#i didn't mean for it to be this long but i got REALLY IN THE ZONE
sheheal · 2 days
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This is how long I was on the phone with Myka aka @codslut's aunt who was screaming, crying, and having a breakdown on the side of the highway after getting a call from local village PD, as she called in a wellness check while she was driving to the neighboring state where Myka was located to check on her in person. The police arrived and did find her body (it was confirmed to be suicide as she left a note, I will not get into details of what method) which had been there for a minute, so it's very likely from my understanding she made her successful attempt shortly after she made her final post online here on Monday morning.
I will not be sharing any personal information about this with the public out of respect for Myka and her loved ones who are understandably devastated. They had just experienced several losses in the family, the most recent being her grandma who died the day after Mother's Day, and now she's another one, and they're really struggling to cope right now. Because of the community's behavior, I also will not be sharing because this family, as well as Myka, deserve peace. I do not want anyone trying to track her down to harass her family, possible disrupt her funeral service once it's arranged, and more. I have zero trust right now. Enough damage has been done, and I will not contribute any more this family's suffering. Her aunt, and a cousin (who is handling this a bit better than the aunt so is a bit more stable to communicate with at the moment), did say they would be willing to hop on a phone call or text with anyone about this situation if there's anything you would personally like to confirm (just reach out in DMs for their numbers), but it is up to them what they decide to share with you, not me. It's not my place or right. And if you do want to talk to them, do not, and I mean do not, make life harder for them than it already is. You be respectful. Everything I talk about in this post is what I've gotten permission to put out there.
Oh, and @soapskneebrace, her cousin personally would like to have a conversation with you, if you're open to it. I think it'd be very respectful of you to do, to have a conversation with them, but it's your choice. She does not want to scream at you, hurl insults, or anything of the like. But she does want to chat, so reach out to me in private if you would be willing, and I can connect you with her. I think she wants to hear it from you, herself, in private, how this happened and try to understand why. Not on some post. If any of the other big blogs that spread this around, or even small ones, want to reach out, I bet Myka's cousin would appreciate a chat with you all as well. Maybe even her aunt, but I'm not sure of that at the moment.
Myka's aunt arrived at her home not that long ago, so I'm doing all this back-to-back to get information out quickly since I don't want people waiting longer than necessary, and did check her computer. She was logged into her blog still, and it was confirmed in the highest form that she was, in fact, @codslut. Her aunt also shared the messages in Myka's inbox, a good chunk before she got overwhelmed and angry, and it's some of the most vile shit I've ever read in my life. Myka didn't even touch the surface of the wickedness that she was being sent, believe me. I don't even think I can even describe to you what was said in most of those. And honestly, those people don't deserve any attention by sharing those hateful messages publicly, in my opinion.
I'm deeply ashamed and disgusted with a lot of people in the CoD community right now. Yet another life has been taken because of false allegations and cyberbullying. Did we not learn anything from Ghost Inquisitor, for example? What happened to him was a bit different in what the community spread and attacked him for, but they were false allegations still, and it resulted in his suicide, just like Myka's. Each and every single one of you who participated, be it talking behind her back, spreading false information, sending anon hate, making vile posts of your own, not taking accountability for your actions, etc., I hope you are happy with yourselves and accomplished whatever the hell you set out to do. I hope it makes you feel better since you felt the need to hurt someone else on such a severe level because all you know how to do is hurt others because you're not happy with your own life and self.
Her aunt does want to see if any legal action can be taken, as do other relatives of hers that were informed, and I have handed over all information I have to help with that process because actions have consequences for all of you. At least I hope so. I hope something can be done, even if it's just Tumblr terminating blogs at bare minimum. The ones who were sending actual threats and shit, that is.
This should have never happened and I'm beyond heartbroken. I'm in tears while making this post and having difficulty processing this, so after I post this, I will be taking a step back from the internet for a short period to decompress. I will answer any DMs though that want contact info for her aunt or cousin. I'm so sorry, Myka. I hope you're happy in the beyond with your best friend, your mom, your grandparents, your childhood pet pug, and everyone else near and dear to you that you lost. I'm so sorry you're going to miss out on family events. You missed so many serving, and now that you're gone, you can't make up for the lost time anymore. I'm so sorry your eight-year-old little cousin who loves you so much can't give you a big hug for her birthday coming up in a few days and go get rootbeer floats with you like she wanted. I'm sorry you and your aunt couldn't have your girl's day trip full of pampering. I'm just so sorry.
And if this needs to be said again, no sending hate to the people involved in this situation who caused harm. Approach this sad news with respect and tact these people lacked. Don't stoop down to their level. Engage with them in the right way, if you engage at all. Out of respect for Myka, if nothing else. Please.
Don't you ever let this shit happen again either. Not ever.
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pwinkprincess · 1 day
hii!<3 may i request Jjk men('Toru, Sugu, Cho, Nanami, Kuna, Toji) reacting to reader saying the safe word during their breeding time?
no, you dont need to do this request if you dont want to, and i may repost for a thank you if you do make one!! tysm!
-4 u!☆☆♡♡🌸🌸🌷🌷🌷💐<3
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after satoru had been going on a mandated vacation for two weeks, it was only natural that the two of you fucked each other stupid once you were reunited. you two had been going at it for hours, you had already lost feeling in your knees and the once there feeling of pleasure is long gone and replaced with an uncomfortable feeling.
“yogurt.” you gasp.
immediately, satoru pulls away from you. he slides his dick out of you and adjusts your position so that he could look at your face.
“you good?” he’s scanning your face and body in worry.
"'s jus' too much, toru." you whimper. your body feels like it's on fire and you want nothing more than to take a shower and cool yourself down.
satoru leans down and litters your face with kisses. "'m sorry, my baby. i got too distracted, you did s'good f'me." his kisses are apologetic and sincere as he gives you soft praises. "let's run you some water." he suggests.
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"sugu, no more." your saying that but your moans and squeals say something else. suguru takes your words as some sort of roleplay dirty talk and just goes harder.
his hips are snapping into you, he has you laying on your stomach while he's lying on your back. he's practically caging you from running or moving at all. he brings his lips down to kiss against your shoulder.
"no, no, no." you squeal and a loud cry escapes out of your throat when he matches your squeals with rough thrusts. "cupcake!" you practically scream the word out as you burst into tears.
suguru stops his hips and movements all together. his breathing is heavy as he looks down at the back of your head with worry. "babygirl.." he's frowning while pulling out of you.
"can't." you cry.
"'s okay, pretty, i got you. yeah your sugu has to learn control. mhmm, yes, he does. 's okay, pretty baby." he mumbles into your ear before placing a soft kiss on your lobe.
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when choso fucks, he becomes a bit一dumb. he absolutely tunes everything out and focuses only on the warm pussy that gushing around his cock. he had this blank wide eye stare that lets you know that the lights are on but no one is home. he claims his ears ring and sometimes he really does just think with his dick.
he has that exact wide eye, blank stare as he watches your boobs bounce in front of his face while he bounces you on his cock. what was supposed to be you taking control and riding the both of you into rounds of pleasure soon became him fucking up into you until you lost your voice.
"i can feel you in my tummy cho." you mewl while looking down at your stomach. if you looked hard enough you could really see the faint print of his cock, or maybe you were convincing yourself you could. either way, he was being too rough and it was no longer pleasureable.
"so fuckin' wet." choso whimpers out, he's grabbing onto your waist with sweaty clammy hands. he has no rhythm and he's just listening to the voice in his brain that tells him to fuck you harder.
"stop!" you exclaim as you push choso by his shoulders, forcing his brain to become less foggy. "flower!" you shriek out as you felt a sudden pain in your lower legs.
choso pauses, there's a quick flash of irritation before he's looking at you with concern. "you okay, baby?" he asks, breathless. and when he see the dejected look on your face he's quick to wrap his arms around your shoulders and pull you against his chest. "didn't mean t'hurt you, princess. promise." he mumbles while pressing his lips against your forehead repeatedly.
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nanami eats pussy like it's his last meal. always. when you see that hungry glint in his eyes, you automatically know what position you're going to end up in. and your suspicion is correct, of course.
you force your eyes open as you look down at your boyfriend who's lapping fervently at your sensitive clit. he has his eyes squeezed shut and there's a look of peace on his face as he licks and sucks on your pussy. his fingers are tightly gripping into the plush of your asscheeks, and you could feel the bed slightly rocking from him needily pushing his hips into the air.
"nami, shit, let's-let's staaa一fuck." you're moaning and grinding on his face even though you want him to stop. his tongue is truly both magical and powerful. you have to will yourself to stop practically riding his face once your stomach begins to burn, and not in a good way.
he says something but it's muffled. he only pauses for a split second to adjust you on his face so that your clit bumps the bump of his nose and his tongue can lap at your leaking slit.
"taxes!" you groan. you almost feel upset at yourself for calling out the safe word. you knew if you didn't stop him now, he would continue to eat your pussy until it felt uncomfortable.
he helps you lift your shaking leg down and lay down beside him. his face is drenched with your arousal and there's a frown on his face as he scans your body for any signs of brusing or irritation. "i-uhm, lost myself for a moment, sweetheart. i apologize." he says while looking at you with genuine sorrow.
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tw:dubcon !
you really hadn't mean to upset sukuna. you were just beginning to grow tired of him talking to you like you were incompetent all of the time. and maybe you should've waited until the guests were gone to explode on him, but you were so blinded by rage that you insulted him not once but twice in front of company. you knew better, and sukuna wanted to make sure you never got that comfortable again.
the sound of your choked swallows and gurgling filled the large room. you were on your knees with your hands binded behind your back. your watery eyes darted up at your husband's face, your heart thumped just a bit harder when you realized he was already looking down at you. your mouth is full of cock, there's thick drool seeping out of the sides of your mouth, racing down to plop onto your chest.
sukuna only smirks as he grabs the back of your head and forces the rest of your mouth around his cock. instantly, you begin choking and trying to push away. sukuna only lets out a disappointed hum and forces you down deeper. once he realizes that your throat won't allow any more, he thrusts his hips back and forth a few times.
your throat and chest burns from the lack of oxygen. you could feel your head becoming more airy and your vision grows weaker and weaker with every passing second. at the last second, sukuna pulls his lathered cock out of your mouth and slaps it across your face a few times. he stains your face with bits of his precum and your spit mixed.
"red." the word comes out scratchy. you're breathing heavy, you mix between deep and short breaths as you try to regain respiration.
sukuna in returns laughs loud and hard at your 'plea'. "bitches like you don't get to call out." is all he says before he's shoving his cock back inside your mouth.
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you and toji love to roleplay, you guys have a plastic storage bin hidden in the closet specifally dedicated for your little roleplays. you came up with them 98% of the time and toji just obliged. especially since the end result is always your creamy pussy. you had begged him for a week night to pretend to be a masked robber breaking in. after long blowjobs and incessant begging, he finally gave in and bought the cosplay.
"i-i can't sir, your cock 's too big!" you mewl out. he's holding your legs while having them pushed up to your chest, he's already so big and for him to have you in a position forcing you to feel every inch and vein that's embedded onto his cock has your breath hitching.
it's not exactly toji's fault. he's just fitting into the role you begged for, but somewhere along the lines you begin to feel uncomfortable in a sense. you weren't sure if it was the roughhandling or the degrading words as he tore your panties off.
you don't know when you start crying, but as you blink there are tears streaming from your eyes while you mutter a weak "bank."
toji stop instantly and pulls off the poorly cutten up masks. he slides out of you and lets go of your legs. he looks down at your bruised body and frowns to himself. maybe he did go too hard this time. "you alright? shit, babydoll. yeah let's stop, you should've said somethin' earlier. damnit." he curses at himself, guilt courses through his body as he realizes he's pushed you into an extremly vulnerable state.
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firewasabeast · 2 days
(I made this little headcanon then had to write a fic for it. Here's 2k words of the 118 being obsessed with Tommy ft. Bobby being a dad, of course. Enjoy here or on ao3!)
The Problem
Buck has a problem.
He knows it shouldn't be a problem. Knows he should be grateful. He's never had anything like this before. Never felt so secure in his life. Work is good, home is good, friends are good, family's good, and his boyfriend... well, he's really good.
Buck is in love, like really and truly in love, for the first time ever. Yes, he's said it before, and maybe he meant it, but not like this. He's never had this much stability, and care, and comfort, and security. Buck doesn't just love Tommy, he feels loved by Tommy. Since the moment the words I love you slipped out of Tommy's mouth, there has never been a doubt in his mind that Tommy means it. And he knows that Tommy feels the same way about him too.
