#hope you'll get what i meant by those theirs
marauderswolf22 · 7 months
a person will say "oh yeah, i like this characters story and personality a lot" but the story and personality in their canon is THEIR story and personality
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beatbawksradio · 1 month
#i think im done actually. i think im gonna throw in the towel#i dont think this is working out for me#i think the world of the online public is just too hostile. too violent. too uncaring#i dont belong here. i wasn't built for this world. its not ready for someone like me and I'm not ready for it#the internet is a world where human interaction is filtered through words on a screen. what kind of interaction is that#you cant see how you affect people. you don't know what people are going through. you can only judge by the words they let you see#that's not how humans were meant to exist. we're meant to see each other. care for each other. feel each others suffering and support#but that doesnt happen here. this world is designed for those who thrive behind a mask. those not afraid to hurt others who take theirs off#and anytime someone does take off the mask. the reaction is to twist anything they say or do into how theyre actually bad#everytime i post in public i worry about that. how is this going to be purposefully misinterpreted. how is this going to be used against me#how are the people who hate me going to use this to further make even more people who don't know me hate me#and that's not healthy!! that's paranoia!! mental illness!! im putting the symptoms of my abuse on display and it only hurts me more#no one cares about caring though. its all about how this person just wants more attention than everyone else. they just wanna be special#i can tell people i don't wanna see g*ns and theyll act like im a baby for it. i tell them ive had my life threatened & they think I'm lying#bc that's what you do on the internet. you don't trust people. you don't validate them. you abandon them when they're opening up#bc all you see is a screen and not how the person is actually reacting in real life to these things. its just words#and if anyone comes along trying to just be a nice person. then its either “they must not actually be nice and I'm gonna expose them”#or they just get abused by the people not afraid to abuse nice people. its all the same. there's always another war. peace doesn't exist#violent people arent afraid to be violent. they're not afraid to hurt someone getting in their way. peaceful people dont stand a chance#the only way to survive the game is to not play the game. find a pocket somewhere and stop existing to the world.#thats the only way to make everyone happy when everyone hates you. there is no redemption. this is the land of careless wolves#and I'm just a rabbit telling the wolves to stop being wolves. of course ill be killed. that's what happens to rabbits#so i hope all the people still reading this who used me as entertainment or as a stepping stone for their own manipulation are happy#ill be gone. i won't be here anymore. i won't be something that you ever need to think about anymore. you can go ahead and celebrate#tell everyone you've won. the evil is defeated. you killed the person who you and everyone else hated so much. go ahead and be a hero#ill be dead to this world. and that's okay. bc ill be living a much better life in the real world#ive had my time in the spotlight. now it's over. now it's time for a different chapter. yall can go ahead and enjoy your spotlight#go ahead and keep proving to everyone how good and nice you are by screaming at everyone who opposes you and destroying their lives#im sure you'll be proud of the legacy you leave behind. im sure you'll be proud of how much peace your violence brought into the world#im happy with the people i love. and ill continue to find my happiness away from this deplorable hostile world. ill be floukru
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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You were in a villain attack and you were battling against the villains when one of them slashed your thigh making a really deep cut. You hissed in pain but you managed to pounce on them and fight them 
Even though you knew you had really powerful quirks, (elemental manipulation AND nuclear generation) you still needed some sort of backup, but luckily, Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou arrived at the scene just in time and helped you take down those damn villains 
''Guys, I told you I'm FINE'' you whined as Bakugou lifted you up like a sack of potatoes over his shoulders and they proceeded to take you to the Recovery Girl's office. ''Will you stop trying to be so brave for 2 god DAMN seconds and let us help you. you idiot'' hissed Bakugou and you just rolled your eyes
"Kaachan, don't be mean and now is a perfectly good time and opportunity to show Y/N chan how much we care about her'' said Midoriya over excitedly. Todoroki didn't bother saying and soon afterwards, you found yourself at the Recovery Girl's office with the 3 guys waiting for you in there to see if she needed any help 
''I think we should all be here just in case'' said Todoroki in a monotone as he fixed his icy stare at you. You didn't bother arguing since you were tired and besides.... they were your friends. They wouldn't do something to harm you, right? You, my dear, had no idea how WRONG you were 
After the Recovery Girl left the office, Midoriya said, ''Y/N chan, you got severely hurt today. I- I think you should take a break'' as you glared at him. ''Are you saying that I'm not capable of taking care of myself'' you shot back. ''Yeah, that's EXACTLY what he said and MEANT!'' yelled Bakugou. ''Now now 'Kaachan' don't upset our little baby, she needs to be treated with care'' said Todoroki calmly as Katsuki yelled at him not to call him Kaachan. Wait..... OUR BABY!!??
''Y/N chan, even if you have 2 powerful quirks you aren't capable of defending yourself, you'll need bigger and stronger heroes to protect you from getting hurt. And we think it's for the best if you stop hero work. I mean, what sort of heroes would we be if we can't protect you from getting hurt?'' crooned Deku as he leaned closer to you 
''What are you sickos even on to?'' you snarled at them. ''Hmph... for once I actually agree with Shitty Deku. And hopefully this will be the last time I agree with him'' grumbled Bakugou
''Aww.... baby, we tried explaining it to you. To make it short, We are going to be YOUR heroes and from now on, you don't need to even work when you have big strong 3 heroes looking after you'' said Todoroki pressed a wet rag on your mouth and before you could even protest, the chloroform had knocked you out as you tried to hear what the voices around you were saying as the room started spinning 
''I feel so bad for drugging our darling puppy like that'' whined Midoriya as Bakugou told him to shut up. ''I wonder how long it will take for her to adjust to her new life with us'' said Todoroki as Bakugou said, ''She WILL live with us from now on whether they like it or not. The nerd can't go even a SECOND without injuring themselves and if they put up a fight..... we can too'' boomed Bakugou as the other 2 nodded in agreement 
'Hope she'll like her new home'' mumbled Midoriya as he felt certain that you'd thank them for rescuing you from your old life. They were doing this for YOU after all. You were their precious angel, their darling and the light of their lives and they just didn't want to see you hurt
You. were. THEIRS. and there wasn't ANYTHING anyone could do about it.....
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Hi 🥺( I’m lotharwinchester on ao3)
It says in your ask guidelines that you’re willing to write in a trans prospective? I was wondering if you’d be willing to write a fanfic where soap and/or price goes to pride with their trans masc squad mate because they’ve never been supported enough to go? (Their relationship could be any one, romantic or platonic) I love your writing, like I can always visualize to the t everything you’re describing. 🥰
Lothar!! Omg hiiii ^_^ I am always so stoked to see your comments, friend! I would be honored to write this fic for you. <3 <3 I hope this is what you were imagining. Happy Pride!!
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You'll Never Walk Alone
Spotting him in the crowd was surprisingly easy. To be fair, he was huge. His shoulders sprawled high above a pair of lovers, decked out in their rainbow gear, kissing and hugging each other like their lives depended on it, fully dressed in their pride. If there was ever a time to bring out the tacky rainbow merch, it was today. But, John was in all black. 
You didn’t mind. Not everyone had a closet that was prepared for the city’s annual Pride Parade. You were just glad that he could make it. 
No, that was wrong. You were glad that he decided to come. You didn’t need him to be clad in rainbows. Choosing to be here versus just being available to be here were two very different things. His presence meant the world to you. 
All through training, your captain had never treated you with disrespect. He’d learned your name and your pronouns, and you had a suspicion that everyone else on base had been strongly encouraged to learn them as well. When you rendezvous’d with new teams, he reinforced your identity, making sure that the one or two snide remarks or misgenderings that slipped through were cut down without mercy. He was a fearsome ally, and you felt lucky to have him.
You’d transitioned alone. In fact, most of the people who you had called friends in your life had cut you out of theirs before you’d even had a chance to tell them about your true identity. They knew that you had refused to conform to their idea of how you should have dressed, how you should have worn your hair, how you should have behaved, and that had been enough for them to abandon you. Your heart ached to know that their friendship had been conditional. Those people had wanted to make you feel ashamed of yourself, of who you had finally been able to become now that you were out from under their oppressive darkness.
But, you weren’t ashamed. You were determined. You joined up with the RAF, eventually making it through to the SAS, and you promised yourself that if you had to die for your country, you’d not die with your deadname still hanging heavy around your neck.
So, you changed it. Officially. Price had even been there to help you with the paperwork. 
This was your first official pride after coming out, and although crowds tended to make any good soldier a little nervous, you had actually never felt more secure. Wearing your rainbow-strapped backpack with your blue, pink, and white trans pride tee was not how you usually chose to represent yourself in public. To be honest, you usually dressed like Price, dark and covert, but not today. Today, you wanted to be yourself, loudly. 
You caught your captain’s eye and waved him down. Watching the street for scooters or bikes, he jogged over to you, joining you in the back of the parade. 
“Hey, mate. Good to see ya.” His voice was deep and comforting. He shook your hand with genuine warmth, falling into step beside you. 
“You, too. I’m glad you’re here, Cap.” You studied his face, still moved by his support.
“All dressed up? Lookin’ sharp.” Price examined your outfit, getting a good look at your facepaint as well. You’d gotten it done at the start of the parade, and you were sure it had halfway flaked off by now. 
“Thanks. Oh! Almost forgot. Picked up one of these for you, if you want it.” You handed him a pin. It was a simple pride flag button, but the look on his face was full of surprise and gratitude. 
“Nice! Sorry about my lack of rainbows, mate. But, I found this shirt I got for The Reds’ season last year, and I reckoned it’d do.”
Price unzipped his black hoodie and held out his shirt, stretching it for you to see the words. It was the Liverpool Football Club’s merch with their famous song title emblazoned on the front.
“You’ll never walk alone,” you read aloud, looking up at Price for clarification.
“Aye. You’ll never walk alone, either, mate. Promise you that. In fact, the boys should be here any minute.”
He looked down at his watch and then searched through the crowd at the next intersection. You peered into the swarm of flags and glitter and people and saw them there; Soap, Gaz, and Ghost all standing together, craning their necks, searching for you and the captain. 
Gaz had come prepared with a big billowing flag in his hands, Soap had clearly had way more fun at the face painting booth than you did, and Ghost, although dressed in just as much black as Price, wore a trans pride medical mask over his mouth. 
Price let out a shrill whistle, the pitch of which made your blood run cold from its familiarity. All at once, the trio turned toward you, and when they saw your faces, they broke out into smiles, trotting towards you as they folded around the hoard of people. 
