#i dearly want to and i may take a good run at them since i'm not doing fests in 2024
oflights · 9 months
WIP to-write 2024 game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP to-write folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank you for tagging me @porcelainheart3! your WIPs sound like so much fun!
i've been meaning to do a game like this for a bit, since i've starting to near the end of the road with The Star Splitter and i'm thinking about 2024 writing!
i have...a lot of ideas lol. i would not call any of these WIPs (so i have no snippets, i'm sorry), and i omitted some i've talked about before, but if they're on here i'd love to talk about them!! send me a title/fic nickname or a number!
reddit penguin story mpreg
Gilmore Girls AU
arranged marriage fuck-or-die feat. amortentia 
Draco waiting by Harry’s hospital bed…for what?
Kinkuary; Harry can read Draco’s horny, horny mind
blackmail and broomsticks 
Penny Dreadful???
shipwreck, no cannibals (?)
night market feat. fae stuff and imps and bargains
No Children
6th year AU with no Draco (NYC fic?)
Draco burned at the stake + dragons
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
Kurt wagner and tail stuff!!! I love that boy! I love how you write! I love the tail! Smashing them together we got a a little piece of heaven! So Kurt wagner with s/o and some tail action pretty please!!
(Like if you need some more then that: for example, the times before they were together Kurt’s tail always seemed to gravitate towards reader (I’m an advocate that Kurt’s tail is like a fricking mood ring) wrapping around them, touching them. The times when they were together! And the time reader wraps their hand or something around his tail or something)
Love your writing! You’re awesome and amazing! And I want to say in advance, thank you so so much for doing this ask! I will treasure it dearly! And if you don’t do the ask then thank you so so much to taking the time to read it! Have a lovely day!
ouuu this is a sweet request <3 tail boy! thanks nonnie :) hopefully I did him justice 🫶 changed the request a bit but kept the same idea about the tail. may write a part 2... we'll see!
kurt wagner (nightcrawler) x gn!reader. fluff, cooking, gambit and rogue trying to talk some sense into the reader.
note: I tried to capture kurt and gambit's accents. however, as always, I'm open to feedback on them. It's definitely not my intention to offend or miswrite anyone!
The smell of bubbling cheese wafts from your pot as you stir. It's been a while since you were able to cook for yourself and have a nice meal, always running out to do something or another for the good of the planet.
"Smells good," comes a familiar voice. A moment later, a tail curls around your wrist as you shake some paprika into the pot.
You look away from your stirring into golden, irisless eyes. Kurt grins at you.
"Mac 'n cheese," you say by way of greeting. "Want some?"
"Please und thank you."
Anytime you cook, you offer Kurt to share. You frequently have the thought that you spoil the hell out of him, but you can't help it.
He helps you out by putting away the milk and cheese. But he's never far; his tail remains on you. It slackens from your wrist, then explores up your arm and around your elbow.
It's nothing new, of course. The first thing you learned about Kurt Wagner is how physically affectionate he is.
"That tail seems to have a mind of its own, elfie," you say, smiling down at the pot.
"What do you mean?"
"It's always holding onto me." You turn off the burner.
"Ah." Kurt drops his tail. "My apologies. I can ease up, as you say."
You shake your head. "Don't. I don't mind. Never have."
So Kurt gives you one final tail squeeze. The fur on his arm tickles you as he brushes past. You watch him in confusion.
"Where are you going?" you ask, halfway through scooping two servings of the pasta.
"Not far," he says brightly. "Jean wanted me to bring spoons from the kitchen." He holds up three metal spoons with his tail.
He shrugs. "An experiment. Who am I to question a scientist's whim? I promise I will be fast."
He teleports away, and you have a mind to cover Kurt's bowl with a plate. You bring both bowls to the table. At last, a proper meal.
You don't mind eating alone, but that hardly ever happens with Kurt around. Even if he's just eaten, he'll nibble on whatever you've made. You don't know where he puts all that food—perhaps in another dimension—but he makes it a point to eat with you, regardless of whether you've cooked or not. Even if you're in the middle of the forest eating a tin of beans, Kurt will plant himself right next to you and keep you company.
He's a good friend. The best friend you've ever had, actually.
"Woo, smells good!"
Gambit comes in first, followed by Rogue, since the two are never seen apart anymore. Gambit, nosy that he is, makes a beeline to Kurt's covered bowl.
"And what's in here?" he asks, lifting the plate.
"That's Kurt's," you say. "You can get some from the pot."
"Mais, it's Kurt's, huh?" He glances at Rogue, who grins. "Hear that, chère? Not sure if I should take from the pot. Might take my head, too."
You squint as they share laughter. "What're you talking about?"
"Oh, nothin'," Rogue says sweetly, taking the seat diagonal to you. Gambit sits next to her.
Your frown deepens. "I didn't say you couldn't have some, G, I just—"
Gambit shakes his head. "Don't go worryin' 'bout that. I'm just teasin'. I think it's cute how you feed the furball."
"Excuse me, I feed myself first," you say, and shovel a forkful of pasta into your mouth.
You hate not being in the know. It happens frequently, being that you're not a mutant. You're here on a personal invitation from Charles due to your "technology skills."
Really, you'd been brought here to fix Cerebro. And after that, you'd sort of just... stayed at the school. Charles had offered you a room, Kurt had won your friendship (or, perhaps, you'd won his), and you'd never left.
"Well, what do you mean, anyway? So what if I feed Kurt," you say, unable to stand not knowing.
"Just seems like where you are, Kurt's never far," Rogue says, watching you eat.
"Yeah, so? He's my friend."
"Oh, un ami. Is that what we're callin' it?" Gambit asks, eyes gleaming with mirth.
"What else would you call it?"
They look at each other in that Siamese cats way. Often, you've had the thought that they can read each other's minds—no powers needed.
"You really don't know?" Rogue asks, voice softening.
"Know what?" you ask impatiently.
Gambit makes a quiet noise in his throat. "Y'all don't know. He's gone on you."
Your brows rise. "Kurt? Don't be silly, Remy."
"Oh, great. You're both in denial," Rogue says, rolling her eyes. "Haven't you noticed how touchy he is around ya? Always huggin' and clingin'."
"Kurt's like that with everybody," you say. "He's like that with Logan!"
"Mais, the tail, it never lies," Gambit says with all the wisdom of someone centuries older. "He don't go wrappin' that tail 'round anybody."
Rogue nods sagely. "True. And he's always puttin' that tail around you."
"But he's..." You put your fork down in frustration. "That's ridiculous. Kurt would've said—I mean, there would've been a sign. He would've told me. Kurt doesn't hide anything from me."
"This is new for him, honey," Rogue says. "He's never been in love for real. He's not gonna act rationally."
"Alors, look at it this way. La Raison parle, mais l'Amour chante. Hm? His body betray his words. It sings to you. Jus' like I sing to ma cherie."
He reaches to take Rogue's hand, eyes practically heart-shaped. Rogue lets him, smiling in that secret, shy way of hers whenever Gambit is sweet on her.
"Kurt is not in love with me," you say. "End of story."
They both heave sighs.
"Just watch his tail," Rogue says. "Kurt can hide a lot, but he can't control how he—"
You flinch as Kurt teleports into the kitchen. He grins and waves, then bounces around the table to greet the others.
"I'm back!" he says. "I hope my mac did not get cold. Will you be eating with us?"
"No, that's okay," Rogue says, looking at you meaningfully behind Kurt's back. "Rain check. We've gotta go train."
Gambit winks at you. "See y'all."
They disappear quickly. Kurt turns to you, blissfully unaware of your newly formed nerves.
"I am sorry I was gone for so long," Kurt says, sitting down to his bowl. "Jean had some questions about my abilities. Apparently, she's trying to replicate them in a machine."
"That's okay," you say. "Rogue and G kept me company."
Kurt beams. "They are so good for that, yes?"
He shovels a mouthful of mac 'n cheese into his mouth and groans in appreciation. His tail instantly curls around your wrist.
"Amazing!" Kurt says. "Perhaps your special ability is your cooking, hm? I would believe it."
You laugh. "Danke, elfie."
"Bitte schön," he says, eyes lighting up at your German. He frequently informs everyone about how good your German is becoming, even though you hardly know ten phrases.
His tail begins to stroke your arm. You wonder if he's aware of it. If he knows how his tail betrays him.
But no, that's outrageous. And even if it was true, it's not like the feeling's mutual, right?
"Oh, and," Kurt says. "I got us tickets to that show you wanted to see. They're playing it at the theater downtown. We can go on Saturday, ja?"
"You... oh. Wow. I told you about that ages ago, Kurt. You remembered?"
"Why wouldn't I?" he says, tilting his head. Like it hadn't occurred to him to be anything less than thoughtful.
"No, I'm just—thank you. That's really nice of you."
Kurt beams. "I am excited to watch the green witch und her pink friend sing!"
He keeps eating, unaware of the way he's made your world tip on its axis. Because now you know.
You're in love with Kurt Wagner. And the feeling just might be mutual.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
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You and Toby had been dating for quite some time now. You'd gotten used to each other, you complimented each other, and everyone knew that this was something that was serious. Especially since you didn't throw him to the curb when he began to let his problems show.
But as the relationship continued on, you began to get nervous. Toby was a rather sexual guy, he had never gotten any as a teenager so he'd been using his adult years to get what he hadn't before. He'd been in and out of relationships, most of them ending when the girls couldn't handle his deeply engraved problems. That part wasn't the issue for you. It was that you had zero experience with sex or anything sexual at all for that matter. Shit you'd never even watched porn before! Never seen a dick either!
You were scared, scared you couldn't please him how he wanted, scared you wouldn't be enough, scared it would hurt, the works.
You'd tried to touch yourself one night, but when you couldn't get a pleasurable experience you quickly stopped and deemed it all as hopeless.
And of course... The inevitable day came...
"Babe! I-I was thinking... We've been together for a wh-while... I was hoping uh... May-maybe you'd wanna... Y'know...? Have sex?" He asked with sweet hope in his eyes.
Of course he didn't miss the way nervousness flashed through your eyes. You weren't... A virgin right...?
Shit he had completely forgotten to ask!
Wait... Was it weird to ask...?
"I- Uh..." You stumbled over what to say. Fuck you were nervous! "Sure! Tonight right?" You didn't even realize what you said before it was too late.
"S-sure! Tonight w-works great!" He smiled happily, giving you a soft kiss on your forehead before walking away.
The night soon came and the feeling of dread was overwhelming. You jumped when you felt Toby's hands on your waist.
"Shit! Don't scare me like that Toby!" You nervously laughed.
"I'm n-not scary!" He chuckled and scooped you up into his arms, bringing you to his room and placing you gently on the bed. "You ready?" He asked with a smile.
"Toby I don't know... I've never..." You covered your ever reddening face with your hands.
"You've never had s-sex huh? It's all good! We'll take st-stuff slow!" He slowly peeled your hands from your face and peppered you with sweet kisses.
His hands slowly worked up from your hips, bringing your shirt up with them to expose the soft skin of your torso. He brought his lips down to your soft flesh, kissing softly as he followed his hands upwards to your breasts. He looked up at you questioningly, his fingers teasing the clasp of your bra.
All it took was your nod and your bra was off in seconds. His skillful fingers worked at your nipples, earning little whimpers and whines as you felt heat pool between your thighs. When he took the other in his mouth you were like putty in his hands.
He'd never thought he'd see the day he'd take someone's first time. Especially someone he loved so dearly. But god the sweet noises you made and the way you squirmed under him had him hot in bothered in no time.
His tongue rolled over your nipple, his teeth lightly grazing your flesh causing a massive shudder to run down your body.
"Toby oh fuck-" You could barely get out words as you felt his hand trail down into your shorts. His fingers rubbing you gently through your thin panties.
"Mmmm... Soaked for m-me babe..." He muttered against your flesh, pushing aside your panties to let his index finger tease your virgin hole.
"Be nice- Please..." You moaned out, a twang of nervousness hitting you when you realized what was going to happen.
"M' gonna take g-good care of y-you." He licked a long stripe up between your breasts as he pushed his finger in. Your long moan was about enough to make him lose his mind. So worked up over one little finger? God he didn't even know if you'd be able to take his cock at all.
He worked slowly to stretch you out, adding another skillful finger in your tight cunt, scissoring you slowly. He could see the way your eyes rolled back, knowing you were close from only his fingers was a huge confidence boost to say the least.
Removing his fingers, he pulled your bottoms down, exposing all of you for him to see. You looked so stunningly beautiful, he couldn't even put it to words. You whined softly as the cold air hit your dripping core.
"I k-know love... Gonna make you feel real g-good in a sec." He mumbled as he threw off his jeans, pulling his shirt off to reveal his happy trail that led down to just what you wanted. Your hands grabbed at the waistband of his boxers. "Eager are we?" He smirked, letting you take off his boxers, his hard cock springing free.
He let you take a minute to look him over, his skinny boy abs practically made you drool. And his cock? Oh lord it was the biggest thing you'd seen! Well... You didn't really have anything to compare it to... But regardless you knew it would be a stretch to accommodate him.
"R-ready?" He asked softly, kissing your forehead gently and running his cock along your drooling slit, collecting all the slick he possibly could to make this as easy and painless as possible.
Your nod was just the conformation he needed, slowly pushing in, feeling the way you stretched around him. Your nails dug deep into his back, probably deep enough to draw blood... Thank god he couldn't feel pain. The only pain he felt was when he saw small tears drip down your face. It hurt him horribly to hurt you but he knew that it would all be made up for in a minute.
When he bottomed out he let you adjust slowly, waiting for another nod to let him know everything was fine. He worked you over slowly, kissing your neck and rubbing your clit to take away as much of the pain as he could.
"Such a good girl... Doing s-so good..." He praised breathlessly.
He'd never felt anyone as good as this. When your moans started up again he picked up the pace, letting you tug on his hair and scratch his back.
You felt so full... So fuzzy... So warm...
You didn't know what this feeling was but hell did you like it.
"Toby I feel funny..." You moaned out, worried about what would come of this feeling.
"Mmm... Y-you're gonna f-finish. Let it happen babe." He replied, continuing what he was doing just the way you seemed to like.
It was only moments later you felt a wave of euphoria wash over you, a moan ripping from your throat as you held onto Toby like you'd lose him if you let go. He fucked you gently through your heavy first orgasm, feeling his quickly approaching as well. He debated on pulling out... He really did! But fuck he couldn't get over the thought of calming you as his. He slumped over you as he came, letting hot ropes of cum fill you up.
When he finally pulled out, you felt so empty it was almost painful. But he absolutely adored the way his cum dripped out of you.
"Did so g-good for me babe! Was i-it a good first ti-time?" He asked, concern filling his eyes. He wanted to give you the best he could provide, and if tonight wasn't enough, he'd start again tomorrow.
