#hydro diary
for those interested in the hydrotherapy adventures by the way things have been going good. the first six weeks, it was week on week off for various reasons and even though it took a bit of juggling to see what was too much and what was too little we’re getting there. and even that, like literally thirty minutes of super light exercise in water every 14 days saw results of having some better balance and not leaning so heavily on my cane which is great.
I kept trying to stay to witness some of the stretches that came after I got tuckered out every week and this week he consented to bring those forward so I could do them and they were some really great hand and neck exercises that I’m really excited about—esp as I was drawing all day yesterday so my fingers were sore
other good news is that I’ll receive a booklet at the end so that a) I’ll be able to carry them on afterwards but also I’ll share them with you :3
anyway I’m probs going to be so tuckered out in a few days but today was great haha
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✨Hydrate✨ bitches
This is a reminder for everyone who sees this. Get up from where you're sitting and drink a glass of water<3
Reblog so your moots don't die on their beds in their girlcaves
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rvchh · 3 months
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shanieveh · 1 year
“ forget me not... ”
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synopsis: neuvillette, too late to confess his love to you, is drowning from the suffering and regret that came along with it, especially after knowing that you felt the same all along.
tags: gn!reader x neuvillette, depression and low self-esteem, bittersweet ending, mentions of freminet, lynette and melusines, heavily implied reader death and neuvillette also kinda wanting to die
a/n: people want this and i have came to deliver (hopefully) enjoy~ this is my first long fic that i published
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How can this be….?
Neuvillette sat in the corner of his office, all your letters in his right hand. How can you say you loved him… how dare you describe the love, the passion, everything you felt for him when he can't even say it back.
How can you love someone so unlovable?
His silent cries can't match up to the violent outbursts of the skies outside. Days went by when he first found out, the melusines were scared to death about who would report it to him. The way you dissolved into water, not even seeing you for the last time—not having the privilege to have a proper funeral.
He failed you… the monsieur wasn't too sure on many things but this one was certain.
Reading your diaries, knowing your thoughts and hopes for the future. It was an invasion of privacy but also in a way… the last remnants of your existence. One such entry was that of three years ago where you first met.
Encountering this, a profuse blush colored his face. The adjectives being used "handsome", "tall" and "kind" for your first meetingwith the chief justice. Far from the truth really, although Neuvillette knew you meant every word.
You always did.
You always were an honest person.
The very first day his lavender eyes met yours, to the very last. There was never a trace of impurity or a hint of a liar. Of course, the verdict went in your favor, because to him a precious rose like you can never steal and the plaintiffs were wrong.
Reading it now, not even a slightly negative comment was made to those who wrongly accused you.
"Maybe they had their reasons, after all, I was also in need of money at that time." you wrote. Adding on that you defended the "Monsieur Neuvillette" when people called "such a man of honor and kindness" a "merciless and arrogant man".
A man of honor and kindness? Your words became running thoughts in the hydro dragon's head. That day was one of the only days he didn't cry after a trial. Neuvillette was just happy that such a person of integrity was cleared of their name.
He turned through the pages of the diary, how you taught him to socialize and even mend his relationship with the hydro archon.
"Monsieur Neuvillette was too adorable! Being with a person of lowly status and treating me with such respect and humility, he truly is the epitome of mercy and loveliness."
How can you be so blind? Anyone with eyes will know that it's a privilege to be with someone so beautiful, especially to be with someone like Neuvillette. A cold and repulsive soul. You make him sound like a good person, when in fact he isn't both good and human.
He was a monster… these words of humanity you always used to describe a monster. Why do they sound so genuine? Why do they look so real? Maybe only you can make him like that, you and only you.
A few pages later he finally saw the words…
Words that should've made him scream in euphoria… tore him to a million pieces. Because even before this he already loved you… because you had so much time to confess but never did… and never will.
"I think I'm in love with the chief Justice."
And after that, he couldn't even get himself to read, he couldn't. His eyes got so blurry to see, his heart became too heavy to feel. Why were you… why you? In a world filled with monsters, they chose an angel. They chose a soul that still wanted to live, love and give. Those demons… despicable.
Remembering his shortcomings, maybe in some way he could've avoided all of this. Neuvillette shouldn't have given you his blessing to investigate the serial disappearance case.
But that glint of adventure in your eyes… he was too soft to reject you.
It was all his fault.
Wiping his tears he looked at the last entry of the diary… Oh.
"After this investigation, I'll finally confess to him… I surely hope Neuvillette feels the same way, I even planted some forget-me-nots to give him in the backyard so that he'll know when it rains and he weeps. I will always be here."
The chief justice didn't know what was coming to him but he started running… and only then can he see the state of Fontaine. Many flowers have wilted and only a few people were outside. What had he become..?
"What's up with this weather? It isn't even the rainy season yet?!" A shop owner complained.
