#him : ok moons are an obvious one lmao .
oooo ok ok ok
so what bout a platonic deuce, epel, and lilia with a gn reader that kinda talks out loud to themselves when they play?
like they say how much they want to be this character's brother, or how they bet this character would be a good parental figure, etc. or even when another character says/does something they don't like they kinda just, voice their opinion on it?
just their reaction to reader talking out loud/voicing their thoughts lmao srry if this doesn't make sense
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, violence, description of violence, obsessive themes, religion, war (if you squint)
Deuce Spade/Epel Felmier/Lilia Vanrouge-Player voicing their thoughts whilst playing (PLATONIC!)
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Deuce is a calm guy, they said. Deuce is a chill guy, they said
Well whoever they are haven't seen him when you are around, behind the screen or not
This guy is just happy that you confide in him enough that you voice your thoughts to him
Don't mention that you are just on venting-you-thoughts mode when you play… Like seriously, don't.
He is always more than happy to listen whenever you are talking.
Could be about how much you like his newest card design but could also be about what you want for dinner. Idk? I would recommend something light like banana muffins with blueberries. It's very tasty. Trust me.
If you could see through the coding he would be like “Oh really.” and “You don't say.” or “What? Really?”
What I am trying to say is that he is probably more engaged in this “conversation than most would be
If some poor NPC “interrupts” (aka not heating what he is hearing and starting to talk) he will show them how fragile the ordinary human nose is. In other words, fist meet face. Nose make crack. NPC is screaming.
But on another note, should you voice wishing to be a family member of his, say for example his sibling, he would be over the moon
He is in lalaland, imagining how he and his younger siblings would enjoy their free time together. Heck, probably taking care of some chicks
Oh, and what if you were his older sibling? Like, wow, you would be such a cool role model! You probably wouldn't be a thug like him so that makes you even… cooler (?) in his eyes
Dude over here is having such a great time imagining being your sibling he is low-key looking like he ascended
But then he starts to imagine the darker sides of life
Like how his younger sibling could be bullied in school whilst he is stuck on this island
Or even worse if you are the older one of you two, you might start dating!
I don't know if it is funny or sad that he is feeling a sensation of loss over a sibling he never had
Like bro, chill. Don't beat up that student that looks similar to the imaginary partner you just made up in your mind. They can't be held accountable for your min-OH NO DON… Didn't he want to stop with this?
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Epel is literally frothing at his mouth when he hears your innermost thoughts
Now now, I know this is creepy (like wtf get yourself together man) but I promise he is totally normal (who am I kidding he looks like he has rabies) and is also a totally chill guy (is it obvious that I am lying?)
Religious indoctrination or whatnot
Imagine, you are already isolated in a village filled with religious zealots, always hearing how great that person (you) is
And then they spill everything on their mind to you
Give him a day or two and he will be back to normal… if we ignore that poor student in the corner
Like man, you noted one single time how much you liked this NPCs design and the next thing he knows he is seeing red
It's kinda like seeing your favorite family member favoring that one annoying cousin who is related to you over five corners
Has a notebook and writes everything he deems important down… which is a lot to be fair (but let the guy have his weird hobby, ok?)
But then you mention how you wish you were a family member of his and oh my god I think he is this close to breaking the fourth wall for real this time
This hits home to him
Remember how I told you about his village's eight lines higher than this one? Yeah.
There had been others his age but they were little to none and his village is in the middle of nowhere so…
But we also know how much he loves his grandma so it is a given that he would cherish you as well
Also, his god saying that they would want to be related to him. Ugh. He is honored so much that it is disgusting
But I could see this isolation and certain closeness you only get with a sibling also being not so good for you
What if you like the other villagers your age more than him? What if his girly appearance drives you away from him? (Bro u probably more dangerous with those looks than without them bc no one expects you to be able to throw hands but go on)
This leads to more and more self-doubts until he more or less bursts and just turns into someone no one wants to be around because of how aggressive he is
Thank god for the fourth wall or else you wouldn't see him like his old, not-so-destructive self anymore
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Lilia is… something
His interest in you isn't purely romantic. It started out as something more like him holding onto something so he wouldn't go mad during “those days” *add fire noises and screaming in the background*
So it's more of a “I BETTER BELIEVE IN SOMETHING OR ELSE I MIGHT LOOSE MY MIND” than “Omg I am such a good follower te-he” situation
Little to no one has had access to the Overseer's thoughts and he is just randomly hearing them whilst thinking about what to make for dinner
Like Epel, he is pretty intense when it comes to you. Difference is that Epels “interest” in you stems from a place of… let's say religious views and Lilias from “those days” *fire noises and screaming in the background intensifies*
But unlike the guy who more or less shares his height and is a cotton candy version of himself concerning their hair he doesn't write down your thoughts
Oh no
This guy listens to it like he is hearing the world's greatest opera singer perform live in front of him
Thank goodness no one other than the other Diasomnia students mention your ramblings or else there would be heads flying
What? Can't a guy hope to have some special link to his deity? God, you all are so cold. Can't you even try to see his perspective? (I am joking please don't do what he does your reaction is totally valid)
But then you once mentioned how much you want to be part of his little family and whoops- there went his sanity
What if he had adopted you and Silver at the same time?
Wouldn't that be the cutest?
Sebek is almost screaming when he suddenly hears *ahem* LILIA-SAMA cooing at nothing out of nowhere
You two would be so cute growing up together and he would be the one honored to be this close to some kind of reincarnation of his God
But- but what if he was the only one knowing who you truly were? The other Faes (Malleus and Sebek being the exceptions) can't hear you so what if… what if you were also seen as some sort of weird outsider like Silver?
Don't get him wrong, the Faes have never shown hostility to his son but there was always that certain distance, Sebek and his family being one of the few accepting the young silver-haired knight as he was
Suddenly Lilia feels a certain kind of rage bubbling up to the surface like he hadn't felt in a long time
Silver… uh… you better hide that meatclea- *coughcough* I mean, legendary sword from your father
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luckhound · 1 year
leander, pagan symbolism, and other notes.
ok so people have already brought up that leander is covered in or surrounded by a lot of symbolism. but there’s way more where that came from. idk if someone has compiled all of them in one place but i’m doing it here bc i’m feeling crazy at the moment
first, let’s get the obvious ones out of the way
there’s the ouroboros on his earring and in his charm
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it’s a pagan symbol and also symbolizes alchemy. the ouroboros features a serpent eating its own tail and “symbolizes the eternal nature of the universe and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. The symbol is closely associated with that of infinity, and the two are typically combined” (source)
we can see that it’s combined with the infinity symbol on the charm, which of course has to do with eternity
then there’s the triple moon/triple goddess on his belt buckle, yet another pagan symbol (credit to this post for this insight!)
