#i can't even find a PDF anywhere
interstate40 · 2 years
If a book has been out of print for 18 years, only one library in the world has a copy but the library is in Europe, there are literally zero (0) copies available to buy anywhere on the internet, and the author still maintains a website with a contact email listed...
Would it be inappropriate to email the author and ask if he has any insight on where to find a copy?
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ough you know the book you want is obscure when even the internet archive hasnt heard of it and you can't find a pdf anywhere
this looks like a job for the formal inter library loan process at the municipal library
i've given them a year and a budget to get it to me so i can scan and keep all of the Finnish iron age tablet weaving patterns contained therein
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faeriekit · 3 months
Health and Hybrids (XXIV)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
🖤Chapter navigation can be found here🖤 Click to browse previous updates.
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts 💚 (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... PHYSICAL!! THERAPY!! LET'S GET TO IT!! *80s aerobics music is piped in from nowhere* Also Flash numbero two was there.
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
“Green one,” the quickfast one says. The masked teenager groans.
Danny looks down at his cards. He’s got a green eight. He drops the card onto the pile, and waits, perfectly aware that the girl is only down to her last two cards. The card flutters vaguely toward the pile on Danny’s bed cot.
He’s sitting with his legs crossed now, he admires. Holy crap. This is what dreams are made of.
“Bruce two,” the teen in the leather jacket demands, slapping down a—Oh, it’s a green 2+ card. It’s take two. Right.
The blonde girl scoffs, but her two cards bloat back up to four. Quickly though, with a little shuffling, the four become three with a green three slapped down on top of the deck.
Everyone is down to only a three or four cards. Danny is sweating through his medical issue tee and shorts.
Danny has not won a single game yet.
Danny really wants to win.
The masked teen (why is he wearing a face mask?? Like…over his eyes?? Not even his mouth??) opens with a new complication: a red three.
The red-haired quick-kid flicks a wild card plus four down with a smirk, pleased to make this Danny’s problem. “Blue, cnytte four!”
Okay, so what is cnytte?? Danny just got used to ‘take’. What is this new synonym. Why is everyone determined to hurt him like this. Why couldn’t these people just use Esperanto.
Whatever. Danny bites his lip and pulls the trigger: wild card plus four. He quickly points to the leather-jacket teen. “R-red. Br-take eight.”
The kid splutters. “Hey! That’s not the riht!!”
That is for sure how he and Jazz used to play it in after-school. The other kids never complained. “Is.”
“No, it’s not??”
Danny sticks his tongue out. The leather-jacket wearer squawks theatrically; it takes the mask-wearing kid thirty seconds to find the official pdf of the rules of UNO, and a new argument is off to the races.
“Atredde!!” the teen demands, snatching the phone out of the masked teen’s hands to show Danny the screen. “Þær, there!!”
“I can’t read,” Danny points out cheerfully. He can read some things, sure, but not when he refuses to look at the phone.
The phone gets closer and closer to Danny’s face, and Danny looks anywhere else—at the ceiling, the floor, and his bed, all without letting the guy point it out to him.
“Atredde,” the guy demands, the glass of his screen mashed against Danny’s cheek. Danny struggles not to laugh. “Atredde, atreddeatreddelooklooklook, you wearg—“
“No aðs, no aðs!!” the only girl of the group yelps, grabbing the spare pillow from underneath herself to start beating him with. Danny’s assailant shrieks. “Do you want to get in trouble with Wonder Woman?!”
“Wonder Woman wolde take my sid!” the teen hollers. Danny ponders if biting him would solve anything for all of two seconds before the doors smack open.
Everyone looks at Diana. Diana looks at everyone.
“I win!” Danny cheerfully announces, and sets off more yelling.
Danny does not, in fact, win anything other than a late lunch. Still, it is enough that he won, even if he has to sit through a gentle, brow-raised scolding as the nurse cleans his port and replaces his stomach-hole bag.
Lunch is a smoothie with powered vitamins and some pain medication mixed in. Life goes on.
For the first time, though, Danny doesn’t eat lunch alone; since he can, like, keep his bed relatively clean now that he isn’t constantly leaking ectoplasm everywhere, there are four teenagers crammed onto his bed with sandwiches, wraps, and sodas of their own. Danny can phonetically pronounce the brands on the side of the can, he notices. He has no idea what they mean, but sometimes the girl in the blonde bob and the too-fast teen will ask him to pronounce them, and they only snicker sometimes.
The teen in the mask makes a noise. “I want a lið. Wha want anything?”
“Nah,” No,” “Na þancs,” all echo.
Danny sucks on his smoothie straw. It tastes like bananas today. Ew; potassium. “What is… lið?”
The teen holds up a can of soda in his ungloved hand. Danny makes a face. He’d love a Mountainous Dunk right now, but gas in his bag…eugh. More trouble than it’s worth.
The teen shoots him a pair of finger guns and darts out the door, leaving the rest of them behind to argue over UNO rules in at least two languages and without any expectation of resolving the issue.
Danny peaceably polishes off his smoothie. He’ll have to get the back done again, but eh. As long as no one’s directly looking at the process while it’s going on, he doesn’t super care whether or not anyone’s in the room, per se? Is that weird? Is this weird??
It’s probably weird. But also. Danny has fuzzy memories of roaming the building and leaking goo the entire time he was out and about, so… Suck it, he can do what he wants! He’s sick!! And maybe even dying??
“What is þæt andwlita??” the blonde girl asks, only for the quick-fast teen to poke Danny in what can be assumed to be a grumpy expression. Danny feigns a bite just to be mean. The other teens don’t even pretend to think it’s a threat—the blonde even laughs.
The teenager comes back and sits on Danny’s bed again, mattress barely bouncing as he makes himself comfy. It takes Danny a second to realize that he didn’t come back empty-handed, though—but instead of sodas, the guy brought back a tablet and a weird expression under his mask.
“…Look,” the teen finally says, and flips the tablet onto his lap so that the screen is visible. The teen clicks on a browser, and types in a word Danny isn’t familiar with, and pulls up a stock photo straight out of a photo frame Danny could buy at the craft store. He points to the smiling woman, the man, and the kid in the picture. “Moder. Fæder. Dohtor.”
Danny glances at the photo, and then at the teen. …Okay…?
The teenager bites his lip, and picks a new photo. This one has two men and a child, but it was basically the same. He points to each person as he named them: “Fæder and fæder, and sunu.”
Danny looks at the photo. He looks at the teenager. He looks at the photo again, and the masked teen backs out of the photo he onscreen to pick another one—with a woman and a man crouched around three kids and a dog.
“Moder. Father. Daughter. Daughter. Son.”
Realization breaks over Danny—oh. These are supposed to be families. These are family titles. Huh.
Danny scrutinizes the image. They…you know. They look happy. Danny used to…
…Mom, and…
It hurts too much to look at the photo for long. He knows that it’s fake, and he knows that models just get hired for show, but even the imaginary families hurt. Happy, loving people exist out there in the world.
Danny was in a box. Danny was in a box.
