#drarry to write list
oflights · 9 months
I'm curious about WIP/to-write numbers 1 and 3!
hi!! awesome, thank you!
reddit penguin story mpreg
this one is based on this adorable reddit post:
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i'm imagining harry and draco as neighbors who mostly ignore each other until one day draco knocks on harry's door to "complain" about the smell of his cooking...and ofc he's holding a container and a fork. harry eventually offers him some food an draco's like "well if you insist" and of course keeps coming back throughout his pregnancy 😊 this might be the short-ish, fluffy palette cleanser i write directly after star splitter...i mean, i said that about the last mpreg fic i wrote and it turned out to be 60k words but whatever!!
3. arranged marriage fuck-or-die feat. amortentia
this is a super basic idea but one that is mostly motivated by me really wanted to write the arranged marriage trope and make it as fucked up as possible lol. so they have to get married for ~reasons (who knows why? not me, yet) and they have to fuck once a month. so one of them (probably draco, lbr) suggests they both take amortentia to help them along. and then one of them forgets to take it or it doesn't work for whatever reason and realizes the sex is amazing without the dulling effects of the potion, and feels guilty about it but wants to keep having it. then something happens and they actually fall in love and live HEA 😂 clearly this is well-developed!!
ask me about my 2024 to-write list!
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dracognition · 7 months
I absolutely adore your writing!!! The way you write Drarry is so comforting and delicious. Would it be possible for you to do either 67 (Character in peril) or 27 (Sick/Injured fic) with 61 (Love Confession)?
67: character in peril + 61: love confession send me a trope mash-up!
They were going to die.
Harry knew it as surely as he knew his own name. They were locked in a small space, surrounded on all sides: the Mediwizards were a few minutes away yet, and even if they got here they wouldn't be able to make it through the blockade outside. It was a possibility every Auror knew they'd have to face and a possibility Harry'd been facing since he was eleven. They took down the largest cross-breed smuggling ring in all of Europe. He and Malfoy would probably have their names permanently engraved in the DMLE. It was an all-around success, other than the dying thing, so it was—it was fine.
Malfoy's eyes were wide. He was pressed up against Harry, his wand trembling just barely in his hand. Harry could practically hear his jackrabbiting pulse—could see the thin pale shape of his pinched face. "This is it, then," he said. His voice was pitched barely above a whisper.
"Not a bad way to go out." Harry tried for a grin and didn't quite make it there. "Finally got the glory you were always talking about, yeah?"
Malfoy laughed: a choked, humourless thing. "They're going to put a picture of us up in the halls."
"Next to the Dumbledore portrait."
"Ugh," said Malfoy. "Bit ironic, isn't it?"
"You've earned your keep, I think," said Harry absentmindedly. Terribly, unwisely, his attention was focused not on their impending doom—not on the footsteps making their way to the cupboard they'd gotten trapped in, not the bloody death that'd surely follow—but on the small unhappy curve of Malfoy's mouth, the way his hair fell into his eyes.
This is it, he thought, and then he thought: fuck it.
"You can push me away," he said roughly by way of warning, and then he pulled Malfoy into a desperate, hungry kiss. For a moment, Malfoy was entirely still—and then he sprung back, burying his hands in Harry's hair, biting his lip and groaning when Harry made a small noise in response.
"I've," he said around a pant, dropping kisses to Harry's upper lip, his chin, the line of his throat, then, "I'm—I love you. Thought you should know before we—"
"I thought," Harry said breathlessly. "I thought—I never knew—" Distantly, he heard the footsteps quickening, getting closer, and the last thing he'd feel would be Malfoy's mouth hot on his jaw, Malfoy's words plucking at his heart, and maybe this really wasn't a bad way to go out—
"Hm," said Hermione as the door burst open, her mouth doing that thing it did whenever she wanted to smile but was trying very hard to look stern. "Glad to see you two are so focused on the job."
