#holidays are excuses for puns
badly-drawn-bbu · 10 months
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next part this way!
More info under cut!!
THATS RIGHT BDBBU-ERS WE GOT A HOLIDAY SPECIAL INCOMING!!! Throughout the month of December until the 25th, feel free to send in asks suggesting increasingly silly ways for Billie and Aristotle to get into the hotel and add a little chaos to the festivities!! We’ll be doing both regular, non-ask based comics and ask-based comics for this.
The core cast of characters we’ll have here include Billie, Aristotle, Dutch, Hayes, and Basile (since. yknow. The Hotel.) But if you want us to throw more BBU characters into the mix such as the other bosses or side characters, we can make it work!! Get as silly and imaginative as you want! Just remember to keep our regular ask/blog rules in mind when doing so please :))
Admin Buck and I (Admin Maah) will be tag-teaming on the art and writing for this one, and we’re excited to get this snowball rolling!!
We’ll be back to our regularly-scheduled, non-festive sillies in the new year, but for now LET’S WRECK THESE HALLS!!!
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emacrow · 5 months
Alfred's new ward making sure everyone is having great day during their day off from crime whether they want to or not.
Previous original post
Damian knew from day one of meeting alfred's new ward that he was going to be trouble..
He may have been stalking the kid doing alfred's work while alfred sat down in a comfy couch with a plate of fresh jasmine tea, his prescription medince bottle at ready and a raspberry strudel to nibble on.
He ain't going to replace his favorite Butler, not now, not ever. So Damian got Tim and Dick to help sabotage this heathen from taking over...Not knowing this kid was expecting their over the top sabotages. They tried scaring him with Titus but the little traitor lay there on his back getting belly rubs like it was heaven itself.
Changing the plumbing in his shower to freezing cold, but he walk out there refreshed. Tim trying to look of anything to blackmail him only for the batcomputer to go off the frizz with a virus.
Alfred did make sure to have his work sort out alphabetical because he is the Glue that keep these Wayne Manor going and everyone living in it not because caveman style creatures of the night.
Danny made sure Bruce didn't escape to his batcave on his supposed day off after 96 hours without sleep and spite driven nature, and don't even come with Justice never sleep excuses is going to run by him. He got Alfred's speical Bruce's tranquilizer gun at ready and he is not hesitating to shot you Bruce.
He does kept Tim from overdoing with the coffee addiction, giving him a better offer of coffee as long as he goes to sleep. Dick will still talk about Saturday night when Tim tries to sneak out to do some more investigating in the batcave only to see Danny dragged a unconscious Tim back to his room, a two tranquilizers to the back and one of his arm, though he didn't mention the Danny's glowing cat light green eyes that shine in the dark.
Danny's funny puns neon ghost stickers made dick's days, every morning as he goes to get his lunch, and he really want to know where he get them from.
Danny did actually helped a lot with the Wayne Manor as it never been cleaner before, Jason visited one time even mentioned that the chandelier never feel so clean to hang on from, not a speck of dust on it.
Damian getting a new animals book/documentaries, a new knifes for the collection or art supplies that match his demands in a way that keep his stabby nature at sate and bay for now.
Barb, Cass and Duke are amused by the fact that Bruce, Tim and Damian are having a little mid crisis that danny making them have day off on certain days such as holidays.
All this free time actually had alfred's going back to old hobbies that were nearly long forgotten such as conversations with old dear friends, practicing his old shooting skills, and having well deserved rest. Once his arm was healed, he stil did his duty along side with Danny as it was much quicker to do together as two people at hand.
What they will probably find out later on in the future that danny is actually Bruce's great grand uncle from his older sister side, and that he had disappeared when he was 20 years old in a old spooky town that vanished and still on today uneXplained series after his great grandmother moved to gotham. (But that another story for next post)
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My entry for the @pickled-pena challenge!
Summary: You meet Javier Peña on a New Years Eve party. A year later you're still together, making plans for the future.
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem. reader
Wordcount: 1.3k
Rating: M
Warnings: falling in love, fluff, pregnancy, dumb puns, kissing, suggestive language, awful lot talk of pickles
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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A new year always seemed to come with expectations. You never really understood why everyone was expected to celebrate the changing of the years. Why everyone expected everyone to be in a good mood and wanting to celebrate the changing of years.
All New Years eve to you was, was your parents now not needing an excuse to get drunk and party when you were growing up. They were young when you were born. Just out of high school. And they tried, at least in the beginning from what you could remember. 
You did not like New Years eve, and you hated new years resolutions. They never worked for you you, so you didn’t bother. And you did not celebrate New Years.
That was until last year when your best friend dragged you to a house party, making you wear a dress you didn’t like but according to her making you look like a dream. 
You never really went out, too busy with work and spending time in bed reading. 
But his night, maybe after a couple of drinks you made a vow to yourself (not a resolution mind you) to be more open, to get out more, to maybe even find love. 
That it would happen on the same night was not something you could have ever imagined. 
You and Javier met twenty minutes after midnight. 
He invited you for a free drink after saving you from the drunkest man you had ever encountered with the most stupid pick up line ever. You thought he was just being nice to you. It would take almost three weeks for you to figure out that he was genuinely interested in you. 
You were more or less inseparable ever since. 
It was a whirlwind, falling in love with Javier Peña. 
He was still fighting his own demons, having spent years in the drug war in Columbia you only read about in the newspapers about. He had moved to Portland, Texas to be close to his father, but also have a new start where nobody knew him. 
He told you almost everything about his time with the DEA, wanting you to know what kind of person he was, his mind made up about not deserving something good, something to love, to be loved. 
It took some time to make him understand that you were in this for the long haul.
Something that came even more apparent when you found out your were pregnant just five months after making things official with him. 
It’s how you found yourself six months pregnant on a ranch in Laredo, Texas on New Years eve. Javier’s father had invited you both to spend the holidays with him, wanting to get to know you, and while you were hesitant at first because of your past with your family, you quickly found yourself wondering if this was what the future would look like. 
Lazy Christmas mornings spend with Javier in bed before you made breakfast. Chucho insisting on making the whole Christmas dinner, shooing you out of the kitchen everytime you even intended to help. 
Presents wrapped under the Christmas tree.
It was like a dream. 
Javier was out to help his father take care of the animals while you were preparing some potato salad for lunch. You were looking for the glass of pickles (well one of them, you had to have at least four different sorts in the house all the time because you had been craving different kinds) when the door opened behind you. Looking over your shoulder you saw Javier walk in, brushing his hands over his jeans, wearing a Cowboy hat on his head, before he gave you a small smile. 
„Whatcha up to baby?“ He asked, walking over to you. 
„Searching for the glass of pickles I need for the salad,“ you hummed, still on your tiptoes as you looked inside the fridge. 
„Any specific kind?“ He asked. You felt his hand on your back and sighed. 