Before you knew it, you were surrounded by your team, laughing and joking and dancing together through the street, the music vibrating through your chest, your cheeks burning from your perpetual smile.
Johnny was having the time of his life, somehow charming his way onto a nearby float, waving the flags back and forth like he was leading a charge. Gaz and Ghost were walking in front of you, chatting with the people around you, catching candy being tossed from the crowd.
Price hung back, still keeping step with you. Suddenly, you felt something brush against your wrist. When you looked down, you saw your captain's huge palm swooping under yours to catch it. He took your hand in his, holding it firmly, squeezing it. You looked up at him and smiled, squeezing back.
Where there had once been gray, heavy clouds, now there was only a pale blue sky, and as you felt the sun heat your skin on this chilly June morning, you’d never been more proud to be who you are.
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starsfic · 6 months
The Bull's Key
Summary: The most handsome man in town offers a challenge. Xiaotian ends up being more distracted by the bull. (A rewrite of my 2021 fic, The Cat's Key.) Notes: So @dragonblood1313 on Discord offered a version of my fic where Red takes the form of a bull instead- makes sense- and gave me permission to use the idea to rewrite my fic.
He was the most handsome man in town.
His name was Red, matching the mane of fiery curls that he tied back to reveal golden eyes. He was the son of a wealthy couple to boot, and he was smart. Qi Xiaotian had seen him many times in town, walking like a soldier, revealing his fine figure.
So had many others in town. Whenever Red showed his face in town, a crowd of men and women alike formed, following him. They all pleaded for him to be their spouse, to be theirs, to love them.
Xiaotian had been tempted once to ask the same when Red came in to pick up some noodles from Pigsy’s inn. He had barely been able to get through the greeting, entranced by the calluses on Red's hands, the way some of his hair started to drape over his shoulder, how delicate he looked despite the strength he held. But he had swallowed the pleading words of love back, allowing Pigsy to hand over the noodles. He was a simple delivery boy. What good could he offer the town’s prince?
(He didn’t want to answer the pitying looks his Dadsy and father figure gave him.)
One day, however, Red called a meeting.
Everyone came. Even those not interested in Red came, gathering around the wall that bordered his home, a small cottage near his family’s manor. Long Xiaojiao, Xiaotian's best friend, dragged him to the front. She had once been one of the many women who admired Red, but apparently had lost interest after a lengthy conversation with him. Still, her eyes were excited. "I wonder what he's going to be talking about?" she whispered.
"I don't know-"
Those callused hands hefted Red up onto the wall, and the crowd pressed closer, entranced by how the setting sun made Red's hair gleam. Xiaotian's breath caught in his throat, and his fingers twitched, longing to rush home and sketch the scene. Thankfully, he didn't make them wait. 
“I’ve decided to marry,” Red announced, clapping his hands together with a smile. The crowd burst into gasps and whispers, several exchanging angry looks. Xiaojiao grabbed Xiaotian's shoulder hard enough to make him wince. “I have not chosen who yet.” The crowd fell silent, and the angry looks disappeared. For some reason, hope bloomed in Xiaotian’s chest. Red pulled out a golden key from his pocket, marked with the symbol of Red’s family. “So we’re going to play a game.”
The rules were simple: Red would tie the key to his home around the neck of his bull. When a man was brave enough to ask how they knew which cow belonged to Red, he simply said, "You'll know it when you see it." Red would marry whoever entered his home through the key, which hung on his bull. With that, he hopped off the wall and walked away, leaving people to whisper and shout.
The game started the next day.
Xiaotian was outside, hanging up some laundry that some guests had requested. In between the cloth, he saw glimpses of red. His heart skipped a beat and he pushed aside some of the clothes, hoping to see those fiery red curls…
That was a cow.
Xiaotian blinked. Nope, that was a bull. A handsome bull with golden horns, yes, but also bright red. He walked through the streets without a care, seemingly unaware of the golden key hanging around its neck. That was probably what Red meant when people would recognize the bull as his.
But the key was also glinting around its neck, right next to a little bell, gleaming like a teasing little star. Xiaotian felt himself freeze at the realization. It would be so easy to just walk up and take the key…
 Someone shouted “There it is!”
It was like someone had screamed fire . A crowd of people immediately formed. The bull glanced back, snorted, and Xiaotian blinked. In that second, the bull took off like a shot, kicking up dust behind him. Xiaotian flattened himself against the wall, watching as the bull ran past and saving himself from being flattened by the crowd.
At first, people chased. The bull seemed to be a little bit of a tease, walking calmly around until people noticed him. And from there, the bull would run. It had to be the fastest bull Xiaotian had ever seen, kicking up clouds of dust that seemed to block out the sun for a moment as the pursuers were left behind.
Then traps and bribes came into play. The bribes came in the form of hay, fine cow feed, and other foods, all sbulltered around town. People thought that the richest farmer in town would win when he grew sweet cud, enough to make a giant mountain of it. The traps started out simple, with thread and bells next to the bribes. Slowly, they grew more elaborate as the bull seemed to ignore the bribes, to the point that Xiaotian found himself sore and bruised when he was running an errand, took one step, and found himself in essentially a giant mousetrap.
The bull fell for none of it.
“It’s all stupid,” Pigsy snorted that evening. He was cleaning up after dinner, scrubbing at the dish with a fierce look, as Xiaojiao patched up Xiaotian. “The kid clearly sent them on a wild goose chase so he could be left alone.”
“But what if someone gets the bull?” Tang challenged, glancing at Xiaotian.
“Are you kidding? That bull has to be the smartest thing alive. The only way someone’s getting that key is if it walks up and hands it over.”
“Yeah, Tang, Red’s not interested in marriage,” Xiaojiao said, giving Xiaotian an apologetic look when he winced as she tightened the bandage. “At least, to those bozos. They’re going about this all wrong.”
The next day, Xiaotian took the day off.
It had been relatively quiet of any bull sightings that day. Nobody noticed him take the path down to Red’s cottage. An idea had been poking into his mind since Xiaojiao’s comment. Finally, he reached the wall that surrounded the cottage, the one Red had made his announcement on, and peeked his head over.
The cottage was a simple one for Red’s wealth. The nearby creek turned a waterwheel, and an open space revealed a blacksmith area. There was no sign of Red. Or the bull.
Not until a startled “Moo!” and a bell rang.
Xiaotian’s first thought was oh, one of those traps worked . Except, none of the traps had been set this close to Red’s property, out of some silent agreement. Curiosity nagged at him, and he followed, following the wall until he got to an open section. There, some lovely weeping willows had been planted. Normally, the lovely green leaves would gently flow with the wind, except today, there was a bull.
A bull who was clearly struggling. 
As Xiaotian stepped closer, he realized that the bull’s golden horns had somehow gotten wrapped up in the willow branches, trapping him and locking him tight. His bell jingled as he frantically tried to free himself. As Xiaotian stepped closer, the bull’s eyes widened, and his struggles grew more desperate, to the point that there were audible small cricks and cracks . If this kept up, the bull would hurt himself.
“Hold on, hold on!” Xiaotian held up his hands, keeping them up to show that he wasn’t going for the key. The key was honestly the furthest thing from his thoughts at the moment. “Let me help you.” He reached to his side and pulled out the small knife Pigsy had given him for self-defense. It was for vegetables, but people tended to leave you alone if they thought you could defend yourself. 
The bull’s struggles died down, but his eyes were still wide and frightened. Xiaotian kept his breathing calm and kept his eyes on the bull’s horns. He would have to be careful. One slip up, and those things could gore him. He reached up and gently gripped one horn. The bull made an unhappy noise, and he sighed. “I know, buddy.”
He reached up with the knife and started to cut at the willow. They weren’t clean and professional, like how Pigsy could cut, but Xiaotian did his best. Once one horn was free, he started cutting free the other. Willow leaves and branches settled around his feet and on the bull’s back, decorating the red fur with soft green.
Once the willow was away, Xiaotian reached out and gently gripped the back of the bull’s collar. The bull reared back, but Xiaotian held tight, leading him through the willow and to the other side. He released the collar to lift up the willow branches.
The bull blinked and then snorted, marching past him. The sun gleamed on his red fur, much like how it did on Red’s hair, as he shook off the willow leaves. Xiaotian sat down as the bull trotted around, enjoying his freedom, and pulled out his sketchbook from his bag. “I wonder where he got you,” he wondered as he grabbed his lunch, opening it to reveal his favorite noodles, packed with beef and veggies. He ignored the twinge of guilt at the meat to instead admire the bull. “You’re really beautiful.”
And troublemaking.
The bull eyed him from a few feet away. “I bet you’re having a lot of fun,” Xiaotian said, pulling out his chopsticks. “I certainly would. Running around and making a bunch of people look dumb? That sounds like a blast.” Well, not the making people look dumb part, he wasn’t that mean. The bull stepped closer and now Xiaotian could see that it was staring at his bowl. “Are you hungry?” The bull made a little moo and he chuckled. “Okay, hang on…” Which veggies did cows like?
And then the bull was sticking its face in his bowl.
“Woah, hey, wait-!” Xiaotian yelped as the bull’s mouth moved, sending broth spilling over him and narrowly avoiding him with the horns. Before he could grab him, the bull sprinted away with a mouthful of noodles.
“Wait, I-” Xiaotian got his feet, but the bull was already gone. He sighed, sitting back down. “Sorry, buddy.” Hopefully, the noodles wouldn’t make it sick.
The next afternoon, Red came into the inn.
Xiaotian was too focused to hear the silence pass over the dining hall. His eyes were locked on his sketchbook as he drew the bull. His paints and watercolors weren’t allowed in the business during business hours, but he could easily imagine how the light caught the red of the bull, setting it ablaze…
“-Noodle Boy!” He jolted at the name and stood up. Red stood on the other side of the counter. Was it his imagination, or did he look flustered? “May I please buy some noodles?” he said. “Veggie, please.”
“Uh…sure. Yeah, yeah, right on.” Xiaotian felt heat spread through his face as he scrambled to write down the order. Pigsy was glaring at him from the kitchen, he could feel it. But there was also something else, something that he dared to say once the order was in. “Um, I don’t mean to be weird, but you have a willow tree on your property, right?”
Red raised a brow. “Yes?”
“Well, uh, I kinda found your bull stuck in it.”
Red’s brows furrowed together. “Are you presenting the key?”
“No,” Xiaotian felt his brows furrow together. Didn’t he hear the part about his pet being stuck? “I was more focused on your bull being stuck and freeing him.” He took in a deep breath. “That’s really irresponsible.”
“...Excuse me.”