But none of that is the problem.
The problem is he's not the only one who loves Tommy.
All of his coworkers love Tommy.
A lot.
Apparently he is a very popular guy with the 118. Buck always knew Tommy was a cool guy, even when he first tried and failed to discredit the claim, but he didn't realize that every single one of his coworkers would also think Tommy was the coolest guy to ever walk the planet.
Okay, maybe they didn't actually think that, but it was obvious that they liked him and they wanted to be around him.
All. The. Time.
At first it was cute. Buck was thrilled that everyone liked the person he was dating. He was overjoyed that they always had something positive to say about Tommy, that they had him included in group chats, and invited him to hangout with the team after a shift.
Then it became... a lot to manage.
Chimney and Tommy had a long history, so it was to be expected that they would hang out on occasion. They both loved to watch classic movies and, while Buck didn't mind one every once in a while, he wasn't a huge fan of black and white so he let them have their time with that. He just didn't expect Chimney to add the Old Classics Movie Network to his cable subscription so there was always another movie being recorded that they needed to watch and analyze.
Tommy and Eddie were already friends, and Buck and Eddie were best friends, so it was easy for the three of them to hang out. Buck could get into wrestling, he liked karaoke trivia, and he was a big fan of learning Muay Thai. But that's where Eddie had a problem.
“Every time you come to Muay Thai,” Eddie whined, “you and Tommy end up going one round, get all horned up, and leave early.”
“All horned up?” Buck repeated with a glare. “What are we, fifteen?”
“You're banned from Muay Thai,” he declared, holding up a finger to silence Buck's incoming protests, “at least once a week.”
Then there was Hen, who Buck thought would care the least of them all.
He was wrong.
She became convinced that she was the reason he and Tommy ever got together, not Chimney.
“Chimney may have been the one to contact Tommy, but it was me who planted the seed in his head,” she'd say, “so I was actually the one who connected you two.”
It turns out Tommy and Karen also had a lot of similar interests, so one double date turned into regular double dates. Often, Karen was texting or calling Tommy to set up the next double date before Buck even knew a thing about it.
Hen also enjoyed Tommy's dry humor. They could battle back and forth for hours in sarcasm wars, and often enjoyed hating on the same things.
Even Ravi wedged his way into Tommy's life. He actually wanted flying lessons for other purposes than staring at Tommy for hours at a time while he rambled on about what each button did.
And Tommy was so kind, so insanely, annoyingly, kind that he always made time for everybody. Buck had no idea how he did it, but he did. He even always had time for Buck too, Buck just wanted more of it.
He knew it was selfish. He knew Tommy deserved to have all the friends and found family in the world, which is why he'd never say anything to him about it.
But, he could talk to Bobby. Ask Bobby to talk to the rest of the team, because he'd tried and they wouldn't listen to him. Or, maybe Bobby could just schedule him off a day where everyone else worked? Give Buck and Tommy a day where distractions weren't possible, because all of the distractions were busy at the station. Surely he could do something.
He should've known better.
The second he tapped on Bobby's office door, Bobby excitedly waved him in.
“It came in the mail today,” he declared, as if Buck was supposed to know what that meant.
“Wh- What came in the mail?” Buck asked cautiously as he sat down.
“The murder mystery game Tommy and I talked about last time you guys came over. I had no clue he was so into puzzles and mysteries. I already talked to Tommy, and you two are coming over for dinner tonight.”
“We are?” Buck asked. This was a lot of information to be thrown his way so quickly.
“Yes. Well, he actually said he'd ask you about it and then confirm, but you already said you didn't have plans earlier, so...”
He should've known that question was a trap. Bobby had asked what everyone's plans were while they were on the way to a call earlier in the day. Buck had answered that he and Tommy didn't have any, which was risky, but his mind went blank in the moment. His actual plans involved a lot of nudity, mind blowing sex, and hopefully some whipped cream, but he was trying to not be so blatant about his sex life anymore.
But now Bobby was looking at him with wide, excited eyes, and he did remember Tommy talking about that game, and Bobby's food was always so good, so it wasn't like he could say no.
“Yeah, of course it's fine.”
Which led them to now, having just enough time to shower and change before driving over to Bobby and Athena's place.
“I know we haven't had as much us time lately,” Tommy said as they reached the door. Of course he did. Of course he noticed everything. “So we'll stay for dinner, and do this game, and we'll go by nine.”
Buck tried to play it cool. “No rush.”
“Evan,” Tommy replied knowingly, dropping a kiss on his temple, “we'll go by nine.”
Who was Buck to argue? “Yeah... Yeah, okay.”
Dinner went smoothly, as if there was another option. Tommy was always great at keeping up conversation, and he and Bobby knew tons of people to reminisce about and catch up on. Tommy had a long history with Athena as well, and a lot of mutual respect between the two, so the conversation never stalled.
It wasn't like Buck was ever left out either. Bobby and Athena were his family; more of his parents than his actual parents. Bobby cared for him, loved him, watched over him in ways his father never did. Athena was a dose of reality when he needed it. She was stern, expected the best from him, and didn't whitewash anything. He felt more comfortable in their home than he ever did in the house he grew up in.
And Tommy always had a hand on his leg, or his back, including him in the conversation or bragging on whatever he did at work that week. When Buck talked, Tommy looked at him like nothing else existed in the world. He listened, hung on to every word.
He made Buck feel special.
Which is why Buck wanted to take him home, rip off all of his clothes, and adore every inch of his body.
He couldn't do that yet though, because it was only seven-thirty and they still had to play the murder mystery game.
It started innocently enough. It was a fun game with pictures, paperwork, some evidence, and background on all the suspects. Buck figured they'd read through the material, follow along, and they'd be led to the murderer in no time.
Then Bobby rolled out the cork board and began pinning suspect photographs and pictures from the “crime scene”.
Things devolved from there.
Athena gave up before nine. “I solve murders all day long, I don't want to do it all night too.”
Buck still held out hope they'd leave on time.
Another mistake.
“Hon, it's getting late,” Buck said a little after nine, gently patting Tommy's back. They were sitting beside one another at the dining room table. Buck had been half paying attention, half going through a Wikipedia rabbit hole that started with active US serial killers and had somehow ended up on the origins of duct tape. “Maybe we should let them get some rest.”
“Buck, we haven't solved the murder yet,” Bobby replied, lifting both of his hands to show all the paperwork. “Cassie's ex-boyfriend is a prime suspect, but I have no physical evidence to prove he did it.”
“I think we should look more into the circus clown,” Tommy replied, handing Bobby yet another piece of fictional paperwork. “I learned a long time ago that you never trust a clown.”
“We already cleared the clown. He had an alibi.”
“Did he though? His best friend, the balloon artist, was his alibi. The clown could've paid him off.”
That's when Buck decided he'd be better off slipping away and joining Athena in the living room.
“Would you like some leftover pie?” Athena asked, eyebrow raised knowingly, as she lifted up her own slice.
Buck nodded. “I got it.”
He returned a moment later, pie in hand, extra whipped cream. He sat down on the couch, across from where Athena was curled up on the loveseat.
“There's not much on right now,” Athena said, staring at the TV, “but these home improvement shows always find a way to reel me in.”
“As long as it's not a murder mystery, I'll enjoy it.”
Athena let out a laugh. “They're in it deep, aren't they?”
“I'm not sure an actual murder would take them away from that game.”
Athena shook her head, peering into the dining room. “Our boys are something else, aren't they?”
Buck smiled. He couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach. The night may not be going as planned, but there was something so sweet, so domestic, about it all.
Everything felt... right.
“Yeah,” he replied, “they're something.”
Two more shows started and ended, and Tommy and Bobby could still be heard in the other room, arguing about whether it was the clown or the ex.
“You know, I looked up that game a while ago,” Athena whispered into the darkness of the living room, the only light from flashes on the TV, “and it wasn't the clown or the ex.”
Buck sighed sleepily. “I think we'll be spending the night tonight,” he mumbled, his eyes slowly closing where he laid on the couch.
“Already made up the guest bedroom,” Athena replied, taking another sip of her drink. “New toothbrushes in the bathroom too.”
It'd be another two hours before Tommy would come and gently wake up Buck and lead him to the guest bedroom. They'd brush their teeth, and change into some of Bobby's pajama pants before snuggling in bed.
And then, before the sun rose, Tommy would be popping up from a dead sleep to exclaim, “It was the candlemaker!” before running out of the room, and apparently right into Bobby who- from the sounds of their mumbled laughter and high fives- had the same epiphany.
Yeah, Buck had a problem. And he hoped he had it for the rest of his life.
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luvvixu · 21 hours
a/n: you guysss!!! crazy idea hehhehwhe (pretend that i didn't have mind over matter series that i need to finish and a special chapter for the end) i was actually on a half way through of full long aaa oneshot of vampire!reader and painter!gojo which was settled during renaissance era. so the story goes like...
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vampire!reader who loves fashion so she bought a lot of clothes, beauty products (makeup in modern terms), jewelries, mirrors—just anything that could make a lady more pretty.
vampire!reader who cares about her looks, mostly on her face, but is insanely frustrated because she's a vampire, she cannot see her reflection in the mirror. that is why she never used some of her beauty products because she could not see herself.
vampire!reader who once asked for help from her people to put those products on behalf but it got stopped because she couldn't even see herself, so what's the point of it anyway?
vampire!reader who met painter!gojo who was trespassing her property and wandering outside her manor. he got caught and soon she found out that he's a painter and was actually looking for a muse.
painter!gojo who was scared of meeting an actual vampire but soon vanished when he learned that she's far different from those hostile and ruthless vampire rumors.
painter!gojo who thinks vampire!reader is the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. but he's sad because she didn't believe that fact because of her being unable to see it for herself.
painter!gojo who soon finds a way to make her love herself—he uses his talent as her mirror.
painter!gojo who spent sleepless nights painting vampire!reader from a different angle so she could see what she really looked like.
vampire!reader who was really moved by the paintings and couldn't help but to fall in love with a human who showing his talent, effort, and pure dedication. but she chooses to force herself to push painter!gojo away because she cannot be with a human because of their big difference. immortals cannot be with mortals.
vampire!reader who has serious attachment issues and is scared to witness her loved one taking its final breath—she is going to be alone once again.
painter!gojo who feels the same way, he actually loves her more than she does to the point that he believes he can break the boundaries.
painter!gojo who is willing to do everything just to be with vampire!reader. so, he beg to make him like her—he asked her to turn him into a vampire so they could both live forever.
vampire!reader who absolutely despised the idea, fearing that she could lose him during the process. but painter!gojo refuses her refusal and is determined that he is going to make it. however, if he only knew…
a/n: i might post this one sooner since i'm only half way through and still figuring my way out of the story. but for the mean time, i am going to finish the mind over matter series first because shits are about to get real on that one!
anyway, i'm sure i'm gonna finish this one. so, comment = added to taglist, if you want some updates (if i cannot add you to the taglist, just follow me and it can notify you when i post)
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cattjull · 1 day
'𝔠𝔞𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔦 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔱'𝔰 𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔢
bsf!ellie x reader 🤭
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SUMMARY: "Truth or dare? Kiss me." As you thought, throwing away your friendship with Ellie wasn't as simple as that. If she only didn't ran away... Now what?
CW: r!is afab, alcohol game, smut?, strap use (e! receiving),
A/N: Pls enjoy and sorry for taking so long <3
"Truth or dare?"
"Do you like me?" Your eyes shifted to Ellie's lips for a split second, just a teeny tiny small amount of time which she wouldn't notice since she was so drunk, at least you hoped so. The atmosphere or, maybe, the weather had turned unbearably hot.
"I won't tell you Els." You said, the fact that you didn't want to answer that question said enough itself. You bent down and stretched your body a little to reach the bottle.
You kind of felt relieved to get away from Ellie. Her words worked like spells on you and that, the way she touched you and the fact you were kinda drunk too made you almost confess your feelings to her and, what if she was just drunk and didn't like you? Even worse, what if that happened and Ellie remembered everything next day (there was no way she remembered), what if everything changed?
You grabbed the bottle, directed it towards your mouth and took two sips of that drink that you didn't even like, a trickle of vodka escaping treacherously from your mouth. You wiped it with your fingers, leaving a little of lipstick on them.
"Truth or dare, Dina?" Dina was so shocked by both of you that she almost jumped when you turned towards her.
"What? Oh yeah, dare."
"I dare you to tell some guy here you're pregnant and it's from him."
3 a.m.