„The ones with the red label on the jar?“ You said, still looking. They had a shitload of Garlic in them and you were craving garlic pickles. For the salad of course. Just for the salad.
He hummed, pushing the fridge closed and you pouted and turned around, finding him smiling down at you. 
„If I remember correctly you ate the rest of those last night,“ he hummed, wrapping his arms around you. 
You widened your eyes. 
„I did not,“ you hissed.
„Did so. Found the whole jar empty this morning, next to an almost empty bottle of whipped cream,“ he nodded, trying to lean in to kiss you but you narrowed your eyes, bringing one of your hands up, your finger tipping pointing against his chest. 
"You stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?“ You asked and he huffed, still smiling. He leaned in, his lips at your ear. 
„I was trying to get some sleep after you jumped me and made me made you cum four times,“ he whispered and your lips parted in mock shock, releasing a shaky breath. 
„I made you? If I remember correctly you were very much into it, Mr. Peña,“ you teased and he shrugged. 
„Never said I wasn’t,“ he finally kissed you and you hummed against his lips. 
„Where’s your dad?“ You asked against his lips. 
„Going to the store to get you your pickles,“ he grinned and you laughed. 
„So that means… We have an empty house to ourselves for what? An hour?“ You asked. 
„He’s gonna visit his brother too, so more like three hours,“ he nodded. 
„Hmm…“ you hummed, bringing our arms up, your hands crossing behind his neck. 
„Mhhh…“ he hummed back, his lips slowly wandering down your jaw. 
„What… ever will we do with all that time?“ You asked innocently. He grinned at you, slowly turning you and walking you towards his bedroom, his lips on yours. 
„Wanna check how often I can hide my pickle inside of you?“ he asked and you both started laughing seconds after. 
„You did not just say that,“ you giggled, shaking your head. 
„Yeah I can not believe I just said that either,“ he shook his head, helping you sit down on the bed when you made it to the bedroom. 
You let yourself fall back, sliding into the middle of the mattress, looking up at him. 
„Only you could say something this stupid and still have me dripping for you,“ you sighed, parting your legs. Hungry eyes followed your every move, your fingers as the slowly pulled on the dress you were wearing, revealing more and more of your skin to his eyes. 
„Yeah?“ He asked, his voice dark.
You let your eyes wander the length of his body, his shirt halfway unbuttoned, his cock already hard inside his jeans. Still wearing that cowboy hat.
„Wanna eat my pussy?“ You grinned and he groaned. 
„Fuck yeah.“
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It was in the early morning hours of the new year that you found yourself in front of the fireplace next to the Christmas tree, laying with your back against Javier’s chest.
His father had gone to sleep shortly after midnight, leaving the two of you alone. 
„Any resolutions for the new year?“ You asked him, his hand slowly rubbing over your growing stomach. 
„Many,“ he said, his lips close to your ear. 
„Me too,“ you nodded. 
„Wanna share?“ He asked. You shook your head no.
„Don’t wanna jinx it,“ you said and he sighed. 
„Yeah, me neither.“
„Got one I wanna share though,“ you hummed, a smile playing on your lips. 
„Gonna love you even more this year than I did last year,“ you whispered, feeling his arms tightening around you. 
„Still love you more,“ he hummed and kissed you neck.
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reareaotaku · 7 months
My Sweet Valentine
Fuck Valentine's Day and every single couple ever! Also I know Valentine's Day has already past smartass. Leave me alone
Summary: How they act 4 Valentine's Day? Characters: Mike Wheeler, Luke Sinclair, Jane 'Eleven' Hopper, Maxine 'Max' Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Steve 'The Hair' Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley [I was going to do Eddie Munson, but I didn't want to write for him] Tw: None [That I know of]
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Mike Wheeler
He was FREAKING out
He had completely forgotten about Valentine's Day, because it never was important to him, because he never had a partner before
God, he's so fucked
Throws something together last second and hopes you don't notice [You do]
He tries coming up with an excuse but, he doesn't convince you
He tries getting his sister's help, as a last resort, but she makes it harder for him
She starts scolding him for forgetting and complaining about how she couldn't believe they were related
Feels extremely guilty when you give him stuff, stuff he likes. He actually thinks about death right then and there because he knows that he's so getting dumped
Thankfully, you don't dump him [He's thrilled because he doesn't know what he'd do without you], but you do ignore him and give him the cold shoulder for a few days until he makes it up to you
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Lucas Sinclair
He has been preparing for this moment all year
No way was he ending up in the dog house
He goes all out, getting you all that stupid stuff [Teddy bears, chocolate, roses etc]
He even makes a poster that has some stupid basket ball pun asking if you'll be his Valentine
Makes him so giddy when seeing you so happy to receive the gifts
Puffs his chest out in pride, because he did that
He'll be surprised when you pull out some Valentine's stuff for him
He wasn't expecting it and now you have him blushing
"For me?"
"Well, I don't have another boyfriend"
He frowns, but ultimately takes the gifts
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Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
Valentine's Day? What's that?
Pretty clueless on the holiday, but when she learns about it, she falls in love instantly
She thinks it's so cute and wants to do something special with you
"What do couples usually do on Valentine's Day?"
"Well, they do a lot of stuff... You know, there isn't just one thing- You know?"
She hums, but she does in fact not know what you mean, but it's easier for her to pretend she does
"But uh, if there's something in particular you want to do-"
"I want to do it all!" She's quick and blushes because she didn't mean to outburst like that
You giggle, "I love your enthusiasm, but we can't do everything, but we can do most of it"
You both make cards for each other and she enjoys the time she's spending with you
She ends up loving the holiday and excited for next year, because she wants to do everything else that you couldn't do this year
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Maxine 'Max' Mayfield
She does not give a shit about that stupid stuff
If you get her something, cool, but it's not needed
If you want to do something, you'll have to talk to her, otherwise it's just another day to her
She might give you one of those stupid Valentine's Cards, just because she sees all the other couples doing it, but it's not something she thinks about
When she's writing your name on it, she frowns, because what if you don't like it?
She knows you deserve better, so she debates making you a home-made card
^ It does not go well, so she sticks with the store bought card
She also gets you those tiny heart chocolate boxes
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Billy Hargrove
You set yourself up for failure on this one, expecting him to get you something. Like do you even know him?
