#highly recommend if you need some cuteness in your life
firstmeow · 2 years
I really didn’t mean to start Papa & Daddy tonight but now I’m halfway through season 1 and it’s super adorable and stress relieving
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huellitaa · 6 months
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girl's guide to academic success: ep 1! ⊹˚. ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 this post focuses on: actively rooting for success! ♡ part 2 -> ♡
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 1. organisation
first off, have something to organise ur academic life with! i personally use notion (which i'll add later) but u can use anything as long as it's cute, convenient, unique and accessible to you, your life and your schedule specifically. especially as a visual learner, i like to have somewhere i can dump literally everything regarding a singular area in my life, so i do this for almost everything along with school and i highly recommend this <3
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 2. recognition of talents & improvements
analyse your strengths and weaknesses. think back on tests, exams, marks, and analyse which ones you got highest and lowest on. dont beat urself up for it, obviously; it's just to check which subjects you're doing good in and which ones have room for improvement. for example i love science but im not the best at it sometimes and we had an assessment recently and i didn't get as high as i'd like so i wrote down a little list on a piece of paper in my pencilcase for the topics i got the least in for me to study on my own to practise later.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 3. laying out goals
set down specific goals; i like to do this week by week accustomed to my schedule that week in my school notion page along with images and vision boards based on the term/semester, but you can do it for the week, the month, the year, anything as long as its helpful to you
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 4. productive planning
plan accordingly based on ur time energy. when creating any to do list or productivity plan dont pile a ridiculous amount onto it that just leaves you stressed and overwhelmed because that defeats the entire point; this works the same for academic plans and goals and lists etc.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 5. extra credit
put extra work in to the subjects you know will help you in the future. for example, for my personal aspirations i need to excel in english, history and textiles so i always try my absolute hardest and put my all into those lessons and do extra studying for them in my free time where i can. school is to prepare you for the future so take advantage of that
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 6. asking questions
please don't be shy to ask questions! that's what teachers are there for and you won't have them forever so take advantage of it while you can! you can even do it in that little window of time just after class if ur too nervous to ask in class. for example, on my last english exam i went to my teacher after class and asked about what i needed to improve on to get the marks i missed next time, and he told me i added too much detail and some other things so i wrote it down and am keeping a note of it to remind me to improve on that next time! (i got top of my class though so i didnt mind. still kind of pissed i added too much detail though)
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 7. participation
participate! ok im saying this as someone who still struggles with social anxiety a fair amount but if u wanna get higher marks and get on good terms w ur teacher i 100% recommend this. i don't do this in every class but i do it where i can and when i'm confident in my answer, and it's really intimidating at first but what i did is i did it first in the classes i felt most comfortable on and continued from there. it gets easier every time i swear, and nobody's judging you; they'll forget about it after five minutes. plus, what would they be judging you for? being smarter than them?
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 8. prioritising ur health
this is mentioned a lot in these types of posts but if you're tired or burnt out or overworked or just feel like you need to take a break then do. do the best you can and compromise like i said earlier if you need to, just make sure u are prioritising yourself over anything. <3
──★ ˙ ̟🎀inspo
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀my notion
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i also really recommend this layout by @honeytonedhottie ♡
all my love 🩷✨💬🎀💗
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toadtoru · 6 days
Hello! We all know that there is a steady decline in interactions and reblogs in fandom and I think a lot of new readers are very nervous to interact with artists on here. So as a somewhat seasoned Tumblr user, I figured I’d make a little guide for those who might feel they need it. :D
Disclaimer: This is by no means a rulebook or a demand. I am not forcing you to do any of these things. This is simply meant to be helpful towards those who might be new to the app or are nervous about interacting with people. Also: Since I write fanfiction, most of these examples are gonna be rooted in fanfiction. However, this can be applied to any other form of art on here as well!
Customize your blog. A lot of people think blank blogs are bots. It doesn’t have to be a big thing but go on Pinterest, and find a cute profile pic. Choose a cool colour. Give your blog some personality.
It is completely fine and normal to want to remain anonymous on here. If you want you can choose a cool pseudonym (Alba is not my real name and I know for a fact that most of my mutuals’ “names” are pseudonyms.) but your blog can also just remain nameless.
If you are going to interact with NSFW fics and art I highly recommend putting your age in your bio. A lot of NSFW artists are not comfortable interacting with minors and ageless blogs and will block you if you don’t have your age somewhere.
It’s important to remember that writers and artists love interactions! We are here because we love a certain media and want to talk about it.
Secondly, Tumblr is not Instagram or TikTok. There are no “tumblr influencers”. Most of us are just normal people who do this as a hobby.
While it’s completely okay and normal to look up to someone or admire someone’s work, try not to put people on pedestals.
Lastly, fan fiction and art do not have a time limit. It doesn’t matter if it was posted yesterday, a year ago or ten years ago. It cannot expire. The love you feel for it now is just as valid as the love someone felt for it ten years ago. So please do not hesitate to interact with art just because it was posted a while ago.
“Part two?” It’s fair that you’re excited about a fic and want to read more, but simply just asking for part two without saying anything else can make a writer feel bad. We are not robots or content machines.
“X is stupid” “Your characterization is bad” “X wouldn’t do this” It’s okay to not like someone’s fic or art but commenting that it is bad or that you don’t agree is not okay. If you don’t like a fic you click off. If you don’t like someone’s takes or posts, you block them. You are responsible for curating your own online experience. Block what annoys you and move on.
Hate anons. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but people still do it so I’m gonna say it anyway. Don’t send hate anon to people’s inboxes.
Don’t demand things. “When is the next part coming out?” “You promised you’d post” etc. Life happens. Most of us have school or jobs or both.
Use Character AI, Chatbot, etc. Do not use AI. Do not put other people’s art into AI machines without their permission or knowledge. AI steals people’s writing and art. Do not use it to finish unfinished fics for you, do not use it to get a part two, do not use it.
Do not repost* art without permission. Do not repost art on other platforms. Do not post people’s fics on Wattpad or other platforms without permission. Do not post artists’ art on Pinterest or TikTok without permission. Do not translate writers’ fics without permission.
*Note: reposts and reblogs are not the same. A reblog is when you press the 🔁 button at the bottom of a post. This is encouraged. Reposts are when you make your own post with the stolen art.
Reblogs. Reblogs, reblogs, reblogs. Reblogs. I cannot stress this enough. Tumblr’ algorithm sucks and sometimes posts don’t show up in tags. When you reblog someone's art you help more people see it!
Also, reblogs do not only help the artist but it also helps you! You can create a tag system on your account so you easily can find works you liked again. It’s much easier to find reblogged works than it is to go through your 300 liked posts. (Also if an artist deactivates you will still have the post instead of it disappearing.)
Comment on people’s art! Tell them what you liked! I promise you it will make their day!
Ask questions! Did you notice a specific choice the artist made that you found interesting? Is there something that intrigued you or you want to know more about?
It’s important to remember that your support does not have to be some profound intellectual conversation. This is Tumblr, we’re all just having fun.
“I loved this!” “Your writing is amazing!” “This art is so pretty!” “The way you draw/characterize X character is cool!”
What did the art make you feel? “This made me happy” “This made me sad” Your emotions about the piece do not have to be positive. If someone wrote a 6k fic about the SatoSugu breakup then their goal probably wasn’t to make you feel joyous. Tell them how you feel! It will make them happy to know that their art evoked emotions in you.
Predictions! Did you catch some foreshadowing? What do you think happens in the next chapter? It's super fun as a writer to read what people think is going to happen!
Okay, folks. I think that’s all I have for you. Remember that we’re all just here to have fun. We want to interact with you. Reblog and comment on the fics you like! Send your thoughts to people’s inboxes! Once you get over that initial fear, I promise you, it becomes so much more fun. Fandom is supposed to be fun.
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cupcakeinat0r · 6 months
A Nerdy Middle-aged loser Miguel with a dad bod who teaches your genetics class
Head Canons!
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Professor O’Hara was an intimidating man, to say the least. Despite his menacing exterior, he came highly recommended and sought after as a professor due to his ability to clearly get the material across. At times, it felt cutthroat, but he only meant well. He was just very passionate about his job and wanted everyone to learn.
You didn’t think he was scary at all. In fact, that first day of lecture, you new you were doomed. All you saw was a poor, misunderstood, teddy bear of a man. You thought it was so endearing how his glasses sat low on the bridge of his nose, or how he filled out his button ups and vests: equal parts of muscle and squish <3
n you totally stared at his huge butt and dick print oops what I didn’t say that what-
Professor O’Hara who’s scowl would melt away when you’d hurry into class, completely dismissing that fact that you were late. People who had him previously would be so confused that the Miguel O’Hara is stumbling on his own words during a lecture. Little did they know that it was because you, his very pretty and very eager student, was sitting front row and center. You’d fix your hair or apply lip gloss hoping you’d get his attention, and you succeeded.
