#i do find the way he reacts to her pushing back kind of interesting
insecateur · 2 years
What’s your interpretation of Lysandre and Diantha’s relationship in XY? They seem to be friends or at least acquaintances but there’s also not a lot to go on
hmm!! i think i tend to consider them acquaintances... they do meet up to talk in café soleil early on but my assumption would be that lysandre knows her more bc of her status as an actress/the champion than on a personal level... the way he introduces her to you (the player) feels kind of impersonal to me. he talks about her more in terms of what she represents (as an actress, who dedicates herself to others) than who she is as a person
of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they're not friends, but that's the vibe i get from that one interaction they have. (especially in light of the way diantha responds to him, and how he dismisses her...) in contrast, i do think augustine seems to be on more friendly terms with her, which imo is corroborated by that one pokémas interaction they have where she offers him her support regarding the whole situation with lysandre (actually, i never did make a post about that...)
in general, i tend to write them as getting to know each other through their mutual friendship with augustine, but lysandre does seem to have a strong interest in her acting career, which makes sense as someone who cares about people who make the world better (which also would be a factor that endears him to augustine as well, of course)
it's my understanding that they're old friends in the manga, but i still haven't gotten around to (re)reading it that closely, so i can't comment on that aspect in more details, i'm afraid...
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pit-and-the-pen · 1 month
Hi I had a fic request for really any of bat boys, whichever you feel like! My idea was that the mating bond had only recently snapped into place for both them and the reader. They’re taking things slow and getting to know each other before they accept it.
Anywho, the reader is unknowingly projecting her feelings down the bond all day/week, whether she’s excited over a book, irritated cause she’s hangry, or just downright horny lol. Thought it would be fun to see how the bag boy would react to these things happening at random points throughout the day and whatnot.
This started out as just head cannons and turned into a full Az fic. Hope you like it and sorry for the wait!
WC: 2.7k
Warnings: suggestive ( reference to masturbation and sex)
Little Gifts
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Azriel never expected to get a mate. He had long given up on the idea, content with watching his brother find the loves of their lives. That was until he met you. You were new in Velaris, having moved from the summer court. He was making his usual trip to the small bakery in town to pick up Feyre’s favorite pastries, a small favor for Rhys who didn’t have time to do so. Little did he know how much he would be thanking Rhys for the task he had rolled his eyes at. It took one look across the shop for him to feel the mating bond snap into place. He asked you on a date that very day. You had blushed, mumbling out something about not expecting the shadowsinger to show any interest in you but agreed nonetheless
The date had been wonderful in Azriel’s eyes. You were sweet and kind, and had him slowly breaking out of his shell by the end of the night. It took all of three dates for the bond to snap for you, But the two of you had agreed to take things slowly. Velaris was still so new that you had wanted to find your own way before accepting the bond between the two of you.
Azeriel was more than willing to let you have all the time you needed. He would never forgive himself if he pushed you into accepting the mating bond before you were ready. Regardless of the fact that every moment he spent with you he could feel himself falling harder and harder for you. It didn’t help that he was constantly getting little glimpses of your emotions at random times of the day. Something that was unknown to you from the way you never talked about it. Azriel assumed since you haven't accepted the bond yet that it wouldn’t feel as strong with his emotions as it did for you. So he never told you, afraid to lose that little part of you that he had come to look forward to.
Something was tugging at Azriel’s chest. He knew right away it was coming from you but that didn’t stop the small twinge of panic that overcame him when he felt your distress. Shadows instantly shooting out across the house searching for you. They reported back quickly, Library. Crying in the library. He walked as quickly as he could, fighting the urge to sprint to you. The door to the library was cracked open and he heard the fire crackling in the corner of the room and the tell tale sniffle that had led him toward you. Azriel walked as calmly as he could until he was standing beside you. He crouched down until he was eye level with you. You peaked over your book and jumped a little at the sight of your mate in front of you.
He reached out a tentative hand to wipe a tear from your cheek and he was rewarded with the slight coloring of your cheeks.
“You’re upset.”
“I…It’s just my book.” You held up the paperback in your hand to prove your point. Azriel felt something in his chest relax. His shoulders dropped slightly.
“I thought I saw your shadows around.” A small smile creeped onto your face. “I’m sorry I worried you.”
“Don’t be. I just want to keep you safe.”
Azriel stood up to walk out of the room when you wrapped your hand around his wrist. He spun around to look at you.
“Would you stay with me?” Once again he watched blood rush to your cheeks. A tinge of embarrassment was sent down the bond. Azriel smiled so wide it made his cheeks hurt.
“Of course.” His shadows zipped to grab his paperwork that had been discarded on his deskHe sat down by the end, letting you continue to sprawl out on the couch. You didn’t hesitate to lift your legs and place them on his lap. The two of you sat in silence. Him reading over his reports, you wrapped in your own book. Azriel let out a content sigh and tried his best to focus on the words in front of him. He lasted for all of three pages before he started tracing patterns on your legs. You both sat in the library for hours until Azriel heard your stomach growl and offered you a hand, pulling you to the kitchen.
Azriel didn’t know what to do. Everyone had gone to Rita’s to blow off some steam from a particularly rough high lords meeting. The one that they had dismissed for the day with a promise to reconvene in a few days because of the arguments from today. Mor had dragged you onto the dance floor almost immediately after she all but shoved some strong smelling drink down your throat.Rhys and Feyre bowed out after a drink or two, needing to get Nyx to bed. Nesta and Cassian were so close together right now that Azriel knew it was only a matter of time before they left as well. That left Azriel sitting by himself in their booth. He knew he should go join you, every fiber of his being told him to. But he wanted you to be able to have time with Mor, didn’t want to be the overbearing mate that didn't allow you to have space. So he sat and watched you. Eyes trailing up and down your body as you moved gracefully, hands in your hair, head thrown back in delight. Azriel was more than happy to just be in the same room to witness that type of joy on your face. He was so caught up in you that he didn’t even notice someone approaching until an unfamiliar body was slipping into the booth beside him. He hoped that just ignoring the female sitting next to him would be enough of a deterrent for whatever she was going to say, but she just gave him a glossy lipped smile.
“Now, why is someone as handsome as you sitting all by yourself?” She purred, Azriel could practically taste the seduction in the air. The way her hands started trailing across the table to get closer to Azriel’s gloved hands. He quickly pulled them away, putting them on his lap. He didn’t respond. Just kept looking out at his mate.
“Oh, the silent broody type. It’s fine. You don’t need to talk for what I want to do with you.” She gave a fake giggle and Azriel tried to put some space between the two of them when he felt a push of anger so strong it made him gasp. The brunette sitting next to him only laughed again, thinking his reaction was in response to her words. She started raising a hand, straight towards his wings he realized in horror when a hand shot out to grab her wrist. One moment the female was sitting and the next she was being hauled up by her wrist.
“Get away from my mate.” He heard you all but growl. He could have sensed your anger without the bond currently thrumming away in his chest. Pulsing fast like a second heartbeat.
The female in front of you had the decency to look ashamed for all of two seconds.
“YOu should keep him a little closer if you don’t want others looking.” And with one more long stare at Azriel she turned on her heel and walked away. You looked like you were fighting the urge to jump her from behind as she stalked out of sight. Azriel stood up and wrapped his arms around you. He noticed the way you were trembling slightly.
“Are you okay?” He asked into the top of your head. You scoffed, anger still radiating off of you.
“I should be asking you that.”
“I’m old, this is far from the first time someone has tried to make an unwanted advance.” That apparently was not the right thing to say. He swore your skin was heating up as the anger flared up even more, becoming pure outrage.
“She almost touched your wings.”
“I swear to the mother if you say you’re used to it I’m going to explode.”
And Azriel believed her. He really did. He pulled away slightly to look at your face, trying to calm some of that raging fire in your blood.
He barely pulled back before your hands were tangling into the front of his shirt, pulling him to your lips. He was so shocked at first, matching the shock he felt through the bond, that he just stood there. But then you trailed a hand up his arm, tangling your fingers in his hair and he started kissing you back. Your lips were soft despite the searing kiss. His hands ghosted down to your waist and he pulled you flush against his body. The motion drew a small whine from your throat that had every part of his body stiffening. He felt it then, that crash of excitement through the bond. You were happy to be touching him, kissing him. He pulled away, trying to get his bearings before he hauled you over his shoulder and winnowed out of the small bar. When he looked at your face he saw a similar emotion echoed in your eyes. Your cheeks were flushed and lips were slightly swollen. Slightly damp with his spit.
He had to force himself to take another step back. Putting more space between the two of you felt wrong and that wash of disappointment through his chest almost made him laugh. Instead he reached a hand out and tucked a finger under your chin, pulling your eyes to meet his.
“When I finally get to touch you, it’s not going to be because you’re trying to prove a point sweetheart. As sweet as the notion is.” You smiled at him and held out your hand, pulling him onto the dance floor.
You looked like pure sin. The black dress was covered in reflective glitter, turning blue whenever you moved. His shade of blue he noted with a rush of pride. Your dress was a twin to Nestas, hers being red to match her mate. It hugged every single inch of you, showing off the parts that Azriel had only dreamed of seeing so far. The two of you had been toeing a dangerous line since the kiss you shared a few days prior. Azriel would be lying to himself if he said it hasn't been replaying nonstop in his head. The way you had melted into him, the small noise from the back of your throat. He took a deep steadying breath trying his best to quell the desire he felt from looking at you. He looked back to you and caught your eyes roaming over him in return. When you got back to his face you didn’t look the slightest bit ashamed. Instead you sent him a smirk that had him clenching his fists to stop him from dragging you back to his room like he should have done the other night. No, he forced himself to look away from you, breaking whatever spell he was caught in.
The High Lords meeting was just as much of a mess as it was the other day. No progress was made, voices raising over each other in effort to get their thoughts heard. You were sitting with your arms crossed, utterly fuming as your voice was drowned out for the third time.
“If I wanted to listen to someone who knows absolutely nothing, I would listen to the rest of my court.” The source of the voice was indistinguishable over the chaos in the room but it was obvious it was aimed at you. Azriel felt the embarrassment pulse through the bond. He was on his feet before he realized it, hands slamming down on the table.
“Watch your mouth.” His words cut through the squabbling. All eyes in the room turned to him, your own wide and unblinking. He noted the slight flush to your cheeks, the way it seemed like you were holding your breath as you looked at him.“You’re all High Lords. Start.Acting.Like.It.” He spit out the words, a calm wave pushed through the bond. That’s when he felt your hand gently stroking over his. He sighed deeply and sat back down.
A sharp jab at his mind had him hiding a flinch. Your eyes jumped to him again, eyebrows pulling tight together in concern. He just squeezed your hand, the one that hadn’t let go of his as he settled back into his chair. Rhys’ voice filled his mind. Care to explain that? He pushed him out, not bothering to respond to his brother's prodding. He just tried to focus on that thread of comfort, tinged with something he tried to ignore. You shifted slightly in your seat, your dress bunching in a motion he instantly noted as you rubbed your thighs together. He sucked in a shaky breath, the lust he felt earlier hitting him in full force. He was desperately resisting the urge to put his hand on your leg. Resisting the urge to drag you out of the damned room.
The rest of the meeting was painful, for a new reason this time. He spent the next few hours acutely aware of every little motion you made. Every squirm, every shift had him straightening in his seat. It would be one thing if it was only him but the feelings you were pushing through the bond were absolutely torture. He was seconds away from leaning down and whispering in your ear when someone clears their throat loudly. Rhys.
“I think we’ve actually made some good progress today.” They had? “It might be time to quit while we’re ahead. Same time next month?” Murmurs of agreement filled the room and people started rising to turn to whatever they had planned for the rest of the night. Azriel turned to you but you were scrambling to your feet, looking anywhere but him, he noted. You quickly gathered the ends of your skirt and all but ran out of the room. Leaving Azriel with his hands slightly extended, still reaching for you.
