#his s/o could pout cross arms and not wanting to face him but he would still acting like a loving puppy
sw-trashship · 1 year
I never truly liked The la.dy and the t.ramp but there's that scene where Lady gets annoyed and she doesn't want to talk to him and at one point Tr.amp said "Who could ever hurt a cute little trick like you?" while wagging his tail. I... I cannot stop thinking on that scene with R.obin...
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forgwater · 3 months
"Ah, yes. Me, my beloved Prefect and my lookalike tsum from another dimension."
Twst Boys and their reactions to you cuddling their tsum instead of them Headcanons
part 1 part 2 part 3
Riddle Rosehearts
He's baffled.
There has to be a rule about this somewhere!
Yes. The Headmage said he must look after the tsum until it can get back to where it came from and he will, but this is too much.
Does this creature have no manners?!
It must know the two of you are dating. It might even have its own version of you waiting for him to return!
And yet.
Here it is, hogging all your attention as you hold it close to yourself.
You're not even facing him!
And no. He is not crossing his arms and pouting.
Cater Diamond
He thought the tsum was pretty nice at first.
He's been forced to reconsider.
Cater would love to take a picture of you with his tsum. For his eyes only so don't you worry~
You must look so cute snuggled with the plush!
And it looks like him!
It really would be adorable!
If only you weren't facing away from him, your face presumably buried in the soft tummy of his lookalike.
This is not fair. You should be cuddling him! He's your boyfriend! Not that overgrown bean.
He secretly hopes the tsum falls off the bed in the middle of the night.
Leona Kingscholar
What do you mean you prefer that stupid plush??? He's right here!
Very much not happy. No matter how cute you look with his tsum in your arms.
He tries to pull the tsum out of your arms.
Tsum Leona is not letting go.
They lock eyes.
You're pretty sure they're glaring at each other.
Fine. He'll let the tsum have this. He's not gonna risk an accident just because that bean is unwilling to let you go.
You're gonna have his tail on you tho.
Jack Howl
Why are you hugging his tsum like that?
Why is his tsum looking like a puppy getting affection?
He's getting second hand embarrassment.
It's not because he would like to be held like that by you. It's because....
Uh. Because...
I mean! He's a wolf! His tsum is a wolf! It should be a little more... dignified.
He's not needy like that!
And he didn't agree to this. The tsum has not business being in his space like this. Cuddling with his s/o....
He keeps looking over to you and his tsum. He's snatching that bean out of your arms at first light. They're gonna go for a run.
Floyd Leech
So this could go one of two ways:
Either he's annoyed and tries to snatch the offending plush from you, which will end up in a fight between the two.
He thinks it's hilarious and that you look cute like that.
He still wants his cuddles tho.
What's Floyd to do in this situation?
He just plops himself over you and the tsum. He's letting all of his weight crush you.
Lucky(?) for you it's only his torso crushing you.
Good luck.
Epel Felmier
He's finally allowed to have a sleepover and this happens!
You've got to be kidding him.
Please tell him this is a joke. He's glaring daggers at the tsum.
I mean.... He's a strong and independent man! He doesn't need those cuddles.
Yes. Yes he does.
He's fine!
He keeps glaring at the happy tsum in your arms.
It's mocking him.
There's no way it's not.
He tries to snatch it out of your arms, but makes the mistake of going for the head.
He gets bitten by his tsum.
Sebek Zigvolt
First Malleus-sama, now this!
This creature must be taught respect!
Sebek gets into a one-sided screaming match with his tsum.
By the end of it he's almost in tears. How dare this glorified plush bean steal your affections away from him!
Tsum Sebek ignores all of this. It is far too preoccupied with enjoying your pets and hugs.
You attempt to console Sebek by promising it's only for tonight.
He does not look consoled.
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weneeya · 6 days
Can I request Sakusa or Atsumu accidentally revealing they have an s/o during an interview or something.
Like they’ve been in a relationship for quite a while, but both of them want to keep things private. But during an interview the question leads to a slip-up where they reveal they have an s/o. And they feel really bad for that, but in the end their s/o isn’t really mad about it
secret revealed w/ atsumu, sakusa, hinata, bokuto m.list | rules
note. omg thank you for your request i love the idea so much!! as i really wanted to do both sakusa and atsumu, i decided to do it with the msby quatuor, hope you don't mind <3 please don't hesitate to request!
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Miya Atsumu
If it would have been him alone, Atsumu would never have you hidden from the cameras. Not that he wanted you to be known by everyone especially ; but he was a proud man and he wanted to show you off to the world. You were amazing and he loved absolutely everything about you. But you wanted to keep it low, so he respected this. Doing anything that would make you uncomfortable was the last thing he wanted ever. 
It was a simple interview, nothing different from the usual. He was used to their questions, especially those about his private life. Atsmu was good at lying so acting like you didn’t exist was not something so difficult for him ; even if he hated it. He was sitting next to one of his teammates, when he glanced at the backstages, thinking about his answer. 
And what he saw ruined every plan he had in mind. He saw you there, waiting for him like you did it from time to time. But what was weird was that you were generally waiting outside to avoid the questions. Except that today, you were inside, and this guy from the sound was clearly hitting on you. Atsumu trusted you, obviously, but it still made him react almost right now. 
He turned his head to look at the journalist, and a bitter smile appeared on his lips. “I have a girlfriend, yeah. She’s right here yer know, waiting for me.” He said before glancing back at you, waving at little. It caught you off guard, and you looked at your boyfriend with wide eyes. The poor guy who was trying something previously felt terribly stupid, and he quickly moved away from you, understanding the message. 
After the interview, you were walking outside, arms crossed and not answering the poor Atsumu who was almost begging you to look at him. “I’m sorry, please!” He was almost falling on your back, trying to force you to acknowledge his presence. You glanced at him and he had this adorable pout over his lips. You rolled your eyes, before a sigh left your lips. 
“You’re an idiot,” you started, and a smirk appeared on his face at the sound of your voice. “Yer idiot.” He left a kiss on your cheek and you couldn’t restrain the smile that got on the corner of your lips. Surely he was your idiot, yes.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Sakusa Kiyoomi was a discrete man, especially when it came to his private life. He didn’t like to talk about himself in general, but when it came to you, the one he loved, it was even worse. He knew how people could be when they were a fan of someone, and seeing you hurt because of this was the last thing he wanted. So after talking about it together, you decided to not announce anything officially and to be careful. 
He was supposed to spend today with you but there was a sudden change of schedule and he had to go to an interview. Not only was he annoyed because he hated interviews, but even more because he had to cancel his peaceful day with you. He sat there, and everyone could understand that Sakusa was in a bad mood. 
The interview got on, and the questions about his private life quickly arrived. Soon or later, the journalist was asking him about his lovelife more particularly. Even if Sakusa was usually so cautious about it, today was different because he couldn’t see you as much as he wanted, so the words slipped out of his mouth. “Yes, I have someone in my life. And if it wasn’t for this, I would have been with her right now.” 
His tone was harsh and cold, and it quickly ended all the discussions about his private life. When he left the building, he simply got back to your place in no time. A long sigh left his lips when he finally got rid of his shoes, joining the kitchen where he saw the light. You turned around to look at him, and the smile he saw on your lips eased his heart so easily. 
“I may have made a mistake,” he started, and it made your eyebrows rise slowly. He explained to you, and your only reaction was to chuckle gently. It caught him off guard, because he didn’t expect such a reaction. Weren’t you angry that he revealed your secret? You looked back at his eyes, smiling once again. “People needed to know one day, so it’s fine.” 
Sakusa nodded slowly, leaving a soft kiss against your temple. You were right, you couldn’t keep it to yourself forever. He would have wanted to show you to the world differently, because you deserved better, but at least he wouldn’t have to hide anymore.
Hinata Shouyou
You didn’t really care about being known as Hinata’s girlfriend, but the boy was less enthusiastic than you. Knowing that he met you during his time in Brazil, and knowing how his country was, he was just scared that people would say anything bad about you. Even if he was a real sunshine, he would never accept any bad remarks towards the person he loved the most in his entire life. This is why both of you decided to keep your relationship private. 
But Hinata Shouyou was not really good at hiding things, especially not when you were making him so happy. It wasn’t his own interview ; actually it was Kageyama who was getting interviewed after their match against Hinata’s team. He was answering some questions with his usual awkwardness when a voice came from behind. It was Hinata yelling at him. 
“Hey, Kageyama! Look, she’s here!” Hinata pointed at you before waving with a huge smile, and Kageyama simply offered you a little wave. Obviously, the interviewer asked about who you were, and Tobio was as much of an idiot as Hinata, so he simply told the truth. “It’s his girlfriend,” he said, and Hinata quickly arrived behind him, giggling like it was nothing. “Isn’t she pretty?” 
You saw the camera turning in your direction, and you quickly ran away from it. You didn’t care, but you wanted to respect your boyfriend’s choice. Except that you wouldn’t run too far, Hinata grabbing you during your escape to hold you tight. This is how the whole volleyball world knew about Ninja Shouyou’s girlfriend. 
“I thought you didn’t want people to know,” you said to him while you were walking to your apartment. He giggled like only he could do it, rubbing his nose against your cheek. “I don’t care, I’ll protect you from anything.” He looked back at you with his adorable smile, and you swore you heard your heart stopping in your chest. It wasn’t even surprising anymore with Hinata.
Bokuto Koutarou
He wasn’t the type to be careful about a lot of things, except for people he loved the most. And you were probably the person he cared the most about in his whole life. You were able to keep up with his mood swings without being annoyed or anything, and he simply loved you so much. So he wanted to keep you all for himself, and as you weren’t a fan of celebrity, both of you came to the arrangement that you should keep your relationship private. 
It wasn’t a problem, and it didn’t become one until this interview. It was at the end of a match they just won, and Bokuto was over excited by the victory. He was smiling like crazy, running everywhere ; it was almost too difficult to keep him in place for the interview. So when the question about someone sharing his life arrived, he didn’t think twice. 
“I have my beautiful girlfriend waiting for me! She’s the best!” He almost yelled in the microphone, leaving everyone in shock, especially you behind your screen at home. His teammates had to calm him down before he let out too much about you, knowing well that it was supposed to be a secret. And after the interview, they had to remind Bokuto what he said. 
When he entered your apartment, he was completely down. The victory was nothing next to the idea of him disappointing you like this. He slowly walked to the couch, sitting next to you, his head almost immediately falling on your lap. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have.” 
