#i can talk so much about him on quite literally any topic
pianocat939 · 2 days
Hi I hope you are doing alright. 🙃
But I must inform you of a great lack of, mean girl!donnie!!
Jk but I was wondering if you can do a little headcanon or short story of mean girl!donnie and MC dating. Like how would people react to knowing HOT and smart donnie dating someone who was basically not recognized till dating donnie.
or how would they interact in public and private, how would his brothers react. That kind of stuff
don’t need to don’t want to just asking and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
Now, I am still on my hiatus for turtle content, but this was an interesting question, so have your rare ounce of food.
Now, if I remember correctly, we had Mean Girl Donnie, Bimbo Leo, Jock Raph, and Nerd Mikey.
Tw: controlling behaviour, mentions of blackmail and stalking, 100% TOXIC RELATIONSHIP
People are shocked for sure. Never would they have imagined the smartest and the most attractive person in the school would be with...a student no one really knows about.
It definitely becomes a hot topic in the halls. Lots of people coming up to MC, wondering how they got Donnie of all people to date them.
Quickly, rumors start up but Donnie quickly shoots down the ones he doesn't like. He likes some of them, like, "They only got him because they begged and offered full control."
Moving on,
He acts very, very mean in public. Literally bullying MC. Whether it's making their reputation worse or making them do lots of stuff for him (not school work but rather more getting him things or general favors).
He refuses any affection. No compliments, no hugs, nothing. You're basically treated like an underling to a cruel boss. And no, you can't leave. He'll destroy your life if you do.
In private, he's practically the definition of a clinger. But like, controlling.
He'll bring you to his grand house often. Shoving his curious brothers out of the way and bringing you straight to his room. Then he'll hold onto your arm, nuzzling your neck. Making happy hums, eyes closed and all.
If you try to leave his grasp when he's in this mood he will pull you back and make upset grunts if you keep trying. He kind of goes nonverbal in this state. You can't deprive him of comfort.
Next, his brothers.
(I'll go in this order: Leo, Raph, Mikey)
Leo is Donnie's biggest rival. Leo wants you just as bad as Donnie does. But instead of control...he just simply wants to be the person you always go to for comfort. He wants to be the one that gets all your attention.
So being him, he'll walk in to Donnie's room, acting like he doesn't know what's going on when he knows Donnie's being clingy. Then he'll "mistake" it as snuggle time and get on the other side of you.
Which Donnie is hissy pissy at.
In general, Leo will always try to get in between the two of you and get your attention.
Surely you'll fall in love with him, right?
Raph is like trying not to be jealous. But highkey is. He doesn't like that Donnie gets to have you! He's much more nicer! Sure, Donnie is perfect in grades and looks, but he's great at sports!
People love to talk to him! And he's sure you do to. So he tries to talk to you when Donnie isn't hovering around you. He tries inviting you to hang out or go watch his games.
Raph isn't as obvious as Leo in trying to get your attention. He's more, normal about it. But his intentions are quite similar to Leo.
Bro. Mikey is a little brat.
Donnie has to deal with him often. Donnie is the only one who knows Mikey tends to have an odd photo and art collection of you. But Donnie can't stop him. Since he purposely tries to be a clean slate.
Nothing to blackmail him about other than his works. Which Donnie can't get into since Mikey keeps it in a very intricate spot.
Mikey doesn't try interacting with you directly. Instead, he'll try to be at places you're interested in or try to do the things you like and make it easy for you to see.
I would say Mikey is the hardest for Donnie to deal with. Since they're kind of the opposites in what they do.
(I'm not officially back, but this was fun I admit. I do like my mean girl Donnie. He's just mad tehe).
(I'll answer questions. I'm not going to make raw content. But if you have any I'll answer. Only on Mean girl stuff though including the other brothers).
- Celina
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sang8262 · 7 months
just some passing thoughts about the default pose/ keyart for every character, and noticing some design choices for JP (obviously, who else would i be talking about in detail)
so this is JP's:
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..but it's easier to talk about it after looking at some of the other casts' artworks first
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Marisa's is clearly connected to her stage, The Colosseum
the background is a sandy brown and the effects are an eruption of rose petals, which also litter the ground of her stage floor
the shape of the rose petal explosion is also impactful and passionate, almost like a spray of blood. it all fits her character well
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then, we have styles like Blanka, which reference the electricity of his attacks. it's also got this hand drawn and comical look to it that work well with his personality.
the blue background is simple: just keeps in line with his overall color palette, so ofc it's going to work well
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finally, we have ones like Juri's. more abstract, but you get what kind of emotion they wanted to convey with it. it's miasmic, the black and pink/ purple looks like an evil aura, which fits her perfectly.
her background also has these, action line like smears that suggest movement, or how the lights of the city blur past as you speed on a motorcycle
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i could go through the full cast's, but the point is that many of them are quite easy to identity what and why they chose what they did.
Cammy's is in the shape of a triangle: a delta symbol, for Delta Red. Guile's got stripes that are like the US flag, green for military. Kimberly's is basically her spraypaint, AKI has flowers for her 'snake among the flowers' theme. etc etc
which is partially why i couldnt help but look at JP's and be a bit confused at first (prompting this post lol)
the background is more straight forward: the same burgundy, velvet-ish red that's used in his title cards. it's a luxurious color that fits him well
most of the other artworks also have this, vignette effect towards the bottom, so im not surprised that JP's does as well. but his seems emphasized more, making the red look like running blood stains on a wall. regal and sinister, i like it but then the grey paint smear behind him. so far, a lot of the 'effects' use the colors for each character's drive impact. JP's, does not. his in game is a bright, gold-cream white (much like his default costume's cape), that turns into a darker purple, for his psycho power.
but the smear here is a concrete grey, streaked straight down making it look like torn wallpaper. if the velvet red background is his outer appearance- the nice paints that everyone sees on first interaction- then the grey is what it's really like underneath: the cold, uncaring foundations of a building, exposed by being ripped off the canvas
it also runs vertical, giving a very, oppressive look to it compared to if it were horizontal or some other gesture-y smear anyway, just some thoughts about what they might've been trying to evoke with his key art. i like it a lot, even though his pose is just. him standing there lmao. not literally a t-pose, but it's got the t-pose energy yknow what i mean
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dragon-kazansky · 2 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Five - Diamonds
The next ball you attended felt like quite the intimate affair. Understandably so.
You attended with your mother, but as soon as the Bridgerton's arrived, you waited for the opportune moment to join them. Benedict and Colin seemed particularly pleased to see you already. You were becoming quite close friends with them.
The Duke approached Daphne and asked her to dance. Anthony was about to intervene, but Lady Danbury, who had approached alongside Simon, spoke up before he could. "I shall need someone else to seek me a glass of ratafia, then. Lord Bridgerton..." She holds up her arm, "Do me the honour?"
You hide your smile at her tactics. It was so clear she was trying to prevent him from interfering further.
Anthony gives in. "Of course, Lady Danbury."
They leave.
You watch as Daphne goes with Simon into the main ballroom. You watch them go. As you enter the ballroom yourself, you watch them join the others in a dance.
They look happy together. They are enjoying themselves.
Could it be the Duke does, in fact, feel something for Miss Bridgerton? It certainly looks that way. You can only imagine what Whistledown will say about this.
Benedict smiles as he watches from beside Anthony.
"They look wonderful together," you say softly.
Anthony clenches his jaw from beside you. As the current dance ends, Anthony takes Benedict by the shoulder and urges him forward. "Go dance with your sister."
You look at them as Benedict asks, "why?"
"Because I asked you to!"
Benedict looks less than pleased but goes anyway, groaning. You watch him approach Daphne.
With Simon now free, Anthony marches off to talk to him. You sigh as you realise you are now alone.
Benedict dances with Daphne only for a short while before she parts with him and enters the next room. The same room Anthony went into with Simon. You find yourself walking that way to see what was happening.
You stand in the door as Anthony hurries past. Violet reaches out for him, but he keeps on moving. You find Daphne looking at Simon. She approaches him to speak with him.
Benedict comes up beside you. "Will you dance with me? My dance with Daphne ended early."
You chuckle and take his hand. "As did her patience, I think. What was that about?"
"I have no idea." He takes you to the dance floor. You both start to dance.
"Your family is quite something."
"That's putting it politely."
"Is Lord Berbrooke a problem?" You ask.
"I'm not sure. Anthony seemed to have it all handled." Benedict shrugs. "He seems to have control of the matter."
"Does he?"
"I think so." Though Benedict didn't sound so convinced.
"I have you any callers yet?" He asks, changing the topic. As much as he loved his family, he only cared to discuss them for so long.
"No..." You confess.
"Not one?" He asks, sounding surprised. "How is that possible?"
"The ton have their eyes on Daphne now. I shall be unlikely able to stand out at all." You tell him.
"I find that hard to believe."
"It is true. I appreciate your concern, but I fear I shall not find a match this year. I shall enjoy the rest of the season as much as I can."
Benedict frowns slightly.
"You need not pity me. I am quite content to wait another year." You assure him, or at least try to.
"Still, wouldn't it be nice to know someone noticed you?"
You keep your mouth shut. You fear him being able to read you too easily. Though it seems your silence was enough of an answer for him.
"You need not feel the need to pretend."
"It's nothing."
Neither of you speaks again. When the dance ends, you bow and part ways from him. Benedict watches you go, sensing you would rather have some time to yourself for now.
Your mother enters the drawing room where you are reading. She has this morning's issue of Lady Whistledown. You care not for the gossip column.