"Perfect love, that was the best feeling ever." You pulled him to you with a smile, kissing him deeply and snuggling into his chest.
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alexander-23 · 1 year
Mommy’s Baby (Part 1)
A/N: SOOOOOOO I wrote an agere fic. I get spooked by storms already, so when i’m little its bad. 
Warnings: thunderstorms, Bullying, mention of breakup
Word count: 2.5k
Other tags: protective Alcina Dimitrescu, agere, little reader, caregiver alcina
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She holds my hand as we walk through the garden listening to me talk about my day all while the brightest smile is spread across her face. Seeing Momma smile always makes me smile, she's my whole world. Dark clouds start rolling in and there is a loud banging noise from behind us. I spin on my heels towards the noise in a panic but see nothing. I squeeze Momma's hand, but it isn’t there and when I turn to face her, she is gone. Another loud bang sounds and I feel my fear building. I need Momma to protect me, she has to be nearby, she will come for me. There are loud bangs after another and after running around the grounds, I can’t find her.
I sit up in my bed in a sweat and crying. A loud bang rumbles through and I jump. A thunderstorm is passing over the castle, it’s the first storm since Alcina ended our relationship. She was my caregiver and when our relationship ended, she stopped being my caregiver as well. I grab my stuffed animal hugging him close to my chest and tears roll down my cheeks as the thunder rumbles one after another. A particularly loud one sounds and I'm instantly on my feet running to her chambers. I can’t do this alone, I need her to protect me. I hold my bear's paw as I race through the windy halls listening to the thunder roar. I crash through her door whaling, making a direct path to her bed. She sits up quickly from the noise and faces me. Her face immediately drops when she sees me in such a frightened state and automatically reaches for me. She pulls me against her chest whispering to me.
“You’re safe Princess, it’s ok”. She combs her fingers through my hair as she rocks me back and forth. With each crack of thunder, my grip on her nightgown tightens and my cries become louder, “Shhhhh it’s ok honey, I have you now”
She kisses my forehead and her grip on me tightens. My cries quiet down and my breathing slows, but her movements don’t stop. She holds me just as tight and continues to whisper to me. She leans back in her bed with me resting against her, holding onto her shoulders and my head laid against her chest. She begins humming and singing to tune out the thunder. I close my eyes and listen to her voice, slowly drifting off.
Alcina’s View:
I listen to her faint snores, my goodness have I missed this. Nothing has been the same since I ended our relationship. I’ve missed them so dearly, but Mother Miranda was catching on and I couldn’t let Y/N be hurt; I can't be the cause for their pain or if Mother Miranda sees fit, death. I’ll do whatever I need to keep them safe. Breakfast begins soon and I'm awfully conflicted; I’m not sure if I should bring them with me. On one hand, if they wake up and I'm not here, they may panic. The storm hasn’t quite ended yet and the thunder will scare them. If I bring them though, my daughters will ask questions or think we are back together. They just began coming back around to me after the breakup. I look down at that sweet face buried into me and can’t help but smile a bit. I sit up and lay them on my bed. I change into today's outfit, a black dress and heels, and do the bare minimum for my makeup. I see my princ-....Y/N sleeping so soundly and I want to enjoy it for as long as i can. I lay a blanket over their back and lift them into my arms, then grab their teddy bear in case they wake during breakfast. I take a minute to hold them close and nuzzle into their face. I take calculated steps so they are not woken up. As I get closer to the dining room, I can hear my daughters arguing. 
“Girls, Y/N is with me and sleeping,” I quietly say. The girls swarm out of the room towards me, each looking confused.
“What's going on?” 
“Are you two getting back together?”
“It’s……complicated daughters. They had an awful night with the storm; I couldn’t send them away” All three have conflicted looks, but ultimately turn and fly back into the dining room. 
I follow behind and take my seat at the head of the table. Usually I ring a bell to announce we must be served, however, I choose to send a maid in to announce it for me and instruct them to be silent while doing so. I sit back in my seat and look down at the Little One. I swipe the hair out of their face and glide my thumb across their cheek. A small smile graces their face and I can’t help but smile as well. I haven’t seen their smile in so long and my goodness have I missed it.
“Mother? Are you alright?” I look at my daughters with pained faces.
“Mother, you’re crying” I wipe my eyes and realize I am in fact crying.
“I’m alright girls”
“You miss them dearly, don’t you Mother?” I can’t look my daughters in the eye, so I stare down at Y/N and nod.
My dear Y/N was just as much my whole world as my daughters and its pained me to be without them. Sleeping has become impossible most nights, I haven’t had much of an appetite, every reminder of them leaves me in tears. Daniella swarms next to me and dabs my cheek with her napkin, “It’ll get better Mother”. I smile at her and kiss her forehead.
“Thank you darling”
We proceed with breakfast and hushed small talk before we separate to do our own thing.
Y/N View:
Soft fabric against my skin, a sweet warmth surrounding me, a hand on my back holding me firm, and the smell of her perfume is what I wake up to. The scratching of her pen stops and a gentle kiss is placed on my forehead.
“Good morning Princess”, I look up to her soft face with a smile on it. I still have not mustered up enough energy to speak, so I stare up at her with a smile of my own, “I see we’re still waking up”, she says before chuckling. I nuzzle my face into her, warmed by the love I’m receiving. “How does lunch sound?”. Before I can respond, my stomach growls loudly and I sheepishly bury my face into her out of embarrassment. “Don’t be embarrassed Little One. How about we get you dressed, and then join my girls and I for lunch?” I nod aggressively to which she chuckles again.
She stands from her seat with her hands held tight to keep me from falling and carries me to my room. She steps into my chambers, though it is too small for her. She places me down and moves to leave, but I grab her hand and stare up at her. She smiles down at me then kneels down to fit better. Once she’s comfortable, I move to my wardrobe and begin searching for the perfect outfit. I pull out my white turtleneck, pink dress decorated with strawberries, white ankle socks, and pink Mary Janes. When I turn around, Mom- Alcina sits looking around the room. She makes me feel so safe, but I know I'm not supposed to be bothering her with these things anymore. 
“I’m sorry,” I whisper. I feel her hand grab my waist and her hand on my chin. She turns my head towards her and glides her thumb over my cheek. 
“Oh Y/N, dear you don’t need to apologize,” she pulls me closer to her and places another gentle kiss on my forehead, “you’ve done nothing wrong. Get dressed dear and then we can get some food into you”. I turn to my bathroom and go in to change. I wash my face and then put my clothes on for the day. I walk out and she instantly gasps, “My goodness! Don’t you look beautiful!” She reaches onto my dresser and pulls me closer, “what do you say we put a tiara on you? After all, you are a princess”.
I can’t help but giggle as she places a tiara on my head and spins me towards the mirror. “You look stunning, Dear”. She stands from her spot and begins to leave, but once out of the room, she turns to me and holds her hand out, “come along Princess, the others are waiting” I go to follow but then remember my Bear and sprint to get him, “ah yes, can’t forget Mr. Bear”. I take her hand and follow to the dining room. As we approach, we can hear the girls laughing and it makes me so happy to hear it. I’m sent into the room first with The Lady right on my heel. The table is still set for four diners and I look up to Alcina. “Would you prefer a chair, or my lap like usual dear?” I want to sit in her lap but I’m also aware that this is probably a one time situation and after today, I won’t be cared for like this. I stand there in silence looking at the chair then the floor before I feel her strong arms raise me off the floor, “Don’t fret Dear, you’re more than welcome to sit with me”.
As soon as we are seated, the kitchen staff serves our meals, mine being comfort food in my special dishes. They are placed in front of Alcina and I along with her bottle of wine. Another woman brings over my cup of milk while eyeing me, so I keep my head down. After they leave, the girls dig into their meals and Alcina sips on her wine. She places the glass down and begins cutting my food into small pieces if it needs it before spoon feeding me. The one maid who eyed me occasionally comes back and whenever she appears, I shut down and hide my face.
“Little One? Has she been bothering you?” Alcina whispers into my ear. I shake my head ‘no’ but she doesn’t seem satisfied with my answer. Truth is, she’s bullied me a bit for being a little, more so after Alcina and I broke up, but I don’t wish to bring this up to her; it’s not her problem anymore. 
She continues to spoon feed me with the occasional milk break or conversation with her girls. They talk about their day so far, leaving the more gruesome details out of it for my sake. When we finish our meal, the girls are dismissed, but don’t leave without giving me a hug, and Alcina and I stay in the seat.
“Unfortunately, I still have some paperwork to finish little one”
“Can……can I stay with you?” I whisper as I curl into her.
“Of course you may. How about,” she curls her finger under my chin to have me look up at her, “you go retrieve something to play with? Maybe coloring supplies?”
I nod my head aggressively with a smile from ear to ear before she places me back on my feet. I run to my room in the servants quarters and begin collecting my things. When we were together, she got me things like an assortment of coloring books and a huge collection of things to color with. I grab the ‘My Little Pony’ book and my crayons! It’s a 120 crayon pack and has glittery ones. Before I can leave though, the girl from the kitchen and two of her friends are at my door.
“Well look at this, there’s a baby in the castle” her two friends laugh and enter my room. 
I shy away from them trying to put a gap between us but their leader, Patricia,  comes right up to me , “awe is the baby shy?”. The other girls start looking through my little things and I try to stop them but Patricia holds me back. They dump things on the floor, flip through my books leaving “accidental rips”, shattering things Alcina got me when they “lost their grip”, ruining all my things in general. The more they break, the more tears I shed while they laugh at me. “Baby better clean this mess”, Patricia says as they all leave my room. I sit on my bed and stare at the mess as tears stream down my cheeks yet again. Alcina had bought me most of these things and meant the world to me. It was like she was still taking care of me even after she left me and now I barely have anything for little space. 
Alcina’s View
Y/N has been gone for nearly an hour now and normally I wouldn’t be worried, however, they have been in such a fragile state; I can't help but worry even the smallest bit. They’ve felt so guilty about “burdening” me with their regression that I worry they’ve stayed there to try handling it on their own. I remove my glasses, place them on my desk and stand from my seat. I leave my office and listen for them to come running up to me but I don’t see them anywhere. I don’t see that girl Y/N would hide from either. As I’m walking towards Y/N’s room, I can hear them crying and I pick up my speed. As I crouch through the door, I see their regression collection broken and torn alongside my sobbing little one.
“Y/N, darling, what happened?” They don’t even look at me. They just sit there and cry even harder. I move to push things aside and kneel next to them, pulling them into my arms, “Princess, what happened?” I rub their back and wait for their response. It takes a few minutes, but I get it.
“They came in and started being mean, calling me a baby, and breaking everything. It’s everything you gave me,” they choke out a sob and begin crying all over again.
“Oh baby, sshh it’s ok, I’ll get you more things, I promise” I can’t take hearing them cry anymore, it breaks my heart, and I could kill whoever did this to my princess, “who is they baby girl? Who was being mean?”
“Patricia and her two friends. They’ve always been so mean. I’m sorry momma, I should have told you”
“Daughters?” I instantly hear the buzzing from my dear daughters flies. They appear in Y/N’s room, and I can hear the gasps from all of them.
“Mother, what happened?”
It takes everything in me to keep my voice level. My little one has dealt with enough, “Patricia and her friends” I kiss Y/N on the top of their head repeatedly, “Bring them to the basement, but do not harm them. I want a chat with them”
“Yes mother”
And just like that, they are gone. I stand with my Y/N securely in my arms and exit their room, heading to my room.
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rubylovessharks · 7 months
Fun fact: you can train crows to bring you money! I don't exactly know how, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with food.
Anyway, may I please request Ruggie, Azul, and Lilia reacting to a reader who managed to train the local murder to bring them money?
Hope you have a nice day/night! And feel free to ignore for any reason!
heyheyy i do know about that crow fact!! its pretty cool yeahh :3 im not sure if you wanted this to be an x reader or not but i will keep it platonic If thats ok. im not sure how well i can write for ruggie or even lilia but i think i can manage :) again sorry if this didnt turn out how you wanted :( but i do hope you enjoy 🩷
gn!reader, reader can be read as the mc
I don't think he knew that crows can even do that- it's totally new to him. He was weirded out by how you always have so much money, like do you even have a job? He did try to make you tell him your secret but you never did.
It turns out that the crows you hang out with thought he was the ideal guy to take money from, cuz they tried to rob him. He was running after them to get his money back until he saw you. You saw the group of silly little crows you so dearly love and you immediately said "oh hey babies!" and Azul just looks at you in pure confusion. "What...?" "oh I know these crows, I feed them around this time of day" You know them??? Maybe you could tell them to give him his money back??? "How about you and I make a deal?" "I don't need to though??" "I know there's something you want, everyone wants something."
"Did they take your money?" Azul was silent for a moment, it wasn't everyday that he needed something from someone else, especially in a situation like this. "Yes..."I guess now you know how I get my money out of nowhere" THAT'S HOW YOU GET MONEY?? "What." Azul was in disbelief. Now that he knows the full story he is kind of interested in them. You can just befriend a crow and they'll give you something back? Not just money? That's pretty useful.. useful in business! Now he's getting all sorts of ideas! Come on show him how to get on their good side, he can already feel the cash he'll get on his- oh no, don't worry he didn't say anything! Just continue to teach him the ways of the crows.
(They in fact did not like him)
He himself definitely knows a few murder groups. I just know that he fed some hungry crow one day and then all the crow's friends and family knew of Ruggie so he just became besties with them. I think that he'll befriend tons of groups of them, so one day when he went to feed the local murder he just saw you hanging out with them. But there's something that left him in shock...(they give you more money than they give him)
"I didn't expect to see you here, what are you doing here anyway?" Ruggie came from behind and put his hands on your head as you were sitting with the crows. "I didnt know you even knew of this part of NRC" "oh I came here by accident on the first day here cuz I got lost.." you said as you tried to look up to him, but he was more interested in what you had in your hands. "Heyy tell me what's that in your hands??" he knew exactly what that was, something he really likes in fact. "It's money I get from the murder around here. I trained them personally!" he knew you could do that but.. for years he's been trying! But he could never get any crows to get that much money.
So now you show him exactly how you trained them to give you such great treasures from the smart crows, and now you've got crows who give you money and a grateful friend.
I think that he does know that people can train crows to get them stuff, and since he's really old he probably befriended a crow or two back in the day but I dont think he's super duper interested in this. But I do think that once he saw you hanging out with some crows he thought it was fascinating.