“I mean, what if I hadn’t found him?” The heat in his face drained down to his stomach, in a familiar feeling of anger. He loved animals, and he had grown fond of the beautiful scarlet bull. “Your poor bull could’ve hurt himself! I can’t believe you’re letting him do stuff like that!”
Silence drew throughout the inn. Red gaped at him, as if nobody had ever dared to speak like that to him. Not even the clink of a bowl dared to break the silence. Xiaotian did, letting out a huff before grabbing Red’s food. “Payment, sir,” he ground out.
Red, still gaping, reached into his pocket and pulled out money. As he did, Xiaotian realized that it was way more than that bowl was meant for. He opened his mouth to call out, but Red was already marching out of the door.
Xiaojiao broke the silence by drawing up, eyes wide. “That was really ballsy,” she whispered.
“I…It needed to be said,” He still had a bit of a crush on the guy, but that had dimmed a bit. “It needed to be said. Someone needs to defend that poor bull.”
The next day, when he could, he came to Red’s house and found that the willow tree had been trimmed down.
Weeks passed. Xiaotian found himself coming day after day to Red’s cottage when he could, always greeted by the poor bull in question, who watched him from the corner of his eye. Every day, he grew closer and closer. The bull didn’t like veggies, but he did like noodles and balls, he found, watching as the bull threw the ball with his horns. The rest of the town was starting to give up, sharing Pigsy’s thought that this was Red’s way of telling people to leave him alone.
Xiaotian... found he really didn’t care, especially after the willow tree scene.
The bull was rapidly taking up his care. He began to let him pet him, weaving small braids in his fur and even setting flower crowns on his head. He listened with ear flicks and tail flicks as Xiaotian talked about everything and nothing.
One evening, when the inn was closing for the evening and the bar was empty, there was a moo. Xiaotian looked up. “Hey little buddy!” he cooed when he saw the bull at the doorway. “Here, wait by the trough.”
“Kid, we- Woah!” Pigsy, from the kitchen doorway, stared. Tang poked his head around and stared. “Is that-”
Xiaotian shrugged, as if it was no big deal. “Yeah. Do we have any leftover noodles?”
“Kid. That’s Red’s bull.”
“Why is the key still around its neck?”
“Wha- oh!” Right, the key. Once again, it glinted beckoningly. Xiaotian looked up from it, making eye contact with the bull. It stared steadily at him. “I... I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right, I guess.”
Pigsy stared, even as Xiaojiao’s head popped up and Tang reached over her and passed a pot of noodles to him. “What.”
The bartender shrugged as he took the pot from Pigsy’s limp hands. “It’s not the right time,” he said, a bit more confidently. His back turned to it, he didn’t notice the annoyed look that crossed the bull’s face. The others followed him to the door, watching as he poured the noodles into the trough. The bull bowed his head and ate, allowing Xiaotian to pet him.
However, his mind, for once, wasn’t on the bull.
The next day was a sunny day. Xiaotian found himself stretched out in the grass. The bull laid across from him, stretched out happily in the sun with his gleaming horns. “You sure are one lucky bull,” he admitted. Now that he had been reminded of the key, he remembered why he had been interested in the bull.
The bull let out a moo, turning those dark eyes to him. “You probably snuggle with him every night, I certainly would snuggle you, and... he’s so smart. And handsome. And clever.” Xiaotian couldn’t help but snicker reminded of a public incident where Red had verbally torn to shreds a suitor who had tried to grab him. “I mean, I’m still a little upset with him for the whole willow tree thing, but he fixed that.”
The bull stood.
“I wonder... if he would be disappointed if it was me. I mean, I yelled at him in public. I’m just some innkeeper’s boy. I’m not rich or smart like him” Xiaotian rolled over on his stomach with a sigh. “Please don’t tell anyone. It’s embarrassing-”
The bull knelt in front of him.
He froze.
The key gleamed at him.
“Are... you giving it to me?”
The bull didn’t respond. Xiaotian reached out. One hand rested between the bull’s horns, where he liked to be scratched, and scratched on instinct. The other reached for the key.
The string came undone, leaving the golden key in his hands. Xiaotian stared at it before he felt the bull rise, pulling him up with him. There was a gentle nudge from the bull before it moved forward, guiding him to the house. Soon enough, they were at the door.
He reached out and slid the key into the lock.
The door opened and Xiaotian stepped inside. The front room was decorated nicely, done in reds and purples and touches of gold. Little bulls decorations were here and there. He turned, wondering if the bull had inspired the decor, only for red smoke to engulf his vision.
“I hope you view me responsible enough to marry you.”
The smoke cleared and Xiaotian stared. Red stood there, with crossed arms, brows furrowed together.
“The willow tree.” Red coughed, looking away. “You were right. I should have made sure it was trimmed before trying to walk through it. If a real bull was in that, it could’ve gotten hurt.” He glanced at him. “I apologize for making you fret.”
Xiaotian blinked. “A…Apology accepted.”
“So, am I responsible enough to marry you?”
Red reached out. Xiaotian reached out, resting his hand on the top of Red’s head. His fiance- okay wow- paused before a pretty smile formed across his face and he leaned forward.
Their first kiss was sweet. Not as sweet as the day Red actually got a bull for a pet much to Xiaotian’s joy, but sweet enough.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
I don't know if you know or even care judging by your heartless attitude and those of the anons baiting, but Grace has been discharged from the hospital. She just needed a few stitches. Her brother has said Grace is actually not meant to be on social media as it's hugely triggering for her, plus she has a history of making posts that spark harassment etc because her takes are seen as discriminatory etc. He thought it was the same old situation again and doesn't get the whole plagarism thing. I messaged him the screencaps Grace took of her post and yours and he thought she had written both posts which says it all. He's not really interested in that tbh. However he has contacted law enforcement for advice regarding the harassment claims - they have seen the screencaps of everything but the fact Grace deleted her blog has caused hassle. Without an actual account to trace the IPs then it gets complicated. They recommend getting legal representation in the meantime and to contact Tumblr directly. Grace's injuries have been photographed and filed, so has the whole plagarism thing as background but they're not really interested in that either. It's more about the threats. I don't know if you were involved but apparently the officer said they have to have actual evidence in terms of the original situation motivating a backlash from your followers. But it's sketchy and we can't make unproven allegations. He said so far there's no actual proof online of you goading people to go after Grace. Your responses are not enough to indicate this. If the case goes ahead and they uncover evidence, then yes, they will then act. Tbh, they're not really being helpful with this as they are implying it's a waste of their time and resources. The officer admitted that your post was probably plagarised but that's it.
I'm going to cut it off there as I've wasted enough time on this. I hope Grace learns her lesson and stays off this hellsite. The only good thing about this is all my mutuals and theirs have now blocked you if they hadn't already. I've heard a lot about you over the past 24 hours and none of it is good.i had no idea who you were before or I'd have moved to act sooner to protect Grace from you. God knows how many vulnerable people you fucked up ready. I'm hearing crazy things about you defend paedophelia, you pretend to be bi to express Anti LGBTQ opinions and get away with it etc. I don't know if this is true but who knows. I just think you are a really dangerous individual and people are taking your opinions at face value as fact. Anyone who challenges you is immediately called crazy and deluded and then subjected to abuse. Grace could have killed herself over this and for what? Some idiot copying her post? I feel you have a lot of unhealthy thoughts and feelings and post them here because in real life you'll get trouble for it. I don't really care. I just think you're absolutely vile and people should block you for their own safety.
1. I don't pretend to be Bi. I am bisexual woman. And I have never declared anything anti-LBGT. I'm just not comfortable with changing the on-screen gender of a male character who has been exist for years. It's still crazy to be called queerphobic for that.
(If you look at my tumblr account, I'm currently obsessed with the ship Catwin and Dead Boy Detectives in general ! 😂)
2. I am not defending pedophilia. Not even incest, because I'm also accused of that. Shipping fictional characters has nothing to do with real life. You need to get treatment.
3. The same people who say I'm anti LGBT also accuse "Grace" of also being anti-LGBT, by the way. Just to show you the level of stupidity these people have.
4. There is no evidence that my subscribers have harassed anyone ! And if they did, I NEVER in any way encouraged that to happen. As for this girl (apparently named Grace), I literally said that if it was true, it was sad, but I had nothing to do with it, and that I hoped she would get better. (How does that make me heartless?) But once again, I DIDN'T PLAGIARIZE HER, I didn't harass her, and I didn't encourage anyone to harass her (or other people) either.
I am a person who stays in my tags on tumblr. I almost never go to other people's blogs and even less to harass them with anonymous messages. At this point, I am the one who has been the victim of harassment by antis who are spreading bullshit about me and it continues now.
If this whole story is true, I wish Grace well, but I didn't plagiarize her, nor did I send anyone to harass her. And that's just the truth. Whether you believe me or not I don't care, I have a clear conscience and that's all that matters.
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blorbologist · 1 year
- Wedding rings convergently evolved in a lot of contexts due to some divine events/recurrences (ex: halos of some aasimar and divine casters). Though how they're used varies (some cultures have many, with rings being added as the couple has children or for other life events; some wear them in their hair or as body piercings; some insist the couple or someone close to them make the rings themselves; sometimes they're made as a chain that's ceremonially broken during the wedding and reforged).
- I love the common HC that elven weddings involve ceremonial knots and rope/string tying the couple together! Drow use white-silver threads (heated debate rage as to if this is nods to Loloth or the Luxon in the Dynasty), wood elves will use plant-based fibers grown from each family's land/plants that grow near their home, and all elves will use fancier material to indicate wealth. A common practice for half-elves, especially from societies where they’re more common and can share this knowledge, is to intersperse the weaving and knots with rings, or save the threads to make into necklaces or armbands.
- many Ashari wedding practices (a little different for each tribe) have their roots in Drashari & Age of Arcanum customs that survived. For Zephrah in particular, I like the idea of the couple writing their vows, folding the paper into a bird or flower or something specific to Them (Vaxleth would 100% do a raven) and sending it flying from the cliffs. I'm undecided if they're supposed to use wind spells/cantrips to keep them aloft or trust in the air to carry them and their hopes for the relationship. (The people living downwind think it's good luck to catch Ashari wedding vows, and sometimes make the trek up to return them to the happy couple.) They don't know this is adapted from the spell kites of Cathmoíra.
- Several parts of Wildemount include planting something Important as part of the ceremony. Either something that will grow (a tree, a vital crop, a favorite flower) or not (a memory capsule, an offering, or something meant to decay). If the planting doesn't go well, or if the plant/burried thing gets damaged down the line, it's seen as a terrible omen. Couples living in cities will keep theirs on windowsills or roofs to ensure they get enough light, and it’s a common source of gossip if a neighbor's plant is unwell or if the pot of soil tips during a storm, spilling out the gifts within.
