#how about having someone who even kNOWS HOW SHIPS WORK BE THE BACK UP LEADER???
namorian · 9 months
My controversial op hot take is zoro shouldn’t be first mate but nami or usopp should. Nami bc she’s just like, objectively one of the most practical in the crew and someone with authority on this boat needs to be and usopp bc of how his stories keep coming true and I think say an arc, where usopp has to be the captain for a while bc luffy is MIA/KO’D/etc which would make him Actual Captain Usopp for like, a solid 5 mins and I think that’s Neat.
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sorrelchestnut · 9 months
I've seen a fair number of posts both here and on reddit that question why Tav (or the Dark Urge) would end up as a group leader for any other reason that "game mechanics say so." There's the requisite "okay, well if you play a high charisma character I guess it makes sense," or on the other end of the spectrum, "if you're playing Durge and murder someone right off the bat everyone would be too scared to tell you no." And I get where people are going with this! I really do. But it also fundamentally misunderstands a facet of human nature, which is that the vast majority of people do not actually want to be in charge, because that means being held responsible for the outcome. Accordingly, most people will dither when a group consensus is needed: have none of you ever tried to get a group of friends to agree where to go for dinner? Yeah, it's like that, but waaaay worse.
A lot of times "leadership" is just the willingness to say, "fuck it, y'all do what you want, but I'm doing this." I see it all the time in a corporate environment, where people will go back and forth on group meetings without anyone making a decision until finally one brave soul goes "in my opinion the clear answer is x" and then everyone gratefully goes along with it. Because now it's not their responsibility when something goes wrong! They're just following along with someone else's suggestion, and maybe it works or maybe it doesn't, but at the end of the day they don't have to worry about the consequences unless they're personally affected. In which case they might step up and argue back, and then they're stuck being a leader, too. Welcome to adulthood!
Lae'zel is the only one who ever even tries to exert some kind of control, when she tells you to follow her lead on the ship, or calls you her subordinate in the Grove. But, crucially, she doesn't ever make any serious attempt to take control: you can just tell her, "lol, no," and she sort of confusedly gives way, because she doesn't know how to handle this scenario. In her world there are commanders and subordinates, and everyone knows where they stand and falls in line. She's never actually had to take control of a situation and so at the first sign of resistance she falls back on the dynamic that's familiar to her, which is executing the commands of someone older and more experienced. She goes through a lot of growth over the game, to the point that she can take over as a resistance leader in her own right by the end, but at the beginning she's a wet-behind-her-ears private with some decent combat chops and it shows.
Otherwise, your party consists of:
Shadowheart, who's trained in infiltration and assassination and does NOT want a lot of attention brought to her or her mission for a variety of reasons;
Astarion, who has literally been a slave for two centuries and canonically takes a while to realize that he can exert an opinion beyond complaining about it;
Gale, whose only friend is his cat and couldn't project-manage his way out of a wet paper bag;
Wyll, who was probably trained for command at one point but has been doing the lone-hero thing for a decade and has a very large secret that he's trying to conceal; and,
Karlach, who's only ever been a bodyguard and a soldier and is genuinely just happy to be here.
Honestly, it would be more a surprise if Tav/Durge didn't end up as their unofficial leader, given the general power dynamics at play. The first time Tav/Durge says something like, "fuck it, we need to do something instead of stand around arguing about it, let's go check out those ruins over there," it's a done deal. They're The Captain Now! As long as they don't make decisions that fundamentally oppose something dear and important to the other group members, they're not even going to get any argument. Because at the end of the day, not one of these walking disasters has enough trust in themselves and their decision-making skills to feel any kind of certainty that they can choose the right path forward. If someone else is going to take that decision out of their hands? They're going to follow, no questions asked, right up until the moment they can't.
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sooniebby · 1 year
Hello, I am actually not sure if requests are open or not but feel free to ignore me if they aren’t! Would you be comfortable writing nsfw, pirate Bakugou x merman reader? Maybe Bakugou found him and decided to examine, and found a “hole” on m/n’s backside.. y’know? :D Thanks love, your writing is great!!
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꧁ 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞 𝙭 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
Word count › 2.2k
Rating › NSFW
Warnings › reader has a vagina. Use of pussy/cunt. Weird mermaid butthole
Kinks › breeding/creampie, dub con
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Katsuki wasn’t scared of anything. Any sea creature was swiftly killed by himself before they could even get a chance at him. He was the leader of his ship for a reason. But the sea was unpredictable.
He had knew that.
His ship, and his crew, were almost killed by a sudden tsunami passing through. Their boat was set off course and they wound up on some island. It was deserted so he sent his crew to find someone to repair the boat.
His crew was pretty small. Just Izuku, Tenya, Eijiro, Mina, and some random ass man named Aizawa. He wasn’t even sure were Aizawa came from. But it was nice to have a much older pirate to give him some tips whenever he was having trouble.
He would never tell him that. That’s for him and his brain to now.
But being captain, he decided to stay back with Tenya to watch the ship. Tenya was doing the best he could to fix the ship but he certainly needed help and new material. It was a miracle the ship hadn’t sank.
Katsuki was giving Tenya his space to work properly when he spotted a body on shore. He ignored them the first hour, believing they were just sunbathing.
But the body didn’t move.
It didn’t move for two hours.
He decided to just check. Just to make sure he hadn’t been staring at a dead body for so long.
“I’ll be right back,” he grunted before jumping off the ship. He didn’t even wait for Tenya to answer.
Not like he could stop him. He was captain after all.
Once he reached close to the body, he froze.
A mermaid!
He had thought Aizawa was crazy when he told about it before. But no, a mermaid was on the ground. Dead..?
Katsuki leaned down and pressed his ear on the mermaid’s chest, waiting for a heartbeat. Maybe it shouldn’t be in the sun. He reached down to grab the mermaid’s tail(?) and tried to pick it up.
That didn’t work. It would’ve even budge. He grunted and decided to just drag it to the ocean. Grasping the end of the tail, he began to drag it.
The thing didn’t even budge. Could it really be dead?
The first touch of water on his feet and the tail sent the mermaid awake wihh the a jolt. It screamed in shock, mainly fear, and began to try and pull away from Katsuki.
“Hey! Calm down!” He yelled, letting go of the tail as it began to violently slash water in his face. Wiping away the water, he glanced down at the mermaid who had stopped moving.
It looked at him in fear before looking around the area.
“Where…?” It said but soon stopped.
“You okay?” Katsuki asked.
Katsuki wasn’t even sure if this mermaid had a gender. It looked male based on its flat chest and boyish features. But was that a male to other mermaids?
“The water..” the mermaid replied. He(?) looked at Katsuki before glancing over at their wrecked ship. A frown appeared on his lip. Was he connecting the dots..?
“The water pushed me away. I don’t know…” he looked panicked, tears streaming down his face. “Oh no…”
Katsuki didn’t know what to say. What could he say to someone, a creature he thought was fake, on basically being washed away from his family? How far did it take him?
“I can… I can help you find your family.” Katsuki said. He wanted to punch himself in the face. How the fuck were they supposed to find them?
A smile appeared on the mermaid lips. “Really?! You’re so nice!”
“Meet me back here tonight, yes?” The mermaid asked.
“Sure.” Katsuki said. He didn’t have the heart to tell him that he wasn’t sure he could actually do that.
“Call me… oh. (Name)!” (Name) said. “What’s your name?”
“Katsuki. Bakugo Katsuki.”
“Suki!” (Name) giggled.
“I’ll see you later, Suki!” With that, (Name) went back into the ocean. Katsuki watched with a heavy feeling on his heart. He didn’t know what to do. For the first time in awhile.
He’d have to ask Aizawa.
“Hey! Those mermaids you were yapping about! I got a few questions.” Katsuki said when everyone else was sleeping in their quarters. Aizawa looked at him with a raised brow but nodded for him to continue.
“What if… what if they were real?”
“They are.”
“Tch! You know what I mean. What if you meet one?”
“Mermaids don’t like talking to humans. Only if they need something.”
“…what if you promise something one of them?” Katsuki asked, glancing at the sunset. It was almost time for him to meet (Name).
Aizawa finally turned to face him. “What have you done?”
“The fuck? Why’re you so scared?”
“Katsuki, what did the mermaid want?”
“To find his home. He got washed up by the tsunami.”
“Okay.. okay. What was the promise?”
“Well, to meet him tonight. The family was something I said.”
Aizawa seemed to calm down a bit. “Alright. Go tonight but tell him you can’t help him. You have a ship and crew to worry about. Mermaids aren’t as innocent as they seem.”
Katsuki hummed. “Alright. I’ll tell you how it goes.” He didn’t know why he felt sad. It felt so cruel to get the mermaid’s hopes up only to tell him no right after. But if Aizawa was fearful of the mermaid, he’d do what he said.
At the spot he had last seen (Name), it was about a twenty minute walk from the ship. It was a bit hard to see anyone from where his ship was, especially in the dark. Katsuki waited a bit until he saw (Name) swim up.
“Hey, I’m sorry but i can’t help you.”
(Name) frowned.
“I have my ship and crew mates to worry about. We also got displaced by this tsunami too. I’m sorry for getting your hopes up.” Katsuki hoped that would suffice.
(Name) stared at him. He just stared. His mouth opened and suddenly Katsuki found himself in a cave. Katsuki looked around in shock, wondering just what the hell happened.
The cave was illuminated with blue crystals. It looked like the cave they had saw when steering themselves to this land. But how did he get here?
He looked around and saw (Name) beside him, on his front. His backside was out and free, showing off a hole in his tail. If (Name) had been human, Katsuki was sure it would’ve been where his ass is.
Was that a butthole?
Something was certainly wrong with Katsuki because never in his life would he willingly touch someone’s asshole. Especially a sea creature. But he slowly reached over and pressed both hands on either side of the hole and pulled it apart.
It certainly mimicked an asshole. But it was blue, like (Name)’s tail. Katsuki couldn’t help himself. It was as if his body moved on auto pilot as he slipped in two fingers with ease.
The feeling was unreal. He wasn’t sure what it felt like but he didn’t really have anything to compare it to. It clenched tightly around his fingers whenever he pulled them out too far.
Huh? Was (Name) awake?
“Suki, you big pervert!”
The sound of skin slapping together caught Katsuki’s attention. Whatever or wherever he was, he was back on the beach. The sand on his back and the moon shining down on him.
Did he take any fucking drugs during dinner? What the hell was going on?
“Suki! What were you dreaming about?”
Katsuki grunted as he looked at the heavy body on top of him. It was (Name). But with a human lower half. (Name) had a pussy. But still had a male upper half. It was strange but Katsuki couldn’t ignore the pleasure he got from (Name)’s pussy(?) around his cock.
Was he going crazy?!
“You’re so big, Suki. I’m glad the moon chose you,” (Name) moaned, picking up the pace as he slammed down on the cock beneath him. His moaning tied with the slapping of skin was so foreign to Katsuki.
He had become a pirate since he was fourteen. He never had the time for dating. His crew and ship mattered too much to worry about dating. Sure he masturbated but he never felt tight heat of a pussy or ass.
And god was he angry he waited until he was twenty-five for it. What a boring life to live.
(Name) was a moaning mess, his pussy clenching down on Katsuki’s cock whenever he almost slipped out. He was too focused on his own pleasure at this point.
Katsuki grunted as he gripped (Name)’s waist. He wasn’t sure if he should push him off or pull him closer. Something about the moon above him was making him feel hazy. He couldn’t think straight.
All he could think about was breeding.
But he was never into having children. Was it because of (Name)? He wasn’t sure but he knew that future Katsuki could worry about that. Katsuki right now would enjoy the pleasure he’s been missing.
“Suki… Suki, please give me babies,” (Name) babbled, his bouncing beginning to be inconsistent. He was getting tired. If (Name) was a mermaid all this time, using legs would be so tiring.