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here’s some info on the triple moon: “The first crescent, the waxing moon, symbolizes new life, rejuvenation, and new beginnings. The middle circle represents the full moon when magic is at its most powerful. Finally, the second crescent moon represents the moon during its waning period. This time of the moon phase is a time that is regarded as the best to send things away, remove them from your life, or finish things.” (source)
there are also white lilies featured in leander’s CG, on his charm and pin, and in the game trailer
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surprise! it’s also a pagan symbol!
supposedly, “pagans used white lilies as decorations on May Day. Part of the festivities include young women dancing around the May Pole with ribbons with lilies in their hair. In this setting lilies represent renewed life, health and fertility.” (source)
but wait, there’s more!
like the earth symbol on the chain attached to his lapel pin
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another pagan symbol that “is also sometimes used to symbolize Mother Earth. The element of earth is associated with the colors of brown and green, abundance, prosperity, and fertility.” (source) apparently it’s the ultimate symbol of the divine feminine
finally, green is practically leander’s official colour. it’s the colour of his eyes, his magic, and is featured heavily all over his sprite and official art. interestingly, it’s also the colour of the cloaks that his bloodhounds wear
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you guessed it - the colour green is tied to paganism
it symbolizes “youth and fertility, evil and envy” and is connected to the season of spring as well as to nature (source). in the bible, green “means immortality, resurrection, growth, prosperity, and restoration” as well as fertility (source)
now onto some things that i might just be reading into lmao
like the gold points on leander’s trench coat, as well as the tiny inverted triangle between his clavicles, which is also featured in one of initial sketches for his earring. this could be the water symbol
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again, it’s pagan. and is “believed to have a strong feminine connection, and so it is associated with all aspects of the goddess. The inverted triangle used to symbolize water is felt by some to symbolize the womb and is befitting with this element's feminine association.” (source)
the same source mentions that water is a “healing and purifying element that is connected to the West. Water can be used in rituals involving love and other emotions, and flowing water in nature, such as a river, or the sea, can be incorporated into magical workings that focus on carrying away negativity or other unwanted aspects of your life.”
i included it because it mentions the goddess, the womb (so possibly fertility), and femininity, which you’ve probably noticed by now is a recurring meaning for the other symbols on him
flowing water also brings lowtown to mind, since it’s described as being eroded by some sort of flood
next i’ll bring up leander’s dagger earring again, focusing not on the ouroboros but the dagger itself
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in the demo, the mc notes that the earring is “dagger shaped.” but what if it’s not a dagger at all? what if it’s the ankh?
this could be a stretch, but note the hoop at the top of the dagger
the ankh is an “ancient Egyptian hieroglyph means life or living. Over time the ankh has come to symbolize eternal life and immortality to people from many walks of life. In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the gods were always seen carrying an ankh, making it a symbol of divinity.” (source)
another reach, but i was looking at pagan symbols that might be a match for the diamond that shows up on leander’s lapel pin and his belt buckle, and came across the unicursal hexagram
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this is the weakest link imo, especially because this isn’t a pagan symbol, but i thought i’d add it anyway since it seemed neat
the unicursal hexagram is a “six-pointed star is drawn unicursally, meaning that it is drawn in one continuous line. The hexagram represents the divine and heavenly forces of the universe. In Aleister Crowley's occult order Thelema, a five-petaled flower is placed in the middle to represent the pentacle and the five classical elements.” (source)
some other insights that i wanted to bring up here, though they have less to do with symbolism and are more concrete/tied to the game specifically
first up, as mentioned earlier, green might as well be leander’s official colour... so what about the red items on him? what significance do they have?
there’s this glowing red object attached to his belt, which i can’t help but think looks like an inverted version of the largest spire in eridia. you know, the spire that’s confirmed to be the senobium
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also note how the windows in eridia all seem to glow with a similar red light in this CG...
there’s also a (faintly glowing?) red gem on his dagger earring, which looks to be diamond-shaped
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what does it mean? what does it all mean?
your guess is as good as mine! but given all the allusions to the divine feminine, the (triple) goddess, fertility, etc. i can’t help think that leander might be in league with some kind of goddess or female deity. we already know that gods exist in some form or another, since ais is connected to a god and kuras is an angel, so the idea isn’t completely off base
did this goddess save leander’s life in the past, hence the constant motifs of renewed life, rebirth/resurrection, immortality, and so forth? maybe the scar that covers a good portion of his body had been enough to kill leander, or just nearly, until she intervened somehow
is he working with her to potentially overthrow the senobium, which we know he dislikes? are leander’s bloodhounds in on this? is the fact that leander’s magic is so powerful due to some kind of pact he has with the goddess?
obviously, i have no clue. i’m just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks msfjskfjhfd
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chynandri · 2 days
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I’ve got so much on my mind! Eva/Neil stuff To the moon beach episode spoilers
While I’ve always liked the Eva/Neil ship I have seen it as more one sided, or maybe just UNdecided. Neil I think it got increasingly obvious that he liked her, but it was hard to tell with Eva. I think in this game she definitely showed Interest in him. peeking at his shirtlessness and whatever’s in his pants at the pool lmao. plus wanting to believe the real Neil would want to protect her and do nice gestures. I think my most satisfying personal interpretation is that she’s just isn’t all that sure how she feels about him besides that obviously, this was her best childhood friend. After all I think it’s hard to have feelings for someone who was so distant and secretive at the same time. But there’s definitely still Something there that just… never got the chance to become something more.
I think a feeling of ‘incompleteness’ is prominent after finishing this game. Somehow having some of the truth confirmed/spelled out to you just leaves me with more questions. And perhaps that’s the whole point… the incompleteness of their feelings for each other, the incompleteness of the beach trip, the incompleteness of the simulated beach trip, the incompleteness of Neil himself as a person. I feel like the life lesson here was that you got to be ok with not having all the closure but realize that things have an end in spite of it. And you’ve got to move on once you’re ready to. The game giving you one final chance to linger on a perfect moment of Neil and Eva at their most vulnerable, letting You choose when the story ends was really profound. It’s like Kan Gao was saying to you ‘yeah, you’ve known all along Neil was dying/is dead. And that this series wasn’t going to last forever. You can keep returning to it again and again, but that fact remains and eventually you will stop playing the games and move on.’
I’m not sure if I’m articulating the metaness of this ending well enough, but Eva and the player feel in parallel here. Eva’s relationship with Neil, and the players relationship to this series.
Just wow. What an incredible ending. It almost felt too quick that the biggest theory of Neil being dead all along was confirmed but, it’s not too quick at all considering this story’s been going on for 13 years I guess. Still leaves me in shock even though that’s honestly what the games have been Strongly hinting at.
Will try to remember To the Moon for as long as I can. What an impactful game series…
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Because it’s Halloween season: How would you do a vampire story in a post game setting? And who would you be the vampire until they are somehow cured?
Ooo fun idea. And honestly this is probably what a majority of people were hoping for when I said I was writing a vampire fic and instead wrote a meticulously detailed medieval AU about 14th century politics in Ireland lmao.
Ok, so, who should be the vampire? I think tonally it depends on if you want to go "sexy tragic vampire" or "horror vampire." Is the vampire one of our heroes, who is tragically condemned to drink blood and lose their humanity? Or is it one of their enemies, thought defeated but returned as the undead and more dangerous than ever?
Yuri is such an obvious pick for a vampire. He's got the looks (pale, dresses in black, moon aesthetic) and the story themes are already there (are you really willing to bloody your hands? have you become a monster?). So I feel like if I were to write a vampire fic, I would not make Yuri the vampire simply because half the work is already done for me.
And let's be honest, the only other choices for me are Estelle or Flynn, because all of my fics focus on Yuri, Estelle, or Flynn.
I did already write about Flynn as a vampire, but in a very different setting. Considering Flynn is thematically associated with light and the sun, there's an extra layer of tragedy if he's cursed to burn in sunlight and unable to set foot in the sun again.
You could get some of that same inversion-of-aesthetic with Estelle, who's generally bright and flowery. Estelle also has some narrative themes that could blend well with vampirism, in the way using her magic hurts the world. Having to literally feed on the life of others makes her CotFM powers even more immediate.
Hm... what if Estelle did die from what Alexei did to her, and unbeknownst to the rest of the cast (and even Estelle herself) the version they get back at the Sword Stair is undead. The more she uses her magic, the more her energy drains, and the only way to restore herself is to drink human blood.
OR we go with the type of vampire in which the human personality is no more, and either a wholly new evil soul has possessed the corpse, or their old self is corrupted and monstrous, so you get "Estelle" who is now a ruthless villain. One of my earliest ToV fics was about "What if Estelle was secretly evil?" so I've always been fond of that idea.
If we're looking at villain vampires, I think Yeager is an obvious choice. I mean. Look at him. He's got fangs. He also has done that vampire thing of disguising his identity by turning his name backward Alucard style (Yeager/Regaey). Plus you could count him as undead given the blastia heart. So maybe post-game, he comes back as extra undead.