"I know! My crops have been drowning these days, at this rate if it doesn't stop we'll have a famine!"
It was all his fault, his running turned to a slow walk taking in all that he had done. This was all because of him. The lonely streets, the lowered morale. This was all because—
"Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, please don't cry!"
He turned to the voice and saw a young boy in the distance. Neuvillette remembered now, his name was Freminet. That child on which you doted extremely, giving him sweets and hushing his tears. The chief justice quickly let go of his gaze and continued to walk.
"You see Freminet, it didn't work... let's go inside."
The response was that of a stoic young woman, but he just continued his legs even if they wanted to rest all to see the last thing you cared for… those flowers. And when he finally was at the destination he saw it immediately outside.
It was in the bushes, he couldn't miss it. Every corner of your house was haunted, every tiny thing was a memory. The chairs you painted, the drawings pinned in the cabinet of you and him with the melusines. It was precious. All of it. Just as you are.
He finally saw them, most were almost to bloom and some were wilted. Picking one he unconsciously kissed it, perhaps mistaking it for you. These flowers were made to remind him he was never alone, but now he is.
More alone than he can ever be in one lifetime. Your scent still filled every corner, a remembrance of the biggest "what if" in his life. Your will stated that every single thing of yours is his just as you were always his. Bittersweet was he when reading it.
Neuvillete forgot that too included your house, maybe he was too consumed with your thoughts to visit this place. He was twisting the poor flower that looked so tiny compared to his hand. Perhaps that's what it's like to be with him. It's a curse…
He continues to caress the flowers, to treat them as if they were you. You were wrong on one thing about this, even if there were no flowers he will never forget you. Never, no way! The love he has for you can destroy nations and can cause millions of sacrifices. Just to keep you, to see your smile again.
But he can't even do that, you didn't give him the privilege to do something for you. If only he knew, he would've… done everything for you. The love that can create the strongest of floods failed to protect the one person he was supposed to protect.
At that moment, he felt the waters, the ocean, his home… you. It made his crying bearable, somewhat. Grief that could surpass a lifetime, wasn't enough. Nothing he can do will ever be enough to have you again. Perhaps he should also leave this world to stop being a burden to the people… and maybe to see you again.
Now he was even imagining your voice, or was he? Maybe he was delusional but he still followed your voice even if it took him to an unknown path. But the end was in a small pond, where you used to keep the fish, all of which were alive and well.
At this he didn't even care if was going insane, your voice sounded like a melody even if it uttered his name. It sounded like a rare jewel, a myth, a prophecy too good to be true.
"Darling?" He replied in a hopeful tone. He looked through his surroundings, no longer was he in a pond but a terrain of boundless water. In the middle was a flying Oceanid, a spirit. Was it—could it be?
"Even I could feel the heavy pouring of rain, monsieur… don't be sad."
It was indeed your spirit, a part of you that remained before that bastard—he'll make whoever did this pay. It wasn't for justice anymore, this one is for revenge.
"How can I not? When I have failed you over and over again, I couldn't even get to say…"
"That you love me?"
His eyes widened, looking at you. Even if it didn't look like you, he knew… he always did. A nod soon followed after that, it was barely noticeable even at this rate the chief justice was a bit shy saying it.
"I just don't know why you could ever say you love me, how you could even think of me so kindly. Why? How? How can you love me back?" He was clueless to what you mean.
"How can I not?"
The reply you uttered was one of a teary-eyed person. Even to this moment you still haven't accepted you had died, not when he was still alone needing you.
"Just as you said… how can I not? You out of all people my dear… know of the sacrifices we make for the person we love."
It was that moment where you took your normal form, you looked beautiful as the day he lost you. As beautiful as the day you met. And as you walked towards him, the clock ticking until your final goodbye, it was time.
"I love you Neuvillette, i always had and continue to do so." For the last time, you cupped his cheek and kissed him.
"I love you, darling from the very beginning and every single lifetime to come." He let go of the kiss and hugged you tight, closing his eyes, until you disappeared not knowing he was hugging his own.
Opening his eyes, the rain was long gone, and what remained were the flowers in the bushes, the ponds, the fish, and him. Maybe… just maybe he will bring you and the other victims to light.
Until then, this one last encounter and goodbye will make him content. He was sure… that finally his love will be at rest.
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deafchild2000 · 7 months
Okay, a few years ago, my mind played with some crazy and unique ways to explore or rewrite H2O characters (at most: Lyla being Dr. Denman's adoptive daughter and healthily researching mermaid magic.)
But I've cooled down over the years and settled on a few that make sense (Charlotte being a mermaid again under dubious circumstances - being one of them and Kim actually being smart and figuring out the Secret using photocopies of Cleo's diary before it was destroyed).
Or maybe I'm not above writing stories with second chances, but not without taking liberties such as avoiding dumbing someone down or giving credit where it's due.
