke. “Yes, please.”
You reached out, your fingers trembling slightly as you unclasped the metal buckle and pulled it through the loops. The belt fell to the ground with a soft thud.
The moment he released his hard cock from the confines of his boxers, it sprang free, standing tall in front of you. Your eyes locked onto it, your mouth watering.
“Do you know what you’re doing angel?” he asks cautiously. His pupils were completely blown, making his eyes seem dark and intimidating.
“I know enough.” you give him a shy smile.
Anakin's fingers tightened in your hair, urging you forward. You leaned in, your lips brushing against the head of his cock, before you took him into your mouth. Anakin's breath hitched, his hand gripping your head as you began to suck on him, your tongue swirling around his shaft with a slow, unhurried pace.
“You're doing so well, sweetheart.” He purrs, his hand stroked your hair, a soft caress that sent shivers down your spine. “You're a natural at this. I knew I could trust you.” Anakin's hips began to buck, his thrusts both desperate and controlled. He groaned, his fingers tightening in your hair. He quickly reached his peak, his hot seed spilling into your mouth.
“Swallow every drop, show me how devoted you are.” You swallowed eagerly, pleased to have brought him such satisfaction. As he pulled out of your mouth, his breath coming in ragged gasps, you looked up at him, adoration shining in your eyes.
Anakin pulled you in for a deep, carnal kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth as he devoured you. The taste of him still lingered on your lips. Then he lifts you up, takes off your panties, and places you on his lap with your body curled up against his. He ran his fingers along your wet folds, his touch gentle yet electrifying. “Fuck, you drive me crazy.”
As you sat on Anakin's lap, you realized that this was the first time you had kissed him, your lips having only tasted him in another way. But in that moment, the line between the sacred and the profane blurred, the kiss a fusion of affection and the lingering taste of your sin.
The kiss broke and you looked deep into Anakin's eyes, your voice shaking slightly. “I need you Anakin.” you admitted boldly.
Anakin's beamed excitedly. “I want to see you do it this time, okay?” You hesitated, feeling a little shy, but Anakin's commanding gaze urged you on. “Don't be afraid, little lamb.” he reassured you, his voice a seductive growl. His words were a comfort, a balm for the guilt that nibbled at the edges of your conscience. You bit your lip, your confidence growing. You leaned forward, positioning yourself over his erection. Taking a deep breath, you slowly lowered yourself onto him, the sensation of his size and girth filling you. You gasped at the feeling of him inside you, the sensation both thrilling and overwhelming. He began to move in rhythm, his thrusts slow and deliberate, each one driving deeper into you.
You looked into his eyes, your hands gripping his shoulders for balance. “There you go, you got it.” Anakin says breathlessly.
You and Anakin found a steady rhythm, your movements synchronized. You rode him with a newfound confidence, your body moving in a way that seemed both foreign and exhilarating.
Anakin's hands gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh, a silent claim of ownership. “That’s my girl, taking cock like she was made for it.” he encouraged, his voice a low, commanding growl. “My big, strong girl.”
Your moans grew louder, your body responding to his words. You could feel the tension building within you, the pleasure becoming almost unbearable.
“Anakin,” you gasped, your voice tinged with desperation. “I n-need,”
He smiled, his eyes shimmering with a predatory intent. “What do you need, angel?” he asked, his voice a wicked whisper.
“Make me cum, please.” you panted, your body trembling with need.
“I got you sweet girl, let me hear you.” he ordered, his voice a low, commanding growl. You felt your body surrendering to your orgasm, the waves of ecstasy washing over you. You cried out his name as you came, your body shaking in his arms.
As you clung to him, your body still trembling, Anakin followed closely behind, his own release spilling into you. He groaned your name, his body shuddering as he found his own climax.
You collapsed onto his chest, your breaths coming in ragged gasps, Anakin wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
“I didn’t break you did I?” Anakin asks playfully as he runs his hands up and down your back.
“No, I’m fine.” you chuckle. Anakin's hands gently urged you to sit up on the couch cushion next to him, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Stay here one second.” he instructed, his voice a soft rumble. You remained in the living room while Anakin made his way to the bathroom, his body taut and powerful as he moved. You watched as he returned, a washcloth in hand, the steam from the warm water still clinging to the fabric. He approached you, his eyes filled with a fierce protectiveness.
“Lie back, angel,” he commanded, his voice a low rumble. “Let me take care of you.” Anakin knelt down in front of you, his hands gently wiping away the evidence of your sins. His movements were both tender and deliberate as he cleaned you up, his fingers tracing over your skin, lingering in places where he knew he could elicit a reaction. As he worked, his lips trailed kisses down your calf and along your inner thighs.
Once Anakin was satisfied that you were clean, he helped you put your panties back on, his hands lingering on your hips before withdrawing. “There, all clean now.” he murmured, his voice gentle as he smoothed down your skirt. He leans forward, his arms wrapping around you, his lips claiming yours in a tender kiss.
As you and Anakin shared a tender kiss, you heard the unmistakable sound of a key turning in the lock. You both froze, your hearts racing as the door slowly creaked open. Anakin quickly released you, his face a mask of calm as he turned to face whoever had entered the room. Padmé walked in, her smile bright and welcoming. She was completely oblivious to what had just taken place in the living room.
“Padme, honey,” he greeted her, his voice smooth and untroubled. “Did you have a nice day?”
Padme’s gaze shifted to you, her smile growing even wider. “Lovely to see you again,” she said, her voice filled with genuine happiness. “I trust the lesson was enlightening?”
You smiled weakly, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to regain your composure. “Yes, Padme, it was.” you answered, relief washing over you as the normalcy of the situation returned.
After a brief conversation, you excused yourself, claiming that you needed to head home. Anakin walked you to the door, his hand brushing against yours as he opened it for you. “See you soon, little lamb.” he whispered in your ear, his voice thick with promise. You gave him a small smile, your mind still reeling from the events that had just transpired.
As you left the house, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The thrill of your transgression still coursed through your veins, mingling with the lingering guilt. But through it all, you couldn't deny the connection you had formed with Anakin. You walked home and the world around you seemed to blur, your thoughts filled with the forbidden pleasures you had just experienced. You knew that you had crossed a line, one that would have far-reaching consequences.
But for now, all that mattered was the promise of more sinful delights to come, the weight of your sins growing heavier with each passing moment. You had given yourself to Anakin, both body and soul, and there was no turning back now.
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dianneking · 4 months
The Bet - Brienne/Reader bookshop AU
Hi dears, in case you wanted some trashy, slightly angsty romance bookshop AU starring none other than the majestic Brienne of Tarth as well as yourself...well, look no further cause you're in the right place! It is with great pleasure that I present you
The Bet
Tags: Alternate Universe - Bookshop, Out of character, Angst with a happy ending, POV second person, Idiots in love, Mutual Pining, Misunderstanding, Panic Attacks, Hints of past violence, Swearing. Word count: 5423.
AO3 link in the title above.
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You did a double take when you lifted your eyes from the monitor. You didn't mean to, but the woman in front of you was not the kind of person that usually found her way to your tiny bookshop. 
She was...well, she was imposing , to begin with: taller than you'd ever seen a woman be, with broad shoulders that the t-shirt she was wearing did nothing to hide...and she looked clearly out of her environment among the shelves, standing with her back ramrod straight and her hands clasped in front of her, shifting from foot to foot, a frown taking over her face the more and more you looked at her without saying anything. As if she was waiting for your reply...
"Oh uhm sorry, yes? Uh hi, welcome! What brings you to our bookshop today?" You cringed at your own awkwardness, but her expression didn't change too much from her frown.
"I lost a bet."
"A...bet?" Well this was unexpected. Surely your little shop was not so scary that getting into it was a dare? And this woman in front of you looked as if she'd be afraid of very little. She looked more disgruntled than scared anyways, light eyebrows corrugating over those piercing, beautiful blue eyes, lips pressing together as her nostrils flared out. She looked like the type of woman who spends more time in a gym than in a bookshop but apart from that, you had no idea what kind of bet would bring her here. Not that you were complaining. 
"Yes. I lost a bet and now I have to buy a book here. Surely you can provide me with one." She enunciated, as if she was talking to the dumbest person alive. You didn't care. Her accent was melting your insides into a pile of goo. 
I'd like to provide you with my number , your mind dreamily suggested as a reply, but you squashed it ruthlessly down. Not every woman with muscles is interested in other women, you reminded yourself. And even if she were, it didn't follow that she would be interested in you , anyway - the woman was the definition of Out Of Your League, with her short blonde hair, her chiseled jaw, her strong arms crossed on her chest…and you had lost your train of thought once again. 
"Hmmmm yes sure. Uhm not a fan of reading?" She bristled as if you had insulted her.
"Of course I read .” She scoffed “I make time to read daily. I simply don't waste my time with all of this..." she gestured around her, vaguely including the manga section and the horror shelves in her speech "...this fiction ." She spat the word as if it had offended her by its own existence.
If you had to be completely honest, if it had been anyone else insulting your beloved books, you'd have been all up in their faces. These weren't just books, they were your babies, your companions during the long days at work and your even longer sleepless nights, they were your best friends in a way no human ever could aspire to be. From the moment you had understood that in those pages lied countless stories, adventures you could partake in, emotions you had never felt, you were in love with reading already.
That's why you were working here, day after day, smiling up at the shelves filled to the brim, cursing the paperwork and cleaning and everything that kept you away from cracking open the newest release and losing yourself in its pages.
You loved your job because you loved books.
So anyone insulting your papery companions would be treated to your Cold Stare™ and Dismissive Attitude™.
And yet...you guessed this woman was clearly misguided in her dismissing all fiction with such a sneer. The fact that her sneer was so damn attractive didn't absolutely play any role in your sudden conciliatory attitude. Absolutely not. Nuh-huh. Not at all.
"Hello? Are you still there?" 
Well, fuck. Daydreaming of a client when they are in front of you. Great way to appear professional, and to make a good first impression on a gorgeous first-time client.
"Huh. Yeah, uhm sorry, I was thinking of possible recommendations that would suit your needs. What are your general interests?" You tried to patch things up only to be once again met with her frown.
"That is a useless endeavor. I will not enjoy wasting my time reading it anyways. Just give me one." 
"But you will read it?" 
"Of course! I did give my word."
Her word . Who said that nowadays? Giving your word? That was the stuff of old, of knights, of epic tales of heroism, of... fiction .
You might have the right book for this hard, formal, stunning woman.
You stood up, surprising her with your sudden movement, but you didn't notice the way her eyebrows shot up, nor the way her eyes followed you as you made your way to the book, rising to your tiptoes to reach it.
You presented it to her like a hunter presents their caught prey.
She gingerly caught it between her fingers, as if it could bite her, or worse, contaminate her with the debauchery of reading for pleasure.
"You'll like it." 
"Haven't you listened? I said I don't like fiction."
"I heard you. You didn't say you don't like it. You said you don't read it." You didn't even know where the confidence came from, but you were sure. This was the right book for her.
She seemed to be surprised by it. Surprised enough to give up her fight with a huff. 
"I guess I might as well get this since you're so sure about it." 
She started skimming the first pages as you rang it up for her, and you could see her frown slightly easing up.
You hid your smile, feeling it pulling at the corners of your mind as she absent-mindedly handed you her card, paid and wandered out the shop, her nose still in the book.
"So about that little bet we had, did you get the book?" 
Brienne didn't like admitting she was wrong. She sure as shit wouldn't admit that to Jaime of all people. She wouldn't hear the end of it.
But no matter all of her misgivings, she was enjoying that book. The plot had captivated her against her will, and more than one time she had found herself up until the early morning hours glued to the pages, lost in the description of adventures that had never happened if not in the fantasy of the author.
Such a far cry from her usual dry, factual fare of nonfiction books. Boring , some would call them, practical , she’d counter. You see, Brienne was a practical woman and she happened to like that about herself. And if people found her boring, it was their fault, not her own.
"Yes, I did get that" she replied in a bored tone, hiding her excitement below her well-polished mask.
She thought of the excitement on your face as you got the idea of suggesting this book to her. Of how smug you had looked when handing her the volume.
So sure she'd like it. And the most shocking aspect of it all was the fact that she did. 
And maybe, maybe in the privacy of her own mind she could admit to herself that she also thought of the way your shirt had risen as you reached for the book, exposing a sliver of your midriff as it did so. And the way your eyes had sparkled when you had handed her the novel, challenge and amusement and confidence mixing in your gaze. 
She had liked that too, just like the book, and just like the book she had liked it almost against her better judgment.
"How did you do it?"
Your heart skipped a beat as she charged into the shop, the bell ringing behind her long after she had entered, a thunderous frown on her face, the copy of the book she had purchased from you tightly held in her slender yet strong fingers.
She had gorgeous hands too…some people were just blessed with beauty, you thought. And you were blessed with being able to see and talk to such beauty.
The smile that climbed to your face was not your usual customer service one, but a warmer one, a special one just for her.
"So, did you like it?" 
She looked taken aback at your warmth, and you could see the faint beginning of a blush on her cheeks.
"I did, if you must know it!" She looked offended at the very thought. It was adorable.
"Oh I am so glad to hear that! The author is an emerging one, only has another one published, if you liked their style you might enjoy this too!"
"What for?"
"Why, as your next fiction book, of course. Isn't that why you came back?"
This time your smile got a definite hint of smugness in it.
"Are you going to fight me over this one too? Should I dare you to read this as well?"
"Listen here, don't get cocky. You just got lucky there. It won't happen again."
It did.
As a matter of fact it kept happening, and you fell into a sort of beautiful bookish routine. Depending on how long the book was and how busy she was, your favorite client would grace your shop with her presence once every couple of weeks or more, always putting up an offended front at having liked the fiction book you had suggested and yet always asking for another one.
Slowly but steadily she would start opening up about what she liked in them, allowing you to start collecting tidbits of information about her as well - she loved historical fiction, and fantasy too. She wasn't so keen on sci-fi and urban fantasy unless the plot was somehow worth it. She loved strong female main characters and complex character arcs. 
During the day she was kept busy from her work (law enforcement, she told you on one occasion, and didn’t go in more detail, you wondered if she was just a regular cop or maybe something cooler), but she found time to read in the evenings ("Mornings are absolutely for working out, no way I am skipping that for a book. Even if it is a good one.” she had stated, as if it was the law, and you had nodded dumbly, once again mesmerized by the intensity of her gaze, even if you woke up with a book and read it during breakfast and on the commute to the shop and couldn’t think of a better way to start the day). 
“And I loved the world building in this one, the interaction between the characters, and I can't wait to read the second part and understand where these mechanical enemies are originating from!” 
You looked up at her as she agitatedly waved her copy of Clockwork Boys in the air, trying to express how much she had enjoyed it. You found it hard to believe how different she was from the hard, reluctant person that had first set foot in your shop. Mesmerizing. Just as she was. 
