#i almost vaccumed them
simmersdioxide · 1 year
i mean it when i say i took some spiders from the living room to put in my room to take care of some bird mites
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what the hell is happening on this site some asks are Completely gone from my desktop inbox, but on mobile they're there???? mf i just spent ten minutes trying to find asks i was SURE i had received
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muslimcatboy · 1 year
Something about having a grain beetle infestation makes it so every single piece of lint is a potential enemy
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 year
๋࣭ ⭑ caught making out. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: short scenario/imagine
characters: dazai, chuuya, atsushi, and akutagawa (i will make a part two<3)
warnings: lowercase writing, make-out sessions, suggestive writng, not smut!
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๋࣭ ⭑ dazai had you pinned to the wall of the small cleaning closet in the agency. "out'of all the places.." you chuckled, feeling dazai's hot breath on your neck. you could feel his grin on your skin; "don't act like you didn't have the same idea~" you clutch a bunch of his hair and felt your stomach twist'n'turn. you laughed. "shut up and kiss me.." almost instantly you felt his lips smash onto yours, his arms snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer to him, your back arching slightly. a soft moan escaped your lips when you felt his hand grab your thigh, squeezing it every now and then yo get a noise out of you. all of a sudden, the door hitting dazai's back caused him to jump and bit your lip. you screamed in pain, pulling your head away from. the bright light from outside caused dazai to look over his shoulder to see kunikida....words couldn't explain the speechless look on his face. ironic. he clearned his throat, closing the door a little later....you could hear him stutter something along the things of, "he couldn't find the vaccum.." and dazai looked back to you slowly..."well.." he couldn't stop the small blush form to his cheeks, "dazai.." you started, licking your lip, "i think my lip's bleeding..."
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๋࣭ ⭑ chuuya had his mouth all over your neck, gently kissing it and sometimes taking a small nibble here and there. your whimpers was music to his ears. he wanted to hear more of it. "c-chuuya~" you whispered, his teeth nibbling your ear lobe softly. "chuuya, please! i want to kiss you!" you begged, already? you wrapped your arms tighter around chuuya's neck, his head moving ever so slowly away from your neck. "needy? are we?~" he teased, causing you to groan. he chuckled, complying to your wishes and connected his lips to your own. taking in the moment of your fingers tugging onto his hair. he licked your lower lip, however before you could open your mouth...the door of your bedroom suddenly opened causing chuuya to shriek and grabbed a blanket, throwing it over your body.. looking up, he saw dazai with a shocked face. in his hand were two bags of takeout and in the other was a tray of soft drinks. "bastard!" chuuya grabbed a loose pillow and tossed it at the man. dazai easily dodged it and smiled, "what a great way to welcome your ex-partner~ i almost feel loved~" he joked, sitting on the chair just in front of the bed. thank god you and chuuya didn't undress- "what the hell, man! it's 10:35! AT NIGHT!" "and i thought this would be a perfect time for a movie night!" dazai turns the television on. "besides~ it's not like i walked in on anything...or did i-?~" - "JUST CHOOSE A MOVIE, DAMMIT!"
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๋࣭ ⭑ atsushi waited until the room was empty, before he grabbed your shirt and pulled you in for a kiss. you were shocked, dropping your papers in hand and watched them scatter all over the carpet before your mind was racing. "atsu-" you tried to speak, but the moment his mouth reached your neck and licked it, you were at a lost for words. you whimper, your knees giving and fell on the couch, atsushi following you. pinning you to the cushions. his hand was resting behind your head, playing with your hair while his other hand creased your thigh up and down. "what's gotten-" you squirmed, feeling his neck give you one last kiss. "i needed this~" he blushed. he never saw himself doing this, but he needed to feel you. as you got into the moment, grabbing his hair and started to tug on it, getting him all railed up, the door burst open...ranpo's voice immedialy threw you outta your love trance, and you tried to push atsushi off you, but he hugged you tight, his face exteramly red. "ranpo! get out!" he screamed as ranpo made no reaction to what he just walked into, "just gimme a sec', i can't find myyyyyy-" he trailed, digging into a box full of candies and sweets, suddenly taking out a sucker! "aha! okay, i'm leaving now! don't get your tail in a knot, atsushi!" ranpo held is hands up, putting his lolipop in his mouth and thd door closed behind him. you had a blush on your face, chuckling seeing atsushi hide his face into you shirt. a whine left his lips as you rubbed his head. maybe next time.
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๋࣭ ⭑ akutagawa froze. here you were, wearing nothing but your ADA work shirt, already buttoned up, and black underwear. with a scream you tossed yourself back onto your bed and covered your body with the blanket. "a-aku! i didn't know you were- god dammit!" you blushed mad, your legs all shakey and your face hot. there was a moment of silence, making you go more red. did he leave? did he get to uncomfortable? he was the ine who walked in- but still, did he not like the why you looked? did you have to much fat- all of a sudden you felt the blanket slowly reveal yourself, your upper half visible to him and only him. without words, he crashed his lips onto yours and you felt your heart skip a beat. you thought he would've at lease said something!! ... "i'm sorry.." he kissed you again, and again, and again.. "i didn't know you were changing.." he apologized, tracing hid hand up your shirt and rubbed up and down your torso. you kissed him back, "such a gentlemen~" the blanket around your legs began to pull down, the cold air hitting your bare legs. before each of you could do anything, atsushi burst through your bedroom door..."y/n! i've been calli-"he froze. he stopped functioning. all of your were quiet. akutagawa was quick to cover your body with his owb, hugging you close and glaring deadly daggers at the boy. your face was in your boyfriends neck and you had a dark red blush decorating your face. "weretiger..." atsushi saw his life flash before his eyes and started to run out of your hallway, "AH! I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN- I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!! AKUTAGAWA- YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T KILL ME FOR 6 MONTHS- WHAT WOULD DAZAI THINK-AH!" as your boyfriend chased atsushi around your home, you took your time to get changed and looked back at your phone to read 7+ messages from atsushi...saying you were gonna be late for work and he was here to pick you up...like you asked him to yesterday...shit.
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lichenes · 6 months
"Bark like you want it."
girlllllll... i'm blushing at the thought of it *emoji covering eyes*
CW: mutual pining, author can't write the word 'cum' for the life of them. slight nsfw at the beginning but overall tame :D
Vincent Renzi x gn!reader
wc: 598
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Vincent was above you. One elbow placed next to your head the other laying on the other side. He pulled back his right hand and put it on your stomach visibly pleased with himself. "Look how full of me you are. You're taking me so well ma chérie." Just as you were about to arrive at a conclusion of your fantasy you heard a knock on the door.
"Doing okay in there?" Vincent asked through the bathroom door. "It's already 9:30 and i have a trial at 11:00 would you mind stepping out?" You scrambled hoping to god he didn't hear anything he wouldn't have liked. You quickly washed your hands and got out, sending him an apologetic look on the way.
Vincent and you were roomates, housemates more likely and you couldn't have ended up with a better one. To put it bluntly he was perfect. He always did the dished and if you were feeling under the weather he offered to do yours, he took out the trash reguarly and vaccumed out of his own volition.
From what you've heard, from your friends and family, choosing a person your own age as a roommate ended up in catastrophe most of the time. Your personal catastophy was falling in love with Vincent.
The first time you saw him he was as bashful as you were, the first converstion happened on the phone which didn't prepare you for the gorgeous man you later met.
He came to see your to be home wearing a simple beige sweater, a pair of brown fabric pants and a fuscous scarf complimenting his look. He almost knocked you off your feet when he gave you a smile. To add insult to injury after you invited him in, he praised how beautiful the iterior was.
Vincent was absolutely awestruck at how well you maximised the tiny space you've prepared for your soon to be roommate. He immediately agreed to live in the house with you.
To be frank you knew you didn't have a chance with him, to say the least. He kept talking about Sandra like she was the second coming of christ so you decided to just let it go. Vincent thruthfully didn't mean for all the Sandra talk to come off like that, but his adoration for the womant didn't have boundaries.
With time though, he subsided. He mentioned her less and less and instead replaced talking about her with you. He would constantly initiate conversations only for them to falter as you were both too shy to continue talking. What also came with time was the comfort of eachothers presence.
For the first few months he spent most of his time at work or at his desk, not exiting the room for hours on end. Then he started working in the living room or at the kitchen table always hoping you would get out of your room to get a snack or to use the bathroom. Once you've gathered the courage to ask him if you could join him Vincent beamed.