So, I had this idea for a story I attempted but didn't quite publish. The context: What if Charlotte, Miriam, and Sophie were mermaids?
Considering I go back and forth between Reddit and Tumblr, I was surprised (and not) by the Antis and the ones willing to indulge in the characters - I ended up joining in too. But this idea was me really pushing the envelope, so to speak, and thinking outside the box. And another thing, I'm kind of not afraid to go into mature themes that exist in real life.
So why these three? Because everyone hates them, and the exact challenge of making them worth reading about is what I strive for. And since I do believe being in the Moon Pool alone is why Charlotte got three powers, then making her part of a group & dividing said powers avoids some problems.
Charlotte is the easiest of the three, she deserved better in character development and writing (and I'm not above laying blame on the girls for creating her antagonism, to begin with). If H2O had started off with the story of a girl finding out her grandma was a mermaid, it would have felt fitting as it would involve her meeting Louise and doing the supposed job of tying both generations of mermaids together. Essentially doing what S2 chose not to due when introducing a former mermaid having left a legacy behind. On that note, Charlotte is Cleo's foil, so she does get Hydrokinesis.
Miriam is...so fascinating! Between her and Sophie, it's so easy to imagine Miriam disliking having a tail to begin with. At best, she's unilaterally Emma and Rikki's foil (everything Emma's not and Rikki hates). With the Mean Girl/Ice Queen persona she had going on, I'm not too against the trope of her using being a mermaid for popularity but I imagine having Charlotte involved means the worst gets curbed. However, I do imagine the "One Drop" policy getting old pretty fast, and sick of it as well. It was actually pretty difficult (and felt generic), but in the end - I settled for Miriam getting Hydro-cryokinesis.
Sophie, Sophie, Sophie...Not gonna lie, getting the one who destroyed the moon pool for financial gain (and more of a villain than the other two) was when I knew I had my hands full! Not to mention, she's an ADULT! Not an elderly or a parent - an adult with bills to pay and a brother to take care of. And that's where I feel her arc should be (adulting and a caregiver who now has to deal with a tail). But because I don't mind taking liberties, I traced her actress back to her previous role (Rachel Samuels of Blue Water High) and that's where things came together! Overall, she does have hints of Emma but could be more dangerous than Rikki. So hydro-thermokinesis for her.
There's so much to this dynamic of the 2000s mermaids not being like anyone expected and the potential. Charlotte is the first to embrace being a mermaid while Miriam fights it every second she can (Sophie being between the two). Given what happened in Red Herring, I'm particularly fond of the idea both Miriam and Sophie have dyes in their hair and the transformation reveals their natural brunette and blonde tones. As an anti of Will Benjamin and his behavior with Bella in canon, perhaps exposure and learning how NOT to treat a mermaid from the source could go a long way. I'm definitely LIVING for Louise adoring Charlotte yet meeting Miriam and Sophie and having difficulty adjusting to someone like them being mermaids & far removed from what she, Gracie, and Julia were. How Zane fits into this as without Rikki, Miriam's all that ties him to her. Sophie's past and why teenage drama dictates Miriam be such a bitch (as well as whether Tiffany has a place in her life). Or better yet, Lewis was the researcher, so is he obsolete from this AU or can he be brought in? Does Miriam have an Elsa episode where she freezes everything?
I can't promise Linda Denman or other likes in canon, but like lightning - some things don't happen twice without reason.
But main question: Why would these three meet? Charlotte and Miriam make sense, Charlotte moving a year early isn't hard to do as well as placing Miriam with Zane & Nate and having her steal the spark plug. Given the lack of background on their folks, Sophie and Will moving to Queensland is easy to arrange with the right backstory. So in the end, it all goes straight to the beginning - the Pilot.
(And where are the original girls? Given the effect this AU would cause, a lot gets undone. Cleo and Emma were already friends, just not likely to meet Rikki - whose actions triggered the events of canon to begin with! So at best, side characters who interact but don't influence the narrative as much...possibly.)
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cocajimmycola · 1 year
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A gender connected to the hyrdo element and feeling like your gender is censored, it may be the hydro being censored or censored by hydro, etc.