- I've thought. So much. About Whitestone weddings. The city-state was very isolated for years, so their practices are very tailored to their home. Laurels are made out of the Sun Tree's shed leaves, which are also scattered around their feet. Weddings are usually held at dawn or midday for Pelor reasons, and the rings are weighed in scales blessed by Erathis to ensure the partnership is equal. The ceremony is usually held in front of the Sun Tree, and if the couple is very lucky or of high status a fallen bough will be brought with them into their marital home to keep them safe and blessed by its shade (and it's meant to be burnt as firewood should they face a challenge they feel they can't surmount, be it a terrible winter or awful fight). Most couples only get a twig or small branch though. Actually, you'll see soon ;3
- Vex's wedding ring is 100% forged from melted down gold pieces from her own person. Because there's a chance, however small, that one or two pieces used were among those Percy gave her when they first met. Percy includes some residuum in his, partially because he wanted to make sure their rings could both be used as Resurrection components should anything happen... and partially because he still remembers the Sunken Tomb and how his offering of residuum then was not accepted. He doesn’t want to forget what his mistake cost them, a reminder to be careful (what if he had succeeded? would Vax not have - then he might - fuck.).
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lunar-solstice-plur · 3 months
⬦ Hello! We're lunar solstice, a spirigenic, traumagenic, and soulbonded system! ⬦
This blog is meant to share our experiences, hopefully majority through artwork! Though I'll also be reblogging stuff too, and will probably make some textposts.
⤞ Our main blog is @lunarsolstice-blueyouaway , AKA the blog we like with. You can follow it, but there's no real point, its just meant to be a base for this and our other account.
⤞ Our regular art blog is @blueyouaway-art , we post non-plural related art there. Please do follow us there :')
🞚 Collectively, we go by Sol, with he/they pronouns. We use I & we interchangeably. We prefer the word plural over system, but its nbd if system is used. We don't really care what term is used for members, except for part, which we dislike, and for our soulbonds, don't call them fictives. The body's features are irrelevant.
🞜 The nature of our plurality is very spiritual. I understand that such things can be difficult to believe, and you are not inclined to believe us, but you sure as hell don't have to be a dick about it, and trying to deny/argue about it to my face is only going to succeed in getting you blocked. This is not to say that we aren't open and respectful to anyone else's spiritual or religious beliefs (or lack thereof), of course; we don't need to believe in the same things to get along.
🞛 Going to try our best to remain discourse & syscourse-free on here, but just so its clear: we are pro *all* system types, origins, experiences, all of it, and that's the end of the conversation. If you say you experience it, then I believe you. Also accepting towards those with other non-normative labels, interests, & experiences. Lastly, I am anti-harassment to the highest degree.
⯁ We don't have a DNI. If I don't like you, I'll just block you, and I hope you'll give me the same courtesy.
Now that all that's out of the way, onto the system stuff. Currently, we have 44 active members and a couple other non-permanent members (some people come and go fairly quickly, others stick around for a small while before leaving). More info about everyone is under the cut!
⬦ Basic System/Belief Guide⬦
Generally, we believe that most everyone here is a walk-in or soulbond, AKA, someone who came here from a different place/time. Some people are probably more psychological in origin, but in the end, there's no real reason to separate anyone out. At the very least, everyone has a soul.
Still, some believe in slightly different things under this. There are more Christian-aligned members, more witchy-aligned members, more "whatever"-aligned members.
And yes, we are also traumagenic, or at least trauma-based. Our beliefs do not take away from the trauma, and vice versa.
⬦ Active member list ⬦
This is only meant to be a simple list. I am working on making individual posts for everyone, but this post is already so damn long, no one wants to read all that here. The more thorough posts will be linked in the member's alias, as soon as I finish them.
*Note that none of these names are anyone's real name, for privacy's sake. Maybe in the future, some may give theirs away, but that day is not today.*
⤞ Canis || He/They || 💙🐶 || Frequent fronter & is often aware; the one who "found out."
⤞ Apollo|| He/Wolv || 🐺🌕 || Protector-type with mad lethargy, but will bite back.
⤞ Laurel || He/They + Any || 🕊🔆 || Hyperempathy holder & is very very spiritual. Bit of a Fluttershy-kin.
⤞ Byte || He/It/Nya || 🐈🖱 || Has genuine happiness in his heart; OneShot-phased; catboy & computer-kin.
⤞ Barley || He/Him || 🌾☀ || Country boy; very honest and doesn't take shit.
⤞ Lico || He/Him || 🍒🎶 || City boy at heart, passionate about creating and singing.
⤞ Silver || He/Him || 🐻🪶 || Soulbond. Apathetic to most things, but also finds the humor in a lot of things.
⤞ Ghost || He/Him || 🦗🩶 || Hardworking, but also knows how to take it easy. Generally nice.
⤞ Rusty || He/Him || 🕷🧡 || Ghost's best friend from before, and still is.
⤞ Hanako || She/Her || 🌺♥ || Soulbond. Caretaker-type. Gentle, kind, but not innocent or in need of protection.
⤞ Ick || He/They || 🩸🎮 || Edgy AF, creepypasta & FNAF-phased. Holds a lot of anger.
⤞ Summer || She/Her || 💝🐴 || Uma Musume, but not in the franchise itself. Genki girl who loves to run, dance, and sing.
⤞ Hikaru || She/Her || 💖🌠 || Soulbond. Just wants a simple life. Likes to read/watch her source.
⤞ North || He/Him || ♠⛰ || Soulbond from my own story idea. Honestly just sick of existing in an objective sense.
⤞ Sage || She/Xir || 🦊🧹 || Witchy girl who prefers the peace of nature.
⤞ Clover || She/Her || ♣🍁 || Aloof girl who is similar to Fern from Frieren. Don't piss her off cuz she's not afraid to dish it back out.
⤞ Pine || He/Him || ⏯⭐ || Soulbond. Cool, chill, genuinely nice. Dating Canis <3
⤞ Arctic || She/They/Xir || ❄🧢 || 2000s girl who loves wintertime. Was a skilled skier.
⤞ Kuro || He/Him || ♟🪡 || Holds a lot of the base desires, if you get what I mean, all of which are violent in nature, so this is your warning.
⤞ Shiro || He/They || 🌫🧵 || Holds a lot of the base instincts and such. Soft, but trying his best.
⤞ Yule || He/Him || 🌨☃ || Small boy who holds a lot of childhood trauma.
⤞ Ciel || He/They || 🔵🔷 || Polite, but distant. Holds a lot of depression.
⤞ Spruce || He/Him || 🥽🌲 || Protector-type with a good sense of humor, but takes things seriously.
⤞ Ember || She/It || ❤️‍🔥🐲 || Viscous little dragon girl. Likes to mess around with people.
⤞ Rouge || She/Her || 🌹🩷 || Onee-san type who smokes and rides motorbikes. Prefers to laze around, but is quite reliable.
⤞ Twig || She/It || 🐦🪺 || Girl who loves the outdoors. Especially likes to climb trees.
⤞ Hime || She/Her || 👒🪻 || Himedere type, but not mean. Confident and likes fanciful things.
⤞ Stardust || She/Star || 🌟🔭 || Smart girl who got us through our school years. Unsure what her place is now.
⤞ Karma || They/Them || 🪐✂ || Chill dude, has a lot of Tokyo Teddy Bear vibes.
⤞ Leaf || She/Leaf || 🍃🍓 || Soulbond. Kindhearted, but with a darker side. Not melancholic, unlike most of us.
⤞ Lime || He/Zem/Xim + Any non-feminine || 🍋‍🟩🛼 || Quiet, but friendly. Likes to play video games.
⤞ Luna || Dae/Her + Any non-xenos, so long as they're capitalized || 🍄🪵 || Forest spirit. Melancholic, wise, pretty. Deerlike features.
⤞ Raven || She/Him + Any || 📌🦔 || Punk rock girl, and just punk in general. British AF.
⤞ Clementine || She/Her || 🍊🏵️ || Bright smile, dark eyes. A homely girl with too much empathy.
⤞ Comet || She/They || ☄🦇 || Appears cool-headed and cute, but also likes scary stuff.
⤞ Brandy || He/They || 🐈‍⬛🍺 || Elusive. Cold, but not mean. Doesn't front too much.
⤞ Periwinkle || She/Peri || ✨💠 || Cutesy girl who prefers the cold (especially the fluffy coats that come with it).
⤞ Macintosh || He/Him || 💾🖥 || Analytical, computer-y guy. Honest in his criticisms, but they're usually always right.
⤞ Jasmine || She/Bun || 🐰♦ || Soulbond. Great fake smile, despite how little she cares. Up there in blood-lust. Fundamentally lonely.
⤞ Latte || Sie/Her/They || ☕🍂 || Blunt and factual. Smart.
⤞ Sora || He/They || ☁🎨 || Very chill guy. Loves to paint.
⤞ Melanie || She/They || 🥀🖤 || Dark & mourning vibes. Sullen expression.
⤞ Boots || He/Him || 🧶🍀 || Kind & cheerful. Sees the positive side. Cat-hearted.
⤞ Hazel || She/They || 🦌🔔 || Soulbond. A kind, but cold girl who wishes she were perceived differently.
⬦ Tags ⬦
Any trigger warnings will be tagged as '[subject] tw'. I apologize in advance if I forget to tag something; our sense of what is triggering to most people is completely fucked lol.
Members will tag their posts with their name + their above emoji combo. If we're blurry, then there might not be a tag or I'll just tag it as 'blurry 💭❓'.
#plural art: Our artwork that we post here, can include any medium
#plural comic: Comics about ourselves
#txt: Textposts from us
#reblog: Reblogs from others
#op art: Art from others
I'll probably edit this section as we post more.
Alright, who's actually still reading this? Sorry for the mega long post, but I want to keep everything important pinned at once.
01. [Alaska - Sky Sailing] 0:00 ────── 2:36 ▶ 02. [Hi Too Loo Rye - Hop Along, Queen Ansleis] 0:00 ────── 2:49 ▶ 03. [Solstice - OneShot OST] 0:00 ────── 2:48 ▶
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sapphicneige · 1 year
The Storm is Going to Break When We Start
Summary: “Blake, are you suggesting we steal Jaune’s bed?” Yang cocks an eyebrow, surprised she’s hearing the suggestion.