"I dare you to kiss the girl on your left." He said with amusement shining in his eyes. Ellie looked at her hands, trying to remember what was her left, and looked at you. Her eyes went directly to your lips and her face turned crimson red.
"What? Why?"
"It's a dare , Ellie." He said shrugging while trying not to laugh.
"You don't get to tell me when to kiss my girlfriend." Ellie said, crossing her arms and furrowing her eyebrows.
"Your what?" You laughed. Ellie then looked at you, mentally debating something. She got close in less than a second, now being inches away from your face. Her hands were on both sides of your hips, the way she was bending over you making you drool.
"Can I, babe? Your lips look- I mean, it's a dare." She was all so flustered, her rosy cheeks glowed and her parted lips hydrated with her transparent lipgloss looked delicious under your gaze. And, wait- what did she just call you? Babe? Well, how could you say no? You both wanted it, it didn't matter if it was just because of the alcohol. It didn't matter if it was a mistake.
You just stayed looking at eachother for a few seconds, doubt glimpsing in your eyes, and hers. What could go wrong? Absolutely nothing. And maybe it was for that four horrible sips from when you were dared to eat a whole jar of mayonnaise thirty minutes ago, but kissing Ellie seemed like a good idea. A really good one.
You leaned in closer, feeling her minty scent now mixed with alcohol. She broke the almost inexistent gap between your lips as she positioned herself close to you. Her lips were wet from the lipgloss and yours were a little sticky from your lip oil and the matte lipstick underneath it, her mouth tasted like chocolate and alcohol and you hoped she could feel the vainilla scent from your Victoria's Secret lip gloss: you had put on that one specifically because you knew Ellie loved it. You held Ellie's short hair, tied messily in a half ponytail, and her hands placed on your waist, pulling you closer. Ellie's tongue got slowly into your mouth, and seconds later you were devouring eachother until you felt two hands from the same person who dared you to kiss separating you.
"Okay girls, that wasn't in the script." You suddenly shifted your gaze to Lacy, who was frowning with a kinda... scary? expression at her phone whose camera, you were sure, was pointing directly at you seconds ago. It mustn't be it, you thought, and then looked at the guy who caused you and Ellie to pull apart. "Just get a room."
"Very funny, Liam."
"I'm Nate but thanks."
The rest of the night passed with a hint of something between you and Ellie. Plus, you found out Lacy had sent a 45 seconds video of you and Ellie making out to a bit less than half of the people in the party were... enough for everyone to find out.
Now it wasn't just Dina and your best friends (excluding Ellie duh) joking about Ellie and you. It was everyone there in the party.
Half of them suspected before about you being in love just because you were lesbians and the other half didn't even know you at all but just had a gut feeling that there was some chemistry between you. So, under that context, when a video like that is sent to you, how could you ignore it and not tell someone else? It was just the truth.
You couldn't blame anyone, though. In one hour everyone knew you had turned into girlfriends, deciding to reveal your relationship to everyone it in a very public way (nope, that didn't happen) and no one really cared or would remember it in some days but gossip is gossip, and god you just couldn't pull back in that video that lasted like... 40 seconds? It was something scandalous and it felt great to spread something like that, somehow.
After a girl that you were sure she was in the cheerleader team told you she supported you with a sweet smile on her face and exchanging some words and a smile, you said goodbye to your friends and called an Uber: It was getting too late and you were getting too drunk.
You held Ellie's hand and dragged her to the outside of that big house, some guys making jokes and speculating about your destination or what were you going to do later, which definitely (and sadly) wasn't where they thought it was. The warm nocturne spring air stroked your whole body delicately when you opened the doors, giving you an instant moment of relief as your ears enjoyed the outside, much less noisier than inside of the building.
"We're going home, Ellie."
"What? Weren´t you taking me outside to...? Oh, going home. Rightt." Suddenly you had Ellie's arms around your waist, pulling you closer and pressing your bodies together, her face dangerously close to yours with a smug smile as her raspy voice worked like an Aphrodite's spell on you. You felt your face heat up for probably the millionth time this night: Ellie had been way clingier than in any other party binge. You put your hands in Ellie's soft face, letting yourself enjoy her warmness and at the same time stopping her from getting closer; you wouldn't be able to resist the tentation if she did, and in some way this felt wrong.
"Ellie please stop. You'll regret this tomorrow." It hurt you to say.
"I guess I'll wait home." She huffed.
"We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" You sat on the entrance staircase and Ellie did the same.
"I want to talk now." You chuckled.
"What do you want to talk about?" Ellie let her head fall on your shoulder, allowing you to feel her mint scent.
"Did you know that stegosaurus's brain was the size of a walnut? They surely didn't get good grades." She said and smirked, causing you to smile sweetly at how cute she was blabbing about the things she liked.
"You told me yesterday." You leaned your head on Ellie's and, after convincing yourself it wasn't weird and that was a friends thing, you held Ellie's hand.
Both of you stood quietly there with a few cheek kisses and a prolonged hug in between until the Uber arrived around nine minutes later. The Uber was an old men, maybe in his fifty's. He confessed to don't know where your street was and put on Google maps. He was sincere, at least. It kind of reminded you to Joel, conveying a sense of trust through you.
"Are you guys girlfriends?" He asked casually.
"Oh, no no no. Of course not. We're best friends." But we should be girlfriends, though, you thought and smiled.
"Oh, sorry. You just reminded me of my daughter and her girlfriend."
You had some small talk with him while Ellie held your hand, playing with your fingers and discretely kissing really silently your ring and middle ones, a hint you would ignore completely, until you arrived home and paid a bit more than necessary because the man was really nice and it was really late.
You finally entered your house, feeling so tired that you didn't even bother to take your makeup off. You just went upstairs to your room and put on some t-shirt, an Ellie's t-shirt you ""borrowed"" from her and since you did you used every time you were home, and pajamas shorts, lending Ellie some comfortable clothes too and trying to explain her you weren't going to do ANYTHING with her now because, come on, you almost weren't conscious enough to notice how drunk you were and it should be enough for you to not try anything. But being honest, if you hadn't been tired you probably wouldn't have cared.
You fell on the bed first, moving to the wall side. You were too tired to form a coherent idea, and yet your thoughts still managed to wander around Ellie. It was always like this, but this time after the kiss it was stronger. Ellie, Ellie and Ellie.
Ellie went to the kitchen to drink some water and then headed back upstairs to your tidy room, walking towards your bed with a gait sloppier than usual. As you were almost asleep you didn't notice her getting closer to the bed, nor laying down nor climbing on top of you and kissing your now clean lips shortly, without a hint of boldness despite his dirty comments towards you during the whole night.
Her lips tasted heavenly perfect, like cocktails and vodka, the chocolate taste from earlier had disappeared almost completely from her lips. You opened your eyes, surprised, as Ellie looked at you with an equally intense and tired gaze.
"I love you." She whispered with that velvety and husky voice of hers that drove you crazy every time, her breathing got more shallow.
"I love you too but it's late, Ellie." Ellie smirked lazily and you pushed her, moving her to your side. She turned her back to you, knowing your next move. You hugged her, placing your head in the gap between her neck and her shoulder. The ends of her silky hair made your neck itch a little but you didn't mind right now. All you cared about was being close to her, sleeping with her, feeling her skin and her body merging with yours.
She let out a soft sigh, as if your mere closeness relieved her. Her hand positioned over yours, intertwining them. Both of you stood like that, silence accompanying the moment. Ellie fell asleep: you knew it because her heartbeat started slowing down as well as her breathing. You kissed her neck and closed your eyes until you lost you lost consciousness in a deep (and drunk) sleep.
11:21 am
You felt your head was going to break into a million pieces. What the fuck did you do last night? Before opening your eyes, you try to figure out where are you. You smell Ellie's perfume and a sudden sensation of relief comes to your body and leaves as fast as it came as soon as you remember the kiss.
Oh my god, what did I do? why did I even- Your thoughts are interrupted when you feel Ellie moving. She stretches a little and probably remembers a bit of last night because she mutters an ‘oh fuck-’ and gets up slowly, taking your hand away from her waist and trying to not wake you up.
You barely open your eyes, enough to blurrily see what is Ellie doing but not for her to notice you're awake. She gets dressed with her clothes from last night, puts her phone in her pocket and opens the door. But no, she can't leave just like that. She then turns around and walks towards you, kneels next to your bed and watches your face for a good two minutes, now you completely close your eyes.
"I love you and I'm so sorry baby." She finally whispers. Baby? Again? Well, maybe it wasn't just the alcohol. Right? "I know you don't want this." She kisses your forehead slowly, unable to pull away from your skin and say goodbye and you feel like someone has just set a fire on your cheeks and your whole body as well as Ellie stands up again, ready to leave. She gives you a last look before closing the door behind her. Now that Ellie's gone, you're fucking mad. Not just at you, for kissing your fucking best friend and stuff, but at her for leaving like that after everything.
It would have been awkward to talk, but probably better than not saying anything and pretending she didn't even come to your house in first place. You can't help but burst into tears, getting out of bed just to hold the dinosaur stuffie Ellie gave you like two months or so ago that was resting in your desk. It had been hers before she gave it to you and it smelled like her, so everytime you missed her it rapidly became a habit that you would hug it until you fell asleep.
You go back to bed and cover yourself with the sheets, with that cute stegosaurus's teddy wrapped in your arms like it's your baby and their tail between your legs. You cry because you're scared.
Your white pillow has blue stains from your eyeshadow and your tears add some wet grey to the picture but you couldn't care less. Not now.
You lay in the side of your small bed where Ellie had been before, no sign of her warmness now, feeling her heavenly perfume impregnated in the sheets, and you inhale deeply, filling your nostrils with Ellie. Just Ellie. Just pine, mint and chocolate. Just her.
Maybe Ellie never loved you in That way? People became flirty when they were drunk. Maybe that was her case. But no, she just said she loved you and called you baby. But she did that sometimes. But maybe it didn't mean anything for her.
What was next? Should you pretend that kiss and all the stuff from last night you didn't even try to recall never happened? No, you remembered there was a literal video of you making out like your life depended on it in your gallery and probably—no, definitely, in hers too. Maybe apologize? "Hey Ellie, sorry for kissing you!" Nah, you're not even sorry.
You wanted to ask her why did she leave like that but that would be so awkward for her and for you too. You kept overthinking until you accepted you wouldn't fall asleep again so you hold your phone which is on the night table. You had some messages from Dina and when you answer, she immediately texts back.
(10:10 a.m.) So?
(10:10 a.m.) Any news abt you and Ellie?
(11:27 a.m.) She left without saying anything
(11:27 a.m.) I pretended I was asleep.
(11:27 a.m.) I shouldn't tell you this but fuck off
(11:27 a.m.) She thinks you'll be mad at her
(11:28 a.m.) do you think she likes me back..?
(11:28 a.m.) It's not impossible
(11:28 a.m.) Does she likes me back*?
(11:29 a.m.) Confidential.
(11.29 a.m.) Just give me a hint?
(11.29 a.m.) Ask yourself
(11.30 a.m.) You were such a good friend.
(11:30 a.m.) Right?
(11:30 a.m.) WERE.
(11:30 a.m.) Ugh fine
(11:30 a.m.) MAYBE she feels something
(11:31 a.m.) WHAT?
(11:31 a.m.) I LOVE YOU
(11:31 a.m.) DINA I LOVE YOU.
(11:32 a.m.) I'M GONNA MARRY YOU.
(11:32 a.m.) What about Ellie ☹️
(11:32 a.m.) Both.
(11.32 a.m.) Well said
(11.32 a.m.) I love you
(11.32 a.m.) Yeah love you too
Els pretty
(11.35 a.m.) Ellieeee
(11.35 a.m.) Weren't you at my house?
(11.35 a.m.) I hallucinated if not.
(11:36 a.m.) AND I RAN AWAY
(11:36 a.m.) Sorry for kissing you and stuff
(11:36 a.m.) Awwwww
(11.36 a.m.) Fuck
(11.36 a.m.) you.
(11:36 a.m.) Whatever
(11:36 a.m.) I'll watch the video
(11:37 a.m.) NO
(11:37 a.m.) ELLIE
(11:37 a.m.) Come on it's embarrassing
(11:37 a.m.) You aren't watching it
(11:37 a.m.) Right?
(11:38 a.m.) Ellie?
(11:40 a.m.) WOAH
(11:41 a.m.) WDYM WOAH
(11:41 a.m.) I took the first step🥺
(11:41 a.m.) You're being creepy.
(11:41 a.m.) 🥺
(11:41 a.m.) Watch it
(11:43 a.m.) 🤯
(11:43 a.m.) 😎
(11:44 a.m.) 😎?
