#i am sure of it. the guy is smart he just needs to be guided the right way
cats-in-the-clouds · 4 months
my sister got engaged and we’re all really happy for her but my bitter rain cloud of a dad (who naturally she told last) is giving her a bit of passive aggressive grief about it despite her boyfriend being like the best man of our generation (presumably either because he’s not catholic or because my dad sees them as young dumb unemployed people who aren’t ready for marriage or because he’s mad he barely has any real love with his own wife or something). so like pray for us? i wish i knew what to do
#if my dad had any brain cells or observational skills whatsoever#he’d realize that in terms of our faith the problem is not the boyfriend. that guy is brilliant and open minded and would probably ace RCIA#the problem is my sister. who is catholic in name but it’s clear to me how hard she’s fallen away from the faith#but like my dad has created such a bitter home environment we never have meaningful conversations with him#so like he doesn’t know *anything* about our inner lives#all he sees is labels. all he judges people by is labels#literally you can still get married in the church to a non catholic it’s just a matter of expecting them to convert eventually#and promising to still live according to the principles of the church and raising your children as such#but my parents are absolute fools if they think that’s the issue. if my sister was true in her faith her bf would have converted already#i am sure of it. the guy is smart he just needs to be guided the right way#evidently my parents don’t realize that about him either#if my dad could become a decent parent for once and stop trying to drive his kids away from the faith by only cherrypicking the parts of it#that intersected with republican/conservative boomerisms#ugh. if he was a virtuous father she’d be a virtuous daughter and therefore all her friends and loved ones would be virtuous as well#should i blame my dad for all our family problems? no.. not rightfully……#but like. the impact a father has on one’s life cannot be understated#ugh i’ve had the sense for a while that God wants me to be the one to fix this family#because looking around it doesn’t look like anyone else is gonna do it#but that’s such a daunting task… especially alone… i don’t have any true friends (ie who share both my faith and life experiences)#and like. it’s really hard to try to assume the role of a teacher or counselor when someone is older than you#or uh. in a position of direct power over you for that matter. esp when clearly deeply mentally ill#the concept of trying to essentially parent my own parent while i myself am miserable and unstable#esp when he is the primary cause of that#just. ughhhhh it’s such a vicious circle#like i’ll do this if i have to i’ll undertake that daunting mission but i have to be so careful and really sort myself out first#or for that matter if i were to volunteer to like. catechize my sister’s boyfriend (heaven knows she couldn’t do it)#i’d have to really study my stuff bc i think the intellect is the only real appeal here#like i said tho his conversion can probably never really happen as long as my sister remains the way she is#what i know is that the first step is fixing myself. i have to be a pillar of virtue if i wanna stand as any sort of authority on the faith#problem is i suck and shouldn’t be regarded as a role model for anything. i have the knowledge down but that alone won’t fix me
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months
Gotham rained a lot more than Amity ever did.
Danny could not help but appreciate the differences. From the way the city itself curled around her inhabitants to the weather, Gotham was far darker than Amity ever managed to be.
Still, there were similarities. The screams, for one. In Amity, it was ghosts, their victims, and whichever ghostbuster of the day rocking up to rock each other’s shit. Another similarity? Danny’s inability to not get himself into troublesome shit, because he could never ignore a cry for help.
That scream was a cry for help if he’s ever heard one.
Danny cursed himself as he slipped through the alleyways, strides becoming smoother and agile than he normally walked like. He stuck to the shadows, the prickling of ghostly senses and honed vigilante instincts guiding him towards the scream. It was a man, getting stabbed by a guy in a red helmet.
Danny maintained that he was new here.
Which is why his foot connected solidly with Red Helmet's... red helmet.
"Motherfuc-" Red Helmet shouted as he was punted several feet away.
"Holy shit dude, are you good?"
Danny helped the guy up.
"Thank fuck! Back up! What took you so long?! Boss is gunna be so pissed if we're late!"
Hold up. Boss?
“Black Mask, asshole! We gotta go before he decides to cut off our limbs!”
Danny yanked the guy to the side just as a bullet ricocheted off the rusted fire escape.
“You’re not going anywhere.” A mechanical voice growled behind them.
“Oh fuck, Red Helmet guy.” Danny muttered.
“Shit, ya gotta run, tell boss I got caught.” The injured goon- because it was now apparent to Danny that the guy was working for someone dangerous- said. Danny appreciated the thought, but he only intervened because the guy was getting stabbed.
“Uh,” Danny hesitated. Clearly the guy had the wrong idea.
“Don’t make a move, unless you want your fucking heads blown off,” Red Helmet guy- wait, why does he feel liminal?- raised his guns. “Why don-”
Red Helmet guy was cut off by the thud of the now unconscious goon.
His helmet tilted down and then back up at Danny.
“Guess it’s just you and me,” Helmet guy sneered out. “Better tell me everything you know about Black Mask, or else you’ll get a taste of what he had.”
Danny held up his hands even though he knew he could just let the bullets phase through him. The smart thing would be to absolve himself and not get in the middle of two criminal’s beef as a civilian.
Danny’s full name, however, could have been Danny ‘Dumb Decisions’ Fenton. So, Danny practically interjected himself like an overexcited puppy at a doggy daycare.
“Okay, no need to get bloody. But uh, I have a question.”
Red Helmet cocked his head and mockingly gestured with his gun. “Sure, why not.”
Danny let as much of his midwestern accent into his voice as possible. “Who’s, uh, Black Mask?”
Red Helmet paused. Then he sighed. “You’re not from here, are you?”
“No…? I’m, uh, new in town.”
Red Helmet lowered his guns, and for some reason, Danny could tell that he was exasperated.
“Why would you even get in between a fight, dumbass? I have a gun! I coulda killed ya! He’s a criminal’”
Danny protested. Rude! “In my defense, you were stabbing him! You’re a criminal too, you know!”
“That makes it worse! You-!” Red Helmet paused. “Wait, do you even know who I am?”
Danny let his gaze wander down to the red bat-shaped logo on the guy’s chest. “Uh… Red Helmet… bat-guy?” He hazarded a guess.
“Oh my god, you’re an idiot.”
Danny gaped. “Excuse me?!”
“You heard me,” Red Helmet put his gun back and planted his fists on his hips. “You’re an idiot. Who gets in between a vigilante and the goon of a crime lord.”
Danny crossed his arms, leveling an unimpressed look at Red Helmet. “I’ve never heard of a vigilante killing someone, Red Helmet Bat-Guy.”
“It’s Red Hood.” Red Helmet sighed, walking closer. “And I wasn’t going to kill him.” Danny scoffed.
Danny relaxed, sensing the truth coming from Red Helmet guy’s liminal aspects.
“He’ll die looking at your ugly mug,” Danny sassed. “You’re gonna get him to a hospital, right? I’ll go with you.”
“Are you midwesterners all this trusting? What if I was the goon and this guy was the vigilante?”
Red Hood hiked the goon over his shoulder in a fireman carry. Danny followed after him.
“He’s the one that told me to go running back to his boss, Red Helmet.”
“It’s Red Hood.”
“That doesn’t look like a hood.”
Danny grinned as Red Helmet grumbled. How interesting! Maybe he won’t miss Amity as much as he thought he would!
“Ugh, fine, I guess someone’s gotta watch your dumb ass so you don’t get mugged.”
“I can take care of myself!”
Hood grunted. “I guess that kick wasn’t half bad.”
Danny beamed at him. “Thanks!”
Danny chucked a chimichanga at Red Hood.
“Wait a minute, you’re a crime lord! Being a goon was way less illegal than being a vigilante crime lord!”
Red Hood cackled at him.
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imfinereallyy · 11 months
Dinner Date
For STWG daily drabble and, more importantly, for Goldie @steventhusiast. Happy Birthday, you deserve the world. I know you’re asleep right now, but it’s technically still your bday here. 
“Dingus, this is a really fancy restaurant.” Robin leans back in her chair, but her hand plays with the fork on her napkin. 
Steve sips his wine; some of it tips over the edge onto the tablecloth. “What? Can’t a guy take his best friend out to a fancy dinner?” He tilts his head and takes in his best friend. What was once an awkward teen now had a beautiful, but still awkward, woman in her place. 
“Steve, I love our friend dates, but usually they take place in a greasy diner or dollar pizza.” Robin picks the fork up and starts twirling it into her napkin. Steve watches her get mesmerized by the wrinkles that wrapped around the silverware, even though they both know the napkin should be in her lap by now. 
Steve smiles softly, moves his napkin from his lap to the table, and begins to mimic Robin. “Okay, maybe I wanted it to be a special occasion.”
Robin giggles at Steve's poor fork-twirling form and leans over the table to fix it for him. “All occasions are special when we are together, so that doesn’t really mean much.” Robin’s nose scrunches in concentration as she gently guides Steve’s hand. She has done this plenty of times before, guiding Steve where he needed to be. Like taking him to the bookstore near her college so he wouldn’t have to go into sex with Eddie blind, or when she taught him how to whisk eggs properly. Both are equally important skills he now uses in his everyday life. “But you seemed nervous. You keep sipping your wine, and I know for a fact that you hate dry wine.”
Steve puts down the glass that was halfway to his mouth, “It’s not my fault Moscato tastes like candy!”
Robin snorts, “Seriously, Dingus. It’s just me. What’s up?”
Steve puts down the fork and his glass and looks Robin in the eye. “I wanted to ask you to be my best man.”
Steve expects a lot of reactions out of her: excitement, an eye roll, hell, even straight-up rejection. Maybe a little speech about how weddings for them aren’t even legal. Instead, a look of betrayal crosses her face. “You asked Eddie to marry you, and you didn’t even tell me you were proposing?”
Immediately, Steve clenches his stomach in outrageous laughter, nearly having to bend over the table. Steve tries to take Robin seriously; he really does. But she is supposed to be the smart one out of the two of them. 
Rage takes over Robin completely as she reaches over the table to start slapping Steve’s arm. “Don’t laugh, you asshat! I am actually mad at you!”
“Ow—” Steve laughs. “Ow, Robin!” Another giggle escapes him as he gets her to sit back in her chair. “I’m laughing because, of course, I didn’t propose to Eddie without talking to you first.”
Robin settles a bit at this, “I’m confused.”
Steve reaches for her hand across the table; Robin doesn’t hesitate to wrap her fingers around his. “I’m asking you to be my Best Man first, doofus. Before I even pick out the damn ring. Which I definitely need you to steal one of Eddie’s rings for me so I can get the size; man watches those things like a hawk.” 
Robin squeezes his hand, “Wait, why would you ask me that first? Isn’t that kind of backwards.”
“I do everything kind of backwards, babe. Kinda the Steve Harrington special.” Steve rubs a thumb against the back of soulmate's hand. “Of course, I ask you about being my best man first. There would be no wedding without you, so if you say no, there would be no proposing.”
Steve could see tears beginning to fill Robin’s eyes, “What are you saying?”
“Whoever gets stuck with me gets stuck with you. We’re a package deal, babe.” 
Robin throws herself across the table, knocking the wine everywhere. Steve laughs and clenches her tightly. “Of course, I’ll be your best man! Someone’s gotta make sure you don’t hurt yourself going down the aisle.” She sobs.
Steve’s throat gets thick, “Pretty sure that’s the father's job, Robs. And you’d have to fight Jim for that role.”
“Fine.” Robin sniffs, leaning back to look him in the eye. “But I get stand by your side as you make a complete fool of yourself with your vows.” 
Robin leans forward, placing her forehead against Steve’s. “You and me against the world, babe.”
Steve hugs her tight, “You and me against the world.”
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grcetxt · 6 months
Fuck it we ball fanfic time. Gn reader x lars pinfield WOO
Okay WOO lmk if this is shit or ooc or anything, but im pretty happy with how this went :D its a little rushed, might redo it in the future idk. Also i made Y/N bit too much like me (northern) so watch out for that american readers SORRYYY. anwyays enjoy!
I am smart.
No don't laugh, I am, genuinely I am.
Maybe not in the way that others deem important, maybe not in the traditional sense, but I am bright.
Pinfield doesn't think so, the prick.
Every day I come into work, all smiling and welcoming, and what do I get in return? A roll of the eyes if I'm lucky.
But I don't let him get to me, I love my job. My boss is chill, I love hanging out with Lucky, and the Spenglers seem nice! It's a good gig, really.
I'm the "PR guy" for Ghost Corps. Every time they fuck up and destroy a building or whatever I'm the one who covers it up. I'm a real smooth talker, 'gift of the gab' my mum used to call it.
The team needs me, I know that, they know that. Im crucial to the whole operation, the sole reason why that whiny mayor dude hasnt shut them down.
I'm the one who goes to press interviews, who goes on the radio or on TV. I'm the social media manager, I make videos, and post tweets, fuck I've even started a Ghostbusters youtube account! I deserve a raise honestly. #justiceforY/NthePRguy
I get on with everyone at work except for Pinfield, and I genuinely dont know why.
I've tried getting him to feature in videos, or explain the science of stuff to me so I can actually seem like I know what I'm talking about- but he just brushes me off.
Gary tries to reassure me about this on a daily basis. "Its nothing to do with you Y/N" he smiled one day, putting a hand on my shoulder and guiding me away from the busy scientist. "He doesnt really talk to anyone, he gets really passionate about his work"
"I get that, but there's no need for him to be a dick to me, he's got me thinking all kinds of shit honestly!" I replied, exhasperated "I've never done nowt to him"
Suddenly, Pinfield raised his head from his work, scrunching his eyebrows together. "thats a double negative" he commented, looking at me as if I was stupid. Great, It's the most he's ever spoken to me and its a fucking insult- atleast I think it is.
"you what?" I ask, making my way over to him despite Garys protests. I fold my arms, looking as menacing as i can (which ive been told isn't very menacing at all)
"I said its a double negative, if you've never done nothing then you must've done something" before I can reply, he adds onto the end "which you haven't, by the way. I dont know why you think that. I treat you the same as anyone else"
I can't explain why his answer bothers me so much, but it does. Why does he view me in the same way he views the others? That's hardly fair. I'm always welcoming to him, I make time out of my day to include him in things. I hate to admit it, but I genuinely admire him aswell. His love for all things paranormal, the way he gets so excited and proud when he gets to explain the science of ghost-catching to someone. It's oddly endearing.
I tell him as much (excpet for the stuff about him being endearing, he doenst need his ego inflated any more than it already is)
He looks confused, I've never seen him look like that- its weird. Arrogant? sure. Annoyed? when is he not bffr. Happy? Once or twice. But confused? Weird. This is the guy with all the answers, the smart one.
He thinks for a moment, before seemingly making a desision. He stands up with a small huff of exhasperation, and walks off.
As he goes past me, he grabs my arm, more gently than I thought he was capable of. Okay, i guess im coming too. Fun, roadtrip time.
He takes me out of the lab and down the corridor, into a relatively well lit small room.
"Well this is-" before i can speak properly, he cuts me off. Told you he was a prick.
"I dont understand you Y/N" he blurts out, looking at me, as if I'm some sort of specimin hes studying in the lab.
"Well good." I joke. I dont like the serious tone he's taking. Dont like how aware I am of his gaze. HATE the fact I can feel my cheeks burning. Gross. Pinfield is a dick, we've established this. Why the fuck am I BLUSHING because he's LOOKING at me? Bit embarassing, pull it together Y/LN.
He doenst like this though. He shakes his head, pacing around.
"No Y/N you dont get it. I understand everyone, sort of anyways. I've observed them, I can predict their reactions to things. I know what they're all like- but you're... I just dont understand! You're so happy and nice all the time, but you also get angry at stupid stuff, but never really properly angry? I cant make sense of it, genuinely. You've not done anything wrong, you can't do anything wrong. Thats frustrating too. It's like you're this perfect, beautiful person, and I've been trying to see flaws but I cant-" He rambles, speaking like hes just letting out one stream of constant thoughts. He seems stressed, poor guy.
I interupt him, grabbing his arm. "Hey, c'mon Pinfi- I- Lars. C'mon Lars. I'm not worth the stress mate" I try and reassure him, but that just agitates him more.
"See! That's just it! I've been horrible to you, I admit it. But you've kept trying with me! When I hurt my hand you were the one who bandaged it and put it in a sling"
(i had found him almost blacked out from the pain on the lab floor, even the memory of it sent a shiver down my spine)
"you were the only one that looked for me after we all nearly died fighting Garraka"
("Pinfield? Pinfield!? Oh my god, there you are! Thank fuck you're alright!" Okay maybe this tiny non-crush had been going on longer than i thought... christ)
"I dont like the thought of you hurt..." i muttered, embarrased. this definitely wasnt how i was expecting this conversation to go, fuck my life I was crushing on a nerdy scientist who defintely didn't like me back.
He stopped his pacing and walked over to me until the gap between us was non existant. He slowly, hesitantly, lifted his hand until he cupped my cheek.
"I don't like the thought of you upset because of me" he muttered, his voice low.
My heart completely stopped, my breath caught in my throat, was this happening? how was this happening? i swear this guy was like my mortal enemy not even 5 minutes ago. so many revelations were bieng made today...
I decided to be bold, why not? fuck it, i've got nothing to loose at this point.
I leaned in so our noses just grazed eachother, looking at him, really genuinely looking at him. his soft blue eyes that seemed to peer into my soul. Not pierce through it, like some weird blue eyed fuckers i knew, but looked. gently, tenderly, as if he was looking at everything i ever had been, or would be. like i was something beautiful, something to be treaured.
It made me want to sob at the thought. god, how disgustingly sweet.
"make up for it then" i whispered, the tension so thick i could cut it with a knife.
I'd planned on being the one to make the forst move, but apparently, that was all that Lars needed.
He kissed me. His soft lips pressed against mine, sotfly, tenderly, tentatively.
I could feel the anxiety radiating off of him, so i quickly reciprocated. More eagerly than i owuldve liked- but oh well.
I could feel his hand resting on my waist, his thumb gently stroking my cheek. It all felt so tender, so raw, not at all how i thought it would be.
I felt like a teenager again, and couldnt resist letting out a small giggle, making Lars pull away. He looked confused again, making me laugh once again.
"What?" he aksed, a sort of amused smile on his face.
"Nothing- sorry. Nothing at all. Just thinking of how fuming mums gonna be when i tell her ive got a posho for a boyfriend"
"I am NOT posh!"