You thought it would be nice to show Lilia the murder you've befriended, so you took him with you when it was around feeding time for them. "May how fascinating! They are quite cute too!" he said as he pet a crow while you sat there getting your daily cash from them, "but I do wonder. How did you train them to get you money of all things?" "oh it was many years ago when I found out I could do that. Around my house there were a bunch of them and I got to know them," you stopped for a moment to continue to feed them "and I thought to myself, won't it be cool that I taught them how to bring me money? So I showed them that I was in need of some and they understood right away!" you smiled to him, he smirked at this probably reminiscing about an old crow pal of his from back in the day, "crows are smart beings, it is even known that Maleficent had a companion crow." "did it also bring her money?" you too, are fractionating he thought to himself. "Who knows? Perhaps it did."
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nothinggold13 · 1 year
I said in the tags of my recent screencaps of Nick and Daisy dancing, "do you ever think. that all daisy really needed was a friend?" and apparently those tags resonated with more people than I thought they would. Now I think they call for a little elaboration.
On their first meeting in the book, it is established that Nick neither attended Daisy's wedding nor met her baby (who is 3 years old). Daisy says herself, "We don't know each other very well, Nick. Even if we are cousins." And yet in this same scene Daisy says that his arrival has her "paralyzed with happiness" and refers to him as "an absolute rose." She speaks of him and to him as if they are dearly close despite her own admittance that they hardly know each other at all. (Of course, this is easily explained when Nick says, "[She looked] up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had." Daisy has a way of drawing people in, and making them feel important. I'm sure people make different things of this, some positive and some negative, but I won't dwell on it.)
But, perhaps more telling than the way she talks to Nick, is the fact that the first thing Daisy does when she has a moment alone with him is to confide in him. She says, "We don't know each other very well," and then, moments later, begins a story asking, "Would you like to hear?" She says she's grown cynical. She says she felt abandoned. She says — famously — "That's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."
And then she laughs it off.
Nick himself calls it insincere, "[...]as though the whole evening had been a trick of some sort to exact a contributory emotion from me."
But... I don't know. I've been a Daisy defender since high school, and that's never gone away; Nick's perspective may communicate a lot of truth that we wouldn't know otherwise, but he is not infallible. And, personally, when it comes to the depths of what's going on with Daisy, I think he's rather blind.
Daisy has a philandering husband who a) physically abuses his mistress and b) canonically bruised Daisy in a way she brushes off carelessly but confesses, again, within her first meeting with Nick, so I don't believe it's a big jump to say he's likely been physically abusive towards her, too. And with that in mind, I think it's strange to expect anything Daisy does to be perfectly and infallibly sincere, when, at her core, she is always in a fight for survival.
(It's the same reason I believe she stays with Tom at the end, and lets Gatsby take the blame. Tom is the only security she knows. Gatsby hangs in the balance. She can't run away with him, now.)
So, to get back to my point, I don't think Daisy was being dishonest in her confessions to Nick. I think she was being painfully honest— so painful, in fact, that she had to cover it up with that cynical mask she's gotten so good at wearing. Daisy is not a beautiful little fool; she only wishes she was.
And then Nick appears, and they're not close, but they could be, and she jumps to trust him: to tell him everything she's scared to say aloud: to have him listen. "Would you like to hear?" she asks. It's more than a question. It's a plea.
I think of Daisy knowing her driver's name, and thinking it important to use it. I think of Daisy knowing Jordan's name when they were younger, when Jordan was two years her junior and admired her desperately. I think of Daisy calling Nick "my dearest one" along with every other kind word she ever said to him. I think of Daisy reaching and reaching and reaching, clinging desperately to anyone who might hold on to her.
And they all let her down.
I guess those who see Daisy as disingenuous at her core wouldn't read it this way at all, but I do. I think Daisy loves desperately, trying to fill a hole that is never filled; I think she's looking for someone to save her, and nobody ever cares enough to listen.
Not Jordan. Not Nick. Not even Gatsby, despite his obsession.
And maybe none of them could have saved her, but they could have listened. They could have cared. They could have asked her about the letter that made her nearly call off her wedding to Tom, instead of dressing her up and pushing her to go through with it. They could've supported her, and not gone out to party with her cheating husband and his mistress. They could've stopped asking for too much and accepted the fact she couldn't give it. They could've done something.
Because all Daisy really needed was a friend. And she never truly had one.
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bhaalbaaby · 1 year
been thinking about astarion's pre-vampire past mainly because of the little star reference for his name. he never once mentions his parents throughout the gameplay and it's probably because he doesn't remember them since he barely remembers anything from before.
i think he would believe he's forgotten to them similar to the doesn't believe in gods conversation with Gale since no one answered, no one came to his rescue. i think his parents mourned him and missed him dearly because he was so young when he 'died' and they did have a funeral for him. he was not a forgotten body in a sense put in an unmarked grave. he has a gravestone albeit it was abandoned with moss and leaves overgrowing it. i think in the beginning he might want to know why they didn't come searching for him and why they didn't fight for him since he was murdered. I'm sure the gur who beat him up got punished for it and they may have left it at that.
but i wonder if unascended astarion would want to know them if they're alive. being a magistrate, I'm sure there are records to find them and his whole family tree tbh. it would be a lot on both sides. i can imagine his parents would be heartbroken to know their son is an undead monster but also somehow elated that their child is alive. astarion probably wouldn't want to exhume the past unless asked by tav. like it'd dawn on him that he doesn't remember everything about them and may place blame on them for not searching for him and looking when again they didn't know. i think he'd need to do some soul-searching if they were ever to meet for his heart to be able to take it. and i think for it to be successful, his parents would have had to be good ones lol. if they were strictly noble and had others do the parenting, i think it would only cause more stress than needed for him.
ascended astarion would probably run into his parents and be unaware they are his parents in my opinion. he becomes power-hungry and takes over where cazador left off ei cazador's palace becomes astarion's and most likely so does his legal power. i feel as though if his parents confronted him about being their long-lost child he'd play along with it but may either kill them or turn them into spawns following the blame of they didn't look for him or try to help him.
im just musing and headcanonning. i may make a post musing on how he was raised another day since I'm interested in this train of thought especially considering his va think he would have wanted to be a father. i hope they were caring before, going back to his name of astarion, if he was their little star. they probably celebrated him quite a bit and let him run wild and be spoiled and get whatever he wants. lol I'm getting ahead of myself ;-;
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loseroftheinternet · 1 year
My sister and I are making theories for how book seven may end, what if he's defeated *not* by anyone in Night Raven College but someone in Royal Sword Academy? [I am so sorry if this doesn't make sense. And I'm sorry it's so long. There are so many holes and missing pieces but enjoy.]
!!Spoilers for books Six and Seven!!
[Okay so we know little about book seven but this is the idea we've had.. And I'm only on book four. I am bullshitting my way through this whole theory but anyways..]
If the Overblot of Malleus takes place in spring here's a chance that someone from Royal Sword knows of him Overblotting. (Possibly Chenya?) In book three it's mentioned there's an even bigger Spelldrive tournament in the spring, (May?) Correct? So there's a possibility that- Well, Chenya being Chenya had this plan to sneak up on Trey and Riddle and scare them but instead he saw Malleus Overblot and is currently of his way to tell the others of Royal Sword.
So the thought is since Royal Sword is always stronger than Night Raven, always beating them in spelldrive, what if another one of the top five most powerful mages is in the school? And they get them to defeat Malleus?
[Extra Idea; You know how Prince Phillip defeated Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty? What if someone in Royal Sword is based on him and they're the one who defeats him?]
Writing out an idea of how I think Royal sword would find out and react because I can. [Mentions characters based on Disney 'good guys' I think would be in Royal Sword. I am bulshitting all these names except for the ones mentioned.]
Chenya after seeing all this crap go down would run back to Royal sword in an absolute panic or somewhat of a crazy state. He gathers most/all the students to tell them how; "One of the five most powerful mages Overblotted,"
And how everyone in Night Raven is passed out due to the Signature Spell of Malleus. He'd add on how "Even though they're a rival school they're in serious danger and it should be our job to help them!"
I believe many might be reluctant because you know- Top five most powerful mage and all and because they could also be hit with the spell and fall asleep-
Jaseem (Jasmine) Probably wouldn't let this shit go by, he probably worries about Kalim as they are relatives (Kalim mentions 'A relative of his has a big pet tiger.' So they're probably cousins.) So he'd probably be really concerned all like "My cousin is there and could get hurt or die! And Jamil is a dear friend and trusted to the Asim Family!"
Neige would probably chime in and mention something like "We've all made a friend out of someone in Night Raven and they're all in the danger of dying!"
Rielle (Ariel) Probably has some sort of friendship or something with the Tweels and Azul. (Maybe Azul gave him the potion that allows him to be on land?) And mentions something about "Azul helps the Merpeople in the sea with his contracts! He gives them potions to allow them the privilege of walking on land." (Or some crap)
Alexis (Alice) Probably knows how close Chenya is with Riddle and Trey and doesn't want his friends long time best friends to die, so he also agrees to go fight Overblot Malleus.
Ifran (Iago) Was probably good friends with Jamil as children (Maybe?) Even if Jamil could be Snarky and Rude to him sometimes he cares dearly, they've probably been through lots together and Ifran honestly feels life wouldn't be the same without Jamil (And Kalim).
Meghan (Megra) Now I don't know exactly how he'd come in and help but I believe he knows (Something) Of the Shroud brothers, knowing how even though Idia is kinda crazy and whatnot he's spent years of his life to get what he want, including all the time he spent 'fixing' Ortho and shit. +If Idia dies who'd help update Ortho? Or fix him? Wouldn't he rust up and kinda just break? It'd be quite depressing-
Now we're goin' more insane. Falena Kingscholar was a very powerful student in Royal Sword, as the king of Sunset Savanna and being older now he's probably only more powerful. The students most definitely know of the relation and know that Falena cares about his brother so he'd definitely help. Because yeah Royal Sword are strong but they're a bunch of children and would probably need help.
SO!! In the end, the people that would end up going to Royal Sword and help to defeat Malleus are;
Jaseem, (Jasmine)
Rielle, (Ariel)
Alexis, (Alice)
Ifran, (Iago)
Meghan, (Megra)
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t3kandson · 2 months
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Player and the
Three dads
Word count; 6,963
Fandom; Stray Kids & The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Seo Changbin, Reader X Bang Chan aka Christopher, Reader X Lee Juyeon, Seo Changbin X Bang Chan
Characters; Seo Changbin, Bang Chan, Lee Juyeon, Moon Kevin, Ju Haknyeon, Lee Sangyeon, Lee Hyunjae, Han Jisung, Lee Felix, Lee Know, Shin Ryujin, Hwang Yeji, Choi Jisu, Sohn Eric & Kim Sunwoo.
Warning; Angst, Insecurity, Flirting, Labour talk, Oral (Receiving) , Fingering, Threesome, Face riding, Anal penetration & Anal Creampie.
Taglist; @ilovechanhee
Notes; Don't forget to stream Gibberish & Chk Chk Boom
Part four of seven earlier parts here
Previous part Player might be me.
"You look beautiful," Kevin said admiring you as you smiled his way. "You mean I scrub up well," you said showing off as you twirl. "You scrub up more then well," Haknyeon said turning you to face the full view mirror. He was right you was almost unrecognisable in your wedding dress. Today was the day you was getting married. You was finally making a family for your children. You was so blessed and so in love that you couldn't wait to see the very people dearest to you. "Mummy," Jubin said running behind you in her beautiful bridesmaid's dress. "Don't you look a stunner princess," you smile besotted. It's then Hyunjae walks in holding the most beautiful little toddler in his arms. Your hands reach out to hold the little mite, but Hyunjae grip stays strong keeping you parted. "He needs his dad, he needs changing," Hyunjae said chuckling with his nose wrinkled. "Well their getting changed right now, surely you can do it being his godfather and everything," Kevin scoffs as Hyunjae scowls his way. "Do I look like a dad, I'm the fun crazy uncle for a reason," he scoffs as the toddler wiggles desperate to get to you. "Come here, this uncle can be responsible and fun," Kevin groans as he scoops the bundle up and takes him to change him. "You have to hold your brother’s hand very dearly," you say cupping Jubin’s face. "I'm a good Nuna," Jubin complains as if you've insulted her. "I know just he may be a little overwhelmed, their's a lot of people out there," you said pressing a kiss to her forehead. A knock goes on the door and your stomach gets the wildest butterfly's. You know that means Changbin and Christopher are ready. "I thought you said you wasn't nervous," Hyunjae says amused at the change of your demeanour. "I'm not, just it's taken a lot, an awful lot to get here," you said as Haknyeon held his hands to you. "Then for what it's worth let every second of today be enjoyed," he said squeezing that made you smile widely. "Are you going to make them wait, Changbin is looking like he wants to run out there," Kevin said coming back into the room as he placed him on the floor. Jubin held his hand lovingly as you cherished looking at them both. "Come on let's get you married," Kevin said holding his hand out to you as you took it nervously
------------------🔺------------------- (Christopher POV)
You could watch the way that Y/N would hold the most precious little person in the world all day long. Flicking her long hair back as she struggled under the weight of the little girl you had brought up since birth. Bang Jubin wasn't biologically your daughter and you didn't care. You had watched her grow in her mother's tummy, felt her kick as you fell in love with the faceless human. Her most beautiful features as she cried when you first held her had you promise you would never let her go, what ever the cost. But though you remained calm you could feel it in your veins, that that promise was going to be forced away from you.
The very person who was going to take your world away was hiding in the crowd of friends and relatives that had come to Jubin's 5th birthday. The same guy who shared similar features, that you were annoyed that you didn't figure it out the second you clamped your eyes on your work friends Minho stag do. Though fear froze through you when the words of him back in Y/N’s life made you tremble. The reminder of his antics, the stripper that he had pushed against the wall in his throws. It was some what calming that he seemed the kind to run away. The stories from Jacob, Sangyeon, Kevin, Haknyeon and Hyunjae and even his good friend Minho told you your little family wasn't under threat. Even when you had to take the biggest gamble to save Jubin’s life and bring him to the hospital. Though you would have done it at any cost you took comfort he wouldn't stick around. Your blended family with your secret partner Changbin, Y/N and Jubin was safe.
