#honestly i never expected to reach 100 followers
judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Fairytale Final Assessment 1st Anniversary SE: Jude Jazza's Epilogue ཐིཋྀ
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere.
CW: Brief mention of castration. Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with/// Hour Glass Banners Credit: @/natimiles ཐིཋྀ
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Kate, your work has reached my ears. Thank you as always.
Therefore, I would like you to evaluate one thing.
I wonder if Jude, who is cursed, is worthy of the Crown.
After reading the letter from Her Majesty several times, I finally understood. 
Just the other day, Jude and I were engaged in a battle over the Fairytale Keeper Continuation Agreement.
(Does that mean I'm going to assess Jude this time?)
(You're giving me the opportunity to make a fair judgment. Her Majesty is indeed very open-minded.)
(If it's an assignment, I have to face Jude properly and submit a report!)
There is no mention in the text that the person should be kept in the dark.
I mean, the quickest way to do that is to ask Jude himself about it, and his intentions to stay at Crown.
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Jude: I don't know anything about that. When you ask someone for something, shouldn’t you pay them for the information?
(I can't for the life of me believe that he will tell me honestly….)
(Come to think of it, I never asked Jude in depth why he was at Crown.)
It’s said that he dared to sign a contract with Crown when Victor suspiciously approached him with a tearful face, I’m sure…. I’m not wrong that it was to get information you need.
(I guess I have no choice but to observe Jude...)
Ellis: Your brow’s wrinkled. Thinking?
Kate: Oh, Ellis. 
Kate: Just in time! Do you know where Jude is today?
Ellis: It seems like Jude went on a mission after showing up at work. What's wrong?
Kate: Actually...
When I explained the reason, Ellis smiled.
Ellis: I'm joining Jude after this, so let’s go together.
Ellis led us to a pub with a suspicious atmosphere even though it was daytime.
There, Jude was in the middle of a cruel and merciless judgment.
Jude: Oy, no runnin’ away. The story is your usin’ illegal sleeping pills, messin’ ‘round with girls, and sellin’ ‘em off.
Scoundrels: Guh….!
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Ellis: Kate , if bottles start flying, it won’t be safe, so stay here and hide.
Ellis: I’ll be there.
Kate: Ah, yes! Ellis, be careful not to get hurt too.
Ellis: Jude, here you go.
Jude: Tsk, what’re ya waitin’ for?
Ellis: I'm sorry. I'll try a little harder to make up for my tardiness.
I watch Jude and Ellis fight together from the shadows.
Liquor bottles and people lightly fly through the air, and the sound of blows rings out.
(Hmmm...this is what it means to scream.)
(This is supposed to be a Crown assignment.)
Jude does not follow the orders of others unconditionally unless the conditions are acceptable.
Therefore, there must be a reason why Jude accepted this mission.
In the meantime, everyone had fallen to the ground.
Jude: What, ya think I'm gonna kill ya? I’m not gonna to kill ya.
Jude: There's a coal mine at the far end of the country, and I thought it’d be fun doin’ manual labor there.
Scoundrels: ……. A coal mine?
Jude: Before you go to a cold, dark, and fun place, I'll give you a present.
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Jude: Ellis, take ‘em to the black market surgeon later. Hand ‘em all over to be castrated.
Ellis: Yeah, okay. If it makes you happy, Jude.
As the thugs screamed in despair, Jude put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
Jude: The prevalence of inferior products is proof that the drugs weren’t distributed sufficiently.
Jude: ……Guess we’ll just have to handle it ourselves.
Jude's company eliminates the value of inferior products by distributing the correct products.
(That’s how Jude tries to eliminate evil at its source.)
Thanks to all the time I've spent, I had unintentionally come to understand Jude's way of doing things.
(The method may be as radical as ever.)
(But, there are somethings you can not protect with a straightforward approach. That’s why…)
Kate: Jude is absolutely essential to Crown…..
Jude: So, how long are you going to be sneaking around in there?
Kate: ….ah.
I was thrown onto a bed in a room at the back of the pub, and his hands restrained me while lying down.
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Jude: You’re a real bad princess for peeping without permission. 
Jude: So, what are you up to now?
Kate: That’s…..
Jude: I could torture ya and make ya spit it out. You're a pervert who expects to be tortured, aren't ya?
I could smell the scent of sandalwood wafting from Jude, and my body temperature seemed to rise once.
Jude: Ha. Why’re ya lookin’ so hopeful? Ya really are a pervert who likes things that feel good.
Kate: T-that's wrong! Actually- 
Jude: Hmmm, reverse assessment.
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Jude: That's just like that woman who loves fairness. ***
Jude: So, ya followed me ‘round to review me. You've come a long way.
Kate: As for following you around without telling you, I'm sorry.
Kate: But thanks to that, I was able to reaffirm what’s important to me.
Jude: What?
Kate: You are definitely suited for the Crown.
Jude: Ha. Who d’ya think ya are?
Kate: I’m a fairytale keeper. Hehe, I think I can write a good report with this.
Kate: I'll write it perfectly, so you can rest assured, Jude. Well then, I'm -
Jude: Why’re ya tryin’ to go home? There's no way ya could just spy on me and go for free.
Kate: Eh.
Jude: There's another matter to tend to.
Jude: I just need a decoy. You love hide-and-seek, don't ya?
Kate: A decoy!?
Jude: Poor thing. Ya wanna go home, but can’t. Pay the price for sneaking without permission.
Kate: Oh, come on….!
Jude: Those defiant eyes are so temptin’.
Amethyst eyes looked down at me cruelly becoming distorted.
Kate: In the report, you know I can write down all of your actions, Jude.
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Jude: Write, write. However…
Jude leaned forward and looked into my face.
Jude: You...wouldn't you be lonely without me?***
Kate: …….
Kate: That’s not true….!
Jude: Huh. What are ya upset ‘bout?
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[Master List]
***白々しい This appears to be a nuance: Jude’s being insincere about the Queen’s apparent fairness. It can be rendered white-wash, insincere, bare-faced (lie), shameless, but I felt that this was used just to explain his insincerity or doubtfulness in the Queen. ***Just to clarify, Kate is essentially threatening that what she writes in her report about Jude can cause his dismissal from Crown. So, that's why he tells her to write it, but.....she'll miss him, won't she?
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pet-pet-peet · 1 year
For the 100 follower event can i request the pocky game hcs like the dorm leaders but with the vice dorm leaders this time? If thats okay
I’m very down, vice dorm leader requests = bat daddy requests Story: When visiting you in your world, you introduce him to pocky and say you have to play the pocky game since it’s pocky day! * This is female reader, but I generally don’t use many gendered terms in my writing..just know that I’ll opt more for feminine ones if I add any (aka, probably good for anyone, but the occasional gendered term will be female) Tw: lots of kissing and intimacy, Lilia's is a bit spicy as always, ORTHO IS INVOLVED BUT HIS HAS NONE OF THE PREVIOUS THINGS MENTIONED HIS IS WHOLESOME AND PLATONIC AND THERE IS NO PHYSICAL TOUCH INVOLVED
Pairing(s): Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Rook, Ortho (platonic I promise), Lilia x female reader playing the pocky game (separate)
He’s heard of something like pocky before, but he’s never tried making some
Probably asks if you want to make some with him so you two can try it out and see how it goes; ends up being pretty fun!
After making sure they tasted okay, you told him about the pocky game and it had him curious, he asks you to tell him more
After your explanation, he smiles kindly and asks if you want to play it
You both bite your respective ends and muffle a “three..two..one!” Thus, the race begins
As you almost reached the halfway mark, Trey took a big bite and beat you to it, looking at you with a mischievous gaze
Your pouting only made him feel more accomplished, and he quickly agreed to a rematch
You put a piece of pocky between you both and continue the rematch
This time he got as close as he could before pulling back suddenly and laughing a bit, saying you won
Every turn after is a mixed bag of reactions from him, but he definitely keeps you on your toes
This little shit- don't expect anything fair..
He's honestly not too interested in the idea of a pocky game, he doesn't think you should play with food
That said, he did get kind of curious when you explained it to him
He would agree to only one round, but he wouldn't do anymore (for free)
You put the pocky between you both and both of you bite down on your respective ends
Then no one moves- you both just stare at each other while holding pocky between
You decide you'll go for the kill, but figure out you actually can't move
Ruggie laughs at your puzzled expression
He uses his unique magic to just make you give him the stick of pocky and he eats it quickly before you could do anything
Pecks your lips before getting up and leaving with the rest of the pocky
You ask if he's ever had pocky, to which he says he's heard of it but never had it
You then make a terrible mistake by asking it he wants to try it by playing the pocky game
You have his curiosity, so he asks you to explain the roles; he listens intently with a calm smile
He requests that you demonstrate what you're meant to do, his smile grew as if he was talking about his beloved mushrooms
You go ahead and set the game up between you two
You start taking slow bites towards the center, but notice that Jade's not moving at all
He stayed like that for a bit longer, just watching you chew closer and closer
At some point, he puts his head on your chin and gently pull you closer, giving you a short kiss
He smiles innocently when you pull away, saying he thought it was an interesting game and that you two should play more
Sits silently like a menace as he "innocently" watches you stumble over yourself
He doesn't usually have much time for games, or himself..or you for that matter-
But anytime he can be around you, he wants to make sure you're satisfied
Kind of concerning, between worrying about Kalim's need and worrying about your needs he doesn't seem to have much time for himself
So you decided that this would be a good way for him to let loose a little
You both sat under a tree, his head laying on your lap as you both shared a box of pocky
You asked him to just hold one in his mouth, so he did while looking at you with curiosity
He lowkey got flustered when you leaned closer and ate at the pocky, he almost choked on it, but he kept in that position
You made it to his lips and kissed him sweetly, he returned the gesture but was a bit confused on your approach with it
You told him he should have more time to just be, and not have to worry about satisfying people
He was slightly embarrassed about being called out, but he let you take care of him a bit more afterwards
He was on board as soon as you mentioned that there was a game
No hesitation, he put a pocky in his mouth without even hearing the rules
When you asked if he wanted to know them, he shook his head and stared at you expectantly
He watched as you started to eat the pocky, but he didn't move
When you were about to touch his lips you pulled back, which confused him
You laughed at his thoughtful reaction and proclaimed victory, making him think even more
In the end he just laughed and congratulated you for your victory
Endless praises as he asks in a chivalrous way for a rematch, which you accept
It essentially was the same as the first round, which made you feel a bit bad since in your mind he clearly didn't understand the rules
Head went empty when he pulled you into a kiss before you were able to back away, though
He noticed you always talk about pocky with Idia, so he found a way to make some for you!