"you are a littleee"
"I AM NO- wait- boyfriend?"
"oh shit didnt mean to say that bi-"
he cut me off with another kiss, this one much more confident.
It felt like a million fireworks were going off in my head, oh I could definetly get used to this feeling. This war, sweet, happy feeling. My senses were flooded with everything Lars. His taste, his smell, his touch.
I felt like I was learning to live again.
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broooooo · 1 year
A Jocked dream
A rewrite for my first story on this blog, I hope to make it better
I am Aaron, a high schooler, I've never been very social, I was a very protected child as a kid, I'm also asexual, meaning I don't find sexual attraction to any gender, I have long hair, I'm skinny and have bland style, I'm not very smart, and I hate most lessons.
To be honest I hate it all, I'm quite jealous of everyone , wishing I could be one of the popular guys, hot and muscular with lots of courage.
Occasionally I get the chance to talk with the older guys, I feel happy around them, they said I was there friend and I could always talk to them.
Its the closet I get to my dreams
Whilst sitting alone under a tree, Jason, one of the popular guys and football jock from the group comes and sits with me
" yo Arron what up ma bro"
Extends fist for fist bump
I look up a bit confused but happy to see him
"hello Jason" fit bumps back*
"nutin much , just waitin for class"
"isn't it math?" I say
" yeah bro that shit sucks ass"
I laugh " damn right, I fuckin hate math , sucks major ass"
Jason's a little shocked but understanding.
"YOO damn right bro, sports so so much better, why don't you join a sports team bro?
I sigh saddly
Jason notices and sits next to me
"yo bro, what's wrong"
"well.. As a child my parents rejected the notion of me wanting to do sports, quite surprising if you think about it"
Jason's head almost blew up after hearing that.
" WHAT BRO, your parents suck for that, you wanted to play?"
I look up and smile
"yeah... I wanted to play football, and I still wouldn't mind , just It's too late for me, I'm no longer a child"
Jason puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me straight in the eye.
"bro, let me help you, it's never too late, coach can definitely help you"
I look up shocked and excited
I smile back and say
"yes, sure go ahead"
Jason runs around excited as hell
He extends his hand to me
"come with me Aaron, let's get started right away,
I'll take you to coach!"
I take his hand
Me and Jason walk through the school until reaching the sports hall where coaches office is
We walk up to the door and Jason opens it guiding me in.
Jason walks up to coaches desk
"Yo coach gotta minute?"
Coach sits up and adjusts his shirt that's tightly pressed against his large muscles.
"Jason my boy, need something?
And hm? Who ?, Looks me straight in the eye"
"well he's why I'm here, this is Aaron, my best bro, he wants to becum like me, he wishes to play football and becum a jock"
I'm feeling nervous hearing this.
"well Aaron, is that so, I can definitely help you , thank you Jason for bringing him here,
Jason please go to the locker room and get a kit ready"
"yes coach!, See you later bro",
he says to me as he leaves
"Aaron, please, sit down, let's chat"
I sit down in front of the his desk
" care for a beer son? It's a favourite between the players"
(Hmm I don't drink all that often but sure, I think in my head)
"Sure sir, I don't mind"
"please, call me coach, and take as many as you like, I just know you will want more"
I smile back, "thanks"
I take a big gulp of beer and start to sip it
"so son, you want to play football? You don't look like your very active?"
I pause for a second feeling calm from the beer
"as a kid my parents didn't want me to play sports, I was Hella protected, it's only because of Jason that this is happening"
Coach looks shocked and pale from what I said
"well that's no way to live is it! I'm glad you're here today because from now on you're gonna be a football jock, ill be the father you never had"
I am shocked by his words but also comforted by them
"thank you so much coach, I hope to make you proud"
I go to take another sip of my beer but find it's empty
Well now...
"yo coach, hand me another beer ?"
(Yo? Did I just?.. well whatever)
"hah, what did I say, the jocks love this stuff, and you're pretty much one of them now" he hands me another beer.
I go pale now, and my dick is extremely hard now my heart beating and my thoughts cloudy,
Wait.. did I just finish this beer ?
Well damn
"well son, you really like it, I'm impressed, heres another, come with me to the locker room, and don't worry, we have a stash of beer in there too!"
I take the new beer bottle and walk with him to the locker room, where my bro Jason went
(Bro? Yeah... Broooooooo)
Walking into the locker room , coach guides me to one of the benches , it and a big screen TV Infront of it.
"sit down son, let me help you out of your clothes
watch what's on the screen"
I sit down and just stare at the screen, drunk out of my mind as I had finished the 3rd beer on the way here, coach stripping me. I begin in drool and leek pre as I look at the screen
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"stare Aaron stare"
"Listen to its words, let it becum who you are meant to be, who you want to be"
I stare hard , foggy... dick... Hard.. huhu
The screen fills me up with tactics and football, all about football, and sex, locker room sex with the bros, huhu.. brooo. Im so horny now...
He moves on with his plan
He injects a serum into me, body grows
He starts to play with my expanding nipples, as my chest becums inflated and flat, my arms exploding in hard muscle with hands hard and rough from the sports and the gym
My legs becum tree trunks with thighs of steel, with a tight ass.
My feet grow and expand .
Finally my washboard 8 pack cum gutter abs.
Coach then pays attention to my hard and leaking, now 12 inch dick and lemon sized balls swirling with jock cum
"having fun Aaron, don't worry, were almost over'
Now say it, recite the words you know are true
He starts to jerk me off
" I.. I am a football.... Jock
I ... Big.... Dumb
.. football....
I am a football jock,
And within 4 jerks i cum
I cum all over, me, coach, the floor,
Ropes of cum spew for minutes as I lay there a drooling sweety dumb mess of a jock
Jason comes in with a full football kit, he's happy at what the sees
" Yoo coach, u did great"
"Jason help your bro get changed, practice is soon'
Jason comes over to me and starts to dress me.
"sup bro, what up"
As my mind clears i say
"broooooo what uppppp ,I guud brahhh that was amazing, thank you bro, thank you
"that's great bro! Anytime"
He helps he dresses in the kit, from the jock strap to the cleats and pads, all were tight and arousing .
"damnn broo I'm so horny now"
"bro same, let's help each other out after practice bro"
Yeah brooo
Once all ready, Jason gets changed and we wait
Coach comes in to check on us
"well look at you boys, ready for practice"
We say in unison
"yes coach" we laugh at that
"Aaron, come , i will need a picture of you"
I walk over to stand at a camera, my cleats clinking on the floor
"ready son? "
I nod
As the picture is taken, I'm filled with confidence
My jock fills with more pre and cum as I am
A football jock
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Damn Im still so horny
Me, Jason and the team run onto the field for practice, coach bringing out caskets of beers for us at the end
"drink up boys, you earned it"
In the locker room it's a ogy of cum and beer after a good practice.
Beer, cum and football
Bro that's the life
_____________________________________________well... What do you guys think?
I think it's better, different but better
Damn if only it could happen to me
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Not Your Classic Vigilante [Ch. 13]
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Alternate Dimension AU TW: Language, Light Alcohol, Attempted Kidnapping, CW: OC Use, See the OC Guide [Here] Genre: Drama, Action, Angst, Light Comedy Pairing: Batfamily & Batsis!Reader, OC x Reader YN Pronouns: Female (She/Her) Word Count: 8.8K
(13/?) [First] | [Previous] | [Next] [DC Masterlist] | [Not Your Classic Vigilante Masterlist]
Notes: IT'S FINALLY DONEEEE this is crazy how many chapters have I updated this year? LMFAO Not fully proofread by my awakened mind yet but I did run it through grammarly lol I'll give it a proper look later
Disclaimer: This series is originally by @fandom-meanderer who is a close friend of mine, but she has since fallen out of her Tumblr days and asked me to finish a few series for her, hence why I am now in ownership of the Not Your Classic Vigilante series, I hope I can still live up to her writing as I rewrite this series! (I promise not to change too much, hehe)
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Things were different. Lonelier. And maybe a bit sadder. You stood in front of the room that now loomed over you, and you took a deep breath to steady your nerves. You opened it, the door slamming against the wall with a loud bang, and you waited, you waited for the usual ‘Get out of my room!’ But none came. And there hasn’t been one for months now. You walked inside, still a mess and untouched as it was the night before he left, and you sat in the middle of it, hugging your legs close to your chest.
“There’s another party downstairs,” you said out loud. “I was thinking I should go for a walk, should I?” You wondered aloud. No answer. No 'Wait for me,' no 'ask Dick to go with you.' Just silence. You just wanted a quiet place to escape the noise, what with the gala going on downstairs and your father acting in front of the masses, you just didn’t feel up to it. Besides, Dick wasn’t even there to keep you company this time. You sat in the silence for a while, looking around the room as if he was hiding somewhere and was about to jump out to scare you. But no surprises came. Instead, you got up, took one of the dusty books from the shelf, and left the room.
“Oh, hey!” A younger boy stood in front of you, he looked vaguely familiar. “Could I ask you a quick question?” 
“Yeah, the party’s just downstairs, walk down the corridor and you’ll hit the ballroom eventually,” you answered.
“No, it’s something else,” he shakes his head.
“Ah, the bathroom is also downstairs right next to the ballroom,” you cut him off and turned to walk into your room.
“(Y/N) Wayne. I know who your father is, we need to talk.” That got your attention. You stopped with your hand on the doorknob and sighed.
“Right, he’s a businessman, nothing else,” you nodded. But the boy’s face remained grim. “Let’s go somewhere private,” you nudged your head further down the hall and he followed. Once you were both situated in a secluded part of the mansion, he spoke up.
“I’m Tim Drake,” he introduces himself. You shook his hand. Tim Drake, a couple years your junior, you've seen him around in your family's galas before but you've never really talked to him, you were always more preoccupied with your brothers or too busy taking pictures to go up to the boy who tended to stay on the sidelines more.
“I know.” Now you remembered him, he’d gone to a few of your father’s galas before.
“Oh, cool, I was worried for a second, we didn’t usually talk much,” he says, “you were always with two older guys.”
“My brothers.”
“I know that,” Tim shrugs. “I tracked you down because I had a favor to ask you,” he says.
“Sure,” you agreed only as a formality. The Waynes and the Drakes were somewhat of friends. Tim glanced around.
“Batman needs a Robin,” he says quietly. You wondered how he figured it out. There was no point in hiding anything either, he must have been really smart to have figured out your identities, even people who worked right next to your dad couldn’t have deduced it. “Don’t try to deny it, I have pictures,” he says. You shook your head.
“If you’re asking me then that means that Dick said no, huh?”
“Right away,” Tim mutters.
“I can’t give you an answer,” you told him. But Tim’s eyes seemed to shine, as if he’d found a treasure he’d been looking for. Why he was so desperate, you didn’t know. “Well, either way, you figured them out, I’m sure you can think of something too just in case,” you replied bluntly. 
“Thank you, (Y/N),” he says. “Even just thinking about it is enough.”
“Why do you feel like you should do this, though?” You asked him.
“I…” Tim hesitated. “I’m sure you know as well as I do the kind of rampage Batman has been on in the city.” You were. Recently, you were certain, that your father and the one behind the mask are two different people now.
“And you think having a Robin would help him?” You muttered. 
“Yes, I do, and who better than his own daughter?” He asks. You looked away and toward your clasped hands.
“You may be asking the wrong person, Tim, I have no qualifications to be a Robin,” you say.
“Better you than none,” Tim insists.
“I could never do what they did,” you shut your eyes. “The Batman... he scares me,” you mumbled, clutching onto the book in your arms a little tighter now.
“I’m sorry,” Tim says. You held your hand up to stop him. 
“I’m sorry too, Tim, this isn’t a good time,” you shook your head, stood up, and you left. You admired Tim’s good intentions, truly, but they paled in comparison to the thoughts that ran rampant in your mind right now. You just lost a brother. Your father didn’t want to listen to you. Your other brother was nowhere to be found, and that left you to mull all this over. 
You felt lost.
Lost in your thoughts, and all alone. This was the first time, the first in a long time, where you once again felt alienated in this manor. Not a vigilante and barely a Wayne, was donning the Robin mantle what you needed to do to be seen again?
You didn’t know.
The three brothers climbed onto the train after Damian pulled an insignia out of his pocket. 
“The Captain sends her regards,” Damian says to the guards. They salute and march away after leading them to a private cabin, one that Damian shut and locked as soon as the other two were situated.
“Alright, Damian, you first,” Tim invites him. Damian nods.
“After that man teleported me here, I woke up on a battlefield, it was… very different than the ones we’ve seen before,” he says. “Everything in this world is different from ours, laws, people, everything,” he says. “I don’t even know where to start for you two. I’ve been here for almost two months now and I’m still learning things.”
“Two months?!” Tim shouts. “Are you serious?”
“Damian, you went missing two weeks ago,” Jason corrects.
“Weeks? No, no, I’ve been here for a while now,” Damian shakes his head. Tim pulls out the remains of the watch. “Where did you get that?”
“(Y/N) left it behind before she left,” Tim mumbles.
“This is it. This is the watch that the stranger had too,” Damian takes the watch and opens it.
“So this is the culprit then,” Tim looks down at it. “Maybe we could reverse it somehow to get home.”
“Not in this state, it won’t,” Damian shuts the watch in his hands and places it in his pocket. “I’ve been trying to do my own investigation, but without the watch and with the constant surveillance I’ve been drawing blanks.” 
“Superveillance?” Tim, always the skeptic.
“To avoid any unnecessary complications, I had to hide in plain sight, but that greatly restricted my movements,” Damian grumbles. “Now you two, how did you figure it out?”
“We were tugging it around, and somehow it activated the mechanism inside of it,” Tim explains.
“Before I was transported, the man swang it back and forth, maybe moving the watch is key to activating it,” Damian hypothesizes.
“Movement of some kind, but it has to be precise, otherwise you’d be teleporting everywhere with every step,” Tim swings the pendulum of a clock, but in its sorry state nothing happens.
“Well, either way, we’re not going to figure out shit with it like this,” Jason shakes his head. “I say we find (Y/N) then we figure out how to fix the thing.”
“That’s a good start,” Tim agrees.
“Luckily, I know where she is,” Damian cuts in, “we’ve been sticking close to each other since I landed here.”
“That’s good! She’s alright, then? Safe?” Tim worries. Damian hid the smile behind his hand.
“Good, great even, and most of all safe,” he answers. The train halts and Damian stands up first. “But, since I have you both here, we’re going to have to figure out a way to have both of you go under the radar too. So I’ll share the story we've been using.” Tim and Jason shared wary glances.
“We’re from the mountains—”
“Fuck, couldn’t you have come up with something more believable?” Jason groans.
“Trust me, it’s worked so far, it explains our general lack of knowledge on how everything in this universe works as for the lack of ID,” he starts, “so, we’re from a mountain village. Recently, due to impoverished conditions, our parents sent all of us down to start working and to send money home. It works with (Y/N) in her position, it works with me being inducted late, and we’ll find a way to make it work with you two.”
“Sure, alright, I’ll play along if it means we can get home easier,” Tim says.
“Home… yeah,” Damian nods, but Jason is quick to catch his unease. He chose not to bring it up, though.
“Fine, yeah, I’ll be a farmer, or whatever,” Jason leans back against the seat.
“This world, though, you mentioned different laws. Hell, Jason and I got arrested for taking care of things the way we usually do, how can you explain that?”
“The law enforcement in this world is basically airtight, and it’s based on an honor system,” Damian explains, “At any moment, someone can be removed and replaced in the Knighthood under two circumstances: reasonable petition or honorable combat. Reasonable petition is when enough people with viable grievances petition for a member to be removed. Honorable combat is when someone challenges a Knight for their position. Because of this system, a natural respect is garnered by the people, and as a result of that there’s hardly any petty crime. As for the larger crimes, those are dealt with quickly, there’s far worse problems to deal with in this world than crime,” Damian says.
“And the law?” Jason probes.
“No unreasonable violence without just cause and material evidence,” Damian says. “That’s the best way to put why you two were arrested. The victim ran away so you didn’t have their testimony, the criminal was knocked out cold so he couldn’t say anything anyway, and two people without IDs were spotted at the scene. Not a good look, right?”
“Fair enough,” Tim brushes his shoulder.
“It’s a good thing you two are in civilian attire, makes it easier for you to blend in,” Damian says.
“Yeah… speaking of, where’s your uniform? What’s with the get up?” Jason asks.
“It’s at the apartment right now, we had to keep it hidden. To be able to integrate quickly I joined the Knighthood alongside a new regiment, I lucked out in the timing, but because of that I have a strict regimen to stick to, it’s been hard to investigate, but now that I have you both here we should be able to delegate.” The train slows to a stop and the cabin door opens automatically. Damian held a finger to his lips to signal that the conversation was over and the older two nodded. Damian leads them out of the train and the trio steps into a high-ceiling station. “We’re in the citadel now, the Knightsguard is the primary form of law enforcement here,” Damian says just loud enough for them to hear.
“This looks right out of a fantasy book,” Tim looks around.
“Uh… yeah,” Jason watches people interacting with holograms and other tech he couldn’t have even imagined. “So, where’s (Y/N)?” He asks.
“I’m taking you to her, obviously,” Damian grimaces. “But she’s busy right now, we’ll have to wait, but you’ll be able to see her,” Damian leads them down a series of corridors. “I need you both to remain calm while we’re here, though, remember we have to fly under the radar if we’re all going to go home, that means we have to play by their rules,” Damian says.
“Yeah, I can be calm,” Jason huffs. Tim and Damian deadpan toward him. “What? I can!”
“Says the man who decked someone first thing,” Damian chuckles.
“How’d you even know that was us anyway?!” Jason gasps.
“Two men in their twenties, one used excessive force on a civilian and the other screamed in frustration when it happened, then they argued with each other right after,” Damian recites. “I didn’t even have to listen to your names to know it was you two,” his mouth falls into a flat line.
“That could’ve been anyone, though,” Tim says.
“Sure, in any other earth where law-breaking was common, like ours. I already explained to you that things are different here. Not to mention, those other worse things to worry about,” Damian led the two into an arena-like room.
“Dami! Over here!” A voice yells out.
“Ooh, Dami, huh?” Jason nudges him and Damian rolls his eyes.
