#i forgot the rest but i’ll probably remember it when they’re mentioned
handsome-kakigori · 2 years
ichigo kurosaki : begal bekasi
aizen sosuke : badut kroco
rukia kuchiki : queen
orihime inoue : princess
chojiro sasakibe : donat di dinding (NEW ENTRY!)
Ok let me add things to that nickname vocabulary, so you guys will understand me when i talk lmao
Yhwach: goopy donut man
Grimm(bgst): anjing kampung / mutt
Ishida: superior jasuke (ga emo, mata lengkap, tangan lengkap. Jelas lah dia superior)
Yamamams: arson grandpa / eyang
Ukitake: JUICYro 👁🫦👁 / ayah
“Huh, another donut? Why is yhwach a donut too?”
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Honestly a lot of characters are donuts here, bc they have holes in their body, ichigo’s a donut, aizen’s a donut, BUT yhwach is the PERFECT donut. The others are just defected donut. Contohnya si setan jangkung (bosnya nakamura yuuichi) kan itu bolongannya di mata, tsk tsk not a perfect donut, too small, not even centered, 0/10.
I forgor the little man’s name, but iirc he was named after a famous inventor(?) or smth— Eddison?? Imma call him Eddison, he does give me a Thomas vibe
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1moreff-creator · 12 days
Extra DRDT CH2 Episode 12 Thoughts
Heya! After making my last post where I just live-blogged my immediate reaction to the episode, I had a few more thoughts that I figured I should write down somewhere. They’re all too small for their own posts, but I still think they’re worth sharing.
Spoilers for CH2 EP12
CW: Murder, hanging, suicide.
The Water Thing
This episode brought up two interesting points which had rarely, if ever, been discussed within the fandom: Arei’s body swinging, and her body temperature and its connection to water. And while I’m relatively sure I saw one or two people mention the swinging at some point, the temperature issue is certainly a new one.
The swinging was explained in the trial: Arei’s body was hung shortly before it was found. But J says something interesting; the corpse should have been warm, unless it was drenched in water and dried. Paraphrasing a bit, but you get the point.
However, I actually don’t think this is a big deal, just adds a slight addendum to previous murder theories. We know the killer dumped the fish in the playground to confuse time of death, so I believe the killer likely splashed Arei with the water to cool her down. This is assuming they even thought about the body temperature, but I don’t think this is a large assumption to make.
I have seen people claim that Arei’s hair looks somewhat wet in the BDA, which… maybe? Anyways, this idea would explain that as well.
This might even give us Possible Explanation Number I Lost Count for the damn missing glove. Maybe it got particularly wet and the culprit worried it wouldn’t dry quickly enough? If people discovered a dripping wet bowling glove, the whole “using fish to confuse the time of death” thing would kinda go straight out the window. I have no idea if that makes any amount of sense, I don’t see why the glove would dry any slower than the rest of her clothes, but oh well.
Arturo’s Talent, and his Recap Foil: Levi
(Here’s the link to the original Recap Foil Theory post by gleamingtempest, in case you don’t know what I’m talking about).
Kinda forgot this was a thing when first watching the episode, but now looking back on it, there’s some neat foiling going on. Levi and Arturo’s backstory already were somewhat opposites in some aspects: Arturo got away from home himself while Levi was disowned, though Levi seems to hold a higher degree of respect for his family in comparison to Arturo. Levi is (now confirmed!) a murderer with no remorse, while Arturo accidentally caused Felicity’s death to some extent and clearly feels guilty about it. Etcetera.
Well, we can add a new detail to this foil! Arturo’s been training his talent since he was twelve, while Levi has admitted since introduction that he’s “a novice to fashion.” Neat detail, and certainly adds to this theory.
Terumin VS Xanvid
Thanks to Haru for pointing this out, but Teruko’s “I’ll fix my mistake” echoes Min’s “I’ll fix your mistake” from her Argument Armament. As I mentioned in the linked post, it’s cool that Teruko is taking a sort of Min-like attitude to her mistakes while calling Xander out, while David is taking Xander’s side in the same trial he calls Min pathetic. Foils and all that.
(Doomed Yuri V Doomed Yaoi, fight!)
This makes me hopeful that Min will still have some importance later. But I’m probably just coping.
What Was David Cooking?
I am kinda sick of talking about this man, frankly. I blame the almost three hour video I made on his MV. But oh well, he’ll stop being center focus soon enough. For now, His Deal is still one of the most central aspects of the episodes, so discuss him I will.
There are two big points of contention with what he said this trial. First, what does he remember about Xander? Second, what was he actually trying to do by pretending to be Arei’s murderer?
The first is pretty simple to assume, I think. David remembers whatever Xander did to become the Ultimate Rebel, and respects him as a result. Especially since Xander’s numeral I in LGI, the Footnote 14 code solved by y-prime, is “I have always looked up to you.”
I don’t think David has Hope’s Peak memories, despite his weird wording with “even if you all lost a year of memories.” He specifically says he and Xander had never met in his Prologue introduction, before they had any real reason to believe they’d lost memories. The LGI video also doesn’t add anything, because… well, it’s not a Milgram MV. It doesn’t come from his memories, it exists purely in meta. This is evident from the comments referencing Byakuya, Nagito and Kokichi, characters these people should have no knowledge of as Veronika claims not to remember anything like the DRDT killing game happening before; certain references to conversations and details David shouldn’t be aware of (mainly in numeral placement), etc.
(While I was writing that, the dev seemingly clarified that David does not have Hope’s Peak memories, then deleted the tweet, so. Just in case, there’s the full reasoning)
The second one is trickier. David is following Xander’s ideals, but that’s all we know. We don’t have a concrete idea of what Xander’s ideals really were, and it’s even harder to know what David thinks Xander’s ideals were.
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David: I’m sure he had a good reason. I believe that he did. Xander is not the kind of person to do anything for frivolous purposes.
He believes Xander had a good reason for trying to kill Teruko, he says he’s sure of it, but he never implies to know exactly what the reason was. And if he doesn’t know the exact reason, he can’t for sure say what ideal Xander was upholding by doing what he did.
But, he knows what Xander was trying to do; kill everyone. Because if it was just Teruko, he wouldn’t have tried to mislead people with the CD thing. Although, Xander was following that one note that said to “kill Teruko Tawaki,” so it could potentially be targeted.
So, taking credit for Arei’s murder to try and kill everyone is because Xander tried to do something similar. But the deeper reason he gave, about the nature of the killing game, is it true?
(Apologies in advance for the particularly horrible collage. I am without a reliable computer atm)
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David [Annoyed]: Ugh, fucking fine. You want an answer so badly? Any answer?
[Face covered] …
[Sweating] Ah… We’re… in a television show, after all. That’s… what MonoTV said, right?
“Entertainment” is an ongoing show.
If Min successfully got away with the very first murder and escaped while we all died, isn’t that way less interesting for a TV show?
What’s the point of roping 14 other people into one murder, only to kill them all off immediately?
The killer is supposed to fail and get executed. We’re all supposed to catch the killer, again and again, and participate in trial after trail. You’re *supposed* to try to survive.
All of you, who are trying to slice these class trials to continue living on are playing straight into MonoTV’s hands.
[Confident] As if I’ll accept that.
I don’t care how low I’ll sink, or how despicable I’ll have to become. I’ll do anything to carry on Xander’s ideals by ending this killing game, even if it means that I have to dirty my hands.
Oh, this man is lying out his ass.
This is not an answer you hesitate over if it’s true. The words David is saying are neutral; the show is meant for entertainment, and it’s not entertaining if people die early. There’s no controversy there, no reason to be nervous. Especially since Eden’s already come to the same conclusion.
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Veronika: You know, Eden once thought of an interesting plan to end the killing game. Based on everything we know, it could theoretically work.
To make a television show so boring they have no choice but to shut it down.
All we have to do is nothing.
You’re not supposed to be sweating when you’re effectively repeating something Eden said, even if under a different context.
First, David says he’ll give “any answer”, already making anything he says shady. Then, he seems to deliberate on what to say, which is already suspicious.
The most notable thing is that when he starts talking about the TV show, and what it means for it to be entertaining, he still hesitates. If his plan really was to make the TV show boring, once he decides to spill the beans, there’s nothing to hesitate about.
He only regains his confidence at the end, ironically when he’s saying the actually insane stuff. He finally finds the character he was trying to play and actually says something true; he wants to uphold Xander’s ideals and end the killing game. But I really don’t think it’s because he wants to make it boring.
In other words, he’s not lying about wanting to follow Xander and end the killing game, but his explanation about the entertainment has nothing to do with that. It’s way too simple of an explanation for the amount he hesitates. At least, that’s what I think, I may be wrong.
That brings us to the question; if he didn’t take the blame to make the game boring, why did he do it?
Well, currently and without too much confidence, I believe it has to do with Xander’s secondary goal; killing Teruko Tawaki.
One of the most well-accepted theories in the community is that David’s secret, “everything in your life is worth killing over [and] the killing game is all your fault,” isn’t Xander’s, but Teruko’s.
(In fact, side theory: I’m betting (on little evidence) that by the end of the trial, it will be David with his fanboy knowledge to point out that the “survivor’s guilt” secret that Min “received” was actually Xander’s, and reveal by process of elimination (since it’s likely going to be revealed in the trial that Hu has Veronika’s secret and Veronika has Hu’s, assuming those theories are true) that Min has the poison secret. It’s a bit of a wild prediction, but I think it’s a reasonable possibility to how the series would go about confirming the secrets of the dead)
That, combined with the fact that Xander followed a note that told him to kill Teruko, would certainly be enough for David to decide that Teruko’s gotta die. And killing everyone in the class trial is probably the best way to ensure that happens, since David probably doesn’t hunk attacking her directly is a good idea. If Xander, physically the strongest student in the cast, couldn’t get past Teruko’s luck, what the hell is David supposed to do? Especially now that she carries a knife, though I’m not sure David knows that.
It’s not even that out of nowhere; in the LGI video, Teruko’s numeral XIII appears next to a quote regarding the child of Omelas among other things. Very long story (skip to 1:22:22 in this video for the full explanation), but the child of Omelas is someone who must suffer so everyone else can live in a perfect world. It’s possible David thinks of Teruko, for one reason or another, as the Omelas child; she’s gotta die so everyone can be happy. She is someone “deeply unloved” after all.
Now, is this a stretch? Certainly. But I don’t think David’s telling the truth about his motivations, and I think this is one of the more likely options as to what exactly he was cooking here. I’m sure there’s better explanations out there, I just haven’t seen them :v
David VS Whit
I kinda skipped over the “Red Herring pun to David Freakout” line at first, but I think it’s pretty interesting that David gets so mad at Whit’s behavior. They are Recap Foils, so it makes sense they’d have strong emotions towards each other.
In particular, I’d like to point out how David gets mad at Whit for something similar to what he does as a motivational speaker.
I mentioned it in the previously mentioned section of my LGI analysis, but I believe part of the reason David hates Teruko is that he sees himself in her (pessimistic, thinks the world won’t change, etc), and this would be the other side of that. David constantly says things he doesn’t believe to make people happy, and he considers that to be pretty stupid, so it makes sense for him to get frustrated when seeing Whit doing something similar, trying to raise spirits by telling jokes. Looking at Whit is sorta like looking in a mirror, and David hates that. The mirror in LGI is labeled “reflection is due” for a reason.
I’m not fully sure this works 100%, but I think it’s at least worth considering.
Updates on Eden!Culprit Levi!Accomplice
In case you’re new here, here’s a link to my post detailing the Eden!Culprit Levi!Accomplice theory, which I came up with alongside some other theorists, and is what I currently believe the murder to be. My thoughts on possible character motivation and the such have shifted a bit since then, but the important part is the physical evidence. In particular, the combination of Lockdown Logic to determine Eden most likely took the tape from the gym and the Fish Timeline to determine someone else must have helped her get the fish, combined with the overly complicated murder method which I describe in detail, leads me to believe Eden is the blackened, and Levi helped her kill Arei.
I’m not going to talk about other theories, I’ll let the dedicated theorists perfect them with the new evidence in their own time. But, how does this theory change?
On the surface, uh, not much. We haven’t talked method much, after all.
(Side note, I know some people are bothered by how long that’s taking, and while I kinda get it, I’m not bothered by it. We’re in no rush; I prefer it if all the character conflict is addressed at some point, even if it delays talking about the actual method. Better than it going unaddressed, after all)
The only change is adding that they splashed Arei with water to hide her body temperature, but as discussed, that’s a minor change.
The big wrench thrown into this theory is the end, because… I’ll be honest, dear audience, I have no clue what Levi’s cooking here. Like, at all. Zero read on why he’s revealing his secret. I could try to speculate, but I can’t find any fully satisfactory answer even outside the Levi!Accomplice theory. Nothing makes sense to me, so I’ll just wait for the next episode before trying to read into it.
There is one unrelated thing I want to bring up, though, and it’s related to Levi’s possible motivation. I know this is one of the biggest sticking points in the theory (obviously), so I’d like to talk about it.
As a refresher: although alternate ideas have been offered, my current guess is that it has to do with his desire to be a good person, and the fact he considers Eden a good person. Cue the whole “A Good Person” hidden title behind “All That Glitters.”
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Levi: Perhaps I messed up yesterday. But I want to move on. I want to keep trying to become ‘a good person,’ like you, Eden.
The idea goes like this. Levi thinks Eden is good, and so he wants to do good by her. Based on the secret quote in the code of his character page, we can tell he prefers to speak through actions. He’s a bold action man, and that can cause him to come off as heartless.
Levi: I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
My personal theory (again, other Levi motives are possible) assumes that Levi believes someone will win the killing game eventually (and this is an assumption, I won’t deny it), and if only one persona can escape, he’d rather it be Eden than anyone else. Again, “good person.” Levi will die, sure, but unless he becomes a blackened himself, he’s going to die regardless whenever someone gets away with murder.
Now, this isn’t anything drastically different than what I said in the theory post, so why am I bringing it up?
Well, the thing is… Doing something horrible, throwing away your own life and those of most of your peers, all for the sake of the one you’ve deemed to be “a good person”…
Now where have I heard that before?
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David: But doing “good” things requires sacrifice. Sometimes that sacrifice is being seen as a good person.
Even if doing something makes you hated, if that action is for a greater good, then it’s an action you have to take.
Xander is a good person. He’s the only good person I’ve ever known. I swear, I’ll follow in his footsteps and—
Huh. Funny how that works.
My point is that not only is “doing good by the only good person here” now a pre-established line of reasoning these characters can have, Levi doing such a thing for Eden would be a very interesting parallel to what David tried to do for Xander.
This isn’t evidence, to be clear. Just because one guy does it, doesn’t mean a completely unrelated dude is gonna do it too. But I’m calling it now as a potentially interesting parallel to explore, either in canon if I’m right or, like, an AU if I’m wrong :v
That said, I will point out that Hu’s capital G Girlboss Moment is directly after this, the one where she chews David out for deciding what’s best for all of them without consultation. And a little bit afterwards, Levi starts acting weird, apologizing for being useless, revealing his secret, etc. These two things could be connected, if Levi is, like, having second thoughts after that.
I could see a world where Levi’s trying to bring the conversation towards the right answer without fully committing to it, only for something or someone to somehow convince him back to accomplice-hood middway through it. I find that immensely unlikely, to be clear, but again, I genuinely have no idea what Levi’s trying to do right now, so.
All in all, a pretty neutral episode for this theory. Next one could completely break it, though, so I’m excited. I might have to come up with new theories! >:D
God I missed DRDT. And the only drawback of coming back is re-opening LGI trauma :D /silly
Anyways, thanks for reading! See you on the flipside!
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itsmepage · 3 months
Worth it
Clouis || They…,,, they.,,.. they have been rotting my brain my entire summer they’re all I think about I love sm I HAVE to write them <33 (this is based my play through btw)
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Summary: During the Winter Clementine got sick and Louis takes care of her; despite the warning, he too, got sick
Warnings: Tennessee’s death mentioned, common cold symptoms such as sore throat, stuffy nose, fever etc, kissing, lots of coughing, swearing, Louis being a helpless cheesy romantic & Clem having survivor guilt
Louis lay coughing in his now old room since he moved in with Clem and the little dude’s approval. Due to his stubbornness of not wanting to leave Clem’s when she got sick a few days ago. Stubbornness may have not been the right word to describe it, in Louis’s eyes: he wanted to share an intimate moment with her while she was forced to stay in bed. ‘Taking care of his girl.’ his words.
“Whoa hey- what are you doing?” Clem asked the freckled boy over her as he was inches away from her face. “What? Can’t kiss my girlfriend?” Louis said raising his eyebrow, Clem
Chuckling at his normal expression, whenever he was flirting that is, “No, not when she’s sick you may not.” Clem shot back at him, smiling when he gave a small pout. “Come on! A little Coughing isn’t gonna due me in, besides getting sick by your hand would probably make it totally worth it.” Louis said giving her a wink making her giggle just a little, but that slight giggle turned into a slight coughing spree.
It was winter at the time, the season of snowball fights, snowmen, Christmas, and seasonal sickness all gone for the new world except for answer D. Clem being Clem, wanted to double-check that the kids would make it through the harsh three months. Getting a small cold in the process according to Ruby.
Louis quickly grabbed the water next to her almost as soon as the fit started, helping her drink it. Clem took the bottle from his hand sitting up steadily to drink properly. Clem released a sigh when she was done, finding her airway again, laying back down. “You okay?” Louis asked with worried eyes touching Clem’s forehead to check her temperature. “Still no fever, that’s good.” Clem lean into his touch smiling through the uncomfortable pain in her throat and the snot building up in her nose. “I’ll be fine Lou, Ruby said it's just a cold and it’ll pass.” Louis nodded taking his hand away. “AJ was asking about you, by the way.”
Louis began taking the bottle and placing it on the desk next to them. “About?” Clem asked. “Just to see how you’re doing-“ Then his expression changed; Louis’s hazelnut eyes were mixed with warmth and sadness. “-and start working on the house, when you feel better.” Clem's eyes widened, nearly hating herself for forgetting her and Louis’s outrageous house they planned that day. “Holy Shit.. I can’t believe I forgot about that.” Clem laughed. “Honestly me too-“ Louis laughed along. “With everything that happened.. I just..” Louis sighed in sadness remembering what happened that day, what happened with Tenn.
God with everything happening up to that point, the lives they lost, the sacrifices, the risk, just to end up here. Clementine wanted to mourn to honor, to cry over the tragedy, especially with sweet, innocent, Tenn, but she could only be thankful to the foolish boy sitting over her his soft hands holding her rough ones that rested on her stomach hands that had been stained with blood and tears. She almost thought she was selfish for thinking that, for when recalling such painful memories, weeks before: she remembered following Louis into his piano room for a project. It was a hazel memory, but when Clem was younger before the world went to shit she remembered watching romantic movies with her parents, and looking back on that tender moment of the two beings alone in the piano room in dark candle-lighting, it felt a scene from one of those movies and to this day she still couldn’t figure out if was intentional by Louis or everything just fell in its place. Either way, she was happy.
Happiest she’s ever been.
“We’re building that house.” Clem told Lou with confidence despite her sick nature. “Damn right.” Lou bounced back matching her eyebrow raise. “After you get better.” Louis said after Clem begin coughing again. She smiled and for what seemed like a few minutes, they stared into each other’s eyes being in the grace of one another presence. Their moment was interrupted by the knock and voice of Aasim. “Hey, Louis! When you have time, come out and put on a scarf and coat, we need your help with something!” Louis rolled his eyes “Be there in a second!” Louis yelled back. “Killjoy..” he mumbled under his breath making Clem giggle… while coughing. “Ugh, guess I have to go, you, get some rest.” Louis said laying down quick enough to place a kiss on Clem’s forehead before getting off the bed. “Louis!” Clem ‘yelled’ but he just smiled, making her eye-roll. “Fine, your funeral.”
“See? I told you so.” Clem, who was better, now hovering over him now, touching his forehead for a potential fever. Louis smiled his Charismatic smile. “Worth it.” He said while coughing, jumping into his own coughing fit; Clementine giving him water. “Better?” She asked. “Better.” He answered the door swung open to reveal AJ. “AJ..” Clementine warned, “I know, I know, don’t go past the door frame.” He said repeating Clem’s warnings. “Hey, Louis!” He called out to Louis whose whole frame was out of his viewpoint. “Hey, little dude!” Louis, attempted, to call back with his weak voice. “I just wanted to tell you, Willy and I told this abandoned home not so far from the school, I figured, maybe.. you wanted to check it out! for your treehouse I mean.” He told excitedly, brightening up when he saw the approval on Clem’s face: she looked back at Louis with a similar look. Lou gave a thumbs up for AJ to see. “Sounds cool we’ll-“ he begins coughing again, Clem placing a hand on his shoulder to get him to stop trying to speak. “Thanks, kiddo, we’ll look into it, go back to the other kids for now. I’ll see you in a second.” AJ nods his head in understanding closing the door on the couple.
