#however. excuse to talk about Podcast >:)
sarasade · 10 months
One of the most generally useful things to come out of Hbomberguy's plagiarism video and Todd in the Shadows' similar video on misinformation is how they bring transparency to the internet phenomenon of "I made up a guy to get mad at".
Seriously, I've seen people make up a lot of stupid shit on the internet over the years and it's often just a manipulative attempt to paint a group of marginalized people in a bad light.
That's the TL;DR version of this post. 
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ANYWAY here is the long version
Those videos are mostly about James Somerton's plagiarism of other queer people's work. However I'd like to talk about that 20-30% of Somerton's original writing- and oh boy. It's mostly about complaining about White Straight Women and misgendering well-known trans creators such as Rebecca Sugar and calling Becky Albertalli a straight woman while it's pretty common knowledge that she was forced to out herself as bi because she received so much harassment over "being a cishet woman who appropriates LGBT+ stories".
One thing that irks me especially is how in his Killing Stalking and Gay Shipping videos Somerton brings up how straight women/ teen girl shippers exploit gay men for their personal sexual fantasies. This gets brought up several times in his videos.
Being all up and arms about Somerton being a "White Cis Gay Who Hates Women and Queer People tm" is not that useful because the kind of rhetoric he's using is extremely common in fandom and LGBT+ spaces on Tumblr, TikTok and Twitter. We really don't need to bring Somerton's identity to this since he is in no way an unique example.
It's hypocritical to make this about an individual person when I've seen A TON of posts, tweets and videos where queer people talk about these Sinister Straight Women who are supposedly out there fetishizing and exploiting queer men. It's pretty clear to me that this is just an excuse to shit on women and queer people for having any sexual interests. At worst these comments are spreading misinformation about BL, a form of media that has been excessively studied by both Asian feminists and Asian queer women.
This all sounds really familiar and I think it's good that people are calling it out as what it is: misogyny and transphobia. I'd also point out the potentially racist motives behind being this hypervigilant about Asian media.
People can absolutely be misogynist regardless of gender or orientation. I really don't know why we need to create some kind of made up enemy to get mad at. I actually think it's almost sinister how "anti-fujoshi" people call Slash shippers and fujoshi misogynists or claim that they have internalised misogyny while being dismissive about women's interests and creative pursuits under Japanese obscenity laws, China's censorship, book bans in American schools and various other disadvances that are part of being a queer and/or female creator.
I think we shouldn't be naive about the bad faith actors who want to turn queer people against each other. For example Fujoshi.info mentions anti-gender (TERF, GC etc) movement using this kind of rhetoric as well.
Anyway if you want to read more:
- about the false info around BL fandom fujoshi.info
-There is the scholar Thomas Baudinette who studies gay media in Japan. Here is a podcast with him and the scholar Khursten Santos
-James Welker is a BL scholar as well. Here is a podcast interview about the new international BL article collection he edited.
-I've already talked about this Youtube channel by KrisPNatz and his great Killing Stalking video that actually engages with the themes of the manhwa
- There is also HR Coleman's thesis DO NOT FEED THE FETISHIZERS: BOYS LOVE FANS RESISTANCE AND CHALLENGE OF PERCEIVED REPUTATION where she interviews 36 BL fans and actually breaks down why fetishization has become such a huge talking point in the fandom discourse. Spoilers, it's mostly about young queer people and women being worried that they will get judged and pathologized for their interest in anything sexual.
-Great podcast about Danmei and censorship with Liang Ge
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jay-wasreblogging · 6 months
Okay but the way Sherlock kept reassuring Mariana that she doesn't need to do anything she's not comfortable with?? That he would do it instead so she wouldn't have to?? Like? EXCUSE ME SIRRR?? 😭
I hear the talk about Mariana and John this, Mariana and John that - but let's talk about Sherlock and Mariana!!
This case had Sherlock encouraging Mariana to speak up and NO don't say you shouldn't talk when you got smt to say to the team! Your input is just as valuable and needs to be heard!! You're a part of this team and this is a team effort!
And when they were about to find the bodies, the way he talked her through an extremely traumatic situation? 😭 That shit got me fr like yes what you're thinking is horrible but whether you like it or not it is true and we cannot change this to suit the reality we want, we can only accept it and continue from there - and he was kind!! He didn't look down on her or mock her for wanting to not believe what was true, because it was traumatic and something she wasn't accustomed to.
HOWEVER what I really loved was that she didn't need to do smt she didn't want!! Im so glad it didn't take the 'but you have to do this' bullshit route that many stories do because it's okay not to, it's okay to know your limits and stay in it, it's okay to not want to do something you don't want to!! There's nothing you have to prove because you shouldn't have to!!
This podcast mannn.
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prismuffin · 1 year
Miles morales x super genius male reader, maybe him trying to hide his secret identity from reader but reader figures it out 🧃
A/n: hi 🧃!! Miles Morales is currently my fixation so I’m writing this first despite it coming last! Can be read as Spiderverse or PS4 Miles!
Miles Morales x genius!male!reader
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( summary: it doesn’t take a genius to see that your boyfriend, Miles, is hiding something. Luckily you are one so you piece things together a little easier )
Warnings?: *pre-established relationship~ light swearing, talks of bruising
!-!more under the cut!-!
You were currently sat in calculus, two seats behind the newer Spider-Man, or Miles Morales, as you know him. He was unmasked and was blending in as a normal student, and though he could fool everyone else you knew better than to fall for his façade. It started around 2 months ago, you'd notice the small bruises that would liter his body while you both were changing in the locker room after gym. You were worried, so you watched him a little closer to make sure he and his home life were alright. However, by looking a little closer you'd notice how he'd disappear right before the newer Spiderman would show up. You noticed how Ganke always covered for him, he always had some sort of excuse for Miles' sudden absence. He was rarely home or in his dorm on the weekends and whenever you'd call him he'd sound super out of breath as if he'd been running all day...or swinging as you deduced. It all just made sense, of course it was him and you were fine with it but you were kind of hurt as well. It's obvious that Ganke knows and that they both think that you don't know and there's no signs that they're ever going to tell you.
As the teacher drowned on and on your stare on Miles only got harder and sharper. Lately he'd been pulling away from you and you have a feeling it's because of this new Spiderman gig. Recently there had been a big fight with a villain group known as The Silencers that ended with a large bridge being destroyed and where did all the blame go? Right onto your boyfriends shoulders. He was blamed for the damage of course, podcasts, news stations, and papers were all talking about the event and you were guessing that it'd made him slightly afraid of the future. He was going to break up with you because of it, you could feel it. He "doesn't want to endanger you" or "get you hurt." You could almost hear him saying it. You wonder if the only reason he hasn't yet is because he can't think of an excuse.
The bell rang and you sighed. You should probably confront him before he tries to end things, you love Miles but you know he can get stuck in his head sometimes. Packing up your things, you rushed to his side so you both could walk to lunch together.
“Ganke caught a cold so I guess it’ll just be us today.” Miles spoke as you both exited the classroom. You nodded, deciding that confronting him alone was probably better for you anyway. After grabbing your respective lunches you suggested eating somewhere other than the lunchroom because it’s usually very loud and crowded, and telling your boyfriend that you know he’s Spider-Man in there could lead to someone overhearing. So now you both were walking and talking while Miles attempted on snacking little by little as you made your way to the Music room. It’s usually empty at lunch, though there could be a few stragglers. Still, it’s the only place private enough without being a broom closet or something. Opening the door to the classroom you let out a breath of relief as you realized it was empty, this was great. So now you just have to ask him.
