#how do y'all sleep???
veiledandvocal · 2 years
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[TW: grooming] Gentle reminder that Luke castellan was a 19 year old adult going after a 14 year old Silena, emotionally manipulating her and basically grooming her into giving him information. (Luke was said to have recruited Silena sometime after he left chb, which is basically the ending of TLT and Silena was 14 in TLT while Luke was 19) and continued to do so for 4 YEARS (the time between TLT and TLO is 4 years, and Silena only stopped falling into the trap after Charlie died, which was in TLO)
I hope the pjo timeline is an eye opener for the naive as fuck fans defending and justifying Luke's behaviour and having the audacity to deny that Silena was indeed groomed.
There's a difference between appreciating well written complex characters vs actually glossing and meat riding their problematic and questionable behaviour. A huge fucking difference. I think Luke is a good written character, but seeing the amount of fans justifying him being a creep scares me.
"Grooming" (I took the definition straight out of the internet for the detectives that will probably scrutinize and chew on my post lmao) is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.
Luke took advantage of Silena to BOTH manipulate AND exploit her for information.
Don't even get me started on the "he had a terrible home life, he was traumatized as a kid, what else can you expect?" yeah he was, but how was that Silena's fault? She shouldn't have to be taken advantage of , suffer without even realizing it, and pay the price to Luke's insanity, just because Luke had internalized issues like other demigods did?? How is that a fucking excuse??
Look me in the eye and tell me that Luke was "so hot because of how crazy, messed up and unhinged he is"
I dare you.
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
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Three cheers to waking up next to you 💫
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a-s-levynn · 8 months
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"Wash me clean again before I pull myself beneath the waves" A Series of Small Offerings - III/11 - day31
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stacytea · 10 months
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wikiangela · 6 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @diazsdimples @tizniz @daffi-990 @bidisasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck 💖💖
i wasn't gonna post today but I'm currently writing another one of Buck and Taylor's arguments and I'm having so much fun lol (there's gonna be only one more conversation between them after this haha) I keep having new ideas for the in-between of what I had planned, and I hope all of this turns out coherent, I'm probably gonna have to do so much editing lol I'm so determined to post it this month and I'm actually inspired!
prev snippet
“I don’t know what to tell you.” he sighs, averting his gaze, as he’s trying to think about anything to say, but his mind is blank. 
“How about the truth? I really just want to know what the hell is going on with you. Because this-” she throws her hands out, vaguely gesturing around. “This isn’t a life together, and I don’t know how many more times we can have this exact same conversation.”
“Taylor…” he starts, hoping more words would come. “I’m sor-”
“Is there someone else?” she blurts out, angry tears welling in her eyes. He feels his own eyes widen in surprise, and his cheeks burn.
“I mean, are you seeing someone else?” she doubles down, her tone a little shaky, but still determined. Suddenly, he feels his heart in his throat, and he has to make a conscious effort to breathe. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @dangerpronebuddie
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hush-writes-preg · 5 months
Just wanted to send out a reminder to all of you lovely people that you are precious, seen, and loved. That your life has value, even on the rough days. That your differences make you special, not monstrous (unless that's what you're aiming for- then you do you).
Remember that family doesn't have to be related to you by blood, and friends don't have to physically meet to matter. And if you need a hug, I've got a virtual one just for you. 🫂 ♥️
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toasteaa · 11 days
"Donkey and Dragon from Shrek are Eclairettecore" GIRL SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP
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ask-shane · 3 months
Hi Shane! I just wanted to just say that... you genuinely are one of the reasons I have to keep going in life, as silly as it sounds it's true and I viewing your tumblr every now and then. Genuinely makes my day worth while
(OP, I really adore seeing how much thought you put in answering a lot of these asks and over all bringing him to life /srs)
- ☁️
you know, it means a lot to know my being here can make a difference to you at all... even if it's just me posting some stupid shit on the internet.
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i'm gonna be vulnerable here— you do a similar thing for me. talking to you all feels a hell of a lot less lonely than being alone with my thoughts.
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hang in there. we'll get through this.
