#hint: it’s a drink
pistachi0art · 1 year
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Mmmm Amira having an umbrella as to G-Man’s suitcase bc she’s the most like him something something. like- she’s the “woman standing in the rain waiting for her bus” and he’s “the businessman already on the bus”
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ikiprian · 6 months
Ghost Kitchen (brought to you by criminal entrepreneur, Red Hood)
Danny’s got the easiest job in Gotham.
He works as a fry cook at a shoddily-run, independent burger joint. Hardly anyone comes in, despite prices being criminally low, and portions insanely large, and while the manager looks like the average tough-as-nails ex-con, he lets Danny mess around in the kitchen whenever the place is empty. (Which is often. This place has to be the city’s hidden gem or something!)
Mr. Manager’s the only one ever there with Danny, except for sometimes when his buddies come over to smoke and play cards. Danny would find it shady, except part of his job is not to ask questions. Literally, he was told during the interview.
(It was a weird interview. Why would they need to hire someone who’s been in a gunfight before? Like, he has, but Gotham’s idea of “hirable qualities” is so bizarre.)
So instead he whips up some killer burgers with the frozen ingredients, and basks in the praise as the guys tell him he shouldn’t have, he does too much for this joint, ain’t that friendly!
Now, Danny’s a chef on the newer side. As a teen he’d preferred the look of Nasty Burger over anything with Michelin stars, and he only really took up cooking after Jazz moved out for college. But just like ecto-exposure used to turn the groceries sentient, Danny’s low-level ecto signature imbues all his food with something historically haunted Gothamites just love! And Danny’s never been one to half-ass a job when it makes people happy.
With fresher produce, real meat, Danny’s sure he can take his dishes to the next level. It takes a couple months of badgering, but his manager finally agrees to contact the mysterious store owner, who keeps the place going, despite profits Danny knows have to be in the red.
Danny spends the morning prepping. He pours his heart into his food, eager to impress. The big boss will be here soon, and he wants to prove that despite the dangerous location, this place has real potential!
It isn’t until the Red Hood shows up that Danny realizes he’s been working for a money laundering scheme.
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originalartblog · 1 year
you know sometimes i think of ada!chuuya get positive affirmations and praise from other ada! members. like just, random platonic affection. ( though I don't think chuuya would react normally about it but it's ok )
i don't know, i just think chuuya is a very sad guy ngl— i think he deserves some hugs.
i mean since fukuzawa can find stray cats around the ada! building areas, i think it's possible for chuuya to find a stray puppy or two.
if this idea was a bit too silly, i shall see myself out.
Anon you get me, have some happy ada!Chuuya with friends
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babyblueetbaemonster · 5 months
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Local Alchemist needed to be stopped.
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My formula of restore fatigue:
Spring salad: lettuce, radish, potato, (optional: apple, orange, watermelon). Unfortunately it has Burden side effect. (if choose orange, you'll get a bonus Shield effect) Can also side with Ranch dressing: cheese wedge, leek, onion, garlic. And this one has Damage Agility side effect. It can be fix by removing the garlic.
Potato soup: potato, garlic, leek. This recipe has Frost Shield side effect. Perfect choice for a cold weather.
Corn salsa: corn, tomato, onion, garlic. Unfortunately it has Damage Agility side effect, but you can get Detect Life in the process.
Grilled cheese sandwich: bread loaf, cheese wedge, cheese wheel. Unfortunately it has Damage Agility side effect. I should have removed the cheese wedge. Sorry Baurus :(
Classic ham sandwich: bread loaf, cheese wedge, ham, lettuce. Unfortunately this recipe also has Damage Agility side effect, but bonus Fire Shield woohoo!
Gyudon: beef, onion, rice
Mix berries: blackberry, strawberry, (we only have two kinds of berries?) (optional: apple, orange, pear). Actually, don't put apple or pear in it. They will cause Damage Health.
Crabby corn soup: crab, corn, onion. You can add cheese wedge for bonus Fire Shield (and Damage Agility) effect.
Chili con carne: beef (/boar meat /mutton /venison), onion, garlic, tomato. Side effect is Detect Life. (Beef flavor will grant you Shield effect. Unfortunately Boar meat will have burden side effect and Venison is Damage Health)
Pumpkin pie: pumpkin, sweetcake (/flour /sweetroll). Unfortunately both flour and sweetroll has Damage Personality side effect
Carrot cake: carrot, sweet cakes
Strawberry cheesecake: strawberry, cheese wedge, flour (/sweetcake /sweetroll). The flour version has Reflect Damage side effect. I highly recommend it.