You'll be lucky if he even acknowledges that it's Valentine's Day
You can get him something and he'll keep it [Probably hides it, so his dad can't find it], but otherwise doesn't say much
He thinks it's cute how you act, but he doesn't understand it. It's just some stupid day and he doesn't see anything important about it
In fact, it just seems like a stupid excuse to spend tons of money for someone you might not even still be with in a month
He treasures the gifts you get him [Believe it or not]
If you make him a card, he keeps it in his nightstand
If you get him a teddy bear, it's either on his bed or in his pillowcase [When he wants it hidden]
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Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
He's quite the romantic and goes all out
He loves Valentine's Day, because he can show you off and show you how much he loves you
He'll ask you to be his Valentine, even if you're already dating
He's so cheesy and makes all kind of puns and jokes
^ It actually gets annoying for you and you have to beg him to stop
Makes you a homecooked meal with wine and shit
After that, he brings you to the couch to watch all your favorite movies
He wants to enjoy your embrace and cuddle with you
[It also gives him an excuse to not spend the night alone]
You'll be so wrapped into each other, nearly about to have a moment when the phone rings and Steve wants to kill whoever is on the other line. When he hears Dustin's voice, he wants to reach through the phone and choke the young man
It's fine though, you tell him, you were still having a good time just being with him
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Nancy Wheeler
Makes you home-made gifts
She wants to give you something that comes from her heart and has true meaning
She doesn't really like storebought stuff
She thinks it means more if you make it, even if it's bad
She wants to spend quality time with you
It doesn't really matter what you're doing, she just wants to be in your presence
It's a very chill day and you don't have to do anything over the top
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Robin Buckley
As a dirt poor woman, she works all year just to buy you something simple
When she finally raised enough money to buy you something nice for Valentine's Day, she was overwhelmed by all the Valentine's Day stuff
What was she supposed to get you? There was so much stuff! What the fuck!?
Pretty much has a panic attack, because she's scared she'll pick the wrong thing
God, why is this so stressful???
She decides to just close her eyes and pick something at random
Is thrilled when you like the gift
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human-in-green · 10 months
will solace headcanons because
He is so fricken needy about star wars if someone messes on little thing he will be like, "wEll AcTuAllY"
Will doesnt give a crap about what pronouns you use at this point but he likes he/ they
He has cringy pun shirts... CHANGE MY MIND I DARE YOU
he kisses his siblings goodnight EVERY NIGHT NO MATTER WHAT. (forehead kisses)
whenever a friend is crying he holds them so tight OMGHWHFVHG
some times he needs people to hold him my sweet broken boo
He never realizes when he needs help. Number one excuse? "I'm strong I'll live"
He has a clear phone case with Polaroids that look like they are 1000 years old because he never changes them
Singing Arcade by himself....
Wrapping his arms around nico from behind and kissing his hair and head...jebfndj
He got flipflops banned from the infirmary because they found out they weren't sanitary...
Flexing on EVERYBODY with his stupid azz cargo shorts
Listening to the worst music but not wanting to skip the song because he feels unworthy of he does
His favorite Holiday is Halloween and Thanksgiving
He listens to Mitskiiii omg he loves her so effin much
He can sing so well and smoothhh
He is literally the person to do anything for you.
Doesn't feel awkward or anything about when someone's on their period
He just like, " do you need pads, tampons? Tea, heating pad, ice pack, ibuprofen?"
He needs a break. Just one. PLEASE.
He has a bi flag on the ceiling over his bed at camp.
Smash or pass.. his favorite game
As you can see I love will solace so fricken much skgbdjch djdubdn
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lovebvni · 3 months
Pink Pick-A-Pile (from 08.28.2022)
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but before reading, please realize when i made this, i was in a My Hero Academia reality shifting community. Currently, I am no active there, so if you find these posts,,, yes they were me. LMFAOOAOAO and some of this blog has been edited for my sanity.
│ᵒᵖᵉⁿⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ...
[ 🖊 ] created ⋮ 27.8.22
[  ] published ⋮  27.8.22
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨ ✰ Arsyn   ⋆  ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊•
┊       ⋆     welcome to my blog !
┊     °
hi lovelies!! changing what i did last time for a pick a pile, im going to be doing a more motivational one!
by no means does it mean im going to be all nice, im just going to praise you and all that you and all you’re doing. its just gonna be less about WHAT and more about HOW you can change it and also motivating you to do more/what other things you can do to help you shift faster (if you’re still working to your first attempt) or how you can positively change your shifting journey. also you guys know i can be kind of blunt and then the alice in wonderland tarot is BRUTAL but im using the White Numen deck this time (which honestly is my nsfw deck LFMAJSUHNTE BUT I WANT AN EXCUSE TO USE THEM FOR A PICK A PILE!!!)
breathe in...
and out...
now please, pick a pile or two
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Pile 1
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Hello pile 1 and welcome to your reading!!
confirmation for this pile: 1111, angel numbers, reunions, supernatural dr, stability, not changing ‘im not seeing results’, pisces, water signs, christmas/yule, holidays, “its just out my reach”, unstable perspectives, cows, animals, outdoors
cards: the hanged man, knight of cups (r), six of wands, ace of swords
not even gonna lie, at first i got 11 cards.., i shuffled the 11 i got to make this pile smaller so i dont drain myself during the first pile jaoishtioeh
this pile is in either a state of waiting or a state of wanting change. you’re waiting for it and you’re working on it but its almost tiring? maybe you’re loosing the hope, motivation, the fire under your ass because of this waiting. i just remember that one blog that said that sometimes shifting is like a waiting game, i feel like thats the place you guys are right now.
in the kindest way possible, your emotions are out of wack. i feel a lot of stress, anger, hurt and just instability in emotions. maybe doing shadow work, vent art, sharing your feelings, poetry, etc. dont avoid these feelings because once you confront them and move on with life, it will be much easier.
again with being creative and venting in a not natural (?) way, ace of swords and six of wands is kinda like a ‘yeah do this.’ a nod in the right direction. being creative and changing the way you develop and think about things will help you a lot. you got this babes! you’ll get the big change you want when you start thinking outside the box. dont do the things you always used to do, but change the way you approach them and how you look at things. glass half full not half empty.
thank you pile one! i hope this resonates!! 
Pile 2
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hello pile 2! and welcome to your pile
heres confirmation:  burning bridges, coming to an end, breaking negative cycles, “i know how it is”, not trustworthy, being pissed off and arrogant, 555, spiritual connection (soulmates, twin flames, etc), 888,666, snakes
cards: Temperance, the hierophant (r), 10 of wands (r), the lovers
okay wow the first thing i have to say is so many major arcana cards - literally i thought the would ALL be major
this pile seems burnt out in a way (no pun intended based on the pile image) and you need to find a way to light your flame again. dont give up, and dont be scared to ask for help. if you’re struggling with spiritual beliefs/shifting/your journey PLEASE ask for help. dont cry in silence. break free from any cycle you’ve been in. cleanse your energy and the energies around you. break ties with people who aren’t helping you in any way. who are negative in your life. hold your ground and speak what you think and know is right. dont let someone else control and manipulate you in any way. be powerful, because you are. you’re in control.