Draco straightened, flushed pink, and staggered to his feet. His robes were rumpled and his tie was askew. Harry was torn between pulling him back down and finding a hole to crawl into and die. "If you hadn't noticed," he said, coolly, "we did the job already. It's finished."
Hermione's lips were still pursed, but when Harry gazed beseechingly at her and asked, "Can we go home and do all the paperwork tomorrow?", she openly laughed and waved them off with a congratulations.
"So," said Harry after a few minutes spent shuffling off the scene in silence. "About that thing you said earlier—"
"Urgh." Malfoy wrenched his face away. "We can just forget about it, please."
"But—" Harry paused, gripped Malfoy's wrist just to have something to hold onto. "But I don't want to."
Malfoy stared at him for three seconds. He was perfectly motionless, his expression as blank as a still pond. He said: "You didn't say it back, over there. So—"
"I thought the kiss was enough of a signal," Harry said drily. Something rippled over Malfoy's face, but it was gone before Harry could read it, and he rolled his eyes. "Obviously I love you too, you idiot; why else would I do that?"
"Us mere mortals don't dare ask why you do anything, Potter," said Malfoy superciliously, but he was smiling, and Harry smiled back.
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emsuemsu · 8 months
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If there's something I really love in life it's the elderly. I love old people and old people love me and that is a fact. I am a peepaw whisperer, I speak fluent grandma. So naturally I've been on a mission for some senior citizen Drarry to quench my never ending thirst.
Some of these fics do contain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. Some of these fics do contain MCD in a form of dying of old age. They're all tagged accordingly, if in doubt check the tags.
These are all well under 10k, and hit me up with some more geriatric Drarry recs if you have some!
About Damn Time by @lumosatnight 👴 4,045 words
All Draco wants to do is eat his custard cup and nap in peace. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so, when the Flamel House for Experienced Wixen is overrun with Harry Potter and his idiot friends.
The Afterlife, According to Draco Malfoy by @stripedsilverfeline 👴 1,861 words
Tea is not a proper substitute for astral brooms': The Afterlife, according to Draco Malfoy
Age is just a number by @gnarf 👴 1,555 words
Married for decades, their life is perfect. Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words: "Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms."
Attic Past by @piarelei 👴 500 words
Here are his knees. Noticeable and ugly. Harry sighs, doesn’t dare look at more of himself; the skin loose around his thighs and the wrinkles crowning his eyes. “I have ugly knees,” he tells the room. Draco, predictably, is already downstairs and doesn’t answer.
Brave by @mars-bar81 👴 8,403 words
Draco had never been the brave one- that had always been Harry's job.
Easier Than Falling Asleep by @gnarf 👴 1,029 words
After a long and happy life Harry is ready to return to Kings Cross. This time it's not Dumbledore, but his husband waiting for him there and they finally get to ride the Hogwarts Express together.
Dear Life by @drarryangels 👴 5,208 words
"Draco ran his fingers over the headstone at his feet and let his creaky knees fold underneath him to sit on the grass. When he was younger, he thought he’d never get old like this. With bad joints, white hair, and off trend clothes. Harry would’ve laughed at him if he could see Draco sitting in the dirt sniffling over his lost touch in the fashion industry." Or the story where Draco and Harry get to grow old together and be happy.
I Wouldn't Change a Thing by @rei382 👴 1,380 words
Harry and Draco, an old married couple, need to pack to go to their retirement home. But Harry stumbles upon an old photo album, and all kinds of memories start to flood back.
lucidity comes before the sun sets by @squintclover 👴 707 words
Life and memories are cruel sometimes... Stealing Harry from Draco before his time.
Meeting Too Late by WSbrat 👴 1,528 words
What if Draco and Harry fell in love when it was too late? What if they fell in love anyway?
Old School by Bardo 👴 5,053 words
When he was younger, Draco Malfoy used to say sex was dead after 65. Of course, at the time, he wasn't talking about himself.
Stay with me forever, we'll ride this out together by @triggerlil 👴 420 words
In old age, Harry cares for Draco.