"Of course!" He said almost too enthusiastically. Vincent couldn't focus on his work when you were around, he would constanly steal glances at you and try and start a conversation with you seemingly tired of his endless paperwork.
You welcomed his advances hoping they were more than just friendly small talk. For now though you both were comfortable just existing in your presence. He promised himself he wouldn't fall for a whim again. Maybe, just maybe if you were to make the first step he would break the promise?
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____
pt. 2 masterlist
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Writing 101: The Scene
Any given scene has three variables that need to be adressed, which are Space, Characters and Time. If you find yourself writing something that feels flat or disconnected, look at these three variables and see if you are missing anything.
Characters, Space, Time.
The three pillars of all writing (and by this I mean: The three incredibly basic, broken down, handyman pillars of writing) can be applied and found in every scene that has every been written. You knew that. But lets look at what they can do for you.
Characters: Who are we even here for?
This one is the one you'll probably find the most tips online for. In essence, every character needs to have the following things:
A goal to move towards
A motivation to make them move
An obstacle to overcome in that journey
A flaw that makes the journey spicier
Those are all pretty standard. In terms of "The Scene", here are some additional things to keep in mind:
With whom do they have relationships with?
Which kind?
How is that expressed?
Whats the problem in the relationship (everyone has them. Even if they are routinely overcome, thats still a problem)?
Characters dont exist in a vaccum so dont view them as singular entities.
Having consistent, well defined characters that stand out will help you easily conquer the hearts of your readers. And having those people have defining relationships that reveal new traits about them is super helpful.
The way people interact with one another shows a lot about the characters.
Space: Where we are, where we were, where we will be
Space is experienced by occupying it, by passing through. Space is always relative to the other spaces next to, beyond and behind.
If this makes you go "So what?", you're not alone. We dont tend to think of space much. We dont always tend to think of space as relative either. But you should always be able to answer these three questions. Ive added some additional questions to make it easier to understand and know where to start.
Where are we? What relevance does this place have? Has it changed? Will it change? Who lives here and how? What does it feel like to pass through? Will everyone view it the same? Is this an emotionally charged place? An empty place? How large is the space?
Where were we? How does it contrast with previous places? And if there is contrast, how do we show that?
Where will we be? What happens when we leave the space? Can we return?
Time: Narrative Time and the beauty of writing
This is probably the easiest to understand: All stories happen in a timespan. Some of them are slow, some fast.
There are several ways of writing narrative time:
Actual Time: The characters process the things that are happening at roughly the same speed as we do. This is like the movie equivalent of a close up. Personal. Emotions and reactions flow as they would. It feels natural and its easy to follow along.
Quick or Condensed Time: The narrative time is passing much quicker than the perceived readers time. This is used for journeys, overviews, long sections that are summarised or poetically vexed about. Condensing several years into a few pages is less personal, but it can give you a relative sense of progress and allows you to put things into perspective. Its also - as the name says - fast.
Slow or Stretched Time: The narrative time is passing much slower than the perceived readers time. Minute details are extended, emotions are rested on longer, events play out almost like in slow motion. This is great for climaxes and impactful scenes, as often times what happens in seconds has much more of an impact of the people. You cant get more personal than this. Details shine easily, its slow and sometimes painful to consume because you cant look away.
There are also timeskips, flashbacks and whatnot. You can even be in the same time but far away from one another (Oh look, its space again).
Point is, time is relative and the way you express something in said time is important. Be aware of how time moves and how you want time to move.
Alright, I hope this helped you understand some of the core basics. This isnt a vast overview, more of a collection to help you understand the rough strokes. Ask any questions you have and dont forget to drink your water. Bye!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Can you explain why you ship batcest?! I’m sorry I’m just confused by why you like JayTim or DickTim or whatever…
I feel like I already answered this but: I just really like the dynamics of their relationships and it’s fun to go: what if they kiss?!? The pure enemies to lovers of JayTim and the freaking adorable puppy crush to love of DickTim is so good. I don’t want them canon. But it is so damn fun to read them as a couple. That’s it.
For a longer answer and as to why I explore these pairings:
I’m older then most of the people poking around in fandom and making their complaints. I’ve been participating in fandom for almost two decades, since I was a tiny preteen who was hitting puberty who suddenly got a BUNCH of issues we never figured out until I got older because hormone disorders suck ass and my autism went undiagnosed even longer. I remember my first fanfic found on Deviant art: a Harry Potter one where the golden trio and Ginny were the reincarnations of the founders and they got transported into another universe. I remember that so well because it’s just this core memory for me. Finding a place I could be me.
I went through multiple accounts and wrote some dumb shit. I roleplayed Loonatics Unleashed and did some stupid shit there to. I was a weird ass child.
I have been around for a while here kids. I read fucked up shit way to young (and it’s why one thing I am loud about is that kids shouldn’t be allowed to troll the internet without someone aware cause holy shit is some stuff messed up on here. My parents should have been watching.) and I did stupid crap. I was introduced to sex from fanfics and learned about sexuality and gender identity.
And one thing I learned through this is that: people need to grow the fuck up and realize that while fiction doesn’t exist in a vaccum it also isn’t as black and white as people like. Just because someone writes Jason and Tim kisisng doesn’t mean they are like: adoptive families don’t count or incest is fine and I’ll make out with my sibling now. It just means: hey this dynamic is interesting and let’s play with it.
Fiction does not exist in a vaccum. Racism and sexism along with other issues are common for fanfics, headcanons and comics. I recently admitted to falling prey to a few issues I was unaware of as someone who is white and grew up in a Baptist church town in bumfuck Canada.
But when people start whining over pairings it becomes a thing where all you can do is yell: ‘IT IS FICTIONAL’ and walk off. Cause anyone with critical reading skills can tell that it’s 1) not real and 2) not hurting anyone. If someone uses it to hurt someone and that’s the issue? Might as well get rid of all the books in the world and stop all TV and games because people use those as excuses to. So many people talk about the Bible, Twilight, the MCU and more being used to groom them. So… yeah. I don’t have an issue exploring pairings and relationships others would because it’s all fictional.
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Loveless - (6)
<<<Prev Next>>>
Pairing: Namor x Shuri and Attuma x Okoye 🥹
Word Count: 1800
Warning: none
Chapter 6
It was a sight to behold, Talokans walking around with their masks and blue skin. The conflict between the kingdoms had eased with the new strategies that were implemented. Fear had to be deconstructed, they had to see it the way she did. She found herself back in her lab, tinkering and building, the Talokan youth who wanted to meet her were progressive. Intelligence at such young ages, they reminded her of the children she met through the Wakandan out reach program. Their flaw was that they were unexposed, misguided by the prejudice of their ancestors. Combining their technology proved to be useful, their water bombs were well made, their armour was much lighter than the ones Wakandans wore. Shuri created more units of the 'midnight angel' allowing her warriors to train with the Talokans in their way of fighting. Languages were being shared, the markets were now filled with food from under the sea, jewelers seeling pearls and Talokan artefacts. Trade was established, people grew into a wondrous community aiding in each other’s growth.
She purposefully took time away from the lab often, to walk through the city and enjoy the peace of solitude. But as she kept track on the submariner, she observed how he buried himself in duty. He spent time on the surface more, now that his people were here too but he never overstepped his bounds with her. He did not hover around her or shower he with gifts. He let her be, he would catch her gaze in the crowd and she would not look away. In her head, she was trying to recreate the peace they had in his cave, where she had been emotionally vulnerable with him. It was felt easy with him then, unlike the other men she had dealt with. Her mind felt valued.
She could talk about history, art, technology to deep sea mysteries, no topic was off limit. She was unable to fill that small vaccum with anyone else’s company. But it was too soon to decide if she was going to reconstruct that bridge between him and her. For now, it did feel better that he was here, sharing the burden and responsibility. She walked out by the river bed to see a troop of midnight angels undergoing training and in the middle, he stood on the deck with his spear. Teaching them to swivel and swing, like a dance that he was so well accustomed in it’s pattern. It was rather odd, not seeing him in the air, majestic and commanding, his ankle was still bound in bandages. She walked to the pier to observe the proceedings. His presence made her feel less alone in these changing times, his silence felt comforting. He glanced towards her and fumbled with his spear. He raised his hand, bringing the session to a pause.