Your fingers slowly moved to his hair, trying to ease his heart a little. How could you blame him? You knew how he was, so you were expecting this to happen one day. You smiled softly, leaving a kiss against his cheek. “It’s okay Kou, it’s fine. I’m good,” you told him, and he quickly sat back. He looked at you, eyes wide and bright. 
“Really? You’re not mad?” You chuckled slightly, before slowly shaking your head from left to right. “Of course not.” You reassure him, and in a second, Bokuto’s excitement came back like before. You would never get mad at him, and especially not for him loving you so much.
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thank you!!
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babyleostuff · 1 year
Hiii!!! so I just read your cheol fic when he was being a dick for his s/o caring (it hurts... it's the beginning of the title, sorry brain is fried from uni) I was wondering if we could get the in-between of the fight like in the practice room after s/o left and everyone was shocked. mingyu fought him?? like gotta know what happened, anyway sorry if this is too long
hope yoyr day, night, evening, morning, or whatever time it is for you is going well!! your writing is so captivating too btw
thank you so much for your request 💜 hope you enjoy this!
you can find part 1 here
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summary | seungcheol’s pov from my previous fic
genre | angst
word count | 1k
pairing | choi seungcheol x gn!reader
“Fuck you, Seungcheol.”
Instantly, as these words escaped your mouth, he regretted every single thing he just said, praying that he could somehow turn back time. But there was nothing he could do now, the damage was done, and he simply watched you leave with a heartbroken expression.
He wanted nothing more than to crumble into a small ball and hide somewhere far from here. 
Despite the music still playing from the speakers, the silence in the room was almost deafening. Seungcheol could feel the hard stares from the boys, as they tried to wrap their heads around what just happened. 
“Did you actually lose your mind?” Jeonghan was the first to speak up. Seungcheol didn’t dare to look up and face the disappointed expressions of his friends. 
“Never in all those years we have been together have you ever said anything so cruel, no matter how fuck up things were. And now you lash out at your, mind you, partner for being worried about you?” Jeonghan scoffed, clearly angry at his bandmate. 
Seungcheol knew that there was nothing he could say or do to make this situation better, he only stood there with hunched shoulders and a tight throat. 
“What has gotten into me,” he thought.
Yes, he was stressed as hell, and everything irritated him lately, but he swore he would never take his anxiety out on you. Well, until now. 
The jacket you threw at him caught his attention, laying abandoned on the floor. Is this how you feel right now - left behind and neglected, by the person who was supposed to love you no matter what? He took a step to pick it up, still feeling the warmth of your body coming from it. 
“I’m going to fix this,” Seungcheol said quietly, putting the fabric to his chest. 
“Did I hear you right, hyung? You’re going to make it right?” laughed Mingyu, approaching the older one. “You just yelled at your partner and told them the worst things you could have ever possibly said. We can put up with your bitchy behavior, but that’s not an excuse to treat them like shit,” he said, clearly very agitated by the whole affair. 
“Let it go Mingyu, he knows what he has done. It’s his problem now how he’s going to get out of this shit,” said Jihoon, putting an arm on the taller’s shoulder to calm him down. 
“Yeah, but it doesn’t change the fact that he just basically emotionally abused one of my best friends.” 
“Hey, don’t you fucking dare saying I abused them in any way,” Seungcheol raised his voice at at younger boy, his emotions getting out of hand. “I know what I have done, and I’m going to make it right again,” he said, not exactly convinced himself. 
“So what, you think you'll buy them flowers, pout and make puppy eyes, and they'll forgive you?” he scoffed and crossed his arms, making him look bigger than he already was. 
“No, making puppy eyes is your thing, I’m not that cheap,” Seungcheol fired right back at him. 
With each exchange between Seungcheol and Mingyu the tension only escalated, the atmosphere becoming charged with a mix of anger, frustration, and hurt. Their tones harsh and cutting, both of them tried to defend their position. Sadness, and disappointment were evident on their faces, further fueling the intensity of the situation. 
“I messed up, alright? But you're acting like I hurt them on purpose-.” 
“Well, to us it looked like you wanted to-.” 
“Could you just stay the fuck away from my relationship and focus on your shitty love life?” 
The rest of the boys, who were skeptically watching what was going on, knew this wouldn’t end well. Mingyu might have been passive most of the time, letting the others walk over him and still not batting an eye, but when it comes to his friends and their well being, he wouldn’t just stand around and watch. 
Wonwoo who was standing by the mirrors slowly came up to Mingyu and patted his back. 
“There is no use Mingoo, you’re not helping here,” he said sternly. 
“Well, I have the right to be angry.” 
“No one said you didn’t, but let’s not add more fuel to the fire, okay?” 
Mingyu glared at Seungcheol for the final time, before turning around and walking out of the room. 
“I’m going to check up on him,” said Mingaho. 
As the tension evaporated the second Mingyu left, Seungcheol could feel his anger turn to sadness and powerlessness. Now not only has he hurt you, but also his friend, who was so dear to him. 
Seungcheol felt trapped, not knowing what to do next and feeling extremely mentally and emotionally drained. He sighed deeply with a blank stare, drained from all of his usual energy. 
With the silence still apparent, everyone parted ways to give Seungcheol some space. Only Jeonghan and Joshua stayed by his side, not knowing what to do. 
“What am I supposed to do now?” asked the oldest, with a tired voice. 
“We’re all here for you, Coups and you're not alone in this. Don’t worry about Mingyu for now, he’ll come around,” said Joshua. “Take a deep breath and try to think clearly about this.” 
“It's just that everything seems to be going wrong, and I feel like I have no control over it.”
“We know, but you should have just talked to them. Why didn’t you do it? Why did it have to come to this Coups?” asked Jeonghan. 
“I don’t know, I really don’t. I thought I was stronger than this, that it would pass and everything would be okay. I just didn’t want to be a burden to them.” 
“Well that didn’t end up too well,” said Joshua, laughing at Seungcheol’s pouting face. 
“Thank you for being here for me. I really need that right now.”
“Of course! That's what family is for. But that doesn’t change the fact that we’re all so pissed at you right now,” said Jeonghan. 
“Yeah, for a second there I thought Mingyu was going to punch me or something,” chuckled Sungcheol. 
“I wish he did,” muttered Joshua, and walked away quickly before the oldest could respond. 
“I’m going to make this right,” thought Seungcheol. “No matter what it takes.” 
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stuffeddeer · 3 months
Hello I’m new here, I just couldn’t help but notices how lovely you write. So I have little request for you.
Can I request Nikolai and any characters you want reaction when their s/o hides stuff between her breasts?
omg welcome just my drunk friend! tysm!!!! i love nikolai im on it 🫡 and dazai ofc..
has: no pronouns used but mention of boobs and bras, also one (1) use of the word tits. is that worthy of a warning? probably not. but Nikolai says it in a weird way bc he’s the worst so just in case 🤞🏻
You knock feverishly on Nikolai’s door. Fuck, where did you leave your key? You’d already made it back to your apartment when you realized it wasn’t in your pockets. The last place you were was Nikolai’s, so if he didn’t have it you aren’t sure who would.
“Nikolai, you dick,” you mutter under your breath. That asshole is definitely still awake, so why wasn’t he answering the door?
The knocking ceases as Nikolai swings the door open, hair unbraided and eyes glimmering. “Missed me that badly?” He leans forward, bending down slightly to maneuver his face just above yours. “You could’ve called, y’know.”
“Yeah, well,” you shrug. “I need to come in.”
“Pushy!~” He pouts, crossing his arms and standing up straight. “Not even gonna say hello?”
A groan passes your lips, too frustrated at your missing key to play his games. “You didn’t.” You pause momentarily. It’s less frustration and more so anxiety that makes your skin crawl and your tone snippy. “Sorry, I just lost my key. I’m worried I dropped it on the street walking home.”
Eyes lighting up, you would’ve sworn Nikolai beamed down at you with two mismatched flashlights. “You need your key, you say? And what if I told you I could procure it for you?”
Your shoulders slump down, relaxing. He’s being an asshole, sure, but at least you know he has it. “Please, Nikolai?”
“Mm… You gotta promise not to be mad when I retrieve it. Especially since I’ll be your savior, you know!” He puffs out his chest, already proud before he has even produced the key.
“I promise, I’ll be eternally grateful as long as I can find that key.”
Nikolai’s warm and ungloved hand slips under your loose shirt collar, digging beneath your bra and in between your breasts. You freeze, even with the warmth of his hand on you. Before you can chew him out for the random grope, the jester pulls your apartment key from in between, flashing both it and a wolfish grin to you.
You say nothing for a moment, just staring slack jawed at your key. Had you really..?
“You dropped it in there before you left,” he shrugs before dropping the key back in between your breasts, not bothering to hand it to you properly. “And I just stare at your tits all the time, so I noticed.”
With a gentle smack to his bicep, you fish the key out once more and let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god; I thought I was going to have to change my locks!”
“You still should - I have, like, several copies of your apartment key littered around my apartment,” Nikolai smiles once more.
You don’t even bother replying, just turning around and leaving his place for the second time that night, your apartment key in hand.
Dazai would start hiding things in there too. He tosses a pen your way before heading out on a mission, one where he knows you can’t bring a bag along, just to watch as you stuff it in between your breasts. You’d sigh resignedly, used to his actions by this point and having long given up arguing or telling him off.
When on said mission, he’d find any and every reason that one might need a pen and turn to you expectantly, waiting for you to pull it out and hold it out for him. It’s always so warm after, heated up from its time nestled between where he’d like to be stashed away.
You’d complain after he asks for the pen for the nth time, telling him if he needs to use it so often he can get one himself! Those words were meant to tell him to bring/carry his own pen, but he’d grinned before taking that as meaning he could jam his hand down your shirt to reach for it himself.
“What? You told me to grab it myself…”
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mrkis · 1 year
nct dream reaction :: being teased by their s/o
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𝗥𝗘𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗗? 〚𝗬𝗘𝗦✗〛/ 〚NO〛 ⟶ nct dream reacting to their s/o being bratty? love your work ♡ much hugs for you!
𝗔𝗡| love you! also, i somewhat changed it a little bit of this req because i hardcore struggled thinking of something bratty without repeating myself. however, i still tried to make it as interesting and pussy dripping as i could. hope you don't mind!