with temperance and the lovers coming out i feel like this is almost why you’re shifting/what keeps moving you to shift. its moving into your god/goddess energy. being that powerful being you are. being assertive and knowing what is right for you. when you’re shifting/thinking about shifting/making an attempt remember why you started. remember your past self and who you want to be in the future, and who you want to surround yourself with. the people? are they different? know how to control and change the situation if you need it. you got this okay? you’ll see who you want to see and be who you want to be.
thank you pile 2! i hope this resonated
Pile 3
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hi pile 3!! literally accidently typed 333 so anyways
confirmation: 333, childhood, hello kitty, red, actions speak louder than words but its more about the effect on you life rather than what they did, water, ocean, 555, penguins
cards: five of wands (r), three of pentacles (r), death (r), the chariot, five of wands
okay first things first we have 3 reversed cards and thats like kinda?? because pile 3, accidently typing 333 and three of pentacles?? but lets move on
you’re moving away from hardships and being stuck in your own head and coming to terms and being at peace with your cr/or. you’re letting go of the things that made it bad and accepting them as memories and just things to hold on to and never let go of. more about the people than what they did.
are your goals not written out pile 3 and your true intentions behind them? or are you just not working to them? you may know your goals and not work to them, are you burnt out? take a break then! take care of yourself. you guys are the stubborn time but you need to listen to me when i say TAKE A BREAK ITS FOR THE BETTER! you may even shift on your break. you need to take a moment and be still because it will actually boost you forwards in the long run. sometime taking breaks helps you move forward. being able to take time and relight your candle. this will lead you to a peaceful and good ending. you can see the shore and you’re about to pull up.
honestly five of wands seems out of place to me, i ask spirit to give me cards in a way thats comprehensive and makes sense with the cards near/around it. it represents rivalry, conflict in a way. maybe spirit is saying on this break fix your relationship with someone, stop fighting and going back and forth. hold your ground, agree to disagree, and let go. also shifting isnt a race or competition, so dont rush it or you can get thrown off course.
thank you pile 3! i hope this resonated
Pile 4
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confirmation: water, water signs, oceans, harmony, boobies , feet?? IN WATER??, “the universe must have divined this” - dove cameron’s ‘boyfriend’, bo burnham, “i gotta get out of here”, deities, blue, white, red, AMERICA
cards: two of wands, four of cups, six of swords, three of cups
okay so something i noticed right off the bat is there is a LOT of water i mean even in a card that supposedly represents air signs, shes in a boat in the water. anyways you guys are PLANNING unlike the last pile, you guys have a set out plan, goals, and reasoning. now you have a decision to make, are you going to look to external sources or work with yourself? i was called to get an oracle card bc you guys are different.
I got two cards actually, a time to give rather than take, new moon in virgo and a time for healing balsmic moon. so these cards, surprisingly, are saying the same thing. a change is coming, it may seem like its slow but its coming. i promise, and it will be surprising when it happens.
back again to tarot, because i actually only got to one card(!!) you guys are reevaluating and reflecting, i feel like you have been for a while, thinking and dwelling on the things you can change, have changed, and how far you’ve come (NOT GOODBYE BY BO BURNHAM COMING ON IM DONE walks out door ok im back.. but anyways) stop romanizing everything and look at it in worse case scenario vs best case. the best case was already stated, now look at it as the worst thing that can happen. make that like the fuel for your flame and dont let it hold you back, let it drive you forward. this is where six of swords comes in, you ARE moving forward and you will keep moving forward the more you do. you will heal (ORACLE!!) and you are healing. six of swords can also be interpreted as an escape. maybe shifting is an escape for you?
for the last card, 3 of cups is all about harmony, friendships and community.
i know a lot of people (AND I MEAN A LOT OF PEOPLE) have left the MHA shifting community recently, but keep close to the ones you need/have made an impact on you. maybe they’re leaving/have left but yk what you do? ask around. search and find. it reminds me of a bible verse “ask and you shall gain” or something like that. keep close to those who help you, keep the positive in your life not the negative. keep friends close okay? and talk to them, dont let go.
okay pile 4!! thats it, hope this resonated and you have a great day! also little side note, throughout writing this pick a pile i saw the lovers. so that may be important to some of you. im not putting it in confirmation because if you get this far down that means something for you.
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mxshr0mz · 7 months
What TBHK characters would get you for Valentine's day!
Hanako: I see Hanako as someone who would get you chocolates, and/or your favorite food. He's gonna tease you about it too
Kou: He's either baking you smth and say they're extras from making them for his sister or he would rather just spend the day with you<3
Nene: I feel like she's gonna try making anything and everything she thinks you'll like, but like kou she would rather just spend the day with you! <3
Mitsuba: swears it's the most stupidest holiday ever and that he would never participate in it but then makes you a let and gets you chocolate (or whatever your favorite candy is) and swears he just did it cause he knew nobody was gonna get you anything, and yes it was just a coincidence that he got you ur favorite candy
Teru: this mf is going all out. he's gonna treat you like royalty all day. Roses,chocolate,chips, whatever you want; he's got it! you're royalty in his eyes (pun not intended) 🤷 that outfit he say you eyeing the other day? it's now yours!
tsukasa: i feel like he hates this holiday but still participates in it. he's got candy and your getting a day off of school (whether to school is informed about this ahead of time by sakura etc. that you will not be at school on Valentine's day doesn't matter)
Sakura: she's making you tea and getting you whatever pastry you like! if you like reading she gets you a book she thinks you'll like or that you've been talking about! <3
natsuhiko: see teru. jk jk. kinda. but yeah he's treating you like royalty as well! he sees this day as the perfect opportunity to treat you like royalty without having excuses :3 not like he would need any but ok
aoi: i feel like she acts like she loves this holiday but she actually hates it but BESIDES THE POINT she's getting you roses and asked in advance things you would want (she didn't specify if it was for valentines day)
akane: see teru. anyways he's ALSO treating u like royalty today and he's acting like teru but like crack and like 2x more extreme <3 he's such a nerd but that's good
Lemon: I feel like he would rather just spend time with you. He's maybe getting you a stuffie or a rose But I just feel he would rather spend quality time with you
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darlingsfandom · 9 months
smut ddlg with cillian on christmas!!
bless you! Hope your Christmas was nice✨
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"Well... that was....fun?" You half heartily laughed as Cillian passed you the final dirty plate so you could wash it off and load it into the dishwasher.
"It's Christmas baby, just another excuse for some of tem to drink ya know." He shrugged his shoulders before wiping off the counters to help you out. You playfully rolled your eyes at him before shutting the dishwasher with your hip and tossing the cloth over your shoulder before wrapping your arms around his waist and slowly walking over to the mistletoe hanging above the arch way of your kitchen.
Cillian smiled down at you while tucking some of your hair behind your ear. His lips attached to yours slowly before turning hungry . His hands cuffed your face while his tongue pushed past your sugar coated lips and down your throat. Your knees went weak. The scent of warm cinnamon , sugar cookies and whiskey mixed with his naturally musky scent made your head spin as his tongue pulled out and found the sweet spot below your ear.