Two Old Coots by @sofyachy 👴 1,898 words
On their 50th anniversary, Harry and Draco are a couple of old coots who no longer care what they tell other people about their relationship, to their kids’ mortification. Gather round, children; it’s inappropriate story time.
Wiser With Age, Still Stupid in Love by @sethsevolution 👴 3,483 words
There came a point in their lives where they felt like they were only ones left and that was what finally drew them together.
Won't You Stay By My Side by @gracerene 👴 1,936 words
Harry needs to convince Draco that he is too old to continue his dangerous job as an Investigative Journalist.
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siriusly-writes · 2 years
“I love you”
“I love you”
“You can’t”
“Why, I love you”
“We ca- I can’t, please”
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th3archivisst · 1 year
Writing is like watching a mildly interesting Netflix program.
It’s fun, and when you start you spend hours on it, but if you make the mistake of taking a break before you’re done, say goodbye to finishing it that month.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 10 months
hello! bit of a specific request but would you know of any fics that feature draco & harry exchanging snarky letters (for whatever purpose- their jobs or teddy or anything really) that get progressively less snarky and more exasperatedly affectionate? fic doesn't have to be only featuring their letters, but like initially at least the exchanges between draco & harry are solely via post
Is there anything more romantic than taking the time to write a letter? Even if it is sent out of annoyance, you had to take time to find pen and paper, sit and write your thoughts, sign off and sign your name, then find postage and send it.
I hope you enjoy these epistolary (one of my favorite words) fics. And if you feel up to it, send a friend a letter for the joy of it.
Mislaid Owl Post by (801 words, rated G) by @thelionessroyal
A trainee owl keeps bringing letters to Hogwarts Potions Master Draco Malfoy instead of their intended recipients, leading to a rather annoyed Malfoy and amused Potter sending letters back and forth. Maybe they should thank the poor owl for his efforts...
Yours, Draco by @drarrytrash (3,505 words, not rated)
All that's left are 15 letters, and then those are gone too.
I Just Want You to Know by @crazybutgood and @sugareey-makes-stuff (3,949 words, rated T)
After a Potions accident leaves Harry and Draco without a verbal filter, they have no choice but to communicate with each other through letters. Forced to work together to catch up and complete their Potions project on time, secrets they have both been withholding eventually spill out along the way.
Famous Last Words by drarrymadhatter and @ladderofyears (6,298 words, rated M)
When unsigned love letters addressed to him begin spontaneously appearing around the castle, Draco is not amused. In an effort to make them stop - or at least to make them stop appearing in public places with permanent sticking charms - he writes back.
Handling Snakes by @potter-loves-malfoy (7,074 words, rated T)
Draco Malfoy is content with his life as a psychologist in the Muggle world. Sure, the tube is a nightmare, and it would be nice to use magic without worrying about being discreet, but it's good for the most part. When he starts treating a client for their fear of snakes, he realizes that his safe, comfortable, Muggle life won't be that way for long. It really doesn't help that he might have a slight aversion to snakes. There's no avoiding it now; he needs Harry Potter. Only for his snakes, of course.
To Auld Acquaintance by @cavendishbutterfly, @corvuscrowned, @sorrybutblog, @fictional (8,326 words, rated T)
After Draco returns from a stint in Paris, neither Harry nor Draco seem to know how to talk to each other. As usual, they make it literally everyone else's problem.
Featuring: texts, letters, emails, and further shenanigans.
Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) by @fluxweeed and @lastontheboat (10,258 words, rated T)
Dear Mr Potter, The answer is, and will remain, a no.
Sincerely, Draco Malfoy Accounts Manager, Phoenix Press
How to Fool Your Friends (And Get a Boyfriend in the Process ) by @famoustruth and @orpheous87 (10,332 words, rated T)
Fed up with their friends trying to set them up, Harry and Draco decide to pretend to be a couple in public. They plan their every move through their letters, but what they didn't plan for were the very real feelings that make themselves known.