Brought out his (slightly burnt) homemade pocky sticks during one of your binge nights with him and his brother
You ate them regardless of their faults, but felt a bit bad that Ortho couldn't indulge in his creation too
So you asked him and Idia if they wanted to play a game with the pocky!
Idia was a bit on the fence but asked for you to explain the rules
You distributed an even amount of pocky to each of you, saying that whoever makes the best creation (via Magicam poll) with the limited amount of pocky in 30 minutes wins
Both brothers seemed interested, so you set the timer and all of you rushed to stack pocky pieces
It wasn't the easiest, since pocky didn't exactly like to stay in the positions you put it, but you gave it your all
Ortho had the advantage, as he could use a small laser to melt the chocolate enough to stick them together
Magicam agreed, as Ortho's cute little pocky cabin got majority of the votes
He was incredibly curious about pocky since it's not something he's experienced
In all his travels, never once had he heard of it, so trying the snack from your world was something he was very invested about
Especially with how much you seemed to gush about it
As you pulled a box out and toward him, he noticed a cute slyness twinkle in your eyes, and you mentioned a game
He asked for the rules, so he knew what he was getting into; it was inevitable that he'd accept the challenge
He made sure to run his fingers over your scalp and behind your ear, attempting to fluster you as you took your positions
Otherwise he played fair for the round
Playing fair doesn't mean going easy, he gave it his all and it payed off
He won and gave you a celebratory kiss
You probably don't play anymore rounds after, he'd rather take the intimate opportunity to make out with you
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system-of-a-feather · 10 months
Alternative System Mind Mapping Method for Communication
[DISCLAIMER: This is not a professional or scientifically or anything really backed method, this is something coming solely from peer / personal experience.]
In regards to an anon ask earlier, I was thinking about it and one of the ways we've approached improving communication - particularly internal - in a way that is a lot less prone to flooding or dealing with trauma or anything too overwhelming - is by approaching it following the concept of Memory Webs
I haven't read up on them recently, but "Memory Webs" were a thing that our AP Psychology teacher in highschool made us do because the AP Psych test was term / jargon heavy. Memory in the human brain has been shown to be HEAVILY associative and the ability to remember and connect things tends to rely on following a "web" of connected topics, ideas, concepts etc from one idea to the next.
So in our AP Psych class, she gave us these GIANT books for Vocabulary Webs that we had to slowly work on, each of which required 6 other vocab words / related concepts, a summarized definition, and an image to represent it. By doing this, you added 6 cues to recall the word (increasing the chance you'd remember it), a visual cue, an episodic memory of working on it, and a definition - all in all improving how connected the word is to other concepts in your brain and making it easier to recall it.
I personally like to look at DID and our parts in a similar manner sometimes where the large issue is that a lot of the nodes in the web of associations are either disconnected or connected through a hard-to-find and/or small chain. In that sense, parts struggle to be held together because they are not associated concepts. It's hard to reach other parts because the dissociative walls (which in our unsubstantiated opinion is less a 'wall' and more so a lack of reinforced neural connections, so I would call them dissociative caverns) keep associations from forming
As a result, alternative to more traditional ways of mapping your system and parts, a method I've liked to internally visualize systems and navigating system dynamics is through a memory web manner. (I actually have never done it physically cause the Ray part of my brain - also the most prominent part writing this rn - rarely liked to front if he didn't have to and did a lot of stuff internally)
Here's a bit of a breakdown using six of our parts if any of you want to try it out.
We personally like it because it strips a lot of trauma and stress off of it and makes it a lot more of a positive and present engaging activity. For the purposes of this, I'll be using the free online app of Milanote cause we've used it before for OC associative webs and I think it'll do fine enough. (Honestly it actually might just be a good way to log alter information now that I'm looking at it if you are at a place in recovery where keeping track of that physically helpful)
So we can start by dropping down the parts we want to include in the form of boards
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So from here, we have a bunch of disconnected parts. However, we find that a lot of these parts have things that mean a lot to them, that illicit a strong emotion or reaction from them.
Some parts may lack it more than others (often in our case trauma holders and/or trauma locked parts) and that's okay and to be expected. This is a visualization method and if there isn't much connecting a part that is 100% okay.
For demonstration sake, I will now add bubbles around each part of things that were pretty early apparent that each individual liked.
Also for the purposes of how I know our system works and how I plan to do this, I am actually moving Riku to the center and you will all see why Riku is such an S tier center point with this model
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So you can see some connections forming.
Some key things you can take from this visual that also applied to earlier stags of how we connected
Lucille and Riku are and have always been pretty darn connected, they go back as one of the longest duos and were split almost as a pair to deal with academics
Chunn and Ray have a very shared interest of "I don't want to do anything leave me alone"
XIV literally was just a piece of shit early on and didn't have any immediate HARD connections with anyone largely because he never was interested in actually engaging in things he liked in a positive way as his "favorite emotion" at the time was "being pissed off"
Lin - an originally trauma stuck / loop - is very very poorly associated with anything that isn't overtly trauma related (and that is saying something cause Vocaloid is trauma related) and thus has very few connections to other parts
So looking at this though, there are a few things that have some similarities between parts. What you can do is make plans to try to foster the interests that you do have and try to generalize it a bit more to also encompass what interests other parts have. So lets engage in hobbies a little more - explore a few concepts that mean a lot to parts independently - and find some more generalized version of those hobbies
(forgot to add easy listening to Ray's and "only wearing monochrome*" to XIV's earlier) (*there are a lot of nuances and caveats)
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Damn, look at that. It's messy and ugly to have in a 2D form. I absolutely hate it, this would be so impossible with our whole system. But HEY, it's very connected - and that's the goal.
Compared to the previous one, you can see how easily it can be for one part's interests to start to drift into another. Because they are largely and strongly associated features to each part, they are a lot more accessible when engaging in their shared / associated connections and interests which makes it easier for the them to stay together near the front, stay associated with one another, and work with and communicate with one another.
Of course anyone following this blog goes "Where tf is Birds" and that I left out because it would ruin the point of the web as it actually is one of our traditional "you are around the system a lot? okay pick a bird" which serves to 1) be a fun system culture thing 2) be a means of welcoming a part in and 3) helps establish a foundational connection; we do the same with music but with music its a lot more elaborate and I probably wont explain it for other reasons.
But overtime, by fostering interests that were already present and encouraging parts to broaden and generalize their specific interest a bit, you end up with a lot of overlapping associations that can greatly improve internal communication, co-fronting ability, and just general fluidity and easy of moving around the brain web.
It becomes a good way of trying to figure out what you can do to encourage and help build connections and associations between parts by seeing where things are similar / could have more overlap (combat and martial arts, different types of fashion, different types of music, different appreciation for arts, taking over the world, yada yada yada)
And you wanna know the coolest thing? When you step back from the whole web you can see certain things appear that stand out the most and have some of the most connections.
If you ever intend to go to Final Fusion, those are the things that will likely be the most prominent traits of your whole self
For us? [REDACTED BIRDS for the point of the demonstration], Music, Fashion, Taking over the World, Recovery and Healing, Buddhism, Martial Arts, Arts in general - they're all some of our largest traits that persist in almost all forms as individual parts, partially fused parts, and fully fused parts.
And the BEST part? Doing this didn't require us to touch trauma at all.
Of course in recovery that will come up cause PTSD doesn't ask permission, but its a very low stress way to help improve internal communication and engagement with one another.
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raineandsky · 7 months
tw: violence
The villain staggers back. The hero follows with easy strides.
“What–what’re you—”
They only just reel back from another strike. “I’m everything you deserve, criminal.”
The hero’s voice is flat, plain. It’s like a robot’s spitting out words it doesn’t understand. Their push into the villain’s space is relentless, forever forcing them back in the vain hope of preventing another gash.
The side of the villain's jacket is painted red by now. They know that. The hero had caught them unawares, unexpecting, and the villain has learnt their lesson very well after that first slash.
They stumble over the edge of their coat slightly. The hero’s eyes flicker with opportunity as they fall into another attack.
The villain only just contains the whimper in their throat when the burn of metal slices against their skin. It should be expected by now, but the agony of such a simple, smooth action was never something they got used to.
“Who…” The word comes out as no more than a haggard breath. “Who are you?”
The hero smiles disingenuously. There’s no emotion behind it, positive or otherwise, like invisible strings are tugging the corners of their mouth into an unnatural curve. It’s slightly horrifying to witness. “I’m [Hero],” they say in that nothing voice. “You already know that, don’t you?”
“No the fuck you’re not,” the villain spits. Pain is blinding them to a lot of the common sense they’d usually have. “[Hero] was at least fucking humane. Tell me who you are.”
The smile disappears. It’s somehow worse without it now. “[Hero] was a pathetic, weak-willed excuse of a hero who couldn’t bear to kill the vermin ravaging the streets.” The hero tilts their head, almost curious, mostly mechanical. “Why, do you miss them?”
“I much preferred them to you, I’ll say that.” The villain heaves a deep breath. Keep breathing. Don’t let them have this over you. “Where the fuck are they? What did you do with them?”
“Disposed of.” The flatness of the words is almost an emotion in itself. “And I am in their place as an improvement.”
The villain barks a laugh that tears into their side. Their hands are red. They need to get the hell out of dodge before they get too obviously weak. “And you’re impersonating them.”
That unnatural smile makes a momentary appearance, like the faked kindness of someone three seconds from putting an axe through someone’s face. “[Hero] would be missed by the masses. We can catch you villains unawares if you think we’re harmless.” Their brow knits in question for a moment, humoured. “Did you really think I’m the only one they’ve replaced?”