“Scare her off?” Cassian slapped a playful hand on Azriel’s shoulder that had him fighting not to roll his eyes. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe he did. You seemed so eager to get away from him. Maybe he had scared you when he raised his voice. Spoke over you in a way you didn’t appreciate. Ariel turned away from his brother, ready to race to find you to apologize when he felt it. That rush of electricity that made every part of him stiffen. He could practically taste the arousal that was flowing through the bond. His heartbeat sped up and he was suddenly very aware that he was standing besides Cassian.
Ariel didn’t say a word as he walked as calmly as he could back to his room. He now understood why you had left in such a hurry and a frisson of pride ran through him. While he may not be psychically touching you, it was reassuring to know he made his mate this riled up. He was thankful he had made it back to his room when he felt that first wave of pure pleasure. His mind started to wonder how you must look right now. How pretty you oiled sound, if your face would scrunch up or if you would keep your beautiful eyes fixed on him the entire time. He reached his hand down to adjust himself, now painfully hard in his pants. But he wanted to soak in your pleasure, waves after wave being sent down the bond. You must be close if his racing heartbeat was anything to go by.
deep down he knows he should shut off his side of the bond. Give you your private moment but he couldn’t help the little reach of his own arousal, he sent just a hint of it down the bond. It was like the world stood still as he waited for your reaction. He couldn’t fight the smile that creeped onto his face as he felt your answer. Were you planning on joining me? Azriel didn’t hesitate to send his reply. I’m more than happy to finish the job sweetheart. Nothing else was said as he could feel your anticipation down the bond and followed that tug deep in his chest to deliver on his promise
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How would riddle, malleus and epel react to the overseer personally knowing their family their family was not aware they were the overseer (for malleus and epel the overseer met their grannys and for riddle they know his mom)
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, kidnapping, religion, cult, unhealthy relationship, threats, blood, imprisonment
Riddle Rosehearts/Epel Felmier/Malleus Draconia-Player knows one of their family members
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Riddles mother
It was once more time for a holiday
NRC was prepared to host a few attractions and to have family members visit for a day or two
Riddle was warned by a letter from his mother that she was coming
So the day was here. The celebration was in full swing. And look at that, it's the mother of a certain redhead. Noo-I mean, yay...
Riddle was prepared for another scolding for something he “did wrong” but after greeting her son (in a way too stiff manner) she turned to you and... greeted you as well?
You see, little, helpful you had promised the former red tyrant to help his dorm with their celebration so you were also present when the madam came over
“Mother, why do you know the Overseer?” “What are you talking about, Riddle?”
Apparently, Trey had once invited you to meet his family after you showed interest in his siblings and the bakery. In the Queendom you had gone on a walk in the forest, slipped and twisted your ankle so badly that you couldn't walk anymore. Luckily Riddles mother came by (for some reason) and helped you, being a doctor and all
Now, lady is of course no idiot so after her son had asked her that question she was just a new addition to the garden as a statue
Riddle was terrified that you saw the polite yet also arrogant way his mother spoke to you in the past as something rude
Now, you were of course not the biggest fan of her but at least she healed you back then
Once you are gone, running off to Pomefiore to help over there, Riddle had a talk with his mother
Usually he would show her respect but today it was like the roles were reversed
Kind words and any kind of love he had left for her were thrown out of the window when he asked her “how she could have not recognized their uncrowned ruler?”
Riddle was this close to snapping and using his special magic on her
For the first time Riddles mother was afraid of her son
Never before had she seen him so angry
But oh well, better stay in line and be nice to you instead of finding out how far she could push his boundaries
It was almost like he wouldn't just chop her head off in a metaphorical sense with his special magic but rather literally in a much, much more bloody way
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Epels Grandmother
Ah yes, Epels sweet sweet granny could of course not miss her beloved grandson
She even prepared some cake and other delicious treats for him. How sweet!
So when perfection themselves, the Overseer, suddenly marched over after they spotted a familiar mop of light lilac hair he nearly had a heart attack
But instead of his Granny being surprised she just said a nice hello, that it was good to see you again and how things had been since you had seen each other
Why did his granny know the Overseer? Why did his granny know God?
Now Epel couldn't of course ask that later part, considering that his villages view on you was in comparison rather... yeah let's call it “extreme”
Turns out he had forgotten something when he visited Harveston the last time and you brought it to him, only for you to meet his Grandmother before you ran into him. Giving her what he forgot the two of you had a nice little talk before you left
And this is the point when Epel felt like he was ready to bash his head against the wall
Vil must have noticed a short in Epels mood because the model just threw him a very poisonous look
So here Eprl was, standing like a lost little child between his Granny and f-ing God whilst the two of you had a nice little chat about the weather
When you finally said goodbye to the two, running off to Diasomnia because you were invited for tea, Epel was juts like “Granny, we need to talk.”
Say goodbye to your apple-free days because after that talk, there will be boxes of so-called “offerings” in front of your door. Every. Single. Day.
“Granny, don't be too shocked but you met God.” “Hoho, what are you talking about?” “...” “Oh...”
For the rest of the day her legs were so shaky that Epel was afraid for her health
I mean, come on, the very person who has drilled tales about a deity into your head finally meeting said deity is something that is guaranteed to have a way too high blood pressure
The next time you run into her she isn't entirely sweet anymore
Of course she is still nice but there is something creepy about her. The way her eyes drill into you, how her questions are always a tad bit too personal
And did she just utter a prayer with your name in it? Nah, must be your imagination
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Malleus Grandmoter
How she didn't recognize you the first time you two met is a wonder considering that she has that sixth sense every Fae has that tingles even when you are being simply mentioned
But today is a great day, Malleus grandmother came over to visit her grandson, a rare day of rest for her
Maleus was just about to tell her that he had invited a guest when you showed up
So when he stood up to introduce you to her she was just like “Oh, the child of man I met that one day.”
Cue Malleus standing there like a plank
Poor man is so surprised that he can't even ask how the heck you two met each other
When he finally asked when you two met he found out that he had forgotten to send a letter of his so you had jumped through one of the mirrors and delivered it to the castle yourself
After almost getting impaled for jumping right into a heavily guarded castle you had explained yourself and boom, you had a fife minute talk with grandma Draconia
Ok, great, wonderful, but did she know that you were the Overseer?
When he told her who you were she had to set down her teacup, shock sinking into her bones
Following his words you asked what he meant with Overseer
This was the day Diasomnia saw their dorm leader drop a teacup
Like with Epel you are now more or less in trouble
I mean, yeah, it's nice to get literal national treasures sent to your doorstep but at the same time, what the heck??!
Back in the Valley of Thorns the Fae are panicking left and right
What do you mean, the Overseer has already visited us once? And we pointed all kind of sharp tools at them??!
It wouldn't be much of a surprise if you just woke up one day in a room that you had never seen before, living like a bird in a golden cage
You know, the next ruler has taken a liking to you and your loyal followers need to protect you
So sit still and don't try to run
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maxillness · 3 months
Tell Me Your Sounds || Ferrari!KR7 x Reserve driver!Reader
Warnings: 18+, blowjob, sub!kimi, (slight) yearning, biting,
Wordcount: 1.1k
Might do a part 2, dunno
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Kimi never spoke, and when he did, it was short answer, and she hated it
She wanted to have an ongoing conversation with the man, but he kept his answers short, almost like he didn’t want to speak to her
All his silent conversation got her to thinking “Do you think he’s silent in bed too?” She asked, Sebastian almost choking on his water
He looked with a confused expression at her “First of all, it would be interesting to know, but I don’t want to know. Second of all, why are you thinking about that?”
“How the fuck did that make sense what you just said?” It was now her to be confused “And… I can’t sleep at night, so I think, and sometimes it’s weird stuff” She shrugged
“You might as well just find out” He said, taking another sip of his water “I’m joking” He said, seeing her thinking face
“I know, wasn’t even thinking about it” She said, obviously lying
“If you say so”
She definitely needed to find out. One way or another
Over the next few weeks, so tried getting closer to him, tried getting to know him better
She was the one who started texting him first, until he was the one to strike conversation
He was way more wordy over text then when you spoke to him face to face
As they grew closer, her thoughts got dirtier. She could be doing anything, and she would imagine what he would sound like
Her fingers moving inside her, coming around them to the thought of his sounds
It was the race week, and she was talking with Sebastian before FP1
“You’ve gotten your answer yet?” He asked, a cheeky smile on his lips
“No” She sighed “Ask me again on Sunday” She answered, matching his smile
“You’re something of your own” He chuckled, walking away from her again
They had been talking to each other as much as they could when he wasn’t in the car, every now and then placing innocent touches on him
Qualifying rolled around, and both the drivers god an okay end. Both finishing in Q3
“Good job, man” She said, fist bumping Sebastian as he walked into the garage
“Oh, sorry, rakkaus” Kimi had accidentally bumped into her, but in all honesty, she just wanted his touch, no matter how he did it
“It’s quite alright” She smiled, turning around to face him “You did good by the way” She loved the way his eyes lit up and a slight blush crept up on his cheeks at the praise
“Thank you” His words almost got stuck in his throat as he looked down into the floor
She felt a kind of confident boost she never had experienced before, encouraging to take the shot of hearing his sounds
She took a step closer to him, and just below a whisper she said “If you ever wanna celebrate, you know where to find me”
She didn’t let him react before she walked away to talk to some of the machines and engineers
She expected him to react, but not the way he did
He had grabbed her wrist, pulling her roughly away from her conversation without as much of an apology
“Kimi-“ She didn’t get to finish her sentence before she was shoved up against the closed door of his drivers room
His lips was on hers immediately, holding a hand behind her head to not hurt her
“Kimi…” She shoved softly on his chest, pushing him away from her
“What? You said if I wanted to celebrate-“ “I know” She panted slightly looking up into her lust blown eyes
“I was just startled, that’s all” She took her hands back to his face, smashing their lips back together in a wet and sloppy kiss
His suit was already hanging on his hips, so it was easy for her to slip her hands down his torso and under his fireproofs, feeling his skin on her fingertips
They parted their lips so she could pull off his fire profs, throwing it carelessly on the floor before attaching her lips above his collarbone
He let out a whimper as she sucked softly on the skin, creating a purple bruise
She pushed on his abdomen, guiding him towards the small couch in the room. She pushed him down once the back of his legs hit it
She got on her knees in front of him, hands tapping his hips, making him buck them up so she could pull the suit down
As the suit was discarded on the floor as well, her hands went to the waist band of his boxers, pulling them down as well
He whimpered at the way her lustful eyes looked up at him. She kissed his inner thigh, forcing him to spread his legs
She scooted forwards, lips still kissing his skin. She bit softly down, pulling a whimper from him
“Please” His hands grabbed the edge of the couch beside his legs
She pulled away from his thigh. Her hands went to his hips, holding them there as her tongue drew over the tip of his cock, drawing out a high-pitched moan from him
He sounded so much prettier than she had imagined. His head threw back as his eyes closed shut as her tongue began to swirl around him
His moans were loud, not giving a shit if anyone could hear him, which they probably could
His whole body shook at her tongue drew over his slit, his moan shuttered, knuckles turning white
He bucked his hips up, wanting her to swallow him
She swirled her tongue around him twice before swallowing him whole. She gagged slightly as he hit the back of her throat
“Mm… Feels so good” She moaned as she started bobbing her head up and down his shaft, spit starting to pool in the corner of her mouth
“Fuck, just like that” The sounds that came out of him was almost embarrassing if he wasn’t fucked out
Her nails dug into the pale skin of his hips as she sped up, her tongue dragging on the sensetive skin of his vain
“Fuck- please- yes… Fuck, so close” His cock started twitching inside her mouth, leaking pre cum on to her tongue
She hummed at the taste of the salty taste, sending vibrations into his cock, sending him over the edge, shooting his cum down here throat with her name rolling off his tongue
She popped off of him, swallowing his load, feeing the sticky substance go down her throat
She stood up, knees hurting and wobbly. She leaned down to kiss him between his knitted eyebrows
“You sound so fucking pretty” She softly placed a kiss on his jaw “You should really talk some more”
“Just for you. Only you’ll hear me” He panted, coming down from his orgasm, his hands caressing the sides of her body
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macsimagines · 1 year
I’m so sorry that you’re getting hate. and I’ll make sure to reblog your works more to make sure you feel the appreciation you deserve!
but, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask for a request! Headcannons with Izana, Mikey, and Kisaki that have a photo of their darling on there desk, but when their secretary comes in to the office to hand them paperwork but knock down the photo in the process on purpose. the secretary obviously has a distaste for you being their lover so how would they react to it?