Katsuki smirked to himself. He might as well help the poor guy out.
With ease, he switched their positions. (Name) squeaked as his back touched the cold sand and Katsuki towered over him. He blushed at the sight of him covering his body.
“You want a baby so bad? I’ll have to breed this cunt, then.”
Katsuki slammed his cock back inside (Name)’s awaiting cunt, enjoying the squeals he got from him. He reached one hand down and rubbed at the large nub sticking out of (Name)’s pussy. It resembled a little cocklit, if he had to be honest.
The attention towards it gained screams from (Name). His hands clawed at Katsuki’s back as he wrapped his legs around his waist, effectively making him trapped inside of his wet cunt.
Whatever the moon was doing to his libido, Katsuki felt close already. His thrusting began to speed up, wanting to dump his load inside of (Name).
“Suki! Inside, please~!”
Katsuki simply grunted as he captured (Name)’s lips into a kiss. (Name) easily returned it, his moans being muffled by it. It took only two more thrusts before Katsuki’s was emptying himself inside of (Name), pulling away from the kiss for a breather.
“Suki, you helped me fulfill the moon’s promise.” (Name) said, grasping at Katsuki’s face as he smiled up at him. Katsuki hummed in confusion. He honestly just wanted to sleep.
“Mermaids are born female and male… but a curse makes males unable to have a cock. We have to get pregnant by human males. It’s why I have a vagina.”
“I’m so confused..” Katsuki yawned. “It doesn’t explain that weird dream..”
“Thats what I have in my true form. The moon gives us human body parts for the breeding. Thank you, Suki. I’ll be able to have babies.”
Katsuki simply hummed and collapsed on top of (Name). (Name) blinked as he heard the pirate fall asleep. In the moon, mermaids got their human body and much more hornier for breeding. It did enhance the human males’ libido as well but it always gave the after effect of falling asleep right after.
“But I’m still horny…” (Name) whined.
Katsuki woke up with a jolt. The sun was beginning to rise. He groaned in pain as he felt something clench around his cock. It felt similar to the weird hole in his dream.
He glanced to his side and saw (Name)’s back towards him. Katsuki’s own arms was wrapped around his waist as his cock was buried deep inside the asshole. (Name) had his tail back.
“Are you finished…?” (Name) whimpered, his breathing shallow. He sounded tired. Just how long did they go for?
“What the..?”
“You started to fuck me so suddenly. I think the moon was still affecting you to breed. But I’m back in my mermaid form, it won’t take.” (Name) sounded disappointed.
Katsuki glanced down to see the hole was drenched with cum inside. A few drops dripped out onto the sound. He kinda wished he was awake during that. How did a mermaid asshole feel to fuck?
Well, it’s not like he’d have anything to compare it to.
Katsuki pulled out, watching the sudden glob of cum that rushed out of (Name)’s hole. (Name) whimpered at the feeling.
“Sorry… but do you mind pushing me back to the ocean…?”
“Oh, sure.”
Once (Name) was in the water. He looked back at Katsuki with a grin.
“Can you come back here in six months? The babies would be born by then!”
Katsuki felt faint. First time he ever had sex was with a mermaid and he was already a father.
“Yeah.. yeah I’ll come back.”
With that, (Name) was gone with a flourish. Katsuki pulled up his pants as he tried not to think hard about how he was going to be a father to mermaids. How much would (Name) give birth to?
“I’m shocked you lived.”
Katsuki looked over to see a tired Aizawa.
“The hell? What do you mean?”
“Usually the mermaid kills the father. He probably likes you.” Aizawa muttered, turning to go back to the ship. “Oh, congrats on the kids.”
Katsuki wanted to fucking kill him.
But he wasn’t wrong. He was now a father.
But he did wonder, was (Name) really washed up by the tsunami?
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈─➤ END
Added a few things 🤭 little special something
Thanks for the request!
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cozage · 1 year
you wanna do continue the one you did where the s/o gets captured? Get them rescuuuued. please and thank you :D
A/N: I actually have two of these requests in my inbox, and these got really long because I’m insane and have to write every detail, so I’m going to break these up into three different posts so people aren’t stuck reading and scrolling through a 10k fic on tumblr. Ace and Law’s will be coming soon!
Characters: female reader x Luffy
Cw:  angst, drugging, near-death experience
Total word count: 2.3k
Summary: You've been captured by marines, and the Strawhats work to get you back. (Followup from this request)
Rescued by Pirates - Luffy
Luffy stood at the top of the cliff, staring down the Marine fleet in the bay. There were ten ships, and you were on one of them. Captured. Alone. He knew you were fighting, but there’s only so much you could do in a locked prison cell with sea prism cuffs. 
“I’m coming.” Luffy muttered, hoping the wind would carry his words to you. “Wait for me. Don’t stop fighting.”
“Luffy, get down!” Nami pulled the captain back over the ridge, keeping him out of sight from the scouts. “If a Marine sees you this whole stealth operation is over!”
Luffy groaned and slumped to the ground. “I don’t even know why this has to be a stealth operation! If we just start smashing everything-”
“They’ll kill her.” Sanji said, and Luffy grew quiet. “If they know we’re coming, they’ll execute her now and report it to the news coo after.”
“They probably have people waiting outside her cell to do it as soon as the call is made,” Franky admitted coldly. “They don’t want another repeat of…” he trails off, and everyone knows what he’s going to say. 
They don’t want another repeat of Ace. Luffy embarrassed the entire World Government when he broke into Impel Down, broke out of Impel Down, and then sailed to Marineford and freed Ace from his shackles. 
“It’s possible that’s why they’re still here.” Nami’s voice was worried as she spoke everyone’s thoughts. “They’re baiting us so they can kill her. They don’t want to transport her just to have Luffy embarrass them again.”
“It would make sense why they haven’t taken off yet,” Brook added. 
“Or they’re waiting for backup,” Sanji countered. “She’s a dangerous pirate, but the Navy always prefers public executions. Especially with the new leader having a personal vendetta against Luffy, he’ll want to kill her publicly if possible. I’m sure of it.”
“Then we have to go!” Luffy started to stand to his feet, frustrated with the lack of action, but Nami quickly pulled him back down. 
“Let Robin and Brook handle this first part! We have to find her first before you start smashing everything to bits!”
Luffy hated waiting. Especially when there's nothing he could do to pass the time. But finally, after about 30 minutes of silence, Robin opened her eyes. 
“She’s on the fourth ship in the back with the red and yellow tailwind sail. Under deck, in a prison cell. Shackles on her arms and legs, and a neck collar.”
Luffy’s eyes peeked over the cliffside to find the ship Robin was describing. He located it, and sprang forward to jump over the cliff, but strong arms held him back. 
“Zoro, let me go! We know where she is!” He struggled to break free from the swordsman's grasp. “We have to go get her!”
“Hang on Luffy, we need a plan before we just jump into action!”
The guard change comes early today, which you find odd. Normally the Marines are dragging their feet to stand guard over your cell, but then you spot green hair poking out from the marine cap, the man next to him with a very familiar scar across his cheek, and your heart begins to beat faster. 
“So, the keys?” Zoro holds his hand out to the Navy officer watching over you, who laughs in his face. 
“This must be your first time imprisoning a pirate, kid,” the old man says. “We don’t keep the keys anywhere near the prison. You know how easy it would be for someone to knock out a guard and take them? Let me show you the ropes, kid.”
The old man and his colleague turn to face you for the first time in hours, ushering Zoro and Luffy to look at you now. You can see Luffy is in visible pain just from looking at you. 
Your arms and legs were each shackled to the wall, and you had a contraption around your neck that looked strikingly similar to the ones the Celestial Dragons used on their slaves. Blood caked your hair and trickled down your face. Your body was littered in scratches and bruises, your clothes torn from whatever battle had happened that Luffy wasn’t there for. 
“Each one of those shackles has a different key, and that neck collar too, as well as the key to the jail cell itself. Each of those keys are on a different ship, and we’ve got instructions to throw the keys into the harbor if we catch a glimpse of a Strawhat approaching the ship. 
“The best part, though,” he continues, with a hungry malice in his eyes. He raises his hand to point a finger at your neck. “That collar has a fun little detonator. The Vice Admiral has the control button if it comes to that. And the collar itself administers a sedative every hour on the hour, and gives another dose if someone touches the bars.” 
He smacked the bars for good measure, and you flinched as you felt a pinch in your neck. 
“Honestly it’s a miracle she’s still awake. We like to hit the bars every now and then just to keep her calm. Don’t want her causing a scene now, do we?”
You were trying your hardest not to stare at Luffy. You can see the rage consuming his body as he realizes what an insurmountable task it is to save you. You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head viciously to relay a simple message. Run. Don’t save me.
But you know he won’t listen. He never has. Not with Robin or Ace or Sanji or anyone else he’s saved against their will. And he certainly won’t do it with you either. 
“I see a pretty big flaw in this whole design,” Zoro said, staring at the cell you were in. You could see he was enraged as well, but he was hiding it better than Luffy. 
“Oh yeah? And what’s that, kid?”
“Can’t they just cut it?”
The old Marine let out a hardy laugh at his question. “Sea prism stone is the hardest substance in the world. Nobody can cut through that, I don't care if it’s Dracule Mihawk himself!”
“Oh, Mihawk can cut Sea Prism Stone.” The green-haired man gave a devilish smirk to the Marine.
You braced yourself. You knew what was coming. Zoro only had two swords with him, but it would be enough. 
You heard a whirlwind of air swirl around you, and you could feel the weight on your arms get lighter. There were several pinches in your neck, and you could feel yourself involuntarily slip into unconsciousness. 
Zoro had put just a bit too much power into his swings to free you, and the cuts ripped through the ship behind you. He then turned to the marines, wickedly smiling at them. 
“Told ya.” He smacked the younger one with the hilt of the sword and the marine crumpled to the ground, but the older marine was fast and dodged Zoro’s attack. The Marine locked Zoro into a battle of swords, occupying his ability to get the other chains off of you.
Luffy sprang into action, running to grab you. He screamed your name as he ran to you, jumping over sea prism stone rubble and other debris to reach you. He knew Zoro hadn’t hurt you, but you were slumped against the ship wall, and he couldn’t help but think about how fragile you looked. He shook you, desperately trying to wake you up. 
And then Luffy heard a beeping sound, coming from the collar around your neck. The same sound that he was helpless against in Sabaody. “ZORO!” He screamed, holding you tight. 
“Forgot to mention,” the older marine grinned back at the swordsman, keeping him locked in a battle. “Tamper with the chains too much and the collar will detonate, even without a push from the button.”
Zoro tightened his muscles in horror. “Luffy, get it off of her!”
“I hear she’s the weakness of Strawhat Luffy. Let’s watch and see, shall we? Perhaps he’ll have an even worse reaction than in Marineford.” The marine's gaze was on Luffy now, eager to see him snap. 
Luffy ignored the weight of what failure meant for you. He focused, letting his Haki flow through his body like he had seen Rayleigh do in Sabaody. He grabbed the collar from around your neck and squeezed, snapping it in half, and threw it away from you. In the same motion, Luffy turned and glared at the Marine, who instantly crumpled to the ground, knocked out by Luffy’s Conqueror's Haki. 
“Luffy, we have to go,” Zoro’s voice was urgent. There was commotion above them coming from the deck. It was clear the Navy was alerted to their presence. But Luffy was ignoring him, desperately trying to shake you awake. 
“Come on, Luffy,” Zoro insisted, stepping over the rubble. He quickly cut each of the shackles off your legs.  “She’ll be fine. I’ll carry her, you punch things. Let's go.”
Zoro put a sword between his teeth and picked you up into his arms. He saw the darkness in Luffy’s eyes, and stood back to let his captain destroy the people who had tried to take you away from him. 