Yours Truly by @skeptiquewrites (14,848 words, rated M)
Every single one of Harry’s exes has gone on to marry the next person they date, and with the upcoming nuptials of numbers six and seven to each other, Harry’s feeling exhausted by it all. It doesn’t really matter if he lets people assume Draco Malfoy is his boyfriend for a moment of peace. In any case, Draco’s been away for five years and there’s no way he would find out, right?
There are many benefits to being a marine biologist by @tedahfromtayla (19,088 words, rated T)
There is something about Harry that constantly calls Draco back to Britain. No matter how far he tries to run, he can't outrun his stubborn heart, or the history of his family.
Bonne Foi, Draco Malfoy by @badwolfblues (19,399 words, rated E)
At twenty-five, Draco Malfoy has to return to England to do something about the Manor, and Harry Potter won’t leave him alone. His years-old crush on Potter is reignited over repairs, mermaid lemonades, and pocket owl messages.
Butterflies in Winter by Justlikewriting (19,725 words, rated M)
Of course Harry had known that Malfoy’d been sent to Azkaban, but, to be honest, since the trials Harry hadn’t really thought of the git at all anymore. A random visit to Slug and Jiggers was about to drastically change that, though.
And whose exactly were those letters that Harry found there?
Dear Stranger by @iero0 (22,751 words, rated T)
The one thing more pointless than falling in love with an anonymous wizard over a correspondence is falling in love with Harry Potter when you’re Draco Malfoy.
*Check out the Happy Hour rec of this fic by @ladderofyears
All Things Go by @sorrybutblog (32,826 words, rated E)
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out.
The Art of Thank You Notes by fictionclaw (82,232 words, rated E)
A few years after the war, Harry receives a ministry notice that Draco Malfoy’s house arrest will soon be lifted and that the wand he has kept may be sent to the ministry. He doesn’t think much of it when he sends the wand directly to Malfoy Manor with a note.
But one letter swiftly follows another and Malfoy sneaks his way into Harry's every day life without either of them minding.
Or; Harry and Draco find reasons to write letters to each other and Black heirlooms and family histories are uncovered while they figure out why that is. Lunch dates, careful friendship, confusing feelings and Draco's art included.
Save the Date by @mallstars (122,954 words, rated E)
In the twelve years after the war, Harry attends sixteen weddings. As friends and acquaintances vow their lives to one another, he watches quietly from the sidelines. Step by step, Harry pieces himself back together, builds a life from the wreckage of his past and falls, slowly and thoroughly, for Draco Malfoy.
A story told in sixteen parts, of patient and transformative love, of queerness, of reaching out and holding on. Featuring plenty of pining, Gilderoy Lockhart getting married in a fever dream of glitter and product placement, and Rita Skeeter spitting a steady stream of venom at Harry and Draco's every move.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
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thatfanficauthor107 · 2 months
Random AU’s for you fic writers!
Firefighter x Arsonist
Author x will never ever set foot in a library ever (bonus points if they can’t read)
Academic rivals but they compete for last place
Siren (who seduces then drowns people) x lifeguard
Hates children x teacher
Highschool dropout x prodigy
scientist x guinea pig (as in human they test on not the animal sickos)
fallen angel x redeemed demon
doctor x serial killer
priest x demon
Tag/credit me if you use them!
i take reqs for promps + stuff!
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sillywives · 7 months
WFAUFF Reveals Day Four
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Happy thirsty Thursday from WFAUFF!! @myrtlefics and I are observing by bringing you E-rated fics hot off the WFAUFF presses. Tonight @jtimu blesses us with a love letter to the inherent sluttiness of rescue missions, while xalandrix proves it's actually super hot to play with your food. Enjoy <3
I Know the Sound of Your Heart
Author: xalandrix AU: Werewolf Pairing: Harry/Draco Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,378 Summary: “I could eat, I suppose, if you're offering,” Draco says with nonchalance. He meets Harry's gaze and gives him a predatory smirk. “But I want to play with my food.” He only gets to suck Harry's blood for the first time once, and he plans to make it memorable.
