#hmm i wanna be able to find this next year so
Green tourmaline with Alastor, Husk, and Angel pls? Thank you
A/n: 👏👏👏
Prompt Used:
⟣ green tourmaline (heart healer) - “i never thought i’d love someone like this again.”
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Love, now that was a foreign word to him. Alastor never believed in love, well he loved his mother but this was different. This was something entirely new to him. It was uncomfortable, it was strange, he wasn't used to it but he was still grateful for you. For you loving someone like him.
Watching you, Alastor swallowed thickly. He wasn't good at this, dealing with his emotions. "Dear..."
"Hmm?!" Blinking away the sleep, you yawned looking up at him. "Yea?"
"i never thought i’d love someone like this" The radio demon glanced away then dropped his shoulders, he was refusing to look at you now.
Blinking, you let out a soft laugh then shifted your body so you were sitting on your knees. "That makes me happy Alastor. I love you too you know, I'm happy you are by my side."
"As am I my dear."
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Back when he was alive, back when he was a human he could have sworn he was in love but all of that was a complete blur though he had a feeling that he would never find someone to love, to love him because who in their right minds would.
Well that vanished the moment you stumbled into his life. Husk knew he was in love with you the moment you flashed that pretty little smile at him. Closing his eyes, he placed a drink in front of you as he gave you a crooked smile.
"i never thought i’d love someone like this again" Husk muttered as he looked you over, you meant everything to him. "I wanna thank you for lovin someone like me." He muttered.
Leaning across the bar top you easily captured Husk's lips in for a soft kiss. "Never thank me for loving you Husk."
•Angel Dust•
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Angel Dust was in love once, back when he was a live, it was the type of love that you hold on too though it was a shame you were taken from him too soon. He replayed that moment in his head for years and most days when he thinks about he's able to make it through the next day.
Angel just never thought he would see you again, you didn't change much. Still had the same eyes he could look into for hours, the same smile he loved so much the wings were a nice touch.
He didn't expect to break down in your arms but it felt so good to hold you again. Through muffled sobs, he clung desprately to you afraid to let go, afraid that this is all some dream.
Smiling, you hugged him close. "You know, “i never thought i’d love someone like this again.”you joked though closing your eyes you let your head dip down to rest against his. "I'm home Anthony."
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bloodbankzz · 2 years
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lush is one of my very favorite albums of all time
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
Yandere Satoru and Suguru sharing a darling is what makes me OwO
Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru
TW: yandere, noncon, condescension
fem reader
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It wasn’t really that you were weak… You were just unfortunate.
Unfortunate – to have been placed in the same year as them – Gojo and Geto, the two most promising students Jujutsu High had ever seen.
If only you would keep a lower profile like Shoko – and not be so determined to become the best – you’d be better off and not wind up on your ass each and every day sparring with the two boys – who really were the best. 
But something about their high-and-mighty attitude just makes them impossible for you to ignore.
The way they taunt and jeer, grinning their shit-eating grins – grinding your gears to no end – forcing you to try about anything to just, at least once, come out on top. 
Like now, in the padded sparring room – where you, again, could only barely find a foot to stand on – with what ground you had managed to keep thus far, visibly only thanks to your cocky opponent allowing it.
“You sure you wanna be a jujutsu sorcerer?” Gojo asked nonchalantly, his lanky arms slung around your smaller body with ease, resting his chin off the nook of your neck – unbothered by how you tried and struggled to shake him off.
You were dewy-faced and panting already while he hadn’t even broken a sweat yet. And it only aided in making your head grow ever hotter with vexation. “Take this seriously-” You growled back at him.
But he ignored you – the same way he ignored whatever amount of cursed energy you tried fighting him with. “I mean… I’m sure there are a lot of other things you’d be better suited for.”
After all… the last thing you’d want is for him to take this seriously. 
“Tch- like what exactly?” You bit out, hating his suggestive tone though needing him distracted with the conversation – thinking it would be a good stall to give you some much-needed rest where you stood, trying to hide how tired you were – forcing heavy breaths into smaller ones that made your lungs ache for air and your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Your weapon had already been thrown to the other side of the room – burst into a shattered broken mess of fragments you wouldn’t even be able to butter toast with anymore. And it hadn’t been the first one. In fact, the entire arsenal had been turned to splinters, leaving you to fight the boy who’d broken them all with only your hands to spare.
“Oh- you know….” He drawled, thinking it cute how you tried withholding your exhaustion from him. Pulling you a little closer to his chest – snuggling into you while thinking – his tongue out in concentration before calling out to the other boy. “Oh- help me out, Suguru.”
Geto sat waiting his turn next to the door, smiling like a cat with eyes closed. “Hmm… something cute…” He began before answering. “Like a maid.” 
You sneered – eyes lowering into a glare at the raven-haired boy who still, without a hitch, kept calmly smiling back at you.
Gojo offered a small snicker, adding to the ridicule, before whispering. “Or a housepet.” His voice, low and mocking in its whispering, yet loud right at your ear – with lips brushing your ear in a way you could tell he was smirking like his equally grating friend.
And it all just coaxed another spur of much-unrewarded effort where you once again tried your best at getting free – another growl spurring up from your gut with a vengeance. “Shut up-” 
“Don’t you agree, Suguru?” The white-haired boy ignored you again – though tightened his grip in correspondence – his long arms thrown in a cross around your front with slender fingers curling, now almost painfully, into the soft flesh of your midriff – having lifted your shirt enough for him to touch your skin directly.
“Mh, I can see it… doing laundry, cleaning the house, making dinner-” The other agreed, standing up with an unbothered sigh, taking slow and soft steps over the white padding to reach the two of you – his shape always much larger, growing like a mass of something menacing – dark and towering and shadowing like some great statue – making you feel so unbelievably small. 
Pulling his hand from his baggy pant pockets, you flinched as it thumbed your chin to make you look up at him – all your struggles gone and almost replaced with shivers instead – now with feeling the intense weight of being not just outmatched but outnumbered too. 
Feeling all but swallowed between the two, an inch of regret steadily crept about your gut, quenching what former fire used to fuel your spirit – leaving you with only an intense sense of defeat and fear.
His smile split with teeth, and you paled in light of it – breath thin as he leaned in closer.
“You’d look pretty natural wearing a pretty kimono… waiting for your man to come home.” He whispered, and you swallowed thickly in return, looking up into his slim eyes, who looked down at you with that small smile of his which seemed to carry a weight that felt crushing.
You tried keeping cool – tried grasping for any semblance worth of calm you could manage – even as Gojo’s hands, warm and soft, gently started messaging circles into your sides – his lips still at your ear in hot breaths and playful whispers. “Sure, it doesn’t pay the same way being a sorcerer does, but I’m sure a girl like you’d be grateful for pretty clothes and a big house.”
Geto hummed in agreement, his hand sliding from your chin to cup your cheek – with hot breaths fanning your face making goosebumps spring to the surface – adding to the statement. “And a warm bed to sleep in at night.”
You let out a whimper then, with lips quivering. The atmosphere had changed – turned thick with something else, something suffocating – something that left you faint, both speechless and breathless – whilst you warily looked up into the dark set of eyes above you and shivered at the feel of the teeth behind you. 
“All in exchange for some cooking and cleaning,” Gojo murmured against your neck, pulling your body closer while it shook unsteadily between the two of them.
“Don’t forget the other thing….” Geto hinted beneath his breath, his lips brushing your silently parted ones with a smirk, savoring that terribly troubled look on your face with an amused one of his own.
“Right~ The other thing~” Gojo purred, also enjoying your faltering, liking the feel of your heartbeat quickening beneath his fingertips.
“What thing?” You asked weakly – warily – as though scared of the answer.
Gojo snickered while Geto answered. “I think it’s better we show you this one.”
You were on your back the next second – your wrists pinned beneath the strength of Gojo’s fists where he kneeled above your head – his black shades slipping down his nose as he stared down at you with his smile and eyes gleaming in a look you could only call crazy.
Geto was kneeling at your other end, still towering over you – with big hands spreading your thighs, holding them tight to keep you from kicking. 
Your mind hadn’t really processed the possibility yet – hadn’t really allowed it to sink in – but it was dawning on you now – rapidly – while watching the boy lift your skirt up passed your panties.
“Hey! Stop-” You squealed, trying to bring your knees together to hide yourself. But you seemed smaller than you’d ever felt now, on the ground beneath the two boys who just dwarfed you in comparison.
“Think of it as part of training.” Geto offered casually while shuffling closer – his hands holding you beneath the knees, keeping you spread. “As a housepet, you need to learn these things.”
“And if you’re still adamant about becoming a jujutsu sorcerer… this is a realistic field exercise too.” Gojo added, his eyes big and ice-blue, glowing with something that seemed to seize you by the throat as he stared down at the growing hysterics on your pretty face. “I mean, with a face like this, I’m sure both curse users and curses themselves would want a taste before killing you.”
Geto removed his jacket, casting it aside. “We just want to help prepare you for what’s out there.” He excused, leaning over you with hands running over your chest, undoing button after button while you squirmed.
“No, please-” You shook your head, eyes closed tight in a desperate wish to wake up – the initial disbelief of the situation quickly leaving you every second of feeling hands touching more and more of your naked skin.
You choked on it, never having felt fear quite like it – soon finding hot streams of tears rushing down your face where you struggled to find air.
“We wouldn't want you going out into the real world thinking everyone’s going to play nice with you like we have.” Geto mouthed – eyes thirsty while looking at your cleavage – his large hands cupping your tits over the bra, making you squeak.
“Stop-” You sobbed, but like always, both of them ignored you.
“I’m sorry to say it-” Gojo cut you off, bowing down closer until his eyes were but an inch away from your teary trembling ones. “But the real world doesn’t care about you the way we do and won’t protect you like we will.” 
Geto’s hands slipped beneath your skirt – his fingers carding into the fat of your hips, smoothly hooking his fingers onto the band of your panties before slowly beginning to peel them down your thighs. “This is for your own good.”
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literaila · 3 months
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: it's midnight and satoru's bored
warnings: abandonment issues, anxiety, and gojo <3
a/n: angst tomorrow?
last part | next part
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second year, month five.
you're sitting on your bed, reading through an old textbook that nanami gave you (for some indiscernible reason) when there's a knock on your door. 
pounding, actually. it shakes the walls and makes you jump. 
there's a distant chuckle from the other side of the door. 
no one really comes to check in on you, so this is unusual. even after living at jujutsu high for four months, you're finding it difficult to fit in. 
maybe it's the fact that you were a month late to join your classmates, maybe it's because you find yourself pushing any available person away (because of fear, or insanity, or...), or maybe it's just that you can't relate to anyone for the life of you. 
but, either way, the last person to knock on your door was yaga, who came to wake you up to go out on your second day here. 
and, it's midnight, so unless someone's dying-- 
you sigh, shaking your hair out of your face. your eyes burn from staring at the small text for so long, so you rub them, hoping that you fell asleep and this is a dream. 
it's not, apparently, because there's a second knock, much louder than the first. so you reluctantly get up and go to the door. 
you try to tip-toe across the floors, hoping that the person hellbent on speaking to you can't hear you creeping up to the peephole. 
"let me in," someone says because they have any right to demand anything of you. 
you cross your arms like he can see you, and wait. 
"y/n?" gojo whines, and there's a thud as he slumps against the door. you can almost hear him breathing. "please. it's important." 
you wait another moment, for an explanation (which is unlikely) or for him to leave (which won't happen). you should've pretended to be asleep. then, after you realize he's going to wait, you sigh and unlock the door. 
and when you open it, gojo falls right on top of you. 
"ugh," you say, pushing him off, not caring about the two seconds it takes him to regain his balance. "you're heavy." 
