#i feel like im gonna have to spend the entire summer studying if i want to even think about passing any/some of next year's classes
minglana · 1 year
im gonna fucking kill myself WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY do i keep failing these fucking exams!!!! i fucking study for them thats the worst part! i study for them and i fail and oh my god. cuarta puta matricula para otra puta asignatura es que what even is the meaning of my fucking life. i feel like im going insanse like im stuck in the same fucking place every single fucking year and i just. cannot fucking escape from these basic ass classes that i keep fucking failing!!!!!!!!
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baepsaesbae · 3 years
None of Your Business
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Pairing— Jung Hoseok x reader  
Genre— SMUT, enemies to lovers au, business/professional life au, slight angst, slight fluff, mutual pining bc im a slut for that
Warnings— inappropriate workplace behavior, explicit unprotected sex, face sitting, slight biting, one (1) butt slap, dirty talk, swearing, switch!Hoseok, Hoseok being a god damn nuisance, (also I’m not a business person so if you are and I state inaccurate/dumb things I apologize in advance)
Word Count— 8.9k
Summary— You have a shot at attaining a huge promotion at your company. The only problem standing in your way is the same one that annoyed you in college. Jung Hoseok. How will you manage to spend an entire weekend at a conference juggling impressing your supervisors while simultaneously battling Hoseok?
A/N— This super cool banner was made by the one and only @kimtaehyunq​, thank you so much! Please let me know what you guys think. Feel free to leave a comment or send an ask! 
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The business world has always been mercilessly cutthroat; that’s one of the first things business students learn when they enter college. The competition to get an internship at a top company was fierce. Recruiting has to start at least a year in advance if you even want to give yourself a chance.
Luckily for you, you were the top student in your program. Well, one of the top students. Over the past four years, your position had been flip flopping with some surprisingly competent bonehead who annoyingly plagued your life.
“Excited to be graduating this semester, ___?” an all too familiar voice interrupted your studying.
“Excited to graduate as top of the class? Yes, of course,” you replied coldly. 
“Top of the class? That’s a little presumptuous, don’t you think?” the handsome boy sat on your table.
“I think it’ll be pretty much set in stone after this last final,” you returned your attention to your notes.
“Well, even if you’re number one, I think experience matters a lot in this field,” the boy refused to leave you alone. 
“Then it’s a good thing I did an internship with one of the top companies over the summer,” you glared at him.
“Oh yeah, how could I forget about the internship that you stole from me?” the boy pouted.
“I was obviously more qualified. And how could you say that when you stole my opportunity to go on a study abroad trip with my favorite professor last Spring Break? I’m still furious that he chose you over me solely because you were sleeping with his daughter,” you retorted.
“That was a coincidence! I don’t know how many times I need to tell you that,” he tried to defend himself.
“Whatever. Do me a favor and leave me alone, Hoseok. Hopefully today will be the last time I’ll ever see you.”
“That’s kind of sad to think about. Who else will get under my skin and annoy me every time they open their mouth?” Hoseok bantered, “Also, I told you to call me Hobi.”
“That would imply that we’re on friendly terms. I don’t like lying, Hoseok.”
“Fine. Good luck on that last final. See you around,” Hoseok hopped off the table and patted your head.
“Don’t touch me,” you grumbled as he walked away.
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That was five years ago.
The company that you interned with gave you a job offer immediately after graduation. Quickly moving up through the ranks proved to be an easy feat since your tenacious nature made you the ideal employee. 
You were currently waiting outside of the CEO’s office. Seconds felt like hours as you mindlessly bounced your leg. It was eerily silent, and all you could hear were the click clacks of the receptionist’s keyboard as she worked. You looked around at the bleak décor that was a sorry excuse for modernism as you racked your brain. Were you in trouble? Did something happen? You were summoned up for a meeting but had no clue what it was going to be about. 
Once you were finally called in, you were greeted by both the CEO and VP of the company. 
“___, please take a seat,” the CEO politely smiled, “As you know, I am getting old. I am unmarried, so therefore I have no one to oversee the company after I’m gone. The executive council and I have been looking for people to fill my shoes. Or at the very least, take a seat on the executive council if one of them were to take my place.”
“Your numbers have been exceptional this month,” the VP chimed in, “And every month prior. After much deliberation, your name has been cast into the lot.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Being a member of the executive council at your age was almost unheard of.
“There is one other candidate that has also been hand selected at the other branch. You both are to attend a conference in which you will mingle with executives from other companies. There will also be a time in which you will pitch an idea to me on how to make this company better,” the CEO continued when he saw your loss for words.
“First and foremost I would like to thank you for this opportunity. I will do my best to live up to your expectations,” you bowed to show your gratitude. 
“Perfect. The conference is in two weeks. I believe that should give you ample time to prepare your presentation,” the VP shook your hand.
After shaking hands with the CEO, you turned to leave. However, something was nagging you. 
“May I ask who the other candidate is?” you inquired.
“Jung Hoseok from the northern branch,” the VP answered without missing a beat. 
“Ah,” your brain exploded.
“Do you know him?” the CEO asked.
“We went to college together. I know of him,” you said curtly.
“Well you’ll finally get your chance to meet him. I’ve heard he’s very popular with the ladies at his branch. That’s not pertinent to his skills; however, you can’t blame an old man for wanting to know the gossip of his own employees,” the old man chuckled.
“Of course,” you smiled politely as you excused yourself from the office.
Jung Hoseok? That douchebag? Just your luck to run into him again (to fight for the next step in your career no less!). You think back on all the run ins you had with him during your collegiate days. Nothing but irritating memories of the two of you competing for the top spot came to mind. 
Whatever. It didn’t matter who the other candidate was. You had to get to work and come up with a brilliant plan that will impress the CEO. You brushed the thought of Hoseok aside. It had been a couple of years, maybe he wouldn’t even remember you. There’s no need to stress out over something so trivial. 
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The weekend of the conference had finally arrived. You were instructed to travel together with Hoseok. You waited alone at the airport terminal. If you were lucky, Hoseok wouldn’t show up at all. You weren’t. 
“___!” Hoseok called out your name in a sing songy voice.
“Hello Hoseok. Glad to see you haven’t changed,” you were already irritated.
“How are you? It’s been so long. You look great!” he went in for a hug but you turned away. 
He stood awkwardly with his arms in the air for a second until he bounced back. He took the seat next to you and began chatting. You answered his list of questions apathetically. 
“Did I do something to offend you?” Hoseok finally asked.
“I just think it’s funny that even after all these years, I still have to compete with you,” you retorted.
“Still hung up on that? It doesn’t even matter anymore. We got good jobs and now we’re here. Together! Isn’t that cool?”
“No, not at all. Although I guess it will be nostalgic coming out on top once again,” you smirked.
“Your competitive nature always amused me. You’re so cute when you lose,” Hoseok teased.
“I never lost to you,” you gasped.
“That’s not what that one study abroad trip with Professor whatshisname says,” he cooed. 
“Professor Namjoon! You knew he was my favorite, you prick. At least I graduated as top of the class with honors,” you argued. 
“My GPA was off by thousandths of a point. That doesn’t really bother me. But I’m glad you have something that makes you happy,” Hoseok shrugged. 
‘This is gonna be one long fucking weekend’, you thought. 
The flight was short and pleasant since Hoseok left you alone. You wanted to see as little of him as possible during this trip. You intended to get that promotion no matter what. 
After the plane landed, the two of you made your way to the hotel that was hosting the conference. 
“Hi, last name ___ and Jung?” you smiled at the hotel concierge. 
“Ah yes, you guys are here for the business conference?” the concierge asked.
“Indeed we are!” Hoseok chimed in from behind you.
“Alrighty, I got you guys all checked in. Enjoy your stay!” the concierge handed you a singular set of keys.
“Oh, I’m sorry, there must be a mistake. We’re in two separate rooms,” you politely tried to hand back the keys.
“The reservation is for a singular suite,” the concierge explained.
“Probably cheaper that way,” Hoseok reasoned while nodding.
Your fake smile faltered for a second. How the hell are you supposed to spend an entire weekend sharing a room with the most despicable person on the planet?
At least the hotel itself was grand. There was no way you’d ever be able to afford to stay in such a swanky place. The lobby was decorated with ornate marble pillars that were laced with gold trimmings. It even had a fancy fountain in the middle to greet incoming guests, which you thought was a bit overkill. 
“Excited to sleep with me, princess?” Hoseok teased, obviously picking up on your annoyance.
“Fuck off. Stay the hell away from my bed and my things,” you spat.
“Who’s to say that you won’t be able to stay away from my bed?” he smirked. 
“You wish,” you rolled your eyes as the elevator finally stopped on the top floor. 
You led the way to your shared suite with Hoseok. The trip was exhausting; you couldn’t wait to take a nap on your large luxurious bed that was probably topped with Egyptian cotton (one can dream). 
You immediately dropped your bags on the side of the room and flopped onto the bed, shutting your eyes. 
“Interesting,” Hoseok said.
You ignored him.
“Very interesting,” he continued. 
“What? What is so interesting?” you sat up and glared at him in frustration.
“Take a quick glance around the room,” he suggested.
Your heart sank, “No fucking way.”
You loved this trope in fanfics, but in real life? Fuck no, not with this asshole. Yes, there was only one luxurious king sized bed in the room. 
“Well, looks like you're going to sleep on the floor,” you smiled sweetly at him.
“The bed is huge, we can definitely share,” Hoseok argued.
“I think the fuck not,” you dropped back onto the bed, “I’m sure you’ll whore your way into someone else’s bed each night anyway.”
“I don’t think I need to, not when I’m already sharing a bed with you,” he flirted.
“Bite me, Hoseok,” you sighed, not in the mood for a tit for tat.
“Are you into that? I’d happily oblige,” he responded as he sat on the other side of the bed.
“I’m afraid that’s confidential information that you are not privy to,” you huffed, turning away from him.
“Are you really going to make me sleep on the floor?” he asked quietly. 
“Would you listen to me if I said I wanted you to?” you were curious to know.
“Look, I’ll admit that I can be an asshole, but I���m not a creep. If you’re really not comfortable with sharing a bed with me I’ll sleep on the floor. All I’d ask of you is to spare me a pillow.”
There was a short silence as you mulled over your options. 
“Fine, we can share the bed. But I demand a pillow divider to be set between us,” you caved.
“Wahoo! Thank you so much for your generosity, ___. Do you want to use the bathroom to get ready for bed first, or shall I?” Hoseok celebrated.
“I’ll get ready first,” you lazily rolled off the bed and trudged to the bathroom.
You were so tired that you missed hearing Hoseok’s soft chuckle as he watched you stumble to the bathroom. He patiently waited for you to finish before it was his turn to get ready for bed. You were sound asleep by the time he was done.
The blankets were haphazardly sprawled out on your side of the bed. One leg was under the covers while the other was completely exposed. Your mouth was agape with a bit of drool seeping out, and your shirt lifted up to expose some of your tummy.
Hoseok smiled at the sight. Never in a million years did he think he’d ever be lucky enough to see you like this. He pulled down your shirt in an attempt to make you look decent, but there was nothing he could do about your drooling. He tucked you into the sheets properly, making sure that the blankets covered you up to your neck.
He settled into his side of the bed. You forgot to put up the pillow divider. Hoseok stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. He turned over to face you in an attempt to get comfortable. 
‘She looks so sweet. Almost cute,’ Hoseok thought. 
He quickly brushed the thought aside. You were his rival, and have been since the first day of college years ago. He sat up and created a pillow barrier. Bickering with you first thing in the morning was the last thing he wanted. 
The first day of the conference was filled with attending various meetings while attempting to make as many networking connections as possible. You got up early and left the room before Hoseok was even awake. The less time spent with him, the better. 
Of course, completely avoiding him was impossible. You were to sit with your respective company during the meetings and presentations. The VP sat between you and Hoseok, while the CEO switched between sitting on either side. You were thankful for the separation, but nervous nonetheless.
The CEO would occasionally lean over to ask you questions about the presentations, and he intently listened to your responses. The VP would merely look over occasionally to give you a smile or wink; he acted more like moral support. You knew the entire weekend would practically be an interview, but you underestimated how anxiety inducing it would be. 
The higher ups finally left you alone when lunchtime came around. You picked up your lunch in the hotel’s decadent ballroom that had been turned into an eating area. You scouted an empty table in the far corner of the room in the hopes of finding some peace and quiet.
Hoseok had other plans. He saw you sit down at the table and happily followed you.
“Hey there buddy!” he greeted you as he sat down.
“Shouldn’t you be networking with new people?” you rolled your eyes at him.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he retorted as he took a bite of his sandwich.
“I’ve been doing that since before you were awake. I think I deserve a break,” you replied.
“I forgot that you’re quite the hard worker. I couldn’t have asked for better competition,” he said.
“Was that a compliment?” you asked with an amused grin.
“Yeah, and it’s the only one you’ll ever get from me. Is your pitch to the CEO ready?” Hoseok inquired.
“It has been. And no, I’m not going to tell you what it is,” you proudly answered.
“Oh c’mon! Mine is ready too! You’re a damn fool if you think I’m gonna steal your idea. I’m just curious,” he pouted.
“Fine. I’ll tell you if you tell me yours first,” you offered.
“So distrustful,” Hoseok feigned offense, “Okay, so I think offering higher bonuses for working overtime would be a good start. There could even be competitive bonuses in each department for the person who gets the best numbers that month.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” you said at first, “But don’t you think that would just create more animosity between coworkers?”
“I think competition is a healthy motivation factor. It worked for me in college,” Hoseok defended his idea.
“Everyone is competitive in college. Especially in the business schools,” you argued.
“Yeah, but not everyone is you,” Hoseok stated. 
“Excuse me?”
“Honestly, I probably wouldn’t be here today if you weren’t always on my ass,” he admitted, “Being your rival was kinda fun. You got flustered so easily, it was almost cute.”
“I do not get flustered easily! Plus, it was always you who was on my ass,” you huffed.
“I see that you still do,” Hoseok laughed, “But seriously. The universe brought us together again so I guess it’s telling me to thank you.”
“That’s uncharacteristically nice of you to say,” you looked away from him to hide your reddening cheeks, “You pushed me too, so thanks for that...I guess.”
“Mhm, no problem buddy. I’ll see you in the next presentation room,” he got up to leave.
“Wait Hoseok!” you called after him.
“Yeah?” he turned around quickly.
“I didn’t tell you my idea--”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s brilliant,” he winked before walking away.
The rest of the day passed by quickly. You retired to your room, exhausted from all the forced socialization. Your mind was stuck on what Hoseok said earlier. Maybe he wasn’t as big of an asshole as you thought. Perhaps you mistook a friendly rivalry for toxic competition.
You were sprawled out across the bed in your pjs when Hoseok entered the room.
“Are you gonna sleep like that?” he asked.
“You’re gonna have to forcibly remove me from your side if you want it that badly,” you replied with your eyes still closed. 
“That’s fine,” Hoseok said as he abruptly rolled you over to your side.
“Hey!” you squeaked out in protest.
“It was either that, or I laid on top of you and suffocated you.”
“Hmph,” you let out a displeased noise.
“Oh my god, you’re so bratty. How old are you?” Hoseok chuckled.
“Old enough to know that you’re a meanie,” your response was muffled by the pillow you buried your face in.
“Sorry I’m a what?” Hoseok teased.
“A meanie!” you quickly got up and slammed a pillow into Hoseok, catching him by surprise.
“I’m the meanie? You just pelted me with a pillow!” he cowered away from you.
“And I’ll do it again!” you threatened.
“I don’t think so,” Hoseok suddenly lurched forward, tackling you back onto your side of the bed.
You’re both laughing at this point. Seeing Hoseok up close and personal made you realize how handsome he truly was. Had he always been this attractive? Hoseok’s cheerful laugh echoed throughout the room as he loomed over you, pinning you down.
“I’ll get off if you promise not to hit me with a pillow ever again,” Hoseok tried to say in a serious tone, but his smile betrayed him.
“Sorry, I can’t make such a ridiculous promise,” you sassed.
“God, you really are so bratty. Kinda cute, kinda naughty,” Hoseok tsked.
“There’s nothing you can do about it,” you stuck your tongue out at him.
Hoseok leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Oh, I’m sure there’s something I could do.”
That sent chills down your spine. This was perhaps the most intimate moment you’ve shared with someone in a long time. 
“Keep dreaming then, lover boy,” you said. Truth be told, just that one sentence turned you on, but you couldn’t let him know that.
“As you wish,” Hoseok released you and retreated back to his side of the bed. 
“Maybe you aren’t as big of an asshole as I remembered,” you chuckled.
“You thought I was an asshole?” Hoseok laughed.
“I did. Maybe I still do. Not that it matters, we’ll never see each other again after this stupid conference.”
“That’s not true,” Hoseok disagreed, “I’ll be on the executive council, so you may see me from time to time.”
“I like the confidence. Too bad it’s in vain,” you teased, “I’m going to bed. Our day starts early tomorrow.”
“The. The day starts early tomorrow. Just go to bed Hoseok,” your turned over to conceal the faint smile on your face. Maybe he wasn’t so bad afterall. 
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The second day of the conference started off as boring as the previous day. The various presenters droned on about different strategies regarding the improvement of a company with a plethora of charts and numbers to back it all up. The CEO wasn’t as talkative today to either you or Hoseok. The VP still made his reassuring gestures to you, flashing smiles and winks here and there.
“Can I see you privately after the last morning presentation?” the VP whispered to you.
“Yes, of course!” you excitedly answer. Currying the VP’s favor may come in handy later. 
After the last presentation, the VP discreetly led you to a vacant corner. His tone became serious as he began to speak.
“The CEO discussed his initial thoughts with me last night. I know I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but he’s currently leaning towards Hoseok,” he explained.
The news made your heart sink.
“I’d rather see you on the executive council, if I’m being frank. My pride is on the line since I recommended you,” his voice lowered, “However, I think there is a way to sway his opinion.”
“Which is?” you eagerly asked. 
“Someone might overhear here, meet me in my room in an hour,” the VP covertly handed you his room key.
He walked away without another word. The fact that the VP was on your side gave you a faint sliver of hope. The next hour of free time was spent frantically networking while your mind was obviously elsewhere. Every now and then you heard Hoseok’s voice, and just the sound of it spurred you on to make even more connections. By the end of it, your face began to hurt from all the fake smiling. 
You were standing in front of the VP’s hotel room exactly an hour after your secret rendezvous. The door opened immediately after you knocked.
“You’re extremely punctual; that’s wonderful,” the VP observed as you entered, “Make yourself comfortable.”
You scoured the room to find a place to sit. Your uneasiness must have been obvious, as the VP gestured towards the bed.
“Thank you,” you said as you awkwardly sat at the edge of the bed, “What is your plan?”
“It’s quite simple actually,” the VP sat beside you, “I just need to get to know you better. That way I can give an authentic and flawless review to the CEO.”
“So, you’re going to conduct an in-depth interview?” you asked timidly as you noticed him scooting closer to you.
“You could say that,” he voice lowered as he rested his hand on your thigh, “We have about 45 free minutes remaining. I believe you should make the most of this interview, Miss ___,” he smiled slyly as his hand began to travel upwards.
“How dare you?!” you yelled as you abruptly pushed him off of you, “I’m going to report you to HR!”
“Then say goodbye to your promotion. You really think you were chosen just because your numbers have been decent? You definitely were not the CEO’s first choice. He didn’t even know who you were. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be here,” he explained with a shit eating grin. 
“Then why the hell would you even bring me up to the CEO? Just so you could try and sleep with me?” you were enraged.
“Don’t blame me for wanting some eye candy to entertain me during this god awful convention,” he smirked.
“Fuck you, you fucking pig,�� you spat.
“Ohhh feisty. I like that in a girl. If you leave now, you can kiss that promotion goodbye,” the VP called out to you as you stormed towards the door.
“And you can kiss my ass, and shove that promotion up yours,” you snapped, flipping him off before slamming the door behind you.
Tears welled in your eyes as you made your way to your room. You were absolutely distraught. Had all your hard work been for nothing? Had you been nothing but a pretty sight for men to stare at for the past five years?
You entered your hotel room to find Hoseok laying on the bed. You quickly wiped away your tears; you hadn’t expected him to be there. He appeared to be taking a nap. You watched his chest rise and fall slowly as you snuck into the bathroom. You freshened yourself up to the best of your abilities. Maybe a little power nap would help calm your nerves. Too bad Hoseok was taking up the bed. Fuck.
You left the bathroom to see if maybe you could curl up in one of the corners of the bed. Luckily, Hoseok was on his side of the bed. You set a timer for half an hour and slowly crawled under the covers. Your eyelids felt heavy as you closed them.
“If you wanted to cuddle you could’ve just let me know,” Hoseok’s voice surprised you.
“Well, I don’t. Leave me alone,” you responded.
“What if I want to cuddle?” he asked.
“There is an abundance of perfectly good pillows for you to use,” you sighed, then sniffled a little.
“Are you sick?” Hoseok asked with a worried tone.
“No, I’m fine,” you answered quickly, panicking. 
“___, what’s wrong?” Hoseok was sitting up now.