“Don’t embarrass me,” he glowers.
“It’s kinda in the job description,” Jason snarks and Damian frowns.
“You two are so similar,” he mumbles under his breath. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” he responds to Retta regardless and the three approach them.
“Whoa, who are these?” Lowen asks.
“These are my brothers, Tim and Jason,” Damian introduces them. “They are also from our backwater mountain village,” Damian glares at Hugo.
“Whoa…” Hugo was stuck in admiration, though.
“You two, the group here are my friends, don’t be weird. The one eating a sandwich is Niers, the one who called us over is Retta, the girl playing with those rocks is Luciana, the one reading over there is Lowen, and the one making googly eyes toward Jason is Hugo,” Damian runs through the list and the group exchanges awkward hellos.
“Well, you’re all just in time! The Brigade’s about to start their sparring matches,” Retta points toward the ring in the middle. “Every month the Brigade checks their individual progress through these matches, randomized opponents and randomized scenarios. Though we don’t have to be here, it’s always fascinating to see how quick-witted they are. Truly they are the best of the best for a reason,” she explains.
“Yeah? We’ll see about that,” Jason mutters.
“Jason’s somewhat of an expert,” Tim nudges him.
“What about you?” Lowen snarks.
“He’s smart,” Damian answers for him.
“That’s… that’s it?” Lowen hums.
“Trust us, he’s the most important one,” Jason sighs.
“Oh! It’s starting!” Niers leans forward, pulling out his phone to start recording. “Looks like Officer Jones and Lieutenant Wright are first,” he says.
“Jones is the one on the left, Wright, I’m sure, looks familiar,” Damian speaks so only the two could hear him.
“Holy shit… that’s Alex,” Jason squints his eyes. “What’s he doing here?”
“I’m still trying to figure that out myself,” Damian leans forward. “I don’t believe in coincidences.”
“In our line of work, those don’t exist,” Tim replies.
“What’s your first impression of them? Just a curious question,” Luciana butts into their conversation, she’s looking at Jason, the so-called expert.
“Well…” Jason leans forward. “Both of them are in the military, that’s clear from their builds. Jones has a broader build, though, his shoulders are heavier but his arms are just as built, he probably uses a heavy weapon, right?”
“Right, he uses battle axes,” Luciana leans back. “And the lieutenant?”
“Hm…” Jason thought back, he’d met Alex a couple of times, that nerd. He couldn’t imagine him wielding anything as heavy as an axe, and with that more balanced build it was clear that, if anything, he would only be able to use lightweight weapons. Then again, Alex is a nerd, and if this world is straight out of a story booy then one thing could be plausible. “Magic user.”
“He is an expert!” Niers gasps.
“Just lucky guesses,” Jason hums.
“Watch the screens there,” Retta points to the monitors. “Look, you can see who’s fighting on that first one and the second one shows the random scenario.”
“Swords, wow,” Lowen closed his book and watched with an intent gaze. “Just look at the way they even hold them,” he was amazed, and rightfully so.
“So, you both have talents in martial arts?” Retta asks.
“Yeah, but I’ve never used a sword before,” Jason shrugs.
“Observe carefully,” Damian mutters. Tim and Jason catch onto his words and they turn their focus to the fight ahead of them.
You walked downstairs one night, the moon was high in the sky and the stars just barely peeking out of Gotham’s smog. You had another nightmare, the same one you’ve been having for a while now. Your fear of being left alone because of the looming threat of death was one that you didn’t think would be going away any time soon. You walked into the kitchen, ready to pour yourself a glass of water.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Tim says behind you. You gasped in surprise, nearly dropping the glass while turning around. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says. There’s a mug in front of him, freshly poured and still cooling down.
“Is everything okay?” You pulled up a chair in front of him and he hesitated before answering.
“… No,” he looks into the mug in front of him. “I know I volunteered to become the next Robin but… training’s been harder than I thought it would be,” he shakes his head.
“That bad?” You rest your head on your hand. “Is Dick being too hard on you?”
“No, it’s not that, if anything Dick is the only one I’m actually learning from,” Tim shakes his head. “It’s just… it’s a lot,” he admits. You leaned forward on the table now.
“Well, for what it counts, I know next to nothing about fighting crime, so if you ever want to take a break, why not spend the day with me? I’m just a boring old civilian, but it’ll be nice to get some fresh air once in a while,” you offered.
“You’re not just a boring old civilian,” he shakes his head. “But… if you’re not doing anything tomorrow, maybe we can do something then?”
“Tomorrow?” You hummed. “Sure, let’s go do something after school,” you nodded. “I’ll tell dad so don’t worry about it, if he gets upset he’d have to go through me first,” you joked.
“Yes! I can’t wait!”
The next day, you and Tim were practically bouncing in your shoes waiting for the day to be over. Tim wondering what you had planned and you wondering how the day will go. This is the first time you’d have something of a younger sibling and you were so excited about it. You were excited to spend time with Tim the same way your older siblings spent time with you. It was a miracle that your dad agreed to let you take Tim out for the day, granted Dick did most of the talking, but you were thankful nonetheless. And, once the bell rang, it was nearly in the blink of an eye that both of you were outside.
“So, what are we doing today?” Tim asks.
“Hmm…” you pulled out two slips of paper and showed them to Tim, blank side up. “Choose one.”
“Any of them?”
“Yup, the one you choose is the one we’ll do today,” you nodded.
“Okay, well…” he looks between them both and selects the left one, “ice cream?”
“Ice cream it is,” you showed him the other paper which simply read ‘Arcade’ and you saw the way his eyes lit up, “this one is for the next time we hang out.”
“Next time?”
“Sure, even heroes need breaks,” you nudged him. “Anyway, there’s this hole-in-the-wall place I used to go to all the time, you’ll love it there, they have this cookie-butter flavor that is just so good,” you hummed.
“Cookie butter sounds good right now,” Tim follows at your heels.
“Hey, catch up! Don’t walk behind me like that,” you waited for him to join you at your side before continuing onward. “Look at those, Timmy,” you pointed into the shop window at the shoes. “I’ve been wanting that pair since forever,” you pointed at the one in the middle.
“Why don’t you just buy them then?” He asks you.
“Where’s the fun in that? My mom taught me from the get-go to earn things before getting them. Sure, her way was a bit…”
“Yeah, yeah,” you tilted your head to the side and nodded, “so I decided to combine both her and dad’s philosophies.”
“Beating people up?”
“No, no,” you shook your head quickly. “Work hard to make the prizes more worthwhile. It’s good for goal setting, and motivation, and it feels nice to finally reach a goal,” you pointed at the shoes. “I’m not going to buy those shoes until I graduate high school. No ifs, ands, or buts,” you announced. You and Tim walked into the ice cream parlor next to it and Tim slid into a booth. “How about you, Timmy? What’s your motivation?” Tim hums for a second.
“I want to do what’s right,” he says.
“You sure about that?” You asked him. He looks confused. “Think about it, Tim. I’m gonna get our ice cream.”
“But, that is my motivation.”
“That’s like premeds saying they want to save lives when asked why they wanted to go into medicine,” you explained.
“Well, you want to be a premed, why do you want to go into medicine?”
“Surgery, I want to specialize in that specifically because I like cutting things open,” you laughed and Tim’s face grew grim.
“Are you serious?!”
“Yeah, I mean, cutting things open with consent, duh, but see it’s small reasons that will help you drive your bigger one,” you say. “Anyway, what flavor do you want?”
“Chocolate, please.”
“Sounds good, think about it, Timmy, I’ll be right back.”
“Talk about crowd,” Carter looks out from his spot. “When did we become zoo animals?” He nudges you.
“Who knows? It started out with the twins observing us, and now we have half the knighthood here,” you shrugged. “Poor Nix, though, he got the short end of the stick with swords.”
“He was never good at that subject,” you and Carter watched the sword slip out of Nixon’s hand and land stuck to the ground beneath. Alex, meanwhile, stops the blade right as it would’ve hit Nixon’s neck.
“Yield! I yield,” Nixon rose his hands and Alex put the sword away, offering his hand instead, which Nixon took with pride. “Good one, Lex,” he pulls Alex in and the two bump shoulders before separating. “Hey, stage’s all yours!” Nixon flags you both down.
“Yeah, yeah, take your time to walk that one off,” you fired back. Nixon rolled his eyes and followed Alex.
“Nixon, you have to pay more attention to your footing, I didn’t even have to worry about striking you since you were too busy tripping over yourself,” Alex says, “it’s amazing that you can wield an axe a foot taller than you.”
“Hey, come on, an axe is weighed totally differently than a sword,” Nixon shrugs. “Who’s up next anyway?”
“That would be us,” you raised your hand alongside Carter’s.
“Oh, now this I gotta see, you two don’t get paired up often,” Nixon grins. “My money’s on the Captain, of course,” he whispers to Alex.
“That all depends on what the random scenario is,” you shrugged. “If it’s anything other than swordsmanship or rifling, I’m screwed,” you sighed and followed Carter out, keeping your eyes glued to the screen to see the scenario. The words moved through the screen quickly in a wheel-like fashion until they settled on one phrase.
‘Hand-to-hand combat’
“Damn it all,” you cursed. Carter, meanwhile, stretched his arms across his chest. “You’re an expert at this one, Adara.”
“You would know,” he answers with a grin.
“Oh shut up,” you rolled your eyes, but your smile betrayed you. You grabbed the wraps from the table and secured them around your hands. “Go easy, maybe?”
“You’d hate me if I did,” Carter held his hand out and you shook it with a firm grasp.
“Good answer,” you separated and took a deep breath and, once the buzzer sounded, your first move was to block, of all things. Too preoccupied with what was going on in the stands, you were more focused on not getting knocked down.
“Hey, she kinda looks like (Y/N),” Jason whistles. Damian and Tim turn back to look at him, the latter’s jaw on the floor.
“You really are stupid, aren’t you?” Damian clicks his tongue.
“That is (Y/N)!” Tim gestures toward you with open hands and Jason whistles louder.
“Oh!” He leans back to get a wider view. “Oh,” his voice drops alongside his jaw. He shoots up and runs down the bleachers.
“Jason! Don’t do anything dumb!” Tim makes a move to follow, but Damian pulls him down.
“He’s gonna blow our cover!”
“You’re both going to blow our cover if you make a scene,” Damian hisses. 
“(Y/N)!” Jason cupped his hands around his mouth and your head whipped to the side.
“Jason?!” Now it was your turn to be shocked.
“Twelve o’clock!” He shouts. You duck your head in time to dodge the jab.
“Distracted, cap?” Carter pulls his fists back and you hold your arms in a defensive stance while shaking the shock from your thoughts. You knew Carter well enough to know that he wasn’t going to let you off easy, and such was true when he landed a hit clean on your jaw. You stumbled back on slightly, pushing your mandible back in place.
“Good hit.”
“Not good enough apparently.” Carter was relentless, you knew he had a natural talent at this but goddammit you were about to get schooled in front of the newbies. You blocked another hit from him and ducked under his swing. You could only dodge him for so long, you’d have to fight back eventually, but he kept all of his weak points well-guarded, moving just enough every time to block you off. It was when he knocked the wind out of you, causing you to stumble back and land against the railing, then a small ray of hope appeared.
“Hey, kid,” Jason takes your shoulders and holds you steady, “come on, shake it off. When dealing with opponents twice your size, you gotta go for the spots they won’t think twice of. Looks like this guy doesn’t skip chest day, but if you look at his proportions, your best bet is to go for the legs and then you throw punches,” he instructs. You nodded your head shakily, your pride was getting in the way of your logic right now.
“Yeah, okay, why?” Was all you were able to get out.
“I’ll be damned if my little sister loses in a hand-to-hand fight, this is my bread and butter,” he hits his chest with his fist. “Now go fuck him up!” He pushes you forward and you roll your neck, the world stabilizing around you and your breathing steadying again.
“Okay, I’m back,” you hold your hands in front of you.
“Isn’t that cheating?” He nudges his head toward Jason.
“Please, he just wanted to say ‘hello,’” you shrugged and charged again. Go for the legs, that’s right, that was always Carter’s weak point, why didn’t you think of that before? Good on Jason for noticing it as soon as he looked at him too, just goes to show you still have a lot to learn. Color Carter surprised when you roundhoused him first, knocking him onto his back and grabbing him by the collar. “Yield.”
“Nah,” he grabs your arm and sweeps you off of your feet, you were airborne for a while before you felt yourself pinned to the ground. You broke free from his grasp and rolled to the side, regaining your footing quickly to move out of the way of another swing.
“Come on, (Y/N)!” Of course, Jason was always the loudest in the room. You adjusted steadied your stance and threw a jab just as you moved out of the way of Carter’s right hook.
“Who’s he, anyway?” Carter asks.
“Focus,” you duck behind him and sweep his legs again, this time Carter falls forward, but you grab the back of his shirt on time. “You always keep your back open,” you shook your head.
“Well, I usually have you to watch it,” he pushes up and pivots on his heel, once again grabbing your arm, but you took this as a chance to slam your knee into his abdomen, effectively knocking the wind out of him and pushing him to the side. You stretched your arms out again and, right as he recovered, you landed a hit clean against his jaw, knocking him onto the floor. You shook the stinging pain out of your hands while he raised his right one. “Yield,” he adjusts his jaw and you help him up.
“Goes to show I’m captain for a reason, right?” You pulled him close so you could whisper in his ear. “Why’d you let me win? I know you can pack a harder punch.”
“Half the knighthood’s watching, and that guy who said ‘hello’ is glaring daggers at me,” he nudges his head toward Jason. Jason. You let go of him and turn to your brother, nodding toward the side of the stage, and he catches your signal, going in that direction while you drop the wraps back in their place. “Where are you off to?”
“Investigation, watch over Eve’s and Alex’s spar for me,” you walked under the entrance and spotted Jason at the end. “Don’t get excited, he let me win,” you jutted your thumb behind you, but Jason still had a proud grin on his face.
“Does it matter? Look at you go, kiddo!” He clapped a hand against your back and you groaned. “Now… what the fuck was that?!” His shout was obvious and you squeezed your eyes shut.
“Look, Jay, a lot has changed since we last spoke, but more importantly, what the hell are you doing here? How? Are the others about to come pouring in?” You asked.
“Oh, actually, Tim’s here too.”
“Tim’s here too?!”
“Yeah, wanna say hi?”
“Jason, be serious, you shouldn’t be here, the three of you!”
“Well, duh, Tim and I came here to nab you and Damian and head back.”
“Head back? Do you even know how to head back?!”
“Sure,” Jason pulls out the wristwatch and you grab it, looking at the damaged insignia on the front. It was almost too scraped and worn through to be able to get a clear image, but the shape was a dead giveaway.
“How did you get this?”
“You left it behind?”
“Me? No, no, that’s impossible, I don’t use this model,” you said.
“Model? Wait, you have one of these?” Jason points at it in your hands.
“Yes, kind of, it’s complicated, Jay.”
“And you never came home?!” You stopped. You took a deep breath.
“… No,” you shook your head. You opened the watch. “Whatever you two did to this, it’s busted beyond repair. It can’t get you back now, and the models I use are under lock and key by the Crown,” you shut the watch with one hand and handed it back to Jason.
“And since Damian’s still here then you haven’t been able to get it, huh?”
“Without putting him at risk, no,” you crossed your arms and Jason mirrored your stance. “I’m not going back, Jay.”
“I’m not going to try to convince you,” he says while rubbing the back of his neck harshly. “Look, I know you have your reasons, and I’m not going to bang my head against a wall to understand them—”
“I thought you of all people would understand,” you interjected.
“You didn’t come home either, did you?” You asked.
“That was different.”
“How so?” You stepped up. “We both died because of a mistake that father made and we both came back fundamentally changed from who we were before, how are we different?”
“Because you are you and I am me,” Jason points to you then to himself. “I… I can’t explain it other than that,” he shakes his head.
“Sister,” Damian approaches with Tim in tow.
“We’ll finish this conversation later,” you took the watch from Jason’s hand and held it up. “Look familiar, Damian?” You held it by the chain and the younger nodded. “Shit, this just got more complicated,” you muttered. You shoved it into your pocket as soon as you heard footsteps.
“Ayo, Cap!” Nixon waves his hand. “Ayo… everyone else,” he observes the group while the rest of the Brigade follow behind him. 
“Whoa, long time no see, Alex,” Jason waves.
“Hello, Jason,” Alex nods his head. “I don’t suppose daddy dearest will be next, will he?” Alex whispers toward you.
“Interesting to see a familiar face,” Tim was already making connections, you could see it in his expression.
“Shit… the Queen’s gonna kill me,” you slumped your shoulders and your eyes rolled toward the ceiling. “Would it be nepotism if I just tossed them in some honorary role?” You looked at Alex.
“Yes, very, but they’re too old to take the recruits’ test too,” Alex hums.
“It’s fine, there’s no need,” Tim cuts in. “We’ll be in and out, we’re just here to get Damian and (Y/N) and we’ll be on our way—”
“Whoa, whoa, what do you mean you’re here for the captain?” Carter subtly steps next to you now. “Sure, take the kid, we were looking for ways to send him back anyway, but you can’t take her.” He looks toward you and you sigh.
“What do you mean we can’t take her?” Tim frowns.
“Stop,” you held your hand out and the group fell into a tangible silence. “Look, we can’t have this conversation until we even find a way to send them back. We haven’t had access to our watches since we came back, and we can only use those with a direct Royal order, so until then, we’re going to have to find a way for you both to lie low, that’s why I inducted Damian into the Knighthood, it gave me a way to keep an eye on him while I researched the monster outbreaks,” you explain.
“There’s monsters here too?” Tim asks.
“Naturally,” you nodded. “Any of you have any ideas on how I handle my brothers?” You looked at your team.
“You are taking this surprisingly well,” Alex comments. You look at your watch.
“No time to freak out, I have to head down to the lab soon, there are developments with the daemon I need to check out,” you silenced your phone, “well? Anyone?”
“It’s a long shot, but…” Eve hums. “I know we have openings on our research team, we could probably fit them in there,” she says.
“I could do that,” Tim says. “Jason, though, I’m not too sure,” he looks at his brother, who crossed his arms.
“There is that way,” Alex speaks up but you shook your head.
“No way.”