"It seems Miss Bridgerton is indecisive about the duke."
"Is that so," you hum softly, turning the page in your book.
"She would make a fine duchess, do you not think?"
"Yes, quite."
Your mother looks up at you. You're awfully quiet this morning. "Something the matter?"
"Why should anything be the matter?" You ask.
"No reason... You are just so quiet this morning."
"Forgive me. I didn't get much sleep."
"Are you well?" She asks.
"Well enough."
Your mother comes to sit beside you. She reaches for your hand and pulls it into her lap. "You can speak with me about anything."
You smile and squeezes her hand. "I know."
"A mother knows when her daughter is upset."
"I wouldn't say I'm upset."
"Then what is it?" She asks.
You sigh and put down your book. "I have had no one caller this season. I know I am not diamond, and I know we are not Bridgerton status, but I thought surely one man in all of London would come see me."
"Yes. Well, I thought perhaps that Benedict might."
"I know. I know. You told me yourself. I suppose I am glad you have become friends with them. Though he would make a fine husband."
"I am sure." You smile.
"You will find someone. Perhaps not now, but soon. I am willing to wait with you."
You smile at your mother and lean against her shoulder. She kisses the top of your head gently.
You are thankful you have her.
The grand picnic was an exciting time. All the ton gathered in the park to enjoy the wonderful weather and promanade. It was a chance to see who was courting who, if at all anyone.
You were in attendance with your mother and a couple of maids. You were sitting under the canopy, fanning yourself gently, not that it was extremely hot today. You scanned the park, looking out for family faces.
Lord and Lady Carlisle were strolling by. You spotted two young boys by the lake, one of which you were certain was the son of Mr Thomas who loved but two houses away from you and your mother.
Your eyes found where the Bridgerton's were stationed. Anthony and Colin appeared to be playing games with their younger siblings. Benedict was seated, watching them. You smile.
The thought of a large family seemed so comforting to you. As an only child, you would never know what it would be like to have the company of siblings.
Perhaps, you think, in your future, you may have many children. You would like your children to have the love and support and chaos of each other.
"You're smiling."
You turn to find your mother looking at you.
"What are you smiling at?" She asks softly.
"Nothing," you lie.
You know she doesn't believe you. You also know you can't hide from her either. "Do you think I can have a large family one day?" You ask.
She smiles. "I do not see why not." Your mother had already spotted the Bridgerton's across the way. She knew they were a large enough family. "One day."
You smile as you turn back to them.
"Why don't you go over? I will be quite alright with my own company for a while."
"Are you certain? I do not mind staying."
She smiles softly. "Go. Enjoy yourself. They are, after all, your friends."
You smile and thank her, rising from your seat to go join them. As you get closer, Benedict and Colin both perk up.
"Hello," you smile.
Anthony turns and smiles, too. "Hello. Come to join us, have you?"
"Is that alright?"
Before Anthony can reply, Benedict speaks up, sitting up in his chair. "Of course. Come, sit with me."
You chuckle and join him under the canopy. You sit in the vacant seat. Violet comes over with a smile. "Good to see you, dear."
"I hope I'm not intruding."
"Nonsense!" She smiles, placing a hand on your shoudler gently.
You watch the children play. Benedict offers you some food from the basket beside him, and you accept. Any sour moods about your prospects has been forgotten.
When Simon approaches on horseback, Daphne is quick to flee from her brother to join him. They stroll away.
"Are you alright?" Benedict takes the opportunity to ask.
"Hm?" You turn to him.
"The other night, you left rather quickly the other night."
"I'm fine. I was just tired. Forgive me." You offer him a smile, but he takes note it doesn't quite light up your face.
"Of course."
You continue to pick at the picnic.
Benedict watches you for a little while, but his attention is torn away when a voice calls out.
You look up in time to see Berbrooke coming forth with something in his hand. His face looks terrible, as if he took a beating.
"A bring cheerful new, Bridgertons."
Violet and Anthony turn to look at the man.
"I have taken matters in my own hands and sought a special license for my wedding to Miss Bridgerton."
"There is to be no wedding," Daphne states, pleading with him.
You stand, worried for Daphne.
"I told you. The arrangement is cancelled." Anthony recalls.
"Lord Berbrooke, you look in a great deal of pain," Violet says. "Shall we continue this in a more private location?"
"I require no further conversation." He says firmly. "Though perhaps I am finally speaking to the true head of the Bridgerton house. For if it were you, I imagine you would have instructed your sister to take better care than to encourage certain attentions while alone with me on the Dark Walk at Vauxhall. Of course, mere hearsay of such scandal could wreak havoc on even the most influential of families. What would someone like, say, Lady Whistledown do with such unseemly information?"
You stare at the man with shock and disgust. You had no idea lf the details of what has happened, but you know enough to know Daphne would never take part in such behaviour.
"Is that a threat?" Anthony asks.
"It is certainly not. Because in three days, I am to marry. I have the diamond of the season." Berbrooke states. "I have the beey best the ton has to offer. I have a Bridgerton. And I shall save her, as well as your entire family, from the ruin which you could not protect them." He looks at Anthony.
You want so much to make his black eye worse. You don't even realise Benedict holds your arm gently to prevent you from moving.
Simon goes to move past Daphne to do the exact same as you thought. Benedict quickly let's go of you to hold him back.
You're caught off guard by how quickly both men moved.
"I look forward to the union of our great families." Berbrooke grins. His grin sends your stomach turning. "Bridgerton. Hastings."
He leaves.
Anthony is left to look at the special license that had been thrusted upon him.
Daphne looks beyond upset.
Anthony and Violet are quick to see Daphne home. Benedict escorts you back to your mother while Colin sees to his younger siblings.
"Will she be alright?" You ask.
"I'm sure. Though you best leave this to my brother."
"She looked terribly upset."
"As she should be. Lord Berbrooke is a horrid little man." Benedict sighs. "My sister deserves the best."
You smile softly. "I'm rather fond of Daphne. Perhaps I shall pay her a visit soon?"
"I am sure she will be most pleased. For now, give her time."
You nod.
You reuter to your mother who comes to stand with you. She had seen Lord Berbrooke approach.
"Is all well?" She asks.
You let go of Benedict to join her. "It shall be in time, I'm sure."
You turn back to Benedict. "See you soon." He nods and departs.
Your mother loops her arm with yours and walks with you. You tell her little of what happened, but you know she, too, worries about Daphne.
When the eyes of the ton are all on you, there comes great pressure and challenges.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn -
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hotchfiles · 2 months
hotch "representing the bau" hotchner x activist!reader who won't stand for bullshit
not like actual conflict cause we know hotch is a very principled guy
more like
"shit i can't shitpost about overthrowing the government anymore cause my boyfriend is the government" vibes
you have no idea how deeply i feel about this i've actually posted about this because i'm very much against all cops and he's a literal fed ! but
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You met in the most conventional of ways, which makes the whole thing even funnier to the outside person. A bar. You noticed him the moment he walked in, too downright gorgeous to be ignored, you stare at him completely shamelessly and get a few shy awkward smiles in return while he sips on his first drink and talks to his companion, who you later learned was Rossi.
He will find it later on that you're not really up for games, but it takes him by surprise when you approach him, card in hand with your phone number and the red stain of your red lips on the other side. He's immediately smitten, being flirted with so openly at his age does wonders for his ego and he makes sure to text you as soon as he gets back to his apartment.
The texting back and forth goes for hours, a lot of flirting, you're much more outspoken than he is, but still you find him hilarious, you will be telling your friends he's the funny one between you two (none of them will believe you, but you like having this only to yourself as well).
You talk movies, plays, music, favorite drinks and by 2AM he asks you on a date. It’s perfect from the get go. He's flattering, compliments your choice of clothes, says he likes the lipstick (the same you used on the card he is keeping safe on his wallet), takes you to a nice restaurant.
You tell him since you made the very first move, he would have to be the one to kiss you, he argues he sent you the first text so you should be the one to do it, in the end none of you know who took the first move, you're just sure you were the one to unlock your apartment door, stumbling along with him as you two passionately kissed.
It's not common for this to happen for him, he's too much of a gentleman, sleeping with someone on the first date isn't the gentlemanly thing to do, you're not attached to those norms so even if he tried to argue, your lips glued to his neck as you worked on his belt took his mind off of it.
It's not until the next morning that he really notices your place: The types of books you had, some revolutionary art pieces and it's then he realizes he has no idea what you do for a living. Neither did he tell you he was a FBI agent. You two talked long hours and career wasn't even a topic (that may be why you caught his heart so fast).
You were a journalist, a writer, quite proficient and known for your progressive ideals and less than civil protests, so when you both realize the differences and the conflict it might bring, the first instinct was to pull away. Forget the whole thing. It was only one date after all.
It's a matter of days for the realization that being apart won't happen, your thoughts are filled with him and his voice and the way he touched you and Aaron can possibly detail every curve of your body and the way you smelled as if he was still in bed with you.
There's a mutual agreement of public discretion, you can't have your readers knowing you're falling for a fed, nor does the media needs any more reasons to write about the FBI.
His team knows though, and so does Strauss, she had to be warned of the possibility of your name popping up in some lists. She reads half of your writings after that, highlighting stuff you should not be writing about (you won't listen to her on it) and the compromise you make is to keep all of your opposition material completely professional, no tweets, no tiktoks, nothing of the sort with jokes about overthrowing the government.