“Nothing, leave me alone,” you turned away.
“If you insist, I won’t push it. Just know that you can talk to me if you need to,” he offered.
You heard him get off the bed. You pulled the sheets over your head to hide your face. You cried silently as Hoseok shuffled around the room, presumably getting ready to leave. Suddenly, he pounced on you.
“Hoseok! What the fu--” you cried out as he yanked the sheets off of you.
“Surprise attack!” he gleefully exclaimed. 
His expression quickly changed when he saw your tear streaked face. You looked up at him with puffy eyes. You were too exhausted to hold your cold stare. Instead, you looked away in embarrassment.
“___, what happened?” he asked softly.
“It doesn’t matter. But congrats, you basically got the promotion,” you laughed in defeat.
“You spoke with the CEO?” Hoseok was shocked.
“No, with the VP. That stupid son of a bitch. He--nevermind. I blew my chance, so the job is all yours. I am almost positive that I am unemployed now as well,” the tears returned and you couldn’t stop them.
“Hey, ___, it’s okay,” Hoseok tried to comfort you, “If the CEO didn’t tell you himself, then you can’t be 100% certain.”
“I was literally only invited because the VP tried to get in my pants!” you blurted out.
“What?” Hoseok was dumbfounded.
“He just told me that I’d have the job if I had sex with him. Can you fucking believe that? How long have I not been taken seriously? This has been so demoralizing,” you let it all out.
“Aw, c’mere,” Hoseok pulled you up and gave you a warm embrace, “What did you say to him?”
“I told him to shove it,” you sniffled against his firm chest. 
“There’s the you I know. You haven’t changed a bit,” he chuckled, “We can talk to the CEO together tomorrow about this.”
“Why would you help me? The promotion is basically yours because of this,” you sighed.
“I don’t really care for it, if I’m being honest. I’m satisfied with my job now. I don’t want any more responsibilities,” he answered while stroking your hair. 
“Then why are you here?” you looked up at him.
“I only agreed to come after they told me that you’d be here,” he admitted. 
You didn’t know what to say. Too many things have happened in the past hour alone. 
“Don’t get it twisted, I was just curious to see how you’ve been after all these years. Plus a free trip is always enticing. Getting to share a bed with you has just been an added bonus,” he smiled.
Your timer rang, causing you to break away from Hoseok’s arms. 
“Guess it’s time to go to more boring meetings. Yay,” Hoseok feigned enthusiasm. 
“I’m gonna stay here. There’s no point in me attending anymore,” you stated.
“Nope, you’re going. I’m dragging you with me! You gotta show the VP that he didn’t frazzle you at all. Fuck that guy. Well, not literally,” Hoseok was pulling you out of bed.
Hoseok subtly made sure that you sat between him and the CEO the entire time. You caught him giving the VP dirty looks, which made you feel a little better. 
You quickly excused yourself after the last meeting and tried to make a break for your room. Unfortunately, Hoseok prevented you from doing so. 
“You got a date for the banquet tonight?” he asked.
“No. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem because I’m not going. Have fun with your date though,” you shook your head.
“Who said I had a date?”
“I’m sure women were basically throwing themselves at you.”
“You’re not wrong, but I turned them all down. I have my eyes set on one gal.”
“Lucky her, I guess,” you rolled your eyes.
“Indeed. Although I still gotta ask her,” he looked around the room as if he was searching for her.
“You better hurry. Isn’t it in a couple hours?”
“Yep. Alright, here goes nothing!” Hoseok rushed off, finally giving you the chance to disappear.
You let out a sigh of relief as the elevator doors start to close. However, someone’s hand shot through at the last second. Hoseok stumbled in as the elevator doors reopened. You groaned. Why can’t you escape him?
“Did she say yes?” you asked with an indifferent tone.
“Not sure yet. Will you go to the banquet with me?” Hoseok asked.
“Fuck off.”
“Alright, well she just said no. Ouch,” Hoseok clicked his tongue. 
“Wait, are you being serious?” your eyes widened.
“If the word ‘date’ threw you off, then I’m happy with going as friends,” he proposed. 
“I’m flattered, but I’m really not in the mood to party with random strangers.”
“You don’t have to. Just party with me. Why would I let you be sad and mopey all alone in a hotel room when you could be drinking free booze?”
“Is the alcohol is free?”
“Duh, it’s all being charged to the company. Plus dinner is served.”
“Ok fine, I’ll go. I guess I didn’t pack that stupid dress for nothing.”
“Let’s not allow a gorgeous dress to go to waste,” Hoseok agreed.
“You haven’t even seen it,” you suppressed a smile. 
“Anything can be gorgeous if you’re the one wearing it,” he winked.
“Oh, shut up,” a small smile cracked on your face.
Hoseok was the first to get ready for the banquet. He wanted your look to be a surprise so he insisted on going first. You were beginning to find his weird yet endearing antics kind of cute.
You weren’t prepared when he came out of the bathroom. You were well aware that Hoseok was a handsome guy, maybe even handsome enough to model. However, you weren’t ready when Hoseok emerged in a grey suit with his hair styled to reveal his forehead. His radiance was comparable to that of the sun, and he only shone brighter when he smiled at you. 
“You look good,” you tried to act cool.
“Thank you! I’ll admit I do enjoy dressing up from time to time. But who doesn’t, am I right?” he beamed.
You nodded as you hauled your things into the bathroom. After about an hour, you were ready: fully dressed, makeup done, confidence soaring. You had forgotten how therapeutic dressing up could be. 
Your dress was a deep emerald green that was elegant yet seductive. It had a side slit that flirtatiously showed off one of your legs. The neckline gracefully outlined your cleavage while still remaining on the classy side.
“Holy shit. You look amazing!” Hoseok praised you as soon as you stepped out.
“I was only trying to match you,” you said shyly, trying to hide your flushed cheeks.
“I think it’s safe to say that we’ll be the most breathtaking duo there. Shall we depart?” he extended out an arm.
The dinner started out with boring speeches by people you didn’t care to remember the names of. Hoseok elected to sit at the table furthest away from the stage, which was an excellent choice. That allowed the two of you to chat the night away in hushed voices. You both had already gone through five glasses of wine by the time the speeches were finally over. 
“The dance floor is now open! Enjoy the rest of the night, and don’t forget that there’s an open bar!” the MC shouted through the mic.
The lights dimmed and a disco ball lowered in the center of the room. People began to crowd the dance floor. You laughed with Hoseok as you both observed various awkward shuffles and sways. 
“Wanna dance?” Hoseok yelled over the music.
“I can’t!” you yelled back.
“I’m sure you can! Let’s go!” Hoseok didn’t wait for a reply.
He dragged you to an empty space on the dance floor. The two of you began drawing attention to yourselves as soon as you stepped out. Two beauties were dancing in the open for everyone to see. You shyly swayed to the rhythm of the music and laughed at Hoseok’s silly moves. However, Hoseok began to move in a way that was absolutely bewitching. He looked like a professional dancer with the way he commanded his body to hit every beat. Hoseok had drawn a very large crowd as people began cheering him on. 
You were amazed by his stage presence. You’ve always had a thing for dancers, and he looked downright sexy. The song ended and Hoseok gave his audience a dramatic bow, awarding him deafening applause. 
“I didn’t know you could dance!” you shouted when he returned to your side.
“I like to dance in my free time! Did you like it?” he shouted back.
“I’ll admit it was sexy,” you laughed.
“You think I’m sexy?”
“Maybe I do,” you winked.
You had more fun than you expected while dancing with Hoseok. He made you feel secure, so you were able to let loose. You didn’t care what you looked like, as long as Hoseok was there with you. 
The night progressed and you began to feel bold. A particularly raunchy song came on, as if it were asking you to grind on Hoseok. And that’s exactly what you did. You guided his hands to your hips as you grinded into his crotch
“You sure you wanna be doing that?” Hoseok spoke into your ear with a low voice.
“Absolutely,” you replied.
Hoseok spun you around and gazed at you intimately while he brought you closer into his body. Various body parts were rubbing against each other now. The sexual tension was palpable. 
Hoseok’s hands were running up and down your body, and your mouth was dangerously close to his neck. The scent of his cologne was intoxicating. You couldn’t help yourself; you leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on his neck. His low growl was an indication that he liked it, so you kissed him again with more vigor. 
“You’re going to have to stop,” he scolded.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Did I overstep your boundaries?” you were embarrassed.
“Absolutely not. But I can’t fuck you out here in public now can I?” he towed you off the dance floor and made a beeline for the elevators. 
Thank god no one else was in the elevator, neither of you could keep your paws off of each other. Hoseok’s hands were unabashedly feeling you up and down while his crotch was slowly grinding into yours. Your arms were wrapped around his neck as you planted kisses along his sharp jawline.
Hoseok couldn’t stop whispering naughty things into your ear during the entire elevator trip up to your shared room. His lowered voice sent chills down your spine as he expressed just how eager he was to finally have you. You felt yourself getting wetter by the second.
“I wanted to strip off that dress the moment I saw you wearing it,” he cooed, “God, I can’t wait to see how beautiful you’ll look underneath me.”
“Hoseok, do you ever shut up?” you teased with a coy smile.
“I dunno, you might have to make me,” he played along.
“Maybe sitting on your handsome face will do the trick,” you said as you nipped his ear.
“Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
The elevator doors finally opened, and Hoseok quickly dragged you out. He immediately tore off your dress the moment the hotel room door was closed. You did him the same favor as you frantically unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his toned body. 
“Why don’t you be a good boy and wait for me on the bed?” you suggested.
“Yes ma’am,” he complied, his eyes never leaving your body.
“Like what you see?” you asked, turning around slowly to fully show off the lingerie that perfectly complimented your body. 
“You are so fucking sexy, ___,” Hoseok smiled in awe.
“I’m so glad you think so. You’re not too bad yourself,” you winked at him.
You finally joined Hoseok on the bed. You kiss his body from his abdomen all the way up his chest before stopping at his mouth. You took a second to relish the feeling of his plush lips against yours before he deepened the kiss with a ferocious intensity. 
“Wanna try and shut me up now?” Hoseok lifted his eyebrows suggestively once the kiss broke.
“With pleasure,” you responded as you began to position yourself above him, “Wait, do you want me to take this off?” you gestured to your undergarments.
“No need,” he said before abruptly pulling aside your panties.
You slowly lowered yourself onto his face and stopped when you felt his breath on your pussy. Hoseok impatiently gripped your hips and pulled you directly onto his tongue. The sudden contact made you gasp. Hoseok didn’t waste any time getting down to business.
He flattened his tongue out to cover as much area as possible as he licked across your folds. He expertly flicked and lapped your pussy in the perfect places. Your legs began to tremble, and you had to grip onto the bed’s headboard for support. 
You looked down to see the beautiful man’s face buried in your pussy; that sight alone was almost enough to bring you over the edge. Hoseok’s hands slithered their way up to your chest, where he began to twist and pull at your sensitive nipples through your bra. 
“You taste--so good,” Hoseok panted out from underneath you.
“Should I get off--fuck!” you were interrupted by Hoseok sucking on your clit.
His mouth was heaven sent. Your body began to heat up and soon you lost the strength to hold yourself up even against the headboard. 
You cried out as you came all over Hoseok’s face. His face was glistening with your juices as he smiled up at you. He seductively licked his lips to taste you again.
“Your turn?” you asked.
“As much as I wanna see your pretty lips wrapped around my cock, I think I need to be inside you more,” he replied as he repositioned himself.
He stripped off the rest of his clothing. You watched with admiration as more of his skin became exposed.
“You can take off the fancy underwear now,” he said once he caught you staring.
“You don’t want to see it anymore?” you fakeed a pout.
“___, you’re drop dead gorgeous in it. However, I advise you to take it off yourself because I won’t hold back. I don’t want to ruin your underwear, just you,” he replied.
Hoseok mixed in little nibbles while he kissed along your neck. Your voice dripped with bliss as you quietly moaned. 
“I guess you do like being bitten, huh? What about this?” Hoseok licked your neck, causing you to squirm underneath him.
“I think I like that too,” you whispered, biting your lip.
You wriggled out of your undergarments, leaving yourself completely naked in front of Hoseok. You pull at the hem of Hoseok’s underwear, eager to see what he was packing.
You were not disappointed. Although he was well endowed, what he lacked in length was made up for in girth. 
“Do you want me to use a condom?” he asked.
“I’m on the pill, and I’m pretty sure I’m clean. I haven’t been intimate in an embarrassingly long amount of time,” you admitted, blushing.
“I find that hard to believe,” Hoseok said while kissing around your face, “Since you’re so damn beautiful,” his lips found yours and led you into a passionate kiss. 
His hips began to grind into yours, his dick rubbing against your bare pussy. You wrapped your legs around him, bringing him closer.
“Please don’t tease me,” you pleaded.
“What are the magic words?” Hoseok teased.
“Fuck me, Hobi,” you begged.
“Oh my fucking god,” he growled.
He slammed his hips into yours, not giving you enough time to adjust to him. The stretch was intense at first, but it soon turned into nothing but pleasure. Your euphoria grew as he rhythmically bucked his hips into you. 
Hoseok spread your legs out as wide as you could go, giving him quite the erotic view that only aroused him more. You tried to stifle your moans, but were failing miserably.
“Don’t hold back baby, let me hear you. Show me how good I make you feel,” he leaned over to whisper into your ear. 
You complied instantly, your moans resounding around the room. Hoseok’s position allowed him to hit you deeply with every stroke. Without a word, he pulled out of you and flipped you over onto your knees. He roughly forced your chest down, leaving your ass in the air for him.
“Your ass is so fucking fat,” he said as his hand connected with your bare skin, causing you to shriek.
He kissed it afterward while his fingers teased your clit. He realigned himself with your entrance. This new position was even better than the last. You could no longer hold in your moans even if you wanted to. Hoseok repeatedly hit your g-spot, and you could feel another orgasm welling up within you.
“Hobi, I’m gonna cum,” you cry out.
“Say that again,” he demanded.
“I-i’m gonna cum!”
“No, not that. That’s hot but call me Hobi again,” he chuckled.
“Hobi!” you said with an exasperated tone.
“Yes princess? Fuck, I’m close,” Hoseok’s movements were becoming more haphazard by the second.
“Hobi, right there oh my god keep going please,” you begged, “Hobi...ah shit!” you came undone.
It wasn’t long after until Hoseok followed suit, pulling out to cum all over your ass. He rolled off the bed to get something to clean you up with. 
“How are you feeling?” Hoseok asked.
“Better. You?” you answered.
“Doing pretty well. I fucked the girl of my dreams,” he said gleefully.
“Shut up,” you playfully pushed him.
“I’m serious. I’ve adored you since college. I lived for your playful banter,” he began to explain.
“It wasn’t playful,” you interjected.
“Yeah, I know. But that’s what made it fun! All the other girls just wanted to be with me for my looks or whatever. None of them knew the real me.”
“And I did?”
“More so than most. You always pushed me to do my best. I really just wanted to be good enough for you. Kind of silly huh? I even dated that girl in an attempt to make you jealous. Which backfired since her dad was Professor whatshisface who took me on that trip,” Hoseok opened up.
“Hobi I...I’m so sorry. I was such a bitch to you back then. And now too I guess. My competitive side gets the better of me. I was always annoyed by how you were seemingly good at everything. It even irritated me that you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life,” you began to apologize, “Oh, and his name is Namjoon. Professor Namjoon.”
“Thanks for reminding me. I hate to admit it but he made me a little jealous. I wanted you to praise me the way you praised him. Anyway, things can change now that everything's out in the open,” Hoseok smiled, “You’re even calling me Hobi! I’ve been dreaming about this moment.”
“Was it everything you ever hoped for?” you joked.
“You said it when you asked me to fuck you, then you said it multiple times while I was balls deep inside of you. So yeah, I would say it was everything I could’ve hoped for, if not more,” he pulled you into his chest.
The two of you continued talking for what felt like hours while cuddling. You hadn’t been this relaxed in ages. You were nearly asleep on his chest when he stroked a strand of hair from your face. 
“Tomorrow will be interesting, huh?” he said softly.
“I guess I still have to pitch my idea to the CEO,” you sighed softly, “What a waste of time.”
“It’s not a waste of time if you’re gonna get the promotion,” Hoseok reprimanded.
“I already told you, I’m not. The VP will make sure that you get it. This is good for you. Don’t worry about me,” you kissed his cheek, “We should get some sleep now.”
“Alright. Goodnight, ___,” he kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight Hobi.”
“Fuck, I really love when you say that.”
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It was time. Time to pitch your idea to the CEO for no damn reason. You were beyond nervous, and Hoseok could tell. He tried to ease your nerves by giving you a firm shoulder massage as you both waited to be called into a small conference room.
The VP emerged, ignoring your mean scowl, and called Hoseok in to present first. Of course he would go first, no need to waste time hearing your proposal.
It was an anxiety riddled wait. You recounted the previous day’s events, which was a mistake because that only infuriated you. The whole situation was an affront on your character, and you will not stand for it. You debated giving the VP another piece of your mind at the end of everything. 
“___, you’re up,” the VP called you after Hobi finished.
“You’re gonna kill it,” Hobi encouraged you, coupled with a pat on the back.
“This is pointless and you know that,” you sighed.
Hobi shook his head in disagreement. It was heartwarming to see how supportive he was being. Maybe it was due to the fact that the job was practically his already. It doesn’t matter now. 
“Good morning gentlemen,” you greet them.
“The floor is yours, Miss ___,” the CEO responded cordially.
“I’ll keep it short and simple. I propose that the best way to improve the company is to shorten work day hours and increase PTO days,” you said confidently.
“Is that it? Can you expound on that?” the VP cynically asked. 
“Yes, I’m so glad you asked,” you smiled coldly, “Studies show that employees are exponentially more productive when they are happier. Not only will the company become more efficient, but the overall company atmosphere will become more positive. Interpersonal relationships between employees and bosses will improve in an appropriate professional manner,” you glared at the VP.
“That’s a very interesting take,” the CEO said thoughtfully, “Do you have any suggestions regarding the actual work that the company does?”
“No sir. The company has been thriving, so I believe that the way things are running now are proficient. However, as a company, we should always be willing to listen to our employees’ concerns,” you stated.
“You’ve brought up interesting points to the table. As an employee, do you have any concerns you’d like to express?” the CEO asked.
“There is one pressing matter that comes to mind,” you stole a glance at the VP to see him shift uncomfortably in his seat, “I firmly expect that employee/supervisor relationships should be strictly professional.”
“Are you just giving us your opinion on office romances?” the VP sneered.
“I believe that trying to use intimacy as leverage is highly immoral, if not a fireable offense,” you held your ground.
“Of course,” the CEO agreed.
“Then said employee would simply need to file a complaint with HR,” the VP dismissed you.
“What better way to get my complaint heard than speaking directly to the CEO?” you smiled sweetly, “Sir, yesterday the man sitting beside you crudely suggested that I sleep with him in order to gain the promotion. He also alluded that all of my accomplishments are for naught, and that I am purely ‘eye candy’.”
“Is this true?” the CEO asked his VP in dismay.
“Of course not. She’s grasping at straws. Look how desperate she is to get the job,” the VP quickly defended himself.
“I am not lying. I am fully prepared to be fired on the spot. I cannot continue to work at a company that allows this kind of sloppy behavior to go unpunished. Thank you for your time,” you bowed and quickly took your leave.
You released a huge sigh as soon as you were outside of the room. Hobi rushed over to your side. Suddenly, you began to laugh hysterically. Hobi looked at you nervously, obviously concerned about your mental state.
“Isn’t it so funny? All my hard work had just been flushed down the toilet by a stupid man drunk on power. I love that!” you wheezed.
“___, ___ calm down. What happened?” Hobi inquired. 
You told him what just went down. A smile crept across his face as you got to the part where you put the VP on the spot. 
“I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet dude,” Hoseok shrugged, “All we can do is wait.”
“Yeah, I’ll be the first one to congratulate you on your new job. Then I’ll begin my search for a new one,” you gave him a thumbs up.
The VP stumbled out of the room and angrily stomped towards the both of you.
“You fucking bitch! Who do you think you are? Do you even know what you’ve done? I know people. I’m gonna make sure your life is hell!” he yelled at you.
“That’s enough! You have been dismissed. I do not want to see your face around here again. Clean out your office on Monday,” the CEO ordered, “Would the both of you please follow me back into the room?”
You both timidly followed him, curious as to what he had to say.
“I apologize on behalf of the company for this incident. This isn’t the first time a complaint has been filed against him. Unfortunately, he always told me that they were just futile grasps for leverage and I foolishly believed him. However, his loss is your gain,” he smiled, “How would you like to be my new Vice President?”
You were agog. Hoseok’s eyes widened as he stood beside you.
“Surely there are more qualified people,” you stammered in disbelief.
“There definitely are. But none of them are what this company needs. It takes a special person to have their rival pitch all the reasons why you are a better candidate than they are,” the CEO happily nodded.
“I- he what?” you cast a surprised look at Hobi.
“Oh yes. He spent all his time highlighting your best qualities as an employee. It was quite a shock,” the CEO smiled.