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Mark has a lot of patience, especially since being the leader of six other members who constantly try to get under his skin every second of the day. So, automatically, he has a lot of patience when it comes to you too. But there's just something about today specifically that's letting your bratty nature get to him, his jaw clenching and fingers tightening around his pen as he tries to scribble down lyrics for a new song he's working on while your own wandering fingers are touching his body, riling him up.
Kun's sitting at the desk in front of you both, chunky headphones sitting on his head that bobs gently to each beat he tests out, taking no notice in either of you as he's too sucked into his work, unlike Mark who so desperately tries to be on the sofa behind, elbowing you every time your hand sneaks between his thighs, groping the flesh to tease him.
"Babe" He warns, voice low and sultry as he suddenly grips your wrist, catching you off guard. He puts his face closer to yours, tilting his head to the side as he whispers, "Do it again and I'll make you regret it"
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Watches you expressionlessly with his arms crossed over his chest as you try your hardest to rile him up in public, trying to make him crack and break. Renjun keeps his eyes locked on yours to slightly intimidate you, to make you quit your little flirtatious and teasing antics towards him. He's hard, without a doubt, his cock is straining uncomfortable in his pants but he's known for his poker face, so he keeps up his own act, pretending how everything you were doing wasn't getting to him like you hoped it would.
"Just give in" You whisper to him, stroking his face tenderly with a grin as his eyes narrow at you. "You can try to hide it but I know if I shove my hands down your pants right now, your cock will be hard and ready for me to take... isn't that right, Renjun?"
Renjun's tongue prods his cheek at your sultry tone, shaking his head with a chuckle, façade dropping slightly before he leans closer to your face, "You think you have it all worked out, don't you? When you truly know that all I have to do is touch you and you'll be done for... try me, baby... do it"
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Sits back with his hands in his lap as you act up in front of him, eyes never leaving your figure as you tease him with your mood comments and flirtatious gestures towards the Haechan who sits on the opposite side of the couch in amusement. His tongue prods at his cheek when he sees your hand float a little too closely to Haechan's inner thigh and the latter, as sneaky and teasing as he was, provokes the situation even more by shuffling closer to you, your hand almost touching the front of his pants.
Joy fills you seeing Jeno so affected by your ways, excitement buzzing through your veins when you think about the punishment you'll receive later on in the bedroom. You want everything Jeno can give you which is why you send Haechan a look that he immediately understands, testing the waters even more as he goes to grab your hand.
"Let him touch you and I'll fuck you open over the coffee table, and trust me... i will not let you cum"
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Haechan's gaming time was supposed to be over a few minutes ago, but truthfully, he stayed on a little longer because he enjoys hearing and watching you get bratty. You're mumbling complaints after complaints, a playful pout present on your features as you scoff and twist around in the bed, burying your head into the pillow as you grumble about how he never does anything for you and threatening to grab your vibrator from your nightstand drawer if he wasn't going to please you.
He laughs as he stands from his gaming chair, stretching out his back as he walks over to the bed, tauntingly crawling above the sheets and slithering between your legs that open upon his arrival. His grips your thighs, squeezing the flesh in his palms as he smiles,
"You want me that bad?" Haechan teases, smiling even wider as you begin to snap at him, shushing you by dragging you closer to him, pressing the front of his boxers to your ass, the bulge growing with each subtle grind, "Show me how bad you want me"
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Can't stop the genuine smile that spreads across his face as he realises what you're doing, elbows resting on the table as he watches you flaunt around the kitchen dressed in his shirt and your underwear, purposely bending over all surfaces possible to show off your ass. You've been at this all morning, giving him slight attitude and teasing him with your gestures and items of clothing that you knew he liked seeing on you. It didn't fully click in his mind what exactly was going on until he caught you sighing to yourself, mumbling quietly about how all your efforts to get fucked had been for nothing. But you weren't a quitter, you don't give up. And Jaemin loves that about you.
"You're so cute" Jaemin admits after sitting in silence for so long, grin widening as you finally turn to face him with a glare.
"I wasn't trying to be cute. I want to be sexy..." Your voice trails as you walk up to him, standing between his spread legs as he shifts in the chair. Your hands come up to tangle in his hair, "I want to be enticing... irresistible... tempt—"
"Are you going to keep talking?" Jaemin cuts you off, tongue poking out to wet his bottom lip as his hands trail up your thighs, squeezing the flesh of your ass, "Or are you going to let me give you what you've been desperately craving?"
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"Hey, what are you doi—stop, I'm trying to—" Chenle sighs heavily as you sit on his lap, disrupting him from watching a show on his phone, shoving your head in front of his to block his view of the screen. He laughs softly, "Are you serious?"
You don't answer him as your arms curl around his shoulders, grinding your hips down onto his and smirking at you hear the sharp intake of breath, his hands coming down to grip waist. You've been trying to make him give you all of his attention when he had came over to stay for the night, expecting your time to be filled with cuddles and make-out sessions which you, with your fingers crossed tightly, hoped it would lead into him dicking you down. You craved him so badly, wanting to his cock stretch you out and make you see stars. You yearned for his touch, his lips, his attention.
"I want you to want me, Chenle" You tell him, letting out a soft moan when you feel the drawstrings on his pants graze against your clit. "I want you to want me as much as I want you"
"You're so greedy" He tuts, letting his phone fall out of his hands and onto the sheets as he grips you tightly, pulling you closer to him. "Can you ride me? Remind me of how pretty you look bouncing on top of me"
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"You're... you're acting this way because I wont let you give me head?" Jisung asks in disbelief, pointing his finger at himself as you finally admit to why you've been acting so weird this late evening. Jisung has never seen you act in such a way: feeling him up, sending him already saved naked pictures of yourself, whispering dirty little things in his ear every time you brush past him. Especially with how he's always been so giving and tends to your needs whenever you ask him. He would do anything you asked of him.
But today was a little bit different. He was busier than usual, wanting to get chores over and done with. (chores that were actually supposed to be done a few days ago but got so side tracked doing other things) So Jisung couldn't really give you his full attention. He thought that maybe you were horny and wanted him to go down on you or something, but he didn't expect you to act so bratty and tease him all because you wanted to give him head.
"Yes" You sigh as if it was the most obvious thing, dropping to your knees and tugging on the zipper of his jeans, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you look up at him with pleading eyes, "Let me suck your cock... please?"
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pholla-jm · 1 month
Sukuna with a S/O who has a sweet tooth/Loves eating sweets ?? :00
Like imagine most of the time they go on a date it's basically just reader and him going to different shops trying out desserts and sweets
Hello! Sorry it took me awhile! I got busy with work and my new class had just started. I decided to add some more to this. I hope you like it!! *********
Sweet Tooth
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IMAGINE: SWEET TOOTH~ SUKUNA X READER FEAT: GOJO GENRE: FLUFF cw: modern au! implied female reader, sukuna calls your woman. not proof read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Whenever Sukuna took you out, you would make him stop for a sweet treat. It could be for the slightest thing. Groceries? Sweet treat. Getting gas? Sweet treat? 
You will use any excuse to get sweet treats. 
This time, there was no real reason to convince Sukuna that you needed a sweet treat. Only that there was a new café opening up. Taking a quick glance at what would be on their menu, you already decided that you needed to go. It had most of your favorite pastries and drinks. 
“Please, Sukuna.” You pleaded to your boyfriend with your hands clasped together. You had asked him to take you, but you knew how much he didn’t care for places like that. He didn’t like the options they provided; they always smelled so sweet. And it sometimes stuck to his clothes. 
Sukuna has already decided to go with you, though. He would do anything for you. However, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t make it easy for you. He loved to see you like this. 
“Please, I’ll make it worth your while.” 
Sukuna smirks at your words. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” 
Your face lit up at his words, “so does that mean you’ll take me?” 
“Yeah, brat.” 
“Yay! Thank you!” You say while wrapping your arms around his ample shoulders. 
Sukuna chuckles, squeezing you tight in return. 
When the time came, Sukuna couldn’t believe he agreed to something like this. Since the place was pretty new, there were a lot of people. The theme was coquette, which Sukuna wasn’t fond of. 
Sukuna settled with matcha mochi and coffee. In contrast, you had the most sickening sweets in front of you. 
When Sukuna looks at all of it, his stomach almost churns in disgust. But when he sees you gleam at the desserts and take happy bites, it erases his dislike for the sweet treats. He would spend hours in places like this to see your happy face. 
“What’s so great about these treats anyway?” Sukuna asks you. 
You were about to answer, but someone interrupted you. Someone that neither of you wanted to see. 
“Ooh, can I have some of that?” You look up to see the bright blue-eyed man named Gojo. 
“Ugh, no get away.” You say while shoving him away. 
“Awe, come on.” He pouts at you. 
Sukuna frowns at seeing Gojo. “Get away from (y/n).” 
Gojo’s eyes flicker over to the brooding man. His arms were crossed as he glared at Gojo. 
An annoying smirk now sits on his face, “why? Scared I might take her away?” 
Sukuna’s hand slams down on the table, and your face twists disgustingly. 
“Oh my god.. You’re so embarrassing niisan.” You whisper to Gojo, but Sukuna hears it. 
The anger slowly dissipates from his body, and confusion fills his head. 
“Brother?” He mumbles. 
“What? I can’t protect my little sister?” 
While the two of you bicker, Sukuna glances back and forth. 
Gojo and you didn’t look alike. Not a single feature looked the same. Some things are similar, like the hyper personality… and the major sweet tooth. 
“Well, I got to go. Thanks.” Gojo says after taking a bite of one of your cakes. 
He gives you a smug look before waving bye. 
“Ugh,” You groan before turning to Sukuna, “I’m sorry about him.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me he was your brother?” 
You look at him in confusion, “I didn’t?” 
Sukuna gives you a look, “I think I would remember something like that.” 
“Huh, sorry. I guess it just slipped.” 
“How does something like that slip?” 
You purse your lips, “well whenever I’m not around him… I just seem to not worry about him. You know?” 
Sukuna looks at you, a bit confused, which means you will explain it further. 
“Satoru and I aren’t full siblings. Same mom but different dads. But Gojo has always been the golden child. Everything is about him. He always got everything he wanted, but me? I was lucky to even be in the same room as him.” You chuckle while shaking your head. 
“So, it’s nice not having him around. I can do whatever I want without him around.” 
Sukuna nods, “and have whatever you want as well.” 