“Seems, like we have a lot of work to do soon.” Louis commented. “Yeah maybe but get better first.” Clem said, standing up from her knees. “No kiss goodbye?” Louis asked with puppy-dog-eyes. “You’re sick.” Clem fought back “so?” Louis countered “I gave you one!” - “Yeah, but I told you no because you were going to get sick, and now look where we are.” Clem laughed at him. “That’s was your decision, not mine.” She finished. “Fine! Fine! fair enough.” Louis said defeated, settling into the bed. She looked back at Louis’s rested nature before leaving, gushing over how cute he was in silence, getting an idea, she ran after AJ and probably the other kids about the house, hoping to give Louis some kind of surprise when he gets better. Clem hoped to fix up the house or build the treehouse or.. make a skylight.
That’s it! She’ll surprise him by planning a skylight, truth be told she wanted the treehouse, in hopes even if she won’t like it again, AJ will for the right reasons. But Louis most definitely wanted the skylight, he wouldn’t mention it if he didn’t. The thing is how to build it, or how to build the whole damn thing up together. It’ll be hard, it’ll take muscle work and a bit of patience. But, for him..
It’ll be totally worth it.
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pandenewie · 1 year
14 - Real Men Clean Bathrooms
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AN: I’m back !! I will be back to my regular posting schedule from now on :))
WARNING: She's a little suggestive...
Jungwon has been called Wonnie most of his life… by his older sister, his parents, and his older friends when they’re trying to tease him… even the lady next door whenever he walks her dog or takes out her trash. Despite hearing the nickname from so many people, nothing will come close to the gentle flutter his heart feels whenever it slips past Y/n’s lips.
“Wonnie!” Y/n calls for what seems like the tenth time, poking his dimple to get his attention. A small habit they’ve started recently. Jungwon finally snaps out of his thoughts, remembering that Y/n is, in fact, standing right in front of him. “Oh, sorry uh… what were you saying again?” Jungwon asks sheepishly. He really didn’t mean to space out, it’s just that spending more than a minute in Y/n’s presence causes him to lose his train of thought.
“Mr Kim told me to talk to you. I’ve got detention again and he said I need to use that time to help out around the school or something.” Y/n shrugs. Jungwon can’t help the downturn of his mouth at the mention of yet another detention. They’ve been getting those a lot lately. “Um… I’ll have to check what the council is currently working on. It’s probably just cleaning desks and picking up litter though.” Jungwon says, grabbing his laptop out of his bag to check the minutes from the last council meeting.
Y/n leans over curiously, watching as he taps away on the laptop. “Is there anything you wanna do in particular?” He asks, scrolling through the list of volunteer work for the council. Y/n pretends to think for a moment, tapping a finger against their chin for added effect. “I’ll do whatever you’re doing.” 
If Jungwon wasn't already blushing, he certainly is now. "Um… I'm just cleaning out the out-of-order bathrooms… making sure they're ready to be renovated. It's pretty boring." Jungwon mumbles. It does sound boring… but Y/n's eyes light up nonetheless.
"You mean our spot?" They ask excitedly, causing Jungwon's eyebrows to furrow. "Our spot?" He asks. Since when did they have a spot? That feels like something he would definitely remember. "It’s where we skipped class together, don't tell me you forgot already?" Y/n pouts. Of course, he didn't forget! He could probably remember every interaction he's ever had with Y/n. He just assumed that Y/n didn't… or at the least, never thought about it.
"I mean… you can clean with me if you want. It's a pretty big job though. Hence why the other council members are doing easier stuff."
That made Y/n angrier than expected. Of course, Jungwon would get stuck doing the most difficult task by himself, while the rest of the council runs around picking up rubbish. God, if Y/n could name another member, they would definitely be going in their death note.
"I'll stick with you." Y/n says, surprising even themself with how genuine the words sound. Jungwon seems surprised too, his eyes widening slightly as the tip of his ears turn a pinkish red. He mumbles a quiet thanks before quickly typing Y/n's name next to his on the task sheet.
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"Was this place always such a dump?" Y/n asks, looking around the small room in disgust. There's graffiti all over the walls and mirrors and the floors are covered in rubbish and drywall. Even one of the toilet stalls has had the door ripped off its hinges.
"Believe it or not, this is the better of the two." Jungwon sighs. "I'm pretty sure the girl’s bathroom has rats." He adds, causing Y/n's face to screw up at the thought.
The bathrooms certainly didn't look like this when the two were last in here. That was only a few weeks ago.
"How did it even get this bad?" Y/n asks, pulling a pen out of their pocket and walking towards the discarded stall door. Jungwon watches curiously as they crouch down, scribbling something on the piece of metal.
"Because people do things like that." Jungwon sighs, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling developing in his stomach at the "Jungwon and Y/n were here" outlined in a heart.
Jungwon actually starts to get to work as Y/n continues to look around. After a few minutes, they let out a small gasp - gaining Jungwon's attention once more. 
"Omg, I forgot about this!" Y/n exclaims, pulling Jungwon towards the scribbles on the wall. He looks at Y/n confused so they elaborate. "It's a list of everyone who hooked up here." This doesn't help. "In the bathroom?" Jungwon asks, his nose scrunching in disgust. "You'd be surprised. It's a pretty common make out spot." Y/n smirks, making sure to send Jungwon a playful wink in the process.
"Have you made out with someone here?" Jungwon asks, the question coming out a little louder and more urgent than he expected. Y/n can't help the smirk that spreads across their face. They place their hand under their chin, tapping repeatedly as they pretend to think. "Once or twice? I don't know… check the list." Y/n teases.
Jungwon doesn't want to look at the list - scared of what names he'll see engraved next to Y/n's. Scared of what feelings will come over him once he puts a face to the people who have been with Y/n. People he can only dream of being. But his restraint is limited and before he knows it, he finds his eyes quickly scanning the scratchy list of names.
It's not that bad. At least that's what Jungwon tries to tell himself. There's a handful of names written alongside Y/n's - mainly those who have already graduated, with a few from their current year level. It's not that bad. But Jungwon can't stop the bubbling feeling of jealousy that begins to form in the pit of his stomach.
"Find your answer?" Y/n asks in a teasing manner, despite their attention now being placed on picking up rubbish. Jungwon hums quietly, his eyes scanning the list once more before he gets back to work. "You're on there a lot." He mumbles, earning a scoff from Y/n. "You're slut-shaming me?" Jungwon stiffens for a moment but relaxes once more when he sees that Y/n is joking. "More like judging your hook up spot."
This comment causes Y/n to gasp in feigned offence. "Excuse me? How dare you judge the fine art of bathroom make outs?" Jungwon laughs slightly at this. "I'd hardly call kissing in the corner of a trash-filled bathroom a fine art." He gestures around the room to prove his point. 
"That is exactly how I know you've never kissed in here." Y/n jokes, causing Jungwon to sheepishly rub the back of his neck. "Why do you say that?" He asks, laughing awkwardly. "Well, first of all, your name’s not on the list." Y/n points out. Jungwon goes to mumble something about it being the destruction of property but is quickly interrupted. “Secondly, you've been blushing this entire conversation.” Y/n continues, taking the chance to quickly poke Jungwon's dimple. "And thirdly, you don't just kiss in the corner. That's where the spiders are. The basin is much more comfortable."
Jungwon struggles to hide his shock as he chokes on his saliva. He doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t the basin. “Need a demonstration?” Y/n asks, smirking. Before Jungwon can even comprehend a response (at least one that wouldn’t result in him embarrassing himself) Y/n is already pushing the remaining trash and drywall off the basin and onto the floor. Jungwon watches in half shock, half amusement as Y/n lifts themself up onto the now clear basin.
“So whoever you’re making out with would sit here. You’ve just gotta be careful of the tap because let me tell you, hitting your tailbone on that hurts like a bitch.” Jungwon’s not sure when this turned into a walk-through but he watches carefully anyway as Y/n playfully smiles at him.
Jungwon loves their smile - even though most times he’s seen it has been when they’re teasing him. He still loves the way it sits proudly on their face, the way their eyes shimmer and crinkle the wider the grin spreads. He also loves the smile that they show when they don’t think he’s looking. The genuine one, given only to those close enough to deserve it. Jungwon hopes to one day be one of those people.
Amidst his trance, Y/n decides to begin the next part of their tutorial. They quickly reach out to grab Jungwon by the collar of his shirt, pulling him in so that he’s standing between their legs. Being caught off guard, Jungwon presses his hands tightly against the basin on either side of Y/n, catching himself in order to not fall completely on top of them.
“This is where you would stand.” Y/n says innocently as if the position they are now in isn’t entirely suggestive. Jungwon is stunned. Being this close to Y/n brings back all the memories from the library - the way their warm skin felt beneath his cautious touch. Jungwon needs to stop this, for his own sanity.
“We should keep cleaning.” Jungwon mumbles, avoiding eye contact in fear that Y/n’s eyes could convince him to stay. Convince him to do things he most definitely shouldn’t be doing. “I’m just helping, Wonnie. It’s educational.” Y/n pouts, bringing their hands to rest gently on top of Jungwon's. The sudden touch causes his eyes to shoot up to meet Y/n’s.
His first mistake.
Now that they know Jungwon’s attention is fully on them, Y/n continues with their “lesson”. “There’s a lot of different places you could put your hands, depending on what you’re feeling. Most common would be my hips.” Y/n states, bringing Jungwon’s hands to follow their words. “You could also press a hand against the mirror behind me if you need the support.” The add. Jungwon stays silent, the only sound being that of his breathing - which is growing heavier by the minute.
“Any questions so far?” Y/n asks, holding Jungwon’s hands firmly against their hips. Jungwon doesn’t know what to say - doesn’t want to speak in fear of ruining the mood. But in classic Jungwon fashion, he can feel himself responding to Y/n’s question before he can even think. “What if you fall in the sink?”
His second mistake.
Y/n stifles a laugh, which causes Jungwon to blush slightly with embarrassment. “I’d hope you would catch me.” Y/n whispers, bringing one of their hands up to gently push at Jungwon’s chest. “But I would also hold onto you, that way if I do slip, you’ll be able to hold me up…” Y/n trails off, wrapping their arms securely around Jungwon’s neck. They make sure to gently play with some of the hair there, earning a slight but definitely noticeable shudder from Jungwon. “And all that would be left to do is kiss.” Y/n mumbles, blatantly staring at Jungwon’s lips. 
The two are silent for a second as the reality of the situation begins to set in. Y/n glances back up at Jungwon’s eyes, smiling cheekily at him. Jungwon’s eyes ever so slightly flicker down to Y/n’s lips. A move so quick, that if Y/n weren’t looking directly into his eyes, they most likely would have missed it. But with the close proximity of their faces and Y/n’s apparent love for eye contact, the tiny glimpse does not go unnoticed.
His third mistake. 
Jungwon continues to make a few more decisions that could be considered mistakes. Such as the mistake of leaning in as Y/n brings their lips closer to his. The mistake of tightening his grip on Y/n’s hips as they pull him closer to their body, adjusting the angle so their lips lock together just right. The mistake of opening his mouth when Y/n’s tongue gently brushes against his bottom lip. And many, many more.
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Kissing Y/n is something Jungwon thought he could only ever dream of doing. But as Y/n’s hand tugs gently on his hair - bringing him even closer into their hold and pulling him into yet another kiss, it finally starts to sink in exactly what he’s doing.
Jungwon should be overjoyed. But an over-looming feeling of confusion starts to wash over him, the longer his lips stay intertwined with Y/n’s. In his experiences, people kiss him because they see him as more than a friend. With Y/n, he can’t even tell if they see him as a friend. In a few weeks, they’d gone from absolutely hating his guts, to kissing him in an abandoned bathroom. The sudden switch up makes Jungwon feel like he’s got whiplash.
A sudden commotion of people in the halls causes Jungwon to quickly pull away from Y/n’s lips. The teachers are talking about him - likely wandering the halls in an attempt to track him down and ask for some help. He mentally battles with himself on what to do. Getting caught making out in the bathrooms by teachers is embarrassing for any student, let alone Jungwon. It’d do wonders to his reputation - not in a good way. But on the other hand, he will likely never get the chance to be this close to Y/n again.
Y/n can practically see the dilemma on his face and reaches forward to gently peck his lips. “Go do your job, Prez.” They whisper, reaching up to poke his cheek once more. Jungwon gulps, mumbling a quick apology before stepping away from Y/n completely.
That’s how Y/n finds themself sitting alone in the abandoned bathrooms - the feeling of Jungwon still fresh on their lips despite him being gone for almost 10 minutes now. Jungwon’s not the only one feeling confused, as they sit there wondering what the hell just happened. Kissing him was certainly not part of the original plan. But they suppose if it’ll help with convincing Jungwon to change the dress code… there’s nothing wrong with getting something extra along the way.
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TAG LIST (closed): @kang-yeosangs-initials @kpopstanmeg @b1ndignity @soobiverse @dudufodd @mikadorbs @pagesofmiracles @tya0 @ilovewonyo @bringer-ofchaos @huening-ly @ifearjwn @callmeblondie @run2min @straykids-riley (can't tag) @rikimylove @chaechae-23 @lacimolela @n1ght-maring (can't tag) @luvvsjungwonn @yenqa @tzuyusluv @viyqe @vocaloshin @deadgirlwalking3 @flamiricky @hanniesss @grayscorner @wonqr @neozon3nha @beomgyusonlywife @ahnneyong
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theclairvoyage · 6 months
Centrifugation: Chapter 3
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Series Masterlist
After your night at the bar with Joel, you find yourself wanting more–and so does he.
Chapter Warnings: kissing, allusions to smut, f masturbation, criticisms of religion, mentions of cancer and death.
WC: 3.9k
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Saturday, October 16th | 0745
You wake to sunlight peeking through the curtains in your room, casting an orange glow on your walls.  Turning on your side, you feel hard buttons dig into your hip and realize you’re still wearing your outfit from the night before.  Odd.  You don’t remember coming into your bedroom.  Grabbing your phone, you groan, realizing you forgot to text Keri that you had made it home.  You see that she had texted you a few times, probably worried.
Keri: You home?
Keri: Knowing you, you fell asleep on the couch.  Lightweight 😉
Keri: Let me know you’re safe when you wake up.  You know how I worry.
You smirk and text her back.
You: Sorry, Joel took me to get food and then we hung out here for a bit.  Nothing too crazy.  I’m good
 She responds almost immediately.
Keri: So… did y’all…
You: Nope… still wearing my clothes from the night before.  He’s not in my room.  Must’ve slept on the couch *shrugs*
Keri: Oh, so he LIKES you, likes you. 
Keri: He really seems like a good guy.  Tell me how it all went.
Keri:  I gotta get ready and head to Council Bluffs to see my mom.  We can meet up this weekend though if you want.
You: Sounds good.  I need to clean, but that’s it.  Dinner Sunday? I’ll cook!
 She likes your message, and you decide it’s time to roll out of bed.  As good as those jeans make you look, they’re not sleeping material.  You throw on some sweatpants and creep out of your room, hoping Joel is still here.
Sure enough, you see him curled up on his side on the couch, still in his jeans and flannel, snoring away.  He looks so comfortable and serene.  Grinning, you walk over and sit next to his hip.  He registers the dip in the couch and stirs, eyes opening and body rolling over to face you.  Must be a light sleeper.  Eyes washed in sleep, he gives you a soft smile, the lines by his eyes crinkling, and puts a hand on your back.
“Mornin’, sweetheart,” he rasps.  His voice is even sexier when he’s sleepy, something you thought was not possible.  You put a hand on his shoulder and rub softly.
“Morning.  Did you take me into my room last night?” you ask, tilting your head at him.  He nods.
“You passed out pretty quick, there.  Guess your show wasn’t that funny after all,” he teases.  You grit your teeth and pinch his shoulder lightly.  He throws his free hand up in mock surrender.  “Alright, alright!  Just wanted ya to get good rest,” he says, rubbing circles on your back.  Your shirt must’ve ridden up when you sat down because he touches bare skin.  You sink into his warm hand.
“Thank you.  You could’ve taken the bed, though… this couch isn’t the comfiest,” you say, pushing some stray curls out of his face.  He hums, loving your sweet touch.
“Southern gentleman, remember?  Plus, when you’re older, anything soft will get the job done,” he chuckles.  You smirk and roll your eyes.  He sits up with a grunt and turns so his back is at the armrest.  He pats his thighs, as if beckoning you to come closer.
“C’mere.” He pulls you in between his legs and wraps his strong arms around your stomach, your back at his chest.  He kisses your hairline as you lean into him.  You sigh, placing your arms on top of his.
“Could get used t’this,” he hums into your ear, goosebumps erupting on your neck.  He still smells like he did last night, the whiskey only a faint smell now.  You lean into his touch.
“Want some coffee?  It’s kinda early, but if I go back to sleep, I won’t get up until 12,” you say.  He kisses the space below your ear and hums in approval.  You try to get up, but his grip tightens on you.
“Not yet, darlin’, just let me hold ya for a bit longer,” he croons.  You turn your head up to kiss him.  It’s soft and sweet.  He’s quick to deepen the kiss, mouth opening slightly.  You reciprocate.  His rough hands slip under your shirt.  He caresses your stomach and moves higher, until his fingertips reach the ridge of where your breasts meet your ribs.  He strokes the curves there softly, still not quite crossing that boundary.  You gasp softly and feel him hardening behind you.  He pulls away and nudges his nose against yours, groaning.
“Baby… those sounds drive me crazy,” he hums, “Like I said… As much as I want you, I’m takin’ ya on a real date before anything happens.”  You whine softly in disagreement like a pouty toddler, making him laugh.
“Better get up before I change my mind, darlin,” he says, kissing your neck and under your ear.  You whine again and reluctantly leave his grasp to head to the kitchen.  He stands up, adjusting himself in his jeans.  Adrenaline rushes through your veins at the thought of him getting hard to touching you, kissing you.  You ignore the pull between your legs and focus on making a pot of coffee.
“What are you doing with your weekend, Joel?” you ask him as he saunters over to your kitchen table.  He rubs the back of his neck, grimacing.  “Guess the couch didn’t do the job, huh?” you tease.  He smirks, rolling his eyes at you playfully.
“Got a client out in West O.  Tommy and I will be there for most of the day.  Shouldn’t be too hard, though, mostly givin’ ‘em an estimate,” he says.  West Omaha is a wealthy area, and you imagine he’s got a lot of needly clients out there.  You pull two mugs out of the cabinet and fill them with coffee.
“My aura is telling me you drink it black,” you say, putting your fingertips to your temples and closing your eyes.  He laughs.  “How’d ya know?”  You walk over, handing him a mug.  He accepts it and thanks you.
“I’m not that low maintenance.  Just like some half and half in mine,” you say as you approach the fridge, opening it to grab a small container of half and half.  You give it a good shake, doing your best to foam it without a frother.
“Better ‘n those sugar bombs they call ‘frappes’,” he says, putting “frappe” in air quotes and scoffing.  You giggle as you pour half and half into your mug.
“You are an old man, aren’t you?” You ask, smirking at him mischievously.
“Guess so.  Sarah loves them nasty things.  Cost too much, too,” he says, taking a sip from his mug and savoring the taste with a groan.  “See?  Nothin’ better ‘n some cheap, fresh, black coffee.”
“Lemme guess, you’re not a fan of fruity drinks, either?” you ask.  He scoffs again.
“Not a big sweets guy, sweetheart,” he says, standing up and ambling over to you with a hint of desire in his eyes.  “That is, minus you.”  He wraps his arms around your back and leans in to kiss your neck.
“How do you know I’m sweet?” you tease, sighing softly and tilting your head to give him better access as his teeth graze at your pulse.
“Tastin’ you right now,” he purrs into your neck, moaning softly at the taste of your skin.  And boy, do you do taste sweet, remnants of your citrusy vanilla perfume tickling his tongue.  You set your mug down, afraid it’ll drop as he paralyzes you with his tantalizing neck and shoulder kisses.  The prickle of his facial hair scrapes your sensitive skin and makes you shiver.
“Joel,” you breathe, squeezing his upper back as he nips you.  He grips you tighter, hands roaming down to your ass.  He gives it a good squeeze as he pulls away from your neck.  He lets go, giving you a quick kiss on the lips.
“I should get goin’, darlin’.  Can I get your number?  I wanna see you again soon,” he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“You better… I charge top dollar for my barista skills,” you add sarcastically, making him snicker.
“Oh, I’ll pay ya, don’t you worry,” he winks at you.  You put your number in his phone and hand it back to him.  He leans in to give you another soft kiss before walking over to the door to put his boots on.  You follow and open the door for him.