“Training seems to be going well.”, she told him to which he smiled. “Yes, however I miss not being able to join them yet.”, he looked at the warriors who were at ease, their deep blue suits tinting the water around them. “The kids.”, he turned to her with excitement etched across his face. “They love you.”, he exclaimed. She’d only seen him like this once before, when he took her to Talokan. He beamed and behind his façade she saw the boy he was never allowed to be. “Its almost as if our conflict never happened.”, she looked around the busy place but he was looking at her. “If only it was.”, he replied softly. It was something she thought of often, she held his gaze, he held the same magnetism as the current she was pulled into. “I should let you go, princess.”, he broke away first, a supple smile on his lips. “I am sure you have better places to be.”, he turned to continue his training.
He sensed her move away after a pause, he ran through the rest of the routine and let the troops go. He found some task or the other to help with, putting up stalls around the market place, helping rebuild elements that had been destroyed. He spent time with the surface beings here, they were hesitant at first, when he came to understand that it was not their inhibition but rather their fear. They had only seen him once before, when he invaded their land. But through determination and perseverance, he found favour with them. His wounded wing was still healing, so he had to walk around a lot than usual. Turning a corner, he spotted an empty wall, one that had not been touched by any other work of art. His fingers itched for his brush, he borrowed paint from a passerby and settled himself by it to get to work.
Attuma was new to all of this. The only time he ventured to the surface was to put an end to witnesses and keep their secret safe. So to walk about other beings rather than his own was difficult to wade through. He didn’t know the language. He walked around like a sea monster, his head piece often bumping into something. Namora kept watch over Namor and in the time she didn’t, it was clear she wasn’t having a great experience. He wandered the streets till he saw a familiar face. “Warrior”, he called out and the figure turned to him. It was the woman he had fought with. She huffed and turned to walk away. “Wait.”, he caught up with her. “If you’ve come to ask me about a rematch, it’s a no.”, she spoke as she walked briskly weaving through the streets that was too fast for him to keep track, so he did his best to match her stride. “I won that fight fairly.”, she pointed a finger at him and he couldn’t help but chuckle. Her intensity amusing him.
“You did.”, he raised his hands in defense. Her face contorted into confusion. “Then why did you call for me?”, she folded her arms. “I wanted to try those.”, he pointed to the charcoal grilled chicken pieces. “I don’t know how to ask for it.”, he rubbed his neck. Okoye inhaled sharply as she realized. “Oh.”, she exclaimed. “Can you even digest those?”, she asked confused. He shifted his weight. “We’ll never know till we try.”, he told her and watched as she weighed out her options. Knowing there was nothing else to be done and how the others kept away from him, she knew that she was the only one who could help. “Fine. Come.”, she led him to the shop. The seller took a double take at his new customers. “Two of those please.”, she ordered but with a sidelong glance she could tell that Talokan warrior was busy observing her. “What?”, she asked annoyed. But it only made him smile. “Can you teach me?”, he asked her, “Your language.”, she heard and felt surprised.
Most people came to her for her ability to fight not her linguistic skills. She contemplated, it wasn’t about teaching him the language but rather all the time she would spend with him. “If I defeat you in a game of strength, I will teach you.”, she gave him the hot plate of chicken and took a seat in front of him. “Ok, what is the game?”, he asked and she placed her elbow on the table. She will lose and be free from this commitment. He followed her once he knew what she was doing. “This is the challenge?”, he asked, she nodded, so he clasped his large fist around hers. She counted down, and he felt her use her entire strength to topple his arm, his focus however was on her. She knew she had no chance against him. So slowly, he let her overpower him. His arm tilted like a meter, the people around began to cheer. Her surprised eyes caught his, he put up a fight and then, let go, his fist hit the table, she looked at him, stunned but even through her tan skin he detected the mild flush on her cheeks.
“You let me win.”, she told him. “No, you won the challenge fairly.”, he folded his arms in the fear she would ask for another attempt. The cheers died down, “Alright, I will teach you.”, she conceded as he smiled. “Don’t let it get to your head.”, she smirked as she got to leave. “Here.”, he nudged his plate towards her. “Our victory treat.”, he was sharing his meal, the gesture asking her to stay a while longer. Ever since her husband’s betrayal, she struggled with trusting people she didn’t know. If someone you thought you knew well enough, could turn against you? How can she believe him of all people? But his deep brown pleasing eyes looked like her pet rhinoceros, he had higher chances of getting lost and being involved in a fight. So in order to keep an eye on him, she dropped her bag and joined him. This was only to keep him in check, she told herself.
Shuri closed the lab for the day, the moon was high in the sky as she took a walk around a sleeping city. She found herself in new part of the town when it struck her as unusual to see a crowd gathered around a wall lit by a torch. She recognized it, from afar, it was a memorial. She eased herself, it was quite common for Wakandans to do so for people they had lost but it was the crowd that felt out of place. The closer she got, the faster her heart began to beat. It wasn’t a Wakandan memorial, the painting was in ancient Mayan. The flames flickered over the beautiful piece of artwork. She mindlessly walked through the crowed, enchanted, they parted to give way. It was a collage of her mother. She knew the artisan as she got closer, it was his work. He painted her in different versions, depicting her as a queen, a mother, by the bush defending her land and her final moment saving riri. Tying it all together was text written in Mayan. “Crio, translate this.”, she instructed her Ai. “Yes, princess.”, a blue light scanned the wall as she held up a kimoyo bead.
“I vow my life to protect the legacy she built. To never bring upon wakanda another dark day. This I, k’uk’ulkan, pledge and mark as proof that from henceforth in my eyes, we are one.”
Crio translated the written verse. The silence that followed was loud. She could not understand him. Unknowingly, tears streamed down her cheeks, not of sadness but from a place of happiness, that she got to witness her mother’s presence and have known her in all facets of her life.A feeling of gratitude encompassed her. She caught a glimpse of the paint supplies that had been left behind. She picked up the brush and translated the message such that her people could read. The crowd didn’t disappear but rather settled there for a while in the night. She sat amongst them on the ground, watching the painting shift with the flames making it look like her mother was alive. People shared stories of her mother, some that she knew and a few she didn't. History, lessed the weight in her heart, making her value the present, open with the possibility of forging a future that was not tainted by the past. Home was beginning to finally feel like it.
My sweet precious fishboys 😩🥹
Tags (🥰💖💖💖):
@mazune @lilsadb-itch @orlandoblumhouseofguccimane @hypernhappy @elmush @paperback-writer0807 @sirenbeloved @aslutforscarletwitch99 @gotship123456 @girlymusiclover09 @hoeforsuk @plutosundercoverking @championofthegalaxy @theheartofgrey @wonderkimi-chat @theamericanjewitch @amillylove20 @goldshawty1001 @lvnamiller @euphoricjupiter @queenoffantasyland @terrab3 @dumbbcam @1000heartbeats @agirlwithwinter @fartdart25 @wxnderstruck @sheisbrunetteworld @ijustwanttopasstime @namurii @presidentlokiluvrsblog @itgetzweird08 @littlepadika-main @did-i-ask-no @sorandomfangirl @babybubastis @denise-huxxtable @mhj-url @yippeeki-yah @darlingdandridge @gervi86 @geeyooo @therealoutereffect @notredamneit @Ilevame-a-la-lunaa @queen-of-knowhere @deluluzone @sheontcare
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inkpot909 · 1 year
Can I get a Spike x raeder
The reader was kind with Spike and all but he didn't need a kid adult like in his team so he was always treating them like..idk "whatever" "ok." "Just leave me alone" and so on
But one day the reader gets in the way of a criminal taking the bullet for Spike and they say "thanks goodness you're ok" while bleeding out and Spike regrets it,he doesn't want them to go away,so he apologizes,saying that he needed them taht he would stop teasing them or treating them bad
They get together in the end :)
U can add as much angst as u want
A/n: Thank you thank you so much for the fun request! I feel awful for not being able to finish it for a while; getting caught up in personal matters. I appreciate the support and truly hope it was worth the wait. Have a lovely day; as well as all others reading. <3
Warning(s): Swearing; brief mentions of blood/canon-typical violence; light angst.
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This isn’t how tonight was supposed to go. 
It’s a dreadful thought lingering in the back of Spike Spiegel’s mind. Instead of pulling him away from them, fully in the present where he should be, a ricocheting gunshot nearly grazing across his shoulder only hammers the point home. 