The teen makes another noise, and Danny drags his focus out of his melancholy doom spiral with every tooth and claw. He manages. Barely. The masked teenager switches over to a drawing app and pops a tablet pen out of—nowhere, actually? Where did that come from??
The teen hems and he haws and he fills out a stick figure with some red and black clothing details—and a mask, and a bowl cut, which is how Danny figures out it’s a scrappy little self-portrait. It doesn’t look at all like the oversized tee tucked into the teen’s short shorts, but you know, whatever.
Next to him, the dude draws a giant, brick-wall-broad, no-eyed, man-shaped blob with upright pointed ears.
It’s. Uh. It’s sure…something.
“Son,” the teen labels himself, and then draws an arrow to the giant, colorless blob. “Father.”
…Danny squints. Is that normal? To have a huge hulking entity-dad, and then have a short, shrimpy-looking teen waif?
Like you, imaginary Jazz interrupts, since he was thinking about her.
He carefully bats the thought away before it can make him cry.
“My father,” the teenager adds, since Danny probably looks like he’s mostly paying attention. “Stincende.” And then the guy draws a bunch of stink lines coming off of him, just to prove a point.
Danny chokes more than he laughs. The teen’s friends laugh outright, teasing with words that are a little too quick for Danny to parse and snickering under their breath. The masked teen smiles quietly.
“So mean,” the teen in the leather jacket declares, cackling mercilessly. The orange-haired teenager wheezes breathlessly.
“Stincende hlaford of the trask,” the teenager adds mildly, cheerfully without mercy. “Very boring. Very stif. Very grimm.”
Okay, so some of those words were definitely straight-up cognates. Mr. Lancer gave Danny a C in English last semester, but Danny’s going to guess that, based on how their language is pretty much entirely similar, that the stink lines are more of a metaphor than anything.
“Gross,” Danny decides. He’s not sure if the word actually means gross or if it’s more of a medical-trash-and-waste-disposal sort of word, but his audience of four snicker and bump his shoulder and that’s good enough.
“Mmhmm,” the masked teen agrees. He clicks on an eraser tool, enlarges it, and wipes himself clean off the image. In his place, he puts a little white-haired figure in a white medical gown.
Between them, the artist puts speech bubbles, giving both the drawn Danny equal part in the imaginary conversation.
“Talking,” the teenager says without looking at Danny. Eventually, when the speech bubbles are done, he lifts his head. “Yes? No?”
…Is this a request? Is this a demand? Danny fists the sheets between shaking fingers. Nowadays, they always shake at least a little. There are no perfectly still days.
“Have to?” Danny asks, hesitant. It’s a common enough clarifier to use when he doesn’t want to do something. They try to explain what they can to him here, but the language barrier is thick and impenetrable in many places.
“No. He just wants to.”
The masked teen frowns. He takes the tablet back from his lap and begins to draw something way more complex.
Everyone else slowly works on their food, but the masked teen doesn’t return until he has, from what Danny can tell, a thickly complicated organizational tree chart.
He recognizes a few headshot photos in the middle. The green guy. The human-looking guy in red that Danny does PT with sometimes.
Towards the bottom are the teenagers—both ones Danny does and doesn’t recognize, and some of the teens around him are photographed in different hats and outfits and masks. The quick-fast-red-haired teenager Danny’s come to recognize used to have shorter hair, apparently? Now it’s down to the teen’s neck. Meanwhile, the blonde girl’s got a haircut; her new look has a shaved undercut and a body too short to prop back up into her photographed pigtails.
The guy in the leather jacket looks the same.
…Danny holds up the tablet to compare to the teenager himself, who kindly poses the same way as he does in the picture in the same way: suns out, guns out. Yep. That’s him alright.
At the top of the organizational tree are three people—a dark-haired guy who Danny’s seen in passing, Diana, who is both a superhero and a super-minder, and some scary lookin’ dude who looks exactly like the doodle Danny just saw absolutely smothered in stink lines.
The tablet falls out of Danny’s hands. He’s not mad or anything, but he tends to drop stuff when holding it becomes too much of a burden.
The masked teen’s dad, is, like…one of several bosses. One boss is the person watching Danny at all times, which is…weird. Danny isn’t sure he warrants, like, constant security from a high-ranking super-someone. He mostly just sits around all day. Sometimes he gets his stretches in. Sometimes he gets wheeled out to look at the stars, and then he just…sits some more.
Danny shifts in his seat. So maybe he. Maybe…
…Okay, so even if talking isn’t good, per se, at least maybe he’ll figure something out? Maybe?
Like. Maybe he’ll be able to figure out, like…why he’s here. Why he’s in space. Why they’re taking care of him.
Danny doesn’t look forward to talking. But it’s. Fine.
He nods.
“…Yes?” the teen asks again, double confirming that this is what Danny wants. Danny doesn’t want this, but he wants answers, so he nods again, more firmly. But still. Staring. At the sheets underneath him.
“Okay.” The teen opens up a messaging app, and types something into the address bar. “Now? Or later?”
“Later.” Danny’s got to rest and digest lunch first.
“Okay.” The teen types into the tablet with the little pencil. Danny sees verbatim what the masked teen wrote when he turns it around: very literally, “Yes,” and “Later.”
There’s a little spot for Danny to sign his name. The teenager gives Danny his pen.
…Danny just hits the send button and is done with it.
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zarla-s · 1 year
Man it's been a long time since I've done an ask cluster! Let's see if I can get some down...
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He's an extremely fun character to write for and play with! So in that sense I'm fond of him, haha. He's such a huge disaster of a person, there's always something fun to do with him. Well "fun" in a relative sense.
I don't have anything to forgive him for, he didn't hurt me. |D He hurt the brothers!
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I do have an idea for a cute feature inspired by Six-Eared Macaque! I should really sit down and do that already... and finish the one I half started but never finished...
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I don't think my opinion on any of them changed! I love them all, haha. Which ones I drew comics about just depends on which ones I get ideas for really. Sometimes I get Alphys ideas and sometimes I get Goatparents ideas! Inspiration is fickle!
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I don't have any solid plans or anything. :B Just gonna keep chugging along with silly comics and art! Work on Defrag and such. I'd like to finish a Ladyverse comic I've had lying around forever, and I had vague plans for doing a doujin for them too I could work on... and also seeing if I could format Handplates into a book format... I've always got a bunch of projects, haha.
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It works on that level! It wasn't intentional though. |D
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I do enjoy speculation! I don't really have much of my own though, I didn't predict anything in chapter 2 so now I'm assuming I can't predict anything in the future chapters either, haha.
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Emesis Blue is great! Some really beautiful visuals in there, very striking! Love the mood of it too and a lot of the surreal imagery. I think it helped spur me back into TF2 again, haha. Medic and Scout's relationship was so cute.
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I have thought about this! It has its share of challenges though... I outlined them more in this post. A pdf would be more doable though... could even include some extra stuff as well! Hmm...
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I can see that! He'd probably spend as much time out in the rain as he could just doing whatever to stay outside.
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It was pretty much always going to end like that. I always wanted it to end on a hopeful note! Which might seem weird with how dark it is at the beginning. I DID for a brief period at the very beginning of Handplates think about stopping with the Pacifist run, but that was only because I thought going where I wanted to go would take too long and already the project seemed so dauntingly huge at the time, haha. But it was always going to end in a positive way!