The Only Thing Caught
Author: jtimu AU: Pirate Pairing: Harry/Draco Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,300 Summary: Draco’s fingers rested against his skin, but he didn’t move. “Why are you here?”
Harry twisted around to stare incredulously at him. “Have you never seen a rescue before?”
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fanovember · 11 months
1. Corruption arc
2. Faerie
3. Robots/SciFi
4. Coffee Shop AU
5. Mermaids
6. Only one bed
7. friends to lovers
8. stress baking
9. Vampires
10. Online dating
11. Amnesia
12. Ghosts
13. Polyamorous
14. Adopted child
15. Pirates
16. Hurt/comfort
17. witches
18. Slice of life
19. idiots in love
20. established relationship
21. Found family
22. miscommunication
23. DnD
24. insomnia
25. Fake dating
26. protective
27. soulmates
28. Angel/demon
29. enemies to lovers
30. magic school
Remember to use the hashtag Fanovember or mention this blog in your post so I can reblog it!
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cavendishbutterfly · 2 years
my year in fic 2022
thank you to the lovely @maesterchill for the tag!! I wrote way more this year than I realized, and this was a fun way to revisit all these fics...and put them in a handy lil list for myself :)
Just Talking | friends to lovers flirting over text
Draco rolled his eyes. “Mostly I do insufferably posh things like go to galas, and then I go on very bad dates.”
Harry sipped his coffee. “Like this one?”
The Ever-Changing Room | ‘them fatale’ draco does detective work
"I am a bit of a bitch," Draco admits, "If I want to be."
"And you want to be, right now," Theo says meaningfully. "It's time."
song from the morning birds | smitten winter cabin trans adoration
Draco had grinned when he first saw them in the long skirt, one of the usual evenings that he turned up at their cabin unannounced, and Harry knew that they'd blushed more than they'd ever admit.
Glowing | ace vampire harry and trans veela draco do crochet
He leaned close to Draco's neck, and breathed in by accident. Fuck, he thought. Draco smelled sweet, like vanilla.
Best in Blue | enby teddy and head-over-heels disaster james
Harry ruffles Teddy’s hair, which is a bit longer and bright purple today. “I thought you two might like to see each other more.”
“Your son is a menace and I may not survive him,” Teddy grumbles.
To Make A Way | fuckbuddies to lovers angst in London
Harry can't think for more than two seconds before his legs are moving in Draco's direction, until his hands are wrapped around Draco's waist, and Draco’s smiling, the rouge on his lips looking almost black in the dim club lighting. 
quelque chose de fort | harry having sex about his feelings
This, the dim bathroom lighting, outlined hands pressing into Harry’s bare skin, this is everything. He’s close, already. They’ve barely touched him.
Harry Potter and the Ghost Sex Conundrum | somehow both crack and pwp
“We’ve got what, fifty minutes? Want to find out what ghost sex is like?”
Draco scoffed, loudly. “Sounds awful.”
The Re-Fenestration of Potter | horniest ever werewolf draco
His hair is mussed fromall the commotion, and there he is, naked, stepping into Draco’s shower, looking like sex, with a scent that Draco still hasn’t managed to get out of his sheets all the way. He’s sublime, and Draco wants.
Inertia | eighth year enemies to lovers with a gut punch
He wound his fingers through Potter's slowly, just in case he might want to snatch his hand back, in case Draco was somehow doing this wrong. But Potter just watched. He let their hands rest in his lap. Draco tried squeezing. Potter squeezed back.
As it was written | weepy hurt/comfort enemies to spooning
Harry appeared one night in a warm sitting room after a harrowing dream about Bellatrix Lestrange and her silver knife. There was a fireplace flickering on his right side, and that familiar silhouette sitting cross legged in a green armchair.