“I will humbly accept your offer. Thank you so much sir, I will work even harder!” you bowed gratefully.
“That brings me to Mr. Jung. The position on the executive council is yours, if you want it,” the CEO offered.
“If the offer is unopposed, then I have no choice but to accept. I will do my best!” Hobi joined in your bowing. 
“Wonderful! It’ll be refreshing to see some lively young faces at those atrocious meetings,” the CEO laughed, “Oh, and one more thing. The two of you will have to relocate to the main branch, I hope that’s okay. I look forward to working with both of you.”
You both nodded gleefully. After the CEO dismissed the pair of you, the trip back up to your hotel room was nothing but joyous. It was like you were in a dream that you never wanted to wake up from. You even pinched each other to make sure it was all real. 
“I can’t believe you were advocating for me,” you hugged him.
“You deserve it. Your impressive diligence should not go unrewarded,” he squeezed you tighter, “Plus, this ended up being pretty sweet! Congratulations to both of us!”
“We need to go out to celebrate!” you wiggled.
“Yes! Let me take you out,” Hobi tackled you onto the bed.
“Where shall we go?” you playfully ask.
“Maybe we should go explore our new city together?” he suggested.
“Yes, our. And when I say I’m gonna take you out, I mean as a date. Because I want to date you. And have been wanting to for years,” Hoseok charismatically emphasized.
“I’m looking forward to starting this new chapter of my life with you then, Mr. Jung Hoseok,” you press your forehead against his. 
“Imma be all up in your bidness girl,” he joked.
“Your business is my business now loser,” you teased back. 
Looks like all that hard work had paid off, and there’s no better reward than finally being with Jung Hoseok.  
Published May 13, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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thompsborn · 3 years
do you have any spare ironhusbands or sambucky headcanons?
oh my god okay i’ve been so fucking wrapped up in both ironhusbands and sambucky and absolutely nothing else for WEEKS because of tfatws (obviously if you have seen my endless spam of reblogs but can you BLAME ME) and the portal closed has ironhusbands so i’ve been just. oh my god i am happily drowning in this and them and i do not need nor want air. ok.
also these are all hc’s based just in canon not au, and lol warning this got so long help me, though my brain is so scrambled from tfatws finale that all sambucky thoughts are scrambled and jumbled so i wasn't able to coordinate them as well as ironhusbands so the ironhusbands section is definitely longer pfighf i'm so sorry i'm like this
when they met at mit tony didnt know shit. like. like nothing. he didnt know a single god damn thing about anything. like he was a genius he could solve any equation given to him and baffled professors when he was handed like two supposedly impossible equations to this fuckin fourteen year old and he just looked at them with like a mcdonalds burger or some shit hanging out of his mouth and just answered them no problem, but he was still such a hopeless idiot, and rhodey, also a genius attending as a sixteen year old, had to teach him the basics of life, like. making toast. tony how do NOT know how to make toast. its TOAST. you put it in the TOASTER. have you NEVER SEEN A—OH MY GOD HOW DID YOU FUCKING CATCH IT ON FIRE—
he does not perfect the clearly impossible task of making toast until he is 17 and rhodey buys him a cake to celebrate the momentous occasion even though tony went though 528 toasters
you are gold by the national parks. thats it. thats all i have to say. listen to the song and look up the lyrics. you’ll get it.
and also paper planes by jon bellion but specifically for after rhodey tells tony he’s gonna join the air force and tony is worried but doesnt know how to show it and they have like a chill night in and all tony can think about is how stupid he is and how he’s such a coward because he cant get himself to tell rhodey that hi!! i love u!! and im scared to lose u and that you’ll get hurt and maybe die or smth!!
when rhodey finds out about how tony was raised (going with mcu, where tony wasnt physically abused but more emotionally neglected and ignored by howard and always talked down to and compared to others and wasnt treated like he was worthy and never was told he was loved and everything like that) he gets PISSED. like he is MONUMENTALLY angry. and it takes YEARS for him to find out about this too. and it actually puts a bit of a strain on their friendship for awhile when they meet too
like rhodey knows about the starks obviously and he assumes tony is going to be this obnoxious arrogant rich boy asshole and is so not looking forward to being roommates but he was raised to have an open mind and give everyone a chance, but tony was raised to be wary of everyone and keep his walls up and his emotions in shackles because whatever he shows can be used against him, so they clash, you know? they dont fight or anything but theres tension bc it isnt right and they dont get each other.
rhodey tries to be nice and tony doesnt understand nice because his only example of nice is jarvis and his mom and even then his mom and jarvis are always off with his dad so he barely sees them so its still rare for him to experience the nice of them so he doesnt know how to be around someone nice all the time, and so he gets defensive and thinks about how howard drilled it into him to be wary and he thinks maybe rhodey isnt ACTUALLY nice but someone PRETENDING to be
and rhodey starts to feel justified in assuming the worst about tony stark because tony is all cold and distant and rude and is about to stop the keeping an open mind thing about a month into their first year but then he comes back to their dorm early from class one day and tony doesnt come in so rhodey is just standing there and watches for a minute as tony sits there staring down at his twenty sixth attempt at a letter he wants to send his mom becauss he knows his mom likes letters even though he could just call but they havent really called him (howards fault but he’s fourteen still and its hard to rationalize that howards busy life and controlling thumb extends past his son) and rhodey is just confused because tony just suddenly sighs and sniffles a bit and murmurs “this is so stupid” and crumbles up the paper and throws it in the garbage and rhodey cant help but peer into it and barely sees the words hey mom scribbled at the top and that. that. hm. okay.
so rhodey keeps trying because he wasnt supposed to see that but he did and now he kind of has a feeling that maybe tony isnt all that cold and distant and rude as he seems, maybe he just doesnt really know how to be any different, so he thinks about all the subtle little ways that his family has shown him they care about him and starts to invite tony to go get food or to study together even though neither of them really need to study or to help each other with assignments or just anything thats mundane enough to not raise suspicion but still starts to open the door and make tony relax around him just that little bit and then before tony realizes it the end of their first year is there and theyre like friends or something and it hits him that he’s gonna miss rhodey.
for the first time ever there’s someone other than his mom and jarvis that he’s actually going to miss.
rhodey grins at him and says that they’ll be roommates again next year because they have to be and that the summer will be over before they know it and the sentiment is nice but tony spends the summer alone wandering around a house too big and empty after being in a dorm that’s small and has a friend.
but rhodey doesn’t know this. like he knows that tony isn’t the kind of guy he originally assumed but he doesn’t know that he’s literally ignored and neglected and like emotionally and sometimes verbally abused so he’s kind of surprised when the next year begins and they DO end up being roommates again (because tony kind of asked his mom, on a rare day when he got to see her and howard wasnt around, to get mit to make sure they could be) and tony just HUGS him like its been years and they’ve known each other forever but he goes with it and hugs him back because maybe tony’s just more affectionate once he gets to know someone and rhodey is okay w that.
they get closer as the years go by and they graduate from mit together and they’re BEST friends and at the end of the year rhodey invites tony to spend new years eve w his family but tony cant bc howard is having some kind of gala starting at 5 because hes weird and dumb and tony hates it and he also isnt given the option of not going even though he doesnt want to but the entire way there howard drills into him about not fucking up and berates him for all the times he has in the past and when they get there tony is already just not feeling it so he’s like nope!! no!! i simply cannot!!
so he goes in and finds an exit thats in the back and he leaves and finds a fucking payphone of all things and he has rhodeys home number memorized for years now and he calls and someone he doesnt knoe answers and theres music in the background and voices and tony’s entire stomach is in his throat and his heart is sunken into his twisted gut because he just wanted one night where maybe he could smile next to his parents and feel like he fit with them but he couldnt have that and he asks to talk to rhodey and then he is and asks if its too late to accept his invite and rhodey is like yeah of course do u need my address bc its still only 5 pm and its a 2 hour drive between south philadelphia and manhattan so he’d make it with plenty of time before it got to midnight so yay
and tony is like. oh. hm. i dont know how to drive actually. that was a thing that no one ever thought to teach me even though i asked about it about ten million times. and rhodey is used to tony not knowing how to do things that most people their age can (see: the toast) and plus its not uncommon for people from new york to not drive anyway so he doesnt think anything of it and instead asks for tony’s address to come pick him up instead and they’d still make it back by like 9-9:30 so that would work too
and thats when tony is like. well.
about that.
he might be calling from a payphone.
on a random street corner.
and its kind of raining. and he’s cold. and he’s a bit dulled out from everything so he doesn’t really think about the fact that admitting this is going to lead to having to explain what happened and also why and that is happens often. but that doesnt matter because he kind of just wants to be with his best friend and not back at that gala with his dad right now.
rhodey is like,,, ok. ok. wheres a coffee shop nearby u can wait in. and tony thankfully is by a 24 hour one and tells him the name and the street corner its closest to and rhodey is like i’ll be there asap and tony goes and he waits.
a two hour drive turns into an hour and a half because rhodey is Worried™
but when he walks in tony goes from being all dulled out to being all HOLY SHIT because rhodey has a SPLIT LIP and he’s like WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHAT THE FUCK WHAT
and rhodey’s like no no its good my uncle was having fun and trying to wrestle with me and he accidentally elbowed me its all good man dont worry about it
tony isnt used to accidentally being hurt tho so he’s still like hmmm but he takes rhodeys word on it and they head out and tony wont say what happened or why he was calling from a payphone ?? which btw tony literally only was able to do bc there happened to be dropped change on the ground because boy would not have change on him ok, but rhodeys like alright lets go with this for now
so they gets to the rhodes house and it is in full swing with family and extended family and adopted family bc they are 100% the family that just adopts the neighborhood kids and the people who have no one else and like ex boyfriends and ex girlfriends even after the relationship ends bc they still are family despite not dating whoever it was they had been dating in order to be introduced to them so its a LOT of people and tony is like. this is semi familiar in terms a lot of people but this is NOTHING like what he has ever seen before holy fucking SHIT
rhodey is just like oh u have a small family then? so ur used to smaller gatherings?
and tonys like wtf are gatherings
and rhodey is starting to get a feel for what might be wrong but just takes tony inside to get him changed because he’s not spending new years eve at the rhodes house in a fucking expensive suit ok
tony is completely out of his element and like he’s not the only white guy there bc again the rhodes adopt people and those people are of every race and nationally you can imagine but he just isnt used to the vibe there are people laughing and sitting close together and playing games and theres music playing but not like classy music its music people can dance to and are dancing to and the food isnt the food he’s used to at galas and shit and nothing is what he’s used to and he just sticks to rhodey’s side like a fucking lost puppy and tries his best not to look like an idiot when rhodey introduces him to people and a lot of them know who he is but dont judge him or assume shit about him bc obviously if he’s friends w rhodey then he’s a good guy and they want to know him and thats enough
but tony is v overwhelmed bc what the FUCK IS HAPPENING this is nothing like anything he has ever experienced EVER
so eventually rhodey can tell he’s getting overwhelmed and takes him inside and lets him have a breather and then asks him about whats going in and thats when rhodey learns about what tonys life at home is really like and. anger.
SO MUCH anger
because not only has every single assumption he has ever made about tony been proven wrong, but now he knows that the best person he knows has never been treated the way he deserves and has never known a true home and comfort and love and safety and
and he’s gonna fix it
and this is the first step
so he takes tony back out and they’re still just friends but this is the day they both quietly realize they might kind of definitely like each other as more because tony is still so confused by the fact that what he knows isnt the normal and overwhelmed by how much there is and how different it is but rhodey holds his hand as a grounding point and whenever it might be too much they move off to the side where they arent completely gone but its less hectic and a bit more quiet and its just nice
tony goes to rhodeys house for every holiday despite whatever howard says
rhodey decks howard the only time they ever meet before tonys parents die and he has the most shit eating grin on his face afterwards that tony cant help but lose his shit laughing his ass off
anyway i didnt mean to ramble for so long about that specific idea so i’ll end the ironhusbands ramble with this one last thought, which is as follows:
rhodey gets hurt in the air force at some point, and it isnt that bad tbh but he does have to go the hospital and shit and gets stitches or whatever idk i dont know what specifically happens i just think it’d be just bad enough that it takes him a few weeks to be able to go back to work but he’s not like OH GOD HURT yk?
but like stated above tony was scared and worried when rhodey told him he was gonna go into the air force so he hears about this and they’re probably like almost 30 at this point because they’re dumb and it takes them forever to get their heads out of their asses (i say this even though in the portal closed it takes them even longer but i digress) rhodey has like his mon his sister his niece visiting him and they were worried but they know hes fine so theyre just talking and in a good mood and then—
door slams open. tony stark enter stage left. disheveled suit, fresh from a meeting he definitely was not supposed to leave, having flown in from maibu the second he heard and then had happy drive him and then got impatient because of traffic and ended up sprinting like ten blocks while happy was like what the FUCK
of course rhodeys family are well aware that these idiots are desperately in love with each other so they’re just like lol ok and just leave the room while tony starts fretting over him like he’s about to die himself if he doesnt know if rhodey is okay and rhodey is like tony tony dude tones stop tony im okay tony stop it
until finally tony just fucking breaks down like full on tears in his eyes voice cracking hands clasped as he leans against rhodeys bed and tells him that he was so scared and he is so scared all the time whenever rhodey is out there because all he can think about is losing him and him getting hurt or dying and it’s maddening and this is when they get their heads out of their asses and kiss for the first time
(irony at its finest bc later when they are married and tony becomes iron man rhodey refuses to not have a suit of his own because if tony is going out there in a metal flying tin can then he isn’t going alone and wow what a power couple)
firstly i’m going to go post tfatws, but i’ll make a bullet point before going into it so if you wanna read up until that point you can but most of this will be random little headcanons based post tfatws
also it isnt like a whole plotline thing like the ironhusbands ones ended up being these ones are more random and kinda all over the place but loosely connected
update from after writing this: i lied
let me start by saying my interpretation of why they are the way they are in civil war is because of steve
thats not saying steve is the bad guy i mean to say that they’re jealous of each other because they thought that THEY were steve’s best friend who the fuck is THIS guy i dont want him here go away
children. they are children.
which i find very funny to imagine from sams pov because he literally is a licensed therapist and would 100% recognize why he’s acting how he is but he’s petty enough to do it anyway
and also he literally was helping steve track bucky down but i like to imagine that sam didnt think they’d ever really find him again and it’d just make him and steve like super mega best friends or something because hes a CHILD
and then from bucky’s pov steve goes through all this trouble to find him and protect him and then this random guy is acting like steve’s best friend and gets to sit in the front seat ??? bullshit. absolutely bullshit. worst thing ever. so stupid.
its so funny to me okay its SO funny
its like that schoolyard thing where your friend makes another friend and you hate it so much that you do something stupid like color on their drawing or put gum in their hair or whatever but they’re adults with 1. super soldier serum or 2. a superhero reputation/avengers status and suit with wings. so thats a thing.
post civil war i dont think they get much yk. because bucky is out in cryo and team cap is on the run and i doubt theyre able to return to wakanda much, if at all, and then it’s infinity war and then it’s endgame and after endgame there’s the aftermath and the aftermath is a mess
i like to think they have some moments before tfatws though. not many but enough for that slight foundation thats we can kind of see in episode 2 yk.
okay NOW it gets into post tfatws so!!
SO post tfatws everything is different because now they not only have spent all this time together, but they understand each other in a way that they didn’t before. in a way no one ever has. not even steve, who may have known them before, but he isn’t here anymore and he wouldn’t understand who they are now vs who they were before and it’s different.
bucky finds comfort in sam’s home town. sam finds comfort in watching bucky find a home there and he doesnt know why.
also sam treats redwing like a puppy and lets him fly around on his own and gets pet and stuff and bucky acts annoyed but the longer it happens you can tell he’s like “oh my god why is this thing endearing”
bucky has nightmares and sam knows this but bucky doesnt know that sam also has nightmares until one night when they’re still in sams home town and they’re staying on the boat because sams nephews are having a sleepover with some friends and they didnt want to get in the way or smth idk i just want an excuse for them to be on the boat and somewhat secluded from people but bucky already woke up from his nightmare and is out on the deck to get some fresh out and then oop
sam havin a nightmare too
because fucking of COURSE sam has nightmares he has been through some shit too!! not being able to catch riley and everything that happened since meeting steve and thanos and he turned to dust alone in the bushes ok like yes everyone that died were traumatized undoubtedly (peter my baby boy baby im so sorry that you got the worst of it) but bucky was around people but sam was laying on the ground and probably just watched his hands as he disappeared and he was alone and like. jesus christ ok.
and then steve trusted him with every weight and everything that comes with the shield not knowing how much more the shield has when he gave it to a black man and just like he has nightmares everyone in marvel does its a fact
but bucky finds out like this and he is shocked even though he realizes he probably should have been able to guess that this is a thing and he knows so much more about sam now than he ever did but this is how he learns more. he learns about riley. he learns so much.
sometimes bucky has those like “oh shit” moments where he’s like “maybe i was kind of a dick to someone who didnt deserve it” and he already had one of those with sam about the shield but he has another one because he assumed shit about sam when they were being all childish and jealous about someone else being friends with steve but like fuck
steve and sam probably got it
the not catching someone. the way it felt to try and to reach out and to miss and to have to choice but to watch as they fell.
what’s different is that steve got bucky back. he got to have that relief, eventually, even if there was the pain of knowing bucky had been taken by hydra, but at least he knew bucky had made it.
sam didn’t have that. riley didnt make it.
therefore, bucky has his “oh shit”
and bucky was already going soft around the edges with sam (as clearly seen in the last two episodes of tfatws, ESPECIALLY the finale because like did tou SEEZ ALL THE HEART EYES oh my GOD) but it’s this that really makes something in him melt and he just. he loses the last remnants of whatever tension or resentment or whatever negative feeling he may have been clutching onto.
there wasnt much left. but now theres none. now its all washed away.
its gone, and he gets it.
sam is a licensed therapist and he knew the reason he was being all dumb and childish and jealous with bucky was because steve had another best friend but also because steve’s other best friend was the guy that had been a big factor in how him and steve understood each other and how they bonded and it
it had kind of felt like they lost part of that when they found bucky again in civil war and he kind of wanted to blame bucky for it even though he didnt actually blame him at all so all it translated to was that dumb kind of jealous thing instead
but now it’s just them. its sam and bucky and it isnt steve and it isnt about steve and it shouldnt be because its about them. its about the boat and the water and the way they sit and watch the waves while the silence settles over them and the way that bucky says, “im sorry.”
its the way sam says, “me too.”
and bucky says, “you dont have to be.”
its the way they stay there until sarah comes to get them for breakfast and sams nephews convince them to play with them and their friends and the world is still shit and there is so much to do but
but its this and its them and that can wait
it can wait
they can take their time if they want to
maybe they’ve earned that much, at least
(it isn't a fast development because they're a complicated pair and there's so much to the two of them that need to figured out individually before they can even realize how well they work together, but the steps are so much easier knowing that they have the other in their corner and bucky knows that sam's home town is a place he's welcome to go and sam helps him make his own dreary little apartment into something that feels real and tangible with a bed and a couch and when they've become something that resembles stable and they've found a balance and they're okay, that's when they realize that maybe they can try for the more that sometimes bubbles under their skin and that they started to think about the more they spend time together. the warmth that sam feels every time he sees bucky playing games with his nephew and the smile that bucky has to fight to hide and still can't fully suppress when sam stands tall and proud with the shield in its rightful place, and it takes time, it takes work, it takes carefully placed bricks to build the foundation they need, but they get there, and when they do...
when they do, they're already happy, and it just makes them happier, and that's what makes it so much better.
that's what makes it worth the wait.)
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kari-writes-stuff · 3 years
ocean waves
words 1941
genre: slice of life, lgbt+
Ever since he could remember, Evan had wanted to be a Marine biologist.
He remembers when he first moved near the beach, the feeling of heat on his skin and wind in his light brown hair, the sun, the waves, and there was so much to explore! but most of all he remembers the little crab he had met. the second he'd seen the snapping critter he'd run up to it looking in wonder as it crawled past him and into the sea "mama look!" he'd cried. He remembered the way she smiled at him as he pointed.
"Do crabs come in different colors?"
"What do crabs eat?"
"How big can a crab get?"
He had asked questions all the way home and the more they researched about crabs not only did his interest grow but he found himself fascinated with other sea animals as well.
Clown fish, whales and octopi to name a few, he begged his mom to take him to the beach everyday and she took him every chance she got. She would always smile about it, any time he showed her his new discoveries, she would be just as interested as him, any time he had questions, she was right there to help him find an answer, she had always supported him.
He remembers starting school.
He remembers entering the classroom, being met with so many kids, they all were tanned, and a few sunburnt -most likely from playing outside all summer- he remembers being introduced, his teacher telling him to sit wherever he liked, multiple kids tried to call him over their eyes glowing in excitement. His eyes, however, strayed to the back of the class, where a kid was coloring all by himself, he was a lot paler than the others for some reason...the kid looked at him and for a second light and dark brown eyes met before he looked back down.
While all the other kids looked super fun he found himself walking towards the back.