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nekohime19 · 4 months
Mini Mac # 8 : Local Monkey King questioning his feelings
Wukong is doing some introspection today, the only thing he got out of it is the certainty that Macaque is cute.
Sun Wukong intently looked at the black-furred monkey sitted on one of the mahogany tables of the western wing. Macaque was leaning on the basket, busying himself with a freshly cut cloth he took from one of the curtains. He was attempting to sew the rough edges together with a needle to create a proper robe, mainly out of pride after the sage pointed out the way he dressed. Of course, Sun Wukong wasn't mocking the way he dressed, he also favored leaves and simple cloth before his training with his former master, he only pointed it out because he found the macaque shivering multiple times in the course of winter. Nevertheless, Sun Wukong found it cute how the needle looked like a short blade in his palms.
Macaque wasn't really good at sewing, maybe because the needle was difficult for him to handle or maybe he simply didn't have the dexterity needed for this kind of affair, his stitches were uneven and falling apart at some edges. Still he kept going, face constantly frowning, focused on his work. Sun Wukong silently watched him, head lost in thoughts. His conversation with his brothers came to his mind and he frowned. He liked to believe he was in love with the lil guy but yet again he knew nothing of this feeling and never experienced it before. He never felt the need to dissect what was happening in the depth of his heart and only thought of courting in passing. In all honesty, Sun Wukong wasn't that interested in courting, he only mentioned it because he overheard some of his monkeys talking about spring coming and thought it would be a good time to initiate anything romantic with Macaque.
But like his brothers said, maybe he ought to understand his own heart before trying to give it so easily. So Wukong observed and he thought, did he loved the other like he loved any shiny pebbles on the side of the road? Or did he love the other in the way lovers did with each other? Feelings were confusing, thought the sage, but he was willing to explore them.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Asked Macaque as he lifted his head, looking at the sage with narrowed eyes. Sun Wukong chuckled at the way his cheeks puffed out in irritation.
“What are your thoughts on love?” Questioned the sage instead, not at all embarrassed by his inquiry. He wasn't one to shy away from any type of subjects.
“You mean romantic love?” Demanded the lil guy as he returned to his sewing.
“Yeah, what do you think? Have you ever been in love before?” Sun Wukong felt himself becoming curious about the anwer. With how suspicious Macaque was acting on a general basis, he struggled to think of him in love. How would he be?
“I don't know, I never felt it before.” Shrugged the black-furred monkey. “I'm not interested.”
“Really?” Asked the sage, tail lowering a little.
“What about you?” Asked the black-furred monkey instead, still focused on his work. “Have you ever been in love?”
“I don't know.” Sighed the King, he looked at the way Macaque's tail swayed in deep concentration and found it unbearably cute. “Maybe, I'm still figuring it out.”
“Hm, that's surprising. Never saw you as the type to be in love. The person you're interested in must be something.” Replied Macaque, he stick out his tongue the more he focused on his work, for some reason a gust of wind passed by and flipped the macaque's ears. The lil guy hissed at the wind and resumed his sewing with irritated sways of tail.
“R-really, never saw me as the type… You have no idea who I'm interested in?” Asked the sage as he leaned over the little macaque.
“Why would I know?” Sun Wukong sighed and let his head fall on the table, he heard another gust of wind mess with the black-furred monkey ears and chuckled at Macaque's outraged gasp.
“Stop bothering me already.” Grumbled the macaque, Sun Wukong flinched and lifted his head.
“O-oh, sorry. I'm distracting you, aren't I.” Awkwardly chuckled the sage.
“What? No, not you, the wind.”
��The wind?” Repeated Sun Wukong, confused but also curious. “You're talking with the wind?”
“Of course I'm talking with the wind, and it's getting really annoying right now!”
“That's so cool! How does it work, what does the wind say?”
“A lot of stupid things.” Huffed Macaque as he rolled his eyes. “It doesn't really have a voice, it just uses words lost in the air.”
“That's really cool, were you blessed or…?”
“Yeah, at my birth.” Nonchalantly replied the black-furred monkey. Sun Wukong was glad to learn more of Macaque's life, of course he knew not to push too far, but he was happy with the crumbs of information he could taste now and then. For now, he knew Macaque wasn't born on Flower Fruit Mountain but traveled here in search of a sanctuary, he also knew Macaque was really cautious of the outside world (probably because of his life before living here). “Look, I made it!” Suddenly exclaimed Macaque after a little bit, showing his robe with pride. The cloth was falling apart at some edges and it was a bit too long for Macaque's frame. Sun Wukong opened his mouth, ready to say his real thoughts, but decided against it when he saw how proud the other was.