⚡ @accessmogai
TAGLIST ! (lmk if you want to be added/removed) : @gender-darling @medusanne @botbinary @hoardicboy @mogai-sunflowers @noxwithoutstars @the-almond-and-the-apple @boxesofnoxes @aetherive @d4ngerdayz @reveseke @revenant-chaos @corbybug @heart-valentin3 @checkers-entertainments @loveless-lovesickness @waliwiwige @nepetaisms @begendered-mogai @diary-of-apathy @radiomogai @bpdxhoardic @faunfaced @pullerofstrings @kiruliom @gummysharko @imvasic @nyan-editmaidcafe
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immobiliter · 5 months
 “⭐️” for whoever you want and as many or as few as you want: neuvillette and Furina, neuvillette and navia, Lyney and navia, al-haitham and dehya, kazuha and beidou! (Did I miss anyone -)
for each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses / @apocryphis
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ventium ily for naming all of our dynamics, i'm gonna try to give you one for each~
⭐️ i like to think that very early on in furina & neuvillette's working relationship, shortly after he was invited to fontaine, furina took a very keen — not controlling per se but definitely her brand of obnoxious — interest in how he was presented to the people and was responsible for the design and colour scheme of his first set of robes as iudex ( the concept of which she described in painstaking detail to the poor seamstress granted the honour ). it was partly a power play as she had to prove to the hydro sovereign that she was the one in control and pulling the strings, but there were some good intentions behind it as furina saw how much of an outsider he was ( particularly as he brought the melusines with him and we know the initial trouble that caused ) and wanted to help him assimilate into fontainian society as smoothly as possible. she became less overbearing over time but those first months involved a number of these "teaching" moments as she attempted to instruct him in the way fontainians dressed, ate, conducted business, pursued their hobbies etc etc. imagine it's like the princess diaries and furina is julie andrews lmaooo
⭐️being a social butterfly herself, navia does struggle, particularly early on in their partnership post-AQ, with neuvillette's solitary and emotionally distant nature, and i think she quickly deduces that this makes him a rather lonely individual, too. so she will try to counter this by spontaneously turning up at the palais mermonia from time to time ( without an appointment, naturally, and yes she will interrupt whatever business he has at that particular moment ), not on official business but just to bring him the newest batch of macarons that she has baked or to ask him about his day/tell him about hers. the palais feels like such a cold, lonely building so navia will try to fill it with as much warmth as possible whenever she is visiting.
⭐️ i think out of all three house siblings, navia gets on the best with lyney and as they bond post-AQ/during the poisson rebuild, they both instinctively recognise a kinship as being two young people who carry the burdens of their respective institutions and all of the pressure that brings. but navia is also not blind to the house's secrets and is capricious by nature so these two have definitely been awake until late playing cards or other tabletop-esque games trying to wheedle information out of one another. navia never ever succeeds in getting lyney to divulge his secrets, but she puts up an admirable fight.
⭐️ while it is true that dehya will rarely, if ever, compliment alhaitham to his face out of fear of inflating his ego and never ever living it down, if she is ever in a situation ( either with alhaitham present or in the presence of others ) where she feels he is facing unfair criticism, she will always stand up for him or back him up. his direct manner is something she greatly respects, even if it is a little harsh at times, and he has certainly done enough over the course of the AQ to earn her loyalty.
⭐️ beidou will always ensure that the alcor is a home and safe haven for kazuha for as long as he wants it to be, but a part of the kinship these two share is understanding that neither can be tied down permanently to one place. so if kazuha were to ever come to her and say that he wanted to leave and move on, there would be no hard feelings whatsoever and beidou would do whatever she could to make that transition as smooth as possible. her one and only condition for kazuha leaving is that he remains in contact with her by letter to save her worrying over him like a mother hen.
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smrg11 · 1 year
hello, let's introduce the reader with pantalone. the reader is very kind but not innocent, but with anxiety and depression due to a difficult past (and the reader does not accept their cryovision, so he broke it and now the reader is often sick), but still the reader has retained humanity and faith, so everyone will lend a helping hand to those who asks, and once helps Pantalona not because of his money or status, but because he is kind.I hope everything is clear and you are doing well, good luck
Your request is done! It's written from reader's POV, as I tried to make it a chapter of their diary. Some things might be out of character or not actually be canon to the game, but I still hope you like it!
Pantalone x GN!reader
Warnings: none
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Strange meeting
Dear diary:
Today was a sunny day in my native Liyue. Nothing special, it was in the afternoon and I was just on my way back to the city after going for a walk around Wangshu Inn. However, just a few minutes (around 15 or so) after leaving Wangshu Inn, I saw a woman running past me. She was very fast, so the little I could see was that she had short black hair and was partially dressed in blue. She was also emanating some Hydro energy.
It startled me a bit at first, why was she in such a hurry?
"Hydro vision carrier," I thought, "maybe it's with the help of her vision that she's going this fast."
Not thinking too much about it, I continued my way. However, a few minutes later, I saw a man running in the same direction as the woman. He had black hair, glasses, and he was carrying a white, large coat with fur on the neck part hanging on his arm. The man, out of breath, slowly stopped by my side when he noticed me.
"Good afternoon, excuse me, are you someone from around here?"
The man, despite finding it hard to breathe, stood up straight and addressed me politely. However, his smile seemed anything but genuine. Then, when I looked down at the coat on his arm, I saw it: on the black inner fabric of the coat I could see the Fatui logo printed in dark grey.
What would the Fatui have to do with me?
I looked into his eyes, then back at the coat, then back up at him. I'm sure he knew my concerns.