Alexei coming back as a vampire could also be fun. I could see him as a Dracula-esque vampire manipulating his way into power and treating his victims has play things before draining them. And I imagine he would especially want to get revenge on the pesky kids who killed him the first time.
Ok, so maybe combine some of these ideas. If this is how I would do a vampire fic, I'm generally more interested in vampires in a horror plot than a tragic love interest plot, so I would lean into Alexei coming back from the dead. Bodies drained of blood start showing up around Zaphias as he grows in strength.
His primary targets for revenge would be Flynn and Raven, because they didn't just fight him, they betrayed him. And especially Flynn, who betrayed him, killed him, and then took his job. Rude. So maybe he can turn Estelle into a vampire as an extra fuck-you to Flynn - taunting him with the girl he swore to protect and now has to fight, but desperately doesn't want to kill.
And then is Yuri willing to kill Estelle? How long until he gives up on the idea of finding a cure and sees this as saving the real Estelle so she can rest in piece? How do the rest of the party like Rita and Judith divide and feud over whether to kill her?
Which is all, of course, playing right into Alexei's hands because while they're distracted with the horror and grief of what's happened to Estelle, he's plotting to retake his position and finish the coup he started.
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justineangelrococo · 1 year
Alrighty I'm back on my cartoon theories as a classic has came back fionna and cake the tv show on HBO Max.
Alright so the first episode we had a sailor moon reference, which makes me think about when they were rumor leaks of before we knew Ice king's past as Simon I remember rumors and some art of which I'm pretty sure were fake of him supposedly looking like a tuxedo mask or rather a ice prince, which makes me think spoilers ahead folks for episode one we see Simon in Fionna's dream he is a tuxedo masked ice prince heck in the trailer we see more ice prince characters, maybe they brought it in as a reference or not as Fionna has always had sailor moon references in her designs, from her bunny hood, to her dress in the special, even her dream in the first episode so I really wonder if that old leak was the idea of something that we now see coming to fruition now.
Now that I talk more about this it's not really a theory, but a theory that is more obvious is that Simon is going to give cake the talking dog collar in the third episode with her popping out of his head like that and with him still holding on to it, who knows I also wonder if he will get some of the ice crown powers back as Gunther lost a piece of the jewel maybe with a small piece he can still do something with also after going through the trailer again this is definitely how Cake got that collar in the trailer so that's one thing that true so we will definitely get Cake and Simon episode then Fionna joins the mix.
Also calling this now or rather this is my choice of ship let Simon and Fionna be together the man likes eccentric adventuring women they could be ok maybe, hell help organize her self maybe lol I say this as I too need someone to help me organize myself lmao any this is just some fun rambles thank and remember it's only a theory and rambling thoughts.
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elysianavenue · 1 year
songs that remind me of genshin characters
aether: soldier, poet, king - the oh hellos (venti clearly sings it for him duh)
lumine: two birds - regina spektor (it's about her and her bro (':)
amber: touch the sky - julie fowlis (please it s c r e a m s amber)
kaeya: iris - the goo goo dolls (ik it's a romance song but i lowkey picture him singing it to his bro im sorry)
lisa: dangerous woman - ariana grande (need i say more?)
barbara: sisters - radical face (give this girl a sister of the year award rn)
razor: on melancholy hill - gorillaz (he was raised by wolves)
xiangling: what baking can do - jessie mueller (she cooks lmao?)
beidou: wellerman - nathan evans (she's a pirate it makes sense ok)
xingqiu: paperback writer - the beatles (mans writes fanfiction cmon)
ningguang: national anthem - lana del rey (i'll tell you you're my national anthem mommy)
fischl: control - halsey (i can't explain this one it makes sense to me tho)
bennett: world's smallest violin - ajr (he definitely will blow up into smithereens at some point)
noelle: teenage dirtbag - wheatus (HER NAME IS NOELLE-)
chongyun: lemon boy - cavetown (chongyun is robbie and xingqiu is lemon boy oop-)
sucrose: rät - penelope scott (i honestly just hear her voice lol)
jean: oh no! - marina (she do be after success)
diluc: alive - khalid (daddy issues by the neighbourhood was too obvious)
qiqi: the blue wrath - i monster (again, it's one of those songs i hear and homegirl comes to mind)
mona: a sky full of stars - coldplay (her entire personality is astrology sorry)
keqing: unworthy - vancouver sleep clinic (this one might only make sense to me so i won't bother explaining it)
venti: golden slumbers - the beatles (ducky told me to put this one for venti)
klee: wrecking ball - mother mother (this should make the most sense, damn little menace)
diona: my alcoholic friends - the dresden dolls (no one hates alcohol more than this girl)
tartaglia: cherry bomb - the runaways (he deadass listens to this on repeat, prove me wrong)
xinyan: i love rock n roll - joan jett & the blackhearts (self explanatory)
zhongli: good riddance - green day (ducky also told me to add this song)
albedo: the moon will sing - the crane wives (wasn't he abracadabraed into existence or something? lmao)
ganyu: brutal - olivia rodrigo (it's ok ganyu)
xiao: can you feel my heart - bring me the horizon (lil emo boy)
hu tao: dead! - my chemical romance (im convinced she'd commit homicide to keep the funeral parlor in business SORRY LMAO I LOVE HER I PROMISE)
rosaria: take me to church - hozier (she makes me wanna go to church oop-)
yanfei: cool kids - echosmith (little nerdy lawyer chick you're cool trust)
eula: who is she ? - i monster (fr tho who is she)
kazuha: softcore - the neighbourhood (this should make sense to everyone no excuses)
ayaka: reflection - lea salonga (YOU ARE THE PERFECT DAUGHTER BB)
yoimiya: firework - katy perry (do i need to explain?)
sara: i'll make a man out of you - donny osmond (show me what dreams are made of general kujou)
raiden: you should see me in a crown - billie eilish (she's my queen who can step on me any day)
kokomi: gilded lily - cults (it can't be easy being a high priestess :()
thoma: rainbow connection - weezer, hayley williams (specifically this version)
gorou: soldier - fleurie, tommee profitt (another self explanatory one)
itto: seven nation army - the white stripes (it's just him singing honestly)
yun jin: treacherous doctor - wallows (it makes sense after her hangout event)
shenhe: graceland too - phoebe bridgers (another i think it only makes sense to me)
yae miko: bubblegum bitch - marina (mommy-)
ayato: son - sleeping at last (he do be a son)
yelan: don't threaten me with a good time - panic! at the disco (MOMMY-)
shinobu: anklebiters - paramore (her singing to the gang)
heizou: hayloft II - mother mother (this one is more based off a headcanon)
collei: sweet hibiscus tea - penelope scott (give this girl a hug rn)
tighnari: marigolds - early eyes (my fav botany connoisseur<3)
dori: million dollar bills - lorde (stingier than mihoyo)
candace: ancient dreams in a modern land - marina (just listen to it. candace.)
cyno: the other side of paradise - glass animals (i just hear him singing it. it was originally poker face by lady gaga LOL)
nilou: footloose - kenny loggins (nilou is basically bella thorne in her shake it up era no disrespect)
nahida: fireflies - owl city (another it just makes sense to me but also i highkey imagine her jamming out to this and scara is like ???)
layla: tired - beabadoobee (get some sleep girl you deserve it)
faruzan: people i don't like - upsahl (oh she very clearly doesn't like a lot of people)
wanderer (scaramouche): i would hate me too - tx2 (HE WOULD SO SING THIS THAT LITTLE EMO ASSHOLE. an honorable mention would be emo legendary by the voice of scaradouche himself, patrick pedraza)
yaoyao: honey - derivakat (ik the song was aimed at tubbo but come on yaoyao gives this vibe as well)
alhaitham: saint bernard - lincoln (the biggest alhaitham vibe ever don't tell me otherwise)
dehya: team - lorde (*cough* mommy *cough*)
mika: scrawny - wallows (lil stinker)
kaveh: no surprises - radiohead (alhaitham if you won't give him a hug then i will)
baizhu: body - mother mother (just do his story quest)
kirara: hello kitty - avril lavigne (...self explanatory...)
