#hopefully by the time I find this note again I'll still remember my ideas
explosionkatsu · 8 months
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Random Number (Upcoming Series)
Pairing: Adult!Bakugo x F!Reader
Bakugo Katsuki's phone beeped as he received a text from an unknown number. Feeling curious about the contents of the message, he unlocked his phone and opened the text to find an unexpected list of grocery items. Perhaps it was a wrong number or maybe someone was playing a prank on him.
Warnings: None. Ya’all know I don't write stuff like that! Haha!
Y/n had put in a lot of effort throughout the week and was eagerly awaiting her paycheck. She had been looking forward to her evening, filled with relaxation after a long day at work. The idea of having some quality 'me time' was exciting, and she couldn't wait to indulge herself by staying up late and binge-watching her favorite series on Netflix. She had also planned to treat herself to some delicious food, which would only add to the enjoyment of her well-deserved break.
"Hey, Y/n! Do you want to join us for some Shabu-shabu?" Y/n's colleagues asked her.
"That sounds like fun, Mika. But I already have plans for my evening. You know, some 'me-time' would be nice," Y/n replied.
"Haha! Well, you deserve it after this hellish week we've had. You're probably the hardest worker here," Mika responded playfully.
"Oh, shut it. Haha. Well, I'll be off now! Say hi to everyone for me and have fun with the team!" Y/n giggled as she picked up her bag and waved goodbye to her colleagues.
As soon as Y/n got out of the building, she rushed to the nearest cash dispenser and withdrew a good amount of money from her account to pay her bills and buy groceries for the month. She had worked overtime the previous week, and she felt pleased that her hard work had paid off.
Humming happily, she walked towards the supermarket, enjoying the cool breeze of the night. When she reached the store, she fished her grocery list out of her bag, only to realize that it was missing.
Panic set in, and Y/n started to rummage through her bag in search of the list. She even planned on flipping her bag upside down, but it was nowhere to be found.
Frustrated, Y/n muttered under her breath, "It's not here. I must have left it at home." She pondered for a moment about what to do next. She could either go back home to get the list or try to remember the items she needed to buy.
Finally, Y/n decided to use her phone to make a list of the things she needed to buy. She hoped that she could remember most of the items, but she knew that she might forget some of them. She sighed and muttered to herself, "Hopefully, I still remember some of it."
Without wasting any time, Y/n pulled out her phone and opened the messages app instead of the notes. She swiftly listed all the items she required and then hit the send button. However, she immediately noticed that she had left the contact details empty. Not wanting to waste any more time, she quickly typed in her number and hit send again. Unbeknownst to her, the last digit of her number was incorrect.
"Hey Bakugo, I'm so pumped up! Our dine-out is going to be epic!" Kirishima exclaimed with unbridled enthusiasm as he met up with a scowling Bakugo, who was already bundled up in a thick scarf to protect himself from the chilly weather.
“I'd rather spend time alone than be with you idiots,” Bakugo said under his scarf.
“Aw, come on bro. We’ve rarely got this chance,” Kirishima insisted. “Besides, today is the only day we’re all free!”
“Tsk.” Bakugou only said in response.
As they started walking, there was a sudden sound of "ding" emanating from Bakugo's device which caught their attention.
“You should check that out. It's probably something important,” Kirishima pointed out and continued walking.
“For god’s sake," Bakugo said with a hint of frustration evident in his voice, as he reached for his phone in his pocket.
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Bakugo's eyes widened in disbelief as he read the message. "What the hell?" he blurted out, scanning the text again. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of it. Could this be some kind of sick joke? “Is this a prank?”
Kirishima glanced at Bakugo's phone and asked, "What's up, bro?" After reading the message, he snickered and said, "I told you it's important. And let me tell you, strawberry milk is amazing. Don't be shy about enjoying it." He teased.
Bakugo's voice boomed with anger as he shouted, "Shut the hell up, Shitty hair!" His outburst drew the attention of everyone in the vicinity, causing them to turn and stare at the source of the commotion.
“A-ah! Sorry about that! That's just nothing!” Kirishima apologetically said to the people looking at them. “Bakugo! Keep it down will ya!”
"Whoever this person is, is screwed!" Bakugo exclaimed, clenching his jaw.
“Hey, hold on a minute. What if that person is an elderly woman who’s unfamiliar with using phones?" Kirishima suggested. "Also, have you thought about how it might affect your reputation if she finds out you're Dynamight? Think about this carefully, man.”
“Tsch!” Kirishima's reaction might seem excessive, but he has a point. It's best to just let it be.
Upcoming series? Does that mean sluggish uploads again? Haha. As you all know, the series I'm currently working on is coming to an end. Only two chapters more. 👀
See you again in my next series! 😘
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Carpe Noctem 30
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, blood, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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“You two work so hard,” Beverly places the last dish on the table, “me and Ethan will need to come see the cafe sometime. Cole says you've been such a tremendous help.”
"Oh, well, I just do my job," you shrug, "really."
"She's being humble," Cole nudges you, "she hasn't seen the numbers yet but her desserts are a hit. I'm thinking we might lean into the bakery direction."
You nod, surprised by his praise. It's not that he's ever been unkind but to have someone almost boast about you is more than what you're used to. Almost hard to believe.
"If you don't mind sharing, I'd love some recipes," Beverly says as she sits, "you know, we have this pear tree out back. Another of Cole's projects but I have no idea what to do with all that fruit."
"It sells alright," Cole intones, "but yeah, there's always some hanging around."
"So," Ethan grabs the dish of steaming carrots, "I'm sure you do more than pour coffee. You got a green thumb too?"
"Not really," you frown, "plants don't live long with me."
"She's great with kids," Cole offers, "worked at a daycare, right?"
"Erm, yeah," you reply, surprised he remembered, "hopefully I can find my way back. I love baking but I really enjoyed the work."
"Ouch," Cole utters, "well, I'll have to start looking at resumes."
"Well, not... soon, I don't know," you scoop some carrots onto your own plate, "you know, just in the future when things are stable."
"Good way to get ready for some of your own," Beverly adds.
"Um, yeah, maybe one day," you try not to make a face. If you ever want kids, you have a lot to figure out.
"You know, Cole is that type. He's so excited to be a father one day. He volunteers down at the community garden."
"I didn't know that," you glance at him as he gives a bashful grin.
"Well, I enjoy it so it's not really work," he spears a piece of roast onto his plate. "And yeah, one day, if I'm lucky. Cole Junior will be running around helping me with this place."
"That sounds so nice. Must be a lot of work running a farm."
"Good work," Ethan affirms, "but hard. Still, nice and quiet out here. City is... so loud."
"So are kids," you jibe.
"Good kinda loud," Beverly smirks, her eyes lingering on you oddly. "How old are ya?"
You hesitate. The question is abrupt; unexpected. You answer as you take a thinner slice of the roast.
"Not too old," she remarks, "you still got some time for a wedding and all that. I'm sure you'll have a few little ones running around soon enough."
You don't say a word as you add a healthy mound of potatoes to your spread. You're hungrier with each whiff of the seasoned dishes. You smile and stir the mash elusively. Cole clears his throat, scratching the stubble there.
"Oh, I didn't say. I made dessert. I don't know if it'll live up to your standards but don't fill up too much," Beverly warns, "then we can get you settled in for the night."
"Sounds good," you poke the fork into a carrot, "thanks again."
"Not all, dear, not at all," she smiles, "we been waiting so long for him to bring home a pretty girl like you."
You blink and look at Cole. He squirms but keeps his eyes on his plate, his mouth twisted. He must be just as embarrassed as you but you expect it's a better guise than the truth. Besides, it's just one night.