"Uhm... Yes, I'm from around here. How can I help you?"
The man shook out the dirt on his clothing a bit before answering:
"You saw a woman run past here really fast, didn't you? Do you have any idea who she is?"
His question caught me a bit off guard. With my hand on my chin, I looked up at the sky trying to jog my memory. Short black hair, blue clothes, Hydro vision? She looked kind of familiar to me.
"I think it might be Yelan, from the Ministry of Civil Affairs. She's usually around, doing I don't know what."
I have seen Yelan around Liyue city before, minding political issues. She seemed busy most of the time, but she always had that smirk on her face. The people around the city who talk about her say that she's a very unpredictable person.
The man smiled again.
"Good, good... I think you might be able to help me then."
Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small light brown bag. He tapped it with his fingers, and the jingling of the coins inside caught my attention instantly.
"This sack will be yours if you help me locate her. What do you say?" He offered in a determined tone, his eyes piercing through mine.
I looked at him, in some kind of disbelief. I frowned and looked at him for a few seconds, trying to get him to elaborate. He didn't.
This guy was one of the Fatui. He sure wasn't up to no good.
The man kept looking at me with that grin. I could tell he was tense. His forehead was sweaty, I don't know if it was from running or from the nerves of his situation.
"Why should I help you?"
I asked, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes. I had to be skeptical about this kind of person.
"Please, I beg you. I was transporting some very important material for a gift. Please, I can't lose it."
The man opened the bag and looked at the Moras inside.
"If this amount of Mora doesn't convince you, we can talk about it later at the Bank of the Northern Kingdom. But please. Help me."
I looked at the Mora bag again. The man's eyebrows were slightly furrowed. A Fatui member, begging? He must have been desperate, for sure.
"You say you only need to retrieve material for a gift, which 'Yelan' stole from you?" I asked. We still didn't even know if it was really Yelan who stole it.
"Yes, just that. I assure you, you won't be getting into any trouble."
The man looked at the Fatui symbol on his coat, as if he could read my mind.
I closed my eyes for a few seconds, pondering the situation. Then I let out a sigh. It wouldn't hurt to help someone in distress, could it?
"All right. Let's go."
I looked in the direction 'Yelan' had gone, and started to run. It was better to run as soon as possible if we wanted to at least spot her in the distance. I heard the man's hurried footsteps behind me soon after.
We ran across the plain in the direction of the city. We ran for quite a while, yeah. We passed some ruins, until at one of them, I caught a glimpse of someone sitting in the distance out of the corner of my eye. I suddenly stopped, managing to get a confused glance from the Fatui man.
"Wait here."
I indicated him. Yelan couldn't run forever either. Could this be her? Would this be our chance?
Quietly, I moved a little closer to the person sitting on the ruins. The man, despite my warning, followed me just as silently.
As I got closer, I got a clearer glimpse of the person. Short black hair. Blue attire. And as I looked at her face... Sure enough, it was Yelan.
Yelan had some kind of piece of fur in her hands. She was examining it closely, with a proud smile on her face. She picked it up, shook it, and felt the fur with her hands. She seemed to be concentrating on seeing what kind of thing she had caught.
"Okay, there she is. We approach slowly, take what she's got and leave. Got it?"
I warned the man, who nodded. What a good time that would have been not to have broken my Vision....
Still feeling a little weak after all that running, I did my best to circle the ruins until I was behind Yelan. The man followed close behind me. One step, after another, after another... One foot in front of the other... Little by little...
However, the tension of the moment and the previous run caused my body to betray me. I had just noticed how dry my throat felt. I suddenly had to stop and cover my mouth so as not to let myself cough, because that would alert Yelan.
"Are you okay?" I heard the man behind me.
Damn, this thing of having broken my vision is still affecting me to this day....
After struggling against my own body, my throat no longer held, so a horrible cough came out of my mouth.
"That doesn't sound good..."
Looking up, I saw that Yelan was already looking in our direction. She reached a hand for the bow behind her back. Then, having caught her attention, the man stepped in front of me.
"Yelan," the man addressed her by her name, "Wait."
Then, from the same pocket from which he pulled out the Mora bag earlier, he now pulled out a bracelet. A silver bracelet with some blueish gems.
"Don't you want your bracelet back? Then give me what's mine."
I finally managed to get up, the Fatui man still in front of me. I saw Yelan hesitate for a few moments, but finally she stepped closer.
"This better not be one of your tricks, Regrator."
Yelan's slow footsteps echoed against the ground. Though perhaps it was just that I was more sensitive to sound than usual.
"No, no. I promise."
Then, once Yelan got close enough, Regrator handed her the bracelet. Yelan took it quickly away from his hands, and just then she handed him back the piece of fur. After that, Yelan slowly walked away. When she was a few meters away from the Fatui man, she examined her bracelet.