Miles started talking as you both sat down across from each other, a smile was on his face as he could now properly dig into his food. Scanning over him you noticed his knuckles were a bit bruised and you squinted, your eyes flickering back to his. You just couldn’t keep the small attitude you had at bay. It was almost insulting that he thought you wouldn’t figure it out. Either way you loved him, and him being Spider-Man doesn’t change that and now you have to let him know. Placing your hand over his, he stopped his chewing momentarily before smiling and switching to grab your hand properly. “Miles,” you stares into his eyes as he nodded with a hum to signal you to continue. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something- well, it’s more like tell you something I guess.” You shrugged and he swallowed, glancing to the side in what you guessed was nervousness. “Is everything alright?” He asked and you nodded, “yeah nothings wrong with me but-“ you sighed, this was weirdly a lot harder to say than you thought. “You know you can talk to me about anything right?” Your eye twitched at the irony of the situation and you sighed.
“Funny you say that actually, ‘cause you seem to have not been so honest with me.” you started, furrowing your eyebrows a bit, Miles' nervous smile returned to his face. "I- what?" "You're Spider-Man." You stated, deciding to just get straight to the point. Miles' mouth was left agape at your bluntness. His eyes left yours but only for a second before his mouth slowly closed, an audible gulp projecting into the room. "I...whatttt,," he shifted back, giving a few chuckles as his eyes flickered away from you. "That's- that's crazy Y/n, I think you've been pulling too many all-nighters lately." His smile faltered as you rolled your eyes. "You're a terrible liar," He let out a deep exhale, flopping forward completely resting himself on the desk in front of him. "How did you know? Did Ganke tell you?" He asked, lifting his head just enough to look at you. "No," you spoke with a laugh, "I'm just not an idiot," You crossed your arms and smirked. "It's really not the hard to connect the dots Miles, honestly I'm a little insulted that you'd think I wouldn't notice that something was going on with you." Picking himself up, he sighed, a small frown resting on his face as he thought over his next words. "Look I'm sorry I never told you, it's not that I don't trust you but I just-" "Don't want me to get hurt?" He slowly nodded, "Miles-" "It's dangerous Y/n," "I know that, but it'll be ok." You grabbed his face in your hands, massaging his jawline to calm him down, smiling at the feeling of him leaning into your touch. "Because if I'm ever in danger...I know you'll be there to protect me." You leaned in to place a small kiss under his eye, "I don't want this to be something that pulls us apart.." you mumble and Miles sighs, placing his hand on top of yours. "I don't either..." Leaning in quickly, he placed a kiss to your lips before giving you a wide smile. "And it won't, I promise." "Good."
( I hate the way I wrote this I'm sorry )
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
VP Kamala Harris is calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza
I was alerted to this by the BBC Global News podcast. AP News has a full article on the speech itself, which was not held about Israel and Palestine, but was rather focused on domestic issues of race equality, as the speech was given in Selma, Alabama, on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday (a 1965 Civil Rights march that ended in police violence). There is also a Reuters article if you prefer those.
Despite VP Harris's incredible dedication to the topic of combating anti-black racism in the US and position as a figurehead and spokeswoman for many in that regard, she did find time in her speech for the following:
Harris is still, technically, holding to the party line on the topic of 'Israel has a right to defend itself.' At this point, I'm sure we've all seen enough arguments on whether or not that right is something Israel actually has, given its violations of the international laws of occupation, but it does read to me as more lip service than actual sincerity at this point.
Harris puts the onus of agreeing to a ceasefire on Hamas, rather than Israel. Given Netanyahu's months of explicit refusal to consider a ceasefire unless Hamas is completely and utterly destroyed (and with them, Gaza), this is... not great. Not great. She said, "Hamas claims it wants a ceasefire. Well, there is a deal on the table. And as we have said, Hamas needs to agree to that deal. Let’s get a ceasefire. Let’s reunite the hostages with their families. And let’s provide immediate relief to the people of Gaza."
The 'immediate ceasefire' is still just the 6-week pause that Biden has been talking about, rather than a permanent one.
The speech included "The Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid. No excuses." This statement is interesting to look at in light of the US recently hitting a watershed moment and beginning airdrops of relief aid, something so inefficient that they were reluctant to engage with it until given no other choice. The preference was trucks, which are more efficient in terms of quantity, fuel usage, risk of damage from wind blowing things off course, etc. The 'no other choice' is in regards to whether or not the trucks could still get in, not in regards to international or domestic pressure, though that was likely a factor as well.
We got what I believe are some of the harshest and most direct criticisms of Israel's actions so far: "What we are seeing every day in Gaza is devastating. We have seen reports of families eating leaves or animal feed. Women giving birth to malnourished babies with little or no medical care, and children dying from malnutrition and dehydration. Our hearts break for the victims of that horrific tragedy and for all the innocent people in Gaza who are suffering from what is clearly a humanitarian catastrophe. People in Gaza are starving. The conditions are inhumane."
These comments are receiving international coverage, though I'm a bit concerned by how... blase and unconcerned Israeli media seems to be, though since this particular journal (Times of Israel) claims to be non-partisan, maybe that's why? That said, Al Jazeera is also calling it a 'rare rebuke,' which I would guess is a good sign for the shifting of DC's position on the subject when combined with the recent aid drops.
As usual, I am not a political expert, I just like to gather and share information; please go to actual experts when trying to understand what politicians' actions mean. I do, however, want you to call your reps. Here's a guide on how to do it.
To support my blogging so I can move out of my parents' house, I do have a ko-fi. Alternately, you can donate to one of the charities I list in this post.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | extras | Mick defending Yn from a mean journalist
Summary: Mick has media duties with Mercedes this week and one of the tasks happened to be a podcast interview with a new F1 show. They also happened to mention Yn, but Mick did not like the way they talked about her, and he wasn't about to let someone downplay her during a live interview, not in front of him.
Word count: 1.4k (got carried away again, sorry lol)
A/n: @flowerchild-96 sent me this idea, bringing up a scenario about Mick defending Yn. I did some adaptations, and voila, here you go, yet another Komh extra. I hope you guys like it, even if it's a bit different from the original idea. And thank you, Flower, for requesting this piece <3
A/n2: This is set when Mick and Yn are already together.
A/n3: This can be read as a stand-alone, but it's better when you've read the series.
Warnings: curse words; angry!mick; typos - not proofread.
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Mick is tired.
He’s been doing Sim work every spare time he got, and some days it went as far as him staying until after midnight in the factory. Add this to the fact that he hasn’t been seeing Yn that much, she’s been busy with work as well, and most of the time they’re getting are during the weekends when all eyes are on them.
No-Yn and no sleep have proven to be a very stressful combination, so maybe that’s the reason why he found himself trying as hard as possible not to be rude or dry on his answers. It was work, it doesn’t matter if he had been asked the same question thousands of times, just the other day, or the minute prior, he had to answer it as if it was brand new, and he had to be polite, that last part was on his nature. 
However, defending those he loves is also in his nature, and Mick's ears perk up when one of the guys, Jack, mentions Yn.
He doesn’t know how the guy managed to bring her up when the topic was cars and the last performance Mercedes had, and Mick tries his best to keep his expression neutral, first because he doesn’t want to be rude, and second, because it’s a live podcast. The cameras are on him, just like the big microphone is in front of his face, half of the fans are probably watching the live, and the other half that is not will surely watch it soon. They will analyze every move he makes, and the last thing Mick wants is to bring more attention to his family and friends. 
“We saw recently that Lewis’ sister is attending races as well,” that itself was already problematic considering they had just talked with the Merc media manager and she listed the subjects that could not be brought up, Yn was there, of course. She didn’t want that kind of attention, and everyone always did their best to keep her safe and respect her wishes. It was even more infuriating when Jack kept going, “Do you think she distracts the crew by being in the garage? Would you say she’s a liability to Lewis or more like a lucky charm?” 
Oh, and didn’t Mick finally understand the saying “he was so angry, he saw red”, because he quite literally had to close his eyes after the whole question was sputtered. 
How the fuck did that guy came up with such a shitty thing to say? 
Mick saw how the second host was embarrassed for his mate, he saw the way the Mercedes PR manager eyed him a bit taken aback, he saw and heard everything, yet his mind did not think twice before putting his body to action. His brows furrowed, the blank expression he had quickly turned into one of unlucky surprise and anger.
“Excuse me?” Mick eyed the mand up and down before letting out a humorless chuckle. “Is this supposed to be a bad joke or?” 