It seems that’s the route most bounties have gone down as of late. Realistically, he knows he shouldn’t even pretend to be surprised anymore. And usually, high-stakes entice him. But tonight was supposed to- no, it had to be different for safety’s sake. That much so was made very apparent.
What was originally meant to be a sneaky, difficult yet rewarding job, has mutated into a public gunfight taking place within a famously high-class bar. Having tracked the bounty to this location, things quickly went array upon the realization that most of the security in the building is in the palm of their hand. The bounty himself has presumably slipped away in the commotion, letting others take care of the dirty work for him.
The messiness of the situation has forced Spike and you both into a corner, desperately having to duck for cover. If it weren’t so tense- bullets flying in the air seemingly at every turn -Spike would almost laugh. It’s delightful (if not, a tad bit macabre) to see the place be wrecked to hell in a contextless vaccum. A handful of bodies are scattered across marble flooring along with broken tables and seats. By now, most innocent bystanders are either in hiding or found a way to flee the scene. Blood pouring onto the floor from bodies or light droplets from those still standing contrast heavily with a monochrome color scheme. It’s the kind of joint Spiegel usually wouldn’t ever think to step foot in; mingling with rich types isn’t exactly his cup of tea. On the flip side, maybe the owner at least has hope of being able to repair the mess themselves (a vain hope; as both him and you will most likely have to pay for property damage regardless of the owners funds).
Finding an opening to do so, Spike whirls his body around while swiftly reloading his revolver. Sticking his head up from behind the bar, he barely has enough time to understand the positions of those firing.
Just a few yards away from him on his left, you keep yourself hidden behind a table turned onto its side. Spike ducks below the bar once more, cursing underneath his breath. Blood is trickling down your right leg, clear signs of an injury. From what, exactly, eludes him for the time being.
The dark look on your face is unwavering, however. In fact, you’ve maintained a serious exterior for almost the entire night. It’s enough to put a hindrance on Spike’s breathing, albeit briefly. Such an intense presence doesn’t suit you at all. 
You momentarily pull your attention from the action across the room, sensing someone’s eyes on you. Sure enough, you meet Spike’s gaze immediately. Nodding to one another, a beat comes and goes before the two of you move in tandem. Raising your guns, you both rise up quick enough to fire a shot or two. 
This isn’t how tonight was supposed to go. 
Crouching down, Spike stares at his feet. Despite holding his head low, his eyes give the impression that he’s looking at something far away. His lips press together in a thin line, letting out a long sigh. Jet’s going to have our heads for this, he expects.
Despite your cool front, you’d been as reckless and clumsy as ever (Spike’s words not yours). He had half a mind to blame you for the shootout, but even he has to admit he knows better than that. Although you fired the first shot, he might as well have done so himself via his own thick headedness. Just as Spike predicted would happen earlier the same day, you ended up hurt. However, he’d done just about everything his older companion told him not to, and here you are suffering the consequences along with him.
“Isn’t the whole point of this bounty to be discreet?” Spike muses, arms crossed. His expression is soured, and shoulders stiffened in defense. Sprawled out against the Bebop’s couch, he’s sat himself opposite of Jet. Well aware of how uncomfortably upright the yellow furniture is, his vegged out form is working to drive home a point more than anything else. 
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Jet replies, voice gruff and short. 
The younger man scoffs, raising his arms and gesturing to his right wildly. “Then why the hell-...” Spike pauses, rubbing his temple, “Then why… do you think I need to bring along Y/n? Surely it’d be better if I-”
“Because they work swiftly and are the most likely to keep you from inflicting your usual brand of collateral damage. I’d say they’ll do well to keep you from messing this up well enough.” Jet cuts him off casually. 
“What? So they’re my babysitter? You know how they are- they’ll just get in the way.”
Jet bites back, “Spike, I swear this’ll go smoothly if you just accept their help. Don’t you dare think of going off on your own. The bounty’s got connections and has reportedly been on high alert since the price on his head increased. We don’t have all the details, but there’s enough to know it could get ugly. You’ll be kicking the bucket if you don’t get your head screwed on straight.”
“We both know the chance of that happening,” Spike huffs.
“Yeah, right… less likely than you admitting to yourself the real reason you get so high-strung about Y/n.” 
The fluffy-haired man raises an eyebrow.
“It’s because you like them, but saying so must not be in vogue nowadays, so you tell yourself it’s just because they’re childish- or whatever made up reason it is this week.”
“They are childish.” 
“And you aren’t?” Jet questions, “I’d think refusing to follow a well-informed decision just to avoid who you’re going to be working with is pretty immature.” 
Silence follows, the moment thick with thought. 
Making a face, Spike abruptly kicks his leg forward and smacks his foot against the side of Jet’s cute coffee table. He doesn’t even open his eyes at the booming, metallic sound. “As if a bright green racer with a goddamn flower plastered on the side of it won’t make us stick out everywhere we go!” Spike exclaims, clearly still hung up on Jet’s previous statement or sending him an implicit warning to shut his mouth.
“I’m sorry, but how many repairs have you needed on that obnoxiously red racer of yours in the past month!?” Jet snapped, finally looking his crewmate in the eye. “Y/n and you are the best choice for this sort of job. You’re going with them; end of story. The sooner you get the bounty the sooner you can come home sulking about it.”
Not twenty minutes later, Spike found himself begrudgingly walking next to you heading towards the Bebop’s garage. You maintain a youthful spring to your step, while he practically drags his feet on the floor following you. 
“Hurry up, slow poke!” you jest, stopping in front of the garage door. Turning towards him, you tap your foot repeatedly as if you’re being forced to wait for him. 
“Maybe you should start practicing blending into the shadows for when we land,” he suggests, moving past you, “You know… being unnoticeable.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you giggle, “You’d miss out on what you like the most about me!” 
Sneering, he responds non-committedly, “Yeah… sure.”
“Oh, don’t deny it, Spiegel.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
You huff, a playful edge to your tone, “C’mon… at least admit I’m more fun than Faye; that can’t possibly be difficult to voice out loud.”
“I’m not admitting shit,” he suddenly snaps, “I just want to get this done; I could really use that reward- so let’s go.”
Frowning, your gaze hesitates on his person as he turns on his heel and shuffles away. He moves with hasty steps towards his precious racer for extra measure.
Your shoulders fall, but his back is turned to you. And even if it wasn't, you are certain by now that it wouldn’t make a difference. The wall he’s built between the two of you is sturdy and unmoving, but hell if you haven’t tried your hand time and time again at tearing it down.
But unknown to you, his thoughts haven’t moved his attention away.
Select bounty missions notwithstanding, nothing ever seemed to truly wipe the smile from your face. Even then, most times you can keep a playful edge to your actions and attitude. Spike Spiegel hates that. It’s hypocritical, considering his own behavior at times, but logic is (apparently) irrelevant. Nothing ever seems to get to you either, and that’s the most frustrating. Nothing he ever says or does gets to you. From the tiniest comment to the very reasons behind Jet's latest stream of lectures- he hardly has witnessed you bat an eyelid at it all.
It’s not that he necessarily dislikes you as a whole, but something angry inside him bubbles over around you. Still fresh in the bounty hunter world, your attitude just appears… too naïve. The feeling you fill him with is foreign, and why someone ‘so simple’ can get his mind racing is beyond him. Within the dim lighting the Bebop offers, barely reaching the inside of his racer, Spike has long been so sure you’d never find common footing he doesn’t even consider it an assumption anymore. 
Amidst his thoughts, the two of you manage to shave the number of shooters down by a considerable amount. 
Still eager to be done with the case (even if it means coming back empty handed at this rate), Spike takes the opportunity to fully rush away from behind the bar completely. Taking a dive, he shoots another individual just before tumbling to the floor. As he rolls himself over to find complete cover once more, he loudly lets out a curse after a loud gunshot fires in the air. 
“Spike!?” you squeak, whipping around to see the man on the floor cradling his foot. Both his hands are clasped around his shoe, knuckles turning ghost white from applied pressure. Your eyes widen, dropping your adopted expression. “Are you alright!?” you shout. 
“Less worry; more shooting!” he barks, wincing at a shot of pain trailing violently up his leg. 
Not needing to be told twice, you focus your efforts back on the task at hand. He hears three distinct gunshots from your side of the room. Two thuds come from the far end his back is facing, a sound he recognizes as clothed bodies hitting the floor. To Spike’s relief, deafening sounds of guns firing comes to a complete halt. 