Luffy spared no ship. Once he saw Zoro and you were safe on the beach, he unleashed his full might against the ten ships in the harbor. His crew could hear his screams of rage from the shoreline, his pent up fear of losing you spilling out into his attacks. 
When he was finally finished destroying the ships, he came back to the shore and sat silently among his crew. He pulled your unconscious body into his lap, stroking your hair softly. He stared down at you for a long time, just watching the rise and fall of your chest, his eyesight fuzzy from tears. 
As the sun was starting to sink over the horizon, Nami finally spoke up. “We should go.” Her voice was hoarse, and her cheeks were damp with tears. 
“Not until she wakes up.”
Sanji sighed, pulling out a few small rations of food to give the crew while they waited. Luffy didn’t eat, he just combed his fingers through your hair, willing you to wake up. 
Nightfall came, and you were still unconscious. The crew could see lights on the horizon. Marine ships that were supposed to lead you to Impel Down. 
“Luffy, we need to go,” Sanji insisted. Luffy refused to respond, his eyes only watching you. 
“She’ll be more comfortable on the ship, Luffy,” Chopper said, trying to coax the captain back to the Sunny. “She can sleep in a bed and we can monitor her more closely.”
“It’s better for her to be back on the ship,” Sanji agreed. “And we need to get moving.”
Luffy finally nodded, giving in to his crew's request. If it was better for you, then he wouldn’t be selfish. It was selfishness that got you in this position in the first place. If he hadn’t run off on his own, if he had just stayed with the group like Nami had told him too, this might’ve never happened.
He held you close to him and walked back to the ship with the rest of the crew, not speaking. When they got back to the ship, Luffy set you down in the infirmary and stood in the corner, letting Chopper take care of you.
“Let me know if anything changes in her status.” And with that, Chopper left the two of you alone in the infirmary. Luffy sat in the chair next to your bed, holding your hand and watching you sleep, waiting for you to come back to him. 
Before you open your eyes, you can hear the heart rate monitor beeping; you can feel the harsh light against the back of your eyelids. Beside you, you can hear soft, even breathing of someone who is sleeping. Luffy. You’d know the sound of his breathing anywhere. You feel relief wash over you, knowing you’re safe with your crew. 
The light is still too bright for your eyes, so your hand reaches out blindly, searching for Luffy. Your hand finds his head, and you pat him gently. You don’t intend to wake him, but he instantly stirs from his sleep. 
“Y/n?” His voice is groggy as his head lifts up. 
“Hi,” you whisper, your eyes still closed. “Can you turn off the-”
His body crashes into you, cutting off your question, and you wrap your arms around him in an embrace. You can hear his broken sobs of relief fill the air. “I was so scared,” he sobbed into your shoulder. “You weren’t waking up.”
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” you say soothingly, trying to calm him down. You crack your eyes open a bit, trying to adjust to the light in the room. “Thanks to you, captain.”
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
hellooo!! i want to say your blog and writing are so so soooo wonderful! i love it, haha, and buddy became dear for heart x) aaand!! thanks to you I like family fluff even more, it's my comfort zone now!
can i ask about older seeker, who care about skywarp and thundercracker with star? despite canon and w∆r, it's pretty nice to think that they're actually good with each other 🥺
Thank you for the compliments! I'm glad to hear that The Buddy's are leaving such a good impact on people!
Since you did not specify which continuity this was, I assumed you meant by the IDW continuity. If this isn't what you wanted, please let me know.
Now we've had a Human Buddy senior, get ready for Bot Buddy the senior!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Senior Seeker being a parental figure to Thundercracker, Skywarp, and Starscream
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Buddy was one of the older seekers in the aerial troops.
If fact Buddy was probably the oldest bot in the Decepticon division. But despite being one of the older bots Buddy made it up with being an experienced flyer.
With their results it landed Buddy as one of Satrscream’s right hand assistant /teammate.
This meant that Buddy would be spending a lot of time with the Elite Trine.
“Buddy, reporting for duty, Starscream.”--Buddy
“Finally, someone who has some respect for the future Leader of the Decepticon army.”--Starscream
“Great another suck up…”--Thundercracker
“Well, isn’t that a bit ambitious isn’t it Stascream? Maybe not the future leader of the army—”--Buddy
“How dare—”--Starscream
“Don’t interrupt me Kid.”--Buddy
“Nevermind I like this one.”--Skywarp
“Shush! Both of you!”--Buddy
“I was saying use your position to improve the lives of those who work with you.”--Buddy
“Now why would I do that!”--Starscream
“More kindness you spread the more kindness you’ll receive in the end.”--Buddy
“Buddy you might want to save your energy on that.”--Thundercracker
“Yeah, Screamer here doesn’t do kindness. I don’t think he knows the meaning of the word.”—Skywarp
“Worth a shot.”--Buddy
Enough time the Elite Guard had become too accustomed to the older bot being there all the time. Even after the war the Trine continued to have communication with Buddy.
Starscream wanted Buddy to stay on Cybertron as one of his advisors.
No offense to Rattrap but he isn’t the best bot to always have around. And he refuses to hang out with Windblade anymore than what he has to. Buddy does take time to visit Starscream whenever they are back on Cybertron.
“What are you doing?”--Buddy
“Having the mechs repaint your ship.”--Starscream
“Paint my ship?”--Buddy
“Yes, it was looking rather dull. Your ship shouldn’t have to look like that scrapheap.”--Starscream
“This isn’t a way for you to have me stay on Cybertron?”--Buddy
“Well then since I’m going to be here for a while, what’s going on between you and Windblade?”
Buddy has made their home on Earth. It’s much more peaceful there now that the war is over. Buddy has to schedule meetings with Skywarp as his work has him moving all around with The GI Joe.
Skywarp likes it when Buddy comes over and races them around.
“C’mon Buddy best out of 25?”--Skywarp
“How about we take a breather? I can’t fly like I used to Skywarp.”--Buddy
“Aww! C’mon!”--Skywarp
“How about you tell me about that Rock guy?”--Buddy
“How about we take that breather.”--Skywarp
Buddy has to wait by themselves for a while to see Thundercracker.
9 times out of 10 Buster finds Buddy before Buddy has to try in finding Thundercracker. He gives Buddy a lot of copies of his screenwriting.
“Wow TC! This is a lot of screen writes.”--Buddy
“Yeah! I’m trying to get some of them to be produced soon!”--Thundercracker
“You seem to have a lot of good ideas here. But you might want to go over some of them again. I don’t think human’s have a last name like ‘Boyfriend’.”--Buddy
“I mean you can help me out as my editor. Just as a thought.”--Thundercracker
“Sorry kiddo, not my thing. I am however invested in how this one human having a crush on this other human that sounds suspiciously like Ms. Marrissa Farborne.”--Buddy
“And your love interest here kind of reminds me of y—”--Buddy
“HEY! Buster wants to play with you now! Isn’t that right Buster!”--Thundercracker
Each seeker tries to keep Buddy longer each visit.
None want Buddy to leave.
Buddy never stays, but they always come back at the end of the day.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 2 months
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first part
Two years.
The last time you saw his smugface was two years ago. Now you were there, dragged before him by some clowns, under the gaze of some of his colleagues. They wondered why one of the neo-formed Cross Guild leaders wanted you there; you weren't angry or anything at all.
Two years ago, your life was simple on that small island, in the garden that reminded you of Eden in your old books. Nothing mattered; your life was easy. He came from time to time and was always busy with his work. The hero of Alabasta is your lover.
Lies, all lies.
You never knew anything; he kept you from knowing everything about that.
Two years ago, the newspaper came, and then you knew. The lies that he told you are his true colors.
Baroque works, the dancing powder, the lives that he had taken...
The horror that engulfed you sickened you to the point that even his face on the newspaper was enough to send a chill down your back.
Then hell came.
You were a civilian, and you tried to explain that to the Marine that had taken you away for a few questions. They said that it was something like a few days, nothing more. You stayed in that somehow prison, near the Marine base, for almost a month, with the same questions and the same dirty looks every day. You were a criminal for them, just like him.
"How long have you known Crocodile?"
"Not so long..."
"How much did you know about his connections with that organization?"
"Nothing, I don't know..."
"Did he ever mention you about his plans?"
"I don't know..."
"Did you know about his activities?"
"I don't know..."
Every day, the same questions were asked, and you were forced to remember the few moments of happiness that you had with that man. 
Until that woman came. A captain that was present on the day of the crocodile arrest decided to finally take over your case.
"She's a civilian; the only connection with that criminal was a romantic one. Hina's surprised that you all didn't get it before. Let her go."
When you left that damn place, you had nothing but the few things that you had the day you came. You had nothing—nothing but the grief of his betrayal.
Then something changed. Your grief set aflame, a new one—hate.
You hated him; you hated everything about him—the memories, the moments of kindness, the lies. EVERYTHING.
You sell everything that you have—every detail that could lead you to him. The ring, the earring, the clothes—all of it. You didn't need them; those staff were nothing to you!
With the money that you gained, you were able to start anew, far away from everything.
On an island, away from the memories and your past, you found work in a small flower shop, a small apartment, a small world, and a new future.
Everything there was simple; no one knew you, and no one needed to know. You were a mistery for everyone there, but no one bothered to ask or to pry on. Even the old owner of the shop was content enough to just have you around.
"Ummm...today someone will come to court you again. my dear Y/n..." He said this while rocking in his chair. You almost dropped the watering can for the surprise.
"W-what?! No, no, what are you saying? Hehe, don't mock me!"
"Hehe, are you sure?" He was eyeing the young man who was reaching the shop.
Well, that was true... 
In a few weeks, you became one of the most courted girls in the village. Even after your continuous refusals, the confessions made you feel giddy. Despite it all, maybe you wanted that kind of new start.
There was a boy, a little older than you, who never gave up on you. He kept visiting you, asking about yourself, your dreams, your hopes...
A part of you wanted to open up to him. Maybe tell him about everything... Maybe you deserve to love again.
Then they came.
Two strange men looked like some kind of clown. No one knew who they were or where they came from, but they knew you. They take you away, forcing you to follow them on a ship, away from your new life and from your future.
They brought you back to the crocodile.
And now you were there, back to him, in that place full of criminals. The same ones that he hides so well from your mind, not letting you know. All the eyes were on you, but you felt only his eyes. You were too scared to look at him.
"Welcome back, Y/N..."
You said nothing; you stayed there, holding your hand, avoiding his gaze or responding to him.
"You seem well; I'm happy."
"Those boozes treat you? I hope they didn't manhandle you too much."
"I tried to find you, but you were gone. Avoid the Marine has been a-"
"I want to go home."
A new silence fell there. Your voice trembled a little, but you held on with enough strength to not fall down on your knees. The ex-warlord looked at you, waiting for something else for you. You said nothing; you didn't need to say anything else.
"This is your home."
"No, I have a work and a new home. I don't need you... It's over."
He inhaled deeply, and his teeth bit the cigar in his mouth to the point of cutting it in half. In a few seconds, his hand was attached to your wrist, dragging you away from the tent and the other members of the guild. You protested all the way to his own private tent, scrambling and punching, trying to get free from his grasp.
He threw you inside, blocking the passage from the outside. The only light came from a few lamps on his desk.
" Over? This is what you think? That is over?"
"I don't think it's over; I know it! I don't care about you! Not anymore!"
"Where's your ring? ...The one that I gave you?"
"...I sold it. I needed money to find a new place. After your...I-I lost everything. I wanted to start again."
Of course, that was almost natural. Everything that was yours was under his name; of course, the Marines would have your house confiscated. You needed to survive—such a clever girl.
If he only knew the feelings of freedom that you felt once you got rid of that small gift.
"You can start here with me."
"No! I said, I want to go home!"
His bigger hands grasped your shoulders, squeezing them with force, like you could run away at any second. something that you were considering.
"You're nothing to-"
"You think that you can just walk away like this?! Do you have any idea what happened?! Two years in that prison, not a chance to know anything about you?!"