“See you soon, baby,” he says, kissing your cheek as he leaves.  Baby.
After shutting the door behind him, you feel the need to cool off again.  You turn on the shower and peel off your clothes, noting how damp and sticky your panties are.  You run a finger through your slick and moan, half out of pleasure and half out of frustration.  This man has you needy and dripping for him, and he’s barely touched you.  The anticipation of your first time together makes your lungs feel tight.  You need relief, stat.  Good thing your shower head is removable.
Sunday, October 17th | 1020
A beautiful October day in Omaha was followed by a rainy, gloomy one.  You woke up later this morning, probably because the sunlight didn’t have the opportunity to bleed past your curtains like it did the morning prior.  The soft staccato of rain on the roof and the whoosh of water trickling through the maze of gutters on the apartment building soothe you as you lie awake in your bed, curled up on your side and basking in the warmth of your blankets.  Your mind decided to take this melancholy morning to reminisce about the last few days.
You had spent the rest of your Saturday cleaning up your apartment and grocery shopping, spending most of that time thinking about Joel.  You had to remind yourself that you had only known him for less than 2 days, but he already had an impact on you.  The way he looked at you and touched you was enough to make your thighs throb and your core heat up, but the way he treated you with such respect and spoke so kindly to you made your heart flutter.  You could tell he wanted you more than just physically – he was someone worth devoting your time and effort to.  You needed to know him better.
What you did know was that he was 20 years older than you and had a daughter, an ex-wife, and a successful contracting business.  A man that had lived and experienced vastly opposing highs and lows of life – the birth of his daughter and a sort of death in that of his marriage, the creation and building of a business and the travails that come with it.  You wondered if his parents were still alive.  He mentioned his father helped his brother and him in the early days of their business, but nothing more.
You thought of what he looked like 5, 10, even 15 years ago, imagining which stripe of gray appeared first on his head of curly hair, which salt sprinkles sprouted first on the edges of his jaw and chin.  If the crinkles at the corners of his eyes were softer, or if he was one of those people that smiled with their eyes and always had them.  If the lines on his forehead were not so deep, the divots in the skin between his brows less angry and permanent – knowing Joel’s sarcastic nature, you bet they were there even when he was young.  If the skin on his hands and arms were smooth, free of scars and freckles, his hands not so weathered from years of hard manual labor and work outdoors.  What it would feel like if his hands, sans callouses, rubbed your skin, touching the very depths of you and bringing you to ecstasy.
You imagine what your mother would think, her daughter seeing a man roughly her own age.  How she’d scoff and cast her vain, patronizing judgment on you.  Feelings of resentment and shame wash over you, reminding you why you don’t keep in touch with her.  She moved out to a small, small town in western Nebraska after you’d graduated from college, not long after your dad had died after a six-year battle with lung cancer.  He was the glue that kept you three together – funny, charismatic, open-minded.  He loved big cities and their constant noise, a reminder that they are very much alive – a major reason you decided to stay in Omaha.
He was a stark contrast from your mother – judgmental, uptight, obedient, misogynistic, devoutly Catholic, who counted the days until she could move out of Omaha and into a rural village. You had gone to Catholic grade school and high school, per her instruction, but never found that it resounded with you.  Such blind devotion and obedience seemed illogical, scary – even when you were 7, 8 years old.  Older and wiser, you now knew how dangerous religion could be and how it can be a vehicle of oppression for those different, wounded, less fortunate – all groups of people your mother had shown disdain for.  After high school, the only time you went to mass was during holidays, and after Dad passed, never.  You sometimes wonder if you were the only reason he had stayed with her, and if he was the only reason she stayed with you.
One thing you shared with your mother, though, was your desire and appreciation of independence.  Though she had many rough edges, she was a gifted teacher with a soft spot for her students, who taught you never to rely on anyone but yourself.  You suppose that’s why you can’t hate her, can’t be indifferent to her – you, in some ways, reflect her.  Ouch.
Tucking the pain and regret away, you decided you were going to see where this thing with Joel went.  Fuck what your mother thinks.  You’re reminded of your father’s words from years ago: Happiness is not a goal, but a way of living.  Maintaining that lifestyle is hard work.  You’re also reminded of how little time you give to others, how infrequently you let people in – except Joel, who you shared an open channel with mentally, emotionally.  You feel like you could tell him anything.
Your life was not mundane, but it had reached a plateau.  You were happy at the plasma center.  Sure, it was boring and tedious at times, but it was good and necessary work, and you met many great people through it.  You found one of your best friends in Keri, a mentor in Trina, lots of friends with which you experienced a shared struggle, and now Joel.  Your stomach tightened in anticipation at the thought of where your relationship with him would go.
Okay, enough thinking.  Get outta bed.
Sitting up, you grab your phone, realizing you hadn’t checked it yet.  You see a message from a number you don’t have, received earlier this morning.
(XXX) XXX-XXXX: Good morning, darlin.  Thought about you all day yesterday.  How did you sleep?  You grin, realizing who it is immediately.
You: Morning Joel.  I slept great.  A strange, sexy Texan guy is running through my mind, though.  You save his number after sending your cheeky reply, heading to the kitchen to make coffee.
Joel: Hm.  Sounds like you need a Texan to take a look for you.  Sexy, huh?
You: Very. Tall, dark, curly-haired.  Big hands.  Beautiful brown eyes.  Great kisser, too.
Joel: Interesting.  Nothing compared to the woman in my head, though.
You: Yeah?  What’s she like?  Maybe you need a woman to take a look.
Joel: Beautiful.  Soft skin, eyes that make you melt, perfect body.  Smells amazing.  Smart like a whip.  Best laugh I’ve ever heard.  Better kisser than your guy.  Doesn’t like whiskey, though.  You giggle and feel a heat creep up your neck and tingles prickling your core at his response.
You: Sounds like a catch to me. *shrugging emoji*
Joel: She is.  Hoping to see her soon.
Joel: When do you work this week?
You: I’m working this coming Saturday, so I have Monday off.  Took some much-needed PTO on Tuesday.  I have like a gazillion hours I need to use.
Joel: Lucky me.  No clients Monday or Tuesday – boss’s orders.  Want to go to dinner?
You: Absolutely. 😊
Joel: Can’t wait, darlin.  Pick you up at 6?
You: See you then.
While your coffee brews, you do a little happy jig in your kitchen.  Shit, what am I gonna wear?  Need to ask Keri for help.  You pull your phone back out, remembering you had planned on having dinner with her this evening.
You: Dinner at my place at 5?
Keri: Yes plz!!
You: Cool.  Need you to help me find something to wear for my ~*date*~ with Joel :D
Keri: OMG!! Okay okay I got you! Need a code name for him.  Sexy Texy?  You snort.
You: God no.  At least not spelled out.  ST works fine, though 😉   Keri laughs at your message.
Sunday, October 17th | 1545
After finishing your coffee, you cleaned up the last few parts of your apartment that you didn’t get to, showered, hit the grocery store, and started prepping for dinner.  You decided on enchiladas – easy enough to make and minimal cleanup.  Organizing your ingredients, you hear a knock at the door.  “Door’s open!” you yell.  The door swings open and Keri steps in with a case of Busch light and a 6 pack of Dos Equis, presumably for you.
“The rain is still going out there.  Gonna be muddy footprints all over the center tomorrow,” Keri gripes, setting the beers on the kitchen island counter.  Plasma centers are notorious for never being closed except for the big holidays, though luckily, your center is closed each Sunday.
“Sucks to have to work tomorrow!” you brag, sticking your tongue out the side of your mouth.  Keri laughs and rolls her eyes.  “Sucks to have to work Saturday, though!  Wonder why Trina scheduled you on Saturday,” Keri supposits.
“I took PTO Tuesday, or else I’ll lose a bunch.  And the part-time trainee has her first full day Saturday.  She’s done with all her onboarding, so it’ll be her first time on the Donor Floor,” you say, pulling a drawer open to find a bottle opener for your Dos Equis.  You crank it open and take a long pull from the bottle.  Keri nods.  “Hopefully she’s not one of the newbies that no showed-on Friday,” she says, raising an eyebrow as she opens a can of Busch.
“I think she is, honestly.  Though, she really wouldn’t have been able to do much since it was so busy,” you remind her.  You really enjoyed training, but it was difficult to show them everything possible when you were pulled in a thousand different directions.  They couldn’t do sticks or disconnects on their own without another trainer signing them off.  Saturdays during football season were slow, though, so that’ll work in your favor.
“So… you have a DATE?!” Keri exclaims.  You nod, trying to cover up your gigantic smile.  “Also, what happened after y’all left the bar?”  she asks, squinting her eyes while pointing at you and grinning.
“Nothing, I swear.  I mean, we obviously kissed at the bar, but he took me to get food and then back here.  Forced him to watch The Golden Girls.  I fell asleep and he tucked me in my bed,” you say, the reminiscing of the events making you smile.
“Y’all were all over each other on that dance floor, it was getting hot just watching!” She says, both of you erupting in laughter.
“He’s just… yeah.  He’s something else.  He’s got a daughter and is divorced.  Originally from Texas,” you say.
“Obviously,” she says, probably alluding to his thick accent.  “A daughter, though?  Wow.  What happened with the ex-wife?”
“Married and had their daughter too young, just wanted different things in life.  He says he hasn’t really had a serious relationship since,” you tell her.
“Bet he’s really good in the sack,” she says, raising her eyebrows as she takes another sip of beer.
“I have a feeling he is.  Just the way he kisses is…” you trail off, enraptured by memories of his handiwork from Friday night.
“Remember, I saw you guys macking at the bar… I think I have an idea,” she says.  “So, where is he taking you tomorrow?”
“You know, I don’t have a clue.  Guess I need to know in order to pick an outfit,” you say as you grab your phone, composing a message to Joel.
You: Hey, what’s the dress code for tomorrow?  Need to look my best.  Joel responds quickly.
Joel: I have a feeling that won’t be hard for you, no matter the dress code.  It’s not too fancy, but not casual.
You: A dress then.  Got it.
Joel: Can’t wait to see you in one of those.
Joel: And out of one.
Joel: Sorry, couldn’t help it.
Your eyes widen at his response.  Taking it slow was clearly not easy for him, either.
You: I’m gonna make this tough for you, don’t worry. 😉
Joel: I have no doubt.  Worth it.
You put your phone down and return your attention to Keri.  “He says not too fancy, but not casual.  A dress of some sort,” you say, leading her to your closet.  You two rummage through your dresses and decide on an emerald high neck, sleeveless bodycon dress that cinches your waist.  The back is open, with scalloped edges.  You decide on a cropped black fuzzy sweater to wear over the dress that you can take off inside the restaurant.  It’s warm enough still, but Nebraska weather always throws curveballs.  Satisfied with your choice, you eat dinner and continue to chat with Keri.
After dinner, Keri left to get ready for an early workday on Monday and you found yourself lying on the couch scrolling through Hulu.  You remembered that you didn’t respond to Joel earlier and grabbed your phone.
You: Sorry, Ker came over and we had dinner, forgot to respond.  She helped me pick an outfit
Joel: No worries, sweetheart.  Sarah came up for dinner too.  I’m still learnin this texting thing.  I’d ask what you’re wearing, but the surprise will be better.
You: Lol.  Wouldn’t tell ya anyway, you’re just gonna have to imagine.
Joel: No issues there.
You smile, mind drifting off when he sat on this very couch.  His rough hands stroking your skin, feeling every inch of you, and memorizing your body.  His soft lips caressing your mouth, neck, and ears, and his teeth leaving their mark on the same spots.  His growls and sighs.  His verbal appreciation of your body and the sounds he pulls from you.  Wetness gathers in your panties.  Your pussy clenches around nothing, sending shockwaves up your back.  Needing to feel a release, you head into your bedroom and grab your vibrator from your nightstand drawer, imagining it’s Joel’s fingers and cock stretching you out as you bring yourself to the peak.  His name is a faint cry on your lips as your inner muscles seize and relax in pleasure, your orgasm draining the last of your energy from you.  Drifting off to sleep, you can only imagine what the real thing will be like.
Folks... the next chapter is (finally) SMUT! Read it here.
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Taglist: @burntheedges <3
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aubaee · 6 days
SERENITY — Schedule Two
word count: 945 [SERENITY] previous | next
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“Soo,” Lihua begins, nudging my shoulders as she grabbed a chicken from the takeout box, “When were you going to tell us you were getting married?”
I glanced at her wide in shock, “Who told you??” Though I figured my group members would’ve known by now. They usually know everything before me, well the leader and oldest member.
“A little birdie told me,” Lihua’s brows raised, grinning towards our leader. Of course, I forgot she had the first notice from our manager.
I groan, slumping in my seat as we continued watching a horror movie as we ate our dinner. We concluded our Weverse live stream waiting for our food to get delivered forty minutes ago. It was past midnight, our movie closing in to an end, our food halfway finished as we talked in our living room.
“Our maknae is going away,” Jaemi jokes, wiping a fake tear. “We finally have peace at the dorms.”
I rolled my eyes at her as the members laughed along. Our manager chuckling as she watches us banter. “I can never catch a break from you guys.”
“We will though,” Hyejin retorts, finishing up her ramen as she focused on the television screen.
“Come on, you don’t think you’ll miss me?” I said, looking at my members face with my puppy eyes, well I tried.
“Nope,” they all said in unison, laughing their butts off with my misery. Yui spares me a glance as she stops laughing, giving me a reassuring pat on my shoulder. Ahh, I don’t think I’m ready to be sent away from my own safe space, especially going away from my dog Yuki. She is a four-year-old female Samoyed. I took her in when I figured I needed a companion that’s different from family members and friends, someone with who I can share my concerns and happiness with ease even if I don’t get a proper response. I’m happy to have Yuki by my side. She’s kept me sane these past years even during hard times.
“I’m so not missing you guys,” I pout, petting my dog’s head resting on my lap. “I will miss my baby Yuki though.”
“Is it not possible to take her with you?” Hyejin asks, gesturing to Yuki who is calmly sleeping throughout our bickering.
“I’m not too sure.. I think I have to ask the director.” I reply, “If I can’t take her with me, I’ll leave her with my parents for now.”
“That’s good. I’m sure she misses her grandparents more than you.” Jaemi jokes, ruffling my hair in the process.
I huffed, slapping her hand in the process, “Oh whatever. Let’s just focus on the movie ending.”
“Let’s hope our maknae ends up with a nice guy,” Lihua says, trying to enlighten the mood. “Maybe once the show is over, you’ll actually be in a relationship with him.”
“Hmm, who knows.. If he ever tries to play with your feelings, you have us as your protectors.” Jaemi said gesturing to shadow box the air.
“If he ever thinks about messing with one of us,” Yui clicks her tongue, shaking her head. “He’s got a bad rep with all of us.”
“Did any of your friends mention being on the show recently?” Hyejin asks me, taking a bite of the fried chicken in her hand.
“Not that I know of,” I sigh, trying to remember our past conversations in the group chats. “Even if they did, they’d probably kept it as a surprise.”
[HYBE Building]
“By any chance, do you know who will be my partner?” I ask Yui as we walked down the hallways to one of the meeting rooms.
“I’m not informed yet,” Yui chuckles, “Are you anxious to meet your partner of a few months?”
“I need to know if he’s a person I’m aquatinted with,” I say, “It’d be great to have a good person.”
“Hopefully they’re a good guy and not some creep,” Yui shakes her head, “You know what to do if they make you uncomfortable right?”
“Of course I do.” We looked at each other briefly before turning into the corner. I follow Yui behind as we both stop in front of a door with a sign beside it “Conference 4-1”. She knocks on it before opening and peaks her head in.
“Hello Director,” Yui greets with a smile, “I have your star of the show.”
“Welcome, thank you for coming in today,” the director smiles, standing up from her seat to greet us. I smile, taking her hand with a firm shake as I bow. “Please take a seat. It’s so great to finally meet you.”
Within thirty minutes of discussion, the director gave me the contract to look over the terms and conditions for the show. I scanned through the form, briefly going over them and signed my name.
The director informed me my partner would stay anonymous until our first encounter the day of shooting. She hasn’t given me any hints as much as I asked her throughout our conversation. I’m assuming she wants our reaction to be genuine along with the audiences and hosts.
Starting the next two weeks I’ll be leaving the dorms for three months for the show, luckily I’m able to attend the work schedules, accomodating to the time. Unfortunately, I’ll be separated from Yuki as I’m unable to bring her with me for the show, although they allowed Yuki to make a brief appearance for one of the episodes.
Saying our final goodbyes with each other, we continued our day to the schedule, meaning the girls and I would be getting ready for our last day promotions at Music Bank.
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a/n: lowkey going at a slow pace but at the same time felt like it was rushed.. ermm hope you enjoy tho :3 istg the first few chapters are slow... pls bear with me huhu.
taglist: @enhagvrl @lilifiedeans
pls like, comment, & reblog <3
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flygonee · 8 months
umm.. hello! my name is honey, i am a bug/dragon type trainer (but i do have other types of pokemon) and my goal is to catch all bug and dragon type pokemon!!!! (ง'̀-'́)ง
i am nonbinary, a minor (not saying age for privacy reasons), and i go by they/them!
i travel alllll around the world.. i love to see all the beautiful pokemon!! as of right now i’m exploring paldea :D
my bestie is fay, he’s actually the one who convinced me to make this account hehe…. whenever i remember his @ i’ll link it here ^_^
this account will just be for me talking about my journeys.. pokemon i catch…. yada yada all of that stuff
if you wanna talk to me pls shoot the dm first.. i get a bit nervous when speaking to people i don’t know (●´⌓`●)
i use way too many emoticons, and i say hehe and lol a lot.. sorry if that annoys you :(
my favourite animal of all time is cats!!! aghhh just sooo cuteeeeee :333 (so i have lots and lots of cat pokemon :p)
tbh it’s easier for me to act more energetic while typing than irl.. so that’s why if you meet me irl i’m a bit nervous, but on here i’m way different :0
now it’s time for my team! >:3
FLYGON ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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they are my first ever pokemon, they just wandered into kanto and i caught them after choosing my starter! my best friend!! they are really close to me and protect me like their life depends on it lolol
such a sweetheart.. very clingy too! and they are kind of tired all the time hehe!! they have a good sense of humour and feel like the one out of all my pokemon who really gets me
not to say the rest don’t,, flygon has just known me for way longer!! i even use my z-ring on them.. and besides they’re my main pokemon for a reason
MEOWSCARADA ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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he’s a sweetheart! so nice to everyone else and he LOVES attention, he begs for it all the time (he reminds me of my old ragdoll cat hehe)
he is the pokemon i tried to get the most (and got the easiest) when traveling over to paldea, cause i love cats! and grass types are like my 3rd fave type (bug and dragon 🔛🔝 though ofc ofc)
he’s really strong for a meowscarada idk why.. i did train him a lot though lol!! he loves to fight, very active kitty
ESPEON ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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she’s a bit more independent than my other pokemon, and only really is affectionate towards me.. but when she wants attention she’s really clingy!! she just sits on my lap while i do work or something
overall she isn’t that hard to manage compared to my other pokemon (especially my pidgey i caught back in kanto.. he’s so hard to deal with ಥ‿ಥ)
she’s also a shiny?? forgot to mention earlier but it’s pretty cool imo.. :0
RAICHU ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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now it’s time for her!! little buddy,, i love her so much, she’s so sweet!!
for some reason she always wants me to make her waffles, maybe she just has an addiction to them cause of how often i eat them hehe…. (and maybe i slip her a bit too many waffles a bit too often..)
she was actually the starter i picked in kanto, then she evolved into a raichu.. we traveled to alola….. you get the rest
she’s insanely clingy just like flygon.. probably cuz i’ve had her for so long? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SCIZOR ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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MY SCIZOR!!! really tough gal, although.. truthfully? not on the inside, physically very tough though!! she’s a really strong pokemon
she doesn’t often show it, but she’s quite the softie! she only really shows that side to me though, remaining tough to the others.. because of this she seems to be an idol for my younger pokemon, so not too bad
MILOTIC ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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such a beautiful pokemon, i always loved him even during his pre-evolution. i don’t get the hate,, feebas isn’t ugly guys!! >:(
my house is right next to a huge lake, so i just keep him there and he seems happy with it
he always manages to calm me down,, something about sending energy? well whatever it is he’s a great listener! he always encourages me to vent to him hehe
NOW FOR THE BONUS POKEMON!! cuz why not,, the pokemon below are just the ones not on my team! just some of the pokemon i’ve caught (not all of them cuz i’m lazy)
PIDGEY ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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he is such a hyper bird!! i don’t get how so much energy is stored in such a little guy (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖
raichu was the first pokemon i had ever, and pidgey was the second!
out of all my pokemon he’s the hardest to take care of.. he’s a handful for sure :p
he’s very small for a pidgey actually! he’s the size of my hand, and kind of just likes to sit on my shoulder, or fly with me on my morning walk!! he doesn’t eat much cuz of that
he usually sleeps in my collection of plushies,, it’s really cute! ˶ᵔᗜᵔ˶
GOODRA ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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she is so silly, very good cuddle buddy tbh.. she gives the best hugs
she’s so motherly and friendly towards everyone, especially my other pokemon
love her <3
if i had to describe her in one word, it’d be motherly
not much to say she’s just really kind (but oh my arceus is she so cool when fighting.. fay agrees!)