You smile at his words, “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” 
Sukuna scoffs, “of course I’m right, woman.” 
You laugh and shake your head. “It wasn’t long ago that I discovered my love for sweets. I never got sweets as a child, since Satoru hogged them all.” 
Sukuna smiles at you and leans forward. He grabs a napkin, wiping some of the icing away from the corner of your lips, “that just means I’ll have to spoil you more than.” 
Your face turns pink at his words and actions. 
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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wheeboo · 1 year
seventeen and their reaction to finding drawings of them in a sketchbook
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PAIRING. seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship, headcanons WARNINGS. terms of endearment  WORD COUNT. 1.08k
requested by @cinnamoroxie​: hi hi raniaaa !! what ab svt w an s/o that has like an entire sketchbook dedicated to drawing them? and then they get all upset and pouty if they see u drawijg another svt member
notes: so my mind for some reason processed this as a reaction and kinda accidentally veered off “seeing u drawing another member” to “seeing A drawing of another member” for this oops i’m sorry 😭 but i hope that’s fine alkfjsdf??? anyway this was silly to write 
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choi seungcheol
discovered your sketchbook on accident and when he opened it, just imagine his eyes going wide as he drops everything he was doing and runs out to find you in the living room. he’s like “you’ve been hiding all this from me?” but when he stumbles upon a sketch on the side of hoshi w his stuffed animal tiger, he immediately pouts and feels that pang of jealousy and you’re like “hoshi was the one who wanted me to draw him like that! you know I always love drawing you!”
yoon jeonghan
knows you love drawing but didn’t expect to find a sketchbook filled w drawings of him. just in pure awe the entire time as he goes thru the sketchbook with you next to him, muttering quiet praises of admiration that leaves you meltingggg. but when he finds this unfinished sketch of what looks like joshua, all he could do is look at it and be like all sarcastically “hm, I don’t remember you having a second boyfriend?”
joshua hong
would be so enanamoured by your drawing abilities. every time you flip a page to show him more drawings you’ve done of him he would constantly try to go back to the previous page, admire it for a minute longer, before telling you to proceed. but when you flip to a page showing a little drawing of seokmin, he’d look down at it, grab your pencil from your hand, and erase seokmin’s face to replace with a silly one, drawing an arrow saying “← not your boyfriend”
wen junhui
literally in awe and shock the entire time, constantly showering you w praise and prob constantly asking questions like how did you draw his nose so perfectly?? how do you shade so perfectly?? how the heck did you draw hair?? he has so many questions and you are willing to answer all of them. but when he stumbles upon a drawing of minghao he gets all whiny “why did you draw him?? I’m right here!!!”
kwon soonyoung 
another one constantly asking questions and praising you, and he reacts so dramatically as you flip thru each page. this time all of your respective drawings is ensured to always have some sort of tiger/horanghae reference in there. so when he sees a sketch of jihoon doing a wooahae he just gets all disappointed and pouts “if you were going to draw another guy at least make him do a horanghae” knowing damn well jihoon won’t ever do that irl
jeon wonwoo
is silently appreciating each and every drawing. pieces together the outfits you’ve drawn in his mind since he would catch you drawing when you both are alone, and turns out you were drawing him at whatever moment you could. but when he sees a silly lil sketch of mingyu, he takes off his glasses to get a closer look and you see the kinda jealous look to his face and you’re like “babe don’t be jealous, it was the time we all hung out together and mingyu wanted a lil doodle of himself”
lee jihoon
he’s like wonwoo but a bit more vocal abt it. super super impressed from how accurate your drawings are. and you always say to him after every drawing “its bcuz you looked so handsome at the time” and he get so so shy abt it, but internally he’s deeply touched. but when he sees a drawing of seungcheol he gets a tad bit jealous and crosses his arms “did he look handsome at the time too?”
xu minghao
honestly don’t be surprised if he also has a sketchbook full of drawings of you lmao. the two of you are practically bound together by your interests in art and prob have frequent doodling n painting sessions together, always complimenting and praising each others work. but if he stumbles upon a funny drawing jun in the corner, he does that lip pout iykwim “what happened to me being your muse, honey?”
kim mingyu
is like every possible synonym of the word happiness and endeared and loved. gets dramatic like hoshi and becomes so prideful like “I know I was so handsome that day, right?” or you know “you got my good angles!” and you just roll your eyes playfully. but boy does this man pout and sulk like crazy whenever he sees like a drawing of wonwoo or another member “babe, I thought this was a sketchbook about ME” 
lee seokmin
oh he’s so happy, like beyond happy and giddy. absolutely melting inside n squealing throughout each page turn with his mouth open agape. he’s literally so proud of you for the efforts you put in each drawing of him and wishes he can pay your love back somehow. but if he sees a lil doodle of joshua or other  members on another page he has that cute frown to his face and whines “sunshine...” then he’s like “okay you know what would be better?” and then he draws a mustache or something funny on top of the drawing
boo seungkwan
is literally your personal fanboy and hypes you up from any drawing you show him, but he gets soo shy n flustered whenever you showed him drawings that you did of him. in amazement he’s like “is that really me?” as he takes in each drawing with absolute detail. but if he sees this funny sketch of vernon on one page, he might get a lil insecure, so pls reassure him that it was only a funny moment you wanted to draw when vernon and seungkwan came over to your place
vernon chwe
gives those nods of approval as you go through each page. it may not seem like it, but he’s very very impressed. here and there he quietly mutters a soft “wow” as he traces a finger over some of the drawings as if making sure it was real and not a figment of his imagination. but say he sees a lil funny doodle of seungkwan, he’d be like “wow that actually looks like him” and then you lightly slap his arm “babe! he doesn’t even have a face”
lee chan
begs on your knees for you to show him your drawings, and when you do, he gets so into it. “wait wasn’t this the time when we had that cafe date?” or “omg! that’s when we went to the zoo during the holiday” and then he attempts to recreate some of the poses. but when he stumbles upon a brief sketch of jeonghan or another member, he just scoffs “wait till you see this. I can do a better pose than him!”
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae @icysungho
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader || Smexcerpt
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Plot: You're nothing but sweet to Bo, and he's so damn mean! When you offer to wash him, its no different.
... "Come on, Bo. You're filthy." ... "Shower's nice and warm, Bo, come on. Don't be grumpy, please?" ... "Just relax, Bo,.. "
Warnings: Smut. Shower sex and Degradation. Age difference relationship (Mean older man (36 y/o) / Soft younger AFAB person (Early 20's)). A tiny little bit of daddy kink, and a creampie. Wrap it before you tap it folks, don't be like Bo. (Unedited)
When Bo finally gave in and joined you in the shower, chucking his hat off and to the corner of the bathroom last and giving a simultaneous frustrated sigh as he slides into the small little cubicle with you, you give a pleased grin. So he's not in that terrible a mood, then. If he was, he never would've listened to you.
"Y'better start washin' the fucken day off me, honey, or I'm kickin your ass outta here."
Your jaw drops, the sponge in your hand two inches away from Bo's chest. "Wh- I started this shower!! I- I was here first!" You sound immature, you know it, but its totally warranted! Pouting, you squeeze the sponge so all the soapy water drenches your hand. He could be so charismatic, but never for you!...
"Yeah, and I'm gonna end it if you don't get to work." There's a ghost of a smirk on his handsome face, now, watching you get all sulky in front of him- and all covered in soap suds and running water, too. It was definitely cheering him up after the day he had. "What? You gonna get all huffy now, darlin'? Y'asked for me to come in here."
"Why are you always so mean to me... I'm always nice to you!"
"Awww, was I mean?... " The smirk is real, now, as Bo backs you up against the tile wall. When the cold hits your skin you jolt and gasp; leaning in towards Bo's warmth, instead.
Still, you cross your arms and look away from him. "Yes. And you're always so nice to visitors, before you kill them I mean, and I- "
Here he chuckles, shaking his head. "You're so fucken dumb, doll, jesus christ."
"Hey!- "
When Bo's lips crash into yours, wet and tasting of water, you let out a quick gasp- but calm down immediately at the taste of his tongue in your mouth. Dropping the sponge in your fist, you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck; pressing your naked bodies together. This time when he pushes you against the wall, you're so warm and content against him, connected to him, that you don't even wince.
Immediately your pussy is throbbing, soaking wet and aching to be filled up with his cock. That always happens when Bo takes control of you like this- you hate it, you think it betrays you, but what can you do?? Its so hot. Moaning, you turn your nose to the other side of Bo's, adjusting the kiss and letting him deepen it by sucking on your tongue. The hot water from the shower beats down his back, drips off the tips of your fingers, and slides down your thighs.
His hands find your thighs and wrap them around his waist, grinding his half-hard cock against your lovely, slick, plush pussy with a growl. He separates from your poor swollen lips and flashes you a devastating smirk. "You ready for me, little baby?"
Slow on the uptake, head full of steam and Bo, you give another little pout at his words. "I'm not a baby- "
"Yeah you are." With his cock fully hard now, thick and standing tall against his belly, he slips in just half; watching you slap a hand over your mouth to keep from crying out. "Hey hey hey, hold on there- " He gets in close to your face, tut tut tut-ing, the feel of his hot breath a little extra in the hot steamy shower. "Don't do that, princess~ Dontcha think Daddy wants to hear every little thing he's doin' to you?" You just look mortified back at him, your hand still over your mouth. Daddy?!? "It'd cheer me up, for sure."
... oh, you think, eyes widening. Well- if it would make Bo happy, then- "O- okay... "
Slowly you take your hand away from your lips, watching Bo's eyes flicker down to your mouth and the little lecherous smirk spread across his. "There you go... "
Then he thrusts all the way into you, filling you up so entirely and riding against your clit your eyes slip up into the back of your head; your skull falling back and thudding gently against the tile wall behind you. "Booo... "
"Heheh, thats right, sweetheart, fuck you're so fucken tight- "
Bo's words race right through you as he pounds your little cunt with his admittedly impressive dick, stroking the tight ball inside you developing into a perfect delicious orgasm. You hold on the best you can though, you try so hard to stay together, you don't wanna cum too fast!, you want this to last-
Your pussy squeezes Bo like a vice as he pummels your clit, the hot shower water coating you both adding a layer of pleasure thats so new and so good. "Bo Bo Bo- "
"I know, sweet thing, I kn- fuck!- " When you squeeze around him hearing him call you 'sweet thing', he cant stand it. He squeezes your hips so tight he'll definitely leave fingertip-shaped bruises behind and presses his full cock deep into you so his pelvis pins yours against the wall.