lynette: tourner dans le vide - indila (okay yes a romance song but if you squint it's just about a girl who would do anything for a male she loves and in this case lynette is someone who would do anything for her brother whom she loves)
lyney: mad hatter - melanie martinez (seriously. do i need to explain this one.)
freminet: rises the moon - liana flores (my actual favorite character of all time)
neuvillette: ocean eyes - billie eilish (mans is hydro man with pretty blue eyes i had to pick this one im sorry)
wriothesley: wires - the neighbourhood (THIS MAN HAS ME ON A FUCKING LEASH. ahem. sorry im gonna go touch grass right now and call my therapist.)
charlotte: watch what happens - kara lindsay (god i love it when things just make sense)
furina: the ballad of mona lisa - panic! at the disco (you're really gonna look at me and tell me that i'm wrong?)
this is the playlist on spotify 👇
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Heya! Here for the match up thingamajig :) ty for doing this, it sounds really fun. go through this in your own time, i know these asks get long 👍🏽 i'll try to provide some useful information here lol Hm. Ok I get two of the mbti personalities on repeat everytime i take the quiz, either INTP (logician) or ISFJ (defender). Right now, it's ISFJ, though I'm able to speak my mind well enough. Idk what my enneagram type is. My friends have called me loyal, stubborn and strong on multiple occasions. Also that I have a "spine of iron", and I take pride in that. I'm the one in the party that pulls everyone in to dance. I love parties, booze or no booze. I'm a social introvert, if that makes sense. I'm good with a crowd but I don't make friends easy. I'm restless sometimes, it manifests as zoomies and tons and tons of art. I've even made art for the fandom :)
As for the song, I've had Rigamarole by ROZET on loop for a while now. Specifically the chorus, "' 'Cause I ain't satisfied, you ain't satisfied, You know I can't lie, You know I'm bored out of my mind, 'Cause I ain't satisfied, you ain't satisfied, Same thing, new day, man, I'd rather die."
My imaginary friend was the guy that leaped over buildings alongside the car :) more than just picturing him running along the ride, i used to pretend he was real and make conversation.
I like my name, but if I had to change it, it'd be Surya. The hindu god of the sun. I've always kind of taken the celestial body as an example for what I should do. To keep burning and keep shedding light, constantly. I like how you can't stare at the sun for too long. I love the moon, but the intensity of the sun speaks to me.
Now to the redacted questions : I lack appeal for Marcus tbh. Idk why, I've tried, he hasn't stuck. I'm platonically attracted to David Shaw, which apparently is an obvious guess. He's a big man in terms of capability, what with being the alpha to the most famous pack in dahlia. I don't wanna befriend him because of his power - I have this thing where I try to make friends with people who I think are better than me, people that make me uncomfortable in my own pride. I think he's capable of shaking me up because of how he handles intense responsibility alng with everything else.
My favourite playlist rn is my "current favs" one lmao. a bunch of screamo rap and trap rock. Idk it's a phase i think.
And last but not least - my guilty pleasure media is bf asmr 👍🏽
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Okay, you’re going to think this is just because of the Sun and Sunshine metaphors, but hear me out, I promise, I swear there’s SO many reasons I want to pair you with Elliott-!
The way you describe yourself socially, the kind of friend you are, makes me imagine you and Elliott as just the It Couple, especially at parties. Elliott also strikes me as the social chameleon type who fits in well, balancing that intro-ambivert vibe of mood making and knowing when he needs time alone with you to recharge. It’s that lovely friends to lovers image of y’all being that couple that never makes anyone feel like the third wheel because you’re so genuinely fun to be around.
I also like the bit where you mentioned surrounding yourself with impressive people you admire, because Elliott is so cool. He’s, like, a government-contracted Defensive Dream Designer which must require skill, ambition, creativity, all that jazz. I can see that pairing well with you and your art. Imagine him taking you into dreams and helping you construct visual models of your ideas, bringing them to life for you to recreate, the two of you making art together!
Hush, hush, the world is quiet/ Hush, hush, we both can't fight it/ It's us that made this mess/ Why can't you understand?/ Whoa, I won't sleep tonight
I like this song for y’all because of the fun, “will they, won’t they”, undeniable tension vibes of it; like, the opening line is literally “I kind of want to be more than friends.” It’s perfect! I also think it’d be a fun party song for dancing, in my non-party going opinion, and Elliott strikes me as an alt/indie kind of guy, so this seems like the genre he’d like.
I like Guy as a runner-up for you because I think he also has that restless energy and bright, sociable nature that would make y’all the absolute best party guests, However, I love Sam as a runner-up because one, “loyal, stubborn, and strong” is also how I’d describe him, Two, I am obsessed with pairing vampires with partners who radiate strong Sun energy, okay, there’s nothing like it.
note: thank you for your patience, I hope you like your results! 💖
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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sayakxmi · 9 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 9: A Prince's Duty [Part 1]
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I'm sorry you what.
I literally went out of my way to check the English version, just to have the words I'm referring to. Like, military? That wasn't mentioned in the manga. And, frankly, it didn't seem like he was working for any military.
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Ok, you know, this is actually hilarious. Like, it's supposed to be dramatic, but Alibaba really just came up to the guy, asked what happened to the city, just like that, and the guy IMMEDIATELY understood what Alibaba was referring to.
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Man, that's a far more dramatic reintroduction than what happened in the manga. A reminder, that in the manga Alibaba just... paid some guy to take him to Cassim.
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Still funny, but won't top the manga one. That "angry" just did it for me.
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He's going into more details here.
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Alibaba actually falls to his knees here. Makes sense, kinda. Like, in the manga he was probably still very in that Disbelief phase, but here he's literally in front of a grave. He cries, too.
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Ok, a small thing here is how much angrier Alibaba looks? In the manga he's more shocked & scared, I'd say?
Ok, that's a bit different, again. First of all, Alibaba's more concerned about stealing & the fact that sooner or later Cassim will be caught, and Cassim's like YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT? BUT what else can I do? And, nah, I think like the manga captured Cassim's desperation/despair far better by him just going quiet. And also the fact, that it's not about "stealing bad", and more "we're still missing something".
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Mildly creepy, but, seriously, can't hold a candle to how manga made it look. This entire moment, really. Like, in the manga he looks kind of evil, as much as I hate to use that word to describe anything, since, well, it describes jack shit. But other ones I have is "unhinged", and I'm not entirely sure if that's the one I'd consider fitting, either.
Also, the way he grabs Alibaba in the manga seems far more forceful & Alibaba looks lowkey scared. In the anime it was kind of casual, ngl, Alibaba basially being like Hm?
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Also, in the manga Alibaba seemed more aware of the risk of a war happening, and, frankly, in more despair than in the anime. There's just something about the way his eyes looked, kind of empty, that's missing from the anime, yknow? Also, there's more of Alibaba saying stuff like, he can't just do nothing while his people suffer.
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That actually looks awesome. Strongly considering using this as my avatar.
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Morgiana who
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In the manga he actually flinched when the explosion happened, it was way funnier. That being said, Ja'far's expression looks so silly.
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What an entrance. And that goddamn moon.
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Well, that looks kind of scary
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Bad shit happening
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Bro, I'm just. What's up with that moon. Why is it so big all of sudden. Ffs maybe there seriously are two.
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Rip Hassan.
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Also, ok, I didn't like this one. In the manga Morgiana steps in front of Alibaba & asks if he actually wants to come with Cassim before doing anything (and he cannot answer her), and when later Cassim grabs Alibaba, she does attack. But the thing is, in the anime she never asks, she just attacks. It's not... horrible, I guess. With the way Alibaba was being dragged seemed pretty obvious that he doesn't want to go, but I liked that small moment of Morgiana, well, just stepping in front of Alibaba first and asking. Because, honestly? Her asking was likely a good semi-wake up call for Alibaba. Does he? And that's what makes him actually confront that thought. But in the anime it doesn't happen.