Suddenly you felt brave, braver than you'd ever thought you could be.
“In two weeks the author is going to be at our local book fair, if you'd like…maybe we could…go together?” you stumbled on your words a little and you could feel your cheeks getting hotter but that didn't change the fact that you had managed to ask your crush out!! 
And she didn't say no! She looked a bit stunned for a second but then she ran her free hand through her hair (oh it looked so soft and silky, you wanted to bury your hands in it too).
“Sure! Is it going to be Tuesday in two weeks, right?”
“Y-yeah.” Had she just…?
“Cool, I have the day off anyways, so it works like a charm.” She… She…
While your brain was still reeling, unable to process the fact that she had said yes , she grabbed the stack of post-its and pen and started jotting down something.
You blinked at her, unsure of what to make of the string of numbers you were seeing until she straightened up and handed you the sticky note with a…was it a shy smile pulling her lips up? Her eyes had never looked so big before, of that you were sure.
You looked at the sticky note. It was a pink one, and you had to resist the childish urge to draw hearts all around the numbers. You just were so happy! You thought as you went to save it into your phone, only belatedly noticing a glaring tactical error on your side. 
You still didn't know her name!
You felt like hitting your forehead on the desk. How was this even a thing? Who doesn't know their crush’s name? You, that's who. Too busy ogling her and inviting her to book fairs to remember to ask her her frickin name! 
Hehe. But you did ask her out and she did say yes. That had to count for something, right?
You looked down at your phone and then typed up “ My Knight 🩷 ” in the name field, struggling to contain the giggle that threatened to escape your lips. In another world she would have totally been a proud knight, protecting the defenseless and fighting for justice, you were sure of it. And she would have looked gorgeous in armor. 
Tomorrow, you told yourself. You'd text her to work things out tomorrow. Surely you could resist that long. The fair was ages away anyway. You could resist a handful of hours to avoid seeming desperate, surely you could.
You texted her that same night, of course. 
But she did reply almost instantly, and you managed to start a conversation beyond the bare minimum details of your…was it a date? It had to be a date, right?
She told you about her dinner, and how she had already started on the sequel of the book she had just finished. You could almost feel her excitement through the message.
You fell asleep with your phone beside you on the pillow, dreaming of soft blonde hair and armor  and book fair dates. 
"Are you the one who's been selling Brienne fiction?" 
You were pretty sure you had never seen the man who had just entered your shop as if he owned it. 
"I'm sorry?" 
"You know, Brienne? Tall, blonde? Hates all fiction books except the ones you've been selling her?" 
So that was your knight's name! And what a roundabout way to learn it! Just like in the best novels, it seemed that you had been spared the humiliation of asking her for her name after you’d known each other for months. 
You liked the way it sounded. 
It sounded like the name of a warrior, a strong, hard-headed and hard-working woman who'd stop at nothing to achieve her dreams. A knight. 
“I am Jaime by the way, nice to meet you. So are you the one?" He offered you his hand, you took it mechanically, trying to answer his question without giving too much away. Your knight’s reading habits were none of this dude’s business,that’s for sure.
"I don't know if I am the only one. Maybe she just doesn't tell you about all the fiction she enjoys."
"Nice try to defend her honor. I see why she likes you."
She liked you?
Butterflies erupted in your stomach and it took all of your self-control to avoid bursting into a happy dance.
She liked you!! Shelikedyoushelikedyou.
She liked you. 
She liked you.
She liked you !
The man in front of you kept talking, oblivious to the cheering going on within your brain.
"Listen, I know Brienne, okay? She's a lovely girl but I had to bet with her to make her unwind enough to consider reading something for pleasure."
“Well she probably didn't find the right book until now.”
“Or the right book dealer… so are you hers or not?” 
"Maybe I am…But why do you want to know that?"
“Well if you were , I'd owe you a huge thanks and possibly a round of drinks, cause she's been in a downright good mood for the past months, and especially in the past week or so. As her partner, I spend most of the day with her, and believe me, I am beyond grateful for the change.”
Of course.
Of course she had a boyfriend. No, a partner. That's even more committed, right?You had been so stupid. Stupid and stupidly hopeful. So hopeful and you'd once again mistaken friendship for something else, just like you did so many times in the past. 
You tried to swallow around that piece of news, you kept on a brave face while he still waffled about something or something else, but you had no idea what he was talking about.Nor did you care, all the joy that had taken over you had just as quickly dissolved, leaving a bitter aftertaste in your mouth.
You didn't remember him leaving, but you knew that you were quick to lock the door after him and close up shop.Only then, surrounded by your beloved books, you allowed yourself to break down and cry all of your tears.
You didn't cancel on Brienne, even if a part of you wanted to do nothing but stay home and mope. Yet you were sure you'd regret it for the rest of your life if you didn't go. 
And she had looked so happy when you had invited her. She probably didn't have a lot of female friends, you thought. When she talked of her hobbies, it had always been things that she did on her own. Working out, reading, jogging. 
She was probably glad to have some company. Someone to talk to that she vibed with. That was that. It had always been that, and you reading more into it didn't change the harsh truth.
Your heart was beating faster when you pulled up to the parking lot of the venue, but it was more due to trepidation than happiness. You had been preparing yourself mentally for a bookish date with your crush, not for…an outing with a friend. You weren't sure how to behave now, your mind too busy going through every single interaction the two of you had had, dissecting each word, each smile, each playful joke at each other's expense. When did you start thinking you could have a chance? At what point had your hopes become delusions?
Your phone started buzzing as you got out of the car. “My Knight 🩷” appeared on the screen, and you had to swallow against a hard knot. 
You know you should have changed the name. You knew her name now, and she most definitely wasn't your knight. And yet…you still hadn't.
With a sigh, you picked up, trying to be optimistic despite the dread pooling in your stomach. You could do this. Friends. You could hang out with your friend that just happened to be the hottest woman you'd ever seen. It was going to be okay. 
It was not okay. 
It was anything but okay. 
Who thought that Brienne was going to be the kind of straight girl that gets all touchy-feely with her female friends? She had hugged you when you two met up and you thought you would die on the spot, surrounded by her arms and her perfume and the happiness of her voice.
And then as you walked through the venue, weaving through the stands, checking out books (you couldn't remember a single one you'd seen, preoccupied as you were with your companion) her hand kept finding excuses to touch you, once on the shoulder to get your attention, once wrapping around your elbow to direct you to a certain stand, once simply splayed on your back as you discussed cover designs.
It was torture. Every time her warm hands touched you, your heart would start racing, still stubborn in its hopefulness. But then you’d remember that it was all in your head and your heart would painfully constrict because oh it would have been so nice if it had just been true.
By the time you sat down in the auditorium where the author panel was about to start, you were a jittering mess. 
You kept replaying each interaction you had with Brienne, trying to rationally explain to your heart why, even if it might seem like she was coming onto you, she had a boyfriend and therefore it had to be her way of being friendly. 
Yes, even when she placed her hand squarely on your knee as the authors started their introductions.
To be honest you weren't sure what had been said at the panel. You mechanically laughed when you felt others do the same, and studied Brienne’s profile out of the corner of your eye. She had a soft smile on her face. As if she was enjoying herself. As if there was nothing wrong with the way her hand was resting on your leg, absentmindedly stroking lazy patterns with her thumb. Driving you mad. 
You were so engrossed in your thoughts and in her touch that you hadn't even noticed that the panel had ended, and most of the spectators had filed away, leaving the two of you alone in the auditorium.
You did notice Brienne shifting in her seat to turn towards you. Mainly because that caused her hand to climb slightly up your leg, putting it decidedly in the thigh area. Clearly an oversight on her part, but you could feel your breathing getting slightly quicker, and looking up to see her stunning eyes trained on you with laser-sharp focus didn't help you with that.
How unfair.
How terribly unfair for her to be so close, and yet unreachable.
How crushing that her hand, searing hot on your thigh, was not a promise of something more.
How sad that you'd never get to kiss those lips even if they were getting closer as Brienne leaned towards you…you could see her blonde lashes fluttering slightly, the small scar on her upper lip, her breath light on your face…
Suddenly she was too close.
Your heart jumped in your throat, and it felt like it had cut off all of your air supply. 
There was a ringing in your ears, and your skin was crawling hot and cold at the same time. 
You could see the little scar on her lip almost flickering, as your vision swam with black, and you knew without any doubt that you had to 
"So this is where you've been hiding." Brienne's voice was not warm anymore. You guiltily looked up at her from your spot on the bench. She wasn't smiling at you anymore and you wanted to hit yourself for that. It wasn't her fault that you had misunderstood all of her cues and kept seeing what your wishful thinking desired, and yet she had been the one to go through the pains of searching for you while you hid away to work your way down your panic attack.
She sat down beside you, a heavy sigh on her lips.
"I need to ask you something."
Oh. There it comes, you thought. The direct questioning that preceded the gentle let down. The 'I'm flattered but I don't feel the same' speech. As if you had never heard it before. Your heart remembered the pain as if it had been yesterday, and valiantly tried to brace itself for the inevitable rejection.
Huh? That…that was not what you expected her to start with, but she kept talking, and you had no choice but listen. "Why ask me out if you're so clearly uncomfortable with me? Is this some sick joke? It wasn't enough to prove me wrong over and over again? You wanted to humiliate me, too?" 
You could only stare open-mouthed at Brienne as she rained down harsh words on you, anger and pain mixing on her face. She was so beautiful. Even when angry. She looked like a vengeful angel, the righteous hand of God, coming to punish you for daring to hope too much .
"I-I'm sorry." You tried to explain yourself, but she didn't let you, her voice hard and cutting and relentless.
" You are sorry ? Is that all you can say? That's not enough for me. Especially when it's clearly bullshit. Do you think that's the first time people make fun of me? That someone thinks that going out with Brienne The Beauty is the funniest prank on Earth? Did you do it for a laugh, hm? Didn't expect me to say yes when you asked?" 
"No, actually I did not."
"You! The fucking nerv-"
"I didn't dare to hope you'd say yes because you're out of my league!" 
A stunned silence met your words. You didn't know where the strength to interrupt her came from but you had to. You couldn't let her go on thinking you had asked her out to make fun of her or something. And once you started talking, you couldn't help yourself. The truth had to come out, so you pushed on: "Which clearly you are. But you said yes and I…Brienne, I am so sorry. I tend to live in my head and you were so nice to me and I thought…but clearly I shouldn't have. Thank goodness Jaime told me before I made a fool of myself. Which apparently I still did. Fuck. I am sorry for that, I promise you I am enjoying myself today and I am sorry I am awkward and I understand if you don't want to see me anymore after this." 
"Jaime? What does he have to do with all of this? Did…did he set you up to do this?" You could hear the betrayal seeping in her voice and you couldn't bear it. If you couldn't have her, at least you could do your best not to have her break up with her boyfriend over a huge mess of a misunderstanding that you did all by yourself. By thinking you had a chance with this goddess.
Better if she hated you instead. Which she would do anyways. If she didn't already.
"No. Nono he's been nothing but friendly. He just dropped by the shop because he was curious about the books you've been reading." 
"Then why did you bring him up?"
"I didn't know, okay? When I asked you to come here, I didn't know."
"What didn't you know?" Oh she wasn't making it easy on you, was she? 
"I thought…I thought you might be interested in me - which I now realize is ridiculous. That's why I asked you out. I asked you and you said yes and you gave me your number and I thought it meant…I swear I didn't know! But then he told me and now I can't help but be awkward because I had thought this was a date and now it's not and I didn't want to ruin it for you which I guess I did anyways. I swear I didn't know when I asked you."
" Know what ? What did Jaime tell you?"
"That he's your…That you're his…That you two are together. Which makes sense, because you are so well assorted and you look perfect for each other and I am sure he can make you happy in ways that–" 
"WHAT?" The roar that came out of Brienne's mouth was almost feral.
"What 'what'?" You babbled back. You looked worriedly at her shaking hands. You knew she was going to be angry at you once she found out about your silly crush. But you still hoped she wouldn't hit you or something. She didn't seem like she'd be the type to take out her anger on you but…but those hands looked like weapons, clenched as they were into tight fists. 
You flinched away. You couldn't help it. The loud angry voice booming next to you, the hand shooting out towards your shoulder…you flinched away, your hands instinctively coming up to shield your face. Trying to make yourself as small as possible. Just as instinctively, apologies started dropping out of your mouth.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" 
Well, not really silence but the soothing pitter-patter of rain on the tin roof above you. 
But no words.
No more loud anger.
And no new pain blooming on your body.
You dared to open your eyes and peer beyond your hands. 
Brienne…well, she was beautiful, as always. But she was also white as a sheet, her deep, blue, stunning eyes wide open and bright with unshed tears. Her whole face a mask of hurt as her gaze took in your shape, as far away from her as the small bench allowed you. Her hand was still in the air, but it had lost all the strength, it was just hanging, palm half-opened towards you as if to show you it was harmless. When she spoke, her voice was little more than a broken whisper.
"I…I wasn't going to hit you."
"I…huh…I'm sorry."
She sighed and straightened in her seat, tearing her eyes away from you to settle them on her hands, now clenched in her lap. Her back was once again ramrod straight. Just as she probably was , your mind cruelly reminded you.
"No. You have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who’s sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, to make you think that I was…unsafe. I guess that with how I look, it's an easy assumption to make."
"I'm sorry?" 
"You said 'with how I look' and that's beautiful. You're beautiful, Brienne. He's a really lucky man."
It wasn't her fault and you knew it. You couldn't blame her for this huge misunderstanding, you couldn't let her think that she or her appearance was to blame for your reactions.
You put your hand on top of hers, trying to get her eyes back on you, to show her how truthful you were. Her hands were so cold. She still didn't look at you.
"He…We huh we're not together together." Her whisper was so soft that you thought you had misheard.
You had to. 
"I'm sorry?"
"Jaime and I are not together." 
"You two…are not?"
"No! I don't know why he would…wait. What did he say? What were his words?"
"Huhhh I don't remember exactly. He said something about you being his partner." You tried to keep the accusation out of your voice. She didn't seem like the type to try to cheat on her partner, denying she was in a relationship at all. Gaslighting you for her own ends. And yet, you didn't dare to hope that…
"Oh for fuck's sake! Is this where all of this came from? He's my work partner . Not my romantic partner!"
"Your… oh . Fuck."
"Yes, fuck. And since we're on the subject, when you asked me, I thought it was going to be a date as well, that's why I gave you my number!! But then we were here and you kept avoiding me and you tensed up every time I touched you and when I tried to kiss you you just ran away and I thought…I don't know what I thought."
"Could you maybe…try that again?"
"Try what?"
"To kiss me. I promise I won't run away this time. Or have a panic attack."
"Just like that? That's not how it's done! The moment must be right and mmmmph–"
You didn't let her finish her sentence. You threw yourself at her, lips on lips, slightly smashing your noses together in your haste. 
