#hi i just really miss dancing to great 80s music
vampirindergruft · 1 year
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elfven-blog · 1 year
All the damn vampires (1)
Summary: Recently moving to Santa Carla you may have finally found the perks.
Leon Kennedy x F!Reader A series based on the 1987 film ‘The Lost Boys’
CW: none for this chapter I believe, will be some in future (will be an 18+ series)
Word count: 1.3K
Dedicated to @nexysworld​ 
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You and your family had been living in Santa Carla for a few months now, your dad having dragged the entire family there for a better work opportunity and not even thinking about the consequences. Like how he rooted his family into the murder capital of the world. Great going, dad.
Okay so maybe the town wasn’t so bad if you ignored the massive hordes of children disappearing, there were some things to do for fun like the boardwalk you were walking down had rides and games, and on Fridays there was a free concert. Or that’s what your mother tried to tell you every time you complained of nothing to do. “I’ve been at that boardwalk every weekend, you’d think the prizes cluttering the house would tell you that” so maybe your voice was a bit snippy, but you had the right to be, after all it was becoming significantly harder to find a job in your specific career field when your miles away from anything else.
“I know okay, and I guess you could have also just moved out instead of coming here with us! You’re a grown adult, you don’t get to throw a tantrum like a child” from the tone of her voice, your mother was clearly just as annoyed as you. She was right, you could have stayed where you were and just moved out but then your parents would be all the way out here. And what about you? Left alone without anyone on the other side of the country.
The sky had started to darken, the music on the boardwalk changing from the upbeat family tunes to bass filled rave music. God you loved the 80s. You and your mother split from each other as she made her way to the place she had found work “I’ll see you later okay? See if you can find some work” with a nod you started making your way elsewhere. Your eyes followed the crowd making their way to the beach concert, your mouth pouting before you shook your head and moved on.
Most of the stores in the area didn’t really need any more staff, and your options were dwindling by the second. That feeling of frustration settled into your gut as you were rejected again. Your feet took you out of the shop and towards the fair rides, deciding to have a break before you got back to job hunting. The lights of the carousel were bright, the music loud as you made your way to sit on one of the horses, a smile brightening your face when the ride started to move.
You heard the squeals of laughter die down slightly, and a tense feeling settles in the air. With a frown you look around and that’s when you spot what’s caused this sudden change. Five boys have stepped onto the carousel, mischief filling their eyes as they look to cause chaos on the boardwalk tonight. The others you have seen before adorned in their unique outfits and often on the back of their bikes, but one of them is a new face. Golden hair and blue eyes, his leather jacket has a few adornments on it like Marco’s, but the rest of his clothes are relatively tame.
There is seemingly nothing interesting about him, but for some reason your eyes can’t be torn away from the grin on his face and your ears have tuned into the snicker leaving his mouth as the guard yells for them to leave. Your eyes follow him as you slip off the horse, leaving the carousel yourself as you watch them make their way through the crowd. Eyes flickering away when one of them nudges the new Blonde and he turns his head to look over his shoulder. A heat spreading across your cheeks.
When you look back, they’re already gone, and you kick yourself a little for missing the opportunity before shrugging your shoulders and making your way to where the concert was being held on the beach instead. The music flooding your ears and pumping the blood in your veins as you dance to it. It didn’t matter that there was so many other bodies around you, nor did the fact you were struggling to find work in this new place stay in your mind. It was just you and the rhythm; the vibes of the moment and the scent of alcohol was all just a part of the experience.
You lose yourself in the scene, ignoring everything around you as you throw yourself into this moment and focusing on how you feel right then. That is until someone knocks into you, sending you flying forward, and your hands reach out to steady yourself but finding no need to as arms wrap around your waist and hold you.
“You alright?” His voice is low and resounds right next to your ear as he pulls you to stand again. Your back presses against his back and you feel the leather of his jacket, but below that there’s nothing but muscle. Once situated upright, you leave his grasp and turn, eyes widening at the sight of the blonde from before. There’s still a grin on his lips as he looks at you, hands falling to his side, and you catch a glimpse of the rings adorning his fingers. The heat is back on your cheeks as you nod at him.
“Yea, thanks to you” It feels like there’s a blockage in your throat as you try to talk, mouth running dry at the way his eyes glaze over you before he’s looking you in the eyes again. And now he’s close you can see every detail in his face, even in the haze of the night you could memorise every inch. He gave you a wink before he started walking away, his arm somewhat outstretched as he walked backwards like he was beckoning you to follow him.
There was something in your gut telling you to not follow the stranger, but there’s fluttering in your stomach that outweighs it and you let him lead you off. Away from the crowds of people, and the music becomes a distance thumping as you stray together on the beach. Once your far enough away, the walking stops, and he turns to you. You watch the way the moonlight reflects of his jacket, hands moving to his jeans. It’s strange you think for a moment, there should be some warmth emanating from him but maybe it’s just the cold winds waving in from the sea.
The look in his eyes has changed slightly as a hand moves to twirl your hair, and your breath catches in your throat with how close he is. The scent of the sea cascades into your nose as the waves wash up close by, his voice coming out just as smooth as before “What’s a pretty girl like you doing all the way up here” there’s a curiosity in his tone and maybe something more that you can’t place.
You swallow before finding your voice “What everyone else is, I guess. A promising new start” Your words cause a chuckle to leave him, broad shoulders shaking as his face contorts. The need to have him laugh more wriggles into your thoughts.
“New promising start? In this shithole?” His tone is different now, colder and more tense as his eyes flash over to the horizon before moving back to the crowd where he nods, you head follows his gaze but you see nothing of note. He must have seen someone he knew, “Murder capital of the world…far cry from paradise, doll”.
That was the last thing he said before his thumb moves along the soft skin of your cheek, and then he’s moving away with a deep sigh. “You should be careful, wouldn’t want you being one of those faces on the cartons”.
You watch as he makes a path back to where you were, shoulders hunched as he moves. And you find yourself hoping to meet the blonde again.
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blacknwhitemood · 1 month
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Back side:
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Some details - behind the Iron Curtain:
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Made in Hungary with the original price:
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Catching Up With - inner paper cover:
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Black Celebration with But Not Tonight at the end (USA edition):
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Blue vinyl (German edition):
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Violator in French and the new edition inside:
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This is my DM vinyl album collection - so far. I also collect 7" singles, you can read about it in another post. These albums released in the "original" year in different countries like West Germany, U.S.A., France, Yugoslavia and Hungary. It shows well the age of Depeche Mode that some of these countries are no longer exist.
Original DM LPs are rare if I don't want to order them from eBay for a fortune and uncertain delivery. I must be lucky - and I was. I bought them from a website where buddies like me sell their used items, a guy regulary sends me e-mails about his duplicates, I'm really appreciated. There is a second hand music recording shop not far from my flat, I remember I went there first time in October to buy MFTM in blue version (haha, now I know how rare it is). The shop was crowded, sellers were busy, I was a bit nervous. One of the customers asked loudly over the LP heap "So where is that Depeche Mode you talked about?" I turned there, he was given MFTM by the shop owner. "I leave it here for now, someone will really need it" - he said and I went to him for the vinyl "I was coming exactly for this album, I'm not kidding. I'm buying this" - we were laughing, the owner said this LP had arrived to the shop 17 minutes before I got it.
Or I just find them in my mother's potato cellar (!) where my sister left them in the early 90s: the Hungarian version of MFTM, and Violator by Virgin Records. I had to wash some black mold off them… I found the original price sticker from 1987 (280 HUF - today it would cost 15,000 HUF) and Violator has sticker at the front in French "L'album inclus Personal Jesus & Enjoy the silence". These were my first DM experience in my childhood when I was prepearing to a music high school and I learnt all of those strange songs on piano.
Unfortinately two important studio albums are missing yet from the 80s: one of my favourite, Some Great Reward, I'm sure we will find each other one day. I could've bought Speak & Spell but only the American version, too much differences, I prefer the other one. My Black Celebration is American too, that means you can find one more song at the end of B side, But Not tonight - this song has never released in Europe. I also love my Catching Up With, because the cover is wow (I mean hot), and the inner paper cover is full of photos, this way they promoted the band in the States. This singles collection released only in the USA, this is the American version of The Singles 81→85 with 4 differences. And I need SOFAD and it' singles, I'm afraid it's gonna be a difficult advanture.
Basicly I don't want to keep 2 or more versions of the albums, beside MFTM Violator is duplicated in a funny reason. I went to Müller shopping soaps and while I was standing in line at the checkout and I got a sight of vinyls next to puffed corn. "What if there is DM?" There was. Violator, new edition that you can order all of the albums in any time. This was my very first DM album, I just couldn't leave it there, my heart was beating loudly. After this I've decided to collect original vinyls only, because they have souls. Decades ago someone bought it and listened to is with joy and perhaps he or she was in love with someone and went to a concert or a flat party and they were dancing… When I hold these old, crumpled albums in my hand I can feel the past. It makes me so happy.