"Malfoy," Harry said. Somehow it wasn't much of a surprise.
no-pressure tagging @corvuscrowned​​, @sorrybutblog​, @saintgarbanzo​, @academicdisasterfic​, @geesenoises​, @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm​, and @softlystarstruck​ if you’d like to do this too!
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oflights · 9 months
WIP to-write 2024 game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP to-write folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank you for tagging me @porcelainheart3! your WIPs sound like so much fun!
i've been meaning to do a game like this for a bit, since i've starting to near the end of the road with The Star Splitter and i'm thinking about 2024 writing!
i have...a lot of ideas lol. i would not call any of these WIPs (so i have no snippets, i'm sorry), and i omitted some i've talked about before, but if they're on here i'd love to talk about them!! send me a title/fic nickname or a number!
reddit penguin story mpreg
Gilmore Girls AU
arranged marriage fuck-or-die feat. amortentia 
Draco waiting by Harry’s hospital bed…for what?
Kinkuary; Harry can read Draco’s horny, horny mind
blackmail and broomsticks 
Penny Dreadful???
shipwreck, no cannibals (?)
night market feat. fae stuff and imps and bargains
No Children
6th year AU with no Draco (NYC fic?)
Draco burned at the stake + dragons
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pottermoregays · 8 months
hello hi- i’m in search of a good masterlist that has a bunch of interesting/unique jobs or job combos for drarry?? maybe just HP in general, but am curious.
i have checked through like fests, masterlists for fic recs, etc. but if anyone has actually compiled a list of careers.. pls indulge me
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tsundanire · 9 months
Weekly progress report
Just to stay on top of everything, here's an update on where I'm at so far.
Chapter 8 of CiC has been combed through by my wonderful beta and I'll be reviewing notes and making changes probably tomorrow.
Chapter 9 of CiC has begun, we're in the early parts so it might take a few days before it hits beta stage.
And we've begun revising the outline and general plot to one of my OLDEST wips. With any luck, you'll be seeing more of that, and possibly some snippets, in the near future.
I have a DNF fic that's in editing stages, but because of the backlash I've seen a number of authors face recently, I'm most likely going to post it either privately or anonymously. The subject matter is incredibly Explicit, and fairly kinky, but we'll see what happens I suppose.
That's it for now! I'm still working on a full schedule, but I think I'd like to start doing progress reports on Mondays and Fridays if I can, as this will leave Wednesdays for snippets.
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siriusly-writes · 2 years
“What do you want”
“I, I don’t kno-
“No what. Do. You want”
“I. I want you”
“Then I am yours. So fucking take me”
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First fortune cookie rec list of the year, hell yeah! I’m already a day late, but I wanted to do this post justice so I could properly and wholeheartedly wish @anaxandria-writes​ a very happy belated birthday! Rin absolutely deserves a shout out for not only being a fandom enthusiast, but also a creative go-getter and an amazing fandom friend. It’s kinda crazy, because even though we’ve only known each other for maybe a couple-ish of years, it seems like we’ve been friends forever. I guess that’s what happens when we constantly scream and squee about all the things both online and offline (because yayy for being neighbors!). Honestly, Rin’s spirit kinda reminds me of the bright rainbow we all like to see in the sky. That’s probably reflective of her excitement about a lot of things, as well as her love for loud colours and patterns (trust me, I tried to see what I could come up with for the origami spread). We like rare pairs, and hell yes for being multishippers in multiple fandoms, and I’m super happy that we get to share not only HP as a fandom but also Teen Wolf! Yayy! I first got to know Rin in 2021 in the Rare Pairs server, and soon enough CoMs and the Wizarding Den servers and a gazillion other servers I can’t keep track of. That probably indicates we a lot of common interests to begin with, which isn’t a bad thing. One being Flintwood, though Rin has been a big influence on why I dipped my toes in this ship. And when I’ve needed a little bit of inspo for making art or writing fic, she’s already been my go-to person for all the headcanons about Marcus