The villain’s shivering. Or trembling. It’s hard to tell which. “How many of you are there?”
The hero takes a long step forward and the villain scrambles to stay out of reach. They’re too slow; the hero doesn’t have the wounds to hold them back. Their hand closes around the villain’s throat, breathlessly tight.
“Would you like to meet them?” The hero’s smile splits into an uneven grin. The villain can’t see it very well from behind the blurriness of their eyes. Thank god, honestly. “I’m sure they’d love you.”
The words the villain wants to say are stuck behind the hero’s grip. Their breath is almost non-existent. Their sides feel like someone’s shoving a red-hot poker into them. The hero says something but they can’t hear it. It’s faraway, distant, and all the villain can think is fucking hell, not now.
That’s the last thing that gets to cross their mind before they pass out in the hero’s grip, and it’s uncertain whether that’s a blessing or not.
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smilesatdawnmain · 10 months
Hello ! I adore your LMK AU‘s and your writing style. The stories are so captivating and make me excited for the next chapter.
I wanted to ask what your favorite AUs are :) I know you have great taste and I would be grateful if you could share some LMK au/comic/fanfic recommendations with us :))))
Hello! Oh my gosh thank you so so much! That makes me so happy to hear ;-; Thank you!
I got a lot of favorites out there, let me tell you :3 Alright alright~
The King and his Cub By: @theweepingegg : This au is so cute and I love little MK with his Papa~ It's adorable and the humor just has me rolling! Plus the wholesome Father and Son moments + an uncle Macaque?? It's amazing! Literally just melts my heart with every new update.
Cursed Au By: @winterpower98: This Au consumed my life and continues to do so. The drama, the redemption, the growing bond between Wukong Macaque and MK?? I love it alll~ The whole universal set up of this growing Au is so full and wonderful.
Literally, ANY AU that is made by @journey-to-the-au ! This artist just- STEALS all of my attention. They got a lot of different Au's, and so many amazing ideas. There is action and romance and betrayal and platonic love that is so wholesome and sweet and AHHHHH. Taking a long tour through their entire tumblr page is 100% WORTH IT
Very similarly, anything by @rebeltigera! They also have so many different au's that are all AMAZING. Something about their style also- ahhhhh <3 It's so good. I definitely suggest taking a dive into their tumblr too. Their Macaque is honestly probably my favorite version of Macaque!
Forged Faith by @swagginmun Gosh the anxiety but also the pure adoration I have for this particular Au?? Definitely follows a more canon storyline but has one HECK OF A TWIST. The expressions that are done are amazing and I really really can't wait for this one to continue as its current chapter just ended on something INTENSE.
Fan Comics!
Eclipsed Apprentice by @journeytomonkiekid : I've been following this one for a while. I LOVE IT. There are so many talented people in the LMK community and this comic takes an interesting turn to the canon of LMK. Has some great Oc's and the storyline has me hooked! Lots of drama, and redemption, and so far the character growth is *Chef kiss*
Even Rainfall Has Shadows By @linklefr : Another fancomic that takes it's own path and turn from the LMK canon. Oc's are so cute and I just wanna squeeze them! It's really growing to be its own thing! It's got a lot of talk about self-worth and toxic habits and overall overcoming those that the characters need to grow from, and I can't wait to see where it goes!
FANFICS: (I have way too many. My gosh. And honestly if folks have more recommendations, please put them in the comments! Or if you have a story you wrote yourself I would love to read it!) I would mark their Tumblr creators if I knew them, but I don't know all of them ;-; So I'll put the link to the fanfic instead
SunBreak : First LMK fanfic I ever read. It is the rabbit hole that dropped me into loving Macaque and parent Macaque to be more precise~ Goes way off canon and I'm LOVING IT
There May be no such thing as eternity: Possed Wukong- I cannot explain how much possessed Wukong still reaching out to the Macaque and the gang just makes my brain flip~
A Garden Across Our Collar Bone: THIS. Ahhhh- Just bury me with this fanfic in my hand. MK X Red Son and ahhh- Also, ANYTHING this author (PittiedPeaches) writes is GOLD.
Of Blood and Bones: A big inspiration to me and their story is SO GOOD. The angst but also fluff that is slipped in? It's an amazingly sad but wonderful read. And I really love the world-building
Peach Blossoms: I'm a sucker for any Hanahaki disease kind of story and this is everything I wanted and more. This was soooo good and it flowed really well.
Love Team: Ooooh boy this story took me on a roller coaster ride. MY GOSH I never knew what to expect and it always had me on the edge of my seat~
Is this A Monkey-Thing or Dad-Thing?: Any Dad wukong focused fic will just catch my feet and trip me into the pit of the story. Every time. This one is so cute~
Kiss Your Knuckles: This oneshot is soo sooo good! And also horribly tragic. Gosh it just destroyed me! I definitely suggest it!
-Okay this thing is getting long and I'm not even close to saying all the fanfics and such I have read XD There are so many good fanfics out there my gosh. If you have more than you think are amazing please put them in the comments!
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aihoshiino · 3 months
Hey there! Love your analyses of Ai and ao3 fanfics! They're so good and you always bring interesting points to the table! I want to know your thoughts on something (it's possible that I sent this ask a while back but I have a feeling it never came through lol, my Tumblr/Internet be broken sometimes): In chapter 140 (not 100% canon, but I think the brought up subjects still resonate), page 5, Hikaru says that the student should come to the teacher, while Ai says don't just invite a man to your house. Do you think this has a link with their traumas? It also makes me wonder why exactly Ai would say something like that. Could it have a link with Ayumi's boyfriend (="man") that ogled her? I would like to know your thoughts on how this boyfriend would've affected Ai, her image on men or just relationships/sex in general. Would it even have a big impact on those factors? Thank you for your thoughts!
Thank you so much! 💜 Looking at my inbox I do think Tumblr just ate it the first time you sent this….. Functional webbed site……………..
Honestly it's so hard to know what to make of those HikaAi movie scenes in general but especially off the back of Hikaru being like "fake and gay lol" about it. The characterization feels additive and consistent with the real Ai and Hikaru but at least one of these scenes was written by an author who had literally never met them. And while they do communicate things to us about their respective baggage, it's complicated by the fact that this is in-universe fiction written by an in-universe author. So it's like - is this characterization Aka Akasaka is trying to communicate to us or characterization Yoriko Kichijouji is trying to communicate to the audience of 15 Year Lie? Both? It's a mess!
THAT SAID, Hikaru's "fake and gay lol" is explicitly challenged and undermined by the narrative and the whole point of the confrontation is slapping him with the fact that (among other things), he doesn't understand Ai half as well as he thinks he does. With that in mind and given that it doesn't directly contradict anything else we know about the real Ai, we can probably treat it as true enough for the purposes of using it as jumping off points for discussion.
I don't think Kamiki's line is super important on its own as its really just the setup for Ai's response - so the talk as a whole is really more about communicating things about Ai to us, through Hikaru's POV. And I think strictly in this context, Ai's line there is less to do with her mom and her experience growing up in Ayumi's house (I actually got the impression that the movie barely touched on that stuff? but I could be wrong) and more about her like… responding to other people's expectations without necessarily fully understanding them. I do think the specific way she phrases it is probably parroting something Ayumi may have said to her though - similarly to the way she calls her past self a 'nasty brat' in the Da Vinci interview which was just like… so pointed and unkind I can only assume it was something Ayumi called her in the past that just burrowed its way into her brain forever like that shit does.
Overall, it's part of a much broader pattern of behaviour on Ai's part of, as I've described it to friends, performing normalcy to the point of abnormality. She imitates the end of the "normal behaviour" process tree without understanding or following any of the steps that get there. I can't believe I'm reaching for this reference lol but I was rewatching a bunch of CJ the X vids last week and in their essay about Cat Valentine from the show Victorious, they describe some of the (certainly accidental) neurodivergent coding in Cat's character in a way that really pinged me as also speaking to the way Ai is also (much more intentionally) coded:
"[…] There's a big difference between following social procedure naturally and Attempting To Behave As One Might Act. […] She mimics convention, while fundamentally misinterpreting what part of convention is important in the first place."
That's really the cornerstone to a lot of Ai's behaviour - the combo of her social isolation and her neurodivergence means that she does not have the same frame of reference that most other people absorb from their peers and families as they grow up. So instead she just sort of… looks at the people around her, figures out what successful social interactions look like from the outside, and tries to replicate that to varying degrees of success.
Her argument with Nino is probably my favourite example of this - Nino is all but screaming at her to have a normal fucking human being conversation with her and Ai just sits there like ^_^ Nooooo don't be insecure your so sexy aha. no wonder nino wanted to kill her with a brick HGSJSSKS. And like - from an outsider perspective, you can see exactly why this happens! This is basically Ai short-circuiting because none of her usual scripted responses are resolving this situation. She defaults to the fawning response because she doesn't know what else to do, even though it should be clear it's making the issue worse.
It would be sooooo easy to just make this a one sided instance of Nino being cruel to her but it's really just the inevitable and unavoidable conclusion of Ai's instincts towards avoidance and fear of vulnerability. And it's not Ai's FAULT she's like that. it's learned behaviour. she is the way she is because allowing herself to be sincere and vulnerable only ever gets her hurt, but it still hurts her and the people around her as a result (like with Kamiki).
oh my god i'm like 5k words in and i haven't even touched the question you directly asked LSKDJKSSK. I MEAN, I ASSUME AT THIS POINT PEOPLE SEND ME ASKS LIKE THIS KNOWING THE RISKS OF GETTING AN ESSAY IN RETURN…
ANYWAY, I definitely think Ai's experiences growing up in Ayumi's house (incl. ayumi's pedo boyfriend lmao) were a huge part of why she ends up with such an utterly fucked concept of love and relationships. When I see people talking about this aspect of her character, I feel like it gets downplayed because the series itself is more about her life as an idol but her childhood is the literal foundation of everything that follows - Ai becomes an idol because she wants to know how to love people and be loved in return and the reason she's never experienced that is because of how Ayumi raised her and how she failed to protect Ai from and properly respond to Ai's narrow brush with that type of victimization.