A Broken Frame 1982 Made in Yugoslavia (Jugoton)
Construction Time Again 1983 Made in West Germany
Catching Up With Depeche Mode 1985 Made in U.S.A.
Black Celebration 1986 Made in U.S.A.
Music For The Masses 1987 Made in West Germany (blue vinyl)
Music For The Masses 1987 Made in Hungary (Gong)
Violator 1990 Made in France (Virgin)
Violator 2016 (new edition - Sony)
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the-boney-rolls · 3 months
The Great Covid Beatles Binge, Day 2: Give My Regards to Broad Street
Hoo boy, here we go!
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OK so we open with a stern/bored looking Paul stuck in traffic in the rain and it looks like he's spacing out... hey, Paul, are you starting to daydream? Paul? Is this whole movie about to be a dream, Paul? Oh god
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This silly little car! The computer, the carpet, the pool ball gear shift. It's giving the 80's car version of the Beatles house in Help! It's also giving hyper-masculine in a way that is, I'm sorry, not convincing.
This plot is already deeply inscrutable. Something about some missing tapes, a reformed criminal that Paul knows somehow and trusts for some reason, and some ominous business men. Something bad will happen at midnight if the tapes aren't found. OK!
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Ringo looks so cool and hot! That vest over that sick as hell dragon shirt. Yes. This scene is genuinely funny, too -- Ringo spends the entirety of "Here, There and Everywhere" and "Yesterday" searching through his mountains of drum equipment looking for brushes, only to find them too late. Apparently, the reason for this scene is that Ringo just didn't want to re-record old Beatles songs!
And now we have Paul, Ringo, George Martin and Geoff Emerick all together in a scene! Makes me think about how George Harrison apparently was a little miffed Paul didn't just call him to ask for filmmaking advice since it was something he had experience with. What could have been!
“Wanderlust” is such a great song, actually, damn.
“I’m not a bad boy, really. I’m just — er, manipulated” John??
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Now this is more like it! Surprise Linda in drag, hell yes!
I don't know why this scene is happening? It's a rehearsal for... something? But I'll take it. I love "Ballroom Dancing" and I love vaudeville Paul.
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I'm starting to feel like Paul's grandpa in AHDN, "so far, I've been in a train and a room, and a car and a room, and a room and a room." Did Paul's experience on that set define what a movie is to him? "Ah yes, a movie must include lots of transportation from one location to another and then some musical scenes." But dear, it worked because there were jokes! And all four of you to play off each other.
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I.......... what
This is Silly Love Songs, of all things!
Again, I don't know why this scene is happening in the context of the movie. Is it another rehearsal for something? A music video? Television special? Who knows, Yoko! But OK here we go, I sure am having fun! Linda is extremely into it. That slap bass kills. There's a Michael Jackson impersonator for some reason? Sure! It makes no sense but I love this man and his bizarre beautiful mind.
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So now we're doing band rehearsal in some kind of barn? Or abandoned warehouse? Or something? All of the plot of this movie seems to happen in dialog in cars en route to some ambiguous musical engagement.
“Do you think we can get some heat in here or are we practicing to be Canadians?” God bless you, Ringo.
“Should we try Not Such a Bad Boy” “Do we have to?” “Yeah” Bossy Paul bosses around a Beatle, we love to see it.
Is this song about him or John? 
The French horn player coming in late to record "For No One," inexplicably in a bright red motorcycle helmet, so late that he’s preparing up until right before the solo starts. Reminds me of that story of Ringo recording Hey Jude. But it also feels very symbolic of something. There are so many odd inscrutable details in this movie, it could almost be Lynchian in someone else's hands.
“We’re running, and running out of time too” It feels meaningful but I don't know how.
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Hello Mr. Darcy! Wow, can I have an entire movie that’s just this Victorian dream sequence? Can we go back in time and do a Beatles movie period piece, please??
The strings in this which are inspired by but are not quite "Eleanor Rigby" are lovely. Apparently this whole sequence is called "Eleanor's Dream," which implies that Paul is Eleanor. Make of that what you will, I suppose.
I like that Linda is a pants-wearing photographer in this period scene. Linda's gotta Linda.
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This strikes me as very Evil Beatles. Again, make of that what you will.
Barbara and Linda are acting the HELL out of this going over the waterfall scene damn.
I don't know, I could screen grab this entire segment, it's amazing, it's insane.
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But I can't gloss over Paul being horny for Ghost Horse Girl Linda. Incredible.
"That’s it you’re finished. What are you gonna do now?" Well ok at least this one is pretty obviously a reference to the critical reception of his career after the Beatles and again after John.
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"Uncle Jim" Ok so I guess this is supposed to be his dad, but what is the point of this scene? And why the monkey? The further I get into this film the more I feel like I am looking deep into this man's psyche but through the murkiest of windows. I'm here for the weird dream symbolism, Paul, but if you're gonna go that route, again go full Lynch and get even weirder.
Just the straight up original recording of "Band on the Run" feels out of place with all these re-records. I wonder why that choice.
His car license plate is "PM 1" That's right, baby, you're number 1.
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Another little cute but inconsequential day dream (presumably within the dream that is this entire movie). He looks like Roy Orbison here.
Oh ok Harry was just locked in a cupboard this whole time. So the whole "plot" was pointless. Cool cool cool.
Paul and Harry being giddy and laughing together is cute though, and it makes me wish that that relationship was fleshed out more. Who are they to each other, exactly??
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Yup it was all a dream. Love it, love that for us. Thanks, Paul.
OK so this was definitely barely a movie. There could have been something here, but I'll go back to what I said above -- I wish he'd gone weirder with the whole thing! And I wish Paul himself had been weirder. The character Paul is kind of a dud, just plodding along from place to place and only coming alive when he performs. It's like that Hawaiian shirt is supposed to be a stand in for characterization. But worth it for the music video scenes and for getting a tiny glimpse into Paul's psyche.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hello!! So idk if u watched descendants but theres a really cute but kinda cingry scene where the Prince sings the "Did i mention" song to Mal, can i have that scene where the mc sings that to Riddle and he's all shy and embarrased please?
Hi, thank you for the ask! I have never seen Descendants but I've heard of it and I'm a bit familiar with the story. I looked up the song and omg yeah it's so Disney 😭😭
Mc sings "Did I Mention" from Descendants to Riddle
That poor boy didn't even want to be at the spelldrive tournament because he wanted to study in his room for the exams next month but he was dragged out by Ace and Deuce.
He was going to leave during the halftime break, but everyone told him to stay because there was apparently a "surprise" that everyone needed him to watch. Sighing, he sat back down and closed his textbook that he brought with him to the game
Next thing he knows, a band just starts playing a song and there's like 80% of Heartslabyul students on the field including Cater and Trey. Everyone was going wild around him and he was just like "did I miss something"
Then he looks at the middle of the field. You're standing there, mic in hand and a whole crowd basically hyping you up as you begin singing. You're looking directly at him while you're saying things like "Did I mention that I'm in love with you?And did I mention there's nothing I can do"
Oh Great Seven his entire dorm wanted him to be there while you basically showered him with affection. In front of the ENTIRE SCHOOL. First of all, he's impressed that you could coordinate the chaos that is Night Raven College, but SECOND of all you can sing! You're doing some cheesy lines while dancing as if you're in some high school musical and people are just hyping him up around him
He's embarrassed, burying his face in his book and trying to shrink into himself. Too bad everyone can see his red face. He wants to tell you to stop but instead, he just laughs and smiles. It really moved him to see you so happy while singing but it also made him happy to hear how much you cared about him
There were times when he was worried about you though during the show. He hoped you weren't going to get kicked in the face as some students did backflips for example haha
You eventually made it towards him near the end of the song and leaned into him while saying the last lines of the song. By this point he had already caught your school uniform jacket and was trying to hide his face while Cater snapped a bunch of photos as he followed you with the other Heartslabyul students
Overall, expect the school to think that this was an epic halftime break and for Riddle to silent say "thank you" while trying to stifle his happy laugh. You thought he was so cute being flustered but he really thought you were the adorable one being so hyped in the field
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gertritude-art · 2 years
Progress Update!
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As promised, here is a progress update on DemonVN!  This is just a general update of what I've done (or, at least, can remember doing...) over the past month or so.
Character Sprites: I completely re-did all of Mordred and the Demon's sprites! They now have about 70-80 sprites between them, which is probably way too many, honestly.
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^mordred and the demon reaction to this distressing count
Along with them, I finally attempted a Lillie sprite redraw, and am in the process of fixing the anatomy of Catherine and Mr. Li (there are. Issues). I will show those all off in the next progress report, probably.