I love a jealous bitch. You just make things a little more interesting for Darling and their man. also this borders on a hyper specific scenario and i hate those so please if you have a fic idea try writing it yourself
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Yandere!Izana Kurokawa
Let that bitch secretary of his stick around because he knows she makes you insecure. No joke, he really does let her act out how she wants because he wants to keep you in check.
Izana will allow her to flirt with him in front of you, maybe even give you some attitude and practically lets her roam around his office flaunting her goods because he wants you to feel bothered and belittled.
He's basically saying; "Look at what I can have and feel blessed I still choose you." without ever saying it.
But he knows he's pushing it and never lets her do anything further than those few things. In fact he treats very coldly if he's alone with her. He only goes out of his way to be nice when you're watching.
Truth is, he can't stand her. Hates her perfume, hates the way she looks, hates the way she speaks. She's only good for one things and that's keeping you in line he doesn't need or want her for anything else.
Then one day, she got cocky, one day she really fucked up. "Oops, knocked over your wife's picture. But it's fine sir, you don't really want to be looking at her when you have me right~?"
After that you never see her at the office again. Her replacement is actually a man hired by Kakucho, who went out of his way to find a proper replacement because he pitied you.
"My old secretary? She got too comfortable. I don't need an annoying woman like that. Now come over here and thank me for my kindness."
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Yandere!Manjiro Sano (AKA Mikey)
Hates that bitch but can't get rid of her. Apparently everyone in the office has had a taste and his underlings convince him that's good for morale. Also she does her work well enough and he can ignore her.
He kidnapped you, robbed you of all your autonomy. He didn't go through all that trouble to just have some cheap whore when he already has you.
But then you keep trying to hold out on him, you're not breaking even though he loves you and on the bad advice of probably Sanzu he tries to use her to make you jealous.
Lets her flirt and even flirts back in front of you, just because he wants to know you still care. At one point you loved him, maybe its still there?
But you're a brick wall, maybe even amused by his antics. And he just goes back to despising her, because she's not you. Not your hair, not your smile, not your smell. She's fucking wrong wrong wrong wrong.
The unfortunate thing is that she's gotten ballsy. She thinks she has a shot, even though he was just trying to use her to get at you. This bitch actually defiled your picture by pushing it out of the way and Mikey...
He sees red. He doesn't like hitting women, maybe that was just the little bit of honor left in him, but he can kill this pig with his bare hands and not even flinch.
Mikey doesn't hear her screams, her begs or even her sorrys when its all said and done. Just a bloody pummled mess on the floor.
Maybe she can be good for something because he calls you into his office and makes you watch his men clean up her corpse and get rid of it. Just as a reminder of how much he loves. And what he's still capable of.
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Yandere!Kisaki Tetta
He hates her. You're his whole world and perfect Darling. He showers you every day in affection that he only gives to you and she thinks she has a place?
Kisaki had hired her as a favor to business partner. His eldest daughter. And to keep good morale and images with this other company he gave her a job.
Don't worry, he was going to bleed that company dry and toss her out on her ass when he was done ruining her family's name. She was just a pawn, but you are everything.
But all that doesn't make her obvious attempts at winning him over any easier. Her father probably had sent her to seduce him and probably take your place as his new wife.
The thought makes him want to puke. As if that ugly cow has anything on you, the reason he lives and breaths and conquers the very business world.
You don't even know about the games this Secretary is playing because he doesn't need you to worry you're perfect pretty head about it. This is his problem and he will handle it when the time comes.
But that happens sooner than later when she DEFILES your image by accidentally knocking your photo into the trash. "Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. I was only putting it where I thought it belonged~"
Well Kisaki was a patient man, but if it was time for action... Her father's company is destroyed, her family name ruined with scandal and defamation, and her corpse was somewhere floating all alone in the ocean.
And you were at home with Kisaki suddenly planning a surprise vacation. "You deserve it, Honey. I just want to spend some time with you."
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goddessofvalyria · 1 month
RIDE OR DIE pt.3 | Aemond Targaryen x fem!oc
PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3
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GIF di sabrinaacarpenters
Summary: Aemond Targaryen is the owner of a famous strip club, the Blue Pearl. One night he visits the club and asks for the best girl, unaware of the consequences of his choice…
TW: 18+, MINORS DNI, She/Her pronouns, the fem!oc is named Maddy with long brown hair and blue-green eyes, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, SMUT, sexual tension, sex, sex, sex, drug use, Modern Aemond in Modern AU.
English is not my first language, be kind <3
This is my Masterlist
After the date, Maddy still wants to see Aemond, but debt and her family unfortunately come first. Between her and her boss, Aemond Targaryen, things get complicated when she realizes she has feelings for him.
What will happen? What will be their future?
This is the last part, read here under the cut!
For the past month, Maddy has been ignoring Aemond. She doesn’t answer his calls, doesn’t reply to his texts. Every time his name flashes on her phone, she hesitates, her heart heavy, before turning it off and shoving it deep into her pocket. The distance she’s putting between them feels like a knife twisting in her chest, but she convinces herself it’s better this way.
Aemond, frustrated and hurt, tries again and again to reach her. Each message, each unanswered call, chips away at the hope he’s been clinging to. Doubts begin to creep in, whispering that she’s just like the others, that she’s disgusted by his appearance, by the scar and the eye patch that remind him of everything he’s lost. He starts to believe that, despite the connection they shared, she’s turned away from him, just like everyone else eventually does.
Meanwhile, Maddy throws herself into her work, taking on double shifts at the Blue Pearl. Madame Sylvi, seeing the desperation in her eyes, allows her to work more hours for extra pay. Maddy dances and undresses for the customers, her movements mechanical, her mind distant. She tells herself she’s doing what she has to do, for her family, for survival.
But everything changes one night when Aemond finds out what she’s been doing.
The evening is like any other, with the low hum of music and the dim lights casting shadows on the walls. Maddy is backstage, preparing for another private dance, when Madame Sylvi pulls her aside.
“This one’s a VIP” Sylvi warns, her voice low. “Treat him well, but if he crosses the line, you let me know.”
Maddy nods, forcing a smile as she heads to the private room. The man waiting for her is older, his eyes gleaming with a predatory interest. She begins her routine, keeping a safe distance, moving with the practiced grace that’s become second nature.
But as the minutes tick by, the man grows impatient. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s not play games” he slurs, reaching out to grab her arm. “Show me what I’m paying for...”
Maddy pulls away, her heart pounding. “No” she says firmly, taking a step back. “I don’t do that.”
His expression darkens, the polite veneer slipping away. “I paid good money for this,” he snarls, his hand lashing out before she can react. The slap echoes in the small room, the force of it sending Maddy stumbling back. Pain blooms across her cheek, but she holds her ground, refusing to let him see how much it hurts.
Before he can do more, Madame Sylvi bursts into the room, her eyes flashing with anger. “Get out or I'll tell it to the boss.” she hisses at the man, who stumbles to his feet, muttering curses under his breath as he leaves.
Maddy stands there, her cheek throbbing, as Sylvi looks her over with concern. “Are you okay?” she asks softly.
Maddy nods, though the pain is more than just physical. “I’m fine” she lies, pushing down the tears that threaten to spill. “I just need a minute and after I''ll be on stage.”
Sylvi gives her a sympathetic look before leaving her alone in the room. Maddy takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself, but the sting of the slap lingers, both on her skin and in her mind.
She doesn’t have long to compose herself before she’s called again, this time to Aemond’s office. The request is unexpected, and dread coils in her stomach as she makes her way there. She hasn’t seen him in weeks, hasn’t been able to face him, and now… now she doesn’t know what to expect.
When she enters the office, Aemond is standing by the window, his back to her. The tension in the room is palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife. He turns slowly as she steps inside, his gaze immediately locking onto the bruise forming on her cheek.
“What happened?” His voice is low, controlled, but there’s an edge to it that makes her shiver.
“It’s nothing,” she mumbles, looking away, her hand instinctively reaching up to cover the mark. “Just a client who got too handsy.”
Aemond’s jaw clenches, his eye narrowing. “Nothing? That’s not nothing, Maddy. Who did this to you?”
She shakes her head, trying to deflect. “It’s part of the job, Aemond. I can handle it.”
He crosses the room in a few quick strides, his hand gently but firmly pulling hers away from her face. “You shouldn’t have to handle it” he says, his voice rough with barely restrained anger. “This isn’t what I wanted for you.”
Maddy flinches at his words, the guilt she’s been carrying weighing heavier on her shoulders. “What did you expect, Aemond?” she snaps, her voice trembling. “This is my life. This is what I have to do to survive.”
He releases her hand, stepping back as if her words have struck him. “You’ve been avoiding me” he says quietly, the hurt clear in his tone. “Ignoring me, shutting me out. And now this…”
“I had to” she whispers, tears welling up in her eyes. “I had to push you away because I didn’t want you to see this, to see me like this. You don’t deserve to be dragged into my mess.”
Aemond’s expression softens, the anger giving way to something more painful. “Maddy, I’m already in it. You don’t have to face this alone. I’m not just some guy you can brush off when things get tough. I care about you.”
Maddy shakes her head, the tears spilling over as she finally breaks down. “I’m scared, Aemond. I’m scared that you’ll see me for what I really am—a mess, a failure—and you’ll leave. I’m scared that I’m not enough, that I’ll never be enough for you.”
Aemond’s heart aches at her words, at the raw vulnerability in her voice. He steps closer, pulling her into his arms as she sobs against his chest. “You are enough” he whispers, his hand stroking her hair. “You’re more than enough. And I’m not going anywhere, Maddy. I’m here, and I’m staying, whether you like it or not.”
She clings to him, her tears soaking into his shirt as she lets out all the fear and pain she’s been holding inside. Aemond holds her tight, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of her emotions.
When her sobs finally subside, Maddy pulls back slightly, looking up at him with tear-streaked cheeks. “I don’t know how to do this,” she admits, her voice shaky.
Aemond cups her face in his hands, his thumbs gently brushing away her tears. “We’ll figure it out together,” he says softly, his gaze filled with determination. “But you have to trust me, Maddy. You have to let me in.”
She nods, the walls she’s built around herself crumbling as she leans into his touch. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “For everything.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, pretty girl” Aemond replies, his voice firm. “You’re strong, Maddy. Stronger than you know. And I’m here to help you, to stand by you, no matter what.”
As she looks into his eyes, Maddy feels a flicker of hope, a small spark of belief that maybe, just maybe, she doesn’t have to carry the weight of the world on her own. With Aemond by her side, she can face whatever comes next.
After the confrontation in Aemond’s office, he looks at Maddy with a steely determination. The anger and concern in his eyes haven’t faded, but his voice is calm, almost cold as he speaks.
“From now on, you’ll only dance for me or on stage with the other girls. No more private clients, and you won’t have to undress for anyone else.”
Maddy’s eyes widen in shock. “What? Aemond, I need the money! I can’t just—”
“You don’t need to do this,” he interrupts, his tone firm. “Not anymore. I won’t let you.”
“Won’t let me?” she repeats, her voice rising with frustration. “You can’t just decide that for me! I need the extra cash to pay for my mom’s treatment, to keep Maya out of trouble—”
“I’ll take care of it” Aemond says, his gaze unwavering. “You don’t have to put yourself in danger like this anymore.”
But Maddy shakes her head, the desperation in her chest tightening. “You don’t get it, Aemond. I can’t just rely on you. I have responsibilities, and I can’t let you fix everything for me. This is my life!”
They argue, voices escalating as the tension between them reaches a breaking point. Aemond insists that she stop putting herself in harm’s way, that she doesn’t need to degrade herself for money anymore, but Maddy is adamant that she needs to stand on her own two feet, that she can’t just let him swoop in and take control of her life.
Finally, Maddy snaps. “You don’t understand, Aemond! You’ve never had to struggle like this! You don’t know what it’s like to be desperate, to have no other options.”
