#humans are emotional
theshadowrealmitself · 7 months
Vulcan(s) thinking a Human crewmate is constantly happy because they’re always smiling, and then they see the Human get genuinely excited by something and realize that the Human was just being polite this whole time
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zandra-lang-cave · 2 years
Well so, apparently people like the first part so I decide to make more. It was suppose to be just one small story but now I Have alot of ideas so now this is a series, no plot just shenanigans in space but still. This a thing now.
Humans are weird is common knowledge around the galaxy. They live in a extremely dangerous planet yet somehow managed to survive the hostile place. Human are resileant, surprisingly strong and smarter than they look.
So, with all that knowledge, Casey panic was both amusing and worrisome to the four individuals on the resting station.
"Casey get out of the closet!" Screams the doctor of the ship.
"I'm a pan disasters and I'm proud!" the captain scream
"I mean the literal closet" the seekat spoke with an uninpress tone. Her antennas shaking slightly.
"In your God damn dreams" says the human of the ship.
"OH for the stars. I already told you, aticus is not a cockroach. He looks like one but he is not" marcy tried to reason "can you please just get out alredy"
"Yeah he is, he is small, insect like and potentially radioactive immune. He is a cockroach!" Casey states.
"He is sentient, you are hurting his feelings" marcy says.
"Don't worry doc, I'm use to it. It comes with being "unattractive" to most creatures" aticus says while he rest on a wall.
"It doesn't matter aticus, this stop being funny a long time ago" she says while trying to open the closet door by force.
"Speak for your self" says the golem "I'm loving this!"
"It's certainly amusing" says Randal while hiding a smirk behind his 6 finger hand.
"No its not" says the doctor.
"Look If me being here is gonna be a problem, maybe I should see to joining other crew" says the smalles creature. A resign tone in his voice could be heard.
"Not if I have a says in the matter" marcy says "look Casey, I know you have a irrational fear-"
"It's not irrational!" The human interrupt "I grew up surrounded by them all the time. Cockroach are gross, disgusting and get everywhere!"
"You say it your self, cockroach do all that" marcy says trying to reason with her captain "aticus is not a cockroach. He is a Tarlux. a small, insect like being with psychic abilities. He is not gonna hurt you"
"Honestly I really can't even If I tried. I kind of the runt of my batch, my psychic abilities are the weakest of my siblings" aticus claims "that's why I join this crew, I can help more has a medic"
"Look I know you can't harm me. Honestly No cockroach can, but its... it's hard to keep that in mind when every time I see you I can only remember something... bad that happen to me" Casey admites, the shame she felt could be heard in her voice.
There was silent in the room, no one new how to react. This was Casey the human, their captain strong enough to break a golem body. Hearing her so bulnerable seems wrong.
"This isn't fun anymore" says sandy.
"There's gotta be something we can do to get the captain to interact with the new guy. Because I would really like for him to stay, he is cool" spoke Randal while he tried looking a solution in their holopad.
Marcy stays thinking in silent then spoke in a gentle tone "then maybe we should start one step at a time" The doctor got close to the closet and put one of her tentacles in the door "can you open the door so you can meet my assistant and newest member of the crew?"
There was silent In the room before the captain spoke "I can get close... just don't touch me aticus please" she says in a whisper.
"I promise not to lady Casey" says Atticus.
The closet door opens and Casey got out of it slowly.
"You are polite one" the human says while getting close to the wall where the Tarlux rest. The doctor following behind her with 4 of her tentacles arround her body "That's good for a medic assistance, specially If you are going to work with miss grumpy here" she says pointing at the seekat.
"She is a menace but very cool to work with" the Tarlux spoke "the name is Atticus the fifteen, from the north colony in the planet Huetsi from the nova system"
"Pleasure to meet you, the name is Casey, from Baltimore city in the planet earth from the solar system" the human spoke "sorry for my outburst, Is gonna take time for that to not happen again but I promise you did nothing wrong" she finish.
"Don't worry, it's good enough apology if you let me stay in your crew" He says.
"Please says yes captain" Randal says.
"Please say yes he is really cool" the golem pleads.
The captain stays silent with a thinking face for a moment "well, whe can talk about it during dinner" she finish.