(11:44 a.m.) I'm the good one kissing here
(11:44 a.m.) Wanna find out?
(11:44 a.m.) Again?
(11:44 a.m.) Ha. Ha.
(11:44 a.m.) Not funny.
So, Ellie wasn't escaping from you because she didn't like that kiss or because she wanted to be away from you, she was just scared, as Dina said. You unconsciously stopped crying but, as your hangover wouldn't let you do much, you tried to sleep again. This time it was easier: Ellie liked that kiss. She wasn't mad. She wasn't trying to make you feel bad.
The only thing on your mind now was, she didn't mention anything about a relationship or anything serious. How would you know if she wanted something with you? How many times had you thought about it in the last few days? Would you be friends? Would you turn into something more? Okay, stop thinking about it now. Something casual? You didn't want something casual. Because not even the word is really good. Casual. Casual sex. Sounds like the name of a lipstick shade. Doesn't sound well. You want something serious. With Ellie, your girlfriend Ellie. Not casual sex like the lipstick. You don't want something casual.
You were on top of Ellie, kiss stains all over her neck. It looked so pretty in that red tone of your lipstick. Her face looked so pretty full of your signature. Her pink and pretty nipples, and her small tits were marked by you too and god, you were strapping her. Fucking strapping her. You held her hips and pushed deep inside of her, making her let out a moan. You pushed again. And again. And again. And again and again and again. Her face was so red and pretty, her mouth opened, letting out your name again and again, each time messier and faster than before, her pretty cunt taking you so well, the sight of it swallowing you would be able to make you cum. You go much faster, and you should be tired but you aren't. "So... Fucking... Ah. Close." She cums, holding your arms and digging her nails into your arms as you fuck her through her orgasm, why can't you feel her nails in your skin?
"Honey, dinner is ready!" Your mom says as she opens the door.
Sunday, 5pm.
You were more than excited to see Ellie, more than any other time before. Maybe because this was the first time you went to her house after kissing her, confessing to her and then pretending it was just a joke?
You did the same routine as always you were gonna spend the day at her house. Took a shower, put on baggy jeans, a braless tank top and a black thong you wished, deep down, she took you off. The Victoria's Secret ones, with laces and a small bow. Like, they were the first ones that you found when opening your closet, almost like they jumped to you. Not like you had been looking for them for the past half and hour.
You kind of bathed in your perfume and put on the lipgloss from Friday. As soon as it became a good time to get going, you put on some stuff on a bag and asked your mom to take you there, something she reluctantly gave in to.
"Why you always put on that much perfume when you to Ellie's place?" She laughed.
"Only when I go to Ellie's place?"
"Whenever you're going the same place as her."
"I have no clue what you're talking about." You tried to dissuade her from her suspects.
"I'm your mother." She said, argumenting with the fact she knew you.
"I always put on perfume."
The conversation was left like that, your meddlesome mother always trying to know about your love life. Not something you complained about much, though. You understood that that was her way to show just how much she cared about you.
When you arrived, you greeted your mom with a kiss and went towards the door. You didn't even give the third knock to the door and Ellie was already opening it for you, such a gentleman.
"You're that desperate for me?" You mocked her, wishing she just said yes and kissed you.
"Shut up, I heard the car. And I'm not the one arriving..." She checked the clock she had been gifted by Joel before continuing her sentence. "Twenty-one minutes before."
"I don't like being late." You argued. And no, you didn't if you were going to see Ellie.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?"
6.30 p.m.
"Fuck!" She gasped, clamming her hands into your arm, which was now like Ellie's comfort teddy, for the sixth time or so now.
You did this on purpose. You knew how easily Ellie got scared and everytime you watched a horror movie she got closer and closer with each jumpscare until she was practically clinging onto you. More than half of the movie had passed and Ellie was holding onto your arm and her head rested in your shoulder like you were her mother. Oh, nevermind.
"You're such a baby." You laughed at her, feeling hotter than seconds ago since the pressure in your arm just reminded you of how close you were to your best friend.
"It's a horror movie!" She said, her cheeks tinted pink.
"No, it's It. This is practically a rom-com."
"You're crazy, you're never choosing again." She whined. "You always put m-" You put your hand over her mouth, willing her to stop talking while the movie was still playing on the TV. After that, she could yap for hours.
"Shut up, this is the best part." You said with your fingertips on her lips. Was she using a chapstick? You gave her a quick glance, unable to identify if there was any change in her lips colour since the lights were turned off. The dim light from the TV didn't allow you to see it, but you definitely could see Ellie's face was crimson red as her eyes shifted quickly between your eyes and your hand.
"You're kind of... red." You teased her, moving your hand to her forehead, which presented a normal temperature. She huffed sarcastically in response.
"Watch your movie." She frowned like a mad child and looked away.
"You like me, don't you?" You knew this probably wouldn't end well. Ellie couldn't promise anything to you if you didn't show her you like her and it was the same to you.
"Can you give me a drink? Like, juice?" She ignored you.
"Fine." You got up trying to push away the embarrassment you felt for yourself, your tone coming out of your mouth much colder than you pretended it to.
You went to the kitchen and looked into the fridge for the juice she asked for. She asked for apple juice because it was her favourite one but your favourite one was orange so, of course, she had some of it in the fridge, something that ocassioned a small smile to form on your lips. You picked the small apple juice box and returned to the couch.
"Here." You sat beside her and handed her the small box, and you didn't even get to lean on the back of the sofa because Ellie was already wrapping her arms around your waist, squeezing you like a dog biting a bone. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched the movie.
"Thanks." She said as she unwrapped the straw and pushed it through the small perforated hole of the box. She took a sip before looking at you.
"Of course." You smiled, not giving it much importance. Ellie put the box in the coffee table and rested her head in your chest again. She probably could hear the earthquackes going on in your heart. You put your arms around Ellie too; your grip was lazy and relaxed, unlike hers.
A scene that would freak the hell out of Ellie appeared on the screen and it caused no reaction on her. You turned your head to Ellie just to see what's going on and caught her staring at your lips; she immediately averted her gaze to your eyes.
"I still think about it."
"About what?" You felt your cheeks boiling and melting in your face.
"What do you mean?"
"I want to kiss you again."
You sighed.
"Where is this going, Ellie?"
"Yeah, where. In case you don't remember, you got drunk, kissed me, flirted with me all night, in the morning you ran away and acted normally as always and now you say you want to kiss me?" There you were, throwing all the truth you had been hiding to the trash.
"I'm just confused." She muttered, looking away from your eyes.
"That's the problem. I'm not and you keep playing with me." The words slipped from your mouth and you held Ellie's arms trying to get rid of her embrace but she was stronger, her gaze piercing you.
"No, no, I mean, I'm not confused, I'm just... scared of losing you. But I can't keep doing this. I like you and you keep acting like that... You're the one playing with me. Straddling me just 'so do my eyeliner better', telling me you love me, hugging me all the time and then all the jealous thing with Lucy. Do you think I didn't notice what you were doing?" All those words came out from her mouth so fast that her lungs didn't have enough air and her face turned completely red, and if she had kept talking, she would have been blue.
Did she just say she liked you..?
"Her name was La-" She liked you.
"I don't care. What the fuck are we? What do you even wanna be?" She liked you. Her worried eyes were like lasers penetrating yours, demanding an answer from you. Yours darted to her plumped lips. What would her chapstick taste like?
She. Liked. You.
Your hand went to her soft cheek and you asked her with your gaze for her permission, your breathing turning heavy. You interpreted the response in her tough gaze as a 'yes, please.'
You cupped her face and pulled her in softly, scared of breaking the delicate situation between you, of destroying what you had in one move even if you had just told all the truth to her and nothing happened.
Her lips tasted like cherry. Delicious, sweet, wet. Just as in the other night, your mouths fitted perfectly in eachother's, there was no room for something else than being closer and closer with each second that passed by. The movie was forgotten long ago as you kept her close until your lungs started asking for some air and you pulled back, gasping.
Ellie smiled, her face had a shade of pink and she looked cuter than any other thing you have ever saw.
"So, we're..." Her green eyes shined with a mix of hope and anxiety as never before as she waited for your response.
"Girlfriends?" Ellie giggled at that, scratching her left ear.
"Yeah. it's official now."
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Taglist; @warmdragonfly @sleepy-sheep-things @mamixdanni @marrycv @seraphicsentences @boobdrug @lyssaspengler
164 notes · View notes
akutasoda · 22 hours
Heyeyey can I request boothill, Sunday and aventurine with a fem s/o who’s always on her phone? Like even when it’s charging or even when they’re cuddling she just has to be on her phone?
screentime overload
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synopsis - how are they with a s/o who cannot put their phone down?
includes - aventurine, sunday, boothill
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns used), fluff, crack, wc - 721
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aventurine ★↷
↪he can be a bit of a fifty fifty when it comes to his phone. normally the only time he uses it is for IPC relevant things, messaging you or ratio and if he's really bored, mindless scrolling. his work can keep him rather busy and so he doesn't exactly have the time to sit around all day.
↪so he found it quite amusing to a degree when he noticed how absorbed you were in your phone. it really didn't take long for him to notice how you practically treated it as a lifeline because no matter where you were your phone was near aswell - more accurately near to your line of sight.
↪it did bring him some comfort in knowing that you would always see his messages because he could always take an accurate guess that you were on your phone and able to respond as quick as possible.
↪however he did find it quite ridiculous that sometimes he'd find you curled up by your charger, phone still in hand. surely you had other things to be doing? maybe you're phone needed a break from you eventually?
↪it didn't bother him per say, but he would prefer it if, when he saw you after a while, that you actually make the effort to pry your gaze from your phone and to him.
↪sometimes he can be quite the menace, especially when, in the morning, you wake up and search for your phone but don't get very far as aventurine would have you in a near death grip hug.
sunday ★↷
↪definitely isn't a phone kind of person. sure he has one but it's mainly for work or managing the dreamscape and most likely only had a couple of actual contacts - yours and robins. he probably could go very happily without his phone.
↪and so he truly doesn't understand why you're so attached to yours. at first he thought that you probably had something going on that needed managing, but when he saw you day in and day out staring down at your screen, he got slightly worried and confused.
↪it baffled him that you could actually spend so much time staring down at that screen but eventually he started getting more concerned that you were causing permanent damage to your eyes. he's the type of person who would tell you about the damage phones can do to you when he sees you laser focused on your phone.
↪in a similar way, he does find a slight comfort in knowing that if he needs to reach you he can. the one day you don't actually get his messages and respond very quickly is the day he panics.
↪sunday isn't exactly the keenest when it comes to physical affection, but when he does come around and finally gets time off to spend with you, he does not want you on your phone for that. if you get unlucky he might start contemplating hiding your phone.
boothill ★↷
↪another fifty fifty. he isn't exactly literate and so any messages are sent via voice recordings and such, this also probably means that he doesn't spend that much time on his phone in general - especially as a galaxy ranger who has bounties to hunt instead.
↪that being said, his phone gets put through the wringer alot. it isn't exactly his top priority in keeping safe when on a mission, so he either loses it or it gets very badly damaged to the point that sometimes you can't even tell it was meant to be a phone.
↪so he did struggle a bit to to comprehend how and why you spent so much time on your phone. he only started getting annoyed when he realised that your phone was robbing him from your affection and time. boothill did once threaten to eat your phone.
↪he still finds it very ridiculous that you spend so much time in your phone, especially when he has caught you multiple times using your phone while it's charging or when you really shouldn't be.
↪but he doesn't mind too much as long as you actually still give him some affection and don't spend that time with your phone in hand again - especially when he gets time to return to you after hunting a bounty or two.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
192 notes · View notes
dj-of-the-coven · 2 days
trigun 1998 episode simulator
[3 minutes of guitar solo]
Vash the Stampede: hi my name is Vash the Stampede. I am a hunter of Peace chasing the elusive mayfly of Love. all I really want to do is have a sandwich and a morning coffee without getting chased by bandits
some bandit: (gunshot) absolutely not. square up faggot
Vash: rats.
Vash the Stampede: my name is Vash the stampede. I am a hunter of Peace chasing the elusive mayfly of Love.could I please have a sandwich
Meryl from the Bernardelli Insurace Society: how long are you going to sit on your ass doing nothing but playing games with children and doing chores for the elderly and disabled and looking after lonely youths and cooking dinner for the homeless
Vash: I've been here for like 2 days
Milly Thompson: Hi Vash!