"Did you... Did you just cite and use one of Stalin's books as a resource here?" He asks, he's in your bed, blue boxer shorts and white t-shirt on, completely comfortable with you already, his reading glasses sit on top of his nose like an old man and he furrows his brows, looking up at you. Aaron's interested in what you write, he truly reads whatever you hand him just to learn more about you, he's not the one to try to censure any of it.
"Well yeah... His writings are the easiest to comprehend on the topic." You shrug, not understanding the tone of his question at first.
"Honey... You can't just... Do you know how many... Forget it. Your editor will love it." His poor attempts to talk you down failing each time he looked over and saw your expectant eyes as his opinion is important to you. You smile at his defeat, taking the papers from his hand and throwing somewhere else in the room, his glasses go to the bedside table and soon you're kissing any of his worries away.
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snowyquokka · 2 months
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cw: mentions of s/h scars, insecurities, hurt/comfort, soft chan, 3rd person fem pov, swearing, mentions of body worship, small caps on purpose (please let me know if i missed any)
wc: 0.7k
a.n - HUGE DISCLAIMER. please please refrain from reading if you’re sensitive to any of the topics above. this is meant to be a vent post and NOT glorification of s/h, mental illnesses, ect. feel free to scroll if necessary. and if you want/need to talk my dms are always open. i love you all <3
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looking at herself in the mirror, y/n sighs. she ghosts her fingertips over the lines of scar tissue littering her outer thigh, each one a reminder of every time she’s struggled.
each one proof that she overcame them. that she survived.
even though she knows this she can’t help but critique them, and herself.
how could she have been so weak, so fragile that she let her thoughts and feelings consume her life so much to the extent that she broke.
fortunately for her, there had always someone there that picked up the shards of her soul that had been scattered around. he glued them back together with his love and overtime handed her heart back in one piece, almost as if it never was broken in the first place.
“hi baby,” chris greets as rests his chin on her shoulder, dragging her out of her thoughts.
“hey,” she mumbles, continuing to run her fingers over the length of a particularly large scar. her boyfriend’s hands move to hold her hips, afraid that if he lets go she’ll slip through his fingers.
“what did i tell you about that, hm?” his voice is low and gentle as he scans over her body. the same body that he quite literally worships, always reassuring her of his adoration.
y/n sighs and pinches her eyes shut so she doesn’t have to look at him as she replies, “criticizing them is almost as bad as creating them.”
chris pulls y/n closer before whispering into her ear, as if they weren’t the only ones in the room. “exactly. now look at me, baby.” y/n shakes her head, feeling too embarrassed.
“baby girl. look at me.” chris manages to keep his composure despite feeling about a dozen emotions at once. though, it’s not the first time she’s been like this and they both know that it won’t be the last. he’s never minded it, actually, and never will. he would rather her talk about her urges then act on them. however, he’d never let that happen as long as he’s alive.
y/n lifts her gaze to meet his in the mirror, watching as his lips curl into his familiar, warm smile.
“there she is,” he murmurs, “can i?” chris’s hand creeps down from her waist to her leg where her shorts are raised, her insecurities on display for him.
she nods as she leans back against his chest. she follows his fingers as they trace over the largest scar tainting her skin.
“no matter how many times i see them, i’m never going to stop loving them. loving you. but you know this already, don’t you baby?” y/n nods. of course she knows, chris doesn’t give her a moment to doubt- or even forget his words. and he never will.
“you’re strong, y’know that? you are so very strong. and i know you hate hearing it but it’s the truth. you persevered and even though it pains me to admit it, you did it all on your own. that takes guts, baby.” chris buries his face in her neck, placing soft kisses on the column of her throat.
they stay like this for a while: his arms wrapped around her as he sways back and forth. he finally breaks the silence after he turns her to face him. he cups her jaw before placing a soft kiss on her lips.
“c’mon. let me run you a bath, yeah? i’ll make you some tea too.” y/n nods and smiles at him.
“thank you,” she laces their fingers together.
“for what, baby?”
“for loving me,” chris frowns slightly and pulls her into a comforting embrace, engulfing her in his warmth.
“you don’t ever need to feel the need to thank me for that, okay? i’ll always be here.”
whoever said that you can’t love somebody else until you love yourself was a fucking liar. chris is walking proof of this
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cepheustarot · 4 months
Who's been thinking about you lately?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: The person of your age thinks about you, they may be your acquaintances, study or work with you, you may be in the same company with them, cross paths through mutual acquaintances or friends. A person is quite attractive, they can be called the soul of the company, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with them, they charge with energy and good mood. They are also very active in life, they do not like to sit back and stay at home, they like a mobile lifestyle. You can always rely on them as they will help solve the problem, give good advice, support and everything in this spirit. They are good friends, they can not only talk a lot about themselves, their lives but also listen to you, ask you questions about life, about you. They also think objectively, they cannot be called naive and they are not inclined to build illusions or castles in the air. A person very steadfastly endures all the trials and problems in life (and these problems often overtake him). This person can be called an optimist, but they also tend to get discouraged at times, to be in a bad mood.
In short what exactly is this person thinking about, he really wants to get closer to you, spend more time, trust you and have you trust him. However, they see that there are many good people around you who are also attentive and caring towards you. The person does not know what what to interest you, what can hook you in him, so now they are experiencing difficulties. Simply put, they do not know how to approach you, how to win your attention and most likely they are thinking about solving this difficulty.
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Pile 2: The person close to you is thinking about you here, it can be either a good friend or a person with whom you have a romantic relationship or with whom you are in love. A person themself is smart, responsible, they have a very confident vibe, they can be called domineering, dominant, they have a good reputation and people treat them with respect, considering them authority. They are quite determined, purposeful, they seize every opportunity, they are erudite, they can understand many topics and spheres of life, they are also successful and whatever they do, they succeed, any endeavors are accompanied by success. To some extent they can be called gifted, talented, they are masters of their craft. They are quite conscious, they know what they want from life and appreciate themselves, but at times they can be too self-critical. You feel very good next to them, you immediately feel warm in your soul, time passes unnoticed next to them, you feel safe and comfortable with them. In general spending time with this person here leaves you with purely warm feelings and emotions. 
In short speaking about what a person thinks about you, now you may be at a distance from each other, one of you has left temporarily or maybe you are too busy and can't find time to meet each other. This person misses you a lot, they remember moments together with you, they are nostalgic, they really want to meet you, they literally crave it.
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Pile 3: Here a person with whom you may be at odds or with whom you have a misunderstanding is thinking about you. In particular, I see here that for some it may be someone from the family, for example younger brothers or sisters, but it may also be a person with whom you often and closely communicate, someone from a close circle of communication. This person be acting aloof right now, not talking to you very much, and as if they are avoiding you to some extent? It is difficult for them to talk to you probably because they are still very worried about your quarrel, they cannot forgive or stop being angry, they are offended. In general this person is the opposite of you in everything, your views are very different. This person is also not very talkative, likes to listen more than talk, but they are very smart and wise, they will always help you and lend a helping hand. This person can also be a creative person, they can spend a lot of time drawing, making music, writing stories and all in a similar spirit. They are also the kind of people who don't talk much about their feelings and behave somewhat coldly, but in fact they are very vulnerable and sensitive, sentimental. 
Briefly speaking about what a person thinks about you: here they are still remembering moments from your quarrel, thinking over your words. On the one hand, they really want to make peace with you, but on the other hand, it is difficult for them to admit that they are wrong, ask for forgiveness or, conversely, forgive you. Now they are caught between two fires, not knowing which option to come to and they need time to at least let go of the situation and come to a definite decision.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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luffyvace · 2 months
Undertaker wants to Court you! ~(Headcanons)~
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Can’t wait for the public school arc who’s with me?!
this dude is so silly 🗿 enjoy some hcs of this ridiculous little man
Undertaker is funny. He uses that to his advantage when courting. Well, it actually depends on what type of humor you have- most of his are usually those jokes that are kinda funny but at the same time your like ‘That’s outta pocket! 🤦‍♀️😑😂’ yk?
he always wants to hear jokes. He asks you randomly and no matter what type he laughs at them. Rude humor? Hilarious! Dad jokes? That one really tickled his fancy! 😂 why did the chicken cross the road?? To get to the other side? 🤣🤣💥
now usually I feel he has a specific sense of humor but with you everything’s just kinda funny. It’s that moment when your with someone who you can laugh at the most unfunniest stuff ever and still be cackling at it anyway 😭💕
he’s always telling them as well. Might I say, at the worst times 😏 you just watched someone run over a stray animal? Oh he’s got a joke for that hear him out- LIKE BRO 😭⁉️
Let’s also talk about hiiiis…! weird side! (I’m saying ‘side’ like he’s isn’t always weird..) This is pretty much him just being a creep? Ish? Like that scene where he was in the barrel licking salt…🤨 or how he’s always in coffins (which tbh seems more normal for a grim reaper but still..) either way this dudes’ real weird and he doesn’t tone it down, even around you despite the fact that it may or may not (you decide) push you away
He’s a very mysterious dude, so how ever you met him I guarantee it was eerie and somewhat strange. Therefore you were likely intrigued by him, so when you went on your first date it was, well, very interesting! There’s so many layers to unravel with this guy! Ngl even now you’ve only semi unraveled this incomprehensible man but at the least you do learn more as you get to know him :P
his past is….complicated is an understatement- gimme a new word.
literally no one but him knows his full past all the way up to this very day. Looks like no one has stuck around long enough! Since you will I guess you’ll be the first to figure it out! ;)
now I’ll say this, he won’t sit down and just tell you everything, no. That won’t be any fun! 😄 you’ll have to have the intelligent to sit down and decode it piece by piece with the tidbits of information he gives you randomly. Yes! It’s going to be comical seeing you try and put this whole thing-a-ba-jig together! (^_−)−☆ 🤣
his nonjudgmental yet opinionated personality is scary if you don’t like folk who come off too strong. Or if your sensitive- 😄 he’s a ‘tell-it-like-it-is-and-I-don’t-give-a-ship’ type of guy. Buuuut! If your similar to him in that sense you’ll probably understand him a lot more. Him being nonjudgemental is perfect for peeps of all types so that’s a plus!! 💗
ranting about his fascination with humans during your dates comes with the package! ☝️He just does, it’s always one of his topics, and ngl it’s nothing boring either, he’s got quite a few stories to tell with even more jokes in between, which is sure to make for a lovely date <3 plus at some point all species in black butler experienced being a human, and idk about y’all but the study of human nature, psychology and how the brain works is a very interesting thing for me! I’d definitely be able to keep a conversation like that up for some time, me personally.