Professor O’Hara thought you were so cute. He loved the way you dressed, the way you’d raise your hand and ask such good questions, the way you took notes, making them look equally as adorable as you. It didn’t help that you were a total ace in his class. Your brains n beauty were going straight to both of his heads……..
Professor O’Hara who although was naturally pretty distant and quiet with students, was trying very hard to be vocal with you, making sure to let you know when you were doing good. “Good job today, Mama.” “Thank you for being so involved in class today, mama, I appreciate it.” “Aye, Mama, make sure you get some sleep before the quiz tomorrow, mkay?” “Have a safe weekend, mama, and please, if you need anything, you have my email. It doesn’t matter what time it is.” and if he couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud, he’d definitely leave notes for you when handing back your work <3
Professor O’Hara who now wakes up earlier and takes longer to get ready in the morning. For you. He would put on his most expensive cologne knowing you liked to ask for help. You’d smell it every time he bent over your desk behind you, enough so that the timbre of his low voice tickled your ear and his belly just barely grazing your back.
Professor O’Hara who was developing his own crush on you, even though it was definitely wrong. Besides, you were a model. He was convinced that even if he were a student, he wouldn’t have a chance with you.
Professor O’Hara who always felt his eyes gravitating toward you in the mass of seats when lecturing, as if he forgot what you looked like and needed to see your face again. You’d tilt your head n give him a smile each time he did, as if telling him you’re following along, and this rattled him. He’d smile back right before shying away from your gaze, clearing his throat and starting wherever he left off on in his lesson. You thought that was cute.
Professor O’Hara who was always there for you when you were troubled, his office becoming a place you frequented for comfort. He was a great ear, elbows on his knees and brows furrowed as he listened to your trials and tribulations. Pobrecita preciosa. He hated seeing you this way. His bear hugs always seemed to make the troubles go away.
Professor O’Hara who would praise you after seeing all the work you put into his class. Anytime you were stressed, he’d take you some place other than his office to relax, maybe buy you some tea or your favorite pastry. He’d take those opportunities to learn more about you, asking you in a gentle, sweet tone about your other studies, your goals, your life etc. he’d hopelessly fall for you even more when watching you speak about things you were passionate about, seeing how your eyes sparkled. He’d try to keep his composure by maintaining a stoic expression, but a small smile would crack every time. He was a melting mess.
Professor O’Hara who would keep all your assignments and reread them at home since you liked to leave him little notes like, “ So lucky to have you as a professor” “Amazing class today!” “Looking forward to our tutoring sesh tmw<3”, the curvy letters of your pretty hand writing feeding into his desires for you, those same desires going from wholesome to more lustful.
Professor O’Hara, who’s walls you break down with your kindness, intelligence, humility, and beauty. He’d play with your hair during tutoring sessions, buy you things that reminded him of you, call you ‘mama’ when no one else was around. He loved the way you knit your brows together telling him he shouldn’t be spending money on you as he’s already doing so much for you already, to which he replies, “You deserve it, and more, mama”.
Professor O’Hara who, when you stay after class to help him clean (because you volunteered to, otherwise, Miguel would never let you lift even a finger because you’re a princess), instead of picking up stray mechanical pencils, he would imagine you picking up stranded toys in the living room. He’d imagine what it’s like living life with you, having a life with you, then immediately shoo those absurd thoughts away after realizing he’s falling for you after only months of knowing you.
Professor O’Hara who genuinely cares about your well-being, wants to see you succeed and get everything you want and deserve. Who wants the absolute best for you.
A/n: Just some hcs before I continue the story…. I won’t edge y’all for long so just bear w meeeeee <3333
Tags <3
@safixiovi @mukeovernetflix @mochikisses @miguels-cock-piercings @miranexx @bunnibitez @deepdiveintothedeephive @faretheeoscar @sillygardeneggperson @librababe99 @sariespi @little-lovelace @monstersimp @oharasfilipinawife @obi-mom-kenobi @maomaimao @pomakori @rxckstarss @mochimoqa @princesatracionera @queerponcho @froggygal @yaysposts @koko-1025 @kikaaauu @lauraolar14 @anotherprettyprincess @ce3stvu @m4dyy @kaidxra
Want more DadBod!Miguel? Here’s my master list, bae!!!
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
Ok so someone in my asks box asked me for some fic recommendations and I tried to add some gradually but my asks have been so weird recently so I've had to make a new post for them!
First of all ty anonnie you words were really sweet, I hope you stay healthy too!
Also just to preface I will list sfw and nsfw recs so pls if you are a minor, do not explore the nsfw recommendations, these blogs will most likely have a mdni statement so pls respect that and don't go against that :)
Now, enjoy!
Enough for you - @mixtape-racha (poly ot8 angst comfort)
We love an angst comfort fic and this is one of my faves. Take caution reading this one and read the content warnings at the top just in case! But this one is simply amazing and I wish I wrote it the end.
The Field Trip - @dreamescapeswriting (Seungmin X reader)
Seungmin and reader are teachers in this and if you follow me you may have seen me reblog this one before bc I love it and want this, also this blog has so many imagines you will be fed for days
Warm blankets - @jiniret-writings (3 parts, hurt comfort poly ot8 x reader)
I felt so emotionally invested in this story when I read it, like I felt readers pain 😭 gorgeous
jack-in-the-box -@junicai (angst, ninth member reader)
Set in kingdom. We hate mnet. Skz are very protective and reader gets the comfort she deserves in the end, love this sm!
@hyunjinsbelovedamericano - lots of headcanons and reaction type fics on their MASTERLIST, give it a look!!
Simptober 2023 - @skz-streamer
Fluff for days!!! pookie rly worked hard on this one so go and show some love because you've got so much to read here
Skz text aus - @channiesbakery
These are so so funny I cannot cope. Also explore the other fluff posts too bc they're really cute!
More text aus - @diddybok
Same goes for this blog too, explore their other stuff!
@hannahhbahng has some rly cute fluffy reads on their masterlist
@hanjiquokkaaa check out their skz reactions! My pookie slays every time
Skz fluff fics - @wooahaes
So much fluff to pick from! I fall in love every time!
Warm milk and honey - @horanghoe (poly skz x reader)
One of my fav skz comfort fics of all time, it's so so good, recommending again bc I should
In his arms, unexpectedly yours - @cheesemonky (Hyunjin x reader series)
This is a new series which I'm excited to see my pookie write !!!
@astraysimp for dad skz!!!
Nicholas Ross - @dean-a-mean-tae (skz ninth member male oc)
Love their ninth member writings so definitely check it out if you're looking for male!oc who is the ninth!
In my past, I find you and in the future, I still have you - @yangbbokari (Chan x reader)
Heartbreaking, like so angsty but it's gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
Princess treatment with SKZ - @j-oneproduces
Each individual member x reader has a drabble and I love it so so much, very accurate imo
@skzoologist read their imagines on their ninth member oc Bae! They also have a fic called unfamiliarity using the same oc :)
I like the view - @mirisss (hybrid ot8 skz X reader)
I rly need to reread this one because I loved what I read so far on it!!!
Rabbit hybrid reader - @authorofdanger (hybrid skz x hybrid reader)
I've linked a masterlist, I'd recommend the fic dominance and then the first few fics which are to do with reader as a rabbit hybrid! slight warning that woojin is mentioned
Red Moon - @lixiepeach (omegaverse series)
this is one of the first skz omegaverse fics I read and it is done so beautifully, as it says in the description of the series, it deals with more adult content than just smut, and the way it is explored is written so well, couldn't recommend highly enough!
Inked Petals and Message Tones - @leviackermanscleaningbuddy (poly smau with real life)
this is an ao3 skz fic which changed my life. I can't explain how much I love this, it had me on an emotional rollercoaster fr fr like it's amazing!
n.h.i.e mini series - @hyungszn (smut ot8 x reader)
damn this one really has me on my toes like the chapters are chefs kiss and it's such a good read!
Bold - @hyunsvngs (American footballer minsung x reader)
Wow wow wee wow. This one made my brain go brrr and evaporate and melt and wow the storyline in it is so so good too. Juno rly has such a good relationship with anonnies and moots and it's so lovely to see. A jupiter stan right here!!
Sanguis Limerence - @jl-micasea-fics (vampire skz x reader)
This is one of the first series I was fully committed to reading on this all and constantly checking. It's insanely amazing, I can't put it into words and now I wanna read it all back again 😭
waiting for us - @kkami-writes (smau poly ot8 X reader)
I'm in love with this!!! Perhaps my fav skz smau like the character development as well is really nice to see and it's an easy read if you find it easier to read it in text messages form
Anger management - @2chopsticks2eyes (minsung x reader)
This is so hot and the way the storyline progresses as well is beautiful
@1-800-shedevil I'm in awe of her and her blog. Gorgeous writer, gorgeous writing. Her posts about body positivity rly are so helpful and her words are so comforting
Sharing = caring - @cbini (ot8 X reader)
This is unbelievably good and if you haven't seen it yet? Do you even Tumblr? Love how ems has such a good relationship with moots and in answering asks too! cbinian for life
Better than revenge - @lixie-phoria (smau Jeongin x reader)
I'm so obsessed with this series so far, putting it here bc there's smut to be added in the future. But I'm in love with it so far wow!!!