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Gaster talks about what he originally intended to create here, and he explains a bit about the physical experiments he runs on the brothers here. They aren't really a solution in and of themselves so much as tools to try and find a way to break the barrier. Really though, Gaster got stuck in the sunk-cost fallacy lol.
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I don't really have opinions about what canon Gaster would be like. |D Handplates Gaster is his own thing really. Canon Gaster, who knows! Deltarune Gaster, who knows! I will say I hope Gaster stays a mystery in Deltarune and never actually shows up but I think the odds of that are really low at this point.
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I thought about doing a script along those lines! I did a few rough drafts of one, but it never really went anywhere... it'd end up dead-ending or kind of meandering off. I might see if I can get an actual script down for a side-comic or something in the future... it might be better suited for a fic.
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I was just thinking about this lately! I was picturing Gaster totally forgetting about that until he sees Papyrus squinting and is like OH GOD YOUR EYES THAT'S RIGHT D: and goes to get him looked at lol.
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I couldn't come up with a good idea for Flowey which is a shame, I do like him, haha. If one comes to me though I might make a little side comic about it!
Gaster's LV is complicated... his stats in-game are ludicrous if I recall correctly. Did he carry the damage from his murders into the void, even if those murders weren't his in the new timeline? Deep thoughts.
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He fed them anything he could find, haha. Which is why sometimes they just ended up with chocolate bars (which he intended as dinner for himself). He probably fed them more often than he fed himself lol. He did feed them fairly regularly though.
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Not about skeletons, probably. |D
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Man I know I had an explanation for this but it was so long ago... it's hard for me to remember. It could be that the Riverperson is just weird and has weird insight into elements of things, had a prophetic dream... I don't know! It bugs me now that I can't remember this, haha.
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I need $378 in 9 hours and idk what to do
I'm trying to find my car title so I can get a title loan but I can't find it ANYWHERE, which is weird because I keep all of my paperwork in one area - except for this one piece, apparently.
I need to pay my phone bill or I get shut off at midnight tonight! If I can get $400 I can buy a copy of my title online and then get a title loan and pay someone back. We would actually pay you back when Raven gets paid at the end of the month.
(I would ideally like to make some more money than that - Raven's birthday is today, and their party is this weekend, and I'd like to be able to get food and a cake.)
I've been applying to jobs left, right, and center - so I need the phone for that - but no one has been responding. They're all jobs I'm qualified for, but my job history of being unable to hold down a job long-term because of my executive dysfunction is NOT HELPING ME.
If you can help in any way, even just a few bucks, my Cashapp, PayPal, Ko-Fi, Chime? All $NovasPrime. Let me know if you need to be paid back and I will do so as soon as we get paid.
I'm also down to barter my skills for money! I can do 3D rendering for manufacture, and I have a 3D printer! Raven is also a very talented miniature painter, so if you need wargaming minis or D&D figurines designed, printed, painted, and shipped? Cat-Thulu Productions has your back!
I can also help polish a resume, I can write collegiate papers, I can tutor in English language (especially for writing for college), and I am pretty good at tutoring in sociology, machine/construction math, any kind of stagecraft stuff (behind the scenes stuff like wardrobe and set building - I am not an actor, although I can read scenes OK with you if you need practice).
I am a former journalist and can help format and write press releases, do page layout for print or online publishing (PDF format unless otherwise specified), and minor graphic design.
I CAN do metal stuffs, like writing code for CNC machines, but I don't have access to a full machine to test it out.
I have the stuff to make proxies for card games!
I want to earn money, but I can't find an employer who can accommodate my executive dysfunction, which is, frankly, understandable. So instead, get yourself a cool shiny, or help that you need!
So please, if you can help by commissioning me, or Raven, or both of us, please do! If you can help until we can get a title loan, let me know!
If not, please consider signal boosting. I can't lose my phone right now.
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german-enthusiast · 2 years
You are learning German and are at least mildly interested in history?
Let me put you on something:
Ernst H. Gombrichs: Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser
The author wrote considering that if you really try, you can explain absolutely everything to a child and specifically does not want his book to be seen as something you have to study (memorize dates and names etc) but as something you should enjoy. At the same time, he hugely respects children ans understands how much they can learn and does not talk down to them but instead uses cool metaphors to explain grand concepts to even the smallest children.
Bad news: I cannot find a free copy/pdf anywhere online, I am sorry (please anyone let me know if you do!)
Good news: There is a professional recording on Spotify!!
Part one: Von den Anfängen bis zum Mittelalter
Part two: Von der Renaissance bis heute
EVEN BETTER NEWS: It is read by Christoph Waltz.
You don't know who that is? Maybe you do, actually. It's one of the austrian-german actors known in the US. For example, he plays the Nazi Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds, and he's Bond's antagonist in Spectre.
Anywho, Christoph Waltz is a man to behold and his reading of the Kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser is absolutely marvelous.
I've loved the audiobook since I was little,
when I got together with my partner I showed it to him and he loved it too,
and we still listen to it to fall asleep in the evening.
I know listening to a book in German as a beginner or even intermediate might be scary but I implore you to try. No one says you can't start over again and again, no one says you have to understand everything. You can simply listen to Waltz's calming voice and be proud everytime you understand a word.
Listening to the book has always been such a magical experience for me and I hope it might be one for you as well.
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crevicedwelling · 4 months
Apologies for the stupid question, but I tried looking up distribution maps of Lumbricus castaneus and couldn’t tell if they are really found in the United States. Do you know if they’re found in the US? I’d really like to find some and see their iridescence myself. Thank you very much! 🪱
not a stupid question: this is stuff very few people know and very few people have bothered to ascertain.
if you're going off of resources like iNaturalist, maybe like five people there know how to ID worms and the entire body of oligochaete identifications is mostly incorrect. in the US this leads to false overrepresentation of species with familiar names like Lumbricus terrestris and Amynthas agrestis, with the other common but more obscure species getting incorrectly identified or poorly photographed such that ID isn't possible.
L. castaneus is quite common in my area of the northeast and I can probably find one within 30 seconds of stepping outside. it might be possible to confuse them with a L. rubellus, which is even more common here, but those tend to be a brighter red, are up to three times the size, and usually are not so iridescent. if you have a good camera (a phone should work, but it must be a clear photo), counting the segments of the head leading to the clitellum should be a surefire way to tell: 26 head segments (clitellum start 27) for rubellus, 27 head segments (clitellum start 28) for castaneus.
linked is mapping of northeastern worms; a bit out of date wrt names and some classifications but should still represent what sort of worms can be found where... hoping you are in that region, since I don't know if it has been introduced out west or in the south yet. I'm still trying to access a copy of Blakemore's Cosmopolitan Earthworms for more info but can't find it anywhere unfortunately. I can get you other checklists but will need a minute to dig for them
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shinyyrabbit · 7 months
Help I'm DYING to read the EAH books and I can't find them anywhere, they're not in any library around my area but even if they were buying them is not an option for me- I looked for a pdf but I wasn't lucky :(
If someone knows where I could read them PLEASE tell me because I don't know where else to look for 🥲
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technicalgrimoire · 1 year
Bridgetown is Now Available for Purchase!