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quietlyblooms · 21 days
memories that linger | love and deepspace
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there's always been something pushing against you. and not in the metaphorical, woe is you sort of way, but in the way that... well, you can't quite put your finger on it. there's nothing metaphorical about it, you think, but anyone else would swear it's just your luck. you believe that, too, when you aren't so displeased with the way things are going. there is something that tries to force your hand, change the choices you want to make.
you realize that sounds crazy. that's why you keep it to yourself.
you've stopped resisting the push so much these days. you feel it like a hand upon your back, urging you forward and into the hunter association's ranks despite your dream of publishing your manga. it feels simultaneously wonderfully right and terribly wrong, though the development of certain events quickly steals your attention away from that invisible hand. you want answers. you need them, and you'll march in whichever direction that leads you to them.
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additional details
in this verse, i'm writing chiyo as the mc and toying with the concept of past lives like the game does, though i may also sprinkle in a little itty bitty bit of fourth wall stuff -- like chiyo having the thought, " this is like a game, and someone else is making my choices. " as a treat <3
but the focus will be more on fate bc chiyo really hates it as a concept, and that's so much fun to write in this setting :' )
when interacting with other mc's, we can decide if we'd like our characters to just so happen to be in the same boat, having grown up with grandma and caleb, etc. if not, i have no problem writing chiyo in her main verse! there's plenty to work with either way and i'm happy to adapt!
bc chiyo's parents and grandmother play such important roles in her development, they're alive and well until wanderers kill them during chiyo's freshman year of high school. this event leads to josephine taking her in. she was a friend of the family and as good as a second grandmother to chiyo.
i'll likely think to add more when i'm not sleep-deprived and as i progress in the story, but if you have any questions, just let me know <3
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polteergeistt · 6 months
There's a zombie in my mind and his name is III.
Under that mask is a rotting face with maggots and almost gouged eyes. His hair is red, drenched in blood. Dark red decaying skin, no lips, bare teeth, protruding cheekbones that are broken and misplaced, something really gore and gruesome and disgusting and grotesque. The stuff of nightmare. All that's left of his fingers are bones. He's so disgusting and repulsive that his sight provokes the need to destroy him by all means. Burnt alive, if he's really still alive. It's the kind of monster you can't sleep knowing it's out there.
He wears that mask and gloves that resemble human fingers because despite being the grossest thing that ever walked the Earth he wants to be loved but he just won't have that unless he hides what he truly is. He has to hide the fact that he's falling apart and is a moldy sack of rotten shit because no one is going to love whatever the fuck he is.
No one can even look in his direction without fear. Sometimes he wants to give people reason and be the monster he is depicted as. He wants to shove his broken face in theirs and force the smell of death up their nostrils. He wants to torment children and give them nightmares and make them wet the bed. He wants to give them reason and be hated on purpose. If he can't have what he wants, he'll embrace what he is.
But sometimes he just can't stand it. He weeps like a wounded dog and clutches at his chest because even if his heart is growing mold it's still beating. It's still there pumping blood and craving the feeling of another heartbeat close nearby that doesn't rush with terror. It's so cold that it burns. He doesn't know when the pain will stop. He doesn't know if it's even possible for him to find the relief he desperately needs. He doesn't know if he even deserve it. Probably not. Not as who he is. He was not made to be truly loved. He can only be feared and pitied. But never loved.
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queruloustea · 6 days
true blue in your childlike wonder~
watch the light show~~ feel the thunder~!
shakin the walls of this cage~
of birth, death, disease, and old age~
i′m looking with your bloodshot eyes~
for the light of an endless skyyyyyyyyyyyy~~
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A FluffyNight drabble to celebrate reaching 50 followers on this account. It's pretty short & not beta read, but I think it's alright for being written in one sitting. Happy reading!
Beep! Beep! Beep! The sound of Ccino's alarm forced him awake, pulling him out of the pleasant dreams he had been having. Even now, Ccino could feel them slipping from his skull, leaving him wondering what exactly he had been dreaming about.