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Gdi Anime!Morgiana, why are you so judgemental here. "What are you going to do, Alibaba-san? They're still just a band of thieves!"
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All the players are here.
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nartblartmallcop · 2 years
What inspired you to create Fred?
uh ok ok ok ok ok so i should probably not be writing this while drunk but lol lmao lmao lol yknow
so liiiiiiiiiiiiike im going to be completely honest upfront about this, all my ocs are based on some pre-existing characters and i wear that inspiration on my sleeve because i think trying to hide it is stupid and useless
so fred was created all the way back in 2015, when i lost interest in one of my old hyperfixations. his earliest design acutally makes it very obvious what character he was created from
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yea thats right, he was made from the freddy five naf guy. so he just kinda floated around in my mind for a while but then eventually i had the idea to write a tragedy story about people who Just Fucking Suck and ruin each others lives. its definitely a sort of byproduct of mid-2010s tumblr extreme wholesomeness culture. i wanted to create something extremely raunchy, and thats what this story is to this day cause i refuse to drop my old brainstorms
so anyways i developed fred more and more and kept him as the protagonist because his grumpy ass is my babygirl <3
and his design kept evolgving, like first i put him in a tie and black suit so hed look less obviously fnäf-y (and usually a blue shirt for casual outfits to match his blue eyes)
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and THEN eventually i doodled THIS picture of fred and his twin brother greg (yea thats right its a fucked up twins kinda thing)
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sun and moon symbolism!!!! that was the kicker and thats how i eventually took the story from humans to beings that are sort of human but Not Quite
eventually the idea fully stuck and i decided to make this a universe where all humans have these things called "affections", various traits of nature that affect their biology
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first designs are sort of eh, but do note that i already put in the lines on freds face, tear tracks to symbolise a sensitive boy who has a lot of pent up tears. this somehow ties into the moon via uh the tides or something idk
and that led to my current designs of fred and greg! (in an older art style but whatevah)
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and thats pretty much where were at right now when it comes to the history of freds design and his twin that hes so closely intertwined with no matter how much he doesnt want to (90% of the things in this story are family drama, in their case greg being their dad's clear favourite)
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20 and 21 for Kaito!
kaito posting……… we know how this will go down
20. A Weird Headcanon
What a perfect question to submit so I can talk about the Tenjo Cousin concept that Sorrel has me hooked on 👁👁
So one of my all time favorite headcanons to write fic and conversation for is how Yusaku and Kaito are actually related, they’re cousins now, I said so
A lot of it traces back to similarities in their characters, in their interpersonal relationships and friend groups, but also the fact that Yusaku uses Photon Thrasher in a duel against the Hanoi before he uncovers the Cyberse pile deck left by Ai
Like out of every card you could have used, Photon Thrasher, from an archetype we have canon confirmation for being created by dimensional science…………. interesting pick! I’m NOT gonna focus on it!!! (lying)
I love just finding a way to make them work as a family dynamic, but I also just want to give Yusaku a strong blood relative to go with the strong found family he’s already made, I like to make these loners feel a bit less lonely
Galaxy also being one of the Zexal anime decks that has a Link monster is v cute
Also looove theorizing Kaito’s background and what could have been, like why does he have the same diamond pattern on his turtle neck that Rio does on her out of school wear, and in a related note why does he look so much like his dragon in both his hair design and the previously mentioned outfit, just all those little details and where they could have been going-
One fic I’ve been working super hard on in hopes to publish is a post-canon AU that’s a focus on reincarnation and the power of human spirit and it’s mostly a project to answer my own lingering questions on certain aspects of Zexal canon, it’s very GoT/HoTD inspired and takes some of the pre-established history with warring kings but add slightly more politics, extra battles, and also dragons, but told through memories during some post canon conflict that ties it all together, one day I’ll actually make a post about it but for right now it remains a brainchild with 3 outlines and a 10k+ lore outline
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
Oh this is a good question
Ok so, preview for part of the analysis essay but-
It’s actually kind of sad because most of Kaito’s pictured happiness in BOTH spin-offs he appears in is all very past tense. Like, beside his general demeanor and the obvious instances, Kaito’s color palettes are a lot brighter in both the time he spends in the family cabin and in Haruto’s baby days in Zexal and in the Arc V High School tournament flashbacks, he’s also essentially never shown frowning anytime the shows recall him before current canon. The way they utilize color with Kaito’s regression into himself is brilliant, he’s the brightest thing in the hallway of Heartland Tower when Haruto is taken from him, he’s one of brightest things in the rain when Chris leaves, but water is going to darken the colors he’s wearing, another thing to really show that this moment is the last thing that pushed him into being Kaito who we recognize
I want to do more color analysis for him in canon too but that’s not the question fjdhdhsbdb
Despite that, I’d actually argue Kaito’s happiest in the end of Zexal(and Arc V but that’s a slightly different subject, end of the tunnel is similar!!), because he endured and arguably survived everything that came to break him, moon duel pending since the Code basically said lmao to that.
He allowed himself to open back up after being cast aside and was rewarded for it because not only did he make new everlasting bonds, but all of these people who left him and left a such a heavy mark on him came back to him. They not only came back, they’re brought back to him apologetically after acknowledging the things they did to him.
Kaito doesn’t get to do much in Zexal II mostly because the show got a little messy with bringing in more cast and having a few plot threads that actually needed to be wrapped up that had to take priority, but IMO he does arguably get one of the best ends in Zexal, Arc V is a weird second element that’ll get its own discussion piece one day
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egg-emperor · 2 years
There are people who genuinely believe that sonic villains don’t kill people?
Ok if they mean outright, like attempting murder I can understand. But if they mean at all? I don’t think so
The amount of collateral damage that round bitch has done is enough to almost destroy the entire word, and even if everyone was somehow able to live though world altering events then it definitely hurt and damaged a lot of people. The amount of people who has had to go though hospitals ( and lord I know they would be packed as shit ) due to stuff ranging from minor to major injuries is enough to mentally scar an entire generation of people.
We’re not even going into how blowing up the fucking moon ( I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT- ) affects the wave tides and therefore the aquatic life. The amount of forest fires, air pollution of any kind, the possible ocean pollution, and the excessive use of energy is simply not good for the environment and can really, and I do mean really, fuck up the entire ecosystem witch could cause a chain reaction that would make everything harder for everyone.
And no, I’m not gonna get into how this affects the economy cuz that’s an entire own thing and I don’t wanna open that up.
Has eggman outwardly attempted to kill? Maybe, if you count sonic. But other then that? Not really. Has he fucked over many cities and traumatized an entire two, maybe three, generation of people? Hell fuckin yes.
I really think sonic should just kill him at this point tbh lmao
Well the outright attempting murder is actually the blatant stuff in the games that can't be denied at all in all this. Eggman's intent and desire for murder has very clearly been there. He doesn't just threaten to destroy, crush, burn to ashes, make mincemeat out of, close one's eyes forever, etc, or say that he'll make the place their tomb, that it's their funeral, etc. Even though all of that very obviously means the same thing anyway, as they all very obviously imply and would result in death.
But he also even blatantly threatens to kill and tells people to die while outright using the specific words "kill" and "die." Just a few examples that I've posted to put here again are with Sonic, Amy, and Tails but there's a lot more obvious stuff too. That's how genuinely violent and murderous he really is and he even says it'll be his pleasure.
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And he's not the only Sonic villain that's blatantly tried to kill people on screen (and visibly succeeded at times) so a lot of villains including Eggman being attempted murderers in the very least can't be denied.
But also the collateral damage of many of the villains' plans, especially Eggman's as they've had a catastrophic destructive impact on a global scale multiple times, would absolutely result in deaths. The worldwide and global catastrophies and severe environmental damage would definitely kill many and traumatize those that survive and result in horrible living conditions, which is also just as bad anyway whether people die or not but they definitely would too. So the fact that it's undermined and downplayed so hard either way is really wild.