He puts up a front of a funny weird guy when there’s more to him if you read between the lines. Which, don’t get me wrong that certainly is a part of the real him, he just makes sure to highlight it so you don’t look at the rest 😃👌
he’s a real creepy fellow..even towards you 😭 (on purpose) and whether he’s trying to court you or not there’s no escaping it- if it starts to push you away he’ll find a way to incorporate laughter into it to make it more appealing, but no, he won’t change his ways 😭
(yes it’s canon 😞)
you force him to wash his hair 😘💋 pls he needs it. or at least do it with him so it’s more fun. It’ll probably be easier to convince him that way
Time to talk about his work as a grim reaper!!! :3 (retired anyway) if you are reaper you get to follow each other around doing tasks! human? You both go your separate ways to work, whatever that may be. A demon? The same as a human really! Just this time you might have a contract with somebody. Buttttt!! A perk of all three is getting to work in the funeral parlor with him ;3 it’s a good disguise if your a demon/reaper and also some good quality time for you and your reaper 😘 (i mean, I hope you don’t mind morbid stuff cuz he’s a mortician after all 😅)
his little Russian roulette with the phantomhives 🕺 (LOL) no seriously I have no clue what type of relationship he has with them besides the fact that he serves them for the price of top notch laughter 🧑‍🍳💋 but you might! I’d say he’s more willing to let you in then anyone if he’s trying to court you! That obviously means he wants to trust you with his heart! So yeah! You likely know a thing or two—more about Ciel than Vincent but any info will do at this point 😭 it’s a start right? 🤷‍♀️
whenever Ciel comes over you get to witness him or Sebastian try to make undertaker laugh, it’s not like they can kick you out, you work there! Perks 😏 You can pretty much tell the one time Ciel made him laugh himself it was just a whole bunch of tomfoolery 😂 (why did it take so long⁉️😭) Sebastian is also able to make undertaker laugh really hard immediately so I wonder what he does 🤪 guess you’ll get to see! 😋
undertaker opening up to you is a process that requires patience. And don’t be pushy!! I mean this for your sake, by the way. You’ll drive yourself crazy since you’ll never get an answer that’s not riddles or straight up jokes. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
yeah overall his way of courting is really strange but when it comes to making things official he’s poetically blunt. The type of blunt where you have to process for a second like ‘wait what does that mean- oh. OH-’
Anyway I’m gonna talk about the actual dates now cuz I’ve pretty much just been mentioning the madness that comes with it this entire time :3 and yes as I said that’s a way of courting to him. He’s weird and blunt but doesn’t wanna do things the traditional way. So getting you involved in his antics is his way of saying ‘hey i like ya and I want ya to stick around’. And jokes. HAHAHAH 😂
dates with undertaker normally consists of tea, jokes, human psychology and gossip 🗿 ever since I saw ciel in wonderland I couldn’t get over the fact that undertaker was at a tea party and now I headcanons him to like tea LOLOLOL! I mean I know that’s how the plot goes in the actual slice movie and he was just playing the role of the character but, think about it—don’t it kinda fit???? Like?? Okok Hear me out hear me out- imagine sipping on some tea with Undertaker and gossiping on the latest drama from the underworld, ‘I heard a rare case is happening where blah blah blah *giggle* *giggle* chatter chatter..’ ETC! like idk how to explain it but do you see the vision???
I can also see him doing that dramatic anime thing where they sip they’re drink majestically then say something intelligent sounding (☝️🤓) (about psychology, for him) as the wind blows 😂😂 YK? LOLL even worse if your in a outside background and his eyes shows (cuz the character who never shows they’re eyes always show them when they get serious 🤣)
i love how shameless this guy is
why don’t we know this guys’ real name⁉️ Can’t even give him a nickname because ‘undertaker’ isn’t nickname material!! What am I supposed to call him???? Taker’ ⁉️😭🗿
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strawb3rrystar · 2 months
hi I was TOTALLY not stalking ur acc cus it’s so good..nooo way🥰🤞🏼
buttttt I was her to rec a lucifer x reader!preferably fem,but gn is always alr,all the power to u!
so maybe like reader looks super innocent,and is like shorter than him,has a golden retriever kinda demon form and is a overlord,and the reason she is a overlord is cus she’s a assassin and is VERY well known lol.
and luci didn’t know that and is just like 😨 when she casually told him.
you can do this by hcs,one shot,or blurb ur choice :3
Simplicity is far from simple.
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Fem! Overlord! Reader
Warnings: A tiny wee bit of hurt, but lots of comfort and fluff
Word count: 534
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When you first met Lucifer you were one of the many, many sinners who had never seen him before. You had only ever heard about him in stories. You must admit he looked very different than how you pictured him in your head.
You were immediately enthralled by his charm and wittyness. He was also quite charmed by you, as you were unlike any sinners he'd seen before. After Lilith left him, Lucifer was scared to start dating again. But he decided to give it a shot with you.
The two of you would meet outside his palace, frequenting a small, Imp owned, café. Lucifer liked you very much, and wanted to spend his day with you. The first time he held your hand, he realized that you were smaller than him. The way your palms fit together so perfectly made him giddy inside.
When you told Lucifer you were an Overlord, he was shocked. To him, you seemed way too innocent to even be in Hell in the first place. Your upbeat personality and bright eyes confused him. Most of the Overlords he knew about took on a much more sinister form. But you? You were much, much different.
Since that day, Lucifer heard your name be brought up during the topic of Overlords. So, he had to guess you were very popular. One day, while at the café, he overheard some sinners talking about you. He heard them mention something about assassination, which peaked his curiosity. But he decided to ignore it, focusing on his outing with you.
Later, when the two of you were in his workshop, he decided to ask you about it. He cleared his throat, gaining your attention. "My dear, may I ask you something?"
"Well, you just did. But sure Luci, what's up?" You reply, walking over next to him.
"I heard something today. About you being an assassin? I know it's silly, and you probably aren't even one." Lucifer rambles.
"Oh no, I am." You say, making him pause and turn towards you.
"Huh?" He questions, utterly confused.
"Yeah, I'm an assassin." You shrug, like it wasn't a big deal.
Lucifer rubs his temples then stares at you "And why didn't you tell me, my dear?"
"You never asked. And also, I didn't want my job to change your view of me." You admit, looking away from him.
"Why would that change my view of you?" He asks, tilting his head.
"Well, you're amazing, and kind, and funny. And I'm.. well.. me." You answer truthfully.
"My dear, you're all those things as well. I'm literally the King of Hell, I've seen it all. Trust me, you being an Overlord-assassin doesn't change what we have." Lucifer cups your cheek, turning your head back towards him.
"Really?" Your eyes get the same shine they always have when you're around Lucifer.
"Yes, really." He kisses your forehead. That was the first time the King of Hell had ever kissed you. A smile fills your face as you wrap your arms around his torso. He graciously wraps his arms around your shoulder, holding you close. The two of you stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each others presence.
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Star's notes -> I TOTALLY do not feel super honored that someone is stalking my blog.. noooo way >:}
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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messiahzzz · 1 month
You’re one of the most annoying people on this site. And that really says A LOT because WOW! Shut the Fuck up about Gale wanting to be a father or not. He never says that he doesn’t want to be one. You projecting things onto him doesn’t make it Canon.
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on a serious note: i’m certainly not the one that continuously brings up this topic unprompted. i personally really don’t understand the entire controversy around the topic or why fandom feels the need to rehash this conversation almost weekly. i truly believe that there’s nothing more of value to learn from it, to address, or add to it… yet fandom won’t let it rest.
to once again clarify: what i mean by “gale wanting to be a father isn’t canon” is that there is no evidence/neither hints anywhere in any of the dialogue that support the contrary. characters like h*lsin, w*ll and la*’zel have entire adoption subplots. all of them mention their children explicitly during the epilogue:
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narrator: *your soul warms thinking of lily aurora ravengard, your adopted daughter. a treasure of a girl, found at the entrance of the open hand temple - one grey eye, one brown.* w*ll: ah, the girl could melt the staunchest heart. she might even have brought a smile to old withers' face! w*ll: but tonight is for us - and lily's only four months of age, besides. i promise, the temple will keep her in good care.
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player: and our little hatchling? is he safe? la*'zel: of course. i have complete trust in our newest allies. xan is in fine hands tonight. la*'zel: what a wonder he is. he will be a fine warrior, if he chooses. or a poet, or an explorer, or a scholar.