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koiiiji · 5 months
windbreaker characters as parents ༘⋆🌷🫧💭 ⋆˙
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tw ; cuteness overload, contains character x character and character x reader
pairings ; min u x mia, shelly x jay jo, dom x reader, monster x reader, vinny x reader
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౨ৎ let's start from min u and mia! proud parents of a girl and boy who are three years apart. girl is the older sister and goes along with her brother super well even through his puberty. mia is a great mother and her kids never hide anything from her as they know that they can trust her. mia and her daughter have their own "girls secrets" and side jokes, while min u and his son are super annoyed by it and tried to make their own side jokes, but girls always know its context. also, their grandad and auntie yuna spoil them so much!!! and also min u father are so proud of his son and he really likes mia. all in all 10/10 highly recommended to be born in this family.
౨ৎ shelly and jay. here things are more complicated because shelly parents insisted on them move in the UK during her pregnancy, but they decided to stay in Korea simply because shelly likes weather more and feel more comfortable there. life blessed them with a boy - a copy of his father. but he is a mummy's boy and he gets along with shelly more, even their son's first word was "mama!" when he happily squished shelly’s cheek with his small hands. with time, he builds more interests with jay’s hobbies, so till he hit his puberty he was such a sweet child. but when he turned 14? monster that going through "nobody understands me" era. sometimes jay wonders maybe he need to send his son to his mother so she will teach him some discipline, but then jay remembers that he doesn't want to give his child such trauma. by the way jay family calmed down the moment jay was accepted on the really well paid job and even his mother was proud that her son has international family. all in all 7/10 bc both jay and shelly parents would have a beef over who is better grandparents.
౨ৎ so i can imagine that dom would accept his father's business even tho he didn't insist. so you two were gifted with three daughters each with year apart. dom honestly wished his first would be a boy so he can grow up and protect his sisters, but fate had her own ideas. through your second pregnancy dom repeated that he would be happy for girl or boy, just healthy, strong child (he prayed for a boy), and you decided not to find out who you were going to have until the baby was born. and it was sweet, super calm girl. on third pregnancy dom really tried to have a boy (yes, he scrolled all that weird mums forums to find out in which pose you can conceive a boy). he has genuinely been surprised when doctor said you will have a girl. who was the happiest over the fact that he surrounded by girls? his father!! he loves all four of you, and dom suspect that his father loves you more than him. he definitely would call you daughter and generally he is super granddad and father-in-law. your daughters loves their granddad too!! imagine them cling to him from all sides, hanginig on his neck, arms and legs. generally girls goes along super good, but oldest and youngest are more close to their father as they share extrovert personality, while middle girl gets super along with you. dom are scared that they are growing up too fast and that in one day they will start dating b̴̨̢̰͖̂ͫͨ̒ͦͩơ̷̧̢̛̤̠̻͔̤̖̳͖̥̼̲̮̥̣̼̮̂̽̓ͮ͆̉ͩ͆ͣͧ̿ͫ́͋ͩ̏̚̕̚͜͞y̶̢͎̜̬͖̩̰̬̞̓͌̽͆̈́̉̑ͨ̂ͧ͌̌̇̅͗͌͘͜͟s̶̸̢͉͙͈̳̻̣̲͔̜̩ͮ̌̃̄̄̓̍̽͌̈́͑́͑ͩ͟͠͝ ����☠️ all in all 9/10 dom vibes with his favourite girls but one one stingy male tear drops when he sees fathers play baseball with their sons (he was hitted in the nose with a ball from his youngest daughter)
౨ৎ when you and deokbong announced that you will have a child, people were... curious - how?? how you would be able to carry his child since you look so small in comparison to him. and you know what? it was twin boys... the birth was difficult but you did it and then you faced new challenge - both boys was copy of their father and they was heavy. you prayed for your back, seriously, but deokbong is super supportive husband and father so he was always there to help you. thankfully your boys were calm. like literally they always had serious faces, fists clenched and almost never cried. with time your younger one maintained your character and more of your features showed, like brows and nose form, cheeks, and face shape. all in all 10/10 you four would be happy simple sport family!!
౨ৎ vinny hong refuse to have children. end of headcanon.
but seriously, vinny had huge trauma from his father and from bulling in school, he will never be sure that he is enough as financially and emotionally for kids, so you two are proud parents of one big dog, maybe doberman or cane corso and lazy cat. all in all 7/10 just because there are too much wool at home and vinny refuse to go on a walk with dog in the early morning.
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sitp-recs · 4 months
Hello! I saw your last rec for Draco being whipped for Harry. Would you have any recs for the reverse situation? Harry being absolutely smitten for Draco. I love when it's mostly from Harry POV and Draco is driving him mad. Does anything come to mind? Thank you for your lovely recs and your presence in the fandom, it's a blessing! 💜
Yes of course! I feel like I did quite a few lists for pining Harry so this one will focus on smitten Harry told from his own pov. I tried to mix old favorites with fics I don’t see recced often. I’d highly recommend checking @tackytigerfic, @bixgirl1 and ignatiustrout as they all explore this trope so beautifully!
Take A Stab At It by @sorrybutblog (E, 3k)
It’s a bit pathetic, Harry knows, to have a hard-on for the guy who bullied you in school. Kind of cliché to look back on years of obsession and hatred and think, Oh.
Hourglass Heart by bixgirl1 (E, 5k)
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
Blue Sky Is Living Here Today by ignatiustrout (G, 5k)
Draco's a father, Harry's in love with him, and it's really hard to take things slow.
The Things They Never Say by bixgirl1 (E, 9k)
Harry and Draco don't know how to talk. So they do other things instead.
Sex Ed for Aurors by curiouslyfic (M, 9k)
Some things, you need to learn on the job.
i wake up falling, orphaned (M, 9k)
Draco’s always leaving, one way or another. Harry’s usually 240 thousand miles too late.
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose (M, 12k)
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that.
Take the Moon by tackytiger (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year…
White as Snow by bixgirl1 (E, 19k)
After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
We Might Be Too Old for a Bildungsroman by @wellhalesbells (T, 21k)
Harry finds something he’s been looking for since the war’s end. Admittedly, the packaging’s a bit odder than he expected.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (T, 22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
On Your Shore by @xanthippe74 (M, 35k)
Clearing out a remote house full of cursed collectibles in the Outer Hebrides? Not a problem for an experienced curse breaker like Harry Potter. Spending a week with the straight, happily-married man that he’s starting to have feelings for? And sharing a bed with him at night? Surely Harry can handle that, too.
LA, Who Am I To Love You? by @epitomereally (E, 42k)
Harry’s summer in LA is not going as expected. Pansy Parkinson keeps inviting him to parties in the Hollywood Hills and harassing him to finally go to the physical therapist, Blaise Zabini keeps slipping new strains of his company’s magical weed into Harry’s pockets in hopes of an endorsement, and Draco Malfoy keeps having sex with everyone but Harry.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Modern Love by tackytiger (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 88k)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait?
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (M, 131k)
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
Can't Sit Still by wilteddaisy (E, 193k)
Five years after the war, Harry finds himself drawn to Draco Malfoy by memories that aren't his own.
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exhaslo · 8 months
Hii... Sorry to bother you.. Could you do bully Miguel x shy reader like Miguel always bully and tease reader, but reader also got bullied in the past by eddie who worse like cigarette burn something like that , but miguel kinda likes reader and have a soft spot for her , let me know what's on your mind , have a nice day ☺ (sorry my English is bad)
Sure! I highly recommend to check out my Puzzle Pieces story whenever you get a chance! This request is pretty similar to how I made that story, but I'll change this up a bit for your request~
Warning: Mentions of abuse, bullying, loneliness, fluff, handsy, touch starved
A cold droplet landed so perfectly against your hand as you sat alone on an abandon swing.
The cool wind that blew roughly against your face as you stared at the broken mats below you.
A heart breaking silence that could only remind you that you were alone in this place.
This place, and everywhere.
It had been a long time since you had a moment to enjoy yourself. Lately you've been in a downward slump. Nothing seemed to go right for you or get your spirits up. You just wanted a friend. Someone to help you get out of this lonely slump.
"This isn't a field trip," Miguel spoke as he approached you from behind.
"Isn't as fun as one," You muttered lowly, jumping off the swing.
"Let's get back to what we're supposed to be doing."