It's hard to really say exactly how this specific incident impacted her with how little we know about how all that went down, but I definitely think it was part of a pretty consistent pattern in her childhood of having failed/toxic relationships modeled for her - there was All That with Ayumi's boyfriend but we also know that Ai's biodad was not in a relationship with Ayumi at the time Ai was growing up and that she saw him pretty infrequently. It's not hard for me to imagine that Ai's kind of wishywashy confusion as to wtf marriage even is expressed in 45510 is the result of seeing dogshit relationship after dogshit relationship fall apart in her formative years. And I definitely think The Incident (& Ayumi's reaction to it - she herself admits her behavior escalated as a result) probably planted the seed in Ai's brain of her being like… more aware of sex than she should have been at the age she was?
In fact, ironically, Hikaru's line about 'giving your body to body to receive love' was actually how I've always interpreted Ai - pretty much the entire time I've been brainrotted about her, my interpretation has always been that Hikaru was not her first boyfriend or sexual partner and that she had probably run through a couple of extremely fast burning short term relationships before they met.that escalated to physical intimacy very quick and burned out just as fast.
I don't necessarily have a ton of capital-E Evidence for this other than a line or two in the series and also just Vibes. Not only can abuse and neglect in childhood lead to premature sexual behaviour in teens (as a sort of attention/intimacy seeking mechanism) but Akane specifically pegs Ai as having obvious emotional imbalances typical of a person who engages in this kind of early sexual behaviour, but then notes that it settled down after she turned 15 and notes 'did she meet someone nice?', implicitly tying her improvement in behaviour to Kamiki - but then of course, that means her destructive behaviour can't have been the result of sleeping with him. In addition, the TL that was available for the manga when I was getting back into the series had Ai refer to Kamiki as an ex during their phonecall, implying she had more than one.
This is one of those things where like… if you are normal about this character it probably doesn't really matter but unfortunately for everyone else i'm insane ;SKFLSNMSLSMKA So stuff like this is really interesting for me to dig into. One of the things I find really fascinating about Ai that mostly exists in subtext and idk how intentional it even was on Akasaka's part is this sense of internalized shame and even disgust she has directed at her own body and sexuality. She calls herself 'dirty' and 'impure', and her final words to Ryosuke are her more or less apologizing to him for that - and idk, I think that aspect of her character (and OnK's ongoing refutations that Ai being 'dirty' in this way is in any way something she should have been rebuked or punished for) is that much more interesting if all that is the case vs the more straightforward and "pure" (for lack of a better word) version of events where she met Hikaru and they fell in love and had sex… if that makes sense.
Honestly Ai's relationship with like, sex and intimacy and sex in the context of a loving relationship being healing and reclaiming for her is one of those things I have so much fun writing in the context of RP and stuff but if I continued rambling about it here I would go on all day lol and this post is already so long. IN ANOTHER ASK, PERHAPS……..
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mspaint-flower · 1 year
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 2 months
Guys, I actually have no idea how this happened?! I'm honestly just blown away. When I started this blog just 4 years ago, I never would have expected to have this many people interested in my silly little writings. So absolutely from the bottom of my heart, BIG GIANT THANK YOU to everyone for following.
Now, just having come from July I would hope you guys realize that 7/19 is my birthday! And every year for my birthday, I release 7 starter fics/fic updates. So I had this idea that when I reached 719 followers I would have a tournament between all of those fics I released during the month of July!
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So this is how it works. I'm going to release polls every week for you to vote on in order to move your favorite fics forward in the tournament. Each poll will have a link to the original release + a certain amount of words for what happens "next".
Round 1 (8/4-8/10)- 100 word count release (1 day polls)
Round 2 (8/11-8/17)- 250 word count release (1 day polls)
Round 3 (8/18-8/24)- 500 word count release (1 day polls)
Round 4 (8/25)- 1000 word count release (7 day polls)
Round 5 (9/1)- 2000 word count release (7 day poll)
Champion- The next chapter to be released in its entirety.
Some of these fics are already complete, so if they have a sequel already in progress (such as Guardian of Kings), I will update that one. If they don't, there won't be a word count release unless they win in which case I will write a one-shot sequel for that fic.
I can't wait to see what happens! Once again, thank you guys for all your support, both visible and silent!
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bibibbon · 4 months
Yo! I see you rant about JJK on occasion which is cool I'm a fan of that series.
Just not the recent leaks.
Are you caught up on spoilers? Because Bibi... I have things to say about JJK's creative choices, especially what Gege has done recently.
I'm not happy.
Hi anon 👋
Sadly, Iam caught up with canon and the horrendous rollercoaster that is gege akutami's creative writing choices. I know I don't rant much about jjk but I honestly plan to start doing that, I am just busy at the moment and I am making character analysis and all before ranting about leaks like I do with MHA.
In all honesty I have always had problems with gege's writing here and there but they have never been big enough until we reached the culling games and the nonsense that happens after it.
The 261 leaks are disastrous and a huge disappointment. Look I really don't mind if Gojo came back or died but I truly despise the way he chose to make yuta hella overpowered. I did like the fact that we got an acknowledgement of how society has dehumanised Gojo by making him the strongest but you would think that a story about the younger generation breaking cycles they wouldnt choose another hierarchy type system but in the end they do? Yuta coming back in gojos body was what I hated most really like I liked yuta acknowledging gojos feelings and all but Dam I don't know what gege was thinking here.
Iam afraid that gege has forgotten about megumi and nobara. Like Iam pretty sure megumi has taken a lot of damage so him coming out miraculously unscathed would just be bs plot armour and all. On the other hand, the way you're telling me after like 100+ chapters of no mention of Todo he comes back? And then we just forget completely about nobara?!?!?! It's infuriating.
Also my final mention is what gege truly plans with yuji itadori. Look I get that geges writing of his MC doesn't follow the traditional shonen MC formula which is something I really like but I genuinely expected for yuji to be the one to fight from right on here and we get more of megumi (heck even insert nobara) instead we get yuji sidelined and we get yuta in gojos body. At least if it was nobara coming into the battle of would at least work because she is close to yuji and it's basically the trio reuniting with eachother in a cruel way.
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I have more to say but I will keep it short as this is getting too long
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goldenboywrites · 3 months
Scorpius senses a trace of magic as he enters his apartment. It is his first sign that something is wrong.
Because no one knows where he is, he made sure of that when he graduated from Hogwarts and left everything and everyone behind. For a while, they had tried to seek him out. Anytime they got close, he would move. Finally, it seemed they had given up, and he had been in Cashel, Ireland ever since. 
It’s been too long for him to remember who the magical signature belongs to, but his magic recognizes it, and he knows it’s not a threat. When he gets to his apartment door, he finds it locked. Slotting the key into place, he steps into his one-bedroom apartment and looks around. It takes a second until he faces a familiar red-head from his past.
“Lily,” Scorpius greets in a warning. “I don’t recall inviting you over for tea.” 
She smiles sweetly at him from his couch and crosses her legs, raising a finger to point at his hair. “Been a while. What, like five years? Also, I hate the brown hair thing you’re doing. It doesn’t suit you.” Scorpius reaches up involuntarily to tug at the strands, hating the wave of self-consciousness that overcomes him at her comment. “You always felt like you needed to hide and change, but no one ever asked you to.” 
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And it’s just like her to assume that his life has been easy when in fact, the entire fucking wizarding world had wanted him to change and to atone for things he hadn’t done. “Why are you here?” 
At this, she straightens up, pulling a binder out of her bag and placing it on the coffee table. “Before we dive into this. Let me tell you what I do know. I know you’re in between jobs. Honestly, you’ve been in between jobs for a very long time. I know that you have been attempting for a while now to open up a hybrid herbology shop and potions shop but all of your efforts have been for naught. So I tracked you down because I believe in your dream and want to make it happen. I already bought the location; as we speak, it’s being constructed. We split ownership 33% and some change between the two of us, but mostly, it’ll be yours to run as you see fit.” 
Scorpius steps forward and slides the binder off of the coffee table. He thumbs through the pages slowly. “33% and some change,” He says mockingly, “between us does not equal 100%. What are you not telling me?” His gaze flickers to hers, and he sees the truth on her face. She’s mostly telling the truth. But the business plan itself is legit. She’s not even renting the building; she bought it. It’s in a cozy little area where Teddy owns his bar, and Rose has her business. She’s trying to get him to come back into the fold. To come home. 
“There is a third investor, but he is not fully committed yet. He’s my next st-”
“I will no-” He starts, but she shakes her head, glaring up at him.
“Can you relax for a second? It’s not Albus. As if he would ever want to invest in a business like this. You may have been gone without a word for five years, but he hasn’t gotten any better at potions in that time.” 
“I was going to say I won’t work with James.” He wasn’t, but that’s no one’s business, only his own. 
She doesn’t buy it; she just rolls his eyes and lets him escape with it. “It’s a good deal, Scor. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted, and I’ve wrapped it all up in a pretty little bow for you.” 
“It’s just like a Potter to expect me to drop my entire life to come running home to run your business. I know what you do. You do whatever easy work you want, and I’ll be doing all the heavy lifting.”
“There is one Potter who you should drop your entire life and come running home to, but he’s not here asking you to do that. He has never asked you to do that, even when he should have. If you want my honest opinion-”
“I don’t.” Scorpius cuts her off because he doesn’t want to hear it. And then, “I’ll do it.”
So, in the short few weeks following Lily Potter’s visit, Scorpius moves back home. Not home, home, but in the area. He unpacks, repacks, and then unpacks again. He is committed to this; a part of him wants this. He won’t back down now. 
Two weeks after moving back home, Scorpius dyes his hair back to his original white blonde and gathers the courage to see the progress in the shop. He studied Lily’s binder front to back and sent her his edits and demands. That kept him busy for a bit, but he’s been itching to see the shop. 
So he goes. He avoids Rose’s shop because that is not a confrontation he is eager to face. Depending on how the day goes, he will stop by Teddy’s bar because he was the only one Scorpius kept in constant contact with when he moved away, and there will be no confrontation with him. The rest…will have to be baby steps taken very, very slowly. 