Her words cut deep, and Aemond flinches, his anger giving way to a hurt that he tries to mask. “You’re right” he says quietly, his voice trembling slightly. “I don’t know what it’s like. But I do know that I care about you, Maddy, and I can’t stand by and watch you destroy yourself.”
Maddy’s resolve wavers, but she can’t bring herself to back down. She needs to be strong, needs to do what she thinks is right, even if it means pushing Aemond away. Without another word, she turns and storms out of the nightclub, leaving Aemond standing alone in his office, his heart heavy with frustration and sorrow.
Maddy returns home, her mind swirling with the argument and the weight of the decisions she’s made. As she reaches her apartment, she notices the door slightly ajar. A chill runs down her spine as she pushes it open, stepping inside cautiously.
The apartment is eerily quiet, the air thick with tension. As she moves further in, her heart begins to race. She can feel that something is terribly wrong.
Suddenly, a shadow moves in the corner of the room, and Maddy gasps as she sees two men standing in her living room. They’re rough-looking, with cold eyes that send a wave of fear crashing over her.
“What are you doing here?” Maddy demands, her voice shaking as she backs away.
The larger of the two men steps forward, his expression menacing. “Your sister owes us, sweetheart. We’re here to collect.”
Maddy’s heart drops. Maya. Of course. Her sister’s drug debts have finally caught up with them.
“Please” Maddy pleads, trying to stay calm. “I’ll get the money, just give me some time—”
“No more time” the man snarls, grabbing her by the arm. “You’re going to pay up, one way or another.”
Before Maddy can react, the second man strikes her across the face, sending her crashing to the floor. Pain explodes in her cheek, and she struggles to push herself up, but they’re on her in an instant, kicking and punching her mercilessly. She tries to fight back, to free herself, but they’re too strong.
She manages to break free for a moment, scrambling towards the door, but just as she reaches for it, a deafening bang echoes through the apartment. A searing pain tears through her side, and she collapses to the floor, gasping for breath as blood pools around her.
In her fading consciousness, Maddy tries to reach for her phone, her fingers trembling as she dials Aemond’s number. But the pain is too much, her vision blurring as darkness begins to close in.
Unbeknownst to her, in the next room, her mother and sister lie lifeless, victims of the same men who have come to collect on Maya’s debt. The apartment is a scene of utter devastation, a nightmare brought to life.
Meanwhile, Aemond leaves the nightclub, the argument with Maddy still fresh in his mind. He can’t let things end like this. He needs to see her, to make her understand that she’s not alone, that he’s there for her no matter what.
As he drives towards her apartment, a sense of urgency builds within him. Something doesn’t feel right. When he arrives and sees the door ajar, his heart leaps into his throat.
“Maddy?” he calls out, his voice shaky as he steps inside. The sight that greets him stops him cold. The girl lies on the floor, her body battered and broken, blood seeping from the gunshot wound. Her phone is clutched in her hand, her face pale and bruised.
“Maddy fuck!” Aemond cries out, rushing to her side. He drops to his knees, his hands shaking as he checks for a pulse, his heart pounding in his chest. She’s barely conscious, her breaths shallow and labored.
“Stay with me, Maddy” he pleads, his voice breaking as he pulls out his own phone to call for help. “Please, just hold on.”
But as the seconds tick by, Aemond knows they’re running out of time. The life is draining out of her, and he can’t stop it. Despair and rage twist inside him as he realizes the full extent of what’s happened.
When the paramedics finally arrive, Aemond refuses to leave her side, holding her hand tightly as they try to stabilize her. But deep down, he knows that whatever happens, the damage has already been done.
As Maddy is rushed to the hospital, Aemond’s thoughts are consumed by the horror of what he’s witnessed, the pain of knowing he couldn’t protect her. And when he finally discovers the lifeless bodies of her mother and sister in the next room, the weight of the tragedy crashes over him, leaving him hollow and shattered.
Aemond visits Maddy every day while she lies unconscious in the hospital, the sterile white walls and the incessant beeping of machines becoming a familiar backdrop to his vigil. His usually composed demeanor is replaced by a deep, gnawing worry. Each day, he sits by her side, holding her hand, willing her to wake up. He speaks to her in soft tones, his voice betraying the emotions he usually keeps locked away.
After a week, Maddy finally stirs, her eyelids fluttering open as she regains consciousness. The room is quiet, and for a moment, she feels disoriented, the pain from her injuries replaced by a dull ache. She blinks, trying to make sense of her surroundings, and then her eyes find Aemond sitting beside her, his gaze intense and filled with a mix of relief and sorrow.
“Maddy,” he breathes, leaning closer as he takes her hand gently. “You’re awake.”
Maddy’s voice is raspy as she speaks, her throat dry. “Aemond… what happened?”
He hesitates, his jaw tightening as he prepares to give her the news he’s dreaded. “Maddy… there’s something I need to tell you.” He pauses, searching for the right words, but there’s no way to soften the blow. “Your mother and sister… they didn’t make it.”
The words hit her like a freight train, and Maddy’s breath catches in her throat. Tears well up in her eyes, spilling over as the reality of his words sinks in. “No… no, they can’t be gone. They can’t be.”
“I’m so sorry,” Aemond whispers, his own voice thick with emotion as he watches her break down. “I’m so sorry, Maddy.”
She sobs, the pain of loss overwhelming her as she clutches Aemond’s hand like a lifeline. The thought of never seeing her mother’s kind smile again, of never hearing Maya’s voice, even in anger, shatters her heart into pieces. The weight of their absence crushes her, and she feels utterly alone, adrift in a sea of grief.
Aemond holds her as she cries, his arms wrapped around her as if trying to shield her from the pain, even though he knows he can’t. He stays silent, letting her grieve, offering her the only comfort he can.
After what feels like an eternity, Maddy’s sobs begin to subside, leaving her feeling drained and hollow. She wipes her tear-streaked face with a trembling hand, her eyes red and swollen. “What am I going to do now?” she whispers, her voice broken. “I have no one left.”
Aemond shakes his head, his expression resolute. “You’re not alone, Maddy. I’ve taken care of everything. When you’re ready, you’ll come to live with me. You won’t have to work at the nightclub anymore. You’ll be safe.”
Maddy’s heart constricts at his words. She knows he’s trying to help, but the idea of being dependent on him, of being a burden, gnaws at her. “Aemond, I can’t… I don’t want to be a burden to you. I don’t want to rely on you for everything.”
“You’re not a burden,” Aemond insists, his voice firm. “I want to help you. And if you’re worried about feeling useless, then come work with me. I could use someone I trust, someone who isn’t part of my family. You’ll have a purpose, a way to rebuild your life.”
Maddy looks at him, searching his eyes for any sign of pity, but all she sees is genuine concern and a determination to protect her. It’s clear he’s not offering this out of obligation, but because he truly wants her in his life, to help her rebuild after everything she’s lost.
A week later, Maddy is well enough to leave the hospital. The physical wounds have mostly healed, though the emotional scars remain raw. Aemond is there to escort her out, his presence steady and reassuring. As they walk through the hospital doors, Maddy feels a strange mix of fear and hope. Her old life is gone, and she’s stepping into an uncertain future, but at least she’s not doing it alone.
Maddy looks at him, feeling the weight of his words, and nods. For the first time since the attack, she allows herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance for something better ahead.
That night, Maddy lies on the large, comfortable bed in Aemond's room, her mind wandering. It feels strange not to be at work, not to have to dance or serve clients. The routine that had once been her only means of survival is now a distant memory, and the silence of this new life is both comforting and unsettling. She shifts on the bed, her long hair cascading over the pillows, her body clad in one of Aemond's t-shirts, the fabric soft and warm against her skin. The shirt is oversized and it smells like him, a mix of his cologne and something uniquely Aemond. She’s wearing only a thong underneath, the shirt covering her upper thigts as she curls up, lost in thought.
The faint sound of footsteps draws her attention, and she glances towards the door. Aemond enters the room, his damp hair loose and falling around his shoulders, the deep sapphire of his eye catching the low light. He’s just stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped casually around his hips, water droplets still clinging to his skin. The sight of him like this, so raw and unguarded, sends a shiver down her spine.
Aemond pauses when he sees her on the bed, his eyes tracing over her form as she lies there in his shirt. For a moment, he says nothing, simply taking her in. The sight of her, relaxed and comfortable in his space, touches something deep inside him. The vulnerability in her posture, the way his shirt drapes over her small frame, it all stirs emotions he’s not used to confronting.
He moves closer, his gaze locked on hers, and Maddy feels her heart begin to race. There’s an intensity in his eyes, something that makes her breath hitch. When he reaches the edge of the bed, he sits down beside her, his hand gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
Neither of them speaks as Aemond leans in, his eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation. But Maddy doesn’t pull away. Instead, she tilts her head up slightly, her lips parting in anticipation. The world narrows down to this moment, the space between them shrinking until there’s nothing left but the soft press of his lips against hers.
The kiss is tender at first, a gentle exploration, but it quickly deepens as they both give in to the emotions that have been simmering beneath the surface for so long. Aemond’s hand cups her cheek, his thumb brushing lightly over her skin as he kisses her with a mix of longing and restraint. Maddy responds in kind, her hands finding their way to his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin under her fingertips.
There’s an unspoken understanding between them, a connection that goes beyond words. In this kiss, they find comfort and solace, a promise that they’re not alone in facing the challenges ahead. It’s a moment of pure intimacy, where the walls they’ve both built around themselves crumble, leaving only the raw truth of their feelings for each other.
When they finally pull apart, both of them are breathless, their foreheads resting against each other as they take in the gravity of what just happened. Aemond’s hand lingers on her cheek, his thumb gently stroking the skin there, as if memorizing every detail.
“I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now” he admits softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you want to be my girlfriend, I mean, now that you hare here is obviusly but if you don't want…"
Maddy’s heart swells at his words, and she reaches up to touch his face, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw. “Yes, Yes Aemond” she whispers back, her voice thick with emotion.
Aemond smiles, a rare, genuine smile that lights up his face, making him look younger, more at peace. He brushes his lips against her forehead in a tender gesture, and then pulls back just enough to look into her eyes.
Aemond kisses her, slides his hand between her legs, moves her thong to the side. "I just kissed you and you're so wet, pretty girl," he whispers.
Maddy looks up at him. "Lift your hips" Aemond whispers, his hands moving to her thong, sliding it down her legs. Gently, with his other hand he touches her between her thighs, she gasps, resting her head against his shoulder and Aemond finds himself pulling her shirt off, Maddy dropping the towel from his hips.
Aemond grabs her by the thighs and kneels on the floor, dragging Maddy to the edge of the mattress. "Open them for me" he whispers, caressing her knee and lets her legs wrap around his face, resting softly on his shoulders, moaning at the feeling of his tongue on her pussy and he himself lets himself go with moans, licking her hungrily. Aemond grabs her by the thighs and Maddy lets herself be devoured, licked, filled with two fingers and almost crying for pleasure. Her body trembles, her back arches, almost at the limit she closed her eyes seeing the stars.
"Shh, be a good girl" Aemond whispers looking at her, burying his tongue inside her. "My good girl" Maddy pulls his hair, feels his nose press against her clit and Aemond fucks her with his tongue. Aemond doesn't let her come, he smiles devilishly and shortly after stands up, his cock already hard and erect for her. "Turn around" Gently, he turns Maddy onto her stomach and climbs onto the bed, kissing her back.
He then lifts her hips, leaving the rest of his body in contact with the bed, eager to sink into her soaking wet pussy. He grabs her hips holding them up before sliding inside her, pulling her head back in adoration, while Maddy's body quivers under his gaze.
Aemond tightens his grip on her until he almost leaves marks with his hands, she moans with each thrust and every time her pussy is opened by his cock. Grabbing her hips Aemond helps her move, increases the pace of his thrusts eliciting moans of pleasure from both of them. She feels her lower abdomen tingling and holding on to Aemond, who fucks her from behind feeling tight in her tight pussy.
Aemond grabs her face with one hand, kisses her feeling her tremble. "You're so tight, hot, wet and horny just for me" he whispers tightly to her who lets him take her and fuck her in the dirtiest of ways. "Yes, just for you Aemond. Just fucking for you" she replies lost in pleasure.