" i work out. i'm made of muscle." 
you roll your eyes. "what do you want?" you ask, crossing your arms. you make sure not to open the door all of the way. lord knows that gojo has a way of slipping through the cracks. 
"no one else is around," he whines, "and i'm bored." 
"okay? go step on some ants or burn down your room or something. i'm going to bed." 
you should be nicer to your classmates--the people whom you literally entrust your life with--but you can't help your hard exterior. at least you know that no one will be able to break through it if you don't let them. 
and plus, gojo kind of annoys you (and is maybe, a little bit, amusing).
gojo looks you up and down with a brow raised. how you're able to see him from behind his ridiculous sunglasses, who knows. 
he's clearly questioning your outfit and the shoes you're still wearing inside your room. it was a mistake to stay in your uniform. 
"you don't look very tired," he says, smiling at you. his face is unwrinkled and youthful. he looks like a boy and acts like a child. 
"you're terrible at reading people." 
"hey, no i'm not. i can tell you want to hang out with me." 
"can you?" 
"mm-hmm," he hums, grinning as he tries to lean forward, into your room. 
"where's suguru?" 
he gives you a skeptical look. "why do you wanna know?" 
you snort. "cause usually you'd be bothering him." 
"oh," he grins, undeterred by your insult, "he went to see his family." 
you frown. "oh." 
"and before you ask, shoko said that she's tired of me," he pouts a bit, but behind his notorious smile. gojo is an illusion of expressions. you've never seen anybody's face move so quickly, or shift so subtly. "now can i come in?" 
you weigh the cost and benefits of allowing satoru gojo to intrude on your saturday night, and how likely you'll be subjected to him in the future. (is he going to damage you if you let him in? are you going to let him break you?).
but he's leaning down so you can see the tips of his lashes, and he's smiling like he already knows your answer. 
so you sigh, hesitantly, and open the door a bit more. "don't touch any of my stuff." 
"wow," gojo says as he walks in, by-stepping you and ignoring the glare you shoot his way. "you're a terrible decorator." 
he's right. you haven't bothered to put anything up on the walls, even after almost half a year. a small part of you has been too worried that you won't be here for long. that you might die, or... 
"sorry it's not up to your standards," you roll your eyes, going back to sit on your bed and leaf through the stupid textbook again. "but, you know, luckily, you have your own room. i can show you where it is, if you forgot. we can go there now." 
"subtle," he says and messes with a couple of books on your shelf. you doubt he's going to pick one up and ruin it, so you ignore him. 
you could complain about him touching your things like you just told him not to, but it's probably not going to get you very far. plus, you don't want to say something he can laugh at. or something to make him leave. 
but after a moment, you can't help yourself. 
"why are you up, anyway?" you ask him, trying to sound more annoyed than you are. "didn't you have to leave early for a mission this morning?"
"are you keeping tabs on me?" 
"you were bragging about a 'solo' mission all through dinner last night. it was impossible not to overhear." 
gojo sighs. "i don't get a lot of sleep. it's too lonely." 
"i've heard some very interesting rumors about you and suguru's cuddling rituals." 
he grins but doesn't say anything, teasing you with just his eyes. 
after a second of it, you ask, "don't you have a family to go home to?" 
he turns to you, tilting his head, long fingers tapping along your appliances. "clans are more like... begrudged allies than families. i haven't seen my parents in..." he whistles, shaking his head. but it doesn't seem to bother him, because he shrugs after, and resumes his snooping. 
that... actually explains a lot. 
at least he's like the rest of you. 
gojo, abandoning your books--which he probably can't read--goes to sit down on your swivel chair, spinning around. "what about your family? don't you miss them?" 
you give him a tired look. "seriously? you think i don't know that you guys talk about me when i'm not around?" 
gojo bites his cheek, having the gull to not even blink, and then a reluctant smile makes its way to his lips. "who told you?" 
"haibara can't keep a secret to save his life. don't gossip around him anymore." 
he shakes his head, grinning at you again. gojo knows no shame. "well you started pretty late into the semester," he says, "that's not very typical." 
you roll your eyes. 
"so. not going home?" 
"i'm not welcome in my parent's house, anymore," you say, trying to act like the words mean nothing. you could be discussing your favorite color. "as i'm sure you know." 
"did they kick you out?" 
"do you really want to talk about this? it'll probably bore you." 
he shrugs. "nothing else to do." 
you sigh, shutting your textbook.
maybe it's because gojo doesn't seem to actually care, or because you've been alone all day--with lots of time to spend spewing over choices that weren't yours. either way, the words make their way to your lips before you can stop them.  
"both of my parents pretty much ignored me as soon as i turned ten and started having nightmares about the monsters i was seeing around our house," you shake your head, swallowing, "and after yaga scouted me this year, they decided i'd probably be better off with 'people like me.' so, no, i'm not going home. i'm sure they've already moved." 
gojo stares at you like he's trying to discern if you're telling the truth or not. 
you probably shouldn't have said anything. but it's not your fault that no one's had the guts to ask before him, or that you've been dying to talk about it. 
you roll your eyes. "satisfied, gojo?" 
"satoru," he says, grinning. "anyone who's got a clear attitude problem gets to call me by my first name." 
"did your 'begrudged allies' forget to teach you manners?"
he hums. "i think i skipped those lessons." 
you snort. 
you could thank him for not pitying you--for not saying a single thing about how you didn't deserve it, or that it isn't fair--but you don't. it doesn't feel necessary. 
"suguru's family is like that," he adds because this is a normal thing to discuss with an acquaintance you've hung out with once. "but he's too righteous to cut them off." 
"yeah, i don't have that issue." 
he laughs, spinning around again. then he stands up and plops down on your bed, unwarranted, taking off his glasses so he can lie on his side. 
and then he sits there, staring at you. 
it only takes thirty seconds for you to break. 
"did someone surgically implant diamonds into your eyes?" you demand, kicking his foot away from yours. his body is warm against yours, and it makes you wonder if he's got a fever. 
he would come and bother you just to get you sick. 
"these are all-natural, sweetheart," he whispers, fluttering his lashes. he doesn't look away for a moment. his eyes are prettier up close, you suppose, when you can see them in their full glory. they look less alien, somehow less intense. 
"what are the glasses for anyway?" 
"try 'em on." 
he hands them to you, grinning like he knows something you don't, and you take them--maybe just so you can smudge the lens. 
they are surprisingly light, and warm. you put them over your eyes, blinking. 
"oh, are you clinically blind?" you ask, feeling slightly bad for bringing it up. he's probably going to pull your hair and lock you in your room now. 
satoru snorts. "no, i just don't need to see, unlike some people." 
"...was that supposed to be a brag?" 
you take off the glasses, wincing at the light. then you hand them back to him, tingling skin where your fingers brush his. 
"it would drain my cursed energy if i didn't wear them," he says, "'cause i see a lot more than you do." 
"okay? so it’s not to keep people from screaming when they see you?”
he pinches your thigh in retaliation, scoffing. “i am beautiful.”
he shakes his head, but leaves the glasses off, setting them on his stomach, and closing his eyes. one hand travels to the top of his head, as he relaxes into your bed. 
you'll probably need to wash the sheets after this. 
"hey," you say after he's been still for a minute. "satoru. you can't fall asleep here. i thought you wanted to be entertained."
"then entertain me." 
you roll your eyes, even though he's not looking. "i'm not your servant. go back to your room if you're just going to bed. i'm not cuddling with you." 
"i promise i'm good at it. ask suguru." 
"he's not here, so i can't." 
satoru sighs, opening his eyes again. "talk about something." 
"like what?" 
"uh... your favorite movie." 
"i don't watch a lot of movies." 
he sits up. "what?" he asks, genuinely shocked. 
you roll your eyes at him again. 
and, okay. despite his attitude, and his freaky eyes, you guess it is... nice, to be called upon. 
and as satoru sits there, talking to you about the most ridiculous of things, you feel settled in. unafraid of saying something wrong or pushing him away. 
it's good, you suppose, easy. 
next part | series masterlist
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zeroeightzeroone · 6 months
your heart and my anchor - han jisung
love collection
genre: hurt/comfort
pairing: fem!reader (infp) x idol!han jisung (intp)
warnings: descriptions of anxiety and of a panic attack
wc ~2.6k | moodboard
notes: if this looks familiar, it was originally posted to my secondary blog @zerothreetwentyfive so i'm republishing everything here on my main blog.
originally requested by @pcchacoseung
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 。 。・:*:・゚★,。・:
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sometimes, you wonder why you decided to work and be a university student at the same time, that is until you remember the money that goes into tuition fees and the fact that you needed to move out in order to attend school. you're privileged enough that your parents are able to help pay your tuition whilst you pay for your rent and the other necessities you need to live in the city but that doesn't lessen the amount of stress that plagues you on and off again throughout the semesters. especially at the end of the year when exams are creeping up on you, figuring out how to move your schedule around to accommodate studying, working and finding the time to take a breather and relax; the latter option is usually dropped from the equation. 
when you aren't on campus or at work, you've locked yourself up in your room. sitting behind your desk and stuck to your laptop, your textbooks and notebooks sprawled and spread over the surface, multiple pens around the area. sometimes you lose all sense of time when you're so hyper-focused on the task at hand that you only get a couple hours of sleep before you rush to get ready for work. you're done work when the sun goes down and once you get home you're back behind your desk, working till the sun comes up. the routine only repeats whether you like it or not. 
jisung has been pretty busy as well. behind-the-scenes work with writing, producing and directing songs that may or may not end up on the next album, attending schedules and practicing day in and day out. it's been a while since you've been able to see each other, the both of you exchanging a few texts here and there.
j.one<3: i miss you baby i wrote some lyrics today thinking about you
you: i miss you too :,) a lot, a lot a lot
j.one<3: how have you been love? school and all?
you: it's been good
whenever he asked how you were doing, you'd always tell him that things were going fine, that it's okay, that you've got everything under control; acting like everything is a hundred and ten percent fine and dandy and you aren't on the verge of a breakdown every couple of hours. you didn't want him to worry about you. you didn't want to add to jisung's own current struggles, not wanting to burden him with your own.
j.one<3: hmm ok love you know i'm here right whenever you need me
you: of course and i love you for that
j.one<3: i love you more you got this, i believe in you baby
after your short text conversations, you'd turn on 'do not disturb' mode and a little message would pop up on jisung's side that you've switched it on.
j's one and only has their notifications silenced
a little signal for both you and him to get back to work. 
j.one<;3: hey love i'm gonna be in the studio all day working you wanna come by and do your work here too?
and that's how you ended up sitting on the couch inside the studio. your laptop rests on your thighs, two browser windows opened up alongside each other on the screen with a notebook and pen sitting next to you. across the room, jisung sits at the recording desk in front of the computer with the program opened up on the screen, a headset over his ears and a notebook sitting in front of him, twiddling a pencil between his fingers.
although, the longer you're seated inside the studio, with your laptop displaying your calendar on one side and schedule on the other; showing off tasks that need to be finished today whilst the other side shows off the tasks and events coming up in the week.
the more you're convinced that you're going to have a mental breakdown with each passing minute. 
you thought that maybe, just maybe, being in the same room as jisung would help as motivation, as comfort. having your person in the same room might hold you back from taking cover inside a hole, alone, curled up into a ball and ignoring the stresses life's currently throwing at you. 
but instead, as the time passes you feel deep envy growing for your boyfriend who is seated at the recording desk. you find yourself envying the way jisung is twirling his pencil, bopping his head to whatever track is playing through the headset and the way he is able to—unlike you—focus on the tasks at hand.
how were you supposed to focus on anything when your mind continues to relentlessly remind you of all the work that needs to be done today? that you'll wake up tomorrow, only to repeat the process of slaving to get the work done.
how could you even try to focus when that tightening sensation in your chest, the one that restricts your airflow, only gets worse as the time passes?