and Oliver. She’s also why I’ve started shipping Herbtamer too, but then again, it’s probably because she’s soo enthusiastic about these two, so how could I say no? Why not...Charlie and Neville are really damn cute together, okay? AND since we both adore Oliver Wood, that was how Wood Your Rather came to be as a prompt challenge since we wanted more Oliver works in general. WYR was the very first fest we both ran for fandom (and basically ever), and boy did we learn a lot about modding while also getting to know each other. I honestly couldn’t think of co-modding this event with anyone else, because one needs to really love Oliver to pieces to make something like WYR work. (P.S. stay tuned for more news on this year’s event very soon!). When it comes to fandom, Rin has done a little bit of everything. She’s a writer and an aspiring artist (and a great cheerleader)! I love that Rin has been trying out new mediums, techniques and ways to make different projects, which is so awesome. She’s definitely an influencer on why I’m currently writing a long ass text fic now (yes, it’s addicting and fun to write in this format, and I’ve recced her fun text fic below). And the progress she’s made with drawing is mind blowing since she picked it up again early last year. She’s dabbled in traditional and digital art, and I’m so excited to see what else she makes for 2023. Did you know Rin’s an embroiderer, crocheter and a knitter, and she makes some pretty gorgeous fanfic bookbindings? Okay, so bookbinding is NOT any easy thing to do, but Rin just jumped right into this hobby probably late in the summer and has made some really amazing books. Everything from typesetting to printing and getting things cased and pretty is a process. 8908908 kudos for doing the Lord’s work in making fics into something tangible and visually appealing to the eye. I know for a fact I’m probs going to peppering you with q’s as soon as I do have a chance to get my feet wet in bookbinding. If you want to see some Rin’s creative works, here are some of my favourite pieces of hers: 🌈 >>> A Very Owl Post WrtrGrl Anthology and Little Lost Things by flightinflame (Drarry bookbindings)
These two books were gifts Rin made for H/D Owl Post for 2022. All I have to say is look through the photos for each finished piece but also Rin’s process on how things came together for both of them, okay?! Seeing the WIP shots for a single book made by HAND is so cool. And well, pretty paper and fonts and seeing fanfics bound with love is really something special and should be appreciated. 💻 >>> Love Advice (Drarry and Wolfstar, T, 1.1k)
Summary: When it comes to advice about the boy he likes, Harry turns to Moony. Not Padfoot.
Yayy for epistolary fic! I love how fun these letters, and Harry going to Remus and Sirius for romantic advice. It’s sweet and endearing, and seeing Drarry from Wolfstar’s PoV through these letters is pretty hilarious, since it’s very obvious how different Remus and Sirius approach things. What a fun read! 🌈 >>> A Dragon and a Lion Celebrate Christmas (Drarry, G, Crochet)
Summary: What do you gift someone who has everything? Draco decides to make the Chosen One a.k.a. Harry Potter a.k.a. his boyfriend amigurumi versions of themselves for the holidays.
Another H/D Owl Post gift made by Rin, where Harry and Draco are cute AF as animals. They look so squishable! Since I have no crochet skills (yet..I’m working on it), I’m always impressed by folks who can make adorable and tangible creatures like this. And ones that stand up on their own...that’s super important for display purposes! 💻 >>> An Expensive Courtship (Drarry, E, 10.9k)
Summary: Draco spent years gathering up courage, then months of extensive planning, and literally tens of thousands of Galleons in his attempts to woo Harry. Harry just thought they were best friends.
LOL. I love Draco wooing an oblivious Harry in general. And them just being idiots. And the little cameo of Flintwood in this (yay!), and all the ridiculous attempts for the dates. This story totally pokes at the cliches, but that’s what made this fic so fun. Throw in some nosy ass friends, and of course everything seems like it’s a chaotic disaster, or in this case, a lot of misunderstandings. I’m glad Draco and Harry get their heads out their asses eventually and get together though. It just took them a while to move out of that friend zone. *pats them both on the heads* 🌈 >>> It Takes Two to Tango (Flintwood, G)
Summary: Dancing with Marcus Flint at the Quidditch League ceremony was not what Oliver Wood signed up for, but maybe it was what he needed.