Aemond switches positions, Maddy moans as she feels empty. But then an idea crosses her mind. Still horny, needing to come, she grabs Aemond by the shoulders and pins him against the bed. "Let me take care of you" she whispers, climbing up her boyfriend's hips, tearing a dirty kiss from him.
Slowly she moves down with kisses, Aemond grabs her hair in a ponytail, Maddy goes down to her v-line, licks his lips, then closes her eyes and takes Aemond's manhood between her lips. She licks him on the pink tip, opens her eyes and sees him lost in pleasure, Aemond gently squeezes her hair in his hand and Maddy starts licking him again, sucking him, but without making him come.
"Please" Aemond moans, Maddy increases her movements and feels the pleasure growing between her thighs again so she gets up from him and settles on his hips. "Ride or Die, remember?" he whispers on her arms, looks down at the point where they are almost joined and smiles, lowering herself onto his cock. Shameless. "I chose to ride" she whispers moving, Aemond moans, his hands tighten on Maddy's hips, both chasing their pleasure, she moving on top of him, letting their sweaty bodies join.
A loud moan leaves her lips, Aemond watches her move, her eyes lost in desire, as the moans increased, so he moves closer wrapping his arms around her back. "My pretty girl ride my cock so good" he whispers in her ear. "You're so good, pretty girl"
Aemond kisses her feeling her tremble. "I need to come, I need it" Maddy whispers tight to him, riding him. "Come for me, come with me" Aemond kisses her, Maddy rests her forehead against his and is tightened around his cock, Aemond empties himself inside her. Their breathing is heavy, he lies down in bed with her, holding her in his arms.
"I… love you" Aemond whispers, stroking his hair. Maddy, who until then had been placing sweet kisses on his chest, stops. "You what?" she asks incredulously. "I love you" Aemond repeats, this time his voice more confident.
Maddy doesn't know how to answer, no one has ever told her that. She looks at Aemond, he notices her lost look. "It scares you, doesn't it?" he asks sincerely. "Yes" Maddy whispers. "I'm terribly afraid of being loved" Aemond searches for her hand, kisses the back of it. "I know it's early, but… I feel something strong for you" Aemond finds himself having to confront his feelings for the first time, he feels wrong. "I'm scared" Maddy whispers shortly after.
"Because I feel the same way too" Aemond gently covers her face with one hand, brings their lips together. "I love you" Maddy whispers just before kissing him in a kiss that contains everything that words can't express. Aemond holds her close, his arms tightening as if they never want to let go and Maddy, has no intention of doing so. For the first time, they both feel in the right place.
The end!
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0phiana0 · 2 months
Twdg Season 4 Characters reacting to reader that has unnatural colored hair!
When he first saw you stumbling across the border of the safe zone your hair was the first thing he noticed
Having pink or purple hair normally wouldn’t be weird but in the apocalypse it really did stand out
I mean where are you finding the hair dye???
The entire first week you’d stayed at the school he longingly just stared at it
From somebody else’s standpoint he might of looked like a total pervert but no he was just really interested in your hair
He doesn’t have an issue with it although he is pushing for you to dye it natural
Not because he doesn’t like it but because he doesn’t want you standing out
He couldn’t handle letting you get captured by raiders
He cares about you too much to lose you (fuck minnie and sophie though lmao)
Despite him being cautious, he really does like your hair
It kind of gives off punk vibes and he definitely digs that (not in that way sillies)
Bonus points if it’s red!
Louis LOVES your hair and I mean loves it
It’s so colorful and different!
If your hair has several colors he’ll trace his fingers through your hair and try to separate the colors (he doesn’t even notice)
On occasions you say something stupid in front of him he’ll joke about how the hair dye is seeping into your brain
He’d recommend other colors and hair styles that he’d think you’d rock
Once you do eventually run out of hair dye… (crazy how you managed to get so much in the apocalypse) he might secretly go past the safe zone
He knows that there’s around a .5 percent chance any hair dye expired or not is nearby but he just loves you sooo much!
If Marlon catches him he’s definitely getting watch duty for the next two weeks
She thinks it’s awesome
Like really fricking awesome
She’s been cutting her hair ever since Lee told her too and your hair kinda makes her miss how long her own used to be before she was forced to cut it
She likes doing tiny braids in it
When she was younger she used to watch superhero cartoons a lot and your hair kinda reminds her of the female characters (which gives her a strong sense of nostalgia)
It’s not just her that likes it though
AJ is mind blown
He loves it so much
He’s never seen anyone with hair that wasn’t natural
If you stop dying it he definitely won’t talk to you for a couple days
When you first met Aasim he was sorta cautious of you
Aasim doesn’t try to stand out
He’s okay with observing and watching his environment
While your hair has the opposite effect
You are most definitely going to stand out
At first he didn’t talk to you and just watched you silently
That was until you were both assigned hunting duty so you had to make small talk and you ended up having a lot in common
Since then you’ve been close
He likes your hair but like Marlon he does push you to dye it back to your natural hair color
He thinks it’s kinda dumb how you dyed it in the first place
He’s just concerned for your safety and doesn’t want you getting hurt
Violet tried so hard not to like it
She had to make herself focus to try to not look at it whenever you too conversed
She isn’t the type to give compliments okay?
Once she subtly talks about how much she really does like it you offer to do hers
She was really excited
Like really excited
So excited that Louis had asked what you’d done to her
You both talked about different colors and styles that you could do to her hair and even your own
You joke about dying it the color violet and surprise surprise she wasn’t amused
But she really likes it overall
She can’t imagine you with natural hair now
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nukaberries · 5 months
How do you think your top three New Vegas companions (or all if you want to) react to a courier admitting that they have chronic migraines from their head injury that chems can’t dull? (Arcade ready with a whole lecture on chem addiction and courier’s like ‘I just want my brain to stop screaming at me… Both kinds of literally :( )
I FEEL LIKE MY TOP 3 ARE SO BORING but they're also safe choices i think?? rex is definitely top 3 but i don't think he'd be a particularly interesting option, so i hope you don't mind arcade, boone and cass <3
New Vegas Companions React to a Courier with Chronic Migraines (Contains: Arcade Gannon, Boone and Cass)
Arcade Gannon We already know he's gonna be giving the courier a lecture on the effects of chem addiction, that goes without saying. He's been in Freeside long enough to see how addiction has affected others around him and he's actually grown to like the courier, so there's no way he's going to watch the same thing happen to them. He knows he can't stop the migraines altogether, but he's willing to be patient with the courier when they do come around and make sure his friend gets the best care possible. He'll likely suggest that the courier lets the Followers try and treat them, since that's probably the best medical care they could get, but if they don't want to go with that option, he won't push.
Craig Boone While his own issues with head pain are nothing compared to the courier's, Boone's suffered from his fair share of stress migraines, with everything that's happened in the past few years. He can sympathise better than the courier may expect and surprisingly enough, he's actually very understanding if Six needs more time to rest up or can't do something on a day where their migraines are worse than usual. He knows the pain and the idea of having to deal with that consistently is a terrifying thought to him, so he can't begin to imagine how the courier managed to keep it together for so long. Boon knows his presence alone can't stop the migraines, but he hopes that it's at least a comfort for the courier.
Cass Any headaches she's suffered from have always been cured by a bottle of whiskey to knock her out for the night, which is the first thing she suggests to Six. Although, when they explain that it's not just your average headache and not even chems are helping anymore, she realises it might take more than alcohol to ease the courier's pain. She finds it quit frustrating at first, when she wants to get back on the road and the courier can hardly lift their head off the ground, but she'd never voice her irritation - it's not like Six can help it. Over time, she becomes more understanding and used to the idea that some days, it's easier on the courier to take a break and try to rest up, she doesn't have the best bedside manner, but she tries to do what she can and it's the thought that counts.
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pagannatural · 7 months
1.16 Shadow
-This is going to be long-winded
-Sam snaps at Dean for talking about a woman rather than focusing on him the case. Like REALLY snaps.
-he gives Dean attitude again for flirting at the bar and looks hurt and tired
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-Sam sees Meg and thinks That’s suspicious maybe this is a lead. Dean sees Sam talking to Meg and thinks Oh god oh no oh fuck shit shit he’s leaving me fuck it’s me or her oh jesus god no
-Sam is very focused on Meg during their initial conversation because she’s a lead. Dean misreads the fuck out of this and stares between them uneasily, clearing his throat, until Meg says Sam told her about him.
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He’s psyched to hear this. He’s so happy Sam talked about him. Sam, however, is nervous about getting caught emotionally cheating on Dean by talking to Meg about their relationship issues when they were fighting.
-Dean starts in the second they leave the bar with “who the hell was she” which is exactly what a cheated-on wife would say. Dean is mad that Sam talked shit about him to someone else but mostly he’s scared that there’s “truth to what she was saying” and asks “am I keeping you against your will?” They’re both so desperate to be chosen by each other.
Sam reacts with genuine indignation and says “no, of course not.” He asks Dean to listen to what he’s saying and Dean finally does.
-Then of course Dean makes a series of dirty jokes about Sam being interested in her, at one point glancing openly at Sam’s dick which
like, I-
He pushes his jokes farther than he needs to because this thing with Meg really got to him. It’s different this episode than his usual teasing because there’s anger behind it. He’s fixating on Sam’s sex life and making himself a part of it as much as possible. If Dean is in Sam’s head about it it’s like he’s part of it too. There’s also an element of passive aggression, like Hey if I’m keeping you and you want to be with her go right ahead.
-This is his face at the end of their phone call later, when Sam says “bite me” and Dean says “No, bite her” which is all kinds of psychosexual and jealous and Sam hangs up on him.
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He is not having a fun lighthearted time. He’s trying to act flippant about Meg but Sam really hurt his feelings.
-He shoots Sam this jealous look while teasing him yet again in a way neither of them enjoys
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Dean you are the bad girl. You’re the sharpshooting fuck-the-police real-tough-cookie-with-the-whiskey-breath killer-and-a-thriller bad bitch in his life.
-They have their most intense fight yet this episode because Sam tells Dean that when this is over he will go back to school.
-For context, this conversation comes right after Dean tries to call John and gets his voicemail yet again. It comes a few episodes after Sam told John that Dean was dying, also over voicemail, and he never called. Sam still needs to rebel against their dad, and Dean is proposing that they all three work together. Sam is in this when it’s just him and Dean but he’s been working hard to keep some distance from Dean so that he can leave when they’ve finished their mission.
Sam really can’t join Dean and John without smothering the side of himself that needs to belong and be respected. And he and Dean can’t really belong to each other with their dad around. The three of them hunting together doesn’t work and Sam knows that. Part of that is because Dean always follows John’s orders. And maybe part of that is Sam’s too-strong feelings for Dean.
-Sam says “there’s gotta be something you want for yourself” and Dean says “I don’t want you to leave the second this thing’s over.”
Just to rephrase this exchange is
Sam: what do you want for your life
Dean: I want you to stay
and they look like they’re in another rom com
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Dean asks him why he thinks he wanted Sam with him in the first place. Sam doesn’t understand. He really thinks Dean just wanted his help to complete the mission of finding John and killing the demon.
Dean says yeah, “But it’s more than that, man.” And Sam looks at him sooo intensely. It seems like Dean is going to confess, and I wonder what Sam thought in this moment. The inclusion of John makes it seem less like they’re desperately in love, and is often the only thing making it seem like anything other than desperate yearning for each other.
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Dean says he wants the three of them to be a family again. Sam says “We are a family, I’d do anything for you.” Dean reacts with this miserable look of hope only when Sam says “I’d do anything for you.” Anything?
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“but things will never be the way they were before.” Sam says “when this is all over you’re gonna have to let me go my own way.”
This is Dean’s worst fear, and for the rest of the season at least he is operating on the belief that Sam wants to leave him.
-Sam saves himself, Dean, and John from the shadow demons. Dean and John help each other out of the building with Sam trailing close behind them. This is probably what Sam has felt like his whole life- like he’s trying to catch up to Dean and John, who are ahead of him, helping each other, and just out of reach.