But over the last several Months you had seen a different side to the story's, to the first impressions you had. Juyeon who had stood at the side watching the little girl had become almost the paternal type. You could see him itching for more responsibility as the days passed. From visiting the house as a uncle, once a week, to Juyeon taking her out with Y/N for days out. You had felt mixed emotions having encouraged the relationship between them to blossom to pure jealousy. Which then gave you guilt that you hated a situation that Jubin herself loved. Why did someone you were told an ass had to be someone paternal and sweet when it came to Jubin. Though you kept your emotions tight, Changbin was often very noisy about how scared he felt. It was often your reassurance, but the more Juyeon was around the harder it was to keep up the pretence. Changbin smiled in your view your way as his eyes took to Juyeon himself. Instead of fear he acted the only way he knew. Holding his hand out to Jubin he snatched her from Y/N with little fight from her. Her arms throwing around his neck as he swung her cradled in the air. A quick glimpse Juyeon's way and his complexion was a little more tense. "Hey if we're giving birthday throws, I'm in," Hyunjae says stepping in to take the mite from Changbin’s arms. Y/N roll of her eyes beneath her amused expression, and Changbin grin you could see Juyeon’s jaw tense. You knew Juyeon had huge issues with Y/N's friends. Hyunjae had realised this as his hands rested on Y/N’s side. Her nervous glance toward Juyeon told you she was more concerned for his expression then yours and Changbin’s. Though you had been use to there flirting, this still unsettled you. It was those tiny things that brought fear that your family was about to be broken. "So My little Bang Bin what do you want Samchon to buy you," Hyunjae said placing her to the floor as he held on to her to stop her balance being taken. "Dance classes, but mum won't let me," She snapped as Y/N rolled her eyes her daughter’s way. "Sweetheart I never said no I just said we don't have much money," Y/N said patting her daughter’s head as she frowned not amused. "I'll pay for them," Juyeon said walking closer to your family as you watched Changbin hands reach to Y/N’s waist. "Thanks but," , "Really Samchon Juyeon," Jubin squealed as she threw herself into to him. He paused looking Y/N’s way as she looked out her depth. "I'm sure we will find the funds," Changbin said in his usual dominance around Juyeon. "Samchon ruined the surprise, but Daddy Bin has got you some dance lessons," he said as Y/N snapped her head his way. Juyeon lips pursed in a irritation he was trying his hardest to swallow. You could feel the tension between them both fizzling. Y/N knew it too looking to you for support. "I'm sure they're is something else you would like Samchon Juyeon to buy you," you said as your little girl put her finger to her chin in thought. She was as cute as a button letting her mind wander over all the things she could have. "A pony," she said giggling in excitement as Juyeon's face dropped. You could see Changbin smirk from the corner of your eyes. "I could buy some horse riding lessons, but a whole horse might be a bit too much," Juyeon said after composing himself. "Really?" Jubin said in so much excitement she jumped herself into Juyeon’s arms. "Anything for my beautiful princess," he said with his doting father eyes as he pulled a string of her hair behind her ears. You could feel Changbin tense. Y/N’s hand gliding behind hers to hold his. It was her way to bring comfort you had noticed that. But you could see the way Juyeon fixed on the same scene, his eyes finding hers as they locked in a look that had not become unfamiliar recently. The look where you could read Y/N’s mind. Where she wished she could trust him so she could be with him. The reminder that you and Changbin was second best. Those moments were only short lived but you hated it every time you witnessed it.
Kissing the sleeping beauty on her forehead you left the room with one last look at her. Knowing she was sleeping peacefully was calming to view. You made your way down the stairs Y/N laying her head on Changbin’s chest as her feet rested on Hyunjae's lap. Lia sat on Jacob’s lap as his hand splashed over her slightly growing bump. Sangyeon and Yeji was chasing their three children getting them ready to go home. Their youngest son curled up on the far end of the sofa having fallen asleep the minute you took Jubin to bed. In the corner Kevin, Haknyeon was drinking a couple of shots with Jisung and Felix. Making your way to the four people drinking group you took the shot Felix had poured for you. "You look like you needed that," he smirked as you smiled his way. "Something like that," you spluttered as you watched him pour you another. "Can't believe he is throwing money at her," Jisung said comforting. "Can we not talk about him tonight. Their is only so much of Lee Juyeon I can cope with in one day," you said throwing the drink back as Kevin patted your shoulder. "You got his family everything else is irrelevant just remember that," he said trying to reassure you. He might have been Y/N’s friend but you had become fond of him he and Haknyeon was very much on the anti Juyeon brigade. Looking towards your lovers Y/N eyes find yours and they lift with a smile as she blows a air kiss. Your heart feels warmth and all you want is to kick everyone out and make love to her and Changbin. “She’s crazy about you and Changbin and as her close friend it leaves me able to sleep knowing you have her back," Kevin added standing up to find his jacket. "Thanks for coming today mate," you said patting him on his shoulder this time. With a glance to Haknyeon he follows suit. Not long later you hug Hyunjae, your last remaining visitor. The house becomes empty with just Changbin and Y/N who has fallen asleep in his arms. "We won't lose them will we?" He asks looking up at you. "You worry too much," you said plastering a fake smile. "We get her dance lessons and he gets her horse riding ones. What if he offers her and Y/N that family life she always wanted," he said brushing his hands along her hair as she fidgets snuggling into him. "We need to stop thinking of the what if before we forget to enjoy what we do have Binnie," you say leaning down to cup his face. "Right now counts and right now we have them both," you said letting your own concerns leave as you pressed a kiss to his lips. The kiss deepens as Changbin releases Y/N, his hands grabbing the back of your neck letting his tongue massage yours. "Let me put this one to bed, I need to ravish you," Changbin said as you felt your dick harden from his words.
With that you lift your sleeping girlfriend into your arms while Changbin stands. Y/N murmurs in her sleep as her hands touch your chest. If only she was awake you would see to her too. But you wasn't into having sex with people who couldn't consent.
Changbin pulled the bed sheets across so you could place Y/N in her own bed. The both of you tucking her in as she continued into her slumber. Changbin watched her intently you couldn't tell if he was hoping she would wake to join you. Or if he was fretting once more. "Baby, Let her sleep," you whispered as he kissed her temple and followed you out the room.
You barely made it into your own when Changbin hands found your wrist. Pulling you into him his tongue slips into your mouth. You can feel his hands find your ass as he helps to roll you into his. Feeling your members collide against one another has you suckle each others moans. Changbin’s hands fall down your chest, the butterfly's that you have every time with him bubbling. Pulling you with him he kisses you as he drags you to the bed. But you flip him so he's lying underneath you, smirk in your view. "Let me see that body," he growls looking needy. Lifting your T-shirt he whistles as he takes you in . "You really leaving me out, huh," you hear a voice from the corner startling you both. "Baby you were sleeping so beautifully we didn't want to wake you," you said with a reaching hand towards her. "I'm not foreign to being woken by your cocks," she said teasingly as she took your hands lacing her fingers with yours. "Duly noted," you whisper kissing her top of her hand. Changbin’s hands the needy then ever, finds the bottom of her T-shirt Pulling her into him. "Why am I being left out," he whines not giving Y/N a chance to respond as his mouth clashes with his. He tackled her T-shirt off her attaching his lips back to her. One hand finds its way up your chest as he dips his fingers into your abs. The other cups Y/N’s breast as you cock feels tight against your jeans. The image of them too making out is so hot. Her free nipple hits your focus as you feel the need to let your lips feel it. Following your desires you hear Changbin suck down her moan. Hands feeling desperate for what's below as it find the band line of her bottoms. Changbin can feel the same sentiment as his hand reach to copy on yours. A little more inpatient he finds your hot shaft and brings it out to the fresh air. You buckle into his soft pumps around you. Vibrations around Y/N’s breast makes her breath hitch. Her hips thrust against nothing in an attempt to have you play with her own heat. Chuckling you obey letting her bottoms rest on her thighs enough to let your finger interact with her nub. Hearing her cry to the rubbing of her clit goes straight to your cock. Your thrusts become more harsher into Changbin’s palm. "I need to taste this," you whine as your fingers sink into Y/N’s heat as her hand falls to your skin, nails ready to claw. "Taste me, take me," she begs as your finger starts pumping into her. Changbin enjoys matching your Rhythm as you and Y/N moans hit the air in a mess of desperate need. "You two are so whiny," Changbin says with his voice deepen, knowing how you and Y/N respond to it. "You both look beautiful falling apart," he growls snatching your hand from hers. Just as her eyes look annoyed in his direction, he smirks his mischievous look. It's like it instantly shuts her up. His fingers replacing yours he looks like he's made from the devil. Slamming his fingers into her as she gets undone on his digits. "Fuck Binnie," she cry's, as you smile as how weak he's made her fall. He notices your reaction, his hand restarts your own torture. "Look at my two babies weak at my actions," he mocks as your hand falls to her waist. You're not sure if you're holding her up or yourself. He picks his pace on you both till you hear Y/N’s familiar cliff nearing. Slipping his fingers he holds his to your lips. Sinking them in you taste her sweet juices letting your tongue swirl around to get every drop. "She tastes good doesn't she?” Changbin smirks at your hungry response. Before you can reply his lips are against yours. Tongue needly showing you he's not as resistant as his body makes out. "Lay down," he orders slapping your ass. Y/N’s eyes widen as she watches you obey your fiancée.
His hands fall to Y/N’s face as he presses his lips to her. Their heated passion as you see Y/N’s hands tangle in his hair. "Ride our man’s face," he says struggling to catch his breath when their lips depart. Hissing when she wraps her hands round your member as she makes her way up the bed. Thighs along your neck she looks down at you. You can see her need to have her release in them. Helping to lift her, her hand falls to the headboard to hoist above your lip. Placing them down to your awaiting tongue. She tastes so Devine like the most perfect dessert as your tongue laps up the juices already pooling. Flatting your tongue against her clit she rolls herself against you. Your hands find their way to her thighs to help keep her steady as she starts her pace. Mews falling into the air as you feel a warm mouth take your own member. Changbin starts his own rhythm as you felt his hand's part your own thighs. Finger slipping into your ass you hiss against Y/N’s heat. Slowly he pumps you before placing a second one. Her hand placed over yours that is trying to stop your nail piercing her skin. Fingers are removed as you hear the squirt of lube that you know is for Changbin's Cock. You feel the head at your rim as you breathe in ready for the short-term pain. Slowly and gently Changbin pushes in to you and you become a whiny mess under Y/N’s heat. "Don't stop," she moans as her hands find your hair, gently pulling on them. Changbin chuckling starts his slow pace as your attempt at Y/N’s pussy become sloppy with no rhythm. Once the pain becomes pleasure you start your pace back up. Y/N makes sure to know her heaven in the vibration your moaning makes. Fingers wrapping around to her clit you help her catch her high. You can tell from the way she's leaning herself as heavy as she can against you that she's not far. "Chris babe," she crys. "Just their, oh fuck," she adds. Changbin tossing your leg over his shoulders. His pace matching Y/N’s rolls as they both get lost into fucking you. Changbin’s cock hits your prostrate so perfectly that your only high is at the verge too. Y/N’s grip in you pulls so hard that your scalp stings as she squirts over your face. Shaking her thighs hard as she rides out her high. Your own pushed as your nails dig into what ever skin of Y/N’s you can find. It's like your own orgasm stays as Changbin fills your ass with his own, his deep groaning and panting being like heaven to hear. It's like Changbin is weakened as he throws himself onto you. Not caring that he's laying on your own cum that's painted on your stomach. Y/N rolls onto her back beside you both looking exhausted. Her eyes falling to the ceiling in a lost expression. One that feels you with dread. It's not her usual fucked out face, it's one of guilt and a pang of negative thoughts hit you, was she imagining him? Was she riding Juyeon's face and not yours?
Juyeon's pov
"Hi Princess," you said when you saw your beautiful daughter run down the stairs. "Samchon Juju," she says as she wraps her arms around your waist. It's a bitter pill to swallow her calling you uncle while Changbin and Christopher was Daddy. But how do you tell a child that her world isn't as it seems. Though you would love to have her call you dad. You loved her enough not to want her confused. "What are we doing today?" She asked all excited. "What would you like to do?" You asked as Y/N found her way down the stairs Changbin not far behind her. The way his chuckle hit the room that had her look to him looking in love. You had your hopes that she was the cover story for their relationship. But you had been proven wrong. They doted on her just as much as they did with each other. It really was an equal thropple one that made your heart hurt. The old you would have played his games and won her back. But this was a new and improved version. You had to show your daughter what a real man was and that you could be one. "Samchon Juju," you heard from Jubin below snapping your attention back. "Yes princess," you said tucking her hair behind her ears. "When can I go horse riding lessons?" She asked as Changbin suddenly realised your presence. "I need to talk to mummy about it but I'm sure it be soon," you said picking her up onto your arms. It wasn't to defy Changbin but because you really wanted this father and daughter moment. Changbin’s eyes widened and though you wouldn't lie at his uncertainty right then, you placed her down after your voice reminded you this was unfair. Especially being his house and everything. "Juyeon," Y/N said with her usual floaty happiness. "Y/N," you replied as Changbin’s eyes snatched between you both. "Sorry Christopher let me in on his way to work," you explained as Changbin eyes widened. "Without me is he crazy," he groaned grabbing his mobile. "He said he would wait only five minutes," you explained passing Christopher's message. "Oh now you tell me," Changbin snapped rushing to make it out the building. But before he could leave he ran back snatching Jubin in his arms swinging her around. "Bye Princess have fun today," he said as he let her back to the floor chuckling. "Bye daddy," she grinned as she watched him leave. "You here for the horse-riding lessons,” Y/N, asked you gathering your attention. "Erm not yet was wondering if you two would like to come on a picnic," you asked as she looked at your daughter. It was like she was trying to work out the correct reply before her shoulders lagged. "Ok let me grab a few things," she said as Jubin looked at you with excitement. "How about that Princess a day out with mummy and Samchon Juju," you said as her eyes beamed with excitement.
Resting the towel on the beach You watched as Y/N and Jubin sat on the towel. The summer heat in the air was hot against your skin as Y/N started smothering sun lotion into Jubin’s delicate skin. Taking the sun lotion from Y/N you squirted some in your palm and dabbed some onto your finger. Chuckling you dabbed a small amount on her dimples, the ones she shared with her mother. Jubin was the perfect combination of you and Y/N. You knew if you stood in a line with Changbin and Christopher everyone would guess you was her biological father. If only you had seen her as a small bundle you could have prevented being just a uncle. As much as you wanted to snatch her from her adoptive fathers arms. You cared enough for your little girl that you didn't want her to be confused. You would take the jealousy, the burning ache just to keep her life as simple as you could. It didn't mean you didn't dream. Many times you imagined Jubin finding out. Her being mad, angry and then wanting to call you daddy. To run towards you with excitement and invite you to the daddy and daughter dance.