He realistically has to have a body count of thousands or millions, even when it's just collateral and he's just totally apathetic towards it. Though he's also actually genuinely intended to wipe innocent people out on a large scale too, such as when he tried to blow up Station Square. And then of course he's directly attempting to murder of Sonic and co all the time, even the youngest children, which is also seriously fucked up and isn't any less just because he didn't succeed in those cases. They would've just been a few more numbers to his name.
Plus, even in Lost World, Eggman just carelessly and casually acknowledges that his plan to commit genocide on the Zeti (which is also another example of blatant intent to directly kill in itself) would also have collateral damage that would result in killing everything else around them too. And there's absolutely no way that it would be the only time that any of his actions ever would've resulted in such if he had gone through with it, after all the other mass destruction he has actually carried out on a global scale so many times lol
It really just seems to be a age rating thing in the sense that they can't outright state in words that they've actually succeeded in killing/that people are dead as a result from all that chaotic destruction, in the same way they can at least blatantly show it and the intentions and attempting of it. But that shouldn't automatically mean that none of the villains have ever actually killed anyone if it's not stated outright, it doesn't mean it's a story choice for the character just because of ratings. And realistically, there's no way it would make any sense at all for nobody to ever die.
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
Yooo Lucas + his water ending + bloodbending was so interesting like dang okay. I really enjoyed the ethics of it like yeah it has this whole morally gray area bc it takes away others control but I could Help combat super bad ppl and also help save someone's life but also. Rough.
I also really liked how Jason is not just an evil crazy psycho like. Personally? I loved when Jason was just like. A kinda asshole dude but he was also not That bad like clearly he was just some generic white jock of a bully that would probably grow out of it when he was an adult (and after his girlfriend break ups with him) but he genuinely liked her gf ??? And he just went a little crazy after she was. Yk. Brutally (and super brutally) murdered. I liked the idea of one of the minor "antagonists" to just be some dude who didn't know the truth but kinda jumped to conclusions so he's a pain in their sides but also not. A murderer himself? And then he reallyyyyy went into the deep end with kinda suck so I felt nothing when he died but he could've been so good as a very morally gray character like wow
Anyways. Kinda like how in the atla au he's not a good guy + still a bit assholery but also not the Bad Guy so like yes 👌👏👏
part 1 | part 2
i love love LOVE lucas sinclair, ok? like he's just such a good character, and i also (obviously lmao) love the bloodbending ethics arc that lucas gets to go through as he also reconciles his feelings towards his waterbending being used for healing more so than combat and then bringing in the added layer of bloodbending into it!
JASON YEAH OKAY so jason annoyed me in the show because he took up too much time in my opinion, but i like the concept of him. i like the idea of a character who just doesn't understand and doesn't quite have the full picture, so he makes decisions in the show's canon that are really, really shitty. but also like? lowkey can't blame him for losing his shit after chrissy was murdered. he definitely should not have gone on some holy moral mission and hunted down eddie, but jason always interested me in how he was just a portrayal what the combination of ignorance and grief could do to a person. and then how he's so charismatic and able to rally people together through their fear? TERRIFYING. THE SMALL TOWN/SMALL MINDED KIND OF MENTALITY. SO GOOD.
in stranger things/atla world, i love thinking about where jason fits into lucas's arc after lucas saves max's life with his bloodbending. jason doesn't die in that battle (tbh i'll kill him off eventually, homie doesn't need to stick around), mostly to be a challenger of lucas's moral compass. because now, we have lucas sitting in the aftermath of this battle with the spirits, where max nearly died, and he has learned about the awful things that happened to el and will in their time away from hawkins. and lucas just... wants to cry. he feels awful. he never wants to be put in that situation again, because he's scared. he's scared that he's taken the first step down a slippery slope into something that will make him into a person he doesn't want to be.
it's one day, maybe a week or a couple weeks after the battle, that jason comes into max's hospital room and has a talk with lucas. they don't beat around the bush, and jason states the obvious: that lucas used bloodbending to save max's life. and lucas can't lie. jason was there. he saw it. so lucas just nods.
and that's when jason asks him how it felt—if he felt the power the moon had blessed him with that night. if he could feel the ocean in his veins and in max's veins. if he felt closer to his waterbending and to his healing that he'd ever felt before. and if it felt good.
the answer to all those questions is yes. the answer is yes, and lucas hates it, so he doesn't say anything.
but his silence speaks volumes.
jason begins to tell him that maybe this is a good thing. lucas is a great waterbender, and jason has seen that potential in him for a while now. and jason doesn't believe in all that spiritual mumbo jumbo—especially since the spirits are literally trying to kill all of them—but maybe lucas was given a natural inclination to healing for a reason. it's difficult to bloodbend, after all, but lucas was able to do it with ease—like a natural extension of his healing gift. so maybe, this is a good thing.
and the thing is, lucas has wondered the same thing. he has. he's stared at max's body—unconscious but alive—and has wondered what else he could do with his bending. if he could study this more, if he could learn it, could he save other lives? could he heal? is that even something that he wants? it shouldn't be, right?
and... and sometimes it's not. sometimes it's not, when lucas notices el doesn't use her waterbending as much anymore, the way that she used to shy away from it when they first met. sometimes it's not, when lucas notices that will gets tense around any waterbenders except lucas... because el and will... they don't know what lucas did to save max's life.
there are too many questions for lucas to deal with, so he just doesn't answer jason. and jason gets it, so he tells lucas just to think about it and to let him know.
and so, lucas is just left with all those questions and all those thoughts—none more prominent than one.
if bloodbending can be used to save a life—if he used bloodbending to save max's life—it can't inherently be wrong, can it?
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Anyways, anyone want a live reaction summary of that movie? Well here it is anyways
(Cw for mentions of all the stuff typical for a jumpscare horror movie)
They‘re unironically trying to sell the house of the first movie as a spooky lost place far off a spooky village filled with distrustful and unsettling people it. Such scary individuals like. A middle-aged lady looking at them though a window. Or five guys sitting on stairs. And emo teens. Spooky
The random old crazy guy who tells them it’s DaNgeRous here while laughing totally maniacally before going GET OFF MY LAWN because of course
Also, our characters: MC Arthur fanboy whose 18th birthday it is, MC‘s love interest who thinks MC should grow up, Logan Paul Hair and his bro Goatee guy, Token dark skinned funny guy, Glasses guy afraid of frogs who‘s kinda got the same outfit and speaking style to yours truly fr that’s just me, Glasses girl with camera, pretty blonde girl. Prediction: all of them except MC, Love interest and one of the bros die
Ok they arrived at the house, whimsical music plays as they look amazed at the trees blooming pink when it’s not even spring…only for the music to cut out when they see they’re made of plastic. Ngl that was kinda funny
Spooky black feather stuck in a secret small door leading to a basement that wasn’t part of the movie oOoOOoh
Now it’s dark, they’re making a bonfire outside, and there’s spooky Hippopotamus noises (that’s what they called them in the movie)
There‘s hidden figures in the woods with lanterns and this dude calls the names of some dudes they saw a lost place video of that house of. And when they suddenly all vanish he just goes back to bed
The bros are going to a river and glasses guy got lost in the woods while ominous music plays, Oh they’re absolutely not coming back F to them
Spooky random hole that’s seemingly endless but makes spooky sounds, check
There‘s suddenly spooky fog out of nowhere surrounding glasses guy. He touched a weird tree that had moss all over except for a part that looks like the outline of someone hugging the tree, and got punched in the face. Meanwhile the bros chill until blood drops on the one guy, aaaaand the filter switched to grey! 50min of nothing and then it escalates completely. This movie is 1.5h long btw
Turns out they found one of the guys from the video hanging from a tree after not seeing he‘s there for like 20min, dude steps on a super obvious bear trap trying to get him, but ngl the actors are doing a good job at acting as far as I can tell with the dub.