you couldn't—you can't and you hate it.
you absolutely hate how you feel right now.
how you're mentally and emotionally trying to calm yourself down. trying to talk yourself back onto the ground and out of your frantic mind to breathe.
your heart's racing, the pulse only picks up as the time passes. it beats so loudly you can't seem to hear anything other than your own heartbeat, your hearing completely zeroed in on it. 
your chest not only feels heavy but it starts to hurt, a throbbing sensation begins to come and go. it's like there is someone sitting on your chest and no matter how hard you try to get them off, you just can't. the harder you struggle, the more you feel suffocated, as if the air inside this vast recording studio only occupied by you and jisung is being sucked out, the walls closing in on you.
that painful feeling of your breath caught in your throat only leads to your heart rate picking up double time, your body feels restless while your mind repeats the same shit over and over again. the angel on one shoulder tries to calm you down, telling you to take a breather, take a break but the devil on the other only talks over her. overpowering her completely, as she reminds you that you aren't deserving of a break or a breather right now; seeing as you haven't completed any significant amount of work since entering the studio. 
unbeknownst to you, your body trembles as your hands come together in front of you, fingers fiddling and picking at the skin on the opposite hand. 
y/n, you think to yourself, come on, pull on your big girl panties and get on with it.
you're distracted trying to calm yourself down.
trying to bring yourself back down to earth instead of currently being inside your own head, you feel like you've lost any semblance of control you once had. god, you hate this feeling, you absolutely loathe how your heart quickly palpitates beneath your heavy chest, gradually getting dizzy as your restlessness only builds. however, no matter how anxious you feel, your body is nailed to the couch—you're frozen and unable to will yourself to get up on your feet.
it's like everything around you is speeding up and leaving you behind. they're leaving you behind in a state where your self-control slips away and causes your fear to grow tenfold. 
you're scared. you're terrified that you won't come down from this— that you don't know how to come down from this, how to regulate everything inside you. the dread slowly sinks in as you slowly convince yourself that you will never be free from this state of overwhelming emotion that consumes you as the minutes pass. 
jisung's hands move to adjust the headset, moving one cup away from his ear as the track has finished playing a moment ago. initially, he wanted to note something down in the notebook in front of him but the moment that one cup is off, he completely removes the headset and places it down in front of him on the desk. for a moment, he stills, listening to the room:
the echos of you clicking around on your laptop isn't heard.
this leads jisung to wonder if you've dozed off in the middle of working prompting him to spin around in the rolling chair, only to be met with you sitting on the couch wide awake. 
when his brown eyes are laid on your figure, jisung's heart drops at the sight; you gnawing at your bottom lip, your chest trembling as it heaves, your whole face is flushed and your eyes are the slightest bit blown. 
jisung immediately knows what's going on, he knows it all too well.
your boyfriend rushes to his feet and towards you, shutting your laptop and moving it on the couch beside you. slowly, jisung is kneeling in front of you as he gently encapsulates your hands in his.
he can feel the way your body trembles beneath his touch.
"y/n, baby, my love," jisung calls for you softly, his chocolate brown eyes sparkle as they gaze up at you, "you're okay, you're safe."
his eyes scan over your face, watching as your own slowly meet his. there's a dullness to your eyes, a sense of apprehension laced in your features as your thoughts plague your body and mind.
"hey, love," he smiles and lightly caresses your hands with the pad of his thumbs, "just keep your eyes on me, i'm here. i'm not going anywhere, okay? just focus on my voice, love."
you fight your own body to regain control, to regain the strength to regulate your own emotions. you've grit your teeth in an effort to stay focused on your boyfriend's voice.
"hey, hey… you're safe love. i'm gonna move beside you, okay baby?" he moves slowly to sit next to you on the couch, careful not to startle you with any quick or sudden movements. 
one of his hands move to your cheek gently caressing you there as well. a feeling of delight washes through his body at the sight of you instinctively leaning into his touch. 
"you're okay. i know it feels scary right now but you're going to be okay. you're going to get through this, yeah?"
the hand on your cheek moves to pat your hair down gently. jisung's gentle touch moves around your body as a physical reminder that you aren't alone and that he is here with you. 
"just keep focusing on my voice."
jisung continues to look over you, observing your current state and identifying how else he could help.
"i'm proud of you, you know?" he says fondly, "i know things get hard and it's scary sometimes but you always find a way to get through it. you're always doing such an amazing job."
a deep, unstable breath leaves your lips. 
"good girl! you're doing great. breathe, breathe with me okay?" he inhales deeply and you attempt to follow him. then he exhales, "...one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten."
your exhales are shaky, your control not totally regained as you're fighting to get yourself out of your own head. but you feel the tension slowly dissipating from your body.
"one more time with me. concentrate on your breathing, okay?" this time jisung shuts his eyes as he inhales, hearing you take in a breath as well, before letting the air out slowly, "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten..."
jisung notices your previously blown-out eyes have softened, he then decides to move on another strategy to further help you anchor yourself back down into the present.
"that's my girl, i'm so proud of you," he pats your hair once again, "does my y/n need anything right now?"
your voice is incredibly hushed and strained when you squeak out the next two words, "hold me."
jisung scoots even closer to you. adjusting himself so one arm is around your shoulders, wanting to hold you close to him. his other arm moves your head to rest on his chest and he gives you a moment to adjust as he whispers reassurances that you're okay, that you're safe and that he's here. 
your ear presses up against his clothing as his hand rests on your jaw, caressing your skin with his palm. the warmth radiating off of jisung's body has your body reacting the way it usually does, melting into him as a wave of comfort washes over you. another deep breath leaving your lips, still a bit shaky but an improvement nonetheless. 
"what are three things you can hear right now?"
your eyes flutter close as you try your best to tune into your surroundings, trying to identify noises inside the quiet room.
you hum, "your heartbeat… the vent… your breathing."
"how 'bout three things you can smell?"
"your cologne… coffee… brownies."
"now, can you tell me three things you can see?"
your eyes open slowly with blinks as you adjust to the light before you scan around the room.
"recording desk… microphone… computer."
jisung's hand moves to wrap around your wrist, gradually lifting your hand up in the air in front of you both.
"wiggle your fingers for me," your fingers wiggle, "kick your leg up for me," you kick your leg up slowly, "roll your ankle around." you roll your ankle around, "good job my love, i'm so proud."
your arm moves to wrap around jisung's body, pulling yourself closer to him. a breath of relief leaves your lips at the sense of ease that comes with the action, how you're able to grip onto the fabric of his shirt and nuzzle your face further into his chest.
"inhale," he sucks in a breath and you follow suit, "exhale... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. do you need anything else, y/n baby?"
you shake your head, melting into his side as you feel your pulse and breathing regulate to a normal pace. you feel like your feet are back on solid ground, in control and in the centre of your mind instead of backed into a corner hiding away from it.
"i'm here," he coos, swaying your bodies back and forth, "you're not alone. never. i'm here. i'm right here with you."
when you shut your eyes, tears fall down your flushed cheeks-- tears that had welled up due to stress and overwhelming bursts of emotions you weren't able to control--but now they fall with a sense of relief.
"i love you," your voice is quiet, trembling the slightest bit, "thank you… thank you for being here. i love you so much."
jisung hushes you, his hands gently running up and down your back, "it's the least i can do. I'm always gonna be here, y/n, always."
you nod, your eyes still closed as you take a couple of moments to yourself in jisung's arms. this time you're trying your best to anchor yourself back down to earth by thinking of what you love, what relaxes you, reminding yourself of the light and the good.
you know this isn't going to be the last panic attack you're going to have but at least you know that you aren't alone, there's always someone willing to help. jisung continues to remind you of that, that he'll be there for you no matter what, in any way he possibly can. at the same time, jisung knows that you'd do the same for him as you've done it time and time again. 
jisung has told you multiple times that he doesn't know how he'd function without you, feeling like he would be completely lost without you. 
you are his heart. 
meanwhile, jisung is your anchor.
in the middle of an uncontrollable storm, when the harsh waves rock the boat every which way, an anchor is vital to stay strong and controlled during such conditions. an anchor is a symbol of stability, a symbol of strength; a person you can rely on to support you to stay strong, to hold on even during the toughest of storms.
you found that person in jisung.
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rumunstelle · 1 month
Awkward Affections
Warning : None
Summary : An awkward experience you and Ike have experience back when you first started dating
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Late at night, you and Ike were laying on your shared bed staring at the ceiling
You couldn't sleep, while your boyfriend, Ike is fast asleep next to you. You looked at Ike, thinking about how much you love him and that you both were in a relationship for almost 4 years now, and... You couldn't see yourself being with someone else other than him. And because of this, you thought about the first time you confessed to him. And you cringed at yourself, remembering that memory that you had with Ike
(Flashback to their Highschool Days) :
You entered the library, with only a few people in it. But, they weren't the people you were looking for. Looking around, you quickly noticed a certain brown haired boy with faded blue tips in his hair. It was none other than Ike Eveland your crush bestfriend!
"Ikeee" Ike stopped reading his book, looking behind him he saw you said waving and walking towards him "Hello, goodmorning (Y/n)" He said "Goodmorninggg" you said back, sitting down on the sit beside him
"Hmm..? What book are you reading?" You asked looking at the opened book infront of him, "Its called 'Our Interactions' (Not real book!), its about two highschoolers. And in my opinion the confession scene was really well-written. Yet, it was really tragic. The girl basically met the guy in the library and confessed her feelings about him, yet sadly the guy rejected her because his heart yearned for another, she understood and kissed him on the cheek and saying that she understands yet she... Really can't help but love him..."
"Ah- Im sorry... I must be ranting, aren't I?" Ike said, looking at you "I don't mind, I'm fine with you telling me about the books your interested in... Y'know, the way you explain stories your interested in... There's sparkle in your eyes..." You said chuckling a bit
After this, you both sat there in awkward silence just... Looking at eachother
"Ike, I wanna tell you tha-"
The school bell rang loudly throughout the school, you sighed "(Y/n)? Were you gonna tell me something?" Ike asked, "Huh?? Oh- Maybe... Tomorrow, if that's ok?" You said, "Oh, ok... See you later, (Y/n)" Ike said "See you, Ikeyyy!"
You sitting on your couch, thinking of a proper way to confess to Ike tomorrow... 'I mean... He mentioned the story where the girl confessed to the guy by- AH! THATS IT!! YOU COULD CONFESS THE WAY THE GIRL CONFESSED IN THE STORY..! But wait- doesn't the girl get rejected, WAIT WHAT IF IKE REJECTS ME?! DOES IKE EVEN LIKE ME?? DOES HE...' Due to your overthinking, same you didn't know if you should confess or not
What if this ruined your friendship? What if he'd be disgusted with you? What if you guys grow apart of you confess?
It's the next day. You decided not to confess to him, the friendship you guys have is to important to you. You don't want to ruin your guy's friendship! And without you noticing... You distanced yourself from Ike
Its been almost a week, and you entered the library apparently Ike wanted to talk to you. Closing the door to the library, your eyes scanned the library to find Ike. Not being able to find him you started walking around the library to see if you could find the dear novelist
Suddenly, from behind, a pair of hands gently grabbed you, spinning you around before you could react. Before you knew it, your back was against the hard surface of the bookshelf. Ike's face was inches from yours, his eyes twinkling with mischief and excitement
"There you are" he whispered, his breath tickling your face, turning your surprise into laughter, "Ike! You scared me!" you said, your hands resting against his chest feeling the steady beat of his heart. "I couldn’t resist, I'm sorry" he replied with a grin, his hands steadying you
"So, what did you want to talk abou-" "Why have you been avoiding me?" Ike asked in a serious tone, "Heh??" You stood there confuse, maybe because he was SO DAMN CLOSE TO YOU, maybe because you didn't have a proper answer to that question...