"Samchon Juju," she moaned annoyed with your suncream smudges on her cheek. "We have to protect your skin princess," you said using your thumb to wipe it along her cheekbone before rubbing it into the skin. "You don't want to burn do you?” Y/N added before placing her padded water life jacket on. "Oh you don't want to do that it's painful," you said dramatically shuddering causing her to giggle. "But you haven't put any on," she scowled arms folded that caused your body to warm with laughter. Her very image of her mother when she was looking unimpressed your way. "Yeah your right I'm being naughty myself," you chuckled as her scowl turned into a wide grin. "Mummy put some on Samchon Juju," she giggled as your body tensed a little. It wasn't that you didn't want her hand smothering cream into you. But that the urge to make her yours scared you. Since the situation with Lulu at the hotel you had promised never to stray regardless if you were the single party or not. "Come on then sit," Y/N said as if it was easier for her. You looked at her with an arched eyebrow as she tapped the space Jubin sat moments beforehand. Obeying you plopped yourself down, taking a deep breath to ground yourself as Y/N started rubbing the cream into your back. "Do you want to help me," she said to Jubin as she shook her head as her eyes took to the children close by. "Looks like I have to do it myself," she giggled as she drew into the lotion which clearly was too much on your back. Heart beating hard you felt the love heart she was drawing. A mixture of confusion, guilt and desire burning you. Throat drying as you struggle with words to throw out. Anything to try to hint to her that this wasn't what you wanted. Even though deep down she was everything you needed, everything you dreamed of. "Samchon can I have an icecream?” Jubin asked distracting your thoughts. Focusing on her face you remembered your promise to the little girl for a less confusing life. "Yes once mummy’s finished I will get you an icecream," you said smiling her way till she looked at your back. "Jubin hearts her daddy's," she read giggling. Your head snapped towards her as she smiled warmly your way. It wasn't the look of any mocking she was making the gesture that your daughter loved you too. "Come on, my princess wants her icecream," you said standing up as Y/N laughed looking up towards you. "You don't want me to rub that in?" She questioned as you offered your hand to her. "No," you smirked back as she used your hand to jump up.
You held Jubin on your shoulders as you walked deeper in the sea, the waves slightly harsher against your chest as Y/N was being sloshed slightly by the crushing waves. "Are you trying to drown us?” she complained as a wave caused her to lose her footing as she submerged under the water. Your free hand pulling her back chuckling she scowled at you. "Deeper Samchon," Jubin squealed in excitement as Y/N didn't look impressed. "Hold onto my waist to keep you up," you mocked as she rolled her eyes. Her arms reaching around your waist just as a wave crashed. She held you tight as Jubin enjoyed the feeling of the wave hitting her knee. "Deeper," she demanded as you couldn't help but chuckle at your daughter’s adrenaline craving. She was more like you then you gave her credit for. "Princess if we go in any further Mummy will ground us both," you teased as the wave caused more water to splash into Y/N’s face. "Damn right," she spluttered digging her nails into your side. "Ok ok we're go back," you relented turning around to head towards the beach.
"Hungry?" You said looking at Jubin as she nodded rubbing her hands in circle motion around her stomach. "Have you got some Hoppang?" She asked leaning into the basket the water still dripping from her hair from the fun in the sea. "No, I haven't but I got some Nachos,” you said shaking out a box of some you made earlier in the day. Jubin’s face screwed up as she looked further in the picnic basket you packed. "I've got some Tuna Gimibap," you said as you grabbed the box she turned over. "Jubin don't like Tuna," Y/N said as you felt a sting not knowing what foods Jubin liked. Y/N had always came with her foods that made you feel like it was a Christopher health choice. So you didn't take note. "What about some chicken kebabs sticks," Juyeon said opening the box. The guilt hitting when Jubin scowled. "Or we can go back to mine and I'll order some takeout?" You said in a last-ditch of hope. "Really?" She said with excitement as Y/N looked unsure. The two of them had never come to your house. "Yes if it's ok with Mummy," you said looking to her for confirmation. You were worried she was going to decline but Jubin pleaded that she accepted.
Take out in your new apartment went well. Jubin had tucked into her burger that you had ordered, colouring in the book that you had purchased earlier in the day. Y/N was sinking into the bottle of wine you offered as you listened to her talk. Hearing how she desired to go back to school to finish the course she ran from. Pain hit your heart knowing that you were that very reason she ran away from her dreams. Before you knew it Jubin had fallen asleep, her cute angelic face asleep on her book. "We better get you guys home," you said standing up to find your car keys. "Thanks for today Juyeon," She said as she stood up too, her eyes dazzling in your view. "It's been real fun," you said as you couldn't help but get lost in the view of her. "I know how hard it's been, you know playing at being the uncle," she said looking a little sad. "It hurts I won't lie, but it's what I deserve," you whispered letting your world fall. "It's my fault for not giving you the chance," she whispered as you saw the guilt on her expression. "But Changbin and Christopher are doing such a great job," you said as your pride hurt. "They are, but sometimes I wish it wasn't like this, sometimes," her words was cut off by your phone ringing.
Pressing the ignore button you looked to Y/N to continue. "Who's that?" She asked as the phone rang again. "No one important," you gulped with frustration hoping Elle would give up. "Looks like it's important to them," she said as the phone rang a third time. "Everything’s important to them," you said rolling your eyes cutting her off more. "It's Lulu isn't it?" Y/N said her face looking in pain. "It's Elle," you said confused as the phone rang once more. Before you could ignore the call again Y/N grabbed your phone from your palm answering it. Heart racing at the prospect of drama brewing you looked at her face fall. "Eric's not here, I'll pass you to him," she said as she passed the phone to you. "It's Elle she's in labour and can't find Eric," she said as your brain went numb with confusion. "Juyeon the baby's coming calm her down," she said almost impatient with the lack of response from you. "Juyeon," she pleaded as you reluctantly took the phone. "Are you ok?" You said not sure how to respond as Y/N palmed her forehead frustrated. "Support her calm her," Y/N whispered as you heard Elle’s Cry's. "The baby’s coming I don't know what to do. Eric isn't answering his phone. It's too early Juyeon," she sobbed down the phone struggling for breath. "How early?" You spluttered as Y/N looked at you with concern. "Four weeks," she whimpered. "Four weeks is that bad?" You asked Y/N confused. "Yes," Elle groaned before Y/N put her hand flat mid air shaking it to gesture possibly. "Tell her to go to the hospital, find Eric," Y/N said as you heard her whimpering get louder. "Elle go to the hospital I will drop Jubin off and go find Eric," you said as Y/N dialled on her own phone. "I already checked with Sangyeon he's not there," she cried as Y/N put her own phone to her ear. “Baby could you pick me up from Juyeon's, he's got an emergency, and he can't drop me home," Y/N said as your eyes widened. "I didn't say,", "I will text you the address," she cut you off with her hand in the air. "You haven't got time Babe," she said your heart being whipped by the sudden pet name. "I'm on my way now, I’ll take you to hospital myself and find Eric afterwards," you said snapping into action. "Please hurry," Elle whimpered once more. "I'm coming now," you promised as Y/N looked smiling your way. "You can lock up right?" You said to Y/N as you took the phone from your hearing. "Post it through the door I have a spare," you said as she nodded. "You’ll be ok right?" You asked placing your hands on her arms. "I'll be fine your best mate’s wife needs you right now," she said smiling your way. "Sorry," you said tucking a loose hair. "Don't apologise," she said going on her tiptoes to place a kiss, your lips slotting together just momentary. But it was enough to burn through your body. You wanted to process what was happening with these mixed signals today but right now you didn't have the time. But you knew you was walking on dangerous territory. You didn't want an affair with the mother of your child. You didn't want to take Y/N away from Changbin and Christopher and be who everyone expected you to be. But at the same time your heart was so full of love for Y/N. She was more then your daughters mother, you were very much in love with her.
-------------------🔺------------------- Y/N's pov
You would lie if you weren't annoyed for his lack of paternal instinct as he took that call from Elle. It was like she was the reminder of his loss of his family. Though you shared similar thoughts. You heard that fear in her voice you were blessed with two angels when you went into labour and right now she was without. But the second his mind snapped in and he offered to take her to the hospital while trying to contact Eric. Made you proud of the man he had become. Though the sting in your stomach that he would possibly be supporting the woman who he cheated on having another man's child. All while you were left alone in your predicament. The dreams that you dreamt the second that pregnancy test was positive. Was one that could have been real if only Juyeon had realised you was the one pregnant. "You can lock up right?" He asked as he placed his phone to the side as you smiled. "Post it through the door I have a spare," he added as you nodded. "You’ll be ok right?" He asked placing his hands on your arms. The warmth hitting you, the recent attraction that you were struggling to ignore igniting you again. "I'll be fine your best mate’s wife needs you right now," you reassured him. "Sorry," he said tucking a loose hair. The impact having your body on overdrive. Desires firing like he was all you wanted all you needed. You reminded yourself of Changbin and Christopher. "Don't apologise," you said feeling sorry for his predicament. His eyes looked sad to leave you and you felt the electricity shoot up. His muscular arms in the corner of you eyes it was like you could only see him. It was like your body controlled you as you leaned up towards him to place your lips against his. But the second they slotted together Changbin and Christopher’s broken face fell into your mind. It was like your body was in pain what was you doing. Juyeon thankfully didn't respond he looked dazed like a deer in the spotlight. But thankfully never responding further. Iciness in the atmosphere attacked the both of you into the silence. "I better go," he said after clearing his voice. With that he left you and Jubin in his apartment. Guilt, desire, need, want pumping through your veins as you slumped onto the sofa. You knew your feeling for Juyeon was out of control and you were at risk of hurting two amazing men like Juyeon hurt you. You were no different to Elle and Lulu who you despised. One look at your sleeping daughter you saw the confusing path ahead. You could take her and run, beg Christopher and Changbin to take you away. But at the same time you wanted to stay put, experience the family that biologically was Jubin’s. She stirred as you decided to put her in Juyeon’s bed so that she was comfortable while you waited for Changbin.
Laying next to her you closed your eyes imagining Juyeon sliding next to you holding his family in his warm arms engulfing you. You were then startled to the noise in the front room. By the giggling voices you could tell it was Sunwoo and Eric as you dashed from the bed to make your way to them. "For fuck sake Eric, everyone’s looking for you," you said seeing Eric holding a couple of drinks in good spirit in his hand. "What the fuck you doing here?" Sunwoo growled in your direction. Ignoring him you walked towards Eric who eyes widened at you nearing. "Elle’s in labour," you shot out watching his face pale. "She's scared you need to go to the hospital," you added as he looked like he could faint. "Eric," you said hands falling to his arms to gently shake them. "She really needs you, the baby's early, she’s terrified," you pleaded as his eyes snapped open. "What," he gasped like he was struggling to digest the information. "Juyeon’s with her," you said looking at Sunwoo who rolled his eyes. "And Of course you decided to chill out here didn't you," he said spitefully. "Man nows not the time shake your brother out of it instead of attacking me," you spat out as he clicked the roof of his mouth. "Eric I think we need to get to the hospital mate," Sunwoo said as Eric looked at him like a scared puppy. "It's ok deep breath I know it's scary but you really need to get it together because Elle is terrified," you said stroking your thumb along his shoulder for comfort. "What do I do," he looked at you with fear. "Just hold her hand, comfort her and support her, you can freak out once the baby’s here but not now," you said watching him take your words. "But I've drank, we've drank," Eric said worried. "Changbin’s on his way, I'm sure he’ll drop you to the hospital," you said picking up the phone. "Yeah that lackey likes following you don't he," Sunwoo snorted. "Shut up," you growled his way. "The man is a clear mug to be at your every whim," Sunwoo growled. "What is your issue?" You snapped turning to him. "Your brother and his wife have an emergency and your too busy bitching about shit that ain't nothing to do with you," you added as he chuckled in amusement. "Because Even now even all these years you're still a whore who pick up and chooses men as she pleases. Yet throws around the word player at the father of her own child," he sniggers amused that you look hurt at his words. "Your just jealous," you snapped back not able to fathom words to attack him. "You use to play him around with other men when you were at school and now you doing it with your daughter. Juyeon should take Jubin and run from you see how you like it," he hit out as you went to slap him but he caught your hand. "Sunwoo don't," Eric said in warning. "You're the player you're the one that makes those two mugs chase around after a child that you know has a dad already," Sunwoo spat with anger laced in his voice. "Sunwoo," Eric growled as Sunwoo ignored his younger brother. "Jubin should know her Uncle Juju is her father and not those two tweebs," he mocked as Eric back handed his hand into his hyung. "Jubin," Eric said even more paler as your eyes looked to him then the direction he was facing. Jubin was standing by the bedroom door looking confused. "Samchon Juju's my dad?" Her little confused voice hit the room as your heart broke into little pieces. "Eric get him out before I kill him," you growled towards Sunwoo. "Shit Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean to," he said panicking. "No Jubby I didn't mean what I said I was being mean to your mummy that's all," Sunwoo said shooting towards your little girl. Her eyes looks towards you and it was like you couldn't lie to her anymore. "Samchon Juju is your daddy but so is Daddy and Daddy Binnie. Your lucky you have three daddies," you said as Sunwoo’s face paled even more looking behind you. Stood by the door was Changbin and Christopher.
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
Arthur & Kate (Art & Kay)
Peakys Write A Letter
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SUMMARY: While at war, Arthur receives a letter from his wife Kate. He had been home weeks before for a visit and she has not heard from him since, but she has some news to tell him, along with that she misses him dearly. Her letter gives him the fire he needs, and his letter indicates such in return. A/N = I received the amazing letter from @runnning-outof-time from her OC Katherine Shelby (Kate). My apologies for the great delay in responding but I was having trouble channeling Arthur...then one of my OC's took control and said that he identified with Arthur...so I hope that he is right and this is an adequate response. (I'm nervous y'all) I hope I did your wonderful letter justice!
Dearest Arthur,
I hope all is well with you. I hate that I have not heard from you in such a long while, but I understand that these sorts of things will happen when you're out on the front.
Being able to see you last month was like a dream come true. The girls are still reeling from it, and Lottie insists that you need to come home every other week now. I tried to tell her that it doesn't work like that, but she doesn't listen. She won't let me read another bedtime story because 'I don't do it like daddy does'.
Elsie wanted me to tell you that she lost a tooth, her very first tooth, and that she didn't even cry when it fell out. Of course, we couldn't find said tooth because it fell out when she was playing in the garden with Mr. Whiskers. By the way, we have a cat now...Mr. Whiskers kept showing up at our doorstep, so the girls convinced me to take him in. He's a very sweet addition to our household, one that I hope you will take to warmly when you return.
The girls are growing so much each day, so much so that I'm afraid you may not recognize them when you return. And they ask for you at the hardest times; at the times where I also am missing you. They wonder why you can't come back like you did, and why they can't talk to you. I tried to explain it, but I'm afraid that it goes over their heads. Children shouldn't have to understand war. They shouldn't have to worry if their family members will come back or not. It's been so hard to try to keep things positive around them, but with how bleak things have been looking, I'm afraid that my positivity may not last for much longer. Oh Arthur, you don’t know how hard it is for me to keep up the front that all is fine in front of them while I worry for your safety every second of every day.