“Yeah, it's pretty.” Macaque eyes lightened and his ears flapped in joy, Sun Wukong bit his lips to restrain the squeal threatening to pass his mouth.
The sage didn't know a lot about love, but there was one thing he was sure of : Macaque was cute.
+ memes
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+Cut scenes
SWK *if he said what he really thoughts* : Well it's a little too long, and it looks like it'll fall apart quickly. 😅
Mac *embarrassed* : really? 😟
SWK *panicked* : N-no, it's really good! Prettiest robe I ever saw!
Mac *proud* : I knew it!
Mac *after putting the robe on* : ah, it's a bit too long 😕
Wind : I told you so 🙄
Mac : In fact you never told me, you just flipped my ears and laughed at me for being oblivious or whatever. 😠
Wind : 😅
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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Curently Reading book 6 and one Thing lead to another and i read my Mom a Few Pages.....
Oh god my dyslexia left me unable to read and my Mom very confused....
It wont let me sleep so heres my doodle in want does NOT happen in the book but my Mom now thinks IT does
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artaintfartwarriors · 9 months
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bluegarners · 1 year
dick does not muster one smile during the conversation where bruce gives him all the reasons he never adopted dick. even him saying "Thanks, Bruce. Really." just reads as so flat after bruce tells dick he's proud of him, that he could've never loved a son more even though he never adopted him. like, i dont subscribe to the idea that you can only be family by name or blood, and that some little piece of paper doesn't make you someone's family regardless of feelings, but. bruce totally couldve. and the reasons he gave dick amounted to "i was young and too busy to adopt you" and it's like well no wonder dick doesn't even crack a smile throughout that conversation. he was with bruce for near a decade and never got adopted, and then once dick leaves, bruce does try to make the time and even legal proceedings to adopt jason almost right after meeting him even though things never really died down. the only thing that changed was that bruce had a little more experience and wow i cant even imagine how much that stung to hear that and then make a toast to the new family each of them now carry on, which just so happens to not include the other
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ectasymk · 10 months
Could you draw a Boo and a Dry Bones being friends, please?
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juniestar · 14 days
Why are so many dudes not talented or funny? if you ask them “what’s your passion” it’s like “making that dough” okay NO what are you GOOD AT? ALL these men have is THEIR MUSTACHES!
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royalarchivist · 8 months
Just stumbled across a really good old conversation from July that I'm hoping to post (trying to figure out how to download a section of this VOD so I don't have to download the entire 9 hour thing from Youtube).
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avernusfuries · 8 months
screaming, crying, throwing up
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dramagotchii · 1 year
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"Don't go running into the beach without putting sunscreen on!"🩴
Bonus scene: Family memories 🏖️☀️
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This was for Cynonari and Tighcyno gift exchange on twitter! Please check the page for more wholesome content! ^^
on twitter: (x) (x)
Creation notes:
My prompts were "friendly war" and found family. In this story, they're in a family vacation (maybe in modern Fontaine?). Cyno forgot to put sunscreen and got burned badly, he's lucky to have Tighnari to both nag and take care of him 😅
I also got carried away and had way too much fun thinking about family scenarios:
1) Cyno is super proud of his waterproof deck (if only he saw the impending tragedy of having to fight with a fellow crab that seems as obsessed for his cards as him…) 2) As the curious academic he is, Nari would never lose the opportunity to do some field research 3) Collei made some new friends underwater! :> 4) Just a cool family rocking their shades and refreshing themselves together 😎⚡️ 5) not in front of the kids! 🙈 6) They're discreet, but Collei is quicker. A stroll under the sunset, successfully documented! 7) Collei almost had a heart attack to find the fearful General Mahamatra as a makeshift mermaid princess for the girls. Tighnari is probably laughing somewhere. As for Cyno, the story is: after some time trying to overcome his awkwardness with kids, he discovered that little girls will go crazy to play with his hair and put accessories on him. Ever since, he's their favorite new playmate and, he must say, THEY LOVE HIS JOKES
So, yeah, Cyno is very proud of his accomplishment. 😌
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i hate when im drunk bc my ass is like TAKE A PICTURE OF ME I LOOK SO COOL and this is the picture
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