“I was just thinking, because Lewis’s sister is-”
Mick interrupted before Jack could go any further and make him angrier, “I think the first problem with your question is that you keep referring to Yn as “Lewis’ sister” when she has a name and had a career before their relationship as siblings were outed in the media. It is stupidity to resume her as Lewis’ sister and only that. Yn is a talented and famous business woman, she has her own brand, and she made her connections without needing to use her surname,” he’s so angry he could go on all day, he sees the way the Mercedes PR seems to struggle on what to think about his words, sees the way Jack starts to get red, and franquily Mick just wanted to tell that guy to fuck off and leave that interview, but he had to make his point clear, and he would defend Yn. To hell with media and the outcome of it all. So mick went on, “Yn was Yn before Lewis. It’s different with me because I came after my father, we were tied since forever, and everyone knew it, but Yn got famous without anyone knowing she had Hamilton bloog, she used her mother’s name, she kept herself from publicly interacitng with her brother and celebrating all his wins, she sacrificed a lot, so don’t come to me and talk about her erasing all her work and effort to get where she is now. Put some respect on her name.” 
“You seem a bit stressed about the way I voiced it, I’m sorry.” 
“Of course. We’re talking about my friend, and even if she wasn’t a friend, it’s insensitive to talk about someone like this in a live broadcast when that someone did nothing wrong and it’s not even here to defend herself.”
Jack coughed a bit embarrassed, and the second host could only smile awkwardly, “We’re really sorry, Mick. Jack just happens to be a huge Lewis fan so it’s always ‘Lewis this and Lewis that’ he ends up forgetting everyone else,” he gulped and tried to downplay it.
Mick directed his narrowed eyes to his water bottle, opened it and took a swing before nodding briefly. He was done with that interview, and he knew everyone else were too. It only took three more questions, not so rude as the last one – thankfully, for the podcast episode to be finished. He kept his cool, but Mick knew his expression was probably still uninterested and annoyed, his body language sure showed how his guard was up, arms crossed on top of the table, head tilted as if waiting for Jack to try and mess with his girl again, as if silently daring them to even mention Yn’s name. 
When it was over, Mick had a brief talk with the Merc PR who told him that she personally loved how he stood up for Yn, and reassured him that they would work a plan so that the podcast interview didn’t spill more on Yn or him.
The drive to the hotel was quick, however, his head was pounding, his body tense, it was as if his tiredness had doubled the size after the events. Immediately upon getting inside the elevator he decided to go to Yn’s room instead of his, Mick did not take the time to think that maybe she was sleeping, or busy, at least not until he buzzed her room. Just as he was aabout to pretend he never set a foot on her floor, Yn opened the door. 
“Hey, mouse,” she breathed, a small smile in the corner of her plush lips. 
Mick felt his body melt, half of its tension dissipating with just one look at her angelical face. Yn was wearing one of his shirts, part of her curls messily tied on top of her head.
“Hey,” he faltered, still not sure if it was the best idea to ring her bell without a warning. 
“Are you gonna keep staring at me?” Yn bantered, reaching for his hand and bringing him inside before closing her door. 
The hotel room smelled like her. Her perfume, her lotion, her hair products. Mick closed his eyes, took another deep breath trying to see if the her scent would caml him a bit more. 
“I’m sorry-”
“It feels nice to be your friend-” 
They said at the same time and it was a only a beat before both were laughing. Yn’s word were clearly a joke about how he said she was his friend. She had watched everything, and she didn’t seem mad about his outburst. Mick felt partly responsible for how the media was digging up her life after they were seem together, and he knew this interview would probably give them more amno to keep going about “mickyn”, he was relieved Yn seemed to pay no mind to it at the moment. 
“I think I talked too much out there, I’m sorry, babe,” Mick started, but Yn shook her head. She got on her tip toes, hands going around Mick’s neck, his face now only inches from hers.
“Thank you for standing up for me,” she whispered, and he gripped her waist bringing her body close and hugging her, his head on the crook of her neck, her hands playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. “It’s great to be friends with you, just please make sure I’m the only one who can do this,” Yn joked when Mick faced her, and smashed their lips together in a tender, but also giddy kiss. 
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @mellowpizzapuppy @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mickslover @Dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @crimeshowjunkie @iloveyou3000morgan @fdl305 @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo
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ashleyeveerson · 8 months
Along with everyone else in the fandom, I'm also going FERAL after these new ep so excuse this RANT (this is my way of coping with the brain worms, enjoy ;).
Statement begins.
So what's special about the RedCanary story?
Well, apart from it being a direct reference to the original Magnus Institute (at least the one in this new universe), it's also incredibly fascinating as a narrative tool.
For those who are unaware of their history, miners used to employ canaries in cages while they worked as safety systems. The bird's complexion made them specially sensible to gas leaks which killed them instantly. When a canary stoped singing in the middle of the shift, the workers knew that toxic gas was leaking and had enough time to get out of the mines alive before it got to them.
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Now why is that relavant to us? Well, the theme of canaries in cages inside mines could be easily applied to the og tma characters. All of them were contained in cages (that is the Magnus Institute) and placed close enough to danger (in their case the paranormal) that only they were aware of its existence while the rest of humanity remained ignorant. That is until the events of the apocalypse when the gas metaphorically leaks everywhere and all humanity is doomed.
However, this proximity to the fears ALWAYS results in the death of the canaries that stayed inside the mines (no i will never get over my blorbos being killed). Everyone involved with the institution dies EXCEPT from Melanie, Georgie and Basira. That is, the only three canaries that actively escaped their cages before the toxic gas got to them.
Therefore, the use of this metaphor at the start of the ep (especially from none other than the voice of Jon Sims, the character who has walked down the path of learning about the entities) is a warning to Sam against investigating the paranormal.
The statement is encountered by Sam because he, above all other characters, is the one who is most likely to end up like Jon and the others. The species of Red Canaries is human breed, therefore Sam being a result of experimentation within The Magnus Institute means he was RAISED to be a canary. Thus, there is an inherent irony on the warning, for it is what PUSHES him to develop an interest on the statements and leads him closer to his tragic destiny.
Another proof that links canaries and the workers at O.I.A.R. is the nature of their habitat. I haven't seen a lot of people talking about it, but there are multiple references in the first and second ep of them working the nightshift. Now, why would a filing job be carried out exclusively at night? (THERE ARE SO MANY REFERENCES TO IT BEING A NIGHTSHIFT I AM NOT KIDDING)
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This one is specially interesting because it's the first thing we hear in the podcast. Also Teddy metaphorically being the canary that leaves the mines and the darkness to escape into the outside world and the sun.
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Multiple references to it being just the FIRST night of an eternity of nights. (cosmic horror much?)
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In any case, there is a parallel between darkness of night and the darkness inside the mines. (or even the entity of the dark, one of the oldest alongside the hunt and the end). I see what you're doing Jonny Sims....
canaries = characters close to danger (AWARE OF THE ENTITIES)
the miners = the rest of humanity (UNAWARE OF THE ENTITIES)
cages = The Magnus institute/O.I.A.R (TRAPS the canaries)
the fears = toxic gas (HARMS the canaries and miners)
darkness in the mines = the night shift
Statement ends.
*stands in front of a white board with red string linking everything, and the dark scribbled in black marker in the center* I HOPED YOU ENJOYED THIS RANT *tries to fix my disheveled hair that i messed up during the presentation* I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT TMA AND TMAGP Please feel free to discuss in the comments, I NEED THEORIES, I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS WITH SOMEONE!!!
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“Stranger Things”' Gaten Matarazzo Says 'Woman in Her 40s' Confessed to Having a 'Crush' on Him as a Teen: 'Upsetting'
(I'm not putting the whole article. Just a the relevant parts)
Stranger Things skyrocketed Gaten Matarazzo into stardom. However, fame has also come with some unwanted attention.
On Michael Rosenbaum’s Inside of You podcast, Matarazzo, 21, recounted a recent creepy fan interaction he had with a “woman in her 40s,” who said, “I’ve had a crush on you since you were 13.”