Item Sprites: with the addition of a few new item sprites, I believe that these are 100% complete, minus any last-minute additions!  great news: demonvn now has feet in it
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Mordred’s Journal Extras (Glossary, Journal Entries): I decided to add these in as a fun extra thing for the game!  The glossary covers in-game terms, and Mordred's journal entries detail some of his experiences moving to his new town. They're still in the process of being worked on, but we're getting there!
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In which Mordred tries to capture a demon, epically fails, and then gets himself possessed (shown above).
This section continues to be in development hell. Do not ask me how finished it is because I WILL start crying. The good news, though, is that I fully finished the section where Mordred has an evil monologue about much he wants to kill all his classmates! That doesn't seem like a lot, but it did involve a cg that took me way too long to draw for how simple it is + multiple new Mordred sprites.
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I also am currently working on revising some of the opening backgrounds a little bit! They're almost done.
Anyway, all the rest of my progress has been tearing my hair out trying and failing to write some sections of this, so let's move on!
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In which Mordred is forced to search for a demon at his high school homecoming dance.  
This middle section is currently a MESS of half-written/mostly written stuff that needs to be fully cobbled together, but the good news is that it IS getting written. Shout out to Stephanie and Catherine for having the worst sections by FAR to write... You would think they would be easy, but nope!!!!!
I have implemented a lot of the items, at the very least! Some of the writing around their use/getting them is missing, but they ARE there.
Also, other good news: the DJ booth background + Mr. Li's section is all basically done! He has a shocking amount of dialogue, actually, considering you can get him to comment on all five students in the game. I also drew up some expressions for him, but more need to be added :^)
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^Mr. Li pushed to his breaking point (looks mildly annoyed) after hearing Mordred verbally reenact a “i was born in the wrong generation” youtube music comment
Most of Rusty's writing is also complete!! Very happy with how he's being presented :^) Now I just need to work on those sprites...
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^Who’s this mysterious stranger with such a good taste in media...?  Just kidding.  It’s Rusty.
In which multiple different characters all come together at once in the stupidest way imaginable.
So, I can't really get into the details of the progress I made without spoiling stuff, but I did do some writing for this section! I made some changes to how I wanted the endgame to go, which have in turn changed certain parts of this section. Overall, I'm happy with how it's coming along! Cannot wait for the inevitable [REDACTED] call-out post as a result of their actions here
In which Mordred must deal with the consequences of his actions.
This outline for this section has been fully drafted, finally!!! who knew that changing it so that [REDACTED] would solve all the problems I was having with this + in various other sections. However, it is - for the most part - unwritten. Here's a section of the outline though
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Along with this, I started work on one of the endgame backgrounds + I drew some of the items I needed for this section! Obviously, though, I can't show them off.....
Hopefully self-explanatory, given the name.
I did a little bit of writing for this, but for the most part, I've left it alone. It will be completed at some other time...
Demonvn is currently at a whopping 35,000 words long (oh geez), and I would not be surprised if it was upwards of 40-45,000 by the time I get finished writing and editing everything. I remember when I thought it would be 1500-2000 max...
At the moment, my development is still slow, but it's being going at a steady pace at least! I still have no release date plans, and I don't think I will officially announce any until I am actually forcing people to beta test it.
Anyway, I'll put out another progress report on August 1! Lots of little things I need to work on before then, but my big goal is to finish at least ONE of the main sections. Who knows what that will be. Until then, I'll try to stay quiet on what I'm doing, but we'll see how well I can stick with that.
Anyway, talk to you guys later!
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gaywatch · 8 months
I need more music to listen, so unleash your reccomendations
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear I never get to talk about music enough so pardon me if I explode all over you
(Links are to songs that are both faves and good places for a newcomer to start.)
Taylor Swift - Yeah yeah she's a household name but no kidding, she has 10 albums spanning several genres and I can guarantee you that she has at least some songs that you will permanently add to your rotation. Google around for a good place to start and dive in (...or just ask me because I will gladly help you out).
Taemin - He's been known as 'the Michael Jackson of kpop' for years now, but what's wild is that he started at Michael and has since grown into a dancer and performer all his own. The only kpop artist I fully stan. His singles never. ever. miss.
Delta Rae - Incredible folk/country/Americana band from the state I live in with male and female vocalists. They are criminally underrated because they were liberal country artists before that was even remotely possible. Seen them live twice, met them twice, they are the most genuine people and outstanding artists.
Amanda Palmer - Originated as The Dresden Dolls, a duo that invented the 'punk cabaret' indie subgenre, and has been a solo artist for like 15 years at this point? Intense piano, intense lyrics, intense everything (the linked song is the anthem for girls with daddy issues). Objectively the most personal lyrics I've ever heard. Voice may take a second to adjust to. Not made for mainstream and doesn't want to be. One of the most important artists to me, personally.
Marianas Trench - Pop/punk perfection (but also simply genre chameleons) with a musical mastermind at its core. One of the best vocalists. Most albums end with an opus arrangement of the songs that came before and it's life changing.
Pink - People don't realize how powerful her vocals are and how incredible her lyricism can be. A pop icon. This bitch raised me, forever grateful.
Halsey - If all you know is Without Me and Closer, you haven't heard Halsey. Every album is outstanding but hopeless fountain kingdom doesn't have a single misplaced sound. It's pretty freakish actually.
Chvrches - Sheer and utter synthpop perfection, every single song. The one I linked is one of my favorite songs of all time, period.
MUNA - Queer girls making queer indie pop. Great lyrics, immaculate vibes. Recently opened for Taylor Swift on the Eras Tour, and well deserved.
The Midnight - 80s/90s synth like you can't even believe. Saxophone for days.
Imogen Heap - A genius and pop legend. Her greatest song was sampled in something god awful and got meme-d to death, I don't wanna talk about it. If a pop artist does breathy vocals, 95% chance they're doing it because of Imogen. She sang me happy birthday. Haven't been alive since.
Rina Sawayama - THIS BITCH. Falls under pop but never met a genre she couldn't master. Stayed in the game into her late twenties (which is geriatric by pop standards), when she finally blew up a bit. A variety of sounds, some of them strange, but all of them brilliant in one way or another (even if you don't personally vibe with it).
Troye Sivan - Twink icon whose first two albums were as gay as they were pop brilliance. I don't care much for his newest work, but you might.
Alice Merton - She's the girl with that Roots song from a few years back. Two albums now, both genius. Unique voice, varied sound but with a distinct Florence oomph to it.
Ava Max - UN. DER. RATE. D. Classic, anthemic pop. Vocals for DAYS. Music so infectious you have it on loop for days. So much more than Sweet but Psycho.
Kesha - I prefer recent Kesha to her classic dance pop madness, personally. She grew into an amazing artist who can blend her weird ass dance flavor with her more mature sounds in a way that doesn't really seem possible.
Bishop Briggs - Nobody has a voice like this. A sort pop/alternative vibe that can be anthemic as easily as it can be dark.
The Chicks - Icons for a reason. Their most recent album, written by the main lyricist after leaving her husband of 20 years for cheating on her left right and sideways, is one of the best break up albums of all time. Period.
The Civil Wars - They only lasted long enough to make two albums, but both are flawless. Nobody will ever harmonize quite like them. Folk/country in the most *beautiful* way possible.
Evanescence - 2000s rock with with a stunning female writer and vocalist whose melodies are simply beyond compare when we're talking about their stuff from 2003-2006. Goth, dramatic, hard hitting, cathartic.
Freya Ridings - Adele but make it a touch more contemporary. Gorgeous deep voice, lots of ballads but her up tempo stuff is just as good.
Billie Eilish - If you haven't heard her first album yet or her early EPs, you need to. Nobody that young should have that much of a grasp of music and her place in it.
Foxes - Underrated pop queen! I have yet to hear a bad song from her, but her latest album is quintessential synthpop mastery.
Jukebox the Ghost - Piano pop/rock. It's actually too much fun to listen to them, tbh.
Kelly Clarkson - Listen, her latest album follows directly after The Chicks' on the string of ultimate divorce albums we've gotten from pop icons lately. I've loved Kelly forever, but in bits and pieces. Her latest album is her strongest project to date, easily.
Labrinth - I do not comprehend what this genius does with music. Electronic, experimental, metaphorical, personal, just something else. Did the music for Euphoria, but his first solo album was an experience and a half.
Lorde - Everybody tells you to listen to Melodrama because you should.
Maisie Peters - Everybody calls everybody else 'the next Taylor Swift,' and they're wrong. It's this girl.
Marina and the Diamonds - SUCH a unique voice, lyrics that are way too smart for mainstream pop.
Patrick Wolfe - A deep-voiced violinist who released a pop album in 2011 that I still listen to because I'm a sucker for pop laced with classical instruments and it's just that good.
Owen Pallett - A higher-toned violinist with more of an indie approach, coming up with concepts and melodies that would go well with an A24 film.