A hot, fulfilled feeling explodes in your cunt and you let out a guttural moan, rolling your hips against him, riding out both your orgasms.
" ... huh, well I guess y'are useful for somethin', huh, baby doll?" Bo tells you a few minutes later, still holding your tired, sleepy form up against the shower wall; keeping you close as long as possible while you're all sweet and tired like this. His foreheads leaning against yours and his hand's on the side of your head, stroking your face lovingly with his thumb.
Your eyes are closed, half-drifting off. " ... sh- shut up... fuck you... asshole... "
Bo gives a grin. "Fuck you too, sweetheart."
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cupidjyu · 11 months
can i request a tbz maknae line to reaction when their s/o kisses them and runs away outta embarrassment 🥹
love flew away
(maknae line) when you kiss them and try to run away
genre: baking, reader hates doing laundry (me), kissing of course! flirting, tension, but fluffy, sunwoo is very shameless, actually all of them are shameless notes: sangyeon shirtless is crazy word count: 1.4k
“How much sugar did you add again?” You eyed him with suspicion.
He looked at you like a deer in headlights. “Enough?”
You sighed. Baking with your boyfriend was a hard task, mostly because he hated any type of measuring. It could be the saltiest ingredient in the world and he would still pour in a whole three cups of it.
“I can’t trust you to do this anymore,” You grumbled. You handed him the whisk. “Just mix it at least.”
Haknyeon grinned, completely unabashed at your harsh comments. As he began to blend all the ingredients together, you had stalked off to pre-heat the oven. In the corner of your eye, you could see him subtly dancing to the music that you had put on. You couldn’t help but smile dearly at the sight. 
He looked very alluring like this. His hair was tousled and there was flour powdered across his cheeks adorably. As quietly as you could, you approached him from behind. And then you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
A sudden feeling of embarrassment completely overtook you, causing you to back away. 
“Put it in the oven for twenty-five minutes,” You muttered and then you took off, locking yourself in your room. You brought the pillow up to your face and screamed for a good few moments.
It was oddly quiet though. You had expected Haknyeon to come looking for you. You could here some clambering in the kitchen, the dishes being washed, but that was it. 
“It’s done!” He abruptly yelled out. You froze, glancing at the time. Only five minutes had passed. There was no way that the cake was going to be done that fast. But still, with a grumble, you climbed off the bed and approached the kitchen.
He was standing there, leaning against the counter, his hands crossed over his chest with a knowing tilt of his head.
“You run away from me but come back for the cake?” Haknyeon gave you a smile.
You stuttered, “W-well…”
“Come here.” He grinned wider, holding his arms out. With flushed cheeks, you approached him, walking into his embrace. He gave you a tight squeeze, pulling away just to place a soft kiss on your forehead. “I appreciate the kiss.” He gave you a playful wink.
“Too embarrassing,” You muttered, hiding your face in his chest.
“Never,” He replied. “Be proud that you want to kiss my handsome face.”
“Shut up,” You groaned, punching him weakly in the chest. “Just– keep an eye on the cake or something.”
“I’ll keep an eye on you,” He mumbles, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “You taste sweeter anyway.”
He pulled me into a passionate kiss, his hand wandering down to my lower back and–
“What’re you reading?” Sunwoo suddenly appeared next to you. You squeaked, backing away quickly, closing the book with a loud thump. 
Sunwoo narrowed his eyes. “Looks like a book to me.”
You huffed, “Well of course it’s a book.”
He leaned closer, studying your features with a slight quirk on his lips. “Read it to me then,” He whispered, his low voice sending a shiver down your spine. His gaze wandered down to your lips, staring intensely. “I like your voice.”
You gulped and shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut. “I… can’t.”
He pouted, pulling away. “Why not?”
A blush began to appear on your cheeks. “The scene is kind of…”
Sunwoo smiled knowingly, his hand trailing down your arm, creating goosebumps on your arm. “Kind of?”
You bit your lip, looking away. “I can’t say.” It wasn’t much really. The two characters, previously enemies, were now kissing heatedly. But you couldn’t tell Sunwoo that. You had an idea of how it would end.
“Demonstrate it to me then.” His eyes darkened.
You sighed, frustrated. “First you want me to read, now you want me to demonstrate?”
He nodded stubbornly, facing you. “Unless it’s murder then maybe don’t demonstrate.”
You laughed. “What if it is?”
He rolled his eyes, smiling attractively. “I know it isn’t. You’re blushing. You can’t be blushing over murder.”
You whined. “Fine, I’ll demonstrate. But you need to close your eyes, please.”
He happily obliged. You could see that he was practically brimming with excitement, making you stifle a laugh. Slowly, you approached his face. He held his breath, his hands blindly finding your waist. 
With a deep sigh, you leaned in, connecting your lips to his. Sunwoo hummed satisfied as he tightened his hold, kissing back quickly. He was about to deepen it and tilt his head but you abruptly pulled away. He peeked an eye open and he smiled fondly when you noticed that you were blushing.
“There.” You murmured. “I demonstrated. Happy?” You suddenly stood up, about to flee from embarrassment. You could only get a few steps in before Sunwoo was behind you, taking your wrist and pulling you right against his chest.
“Not quite satisfied yet.” He smiled. “Please demonstrate one more time. For research.”
You whined once again. “I can’t–”
“Then I’ll do it.” He eagerly kissed you again. You practically melted in his hold. This time, his hand wandered exactly where your lower back was, copying the words that you had just read. You gasped and broke the kiss. 
“You read the page of the book didn’t you?” You breathed out.
He shrugged with a sly smile. “I simply took inspiration.”
“I hate doing laundry,” You groaned. “Why must you make me do it with you?”
“Because I like to spend time with you,” He bluntly replied. 
“We could be doing anything else,” You whined.
“Nope,” He shook his head stubbornly. “When the bed sheets smell freshly washed then I will be satisfied.” He reached into the dryer, lifting the heavy duvet effortlessly. Your eyes wandered down to his arm muscles. He smiled knowingly. “Plus, I love to cuddle you in bed. And kiss.” He smiled innocently.
You flushed. “Don’t try to make doing laundry a sensual thing.”
“I am not!” He exclaimed with a pout. And just for the fun of it, he pulled the duvet over himself, wrapping himself warmly. The fabric covered most of his face. Except for his lips. You giggled and without much of a thought, you leaned up and kissed him, smiling against his lips.
He stood there frozen for a second. And then he peeked out of the covers with a shy smile. 
“Did you just kiss me?”
“Yeah.” You rolled your eyes, trying to play off your anxiousness. “Like I do every day.”
“No, no.” He practically melted, his eyes softening. “That was such a sweet kiss though. It was different.”
You bit the inside of your cheek nervously. “Maybe… because I love you so much?”
Oh, you had done it to his heart. You could see behind his eyes, that he was about to pounce on you and pepper your cheeks with kisses like he always did. There was a stupid yet adorable, lovesick smile growing on his lips.
You squeaked and took hold of the duvet, pulling it over his face as you made a run for it.
“Y/n!” He whined. You could see in the corner of your eye, him pulling off the covers as he began to chase you. 
“Let me live, please,” You pleaded, turning around to face him. He was already approaching, trapping you against the wall. He was breathing hard, as he gazed at you with so much affection. 
“I’ll let you live. If you kiss me again like before.”
“No, I refuse.”
“Shy?” He grinned.
“Yes, in fact I am.”
“Well, as a matter of fact,” He started, his arms coming around you to pull you up against his body. “I love you so much too.”
“That’s great,” You whispered. “So are you going to let me go now?”
“I never said I would.” His eyes fell to your lips. You flushed as he placed a sweet, sweet kiss, making your legs become jelly. “When I’m done kissing you, we’re going to make out on our newly washed bed.”
You groaned. “You ruined the mood with the damn laundry again, Eric.”
“I’ll return the mood for you?” He tilted his head cutely, pulling you in again. Your heart thumped rapidly.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you wear baggy clothing — kyojuro, sanemi, muichiro
Author’s Note: friendly reminder to be kind toward yourself. 💓 Easier said than done, ofc, but you deserve it❣️
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when you wear baggy clothing — kyojuro, sanemi, muichiro
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tokito Muichiro x Reader
Word Count: ~1,000
CW: implied body insecurity, mild sexual content
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Hey, so I'd like to ask for a Emergency Request of Sanemi, Rengoku and Muichiro (if you want you can add anyone else) with an S/o that is very Insecure of their thighs and always wear baggy things on their legs no matter how hot it is because they just don't like them.
~faqs, image~
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“Would you like to change?” Kyojuro asks, “It is quite hot out today!”
“Is there something wrong with my outfit?” you raise an eyebrow, quickly backtracking as alarm races across his expression, “I’m just teasing!” shaking your head with a fond smile, “I know what you meant.”
“I am relieved!” he exhales loudly, almost pouting as he watches you put on your shoes, “I would never ask you to change like that.”
Chuckling patiently, you pucker your lips, giggling as he squats down to kiss you, “I know, Kyo. I love you.”
“Let me,” he hums contently, gently nudging your hands aside to finish tying your laces, “Your outfit is wonderful, by the way.”
“As is yours,” you wink.
“I really am fine with waiting,” he tries again, “If you feel like changing,” standing up with a soft grunt, “Your comfort is my priority.”
“I’m comfortable,” you answer simply, “Thank you though.”
“If something else is on your mind,” he says abruptly, hesitant to approach the aching suspicion in his chest, “Then,” sighing as he mentally shelves the subject for later, “Then please remember that I care about you.”
“How could I forget?” you murmur, linking your pinky with his, using him as a counterweight to stand up beside him, “I’ll be alright.”
And though Kyojuro ultimately believes you, he still finds himself silently promising to love you better — to press your perfections into your skin, fingertips warm and trembling, until even you can no longer doubt their truth.
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“You’re going out in that?” Sanemi scoffs.
“Piss off,” you snort, smacking his bicep, “I like this dress.”
“Aren’t you afraid of tripping on the hem?” he smirks, “You might need taller shoes.”
“My shoes are just fine.”
“And if you trip?” he drawls.
Blinking pointedly at him, you shrug, “You’ll catch me.”
“But watching you fall on your face would be much funnier,” he promptly quips.