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Sam tells John “I’ve got to be a part of this fight,” begging not be left behind yet again.
-It’s revealed in this episode that Dean cares about his family, and especially Sam, more than he cares about anything else, and that Sam didn’t know that. This is the first time Dean’s actually said it. It changes things for Sam because he starts to see Dean more clearly. He’s still clinging for dear life to the possibility of going back to college. Even though he never really fit in and he needs Dean like water.
-Dean doesn’t get any resolution here, and he won’t for a while.
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ekaterina1233 · 1 year
Part 1: Yandere!Dazai Osamu x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: obsessive, manipulative, kidnapping, crazy, unwanted touches, stalker, yandere, drugs.
WORDS: not that long.
EXTRA: Part 1 is not that heavy…
P2 -
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"Oh, are you awake already? Pretty fast huh. I guess the sleeping pills were a little weak, but nothing, the main thing is that it worked~the place where you're right now..it's a secret! It won't be interesting if I show all the cards at once, right?~"
The young man smiled childishly, he whistled some tune.
"W-What? Who are you? Where I am?"
The young woman looks around, trying to understand. She looks confused and scared.
"You will get acquainted with everything in time, beautiful girl~ I just wanted to see how you react to this kind of situation. You need to calm down a little."
He smiled, still staring into her eyes intently, he leaned a little closer to the girl, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Your eyes are beautiful."
He said, reaching out to touch her face.
"Do not touch me!"
The young woman backs away from him, but now she's not so scared anymore, she huddles in the corner of the bed, trying to analyze the young man.
He moved closer to her again, leaning over the bed once again, he didn’t seem angry at all despite the girl pushing him away.
"Don't you think I have the right now as you belong to me?"
He looked at her mockingly, but he was just playing, he looked very charming, he held the girl’s chin in his hand, looking at her eyes as if he wanted to devour them.
"No! I don't even know your name, I don't even know who you are and you kidnapped me!"
Y/N speaks trying to get away, the woman looks around the room, looking for some way out, some weapon, some window.
"As I said, dear, you'll find out everything in time~"
He leaned over her even closer, he seemed as if he wanted to kiss her, but he had no intention to do so, just to tease her.
"My name is Dazai Osamu."
He looked into the girl's eyes warmly, and put his hands on her shoulders. He spoke in a very sweet, calm voice, so that no one could tell about his mocking smile.
The woman remains silent, watching the man intently, looking directly into his eyes, trying to predict his actions. The woman hears the tease in his voice, trying to deceive her, but Y/N is not stupid and she will not give in… after all, he kidnapped her...
Dazai laughed quietly, amused by such a sharp-eyed girl.
"You think you'll get out of this room, huh?"
He smirked, his tone was mocking, he took one of her hands and kissed her, his tongue playing with her fingers, his smirk grew wider, he still teased.
"How could you imagine, my beautiful girl, that this is a room of ordinary escape?"
He laughed quietly and kissed once again, but already not her fingers, but her wrist, his eyes never straying from hers.
Y/N feels disgust and fear of the young man in front of him, his eyes also never strayed from Dazai's eyes.
The woman's voice comes out in a whisper.
He didn't stop, he kissed her wrist, her arm and his eyes were already close to her face, he smirked mischievously, making sure it was very clear that the girl was just a toy to him.
"Your voice was so quiet…I can't hear what you're saying, sweetheart?"
Y/N is disgusted and turns her face away from his, staring at the wall. Her eyes want to cry, she wants to cry, she wants to scream, she wants to run, but she can't…
He leaned over the bed even closer, his words were full of mockery.
"Did I upset you?"
He smiled broadly, he took her chin, and put it back so that he could face her, and then he bent down and kissed her lips, and with this, he held his lips for a while, he looked as if he wanted to kiss her again, but he stopped and looked at her.
"Your lips are so tasty…"
Y/N didn't kiss him back, she remained motionless, tears now insisted on falling from her eyes… The woman cringed even more into the corner after that unwanted kiss.
Dazai smiled again, the mocking in the tone with which he spoke was apparent.
"You don't kiss back?"
He raised his eyebrows, his eyes were once again filled with mockery. He leaned closer to her once again, caressing her hair, and he bent down to kiss her again, but this time on the neck.
"Stop…. What do you want with me...?"
The woman speaks with a trembling voice, her body also trembles and she cries a little, feeling Dazai kiss her.
He only smirked and looked into her tired tear-stained eyes. He took a few hairs that fell from the girl's head, and looked at them. His eyes sparkled mischievously. He pulled her to himself and kissed her on both cheeks, he caressed her face, still looking at her eyes. The mocking in his tone was very clear.
"I just wanted to have a little bit of fun, sweetheart…don't you enjoy the kiss of a handsome young man?"
He chuckled.
"If…. If I give you what you want...will you let me go...?"
The woman speaks quietly, avoiding looking at the young man.
If Y/N had met Dazai in a different situation than this, she would definitely sleep with him… he's attractive, he's tempting, but right now.... he's just disgusting, crazy, psycho... and invasive in Y/N eyes.
He couldn't help but smile.
"Ah~ You think it's so easy to please me?"
He kissed her neck once again, his eyes looking at her, mocking her.
"You are in my hands now, my sweet girl…I may do whatever I want with you~"
As he said, he put on a slight smirk, his eyes sparkled mischievously again.
"But, yes, if you please me…it's possible I might let you go."
Y/N huddles even closer in the corner of the bed, facing the wall, shaking and crying, but silently, she isn't scandalous, because she knows it won't do any good to scream…
Dazai got off her bed, and he stood above her, he looked at her from top to bottom, he smirked and stepped back.
"Hmmm…let's see~"
He looked at her once again, his eyes were filled with mockery, it was obvious that he wanted something from her more, or he was doing this only to make her suffer more, and more and more…
Y/N felt intimidated by the look, shrinking even more, she bites her lips to contain her fear, she squeezes her own hands, digging her nails into her palm, hiding her nervousness and fear.
He laughed quietly, his eyes sparkled mischievously.
"My sweet, beautiful girl~"
He caressed her cheek again.
"Don't bite your lips~"
He bent over the bed and kissed her cheek, his eyes still sparkled mischievously.
"I'm not that scary am I, sweetheart?"
A mocking smile curled on his lips.
"You're not scary, you're disgusting, you're cruel, you're psycho…."
Y/N whispers, avoinding his look, looking at the wall.
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fanaroff · 4 months
Above the Nasty Burger Ch. 1
Ao3 Link Here Next Ch. >>
“So… you don’t know your Obsession?” Ember looked understandably confused. Maybe a little weirded out. Danny laughed. It was a small, self deprecating laugh, but a laugh none-the-less. 
“What we thought was it turned out to just be a hero-complex and the offshoot of my wanting to protect my family.” He glanced at where Ember sat beside him on the roof of the Nasty Burger. “That and you all kind of invaded my Haunt.”  
Ember gaped at him. “That’s why you were so aggressive?!”
“Hey! I wasn’t aggressive! I just had family to protect and new instincts.” Danny was only mock offended. 
“Baby Pop, you were aggressive. For a new ghost, you were aggressive.” 
“Well, that’s the other thing. I’m not a full ghost. Not completely. I didn’t immediately seek out my Obsession. I didn’t try to create a Lair in the Zone. I didn’t seek out ectoplasm the way you all did when you changed.” He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. 
“I knew there was something weird with me from the beginning, kind of. But considering my experiences, I didn’t know what to classify as ‘normal.’ When Sam, Tucker, and I first learned about Obsessions, we thought that maybe I was a protective spirit or something that just kind of tied itself to Amity Park.” 
“You are a protective spirit. But…?” 
Danny uncurled and leaned back on his hands, eyes trailing up to the sky, seeking out the constellations he knows are there but are covered by the light pollution from the city. 
“But there were times where things happened that totally should have set me off if that was my Obsession.” He looked at Ember. “That time that you controlled me to ‘fall in love with Sam’ and I got my heart broken? She was in danger the whole time. Especially when she was about to fall off of the building and me in that hypnosis state just made it worse. If my Obsession was protection, that shouldn’t have worked. ” 
Ember made a drawn out ‘o’ with her mouth. “Oooooh…. That… that makes much more sense Baby Pop. We all thought something similar was your Obsession too, so I was actually kind of freaking out inside when it did work. I had actually been planning to do what I did to you to Tucker as a distraction but he wasn’t there.” 
Danny snorted into his hand. “Oh Ancients! I’m imagining Tucker just drooling after Sam and her planting a boot in his face!”
“From what I’ve seen, she’d probably have done worse.” Ember grinned.
“Very true actually! She probably would have broken his PDA and then booted him in the face!”
The two ghosts shared a laugh before lapsing into a not-quite comfortable silence. 
“I do want to say sorry, again.” Ember started hesitantly a few beats in. “We just kept pushing at you out of curiosity when we found out you were out here. It wasn’t obvious that you were a halfa at first. Most new ghosts still look pretty human when they form and then slowly start to come into themselves . We were very confused when you never did. Then we starting getting into what I at least know now was your Haunt and getting into your territory and things just started to escalate.” 
Danny scratched the back of his head sheepishly and waved out to a passing child on the sidewalk who was pointing him out to their parent. 
“Yeaaaaah, I know now that not all of you were intending harm. I dunno, I guess I just kind of reacted? So, sorry for that too on my end.” 
“Nah, don’t be sorry for protecting your Haunt. It’s something that you were supposed to do. It just wasn’t something we expected. Then we assumed your Obsession kept you tied to the human world. Then we found out that you were a halfa. Then it made things more interesting. And now we come to find out that was all just naturally you?” Ember let out a loud and short laugh.  
“Gosh, Baby Pop! We were amazed! And still are! To think you’ve done all that you have before you even found your Obsession! And to top it off, you’re in line for the throne and you still haven’t even come into your full power!” 
Danny groaned at this and ran his hands through his bangs. “Please don’t remind me! Clockwork and Frostbite have been teaching me everything that I have been missing this whole time and on top of learning basic knowledge about the Zone that everyone instinctually already seems to know, I have to learn to do something that I never wanted to do in the first place!” He threw his hands into the air and let himself fall backwards to lay on the roof. 
Ember was silent beside him as stared at the sky. 
“I’m still so confused about a lot, Ember. I don’t even really know exactly what I’m doing. I have to be King only because I somehow won a battle by the skin of my teeth. One that I really, really should have fully died in. And to top it off…” 
“-And to top it off, you need to be fully dead to claim the throne.” 
“Even though I don’t want to.”
“Even though you don’t want to.” Ember confirmed. “That’s gotta be scary, man.” 
“I bet.”
“I mean… I’ve already died once-“
“Half-died really, but it counts.”
“-and I have to die again ! Then the big question is, how and when? Because the portal definitely tried its best but apparently not hard enough. Twice, now that I think about it.” 
Ember raised an eyebrow as she leaned over to look down at him. “Twice?” 
“I’ll tell you that story at another time, but it has to do with Desiree.”
“Ah. Carry on with your moping then.” 
“I’m not moping!”
“Certainly looks like it.” 
Danny huffed out a breath that blew his bangs out of his face. “Whatever. Anyways, I’m scared about what will happen when I’m dead dead and more than just dead inside. There’s also a lot of other things I’m scared about that has to do with it too, but I think actually having to find my Obsession is another part of it.” He sat up to look Ember in the eye. 
“Clockwork said that whatever my Obsession turns out to be, the Zone will shape itself to it whenever I finally take the throne.” 
Ember was silent a moment, processing this. 
“Welll…” she started slowly. “I don’t think that is something you will need to worry about. If it was something dangerous, then Clockwork would have already seen to you never taking the throne or getting into a situation where you somehow won the throne, right?” 
Danny shuddered as this sparked the memory of Dan. He was surely glad that guy was never the Ghost King. He shuddered again. That would have turned out very badly for everyone. 
“You’re a good person, Danny. All of us can see that. I doubt your Obsession would be anything but good for the Zone.” 
“It’s more than that, I think. I don’t know exactly how to put it into words.” He sighed and took a breath. “Frostbite has a theory that Clockwork neither confirms nor denies. And it’s the denying part that gets me because if it wasn’t true, he would have said outright.” Danny opened his mouth and stopped, unsure how to proceed. 