CUTIEFLY ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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a wild cutiefly i found on one of the paths in paldea, make sure to contact me if they’re yours!! for now i’ll keep them safe ^^
DRAGONITE ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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silly guy! forgot to add him to this post actually.. he’s very close to me much like flygon, but he acts a bit more overprotective over me o_o
he’s very clingy,, literally too! he clings onto me a lot
not much to say he’s just very friendly
MIMIKYU ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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one day i was having my morning walk, and felt as if i was being watched.. only to see this little fella following me all the way home!
ever since then they’ve been apart of my team, and i have been happier cuz of it! :3
they’re more independent than the rest much like espeon, except a little less affectionate. i don’t mind though! everyone expresses their love differently, and i don’t need a cuddle session from either of them to know they love me
sometimes mimikyu makes me little gifts like gloves or just any clothes and i always think it’s so cute
DEWPIDER ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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a dewpider given to me through a pelipper mail, the very same one with that.. strange beast ball o.o
umm for now i don’t know where to put this little guy on my team. soooo…. kept at home for now! ^_^"
ok uhh.. that’s all, i hope you like me!!
now it’s time for the ooc info
hai! my name is stitch, i go by she/her and this blog is kind of just for me to pretend i’m in the pokemon world cause.. why wouldn’t i want to LMAO
my main blog is @stitchthelilo so my main content is there
i have a bad sense of humour so beware and i do use a lot of emoticons which is why honey does
ooc mark will be // and the hashtag #ooc
pelipper/musharna/any kind of mail, sapient pokemon, and magic anons are on!
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cherryminxx · 17 days
Ahhh!!! Previous Annon here (one that asked about LIs) and I love your opinions about them <3 They’re all so unique and I love the whitney head cannon too.
Thought I’d share my own opinions about all of them because I’ll probably be frequent here! (mostly hidden under anonymous but still)
DOL is a tricky one because I only ever romanced Eden or the great hawk (HATE eden’s introduction events and the way you go above getting their love but I saw fanart and fell in love instantly), Eden mostly because of how I can avoid paying my orphan tax at their cabin because Bailey doesn’t come collect (pretty sure there’s a lore reason to that)
GH because I think out of all of the LIs (excluding pure!Sydney, Robin and maybe Alex (their high dom is a bit iffy) they’re the most calmest and nicest of them? Sure they kidnap you at the first meeting but they honestly don’t do anything after that? (I HC they don’t understand the human concept of love so they do it in their own way
It’s pretty easy to get Stockholm syndrome with them too, and you get strong wings from them with is a plus for flying everywhere. Low maintenance too, not very demanding!
SDV isn’t that hard, considering I only ever romanced either Shane, a modded character or Hailey.
Shane because of my “I can fix him” mindset, and because of his heart events! Especially the one where marnie gets us to water him. He goes through a lot from the heart events and he changes through them too. He’s also the diversity quota I guess.
Hailey because I love mean blonde girls and with the way she gets nicer each heart event. Also love her relationship with Emily, they’re so cute together and I love them both equally. Hailey’s also such an interesting character as you go along?? You learn how she’s upset about her parents just leaving them with the house and some money but she doesn’t want to show it if I remember her events correctly. Love her so much and she deserves the world and more
FOM is easier because I fell in love at first sight
Hayden. Him riding in on a horse?? Giving me turnip seeds?? Fell in love on the spot with that man. I love heneritta (excuse me if I spelt her name wrong) too, best chicken in the entire game and the only chicken I love fully (srry coop chickens).
He’s also one of the only plus-sized (?) bachelors and I love him for that. Also the fact he’s a himbo, I love me a himbo with a beard that knows his way around a farm (I love farmers in general) and with animals <3
Second option would’ve been Olric (Orlic? I forgot how to spell his name JUST now) if he was a marriage candidate because I love geology hoes but I’ve headcannon’d him as Aromantic just because he seems too busy collecting rocks to notice when your trying to court him into dating. He might not be dateable but if he was I’d drop everything to give that man all my perfect ore.
Juniper too, I don’t have much of a reason for her tbh I just love woman that are mysterious and witchy in their own time.
I never really liked march, I didn’t understand the hype for him but when the heart event update comes out maybe I’ll find what people mean. I just had when a fandom locks into one character and that’s ALL the fanart/fanfics you see.
Thanks for coming to my rant, sorry if I bored you out through the paragraphs but I’m very passionate about certain things. Gonna be frequent here I can tell, might as well give myself a cool Anon name or smth when I think of one.
Ohmygosh I literally am In love with all of ur opinions
I’ve never actually romanced Eden but I am LITERALLY in LOVE with all of his fanart and fics etc! Honestly I think I haven’t romanced him due to being a creature of comfort and I always just go for Whitney and forget about the rest LOL. As for great hawk I actually forgot about him, I never knew you could get wings from him that is DEFINITELY going to come in handy!
IM SO GLAD YOU MENTIONED HAYDEN BEING PLUS SIZED. Hes like my big perfect beefy man with ABS !! and ugh I totally see how he’s a himbo (Himbos are literally my favorite of all time)
I’m also so sad about olric when I saw him at first I legit was like “yeah it’s gonna be him” AND THE GAME JUST MAKES HIM NON-ROMANCEABLE HELLO?? it was quite literally my sadest discovery hopefully the devs listen and add his cute self. I LOVE your aromantic headcanon I absolutely agree! he’s too busy looking at rocks he doesn’t notice your flirting duh
As for March I’m so glad you’re not the only one who’s head over heels for him like I just don’t get it. He’s just mean 😭 like I guess I see the appeal but again I’d like to see his new heart events before I make a better opinion of him!! Plus you’re so right about the March fanart don’t get me wrong it’s great! But I would love to see way more ryis and Haden art and hopefully fics in the future!
Honestly Shane has been my go to a couple of times! not as much as Harvey per say (I love his dumb ass) but I kind of like how different his personality is from the rest of the town! it definitely adds some deepness to the sdv lore? I’m horrible at explaining 😭
Btw u absolutely did not bore me I loved reading this! I love seeing other peoples prospectives on characters, so it was a treat reading yours! :D
so glad to welcome you as my anon hehehhehe >:D
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Hello, so our hotel has WiFi, so might as well post what I drew today
I didn’t have much time to draw today, and when I did I felt more tired than wanting to draw. I actually drew the entirety of this while waiting for dinner. I guess that’s what you get when you go out with over 20 people
I know I need to do requests, but I’ll be honest, I’ve been doing this for about a week straight, and I think by now I’m starting to feel burnout. I did work a little on them, but I wanted to draw something else instead, at least for a bit
If you wanna hear about them, so these two are from an old video game project of mine called Witch Hunt, which I made I believe about freshman year of high school (which was around four years now, christ). The plot’s pretty simple; so there’s a bunch of witches, and one amongst them, Arcana, turned against the rest, stealing their power and wanting to conquer the world, and now Glaive (the boy on the left) has to go and help the witches recover their power and stop Arcana.
You’d go around the world and find the other 12 witches (well actually 13, as there’s twins with the same element, but you can count them as one), and help them out with their problems, and go through dungeons to recover their power. In their areas, they’ve basically been shunned because the powers they’re supposed to control have now gotten out of hand. Also they wouldn’t all just be one witch, with some you’d meet multiple in the same place. As for the gameplay, you’d play as Glaive using his sword, though as you go throughout the areas you’d get a way to use at least part of the witches’ power to fight Arcana’s golems, with certain enemies being weak against certain things
I can’t deny that it’s pretty similar to Legend of Zelda. That’s probably because when I made the idea, I was watching someone talk about the old Zelda cartoon, and I think I just wanted to make something with a simple plot and characters with simple designs. I remember jotting down my ideas on a piece of scrap paper, which I still have, just not currently on my person
Now, I also had ideas for other games in the series. The first one was a prequel following the oldest witches (note I forgot to mention, so the practitioners of fire, water, earth and wind are the oldest of the group, being in their 40-50s, while the rest are around 20-30 (with the exception of Arcana, who was the youngest), and these four were basically the leaders of the group) when they were still young, seeing how they became friends and the people they are in the present day, as well as introducing a character called the Sorceress, who I may talk about if I draw her as well
The second idea I had was an alternate timeline story where instead Arcana was the protagonist and Glaive the villain, which is where the girl on the right comes in, as she’s this alternate Arcana. The story would be similar, but it would have its differences due to Arcana having a different personality (same for Glaive), as well as what order Arcana would meet the witches since she’s not starting from the same place as Glaive
There’s also be difference in how each game plays, since in the alternate Witch Hunt, Arcana isn’t a physical fighter, and rather commands her golems to fight, and in the prequel, you now have four witches to play as, with that one probably playing closer to an old school turn based RPG
All right, I think that’s everything I needed to cover with the games, let’s talk about these guys themselves
So if you notice, the two actually look pretty similar, having the same lavender hair. They’re also supposed to have the same skin tone, it’s just that since Glaive is a blacksmith, his skin’s been a bit tanned. They’re also supposed to be the same age, around 15. This isn’t because Arcana is just supposed to look like Glaive in the alternate universe, the two timelines are actually nearly identical. In both timelines, these are what the two are supposed to normally look like (they don’t look like this in the timelines they’re villains), and everything about their backstory, up until when they met the other witches, is pretty much identical in both timelines. I wanted to imply there being a secret connection between the two (that I imagine you can guess), but this wouldn’t be something we find out until some hypothetical fourth game that’s an actual sequel to the original
Also during this fourth game, we’d find out that there was more to Arcana’s corruption than just a lust for power or some resentment of the other witches, and it would eventually be revealed that she was basically corrupted/possessed by this evil entity who falsely promised her something, though I haven’t figured out the details yet. This is also what happened to Glaive in the alternate timeline
I recognize now that this plot line sounds a little similar to Dark Choco, in that it was someone who was fundamentally a good person (even if Arcana isn’t exactly outwardly that) and never meant to betray their companions, only for them to find power that corrupts them and everyone believes they betrayed them of their own will and must defeat them, only for this not to be the case and them suffer the consequences. However, I came up with this years before I saw Cookie Run, so…
But yeah, I think that’s it. I just wanted to talk about Witch Hunt. Every now and then I want to work on it, but the problem always comes from trying to design all the witches; I usually burn out by Inferno and Cobble, aka by about two. I’ve come up with some designs for the others, but never all of them. But maybe someday I’ll get all of them
Hope you like it!
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lindsaywesker · 11 months
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day (green tea!) Welcome to the weekend!
Wow! Here we are again: Friday! Where did that week go? No, seriously, where did that week go?
First of all, many thanks to everyone that got involved with Throwback Thursday on my page. Yesterday’s word was INCOMPETENT and I know incompetence is something that drives us all mad. The Trouble will tell you, I shout it out loud, “Where do they find these people?” The other thing I forgot to mention yesterday is nepotism. In answer to my question, “Where do they find these people?” They’re probably – in some way – related to the boss or a current employee. And you know what happens when Junior gets the job? He’s on cruise control 24/7 because Daddy will always bail him out! God knows how some people get their jobs! We won’t even go there but – whisper it quietly – it is possible to sleep your way into a good job!
Had an enjoyable Thursday night at John Saunderson’s autumn networking event. Always lovely to see the glamourous ladies and the old skool geezers of the music industry. I go to these events to hear some stories and hear some gossip, and this function never disappoints. Took a whole pile of selfies, of course! When they see me arrive with mobile phone in hand, they get ready for the inevitable.
REMEMBER: Winter is coming! The clocks go back one hour at 2.00 a.m. on Sunday, October 29th. Your Saturday night will run: midnight - 1.00 a.m. – 1.00 a.m. – 2.00 a.m.
The Q3 RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research) figures are out and Mi-Soul has attained a nice little increase upwards! Many thanks to all our faithful and loyal listeners! The consistency of our presenters and the quality of our live events must be applauded. Whether it’s a radio show or a function, you always know what you’re going to get; the guys and girls always deliver. But, of course, our listeners make the station what it is. Full stop. You guys are amazing and you already know this because I tell you every day.
Really hope you can join me tomorrow at 1.00 p.m. for ‘The A-Z Of Mi-Soul Music’: The Letter R (Part Eight). What a cracking letter it is! One more week of The Letter R, then a two-hour special on November 11, then the start of the biggest letter in the musical alphabet. Hellen Andrea Stavrou has built The Letter S (Pt. 1) and it will knock your socks off! Kerry McMilne is waiting in the wings to do Part Two.
Finally, the story of The Trouble’s keys. Couldn’t find them on Sunday, lots of bitching and moaning, couldn’t find them on Monday, more bitching and moaning, couldn’t find them on Tuesday, couldn’t find them on Wednesday. I was having to let myself out and post my front door keys through the letter box, so she could leave the house. “This is starting to get on my nerves!” she said on Thursday evening. “What have you done with my keys?” I knew I didn’t have her bloody keys! “Right,” I said, “let’s go through the series of events on Saturday.” Finally, she looked in the handbag she’d been using on Saturday and – lo and behold – what did she find? The words that came out of my mouth are not words I choose to repeat this morning but I’ll give you a clue. “FFS!”
Have a fabulous and funky Friday! I love you all. You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me!” but, if people can hate for no reason, why can’t I love?
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passerine-writes · 1 year
Silent Sparks - Volt 44
Warnings: Emotions, insecurities, mentions of scars Word count: 3805
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 43 | Volt 45
I wasn't expecting to wake up to a text in the group chat saying it was a pool day. Midoriya texted the group chat asking if we all wanted to go for training only for Mina to say her and the girls were planning on having a relaxing swim day already. My pink haired friend demanded that I go as well. Since Dad already approved the form Midoriya filled out, it was just the matter of us meeting there.
That's how I found myself in the stall panicking. Out of everything, I forgot a swim shirt.
'It's fine. They won't judge.'
'I mean, some of my friends already know.'
'Plus they don't say anything to Toshi. He's changing out there right now.'
'I don't know what I should do.'
'Fuck it. It'll be okay. Who cares what they think anyways?'
'Except I do.'
I sighed and took a deep breath before leaving the stall. Hitoshi waited for me even though everyone was already out there.
"You okay?" I nodded and put on a fake smile to which he raised a brow. "If you want to go home at any point before five we can." I nodded quickly and walked down the hall.
The bright shine of the sun blinding me for a moment before we were met with Iida's chest.
"There you are, slowpokes!" I nervously looked around to see the rest of our class stretching or relaxing.
"Hey Tsukababes! Lookin' good!" I blushed and awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck. I could feel some of my classmates eyes on me as I walked over towards Sero. A certain blond caught my eye, his golden eyes glued to my body and making me feel slightly self conscious. However, I couldn't take my eyes off of his toned form either.
"Hey!" I waved at him and noticed he was wearing a tank top. Deciding not to comment on it, I started stretching beside him.
"Hey, I'm surprised most of the class showed up. But, where's Kiri and Bakugou?" He looked at me curiously, seemingly studying me for a minute before responding.
"They're on their way." I hummed and we fell into silence for a moment. "Are you okay not wearing a shirt?" I chewed on my bottom lip in thought before nodding.
"Yeah, I'll be alright. It's just different and I know a lot of the class is going to have questions."  He hummed, understanding what I meant.
"I get it, it's not the same but I know a lot of our classmates are gonna ask why I'm wearing a tank top." I nodded again.
"I'm a little surprised you haven't asked though." I shrugged and let my body relax between stretching.
"It's none of my business. If you want to tell me that's up to you. If not then oh well." He tilted his head to the side.
"But you already know." My eyebrows furrowed.
"But I don't. Why do you think I know?"
"Because you saw it when you came over to my house." I looked at him perplexed, confused as to what he was talking about.
"I'm lost. I remember going over to your house but mind you, I was still recovering from seeing Shiroka."
"¿No viste mi carpeta de pecho?" (You didn't see my chest binder?) I shook my head. "Well that's one way to go about telling you I guess."
"Wait, wait.." The realization sunk in. "How in the fuck? ¿Eres transgénero?" He slowly nodded, trying not to laugh.
"Yeah, you couldn't tell?" I shook my head rapidly. "Well that's a small confidence boost. I told everyone in the locker room that I just wear a compression tank since we have so many hero training days, it's easier not to change in and out of it. The only other ones who know are Kiri, Min and Denki." I nodded, pretended to zip my lips shut and throw away the key. "Speaking of Denks, he hasn't stopped checking you out since you walked out here, amigo." I blushed and shook my head.
"I don't think he's been checking me out." Sero rolled his eyes.
"He has, trust me." I huffed and rolled my eyes.
"I trust you but I don't know about trusting your eyes. He's probably more interested in someone that isn't a guy." Sero raised an eyebrow at my bland statement.
"Give him time. I know you like him." I shrugged and chanced a glance at Denki, only to find he was already looking at me.
"Okay maybe your eyes are only partially wrong. But my feelings are irrelevant. What about you and Roki?" He looked at Todoroki and I watched his face go bright red.
"Gods, he is so hot." I shrugged, the dual haired boy not really my type.
"He's pretty." He snorted out a laugh but nodded nonetheless.
Our attention was redirected to Iida carrying out a cooler to reveal orange juice. All of us thanked him for bringing refreshments, not expecting him to do so. I took a few sips of the orange juice and hummed in delight until I felt someone's eyes on me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Denki still staring at me, so I walked over and sat beside him in the shade.
"Hey." I said softly, nursing my drink.
"Looking good, Onryo." I almost inhaled my drink but managed not to, the flirtatious compliment catching me off guard.
"Same to you, you work out or something?" I smirked at him and he smiled, turning to look away and I thought I saw his face turn pink, but that could've been from the heat.
"Something like that." I couldn't bite back the smile on my face. "Tomorrow, me and the group were thinking about hanging out. You down?"
"Sure, where at?"
"We're gonna be over at Hanta's, there's a skate park about ten minutes from his house. So we were thinking about going over there for a little while. And if you want to sleep over you can, I know at least I will be, we're still waiting on an answer from Kiri and Mina."
"Sure, I have to ask my Dad and probably run some stuff by with Sero, but I should be able to." He pointed a finger gun at me and sent me a pretty smile.
"Sounds like a plan."
"Tsukababes! Get in! The waters nice! You can fill in for Hagakure, I accidentally hit her in the head.." I laughed softly and mock saluted to Denki.
"Duty calls." As soon as I stood up, Bakugou and Kirishima arrived.
"You'd better! The next time I beat you, I want you to be at your strongest, you damn nerd." Bakugou yelled at Midoriya. I sighed and rolled my neck, relaxing at the popping of my joints.
"I'm gonna be a sec, Min!" She gave me a thumbs up with a smile as I prepared to play damage control.
"Kacchan!" Izuku yelped from beside Iida. Thankfully, Kiri got to the blond before me and held out an arm to block him.
"Hey, I got your message! Sorry I'm late. Took a while to convince Bakugou to come out." I huffed out a laugh at Kiri's confession.
"That's not very surprising." Midoriya and I said at the same time, my best friend and I looking at each other before we bursted out laughing. My brother came over to his side and started talking to him, a blush forming on Midoriya's face almost instantly.
"So, Deku." Bakugou stated as he finally pushed passed Kirishima's arm. "You wanna settle who's the best between us right now? Huh?" He asked with his typical aggression while setting off mini explosions. I stepped in front of him before he could get closer to Midoriya, the blond practically snarling in my face.
"Cool it, you angry pomeranian. I'm not doing this today." He glared at me and stepped closer, our chests almost touching.
"Shut it, ear bleed! I wasn't talking to you." I gave him a bored look.
"But you made a public display, soooo, it kind of did involve me." I gave him a small smile, and I watched as he grew angrier.
"Actually, you know what?" Iida started and I sighed. "We could make this training a contest." His hand shot up to gather everyone's attention. "Hey everyone! I propose that we see which of the boys can swim fifty meters the fastest. A friendly race." I sighed as everyone cheered and hung my head before moving over to Kirishima.
"You look revved up." I said to my red headed friend. He clashed his fists together while using his quirk and flashed a smile.
"Yeah! Can't wait to see who comes out on top!" I held out my fist to which he happily bumped with his own.
"I'm not racing, I want time to relax." He rested his elbow on my shoulder and nodded.