“Are we done talking about my outfit?” you scowl, “We’re missing all the sunshine bickering in here.”
“So let’s bicker outside,” he winks, “Maybe I’ll toss in a compliment once I’m warm enough.”
“Oh yes, because you’re a plant who becomes much more agreeable after soaking in X amount of sunlight.”
“Your legs aren’t gonna tan,” he quips, opening the front door for you.
Eyes rolling, you pat his chest in thanks as you walk past him, exhaling softly as summer air caresses your face, “Sanemi, the last thing I’m worried about is tanning my legs.”
“And the first thing?”
“None of your business,” you retort without thinking, delayed panic setting in as you realize There’s no way he’s letting that slide.
“My love.”
You nearly wince at his lowered, serious tone, refusing to turn around, almost certain he’s glaring thoughtfully—or worse, staring softly—at you.
“What are you worried about?”
“This doesn’t feel like bickering,” you mutter weakly.
“You can always wear sunscreen,” he says slowly, “No need to resort to tripping hazards.”
Relief floods your lungs at the delicate humor in his voice, dress twirling gently as you carefully meet his inquiring gaze.
“Maybe I want you to catch me.”
“I already warned you, watching you fall on your face would be much funnier,” arms crossing as his jaw tenses slightly, “Whenever you’re ready, I’m here to listen,” continuing smoothly before your panic can flare again, “For now, know that you look amazing,” cracking a wry smile, “And I’m grateful I get to enjoy your beautiful, untanned legs.”
“Would you actually let me trip and die?” you answer breathlessly, tears pricking the corners of your eyes at his intuition and patience.
Laughing roughly, he waves a nonchalant hand, “If it looked like you were gonna die, then of course I’d catch you,” raising a smug eyebrow, “But chances are you wouldn’t die, so who knows…”
Despite his teasing reply, the moment he offers you his elbow, a sarcastic yet attentive glint in his eyes, you know better  — Shinazugawa Sanemi will always catch you.
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“Why are you wearing those?” you raise an eyebrow, gesturing at Muichiro’s grey sweatpants, “It’s like, a hundred degrees outside.”
“Because you are,” he shrugs, offering you a faint smile, “We’re cute when we’re matching.”
You poke his shoulder with a snort. He doesn’t budge.
“Y’know what’s not cute?”
“What?” he deadpans.
“Both of us melting into puddles.”
“So you’re allowed to be a puddle, and I’m not?” his head tilts.
“I don’t want to be a puddle,” you huff, arms crossing good naturedly, “But it’s better like this.”
Nodding slowly, his eyes narrow with confusion, “What’s better like this?”
“Never mind,” you sigh, reaching for his hand, nose scrunching happily as his fingers immediately intertwine with yours, “We’re gonna be late.”
“I’d like to resolve this first,” he replies, tone frustratingly smooth, “I don’t understand.”
“You don’t have to change,” you explain patiently, nudging him with your elbow, “After all, we are cute when we’re matching.”
“But I feel like you don’t want to wear sweatpants,” Muichiro retorts, stubborn as ever, “So why don’t we match in shorts instead?”
“Don’t like them,” you mutter quickly.
“You could wear mine? They’re longer, more baggy, more comfortable,” he assures you, brow furrowing, “Because I’m absolutely not putting on booty shorts.”
Giggling quietly, the tension between your shoulders lessens, his oblivious consideration easing your nerves, “We don’t have to match.”
“But I want to.”
“Fine!” you exclaim, eyes rolling playfully, “Let’s go change into shorts, your, shorts.”
“And for the record,” he murmurs, dutifully following you as you tug him toward the bedroom, “Just because I refuse to wear booty shorts doesn’t mean you can’t.”
“I know.”
“And I know we don’t have to match,” he pauses, affection warming the back of your head as he gazes fondly at you leading the way, “But I want you to know that I support you and your fashion choices, no matter what.”
He might be somewhat off the mark, but his sentiment calms the butterflies in your stomach nonetheless, voice soft as you respond carefully, “Thank you Muichiro. Me and my fashion choices appreciate you very much.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too. Now let’s put on some long, baggy, comfortable shorts!”
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phsychobanana · 5 months
Hi!! I really like your writing 💖💖 and I was wondering if you could write a fic about Peter and his s/o that always bickers with him?
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Shut her up with a kiss
Summary: When Y/n won't stop arguing with her boyfriend, Peter, he has an idea on how to get her to stop.
Word count: 839
A/n~ Hiiiiii! Thank you, I try my best to write good fics for my followers and random internet geeks! I love this request but I wasn't sure if you meant Parker or Pevensie. I'm assuming Pevensie? Correct me if I'm wrong and I'll make you a new fic! I'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind, I genuinely have no idea how a couple would bicker seeing as I've been single since I came out the womb.
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"Hey, Ed." Peter nods to Edmund as they pass each other, Edmund on his way to train and Peter on his way to the library.
Edmund nods back to him and continues on his way, but before he can get too far, he remembers something. "Oh! Y/n's looking for you, Peter... Good luck." With that, Edmund runs off to train, his evil giggles filling the halls.
"PETER!!!" Y/n's yell echoes through the halls as she turns the corner, looking for the blonde king. "There you are!" She walks up to him angrily, every step she takes makes Peter feel as though he's shrinking.
"What?" Peter looks at her confused as he tries to hold in any fear he feels at the angry look in Y/n's eyes.
"What? Did you just say what?" Her skin grows hot as her annoyance rises. "You ate all of my chocolate and you have the nerve to say 'what'?"
"I didn't even eat you chocolate!" Peter tries to defend himself.
"Then who did?!" Y/n pokes at Peter's chest just as Lucy, mouth dirtied with melted chocolate bits, passes behind Y/n. Peter aggressively points his finger to Lucy but Y/n turns too late, Lucy and his freedom gone.
"Don't try to distract me, Pevensie."
Last name basis? It was nice knowing you Peter...
Y/n grabs him by his shirt collar and pushes him against the wall they were next to.
"Why did you eat it?" Y/n asks almost boredly.
"I-I didn't!" Peter struggles to speak clearly, his and Y/n's faces so close that he can't focus properly. His eyes drop to her lips and she notices, a smirk playing on her lips.
"You want a kiss?" She asks and Peter nods immediately and almost too enthusiastically.
Y/n leans in slowly and Peter can feel her breath against his lips. Y/n's lips just barely graze over Peter's before she pulls away with a small laugh. Peter lets out a whine of protest as he tries to find her lips again, the short brush of their lips not enough for him.
"Too bad. If you hadn't eaten my chocolate, I might have considered." Y/n lets go of him and walks off as Peter stares after her, slightly upset.
"Ah shit, what now?"
"You didn't cuddle me last night! How could you?" Y/n pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.
"That's seriously what this is about? I'm in the middle of a meeting." Peter jesters to all of the fellow "important people" in the room.
Y/n waves to them with an awkward smile and then turns back to Peter. "These old dudes don't care-"
"I'm only 26-"
"Shhhh, no one cares. Anywho, you owe me Pete. I'm not okay with this."
"Yeah, yeah. See you later, alright?"
Y/n nods and walks out of the room, still the slightest bit annoyed with her boyfriend.
"I'm boredddd." Y/n whines as she tugs at her boyfriend's sleeve.
"I'm working, I should be the bored one." Peter smiles softly at his girlfriend's antics.
"I'm working nyeh nyeh nyeh." Y/n mumbles under her breath, mocking Peter.
"What was that?" Peter leans his ear closer to her.
"What was that?" Y/n does the same.
"Stop that." Peter rolls his eyes.
"Stop that." Y/n says back, deepening her voice.
"...Peter Pevensie is hot."
"Oh come on!"
"Oh come on!"
"Stop it, seriously." Peter looks at Y/n sternly.
"You're no fun." Y/n huffs and plops back into her chair.
"I'm very fun. Wanna see how fun I can be?" Peter looks at Y/n with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Don't act like that. Come onnnnn." It's Peter's turn to whine and tugs on her arm.
"No. You ate my chocolate, didn't cuddle me, you've been spending more time with those stupid pieces of paper than you have with me, and you aren't entertaining me while I'm bored! Where's the receipt, I'm returning you." Y/n starts rummaging through her pockets as Peter rolls his eyes at her with a fond smile on his face.
"You siriusly want a kiss?" Y/n asks in disbelief.
Peter nods, not having been able to kiss his girlfriend for two weeks because of her attitude lately.
"Well I don't. I'm still sad about my ch-"
"Oh shut up already." Peter says before he smashes his lips on hers.
The kiss is everything that Peter had been longing for as he places his hands on Y/n's waist. Y/n Is quite tense as first, not wanting to kiss him out of stubbornness, but she slowly begins to melt into it when he places his hands on her waist.
The both pull apart for air after a moment, resting their foreheads against each other's.
"I'm sorry if I've upset you lately." Peter says, his lips brushing Y/n's as he speaks.
"It's okay." Y/n says quickly before going in for another kiss.
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beamtori · 9 months
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭
implied fwb!ji changmin x afab!reader
1.9k words, smut (minors dni), piv sex, porn w/o plot, switch dynamics but changmin leans dom, so much dirty talk 💀, biting hard enough to draw blood, edging, kissing, swearing, overstimulation (f. receiving), fingering/cumplay, pet names (baby, sweetheart, hot stuff, good girl, etc.), aftercare is dinner lol, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it bro), low-key manhandling, it's kinda just... filth tbh (im on my period, sue me), CHANGMINS A LITTLE SHIT
a/n: this is the most self-insert i have ever self-inserted :l if it's awful, blame the brainrot!
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"This has got to be a world record."
You rolled your eyes as you walked into his apartment, pointedly ignoring the smug smirk on his face and the arms exposed by sleeves rolled to his shoulders. "Do you want to get laid or not?"
Ji Changmin closed his front door, tongue poking his cheek, but it did nothing to conceal his smile. He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. "How many red lights did you run?"
Heat rose to your neck and you scowled. "I'm literally going to walk out the door right now."
"Try me, sweetheart."
So maybe you had dropped everything to get here when he sent you that blatantly obvious thirst trap photo, but you were thirsty; what could you say? It was a fucking shame he knew your weakness.
"Aww," he cooed, taking the few steps to meet you. He gently grabbed your chin in one hand and jutted his bottom lip outward. "Don't pout, baby. You know it'll only make me wanna kiss you."
You licked your bottom lip. "I get to draw blood, then we'll call it even."