Anyway, I won't fill the majority of this letter with my sad thoughts. Let me share some good news instead. Polly has managed to take total control of the shop, and she's running things in a way that has allowed us to continue making profits even though many men are out on the frontlines. She actually wanted me to ask you: how would you feel if she and I continued with our idea of hosting a special for women on certain race days? I know Tommy has his ideas of how the family business should be run, but you're the oldest and therefore have the power to make this decision. I feel as though this would continue to help Small Heath as a whole.
The nights are much quieter now with you and the boys being gone. Although at times quieter is better, I do miss the nights where we'd all stay up and share stories, and the nights we'd go out and camp under the stars. Oh, how much simpler those times were compared to the life we're living now.
I don't have much room left on the page, so I'll wrap this up with a few more, quick things. First, Elsie and Lottie have asked me to enclose some of their 'most favorite' drawings in this letter for you. It excites me to think that they're taking after you with their artistic talents. Second, I'm thinking of changing my hairstyle up...you may not even recognize me when you come home again. Lastly, along with Mr. Whiskers (who will not be leaving no matter what), how would you feel about us raising chickens?
I hope to hear from you soon, Art. Please be safe.
Sending all of my love until I can see you again,
Yours Always,
Kate Shelby
My Dearest and Darling Kay,
How the pictures from the children did make me long to feel the warmth of your arms and to hear the sound of their laughter as they played in the yard.  Such comforts are far from where they boys and I are though.  While we are presently safe, the nights are cold and the sounds are never as melodious as your voice or the rhymes the children make to entertain themselves.  
Do not fret, for this shall end and the life we once knew will return.  I can feel it in my bones as surely as I know that Tommy will always find trouble no matter where he shall be and Polly will be the strongest person any of us know.  As I said Tommy makes trouble and Polly is strong, but she is also smart.  If she is making a profit, I see no reason to change things when we return.  My darling, I am proud of you, so proud my heart swells that you two have done so well. I cannot wait to stand beside you and back you. I hope you can feel my love surround you as you work.  Tell Polly that I’ll deal with Tommy if he has something to say, and we all know the bastard will.
Of course Elsie could find her tooth.  The Tooth Fairie already captured it and brought it over to me here on the frontlines.  She wanted me to have something so special since I can’t be there to see it.  And she wanted me to send this coin for it, it was too heavy for her to carry all the way back over here from France.  You see, during war, sometimes the Tooth Fairie has to make special trips and have couriers.  But she can’t tell anyone, it’s a secret. The Tooth Faerie is a spy for the British to bring me home sooner.
I am sorry I have not written sooner, since my visit my heart has ached so.  I have seen the you and the girls when my eyes have closed, your voices seeming to call to me in my dreams, but I awake afresh in this hell around me.  The mud and blood causing my thoughts to be dark and I did not want to burden your bright and beautiful soul with the thoughts of this tortured man that loves you more than my own life.  I would start to put thoughts to paper and I could not put upon you the darkness I have felt, I could not dim you in that way, my bright and shining Northern Star that guides me through this dark time as we fight. I will come home to you, we can raise cats and chickens, goat and cows if you want.  I do not care how you do your hair, if you even do it at all.  As long as that smile that you had when I was last home, that one that graced your angelic face when I surprised you, that one of utter adoration; if that one is upon your lips, then I do not care if the rest of the Earth falls to ruin, Kay, as long as there is you.  
So you tell those girls that John, Tommy, and I will be home soon.  You get with Penny and you make sure you are all ready.  Because we will win this war, Kay, we will.  We have to.  We’ve lost too many to give up and come home like dogs with our tails between our legs.  I have to believe this to keep the darkness that haunts my heart at bay.  We will come home and when we do we will have a party like Small Heath has never seen, we can stay up till dawn and not give a fuck who cares.  I will come home to you Kay, if I have to kill the devil himself to do it.
So, you do up that hair how you want.  You buy a nice dress.  And you know I am coming.
@runnning-outof-time @call-sign-shark @shelbydelrey @look-at-the-soul @raincoffeeandfandoms @there-goes-thefighter @dandelionprints @zablife
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spidersocks15 · 6 months
Don't know where else to write this,i just need to get it off my chest for once. If you read this, you don't need to interact, this is mainly for myself.
It's been a bad day today, one of many and probably many will still follow. Tomorrow may be better,as tommorows tend to be. Now im just done again. Life again seems meaningless. I try my very best to get somewhere in life, to get an education, to then get a job and to hopefully manage it on my own later. I'm now 25, no prior diploma, still at my parents, just trying... but it doesn't feel enough, even if I give it my all. I feel less than everyone else, even if I don't have it as bad as most people. I'm in university, wonder by wonder, trying to get a bachelor's degree. And even tho things go allright, I feel I process so slowly. 3 years has past since I first started, and I'm maybe halfway through it. But I feel I'm getting worse with age. I'm not as smart is I thought I was, not as good as I thought I was, not is functional as I hoped I would be. I live in a country where I don't know the language, don't know the people, and the only lightpoint I have here, is my mother. I would do anything for her, she is basically the only reason I'm still alive and trying. I gave up living for myself long ago, so I now live trying to make her proud, to show that I actually... well I don't know. Am not a waste of life? I like reading how you need to live for yourself and make yourself proud, I know that's not for me. I learned to accept myself and my shortcomings, that's as far as I can take it. My plan is once I get my bachelor's ,to go back to my hometown try to get my life going on there. But I'm actually scared as hell. Scared to not being to function on my own. I dont know if I can live alone, have a job as I never had any (privileged much, I know), just function in general. There are people beside my mom that I love and that would fight for me and help me. I'm allways suprised to think that they exist. I love them dearly and don't want to disappoint them too. They know of my struggles, maybe not that it runs this deep. I'm even suprised that it runs so deep writhing this. I have mostly felt the same like this throughout my life, maybe more optimistic when I was younger, but I just was inexperienced about live then. I am still now, maybe a little wiser or more narcissistic for it. Something is wrong with me, God knows that if many people felt like me,there wouldn't be many people left. I'm not broken, that would indicate I was whole to begin with. I am just me, and that's just fine. I just wish I wouldn't have to feel bad all the time. There is allways this anger,hate,anxiety and God knows what other feelings in the background. I can feel happiness, but its mostly short-lived and gone before I noticed it. I looked for help, been seeing therapist since I was 10. It just doesn't work. That's probably the main reason I study psychology, looking for a way to fix myself. People allways come to me for advice and I am allways so gratefull if I can help them and see them doing better. I can finally be useful. But everytime I try to use the things that I learned on myself, it might get the edges of in the best case. I've been taking antidepressants for 15 years, and if anything, it takes the edge of too. I can't imagine how I would be if I didn't take them, might have ended it all together or I wouldn't leave my house anymore like I did back then. But I don't live it much now either. It's either going to my mom or to my eldery neighbors to play card games. I dont know how to connect with peers, I dont even understand their language. English is an option, and I do have some meaningful connections online,but I guess it isn't the same. I do have 2 friends my own age back in my hometown that I contact regularly. We mostly hang out once a year when I visit them. But even when I used to live there, it was different. I dont know if I don't have the need for social connections or don't know how to make them, I wasjust fine with chatting regularly and hang out every few months. I guess I feel the need more now I'm a bit older and feel isolated. Maybe I'll figure it out if I ever get back to live there.
I know I'm complaining and how pathetic it all sounds. I have some ideas on how to fix me,but i get so exhausted to think about them. Being social in general allready takes so much from me. Can't have 2 big social days without getting burned out. Even if I like it and enjoy every second of it, I can't be socially functional enough without needing a rest of at least a day.
If you read this far (I don't even know why you would) you might think What the hell is wrong with this person? I have no idea myself. What i do have, is an asperger diagnosis, but i feel I can't blame it for everything. I dont want to blame anyone, not society, not the world ,not even sure if i can blame myself for feeling this way.
I'm just doing my best, going on through life. Hoping on better times, that undoubtedly come, they allways do. But another bad day will come too, and they come more frequently than the good ones unfortunately. Killing myself is no option in my mind. It would just shift the problem. The people that Iove (bless them with my whole heart) would blame themselves, that they couldn't stop me or help me. So I go on, living for them and see another day.
I feel better getting this off me now, it will be better. Please,i hope that it didn't depress you if you really got this far. Venting is something I do, now I had to get a whole load off that I couldn't tell someone I know,so this seemed like a good option. You are not alone and things will be better, remember that. A phrase they allways tend to say to broken people, that is still surprisingly true.
Now I'll play some games and watch some videos to get my mind off of things. Tommorow, I'll start studying again,maybe even tonight. Never give up
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Who was your very first rp muse?
My first canon character was actually Sirius Black. Again, I was 11 at the time and on Neopets, so he wasn't very good. But it's when I really started to enjoy taking characters and making them my own. I think I've played every single Marauder except Peter.
How long have you been rping?
Since I was 11 years old, so about 17 years. It's been on and off for a while, and I got back into it with my friend @velvetnviolentviolets earlier last year (or the year before I can't remember lol) and I've fallen in love with it. I stopped because it was starting to take a toll on my mental health and I needed to work on that first. Now, it's all pretty manageable. And I've been incredibly lucky since rejoining the tumblr rp community again that I haven't run into toxicity. A few icks here and there, but other than that nothing really.
Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
YES ACTUALLY. I've been debating on bringing J.ames P.otter back out, because I love him dearly and I miss playing him. I've also previously written Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert, and me not having a Nina Dobrev fc currently is wild to me. And I may or may not be in the works of making their blogs. As for new characters I've never played before, I've always wanted to play N.eville L.ongbottom & L.una L.ovegood. I'm always so terrified of playing like...any character from the g.olden t.rio era because it's always been intimidating. But I've always had an incredibly deep love for those characters. I've been diving back into the H.arry P.otter community, and it's been so lovely reading everything and it's made me want to put a toe into that era, but I'm definitely most comfortable in the Marauder era and the Next Generation era. (Molly Weasley II is my life and I miss HER SO MUCH) I've also been heavily debating on playing hells best dad Lucifer Morningstar (from H.azibin H.otel), and using a Ryan Gosling fc for him, because I think that's hilarious. But I also didn't realize there was some controversy with that creator as well -- I still don't even really know so if anyone here reading this would like to enlighten me please, by all means!!!!! There's a ton more, but I don't need this to turn even more into a novel than it already is.
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valyrou · 2 years
Hello, may i request for a BSD romantic/platonic matchup ? (Whatever inspires you the most ! :'D)
About me :
I use any pronouns, mostly she/her , he/him and they/them, any is fine with me ! (Me genderfluid ig zjzu) I am pansexual and so i don't mind the gender i'm being matched with, i'm also asexual
As long as you don't pair me with mori i'll be okay
I kin some characters, you don't have to know them or make researches about them but i'll name them just in case that can help
So yes firstly i kin Dazai from bsd -
and i kin reki from sk8 the infinity
And 707 from mystic messenger
I'm requesting matchups because i'm curious
I like :
Chocolate : It's some type of comfort food for me and something that is kinda apart of me now as when i was younger i was known for the crazy quiet kid obsessed with chocolate
Chips aswell, there was a period in my life where i did weird experiments with chips. I can tell you do not put chips in the microwave they're not gonna be any tastier... My best friend wants to ban me from the kitchen since this chips-experimental small phase of my life. Which is good for me since we plan to live together with some other friends and that would mean i wouldn't be the one carrying the burden of cooking, cheers !
My bed ; I'm a very lazy person and somedays all i'll want to do is laze around in this heaven of mine. Somedays the world is too heavy for me to even get out of this magnificient bed that i dearly love. #Tryingnottoturnsleepingasacopingmechanismasitshouldn'tbe
Skateboarding ; I also might not be this much of a lazy person as i get urges to go outside and skateboard, sometimes i'll fall my ass off and that's completely fine, sometimes i'll completely get hurt but that's okay, it's apart of skateboarding ! More excuses for me to laze around? As long as i have the freedom to skate around a bit and i only ever get stopped when i'm hurt.. Teehee
Sleeping ; Sleep is precious to me, if i'm staying up or thinking about not sleeping much, bully me to sleep please. Even a few minutes is important. Else without sleep i go crazy and i might end up feeling down for a whole week just because s l e e p
Hugs : And i will struggle to admit that because of my ego. But please hug me🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 we can take naps hugging 😌
Comfort : please even though i run away from that please
Joking around and laughing : being serious is nice and all but i like joking
Pranking : though i do it rarely so that i can get my friends by surprise i'm always proud when they fall in my rare and small traps. Eheh 😎
Music : because, like, m u s i c
Being a daddy (not nsfw it's a joke zizkzkzk)
The color purple (i'm obsessed with it)
And bright colors (mostly red & yellow)
Any colors actually (brown and blue are slay too)
But mostly purple
And red
Stars : looking at the stars in the night sky is awesome. In fact my room's wallpapers are stars and i put some effects to feel like i'm in space at night. Nice.
Otome games 🥺🥺 >_<
Once again, hugs please
I dislike :
Dazai's suicide attempts : they'll make me sad and remind me of a lot of bad memories i can't even count - i could get triggered but that'd be rare i think 🤔
Stress : frick stress
Authority : you don't tell me what to do 🙄💅
School : if i ever go to school again, don't lose time and just put me in a mental hospital smh
Uncaring people : i'm sensitive plz don't break my fragile heart and please show that u care abt what i say 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔
Death : i want to live infinitely with the people i care about😔😔😔😔😔😔
Chips cooked by microwave
Chips in a chocolate bread sandwich
Chips on yogurt
Too much seriousness
Too much activity
Having to look good ; too much of a chore for me smh let me dress with the first clothes i come across
Personality traits :
I'm so lazy it became a personality trait
Funny, i make my friends laugh and I make myself laugh so idk
Caring, though i might seem distant sometimes, probably because i'm feeling too lazy/overwhelmed to show my care. RIP.
Quiet sometimes, Loud the other times
Sincere , yas i'm honest as hell and if you bother me i'll say it, which happens rarely but it's good to know i guess-
Maybe not a personality trait but i seem either happy to other people
Thinking mess : i think a lot and zone out a lot even while walking and talking. Could get lost bc of that tbh
Considerate ; teehee 😌
Kind ; teehee🥺
Bright, wait didn't i already say that-
I'm an understanding person
I'm either energetic or dead, but i bring good vibes okay
What i look like :
5'4 tall
Short dark brown hair that i like to cut bc i don't wanna brush my hair so i hate when it's not cut
Dark brown eyes
I mostly wear a purple or black outfit i guess?