But neither of you cared, lips moving against each other, her hand tangling in the hair at the base of your neck, and both of yours coming up to cradle her face. You didn’t care, because unbeknownst to the other, each one of you had dreamed of this moment so many times, and yet now that it was happening it was better than any fantasy. 
Comments are always welcome. If you want to read more of my fanfictions, here's my masterlist.
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desi2go · 7 months
Sick days
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pairing: sick!Hyunjin x reader
Warnings: fluf
Summary: You imagined your day off differently. But taking care of your sick boyfriend was even better.
Being with Hyunjin was like a soft breeze that played with your hair and kept the busy thoughts away from you. It was like a sunset at the beach. The bright colours were exciting but calming. Every day was a new adventure, a new story.
As a nurse, you dealt with a busy and hectic schedule and Hyunjin was always there after a long 12 hours shift to bring you comfort. Like a breeze his fingers brushed through your hair as you hid your face in his neck, trying to get the annoying smell of disinfection out of your nose.
He was your safe space. Whenever you felt down or self-conscious, he grounded you and build you up. As an idol, he always worked ambitiously to perform the best for his beloved STAY. Even though he was exhausted, he makes sure that you are okay and looked after you at the end of the day.
He texted you, that today's practice would run late and you shouldn't wait for him. You just came home from your long shift and it was already 11 pm. You hoped that he wouldn't overwork himself and come home quickly. You quickly changed out of your work clothes and jumped under the shower. Then, you cleaned the dishes from the morning due to the missing time because nearly overslept. Luckily, you had managed to get to work in time but without a breakfast.
You figured that your boyfriend would be starving when he will get home, so you ordered takeout.
You yawned and cuddled further into the couch with a blanket draped over your lap as you watched your favourite TV show again. Well, you loved to watch it with him.
Hyunjin came home in the middle of the night. The clock in the hallway said that it was long after midnight and he felt terrible. Today's practice was a pain. It seemed like everything he did was slow and forced. There wasn't the usual easy flow, the balance and the melody didn't took over his body. It didn't guide him and that was frustrating, especially since the comeback season starts soon. He must give everything and more for his friends and STAY.
After he slipped out of his shoes, he walked into the living room just to see you on the couch. Your hair that was once in a neat ponytail was now all over your face and your head leaned against his pillow that you must have stolen from the bed. He chuckled quietly and quickly showered. Then, he kneeled in front of you and brushed some hair strands out of the way. Your nose scrunched and you stirred awake.
"Hello my love. Were you waiting for me" he whispered as your sleep driven eyes blinked at him and a small smile danced over your pretty lips.
"Yeah, I ordered takeout for you" you answered and rose from your snuggly place to stretch out your sore muscles. As much as you loved that couch, that you two bought together after moving in, the bed was way more comfortable. He pecked your forehead and went to heat up the food.
You followed him and cuddled into his side as he ate his food. You were sleepy and just enjoyed the warmth of your personal human heater. From time to time he cleared his throat.
"You ok?" You asked as he did it again. "Yeah, just drank less water while practicing"
You grapped him a bottle of water and a glass. You can imagine that sport made your throat pretty dry especially when you dance for hours.
The next morning you woke up in an empty bed. Jinnie was already up and probably at the company. It was your day off and on those days even though you were an early riser, you sometimes enjoyed sleeping long. As a nurse, a good sleep was rare.
With a good mood you danced through the apartment and cleaned it. You checked Jinnies schedule that he had sent you in the past so that you always know where he is and can easily visit him.
Maybe you can watch him practice with his group later in the afternoon since it was a rare occasion due to work. He always loved when you support him. It only makes him more ambitious and hyped he had told you. And the other boys adored you. Especially Felix, Hyunjin's best friend or soulmate like they often state, was fascinated by you. Maybe that's because you lived until you were ten in Australia and then moved with your family to Korea.
He was also the first member Jinnie introduced you to. As his best friend, he knew from your relationship from the beginning and when he finally met you, he was even more convinced that you were the perfect match for Hyunjin.
But also Seungmin was like a brother to you. From the first moment you met the younger boy, you liked him with his cheeky attitude and the sweet toothy smile.
You figured that you should buy the whole group something to drink when you went to the studio. On the way, you stopped at a café and ordered drinks. You just sat in your car once again with the drinks on the passenger seat, when Felix called you.
"What's up, Lix?" You asked and started the car. "Are you coming to today's practice?"
"Yeah, on my way right now. Why?"
"I think Hyunjin is sick. He is totally pale and already vomited"
"I'm coming. I'll be there in 10" you answered concerned. You knew Jinnie. Whenever he is sick, he wants to keep going. He just works him to death because he won't admit that he was ill and needs to rest.
Balancing the nine cups in both hands, you managed to go through the security that already knew you and bid you politely hello and and took the elevator to the floor where the studio was. You already knew the way there after walking it hundreds of times.
In the hallway, you could already hear the music and the squeaking of the shoes. With a foot, you pushed the door open and yelled a greeting over the loud music.
Seeing the drinks in your hands, they quickly scrambled to you in no time and helped you. You spread them and you all sat down. Happily, they drank like they lived in a desert with no water at all.
They all were already sweaty and chatted.
Jinnie kneeled beside you with his americano in one hand as he layed his head against your shoulder.
"Hey baby. Is everything ... was that a shudder?"
You asked him. His clothes were wet with sweat but occasionally he shuddered like he was cold.
Concerned, you placed your drink beside you and touched his forehead to feel how warm he was. And he was warm, it felt like his skin was burning under your touch. A shudder jolted through him again.
"Are you feeling bad? Can it be that your sick Jinnie?" You asked and brushed a stray hair strand back out of his face. Your eyes danced over his pretty face. He was indeed pale.
He just shook his head and murmured that he will go to the bathroom quick. The first steps were staggering but then he felt suddenly nauseous and covered his mouth and paced through the room to get to a washroom. You had observed that and jumped up to follow him.
You found him in the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet, vomiting. He gagged and emptied the contents of his belly. You sat next to him and rubbed his back while his body tensed up with each gag. You brushed soothingly through his wet hair.
Drained out, he leaned against the bowl, taking shaky breaths.
"It's okay, baby." You cooed.
You helped him up after some time and he got rid of the disgusting taste in his mouth through rinsing it out. Some tears ran down his cheeks as he breathed heavily.
"Everything alright?" Chan asked as you two walked back into the room.
"You look like shit" Seungmin stated and continued sipping on his drink. "I'm okay" he answered with a hoarse voice. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
"Definitely, you didn't just puked your guts out" you said ironically.
"I told you he was ill!" Felix shouted and rubbed your boyfriends shoulder.
"You should rest. You can't dance when you're ill" Chan told him.
"Come, let's go home and rest" You exclaimed and circled his waist with one arm.
Only after the whole group literally forced him to go home, he followed you quietly to your car. You opened the door for him and went to the driver seat to take your poor boyfriend home.
The whole drive was completely quiet as Jinnie rested his head against the window and tried not to get nauseous. He felt bad for leaving practice. With the new comeback, he didn't want to disappoint his fans, his friends and you. Especially not you. You were the most important person to him and you should be proud of him so when someone asks you about him, you should be proud to say that he was your love. That was all he wants.
As you parked the car, you turned to your boyfriend. He was still pale but the nausea seemed to fade. His eyes were closed and even though he looked exhausted, he was like an angel. So beautiful. Though with his newly red dyed hair he looked more like a devil. Just the sweet horns and the tail were missing.
You rounded the car and opened his door. His eyes fluttered open and you smiled. Like a puppy, he followed you to your apartment while you carried his bag.
Unlocking the door, you let him in and took your shoes off. You leaned his bag against the wall.
"Wanna take a shower first?" You questioned because he was still sweaty due to practise and he shouldn't catch an even worse cold. He nodded and went through the hallway to the bedroom to get some comfy new clothes. Meanwhile, you let some water in the bathtub and searched for the bath oil that helps with colds. Immediately, the bath was filled with the smell of eucalyptus and sage.
You gave your boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll cook you something light. If anything happens just say something and I'll come" Patting his hair, you leaved the room and started looking through your refrigerator and the kitchen cabinets to see if you had all the ingredients.
Fortunately, you got everything for a chicken soup. You brew a chicken broth with the meat and in the meantime you chopped leek, carrots and celery. Then, you added them to the pan and brought the noodles to boil.
The soup was nearly finished as Hyunjin returned. He circled your waist with his arms and layed his head on his shoulder.
"What's up, baby? Feeling better?" You asked and stirred the soup another time. "Yeah, a bit. Smells great, honey"
"Thank you" He let you go as you turned around to face him. Gently, you touched his forehead to check if he got a fever. And he was indeed burning up. From a cabinet, you took a thermometer and measured his temperature.
"You have a fever, baby" you stated and send him to bed so that he could rest.
Soon, you filled a bowl with soup for him and brought it him along with some medicine against the cold.
He sat up and slowly ate the food. You hoped that he could keep it in his stomach and he didn't need to vomit from it. And he definitely shouldn't take the medication without some food in his belly.
When he was finished, he took the medicine.
"Thanks, honey" he said and gave you a tired smile.
"Wanna watch our series?" You asked and quickly brought the empty dish in the kitchen. You will clean them later, now you wanted to spend time with your love.
He agreed and you took your laptop with you. You jumped beside him under the warm comforter and placed the laptop next to you. You started your current kdrama and cuddled further into the cushion.
Some time passed and Jinnie still held some distance to you. Usually, he would be all over you by now. Slightly, you turned your head and observed your boyfriend. His entire body was under the comforter with only his head out and concentrated on the screen.
"Everything alright?" You asked and he turned his attention to you.
"Yeah, just a bit cold"
You lifted your arm and signalled him to come to you so that you could function as his personal heater.
He shook his head and murmured. "Don't wanna infect you"
You heart swelled at how he still looked out for you. A loving smile danced over your lips.
"Come honey, can't let you freeze. I'll heat you up" Finally, he came closer and layed his head on your chest while his hands caressed your hips.
You touched his forehead to check if his fever was still high. But the medicine seemed to finally kick in. Then, you let your hands travel to his red dyed hair and combed through the silky strands.
He sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying the physical contact.
"I'm sorry" he mentioned after some time. "What?"
"I'm sorry for ruining your day off. You already have enough patients to care for"
"No! You didn't ruin anything!" You held his head in your hands and caressed his cheeks.
"I love to take care of you. In fact, I love to pamper you"
"I love you" he answered and let his hands run up your sides.
"I love you too" you told him and placed a loving peck on his forehead.
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secret-smut-sideblog · 3 months
Exhale Inhale
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Gale x F! Tav (named)
18+ hurt/comfort, feelings of guilt/inadequacy, allusions to self-harm, mentions of sex work, rough sex (with safewords used), sub Gale/ dombrat Tav, dirty talk, endurance play, (light) gender play, restraint, handjob, pegging, prostate orgasm, aftercare, tenderness, porn w/ light plot
After Aurum took a hard hit in battle, Gale blames himself for a break in his concentration. Requesting they practice something a little rough for him to hone his skills...
Masterlist, More Aurum and Gale
His body bristled with anger across the room, hands clenching and snapping down on various utensils as he cooked.
"Gale's in a way tonight, isn't he?" Karlach remarked, clear concern in her eyes.
"I know what this is about." Aurum sighed, the ache under her bandages agreeing.
"Oh come on, that wasn't even that bad of a hit." Karlach scoffed, eyeing her hand gently cupped over her ribs.
"I agree, I've had far worse."
"Ohh man, do you remember that time in the Shadowlands when that Shambling Mound got your arm? Had to teach Shadowheart how to reset a dislocated shoulder in the field!" Karlach pantomimed pulling with two hands.
Gale slammed down a bowl across the room.
"Oh, whoops. Think I made it worse." Karlach rubbed her neck, voice lowering back to a private level.
"I'll settle him." Aurum patted Karlach's bicep in reassurance.
"You do have such a way with him. Go get 'em Sunshine." Karlach's warm hand urged her forward by the small of her back.
Aurum glided down the steps into the sunken room where the hearth lay. Passing Astarion who gave her a downturned stare, fluttering his eyes over at Gale. Communicating through eyes as they often did.
Loud... can you please...?
She tilted her head at him reproachfully, but gave a small lift of her eyebrows and sliding of eyes to assure him.
I got it, you asshole.
He smiled at her and returned to his book with a toss of his legs on the chaise lounge.
She shook her head at him ruefully and approached the tense back of her beloved wizard.
"Hello, my love." She hushed, sliding her hand up the middle of his spine, letting it rest between shoulder blades.
He leaned back into her instinctively, letting out a small sigh. Hand releasing the ladle he had been spinning onto the lip of the pot.
"You're still upset." A soft statement, her other hand coming up around his middle. Palm gently pushing at the crest of his ribs. Her hands an anchoring, her gentle force weighing his torso.
"Very." He started to bristle again.
She expected this, stepping up to rest her temple inside of his shoulder. Another weight to bring his body back down.
"I understand." She whispered. "You feel like you let me down today."
He nodded, his chest hitching slightly under her palm. His guilt keeping him from stepping back into her embrace as he usually would.
"Do you want to talk about this now or later?" She turned her head into the curve, nestling down.
He did step back into her then, letting out a slow breath. Pressing into the sunlight heat of her chest. Her hand at his back winding around to meet the other at his front. Encircling him. Palms overlapping along his heart.
"Later." He sighed, body relaxing into hers in a small heave.
She smiled into his shoulder, holding him closer.
"That's what I'd like too." She hummed. "Can you take a big deep breath with me?"
She expanded her chest in a breath against his back. Feeling his chest fill under her hands a little after hers. Letting it out in a soft purse of her lips against his shoulder. His following in tandem. Giving one more deep fill and release, feeling the tension in his back dissipate slightly.
"Thank you." She sighed quietly, rubbing a small circle into his chest.
His head bent forward, hands coming to cup over hers.
"I don't deserve you. Flowers bend to your light in prayer." His voice low in reverence, guilt sliding back under the words.
"You do." She hummed easily. Kissing the soft skin above his collar. "You still do, and you always did."
She wound her fingers into his. Pushing language into him.
Good. After. Talk. Relax.
He took another deep breath independently. Responding in assured fingers.
Know. Try. Thank you. I love you.
She patted his chest with her quiet hand.
I love you. Back. Work. Focus.
He laughed quietly, picking up his ladle.
"Loud and clear." He teased.
Aurum rubbed a small amount of burn ointment into the angry bubbled skin under her breast. Letting out a small wince of breath. The full force of Lorroakan's Lighting Bolt had struck through her chest, just below her heart.
She had said it wasn't that bad, but it had knocked her back into a wall. Nearly blacking out, ripping the breath out of her. The sunburst activated in overdrive, a near involuntary Sunbeam ripping from her. The shard of false sun protecting its vessel. Dame Aylin bringing two winding strikes over her head, bellowing out in rage at her expense, finally taking him down.