You drop to the floor as well, buttocks making harsh contact with marble. Turning just your head this time, you meet Spike’s gaze once more. Not a second passes before the two of you share an exhausted laugh. Your tone is light and thankful, his is booming and pushing through fierceness beginning to fade. 
“As best as we can… we’re keeping this from getting back to Jet or Faye,” Spike mumbles, leaning his head back after calming himself down. 
Smiling warmly, you tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear and move your attention. Your eyes scan the back of the bar, squinting slightly. The walls are littered with bullet holes, and you’ve no doubt the amount of which are near impossible for one person to count alone. A shady figure lingers in a bathrooms door frame, and at least two tables in the back are snapped in half-
Realistically, the figure in the distance moves fast. To you, the gut reaction is so quick hindsight allows you to fool yourself into believing you had even a moment to think about your actions. To understand what exactly it was you’re doing. To process all that transpires within the next couple of seconds. 
But that isn’t really the case. You merely registered the shadowed individual’s frame, and the reflective light bouncing off the pistol in their hand. It was all you needed to act, diving to the side so quickly that ‘desperate’ wouldn’t be enough to describe the action. 
A shout erupts from behind you, frantic and unfathomably angry. More sounds of gunshots fill the air; curse words and other profanities fill any available space. You can distinctly make out Spike’s voice, and one more that’s unknown to you. It’s very deep and masculine, though, from what you can understand.
You attempt to roll your body over, but a sharp pain just below your collarbone and near your shoulder keeps you from doing so. Vision blurs at random, and you can scarcely make out your companion (roommate?) standing in front of you. When exactly did he get there? 
Your eyes flutter open and shut. 
You feel someone kneeing you in the side, and your eyes snap open to observe Spike bending down beside you. Slowly but surely, your vision stabilizes. When did he…? Is the mysterious shooter still around? You attempt to move again, but this time the pain you feel is so prominent you cry out and screw your eyelids shut. 
“Oi oi oi…” you hear Spike’s voice call. “Don’t strain yourself, dummy,” he tells you, having absolutely no bite behind his words. At least, none you could make out. Still, you're inclined to wonder if it’s still just your own shock over getting shot making you misunderstand. 
“Bounty got away…” he huffed, gently sitting you up against a fallen table. Giving you an apologetic look, he rips the side of your top open. You put up no fight, watching him wrap your bullet wound with whatever makeshift materials he’s found lying around. 
“Was that who was standing in the back?” you ask, voice kept low. 
“Yeah,” he replies, “ I thought the coward hightailed it and ran… but I guess he wanted the last laugh. Erm- tried to at least. He ended up running anyway.” 
“Him and this ‘team’ if his will probably persue us, then,” you sigh, “Now we have to hunt him down before he gets us…” Pausing, you take a minute to mull over your words. “I’m really sorry. This is all my-“
“Don’t,” he cuts you off calmly, gesturing to your injuries. “Not when you’re like this.”
Smiling despite yourself, he stops his movements at the display. Ignoring the shock on his face, you ask, “What? You worried about me?” 
Spike hesitates, physically moving his chest away from you. “Don’t be absurd,” he scoffs, speaking unconvincingly. He continues, wrapping around the wound once more before stopping himself yet again. His frown deepens, adding, “And stop smiling like that.” 
“Because you were just shot!” he snaps, “And nearly slipped out of consciousness!” 
“Ah…” heat rushes to your face, “So you were worried…” 
“I-… yes, fine, okay?” his head falls, giving in.
You snort, “That sounded painful.” 
“Tonight’s been stressful; you haven't been acting like yourself all night. Even on a job… it’s not like you to get so serious. What was with you?”
You shrug sheepishly, avoiding his gaze. “Thought you’d like it better that way.”
“It freaked me out, why would-“
Spike halted his words. He knew exactly why, but the night has been a long string of his own mistakes so it’s been tough keeping up. And here’s the biggest one yet, coming straight towards him holding a steel chair: How he treats you. More specifically, how he spoke to you earlier. How indifferent, borderline annoyed, he always acts. It’s true, he’s long been trying to figure out how to press your buttons. But all at once it’s clear that it does get to you. Now that it’s showing, even just a small bit, his wall between you two starts to crumble.
“Couldn’t let anything happen to you either…” you mumble when he doesn’t continue, “Jet was telling me how easily the job could be slipped up. I was a bit intimidated… and when you spoke to me earlier I guess I just accepted that it would be a little out of my league. This was my first real ‘big gig’ after all… and I couldn’t accept the idea of disappointing you.”
Nodding, he finished up the last of tending to the wound for the time being. Regardless, his hand lingers on your shoulder supportively. “I’m… sorry I’ve been hard on you. This lifestyle’s really roughened me out; guess I should be glad it hasn’t gotten to you yet,” he mutters, adding a quick, “You did good.”
The moment it slips from his mouth, he is taken aback. He means that too, but that’s the part that surprises him. Then again, you’d surprised him yourself.
A grin flashes across your face. Sweet and genuine, without a sting of pain. Spike’s heart feels heavy with just a simple glance. It’s like the first time he ever saw you, back when he was keen to notice a glowing aura you possessed. He’d describe it as a pure beauty, if he could have swallowed his pride. However, it’s the added context of knowing who you really are that keeps his attention on you this time around.
“You think I have hope of becoming a ‘real’ bounty hunter like you someday?” you ask, referencing a conversation you’ve shared once before. 
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, sweetheart,” he replies, a tiny smile appearing on his face. 
Sharing a breathily laugh, the two of you soon sit and stare at one another in silence. Outside, people are shouting and police sirens are flaring. Yet his diligent ogling isn’t hindered in the slightest. 
“What about respect…?” you test the waters, voice quiet and careful, “You think I’ve at least earned that?”
Smirking, Spike’s head slowly moves from your shoulder to the back of your head. His own leaning down crookedly in correlation, speaking now in a low whisper, “Don’t be modest… you’ve earned more than that.” 
In one swift motion, his lips press against yours in a surprisingly soft kiss. Even as people began to pile into the building, police enforcements leading the way, the two of you stayed glued to one another. A news crew even caught a glimpse of the display of affection, only adding to outside confusion. 
Breaking away from the kiss, you giggle against his lips, “We’re on TV.”
“Give ‘em a show, then, yeah?” he smirks, leaning closer and planting another kiss on your lips. 
At home, within the Bebop’s common area, Jet plops down in his favorite seat with Ein at his side. The man nearly falls out of his chair upon turning on his television.
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voidpremonition · 6 months
Hello, world!
It's so sad Hazbin antis have such problems with it and vivzie, or their stories which makes them dislike the show. Anyways I can't make a constructive criticism right now so have this instead:
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Ps: this is kinda serious kinda not, and I also have not watched hazbin and I'm not planning to change that ever, anyway, let's begin!
So Base Pac-man at the end of his show has many strengths, combined with power pellets which make him quite powerful, which include:
*Smacking and throwing small buildings with his tongue
*Reacting to multiple lasers larger than himslef in the air
*Making a kirby-esque inhale attack to suck multiple ghosts (opponents) at once
*Is a martial arts expert in a mystic fighting style called Pac-fu, capable of beating its prior greatest user now a ghost
*With same training his speed is at base enough to make afterimages
*Also speed enough to catch up with ghosts capable of travelling to space in minutes
*His pimple ooze can seal holes through space and time (don't ask watch the show)
*innate cloning via Pac-fu
*Has been referenced to terrify cosmic reality-warpers known as "the overlords"
*Resistance to heat and the vaccum of space
*Strong enough to fistfight netherworld monsters via scaling to spiral (his friend)
*His mouth is powerful enough to eat a fully stone statue AT LEAST, and has eaten a sandwich the size of a town as a SNACK
*Most importantly: Can eat ghosts, or in this case, SOULS. You see where I'm getting at?
*First of all his berries stack so he can use multiple powers SIMULTANOUSLY
*Almost all regular berries give him true flight
*Pyrokinesis via fire berry, shown to be able to even disintegrate ghosts and beat netherworld dragons AND rival an alien spaceship
*Cryokinesis via ice berry, capable of freezing an entire tornado made of ghosts at ONCE, immobilizing them on spot, something no hazbin character has shown resistance to (to my knowledge)
*Titanium berry gives him a Magnetized tongue and obvious resistant metallic body
*Invisibility via chameleon berry
*Magic abilities and countering via wizard berry (also includes mild reality warping)
*Great size and strength increases via growth berries, being able to beat war vehicles as a BABY (most known transformation is Pac-zilla)
*Franken berry which gives him electrokinesis
*Genius intellect via nerd berry (uhm actually🤓)
*Planetoid-size transformation with atmosphere and gravitational pull
*Speed increase via speed berries
*kung-fu berries for improved combat
*Tornado berry capable of creating great tornadoes
*Remember all those powers can STACK and he can change them at will or use them simultaneously?