“I was like, ‘That’s upsetting!’” the Honor Society actor said. “[I thought] like, ‘I’m sure she just meant, ‘Aw, this kid’s cute,’ but then she doubled down. Like, ‘I’m aware of the age difference,’ and then I was like, ‘Alright.’”
Matarazzo noted that the woman’s daughter witnessed the uncomfortable ordeal, even interjecting to say to her mother, “Mom, what the f---?”
“I swear to God, this girl must have been like 13,” he recalled. When Rosenbaum, 51, asked how he reacted to the exchange, Matarazzo said he “couldn’t” laugh. Instead, he looked over at his mother, who was sitting next to him.
Rosenbaum and Matarazzo also discussed fans touching them inappropriately in public, with the latter adding that he’s “had a few butt grabs for sure.”
I will say majority of the comments expressed disgust and called her out which I was very happy to see!
However, there were some comments in defense of her that we gotta talk about
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He has a right to speak about it. I've seen other comments bringing up how middle aged women behaved towards Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner, etc. It's not something he should have to keep to himself, especially when it clearly made him uncomfortable
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I don't know why this is so hard to believe? If you've been in any kind of fandom or in the comment section on social media, you'd see some really nasty things that were being said. Yes, even to minors
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It matters because there are other celebrities like Gaten who had people saying creepy/sexualizing things to them. It should be called out, not dismissed just because she didn't 'do something about it.'
And I'll be honest, if you look at this and think that calling out this behavior is 'regulating" people's thoughts, then I don't have a good feeling about you
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Teenagers having crushes, even if it's on someone much older, is way different than an adult having a 'crush' on a child. What makes you look at someone that young in that way in the first place??
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Some people were convinced that she hadn't meant it the way that it sounds. The second to last commenter is really trying to make us believe that. But we know what people mean when they say they have a crush on somebody. The woman even said that she was aware of the age difference so she has enough awareness to know that it was wrong
How exactly are we supposed to take those words? Even if she just wanted a "deeper friendship" with him, it's still creepy to say that to a 13 year old when you're a grown adult
There's just some things we shouldn't take lightly. Automatically assuming it's innocent when it's something like this isn't fair to these child actors. They shouldn't have to deal with these inappropriate comments only to have other people to make excuses for them. That's how people get away with it
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butch-bakugo · 4 months
Markiplier hasn't said anything about Palestine.
Jacksepticeye hasn't said anything about Palestine. (And continues to collab with PewDiePie)
(Slight edit: Jack has recently spoken about Palestine. However he still partners with PewDiePie and the dreamsmp. People bringing up the fact he's not part of cloak anymore (he hasn't been for months. He left due to creative differences) and the fact he's not following mark on his socials (people strongly believe he's doing it as part of a publicity stunt for iron lung) doesn't change his general allowance towards racism via his partnerships.)
Muyskerm/Bob hasn't said anything about Palestine.
Lordminion777/Wade hasn't said anything about Palestine.
Gmm/Rhett and Link haven't said anything about Palestine.
Most of the mythical crew haven't (other than Jordan myrick) said anything about Palestine.
Danny and Arin/Game Grumps haven't said anything about Palestine.
Moistcritical hasn't said anything about Palestine.
All ur faves haven't said shit about an actual genocide occuring right Infront of them and trust me, Im just as fucking shocked as you are but you gotta face that. They either don't care or are complicit. It takes 3 seconds to show support to Palestine. Litterally any of them just tweeting a single 🍉 would show less complacency. Best case scenario is that they are complacent and afraid. Worst case they support Israel. Either way they are either lazy or a genocide supporter.
This isn't a "political issue" it's a fucking genocide. It's that clear and that obvious. The fucking international court of justice called it a genocide, the UN is about to call it a genocide. It's a fucking genocide and the fact you have to pull up iron lung (not an excuse) or "not wanting to get political" as an excuse for why none of them are saying anything shows you care more about whatever stupid content any of them can give us than them showing an ounce of support for nearly a million people being slaughtered.
Less than 6% of Israelis are aginest isreal's actions and they are getting beaten in the street by Israeli police. 30% think that isreal is in the right but using too much force and 20% think isreali isn't using enough force. Israeli tiktokers are commenting to other Israeli tiktokers about how they have to be careful what they say in English in reference to celebrating the genocide. They litterally admit to hiding their genocidal sediments in Hebrew so the English speaking pro-palestinians can't use it against them or they will have mistranslation deniability. WHAT. THE FUCK.
All these individuals said something about trump. They all said something about BLM. They've all said something about LGBT rights. Hell, they've all said something about feminism! But they won't speak up about Palestine. Something so easily done. Something so clear and concise. Mark, Bob and Wade have an active podcast (distractible) where they read up to date tech news and y'all wanna say ANYTHING about them just not knowing about it?? You can't go to Google and not see it.
This isn't about confusion anymore. Even if they just wanted to eliminate Hamas they are killing far too many innocents to justify it. The fucking idf ran a snuff news channel showing gore, suffering and dead bodies from Palestine and only NOW admits isreal's propaganda department was behind it. It showed dead bodies of children to the people of Israel and they applauded. (Source in first link) This isn't a game. This is fucking real and you need to get real about it. We all need to hold them accountable. We all need to drop their view counts until they say something. You need to be in their comments talking about Israel. They will not be allowed to forget it or be allowed to move on.
This is a genocide. This is an ethnic cleansing. You may think it's smaller than it is because no one is talking about it but it's there and your silence may become their compliance.
Boycott iron lung.
I've never been a prouder fan of the jimquistion, dead meat and funkyfrogbait than I am now.
Go support those amazing creators and support the palestine creator fund with all the amazing creators in it.
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akpinkprincesss · 1 month
I'm catching up on woe begone and it just got me thinking about some of the characters, like really thinking about them and damn it hurts.
i was thinking about lieutenant and it made me realize that he was a victim. what he went through was worse then anyone could ever imagine and he had to adapt to survive. Of course that doesn't excuse his actions but he isn't a horrible person doing things our of malice, he is a victim who did horrible things his abuser (the man who brainwashed him into obeying his every word) told him to.
and its not like ANY of the other mikes have it easier, michaels especially. Like i think the reason they (michaels) all hate lieutenant is because they have all been through horrible pain and suffering. They all have lost edgar and i think most (if not all) of the ones who are alive right now were held in the compound and also tortured, they just werent brainwashed.
In general i think the michales have a hard time empathizing with other characters because they dont want to get close to others in case they die. But any version of mike also have a hard time empathizing with lieutenant because they were also tortured and they didnt react like that. However they forget that trauma victims will do whatever it takes to survive and in this case lieutenant had to become the perfect solider or else he would die, or worse. and the only character who witnessed the torture first hand is either dead, doesnt interact with lieutenant at all or doesnt care which proves my point (i cannot remember what happened to that michael)
and after i had those realizations it sent me on a mini spiral about the W.B "villains" are actually just victims, these are usually iterations of the mikes. Like this nobody guy who just appeared (for me) i dont know what his deal is (and i dont want you to tell me) but the way hes talking it cant be good. The way he could withstand a gunshot for as long as he did doesnt give me good vibes. of course that could be of his own design but i dont know yet and when it comes to mike walters i can hope for the best but expect the worst.
of course not every villain in the story is a victim, like eagle he can taste the carbon of my bat as i slam it full force into his face. but some of them are just victim to circumstance and the horrible events that always follow mike walters.
thanks for reading my long ass rant, ive had feelings that i needed to get out. i might have more to say on the topic later but for now i will leave it. also ignore grammer mistakes im not in the mood to edit right now :/
ive been listening to this podcast on and off for about 2 years now? so there are bound to be mistakes in lore as i forget things and ill go a few months without listening then binge the 10+ episodes so if you have any notes please add them (without spoilers please i am only on episode 154 thanks)
note: do not take this the wrong way i love this show and this is NOT a criticism of the writing :D
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so-very-small · 2 years
“Excu- Excuse me!”