"I..." You closed your mouth, silently looking down at the floor
"(Y/n), look at me"
You obeyed him immediately looking at him, and yet you knew you guys were close BUT NOW THIS CLOSE! LIKE YOUR FACES WERE INCHES AWAY FROM EACHOTHER! YOU COULD LITERALLY FEEL HIS HOT BREATH ON YOUR FACE..!
"Answer my question. Now"
"I... I've been avoiding you because I wanted to confess to you, but... I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and without realizing it. I've been avoiding you..." You said avoiding his gaze
But then Ike smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that” He admitted, his voice softening “I’ve liked you too, for quite some time. I just never thought you’d feel the same way" Relief washed over you like a wave, cooling the fiery anxiety that had been boiling inside you “Really?” You breathed out, a laugh bubbling from your lips "Really” Ike confirmed, reaching across to gently take her hand
The world outside continued its chaos, but inside the library, in that small, sacred corner, a new chapter had just begun for the both of you
You leaned closer, your heart skipping. Ike met you halfway, you both being a little uncertain. Your guy's kiss was awkward, a brief, gentle press of lips that spoke more of new beginnings than practiced passion. You pulled back, both sharing a sheepish smile. Your guy's first kiss was perfectly imperfect
(Flashbacks Ends) :
'OH MY GODDDDD!! WHY DIDN'T I JUST CONFESS BEFORE I HAD TO OVERTHINK ABOUT IT, ALSO WHY DID I KISSED HIM SO FAST-' As you were overthinking about what you did in the past, you suddenly felt arms around you. You look at Ike's sleepy face, his eyes slightly opened
"Äskling, why are you still awake at this hour?" He asked in a sleepy voice, looking at you with his tired eyes "Ah, Im sorry Ike. Did I wake you?" You asked hugging his back "Hmm... Just, go to sleep..." He said, closing his eyes as you chuckled and closed your eyes, feeling all the embarrassment fade away
And you both drifted of to sleep in eachother's embrace
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Kitchen Quickie with Bob that gets interrupt by the squad/while the squad is at the house (Bob is a dirty dirty boy who can't keep his hands to himself)
#strictly scandalous
Brain go brrrr.
Warnings: This is Strictly Scandalous. Smut ahead.
It’s Saturday afternoon and you and Bob are hosting the weekly dagger dinner. Every Monday morning before pre-flight checks, the daggers would all throw their names into Fanboys gross ass hat and draw a name out. Whoever’s name was drawn? Hosted Saturday night dagger dinner.
“Dinner’s pretty much ready Bubba.” Bob was on the back deck, neatly placing the cutlery you’d sent him out with alongside the placemats that littered the outdoor dining set you’d both dropped a pretty penny on a few years back. “Wanna come in for a taste test?”
“Coming darlin.” It's a simple reply, but one that makes your heart swoon for your Fiancé. Bob finished what he’s doing before he’s sauntering inside, chasing the captivating smell of tomato and basil lamb shakes that could honestly kill. They smelt so good. “Baby, It smells amazing in here.” Bob rounds the corner into the kitchen to find you slicing up some homemade bread. You’d gone all out for this danger dinner and he was so thankful for everything you had done.
“Hmm—“ You're leaning over the slow cooker, frowning as you stir the contents. “I just hope to potatoes are cooked enough otherwise I’m never gonna here the end of it from Hang—“ Before you can finish saying how Jake would never let you forget it if the potatoes weren’t soft enough, Bob is twirling you around in his grasp, so stunned at his suddenness you drop the ladle, it makes a mess when the red sauce covered utensil hits the gray tiles of your kitchen floor. “Robert Floyd!” You giggle as his lips make contact with the juncture of your neck, hands roaming the small of your waist as he lifts you up onto the countertop, pushing the chopping board aside. “What has gotten into you?”
“Thought I might be able to start with dessert first?” Bob mumbles, he’s hungry for something only you can give him. “You’ve put so much effort into this dinner, makes me horny as shit just thinking about how you would have been roaming the isles at the grocery store looking for everything you needed.”
“Oh woah—“ You chuckle, leaning back to catch a glimpse at the flushed hume creeping over Bob's cheeks. “Talk dirty to me more, Lieutenant.” You worked in the base cafe, serving up stellar coffees to all ranking men and women. It was where you’d met and subsequently fallen in with Robert Floyd when he’d returned to TopGun for a second time. A few years on and the two of you were inseparable, planning a wedding, ready to take on the world together.
“Love when you get all domestic and cook up a feast.” Bob was feral, really. But in a different way to lost men you’d dated in the past. He was a respectable feral. Always found something so sincere and genuine to love you for.
“Does it turn you on to know I’ve already ironed your flight suit and hung it up in the cupboard for Monday morning?” Bobs groaning into your mouth as his hands work to unzip his jeans. Pulling them down just below his ass in a feverish haste.
“I’m in love with you, you know that right?” Bob's hands go from his jeans to the hem of your sundress, pulling it up as his lips never leave yours, pushing your panties to the side as his digits slip past your folds. “So wet.”
“What can I say, I’ve got a thing for military men.” That was a very true statement. “Fuggh—“ Coaxing his fingertips against your velvet walls, Bob revels in the slight squelching sound that echoes through the kitchen, standing between your parted knees as his fingers disappear inside you. Buried to the hilt. “Bob—baby—“
“There’s no fucking way.” Rooster is stopping at the front door, he’s got a clear view straight into the kitchen via the window right next to the front door. The blinds are open, the window is cracked and your whimpers can be heard from afar.
Bradley’s holding his arm out in front of Phoenix, stopping her in her tracks as her chest collides with his forearm. “Nope—“
“Shut up, listen.” Although Phoenix could have very well slammed her elbow into the sternum of Bradley Bradshaw at his sudden demeanour change, she was caught off guard by the sound of supple whimpers and deep airy groans coming from inside the Floyd household.
“Oh my god go, go.” Phoenix is as wide eyed and bushy tailed as ever as her and Bradley race back down the three stairs and book it back to the Bronco. Scared they’ll never get the sounds out of their heads and know they don’t need an x-rated image of you and Bob to go along with it.
“Bob honey, need you now.” It’s needy and it’s hard to keep your head level as Bob pulls his fingers from your cunt, sucking your nectar from the lengthy digits before he’s guiding himself inside you. Moaning as he does.
“Ahhhh god—so tight all for me angel.” Bob hissed as he slowly lifted your legs to hook over his arms, angling you just right so that you could take every inch he was willing to give. “Be a good girl and keep those pretty eyes on me baby, wanna watch you unravel.”
You do as you're told as Bob starts a slow pace, building up the pressure before he’s setting a rhythm so fierce it has the slow cooker dancing beside you. Threatening to jump off the edge of the counter.
“Aarruugghh—Bob! Fuck!”
“So good for me darlin Ohh—keep those pretty moans coming.” It’s thrilling, it’s damn near pornographic the way Bob is talking to you, the way he’s handling you, the way he’s working you towards your high.
“Ahhh! Fuck keep going! Keep fucking me baby just like that—“ Its a short lived moment though, because unlike Rooster and Phoenix who had retreated back to the Bronco of shelter, Mickey Garcia and Javy Machado were not so smart, walking right in and into their worst nightmare.
“Oh god!” Javy is turning around in an instant, while Mickey closes his eyes tight, too afraid to move. He’s convinced himself that if he doesn’t move Bob won’t see him. “Bob! You knew we were coming right!?”
“Bobs got you up in his arms and ducking behind the counter the second he hears his colleagues voices, still stuffed inside you as he covers your mouth and watches your eyes roll into the back of your head as your orgasm washes over you. A part of you is very turned on by his protectiveness.
“We got carried away!” He shouted back. Still watching you cum on his cock. “Give me like, two minutes!”
“Fucking hell Floyd—“ Fanyboy sighs as he blindly feels around for the front door. “Never again.”
Strictly Scandalous Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
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the-possum-writes · 5 months
Hiiii!! I just finished watching AT again, and i been loking for some FinnxReaderxFern fics, and i read ur at content and i just love it.So i was hopping if i could request a fic where Finn and Fern has this, confrontation? Jelousy talk? about each other's feelings about reader!!
You can Say no if you don't wanna do it, but i would really apreciated<3.
[Confronting their feelings about you]
❥Character(s): Finn, Fern
❥Tags: SFW, canon typical violence, expressing emotions, gender neutral pronouns for the reader
 ❥Synopsis: What started as a simple afternoon dedicated to cleaning turned into a short lived but intense knife fight when you came up as a conversation topic.
 ❥Wordcount: 1000
❥A/N: I want this gress boy to heal so i'll take whatever chance i get to write him learning to overcome his Finn jelousy.
❥Taglist: @foxpearlwilder
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Today is a typical day for the guys; a knife storm has just passed, so they are calmly brushing away the residual weaponry from clogging the top of the treefort, like they do when there is hail or dry tree leaves. "There's less daggers compared to last time, makes ya wonder why huh Fern?" During the cleanup, Finn speaks aloud, the idea circling through his mind a few times
"Hmm, probably because of climate change." Fern disputes bluntly.
Finn pauses in his sweeping to glance up at the sky, contemplating to himself before offering his own two cents. "Or is it because the knife god is dissatisfied with the number of swords and knives forged this year? That the sword-smiths probably have a secret society where they sacrifice things in exchange for good materials." The longer the human boy rambles, the more Fern is interested by the explanation and begins unironically contributing his own perspective.
"What if the knife god sends us knives to test if they're nice and sharp?" The offer compels Fern to stop sweeping as well, although his reason for doing so is more of a curiosity to see if his human brother can figure out what he is thinking about. With them still being the same guy, Finn shares that challenging expression in his eye.
Fern swoops down and throws a knife at Finn, but the boy rolls to the side and retrieves a knife from the ground just in time to deflect the second knife thrown at him. Fern attempts to continue throwing blades at his playmate, but he only draws closer in range, forcing Fern to sidestep the pointy jabs directed at him as he grabs his own knife, and they begin sparring right there with the brooms long forgotten. They go at it for a while till Finn notices the sun leaning over the horizon and remembers something.
"Okay okay that's enough, let's wrap this up before the sun goes down."
"Got somewhere to go?" Fern asks as he hops from side to side, still energized from the spar.
"Yeup, a friend wants to collect kelp samples for a college project and I promised I'd help."
"Kelp samples?" Hah! That's boring..." His smile faded. "Wait.. you talking about the biology student that's always cooped up at Turtle P's library?"
Finn confirms, "That's the one." While the human boy skipped happily at the thought of you, Fern's jaw tightened as he felt an unpleasant stir in his chest. Finn had his back to Fern and was in the process of picking up his fallen broom when a knife imbedded itself just next him, missing his palm by only an inch.
"Who knowsss what kind of trouble you'll sstumble into when you're out there collecting kelp sssamples, you could get ambushed by kelpies or banditsss," the grass boy explains with a low tone and a snake whisp in his tongue before his voice shifted back to normal. "They are my friend too! and the last thing I want is to find out they got hurt because you weren't able to help. Now, pick up that knife and show me you can protect them from anyone and anything."
Finn considers the challenge, normally he'd never say no to one but he's grown familiar enough with Fern's mood swings to know it's that darn octopus messing up his head again, but if there's any best way to get it out of his system it's by sparring. With that goal in mind, Finn acepts the challenge even though it means fighting Fern when he's at his "most intense". The duel starts just like the previous one but the longer it went on the more Finn came to realize it no longer had the same playful approach as before, it became all the more apparent whenever Fern purposely scratches at him every time he left opening rather than playfully bump him with the butt of the dagger.
"They're my friend I'd never let anything happen to them!" Finn grinds his teeth as their blades collide.