A pastoral, liminal RPG setting of a never-ending, ever-crumbling bridge. Built for Troika, usable anywhere.
Beautiful PDF
Accessible HTML
Portable Epub
(Hardcover copies coming in August)
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Look at those beautiful spreads! GAH! I can't wait to get my hands on this book.
Within it’s 96 pages you will find:
12 Backgrounds. Play as a Goat-folk pilgrim, bug-sized Coblin swarms, or a pile of haunted rocks.
12 locations. Cramped cities, mossy spans, crumbling gaps.
8 Gatehouses. These fortresses demand tolls, harass travelers, and hinder your journey.
Stone Soup Campaign. Gain an overpowered magic item and experiment with dangerous recipes as you explore the Bridge in search of rare ingredients.
Random Tables: 6 Weird Birds, 36 Weather Events, 12 Magical Stones, and more.
Keystone Spells, Troll-Croak magic, and a healthy helping of chaotic Troika charm.
Provisions-based economy. Food is money! Water is gold! And you are poor and starving!
“Even though the Bridge is technically bounded, all the little bits sparked ever-branching growth in my mind.” - Ben, playtester
“I felt like my character was really driven and highly motivated to explore every nook and cranny.” - Neal, playtester
“I need to know more! Each location felt so engaging and lively.” - Jeremy, playtester
“I’m still not happy with it.” - Furtive Goblin, a lead writer
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sweaterkittensahoy · 13 days
I posted several months ago about trying to track down any and all patterns by Josi Hannon Madera, who was a crochet designer and a friend of mine who died last year.
I just came across this pattern on lovecrafts, which was one of hers I didn't have, so I figured others might like it.
I'm actually working on a skirt pattern from her right now that is not available anywhere else. All her old websites are down, so even the ravelry links are broken. I did find a couple of patterns in my email today too, from way-way back.
Anyway, I just wanted to share the link and put out another call for any Josi patterns if anyone has some. I know I bought her Raspberry Fizz cardigan pattern a long time ago, but I can't find it anywhere. That may have literally been back in the days of my yahoo mail address.
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hccn-overseer · 1 year
Issue 8, 6/7/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
This week’s news is once again accompanied by a PDF version of your latest news brought to us once again by the lovely Cheer! Pick it up right here for your viewing pleasure!
As the newspaper settles into a rhythm, you may find yourself thinking, "What comes next? You've conquered the Hermitcitizen Hub, you've nearly conquered Tumblr–so what will the newspaper do now?" Now, it's unlikely you're thinking this, but the newspaper staff has been thinking this, and rather than doing something drastic and stupid, we've decided to expand. Yes, expand. Where to, you might wonder? None other than the archenemy, the place of limited characters, the worst place on the internet.
Yes, we're talking about Twitter.
“WHY,” you may be wondering. “Why on earth would this place, of all places, be the spot to expand to?” If we're going to be fully honest, it's because someone proposed it and we couldn't come up with a good reason not to. If you ignore the immense numbers of CC's hiding in the corners, it's perfectly safe for a little fan–made newspaper like us. 
While Tumblr has been lovely, and yes, we are still staying–it's our home base, have no fear–Twitter will give opportunities such as…well, not really any new opportunities, other than a possibility that more people will see it! Hopefully this is true, and we will keep you up to date with the process–as is the job of a newspaper. Maybe a handful of new staff members will need to be hired to help oversee the new section of the newspaper, but of course, expect no pay. Nobody gets paid at the newspaper, even if you have to deal with Twitter.
As for how we're planning to carry this out, with the limited character count, because no, not even half the newspaper–hell, not even half this article–would fit into a singular Twitter post, the answer is that it's very likely that mini announcements will be posted there, especially throughout the week, mayhaps, as well as the PDF versions, for easier viewing!
Thus, The Overseer would like to announce that it will be expanding towards Twitter in the near future, as that will surely bring nothing but joy. 
Here's hoping we might survive, because we really can't afford to hire even more staff, we don't even pay them in the first place, but there are a limited number of citizens out there willing to be unpaid interns. See you at the worst place on earth, citizens!
Written by Roo
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Now onto other news below the cut!
Affiliate Summaries
by Roo
FalseSymmetry: They’re making puns. This is greatly worrying, and honestly, I don’t know what was ever expected.
GoodtimeswithScar: He has a gun, and Pearl has adopted Scar. Apparently.
Grian: He is gobsmacked! He is appalled.
JoeHills: (Wearily) Joe Hills.
MumboJumbo: Just look for yourself. Honestly, maybe don’t do that? I think the Mumbo affiliates need therapy. YouTube thumbnails have ruined their lives.
PearlescentMoon: They’re hosting a marriage? 
ZombieCleo: Cleo and Gem on the same team in Pride MCC? Yes indeed, you heard it here first folks, totally, this information hasn’t been given anywhere else, but that’s what a newspaper’s for.
AS ALWAYS!!! If your affiliate group isn’t here. You simply weren’ t talking. Apologies for the short update this week!
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Astrology Corner
Flowerscopes by Winter
Have you been feeling without guidance? Do you look at your birthday and look up your star sign and wonder, “Do I need to invest in your flower club?” “Will I need to plan out my life looking at the floral arrangements in my future?” Don’t worry, here at The Overseer, we can help you.*
Hydrangeas: The reader is suggested to arrange an Apple Blossom with Belladonna and Bittersweet, and adorn their room with Hibiscus.
Lillies: Go for a walk and while you are on the walk you may need to look after some Aloe. While you may feel alone, you will never be Anemone. 
Orchids: Look to the sky and dream of Yarrow. If you need a bit of help Ivy may be useful. 
Carnation: If you feel lost plant Clover. Do not look back on life with Marigold. 
Gerberas: Plant Lily-Of-The-Valley, it will help. Look at Lilac and savor it. 
Peonies: Trust in life Hyssop will end in Honeysuckle. You will achieve Holly. 
Tulips: Look forward you can and will have a Larkspur. Look at the Newspaper staff with Lemon Balm. 
Daisy: Go volunteer you will achieve Goldenrod. You may find some Ferns. 
White Chrystanum: To cleanse your home smoke Dill and perform a ceremony to keep yourself safe. 
Baby’s Breath: You will find underneath your pillow Clematis and Corriander. 
Rose: You will experience a Lotus Flower. 
Iris: You will understand a Spearmint and a Snapdragon. 
All star signs: Don’t worry. Current Sign off. 
*Ignore how blatantly specific these are. Nothing will happen to you. Hydrangeas = Aries Lillies = Taurus Orchids = Gemini Carnation =  Cancer Gerberas =  Leo Peonies =  Virgo Tulips = Libra Daisy = Scorpio White Chrysanthemum  = Sagittarius Baby’s Breath = Capricorn Rose = Aquarius Iris = Pisces
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Op-Ed: Avians and The Watchers
By Lydia
A great number of Avians have taken refuge in The Birdhouse as they have either recently escaped from or recently rescinded their status as Watchers. This development has taken place over the past several weeks since the construction of The Birdhouse itself. During this time, the lavish structure has seen a large group of displaced individuals staying inside for multiple nights at a time, as they slowly transform the area into their sanctuary from the dreaded (seemingly) omnipotent beings. While The Birdhouse was never officially announced during its initial construction days as a haven from The Watchers, the treehouse has found itself to be one of the most crucial structures on the entire server, being the championed landmark of over thirty citizens.