SOOO. I know this was gifted to me, but I’m going to be very honest: When I saw this was drawn traditionally and just how well it fit the prompt, I was super giddy over it. I’m very lucky I have the original of this to look at whenever I want, but I think this was one of the first art pieces I saw of Rin’s as she was starting to dive more into drawing. I adore Oliver’s kilt and Marcus taking the lead, and they just look happy to actually be dancing with each other, okay? This has to be a fav of mine because it embraces the fluffier side of Flintwood. 💻 >>> Herbology_Neville and DragonKeeperCW (Herbtamer, E, 11.4 k)
Summary: When Neville starts live-streaming on WixenVid, he’s unsure who would want to watch him ramble about plants for an hour. DragonKeeperCW is very interested in the show (and in Neville).
AHHH! Gosh, this one is just so much fun! I love the Youtube feel of this which makes this stand out already as a story, and Charlie and Neville are so flirty yet soft with each other. The overall humour, sexual tension and fluff mixed ogether works so well. And they’re so true their passions: Neville with his plants, Charlie with his dragons, and when it comes to each other...yessss. :D 💻 >>> 🙀 ➡ 😻 ➡ 😽 (Marvel- Stony, T, 5.2 k)
Summary: Tony puts up a "Missing Cat" sign and not only 1) gets his cat back, but 2) meets a cute guy named Steve who keeps refusing the reward. A story told in texts, voicemail transcriptions, and, of course, an overuse of emojis.
OKAY, I know this is not an HP fic, but I had to include this because it’s hilarious, it’s a text fic, and YES. I’m not even in the Marvel fandom, but I was really intrigued to read a fic that was completely done through texts and gosh, it just works so well with show and tell, shenanigans and I love how people’s personalities can shine through the use of dialogue through technology vs. narration or talking face-to-face. I honestly was cackling by the time I was done with this read because it totally embraces Crack Treated Seriously to the tee. Love this so much! You can find more of Rin’s work on AO3. Make sure to leave kudos and comments to show appreciation for all of her fandom contributions. Rin, your willingness to be curious and try new things is contagious, and you have a way of making people’s day a little brighter. I’m so glad you’re part of fandom and that you’re so passionate about what you love. Keep being you. I hope you have a smashing day!
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coffeedrgn87 · 2 years
Coffeedragon's December 2022 Prompt List
I decided to put this together on a whim with very little thought dedicated to the actual writing process, but now that I've invested time and effort into the banner, I might as well commit to the madness wholeheartedly and without backtracking.
This may be an unconventional (and unpopular?) approach, but since some of my best works were written this way, I'm going to go out on a limb here and boldly say that this works for me. Also, I desperately need some form of structure, so why the heck not.
Below is a poster with 25 prompts which I'll aim to complete during the month of December. A lot of them are Christmas related, but some are more wintery in nature, which is why the list is neither solely Christmas-themed nor solely winter-themed. I guess, I wanted the best of both worlds.
I would love to take requests for gifts so if any prompt catches your eye, send me an ask, and I'll see what I can do for you.
As I'm currently in the middle of writing the long-awaited third (and final) installment of my LPK-verse, the aim is to keep these prompt fics short(ish) and sweet, though my idea of short apparently differs wildly from that of most people. 🤣🤣🤣
I'm mostly looking to write Drarry because I feel like I need something familiar, but if the mood strikes, I might throw in a couple of my other fave pairings such as Harry/Teddy, Harry/Charlie, Draco/Teddy, Draco/Charlie, and Jeddy. I'm not opposed to doing Lamen (Captive Prince) either, but we shall see. I'd rather just focus on my favourite two squabbling idiots in love.
Finally, if you'd like to use one or more of the below prompts to create a work of your own, have at it. I'm not hogging these, the more the merrier.
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