Holy heck these characters are actually kinda competent - nvm they’re
Everyone forgot about glasses guy tho lol
Ooaoaoaooh glasses girl is looking at a photo of them and there’s a spooOoKy guy visible in the window
OH HECK FIRST KILL. Glasses girl got killed by BEES.
GLASSES GUY IS GONE GUY. He hugged a tree headless. Literally, he‘s hugging a tree and his head is gone. Also wow token and MC aren’t reacting at ALL oof
Apparently the whole house is just built on random holes connected to slopes and LI happened to sit above one on a swing. SG cut the rope and she fell down, almost made it out, but then a spooky hand grabbed her down. Where did the rest attached to that hand go? Who knows, it’s SpoOky
omg. You know how in guardians of the galaxy and such that one character thinks he’s invisible because he’s moving so slow? And it’s played as a joke? Yeah they just did that unironically with a guy standing in front of a door all this time I can’t-
Yknow these guys who originally helped Arthur become a minimoy? Yeah they evil
"You wanna go into the world of the minimoys? The time had come, it’s a fUul MoOn!“ shows half full moon"No it isn’t“ "doesn’t matter lol“ <- that’s real dialogue
Surprise attack by a bunch of dudes dressed like Bokoblins from Breath of the Wild attacking everyone with daggers, turning this whole thing into a breakout Battle Royale, F blonde Girl
Aaaand now it’s randomly over. No signal or reason or anything, it just is.
Survivors: MC, MC‘s LI, and the token guy! A surprise twist!
…the explanation for all of this. Is Role-Playing.
A bunch of teens meeting each year to role-play a new theme. The year before it was Batman. This year it was Arthur and the Minimoys. And they go kill everyone like this because of drugs. Doesn’t explain all the stuff that was going beforehand. Or the secret basement. Or holes. Or anything really
OoOOoh Spooky Hoodie Guy is still standing at the window
(Also what happened to the deer imagery? They set that up for half the movie but the moment the forbidden ketchup starts appearing they completely forget all of it. ALSO the trailer showed spooky versions of the Minimoys. Guess what never makes an appearance.)
Conclusion: would give this movie a solid 4.5/10 for two funny lines and the guys playing the bros doing a pretty good job at putting emotion in
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robinplayspokemon · 2 years
pokemon blue, day 2, part 1: viridian forest & pewter city
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ok can we talk about all the boys awkwardly hitting on me in this game?
yes, i selectively cropped that. no, i'm not sorry. but also, hold that thought & stay tuned for one i didn't even have to crop later?
anyway. i took my time finishing up viridian forest & route 2 because i thought i was gonna need to do some grinding before taking on the first gym leader and his rock pokemon which i had literally no answer for in terms of type advantage. i probably didn't need to be nearly so cautious, but idk, i'm taking my time and trying to fill up my pokedex as much as possible anyway.
i was not very confident when i took on brock. but where 12-year-old me eschewed status effects & stat debuffs in favor of pure damage, i'm older & wiser now. i mean, i'm ngl, i'm oftentimes still pretty impatient with that stuff and still likely to just look for a type advantage if i can get one, but there was none to be had in this case so i brought in gale and just spammed sand attack until brock's geodude & onix didn't have a prayer of hitting the broadside of a barn, and with much less difficulty than i had anticipated considering the type matchups, i collected my first gym badge.
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(note: this screenshot is from when i had to replay the whole beginning of the game but we messed with the save file to rebuild my pokemon collection so i wouldn't have to do all that grinding over again, so that's how i had a weepinbell this early in the game and why it doesn't quite match my text description of my original playthrough; more on that in a later post.)
i again took my time on route 4, catching every pokemon i could to work on filling up my dex, and battling every trainer. including this dude armed with one of the most infamous bits of pokemon dialogue ever:
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and, like... fair enough? but then there's THIS guy, and remember that thought you were holding earlier? well...
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yeah. this fucking dude is SO OFFENDED by not being able to see my bare legs that HE LITERALLY WANTS TO FIGHT ME, so uh thanks for that game freak?
(i'm 100% being melodramatic for effect, i am not this easily offended, ok? i would hope that's obvious but i'm worried it isn't so here's this little autistic interjection ok bye.)
anyway, during this grinding we got our first evolution!
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which, y'know, i have to imagine metapod is a lot of people's first evolutions given how notoriously quickly bug pokemon evolve (it was ash's in the anime iirc? guess i'll see in a few days or whatever lmao), but still! exciting times.
anyway i kept on training and at least i wasn't about to randomly get hit on again and OKAY WHAT THE HELL
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dude, i'm a BOTTOM, you're gonna want to invite me to dinner after kicking MY ass, not after i kick YOURS.
(also, note: this screenshot is once again from when i had to replay the whole beginning of the game but we messed with the save file to rebuild my pokemon collection so i wouldn't have to do all that grinding over again, so that's how i had a zubat before mt. moon; more on that in a later post.)
on a plus side...
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even though she's one of my favorite gen 1 pokemon (by "favorite" i mean like top 25 or 30 or so, i fucking love gen 1 pokemon), i did end up stashing mothra after catching some more pokemon because like i said i wanna keep evolving them! i didn't release her, though, because i can see adding her back into the party after i've evolved and released a few others. i think she's a keeper regardless of whether she ends up in my elite four party, which as i'm thinking about all the pokemon down the line i still have to catch, feels kinda unlikely at this point?
regardless, my time on route 4 found me catching a spearow (i named him warbird) and a jigglypuff (named him cloud). after making short work of all the trainers between pewter city and mt. moon, i rested up at the pokemon center at the foot of the mountain, and me & my brave pokemon companions are ready to proceed.
new pokedex entries:
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abyssmalice · 2 years
// genshin spoilers re. 3.3 patch
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(aka some brainrotting and hc editing based on all then new lore dumps)
(ok i just gotta quickly note before i forget (AGAIN SYGCSGYCU) abt how the archon quest basically made it clear that the harbingers Do know the histories of their fellow coworkers
like the winter’s night lazzo pv hinted as such, but it wasn’t clear to what extent everyone knew about everyone else
but the archon quest makes it clear between signora’s and scara’s conversation that they know each other’s pasts in addition to their names - though, whether this is just the case for Some of the harbingers vs all of them isn’t explicitly confirmed, but the running implication does seem to be that everyone knows each other rather well, even if they don’t necessarily get along as well lol
—and this is important to me for smol toni !!!!!!!!!!!
until now, ive more or less ran by the hc that toni’s history is a confidential matter even among the harbingers - the only ones who really know about her is the tsaritsa, pierro and dottore. the hc was that, in the eyes of the other harbingers, she’s a truly mysterious existence; the rumors around her and her origins may or may not be truthful, but in the case that some of them are (re: the one where she’s related to the tsaritsa), the other harbingers maintain a respectful stance - while gnashing their teeth when toni gets to her teenage rebellion phase, potentially.
however, with canon’s declaration that the harbingers might actually be more privy about each other, this hc more or less needs to get thrown out lmao
as such, the new premise is this:
toni’s name and history are known to the other harbingers. this means -
they’re aware that she can use more than cryo without a vision
she’s part-irminsul and can affect or manipulate the leylines to some extent (such as creating leyline disorders and the contents of the leylines, for example)
she was taken from her family as a seven year old child and became one of dottore’s experiments for a few years
she broke out of dottore’s facilities, destroying and maiming everyone in her way in the process - the hidden truth that she’s the sole instigator behind the abyssal moon massacre
she and her family are bonafide snezhnayan citizens living in morepesok
that last one is probs lowkey important for toni on a personal level bc i feel that’s Really gonna add to her already prevalent paranoia that the fatui can harm her family when she isn’t looking - after all, they know where her loved ones are and she’s too far from home to really do anything about it. it’s easy to threaten their safety when she can’t personally assuage matters.