"I'm sorry, dear, there's so much clutter around here. Hate to put you up here," Beverly says as she leads you into the attic, "but you got everything you need. There's even a bathroom up here. You know, Cole went through a bit of a rebellious streak and wanted to have his own space. Once the summer heat moved in, he was right back downstairs."
"Oh," you chuckle, "interesting."
"Now, I didn't have much for you, I hope you don't mind flannel," she motions you towards the bed and the frilled nightgown folded at the foot.
"That's okay, thank you so much," you say, "I'm just grateful to have somewhere to sleep."
"Mmm, yeah, Cole says things are so good at home. You got a bad roommate or something?"
"Something like that," you mutter, "this is so nice."
You walk around the space, admiring the plaid bedspread, the little sofa under the window and lace curtains along the edges. There's a round rug under the bed frame and a little desk in the corner with a mirror hung on the wall above. In the corner, a door opens into a dark space that Beverly explains as the bathroom.
"The guest house had a tree go through it during a storm so we're working on it, this isn't too bad though," she says, "feel free to let us know if you need anything."
"Sure," you smile, "I should be fine."
"I do hope you can get some good sleep."
"Thanks, uh, yeah," you rub your itchy eyes and yawn, "I'm actually exhausted."
"Then I'll let you be," she waves herself away, "have a good night, hon."
"You too."
She shuts the door before she descends the stairs, the little hatch snapping sharply into place. You push your head back and pace out the cramps in your legs. You sit on the bed and drag your hands down your face. This isn't how you saw the day ending. You wonder how it would've gone had you gone back to Lloyd's, probably not well. Once he cools off, you'll sort it all out.
You sigh as you realise your purse is still downstairs. Oh well, you don't need your phone, you need sleep. You get up to switch out your clothes for the nightgown, the fabric starched and heavy. It goes to your ankles as the cuffs button snuggly around your wrists. Very old-fashion as the collar nearly touches your chin.
You turn out the lamp and climb under the fresh sheets, soft and comforting. The tension slakes away the night rustles just outside the window, moonlight flickering over you. You close your eyes and let yourself sink into the cushy mattress.
In the morning, you can worry about the cafe and Lloyd and Cole and life...
You wake with a start. What was that? You swear you heard something. You sit up, heart racing as you look around in the purple light of dawn. It's still early. You have some hours left.
You're tempted to fall back and roll over but you won't hear your alarm from up here. You groan and get out of bed, achy from the unfamiliar springs. You shuffle over to the hatch. Your phone needs to be charged anyway.
You bend to grab the handle and the door sticks. You try again, turning it the other way but it doesn't budge. You use both hands as light limns the edges, outlining the deadbolt firmly in place. The handle doesn't effect it no matter how you twist it.
You hear a creak from below as the glow flicks off. You wince and get to your knees as you try to see through the cracks. Nothing but darkness.
"Hello," you utter, "can someone help? I can't get this open?" Footsteps softly pad along. You call again, "hey, please, is someone down there?"
"Shhhhhh," the hush blows like wind as the footsteps stop.
"Hello?" You say a little louder.
"Go to sleep, sweetheart," Beverly demands.
"Beverly? It's locked, please, I need to get my phone--"
"You need to be quiet," she retorts and you wince. "You're going to wake the whole house up."
"What?" You hiss, startled by her tone. Her footsteps continue to recede. "Wait--"
"I said be quiet!" Another door shuts and the silence echoes over you. You grab the handle, trying to force the door open. What the hell is going on?
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havendance · 2 days
hii haven! thinking of getting a comic on steph to join my favs and start reading about her, but i'm not the most knowledgable when it comes to her character and have no idea where to start. do you have any suggestions for me? thanks! <3
So to start, the thing about Steph is that she is very much a supporting character throughout most of her time. This means that comics with her are going to be very scattered and it's harder to find stuff focused on her. If you're the person who likes long lists of comics, I'll link you to this (very indepth) reading list by @bitimdrake. This basically has every comic she shows up in post-crisis broken down into eras so it is very informative, but also has the potential to be intimidating.
Now for specifically buying comics featuring Steph, I'll point you in a few different directions (Note: this will be focused on collected editions since I am of the opinion that if you're looking for single issues, your best bet is to go out and dig around until you find something with her on the cover and then go for it. It may be bad, it may be good, but I think it will certainly be fun. That being said, if you do want recs for individual storylines/issues, feel free to send a followup):
Batgirl: Stephanie Brown Vol. 1 -- This collects the first half of Steph's one and only solo run. It has what no other option on the list has, and that is a complete focus on her. It also has the advantage that it's being reprinted and will be released on October 22nd, just a month from now, so it will be easy for you to obtain. A lot of people really like this run and think it's fun. The main downsides I can think of for this is that it's set right at the end of post-crisis and also features her as Batgirl rather than spoiler so if you're interested in exploring an earlier era for her, it's less suited for that.
(Honestly, the trade that features the most both as spoiler and a key player post-crisis is probably, uh, War Games which is... it's own can of worms. I do not think I need to tell you that while this was a significant storyline for her it was not good and you should not start here at all.)
Batman: The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 8 -- In contrast to the first item on this list, this volume goes all the way to the beginning of Steph's history and collects her introduction storyline. Pros to this comic is that it was released just last year so it should still be easy to find and it's her introduction--which is iconic. Downsides: she only shows up for 3 of 12 collected issues (this will be a common thread through the rest of these recs). That being said, if you're interested in more than just her I think this is a pretty good volume for that as it also contains a Batman and Robin (Tim Drake) team-up storyline, an annual that has wormed it's way into my brain, and also the story that reintroduces Huntress into bat comics.
Robin Vol. 3: Solo -- Once again, Stephanie shows up for a three issue storyline, this time in Robin comics! Most of the points for Dark Knight Detective apply here, honestly. It has a team-up story with her and Tim that I remember enjoying and otherwise collects Robin comics.
Finally, I'll toss out trades from Tynion's run on Detective Comics. This is from rebirth rather than post-crisis continuity wise and I think Steph fans tend to not like this series as much for her. I personally enjoyed her arc in it. That being said, this is a team comic and she is a member of the ensemble in it. I think I'd probably recommend the first two trades of this in terms of where she has more story focus.
Hopefully this helps and gives you some ideas!
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copperbadge · 1 year
I cannot remember if I've asked this before, so apologies if it's a repeat. I'm not trying to be pushy, just forgetful.
Do you think there will be an omnibus Volume 2? Or will that be difficult as the books seem to be getting longer as you go? I'm planning on asking for the hardcover omnibus as a gift in a few months, and I'm wondering if I should also request/buy Twelve Points (which I read on AO3 and was pleasantly surprised to find it my favorite so far 💙) or if I should hold out for another collection.
Can't wait to read the next one!
I haven't had the question before, so you're good, I think!
At this point I'm fairly confident there will be a second omnibus. I'm definitely planning on putting the next few novels into one if I can get them out the door and that seems pretty likely. It might only be Twelve Points and Royals/Ramblers (maybe the short stories too) because Royals/Ramblers is kind of big, but it's also about 2/3 of the way complete, and I have notes for the rest that make it highly unlikely I'll abandon it. It's more a question of how long it will be before the next omnibus, because Royals/Ramblers is also rather challenging, but I'm hoping to have that one on shelves no later than early 2024, and to put out at least one, hopefully two more books in 2024. So my recommendation would be not to ask for Twelve Points but definitely to save yourself off a PDF copy of it so you can re-read it in the meantime if you want :)
At the moment things are moving a bit slow because I'm dealing with a whole bunch of stuff right now -- work is always busier August-Oct, I'm trying to get a new website built and a newsletter to go with it, I'm still working on building new social skills, I'm in therapy for the first time in twenty-five years, and I'm dealing with some (minor, mild) medical stuff. But I'm still getting work in on Royals/Ramblers weekly and the longer I work on it the less apprehensive I am about it.