“Well, it’s your best bet if you don’t want Jason around vials ten times older than he is,” Alex insists.
“What is it? I can handle it,” Jason nods.
“Mm… who would he fight though? He has to take someone’s place,” you mumbled.
“Or, if he fought someone with high authority and they were impressed with him that could work too,” Alex insists.
“Who has that authority?” You asked him.
“…” Alex didn’t answer.
“Oh,” your eyes widened slightly with the realization. “Okay, yeah,” you nodded. “Jason, repeat after me,” you looked at him and he nodded. “I, Jason Todd.”
“I, Jason Todd.”
“The Captain of the Brigade.”
“The Captain of the Brigade.”
“For a position on their team.”
“For a position on their… team?” Jason’s head tilts slightly.
“Sure, challenge accepted,” you took his hand and shook it.
“Wait… What?!” You pushed him toward the arena. “Hold on!”
“See you guys in a bit, I’ll explain everything after this, promise, meanwhile someone makes up an ID for him and Timmy,” you looked at your team and they nodded, heading toward the stands. “Jason, make it look realistic, yeah? Eyes everywhere.” You pushed him out of the entryway and Jason looked around the arena. He’d seen it from above, but to be in the center of it all was a whole new experience.
“Get a load of this! Someone challenged the Captain!” A voice shouted.
“Captain Wayne?! He doesn’t stand a chance!”
“Who is he anyway? Someone pull up his ID.”
“Not every day we see someone not in the Knighthood challenge, should be interesting.”
“What did you get me into?” Jason asks, looking around the now looming arena.
“Shh,” you pointed toward the screens. The phrases rolled in roulette until it settled: No scenario. “Well, that’s just luck.” Two tables rose on either side of you. “Take your pick, Jay. Whichever you choose I’ll go with too. If I’m impressed, I’ll induct you in, if not… well, we’ll deal with that after,” you shrugged and stood at the table, waiting for your opponent to make his choice. Jason, as predicted, picked up the pistols. “Don’t worry, there’s an enchantment on them, nothing here is deadly,” you told him, picking up your own pair of guns. “We’re sparring, not killing.”
“Sure, yeah,” he gives them a spin to test their weight, and, strangely enough, they felt perfect. “So what exactly are we doing?”
“Only way I can keep you two close by. Tim goes with research, you stick by me. I can’t have you running off punching people, Jay.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Not here you can’t, god, you’re worse than Damian,” you readjusted your grip around the handles. “Think of it as a spar, you’ve done plenty of those.”
“This isn’t fair, though,” Jason stood at one end of the arena. “You’ve watched me since I started, you know all my moves.”
“Not true, there was a three-year gap, right? I would hope you learned something new.”
“Oho, you really are my sister if you’re making jokes about your death,” Jason held the pistol up. “I saw that fight too, let’s get caught up,” Jason takes the first shot and you move out of the way just in time, taking your own shot in response.
“So, anyway,” Tim takes a bite of his cheeseburger while you drank your soda, “Conner did some crazy shit where he ripped the robot in two, it was insane!” Tim continued to tell his story but soon he caught himself.
“It’s okay, he’s still your best friend,” you urged him to continue.
“Still, though, I mean…” Tim crosses his arms.
“At least he did it the right way, he broke up with me first,” you shrugged. “And it’s good for you too! You don’t have to hear me talking about him anymore,” you nudged him playfully and continued eating. “Anyway, you were saying?”
“Oh, it’s nothing, sis,” he shakes his head. “Plus, I’m out here with you, why would I want to talk about work?” Tim groans. “How are you?”
“Oh, you know, the usual,” you hummed. “I’ve just sent out my applications. I’m looking into some different universities,” you pulled up the list on your phone. “I’m really looking at Metropolis or Central City, they have strong STEM programs that I’m interested in,” you said.
“Oh… what about Gotham U?” Tim asks. You look up from your phone and you don’t quite think you’ve seen that expression on him before.
“Of course, that’s my safe university, I’m pretty much guaranteed acceptance with my namesake alone,” you cleared your throat. “Is… is everything okay, Timmy?” You asked him. You couldn’t beat around the bush anymore. You’d noticed Tim being a bit more… resistant to certain things going on in the house. You leaving for college being one of them, you never noticed just how close you two were until now.
“Bruce… he doesn’t need me anymore, huh?” He says quietly.
“Oh, Tim, don’t say that,” you straightened your posture and you took a deep breath.
“And you… you have an actual younger brother now,” Tim says quietly.
“Hey, come on, blood doesn’t make the bond,” you say. “Plus, no one could ever replace you,” you continued. “I mean, not just anyone memorizes 200 digits of pi for fun.”
“Come on, that’s nothing!” Tim grumbles.
“Definitely something, Tim I cry tears of joy when problems tell me to just use pi instead of 3.14,” you laughed. “But, I’m serious, Tim, if anything you’re going to get promoted,” you grinned. Tim shoots you an uneasy smile.
“Yeah, I guess, I don’t know what exactly I’m so worried about,” he says. “I mean… well, I don’t know,” he stops and decides not to pursue it any further. “But, uh, Metropolis, huh? That’s a good school!”
“I know, just a little far now that I think about it,” you muttered. “Gotham’s program isn’t so bad either, I guess,” you hummed and took a quick glance at Tim, who already seemed a little happier.
“But, (Y/N), you don’t have to go there, you looked excited talking about those other two,” Tim catches your glance. “It’s just… they’re far,” he leans back against the booth. “We can’t be with you there, you know? You’d be on your own and you’re a Wayne and…”
“Hey, I can handle myself pretty well, I think,” you insisted. “I mean, I made it this far, right?”
“Because you had us!”
“Tim,” your voice dropped and you looked both ways, ensuring that no one was listening. “I get that I’m not as… extraordinary as you all, but I’m not helpless, I can take care of myself, I’ve been taking care of myself, and I know you mean well, but Tim you’ve gotta trust me a little,” you folded your hands in front of you. “I’m not as fragile as Dick likes to make me out to be.”
“That’s… that’s not what I meant,” Tim looked away and you sighed.
“I know, I know you just want me to be safe, all of us,” you crossed your arms. “But I can’t just live in fear. One thing being in this family teaches you is how to be careful,” you looked to the side. “And another thing it teaches you is that family is what you make it,” Tim looked at you now. “Dick and I aren’t blood-related, neither was Jason, and neither are you, but still I have never looked at any of you as anything other than my brothers. The same goes for Babs, Steph, and Cass, you’re all my family regardless of anything, and I will always put you all first. But, with that said, the same goes for Damian. He’s young, alone, and probably confused, we can’t alienate him just because of his background, if anything, that’s why we should accept him more. And you, Tim, I get it, you’re different from the first two, but that doesn’t make you any less than them, hell, I bet if Jason were here right now he’d say the same.”
“No ‘buts, Tim, I mean it, you’re amazing!”
“Maybe… maybe I’ll take a page out of your book then, (Y/N), retire early,” he says. Your shoulders slumped.
“Whatever you want, little bro. And if you do, I’ll be here to help you out. And if not, I’ll still be here.”
“Even if you’re miles away?”
“You know, there’s this wonderful invention called cell phones.”
“Stop it! You know what I mean!”
“Yes! Yeah, of course, even if I’m partying it up in Central City, if you call me I’ll come running, I know you’d do the same.”
“Well, that goes without saying,” Tim crosses his arms now.
“So… the new team, huh? I’d love to meet them.”
“Oh, you are going to love them, (Y/N)!” Tim beams.
You just narrowly dodged the bullet this time, had Jason already gotten a reading on you? Impossible. You had to switch up your tactics quickly or else you’d actually lose. Think, (Y/N), what was he going to do next? Jason, as much as a wildcard he is, you could read him easily. He had these kinds of wind-ups to certain moves, you noticed. Like now, that roll of his shoulder, he’s going in for a hook so now you had to think about where he’s aiming. If he ducks low enough it’s your abdomen, if he keeps his level then it’s your shoulder. Leave it to Jason to play dirty, he picked up the pistols only for them to be a red herring, but, then again, you should’ve expected this from him as soon as he holstered the damn things.
But you knew him as well as he knew you. You play by the rules, maybe a little too much, out of the box operations were more of Carter’s forte while you and Alex tried to stick to orders more. But, come to think of it, you’d always been this way. Always doing what you’re told and never standing up until you have to. Then here’s Jason, an absolute force of nature when he’s pissed and an unstoppable machine when he’s focused.
You dodged his punch and bounced back, creating some distance before aiming the pistol and taking three shots. One on his arm, the other on his leg, and the third missed its mark when it grazed his shoulder. On each impact the bullet dissipated, hitting him with enough force to push him back but hardly enough to leave more than a bruise. You switched hands and fired another round, this time the bullet grazed his cheek and Jason couldn’t stop the proud smirk that rose on his face.
You never really got why your siblings were so crazy about sparring. Sure, you got it from a training standpoint, but their obsession with it was on a new level. It was just a pass time for them and you’d just sip on a juicebox and wait for them to finish.
But you get it now.
It’s a whole different language, one that was perfected by the Waynes. Each attack was like a part of a conversation, let’s get caught up, you get what he meant now. Even your spars with the other members of the Brigade weren’t this entertaining, and everyone in the stands agreed. Usually, you’d hear roars of shouts but this time it was silent. Everyone was watching in tense observation, trying to see if Jason had what it takes to join the Brigade and, hell, he actually might.
“Come on, Jay, you picked up those pistols, use them,” you taunted. Jason shook his head and charged again, you barely moved out of the way this time. “You’re faster.”
“I do cardio with Steph.” You ducked under his swing.
“Wider shoulders too.” He grabbed your fist before you could hit him and you shook him off before he could toss you.
“Dick would kill me if I skipped chest day.” You held the pistol up but misfired.
“Thought he was more of a glutes guy.” Jason evades your attacks easily.
“You know that’s all genetics.” He shrugs and you take this chance to shoot at his foot, causing him to lose his balance temporarily.
“True.” It didn’t last long, Jason was up on his feet in seconds and you were planning your next attack.
“I’m starting to think you just use those things as a safety blanket,” you looked at either pistol and Jason rolled his eyes.
“You know one thing about you that hasn’t changed, kiddo?”
“You still don’t look under you.”
“What?” You looked down and your breath stopped, seeing the array of bullet shells and spikes beneath you. “Now when did you get those?”
“Had them from the beginning, you just weren’t paying attention,” he shakes his head.
“Effectively, this would be a draw,” you looked around you, one misstep would be something of an unfortunate lego brick under your shoes. “Neither of us can move forward,” you explained.
“Oh yeah? Boring,” he shakes his head.
“This match is over,” you announced, stretching out your neck and, in seconds, all the weapons disappeared as if in a simulation and the cheering was deaf to you. “I like you, you’re not Brigade material, but I’ll find a place for you,” you held your hand out and he shook it.
“Sure, I look forward to it,” he says. 
“So, I have to ask, why didn’t you use them? Wanted to prove you didn’t need them?”
“You really think I would shoot you? Spar or not, I couldn’t do that,” he shakes his head. You stopped for a moment, but regained your senses before anyone could notice. “Now what?”
“I either get my ass kicked by the queen or we start your onboarding, should be quick, I’m putting you in one of the honorary squadrons,” you nodded. Jason followed you into the end of the arena. “What we talked about earlier? We discuss it to no one. Not Damian, not Tim, and no one on my team,” you said.
“What did we talk about again?” Jason caught your hint.
“Captain! Captain, we have a problem!” Marion was quick to meet you.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“That beast from a few months ago, the one that attacked the new recruits! It’s back! It’s in the courtyard right now! Aldryn’s moving the royal family to a safe house as we speak.”
“Shit,” you looked at Jason, then to Marion. “Take me there,” you pulled your phone out and held it to your ear. “All members of the Brigade report to the courtyard, we have another Daemon to take care of,” you held your hand over the speaker, “Mary how many of them are there?”
“We counted one so far, but if it’s anything like before…” She doesn’t finish her sentence.
“You take the recruits and go somewhere safe, we’ll call for help if we need it.” You ran off toward the courtyard and Marion looks at Jason.
“Who are you?” She asks.
“I’m with her,” Jason jogs after you. “What the hell is a Daemon, (Y/N)?!”
“We have monsters. This is a recent one that happens to decimate towns,” you explained, “why are you following me? Go somewhere far!”
“I wouldn’t even know where to go!” Jason defends. You both stop once you reach the outdoors and Jason swallows down his words. “That… is that it?”
“Whatever it is… that is not the one that attacked the recruits before,” you looked up. It was huge, bigger than anyone you had fought before. It towered over you easily while fresh blood dripped down its maw. It spots you and its ears straighten in alert while its eyes, empty white sockets, bored their way into you. Your eyes drifted to its neck and you could just barely make out the glint of metal that was hidden in its fur. You held your phone up again. “We need it alive.”
“Roger,” Nixon answered first.
“I’ll handle crowd control,” Alex says.
“I’m on my way now,” Eve was next.
“Can you handle it until we get there?” Carter.
“Sure… maybe.” The beast growled and, maybe you were just noticing it, but with every roar or grunt the skies seemed to get darker.
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kurov1864 · 3 months
Alice courting/dating hcs!!
- I'm going to be honest here, Asmodeus would never fully devote his soul to you. You're going to have to share it with your brother, Iruma. That's just something you're going to have to accept, no matter how much you want him to love you with his whole being. Speaking from a story standpoint, Iruma has pushed him so much, it wouldn't be fair to just erase Iruma from his heart just for love.
- Whew, now that the hard part's out of the way.
- He honestly seems like a very attentive and devoted type of lover. He would want to please you to the best of his abilities, and with his mother being the head of lust you better bet your ass that he can fulfil any material need you require. (Not that you would have any - your grandpa and Opera would take care of it before Alice can even offer)
- He's also traditional, so while he's a bit hesitant to do things more casually, that's just because he isn't used to it. He's been raised in a noble household after all, with strict manners and social protocols and whatnot.
- But let's talk about the past first. And by that I mean when he didn't know he had developed feelings for you.
- When he got close to you, his heart pounds. Blood rushes through his ears and he can physically feel his face heating up. His conclusion? He subconsciously hates you.
- Like, you might yell at me for this, saying "omg Alice is intelligent! He's not that oblivious!" and yeah well true, it's been shown and proven multiple times that he's smart asf, I do feel like he has his brain dead moments, especially when it comes to things like girls and feelings in general.
- So of course, he feels immense guilt. You guys have gone through so much as classmates and friends, and yet his body and mind chose to betray him like this. Conflicted, he'll probably confess to Iruma first, apologising on his hands and knees. Iruma, being a good friend and even better brother, would most definitely try his best to guide him through his emotions, trying to make sense of them with him. Pretty sure once he hears the symptoms, he would recognize it as love because of the time he spent working on that manga.
- Once Alice realizes his feelings, he'll stay on the fence for a bit longer, wondering if it was really okay to like you like this, or if you even wanted a relationship. You wouldn't need to wait for a very long time though, he's quite a decisive person.
- By the way, in case you didn't know, I am in fact, not royalty, nor am I from a noble family. Because of this, I have no clue what courting actually entails and it's 1:34 in the morning and I am way too tired to do actual research. Thus, I'll just be making shit up as I go.
- First step to courting: asking for your family's permission. It's very important that he receives approval BEFORE asking you, just to avoid any political messes that could happen in the future. Sitting at the dining table with Suvillian and Opera continuously grilling him for details and reassurance that he would treat you right was quite stressful, to say the least. (Opera wanted to reject since he was still young and inexperienced, but Suvillian said that was the charm of young love)
- Second step to courting: asking for YOUR permission. Alice would most definitely try to go all out on this one, while still keeping your boundaries in mind. Probably somewhere on school grounds, away the prying eyes of the general school population and your classmates. A garden perhaps? He may ask a few teachers for help, and would even suck up his pride/fear of his mom to ask for advice.
- Once preparations are completed, he would personally escort you there, saying that he needed to talk. Then, he would get down on one knee, and pour out his entire heart to you. (From the way he was speaking you would've thought he was proposing a marriage, but no. This is just the first stage of asking permission to court. Makes you wonder how much effort he would put in when celebrating stuff like your birthday or actually asking for your hand in marriage)
- You accept? Perfect! Next comes gifts. It'll start off simple first. Small things like pens when you need them, a hairclip, notes from a class you slept through, very minuscule but thoughtful gifts, just to see how comfortable you are with receiving it.
- When you get used to those? Oh boy. Then the gifts would *really* start to rain. Earrings, necklaces, brooches, sometimes even whole outfits for your dates (I am very convinced that Alice is the type that would want to take care of everything if you allow him to, and that he's also very fixated on the type of clothes you wear). But also more sweet things, like bouquets, handwritten love letters, homemade sweet treats, those sorts of things.
- In fact, sometimes it gets so bad that Opera has to scold Alice to slow down, at this rate the entire mansion is going to run out of storage space for all the stuff you keep buying her (That isn't true, but it is annoying to have to keep reorganizing a new pile of gifts that's the size of a mountain every morning. If he keeps buying so much stuff, he'll just end up creating more waste because you couldn't possibly need to replace your entire closet every damn day)
- I like to think that his love language is acts of service and physical touch though. Stuff like helping you with subjects, planning thoughtful surprises, those kinds of things.
- Hand kisses!! Did I mention hand kisses? It's a great way of expressing his affection in a way that's totally within his comfort zone, plus it's not too flashy or over the top, which means that you two can't get scolded by Kalego!! (Huzzah) He'll probably be more touchy in private though, especially because of his bloodline.
- How comfortable he is asking for your touch is entirely dependent on how long this relationship has been going on for and how well you two know each other. I honestly can't see Alice trying to initiate contact with you before asking for your consent like 10 times if you two are fresh into the relationship, but once he gets to know you and your signs better, he'll become more confident just touching you whenever he likes.
- After a long tiring day, would plop his head onto your lap and just stay there. He needs time to recharge, after all, being a perfect student takes its toll. When this happens, make sure to be ready with his favourite tea and probably a book or two, since he's gonna be there for a while. Alice would love it even more if you run your fingers through his hair, messaging his scalp to prevent an oncoming headache. Honestly, your techniques should be illegal with how much it makes him melt.