You just nodded as you followed Miguel. The reason you were in the middle of an abandon park was actually work related. Miguel was your coworker. Your tall, handsome, bossy and bully of a coworker. He added to your stress by workload and teasing.
"Hey, pay attention." Miguel huffed as he flicked your forehead. You whimpered quietly,
"S-Sorry," You apologized. Miguel sighed once more,
"Do you even remember what we're supposed to be doing here?"
"I-I...I do!" You cried, gripping your bag as you hurried to the grassy field, "I....do...just please....leave me alone for a moment," You whispered as tears threaten to spill.
Miguel watched you hurry off, resisting a chuckle. Lord, you were so adorable and easy to tease. Miguel loved it when your face would turn red from embarrassment. He wanted to see more of you. If only you would come out of your shell.
Miguel loved hearing your voice. Your little squeaks and whines. You were the best coworker he could have ever had. You were made just for him. Miguel just had a hard time showing his affection and it ended up coming out as bullying.
"I'll be over at this section, (Y/N). Let me know when you're done!" Miguel called out.
This was a simple field gathering that Miguel needed done. He wanted to collect some samples of the wild life bugs outside the city so he could return to the lab. While Miguel was the top scientist at Alchemax, you were just one of his measly assistants.
A cute one at that.
Miguel chuckled to himself as he thought of you being grossed out by the bugs. Despite your shyness, Miguel knew that you could never say no to him. Another reason why he was so obsessed with you. Miguel just wished he knew how to get you to loosen up around him some more.
After a while of gathering, you felt exhausted. Miguel had approached you a few times, checking up on you and offering water. It did warm your heart, but the man confused you so much. He always teased you, yet would turn around and treat you so kindly. Miguel was not the average bully.
At least you weren't sure. He did do strange things.
Once the two of you were done, you made you way back to Alchemax. Miguel offered the scenic route, stating that they could use the extra time for themselves.
"So hot. How could you wear long sleeves even in this heat?" Miguel asked with a huff as he fixed his bag. You gripped your sleeves,
"I....rather not say," You whispered.
Miguel noticed your grim expression and cussed mentally. He struck a nerve. Glancing around, Miguel smiled as he saw an ice cream shop ahead and grabbed your wrist, dragging you behind.
You cheeks grew flustered as Miguel dragged you away. You didn't know where he was taking you until you entered the shop. Confused, you enjoyed the cool breeze of the AC as you stood behind Miguel. It were these moments that confused you.
"What flavor do you want?" Miguel asked. You tilted your head, looking at the flavors,
"Oh," You pointed towards your favorite flavor, "Um...T-Thank you, Miguel."
You smiled softly as Miguel grunted in response. Now that sounded more like the Miguel you knew. As you held your ice cream, Miguel suggested to sit at the shop for a bit before returning. You didn't think too much of it, but this was making up for his behavior from earlier.
"You know...I can recommend a place that makes cooling long sleeve shirts." Miguel muttered. You almost didn't hear him, "If...you don't mind the suggestion, that is."
"I would love that. Thank you-"
"Whoa, is that (Y/N)?"
You felt your heart sink as you heard a familiar voice. Your breathing shuddered as you looked away.
"It is! Holy shit! Long time no see!!"
Miguel felt his eye twitch as he heard an obnoxious voice call out your name so casually and snobby. Glancing down towards you, Miguel furrowed his brows. You were shaking like a leaf and the blood had drained from your face.
"What? Too good to even say hi, (Y/N)?" The man snorted, getting closer. Miguel's lazily glare turned towards the man,
"And if she is?" He scoffed, towering over the man as Miguel stood, "Who do you think you are?"
"Name's Eddie, her ex."
"L-Let's...g-go." You whispered quietly.
Miguel felt your lightest tug against his shirt. You were scared. Now, while Miguel did enjoy bullying and teasing you for affection, it was clear that Eddie had bullied you for fun. That struck a nerve with Miguel.
"Well, Eddie, (Y/N) obviously doesn't want to talk to you. So fuck off," Miguel hissed, wrapping his arm around your waist.
Your eyes widen towards the warm of Miguel's touch as he pulled you out of the store. This level of comfort felt so right. So nice. This was what you felt like you were missing. Just a small touch. You had dropped your ice cream, but who cares.
This felt nice.
Once you were a good distance away, Miguel had you face him. Tears stained your cheeks as you quickly pulled Miguel into a deep hug. You really didn't want to let go of him. Not just yet. You felt so touch starved that you just needed this.
"You're okay," Miguel hummed.
This felt really nice. Having your arms wrapped around him. Miguel would love for this to be a constant thing. Resting his hand against your head, Miguel waited until you were ready. This was a side that he hadn't seen before...a side that he wasn't sure he wanted to see.
"(Y/N)...Sorry if I ever, get on your nerves." Miguel apologized, feeling as if it were the right thing to do.
You sniffled, looking up at him, "Y-You're not...as bad as he was." You whimpered. Miguel enjoyed the little squeeze you gave him, "T-Thank you...f-for standing up for me."
"Of course," Miguel wiped your tears away, frowning as you let go, "I tease you a lot because I like you. Now, I know that isn't an excuse, but I'm here if you need to talk."
"T-Thank you," You smiled and rubbed your arm slightly, "Um, C-Can I add...a stress hug to that offer?"
"Suuure?" Miguel was confused, but accepted none the less.
Oh, how Miguel loved these stress hugs. Ever since that day, you would just pop into his lab when no one was around and hug Miguel tightly. Those hugs would last anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes. It was hard for him not to go back to teasing you.
"Mig?" You whispered, poking your head into his lab.
There you were once again. Miguel motioned you in and hid his smile as you quickly rushed to hug him. Your arms wrapping around his waist as you gave him a squeeze. Miguel returned the gesture, always wondering how far you would let him touch you.
"Your 'stress hugs' have been getting lighter. Sure this isn't a reason to embrace me?" Miguel said with a low chuckle.
"N-No!" You huffed.
Ah, the cute pout you did. Miguel smirked as his hands roamed your back, feeling your body shake and move with his touch. You were enjoying this just as much as he was. Who know how touch starved Miguel was until you started this.
"Excuse me, Miguel?"
Not wanting to get caught, Miguel quickly pinned you under his desk. He covered your mouth, signaling you to be quiet until the lab worker left.
"Hm? He must have left."
Miguel resisted a sigh of relief as he stared at you. Your body pressed against his as the two of you hid under a small space. Your legs were practically around his hips while your hands were resting against his arms.
Miguel felt like he was at a loss for words. Everything about this felt so right. Your body just melted against his. His perfect dream come true. Slowly moving his hand away from your mouth, Miguel waited for you to say something. Anything!
"M-Mig," You finally spoke, cheeks burning red. Miguel stroked your cheek, watching you lean against his palm,
"Think these....stress hugs can get a little more-"
You took the words right out of his mouth. Pulling you onto his lap as you both still hid under the desk, Miguel resisted a groan. How could he tease you to being his girlfriend? How could he bully you to be his? Miguel needed to know!
"I-Is it weird...t-that this is...calming?" You asked shyly, resting your head against his neck as you touched his chest. Miguel was biting the inside of his cheek,
"Yea, guess that means you're a pervert, (Y/N)." He chuckled. You frowned, glaring at him,
"S-So are you!"
Miguel grunted as he grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him as he inhaled your perfume. His eyes nearly rolling back as you trembled against his touch. Your soft hands playing with his hair was making him go crazy.
"I'll happily take that insult from you."
A small smile formed against your lips as you and Miguel stayed like for a few seconds longer. You had to get back to work, but at least you knew that the two of you could keep seeing each other like this. It felt good. It made you feel better.
No longer did you feel lonely as Miguel held you in his warm embrace.
No longer did you know that you were the only one who needed this escape.
You had Miguel to be handsy with.
You had Miguel to share your comfort. Even if he was a bully to you sometimes. Miguel would always make it up by calming you down with his touches.
Hope you enjoyed!!!!
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angelicaether · 26 days
Redacted Appreciation
I’ve seen a few posts like this going around but it’s always in the context of “popularity” which just feels like a way to divide the community instead of uplifting each other. So instead of sharing who I think is “popular” in the community I figured I’d share some people who inspire me to create ^^
These are in no particular order and if you want a more comprehensive list of fic authors/artists to check out I recommend looking at @autisticempathydaemon 's recommendation lists.
@litlkim - One of my favorite Redacted people, a dear friend, and one of the OG lore keepers!
@ryoko-san - Eve is one of the first RA artists I ever came across and getting to see their OC development and AUs is so fun!
@zozo-01 - A wonderful fic author and all around lovely person, highly recommend
@spookybeandoodle - She has one of my favorite Alexis designs and is a joy to work with for comms!
@pinksparkl - Genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met with some of the best fics to boot.
@deviarisa - Super sweet and super creative! Always love hearing her ideas!
@lovelylonerliterature - One of my favorite fic writers in the community, and always a pleasure to talk to!