Then he stopped, and you saw something dark in his eyes. He wasn't angry, not anymore, but he was something else, something scarier.
"Did you find someone else?"
All the strength that you had left in your body, like the oxygen in your lungs, You were scared—no, terrified. You never had anyone else; you were too afraid to be betrayed again, but it wasn't even like you never thought about it. You avoided his gaze, not knowing what to say. All the answers that you could say end in the same way, and you didn't want any of the outcomes.
"Did you?"
"I didn't, but I wanted... I wanted to forget everything and start over."
You were always so easy to read, so he knew that you were telling the truth. He wanted to keep you away from everything that belonged to his normal life, to secure his flower, and to keep you to himself. The final outcome was something that he didn't expect, but he never imagined that, in the end, you would have been one of the victims too. 
A long pause, one that scared you. Once you saw a movement from him, you closed his eyes. He sighed deeply; this one hurt him deeply. To believe that he could hit you...he was a rough man, but not to this point, not to you at least.
His calloused hand gently stroked your head, softly touching your cheek, trying to convince you to finally look at him. A gesture so in contrast with his entire being, so gentle and delicate, away from prying eyes. Something that only you should know. You opened your eyes, full of fears and tears, ready to spill.
"You belong by my side... You weren't supposed to know anything."
He took away one of his rings from his hand, a deep red ruby gemstone, gently placing it on your forefinger. It was larger compared to you...
"This time we'll make it right... No one will take you away again."
He gently held your figure, too scared to fight him. His perfume brought back all the memories that you tried to erase with every fiber of your mind.
This time, he would have to make sure that no one took away his flower.
"You're mine, got it?"
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Jazz liked to think he was pretty smart and capable of standing his ground. He'd been a spy for almost every big political player, gotten involved with the army, and messed around in pretty much every under the table association. When Orion asked him to join up and support the war effort, Jazz saw no reason to decline. He knew his friend... until he didn't.
Since the new guy came in, Jazz decided he values his life more than honesty.
Previous part here.
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Jazz was always a mech who lived by the rule of knowing everything so that he could act in response to anything. He liked to present himself as if he were ignorant or uncaring of the situation through the use of cheerful tones, but that was largely just to blend in. He was no fool. He knew the moment Orion was named Prime that things were going to go to slag. So he prepared, he cleared his history, pulled up his contracts, and got ready to fight or flee. He only chose to stay because Orion asked him to. How could he ever say no to his dear friend? Especially when peace seemed to be somewhere on the horizon in light of agreeable peace treaties beginning to form in spite of the Senate's efforts to continue the war.
Things were looking up despite the fact that the war still raged. There was light at the end of the tunnel, and Orion even seemed to be truly hopeful. But of course, that was when everything had to fall apart. Jazz was dutiful in his work, but someone was even better than he was at breaking and entering. How else would Orion have been stolen from his berth without so much as a whiff of where he had vanished to? The Autobots of course panicked, Ultra Magnus did what he could to keep the army in line, and the Decepticons pushed their advantage in light of Orion's disappearance. Jazz did all he could to hunt down his missing leader and friend, but to no avail. Wherever Orion was, he had completely dropped off the map.
Then Orion came back and promptly fell to pieces. Jazz was hardly able to see his friend before he was shipped off to containment to ensure whatever was happening to him didn't spread. But what Jazz saw was enough for him to know that Orion was not well... and he likely wouldn't be ever again. He was only able to sneak in to see Orion a few times, but that was all he needed.
"Hey Rion... are you in there buddy?"
"Jazz? Are you here with us?"
"Yeah I'm here. Is there somebody else in the room I should know about?"
"The voice... it speaks, questioning, asking. It wants answers. I try to answer, but I am not fast enough. It takes what I don't tell it."
"Is the voice what is making you like this?"
"I... do not know. It is curious, callous. It wants something, it wants all of me. But it does not seem to be malicious."
"Can we get rid of it?"
"No. It is already too late. It is here, burrowed deep. We will both die if you try."
"There's gotta be something we can do Rion. I am not letting you die here."
"There is... no choice. Either it lives, or we both die. It is too deep, too close to finishing its work. It does not have many questions left..."
"Once the questions end, it will have no need of me... I don't want to die in this room, alone with its voice in my mind."
"When it is time... will you let me die out of this place?"
"Yeah... I can do that Rion. I can do that."
Jazz came a few more times over the following deca-cycles. He snuck in through the vents in the dead of most mecha's recharge cycles and sat by Orion's side as his friend deteriorated. He got thinner, sickly, and more lifeless with every passing cycle. Eventually he stopped being able to talk much, only murmuring about how much it hurt. Jazz did make attempts to understand what exactly was afflicting his friend, if only so that he might have some comfort when Orion did offline. He never got anything of note aside from the pain being contributed to 'the voice'. It reached a breaking point when Orion sat up for the first time on the edge of his berth, his optics unfocused and fluid dripping from his vents.
Jazz knew what he needed to do. He had a promise to keep.
Without informing anyone, he used what authority he had to have the facility cleared. At that point, he gently took Orion's stick thin servo in his own and laced their digits together. No words were spoken as he guided his unsteady friend through hallways and rooms until they exited the bunker Orion was being kept in. They left Autobot territory and Jazz guided Orion toward the only place he could think of where his leader would possibly appreciate his final resting place to be. Jazz had every intention of guiding Orion deep into the last standing spire forest and remaining nearby so that the former archivist could rest in peace. However halfway through the journey, Orion stopped, and for the first time in deca-cycles, he seemed focused.
"I don't want you to watch. I don't want you to see what we will become."
"I am your friend, Rion. I'm not about to leave you alone out here. You deserve to have someone nearby when-"
"Please. I do not wish for you to see the voice finish its work."
Jazz was unable to object as Orion wobbled past him, dragging himself in the general direction of the forest. Jazz grieved, but he did not show it as he stayed put, watching Orion's spark signature on his radar and waiting for it to go out. The moment it did, he allowed himself a klik to lament before he gathered himself and returned to the Autobots. He took his time, and when he arrived, he and the others who loved their leader grieved together. It was a rough few stellar cycles, but Ultra Magnus kept the army together and the Decepticons were even being somewhat amicable in ongoing peace arrangements. The loss of Orion Pax was still brutal and ached horribly, but Jazz, Ratchet, and the others were finally beginning to get themselves together again when someone far too familiar looking crossed the border.
Whoever it was looked like Orion if he were pumped full of protomatter and cranked up on battle protocols. The mech was huge and looked deadly even from a distance. Yet, he had Orion's face, his colors, and his voice. The mech came forward and called himself Optimus Prime, quickly presenting the Matrix of leadership. He explained in perfect almost clinical Iaconian that the reason he was presumed dead was due to the Matrix reforging him. He tried to write all of the oddities off as the Matrix doing its work and the process of being remade taking a great deal out of him, hence his slow arrival. The Autobots as a whole were skeptical, but the Matrix combined with the newcomer's almost immediate skill and his memory which matched Orion's had them accepting him quickly.
Jazz was not among that number.
He saw Orion's state, he escorted Orion to the middle of nowhere to die for Primus's sake. There was no way Orion hauled himself down to Primus's core to get the Matrix. It was impossible, not to mention the tallest tale Jazz had ever heard. The results and spectacular leadership the Prime presented were undeniable, but Jazz knew that whoever he was... he was not Orion. Optimus was quick to pick up on that fact, and the moment the Prime realized that Jazz, Ratchet, and a few select others did not fully buy his story, he became... unsettling. He held his persona with godly expertise around all others, but with Jazz and Ratchet, the two who doubted... he seemed to let himself go a bit. At first it was small, but those things grew larger with time.
Optimus's ability to blend in matched that of a master spy. He always performed perfectly in public or any area that was not checked for security by the Prime himself. He was dutiful, always keeping a kind smile or a stern expression plastered on his stolen face. His voice never wavered and he forever held himself with a complete air of calm... one that felt so fake to Jazz as to almost be suffocating. Optimus's EM field was chilled, static in a way. There was emotion there, but it was strange, unreadable, and largely left those who bothered to feel it on edge. Most chalked it up to Optimus being a Prime, but Jazz knew better. It certainly did not ease Jazz at all when Optimus purposefully extended his field when they were together. It almost felt like he was being tested with how closely Optimus watched him during those moments.
There was also the matter of how the Prime held himself. He was highly calculating, so much so that Jazz doubted he had any actual emotion in him at all. The Prime moved with determination wherever he went, but his motives were totally alien. Every action was carefully selected, and poor responses to things Optimus did always had the Prime adapting at record speed. It did not take much for the Autobots to accept him, especially when Optimus led them to war. But of course, around Jazz and Ratchet, Optimus purposefully did things that should have been beyond the bounds of normal. He twisted in ways which shouldn't have been possible just to gauge their reactions. He would poke and prod, clawing at their plating to watch their reactions. There was always a new and somewhat malicious test for him to run whenever he returned from war. Jazz came back to find Ratchet warding off the Prime with a scalpel once. And there was even an occasion were Optimus purposefully dug a blade into Jazz's leg just to watch him try to act normal around the others.
No one else suffered Optimus's abuse. No one else had to deal with the oddities. Outside of Ratchet and Jazz, Optimus was the perfect leader they needed. Well, mostly. Megatron seemed to know that Optimus was no Orion Pax, and the warlord threw away any idea relating to peace in response. He was dead set on killing the Prime, and honestly, Jazz couldn't blame him. He didn't know what Optimus was, but he most certainly was not any brand of Cybertronian Jazz was familiar with. But whatever the case, things were tolerable, and Optimus seemed to have some goal that aligned with Cybertron being brought to a peaceful state. So Jazz let him be and followed orders.
Then Optimus brought back a sparkling.
It was so out of left field that he and Ratchet were flabbergasted by the whole thing. More so when they took one look at the sparkling and knew he was just. like. Optimus. The little one acted just like his Sire for his first few vorns of life, always listening, always watching. It was frightening for Jazz to walk in to see Optimus glaring at Bumblebee with what almost seemed to be anger or hatred. Then whenever Bee cried, Optimus would tell him to quiet and Bee would stop immediately. It was terrifying to witness, even more so when Optimus brought back suspicious vials for Bee to feed from and began taking the sparkling out to the battlefield to do things Jazz did not want to know about. Optimus was focused on his creation to the point of attention falling away from Jazz and Ratchet nearly entirely. It was a small mercy, but it hurt to watch Bumblebee begin to act like a regular Cybertronian and express genuine emotions only to then suffer Optimus's treatment. The Prime treated his sparkling horribly by any standard.
Always uttering angered words, always glaring, never offering physical affection or words of affirmation, never so much as praising Bumblebee for performing well. It was as if Bumblebee was expected to succeed. Not only that, but the few times Bumblebee acted out of sorts, Optimus would beat or otherwise hurt the poor youngling until he returned to himself. More than once Ratchet did his best to stand up to the Prime in Bumblebee's defense. But Ratchet did not see the coldness in Bee's optics that Jazz did. Bumblebee was most certainly more normal than his Sire and far less monstrous, but he was still Optimus's sparkling. He never cried at the abuse, he never even seemed upset about it. The youngling accepted it all with grace, and that seemed to be what caused Ratchet to break.
The medic tolerated Optimus for his work, but seeing Bee hurt so often seemed to be a sore spot for Ratchet. Eventually, he tried to take Bee away. Jazz watched it all but did nothing to intervene. It was not his place, and he had long ago decided he enjoyed living. That belief was only confirmed when Optimus dropped out of the fragging celling as Ratchet tried to grab Bee and flee. Jazz did not stay to watch, but his horror only grew when Ratchet began to get sick mere cycles later.