Vash: Hi Milly
[exit left pursued by bounty hunters]
Vash the Stampede: (panting, entering a bar) my name is Vash the stampede.... I am a hunter of Peace chasing the elusive mayfly of Good L*rd what is going on in here
Hostage: mphdsfhapff!!!! mffmpphhf!!!!
Villain of the week: well if it isn't the elusive Vash the Stampede! you see it all started when I was 4 days old and you kicked me like a football and then exploded my parents to death with a laser canon and killed every puppy in a ten ile (translator's note: this is the No Man's Land equivalent of the American Mile) radius
Vash: I don't remember doing that but well I suppose you can shoot me if it'll make you feel better
Side character of the week: Are you insane? Just shoot him instead???
Vash: but my mom told me not to be mean to people
Villain of the week: (still going) And as I am now 47 years old I have finally decided to get my revenge. Say your prayers, Vash the Pisshead
[Wall explodes and reveals a motorcycle with a sexy priest on it]
[sfx: sexy spanish guitar with a hint of electric distortion]
Vash: is that..... Wolfwood?
Meryl who was in the background this whole time: the priest?
Nicholas Dickolas Wolfwood: (brings his tan fingers up to a pair of luscious lips to grab the cigarette from right between them, taking one more slow inhale before crushing the cherry red underneath his heel)(sensually cocks one of his 8 guns) Are you just gonna let this guy talk down to you like that needle noggin?
Vash: I g-
[guitar riff bumper]
[guitar riff bumper]
Vash: -uess not, since you're here to help now... (slow, warm smile) Wolfwood
Nicholas D. ranged Wolfwood: Vash
Milly who was also in the background this whole time: Hi mr priest man! isn't this lovely, I haven't seen you since the last time you spoke with mr Vash yesterday evening when you were helping him buckle all those silly belts on his pants after he had lost them somehow
Vash: On a cactus
Milly: On a cactus! Oh it must've hurt so terribly; how fortunate that Mr Priest man was there to help you
Wolfwood: Hi Milly
Villain of the week: ohhhhh curses!!! CURSES!!!! I have spent my whole existence getting ready to fight Vash the Stampede but he's just too good at swallowing all my bullets!!!!!!
Vash the Stampede: my tragic dead mother would be sad if I didn't swallow everyone's bullets so I've trained diligently every morning at digesting gunpowder without dying immediately
Wolfwood: [internally: I can't believe it. All this time I've spent walking the path of darkness, reaching to a pure light that I could never grasp, and yet here is a man who's dedicated his life and his body to the pursuit of Peace. I wish he were a woman so I could fuck him romantic style. I've got a whole plan for it and everything. Whiskey, sunset, a bed with no sand in it, 6 hours. This would be fully and completely possible if only he were a woman. Unfortunately he's not, but I can still think about the what-ifs. platonically of course. Maybe if he got some good dick he'd stop being so annoying. And maybe he'd stop making me rethink my morals. I wonder if the seven drunken handies meant anything to him. Platonically]
Wolfwood: Well anyway it looks like my job is done here
Vash: (teary) Will I see you again?
Wolfwood: I don't know. And besides, whenever I look at you, I'm reminded of everything I hate about myself. You know, it hurts.
[exit Nicholas D. Wolfwood pursued by repressed homosexual desires and immense catholic guilt]
Vash the Stanned Peat: (looking out the window like a widow whose husband was killed in action) Nicholas... D... Wolfwood.......
Meryl who was in the background that entire time, yes, the whole time: shut the fuck up already
Vash: when will it be my turn Meryl. When
[roll credits]
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taurasiluv · 1 day
DT smut?
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meet you in the lobby
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summary  :  ref!reader  makes  a  call  during  a  game  that  diana  doesn't  agree  with,  she  makes  a  empty  threat  to  meet  her  after  the  game,  but  you're  surprised  when  it  isnt  as  empty  as  you  believed.
content  :  top!diana  ,  bottom!reader  ,  hate  sex  (?)  , rough  ,  overstimulation 
wc  :  1.7k
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BEING A REF was hard sometimes, but that didn't stop you from loving your job. But no matter what, someone was gonna believe a call was unfair and get in your face about it. You were used to it and didn't take it personally, it was all a part of the game.
Players usually didn't threaten you, but Diana Taurasi was an entirely different story. She appeared as a cocky, arrogant, asshole who believed every call was unfair and got a technical practically every game. You loved to ref Mercury games purely for this reason, she always had something new to excuse something or bullshit to spew to get out of a foul call.
After a foul that caused Diana to almost foul out, she began stalking towards you. "That was not a fucking foul! What the fuck are you doing!" She shouted, getting up close to you.
Diana was by all means attractive, you didn't really mind the yelling if you got to look at her like this. She cussed you out for a little bit longer and eventually you got sick of it and threw her a technical.
"Fuck you!" She yelled as she walked away.
As one final triumph, she pointed to you before yelling one last time.
"No, you know what, meet me in the fucking lobby after this game."
You almost laughed at this. Theres no way shes being serious. Shes actually threatening to physically fight you? You were puzzled but curious nonetheless.
She wasn't actually going to be in the lobby after, right?
You shrugged it off and continued the game. By the time it had ended, you were reminded of Diana's threats when you saw her walking out. You contemplated meeting her in the lobby, just to see if she would actually show up.
I mean it wouldn't hurt to see if she was being serious.
So, after getting changed and grabbing your stuff, you went to the lobby. All the post-game press conferences were done and if Diana was being serious she'd be there now.
To your shock, she was actually there. Standing in the middle of the lobby, on her phone. She wore black cargos, a black shirt, and a grey flannel jacket over it. She looked good.
"So are you gonna fight me or what?" You asked, walking up to her.
She looked up from her phone and was dumbfounded.
"You got some balls to actually show up." She huffed.
"And you have some balls to threaten me in the first place."
She shrugged at that one, ultimately knowing you were right. She walked closer to you though, close enough that it would be uncomfortable with anybody else but this 6'0" hot basketball player.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked, anger laced in her voice.
You swallowed, your face completely red at this point, your hands were clammy and you thought you might have died just then.
You nodded weakly.
"Needa hear a yes, babygirl." The petname made heat jolt straight to your cunt. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, completely surrendered to her.
"Yes, please..." You whimpered. And that's all it took, she smashed her lips into yours aggressively. The kiss was fucking wonderful. She tangled her fingers in your hair as she pulled you in as close as possible. Her tongue jutted out and licked at your bottom lip for entrance, which you gave enthusiastically.
You two made out in the public arena lobby for a bit, before realizing this is definitely not the place to be doing this. She pulled away, red flushed face, and her lips puffier than before after being sucked on for so long.
After a few seconds of you both regaining a bit of composure, you spoke.
"If you bring me back to your hotel, you can show me how mad you really are," You offered.
"You sure?"
"A thousand percent."
She nodded and looped your arm into yours, walking you up to her hotel for the night. The walk was short and she kept you close the entire time, she was quite the gentleman, even if she was about to fuck you senseless for doing your job.
The door closed and locked behind you two and she was already kissing you. Her rough hands groped wherever they could. Soft moans were swallowed by her tongue in your mouth. Her hands found your breasts and massaged them through the fabric of your shirt.
After a few minutes of this heated make-out session, she pulled away. "Go get on the bed, baby." She rasped into your ear. You nodded quickly as you made your way toward the bed. As you made yourself comfortable, you watched Diana dig something out of her bag, purposefully hiding it from you, and disappear to the bathroom.
You sat there, lost to your own thoughts for a moment before being quickly snapped out of them when you heard footsteps approaching the bed.
She stood in front of the bed naked, a strap hanging from her hips. Your jaw dropped and you were practically drooling. Her hair was still up in its signature bun and she was clad in only the large phallic object attached to her hips.
"You're wearing too many clothes." She mumbled as she adjusted the leather straps on the harness.
You rolled your eyes, "You didn't tell me to take them off, was gonna try and listen to you this time around."
"Shut up." She spat.
You moaned at that, as embarrassing as it was in your head, those words left her mouth and a moan left yours at those words. She gave you a shit eating grin before getting on the bed.
You threw your clothes onto the floor, left in only a bra and panties. She straddle your waist, the dildo rested on your stomach. You could feel the heat in between your legs grow at the sight. Her abs were on full display and you thought you could just cum at the view of them alone.
“You know, I’m gonna make you pay for that technical.” She whispered in your ear as she undid the clasps on your bra and threw it carelessly into the pile of clothes on the floor. Your hands found their way to her back, nails running across toned muscle.
She kissed along your jaw, her teeth running across it every once in a while. She made her way down to your neck, leaving small marks wherever she could. You let out a soft gasp when she found your pulse point and began to suck on it gently. She spent her time there, leaving dark purple and red marks up the column of your neck.
“Dee..” You whimpered out. She got the message to stop the teasing, at least a little bit, and continued her way down your body.
She kissed down the valley of your breasts, taking extra time to lick and bite on each one. When her teeth grazed over your left nipple, you let out a moan and arched your back into her mouth. She smiled around your nipple, doing the same thing to elicit the same reaction.
She moved down your stomach, biting on the skin there, leaving marks as she moved down. When she finally made it to the waistband of your panties she looked up at you.
"Can I?"
"Please Diana."
And with a nod, she slipped the panties off and threw them off to the side. Her hot tongue met your slick and your hips instinctively bucked upwards. She used her hands to hold you down while her tongue flicked at your clit.
It was good, it was fucking amazing at that, but it just wasn't enough. You needed more.
"Diana... Please.." You babbled out in between moans.
Her head perked up, "What babygirl? What do you want?"
"Need the strap.. please," You whimpered out.
She grinned, "You can wait a little longer."
You whined, not wanting to wait. You needed it now. But before you could protest, she ducked her head down once more and licked up your slit. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt it. She laid there and ate you out for what felt like hours before finally pushing your legs up and sitting up.
Without warning, she lined up the tip of the strap and thrusted it into you, fast and hard. A borderline pornographic moan filled up the small hotel room as it filled you. Your back arched and you gripped the sheets so tight you thought you might have ripped them. She didn't start slow at all, quite the opposite actually. She fucked you hard and fast, skin slapping against skin.
She fell forward into you, her head in your shoulder. She let out soft grunts as she fucked you, she was getting off on this just as much as you were.
"Such... a... good... girl.. for me" She babbled out.
You quickly were being rushed towards your climax,
"Gonna cum, please Diana."
She propped herself back up properly and picked up her pace, adjusting herself so she could reach even deeper into you.
"Cum for me, babygirl." She grunted out.
After a few more thursts, you were tumbling over the edge, your mouth opened for a silent scream.
She didn't stop however, she slowed her thrusts down to help you ride out your orgasm, but the second she felt like it was over, she flipped you over and picked up the pace.
Her hand grabbed your hair and pushed your face into the mattress, fucking you harder than before.
"Dee, please, its so much." You whimpered out.
"You can take it pretty girl." She assured you, not letting up on the pace.
It was quick that you found yourself coming undone again, "Fuck!" You screamed as you fell over the edge once more.
This time, she actually slowed down. She collapsed on top of you, her head resting in the crook of your neck. She panted softly as her thrusts slowed to a complete stop.
After a few moments of you both catching your breath, she pulled out of you and rolled over. You rolled over as well, resting your head on her chest.
"This definitely broke some rule." You giggled.
"I mean, the sex was good, they can fire me." She shrugged, this only made you laugh harder.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
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a  /  n  :  hii  hope  you  enjoyed.  this  was  heavilyyy  inspired  by  mutuals  post,  hope  i  did  it  justice.
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Here I am with summoning headcanons for the first ghouls told through Chain (my beloved). I'm pretty happy about this one, actually !
"Why d'you wear it ?"
Chain blinks slowly, lazily turning their head to look at Phantom, sprawled on the worn rug next to them.
The new kid is cute, they decide, a bit of a lightweight, so they stopped smoking a while ago. His cheeks are flushed purple, big stary eyes glazed over, a sweet little smile never leaving his lips.
Chain almost forgets they were asked a question, until Phantom tugs a bit more insistantly on the heavy chain looped around their waist. They hum.
"'s a lucky charm, stickbug."
Phantom tilts his head with a confused noise, wiggling closer until he can rest his head on Chain's chest. The water ghoul runs fingers adorned with bone tattoos on the skin of the young quint's arm, raising goosebumps in their wake.
"Y'know I was the first water ghoul summoned after the mess Nihil's ghouls were, right ?"
Phantom nods, tail swaying lightly.
"Well," Chain hums, "back then, summonings were messy. And now, with how much damage Nihil's ghouls had done, the Clergy was afraid. Everytime they summoned a ghoul, they found new reasons to be afraid."