I take out an earbud, half convinced the voice was in my head. Four am, haven’t eaten since breafast-ish, I’ve hallucinated over less.
However, upon turning from the fridge to the kitchen countertop, the source of the voice is clearly visible. Two inches tall, and looking quite pissed, actually.
“We need to talk,” the humanoid figure says, crossing their arms over their chest. They tap their foot impatiently, and I pull out the other earbud - this feels a little more important than a podcast about sharks.
“Uh,” I say, “Hello? What are you?”
I crouch down in front of the countertop, just in time to catch the minuscule movement of the tiny person rolling their eyes.
“I’m a borrower. I stay in the walls, and I take food when you’re not looking. Which is why we need to talk. You have got to start going to bed earlier, man.”
“I’m sorry, what-“
“No, I’m still talking. I like dinner at midnight. It takes an hour to get out here, get supplies, get home, and begin cooking. And you, you’re up til five! In the morning! I can’t steal from you with you hovering like, right there. I’m hungry, man. Go the fuck to bed, dude.”
I blink at them.
“I have insomnia-“
“You have a video game addiction. You do not stay up this late when I unplug your wifi.”
“Now. Go to bed.”
After a moment, I nod.
What else can I even do here?
“Wait. Give me two slices of cheese before you go. And a cookie.”
That, apparently.
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0sincerelyella · 1 year
You fumbled the bag, i didn’t - Josh Allen
Part Two
Summary: The bengals won the super bowl of the NFL josh won the super bowl of love
Notes: sorry that’s hilarious. i might start this as a big josh allen series, wedding, honey moon, dad allen, TEENAGE DAD ALLEN. what do y’all think about that?
this is also set in the future, not much but 2024
also he’s so zesty
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it’s been three years now since the bengals went to the super bowl. Y/n had completely forgotten about the bet she had made with josh almost ten years ago. the two have been together for nine years, they spent many years apart and all over the place, but neither had stopped loving the other for nine years.
now, y/n had gotten an offer from the buffalo bills to join their social media team. and she immediately took it. even though the two hadn’t been married, y/n was ready for commitment, even more than she already was.
Josh however hadn’t forgotten the bet at all, to him it wasn’t a bet. he was serious about marrying her, he wanted from the second he met her to see her in a beautiful white wedding dress. he wanted her to be his girl for the rest of forever.
he had been thinking about marrying her when they got out of college, but he was focusing on his career, then y/n started focusing on her career and there just wasn’t the right time.
now the cincinnati bengals are going to the 2024 super bowl against the 49ers. and josh knew it was as good a time as any to marry his girl.
the sunday before the game, no football was happening and josh was doing a pod cast. he sat down and took a breath. he hated that he had to be away from his girlfriend as he always does.
the podcast hosts, jayla and craig (totally made up people) greeted him on the show. jayla asked the first question. “so josh, i want to talk about y/n” josh smiled. any excuse to talk about y/n was a good one.
“how long hangs you been together?” jayla asked, getting a light chuckle from josh. “nine years in september.” he said, his smile brighter than any smile he’s ever given. “we met in college, and i’ve been stuck with her ever since”
“still no marriage? when do you plan on proposing?” craig joined in. “when the time is right” he said “or when the bengals when a super bowl” craig laughed “she’ll be waiting a long time then” jayla smacked craig’s arm.
josh blabbed and blabbed about y/n over and over for the entire two hours he was shooting for this pod cast. she was the most important person in his life, from her messy college dorm life, to her future NFL wife, life.
the day of the super bowl, y/n was taking pictures on the sidelines, because her contract wasn’t up until the end of the season. Josh was helping her, following her as she was taking pictures.
he admired the way she crouched down, taking pictures of the players practicing. “your very beautiful y/n” he said. her head was cocked to the side, and all of her hair was flipped to one side as she moved her camera to find angles. “joshy i’m trying to work” she laughed, walking over to joe burrow. “hey joe” she said, crouching down to take pictures of him. “hi y/n.” “heeeyyy josh” joe chuckled, smirking at him.
josh gave him a look telling him to stop, and he chuckled, going back to his stretches.
y/n walked towards the sidelines to take some pictures of the special teams, and josh stopped her. “Hey beautiful, i’m gonna go to the bathroom. stay safe okay?” she smiled.
there was not a day happier than today for y/n. she was back with her boyfriend, and her team was going to the super bowl. she was currently standing on the field at the super bowl that taylor swift was playing at and she couldn’t be more happy in this moment.
when the game started, y/n stood in the roses that guests had to stay in, no sign of josh at all.she talked to tee higgins mom basically the entire time.
eventually, josh came back and y/n had to take more pictures, so she did her laps around the field, getting more angles and brainstorming more memes to post later. at half time, y/n and josh regrouped, and sat down to watch the half time show together. thanks to y/n josh knew every song and did not disappoint.
there now where 4 minutes on the clock and there is no way that the 49ers are coming back from this score. the bengals have won the super bowl.
y/n screamed, and jumped around josh and immediately attempted to run to her friends on the field, but instead of celebrating, they hooped, hollard, and jumped around y/n as evan mcpherson gestured for her to turn around. and so the whole world wouldn’t peak in on this beautiful moment, the bengals boys, crowded around her and her eyes met josh
he was kneeling down, ring in hand, and a smile on his face.
“y/n. it’s been 9 years too long waiting for this stupid superbowl. i wish i could’ve married you every day up till now but i didn’t know if you’d say yes, and now you have too” y/n had her hands cupping her mouth in complete shock. Y/ns friends, the whole team, was jumping up and down anticipating her answer. tears fell down her face as she freaked out.
she took her hands off her mouth and jumped on top of him, tackling him into a hug. “i would’ve married you the day i met you joshy” she said, kissing all over his face.
josh placed the ring on her finger, and stood up, he picked her up into a hug and the whole bengals team irrupted in happy screams. “I love you joshy!” she said, over the howling of the bengals fans and the team. josh smiled, even wider than before. “I love you beautiful princess”
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I have a bunch of thoughts related to your recent post on lefty antisemitism, but I don't want to dump a big long thing in your inbox - let me know if you want me to send it, other than that just know you're not alone trying to wade through the messiness of it all.
I know leftist antisemitism is alive and well, I know Jewish perspectives/experiences/identities are not valued, and I know there’s a load of misinformation out there when it comes to the conflict (though honestly, I don’t trust info from any side because everything is propaganda at this point). But I listened to a podcast episode (Joyous Justice - a Jewish racial justice podcast hosted by a Black & Cherokee Jew) that was a bit of a gentle kick in the pants.
To summarize some of the key thoughts: There is antisemitism in lefty spaces because there is antisemitism EVERYWHERE - and racism, sexism, transphobia, classism, ableism, and the like. Leftists are not immune to these things. And so when someone like me says “well I’m not going to engage with some progressive cause because I’m bothered by the antisemitism” it’s like, anyone else of another marginalized identity could have the same excuse for not participating because they will inevitably run into someone who is being shitty about their identity. It’s good that we have ways to process these harmful experiences, and we should try to hold people accountable, but it’s not a good idea for our self-defensiveness to stop us completely from engaging.
I’m not solidly feeling any of this right now, but I am trying to sit with it in the discomfort.
Hi there,
Look, I definitely see where you're coming from and where this podcaster was coming from at least in theory, but I don't agree.
Leftists absolutely have all the same problems any other group has, and obviously we all have to work on our biases and movements all the time to try and root these things out.
This is different and goes beyond that though, because the brand of anti-Zionism that is mainstream amongst American goyische leftist movements and individuals is deeply antisemitic as a part of the cause. Anti-Zionism as an intra-Jewish discussion need not be [internalized] antisemitism, and there are plenty of ways that one can critique specific actions of the Israeli government that are proportionate, fair, and necessary (yes, even as an outsider.)