@androgynouspenguinexpert - My dear beloved friend and a wonderful artist! I love seeing traditional work with her designs!
@gingerbreadmonsters - Another wonderful author, super unique ideas, always beautifully executed!
@frenchiefitzhere - Ms. Marie herself, one of the sweetest people I think I've ever met in my life! Her songs are always a delight!
@thefablefoxart - Another wonderful artist! Fable's David was the first design of him that I ever really latched onto!
@ejunkiet - A great fic writer, her Imperium fics are so so good!
@teafairywithabook - Another wonderful author, super creative, and a great person to talk with!
@mars-mell - Mars' Goobers live rent free in my brain all the time, I love seeing these little guys on my dash.
@belovedbow - Bow's style is so romantic and I love their work so so much. It's lovely!
@stardreamers25 - Super cute art! They have this adorable Sam/Darlin' piece that lives rent free in my mind!
@sylentnights - Another great artist, I adore their Ash design its so friggin cute!
@agentplutonium - If you want a good Milo fic, Pluto is your go to and it's tasty every time
@sainthowlzon - A wonderful artist, their listener icons are so fun and their scribble dolls are so cute!
@nortyourself - My dearest friend, a wonderful artist who's drawn such a fun array of characters, but their Hush design is top tier for me!
@replaycamera2 - The other OG lore keeper! Chloe is truly a foundational member of the community and she helps keep us canon compliant whenever we need help
@dominimoonbeam - One of my favorite fic authors, I adore their fics and I'm excited to dive in to their original works soon!
@mr-laveau - Super talented artist! Their stylized work is so fun and recognizable and I love their designs!
@penncilkid - Another dear friend, their rarepairs are so good and always have so much thought behind them + they're always ready to encourage other people's creativity!
@autisticempathydaemon - Lexi Sun is so creative, her match ups and busybee pairings are so fun and she's put together great rec lists for the community, also a delight to talk to!
@cashandprizes - Lexi Moon is one of the nicest, most creative people I've ever spoken to and she is so ready to help unleash my nonsense at any time
@your-local-mom-whore - She's about to make her fic debut and y'all don't want to miss it! Lucy is one of my most beloved friends and mutuals and always encourages me creatively!
@sincerelywhistler - Another super recognizable artist, Whistler's art is so fun and unique and they have a ton of really cool OCs!
@pycth - And last but not least, the illustrious Pycth who I have convinced to draw David more times than they would care to admit but it's so fun every time! Plus they jumped on my silly AU nonsense so fast and I love it.
This is by no means an entirely comprehensive list but these are the people that I've had the pleasure of talking to or interacting with and they're so lovely, I really recommend taking a look at their work! Like I said, most of the posts I've seen along these lines have been about popularity and I just don't think that's a great mindset to have. Instead we should be uplifting each other and sharing each other's work! Fandom isn't about popularity, it's about community!
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solid-white · 2 months
TF2 SFM fanworks are REALLY good. Like no joke, they're so amazing. I've been off and on in the fandom for 10 years, only really started appreciating it a couple of months ago, and TF2 fans are so creative it's bewildering, so this post is dedicated to rambling about fanworks:
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Emesis Blue is an obvious fanwork everyone in the TF2 community knows about. It's scary, and while yes there're moments in the movie that make you chuckle at the ridiculousness, those moments are by FAR outweighed by horrifying moments, the mystery that surrounds just about everything, and make you question what's real and what's not real.
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Lil Pootis is an animation fanwork that really just shows what life is like for this little bird. It doesn't have much conflict in the overall story besides medimedes despising scout, it's overall a great watch if your looking to pass your time with something cute and fun.
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"He Blinded Me with Science~!" By CookieCatSU
A novella on AO3 about Engineer wanting to bag Medic (who's also dating Heavy). It's light hearted and adorable watching Engineer trying to pick up the oblivious Medic. The personalities are on point, and while it does take a while to get to the point, it's totally worth it.
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"It Came With The Rain" By FiveBucksWorthy2
I briefly talked about this one before but this is a really good read for those wanting to be scared! It's enthralling and the premise is terrifying. It does have its flaws, especially with the monster and the tension of the situation slightly disappearing with the reveal of said monster, but the characters personal conflict keep you reading! Highly recommend like everything else on this list!!
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"Kith And Kin" By BOREDGrace23
I'm a little hesitant to mention this one since it's still ongoing, but it REALLY needs more attention. It was inspired by both Emesis Blue and It Came With The Rain. Each chapter has a drawing, the lack of details for the monster is terrifying and it plays with the concept of the blus being clones. But it does take a while to get to the point and there are some points where it's confusing. Still a REALLY good read.
Was this entire thread an excuse to talk about "He Blinded Me with Science~!"? Yeah. But I still recommend everything on this list! I'll probably make another list soon but right now it's my nap time
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spaghettiposts · 2 months
Who are some of your favourite writers here?
That's a tough one because I love A LOT of them, but here are the ones that have stuck out to me.
Firstly I'll talk about some Wanda writers:
@mionemymind: one of the most compelling writers out there. I think I have a personal bias because we're similar and share similar interests (star wars lol), they've literally written a star wars based wanda fic!!! Apart from that they have really good one shots and stories. My personal favorite one shots have to be To Be Loved Is To Be Considered, The Actress & The Geek, and my personal favorite Blood Drive.
Aside from being a writer Mionemymind is also a really great person to the community and friends, and I can't tell you how many times I've smiled because of their reblogs. Truly awesome sauce.
@targaryenmarvel: From the moment her story "Fallin all in you" came onto my feed, I was desperately hooked. Absolutely one killer of a story and I can't wait for more. Really great writing and its just so perfect, that story meant everything to me at one point <3
@fortuositywritings: I love everything about this authors writing, but my most favorite thing about their style is the humor. It's so natural and well paced, it makes me smile without fail every time. They aren't as active, and I hope they're doing amazing but if I could let this author know that their series I Said No, and Love Bug changed my writing forever, I would do it in a heartbeat. They're one of the reasons I'm writing for Wanda here today.
@ziggyzolch: I discovered their fic on ao3 first and I've got to say it has me hooked. They deal with more serious topics on series and its one of my favorite parts about their style, honestly Your Prettiness is Seeping Through has got to be hands down one of my favorite series in 2024. Amazing work and great representation to those who need it.
And lastly @wandascosmic: I haven't seen much of her until today but her new series you belong with me has quickly become so special to me that I can't help but mention her. The humor between reader and Sam is amazing, but also the interactions between reader and Wanda have my heart aching so sweetly. I feel like a leech with how quickly I've sunk into this story, you belong with me is so sweetly written and I enjoy every second of it. Amazing work.
Now for the Jenna Ortega fandom, I think I have quite a list. There's so many amazing writers out there it's crazy, I'm always so well fed by both fandoms.
I've got to start out with the legendary @cobaltperun: I binged Lost, for 2 days straight. I was HOOKED. so hooked this story got in the way of my personal life because I couldn't stay away from my phone. I love the way you write Tara and gosh did the series kill and heal me. Aside from Lost, Woe out the storm is also such a sweet story. The whole concept Raiju is so interesting to me now and damn do I love a good slow burn. Im just so deeply impressed too by their rapid request process, and how much they get done, its moving.
Another legend @letorip: First I've just got to mention, his headcannons for characters are amazing and I'm CONSTANTLY having to restrain myself from asking for more because I would only continue. I highly recommend them, they're like stories in themselves. But aside from Headcannons, my personal favorite fic of his would have to be somethin' stupid, especially part 3. The whole series is a must read and gosh do I love the writing, its so beautifully described, every inch of it.
@ajortga: every fic of hers is a fucking BANGER. there's never a fic in which I'm left dissatisfied. I love it all, eat it all. When I find her on my feed, you know I'm immediately digging in. Everything is always so fluffy and nice and just makes a girl feel better yk? I completely recommend reading Cute and Absolute, My Girl, and Bear hugs. All super fluffy and heart warming fics, its crazy <333
@persevereforahappyending: This author stabs me, kills me, brings me back to life, and then stabs me again with angst but I go back every time. Specifically to their newest series A Legacies Secret which is. So. Fucking. Good. They really cooked with that one. Every Friday like clockwork I'm checking for notifications and I'm never disappointed. Their writing style just leaves a grip on you and the plots are so clever too, they're very unique and I love them. Luck Runs Out is another great series and damn I revisit that thing once every two weeks for a reminder on what true love really is.