"Hm... It doesn't seem to be damaged. It'd better be, Regrator. Or I'm coming for you."
Yelan then turned on her heels and started walking towards the city.
Regrator sighed, watching the way through which Yelan was walking away. Then, he examined the piece of fur in his hands.
"Hah... Thank the Archons I have it back..."
He pulled out the Mora sack from his pocket and turned to me.
"Here, even though events didn't end as I had expected, you still helped me. As promised, so be it."
He held out the Mora sack to me, expecting me to take it. However, I waved it away.
"No, it's okay. Don't worry."
I smiled slightly towards the Fatui.
"Oh, please, I insist. Accept it."
He held out the Mora bag to me again, but this time I gently pushed his hand back.
"No, no, I'm serious. I didn't do it for the money."
With a somewhat disgruntled expression, he put the Mora back in his pocket.
"I don't understand why you wouldn't want to take the money? But well, if you insist."
With the same fake smile as before on his face, he rested a hand on my shoulder and leaned a bit forward.
"Call me Pantalone. Maybe we'll meet again in the future. I owe you one."
Slightly tense, I shivered. I wasn't used to physical contact, least of all from strangers.
"You're welcome."
He then waved goodbye and headed back north. I headed in the opposite direction, towards the city, with all the events of the day swirling around in my head.
A rather strange day indeed...
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brettyimages · 1 year
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Rachel event diary 2023, January - May:
January: The 1975 at the Hydro
February/March: Suede x 11, photo from show 1 at Stereo
April: Last Boy at MacArts
April: Paramore at the Hydro
May: Måneskin at the o2
May: Eurovision at the M&S Bank Arena
May: Bruce Springsteen at Murrayfield
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velkaxo · 10 months
Inspired by pulp magazines, the ultraviolence and drug use of the 80s, slasher and horror movies, and even more contemporary forms of media, Pulp Z/ Or Pulp Diaries are a fictional written account of one Leon S. Garcia and their friends on a cross country road trip to get from Southern California to their family's property in Wyoming during the zombie virus outbreak. The first arc, the road trip and arrival is already planned out to completion and is currently being written as we speak! First arc will be 10 entries/chapters total. Here's a snippet of chapter five: A TALE OF TWO CITIES PART TWO
i hope u enjoy :)
Hot. Scratchy. Hot. Scratchy. Itchy. Hot. Dry. Hurts. Thirsty. Hurts. Scratchy. Hot. Hurts.
The formless void that engulfed me now was not one I was unfamiliar with. I had been to this place before. 
Itchy. Hot. Hurts. Hurts. Dry. Scratchy. Burns. Hot. Dry. Scratchy. Hurts. Wet. Dry. Hot. 
It’s somewhere I thought I was never going to be again. I remember the last time was when I was going cold turkey off heroin.
Burns. Burns. Hot. Wet. Burns. Hurts. Hurts. Hot. Scratchy. Itchy. Thirsty. Thirsty. Thirsty. Burns. 
But why am I here now? What’s happening to me? Where even am I? I open my eyes and I see nothing. The formless darkness continues to be formless and dark. I try to reach my hand out. It doesn’t move. Do I still have hands? I go to try again.
Hurts. Burns. Thirsty. Wet. Dry. Itchy. Hot. Hot. Burns. Scratchy. Hurts. Hurts. Thirsty.
My senses are all jumbled. It’s a herculean task to even maintain consciousness. It’s like feeling yourself fall into sleep paralysis and clawing out of it. My skin is burning. It is? But it’s so wet. I’m wet and burning. Sweat. I’m sweating. It hurts.
Itchy. Hot. Burning. Hurts. Hurts. Wet. Burning. Thirsty. Scratchy. Burning. Hurts. Thirsty.
I grab the concept and hold onto it before it’s able to escape my grasp. I’m thirsty. I am sweating and thirsty. I need to find water. I need to leave this place. But where am I? My face is hot. It’s dark and I don’t know where I am.
My head feels like an elevator giving out and falling. The momentum, that exact moment of breakage is repeated ad infinitum. I hear it again.
“Hello? Leon?” It’s a female voice. I know that voice. Suddenly I jolt with strength I didn’t know I had and find myself facing a dingy carpet floor.
“Lily?” The name left my lips as they peeled apart, drawing a bit of blood. I winced.
I look around the room. Two beds. Two bags of clothes. One bed has clothes strewn about it and is otherwise neatly made. The other I seemed to have been using before I found myself on the floor. The sheets and blanket are covered in dried blood stains. I look down, unable to see much with the orange evening light coming through the window. I look around. There’s nothing else of note besides a faded yellow floral wallpaper and a dresser with a note on it. I stumble towards the dresser, careful to not fall over again. While I somehow got to my feet the first time I doubt I’d be able to again. Not in this shape. I approach the light brown wooden dresser and turn the lamp on so as to read the note. It flickers to life and bathes the room in a sickly orange hue of light. The paper was very obviously Just a ripped out bit of notebook paper. That realization agitated me for some reason.