Beyond Royals/Ramblers I have at least half, if not more, of the Football Novel written, again with notes for the rest; I also have a fairly complete plot for Simon's chef novel, although not much is actually written on it yet. Past that I have at least premises for a novel about Ofelia, one about davzda manufacture, the Roman Ruin story, the historical fiction about the Shivadh pirate and his Nantucket Quaker whaler, and a handful of other vague ideas.
I don't know if all of those will get written; the Shivadh novels are, essentially, my fandom right now, and my general tenure in any fandom is between two and five years. However, a lot of the time I've bounced from fandoms because I didn't like the direction canon went in and like....I am making the canon here :D And my time in the Marvel fandom lasted almost ten years, not to mention I boomeranged into Good Omens fandom, something I've never done before. So I am hoping to put out at least two more volumes of collected novels in this setting. :)
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zu-is-here · 1 year
Hey zuu
Oh hii Gayfish! (*'▽'*)
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Oh no reason to worry about it! (ówò) Your family comes first so there's nothing wrong in delaying <3
My bad I'm empty-handed either but happy birthday to the twins! (〃ω〃) Your latest reblogs with them are such a nostalgia ☆
How are you doing today? *^* Heheh yours is sooo cute too! Pink rulesss (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪
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Take your time╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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Bruh!! It was such a mistake to use mascara cause I cried all my tears out in the end ;w; Did you like it?
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OH yay!! (*゚∀゚*)
[spoilers for Barbie]
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Ah I can feel you! (ówò)
Perhaps I didn't take it so politically cause Ken's attempts were more ridiculous than depressing to me, although there's a deep message here.
I guess this is not so much about patriarchy or matriarchy, but about the right to be whoever you want without being obligated to anyone?
That's what made me cry in the final, when Barbie asked her creator to be a human and not an idea and felt what it's like to be one ;w;
Oh!! (°▽°) I suppose it's really individual cause I didn't cry at all when I watched Everything Everywhere All at once, and while everyone was talking about how Great this movie is (it is! *^*), I was like "?? Well that was 60% crazy, 30% fun and 10% sophistic :'D"
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Looks like it's controversial indeed ("ó3ó) What do you think would be a better ending? *^*
Pff true, she acted so good xp I also enjoyed Alan, he looks so confused the whole movie XD
Speaking of the other movie— did you watch Oppenheimer? *^*
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Sadly no cause we can't watch it in cinema now :') But if they'll make it legal, I'll definitely go the second time all pink! \(//∇//)\
Oh these men ε-(´∀`; ) Alternative? :0
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Awww true! (〃ω〃) That's some real things <3
> Also no I haven't seen the other movie, but my friend has, and she really enjoyed it! So has jan!
This is not as exciting as Barbie is heh, but I'm a big fan of Christopher Nolan's films, and he nailed it again <3 (The adult scenes were superfluous though, but a man can have at least one in his career right? x)
[text ahead cause of the images limit xp]
> Alternative? You know like goth, punk things like that
Ah I see! (゚∀゚) Looks like it's not common for them in our modern world x)
> Other then the movie zu, how have you been? What you been up to?
Working on the next part of Trapped! (☆ω☆) Hopefully I can finish it before opening commissions, that's when the real work starts xp
Do you have other news to share? *^*
> Good luck with commisons zu!!
Nothing new, just been listening to phantom still, I wonder if there were any songs left out of the movie that you might not have heard
Thank youuu Gayfish! <3
So addictive (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪ Oh I wonder too *^*
> Recently I've been super into Notes and Notes twisted every way. As well as Why have you brought us here? Have you heard any of these before?
Woah— I don't remember listening to the first one! (°▽°) And I like how leitmotif repeats in the second one ☆ The voices are ssso good... *^*
> Oh! Did you just go off and listen to them now?? I love them to!! The way the voices mesh in the argument, and how christens name being repeated 3 times is a common motive.
Yesss! ♪ The musical must be better in terms of listening to them, cause in the movie, watching them steals almost all the attention :'D
> And the tunes of "His eyes will find me there, those eyes that burn"
Is the same as "hunt down this murderer, he must be found" in the finally
OH right!! (*⁰▿⁰*)
> It's also sad, how much the songs are starting to reflect christens trauma. She's so frightened, and his fear is growing ever strong, its twisting her perception of it all. All up until the point kf no return, and then the phantom singing all I ask of you.
The moment she realises that he knew about her and her lover the whole time. And she hears his true motive has truly been her the whole time, and she stands up and rips off his mask
Trueee, that was so intense in the movie as well ;w; Thought that's where the viewer knows that Erik saw them and knew about them, but the music shows it another way *^*
> I still haven't seen the movie, but the musical is spectacular visually as well.
I wonder if you'd enjoy the 25th anniversary recordings, it's very well shot.
The only thing that turned me off from the movie si that the phantom was cast for his appearance, not his voice, when it really should have been the other way around for a character who's a musical genius.
Awww I would! *0*
I've heard that many actors tried to get this role (Antonio Banderas as well?) and they took vocal lessons for this cause singing songs on their own was a prerequisite ☆
> Did you know that the longest running Broadway phantom played the role for 7 years? Almost every night for 7 years! The way they hop from one song to the next, his poor voice.
He got the biggest round of Applause at the end of the show
FOR real?? \(//∇//)\ That's crazy yet respectable!!
> One thing that was pointed out to me, which kinda kills alittle bit of the tension, js when Eric is over hearing All I ask of you, he's hiding behind the horses bottom, in the statue XD idk if makes me.laugh.
In the book he's ontop of a very high up statue, and it's a wonder he even heard them.
You know I've actually been to that oprea house
PFF well he's hiding after all xd You've been there?? (*゚∀゚*)
> Also I'm sorry if you are getting tired kf talking, idk if you are busy with trapped and would rather take a break?
Oh I really enjoy talking to you about them! *w* We can both take a break though, no rush anyway <3
> Well if you do wanna watch it, you can rent it on you tube. It's my favourite versionnnn.
Of course if you get the chance to actually watch it ! Do!
I'm going to be keeping an eye on it, waiting for it to return, Andrew said that it should come back, so if it ever comes back to London, I will tell you just in case it co-alines with a time you could visit!
I know I want to see it againnn.
Awww that would be amazing, thanks! \(//∇//)\
> Ok! We can take a break heh, sorryy
But I'll see if I can find a picture of the oprea house and send it over!
It's alright! (ówò) I'll be looking forward to it *^*
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@help-im-a-gay-fish OH wow!! \(//∇//)\ This is a great photo, "catching a moment" <3
He did a really good work at trying to make it as real as possible though *w*
> Me ans Jan found a night tour of the opera housessss I think we might goooo
*GASP* That's awwwsome! (〃ω〃)☆
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sometimesraven · 1 year
any writing advice for someone writing their first novel? (*cough, cough, aka me*)
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Disclaimer: what works for me might not work for you, so feel free to take, twist and scrap whatever you need. I recommend asking/shopping around for ideas and other authors' processes, and it'll take some trial and error before you find what works best for you. But here's how I personally write.
Disclaimer disclaimer: this got real long while I was writing it and I realised how terrifying it must look to a first time writer. Take it step by step, at your own pace. It's not as scary as it looks xx
(I'm going to be focusing on the story itself, but I'm sure it goes without saying that you should have your characters planned out first)
First things first: have a basic idea of the story beats. It doesn't have to be a Big Old Detailed Outline, just a basic compass to keep you going in the right direction so you're less likely to hit a roadblock. Personally I use the Plot Embryo! Here's my favourite video explaining it:
It's a nice simplified, easy to use tool for plotting. Here's a page from one of my journals breaking it down in a way I can personally come back to and understand:
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hopefully you can read my shitty handwriting but I've put a little breakdown in the image description.