- If he doesn't have enough time to enjoy that, he'll settle for a quick backhug, burying his nose into the crook of your neck and just enjoying your natural scent, before reluctantly pulling away to go do whatever he has to do.
- When he gets jealous, it'll depend on how far into the relationship you guys are. If you're both fresh, he'll be totally possessive and all up into that demon's face, before doing a 180 and apologizing to you for interrupting your conversation and not being able to control his emotions. But, if you both have been together for a while, he would definitely trust you more and have a better reign on his feelings, so while he may still get jealous, he'll show it in a more elegant manner, like casually sliding his arm around your waist, or kissing your lips when greeting you. If the demon still tries to strike conversation the next day, well, you might wanna stock up on some bandages for your neck.
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A Hunting Trip (Part 4)
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pairing: dean winchester x reader x damon salvatore
synopsis: a crash course in self defence  - *yn* finally tells dean and sam what's been going on in mystic falls. dean takes it upon himself to make sure she can keep herself safe.
warnings: fluff, angst, swearing
notes: i love this chappy so much, am so happy to be back writing x
Series Masterlist
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"Just this one here."
Dean followed *yn*'s index finger to guide the impala into the driveway.
*yn* still couldn't believe that John had given Dean his car.
"Oh great, here come the million and one questions." Dean grumbled.
The rumbling engine must have alerted Sam, because he was already hurrying down the porch steps towards them. The two hopped out of the impala just as Sam reached the car.
"Where the hell have you been?" He threw his hands up in the air before perching them on his hips. His gaze firm as he glanced between the two, much like a stern mother.
"Why don't you just calm down and hold your questions till we get inside detective." Dean responded. Definitely not the right thing to say.
"Calm down?" Sam looked at him in disbelief. "I thought something had happened, you weren't answering your cell and *yn* was being all cryptic on the phone."
"Well we're here now and in one piece." Dean gestured between him and *yn*. "Although slightly traumatised."
"I'm going to explain everything, come on." *yn* patted Sam's shoulder in apology before moving past the boys to scale the porch staircase.
Sam shot Dean one last unimpressed look which Dean pretended to not see as they followed after *yn*.
"So this is your place huh?" Dean asked her as she slid her key into the front door.
"Yep, home sweet home."
The house was unexpectedly sparse. A single couch and small television occupied the living room. There was no art or pictures on the walls. Dean could see a film of dust coating the small coffee table that stood at the entrance.
It was like no one lived here.
She poked her head out of the door, scanning the quiet suburban street once more. Dean turned to look at her at the sound of the soft click of the lock sliding into place.
"I really doubt that lock's going to do much good if one of your friends wants to get in."
"Vamps can't enter a home unless they're invited in by the owner." She shot back as she placed her keys on the entry table.
"Smart ass." She grumbled under her breath as she shrugged off her jacket.
"I don't need super vamp hearing to hear you, you know." Dean remarked as his eyes slid over every inch of the house.
"I'm sorry, did you just say vampires?"
"Oh you have so much to catch up on Sammy." Dean patted his shoulder as the brothers followed *yn* down the hallway and into the kitchen.
"Take a seat, you guys want something to drink?" *yn* gestured to the dining table.
"We're fine thanks."
Sam's brows had started to do that twitchy thing they did when he was anxious.
Dean turned to look at his brother incredulously. "Speak for yourself." He turned to *yn*. "I'll take anything that even slightly resembles alcohol."
She nodded knowingly, "that I can definitely do."
Dean's eyes fell on the open fridge door as *yn* disappeared behind it.
For the first time since they'd stepped foot in this place, there was evidence that someone lived here. Photos stuck under tacky mystic fall magnets were strewn haphazardly over the door's surface. He could make out photos of her and Elena in cheer uniforms and a few others with people that he had recognised around town. One of her and Damon laughing was front and centre.
None of her dad, or him and Sam, or anyone from her childhood for that matter.
"Will this do?"
Dean quickly averted his gaze as *yn* popped her head around, two bottles of beer on show.
"That'll do perfectly." A grin appeared on her face as she shut the door with her foot and came over to sit with the pair at the table.
Dean thanked her with a nod as she slid the bottle over to him. Sam looked like he was about to combust as he watched the pair take a sip from their drinks.
The silence stretched on. For the first time a look of uneasiness crossed *yn*'s features as she placed the bottle down onto the oak.
"I don't really know where to start."
The admission seemed to soften Sam's urgency. As she sat in front of them and fiddled with her fingers, it was like they were suddenly back in a hotel room, waiting for their dads to finish a hunt. Like they were trying to pretend that they were normal, even for a few hours.
"The beginning seems like a good place." His words were gentle as he studied the girl in front of him.
She bit her lip and glanced at the clock on the wall opposite her.
"Take your time, we want to know everything." Dean was the one who spoke this time, and even he had taken himself by surprise at how calm he sounded.
What was more surprising was that *yn* didn't shoot back with a sarcastic remark or roll her eyes. Instead, a grateful look flashed across her features as she nodded.
So, the beginning was where she started. She told them everything, from the day that her dad died to when they'd shown up. About how it was a regular job and he'd been taken by a nasty spirit and the next thing she knew, she was being moved from home to home.
She told them about vampires and werewolves and witches and dopplegangers. About humanity switches and sunlight and stakes. She told them about the Founder's Council, about the Salvatores. She told them about Katherine and the tomb vampires. She told them about Klaus, about his obsession with making an army of hybrids. She told them about the original family and the coffins, about Stefan's fixation on getting revenge on Klaus.
She did decide to leave some details out, mainly about Damon's less... morally ok decisions and the people that her friends had killed along the way. But she did tell them about her friends, about her new family, about Alaric and Sheriff Forbes, about the bonds that they had all created during this time. About the fact that she was going to a real high school now, with real teachers and real prospects of college.
The whole time their eyes did not leave her. They nodded, smiled, grimaced (a lot) and asked questions occasionally. But there was not one moment where they were not one hundred percent focussed on her. And as she talked, *yn* realised just how desperate she was to tell someone outside her mystic falls circle about what was happening. Someone from her past. Someone who could understand and sympathise with just how messed up her life had been.
As she talked, it was like she could visualise the bonds of their relationship slowly begin to repair after so many years of disuse.
"And, I think that pretty much brings it up to today."
She could feel the brothers' eyes on her as she brought the bottle to her lips and finished the remnants of the liquor in one foul gulp.
"I uh-" She watched as Sam cleared his throat, his eyes darting to look at Dean before turning to her.
"I think I'll take that beer now."
A soft smile presented itself on her lips. The chair scraped against the floor. The sound bounced off the bare walls.
"It's a lot to process."
Dean watched as *yn* disappeared behind the fridge door once more.
"If it hadn't happened to me I wouldn't have believed it." Dean's eyes never left the photos plastered in front of him as he spoke.
"So what, he literally just locked eyes with you and like... mind controlled you or some crap?"
"It's called compulsion, and yes that's what they do." *yn* corrected Sam as she made her way back to the table.
"Right sorry, he compelled you to just do whatever he wanted?"
"Pretty much yeah."
Sam resisted the urge to roll his eyes as Dean shrugged. "And if you ingest that herb you were taking about- varvin?" He continued.
"Vervain. And here." Sam raised a brow but still muttered a thank you as he took the beer and a bottle of water from her outstretched palm.
Upon closer inspection he noted the strange herb swirling around in the bottle, making the water slightly discoloured.
"It doesn't taste bad." *yn* commented when she noticed the sceptical look on his features.
"Bottoms up Sammy." Dean clapped him on the shoulder as Sam unscrewed the cap and brought the bottle to his lips.
"And this really works?" He asked once he'd taken a large gulp of the liquid.
"You don't have to ingest it. You can wear it in something like a necklace and that will protect you too." She raised her wrist to reveal a bracelet dangling from her wrist.
"Me personally, I like to do both because if they yank it off you, you're screwed. Best to cover all your bases. You can incorporate into all sorts of weapons too, the stuff's a nightmare for them."
Her eyes darted between the brothers and raised a brow when she noted the looks on their features.
"Nothing it's just uh-" Sam cleared his throat and glanced at Dean out of his peripheral. "I'm a bit confused as to why you're telling us all of this stuff. Given a lot of your friends are..."
"Vampires? You can say it." *yn* mused as she twisted the cap off her second beer. "And yes, they are my friends. But so are you. And unfortunately most vampires aren't as nice. I want you guys to be protected."
"You might want to consider getting better friends if that's what you consider friendly." Dean muttered under his breath.
"Given I'm in a generous mood, I'll choose to ignore that." Her answer made the side of Dean's lips twitch up into a smirk.
"Lucky me."
The pair locked eyes as *yn* brought the glass to her lips. He was taunting her, dangling his words in front of her like bait on a hook. Begging her to take a bite.
Her instincts were screaming at her, the words literally falling off the edge of her tongue. But the knowledge that she had to convince them to leave town was what prevented them from falling off the precipice.
"So you guys going to tell me why John's left you to fend for yourselves or what?"
"Oh come on." She continued when she saw them exchange looks. "Given I've just trauma dumped on you guys I think it's only fair you both tell me what you've been up to."
"We'd been hunting together for a few years and then he went on a trip." Dean spoke after a few moments. "And he didn't come back."
Trust Dean to include all the important details.
"That was when Dean came to get me from Stanford and-"
"Woah wait Stanford, as in Stanford University?" *yn* cut him off, her eyes growing wide.
"Uh yeah, I was studying law there."
"Sam that's amazing oh my god." *yn* breathed out, a grin spreading across her lips as she studied him.
"Thanks, I guess." Sam ducked his head down as a smile spread across his lips, unable to hide himself as her excited energy seeped into him.
"Don't be so fucking modest you dork." She laughed, "we always knew you were the nerd of the group."
She didn't miss the way Dean's small smile didn't quite reach his eyes as he studied his brother.
"John must have been really proud."
She instantly knew that she had hit a nerve when Sam's smile faltered, anger flashing across his features briefly before he regained his composure.
"Something like that."
Tension pulsated through the room as Dean pursed his lips at Sam's words. *yn* could almost see the wall go up between them.
Jesus what had she missed while she was gone?
"Anyway." Sam cleared his throat. "We went looking for him, to the town we knew he was working a job."
"No dad but there was a job. Spirit, nasty bitch too." Dean remarked, shaking his head and taking a deep drink of his beer at the memory.
"Dean dropped me back home and when I got there-" Sam looked down, a lump in his throat as he felt a rush of heat, like those flames were still licking at him, burning him from the inside.
"Jess, Sam's girlfriend, she was uh- well- she died just like our mum did."
A pregnant pause filled the room. *yn* blinked rapidly as she tried to process the information.
"Like, the exact way-"
The boys nodded solemnly.
"Fuck." She exhaled as she studied Sam. She fought the urge to reach over and take his hand.
"Jesus Sam, I'm so sorry."
"Thanks *yn*." A sad smile flitted across his features. He was unable to hide the anguish in his eyes. She knew he blamed himself for his girlfriends death. He was a Winchester, they were masters of self flagellation.
"Ever since then we've been trying to find dad."
"So what, he just took off without a word and you haven't heard from him since?" *yn* found it hard to believe that he would leave his sons without an explanation. Then again, it was John Winchester, he wasn't ever exactly going to win father of the year award.
"I've spoken to him, he gave me coordinates of another job." Dean answered her.
"That was it? No explanation of where he is?"
"That was it." No matter how good his poker face was, even Dean couldn't conceal the resentment on his face from her.
"We think he's got a lead on the thing that killed mum and that he doesn't want us involved." Sam explained.
"Right." *yn* nodded. "All the more reason for you to keep trying to find him then."
Dean's lips twitched, "trying to shake us already huh?"
"You are a pain in the ass..." She teased, "But it's not like that. I'd love for you to stay.. but you can't. It's not safe."
The mood visibly shifted. Dean's jaw tightened at her words, the veins in his hand protruding as he gripped the beer bottle. She could feel him shutting down already. So instead, she leant forward in her chair and locked eyes with Sam, praying that she could at least get through to him.
"Look, it won't take Klaus long to find out you're hunters. He probably already knows. And you two could be the best hunters in the entire fucking world, you still wouldn't have a chance against an original vampire."
She shifted her imploring gaze to Dean, swallowing the lump in her throat when he refused to meet her gaze.
"I've already lost my dad, I'm not losing you two." She twisted her fingers around each other as she tried to keep her voice steady and calm.
"You need to go and find your dad."
"Well that's ironic." Dean chuckled humourlessly.
*yn* frowned at his words. "What are you talking about?"
"He led us right to you."
"He's been leaving us clues - coordinates." Sam clarified when he saw her confusion.
"In his journal and stuff. There was a whole section on Mystic Falls, about all the mysterious animal attacks and missing persons."
"You think he knew?" Her question illicited a shrug.
"He knew something supernatural was going on. Hard to say if he suspected vampires."
She nodded, her mind was now racing even faster than it already had been. Not only did she have to worry about Klaus, but she also had to worry about word getting out in the hunter community about what was going on here.
"You have his journal?"
Sam nodded. "I'll go get it."
All she could do now was see what sort of information John had collected, what was available for hunters to find that would lead them to the town.
Dean wordlessly fished out his keys and handed them to Sam. His green eyes locked with hers as he did so, and *yn* swore he could read her mind in that moment.
She pushed the chair back, letting it scrape loudly on the wood. She could feel Dean's eyes still on her as she disappeared from view to pull open the storage cupboard under the staircase that led up to the second floor.
The shoe box was in plain sight. She reached up on her tippy toes and plucked it from the top shelf. Stepping out from underneath the stairs allowed her to examine it in the natural light.
It was tattered from age, the nike logo faded and discoloured. A layer of dust encased it. It was heavier than she remembered.
She placed it down gently onto the dining room table. Dean looked at her quizzically as she pulled off the lid. Particles of dust launched at her face, almost as if they were angry for being disturbed after so long.
"I saw you looking at my photos on the fridge." She spoke as she pushed the box towards Dean.
"You think I don't have photos of my dad, of you."
She watched as Dean brought the box closer to himself and peered inside.
"I didn't want to have to explain who any of you were to people who asked."
It also pained her to look at them.
He pulled out a stack of old photographs as she sat down once more. Her eyes never left his face, trying to gage his reaction as he sifted through the grainy faces.
A genuine smile spread across his lips as he chuckled. His mood did a 180. "Holy hell, I forgot how dorky you and Sammy were."
He flipped the photo around and sure enough there was a photo of a young Sam Winchester and *yn* Kitson.*yn* felt her cheeks flush as she snatched the photo from his hand for a closer examination.
Sure enough, there stood her and Sam, cheesy grins on their faces, dressed in matching Star Wars costumes. Sam as Luke Skywalker and *yn* as Han Solo. It was clear that the costumes had been made with whatever was available, her dad's belt nearly dwarfed her entire midsection and the pants were rolled up to her ankles so she wouldn't trip.
Despite her horror, she couldn't help but let out a giggle. "Christ, letting me go out like that has got to be considered some form of child abuse."
Dean chuckled as she placed the photo back down onto the table. "I remember you literally begging me to borrow my vest for that stupid costume."
"You should have said no, you would have been doing me a favour."
"And miss out on the opportunity to reminisce on your dorkiness years later? Hell no."
She shook her head, unable to wipe the smile off her face as Dean continued to sift through the photos.
"Oh my god."
"What?!" She was up and out of her chair, rounding the table to get a look at the photo that had made Dean's eyes bulge.
"Oh my god." She echoed as she slid into the chair beside him and peered over his shoulder.
"That is criminal." She gasped.
"What's criminal?"
The two twisted around in their seats to see Sam standing in the doorway. They glanced at each other before bursting into laughter.
"What? Show me!" Sam demanded as he stormed forward.
"Hey!" Dean protested as Sam reached over and plucked the photo from his hand. "I wasn't finishing admiring that."
*yn* covered her mouth, trying to suppress her laughter as she watched Sam study the picture.
"Oh my god." His face grimaced in disgust. "Burn this please."
"No, you look cute!" She protested.
"Cute is not the word I would use." Sam grumbled as he came to sit opposite them.
"Yeah sorry *yn*, gotta agree with Sammy on this one." Dean grinned as he reached over and grabbed it back from Sam.
"Dorky, loser, nerd, comes to mind though."
*yn* couldn't stifle her laughter any further as she looked at the photo once more.
It was a probably 10 year old Sam Winchester, his fringe even thicker and curlier then it was now, his two front teeth missing as he grinned wildly. He was holding some sort of science project in his small hands.
"Not much has changed in the dorky department."
Sam rolled his eyes at Dean. "What like you wouldn't have some embarrassing pictures in here?"
"Me? Pfft please, I never went through an awkward phase."
This time it was *yn*'s turn to roll her eyes.
"Yeah right."
"I was too busy with all the cheerleaders to go through one."
Spurred on by his words, she leant forward and flicked through the photos. A very young Dean Winchester, hair plastered up into an obnoxious quiff and gleaming with hair gel, wearing a leather jacket far too big for him, was beaming back at her. Her lips curled into a devilish grin as she plucked the photo from obscurity.
"You may not have gone through a dorky phase Winchester, but you definitely went through one just as embarrassing." She held it up triumphantly, dodging Dean's grasp as she held it out for Sam to take.
Sam let out a bark of triumphant laughter as he studied the photo, clutching his chest as he threw his head back in a dramatic fashion.
"Oh c'mon, I'm sure it's not even bad."
"Hm, I'd call using what looks like a whole tub of hair gel to style your hair pretty bad."
*yn* snickered at Sam's words.
"Give me that." Dean grumbled, snatching the photo from Sam's hand.
"Dude this is not even that bad." He protested, although *yn* didn't miss the way the apples of his cheeks turned a slight pink.
"Wasn't this his James Dean phase?" *yn* queried. Sam let out a howl of laughter.
"Oh my god how could I forget about the James Dean phase." Sam could barely get his words out as he laughed. "He'd pretend that lollypop sticks were cigarettes."
Dean's cheeks turned pinker. She almost felt sorry for him.
Almost being the key word.
"And remember that little walk he'd do."
"Hey, the man's a legend alright." Dean protested as they both burst into a fit of giggles.
"He's the definition of cool. Style. Class."
*yn*'s brows raised at Dean's words, biting her lip to stop the giggles escaping as he glared at her.