[ FOR LEON -      TAKE TWO A DAY <3]
I guess my name was Leon. Why don’t I know my own name? Who left this for me? Where am I? With nothing else to lose I opened up the top drawer to find a couple of water bottles, a bottle of painkillers, and a gun. Without a second thought I opened the bottle and bit down on the two white pills. They tasted bitter and were rough against my dry throat so I chased them with water. I felt. Relief. I recognized this. Hydrocodone. This was Vicodin. Why did I know that? Wait, what was that earlier about heroin? God I forgot how good hydros were. It’s the euphoria of molly without the clenched jaw or sweating. I felt my heart beating faster but the pain has gone away. Or rather it was a much more manageable hum then the roaring wave it was prior. I go to check the bottle and there’s only two more days worth. 
While I was realizing very quickly that whoever I was I had very little impulse control,  I knew it was better to try and get my bearings before popping pills in a mystery room. I set the bottles down and while I was leaning down in the light I suddenly discovered bandages around my torso. Obviously bloodied. I look around the room again and spot another dark room. I walk in and turn on the light, looking into the mirror. I had long matted black hair with bleached highlights. My head was also bandaged. I looked like the living dead. I had dark sunken eyes, dilated pupils that made me seem almost demonic in the dingy lighting. If I weren't surprisingly attractive for someone who was obviously concussed, god knows when last showered, and possibly recently stabbed, I might’ve jumped back in shock. That settled, I guess, I walked back into the bedroom now steadier on my feet.
I go to what I can only assume to be ‘my stuff’ and grab a shirt and jeans. I see a notebook at the bottom and decide this is likely where the paper was from. I open it up and catch myself up to what has led me here. Wherever ‘here’ even is. The notebook looks like those black and white composition ones meant for school. The writing is difficult to read at first but I soon understand it easily enough. According to, I guess me, I’ve found myself in a dingy room far from friends, family, and home in the zombie apocalypse. And as my memory slowly begins to return to me as I read, I become increasingly more and more aware that this is far from the first or worst thing I’ve found myself in the middle of nor will it be the last. I sigh and walk across the room to the drawer with the gun in it. It’s a silver frame dark walnut finish 4” barrel Colt Python. It’s double action and chambered in .357 magnum. Neat. Touching the weapon feels second nature, it’s obvious this is my gun. I open the cylinders, two empty chambers stare back at me. I have four bullets. Three, in case I save one for me. I give it a satisfying spin before I crank it closed and put it in my pocket reaching for the door. If the journal was to be believed, I had to find my friends…
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ac-liveblogs · 1 year
Seriously, I do wonder if the narrative around Lyney consistently referring to Lynette as 'his only family' is meant to exclude Freminet, or if it's just an unfortunate scripting mistake, because like.
These are all points where Lyney & Freminet should be brothers, but -
- and over time, he and this Freminet would become friends. But at this point, there was no fooling Freminet with such words. Under his attentive gaze, Lyney could only tell him the truth. "Because Lynette's my one and only family, I've learned from her how one should treat all members of their family."
Lyney: Exactly. It's the same for me and Lynette — we are the truest thing each other has in the world, and nothing can replace that. Lyney: Life has taken plenty from us, like it did from Jemma. But at least it left us with each other. That's what gave us the strength to get through the darkest days.
Cesar's Diary: It's nearly time for me to go on tour. I asked the two kids if they'd like to come with me, but they shook their heads. Cesar's Diary: I once overheard them talking about their "Father" and their "mission"... Sounds like their parents have other plans for them. I guess we'll be parting ways soon. Cesar's Diary: It's only been ten days since I first met them, but I think that I've gotten a feel for their personalities now. Cesar's Diary: They're very tough, but also very cautious — and they trust no one but each other. This, I fear, is not a good habit to have.
While I recognise Freminet is only Lyney & Lynette's brother either by choice or by Arlecchino's shady adoption practices, the framing is pretty odd for a 'trio of siblings'.
And it may be odd voice direction, but while he wasn't unfriendly and he certainly praised Freminet, Lyney's responses in Freminet's introduction felt pretty stilted and off in some places.
Paimon: Nice to meet you! Paimon is Paimon, and this is the (Traveler). You sound very proud to have a diver as a brother, Lyney. > Lyney sure seems to have a big family. Lyney: Haha...
Freminet: When I was a child, my mother told me that if I wanted to go outside and play, I should yell toward the sky at the top of my lungs... Freminet: "Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don't cry!" [....] Lyney: Heh... doesn't seem to be of any use. It is just a legend, after all. Lynette: You know, you might be a more popular magician if you understood the concept of "romanticism"... or could at least play along.