However, calls for the literal dissolution of the entire country without a thought or care for the safety and well-being of the affected Jews or the Jewish people as a whole, combined with a deep suspicion (and frequently outright hostility) towards Jews who bring up antisemitism (especially as it pertains to rhetoric around Israel) and then adding your regular run-of-the-mill antisemitism on top, are common and accepted in leftist spaces. In short: antisemitism isn't just one unfortunate pimple amongst many other expected blemishes on the face of modern leftism - it's actually frequently taken up as one of the causes of leftism. This form of antisemitism is seen as social justice, and so arguing against it is seen not for what it is (begging for people to add even a little nuance and critically examine a belief system that leads them to call for the genocide of half the Jewish population worldwide) but rather as arguing for whatever terrible thing they want to paint Israel as this week, whether or not it's true and whether or not such a label could just as easily be applied to groups and nations that they will give a pass to.
Meanwhile, most of the goyim arguing in support* of Israel are frequently right-wing conservatives whose other views on human rights and moral progress I find rather repugnant and who frequently utilize standard conservative talking points about Israel's more strident critics to attack them on other levels. For example, I cringe basically any time I see any right-wing critique of, say, the very real antisemitism of Cori Bush or Rashida Tlaib, because I just know it's gonna be racist as hell.
(The * is because I don't honestly classify a lot of this as support for the Jews, so much as a handy vehicle for their anti-Arab racism, Islamophobia, and unfair painting of all Palestinians and/or Palestinian rights movements as terrorism. I would also be remiss if I didn't say that the same is frequently true of certain batches of leftists whose anti-Zionism is more of a handy vehicle for antisemitism than genuine, thoughtful, and helpful advocacy for Palestinians.)
But there are some conservative voices that do have genuine support for Jews and are pro-Israel in a way that is more nuanced and doesn't just use it as a tactic. And when I see that, and especially when I hold it up next to leftist comrades who would never in a million years advocate for policies that would wipe out half the world population of another minority group but will happily repeat those talking points against Jews as if it were a social justice cause, it makes me question the validity of everything else they're saying.
And so I re-run that calculus on every social issue I'm passionate about, to see if maybe I'm on the wrong side of it, and every time I conclude I'm still very much not. So then I go back to the drawing board and reconsider Jewish history, identity, and peoplehood, and the conclusions I've come to about Zionism from those things, only to return to the same position I was in before. I've heard the arguments. I've actively sought out and considered the other side on this issue, hoping to understand something new, and each new source I read solidifies my opinion.
So then I'm stuck with concluding that my best option is to seek out like-minded Jews and when outside allies or work is needed, just kinda go into it accepting that a significant portion of the people I'm necessarily aligning myself with for other important causes would likely leave me and mine for dead under the right circumstances, and view that as good and right and just.
And while I don't let that change my voting behavior or advocacy at a practical level, it also doesn't change the fact that it fucking hurts and that I'm morally right to be angry about it.
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hillbilly---man · 3 months
Controversial Olympics opinions:
(been listening to too many olympics podcasts lately so my brain is stuck on it lmao. Sorry about it)
They should get rid of golf It's only been in the Olympics like five times (and the first two times were in 1900 and 1904... let's be real). And we shouldn't be making host cities build golf courses!
Tbh they should get rid of sports for which the Olympics aren't the most prestigious international competition The Olympic Games are a good way to showcase smaller sports, but there's no room in the program for much expansion. Take out tennis, take out golf, take out football (soccer)
Strongly reconsider equestrian events Personally I think it's weird that there are events where horses are so central. If motor sports aren't permitted, it seems odd that horses are. It also rubs me the wrong way that equestrian events feel so much more.. upper-class than the rest. Honestly I'll stop short of saying "get rid of these" because I admittedly don't know much about the sport
Bring back tug-of-war It's easy to understand, and wouldn't require an extra facility or anything. It's also a sport that doesn't require expensive equipment or specialized training facilities... a low barrier of entry means you don't have to be wealthy to be competitive. It would be so cool
Consider permanent hosts I do like the idea of moving the Games around so that we get to see elements of local culture embedded into the Olympics. It's a showcase not only for the athletics but also the arts (I have more to say on that next). Unfortunately, the Olympics has gotten to a point where it's difficult to find a host city that's able to support the Games. Can you imagine a village of like 2300 people like Lake Placid hosting the Olympics today?? Not to mention the displacement and other human rights violations that are often tied to the preparations... There are people who think they should just pick a city each for the Summer and Winter Olympics and have them be a permanent host. That's certainly better than destroying lives and local economies like it does now... but what about that cultural showcase thing? I have an idea: Permanent host locations, but invite a different nation to organize each time. That way smaller, poorer countries can "host" and showcase themselves without the enormous cost and difficulty of physically hosting. Also don't let them both be in fucking France
Bring back the art competitions! There were official art competitions as part of the Olympics in the early days, but they voted to replace them with exhibitions in the 50s. I just think it'd be cool for someone to get a gold medal in music or architecture nowadays.
Fucking pay the athletes As much goddamn money as the IOC makes, it's criminal that it's on the backs of people who they're not even paying to be there. Most Olympic athletes aren't raking in massive endorsement deals, and a lot of them are paying to get there out of their own pockets or via GoFundMe. Pay the volunteers, too, while you're at it. You don't have to make them rich, just make it so you don't have to already be well-off to do it.
Let indigenous nations compete as their own team if they want There's talk of allowing the Haudenosaunee Nation to enter a lacrosse team at the 2028 Olympics, but the IOC isn't in favor as of now because they don't have their own National Olympic Committee. Bad excuse; make an exception. After all, the Refugee Olympic Team exists. Y'all literally make the rules
Ban Israel They banned South Africa for decades due to Apartheid. They've banned several other nations due to wartime actions. There's precedent; they can do this (they won't)
Incorporate the Paralympics into the Olympics (if they want) The parenthetical is there bc I don't know enough about what the Paralympic athletes actually want. If they prefer their own event, swag HOWEVER, from an outsider's perspective, I think it's kind of frustrating how it's treated as a secondary competition. There's less coverage, less attention, and the medals don't count the same in the eyes of most people. For example: did you know that American swimmer Trischa Zorn has 41 gold medals? Michael Phelps just has 23. But HE'S the one who gets to be the "most decorated Olympian of all time" because Trischa's medals are in the Paralympic Games. I think seeing adapted sports alongside their conventional counterparts would be fascinating. Put those in primetime with everything else! People who don't care to seek them out need to see disabled athletes too
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whiteteadreams · 1 year
Y(our) Song
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Paring: Lee Seokmin x Gn!Reader
Word Count: like 1.7k idk...
Genre: Slice of Life, college AU, fluff
Warnings: i don't think any...like at all except fluff and seokmin is in love love! also not proofread lol
a/n- hihi! so this idea came to me and i had to write it immediately! but dw i'm still working on some requests and the mafia jeongin fic!! also big big thank you to @ofneos for helping me out with some polishing of the fic and talking with me while i added the finishing touches!!
He liked you, a lot, and he didn’t even know you, or at least not really. He knew your voice and the personality you put on for whoever listened to you. You didn’t know who ‘whoever’ was, but Seokmin was easily the person on campus who listened to you the most.
Every night that you hosted the campus radio station, Seokmin was always there to tune in and listen to the songs you played and the commentary you made before and after each one played. Your late podcast like music sessions made him feel a little less lonely when he was alone in his dorm at night, which was every night. Your voice filled his chest with a warmth and placed a smile on his face while he typed away at his computer, completing assignments that he held off so he could do them while you spoke.
Seokmin was listening to your calm, soothing voice like always when you said something that caused his fingers that were rapidly typing to come to a stop instantly.
The song had just come to an end when you said, “Alright, this one’s for all the other students who are night owls like me and tune in all the time. Whoever is the first down to the studio and finds the vinyl that holds my favorite song, which I played for you last week, somewhere in the many shelves that hold various records, will win two free tickets to any upcoming concert of your choice.” The instrumental intro of the next song started playing as you finished speaking. “Head over now for that chance to win before you’re out of time, in the meantime, here is Out of Time by The Weeknd”. As your voice was replaced by Abel’s, Seokmin saved the google doc that he was working on and sprinted out of his dorm.