The sign for the shop is up when he arrives. ‘LAS BOTANICALS & POTIONS’ it reads. The name stops Scorpius in his tracks. Three letters, three owners. Lily, Scorpius, and then it clicks. And he knows, he fucking knows what the ‘a’ in the name stands for, and he knows he’s been played, probably by all of them. But it doesn’t matter. He committed; he made the move already. He was contracted into this because Lily Luna Potter crosses her t’s and dots all of her i’s. His hands curl into fists as he reads the sign repeatedly, looking for any other meaning in the name, but he knows her far too well. He knows all of them far too well. 
He knows Albus will be there when he steps into that store.
So he walks in. 
And there he is, standing behind the register in all of his glory. Every moment between the two of them hits Scorpius like a bullet. It had always been them, side by side. Two people but one soul. It had gotten more intimate, deeper when they were teenagers. First kisses and shared touches. Until Albus wanted more, and Scorpius said no. He remembers that day as if it were yesterday. They had been sleeping together for a few months at that point. Albus was making their plan for after graduation. He asked, already expecting the answer, if they were together and Scorpius had been so struck by it, scared of its commitment, the realness, his last name tarnishing Albus’ reputation, that he had said we are not together. 
He moved the day after graduation and hasn’t looked back since. 
Until now. 
“Did you know?” He asked, his gaze scanning over the man’s features. He was five years older, but he would always be Albus Potter. Scorpius would always know him in a crowd. “LAS,” He said, pointing at the signage inside of the store. “I assume it stands for Lily, Albus, and Scorpius?” He couldn’t tell by looking at him if he was in on it. The Albus he had known always wore his emotions on his face, but the man in front of him annoyedly remained neutral. “What did she do to get you to agree to this? From what I remember, these were subjects you had no interest or talent in school.” This wasn’t what I signed up for. He wanted to scream because he was scared and felt backed into a corner, all while Albus was eerily calm and collected. “Forget it,” Scorpius said with an air of defeat. “Tell your sister I don’t appreciate being deceived, and I’m backing out.” 
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astrowaffles · 1 year
That whole “childhood friends” thing
General Audiences | Attempt at humour, iwaoi being telepathic
Iwaizumi and Oikawa are never apart. So much so, that if they ever have work in different groups, they can have conversations just with their eyebrows. And if they're in different classes, Makki is 100% convinced they have conversations using telepathy instead. 
Why is this a problem, you ask? Well. Makki can never ever prank either of them, because at least one of them already knows. Once he set up a prank without either of them knowing; Oikawa comes into the gym, sees it, doesn't say anything except "Is that for Iwa?" and giggling.
Iwaizumi came in through the back door that day. "I just had a feeling someone was trying to prank me."
They weren't just attached at the hip, they were attached at the mind, and Makki was going to prove it.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa had known each other their entire lives.
Well, they claimed to not be able to remember meeting each other or beginning their friendship. They had a class together, and - as elementary students do - they made friends with everyone in the class. Fate must have been smiling down on them, because they weren't seperated for the entirety of elementary and by then they were best friends, lived in each other's houses, shared clothes (and mothers), and had a weekly movie night where they slapped each other until one of them gave in and let the other put on his favourite movie. 
As far as Makki knows, that still happens. Not just the movie night. All of it.
And, honestly, he definitely doesn't want to know what else they spend their time doing. All he knows is that if he ever calls or texts either of them, the other one is always right there. (In fact, Oikawa usually replies to Iwaizumi's texts for him. He must do, because Iwaizumi definitely would not text with kaomojis and does not refer to himself as "Iwa-chan").
Which brings us onto the problem: Iwaizumi and Oikawa are never apart. So much so, that if they ever have work in different groups, they can have conversations just with their eyebrows. And if they're in different classes, Makki is 100% convinced they have conversations using telepathy instead. 
Why is this a problem, you ask? Well. Makki can never ever prank either of them, because at least one of them already knows. Once he set up a prank without either of them knowing; Oikawa comes into the gym, sees it, doesn't say anything except "Is that for Iwa?" and giggling.
Iwaizumi came in through the back door that day. "I was halfway here, and then I got the feeling that someone was trying to prank me, so I used this door." 
Makki had nearly screamed with frustration, and Mattsun had had to drag him away before he accused Oikawa of spoiling the surprise, even though Oikawa hadn't even attempted to text anyone.
They were so obviously in tune, sympatico, completely and utterly in harmony. They weren't just attached at the hip, they were attached at the mind, and Makki was going to prove it. 
  "So, just to review," Mattsun was saying, reaching over to take a sausage octopus from Makki's bento, "You think that our lovely captain is telepathically connected to the vice, and you're going to collect evidence. And then what?"
"Confront them."
"Does it not seem unfair to us, dearest Mattsun, that the gruesome twosome have a superpower that the rest of the team - and the world - are not privy to? Should they not, therefore, tell us of this ability, and use it for the good of Seijoh?"
"Don't talk like that, it's creepy. And while I don't think that's your actual reasoning, it's good enough for now."
An expectant silence from Makki, then a sigh of defeat from Mattsun.
"Alright, but if we're going to do this, we have to do it right."
"In what way?"
Mattsun grinned, and Makki was suddenly reminded why they were best friends. "We have to spy on them."
  It was simply a fact of life that if Oikawa was somewhere, so was Iwaizumi. Makki figured that if he followed the fangirl squeals he'd find Oikawa, no problem, and then it would be easy to find Iwaizumi since he'd be right there (probably in the shadows, glaring at anyone who got too close. He was a bit protective sometimes, even Oikawa admitted). Enlisting Mattsun's help had been a good idea, because even though they were both tall and lanky and giggly and possibly the worst spies on the planet, four ears were better than two. Not only that, but Oikawa would be head and shoulders above the crowd which meant it should be easy to spot the captain. 
Makki was swivelling his head (which, to be fair, was also above the crowd) to see if either Iwaizumi or Oikawa was around when Mattsun tapped his arm. "Over there," he whispered, gesturing towards the vending machine, where Iwaizumi was punching in an order and Oikawa was making pathetic, half-hearted attempts at shooing away his fanclub. 
"That's not Oikawa's usual order," Makki observed, watching Iwaizumi hand Oikawa the peach tea he'd just pulled out of the machine. Oikawa had stuck a hand out for it without even looking, and Iwaizumi shoved it into the open palm.
"Thank you, Iwa~" he was sing-songing, then he looked at it and frowned. 
"Here we go," Mattsun said, expression gleeful. "He's not gonna be happy."
Oikawa threw the tea back at Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow. Oikawa nodded, looking sheepish. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, and opened the tea. 
And then handed it back. 
Oikawa took a sip. "Thank youuuu!"
"He couldn't open the bottle," Makki wheezed, turning to leave. Mattsun stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. 
"Hanamaki," he said seriously. "That was some proper evidence."
"Did Oikawa ever actually say he couldn't open it?"
Makki felt his eyes widening. "....No...."
"In fact, did Oikawa ever even say he wanted peach tea instead of his usual melon?"
"Oh my god," Makki's voice was a whisper. "Are they actually telepathic?"
Mattsun shrugged. "Only time will tell."
"I don't want time to tell, I want Makki to tell. And I want Makki to tell sometime today."
"Well, I guess we'll have to keep an eye out," Mattsun sighed as the bell went. "Come on, we don't want to be run over by the stampede." 
Makki eyed Oikawa's fanclub, which was beginning to file out of the hallway. "You're right. Let's wait 'till practice."
"We don't have practice today."
Makki huffed. "Fine. We'll just have to follow them home."
Mattsun laughed, reaching out to cuff Makki's shoulder. "Good one," he giggled, wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh, man, you could be a comedian or something."
Makki stared at him. "I'm not joking."
Mattsun stopped laughing, and then let his arm drop. "Dude."
   They were a few streets from the school and still a while away from both Oikawa and Iwaizumi's houses when it occurred to Makki that he wasn't really getting anywhere.
It probably shouldn't surprise Makki that Oikawa and Iwaizumi call each other by their first names. After all, what kind of person knows someone for their entire life and only calls them by their last name? Plus, even Makki called all his elementary friends by their first name. It's just how it was. 
It does, however, give rise to a hilarious scene in Makki's mind where, at some point between ages five and fifteen, either Iwaizumi or Oikawa decided they were too grown up for showing affection and demanded they began to use last names in public. (It was almost definitely Iwaizumi, if Oikawa's cutesy Iwa-chan~'s where anything to go by). It also gives rise to a very confused Makki and Mattsun trying to keep track of who's who, because yes they know their friend's names and no they've never heard anyone say them out loud, and it was just a bit disorientating.  Not only that, but full sentences also seemed to be a thing only for the public. Once they were alone, they apparently had whole conversations that went something like:
"You know the thing?"
"With the whatsit?"
"Yeah, that. Do you think Mad Dog-?"
A pause, then raucous laughter. Iwaizumi flopped over and put his hands on his knees in a recovery position. Oikawa started slapping his friend's back while wheezing. 
"Oh my god," Iwaizumi gasped between laughs, "That's-that's so-"
"I know!" 
Mattsun raised his eyebrows at Makki. "That's definitely some kind of telepathy."
They watched as Iwaizumi straightened up and Oikawa slung an arm over his shoulder. "Sleepover?"
"Who's turn is it?"
Iwaizumi sighed, but didn't shrug Oikawa off. "I wanted to see Hanako, though."
Oikawa screeched and withdrew his arm like it was burned. "How dare you, Hajime, that's my-"
"I know," Iwaizumi nodded. "She calls me Haji-kun."
Oikawa scowled. "We're going to your house."
"Do you want to-?"
"Can I-"
"No you can not, you know I-"
"I was kidding, Tooru! Jeez, chill."
They meandered off, but Makki made no effort to follow them further down the street. They turned the corner and wandered away, Oikawa's arm back over Iwaizumi's shoulder, Iwaizumi cackling at something Oikawa had just said. 
"Well I discovered several new things today," Makki observed, standing up from his cramped position behind a bush. Mattsun stood up too. 
"One thing being that Iwaizumi actually thinks Oikawa is funny," he said, bemused. 
"Yeah, I didn't mean that. I meant that they didn't speak in full sentences."