"Cillian... daddy!" You corrected yourself so fast as your newly red nails that he paid for slipped down his button up. "Wait! You have one more present.." your words stumbled out as his hands gripped your waist and squeezed.
"Oh do I? What is it darlin ?" He looked down at you with icy blue eyes before you pulled away only to leave a warm kiss upon his cheek. "You get comfy on the couch and I'll be right back okay?" You yelled from down the hall.
Cillian sighed happily as he made contact with the leather couch in the living room that you had decorated so beautifully for the holidays. Silver and gold color palates is what you went with. Garland hanging from the fire place , the candle in the window sat on a gold candle holder, throw pillows with cheesy Christmas puns laid on the couch and love seat, a big plaid Christmas blanket covered the back of the couch and the smells in the house from the sugar cookies and dinner you worked on, it was everything he could ever ask for.
"Daddy! Are you ready?" Your voice echoed down the hall to interrupt his mostly pure thoughts.
"Am ready princess!" He called back rubbing his thighs through his black slacks.
"Close your eyes!" You giggled as the sound of your feet running against the wooden floors filled his ears.
"Okay darlin! Closed."
You appeared in front of Cillian with a soft smile on your lips.
Cillian opened his eyes and his jaw fell on the floor.
"Merry Christmas daddy!" You stood up straight in a very sexy Christmas outfit. It was an X rated Mrs. clause outfit minus the hat. You just placed a plastic bow instead. The white fur lined your cleavage perfectly. The red was made from velvet that lead to more white fur that didn't even reach mid thigh. Your stockings fit nice and snug on your calves as you walked up to Cillian and ran your fingers through his hair.
"Oh my... I must have been a real good boy tis year." You placed your hands on his shoulders before sitting down on his lap.
"I take it you like your present daddy?" Your little eyelashes fluttered at him while you slowly moved your hips against his.
"Best present ever princess!" He gave you a soft kiss before the hunger took over in him again. You kissed him back with just as much energy and neediness while rubbing your exposed cunt against his clothed dick.
"Need you! Need you so much daddy! Need you to fuck my pretty pussy!" With each word you were humping him harder. Cillian lifted you up and switched spots so your hips were hanging off the edge of the couch while he stood over you with the animalistic eyes and mouth hung open once he had your legs spread open and realized you had no panties.
"Yer spoilin me darlin!" You watched as Cillian got down on his knees in front of you and stared at your pussy like it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, even though he's seen it so many times before.
His long fingers slid over your folds to gather your wetness and spread it around. A soft moan left your swollen lips as his fingers slowly twisted inside of you. "Oh daddy!" Your hips bucked forward before Cillian pressed down on them to hold you still while his fingers twisted in and out of you. His eyes stayed glued to yours watching how they switched from innocent to dirty. His mouth attached to your clit causing your fingers to grip onto his hair. Cillian moaned against your clit when you yanked his hair.
"So fucking pretty! Prettiest girl with the prettiest cunt!" The sound of him lapping his tongue along your folds back up to your clit before sucking on it with desire echoed throughout the living room. "And tis mine! All mine!" He mumbled into your pussy as you laid there pulling his hair, wrapping your legs around his head and pulling him in closer so you could feel him deeper inside of you.
Cillian looked up through his lashes as his hands wrapped around your thighs and held you close as he ate you out. Your eyes filled with tears as pleasure filled every ounce of your body.
"Oh my god daddy! Fuck me please! Fuck me with your fat cock! Please please please daddy!" You cried out and Cillian couldn't say no! Not when you were begging so well and being such a good girl for him.
"Good girl darlin! Usin yer big girl words." He pulled away slowly before giving your clit one last kiss before standing up to rid himself of his slacks. Once his pants and boxers were being flung across the room you looked down to see that his cock was painfully hard, leaking and dark red.
"It looks angry daddy! Probably because it's not in me!" You gave him the sweetest doe eyes possible as you held open your legs and cutest smile on your lips while your pussy drooled out arousel for him.
"Tats exactly it darlin!" Cillian spit on his hand before rubbing his cock for a minute and slowly sliding it inside of you with ease. Your mouth made the perfect O as you watched him slide it in.
"DADDY! You always feel so big inside of me!" Something took over Cillian and he didn't hold back. The way he leaned over top of you pushing every inch inside of you as your nose scrunched up, the way his forehead pressed into yours as he pulled your tits out of the lingerie , he was hot and heavy all over.
"Tats it baby, take me cock, good girl yes! Fuck!" His words were coming out with grunts that made you wetter by the second as he reached up, yanked your head down by your hair and made you watch as he fucked your harder. A bit of insecurity hit you when you seen your stomach folded which showed off a few rolls but that didn't stop Cillian ! It made him fuck you harder. Sweat dripped from his forehead against yours as you cried out his name.
"Fuck meee! Fuck yeah daddy!" You were clawing at his arms through his shirt as you felt the head of his cock hit your g-spot just right which made your eyes roll back into your head.
"My good girl! Fucking hell!" His thrusts were getting faster but more sloppy as he held you tight. Cillian made you look up at him as he yanked your head back by your hair and your eyes were filled with pleasure.
"Daddy! Stop! I have to pee!" You tried to push him off.
"That's fine darlin! Tis not what ya tink! Just relax and trust daddy yeah? Relax and let it go!" His thumb snaked its way down to your clit and he pushed hard against it before rubbing circles like a mad man. You didn't know what to think! Your body was agreeing to his touch and you felt your orgasm on the edge.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!! OOOOH MY OOH GOD!" You cried out as you squirted against his cock. Cillian rubbed your clit through it as he looked at you with such pride. Your thighs felt extra sticky when your body collapsed against the couch.
"Good girl baby! Good girl! Now yer gonna take me cum!" His eyes rolled back as he pulled your limp body closer to his and grunted loudly before he squeezed your thighs as his own orgasm washed over him and filled you up to the fullest you could be.
"Merry Christmas daddy!" You panted softly as he slowly pulled out of you and scooped some of his cum up onto his fingers before slipping them into your eager little mouth.
"Best Christmas present every baby, tank you! Merry Christmas ." He watched as you cleaned his fingers before laying down next to you on the couch, wrapping his arm around you and giving you a warm kiss on the forehead.