"Hi." He whispered when he sat down looking
"uh...hi" the boy shyly replied back, his long dark brown hair hiding his face as he looked down, Evan subconsciously touched his own shorter hair, he kinda wished his own hair was that long...
"I'm Evan, what's your name?" he asked excitedly.
the kid shifted. "...Im Kade"
It was then that Evan saw Kade's drawing.
"Is that a crab?"
the boy flinched guiltily as if caught doing something bad, he shifted his paper
"uh...yeah it's a crab eating an apple." Kade said hesitantly.
"I love crabs! and apples are yummy, especially chocolate covered apples, those are my favorite" Evan exclaimed happily trying to keep his voice down.
Kade turned to look at him. "yeah, I like the ocean and apples are my favorite." his eyes shifted downwards, "my parents say its just a dumb phase though."
Evan was shocked at this, he fidgeted a little in his seat. "Well it's not just a phase for me, the ocean is cool, it's got all sorts of awesome animals like whales and dolphins, and I'm gonna be a marine biologist so I can study them all when I grow up!" his hands waved a little in the air as he said this.
Kade finally shifted to look at him "what's a marine biolatist?"
"biologist" Evan corrected " that's someone who studies plants and animals that live near the sea"
Kade's eyes lit up, and forgetting his earlier shyness he exclaimed. "That's so cool! I wanna be one too!"
but then he slouched back down, his face contorting into one of sadness again. "But I have to be a doctor, my parents said so...." he looked back at his drawing.
Evan crossed his arms. "Well my mom says you can be whatever you want when you grow up so if you want to be a marine biologist then when you grow up then we can study sea animals together!"
"...really?" Kade looked confused at the prospect of 'being whatever you wanted.'
"yeah!" Evan smiled.
and like that they were best friends, their parents liked each other too so that helped.
they would have sleepovers and playdates -almost always at Evans house- but that didn't matter Evans mom loved it when Kade came over.
Whenever Kade came they would all go to the beach or the Aquarium and play or look at the animals, and even if it was raining his mom would just set up a documentary instead, and though he was shy around Evans mom at first but he soon came out of his shell.
he remembers turning 15 and finally being old enough to volunteer at the aquarium, Kade wasn't allowed too, instead his parents had sent him to a private school, determined to get him a scholarship for med school, but that didn't matter, it was only three more years then he and Kade could do whatever they wanted together. and besides Evan wasn't allowed to do much at first, maybe help behind the scenes with some shows and take Supplies from one place to another, and maybe help feed the animals from time to time with supervision, but he still got to learn so much from the other workers and had fun!
When Evan got back he immediately called Kade and told him everything that happened.
"...wow that sounds...fun." Kade said, sounding a bit sad.
Evan frowned. "I'm sorry you have to be at dumb private school, i miss you."
"I miss you too."
"...but remember what I told you? once you move out you can do whatever you want, it's only three more years and then you can be a marine biologist with me right?"
"yeah...I just...." Kade sounded unsure. "Do you think they'll hate me? I mean they're spending all this money so I can be here and-"
"Kade" Evan said interrupting, they had had this conversation a lot over the years, and a while ago his answer would have been 'who cares what they think' but as his mother has explained Kade cared what they thought, they were his parents after all.
"It's your life and your choice, just because your parents want you to be something doesn't mean your required to do it, and even if you decide to become a doctor to please them, if you're not happy then technically they're still wasting their money, you still want to study sea life right?"
Kade made a small sound if agreement "then that's what your gonna do"
Kade went silent on the other line for a second before saying "yeah...yeah I guess you're right" Kade took a deep breath before letting it out again slowly.
"and until then I'll just have to volunteer for both of us!"
Kade chuckled. "thanks Evan."
Evan grinned "anytime dude" Evan looked at the clock "hey it's getting kinda late over here, but talk to you tomorrow?"
"...yeah, night."
three years passed quicker then he thought, but at the same time also agonizingly slow.
every day he'd call Kade to talk and tell him about his day, and tell him what he'd learn, and ask if Kade was doing alright and just...everything.
but still, he missed talking to best friend face to face…
finally Evan graduated high school! he was 18 and in another Month Kade would be too he was so excited!
The entire month was spent either looking at different colleges or talking to his mother about what he and Kade would do with each other.
Now, he was waiting in the middle of his room, looking at college applications, and trying to figure out which one to go to...the door opened and Evan turned his head expecting his mother to be there to ask what he wanted for dinner.
"KADE!?" and it was Kade. did he look paler then last time he'd seen him? Has his hair gotten longer?
After a moment of shock Evan quickly got up and hugged him. "But I thought you weren't coming till next week?" he said, confused.
"Yeah, my parents were gonna pay for my train ticket...but a friend said she'd do it for me, so here I am" he said, his voice happy but also holding nervous hints to it.
Evan frowned "do you know what you're gonna say to them?" Kade shook his head.
"I don't, I mean...I've thought about it but" Kade took a deep breath.
Evan hugged him again "I'll be right here with you Kade ok?"
Kade nodded "yeah."
"Well this is it!" Evan said, bursting with excitement as he walked into their new apartment and set his suitcase down.
"Can you believe it? we're finally going to college!"
Kade smiled slightly "yeah." he replied.
Evan's smile wavered and he walked over. "You doing ok?" he asked gently. to say Kades parents hadn't taken the news well was an understatement, that night they had decided to wait till the end of summer to tell them Kades decision and instead gone over too Kade's house to surprise them, the rest of summer went well but of course they had argued when Kade told them he wasn't going to be a doctor, he had looked almost ready to back down but Evan had just grabbed Kade's hand, told them exactly what he'd told Kade multiple times, that it was Kade's life and that the both of them had already been accepted at miami university and walked out of there.
Now a week later they were in their new apartment in Miami, Kades parents had stopped blowing up his phone and had instead grown eerily silent.
"I'm ok," Kade said, tugging at the end of his shirt a little.
"forget about them for tonight" Evan said, guessing what, or rather who he was thinking about. "Let's put our stuff away for right now, yeah?"
Kade nodded.
"Great, now let's get to work!"
and that's how college life started for them, it was fun -well as fun as school could be anyways.
They studied -or helped Kade study as Evan had already learned most of this either by himself or by his volunteer work at the aquarium, got jobs, made a few friends, met some of Kades friends.
years passed and now they were both graduating college.
"Evan Loring."
Evan walked to the platform, eyes shining as his mother cheered from where she was sitting, he looked back to where Kade was sitting waiting to be called up as well, several names were called until,
"Kade quince"
His mother cheered again, sounding just as excited as they both felt, and Kade's eyes also shined as he got his diploma and stood next to Evan.
Evan and Kade got jobs at a sea life research facility, a few years of saving up later they started their own rescue and rehabilitate Aquarium with plenty of shows about raising awareness of pollution...
"Will you marry me?" he asked Kade, one summer, they were at the beach, the one they grew up at, they had been dating for three years now, Kade looked at Even in surprise before smiling widely "yes."
The wedding was beautiful, and at the beach of course where else? and Kade, Kade looked amazing. there was no one else he'd rather have. His mother looked so happy.
...they had invited Kade's side of the family but...Evan pushed that thought to the back of his mind, no matter.
They had been through a lot together, but as they said their vows Evan knew there was no one else he'd rather have had by his side, both then and now.you
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hariosborn · 4 years
james potter fic recs!!
lily evans, i see you, hear you, and i respect you... but we’re gonna forget about you for a hot minute
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no please don’t say that... by @hello-everyfandom tag yourself, i’m sappy james :(( i just want to attend at least one gryffindor party in my lifetime. thinking of shifting realities :// jkjk i have no free time on my hands :(( but if i ever did, i would for sure visit the marauders and hang out w them in the common room 🥰 hashtag gryffindor pride!
match made by @slytherinquill who is y/n and why does she get all the guys 😔i would hate to have to choose between two boys who like me, but lucky for me no one likes me! as much as it squeezes my heart, i love the fake dating trope with all my heart bc of all the emotions it puts me through - and this one was so well written! love that for the writer, could not be me, i suck at writing <3
too late for love by @futurewriter2000 just the right amount of steam and heartbreak ;( fun fact: i used to only read and write on w**tpad and that was where i read my first hp fanfic after 2 years of being on the app (i had promised myself hp was off limits) and like i was looking on google to see the marauders fancasts and i saw a gif of aaron taylor johnson and i accidentally clicked on it and it took me to a oneshot on this writers page, and i was like “oh well, might as well” and i read it and i was crying and then for a month i was going on incognito tabs to try and read everything on her masterlist and then i caved and got a tumblr and here we are! so shoutout to @futurewriter2000 for being the writer to suck me into this lovely whirlpool that is harry potter fanfiction heehee
numb love by @heloisedaphnebrightmore i love non-cannon stuff because lets face it, my existence is not cannon. but this! this right here! wow! yes! it hurt, but it was worth it! i love how i could still have my own harry potter uni fantasy, but still have it line up with the cannon timeline 🥺
jealous by @writingfortoomanyfandoms short and sweet but dang! my heart did that little b***rflies thingy 😳i think best friend!remus is the best thing ever, and sirius’ little jabs at lovesick james were *muah*
nightmare by @marauder-exe more butterflies! i won’t spoil it - but when the prompt was mentioned (like james used it) i melted onto the floor. i became a puddle of puddy on the floor. i went so soft. i felt like i was in my natural soft girl state. romantic hari was activated :0
summer revelations by @pregnant-piggy YESSS!!! YAAAASSSS!!! SUMMATIIIIME!!! i live in ~la~ and its that kind of nasty hot rn (and during the summer) bc we’re having a heat wave, and i just wish with my entire being, that i could instead spend my summers in the english countryside in a cute french style house with cute boys dancing around their feelings for me. thats the dream right there. y/n has it lucky. i bet she takes that sh*t for granted 😒 jkjk love her! i am her! also i had in mind the exact dress i would be wearing, and bc of the humidity, i’m imagining my curls would be ~activated~ and so my messy bun would just be at peak cuteness <3
pushing the right buttons by @heloisedaphnebrightmore i don’t know why (actually i do) but the word “waist” and the action of “wrapping his arm around your waist” makes me feel something amazing. i’ve learned that my love language is physical touch + affection and this fic has that, and then paired with the idea of someone appreciating my waist just makes my brain go into overdrive. and then shirtless james is obviously a plus as well. 5+ points for that alone. 
uncontrollable wandless magic by @heloisedaphnebrightmore ooo imagine having powers 😏eleven typa beat. (OMG WAIT THE CHARACTER FROM STRANGER THINGS, NOT THE AGE AJKABVKJ)
schemes series!masterlist by @futurewriter2000 OOOO YESSS! this series broke my heart, but like in the best way possible, so its all good. also this fic introduced me to the idea of fantasizing abt mulciber, so i am not complaining. love me some remusxreaderxjamesxreaderxsiriusxreaderxmulciuberxreaderxplatonic!regulusxreader
potter by @mellifluousmalfoy relative of ernie mcmillan??? james potter??? soulmates??? the answer to all of those questions is yes. yes i do. yes i am. yes i is.
a golden lion and the pale blue bird by @remusishotterthansirius im not saying i agree with this authors user, but i a*ree with this authors user. back to the scheduled programming - i love study buddy!remus. like period bestfriend. introduce me to my future mans. you go do that remus. you play matchmaker. go ahead, i give you full permission 😌 
just go by @jamesmydeer i don’t even - i just - when - AGHHH. maybe its like a disease, but i love putting myself through pain via heartbreak stories on tumblr. it gives me a rush. pretending i’m actually in love. its nice ya know? its definitely an obsession, but i think its a healthy one! 
but its okay bc its been a looong time since i made my first post - which also, ty for the nice messages from all the writers mentioned 🥺
hope you liked these recommendations! i’m sorry if you’re a writer and get tagged in like ever single fic rec list i post, i just really like your stuff 🥺
happy reading! 
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seasami · 4 years
Larry Fic Rec -- June/July
hii!! so I’ve got some fics that I read in June and July (until now). If you see a ✰ next to a title it means I really liked it and it’s one of my favs from the ones I listed. If there’s a 🔒 next to title it means you have to be logged in to read.
[Click on the title for link]
                                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Latitude by nikogda (44k)
Summary: Harry’s a hybrid on a boat about to be hit by a storm and Louis is the human who comes to his rescue. That storm is all the time they have to fall in love before going their separate ways. That is, until almost a year later… 
Ever Since I Tried Your Way by Anonymous ✰ (25k)
Summary: Harry had been kissed before, but never like this.He’d shared sweet, curious kisses behind bleachers and in soda shop booths, one or two more daring ones in cars parked on dark suburban streets, but the girls he’d kissed had never filled him with the desperation that erupted from Louis’ touch. He parted his lips and pulled him closer, as though he could breathe Louis straight into his lungs, as if he could swallow him. He wanted to consume Louis the way he consumed the body and blood of Christ. He wanted to place Louis on his tongue and feel him dissolve into a frothy mess of starch and saliva. He wanted to gulp him down until his teeth were stained purple and he was drunk on him. He wanted him in some violent holy way that made his hands shake where they were twisted in Louis’ shirt.
In 1949 Harry left his bride at the altar, running away from the only life he'd known. When a kindhearted farmer offers him a ride in his truck and a place to sleep the two find themselves inexplicably drawn together. Isolated on Louis' farm with nobody but a field of dairy cows to intrude, the men are finally able to explore the parts of themselves they've spent their lives hiding away.
No Candle No Light (No Friendzone To My Love) by Anonymous (11k)
Summary: Louis glanced at his friend, glaring daggers and Niall chuckled. He looked like his idea could end world hunger and Louis was horrified. [...]“Come on, Niall! Tell me!” Harry insisted, excited.“You can threaten him other than with violence. You said you want a little revenge, right? What if an ex-boyfriend came to reconquer you? You know, the jealous and aggressive kind.”Harry sighed loudly, closing his eyes. Louis frowned, just like Liam and Zayn. What was he talking about? And why was he still looking at Louis that way?“Niall, this could’ve been a nice idea if I had an ex-boyfriend, but-”“Let me explain!” Niall barged in. “ You don’t have an ex-boyfriend but you can pretend you have one! I’m sure Louis would love to help you with that.”Liam almost choked on his wine and Zayn bit so hard on his lip to contain his laughter that it might have bled. Niall looked satisfied as hell, of course he was the little shit, and Louis just had time to flip him the finger before Harry turned to him. He was fucking delighted.
Or the one where helping Harry getting rid of his boyfriend may be the only way to his heart
Sugar by lettersfromvenus (15k) ✰
“I hope our paths will ‘croissant’ again.” 
There’s a little smiley face drawn next to the words, and it’s ridiculous, Louis knows, but he can’t help the swell of butterflies that he feels as he reads over the words once more. An odd fellow indeed, he thinks.A moment later he shakes his head and collects himself, because he really does need to get home; he’s sure that Harry is probably watching him from behind the counter, all sweet, smug smiles and pink cheeks. And if he’s being honest, he’s not entirely sure he won’t toss his groceries into the trash and walk straight back into the bakery if he doesn’t leave now, so… he really does need to get going.
 Before he goes on his way, though, he plucks the note from the top of the container and carefully tucks it inside of his wallet to protect it from the rain.
That’s how it begins.
Only Been Here One Time by alienharry (10k)
“Good morning, Liam. Harry.” Louis nods at them both and then cocks his head. “Are you aware you have four nipples, Harry?”
Harry looks down at his chest, suddenly worried. He doesn’t know how many nipples humans have, but four must not be a usual amount. “Should I have six?”
“Not unless you’ve a litter of kittens to feed.”
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can’t Lose by dolce_piccante (112k) ✰
Summary: American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers). 
Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football. 
A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
It’s All Brand New by midnightwhistleberries (10k)
Summary: “Harry,” Louis intones emphatically, “literally everyone in the U.K. has known that I’m openly bisexual since 2011.” 
“’Cept you, I guess,” supplies Niall. 
In which Harry studies engineering, loves Madonna, and can't tell if Louis likes him or just keeps coming back to the record store because he's some sort of musical hoarder. Louis is famous, Harry has no idea, communication issues are rampant and fluffy pining ensues.
Fool For You by flowercrownfemme, lesbianferrissbueller (46k) ✰
Summary:  “It’s not a game.” Harry scoffed, trying to push past him once more but Louis held his ground. “And I’ve never once told you a lie.” “All you do is lie," Harry argued. "Jests and tricks and made up stories, that’s your trade. I’d never trust a word from your mouth.” “I tell stories,” Louis conceded, “but a good one must be based on truth. And my stories tend to get a bit more truthful when I’m around you, Princess.”
In which Harry is a brooding prince who's scarcely smiled since the death of his mother and Louis is the dashing jester hired to change that.
streetwise hercules by bottomlinsons (7k) 🔒
Summary: I said,” Louis’ voice is venomous, “who the fuck is this?”Right. This is Harry’s part.
(Uni AU, where Louis pretends to be Harry's boyfriend to scare away his one night stands.)
Close Enough To Touch by stinky28 (7k)
Summary: “You are killing it!” The stranger shouts in his ear, to which Louis raises a brow, setting up the next transition and song, bobbing a bit in place before glancing over to the stranger and Oh. Red. 
He’s staring right at a very large, oddly tied red bow tie. It takes up the whole stranger’s chest and..it’s bloody brilliant. He fucking loves it. He feels himself break into a giant grin, looking up at Mr. Red Bowtie’s face and Oh. Fuck. 
OR an au where louis is the dj for the met gala after party and harry can’t leave his side.
Hate Me To The Moon by harrystylesandstuff (83k)
Summary: The last thing Harry wanted was to spend his entire summer stuck with his dad's new fiancée and her kids. He wants no more when he learns she's a very religious dictator, raising a sixteen year old nun and a clean cut potential priest ass kisser.
Everything takes a slightly different turn, however, when Harry finds out his future step-brother is actually the rude stranger he caught sucking off a guy in a pub, far from the reserved Christian his mom thinks he is...
AU where Harry is a sexy nerd, Louis is a great actor, and they both pretend to hate each other's guts to convince themselves they're not feeling things future step-brothers shouldn't feel...
hush. by Wankerville (41k)
Summary: “I don't like you like that, Harry.”
“See,” Harry starts, Louis can hear the smile in his voice, “that's where I think you're lying.”
or an au where small towns suck, louis is losing it, and harry’s just too perfect.
The Unsuccessful Promise by trysomecats (11k)
Summary: At the end of the previous school year, Louis swore to everyone that he would return in the fall as an alpha. He made this promise especially to his arch-nemesis Harry Styles, who has already presented as an alpha himself. Unfortunately over summer break, the worst thing possible happens: Louis presents as an omega. Now school is back in session and he has to return and face the consequences of pre-determining his status. 
Featuring Liam and Zayn as Louis' doting and exasperated parents.
Autumn At My Window by TheCellarDoor (20k) 
Summary: A canon-compliant AU, in which Harry and Louis are both in the band and have been sharing flats and hotel rooms for nearly five years, but never made the leap past 'friends who are too close for comfort'. 
Featuring a lot of pining, Louis' addiction to Harry's scent, and a whole lot of sexual tension that might just snap loose when they decide to spend some time together all on their own.
OKAY! That’s it for now cause I don’t want this post to be too long (oof i’ve read a lot actually). I have Fic Rec June/July Part Two in drafts and im also gonna collect fics that I’ve read on my kindle (its usually above 50k and make a fic rec with them). Stay tuned and follow my blog so you don’t miss it idk <33. 
PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK ON THIS: I can make: Iconic Fics, My Fav Fics or try and do some themed fic rec. LET ME KNOW IF YOU’D WANT THAT! 
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jemmo · 4 years
‘get to know me’ tag game
rules: answer the questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better.
i was tagged by @ena-noya11 and yes this is old but ive been busy with uni and am not gonna miss a chance to rant about myself. but i wont tag anyone, just if you see this do it bc wtf not???
What do you perfer to be called name-wise?
jess, always jess. i cant remember the last time anyone called me jessica. although some people do call me moon which is cute
When is your birthday?
september 23rd
Where do you live?
im as british as they come
Three things you are doing right now:
let me see...im procrastinating from doing my dry lab work bc i cant go back into labs, im listening to my lovely new side m boys (rn its infinite possibilities by s.e.m, who lowkey may be my faves) and im knitting a jumper
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
1. atm defo hypmic. cant wait for the 3rd drb release to drop, in need hq black journey
2. also defo defo sk8 i really cant get enough of these skateboard gays, and ive ventured into ao3 and i dont regret it at all 
3. again, idolmaster side m (can you tell i like the 2d idols) i just binged the anime after finishing a uni project and the music is absolute fire i would sell my soul for all of them
4. i hate to say it but the promised neverland, bc the first season was so good and now ive picked up the manga, and personally every single situation ive headcannoned is better than what this season is giving me
How has the pandemic been treating you?
idk really?? like day to day it doesn’t feel that bad, but i feel like it isn’t helping me at all. this is my 4th year of uni which was supposed to be very lab heavy which hasn’t happened, and being away has really dropped my confidence in being able to actually do science. and as a shy person it’s just giving me an excuse to be distant and keep to myself which isn’t good bc i know i need to make an effort to be social. but at least ive been able to spend lots of time with my family which is great bc 3 years of uni has really taught me how much i miss them when im away
but it gave me the perfect opportunity to get into anime which is great bc as a person that in the past hyperfixates and jumps between fandoms, something tells me this is gonna stick
A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
KAIGEN by badass temple. no joke it slaps. as of rn i want them to win the drb, just bc of how hard that song goes
How old are you?