And lastly but not least one of my newest favorite authors of all time is @honorarysimp: Uncanny Distortion was one of the best things I ever read, the plot, whilst held similarities to scream, had such a creative own twist to the authors imagination. I absolutely loved it, Tara and Detective made my day for weeks, and then came Rumor has it and now two others hold my heart, and break it, a lot. this series feels like its gonna hurt me. But overall Honorary simp is such an underrated writer and I really hope that more people will notice you out there and give you some more well deserved attention because God damn your fics are masterfully crafted and I don't even have the words to describe how much I adore them, all I can say is that I carved a space in my heart for Detective and Lucky.
that was longer than I intended but all of these authors came from the top of my head so they mean a lot to me. Tumblr is a way better place with all of these creative souls in it and honestly I wouldn't have gotten far without all this inspiration surrounding me ❤️
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wings-of-ink · 5 months
Hey everyone, just wanted to check in with you. I hope you all doing well!
Right now, I am feeling good about getting chapter 3 out by 4/30. It's a crunch for sure, but barring any disasters in the work itself or my personal life, I feel like it is doable. My aim is to get it to a point where it is release-worthy but will still need fine tuning after the fact. I generally like to edit things a couple times at least and have it play-tested, but I won't have time for all that. But, this is a work in progress, and I can always make improvements as I go. There are also a couple segments that I did not have time to add, but they're not pivotal to the story. I will add them if I find the time before the 30th (sorry to those who wanted to make a tasty cake for someone).
So far, I have gone through chapters 1 and 2 again and made some corrections to typos and grammar. I added a white hair option with some flavor text, and some other flavor text for purple eyes. The option to have your MC's hair turn grey (streaked or fully grey) from stress/illness was added, but I did not do it in the way I needed to, so if I have time, I'm going to fix that before release. I also updated some of the variable values of certain choices. A name bank was added for anyone who might struggle to come up with a name for their MC. I made all but one of them correspond to the marks. There's a wild card in there for the adventurous, lol. The codex was also updated.
Today, I am editing chapter 3. My very gracious boss encouraged me to take the day off, and I'm feeling pretty good, so I'm using this as an opportunity to get some serious work done.
If you're curious and don't mind my rambling about my life, you can read about my ordeal below!
I am feeling much better. I had a couple rough days in the past week, but mostly brought on by medication my dentist wanted me to take to stave off possible infection in a broken tooth. I had a less-than-stellar reaction to it, and it gave me insomnia and anxiety. Simply fantastic.
But, I had the root canal yesterday (got lucky and they had a cancelation so I was able to go in 5 days early). I am happy to report it was not bad at all. In fact, it may have been the easiest dental procedure aside from cleanings that I've ever had, lol. I was in and out within half an hour, and the endodontist numbed the fuck out of my mouth. The biggest pain was the drive there and back since I live so far away.
I chilled the whole day and took a glorious 2 hour nap, and have been sore but totally good. I even watched one of my favorite comfort-animes, Natsume Yuujinchou. If you are ever feeling poorly and down in the dumps or just need to relax, it is cute, a bit funny, and lighthearted - so I highly recommend it. So, all in all, I feel recharged and more than ready to see chapter 3 with fresh eyes!
Thank you to everyone who sent me encouraging messaging about the root canal. It really truly helped me show up for that appointment without feeling completely vulnerable. I was still anxious, because that is just what my brain do - I can't even see my GP without my hands shaking, lol. But, going into it knowing what your experiences have been helped so much.
Anyway, sorry for prattling! I'm going to get back to it now! ^_^
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
im currently brainrotting over agito as you can see..can you write how you think he would meet reader and how their relationship would develop into romance with him? like actually i sat at work for like 15 minutes trying to think how but i actually cannot cook anything up.
(Also I'm seeing the ghost stuff and I'm interested...gonna have to do research for dis one☝️)
sorry if i keep sending you silly asks😞
—🪡 anon
JOIN US WE HAVE SEXY POPES WHO DOUBLE AS FRONTMEN AND FREAKY GHOULS. Listen to them, I highly recommend listening to the meliora and prequelle album before delving any deeper. Watch some YouTube videos abt the lore. PLUS THEY HAVE LITTLE EPISODES <3
Time for some more Cakemaster 9000
Phew, this took a while
Kanoh Agito: How does he fall for you?
• Like what I mentioned in one of the headcanons, you work for Katahara. While Agito doesn't directly work for him apart from beint his representative fighter, he's technically his family AND The Fang.
• However, you two hardly see eachother when on the job. BUT-
• You two visit the same coffee shop. He loves his morning Latte, and you love (insert your favorite Cafe drink here)
• When you first started working, you were surprised to see the Kanoh Agito at a small coffee shop.
• He usually greets and addresses you formally, not interested in any small talk.
• "Sheesh, what a stick in the mud" It's not that he was trying to be rude, but he did come off a little condescending when he greeted you. (He has tone issues)
• One day you woke up late and didn't have time to stop and get your usual.
• He notices your absence. "They can't be sick, they showed no signs of it two days ago"
• Long story short, he picks up your order and goes looking for you. Once he finds you, he stiffly hands it to you. "You were late I presume. I picked this up for you"
• Everyone in the room was shocked. The cold hearted Fang buying someone a drink? You smiled warmly and looked into his eyes "Thank you, this was very kind of you"
• His breathing hitched, and he felt speechless. Was he....flustered? "Don't let it happen again, you work for the Chairman afterall"
• You obviously didn't let it happen again....buuuttt it was super sweet how he seemed to care about you enough to get you something.
• To return the favor, you arrived earlier and got him his Latte. Listen, he was speechless before, now he was in shock. He didn't show it though. In his lifetime no one had ever bought him anything or returned a favor. There was a first time for everything.
• You saw through his attempt to hide the baffled expression on his face. It was kinda- cute.
• "Why have you done this?" "Why not? I'm just repaying you" "I-" "Shush, just take the drink, it's burning my hand"
• He has to get there before you now to ensure that he sees you. He's a bit friendlier with the greetings, too. Don't expect a smile though, just a softer glance in your direction.
• When he was around you, he didn't feel like he needed to be The Fang of Metsudo. You didn't hold him to any higher standard when you chatted, you didn't bother holding back a few curses. He felt as if his soul was on Earth instead of hanging in the balance.
• On one of your off days, the two of you get coffee and sit down for once. Finally having a slower paced discussion. It lasted a few hours, you did most of the talking while he had a response to almost anything. There was a lot he didn't know about pop culture.
• Coffee dates became your thing, even though it wasn't technically a date. More like two friends hanging out. Discussions got into deeper topics like pasts and whatnot.
• Agito decided that he could trust you, so he opened up about the Human Gu Ritual. He didn't know what trauma was, so you explained to him that his feelings and memories about that time in his life would be very traumatic.
• "I'm glad you could tell me that, but are you okay? If I had something like that on my chest I'd cry" "I'm quite alright, I'm not fazed in the slightest but I had no idea the caliber of the topic. I hope I didn't ruin the conversation"
• You tapped your cheek and sighed. "Have you ever been hugged before?" Agito thought for a second. The embracing gesture? The only physical contact he's hand was a pat on the shoulder or when he's fighting.
• "No, I don't think I have" "Well today's your lucky day, bring it in"
• He froze as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him into you. His heartbeat raced as he thought of what to do. "Just tell me if you don't like it" you squeezed him gently. He awkwardly put his hand behind your back and rested it there.
• You let go after a few seconds, but he didn't want you to. "How was it?" You smiled.
• "I'm not sure" He smoothed out his suit, trying to relax himself after what just happened.
• A few days passed and you haven't seen him anywhere. He wasn't at work or at the coffee shop. You start to worry. Did you drive him away? Was the hug too much? Oh god was he dead?
• All the while Agito was keeping an eye on you from afar. Not letting you see him, but he could see you. He felt very fragile after that day, he almost felt ashamed. He wasn't good at managing his emotions. And what happened moved him in a way that frightened him.
• He summons the courage to talk to Katahara Metsudo about how he felt. He was the only parental figure he had in a sense.
• "You are a grown man. Is this really a difficult concept to grasp?" Katahara looked out the window of his office. "I'm inexperienced, these feelings are foreign to me"
• 'He's not referring to himself as we and us anymore, this must be serious' Katahara turned around. "To put it simply" he laughed "Tell (Reader) everything you told me"
• "I have a strong regard for you" Agito came clean. You know how I said there was a first time for everything? Well he had a hint of red on his cheeks. This beast of a man, blushing? Utterly adorable
• "So you're saying you love me?" That's the word. Love. He nodded. "Well. Say it then. There's nothing holding you back"
• He pauses for a moment, he's not exactly fond of eye contact. But this was for (Reader)
• "I love you"
• You wrap your arms around his waist again. "That's all I needed to hear"
• His lips curled into a smile as he looked down at you. You parted from the hug and tilted your head to the side. "Wanna go out to a restaurant sometime?"
• "Are you asking me out on...what is it that they call it...a date?" "Yes" you stated bluntly. Beating around the bush or teasing wouldn't get far in this situation.
• "We can talk about plans later, I have important matters to attend to" he look your hand and grazed his lips on you knuckles. Planting a small kiss on it.