When they locked optics, they both knew. Green fluid, voices in the processing units... Whatever had been done to Orion was now being inflicted on Ratchet. The medic couldn't even end his own life, not with Optimus hovering around him at all times under the guise of 'caring for his oldest friend'. Even Bee did not seem concerned. If anything, Bumblebee looked happy with every passing cycle. Still, Jazz lingered, hoping beyond hope that Optimus wasn't as bad as he seemed to be. That somehow this was all just a bad situation that would come to an end... it had to... right?
It did not.
Six stellar cycles after it began, Ratchet vanished off the face of Cybertron while the sickness was at its worst. Jazz hunted him down, but he wished he hadn't. The thing that he saw barely looked like Ratchet as it fed on raw energon like an animal. Scattered plating and organs were strewn about, and Bee eagerly seemed to be bringing over more crystals for the thing to consume Standing beside it was the one and only Optimus Prime who observed with what could have been glee as the thing's mandibles crushed through crystalized energon shards. That was when Jazz knew.
These were monsters. Optimus Prime was not the only one, and he had proven he could spread. It didn't matter what cause he fought for or how good a Prime he was. This was unnatural. And so Jazz did the only thing he could think of. He ran toward the one mech on the planet who knew what Optimus was and hated him enough to possibly put him down.
He ran to Megatron.
"MEGATRON! This is Jazz! Special operations agent for the Autobots! I need immediate evac!"
"Why would I ever help and Autobot?"
"It's Optimus! He's SPREADING!"
"Soundwave, get that mech on board the Nemesis, no matter the cost!"
If there was one mech who could save their kind from whatever Optimus was, it would be Megatron. Jazz had to believe that Megatron could.
Ratchet was already gone. How many more would follow?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Hmm.. what happens if Erza from fairy tail meet the one piece characters?
-Erza would be a fun one in the One Piece world, she would probably be confused at first, as she would believe the soldiers, the marines and the world government were the good guys, but after seeing the corruption and how they treated others, especially the World Nobles, she was quick to rush off to seek out those who were truly honorable people.
-She would fit fight in with the Straw Hats, with her strength and skills, many would believe it was a Devil Fruit ability, but her new crew would be stunned to learn of magic and that this was her natural skills, talent, and magic.
-Luffy would adore her, he wouldn’t even hesitate to ask her to join the crew and she would find Luffy to be a fine person, a good leader and she would follow him to Hell if he were to ask.
-Zoro and Erza aren’t allowed to spar on the ship after the first time, they had both been whacked on the head, Zoro more than Erza, after they had caused damage to the ship, but Erza was happy to help fix what she broke.
-Nami and Erza had a good friendship, they do sometimes butt heads, but they both realize the other has a good heart and had a hard past, and they wouldn’t hesitate to defend each other, Erza more than Nami as Nami will hide behind Erza, knowing that she could take care of most threats.
-Usopp tried bragging to Erza, telling lies to make himself look good, but when he tried to challenge her to a test of strength, to make sure she was tough enough, she easily beat him, much to his dismay. She does enjoy watching him tinkering.
-Sanji thought an angel had descended upon them when he first met Erza, collapsing to his knees after she saved the crew from marines, easily dispatching them with her raw strength. They weren’t expecting her to be so shy from his affection, a girly squeak leaving her lips, but that only made her cuter in Sanji’s eyes!
-Erza loves Chopper, finding him so cute and cuddly- it reminds her of Happy, and he’s amazed by her raw strength, as she always pushes herself beyond her limits, something he is researching. He loves it when she changes her outfits with transformation magic- he’s like a kid, him and Luffy both, watching with sparkly eyes.
-Robin and Erza are very relaxed together, as the two will have tea and strawberry cake together, discussing all sorts of random topics. Robin enjoys having someone to talk to like this, as does Erza, and Robin finds it amusing that Erza is usually levelheaded, unless if someone messes with her strawberry cake.
-Erza adores Franky, she loves seeing his inventions and always wants to learn more. Franky could tell that Erza was a strong woman, one who had faced hardships and pain, but still got back up, something he respected. Franky found it cute when she would get sparkly-eyed when he would show off his newest creation, asking him how it worked, wanting to learn more.
-Erza wasn’t bothered by Brook, him being a skeleton, which was unusual, as he was used to others fearing him, and he did think, for once, about asking her about seeing her panties, after he watched her punch a Sea Beast out with her bare hands. She enjoys Brook’s music, and he’s another one that she enjoys tea and cake with.
-Erza looked up to Jinbei like a father figure because that was the vibe he gave her, she respects him fiercely and Jinbei knows that Erza is breathtakingly strong, and he respects her drive to keep others safe.
-Erza fit right in with the Straw Hats, and despite being a pirate and earning a very large bounty very quickly, Erza knew that these people were good people, and she was going to protect them with everything she’s got!
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swordsmans · 1 year
a lengthy breakdown of why ch. 878 is one of the best luffy moments in the entire series (to me)
question: favorite luffy moment?
oooomg it would have to be the scene in ch. 878 immediately after pedro's death--when luffy 1) snaps the crew out of their grief because they're in danger, 2) comes up with an extremely efficient escape plan for his crew 3) comes up with an extremely efficient plan to deal with katakuri 4) snaps the crew out of their grief again 5) gets the crew to execute their escape 6) executes his own plan (+ bonus moment in 880/881 because it's technically the "end" of this scene).
this whole moment on the ship is the Captain Of The Straw Hat Pirates moment for me. hang on, i'm gonna include manga caps because i dont think ive ever talked about the way the dialogue is set up in this scene before and im stealing this opportunity lmao
like, we almost never see luffy really engage with his role as captain and leader in a traditional sense--yes, he's captain, but in most arcs he fits the "The Big Guy" role more than the leader, and often the broader captain-ish duties fall to other characters (e.g. planning and executing strategy outside of battle, mostly). like, half of the entire joke in both dressrosa and wano is that luffy doesn't plan (even though we, the readers, know that he does) and yet in WCI he not only showcases his skills as a leader but does so flawlessly.
(for context, "The Big Guy" is basically the trope of like... the most powerful person, the one you know is always going to win/solve any problem by the end of it--the character who's going to fight the biggest bad in a story and who often can't deal with "little" problems within a story because it would undermine the internal logic of a story's power-scaling. i have many thoughts on The Big Guy and i think one piece is one of the few series that does it well, along with spyxfamily re: yor... but i digress.)
so here's where i think the "moment" starts in ch. 878. for a refresher, in ch. 877 luffy+co reach the sunny, fine chopper/brook encased in candy, katakuri attacks, big mom attacks, the sunny gets stuck in candy, and then pedro sacrifices himself. at this point in time, luffy+co have been on the ship for all of a few seconds--in 877, nami is trying to set up a coup de burst and explain how it works to jinbei at the same time, luffy is holding off katakuri, but nothing is really happening. when pedro sacrifices himself no one knows what his plan is so they don't have time to incorporate it into their escape strategy (which is basically nonexistent at this point). then--wham! pedro is down, the candy breaks, and there's a split-second of decision time that luffy jumps on, which brings us to 878
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everyone is shocked and grieving, their tentative set-up is completely derailed, and luffy immediately takes charge--starting with "can we fly, nami?!"
he addresses nami as the navigator/in charge of the physical ship itself a this point (+ she set up the coup de burst in 877), then addresses the crew as a whole in "let's set sail, people!!"--like, the way this is phrased sets him apart slightly as someone with the authority to speak to the group as a whole; he's getting everyone's attention. then his declaration!!! "if we waste this moment... then we throw away his sacrifice!!"
he's completely taking charge of the situation and focusing on getting the rest of the crew to safety. it is his job as captain to look out for the whole, so he doesn't waste a second--which is so incredible, because we know luffy is emotional, that's his whole thing. he's incredibly emotionally-driven and emotionally-intelligent, but during this entire scene he is being emotionally driven to protect his crew, which in turn gives time for his (often-overlooked) intelligence and pragmatism to shine.
once he has everyone's attention as a group, he goes back to addressing crew members individually--which i think is really important because that's, like, literally what you do in a crisis when you're taking charge. you get everyone on the same page, then you single people out so no one feels lost or unmoored--everyone has something to do, everyone feels included in the solution in some way.
in these two pages alone, he addresses nami, chopper, and brook individually, and then jinbei responds (so he's also participating individually). i think the fact that carrot is excluded here also kind of supports this whole thing, because carrot isn't technically a straw hat--luffy isn't her captain, even though she's under his protection at this point. here, he's ordering his crew in his capacity as a leader.
and then, of course, there's the moment:
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yes, he's talking to katakuri here, but he's also on the sunny's deck screaming--and his address to the crew doesn't have a distinct "end point" from a dialogue perspective, he just gets cut off when katakuri attacks carrot. here, i think he's declaring this as much to katakuri as the straw hats themselves. i think the "end" of this whole scene in 880/881 when he reassures the crew (after holding the fucking mirror shards in his mouth--god this whole scene is just so good) that everything will be fine supports this, too, because that feels like the end of the crew address to me. but i'll get there.
now that he has the crew on track to execute their own escape (by giving them step by step orders to do so, basically), he tackles the katakuri problem. at this point, he's already figured out what to do, because he's gearing up for the elephant gun grip that he uses to pull katakuri into the mirror world, and he doesn't tell anyone else his plan because it's his responsibility as captain to take care of the crew (as opposed to just his responsibility as The Big Guy to take out the strongest enemy, which--if we were just adhering to The Big Guy trope, i think he would have shouted his plan along with everything else. basically authority [no one needs to know my plan because it's my responsibility to handle it and i know i will] vs. equality [im the strongest but we're all in this together so here's what im going to do], and he's authority.)
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then we get another crew address, this time starting individually then talking to the group. they see the shadow--they realize pedro has died but perospero has survived--nami is seconds from absolutely spiraling again (just look at that panel of her, oh my god). further proof that luffy is the most emotionally intelligent character in the entire series, luffy immediately redirects everyone's attention a second time, focusing them away from their grief again and onto their own escape again.
since this is, like, a second wave of grief/horror, he starts with the individual address--snapping everyone out of it directly because a whole-crew address might not cut it and he needs to include carrot, here.
then mid-address, he grabs brulee and starts executing his katakuri takedown plan. his focus here is entirely on keeping his crew safe in the most efficient way possible, and in two pages we get: assessing the situation (grief 2) -> solving the immediate problem (the escape plan starts to derail, everyone needs to snap back out of it) -> solving the next problem (katakuri) -> inspiring them to carry on because he's about to leave.
(seriously. i cannot overstate how great the brulee grab mid-dialogue is in the broader context of this scene. seriously.)
(also, the way the group -> individual -> individual -> group address works in this whole scene feels like such a beautiful closed dialogue loop... even on a structural level it's designed to have the biggest possible impact. love u oda.)
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then, of course, we have the culmination of this whole thing--the mirror smash. with ruthless efficiency, he not only isolates the biggest immediate threat (katakuri) but also the character who poses the biggest danger to the crew's escape--brulee. all three of them have been completely separated from his crew, and now he can both keep an eye on brulee and the mirrors (which is most of 880/881), the "intelligence" part of the plan, and confront katakuri directly, the "battle" part of the plan.
also, the decision to isolate katakuri works both ways here--he's not only protecting the crew from katakuri as an enemy, but he's also protecting the crew from their fight. we see in subsequent chapters that the katakuri fight absolutely decimates the mirror world. if they were to face off anywhere near the sunny, people would get hurt. if katakuri were to escape, not only could he harm the crew but luffy would have to give chase and bring the fight back to katakuri, wherever he ends up (attacking the crew). i fully believe the decision to isolate brulee shows that he's aware of this--their fight has to stay in the mirror world, because the only way he'll win is by operating at full power and his full power is destructive.
also--this moment is just really cool, okay? it's so, so cool.
honorable mention to the rest of this "scene" as it's continued in the next few chapters, specifically the way this whole thing culminates--luffy holding the last mirror shards in his mouth to make sure he can communicate his final reassurances to the crew without the risk of those shards falling into enemy hands.