The continued beeping of his alarm pulled him from his thoughts & Ccino groaned, pushing his face into his pillow. Blindly reaching for it, Ccino attempted to turn it off without looking, knocking his hand against the other things on the nightstand before finally managing to push the button to silence it.
Blissful quiet filled the room as Ccino felt Nightmare shift next to him. Arms wrapped around him & pulled him close, holding Ccino close to Nightmare. Ccino smiled sleepily, turning on his side so he faced towards the other. He hummed quietly as he observed Nightmare looking back at him with a lidded socket, an annoyed expression on his face.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Whispering so as to not ruin the atmosphere, Ccino questioned worriedly. Nightmare shook his head & moved slowly, readjusting them both until they were situated comfortably against each other.
Ccino smiled wider & closed his sockets, holding the other in his arms. Together in each other's arms, they both quietly drifted back to sleep.
Bonus scene!
A shrill beeping jolted them both back awake, causing Ccino to jump in Nightmare's arms. Grumbling to himself, he slowly sat up & reached over to the alarm, shutting it off.
Sitting up properly, Ccino stretched his arms above his head & groaned as he heard his joints pop, rubbing the bottom of his sockets with one hand. Picking up his phone & turning it on, his sockets widened in shock as he let out a loud, "Shoot!"
Scrambling & throwing the blanket off of himself, Ccino barely noticed as Nightmare sat up in alarm. "Is everything alright?" Ccino stammered out a reply, mild panic in his voice as he began changing out of his pajamas.
"Everything's fine! We just overslept a bit!" Relaxing slightly, Nightmare observed as Ccino got ready for the day, rushing around quickly so he wouldn't be later than he already was. If he concentrated, he could swear that he heard the meows of hungry cats impatiently calling for their breakfast.
Hastily walking over to Nightmare, having gotten dressed quickly, Ccino leaned over & placed a chaste kiss against his lovers cheek, smiling. "Love you, see you later!" With that he exited the room, leaving Nightmare sitting alone on the bed with only a warm imprint of where Ccino laid as company.
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necrotic-nephilim · 19 days
your Kon post was sooooo good, like yes the core four are queer platonic, however Kon is hypersexual enough to have made out with (or more) everyone in young justice at least once, yes, including the non-corporal Greta don’t ask me how that worked
I love all of these posts!!! how many of these ask game things do you have in your inbox??
thank you so much!! and i ABSOLUTELY agree with you on hypersexual Kon (truly i just adore characters with grooming/rape trauma like Kon coping through the lense of hypersexuality) and even if YJ is queerplatonic, Kon has made his way through most of them. including Greta. he's creative he'd find a way. probably involving TTK. bc TTK in sex is a thought i have daily. endless potential for using it to basically turn someone's body into a living fleshlight he can manipulate from the inside out- specifically have a TimKonBart idea in my head about that where Kon coaches Bart through sex, since Bart is a speedster with a bonkers refractory period who struggles to feel satisfied, and Tim is caught between them getting used to get Bart off with Kon using TTK to manipulate Tim's body. fun times. fun ideas.
currently, i have one more ask game ask in my inbox (tho always feel free to send more!) that's BruJay focused. though i *do* also have a couple other asks that are just ideas i pan to use as prompts for full fics. just haven't gotten to those yet bc i'm currently busy with packing to move states so. i have *not* had the time to write i wish i had. i will not reveal too much but one involves JayTim fucking during the Titans Tower incident, another is JayTim with animal traits leading to porn, and then another is Tim/Kon/Jon with incest kink stuff. so! i have many things planned, i just need to settle into my new place, however long that takes.
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gideonisms · 1 year
Idk how people live with other people and don't just turn off their personality to survive jgjgjhjj it's like my stuff MUST be where I set it and if I don't get time alone to make my own facial expressions I will die and if you talk to me before I've fully awakened I will have to apologize later in the day I won't go to the grocery store together because I'll just forget everything I was going to buy. like how are people dating other people and living with them and sleeping in the same bed even
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nebulize-my-mind · 2 months
once and a while i poke through the collections my fics have been added to, to find something new to read, and am abruptly reminded about just how flattered i am that my stupid little guy is included with these masterpieces somehow
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