I then use these prompts to scribble down the basic idea of what journey I want my main character/s to go through, and use that as my blueprint for when I write.
First things first: if you're like me, and seeing errors or plot holes in the stuff you've already written will bug you forever, do what I do and NEVER READ BACK OVER YOUR WORK WHILE IT'S STILL IN PROGRESS. Sometimes I have to skim back to remember where I am but as a rule, once something is written it's no longer my problem until the whole thing is done.
Don't worry about chapters and other such structure. I use the plot embryo to split things up so I know where I am, but otherwise chapters and scenes Do Not Exist until the editing process. Here's the "chapters" of a WIP as an example (this is a slightly different embryo adapted for romance but you get the idea)
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Then just keep going until you're done. You don't even have to do it in order. If I'm stuck on a scene, I'll just put a big word in all caps that I can ctrl+f easily (usually either ELEPHANT or PENIS sklfsgskjf) and move on to the next bit I have ideas for, then come back to it later.
This first finished story will be bad. It'll be rough, patchy, full of holes. THAT'S OKAY. This is what we sometimes call the "Zero Draft". The draft that literally exists just to get the story out of your head to make the whole thing easier.
Warning: editing is the longest, hardest part of writing a novel. Your book will go through several different versions, be scrapped and torn apart and put back together again. This is what makes the story great.
This is where every author differs, and there's a whole bunch of ways this can go. Personally, the first thing I do once the zero/first draft is done is put it down. Don't look at it, don't touch it, don't think about it. For at least a month. This allows you to come back to it with fresh eyes that haven't been staring at the same words for so long they just hate the whole thing regardless (and you WILL HATE IT. This is normal).
Then, the first thing I do is read back over the whole thing, adding notes and reactions as if I am a reader. If a part of what I've written makes me go 🥺🥺🥺, I'll write that down. If something could be worded better, I write that down. If you think a certain thing that you would put in the tags of a tumblr post, write it down. Treat it like you're someone else's beta reader, note down every negative, every positive, every ???? part. This will give you an idea of what is and isn't working. Here's some of my funniest notes from my zero draft of book 2 just to prove how literal I'm being here:
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Then, and this is a controversial move that doesn't work for everyone but it works for my autistic adhd self-loathing brain: WRITE THE WHOLE THING AGAIN. FROM SCRATCH.
This sounds daunting and it is, but you've already written it once, so the second time is easier. Usually I don't worry about making this perfect because again, this is just another draft. I'll copy from my zero draft anything that I think is fine and write new bits or scrap bits as I go.
Sometimes, the story is fine. Sometimes this is an easy refining process. However, if you're anything like me, sometimes the whole thing is messy and you'll realise halfway through rewriting that the whole thing needs restructuring. Do not despair. This is normal.
I'm using book 2 of the Truth Saga as an example for this. I got 40k words into rewriting it before I realised that the reason it felt so 'off' was because the whole thing was sagging in the middle, characters were being left behind, and the whole thing needed restructuring.
It was a rough realisation, as Reckless Truth (book 1) was such a comparatively easy process. I only did three drafts and didn't have to restructure much. Book 2 is giving me so much grief and I'm gonna slap it when it's done.
If you hit this roadblock, it might be time to do what all mood writers hate. Detailed plotting. Go right back to basics. Write down every plot point in detail this time. Act like you're spoiling the whole entire story for someone. Have you ever watched a movie or book review where the reviewer does a full breakdown of the plot? Do that. In this you'll find out exactly where you're going wrong and be able to tweak and fix it. If you have more than one main character, I recommend doing a separate plot thing for each of them and one for the book as a whole so that you can make sure their emotional arc is getting the attention it deserves.
Then, when you're happy with the new plot you've written based on the draft of your story, go back and try to rewrite it again. If this sounds like a nightmare, it is. But it's worth the work, I promise.
From there it's a case of rinse and repeat, reread, rewrite, re-edit until you're mostly happy with what you've got. Then send it to beta readers and editors to tear apart even more and put it back together until you think it's ready! I also recommend joining some writing discords, watching streams or videos about writing, just research research research basically
Happy writing!
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The tag rambles in (the post about moth/dead!us fluttering around Foul Legacy) have given me even more random angsty ideas hehehe
Also, for a bit of size context, I personally would see us as an Atlas Moth (they're very pretty, just like everyone here <3).
"in an alternate universe Childe vanished and a sparkly moth started following you around" Ack okay but the simultaneous misery and nostalgia at getting a mini version of the big moth that we love so much. Honestly, I think that prospect would just break us, so here's a few ideas and whatnot: - Underside of the moth's wings would be sparkly, while the topside would probably be some sort of dark purple. - Antennae that look like Legacy's horns <3 <3 - Literal-moth moth would probably try to stick around our hands as much as possible - Unfortunately, we can't pet him like we could when he was mothman. Because, y'know, fragile creature and all that.
"ohhh if the moth gets hurt (because it's so easy for them to get hurt) Foul Legacy starts sobbing" - Moths can't fly again if a wing breaks, unfortunately ;-; - Frankly, I can indeed see Foul Legacy just end up sobbing at a wing of ours being broken (ooo that's a new idea, maybe I'll touch it later...) - Us, with a broken wing, crawling over and around both his claws and mask, also maybe nestling in his fur(hair)? - Uncertain if a soul moth (as I'm gonna call us) needs nutrients like a regular moth. However, if we do, then Foul Legacy may just stop by forests or something frequently in order to keep as as healthy as we can be <3

~ :D Anon (Sorry it took me so long, was busy with tests ehe)
Note: I removed the link, hopefully it'll send this time? If it does, then woop-
aaaa yeah tumblr asks can be very VERY finicky especially on anon for some reason??? once i tried to send one in and it wouldn't let me because i had too many commas, tsk tsk!!! (original ask here <33)
Foul Legacy little moth: !!!! oh my goodness imagine you're in that state where you're trying so hard to cling onto hope, trying so hard to seem fine so you don't worry your friends and family- and it seems like the little moth that started following you everywhere only helps you heal, or at least people think it should since it's a constant, comforting presence
but the moth knows the truth- it knows how you sometimes break down when you're alone in your room, no matter how happy you try to seem during the day. it knows how you cry into your hands, your sobs of "where could he be?" as you despair over your lost Abyssal monster, your missing Foul Legacy
the little moth can only perch on your fingers, fuzzy antennae waving in your face like it's trying to wipe away your tears, and despite your sadness you still find the energy to cup your friend in your hands and smile wearily- just as kind as Childe remembers
you little moth: Foul Legacy will break if his tiny moth companion gets hurt- even more so if it was by him, even on accident. his talons and armor is sharp, deadly to something so small and delicate, and he cradles the moth in his hands and weeps. the little insect flicks its antennae, almost as if it's trying to reassure him, but all he can see is the rip in the poor thing's wing
he doesn't know the moth is you, intent on keeping him company even after death- he simply knows that it feels familiar, that the creature is dear to him and someone to be treasured, for when else will a moth willingly become friends with a beast? he swears you keep you safe from now on, allowing you to snuggle into his fluff or hair, away from his claws and teeth. occasionally you'll go and perch on one of his horns, happily enjoying the breeze that you can't fly in anymore, at least not as well
on particularly peaceful days he tentatively allows you to sit on one of his claws, basking in the sun and looking awfully proud of yourself despite being a moth. you flutter your wings and he flutters his back, and Legacy can see you happily waving your antennae in the air
at those moments, Childe knows peace
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ashes-and-pandora · 1 year
Kinktober 2023, SVSSS Only
For the sake of making it easier to keep track of this months fics and make an easy directory for being able to access only what you're interested in reading, here's my Kinktober collection for 2023, Scum Villian Edition, under the cut. Hopefully I'll remember to keep editing it with links and details as I continue to write. <3
Please enjoy the menu.