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to me, this is as solidly and completely an "i'm the captain of this ship!" moment as the declaration itself, and every time i think about it for more than 0.2 seconds i start to go crazy. but. it it technically a different "moment" (and is also extremely self-explanatory) so i won't go into it here.
also, side note because this didn't fit anywhere--i think this scene not only stands on its own as one of luffy's most badass moments but also works as a really amazing example of his character growth--particularly compared to scenes like the usopp fight in water 7 (different scenario technically because usopp isn't an enemy, but it is one of the premier moments when he struggles with the burden of being captain).
anyway, sorry this got stupid long *jazz hands*
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writingfool001 · 2 years
Food is Important
Author’s Note: I decided to change the reader's gender to gender neutral since I just write in the second person point of view.
Request: Yes
 Helloooo! May I request headcanons for our lovely Trey, Ruggie and Jamil receiving tasty food daily from their female s/o who's a chef? When asked why, she says that she wants to see them well-fed.
Pairing: Trey, Ruggie, & Jamil x GN!Reader
Warning: GN!Reader
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You were taught by your father figure that food was sacred and that you should use up every piece of what your given, even the bones. You were unsure about his teachings and didn’t believe him. After a small voyage going to ruins, you both got stuck on a remote island with limited rations of food and waited for rescue. You remember the constant presence of death and hunger clawing at your empty stomach, there were few occasions when you were ready to die while you waited for a ship. You realized that your teacher had rations and thought about stealing his, only to find out he gave you everything so you could live. After that, you fully trusted him and his teachings, even if you two bickered back and forth, which made you into the skilled chef you were today. He also taught you to respect food and to always feed those in need.  
When you arrived at Ramshackle, you had to make do with what was given to you which led you to exploring the botanical garden and even started our own garden for ingredients. Your food was well known and spoken of well, some say that your food has a healing factor to it. 
He has heard and tasted some of your leftovers that you sent with Ace or Deuce. He asked about some of your recipes. He's impressed by your talent and is a bit insecure about his baking until you told him that his baking was spectacular. You both end up exchanging recipes and having small cooking dates as well as shopping dates.  
This man has to take care of his entire dorm and it may look flawless. Helping students with almost anything and listening to them when they need someone to listen. He also makes sure the dorm doesn’t burn down. Even though Riddle works hard as the dorm leader, Trey has his load of work as Vice as well as student. We all know that deep down he is tired and probably collapses from exhaustion. 
He woke up in his bed to a faint savory aroma as he sat up and grabbed his glasses to see a small thermometer with a note attached. Adjusting his glasses, he read your note about how he should take better care of himself and to not let his dormmates push him around as well as him to get better. Sipping the tempting soup, he immediately felt back at home as the nostalgic taste hit his tongue, causing him to relax a bit. He smiled and continued to enjoy your soup. 
For a while, you would always drop off soup or lunch for him to eat which he enjoyed every single one and asked why you were giving him food before hearing you said that you wanted to make sure he was well fed since he was always busy and needed to balance out his sweetness. Congrats, you made Trey blush and break a bit before he heartly laughed at your response then gave you a kiss. 
He understands your rule of using every piece of your ingredients in some way, considering his past. He understands the feeling and doubts you at first when you offered free food. Usually, he would either figure out his lunch or Leona would just let him use his card to buy lunch.  
There was a day when he had nothing prepared and Leona was off campus for some family reason, he was considering eating dandelions before noticing a small bento box in front of him. Looking around the cafeteria, he noticed you walking away with your own lunch. Who was he to deny free food? He opened it to see a picturesque bento and immediately started drooling at the aroma before finally digging in. One bite and he was in heaven, angels singing and all that. He ate every last bit of that lunch and gave you the container back then the cycle started of Ruggie eating your prepared meals. After a while, he would ask why you were giving him lunch, not that he minded. When you told him he should feed well, he almost got down on one knee.  
You always catch him trying to steal food and always tell him to be patient while you work. He would challenge you to try to make different dishes with strange ingredients. He also found out that you're scary with knives. 
He invited you back for winter break so you could meet his grandmother and share your cooking with her. When you insisted, I cook for his grandmother, he noticed you making a large batch and found it a bit weird before noticing a couple pairs of ears in the window sill. He found it hilarious as all the neighborhood kids crowded around the window, curious about you and the aroma you created. By the time you finished, you brought out some bowls that Ruggie got from Sam's and started serving him and his grandmother before taking some bowls outside to give to some of the families who gathered around. His grandmother told him to make sure to marry and treat you right. 
He's heard about your food through Kalim as well as Ace and Floyd at practice. He has eaten your food and agrees with the praise you receive. Same as Trey, you both have cooking dates and would trade spices. He tried telling you that you didn't have to help with preparing food for a party Kalim invited you too. He would trade lunches with you, giving each other a taste of the other’s food. 
“Take a break,” You answer. “I brought food.” 
There was a time when Kalim came to you and told you that Jamil was slowly overworking himself. You decided to try to persuade Jamil to take a break and you decided to use some powerful tools. Food and love. You made a home meal, packed some up and left for Scarabia, leaving enough food for Grim. You greeted Kalim and a couple of people before heading towards Jamil’s room. And knock before going in to see him sitting at his floor desk with his headphones on. Quietly, you take off your shoes before walking over to set the bag next to him before wrapping your arms around him and kissed his cheek. Surprisingly and thankfully, he did not flip or attack you at that moment as he kept his attention on his homework as he kissed your cheek back. Lovey dovey Jamil, a privilege you get in private. You sat there, hugging his middle as he continued to work until he put his pencil down and turned towards you. 
“Yes, my diamond?” 
“Did Kalim put you up to this?” 
“Not entirely, besides you deserve to be well-fed, and I am not letting you go until you put your homework.” 
He decided to test your threat which lasted a couple hours until he gave up and took a break. He appreciates and cherishes you for being there and reminding him to take a break. He wanted to spend the rest of his life showing all the love he has and taking care of you like you do to each other. 
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aphroditesmoon · 9 months
heaven :-♡
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gwen stacy x fem!reader
summary: you love eachother, just maybe not enough.
warnings; angst, hurt/comfort, lowkey manipulative reader (not w gwen), canon divergence, atsv spoilers.
wc: 2k
THE FIRST TIME you were sure that you loved Gwen Stacy was when she had put herself before you from an arrow aimed straight at your heart. “I could’ve handled it.” Your voice was more devastated than angry. Because how can you be angry at someone who took an arrow for you. She bled out a little too much for your liking. The wound wasn’t deathly, as everyone said. But you trembled anyways, and you cursed her for trying to be heroic.
When she woke up 2 hours after her wounds cleaned up and sewn together, she saw you cry for the first time since she’s known you.
The annoying beeping sound of the machine by her side wasn’t helping. But as she opened her eyes to you with a teasing grin, pale face glowing under the illuminating white lights of the medical room and her fingers curled gently around your tightly closed fist, you relaxed. “Stop trying to get yourself killed. Cheating death is my thing, not yours.” You had tried to joke with her, failing terribly when the words came out wobbly and upset.
“If I had known you would’ve missed having me around so much, I wouldn’t have tried.” She responded hoarsely. You let out a small choked laugh and shook your head. “If you wanted my attention so badly, you could’ve just asked.” Gwen chuckles tiredly, her eyes strained themselves to be kept open.  
You had stayed with her the whole evening until she was finally feeling better. The whole night was spent in silence, after. Neither of you had felt the need to say anything in between the mutually understanding of longingly shared looks and glances. And when she let herself lean against you, your arms moving to wrap around her felt like it made most sense than anything else in the world.
The first time she knew she loved you was when she had took a visit to your room, and a painting of her that was still in the works, stood in the middle like an masterpiece under a spotlight. And she realized that she loved the way you saw her, and she’d like to love you the same way you did.
You painted her the same way you had perceived her, the blue-eyed girl with so much good and bravery in her only someone who knew her as deep as they loved her could have seen. The painting was hung next to a portrait of your dead father. And that night, she had kissed you on top of your roof as the clock stroke 12 with the background noises of loud New Year house parties in your neighborhood. The both of you had gotten to know eachother with your lips and your hands holding onto the other like a sinking ship while the fireworks and night stars watches from the sky.
The last time you saw Gwen Stacy, you only let your gaze soften and holding hers for less than a second before looking back down to your hands, avoiding her gaze. You hear her voice for the last time as Miguel is relentless in sending her back to her universe, despite everyone in the room knowing the risks. “I thought we were supposed to be the good guys.” She thought wrong. Or at least, she understood Miguel wrongly. His role is to uphold the system, letting things fall into place at it should be, whether it be a good thing, or the opposite.
“We are the good guys.” The larger man had said before repeating it louder. He had misunderstood himself too.
Sure, it was a leader’s job to get his own hands dirty for the greater good. But what he’s truly fighting for, was the consequences of his own actions. A consequence that forced him to believe that others could not possibly achieve what he could not. A projection of his own guilt and insecurity.
 He had looked at you differently then, your loyalty was made clear with your silence. But not a lot of people understand that sometimes cowardice is often mistaken as confidence in one’s decisions. You should have done something, you should have gone after her, should’ve spoken up to Miguel and told him you wanted nothing to do with this betrayal. But you were afraid that he was right. You have lost your own father as a canon event, what makes Miles any different?
4 days have passed since the incident. Miles Morales was still missing, unidentified in his universe. 
Miguel O’hara and Jessica Davis along with 5 other spidermen have made their move, splitting up and jumping from universe to universe. They had started their search in earth 42 once they had realize that he wasn’t in his own universe. And yet, the most expected outcome was proven wrong. Not a single trace of him was found there, every single cameras were shown to be a clean slate, not a single abnormality.
The Miles they had found there was not the Miles they wanted.
“It’s impossible.” Miguel had stated. “It’s almost like he was never born.” But he did, the crying and praying existence of his parents had proven that. And yet all records and all signs of him had disappeared.  “Someone must’ve meddled with the footages and paperwork when we were gone.” You suggested surely. He has snapped his head towards you, brows burrowed in confusion. “Someone, from the inside.” He says slowly, turning back again to his desk, thinking hard. “Someone who knows how to handle the technology here.” You added, watching the gears in his brain work. “Someone…” You tried slowly. “…who could’ve stopped him in the first place, but didn’t.” You watch his head flinch as he processes your accusation. “Margo."
"That’s it, it had to be her.” His eyes widen and he no longer second guesses his words.
“We need to find her, and interrogate her.” He decided then. You nodded absent-mindedly, walking closer to the door of his office.
“Her parents are gonna freak if their daughter disappears.” You say it like you cared, like you had hoped he would care. But you didn’t really, and you know he wouldn’t. “I don’t care.”  And so Margot was taken into the Spider-Society physically for the first time to be held against her will for interrogation.
If it were any other spider-person, Miguel would’ve already used drastic measures. But with Margo, who’s fear was so visible, and intentions so obviously genuine, he gave in. He had made sure to be the one doing the interrogation, a glass room where no one else was allowed into. And he had pleaded, begged, scolded, and yelled for her to give him something he could work with. But she insisted that her worst crime in the society was not holding Miles back when she could’ve.
How he manages to still be this patient, you’re not sure. The bags under his eyes were getting more visible, and his snapping are more frequent. “What do you even gain from keeping secrets for him?” He had questioned her. “Neither of you owe eachother anything. And when I have to clean up the mess for his choices, you will bear the guilt and everything that comes with it as an accomplice.” 
Margot says nothing, She sulks as he speaks, until finally you watch how she raises her head to look at the reflective glass, staring straight at you as if you’re visible in her line of sight.