“Not there specifically.” The colour of Blake’s cheeks darkens slightly. “L-Like I just meant… not this hard floor.” She glances at the door. “But I mean… it’s been way longer than it would take to just get some firewood… I am pretty sure at least two of those three know what leaving us alone tonight would mean.”
Words: 6922 Main Pairing: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long Rating: E
Notes: I have to thank @lightsaroundyourvanity for this idea. (I was the anon btw, xD). Their ask where they mentioned the bees fucking in Jaune's bed developed an idea I already had in my head and I just couldn't stop writing once that happened. Except when I had to, you know... sleep and spend time with my girlfriend.
I hope you'll all enjoy!!!
Yang’s used to being warm–a side effect of her semblance–but this is different. She barely even notices the fire that dances in front of her, this goes far beyond that. This warmth is entirely from Blake. They’d tried to keep their distance–somewhat–since entering Jaune’s hut. And they had–kind of. But, as they’d sat and talked, the two of them just kept moving closer. Where once only their hands had touched, now Blake’s lay in Yang’s lap, and Yang’s is hooked around Blake’s side. Where once there had been space, now was none, their thighs pressed together as they sit, Blake’s head resting upon Yang’s shoulder.
Each point of contact between the two of them, each brush of Blake’s fingers against Yang’s leg, each soft exhale she feels leave Blake’s body. It all sends a spark of electricity flowing throughout her body. A nervous excitement at the fact that everything is finally out in the open, that she can be honest with her feelings.
She can't help but steal glances at Blake, admiring the way the firelight dances in her hair, illuminating the soft curves of her face. Her eyes occasionally flicker to Blake's lips, the lips that she's tasted, that she's kissed. A thrill runs through her at the thought. She sees Weiss's knowing smile from the corner of her eye, and she can't help but blush slightly.
Blake loves her.
It's a thought that's still sinking in. They've always had this unspoken thing between them, this undeniable connection that they've both been too afraid to confront. But now, everything is different. They're together, and it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
Yang runs her hand over Blake's, interlacing their fingers. She can feel the weight of the moment, the significance of this newfound intimacy. It's scary, it always has been, but it's also exhilarating.
It isn’t meant to initiate a kiss. But, when Blake’s ears twitch ever so subtly, when Blake’s head turns up, when those beautiful amber eyes begin to stare into her own with a look that she’s wanted to see for so long, it becomes too hard to resist.
As Blake leans in to kiss Yang, time seems to stand still. The sensation of Blake's soft lips against hers, the warmth of her breath, is almost overwhelming. It's a feeling that Yang has never experienced before, and it fills her with a sense of exhilaration and joy.
It’s all so new, so beautiful, so desperately theirs. Blake’s lips are as soft as Yang always imagined they would be–soft and warm. Blake’s breath tastes as warm and sweet as she’s always wished it would. Blake’s small gasps and very slight noises are as cute as she’d always expected.
It's strange how a simple kiss and a few words can alter one's perspective so drastically. Blake's scent, a blend of lavender, violets, and sandalwood mixed with a warm aroma, has always been a source of comfort for her. But now, it's much more than that; it's enticing, pulling her in and making her want Blake in ways she's never allowed herself to before. The fear of rejection and being hurt has vanished, leaving her with an overwhelming desire to be with Blake. There’s no more fear of being hurt, of rejection.
Just as Yang is starting to get completely lost in the moment, Jaune clears his throat from behind them. “Just to remind you two, we are all still here.”
Continued on ao3...
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basilone · 10 months
hey i hope you’re well! i was interested in hearing your thoughts about this, people new to the fandom have been posting gifs for bob but you can tell the gifs are not theirs. they don’t credit the gif makers or tell people they have permission to repost gifs, or any of that and those who credit, only credit pinterest. you can tell it’s not their gifs by the coloring and how each gif is extremely different from the other, like the gifs are from different sources/gif makers. how do you feel about that?
Hi anon! I'm doing well, thank you, and I hope you are too. 😊
I gotta level with you first and say that I hope your ask isn't meant to shit-stir or cause any trouble in the fandom for the person(s) who're doing this sort of thing. If you truly want them to realize the errors of their ways, please consider sending them a private message to explain why this isn't a nice thing to do in fandom. (And, of course, do not reblog a post that is full of reposted gifs. It hurts my heart every time those posts get any type of engagement!)
That said, I have thoughts on this. I have a lot of thoughts on this, because the reality is that I'm tired.
I always operate on the basis of good faith in fandom. People who are new to fandom might not be aware of some things that are common sense to us who've been in fandom longer. People might not be aware that what they're doing isn't good. People might have seen other people do these things before, and they might not know that they're not supposed to do them.
For those people, let me say this: Pinterest, Twitter, WeHeartIt, Google, etc. are not sources for gifs. If you do not know a gif's origin, do not use it in your posts. If you don't know who made it, do not use it. I don't care if it's the best gif you've ever seen, I don't care if it fits whatever fanfic you're publishing, I don't care if it's perfect for your roleplaying. That gif isn't yours. That gif belongs to a gifmaker like myself, who has often spent hours creating that gif and has published that gif in a set on their own blog.
If you want to use that gif in any way in your own post, the bare minimum you should do is credit its original creator. They've worked hard on it and they deserve to be credited for that! Simply @-ing our username or using Tumblr's gif search will suffice, as we always get a notification of that. Also consider asking the gifmaker directly if you can use their gif in a particular post/fic: they will often say yes, but please also respect a 'no'.
And the reality here for me as a gifmaker is also this: I'm tired of asking people to credit me. I'm tired of having to message people and request that they credit my work in their posts. The HBO War fandom is pretty mild in how often this sort of thing occurs, but I have been part of another fandom where my work gets reposted on a regular basis. So regular, in fact, that I have utterly soured on the roleplaying community (the worst offenders when it comes to gif reposts!) and have taken to blocking people instead of asking them time and again to credit me. I'm so tired of it that I actually do not message anyone about it anymore, because my temper in regards to this has frayed over the years and I don't want to be a massive bitch to someone who might not even know that what they're doing is wrong.
I hope that this answer will create more awareness in our fandom and will make people credit the lovely gifmakers in our community for their work. Please don't use my words as an excuse to dogpile the user(s) who repost gifs, as they might not have realized they're committing a fandom faux-pas. Consider letting them know in private! (And if they refuse/ignore it or don't think it's that big a deal, you'll know they don't see gifmakers and other creative contributors to the fandom as people. We're just content machines to them, and in that case you can feel absolutely free to block and ignore that user from there on out.)
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Do you know the toy "laro-lato" in the Philippines? ITS SO EFFING ANNOYING ITS NIGHTITME AND ALL I HEAR IS THIS FREAKING TOY!
(you can search it on tiktok and you'll understand how incredibly annoying it is to the point it was banned from ever used {though the reason was entirely different})
It brought a sudden... Idea...
What if (y/n) was playing one of those and then... The strawhats' kinda liked it...? But then law was on the ship so... Wouldn't he be annoyed?
So I'd never actually heard of this toy before so I looked it up. In short videos, it's not that bad. That being said, the videos were maybe a minute long. I can't imagine listening to them constantly. Also, for this, I made the reader part of the straw hat crew. I hope it's okay.
Warnings: mentions of reader biting Luffy, annoying toys, reader 'attacking' Law
Word Count: 1210
     The crew never really minded the little toy. It made noise, it entertained you, and Luffy, but they weren’t ever bothered by it unless you and Luffy were playing with them late into the night. Heck, Usopp had even ‘reverse engineered’ more so you could play together, pulling off silly tricks, making bets on who could keep it going the longest, or just busying yourselves when you had nothing else to do. Walking down the halls, you fiddled with your toy absentmindedly. The toy was almost always on your person, often clicking as you walked around the ship. While Franky had made a few new ones with interesting additions that the crew used, the original one was your favorite, having been a gift from your family. They’d gotten used to the signature click-clack of the toy as you walked into a room, finding a certain comfort in always knowing that where they could find clicking, they could find you. Law, however, was another story. He’d only been with the crew for a few hours and he already hated the stupid plastic toy more than any other he’d ever run across. How some of the other Straw hats hadn’t gotten fed up with it was beyond him. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Franky he could understand, but how could Robin or Nami deal with the constant clacking?! Subsequently, he’d taken to hiding in places you weren’t. If you were on deck, he was either in the library or below deck. You were in the dorms? He was up in the crow’s nest. You were in the gym? He was in the kitchen. He avoided you and that infernal toy like the plague! While a few of the crew had noticed how he avoided you, they, thankfully, hadn’t said or done anything. 
     Today, however, seemed to be his current personal hell as the entire crew seemed to be playing with them. According to Robin, one of the crew, Law didn’t care which, had decided to start one of their challenges, prompting them to grab their various toys. Franky had one that made machine noises, Nami had one that sounded like thunder or rain, Sanji had one that contained women’s voices, something that Law found almost as disturbing as the toy itself, Brook’s played music, Zoro’s was made of metal, Robin’s didn’t seem to make much noise at all, something Law was thankful for, and Luffy, Usopp and Chopper all had plastic ones that make the signature clack that he’d come to hate. The challenge was simple, who could keep theirs going all day without any stopping. This meant that they all had to keep the infernal contraptions going until they faltered, the toy going silent and granting Law a moment of silence. Like damn near everything they did, the winner got a prize of their choice, so long as it was within reason. Had Law not despised the toy already, he might have joined in just to make everyone stop playing with them for no less than 24 hours. What was worse was that apparently, most of the crew was quite skilled with them, meaning that the sounds continued all day! 
     Luffy had been the first one out, messing up the moment that Sanji announced lunch, the rubber boy immediately dropping the plastic thing and rushing to get lunch. How Sanji managed to make lunch with that thing on, was beyond Law, but somehow the blond cook managed. Nami was the second one out, having messed up while chewing Luffy out for something, what, Law didn’t really care. Next was Zoro, the man unable to train while keeping the metal toy going at the same time. Next had been Chopper, the reindeer looking particularly sad as he realized that he’d lost, somewhat reminding Law of Bepo giving him puppy dog eyes. Usopp was forced to drop his when a sea king surfaced, scaring the young man. Sanji messed up while tripping over himself to get Nami and Robin snacks, Brook was next, Luffy demanding music, forcing the skeleton to choose between the toy or his violin. The last 3 were you, Franky, and Robin. Robin had a second pair of hands managing hers, something that Luffy, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper claimed was cheating but since no rules had been established, she was allowed to do as she wished. Franky had a weird extra pair of hands that came out of his larger hands, allowing him to work while keeping the machine like toy going. And finally, you. You who seemed to have a knack for this thing. Perhaps it was to be expected, you played with it constantly and had been the one to introduce the crew to it, so it made sense. 