Hobbies :
Writing fanfictions about my friends because it's funny
Making videos because i don't know
Skateboarding because i love the freedom feeling
Staying in bed because frick the concept of an active life
Read some books bc like books are slay
Watch videos
Talk to people through discord mostly
Thinking and let my thoughts wander as i scroll through tumblr and youtube
Backread discord messages, funny and comforting ones teehee
I thought i was an INFP for 2 years
Turned out i'm actually an ENTP
But my extrovert and thinking percentages are very middle middle
So you could say XNXP but i'm 90% sure i'm an ENTP
It just means i may sometimes act like an INFP, INTP or ENFP
I don't know why but when i'm at my lowest i act more like an INFP
I don't know why either but it's very rare to be introvert and thinking at the same time so my INTP phases are very rare
I don't know why i'm more like an ENFP or ENTP when i'm in the best times of my life
But anyways i'm ENTP you know some details now, if that can help
I think i'm done ! I hope i didn't say too much and that was enough for you, if you're not inspired or don't want to do this , it's completely fine ! Please take care and i hope you have a great day or night ^^
A/n: I don’t believe you are lazy BECAUSE YOU WROTE A WHOLE PARAGRAPH???? I‘m joking lolol anyways
You seem so nice and sweet like be my friend????
Also it’s a little short so i feel sooooo bad but I hope you enjoy anyways :))
I had to think abt this one quite a bit but I think I‘m gonna pair you with…..
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You are kind of similar yet different
I imagine you both going off to do silly things because NO ONE TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO
Ranpo also needs hugs like??? Cuddle this genius please
The only person he would share his chocolate with tbh
Also you kin reki, Dazai AND my babygirl 707??? What do they all have in common???? They all have a „happy“ and fun side, yet they also have a quiet and dreadful one to them. They all have a partner that is calming or just „quiet“, be it langa or Mc.
Your fun and entertaining side also has a quiet one to it, so your s/o Ranpo will be your other piece to that cliché trope
Cuddles on the sofa
Also you‘d be friends with Poe and Atsushi especially
Your kind and caring traits are no barrier to anyone so anyone could be your Friend (except Mori, you‘ll probably set him on fire)
Kunikida wouldn’t know what to do with you
You and Ranpo are a silly couple idc
Ranpo will ask Poe if he could write a story for you and him to solve together (kinda escape room date vibes)
Teases you a lot but in a cute way if you don’t get the answer to a riddle
Also I believe that Ranpo wouldn’t engage in sexy times, just because he doesn’t find the whole „making baby’s and stuff“ things interesting so no problemo
Will give you his cape sometimes if you ask with a pretty please
If it rains he will pull you close and cover the both of you in his cape while smiling like an idiot
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𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝐹𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽 - 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒱𝐼
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER?" Yoongi screamed pushing Taehyung away and taking you into his arms.
"My baby sister," he looks at her and lets his thoughts speak out aloud, "are you okay? Oh no, you've passed out. Good thing I came here in time or who knows what this creep would have done to you."
Taehyung fists his hands. Why would he ever do anything bad to her? She was his dear. He loved her so dearly he wanted nothing but her safety and happiness. 
"I wouldn't have done anything to her.." Taehyung said in fury, "I love her."
"Love?" Yoongi laughs, "She probably doesn't even know your name. Do you know who she is?"
"Yunahet," Taehyung said, "she's my Yunahet."
"Yunahet," Yoongi laughed harder, "You don't even know her name!"
"I'm taking her home..." Yoongi lifts her up, "away from creeps like you."
Taehyung clenches his jaw in anger. "He was your brother. It's okay. He was only being protective of his sister," he repeated to himself.
"Lady," he Taehyung ordered to the crow perched a little far away from him on a window, "follow them. I want to know where she lives."
The crow swiftly flew along with the taxi Yoongi had called for them.
Yoongi somehow made it back home with Yuna safely. She was completely passed out and he was on the verge of passing out. He carried her inside the house and softly placed her on the bed and walked into his own room with intentions to take a shower but ended up flopping onto his bed and sleeping. 
"Is my dear fine?" Taehyung asks.
"Yes, my lord," the crow answers.
"Take me there," He says.
"But my lord.." 
"Shush," Taehyung says, "I want to be with my dear."
"Okay, my lord," the crow replies.
He stepped into her room silently to see her sprawled on the bed and soundly asleep. He walks toward her and sits down beside her bed admiring her face.
"Still as beautiful as before," Taehyung whispers, "Yunahet."
He rarely ever said her name. He always called her 'dear' since she was really innocent... back in those days. He didn't know if she was still the same innocent Yunahet or a whole new person. But all he knew was that she was the same soul. Her new name even resembled her old name. Min Yuna. He caresses her face and looks at her body which was laid in an uncomfortable position. He slowly picked her up and laid her back on the bed in a comfortable position and pulled the blanket over her after pulling her shoes off.
"Good night, my dear," he kisses her forehead, "I love you."
And he leaps out of the window. 
"Who was the other man she was with that day?" Taehyung asks.
Jungkook was sitting on the floor cutting out pictures from an archaeology magazine's latest issue. Yuna's latest exploration report was featured in it and there were several pictures. He was studying the case diligently from the internet and several other magazines. He was making notes and sticking pictures from the magazine. He suddenly hears a knock on his door. 
"Who could that be?" He groans.
The intensity of the knocking increases.
"I'm coming," he said getting annoyed.
He opens the door to see a beautiful girl. His jaw drops. 
"H-hi," she stutters, "is this Yunahet's house?"
"Yunahet?" His expression falls into a confused face.
"Oh," she chuckles, "Yuna. Min Yuna."
"Oh," Jungkook laughs, "no, it isn't. This is her cousin's house. She is my noona. My name's Jungkook. May I know yours?"
"Oh!" She laughs, "You may not!" 
With that, she runs away. 
"What-" Jungkook shuts his door, "What the hell was that?"
He decides to call Yuna to know who she was. But to his vain, she doesn't answer the call. 
"She must be asleep," he sighs, "I'll call her tomorrow morning and ask her to come over so I can show my notes and study with her."
He gets excited at the thought of studying with his Noona and hops away into his room and continues studying and working on his notes.
"Jungkook," the crow answers, "he lives a few blocks away."
"Let's go then," Taehyung smirks.
"What are you planning to do, my lord?" The crow asks him.
"I'm planning on getting to know him first," he says nonchalantly, "and then kill him if he's a threat."
"Why kill, my lord?" the crow asks, "Just take her along with you. In time, she will learn to love you." 
"I will do that," Taehyung smiles at the thought of you loving him, "once I erase all threats to me and my dear."
"We have reached, my lord," the crow says.
"I'll transform into a girl," Taehyung says, "I don't want him to notify my dear about me asking for her."
"Smart," the crow compliments.
Taehyung transforms into a girl and walks towards Jungkook's apartment door. (Check the picture at the beginning of the chapter for reference)
Taehyung's POV
I knock at his door. After a while, I got impatient and knocked harder.
"I'm coming," I heard Jungkook with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
When he opened his door and looked at me, his jaw dropped. I am drop-dead gorgeous, as a man or as a woman, I know.
"H-hi," I stutter, "is this Yunahet's house?"
"Yunahet?" His expression falls into a confused face. 
Oh lord, I forgot her name changed.
"Oh," I chuckle and correct myself, "Yuna. Min Yuna."
"Oh," Jungkook laughs, "no, it isn't. This is her cousin's house. She is my noona. My name's Jungkook. May I know yours?"
Cousin? Oh, then he doesn't seem like a threat. But I don't like the way he said 'my' noona. She's only mine. It's okay. I'll give her all of my love, never let her go and claim her as my queen and everyone will just have to accept that she is mine. He wants to know my name eh? Might as well tease him a bit. I'll lead him on and away from my dear.
"Oh!" I laugh, "You may not!"
And I run away from his door. I chuckle evilly as I hear him curse.
"This is going to be fun."
1053 words
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loonyplenny · 2 years
Acroos the sea and beyond
{Pirates of the Caribbean AU!}
(siren! Gaara x female r)
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IN WHICH: Y/n, female pirate, gets kicked of ship for being a woman. Now she's on little boat in middle of the ocean, looking for land. Her emotions are mixed, she feels furry and saddness, despire and loneliness.
But, she'll meet someone and that meeting wil change everything for her.
requested by : @kirshimadenkisero
This was suppsed to come out of 19th of january, but I got busy so...
HAPPY a bit late (since here it's 00:28 on 20th of january currently) BIRTHDAY GAARA! LOVE YOU BABE, stay so lovely.
Can't belive this is happening...
,, I can explain, I can!"
,, Shut up witch!" one of pirates shouted.
,, Witch's in your pants!- y/n snapped
,, You little... I'm gonna kil..."
,, Stop it Miguel."
Everyone turned. To face captain Lewis. He was tall blond man with strong sholders and green eyes. His father was an intelluctual and wanted the same for his son, but that never meant anything to Lewis who run away from home 25 years ago when he was 17.
He knew how and when to be cruel, he would kill without a mercy, but yet - he had strong feeling for justice.
,, Captain!" Miguel started. He was always an ass and nobody liked him. ,,This little whore..."
,, Don't call her like that or your sleeping with fish", Lewis said calmly. ,, Gentlemen, I'd like to talk to girl in private, please go out".
Miguel spitted on floor next to you and left with no words. Lewis will punish him for that, thing's sure.
Others were looking sad and sympathetically at you. You may have been female and broke their rule number one, but you were honest friend, good sailior and you dearly loved every ocean and sea.
It'll be a shame when Lewis kill you. Or worse.
Now, you were alone - just captain and you.
,, So? What are you saying in your defense?"
,, Captain Lewis, sir, I can explain! I'm sorry I lied, I-..."
What's all of this for?!
How are you going to hide the truth now?
Growing up, you've always been told to stay away from pirates and the sea. Because "it's dangerouse/you're to delicate/you will get hurt or die". But most of times, "You're a young lady, how will you survive there on the sea?!".
And you hated that with all your heart.
Wanting to prove them wrong and make yourself feel good, you run away from home with your hair cutted in short and pretended to be William, taking your childhood friend's name as yours.
You were so happy when first year flew by and nobody noticed.
And now you were in this mess.
,, You're going to kill me, aren't you sir?" you said with defeated, some sort of smile on your face.
,, I'm not going to kill you, William."
Wait, what?
You raised your head.
,, You're not?!"
,, No, I won't. You were best and most hard working here. Killing you would be a shame. Plus, I have reputation that shall stay clean", Lewis spoke. ,, What's your real name, William?"
,, I am... I'm y/n Dawnson."
,, Well y/n Dawnson, it's nice to meet you. But you're aware you can't stay here anymore, aren't you?"
,,Yes sir... I am aware."
,, And, of course, because you lied, which is something very bad... You shall be pushied". captain spoke.
Your head went down. Great...
,, But, since I'm not going to kill because I'm not such a man... I will leave you in a small boat here and let you find land yourself. Does that fell right?"
You raised yourself from flor where you previously fall and looked him directly in the eyes. ,, Better that than sleeping with fish."
Screw you, Lewis.
Seriously, that man could not have left you somewhere where what was not SIREN TERRITORY!
That was probably Miguel's idea, but who the frick cared now?
You could end up as a snack any moment.
Amazing, great... you hissed.
This was supposed to be your dream life.
And now you were stuck in this mess.
You remember how much you loved to sit at your hometown harbor and watch the ships coming and going. How charmed eyes looked when sailiors would have to you and how beautiful looked ocean waves. They were blue like deepest and biggest dream of a child, just like yours were.
,, I'm sorry mama...", you whispered.
She was very dissappointed when you said you would give your life to the sea. Since your father wasn't alive and there to help, you were left to fight on your own. And you left. She could not do anything.
,, Go then. And live your best life. But know that I'll miss you", she said on the day you were leaving.
You may never see her again...
Tears stared to form in corners of your eyes. No way I'm going to cry now and here!
You wipped them angrily.
I have to survive! I must!
Then, you heared it. Something was in water, there was splash that could be heared as clear as bird song in early morning.
Your grip on oar became stronger. Could it be...
You stood up. And raised oar.
,, Get out of this dark and show yourself!"
Shadow rosed from water and you were faced with a... siren?! You stood suprised, cause you didn't really belive they are real creatures.
Mostly they were described as ugly and slimy, but this one, a redhaired male with eyes green like deepths of ocean, but with no pupils, was nothing like description from stories.
By the way his bodyposition was, it could be said he wasn't having attack on mind.
He was actually staring at you curiously.
Blink from you.
Blink from him.
,, HEY!" you screamed. ,,WACHA LOOKIN' AT?!"
Newcomer seem confused.
,, WHAT YOU WANT?! Wanna eat me or something?!"
,, No", he calmly says.
,, Holy damn sea! You for real can talk?!"
,, Holy damn sea, you for real are a pirate."
,, Oh, shut up fish!".
He was sort of going on your nervs already. Why doesn't he just jummy-jum you right here and now?
,, Where I'm coming from, calling someone a fish is a compliment" he says.
You smirked. ,, Well, why aren't you attacking me?"
,, The reason why I don't wanna eat you is because you smell like dirty human males".
,, I smell like... what?" HUH?
,, Like sweaty, dirty human males. A toddler siren can smell things like that".
,, And that's the only reason you won't eat me? Cause I'm smelly?"
,, Yes. But not really just for that."
,, And so?"
,, You don't look or smell like any other human I ever saw. You smell... like laught, birds and sun".
You blinked in suprise. Since for fucks name when does sun have a smell?
,, It's possible to smell like that?"
,, Not really. That's just how smell of good heart looks to me".
You looked at him, suprised. ,, Yeah?_
,, Yeah", he replied.
,,You really don't know how to find land, do you?"
,, Well.." , you bite your lips. ,, No..."
,, Here", he said coming close to your boat and starting pushing it to shallow ,, Allowe me to help".
,, I... thank yo- Oh, what's your name?"
Corner of his eye was looking at you. ,, Gaara", his simple answer.
What a gorgeous name...
,, And you, human?"
,, And I am y/n Dawnson"
,, You live like an outcast?"
Gaara and you have been cheeting for a long while already. Some would run away frighted if they saw you. Fair enought, you don't see siren and human having a talk every day, do you?
,, Can be called like that."
,, So you do not?"
He remained silent.
,, Sorry," you spoke. ,,It must be too touchy."
,, No. I am just not used to talking about that to... anyone."
You studied his apperiance. Like flame red hair, aqua eyes and kind smile.
He seemed like a nice person.
,, Even though I may be outcast and wallflower, I have my siblings. Both older than me and both overprotective. My brother Kankuro acts like total fool often, but he has kind heart. Same for my sister Temari, except for that she's not fooling around, she's just tough. Still, they're great creatures."
,, Hmm, your siblings seem very interesting. Do you think they would eat me if I say I'd like to meet them?"
,, Easy, human girl. Not everyone of my people is kind like me."