A recurring discussion among this eclectic cast is their ability to accommodate the psychological repercussions that The Watchers have given them, both to the group as a collective and to the individuals themselves. While many of them struggle with the aftermath of having been manipulated and deceived by The Watchers as mere Players, or are recent escapees of the omniscient ensemble, their troubles were far from over upon their arrival. Malevolent Watchers are known to be notoriously sadistic towards those that dare defy them, acting in retaliation through possessing Avians who have been claimed by The Watchers as their puppets, and through physical attacks, kidnappings, and the erasure of memories of said puppets. This is only the surface of their nature and does not cover the entirety of torture methods used by The Watchers.
The consequences of both the past and the present harrowing events cannot be understated. The preponderance of Avians who have dealt with The Watchers harbors several growing internal conflicts. These conflicts cover a variety of personalized disquietude, such as guilt over having been a part of The Watchers themselves, the struggle to control Watcher-given powers, increasing anxiety over the possibility of the Watchers returning to attack The Birdhouse and its inhabitants, distrust between those who are former Watchers and those who are not, the need to ensure that their companions are protected at all times, survivor’s guilt, the knowledge that their loved ones are still in The Watcher’s captivity, and the growing lapse of memories in the minds of those who are Watcher’s Puppets, among other mental dilemmas.
Despite the ongoing crisis regarding malevolent Watchers, the Avians have made great efforts to fight back against them, both through self-defense and the use of another outstanding ensemble that is perhaps on par with The Watchers in terms of their overarching presence: The Listeners. An invisible barrier, serving as a mystical security system for The Birdhouse, was invoked by the de-facto Birdhouse guardian, Ayre, an assistant archivist, and coordinator at The Perimeter. Ayre has also been named as the de-facto “parent” of The Birdhouse for extrapolating their wisdom and caring instincts towards the other members. 
Ayre, having previously encountered The Watchers when they were kidnapped and placed into a Third-Life-structured Server, was rescued by The Listeners after refusing to give The Watchers a violent and callous show of competition as a Player. Due to Ayre's affiliation with The Listeners, an imperfect but necessary group for the Avians’ protection, they had gained the ability to use a Listener Incantation to cast a permeable unseen shield over The Birdhouse. This barrier allows only those who have absolutely no harmful intentions toward The Birdhouse members to stay inside the treehouse for longer than a few minutes. The incantation applies specifically to those who are Watchers, cast in hopes of both providing both a practical use and a psychological one to put those who are suspicious of Watcher Avians at ease.
Ayre does not carry the task of helping their fellow Avians alone, thankfully. With everything from personal crafts, baked goods, home-made meals, preening sessions, the arrangement of many blanket forts, and personal décor, The Birdhouse has the mark of not only the citizens who seek a moment to rest, but the mark of those who have overcome incredible horrors. Those who have come to The Birdhouse now show not merely desperation, but the determination to make it an introductory testament to their survival. They engage in all manners of jovial discussions, camaraderie, and creative pursuits, with the addition of meals, music, and medical treatment sessions. A sense of normalcy, whatever that may be, can be elusive during times of both tangible and intangible terror. Despite this, the work that the Avians have put into making their presence in the overall Hermit Citizen community prevalent does not go unnoticed by our reporters at The Overseer. Though these citizens are under the gaze of The Watchers, they are also in the vicinity of those who would seek to bolster them from the sidelines, no matter how far away they may be. While our impact is significantly limited, we firmly believe that they have everything it takes to overcome the trials of the malevolent Watchers, and the expectedly nonlinear recovery processes throughout their time as Hermit Citizens.
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Weekly Weather Report
By Nes
Thursday - Thunderstorms are expected to hit the server early Thursday morning and continue into the evening. Citizens can expect a high of 7 degrees Celisuis (45F) and are advised to stay indoors if possible. Flooding is expected for those in valleys and close to the ocean.
Friday - Clear skies are expected Friday with highs of 18 Celsius (65F), chance of rain is low and conditions are optimal for outdoor activities such as building, hiking, or gathering resources. 
Saturday - Clear skies with high winds is expected Saturday with winds reaching 20kph and a high of 21 Celsius (70F), chance of rain is moderate and citizens are advised to take caution when flying as windspeed could peak in some areas.
Sunday - Cloudy skies is expected with the wind from Saturday continuing at 20kph and a high of 11 Celsius (52F), rain is highly likely and citizens are once again advised to take caution when flying.
Monday - A thick fog with light drizzles is expected Monday morning before clearing up some time in the afternoon to clear skies and a high of 15 Celsius (59F), citizens are advised to take cation when traveling in the early hours and to enjoy the moderate temperatures of the afternoon.
Tuesday - Clear skies in the early hours with moderate rainfall around noon and a high of 26 Celsius (79F) is expected Tuesday. Citizens are advised to get any outside work done early in the day to avoid being soaked.
Wednesday - Rain is expected to continue until Wednesday morning before clearing up into cloudy skies with a high of 24 Celsius (75F), citizens are advised to enjoy the nice weather with a beach episode or picnic. 
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Days since last...
A few issues ago, we had a great list of days since the last accident on the Hermitcraft server. As the server is still an OSHA violation, we are happy to inform you that, once again, the list is here and the record currently held is still 0.
Ancient Ruins (BdoubleO’s base): 0 - We salute everyone who got killed by HotGuy while protecting the horses. You are the backbone of our society.
Total Chaos: 0 - The fletching table still has no functionality and witches on the sides of Total Chaos still are deadly.
The Perimeter: 0 - Going too close to the wither cage is your own fault.
Etho’s Alien Base: 0 - We know and love the speedy running, but falling from the platform on which the base is, is your own fault.
False’s Base: 0 - The elytra course and kinetic energy are claiming many victims.
Scarland: 0 - Do not touch the funny flying skulls.
Rift/Grumbot Laboratory: 0 - Jumping into the pen with many chickens will kill you. 
Gem’s Village: 0 - Trying to recreate the barrel diorama doesn’t end well. 
Hypno’s Base: 0 - Gravity will work if you jump down the pit.
Jevin’s Cathedral and Castle: 0 - We know that Jevin is looking for artifacts, but, important note, do not try to show the fabricated artifacts to actual historians. They will not appreciate it and they know how to use weapons.
Dwarven Keep: 0 - The lift is fun, it is great, and easy to fall off.
OMEGA Cave: 0 - The slimes in the pit are not hungry, you don’t have to feed them.
Pinball Machine: 0 - Blowing up the area under the base ended up with many casualties.
Keralis’ Base: 0 - Remember that there are many holes in the walls and floors.
Mumbo’s Vault: 0 - Somehow, many people got bitten by a particularly blood-thirsty horse.