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h*lsin: being away from it... i cannot help but worry how they will fare in our absence. player: we'll be back before they know it. h*lsin: i hope so. the children shall miss their bedtime tale tonight - though perhaps i can glean a few new stories from our friends here, to make up for it.
even shad*wh*art has a line where she briefly mentions that children might be a possibility for her in the future.
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shad*wh*art: and i get to see my parents almost every day - i need to make every moment with them count, after so much was stolen from us. but they're doing well, [...] shad*wh*art: who knows? perhaps they'll have grandchildren before long.
gale in comparison? he has none of that. he remains childfree during the entirety of the game + epilogue. in fact, his line in the epilogue that addresses the topic of grandkids is this one:
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tara: this is why mrs. dekarios and i will be waiting an eternity more for grandchildren. nodecontext: self-pitying gale: psst! shoo, tara. nodecontext: shooing away tara like one would a naughty cat.
i already wrote a post about this entire discourse here [x] but to repeat myself once more: all of the dialogue that vaguely addresses the topic of children in any way in regards to gale are these snippets
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player: gale… how would you feel about having another person in our relationship? gale: what, like a child? i’m not quite sure i’d consider myself father material, plus our current lifestyle isn’t exactly what i’d call settled…
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gale, upon spotting oliver during their game of hide and seek: ah, i have you! just a shame i don’t want you.
gale treating the children the group comes across with respect isn’t an indicator either. this is a courtesy gale extends to everyone he meets. he’s a character that approves of a protagonist who systematically commits good deeds. whether it’s sparing animals, helping without compensation in mind, or aiding children. wanting children to be cared for… and you know… for them not to die is common etiquette that every adult should extend to a child in need. those are not “dad goals!!!” it’s quite literally just basic human decency. gale is genuinely kind and caring to everyone he meets, there is no reason why this also wouldn’t apply to children.
i often see fandom mention his encounter with mol at last light and how excited he is to talk to her. which i think greatly misinterprets the context of the scenario since he didn’t have much of a reaction to mol before either — gale is ecstatic about lanceboard. again evident by his reaction to the party finding the life-sized board during the wyrmway trials, and how he immediately offers to give tav pointers. explaining different approaches to them in enthusiastic detail if they allow him to. the man just really likes lanceboard… as well as being the smartest person in the room.
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gale: ah, lanceboard! why, this might just be the highlight of our misadventures to date.
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gale: lanceboard happens to be a game with which i have more than a passing familiarity. might i offer a suggestion? nodecontext: gale's a badass lanceboard player, anticipating showing off
if you want to headcanon your tav and gale raising a big family together that is more than fine and no one is stopping you. whatever you want to happen to these two after the storyline of the game is up to your respective fantasies. no one is policing you on what you should do with your own character. go wild and create whatever fan content you wish, no justification required.
yet once again, as there is no mention in canon anywhere — neither in the main game nor the epilogue — that this is something gale would ever want (whether that may mean immediately or somewhere down the line) gale wanting to be a father remains a headcanon. while gale being childfree is explicitly shown in the game, in strict comparison to other companions that either have children by the end of the game or voice the desire to (eventually) have them.
my personal preferences are of no relevance here whatsoever. i care about accurate and correct characterization and will point out inconsistencies/false information no matter the topic. i, for one, want to appreciate these characters in the way they're written, not how i ideally want them to be.
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fryingpan1234567 · 3 months
listen I knowwww Roach should be British. he was on a British task force. he’s got the flag on his uniforms. but when @fixfoxnox said southerner Roach I just couldn’t not love him okay leave me alone
anyways. southerner Roach shenanigans
(I guess you could call this a Something in the Orange fanfic since he’s besties with Jackson in this scenario as well as dating Ghost and Soap……… but it’s general enough it’s probably fine ANYWAYS)
Roach’s accent, while it normally only lightly flavors a few of his words, gets considerably thicker when he’s visiting home
I mean like he does the thing southerners do where they somehow mash entire sentences into one word and the others are just like “……….what” but Jackson is nodding like he understood
Like. They’re all at dinner together somewhere. Somebody brings up the rodeo at the state fair. The Europeans have no idea what they’re talking about. Roach just goes “y’ain’tneverheardadat??” and Soap nearly has a stroke trying to figure out what he meant but Jackson continues to eat soundly like he didn’t hear anything wrong
No no no they go to some random dive bar for one of their birthdays. It doesn’t matter whose. Jackson and Roach both have cowboy hats because OBVIOUSLY and like. They exchange this look that the others can’t figure out whenever one of their boyfriends steals their hat via flirting
(They tell them later and then can’t stop laughing while Soap and Ghost and Gaz are just sitting there like uh oh)
After that the hat stealing is very much purposeful
Square dancing to fucking Timber by Kesha and Pitbull in said dive bar because that’s just required idk what to tell you
Soap and Ghost seeing Roach ride a horse for the first time and visibly bluescreen
Roach recognizing people from high school in his hometown even tho he hasn’t seen them in like 20 years
He likes Taylor Swift but only her old country-adjacent stuff
Ghost and Soap couldn’t figure out his aversion to any kind of substitute milk until he took them home and they found out it’s because he grew up drinking milk that literally came from the cows he has in his backyard. They own two cows. And a few chickens. Very resourceful
Jackson and Roach dragging the 141 to Roach’s family’s Super Bowl party one year because in the southern states it’s a huge fucking deal
The Europeans being like “………this is quite possibly one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen in my life” but their boys are having fun so it’s okay
God help the rest of them. Jackson and Roach are rooting for opposite teams.
There’s screaming, there’s wrestling on the living room floor, there’s spilling food and beer everywhere. The amount of rubbing it in after a touchdown lands is fucking crazy, and they’ve shouted about stabbing each other every single time
Eventually, maybe with a bit of googling, the others get into it. Soap hasn’t stopped shoving Mrs. Roach’s buffalo chicken dip in his face since he’d discovered it when they’d arrived, and Ghost was letting the kids use his tattoo like a coloring page while he chatted with Roach’s dad and brothers. Gaz kept getting elbowed in the ribs whenever Roach and Jackson tousled on the couch, and a couple times he was asked to hold Jackson’s beer so “I can kick some sense into this dipshit,” usually followed by Roach’s maniacal cackling. Price was banging around in the kitchen with Mrs. Roach. Nobody knew how he’d gotten dragged into that, but he seemed to be enjoying himself
On the topic of bringing the boys home to the fam oh my GODS thanksgiving
Ghost is not a dessert person. He’s never been a dessert person. But he had four slices of Mr. Roach’s apple pie, so,,,,,,,,, apparently he is actually a dessert person
Obvi Roach is good with all guns, but he was hunting with his dad and brothers by the time he was like six. He knows how to work a shotgun like he breathes
(Ahem being southern is why he’s so fucking stubborn btw if anyone was wondering)
Roach and Jackson both are religious Dolly Parton listeners
Ghost and Soap wake up one night because there’s a weird noise outside. They poke Roach awake like “???? what was that??” and he was just like “oh yeah the woods make noises sometimes. don’t worry about it. if something actually wanted to kill you, you wouldn’t hear it coming” and promptly passed back out
“Yea I’ve seen a skinwalker before” “FYM YOU’VE S E E N O N E ? “ “It was in my backyard?? Relax it just wanted the coyote that always tries to kill our chickens. I didn’t really mind”
Gaz suggests investigating a weird figure he saw in the woods. Roach laughs out loud and Jackson smacks him in the back of the head like “that’s how you fucking die you idiot”
“Y’all’re lucky we’re here to stop you from doing somethin’ stupid. Fuckin’ city slickers” “What did you just call me”
The deafening sounds of crickets and locusts puts Roach to sleep almost instantly every night. Ghost barely sleeps every time they visit.
”IT IS SO FUCKING LOUD IF ONE MORE BLOODY CRICKET—“ “Simon not everyone needs literal dead silence to sleep—“
No matter how many pillows he stacks on top of his head he can’t escape it
Oh. Oh. The Europeans CANNOT do southern heat. They’re passed out on the porch while Jackson and Roach and Roach’s brothers play football in the front yard
Roach makes killer lemonade and iced tea nobody talk to me
He has a rusty blue ancient pickup that he says is his baby. One of the wheels is misshapen and the bed squeaks dangerously every time they hit a pothole, but he won’t get rid of it EVER
Roach introduces Soap and Ghost to catching fireflies in jars with his nieces and nephews. They are. So in love with the concept.
It gets turned into a competition, because of course it does, and it looked like Ghost was going to win— but then the youngest of the participating children silently held up a jar that was too bright to look at and audibly buzzing from the amount of bugs inside of it. They cut their losses and embrace the fact that they’ll never be That Good
Southern👏 sunsets👏 there ain’t nothing like it
Soap has a sketchbook dedicated entirely to doodling Roach doing farm things
Roach had a horse he took care of in high school. Her name was Peaches and he literally cried when he found pictures of her in his room
Ghost LOVES the sweet old border collie Roach’s parents have. That dog has seen many a stampede, and he’s herded just as many. What a man. Ghost does not leave him alone Ever
gods fuck me bro I could literally talk about southern Roach F O R E V E R (idk if you can tell from the long ass post Jesus Christ)
good morning/ night/ 4am lmk if you want more of this
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chiikasevennn · 25 days
(this has topics of murder and yandere.....and stuff PLS DELETE IF URE NOT COMFY IM SORRY HUHUHU)
haia omg i have no idea if you're still open or no but i really like whenever writers dive into the more darker aspects of a character or how especially when a process of basically ascending to something what you would consider non human (monarch in this case) and how this affects a character like does this make them less humane or posssiblllyy twist their morals??
like as we can see with jinwoo his morals is err well yeah there but we can see times where he is willing to commit crimes if the time calls it (often the system forcing him to it) but like what happens when he finally swallows the system as a whole?? LIKE since now there is no third party to force him to do murder or what not will his way of thinking change too? like i imagine when he first murdered the guys in the cave very early on in the series you think that maybe he thought that it wasn't that bad..??