Emilie Autumn - Violin-fueled industrial/pop/metal, often with Victorian leanings. Visceral lyrics on mental illness, depression, bipolar, suicidal ideation, sexual assault, sometimes with a satirical bent or through a historical lens. Voice might take a second to get used to, it's unique and she does unique things with it (including "ugly" sounds on purpose) but once it clicks it clicks hard. Opheliac and Fight Like A Girl are good starting places.
The Veronicas - Underrated (yet oddly influential?) pop icon twins from the early 2000s to now. Killer voices, KILLER pop.
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love-islike-abomb · 8 months
Renegade: part 3
Roman reigns x OC scarlet
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Gif credit: @romanreigns
Warnings: just romance, errors I may have missed
Tag list: @angelreigns444 @acknowledge-reigns
If you want to be tagged for future chapters please let me know❤️
The next day
Scarlet's POV
It was the day of our date. I texted Joe to see what time he was coming over.
Joe: roughly 630.you have plenty of time beautiful!😉
Scarlet: how did you- nevermind. Ok I'll see you in a few hours❤️
"That was weird" I thought but after a While i had pushed it out of my mind. I had a few things to do before I started getting ready. My kitchen needed cleaned. It looked horrible. Im.exhausted when I get home from work. What did you expect?
Once I finished the kitchen i went upstairs and got a shower drid myself off and got dressed. Something simple yet me...
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I finished getting ready just as the doorbell rang. I went downstairs and opened it to see a very handsome Joe standing there looking sexy like he always did!
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"Hey Scarlet! Wow you look nice! Love the Tina turner pumps by the way!" He said winking at me. "Nice leather jacket!" I said
"80s music?" He said. "it's Iggy pop!! Dont judge my retro loving arse!" I laughed getting up to dance and letting the music take over "come ere!" I said inviting him over to where I was. having a blast dancing like Cyndi laupner would. "I love to dance even if I look like a fool doing it" I smiled and shrugged.
"Come on let's get dinner going" he smiled.
Pulling things out of the bag I realized he bought Chicken Alfredo "one of my favorite foods" I smiled.
We made the base for the Alfredo and danced as the music played.
"Take on me!! Take me on"
"I havent heard a bunch of these songs in ages!" He smiled
"What can I say..I'm kinda retro!" I laughed
"Hey do you like broccoli in your Alfredo?" He asked
"I do! It's really good!"
"Chicken broccoli Alfredo?"
"That sounds delicious!"
"It's settled then!" He smiled.
About 20 minutes later dinner was doe and he set the pan on the table. It smelled a d looked delicious. I set the table and we sat down and grabbed what we wanted. Our conversation never stopped. We talked about everything from our families to our childhoods to work and future plans.
"This was really good but I'm so damn full!" I groaned.
"It really was good! I haven't had this much fun in a while" he smiled.
"Another good song" I said
"I- I live among the creatures of the night! I haven't got the will to try and fight.... Against a new tomorrow so I'll make myself believe it"
I stood up dancing around the living room and just enjoying myself. "You know the old saying of dance like no one's watching?" I asked
"I tend to live by that saying. Being yourself is so freeing! Not having to live up to people's expectations!" I said.
"I'm a soldier of love"
"Donny Osmond" he smiled
"Great song to dance to" I smiled grabbing his hand "come dance with me!"
"Like Thief in the night who can't get enough I am willing to fight cause I'm a soldier of love"
I smiled swaying my hips and enjoying the music. I hadn't been this happy in a while.
As the music played and we danced together the chemistry only kept growing. Sneaking a glance every so often to see the other smiling. "It's a state of the heart when your a soldier of love"
Our dancing slowed as we just looked at each other, my back to his chest. "Scarlet, you have the most beautiful brown eyes" he whispered. Looking from my eyes to my lips. "This very romantic" I smiled.
"Well you know I gotta be your soldier of love" he smirked.
I playfully smacked his shoulder.
"So cheesy!" I giggled
"I'm a hopeless romantic what can I say?
Just standing here dancing with you has been amazing. I don't want it to end"
"I don't either" I smiled.
The music suddenly brought is out of our trance.
"Is this love that I'm feeling?"
"White snake" I smiled "i forgot they were even on here"
"I think it is though" he said
"Think what is what?" I asked
"That this is love that I'm feeling" he smiled
I slowly looked up into his eyes and as the song said "is this the love that I've been searching for" I let his lips on mine. He was such an amazing kisser. It was soft yet needy like he'd been wanting to do it since he got here. I out my hands on either side of his face to deepen it. After a while he pulled away. "as much as i want this to continue I can't" I said.
"It's alright. I'm not gonna force you" he smiled.
"You're amazing" I smiled reaching up to touch his face. Grabbing my hand and bringing it to his lips "no you are! Everything about you is! The way you look at the world, the fun you have, and if we're being honest the way you away those hips when you're into a song!" He said wiggling his eyebrows.
I giggled "I'd be lying if I said I wasnt looking yesterday when you threw that guy out!"
He smiled "well before this gets to much further I should help clean up dinner"
"I forgot all about that" I said
"That tends to happen when you're enjoying yourself" he winked.
We sprayed the dishes off before putting them in the sink and cleaned the counter off. "I had a really good time tonight" he smiled
"Me to" I smiled back.
"I should get going though. I have to work in the morning and so do you"
"Don't remind me" I scoffed then laughed.
He chuckled "hey I could always bring lunch to your work if that'd be ok?"
"I would love that" I smiled. "Lunch is roughly around 1230"
"Well it's settled, I'll see you tomorrow!" He smiled.
"Have a good night" I smiled giving him one last kiss before closing the door.
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pmccleskey · 5 months
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-For many years I held many preconceived notions about Atlantis gay cruises. Of course I was worried I was not hot enough, slim enough, muscled enough, and I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the party people. Yet so many people have told me in the past few years that an Atlantis cruise can be like any other: what you make of it. You don’t have to go to dance parties, stay up all night, or be less than 10% body fat to enjoy yourself. And IF you do want to go to dance parties, there are plenty of them, with fun creative costumes, great music, and a sea of sexy beings, which I can verify from personal experience is NOT the case on any straight cruise I’ve been on. So my partner Santi and I decided to jump in and go. We had actually signed up for another we couldn’t go on, so the anticipation had been building for years now.
-Arriving at the cruise terminal, it was clear how different this week was going to be, as so many parts of the queer tribe trickled in with bubbles, lewks, and smiles. The Oasis of the Seas is enormous, with distinctive zones including a promenade which felt a little mall-like but was spacious and led to a boardwalk, a beautiful green park space spanning another deck, and of course the top decks with pools and hot tubs. The whole ship creates a giant queer space where people can show off and be radically self-expressive. The costumes people brought were so impressive, and most everyone brought great energy and friendliness to the cruise. Unfortunately the wind and a bit of rain prevented the first few days from being spent poolside, but it did allow us to spend time in the thermal spa and enjoy the welcome party (one of my favorites because it was in such a large space), dog tag tea dance, pink party, and neon party before we even got to a port. The first port was San Juan, and we hiked through the rain to see the fort. Despite my military service, I hate the war-like instinct of our past and present. We are so lucky to be able to live fairly freely in this moment and just be ourselves. -Gays being ourselves can be a lot, especially for those like me who tend toward being a little introverted, slightly socially awkward. During moments where the crowd and music was all too overwhelming, it was easy to just slip away, get fresh air, maybe a costume change or quiet moment in the cabin, then join the party again. I wish every dance party had the option of going downstairs to one’s room to enjoy a respite. Could we keep up with the younger and more hardcore EDM / party folks all week? Hell no! But I loved dipping into the party when it felt right, and dipping out when it was time. Fortunately Santi keeps me grounded. We didn’t go to every dance party, and we did get some rest. -That rest did allow us to go to some of the restaurants and see some shows. The sushi restaurant stood out with a fantastic truffled lobster sushi roll, and the chef’s table experience rivaled many celebrated Bay Area restaurants. (Kudos Chef Abigail) The rest of the food was fine, and we hadn’t planned on focusing on the food anyway. There could have had more bottom-friendly food with improved veggie options and whole grains and plant based proteins. But the SHOWS! OMG the Aqua 80 show (imagine ‘O’ on a smaller scale, on the back of a ship) was spectacular! They water danced and slack lined and flew in on wires with twisting rings, but the diving was my favorite. The 3-meter springboards were underutilized, but they impressively dove from about 10-meter and about 20-meters (from the highest part of the ship structure). No wonder they can’t do it in high winds. Really fearless and goofy but clearly skilled divers. It capped off a sweet date night with Santi. We missed the aerial show but did catch Alan Cummings perhaps workshopping part of his new show. I caught the tail end of the last night’s comedy show, including making merciless fun of folks (while covering up their names) from their Telegram posts during the week. I forgot the comedian’s name, but he truly hit the funny bone. We’re all ridiculous, so let’s laugh about it. Really loved this wild ride of a week. Thanks to all the sprites and nymphs and oceanids who made this trip Into the Deep one that will no doubt call us back to the queer seas very soon.