"So what're you gonna do?" I shrugged and looked at the pool, catching Denki looking at me again.
"I don't know yet, but I'm gonna go grab my case for my hearing aids so I'll be right back." He gave me a thumbs up.
Once I came back, my mind went on autopilot almost. I took my ears out and gently set them with Toshi and I's towels, not wanting to risk them getting wet. Between rounds, I took a dip in the pool to cool off but aside from that, I laid on one of the chairs out in the sun. My eyes fluttered shut, the warmth soothing me, a single hand tapped my shoulder. I flung forward, sitting up in a panic, Dad crouched beside me and calmed me down.
I'm sorry. You looked like you were asleep. It's five p.m. and everyone is changing, you should too.
Okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to react like that.
It's okay. Don't apologize. Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, just startled. I don't have my hearing aids in.
I know.
I took a few deep breaths to fully recenter myself before standing up, the world spinning a little bit faster at the sudden motion. Dad's hands flew up to steady my stumbling body before I took a header into the deep end.
When was the last time you drank something?
I don't know, few hours ago?
Go drink some water before you leave the locker room.
I begrudgingly nodded, cursing myself silently for forgetting to drink anything since I got here.
You're not wearing a swim shirt.
And you're okay?
Alright. Go get changed so we can head home, Sunshine is making dinner.
What's he making?
Take a guess.
French toast?
Excited now, I sped to the locker room and got changed, a big smile on my face.
"-as you so happy?" I caught the tail end of Denki teasing as I put my hearing aids in.
"Pops is making french toast!" Denki looked confused but Hitoshi popped his head around the wall of lockers.
"Pops is making french toast?" I hurriedly nodded my head. "With bacon?"
"Of course! It's Pops!" Hitoshi frantically shoved things in our duffel bag but Denki still looked confused.
"What's french toast?"
"It's a western breakfast that he learned how to make when he toured in America. He doesn't make it all the time even though it's really simple so when he makes it, it's a treat. So we have to hurry but I'll ask my parents about tomorrow! Bye Denks!" My words came out jumbled but he nodded and waved me off.
Hitoshi and I practically sprinted inside when we got home, tossing our wet clothes and towels down the laundry shoot and setting the table in record time.
"You two are always so excited when I make this and it's such a simple meal." Pops chuckled, clearly amused at our excitement.
"Because it's amazing." Toshi said.
"It's immaculate." I added on. Dad came around the kitchen and placed a kiss on Pops' cheek, holding out his place for a few slices. "See! Even Dad loves it and he lives on protein pouches!" I exclaimed, earning laughter from two and a sarcastic scowl from another.
"Okay, you made your point. Let's eat." Dad mumbled, a hint of a smile on his face.
I chuckled and filled my plate with three slices of french toast and three slices of bacon. There was no talking for a bit, everyone too invested in inhaling dinner. Hitoshi and I going back for seconds at the same time.
"Did you two have fun at the school pool?" Pops asked.
"I had fun. Onryo slept most of the time." Hitoshi commented as he continuously shoveled food into his mouth.
"I got in and out but I didn't want to have a race, even if I would've been out after round one with everyone using their quirks." I shrugged, humming happily with my breakfast dinner.
"You do look a little red, little listener. Did you wear sun block?" I looked off to the side, giving him my silent answer. "I'll grab the aloe after dinner."
"Okay. Also, Sero and the guys are planning on having a hangout slash sleepover tomorrow. Can I go?" Dad and Pops had a silent conversation with their eyes and shoulder shrugs.
"Who's house and who's going to be there?" Dad asked.
"It's gonna be at Sero's house, the one that Pops had to pick me up from a few months ago. Parents will be home, especially because he has four younger siblings. It's gonna be Kiri, Denki and Mina, but Kiri and Mina are waiting to get an answer for staying the night last I checked." Dad thought for a second before having another silent conversation with Pops.
"I'm not exactly a fan of a loud blond trying to do things with one of our kids." I sighed and rolled my eyes at Dad's retort.
"Nothing like that is going to happen, plus I cuddle with most of my friends. Toshi and I have cuddled with Izuku. And if I'm in a weird no touch mood then they go out of their way to not touch me, and if they need to for something, like, fixing a tag on my shirt, then they ask first." Dad's face softened at my point.
"They're good kids, Sho. We know this." Pops said in a soft voice, placing his hand on top of Dad's.
"I know. I just worry." Dad mumbled back.
"I know you both worry. You told us that's part of your job as parents." Dad and Pops looked at me as I spoke. "I worry about leaving home sometimes too, even if it's just to go to school. But, I wouldn't be friends with them if they weren't good people and I know you wouldn't let me hang out with them if they weren't and I didn't manage to see it. When it comes to us hanging out at our friends houses though, that's why we have these precautions and rules, so that we're safe." Dads eyes softened as he looked at me.
"You're right. It's not you two that I don't trust going out in the world, it's other people. We all know how cruel some can be and I worry." I nodded and stood up, walking around to hug him from behind. "You can go, but you know the rules."
"One of you has to meet the parents, parent phone numbers and be home by curfew. If I walk or take the train, text one of you when I leave and when I get home if you aren't here. And if something happens, call one of you right away." Dad smiled and nodded, reaching around to ruffle my hair.
"Thank you. I'm still not a fan of Kaminari being there, or you calling him his given name." I jokingly sighed and went back to my seat.
"Dad, we're just friends. Friends can call each other their given name." He hummed at the statements.
"Friends don't look at each other like that though." I elbowed Hitoshi's arm lightly and he snorted.
"Toshi, two can play that game." I said with a daring look and his eyes went wide.
"You wouldn't." I raised an eyebrow and he went back to his food.
"Oh? Does our other baby have a crush too?" Pops teased and Hitoshi went bright red, making Pops gasp. "You do!" He exclaimed while Dad simply raised an eyebrow.
"It's not a loud blond, is it?" Hitoshi laughed while shaking his head.
"No, it's not. I don't like Bakugou and I don't know any other loud blonds." He stated casually, but I stopped him.
"There is Monoma." He hummed and shrugged.
"He's a prick but he gives me the vibe that he didn't get enough attention at home." I shrugged in return.
"He was still a prick the other day."
"Yeah, but you put him in his place." I pointed my fork at him and nodded.
"We're circling back to that. So if it's not a loud blond, then who is it?" Pops asked, fully invested in this.
"If you think about it, you'll know." I said in a teasing way. Pops looked stumped for a minute, staring at Toshi quizzically until I saw the light bulb go off in his head.
"Midoriya?!? The little green bean!?!" I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh at how quickly my brother went bright red.
"I'm not a fan of his All Might obsession but he's dedicated. Just be careful and don't rush into anything. I can't say I want either of you dating yet, or ever, but I can admit that that would be slightly illogical." Hitoshi nodded but looked a bit solemn.
"I don't think he even likes me as more than a friend. He probably likes someone like Uraraka or Todoroki." He mumbled as he aggressively stabbed his last bite of french toast.
"Friends don't look at each other like that." He shrugged and munched on his food.
"We'll talk about those feelings later, little listener. So, what happened with Monoma?" I ran a hand through my hair and busied myself with clearing the table.
"Toshi, I rinse you load?" He nodded and stood up. "Right before finals, we were sitting in lunch and Monoma came over and hit Izuku pretty hard on the back of the head. Saying how our class always had to be in the spotlight and stuff, he went on this huge tangent about how we'll probably make people victims with our idiocy. So I told him how he's unsettled that he didn't get into Class 1-A and he's upset he's not in the spotlight so people only know him for his bad attitude because that's what he shows everyone and that his words might be someone else's demise." Pops looked at me with wide eyes before bursting into a fit of laughter.
"Sho! He's a mini you!" Pops got out in between laughs.
"What do you mean?" I asked in mild confusion, patiently waiting for him to calm down.
"Well, when we were in UA, your Dad would pretty much keep to himself. People weren't a big fan of him for some reason, so when they would say something outta pocket, sleepyhead over here would bite back and shut 'em up." Pops elaborated. I looked at Hitoshi in shock before looking at our parents.
"Really?" I asked quietly.
"Mhm! It was one of the things that made me fall for him." I looked at my parents and diverted my gaze from their lovey-dovey staring, an orange post-it note catching my attention.
After Hitoshi and I were adopted, Dad branched out his use of sticky notes to everyone. Yellow ones were Pops', Toshi's purple, mine orange and Dad's white whenever we wrote one for him.
They weren't always heartfelt notes like Pops gets, mostly for Toshi and I it's to remind us to do something or just a reminder in general, but sometimes they were heartfelt.
Talk to Onryo about Nedzu.
"Hey Dad? What's my post-it note about? What about Nedzu?" Our parents looked at each other, Toshi looking at all of us curiously.
Without a verbal conversation, we moved to the living room and sat down. An old pang of fear hit me but I brushed it off, knowing I was being fairly irrational.
"You already know Nedzu would like to have your IQ tested, but he called us out in the hall to talk to us about something during the exam." Dad stated, and I simply nodded, remembering that. "We wanted to wait until things calmed down a bit after the exam, and we would have waited to tell you after the training camp but Sunshine and I agreed it wouldn't be fair to keep this from you. Nedzu did some digging after Shiroka was arrested and found out who your birth father is." I froze at Dads confession, trying my hardest to swallow down the lump in my throat.
"What?" My voice came out weak and airy, Hitoshi placed a comforting hand on my back but I felt like someone just dumped a bucket of ice water on me.
"You don't have to meet him if you don't want to, little listener, but we wanted you to know. Do you have any questions?" My leg bounced harshly as I mulled over what I was told.
"Uh, I-I uh, is he a hero, criminal or dead?" Everyone froze, clearly not expecting me to jump right into the heavy stuff. "I- I just assumed that Nedzu would have had to look through databases that he could compare blood matches to." I said softly, still trying to wrap my head around it.
"We don't know, but we know he's not a criminal. Nedzu would have mentioned something if that was the case." Dad said calmly.
"Okay. Uh, wh-what's his name? It's not in my adoption file." Pops and Dad looked at each other before answering.
"His name is Kodoku Shikadai." I looked at Dad and nodded, inhaling sharply.
"I take it you both have already looked into him?" Pops snorted and nudged Dads arm.
"Yes, we have. That's what I was doing at the school today with Nedzu, actually. He checks out." I nodded, balling my hands together. "And Hitoshi, Nedzu took the initiative to look into your birth parents as well." My brother perked up at this, looking at our parents in shock. "They check out too."
"Are they.."
"They're not criminals." He nodded and asked what their names were. "Shinsou Haruta and Airi."
We sat in silence with too many things to think about.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
New Day, New Skill
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Reader 
Summary: Scarlett has just learnt how to use Facetime properly and is excited to show you her new skill!  
| Fluff | 0.7K | No Warnings | Scarlett & Reader are close in age. 
AC: Got this idea from rewatching the new Out Set TikTok videos!  
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You sat at home catching up on some long overdue relaxation time. With your legs rested up on the coffee table, a warm hot chocolate by your side and four chapters into your new book, it was the perfect way to escape the stresses of work recently. 
If your partner, Scarlett, were home then you’d be doing something with her to destress, but she was busy with doing some promotional work for her skin care brand, The Out Set. Usually, you’d pop into the office and surprise her, but she mentioned late last night while in bed how much work she had to do in the morning so this time you just waited for her to come home. 
Your phone sat on the coffee table on vibrate as your book drew you more and more into its contents, a fruit snack sat in a bowl within arm’s reach, picking at it when you turned the page. Shortly, a black and white photo of Scarlett lit up your screen causing you to smile at your favourite photo of her. The device vibrating loudly as you reached to pick it up, a slightly look of confuse quickly covered your face when you say Scarlett was trying to Facetime you instead of her normal voice call. 
It took a few seconds to connect before you were greeted with your lover’s smile. 
“Hi honey!!” Scarlett said with excitement.
“Hi darling, you’re facetiming now?” you cocked an eyebrow. 
“The girls showed me a couple of times how to use it properly! They’re just showing me how to make TikTok’s by myself and how to use the app then we got laughing at my lack of knowledge to FaceTime” Scarlett couldn’t help but giggle at her co-workers in the background. 
“I never thought I’d see the day, my baby girl finally learnt how to facetime!” you chuckled, “You learn something new every day” she replied, “what are you up too hon?” Scarlett asked, completely admiring you through the phone. 
“I’m just relaxing on the sofa with my new book” 
“Are your feet on our coffee table again?”
Slowly you returned your feet from the coffee table and gave Scarlett a playful look, “of course not” you smirked.
“I’ll just ignore that little white lie” she chuckled, “I’ll be home shortly, do you want me to pick up dinner on the way home?” 
“I could really go for some Mexican” you suggested with a sweet tone. “I’ll grab your usual order” Scarlett smiled. “Thank you, baby” you returned the small smile. “I’ll text you when I’m leaving the office, I love you”
“Okay, sweets, I love you too” you blew her a kiss through the phone before you watched her look up from the phone “it’s not hanging up” she spoke to one of her co-workers, with a giggle you hung up for her knowing she probably just didn’t’ press the red button hard enough. 
The rest of the afternoon was spent locked into your book, your warm hot chocolate now gone cold, the fruit snack was now just an empty bowl and now you were 12 chapters into your book you completely forgot about the time. 
Your phone calling brought you back to reality, smiling to yourself once again when seeing it was Scarlett calling, again via FaceTime. 
“You’re really liking the FaceTime, aren’t you” your smile widened at the sight of Scarlett’s excitement. 
“I love it! I get to see your face while I’m away” she replied. 
“Honey, I’ve been trying to show you FaceTime for months” you chuckled remembering the attempts to get Scarlett to FaceTime you whenever she was away. 
“I’ll have you know; I just made this call without any help” she chuckled with you. 
“Ooo, I’m so proud!” you said honestly, “Are you almost finished at the office?” you asked. 
“Yep! And I’ve already got our dinner, I just got back in the car” 
“You said you were going to text me when you were leaving the office?” you questioned. 
“I did? Have you been read this whole time?”
“No?” you playfully shook your head, swiping down on your phone to see that Scarlett did in fact message you 43 minutes ago. “You’re the worst liar, you know that, right?” 
“I do but you love me”
“You’re lucky I do” she chuckled once more, “I’ll be home in 10, see you soon honey, I love you” 
“I miss you; I’ll see you soon. I love you too” you smiled, “can you work out the hung-up button yet?” you joked. 
“Shut up” Scarlett laughed before hanging up, leaving you to laugh by yourself for a moment. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova |
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ptergwen · 4 years
If you do smut can you do like stark!reader x peter parker (spiderman) are dating 3-4 month and y/n and peter had their very fluff first time then next morning y/n has hickies all over her neck and her thights stomach... and tony/ her dad sees it and is confronting them with it😂 i love your stories 🤤
just saying hi
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w/c: 2.5k
warnings: veryyyy suggestive, swearing, some pretty embarrassing moments
a/n: thank you babe! i didn’t write the actual smut but y’all can guess what happened 😭 also this is super long i couldn’t help myself
it was everything. it was everything you ever wanted your first time to be and more.
you’d brought up to peter during a make out session one night that you were ready to go farther than you two already have. there was one base you didn’t hit yet. the fourth, the final. you were thinking about it for a while before that, and peter would be lying if he said he didn’t.
your love has always been physical, whether it’s you kissing peter’s cuts after a mission or him tracing hearts on you with his fingers. there’s also the more sexual side of things. that part, you both enjoy just as much, maybe even a little more because you know exactly how to make each other feel good after all the trial and error.
what better way to combine the two than, well, making love?
last night was your sign from the universe, your go ahead to do it. you had the compound to yourselves because your dad had taken all the “big kids” out for the night. you’re both well into college, but he refuses to see you as adults. that meant no peter and no you. you two were a little offended until you realized you could make use of your alone time.
you started off searching for a movie. that turned into you wrestling peter for the remote because you didn’t feel like watching back to the furure yet again. wrestling turned into you on top of him, which turned into you kissing him, which turned into peter throwing the remote somewhere and carrying you up to your room with his lips still on yours.
neither of you had to say it. you were on the same page, same wavelength, two brains in one as peter layed you down and trailed his kisses lower and lower.
peter was so gentle with you, except for when you told him not to be. those were the times he didn’t hold back. he was attentive and sweet and showed you quite a few times how much he loves you. you showed him just the same. yeah, it was really everything.
“morning, baby. you awake yet?” peter hums against the shell of your ear, arms wound comfortably around you. “kinda,” you mumble back with a goofy smile. he presses his lips to your ear and nuzzles his face in the side of your neck. “kinda... how’d you sleep?” you can hear the grin in his voice. his nose nudges your bare skin where a fresh hickey lies and makes you scrunch your own up.
“good, really good. always love sleeping with you.” you’re both aware of the alternate meaning that has now. “funny,” peter lets out a breathy laugh against you and brushes his thumb over your stomach where your shirt got ridden up. you sigh, enjoying his soft touch and reaching behind you to play with his curls. they’re a lot messier than usual from you tugging on them all last night.
peter removes his face from your neck and carefully turns you onto your other side. you’re facing him now, eyes trained on his concerned expression. “hey, just wanna check. how are you feeling? still sore?” a tiny smile stretches your face. he really does care about you and how you feel after everything. you know for a fact most other guys wouldn’t.
“i mean, yeah. you were... it was a lot, but i’ll be fine in a few days i think.” the mention of peter being a lot makes color rush to his face. you laugh quietly at that, cupping one of his cheeks that’s turning pink. “oh. i, um, i didn’t know that. sorry.” he smiles shyly as you smooth your thumb over his warm skin. “don’t be. it wasn’t as bad after i... adjusted a little,” you reassure him, making him lean into your palm.
“i really am sorry, y/n/n. can i make it up to you?” peter checks with you, eyes going up from yours to down your body. he hooks a finger in the waistband of your pajama shorts. “make you feel better?” the way he finishes his question with a bite of his lip is definitely tempting. so is your stomach yelling at you to put some food in it. you’ll have to wait.
“later. right now, you can make me breakfast,” you beam at him and take his hand. peter pushes his palm against yours, letting you lace your fingers together as he puffs some air out of his cheeks. “yeah, that’s gonna go well.” “i’m supervising. it will.” you capture his lips in a kiss, one he instantly reciprocates, free hand resting on your hip. just as it’s heating up, you break it.
“i’m hungry for actual food,” you giggle and roll out of his embrace. “ok, ok, ok. let’s go see what we have,” peter gives in with a chuckle, grabbing the same hand he was just holding and following you down to the kitchen.
he ends up popping some frozen waffles into the toaster, you sitting up on the counter with your phone out while he struggles through the different settings. “should i put it on bake? no, that doesn’t sound right,” he talks to himself with eyes squinted in concentration. “your dad made this thing so... detailed.” it’s an old stark industries toaster, one with options you probably don’t even need.
“yeah because he loves his toast, so maybe don’t break it. he’ll kill you or something,” you half playfully half seriously suggest. peter is one clumsy guy. he tsks at you and crouches down to read the words on the dial. there’s conveniently a setting for waffles, so he hits that one. he’s not sure how he hadn’t noticed it before.
since he’s down there, he takes one of your ankles in both hands and starts to kiss up your leg. it tickles when he gets to your knee, drawing a giggle out of you, but your phone still blocks his face. you’re doing it on purpose. “baby,” peter tries to get your attention in a soft voice. he presses a couple more kisses to your knee. you have to hold your breath so you don’t laugh again.
“baby girllll,” peter drags out, lips moving up your thigh. he nudges your phone with his nose much like a puppy would. “aye, i’m talkin’ to you here,” he says in a fake new york accent. you finally put it down next to you. “i’m listening.” you’re giving him a satisfied smile as he goes back to kissing you.
“just saying hi,” he looks up at you and moves your shorts aside while he kisses further and further to where you want. you scoot closer to him on the counter.
that’s when he stops. not only stops, gasps in horror. “what?” you ask quickly, his eyes fixed on your inner thighs. “i kind of, uh, marked you up. like, a lot.” he runs a finger gently over the bruised skin. you’re suddenly very aware of it now. it doesn’t exactly hurt, just feels bumpy and weird. you peer down at yourself to see the damage, eyes going wide.
“shit... they’re on my neck, too,” you remember, murmuring to him. you’ll have to cover these up before everyone gets home. worry flashes across peter’s face. “oh my god, i didn’t even realize. it- it was dark and you told me-“ “pete, it’s okay. it’s pretty hot,” you stop his rambling, reaching down and putting a hand on his shoulder. he frowns up at you.