Shadowheart had worked her healing, but a palm sized charred semicircle still lingered. A smaller exiting wound sat at the edge of her spine, having to twist her elbow back to rub with the edge of her fingers. Taking shallow breaths that she forced slow and even.
Gale entered their private chambers behind her. His steps pausing short at the threshold after closing the door softly behind him.
She craned her neck, sitting on the bed facing the balcony. Fingers still struggling to find purchase.
"Can you help me, baby? I can't quite..."
He took a shuddering breath in, coming to her side. His weight taking up on the mattress.
She handed back the small pot of ointment and turned her back towards him. Folding her legs under her.
His breath filled as if about to speak, once, then twice. Fingers gently swirling cool balm into her.
"Take your time." She encouraged softly, reaching back to squeeze his thigh.
He carefully positioned the fresh bandage over the wound, pressing down with the palm of his hand. Pressing his sorrow into her.
"I'm so sorry." He shuddered. "I'm a better wizard than that, my concentration is better than that. I fucked up. Gods, it almost hit your heart."
His voice was descending slowly into restrained tears.
"I had you. I had Protection from Good and Evil covering. But that barrage of Magic Missiles..."
"I know," She hummed, thumb arcing in slow waves on his knee. "You got hit hard."
"He wanted to break my protection. He wanted Aylin, I know. But I think he wanted you too." His voice shook in anger. "He could see your light, I saw it. Under your covering. He had some fascination, I could tell."
She tilted her head, raising one eyebrow in agreement. She noticed too.
It was not the first time a powerful man had taken interest in the false sun in her chest. That was part of the reason she covered her chest in bandages in public, besides the obvious constant interruption it was in crowds.
She had left it open in the Shadowlands, if just for morale. Some point of light keeping a sense of sanity among them. It had helped the denizens at Last Light Inn too. Isobel especially finding it reassuring. Joking that she wasn't the only light anymore.
But in Lower City? She would be mad to leave it uncovered.
Gods, her father knew exactly what he was doing, making her a walking spectacle. An incredibly effective tool in his subset.
"Men like that deserve what they get." Gale growled.
She chuckled darkly. Knowing he was only referring to Lorroakan, but his wisdom ringing ever true.
"He's quite dead now, and both Aylin and I are safe, Gale."
"But not unscathed..." He hushed.
She turned, pulling her robe up around her shoulders.
"No, not unscathed. And not more wounded, with you there."
"I hate when you're so gentle with me when I hurt you." Holding his hand up to pause her rebuttal. "When I've allowed you to be hurt."
She wanted to argue, but respected the request of his hand still held in a bid for silence.
"I want to practice, so this doesn't happen again. And I want you to punish me."
Her breath drew in slow, heart pulsing in an ache. She had always known, on some level, that he sought pain. Not the exploring delicious kind found in bed, but true pain. The kind given to those who believed they deserved it.
"I can hurt you, Gale. If you want. But not like that." She slid forward, hand rising over his heart again.
"I can only do play pain, okay?" She hushed.
He took a shaky breath out, both disappointment and relief released in it.
"Okay... thank you."
"I started a bath for you." She smiled, kissing his jaw. "Go get clean and loose. I'll take care of you."
He smiled, leaning down to kiss her tenderly.
"You always do."
She slow swayed her hips, eyes closed. Getting in the zone. Hand rising to rub up the soft side of her ribs. Rocking in time to the soft music playing on an enchanted crystal on the dresser. A deep winding beat carrying her away into a sensual wave.
Thinking about the brothel that had become her sanctuary in Waterdeep after fleeing the temple. How she had fallen at their step, seeking debauchery to dirty her sterile holy body. But finding cleansing instead. The working women gathering her and making her anew. Teaching her the spirituality of her sex. How to draw desire not only from herself but the rising hymn of finding it in others. Teaching her dance and velvet and the divinity of bruises and bitemarks.
When they had visited Sharess' Caress, she had bounded in, shocking her companions. Waving to the Mamzell, coming up to the stage, smiling up at a familiar face.
Rhol's eyes lit in recognition, smiling down brilliantly at her.
"No way! Golden Lily!" She whispered, leaning down to hug her before returning to dancing. "You're far from The Laughing Lass, aren't you? I've got to get back to work, but go meet the twins!"
How later that night, Gale had come to her uncharacteristically coy. Handing her a list of sexual endeavors he wanted to try.
What she had planned tonight was one of the many on the list.
She twisted in a small circle, pulling the pin holding her long hair atop her head. A wave of burning gold falling and bouncing to the curve of her waist.
"By the Weave, you're going to blind me with your beauty."
She smiled over her shoulder, turning to take him in. The towel tied around his hips a tease, running her hands up his stomach and delighting in the tense in the muscles there. Rising her fingertips up to his chest, fanning out over his broad shoulders. His nipples standing at attention.
"Mmm, your body missed me." She smiled, thumbs arcing playfully over the hard peaks.
"Unbearably." He sighed, hips angling out in an unconscious seeking.
The way his body seemed to remember her, driving forward almost beyond his command, was so endlessly delicious to her.
She hooked her fingers in the fold of the towel, looking up at him in question. Raising her eyebrows up in a playful tick.
"I'm quite ready for you." He rumbled, raising his hand to twist blue fingertips. "Same safewords, if it pleases you."
"It does. Cast away." She purred, watching his wide gorgeous hand sway in sure movements.
Dancing Lights appeared above her head, swimming in playful circles.
She smiled up at them, turning to his still raised hand. Kissing into his palm before he could lower it.
"Then we've started your training, I presume?" She sighed into his hand. Pulling him to her by the loop of towel.
"Yes..." He huffed, her tongue cupping the pad of his thumb.
"I'm not going to go easy on you." She hummed, running her nose up the arch of his pointer finger. "So you'd better focus."
She pulled hard on the towel, looking up at him under her lashes.
"Got it?"
He nodded, face flushed. Mouth hanging slightly open, lost in lust.
"Words, wizard." She commanded, giving the towel another yank.
"Yes, saer."
"Good." She purred, finally pulling the towel away. A pillar already sitting against his belly.
"You do like being directed, don't you?" She smiled appreciatively at him, eyes sliding back up to his.
"Yes, very much." He hushed.
"On the bed, on your knees."
He climbed onto the mattress, rising on knees. Hands folded behind his back.
"Oh, already assuming the position? You are eager tonight." She chuckled, circling behind him. Dropping her robe in a silky pile on the floor in her wake. The dancing lights following her like a halo.
"Yes, very." He sighed.
"Hmm, I'm going to leave you untied. But you keep those hands behind your back, or I stop."
He whined, but his fingers clasped obediently anyway.
"I know!" She giggled, kneeling behind him. "You do love to touch me, but you offered."
She wrapped her hand around his overlapped wrists and pulled. His shoulders arching back, a soft groan woven into his hard breathing.
"You've made your bed, now you're going to lie in it. Aren't you?" She hissed.
He nodded, glazed eyes sliding over his shoulder.
She wound her hand roughly into his hair, pulling his head back in a yank.
"Words. I won't warn you again."
His mouth opened in a wanton pant, hips starting to rock.
"Yes, saer." He gasped.
"Never thought I would have to coax you to talk." She teased. Knee sliding between his thighs, knocking them further open in two strikes. "But here we are."
She pulled his hair back into a ponytail in her palm. Kissing along his shoulder. Other hand rising with a flat palm to his mouth.
His eyes danced uncertainly to hers.
Her closed fingers tapped in warning against his cheek.
"Spit. In my hand." She ordered.
He paused, breath hard.
She smiled, seeing his objection for what it was.
"You want me to hit you again, don't you?"
She cracked her hand against his cheek. He moaned, pushing his shoulders back.
"Bad boy." She whispered into the shell of his ear.
"Spit. Now."
He leaned forward, trailing saliva into her palm. Licking up the curve of her fingers.
"Oh, trying to please me?" She hummed, sliding her hips up to his hand.
"No need." She chirped, pulling his hands down. "Feel."
She pushed her cunt into his curled fingers. His hand scrambling back to cup and dip into her.
"Fuck..." He shuddered, fingers pulling into her arousal.
"I know, you get me so wet." She whispered.
His fingers started seeking out her clit behind him.
"I didn't say you could fuck me. Hands down."
"Aurum..." He moaned, voice already dropping into a beg. "Please let me."
"No." She grasped his cock in her slicked hand, eliciting a whine from low in his throat. Starting to pump tight strokes.
"I'm fucking you tonight."
He froze, his hips rocking into her hand of their own accord. Then dropped forward, pressing his chest to the mattress. Presenting his backside, angling his hips up to her.
"Oh!" She delighted, still wrenching wet strokes from him. "Very good boy!"
"Just for that, you can have your hands back."
He immediately rose one to brace above his head, leaning on a forearm. The other to cup behind her thigh, fingers pulling hard into the back of her leg.
"Thank you." He gasped.
"You're welcome." She leaned forward to kiss the dimples on his lower back. "You're so cute, do you know that? Such a sweetheart."
He turned his head against the mattress, a soft smile pulling along his beautifully flushed face.
"And focusing so well for me." She looked up at the lights still twirling above her head.
Her eyes lowered back on his dangerously.
"But I'm not nearly done with you."
Her hand paused on his cock.
He whimpered, hips trying to drive into her hand. She gripped his hip, hard.
He bit his lip, looking back at her with pleading eyes.
"Oh," She laughed. "Giving me those eyes. You know what you're doing, don't you?"
"You know what, keep your eyes on me." She called a mage hand, appearing at the dresser. Pulling the harness up to her open hand. "I want you to watch me put my cock in you."
His eyes went wide, cock throbbing hard into her stilled hand.
"Shoulders up, you can't see from down there." She smiled, hand leaving his cock to pull up on his chest.
He rose back into a sitting kneel, turning slightly to keep his eyes on her hands. She stood on her knees to tighten down the straps, humming happily as she took her time getting it adjusted to her hips.
"Aurum, please..." He huffed, his hand hovering over his leaking cock.
She raised an eyebrow at him, tightening down the last strap with a snap against her thigh.
"Patience is a virtue."
She pushed hard between his shoulder blades, coming down to purr in his ear.
"But you aren't a virtuous man, are you?"
"No." He gasped, her faux cock rubbing into his backside. "Please, I want your cock in me."
"And what do you need?" She pulled back on his hair, his neck arching open for her.
"I need you. I need you to fuck me. Fuck me full, until I cant think."
"That's going to make keeping your concentration very difficult." She smiled.
"Hey, I love you." She whispered, kissing his cheek sweetly.
He rose onto his elbow, leaning back to kiss her. Seeking desperately as she pulled away playfully.
"Sussur." He commanded. Their word for pause, that he wanted a moment outside of the scenario.
Her face went soft, leaning back down to him.
"Are you okay?" She hushed.
"I need to kiss you, come back to me."
She smiled, pressing back down into his sweet lips. Sliding so tenderly against hers, pulling a soft moan from her.
He cupped his hand up to the back of her head, fingers pressing into the curve of her neck. Breathing in hard through his nose.
She allowed him to pull her under him, pulling up on her waist. His kiss intoxicated her, chirping out little moans into his mouth. Tangling up into him, pulling and pushing. Need tying tight, his tongue and teeth slowly driving her into a maddening haze.
"Fuck, you're a good kisser." She gasped when he pulled away to give her breath.
"Only with you." He laughed. "Gods, Rosa. I want to devour you."
"I can tell." She sighed, looking up at him with glazed eyes.
"You look like an angel with those lights above you." He sighed, cupping her face.
She rolled her eyes and gave him a gentle smile when he huffed at her.
"Do you want to be on top?" She tilted her head at him.
"No." He smiled, eyelids lowering again. "I want you to fuck me into the mattress."
Her cunt clenched hard, mouth opening into a wanton part.
"Chianthor." He rumbled. The command to start the scenario again.
She flipped him onto his back, pushing his thighs up and pinning them under her knees. Grinding her faux cock into his.
His head fell back, huffing out a breath. Hips trying to grind up into hers.
"You look so good under me." She smiled, pushing a hand flat to his lower belly to force his hips down. "Boys should be on their backs, don't you think?"
He whimpered, eyes closing as she pushed hard into him.
"Oh, not talking anymore?" She pinched his nipple, rolling the bud in her fingers. "That's a shame. You usually have so much to say!"
"How will I know if you want to be my good little whore?"
His eyes flew open, precum spilling onto his belly. Face flushing in astonished desire.
"Ohhh, you really liked that." She smiled dangerously. "You want to be my dirty little slut, don't you?"
"Yes, dear gods, yes." He panted.
"You're going to take my cock, aren't you? Take all of it into your greedy cunt?"
"Yes, please-" He whimpered. "I want it so bad, saer."
"On your belly. Now." She growled.
He twisted under her, pushing his hips up into her. She sighed, snapping her hands down on the globes of his ass. Aligning behind him. Mage hand bringing her a bottle of oil that she lathered copiously onto the length and up his hole.
"You're going to fuck yourself on my cock." She planted a flat palm on his lower back. Gently leading his hips back. Pulling up on his throat to rise him against her chest. "Watch."
He twisted his face over his shoulder, slowly pushing her cock into him. Head falling forward in a tremor as it disappeared down into him.
"Good, go slow as you need." She rubbed his hips in soothing kneads. "Breath, baby."
His breath started back up, shoulders stretching out as he fell back forward on hands, pushing back. Seating himself to the base of her belly.
"That's all of it." She marveled. "Wow."
She saw the edge of a smile on his face. Bracing her legs into a wide stance.
"Begin." She commanded.
He began rocking back into her, tentatively at first. His ass slowly pushing to her hips.
"It's so sexy, watching you break yourself in." She smiled, grabbing his ass as he pushed back. "But you've done this before, haven't you?"
He nodded, letting out a whine. Hips starting to thrust back into her in earnest.
"Of course you have." She purred, gripping his hips as he picked up speed. "Only a good whore knows how to fuck into a cock like that."
She pulled up on his hair, hissing into his ear.
"Like a bitch in heat."
The lights sputtered out above her as he buckled forward onto his chest, ass still raised. Gasping loudly.
She smiled, reaching under him. "Did you cum?"
Her hand found him still hard, cock only slick with precum.
"No?" She hummed.
"Oh, I see..." She laughed. Driving her hips into him in one rolling thrust.
He moaned out, hands bracing next to his head.
"That's what you want, isn't it?" She rolled into him again.
He could only whimper, hips starting to fall down into the mattress as she thrusted into him in increasingly hard pulses. A chorus of choppy moans leaving him in time with each stroke.
She rose over him, locking her arms out under his shoulders. Snapping her hips down into him at a high angle.
His moans came out choked, head starting to loll.