*Ghosts have been able to make direct contact with glowing-hot asteroids with no damage
*Pac-man survived being sent to the past through a wormhole at immeasurable speed without protection
*His base intelligence is enough to pilot a super-advanced lightyear spanning space shuttle
*He literally burped so hard once he MOVED a black hole multiple light years away
*There are many, oh so many more power berries I forgot about
If you enjoyed this or have counter arguments please let me know! I love you all!
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whiteoutzz · 4 months
Hi! Is it ok if you elaborate and/or explain how disabled characters within Wings of Fire aren’t treated well and/or written well within the series (and/or that Wings of Fire is very weird about disabled characters) please?
sorry it took me a bit anon, but i needed to gather my thoughts.
But basically; while there is alot i could focus on, that even with disabled characters that are good, their disabilty isn't really all that researched (both starflight and tamarin for example, but i don't know enough to make a whole post about them), or how narrative often treats them as disposable or not as important as rest of the characters (ospery literally exist just to be killed. and yes alot of characters die in wof, but he is one book and then is killed off for other characters progression) (also whiteout. but i will make analysis of her another time). or whatever stonemover had going on.
and even with jerboa iii / boa, she hides her missing talons out of shame in her story, but it almost seems like its so the auhtor is more comofrtable with her, and idunno maybe she stops doing that later but it does feel gross to me. < and yes i am aware that loss of her talons was in a traumatic way but it doesn't really justify it, especially with how other disabled characters are written.
and even fucking Scarlet, who is disabled as a punishment (in the narrative, not the story itself. also she hides her scar in some instances with animus magic, and yes im especially including her).
clay's disability is mostly forgotten both by books and fandom, and much more.
but i do think one of the things that angers me the most is chameleon, and how you can't really fix that without literally not making him a villain. HIS WHOLE MOTIVATION is that is he is disabled, angry at the ableism, and changing himself due to that. and greed too i guess, but you can't really ingore the disability part, and i just look at how he is written. HE IS LITERALLY EVIL BECAUSE HE IS DISABLED... in text he has a facial difference (even if he is rarley drawn with it), a sleeping disorder, and of course, not being able to change his scales. its the most visible one in fact. he is kicked out from his kingdom literally because he is disabled, and he is angry, and finds the scroll, and does evil things or whatever. (and also has peril and is a questionable father).
I can't really describe how angry i am at his character existing. And you can't fix him! At best you could have rainwings with his disability who aren't evil, but even then, his motivation is that he is disabled, and its his primary motivation. It fuels his anger, its why he takes on multiple forms, its why he attacks Kinkajou, its probably why he tries to change Peril. < also greed, but im ignoring this on purpouse because it isnt relevant to the discussion and it doesn't erase the fact that his main motivation is that he is angry because he is disabled and how he changes himself into different dragons, and how he has distain for other rainwings, all that.
Why is it a problem? Well because it implies disability can make you evil and also even if we are symphatetic to Chameleon, there is no solution for his anger. The problems aren't fixed. And we never get another Rainwing character who can't change their scales. His evilness is tied to his disability, both of them connected. If one was to fix that, you would need to redeem him or not make him a villain in the first place, but then what is the point of his character. Its not just lack of reaserch or few things in poor taste, ITS HIS WHOLE CHARACTER!
And for the record, im not calling tui an evil horrible bigot, but she is not immune to bias. Its not just ableism of course, series has other issues, but its really really glaring.
Coming back to some characters; how Boa hides her disabilty, its of course of internalized ableism, but characters do not exist in a vaccum. Blind characters are commonly potrayed with cataracts (clody, foggy eyes), regardless of their actual type of blindess, or with something covering their eyes (like a blindfold). disabled characters are often killed off or not important to the narrative. While we do have few disabled protagonist, its after their pov, so we don't get a point of view of a character who is disabled.
Im probably missing something, but i think its enough things to say hey. Wings of Fire has ableism problem.
*also i didnt read book 15 or the guide so if im missing something else important im sorry i didnt really know
and i apologize if its written messy and has grammar and spelling mistakes and if i got something wrong but my point still stands even if i missed something or didnt explore somethings nuance entirely or got something wrong.
ok thats all . i think.
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witchthewriter · 8 months
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𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓯𝓸𝓻 @night-girl-301.
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𝐼 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑛, 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦 "𝑆𝑜𝑎𝑝" 𝑀𝑎𝑐𝑇𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑠ℎ! I think he would absolutely love your extroverted nature; the way you don't mind the spotlight. Which makes it a lot easier for the both of you to have fun together.
Keeps a polaroid of you in his pocket; the one closest to his heart. Only takes it out when he's going on a mission - his worst fear is the enemy finding out about you
Your name saved in his phone is 'My Bonnie Lass', and likes to reread old messages before he goes to sleep.
The two of you have had MANY adventures, and when he tells Gaz about them (nonchalantly in conversation) it's almost as if the room falls quiet.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Scotland by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
(this is absolutely one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard. Without a doubt, when listening to this, it's how Johnny would feel whenever he returns to Scotland.)
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 
More Alike Than Different
Fake Relationship Which Turns Into True Love
Would Die For Each Other
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Johnny loves how easily you can lighten his mood (even though he's always been the person to do that for others). It's taken a load off his shoulders, having you in his life. Johnny realised one day that his life was actually lacking. That there had been a piece missing, and bloody aye bonnie, it was you!
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅  
I'm not 100% sure if you know this character but I think you would be great friends with Keegan. Mysterious, funny and sarcastic, I think you two would have a chaotic brother / sister relationship. Soap knows this, but still gets jealous.
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𝐼 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑃𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑜 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑜𝑓𝑓! Hell yeah, the fast boi. He would absolutely love teasing you; even before getting into a relationship, Pietro would flirt and do his best to make you blush. It drove you mad, but you did your best not to react. That was until Wanda made him see how much he actually did like you.
One of the greatest things about having a speedy boyfriend, is that he can do things 100x quicker. Like clean - wash the dishes, do the laundry, vaccum. He does all this so you don't have to. You're his 'Princezná' (Princess).
You have matching rings - it's a promise ring, from him to you. Pietro gave you the ring (not quite a diamond, or too expensive) on your birthday, and then on his, you did the same.
One of the more protective significant others... he knows you can hold your own, but will not hesitate to step in when he feels like you've been disrespected.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
The Train by James Newton Howard
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 
You Fell First, But They Fall Harder
Aggressively Supportive & Protective Of Each Other
Overly arrogant, flirty x Pretends To Be Unfazed, But Is Dying On The Inside
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
How you can keep up with him, and at times, he feels as though he cannot keep up with you. I'm not talking about physical speed here, but wit and humour and socialising. You create friendships wherever you go. People like you. And all Pietro can do is stare. Because you're the life of the party...and the light of his life.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅  
Your best friend would be Natasha - she would love your honesty, your knowledge and how fun you are. She would never say that to your face though. Your friendship is based on lightly teasing each other (Wanda calls it bullying and pouts unless you two say sorry ; even though no one was upset).
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𝐼 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑇𝑜𝑛𝑘𝑠! I think you two would start off as best friends and no matter how hard either of you would try to keep apart - you could never be able to. Almost like it was written in the stars, Tonks is the woman for you. Outgoing, bold, brave, loyal, determined - she's always by your side.
Tonks is the golden retriever girlfriend. She is excited to do ANYTHING with you and isn't afraid of looking like a fool either.
She can make you laugh even when you're in the deepest of dumps. Her presence is like laughter personified. And one of the best things is that she can change her appearance - into anything! You want a cuddle? Okay Tonks is turning into this HUGE bear!