Miguel sighs and make a move to leave the room when suddenly, the electricity dies, and darkness envelopes every part of the building. The glass door was automatically locked. "What the fuck-"
 You take a deep breath, immediately walking away from Miguel’s calling, straight to the camera supervision. The usually blue lit area was as dark as a moonless night. You pulled out Margo’s computer with her own separate wiring from the other computers that’s directly wired to the building’s electricity.
There is less than 6 minutes before the electricity is back on again. You pulled out a paper and a pen as the today’s 15 hours recording of CCTV loads. Your hands moves quickly to jot down the hours and seconds of every recording Miles Morales in it with the accurate transcription of his whereabouts. The files were then immediately deleted. The computer being shut off and placed back where you found it. You wipe your hands on your thighs, as if cleaning the evidence off of you. Taking a step back after you fixed the computer back on it’s place, your breath hitched.
You stiffen as you take in the presence of another person. “Took you long enough.” Gwen Stacy stands behind you fully masked. “Don’t talk to me like you’re on my side.” She snaps. “I am.” You don’t turn out as your hand raises up, waving the folded paper in the air. Gwen snatches it from you and unfolds it to give it a glace through. “How did you know I was coming?” She asks finally.
3 more minutes.
“The same way I know your dad is still alive, I keep tabs.” Feeling the tension softly loosen, you drop your shoulders, breathing out a tired sigh while you spin yourself to be face to face with her. “Is this supposed to be an apology?” Gwen asks. You say nothing, waiting for her to continue. “Cause it’s a shitty one.” You smiled.
You didn’t need to see her face to know that she was frowning, to know that she was angry. “You didn’t care about me 3 days ago, why now.” Your expression is stoic as your smile fades off. “I’ve always cared about you. I also just happen to care about my job just as much.” Gwen scoffs. “Then why are you helping me, if you care so much about what Miguel thinks.”  You shrugged. “I know whatever I say wouldn’t have been able to convince you to let Miles go.” Gwen beings to move, walking in circles around you, step by step. “Nothing can get me to give up on someone I care about.”
“Then there’s your answer.” Gwen shook her head to herself, eyes flinching away from yours. “Prove it, leave.” Your eyes shut themselves off tightly. "Gwen-“
“No, you said you cared for me. Then, choose me. No more half-assed, push and pull kind of love. Choose me, and stick with me.” You open your eyes to meet hers that were already looing at you.  “You want me to give away all of my whole life, for what?” “For us!” She whisper-shouts in frustration. “No, for him.” You pressed.
Her face changed under the mask. Every expression she makes, was engraved in your head, to know someone from their littlest to their biggest and still be in a position where you realize that you might had not know her at all.
“He’s not your responsibility, Gwen. Why fight for him?” Gwen is silent. “Why fight every battle except ours? He owes you nothing.”
Every second you had decided to side with Gwen before this, you had not regretted them. But you had chosen her over everything since the moment you met. You had risked your life, your job, your fate, to side with her. And now, once again, she asks you to choose her. Despite the risks, despite what it would mean for you. “Choose me.” You repeat her words, watching her step back in hesitation, a knife through your chest.  
“There it is.” You whisper, barely audible for her, but she heard you anyways. You smiled bitterly and counted down the last one minute in your head. “If you come back here again, he won’t let you leave. And he won’t go easy.” Gwen snaps out of her trance and twists and turn the handmade watch Hobie had given her, disappearing in a strike of light. She was gone before either of you could have said or looked at the other in a way you both knew would hurt. Lights begin to flicker to life, a queue for you to run back towards the mess you made in the name of love, and accept the fact that it hadn’t been enough, all of it was as good as nothing. But she was safe, and you had given her the last bit of yourself that you had afforded to risk for her.
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blues824 · 1 year
After reading the dorm leaders with a fem reader who's great at textile work made me wonder: How about the vice dormleaders? I'm sure Trey and Ruggie's families would adore her.
I loved writing the first one, so here’s the second part of this! I also rushed this, so I apologize if it’s not the best quality.
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Trey Clover
He is happy that you found your hobby in Twisted Wonderland. Whenever he comes to give you some sweets you baked, you always have a gift for him. It’s become a thing between the two of you that he always looks forward to.
The most memorable thing that you have made him was a quilt you had designed. It had two birds with a heart in between them, and he found it adorable. Whenever he made his bed, he made sure to put the quilt on top of his duvet as a little decorative piece.
You both are artists in your own ways, so it’s an interesting experience when you both try each other’s arts. Neither might come out looking great, but it’s fun for the both of you. The amount of times you would get flustered when he put his hands on yours as he helps you with the rolling pin-
He probably set up an entire shelf in his room dedicated to the things you make for him. He gets embarrassed when you point it out, but you can’t help but be flattered by how he treasures the things you created. You wish you could do the same with his food, but alas: the things he bakes are perishable goods. (He has told his family about you, and they absolutely love you even though they haven’t met you yet)
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Ruggie Bucchi
If you have a shop open, he will most definitely help you with the packing and shipping process if you need any assistance… just as long as he gets paid for his work. He is a hardworking hyena, and he needs compensation for it!
One day, after you closed up shop, you presented Ruggie with a donut plushie that you had made for him. He found it absolutely adorable, and he makes sure that he puts it in a place where he can view it everyday and be reminded of you.
He doesn’t have any free time, so he doesn’t have the opportunity to try his hand at the type of art you hold dear to your heart. If you gave him more things, he would absolutely cherish every single one of those items.
However, when you do, always make sure you praise him. Pet his ears and call him a good boy, your favorite, whatever. He just soaks. It. Up. He would walk around with a dopey grin all day because of it, alright? Make him feel appreciated. (He has also told his family about you, and they also absolutely adore you even though they haven’t met you yet)
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Jade Leech
He finds this hobby of yours quite interesting. You would sit for hours at your sewing machine, just doing what you do best, and it was like you turned the fabric into something that was truly a wonder all on its own.
The item that you made for him that he holds dearest was a mushroom tapestry that you had created. He immediately went to put it up in his room, and he loves to see it whenever he wakes up. You really knew how to bring life to the things you made.
He also doesn’t have much free time, but when he does he has to take care of his plants. When he is finished with that, then he will sit and listen as you explain the current piece you were working on. He held onto each and every word you said.
He does get a bit jealous whenever you make something for someone else, but he knows that it's your way of showing friendly affection. Just make sure to give him attention and love later, otherwise he will ‘cry’ about how you neglected him all day.
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Jamil Viper
He was glad that you weren’t out causing trouble. In fact, when he was younger, he remembers the seamstresses in the streets making rugs and fixing clothes. He always found it fascinating how the technique was all in the hands.
You once made him a dream catcher. He didn’t quite understand until you explained that the Ojibwe Tribe back home believed that these talismans, specifically the bead inside, were supposed to catch the bad dreams and nightmares drifting in the air. Sure, it was more for children, but the concept was adorable.
He most certainly doesn’t have free time, so you are mostly on your own. He wishes he could sit beside you and do some form of textile art as you gently guide his hands, but he simply can’t because he’s too busy being both the Vice Housewarden of Scarabia and a servant to Kalim.
Be sure to assure him that it’s alright. He feels so bad for not making time for you in his already hectic schedule. Just be there for him at night. Run your hands through his unbraided hair and talk to him in a gentle voice. It makes his heart flutter so much.
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Rook Hunt
It was interesting because most of the Pomefiore dormitory also took interest in textile art, especially Vil. The poor hunter is always debating as to which is more beautiful. It’s a lot like the story of Athena and Arachne (a story that he himself is unfamiliar with since Greece doesn’t exist in Twisted Wonderland).
His favorite thing that you have made him is a tapestry with a deer as the subject. No, he does not use it as a target. It’s much too beautiful to destroy in such a harsh manner. He hangs it up in his room, just so he can admire it as he falls asleep.
He has some experience with sewing, but you may have to teach him more advanced things. Since his favorite art mediums include photography, he will teach you how to handle a camera in return. He always encourages you when you feel your art isn’t good enough, and you do the same for him.
A lot of Pomefiore students go to you to repair their dorm uniform because they are too scared to ask Vil. Rook knows about it, but doesn’t tell his Housewarden about it. After all, he goes to you as well. It’s not out of fear, but because he loves feeling your hands on him as you gather his measurements and how big the tear is.
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Lilia Vanrouge
He finds it absolutely adorable. Whenever you are able to get your hands on a high-quality ball of yarn or spool of thread, you have this sparkle in your eye that makes the old fae absolutely swoon for you. He doesn’t recall a time where he had ever been this in love with someone before, let alone a human.
He loves everything you make for him, but if he had to choose it would be a plush bat. The irony was absolutely hilarious, so that’s why he likes it so much. He keeps it on his desk whenever he plays video games just so he can be reminded of you.
I feel like he has experience with almost every single medium, but he believes that his art could never compare to yours. Also, he makes you think that he needs help just so he could feel your hands against his; a reminder that you are here with him and this isn’t all a dream.
As the significant other of General Lilia Vanrouge, you are held in high respect around Diasomnia. Even Sebek has to set aside his pride. Both Malleus and Silver see you as their mom, so you might want to get used to being held on such a pedestal. You are probably one of those couples that sit by the fire as you are knitting and he is reading a book, just enjoying the feeling of being in each other’s presence.
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skz-june · 1 year
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ship name: BaHa
description: Like with all his kids, Chan loves, takes care of, and protects June. There might be some slight (major) favoritism because she’s the only girl in the group but no one can fault him for it. He’s especially protective of her due to the fact that she’s the only girl in the group. During the survival show and trainee days it came off that he was harsher on her, constantly pushing her to do better, but he just wanted to make sure no one could ever deny her talent or spot on the team. Once they debuted he chilled out a bit. Chan sees June as a baby sister. And June sees Chan as her big brother. They definitely tease one another but Chan also helps June braid her hair when she struggles to reach the back of her head, speak English when she’s feeling homesick, and give her big hugs that nearly suffocate her. During their trainee days, June knew about Chan’s terrible sleeping habits, and honestly, she couldn’t judge much as a bit of a night owl herself (but nowhere near Chan’s insomniac level). But what June did to try to help Chan out was go and hang out with him in the studio while he was working. It helped bring him back to the present a bit and let her have time to get homework done while being with someone. When Chan is pulling all-nighters and really wearing himself thin, June will show up during his late nights, do some work, bring some food, and fall asleep on the couch. June knows Chan has a hard time taking care of himself, so if she tricks him into taking care of himself by taking care of her…win win. Chan doesn’t want June staying up all night, or spending the night at the studio, or walking home in the dark, which means he’ll take her back to the dorms. And then end up going to bed early himself. (Our manipulative water sign queen). 
fan favorite moment: During a Channie’s Room while in America he and June got Taco Bell and showed off to Stay the Baja Blast drink, putting on a whole little skit of, “Oh my god I can’t believe we have a drink named after us, they must be such big fans of ours” etc.
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ship name: Juho
description: In the early days of Stray Kids and their debut they were pretty distant with each other, which Lino could not understand why. They hadn’t been super close as trainees, not like him and Seungmin and Jisung, but they were friends. Had similar senses of humor, etc. Hell, June even cried when he debuted (the only time Stay has ever seen her cry). You would think they had never met before they debuted the way they interacted with each other sometimes. At some point Lino (with the help of a certain leader) finally got June to open up to him. Most of the members hadn’t seen June cry much, it took a lot to get her there, and she hated when people saw her cry. So imagine Lino’s surprise when June started crying in front of him, blubbering, snotty, wiping tears off her cheeks and chin, barely able to talk. Lino just pulled her into his arms and let her tears soak his shirt. When June finally came up for air she explained how much pressure she always felt for being the only girl in the group, and knowing that since they were a coed group (since she was in the group) their chances of debuting were slim. When Minho was eliminated from the group she couldn’t help but feel like it was her fault and that it should’ve been her. And even though he came back she could never shake that feeling and she ended up taking it out on him. Lino almost punched her (lovingly) once they talked it all out for being so stupid. But he refrained and instead gave her a big hug, letting her hide her face in his shoulder. After that Lino and June became a horrifying duo released onto the rest of the team, determined to bring terror and chaos wherever they went. They both tease in the same way and will have ‘who can be louder’ contests together at the worst moments. June is also the one who found out Lino’s sides are ticklish and uses that to her advantage at every available opportunity. 
fan favorite moment: In an English interview both Lino and June had been pretty quiet for most of it. At one point they made eye contact with one another, Lino raised an eyebrow, making a face, which June copied and directed back at him. The two both burst into giggles leaving the rest of the group confused at what the hell was going on before leaving it, saying this was a normal thing between them.