"Thaaat's it." She drew her words in a long, satisfied hum, hips snapping faster. "I found it, didn't I?"
His hands gripped hard into the sheets, a deep shuddering starting to spread from his pelvis.
"Yes, yes," She breathed, bracing down on her hands. Driving hard into fast, rough pulses. "I feel that shake. You're going to cum hard for me, aren't you, baby?"
He nodded, face pulled into a tight grimace. Hands pulling desperately on her wrists. Bracing into himself.
"Come on, give it to me." She urged. "Make a mess, baby. I got you."
He cried out, pushing his shoulders up into a curl. Hips stuttering in choppy pulses.
She reached under him and pulled tight strokes on his cock, hips still driving into him. Pulling his orgasm to its highest crest by force.
He choked out pleading whimpers, hands scrambling above him. Hips rising up as cum drove out of him in hard strikes. Pressing his chest flat into the mattress. Crying out her name in half formed calls.
She marveled at the pool of cum under him as she slowed. Pulling the soiled sheet away and lowering his hips gently down to rest, kneading into them. Making to pull out of him.
His hand rose and pulled behind her thigh again, a silent request.
"Okay." She smiled, staying inside him. Leaning down to fold her arms on his back. Turning her head in the curve.
He reached back again, seeking her hands and twining them into his next to his head. Breath still utterly lost, gasping hard and shallow.
"Breath deep." She urged warmly. "Big full pulls."
She began her own deep breaths again, his picking up her rhythm. Chests rising and lowering in tandem.
She pulled the hair from his face, kissing his shoulder. Sliding her palms under his body to cup his chest.
Murmuring out against his back.
"Don't blame yourself for things you can't control. You are a great man, and I love you so dearly. I know it's hard to be kind to yourself, but please try not to treat someone I love so harshly, okay? It hurts my heart."
He buried his face in the pillow, turning his face from her.
"Hey," She hushed, rising from his back to slide under him. "Don't hide from me. Come here."
She pulled him to her, wrapping her arms and legs around him. His face smothering into her shoulder. Gripping to her, tears slipping down the back of her neck.
"That's it, let go." She whispered. Carding her fingers through his hair. "I'm right here. I'm here as long as you need."
"Thank you." He choked.
Taking a moment to ride the hitch of his breath, he whispered.
"Can you sing for me?"
"Of course." She smiled. Taking a breath in to call a sweet song that she had heard in a passing tavern out against his hair. Scratching soft lines into his scalp.
He relaxed into her, breath evening out slowly. Letting her sing him to sleep.
"The sweetest of all my visions
Paling to all the other dreams that I was given
I carried a bounty from the apple trees
To your caroling laughter in the kitchen"
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smallsies · 4 months
Audio Drama Sunday — May 26, 2024
It's been tragically long since I had the time to make one of these posts amidst the rise in jam chaos & other things over the last few weeks, but the event officially concluded yesterday with the release of 14 new pilots!!
In all honesty this event consumed most of my life so far this year, but I am incredibly excited to be on the other side of it - having released the first episode of my debut audio drama, @spacespeckspod as well ! - with so many wonderfully talented people. These shows are beyond incredible, so I just want to dedicate today to talking about them! (& I truthfully haven't listened to anything except jam shows as of late, lol)
@gavinswindowpod - "In-universe TTRPG" is always such a fun angle, and this show did a stellar job balancing the different directions that can take. Listening to the character's conversations feels very much like overhearing a group playing, all of the actors did an incredible job with that! & I'm looking forward to more in the future :)
@theichorousrotpod - Firstly, G knocked it out of the park with the music in this show, it's incredible. Secondly, "pathetic guy trapped by the horrors" is beloved and very well done, Sam is an incredibly talented writer and the cast did a stellar job bringing these characters to life. (I would let Dr. Yates perform top surgery on me etc etc.)
@thefinderskeeperpod - Beyond with being two of the nicest people ever, Lemon and Maddie's character dynamics in this was SUCH a joy to witness. "Grizzled old man & clueless newcomer walk into a bank, except there is something incredibly wrong with the bank teller" is spectacular, the sound design was, of course, spectacular, and I'm very excited to hear more.
@valdiviansfinest - Clear bias in saying this, but space shows are SO fun, and the Valdivian's Finest team did an amazing job showcasing all of the best parts of the genre. I don't have enough good things to say about this show, I love space Amazon and don't think the courier service has ever done anything wrong ever.
@working-tidal-pod - Taking points off for Louis spawning the "it's a comedy" joke that became a constant reference when we were listening to shows (/lh) BUT the writing is so funny, the sibling dynamic feels incredibly realistic and all of the actors are amazing and very talented. Feesh show has the potential to become a go-to comfort podcast, looking forward to hearing more!
@asbestos4president - This show is incredibly fun, "alien Twitch streamer" isn't a podcast I ever thought I would encounter, but the team did an absolutely fantastic job with their pilot. The writing is really funny in the classic aliens-misunderstanding-human-concepts way, with more modernized in-jokes that makes the characters feel very realistic!!
@beyondrepairpod - Extra props to this group as they were the event match team, with much less time to organize before scriptwriting, but managed to put together a stellar pilot. Hope was so well-done, the ship AI is VERY normal and you can absolutely trust them, shoutout to Pancake for their absolutely spectacular acting there!
@worldfusepodcast - These characters are incredibly charming and this world is so fun. Everything about this is just really well done; all of the actors were amazing, the writing is clever & easy to follow (& it's, of course, very fun that Ila is playing a detective :)!!) Looking forward to hearing more of this show!
@hello-are-you-there - Again, slight bias as I love a good apocalypse plot, but HAYT is a really fun radio show style podcast by a really lovely team. Aiden's moments of snark are great, Milo did a wonderful job bringing him to life amidst the bleakness of an end-of-the-world plot, & the inclusion of mythology is really well done!
@gobbpodblog - Magical zoo! Magical zoo!!! I love strange and unusual creatures and this team did an amazing job bringing them to life in this episode :D The animal ambiance at the start was really charming, and Prinxe & Caw were fantastic as Jake and Dr. Vermillian. Really excited to hear more!
Schrödinger's Pledge/@englewoodafterdark - As a college student I understand the implicit horrors of Greek life all too well (/lh.) The exploration of hazing practices and the normalization of them within those communities honestly is scary on its own, and the sound design really brings that to life in this pilot. Beyond excited to hear more Englewood After Dark later this year!
The Block - Fi was the only participant to make a solo show, and ended up with a spectacular example of what a one-person show can look like! I'm a little sad this podcast isn't continuing as they've introduced such an interesting concept and world here, but they did an outstanding job with the pilot.
Eart(h) FM - We listened to this one in the server the other night, & this show was definitely a lighthearted uptick from some of the other things we listened to, lol! It feels a bit silly to say a show about the end of the world is fun, but there is just so much hope and life this team managed to fit all in one episode, and the music is wonderful.
@spacespeckspod - I feel a bit awkward talking about my show, but I do want to say thank you to my lovely teammates who helped bring it to life! I appreciate all of you endlessly, and I'm really excited for the future of our little space show <3
If you want to check out these shows, they're all available on the Jam feed, & @aclickbaittitle has also started an (in-progress) Podchaser list of those with individual feeds!
Finally, an extra shoutout to the crowdfunder for Forged Bonds, @forgedbondspod which is still running & which you can check out here! Pine is such a wonderful member of the AD community, & (especially as a fellow classics enjoyer) I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with this show. If you have the means, you should absolutely go support them & their amazing podcast!!
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Silent Treatment
Miles normally don't get upset, he's a very forgiving person and is willing to let his anger fade out. BUT! When he does get upset, he will give anyone the silent treatment. Especially today when his boyfriend made him very upset.
Gwen and Pav noticed Hobie following Miles from a distant. They thought this was weird, because they are always side by side. Pav asked, "I wonder what happen?" He quietly gasps, "Did they broke up?"
"No, maybe Hobie is gonna surprise him." Gwen said to her friend, "But... why he's not scaring him already?"
The noticed Miles by himself, "Hey, where did Hobie go to?"
Hobie appeared behind the two, "Actually, mates... Miles' is giving me the silent treatment."
The two were startled causing Gwen to scream, "How did you get here?"
"Ahh, don't do that!" Pav shouted.
"Sorry..." Hobie mutters feeling all gloomy.
"Dude, what did you do to piss him off?" Gwen asked, with her arms crossed.
Pav nodded, "Yeah, he never gets mad."
"I... Hmm, how do I put this?" Hobie explains they had a fight about him bringing mud into Miles room through the window. It's a habit of the punker have dirty muddy boots, sometimes dragging a lot of mud through Miles' window leaving stains on his window seat.
Well, this time Miles got super upset because he told Hobie to clean his boots before entering! He just finished cleaning his room, which meant he scrub the stained window seat and window frames very clean. Took him a good thirty minutes or more. When he was finished everything look so much nicer.
Just then Hobie came through the fire escape window, stepping on the cleaned window seat with his dirty muddy boots. Miles came back to the room seeing the trail of mud after he finish scrubbing the floors! An anger that swept into the nineteen year old, that he told Hobie, why didn't he listen to him? Hobie merely stated he forgot.
Miles told to leave before he starts cursing the hell out of him. So Hobie thought his Sunflower would cool down for a day or two, but Miles had responded his text back. He felt upset, terrible... a little annoyed since he forgot.
"Ahhh, didn't you guys always have a fight about that, tho?" Gwen asked.
Pav nodded, "Yeah, I even wrote it on Spder So-City's Punkflower Blog. See!" He holds his Smartphone up to show his blog posts.
Hobie sighs, "I didn't think he would be so upset, and now he's ignoring me." He hunched over being depressed.
Gwen said, "Just go apologize. I would be mad too if I spend the whole time cleaning on my Saturday, then somebody messed it up."
"Yeah, Hobie. Just say your sorry."
"I'll try."
The three went to find Miles at Headquarters study hall, since a lot of Spider-heroes are teenagers, Miguel made a special place for them to study. The black Latino sat on one of the chairs with a large table while reading a book for his English class.
"There he is! Okay, go." Gwen whispers to her punker friend.
Hobie had cold feet. "Wow, you're never afraid." Pavitr gawks at him.
"It's just... it's just- what if he dumps me?" Hobie on all fours being on the ground looking pathetic.
"Oh come on! One fight isn't the end of the world!" The blond young woman picks him up, "Just go over there and talk." She pushes him toward Miles' direction. "Go!"
Pav nodded, "Yeah, go!"
Hobie stood a few steps behind Miles, then he hunched over in defeat. "OH COME ON! YOU DIDN'T SAY HELLO!" Gwen shouted out loud.
"Shhh!" All the younger Spider-heroes hushes her.
"Sorry." She whispers feeling embarrassed, then glares at Hobie.
Hobie casually went up to Miles trying to be cool. "Hey, luv." He said calmly.
Miles ignores him. Hobie hunch over the ground with all fours feeling so depressed his beloved Sunflower ignoring him. Pav being dumbfounded, "Wow, he really pissed off Miles, huh?"
"I guess so." Gwen said.
"Ahem, hey Sunflower!" This time Hobie said it loud and clear.
Miles ignores him again, a young Spider-man passes Miles, "Oh hey, Miles. Working hard?"
"Oh hey, Peter. Yeah, gotta catch up on my homework." Miles happily said.
"Say, who is that behind you?"
"Oh, no one." Miles smiles.
This send jabs into Hobie's heart. He quickly hugs Miles legs being all teary eye, "Sunflower! It's me, your baby!"
The young Spider-man looked confused, and Miles merely smile, "Don't worry about him. Anyway, I gotta finish reading."
"Okay, see ya later." His friend left to go back to studying the other side of the room.
Miles smiles then he looks at his boyfriend who's resting his head on his thigh, "Hobie..."
"I'm still mad at you." Miles huffs as he continues to give him the silent treatment.
Hobie whines, "Lllluuuuvvvvvv, please don't ignore me. I'm sorry! It was an accident. Pleeeaaassseeee, Sunflower!"
His boyfriend stays quiet still ignoring him, Hobie acted like Billie when she has her tantrums or fits. Good thing, he can handle it. Hobie kept saying, "I'm sorry, darling. I am! Do you need anything? I'll get you lunch or flowers or we can go to that Indian restaurant you always wanted to try in my world. I'll do anything for you! Anything."
"Anything?" Miles asked as he closed his book.
"I want you to leave me alone, Hobie. I'm still mad at you." Miles turns his head to him being serious.
"But darling!"
Miles ignores him with another huff. "Hmph."
Gwen said to Pav, "He's very mad at him, huh?"
"Yeah." Pav said.
Through out the evening, Hobie clingy on to Miles the whole time. He even slouches on Miles' back being dragging by him all around. Gwen and Pav watches how needy Hobie became for his boyfriend.
"I swear, Hobie was never like this." Gwen said.
"Yeah, he use to be all I-Don't-Give-A-Shit attitude and would walk away." Pav said in a tough voice. "Maybe they been together so long, y'know."
"Yeah, I agree. Hobie is more relaxed and always wants to make his boo happy." Gwen giggles. "But..." Their eyes saw how Hobie being depressed without Miles' attention.
"This is really sad..." Pavitr being lost for words.
Miles sighs look at his boyfriend on the ground, "Hobie, I told you to leave me alone."
"No!" He said in a childish manner. "I wanna talk about this. I said I was sorry." He pouts being upset.
Miles sighs then noticed other Spider-heroes looking at them. "Ugh, fine! Come on," He took his man's collar vest dragging him to a table in the courtyard up on HQ. Gwen and Pav follow with their own milkshakes for them and the gang.
"Well?" Miles asked his boyfriend.
"Darling, I'm sorry. I forgot to clean my boots. I didn't mean to."
Miles slurps his milkshake, "Okay."
"Okay, so that means you forgive me?"
"I'm still mad at you, Hobie. I told you many times to always clean your shoes," Miles pouts, "and you always forget. And I took my Saturday morning cleaning my room because I taken the day off as Spider-man! Once I finally made my room so clean, you put mud through the whole room like you didn't give a shit. That hurt my feelings. So, yeah I'm still pretty pissed off." He slurps his milkshake.
"Is there anything Hobie can do to fix it?" Pavitr asked.
Miles took a moment, "Hmmm."
Gwen giggles, "Come on, Miles. Look at your baby, he's been so depress without you."
Hobie hugging Miles being all sad and depress. "He's acting like Billie. He'll be fine." Miles said.
"Don't be cruel to me, luv. Let me make it up to you." Hobie frowns. "I am sorry."
"Well, you pissed off the wrong Latino, bae. So hmph." His beloved Sunflower giving him the silent treatment.
The silent treatment went on for three more days, and Hobie was able to lighten up Miles' mood by cleaning his room. He scrubs the dirty stained window seat and floors, while Billie watches having her sippy cup filled with juice. She made sure Hobie clean the floor spotless acting like the boss, "Oi. Oi." She uses a fake deep voice acting like a tough guy.