“really? are you sure i didn’t go too far? because you can tell me.” you’ve always appreciated how much peter genuienly values your thoughts on things, in the bedroom and in other parts of your relationship. it does lead to a lot of second guessing, though. you squeeze his shoulder and let out a breath. “i’m sure, okay? it’s really not that serious. i’ll just change so no one can see.”
peter winds an arm around one of your legs, body relaxing ever so slightly under your touch. “okay.” he gives your thigh one final kiss, then rests his chin on it. “what about your neck?” “uh...” you hadn’t considered that yet. “makeup? a scarf?” you’ve seen enough tv to know neither of those work, but they’re your only options.
“yup. mr. stark is really gonna kill me now,” peter says under his breath, tensing up all over again. you furrow your eyebrows at him. “what? we’re literally grown adults, we can do whatever we want-“
tony claps loudly as he steps into the kitchen, announcing his return home. peter jumps up from between your legs faster than fast. he moves so he’s next to you, and you hop down from the counter.
“hello, daughter of mine. spider of man,” your dad greets you two, you pulling down your shorts with a plastered on smile. “or would it be man of spider?” he plucks an apple from the bowl on the table as he ponders his question. steve and wanda file into the room next. “second one,” peter replies, grinning a little too much to be normal. tony takes note of that.
wanda comes over to the fridge for a snack, which is close to where you and peter are. “how was last night?” you ask her to take the attention off you two. wanda settles on a yogurt and turns to you. “it was good. we shared a few hotel rooms, had our own party.” she glances over at peter, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. “seems like you two had a fun night of your own.”
peter’s mouth drops open. “how did you-“ he forgot she could read his mind and now knows everything that happened. you slap a hand over your forehead. “you couldn’t think about anything else? for, like, a minute?” you whisper yell at him. he uses his eyes to plead with you. “i’m sorry! i was looking at the hickeys-“ he realizes what he’s saying. “crap.”
shooting you a wink, wanda shuts the fridge and goes to join the rest of the team in the living room. lucky for you and peter, steve started lecturing tony about washing his fruit before he eats it. he didn’t hear any of that. there’s still the problem of your visible hickeys that you have zero seconds to hide.
“how the fuck am i supposed to cover these? they’re right in the center, peter!” you panic, your heart starting to race as peter fumbles for a dish towel. that’s the best he could come up with? “no!” you toss it back at him. he throws it on the counter with a pained look. tony and steve make their way over to you.
“oh, hush. a couple of deadly pesticides won’t shake me, stevey boy,” tony insists and takes another big bite of his apple. steve huffs in disapproval and crosses his arms. “you’re a big baby, tony. if you’re not gonna do the right thing, at least buy organic-“ with the world’s longest sigh, tony chucks his apple into the open garbage can.
“there. no more apple discourse.” steve shakes his head at your dad’s behavior. “that was a waste. you could’ve finished it.” “not with your nagging into my literal ear.” steve raises his hands in surrender before making his way out of the kitchen. tony side steps past him and over to you. “enough of that now. let’s have a welcome home hug from my girl.”
you share a look with peter, a look of pure fear that’s in both of your eyes. he’ll definitely notice the hickeys if he gets that close to you. he holds out his arms expectantly while peter scratches the back of his own neck. “sure, dad. welcome home.” an awkward smile on your lips, you bury your face in your dad’s chest and wrap your arms around him in one motion. this way, he didn’t have time to see you from too close up.
peter exhales in relief at the narrowly avoided disaster. that’s until tony makes a request. “missed me that much, kiddo, huh? come out of there.” “but, i’m so comfortable. i wanna stay like this,” you insist, a niceness to your voice tony immediately sees through. he drops his arms from around you, eyeing peter suspiciously, who averts his gaze to the floor.
“nuh uh, you did something. both of you,” your dad states, taking a step to stand between you and peter. peter gulps down a breath before speaking. “mr. stark, it was-“ tony holds up a hand. “don’t worry, kid. i’ll figure it out.”
he gives peter a proper stare, searching him for clues of some sort. it’s a good thing he isn’t wanda because the details of your night would have been exposed. he couldn’t find anything, so now it’s your turn. he’s a little disappointed you’re the one hiding something.
“oh, y/n. not you,” tony sighs as he gives you a looking over. he starts with your face, your eyes following down as his do. it’s when he gets just past your chin that he sees them. the little hickeys littering your skin, some already deep shades of purple. he rips off his glasses in disbelief.
“absolutely not.” he closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose with the same hand his glasses are in. “i’m not seeing this. i’m not seeing this if i don’t look.” you scoff at his reaction. “dad, you know we’re together. you can’t expect us to not...” “don’t say it,” tony begs, getting the urge to hurl his half eaten apple. he turns and faces peter.
“parker, you really did all of that?” peter only blinks, nervously meeting the eyes of his mentor. “to my daughter?” tony adds on to scare him even more. “i- i-“ a burst of frustration comes out of peter. “you left two teenagers alone the whole night. what’d you think was gonna happen?” he’s shocked at his own words, his face showing it. tony raises his eyebrows. both your hands cover your mouth.
not wanting to deal with peter, tony addresses you instead. “i don’t care how you do it, cover those up. don’t let me see them ever again. understood?” you nod a good amount of times and reach for peter’s hand. he’s about to give it, then tony glares down at what’s happening. peter pulls back immediatelty. “understood. we’ll, um, do better next time,” you agree, tony winching at the idea of a next time.
“you, parker... treat a lady with a little more respect, eh?” tony clicks his tongue at him. he’s referring to all the hickeys. peter’s lips form a line, a sarcastic one that says oh well. “i tried, mr. stark, but y/n wanted me to-“ “christ, that’s enough.” tony furiously shakes his head and starts to walk away from you two. “never again!”
you’re thanking god when he sets off for the living room, you hiding your face in peter’s chest, his face in your hair. “that was terrible. that was the worst thing ever,” you say into him. “i’m sorry, baby. we gotta be more careful.”
it’s not over yet because then, the toaster dings. you’d completely forgotten about the waffles. you and peter both separate with your millionth shared look of terror. tony comes rushing back into the room, very familiar with that noise.
“first you destroy my daughter, now my toaster? pete... you’re in for it, kid.”
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Father of Mine – 1/2
Character: Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Summary: With the tragic passing of her mother, Y/N learns to the truth of who her father is. 
Word Count: 4,000+
Warnings: Family death, cancer, absent father, cremation 
A/N: The reader is described as tall in this fic. Bruce Wayne is 6′2 and I’m tall, so I’m indulging myself with no apologies. Read it or don’t. 
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“Do you want to say anything before we…” the operator asked her.
“No,” Y/N answered quickly.
“Oh, my assistant forgot to give you this,” the operator gave her a shy smile as he handed her a small cardboard box.
She opened it to find all of her mother’s jewelry that had been on her body at the funeral.
“Thank you,” Y/N told him.
“Ready?” The operator asked.
He had been so kind throughout the whole process. It was obvious he was used to people breaking down and being extremely emotional. 
But Y/N had been stoic, almost concerningly so. 
Though he wasn’t one to judge. Everyone grieved differently.
With the pull of a handle, Y/N watched her mother’s body going into the chamber.
“It will be a few hours,” the operator told her.
He meant it will it will take a few hours for her mother’s body to burn to ash. Then they would hand her a tacky vase with her remains.
Y/N just nodded. “I’ll go for a walk.”
As soon as she was outside, Y/N called her mother’s executor.
“Ms. Y/L/N, I was just about to call you.”
“I’m at the crematory,” she told him. “I figured we should discuss the bills that still need to be paid for.”
“Yes, of course. As I mentioned to you before, your mother’s life insurance covers quite a lot of it…” his words died out.
“But it’s still not enough,” Y/N finished for him. “I’ll get the money.”
She wasn’t exactly rich, but she also wasn’t living paycheck to paycheck. But people never realized how much money it cost for loved ones to die. It was honestly ridiculous.
“You might want to consider taking out a loan,” he tried to suggest gently.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Another thing, Ms. Y/L/N. There was an envelope with a name on it. And your mother left instructions on delivering the envelope to them.”
She stopped her pacing. 
“What name is on the envelope?” Y/N asked.
There was a pause.
“Bruce Wayne.”
Y/N’s brow furrowed.
Of course she knew who Bruce Wayne was – everyone in Gotham did, as well as most of the country. He was a billionaire playboy, only making headlines when he was a mess. But every once in awhile his philanthropy would sneak in there. Y/N always assumed those were only to help recover his image and not because he was a good person.
“You still there?” The executor asked.
“Yeah. I’m just a bit confused. But please pass it along to him, if that’s what my mom wanted.”
“I can’t. The instructions specifically say for you to deliver the envelop to him in person.”
“In person?” Y/N groaned in annoyance as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
Why did all of this have to be so god damn complicated?
“Yes. Her instructions are…oddly specific."
“Fine,” she huffed. “I’ll pick up everything from your office before the work day ends.”
Y/N stared at the envelop that she’d tossed on her coffee table as she sipped a rather large glass of red wine.
She was wracking her brain trying to think of a time when her mom mentioned knowing Bruce Wayne. But Y/N would’ve remembered her mom saying his name – even in passing. It’s not a name that one can drop casually.
Y/N pulled up her phone and googled him. But she looked at his history. Yes, he was from Gotham, as was her mom, but so were 10 million other people.
But then Y/N’s scrolling paused when she realized they went to the same high school: Gotham Academy. Not only that, they graduated in the same year.
‘Were they friends?’ Y/N wondered.
But just classmates or friends still didn’t seem to warrant a handwritten letter to be delivered after one’s death.
Y/N didn’t open the envelope.
Her mother’s instructions specifically told her not to. And if she put in that much of an effort to get this done after her death, Y/N wasn’t going to ignore such a request.
That didn’t mean she wasn’t curious.
“Fuck,” Y/N sighed before throwing back the rest of her wine.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I can’t grant you access to the building without your name being in the system by the company you’re visiting,” the building receptionist told her for the third time.
“I understand. But I called his office 30 fucking times and they refuse to put me through to him or get me an appointment,” Y/N practically growled.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I already called their office to say you were here and they didn’t recognize your name. I can’t let you through to the elevators.”
Y/N’s gaze flickered to the security guard who stood a few feet away. He was eyeing her now that there was clearly an argument going on.
Y/N wanted to roll her eyes. She had a good foot on him – even without her heels on. And he looked like he couldn’t run a 50 yard dash without passing out or vomiting. If he thought he was going to physically stop her, he had another thing coming.
“Listen, I am not some crazy fucking stalker. My mom knew Bruce Wayne and in her will she asked me to deliver this to him,” Y/N’s voice lowered and became disturbingly calm. “I don’t want to be here just as much as you don’t want to have this conversation.”
“Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down,” the security guard finally stepped forward.
“Oh, fuck off,” Y/N rolled her eyes at the rent-a-cop.
“Ma’am, I’ll have to ask you to leave,” he continued.
“Call me ma’am one more fucking time…” Y/N growled.
But the security guard was taking a step to her.
“Excuse me. What seems to be the problem here?” A voice suddenly interrupted.
Everyone turned to see a young man – younger than Y/N – glaring at the security guard just as he was about to grab Y/N.
“M-Mr. Drake, we were just escorting this young woman from the premises,” the guard stuttered out.
Everyone at the building knew every member of the Wayne family. But unlike his siblings, Tim Drake was at the office almost every day. As one should be when they’re the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company.
“For what reason?” Tim Drake asked.
“She insists on seeing Mr. Wayne. But she doesn’t have an appointment. For security reasons, I cannot let her through, obviously, unless the company she is visiting has put her into their system and the building’s system,” the receptionist explained nervously.
Y/N frowned as if she was bored of the whole thing.
Tim stepped forward. “May I ask what your business with Bruce Wayne is?”
Now that he was closer, Y/N noticed how exhausted he looked. He was handsome still, of course. But she wondered when he last got a good night’s sleep. He was shorter than her, probably standing at 5’5. And she still believed he was younger than her, which was wild seeing as he was already the CEO and couldn’t be older than 24.
Y/N sighed before she grabbed the envelope from her black leather satchel, and showed that Bruce Wayne’s name was handwritten on it.
“My mother wished me to personally deliver this to him.”
Tim tilted his head slightly. “Why isn’t she doing it?”
“Because she’s dead,” she shot back without emotion.
But Tim’s face became sympathetic. “I’m sorry. I should’ve assumed…”
“It’s fine,” Y/N quickly cut him off before he could continue.
She was so tired of being on the receiving end of people’s sympathy. It didn’t help. And the words stopped holding any meaning to her.
“But I’m sorry. Bruce isn’t in today. And he probably won’t be coming to the office for the rest of the week.”
“Oh,” was all she responded with.
Of course Bruce Wayne didn’t come to work. Why would he?
This was a stupid idea. And now she had made a scene because of it.
“But if you give me your information, I will personally let him know that you are trying to reach him.”
“Really?” Y/N asked in shock.
Tim smiled at her surprise. “Of course.”
“Here’s my card,” she quickly grabbed one from her wallet and then a pen. “All my info is on that.” She wrote something on the back. “And that’s my mom’s name.”
He took it from her and nodded. “What was your mother’s relationship with Bruce?”
Y/N shrugged. “Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been trying to figure it out. Apparently they graduated in the same high school class. But that’s all I was able to find.”
He nodded.
“Thank you…Mr. Drake. For your help. Really,” she urged.
“Please, it’s just Tim.” Then he glared at the receptionist and security guard. “For you it is, at least.”
“Thank you again,” Y/N felt like saying it 30 more times still wouldn’t be enough.
“You don’t have to thank me. Someone will be in touch. Have a good day, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Y/N,” she corrected with a smile before she nodded and started backing away.
He smiled at her correction and gave a final nod.
Y/N didn’t expect to hear from anyone for at least a week.
If the Wayne family was one thing, it was busy.
They probably had parties to go to, meetings to attend, private jets taking them around the world whenever they wished.
Why would they ever prioritize a meeting with her, a stranger?
So imagine her surprise when she received a call from an unrecognized number the same day she gave Tim Drake her card.
“Hello?” She answered.
Usually she would let any unknown number go to voicemail.
“Hello,” a British voice answered. “Am I speaking with Ms. Y/F/N Y/L/N?”
“This is she,” Y/N sat up straighter on her couch.
“This is Alfred Pennyworth. I work for Master Wayne and manage all his personal appointments. I was told by Master Tim that you wished to meet with him?”
“Uhhh. Yes. Yes, I do. Is that…is that possible?”
“Would you be able to stop by Wayne Manor on Friday afternoon?”
Y/N already knew she had nothing going on that would stop her from getting this done. But she still paused to pretend to think about it.
“Yes, Friday afternoon should be fine. Are you sure he doesn’t just want me to stop by Wayne Enterprises?”
It felt oddly intimate to stop by Wayne Manor. Wouldn’t they want to meet her in a more secure location like a corporate building with security that already hated her?
“He is quite certain. Should I send a car for you Ms. Y/L/N?”
A car?
Y/N felt even more out of her depth now.
“Oh, no. That won’t be necessary. I’ll be there.”
“I look forward to meeting you, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Thanks,” she answered before hanging up and realizing that probably wasn’t the proper response to such a polite goodbye.
“I haven’t heard that name since high school,” Bruce had muttered as he stared at the business card for what felt like the thousandth time.
“Yes, and the end of your relationship did not end on the best of terms,” Alfred commented.
Y/M’s/N Y/L/N had been Bruce’s high school sweetheart.
An she had seen the last moments of Bruce’s normal life. 
Upon graduation, Bruce decided to leave Gotham and that’s how his second life was founded. The two of them broke up before the summer after graduation had even ended.
Well, “Breakup” was a strong word.
Bruce stopped answering her calls.
She was his first love and he continued to love her.
But once Bruce realized where his life was going and who he wanted to be, he knew he couldn’t drag her into it. She deserved better.
And Bruce was a coward about relationships then. Maybe he still was.
“I am certain you did a thorough background check on her already,” Alfred commented with a smirk.
Bruce took in a breath before listing off all of her accomplishments. “Y/F/N Y/L/N. Graduated number one in her class at Gotham Academy. She was the star of the track team, breaking the regional record for fastest time in 100m, 200m, and 400m races. Also captain of her soccer team. Attended NYU’s photography program before dropping out after a year. Now she’s a professional photography. Her work’s been featured in Vogue, New York Times, National Geographic…amongst others.”
“Rather an impressive woman,” Alfred said.
Bruce nodded.
“I should get the tea and coffee ready for her arrival.” And with that, Alfred left Bruce in the drawing room.
30 minutes later, the doorbell rang.
Bruce glanced down at his watch: she was right on time.
He heard Alfred saying his pleasantries before he heard the clicking of her heels as she rounded the corner to enter the room he was waiting in.
For being a famous photographer, she could’ve been a runway model with her height and the way she walked into the room, completely owning it. She wore four-inch heels, only adding to her natural tallness. And her bright, red coat only added to her presence.
For a split second, Bruce was convinced that he was looking at an Amazon. Diana immediately flashed into his mind for a split second. Perhaps that was what Y/M’s/N needed help with: to get her daughter to her real people. But how would she have known Bruce Wayne had such connections? Unless she knew Batman’s true identity…
As soon as Y/N spotted him in the room, he rose from his seat.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” Bruce greeted.
He took a step forward and held out his hand.
“You guys really love the formalities.” She said it with a dark evenness, but it was clearly a joke. “Y/N is fine, Mr. Wayne,” she added as she shook his hand.
“In that case, it’s Bruce,” he countered with a soft smirk.
There was something so familiar about her. But Bruce knew they’d never met. 
“Thank you for seeing me. I don’t want to waste anymore of your time,” Y/N quickly got to it. She opened her purse to grab the envelope.
“My mom wanted you to have this. And she wanted to make sure I was the one to give it to you,” Y/N explained as she offered it to him.
Bruce took it carefully, but didn’t open it. “Yes, I heard about her passing. I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you,” she said hurriedly, making it obvious to Bruce that she did not want nor need his condolences.
Bruce nodded slowly.
There was a pause.
“Do you know what it says?” He asked her lightly.
She shook her head. “I wasn’t supposed to read it.”
“I see.”
“I should really be going. I have a flight to catch later tonight.” Most people that visited Wayne Manor wished to stay there forever. Or their curiosity got the best of them and their eyes took in every little detail.
But Y/N looked like she’d rather be anywhere else. And she wanted to get out as soon as she possibly could.
“Thank you again for seeing me,” she rushed out.
Without waiting for his answer, Y/N turned and started walking out of the room.
But she only got a few steps before she stopped.
Bruce watched her shoulders tense and her body move as she was clearly taking in deep breath.
Slowly, Y/N turned around to face him.
“Were you friends?”
Bruce gave her a watery smile. “She was my girlfriend in high school.”
Y/N seemed annoyed by that answer. “She never mentioned you. Not once.”
Bruce’s brow furrowed at that and his eyes zoned out as if he was revising the past in his mind. “I’m not entirely surprised. Things didn’t really end well between us.”
She nodded slowly. “Goodbye, Mr. Wayne.”
And Y/N turned and strutted out of the room without looking back.
As soon as Bruce heard her cab drive away, he ripped open the envelope and pulled out a letter.
He barely noticed that Dick had walked into the room. “May I ask…Who was the extremely attractive and tall woman that just walked out?”
But Bruce didn’t hear him as his eyes raced across the letter. His heart sped as he continued reading.
“Bruce?” Dick asked after being ignored. “Is she your next conquest or what?”
It wasn’t until Bruce was done reading the letter for the third time that he finally looked up and acknowledged Dick.
Alfred had also walked into the room, unbeknownst to Bruce.
“You OK?” Dick asked, now concerned with how silent Bruce had become.
“Master Wayne?” Alfred also urged.
“That was…my daughter,” Bruce finally muttered.
Dick blinked before his eyes grew wide in shock.
Alfred seemed less surprised, almost as if he had already put that together.
“Excuse me,” Bruce told them and exited the room.
Dick and Alfred must’ve warned the rest of the family not to bother Bruce in the cave. Usually he would’ve been disturbed by now.
Bruce had been at the computer for hours.
Alfred was the first person to come down, carrying a tray with dinner and tea.
The butler wasn’t surprised to find Y/N’s face all over the screens.
If Bruce had left any available information hidden before inviting Y/N to the manor, it was all out there now. Bruce knew everything about Y/F/N Y/L/N that was public knowledge – probably even some things that were not.
“You know, you did not seem all that surprised,” Bruce said to Alfred as he put the tray of food down next to him.
“Seemed rather obvious, didn’t it?”
Bruce quickly turned to look at him. “It did?”
Alfred smirked. “Her eyes,” was all he said.
“The color?”
Alfred shook his head. “As soon as she walked into the manor, they were reading me.” He tilted his head in Bruce’s direction. “Observation. Perception. Attention to detail...That is all you, Master Wayne.”
“The way she held herself,” Alfred continued, "Shoulders held back, head high, walking with purpose. No hesitation.”
“Also me?” Bruce asked.
Alfred simply nodded.  