• "Now where did you learn that?" "It's a romantic gesture they do on television" you bite your lip from calling him a dork.
• "I'll meet with you later about this date. Until we see eachother again" He leaves, and you're alone again.
• Man, you're already falling for him. It's not like you'd hate dating him. But you didn't want to be head over heels just yet. You looked at your knuckles and sighed "Ah what the hell, being love isn't that bad"
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rayisemo · 6 months
Webtoon comics I think are underrated.
Now, I just want to make it clear that when I say “underrated” I don’t mean as if it isn’t heard of or been read, just that it’s underrated in the sense that nobody talks about it, makes posts about it, fanfics, fan arts, etc.
…and if you haven’t read these then I highly recommend you do!!! It’s so worth it, trust! I’ll add in a little review too!
1. DEATH: Rescheduled (Thriller)
The story in short is about a world where you have the Kill Law, a law where you are legally allowed to kill one person a year, no consequences. However the “Penny” Kreyul and his friends disagree with the Kill Law and are going to put an end to it no matter what.
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Death: rescheduled had me so captivated that I refused to sleep before I finished reading. I even spent money on this shit because it was so entrancing! My favourite episode was by far 66, it was so funny and it builds up ships and just pure wholesomeness of the group.
The characters all have great personalities, the story is amazing and omg the art is so beautiful. You’ll love it.
2. Sable Curse (Fantasy)
This story follows a young girl named Tarron, a girl who is cursed and will die in 6 months. Her (honestly abusive) parents decide to take her and her sister to a holiday retreat. There she ends up finding new friends, herself, potential love, and maybe even a cure for her curse. But as it turns out, she’s not the only one cursed either.
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This story is amazing! The art is wonderful, the characters are perfect, some we hate, some we love. We learn throughout the story more about this curse, and even about this special holiday retreat. There is so much mystery to uncover and it is one of my favourite webcomics.
Now, I’ve heard that most people have actually read it, but I encourage that we make a proper fandom for this series!
3. Marionetta (Fantasy)
Two best friends decide to go out and visit the travelling circus. However after a while Julia’s best friend Kamille disappears. Julia is determined to find her again and hunts down the circus, where her best friend is now living. Julia is still going to bring her home and end up losing something very valuable. Her life. For this circus is for the dead. Now Julia has to uncover the true secrets behind the circus whilst still trying to bring her and Kamille home. Will she manage? Or will she have to kill Anthonn Gremminger to save her life?
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When I tell you this webcomic is a roller coaster of emotions. There are plenty of ships to chase, characters to stan, and many theories to explore. I love this webcomic so bloody much and I was actually surprised that there wasn’t a lot posted about it.
This is such a cool and dark story, with lovely and cute art. I could talk about it for hours.
4. After School Activities For Unripe Apples (Drama)
A wholesome slow burn between Mi-ae and an old childhood friend, Cheol. When another year starts and Mi-ae needs to take school more seriously the son of the family friends shows up in her class, but now seen as Lucifer, a hostile boy who ends fights - but is that the boy Mi-ae remembers? Who she know knows and loves?
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This is a cute, funny and entertaining webcomic. You would think that things would be so simple, however due to school, parents, and other issues the characters face of themselves and others, it is difficult to understand and accept your own feelings. This is exactly why I love this series so much, it’s relatable and adorable. We especially love Mi-ae.
There are a few fanfics out there, but honestly where is the love it deserves??
5. My universe (Romance)
Apart from the normal college life Hayeon lives, she has this special gift.. she can communicate with the universe. She ends up communicating with an alien, who she gives the name Ujun. They want to be able to actually meet each other, but alas that is nearly impossible. But imagine the surprise when Ujun ends up taking over the body of one of Hayeons classmates, and crush, Hyeonsu. Now they must figure out a way to send him back whilst still spending some time together. However the peacefulness and secrets can’t be kept as the aliens are taking over. What will Hayeon do now? And can she even trust Ujun anymore?
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Now this story deserves its own universe fr. The art is super cute as is the story, however things get more complicated as the story progresses. When I was still reading this the first thing I would do in the morning is read the next episode as soon as I got the daily pass because it was so good! Obviously I’m not going to spoil the ending, however the waves of emotions this series brings you is inhuman.
All in all it’s a fantastic webcomic that deserves so much love and attention!
6. Stray Souls (Fantasy)
In a world of magic and string weaving, some are fortunate and some are not. Eylin isn’t particularly good at string weaving, however that doesn’t stop her and her friends from stopping the wicked and doomed Amethyst King. Follow along the difficulty journey with friendship, love, and a whole lot of mystery. But what is it all worth in the end?
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Holy moly this story is AMAZING. The plot is genius and the art is fantastic, the characters are so original and all have such amazing personalities!! Although, it’s a bit hard to keep track of them all😭 still love them all.
All in all it’s so amazing and has so much potential to be incredibly popular, yet there is no fandom!? Give it attention!!
7. Spirit Fingers (Drama)
Adorable Amy Song is incredibly self conscious and insecure. She has no support and no confidences, however after stumbling upon an art club drawing each other and their wacky poses - she ends up becoming their model too. After meeting a cute guy and getting his number she enters the group herself! This group accepts her with love and so much care, and she finally starts to feel more confident in herself and her art! She might even get a boyfriend!
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This is quite literally the cutest and most heartwarming webcomic I’ve read in a while. And there is no one talking about it!!’ It’s been around for sooooo long too!!! When I tell you I cry, and laugh, and smile so hard at every chapter!! If you love a heartwarming, coming of age, and found family comic - then this is perfect!! And the art is beautiful!! It’s a perfect read for artists!!
Miss Amy is literally so relatable for those who don’t feel very pretty or have any sorts of insecurities regarding looks or academics. It’s a beautiful, long, and mostly free (if you’re fine with ads) comic, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever found.
Now! So far this are all the webcomics that come to mind! I think all of these are great and I just know that so many more will enjoy these if they gave them a chance.
I’d love to talk about these with other people, and I’d even love it if others would like to share some webcomics they believe are underrated too.
All of these comics are from Webtoon, and are so worth your time! Please let me know if there was anything I missed.
(I might add more in the future 😉)
Edit: sadly the pictures are now a little awkward and too big for my liking… but I hit the limit of 10 pictures 😔🙏
💗- Anyways lots of love!
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jillianrose305 · 9 months
I know its midnight where I am but I had a cute thought: how the obey me cahrecters would react to mc saying "but aren't I too heavy?.."
not including Luke, thriteen,Rapheal,and mestipholis [or whatever his name is]
Tw:suggestive themes[if you squint] ,reader worried about their weight,angst,trauma,and pet names.
You guys are already dating
It was a normal night he was working and you came into his room looking for some sort of comfort and familiarity so you could finally rest. Lucifer sat at his desk about to start his last pile of paper work for the night. "Good evening MC" he didn't even look up to know it was you.
"Good evening lucifer" you approached his desk and when you did he looked up at you gazing at you with those dark charcoal eyes the glint of red like a dying star in an empty sky.
"did you need something my dear?"
"Couldn't sleep and I missed you" you spoke a yawn creeping out at the end of the sentence. He looked up at you smirking. "I just wanted to be near you I guess I couldn't fully relax without knowing you were still here." He reached up and caressed your face gently.
"You need to rest ,If you want to stay with me you could sit on my lap ill hold you while I finish my work after ill carry you to my bed for some well deserved rest." His small chuckle made it hard to deceiver if he was joking or not but the look on his face was serious and his hand started to slink around your waist.
"But wouldn't i be to heavy?.. and I would want to get in the way I can just wait for you on your bed..." you looked at the floor instead of him.
"Oh my love you could never be to heavy as far as I'm concerned you are as light as a feather to me. You don't have to sit on my lap if you don't want to but I highly recommend sitting down." After a bit of reassurance you sat down on his lap eventually relaxing he held you with one arm doing his work with the other. He will find out what or who made you think like this he wants you to have pride in yourself and who you are.
currently it was a day where Mammon was feeling very clingy he just wanted to be near you he didn't mind laying on you but he just wanted to hold you for a change holding you in his arms while you laid on him was all he wanted right now. "Hey Treasure i have a once in a life time opportunity for ya specially from the great mammon!"
"Oh and what would that be?" You asked . Currently you were finishing making a upgraded version of instant ramen for your boyfreind and you for movie night. You placed the bowl down on the coffee table infornt of his TV. Staring down at the handsome demon who laid on the couch.
"You can lay on my chest and I'll hold ya' for a change but I'm probably not gonna let ya' go for a while." He grinned proudly but you just stared trying to see if this was a joke. "Treasure whats wrong? Are you just too stunned by my amazing offer?" He tugged on the hem of your shirt.
"Wouldn't i be to heavy?.." you looked gloomy at your boyfreind.