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
the idol episode 1 review
ok so… i watched it. it’s definitely a show, at least.
i will briefly talk first about my opinions on everyone else’s opinions:
i do not believe in the censorship of media. i think people can make whatever they want, even if i don’t personally enjoy or agree with it. maybe that’s a chronically online ao3 mentality shifting over to other arts, but i don’t think it’s a bad thing.
i think enforcing what can and cannot be made, and who can and cannot make certain things, is bullshit. i don’t agree with with that. i think sam levinson can make this type of show if he wants to, no matter my feelings on it (and oh boy do i have a lot of them.)
and i do not think a “boycott” will work at all. maybe this show will be cancelled, or get a production overhaul for season 2, but y’all… i know 70% of the people trying to boycott the idol also watch euphoria. and jesus christ stop saying people are demons if they watch the idol— guilting people over what they consume is stupid and does nothing to change conditions.
additionally, i want to talk about the drama behind the scenes:
i know all the drama. i think it was shitty to fire amy seimetz after she finished 80% of it, and it was shitty to scrap everything, and shitty to turn it into what it is now. not arguing that. it was a huge waste of the money, time, and effort of hundreds of people to bring sam levinson in and boot amy out.
sam levinson is also known to be a dick when directing. his sets on euphoria were hectic, his sets on the idol were hectic— the man needs to let more people help him in every step of filmmaking instead of hoarding everything to himself and believing he’s above collaboration.
and now for the actual review:
i’ll start with the highlights.
i think lily-rose depp did well. she wasn’t outstanding, but i think people are too harsh to say she’s this horrible actress. is she giving an emmy worthy performance? no, not really. but she wasn’t bad by any means.
the best actor there, however, is rachel sennott. she’s great in everything she’s in, so i’m not surprised at all. she plays the anxious assistant and concerned best friend very well. she’s as much as stand-out as she can be with such a bland script to go off of.
i will get into what i didn’t like about the main relationship later, but the scenes of jocelyn and tedeos dancing at the club was (mostly) pretty good. like i thought it was cute to start out, and then them talking at the bar at jocelyn’s house was pretty good. their dynamic is best when they’re having understated moments that aren’t rushing head-first into the plot too soon, if that makes sense.
i think that’s it.
now it’s time for the negatives… and there are a lot.
jocelyn’s music is boring. i feel they could’ve vocally trained lily-rose a bit more to make her singing more believable for a so-called pop star. the sound and production itself was very bland like her singing, and i can’t quite tell if that’s intentional or not.
the dance choreography had its good moments, but was mostly odd. they also kept in random shots of lily’s dancing looking very much Not Great despite the plot praising her dancing. they could’ve had her practice more too (i’m sorry if i’m being harsh, but it’s the truth! she’s not a singer or a dancer, so they should’ve trained her better to sell the story.)
the costumes, hair, and makeup was fine, but some of the outfits were strange and needlessly… sexy? like jocelyn wearing a thong and tiny bra that covers nothing during dance rehearsals is a bit extreme. it was a pretty outfit i guess, but absolutely not practical and clearly there to just be like Hey! Look How Hot Lily-Rose Depp Is!
the cinematography was… meh. i was underwhelmed. it wasn’t ugly, but i know sam can at least make visually beautiful shows, and he just didn’t do that here. he missed an opportunity to be praised for something.
i think the first half of the episode was marginally better than the second half, but generally it had pacing issues. it was TOO SLOW and then would also throw you into new scenes with no padding to soften the landing. i had no sense of what the timeframe was throughout this entire episode.
the editing didn’t help with the confusion. multiple shots were repeated. they would cut back and forth between scenes in different times in some weird montage sort of thing, which confused me a little as to what was happening, where they were going, and which timeline we were supposed to be following. but maybe that’s just me. i don’t know. i’m still confused.
plot wise, TOO FAST. the scenes were slow, but the plot was somehow advancing too fast. i didn’t have time to really invest in jocelyn as a character, let alone jocelyn and tedros’s relationship before they were pushed together like a child forcing their barbie dolls to kiss. i didn’t buy their dynamic of “romance.” as i said, there were 2 decent scenes, but those scenes didn’t last long enough and both ended with them making out instead of actually setting up the groundwork for their relationship.
i don’t think the weeknd did bad, but he wasn’t necessarily good either. a handful of his line deliveries were… questionable at best. i don’t know if this is purposeful, but he gave me creep vibes. other characters said he also weirded them out, so maybe that’s the point? i’m hoping that’s the point. please be the point.
and now about sex.
a very hot topic for this show, apparently.
i am not a prude by any means. i watch euphoria, and i watch game of thrones, and etc etc. i can handle sex and nudity, and i do think it can be a useful tool in storytelling. as i said before, i also do not believe in censorship, so put sex in your show or whatever. i don’t care.
big but.
i will critique this because i don’t believe in censorship :) freedom goes both ways
the sex scenes here felt out of place and unnecessary. they did not serve the story at all. they didn’t tell me anything about the characters. i honestly skimmed the sex scenes entirely because they were too long and not integrals
it’s not even that they were too graphic or anything, they were just confusing. like oh jocelyn and tedros are dancing— oh, now they’re making out? jocelyn got home for the club and oh! she’s suddenly masturbating. jocelyn and tedros are talking about music and wow! oh wow. now there’s temperature play and suffocation happening. point being: the sex scenes are too sudden with no real build up or purpose.
i feel with a story like this, explicit sex could work. but not like this. i feel the extreme nature of jocelyn and tedros’s intimacy should progress as the story goes on, and get more and more wild and dangerous as it becomes more obvious that jocelyn is being manipulated and preyed upon by the music industry. that would be a good use for sex scenes, but the way they’re used here— just sporadically thrown in for shock value and Edgy Points— is not only unsatisfying and uncomfortable, but also confusing and ultimately meaningless.
as for the nudity, i don’t think it was anywhere as bad as twitter made it seem. i’m chill with casual nudity, so her waking up without a shirt wasn’t really gratuitous to me, neither was her rarely wearing bras. i don’t care about that.
what i do care about when it comes to nudity is how the story portrays intimacy coordinators.
the characters get annoyed with the coordinator and lock him in a closet just because he wanted them to stop the photoshoot because there was undiscussed nudity that wasn’t in contracts. like the intimacy coordinator was right and the story treated him as if he was just annoying. i think that was strange for a story that’s supposedly about how women are taken advantage of and mistreated in the music industry.
also too much smoking!!! a pretentious amount of smoking!!! nearly every scenes, jocelyn was lighting up a cigarette. sometimes multiple within the span of one location and time. like girl put them down. i don’t need 12 shots of her lighting a cigarette.
final thoughts
the idol has undeniable potential, but all that potential was discarded and replaced with whatever this is. i can see the bones of what amy seimetz intended, but i can also see how sam levinson and the weeknd weakened the integrity of that.
it was quite frankly severely underwhelming and messy. it’s difficult to pinpoint what the story is and what we’re supposed to think about certain points of it, and it’s even harder to get a grip of who characters are and their motivations. it did a poor job of setting up the story, and instead chose to throw us in the deep end and hope we understand whatever the fuck is going on.
i’ll give the second episode a try just to see if i can comprehend what this show is trying to tell me, but i do not have high hopes at all. i believe it will be an unintelligible mess with a few rare gems thrown in (those gems courtesy of amy seimetz, of course), and will hopefully prove that sam levinson and the weeknd both need a fucking writers room and their egos checked.
i give it a 2.5/10. a 3/10 if i’m being nice.
it deserved the bare minimum 5 minute ovation at cannes.
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lovejustforaday · 5 months
2023 Year End List - #11
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El Diablo En El Cuerpo - Álex Anwandter
Main Genres: Synth Pop, Dance Pop
A decent sampling of: Electro-Disco, Synth Funk, Electro Pop
Yet another entry on the list that I discovered this year while looking for records from outside the Anglosphere. And again, it's another artist from Latino-America.
I already said this in an old review, so I'm just gonna reiterate my stance briefly again - the 21st century 80s synth pop revivalism wave has been very hit or miss. And I'm mostly talking about the stuff that very clearly is actually paying homage to 80s music, not just any artist who happens to make bleeps and bloops.
But yeah, hit or miss. Some of it is frankly very dull and uninspired, and makes me wanna just put on some classic Depeche Mode or Strawberry Switchblade instead.
But when it hits, it hits hard, somehow managing to justify this ""trend"" that's been going on far too long to even be considered a trend anymore. Let's face it - the whole 80s synth pop / synth funk / sophistopop sound is here to stay forever, and I think that's for the best, even if occasionally I get a little exhausted from the over-saturation.
Anyways, moving on to the artist.