Pearl’s Alien Landscape: 0 - The area with chest monsters is still down there and you can get out. Please get out of there.
Gigacorp: 0 - Don’t run around working tree farms. Crastle: 0 - Trying to hide artifacts from Cub/Cleo will never end up well for you.
StressMonster101: 0 - Do not talk to the people you don’t know in the new forest, and do not give them your names.
Decked Out: 0 - I could make a montage out of all of the Decked Out workers falling to the bottom of level three while trying to decorate the walls.
TFC’s Branch Mine: 0 - Look under your feet when walking around. Ravines are your enemy.
VintageBeef’s Map Island and Cottage: 0 - Group hiding in the outside toilet is heavily discouraged. TCG Arenas: 0 - Watch where your elbows go while cheering. Too many people have gotten an elbow in the face treatment lately.
Welsknight’s Village Area: 0 - Do not go outside the area that is lit up. Mobs exist.
xB’s Base: 0 - Do not go into the pens of animals in the Zoo.
Xisuma’s Base: 0 - Be careful when going through the rainbow corridor as colors may distract you and you will fall off. (Happy Pride everyone!)
Zedaph’s Place: 0 - That bed is not safe to sleep in.
Atlantis: 0 - This is an actual creeper, not the Scar’s costume. Run.
Shopping District: 0 - Twinkly Trash expansions contain redstone, and huge falls, and cars. Just be careful. Also, when the sign says “Do not cross the line,” listen to it.
Spawn Village: 0 - The pig slime is not bouncy. And using Cub’s tunnels is safe for Cub and him only.
This content was brought to you by Ilea.
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Scar Unsafe Hermits
By Nes
Hermits’ bases are often judged based on whether or not they’re considered Scar safe, and rightfully so, because this man dies a lot. If anyone could die in one block of water, it would be him. But one thing we rarely consider is whether the Hermits themselves are Scar safe. Which Hermits get Scar killed the most? Which ones are currently out to get him? Does he just randomly implode near some of them? Well, dear reader, today we bring you a list of the top 5 unsafe Hermits for Scar to be around.
#5 - JoeHills
While Joe is not inherently a threat to Scar, he is immune to the good times as demonstrated during the 2023 Sexyman polls, where he beat the builder in scitty to scitty combat. We praise his valiant victory and also advise he keep his distance from Scar lest his power to resist the good times kills him.
#4 - Cub
Although they were partners via Convex for a while and seem to be on good terms, we here at The Overseer have no doubt Cub would kill Scar if given the chance. He has already replaced Jellie with a clone. What if Scar is next? Be Cautious.
#3 - Grian
Grian may have kept him alive throughout 3rd Life and a few other series, but at the end of the day, he is also the cause for a lot of Scar’s deaths. Just to name a few, killing him with a creeper in 3rd Life, killing him with a creeper in S8, almost killing him with dripstone several times, pushing him off cliffs, etc. Additionally, Scar is a hazard to Grian. Despite this, they can not be separated, it would destroy the fandom.
#2 - Doc
Docm77 is typically unsafe for Scar to be around solely due to the fact he can break the laws of reality. However, this week he is an extra risk to the builder thanks to The Incident where Scar and Grian blew up his machine. It is advised that Scar runs, and never stops, because Doc will find him eventually.
#1 - Scar
… Who else did you think #1 would be? You could put this man in a 1x1 room with no hard surfaces and unlimited food and water, and he’d still die. We’re convinced his life goal is to die as often as physically possible, and it scares us. Scar needs to be protected from himself.
And that’s our list of the top 5 Scar Unsafe Hermits! Thank you for reading, and if you’re interested in if you’d make the list take the quiz: Are you Scar Safe? (https://uquiz.com/08u8h4)
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Lost and Found: Issue 8
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A garden sculpture of three frogs. This sculpture appears to be a garden decoration that was found turned upside-down near one of Rendog’s race tracks. The sculpture has faded green, orange, and pink paint with several geometric patterns painted in many different colors on the backs of these frogs. It is said that they have a low harmony when placed in the sunlight. If this sculpture belongs to you, we hope that you still have room for it in your garden.
Item 2: Six pool floatation rings. These pool rings all differ in shape, some being created for toddlers and some being created for fully grown adults. They arrived in various bright colors with patterns of pineapples, flamingos, ghasts, allays, and dolphins on them. They were found near Pearl’s largest Alien tree covered in dirt and have since been thoroughly cleaned. If these are yours, enjoy your next trip to the ocean, or the lake!
Item 3: An iron robot with bright blue eyes. This iron robot measures approximately 4 and a half feet tall and was found wandering through the Shopping District, asking if anyone had seen its owner. When asked the name of its owner, it stated a series of letters and numbers unknown to us. SB-129. If this robot belongs to you, please take your time in picking it up, as it has been very helpful around the office during the past week. We are fully stocked on coffee, tea, and junk food, thanks to our new underling.
Item 4: A pile of music discs, all of which contain original instrumental music. These music discs do not have titles written on them, however, they do play a selection of genres, including electro-pop, bluegrass, southern gothic, bossa nova, jazz, and reggae. They do not have an artist’s name on them. They were found without any container or sleeves to hold them. Staff members note feeling unexpectedly impressed at the quality of the music. If these discs are yours, please continue your musical pursuits, and send us a copy of your first album!
Item 5: A large lava lamp. This lava lamp measures approximately five feet tall, with a black base and lava from the Nether inside of it. Upon being plugged in, it was revealed that several miniature depictions of Striders and Ghasts were placed inside. If this lava lamp is yours, we hope it can continue to serve any groovy purposes you have in store for it!
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Due to the upcoming newspaper expansion to Twitter, the overseer is looking for mods! Please contact Roo in the newspaper headquarters if interested. Leave your flint and steel at the door.—————————————————
Stuck in a jam and need an answer quick? Contact The Seers today! Just type any questions, stories, or problems into the Newspaper ask box and our lovely Seers will answer it as soon as they can! We are always thrilled to hear from you.
You and your cat are invited to a tea party this Friday! Yes, the little rascal can come too. Mumbo has “lent” The Gardening Club his vault and said we’re allowed to do whatever we like! So, come on down to our one-time-only cat cafe! There’s enough tea and coffee for the entire server.
Please do not accidentally take home a Pearl Affiliate instead of your pet, we need to return them by 9.
Still unsure of whether or not your base is safe? Call Scar Unsafety Services, and we will make sure it is NOT. Every new build is a potential MOSHA violation waiting to happen.
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Fun and Games
This week's games are brought to you by Lydia
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If you struggle with reading, a text-to-voice reader can be really helpful
Here are text to voice programs I use in my every day life.
>>>>>Microsoft Edge Browser.
Edge has probably one of the best text-to-voice readers that I can find for free. You get to pick from a variety of different voices, and the voices sound natural.
The best part is that you don't even need to install any add-ons or widgets to use this feature. It is a default part of Edge.
To use it, you can click the A))) symbol that appears on the right side of the URL bar, or you can right click anywhere in the text and select "read aloud from here."
If you have a PDF file, you can download the PDF, and then in your file explorer, right click on the pdf and select "open with..." and select microsoft edge.