He passed the studio every time he went to his psychology class, so he knew exactly where he was running to. It was about half a mile away from his dorm but the excuse to see and talk to you overcame the sleepiness that fogged his brain.
However, there was several things going through his brain at this time. The main ones were what he was going to say to you, where the radio station was, and what your favorite song was, which was Right Down the Line by Gerry Rafferty, but what wasn’t on his mind at this time, was his speeding footwork.
Before Seokmin knew it, he had tripped on an elevated sidewalk crack and was falling to the ground. His knees and palms luckily took the majority of the impact of his fall. He knew the little stones embedded into his hands would hurt later, but the overwhelming urge to meet you overpowered the pain. Getting up and wiping his palms off on his grey sweats, he started running again.
The streets were empty, absolutely silent except for his heavy breathing. He picked up his pace at the thought of someone else using his fall as an advantage to get ahead of him. Besides the quiet streets, if the streetlights weren’t there, it would also be completely dark. The shops and cafés mixed in within the dorms, classrooms and lecture halls were of course closed as it was 2:52 in the morning, but he saw the one light ahead in the distance, the one he was looking for, the radio station’s light.
He smiled as he didn’t see a group of people crowded outside the corner building, and his smile grew as he saw not a single soul inside the building once he stepped inside. But the feeling of someone beating him there nagged at his spirit. Seokmin was forced to step away from his radio in order to run there, so if someone did happen to beat him there, he wouldn’t have heard your announcement. He was there within five minutes, so he was praying there wasn’t someone right down to street who got there first.
Seokmin didn’t give up though and headed to the vinyl section, you didn’t say CD, you said vinyl and after listening to Right Down the Line several times after you stated it was your favorite, he knew the artist, genre, tone, how it was arranged, everything. Gerry Rafferty is listed as rock, pop rock, folk rock, soft rock, blues rock, and of course, classic rock. Seokmin wasn’t sure which genre you’d have it listed under, but as some of the other radio hosts weren’t as deep into genres as you were, he headed to the classic rock area and went to the 70s section to find City to City, the album it was on.
The albums were in very specific year order, so he grabbed the 1978 handful and looked through them. Chills ran through him as he saw the album art, surely if someone had found it first, you wouldn’t have had time to put it back just yet.
Putting the rest of the albums back in the exact order he found them in, with the exception of the album he clutched to his chest, he walked back to the main area and stood by the booth surrounded by glass that you sat in. He saw you talking into your mic with the words “ON AIR” flashing above the door.
You must’ve sensed his presence despite his silence as you looked over your shoulder with a bright smile and waved at him before holding up one finger to signify you needed a moment. He shot you a shy smile and nodded. You looked back at him and pointed at the album. He held it up, showing you the front before turning it around and pointing at the name of your favorite song. Your smile grew and you gave him two thumbs up. Seokmin’s heart sped up at the thought of making you happy.
His heart was already beating fast from the adrenaline that was coursing through his veins, but you were also much prettier than he had already thought you were. Your photo on the station’s website was the same photo that was on your school ID but the photos that were held in link to your Instagram also didn’t do you justice.
While Seokmin waited for you, he looked down at his hands, careful not to get any blood on what you called a masterpiece. His feet hurt a bit from running in his slides, causing him to constantly switch which foot he was putting most of his weight on. He knew he looked awkward but lucky for him, your back was to him.
“Alright everyone, the contest is over as we have our winner. I’m going to step away for a bit, but don’t worry everyone, I have plenty of late-night jams queued up for all of you. Enjoy!” Seokmin heard your voice throughout the speakers in the station and braced himself for the conversation he was about to have with you.
The booth’s door opened and out stepped you. Your eyes held evident drowsiness, but he could understand as to why, but your voice and spirit was still bright.
“Hi! Well, you won my little competition, I’m impressed that you remembered the song! I’m Y/n by the way.” You stuck out your hand only to be met with Seokmin holding up his scraped hand. “I would shake your hand, but I tripped. I’m Seokmin though.” Heat covered his face as he giggled at himself.
“Aw, I’m sorry! But at least you won, right? About that, what concert are you wanting to go to?” The red on his face spread everywhere visible as he let the words slip out before he could give it a second though. “I actually only came here since it gave me an excuse to meet you.” He looked down at the vinyl in his hand and traced the colorful outline of Gerry Rafferty with his fingernail.
“Oh! Me?” Your words don’t hold any type of mockery, you don’t make him feel embarrassed whatsoever. “No one has ever wanted to meet me, I’m really flattered.” You laughed but it was humble and genuine, full of surprise, but your voice drug on. “But you met me, and it’s been 30 minutes since the contest started and no one else showed up…so do you want those tickets? Any concert you want!”
Seokmin could hear the awkwardness in your voice, unsure about what to do at this point. The confusion was also evident as no one has stuck around this long during a radio involved thing just to talk to you.
“Um, yeah, yeah sure. Do you have any suggestions? Gerry Rafferty maybe?” He looked at you with doe eyes, the concert tickets were the last thing on his mind while you, you were the first.
Looking at him with softness in your eyes, you shook your head lightly and giggled. “Gerry Rafferty died in 2011, but if he was still alive, I would have definitely suggested him. I like Greta Van Fleet a lot and I’ve played them on the station, how about them?”
You looked on your phone for tour dates of theirs while waiting for Seokmin to answer. He laughed and looked around, seeing that he was truly the only person that tried to show up.
“I guess what I’m trying to say, is I don’t care about who I see, I was just wondering if you’d like to go with me to any concert.” Seokmin was cute, that was obvious, and his demeanor showed nothing but kindness and a gentle aura.
“I mean, yeah sure! You can still pick the concert and I’ll get us those tickets!” Seokmin’s smile grew even more, and he bounced a bit on his toes. “Greta Van Fleet is fine with me.” He couldn’t remember the song of theirs that you played but all he cared about was the fact that you liked them.
He couldn't remember how their songs went, or the names of whoever is in Greta Van Fleet, but it all doesn't matter to him. The only thing on his mind is this chance to make you his.
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drgamenstein · 1 year
So, going back to some of my older posts about character and setting TTRPGs let's talk about Vampire: the Masquerade. Here's real quick, a fun or stupid way to play each of the 13 clans. First though, if anyone somehow finds this who isn't familiar with the VtM lore, I'll offer a bastardized version of the disclaimer the core rulebook does; there's no such thing as a morally good PC in this game, you're going to be playing as a killer, stalker, monster, however you want to put it. Vampires are monstrous reflections of humanity, and as such can emphasize certain traits that are seen as distasteful or wrong. This isn't an excuse to be an overt and openly bigoted asshole at the table, and no GM or player should ever tolerate real world hate speech at the table when speaking OoC. We cool? Cool.
Ventrue: a new age shop owner, who sells homemade essential oils, skin care products and crystals that mark potential targets for siring based on the virtues each clan upholds. They're cursed blood makes them obsessed with very specific scents, meaning they can't feed on someone unless they're wearing something that makes them smell appealing.
Toreador: a plastic surgeon, who's idea of beauty is the imperfection of the human form. They run a budget clinic and are able to avoid losing their license due to malpractice, because they have a close personal bond with the Nosferatu, and love to skincraft them into an appearance that while still leaving them deformed, could pass as injuries or illnesses, making them less likely to violate the Masquerade. These favors give them connections to blackmail and extort anyone, enough that they can hire a Ventrue lawyer to protect them.
Gangrel: a Pational Park Ranger, who may or may not have connections to many, MANY missing 411 cases. They hold a position of neutrality between almost every faction, by upholding the laws of the Camarilla, by keeping the masquerade intact, while simultaniously cultivating their own open-air human meat restaurant. A safe place for werewolves, and other kindred to engage in their most animalistic urges, without fear of leaving evidence behind.