Álex Andwandter is a queer Chilean alternative pop artist and director based out of Santiago. He's collaborated with one of my own favourites, fellow Chilean indie/alt pop artist Javiera Mena (who makes a guest appearance on this record!). The dude has been active for over a decade now, so again, I'm a bit late to the party. Cut me some slack; I'm a gringo.
Álex himself sings in a bright, chipper, falsetto-y tenor full of sunshine and rainbows, sounding every bit as colourful as the classic synthesizer sounds that he incorporates into his music, though he also has a more dark and seductive register that he often injects into his steamier dance songs.
El Diablo En El Cuerpo ("The Devil in the Body"), his latest offering and my first introduction to his discography, is classic dancey, funky synth pop with a lot of sincerity and a few pinches of homoerotic mystique sprinkled in here and there. A very indulgent record for you to just lose yourself in the glitter and glam of it all. Basically, this is some utopian gay space shit (shout out to those who get the meme) and I am here for it.
Nothing could prepare me for the tantalizing and straight-up badass electro-disco thunderstorm that is "Qué piensas hacer sin mi amor?" ("What do you think you will do without my love?"). Anwandter channels Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, and Donna Summer all at once on this fierce juggernaut that's absolutely soaking with erotic tension. Puts me right in the middle of the dimmest, sweatiest fucking over-crowded dancefloor in some sleazy ass gay bar on a goth night at 1:00 am, and I'm too drunk to feel anything except the pounding pulse of the rhythm and the arousal of strangers rubbing up against me....ahem, is it hot in here? Anyways, eat your heart out Troye Sivan ("Rush" is great too, I'm mostly just memeing).
In contrast, the following track "Precipicio" ("Precipice") gives off a very 'classy' vibe - more cocktail dresses and glowing white LED dancefloors, less BDSM goth fetish gear and sweaty dankness. Some nice, sexy funky horns on this one that really brings the whole thing together. I also LIVE for Álex's sassy twink diva vibes all over this track; gets me almost as h-word as the previous track.
"Toda la noche" ("All Night") is anthemic synth funk that's giving a little bit of INXS. Groovy and life-affirming feel good shit that I would snort if I could. I want this to be the soundtrack of my own silly little 80s romance that's all about being young in the big city.
"Vamos de nuevo" ("Let's Go Again") is less of a nocturnal dancefloor number, and more something you might skip along to down the sidewalk on a sun shower summer's day with your hot pink Sony Walkman. Gorgeous upbeat vibraphone and detuned synth keys providing a backdrop for foolishly lovesick lyrics. My other favourite cut off the album, after the obvious one.
At the end of the day, the record is definitely a bit frontloaded, and it wears me out a little bit with its sixteen tracks in total. I understand this is probably meant to be the kind of record you play late at night when you're ready to get wasted and dance your heart out until you pass out; I just think it could be sequenced to have more of the outright bangers towards the end. But putting that aside, this was my second favourite dance record in a very stacked year for dance records, and it's certainly my favourite on the more disco/house/funky/electro-y end of the spectrum. El Diablo En El Cuerpo is simple, hot, memorable fun with a lot of exquisite taste. I can't imagine anyone in my own life that I couldn't successfully recommend this album to. So go on, embrace your inner gay synth pop twink.
Highlights: "Qué piensas hacer sin mi amor?", "Vamos de nuevo", "Precipicio", "Toda la noche", "Tienes una idea muy antigua del amor", "prediciendo la runa", "Unx de nosotrxs (feat. Javiera Mena)"
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macaroni-rascal · 8 months
Okay, here comes the ice dance roast.
I'm calling this first team Olivia and a Half, because dude is barely there. I liked her previous costume too but she's also a smokeshow in this one. I'm convinced they're putting her in distracting costumes so we won't be looking at Tim, who desperately needs to discover that there's an audience there that he should be projecting to. Good outing, but it made me miss Adrian.
I'd give anything for Katerina's skirt lengths not to give me anxiety for one (1) season, and now she's added a long ponytail as well - why does she hate me so? These costumes are giving 2000s more than 80s. They desperately need our mother hen Madison Hubbell to take them under her wing, these unpointed toe kicks are not it.
Why are the Browns skating in what are essentially practice outfits to the famously flamboyant Elton John? Give these talented children funding! Otherwise they slayed, which is why I'm annoyed at the packaging. Best sibling team here, I said what I said.
HanYe with the costumes of the event and possibly the field. Only guy with an actual outfit. I wish her sleeves were attached to the bodice more in the front, we don't need armpit cleavage, but other than that, best dressed. Levels were oof. IAM needs to leave their teams with Paul Mac over the summer to learn how to execute their turns, they've got pretty much everything else figured out.
Holly and Jason looking hot af. I prefer her golden butt to Olivia's in the free. His corset-y mesh top - cunty af. Her bodysuit seems very intricate up close, but I wish that same level of attention went into getting their levels.
Taschlers look okay for a European team and the costumes are accurate for the music choice, but why oh why is the cutout on the side of his stomach round instead of matching her pointed one? Love their attack and unison but wish them better programs moving forward.
I actually like this French team this season and I hate that for me. His boatneck I'll allow because he isn't a broad boye but I'm not quite sure what his top has to do with the 80s. Her outfit is cute but I wish she'd move on from the Slutskaya cut and the henna dyejob to a more contemporary pixie or bob or something, they need to look more polished because they are indeed very trained and technically strong.
Marjo and Zak - my loves. The only ones I genuinely care about, not gonna lie. Seemingly the only team that read the ISU Communication on the theme this year. Fantastic campy costumes, killer performance ability, couldn't take my eyes off them. Noticed in the warmup that the costume designer shaded his butt crack as well and for that, that mofo need Jesus. They need to sort their levels situation out because they're the stars of the discipline, really, but we're not allowed to talk about that just yet (🤫).
Now for the crime of the night - the grand larceny that was Green/Parsons' score. They were the strongest team here across the board, they're the most complete all around, and I was fuming when I saw 4th. They def need to rework the cut but I like this better than the Paula, it suits them, the costumes weren't revolutionary but they both looked fine af. I know he's old enough to be her great uncle but at the same time I don't want them with lesser partners. The judges went out of their fucking way to prevent last year's situation when H/B (let's be honest) obliterated C/B. Maybe if G/Pa weren't coached by human silver medal and Canadian trophy husband Charlie Allen White, they wouldn't be in this mess.
And now for the grand finale - I'm dispatching a firing squad for the tech panel because are you seriously telling me that this team that graduated with honors from the Diana Davis School of Edgework is best-in-class??? And I can see what she was trying to do with the dress but she didn't quite nail it, the front is awkward, the mid-buttcheek zipper-like split in the back is a choice, and the skirt flaps around awkwardly. Meanwhile, Evan's outfit is just low-effort and perfunctory. They should've just put him in a white tank top and lightwash jeans to highlight his white basicness, since he wears her like a jacket for most of their programs anyway, it would've been apropos. They were out-skated but most of the teams here, they had no energy, speed, power or ice coverage, and to top it all off, they were on the edge of disaster in the lift again, and that was the only edge they were on the entire program. They deserve a surprise P/C comeback at this point, I can't take this anymore.
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A masterpiece of a roast.
Anon, I want you to know I got three OTHER anons that were excited to hear about your fashion opinions.
Olivia and a Half is beyond correct, I can forget he's there if I squint, and I enjoy the program so much more. I honestly don't think the Browns have ever had a good costume, and that's a damn shame. If Paul MacIntosh cam to IAM, I would cheer for years, they really need a kick in the ass in terms of tech, and quickly. Holly looks so good in that gold outfit, it's wILD. French team I can't even get into, they are never not So Deeply French Looking. You are spot on with G/Pa, they do not deserve to be sitting in 5th right now. I also can't even get into C/B, cause it's just Too Much at the moment when I'm trying to switch into women mode for the short program that starts in 5 minutes.
Anon, you're a damn icon.
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suugrbunz · 1 year
hi girly!!