There was a gleam in his eyes, the one that first got you addicted to falling into this man's bed. "Whatever you want, sweetheart."
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This was what you meant by drawing blood.
Changmin's moans filled the room, his breathless, desperate "ah, ah, ah"s would engrave themselves into your flesh like you nipped at the skin on his neck. You could taste the iron in your mouth, dark and sticky, red staining your teeth and your lips as you kissed and lapped at the wound. Each bite would bloom his favorite shade of purple by morning. Your forearms braced against the bed sheets on either side of his head, your knees growing sore from the steady rocking of your hips.
Flesh stuck to flesh, his hands grappled at your body to hold on for dear fucking life as you rode his cock and marked his pretty canvas of a body for your own. Sweat glistened, further highlighted by the warm glow of the lamp on the nightstand.
"Baby, baby, baby—" he babbled as his hand buried itself in your hair to pull you out from his neck, "—tight. Oh fucking hell, you're tight. C'mere."
He caught your kiss, his blood smearing across his own lips. You licked him clean as always, humming against him as he spoke through the earnestness.
You suddenly pulled away from him and braced your hands on his pecs. The view from this angle was enough to make you clench: Changmin splayed beneath you, lips and neck bruised appropriately, a dazed glaze over his dark eyes, sweat making his skin shine. "Oh, look at you," you purred, giving him an indulgent roll of your hips.
Changmin gritted his teeth, hand clutching your thigh and inching higher. "You don't move, sweetheart, and I'll move for you," he smiled thinly and backed his statement up with a firm spank of your ass.
You lurched forward in surprise; his chuckle filled the room.
"I have power, too, you know."
"Okay, hot stuff," you huffed, brushing your hair from your eyes. "You realize you could have flipped us over a long time ago, right?"
A smirk-like grin curled onto his lips, devilish and enough to make you squeeze around him again. "I know. But you looked like you were having fun up there, princess. Plus, your tits look so good like this."
You rolled your eyes. "You're such a dude."
"Yn, I sent you a thirst trap to get you into bed with me like, an hour ago; now you're calling me a dude?"
You sighed, sitting upright, warming his cock. "True."
"Baby. Sweetcheeks. Apple of my eye—"
"As much as I love that you're just sitting on my cock like your throne," he drawled, "I wanna make you cum as many times as you ran red lights."
"I didn't run any red lights—"
You squealed, your world twisting and your back hitting the sheets. Changmin grinned from over you, one large hand palming your right boob.
You were breathless. He leaned down to devour your mouth. A trail of spit clung between your lips when he pulled away for a second. "So what you're saying is you want me to edge you?" He husked, tongue swiping along his bottom lip, his eyes shining with a dark glimmer.
Genuine fear spiked through your heart. "Ji Changmin, I swear to god—"
He gave one powerful thrust, and you clung onto him as your swear melted into a whine. "The government name? Only good girls get to cum, Yn-ie. Be a good girl, hm, and moan for me."
You dug your fingernails into his back as he drove his cock into you so hard you could see stars circling. He swallowed all of the pretty, desperate noises coming out of your mouth with his own. You arched your front into him, hips lifting slightly to meet him until his hip bone smashed against you.
"That's it," he grunted, kissing you as your high approached and his thumb grounded into your puffed up clit. "Take my cock so well; fuck—me—"
You were so close, and you nodded to what he said—nodded so desperately as you dragged your nails down his back and chased that high like a fucking dog—
Everything stopped.
"You want dinner?"
He was leaning over you to grab his phone off the nightstand, the light making the sweat dripping down his chest glisten like liquid pearl. His cock was still inside you, but you could feel the impending tightening of your orgasm slowly deflating.
Your blood pressure spiked. "What the fuck, Changmin?"
He tried to hide his smile. Tried. He sat over you as he opened a food delivery app and showed you the screen. "They've got that new Hawaiian restaurant and that fried chicken place you like."
"You are such an asshole." You draped your arm over your eyes, pussy clenching around him as if that alone could get you back to bliss.
You felt him shift, and then he was laughing fondly, removing the arm from over your eyes and pressing kisses to your face. "Aw, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know you were close; just wanted to tease you a little bit."
You glared. "You're fucking evil."
He grinned. "Clearly you like that." He kissed a trail from your nose down to your ear, murmuring, "Like calls to like."
You bit your lip and tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. "Please, can I cum?" You didn't know where it came from, but you knew he wouldn't resist the pleading, because as he had said, like called to like.
A kiss right below your ear. "Well, aren't you sweet when you're desperate? Whatever you want, baby."
You sighed as he brought his lips back up to yours—thank fuck. One of his hands curled lightly around the side of your neck, the other wrapping around your right thigh to hike your leg up. His cock dragged through you at a slightly different angle, and you squirmed, hands clinging onto his shoulders and back.
"You wanna cum, baby? I'll give you what you want."
He groaned into your neck, teeth nipping at the skin there like he was grounding himself. Cock bullying into you, hand around your neck, the pressure so sweet and delicious. You were going start seeing things, your throat was losing breath as you begged for sweet, sweet fucking mercy.
Changmin suckled on the joint between neck and collarbone. "So good for me, huh?—dropped everything to see me—" He moaned into you, the sound urging you over the edge.
"Changmin," you cried out desperately. Closecloseclose, oh my god, you were close. "Changmin, baby, please. I'm so close—fuck."
Sweat dribbled down the slope of his nose as he hovered over you and continued to fuck you through until you were leaping over that cliff of pleasure—literally throwing yourself—thighs shaking in his grasp. You let out a loud whine when he didn't stop moving inside you; he was still rock hard and he locked your ankles at the base of his back to curve his cock up into you.
You clawed at him. "Fuck, fuck, fuck—"
"My good girl can give me another, can't she?" His nose nudged against yours, a sharp contrast to the obscene sound of his balls slapping against your skin and the wet squelches of his thrusts. "Came all this way just for me…"
He brought his hand away from your neck to draw brutal circles around your clit, desperate to feel you clench around him again. His eyebrows creased, coaxing another orgasm out of you as he chased his own.
"Changmin," you stammered.
"Gonna come for me?"
"Yes," your breath came out in a delirious pant, pussy deliciously overstimulated. "Gonna come, gonna come, Changmin."
You were quivering around him again, incoherent thoughts half-babbled and half-moaned. The tension in your belly was mounting faster and faster now, and you could feel Changmin's thrusts getting sloppier. The tension snapped, and you drowned in it. You cried as you clung onto Changmin's form and he stilled, emptying out ropes of warm cum into you and making you squirm again.
As you both came down from your highs, he pressed his lips to the sides of your neck, eyes closed in a blissful daze. "Fuck, I owe you dinner for that. Shit."
You shifted uncomfortably as he slowly pulled out of you. "I did bite a chunk out of your neck," you exhaled. Both yours and his eyes wandered down to where your bodies met, your folds a mess of your combined fluids.
You saw him lick his lips, eyes glued to your cunt. "Earth to Changmin," you chuckled, poking his dimple.
His eyes shot to you for a moment before he was dipping his finger into the mess, swirling the cum around and pushing it back into you.
You mewled. "Dude," you shivered as the girth of his fingers filled you.
"You did not just call me dude when I'm pushing my cum back inside you," he grinned, crawling back over you and sealing off any chance at a response by kissing you. Your hips pushed into his hand, grinding against his finger. "Mmh, greedy."
You playfully pushed him off you. "Off, Changmin."
He laughed, but obliged, pulling away and helping you sit up. He took his cum-soaked finger and stuck it in his mouth to clean it. "Okay, but for real, do you want dinner?"
You grimaced as you moved yourself onto your knees to shuffle over to him and inspect the nasty little bite you left on him. "Dinner sounds good. Whatever you want." You frowned and gave the blooming bruise an experimental poke.
Changmin hissed low under his breath while he perused the delivery app on his phone. His hair stuck up in weird places and he ran a hand through it. "Whatever I want?"
"I did a number on you," you muttered. "Lemme clean it up so it doesn't get infected."
"It's all good, sweetheart; I got it. Just sit and rest." He shoved his phone into your lap and disappeared into the bathroom before you could object. You found a comfortable position against his headboard and decided on a place you knew the both of you would like.
From the bathroom, you could hear his whistle. "I'm almost sorry I have to cover this one up," he marveled, inspecting the bite mark. "If you hadn't drawn blood, I could leave it out for people to see."
Your heart leapt. "So people know you're sleeping with a vampire?" You joked half-heartedly.
"Well, sure," he mused. But he turned his head to send you a wink. "But also so people know I'm taken."
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a/n: the ending is for ME, OKAY? :')))
tbz m.list
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pinejayy · 11 months
Hey gurl, can I pls request upper moons with a scarlet witch s/o that doesn't hesitate to blast or throw anybody with their chaos magic/telekinesis? So can you do their reactions of throwing douma far away while douma is annoying them???
sure thing!! i really love this idea, i love the idea of yeeting douma uwu
Upper Moons with a Scarlet Witch like S/O
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Now the Upper Moon one is highly impressed by your powers. He couldn't believe a human could obtain such impressive powers. And with you having these powers he'll want to protect you at all costs!
He would like to train you so you could improve on your skills, and once he's sees you're improving he'll be so proud of you.
Only the Upper Moons and Muzan know about your powers, they can't let the word out about you and your powers! But one time there was an Upper Moon meeting, and honestly you weren't to excited to see the other Upper Moons since you hated most of them but one stuck out the most...Douma.
As you were in the Upper Moon meeting, Douma was getting on your nerves today. And you knew that he loved messing around with you.
"Oh dear Y/N!! I've missed you so much!! How are your powers doing! OH CAN I SEE THEM PLEASE!!" He would whine out to you, and you gave him what he wanted.
"Oh you want to see them? Very well then." And with a flick of your finger he was floating around the air, and he was laughing but it soon came to an end when you threw him against the nearest wall.
Everyone was shocked, it even earned a soft chuckled from your boyfriend Kokushibo which made everyone's blood run cold...his laugh was very unsettling. "Good word my Love~"
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Douma adored your powers!! You were his favorite plaything in his cult. So you were his number one plaything while the other girls were jealous of you. And of course he loves to take advantage of you, he loves seeing you use his power to kill off someone.
As you are his favorite person in the cult he does tend to get on your nerves alot!! And you've never used your powers on him, too afraid to face his consequences but today somethin snapped inside of you.