"I knew them way before you did, i was gonna ask them out... before..." Fern stutters for a second, giving Finn the opportunity to kick him in the back of the knee and knock him down.
"Before you turned into a sword right?" Despite the takedown, Finn's tone softens as he assists his brother in standing up. "So that's what has you all jumbled up. Fern, remember what I said about bottling up your feelings?"
"That I should use my words." He nods like a scolded child.
"How about you share'em with me?" Finn held Fern in hug before giving him a much needed squooze.
Fern sighs. "You know more than anyone why I like them. And when I heard you were going out with them I guess I got a little jealous."
'Right just a bit,' Finn thought, but didn't dare to speak it out and upset his grass bro. "Have you considered asking them out yet?" The human youngster suggests, "You know, like on an actual date and not just collect samples." It sounds simple enough to him, but Fern's inner struggle makes it not so simple.
"I did. But after the whole "I turned into a sword and then the grass disaster," I had a feeling that they wouldn't even want to look at me." Fern deflates and drops down Finn's grip while he explains, but Finn holds him up again.
"Well, you'll never know unless you try it out!"
Fern turned his head in the direction of his human counterpart. "What? But what about YOU? I am sure you have a crush on them."
Finn scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, I do. They're really amazing with the knowledge they have about a bunch of stuff, however... I've already dunked on my other relationships, if anything I'll probably ruin this one too."
For once, Fern sees a part of himself in Finn that isn't just superficial similarities; the hesitance and self-doubt are all too familiar, and despite the little devil inside him telling him to exploit Finn's weakness, he instead tries to encourage him. "Finn, you're a great shot ."
A knock on the door and a doorbell ring from below the tree fort, followed by your familiar voice asking for someone to open it. The two brothers exchange glances before Fern breaks the silence. "How about we each take our shot and let them decide?" he asks, offering a peace deal with a handshake.
"Sounds good."
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anotherrosesthatfell · 7 months
A deal with you - Part 1
[Summary: What happened before PJ and Gradient death]
"Mommy I'm still hungry..." Merciless pouted.
He just ate a tiny piece of bread, at least it's a lot than the last time.
"I know sweetie." Said Killer as she kissed her son forehead. "Just be patience, once that evil guy is out. You'll be able to eat as much as you want!"
"Really?" Smile Merciless. "I wanna eat cereal, a lot of cereal!" Said Merciless. "I got to talk to brother today and he said he got cereal for breakfast."
"That's nice sweetie..." Killer patted her son head. "Now about you go to sleep so the hunger will stop."
"Okay!" Merciless nodded his head as he lay on Killer's lap.
Right, this is Merciless room. He was mistreated badly.. He don't even has a bed or window to look out. It's more like a prison cell instead of room for 5 years old.
Killer got lucky today for being able to stay next to Merciless. The guards usually will force her to leave or some maids will injured her.
"Mommy, will I be able to meet tiny baby sissy soon?" asked Merciless. "How long will she be in your belly?"
"Hmm? Merciless, we don't know if the baby is a girl or boy yet..." Killer slightly chuckles. "You have to be quiet about this, don't let anyone hear us."
A loud voice coming from the outside, it's Nightmare.
"Merciless, quick hide!" Killer grabbed her son by hand and make him hide under the bed. "Don't come out unless that evil guy is gone... Okay?" Her voice trembled in fears.
The door was opened at once. Nightmare seems upset...
"Just the hell you were doing in this rat's room." he groans.
Nightmare went to Killer and forcefully grabbed her by wrist. That'll leave some bruise...
Killer stay silence, she can't say anything right now. If she do, things will get worse.
Merciless watched Nightmare took Killer away in horror. He is horrified of his own father.
As they were away from Merciless room. Angst were reading behind the pillar quietly, he unlike Crescent, remember how much Killer love her children. Angst always try to find a way to talk to Killer quietly.
But today was different, Nightmare was grabbing Killer and now he threw her on the floor.
Angst saw the scene as he hid behind the pillar. He have to do something, but he know if he interfere, not only Killer but all of his siblings will get hurt.
"You damned woman. How many time I have to tell you to listen to me!" Yelled Nightmare. Nightmare then grabbed Killer hair and make her face him. "First that damned destroyer purposely pissed me off and now you?" he laughed. "You people truly trying to—"
A duck toy was threw on Nightmare's head. It was Crescent who did it.
"F-Father, don't touch my mom like that!" Crescent slightly raised his voice.
He is terrified to see his parents are fighting. Killer is more horrified about this situation now. She take any abuse as long Nightmare don't touch her children..
Nightmare cracked a smile and his eyes were dark. He slowly let go of Killer's hair.
"Crescent, my son... This is adult business." Said Nightmare. Just then, his tendril are choking Crescent now. "You know what happens when rats like you interfere hmm?"
"NO—!" Killer grabbed Nightmare arm. "Please let go of my baby, he didn't know. I SWEAR I'LL NEVER VISIT MERCILESS AGAIN." She cries.
Nightmare look unimpressed, he doesn't want to change his mind.
"Boss!" Cross finally came back to the castle. "Let go of him. He is your son remember?! You want a heir don't you?" Cross keep his cool, trying not to show he is nervous.
"What's the use of having a heir if this rat all know to interfere adult business?" glares Nightmare.
"That's because he's a child.. We- I can educate him how to not be like this anymore so let him go.." Said Cross.
It was a silent for couple of seconds. Nightmare let go of Crescent at last.
Killer caught Crescent before his head his the ground.
"Tch..." scoffed Nightmare. "I better see you in my office in few minutes, Killer." Nightmare walked away as he didn't bother to glance back.
Crescent is still breathing, Killer couldn't be more thankful to God. Angst stop hiding behind the pillar as he immediately went to Killer.
"Mom...!" he cried.
"I'm here honey... I'm here." she smiles gently to her son. Not wanting to worry him.
Cross sighed as he look over the mess. He carry Crescent on his arms and say
"I'll heal him up." Said Cross. "I'll apply some ointment for you later... Okay?"
"Okay..." smiles Killer. "Angst, go with mister Cross." Said Killer.
"Alright mom..." he nodded and follow Cross from behind.
All the servants was watching. They are laughing on how miserable Killer is...
And now she have to face Nightmare again....
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dazuya · 2 years
If That's How We Reunite, So Be It
Ragnvider! adopted! reader going to Mondstadt after a decade with their new family, Only to be reminded of the things they went through by their old one.
Part 2 for Dark and Cold.
"So sweetie, We have one day off for now. Is there anything you wanna do? Or do you just wanna stay in and play with the new recruits? Hmm?" Childe asked. Although he never had a shimmer in his eyes. You could tell he was gentle to people he cared for. You could tell his words hold honesty and love.
"I do want to show you around places i loved as a kid. But you know, only if you like to, brother Ajax." You said shy and not being able to look him in the eye. You wanted to show him sides the he had shown to you. He would tell you about his family. Take you to his family. Take you to places that were special to him because you were his own. And now, you would tell him just that. That he was your brother. That without him, you would've passed that night.
"Well, Yes! i definitely would love to! This is the first time we're here and it would be amazing for you to show me around. Do you want the others to come?" He asked smiling and already out of the couch to get ready. Although you'd love to show your friends in the Fatui your old hometown. You'd show it to them another time. Not right now.
"Just you. I'll take them later. Anyways, the first place i want to take you to is windrise. Follow me!" Maybe the inner child in you always wanted someone to go there with. That place had one large Tree infront of the Anemo Archon's statue. It was the perfect place to climb up and just sing your heart out.
"Alright, Alright. Hey now! Don't trip over nothing. I don't want to carry you around all day yeah?" He said following you. Walking from your inn. You guys made your way to windrise. While you were going on about how the tree is so big and beautiful. Childe would look over you with a gentle smile. Sure you might be twenty five now. He still sees you as the fifteen year old he took in that day.
While you guys were walking there, Three people made sure you couldn't see them following you. Aether was worried that the Harbinger and his supposed subordinates were going out to make trouble. While Diluc and Kaeya were making sure that you weren't in danger. Sure they can't look after you when you're outside Mondstadt, They could least keep their mind at ease for now.
Aether was confused as to why Diluc was joining them. Kaeya, he could understand. Kaeya was a captain so it made sense that he would be there to maintain peace in the city. Diluc was a night owl. He would protect the city at night. But somehow, he left his office for today. Brushing it off, they were sneaky enough to be without ear shot distance but not be seen.
"So, This is the tree i was talking about! Isn't it Huge? Seems like it's grown a bunch since last time. Come on! let's climb it." You started to make your way on top of a branch which would support both you and childe. Childe just followed you and sat next to you.
"I'd come here whenever, my gaurdian would go to work with his kids. They were older than me so they had things to do. While, I'd sit here and look over the lake. It still looks beautiful. Doesn't it, Ajax?" A small smile on your face. It certainly was the same tree you were on. The memories came back to you. What started as a hum turned into fully fledged singing. While you were swinging your legs dangling from the branch.
Childe felt inner peace. Maybe coming to Mondstadt with you wasn't such a bad idea after all. Aether stared at you wide eyed. He wasn't that submerged into someone doing anything. Not less a Fatui memeber! Should he be admitting to find you ethereal? No but he can't lie to himself.
While the Ragnvider brother's felt somewhat relieved. That you still didn't stop singing. The same song they taught you to sing when you left lonely, Or when you were happy! They couldn't tell which one you were right now. But considering the way you smiled to Childe and his subordinates, It was clear that were happy.
"You've been hiding such a voice for me? I've been hurt. Just wait until everyone hears about this!" He joked to you. Ruffling your hair. Laughs echoed through the place. Getting down from the tree carefully, You decided to make your way to thousand winds temple. It was still in ruins, The same ruin gaurd lurking and taking rounds mindlessly.
"I'd come here to fight it sometimes! Because i didn't have a vision, I would just use sword. It wouldn't work as well and the tavern owner would come save me. But now since you taught me how to use a bow. I think i can take it on my own. So keep your eyes on me brother! After this, We'll sit on that point there. We can see the tree in windrise from here." You said almost eager to show him how hard you'd practice with your bow and make sure to make it a point to get better and make him proud. Before Childe could say anything to object you from fighting, He didn't have the heart to say no to you. He just let you be for now.
Aiming your bow at the core of the ruin gaurd, you infused it with your electro element and shot it accurately. Just like how you'd be taught. When it was down, you got close to finish the job with sword. After dusting your legs and hands, You made your way to him. Who was waiting to tell you that you did good.
"Is This what you've been doing in the ruin labs? You've gotten better i must say! Just don't get yourself in dangerous situation yeah?" He chimed. Looking out for you.
The three people who'd been following you had their weapons out. Just in case something went wrong. Diluc smiled to himself. You've grown to be able to protect yourself. Something he wanted to do. But he left you to do it on your own. Kaeya was kind of proud that you didn't let go of the sword skills he had taught you way back when you were younger. Chuckling to himself when you'd complain about it being hard when right now you were doing it without breaking a sweat.
Aether was entranced, once again. He couldn't help but admire you. You might be on the other side of his journey but he wouldn't mind taking a breather with you as his stop. Paimon made note to keep his love sick gaze for you in her mind.
"You know, I thought i was going to die that day. Thank you for taking me in. I was abandoned by my mother in front of a church. A kind man took me in. Only to be killed later, And then I met you! I wouldn't wanna go through it again but i think having my family now makes me think maybe it was worth living for. Of course you don't have to consider me as one! Just.. Thank you so much. It might not have been the best to fight and go out killing people but if i get to protect you from harm's way and your family then i think it's good enough for me, Brother Ajax." You were starting to tear up. Childe brought his hand to wipe away the tears. He pulled you in for a warm hug.