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ship name: 2Seo
description: The ultimate sibling duo. No one could think of shipping them even somewhat romantically because it’s like they are actual siblings. Changbin loves messing with June’s hair and then running away, giggling like a maniac. They’re always teasing and play fighting with one another, just poking each other’s buttons. Changbin is always trying to convince June to go to the gym and June always stares at him like he’s crazy for even suggesting it. The two are also fiercely protective over the other. June does not allow any slander against Changbin. You know that one video where the hosts said Changbin wasn’t attractive? Yeah, June was right there with the biggest and fakest smile on her face and quickly said, “well, it’s a good thing you two aren’t idols!” The hosts were so shocked they could only laugh along with her and move on to the next topic. Pray you are never at the receiving end of their death glares.
fan favorite moment: This isn’t necessarily one moment, but fans are obsessed with the compilation of videos June taking a nap and Changbin either protecting her precious sleeping time (by yelling at the other members to quiet down, putting a blanket on her, blocking the light from her eyes, etc.) or Changbin acting as a pillow for June.
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ship name: Juji
description: Good looking/model duo. Also dramatic duo. You put June in a room with Hyunjin and she immediately loses any brain cells she may have once had. She also likes to tease him constantly for being a month older than him. She’ll call him a baby for it all the time and he’ll always yell back how he’s only a month younger. She ignores him. 3racha has commented on how weird it is because when they hang out just the two of them it is silent. June loves to go into Hyunjin’s room while he’s painting or drawing, bringing in her own book or work to do and just sitting there with him in silence. They could spend an entire day together, never once speaking to the other and end it saying how much they enjoyed the other’s company. When Hyunjin started growing his hair out and wasn’t quite used to the length yet, June always kept an extra hair tie on her wrist for him in case he wanted to tie his hair back. She was a big fan of his long hair and Hyunjin mentioned in a live how June helped him buy products for it and how to take care of it. She cried with Innie when Hyunjin cut it.
fan favorite moment: In a live, June randomly and wordlessly told Hyunjin to sit down in front of her. Hyunjin did so without complaint and once he was in place June began braiding his hair. Once she finished she would leave it for a moment before finger brushing it back out and doing it all over again, intermittently giving Hyunjin little head massages. Hyunjin’s eyes were closed the whole time and he may have dozed off a bit a few times.
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bangtanjjks · 2 months
there isn't a day in my life after I read acowar where I am not mad about the stupid death bargain between feysand (at least when the universe decided to remind me that it exists, like today. after I read about it again in a fic. it gave me flashbacks. bad ones)
BUT IT'S ALSO SO FUCKING STUPID IT HURTS ME TO THE CORE OF MY SOUL. like. like. Fey I could understand. she's 20. TWENTY. tf does she knows about leading a whole court of another species? she barely lives as a fae for one year. I won't be fooled into thinking she knows enough on how to basically run a country (hell, nesta probably knows more about running something since she's the first born daughter, mama Archeron probably taught her how to run the household, that's more than what fey would know.)
fey is 20 something, she just saw her mate dies in front of her, that's traumatizing. I get it. she wouldn't want to go through that again. emotions are thick so common sense would take a back seat in that situation. BUT RHYSAND???? 500+ YEARS OLD? who's probably been a high lord for more than half of it?? YOU'RE A LEADER BRO. YOU DON'T THINK TYING YOUR LIFE TO SOMEONE ELSE COULD BE CATASTROPHIC???? like.... did he not think of his court, of his people, the very same ones he wanted to protect so bad he'd become amarantha's whore, when making that bargain? what if one day both the high lord and high lady dies. THEN WHAT??? so baffling.
why is that bargain even written in the first place, what is its purpose for the plot progression? Sarah could've just write a hot and steamy feysand post-we-died-but-not-really-war sex and be done with it without the stupid bargain.
almost ruined the ship for me... and then SJM pulled the pregnancy bs. and that was that. that severed any love i had for canon feysand. I love Feyre. I love Rhys. but them together*? no thanks🙏🏼
and that is all. I just... I read a fic with this death bargain mentioned. and now I'm having flashbacks of being 19, stressed out of my mind for finals, and thinking I could find joy and relax when I finally had time to read acowar. only to find out about the bargain. and then acosf happened and..... I haven't touch any books SJM released ever since lmao. I was that betrayed😭
*in canon. I would still eat up any fanon feysand works like it's nobody's business. that's MY high lord and high lady!!!!
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sjmgirlie · 4 months
If you pick your ship only because you don’t like a character *cough* Elain *cough* then honestly what’s the point? You can like the idea of two people being endgame while respecting and admiring other characters..
People don’t like Elain because she’s boring.. really? Let’s see:
She killed the king of Hybern. Literally. She SAVED Cassian and Nesta.
Feyre distinctly recalls Elain saving money to buy her paints. Feyre never bought any for herself. ELAIN did. Knowing Feyre would not give herself that joy.
When Feyre goes to the estate, Nesta immediately says no to having the meeting there. ELAIN speaks up and says that Feyre gave for years and years and If she needs this they need to help her. She acknowledges how they let her down. She is the one who gets the people that work there out of the house.
Elain is the one who thought of the plan to go to Graysen and ask him to house the humans.
She was the one kicking the hounds off of Azriel’s back. She was the one who screamed to the girl at the camp to grab on and actually physically grabbed her as well.
fucking AMREN has said countless times to NOT underestimate her
She finds the Suriel for Feyre
She helps the people of Velaris rebuild
She says the queens can burn in hell when they don’t give the book to the IC
she TOTALLY downplays herself when going to the court of nightmares. You think the girl who is rumoured to be beautiful (this is said by Eris in ACOWAR and he actually does look at her that night too) looks bad in black? She knew the plan was to literally pimp out Nesta to get Eris in deep, why would she try and steal the show? Eris literally says Nesta outshines her that night.. hm, so she doesn’t always? Like it was on purpose
she begins to volunteer to help. Just because she is still stifled doesn’t mean she is unwilling.
She gives a complete play by play of Nesta stealing away a lords attention by dancing just because a girl was mean to her. She describes it in such detail and just says at the end “I just observed”… like?? How is that not interesting that she sees everything
Cassian says that Nesta is wrong that Elain is a loyal dog and that she sees everything Nesta does and knows why. She is understanding.
And this is just off the top of my head. There is more. And we know there is because SJM specifically wrote a Feysand bonus chapter to highlight that Elain is underestimated. Even by her siblings. She is not a warrior or a leader, but she is SOMETHING. And saying she doesn’t deserve Azriel just because we have only had snippets of her in the series is wrong. Yes, I am leaning towards Eriel, but that doesn’t mean I diminish Lucien and Gwyn just so my ship floats. Gwyn and Lucien are fantastic characters. They deserve the BEST. They deserve to be chosen and not second picks. Will they get that knowing that Azriel and Elain literally want each other? No, they will not. And that’s the biggest thing. Why would I want Gwyn, who went through so much, and persevered to get a necklace that was completely made in terms of the likeness of another? Why would I want her to, tbh, be 3rd choice? Gwyn deserves to be with someone who picks her first. Low key she deserves someone like Tarquin. She’s part nymph, how nice would it be to be somewhere warm and AWAY from the place that reminds you of all of your trauma? And to be with a man that even Feyre said would be easy to love.. I’m not even shipping that to take away from her and Azriel. I’m just giving an example of what she DESERVES. And if you’re saying she deserves Azriel’s gift to Elain and literally a guy who was thinking about how he would beg for another girls coochie, then you don’t care about her. You only care about Azriel. And you only care because you hate Elain. The same goes for Lucien. He watched the women he loves be killed by his father and was run out of his court, only to be kicked out of his home at spring court. He finally finds refuge with the band of exiles. Why would I not want him to be happy to fit my own believes in Eriel? If the mating bond is rejected I want it to be mutual. I want Lucien to get what he wants too. Not just Elain. Not just Azriel. Lucien deserves what he wants too.
Bottom line: you can ship who you want as long as you genuinely do it because you think that is what the character deserves. Not because you think another does not.
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stormfirebeauty · 3 months
Still thinking about how Leo is the only one of the seven who doesn’t really have ties outside of the quest.
Hear me out. Percy and Piper both still have a solid human life to go back too. Annabeth too although I’d say she’s more tied to camp half blood.
Frank and and Hazel both really care about camp Jupiter despite not having been there long. Jason actually feels very closely tied to both camps which causes him conflict. He seems to think he doesn’t know where he belongs but he DOES feel connected to both places.
Leo though… he’s a BIT attached to camp half blood. Not as much as the others tho. I don’t have my copy of MoA rn so I can’t find text support but I’m pretty sure there’s a part in his POV where he talks about it too. He was at Bunker 9 significantly more than the camp. It’s actually so so impressive he manages to pull his irresponsible goofball act off as much as he does. Cause like this dude WORKED. He built an impossible magic ship in like six months. I’m pretty sure there’s a part where it’s mentioned even HE doesn’t totally understand the magic power my the ship. Bonkers.
So anyway he isn’t that connected to his human life (because it burned in a dumpster fire) and he’s not that connected to camp half blood. But WAY more than the rest of the 7 he is connected to this quest. He’s literally been dreaming about this ship since he was a kid that he would one day build for there people. I think the bonds between the seven could’ve been more built up in general but I gotta say Leo has some STRONG connections compared to the rest. Jason and piper are obvious that’s literally what I made this blog about years ago.
But the rest too. He doesn’t talk with Annabeth much but they do have this interesting relationship of ship builder/commander and quest leader also both being absolute geniuses. Like the only ones who can even Kind of keep up with each other there’s a lot of mutual respect (and fear he is a bit scared of her but that’s just smart). Percy and Leo are interesting bc in theory they have so much in common but one of the only deeepish conversations the have is about Calypso?? BUT his extreme guilt when Percy and Annabeth are in Tarturus bc he thinks he traded them for Frank and Hazel??
Yeah let’s talk about Frank and Hazel. I’m ignoring the love triangle bc I don’t care for it and it’s irrelevant to what I’m talking about. Hazel and Leo have the obvious connection of Leo grandfather being Sammy but ALSO the thing we don’t talk about enough is how both of the childhoods were defined by this quest more than anyone else. Gae interfered with both of them HEAVILY and they both suffered for it, AND carry huge amounts of guilt for what she manipulated them into doing.
And then one of the most underrated friendships that is Leo and Frank. Because Frank’s one weakness is fire and Leo IS FIRE. Like they are each others worst god damn fear. Leo REALLY fears the consequences of his destructive powers which is something he has to learn to work past and Frank really fears his mortality BECAUSE HE HAS TO CARRY IT AROUKD WITH HIM SO VALID. Trusting each other is like confronting those fears… (ok so maybe it wasn’t done that well in canon but that’s not the point).
ANYWAY what’s crazy is I don’t think anyone else really realizes this. Like Leo’s whole woo is me I’m the seventh wheel thing seems really self pitying but… you could argue that everyone on the ship was more invested in someone else on board and on their lives outside of the quest. Like, this is Leo’s life. And he’s their side character (i don’t think this is actually true at all for Jason and Piper but he doesn’t know that ugh). His character is so crazy to me.
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