Freminet: Oh, uh... Are you leaving now? Lyney: What is it, Freminet? I'm in a hurry.
It feels kind of cold. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but either Freminet wasn't meant to be a sibling in the original scripting process and lore/parts of the story haven't quite been cleaned up to match, or there may be something up with their relationship we're currently unaware of.
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primowishes · 1 year
//Really enjoyed that event tbh
Crying about how cute Klee was in her little costume wahhh.
But yeah, there was the diary that literally said that Idyia was an Oceanid so that's not surprising, but otherwise idk if I woulda guessed it lsdkfnlewf. Everyone else figured they were Hydro Eidolons but I thought they were replacements for people who had died in the desert and it was Idyia's way of saving them, except thought that was a little too dark for the Fun Summer Event thing.
(I was on the right track at least sldkfnlewf)
Saving the day with the power of hopes and dreams haha
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reevedthrnd · 2 years
"Love that is our destiny, but I still have a world to see." -Endora
I've decided to start a Tumblr account as some sort of diary for Genshin Impact. I am in love and excited for the Region of Hydro and Nation of Justice, Fontaine!
I hope to make connections here on Tumblr! 🤝
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remembertheplunge · 2 years
Another journal entry
10/16/2016 Sunday9:15pm
Took a pilgrimage through the storm today, knocked on 1000 doors.
Found Death’s Door. A book which told me about death’s 1000 doors. At Crystal Cove.
Found a crazy “old” man who gives good massage.
Found a screaming black woman with a blue rose in one hand and a dog under her arm who said of me handing her a dollar “you are spending your money on fucking your boy friend and on buying drugs and how much could she buy with a dollar and I did it because she was black.”
Found a raging storm and mini hydro planes on the way over and a full moon drive on the way back.
Bought Venus fly traps for massage boy and for me at AirWay Chevron mini mart.
Found a new place to park, a new homeless encampment, a new coffee house and a new book store: Shotwell and 16th along 16th and 18th down from Treat (San Francisco) met a lady from England , London, and her American husband. They run the book store.
End of entry
Airway boulevard is my midway stop driving to and from the Bay Area to Modesto.
This is an example of where I took the events of the day and turned them into a kind of a poetry mantra chant on the diary page.
It’s a way of adding a lyrical touch to the day.
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narachilde · 1 year
genshin secret summer paradise mini theory/prediction!! (spoilers for event quest and mural world quest)
so this probably isn’t going to be too neatly formatted due to the fact that i’ve just woken up but i’ve been thinking about this since doing the quest last night and i have nobody to talk about it to since my girlfriend still hasn’t done the world quest so here’s what i think’s going to happen!! (bouncing off of the kokomi is the hydro sovereign theory)
in the event quest we have many cute interactions between kokomi and klee but there was one in particular that had me raising my eyebrow. this is the time we see them talking off to the side in the silver bottle courtyard- klee cutely asks kokomi if she’s a mermaid, where kokomi responds with this:
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upon first glance this looks like a cute interaction between two characters from different casts, but when you know about the theory of kokomi being the hydro sovereign it looks a lot more suspicious, especially considering the fact that we don’t know why kokomi is here. she gave us the poor excuse of “i needed to expand my horizons” whilst insinuating there is a deeper reason for her being here.
in the cave where the waypoint behind the courtyard is, there is a mural that we restore with the help of hydro eidolons. throughout the process of restoring the mural we read the diaries of an artist who goes from being haughty and arrogant to humble after spending his time in the mirage with idiya and the hydro eidolons. through these diaries, we also learn that idiya is an oceanid:
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you might see where i’m going with this. kokomi showing up in the mirage may be her trying to connect with other hydro-based races in order to deeper understand herself (i’m not going to be so bold as to say she knows she’s a dragon sovereign, but she might). i think that it’s very likely we might get a massive kokomi loredump by the end of the event, similar to the 2.3 winter event albedo loredump.
this is all just me doing some silly predictions because i love to read into everything, but i think it’ll be really cool if it ends up being true! we’re long overdue for kokomi lore and i’m looking forward to finding out her real reason for being here.
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indian-suppliers · 3 months
Top 10 Rexroth Hydraulic pump Repairing Service Provider in India
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NN Hydraulic India
NN HYDRAULIC INDIA Delhi (India) based, company was established in 1998 and Made It Self Of Top Hydraulic Pump Manufacturer, Traders, Service Provider and Supplier in all over in India with 20+ years experience.
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Elite Hydraulic Pump
We, Elite Hydraulic Pump started in the years 2009 are one of the foremost Wholesale Trader, Exporter, and Importer an extensive array of Industrial Pumps and Compressors. Our offered range consists of best grade Hydraulic Pump, Piston Pump, Motor And Gear Pump, Vane Pump, Valves Accessories, Hydraulic Filter Element, etc.
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Website link https://www.princehydraulicworks.com/
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