"Don't worry" the doctor spoke "I can convince her" she jokes.
Everyone laugh while they start walking to the dinning station.
And done, I think I'm gonna call this series, shenanigans in spaces. That summarize everything.
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gardeningintrests · 2 years
the human problem : emotion
its been a rough day for me. for self past tense isnt a solution, i have resorted to writing
enjoy this, badly written and not beta read story i wrote about Jerry.
This is jerry.
Jerry is from a species where they work independently
so when Jerry was assigned to an all-human crew, jerry made sure that he is well-informed about this species. Jerry is okay with social creatures inviting him in to join their conversations or help them with teamwork as Jerry knows how important it is.
Jerry is a very nice coworker and is someone that understands the opinions and ideas of everyone.
jerry made all of the necessary research for humans. he found something, weird and not very well known in the Book of All Creatures Known and Signed in The Galactic Union Anatomy and Species. aka the book for an understanding of creatures in the galaxy.
humans have this thing they call emotion. there are many species in the galaxy that shows emotion, it's just humans are... much more sensitive in this aspect.
therefore it is considered a bad omen to be with a human, as so far, none of the scientists in the galactic union has ever made peace with an emotional human.
Jerry thought, it's okay, as long as I have a good relationship with them, I do not think they will treat me badly
Jerry is good. Jerry thinks for others and himself. Jerry prepares well. But there was never a chance for Jerry to be prepared for what was about to happen
it has been three days since the departure of Jerry's new crew ship. The humans have been kind and have been laughing and showing their hunting gears a lot ( aka, teeth and hands, since Jerry is from a place where there was no need for him to be predator nor prey)
however, Jerry realized that the humans, after a few days of talking with him, stopped talking to him altogether.
the humans would avoid him when coming face to face, the humans would move tables when it was meal time. the humans would look at him and show a , what they call, disgusted face.
Jerry didn't min the hostility, he remembers how humans are more emotional than his kind, so they must be missing home. and showing their emotions because they do not know where else to put it.
Jerry is from an independent culture. so he does not tend to work in a team with others until absolutely needed.
but humans, humans are social creatures, they can be independent, but they still require to b in social situations to keep themselves mentally healthy.
so Jerry was surprised when a human was working alone, eating alone and no human is accompanying her.
when asked, the human would just say she isn't feeling well and does not wish to socialize.
Jerry may be young, but Jerry isn't dumb.
Jerry continued to pester the human, the human looked like she is about to cry and asked Jerry, politely, to please return and don't bother her.
Jerry asked one last question.
" are you in bad terms with your crew?"
that was the last straw for the human or so it seems, as she started to leak water ( Jerry has studied, and it is said to be tears pronounced 'tiers'. Usually associated with sadness) and Jerry knew he must have found the problem.
the human then began to tell Jerry how bad she was treated, no one wanted to talk to her, no one wanted to be her friend, everyone treated her like a ghost and she does not know what is wrong
she told others if there is something they are unhappy about her, she can try to see if it is a bad habit or a problem. if addressed and made known about a problem others can see, she can work on it and change
but her colleagues all said she can't change and even if she did, she would become worse.
so she was then ostracized by everyone on the crew. how no one talked to her, no one listened to her and no one give a single damn about her.
she was upset, tired of it al. she just wished to have a better work environment.
Jerry finally understands, Humans are not emotional, it is because of how much they have kept inside them that made them so.
Humans are capable of a lot of things, but because of other human's selfish nature, they are limited.
Jerry consoles the human, assuring her that everything will be okay and that it's just something new recruits always go through.
then jerry realized
the human is his creator
jerry a simple alien, a simple character
born to be indepandant
was because of this humans suffering
this human was in agony
so she created jerry, to ease the pain
no wonder no one spoke to jerry
because jerry could only bee seen by this human
all problem jerry has faced was the humans problem.
jerry felt sympathy.
and for the first time, cried together with the human.