Malkavian: an autistic dark web information broker, that somehow knows what their customers want long before they even make contact. They have a habit of logging every email, password or other piece of identifying information that pops into their head. Breaking the fourth wall, the player could improve this by listening to business, economics or true crime podcasts during sessions, and talking as if it's a conversation they're having to what's going on at that point in game.
Tremere: a character who wants to form their own autonomous enclave, separate from any form of government be it human or kindred based. This wilderness commune is under constant surveillance by several human law enforcement agencies, and is publicly recognized as a cult, though they are petitioning to be recognized as a religion. They sire high ranking members of their organization, only after several years of indoctrination, at which point the Frog has boiled over and been reduced to a fine broth. The appeal of the cult to outsiders are the opportunity for travel, under the guise of medical and disaster relief efforts. All members are also frequently asked to donate blood for "those in need." Internally they don't believe in any religion, the player could make the argument that Kain wasn't cursed by God, but instead was the first evolutionary offshoot from mankind, and they internally view each vampire clan as related in much the same way as humans are related to other apes. This internalized vampirism racism while a massive negative trait, is effectively used by studying each and every clan solely for the purpose of learning how best to manipulate them.
Bruja: (this one's shorter than all the rest) During life they were a decorated cold war era military veteran, who was honorably discharged with injuries after certain government experiments. After their siring they have dedicated their un-life to spreading good old fashioned western values to the oppressed and impoverished parts of the world as a PMC.
Nosferatu: since almost every nosferatu have the same MO, preferred hiding spots and methods of travel, I think this clan is best defined by they're personality and view of the world. The owner of an Incel forum, who uses it both to unironically post their own thoughts and feelings, but to gather info from their users about all the Chads and Staceys in need of some punishment for their arrogance. They also frequently browse social media, and may or may not be responsible for at least a few throwaway accounts responsible for doxxing public figures. They are an absolute bitch for drama, and spend their downtime binging tea channels and Beauty-tubers but can't see the irony of this hobby.
Lasombre: an old fashioned head of a boston mafia group. He's made a fortune exploiting the working class and extorting the needy for decades, and running a successful shipyard and fishing company. His preferred targets for siring are dock workers, and local gang members that he sees as either beneficial to his criminal empire, or someone that his enemies would hate to lose. He has a unique point of view among most of the kindred, in that he doesn't discriminate among humans, Vampires or oan of the other creatures and organizations around him. They're all of equal value in his eyes, that value being equivalent to a character pip from the Game of Life, meaning tiny l, worthless bits of plastic, that take up space and are only worthy of notice when they directly impact him. His closest friend is actually a human butler, that picks out his clothes, make sure he's in proper order, and takes care of him. He will never sire this friend, as they are fully aware of his true nature and have asked him kindly to not do so. This blatant violation of the masquerade is barely tolerated as an open secret, since covering this particular leak would cause more trouble than just leaving it alone.
Tzimisce: a geneticist, who's network has a hand in every animal centric organization in the world, whether it's pet care, breeding, meat production, pageantry, racing, or law enforcement training, they can somehow be linked to it. They are fascinated by genealogy and genetics, obsessed with the true history of the world and want to prove the lineage of every clan and bloodline, simply for the satisfaction of having that knowledge. They were a successful dog breeder in life and now may or may not be practicing human and clan breeding in secret. They have a strange fascination with the Caitiff, and are regularly observed by many, acting friendly with these undesirables. They have a genuine love for animals, and would never harm any of their precious creatures, but see humans as lower than scum, utterly disgusting parasites hellbent on destroying their precious mother nature. They have no desire to sire an heir, unless eventually forced to do so, have no feelings whatsoever toward the idea of harming humans, seeing their acts as mundane or even justified, and this hatred goes so far that they frequently push themselves to the brink of frenzy just to avoid drinking from these vile creatures. Before their embrace, they had a pet dog that they loved more than anything in the world, but sadly killed during their first frenzy. They keep their friends collar on them at all times, despite the guilt they feel, it's the only thing that gives them comfort and let's them sleep at night.
Hecata: (I thought of this as an experienced player, or storyteller's PC) an elderly person, though not ancient. A member of a long lived and wealthy family dating back possibly to the Methusala. A family man, with an actual family, they sired before their embrace, with the knowledge that they will one day need to make arrangements for their children to be embraced. You take on the role of a mentor figure, teaching them the ways of the kindred, necromancy, and hunting, but are planning to, at the end of their training, have more promising of your spawn, diablerize the other.
Banu Haqim: a vigilante serial killer, think Vampire Punisher, or Dexter. Seeking out rogue kindred who've strayed from their respective code, regardless I'd they're Camarilla, Sabatt, or Anarch. The kindred you hunt are blatant violators of the masquerade and do so without even the little bit of control the Sabatt has over its members. More than anything, they are the biggest threats to kindred society as a whole and expose us all to the threat of human exposure. They are the perfect target for one such as yourself, both as self-proclaimed peacekeepers, and to satiate your own clans curse. It's your solemn duty to ensure that no evidence of kindred society is left behind.
Ravnos: a backpacker, spelunker and base jumper. They are a very popular Social Media personality and travel vlogger that enjoys documenting cave exploration and nighttime adventures into the wilderness. They know all the best tourist spots, what every kind of human blood tastes like, and won't shut the hell up about how they need to take you to Venice to try genuine Venican blood fresh from the source. They have a lot of annoying habits, and frequently humble brag about their enlightened un-life, but are generally good company and easy to get along with. You still wouldn't call them a friend though. They're the type of person that always sleeps over when they visit, but you can never remember them specifically asking if they could crash on your couch.
Ministry: You are a bio-terrorist. After your embrace, you took an interest in medical sciences for all the wrong reasons. Fascinated with your new undeath, and immunity to human illness, you start to question the limits of your new undead body, and decide to push it to new limits, concocting plagues, viruses and diseases and testing them on unsuspecting vampire populations. Occasionally, maybe, sure, some human populations get sick as well, pandemics, happen, and hundreds of thousands die each time you conduct a test, but that's the price of good science.
Caitiff: literally just don't play Caitiff. It's hard to come up with a creative or unique story for this "Clan" since they are effectively nobodies. The best comparison to be made I guess would be that Caitiff are the vampire equivalent of that weird conspiracy theorist who works in retail, has a substance abuse problem and is constantly trying to get you and all his other "work buds" to rise up and unionize against the man, but doesn't have an actual plan or any understanding on how any of that works.
Thin-bloods: Why is this a clan we can pick? Who is picking this one? Don't do it.
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A couple things:
1. NO ONE is trying to hold Taylor accountable for Matty’s behavior or actions. Matty is fully responsible for himself. What people are trying to do, is hold Taylor accountable for associating with him whether as friends or romantically. That Rolling Stone article is bullshit and hiding behind misogyny ignores Taylor’s privilege.
2. Yes, Matty laughed along when the hosts of that podcast made disparaging remarks about Ice Spice. However, people are glossing over the other horrendously racist things he said and did on that podcast. For example, mocking AAPI accents and asking the hosts to imitate someone in the Japanese internment camps. Hyper focusing on one part ignores all of the other things he said and did.
3. The excuse that he’s “controversial for the sake of being controversial” or “it’s satire you don’t get it” or “he just does this to piss people off” are not the defenses you think they are. In fact, I think these defenses makes things worse. There’s no world where saying and doing racist, homophobic, and other problematic things would ever be funny or humorous. If you have to punch down to be funny, then you’re probably not funny to begin with.
4. Matty is clearly not sorry just based on his reaction and statements in interviews post controversy. He stated himself that he did the podcast because he wanted to do something that felt like talking with friends. This tells me a lot what kind of person he is. And this is why it’s so disappointing that Taylor would associate with him.
No, I will never stop talking about this and I hope other people don’t either. Taylor doesn’t have to speak about everything and I don’t expect her to. However, when your fans have spoken up and said hey this is a problem, addressing it is the least she can do. Platforming people with these views fuels others with the same views. This is why it’s harmful to marginalized communities.
Please listen. Please recognize your white feminism. And please stop trying to distract your fans away from this issue.
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