#how to fight fear
44556678 · 11 months
It is ok to be scared, it is ok to feel sad!
Fear and Sadness are huge emotions, everybody experiences them and has a hard time controlling them! But just remember that Fear makes you brave, it makes you strong! But the shame in Fear is letting it rule you, letting it take over your body and preventing you from doing what you may want to happen! But Fear can't control you forever, no, and it won't control anyone forever! Fear doesn't control you, it only seems that way because Fear won't control itself! Sadness can come in many forms, Depression, Anger, Loneliness and etc! And everyone has these emotions! Everyone! But what can you do to fight them? Well you can do something that makes you feel happy, or maybe ask one of your elders for help, or you can do something different to try and distract yourself, or maybe listen to sad or depressing music, I actually do that a lot whenever I'm feeling down or sad! But if you feel like you need better help then just my advice, go talk to your therapist or if you don't have one then maybe go get one! That's all I had to say today, goodbye and stay safe!
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natjennie · 4 months
something about "your anger isn't scary to me" is making me so emotional. something about as above so below, cassandra as a mirror of kristen. something about "I've been dropping the ball a lot lately" and kristen's struggles with adhd. something about teenage girls and rage and fury and justice. something about adaine's vision of ruining fallinel and the sylvaire looking for revenge. something about sadness and doubt and anger and love. something about "I choose to understand" being the absolute core theme of d20 in general. something something.
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demigods-posts · 2 months
headcanon that when estelle is old enough. percy and annabeth take her trick or treating. and estelle dresses up in the loudest colors she can find. and claims she an international super spy. and percy and annabeth accompany her while wearing tuxedos. claiming that their her bodyguards.
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novelconcepts · 2 years
The defintion of hell is knowing a show is incredibly well-received in its first season, but if people don’t become machines churning out tweets, content, and rewatching 24/7, there’s no likelihood it’ll get a chance to tell its whole story. This shit is madness. Shows in different genres shouldn’t have to pit-battle for dominance. First seasons are MEANT to be baselines establishing worlds and characters, not complete storylines. The idea that this golden age of television has turned into “get it done in one or get out” is revolting.
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savagegood · 1 year
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"We're closed' ma'am." "Thank you, sir. I was looking for some old, mean so-and-so named Tina." | THE BEAR SEASON TWO
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Phantom home alone
A/N: I blame having read a couple of post of the batkids doing that. And my brain went, let's have Danny do that too! I am sure someone might have thought of that already tho...
Danny clutched the screw driver in his head and looked proudly at what he had build on a short noticed. Sure Tucker had notified him that someone was looking into his person, but he had not thought that whoever that was would come snooping around his home this soon. Espacially when he was supposed to be on a home visit to his parents that he had to cancel last minute for a collage project.
Well, it's too bad for those who are trying to sneak into his home. Danny was the son of a pair of the most inventive and creative inventors of Amity that made laser blasters out of toasters. Additionally he was a half ghost with a large variety of powers as well as someone who had the definition of mischief as daughter/sister.
Besides, he always wanted to get his own chance on doing his own version of home alone. His parents security system just never let him do that. That reminded him, should he see if he can bring to live and convince the hotdogs in his fridge to fight with him?
The Bats and Birds just wanted to make sure that this new kid in Tim's college classes was not as suspicious as he appeared to be. Really, if that kid hadn't off handedly commented about the basic components of fear gas while in Tim's presence he might never have gotten onto their radar.
Of course, as paranoid as they were, they had to scoop out the teens' place when they knew he wasn't around. They did not expect the apartment to fight back. And are those hotdogs wielding forks and knives as weapons?!
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miusku · 1 month
the fucking implications of porter (in the finale preview) talking abt how the bk were screwed over by aguefort while in front of the rat grinders. like one of these groups he somewhat likes and the other are disposable pawns. the tragedy of the rat grinders are that for everything that they stood for (equity/equality) is still not on their side in the end!! they haven't become the heroes, they've become the goon squad to the major BBEG!!!