I can honestly see it more if it was another scenario and we add in the aspect of the reader or I'll call [name] whwhw.. I feel like Jinwoo is the type to actually lose his sense of humanity just for the sake of [name] or keeping them safe like the two probably was close but had to separate in their own ways but when they meet again [name] can barely recognzie Jinwoo and i dont mean physically or what not it's more like he lost his warmth and seems more... unsettling.. like do you know the feeling of watching those analogue horror or watching anything eerie and you get that feeling that somethings off in a scene that seems normal but you know something is OFF. yeah i feel like that's what [name] would feel ✊.
I just wanna hear your opinion on a more screwed up Jinwoo because as muchhh as i love the fluffy cutie jinwoo i also love delving into the topics of jinwoo just going batshit insane 🤯🙏
Jinwoo x Reader
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Your wish is my command, pookie bear.
Warning(s): YANDERE, nothing much, maybe too short? Not a fic or oneshot lol js my crazy thoughts
Also guys ples comment and say something ...
Jinwoo himself was already prepared to walk through fire just for his family, and that was just platonic love. Imagine how insane he'd be for a significant other that he loves way too deeply.
Hello???? Like I feel his dedication and love for darling would be higher than the heavens especially if they're already there for him during his lowest part in life.
My hunch is he's a chill yandere; he adores you and wouldn't pull any outrageously crazy stunts directly at you. Instead, he might convey lessons through various means, like allowing uncomfortable scenarios to set up, then emerging from the shadows he casted beneath your silhouette to rescue you.
Like a "savior" yandere. Your knight and sole protector.
He'd be more possessive ig if his crazy fans found out about you, particularly if they desire him to be romantically involved with Hae-In in the name of being a power couple. Jinwoo literally and genuinely didn't give a damn when they trash-talked him.
But hey, fans can be krezi
ALSO HELLO LIKE WHAT IF THOSE CRAZY ASSHOLES START HARASSING YOU ON WORK OR IN SOCIAL MEDIA (like leaving you death threats or rudely demanding you to break up w him bc apparently according to them, you don't deserve him)? Lol he'd be willing to do something about them, so good luck reasoning against him if you don't want bloodshed!!!
He'd convince you to not work anymore if that was in store for you.
"... Woo, you know I can't just quit work like that and have you become the breadwinner for the two of us. You're getting financially better and I'm proud, but I can't jus—"
"Shh," He'd tenderly cup your cheeks with his eyes overflowing with love and concern, every bit of his attention dedicated to you. "Is it so bad for me to want no dangers coming to you?"
"You're also being unintentionally put into unavoidable situations whenever you're in public. Love, you remember what happened last time, right?" He'd add. With a kiss on your forehead, he said, "I'll provide for you, you don't have to work. I can't stand how they're looking at you."
Jinwoo would mumble the final words gently before pulling back. He'd whisper them solely for your ears, aware that you wouldn't interpret that knowledge negatively anymore—it would now simply reflect his worry for your welfare and highlight his character as the tender and loving partner he was.⁠ ♡
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heartss4val · 11 months
𝐞𝐝𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐜'𝐬
summary. headcanons of your relationship with edmund pevensie while dating. (gn reader)
— straight up fluff, nothing else. PART 1/?
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— Edmund leaves little notes everywhere. In the pages of your books, the pockets of your pants, etc. Usually they just consist of sweet words and reminders to eat and take care of yourself as a much needed endorphin boost. He always makes sure to fill up the entire piece of paper, front and back until there's no space to write any more loving words. — Random "I love you"s throughout the day for no particular reason. — Playful arguments over the most miniscule things, I mean seriously, the two of you bicker like a married couple. Edmund can be quite argumentative, but not in the way you expect. No, usually you quarrel over the correct way to toast a piece of bread, topics such as that. None of it is serious of course, nine times out of ten it turns into a tickle fight that ends with a cuddle session anyway. — Edmund naturally smiles excessively around you. He doesn't really think about it, it just happens. Like this guy literally GLOWS when he sees you, it's not even funny. When you look at him, he smiles. When you rant, he smiles. When you talk about your interests, he smiles. No matter where the two of you are and what you're doing, he's always grinning around you, both of you in your own world. — Even though Edmund is one of the most renowned swordsman in Narnia, that doesn't mean he's immune to the occasional injury. And so, you have to tend to his wounds quite often. Sometimes you end up scolding him if the wound was the result of reckless actions and impulsive behavior, and yes he appreciates the concern, but he just thinks it's cute how your lips form into a pout whenever he comes back with a new injury to tend to. He adores how much you care for him, even if it's just through small actions. — Absolute SUCKER for when you kiss his scars. Edmund used to see his scars as a nuisance, only there to remind him of the treacheries of war and danger. But of course, life has different perspectives for different people. So when you came around, reassuring him that his blemishes were a sign of his bravery and strength from the pain he endured, he felt like he was going to cry. And the second your lips came in contact with a particular scar just shy of his collarbone, he immediately felt comfort and a sense of safety wash over him. Maybe it was the warmth of your lips, or the alleviation of your words, whatever it was, it made him feel like maybe everything was going to be okay. — Kisses on the nape and shoulder. (goes both ways) — Since we're on the topic of kissing, Edmund has a thing for tracing your jawline before or while the two of you are kissing, or just sharing an intimate moment in general. He prefers to rest one hand on the curve of your hip, and the other hand caressing your jaw, no matter what the position is. He also enjoys trailing little pecks from the side of your neck to the corner of your lips before he finally presses his lips against yours. — Chess dates!! Yeah, it doesn't sound like the most romantic activity but, cmon, it's Edmund Pevensie. He'll find a way to make it memorable. And while he loves a fair match, (who doesn't?) sometimes he just so happens to "accidentally" put his king in danger and — oh will you look at that, you won. Yeah, maybe he changed up his moves a little so you would win, but it's all worth it to him. He adores the sight of your eyes lighting up, and how you throw your hands up in triumph and shout in glee. While you're busy celebrating, he gazes at you fondly with an impossibly soft look in his eyes. One of his hands is lying on his cheek, supporting his head, while his other hand still remains on his king. Even though he "lost", his smile is wide as ever because as long as you're happy, he's happy.
— On days when he's not busy with training or just occupied with the responsibilities that come with being one of the kings of Narnia, picnic dates are a must. He cooks up your favorite meals and packs them up in a picnic box along with the traditional red and white checkered blanket, and off you go. It's kind of just a de-stresser for him. Quality time with you and a home cooked meal to go along with it. Sometimes he brings you to brings you to picturesque flower fields, or the patch of green grass directly in front of the river front. No matter where it is, Edmund has his reasons for why he chose those specific locations. They always remind him of you. The two of you watch the sun slowly disappear under the horizon as you both lay on the checkered blanket, with your head resting on his chest and his arm lazily wrapped around your waist, it looks just like a scene straight out of a fairytale.
— On days when he's not busy with training or just occupied with the responsibilities that come with being one of the kings of Narnia, picnic dates are a must. He cooks up your favorite meals and packs them up in a picnic box along with the traditional red and white checkered blanket, and off you go. It's kind of just a de-stresser for him. Quality time with you and a home cooked meal to go along with it. Sometimes he brings you to brings you to picturesque flower fields, or the patch of green grass directly in front of the river front. No matter where it is, Edmund has his reasons for why he chose those specific locations. They always remind him of you. The two of you watch the sun slowly disappear under the horizon as you both lay on the checkered blanket, with your head resting on his chest and his arm lazily wrapped around your waist, it looks just like a scene straight out of a fairytale. — Edmund is always eager to prove his love and devotion to you. He's deeply committed to you, and loves to declare it proudly. Sometimes he writes short poems about you, recounting his favorite moments the two of you shared. He describes the way your hair blows in the wind while the two of you are horseback riding, or how your smile is one of his favorite sights, he writes about anything regarding you. He just pours out his feelings onto a piece of paper. And when the stack of poetry about you piles up too high on his desk, he ties it up neatly in a ribbon and places it on your bedside table for you to wake up to. (CHIVALRY IS NOT DEAD GUYS 🗣️🗣️ ) — Edmund has a thing for kissing your hand. Like not even as a greeting, just in general. He just thinks of it as another way of showing his love and admiration for you. He brushes his lips against your palm and trails kisses up your fingertips, like HELLO??? — All in all, your relationship with Edmund Pevensie is truly one of a kind. ∙ u guys i know i havent posted a proper story since like may, and honestly i have no excuse i was just being lazy af. also my love for edmund has kind of faded but i started writing this months ago and decided i might as well finish it. ∙ so next time i post, it probably won't be edmund pevensie related, OR MAYBE IT WILL!! i still have many ideas (don't unfollow me pls im sorry LMAO) ∙ until next time, (and trust me, there will be a next time.) xx valerie.