"I don't think I've ever made a better decision. And don't talk nonsense. You are and will always be my family. Even though you're stubborn. A little hostile to people. Please get along with other Fatui Harbingers. They're not bad you know? But Regardless of all that. I'm proud of you and how long you've come. Again, you don't have to come with me. Just stay with our family back home. I'll come visit you guys." The chilly windy was carrying sentiments of years which bottled inside of everyone there.
"I would always want to know you're safe. So i think I'll always join you. Even when you wouldn't want me." After a heartfelt talk between you guys. You were making your way to the city, when you noticed blonde hair in the side of your vision. Telling Childe to wait until you went and picked some flowers was an excuse to check this out.
The Ragnvider brother's made their way to childe. Not to threaten him. But to talk and find a way to perhaps connect with you.
"Look, We just want to talk about them. I know it seems like a laughable attempt to repair something that's been shattered. We just can't help it. Just once, Can we talk to them? With you or without you. Anything works." Kaeya was trying to come to an agreement while Diluc was nervously glancing around making sure you don't see them talking.
"And Why would i do that? Do you take me for a fool? I think it'd be best if you let it go. I don't want to comfort them again regarding you guys. It's heartbreaking for me." Childe hissed. Yes, he didn't want them near you. But some part of his heart wanted you to heal with them. If this had been with sibling or you. He would reach out too. He understood that. Pondering on it for a while.
"Don't come near them. I'll give you one last thing. Here. Take these. I found these on them the day i found them. I doubt they remember anything but here. Now i suggest that you take your leave before sweetie comes. And like i said. I will always make sure they're happy." Childe handed over a pair of earrings to kaeya and a wooden bracelet to Diluc. They had the initials "K.R" and "D.R" on them. Their heart swelled up and broke down. So this is what you were excited about. This is what you wanted to give them but never could.
They left. They couldn't face you again. Not when you had left such a previous thing to process. While Aether was confronted by you.
"Why were you following us?" You asked glaring at him. He merely gave you a sheepish smile and explained that he was just going around seeing Mondstadt.
Considering how his clothes weren't of Mondstadt origin. You believed him. He was a traveller from a far. So maybe it wouldn't be too bad to show him around later too. Just some genric places while you stayed here.
"I see. Well, I'll certainly see you around. Maybe show you a place or two. But don't get on my brother's bad side!" Right when you said that childe creeped up behind you. Aether's eyes were begging Childe to pretend they don't know each other.
"Well what do we have here hm? Aether and Y/n huh? What're you doing? It's getting late. Let's go back and have dinner." He said. You were confused as to how he knew him but that would be another conversation. Since your brother already knew of him. Maybe he wasn't a bad guy you thought.
"Okay. We'll take out leave.. Aether." With that the both of you left to your inn. Aether felt like he could certainly catch you up on that offer for a tour around.
Meanwhile the brothers were content. Not to their heart feelings but at least enough. They couldn't meet you outright. But at least they got one step closer. If this is how you reunite, step by step. Then so be it.
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bitchyglitterfox · 1 year
Clementine - Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Warnings: held at gun point and pinned to a wall, fluff, cute nickname, no use of y/n, reader has a nickname tho
A/n: ahhhhh my first Joel fic!!!!
"Hey, how come Joel calls you clementine?" You were walking Ellie to school. 
The three of you had settled down in Jackson after Joel had saved Ellie. 
"Hmm, he hasn't told you that story yet?" You reply while holding your hand above your brow blocking the sun from your eyes, "well it's a really funny story, but I won't tell you about it until you get back from school," you smirk down at her. 
"Aw, come on, man! I wanna know, please. If you tell me right now, I'll do your dishes for weeks," Ellie pleads with you.
You think for a moment. "Tempting, but no, you will just have to wait until dinner tonight. That is when I'll tell you the story of why Joel calls me clementine. Besides, we're already here at your school, now go on before you get in trouble for being late….again," you kiss the top of Ellie's head and watch as she follows the other kids into the school. 
You smile at the memory of why Joel calls you that name. Hell, he hasn't used your real name in years, always using the name of the citrus fruit instead. 
The use of clementine had started nearly a decade prior, back at the Boston QZ. 
Finally, you were able to sneak back into the QZ. It was a hard day's work but you managed to get a good enough haul that would bring you in a decent amount of ration cards and keep the FEDRA off your back especially if you bring in fresh fruit just like you have been for the past few years. clementines and strawberries. The only 2 fruits you were able to grow. 
You were so close making it back until you bumped into a man and woman both a good bit older than you, the gray in their hair making you sure they were older. 
"I-" you squeaked out before the man had you pinned against the wall, gun pressed against your temple. 
"Who the fuck are you and where the fuck did you come from?" He yelled in your face, spit landed on your cheek. 
"I-I um, I have a garden on the other side of the wall, FEDRA looks the other way if I give them twenty-five percent of my haul!" You said as you tried to raise your hands. 
"Don't fuckin' move!" The man said as he pulls your backpack off of you, tossing it to the woman, "if we find out you are lyin' I'm gonna kill you," he threatens.
After some ruffling through your backpack and clementines and strawberries scattered. 
"She's telling the truth," the woman glared at you, "how long have you been doing this?" 
"Only a f-few months, I found some clementine trees and a nearby patch of strawberries," you stuttered out as the man still holds you tight, "I-I-if you let me join you, I can get you ration cards,"
"We don't need yer help," he replied, finally pulling the gun away from your head and holstering it once again. 
"Now, wait, Joel, we could use her, we didn't know about the fresh fruit nearby. She could be useful." 
That is how you met Joel and Tess and helped them around the QZ with their smuggling. You were the reason Bill and Frank had strawberries
"Wait, so you're telling me that Joel held you at gunpoint?" Ellie looks at him shocked, "not fucking cool man!" 
"In his defense, he did think I was moving in on his already claimed territory," you laugh, placing a hand on top of his as you sip your coffee. 
"I still can't believe you were able to find such a delicious score," Ellie says as she finishes up her plate, taking it over to the sink. 
You follow her and gently place your plate in the sink. 
"I think I'm gonna go enjoy the air in the backyard, Ellie feel free to join me after you finish the dishes," you say gently hugging her. 
You walk out the backdoor and go to sit on the porch swing Joel installed. 
"I can't believe you told her that story," Joel says as he sits next to you with a hand on your waist as you admire your new clementine tree. A smile graces your face as he places a kiss on the top of your head. He gently places his free hand on your pregnant belly. 
"Yeah, well, she was curious as to why you always called me clementine." You say as you lean your head on his shoulder. 
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mcl4r3n · 11 months
(wait) they don't love you like i love you
Dando, 800w, Mature (for @landoisokay)
There is a mole, right there, on Lando’s left ear, and another, just below it. 
There’s one to the left of his neck. Another, near his chin, hidden by his little patchy beard. Another, on his cheek. Another, by his nose. 
They are guides for Daniel to press his lips to, and he’s always been good at following directions. 
Lando’s body is mapped out with them, instructions on how best to make Lando feel good. Where to bite down on soft flesh so that Lando will close his eyes and sigh through his teeth.
His hips provide Daniel with the trail he needs to follow so that he can put his hands on hardened muscle, into the dip of skin that goes from smooth to rough, into the garden of hair where Lando’s cock lies thick and hard and hot. 
“Daniel.” Lando’s voice is only a measure above a whisper. Daniel loves the way Lando says his name in bed. He’s heard it, over and over—angry, full of mirth, clipped, demanding. The way Lando says it when he’s nestled in Daniel’s comforter is his favorite. “You’re going too slow.” 
“I haven’t seen you in weeks.” Daniel presses another kiss to Lando’s clavicle. He strokes Lando’s cock once, just to tease, before he brings his hand back to Lando’s nipple, takes it between thumb and forefinger, and pinches, sure and steady, while Lando’s back arches off the bed. “I wanna take my time with you.”
Lando’s cock leaks precum from that. Daniel loves to watch when it happens, loves the way Lando’s body responds to him. 
There’s no music around them, just the low hum of the hotel room’s AC and their steady breathing. Daniel braces himself over Lando and steals a kiss that Lando readily gives up, tongue sliding against his, insistent and impatient. He moans into it, and Daniel swallows it with his next breath. 
“Danny,” Lando whines, and this, of course, makes Daniel’s cock twitch against Lando’s thigh. It’s a conditioned response now, really. Lando whines, and Daniel gets hard. 
“What do I do with you, hmm?” Daniel skates his tongue along Lando’s sternum. “Always so impatient.”
Lando is ruinous, to him. Ten years his junior, bright and fresh. A fucking spark. 
Daniel’s tasted love before, held its shape and pressed him palms into it, but never like this, never packaged and presented like this. Lando’s hands claw at his back so that Daniel has no choice but to kiss him again, sucking on the tip of Lando’s tongue while he slots himself between spread legs. 
He hasn’t said it, yet, is the thing. He hasn’t pulled the vocabulary from his brain just yet to be able to transmit that information across with his words. The year has been hard, their relationship only really still very much in its early days, even if it’s been seven months since Lando first kissed him, like a calf getting on its legs and finding its footing. 
But Daniel loves him. Daniel spends days apart from him, and days near him, crossing paths on the paddock when he happens to be there for a race weekend, and they glance at each other over a sea of mechanics and the navy blues and papaya-oranges of teams he used to call home. 
Lando hasn’t said it, either, not to him directly. But instead, Lando posts photos of himself wearing Daniel’s clothing, hats he knicked from his suitcase. Lando gets interviewed and says, “I had dinner with Daniel in Monaco,” and, “I love Daniel,” to a crowd of people. 
But he’s never said it to his face. So Daniel waits, and bides his time. He isn’t in a hurry. 
They move together, slowly, undemanding, despite Lando’s protests, and Daniel chases every kiss with another one. He strokes Lando to completion before he even gets a chance to fuck him, and then does so again, when he’s balls-deep inside of him, unhindered by any sort of latex, Lando’s strong legs locking behind his back to keep him in place. 
There’s spunk that plasters their bellies together, after, having fallen asleep with their limbs pretzeled and bordering on uncomfortable. Daniel comes to, the sensation of fingers stroking through his curls coaxing him from slumber. 
He props himself up on an elbow and wrinkles his nose, and Lando giggles, high-pitched and kind of grossed out, the way they have to unstick from each other like they’re caught in those adhesive rat trap sort of things. 
The sun has set in Silverstone. Tomorrow, Lando has free practice, and Daniel will once again sit on the sidelines while twenty other men live out his dream. Except that he has testing the week later, and Lando’s staying to watch. 
The timing comes to him then, while they’re sticky and sweaty and wrapped up in each other. 
“I love you. I hope that’s okay.” 
Lando smiles, eyes colored like deep moss, crinkling at the edges, mouth stretched so his cheeks bunch up. “Yeah,” Lando sighs. “Yeah, that’s quite alright, Danny.” 
Daniel’s eyes find a mole to the right of Lando’s Adam’s apple. He kisses him there. 
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
pumpkin, you need to stop for tonight
A/N: this was an old request, originally posted on 18/8-22. it read: Can you do a Steve Harrington request set during his senior year where he and his girlfriend are having a study date but Steve eventually quits and has to coax his girl to bed since she is staying up late studying?
Warnings: Steve Harrington x reader, studying, being very tired, Steve singing, literally just fluff
Word count: 640
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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The soft warm light that was coming from your pink bedside lamp caused your studious figures on the floor to cast an unintentional shadow puppet show onto the opposite wall. 
Sloppily copying into your notebook, the last few sentences from the open book in your lap, you let out a long yawn.
Feeling the boy behind you lean forward and rest his head on your shoulder, he murmured in your ear, “babe…”
“Huh?” you just flipped to the next page and kept reading. 
“It’s 1:53,” he informed you, snaking his arms around your waist. 
“So, it’s 1:53 am!”