He was getting a little too close to a female in the cult and you so happen to walk in on him on top of this girl, and this man didn't care if he hurts your feelings. But what shocked him was that he was thrown against the wall.
The other girl ran away leaving you guys alone, to which you walked slowly towards him. And he was laying on the floor too stunned on what happened. "Oh my! Sweetie, I didn't know you were the jealous type!"
And of course it really pissed you off to which you used your powers to hold him by the neck and pin him by the wall and hiss at him. "Shut up before I throw you to the sun."
Honestly he would probably get turned on by you throwing him around like a rag doll.
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Now he's quite impressed by your powers!! He wanted you to grow stronger than ever!! And he'll do everything in his power to help you reach powerful goals and use your gift to the fullest!
And he knows that you'll never hurt him or the other Upper Moons with your gift, but Akaza never allowed you too close to the Upper Moons, he's afraid that they'll want to use your powers or take them away if it's even possible.
But one time he was in total shocked when he saw Douma fly across him. As if someone threw him with great force. And when he looked to the side he saw you standing there with an annoyed look at your face.
He made his way to you and asked you what's wrong. "What's wrong my love? Why did you throw Douma across the room?" He asked you, to which you crossed your arms and pouted. "He was annoying me!"
And honestly he just chuckled at your cute reaction. He wasn't too fond about Douma so you throwing him across the room was very funny to him, to made him laugh.
He'll probably tell you to throw him again, and throw him to the wall. And you guys would be laughing as you did this until you felt Kokushibo's hands on your guy's shoulder... RIP YOU GUYS!
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He's honestly so scared of your powers, he's afraid that you'll hurt yourself or him. And he isn't too fond of the idea of a Demon Slayer finding out about you and wanting to take you away from him.
So you'll have to keep your powers to yourself, not even the other Upper Moons know about your special ability.
But one time you were by his side as there was an Upper Moon meeting, everything was going great and all until Douma was being his annoying self as usual. And you could tell everyone was getting annoyed by him, especially you.
As you were sitting next to Hantengu you looked at Douma and narrowed your eyes at the Demon. So you titled your head to the side which sent him flying to the wall and crashing quite hard. Leaving the other Upper Moons in shocked as they didn't know what happned.
But Hantengu knew why he went flying against the wall, and he looked at you and gave you a weak smile. "Thank you love, he was giving me a headache."
So poor Douma was just laying there. Family Guy Pose.
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Now he's quite impressed that you have an amazing gift! He didn't know that a human can obtain such a powerful gift! And he definitely loves to show you off to the other Upper Moons. "Like ha! Look my Y/N has great powers!"
Now he has seen your powers in action and he's pretty amazed him, you always manage to drop his jaw. But one time he jaw was on the floor!
So one night you guys were in a date, just enjoying alone time. And that alone time was ruined when a wild Douma appears out of no where. And clearly he wanted to be third wheeling on your date.
As he was walking to your guys directions, you didn't give him an opportunity to come close to you. You raised your hand at him and sent him flying back. And far away. He probably got sent back a few feet away until a tree colloided with his body.
This made Gyokko look at you, he was shocked and laughed nervously. "Oh remind me to never piss you off my love!" to which you smile at Gyokko and nodded. "Yup! Don't ever get on my bad side!" You say with a smile across your face.
As Douma was against the tree you guys enjoyed the rest of your date.
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Now this boy was highly impressed by your powers! He wanted to see you grow powerful so you guys could end the Demon Slayers running around!
Now he loves you but one time you did something that made him realize his love for you. As you were at the infinity castle, enjoying your time with him. Douma was being his annoying self once again that he was picking on poor Daki. Like grabbing her hair and tugging on it while saying rude comments to her.
And you could see the rage in Gyutaro's eyes, he was about to jump Douma but you placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him and shake your head.
And he was confused ready to snap at you, until he saw Douma's body fly far away and falling off the floating floors. And Gyutaro looked at you shocked. Daki was also shocked.
He gave you head pats! He was so thankful that you did that for his sister and Daki was also greatful for what you did.
"Don't thank me! He was asking for it!" You say. "Want me to do it again?"
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dancingdonatello · 1 year
I hope you're doing great, thank you so much for answering my last ask!
May I request, if you haven't done it yet and if it's okay with you, rottmmnt turtle boys + April with a S/O (GN) that gets overly affective when is drunk?
If you're not comfortable I completely understand, have a nice day!
rottmnt x gn reader
Raph is overwhelmed and worried. He thinks you’re going to die. He’s never sipped a drop of alcohol in his life and he genuinely thinks you’re going to ‘barf’ and choke to death.
Meanwhile, you’re standing there and talking to him. Your not THAT drunk. You didn’t even pass out. Whatever. So, as he murmurs on and on about the possibility of you dying, you cozy up into his side, effectively shutting him up.
You usually never do that. Raph slowly puts an arm around you, his worries quelled for the moment.
Leo is jealous once you come to visit , especially when he sees you didn’t bring any for him. He’s all huffy and puffy and pushes you away when you get too close.
So, you take whatever you can get. You lay your head in his lap and only pout when he refuses to touch you, his arms crossed against his plastron stubbornly.
But after a while, he begins to crack. He starts to play with your hair and trace your skin on your face. Then he lays down next to you. That’s when you strike. You curl all your limbs around him and refuse to let go.
Donnie is just unamused. He’s working and doesn’t need your drunk mess as a distraction. But since you want to cuddle, you concoct a plan.
“I’m hot,” you complained, leaning into his stiff figure.
Donnie slowly brought a hand up and touched your cheek. “You are warm…” Before he could take his hand away, you slapped your hand overtop his and held it there. You sank into it greedily, almost toppling with how much weight you leaned into his hand.
He caught you and gave in. You’d only hurt yourself more in your attempts to cuddle.
“Why can’t you always be like this?” Mikey rubbed your cheeks together, giggling when you pulled him into a side hug as you two stumbled home.
Mikey had been the one to save you from your party. Well, save as in save you from being picked up by the worry wort Raph. As soon as he heard your idea of jumping into a lake, he had been sent into a panic.
So, Mikey picked you up! You released him from the hug and swung your hands back and forth as you walked. Mikey didn’t mind this, not one bit.
“I can’t believe you didn’t invite me…” April grumbled.
“Stop being mad at me,” you complained, attached to her midsection by your arms.
“A party! I tell you all the time how I would like to go and then you go and backstab me.” April started to trudge away and you were dragged along. “Would you let go of me?!”
You are both too stubborn to lose. So you stay connected like that for hours.
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Hii miko hope your doing well!!❤💗💌 your writing is really good!!! So I was wondering if it will be okey if I could please request shanks x reader(male) . In senorio where reader desides to leave the crew for whatever reason(you can deside that specific reason) and shanks reaction. The crew trues to get reader back but it dosent work. Thanks a huread times miko!!!💗💗 Have a good day!!!
I really hope I did justice to this piece, I thank you for your kind comment.
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Shanks wasn’t sure how it happened, it happened so quick. He was sitting in his office trying to figure out the next destination for his crew when his lover came in such a huff. Something had angered him…. again. Crossing his arms over his chest his S/O tapped his foot impatiently waiting for Shanks to look up from his work.
“What happened this time?” Shanks questioned; he was honestly a bit annoyed but his relationship with his lover had been a bit rocky for the past few months. What started off as fireworks and an adventure of a relationship started to feel like a chore. What went wrong?
“We had dinner plans,” his lover said, his face twitching in anger. Truth be told he had been waiting for hours for Shanks to arrive at the romantic restaurant his lover had found. Their relationship had hit a rocky patch and no matter what they were doing nothing was bringing back the sparks of their relationship.
Shanks blinked and glanced at the man before him, his brown eyes widening as realization slowly struck him. He stopped scribbling on the map and glanced at the clock as it slowly ticked by and seeing it was long past time, he had agreed to meet his lover.  He groaned pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I am so sorry,” he said, “I got busy,” he was a bit overrun with guilt. He knew how hard his significant other worked to make this reservation and to even look up the restraint and he completely forgot. He glanced at his lover’s face, his brows furred together in anger, his lips pouting a bit.
When did their relationship get like this? When did he start forgetting important dates? Or how his significant other liked to be touched? He started to ignore him, zoning out when his lover complained about small things he stopped trying to understand and fix it. His lover stopped showing his excitement for the thrill of adventure, lecturing him when he drank.
“No, you’re not,” his lover scowled before there was a long pause. The room felt heavy as their breathing became shallow, “I am leaving,” he finally whispered catching Shanks off guard. He stopped his breathing and stared at his lover who was staring at him looking just as surprised as him, “I am leaving the crew,” his lover continued.
“Okay,” Shanks whispered feeling hollow on the side. He was panicking a bit, he wasn’t sure what to do. What was he supposed to say? If he stopped him, it would lead to an argument pushing his lover away more.
“I will see you,” he said leaving Shanks in a complete daze.
News spread around the cabin fast as the young male packed his bags ready to leave the crew behind, and soon everyone was at his door. He could only sigh in annoyance and open the door to glare at the crewmen who looked pitiful a rare sight for the red-haired pirates.
“Why are you leaving?” Benn questioned as he tried to be reasonable while the other crew members suggested that Shanks's lover stay. After all, he was their crewman and they stuck together, it came from throwing a party to celebrate the young lad to even yelling at their captain to take the boy out for a special date. They knew of the rough patch.
“He didn’t stop me,” he finally answered zipping up his luggage. “He never wanted me,” there was a fierceness in his eyes behind the heartbreak. He smiled at his friends as they continued to beg, they were a crew they were family, they were his family.
“You guys are just having a rough patch,” Benn said.
Yassop agreed as he stared at the young man before him, “All relationships hit a rough patch,” he said, “Shanks does love you,”
“I know,” he answered, “but sometimes two people don’t work out,” he was surprisingly calm. It had hurt at first the distance between him and Shanks but in the end, they were like two passing ships, they were long past one another.
Benn paused as he stared at the boy with a determined look, “It is about time I have my own adventure now,” he said walking past the crew as they started sniffling.
They never had crew members leave. They followed behind waving goodbye.
There was a final glance up at Shanks. He stood in the background watching his ex left him. Soon he would leave the ship and depart on a new adventure. The ship felt a little emptier as he watched his lover walk to the village and slowly become a small speck. His heart was aching.
“I am sorry,” he whispered, “you were the best adventure I had,”
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