“It still boggles me that you’ve somehow ended up with two of the most powerful ghosts as your mentors.” Ember remarked. Danny shot her a wry smile before frowning again. 
“Frostbite thinks that the Zone made me.” 
“What!? What does that mean?” 
“It means that he thinks that when the portal in my parents’ basement opened up with me in it, the Zone kind of… chose me to be its new core. That it gave me my powers and didn’t let me fully die for this reason. Because it made me compatible with the Zone in a way that many other Kings weren’t.” 
Ember let out a loud groan. “And Clockwork didn’t deny this?”
“Nope.” Danny popped the ‘p.’ 
“Uuuuuugh, what is your life, Baby Pop?” 
“My half-life.” Danny corrected as he sat back up. He received a painful punch in the shoulder for his pun. 
“Okay, so, yeah. I see now why you needed to get that all of your chest. How long have you known?” 
He shrugged. “About four months now.” That earned him another punch in the shoulder. “I know I know! I shouldn’t have hidden it as long as I did! But I didn’t know what else to do!! And then we were chatting and I just sort of spilled it all out to you and now here we are!” 
“I still don’t know why you told me over your human friends.” 
A shrug was Ember’s only answer this time. 
Ember sighed. “We’ll, I guess the next step would be for you to actually figure out your Obsession and then talk to Clockwork about what needs to be done or how things will go. But you’ve got to remember that all of us are with you every step of the way now. I care, Baby Pop. And I know that dying is a terrifying feeling. I can’t imagine going through it twice.” 
“I just feel like a dead guy walking.” 
“Danny, you are a dead guy walking.” 
“Haha, very funny.” 
“Thanks, I thought it was.” 
“Seriously, though. I don’t really know how to process all of this still. It’s just so much and there’s still going to be more .” 
Ember gave him a pat on the back. “Don’t think too many steps ahead. Think with the information you know now and stick to it until you have more. You can’t plan the next step if you don’t know what it is. You’re just gonna drive yourself insane that way. “
“Who’s to say I already haven’t?” 
“Valid. You are actually pretty insane.” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
There were a few beats of silence before Ember stood up and started to float several feet in the air. “Welp, I’ve got some gossip to go spread around the Zone about your previous aggression” 
Danny didn’t protest at this but he did give her a surly frown. 
“I know it’s a sensitive topic and all, but if you need help figuring out how to find your Obsession, I don’t mind hanging around sometime to help out. Your human friends may not be able to understand it completely, but I will. Besides, if you do find it, you’ll probably need another ghost to snap you out of Obsession Trance. It’s always wild the first time.” 
Danny smiled, thankful for the offer. “Thanks, Ember. I’ll be sure to find you when I’m ready then.” 
It only took a flick of his hand and a bit of focusing, but with that simple movement he used his power to create a portal just big enough for Ember to pop through. She waved a thanks and vanished into the swirling green. 
After he let it close, Danny looked down at his own hands with a sigh. While Ember may have understood the ghost side of things, she didn’t seem to get why he hadn’t told his friends and family. How was he supposed to tell them that some day soon he would be gone and to a place they would no longer be able to reach him until they themselves died? 
The one thing he didn’t tell Ember was the one thing that worried him the most. Because when he takes the throne, all ghosts would be called back to the Zone, and then all holes and portals in the Infinite Realms would close and there would be no way back. Next Ch. >>
>>I finally decided to start moving some of my works onto here and interacting in some of the fandoms I most enjoy. It's been a little while. I'll be posting chapters, blurbos, fanart, and designs from my own fics, so keep an eye out for those if you're interested. I love discussing these things, so feel free to reach out at any time! I have a lot of Thoughts on the Danny Phantom lore and an absolute love of the Ghost King!Danny trope. I do want to preface, Ember and Danny are not going to be a couple. This is a purely platonic focus and giving Danny an emotional support that he needs outside of the expectations of Sam, Tucker, and Jazz. Someone inhuman needs someone inhuman.
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stellaluna33 · 4 months
Since you are so good at analyzing characters, what do you think was the point of Dean telling Rory he's engaged? What reaction did he expect? Was he trying to make her jealous? I saw people theorize that he wanted her to talk him out of it but when she tried that he got offended, so what did he want?
Well, first of all, thanks! 🥺 And that's an interesting question. I think the most charitable explanation would be that he thought it would be better if she heard it from him, rather than hearing it from someone else (and news gets around fast in Stars Hollow). I'm not a big fan of Dean, but he DOES try to be a considerate person in general... he just doesn't react well when other people don't respond the way he expects them to... This incident being a case in point. He gets very upset generally when Rory's emotions don't align perfectly with his, so in this case, since he was expressing happiness (I am refraining from saying that he WAS happy, haha. Maybe he was... At the very least, he had convinced himself he was happy and was acting accordingly), he expected Rory to just echo that back. A politely excited, "Wow! That's great!" was probably what he told himself he wanted. Rory, however, was not living in his little fantasy world, where proposing to your girlfriend of 4 months right after fighting with your ex-girlfriend's boyfriend when none of you have yet graduated from highschool seems like a reasonable idea, so she gave him a reality check instead. He did not want a reality check, he wanted blind agreement.
And I really hate to do this, but once again I'm reminded of the things Dean and Rory DO have in common, because this is exactly the way Rory responded to Lorelai after Lorelai questioned her decision to sleep with Dean. In both cases, the questioner was in the right, but the person being questioned didn't want to hear it.
Now, could Dean have also had other motives? Possibly! I've never believed that people can only ever have one reason for doing the things they do! It's usually more complicated than that. So, it's POSSIBLE that he was subconsciously hoping that Rory would be upset that he was marrying someone else. But even in that case, acting hurt and offended would serve his purpose, because it implies that Rory is UNREASONABLE for not being happy for him. So, if she ISN'T happy for him, there must be some OTHER reason, right? Maybe that would push her to think about what other reasons there might be. And even if not, there's a kind of spiteful, poisonous pleasure in feeling wronged and outraged sometimes, isn't there? I think we in the social media age have to admit that that's something a lot of people seem to find addictive. And Rory, after their breakup, had been constantly groveling, trying to "make up" for hurting him, and I think he liked that too. So compliant and eager to please and appease, but now she's CRITICIZING him?! How dare she! She's forgetting her Place, which is that she owes him her meekness and niceness FOREVER now, because this entire situation is Her Fault, and he needs to REMIND her of that. But now I'm venturing into UN-charitable territory. 😂
ANYWAY, these are some Thoughts I've had about the situation.
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dira333 · 1 year
Not (not) in love - Hawks x reader
A/N: might get a second part - just enjoy Hawks being in denial for now
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Hawks has a special kind of hatred reserved for this kind of weather. At the beginning of his patrol the rain was hitting down so hard, he had been soaked through in minutes and now, hours later, the rain had ceased to a steady spray, that kept him wet and, most importantly, cold. His wings were heavy with moisture and his glasses fogged up from his own breath. 
It might have been the cold or the late hour, but he needed two seconds longer to register the pale face looking at him from across the street.
“Hol-” He drops onto the floor, ready for an attack that doesn’t come. 
“Could you be quiet?” He recognizes that voice.
It has been months since that awful press conference and he still clearly remembers how he felt, standing next to Endeavor who felt so small under the scrutiny of the press. Back then he had still grappled with what he was feeling, things he might not have fully come to terms with even now. But even clearer he remembers the anger around him, people screaming at them, and then, the quiet but demanding tone of that voice. 
“Are you patrolling this area?” She asks instead of confirming it. He moves closer, hiding the excitement when she lets him. She’s just as pale as she was when he met her the first time and he’s seriously questioning if she’s ever been outside in the daylight before. Compared to her, you could call Aizawa tan. 
“What if I do?”
“I’d ask you to leave.”
She’s just as drenched as he is, but while he’s pulling into himself to warm up, she’s standing perfectly still, like a black-dressed marble statue.
“You know, normally I’d be mad that someone’s trying to steal my thunder.” He starts and inches forward, hoping that she will either move to look at him or react in any other way. “But I’d be willing to share it with you.”
He doesn’t get more before her hair droops down to cover her body like Molasse. Hawks opt to jump up instead, to cram himself into the corner that’s between the walls of the house behind him and the protruding roof.
A gust of wind, too strong to be natural, moves through the alley. It rips on the windows and takes a lonely flower pot with it. As soon as it comes, it’s gone again and Controller emerges from her hair cocoon to look up at him.
“I wasn’t here.” She tells him before a part of her hair shoots up into the air like a tendril, pulling her from the scene faster than he can follow.
He’s keeping an eye out for her now.
Which is mostly useless, because if she doesn’t want him to find her, he won’t find her. But he’s intrigued and it gives his mind something to ponder about that isn’t his own life. 
“Are you seeing someone?” Mirko asks over lunch one day.
“I’m always seeing someone.” He jokes and she kicks his leg.
“You know what I mean. You’re so easily distracted. What are you thinking about?”
“How old do you think Aizawa is?”
“Aizawa?” She considers it for a moment. “I think he’s in his thirties. Why do you ask?”
“Would you date him?”
“Aizawa?” She looks at him like he’s lost his mind. He probably has.
“Just answer the question.”
“I wouldn’t push him out of my bed, but I doubt he’s interested in me or anyone else.”
“How old are you again?”
“Okay.” She pulls his plate away from him. “No more food until you answer my question. Who is she?”
“Ah…” He shrugs. “You wouldn’t know her.”
“Try me.”
He groans. He’s got a clear choice here. Tell her and endure the embarassment or never speak to Mirko again because she never lets go of a topic she’s interested in.
In the end, his own curiosity wins.
“You know Controller?”
“Which one?”
“What do you mean, which one? 
“Family dynasty, they are like clones. Everyone’s got the same quirk or very similar.”
“She’s friends with Aizawa and looks like his long lost twin?”
“Oh, you mean number 5. Don’t tell me you’re into her.”
“Not like that,” he tells her with enough sincerity to get her off his case. And it’s not a downright lie. It’s not only that he’s interested in.
“I saw her once or twice at some fancy events but that was ages ago. Last thing I heard was that her husband died.”
“Wow. Recently?”
“No, I think that was like, two years ago? You usually see number 3 or 4 at the fancy events.”
“She was in my area last week.”
“And she didn’t tell you what she was doing? Shocker.”
He meets her again two days later, right before the sun rises and the city is almost asleep.
This time he catches sight of her from far away. Her hair is open and falling down her shoulders and down the streats like a river of darkness. She’s looking through something when he plops down next to her.
“Took you long enough.” She tells him calmly. “Sit down.”
“I’d normally pick a nicer spot for a date.” He jokes and cheers inwardly when she actually looks up at him.
Her eyes are just as black as her hair, dark pools that draw him in. 
“This isn’t a game.” She tells him. “Sit down or leave, I won’t ask you again.”
He sighs and takes a seat next to her, her no-nonsense attitude grating on his nerves.
She’s a lot smaller than him now that they’re both sitting. He can look over her shoulder at ease as she fans out a couple pictures for him to see. 
She’s not wearing a wedding band, he notices at the same time he sees the man in the pictures. He’s tall, dark skinned and his hair is a shade of black he feels familiar with.
“This is my father.” She tells him. “He used to work as a Hero years ago. He got out of jail recently and I completely lost track of him. If you see him, do not engage.”
“I could give him a message if you want.”
“I think we should avoid getting you killed. I have no idea if he’s dangerous yet.”
“And what am I supposed to do when I see him? Just let him run into the next district where someone else is patrolling?”
Now its her turn to sigh. “Contact me and follow him as subtly as you can.”
He can’t help the grin growing on his face.
“Does that mean you’re giving me your number?”
He’s lying face down in the dirt when he hears her voice.
“Stop it.” She sounds just as calm as ever and as embarrassing as his state is right now, he couldn’t be more glad to see her.
“He was following me.”
“Yeah, because you’re an Idiot. Can you get up?” The last part is directed at him and he’s trying to nod while he’s still eating dirt - in the literal sense, sadly.