Snores terribly loud though. A few times a week you have to shake her awake because she's snoring so loud. Only to realise she's somehow morphed into a lion's nose and that's why her snoring is louder than usual
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Lay All Your Love On Me by Pale Honey
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 
"I've made a calculated decision." (Tonks) x "You can't do math?" (You)
Chaotic Dumbass (You) x Enthusiastic Dumbass (Tonks)
The Sarcastic Duo That Can Finish Each Other's Insults 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
You never make her feel weird, or like she has to entertain you to keep you around. You help her see her worth (most of the time without meaning to). She feels like you're soulmates, and has actually researched about the topic secretly, wanting to know if there's any truth to it.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅  
George Weasley - he never fails to make you laugh, but also listen to you when you need it. He's the calmer, more mature version of Fred. And you were drawn to his demeanour, almost romantically at first. But you both decided that being friends would be a lot better. And turns out, you were both right.
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#006 Sins of the past
You approached Princess Morbucks and her friends...friends probably isn't the right term considering she was yelling at the boy and didn't seem to know the girl. It was entirely possible that they had only met today. Of course you did wonder how such a passionate argument could have broken out between strangers.
"You should know exactly how serious I am about this, Dexter. There's a huge vaccum in the market for villains right now since Mojo disappeared, and since I'm so generous I'll even fund your evil schemes." As always, Princess is pretentious and demanding. No surprises there. You do listen closely though, since you want to know exactly where Mojo might have disappeared to. It's possible that Blossom didn't tell you the entire truth
"I've already told you. I don't do that anymore. I broke off our contract for a reason" The guy in the lab coat, supposedly named Dexter, now speaks. He speaks in a thick accent though you can still tell he's upset. He has curly red hair and wears headphones though you can't tell if they're playing any music
Princess: "Didn't you used to be in a rivalry with Mandark? He's the top ranking right now?"
Dexter: "That's not my problem anymore"
Princess: "So you're just letting him be better than you?"
Dexter: "I already hurt someone important to me once, I don't want to risk it again"
Princess: "What, is this all because you fell in love with a Powerpuff girl?"
Dexter: "It's more-"
Princess: " I saw Blossom here and she hasn't said a word to you, so clearly she doesn't feel the same~"
Dexter: "That's not-wait, isn't that the reason you quit too?"
Princess: "Literally shut up right now"
Dexter: "Because I recall reading a tabloid magazine about how Bubbles left you because you che-"
Princess: "ENOUGH!"
All 3 of you were silent and just stared at her until you spoke.
"Wait, who's Mandark again?" The black haired girl looks like she's about to say answer you but then changes her mind. Princess speaks instead because of her need to dominate any given conversation.
"Oh...you're here. Greeeeeeeat". Of course she doesn't like you. Your last interaction ended with you and your brothers refusing to let her join you. But you were also like, 5. She still seemed petty though.
"Of course you wouldn't know someone that famous. Is it because you were never a real villain? But anyway he's like...mad scientist guy. Reads a lot of nerd shit but actually makes it kind of cool. It's called like...cloud rock or whatever"
"It's called steampunk...For someone acting like she's the grand authority of villainy, you really need to do more research. Anyway I saw him here earlier. He has like black hair, and some stupid cape"
"Oh uh-" You remember that description exactly fits the guy who you just punched. Thinking about it further, a future supervillain interning on whatever weird project had them kidnapped made a lot of sense.
"I may have taken him out...Didn't kill him but uhhh" You showed your now stained gloves, expecting a freakout but they seemed almost uncomfortably calm. The black haired girl looked as if she wanted to say something but realized she probably shouldn't. The guy in the lab coat seemed to smirk a bit. Princess, as always, looked annoyed.
"So...if whatever villain contract you were talking about is open, you should probably be offering it to me, if anyone" You weren't sure if it was something you actually wanted...but job security sounds nice. Even with someone as annoying as her.
"Yeah that's...never gonna happen. If a hero just wants to rely on physical strength and powers that's one thing. But villains have to be smarter. And you...I don't think you have that. Sure, your dad was a real villain. Regardless of my personal feelings I can't deny Mojo's impact. But you and your brothers...you were just a scheme. A means to take down the Powerpuff girls. And that's all you'll EVER be"
Rage flashes through you again but unlike last time you hold back, though your gaze is terrifying. She knows enough about you to know that you can shoot lasers out of your eyes.
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chaos-proffessa · 7 months
Hello I know it's been a while but look I finally made that fic i said I would
*context this is kink onyx and there boyfs in this fic I'll make an official timeline at some point but eh... tired*
And remember chaos can't spell for shit
Riely stretched out on his bed, his sheets and blankets tangled around one leg while also being spread down to the ground, he sat up his hands reaching above his head his back cracking, today was going to be a good day he thought to himself, Riely padded his way to the kitchen turning on the kettle and prepping two coffees, one with sugar and milk the other straight black, he gulped down the sweeter one setting it down in the sink or trying too, he quickly realised that the sink had gotten a bit crowded latley, he'd add that to his list for today, as he walked to onyx's room he recounted in his mind the chores he was going to do today, he and onyx had agreed yesterday that the house could use a deep clean, he was tasked with vacuuming, dusting checking the pantry and now dishes, he smiled as he knocked on onyx's door "hey onny, you awake?" He asked gently through the door, said door creaking lighty as it was opened, Riely placed the coffee on onyx's bed side table with a smile "I'm Gunna get started on vacuuming ok?" Riely said as he bent over to showed his boyfriend in kisses to his cheek. he walked away satisfied with the sleepy grunt he got in response and went to fetch the vaccume
Riely had gotten through a good number of rooms when the vaccume stopped sucking up stuff from the floor, his brow furrowing as he turned the machine around trying to figure out what happened "it's full ri" onyx mumbled from behind him, Riely turned around with a smile and hugged onyx "good morning!" Riely said happily, onyx smiled and showed Riely the button to press to eject the contents of the vaccume "just be careful I got it pre owned and the compartment can kinda get stuck, just tap it on the side of the bin and youl be fine" onyx advised before he went off to start his set of chores, "thanks onny!!" Riely called after as he took off the vaccume head, he headed into the kitchen to empty the debree from the container true to onyx's word the chamber was stuck he started out tapping lightly but it wasn't doing anything, he tried harder and harder shaking it up and down to try and loosen it until *POOF!!* the contents of the vaccume shot up into his face, he'd been holding it upside down, Riely dropped the vaccume and backed up coughing into his arm, onyx raced in hearing the crash, he turned Riely around to face him "are you ok? Are you hurt?" Onyx asked brushing off the dust from Riely's shirt grimacing at the thick layer that had coated his front, "f-fine onny *cough* I'm ok!" Riely gave onyx a reassuring smile "just dusty" onyx nodded relived "alright... You want some help to clean this up?" Riely looked around seeing most of it ended up on the floor around the bin... And himself. Riely shook his head "nah ill be fine!" He replied onyx nodded and wished him luck as he walked off, Riely sniffled and scrunched up his nose, pressing at his septum with his wrist.
Next item on the list was the pantry, it had been a while scince he or onyx had checked to see if everything was still in date, Riely went shelf by shelf checking everything, the pasta, sauce, snacks and drinks, now he was starting to reach the tall shelves all that was left were the herbs and spices, he grabbed the step stool and set to work sorting through and binning some herbs, once he got to the spices he realised that some of the labels had started wearing off some not having a date on them, he hummed thoughtfully his Nana had thought him that he could tell if some spices were out of date from the smell so he opened a few up and sniffed at them, he diddnt really know what he was looking for or smelling for but they seemed ok so far, until he hit the paprika salt and pepper, he started with the salt wich he almost dropped a few times, it looked like the olive oil bottle had cracked and leaked onto some shakers, he ended up drying them off for now he though, deciding he'd come back to them later but just as he was putting back the pepper he lost his footing catching himself by turning so he diddnt land on his knees, he heard a sharp *crack* he looked around to see the pepper had broken "oh shoot!, well I guess I'll just add it to the list..." He shrugged and went to grab the dust pan and broom, kneeling down to start cleaning up the mess he'd made, as he started sweeping up the pepper it started puffing up into the air he hadn't noticed until he got a nose full, he set down the brush with a gasp his nose twitching hands came up to rub at his nose it was still scensitive from the dust, "hihHhhh HiHHhh hhh.. snFf! SnFff!! Hhh..." He huffed out air as the sneeze teased him, he kept cleaning up his nose twitching and running lightly in protest once he'd finished his nose had turned pink and his eyes were watering lightly, he still felt tickly...