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Okay, buckle up, friends and neighbours, because it's time for:
(Obviously, you should take all of this with a HUGE chunk of salt, since I'm not only an internet-poisoned fandom blogger, but also a former English major with a penchant for over-reading.
Still, I spent a long time writing this, so I'd appreciate it if you gave it a read.)
So before we talk about Doopliss himself, I feel like we should talk about Creepy Steeple, since a lot of the topics I'm going to be touching on relate to the actual building.
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Neither the original Gamecube version nor the Switch remake really bothers to explain what Creepy Steeple actually is.
None of Goombella's tattles say anything about the building's intended purpose. The name vaguely implies that it's a church of some kind -- in Japanese, it's called Odoron Jiin, or "Astonishing Temple" -- but that's still not very helpful.
Still, for the purposes of this analysis, I'm going to assume that it's meant to be a church.
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This brings me to the Steeple's stained glass window, which shows a scary-looking Doopliss standing over some piranha plants.
From a design standpoint, I'm guessing that this detail was added to give the location a spooky vibe, but from an in-universe perspective, the implications are wild.
Like, who designed this? How long ago? And why? What the heck is it supposed to represent?
Unsurprisingly, the game offers no real answers, but I have a couple of theories.
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The first is that the people of Twilight Town (or their ancestors, or something) created the window in Doopliss's honor.
Stained glass windows often depict saints or angels, so maybe the Twilighters used to worship him? Like, maybe Creepy Steeple was once dedicated to him and then, for whatever reason, the worshippers decided to leave?
It's not super likely, but I didn't want to rule out any possibilities. This is a weird freaking temple. Literally anything is possible, as far as I'm concerned.
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My second theory is that Doopliss designed the window himself. He seems like a guy with a lot of spare time, so it's not too much of a stretch to say that he came up with the idea and then spent weeks building it by hand.
He could have also bullied the Boos into constructing it for him. I dunno. I just have this mental image of him pulling pranks on them and generally being a nuisance until they caved.
The bottom line is someone wanted to Doopliss's face to be front and center. And if that someone is Doopliss himself, then hoo boy, there is a lot to unpack here.
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Maybe I'm projecting, but it feels like Doopliss is wrestling with some major self-esteem issues.
Despite being an incredibly powerful shapeshifter who somehow cursed an entire town, he seems very childish. He spends all his time watching TV and coming up with new jokes. He throws tantrums when he loses. He wears a party hat, of all things.
Based on that, I'd say that he's probably starved for attention. He's probably pretty lonely living in Creepy Steeple all by himself (doubly so if my theory about the Twilighters is correct).
I'd even go so far as to say that his scheme to turn the Twilighters into pigs is motivated by this need for attention. I mean, what better way to get people to notice you than to cause a town-wide panic?
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I feel like the disguises he uses over the course of the main story also support this theory.
Though Mario, Zip Toad and Professor Frankly are quite different from one another, they all have one important thing in common: they're famous. Mario's a world-renowned adventurer, Zip Toad is a well-known actor and Frankly is a tenured professor whose students love him.
Doopliss even alludes to this after stealing Mario's body, telling him, "You're so popular around here! I just love being you!"
By transforming into beloved figures, Doopliss can get the attention he craves.
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I also think that this is why he joined the Shadow Sirens. Sure, Beldam abuses him almost as badly as she abused Vivian, but at least she notices him. That's better than nothing.
The most conclusive piece of textual evidence is found in the epilogue. In her letter to Mario, Goombella explains that Doopliss has joined Flurrie on-stage in her production of "Paper Mario".
Obviously his shapeshifting abilities make the play a lot more realistic, but why would he bother participating in it at all? This guy was a villain for most of the game. Why would he suddenly decide to join up with one of his enemies?
Because, as far as I can tell, he's not a villain. Just a guy who's sick of being ignored.
I dunno. Doopliss's motivations have never been super clear, but I feel like there's more to him than meets the eye.
If you have any thoughts or ideas of your own, feel free to comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | extras | Mick defending Yn from a mean journalist
Summary: Mick has media duties with Mercedes this week and one of the tasks happened to be a podcast interview with a new F1 show. They also happened to mention Yn, but Mick did not like the way they talked about her, and he wasn't about to let someone downplay her during a live interview, not in front of him.
Word count: 1.4k (got carried away again, sorry lol)
A/n: @flowerchild-96 sent me this idea, bringing up a scenario about Mick defending Yn. I did some adaptations, and voila, here you go, yet another Komh extra. I hope you guys like it, even if it's a bit different from the original idea. And thank you, Flower, for requesting this piece <3
A/n2: This is set when Mick and Yn are already together.
A/n3: This can be read as a stand-alone, but it's better when you've read the series.
Warnings: curse words; angry!mick; typos - not proofread.
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Mick is tired.
He’s been doing Sim work every spare time he got, and some days it went as far as him staying until after midnight in the factory. Add this to the fact that he hasn’t been seeing Yn that much, she’s been busy with work as well, and most of the time they’re getting are during the weekends when all eyes are on them.
No-Yn and no sleep have proven to be a very stressful combination, so maybe that’s the reason why he found himself trying as hard as possible not to be rude or dry on his answers. It was work, it doesn’t matter if he had been asked the same question thousands of times, just the other day, or the minute prior, he had to answer it as if it was brand new, and he had to be polite, that last part was on his nature. 
However, defending those he loves is also in his nature, and Mick's ears perk up when one of the guys, Jack, mentions Yn.
He doesn’t know how the guy managed to bring her up when the topic was cars and the last performance Mercedes had, and Mick tries his best to keep his expression neutral, first because he doesn’t want to be rude, and second, because it’s a live podcast. The cameras are on him, just like the big microphone is in front of his face, half of the fans are probably watching the live, and the other half that is not will surely watch it soon. They will analyze every move he makes, and the last thing Mick wants is to bring more attention to his family and friends. 
“We saw recently that Lewis’ sister is attending races as well,” that itself was already problematic considering they had just talked with the Merc media manager and she listed the subjects that could not be brought up, Yn was there, of course. She didn’t want that kind of attention, and everyone always did their best to keep her safe and respect her wishes. It was even more infuriating when Jack kept going, “Do you think she distracts the crew by being in the garage? Would you say she’s a liability to Lewis or more like a lucky charm?” 
Oh, and didn’t Mick finally understand the saying “he was so angry, he saw red”, because he quite literally had to close his eyes after the whole question was sputtered. 
How the fuck did that guy came up with such a shitty thing to say? 
Mick saw how the second host was embarrassed for his mate, he saw the way the Mercedes PR manager eyed him a bit taken aback, he saw and heard everything, yet his mind did not think twice before putting his body to action. His brows furrowed, the blank expression he had quickly turned into one of unlucky surprise and anger.
“Excuse me?” Mick eyed the mand up and down before letting out a humorless chuckle. “Is this supposed to be a bad joke or?” 
“I was just thinking, because Lewis’s sister is-”
Mick interrupted before Jack could go any further and make him angrier, “I think the first problem with your question is that you keep referring to Yn as “Lewis’ sister” when she has a name and had a career before their relationship as siblings were outed in the media. It is stupidity to resume her as Lewis’ sister and only that. Yn is a talented and famous business woman, she has her own brand, and she made her connections without needing to use her surname,” he’s so angry he could go on all day, he sees the way the Mercedes PR seems to struggle on what to think about his words, sees the way Jack starts to get red, and franquily Mick just wanted to tell that guy to fuck off and leave that interview, but he had to make his point clear, and he would defend Yn. To hell with media and the outcome of it all. So mick went on, “Yn was Yn before Lewis. It’s different with me because I came after my father, we were tied since forever, and everyone knew it, but Yn got famous without anyone knowing she had Hamilton bloog, she used her mother’s name, she kept herself from publicly interacitng with her brother and celebrating all his wins, she sacrificed a lot, so don’t come to me and talk about her erasing all her work and effort to get where she is now. Put some respect on her name.” 
“You seem a bit stressed about the way I voiced it, I’m sorry.” 
“Of course. We’re talking about my friend, and even if she wasn’t a friend, it’s insensitive to talk about someone like this in a live broadcast when that someone did nothing wrong and it’s not even here to defend herself.”
Jack coughed a bit embarrassed, and the second host could only smile awkwardly, “We’re really sorry, Mick. Jack just happens to be a huge Lewis fan so it’s always ‘Lewis this and Lewis that’ he ends up forgetting everyone else,” he gulped and tried to downplay it.
Mick directed his narrowed eyes to his water bottle, opened it and took a swing before nodding briefly. He was done with that interview, and he knew everyone else were too. It only took three more questions, not so rude as the last one – thankfully, for the podcast episode to be finished. He kept his cool, but Mick knew his expression was probably still uninterested and annoyed, his body language sure showed how his guard was up, arms crossed on top of the table, head tilted as if waiting for Jack to try and mess with his girl again, as if silently daring them to even mention Yn’s name. 
When it was over, Mick had a brief talk with the Merc PR who told him that she personally loved how he stood up for Yn, and reassured him that they would work a plan so that the podcast interview didn’t spill more on Yn or him.
The drive to the hotel was quick, however, his head was pounding, his body tense, it was as if his tiredness had doubled the size after the events. Immediately upon getting inside the elevator he decided to go to Yn’s room instead of his, Mick did not take the time to think that maybe she was sleeping, or busy, at least not until he buzzed her room. Just as he was aabout to pretend he never set a foot on her floor, Yn opened the door. 