1. love love your stuff
2. hope you’re doing well fr
3. could i pls request a bob ship?
appearance wise i’m 5’5 with an average build. ngl i’m a little heavy on the top iykwim so my back always hurts fr. LOL anyways i have blue/green eyes and brown hair that has like goldfish highlights in the sun. i’m half asian half white so do with that what you will. i’m pretty pale honestly oh and my hair is long, like almost to my butt long. id like to think i have a nice smile lol and i love making a pouty face, it’s just so fun.
personality wise i’m an ENFP-T so i’m naturally extroverted and outgoing. i make friends wherever i go and i’m a great people person. i can hold conversations with really anyone and people always tell me i’m very mature and good with adults and older people. i’m also a 2w3 so i tend to be a bit of a people pleaser. i naturally am drawn to leadership positions and taking charge but when i do i often over extend myself trying to accommodate everyone and their every need. i am a generally funny person. sometimes i make a joke that goes too far but i love making others laugh. i also am always complimenting people. i can be insecure myself but i love making others feel good.
i can get into a mood very easily tho. i do my best to hide it but i am very busy so i am not always the greatest in the morning and if i spend too much time around certain people i get cranky. i don’t snap nearly as much as i used too but my friends can tell when something’s off. i hate getting in those moods where im sulking but it happens sometimes. usually after some joking around or spending time with other people i snap out of it. what can i say im stubborn.
i love being involved in school. student council, SPIRIT WEEK, choir, clubs— all that jazz. i’m a pretty good student yk like i have a good rep at school and am pretty well known. i am also a theater kid. i know im sorry. i have been singing for a really long time and it’s like my thing.
i love you sing, dance, act, read, write, listen to music, shop, and spend time with people. my love language is for sure quality time but i do love words of affirmation. i often get called an “old soul” because i am very sentimental with old school values and i am drawn to anything 40s-90s. i am a die hard 80s music and movie fan and my friends think it’s funny im so obsessed with the classics (if you couldnt tell i am a history and english nerd, my close friend calls me her “favorite history buff”) but yeah i love spending time with others. me and my dad bond over watching movies together and listening to music and you bet im the life of the party wherever i go. always the first to do or initiate something, jumping onto the dance floor first and being the last too leave — i don’t like missing out so i take all the chances i can.
anyways i hope that’s enough info and i’m sorry if that’s too much or i rambled. honestly id be grateful if you even read up to this point. if you get a chance to write a ship i would really appreciate it but if not i totally understand!! no pressure whatsoever. thank you bestie boo :)💛💛
I've not felt quite that happy in the past week for numerous reasons. I think with time I'll be fine. Dumb memories, yknow? I know what you mean I'm heavy on top as well lmao. I like the way you speak. You seem really exciting. Thanks for the request
here's your ship!! (🚢)
꒰ I ship you with . . . Floyd Talbert ৎ୭ ꒱
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A mutual friend decided to hold a party that was themed to a 1950s sock hop. Dancing to 1950s music was an ideal situation for you especially with the fashion you'd dawn. It seems absolutely perfect, right?
In the corner of the dance hall, he kept glancing at your. Sure, he could probably dance with anyone he'd want to but he had formed a soft spot for you. Even if he didn't know you. Something about your energy was so lovely.
He fell from the start, something about you was... Well, he couldn't put his finger on it but he knew you two were meant to have a relationship... Even if he has some red flags (he comes off a bit player-ish but it's ok)
Your first date is shortly after your first meeting; The way you two met was romantic and by the end of the night had been obviously flirting. So, he asked for your number and when it'd be best to call you.
You two ended up planning the date at the local mall; There's an arcade and theatre nearby, plus mall food. So you two can window shop, go play games, or maybe watch a movie. Maybe all of the above. It seems quite wholesome.
Floyd kissed you goodnight, it wasn't on the lips. That'd be too much at a far too quick rate. He kissed your forehead and for a moment you saw him blush. It's been quite clear he isn't shy, but hey, he's got a soft spot for you. And he can't hide blush.
Your second first kiss— aka your real first kiss...
You initiated it. You gave his lips a quick peck at the end of one of your dates. He was awestruck by the feelings that fluttered around his stomach. You were everything he wanted to fall in love with. You're the measure of his dreams.
The song that represents you two is ; I Saw Her Standing There by The Beatles (pretty cute for you two <3)
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sallysgrancanwrite · 1 year
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Chapter Thirteen
As Michael and Chloe drove back home from breakfast he told her he hoped she knew how much he loved her.
“Yes, Michael I do. You tell me often that you love me. I love you too. That’s why it hurts when you do things like purposely miss a party just to hurt me.”
Michael sighed,”Yes I know, that was a stupid and selfish thing to do. I’m sorry Chloe that I hurt you. It won’t happen again. I’ve done great in my therapy I just had a bad moment. Forgive me?” He asked
“Yes I forgive you. I love you too much not to.” She stated
As they pulled in Michael said he would walk her in. He felt his pocket for the ring. They walked in and Michael was relieved everyone was there. He wanted their blessing. Edith offered him some coffee and he accepted it. As they got comfortable Michael stood up and said
“I have something I need to say if I can have a moment.”
He reached in his pocket and took out a little black box and got down on one knee in front of Chloe.
“Chloe, I knew from the night I met you I would love you forever. You have seen me through my darkest days when I was an awful human being to even be around. However you still loved me and stood by me. You never gave up on me.”
By now Chloe was crying and shaking. Michael opened the box to reveal the most beautiful ring she had ever seen in her life.
“Chloe will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
There was no hesitation for Chloe though the others thought there would be.
“Oh Michael, yes! Of course I will!” She exclaimed.
The hugged and kissed and they seemed so happy. How could you not be happy for them.
“Well now, “ said Edith, “this means we have an engagement party to plan. Congratulations to both of you.”
Everyone gave Chloe a hug and shook Michael’s hand. Beth was last and whispered to him,
“You better treat her like a queen or I’m coming for you.”
Michael just stared at her with a grin on his face but inside he was seething.
“This woman was going to have to be dealt with. She is going to be a problem. She will pull us apart,” he thought.
“Beth you have nothing to worry about. I love Chloe I won’t hurt her. She is the love of my life”.
Michael said he needed to leave and get some things done before work tomorrow. He pulled Chloe close to him, told her he loved her more than there are stars and kissed her goodbye. Chloe turned and looked at everyone and said,
“Okay y’all, he’s gone. You can tell me what you really think,” she stated knowing that none of them had any warm fuzzies for him.
“You already know how I feel,” said Beth, “but I’ll stand by you regardless.”
“He’s been a hard man to get to know or understand,” said Edith and Bob.
“He just seems secretive and keeps to himself but we are there for you honey,” stated Bob.
“We need to have the engagement party soon because I don’t want a long engagement. I want to have the wedding in a matter of months.” Chloe informed them.
“Well,” said Edith, “we better get to planning the party. Let’s go sit down girls and start writing things down.”
“What if we rented the Country Club for the night and catered the food in?” Beth asked.
“Well, they do have a huge dance floor, a bar, and we can get any band we want. It will be fun.” Chloe said “what do you think Edith?”
“It’s sounds fine but I’m thinking we should cater our own food to save some money. We can pay to have someone do it on the wedding.” She replied.
Chloe called the Country Club to check on dates and pricing. She was able to set it up for Saturday January 15th at 7pm. Well, one thing off the list. Now to try and find a band. Trying to find music that everyone will like will be crazy. Bob and Edith like polka music, Chloe and Beth like country music and 80’s rock but Michael likes classical ballroom dancing music. This will be difficult.
“Hey y’all, what if we put an ad in the paper for an eclectic band that can play different genres. Then we can do auditions.”
“That’s a great idea,” Beth exclaimed, “I’ll write the ad up and put it in the paper right away. We don’t have much time, especially with Christmas and New Years. They may all be booked.”
Edith looked up at the clock and realized they had spent all day talking wedding and engagement stuff. It was time for supper.
“Can you girls set the table for me. Then make some collard greens for me. I’m cooking up some steaks. I think we’ll have some dirty rice too. Beth can you make that honey?” Edith asked.
“Sure. I swear Miss Edith I’m gaining weight living here eating all this good food. I’m gonna have to start jogging.” She giggled
After supper Bob asked “Anyone up for a game of cards?”
“Bob,” Chloe said, “you and Edith always win.”
“I’ll let you win,” he laughed.
“No you won’t,” she said. “But I’ll play anyway.”
They all loved playing Spades and Hearts as well. It made Chloe sad all of a sudden because she would get married and lose this.
“When I get married can we have at least one night a week that we get together and play cards?” Chloe asked “I don’t want to lose these kind of moments or get too busy and have no time for each other.”
“That will never happen,” said Beth. “You’re stuck with us.” she giggled.
They played a few hands and then everyone was ready for bed. Especially since once again Bob won every hand.
At work the next day Chloe got to show off her beautiful engagement ring. She was so happy and you could see it. She couldn’t stop smiling. Beth had never seen her so happy. She wondered if she was just jealous of Chloe and Michael and what they had but that was ridiculous! She just outright didn’t trust the man, if you can call him that. No real man hits a woman. I don’t care how long he has gone to therapy and not hit her, she has seen sparks of his anger and things are brewing under the surface. She was scared what would happen when he finally exploded.
“Chloe let’s have a drink after work. It’s been awhile since we just sat and talked and spent any girl time.” Beth asked.
“Sure, sounds like fun!”
All of a sudden Michael was there.
“What sounds like fun?”
“You startled me,” replied Chloe. “We’re just going out for a bit after work.”
“Oh? Maybe I should go with. Watch out for you two.”
Beth jumped in,
“We are fully capable of taking care of ourselves. We’ve been doing it for years. Besides it’s girl time.”
“Don’t y’all talk enough at work and home, now you have to go out for girl time too?” asked Michael.