"I still think it's embarrassing." Sam remarked.
The brothers continued to bicker as *yn* resumed flicking through the photos. Her fingers stilled when her dad's smiling face suddenly stared back at her.
She was wrapped in his burly arms, her pudgy fingers clasping his neck. Pink bow in her wispy hair. A toothless smile and bright eyes aimed at him. She would have been no more than 2.
Grief hit her like an unexpected tidal wave.
She blinked as she felt hot tears prick at the corners of her eyes. The pad of her pointer finger brushed over his sun worn features. The werewolf inflicted scar on his left temple.
Dean's eyes involuntarily darted to her. He went to turn his attention back to Sam when he noted the tightness of her features. The veins in her hand were revealed from her grip on the photo. He recognised the emotion on her face instantly. One that he was all too familiar with.
"So where's your aunt?"
Her eyes met his, widened from the surprise of being snapped out of their focus. They softened almost instantly, and for a moment there was a look of gratefulness on her face. Like she understood what he had done. In a blink her face morphed into one of unreadability. It happened so quickly Dean almost doubted he'd even seen it at all.
"My aunt?"
Dean frowned at her question. "The one you said you lived with? Is she at work or something?"
"Oh. Right."
Her eyes darted between the two brothers. She may be good at hiding her emotions, but Dean was better at seeing through it.
"She uh, she's... well, she's dead."
"Dead?" Dean balked. "What do you mean dead?"
"Like... the tomb vampires got out and she died of an 'animal attack' sort of dead." Guilt was written all over her features as she spoke.
Two bewildered expressions stared back at her.
"It's ok.. really! It wasn't that sad, it was a while ago and to be honest she was kind of the worst so-"
"I'm not worried about you being sad, I'm worried about who the hell has been looking after you all this time."
Annoyance flashed across her features, "I don't need anyone to look after me."
"Who lives here?"
"I mean, who else lives here?"
"No one."
"No one? So you live here all by yourself?"
"Yes, that's what I meant when I said I live here."
Dean and Sam exchanged bewildered glances.
"I'm at Elena's most of the time, I pretty much live with her."
Now it all made sense. The dust. The lack of furniture. Why it felt like no one really lived here. Because no one did.
"So you don't have a guardian? Any sort of parental figure?"
*yn* bristled at his questions. She was starting to become quite irritated.
"Ric is my guardian technically, Elena and Jeremy's too."
"Ric? As in the former vampire hunter we saw drinking with your vampire boyfriend last night? Yeah, sounds like a great role model."
"Dean." Sam warned.
"What? I'm merely stating the facts."
"I thought we were passed the whole judging, making assumptions, just being an asshole in general thing."
She held his gaze. Her eyes glowering with annoyance. She radiated stubbornness. It made Dean falter.
"I'm only asking because I care about you."
Her resolve wavered, a crack in her mask appeared that allowed Dean a glimpse. He saw a flicker of sadness.
"You have a funny way of showing it."
The shrill voice of Taylor Swift rung out through the room, preventing Dean from a response. She really had to change that ringtone.
*yn* avoided Dean's intense gaze as she fished her phone out of her pocket and glanced down at the caller ID.
"Excuse me." Was all she muttered before pushing out of her chair.
She didn't answer until she was upstairs with the door shut. "What do you want?"
"Well hello to you too." She could hear Damon's amused smirk through the phone.
"This better be good, you're interrupting precious bonding time." She grumbled as she flopped onto her bed.
"Things going that well with dumb and dumber huh?"
She huffed at his question. "All I'm going to say is I hope it went better for you with Ric's doctor friend than it is for me right now."
"Yeah funny you mention that, I'm just leaving his flat now."
She frowned, "Why?"
"To check if there was a bunny on the stove." As he spoke she picked up her childhood toy and sat it onto her chest. Buffy the plush pink horse stared back at her unblinkingly.
"That bad huh?"
"She vervained me when I accused her of killing her ex boyfriend, then the little psycho blood jacked me."
"She what?" *yn* sat upright. Buffy tumbled down the side of the bed. "Are you ok?"
"Fine, just a little miffed. Although, somewhat pleased I got to say 'I told you so' to Ric. Just as I predicted. Diagnosed psycho case."
"Great, just what we need."
"Yep, add it to our list of never ending problems." Damon drawled, "I was actually calling to see how it was going on your end with your second favourite set of brothers."
In that moment a memory surfaced. She snatched it before it could disappear once more. As he spoke she swapped the phone to her other ear and hastily leant over to pull open her bedside table draw.
"I think I'm making progress." She rifled through the stacks of paper and trinkets. She froze as her fingers found its target.
"Well that's something."
She pulled it out, hidden deep in the drawers depths. She plucked it out like a prize. A treasure amongst trash.
"Keep me updated, yeah?" She could faintly hear Damon's question on the end of the line.
"Will do." *yn* heard herself mumble as she twisted back onto her back and stared up at the photo.
"I gotta go. Talk to you later." And with that she snapped her phone shut and tossed it onto the bed beside her.
She held the paper up in her hand, stretching it above her head so the ceiling framed it. A photograph. A special one, kept apart from the others in the box in the room below her.
Luke Kitson, *yn* Kitson, Sam, Dean and John Winchester all beam back at her. The only photo of the five of them together. A perfectly dysfunctional family.
She smiled softly, letting the pads of her fingers glide over the young faces. Frozen permanently in time. None of them held a clue as to their fates. Where they would be in 8 years time. She wished she could somehow transport herself into that photograph and stay there forever.
Her anger towards Dean fizzled. Like it always did. She traced his grainy features with her fingernail.
She knew then that she had to do whatever it took to keep them safe. Even if it meant biting her tongue and quelling her anger. If it meant stretching the truth so they felt safe enough to leave her here and go on their way.
She let out a shaky breath as she pressed the photo into her chest, clutching it like she still did with Buffy when she couldn't sleep.
"I promise I'll keep them safe dad."
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Sam turned to look at Dean once they heard a door shut above them.
"Oh don't give me that look Sammy."
"What look?"
"The little disappointed puppy look you've managed to master."
"You could have been a bit nicer."
"Oh come on!" Dean threw his hands up in the air. "The girl's living in a house all by herself in a town full of vamps, you expect me to be happy about this crap?"
"No, and I'm not happy about it either, but acting like this isn't exactly going to help things."
Dean muttered under his breath, leaning forward to press his elbows into his thighs so he could run his hands over his stubble.
"What the hell are we supposed to do?"
There was a static pause as Sam studied him before answering. "I think we should do what she says."
"You want us to leave?" Dean blinked dumbfounded.
"Look, if what she says is true, we stand no chance defeating these.. original vampires or whatever they're called. It'd be a suicide mission." Sam answered him, lowering his voice as he spoke.
"If we find dad we can get his help to come back and stop this."
Dean shook his head. "So what, we're supposed to just leave her here? With these-" He cut himself off, his eyes darting to the stairs before looking back at Sam. "These monsters?"
"I don't think we have a choice Dean."
"She could come with us."
"And what? Sit in a hotel room while we go work jobs? C'mon. You know that would never happen. It's pretty clear she wants to stay."
Dean frowned, rubbing his stubble stressfully as he racked his brain for another solution. There was a part of him that wanted to grab her and throw her in the back of the impala and drive away with her. But he knew he could never do that. He could never take away her freedom, her choice. Besides, she'd probably scratch his eyes out if he even tried.
"The longer we stay here the harder it's going to be to find dad."
Dean's eyes narrowed as he looked up at Sam through his long lashes. "Is this about finding dad to help *yn*, or to get to him before he kills whatever killed mum and Jess?"
Sam flinched at Jess' name. His lips thinned into a firm line.
"We have a chance to kill the son of a bitch Dean. I'm not losing that. Not for anyone."
There was his answer. Dean sat up in his chair and leant back, his forehead creased as he studied his brother.
This wasn't the Sammy that he knew. The doe eyed, puppy like Sam Winchester who wanted to help everyone and anyone. No, this was a Sam Winchester who had a hard shell casing beginning to form around him. One that was driven by revenge and bitterness. One that was much too like John and Dean Winchester.
But despite all that, Dean knew his brother was right. They had no choice. If they stayed, they might all end up dead. At least this gave them time to reconvene and plan.
"Fine." Dean relented. "We go find dad, kill the son of a bitch, but then we are getting our asses back here and getting *yn* out."
"Deal." Sam nodded.
"But we ain't leaving until I give her at least some basic training. Who knows when she even last held a damn shotgun."
The staircase creaked before Sam could reply. The two sat up, trying to look as natural as possible as *yn* wondered back into the kitchen.
"Sorry about that, it was Elena." She spoke, waving her phone in the air before sliding it into her pocket. She seemed to return to the room in a much better mood than when she had left it.
"Everything ok?" Sam asked her, a smile on his features.
*yn* glanced at him before looking over at Dean. A strangely friendly smile was also on his lips.
"Yeah, just friend drama." She answered as she slid into her chair.
Each party seemed to be in a much friendlier mood, but the other could not quite work out why.
Her eyes landed on a photo amongst the pile, a genuine grin spread across her lips as she pulled it towards her.
Bobby Singer stared back at her, a rare smile on his face. A five year old *yn* Kitson sat beaming on his lap.
"Do you guys still see Bobby?"
Fondness washed over her at the memory of the grumpy older man. He'd always had a soft spot for her, and her for him.
"Yeah of course." Dean nodded.
"Hey, when this business is done with our dad why don't we swing through here and pick you up and we can all take a road trip to see him?"
*yn* looked up from the photo in surprise. Her eyes flickered to Sam who was nodding encouragingly.
"That sounds like a great idea." He agreed.
She glanced between them, trying to decipher what they were trying to say. "Does this mean you're leaving?"
"Yeah, well we talked about it and we think you're right. It's probably safer for everyone if we go." Sam was the one to answer her.
Her lips parted in surprise. Dean could tell that she had not thought it would be that easy. She turned to look at him and he could tell that she was reading him, trying to find the hidden motive behind their unexpected decision.
He did his best to keep smiling. If she could read him, she did not let on, a smile instead spreading across her lips. One that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"There is just one condition though." Dean finally spoke up.
"What's that?"
"Self defence training." *yn*'s brows shot up to her hairline.
"Self defence training?" She echoed. An amused smirk spread across her lips when he nodded.
"What? Don't think I can handle myself Winchester?"
"Just want to make sure you haven't gotten rusty that's all." He shrugged. There was a glimmer in his eye as they studied each other.
"Well we wouldn't want that, would we?"
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A twig snapped underneath Dean's boot. A raven cawed in the distance.
"You sure no one's around?"
The two brothers stepped into the clearing that *yn* had directed them towards.
"Yeah, Ric, Elena and I come here all the time to train." *yn* answered from behind them. A loud thump made them swivel around.
"What the hell is that?"
The two brothers looked down at the duffle bag *yn* dumped down at their feet.
"Things I defend myself with."
They watched as she bent down. The teeth of the zipper parting echoed through the woods, bouncing off the old trees.
"What are we looking at right now?" Dean queried, his brows raised as he watched her pull out a shot gun.
"Well this one is loaded with wooden bullets, excruciating and a pain in the ass to dig out." She chucked it onto the grass.
"This one shoots mini daggers." Another thud.
"This is a vervain grenade."
"Oh and this crossbow is pretty handy too."
"And I think that's all I've got at the moment, Ric has some more back home."
She glanced up expectantly when she got no response. Their jaws were slack as they stared at the weapons laid out in front of them.
"You made these?" It was Sam who finally broke the silence.
"Yeah, I mean Ric thought of most of 'em but I helped... fine tune the final products I guess you could say." She picked up the shotgun, popping it open with ease and glanced down into the chamber.
Sam raised a brow and looked over at Dean. He didn't need to verbalise his thoughts. It was written all over his face. "What was that about her not being able to hold a shotgun?"
Dean shot him a glare before clearing his throat, "well that's all very impressive but sometimes we don't get the opportunity to grab weapons."
*yn* eyed him sceptically as he took a few steps back to move into the centre of the clearing.
"What about your hand to hand?"
She tried to hide her smirk as she placed the shot gun on the ground. She rose to her feet and dusted her hands off on her jean shorts.
He didn't need to know that Ric had been training her and Elena for months. Or that she never stopped training, even after her dad died.
He shrugged off his leather jacket and dumped it onto the ground, leaving him in a grey t-shirt. It was loose, except for around his biceps that bulged as he tensed. Her eyes darted to his hands, watching them curl into fists. His rings gleamed back at her.
She swallowed and forced herself to move her eyes back to his face. The last thing Dean Winchester needed to see was her checking him out.
She stepped forward so she was only a few metres from him.
"You know vampires have super speed and strength right? I don't think this sort of training is going to be much use."
"Just humour me." He answered her, a small smirk twisting up onto his lips. There was that gleam in his eye again. Challenging her. Provoking her.
"I wanna see what you're made of Kit."
It felt like eons since someone had called her that.
"Hurry up Kit!"
"Put your back into it Kit."
"That's my little Kit."
"I love you Kit."
The nickname unlocked so many memories from her past. It didn't even feel like the nickname belonged to her. Like it was someone she'd known in her past life.
It felt so foreign to her ears that her brain took a moment to process it.
"C'mon Kit, what are you waiting for?"
Dean's voice brought her back down to earth. This time, the nickname nestled into her ear and made itself home again. It sparked something in her. A determined look settled onto her features.
Dean's eyes sparked when he saw her face morph. He held back his grin as the pair began to circle each other. They danced around each other, both of them holding their breath to see who would make the first move.
The snap of a twig was all it took. *yn*'s eyes must have shifted for no more than a few seconds. But it was all the time Dean needed to lunge forward and take her by surprise.
She stepped back and moved to curl her knuckles into a fist but he was already on her. Calloused hands gripped her forearms and twisted her around. She grunted as a knee pressed into the backs of her legs causing them to involuntarily buckle.
He used his bodyweight to push her down onto her stomach, twisting her arms and pinning them to her back in one fluid movement. She squirmed under his firm grip but she knew it was pointless. She was trapped, like a fish in a net. A fly in a spiders web.
She let out a grunt of frustration as she tried once more to writhe out of his strong grip. She could almost feel the rumble in his chest as he chuckled. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as a rush of warm air puffed onto the shell of her ear.
"Just as I thought, rusty." His voice was deep and amused. She gritted her teeth as he released her from his grip, chuckling to himself as he watched her get up onto her feet. Her breath was slightly ragged as she locked eyes with him, her jaw clenched.
Her ringtone blared through the woods. She tore her eyes from Dean and hurried to her bag. Damon's name illuminated the Caller ID. Her finger hovered over the accept button. She stole a glance at Dean who was already studying her intently. She flipped her phone shut.
"You don't need to get that?"
"Not important." She answered as she flicked it to silent and shoved it into the depths of her bag.
She rose to her full height and marched back into the centre of the clearing.
After an hour, her body was aching and bruised. It was screaming at her to give up. And she might have done, if Dean hadn't just lunged at her for what must have been the 12th time and finally left his stomach exposed.
She stepped forward and punched him square between his ribs, knocking the wind out of him. She jumped on the opportunity instantly, kicking his feet out from underneath him. Before he could even comprehend what was happening, she pushed him to the ground and straddled his torso. A wild grin spread across her lips as she pinned his arms above his head.
Victory was hers. Finally. There was a triumphant look in her eye as his body stilled underneath hers, admitting defeat.
A smirk appeared on his lips as his hands settled on her thighs. His chuckle sounded like gravel. He winced as she intentionally pushed down onto the area of his stomach where a bruise was already starting to form.
"Well played Kit."
The praise affected her more than it should have.
She felt her cheeks flush as the pair locked eyes. The pad of Dean's thumb brushed against her skin. It left goosebumps in its wake.
"I'm spent." Sam groaned from behind them.
She finally broke eye contact, ducking her head down as Dean's hands flew from her thighs.
"Can we have a break now?" She asked as she rolled off him and glanced over at Sam.
"Please." Sam agreed as he collapsed against a tree. He seemed oblivious to the interaction that had just occurred.
"Great." *yn* rose to her feet and began to stretch her aching limbs. She could hear Dean getting onto his feet behind her.
"These weapons really work?" Dean spoke after a few moments of silence stretched through the clearing.
He had her crossbow in his hand. "Yeah, they've been useful before."
"And this one shoots stakes?" He brought it up to rest on his shoulder.
"Yeah, that ones a personal favourite of Ric's." *yn* answered as he watched him settle on a tree as a target. One eye closed as his finger rested on the trigger. Then he pulled.
There was a whoosh as a blurry figure snaked past her. The stake never found its target. It was stopped by a hand. A gaudy ring waved back at her. As did a smirking Damon.
"Uh oh, vampire not staked."
She blinked and he was gone. Firm hands gripped her shoulders before the stake had even hit the ground. A hard body pressed against her.
The band of the gaudy ring that was staring back at her only seconds ago was now pressing into her throat. Her face was guided to the side, exposing her skin. Fangs lightly scraped the side of her neck.
"Pretty girl gets killed instead." He murmured, his lips only millimetres from her skin. His fangs brushed her as he spoke.
Her face flushed and her heart pounded against her ribcage. This was so not the reaction she should be having to this encounter. She was certain Damon could hear the way her pulse was pounding. All she could do was hope that he assumed it was out of fear.
"You guys gotta work on your hunting skills."
*yn* knew how it looked, how Damon intended for it to look in front of Dean and Sam. But what they didn't see was how gently he had shifted her neck. How he had just brushed his thumb along the curve of her skull, almost in a way to communicate that he wasn't going to hurt her.
Dean's face had hardened as he aimed the crossbow at Damon.
"Alright ease up cowboy." Damon raised his hands in mock surrender but didn't make an attempt to move from behind *yn*. His makeshift shield.
"I'm just trying to make this training exercise as realistic as possible."
"Dean it's ok." *yn* reassured him. "This is just Damon's sick idea of a joke." She sneered.
Dean's eyes darted between Damon and *yn* for a few moments before he reluctantly lowered the crossbow. She could see Damon's smirk widen.
"You think my humour is sick? Why thank you."
She rolled her eyes and shoved him off her.
"You're an idiot."
He grinned at her as his fangs slid back into his gums and the veins under his eyes shrunk.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him before he could open his mouth again to spew out another taunt.