Something pulls him up and he’s face to face with her again.
For the first time since he’s met her - which hasn’t been that long, he knows - there’s worry etched into her face. He wants to think that it’s because of him but he doubts that he’s that important to her.
“You’re good.” She tells him and he feels himself dropped on his feet. “Please leave.”
“I’ll wait by the bench.” He tells her instead.
It takes her about an hour to come back and he’s probably the one more astonished that he’s still waiting.
Her hand is warm as she presses it against his temple.
“You’ve got a few bruises.” She tells him as if he didn’t know that already. “Nothing major.”
“How’s your dad?”
“Stubborn, as usual.”
“My dad’s a criminal too.” The words are out before he can stop them and he desperately wants to swallow them back down. 
“I know.”
“That sounded stupid.”
“I know.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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messrsbyler · 2 years
Today I'm here to talk about how from season one we are shown how Mike was forced to grow up and mature at a very young age given the dysfunctional dynamics of his family, the neglect he was put through and how he's been left to fence for himself as if he was an adult.
There's many scenes where Mike's attitude and behaviors make a contrast from Dustin and Lucas, even though they are exposed to the same situations. For example, when Hopper questions them and Dustin and Lucas start bickering over whether Mirkwood is a reference from the Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit, Mike is sitting in the middle trying to convince Hopper they can help as well and that they should be out there to find Will. This isn't because Dustin or Lucas don't care about Will as much as Mike does, but immediately we see Mike taking over the role of leader of the group with a much serious approach to the situation.
Where this is even more evident is at the beginning of Episode 2 when the guys bring El to Mike's basement and interact with her. Here is how that goes down:
Mike: "Is there a number we can call? For your parents?
Dustin: "Where is your hair? Do you have cancer?!"
Lucas: "Did you run away?!"
Mike: "Are you in some kind of trouble?"
Lucas: "Is that blood?" *reaches out to touch the blood*
Then Mike stops Lucas saying he's freaking El out. When things get complicated over what to do with El, Mike immediately comes up with a plan for the next day so they all stay out of trouble and can go out there the next night to go and find Will.
Now, keeping in mind that these are twelve years old we are talking about, Dustin and Lucas' reaction to El make sense with how a kid could react. A bit of curiosity, a bit of hesitance and awe, asking questions like of El has cancer because her hair is buzzed and trying to touch the blood on her clothes. Mike, however, takes the approach I would expect from an adult, immediately asking for a number to contact and if the strange girl he found in the woods is okay or in trouble. Instead of giving into his curiosity and awe like Dustin and Lucas, Mike pushes that away and gets to the point in order to help El and learn more about the situation so he can understand how he can solve it.
Then when El tries to take off her clothes we again see this contrast. Dustin and Lucas freak out and turn away, both probably embarrassed and weirded out that a girl just tried to take off her shirt in front of them. And honestly, it makes sense for Mike to feel the same way, but he still instead reaches out to El to kindly stop her and show her the bathroom where she can change. He steps up in the situation and takes control of it. Then when El tells her she doesn't want the door closed, Mike is quick to learn how to communicate with her in order to make her feel comfortable around him (like a protective figure would).
Once Dustin and Lucas leave his house, Mike shows El where she will sleep and they sit down to talk. Now, this is an interesting part of their dynamic because THIS is the first time since meeting El that Mike allows himself to behave like a kid just like Dustin and Lucas had been acting before. When Mike sees El's tattoo he drops trying to control the situation like an adult would and reaches to touch the tattoo because he is a kid and he's never seen another kid with a tattoo, it's something new that surprises him and he acts on that surprise. And then El pulls away and Mike is quick to apologize and pull back as well, and just like that he's back on seizing control of the situation and acting like the grown up between them.
The next day we see Mike also allowing himself to behave more his age around El, showing him around and making impressions for her with his toys, but El is mostly uninterested going around on her own and looking around the house. (This because, in my opinion, El from the first moment is more interested in a parental/protector type of relationship with Mike since she doesn't know what a friend is and doesn't know that type of relationship can even exist. Then El learns about what a friend is but by then Mike has been pushed into a romantic type of dynamic with El by Lucas and Nancy). And then El sees Will's picture and she reveals she knows Will and saw him, and Mike is back on being the leader, the one that makes the plans and doesn't allow himself to be surprised over small things or get distracted with toys and games when his best friend is missing.
So, yeah. Mike has always been in a rush to grow up, but during the first and second season I see it more being an unconscious process for him that comes from being neglected by his family. Then, by season three, Mike takes an active role in wanting to grow up fast and leave all the "childish" things behind in order to fill his role as El's boyfriend.
It's interesting to think how running out of time is Mike's thing in ST, and how that's linked to Mike rushing through life as if he had no seconds to waste because he is either after something or something is chasing him.
I see how El exacerbates these feelings in Mike, that also link to him wanting to pretend to be someone else that's worthy of being with El, from season one when Mike tries to lie to El about the wound on his chin because he doesn't want El to know he gets bullied at school, to Mike wearing that outfit at the airport that's a knockoff of real brands and that, we know, is not his style at all.
Now, of course I HAVE to link this to Byler. And, well, just thinking how Mike was forced to mature at a really young age, how he's pushed into thinking he should be embarrassed about the things he enjoys, about how he thinks he has to pretend to be someone he's not in order to get the "normal" everyone seems to want. And how then there's Will, the one person that tells Mike things don't have to be like that, that on this the rest of the world is wrong because yes, they can stay in Mike's basement and play games for the rest of their lives, they can keep on enjoying their favorite board game, they can make plans to retire at a young age and play Nintendo for a living. Will tries to tell Mike that it is okay if he wants those things, that it's nothing he should avoid or feel ashamed of, that they don't have to stop being kids because the world and the Upside Down keeps making them soldiers, fighting battles they should've never had to fight.
Because Will wants all of that, and Mike wants it too. But Mike knows he's not supposed to. He knows he should want something different, something like what the rest of the people want because otherwise he'll be different. And for now, it is Will the one that's okay with being different because Mike is there, and Mike makes Will feel like it's okay being different, that he shouldn't feel like a mistake at all. And I think Mike has put so much effort into not being different, that he hasn't stopped to think that maybe it could be good, until season four happens and the van scene happens.
There's a TON more of this I wanted to write about but this will do for now.
Anyhow, love Mike Wheeler and how disturbed he's on the inside.
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sankttealeaf · 5 months
Do you think Gortash would be a good dad? I'm curious to hear your thoughts! Im wondering how he would even react to the news, If it were to happen accidentaly. I think it would be an ego boost for him? Or maybe even a turn on???
hi anon!!! ive had Thoughts about this!
i think he'd be alright as a parent. not great, but not completely awful. he's present, mostly! world's most mid dad. he has that on a mug he never uses.
for a man who ive always headcanoned to want to preserve his rule over faerun (and bane's grip on the land too), having kids is the next option because he'd be able to mould them to take up his mantle when he's gone. theyre just another step in his plan to keeping the world under his control. i think he would be thrilled to find out about it, and then something else would get his attention and it's pushed to the side until he can properly process it.
as someone who had an absent (to put it simply) parent growing up, theres always that lingering fear that i would end up just like them and i think thats the case for gortash as well. humanising him for a second, there may be a part of him that keeps his distance because what if, yknow? sending his child off to be looked after by nannys and other staff while he stays at the opposite end of the building to get work done. that way nothing bad can happen to ruin his well crafted step by step plan in keeping rule over the world. okay done humanising him, back to evil now
i think as the kids get older and become more curious about things he may take more of an interest then. you cant really... do much with babies. hes not about to babble at them or play with them, but a toddler who wants to explore and look at things? come along, child. let me show you some machines you are way too young to be near.
definitely calls them child or boy or girl. thats kind of funny. also could be projecting on how raphael treated him growing up in the house of hope. thats less funny.
teaches them the ways of bane from the moment they can start to understand words. ik theres studies(?) out there saying u should talk to your young kids like normal to help with their vocabulary and gortash definitely does that. this man cannot do baby talk. he sits with them over dinner discussing politics and leadership. bedtime stories? no, no, he's telling them in depth political moves hes planning on doing
ive specifically thought about this in terms of my durge, rue and gortash, and how its a good ending for him but a bad ending for her. its a vague au in my head right now but man. who let the bhaalspawn and banite have kids?
that poor child. as well loved as a child growing up in a political atmosphere with an emotionally distance mother & a father whos only taking notice of them when theyre old enough to start properly learning things can be... thats gotta be a rough childhood...
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 2 years
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[11:56 pm] 
(cw: mentions of alcohol and throwing up)
This was not how you had imagined your night going at all, holding back the hair of your best friend while she threw up into the bushes outside a frat house. She had convinced you to join her at the party, to let loose with a few drinks, and dance until your feet were sore. What you would have preferred to do was curl up on the couch with her brother, but well... you couldn't really tell her that.
You met Renjun through Rena during your university orientation, she was bubbly and charismatic with a big smile on her face while she gushed about how excited she was to be your roommate and become best friends. It was impossible not to love her immediately. Renjun, on the other hand, was the opposite. He was quiet and reserved, he had taken a while to warm up to you, but he had become one of your best friends in your three years at university together.
Nights when Rena went out or was busy led to you and Renjun hanging out alone, sharing your secrets, finding common interests, and joking around with one another. It was really inevitable that it would evolve into something more, but things were still somewhat new and you both had no idea how Rena would react. She was your best friend, but she was his sister. You both didn't want to ruin anything until you both felt like she would be ready, but school kept throwing things your way and telling Rena just got pushed aside more and more.
You wished more than anything that you were wearing something warmer too, Rena had pulled a sleeveless shirt over your head and told you that the dancing would be enough to keep you warm. Clearly she hadn't planned on spending so much time outside.
"I'm calling Renjun, we need to get you home," you sighed, pulling your phone from your pocket.
"No! You can't, you know he hates it when I drink like this," she whined, until she gagged again.
You rolled your eyes, "We can't walk home right now, it would be safer if Renjun came to get us. I'll protect you from his anger."
She sighed before she agreed, finally slumping down against the fence before you heard her mumble something about wanting to squeeze you with a hug, but you were busy dialing Renjun's number.
He definitely wasn't happy to get this specific kind of call, but he knew the drill and he knew his sister. So even though he grumbled and complained, he still showed up 10 minutes later to pick you both up.
You both hauled Rena into the backseat, and began the journey home listening to Renjun's threats to not throw up all over his seats and how unbelievably disappointed he was to have to pick Rena up drunk and sick yet again.
"Whatever Junnie, you need to bone someone and get that stick out of your ass. Now, shut up and let me sleep," Rena groaned. Within seconds she was snoring against the window. Little did she know...
"Are you seeing who you chose over me tonight? Did you have fun seeing her puke up jello shots and lose at beer pong three times in a row?"
"She's my best friend, I have to make time for her. Couldn't tell her I was ditching her for her brother, and you know she had a rough week," you explained, pulling Renjun's hand into your grasp to intertwine your fingers.
He sighed, he knew you were right, "Still missed you tonight. I started craving that Thai place you like, but I knew you'd kill me if I ate it without you. Want to grab lunch there tomorrow we can try that ice cream you've been wanting after."
You had to suppress your absolute adoration. Renjun was so kind and considerate, he was the best guy ever. You were positive that if your eyes could become hearts, then they would surely be hearts right now. You pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, "Sounds perfect, baby."
You played with Renjun’s fingers as his playlist played softly over the speakers. It only took a few songs for you to recognize that it was one of the many playlists he had made for you. This one was soft songs that were perfect for midnight drives or slow dancing in the kitchen. If you could lean over and kiss him right now, you would. He was just so perfect. It was impossible to imagine anyone better fit for you than Renjun.
“Baby?” You asked, receiving a hum in response, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
The car swerved slightly, you had caught him off guard. He felt his face flush and his heart race, but he knew. He knew it from the moment he first spoke to you. “I’m falling-”
Rena groaned from the back seat, her eyes snapped open, "You gotta pull over Jun, I'm gonna puke."
a/n: i’m baaaaaack! I got busy with homework one week and then I got covid, but I’m here now and admiring how pretty Renjun is in the header
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