It's okay human, everything will be okay. its just for a little while, bear with it for a little longer and everything will be alright
I'm sorry human. I can only ease a little bit of pain.
yeah this was written when my only friend after everyone abandoned me, told me to help the world by killing myself. because if i want to help fight for my future, it would be useless.
we argued for over an hour and she told me she was enjoying this because I was fighting. I gave up and succumbed to my own day dreams and cried because she told me things about me, and said how i cant change myself.
and that to help this world is by killing myself.
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jesusinstilettos · 4 months
I’m about to save you thousands of dollars in therapy by teaching you what I learned paying thousands of dollars for therapy:
It may sound woo woo but it’s an important skill capitalism and hyper individualism have robbed us of as human beings.
Learn to process your emotions. It will improve your mental health and quality of life. Emotions serve a biological purpose, they aren’t just things that happen for no reason.
1. Pause and notice you’re having a big feeling or reaching for a distraction to maybe avoid a feeling. Notice what triggered the feeling or need for a distraction without judgement. Just note that it’s there. Don’t label it as good or bad.
2. Find it in your body. Where do you feel it? Your chest? Your head? Your stomach? Does it feel like a weight everywhere? Does it feel like you’re vibrating? Does it feel like you’re numb all over?
3. Name the feeling. Look up an emotion chart if you need to. Find the feeling that resonates the most with what you’re feeling. Is it disappointment? Heartbreak? Anxiety? Anger? Humiliation?
4. Validate the feeling. Sometimes feelings misfire or are disproportionately big, but they’re still valid. You don’t have to justify what you’re feeling, it’s just valid. Tell yourself “yeah it makes sense that you feel that right now.” Or something as simple as “I hear you.” For example: If I get really big feelings of humiliation when I lose at a game of chess, the feeling may not be necessary, but it is valid and makes sense if I grew up with parents who berated me every time I did something wrong. So I could say “Yeah I understand why we are feeling that way given how we were treated growing up. That’s valid.”
5. Do something with your body that’s not a mental distraction from the feeling. Something where you can still think. Go on a walk. Do something with your hands like art or crochet or baking. Journal. Clean a room. Figure out what works best for you.
6. Repeat, it takes practice but is a skill you can learn :)
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indeedgoodman · 10 months
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ink-the-artist · 1 year
Love the contrast between the Americans’ “Apollo” and the Soviets’ “Sputnik.” You got the Americans naming their rocket after a Greek god trying to communicate the grandness and importance of this rocket. And you got the Soviets naming their rocket “fellow traveler.” Like a friend you go on an  adventure with together. This rocket is our little friend lol 
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elodieunderglass · 1 year
changes and trends in horror-genre films are linked to the anxieties of the culture in its time and place. Vampires are the manifestation of grappling with sexuality; aliens, of foreign influence. Horror from the Cold War is about apathy and annihilation; classic Japanese horror is characterised by “nature’s revenge”; psychological horror plays with anxieties that absorbed its audience, like pregnancy/abortion, mental illness, femininity. Some horror presses on the bruise of being trapped in a situation with upsetting tasks to complete, especially ones that compromise you as a person - reflecting the horrors and anxieties of capitalism etc etc etc. Cosmic horror is slightly out of fashion because our culture is more comfortable with, even wistful for, “the unknown.” Monster horror now has to be aware of itself, as a contingent of people now live in the freedom and comfort of saying “I would willingly, gladly, even preferentially fuck that monster.” But I don’t know much about films or genres: that ground has been covered by cleverer people.
I don’t actually like horror or movies. What interests me at the moment is how horror of the 2020s has an element of perception and paying attention.
Multiple movies in one year discussed monsters that killed you if you perceived them. There are monsters you can’t look at; monsters that kill you instantly if you get their attention. Monsters where you have to be silent, look down, hold still: pray that they pass over you. M Zombies have changed from a hand-waved virus that covers extras in splashy gore, to insidious spores. A disaster film is called Don’t Look Up, a horror film is called Nope. Even trashy nun horror sets up strange premises of keeping your eyes fixed on something as the devil GETS you.
No idea if this is anything. (I haven’t seen any of these things because, unfortunately, I hate them.) Someone who understands better than me could say something clever here, and I hope they do.
But the thing I’m thinking about is what this will look like to the future, as the Victorian sex vampires and Cold War anxieties look to us. I think they’ll have a little sympathy, but they probably won’t. You poor little prey animals, the kids will say, you were awfully afraid of facing up to things, weren’t you?