“Well, if you’re tired,” you mumbled, fighting your body’s urge to yawn again, “you can just go sleep in my bed, I don’t mind. Just don’t let my dad find you tomorrow morning.”
“Y/n, you’re half asleep right now and still doing your homework.”
“So are you!” you smacked his forearm lightly. 
“Nope. I actually stopped about twenty minutes ago.”
“What?” you craned your neck to look at him, “have you just been sitting here staring at me study like a creep?”
“It wasn’t creepy!”
“Hmm…” you smiled, “sounds like something a creep would say.”
“Pumpkin, you need to stop for tonight. You’re so tired that your brain won’t even be able to retain any of this knowledge tomorrow!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” leaning back into his warm embrace, “I’m not tired, I’m fine, I’m-, hey! I was reading that!” you exclaimed as he snatched the book from your fingers and tossed it far enough that you couldn’t just reach it again. “Do you want me to get an F?”
“You won’t get an F,” he hugged you tighter, preventing you from reclaiming the hefty tome. “You’ll ace it, as always. Pulling an all-nighter on top of the amount of time I know you’ve been studying for, won’t make a big difference. It’ll just turn you into a zombie tomorrow,” you felt his lips on your neck. 
“But, I still have so much I wanna go over again.”
“Then it’s a good thing you still have a whole week left to do so. You'll be fine.”
“Steve, I-“ you tried but were abruptly interrupted by the sound of your boyfriend singing softly into the back of your neck.
“Though I've tried before to tell her, of the feelings I have for her in my heart.” 
Closing your eyes, you sighed and gave up, letting yourself feel just how worn out you really were. 
Letting him gently drag you with him, he pulled you up onto the small bed that was right next to the round fluffy rug the two of you had been situated on, all the while never skipping a single beat in his lullaby, “every time that I come near her, I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start.” Scooting further up the mattress, he clung to your body, wrapping it up in his love, never giving it a chance to escape and return to its studious ways. “Every little thing she does is magic, everything she does just turns me on. Even though my life before was tragic, now I know my love for her goes on.”
“That was a dirty move, Harrington,” you mumbled, surrendering in the gruesome fight of keeping your eyelids open, “you know how to push my buttons too well.”
“Hey, it worked, didn’t it?” he kissed your temple, “you’re in bed and practically asleep already.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you chuckled at his victory, then added in a serious tone, tugging at his shirt just in an effort to convey the message, “no, but seriously, my dad will kill you if he sees you here in the morning.”
“Pumpkin, I am like a ninja. Trust me, he will never know I slept here,” sounding overconfident in his groggy promise.
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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funtimesale123 · 1 year
gn reader x bowser fan fic fifth chapter
You finish up breakfast and get to know some of the Koopalings better.
Check out the next post for some info on the Koopa kids personalities
(Also I'm not going to bother trying to fix the text layout for Tumblr anymore cause pasting and fixing it is a lot)
As everyone finishes up breakfast the Koopa kids argue over who you should hangout with.
"Can we paint together? Please?" Jr. says grabbing your arm.
"I wanna show ya my lab! We can do experiments! Hehehe!" Iggy says grabbing the other.
"No! I'm gonna give them a makeover! (They're in serious need of one.)" Wendy quietly mumbles the last part.
"Aww. Me and Larry wanted to take em to the courtyard. I wanted to show ya more tricks!" Lemmy says then Larry shows more pictures.
"Larry says he wants to show ya his sports skills!"
"Can Morton go with Lemmy and Larry?" Morton says as he bounces on his heels excitedly.
You noticed that two koopa kids have already left. Not seeing Roy or Ludwig in the dining room anymore.
As the kids argue you look over to Bowser and he simply chuckles and gives you a small smile as he shrugs.
You roll your eyes.
Seems you're not getting any help from him I guess...
Then Kamek appears as he says
"I am truly sorry young royals but I must request that the guest come with me. I require their assistance to learn of their home."
"Aw" the children whine but understand
"Would you please follow me." Kamek motions for you to follow
As you walk through the halls you ask Kamek where you're going
"The Royal library. Hopefully you can find something relating to your world. So you said that in your world ours is fictional right? Did you travel here through a book or perhaps a portal?"
You remember that in Mario and Rabbids: Kingdom Battle and a few other games Jr had his own phone so hopefully Kamek will know what video games are.
"I don't think I really came here through something but I was playing a video game and then fell asleep." You reply
"Oh! Like the ones that Jr. and some of the other young royal children play?" He asks
You nod
"Hmm… then perhaps books are not the best place to look, but it does not hurt to try." He says as he opens the doors to the library.
As you step inside you can't help but be amazed by the sheer size of it and the amount of books that surround you. It even has an upper floor! How were you supposed to be able to find anything without searching the whole day?
Finding something on your world would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
You snap out of your thoughts as Kamek snaps in your face.
"I do not mean to be presumptuous but I am guessing you are not used to such great amenities~" He says smugly before continuing
"So what can you tell me of your world? You said magic is fictional or at least assumed to be, and that our world is also fictional as well. So what is your world like?"
You mention the Metro Kingdom saying how it's probably the only closest to something in your world though perhaps a more outdated version being closer to a city called New York about 80 to 90 years ago though with modern conveniences and technologies.
"The Metro Kingdom. understood…"
He says as he waves his wand and a couple books fly by
"So what are the inhabitants of your world like?"
You say how humans are the dominant species and are considered the only hyper intelligent one as there are nothing like Koopas or Toads or any other species capable of such intelligence.
"Only humans? Sounds quite miserable and dull… Oh! Not to offend you."
Though he said no offense he didn't really seem to mean it as he continues searching through books.
"So what about the similarities of our two worlds apart from humans and the Metro Kingdom's likeness?"
You say how certain technologies are similar if not the exact same. That the many species of their world don't exist and those that do are tend to be very different. Mentioning how monkeys and apes are much less intelligent in your world and many arthropods tend to be a lot smaller.
"Uhuh… okay… hmm… well if you wish to leave while I continue searching you may. If I need any further assistance I will come to you." He says not even looking up from the many books.
As you leave the library you soon realize that you still don't know your way around the castle quite yet despite the tour yesterday. It's hard to remember a place this big, especially with most halls looking the same. You also weren't really paying attention on the walk from the dining room.
You pop back in and ask which way the dining room is.
Kamek sighs before quickly telling you the directions.
As you walk back to the dining room you happen to run into Ludwig. And ask the young Koopa what he's up to.
"Hmm? I'm on my way to the concert hall. I have a new composition I want to work on and I need some quiet to focus. Unlike some people around here, I take my music very seriously."
he replies with a snobbish tone.
You nod, and then ask, "What's the composition about?"
"It's about the rise and fall of power. I find it to be quite relevant in these times." He says with a smirk, clearly proud of himself.
Deciding you don't really have much else to do you ask "You mind if I join you do you?"
Ludwig hesitates for a moment, eyeing you up and down before finally nodding. "Very well, but please try not to distract me. This is important work."
The two of you make your way to the concert hall, where Ludwig sets up at the piano and begins to play. It's clear that he's very talented, and even though rude at times, you can't help but appreciate his skill and dedication.
As the hours pass by, Ludwig becomes more and more absorbed in his work. You sit quietly, watching him play with a sense of awe.
You clap for him, and he nods, looking pleased. "Yes, it's coming along nicely. I'll have to make sure to show it to father when it's finished."
As you both walk out he stops and looks at you.
"Hmm, you know you're actually quite tolerable."
"Um... Thanks." You say almost giggling at the somewhat backhanded compliment.
The two of you part ways, but as you walk away, you can't help but feel a sense of respect for the talented albeit rude young composer.
As you try and find your room you you're stopped by the twins.
Lemmy jumps in front of you, doing a cartwheel and giggling wildly. "Hiya!" he exclaims, wearing a big grin.
Iggy rushes up beside him, scribbling in a notebook with a pencil muttering, glancing up at you with wide, curious eyes. "Do you know what the acceleration rate is on a banana peel when thrown at a wall?"
You blink in confusion, not sure what to make of these two odd-ball Koopas. "Uh... no?"
Lemmy giggles again. "Neither do we! Wanna find out?"
Iggy nods eagerly, already rummaging through his backpack for a banana. You can't help but laugh at their childish antics. But realize you're probably about to be roped into their antics regardless.
"Well, I'm really just trying to find my room," you say hoping get their help.
Lemmy's face immediately falls. "Oh... okay. Sorry."
Iggy, however, seems unfazed. He giggles "No problem! We can help you find it!"
The twins lead you on a wild goose chase through the castle, getting distracted by various things along the way. It takes longer than expected, but eventually, you end up at your room.
"Ta-da!" Lemmy exclaims, doing a little twirl on his ball.
Iggy scribbles something in his notebook. "Hehehe~ You're fascinating!!! Your world is so different!"
You shake your head, amused. "Thanks, kiddos. I'll see you around."
As you enter your room, you can't help but wonder what other shenanigans the Koopa siblings will get up to…
AO3 link
Koopa kids personalities
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niah17 · 1 year
HenPat oneshot 😍
WATTPAD: NiahGrace17
This is from a fanfic I am currently making, this is from chapter 4. If you don’t understand a girl is blackmailing Henry into dating her but the consequence is that he’s not allowed to speak to Patrick.
Based off the song: 'Cardigan' by 'Taylor Swift'
TW: Abuse, Self-Harm
If there's one thing Patrick can do. It's draw stars perfectly. He discovered this when one day on Avery's death anniversary and they went to visit his grave and Patrick got so unbelievably bored he drew stars on the bench which was next to the grave. His parents found out and yelled at him since it was in purple sharpie so it was permanent. He shrugged it off though.
But his favourite memory of drawing stars is when Henry came over one day with scars all over his arm from where his dad had dug his metal part of his belt into Henry. Henry had shown up at the house in tears so Patrick took him in.
He remembers asking him what had happened but he couldn't remember exactly as they were thirteen years old when this happened.
'What'd you do now?' He had said.
Henry had only looked at him with pain in his eyes and sighed.
'I dropped a plate'.
Henry now refused to look at him straight in the eyes after he said that but Patrick got him to eventually. Henry sat down on the bed and watched as Patrick pulled out a red sharpie.
'What's that for?'. Henry asked. Patrick only smiled and clicked off the lid. They were now sitting next to each other.
'Give me your arm'. Patrick had demanded. Henry showed him his arm with slight hesitation but he managed.
'What's wrong? Is it infected?'. Henry questioned anxiously. Patrick shook his head.
He started to draw something around one of Henry's scars making him wince in slight pain.
'What the fuck are you doing?'. He spat.
Present time
That was two years ago now. But currently, the boys had gone to school the next day without any worry. And luckily Grace didn't spill anything until she caught them during lunch.
"Hey boys", She waved walking back over to them. They all groaned.
"What", Belch said. Grace smiled softly and turned to Henry and Patrick.
"Could I have a word with you both. In private", She whispered.
"No. Bye now nice chatting", Patrick waved goodbye before Henry said.
"Fine. Belch and Vic, fuck off", Henry sighed.
Belch and Vic walked away talking about nonsense.
Grace smiled until they were out of sight then frowned at the two.
"Let's get this straight. You date me or I'll tell everyone about how you two are faggots and soon enough it'll get around to the whole school and they'll all tell their parents then instead of them being afraid of you they'll think your disgusting fairies and that's why they won't wanna go near you. Yes or No?", Grace stated. Patrick gritted his teeth and got ready to lunge at her but Henry stopped him.
"Ok so.. if I don't date you you're gonna tell pretty much the whole fucking town me and Patrick are faggots?", Henry went through.
"Yep! You have three days to answer before it spills", Grace nodded. The boys looked at each other and sighed. Henry's was a sigh of annoyance.
Patrick's was a sigh of anger.