     It was dinner and Law wasn’t sure how much more he could take. It was just you and Robin now, her extra hand still keeping the toy going while you just… kept going. Slamming his hands on the table, Law glared at you and Robin, his room covering the table as he shambles’d the toys out of your and Robin’s hands, replaced by the salt and pepper shakers.
     “That’s fucking enough! These things are a menace!” Law shouted, now holding the toys before slamming them down on the table. The crew watched on in stunned silence, staring at the toy under Law’s hand, almost in fear. You looked down at Law’s hand before looking back up at him.
     “Give. That. Back.” you said quietly, your voice turning dark as you returned the glare.
     “Not a chance! You can have it back once I’m off the damned ship!” Law shouted, still furious with the clacking. In an instant, Law found himself laying on his back on the ground as you straddled him, a furious look in your eyes as you held his wrist, your grip uncomfortably tight.
     “I said give it back.” you growled, surprising the young man. Staring up at you for a moment, he opened his hand, letting you quickly snatch the toy from him, holding it close to your chest before grabbing your plate and running off to the deck.
     “Oh, right. We should have mentioned. She’s very protective of that toy. It was the last thing her family gave her before she set sail. It’s the only thing that calms her down when she’s upset.” Robin said with a knowing smile, taking a bite of her food. Law stayed on the floor for a moment, still stunned before finally pulling himself up off the floor and back up to the table. 
     “The first time Luffy wanted to try it, she bit him.” Usopp said with a nod, Luffy wincing at the memory. You’d bitten into his arm when he’d refused to return the toy. He’d been fine in the end, but it had still hurt. After that, they’d asked why you’d bitten him. After explaining why you didn’t let anyone touch it, they’d all agreed to stay away from it, Usopp only asking to see it long enough to make more. Law glanced back at the door before starting to eat. It looked like he was just going to have to either get used to it or continue avoiding you until it was time to part ways.
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corrodedthorn · 2 years
mirage | prologue
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>>pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader >>genre: fluff/angst >>status: ongoing >>chapter cw: smoking, mentions of bad parents, cursing >>english is not my first language
>>series summary: In his entire life, Eddie had one person he could call his best friend. Well, he had, because right after the well-known Starcourt Mall fire, after many weeks of secrets and lies, their paths turbulently parted. Although months of piercing silence on both sides have passed, when the corpse of his schoolmate rested on the floor of Eddie’s trailer, and Hawkins began the hunt, it is she, along with Dustin and the group, who shows up on his hideout's doorstep. Ready to protect him even at the cost of her own life. Eddie rips up old wounds and decides to find the answer to the question that has been tormenting him this whole time. What really happened in the summer of 1985?
series masterlist | playlist
a/n okay, i'm really late with this but I hated the first version and decided to write it all over again. still not sure how it went but I couldn't keep it in a drawer any longer, hope you enjoy!
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August 11, 1980.
The warm breeze of summer wrapped around their shoulders and combed through their hair. It was one of those nights that seemed to be solely theirs. Her figure planted on the top of a picnic table, he sitting on the bench, between her legs, the back of his head resting against her stomach and his arms resting on her thighs. The entire trailer park was shrouded in silence, except for the loud chirping of crickets hidden in the grass. Yes, it was definitely their night. 
The moon hanging high above their heads, the millions of stars among which she formed her own constellations, the soft light beaming from an old street lamp. Everything was theirs. And not a single soul around to disturb their peace.
Eddie's eyes remained closed in relaxation while her hand stroked his shaved head gently. They often spent summer nights like this, enjoying the last moments of warmth and tranquility. With the new school year looming on the horizon, they took as much as they could from such moments.
"Hey Eddie." She broke the silence suspended between them in a soft voice, as if trying not to disturb the peace. In response, she received only a quiet hum, as a sign that he was listening to her. "Eddie, look!”
The boy opened one eye lazily and looked in the direction she pointed. Right next to them, a large moth was sitting on the table, gently fluttering its wings. With beautiful patterns, it clearly stood out against the decaying wood, and for a moment they could not take their eyes off it. Suddenly, the moth took to the air with breathtaking lightness, flying toward a nearby street lamp. 
"Look, there's another one!" Eddie rose slightly, pointing his finger. The two moths flew toward each other and began a mesmerizing dance, casting delicate shadows on teenagers. The ethereality of this moment filled their hearts with warmth. 
"They're kind of like us, don't you think?" She asked quietly, hoping Eddie would understand. That, like her, he would see in the moths a metaphor for their lives. Their weightless floating in the darkness, desperately searching for a luminous purpose. Having only each other and nothing else needed.
"Yeah. They're like us." And Eddie's dreamy smile hinted that he understood perfectly what she meant. 
Gazing affectionately at the moths flitting around each other, she felt a strange surge of nostalgia. Her smile dropped slightly, and a melancholy filled her heart that had been so joyful only moments ago.
"I don't know how I'll get through this year without you," she said in a soft voice that somewhat caught Eddie off guard. He furrowed his brow, but did not look away from the flying moths.
"I'm not going to drop off the face of the earth though, I'm just going to high school. You'll join me next year, plus we'll be seeing each other after class anyway."
"I know, but still. I guess I’ll just miss you. It will be weird not sitting with you at lunch." She shrugged her shoulders. "Or not seeing your stupid face in the hallway." 
Eddie laughed out loud, nudging her leg with his elbow.
"You always have the rest of Corroded Coffin. And maybe you'll find some new friends if I'm out of the picture." He teased.
"I honestly doubt it. Don't think the chains at my jeans, Metallica shirt or reputation of a freak are very appealing to potential future friends."
"Yeah, you're right." His light laughter left a bitter taste in his mouth, as if the brutal truth was trying to escape his throat. "I guess not too many people want to be friends with freaks, huh?"
"I'm not complaining. I wouldn't even want to know at least half of these people anyway. You're enough for me." She pinched his ear playfully, at which Eddie squirmed. "And we'll be best friends forever."
"Well, you're not getting away from me that easily, so you don't really have a choice." He stuck out his tongue at her and pinched her calf as revenge for the previous attack. Leaning his back against her again, he sighed loudly. His thoughts returned to her previous statement, and Eddie didn't even notice how the corner of his mouth twitched upward involuntarily. "Forever, huh? You promise?"
A note of hope hung in his voice. 
"I swear. Even if someone put a gun to my head. One hundred percent." 
"Forever... Sounds cool."
In Eddie's ears, "forever" sounded otherworldly. It sounded like stability, something he hadn't experienced much in his short life. It sounded like the promise of a future as wonderful as their present. It sounded like the most beautiful word anyone could say to him. From between her lips, it sounded like home.
Because she was his home.
Silence once again enveloped their bodies. Her hands went back to stroking his head, and he once again closed his eyes in relaxation. The moths dissolved somewhere in the gloom of the night, and the pair remained, lulled by the universe. 
Their blissful idyll was interrupted by a vehicle entering the trailer park. The teens' eyes shone brighter than all the stars in the sky at the sight of the familiar car pulling up next to Eddie's trailer.
"Uncle Wayne!" They called out, jumping up from their seats and running into the arms of the tired man, who groaned at the impact.
"And who do my old eyes see? Are these my little rascals?" He put both arms around the teenagers and pulled them close. "What are you two up to?"
"Nothing much. We've been waiting for you." She answered him with a radiant smile.
"Are you stayin' the night, sunshine?" he asked, also sending her a slight smile. "Or you need a ride home?"
"I think I'll stay the night. You know how my parents are." Yes, he knew her parents pretty well. In fact, he knew them well enough that he didn't have the heart to deny the girl at least a scrap of stability and security that they couldn't give her. And if that scrap was to be his old little trailer, so be it.
Wayne stroked her shoulder reassuringly, then with a slow step began to lead the teenagers toward the front door. 
"Sure thing. Well, it's not that late yet, so how about a movie? I have that weird 'the shine' one that you guys are obsessed with."
"You mean 'the shining'?" Eddie laughed out loud.
"Yeah, that one."
As the door closed behind their backs, finally cutting them off from the darkness of night and nostalgic reflections, luminous smiles filled their souls. They ended up not watching any movie. Instead, they sat together on the couch, sipping cinnamon tea and talking about how their day went. 
And if the moths were still around, they would surely have flown toward that trailer. For their laughter seemed to light up the park a little brighter than the street lamps.
March 7, 1986
This evening seemed oddly colder than the others. Maybe it was because spring had yet to arrive in Hawkins, or maybe it was her chilling gaze that made the darkness weigh down on his shoulders and the blast of cold bite into his leather jacket. Probably both.
Eddie was standing with his back against the side of his van, taking a drag on a cigarette every few moments. With attentive eyes, he watched Dustin, who was walking toward a familiar car with a wide smile on his lips, waving cheerfully at the girl behind the wheel.
He will probably spend the whole way home telling her how today's campaign went, how they defeated the final boss and how cool it was. She will probably have a wide smile on her face throughout the story and will ask for details from time to time. They will probably laugh all the time and listen to music very loudly as they drive through the streets of Hawkins together. But Eddie could only imagine this heartwarming scene. A scene that used to be his reality.
He took another drag on his cigarette and involuntarily glanced in her direction. For a second they seemed to catch eye contact, but she quickly looked away and sent a slight smile to Dustin. With absolutely no acknowledgment of Eddie's presence, she drove out of the parking lot without looking back once.
"Forever, huh? Fucking bullshit." He muttered to himself, tossing his cigarette on the ground. With a heavy step, he got into his van, slamming the door and almost immediately clenching his hands on the steering wheel. Only his loud sigh disrupted the overwhelming silence, as he tried to ignore the painful stabbing in his heart. So many months had passed since their last conversation, yet the sight of her still had a grip on his throat.
What happened to them? 
A photo of her graduation, which Eddie always carried in his wallet, suddenly seemed to burn the material. He didn't have to look at it to have their silhouettes embracing each other tightly before his eyes, the beaming smiles on their faces and the sparkles dancing in their eyes. It didn't matter that that year he once again failed to graduate. All of his focus was on how proud and incredibly happy he was about her accomplishment. On that day, he was sure that at his own ceremony a year later, she would be at his side. Standing just as proudly, squeezing him close and flipping the bird to the teaching staff. Clearly, he was wrong. 
Seven months. That's how long it had been since the last time they had any kind of conversation. It had been even longer since he last saw the feisty sparks in her eyes. Somewhere between the routine of everyday life, she slipped through his fingers like loose sand. And from a soulmate, she became nothing more than the ghost of his best friend.