Phantom shifts, reaching up to follow the glowing stripes under Chain's jaw with the tip of his fingers.
"Like what ?"
Chain sighs, thinking back to their very first pack.
"Most of them were ancient, powerful ghouls. 'Mega was the first...I mean, you've seen him. He's big. Sure, Earth and Air are taller, but there's that thing 'bout 'Mega, y'know ? Some kind of...aura or shit. Maybe it's the quintessence, dunno. Anyway, he spooked them real good, and Alpha didn't make it better."
Phantom wrinkles his nose.
"Uh oh. Alpha's spookier than Omega."
Chain can't help snorting at that.
"He's got a shit temper and an ego the size of a planet. Fought Omega the second he slid of the altar. Got messy real quick - that's were he got the scars on his cheek and on his stomach, and 'Mega has matching ones on his thigh, burn marks on his ribs too."
With a little gasp, Phantom pushes himself up on his elbows.
"Really ? But they're....really close."
Phantom's surprise is understandable. Omega and Alpha are pratically joined at the hips now, evolving around each other with an ease speaking of intimacy. Chain hums.
"Well, yeah. Suprisingly, once Omega made Alpha eat shit, it didn't take long for them to get along. I guess they just had a rocky start."
That sets Chain off, somehow, and it takes a long while before they can speak again without being interrupted by their own giggles.
"And after that, Air and Earth were summoned. You've seen them. Fucking trees, the both of them. Looming above everyone. Air traumatized the poor summoners by screeching so loudly he made some eardrums burst. And Earth, well. Spat out blood and guts everywhere - not his fault they summoned him right after a successful hunt."
Rolling on top of them, Phantom pushes his forehead against Chain's, pawing at their shoulders absent-mindedly.
"And you ?"
Closing their eyes, they can still picture it perfectly. The dim candle-lit room, the smell of incens and fear, the anxious whispers, the rough stone of the altar under their naked skin. And that familiar clinking sound.
"Well, I was the last of Primo's original ghouls to be summoned. And by that point, the Clergy was rightfully pissing their pants. So, the second I crawled out of the pit, they threatened to chain me if I showed any sign of agression. I guess they didn't expect for me to find their shiny chain really cool."
Phantom blinks at them in disblief.
"You...thought the chain looked cool."
Shrugging, Chain ruffles the quint's hair with a huff.
"Y'sound awfully judgmental. Yes, I thought it looked cool. Hopped off the altar, took it from them, sniffed it a few time and decided it was mine. Been wearing it ever since - and got my name out of it."
They stare at each other for a second before dissolving in another fit of giggles. It feels good, Chain decides, spending time with the newer ghouls, telling them stories of before they were summoned and watching their incredulous reaction.
"You," Phantom pants in between chuckles, "are the least serious ghoul I've ever met."
"Part of my charm."
Phantom laughs again, and Chain doesn't realize they're purring until the quint joins in.
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the-badger-mole · 1 day
Zuko hated the idea of destiny. It seemed that nothing he actually chose for himself really mattered. Did anyone ask if he wanted to be the Fire Lord to lead the country out of war? Did anyone care? No, it seemed they did not. When he tried to talk to his uncle, he got nowhere. Iroh empathized with his nephew-of course he did- but it was not his destiny to lead the Fire Nation. No, his destiny was a tea shop where he could make small talk with his regulars.
Bitterness got him nowhere, though. Zuko realized that on one level. On another level, he wasn't even twenty yet, and he was already finding grey hairs from the stress. He loved his country. He loved it enough to shudder at the idea of the power vacuum that would form if he should ever abdicate. The throne, he'd realized long ago, was his destiny. Sometimes, destiny felt like a shackle.
Katara felt like a prisoner. She loved Aang. Of course she loved him. She wouldn't be here if she didn't. He'd chosen the Southern Air Temple as their home, and she'd loved being introduced to his culture. Truly she had. But Katara also wished that Aang would be more open to incorporating more of her culture, too. It wasn't like everything the in the Southern Water Tribe had to do with bringing animal products into the home. Katara had given up her warm furs and hearty stews. For the most part. She still partook whenever she was home, which was oftener than Aang liked, but not enough for Katara. She felt like a foreigner in the wide halls of the air temple. Especially since the Acolytes had taken residence.
The Acolytes were a particularly sore point for Katara. The way they fawned over Aang hit the back of her mouth like a bitter melon and made her jaw clench. Aang swore up and down that she didn't need to feel intimidated by them. That once she'd gotten used to the way things worked around the air temple, she would feel much better. And she would get used to it. She had to. It was her destiny to be with Aang forever. He was the the powerful bender she was supposed to end up with. That's what Aang kept reminding her when she brought up how uncomfortable his relationship with some of the Acolytes made her. That's what he said when he failed to stop them from making comments about her being the Avatar's First Girlfriend, or from sticking their noses into her business about the few Southern Tribe artifacts she kept in her own room. So what if they happened to be made of bits of animals? She wasn't going to get rid of the ram seal horn her father and brother painstakingly carved for her, or the fur parka her Gran Gran sewed for her no matter how many disapproving looks she got over them.
"We'll figure it out," Aang often told her. "You and me are destined, so it has to work out."
Destiny felt like a weight. Duty more than inclination steered the ship, but maybe the ship would be better dashed against the rocks and sunk to the ocean floor.
It was completely by accident that they discovered they felt the same way about destiny. Zuko had been looking for a place to hide from the foreign diplomats attempting to corner him into discussions he was far too overwhelmed, and they far too many drinks in to discuss at the opening banquet of the sixth annual Summit. He found Katara had not only discovered his favorite hiding place, but had set up camp with an assortment of grilled meats on a stick- a Fire Nation specialty that had until Zuko's reign been more popular among the populace than the upper class.
"Sorry," Zuko said, already backing out of the secluded balcony.
"For what?" Katara asked. "This is your home. You have more a right to be here than I do." She had a point, Zuko had to admit. Not out loud, but still.
"I didn't mean to disturb you," he told Katara.
"You haven't," she assured him. She gestured to her meal with a rueful smile. "I just didn't want Aang shaking his head at me while I ate. I don't mind having company... Or would you rather not have company?"
"I didn't really want company," Zuko admitted. "Not of most people here. But I wouldn't mind yours." Katara smiled and slid her plate towards him.
"I'm not going to be able to finish all of this on my own," she told him. "My eyes were bigger than my stomach this time." Zuko took a skewer awkwardly and sat beside Katara.
"Is Aang really that bad that you have to eat meat in secret?" he asked half-joking. Katara rolled her eyes.
"Killing animals just to eat is wrong!" she mimicked his preaching tone. "How would you feel if it was Appa or Momo you were being served?"
"Sorry I asked," Zuko chuckled. "I won't tell about your secret meal if you don't tell that I'm hiding from King Kuei."
"Well, he is very intimidating," Katara chuckled.
"You laugh," Zuko said dryly. "Have you ever been cornered by him? The guy can never just get to the point. He has to talk around the issue in circles until I want to scream at him to just spit it out. But I can't do that because I'm the Fire Lord." Zuko scowled off into the distance and took an aggressive bite out of his skewer.
"If it helps," Katara said hesitantly. She cleared her throat. "If it helps, I think you're doing an amazing job."
"Yeah?" Zuko smirked at her. "Glad someone thinks so."
"I'm sure a lot of people think so," Katara insisted. She turned towards him and held his gaze. "Zuko, you're doing an amazing job as Fire Lord. I'm glad it's you who ended up on the throne."
"I know, I know," Zuko scoffed. "It's my destiny."
"No," Katara said slowly. "I think...I think it's more than destiny. I think you were the right person for the job because you chose to be."
"Is that what you think?" Zuko asked, raising his brow at her. Katara nodded firmly.
"What is destiny, anyway?" she asked. She sounded strangely emotional. Zuko eyed her worriedly. Katara held a skewer in a grip so tight, Zuko was worried the stick would snap. But she took a breath and found a wavery smile.
"I think what makes you such a great Fire Lord is the fact that you care," she said. "Maybe it was your destiny to lead the Fire Nation, but it's who you are that makes you so good at it."
"You think so?" Zuko asked. Katara nodded firmly.
"Just because you're destined for something doesn't necessarily mean it's supposed to be something good. I think..." Katara frowned and thought for a moment. "I think maybe someone's destiny isn't supposed to be good. After all, it seems like Ozai was destined to be Fire Lord. At least for a little while. Even the war must have been destined. So if destiny can be good or bad, then maybe it's up to us to decide which it's going to be."
Zuko had the distinct feeling that Katara wasn't just talking about his destiny as Fire Lord. This felt more personal. This felt like a moment for him to say something profound. He had nothing.
"Not everything is destiny," he tried, hoping that he could help her with whatever it was that had made her so morose.
"How do you know which is which, then?" Katara asked. Zuko shrugged. He leaned back against the wall and looked up at the stars.
"I don't know," he admitted. "Maybe...maybe trying to identify destiny is a mistake. Maybe...it's more important to try to do what's right. Even when it's hard."
"But how do I know what's right?" Katara huffed, and leaned back against the wall beside Zuko.
"i don't really know." Zuko chewed his lip pensively. "When Uncle told me he wouldn't take the throne, I thought it was a huge mistake. I thought he was the best fit for it. After all, of the two of us, he was actually groomed for the part. But after I took the throne....? I don't know...It didn't feel right immediately. It still doesn't feel right to me sometimes, but I did it. At the time, I resented uncle for not at least taking the throne until I was of age, but now that I've been Fire Lord for a few years, I get it. Uncle...he is a good man, but he did some terrible things. He's tried to make up for it, but it was never going to be enough. Not enough to expect everyone to be comfortable with him on the throne. I get it now. I think me taking the throne was the right thing to do. It has been hard. It's been lonely, too. But it was the best call either of us could make.
"But you didn't know it was right when you did it," Katara pointed out.
"No," Zuko tapped his finger thoughtfully on the flagstone. "I don't think I was completely sure that I was the best fit for Fire Lord. I still think Uncle would've been the better choice, history aside. I think there are a lot of much smarter people who probably deserve to be here instead of me. But I also know that there wasn't anyone who had a shot at taking the throne who would care about reparations to the other countries, or about rebuilding for the lower classes. I love my people, Katara, and I think...I think that helped me figure out what I needed to do, even if I don't always like it. I almost never like it."
Katara blinked hard against the tears that had suddenly sprang up in her eyes. She reached out for his and squeezed it tight. She knew how hard leading was for Zuko at times. He did it gracefully, though. He did it fairly, and she could see the progress the Fire Nation had made under him. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was substantial. If only she could feel that, at least. If only her destiny could make her feel half so accomplished.
"I wish I didn't know what my destiny was," she sighed. "Maybe if I felt like I had even as much choice as you have, I'd feel better." Zuko shot her a strange look. He had so many questions, but none of them felt appropriate. Instead he sighed and scooted closer to Katara.
"Maybe you need to focus less on what you think your destiny is and focus more on what you feel is right," he said. "I know you. Your sense of right and wrong is...well, it's unshakeable. I trust your judgement, even if you don't. If you were making the right choices, you wouldn't feel this conflicted. Even if your choice made you uncomfortable, if you thought it was the right one...well, you wouldn't be on a balcony alone eating secret yakitori." Zuko held up a skewer and waved it at Katara. She laughed and pushed his hand away.
"What if I make a choice and it's the wrong one?" Katara asked.
"I don't see that happening," Zuko said, grinning at her. "But even if you do make a mistake, I think you're smart enough to fix it. I'd help you, if you wanted. And so would Sokka and the Chief. So would all of us." Katara flinched at that. Zuko pretended not to notice.
"What would you do if you didn't know your destiny?" he asked. Katara sat quietly for a long while, looking thoughtfully across the garden below. She absently ran her thumb over Zuko's fingers.
"I think ...I think I'd like to go back to the Northern Tribe," she said. "To finish learning healing from Yugoda. Then I'd like to go the Foggy Swamp and learn swampbending. Then I'd like to find every copy of Southern style bending scrolls I could get my hands on and learn that, too."
"Then you should!" Zuko insisted. "Do that. I'll help when I can. My grandfather kept things from every nation he could. I'm having everything organized and sent back to where they came from. I'm working on the Earth Kingdom now, but I don't have anyone to help sort through all the Water Tribe artifacts. The job is yours, if you want it.
"Are you serious?" Katara gasped. Zuko nodded with a grin.