⚠️Dub/Noncon 💗 Fluffy/Cute (Still smutty tho) 🔥Very Spicy
10/1: Pegging (2,342 words) LBH x SQQ  ----- Binghe wants to do it face to face, but SQQ insists he's too big. One excellent idea from SHL later, they have a jade compromise.
10/2: Roleplay | Titfucking (2,087 words) LBH x SQQ  ----- Binghe gets jealous over SQQ dreaming about a woman, so he sets out to prove that he can do that better too.
10/3: Hate Sex (3,794 words) ⚠️ Bingge x SQQ ----- Bingge makes a guest appearance in SQQ's dream. They fight. They fuck.
10/4: Teratophilia | Rimming (3,190 words) 🔥 LBH x SQQ ----- SQQ wakes up in the middle of the night to find a suspiciously Binghe-like werewolf in his bed. Binghe might not be able to talk but SQQ still manages to get talked into it.
10/5: Omorashi (3,258 words)  LBH x SQQ ----- Binghe organizes an in-dream date in the modern style (taking notes from SQQ's dreams) but things go south in the parking garage.
10/6: Frottage (1,481 words) LBH x SQQ  ----- SQQ has a strangely vivid dream about the time he had to hide with Binghe in a coffin. 10/7: Stuck in Wall (2,492 words) 🔥 LBH x SQQ ----- SQQ: "I'm telling you, we have to fuck or I'll die in here."
 10/8: Master & Slave (3,103 words) ⚠️(mild elements) MBJ x SQH ----- SQH gets kidnapped and sold at a demon auction. His prayers for rescue turn a little...strange when he gets rubbed down with something beforehand.
10/9: Stripping (1005 words) 💗 LBH x LBH's Hand  ----- Binghe remembers a time he saw SQQ undress for a bath.  
10/10: Praise Kink (1,159 words) 💗 LBH x SQQ ----- Young Binghe gets flustered over being praised by his Shizun. However, the future doesn't go quite as he'd imagined as a boy.
10/11: Sensory Deprivation (1,540 words) ⚠️ Bingge x SQQ ----- SQQ finds himself pulled into a strange dream where he's been completely tied up by Bingge. He only hopes he can wake up again.
10/12: Somnophilia (1,347 words) ⚠️ (technically) 🔥 LBH x SQQ ----- Trying to feel good with a big puppy staring at you and saying embarrassing things all the time is hard. SQQ takes matters into his own hands to practice while Binghe sleeps.
10/13: Heartbeat (1,176 words) 💗 LBH x SQQ ----- SQQ listens to Binghe's heart beat and remembers why he loves him. Binghe can't keep his hands to himself.
10/14: Orgasm Denial (4,797 words) ⚠️🔥 Bingge x SQQ  ----- SQQ ends up back in that strange dream space and is tormented by Bingge using several 'toys'.
10/15: Shotgunning (2,891 words) 💗 Mobei-jun x SQH ----- Turns out MBJ's demon drugs impact humans a little differently.
10/16: Double Penetration in One Hole | Gags (3,395 words) 💗 Mobei-jun x SQH  ----- SQH doesn't remember writing that MBJ has two dicks, but he loses the ability to complain about it.
10/17: Threesome or moresome  (2,482 words)⚠️ LBH x SQQ + Bingge x SQQ ----- Trapped between two bodies, SQQ feels the sensations of both at once.
10/18: Spanking (2,794 words) LBH x SQQ ----- Binghe begs to try it, but it doesn't go the way SQQ expected.
10/19: Uniform (2,542 words) LBH x SQQ ----- Binghe tries out some of the outfits he's seen in SQQ's dreams.
10/20: Mind Control (4,917 words) ⚠️ Liu Qingge x SQQ ----- Liu Qingge has a bad time in the succubus cave. Or a good time. Hard to tell.
10/21: Panties & Lingerie | Tentacles (2,185 words) ⚠️ Solo SQQ ----- Curiosity gets the better of him, and SQQ tries out a mysterious set of lingerie that ends up...having a bit extra.
10/22: Intercrural Sex | Bondage (2,418 words) LBH x SQQ ----- SQQ insists it really is too big and too rough, so the boys explore their options.
10/23: Deepthroating & Facesitting (2,296 words) LBH x SQQ ----- LBH's insatiable appetite almost gets them in trouble during a camping trip.
10/24: Oviposition (2,772 words) ⚠️ Mobei-jun x SQH ----- SQH ends up in a spot of trouble and MBJ has to help him...get it out.
10/25: Edgeplay ⚠️ Bingge x SQQ ----- This time, Bingge won't let him go so easily. (Includes knifeplay, breathplay, and bondage)
10/26: Masturbation Solo LBH ----- Binghe wakes up in Shizun's body. He can't bear to look, but he can't keep his hands away.
10/27: Double Penetration in Two Holes ⚠️ SQQ x LBH + Bingge ----- SQQ gets caught in the middle of a fight over him.
10/28: Cockbulge Mobei-jun x SQH ----- SQH never thought something like this was possible. Much less that he'd like it this much.
10/29: Breathplay LBH x SQQ ----- LBH gives an underwater blowjob.
10/30: Overstimulation LBH x SQQ -----Every touch is just too much. Binghe's used to being the one crying, but seeing Shizun wet-streaked face and trembling, electric body is much better.
10/31: ???
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palialaina · 1 year
Since everyone has been nagging at me to take it easy, I've finally gone ahead and... made an attempt.
Look, with a garden you don't get days off, so sue me!
I did make my second glow worm farm, so hopefully now I'll get more worms! Does mean more beachcombing for me, but like... This is not a hardship. I can take pictures of the amazing view too!
Though I probably shouldn't drag Jel with me more than maybe once a week. The man has so many commissions and I certainly can't sew well enough to help him catch up! He does seem to enjoy me sitting near at hand though, while he's working on something. We don't talk, he sews, I... read.
He swears I can practice the lute, but I don't really want him to hear me do it badly. So the lute stays home for now. Mostly I read, but...
Well, while I can't say Caleri's library is bad, I will say that it feels like it's missing something. History is all well and good, but... History can be dry and dull, and I want... I don't know. More than that? I've tried to read Auni's books about a hero, but they read too... I suppose picturesque. They're made for kids, and I'm not a kid. I want a little realism in my stories, but not a lot of realism.
Lark thinks I should write my own book, but I don't know. I know what reads as good prose, I don't know if I can write my own. I don't even know what I'd write about, and I feel like anyone who learned I was writing would expect something Very Human from me, like... i don't know, an autobiography or something?
Which I bet I would find boring even if I did remember where I'd come from. And writing of how my life in Kilima has gone so far... that's just these journal entries. Way too personal.
Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, I don't know...
On a less existential crisis note, I have finished some more house stuff!
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The bathroom is tiny, no lie, but it's amazing. Honestly, the hardest part was the wall paneling stuff! Tish helped me install the sink and the overhead cupboard.... mostly by using Reth as a tall person~ I paid him in macarons.
Look, I offered coin, but he said no! So I had to get sneaky and threaten him with Lark! He said I played dirty and took the macarons. So... I win? Jel was a little put out that I didn't ask him, but he was impressed with how I put it together. He also said this little living room is cozy, and he can't wait for all of us to gather again for more board games and scary stories.
Reth is not allowed to tell scary stories any more. Or at least, not Grimalkin themed ones. Jeez. I couldn't sleep after he told that one, and ended up crashing on the couch in Jel's shop for a midday nap.
I think Jel found it cute. But yeah. I'm not letting Reth tell stories again.
I want to make a couple more chairs, since Reth said he wanted to invite Tish next time we played. Maybe I could make a small room off the kitchen for storage? Oh, or I've got an extra tent packed away, maybe I could use that for holding any extra chairs and things for if I get more guests.