"You weren't answering your cell."
It was an accusation, not an explanation.
"I turned it off." His eyes narrowed at her answer.
"I need to talk to you." He glanced over at Dean and Sam, "in private." She rolled her eyes once more but nodded.
"And remember boys, special vamp hearing if you wanted to have a little gossip session about me while I'm gone." He turned and shot them an obnoxious wink.
She didn't wait for a response from Sam or Dean before she grabbed Damon's arm and dragged him off into the woods.
"Oh come on *yn*, why so grumpy." He teased. She gritted her teeth and finally came to a stop once they were out of ear shot of the boys.
"You rocking up with your fangs out isn't exactly going to help me convince them that they should leave me here, is it?"
This time it was Damon's turn to roll his eyes. "Alright I'm sorry, I was just having a little fun."
She sighed and folded her arms in front of her chest. "How's it going with them anyway?"
"Good actually, they've agreed to leave town."
"Really? Just like that?"
"Just like that."
"Huh." Damon nodded, his lips pursed, "probably good timing actually."
"And why's that?"
"Well... I sort of had a run in with Klaus."
"What? What happened?" All annoyance directed towards Damon flew out the window.
"He got the coffins back."
"Shit." She cursed under her breath. "So we're all screwed then?"
"Well... I did manage to hide one before he got there."
She blinked in disbelief. "The locked one?"
"Yep." He popped the 'p' as he nodded. "Let's just say he wasn't too pleased with me."
"So we still have leverage." She breathed out, "that's good. Although he's probably going to be twice as murderous now."
"Oh, I think he's going to have bigger things to worry about for a while."
Her eyes narrowed at his words, "and why's that?"
A smirk twisted up onto Damon's lips as he leant into his jacket pocket. She took a step back, her eyes widening at the object.
A white ash dagger stared back at her.
"Is that...?"
"You bet it is."
"Damon what the hell did you do?"
He shrugged. "I thought it was time for a brotherly reunion."
"So you're telling me we've now got two original vampires running around Mystic Falls?"
"Elijah hates Klaus. Wants him dead."
"We thought that the last time and look what happened."
Damon huffed. "This is different, Klaus broke his promise and stuffed him into a wooden box. The dudes pissed. And if Elijah's pissed, it means we have a chance to get him to work with us to finally put a stop to Klaus's little tirade."
*yn* sighed and folded her arms in front of her chest. "You better be right about this."
"When am I ever wrong."
She shook her head, a ghost of a smile spreading across her lips as she looked away. Her eyes involuntarily dragged back into the direction of Sam and Dean.
"You want to get back to your training Kit?"
The nickname falling from his lips made her jerk her head back at him.
"That is what they call you, isn't it?"
"Were you spying on me?" She hissed.
"I had to find you from the sound of your voices. I didn't have a choice but to listen in." He shrugged innocently. If looks could kill, he'd be very much dead right now.
"I did arrive in time to see you tackle hero hair 2.0 to the ground."
"Are you done?"
"It was kind of hot."
She felt her cheeks begin to burn.
"Alright now I'm done." He grinned. "I'll leave you to it, gotta go tell the baby brother my genius plan."
She watched him take a few steps before he suddenly turned back around to face her. All traces of humour had left his face. She jutted her chin up to look at him as he marched towards her.
"Don't put your phone on silent again." A breath caught in her throat as he raised a hand to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. His gaze had softened as he studied every inch of her face.
"I hate worrying that something's happened to you."
In a blink he was gone.
"Fuck." She murmured under her breath.
*yn* spent the time it took reaching the clearing to collect herself and push thoughts of Damon to the back of her mind. By the time she reached the boys, she was the perfect picture of calm and normalcy.
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah." She nodded, "friend drama."
Dean nodded. She knew that he didn't believe her.
"So-" She cleared her throat. "Do you guys want to keep training?"
"It's getting kind of late actually, we should probably get going soon." Sam answered her.
She felt her heart plummet to the ground. She knew that they had to go, but she wasn't ready for it. They'd just got here. They were just starting to reconnect, to mend those bonds that had eroded over the years.
Even though she was practically limping from their training session, it had been some of the most fun she'd had in a long time. Giggling as Sam and Dean bickered, or trying to contain her laughter when she'd accidentally kneed Sam in the groin. It felt so natural. So familial. Almost like her dad was about to pop out and call them in for dinner like he used to all those years ago.
Surely it wouldn't hurt if they stayed just a little while longer. Like Damon had said, Klaus was distracted.
"Why don't you guys stay the night?" She suggested, glancing between them hopefully.
"We could grab some dinner and then you can head out in the morning."
The boys exchanged dubious glances.
"C'mon you can sleep at mine, I'm sure you must be sick of motel beds."
That seemed to be what tipped them over the edge.
"Alright that sounds good, thank you." Dean spoke, shooting her a tight lipped smile.
A grin spread across her lips, "great! Let's get something from the grill. I think it's burger deal night." She spoke enthusiastically as she picked up her duffel bag.
"Ooh! I call shotgun!" And with that she hurried off towards the impala, leaving the boys trailing after her.
"We're not playing any Taylor Swift." Dean called out to her as she neared the car.
She rolled her eyes, "I know you don't actually hate her."
"Oh really? And how do you know that?"
The car lock clicked.
"Because no one actually hates Taylor Swift. It's impossible."
Dean muttered something under his breath as the three of them piled into the impala. Sam's knees were practically up to his face as he forced himself into the back. Dean slid the key into the ignition.
"Do you still have that ACDC tape your dad used to play all the time?"
Dean's fingers froze in place. He turned to look at her.
"You still listen to ACDC?"
"Yeah. Of course I do. Why do you think I chose the name Young?"
Dean thought he might pass out as realisation hit him. "Like as in Angus Young...."
"Yeah..." She looked at him puzzled. "Do you guys still not use those sort of fake names?" She glanced over her shoulder at Sam.
"Yeah we do it's just..." Dean trailed off, bringing her attention back to him.
"Anyway-" He cleared his throat, "I have it, it's already in."
His answer made her smile grow wider. "Well what are you waiting for Winchester?"
He shook his head in disbelief before twisting the key in the ignition, letting the impala rumble to life. He pressed a button and the beginning of Back in Black started to blare through the speakers.
Sam internally groaned.
"Now that's what I'm talking about." She leant back in her seat and kicked her feet up onto the dash as Dean pulled out onto the road.
Sam's brow raised when Dean didn't say a word. If that had been him, he'd have been told to get out and walk.
Dean grinned and began to tap his fingers along the leather of the wheel, his head bobbing in time.
"Back in black, I hit the sack - come on Winchester!" She exclaimed when she didn't hear Dean's voice, hitting his chest playfully.
Sam blinked in disbelief as Dean began to join in, the pair of them shouting at the top of their lungs. Dean cranked the music louder.
"Oh my god." Sam mumbled to himself.
"There's two of them."
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I really love this part - don't worry though there's gonna be soooo much drama coming up hehehe <333 As always, feedback would be super super appreciated and you can give it back HERE!
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cerealforkart · 2 years
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Dungeons and Daddies the Manga Lesson 16: Needlejuice
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Bonus and transcription under the cut!
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Unlike his dad, he does need his glasses, but his brother needed them more for their little switcheroo
Transcript reading guide / key [xxxx] =  identifier of text source
- =  break between panels
(xxxxx) = text outside of normal speech bubble
Follow the Leader (Page 61) [Link]: Scary, if it’s okay with you, I think Normal should be the leader for this part. (Because it’s his dad.) [“Sparrow”] Why don’t I show you how the pizza is made back here? [Normal]: Sounds good! - [Scary]: Of course it’s okay with me! I never wanted to be the leader. I’m the rebeller! [Taylor]: (Spoken like a true leader!) - [Link]: Those least likely to lead who want to lead are the best leaders. [Taylor]: (Exactly, yes. We all know that.) - [“Sparrow”]: The fuck did you just say??? [Normal]: Can you guys shut the fuck up so we can save my dad!
Parent Trapped (Page 62) [Normal]: I’m- It’s just so screwed up! And Dad, this is all your fault! [“Sparrow”]: (Uh…) Yeah, sure. It’s all my fault. I’m stupid. I’m not as smart as my brother, and I’m kind of a hippie, and I didn’t prepare you properly. - [“Sparrow”]: I am being judged? If it wasn’t for what your Uncle Lark did, you would have grown up here. [Effect]: Scratch Scratch Scratch - [Normal]: So that makes it okay? I mean, like-! And you-! [Effect]: Scratch [Scary]: (Woah) Your dad has a tattoo of his own name? That’s cool. [Normal]: Wait, what? - [Normal]: UNCLE LARK?! [Lark]: (Sigh…)
Surprise!!! (Page 63) [Taylor]: All right chefs. I need joy, surprise, unrepentant murder, and uh, mushrooms? (Ugh) [Link]: SURPRISE! [Dice roll, Link]: Dexterity 17 - [Link]: (I’m sorry) [Ricky Click]: That’s not where the memories are stored. No. You have to use it here. [Effect]: Same brain activating [Text on box]: Syringes - [Dice Roll, Normal]: Dexterity 6 [Normal and Scary]: SURPRISE! [Dice Roll, Scary]: Dexterity 9 - [Taylor]: What are you guys doing? [Effect]: Catch! Catch!
Happy Birthday (Page 64) [Tilt]: I see in time and space, and I saw that today is the day I died. I wanted to make sure I met the next generation and helped you as much as I can. [Link]: How do you die? [Tilt]: A heart attack from the pizza. - [Normal]: Don’t eat the pizza then! [Effect]: Munch [Tilt]: I want the pizza though! [Link]: But then you’ll die! - [Scary, singing]: Happy happy birthday, Today’s the day you die! I hate to say this very quick goodbye! You’re gonna have a heart attack, On a pizza pie! Happy happy birthday, Today’s the day you die! [Tilt]: (Hurk!) [Link]: (Help!) - [Taylor]: WAIT! Those memories might still be fresh though, we can extract them. [Scary]: Yeah! [Scene]: No! Stop! She knows everything!
Transcript provided by @confusedfoam​
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asordinaryppl · 4 months
A3! Seasonal Event - Anniversary Game: Episode 6
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Izumi: You’re all here!
Izumi: I think you’ve all read the script, but before we get to the read through, let’s go through the details once more.
Tsuzuru: The theme this time is chess.
Tsuzuru: The story is about a Red King and a Blue King fighting over one country, and you'll be playing the roles of the Red King, Bishop, Knight…
Tsuzuru: And also the Blue King, Bishop and Knight. They have the same feel, but they’re divided into different factions.
Azuma: It seems the Red and Blue Kings are brothers.
Chikage: The setting might seem shabby at first, but it’s got an interesting story with comical details here and there.
Hisoka: There’s also scenes where the audience participates…
Tsuzuru: Yes. It seems a lot of Chess Garden’s visitors are families, so I wanted to try writing a story young children would enjoy as well.
Izumi: As for the cast… First, Azami-kun is the Red King.
Kumon: A king with overflowing charisma who thinks that power is justice… Azami will play this so coolly!
Chikage: Then, Azuma-san is the gentle Red Bishop. Am I the hot-blooded Red Knight?
Tsuzuru: Yes. Since they’re the Red King’s subordinates, they’re actually both rather physically strong.
Azami: Kumon’s the sincere and serious Blue Knight.
Hisoka: Tsuzuru is the Blue Bishop who’s always worried about something or other…
Azuma: And the Red King’s older brother as well as adversary, the Blue King, is Hisoka. He’s a rather cool king… Smart and sarcastic, too.
Chikage: Even though their motifs are the same, the red and blue pieces have completely different personalities and feels to their characters, so it’d be good if we could complement each other just as well.
Kumon: Yeah, yeah! I wanna pay attention to that as I prepare for my role!
Izumi: Now that we’ve confirmed everyone’s roles, let’s start reading from the first scene!
Izumi: … Okay, let’s stop here for today.
Izumi: We’ll start practicing in earnest tomorrow, but does anyone have anything they’d like to confirm before that?
Azami: Uh, I don’t have anything I need to confirm, but I wanna say something…
Azami: I heard the guys over at Chess Garden want to make this event more exciting than the past ones. So I was wondering if there was anything else we could do…
Hisoka: Like what?
Azami: Like, maybe like the previous events, we could wear costumes and serve and guide customers.
Azami: We got the play though, so that might be difficult…
Azami: I’m just makin’ suggestions, and they all sound sorta impossible. And we gotta get permission from the guys at Chess Garden too.
Kumon: No, I think it’s an awesome idea! I wanna serve the customers, too!
Hisoka: I think it’s a good idea too. It’ll probably get more people interested in the stage.
Izumi: I agree. And the previous event was well-received, so suggesting it to the other party might not be a bad idea.
Tsuzuru: Then I’ll talk to those who participated in the previous events, they’ll probably be of help.
Azuma: Since it’s an anniversary event, we must all make sure it’s a big success.
Chikage: I’d like to show the visitors more than they came to see.
Izumi: I’ll contact Chess Garden once we’re done, then. Thank you for the idea, Azami-kun!
Azami: Nah, I should be thanking you…
Azami: (... I’m glad everyone agreed.)
Azami: I’m back.
Izumi: Oh, Azami-kun! Welcome back, I was waiting for you.
Azami: Did something happen?
Izumi: I’ll tell everyone else later, but Chess Garden happily accepted the idea you had yesterday.
Izumi: What’s more, they not only asked if we could serve and provide information to customers, but also announce the event on the first day…
Azami: For real?
Izumi: For real. But I’m not really sure we should take that on too.
Izumi: It will add onto your and Hisoka-kun’s burdens especially, since you’ll also have a lot of lines in the play…
Azami: No, I’ll be fine. I wanna try it if possible.
Izumi: … I see! Then, let’s ask Hisoka-kun how he feels about it later.
Izumi: If anything happens, I’ll also help out. Let’s all do our best to make this event a successful one.
Azami: Yeah.
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
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petertingle-yipyip · 2 years
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yknow what, don’t even blame me for this. it’s fun, the songs so ridiculous i love it. enjoy a break from our regularly scheduled MAG content :) super short, super rushed bc i forgot i wanted to do this lol
Pairing: drunk reader x college!matt (unofficial)
Word Count: 1,063
Summary: End of semester = massive holiday mixer before leaving for break. And a certain blind, super hot, super smart law student shows up when you’re a bit too tipsy for your own good. (merry christmas if you celebrate! hope everyone is safe and has fun!)
“It’s the end of semester!” Your roommate pleaded. “C’mon!”
“I still have KN430 final today.” You reasoned, flipping through your notes as you filled in your study guide. “Semester’s not over yet.”
“Y/N.” She said and bounced across the room. She dragged your chair away from the desk and spun you to face her. “You can’t just not go to the holiday party. Everyone goes!”
“Can I just focus on this test first?” You laughed.
“Wait, is that legal issues in youth sports? Because I know there’s a certain law student that you hooked up with that would-“
“It’s applied sport psych. And leave Murdock out of this.”
“But he’s gonna be at the party!”
“Really?” Your brows raised. “He hasn’t been to anything lately.”
“I know. But I talked to Foggy and he said that he can get Matt to go. He’s pretty sure he’ll stay as long as you’re there.”
“Why am I the bargaining chip?” You laughed at the pointed look she gave you. “Look, let me focus on studying for now and I’ll go. Okay? I really need to pass this one”
“Yes!” She hopped and clapped. “I’m picking your outfit.”
You chuckled and spun back to your notes.
Later that night, you kept your word and went to the party. Your roommate put you in a short long sleeved velvet dress, black glittery stockings, knee high boots and a Santa hat. You had on a heavy coat to keep the cold out until you got inside.
“What are you gonna say to him?” She asked, looking around the party.
“Let me come warm you up. You’ve been out in the snow.” You joked and she laughed.
“Sounds like hoe, hoe, hoe.” She teased.
“Learned it from you.” You winked and her jaw dropped before laughing.
You were about six shots deep when Matt finally showed up. Your coat was long since discarded and you were now playing beer pong with your roommate against two guys from the fraternity hosting the party. You had just sunk the center cup and were being handed a shot when you saw him.
“He’s here!” You whispered, though it wasn’t much of a whisper.
“What?” Your roommate looked around till she found him, only two shots behind you. “Oh! Foggy, Matt! We’re over here!”
You threw back your shot, making a face in regards to the heavy taste and reached around for your chaser. Your hand found Matt’s and you gave him a wide, inebriated grin.
“Matt!” You giggled and he let out a groan when you threw your arms around him. “You made it!”
“I didn’t think you’d be this excited to see me.” He laughed lightly.
“You’re my wishlist.” You gave a shrug.
“What?” His smile remained.
“Looking at you got me thinking Christmas.”
“Y/N! The game!” Your roommate whined so you turned back but missed your next shot. You smacked your hands together but your roommate made her next cup.
“I’m guessing your roommate is carrying your guys?” Matt teased and tapped your leg with his cane.
“It’s you!” You reasoned with a finger in his face. “You make me nervous!”
“Do I?” He smirked.
“Snowflakes in my stomach kind of nervous.”
The boys against you missed boths shots.
“Make this one.” He said warmly, a soft demand underlying his words that sent a shiver down your spine.
“And if I do?” You teased as your roommate took her shot.
He blew out a long sigh. “What do you want?”
“You could fill my stomach with something else.” You hinted and his brows raised. “You be Santa Claus and I’ll be Mrs. When you’re comin down the chimney, it feels so good.”
He gave a small smirk and you laughed. “How could I say no to that?”
You turned back to your game and bounced the shot, landing it perfectly.
“Yes!” You exclaimed as they rolled the balls back to your side. “Can we get a rerack? Uuuuuhhmmmm…. Diamond.”
The boys grumbled as they fixed the cups, muttering that they can’t be losing that obviously. You turned back to Matt with a shit-eating grin as your roommate took her turn. You took the Santa hat off your head and fit it on Matt, earning a chuckle.
“Just out of curiosity… How many drinks have you had already?”
“Pffft.” You waved a hand. “Less than ten.” You nodded confidently.
“That explains it.” He chuckled.
“Explains what?” Your voice went high.
“Why you’re talking like that.”
“What do you mean? I’m talking Christmas.” You turned innocently to your game and threw a shot that went wide.