"I was planning to ask your father to recommend someone soon," he told Katara. "Maybe it's your destiny to do that, for whatever it's worth. I mean, it's an important job, but it's not a long one. Maybe six months to a year. But maybe it'll give you a chance to think about what you want. What you think it the right thing for you to do."
Katara considered his offer for a moment. Her initial reaction was to insist that she couldn't do that. That Aang needed her. But she bit her tongue and thought. What did Aang need her for? She cooked his meals, kept the Air Temple tidy, and kept his diary for him. It was important to keep the Avatar on task, but was it right? Was it right for her?
Soon, all the points in favor of it presented themselves. Sure keeping the Avatar on track was important, but reclaiming all of the Southern style bending she could? Learning everything she could about waterbending? The thought made her heart ache with a longing she'd almost forgotten how to feel. If Aang really was her destiny, he'd understand why she wanted to do this. After all, he was also working to reclaim Air Nomad culture.
It was tempting.
It was tempting.
It was...
"I think..." Katara said slowly. She cleared her throat again and turned to Zuko. "I think I'll do that."
"Really?" Zuko's face lit up.
"Really," Katara said, nodding once sharply. Then she smirked at Zuko. "You're going to get sick of having me around."
"Never that," he swore. "Never, ever that."
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cosyvelvetorchid · 2 days
prompt: buck has to take a rain check on an upcoming date with tommy because dr. salazar (heart doctor) wants buck to come in for his year review check after his lightning strike injuries, buck tells tommy and tommy offers to go with buck, tommy makes discoveries of wot buck went through during his coma and recovery, buck’s ecmo scars on his neck and the healed burns on his hands are talked about, buck has to wear the holter monitor again
That was such a great idea for a prompt. Thank you ❤️
As always you can send a bucktommy prompt to my ask. If you've sent one and it hasn't been answered yet, just sit tight - just means ive not yet got the full idea of what to write yet but it definitely will get answered.
Organising dates with Tommy was like a military operation. They had only been on 4 so far (if you count Bucks bad coffee apology meet, which buck absolutely does). Their often conflicting shifts made it difficult to carve out time, but they both very much wanted to put the effort in to see eachother.
Buck was excited for their 5th date tomorrow. It was a breakfast date. Well, technically dinner date for Tommy as he would be coming off shift but they were both excited nonetheless. That was until Buck got a reminder email of his one year heart check up post lightening strike. His heart sank when he realised and he called Tommy.
"Hey Evan." Buck could hear the smile on his face and though his heart was a little sunk, it swelled.
"Hey Tommy. Is this a good time? You're not on a call?"
"It's fine. Just giving the chopper a clean. Patient had a nasty hemorrhage this morning. Whats up?"
"I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have raincheck our breakfast date tomorrow."
"Oh." The disappointment was clear in his tone. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I uh, totally forgot I have an appointment with Dr Salazar my heart doctor."
"Are you okay? Have you been having palpations?"
Every time I look at you, or hear your voice, or think about you.
"No, no nothing like that - I feel fine. Its just a check up. It being a year since the uh.." Buck found the words difficult to say, though wasn't sure why. Most of the time he could talk about it, but sometimes the reality of what happened really hit him and he found it difficult.
"Lightning strike." Tommy finished for him. "Well it's a perfectly reasonable reason to raincheck so don't worry."
"Thanks Tommy." Buck said, relieved.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Tommy asked. Buck didn't expect that. They hadn't been dating long - Buck wasn't even sure if he could call himself Tommy's boyfriend yet. He wanted to of course but they hadn't had that conversation yet. But he wasn't sure if he was asking because he wanted to be there or it was out of some kind of obligation.
"Thanks but it's fine. They're probably just going to scan me and tell me I'm in top shape." He forced a laugh at the end. Truthfully he was worried. He wasn't lying about feeling fine - he really did - but he thought he was fine when he had mild pain in his leg which turned out to be blood clots that almost killed him.
"Are you sure? I don't mind."
"Yeah I'm sure." He wasn't sure but didn't want to feel like a some scared kid. Tommy was a strong, stoic man - He would probably be turned off watching Buck worry.
Buck groaned in his sleep at the noise. It happened again and he begrudgingly opened his eyes. The third time he realised it was someone knocking on his door. He looked at his phone and cursed to himself seeing that it was just past 5am. Who the hell knocks on the door at 5am?!
He slowly and heavily made his way down the stairs to the door.
"Tommy? What are you doing here? I thought your shift didn't finish for a other two hours?" He stepped aside to let him in. "Is everything okay?"
"I got off early, and no." He stated. Nerves hit Bucks stomach.
"Because, you're worried about your heart appointment and you didn't tell me." Buck opened his mouth to respond but Tommy stopped him. "And before you argue, I could tell by the tone in your voice. So, I got off work early so that we can have still have our breakfast date, and then I can go with you to your appointment. Even if you just want me to wait in the car."
Buck wanted to tell him not to come. Not because he didn't want him there - he actually did. In the short time they'd known eachother Tommy made him feel safe; like things would be okay.
It was more that he wasn't used to people showing up for him. At least when it came to love interests. He'd always felt like he was a burden. In an odd way it made him feel uncomfortable. But Tommy hadn't made him feel like it was hard to be there for him. More than once he had proven himself by showing up. Buck knew he had let go.
"I'd really like that. Thank you."
"Of course." Tommy replied, showing those beautiful crinkles around his eyes that Buck would crawl into if he could.
A few hours later they were sat in Dr Salazars office. Buck has initially said he'd be fine alone and Tommy could wait in the car. But changed his mind last minute when a wave of nerves made its way through him. Tommy simply took his hand and walked into the hospital with him.
They'd taken his blood, scanned his heart and asked him a thousand questions. All that he was waiting for now was the results. His leg was bouncing as he sat waiting for her to come into her office. Tommy didn't say anything, just placed a hand on his knee. Bucks leg immediately stopped dancing at the touch. The feel of the warmth of tommys hand calmed him.
"Well, Evan.." She said walking in an sitting across her desk from them. "..everything seems to look fine. Bloods, scans have all come back normal."
Buck sighed and visibly relaxed.
"I just have a couple more questions to ask." She said.
"How are your hands? Are you experiencing any pain or tenderness?" She asked. Buck looked at his palms. You could barely notice the stars anymore. A fact which relieved Buck.
"Uh fine, really. The skin sometimes feels a bit tight but only if I'm feeling really hot" He admitted.
"Thats to be expected. When our bodies get warmer they expand and the skin tightens. It can take a while for the lower layers of dermis to fully heel so it might feel litter tighter for a while but it's nothing to worry about."
"Great." Buck said, relieved again.
"And what about the scar on your neck from the ecmo? How is that?" Buck instinctively reached up and palmed the area. It was barely noticeable now. Just a small round patch of skin a shade or two light then his skin tone.
"It's fine. No trouble there at all."
"Good. Well, there's one more thing I need from you today." She opened her drawer and removed a device placing it on the desk. "I need you to wear the holter moniter again for 24 hours."
"Do I have to?" He complained.
"Well you can say no, but it will be against medical advice and you will feel my personal derision. I know its a pain, but it's important to really make sure your heart is doing what it should be doing."
"He'll wear it." Tommy told her without even looking at him. It triggered a strange mix of feelings within Buck. Part of him was annoyed that Tommy was making the decision for him, but he also felt a warm feeling within him at seeing Tommy care that he do the right thing for his health.
"Yeah." He said.
"Good. Now you know the rules: no using the microwave or your cell phone for the entire time you're wearing it. Okay?"
"I remember."
"Good. Then i will see you tomorrow when you bring this back."
Buck was quiet on the car ride back to his apartment and for a while when they went inside.
"You okay?" Tommy asked
"I'm fine."
"Evan." Tommy chastised. Someone in the apartment above dropped something and a loud bang rang out. Buck instantly jumped at the sound. His eyes met with Tommy's. His face awash with fear which quickly turned to embarrassment. Tommy immediately walked over and put his arms around him.
"You're okay. I promise." His voice was soft and calming. Buck softened into the hug and held onto Tommy tightly.
"I'm not going to push you, but when you're ready you can tell me." Buck felt Tommy's fingers delicately trace lines in the hair at the base of his head. He tried to remember if any of his exes had ever done something so simple like that to comfort him and he couldn't.
Tommy was quite tactile, Buck had noticed. A hand on his back as we walks past, a thumb circling his hand while they watch a movie, or a hand on his leg as they talk after dinner. Buck had always like that in a parnter, being that he was a big physical touch person.
"Sometimes I forget that it happened and then something happens and I'm reminded again." He loosened himself from Tommy and stepped back to lift himself onto the counter. Tommy stepped forward standing just between his knees and no closer. He wanted to give buck not just the emotional space but the physical space to talk.
"It's funny - i don't remember the getting struck or the pain. At least not now. For a while everytime I looked at my hands I would remember." His hands were palm up as he looked at them; the skin just a little pinker where the scars were. Tommy gently took Bucks hands from underneath and brought each one to his face to placed a soft kiss on each palm.
It was an act so full of delicacy and love that Buck almost burst into tears. Tommy looked back up at him with a soft sympathetic face. A face that told him it was okay to talk.
"What I really remember when I woke up was how i felt. Like, everything was different even though nothing had changed. But I had. I couldn't tell you how and I still can't. I'm just.. different. I had the weirdest dreams when I was in the coma. They felt so visceral; so real. For weeks i had this sense of dread all the time, like the other shoe was going to drop and i was going to realise that i was still in the coma and nothing was real." Tommy gently stroked Bucks legs as he continued.
"You know for a while i had this checklist I would perform every morning. First I would check the time- the dreams all happened at night so if it was morning I'd know that I was awake. Then I'd text Bobby. I'm sure it was annoying for him but he always texted me back. I just had to be sure that everything was real. I'll have moments sometimes during the day where I'll have these phantom pains in my scar on my neck and for a split second I think 'what if I'm dreaming and the pain is from the ecmo machine still attached to me?'. That's really weird I know." He looked down feeling a hint of embarrassment. Tommy probably thought he was being ridiculous.
Instead Tommy reached up, placing his hand on one side of Bucks neck and softly pressing his lips against the scar on the other side. It wasn't heated or had any sexual connotations to it - it was sweet and loving. It was Tommy telling buck that these scars are part of who is and they're beautiful. Buck closed his eyes and just breathed. He let go and allowed Tommy to just simply care for him.
"Is it okay that I did that?" Tommy asked quietly.
"Always." Buck replied looking into to Tommy's soft, warm eyes.
"What are you thinking about?" Tommy asked.
"Honestly? That I'm glad we haven't got the sex stage yet. If my heartrate now is anything to go by Dr Salazar is already going to think im having a heart attack." Tommy threw his head back and laughed heartily. Buck had seen him laugh before, even giggle, but never had he elicited a real, loud, belly laugh.
Buck felt a sense of pride at Tommy's response. And there was something else there too. Something weaving its way around under the surface of his skin. Something warm that made his stomach swoop and heart buzz. It wasn't quite near enough to lean into yet, but it was close. And getting closer every day.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 days
Also dialogue thouts!!
MK: *drawing with crayons while Wukong orders food* Hey, baba?
Wukong: Yeah bud?
MK: Why don't I have a mama?
Tang and Pigsy: *glance at each other*
Wukong: What... what do you mean?
MK: Well, Mei has a mom and dad. And Redson had a mom and a dad too. Why don't I have a mom?
Wukong tries his best to avoid uncomfortable questions, which leads to misunderstanding and even more uncomfortable questions!
Wukong: "Uhh, well... you know how I tell stories about that someone I loved a long time ago - long before you were born? Like how Bull and Iron Fan love each other?" MK: "Yeah!! You call them Moon Flower!" Tang, eavesdropping in the bg: "Lore?" Wukong, wistful: "I do. Well... I don't think I'd ever love someone like I did Moon Flower ever again. So I don't think I'd ever be able to give you another mama or baba." MK, sad: "Oh..." Tang, butting in: "Don't worry MK! Lots of kids grow up with only one parent!" MK: "I know that, but that's not what I'm asking." Wukong, confused: "Hmm? Then what is?" MK: "I mean, who helped make me?" Wukong: (*splutters in shock!*) "Wh-what?" MK: "A book in the library said that mam-males like monkeys and humans need two sets of jeans from their baba and mama so they can get made. If you're my baba - where did my second jeans come from?" Wukong: (*continues to splutter and laugh nervously!*) Wukong, hesitating: "Well Xiaotian... you know Moon Flower?" MK: "Yeah?" Wukong (lie): "They helped make you." MK: "Really!?!" :0!! Wukong, going all-in: "Yes!" MK: "AH!!! I have mama!?" Wukong: "No bud, they identified mostly male so-" MK: "A SECOND BABA!?!" (*MK proceeds to excitedly info-dump to Tang about who "Moon Flower" is for the next hour. While Wukong rests his head on the counter, guilty over lying to his cub*) Wukong, whispering: "I swear, i didn't think he'd get so close to the Birds and the Bees talk so soon. I used to tell him that babies got made out of clay and he was happy with that..." Pigsy: "He's a quick learner, I'll tell you that much!"