"Where did she leave that?" Hobie asked out loud as he scrubs Miles' floor.
Miles grins widely having to finish typing his book report, "She's watching One Piece with me, and Adobe Asobase."
Billie huffs, "Clean!" She commanded Hobie. "Baka!"
Miles laughs with amusement, "Wow, bae. You must really miss me, huh?"
"Your mood is better." Hobie smiles happily, but Billie shoot her web shooter at his face, "Darling, that's cheating."
"Clean." She demands being tough, "Baka!" Sipping her juice, she proudly grins at her big brother. "Good?"
"Yes, mi bebé! You're doing a great job." Miles smiles widely making his little sister happy. "Besides, she likes being in charge."
Billie giggles rushing over to her older brother's leg, "Up!"
"OKay, Boo-boo." Miles picks her up to snuggle her.
"Awe, what about me?" Hobie cutely pouts going over to snuggle with his Sunflower.
"No, baka!" Billie pats him away.
Miles giggles feeling his boyfriend's kisses on his cheek, "Fine, you get this chance, besides I'm not mad at you. But I still want you to finish cleaning up."
"Oh I will." Hobie blew raspberry kisses on his Miles' cheek.
"Ah, bae. That's gross." Miles giggles.
"I need to give you all the lost love from your cruel punishment, darling." Hobie buries his face into Miles' neck, somehow he found a way to have his Sunflower sit on his lap.
"Maybe next time listen to me." Miles said as a matter of fact.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hello Vodika!
I don't know if you still accept requests, but I wanted to send you one request. Would you do a story with Commander Neyo and Commander Bacara having a girlfriend in common? S/O who has two of the most harsh and cold commanders in GAR as boyfriends 😅, but with her beloved they are not like that anymore. It can be fluff, smut or spicy. Your choice. I wish you a nice day/night!
Dreams Can Come True
Summary: Having a boyfriend who is also a Commander for the GAR is an exercise in bad decision-making. Especially if he happens to be a clone. You’re not sure what having two Clone Commanders as boyfriends says about you as a person, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to care.
Pairing: Commander Neyo x F!Reader x Commander Bacara
Word Count: 1727
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @kimiheartblade @mire-draws-things
A/N: So when you sent this, you probably weren't expecting family fluff or domestic bliss, but I had an idea, and just had to write it. I hope you like it!
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Early mornings in your home are hectic. 
To be fair, early mornings in your home would be hectic even if you didn’t have two boyfriends who seem to make it their morning mission to be as clingy as possible. 
What with your six-year-old daughter that you have to bully and cajole to wake up and eat so you can get her off to school, and then the dogs need to be fed and watered and put outside, and then you need to make breakfast for yourself and your men.
And you need to do all of this before 8 am when you’re supposed to start working.
Honestly, at times, you wonder how your mother handled it.
“Mooooom!” Little Niko shouts from her bedroom at 7:30, “Bruno stole my shoe!”
“Stop yelling, Niko!” You call from the kitchen, where you’re in the process of making three lunches. A sandwich for Niko, and then leftovers from dinner last night for Neyo and Bacara. You’d make lunch for yourself at lunchtime.
A perk of working from home.
You hear little footsteps running down the hall, and Niko pokes her head into the kitchen. “Mom! My shoe!”
“You have other shoes, baby.”
“But I want that shoe. It matches the one on my bed.”
You sigh, “Alright. Let me finish the lunches and then I’ll help you get it from Bruno.”
“I have it, cyare.” Neyo says as he steps out of the bedroom you share with him and Bacara. He’s wearing casual clothes, and you glance at the calendar on the wall to check if he’s working today.
“Papa!” Niko runs over and hugs him tightly, giggling as he scoops her up and settles her on his hip, “Bruno took my shoe outside.” She says solemnly.
“Well, we better go find it.” Neyo replies before he drops a kiss to the top of her head, “Cyare, will you make me some caf?”
“Already brewing.” You reply as you gesture to the caf machine, which is just turning on.
He steps over to you and drops a kiss against your lips and when he pulls away he has the softest smile on his face, “You, my love, are an angel among women. Isn’t she Nik?”
“Yeah! Mom’s perfect!”
“All this for a little caf?” You joke, you wipe your hands on your apron and then kiss Niko’s forehead, before standing on your toes to kiss Neyo’s cheek, “Off you run. Better go find that shoe before he buries it and we need to buy another one.”
“Papa needs to put 5 credits in the bad language jar!” Niko declares.
“Yeah, papa.” You tease.
Neyo shoots you a look, though he looks amused. “After we find your shoe.” He sets Niko back on the ground, “Come on, Nik. Let’s see if we can hunt down the thieving miscreant.”
“Yeah! What’s a miscreant?” Niko asks as she follows Neyo out of the kitchen and out the back door.
You shake your head with a soft laugh and turn your attention back to the lunch prep. You almost don’t notice Bacara come out of the bedroom. Almost.
He shuffles into the kitchen, dressed in his sleep pants and nothing else, and immediately slides his arms around your waist from behind, burying his face in your neck.
“Good morning, handsome.”
He grunts a greeting, and you smother your laugh as you reach up to comb your fingers through his short curls. You feel him sigh and relax into you, though he’s careful to not lean too heavily on you.
“Did Niko wake you?”
“Mm,” He pulls his face away from your neck, “S’alright. She’s just a kid.”
“You can go back to bed, Cara.” You murmur, turning in his arms so you’re able to press your hand against his cheek, “You only got three hours of sleep.”
“And run the risk of not seeing Nik before she goes to school?” He asks, “Never.” He yawns widely, and drops his forehead to yours, “Don’t you have to work today?”
You shake your head, “We’re closed today. CEO is getting married, so the whole company is closed this week.”
“So I get you to myself all day?”
“Well, until you have to go to work this afternoon,” You correct with a small smile, “Master Mundi is expecting you this evening?”
“Mm-hmm,” He shifts so he’s able to rub his cheek against yours, “I think we’re getting deployed in the next couple of days.”
You sigh softly. They’re both going to be gone at the same time, again. Niko is going to be heartbroken. And so will you.
“I’m sorry, love.”
You shake your head, “I knew what I was getting into, Cara. No need to apologize. I’d like both you and Neyo home for dinner before you both leave though.”
He ghosts his lips against yours, “I’ll make it happen.”
“Good,” You trail your fingers against his jaw for a moment and then turn back to making lunch for everyone.
The backdoor slides open and Niko runs into the kitchen holding a chewed-up shoe, she looks very upset for half a second, and then forgets that she’s upset when she sees Bacara, “Daddy! You’re awake!”
“Did you think I wouldn’t see you off to school, Bug?” Bacara asks as he crouches to accept her hug, “What happened here?” He gestures to the shoe in her hand.
Niko pouts, “Bruno ate my shoe!”
“Well, that wasn’t very nice of him.”
“No! It wasn’t! And now I need a new outfit!”
“Well, we should hurry. You don’t want to miss the bus.” Bacara says, as he stands and ushers her towards her bedroom.
With Bacara no longer wrapped around you, Neyo slides into his place, and drops a kiss on the side of your neck, “Bruno’s fine. The shoe is fine too, it just needs to be washed.”
“You’re a godsend, Neyo.”
“I know,” He replies smugly.
You roll your eyes, “I changed my mind.”
“Too late.” He lightly nuzzles your neck, and then pulls back, “So, I was thinking.”
“This weekend is supposed to be nice. How would you feel about us inviting some of the Command Batch over for a cookout?”
“Mm…which ones?”
“Fox, Cody, Wolffe. Fox.”
“You already said him.”
“Yeah, I know. He’s based on planet, so we, Bacara and I, really want you and Niko to get to know him.”
He lightly pinches your waist, “We worry, cyare. It’s not like you have a massive support system.”
“You know, before I met you and Bacara, me and Niko got by just fine.”
“Well, the first time we met you spilled your tea and you burst into tears because you were so stressed, so excuse me for not believing you.” Neyo replies dryly. 
“But true.”
“I should make you make your own lunch.” You threaten, though he just laughs, kisses you, and releases you. 
“Nik! You’re going to miss the bus!”
“I’m coming!” Niko runs out of her bedroom dressed in a totally different outfit, and her hair pulled into a neat tail, “I’m ready!”
You shove Niko’s lunch into her lunch box and hand it to Neyo, who shoves it into her backpack. He then tosses the backpack to Bacara, who holds it out for Niko, “Bug, don’t forget your bag.”
“Got it! Bye, love you!” Niko shouts as she grabs her backpack and runs out the front door.
Neyo moves to the kitchen window to keep an eye on her, and the other kids, at the bus stop, while Bacara moves back into the kitchen to pour three mugs of caf.
He sets a mug next to you and drops a lingering kiss against the corner of your lips, and then he holds a mug out to his brother. “Caf, vod.” He says as he sets the mug on the counter, close enough that Neyo could grab it if he wanted.
“Thanks,” Neyo grabs the mug and takes a sip, his gaze locked on the kids outside, “So, cyare, what are your plans for the day?”
You shrug, “You both need some more casual clothes, so I’m going shopping. Plus, if you want a cookout this weekend, I need to grab some stuff for that.”
“Cookout?” Bacara asks.
“I want to introduce her to Fox.”
“Makes sense. Fox is good people, a bit crazy.”
You laugh softly, “Well, according to your brothers, you are both cold and harsh men. So I’m not sure I believe you.”
“We are harsh,” Neyo says, turning his gaze away from the window as the kids climb on the bus, “Just not with you and Nik.”
“So we’re special,” You tease.
“Yes.” Bacara replies seriously, “You are.” He brushes the back of his fingers against your cheek, and there is something soft in his gaze. “If you like, we can return to the bedroom and we can show you just how special you are.”
Your face heats, and you hear Neyo laugh, “After everything we’ve done together,” He murmurs, and you jump when you feel his warm lips against the back of your neck, “You still get so flustered with us.”
“Yeah, well—” You don’t have an excuse, so you just trail off.
Neyo glances at Bacara, and Bacara grins at his brother.
“You know…we’ve been thinking,” Neyo murmurs against your skin.
“Niko would be an amazing big sister…maybe it’s time we gave her a little sibling.” Bacara finishes. 
Your face flames and you’re, genuinely, speechless. 
Although, you wouldn’t be going through the pregnancy alone this time. And your boys seem to be doing their best to make sure that you have a support system this time around when they can’t be there.
So maybe a new pregnancy wouldn’t suck half as much as the last one.
“That’s not a no,” Bacara says, his voice gleeful.
“That look on her face says that she’s willing, and eager, vod.” Neyo agrees, his fingers sure as he tugs your apron off and gently herds you toward the bedroom.
You’re unable to help your giggle. This isn’t what you imagined your life would be like. But this is so much better. In fact, it’s like a dream come true. The best dream come true.
Besides, having another baby with curls and who looks like them would only make your family that much better, wouldn’t it?
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months
Fandom Friday--The Fanart Edition
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome back to another Fandom Friday.
The purpose of these entries, if you have not yet heard it, is to bring more visibility to art and stories that might otherwise go unnoticed on the Tumblr timeline, as well as to help the creators of such fanworks achieve more followers in the process.
Today is also the day where I feel as though I should make an important announcement, because it deals with future installments of this series and I don't want anybody to be surprised/shocked...:
Since the 10-link limit was starting to hold me back a bit too much, if not also cause me to only add art links when I really wanted to include fanfiction links as well...I'm going to start doing a total of 7 links for each medium in two separate entries, as I feel that I won't be leaving as many writers or artists out this way.
And so, without further delay...here are the fanart recommendations for this week!
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The Clone Wars Fanart--By @gorlicberd:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @dessinatsunset:
Tales Of The Jedi Fanart--By @thessbread:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @kzya111:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @bitterfishiesstuff:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @doodlingfoolishness:
Star Wars Rebels/Jurassic Park--By @swordbladeknight7:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget...this post will be continued in its second half: the Fanfiction Edition. Thank you, good morning, and I'll see you in the next post!
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The No Pressure Tag List: @musicalselaw @gun-roswell @callsign-denmark @melymigo @saphiranishimurashan
@theosb0rnway @hastalavistabyebye @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @vincili @tlmtwelve
@bbtechsimp @thatflatfrog @algo-o-nada @ankossss @tazmbc1
@yeehawgeek @tech-aficionado @exquisitesarcasm @korribanarchive @msknight10
@sharpasanaro @that-gay-jedi @badbatchposts @quietgingerfangirl @sunshinechildskywalker
@universitysunflowers @littlefeatherr @riverside-of-neverland @pastasmoothie @cyberscorch
@ilovemedia @cinnamonsugar-pretzel @brownielocks69 @here-comes-the-moose @skellymom
@lilithastar @maxims-multifandom-corner @serinzatravel-blog @rott1ngbra1n @snap-my-kneecaps and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting works around the fandom.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hello again, i’ve requested a few times (the feels and sweet nothing) and i was hoping i could request again? (i think i might add an emoji at the end bc i love your writing and will keep requesting as much as you allow ❤️❤️) anyway, i hope you’re doing well and things are going good.
i was wondering if i could request a buck fic where is partner is an artist and he finds a sketchbook of sketches of him and when he asks about it they talk about how pretty he is and how deserves to be appreciated and just making him feel super loved with it. thank you if you get to it and ofc no troubles if you don’t. take care 🥰
also is 🚒 good for a way to recognize me??
wasteland, baby! - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: omg you always have such creative ideas! i love receiving requests so always feel free :)) 🚒 = ❤️‍🔥 i also won’t be posting as frequently for the next few weeks due to finals, but after that i’ll be posting a ton!!
buck had come over to y/n’s apartment after his shift for dinner, and the scent of thick acrylic paint and primer had stung at his nostrils. he began to love the smell, as he knew that it meant she was around. he had let himself in with his key, taking in all of the perfectly placed plants and artwork on the walls.
she had a canvas that was almost complete, with just a few finishing touches. buck had walked over to it to examine. her talent was extraordinary. he knew it was out of this world, and the way she was so proud of her pieces his made his heart swell up with love.
“hi, buck!” y/n says, beginning to walk out of the hallway from her room to her art. she was wearing a pair of dark green pants and a white t-shirt which somehow complimented her beautifully. her face had small specks of blue and red on her cheeks and black and grey streaks on her shirt. “sorry it’s such a mess in here, but doesn’t this look great?”
“no, don’t worry about the mess, but how long did that take? it’s amazing!” buck stutters a big, not being able to comprehend how art like that could come out of her hands.
“thank you, love,” she replies, taking his belongings and placing them down for him. “how was work today? anything good?”
“just a normal old day, but you know it’s the 118.”