Edge does sometimes struggle a bit with PDFs in that it will pause at the end of every line break, but it works extremely well for basic websites.
This is an option that is available for use on a windows PC or any other PC compatable with Edge
There is an Edge mobile app, but I have found it buggy and a bit tricky to use.
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>>>>>>>Microsoft Word
I promise I'm not a shill for Microsoft, people. :*-(
Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of Word.
You can access the read aloud feature under the "review" tab, or once again, you can right click on a highlighted word in the text and select "read aloud."
It has a male and female voice, which sound fairly natural. You can only use the "natural" voices when connected to the internet. When you are offline, it will read with a much clunkier robot voice instead.
Here I was actually able to open a PDF of a whole book, convert it into an editable word document, and then Word actually began reading it for me.
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>>>>>>>> t2s: text to voice / read aloud
This is a mobile app. I have tried multiple text to speech mobile apps and this is the one that I like the best.
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Above is the icon as it appears on your phone and in the Google Play store, and below is what the document reader looks like.
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This app is pretty awesome because it comes with both a document reader and a web browser! You do not have to copy and paste text into the reader, and it can read pretty much any PDF or regular web page.
It had a robot voice and not a "natural voice" but I have gotten used to the robot voice of this app and it doesn't particularly bother me. You can adjust the pitch and speed of the voice too.
I use this app literally all the time. It is perfect for "reading" books while driving or working.
It's important to note that no text to speech reader is perfect. The technology has come a long way. But whatever program you use, there are always going to be words that it misinterprets, documents it can't process, or formatting that it finds confusing.
Another thing to note is that if you struggle with reading on your own or you struggle with attention problems, you do actually need to practice reading unassisted. You will get better at reading unassisted as you practice. You will train up your attention span slowly as you read more and more. So if reading is difficult I highly encourage you to not put EVERYTHING you read into a text to speech app. I am speaking as someone who has ADHD and I know that reading difficulties are not just something that magically goes away. But you can improve your reading abilities and you should try to improve your reading skills for your own wellbeing.
However that doesn't mean you have to struggle unassisted. Text to speech readers can absolutely expand the amount of texts that are accessible to you and better yet, they can give you more time to read because you can multitask as you absorb literature.
Happy reading!
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nousernameideas22 · 8 months
Wanted to talk about some common misconceptions regarding terminology I see online while talking about OSDD
NOTE: I am not a psychiatrist or researcher, I'm just a student with a little medical experience! This is also not meant to discredit anyone or anyone's experience, I'm just trying to find the roots of terminology!
So, a lot of the times I see people talk about OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b, but when reading the DSM-V and DSM-V TR, there's no mention of a 1a or 1b. There's OSDD-1, OSDD-2, OSDD-3, and OSDD-4, but no specification of 1a or 1b. At first I just chalked it up to a community created specification to differentiate symptoms, but when reading a little bit deeper, I realized there's quite a bit more to it. After asking around and running in circles to find a potential medical root for these terms, I ran into a chain of misconceptions, mostly coming from the fact people don't read the DSM and just cite other articles. So here's some stuff on the terms OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b, from a medical perspective!
Before getting into the story, I just want to show the DSM-V so it doesn't look like I'm pulling shit out of my ass when I say OSDD-1a and 1b are not listed in the DSM-V. Pages 306 - 307 list the diagnostic criteria for OSDD, including specifications of OSDD 1 through 4.
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(Cut since I'm using the PDF lol)
The criteria for OSDD-1 are similar to OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b, but not exact or separated. Even if you check the DSM-V TR (pages 348 - 349), it doesn't exist in there. I also checked the ICD-11 for clues, and found no references anywhere.
For reference, here are the common criteria stated for the two:
OSDD-1a: "Members of a system are less differentiated than in classic DID, but experience amnesia." OSDD-1b: "Members of the system are differentiated from each other, but do not experience amnesia"
I pulled the wording from the Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki and Pluralpedia, which the former refers to 1a and 1b as clinical while the latter refers to it as a colloquial term. Of course neither of these are credible sources, especially since the former states a blatant falsehood. So if they're not diagnoses from the DSM, where are they from?
Even good ol' Wikipedia mentions them but cites nothing. (See [Citation Needed], and none of its sources at the bottom of the page mention 1a or 1b either.)
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A common source I see people direct me to when looking for answers is did-research.org, a site that aims to provide resources for, understanding of, and awareness of dissociative disorders. The article I'm often linked to, the only one on the site that mentions 1a or 1b, explain the differences between the two and between DID in a more academic way. [Comparing OSDD-1 and DID] It also mentions DDNOS, which will be very important later. But if you go down to their sources, none of them mention 1a or 1b, and both actually predate the DSM-V, which came out in 2013. [Here's the first source listed, and here's the second!]
And if you look around the site, you'll learn that the author is not a medical professional, but a med student, and that the site is not at all for research purposes, but just for awareness.
So if this site can't lead to the origin of OSDD-1a and 1b, it's time to turn back to the wikis and blog posts that talk about them and look at their other sources, one of which is the site traumadissociation.com. Which again, does not mention 1a or 1b. But if people read the sources that are being linked to them on other articles or blog posts, they'll spot something that looks familiar.
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DDNOS-1a and DDNOS-1b, two diagnoses from the DSM-IV that merged into OSDD-1, with some specifications now being diagnosed as DID. And it's not like this information is only hiding in this site. Just Google DDNOS and all of the information linking OSDD-1a to DDNOS-1a and OSDD-1b to DDNOS-1b is right on Wikipedia!
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But of course Wikipedia cites faulty sources, but thank god we have the DSM-IV handy! On page 490, right at the end of the dissociative disorders section:
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So OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b are not, in fact, current diagnoses, but are pretty much renamed versions of DDNOS-1a and DDNOS-1b; outdated diagnoses from the DSM-IV, which was published all the way back in 1994.
Which begs the question... Why?
Reading the diagnostic criteria for OSDD-1 is confusing, as it describes a multitude of different experiences and symptoms. OSDD as a whole almost feels like a broad swoop to cover all dissociative symptoms that can't be fit into DID. And with how damning getting diagnosed with anything can be, the confusion one must feel when getting slapped with a loaded diagnosis -- or realizing they fit into said category -- is pretty fucking confusing. So of course people want to go back to the thing that makes things a little neater.
Dissociative disorders are horribly under researched and misunderstood, and while it's so great that people are finally breaking out of the stigmatization and talking about their experiences, misinformation, large or small, can lead to more harm. Yeah, this is a minor thing with a term that can easily be uncovered if you Google for ten minutes, but I think a lot of this can reflect a larger issue within online mental health spaces.
I encourage everyone to look into what I linked, since if even one of y'all becomes a researcher that's going to make major strides for the scientific community, as well as for people who actually have dissociative disorders. Also, if I messed something up, point it out to me and I'll fix it!!
And for the love of god, please read your sources.
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pondphuwin · 10 months
hii, i wrote a pondphuwin fic for the gmmtv fan exchange. this is a cut scene from it, set around september 2022, during the time that they were filming never let me go.