Macaque is overhearing this obviously, and has a light-bulb moment of; "Moon Flower? Who's that- oh my gods that's what he called me when we were cubs.". After the shock wears off, Macaque is super-smug that Wukong still cares for him after so much had happened between them. And is curious now that Wukong's cub is convinced that "Moon Flower" is their other parent...
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ursemma · 3 days
"you're all that I need" Theodore Nott × f!reader pt 2
Pt 1
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Summary: where Theodore realised you're all he needed but maybe it was little too late for that, or was it?
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Theodore Nott Pov
I finally gathered the courage to knock on her door. It's been weeks since we have talked and I just couldn't help but feel miserable about it.
I needed her. I wanted her. But I couldn't have the courage for it.
They say man only changes when he looses the most precious thing he had. It's true.
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She opened the door after few knocks, and looks at me with a confused gaze, "what are you doing here Theodore?" Full name? Ouch.
I took a deep breath and said, "to correct my mistakes." She raised one eyebrow and gave me a tired sigh before letting me in.
We sat on her bed and spoke, "you were right and I was wrong. Maybe I felt little too comfortable in our no labels zone that I completely abandoned the responsibility of putting labels on us. I know I couldn't say I need you on that night, I just lost the track of time when you left me, I didn't know what I was doing, what I was eating, bcoz all the time the only thing I could thing of was you, I know I fucked up big but please give me another chance. This time with labels, I've changed, the entire 3 weeks I haven't even looked at another girl bcoz all I could think of was you, I need you y/n, more than that I want you. You're like the oxygen I breath, you make me feel alive and the things that I was afraid of. Please take me back."
I finished and looked at her who was looking at me in shock, "do you really mean it?" She asked me trying to confirm whether what I said was true or not. "I do. Every word of it." I honestly answered her and she looked into my eyes trying to find something.
She smiled finally and said, "prove it then." I kissed her like my life depends on her, oh how I missed it.
The kiss was passionate and full of love, I bit her lips to enter her mouth, and soon we were fighting for control.
The kiss turned into a dominate and heated one, we were gasping for air, as we're running out of oxygen.
I pulled away and stopped before it got out of control and said, "not like this. Not with sex. I'll prove how much I love you by taking you out on a date. Just the way you like it. Be ready tomorrow 6 pm." She gave me the brightest smile ever and said, "okayy captain."
"also! No full names." I said while looking at her squinting my eyes "okayy theo." She laughed and she pulled me into a hug, I chuckled and, made us lay down on the bed, which means we were cuddling.
She then read me her favourite book and we soon went into a slumber of deep sleep after a long time.
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dunmeshichilchuck · 2 days
For That One Guy On Tumblr
Chilchuck x !fem ! halffoot Reader
So this starts off during the sauna episode. I'm changing it a bit to where that floor has been that cold since the dungeon was created. There will probably be more installments but right now it's just setting things up. Anyway, enjoy.
The last thing you remembered was cold, leeching into your bones. Cold, and the certainty that this would be the last thing you'd ever feel. Your party had left you to die rather than try to heal your wounds, and this floor was too deep for someone else to come along and take pity on you before your body rotted. You were going to become a ghost, haunting this dungeon without ever being able to leave. 
And then you opened your eyes again, and you were all too warm. 
You took a few shuddering breaths, coughing and gasping. Your lungs burned like they were on fire and your whole body ached. You curled up into yourself, shivering. And then you became aware of what was going on around you. And also that for some reason everyone was wrapped in towels instead of normal clothing.
Another....halffoot? Shouted. 
"I already EXPLAINED why I couldn't have used normal magic!!" A blond elf woman shouted back in an exasperated high pitched squeal. "It wouldn't have worked! The thread between body and soul was too tenuous! And we'd never have been able to get enough regular meat down there! Anyway I don't understand why you're so against it, I didn't see you arguing against it at the time!" 
A blond tall man, blindfolded? For some reason? Interjected. "Marcille is right! Even though the body was in a not so great condition the ice kept it from rotting so all the component parts were still there! We just got lucky that we were able to gather them all together! Once the body thawed resurrecting it was a simple matter! There was no need for special magic like with Falin." 
They continued to argue violently while your recently unfrozen brain attempted to make sense of the situation. 
Had the half foot somehow had enough pull in the party he'd been able to convince them that they should revive you? You weren't much use on this floor and presumably deeper ones where small traps gave way to larger monsters, so you couldn't work out any reason they had for reviving you. You looked around the small, actually extremely hot room you were in. It was...a sauna? Was it really a sauna? What the fuck? 
You smelled something delicious and you looked around to see a dwarf with long black hair and a massive bushy black beard peacefully tending to meat cooking over what looked very much like a wok. What the fuck? They were a high enough level party to have fresh meat down here? That would explain why they'd been able to spare the revival for you. 
There was also what looked like a beast girl crouched next to him, watching the squabbling party members with a bored expression on her face. Well. That was just another one of the things to file away and deal with later. 
Almost instinctively you staggered to your feet and crouched down by the dwarf to watch him cook. Your stomach grumbled insistently. Even in normal circumstances getting revived made you ravenous. Now you felt dizzy with hunger. 
"Ah, hello there!" The dwarf looked up at you and beamed. "Always nice to have new folk eat with us! You must be hungry after getting revived, food should be ready in just a few minutes."
He continued cooking, humming softly to himself. 
"Would you...like some help?" You managed to rasp out. Throat hoarse with disuse. 
At this point it seemed like the other people there remembered your existence. 
"Ah! So sorry, you're awake!" The elf said. "You were out for a long time, I didn't know if the magic would fully take with how long you'd been in the ice."
"How...how long?" You said, almost dreading the answer. 
"At least a couple of years, based on the state of your organs and bones" the blindfolded tall man said enthusiastically. "You were lucky! The extreme cold preserved you extremely well and there aren't any monsters down here that would go to the trouble of digging you out of the ice." 
You blinked at him. 
"How did you get all the way down here?" The elf asked. "Was your party wiped out? We looked but we couldn't find anyone else."
"I'll bet they left her behind." The halffoot interjected dourly. "She probably got injured and they didn't want to waste time resurrecting her or bringing her along." 
"what!" The elf gasped. "that's terrible, no one would do that! Why would you even think of that Chilchuck??" 
"Like I keep telling you guys, halffoots are treated as expendable! It'd be totally within the realm of possibility! Especially since she didn't sign on with the union or we woulda recorded when her party came back without her or she just never came back at all!" He frowned. "That's why I started the damn thing in the first place but if not everyone uses it it's not fucking good to anyone."
he (chilchuck?) turned abruptly to you. "Anyway, why didn't you use the union? We would have been able to look out for you so this didn't happen."
You stared at him in utter confusion. "....union?" 
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bluesfreakingart · 9 hours
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second thoughts
"If I didn't know any better, I would think you like him," Jervis said with a soft laugh as he poured the hot water. There was a silence before a sweet sigh from Alice. "I think I just might…"
Those words hitting his ears made him stop momentarily. Glancing over his shoulder ever so slightly, he asked, "Really?"
"Really… I've been thinking about it for some time now. I swear there's a real connection— he's rough around the edges, sure, but he's so sweet past it."
Jervis placed the sachet of tea into the hot water as he took his eyes off her, a tightness sudden in his chest. "…don't you think it's a little too early to say that? I mean, how long have you known him again?"
A hum was audible. "It's been a few months. I think we're coming up to a year, and I've already had a date or two. I've already told you about those, though. Gosh— I still can't believe I spilled that wine on the second date. Embarrassing…"
"It wasn't that bad," Jervis replied, trying so hard to ignore that feeling that clawed at his heart.
"Wasn't that bad? Oh, come on, Jervy, I'm sure if you did that in front of the person you like, you'd be losing your mind too."
The neuroscientist gave a moment of silence in thought, taking the sachet out of his tea and throwing it in the waste bin. He still didn't look at her. "You caught me. I'd probably be a mess… physically and mentally."
"Right!" she said with a giggle. The secretary then hummed again. "…I'm serious though, Jervis."
"Serious about what..?"
"About Billy. I think… I think I might confess to him today, after work."
"Are you sure?" were the words that slipped from his mouth.
"What do you mean, am I sure? I'm sure as sure can be! What, you don't think it's a good idea, me and Billy?"
"No, no, no— No, I'm not saying that, Alice," he quickly fervently denied. "I'm sure you two have… something. I was just asking if, you know, have you meditated on it more? Being in a relationship is a commitment after all—"
Suddenly, the woman had snuck right next to him and leaned on the lounge counter. "I haaaaave meditated on it. It's been a feeling for a while now. Sure, if it was the first few months, that'd be pretty fast, and I get it, but—"
Jervis's gaze met with hers and locked. She looked at him with that pleasant smile, that twinkle in her eyes. "I'm sure you've felt it before, that warm feeling in your chest that feels like it's going to burst right out and spill out, that excitement that can't be quite put down."
The neuroscientist absentmindedly put a hand over his chest, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. "Oh— Yes! Yes, of course… I have. Course, I have," he nodded for emphasis.
Alice cocked her head to the side for a moment, expecting him to go on. Jervis, noticing how silent he'd become, suddenly spouted, "P-plenty of times! Plenty of times I've had it, hard not to when there's… so many… wonderful people… in this wonderful world."
Alice playfully nudged his shoulder. "I knew you'd get me! You always seem to…" She gave a small giggle and smile. "Seriously though, thank you for looking out for me the way you do, Jervy. A girl's grateful to have a friend like you…"
Jervis forced a bright smile. "And I'd say the same—"
The secretary's gaze was focused on Jervis before it focused past him to the clock. "Oh, oh damn it— break time's over. Thanks again, you'll know where to find me if you want to chat again—"
Jervis watched as she hurriedly got herself together to leave the break lounge. The neuroscientist then managed to muster the courage to say, "Alice—"
"Huh? Need something?" Alice asked as she looked at him with those pretty eyes again. The words stuck in his throat. "I— I hope… the confession… goes well," Jervis finally said.
"Ah, thanks! I hope it does too! See ya, Jervy~" she said before vanishing past the door frame into the fray of Wayne Tech hallways yet again.
Jervis stood there in silence as he finally took a sip of his tea… seems he oversteeped it.
It was cold and bitter by now.
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AITA for confessing to a friend?
I (20sF) got a big intense crush on a friend (20sM) while going through a rough patch with my boyfriend (20sM) - it's a long distance relationship and he had been too busy with work to text me much. in my loneliness I latched onto my friend H, as we were talking a lot everyday about very deep and personal topics, and I felt a real connection that eventually developed into a crush.
however the crush also made me feel very guilty, not only for my boyfriend but also for my friend as I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. so it was a couple of really shitty months as I tried to deal with the mess my emotions had become, made worse by how I couldn't talk about it with either my bf nor H nor other friends (as they weren't that close and or were also friends with H).
eventually the crush faded, which was a relief, and after a couple of weeks I decided to tell H about it - to unburden myself of this secret that had weighed on me for so long, and also to just vent and talk with a friend (since we both often talked about similar topics and issues, and offered each other support and suggestions).
in the confession I made it clear that the crush had already faded and that only friendship remained (and I hoped would remain after my confession), but (unbeknownst to me at the time since he acted like he believed me) H thought that I was being manipulative and sneaky, and still had a crush on him and was saying I didn't just to give myself an out if he didn't reciprocate. (I learned of this because he talked about it with mutual friends, telling them all about my confession and his views of it). it ended up becoming a shitstorm tho it's not relevant for this.
but regardless, maybe on some level I was being manipulative, though not the way he thought - I had wanted comfort from a friend and I had wanted to unburden myself from a secret that had been very painful to keep, but I hadn't thought about H's mental health or confusion at the whole situation. (H's mental health is not great in general, and he's had bad experiences with relationships and friendships, which is probably why he saw hidden meanings and manipulative intentions where there weren't. I hadnt even considered that my words could be interpreted in any way but literally, but maybe I should have? I know I'm bad with hidden meanings, so bad that I don't realize others might expect them!)
in short, I confessed for selfish reasons to a vulnerable person. so maybe I was the asshole?
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