The stillness of the night began to seep into his van, but Eddie was in no mood to disperse it with loud music, as he usually did. He sent a glance at the spot where her car had been just a moment ago. 
One single moth flew right in front of his windshield.
Eddie's eyes welled up with tears.
taglist: @awhoreforeddiemunson @peaches-roses-sins @vingtetunmars @waitlalice @mopeymopeymouse @nikt-wazny-y @fangirling-4-ever @eddiebaemunson @munsonsfairygarden @dietcokequeen06 @aedicn @anxietybbie-blog @eddiesdingus @marvelbrokeme @avengers-21 @drm2003 @the-iridescent-phoenix @hurricane-abigail @h-ness1944 @basketcaseeeeee @eddiejosephluv @authoressskr @fizzleslay @chickennug90 @princesseddie @urallidjits @dreamsofbisexualswamprats @protecteddiemunson4vr
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serickswrites · 2 years
Hiiii Serick! Gotta say, I loved those last one-shots Wash and Walls! Top-tier caretaking right there! <33
I am here to humbly request that you continue that one from that last ask I sent you with the two whumpers that hate each other. I neeeeeed to know what they're gonna do to poor poor whumpee >:3
Of course, no rush to answer, and I don't know when you'll read this but happy holidays to you!
BLUE! BLUE! Yay, I am so glad you enjoyed the answer to the ask you sent me! (I know you wrote this ages ago, I have fallen so behind on keeping up with asks). And thank you for your thoughts on 'Wash' and 'Walls'. They were fun to write, and tbh I was a little proud of them, lol (I am getting a little more confident in my writing these days, sometimes lol). Please always ask away! I fall behind, forget to check my inbox. Prompts really help me sometimes when I'm feeling a little stuck (as I am these days with things irl, it makes writing hard sometimes).
I hope you had a good holiday season, Blue! My colorful friend! Please enjoy part 2 (and however many parts this one ends up being, and if you want it to continue, please send your squicks so that way I don't accidentally give you the ick!)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: kidnapping, restraints, gag, talk of torture, threat of violence, two whumpers
Any moment now. Any moment now, Whumpee was going to walk by in search of Second Whumper. And then Whumper would pounce. Whumpee would be theirs once more. Theirs and this time there would be no escape.
Because of Second Whumper. Whumper loathed having to work with Second Whumper. Loathed everything about it. But if it meant catching Whumpee, perhaps it was worth it.
Whumper heard Whumpee's soft footsteps before they saw Whumpee. Now was their moment.
Without hesitating, Whumper leapt out of the bushes, arms immediately going around Whumpee. With a snarl, they quickly grabbed Whumpee and leapt back into the bushes.
"LET ME GO! OFF! NOW!" Whumpee roared as they struggled in Whumper's arms.
Whumper struggled against Whumpee. They weren't about to let go of Whumpee. They weren't going to let Whumpee escape. Not this time.
Whumper quickly began to try to bind Whumpee's arms behind their back, putting a knee in the small of Whumpee's back and putting all their weight on their knee to keep Whumpee pinned.
Whumpee still flailed and struggled, but they began to pant. Being held prone made it difficult to breathe. "LET ME GO!" They wheezed, their words becoming softer and quieter.
Whumper grinned as they bound Whumpee's wrists tightly. This was exactly how they wanted Whumpee. They would get Whumpee back to the warehouse and then they could have their way with Whumpee. Bring Whumpee to their knees. Have them begging. Whumper delighted knowing that they had finally won for once.
Suddenly Second Whumper appeared, dirty rag in hand. They shoved it in Whumpee's mouth quickly as Whumper glared up at them. "Can't have them making too much noise," Second Whumper offered when Whumper just stared at them.
They nodded. Second Whumper, loathe as they wanted to admit, was right. "Where's the car?"
Second Whumper smiled. "Just right over there." They knelt down near Whumpee's face. Whumpee glared and struggled around the rag in their mouth. "Ah, ah, Whumpee," Second Whumper cupped Whumpee's cheek softly, "save some of that for me for later. We are going to have some fun."
Tags: @its-getting-worse
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What is a smile to a war? : bnha 367
Have you ever wanted to die? Wish for the world to end? Have you ever lose yourself for a couple of minutes and felt like you wanted something really bad to happen to yourself or everybody else?
Has someone ever made you laugh in one of those cases— and just by that you realized how much you didn't want any of it to happen?
You were just upset.
Hold this concept in your mind, would you? Because the heart of the pro-hero thesis of bnha is that a hero not only saves your body or gets rid of the villains threatening you— they also save you from yourself sometimes, from the darkness within you; they prevent future tragedies with the force of their kindness.
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Kid Deku watching a video of All Might's debut:
And he's smiling!! Mom... no matter what kind of trouble you're in... he'll save you with a smile.
⠀When we were first introduced to Deku and his admiration for All Might, the one thing the story made emphasis on was All Might's smile. Why?
Because if you're afraid and you see the person rescuing you smile, you relax, it makes you feel better, it tones down your fear and anxiety.
It gives you hope.
I won't be able to put all the panels I wish I could show you to support this meta, so I'll rely on your good memory about the manga, okay?
During the Hero License arc, we learnt that being a hero is much more than just knowing how to fight. We already knew part of it from All Might's first session (take care of the situation with the minimum amount of damage to both the property and the people surrounding the fight).
We learnt that the way a hero saves a person matters. Their words, their attitude, how they carry themselves and how they approach the victims and situations, it all matters.
With Bakugou and Todoroki we learn that the job of a hero also implies daily services, like helping kids and guiding others, stuff Iida Tensei (former pro-hero Ingenium) used to do.
That's an idea that finds its development along many arcs, the maximum point being after the War arc, with Ochako's speech. When heroes were giving up, she reminded them it was not only about defeating the greater evil, but also about wanting to see everybody smile together again.
It is an echo of Nighteye lessons to Deku and Mirio, of course. An echo we see in bnha 367:
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A world without smiles or honor... has no... bright future.
⠀As you know, my thesis is based on the idea that the major problem with the hero society was how they forgot what a real hero was, but not because everything was exclusively monetized (it was still part of the problem, I gotta admit). No, the major issue was exposed by Tomura Shigaraki in his first speech in front of the UA staff and students:
Violence became comfortable for the bnha world, mundane even, to the point heroes stop trying to find the root of the problems so they could treat it and the civilians stop trying to help because they thought it was the heroes jobs, not theirs. Serious issues were getting overlooked, the system was getting corrupted and the effort of the heroes was shallow, superficial, even if well-meant.
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Tomura/Tenko in his thoughts:
Everyone just passed by, pretending not to see, thinking that some hero would save the day. Who decided to make the world this way?
AFO "rescuing" Tenko, kneeling down to hug him:
You'll be okay now... I am here.
⠀Let's take Nana Shimura as an example; she was a great hero, we all know, the one who trained Toshinori and taught him that the people who smiled when they were afraid were the strongest. However, she was not perfect and she shouldn't be regarded as such. She failed her son and her family, something Kotaro was right about.
Can a hero talk about justice if they sacrifice their families to save others? Why some lives matter more than others? Why are heroes allowed to decide who lives and who dies, instead of helping everyone they can equally in the measure of their context?
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Bnha narration:
People... are not born equal.
What is a smile to a war?
You could ask what is the sacrifice of a kid for the safety of the world, right? A life for the safety of the entire planet?
For Endeavor, what were his children and his family for the glory of his name and the glory of the hero industry, for example?
What is Tomura to AFO? Toga to the media?
What is Deku —a quirkless kid— to an entire society of people with quirks and cool abilities?
We learned it through Kota in the Summer Camp arc and with Eri in the Overhaul arc. Both kids. One of them was a direct victim like Tomura of the hero society, the child of a broken family who had many reasons to hate what pro-heroes were; the other was a kid victim of the discrimination of quirks, a baby abandoned by her mother and used by criminal organizations for power and gain, just exactly what AFO did to Tenko/Tomura.
Deku could save Kota and Eri because he individually cared about them. No one told him there was a problem, he was actively looking. The same with Bakugo at the beginning, Deku didn't need a reason or a command, he didn't need the title or the suit, not even the quirk. He was doing the right thing.
Deku helped Kota because Kota was upset and he wanted to change that. He payed attention to Eri because she was crying. Same reason he found his way to help Bakugo, Todoroki and Iida.
What are they to Deku's journey of defeating AFO? Nothing. And everything.
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Tomura talking to Doc Garaki and the LOV:
Every living, breathing thing just rubs me the wrong way. That weight in my heart is never gonna go away. So why not destroy it all?
⠀During his fight with Endeavor, AFO asked Hawks what was evil, what could be categorized as "wrong", why everybody got so easily offended. Then revealed that his main motivation of being a villain was because he wanted to make everyone bitter, everyone, inspired on those comic books villains.
In a way, it means "I am bad, everybody's bad too"
On the other hand, Tomura's motivation to destroy it all comes for the trauma of not being rescued. Why? Didn't he deserve it? Why people wouldn't help him? Isn't it because he must play the part of a villain?
Tenko asked his mother why his father hated him. Tomara also asked the UA staff what was the difference between villains and heroes using violence, the same way Toga asked Uraraka why people wouldn't help or save them (the villains).
There is real inequality in bnha: you have people like Spinner, Shinso, Hawks, Toga, Deku, Aoyama, Dabi, Tomura, Shouto, Hatsume, Aizawa... The list keeps on growing.
There are differences. Preferences even.
If you're a pretty metahuman to be used by the hero commission or a filthy "mutant" with a weak quirk, if you have a spooky quirk or a "villain" quirk, if you're quirkless or your quirk is not flashy enough or powerful enough, if you look creepy or are not "hero material", if you are hero material even if you don't want to be one...
Inequality. Discrimination. Society prescriptions.
AFO almost won, he almost made everyone mad and bitter, including Deku in bnha 367.
Go read what Nighteye told Mirio again.
The fight against AFO (and what he represents) isn't a fight of just weapons. It was a fight with the hero society itself.
Their indifference, their apathy, their prejudices...
A smile matters in a war because why the fuck would you fight for if the only thing your gonna leave behind is a bunch of broken people who wish they were dead.
Why would you rescue Eri if you're not going to fight everyday with her trauma so that she can be happy? Why would you leave Kota to live in pain and anger without his parents when you can make his life full of light again?
What about the Cultural Festival arc?
Or rescuing Deku from his suicidal mission?
Going for Bakugo and Iida and fighting for Shouto to melt his heart??? Shouto going for Dabi???