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
I love Raph and haven’t said that enough so to be more specific I love that Raph is a soft boy who loves bear plushies, a gross boy who eats an assortment of things that are definitely better left alone, a smart boy who is more than capable of taking down villains through planning and fortitude alike, a strong boy who is dedicated to training his muscles and fighting prowess, a teenage boy who loves his brothers but is more than happy to tease and roughhouse with them, an angry boy who sometimes lets his anger take a hold of him to cover the fear, a gentle boy who is generous with hugs and affirmations to those he loves, a capable boy who takes on more than should ever be expected of a teenager, a good boy who just wants to be a hero and slowly comes to realize the cost of that duty, a good boy who has no reservations about putting himself in the way of harm coming to his family, a good boy who’s a great brother and son and person and deserves only the best the world has to offer.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rise raph#he’s so wonderful frfr#my poor boy is traumatized but still so proud of what they accomplished because they’re HEROES#what started as something fun - Saturday morning cartoon-like heroes vs villains esque - soon becomes his calling#and he loses himself a little along the way#because the world is TERRIFYING now#if they don’t do something about the bad things in the world then worse things will come#and Raph CARES too much to let it happen#even at the expense of his own happiness and youth#and he luckily reigns back that fear - knowing his family is there to keep an eye out with him#and he finally lets himself be a kid again#he’s very well rounded and his flaws are so good because (like the others) they are ALSO his strengths#I like how it’s softly implied that bears are his fav animal too bc that’s cute af#headcanon that he likes them so much because a stuffed bear was the first toy splinter managed to get Raph#but yeah one of my favorite things about tmnt is that the characters are well rounded and rottmnt exemplifies that immensely#with raph being no exception!!#amazing big brother and character#there’s a REASON in my tmnt main character tierlist he’s S tier!!!!#hot take but in terms of who should be leader I think it should be less who’s the better leader-#-and more who’s the better leader FOR THIS SPECIFIC MISSION#bc all four can be great leaders fight me on that#APRIL can as well 100%#doesn’t need a designated leader for them to succeed#they just need ~communication~#one of my favorite things tying Raph and Leo together is that they both *hide*#I’ve talked about Leo’s many masks a lot but Raph has one too#and it’s the mask of a hero - the mask of the protector
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luck-of-the-drawings · 4 months
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#cw gore#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#ACTULY FINISHED THIS A WHILE AGO. kept going back n forth between trying to work on it more or call it done#in the end i chose DONE!! i worked on this for a full day n a half. NO idea what possesed me but it is NOT happenin again anytime soon#i shall do better NEXT TIME!! in the meantime tho OH MY GOOOOOD WHO WANTS TO SCREAM ABT THE SUCKENING WITH ME#THE FUCKINNN THE FUCKIN THING WITH VEX N VIV BEING THE SHADOW LEADERS OF THE FANGS/DEMONS#OH MMYY GOOOODDD THATS THEIR LIL MEAT GENERATOR... THTS SO FUCKED UP AND COOL UUUGHHH I LOVE THEM...#THEIR FLAVORE IS SO WONDERFUL. I LOOOVE HOW SILLY THEY ARE. MAKING PUNS WHILE PULLIN A SCREAMING VICTIM APART#vex n his lil fashiony art workshop and viv n her sterile n clean doctors office#i bet she doesnt even HAVE a medical liscense. it would be funny if vex did tho. could u imagine#they main MEDIC in tf2 together. viv is the battlemedic while vex only pocket medics for her. COULD U IMAGINE#guh i could go on abt these two forever n ever n ever i LOVE THEMM i gotta draw em more....#OH ALSO before i run outa room. i should say. i took inspiration from a tf2 animation called POOTIS ENGAGED#the animator. Ceno0. uses black bars in the action sequences in SUCH A COOL WAYYY everytime i watch that video i feel inspired#oneday ill make more complex fight scenes... one day....#in the meantime UGHHH I LOVE THE SUCKENING SO MUUUCH CAN I JUST FUCKIN SAAAYY THAT I THINK EMIZEL IS A SMART COOKIE!!#THESE PPL FUCKING FEAR HIM NOW!!! 'SHAMIA SHAMI' IS NOW THEIR MORTAL ENEMY!! POWERFUL ILLUSIONIST. CANT DIE.#THAT PART AT THE END THERE WHERE HE FUCKIN. KILLS HIMSELF INFRONTA THEM. THATS SO AWESOME. THATS SO METAL. AND THEN HE COMES BACK!!#I WATCHED EP 7 ASWELL BUT I WONT SPOIL IT HERE. BUT OMYGOD. EMIZEL IS SO COOL AND CAPABLE N SMART N FUNNY N UGHHHHHH I LOVE HIMMMMM#OKAY THATS MY RAMBLE FOR THE DAY THANKYOU FOR READING. I READ ALL TAGS SO YOU SHOULD RAMBLE TOO. IF YOU WANT. IF YOU CAN.
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
chewing on big 3 kids being capable of absolutely devastating natural disasters and apocalypse-level outbursts of power.
Percy who creates hurricanes complete with lightning that pummel titans and flooding and whirlpools that can trap god-powered crocodile kaijus. Earthquakes that erupt volcanoes. Hazel who sunk an entire small island entirely on her own with her final breath, against giants and a primordial goddess of the earth.
If Nico dramatically wilts plants and cracks the ground when he's mildly stressed, and disintegrates enemies down to their skeletons with a single touch or rips their souls out of their still-living bodies, and can command armies of the undead, what happens if he tries to cause destruction? Even outside of total zombie apocalypse or insta-killing a crowd, he's shown enough geokinesis to absolutely be capable of the same destruction Percy and Hazel can manifest.
What about Jason? He can control the winds and storms. There's no way he can't create the most destructive tornadoes with casual effort that he can never justify using for the collateral damage they'd cause. With a single thought he can rip up a town and launch the remnants 50 miles out. (Jason in the center of a Dead Man Walking tornado, vortexes responding to his movements like an avatar...)
And what can anyone do to combat it? How can you fight the wind lifting everything you know and love into the sky, or floods sweeping you away, or the ground giving way beneath you? The Big 3 kids are scary because they are forces of nature, and their whims are the only thing preventing you from witnessing that at any given moment.
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dykealloy · 7 months
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luffy getting frozen-hugged to death by a bird harpy woman, so close to giving in and passing out only to be woken up by the very THOUGHT of zoro telling him to get a grip.
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grapejuicegay · 13 days
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7.01 Abandon Ships
7.10 All Fall Down
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thejasontoddarchives · 9 months
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Batman (1940-) #426
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Batman (1940-) #427
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Task Force Z #6 (2022)
You tell him, Jason.
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creepedfinnart · 3 months
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the squids are fightingggg
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120percents · 10 months
i just think it’s so funny that zoro does not even wanna comment on the usokaya situation when usopp explicitly asks and he very pointedly looks away when they kiss and yet he proceeds to butt in every single time sanji flirts with a woman or implies he knows about romance to redirect attention back on himself like god i wonder where your interests lie…
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cobaltfluff · 3 months
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so i started playing persona 4
where are the QoL features
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