22. fuck im 22, 23 this year. it feels like i only just turned 18, how am i supposed to be an adult now
School, univerisity, occupation, other?
uni, im in my 4th masters year doing biochem (and genetics), although all im studying this year is plants plants plants 
Do you prefer heat or cold?
cold. defo cold. i dont mind the summer but ever since i got heatstroke a couple of years ago in a very very hot paris, ive been scarred
Name one fact others may not know about you.
i love love love watching costube, it is my gig. id love to be able to sew properly and make my own clothes
Are you shy?
definately. unless you are my family, i dont know how to act around you
Biggest pet peeves?
people just not being concious of the fact that the world exists kinda?? like people that are just too preocupied with themselves. like its not that hard to just do a helpful job for someone. and you can be completely selfish about it, bc itll make you feel good to help someone else. just be nice.
What is your favorite “dere” type?
lol lowkey i love a bakadere, but only if theyre done well
Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
probably 8, maybe even a 9. i have the best family, and im doing well at uni. i can just hang out, watch anime, do some work, do some crochet or knitting. i have lots of stuff to so and that i want to do which always feels great. but im also right at that turning point where im about to leave uni and have to figure out what my life is gonna be like which is terrifying, and im also at that point where i feel like my entire life revolves around uni work which kinda sucks bc theres other stuff i want to do, like learn to sew, or learn a language, that i just dont have time for. but honestly, i wouldnt have it any other way
What’s your main blog?
youre on it
List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
none. i dont have time or the mental capacity to cope with side blogs. this is just the mess of content and stream of concious rants you get
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
i SUCK at communicating. like i actively dislike communicating unless it is a 1 on 1 face to face conversation. so if i dont message you, it doesnt mean i hate you. i just suck at keeping in contact with people, and am working on it. so please just talk to me, bc ill never not want to talk
lol if you got to the end thanks and see ya 
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tangerinegod · 4 years
Hello! I am sorry to bother you but I am a senior getting ready for college this year. I am in the US and I wanted to major in the same thing you did, do you have any possible tips for me? I still haven't even looked for colleges that would be best for animation majors so I figured if you were up to giving out any tips/saying any basic ideas if you wanted to/if you had the time to then maybe I'll have a better idea! I apologise for if I sound weird! I'm tried to word it correctly but I can't 😿
hi!! i’m totally down to share my experiences! someone else also had some questions so i’m going to put them all together in this post haha, hopefully this helps! it’ll get pretty long so apologies ahead of time but art school is a lot to think about so i wanna be as helpful as i can around it, its a lot of time and money. I’m gonna put it all under a read more cus it is really really long!
i wanna start off with the fact that I had the privilege of attending school in a financially stable environment, my parents were/are really supportive so w merit scholarship i only came out with around 20-30k in debt and i also had housing support my entire time in school. they were ok with me focusing on academics so i didn’t hold a retail job unless i was out of school like summer/winter break. Ofc though i regularly take commissions/do merch/cons to try and pay for all bills that arent rent cus i did want to be financially independent where it was possible. I also did try and work during the semester but everytime i did my body would deff start to breakdown from the fact that i didnt wanna compromise schoolwork with jobs.. so just read ahead know this experience is from a student who was able to attend focusing only on school work for most of the time!
the biggest thing is knowing art school is not required to become a professional in either freelancing or industry! there are a huuuge amount of online tools and classes these days that provide the exact same education and for cheaper too. i think it depends on what experience you prefer/can handle/want but it’s definitely possible to make art/animation art your living without higher education. the thing that college will for sure give you though is the ability to meet deadlines, work even when you dont want to, and connections with peers+teachers. i think the connections part is invaluable because you’re basically coming out with a network of people you already know and who know you! 
also its good to know if you want to attend/can handle art school! it’s a lot of time and energy and students get burned out really fast. the best piece of advice i got before going was ‘if you draw every single day, even if its for only like 5-10 minutes or a doodle for a whole year you should be fine’ consistency is super key because you’re attending school to draw, and you’ll have to create work for stuff you aren’t excited for at some point or another. burnout is extremely real and the only reason i didn’t experience it was probably because i got super into drawing naruto fanart again inbetween sophomore and junior year! it helped give me something to draw seperated from school which is the only thing i was drawing for since i had entered rip. a heads up id also consider myself a workaholic so i fit in ok with the ‘art school’ environment but it is suuper unhealthy. if you are fantastic at managing your schedule then it’s definitely possible to take care of yourself! freshman year i got 8 hours a sleep a night and only pulled all nighters for some second semester finals at the end. sophomore year + up though i ended up prioritizing hw over sleep and like for sure, definitely shortened my life span. there’s another q down below where i’ll go more into detail but ya, be careful w ur work balance!
another tip especially for animation is knowing for a fact what type of animation you’re looking to go into, and what the school is offering. I didn’t think i’d get into art school at the time so i only applied to two places + decided if i didnt get into either id attend community to get credits out of the way while building portfolio. honestly? i did not do a lot of research LOL but like i did end up having the chance to tour and stuff! just know that each school will have a very different curriculum. The main differences are schools that prioritize 3D (cg animation, cg modeling, ect) and 2D/traditional (hand drawn, ‘oldschool’, digital or traditional based) this is a huge difference so make sure you do research for it! in most cases a 2D/traditional program will also offer 3D since it’s at the forefront of the industry animation wise rn. My school taught 2D but like hand drawn on physical paper 2D, frame by frame. while it was a good experience it’s super outdated because digital tools make it way faster + easier! i’d recommend looking for a program that is digital 2D over traditional 2D. 
if after your senior year covid is still affecting campuses in the US to keep them shut down i’d recommend attending a community college to get credits and then transferring into school. one of the negatives is paying money for gened classes when ur not there for them; if you can get them out of the way sooner and cheaper there is absolutely no negative + you could graduate earlier or use the extra time for better work or to work a job! 
these are all the general tips i think i’d give on like a broad basis of attending or not to think about? let me know if u have more q’s! someone asked q’s im answering below that go more into personal experiences + work culture so heres those:
- how many hours a week do u spend studying, in class, otherwise making art? like how much of ur life does it consume?
I was basically working on art.... 24/7! since i wasnt working a job at the same time i crammed as many credits as possible into my schedule so on avg i did 18 credit semesters (around 6 classes) art classes go for 6 hours and non art go for 3, so i’d spent around 30-35 hours in class a week! hw wise it varied on the class but combined it would be around 35-50 hours a week... im guessing? on average studio classes would have 8-10 hours of hw, maybe 5 for a light week, and gened classes 5 hours w them all combined. or this was probably how things were before junior year? junior+senior year i had thesis + everything else ontop.. i’d spend around 30-40 hours on thesis a week with other classes ontop of that bc my film was super long cus im a dummy! 
- is it hard going to art school n realising that altho u were probably quite talented… so is everyone else? Like. all of a sudden. ur not special and everyone seems as good as u, you know? More generally, how do u deal with comparison?
kinda?? i think instead of the idea of like you vs others it feels more of like a competition at first to be the best. this varies hugely on school culture though; my animation year was really friendly with each other and get along extremely well, so my answer to this is v different than some others who attended different schools. i think that the idea of ‘comparison’ only lasts a portion of the first year because at some point you realize that it’s not a who’s better as much as its a ‘these are my coworkers’ type thing? like healthy competition 100% because we’re all working to improve but i think most of us learned pretty early on that viewing each other as peers going into the same workforce helped a lot. also at some point everyone develops their own style/starts to develop their artistic preferences so there isn’t a way to compare whos 'better’ anymore? i dont think there ever is tbh because style is appealing based off of an individuals preferences. If anything realizing everyone else is also amazing makes you wanna work harder ig? or thats how i felt! it’s inspiring to be surrounded by so many people who create such amazing work. 
- is there a lot of workaholic culture? all nighter culture?
100000% there can be a workaholic and all nighter culture. i know people who avoided it and thats honestly fantastic because i fall super easily into that pit. sometimes i’ll pull all nighters on a personal project just because i really want to finish it... i am definitely considered a workaholic all the way through and its not healthy rip... i’d estimate at the worst i was pulling 2-3 all nighters a week and only 4-5 hours of sleep on the nights i didn’t? that was only for one year tho, after that i was like yeah ok this is really bad for my health in the long run LOL so i tried to cut it down to one all nighter a week and around 5-6 hours of sleep the rest of the week! by senior year my decision to cram in full semesters paid off and i was able to consistently get around 7 hours of sleep a night + no all nighters minus finals since my schedule was lighter despite thesis 😭 while there is that culture i don’t think people view it as like a badge of honor or something to be proud of anymore which is good, we mostly view it as a flaw of the art school system and something that needs to be fixed!!
- are you glad u did it? how did u know it was what u wanted?
i am glad i did it! i’m definitely in a limbo right now of if it was worth both my time, money, and my parents money rip but i think with what i got out of it i definitely wouldn’t be as far skill wise or knowledge wise when it comes to the art industry. i would say it was only worth it for be because i had so much support going in though so i was able to focus so much on improving. if i had only been able to put in part of the effort and not make full use of the resources provided i would honestly have a different answer.. 
i knew it was what i wanted when i realized i really couldn’t see myself pursuing a different profession happily! despite all the bumps and stuff im fully in love with drawing still and feel honored that it’s a field that can provide a living. my second profession choice was to go into culinary school? and third option i think going was into music cus i was also a band kid hehe.  
- how do u cope with ur hobby becoming ur job? how do u deal with art going from something u do for fun to something u do on command constantly?
i think seperating work art from personal art is important! in my case im doubling naruto into being personal work so i have something to fall back onto that isn’t work related. its been a hyperfixation for 12+ years? so drawing it at this point is just like personal art imo. some people have hobbies outside of art and only draw for their job! i think after attending classes for so long the idea of hobby turning into job feels extremely natural? also i enjoy doing it so thats a huge plus! 
sorry this is SO long but i hope i answered your guys’ questions! if you have more just lmk!
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mysticthot · 6 years
RFA x Jumins Sister!MC
idk why i have such a thirst for jumin as a big brother but here we are
also this is hella long my b 
Yoosung Kim
knows who you are thru magazines and what not, but he’s never met you in person
that is until the first rfa party that Rika holds
he sees you from across the room, standing next to Jumin looking like a model and he’s shook
wow shes even prettier in person, i didnt know she was gonna be here tonight i should go talk to her, wait no she’ll think i’m a loser- OH GOD SHES LOOKING SHE PROBABLY THINKS IM A CREEP DOES MY HAIR LOOK GOOD oh shes smiling at me
thoughts running wild he doesn't know what to do so he straight up turns around and walks away
it isn't until later in the night that he actually gets to talk to you
“Hi, I’m MC. Your Yoosung right? Part of the RFA?”
he’s shook when u said hi first
you have a good conversations and he’s surprised at how easy you are to talk to and how different you are from your brother
at the end of the night you catch him before he leaves and give him your number
definitely spends the rest of the night trying to think of something cool to txt you
definitely asks Zen for help
manages to start talking to you, and suddenly your messaging each other constantly
its Yoosung were talking about, his crush on you is immediately all he can think about
but he goes out of his way to not say anything in the chatrooms cause Jumin hasn't mentioned anything so he’s not sure if Jumin knows 
lowkey terrified of Jumin finding out and sending a hitman after him
he’s too shy to ask you on a date
literally everything about you screams out of his league
so imagine his surprise when you ask him to a movie
boi straight up falls out of his chair in the middle of class
ya’ll go see a movie and his soul nearly leaves his body when you lean in and give his a short peck on his lips afterwards
“I really like you Yoosung, I’ve never had a guy treat me so well.”
“I-I like you too MC.”
his soul does leave his body when Jumin enters the chatroom the next day saying nothing but his full name in all caps
poor boi is immediately apologizing and ranting about how much he likes you and how he promises to be good to you
After everything Jumin simply responds with, “I’ll hold you to that.”
Now with Jumins approval, he officially asks you to be his girlfriend which you happily say yes to
This boi loves you so much, and he is in awe everyday that you chose him
Likes to show you off, especially to his friends
Loves when you pick him up from school lookin all cute and pulling him into a tight hug
gets very jealous and protective knowing all these rich dudes are competing for your attention, but he as Jumins support and your love, so he’s happy
Vaguely aware that you exist
Has heard Jumin or Jaehee mention you a few times, but he doesn't think much of it, and he actively goes out of his way to not watch or read anything with the name ‘Han’ in it
He’s in the lobby of the C&R building waiting for Jaehee so they could go get coffee, when he sees a cute girl struggling by the closed elevator doors with arms full of papers and folders
ever the gentleman, he goes over and offers to hold some of it for you
“Excuse me miss, would you like some help with that?”
You look up at him and his breath is all but knocked out of him when he gets a full glance at your beauty
“Oh, wow thank you.”
You smile breathlessly up at him, both of you seem to be in the same trance
He snaps out of it to grab the papers from your arms, and introduces himself
Your both looking at each other with that same wide eyed look when the elevator doors open
There stands Jaehee in the middle of the love fest.
“Uh...Zen, I see you’ve met MC. Jumins sister.”
He’s so dramatic like he full on backs up hand over the heart gasping
You almost laugh at the look on his face
“Oh, so your that Zen? I’ve heard all about you.
Jaehee takes your papers from Zen and gets into the elevator with you mumbling about how she’ll be right back.
Zen almost dies when you wink and blow him a kiss as the doors close
Jaehee is interrogated by Zen through out their whole lunch
You were so cute and nice looking?? How were you related to the trust fund kid???
Gasps when he realizes that makes you a trust fund kid as well
Yet, he cant stop thinking about you and the moment you shared in the lobby
He’s such a romantic, he becomes convinced this is a Romeo and Juliet love at first sight thing
Hung around in the lobby for a bit one day hoping to meet you again, but he starting looking suspicious so he had to leave
Ends up pestering Jaehee for hours until she gives in and gives him your phone number
Very quick to send you a selfie asking if you remember him
You reply even faster
“Of course I remember you, how could I forget such a beautiful face? Oh and also Jaehee has kept me updated on how much u ask about me ;)”
He’s never been out charmed by someone before, but you have him so flustered
Quick to ask you on a date
Basically does turn into Romeo and Juliet ft. Jeahee as the Nurse (omg just realized how thats a pretty good fic idea i might right that lol)
She helps cover your tracks while your sneaking around with Zen
But Jumin is getting ever more suspicious and after many useless reports from him sending Jaehee to follow you, he sends one of his guards instead
This is all very inconvenient for him, he doesn’t like the thought of you not being able to tell him something, you’ve told each other everything always
not to mention zen has been getting on his nerves lately being strange and sappy in the chat rooms
He could never imagine the shock that filled his entire being when his guard told him he had seen you going into Zens house
Boi’s over there in an instant banging on the door
A shirtless zen opens the door, his hair messed up and a hickey growing redder by the second on his neck
Jumins pushing him up against a wall before he can even react
The slam startles you out of the bed in nothing but a sheet, only to freeze when you see the scene before you
guess you’ll die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It takes a long time to get them off each others necks
“Guys, why dont we all calm down and talk about this rationally?’
“MC, the only thing keeping me from knocking this trust fund kid out is the fact that he is your brother.”
“Zen not helping!”
Jumin all but drags you back to the car and you’re lectured the whole ride home
Then lectured some more in the pent house
Then some more before you announced you were going to bed
He was angrily pouring himself some wine when he heard your phone go off
It was Zen
He justifies his actions by saying you had betrayed his trust, and opens the message
“I’m sorry MC, I hope you’re ok. I know he wont approve, but I hope you can find away to stay with me. I will never find someone like you and even if he doesn’t understand or believe it, I love you. Call me when you can.”
Now he feels kinda bad
Then he remembers Zen’s hickey and he’s mad again
It takes him a while but he eventually allows for you and Zen to see each other freely
Feels betrayed by Jaehee
Jaehee (Speaking of betrayal lol)
She knows of you, but has never met you, as you are studying abroad
When Jumin first mentions the fact that he is going to pick you up from the airport, shes initially worried that she will have to deal with a second Jumin
And in her experience, the high class women aren’t the easiest to get along with
So imagine her surprise the next day when she is going to the penthouse to introduce herself and finds...what looks like a completely normal girl lounging in her pajamas
You smile kindly at her as Jumin, dressed in his normal suit, comes to stand beside you and she cant believe the differences
Shes pretty sure you’re showing more emotion on you face in this exact moment than Jumin has in his entire life rip lol
She introduces herself, and it shocked when you immediately pull her into a hug
“Its so nice to meet you, I’m MC.”
The way you say your name and the way your holding her hands in yours while you smile at her she just-
gay panic
Your spending the summer with Jumin, so she sees you around a lot and every time you are just as sweet to her
As time passes she begins to feel strange when she sees you
Heart racing, cheeks blushing, you know the drill
But its been so long since Jaehee has had a crush on someone, and she wasn't even sure if this was a crush
poor babe is confused af
Cause your so nice to her
And you make Jumin be nice to her
And you get her off work to hang out 
But she doesn’t know if your being friendly...
One day she is going over last minute talking points with Jumin as he prepares for a gala event when you come walking out
Your dress makes you look like an angel, your hair is flowing and framing your beautiful face and- oh, there was that smile again
She nearly chocked when she saw you
gay panic intensifies 
you make her feel the way zens videos do
Suddenly she’s not so confused anymore
She walked you and Jumin down to the car waiting outside and you turn to her before following your brother in
“You’re not coming with us are you?” you asked with a slight frown.
“No, it would be inappropriate for an assistant to attend such an event.” she sighed, smoothing out her work skirt, suddenly realizing how different you two really were.
You paused, looking like you might say something, but stopped yourself, telling her to have a good night before getting into the car
She watched you drive away, and wasn’t expecting to hear from you any more that night
Then her phones ringing and its you and she’s answering in a flash
You voice is shaky, asking her if she could pick you up if it wouldn't be too much trouble cause you didn't want to inconvenience her
She was in the car before you had finished the call
When she pulled around the back of the event, where you had asked to meet, she saw you standing in the dark, a look so sad it made her heart hurt
You climbed into the passenger seat, but the ride back to the penthouse was silent
It wasn't until she pulled up to the curb that you invited her upstairs
As soon as you passed the door way to the house, it was like your fake composure, one that she knew you had been raised to perfect, melted away
You sighed before dropping face first onto a couch cushion and screaming into it
Jaehee didn't know exactly what to do, so she gave your back a somewhat comforting pat until you sat up ready to tell her what was wrong
Turns out you had met a man at the gala
(her heart dropped when you said that)
But the man was an absolute dick
(So your sayin she has a chance?)
The man had been grabbing you and touching you all night, asking for dances and pressuring you to drink
The final straw was while he had dragged you into a dance, his hand lowed down before he full on groped your ass in front of everyone
You had slapped him
The gotten promptly lectured from your father
“He was acting like I was in the wrong for standing up for myself. Saying I was making a fool of the family reacting in such a way! Why aren’t the men held in such a standard that so I don’t have to act like that in the first place?!”
“I’m so sorry MC, that is truly disgusting that you had to go through that.” She pulled you into a hug, and side by side you sat on the couch, enjoying each others comfort
“Next time...I think I’d like to take you as my date...” You mumbled into her shoulder.
She froze
Didn’t know was to say
Were you friends? Were you something more???
Her questions were answered as you pulled back from the hug and placed a timid kiss on her lips
It was short, almost testing the waters for both of you
But when your eyes met, the kiss that followed was anything but timid or short
Jumin was not pleased with that he saw when he got home
His assistant and sister making out in his living room
what was his life coming to??
Not nearly as mad as you thought he would be however
He had heard what your father had said to you and rushed home to make sure you were ok
Claims he knew this whole time you weren't into guys, or at least not straight, but you think hes just trying to redeem himself from the fact that his assistant seduced his sister right under his nose
Jaehee and you go as a couple to the next gala and rock that shit
707/ Saeyoung
Obvi, this boi knows everything
As soon as he was introduced to Jumin, he did a background check, and thats how he was led to you
From then on, he is not subtle or quiet with his ‘celebrity’ crush
Basically acts towards you the way he does towards Elizabeth the 3rd
Uses you as a way to tease Jumin and get him all riled up
“omg Jumin, I saw MC’s photo in a magazine today and I swear I fell in love all over again.
“If you come near her, I will get a restraining order.”
Jumin is in no way amused
The rest of the RFA is tho
Like Yoosung, you meet Seven at the first party. 