“Hey, mouse,” she breathed, a small smile in the corner of her plush lips. 
Mick felt his body melt, half of its tension dissipating with just one look at her angelical face. Yn was wearing one of his shirts, part of her curls messily tied on top of her head.
“Hey,” he faltered, still not sure if it was the best idea to ring her bell without a warning. 
“Are you gonna keep staring at me?” Yn bantered, reaching for his hand and bringing him inside before closing her door. 
The hotel room smelled like her. Her perfume, her lotion, her hair products. Mick closed his eyes, took another deep breath trying to see if the her scent would caml him a bit more. 
“I’m sorry-”
“It feels nice to be your friend-” 
They said at the same time and it was a only a beat before both were laughing. Yn’s word were clearly a joke about how he said she was his friend. She had watched everything, and she didn’t seem mad about his outburst. Mick felt partly responsible for how the media was digging up her life after they were seem together, and he knew this interview would probably give them more amno to keep going about “mickyn”, he was relieved Yn seemed to pay no mind to it at the moment. 
“I think I talked too much out there, I’m sorry, babe,” Mick started, but Yn shook her head. She got on her tip toes, hands going around Mick’s neck, his face now only inches from hers.
“Thank you for standing up for me,” she whispered, and he gripped her waist bringing her body close and hugging her, his head on the crook of her neck, her hands playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. “It’s great to be friends with you, just please make sure I’m the only one who can do this,” Yn joked when Mick faced her, and smashed their lips together in a tender, but also giddy kiss. 
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @mellowpizzapuppy @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mickslover @Dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @crimeshowjunkie @iloveyou3000morgan @fdl305 @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo
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codemiracle · 7 months
Can you please tell me the backstory of the ocs...they are so gorgeous omg...thank u !!!...
My first ask... omg....!! (tries to seem calm about it) Thank u for asking!!! I'm glad you like them :((<3 The backstory of my ocs is still mostly a wip even to me (i change my mind often about things, especially when my mind fixates on different topics) But I can tell you more about the two ocs in this post here. tw: mentions of death, stalking, unhealthy behavior, dark stuff overall, and mentions of self-harm on Yuuta's part. (All of the images used here are CGs for the game.)
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Yuuta is a deeply troubled person. His mother died when he was very young and he's been dealing with the loss of literally his only parental figure since (his father is literally the leader of a pyramid scheme cult and doesn't know about his existence) He despises how fragile humans can be and since then he tries to understand his own mortality through inflicting pain upon his own body. His mother died due to an illness he also has, an illness that causes parts of his body to suddenly get badly bruised or bleed without warning, his blood is really thin so stopping bleeding is hard for him too. He eventually finds some escape from his solitude exploring his darker side by meeting the MC (the character you control in the game) He gets deeply obsessed with them since he finds that inflicting pain on them (don't worry it's all consensual) is more relieving than doing it to himself. He loves the feeling of power it gives him, the feeling of a life hanging in between his fingers. And this time he won't let go so easily. He might be a little bit of a sharp-tongued person and sometimes can seem pretty harsh with people and even the MC, but it's due to the fear of losing someone again. When he really really gets into you he won't let you go, that's for sure. He can't let go of someone again.
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Yotsuya it's quite the opposite of Yuuta, he doesn't hide his true feelings behind a mask of hatred and coldness, instead, he's a more shy but polite person, much more pleasant to be around tbh. But don't let that fool you. He has his own inner turmoil too. He's been following the MC for a while now (for unknown reasons) and seems pretty fixated on them, taking the same train as them after work, trying to make small talk as they bump into each other in conveniently the same places. He's always stressed from work, often you can find him just crying outside his workplace while he smokes (like in the drawing) or standing eerily quiet in the dark of night in the middle of the street. Not much is now about Yotsuya, but the fact he truly despises cheaters, often making remarks about cheating culture and hating on people who cheat on their partners. He seems to know the MC from somewhere else but refuses to say where they met the first time. Doesn't seem to have any connections or family, living alone in some simple apartment. I can't tell you much about him because I want you to discover who the "True" Yotsuya is (that's the point of his route.) But I can tell you, this guy isn't anything like it seems, he's quite the opposite of his sweet and shy persona when he's inside his home. That's his place, his playing field so to speak. He's no longer the meek office worker, but his true self.
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Sorry, that was so much text.... and I feel like I didn't say anything interesting... feel free to ask if you need to know anything else!
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grlazul · 1 year
some of the ways they show their affection for you. housewardens version
notes: bit of angst at the end of malleus' section, i'm quite sorry guys.
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when most think of riddle, patience is not the first thing that comes to mind. this is because they don't have the privilege of seeing the riddle you get to see. you had been studying with him for around an hour and a half. for the past half hour you had been stuck on a certain topic, no matter how many chapters of the textbook you read or how many times he tried to explain it, you just couldn't wrap your head around it. had you been anyone else, riddle would be incredibly frustrated, and perhaps a bit desperate for them to get a grip, but you were not just anyone. so he sat with you throughout it, vowing to help and find the perfect study method. ace and deuce gawk at his gentle behavior, a stark contrast to the yelling they endured earlier. his favoritism towards you is outrageous, not that you mind.
is tired, very often. he isn't always asleep when he's seen laying around. but can't seem to find the will to get up and do something. despite his constant fatigue, he will always find ways to remind you that he loves you. forcing you to lay with him is one of them, he'll wrap his arms around you and nuzzle into your neck before asking you to speak. it can be about anything really, most of the time you'll talk about how your day went. he always listens, his eyes are shut but you know he's invested because of the never ending remarks he'll make as you go on. someone was bothering you? he's just called them the most hilarious name you can think of, not wanting you to be bothered by such a lowlife. he doesn't have to see you to know what expression you have on your face. it's quite amazing really, he knows just what to say and when to say it, and even knows when he should stay quiet. it's quite simple, really. but he loves it, though not nearly as much as he loves you. (a/n almost called him eepy while writing his part haha)
azul is very devoted to his work, but when it comes to you, he is almost tempted to throw it away. he is very aware that his constant giving of gifts does not make up for his lack of presence on most nights. which is why he will put everything aside once in a while and dedicate an entire day to you, his lovely pearl. whatever you want, he'll do it with you. it's only fair after he has spent many a night cramped up in his office dealing with contract after contract. he knows your relationship isn't perfect, but he's eternally grateful that you're willing to work with him through it. one of his favorite things to do is when you decide to have a movie night with him. he'll help you build a fort, make snacks, anything you feel is important to the activity, and will then wrap all his limbs around you while the two of you watch. it's quite endearing really, a normally serious businessman tossing the entire persona for his one and only. don't tell the tweels please... they'll never let him hear the end of it.
when on earth is he not showing all of his love for you?? it would honestly be hard to find an answer to that question... kalim is always in your corner (almost literally, he would spend every second with you if he could but i think jamil would lose it if he hears one more nickname such as 'pookie muffin' or 'moopsy'...) however i think his favorite way to show you he loves you is taking you for rides on his magic carpet, cliche i know but it's cute! of course all his gifts mean a lot to him, you're beginning to develop your own mini treasure room in ramshackle for goodness sake, but the time you spend with him cannot compare to any riches. if you're scared of heights, he'll work his way around it! it may not seem as romantic when you're only two feet off the ground, but when it's with kalim, that doesn't really matter.
now, vil is very busy. and unlike azul, he doesn't have the same amount of control over his schedule. this can be a bit problematic when it comes to your relationships but he always manages to find ways to include you in whatever he's doing. you've never been on the set of a movie? now you have, several times in fact. the directors begin to expect your arrival with his after a while and you eventually get your own chair to watch your star do his magic on set. if you ever find yourself feeling unwelcome or uneasy, he knows how to pull strings. he will promise to ruin anyone who dare to make his partner feel as if they are not welcome. and if you ever feel as if you want to do the kinds of things he does, you better believe this man is getting you in contact with anyone and everyone he can (and this is vil... it's a lot of people). but at the end of the day, he just loves to unwind with you. to fall asleep with you in his arms is bliss, he can't get enough.
idia is without a doubt, one of the most closed up people on the planet. to see him outside of his room is a marvel in itself, but to see him with his significant other in a cafe? one would have to double check their vision. he really can't believe the lengths he goes for you. to sit in such a place, surrounded by so many normies is honestly a nightmare! he's thankful you let him choose where the two of you should sit, bringing you to the most closed off booth in the space. you'll definitely have to order for him, it's the least you can do after forcing him to come to such a place! jokes aside, he really does try for you. of course he would rather sit in his room holed up playing video games while the both of you chat, but he knows that's just a fantasy. start easy with him, small gatherings first, perhaps you can build his courage up enough to bring him to a bigger place like the mall... oh the things he does for you prefect...
you were malleus' first friend, and now his first lover. needless to say, he would do practically anything for you. he truly feels that no action, words, or items can express his feelings for you. even the most passionate of poems cannot do him justice. despite his frustration for not being able to properly express his feelings, he does enjoy gift giving. tiny trinkets, photographs, letters, you name it, he has given it to you in some variation. if you collect them and keep them somewhere he will just absolutely melt. you truly are everything to him. something he enjoys very much is when the two of you go into the forest or the meadow to find plants and other things to give to each other. it makes him so giddy, preparing something for you while you do the same. he's practically giggling and skipping as he looks for more flowers for you. once you give him your small bouquet or flower crown, or whatever you have created, he's delighted! he casts a spell that will make them last forever. if only he could do the same to you...
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