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froody · 11 months
my dad is the only person I know who likes candy corn. he always bought himself a bag and put it in a little dish in the living room to snack on. right before we’d get in the car to go trick or treating, he’d grab a couple when nobody was looking. then, when we were in the car he’d attached them to his canines like vampire fangs and dramatically turn around from the front seat and hiss like Dracula. it never got old. I never thought he was (excuse the pun) corny. I thought it was hilarious every time.
my relationship with my dad is so strained but he was, so often, a fun parent to have. he taught me so much about what it means to celebrate, what it means to make traditions that pleasure you, how to entertain and make everyone have a good time. Halloween is his favorite holiday and it always has been. it’s mine too. for different reasons, I think. but we both love one element of it, feeding people. giving out candy. seeing the ways kids eyes light up if they see is, serious adults, wearing elaborate costumes.
he made rituals for me. candy corn Dracula. militant paths around the neighborhood, noted from year to year where the best candy was. he’d stop in at his friends houses to drink and talk I’d get a few moments to hand out candy myself. a certain eccentric elderly woman’s house being the last stop of the night so he could enjoy a nightcap with her and I could play with her granddaughter. then he’d read me Proud Pumpkin when we got home.
I don’t know how to uphold these rituals alone. that’s the problem now that I’m all grown up and our relationship is strained. I hand out the candy now. making the night fun and safely scary for little ones is now my sacred duty. maybe one day I’ll be as fun as he was. until then, I have a bowl full of glow in the dark vampire teeth sitting on my kitchen table, waiting to bring joy.
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ghulehunknown · 9 months
Papa Headcanons - Holiday Edition! 🎄❄️🎁☃️
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WARNING - mild NSFW: rated PG-13 for adult themes, but mostly fluff
How do you imagine the Papas spend that special holiday? My headcanons of the Papas’ holiday gift giving and other traditions.
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Plants a very special plant he knows you like - different colored roses, or a poinsettia then surprises you with it on Christmas morning
Also takes the time to knit you a scarf that has your favorite colors
Wants to spend quality family time with his brothers before/while diving into presents and a big holiday dinner
Wants to bake cookies with you
Enjoys watching Christmas movies all bundled up with you in the matching fuzzy robes and slippers he got the both of you
Makes sure you feel loved and appreciated on this special day
Falls asleep while sipping on hot chocolate or tea in front of the TV
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Buys you some very nice jewelry
He’ll plan a vacation to the Bahamas or somewhere warm and you’re leaving the day after Christmas!
For Christmas Day he’s happy just to open presents, bake cookies, and watch movies with his loved ones
He’s not a fan of Hallmark movies but watches them with you because you love them
Plans an extravagant meal with all the Clergy members
Wants to go ice skating with you (mostly so he can guide you along by touching your waist the entire time)
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He’s horny 24/7/365 but something about the holidays gives him that extra warm feeling
Has definitely put his dick in a box and wrapped it. When you take the lid off the box, there’s a bow around his dick
He’s probably also put mistletoe around his dick and asked you to kiss it (for a visual of this, you can read my fic of this exact scenario complete with artwork!)
Says that He Is the present
Buys you sex toys
He LOVES opening presents. “Ooh what did you get me?”
He’s proud of the presents he got you too, although half of them are basically for him anyway (he’s totally stealing the gel manicure set and skincare items and the soft blanket he got you)
Makes you feel so good (take that to mean whatever you want it to mean) that you hardly care about presents and all your holiday stress melts away
He loves those silly Hallmark movies and wants to watch them with you unironically
Fuck Christmas pajamas, you’re going to be naked in bed with him most of the day
But when he does have to be up and around, he’s wearing comfy PJ bottoms with fuzzy socks
Makes lots of sexual Christmas innuendo/puns like how he’s going to be coming down your chimney or something
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His gifts are usually the most thoughtful
Pays attention to your interests and gives you something based on that
Wears a cute matching PJ set, and gets you one to match him
He’s so excited to watch you open the gifts he got you and to show you how each electronic thing works (even if it’s just a pair of headphones). It’s sweet how attentive he is so you let him show you even though you already know how it all works
Wants to bake cookies with you
Assuming there’s a white Christmas he insists on sledding after opening presents
Carries mistletoe around just to have an excuse to kiss you throughout the day
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Gets everyone gift cards
Loves Christmas crackers
If he branches out it’s usually something practical like kitchenware or a vacuum
He prides himself on finding the best Hallmark card around because they always profess love better than he can communicate
Falls asleep on the couch watching classics like “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “White Christmas” because that’s what reminds him of his youth
Eats the cookies you bake
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Massive Doctor Who spoilers ahead!
I repeat, massive Doctor Who spoilers ahead!
Okay, so, I really don't know what to say about DW tonight. The fact my head hurts probably isn't helping there, but also, a lot of it was build-up for next week more than anything.
But I'll write out a few thoughts about it anyway:
- I don't know what to make of the whole Sutekh return thing. I haven't seen his original story so I'm even less sure what to make of it.
I didn't think I'd be too surprised if it happened (what with the "Sue Tech, Sutekh" pun) but I will say, it was still jaw-dropping.
- Even though there was so much plot going on, Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson both still found the time to give wonderful performances! Gatwa was really good in the "is Susan Triad the Susan" stuff especially.
On that note, I actually did think "omg she's THAT Susan" for a moment when she started talking about orange skies. I was definitely fooled there!
- Nice to see Rose Noble again, even though I'm not entirely sure why she was at UNIT. I suppose in-universe (out of it, one needs no excuse to bring back Yasmin Finney) it must be the summer holidays from school, maybe UNIT does work experience? I don't know why UNIT would do work experience but maybe they do. It did kind of sound like she was there for a work experience kind of thing. Anyway, I really liked her here and the little bond she formed with Ruby. If she comes back again, it would be cute if Ruby became like an older sister figure to her.
And Yasmin Finney was very good, as always.
- Talking of people it was nice to see again, hi Mel! I somehow forgot she was coming back so it was wonderful to see her.
- There were some really nice moments between Kate and the Doctor.
- Genesis Lynea showing up was great!
- I still think the little UNIT robot is adorable.
I can't think of anything more coherent to say or theorise about, so that's probably it until next week.
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Okay, unpopular opinion that no one asked for but I have nowhere else to vent it so you're stuck with it time. I HATE the animated trolls shows, The Beat Goes On and Trollstopia. With a burning passion. I will admit, TBGO wasn't as bad as Trollstopia imo, but it was still bad. Why, you may ask?
Allow me to explain.
First off, let's start with TBGO. Now, since this comes after the first movie and we don't have a lot of context beyond it, I let a lot slide. But the main transgression I have is that this show brought Creek back. CREEK. Of all the MISERABLE LOUSY PATHETIC COWARDS to resurrect, they picked CREEK. WHY. Why was this necessary???? He adds nothing to the story beyond an annoying presence that makes me want to hurl my device like Captain America's shield. AND THEN, they make Branch the bad guy for not trusting him immediately. OF COURSE HE DIDN'T TRUST CREEK, THE SLIMY POS SOLD EVERYONE OUT TO SAVE HIS OWN SKIN. DID EVERYONE FORGET THAT!?!?! And then this leads to Branch having to APOLOGIZE to Creek and then eventually to them sort of becoming friends. THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Every episode he was in I could feel myself losing braincells.