He is quick to spot you, and Jumin is even quicker to separate you from him
You, however, have no idea why your brother is being even more over protective than usual, and take the first opportunity to sneak off to the bar
Seven sees you alone for the first time and quickly turns to Yoosung, asking him how he looks before running off to you
You’re shook when in the middle of taking a drink a random redhead all bed falls into the chair next to you
He takes a comically large breath, lets it out, then holds his hand out for you to shake
You laugh when he bows and kissed your knuckles before introducing himself slower this time
“Sorry, I just felt like I needed to rush, your brothers gonna kill me when he sees me talking to you.”
You laugh and roll your eyes and he thinks you have the best sounding laugh he has ever heard
Good thing his only talent is getting people to laugh at him
You proceed to spend the next five minutes laughing so hard your stomach hurts and your eyes water before a large group of not only your brother, but several body guards come to interrupt
“Oh no, my sweet MC, it seems our time has been cut short, I’ll never forget the moments we spent together, no matter how brief!” he calls to you while being escorted to the other side of the room by two large men
Jumin lectures you on the dangers of talking to strange men and you remind him that the whole point of this party was to talk to people you don’t know
He forbids you from talking to Seven 
“MC, he’s a sadist!”
“That just makes me want him more...”
Later that night you get a strange text, or dare I say, a mysterious message, saying your phone was being hacked
Your shook and don’t know what to do watching as the so called hacker typed before the second message popped up
Is your name wifi? Cause I really felt a connection~
Ok now your more shook
Then a third message pops up and its the cute guy from the party, and you laugh before responding
You spend the rest of the night picking up where you left off at the party
And Seven it once again, not quiet about his crush
Jumin wakes up the next morning to chatroom after chatroom all about you
Half of them are him talking mindlessly about your wedding, the other half is the rest of the members telling him to shut up
Jumin is t r i g g e r e d 
His first instinct is to take your phone, since you obviously cant make good choices for yourself
But then he remembers you are an adult, and he cant take away your phone
So he goes to plan B which is threaten Seven with a restraining order, once again
Halfway through typing out a long, angry message, you skip out into the kitchen, and suddenly his anger it focused on you
“He’s so cute and sweet tho.” you pout
“Awe, thanks MC.”
Both of you look up to find Seven standing in the doorway with a bouquet of flowers
Seven is forcefully removed from the building
Jumin gives you the whole, “he’s a hacker he’s dangerous” speech, but you are stubborn
You tell him you are an adult who can make her own choices
He does the things parents do where they think they can guilt you into making the right choice
Thinks he’s won when he doesn't hear anything about you from Seven for a while
Imagine his shock when he logs into the chatroom to see a picture from the cctv of you and Seven kissing, clearly in the middle of a date along with a picture of a plastic cat ring on your ring finger 
“She said yes!”
“I am going to physically hurt you.”
On the more serious side, Seven would be a little harder because of his job, so everything you guys did would have to be in secret
He would get in his moods where he thought you deserved a boyfriend who could treat you better and be seen in public with you
Don’t even get him started on how dangerous he was
But you could use your connections to help him get his life on track, and eventually get him a job at C&R
Jumin isn't happy with it, but when he accepts that Seven actually cares for you and this isn’t just some joke, he will come to terms with it
V/ JIhyun
V has known you since you were born, as him and Jumin were already friends then
Infact, he has a picture somewhere of him as a child holding you the day you got home from the hospital
Growing up with V and Jumin, was almost like having two brother
Both very protective over you
Being kids, you went through the normal phases
“Boys have cooties dont touch me!” 
‘C-cooties...but MC...”
There were times when you would tease each other simply because that’s what kids do when they have crushes
His little cheeks would get all red when you and him would play games together
He liked to be the knight that saved you from the evil dragon (Jumin) and one time you very lightly pecked a kiss onto his cheek before running off and his face was red for the rest of the day
In fact you were each others first kiss
It was during a sleep over he was having with Jumin
Jumin had fallen asleep during a movie leaving you and V alone, sitting together in a blanket fort
You were playing truth or dare, but they were mostly truths to keep the game quiet and not wake anyone
“Truth or dare MC.”
“...Have you ever kissed anyone?”
Your whole face went red, as did his, he had barely even worked up the courage to ask the question
“...No.” You whispered, “Have you?
The game stopped for a moment, V was looking at while you did you best to look anywhere but at him
“Truth or dare MC?”
“Can I kiss you?”
The kiss was short and stiff and a little awkward, but it was something you both would remember for ever
And a secret you would keep from Jumin until way into your adult years
Jumin was annoyed by the whole thing
He loved his sister and all, but he didn't exactly like his best friend and sister always flirting
As you got older, the childhood crushes died down into fond memories and the occasional flirt or butterfly in the stomach
You dated a few people, he dated a few people
But there was always those times when it was just you and him alone where it seemed like something was so close to happening
But he graduated with Jumin before you did, and left to start his own life
That when he met Rika
You were happy for him truly, you were dating someone at the time as well and you wanted to see you friend be happy, he deserved it
But tragedy struck, and he was never really the same after that
You remembered her funeral, and the way he cried into your shoulder that night
You had to go through the pain of watching your dear friend loose himself, along with his eyesight
Supporting him in his time of need became your number one priority, but somewhere along the way, old feelings began to resurface
You pushed them down, deep down so you wouldn't make a fool of yourself or ruin your friendship
It took years until V would begin to see again what was right in front of him, he had been blinded by Rika for so long that he couldn’t see you
(im sorry those puns were just too good not to put in lol get it cause hes blind)
He felt guilty for his feelings, like he was betraying Rika, yet he couldn't stop himself from feeling like he did when he was a kid
Jumin, once again, was stuck between his best friend and his sister being love sick idiots, too stupid and scared to see the other one felt the same way
He’s so over it like just get married already
He decides to invite V over, fully determined to give him a talk and tell him to ask you out 
Then he will invite you over so you’ll be in the same place as V
Then, Jumin will politely excuse himself for a ‘phone call’ and give them some time alone
He begins his plan in the morning, making sure you would both be coming over for dinner, then he leaves for work
Unfortunately, a meeting he had at the end of the day ended up running super late, leaving you and V alone 
Plan was ruined he’s triggered
But, what he didn’t know, was that things were going along just fine between the two
You guys were sipping some wine and catching up and laughing and smiling like old times
V wanted to take a picture to capture the moment
You looked truly beautiful, framed by the night sky, cheeks flushed from the laughing and the alcohol, a smile on your face and a look in your eyes he hadn't seen, or at least hadn't recognized, since you were kids
He acted before he had the chance to stop himself, leaning forward and pressing a kiss that held in it the passion of years and years of love 
You melted into it, wrapping your arms around him and he felt like he couldn’t have brought you close enough 
He wanted all of you, everything he had missed out on in his lifetime of not making you his
Pulling apart, leaving you both breathless, forehead to forehead, he smiled down at you
“I’m sorry, I should have asked truth or dare first.”
jumins triggered lol
sorry if theres any mistakes im hella tired so i may have missed some in the proof read 
hope u liked it
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forced nsfw ddlb with starkerstrange?
Im not a huge fan of forced sexual activities in ddlb, so it will all be consensual but I hope you like this nonetheless anon💕💕 ((and I apologise for being so slow with posting this ssksk im still slow and unproductive bc of the flu))
Daddies and husbands Tony and Stephen, 18+ Peter, ageplay, shower sex, anal fingering, handjob, fluff
”Peter! Stop that immediately. The water belongs in the pool.” Stephen reminded the boy for the third time, so now his tone was growing more stern than sweet when he had first told the boy off.
The little family of three were spending the warm summer afternoon by their pool, lounging in the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the pool for over three hours now. Stephen and Tony were laying on sun chairs, tired after work and dozing off a little, while Peter was swimming in the large pool. The little boy had done a considerable amount of laps, but he was full of energy as he played with his water toys. It was like his skin was a sun panel and the more time he spent in the sunshine, the more he buzzed around like an excited bee.
”I’m just watering the grass, Daddy!” Peter tried to make excuses, putting on an innocent face as the water droplets ran down his nose and the sides of his face.
”The chlorine isn’t good for the plants, baby.” Tony argued, sitting up on the sun chair and making his way over to the pool side, gesturing for the boy to come over. ”Let me see your hand.”
With a little huff, Peter swam the little distance between himself and the edge of the pool, extending his hand for his Papa to see. He knew his fingers looked like raisins, the skin shrunken and wrinkled from the time spent in the water. It meant that play time in the pool was over and reluctantly, Peter got out like his Papa requested. At least the towel that Daddy wrapped him in was nice and fluffy.
“You go right ahead and shower, baby. We’ll be up in a minute.“ Stephen assured and gave the boy a kiss on his wet forehead before ushering him inside. While Peter padded inside, Stephen and Tony cleaned up by the pool side, bringing the dishes and such inside along with gathering up Peter’s water toys to let them dry.
Meanwhile, Peter stood in the large marble walk in shower in the bathroom by the master bedroom, staring at his erect cock and pondering what to do. He had felt funny all afternoon, but couldn’t quite figure it out and tell his Daddies about it. It was a tingly sensation, a heat in his lower stomach that grew hotter every time his groin had rubbed against his inflatable water toys as he straddled them. Peter knew his Daddies would help him out with anything and everything, but what about something that he couldn’t explain? Could Daddy and Papa fix something he can’t explain? And after being told off my the pool, Peter was even more reluctant to tell them, fearing that he would be scolded at again, maybe even punished.
Peter was so transfixed with his red and erect length poking at his stomach that he didn’t register Stephen and Tony when they also entered the bathroom, chatting fondly about their day as they removed their swimming shorts. It wasn’t until one of them spoke louder that Peter snapped his head up from his cock.
Peter’s Daddies were so handsome and the boy suddenly felt his cock growing harder and hotter as he looked at the older men in front of him. They were both naked and stood in all their muscular and handsome glory, a soft smile on their tanned faces. Even when Peter’s cock was fully erect and swollen, he was still smaller than both his Daddies limp cocks.
”You all right, handsome?” Tony asked, his brows knit together in a worried expression as he studied his boy.
”Yeah, I’m… I’m good, Papa.” Peter stuttered out, but Stephen was not very convinced and stepped into the shower, a knowing smile on his face.
”Pete, we see that something’s up. You know you can tell us anything, yeah? We won’t be mad, promise.”
Tony nodded in agreement to what his husband had said.
Peter considered his options again and looked down at his erect cock again. To both his horror and confusion, something white started leaking out of his cock, just a few drops, but still he blushed furiously. Peter almost looked sunburnt over his entire chest because he blushed so hard, a little whimper escaping his throat.
Stephen and Tony shared a momentary wicked look between them and agreed on a plan of action without even speaking, just through a silent nod and blink. Tony was the first one to move and left the shower for a moment. Meanwhile, Stephen moved closer to Peter and grasped his chin, tilting his head up so that they were eye to eye. The little boy looked anxious and afraid, his bottom lip between his teeth and fiddled with his hands nervously in front of his cock to hide the sight.
”Come on, tell me what’s going on, Pete.” Stephen encouraged gently, although with a little smirk on his face as he lapped up the sight of his flustered boy.
”I-I feel funny.”
”Funny in a sick way? You feeling icky?”
Peter shook his head softly, huffing out a heavy breath when Stephen brought him closer, nudging his muscular thigh in between Peter’s skinnier ones so that the boy could rut against him.
”You feel good then, little one?”
”It tingles, Daddy. Ah- it feels good.” Peter whimpered as he gained some courage and moved his hips to rut against his Daddy’s thigh. The movement sent sparks to his stomach and another few drops of white ran down his cock.
Tony returned then, with a bottle filled with a clear liquid which Peter thought was shampoo, but that turned out to be wrong when he poured some of it onto his thick fingers and then brought his hand in between the boy’s pale ass cheeks. Peter jumped at the invading touch, but didn’t pull away, because Papa could be trusted. Papa wouldn’t hurt him, but still Peter was unsure of what was going on and whimpered.
”Am I getting punished?” The boy asked shyly, mumbling the words into his Daddy’s hard chest.
”Why would you think that, baby?” Stephen asked, one hand in Peter’s wet and chlorine smelling curls and the other holding a firm grasp on his ass cheek to give Tony better access to the boy’s rosy bud where he was circling his slick fingers to relax the tight ring of muscle. Peter let out a choked moan, rising onto his tip toes and bucking his hips to rut against Stephen’s thigh again.
”Because- this is naughty?” Peter suggested quietly, sounding a bit breathy as he rocked back and forth between rubbing his cock and Papa’s fingers teasing his little hole.
”No, no, sweetie. This is perfectly normal.” Tony assured and finally pushed the first finger in, smirking at the moan that Peter let out. ”Your Daddy and Papa would never hurt you, baby boy. You just relax and let us take care of you, yeah? We are gonna make you feel so good.”
And Daddy and Papa were right. It felt heavenly and Peter’s head was spinning with the sensation of Daddy’s hand around his cock and Papa’s fingers in his ass. The boy still felt naughty and blushed and whimpered in embarrassment, but in a way that just added to the heat in his lower stomach, knowing that what they were doing was kind of naughty. After all, he was not allowed to touch himself down there and he had to have one of his Daddies clean him down there during baths and showers. Peter wondered if Uncle Steve also did this to Bucky, but did not ponder on it for a long time as he was so dizzy with arousal.
”Daddy! I don’t know what’s- It feels funny!” Peter cried out in fright as all of this was so new to him. Stephen and Tony knew, however, based on the boy’s high pitched whimpers and how tight his little balls were drawn up that he was close to an orgasm. They held their little one steady in their strong arms, but did not slow down the finger fucking nor the jerking motions.
”It’s okay, Pete. We got you, just let it happen. Don’t hold back.” Tony instructed and continued with toying with the boy’s prostate, enjoying the way the ring of muscle clenched around his two fingers. A few seconds later, Peter drew in a long breath, held it for a second and then cried out as he came, painting his own stomach and his Daddy’s fist with his white cum.
”It’s okay, it’s okay. You are doing so good, baby boy. We got you, don’t worry. Such a good boy for your Daddies, yeah? Good boy, Pete.” Stephen comforted as the boy mewled and whined through his orgasm, quivering where he stood on his tip toes and supported by his Daddies.
”How was that, baby?” Tony asked and eased his fingers out of the boy’s still spasming hole. ”You still feel funny?”
With a shy and tired giggle, Peter shook his head and practically slumped down onto the marble floor of the shower. He stayed there during the whole shower, playing with his water crayons and drawing on the marble wall while his Daddies washed his hair and body. When Peter was squeaky clean again, Stephen and Tony cleaned and washed themselves, stealing some lazy kisses from one another and groping at each other’s asses and cocks. Peter didn’t pay that any attention, as he was quite concentrated on his drawing of a shark, but he turned to look at his Daddies when Tony made a loud groan.
Peter eyed the two of them and his eyes lingered on their groins where their cocks were growing hard and swollen, just like his had been earlier. For some reason that he did not understand, Peter wanted them in his mouth, like a pacifier to suck on.
”That’s a scary shark you made there, little one. Good job.” Stephen praised, snapping Peter out of his little moment of staring at his Daddies cocks.
”Thank you, Daddy.” Peter replied politely and took the shower head that Stephen was offering and washed away the drawing of the shark before getting up and snuggling into the towel that Tony held out for him.
Now Peter just found his Daddies to be silly. After walking out of the shower together, all three of them dried their hair off and lathered themselves in after sun lotion. Peter, of course, got help from Stephen and Tony to do that, but it all took longer than usual because they continued groping one another, even biting each other’s earlobes and necks.
”You and Daddy are naughty.” Peter pointed out as Tony used the blow dryer to dry off Peter’s curls. Tony just winked down at him in response. ”Can we do it again, Papa? Please?”
Shutting the blow dryer off, Tony gave the boy a peck on his cheek. ”Next time, baby, because now it’s naptime.”
Peter tried to protest, but Stephen gave him a stern look as he returned with a pair of Pokemon boxer briefs and a t-shirt for him to put on. It was the perfect outfit for a nap on a summer afternoon. His Daddies were wearing even less though. They were just in boxer briefs and Peter had a feeling they would be ripping them off as soon as he fell asleep.
It felt a little bit unfair, but Peter trusted his Papa to keep his promise and that next time he could join his Daddies and they could all be naughty together. So, Peter didn’t protest against naptime as he was led to his bedroom by both his Daddies by the hand. His bed felt nice and cool as he lay down and immediately sought out one of his numerous plushies, holding it close to his chest.
”Sleep tight, baby boy.” Tony muttered against his temple, leaving a sweet kiss before pulling away so that Stephen could do the same.
”We love you, sweetie.”
”I love you too, Daddies.” Peter mumbled with a little sigh, giving a tired wave to them both as they stepped out of the room, dimming the lights before shutting the door.
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heesgf · 6 years
zeen out of curiosity can u ship ur mutuals with sb?
hihi!!! omg i’ve always wanted to do this so im rlly happy someone finally asked🤧🤧💖 im gonna put this under ‘read more’ bc i have a lot to say!! pls enjoy :’)
((i want to apologize in advance bc i have the sweetest mutuals ever and im gonna be writing a lot for each of them bc i love all of you guys!! sm!!😚))
firstly, im gonna ship hyunsuk with @forhyunsuk (courtney ilu💞)!!! when i think of the two of you, i think of really cute and spontaneous dates in the summer :’)) like getting ice cream and going to the beach!!! maybe burying him all the way in the sand and then running away jsdiojs. i also imagine you two doing this cute thing where you go to clothing stores and pick out the randomest, most CRINGEY items you can find LMAO, and then you make each other do little fashion shows???? long story short: u have him wearing a bright yellow romper and a trench coat…and he has u wearing weed socks with overalls and a sombrero??? WILD🤪🤪 but ya’ll are the cutest!!! and at the end u take rlly sweet selfies and cuddle at home :’)) sweet bbys!!!
i also wanna ship hyunsuk with my love, sim ( @hyunsukmyass ) !!! i feel like you guys would travel together uwu🤧💘??? i think of the sweetest domestic life, and there’s nothing more beautiful than exploring the world with the person you love?? i see you guys sitting together on planes and you always!! have your head on his shoulder, and he’s holding your hands, caressing it gently, and kissing it softly when you take off :’)) sometimes he’d just slump over into your seat and you’d wrap your arms around him!! he’s not asleep, he just wants a piece of you sim sdijsojf💖💖💖 he takes LOTS of photos of you while you’re sleeping omygod!!!! and they go all over instagram…. uwu u guys are the cutest couple ever!!! (w/ the best ig feeds ever DAMN) 
lastly i ship hyunsuk with lika, @moonxlika (world’s cutest person uwu😚)!! lika, you guys are so that adorable couple that joke around with each other like crazy, but when things are serious, u always have each other’s backs!!! if u come home after a long day, and ur upset or really tired, suk is ready to FIGHT SOMEONE FOR YOU😤😤💪 (bc he wants his baby to be happy always :’) but once u explain to him that it’s just a bad day, and there’s no one to fight, he immediately takes u into his arms and u guys eat every snack the convenience store has to offer, along with every cheesy movie u guys can find on netflix!! (maybe u guys are doing other things more than watching the movie but that’s none of my business🍵🍵🍵) also i mean kissing jiofsj nobody come for me pls im fragile
@seunghunn my angel maddi !!!!💕💕💕 it’s no surprise that i ship you with seunghun!!! you guys are definitely the sweetest couple on this entire planet, and i think you guys would have the randomest, but MOST FUN, dates ever??? like seunghun would randomly pull up at ur house 2pm on a saturday (he didn’t even tell u tf??) he calls you, and when u look outside, he’s waving at you like crazy!!! and he’s smiling SO HARD!!! and ur just staring at him like ‘:ooo ????’  u kinda wanna go back home and change bc ur wearing sweats, but he looks so cYUTE and excited, you just jump into the car uwu❣️❣️❣️ and that’s when ur adventure begins :’))) he takes u to a finger painting place??? u guys promise ur going to draw each other omg; u decide to be a lil playful and paint him kinda funny looking, and long story short, he chases u around the place and threatens to rub his paint hands on ur face🤧 he gets somehow manages to get some on ur lips??? it’s ok bc he kisses it off uwu!!!! maybe call poison control???
next i ship seunghun with the lovely vale @seunghunies 💘💘💘 vale omg you and seunghun,,, literally the cutest concept ever :’)))) i feel like the two of you would love to venture out into town casually?? like he’d pick you up after school and you’d drive into the city!!! and believe me, the two of you look so in love, people would be staring in awe left and right🤧🤧 when hun sees the tip of your nose getting red, he takes his scarf off and wraps it tightly around u!!! and then he kisses ur nose for good measure uwu :’))) !!! when it gets darker, he’d drive a little bit toward the hills, and you would cuddle against each other and watch the stars… u guys would talk about everything!!! when u go off on lil rants abt ur day, he’s just staring at u like 😻😻😻 oh he’s so in love with u!!!!!!
and ofc i wanna ship seunghun with the beautiful @kimseunghoney 💛💛💛 christina when i think of you and seunghun, i think of adorable morning dates!!! i can see you and hun starting off ur days together at a cozy little breakfast place, and the whole time, he’s just giggling and staring at u with the fattest heart eyes!!! i think seunghun would buy u things spontaneously?? like ‘here’s a bouquet of flowers bby, i saw them and thought of you’ or ‘here’s a sweet treat for my sweet girl✨’!!!! uwu uwu uwu, you two are really just the cutest!!! sometimes, in the morning, if he has to leave before you, he’ll leave a sweet love note on the bathroom mirror. not that you’d ever forget how much he loves u, bc trust me, he says it everyday!!! but he just wants u to smile :’) he loves u sm💖
@byoungggon ess, my angel, i obviously ship you with gon!!!💫💕 i see u guys as the adorable couple that literally everybody can’t help but fall in love with??? like you will wear gon’s oversized grey hoodies, and his camera roll will be filled to the brim with photos of you!!! anyone from miles away would be able to tell that u two are so in love with each other??? and if it isn’t obvious enough, this boy shows up to every single music performance u have, with a beautiful bouquet of red roses, the widest smile, and the LOUDEST WHISTLE IN THE WORLD!!!! hes always in the front, and he’s always cheering the loudest bc he’s so proud of his bby uwu🤧 u guys are the sweetest couple ever!!!