"Eh?! Are you dumb or something what would go through your brain to think that? Just lay down I've missed your soft Skin" you seemed confused but laid on top of your boyfreind your head resting on his chest. His arms soon wrapped around you as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "My precious treasure is all mine.~" the night was filled with comforting moments. Though he isn't the best at showing it your boyfreind truly cared about you.
levi currently wasn't very happy. You had barely hung out with him all day and then when your here now you won't sit with him. It was true yall had spooned before or he rested on you ,you wouldn't sit with him in his chair. He just wanted his player 2 right next to him after not seeing you all day. He's currently using his tail to try and pull you onto his lap only for you to stop him. "Huh? Why won't you sit with me?." Levi pouted obviously about to start rambling about him being a disgusting Otaku.
"Levi its not that it's just..aren't I too heavy?" In that moment Leviathan started laughing he seemed to think it was a joke in one swift motion his tail wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his lap.
"Honey I'm the general of the navy and a demon no matter what you'll never be to heavy trust me" he spoke confidently but becoming flustured once he looked into your eyes. "Just..shut up normie I love you.."
Satan was chilling in his room reading his 3rd book of the day when you came to check up on him. As you knocked on his door you heard his voice from the inside "who is it?"
"Its MC" you called from the outside of his door. You heard a bit of shuffling from inside before the blonde opened the door.
"Good evening MC its lovely to see you" you gave him a gentle smile and he closed the door behind you.
"You've been in here the past 2 days I started to miss you" you wrapped your hands around his waist and hugged him.
"I'm sorry dear I hadn't realized so much time had passed" soon before you could object you were being held bridal style as he placed a kiss to your forehead. You tensed up.
"Aren't i too heavy?.." you looked up at him worriedly.
"Huh? Who would make you think such stupid things my dear?" He carried you to his bed laying your head on his chest. After a while of reassurance you relaxed. If you told him someone made you feel this way he would make sure they would be gone and not peacefully.
Currently you and Asmo were doing eachothers makeup he had already done yours but now it was your turn. No matter where you stood you couldn't find the right angle to do his mascara and eye shadow . "Are you ok bueatiful you seem to be struggling" he pulled you closer by the hem of your shirt causing you to stumble onto his lap and when you tried to get up he held you there by holding your hips.
"Asmo let me get up im to heavy to do this." Asmo traced small circles on your hips not letting you up.
"None sense now isn't this a easier angle to get my eyeliner done?~♡" the bueatiful demon gave a cheeky smile as you noded.
Currently you hadn't talked to beelzebub all day instead you were spending the day with solomon. Solomon stopped talking and looked behind you having a small smirk. "Hello Beelzebub I was just hanging out with my apprentice is there something you needed?" Solomons smirk was not welcomed by the hungry demon nor did he respond he simply picked you up and through you over his shoulder.
"Beel aren't I too heavy for this?" Beel quickly swallowed whatever he was eating.
"Not at all" after around 10 minutes you were in his room laying on his chest as he held onto you tightly. You knew you wouldn't be leaving for a while or atleast until beel ran out of the bag of food he had. Thinking back on it was a silly question to ask him.
This was new. Belphie had woken up and you weren't there when he went looking for you he was informed you had to attend a freinds birthday party. He had forgotten and now he was alone. Well aside from Beel. He pouted all day what human thought they had the right to take you away from him he would make sure they would be able to sleep for a while. You didn't return till 2 days later and he hadn't slept a wink. He couldn't without you. As soon as you walked in he was in his demon form and carried you up to the attic holding you protectively close to him. "Your never leaving again without telling me ok?"
"Belphie let me go im too heavy for you" you struggled in his grasp only for him to tighten his grasp his hand slipping around your neck not in a 'im gonna kill you' way but in a 'shut up and let me be so close im almost under your skin' way. You knew you wouldn't be leaving his side for atleast a month. When the rest sall you again belphie was clinging to you your neck and shoulder covered in bites. Even if you wanted to leave you couldn't he would simply use his magic to lure you back with his voice no matter how much you protested.
Lord Diavolo:
It was after a student council when he asked you to stay after dismissing anyone who tried to stay back with you. All he wanted was to dance with you as he hadn't gotten the chance at his last ball. It was going smoothly even if your a bad dancer diavolo had made sure to teach you. At one point Diavolo went to pick you up. "Wait! Aren't I to heavy for you to pick me up" he chuckled in response.
"Never my dear" he held you bridal style and spun with you in his arms before slowly letting you down giving you a gentle kiss on your lips. Needless to say you spent the night at the castle in his arms.
You were currently in your room at the house of lamentation while diavolo had a meeting with lucifer when ypu heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You called out.
"Hello my love" as he walked in you could sense something was off.
"Are you ok dear?" He took a step forward hoisting you up into his arms.
"I sall you've been thinking negatively about yourself" as soon as he spoke you knew you were about to be met with loving words but also a lecture so you just didn't say anything. Barbatis requested the night off so he could stay with you and Diavolo more then happily agreed.
[I don't really talk to solomon much hes not my favriote so im sorry if its not good]
You were teaching your boyfreind how to cook currently as he asked in turn for him teaching you magic. "And then you add- Hey put me down ! Aren't I too heavy?" You complained as your boyfreind littered you with kisses.
"Nonesense" he insited on holding you for the rest of the cooking lesson. And you couldn't object though you would get flustured at every flirtatious mark he made towards you.
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sitp-recs · 10 months
Hello, I was wondering if you could have any friends to lovers drarry fic rec for me? I enjoy slow burn with a kind and soft Draco (where he isn’t a bully) or one where draco stood for the light side of the war (so preferably during the war). I just want want to see Draco have a strong friendship with the golden trio, really! (I don't mind if the romance is a subplot. I just want a focus on Draco)
(I quite literally watched Harry Potter with my sister thinking Draco was going to have a hell of a redemption arc and was sorely disappointed... So here I am seeking for comfort fics)
Anyways thanks in advance!
Hi anon! I feel you, Draco’s redemption arc was poorly done and so frustrating :( I hope you’ll enjoy these as they combine slow burn, friends to lovers and redeemed Draco. Some are told from Harry’s pov and while Draco’s not always soft I think his characterization will be right up your alley. You might also enjoy GallaPlacidia’s Draco, her fics were taken down but you can find them here. Finally, I have also added my personal favorites redemption arc as a separate category, highly recommend them. Enjoy!
Friends to lovers slow burn:
Vortex by @xanthippe74 (T, 20k)
The idea of perfectly-matched soulmates feels more like a curse than a blessing to Draco. Who would want a soulmate who was a schoolyard bully, a Death Eater, and a convicted felon? Certainly not Harry Potter. And Draco is determined to take this secret to the grave.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (T, 22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
Moldova's Magical Tea by @aibidil (E, 32k)
Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and—to everyone’s surprise—Draco Malfoy are opening a magical tea shop to revive wizarding tea culture and, hopefully, to bring the community together after the war. Harry, who is unemployed and trying to find his way in post-war society, wants to help his friends with their new business—but that means spending a lot of time around Malfoy.
Open For Repairs by @drarrytrash (M, 35k)
After the war, Draco works at a tv repair shop and Harry breaks things.
Follow the Water by @xanthippe74 (T, 38k)
Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends. Maybe a summer outdoors is just what a former hero needs to bring some zest back into his life.
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love by @aibidil (E, 80k)
In which a group of wizards' rights activists goes on the offensive after a prohibition against love potions, forcing the magical world to confront the horror of magic's role in sexual assault and the murky legal nature of consent. Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Draco are swept together to solve the case, and in the process they're made to confront their own love and lust—with and without potions.
At Your Service by Faith Wood (E, 95k)
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There's only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl (M, 114k)
Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
My favorites - Redemption arc:
And Save Me From Bloody Men by @blamebrampton (T, 10k)
Draco Malfoy once watched others fighting to stop the world falling apart. This time, he's not just watching.
Slithering by astolat (E, 27k)
Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
Heal Thyself by astolat (T, 47k)
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.” “What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
A Young Radical's Guide to Love by @blamebrampton (T, 66k)
Memories of the war are still fresh, which is all the excuse Decent People need to do appalling things. In this quietly waged conflict, Draco Malfoy is happy to be on the right side of things for once, and even happier to find he’s not alone.
A Thousand Beautiful Things by geoviki (M, 104k)
Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend.
Changing Tides by carpemermaid (E, 109k)
Draco has spent half of his life spouting the things his father has taught him without much thought about how he feels about what he says. When he unexpectedly comes face to face with the Dark Lord, he grapples with the harsh realities of the world and struggles with his changing views on life.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Eclipse by Mijan (T, 287k)
Draco swore his revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and Harry all but laughed at him. But Draco is planning more than schoolyard pranks this time. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. It's the perfect plan, guaranteeing revenge, power, and prestige, all in one blow. But when Draco's world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins, and the battle will take them both through hell and back. If they come back.
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (T, 302k)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness.
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