“it is never normal at the 118,” y/n smiles and gives him a cheek kiss before going to wipe her face off. buck goes to sit down in her living room on the couch, and she follows behind him with a quick change of shirt. she placed a small pizza in the oven to cook for them, and cuddled up next to him while they told each other stories about their day.
“it was wild, y/n,” buck starts. “i mean this woman literally rose from the dead after like 15 minutes, after being under a street. oh! you’re going to love this- and we saved some puppies in a sewer.”
“oh my god, are they ok?”
“they’re all fine, but i’m not sure if we are right now.”
“what do you mean?” she asks, slowly and carefully.
“you don’t smell something burning?”
she takes a deep inhale and looks over to her smokey kitchen. it wasn’t too bad, but definitely enough to make it inedible. “shit! fuck, i forgot about it!” she says, bouncing the pan up and down while trying not to burn herself.
y/n was busy discarding of the pizza when buck looked over at her with joy. he had a cheeky smile on his face and was laughing at the forgetfulness of both of them. he looked back down in front of him and the coffee table, and he saw a book that y/n always has on her. she brings it to work, to her family, anywhere she goes, she has it. it was her beloved sketchbook, filled with hundreds of small doodles and big pieces. buck has seen a lot of things in it, admiring each one before he comes across a bookmarked section.
when he flips the pages of the book, he notices that the person that is sketched and shaded looks particularly familiar. he makes note of the sharp nose and soft, but hard jaw. he sees the famous birthmark on the side of his face. he’s never looking right on, though. he’s always focused on something or has a light grin on his face. buck knows these are of him, but he doesn’t think he had any importance to be the top drawing in her book.
y/n walks back in to greet her boyfriend, “i think we might just have to ord-“ she looks at the sketches that she had put on that paper. a heat rose up into her face, reddening her cheeks and making her feel a sense of embarrassment.
“a-are these me?” buck asks, quietly. y/n nods, slowly, praying that she didn’t make him uncomfortable and that she will see him again tomorrow. “i-um..”
“you don’t have to say anything, buck. i never meant for you to see those and if you don’t like them, i’ll never do it again i swear. you just, you’re so beautiful, buck. and i love to draw beautiful things.”
“i just don’t know what to say, these are so good. i feel like you know me more than i know myself,” he says, chuckling a bit.
“you like ‘em?”
“i love them,” buck says.
“good, i just couldnt stop myself. you are always so pretty, no matter what and i want you to know that, so i tried to convey it through this. i was going to show you eventually, but i wanted to do more.”
“why me, though? you could draw anyone,” buck asks.
“no one else is you! you might have a pretty face and all but there is really nothing more beautiful than your soul. you are filled with so much love and sweetness and i’ve been dying to find a way to show you, because you are loved, evan. i love you and i wanted to put my two favorite things together. not a day goes by where i have anything but love for you.”
suddenly, the feeling in bucks chest is rising stronger, feeling like it’s going to burst. when it does, he has strong riptides of tears in his eyes. with a pure smile on his face, he passionately leaves a kiss on her lips, and he feels loved for the first time.
growing up, his parents never showed him love. he always begged for it from everyone he knew, and now he feels like it isn’t deserved. but someone, y/n made him feel like he will forever be worthy of love. and he will never forget how she fixed him for the best.
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gryficowa · 1 month
People entering popular tags and seeing my posts about boycotting:
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It follows that today (August 11) another strike begins (For Palestine) and lasts until August 18
Yes, my Internet is rebelling (I use mobile hispot via USB)
Unfortunately, this complicates sharing fundraising posts a bit, but hey, that's not the most important thing, so yeah
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I know, it's a trivial problem (Compared to the situation with fundraisers where I'm trying to increase the reach, which doesn't change the fact that it makes it a bit more difficult, seriously, my Internet often randomly stops working and it sucks, because if you want the collections to reach a larger number of people, this may make it difficult, especially if you do not have a charger very close to you, so you also have a limit on how long the battery can run before the laptop runs out of charge)
Unfortunately, many collections are empty or have stopped at a certain number and do not want to move forward :/
Now that I have your attention:
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
hello!!!! happy 500!!!! can I request #2 with gn MC for Simeon and Barbatos?
"i missed you."
your statement was barely above a murmur, voice muffled against his skin as you cuddled further into him. you could still feel the linger warmth on his skin from the everlasting daylight of the celestial realm, still smell the pleasant aroma that wafted through the heavenly fields on his clothes. the days stretched endlessly while your angel was away on business, but finally, finally, simeon had returned.
"i missed you too, love," he cooed, voice low and soft, endlessly fond for you and only you. "although, i must admit, if this is how you'll greet me when i return, maybe i'll find more reasons to travel to the celestial realm..."
"you wouldn't dare."
"is that so?"
"simeon..." you whined-- an effective warning not to toy with you, apparently, because the angel laughed.
"i'm only kidding. you know i don't like when we're apart."
"mmm, me too."
you cuddled closer into his arms, practically smothering him under your weight to dispel any future fantasies of him leaving you like that again. he welcomed your protests with open arms-- literally-- strong arm wrapped around your waist while the other rubbed soothing circles into your back.
the two of you savored the silence, your intertwined limbs and synched breathing becoming the only thing that mattered that evening. your heart is full. your angel has returned. there were stories to be shared about his duties and the adventures you went on waiting for his return. those could wait. right now, all you wanted was to feel his body on yours, feel his heart beat under your fingertips again-- to remind him what will always be waiting for him back home.
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it's go time.
when you open your eyes for the first time on that fateful morning, you felt like a kid on christmas. fuzzy socks helped you maximize your speed as you rushed through your morning routine. impatient hands began to multitask for you, smearing face wash and squeezing colorful toothpaste tubes to get you ready faster.
what exactly was so exciting today? today was, finally, the day that diavolo's business trip to the human world had come to an end. him and lucifer had been gone for the past week, leaving the castle quiet and your life dull.
more importantly, though: barbatos was arriving home today.
your beloved demon would be back, soon, and you were already running late. you scrambled through the house of lamentation and out the front door in record time. you'd become an expert by now at dodging the brother's interrogations, especially when it came to all the times you'd disappear to the demon castle to spend time with barbatos.
the staff of the castle knew you well. you were given the green light to loiter about, anxiously wringing your hands together in anticipation of their arrival. so when a portal finally opened in the main hall, you were there first, eyes wide, hoping to see the familiar faces you loved.
and, of course, you did. lord diavolo entered first, greeting you jovially, followed by a tired lucifer, with barbatos bringing up the rear and closing the portal behind them. you waited. patiently, in your opinion, but the slight smirk on lucifer's face made it clear you were a little too eager for the butler's attention.
finally, barbatos found his way to yourself, momentarily free of his responsibilities. his gaze was soft, focused only on you, green eyes drifting over your form like it had been too long since he'd last seen it.
"mc--" he said evenly, taking your hand in his, leaning over to press a kiss to your knuckles. he held your gaze as he straightened up-- and your hand, for a few extra moments, before letting it gently slip from his grasp.
"--i missed you."
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thank you so much for the well wishes! we hit (and have already blown past!) 500 followers as of last weekend and i am so incredibly proud. thank you all for being here and celebrating with me <3
[500 follower event masterlist] // [obey me masterlist]
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pfhwrittes · 3 months
Hello beloved friends! I'm posting something a bit different today so please bear with me.
Some of you already know but tomorrow (4th July 2024) is the General Election in the UK. So this is really a post for my UK followers.
If you're unsure/undecided you can use this website to compare various policies (the link will take you to voteforpolicies.org.uk). It is a completely impartial website that allows you to compare the policies from each party on whichever topics concern you the most.
If you want to vote tactically then I recommend this website (the link will take you to tactical.vote). This website has a bias in order to tactically vote out the Conservative (Tory) government and parties that are most likely to align themselves with the Conservative party after the General Election like the DUP and Reform UK in case of a Coalition Government being formed like in 2010.
If you've already decided on who to vote for, good for you! I wish you luck that the party you vote for does come into power and that the member of parliament you are voting for makes significant beneficial changes to your constituency (yes, even the parties I disagree with and the members of parliament I personally think are utter wankers).
Or alternatively you can ignore what this silly little fandom blog is saying and go about your day, the choice is entirely yours!
Personally, I hope that you do choose to vote tomorrow despite how inconvenient it is and despite how loudly various political parties and individuals are shouting currently.
P.S don't forget to bring your polling card and accepted form of ID to the polling station tomorrow!
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queerprayers · 4 months
1/2- Sorry if this is a weird ask. You're a person of sincere faith who doesn't judge and I'm desperate for outside opinions. I've recently learned that many modern tarot readers don't believe in divination or spirits, but rather that the images on the cards can help us think about things and bring out deeper ideas from our own subconscious. Zero future telling, only for self reflection. That sounds ok to me, and using the cards for visio divina has done really good things for my prayer life.
2/2- But still I worry- what if the more conservative types are right and all use of the cards is bad? What if it's displeasing to God? I beg and pray but I can't seem to find any peace or inner sense of guidance on the topic. Can you please pray for me, and share any wisdom you might have about this? Thank you so much.
Hello, beloved--I don't think this is weird at all! There's so much fearmongering among Christians about things being Satanic or pagan or whatever else, and it's important to not give into that panic while also taking our faith seriously.
None of the people I know who have been interested in tarot do it as a religious or really even spiritual practice--for most of them, it's been a fun thing, like getting your fortune read at a county fair, and it's not something to "believe in" so much as do and think about. I also know people who, as you said, find it useful for reflection, usually for finding new ways of looking at things. I'm not scared of tarot, and I don't think it's demonic.
Christian history is full of things like opening your Bible to a random page to see what God has in store for you or protecting yourself from evil spirits or saying a certain prayer so that a saint will do something for you. Everyone has these superstitious instincts, to find stories in chance, to not waste the few things that are in our control. I don't think there's inherent evil there--evil comes when we trust these things more than God, when we look in our own actions more than God's, when we think we can know the full story, when we try to pin God down. And I don't think superstition with Christian wrappings is any less superstitious, or any more truthful, to be honest.
A lot of people fearmongering about stuff like this are scared about where it might lead--that you'll end up somewhere chanting around a human sacrifice. And of course there are people who start with harmless religious experiences and end up in evil places--lots of Christians go to a potluck and end up believing in prosperity gospel and putting their kids in conversion therapy. But I don't hear you in danger of abandoning God or of harming anyone. And any religious practice can go too far, no matter how pure its roots. What you bring to the practice makes up most of whether you are reaching out toward God with it, and we can balance it with other traditions and other impulses.
In case someone's using the Bible to scare you: what the Bible tells us about fortune-telling/magic/communing with spirits is from a very specific Ancient Israelite perspective that I'm not qualified to unpack, but we don't find it an applicable worldview today. We have different ideas of how to live in community with other religions, and religious practices serve very different functions. We don't follow Ancient Israelite cultic practices--nor do modern Jewish people, for that matter. Christian practice has developed in the past two millennia in so many directions, and barely any of it would be recognizable to the Biblical authors. I obviously trust that God gave us these writings for a reason, and am not saying to ignore them--we can find useful ideas, but not a rule book.
The tarot deck most people know was created in 1909 by an occult secret society, who used symbols from Christianity and astrology. I think it's misguided to find truth in them as they exist, but neither do I think they're inherently evil--they're archetypes, stories. They're just human. I find occult secret societies generally more silly than demonic--although there is lots of racism/cultural appropriation in their histories. I respect those who avoid tarot based on its origins, just as I respect those who won't do yoga because it's a Hindu practice. But so many things come from non-Christian origins, and we cannot throw away the world if we want to live in community with it. (Yes, we are called to be set apart from the world as Christians, but also to love it--there is the line we must walk.)
There is real Biblical precedent for avoiding a practice associated with things outside of your faith--ancient Israelite religion was very concerned with these associations. Paul did not think meat that had originally been offered to pagan gods was sinful to eat, but basically advised people not to eat it because of how it would affect others or perhaps normalize idol worship. These are things we're continually navigating, and in any Christian community you're gonna have to be clear where your faith lies and probably answer some questions. I think it's a good thing that we're called to be purposeful, and to be aware how our actions affect others.
So my general advice would be to really think about it, to do it all purposefully, paying attention to how it affects your life, relationships, and practice, and whether it's bringing you to the life you know God wants from you (one of love). But this sounds like what you're already doing! I think you care more about this than most people I know, and you're coming to God genuinely--these are gifts.
Prayer is sensory, story-filled, interactive. It's a way of moving through the world. You say this has done good things for your prayer life, and I believe you. Contemplation is a major Christian prayer tradition. Anything can give us a new perspective, anything can shove us toward the truth. You're not causing harm, and neither are you abandoning your faith. There are other people navigating the same things as you--Contemplative Tarot is a book by a Catholic tarot practitioner, and it looks really interesting. I know people who have made their own tarot cards, and I wonder what that would look like with more intentional Christian symbolism/stories, even saints. Sometimes I pick a random prayer card to say--this is coincidence, and while it's not something I'm depending on, it does affect how my day goes.
Don't fall for anything or anyone that claims to know the ultimate truth, don't fall for the people who say that tarot has ancient Egyptian/kabbalah roots, don't fall for people who are just selling you things, don't believe anyone who tells you the truth is inside you if they aren't making clear that it's God that's living there, don't base your entire religious practice on something like this. But don't throw away a way of looking at things if God has led you through it. Don't put your life in the hands of cards, but move through your life with stories and new perspectives and contemplation. God's mercies are new every morning.
I don't know if I've given you peace--maybe just more questions. The good news is, you don't have to figure it all out now, and the bad news is you'll never figure it all out. Religious practice is a continuous dialogue and negotiation with the world. I have faith in you, and in the ways God is moving in your life. Bring Jesus with you, wherever you end up--he'll come regardless, of course, but see it happening. A man with a sword or a cup doesn't know your future, nor is he doing anything--but you know that. You're seeing more of the story, you're contemplating the wonders of God, you know the swords and cups that matter, and they are present with you, and seeing them everywhere is a gift.
Something my mother says before I start anything new, or go anywhere important--what she said when I went to the psych ward, and on the first days of school, and when I go to a protest--is "remember your baptism." I think my grandfather said it to her, too. I don't know whether you've been formally baptized, but remember your calling. Remember the beginning of your journey, and why you're still on it, and how you're being a representative of it. Remember your baptism, whatever that means to you. We have been marked with the cross of Christ forever.
<3 Johanna
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Hello! Can I request Fukuzawa Yukichi (BSD) and reader having a date during Tanabata festival? (that includes wearing yukatas, trying festival food, playing festival games, etc.) Thank you!
Hello Darling! My apologies for my absence. I hope you wouldn't mind if I added some....extra spice to your request?
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Following the events of the Cannibalism incident and the capture of Dostoevsky, the Armed Detective Agency seems to slowly regain its flow and antics. You can hear the loud noises coming from the office as you walk up to the door, fresh cut blouse and pencil skirt delicately hugging your body, but keeping all your inner beauty intact. As you open the door to the office, you are greeted by the chaos engulfing the room from Ranpo's and Dazai's poking fun, with Atsushi being the victim of their teasing.