“Listen Michael, “ Beth started before Chloe jumped in.
“Michael, Beth is my best friend. We have always done everything together. Just how it is. Nothing against you, we just go out sometimes, like tonight.“
“Chloe,” Michael said, “can I talk to you please”.
They walked over to a corner of the kitchen where they could talk.
“I’m going to be your husband, so you need to learn now to never speak to me like that again. Learn some respect.” Michael’s jaw was clenched as he spoke in a whisper to her.
She looked at him and said quietly, “Respect goes both ways Michael!”
With that his hand started to come up but Beth walked in.
“Y’all okay in here?”
His hand immediately went down and relaxed.
“Yes,” Michael said, “just clearing something up.I have to get back to the office, y’all have fun tonight.”
Beth could see she was right. He wasn’t better. The only thing he was better at was hiding his anger and rage. But deep down it was simmering and it was about to boil over and they were all about to see how bad things could get.
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commajade · 2 years
The sunye mv so good!! Album amazing!! For some reason it reminded me of Luna and boa 😊 which made me go "luna come back!!!"
yes i loved it!!! honestly surprised by how much i liked everything musically!!! literally could not ask for more it was simply well executed imo. just really good choices and her vocals are great i wonder who was involved in making this album, the vocal directing is excellent.
ok me too????? it kinda felt like what i wanted madonna to be from the teasers. like luna would've done pulled just a dancer off well and they have the same genre of kinda house-ey synth pop. it's genuinely funny that everyone is missing luna and considering this her flop era when she's in a broadway musical rn this is the highest point of her career in her eyes probably. like r there any other idols becoming broadway stars rn?? and she has the voice to pull that off too.
i can imagine sunye and bbc's moodboard for this mv and it's 80% better by boa. sunye picked correctly the mature sexy concept boa did in better works perfect on her. literally the lighting sets costumes styling and choreo all look inspired by the better mv they're not rly subtle about it either. it would've been wiser to not remind ppl of boa tho cuz the better mv has phenomenal dancing and sunye hasn't danced in years before mamadol. she has amazing expressions that make up for the stiffness most of the time and she rly knows how to walk and pose. like the song itself was modeled on boa's melodies the "how do i explain" and "out of his cage" is a melody and a style of vocal direction that is lifted from boa tracks. the beat in the back of the chorus also sounds like move and famous by taemin which makes sense cuz move by taemin is synonymous with powerful sex appeal in kpop now.
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happymeishappylife · 1 year
Favorite Albums of 2022
1. Holy Fvck by Demi Lovato
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Favorite Songs: Substance, Eat Me, Freak (ft. YUNGBLUD), Skin of My Teeth, 29, City of Angels, Dead Friends I really appreciate the change in sound and the vulnerability that Demi has continued to show in music. While I can’t relate to their experiences, hearing them be so open and honest about the things in their life that have changed them, affected them, and troubled them is so incredibly moving and something I always gravitate towards so I found this album exciting. Plus as I’m getting into harder rock these days, the sound is soooo good and the beats and riffs they has to capture that style is so well done. Plus their voice is so incredible to match with it that I love it. They were great in concert too!
2. Midnights by Taylor Swift
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Favorite Songs: Lavender Haze, Anti-Hero, Snow On The Beach (ft. Lana Del Ray), You’re On Your Own Kid, Midnight Rain, Mastermind, Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve To me this was such a perfect follow up to Folklore and Evermore with the same sort of sound and storytelling, but adding in that signature Jack Antonoff synths and styles made this album fantastic. Plus I appreciate again the open honesty and vulnerability of that late night reflections that Taylor takes us on in this album. It makes for a fantastic mix of calm, soothing, and also reflective. Can’t wait to her live for the first time net year.
3. Mercury Act 2 by Imagine Dragons
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Favorite Songs: Bones, Sharks, I Don’t Like Myself, Take it Easy, Waves, Ferris Wheel, Sirens, Continual (ft. Cory Henry) I appreciated Part 1 of this album, but Part 2 really got me hooked more and made me feel like I was bag in the days of the first couple albums with the more lively pop/rock songs like Bones and Sharks, but again a great further reflection on the mental health and struggles we all went through, but especially the parts of Dan Reynolds that he has always been open about. Putting Part 1 and Part 2 together also feels like one big album and sound and isn’t disconnected so to me this was a great follow up and it was nice to get new music from them 2 years in a row. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
4. Anthem by Flogging Molly
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Favorite Songs: These Times Have Got Me Drinking, A Song of Liberty, Life Begins and Ends (But Never Fails), The Croppy Boy ‘98, This Road of Mine, These Are the Days I love this band so much and getting to see them again live this year was a treat and always is. But considering how many years its been since we’ve had new music, not only was this album a great surprise but honestly the whole album is amazing and sounds great. There isn’t a single song I don’t like and it just is that good old Irish rock that I love so much with the same old Flogging Molly sound I’ve loved for all these years. Plus having a song like A Song of Liberty come out right around the start of the Ukranian War which they dedicated to Ukraine helped to feel connected to that fight and feeling we all have of wanting to be free.
5. Viva Las Vengeance by Panic! At the Disco
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Favorite Songs: Viva Las Vengeance, Middle of a Breakup, Don’t Let the Light Go Out, God Killed Rock and Roll, All by Yourself, Do it to Death I was so excited to get a new Panic album, but I’ll admit, this one didn’t quite hook me as hard as Death of a Bachelor or Pray for the Wicked and that’s because this was trying out a new style. And I think he achieved exactly what he was going for with that fun 70s/80s classic rock sound. Most songs are a bop and fun to dance to, plus live the solos are great and his voice is better than ever. I honestly don’t know how he did it multiple nights. But I do miss some of those more punk rock sounds and lyrics though he still did those in concert too.
6. Love Ep by Jake Wesley Rogers
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Favorite Songs: Call it Love, Lavender Forever, Modern Love, Hindsight Until I saw Panic in concert, I had never heard of Jake Wesley Rogers, but wow! This guy was amazing live and his aesthetic and flare reminds me of Elton John and Billy Joel, with just as rich a voice. But also because he is openly gay, his songs about his life even sometimes describing harder times are so uplifting and so inspiring that I can’t wait to follow his career. I’m also going to see him on his first headlining tour next year and can’t wait to be back in that feeling. Definitely highly recommend!
7. Let Yourself Free by Fitz and the Tantrums
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Favorite Songs: Good Intentions, Sway, Let Yourself Free, Moneymaker, Good Nights, Steppin’ On Me Whenever I want a good pick me up and also a chance to just dance, I never can go wrong with Fitz and the Tantrums and this album really was a perfect addition to my music. Sway I played all summer and its catchy lyrics and sounds are always something that lifts my mood, but the whole album is meant to truly live up to its title of let yourself free, have a great time, and just have fun.
8. Paper Cuts by Mandey Harvey
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Favorite Songs: Masterpiece, Bought Myself Roses, Hold on Me, Something I Can Feel, Ritual, Slow Motion I’ve followed Mandy ever since she appeared on AGT because her story was so moving and I thought that even as someone who lost her hearing, her music and her voice were still fantastic. This album not only proved that, but was uplifting because most of it was about not giving up on yourself and loving yourself no matter what is going on in your life your struggles because you are worth it. And that is absolutely beautiful and a message I think we all need sometimes.
9. Give me the Future + Dreams of the Past by Bastille
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Favorite Songs: Revolution, Hope For the Future, Remind Me, Dancing in the Dark, Thelma + Louise, No Bad Days, Back to the Future, Shut Off the Lights When the first part of this album came out, Give Me the Future, I liked the vibe and the theme of the album a lot. I think Bastille does very well with this dystopian fatalistic romance vibe they have going that’s open about the terribleness of modern age and yet still understands how we all still have to live and enjoy technology. And because of that it makes you just want to run away and enjoy your life, ignore the awfulness around you to remind you there is still light in the world if you find the right people.
10. Human Overboad by James and the Shame
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Favorite Songs: Believe Me, Give a Damn, Where We’re Going, Only Thing, In Vain, Fruit, Old Letters Let’s be clear, I am not a country fan and I’ve never grown up with any religion. But surprisingly, I really found this album great to listen to and I’m so fascinated by the topic of spiritual deconstruction that I felt that this expression of it was a great story and opening into someone’s life and the struggles they are going through to figure out what’s next. And especially since this is Rhett McLaughlin from GMM, I was so impressed by the seriousness of it seeing as on their show both he and Link are pretty goofy. I’m curious if he’ll do another, but really I loved this album and it’s story a lot.
Notable Mentions:
11. 22 Make by Oh Wonder 12. Elsewhere by Set if Off 13. There and Back Again by Eric Nam 14. AM Gold by Train 15. Cleanse by Joywave 16. Forever Chemicals by Quiet Hollers 17. Higher by Michael Buble
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