@speckofglitter tiyi i would ship you with byounggon too!!!!💞💞💞u can’t tell me y’all wouldn’t be the chillest couple that hangs out at parties, and y’all look so sweet talking to each other, everyone’s kinda just gawking at u!!!! also, driving in the car and listening to music??? THAT’S KARAOKE TIME!!!! ppl driving past might look at you guys like 👀 but y’all don’t even care!!! you’re too busy screaming lyrics at the tops of your lungs and laughing together omg :’))) why are you two so cute omygod…
@hynusuk taryn we don’t talk that much but I know you and gon would be the best couple ever❣️❣️❣️ i can totally see him sending you lyrics to his next song late at night, and his heart is beating so fast because he just loves you so much!!! and you’re melting bc the lyrics are about you, and they’re the most beautiful things you’ve ever read :’))) I feel like he’d make you mixtapes!!! and whenever ur feeling down, you guys would take spontaneous trips around the city and maybe makeout a lil hehe😚😚!! cuties
@yeetdam dara my angel!!! i ship you the human emobident of sunshine, yedam😚✨✨because he’s such a smart bby, and so are you, I can see you guys studying together before a big exam :’))) perhaps ur a liiiiiittle unmotivated so yedam makes a deal with you 👉🏼👈🏼!!! if u study with him for a couple hours without any distractions, he will sing you to sleep for every question you get right :’)))) and bby!!! u get all those questions right, so you are SET❣️❣️❣️ the night before your exam, yedam cuddles you in his arms, and sings you the sweetest lullaby you’ve ever heart uwu!! and the next day, when your exam is finished, he gives u the sweetest kiss😭😭 and then u guys race to the nearest icecream shop and eat icecream until u drop!!!!
@yedarnit how could i not ship you with yedam???? that would be blasphemous jskssk🤧 you guys are SO that dreamy smart high school couple that everyone loves, not only because they’re incredibly ADORABLE, but also bc you two are so mature and down to earth???💕💕💕 i can see you and yedam cramming for tests at the school library, and you guys do that so often, perhaps the librarian is ur #1 fan??? she is the biggest micro and yedam supporter omygod💘💘💘 sometimes the two of you fall asleep, and you’ll rest your head on yedam‘s shoulder while he has his arm around you!!! and she is MELTING at the sight of y’all!!! ofc, she snaps a couple pics, and when u guys wake up, she shows them to guys!! tbh, y’all are kinda melting too???? damn cute!!!
  @doyeongs j, you and doyoung are the most angelic couple ive ever seen???💗💗💗 i think you two are the resident sweethearts at your highschool, and literally everyone, including the teachers LOL, is in love with ur relationship!!! I can imagine doyoung making jokes under his breath in class to make you laugh, and you can’t help but burst out laughing every time!!! most of the time, ur teacher thinks u guys are so sweet, she doesn’t even get mad :’))) i also see doyoung walking you home❣️you guys basically just gush abt ur days, and talk abt how much u miss each other :’))) maybe when he notices you shivering, he hands you his jacket, and maybe when he sees the blush on ur cheeks, he leans in to kiss it uwu!!!!
@sonjuyeonnie lydia i ship you with doyoung too!!!💝💝💝 the purest couple ever :’))) i think you and doyoung would spend a lot of time together during school; and he’s always getting in trouble bc he does dumb things to make you laugh (all in good fun ofc!!! nothing bad). i can see doyoung teasing and playing with you!!! like sometimes he’ll just kneel down in front of you and be like “hop on😎”!!! and then he piggy backs you the whole way home and you’re just giggling the whole time :’))) cutest bbys!!!
miss haejin @junkyuity …. u KNOW u and kyu are my one and only😞💝💝💝 me, you, kyu, and gon are richmond gang :’))) the strongest group out there uwu!!!! I could talk abt you and kyu for days BUT, one thing i rlly always think about is how u two go on the sweetest, most casual dates!!! like to a cute lil convenience store somewhere omg :’))) u two would share a strawberry milk with one straw, and maybe have some instant ramen if ur hungry, or other snacks!!! perhaps he’d steal a couple of ur snacks when u aren’t looking, but tbh, you aren’t that mad??? bc the second you raise an eyebrow at him, and ur like, ‘hmmm🤔🤔🤔… didn’t i have more pocky???”, he immediately bombards you with the sweetest kiss!!!!💕💕💕 and let’s just say,,, it’s so heart fluttering, u forget everything??? yeah… u guys are the cutest💘💘
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zealusts-blog · 5 years
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❛ ⋆ ․˙✰ nora grace nguyen is graduating in a month with plans to attend harvard in the fall to study law and political science. four years complete and she’s leaving the hamptons being remembered as the zealous, which makes perfect sense considering how articulate, venturesome, pugnacious, and unpredictable she is. that title landed them the senior class superlative of most likely to be arrested for organizing a sit- in protest at the local kill shelter. you’ll know they’re around when you hear hierarchy - cailin russo coming from a car this summer. speaking of summer, i hear their plans are to spend it doing a part-time internship at a law firm. morning coffee and afternoon boba, shiba cuddles, sitting in during public court cases, and plaid skirts with oversized knit sweaters.
hello it me ellie (she/her/hers pronouns) and this is nora! i havent done an intro or been in a rp in 10 years so please excuse this post if its awkward n stuff im cringing just writing this bc i forgot how awkward an intro post is like wow... ANYWAYS! i’m vv excited to b here and rp with u guys, love u guys, b here w u guys, all that nice cute stuff w u guys!!! 
u can read nora’s stats here and learn more about her here but like that page is  really long n lengthy so i’m gonna some her up for u guys as best as i can but if its gets long n lengthy too pls forgive me thank u im trying 
her family is wealthy bc of their role in pharmacy work. their family owns  a couple pharmacies (mainly in new york, new jersey, n rhode island) and has some investments in other companies as extra money
theyre wealthy and could stop working for like maybe 10 years if they pleased, but the nguyens dont rest and thats y nora’s parents are absent alot 
bc her parents r absent since theyre always working, nora had to grow up faster to b independent and also raise her younger sister, daisy jane
shes mature but only bc asian parents love handing off parenting duties to their eldest daughter and that happens to b nora! it’s only two of them but still she gave up part of her childhood to p much raise daisy jane on her own despite her parents being alive n healthy
shes a big time activist and feminist and is very upfront about how she feels about certain things and about policies and regulations she thinks should b changed/fixed/removed/etc. 
her dream is harvard and thats been her only dream and plan since she was born. her parents gave it to her and she’s never changed it bc (1) her parents r strict n (2) she craves their acceptance and wants to make them proud and if it means listening to what they want from her then she’ll do it 
shes v open about what she believes in and will talk about it and will also fight for it. 
shes always willing to fight someone and have a debate over anything like it’s more fun for her if its something surrounded politics or stuff going on around the world but also if u wanna argue about how people who aren’t lactose intolerant are abnormal then she’ll b a square bc its literally not normal for ur body to still b able to breakdown lactose enzymes 
shes somewhere in the top 10/15 of the entire class, but shes worked hard to get where she is. studying doesnt come easy to her and she doesnt have photographic memory. she feels really dumb bc of that and hates how she has like... work to get the grade bc she wishes she was smart n could read the textbook once and get it but shes not wired like that n so  a bitch struggles w that n feeling like shes not as smart as her parents want her to b n it doesnt help that her parents let her know that
shes v sarcastic n argumentative and funny and sometimes sexual but she’d never act on those sexual things she says shes an innocent n too shy to b upfront like that u feel 
like she never deters from an argument n hates losing but if u say something too sexual for her n make an initiative to do it then she’ll back down n shy away like thats the only way u can win an argument w her otherwise she’ll keep pulling shit out of her ass until she wins or u call some truce (but in nora’s mind she won bc who backs away from a fight? hm not her!)
nora struggles talking about her feelings and will literally not talk about deep shit about herself like  ya she’ll voice her opinions n fight for it n shit but if u wanna talk about her parent’s incoming divorce, her academic struggles, her need for her parents acceptance, n shit like that then good luck trying to make her talk n shit  bc she wont unless ur close to her and have her 100% complete trust 
this is already long and im blanking on what to include bc idk whats important important about nora that i need to include here but! feel free to read the tidbits page for her u’ll get to know nora better n  know lil like... things about her like hades, veganisms, protests, driving, etc. 
i’m also a slut for plots so if u wanna plot with me for ur chara and nora then please reply to this with a word or something so i know and i’ll come to u!! id tell u guys to like this post n then i’ll come to u but sometimes im not sure if people  r liking the post so its like.. an acknowledgment or bc they actually wanna plot idk if that makes sense pls help me?? ANYWAYS below r some connection ideas that i thot would b cool for nora aha x 
(1) theyre friendly and hung out a lot bc u kno neighbors n its easy to go to each others houses. the person would also b friends w nora’s little sister daisy jane bc when theyre home and nora is on parent duty she n daisy jane r a duo 
(2) theyre not friendly n they cant stand each other we love a good notp! we can expand more  on this if ur interested but rn my mind is blanking
childhood besties:
(1) maybe things went sour and now theyre enemies like maybe its a betrayal or something but like! besties for the resties to besties for never r always so beautiful im a slut for those type of connections
(2) things didnt go sour but they just drifted and now theyre kinda awkward but try really hard for it to not b awkward??  they knew each other like the back of their hands and now theyre kinda like?? r u still the same or did u change?? whats up whats happening??? 
one sided crush: nora could have a crush on them thats ongoing or is new, but its just a crush and nora actually acting on it is so so rare like she’ll punch someone for saying some racist shit to her but will cry if someone forces her to shoot her shot
(1) maybe the person knows and teases her for it n nora hates them for it but is also like :) but also :( u feel like does that even make sense? 
(2) the person doesnt kno n is kinda just like what the fuck y is nora so timid n shy around me when she just decked a guy for blatantly littering at the beach and saying the beach should b more trash cans if they didnt want people littering 
tutor: maybe a tutor?? like nora isnt dumb and shes not failing like she’s in the top 10 of  the class but that doesnt mean she’s the smartest person and not struggling trying to keep her grades up. having someone she can study with n can like. help her would b really good for her 
(1) twist is that it could b secretive bc maybe nora doesnt want people knowing that she has a tutor or that the person tutoring her is her tutor for whatever reason. again i can expand on this if ur interested!!!!
bad influence: someone to get her to wild n out n like tell her to forget her parents n responsibilites n shit. maybe make her hoe it out so she can stop getting cold u feel what im saying?? idk if u do im literally just rambling at this point im so sorry
i’m out of connection ideas rn but! if none of these r interesting enough for u then we can do something else like if u have a connection u want filled or like??? we can just think of something else that’ll b more fitting im down for anything n everything 
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slcttyscv · 6 years
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heeey loves. might as well post a quick intro and get it outta the way before i head to bed. i’m julia, and i’m excited to bring one of my fave muses here and hopefully getting to develop her some more. some info about savannah is under the cut and as always don’t hesitate to slide into my ims if you wanna plot!!
ahhh asgdhf, there’s a lot that can be said about our girl savannah here, but right off the bat most have always known her as the resident proverbial “wild child."
her mother got pregnant at a young age, she had just started college, her father was a few years older but was still in college too, that’s where they met. both were dependent and had unfavorable financial conditions. her dad dropped out of college and got a part time work to save as much of money as he could until the time the baby was born.
after she was born her mom went back to college and got a degree in business while her dad got a job museum since he majored history in school
when they got financially stable they decided to have another child and her parents finally decided to move in together. from this moment her family was getting richer.
at the same time that savannah was a spoiled kid, she values the money that they have, she knows how much her father worked to give her the good life she has and that it wasn’t always that way.
is vry close with her father and knows she can get whatever she wants but she tries not to take advantage of it. TRIES but ends up doing so but her dad doesn’t mind at all
at the age of 13, savannah walked in on her mom banging the family lawyer and her parents relationship when down the drain.. after a vry messy divorce her mom got full custody of her and her brother.
after that savnnah think that her family became vry dysfunctional family. they weren’t like a lot of the families that they seen on tv or even heard from others in school. she didn’t really mind though since this was her family and is what she grew up around.
she has one younger brother whom she loves and cares for most out of the entire family. even if they bicker and definitely don’t see eye to eye a lot, but at the end of the day she will always have his back!! ( for the good and bad things!!)
her relationship with her mother and step father...it isn’t much of a relationship! throughout the years cass grew a hatred for them as she got older. realizing that neither gave a fck about any of them.
she had been trying to be the goody goody child throughout her whole childhood and during a vry little time of high school. bring home straight A’s to her parents … if they were ever around.
in high school everything changed for cassidy. she was definitely what you would call a loose cannon – totally disrespectful, obscene, and unpredictable, always doing whatever it was she felt like doing at any given moment.
of her life, what w being THE party girl and always reveling in her sexuality w/out shame, so she’s just learned to embrace it.
w that being said, she gives 0 fucks and it’s landed her in hot water more times than she cares to count, and a lot of her bad habits followed her into her adult life
present day, savannah’s basically that party girl/bordering alcoholic trope who’s always just… doing too much like w EVERYTHING, not just when it comes to the partying scene.
savannah is apart of the elite social club and is the vp of omega beta tau!!
studying to be a nurse ( typical ) but she honest has always been into the medical field. would always sew up her own wounds and was always looking at things to keep healthy
she can’t seem to stay out of drama bc she’s the cause of it 90% of the time.
aside from what’s already been mentioned, when most people hear her name, they immediately know drama is prob gonna follow. and a lot of it probably stems from some deep-rooted insecurities she harbors and this need to matter and be SEEN, y'know.
because of that, she’s also a bit on the argumentative side – she knows how to push people’s buttons and does it well, but it’s kind of paradoxical bc the moment she’s dragged, she kinda plays victim and her feelings get hurt???? lmao, anyway.
anyway, atm she’s kind of spiraling – the drinking, the partying, etc. but it’s not really something that’s been addressed yet??
but ig it’s worth mentioning, that she’s always drinking these days, always the first to be drunk at functions and shit and when i say drunk, i mean like.. sloppy, blacked out drunk. can’t walk on her own drunk. ig that’s more of a headcanon than anything to rlly relay the extent of this bitch’s problems, but yeah, that’s all :) plot w me :)
personality & headcanons
she writes a lot of poems; usually having something to do with the stars or planets or flowers bc those are all her fav things
hypersensitive as hell !!
impulsive as fuck!! she actually has a icd (impulsive control disorder)
she’s v protective of her friends but most of all her family and of herself
she def puts up a lil bit of a front when it comes to sharing stuff about herself, like her sensitivity & emotions
she likes to think she’s badass as fuck when in reality she’s kind of a loser (who most definitely laughs at her own jokes)
she’s a positive and caring girl, savannah gets attached to people easily and is always showing how much she cares about them, even with little things that the other person probably doesn’t notice.
speaking of jokes lbr, she pretty funny and sarcastic so she isn’t the only one laughing
always thinking, always learning, always caring
v v romantically compulsive !!! it might be a problem !!
she constantly longs for partnership; whether it’s romantic or not
she is a problem-solver, and will spend a lot of time helping others solve problems if needed v good at talking and well-liked
while her spirit’s lively, it is also cunning & she often acts without thinking, throwing herself into things
can sometimes be easily angered, depending on who it is or what it is about !! is vry opinionated as well !! like she doesn’t have filter at all
she has a good sense of organization and she loves life and all it has to offer <3
wanted connections
ride or die, partner(s) in crime, friendzoned, enemies because of a girl/boy, exes that still hook up , toxic friends, friends with benefits , close friends, best friend(s), squad, first love , exes ( good or bad ), first boyfriend, first girlfriend, family friends, one night stand , smoking/drug buddies, almost lover , spurious relationship, hate/love, dealer, flirtatiouship (f/nb), unrequited love , ex hookup , summer fling , hateship, unlikely friends, recent crush, or roommates.
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skeletonscribbles · 7 years
are u doing those prompts? if so how bout "so… did you miss me?" and “why do i love you?" ship of your choice but u know what im gunnin for :)
I am doing prompts, and I can totally deliver you some Reddie :) This one got away from me a little bit (2340 words…not bad, but not gr8 either), but I think it turned out pretty cute all in all, so – here’s this! I call it Mating Season, pure fluff, rated G :)“So…did you miss me?” & “Why do I love you?”
—-“Eds!” Richie Tozier cried out, loud even though he was sitting right next to Eddie on the cramped bus seat. “Eds, Eds, Eds!”
“What?” Eddie snapped, wound up from hours of being jostled. School buses were full of germs, and Eddie was sure he’d contracted at least twenty diseases just from spending fifteen minutes on this yellow death trap. Three hours was unthinkable.
And then, of course, there was the unfortunate matter of his seat partner.
When they’d boarded the buses, Eddie had tried his best to jockey himself into position behind clean, quiet Stan, but Richie had pushed his way in between them at the last second, insisting upon spending the next three hours “as close to [my] Eddie Spaghetti as possible”. Eddie had almost thrown up then and there.
He wasn’t upset about it because he didn’t like Richie. He liked Richie very much - in fact, most of the time he liked Richie enough to ignore his annoying habits, like speaking three decibels louder than was strictly necessary or making crude jokes about sex at inappropriate times.
Lately, though. Lately, sitting next to Richie had thrown him into a weird sort of anxiety spiral, and he wasn’t really sure what was causing it. Ever since last summer, when they’d all done whatever crazy amazing thing they did together (Eddie was fuzzy on the details of it, for some reason), every time Richie’s arm brushed Eddie’s side, or Richie’s thigh pressed against Eddie’s on the bench of the lunch table, Eddie had felt a little bit like he was on fire. He had no idea why, and he wasn’t sure he cared to think long enough on it to find out.
Obviously, then, three hours squished against Richie in a bus seat was nothing short of excruciating.
“It’s mating season,” Richie said gleefully, much to Eddie’s confusion, annoyance, and great embarrassment.
“What are you talking about, dumbass?” Eddie asked. He didn’t have to look in a mirror to know his ears were bright red; he was well aware of all the little ways that his body betrayed him when Richie started in on something like this.
“At the Wildlife Park,” Richie explained, bouncing a little in his seat. “It’s spring. Maybe we’ll get to see some of the animals doin’ it.”
“Gross!” Eddie exclaimed, shoving Richie against the window and wondering why his stomach suddenly felt like it was in his throat. “You’re so gross, Richie, oh my God.”
Richie cackled, grabbing Eddie’s hand and licking it. Eddie shrieked and withdrew, wiping his hand anxiously on Richie’s shirt before drawing it back in.
“I know exactly what moose mating calls sound like, too,” Richie continued, a terrible smile on his face. “I hear them every night when your mom–”
“Shut the fuck up!” Eddie slouched down in the bus seat, livid.
“Aw, Eds,” Richie began, but he was cut off by their science teacher, Mr. Williams.
“All right, we’re just about to the Maine Wildlife Park, so I want to announce the groups for today’s field trip. When you get off the bus, we’ll walk to the water fountain by the Visitor’s Center, you’ll find your chaperone, and you’ll stay with them until we get back on here in the evening. Understood?”
“Understood,” the entire eighth grade mumbled back disjointedly.
“All right.” Mr. Williams looked at his clipboard. “Four groups. First group, you’ll be with me, and that’s Angstrom, Arrowsmith, Bowers, Bowie, Conklin, Corcoran, Denbrough, Dunton, Earl, and Fadden.”
Eddie looked sadly across the aisle at Bill. No friends, and stuck with Henry Bowers? Yikes, alphabetical order had really screwed Bill over.
“Next, with Ms. Marsden: Gordon, Hagarty, Halloran, Hanscom, Hocksetter, Huggins, Jagermeyer, Johnson, Kaspbrak, and Kersh.”
This time, Bill was looking at Eddie sadly. Eddie didn’t have Bowers, but Hocksetter and Huggins together were just as bad. At least he’d have Ben with him…and he would have had their friend Mike, too, but unfortunately Mike’s grandpa had yet to be persuaded to take Mike out of homeschool and put him in the public system. Alas.
Well, at least Ms. Marsden was nice…as language arts teachers went, anyway.