,, I belive I'd say something so stupid that your brother would die from laught."
,, Making him scream from laugthing isn't that hard."
,, We'll see yet!"
You stood in for of lodging. Gaara said this one was the best one. It is looking nice, but has a silly name, really. Ichiraku, how funny.
You entered the warm room and almost got knocked to the floor by blond boy with bright blue eyes and kind, dimples smile.
,, Hello there traveler! Weclome to Ichiraku! What may I do for you? Would you like snack, a meal, something warm to drink? It was cold this evening."
,, Oh, well... Thanks for kind welcome. I need a room, please. And yes please, I'd-..."
,, Of course! Let me lead you to your table". He shouted in next second ,,SASUKE! Get your ass in kitchen and... What's your name?," he asked.
,, I'm y/n Dawnson."
,, SASUKE GET YOUR ASS IN KITCHEN AND MAKE Y/N DAWNS- Oh, what would you like? He have amazing seafood!"
,, How about you choose me something?"
The hell, who's that Sasuke?!
,, Alright idiot, I'm going!," snapped blackhaired young man. Must be that Sasuke.
,, Hey, what's your name?," you asked your guide.
,, Naruto Uzumaki, loyal worker to this place, nice to meet you! Ah, there we are! Have a seat," Naruto pulled a chair out.
,, Thanks!"
,, I'll be back in fast", he said and rushed somewhere.
As you were waiting for your dinner, a pink haired girl (that was unusual to see, but a legend about residents of this town mating with sirens in ancient past was part of folklore so it was not such a suprise) and green eyes came to you.
,, May I sit?," she asked politely.
,, Sure!"
She sat down and handed you a cup of warm tea. ,, This is at the expense of the house!"
You were freezing and this is just what you need!
,, Thank you", you said shaky and took a looong sip.
,, I'm Sakura Haruno, I work as waitress. Guess you already meet my friend Naruto. What's your name. Oh, sorry if that was kinda rude, but  you're a young woman and, as it seems far away from home. We don't see that often."
You already liked her very much.
,, Y/n... Y/n Dawnson."
Since then you became great friends with whole stuff of Ichiraku. There was Choji, chef's assistant. That boy was total social butterfly, kinda shy and liked food a lot. Shikamaru, a lazy dude but great thinker, was working with financials. Ino, blonde haired girl that liked to tease was main entertainer.
Regular customers that were coming every day were rest of friends group - locals of your age. Shy girl named Hinata was great, but so insecure. Kiba on the other hand was confident way too much (and stinky as a dog). Shino bearly ever spoke, but he was kind. Lee was loud and silly, which often annoyed mostly calm Tenten and always calm Neji, Hinata's cousin.
And your relationship with Gaara grew. You even met his siblings! And, for nice suprise, they are a great company!
From them you found out a lot of necessary and even more of unnecessary things. Very interesting thing was that your learned that the legend of residents mating with sirens in past was true.
,, You know that blonde Uzumaki dude?," Kankuro asked.
,, Yeah, I know Naruto."
,, One of his ancestor was siren, you know."
,, No shit?!"
,, Yes, shit! That tale is true just as the fact you can see me."
Kankuro was very funny. And kinda mean. But funny. And nice. When he wanted.
Temari, oldest, was the most focused and appeased person you ever meet. And she liked talking to you, she said herself.
And you learned a lot about Gaara. Who would have guessed he didn't like loudness and that he very much liked plants?!
Kankuro teased him he was crushing on you, but physically touch between humans and sirens here was forbidden. Allegedly.
With Sakura, you got very close. Even started calling her your bestfriend. Even became her roomate.
But something was missing.
You missed the scent of ocean in your hair and long nights on open sea.
And you still dreamed of your own ship.
Once day, after many months in town, Sakura informed you of some old, drunk man, a captain witn ship but no more crew, who was gambling at casino. ,, He's put his ship as stake," pink haired finished.
That was your chance! But...
You knew you would leave if it became yours. And had to power to show yourself to Gaara after.
One day, Sakura got the letter. And ran out of Ichiraku so fast, she even knocked Sasuke to the floor.
And she run across streets, people were yelling and cursing, but her mind was deaf now. It was all way down to there - to the beach.
The letter said it was time for sirens to learn the truth.
Sakura was breathless when she finally reached sand covered beach. Figthing to breath somehow she,  bent and holding her knees, has stenght to let out a exclamation.
No metter how far away sirens were, they'd be able to hear.
,, Hey! I have some amazing news!" she was shouting cheerfully.  ,, Heeey!  I know you can hear me! Do ya know what's up? It's y/n! She went to the sea! Won a ship in gambling game and took bunch of girls and boys with her. She's following her dream! Isn't that amazing?! She finally became real pirate! No more no less, a pirate captain!"
But sadly, no answer was given.
Sakura smiled kinda painful. Damn was she missing y/n already, but imagine how much it hurted that guy. If it was to belive to Temari's words, y/n was first human her brother managed to befriend for real.
As she was walking away, three silhouettes  poped out of water.
,, A captain of a pirate ship? Or better say shit?," Kankuro laughed. ,, Damn, that girl got some hella big balls", he even louder laughed.
Which made his sister role her eyes. Here we go again.
She was ready to bet hell out of him, but somethings else caught her attention. That sad and melancholic, hurted and confused look Gaara had as he gazed across the blue surface.
,, Gaara?," Temari asked gently. ,, Are you alright?"
Unusal pain was toring his heart apart.
Why did she leave just like that... without a goodbye?
* a year later *
He was losing breath.
Temari's words came to his mind.
Rememeber to breathe, Gaara. Breathe...
He was reckless and daydreaming. Again.
And now he's got himself in such bad position that he wanted to cry in agony.
Fishing nets...
Gaara could hear voices of people from above as he was getting pulled out of depth.
But those voice weren't deep and rought like old fishermen had. They're sort of... ringing. Like they were coming from young humans.
Could it be...
When his body hit the deck, his vision was completly blured.
,, We need nets moved!"
,, I am on it, now shut up!" Moegi snapped.
,, Miss, you gotta see this!" someone said loudly as they run back in cabins.
,, Don't worry, we won't hurt you", one of the boys tried to comfort him, but it seemed usless.
,, Oh, just leave him, Konohamaru", Moegi said. ,, He's frighted to death, no way you'll comfort him so easy".
,,  But we're not going to hurt him right?"
,, What the- Of course not, silly. We just have to wait for Miss captain to tell us what to do", ginger girl spoke.
,, He looks badly hurt, will need some treatment for all these..."
,, Miss, miss! Dear miss!", boy with glasses, Udo, stood up from where he was sitting and rushed to person that was approching.
,, Miss, you won't belive it! A siren, real one! Though, male one, but real one! And, and..."
,, Udo, shut up!" Moegi snapped at him. ,, Let Miss see by herself. She's got pair of good eyes unlike you."
,, Hey!," Udo rebeled.
,, It's alright, Moegi" you said. ,, Udo just got excited".
Moegi bit her lips. ,, Hmh! Yea, but he's annoying as pain in assh- ... Miss, you ok?"
You stood like frozen.
,, Miss?", called Konohamaru.
No... No. No. How??
But... It's impossible... Or is it not? It's... Gaara ?!
,, Miss, are you alright?", Udo was worried. ,, You are very pale".
,, Yeah, 'm fine... Where in the world did you find this siren, children?"
,, He got himself tangled in nets", Moegi explained. ,, When we spooted, we immediately got nets out in fast so we could realse him, but to slow unfortunatley. As you can see he got severly enjured. We can't let him go back like that, he needs treatment for that wounds, otherwise..."
,, He dies", you finished for her. ,, Well, not under my watch! Konohamaru, get some kids to prepare the room. And warm water. We'll have long day".
,, Yes!"  boy shouted as he took few older boys to help him.
,, I'll approach him" you decidedly said.
,, Miss, be care-" , one boy stared.
,, It's alright. I know him". you answered as you started walking to him. ,, You can say we're friends ".
You crouched down in front of him.
,, Gaara",  called your voice. ,, Look at me."
And like in magic story, those eyes green like deepths of ocean were looking right at you one again. It made you smile so that your cheeks hurt and to tear up so hard that you had to hold tears with full strenght.
,, Y/n..." he said with relife in voice.
Long silence.
,, You're here... For real..."
You thought "I would never see him again".
But he...
is here, really here. Here, right in front of me.
Your hand reached for his.
,, Hey..."
When he was better, you were finally able to rest. And get proper sleep.
Recovery was slow, but not tough.
You knew he was ready to go home when kids said he was swimming. And swimming and swimming and swimming. Just like then...
*few months later*
,, We're ready to leave soon, miss."
,, Y/N...", his voice now hurted. ,, What is that girl talking about?"
Fuck, you had to courage to notify everything to him early. And now you're in mess again. Your arms tightly clamped the fence of the ship. World came after swallowed lump.
,, My crew and me are going on a journey. Don't know when I'll be back..."
,, Y/n..."
Damn Gaara, don't sound so betrayed...
,, Miss, if you're ready, we..."
Hell no, not now!
,, Gaara, wait," you shouted from top of lungs, jumping in water.
,, Miss!," children yelled, worried.
,, The hell are you doing Y/n?!," Moegi screamed at you as you emerge.
,, Y/n! Get back!," called Konohamaru.
,, I'll be fine!," you shout over your shoulder getting up, rushing foward. ,, Gaara, wait!" You were now running toward him so fast that you amazed yourself. Water splashing around.
,, Gaara!"
Then, clumsy as always, you slipped.
And Gaara was  just in time to catch you in his arms.
,, Thanks, Gaara", you smiled, lifting your head to look at him.
One of your hands found way to his face. So smooth and gentle under my fingers...
He put his hand on yours, other to your cheek.
Forbidden physically conact somebody said?
,, Stay" he pleaded.
That made you bite your lip. Shit.
,, I can't... This.."  you looked back at the ship.
,, This is everything to me. You know I want to be my own person. This is my chance for so."
,, You're not leaving forever, aren't you?"
Your heart was in such pain, but also - it feeled felling like melting.
,, Of course I'm not Gaara! I'll be back before winter, I promise. And my codex is to always go after your word!"
That made the redhead smile.
,, Plus" you added ,, I can't come back without all the gems I promised to get."
Both of you laught. For name of sea, you were going to miss this guy.
Maybe I even kiss him when I'm back.
,, Try making friends with Sakura. For real. She's really a kind girl and a great friend."
,, Will do my best. Hope she doesn't faint when she sees my tail".
You smirked. ,, I'm sure she's gonna adore you!"
Somebody coughed on the deck. Time for goodbye, huh?
You were getting ready to turn and leave. Suddenly...
,, Y/n...", he said stoping you. Your gazes meet. His eyes looked kinda sad, but also very proud.
,, Yes?"
,, I'll be waiting for you. No matter how many days and times needed."
On your very suprise, you smiled and your heart was felling so full.
,, And I'll come back every time."
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dear--charlie · 2 years
Dear Charlie,
It's been a minute, hasn't it? I hope this fall season is treating you well. Did you have a nice Halloween? We sort of did. Nic and I had Halloween goody bags set up, and not one child came to our doorstep. We made these scrumptious cupcakes. They tasted delicious, but the recipe could use tweaking. I probably overdo the festivities. I'm only looking to provide treats for sweet kids, like I had received as a kid. We watched Bridesmaids and I felt a lot like Annie. Except, I think where she was in the movie, that was me several years ago. And now, I'm a little better. Ish.
We moved to Smithville a month ago. It's about an hour and a half northeast of San Antonio. While I love the town dearly, (it's actually been remarked as a city. But when I can drive around the entirety of the town in 20 minutes, I'm sorry, but that is a town). Okay, okay. I'll concede. It's a near city. It's rather lovely here. They have little town events, sales, and nearby towns and events to go to. It happens to be 15 minutes from Bastrop, and 45 minutes from Austin.
We made this crazy move because Nic has a new job with Tesla. And, it seems to be going right for him. He gets better benefits, I think for free, and has more days off. So, if he needed to work more hours, I'm sure he could ask. I try to get up with him to make him breakfast and pack a lunch, since it feels good to do these things.
I'm starting new jobs it seems too often. I may have fudged a bit on my resume, but only for the period of times at my jobs, never the skills or experience. A few years ago, my mom suggested I work at a call centre. They tend to pay more, depending where you're going. So, it's a great opportunity, since people are always needed. But, I've come to realize I'm not happy taking call after next, seated on my butt, waiting for the next break or lunch time. And yet, this newest company treats me fairly. Hell, I have benefits beginning today. A dream come true, you would say. I'm realizing my job(s) aren't very fulfilling. And, it doesn't stop there.
In my life, I haven't felt challenged, happy, excited, or seem to enjoy myself. I'm very much aware, that one move to a new town won't magically solve my problems. But I've given more thought to what could help. Despite its low pay, I used to enjoy working at the gas station in San Antonionear my apartment. I loved the many things to do, the people I would say hello to, the variety. I'm realizing I loved and still love keeping busy on my feet. For several reasons, A. Exercise! Which means more energy to do things. B. Staying busy with various tasks helps my ADD brain thats always running. C. It gets me out of the house. But, I haven't felt even remotely happy in any of these call center jobs since my very first one. I worked as a reservation specialist for a major hotel chain you'd recognize in a heartbeat. As much as I hated back to back calls, I loved the variety of the people calling.
I went around town yesterday, asking various businesses if they needed help, but many of them didn't hire outside of their company. I visited the library, gazing around longingly, wishing I could be employed by them. I may have to work on earning my degrees if I want to pursue that route. I checked out 5 books, all of which due in two weeks. I am going to try Dollar General just down the street, and maybe the bank floating teller job I found. I would be a teller on my feet. I would have to dress nicely and count change back. But I haven't felt confident in my appearance since developing this skin condition on my face. I'm sure they are always hiring, so I'll put it off for a bit.
Hopefully, I'll find a job or more that has me on my feet, earning my way up! (Kind of. Retail is notorious for underpaying). I would want the morning shift. I want my late afternoons and evenings to myself. I can practice my baking, perfect recipes, and think of ways to continue developing my hobbies into a side business until I can work for myself and dictate just what I'm looking to do.
But beyond all of this, I'm ... miserable, starved for more human interaction, and accepting I think I'm most definitely at that point in my life, where I need therapy. Funnily enough, I've been reading this book on a therapists journey with receiving therapy during a critical time in her life, while discussing her sessions with her patients (while concealing their names for privacy). It's pretty funny and enlightening in so many ways. Oh, and the books I've checked out from the library seem great. If I can remember, I'll get their titles.
I suppose that's enough for now.
I miss being around people, having friends, and learning new things.
8:02 am
Monday, 1st of November, 2022
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