He kicked her in the shin and told her to fuck off.
"That's reduced your limit to a day. Oh and you two won't be able to see each other", Grace winked then walked away slightly limping.
"Fucking hoebag that deserves to be eaten by hyenas then be puked up then I'll take her to my fridge and slam her head against it ten times and then I'll incinerate her then I'll cut her up and feed them to her parents", Patrick explained very descriptively.
"Yeah we could do that or decide what to do", Henry added. 
"Hmm.. let's go with my plan", Patrick smiled sadistically.
"No. Patrick, this is serious I cannot under any circumstances let my dad find out I'm a faggot", Henry whined.
"So we should just kill her! Or even better. Dismember her!", Patrick shrieked enthusiastically.
"Patrick, please for the love of god take this seriously. I'm in literal hell right now I don't know what to do", Henry told him. Patrick sighed and nodded.
"Look. Tell Butch about the situation and if he understands that it's blackmail then you won't die but if he doesn't he might give you a little beating but then you can just come to my house", Patrick rested his hand on top of Henry's. Henry rolled his eyes.
"It's not that simple but I'll try", He agreed.
Later that day, at 3:35pm Henry had walked inside his house and opened the door to find his dad sitting lazily on the couch.
"Dad.. can I talk to you about something?", Henry asked hesitantly. Butch groaned and nodded.
"Alright, 'urry up then", Butch waved his hand as a signal to Henry.
"So there's this girl named Grace. Grace Verona. She likes me a lot and she's got the idea me and Patrick are one of those disgusting faggots. So she's told us that she's gonna blackmail us by telling the whole school and town that we're gay which I understand would ruin your reputation. But in order to do that I won't be allowed to talk to Patrick anymore", Henry explained slowly afraid of what's about to happen. Butch grumbled and sat up straight.
"If I was you back in my day I'd leave my friends to get laid by some chick"
"Of course you would..", Henry told himself. Apparently, Butch had heard that.
"Fuck you say?!", He yelled. Henry froze. His face turned pale and he started to shake.
"Nothing", He said quickly.
"Lies!", Butch shouted. He slapped Henry across the face brutally making Henry tumble slightly.
"I'm sorry! I didn't say anything really!", Henry argued. Butch lowered his arm.
"Just get with the girl. I won't have you ruining my reputation and career just so you can hang out with Hockstetter", Butch snarled at his son.
"Dad. You don't understand. I need to find a way to get out of dating the girl!", Henry repeated.
"Henry. You are apart of the Bowers family. Woman over men any day. Are we clear?", Butch stared into the boys eyes fiercely.
"Yes", Henry mumbled.
"I said, are we clear?!", Butch yelled grabbing the collar of Henry's shirt.
"Yes!", Henry stated raising his voice.
Butch stared at Henry for a little while longer before he went back to drinking and watching tv. Henry had walked up to the bathroom silently then closed the door and locked it. He stepped over to the mirror and glared at himself.
He didn't like what he saw. He saw a useless boy that didn't know how to fight for himself. That's when he saw a shard of glass where his dad had broken a bottle the night before. He picked it up and glanced back and forth at it from his wrist to the glass.
Blood dripped from Henry's wrist.
"Fuck", He muttered. He had done stuff like this before when he was twelve because that's when he was missing his mother the most. Patrick had soon found out and he convinced him to stop.
'Fuck'. Henry mumbled. He'd cut small bits of his leg where some bruises were laid caused by Butch. He never liked the look of them. It reminded him of how weak he seemed. That night had been one of the worst nights ever. It had been the anniversary of when Henry's mother had abandoned him and sadly, Butch Bowers had remembered that day like it was yesterday.
He grabbed the telephone and dialled Patrick's home number.
'Hi' Patrick spoke.
'Can I come over? Please?' Henry's voice pleaded.
'Oh how I love it when you beg' Patrick joked laughing in the background.
'Fuck off you lanky giraffe! I would never beg in front of you anyway', Henry scoffed.
'Alright. See you in twenty', Patrick hung up the phone as Henry snuck out the window.
Henry ran through the shortcut but his legs were stinging so bad he had to stop.
'Shit I did not think this through', Henry inhaled sharply and slowly walked.
Soon enough he got there and was mocked by Patrick as he said.
'I thought you won the Derry High run last year?', Patrick laughed. Then he saw the scars on Henry's legs. Henry was wearing jeans but they were ripped which was expected because he's always fighting with people.
'Oh. Come in', Patrick helped Henry upstairs and into his bedroom.
'Patrick, who's that?', Arthur Hockstetter asked.
'Henry', Patrick replied. Neither spoke a word after that. The only sound you could hear was the sound of 'Queen' playing downstairs caused by Patrick's parents who were drinking some wine and beer. Nothing that would get them drunk though.
"Promise me you won't do this ever again", Patrick said. Henry nodded.
"I'll try but don't blame me if I do it again", Henry sighed.
Present time
Henry thought about that moment often. Yet it brought back much pain from that day. But he didn't worry about that anymore, he's gotten used to it. Henry walked over to his bedroom cautious of not getting blood on the carpet floor then grabbed his house phone and dialled Patrick's number.
"Hi Henry", Patrick picked up the phone almost immediately.
"How'd you know it was me?", Henry questioned leaning against the wall.
"My dad's out and my mum has no friends. What's up?", Patrick explained.
"Can I come over?", Henry asked already knowing the answer.
"Henry you practically live here. Of course you can", Patrick laughed.
Henry smiled then hung up the phone and started climbing out the window. The cold air made his wrists sting badly but he didn't mind. He's far too used to it by now. He began to walk through the shortcut when he noticed seven losers sitting in a tree.
"Well what do we have here?", Henry cooed. They all looked at each other with worry glued onto their faces.
"What do you want?", Stan asked gaining slight confidence. That was pushed back down when Henry glared at him coldly.
"Well I was just minding my own business until I saw you seven brats out the corner of my eye", Henry grinned. Richie scoffed.
"We know your boyfriend's house is that way so just run along", Richie pointed to the direction of Patrick's house. Eddie then pushed Richie causing him to almost fall off the tree.
"You little faggots are lucky I can't be arsed to fight today", Henry said then walked off.
"What the fuck just happened", Beverly mumbled.
Knock Knock
"Hey Henry", Patrick opened the door. Henry stepped inside and already made his way upstairs without saying hi.
"Someone's in a grouchy mood", Patrick chuckled, locking the door. Patrick followed Henry into his room and then closed the door.
"I hate my dad!", Henry grunted flopping down onto the black bed. Patrick nodded.
"I know", Patrick said. Henry grabbed one of Patrick's pencils and threw it at a wall causing it to snap.
"Thanks. What happened anyway?", Patrick asked picking up the pen then grabbing some glue.
"I told my dad about Grace and he said I should just date her and ditch you but I don't want to ditch you or date her!", Henry complained. Patrick bit his lip then sighed.
"Ok, what'd he do after that?", Patrick slowly asked sitting down next to Henry.
"Slapped me hard across the face because I said no", Henry told him. Patrick mumbled something but it wasn't loud enough to make it into a clear sentence.
"Then what'd you do?", He asked again.
Henry hesitated but showed Patrick his wrist that was full of tiny cuts with one big one in the middle.
"Oh uh ok", Patrick nodded then got up to grab something.
"What is it?", Henry questioned rubbing his wrist making the pain go down a little. Patrick walked back over to him with a purple sharpie in his grip. He took Henry's arm and started drawing stats around the scars on his wrist.
"You haven't done this in a while", Henry said. Patrick rolled his eyes.
"Well you haven't cut in a while so guess we're even", Patrick scoffed. Henry nodded.
"Look, for your sake I think you should just let me go and date the girl", Patrick said still focused on the stars he was drawing.
"But I don't want to!", Henry protested. Patrick looked up at Henry.
"Henry. You have to. It doesn't matter about not wanting to", Patrick insisted.
After that, they sat there in silence, Patrick still drawing the stars. Henry knew Patrick was right but he didn't want to believe it. He knew their friendship wouldn't last forever but he didn't want it to end this soon.
"I guess you're right", Henry muttered. Patrick smiled.
"I'm always right", Patrick said.
"I'll miss you", Henry looked at Patrick.
"I'm not sure what missing someone feels like but I'll say I miss you for your sake"
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Chapter 8- Part 16
Jumping across the platforms isn’t really much, it’s pretty straightforward, and now we’re in another open area! There’s a doorway to a new area over there, plus a guy- what does he have to say?
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…Do I even need to say it?
Light Screen all you want, little one, but it can’t save you from Bug Bite gaming!!
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Not sure, but probably somewhere with not as much parkour. But now- let me click on your items and see if there’s anything-
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Nice. Okay, now we can head upstairs to what I’m guessing is 2F?
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Alright, still no ladies with long blue hair anywhere…but there is a sign. Maybe that’ll give us a clue?
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A roof? Oh wait- wasn’t there another Light Shard on top of a roof, that first one I saw (before I knew what its purpose was)? If we go down here, are we gonna come out onto that space, that rooftop? In that case, and if there’s a healing spot, Amaria might be in that direction…but I don’t want to go there just yet! I want to explore a little more!
So let’s go left, towards those platforms, and- oh, encounter!
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Ah, we can find Mankey around here! Hmm…I know there’s a possible implication that a gang of Scraggy/Scrafty live around here, and so we might get a chance to catch one of the former, but I don’t know if I’m correct in guessing that. Plus, getting a proper Fighting-type now, even if we don’t use it right away…not bad!
So let’s start with Prong, lower its HP a bit, then switch into Glare…
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And with Glare(TM), we paralyze it-
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And throw a Poké Ball for the finisher!
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Brawler seems like a good name for him, being an angry punchy guy and all.
Anyways, we hop across these platforms- it’s a little more involved this time, the placement is a bit cheeky so you’ve really gotta pay attention if there’s a specific place you’re trying to jump onto. But regardless, we make it and find this area!
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Yeah, I’ll always take stuff like that!
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Mmm- yeah, that might be another way to the roof, so we’re still not going up there yet! We’re going back around! Man, this place is bigger than I was expecting…
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Okay, um- again, didn’t get to screenshot this, but…in the middle of this little room here, there was a box, yeah? But then the box just…moved, and went down that hall to the lower left? 
And I didn’t pursue it, because- well, I left the Obsidia Slums and went to the Pokémon Center again, this time to get a screenshot of the PC Box for the ending stuff (spoiler alert, this chapter’s about to come to an end), then I came back here so I can save and just start here the next time I play, and…
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The box?? Is back now?? I don’t know what happened- if the box moving earlier was part of some event thing, then did me leaving and coming back…break it somehow? Glitch, bug, whatever you wanna call it? If that’s the case, then uh…welp! Guess I’m not getting whatever would have come out of following the box, RIP me.
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So yeah- as I alluded to, I’m ending the chapter here! I was initially hoping I’d be able to end it once Xera and Victoria found and met Amaria and all that, but I didn’t realize how expansive the Obsidia Slums were going to be, so that didn’t work out. We’ll just have to take care of that next time, in addition to obtaining the TMX and possibly making our way into Obsidia Park!
Happy (belated) New Year everyone, I hope this was good of a gift as anything, and I’ll see you all in the next chapter!
Species: Croconaw
Gender: Male
Level: 20
Ability: Sheer Force*
Item: Quick Claw
Brave nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Pidgeotto
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: None
Lax nature; Mischievous.
Species: Ekans
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Intimidate
Item: None
Naughty nature; Highly curious.
Species: Skitty
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Wonder Skin*
Item: None
Lax nature; Capable of taking hits.
Species: Roselia
Gender: Male
Level: 21
Ability: Leaf Guard*
Item: Rose Incense
Docile nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Charjabug
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Battery
Item: None
Rash nature; Loves to eat.
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