“Third group, with Mr. Doyle: Laurie, Marsh, McCall, Mellon, Mueller, Phillips, Ripsom, Rogan, Rogers, Sadler”
Beverly groaned really loudly from her seat. Mr. Williams shot her an exasperated look, and then continued.
“And finally, with Mrs. Emerson, we have Starrett, Taylor, Tozier, Unwin, Uris, Webb, Winterberger, Wolcott, Wormwood, and Zachariah. Again, find your chaperone when we park and get off the bus. It shouldn’t be more than three minutes, now.” Mr. Williams sat back down, and there was an immediate roar of discontent. No one wanted to be separated from their friends, the Losers least of all.
“I can’t be with Richie,” Stan complained, “he’ll just make jokes about animal genitals all day! I wanted to record the ring-necked pheasants in my bird journal, and I swear, if he ruins it or vandalizes my stuff before we get there–”
“Nerd,” Richie stuck out his tongue at Stan. “Where do birds keep their dicks, anyway? Do birds even have dicks?”
“Cool it, Mr. Tozier,” Mr. Williams warned without turning around.
“Won’t happen again,” Richie called back. This was a very rehearsed line of his, and it was starting to come off as insincere…and it was insincere, but Eddie thought it would benefit Richie to be less obvious about it.
“It’ll happen again within five minutes,” Mr. Williams responded, resigned.
“Yeah, probably.” Richie sank down into the seat, unusually quiet as a sea of angry 13 year old voices rang out around him. Eddie peered at him curiously - usually he’d be more than thrilled to have hours upon hours to grate on Stan’s nerves, but apparently not this time.
“You alright, Rich?” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
Richie shrugged. “I wanted to be in your group, is all.”
Oh. Eddie was surprised, and a little flattered - he’d honestly not considered that option.
“Thanks, I think?” Eddie tentatively put a hand on Richie’s forearm, shivering a little at the more intimate contact. “Next time.”
Richie still looked put-out. “I guess.”
Before Eddie knew it, they were being shepherded off of the bus, walking to the fountain meeting place where tour groups departed from, and dragged into their field trip groups. Eddie hadn’t particularly enjoyed sitting next to Richie on the bus, but he found that he missed him in a pretty immediate way once he was gone - especially with the looks that Patrick Hocksetter and Belch Huggins were giving him.
He moved closer to Ben, and hoped for the best.
It didn’t come.
The groups began to move off in separate directions pretty immediately (the Losers had all shared a fair amount of despondent looks amongst each other, and Richie had gone so far as to blow kisses to each of them). Eddie and Ben’s group shuffled off to the left after a young-ish looking red-headed tour guide that looked a little bit like an older version of Bill. Eddie grabbed Ben and tried to push towards the front, both to be able to hear the guide and to be nearer to Ms. Marsden in case anything went awry, but he was stopped by a hand on the back of his collar.
“Going somewhere, fairy boy?” Belch Huggins’ gross breath was unmistakable. Eddie gulped.
“Leave us alone, Belch,” Ben tried, valiant as ever, but he was grabbed in turn by Patrick Hocksetter.
“In the woods, no one can hear you scream,” Patrick said, emotionless in a way that gave Eddie an extreme case of the heebie-jeebies.
“They can see you eat shit, though, so…there’s THAT.” For whatever ungodly reason, Richie was back. He punctuated the last word of his sentence by shoving Patrick off of Ben and into a nearby tree.
Belch turned on Richie as Patrick struggled to right himself, and Eddie stared at the situation, frozen and aghast.
“Trash boy,” Belch growled. “You’re not in this group.”
“I am now,” Richie said, sounding way more confident than he looked, “and if you touch me or Haystack or especially Eds, I’m gonna let the whole eighth grade know the good news about what I caught you and Henry Bowers doing by the field house when I skipped social studies to go smoke, Hocksetter.”
Patrick, who was making his way back over, immediately paled and backed up. “Belch. No-go on this.”
Belch eyed him suspiciously. “Why?”
“No-go,” Patrick insisted, grabbing Belch’s arm. “Let’s go look at some fucking animals or whatever. Shit.”
Belch looked livid, but he moved towards Patrick anyway. “You got off easy this time, Tozier, but next time….look out.”
“Was that a glasses joke?” Richie called out after them, but they were too far away to feel like they had to respond.
Ben, Richie, and Eddie were left staring at each other in silence.
“Well,” said Ben after a long moment, looking between Richie and Eddie knowingly, “I wanna go catch up to Ms. Marsden to see what I missed. I’ll see you guys in a minute.”
“But–” Eddie began to protest, but Ben waved and moved curtly up the path ahead of them, not interested in hearing what Eddie had to say.
That left Eddie alone with Richie. Again.
“So…did you miss me?” Richie asked, grinning sheepishly.
“You weren’t even gone for five minutes,” Eddie said, crossing his arms. “What’s the matter with you?”
Richie shrugged, and shoved his hands in the pockets of his too-baggy cargo shorts. “It’s like I said. I wanted to be in your group.”
Eddie shook his head, absolutely baffled. “Why?”
“The moose enclosure is first for you guys, I think.” Richie changed the subject deftly. “That’s what the guides were muttering to themselves about before we left, anyway. Let’s go check it out.”
“Richie–” Eddie tried again, but Richie had grabbed ahold of his hand and was guiding him firmly towards the moose exhibit, or whatever.
When they finally caught up with the class, they were treated to the sight of exactly….one moose, with a disappointing lack of antlers.
“Moose are usually solitary animals,” the tour guide was explaining, “but during mating season, females swarm around males as a sort of harem.”
Richie squeezed his hand, and Eddie jumped - he’d forgotten that their fingers were still laced together.
“Richie, let go of me.”
“Are you even listening at all?” Richie’s face was alight. “Mating season? Moose harem?”
“When two males are interested in the same female, they’ll usually fight it out, which is pretty intense. Alice here is pretty big, right? Well, male moose are even bigger…and their horns are pretty deadly if used right.” The tour guide gestured to the moose behind him when he said Alice, and Richie bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet.
“Moose fight!”
Eddie tried to tug his hand away, but Richie wasn’t interested in letting go. “Richie, what the fuck?”
The group was moving towards the next exhibit, but Eddie wasn’t interested in moving until he’d gotten an explanation from Richie. This clingy behavior was out of character in a really concerning way. Usually he’d just insult Eddie’s mother, pinch at Eddie’s cheeks and move on, but today…
Well, no, not just today. Now that Eddie was thinking about it, Richie had been touchier than usual for a couple of weeks now - slinging his arm around him at lunch, or pulling him over to sit next to him during movie nights. It was probably just more obvious today, because they weren’t split up by different classes and assigned seats.
What the hell was going on?
“Whaddya mean, Eds?” Richie smiled, but his fingers started to tap against Eddie’s hand in a way that Eddie knew meant that Richie was nervous. (Richie fancied himself a good actor, but Eddie knew him better than anyone, and as such had catalogued all of his little tells.)
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie forcibly yanked his hand out of Richie’s and glared up at him, frowning. “Why have you been acting so weird?”
A little color drained from Richie’s face. “Weird?”
“Yeah, like…touchy and stuff.” Eddie didn’t understand any of what Richie was doing, least of all how nervous he was right now. He looked like Eddie felt around him, nowadays. “What’s up?”
“They’re going to see the swans without us–” Richie tried, but Eddie wasn’t having it.
“Swans mate for life you know,” Richie said, quiet and unexpectedly sweet. Eddie felt his heart skip in his chest, stared at Richie’s slight frown, disheveled curls, and furrowed eyebrows that were causing his glasses to slip down his nose, and came to a realization that almost made him pass out.
“Just like me and your mom!” Richie finished, crowing, and Eddie almost screamed.
“Why do I love you?” he blurted, mouth miles ahead of his mind. Immediately, he clapped his hands over his mouth, mortified. Richie stared back at him, mouth hanging open stupidly.
Well, there was that friendship down the tubes.
“Sorry, what now?” Richie asked after a moment of terrible silence.
“Nothing,” Eddie hissed, storming off. “We have to see the swans.”
“Eds, come on!”
“Swans, Richie!”
Richie laughed, surprised and joyful, and followed after Eddie with a gigantic dorky smile on his face.
“We could be swans, you know, Eds,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows exaggeratedly and grabbing Eddie’s hand again. Eddie made no move to pull away this time, though he did make a point of digging his fingernails extra hard into Richie’s hand. (Richie flinched, but did not complain.)“Um, no we couldn’t?” Eddie was so lost in the swirl of feelings and thoughts in his brain that he couldn’t for the life of him understand the meaning of what Richie had said. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s mating season,” Richie said simply, and Eddie shoved him into a bush.
It was going to be a long, strange day, followed by a long, strange bus ride home.
Eddie found himself looking forward to it.
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thattaekwondoblog · 4 years
My Martial Arts Story (TKD)
today i miss my dojang extra... i woke up from a dream where i was supposed to spar but didnt have my dobok?? and one of my instructors handed me a.. dobok skirt?? and i was like? and he was like yeah u right this isnt gonna work sdbsmdfjsdd i dont really ever have tkd dreams (i think bc i usually am always doing tkd) but since i stopped for a bit the dreams are coming out. it made me miss sparring so much :( so below i wanted to talk about my tkd story in more detail. Enjoy!
i've actually always been a martial arts nerd, but moved around/focused on studying too much to commit to one until recently. I was talking to my mom the other day and neither of us can really remember what got me into it. I just remember wanting to be able to defend myself and be/feel strong from a very young age, and i knew martial arts was a way to do that. As a girl I also received a lot of messages that my gender was ‘weak’ and needed ‘protection’, which i really didnt like (it made me hate being a girl for some time). This is why i wanted to try martial arts. I discovered taekwondo when I was around 10 years old at a small dojang in my hometown. I loved the school & the master, who I remember always had a bamboo stick he would play around with when the kids started being rowdy (he never hit anyone, it was just his way to say ‘dont fck with me’ haha). but had to stop going after yellow belt because i was the oldest out of all the kids and i tried to go to adult classes for a while but i remember not liking it because it was ‘too slow’ for me and my mom couldnt drive me to late night classes. I was swimming a lot at the time too (fun fact i almost competed in synchronized swimming as a kid but had to stop due to illness (am totally fine now and it wasnt bad dont worry)). 
I didn’t do any martial arts in middle school, and only had brief encounters when i started high school. I dabbled in kick boxing (which i still love) through an intense week long training while i was on holiday with family, and then did a bit of karate, for which sadly i had not such a great experience with the instructor which made me distance myself from the sport. The instructor brought up a heavy personal life event during class and i broke down (what did she expect i was like 15 and that event was really hard). When my mom picked me up, she shook her head to her and said ‘girls...’ in a very demeaning way, as if me crying because she re-awoke trauma was a result of ‘feminine weakness.’ i have not forgiven that person for that comment yet. she shouldn’t be a teacher if she treats students like that in my opinion. High school was very competitive and intense so i focused on studying and didnt really do sports then.
In college I really want to do more martial arts, but the lack of proper clubs or instructors made it difficult. I then went to study abroad in seoul and thought to myself if i dont try tkd again in the literal birthplace of the sport what am i doing with my life. i had good experiences with classes at uni; the two masters i had had very different personalities (one was very outspoken and funny while the other.. you could FEEL the power of tkd when he touched your arm slightly to place it correctly sdhfskdj he was very nice though). I had to stop because i was focusing on my academic projects though. 
i then graduated and moved to the city, where finally there were plenty of martial arts opportunities! the first thing i did after moving to the city, even before moving into my apartment, was to visit my current dojang. i audited a class and in my head was like ’oh my god i MUST join them right now give me a dobok let’s GO’. I signed up for classes that day. The dojang master (my dad. my father, the love of my life (in the most platonic way)) was a seoulite (we bonded over that) and realized I hadn’t started my job yet so he gave me a discount, which i felt incredibly surprised by and grateful for. I started lessons the next day. at my dojang beginners usually get 3 private classes at the beginning to get the basics down before joining the group. after my first, the instructor said that i was probably ready to go with the group if i felt comfortable doing so bc i already had basics. i went every day until i moved into my apartment, when i had a mental and physical breakdown and got really sick for a week (like.. i dont remember feeling this weak and sick my entire life). 
But thankfully i got better and pushed myself to go to dojang again. and it was hard. it was the summer and i hadnt used my body really in years, if ever at that level of practice. three times a week as Difficult for me, physically. i remember being frustrated that my ego wasnt satisfied haha (i thought i remembered a lot more than i did). but i loved the instructors a ton and practice was a great safe space/stress relief for the other sht that was going on my my life. I do remember that i was ready to graduate from white belt and start feeling better about my moves by the end of that summer (i was pretty frustrated that i couldnt do higher level moves, though mostly at myself). 
i finally got yellow stripe and tkd things went uphill from then. i got to know ppl at my dojang better, started to go to practice more progressively. I got my yellow belt and decided then that i wanted tkd to always be in my life as much as possible. I started going to practice every day or almost every day. my tkd friendships were developing, there were small disagreements too but overall i fell more and more in love with my instructors, the dojang master (again, my dad) and the sport. we laughed so much, sweat so much, lived well.
after green stripe, my self consciousness during practice spiked a bit more than usual. this is probs bc my life outside of tkd was stressful and i was looking at my friend fellow tkd members who were higher level more. i wasnt jealous of them, far from it, i just felt small compared to what they were able to achieve and felt bad that the instructor had to stop to explain the technique to me Again. in case it wasn’t clear, i am no prodigy; i learn slowly and with long consistent practice. the two disagreements i had with my closest member friends (two separate very different reasons; we kept things civil on both sides but having to deal with that was a new experience for me so i wasnt great at it haha) didnt help my anxiety shut up during practice. i still kept at it. in january my school has an attendance challenge where you win prizes if you go every day or more than 20 days out of the month. I almost made it, but got really physically tired & kinda sick 3 days before then end of jan and had to miss one session. i was also mentally drained by life stuff so i decided to prioritize grad school applications and did less tkd in february. but that experience of going every damn day was so fun; i realized I needed to do this so much more. if there was a tkd seminar where they send you off somewhere to to tkd for like 3 months i would be down. that is when i realized my love for the sport, and the significant changes in my body that had been occurring over the past months really revealed themselves. i hear you thinking there’s no way i could fall more in love with my instructors but guess what... spending every day with them really made the love Explode dudes. In jan and fed i also really started loving sparring, even though im not great at it. 
and then... march came. i got lucky to have been able to celebrate my birthday a few days before they decided to close my state down. at first i was still able to go to my dojang with smaller classes and different format of classes that respected health guidelines, but eventually everything was moved online. during that week of limited classes, i got to hang out with friend members and instructors for what would be, unbeknownst to me, one of the last times. one night after (6 feet no contact) starring, me, 2 friend members who also went very frequently and an instructor had a beer on the mats just talking and chilling. we said that we would do it again the week after. and then the state decided to shut down small businesses. i was helping the dojang transfer their classes to an online format with another student for a week (we two were the members with the highest attendance in the recent times), but then the instructors decided they should not let students come in anymore. 
i was angry, i was sad, i was devastated. it was the sound solution to take and all these closings are essential and needed for public health safety, but emotionally i was not ready to let go of the dojang. i was angry at the circumstances for taking away the one thing that i truly loved and kept me going all those months of less than ideal job situation and lost of existential questions. the dojang had been my challenge, my rock, my family. i was especially angry because i had to mourn the loss of it a lot earlier than i wanted; i was already supposed to leave in june of this year. the closer june came the more teary eyed i got when i thought of leaving the dojang, but after the news i had to stop going now... i broke down. i cried so hard and loudly, alone in my room. i realize now it was the first time in my life that i cried because of love. pure, unaltered love. i thought to myself ‘how lucky is it that i felt this amount of love for something and some people’. ive moved a lot in my life but rarely felt sad when leaving a place; i often had made my goodbyes and knew it was just time to go. there were few or no things keeping me back, or i knew i would find those things somewhere else. it was also the first time i had let myself fall in love with something and people only for me. i love studying and learning for example, but when i started doing it it was mostly to make my mom and family happy, not for me. i didn’t feel like i had had a passion that i completely gave in into, a truly ‘me’ thing no one asked me or expected me to do but i just did not to have a better resume or be perceived better by society. until tkd.
now, i am still following online classes but mostly have my own training routine because it’s still hard to deal with the emotional stuff; i dont really do to live classes cause it hurts. it probably sounds strange but ive already done the emotional work of distancing myself to make the leaving less difficult. i also didnt really like the the idea of practicing in my room in front of the camera. seeing the other students on zoom would also make me feel v sad. im slowly getting out of that state of mind though and might start taking online classes again in a bit when i can’t do my regular training routine. im not sure when things will go back to normal but before i leave i will definitely send them gifts and goodbye messages, probably by mail. but yeah as of now i mostly follow my dojang’s videos, do my practice routine, and scroll through tkd tricking videos on instagram to keep motivated.
it’s kind of a sad note to end on but my tkd story does not end here. wherever im headed next I will find another dojang where i will continue to practice. i can only hope it is half as good as the family i found here. and of course now I have this blog! and will continue nerding out about kicking endlessly hahaha.
thanks for reading if you made it this far! you can ask me questions if you’d like! also tell me your tkd story!! its so cool to hear how life lead people to kicking.
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seouliloquy · 7 years
I feel like the universe hates me.
I didnt get the need-based scholarship this semester. I went in to find out what the deal was and they said since i already got it twice they gave preference to other students who didnt get it yet.
Which makes like no sense cause everyone knows that without selling yor body its impossible to earn full tuition by yourself in Korea.
I mean i chose this path so its my fault and i should have prepared to pay the whole thing from the beginning right? But stupid me, relying in my advisor's recommendation letter to help me out I naively assumed i could safely earn half of it during the summer vacation and be okay.
I made the mistake of making this assumption and treating myself to a new workout outfit. I mean i've been exercisig a lot too and making decent fitness progress top so i deserve it right?
Then i find this out.
Which means i can apply for the tuition payment in installments...but that still means that somehow, magically, i need to increase my income by 800,000 won per month to make the payments and still manage 6 major classes.
And then i go to pay my health insurance today and at least get that taken care of because if i'm gonna be killing myself to survive this semester i better be able to pay for my likely hospital visit.
Speaking of which i still havent gotten my eye exam or blood test that I was supposed to get in uh...March....i'm sure my doctor thinks i left the country. But i need the discount on my tests and prescriptions....when i eventually get around to getting them done.
And O is just like "quit the jobs you have now, and stop playing soccer. my friend worked in a bar in Itaewon for 9,000 per hour and she even got tips i will ask her about it"
Okay, 9000 won per hour, in Itaewon, sounds sketchy to me. I dont trust it. Also that means late hours bartending and no tume to study and quitting the single thing i do that makes me happy anymore and having so social interaction with anyone anymore. Also i hate itaewon. Full of greasy scumbag men that will follow me and bother me and i dont even want to breathe the same air as them. And my current sandwich shop job is great, im the best employee and my boss values and respects me. The problem is i cant get more hours from him.
And my taekwondo and soccer classes are done as of today because they dont match up with my class schedule this semester. All of my classes finish at 5pm
She says "just try it this way" so easily. She has a 4.1 GPA and got full paid scholarship this semester and last semester. She hangs out with her friends all the time. She works enough to give herself pocket money and buy stuff online all the time and spend her entire life in the study rooms but she complains about gaining weight while eating chocolte and ramyun noodles all the time and hates exercising. Thats fine on her, she can do what she wants with her life. But for me, being active has helped me so much. Because its part of who I am, i was active my whole life and being a sedentary miserable student has been my downfall into depression and weight gain and more health problems.
I had signed up for a 7km marathon with two korean friends and their friends as a group and now i'm considering selling my ticket to extra cash.
And then to make everything worse, my ARC card is missing and i need to pay my health insurance. If i wait 3 weeks for a new card i'll have to pay for august, september and October all at once and i'll have no coverage until then and who knows wtf will happen knowing my luck.
O isnt planning on going to grad school. She's gonna get married with her bf and live haplily ever after doing who knows whatever. I need to go to grad school. My degree (if i even manage to finish this shit) is useless otherwise. All my time abroad and time spent studying will have no value as an American who can only speak English and decent Korean. I have no other skills except food service. I will graduate with no research or lab experience because my university sucks at having these kind of opportunities (for foreign students) and i will have no time to even volunteer or do an internship because i will have to WORK to survive.
And everyone is like "just take a semester off" like Koreans just dont get it at all and it drives me nuts.
I'm half ready to just pack up my shit and leave forever and just give up. I am just SO exhausted. Everytime anything good happens to me or I do one little thing for myself or makes me feel good (i completely regret going out for chicken and beer after work yesterday) shit like this happens. I'm tired of constantly having to find another job every 4 months. I'm runnig out of adaptability HP.
I just want a real break, for once. Like today os the last day of summer "vacation" and i'm not even excited or nervous about starting the semester but rather freaking out about how i will survive.
I'm not willing to quit my sandwich shop job because it gives me almost unlimited free food and it has so far been the most positive working environment i have had in the almost 5 years i've lived here. And its close to home so no commute cost or time...but getting more hours is the problem.
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