Next was the dishes, then he'd be done. Riely put in the rubber gloves and started the water he made it extra hot so it would be easier to clean off any food stuff, his nose had started to calm down a little bit it was definately still irritated, if he focused on it too long it... IhHT "IHhhH HH!! HhhHIEH!! ....ghh snDff!! C'monnnn" he whined attempting to run his nose on his shoulder but couldn't quiet reach, he sniffled and scrunched his nose as he started washing up the dishes, he added the new soap onyx had bought to the hot water watching the bubbles rise, he started rincing the dishes scrubbing at them with the brush when a sudden strong floral smell started waving it's way through the kitchen, his breath waivered slightly his nose running, he was almost done, just a few more dishes then he could take these gloves off he bargained with himself, just... "HheH" a-a few "hhIHHhH!" Mor-more.. d "hHH" dish "HIHhHH'DTSsHHHYU!!!" Riely backed away from the sink trying to get the gloves off but his eyes kept shutting on thier own, his still gloves wet hands Fanning his face "hhehH!! HEhHH'DTTtsSHHYU!! Hhh HEH'GTSSHhhYYYUU!!!" Riely sniffled congestedly his breath still hitching his nose running, mess cascading down his face his eyes flooded with allergic tears, as all the sneezes that had been stuck for the day had suddenly come up to the surface, "hhHeHH'GTdDSHHYU!-EHhH'DShzzYU!! EHhhHE EHH'GTddsZZHYYU!!!" his hands were stuck trying to shield his face from the room while also trying to not get too close as they were covered in the fragrent soapy water, "Riely?" Onyx called out entering the kitchen "you o- oh shit.. what happened?" Onyx walked up to Riely as Riely chocked out a desperate "g-gluHH gloves! GehHHt them o-oF'DSHhhYYU!!" Riely snapped forward mess leaking down his lips as he came back up for air panting, onyx stuck his mouth open quickly nodded "y-yeah of course" he quickly took off Riely's gloves as carefully as he could, trying to not get too distracted by Riely's hitching breaths, onyx flushed and looked away as Riely accidentally sprayed his hands, Riely stumbled back breath hitching chest expanding, his head tilted back giving onyx a show of his twitching, inflamed, leaking nostrils as he shot forward cupping both hands over his nose and mouth muffling a fit of desperate sneezes, onyx muffled a whine bringing a hand to his mouth biting his finger, he had never told his boy friend about his kink, and he certainly diddnt want it to be now he took a few breaths before walking forward, clearing his thought and asking "are- are you alright?" Onyx placed a hand on Riely's shoulder, Riely sniffled and looked up then down.
"... Why are you hard?"
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googlekromer · 16 days
hold on i need to share with you all a dream i had last night. for context, i think i was really hot and sick last night (still am) and while it wasn't a fever, i don't usually have dreams that actually have a plot, when i have them it's like 10 seconds of wtf.
I got to meet Schneider in his house and Till was there too (I can't really remember why we were there whether it was a birthday or just a random visit) and he was so kind and so sweet and he saw I was uncomfortable and kept offering me candy and I got to meet the schneidlings even tho i have no idea what they look like and for some reason I was messaging @wizzardclown throughout the whole thing and eventually i vibed with the schneidlings (and till for a bit) and helped them out with stuff
Towards the end of the dream Schneider praised me for being helpful (i dropped something and was vaccuming it up) and told me about how the vaccum cleaner went away into storage and we fumbled it up in true medoh/schnoodle fashion and while i was fixing it and while my family were waiting in the car (because i forgot to mention they were there too) Schneider pulled out so many sweets and started offering for me to take them home in a doggie bag kinda deal and I felt so awkward as a 19 year old and he was all like "as a thank you for being so helpful" and I tried to pull the "Schneider I'm a huge Rammstein fan it should be me thanking you" card but he was insisting and I think he almost teared up then Till came in, saw my glucose haul being created and just laughed and bantered with me and I laughed too. Then I woke up, and wrote this down immediately before i lost it.
i think it was a fever dream more than anything because i'm sick right now and usually my dreams star till/flake. i love all of them though, but it just so happens schneider's third after till.
(my top 3 are: 1. flake 2. till 3. schneider if i was forced to rank them.)
this time till was just an elusive creature in the bg. my whole family was there, mum, dad, sister and brother so was uli. i don't blame schneider for being so sweet (although there were some parts where he didn't understand me because being mumbly in any language isn't very efficient 😔 and just went 'hä' in a german way) and i don't blame till for being a silent bg character, also i can't exactly remember what i was messaging wizzard on discord lmao.
also, about the end: i think schneider felt bad that i couldn't relax and used my time to help out his children but understood it was just in my nature to prefer being alone and to do things to keep myself from exploding like a nuke when i visit people, much like tilly bär. plus i was apparently such a good impromptu babysitter he paid me in sweets, maybe next time pay me in money, or something else iykyk (frau) schnoodle ;)
10/10 for wholesomeness but i still feel weird because if i was invited to schneider's house i wouldn't go without at least 3 rammtisch/rammblr peeps on deck because i'd be so nervous 😭 and till being there while great seemed like a weird "and bumblebee!" situation my brain threw in lmaoo
oh yeah and for some reason the schneidlings were watching alphablocks and clangers — two BRITISH shows my brother watches on cbeebies. no idea :(
and there were three of them, two boys and a girl. schneider only has two boys irl. make of that what you will
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There were many times he wished he was as normal as the other hermits but, this surely wasn't one of them.
Ren opened his eyes to the blackness of the void for, according to his internal clock, Four weeks and three days. Thirty-one days in a vast sheet of nothingness. The D.O.G. quickly took note on how the void he currently was floating through was different that the void that The End inhabited.
The End void has some sort of suffocating pull to it where if one fell they were immediately sucked downwards. Downwards until it felt like you were frozen in some invisible heavy fluid that filled up your lungs making it impossible to breathe. This one? This one seemed to have no vaccum (as Doc called it). He just floated haphazardly and aimlessly in this vast sea of nothingness; minus the drowning.
Ren, now quite literally, having all the time in the world started to wonder if he could drown. In the void or the ocean. You see, Ren's not normal anymore (or as normal as anyone could be, he guesses). He's, under some weird category of circumstances, classified as a robot. He feels cyborg would be better seeing as he still had his flesh head, left arm, right leg, tail, and other. He also still had a few of his original bones intact as well.
He fliped himself onto his back and looked down at himself, rubbing his flesh hand over his (mostly) hollow interior. He remembered what X had told him, how important Ren was to the survival of the Hermits. He, Ren the D.O.G., were to hold the hermits until Xisuma could find a suitable new home for them all. What happened to the last one?
The void ate it.
He wasn't sure which, the great vaccum of the End or this hollow expansion of nothing. But, it was X, him, and Keralis who went to officially investigate the anomaly underneath where Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Pearl, and Impulse had just built their weird boat tower thing. Ren remembers the horrific scream X produced when the ground gave out from underneath him.
That's how they found it. Because it almost got rid of their colony leader. The sensors were only picking up the bulk of the mass and not the entirety of it. The rest of it spanned for miles as it rapidly ate the world from bedrock up.
The days that followed were of Xisuma and Doc rapidly installing something into the, then more hollow, inside of his abdomen cavity. Turns out, what they had installed was a stasis chamber of sorts. One slot for each hermit. To which then X lined each of them up and turned them into physical data cubes just big enough to be cupped in his hands.
Once it was just him and X, and each of his friends had been safely tucked away in stasis, X hugged him. Which, you might think that's not a big deal. But, you'd be wrong. Xisuma wasn't one for physical affection or, touch for that matter. So, to get a hug from him was a great honor.
Ren closed his eyes as he remembered the leaders final words before he had (quite literally) launched Ren out of the world and into the nothingness:
"Stay as safe as you can. Be as strong as you must. When I find us a home, I will then come find you. Never not be afraid."
Ren reopened his eyes with a soft smile. He trusted X, he'd make it right. Tilting his head back, Ren looked ahead with a sigh as a fan inside him whirred slightly faster. He hoped what ever was to come he could handle it. Here he was. He was ready.
Bring it on void.
Hi! I'm not new to Tumblr by no means, This is just my first post. Speaking of which, this story lines up with one of my two main Hermitcraft AUs called Lament of the Voids' Ferry. Where Ren is (more than partly) a robot who is tasked with keeping his friends safe while he's been shot off into the void(?) as X searches for a new home world. Along the way he ends up in different universes by accident and learning about a whole bunch of other hermits like him but very different at the same time. Hope you enjoyed the read and feel free to ask questions. I'll try my best to awnser.
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