"Oi, Atsushi! Have you gotten the sweets from the bakery I requested?" Ranpo demands, as a lollipop hangs from his mouth.
"Not yet Ranpo-san. There is a bit of paperwork I need to complete before I ca-"
"Nay~ Atsushi-kun! Can you please do my work as well? All these dealings with Fyodor and his little schemes have taken all my precious time from napping. Do you mind helping your senior, hm?" Dazai leans his head forward into his arm, giving Atsushi puppy eyes.
"Dazai-san, Kunikida-san specifically instructed you to tackle them. not m-"
"Yeah, yeah. But Kunikida is not here, so I am sure that he wouldn't mind this one time."
Before either of the elder men continued their torture on Atsushi, two metal clips were thrown at them, one hitting Dazai on the temple, and the other hitting Ranpo on the forehead.
"Hey! What the hell is your prob-" Ranpo loudly rambled bitterly, before noticing you standing, annoyance plastered on your face. A way of fear covers Ranpo, as he quickly silents his mouth from speaking any further.
Shifting his attention from Ranpo to you, Dazai slips a pleasant smile on his face.
"Good morning Belladonna Y/N-san! You look as exquisite as always. What do we own the pleasure, hm~?"
"Good morning to you too, Dazai. Mind explaining why I am witnessing harassment from the two seniors towards our young member?"
"Harassment? Oh, what a scandalous accusation! Me and Ranpo-san were merely teasing him, right Atsushi-kun?" Dazai turned to Atsushi, expecting him to agree with him. Taking a glance at you, Atsushi muttered, "If you expect me to defend you now, then you need to raise my payment buddy."
A low chuckle escapes your lips at the slow shock that enters Dazai's eyes. Before Dazai could counter with a smart remark, a baritone voice came from behind you.
"I see everyone is being productive today."
Turning your head, you noticed your beloved one standing behind you, a solemn expression resting on his features. Despite going through so much stress in the past couple of weeks, Fukuzawa never failed to look dazzling in your eyes. In fact, you would argue that all this danger for the sake of the safety and survival of the Armed Detective Agency has brought back the youthful danger that captured your heart long ago.
"Good morning President. Still practicing your assassin skills, hm?" You fully turned to Fukuzawa, tracing your eyes from his lips to his eyes, trying to notice the change in his stern look.
"One must always be aware of upcoming dangers. As a matter of fact, the recent events have shown how far the enemy is willing to sick low to fulfill their corrupt plans." Everyone at the office looked at him with serious expressions, the previous light atmosphere turning dimmed. Bringing his hands out of his sleeves to cough into his fist, he continued. "If you have time, please follow me to my office, Miss Y/N-san."
He turned his heel towards the door, walking towards the exit. You peeked your head to the side towards the boys, before glaring at Dazai and Ranpo, whispering, "Please get back to work before I decide to take off my gloves." Both men straightened out before silently nodding. Making fun Kunikida is one thing. Steering the President's mood with pranks is a possibility, but not high. But making you mad?
'Might as well let Yosano heal them for 12 hours or even be a victim of Mori's play dates with Elise.'
Giving all three a smile, you stroll behind Fukuzawa, leaving the office. As soon as you walk in through the President's office threshold and the door is closed, Fukuzawa wraps himself around you. Nuzzling his head into your neck, you can't help but smile. No matter how long you have been together, he continuously acts like a cat, but only to the one who holds his heart.
Though it is known that you and Fukuzawa have been together for a few years, the workplace doesn't allow for public displays of affection. Most people refer to you as big sister or Y/N-san, but to Fukuzawa, behind the closed doors and only under his gaze, his sunshine. With both of you being the "parents" of the Armed Detective Agency, finding moments of intimacy is rare, but they are cherished.
Pulling away his head from your neck, Fukuzawa brushes his hand through your hair, caressing the strands that fall off your side. The look he gives you reminds you of the lovesick look that Hades had toward Persephone, the blazing eyes that hold devotion for you and no one else.
"May I ask something, my sunshine?"
"Anything. You may share and ask anything on your mind."
A small grin grows on his lips at your sincerity.
"It would seem that I have neglected our time together, and with the recent attack from the demon Dostoevsky, I haven't taken time to show you my love for you properly." Taking a sigh, he follows with his speech. "There is a Tanabata festival happening tonight. Would you give me the honor to take you on a date, my sunshine?"
Deciding to tease a bit, you grinned, "You know it's not smart to ask rhetorical questions, right dear?"
Pulling a soft laughter, he spoke, "It would seem that Ranpo has been rubbing off on you."
"What could have possibly led you to such a conclusion Mr. Detective?"
Bringing your foreheads together, with your noses brushing slightly against one another, you can feel his warm breath on your lips, tugging you to close the space and letting your lips dance in a passionate kiss. Deciding to follow your instincts, you closed the gap, and let a smile form on your lips as what a small peck turned into a deep and ravishing kiss. Your hands tug on his yukata, as his brash and colossal hands squeeze your hips, as soft moans and groans escape both of your lips.
You quickly pull your lips before both of you do something unprofessional, letting the whole agency know what kind of beasts both you and Fukuzawa can be once both of you get turned on. You lift your hand to gently grasp his face, memorizing his facial features to your memory core.
"When and where is Tanabata festival going to be held?"
Trying to regain some composure, Fukuzawa answered, "On the outskirts of Yokohama, and 6:30 in the evening."
You lean forward, seemingly going for another kiss. However, only for you to bring your pointing finger up to his nose, "Boop." You whisper.
Taking a step back, you straightened your clothes, walking towards the door. There was so much work to complete and the promise of a date boosted your confidence to get it done quickly. As you pass through the door, you turn your head to your lover, smirking at him. "Can't wait for our date, my love." As soon as you say it, you close the door leaving Fukuzawa shocked and speechless. Only one thought flashes through his mind:
"This woman will be the death of me, I swear."
Getting ready for the festival, you decided to wear your light blue yukata, decorated with sakura petals, making it appear as if an image of flying petals was dancing on your skin. This was a present from Fukuzawa two years ago, as it reminded him of you, a fresh breath of spring that releases his soul from the gruesome past. You wrap a light pink Obi belt around your waist, smoothing out your outfit, and then finishing up with putting up your hair in a bun, with a hairpin holding it still.
Checking that everything looks good, you take your Kinchaku pouch, before taking a step out of your shared room, seeing Fukuzawa waiting for you at the hall entrance by the front door. He was wearing a dark grey yukata, in contrast to his usual green one, with a black Obi belt hugging his waist. As he hears you approach him, he lifts his gaze, only to have his eyes widen a fraction. You feel bashful under his gaze, lower your eyes to your feet, and blush creeping onto your cheeks. Suddenly, you feel him taking up your hand, only to bring it to his lips, placing a delicate kiss on it.
"You look astonishing, my sunshine."
"I should be saying it to you, my dear."
Gently moving your hand, Fukuzawa places your arm through his, locking it in a hook. "Shall we head out?"
"Lead the way!"
"Look, there is strawberry and mango dango milk! We got to try it!"
"Be careful, don't trip, my love."
As people were flooding the festival, laughter and joy began to radiate through every corner of the event. The vibrant decorations of the summer festival peaking in all directions. You can hear the shouts of vendors, excitedly selling their delicious snacks and drinks, children running through the crowd with toys in their hands, and couples taking pictures at the event.
Though you have only been here for 15 minutes, there was one main priority. Food. Get the best and fresh food before it sells out.
"So it seems that you were the one who taught Ranpo how to indulge in food more than activities in the event."
Turning your head back to Fukuzawa after paying for two dango milks - strawberry and mango, and matcha flavor - you returned to him, handing him one of the milks.
"C'mon as a detective, it best to get the freshest clues before they disappear." Fukuzawa took a sip of his dango milk as you continued, "I mean, how else would you explain how I got the best-looking assassin in all of Japan?" Fukuzawa almost choked on the beverage at your comment, with you giggling into your hand.
"You are saying some dangerous stuff, sunshine. You almost had me killed."
"Would that mean that I bested the best assassin?"
"I would gladly let you best me if it means I can see your radiant face first thing in the morning."
Blushing, you turned your head away, "Now I know who taught Dazai to smooth talk women."
Both of you laughed at your comment. You could feel how the world stopped as if only you and him existed in this vast world. The past couple of weeks have been hell for you, as you watched your lover being poisoned and injured, having to fight not only the leader of Port Mafia but also before that, deal with the Guild incident and protect Yokohama all at once. Yes, he may not played the key role in successfully stopping all those attacks, but to everyone in the Agency, he was the pillar that held everyone grounded. Without him, the Agency would crumble and lose hope.
Rather than lingering on sad memories, you grasped Fukuzawa's hand, leading him to gaming vendors, trying to piece the good memories into your mind. You spend the next couple of hours going from one vendor to another, checking out fun games, and trying out new food. Like Takoyaki with Pufferfish inside, which if you two are honest, was something.....unique and unforgettable, to say the least. Or blue cheese bubble tea that almost made you puke from the simple smell of it.
The sky darkened, and Fukuzawa decided to take your hand and lead you uphill, to a clear view of the sky away from the people. As you found the spot to settle down, Fukuzawa hugged your waist, leading your head onto his chest and placing his head on top of yours, as distant cheers could be heard beneath you. You let the silence befall you, enjoying every moment as the silver moon glooms above, lighting up the world in diamonds.
After some time passes, you break the silence, "Thank you for taking me for a wonderful date. I loved everything about it."
Fukuzawa hums in response, "I am glad I could make it up to you, sunshine. I know that times have been hard on us, but..." He raises his head, looking down at you with pure love in his orbs. "I am thankful that you are willing to stay with me despite everything that has been thrown at us. Please know that even though I put my years of assassination behind me, say the word and I will raise my sword for you in the blink of an eye." Feeling the seriousness covering his voice tone, you look up to him, a small smile gracing your lips.
"I know." You sighed. "Only you can keep my heart from losing its warmth because it's now your heart and I have yours."
Staring at each other, you let your bodies speak the words your mind can't capture properly. As your lips touched each other like ghosts, a booming sound came from in front of you, signaling the fireworks show starting up.
Truly a magical moment to end a good day and a great date.
From this point, NSFW material. Proceed with caution.
Just because you can see each other briefly every day, exchanging soft kisses here and there, doesn't mean that your bodies don't crave something more. Something primal. Something that blossoms the core of pure lust and desire in the human body.
Deeping the kiss, Fukuzawa trails his hands down to your supple breasts, grazing and massaging them in a rhythmic pattern. As you felt his hand pull on one of your breasts, you moaned, opening your mouth wider, only for Fukuzawa to let his tongue trail your mouth, licking every craving that he could. Slowly, he brings back his mouth, only sucking on your lower lip. Almost automatically, you raised your head giving him access to your neck, allowing Fukuzawa to lead a trail of wet kisses from your jaw to your collarbone. He licks a few spots on your neck, before pressing kisses on them. Each causes a moan to escape your lips.
Raising his lips, he whispers, "Such a silky skin, soft to the touch, and all mine. Would you mind if leave an essence on myself for every day I left you by yourself?"
You knew that this was his way of asking for your consent for him to continue. There was already throbbing hardness brushing against your thighs, such a veil creature should not exist, but your cunt is getting wet from upcoming sensations Fukuzawa's cock is going to send through your body. You whimper, stutter laced in your voice:
"You have to be a bit louder, kitten. I can't hear you over the roaming of the fireworks."
You muster all the sanity in your being before saying, "Yes. Please make me feel every inch of you in my body. I-I... beg you to fuck me till I can't walk without feeling you every step I take for the rest of my li-"
Before you could finish, Fukuzawa plunges a finger into your warm bottom lips, and wetness coats his finger, as he moves it in and out. A gasp leaves your lips, shivers spreading across your spine.
"Oh, it seems my kitten has been aching for me to properly fuck her senses out."
Fukuzawa pushes you gently on the ground, making sure you are comfortable, before proceeding with his ministration. Adding a second finger, he digs in and out, slowly curling it inside, until scissoring your insides. Your body is shaking from the pure adrenaline, as you feel yourself reaching your peak. Sensing it, Fukuzawa leans forward to your ear, whispering, "Let your pussy cum with sweet juices. But..." He picks up his pace roughly, "Only when I tell you, kitten."
The pressure was beginning to build up, until the pool of tears began to leak from your eyes, silently begging for Fukuzawa to let you cum.
"Since it's been a while since we did this, I will let you release. Now," his rasp voice deeps with lust, "Cum for me like a little slut you are."
And on that cue, you let your pussy come. Gasping from the pressure that was there inside your cunt, your high slowly dissolving. Until, you felt Fukuzawa shift his position, with him stationed between your thighs. He let out his pained and hardened dick, as it twitched from the relief of no longer being constrained by his underwear.
No matter how much you have fucked together, you will never get used to his size. He pumps his length, letting some friction coarse through it, before looking into your eyes.
"Are you sure you can handle it, sunshine?"
Nodding your head, you brought one of your hands to his cheek, caressing it gently. "I trust you to take care of me. I am all yours."
Shaking his head in acknowledgment, Fukuzawa pushed himself slowly into your pussy, making sure that every inch of you isn't lasting in pain for long. He knew that at first, it would hurt, but as you slowly adjusted to him, he proceeded to push forward, until every inch was inside your pussy. Letting your walls properly wrap his length for thirty seconds to fully grasp him in your insides, you softly muttered:
"You can move now."
Fukuzawa began to move in and out of you in a slow rhythm, ensuring that your body was feeling more pleasure than pain. As your body began to crave more friction, you grasped his back, digging your nails into his back, signaling for him to speed up. Taking the cue, Fukuzawa let his hips rock into you with stronger force, pistoling your insides to the point of making you squirt from immense pleasure. Feeling him getting close to releasing, he repositions you onto your knees and hands, moving aside your yukata to the side so he could have a look at your juicy round ass.
Following your request to make you feel him with every step you take, Fukuzawa knew that in this position he could hit your G-spot at the perfect angle, increasing pleasure that would travel through your body.
"Yukuchi~ I am going to cum! Please, I need to deeply inside my hungry pussy!"
He fastens himself, smashing and rearranging all of you inside, making your whimper and moan, like cock lover you are.
He mutters under his breath, "On my count, kitten." You rapidly nod your head.
He starts, "Three."
You continue, "Two."
And as the peak was seconds from spilling you sync your loud moan, "One!"
Semen explodes inside your clit, creaming all of your warm and stretched walls, till not a single drop is spared.
As both of you try to catch your breath, you move your head up, leaning your lips to Fukuzawa's. With your lips parted, there is only one question that lingers in both of your minds:
Another round?
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