"And are we gonna talk about them having their own language?"
"Oh yeah," Makki remembered their almost nonsensical greeting when they met outside the school gates to go home. "I wonder when they came up with that?"
"I doubt even they know."
"Well, did this prove that they're telepathic? No. So I don't know where to go from here."
"You could just....ask them?"
".....I was going to say that's stupid, but it's actually really smart. Let's do it tomorrow."
Mattsun nodded and stretched. "Can I go home now? My calves are killing me."
"Sure, but be ready for a morning practice interrogation."
"Should I bring my desk lamp?" was the joke, but Makki dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a torch.
"Nah. I'll use this."
"Hanamaki Takahiro, you are one crazy bastard."
"Oh," Makki ducked his head, embarrassed. "Thank you."
   Morning practice dawned bright and daunting, as Makki rolled out of bed, down the stairs, through the kitchen and then down the road to Seijoh. Oikawa, as per, was already sitting expectantly on a bench; a sleepy Iwaizumi was nodding off on his shoulder. 
"Rise and shine, Iwa-chan," Makki teased, cuffing Iwaizumi's head as he passed.
"Don't call me that."
"Why not?"
"Because it's mine, Makki," Oikawa said pointedly. Makki mimed zipping his lips, anxious to avoid any extra flying fall laps.
"Hi ho, Silver!" Mattsun greeted. "Are we ready to party this fine evening?" 
"It's the morning, Mattsun," Oikawa reminded him, and then clapped. "Since we're all here, we can get started!"
"We're not all here," Makki objected, pointing to the empty gym. Washio was stepping through the door with a cheery wave, Yahaba a step behind. The first years, Kyoutani, and the rest of the second strings were all still ... somewhere else, who knows where.
"Everyone is here who I want here at this current moment," Oikawa sighed, like it should have been obvious. He poked Iwaizumi's cheek. "Sit up, Iwa-chan, I have things to say."
Iwaizumi grumbled and hoisted himself upright. Oikawa stood up. 
"What is it?" Mattsun enquired, sitting on the gym floor with the air of someone who isn't at all interested in what anyone else had to say. "It better not be about uniform designs again."
"Rude," Oikawa huffed. "That one was important. Anyway, it's not about that so don't worry."
"What's it about, then?" Makki joined Mattsun on the floor.
"It's about the fact that you've been staring at Oikawa and me for the past week," Iwaizumi interrupted. He'd tipped his head back to lean it on the wall and his eyes were still closed. "He even made me get up and come to practice early just so we could catch you."
"You could have caught us after practice," Mattsun pointed out. "And the past week? I've only known about it for a day."
"Week," Oikawa confirmed. "And I know I'm irresistible, but really, Makki. Keep it in your pants."
"I don't think you're irresistible!" Makki objected. "I think you're telepathic."
"......Have you been hearing my voice in your head?" Oikawa giggled. "Wow, you really do think I'm irresistible."
"No!" Makki fake-gagged for emphasis. "I think you and Iwaizumi can talk to each other telepathically."
Oikawa paused. Iwaizumi opened his eyes. Eye contact. Iwaizumi looked like he was tempted to throw something, Oikawa looked smug.
"We can't," Iwaizumi said. Oikawa pouted. 
"We totally can, Iwa! You just have to believe in yourself."
"You have never in your life been able to read my mind."
"That's what you think!"
"That's what I know."
"Then why are you thinking 'agedashi tofu' right now?"
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "Because you didn't let me eat breakfast, maybe? Doesn't take a genius."
"Alright then, I bet you know what I'm thinking now."
"Probably 'what can I force myself to think of that Iwaizumi would guess'. You're not subtle."
Oikawa beamed, and turned to Makki. "You were right! We must be telepathic. Thank you for your contribution. Now do an extra lap of flying falls."
Makki groaned, not moving from his spot on the floor.
Iwaizumi came over and kicked him gently. "Get moving, #2, before he comes up with something evil for all of us to do. And for the record?"
"Me and Kawa?"
"We're telepathic."
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blankiebloo · 2 years
Since you all have been asking for angst whenever I get requests, I decided for my 100 follower special should be something you all like, so why not make it some angst?
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I'm not coming back.
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Genre: Angst
Warning(s): Yelling, cursing, toxic relationship, manipulative Childe
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You couldn't believe it, why did it have to happen? The tears that pooled out of your eyes you couldn't stop. Your heart hurt and your eyes stung; his words rang in your head, and now it's time that you've finally made up your mind.
"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?! WHEN I TELL YOU TO DO SOMETHING, YOU DO IT! GOT THAT?!" Childe continued to yell at you, but you weren't listening anymore.
"Yeah... I got it," your voice was small, hurt seeping into your tone. You looked up at Childe's face knowing what was coming next, his fake tears already showing up in his eyes; they look so fake now and you just can't believe that you've bought into his act many times before.
He sniffles, "I'm so sorry! I never meant to make you cry!" He walks up to you and envelopes your body in a hug. "Everytime you cry, it makes me cry, and I feel your pain!"
Bullshit. You didn't have enough energy to fight with him right now, so all you did was pat his head and wait until it was time for him to leave for work.
"Goodbye my love," Childe cooed and kissed the top of your head. The smile he wore on his face didn't reach to his eyes as he walked out.
You waited a few more minutes, just making sure that he wasn't still around before you rose up from your seat on the couch and went to a storage closet for some boxes to pack up your things.
You got all of your things packed up and you started writing a note for him, "Childe, don't come looking for me. I'm done with the way you act, I can't stand living with you anymore. Goodbye." After sticking the note somewhere obvious you picked up your boxes and started heading out, you didn't have to be nervous now, Childe wouldn't be home for a while.
You finally got everything out, and headed to an abandoned cabin in the woods until you could get enough mora to buy your own place away from here.
"[Name], I'm home!" Childe called out for you, but he got no response. "[Name]?"
He walked in further, and then, he came across the note. Actual tears swelled in his eyes, but not of sadness, but out of anger. He clenched his fists and punched a hole in the wall.
He then chuckled to himself. "You may have gotten away, [Name], but don't worry, I'll find you.."
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A/N: Soooo, I know this isn't probably what you all expected when I said I would do Childe, but here we are! I honestly hope you all liked this!
If you'd like to send me a request check out my request form here!
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
Palette execution
Who said sick people can't write? Haha-. I'm dying 💀
Timeline 100
Today is the day of Palette execution. He made his mistakes by trying to kill Lux.. He should've known better that a hero can't kill the villain before the ending.
Palette gave up, how many time has he died? He didn't count but the scars on his body are his counts...
"Palette, hey are you awake...?" It was Drop voice. "Palette come on, I got Goth to help us. She'll bring you out from this tower!"
Palette look lifeless... He gave up on trying to escaping, it's better to die to start over.
"It's okay Drop... I'll die again and the world will start over." He said.
"SHUT UP!" Drop started to cry, she managed to open up the cell. "Come on! Please!"
Palette sighed and followed up Drop. She lead him outside the tower, it has been months since he saw the sun. It took Dream a while what punishment he should give to Palette, at the end. He chose to execute his own son.
As they exit the tower, they saw Goth and a portal behind her.
"Palette you're alright!" Goth sighed out of relief. "I am sorry for not believing in you before but I've done my investigation and you're right. Lux is fucking insane because of the evil spirit."
Palette was surprised to know Goth actually believe him... He swear he want to cry right now but they should not waste more time.
Just as Palette was about to enter the portal, they were ambushed by the guards
"oh God— Palette go—!!!" Goth pushed Palette into the portal, it lead him into a big library.
"Goth, WAIT—!" Before Palette could reach, the portal closed before Goth and Drop could enter it.
His thoughts are filled with negative. There's some timelines where Drop died but Goth? She never die because she's the daughter of grim reaper. She can't die right? She's the last grim reaper, so she can't—
... Unless Lux already awaken her power and decided to brainwash Goth... That's her ability after all....
"Shit...-" Palette cursed under his breath.
He turn around to at least find someone or a weapon. He has to go back, he expected to die already but what if there's a chance he can win in this timeline...?
"Maybe not.. Everything is out of control. I have to die...-" He frown.
"You really should die." an unknown voice appeared out of nowhere. It's Angst.
Palette sighed and frown even more.
"Look I am sorry for act without thinking...-" Said Palette. "I'll just kill myself here, okay? Help me find something sharp!"
"No...-" Angst black tears started to drop. "Sadly you have to die in the hand of your father. It's an execution ending..-" He said. "Drop is being locked away while Goth got accused for treason." explain Angst.
"NO— I- how come she was accused as treason? She did nothing but—"
"Help a prisoner like you...? Yeah..." the little spirit sighed. "I'll bring you to the castle now. It's the only way to die in this timeline." He said.
Palette has nothing left to say. He sighed and took the little spirit hand. Angst teleport him to the castle, where every guards around him.
Palette stood there still. As the guards pin him to the ground then they brought him outside the castle. It's a public execution.
Lux must having fun right now.
Palette finally saw his father after months being locked up. Dream look lifeless too... Lux really awakened her power earlier than it should.
Hope isn't here, Lux probably keep them somewhere because she know who would Hope choose to side with. Ink was not there, she's probably drinking to forget about Palette anyway. Crescent also not here... He probably already been killed...-
But every citizens are here. They seems to cheering on his execution day... How shameless...
"honestly fuck all of you, you guys will burn in hell!" He yelled which anger the crowds.
Palette is satisfied for the results, ain't no way he'll apologize to them-
He look back as he heard the sounds of footsteps coming towards him. It's Lux and Dream.
"Hah... You're going to make Papa kill me?" He frowns as he asked Lux
"Of course, isn't that wonderful?" Lux grin and chuckles. "I never expected you to be this dumb, little brother."
"And I never expected for you to be a fucking lost cause. You're a hopeless child, Lux. This thing isn't what you wanted but the fucking spirit made you wanted it."
It was a moment of silent.. Or shocked for Lux.
"So you knew all this time...?" she muttered.
"I ain't explaining it because I'm dying anyway. So go ahead, command your puppet to execute me right now." He glares.
"Fine..." she sighed and step away.