“I don’t think she liked me very much,” Bruce sighed.
He didn’t know how he felt about that yet.
“A lot of people think you don’t like them when you first meet them,” Alfred countered. “Because I don’t trust them yet.”
Alfred raised his brows and silently ask him, ‘Don’t you see my point?’
Bruce rubbed his face and reached for the tea on the tray, ignoring all the food.
“I don’t know why you’re so entertained by this, Alfred.”
“Yes, I was entertained. I just saw a younger, female version of you, Master Wayne.”
“I abandoned her,” Bruce shot.
“You didn’t know she existed,” Alfred corrected.
“And why do you think that is?”
Alfred’s face dropped a little bit when he noticed the envelope discarded on the far end of Bruce’s desktop.
He looked down at the ground as he asked, “Might I ask what the letter said?”
Bruce glared at the letter as if touching it would burn him.
But after a moment, he grabbed it and quickly handed it to Alfred.
If this letter has finally reached you, it is because I have passed.
I must admit that I wrote this letter mostly in the event that I leave my daughter before she is an adult. But once Y/N turned 18, I decided to still pass this along to you.
There is no easy way to tell you this, so I will get to the point.
The young woman who delivered this letter to you is your daughter, Bruce.
Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N.
When I found out I was pregnant with her, I was only 18. We had just graduated high school. You had started traveling. You called less and less. And you grew more distant – physically and emotionally. Eventually, you stopped answering my calls altogether. I left you a voicemail, only saying that I so desperately needed to talk to you, that I needed you.
But you never called me back.
With no words at all, you made it very clear that you no longer wanted anything to do with me.
But there I was, a teenager who was pregnant with our child.
I would be lying if I said I never considered terminating my pregnancy. I was scared and you broke my heart. All I wanted to do was erase you from my life.
But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Once I decided what my future was going to be, I also decided that I did not want you to have any part in it.
I knew even if you pretended to play the doting father and the committed partner, you would grow tired of us eventually. You would resent me and our child for bringing you down. And you would brush us aside for yourself.
I realized I would rather Y/N have no father at all than one who would only disappoint her over and over again.
To this day, I truly believe I did the right thing for all three of us.
There are not enough words to explain the complicated woman that Y/N grew up to be. But I will try my best. I think I owe you that at least. 
Or maybe you have no interest.
I don’t know how she became so much like you, even when I never so much as showed her a picture of you or uttered your name.
She enjoys being alone – almost to her own detriment. I constantly catch her repressing her feelings, always staying strong for everyone else. It reminds me of you. She’s assertive and confident, never letting anything stand in the way of what she wants. Sometimes I don’t think she’s scared of anything. It worries me, just like it worried me when I thought the same of you.
I truly don’t know what you will do with this information.
But…if you have any desire to form some sort of relationship with her, then you should know this: she will not make it easy for you. She will push you away. And she might even hate you. I raised her to never need a man in her life, and she’ll make sure you know that.
I don’t expect anything from you. I never did.
But I would just like to know there might be someone who will be there for her should she need them.
Goodbye, Bruce.
Alfred slowly handed the letter back to Bruce when he was finished.
“I pushed her away because I knew what I was about to become,” Bruce explained darkly. “And I didn’t want her anywhere near it. She would’ve been in danger.”
“Y/N, as well,” Alfred added.
“But had I known…if I just listened to her–”
“Master Wayne, I thought we had agreed to never linger on the ‘what ifs.’”
That sure silenced Bruce.
“Now, what do you plan on doing, Master Wayne?”
Y/N frowned when her phone started vibrating and she recognized the name of her mom’s executor on her phone screen.
“Ms. Y/L/N, how are you?”
“Fine. How are you?” She was quick, wanting to get this over with. Surely, he had bad news. Another medical bill came in or some other expense that slipped by them.
“Good, good. Just curious…have you placed any payments to our various claims?”
“Uhhh…no. But I’m working on it.”
Y/N hadn’t expected to get a call nagging about paying bills.
“No, no, no. You misunderstand. They’ve all been paid,” the executor explained.
Y/N sat up straighter in her chair. “What? That’s not possible.”
“An anonymous donor. They somehow got record of all your outstanding payments and covered all of them.”
Y/N was stunned to silence.
“Ms. Y/L/N…this is a good thing.”
She blinked and shook her head. “Right. Yes, of course. I just…thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. Thank this guardian angel of yours.”
Part 2
Let me know what you think!!!
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tendouluvr · 3 years
not telling them you’re pregnant [2] - f!reader
- little angst, hurt/comfort??, fluff
- characters: iwaizumi, atsumu, kageyama
- warnings: pregnancy, cravings, morning sickness aka throwing up, some cursing, mentions of sex, “mad” iwa makes out with your neck, atsumu pretends to faint and reader jokes about him dying :0
- wc: 1.4k, 1.3k, 1.7k (jfc thats a lot)
a/n: thank u guys for all the love on the first part <333 ily all and ty to the nonnie that requested tsumu and kags
f!reader cuz pregnancy but no specific prns/gendered terms used
[1. suna, sakusa, semi]
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#! you were planning on telling iwaizumi the big news that night
#! you missed your cycle this month, thinking it was probably just late so you didn’t care and waited for one more week to pass before worrying
#! it was almost two weeks now, your period tracker repeatedly sending you notifications to remind you to log your monthly cycle
#! but you had no cycle to log
#! thinking that you should go buy some tests, you did just that and came home to see them all turn positive
#! you were in the kitchen cooking a quick dinner when iwaizumi came home
#! he entered your home mumbling under his breath about some kid while putting up his jacket and shoes
#! “welcome home, haji!” you greeted him from the kitchen
#! “hey.” he briefly said back making you turn around to look at him
#! “you alright? what happened?” you tried starting a conversation in hopes of getting his mind off of whatever it is that seems to be bothering him
#! “some fucking kids came into the gym today, acting all obnoxious, trying to taunt me and the team because they wanted to impress some girls who probably didn’t even know them. would’ve knocked them out if it wasn’t against the fucking law.” he harshly explained his day while looking through the fridge for his protein drink
#! you tried not to laugh, turning around so he couldn’t see your face and tightening your lips together to contain yourself, but it was so funny you couldn’t help but imagine it
#! iwaizumi heard the giggles coming from you causing him to roll his eyes, “what’s funny?”
#! “nothing, should’ve just knocked them out, babe.”
#! “yea? sounds like you want to start visiting me in jail,” he makes his way over to back hug you while you continued cooking at the stove, “well then, i’ll keep that in mind next time some dinky teenager get in my face, baby.” he mumbles against your neck before giving you a quick kiss there
#! “hajjj, i’m cooking. go be horny elsewhere!” your upper half shuddered when he continued making out with your neck
#! “whatever you say, your highness.” deep chuckles come from him while he lets go of you to walk to the bedroom
#! “don’t call me that!” his laugh getting louder at your exclamation
#! later that night, you both laid in bed on your sides staring out of the window in front of you
#! “hey haj,” your voice a gentle whisper as to not wake him up if he had already fell asleep
#! “hmm?” he hums from behind you, rough, warm hands under your shirt rubbing itself on your bare stomach
#! “do you ever want kids?”
#! he was silent as he thought about what to say to you
#! “i don’t if they’re just gonna turn out like those dicks from today.” his answer wasn’t meant to be taken too seriously, he just hoped you didn’t interpret that as him saying he doesn’t want kids at all
#! “so if they don’t?”
#! “.......sure.”
#! you noticed his hesitation before he gave you an answer, trying to ignore it so your brain didn’t start analyzing too much
#! “hm, ok. goodnight, haji.”
#! “goodnight, i love you.”
#! “love you too.”
#! you told yourself that you were gonna reveal the news to him that night, but seeing that he was worked up over those kids and his slight hesitation when he answered you made you change your mind at the last minute
#! you laid awake thinking about what to do while iwaizumi peacefully slept not knowing his hand was caressing his future child
#! a few days have passed and you were still thinking about when to tell him
#! should you just say it? how would you say it? “hey, i’m pregnant.” no, that’s too blunt. “what if i told you i’m pregnant?” eh. “i’m preggo!” maybe.
#! you both never brought up the topic about having kids again ever since that night
#! but what you didn’t know was how occupied iwaizumi’s mind has been ever since you popped that question
#! he’s been imagining what it would be like to have a little him running around the house, maybe he’s a crybaby and dramatic like his uncle oikawa — who definitely would like to be the godfather, and he promises daily facetime calls everyday despite iwaizumi’s obvious displeasure — or perhaps he also finds entertainment in the godzilla franchise like his father
#! iwa thinks it would be neat to sometimes watch godzilla with someone else besides you, preferably his own kid
#! the night you asked him that question, it took him a while to answer because he couldn’t believe what he just heard. getting lost in his thoughts, he didn’t realize he forgot to answer you, giving you a quick, “sure.” once he came back to reality
#! you didn’t know this so you took his moment of silence as a sign of hesitation
#! the minor miscommunication causing you both to go into your own heads
#! you were currently looking in the full body mirror, observing the way your stomach looked and how much it’ll be changing soon to accommodate a living being inside you. your hands were moving around, curving itself against your stomach naturally when iwaizumi walked in on you
#! “babe, have you seen my hoodie? the black one, i think you were wearing it-,” his sentence cut off when he looked up from his phone
#! “what are you doing?” he asked seeing you pull your shirt back down
#! “looking at my stomach.”
#! “why? are you okay?” his voice softened at the second question wondering if you were feeling bad about yourself
#! “uh no, wait- yes, yea i’m okay. um, can i tell you something?”
#! before he could answer, you continued, “well, by tell i mean show. i have something to show you.”
#! “uh, yes? why are you so nervous?”
#! “ok, wait here.”
#! “babe-,” and you ran off leaving iwaizumi and the rest of his sentence in the room. a few seconds later, you came back holding something in your hand
#! “here.” grabbing his thick fingers to open his palm before stuffing the item into it. his eyebrows furrowed and he slowly unravels the piece of paper. you analyzed his face for any signs of anger or discontent while his eyes scanned the pictures from one corner to another
#! “w-what is..... you’re pregnant?” he whispered out, mind and body in shock as he stares at you wide-eyed
#! you nodded knowing that if you opened your mouth to talk you were probably going to cry. he falls onto the bed, sitting at the edge, then buries his head into his hands
#! “haji?” your voice lower than a whisper
#! he didn’t answer
#! but you saw it
#! you saw his shoulders starting to shake
#! “haj?” you tried again, this time lightly walking towards him
#! his cries became audible when he felt your smaller hands wrapping around his shoulders
#! “hey.. why are you crying?” you tried comforting him because it didn’t seem like his tears were going to stop any time soon
#! “shit, yn, fuck me.” he said through his cries
#! “oh?”
#! he rolled his eyes at your implying tone before grabbing you by the waist to lay his head on your chest. his breath staggered from crying, he was still crying just not as hard
#! one of your hand gently going through his hair while the other one rubs his back. the action soothing him enough to calm him down and eventually his tears stopped. “why didn’t you tell me?” his voice pouty and his sentence breaking between every other word
#! “i thought you didn’t want kids. i was scared.”
#! he raises his head so his chin is now resting on your chest, “why’d you think that?”
#! “you.. hesitated... when i asked you, remember?”
#! his eyes drifting to the side as he tries to think back on the last few days. you knew he remembered when his eyes slightly widened and his lips formed a small o, “i’m sorry, the question made me imagine things and i got lost in my train of thoughts that i forgot to answer you right away.”
#! “oh.”
#! “yea..”
#! “then, i’m sorry for assuming things and not telling you.”
#! “no, it’s not your fault.”
#! “it’s not yours either.”
#! “so.. truce?”
#! “idiot! why are we making a truce?!”
#! he giggles as he stuffs his face back into your chest but not before he bent down to give your stomach a loving kiss
#! atsumu was huffing with his arms crossed across his chest, lip in a pout and eyes squinted as he focuses on the television in front of him
#! “stupid ‘samu and his stupid food. i don’t need it. if he doesn’t want to give me any, then i don’t need it. i can make my own food. stupid. stupid, stupid, stupid.” he childishly mumbled under his breath as his eyes squinted even more, shooting his glare directly at the television
#! “‘tsumu, can you come help me with this?” a voice called from the bedroom. your voice. his beautiful, lovely, awesome sweetheart
#! “c’ming.” he mumbles, slowly sliding off of the couch to trudge over to you
#! “hmm?” he hummed when he got to the entryway of your shared bedroom
#! “can you hold this up a bit, i need to get something in here.” you were in the walk-in closet organizing some things
#! he was happy to help, but you could tell from the way he was pouting and his eyebrows still furrowed that something was bothering him
#! you sighed, “what’s wrong?”
#! “nothin’.”
#! “‘tsumu....,” you gave him a knowing look
#! he was gonna have to tell you at some point, “‘samu, that food hogging pig!”
#! “oh, hey! don’t call him that! it’s mean.”
#! “dun care, his fault for not sharing. our mom taught us better than that.”
#! “you don’t share, get off his back.”
#! “i do!! why are ya siding with him?! i’m yer boyfriend! yer sweet, loving, ethereal boyfriend!”
#! you raised an eyebrow at the way he described himself, “y’sure ‘bout that?”
#! his mouth opens as if he was going to gasp but no sound came out, he just pretended to faint
#! “oh no, did you die?”
#! no answer
#! “about time, thought i was gonna have to endure it for a few more years.”
#! “hey!!” he bounced back up when he heard you say that ridiculously offensive comment
#! “fine, i’ll leave then. don’t come running back to me when ya miss yer oh so handsome future husband.”
#! you snorted before going back to organizing the closet, “hold this for me, please.”
#! he groaned from the back of his throat but went over to help you anyway
#! recently, the twins’ mom gave you guys some boxes of clothes she had put away for some time. not wanting to throw them away, she gave it to you guys and osamu to take whatever you could
#! while looking through the boxes, you dug up some baby clothes that belonged to atsumu
#! “oh my god.”
#! he swings his head over to look at you, “what? hey! that’s mine!”
#! “it’s so ugly.”
#! “i’m telling my mom you said that. she’s gonna hate you sooooo much.”
#! “‘tsum, she set you up.”
#! he faked a wail and then turned back around to ignore you
#! “y’think we can keep some?”
#! “what for?”
#! “i don’t know..what if we have kids later?”
#! “that sounds nice...but we might have twins. i don’t want that.”
#! “huh? you can’t control who and how many we get, ‘tsumu.”
#! “then, let’s not risk it!”
#! “so, you don’t want kids?”
#! “precisely, yah.”
#! you stared incredulously at him while he continued sorting through stuff like he didn’t just tell you he made up his mind on not wanting kids
#! you found out two days ago that you’re pregnant, not yet telling atsumu because you just couldn’t find the right time to sit him down and talk
#! you didn’t expect to find out now that he for sure didn’t want kids. you guys talked about it a few times throughout the years of being together, but he never gave a definite answer
#! it was usually just him teasing you, or he was running around the answer. you never pushed him to answer, you didn’t want to pressure him or anything of that sort
#! “good to know, i’ll keep that in mind.” you mumbled, distracting yourself with folding the clothes
#! atsumu gave you a hum to acknowledge your words. no one says anything after that
#! a few days passed and the topic wasn’t brought up again. you secretly stashed some of the baby clothes while cleaning, the baby was gonna come at some point whether atsumu wanted it or not
#! but what you didn’t know was that he kept a stash of the baby clothes as well. he cleared out a space in his sock drawers by stuffing everything to one side, placing a stack of clothes inside because deep down he knew that there was going to be a mini him one day
#! it was currently morning, you both having the day off so you slept in. your back was curved to mold against his well defined chest while you slept. atsumu was snoring but you learned to block it out over time (he claimed you snore as well, but was never successful on proving it)
#! your eyes shot open, feeling the familiar bile crawling up your throat threatening to come out without your permission
#! quickly throwing the arm that was wrapped around you off, you ran towards the connected bathroom
#! your disappearance making atsumu’s sleepy eyes blink open, “babe? it’s still early.” his rough morning voice whispering out because it wasn’t capable of being louder than that in the morning
#! he heard the gagging noises from the restroom, eyes shooting wide awake in concern. he trips over the comforter trying to get out of bed, hurriedly running to you
#! atsumu acted fast and was holding your hair back, warm palms rubbing circles on your back. he wasn’t sure what to say, choosing to stay silent until you were finished
#! you wiped your mouth with the back of your palm, gasping for air over the toilet seat, reaching out to hold the hand that was on your back, you whispered out an, “i’m pregnant.”
#! initially he didn’t hear you, but once he heard it in his head he gasped. “how long?”
#! “not sure, almost a month?” your voice rough from throwing up
#! atsumu was confused. eyes darting everywhere, not really sure where to exactly focus on. his mind was racing, trying to think of why he didn’t know anything for so long, “ya didn’t tell me?”
#! “how could i when you said you don’t want kids?”
#! “i’m...oh..sorry, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean for it to be taken too seriously. i only said that because of the thing with ‘samu so i thought ya could tell it was a joke.”
#! “no ‘tsumu, i couldn’t. i was already pregnant at that point and hearing you say that about having kids really affected me. i didn’t know how to tell you after you specifically said to not risk anything, how was i suppose to know it was meant to be a joke?” your voice still groggy and tears were building up in your eyes.
#! he lightly sighs then brings his hand up to cup your head, rubbing it to calm you down. “i’m so sorry, angel. i do want kids, specifically with ya. what i said was a bit dicky, but i was just being immature, i promise. i won’t joke about serious things like that again, i’m sorry.”
#! you sniffed and brought his hand up to kiss him on the palm, but he quickly yanked it away making you look up at him in shock. “ya just threw up.” he pointed to the toilet.
#! you laughed at that and quickly apologized, he carried you up so you both can stand up from the bathroom floor. atsumu gently washing your hands and around your mouth, then you swishing some water in your mouth to get rid of the throw up aftertaste
#! “wanna know a secret, babe?” he blurted out while helping you walk back to the bed
#! “what?”
#! “i kept some of the baby clothes.” a shy smile on his face as he winks at you from the side
#! you’ve been feeling a bit sluggish lately, you weren’t sure why because it came out of nowhere
#! you decided to ignore it, but as time passes, you didn’t get any better and you even started to throw up
#! thinking back to the talk your mom gave you when you were 10, you went out to buy some pregnancy tests
#! the timeline made sense, the last time you both had sex was a few weeks ago
#! kageyama’s been caught up with practice, you were stressed, so naturally you both thought it was a good idea to let it out
#! but what you didn’t expect was having to buy pregnancy tests because there was a possibility you’re pregnant
#! granted there wasn’t any protection used and you stopped taking your pills a while ago because you guys just didn’t care anymore, so nevermind, you do see how you could be pregnant
#! but damn, one time. all it took was one time
#! shaking your head, you took your phone out to text kageyama
#! you’re not telling him over text, just letting him know you have something to tell him tonight so he can know to prepare for a talk
#! you: tobiii
#! you: i have something to tell you
#! you: tonight tho
#! you: after you come home
#! him: ok love
#! while waiting for him to come home, you lazed around and scrolled through social media for a bit. checking twitter, you were reading some tweets from kageyama’s fans, finding some funny, some adorable, and some just...weird
#! but one tweet you saw was from someone who had met kageyama at one of his previous games. the person was talking about their experience getting to meet him and they even wrote out a part of the conversation they had with kageyama
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: omfg i just met kageyama fucking tobiiosdfjdf
#! it was a thread so you clicked on it to continue reading
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: he’s so sighs dreamily
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: so fucking tall. i’m 5′3 and mans all the way up there 👆
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: OH OMH wait lemme type out one part of our convo omfg i think he has a partner?????? like an actual s/o guys not me
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: ok i asked him smtg along the lines of what he thought abt having so many fans who are children ykk bc i was thinking he knew i was implying that these kids look up to him and stuff
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: but this man.....is so...UNAWARE why is he like this but he said smtg like he doesnt understand how kids can be fans of him bc how can they understand professional volleyball like that and i was like ???mf didn’t u grow up playing vball
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: so i was like oh ok :D and then asked him abt his thoughts on his future kids following in his footsteps bc i was thinking his answer would be wholesome or some shit
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: he told me,,,,, i dont have kids and i dont want any... !!!! why does mr kagman not want kids w me :(( /j
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: ok so like all of this happened v quickly i was like in and out in 10 seconds lmao but WAIT after he said he doesnt want kids i saw him scrunching his face up
#! kageyama’s gf (real) @K4G3B10 tweeted: im not mind reader nor body language reader but idk he looked .. hrm sad?? FUCK IDK DONT TAKE M E SERIOUSLY IM DELUSIONAL
#! being an adult, you knew you shouldn’t be taking twitter threads of his teenage fans too seriously but you couldn’t help but reread the part where he said he didn’t want kids
#! did he actually say that or is this person rewording what he said? you now realized how you guys never really talked about having kids
#! sure, it was brought up once or twice but it was just because you were having baby fever. kageyama himself never directly told you he wanted kids or he was fine with having kids of his own
#! you sighed to yourself as you lock your phone, closing your eyes to take a nap until kageyama comes home
#! you felt yourself being shaken awake lightly, a familiar presence hovering over you on the couch made you open an eye
#! “tobio?”