I mean, it's that or I build room onto the kitchen and make the dining room bigger and fancier, and I just.. I dunno. I'm not a fancy person? I'll have to think about it.
It's kinda funny though; every time I think I'm done with my house, I get a new idea. And I still want to paint and sew things in a more... me color scheme, but I also really could use that stroage upgrade Tish says she has. I've almost got enough. And man, it's hard to resist buying the paintings and rugs down in the nightmarket. I've managed it so far, but dang is it hard!
Good thing I don't need any more flow tech from Zeki...
Maybe if I sketch out the room, I can figure out what I want before I buy anything... And remind myself that I want the house to be comfortable and cozy for all my friends.
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liladiurne · 2 years
🔅Thank you!!!🔅
Just a little post to celebrate a few milestones and to say thank you to my wonderful readers, the best readers out there! 🥰
A week or so ago, my very first snarry fic, with great outbursts and lightnings, the fic I consider closest to my heart, has reached 20k hits. I don't think, when I first started it, I could ever imagine it reaching that point. I still go reread the comments sometimes, when I find myself feeling down, and it never fails to make me smile and remember why I write, why I started, why I kept going. So thank you, 20 thousand times, for reading it.
But that's not all! Good things, it seems, come in packs!
Brighter Than Bright is just about to reach 60k hits! That's absolutely insane!!! I don't even have words. I've been looking at my stats nearly every day, just waiting for it to turn, like an idiot. 🤣 I can't believe so many people have been interested in my little (not so little anymore) fic! I expect it might reach that milestone before the end of the week, but in the meantime, something else happened. It just reached 1000 subscribers! I'd been watching it go up and up for a while now, and at first it stressed me a bit, just to think that every time I post a chapter, so many people get that email, you know? But now I'm just overwhelmed with joy that so many of you are interested and eager for what's to come. I am speechless.
Thank you so much. To all of you who've been with me from the start, and to all new readers who join me along the way. I am so immensely grateful. And thanks to @necromanticnoir who made this for me:
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On another note, I thought I'd take this opportunity to update you all a bit on what's to come. I've had a lot of changes and uncertainties in my personal and professional life, so I've had to drop a lot of fest projects because I couldn't deal with the deadlines, so there will be less of that from me in the future, I think. But I also dropped those so I could work on my personal things, those ideas that have been marinating in the shadows (namely my drafts Scrivener file) for too long and deserve a day in the sun. Which means that, without deadlines, I will post less often, BUT the content should hopefully be better, because I won't feel the pressure and also because I'll be writing from my own ideas... If that makes any sense.
Point is, there are good things coming, I just don't know at what frequency or when.
If you've read my rambling this far, thank you again.
I love all of you a ridiculous amount!
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ifidiedinadream · 1 year
I'm sorry that you're not doing well. I rushed to finish this today and sorry if it's not very good but hopefully it'll put a smile on your face. 🤍 -🐨
You took one last deep breath before entering the restaurant Aleksi had picked out for your third date. You had spent nearly all day trying to find a perfect outfit before settling on your fanciest dress and a pair of high heels, clearly very fitting for this establishment. Once inside, it didn't take long before you spotted Aleksi sitting at a table, mindlessly fumbling with a napkin. He wore a black dress shirt that accentuated his shape, the most upper button left undone, offering you a glance at his chest. You stood there for a little moment just watching him, marvelling at this beautiful man, and you couldn't believe your luck that you had met him. When he lifted his head, his gaze met yours and a smile spread across his face before he got up, quickly walked over to you and greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, then he guided you to the table with one of his hands on the small of your back. He pulled back the chair for you, much like a gentleman and then took a seat across from you. "I know this place is quite fancy but I wanted to impress you", he said and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck - a habit he always seemed to do when he was nervous. You chuckled and playfully rolled your eyes. "I'm always impressed by you, whether if it's at a fancy restaurant or at a landfill", you spoke, immediately blushing at the boldness of your statement. Aleksi laughed and muttered, "Guess I know where I'll take you for our next date." You carried on with a casual chat, feeling so comfortable in each other's company that you almost didn't notice the waiter stepping up to your table to take your order. "I'll take a beer and she takes...a vodka lemon", he said and the waiter noted the order on a small notepad before turning around and walking away. You looked at Aleksi with wide eyes. Butterflies were going crazy in your tummy and it made you feel almost dizzy. "You remembered", you smiled, "my favourite beverage." Aleksi nodded, looking mighty proud of himself for making you smile. "Of course I did. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?", he jested and this time it was him who blushed. You had not yet put a label on your relationship, still unsure if you were just casually dating or actually being committed to each other. "I mean...if you want me to be your boyfriend, of course. Sorry for being so straight forward. I can see that this took you by surprise and you probably think I'm weird now", Aleksi rambled, barely taking a breather inbetween the cascade of words tumbling from his mouth. "I'm such an idiot and I can understand if you don't want to see me ever again. I'm so-" You cut him off mid-sentence by standing up, leaning across the table and gently grabbing his face with your hands before shutting him up with a kiss. You had no idea how long you ended up kissing him for, you broke apart when the waiter returned to your table and cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable at interrupting. "Excuse me but here are your drinks", he said and placed a glass of vodka lemon in front of you and a bottle of beer in front of Aleksi. Your face was heating up from embarrassment but Aleksi took your hand and smiled at you with so much adoration in his eyes that you couldn't help but swoon. It was a very good date and you couldn't wait for the next one.
oooooh he's so handsome when he wears dress shirts aaaah 😭😭 and baby wanting to impress the reader 😭
and AAAAH when you asked me about my favorite alcoholic drink this is what it was for 😭😭😭🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻 i love this little detail, thank you very much!
in general i loved this, for some reason i often fantasize and write about the first few dates, it's among my favorite scenarios 🥰 they're just so romantic and full of passion and thrill aaaahh
thank you so much for this, you have no idea how much i needed it today 🖤
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knackfandomarchive · 2 years
Edit hijacking an old post.
Here's a doodle of Knack: The colors took me a while to pick out, but now I have them!
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And here's my to-do list, which I would still like to do:
Finish watching someone play the second game - so this is interesting; apparently, the way you play the game influences how you view the characters, particularly Knack. I will now cease the topic to avoid going on a rampage, but I want to bring it up again later.
Make or complete my avatar in full color. eh I just grabbed a screenie and tweaked it a bit.
Reblog some material so I can see how it looks on the blog - I am doing it! I'll have to take a good look at my blog theme.
learn more HTML and make this blog's website very nice hopefully - I have only done some stuff in the tumblr website editor thing with the colors. I think it would be fun to have relic textures and buttons, but I need to take things one step at a time. Would love suggestions on direction.
Develop a good tagging system and organization in general - this is a big one, will have to be symbiotic with the fandom. Slowly getting there...
Ideally reach out to some fans of the game, but I'm not sure if I intend to manage this blog for very long. - heyo I feel like I'm making friendly acquaintances! Getting over the shy one step at a time. Actually I think I'm becoming obnoxious.
Update the to-do list - I will have to find/remember what I said I wanted to draw.
Update the artist list - there are dozens of us!
review posts and take notes re: how people tag things, ideas. Will overlap with various other to-dos. Important! But time-consuming.
Clarify terminology for things like interpretations vs headcanons vs AUs
Decide what extent a character has to be a subject before their name will be tagged.
read more fanfics! Look at more fanart! Apply critical thinking. Overlaps with reviewing.