Dream summoned a bow and an arrow. What a painless way to die huh...?
"Any last word, little brother?"
"Oh..." Palette smiles. "Of course I have."
Dream then in monotone move, aiming the arrow on Palette head...
In.. 3..2..
"I slept with your man."
He died and wake up at the black void, where Angst and Nim are.
"Gosh, I didn't get to see her expression!" Palette groaned.
"Don't worry, I got the glob! Look, she is speechless and mad!" Angst laughed as he showed the glob to him.
Angst snatch it from Nim before she reset again-
"Ah jeez—" Palette laughed. "Oh my God, I've been wanting to say that for a very long time! It was worth it at the end...-"
"Wow, I'll see how Drop react to this in next timeline" Said Angst.
"Oh Drop... Haha, well it's not like actually sleep with him. I just drugged him in previous timeline." Said Palette. "She'll understand."
Palette touch his forehead. The scar has appeared, this is his 100 scars, 100 deaths.
"oh jeez... I already have the hard time to cover my neck and now I have to cover my head? I don't even know what kind of excuses I should give anymore..." he frown. "Do you still have a special bandage?" He asked
"Well no but while you were busy, I remade your hat." Said Angst as he snapped his fingers.
It's Palette's old hat but it look new and fit. It has been a while since Palette wear this hat, he lost it when Lux pushed him off the lake. Since then he learn how to swim-
"Thanks Angst." Palette thanked the little spirit and then he wore the hat. His scars magically disappeared!
"I put my magic in it. So as long you wear the hat, your scars will not be seen by anyone... I think? My magic isn't strong as it used too now, you died too much." He sighed. "Now get up, grandma want to reset this world already."
"Alright alright...- " Palette slightly smile as he gets up. "Well another trauma it is, haha! Shit I am going crazy anytime soon."
Angst patted Palette back and say
"you already went crazy in this timeline. Let just have grandma sing you a lullaby again before something bad happens-"
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junkbbykow · 2 years
รєא ฬ/ ץ๏ย 🫵🏽 Ŧг๏๓ ץ๏ยг ๔єรՇเภє๔ קєгร๏ภ 🍇🍸🫄🏽
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Omgggg Thank y’all for the love on my last PAC! This is the first time I’ve done a 18+ reading so please give feedback so I can improve. Enjoy the reading! Also thanks for 100 followers 🐞
I also added music interpretations this time!
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18+ | Minors DNI | Pic an image below 1,2,3,4,5
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Pile 1 - The Monarchs
I get a sense that you liked to be serviced. All eyes on you (pillow prince(ess) vibes🤴🏽). You might also appreciate group dynamics. You enjoy the sense of being protected, swept off your feet, and so on. You might be a virgin or fairly inexperienced because your destined person thinks you need help in the s*x department. This could also mean you’ve never orgasmed or had a truly pleasurable experience in bed. Your destined person is going to show you how to reach climax, pleasure yourself, and overall enjoy sex. Lmao I heard ‘super soaker’ so you might be a squirter or they just love how they can get you that turned on. Your DP loves your cum. The taste, smell, texture. They love fingering you and feeling inside of you! Also your destined person sees you moving away from old sexual habits leaning to the more hedonistic side. Basically, they’re here now so you don’t need that other stuff and/or you can find new stuff together :) They just want you to be safe. Your DP is a giverrrrr. I’m seeing gifts in the physical like lingerie and toys. Some of you might be long distance or you and your DP spend a lot of time separated due to work. These toys and gifts are important for keeping y’all connected on that intimate level while away. I also think your DP will want to experiment and have fun in the bedroom. They’ll do anything to get to close as you as possible lmao (not in a creepy way tho). Also for gifts, they’re also ‘packing’ and love to offer said package 😅. I’m also seeing that they like to treat you. It turns them on. It’s giving paypig energy. You are their god(dess) and they are a devout follower. (Sidenote: they love to give you head. They take pride in it. How they can make you cum from their mouth alone or fairly quickly) Back to what I was saying, they want you to be high class, dressed up, just exquisite. They like when you swallow their cum.
From the songs, you expect devotion. Your partner should give you all your desires and more from gifts to orgasms. You may not be actually accepting of this energy when it comes to you. In the beginning of your relationship, sex may not be the focus. You or your DP will want someone they can trust. You’ll need to build a bond to be willing to go deeper with this person. Tbh you talk the talk but don’t walk the walk which is valid because a lot of you are inexperienced in either sex or relationships in general. Your DP knows they have to earn your trust and wait for you to remove the guards you have up. They want to promise themselves to you or the other way around. Sex with you is more than sex its an agreement of sorts and your DP understands that. They will be in love with you and will pursue sex with you from that but you may not believe these to be their true motivators. you’re honestly very suspicious of other peoples desires to be with you sexually (which i totally understand and your DP does too) they are going to try really hard to not push and patiently support your desires to not have sex right away or accept certain gifts, or wait to be vulnerable with them.
Tidbits: Hotel, car, money, gloss, soaked, gown, evening, party, gala, trip, work
I hope you enjoyed your reading! I appreciate all likes, reblogs, and feedback! Please visit my masterlist for more PACS, Ask Games, Paid Readings and more!
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Pile 2 - The Sweet Talkers
Lmao!!!! I gasped at every card I pulled. You know how to work your destined person. Whether their submissive or not, they are WRAPPED around your finger. Sheesh, they got it bad. Say something and it’s yours. Peep the mouth next the the photo. They like when you talk in your ear. Your words just, control them. They pierce through the most vulnerable aspects of them. A caregiver kink may be present. Although your words can be sharp they can also be comforting. On one side, you demand a certain standard that your DP loves to meet and then on the other, your just holding your DP like your sweet baby. Some of you may be interested in or your partner is interested in group ‘play’ and/or dual penetration. A foursome may happen or having multiple toys inside you or your partner. BDSM, bondage, pet play may be of interest to you. Some level of confinement and restrictions. This could also represent edging. You might also use sex in your relationship to ease tensions from work, arguments, or past pains. (Please be careful to also release these in other ways as-well) I also think sex frees the both of you from your daily worries and the illusions about one self. Physical touch could greatly help your partner or you heal certain insecurities and wounds. Lmao after y’all do the do y’all are so care free. All your stress, gone. Lmao scorpio/7h/prominent mars placements. Sew swings might also play a role in the bedroom or toys that keep someone open for the other.
Based on your channeled song, they want give everything to you. And they want you to take it. A lil forceful or greedily. You have all parts of them and you using their body is a gift to them. They might also like to roleplay with power imbalance. Maybe y’all have RBF or you just exude a strong energy but it turns them on. They want you to see them as beneath them during the act. You have control and they want you to toy with them and their emotions. They might want you to ask them to prove their worth to you. Why should your destined person get to lay with you. I see your DP with big puppy eyes just looking for your acceptance and approval which plays back into the caregiver thing I mentioned. Degradation and praise kinks are heavy.
Tidbits: Poly, swingers, leash, rope, confined, mark, choke, slap, arm, furniture, bars, Lick this pu$$y, neck, back, crack
I hope you enjoyed your reading! I appreciate all likes, reblogs, and feedback! Please visit my masterlist for more PACS, Ask Games, Paid Readings and more!
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Pile 3 - The Craftsmen
Um, I feel like sex with your Destined Person involves a penis. If that doesn’t suit you this may not be your pile. I will keep it body inclusive but heads up. Their is an emphasis of hands on wands here so I think they like you to give them handjobs, finger them, in general using your hands and gripping. This person literally loves what you do with your hands. You may have redefined handjobs, fingering, etc for your DP. The way you do it is simply life changing. I feel like you take your time with your hands and show your DP new ways of using them. Straight up doing things they never expected. You may be more kinky or experienced than your DP. Or you just have some hidden knowledge. You take your time to get to know your DP’s body and how to work it. You can tell exactly when to switch it up or ride it out. It’s some kind of sorcery to your DP. I went to get more clarification AND THERES JUST MORE WANDS lmao. You reciprocate an energy with your DO that they’ve never experienced. You both find joy in pleasuring your partners that the give and take ends up being equal because you’re both so focused on giving. Your DP sees sex with you as a mini (or not so mini) retreat from everyday stressors. Your hands after a ling days work is heaven. More than they could ever ask for. You both might enjoy morning or afternoon sex.
From the songs, you are skilleddddddd. You know how to work your magic! You can turn someone on and pleasure them in ways that is frankly miraculous. Like how many people can ACTUALLY say Sex with Me actually resonates 😭 You do what you need to. Literally sex does not get better than you and it’s addicting. You can turn your DP on from a text alone. When you want it, you can have it. If you don’t feel this experienced this will come later in the relationship. Your sex life with your DP spans years! They are literally obsessed with you and your body. Your relationship is so homey that the sex comes naturally. They love seeing every inch of you and worshiping it. In the beginning of y’alls sexual endeavors or prior they will just be confused as to how they got your attention and even more so that is real love. They like to take away your stress with sex. You have a lot pent up due to your responsibilities and they want to deal with it for you.
Tidbit: Garden, Apartment, daytime, lunch break, coworkers
I hope you enjoyed your reading! I appreciate all likes, reblogs, and feedback! Please visit my masterlist for more PACS, Ask Games, Paid Readings and more!
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Pile 4 - The Bratz
Sex with you is almost like a fight? You may be bratty or rather dominant. You want what you want. You DP sees you as someone who is commanding. Also they may think about how other people want you, but they simply cannot have you. Their possessive but also very appreciative that you chose them. They like to use toys on you. They like the push and pull of being sexual with you. Some of you may be dominant in a submissive way???? Like you don’t do typical dom things but your very adamant about getting you way. They like to watch you. Seeing you get changed, being above them, just you. They want to be overwhelmed by your presence during the act. If your DP has a penis or likes to use a strap, they love penetration. Being inside of you is one of earths greatest treasures 🥹. If you like to penetrate then you DP thinks you lay goodt pipe. They like to cum in you or like when you cum in them. They may also like your androgyny or your tendency to live outside of gender roles/norms. Sex with you is consistently a good time. You might have turned their world upside down or changed their perspective on sex. Y’all like to play with each-others senses. Being blindfolded, tied up, and left in suspense waiting. They might also like to tickle you or use floggers. Anything to build the sensation. Sex with you is not just about the act but everything that led up to it. Whether it be date night, or you teasing them all day. There is an emphasis on waiting. They also probably love to tease you to bring out your bratty side even more. Especially if they don’t see this part of you often.