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astoriachef · 28 days
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wanologic · 1 month
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always good to keep a screamhole handy
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bixels · 6 days
End-of-Splatoon thoughts.
Thinking about how since the very start, Splatoon has had a feature where players can draw and post artwork and spot them as graffiti on walls or billboards. Or how the weapons have always been paint brushes and rollers and ballpoint pens. Since its inception, Splatoon has been dedicated to engaging its players with the act of creation and creative expression, showing them how their art can build communities and (literally) change the world.
Thinking about finding golden human-made music discs buried underground for thousands of years, and a grand finale music festival. About the Voyager Golden Records. About those human handprints etched into concrete in Alterna. Did those human artists know it would end like this? First a fiery death and then, eventually, a worldwide celebration of music to represent our shared past, present, and future. Did they know that their songs, insignificant in the face of extinction, would one day become the solution that will save the next dominant life-form from the same fate?
Thinking about how eerily similar the Octarian domes are to Alterna. About how close Inklings and Octolings were to repeating the same mistakes as humans. But their doomed fates were undone not by some miracle technology or military power or a rocket, but by music.
Thinking about how humans wiped themselves out with war, and our parting gifts were liquid crystals that somehow paired with the DNA of primeval inklings and somehow infused them with our memories and culture and a Song. And 12,000 years in the future, that same Song will end a war.
Thinking about how art and music and punk culture and rock & roll and friendly competition and petty arguments and water guns aren’t uniquely human concepts, but the fundamental qualities of intelligent life. An inheritable spirit that can cross evolutionary bounds.
Thinking about the theme of Splatoon, that art and music and fun will not die with the human race. That every piece of art we create is a seed we sow for future generations to reap. That our legacy is ingrained into the crust of the earth. That long after we’re gone, the oceans will remember, and they’ll pick up where we left off.
Thinking about how Splatoon says that the essence of humanity –– the thing that will outlive us –– isn't war or prejudice or destruction or greed, it's a song.
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regicidal-optimism · 6 months
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first time homestuck reader in 2024 moodboard
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wren-kitchens · 4 months
im annoyed and a little pedantic so can i just say as a blanket statement
queerbaiting is when the promotion for a FICTIONAL STORY intentionally hints towards two characters having a romantic relationship, without any intention to follow through in the show, in order to get queer people watching without discouraging the homophobic enjoyers of the show
queerbaiting is NOT:
a celebrity who you think is queer because theyre gnc or they have a 'vibe'. that is a real person and they cannot queerbait
two friends of the same gender pretending to flirt with each other for fun. those are real people and they cannot queerbait
a show with two characters of the same gender who are canonically friends that YOU PERSONALLY think would be better in a relationship. that's not bating, that's shipping, and subject to opinion
there are more but those are the main examples of people misunderstanding what queerbaiting is and being mad at something that isn't actually a problem
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zandra-lang-cave · 2 years
"Not alone anymore" part 1
Space is a weird place, but so was earth so Casey didn't complain. She really didn't miss earth, she was an age up orphan so besides a few casual friends she really didn't have anything waiting for her. But space have every new opportunity awaitng for her and she toke them all, from being chosen has a test embasador to joining a small crew and more reasenly leading her own crew, space become more of a home than earth ever was. She was not going back to her planet any time soon.....
At least that was the plan.
"Why are we here again?" Casey spoke while taking a few empty boxes down the ship.
"Honey be carefull dont over do yourself" th doctor and second in comman of the ship spoke "we need to re-suplied the ship and earth was the closes friendly planet" marcy states while she carried empty boxes in her tentacles to re-stoke.
"Earth friendly? When the pigs fly" the captain complain while also being annoyed by her partner commends.
"What's a pig?" Ask another member of the crew. A very tall rock like golem creature with golden glowing eyes.
"The Sus domesticus" spoke a forth member. A three legged semi-humanoid creature with 6 fingers and 3 eyes "also often called swine, hog, or domestic pig when distinguishing from other members of the genus Sus. is an omnivorous, domesticated, even-toed, hoofed mamma that is commonly ingested by the homo sapiens. Also know has humans" He finish.