If you thought that was alot, stick around for my rant on Trollstopia because holy shit, where do I begin?
Now, the idea behind Trollstopia is actually a good one. Like hey, everyone is so spread out, how about a group from every tribe comes to live in the middle which happens to be Pop Village? Genius! And I will admit, in the beginning it seemed promising! And then, they fucked it up.
How, you may ask?
Simple. My point can be simplified to 2 main subjects:
They put WAAAYYYY too much effort into Poppy's relationships with literally EVERYONE ELSE and nowhere near enough into her relationship with Branch, HER BOYFRIEND.
They absolutely, totally, 110,000% DESTROYED Branch's character.
I shall now explain my stance. First off, we have point #1. Now, don't get me wrong. Poppy should absolutely have relationships with other trolls! She's the queen, for hair's sake! And I really did enjoy the fact that she made new friends and got really close with them. As someone who has eternally struggled with making and maintaining friendships, I loved seeing her do what I usually cannot. HOWEVER, this is no excuse to neglect her relationship with her actual fucking BOYFRIEND. Trollstopia takes place after TWT, after Branch and Poppy confessed and entered a relationship (if you wanna argue with me, look at the official Trolls Wiki, it'll back me up). But if you watch the show, you can barely tell they LIKE each other, let alone that they're dating. The show ran for 7 seasons and, out of those seasons, can anyone tell me a single episode where they were the focus? I won't even ask about them as a couple, just them interacting together being the focus! Poppy and her friends repeatedly bulldozed over Branch, his feelings, and his boundaries, constantly mocked him, and shit on anything he wanted to do. I swear at times it was like watching Trolls 1 Branch and Poppy interact.
Finally, my second point: Branch's character. They absolutely fucking took all of Branch's hard earned character development from 2 movies and a holiday special and went:
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Wanna know how I know? What does Branch actually DO in Trollstopia? About every 10th episode, he shows up to offer a crappy sarcastic remark that pales in comparison to his usual ones and does one of 3 things:
Gets hurt
Gets made fun of
Acts like a total moron, and not in a cute way.
He's basically turned into Jay from the later seasons of Ninjago (my apologies Jay, I love you but you know it's true). I mean, in one episode he got his ass absolutely HANDED to him when he tried the rodeo! COME ON. The dude who caught a stick fired at him without looking and jumped in front of a death bolt to save Poppy got served by a fucking bull thing? Bullshit (no pun intended). To add onto this, when he's not being trampled and beaten for no fucking reason, he's being used for the most CRINGEWORTHY comedic relief. I mean really, there was a whole episode about how he wanted to be called a "cool nickname" by Lownote. Really? We really think that's in character? And to top it off, he gets stuck with "Skippy Two-Shoes". WHAT. THE. FUCK??? I almost had an aneurysm when I heard that. And everyone was fine with it!!!! Which leads into my last point, NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HIM DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE SAVED POPPY AND IS HER FUCKING BOYFRIEND. There was a whole fucking episode about him getting all pissed off at the Techno Trolls for taking over his lagoon in his bunker (which I have to say I'm jealous he has) to have "raves" at like 4am. WHO WOULDN'T BE PISSED OFF??? My upstairs neighbors bang around at all fucking hours of the day and it drives me insane so I get why Branch is mad! BUT WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE? Why is it when he complains he gets told that he's being "unfair" and has to "share"? Fuck that, he was there first! It's not like Trollstopia isn't huge, they can find somewhere else to infest at 4am!
In conclusion, I hate the animated shows because they destroy the relationship between Branch and Poppy and demolish all of Branch's character development, reducing him to the annoying sidekick that always gets cheered at when they get hurt or die tragically.
End of rant. Thank you for sticking with me, I needed to get that off my shoulders. Branch is my favorite character and it infuriates me that he gets the short end of the stick all the time. Enjoy this as a reward:
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atlas-assbutt · 2 years
Christmas things that I think Team Free Will would do
- Jack and Sam would decorate the whole bunker (Dean would say that it looks like Santa threw up in there)
- Even though Jack knows that Santa isn’t real, Dean, Sam, and Cas would put presents under the tree for him from Santa.
- Dean would make an exception for Christmas music in the bunker only on December 24th and 25th.
- Sam and Cas would try cooking a big breakfast Christmas morning, but they’d burn almost all of it.
- Dean hangs up mistletoe in the Dean cave and in the doorway of his and Cas’s room so they have an excuse to kiss.
- Sam and Eileen wear matching ugly sweaters.
- Cas gets asked questions about Christmas lore related to heaven. He dodges every single one to not take away from the mood.
- Dean and Sam put small pictures of everyone that they lost on the tree. (Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Crowley, Gabriel, etc)
- Dean and Cas are very lovey-dovey with each other during the holidays.
- They all make Christmas cookies together. Cas gets flour all over his trench coat so he has to take it off. Jack and Dean both sneak a lot of dough. Sam makes a gingerbread house.
- Cas would decorate his wings on the 25th. (Dean would take a lot of joy in taking them off when they’re done)
- Sam takes videos and pictures of all of them.
- Dean makes dirty Christmas puns at Cas when Jack’s out of earshot. “E.g. why don’t you come and suck this candy cane, honey?)
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March Touhou calendar characters
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Sannyo Day is approaching late this month.
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btw: if you want to know the secret strategy to getting a Touhou day fast even if you are new, and a stage 3 boss; then be a demo character who has the syllables in your name line up with the date 3 days after your game's demo releases.
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though getting a day really isn't hard at all, people love coming up with holidays.
Especially if you can make a pun. Japanese puns with numbers make up the vast majority of Touhou dates. But since artists more or less just invent them whenever, it makes sense.
And March is pretty well booked.
(Though very front heavy, so many characters in the first half)
On the 2nd we've got Sunny Day
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March 3rd is Hina day, since it's literally the holiday she's associated with.
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March 4th is Myon day
(Youmu's nickname but in the west we sometimes call Youmu's half-Phantom "Myon". Which is conveniently the easiest character in all media to make art for)
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March 5th is Miko day.
Both Miko as in Shrine Maiden for Sanae and Reimu, but also an extra Miko day for Toyosatomimi no Miko (generally, the fanbase likes to use the birthday for Prince Shōtoku as a Miko day, but if you want to do Miko art it's always cool to have an extra excuse to celebrate again)
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March 7th is Sanae day
Yes, technically Sanae just had Miko day but this is Sanae's day all to herself.
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Except it's not.
Sanae shares March 7th with Captain Murasa
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March 9th is Sakuya, Sagume, and Mishaguji day.....(Suwako's snake creatures)
Yes, the curse gods of the Suwa region got their own day. If you want to see some very weird and scary interpretations of them, check out how the legendary doujin artist "Zounose" likes to draw them
Could always just draw a snake through.