This is why what Hawks did to Twice was wrong, because he forgot the principle of a hero:
Every lives matter.
Every smile matters.
The reason Tomura doesn't see a future is 'cause no one has ever showed him otherwise. No one saved him back then and no one has saved him (yet) in 20 years. No one told him he deserved to live and be happy, no one ever stopped and tried to make him smile or laugh or ask him if he had friends or if he liked dogs.
AFO killed Tenko the day he put those hands on him and has been dragging his body around in a parade— and even when Tomura was screaming about pain and injustice and screaming about the problem of the hero society, no one listened to him, no one tried ro reach him.
Except Deku sees him.
Every moment of the manga, every mission and arc, every panel and interaction, it has brought us here: to Deku asking AFO if Tenko/Tomura is still in there.
What is Tenko's smile to the bnha war?
Maybe the end of it. Maybe the defeat of AFO. You have a wounded animal that will try to attack you because it's in pain. Here are your options: you can kill every wounded animal you encounter or you can go search for the cause of their pain and treat it, so the next generations won't arrive at your door full of desperation and rage.
Everyone can be a hero, because everyone can do the right thing, everyone can make others smile, everyone can save someone one day just by telling a joke or being gentle.
A smile can prevent a war.
Which is more powerful than any weapon which could stop at war.
In summary, bnha is about a society ruled by violence and miscommunication learning that if they don't reach for each other, if they don't try to understand, if their only solution is to erase what make them uncomfortable... they're doomed to dissappear.
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sinfulwrites · 3 years
rz michael myers nsfw abcs then?
VSC anon, this one is for you too
It took a little longer to get out than I meant for it too, but here you are, anon! Hope you like them!
RZ Michael Myers NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He knows he should be doing something after you finish, but he just doesn’t know what that something is.
Ask him and he’ll do it. He’ll start to pick up on it. “Oh, they’re gonna need to get in the tub soon.” “I should get them something to drink.”
If you just want him to lay close for a while, he’s more than happy to oblige. He will lay himself on you, but he will be mindful of his weight. After the first time.
It’s a learning process with him. He’s definitely more inclined to snuggle afterward than rushing to clean you up. If you can’t walk though, he’s your legs now. Just simply ask.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Michael doesn’t like many parts about himself, but he thinks he has good hands. He’s also aware he’s been gifted with a tall stature, he doesn’t take it for granted.
He, on the other hand, isn’t typically attracted to physical qualities. He loves to hold and cradle his partner, but he truly doesn’t have a preference for a certain part. Maybe if he had to pick, he’d pick their eyes. He’s much more attracted to personality than physical qualities.
However, if you have breasts… Big or small, his hands are always on them. He likes to squeeze them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Being a big man, Michael has a lot to give. He’s one of those who needs to give himself or receive a good few tugs to get everything out before he’s empty.
He really likes to fill you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He really likes it if his partner talks dirty to him. He may not respond much, but if you tell him how good he’s fucking you, he’s going to be determined to keep you thinking that.
Tell him that you’re all his? That no one else can make you feel this good? He’s in agreement, and he’ll make sure there are no doubts by the end of this.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Michael is completely inexperienced. Where he lives, he’s probably been solicited, but he usually stabs something else into them.
He’s quick to learn, though. He will take notes of what makes you gasp, what makes you flinch, and especially what makes you recoil.
He’s also not stubborn. He likes being in the position of the dominant, but he’s going to listen if you tell him how to do something, or when to stop doing something. In a lot of ways, he's a service top.
He doesn't know anything about this sex thing, all he knows is that he doesn't want to hurt you. So show him how to do it without hurting you, that's all he needs.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Michael is a huge fan of holding you when he fucks you. This includes holding you up, if you're not in a bed. It's not even a task for him, he doesn't have to think about it, he's strong enough to hold you. And he likes holding you. So why not?
If you want to lay down, missionary is his go-to.
Any position where he has you clinging to him like he's the only thing keeping you alive gets him going.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Michael isn't a very emotional person, most of the time he is incredibly stoic. Even if he thinks something is funny, you might only see his shoulders shake at his silent chuckle.
He prefers to use sex as his way to express his feelings because his words and face fail him. So he's not going to be cracking any jokes in the moment.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I hope you like grizzly bears.
Yes, he's a hairy man. Head to toe.
He's got his mane on his head, followed by his bushy beard, and further down you'll find some hairy arms and a hairy chest. That hair continues down his stomach, in a lovely path to his groin. Here, it can get overgrown. He doesn't keep up with his hair, it tends to all overgrow sometimes. Don't forget his hairy legs.
When you get to know him, you'll learn he actually doesn't enjoy all this hair. He just isn't sure how to get it off safely. Show him how to use a razor.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Michael struggles here. He wants to be intimate, but he doesn't know how.
He hopes you know by his hand-holding, or pressing his forehead against you and maintaining eye contact.
His hands can be stiff, but he tries to stroke your sides too as he fucks you.
He's doing his best.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does not jerk off that often. He would much rather get off with you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Size kink. This man likes how much smaller you are than him. His large hands completely cover wherever they want to grab, and he can't get enough of that.
He likes to squeeze throats. He's not going to choke you out, but those monstrous hands are going to cut off some airflow for a brief moment. He mostly just loves cradling your delicate throat with those dangerous hands of his. It feels forbidden, and that's the best part about it all to him.
He doesn't like cutting you with it, but loves to tease you with his knife. Using it to send goose bumps down your spine, letting the blade assist in removing your clothes… It's the best.
He has a huge pred/prey fixation. He loves when you make him chase you, he loves it when you give him a little struggle. He always gets a thrill from the chase.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
At home. Anywhere in the house is his favorite place to do it. He doesn't like to do it in many other places, he doesn't like the idea of someone stumbling upon the two of you. You're for his eyes only.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
"Come and get me." Four words. That's all it takes for him to be horny and ready to fuck you into the mattress. Especially if you make him catch you.
If you're not purposely winding him up, he's pretty mellow the rest of the time. Any other time, it's best just to ask. If you slide into his lap, he's more likely to be thinking about snuggling than sex.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He likes to choke you a little, and he likes to bring his knife into the fun, but he would never purposely hurt you. Don't ask him to slap you, don't ask him to choke you harder, it's not happening. He's very aware of how strong he is, he doesn't want to risk it with you.
He's also reluctant to have sex anywhere but at home unless it's guaranteed no one will catch you two.
Like many other slashers, you and him are an exclusive party of 2. Especially with this one. He doesn't share.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He doesn't have a preference for either one, but if you want him between your legs, he's there. He is a very quick learner, so while he's inexperienced in the beginning, he picks up on it very quickly.
He likes a blowjob more than he'll admit. He isn't going to stop you if you want him to just lay down and let you play with him for a while.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
His pace is slow and rough. He doesn't prefer to rush things, his thrusts may be slow, but they're going to shake you and the bed.
He's the most gentle of the Michael's, despite being the biggest one. He only manhandles you unintentionally.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Either is fine, but as mentioned previously, this man doesn't go that fast. So his quickies aren't exactly quick.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's willing to try new things. If you tell him to sit down and relax, he will. He trusts you.
He doesn't prefer to take too many risks though. He doesn't like toying around with your potential safety.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go all night. It's all a matter of when you're done.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Michael doesn't have any sex toys, and he doesn't really see why you need them. That's what he's for, right?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn't tease, and he doesn't enjoy being teased either. The one exception to this is being edged, but you have to ask him to do this first. Otherwise he's going to pin you down and take over after you try to deny him of his orgasm.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Michael is typically quiet, but sex brings out his noises.
He pants, he groans, and he growls.
And when he cums, he nearly yells. He's very vocal in response to sexual pleasure.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Michael loves music. He will sit next to a radio or boom box all day long if it's playing music. His favorite music is rock and metal. One of his favorite bands is Kiss. He gets visibly excited if you mention one of his favorite bands, but he maintains his stoicism.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Michael is a big man, it's only fitting that translates down below too.
He's longer than he is thick, maxing out at 11 inches. His natural size advantage makes him feel a lot thicker than he is in most people. But he doesn't need that extra girth to satisfy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Relatively low.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It's a coin flip with him. Sometimes he can go right to sleep, other times he's left wide awake afterwards. Either way, he's not leaving your side on the bed once you fall asleep. At some point, he will too.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
I think Verdugo is a mini-boss. So could you do some concepts for him?
Alright, I'll keep it general. It's a bit short but I wasn't sure what way to go about this 😅 Was fun to write a creature, though.
Yandere! Verdugo Concepts
Pairing: Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Possessive creature, Murder, Blood mention, Implied isolation and abduction, Obsessive behavior, Monster-loving.
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- If a Verdugo is fixated on you, you aren't getting away.
- If you did then you'd have many injuries and your victory is short lived.
- To start with, Verdugo are fast and resilient.
- The strong carapace they have prevent anything you do to them from hurting them.
- They are also very efficient in hunting and killing.
- Not only will you not get away, but anyone with you will be slaughtered by them ruthlessly.
- Verdugo are also protective of people/things they are meant to guard.
- If one decides you are the one they want to protect, you're never out of their sight.
- There's no way to outrun them, either.
- You can try but it only results in them pouncing on you, snarling at you to keep still.
- If anyone tries to separate you from the Verdugo that likes you, they're quickly angered.
- With a roar they swing that bladed tail of theirs into the 'threat'.
- Leaving you to witness the bloody mess they created before they turn to you and coo.
- Affection from these murderous creatures is foreign and disturbing.
- Their claws wrap around you before dragging you into their chest, easily making you dangle in the air due to their massive height.
- Their tail is then wrapped around you to keep you still.
- If you dare move you feel the curved blade press against your back.
- The Verdugo then makes soft clicks at you with their mandibles and stares at you with bright orange eyes.
- They don't only come to you in their insect appearance, sometimes they have robes on to conceal themselves.
- Yet you know exactly what lurks underneath those robes.
- Verdugo are loyal bodyguards.
- They stop at nothing to accomplish their goal.
- Verdugo won't listen to you if you try to criticize what their doing, though.
- They don't care what you think.
- They're beasts and do what they feel they need to.
- Even if you hate their guts and push away their claws/mandibles from your skin...
- They only ignore you and continue what they're doing.
- Unlike with Salazar, you most likely can't control what this Verdugo does.
- While in Salazar's case he can have Verdugo stay docile beside him, the one with you tends to snarl and growl at others around you.
- Better hope there's someone out there strong enough to help you...
- The only way you'll be free is if that Verdugo is dead.
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