but anyway, the main takeaways from this is that basically any harbinger muses can be aware of toni’s past prior to becoming a harbinger - excluding the matter of the abyss, which remains unknown bc she absolutely will not say shit about that to anyone.
which is to say that from the timeline of events she’s experienced, other harbingers can be aware that -
she was one of dottore’s experiments i.e. she doesn’t like him but for obvious reasons now; she’s likely afraid of him, bc what child experiment wouldn’t be, even with all her loud acting?
she caused the abyssal moon massacre i.e. she’s a child, and she may have not been in her right mind at the time, but the fact remains that she’s a mass murderer even before she became a harbinger.
she’s definitely not the tsaritsa’s daughter or related to her on a biological level - even if occasionally, that might be an act being put on for oblivious observers.
she was born human but somehow gained inhuman abilities related to irminsul
that last one again might be significant, at least for wanderer muses - since she’s part-irminsul, she can potentially remember things even wiped out from irminsul, but that’s a detail that requires plotting so it’s not a default premise or anything—it might be significant if, say, wanderer muses want a convenient source for irminsul info that isn’t dottore or something lmao
sPEAKING OF SCARA BY THE WAY....... him being confirmed to have been experimented on by dottore and sent to the abyss by the fatui????? oh mY GOD THE TONI-SCARA FRIENDSHIP IS REAL!!!! ITS REAL CRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or at least those two have Very similar grounds/experiences to bond over. if they ever wanna talk about it lol.
pwease gimme toni-scara friendship crumbs oh god i beg of u gibe twin gremlin harbinger fwiends dsucsygsuydgsyud)
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Matchup for @adreamofleftoveromens​ 💕
ok so i literally love your match-ups so so freakin much!! i decided to get one and uhm sorry if the format’s wrong but here i am!      
i usually go by ria (nickname) online, so let’s stick to that lmao-
height: 162.8 cm or 5'4.50ish
skintone: pretty tanned (well wheat-ish? Idk what it’s called)
eye colour: dark brown babyyy ✨✨(i wear dark red glasses btw)
gender: afab but demigirlflux is more what i identify with.
body type: not really skinny-skinny but chubby either. i’m in between the hourglass and rectangle body type. i’ve been told that i look 2-3 years older than i actually am which is something i’m sortaa insecure about. and well i have body dysmorphia as well as body dysphoria.
style: oversized hoodie sweatshirts or graphic tees with black jeans. i wear three rings on a daily basis (two on my right and one on my left). i don’t really like skirts/dresses that much not because they’re ‘girly’, it’s more of like i don’t really like how the look on me and they don’t really make me feel very comfortable in my own body.
preferred pronouns: they/she/xe
sexuality: demiromantic and omnisexual (still figuring out my preference lol)
zodiac signs: sun: aquarius, moon: libra, rising: gemini
personality type: intp-t and chaotic neutral. personality-wise i’ve been described as sorta mean, sassy, blunt but also comforting, caring, curious and a bit dirty-minded (ok maybe a lot). i’m a bit of a naturally flirty person but if the person who i’m flirting / reciprocates, i basically keel over and die- like that’s something i cannot control at all. i’ve also been described as rather homebodied. i’m rather reckless, impulsive and short-tempered. i’m very very awkward in person, and have social anxiety. i love talking though, i mean if i know/trust you please expect your ear to be talked off if you even remotely bring up a topic I love. I can’t really approach people and be like “hi hello be my friend”, just extremely introverted. my love languages are quality time/acts of service (giving) and quality time/words of affirmation (receiving). i’m technically the definition of a gifted kid burnout but i’m working on getting better and finally getting academic validation again. i’m pretty angsty and pessimistic and have some pretty bad trust and attachment issues. i’m not really comfortable w/ being vulnerable with any of my friends (excepting my best friend; i love her to absolute bits) cause i’m afraid of being judged and called weird. i end up underestimating myself a lot which leads to low self-esteem. i’m a nightowl which leads to me being extremely sleep deprived. 
my likes: i listen to music at least a good 5 hours a day. my favorite genres would be rock/pop-punk/metal. i really really reallyy love reading so so much. my favorite genres are usually mystery/classics/crime. i love researching about greek mythology. i liked cooking a lot especially spaghetti. i love watching horror and slasher movies. i play badminton and basketball and i’m pretty good at it. i listen to true crime podcasts a lot, usually about unsolved crimes or serial killers. i love nature and animals; both literally deserve to be treated better than they are. i really like history, chemistry and biology a lot. i really love anime but i mean that’s pretty obvious lol. i really like collecting stones, old coins, expired credit cards, etc etc. idk why but i like arguing, well not actual arguing with shouting and crying but playful banter and little insults here and there.
sooo that’s all i can think of for now and please tell me if you need more info. thanks in advance 
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I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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Cheeky, a bit selfish, malicious, annoying, brutal, impulsive. Yes, it’s him. Especially in the eyes of older people and those who do not like him.
It’s exactly him. And he does not hide the fact that people consider him just such a man.
He often says something that can make you blush, scared or pissed off. That’s his nature. He just likes to be like this because a few people like it as it is. You can laugh with him and do anything. There is definitely someone who likes him and hates them.
He is very talkative and smiling to his friends. People he doesn’t like the first time will be ignored. That is, people who are strangers will be ignored, and people he genuinely dislikes will be treated as they deserve. No respect, no smile, no nice atmosphere. He’s just gonna be mean.
Honestly, I don’t know him as a person who approaches every person and asks if they will be friends. Basically, he won’t want to talk to anyone he has met only once and they won’t meet again. If there is a person with him who he will see more often, he will obviously want to get to know each other and start a conversation.
From birth, he is considered a prodigy, and that is the fault of a great ego in his mind. God complexes, but he’s not going to be mean to his loved ones. They just raised him that way. To make him feel the best.
In his life, he trusted a completely small number of people. Therefore, his trust does not fade away, and continues until the end. No matter what might have happened. Since he trusted someone, he would not stop. It is the same with attachment to someone.
He is a weirdo. In the eyes of many people, he is exactly like that, and you cannot change their mind. He’s just the way he is to them and that’s it. Therefore, Gojo has become used to such criticism.
He hates feeling vulnerable. He feels it especially when he is betraying or losing someone very close to him.
When you are one of his loved ones, you will only feel happiness.
• Spending time together and doing everything together. Just you two. Upcoming moments that no one can interrupt you. Do whatever you want. No annoying and mean people around.
• Conversation. Conversation. And another conversation. You can talk for hours. It does not bind how long and about what. You’re just talking!
• He will do anything to make you feel good at all times. He will keep you moment, always say something good and nice. He kept your spirits up. He never hurts and never judges you.
• Despite his ego, he never considered himself less important than him. U never wanted to think like that. Why would he hurt you? You are the most important person to him, so why would he reject you and make you feel bad.
No matter if you try or not, you will still be wonderful to him, one of a kind.
• He doesn’t sleep much because he doesn’t need it that much. Even though he loves to lie in bed and sleep. That you only did not feel worse, he’ll make you sleep. If not at night, then during the day. He will just keep you in bed pressed against him until you fall asleep.
• “baby, you feed me?” If you cook and enjoy it, you can immediately expect to lie “romantic” on the couch or sit at the table while feeding each other.
Every moment you eat spaghetti, he is looking for the moment when you can even accidentally take the same piece of pasta in your mouth and kiss. Funny attempts, but it’s cute.
• Scare you when you watch a horror movie… It can be cruel or funny. It depends on what he will do and at what point. It’s a Gojo …
• Playing a murderer… It’s a game of tag at home for him. Only when he catches you, he goes to the bedroom, tosses you on the bed, and lies on you.
“You know if I catch you, you won’t get away from me, do you ~? Do not hide~ I won’t crush you or choke you while hugging you~♡. I’ll just catch you, hug you and kiss you until you’re done! You can’t even bribe me with a cake!”
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