"I don't get it?" Says the golem.
"Randal means that they are food sandy" the fith and final member of the crew spoke. A small insect like creature that was carrying the most boxes out of everyone with their physiquic powers and glowing antennas.
"But Atticus, I thought humans eat plants?" The golem said.
"We eat alot of stuff pal. Why you think I have a full room just for my supplies" Casey states while finishing delivering the empty boxes to the station workers.
"I thought you were just a glutton" Sandy states.
"She is. But Humans also need alot of different nutrients to work perfectly" Marcy states "now If only you could eat healthy for once it be great" she states with an annoying tone while her antennas shake.
"I'm eating right. Thank you very much" the captain states annoyed.
"Casey if I didn't know how resileant humans are with food il be putting you in a strict diet" the octopus like creature says while pointing at the human.
"I'm not a kid darling. I can take care of my self" Casey says while walking towards the seekat.
"I'm just looking for you. I'm the doctor of the crew I have to look for everyone" she says while her antennas shake slightly.
"Well I can take care for my self. So can you just leave me be. I don't need you to keep looking for me has if I'm gonna die any second. You are my partner not my babysitter" the human states.
There was silent in the room. The human was staring at the seekat and this one, while laking any face features was equally challenging the stare of her captain wile her antennas shake extremely.
"Ejem" a new voice says, drawing the attention of the whole crew "excuse me ma'am. We are finishing taking the list of all you need. It's gonna take a few hours so you are free to wander the city"
That caught the attention of the crew.
"The city!" Screams Randal, Sandy and Atticus in over joy.
"And since when were aliens welcome in the city. Last time I check, earth was still working hard on trying to break the news of aliens to the world" says the captain a suspicious tone.
"I agree" says Marcy "I know not all humans are ready to embrace life outsides their system" she finish worried.
"That was a decade ago, times change" the worker states while given the captain and the doctor a pamphlet before leaving.
"So where are we going?" Ask the smalles being excited "better be something I get to enjoy. I'm not exactly fit for everything"
"Lets go to a museum!" Randal propose "what better way to relax than absorbing knowledge" He finish.
"Are there any arenas here? I could watch a live fight right now!" Sandy spoke.
The three of them start discussing what would be the best place to go.
"I don't think I have the hearth to tell them there is nothing like that in this city" says the doctor while looking at the pamphlet for something for the crew to do.
"Better find something quick, I can see they are alredy looking for ways to attack" the human spoke.
"Oh really, wouldn't you preffer to look something to do by yourself. Misses leve me alone" the doctor says.
Casey just stare at her partner bewildered.
"Oh yes, we are not finish here. We'll talk later, I wouldn't ruin everyone's fun but we are gonna talk later" the seekat says without looking at the human.
"Right" Casey finish.
"OK everyone. I look at the pamphlet and found something we can all do while we wait for the ship to be re-suplied" the doctor states.
"Awww...." the three beings whine at that while they stop fighting each other.
"We are going..." she pause for a second "to the aquarium!" She finish overjoyed.
"Human aquatic life?" Randal spoke "isn't there something better"
"Yeah, watching fish doesn't sound that interesting" says Atticus while sandy shakes their head in agreement.
"We are going to the aquarium and that's final" the seekat states firmly "now go get redy."
With that say the four creatures go to the ship and get everything they might need for their small adventure.
"Great so, I call the aquarium to buy some tickets and make sure we don't give any worker a hearth attack" Casey says to her partner "sounds right?"
Marcy stays silent for a second before speaking "do wathever you like" she finish before going to the ship.
Casey is leave alone while she re-think on what she says and realize how stupid she is acting. Cursing under her breath while she goes to the ship while she thinks how to Apologize to her partner.
Tried not to give your character any trauma or drama is impossible. Don't worry things get better but you'll have to wait until next part. Cause it was starting to feel to long so a two partners will it be.
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thethoriumreactor · 7 months
human alastor
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(With a bonus baby al)
(Ignore whatever tf I did with the microphones idk how they work I’m sorry)
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chzy-doodles · 16 days
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astearisms · 1 year
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part of a sadness
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