Update the blog manifesto
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chuluoyi · 1 year
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- fushiguro megumi x oc/reader - oc/reader's character name is hara sena, pronouns still refer to “you” and i won’t mention it often—just for the sake of aesthetic rather than repeatedly writing "y/n"
in another life, in which fate is still screwing his life over, Fushiguro Megumi finds himself in an arranged marriage―with you.
genre/warnings: arranged marriage au, family drama, angst, slight profanity (hopefully)
notes: this is my first try at posting fanfic so any input is kindly appreciated! feel free to drop it in my askbox. i need to cope with jjk236 but i can’t create new gojo fics without drowning in heavy angst and sorrow *sobs* so i push this idea out first until i have the strength to
my plan is to update weekly, but since i'm an office slave with tendency to do overtime... i'll try my best ehe. hope you enjoy this first though!
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series masterlist | next. to be wed
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Even if all heavens and hells fall apart, you won't marry Zen'in Naoya.
That's what you thought to yourself when he leered at you with that vile smirk of his, barely done with his grand speech about how the woman who had the honor to be his bride should submit to all his commands and not ever question his judgement. He was a creep with severe misogynistic tendencies, and an even worse human being.
You can only thank the heavens that they didn't give Naoya the Zen'in clan's prized Ten Shadows Technique. God knows how calamitous he would be if he had no flaws.
"What did you say?"
"I refuse to marry him, Father," you said resolutely and undauntedly, head bowing in front of your glorified father, the clan head. By all means, your clan―the Hara clan―is a lesser family in the jujutsu society, but wields the devastating innate technique to manipulate the winds.
But as of right now, your clan is broke and a stone throw away from falling from grace altogether. Which is why the man you call Father but barely know all your life is now pushing you―selling you off to high-ranking clans with heirs or spares. Since Gojo Satoru was practically unattainable and Hara clan held animosity against the Kamo clan, the most eligible catch left in the market was Zen'in Naoya, hence why in your father's eyes he was the best, nevermind the fact that he had the highest chance to commit domestic violence against you.
"Sena," your father started, his voice gruff and commanding and oh how you absolutely hate him for that. "I won't allow it. As a daughter of this family, you must be filial and therefore do your duty. You will be married to the Zen'in heir and that's that."
You raised your head in alarm. "But―!"
"Remember your place." Your father's voice took an edge, and you gritted your teeth. "Or else you know what's going to happen."
And then you went slack, desperately holding back your tears. You can go against everything he throws at you but this. Whenever he refers to your poor mother, whom he held hostage so you would do your part of the bargain, you soften and find a way to once again become a pushover. This time, he even bound you to him with a binding vow, just to make sure that he would attain what he wanted―your marriage to the Zen'in to save himself from poverty.
But your father made a slight mistake when he recited the vow―he never stated to whom it was that you had to marry, which basically meant any Zen'in would do. And so holding on that loophole, you went to Gojo Satoru, or else known as the guardian of Fushiguro Megumi, the illegitimate child of that accursed Zen'in clan, and attempted to strike a deal with him.
"You know, if you've gone to me sooner, I would've agreed to marry you to save you from this plight, Sena-chan," he remarked with an amused chuckle. You highly doubted his words and merely stared at him gravely after making your point across. "How unfortunate, and now you're dragging Megumi into this? What's it in for me and him?"
This is it. You have no other way and even this is also your last resort. To save your mother and yourself, you must drag an innocent soul into this complicated mess. Fushiguro Megumi is going to take a part in your game of survival, and you will make sure that he won't be just a mere sacrificial pawn.
And surprisingly, Gojo agreed with your proposition. To make sure that you'd be staying true to your convictions and he'd get Megumi instated as a part of Zen'in clan, he pulled you into an unbreakable vow.
When you got out of Gojo's mansion, it just dawned on you the gravity of the situation you had just pulled yourself into. Your hands started to shake from sheer fear.
Now you have two binding vows, in which any breach of these vows equals uncertainty so great it might as well have been death.
And most of all, you have most likely landed yourself a very unwilling groom in the form of Fushiguro Megumi.
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next : to be wed
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heartofspells · 2 years
15, 18,32, and 37?
Oooookay. This is now my second time trying to answer this. Thank you, tumblr, for eating my answer alkjfajfk
Hello, sweet!
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
I sometimes write in the margins, but I'm more of an occasional underliner/highlighter. Mostly I write whatever notes I want from a book somewhere else, mainly because there might be thoughts I don't want anyone else to see or read, or have them guessing WHY this particular part is important to me. And I never dog-ear. That should be criminal.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
"Sorry," he repeats. "How about we start again, Mr Black?"
Sirius realizes belatedly that he's gaping. He snaps his mouth closed and nods. The man's smile grows.
"I've looked over your file," he says, "along with your scans. I think I've put together a regimen that will be very beneficial if you'll allow me to try?"
Sirius is surprised by the question in the man's tone. Isn't he supposed to be told what he's meant to do? Ordered around until his stubbornness takes over and he eventually searches out someone new? He already feels off kilter, like he's landed on the wrong foot, kicked the ball too early and sent it shooting out of bounds.
"All right," he says slowly. "I'll give it a go, yeah."
The man beams at him happily. "Fantastic," he chirps. His energy is infectious to Sirius, bubbling up something warm inside him. "Well, Mr Black – actually, hang on a tic. I hate the formalities, I'll admit. Care if I call you Sirius instead?"
Sirius blinks again, once more thrown off his footing. "Er…'course, yeah. Hate the Black name, anyhow. I'd ditch it if I could."
"Brilliant!" the man says, grinning brightly, a small, deep chuckle emerging from his throat. "I'm Remus Lupin." He steps forward until he's in front of Sirius, stretching his hand out in offering. "Remus, if you please."
The thing about my writing is that not much changes in the editing phase other than a few minor shifts or adjustments. For the most part, what comes out the first time is what sticks, but I put a lot of thought into important parts before they're even written, which helps. But this scene from Healing Edge is one of the few scenes that I've ever completely changed. In the beginning, when I first had the idea for the fic and started writing, I had this entirely different scene written, a totally different vision for the entire fic. It was meant to be an enemies to lovers tale, but that very clearly changed and it all came down to this one scene.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
My dragonfly, my black-eyed fire, the knives in the kitchen are singing for blood, but we are the crossroads, my little outlaw, and this is the map of my heart, the landscape after cruelty which is, of course, a garden, which is a tenderness, which is a room, a lover saying Hold me tight, it's getting cold.
This is from Snow and Dirty Rain by Richard Siken and I love it, every single word. It even inspired a fic.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
Probably terrible things. They'd likely label me as miserable and insanely depressed and suffering from some sort of deep psychosis which is hilarious to me for a lot of different reasons. But really, I'd hope they'd at least look at what I've written and consider me insightful to some extent, firmly tapped into emotions and how people's heads work, and hopefully they'd mildly commend me for talking about those darker aspects of life others try to shy away from and hide in dark corners. Or maybe they'd just think I'm insane.
Send me weird questions if you'd like!
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yan-sideblog · 2 years
(NOTE: This is based off my own headcanon/theory concerning the MC's past.)
"You know I'm not a naturally angry person." Alan spoke to the man sat a ways from him against a tree. He wasn't worried about him running though.
'not with that mangled ankle'.
"I'm also not what you'd call chatty but i think it's important you understand WHY this is happening." as he spoke he sat down his hatchet before walking over. "Wouldn't wanna have a slip up." he mused kneeling in front of the man.
"Especially with just how angry i am with you."
Truth be told angry doesn't begin to cover how he feels. What he feels twords the bastard in front of him is more like a deep seething loathing. Something that couldn't be snuffed out by any other means.
'If it could i wouldn't be in this situation. Boss isn't gonna be to happy with me when they find out'. The first part was a lie and he damn well knew it. Even IF there was an alternative he still would've picked the option that ended with this guy six feet under.
"Now i have more important things to do with someone infinitely more important to me so let's cut to the chase." he places his right hand on his shoulder and squeezes HARD. The unnamed man flinched from the combined pain of his ankle and the hand on his shoulder but he didn't dare speak in fear it'd make the situation worse.