“Really?” His brows raised.
“Yeah, y’know.. Decking all the halls, spiking eggnog.”
“Big snowballs!” Foggy announced and threw his arms over yours and Matt’s shoulders. “We play winners.”
“Might wanna rethink that.” Matt chuckled and tapped his cane against Foggy.
“I’ll line you up, man. All you gotta do is flick it.” Foggy reasoned and the way your mind was cloudy with liquor had you biting down a laugh at the potential to make a dirty joke.
“You sure?”
“Yeah! I trust you!”
“C’mon, Murdock.” You smiled and tapped his chest. “Where’s your holiday spirit? No gifts. No sweater. No hat.”
“Hey, I caught that holiday glee.” He nodded with a smile, reaching out to find your hand with one and used the other to thump the ball of the hat against your forehead. “My true love gave it to me.”
“Sounds like hoe, hoe, hoe to me.” Your roommate whispered in your ear and you laughed.
“Give the ladies what they want, Matt.” Foggy insisted.
“Alright, alright.” He conceded.
“Oh, we’re gonna kick your ass!” You grinned.
“You’d beat a blind man? On purpose?” Matt asked incredulously.
“Yes I will.” You nodded. “Unless there’s a reason not to. You got a new toy for me?”
“Thought you were gonna be my Mrs.”
“Oh yeah.” You laughed. “I’ll take you for a ride. I’ll be your Vixen.”
You and roommate finished the game and won, beginning a new game against Matt and Foggy. Surprisingly, Matt’s accuracy after Foggy lined him up was better than you expected. Either that, or the shots were stronger than you had initially thought. Still, you and your roommate won and you ended up taking about five shots more.
And your Christmas present from Matt ended up being very worth it.
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canirove · 2 years
Bluebell | Chapter 22
Author’s note: And we’ve made it to the end! Thank you very much to everyone who has read this story, liked it, shared it with others or commented. It always means a lot 💜
For those of you who like Rúben, next Tuesday (Jan 31) I’ll start posting a new story with him (will probably share a characters introduction and maybe the summary on Sunday), and if everything goes as planned, I’ll start posting a new story with Mason the week of Valentine’s Day.
Hope you like this last chapter, and again, sorry to some of you for the previous one 😅
Previous chapter
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"Thank you for coming, Mason. I didn't know who else to call."
"It's ok, don't worry. Do you know where the generator is?"
"I think it is this big thing next to the heating system."
"This big thing" he chuckles.
"You know what I mean" I say as a thunder sounds somewhere very close.
"We should check it before the storm arrives. C'mon" Mason says.
It was announced that a huge storm would be hitting Bluebell, and everyone in town had been urged to stay safe, but also to check if they had everything that may be needed in case of flooding, power cuts... And since Rúben was out of town and couldn't check it all for me, Mason was my next option.
Every time we've been alone during these past few months, things have been great, we’ve behaved like we've always had (minus the having sex part, of course). When Rúben is around, it is a bit more tense, but both of them are doing their part to keep improving their relationship, and hopefully one day have a normal and civilized one.
"Everything is fine over here" Mason says after checking the generator. "If the power goes out, it should start working on its own."
"Thank you."
"But shouldn't you be staying with Mrs. Smart? You are eight months pregnant, and I don't see any guests coming in with this weather" he says as the whole room gets lightened, a thunder sounding just seconds after.
"I'm going there later for dinner, I'll be alright. I'll..."
"What? What is it?"
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, I just need to pee. Wait upstairs in the living room."
"Mason..." I say when I meet him, the storm already here. "I’m in labour."
"You are in what?"
"I... Fuck!"
"Fuck what?"
"The baby is coming, Mason" I say, trying to breath through my contraction.
"Yes, now. And fast."
"This... We shouldn't be doing this. You should be at the hospital, not here."
"Mason, there is no time to go to the hospital, you heard what they... Fuck!" I scream as I feel another contraction.
"But I don't know what to do! I've never seen a woman actually give birth, just what they show on movies!"
"Welcome to your first time, then" I say, trying to smile now that the pain has eased a bit. "Check how much I've dilated."
"You heard what the midwife said, Mason. We must check it to know when it is time."
"Are you sure you want me to do it?"
"You are very familiar with that part of my body."
"I am, but I'm sure it doesn't look the same right now."
"Mason. Do it" I say, my voice sounding more like a grunt as I feel another contraction coming.
"Ok guys, it's time to push" my midwife says over the phone.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" Mason says.
"It's gonna be fine, I'll guide you, ok?"
"Ok" he repeats, taking a deep breath.
"Push!" the midwife says.
"Oh, oh, I see something!"
"That's good, that's good. Remember to breath and... Push!"
"The head! I see hair!"
"We are almost there, probably just another push. Are you both ready?"
"Yes" Mason and I say at the same time, our gazes focused on each other.
"Ok... Breath and... Push!"
"Where are they?" Rúben says, storming into Daisy's.
"Shh, quiet. They are sleeping."
"Where are they, Mount?"
"I already told you. Sleeping. She needs to rest, and Mrs. Smart is keeping an eye on both of them. Her, and Dixie. That cat hasn’t left her side since she went into labour."
"Ok" Rúben says, letting out a big sigh and sitting down on the sofa. "What happened?"
"The baby got tired of waiting, and decided that the day the biggest storm in the past decade was hitting Bluebelll, was the perfect day to come to the world."
"And you were here?"
"Yep. Since you were busy, she asked me if I could come check the generator downstairs just in case there were power cuts. And an hour later, I was bringing a baby to the world."
"Thank God you were here. If she had been alone..."
"Yeah..." Mason whispers.
"Thank you."
"Thank you for helping her and the baby."
"Of course. You know I would do anything for her. Even if she chose you and all that."
"Friends?" Rúben asks, offering him a hand.
"Friends-ish" Mason says, shaking it. "Fancy a drink to celebrate that the little one is here and both of them are safe and sound?"
"That sounds like a great idea. Do you know where she keeps the nice stuff?" Rúben asks with a smile.
"Oh, I do" Mason replies, also smiling.
"What do we toast to?" Rúben asks once they both have their drink.
"To the little one, of course. And to that amazing woman you have as a girlfriend" Mason says, lifting his glass.
"To them... And to you. Thank you for what you did. Again."
"Cheers, bro."
"Cheers, Mason."
"You won't believe what I just saw downstairs."
“Please tell me the basement isn’t flooded and that we have ducks swimming on it.”
“No, nothing like that” Mrs. Smart says. “This is something good. I think.”
“You think?”
“Mason and Rúben were together downstairs, having a drink, and laughing.”
“They were doing what?”
“What you heard” she says. “Rúben also asked if he could come see you both. Are you ready?”
“I’m ready.”
“Can I come in?” Rúben asks, opening the door.
“Of course. There is someone who is dying to meet you.”
“Hello, little one” he says, sitting on the bed next to me, caressing the baby’s head. Our baby. Our son.
“What do you think?” I ask him.
“He’s perfect. And you are amazing.”
“Me? What for?” I chuckle.
“Giving birth at home? With no drugs? And just with the help of Mason, who knows nothing about these things.”
“I had my midwife on the phone. And this is nothing compared to what other women do and go through.”
“I know. But to me, you are amazing” he says, kissing my cheek. “Can I hold him?”
“Of course. Little one, meet your dad. Dad, meet your son, the one who still doesn’t have a name” I say while putting him on his arms. He looks so tiny on them...
“Now that he is here, it’ll be easier, you’ll see” Rúben says, his eyes focused on him.
“I hope so. What about Mason?”
“I’m not naming him Mason.”
“That’s not what I meant” I say, rolling my eyes. “What was happening with him downstairs?”
“Oh, that” he chuckles. “Nothing. Just that this little guy may be the thing that will put an end to almost a decade of hating each other.”
“You are a miracle baby, little one” I say, kissing his head.
“Daniel. Daniel Dias, with the accent on the e. I like how that sounds” Rúben says.
“No middle name?”
“Daniel Dias... I like it. What do you think, Dixie?” He is sleeping at the end of my bed and hasn’t left my side for the past couple of hours, kind of protecting me. I sometimes wonder if that’s why my dad left him with me. To protect me now that he was gone.
“Meow” he says before stretching his legs and curling on a different position.
“I think that’s a yes, I like it.”
“Thank you, Dixie” Rúben laughs. “I love you, you know? You and Daniel. Both of you.”
“I love you too. Both of you” I say, resting my head on his shoulder and not being able to stop smiling while I watch him caressing our son’s head in the most loving and caring way I have ever seen.
I thought that after my ex and my best friend broke my heart, I would never recover from it. That I would never fall in love again. Make new friends. Find people I could consider my family.
Yet here I am, having found all that and more, feeling the luckiest and happiest woman in the world.
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ananiel · 3 months
Hi dear! How are you? I wanted to say thank you again for taking my requests. Like thank you so much🥹. And if you don't mind I want to share my headcanons for twins with you.
1. I always imagining how Louis and Witch! Reader showing the babies the pictures of their parents and just imagine when their first word was “Mama” while they looked at the Reader’s photos. I think it would be so adorable 😻🥰
2. To me Louise would be a little more oblivious and naive girl than Hugo. I am pretty sure Louis and other gang members tried to hide the "dark side" of the society from them. But failed because Hugo is too smart for his own good (Yep, totally got that from William).
3. And now, let's talk about Hugo. Like I said he is too smart for his own age like how William was. And I am pretty sure he was asking questions to his uncles along side with Louise like: "Where are their parents?", "And why they are not with them?". I'm sure they made up a story about their mother being kidnapped after giving birth, and their Fathers going on a journey to find her and bring her back.
Louise found it romantic how their fathers were like knights in shining armors and how loyal they are to their mama. But Hugo found it hard to believe.
4. Hugo is a little protective towards his twin sister. He knows she can protect herself (thanks to Grandpa Jack) but still doesn't allow a lot of guys to be around her.
5. Hugo and Louise have a double surname. Moriarty-Holmes. (Louis actually wanted to be them only Moriarty but Mycroft shows up and like "Nope. Not happening.")
6. I always imagining Louise having long blonde wawy hair with her yellow and red eyes and round face. And because of her innocent looks she had many suitors.
7. And let's imagine that William and Sherlock were able to bring the Reader back. Hugo and Louise won't be yanderes, they'll just be overprotective. Especially next to William and Sherlock, because Hugo noticed that they acted somehow "inappropriately" around their mother.
And again. Thank you for taking my requests. When I saw your yandere Moriarty the patriot with witch! reader scenario, I was like "Genius! Why I never thought about that?* And then I subscribed and so it continued. You writing is amazing!! And if someone telling you opposite just know they are wrong and envy you!!!
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Thank You! Thank You a lot! This means a lot to me and i am Glad You took the time to tell me your headcanons. I am good, and i hope that You are good too
Thank You for The compliments, and also, i love to write, and your ideas are amazing, so there's no need to thank me!
I also thought about the name, but i didn't put too much though in it because i was thinking of the posibility of an ultimatum from Mycroft to sherlock, like, i thought of a small confruntation between them, in which Mycroft tries to snap sherlock out of it by telling him
"You're no longer a holmes of you do that" but i do not think that obsesive sherly would listen either way.
As for The questions, i imagine a scared Louis to answear, one that bites his lip and takes a deep breath, because if they can talk and have questions like that, they are probably a few years old, which shows just how much their parents left for, and at this Point , even if Louis still believes William Will return one day... Louis Will take the parent role, especially with w(witch)! Reader by his side
Louie might accept it, but Hugo would be more hard to convince, but i think that the more he finds out about what happend, the more is he on his mother's side, and wouldn't want her to return.
Maybe W! Reader Will take him as her "aprentice" just to guide him on a path to find out the truth, thinking of it.
But Yes, if Sherliam truly returns with their darling, i can imagine the horror on W! Reader's face, for she might be caught in a lie too...
But for me, i think that W! Reader hid o! Reader good, and that they wouldn't think of finding her there.
Anyways, your headcanons were amazing, thank You very much for telling me, i hope to use them in the future 😍
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minoharurights · 1 year
theory time with eraser #1
honestly i've been thinking about the sampo theory a lot
like the one where hes secretly aha or hes a member of the stellaron hunters
my big brain (super smart) idea is just that . what if he was both!
look okay we dont know much about aha but i'm pretty sure working with the stellaron hunters must be pretty fun and we know that there's a guy named sam with the stellaron hunters - the connection's already been named over and over again, but yeah.
plus having a shape-shifting guy who can covertly sneak into various locations without being traced must be pretty neat
we dont know how long the stellaron hunters have been active but if all the members have lifespans similar to the xianzhou natives then maybe just a few years in jarilo VI is barely anything to them and makes sense why sampo was planted there
after all sampo is the one who was sort of. controlling where we went or getting us out of a pinch if we were stuck . which sounds a lot like elio's script thing. they needed someone on jarilo VI to guide the trailblazers around / make sure they went to the right areas . if sampo didn't do the things we did, we may have never even made it to belobog LOL
so sampo's actions align a lot with the stellaron hunter's intentions. yet he also has a lot of similarities with aha (i'm sure you know, but like his mannerisms, the fact he knows he's in a game, etc) and sure he Could be part of the masked fools, but the everwinter museum event kind of confirmed there's a lot more to him than it seems since he disappeared in a flash with no trace. and honestly, it would be a lot more funnier if he actually was aha lets be honest (sampo 5 star when?)
TLDR i think sampo is both aha in disguise (mainly because its absolutely hilarious) and that he's a member of the stellaron hunters . i am fully aware i am probably wrong on both fronts but it does make for an excellent AU
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years
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Previous | Beginning | Next
(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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Caster House, Holan (2:45pm)
*phone rings*
Leon (to the phone): Hello? Nora? Is everything alright?
Nora (on the phone): Hey, everything’s fine. I was just calling to ask you for a favour.
Leon: Oh, sure, what is it?
Nora: I need you to check in on Alfie.
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13 Ambrose Street, Britechester
Leon: Alfie? What’s wrong with him?
Nora: *sighs* I think Alfie and Lina had a fight. Lina has been crashing at my place for almost two days now. I just want you to check on him in case he does anything not-so-smart, y’know?
Leon: Huh. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t been replying to my messages. We were supposed to be going out with the guys last night.
Nora: I’m a bit worried. Can you go and see if he’s alright? Lina’s with me so I can keep my eyes on her.
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Leon: Sure, I was planning to go to their house today anyway. Don’t worry too much, alright?
Nora: I’m trying. I don’t like it when people fight. It’s scaring me.
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Leon: It’s okay. It’s probably nothing. If you’re overwhelmed just let me know and I’ll come to you. Okay?
Nora: Okay.
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Leon: Alright, I’ll get going now. Take care, Nora. Say hi to Lina for me.
Nora: I will.
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*door opens and closes*
Astrid: Leon? Are you going out?
Leon: Hm.
Astrid: Can I come? I’m bored.
Leon: No. If you want to go out, I’ll ask Danny to go with you.
Astrid: But why Danny? Can’t I just come with you?
Leon: Because I don’t want you to come with me. I’m going to meet a friend.
Astrid: Didn’t your father said you should introduce me to your friends?
Leon: Yeah, but my father’s not here, is he? What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
Astrid: You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you? You’ve been avoiding me since we got here.
Leon: Yes, I am doing this on purpose. I don’t want to be seen with you to avoid dating rumours. Is that what you want to hear?
Leon: You can do whatever you want while we’re here but don’t expect me to be your tour guide. And whatever you do, you better keep my name out of your mouth. You understand?
Leon: Good. I’ll call Danny and ask him to accompany you if you want to go out. Don’t call me.
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motheatenscarf · 3 months
Oh, I... feel guilty about how much more I'm already liking Dawntrail now that we're getting one-on-one time with Erenville and just Erenville.
I'm not sure if it's just because he's much more taciturn, understated character that I personally find more appealing or if it's because it's letting me participate in events that are happening more, but uh, yeah, liking the second half a lot more already.
He's a very understated character and like a true introvert shines best in one-on-one scenarios. He's got some potentially juicy and interesting shit going on that he is very reticent to discuss.
First off, I am appreciating his just. Quiet confidence. He knows what his skills are, he knows what the WoL's skills are, he has nothing to prove to you or anyone and is neither in awe of nor horrified by what a fucking nightmare of murder incarnate the WoL is. It's novel and refreshing.
I was pretty sure of it before but am positive now that yeah, this "mentor" he keeps referring to is just HIS MOTHER. He calls his mother his mentor. This family friend of his we meet who watched him grow up says that he would "cry and cry" when his mother would leave him behind to explore and join in Guluul Ja Ja's entourage (called it). She evidently said he could come along when he found the city of gold and proved himself a "true explorer" and then he spent like... god knows how long? Working as a gleaner? Trying to find it? Thinking it was some psychological test to get him out of the nest?
I love it. And also, they keep calling his mother a hunter of great renown which. HMMMM. Erenville is decidedly a NON-combatant. It's another interesting trait they've given him- dude does not fight. He has zero combat capabilities. Very capable and knowledgeable guide, for the most part.... the first half kinda felt like we barely needed him, but I mean, it felt that way about most characters. That was the Koana and Wuk Lamat get to have special skills that serve the narrative half of the story, everyone else is just kinda there. Getting off topic. ANYWAY. I wonder if that's a point of comparison that stings. It's great because it means the player has to fight shit while he sleuths and does the smart guy stuff. Y'know. Obvious division of labor in a GAME.
Then there's the name.
So, on the one hand yes, trans Erenville, let's just slap that on a sticker right now, it's canon, I said so.
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On the other hand though! The MOMMY ISSUES. I do believe he started out adopting the new name just wanting to slink under the radar and not be bothered as a "curiosity" in Sharlayan because he's from Tural. I also believe, however, that in forging out on his own and carving his own identity, he realized how much he preferred not being compared to or reminded of his mother through this old name. It genuinely seems to bother him when people use his old name.
I smell mommy issues. Give me the mommy issues. First half was about daughter comparing herself to daddy, now I want the boy comparing himself to his mommy and being mentally ill about it.
God that's it exactly, please, give me someone with mental illness again.
Even if it just masquerades as a reflexive hyper competency and keeping people at arms' length. That's Y'shtola and I love Y'shtola once they leaned into that.
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