You are powerful. Your DP see you as a boss and also very bossy. Your aggression, power, and the way you express it can be very masculine and they love this. OHHHHH you and your DP are competing in the bedroom. Like who can achieve what. Who submits first. Who gets stimulated faster. They want to prove their the better lover 😗 but y’all are both so cocky. It wont happen. They also love how you aren’t afraid to confidently think your above them or better in some ways. If y’all share careers or goals, these achievements could also make their way into the bedroom. You have a way with them. They don’t get it and nobody else does either. They always want to see you or be with you. Your DP has a high sex drive, but specifically for you. Either your chest is very beautiful or you um…make them bust 😅. You might be from different worlds in a sense and those attributes you have from how you were raised make you so sexy and desirable. Your very amusing. Your uniqueness is a turn on.
Tidbits: dressup, doll, touch, smell, graze, tingles, spine, workshop, kinkster, shield, nudes, bust
I hope you enjoyed your reading! I appreciate all likes, reblogs, and feedback! Please visit my masterlist for more PACS, Ask Games, Paid Readings and more!
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Pile 5 - The Preformer
I feel like this pile, at least in the bedroom, can be very dainty or highly feminine. They love this about you. Your moans, movements, and so on just scream cutesy and your person loves this. They see you as someone to protect and when they see you in this state it just proves to them even more that need to watch over you. It makes them feel needed and desired in a way they can’t explain. They also see you as entitled and high maintenance. Meeting your needs can be a tall order, but worth it in the end. They probably like you to dress up or perform for them. Maybe a strip tease or even just walking around in your clothes. You are simply sexy to them in all ways. They like that you keep this vulnerable side to you hidden. They may feel as though nobody could predict the person you are underneath meaning only they know. The way you hold and touch them makes them feel alive. You also might make them cum prematurely. They also like how manicured you are. You put so much attention into your appearance and apart of that drifts away in the bedroom while somethings stay. Like your nails are still their but your fully bare and open to them. Almost stripped of all the ways you hide or armor yourself. They see this as taking a great deal of trust and live that they’ve been chosen to see you. Like I said before, preforming is something you do well and they love how you can role-play or put on different acts to satisfy their needs.
From your songs, sex with you from your DPs perspective is like a relaxing afternoon. Like at Central Park on a summer day and there’s a nice breeze (that’s legit what i’m visualizing). You remind them of fresh linen. So light, airy, soft, and welcoming. Also your DP may be a foreigner and that adds a layer to your intimacy because how did they meet you among all the chaos of the world. They like to see you in designer and high quality. When you wear stuff like this around them it’s a treat. Like you walk in to a room at a party or wherever and their eyes find you and they melt. The Dominic Fike song is like their fantasy. Everyday with you is so loving. Your DP is so romantic and so is y’all’s sex life.
Tidbits: Yoga, leggings, dance, toes, Nail extensions
I hope you enjoyed your reading! I appreciate all likes, reblogs, and feedback! Please visit my masterlist for more PACS, Ask Games, Paid Readings and more!
See Ya,
ᴊᴜɴᴋʙʙʏ к๏ฬ
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prodbyblush · 2 years
Hello I'm a new follower! I saw your Murayama posts in the HiGH&LOW tags so I decided to give you a follow. I noticed that your bio says that requests are always open, and I wanted to ask if you could write a series of firsts with Smoky? It doesn't have to be anything NSFW if you're not comfortable with that, so I was thinking stuff like holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling/sleeping together, or just the reader asking to paint his nails? Just something super fluffy for him, I noticed he's not written about a lot compared to other characters. Thank you <3
now loading …
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・❥・ requested
cw: slight nsfw at the end! watered it down as anon have mentioned it.
→ fem!reader
Truth be told, there is no such thing nor a scientific explanation that could explain how an individual could immediately fall in love with another person. It doesn't make any sense. How can you just fall for someone whom you've just taken one glance in your life? You barely knew them. What's their to love immediately about?
Smokey didn't understood all of that until he met you. You who's heart felt like was tugging on the strings of his heart, you who's smile reaches and touches his soul, you who is the reason why he makes de tours just to catch a quick sight of you, leaving and returning to Nameless City with a big smile on his face.
The thought only occurred to him when he couldn't sleep and all he could think about is you as he lays down in bed, wide awake and staring up at the stars. And then it dawned into him: what did your hands feel like?
"Obviously my hand is smaller than yours." You replied to him as you pressed your palms against his. And the sight was simply adorable to him. He may disagree with you on the part that your hand is smaller than his, because as he moves to intertwine his fingers around yours, they fit very much perfectly well with his.
"Your hands are so soft!"
It was honestly a spontaneous one yet no one from Rude Boys believed him. Reasoning that Smokey really staged for it to happen. But did he really?
All Smokey knew was that you got off work / school at five in the afternoon and it so happens that he is in the same area as you. What a coincidence! One thing led to another - viewing the blooming flowers in the park, playing in the playground like little children, eating dinner together.
"You're doing it again." You say, chuckling softly.
Smokey breaks into a small smile. "Doing what?"
"You're staring at me again."
"It's because you're beautiful."
A kiss is never just a kiss.
It's a cure, an epiphany, a salvation. And you are all three to him.
Coming face to face with you, breaths hitching and arms wrapped around each other, desperate for more than just a touch, Smokey closes his eyes and meshes his lips on yours.
Slow and deep, searing and made for pleasure.
His hands around your waist loosens as he sits up from the couch, moving to situate you on top of his lap, hands moving down as he grabs your ass.
With your fingers tangling on his hair, he tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss, pushing his tongue inside your mouth, tasting every cavern and crevice.
Long awaited, hot and with tongue, Smokey hadn't expected his first kiss to come to him like this. But he is glad that his firsts and many more to come are with you.
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abyssalspamton · 1 year
ohhh my god. long rant. i need to talk about this otherwise im going to explode. no one will see this but I have SUCH mixed feelings about the final of fionna and cake. obviously spoilers for fionna and cake final ep 9&10 (charlotte do not read this i'll kill you)
ok so first of all I've already seen some people talking about how it's MEANT to be underwhelming because 'that's just how life is!' and stuff like that but. honestly that doesn't make it. good? I feel like they still could've kept what generally happened, with that same attitude, but made it at LEAST a bit better??? I haven't seen anyone talk about this but the lich. I'm so disappointed what they did with them. This was 100% me hyping myself up, considering I want there to be another season, and I thought it made logical sense for them to use the OG lich as a proper antagonist for season 2. But c'mon. Why not just leave him in his own little reality where he's alone? why bring him to golb and then have him killed? that felt so pointless. I feel like it would've been better because he would've been punished MORE, frustrated by the fact that he'd never know why golb never reached out to him or anything, and he'd just be stuck there.
In my head for the lich I thought he'd end up following Simon or Fionna to their reality and just. silently wait? I thought the lich had a realization of "oh maybe if i kill life again in ANOTHER world i'll be noticed? no one's done THAT before" and that's where it was leading. but. obviously was wrong. i guess maybe he can get. unkilled or whatever you want to call it but. eh.
With the whole Fionna's world not getting magic im not surprised by that. I expected it! considering episode 8 Simon never finished putting the crown on his head. I'm happy they didn't turn it magical actually, i really liked the message of Fionna liking her world the way it is and putting her fantasies aside. I'm. conflicted. with the way it happened, and the whole fake out of Simon going to put the crown on his head then throwing it. It just kinda felt weird?
I. did not. like the whole fucking. book game thing. And that being how Simon figured out his and Betty's relationship wasn't the best. It felt forced. it felt too kidish? i was enjoying the whole series so far with it seeming less childish, but to put it into a simple game and Simon realising like that. felt. weird. I feel like they could've done what happened after? where Simon relived stopping Betty from going on the bus? In my head it would've been better to do that but lead it on longer. Have him slowly realise that he never did what Betty wanted to do? it's not perfect but just something other than the book. It kinda felt like they only did it to show off those two characters? which was frustrating when I just wanted to see Simon resolve his relationship with betty.
Talking about that, when he DID relive stopping Betty from going on the bus. that felt SO short? like damn ok they just figured it out that fast. didn't talk that much about it. I love Betty saying Simon was a great experience. and like. I GET SHE'S A GOD NOW. so she's going to think/act differently and not be obsessed with him which is good!! but I feel like there should've been. more talking on that part. instead of just being a minute long (from the moment he entered the body and started 'redoing' it).
I don't have much to say about the scarab? he didn't really. leave an impression the last two episodes. I guess since obvs it was going to be figured out? I hate. HATEEE what they did with simon at the end of the show when they were wrapping up. No finn, no marcy. just by himself. I understand that he's meant to learn how to be his own person, but it would've been nice to see him with family/friends. I think it would've been better if his was more later in the future? not a majour amount, just so he'd already moved out of his old place. It would've been cute, having a proper apartment or house. Maybe marcy helping him move in. I'm BEGGING for him to have a proper father daughter relationship with her, where she also realises he needs some attention considering. YA KNOW HIS FUCKED UP SITUATION.
Kinda iffy with the whole. baby fin and fin's. child, and his girlfriend, getting teleported to Fionna's world. kinda wish it got left alone? cause what is. fin from that world just dead? or is he alive and now just missing a son??? he'd be distraught??? i have FEELINGS.
I've been talking about what I'm like. upset/annoyed about mostly because THAT IS MY STRONGEST FEELINGS. marshel and gary being worried they wouldn't remember each other is. SO fucking cute. I wont lie, a part of me was wishing that even though i knew simon wouldn't put on the crown that he would, just so they could see each other and. idk. have gary simp over vampire marshel. I also think that might've made the scarb fight more entertaining, since having real magic involved, they could get rid of it once the fight is over because. THEY WOULDN'T LIKE IT.
I'll stop here cause. i got my emotions out.
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