Not that it'll help.
"I wanna have a little chat about Y/N." at the mention of his doe eyes name recognition flashes across the man's face. 'That's good' he thinks 'i won't have to waste time encouraging him to remember'.
"Now to me my doe eyes is a sweet, thoughtful, adorable and absolutely beautiful individual. Easily the only good person in my life therefore the most important person in it." he can't help the dreamy look that passes over his face as he speaks.
His mind drifts back to them, sound asleep in their bed where he left them. 'Hopefully I'll be finished here before they wake up' he'd hate to make them worry over his sudden absence.
But, like with all good things, those happy thoughts end as he refocuses on the bastard in front of him.
"So imagine my surprise when i find out someone had the fucking nerve to harm even a single hair on their head!" with every word his grip tightens. If the man were to wake up tomorrow there'd surely be a nasty bruise on his shoulder.
"Especially when that someone was a person who claimed to love them." he wonders what's running through this bastard's mind right now. 'Not that it matters' and it really doesn't.
His fate was sealed the second he heard what he'd done.
He can still clearly remember the terrified sound that tore from their throat as they jolted awake a few nights ago. Before he could even asks what was wrong they'd scrambled out of their bed to sit against the wall. Legs pulled up to their chest and head ducked under their arms protectively. All the while struggling to take in panicked breaths.
It took some time for Alan to help them realize they were safe and to help get their breathing under control. Once he was confident they were mentally present he, after making sure they were comfortable being touched, took them in his arms surprised by just how much they were shaking as they clung to him.
Now Alan might not be the smartest guy but he's by no means stupid. He knew enough about people partially through his own past experiences to know that something was wrong.
After some gentle prodding it was like the floodgates opened as they broke down again. It felt like it took hours for them to tell him everything. Both because they kept having to pause to calm down enough to speak and because of just how much there was to tell.
By the time they were finished they had fallen asleep again, and Alan had made his decision. That decision is what led him here and why this poor excuse of a man would be dead soon.
"Do you have any idea just how much you hurt them? How much they're still affected by what you put them through?!" as he spoke his other hand came to wrap around his neck. 'See how much HE likes not being able to breath'.
"I - I'm not. . I d-didn't. .!!" whatever excuses he had were quickly cut off by pressure around his neck. Not enough to kill him but enough to warn him to keep his mouth shut.
"That was a rhetorical question! I couldn't give less of a shit what you know or think." he spat. His already limited patience was running out fast 'i need to hurry this along before i fucking loose it'.
"Trurh be told they could be perfectly fine. Completely unaffected by everything you did to them and we'd still be here!" the hand around his neck began tightening. "And do you know why?" his hand starts cutting off his oxygen and this time the poor bastard tries struggling. Unfortunately for him even if Alan wasn't wearing his fingerless gloves he wouldn't feel his nails digging in.
'Still rude to do while I'm talking' it only takes his head slamming back against the tree to get the message across. "You done?" he nods frantically causing Alan to ease up on the pressure just a bit "Good. Now as i was saying it doesn't matter because your actions alone are irredeemable.".
"Because treating them any less than how they deserve is an offense i can't allow. And you did far worse than that." at this point both hands are wrapped around his neck and it takes EVERYTHING in him not to just snap it right thrre.
'Can't have that though' and so with great effort he removes his hands and stands back up. The injured man, who's now shaking like a leaf, briefly thinks it might be over. That hope is short lived as Alan picks up the hatchet he had discardee earlier before making his way back over.
"It's ok though. In time you won't occupy even a fraction of their thoughts." a genuine smile spread across his face. "And the first step to make that a reality is for you to no longer be breathing.".
Before he could utter so much as another syllable Alan brought his hatchet down with force splitting his head open. He wastes no time wrenching it free, allowing the now lifeless body to fall to the forest floor as blood pours from the wound. He let's some time pass before slipping his hatchet into a belt loop and hoisting the corpse over his shoulders.
'Now all i gotta do is drop it off and let nature do the rest.' he had planned this out thoroughly. Having lived there for 7 years he knew what paths would be traveled and when. Nobody would run across the body until winter was well over.
'By that time the elements and critters will have done their job' he mused with a smile. More than a few like to gnaw on bones so maybe the head wound wouldn't be noticeable by then. 'Hopefully that's the case' he thinks starting his journey 'sure would go a long way twords boss letting this one slide'.
Truthfully he wasn't to worried though. He & the boss were on good terms and Alan has established himself as a trustworthy, dependable individual. Even if they weren't he still would've done what he did.
"After all doe eyes only deserves to feel loved, protected and safe. And it's my job to keep them that way.".
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET - austin butler x reader - PART 1
Description: you end up sitting next to each other on the plane when you have to fly home for a family emergency. Lucky youuuuu.
Austin Butler x reader
Warnings: it’s all fine for now but will eventually contain smut. Right now there’s mentions of a car accident. Minors run away.
NOTE: be in for the long haul guys/gals/non binary pals. This will probably go on for the rest of my life. Also, I’ve never written a fic before so please feel free to leave me feed back or ideas for the future plot of the story. Whateverrrrrrr. Love u byeeee.
Next part
***ring ring ring***
I grabbed my phone off my nightstand to see who could possibly be calling me in the middle of the night.
Mom??? Why the hell is she calling me at this hour?
"Hey mom. What's up?" I said sleepily. She was crying. Sobbing even. "Mom, slow down. I can't understand what you're saying."
"Dad and Jude were in a car accident. They're both in ICU. We don't know much yet. How soon can you get here?" She said between deep breaths in a desperate attempt to calm herself down. I knew they were heading on their annual father/son camping trip in Yosemite for the week before school started back up.
I lay there. Shocked. I don't even remember what I said to her after that. I don't remember getting off the phone. I just laid there. Frozen. Eventually I walked over to my desk, bringing my blanket with me because there's no cold like being woken up at 3am and having to get out of bed. Just me, my fuzzy socks, underwear, and a huge t shirt I stole out of some frat guy's drawer after he spilled his beer all over me one night. I opened my laptop and had to turn the brightness nearly all the way down. I was wide awake but my eyes were still used to the dark room.
Okay Stella. Just find the quickest flight to LAX. You can do this. The next flight out is in 4 hours. And it's first class but it will have to do. Better start packing. I'll  email my boss from the plane I guess. I can work from anywhere. Hopefully she'll give me a little bit of time off anyways. I doubt it.
I took a shower that was probably slightly too long for the amount of time I had. But I couldn't get myself to move quickly. My thoughts were racing a million miles a minute but my body moved in slow motion. I tried to hold my tears in because I was scared I wouldn't stop crying if I started.
Why didn't I call them yesterday to tell them to have fun and drive safely? What if I never see them again? The last conversation I had with dad was a fight. And now it feels so stupid. I wish I could tell him I'm sorry. Jude only has one year of high school left. He has to be okay. Senior year is so much fun. What if he doesn't get to experience it?
I got out of the shower, blowdried my hair and put some waterproof mascara on. Just in case. I put on my black cross waist leggings, the comfiest beige crop tank top, and a pastel pink and white checkered cardigan. I never travel anywhere without my crocs. Are they acceptable in first class? I wasn't sure. I'd never flown first class but I didn't care today. Crocs it was.
I quickly took the elevator downstairs from the 12th floor. I had moved to New York about 6 months ago for work. My apartment was downtown. Just a studio but the view was incredible. And I even had a balcony. Even though I loved where I lived, leaving home felt so stupid right now. Why did I ever leave?
I tracked down the first cab I could and prayed they could get me to the airport in time. I threw in my headphones and tried to forget that anything was wrong. Maybe the flight would be easier that way.
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