Pairing: Pond Naravit/Phuwin Tangsakyuen (RPF)
Summary: Pond visits Phuwin while he's studying for midterm exams on a rainy day.
Midterms season is hard. Midterms season in the middle of shooting a series is damn near impossible, or at least that's how Phuwin feels right now.
His days on set are long and exhausting, even more so because of the intensity that every scene requires and the fight choreography that inevitably has to be reshot at least 2 or 3 times.
(Thankfully, it's Pond who gladly takes the brunt of the work during the action sequences, but Phuwin didn't know how tiring continuously throwing himself on the ground could be until now.)
When he's not in front of the camera, he's 1) studying in the quietest corner he can find or 2) asleep. The days he's not on set, he's at university, trying not to doze off in the middle of class. Or cooped up in some cafe or library or at home, poring over dozens of missed lecture recordings and powerpoint PDFs.
Today is the latter, he doesn't know how long he's been sitting at his desk trying to make sense of this particular lesson, headphones blasting and foot propped up in a weird position unconsciously. He's so immersed that he doesn't even notice the door opening until there's a hand waving in front of his face, spooking him so hard he nearly falls off his chair.
It's Pond, of course, grinning at his reaction. He's in basketball shorts and a bright green hoodie. It would look ridiculous on Phuwin but Pond has a way of making everything handsome even when he looks fresh from the gym, or possibly like he just rolled out of bed. The ends of his hair are damp and for the first time, Phuwin notices the pitter patter of rain against his window.
"What are you doing here?"
Pond holds up the lunch bag he's been holding behind his back. "My mom made your favorite, I came to bring you some."
"Don't I see you enough these days?"
Pond holds the bag slightly out of reach, smirking, "Oho, I guess this is all for me then."
Phuwin shakes his head sweetly, making grabby hands for the food. He wants to at least pretend to be mad at Pond a bit longer but his growling stomach is taking precedence. It's also days like this when Phuwin forgets to do normal functioning human things like eat breakfast or sleep at normal times or get up to go anywhere besides the bathroom.
The first bite of rice and curry is perfect, warm and familiar, flavorful but not too spicy.
A while later, with a stomach suitably filled, Phuwin finds it in himself to be stubborn again. "I told Mom I was studying today," Phuwin grumbles, slightly betrayed. Studying meant no distractions which he didn't think he needed to clarify meant no Pond Naravit.
"Your mom loves me," Pond says matter-of-factly, "And she knows you won't remember to eat unless there's someone here to feed you."
"You can't always be here to feed me."
"Why not?" Pond is looking over Phuwin's tablet wistfully and Phuwin lets him linger, closer to the desk than he needs to be. He and Pond often talk about Pond's desire to go back to school, but Phuwin knows not to push no matter how much he wants to insist that Pond is more than capable of doing it.
Pond seems to catch himself, stepping back with a sheepish smile. "How many more sets do you have?"
Phuwin scrunches his nose at being reminded of the work still waiting for him, scrolling quickly through his remaining lessons. "A couple more, and then I have to go over the review for the actual exam."
Pond nods, humming absently as his eyes wander around the room and Phuwin starts to think he should ask if he wants to stay, though there won't be much to do while Phuwin studies. Instead Pond says, "Do you remember when we filmed Safe House? I brought food for you back then too."
Of course Phuwin remembers that they were on Safe House, but in all honesty, he doesn't remember much of what he actually did when they were filming the show. He knows for most of their free time he was alone in their room studying, much like today, while everyone else was off being actually interesting for the cameras.
"Yeah, but your mom is a much better cook than you." 
Pond laughs, always ready to accept Phuwin's teasing. He reaches out and lets his hand rest on Phuwin's head fondly as if petting a cat. And Phuwin, who would normally recoil at such outward affection in front of cameras or fans, allows himself to lean into the touch. Like the curry, it is comforting and familiar to let Pond stroke his hair for a moment, scratch at the spot right above his ear that releases all the tension in his body. The sound of the rain, the resounding lack of an audience to perform themselves to, the warmth of Pond so near—all of it too intimate to bear. Phuwin's eyes naturally drift shut, realizing he's much more tired than he thought.
This is why he thinks he might be half hallucinating when he feels lips press against his forehead, the puff of an uncertain breath, the telling brush of Pond's long hair against his skin. 
When he opens his eyes, surprised, Pond is pulling away as if he's been burned.
"Sleep in your bed if you're tired. Don't work too hard, okay nong?" It makes Phuwin groan. Pond only calls him nong when he's trying to annoy him.
"Get out of here," Phuwin relieves them both of the responsibility of confronting what exactly just happened. Pond pats Phuwin's shoulder in goodbye, undeniably friendly.
But, after the door closes behind him, Phuwin immediately lifts his hand against the place where Pond kissed him, not sure if he wants to press the feeling permanently into his skin or erase that it ever happened.
The next few hours pass in a distracted haze until the rain finally slows to a stop.
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diminuel · 1 year
I don't think the main thing with your blog is fic help, but I figured maybe? I love your blog as well, so there is that. I've looked all over my Ao3 bookmarks and whatever and CANNOT for the life of me find this fic anywhere! It may have been deleted cuz a lot of my favorite ones have been.
Anyways! So, I can't remember how they got there, but Dean and Castiel get rescued from a bad place. They are both Omegas. They have been like hurt, and to a way that Dean has to have his womb removed and cant have kids. And he's out cold for a long while. and when he wakes up he's mute? They don't want to separate from each other. They get taken to a safe house? And I think it's, well Dean finds comfort since Baby is in the yard and he always runs away to there. There is a court thing? Sam finds Dean and the people who are taking care of him don't believe him. And eventually Dean finds his voice and can testify in court? It ends happy and Dean and Cas are I think going to have another kid? Oh! And like, Bobby was a foster parent to i think Claire?!
It's killing me and I'm thinking it may have been deleted. If you dont know thats okay!
I love your blog!!
I'm not an expert when it gets to fics featuring omega Dean, but maybe someone else knows? Even if it did get deleted, people sometimes download the pdfs so it's possible someone has it for you :3
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ao3feed-goncharov · 10 months
Andreys Afterlives: The Reception of Scorseses Goncharov in Central Europe 1973-1991
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8ecw6hG by berlincorpography I know this is bad AO3 etiquette, but does anyone have a copy of this article? Author is Galina Firestein. It was published this year, supposed to be open-source (from the University of Gdańsk's Journal of Translational Media) and it looks SUPER relevant to my thesis, but the file's corrupt – whenever I try to download it, I just get like half a page of endnotes and nothing else (see text). I can't find it anywhere else online, neither can any of my librarian friends, and the author doesn't have any contact details listed (if she's even still at Gdańsk – they haven't updated their faculty webpages since about 1999), so you're truly my final hope, Goncharov fandom. Will trade pretty much whatever you want for this paper – credit in my thesis? Bootleg Deleuze & Guattari PDFs? Actual, literal sexual favors? Seriously, just name your price. Thanks in advance if anyone can help solve this!! Words: 385, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Goncharov (1973) dir. Martin Scorsese - beelzeebub Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Additional Tags: Documentation read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8ecw6hG
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