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March 10th is Satori and Sarial day.
Satori makes sense, though the Sarial name pun confuses both me and the person who translated the calendar.
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March 12th is MiToji day Miko x Tojiko
It reuses the Miko pun of "Mi" in 3 from March and adds the To + ji pun from 10 and 2.
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March 18th is Inaba day
It uses the "I" and "ba" from 1 and 8 to form the pun for Inaba
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March 20th is MikoFuto Day
Once again using the "Mi" from 3 to create another ship pun. Using it with "Futo" 20 this time.
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March 21st is Sunny day
yes. That is correct. This might seem like a prank, but you can make a Sunny pun two different ways in the same month. But by cheating...
3 and 2 give you "Sa" and "ni" just like on March 2nd and the 1 gives you an "i". So instead of "Sunny" like March 2nd on March 21st you get "Sunnyyyyy" a prank Sunny Milk would be proud of.
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Finally, the last character date of the month is March 24th.
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If you want to check out the complete list of Touhou days. Check this site:
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sofasoap · 2 years
Thistle and Thorn
Pairing: Kind of Simon "Ghost " Riley x f!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish ) + Johnny " Soap " MacTavish + Captain John Price
Summary : Everyone's worst nightmare comes true. Something you don't even want to think about. EVER.
Warning: ANGST. PURE ANGST. Mature theme , death , swearing. English isn't my first language so expect a lot of mistakes with tenses. Not beta'd.
A/N : seriously, I don't know WHY the hell I am doing this to myself.
Thanks to @saltofmercury for agreeing to my silly fic request and also kindly letting me using her ideas/fic and expand the story from there. I promise her I'll always credit her story because she is my muse * holding Saltofmercury up high lion king style Continuation/parallel universe of “The Favorite MacTavish” , where the reader/OC is Soap's little sister.
“masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse. ( AKA the true happy endings )
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You knew something wasn't right when Johnny didn't come home for Christmas as promised, what is even weirder was there was zero update from Gaz ( who you actually became good gossiping buddy during downtime), or Captain Price, even Ghost.
"I am sure Johnny and the team just stuck somewhere with the heavy snow, the weather been dreadful this winter. They will be home soon. " Ma comforted you as you voice your worry.
You came home a week earlier, excited as you finally get to see Johnny again after half a year and scoring victory in " who gets Christmas off " battle when your shift manager was organising everyone's holiday leaves.
Sure, for his line of work, it is hard to expect them to see their family often or even come home on time. But this time you just have this dreaded feeling you haven't felt for ages, like the time before Aunty Esme and Uncle Evan's fatal car crash. You have a strange sixth sense which is pretty much dead on ( excuse the pun ) everytime there's a death in the family.
Sitting by your bedroom window on second floor, you saw a Jeep pulling up towards your parent's front door. Immediately got up, grabbing a hoodie and making your way downstairs thinking its Johnny finally coming home and ready to greet him.
Walking through the hallway towards the staircase, you heard a man's voice, follow by your Ma's anguish cry, you ran downstairs as fast as you can. There you see Captain Price, with bandage peeking through his bonnie hat and he look like he has aged ten years. Your Da holding onto your Ma, comforting her with red brim eye, trying to hold it together at same time.
".. What is going on? Uncle Price? where is the rest of the team? where is Johnny?... Where is Ghost? " You started calling Price " Uncle " when rest of the squad jokes about how Price is like the uncle of the squad and the rest of them are like rowdy teenage kids.
Price just shook his head, beckoning you move closer to the front door. he hold his hand out, and you automatically reach forward , palms up.
Two dog tags. TWO. You swallow hard. Hands shaking.
" I am sorry Mini... Gaz and I barely made it out ourselves...we couldn't.. " he took a deep breath, word stuck in his throat. Reaching into his pocket instead, taking out a little Polaroid photo, a little laminated paper with dried thistle and put it on top of the dog tags in your palm.
It's a photo of you and a very begrudge looking Ghost, looking away from the camera. Both of you look like you been off your head. This was the photo that was taken after you met Ghost for the first time and narrowly lost to him after the drinking game.
The thistle, you made it into dry flower, laminated it onto piece of paper and gave it to Johnny when he came home years ago, announcing proudly he was selected to join the 22nd Regiment, elite force specialising in counter-terrorism.
" Good luck charm for you Johnny."
" A thistle?"
" Ya, well, other than it represent us Scot, you know what the meaning of thistle is? resilience, strength, determination, protection and pride. I want my favourite sibling to come home in one piece everytime. "
" I am your ONLY sibling. "
"And I love you too."
You knew this day will eventually come. The day Cousin Alec dragged Johnny into joining the army , you knew somehow you will lose them on the battlefield. Part of you wish they will come home in one piece, every time, after mission, and discharge honourably and move onto some safer or non-combating jobs.
You barely heard what Price said, " ... Ghost always have this photo with him all the time in his pocket. He look at it quite often, but he wouldn't admit it. " You hadn't had the chance to tell him how you feel. Now you will never have the chance again. EVER.
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" hey Soap "
" ... yes Ghost? "
"Two gold fishes in a tank. "
"... you told me that joke before. "
"... Soap. "
" Ghost. "
"... I am taking Mini out on a date next time we go home."
" .... Are you asking for my permission?"
" I am telling you. I am not asking for permission."
" Soap."
"Don't fuck around with my sister."
".. I wouldn't hurt her. I will never hurt her."
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I am sorry.
Usually I am a happy ending person.. look, you can read this as a AU and "non canonical ( pff sounds like I own CoD, but I DON'T ) ending to the Mini MacTavish universe, because I don't want them to have bad ending. I just want to get this out from my head.
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naegiriweek · 10 months
Wrapping up 2023🍥🌱
Our week this year has been so fun!! We've seen a couple new participants joining us this year! The works you all put out have been such a delight to see. Plenty of adorable, and sometimes painful, fanfics that had me wishing for more, and so much gorgeous art that really made me awestruck with the thoughts behind them. So many of you went above and beyond, and it shows💖
Naegiri week would of course be nothing without the support from you all. Even if you don't participate, just reblogging submissions and sharing your thoughts means a lot for everyone, and it's so awesome how we can come together and bring hope like that💖 Excuse the corny pun
Just a couple reminders before you go, while the week is over, submissions are still accepted all through December. We know that exams and holiday season can make time schedules hectic, but we are always happy to see your creations! We will be browsing the tag less often than during the event, but feel free to tag us to ensure we see your post and we can properly share it.
And as for tagging, if we happened to miss your submission so far, please let us know in an ask or by tagging us in a reblog. We get lots of notifications and sometimes things get lost in the fray, so don't be afraid to reach out!
Again, you are all so lovely and it's a pleasure to host Naegiri Week for you all. We hope you enjoy your holidays and we are excited to see you again next year!🍥🌱
-Mod Eon
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