#! “who else would it be?”
#! “i don’t know, a murderer?”
#! he scoffs at the slim chance of a someone breaking in to hurt you, but quickly turned his attention back to you when he remembered you wanted to talk
#! “so what’d you wanted to tell me?”
#! “oh, can you sit down?”
#! “o..kay?” he stiffly walked to sit beside you on the couch
#! “i’m uh,” think of something, “honestly, i forgot. yea, i forgot what i was gonna tell you. sorry.”
#! he raises one eyebrow to gaze at you curiously
#! “are you sure? it sounded important when you texted me.”
#! “mhm! yup, i forgot. sorry if i worried you, heh, are you hungry? there’s leftovers we can heat up.” you quickly tried to change the subject, getting up to walk to the kitchen
#! luckily your boyfriend didn’t question it further and got up to trail right behind you
#! you figured giving yourself some time before telling him after what you read was a good idea
#! are you aware that you were overthinking some tweet by a stranger on the app that is twitter? yes, you were. but you’re also human and overthinking is in human’s nature
#! it’s been three weeks and you still haven’t told kageyama the news. a part of you was ready to tell him, just let him know and you guys talk it out, what’s the worst that could happen
#! but the other part of you was scared. scared he actually didn’t want kids. scared he was going to leave you because going through with the pregnancy would drag him down. scared he would get mad at you for not being more careful when he was equally at fault
#! you know how kageyama gets when his emotions get complicated, he can’t deal with it so his one outlet is anger
#! he has no filter and says whatever comes to mind, all logical thinking leaving his brain
#! and that part of you is the stronger one
#! obviously you were going to tell him at some point, it’s not like you can literally hide the growing baby inside you
#! just not yet, not until you’re ready
#! you’re currently a little over a month, bump not really showing, but it’s there and it’s growing
#! kageyama can be a bit dim when it comes to.. most things beside volleyball, and usually you tease him about it but for once you thank whatever god is out there that he hasn’t noticed any big changes on your body yet
#! that was until you were showering, and he made the decision to enter the shower with you without your knowledge
#! humming to yourself while scrubbing your arms, you scooted back away from the water so it wouldn’t wash off the body wash you were trying to use
#! the action causing you to lightly hit kageyama’s chest making you jump from where you were standing
#! “tobio!” you screamed, turning around to throw the foamed body wash at him
#! he chuckles at your surprised expression and didn’t mind the soap you threw onto him, which was now sticking to his defined chest
#! “why were you just standing there, creep?”
#! he was still giggling when he answered you, “did i scare you this time?”
#! “what do you think?” you lightheartedly roll your eyes before going back to scrubbing your body
#! he picked the loofah out of your hand to continue for you
#! you both enjoyed the relaxing sound of running water and quiet echoed hums as he takes his time washing you when he suddenly stopped
#! opening your eyes, you looked up at him, “what’s wrong?”
#! he was just staring at you, blinking very slowly
#! “why do you look- your stomach feels- you look very-,” he sighs, “you look pregnant.”
#! now it was your turn to blink at him
#! you totally forgot that you were naked at the moment and he could easily see every inch of your body
#! blinking once more, you took a deep breath before telling him, “that’s ‘cuz i am.”
#! “y-you are?!” he jumped from his spot
#! “yea.. do you have a problem with that?”
#! “i...why didn’t you tell me?”
#! “do you have a problem with that?” you repeated
#! “n-no..so why didn’t you tell me?”
#! “you’re not mad?”
#! “why would i...?” his voice slightly turning high pitched as he dragged the i out
#! “i thought you didn’t want kids.”
#! “who told you that? when did i say that?”
#! “twitter.” you murmured under your breath
#! “what?”
#! “twitter..” you said a bit louder, still murmuring and choosing to turn away from him
#! “twitter?! why didn’t you just tell me, your real life boyfriend?”
#! “because!.... i was scared.”
#! “s-scared? baby, why?”
#! “i was scared you were going to leave. i don’t want you to leave. that night i told you i had something to tell you, that was when i found out. i backed out when you came home and i’m sorry. i should’ve just told you, i’m sorry, tobio-,” you were crying at this point, both of you standing under the water
#! “shh, shh, it’s okay. i’m sorry for not noticing earlier. you’re alright, babe. it’s okay. it’s okay to not feel ready, you don’t have to feel pressured to tell me anything, alright? whenever you’re ready, you tell me,” you meekly nodded as he pulls you into a hug, “whenever you’re ready..”
#! you both stood hugging each other’s bare body for a few minutes under the warm water
#! “that was probably the smartest thing you’ve ever said, tobi.” your voice sounding congested from the crying
#! “hey. mean.”
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (x)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, anxiety, smidge of angst, mentions of violence
Word count: 7.8k (i went overboard. clearly.)
A/N: as well all know, i am a humanities student writing science geeks. if any of this sounds unrealistic or nonsensical, it’s because it is and i am honestly too exhausted to research data privacy and AI so here’s my take on how STEM should work i.e. the power of friendship  <3 major shoutout to @iamlittlesparkler for the idea for this chapter!
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part  || Series Masterlist
“As you know, we have a busy week ahead of us.” 
Coffees line the conference room table, pens click against the stacks of paper that settle in front of various agents and the smell of deodorant mixed with post-training sweat lingers at the back of the room like a disgusting witch concoction. 
“The annual parade is coming up and since there are a few security threats, SHIELD has been asked to step in. Therefore, all of you will be working security this week, possibly even at the parade.” Murmurs broke out in the room the minute this was said; mostly from first year field agents who were way too excited to have earpieces and fingerless gloves. 
Bucky, on the other hand, doesn’t think much of it. They’ve dealt with threats before, most were declared empty the minute it got out that SHIELD or the Avengers were involved. It’s the 12th one that year. 
“That’s only if we don’t catch it first,” Steve continued. “Our first priority is precaution. The tech and analytics teams are working on it. However, if you see anything suspicious, bring it up with Director Fury. He’s going to be around to make sure we’re not overlooking anything. Do you have any questions?”
More whispers erupted at the mention of Fury’s name. Wait till they realise he lives up to his name when they accidentally manage to set him off just by existing incorrectly.
Bucky smirks at the thought.
“You can leave then.” Steve straightens up as chairs shuffle against the carpeted floor, over twenty people leaving the room.
“And remember, if you see an eagle today, be sure to stand there and thank it on behalf of Steve for its service. Freedom! Liberty! And whatever else,” Tony calls out from the corner of the room, earning a sigh from the captain. Others only snicker as they close the door behind them.
“Thanks.” Steve stares at him stone faced, bemused at the symbolism that had been bestowed upon him.
“Gotta keep the patriotism high.” The only ones that remain are the official team. Bucky thinks that he should have left with the other agents but apparently, it was rude and not a good show of team spirit.
“How serious is this threat anyway?” Clint has his head face down on the table, hand holding his to-go coffee cup so it doesn’t fall over. 
“We’re not sure.” Steve finally takes a seat on the chair in front of him. “It’s the biggest event we’ve had this year, wouldn’t put it past them.”
“If it’s those Welsh kids again, I’m gonna punch a hole through their house this time,” Clint warns, voice muffled through the furniture. 
“It’s not them, we checked.” Nat had her leg up on the armrest of Clint’s chair. “Tech team’s been working overtime to figure it out.”
“You have anything that could help?” Sam sends a nod towards Tony.
“I got a few things but it’d take a while to put it together.” 
“Didn’t you learn quantum physics in a night?” Wanda’s picking apart a cookie into pieces, chewing slowly.
“Thermodynamic astrophysics,” he corrects her. “Quantum science took lesser.”
Bucky scoffs slightly at the brag, eyes still trained on the table in front of him. Maybe if he made no noise, they would forget he’s here.
“Yeah, so this should be a piece’a cake.”  
“If your cake was somehow made out of a highly specified tracker that somehow doesn’t violate the data privacy of the entire world while analysing millions of terabytes worth of information, then yeah. A piece of it.”
“What he means to say-” Bruce interjects, “-is that we’re trying. It’s just taking longer than usual.”
“Well, the parade’s this Sunday. Think it’ll be done by then?”
“Hey FRIDAY,” Tony crosses his arm over his chest. “How many hours have I slept this week?”
“Three and a half, boss.”
“How much more will I be getting?”
“From previous experience, about six.”
“Yeah, we can get it done.” Tony looks back at Steve. 
“Ask someone on the tech team to help you out.” Everyone was well aware of Tony’s bad coping mechanisms and how futile it was to get him to change his mind about it, but they still tried.
“They’re too busy.” Bruce pressed his lips into a straight line. 
Bucky tunes out at this point. If he could help, he would have reluctantly chimed in by now, but he couldn’t. 
“So what now?” Sam rips Clint’s doughnut into two, keeping one half for himself while leaving the other to the latter who still hadn’t lifted his head up from the table.
“I actually asked Fury if I could call in an external to come help,” Tony pipes up. 
“And he agreed?” Nat raised an eyebrow.
“After he realised I wasn’t going to leave his office until he said yes.” He pulled out his phone, rapidly typing out a message before hitting send. “It didn’t take too long.”
“Do we know this person?” Steve asks a little suspiciously.
“Well-” Bruce sneaks a glance at the broody man on the chair, “-kinda.”
Everyone can tell Bucky isn’t paying attention by the way he’s glaring holes into the plant. He doesn’t mean to, it just so happens that it looks like he wants to kill it. Nobody tends to bother him during meetings, knowing well and fully that he did not care.
“You’re about to.” Tony jumps up, making his way to the door to pull it open.
Bucky perks up. An open door means they can leave, right? He can go watch The Bachelor? He’s not sure what everyone was talking about, but if the meeting was over he could go ask Wanda who was always kind enough to help.
“Our newest recruit,” the billionaire announces, quickly adding the next part, “on a trial basis.” 
Bucky looks at the door.
His jaw drops open.
“No,” he says loudly, posture immediately stiff as a plank. 
“Hello to you too, Barnes.” You roll your eyes before sending a small wave to everyone else. “Hey everyone.”
“What are you doing here?” He looks like he’s seething. 
“Don’t tell me you forgot about our date.” You cross your arms over your chest in defiance. “You told me 3 o’clock, you player.”
“What is she doing here?” He whips to Steve for an answer.
“Hey Y/N,” Sam greets with a smile on his face before Steve can reply.
“Sam Wilson, good to see you again.” You grin.
“Right back at ya, sugar.” 
Wanda looks amused, Clint finally lifts his head off the table at the mention of your name while Nat takes her feet off his armrest, and Steve’s body relaxes when he realises what’s going on. 
“Okay.” Tony claps his hand. Bucky shoots daggers at him. “As you all know, this is Y/N. She’s going to working with us this week.”
“This is ridi- how did you even find out about her?”
“Aside from the fact that she’s all you talk about?” Clint snorts. Bucky shifts his glare to him. It was bullshit and an exaggeration and Clint was going to get a shoe up his ass very soon.
Your grin only grows bigger.
“We saw one of the repulsors she made some time ago,” Bruce answers his question like the sane person that he is. “Tony’s had her in mind for a while.”
“Repulsors? How on ear-” Bucky connects two and two together before turning to Sam. “You. You got her this job.”
“Sam’s my best wingman.” You send him a small heart made from your hands. Whether the pun was intentional or not, no one would know.
“Don’t look at me, I had nothing to do with this idea.” Sam raised his hands to brush off the blame.
“You’re a villain,” he points out loudly.
“I’m a saint.” You raise your hand to your heart in mock offence. “I have done nothing wrong in my life, ever.”
“Listen, Robocop,” Tony interrupts your conversation, bringing the attention back to him, “I cleared it with Fury. He’s the boss here.”
“Fury doesn’t know-”
“What don’t I know?” The atmosphere of the room changes the minute he saunters in. 
With an eyepatch on his face, gaze sharp and a long black coat, Nick Fury puts Bucky’s dark outfits to shame. Not like he was competing. 
Bucky doesn’t continue his sentence. Nick’s imposing presence loomed at the doorway, putting a stop to the ridiculous arguments that were beginning to boil. Instead, he looks at you, only to find your attention trained on the man of the hour.
“Nicholas,” you half cheer from where you had shifted to in the middle of all the commotion. 
No one had ever called him Nicholas. 
“Y/L/N,” Nick addresses in return. “Been a while.”
“You haven’t come to the lair in months, Nick.” You pout at him. “I even sent you an invite.”
Bucky furrows his eyebrows. Since when are you on such good terms with Fury? Since when was anyone on good terms with Fury?
“It must have gotten lost in the mail,” he fires back, “Or maybe it’s because I just happen to be the busiest man in the damn country. Take your pick.”
You roll your eyes, muttering something under your breath, but the good natured smile on your face shows that you didn’t take any of his passive- or straight up- aggressiveness to heart. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I was interrupting your little tea time.” He looks around the rest of the room with an edge in his voice. “Don’t you all have work to do?”
“We do,” Tony interrupts, holding up his hand before pointing to Bruce and you. “Everyone else just sorta sits around and looks pretty.”
“I’m gonna go talk to the organisers, see what spots are most vulnerable.” Steve stands up. “You coming?”
“Yep,” Sam responds, flicking Clint’s shoulder to drag him along. “Come on, man. When was the last time you took a shower?”
“I’ll go see what the kids are up to in training. They’re probably flying off the handle right now.” Natasha brushes off crumbs from her lap. “Barnes, you in?”
Bucky silently shakes his head, eyes focused on you as you introduce yourself to every Avenger who walks out of the room, sharing a small fist bump with Sam.
“I’ll do it,” Wanda volunteers instead, finally leaving behind only the Science Bros, you and Bucky in the room with Fury. 
“I’ll give you a tour of the lab.” Tony beckons and you nod, following him. “New eyepatch, Fury? Prada, I assume?”
“Stark,” Nick says curtly. 
Bucky stares after you, arms still folded across his chest.
“Any problem, Sergeant?” 
Other than the fact that his arch nemesis was now working with his friends, no, not really. But that did seem like a pretty big one.
“No,” Bucky mumbles instead, getting up from his place finally.
Apparently, no one else was worried about the possibly lethal combination of you and Stark, even with Banner there to dilute it. 
Guess he just has to observe you the whole week.
Well, half a week. It was Wednesday. 
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He observes inconspicuously over the rim of his coffee cup. He has a newspaper spread in front of him at Bruce’s table. 
It’s not suspicious. He’s been there multiple times to sit in silence with the scientist who occasionally tinkers with something while engaging Bucky in tidbits of conversation. He finds it calming, refreshing even
Today he has an agenda. Everyone knows about it too. 
“You know he’s staring at you, right?” Bruce looks up briefly from the giant blueprint laid in front of the group. 
Tony had been dragged away to get a proper meal into him after he stayed up for 36 hours straight with caffeine keeping his system running. 
“He has a tendency to do that.” You’re looking over the plan the three of you had come up with the day before. There were certain changes to be made in terms of efficiency. “Turns out if you annoy him, he stares harder.”
“We’ve heard about the inventions. Inators, he calls them?”
“Yeah,” you point out something on the sheet, drawing a circle around it to come back to later, “only good things I hope?”
“He doesn’t really talk much.” Bruce writes down a small comment against your arrow mark. “But if he hated them, he’d have a lot to say. So I’d take it as a compliment.”
“Would it annoy him if I did?”
“I’ll take it as a compliment, then. Pass me the ruler?” You draw a line connecting two pieces. 
Bucky’s ability to lip read is excellent but he refuses to do it, for privacy purposes. He knew that SHIELD had pulled some strings and had another teacher substituting for your classes the whole week since your other option was to come only after school hours. Anything else about this plan was murky.
“You gonna sit there all day?” Tony looks over his shoulder, following his line of sight.
“I’ve done it before.” He continues to look over the newspaper at you with your finger extended at something on the blueprint as you explained something to Bruce.
“You look like- how do I say this nicely.” He wasn’t going to. “A fuckin’ stalker.”
“I’m supposed to stop her from doing anything evil.”
“Sure.” Tony snorts. “That’s what this is. Should I get you a fedora and sunglasses while we’re at it?”
Of course Stark wouldn’t care; he brought you into this project. It was pretty much impossible to get him to agree with Bucky.
Bucky just narrows his eyes and continues his observation. 
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The menu of the cafeteria keeps changing. They like to keep things interesting.
Every time they do, Bucky spends too long staring at the menu, trying to figure out what exactly is familiar enough to order. Vietnamese week had him eating pho the entire duration it stayed.
“You plannin’ on eating anytime this century, sarge?” He recognises your voice immediately. 
He knows what time your break is and he knows that you generally eat lunch in the cafeteria with the science team. Generally, the three of you pour over solutions and debate points all through the meal, and he spends the time getting acquainted with his new, lowkey Instagram account. 
He blocks the Bucky Barnes hashtag the minute he gets an account again. God save his eyes from people asking him to break their back like a glow-stick. However, one afternoon of accidentally watching three cat videos has led to his entire explore page being taken over by them and he’s been trying for three days to get it to stop. 
“Just trying to-” he tilts his head. “-understand what I’m reading.”
“Not a big fan of Greek food?” You join him in looking at the menu. 
“Never really had the chance to try.” Tony and Bruce don’t seem to be in the room, probably pushing aside their meal to work on it as they’ve often done.
“Ah.” You already had your order in mind but you wait there. 
Two minutes later he’s still staring at the menu. He can feel your presence next to him, unmoving. It unnerves him.
“Why are you still standing here?” He cranes his neck to look at you.
“I’m just seeing how long it takes for you to order.” You shrug. “So far it’s been five minutes and forty six seconds. Forty eight now.”
“Go away.” The concept of someone standing beside him, waiting for him to do something reminded him far too much of him trying to bag his stuff at the grocery counter rapidly while other customers waited to pay. 
“Six minutes and thirty seconds. This is just sad now.”
“Your face is sad.” It was pathetic that he had now resorted to this.
It earned a laugh from you. 
As entertaining as it was to be able to get on his nerves by just standing silently next to him, you finally ask, “Do you want a recommendation?” 
He eyes you wearily. “You gonna give me food poisoning?” 
“Not today, no.” You shake your head slightly. “Maybe tomorrow.”
He stares a little longer. You remain unshaken in your offer.
“Fine.” He sighs, stepping aside. 
You tell him that since it’s his first time, you’d get him something basic. He thought it made sense. 
He argued with you when you ended up paying for the both of you, only shutting up when you told him he’s holding up the line and that he could pay you back later. It doesn’t stop his incessant mumble complaining. 
He ends up with gyros at his table and you sitting opposite him with your meal. He asks where the Science Bros are. You tell him it’s Science Hoes now, as christened by Tony, and that they’re in the lab.
“So?” You look at him eagerly.
“How is it?” you urge, nodding at him.
He takes a cautious bite, really taking his time with it to annoy your impatient ass. 
“Well?” You raise your eyebrow at him.
“It’s-” he pauses, looking down at his food. “-good.”
“Aha.” You lean back victoriously. “Knew it.”
He likes it. He also knows that this is probably going to be the only thing he orders for the next week unless you had planned otherwise. 
“You’re not eating?” He gestures to your untouched tray.
“Taking it up to the lab. Got a few things to work on and we’re already behind.” You gather up your stuff and get up.
“Uh-” he pauses from practically inhaling the entire thing. He was already halfway done with it. “-thanks.”
“No problem. You wink at him. “Try figuring out what’s wrong with it.” 
You turn on your heel to leave, taking your order with you. He can see your shoulders bobbing with silent laughter. 
He stares down at his plate, swallowing slowly. 
He pokes at it with a fork, lifting up the leftovers to check if there’s anything underneath. Nothing. 
He checks to see if his limbs are still intact or his face was a different colour. Nope.
His stomach twists in worry about what’s going to happen. He still has a bit left but he pushes the tray aside.
The rest of the day he spends supervising you has you occasionally catching his eye, only to laugh. It only freaks him out more.
It takes eight hours of waiting and self induced tests later to realise there was nothing wrong with it. You were just playing with him.
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He’s surprised to find you in the rec room when he strolls in with Sam, given that you haven’t taken a break all day.
You don’t share the same surprise... almost like you expected him.
“How long have you been waiting for me?” he immediately asks.
"I wasn’t here for you.” You raise an eyebrow at him. “Heard that Wilson was makin’ an appearance here soon so I stopped by to get a good look at him."
"Take a picture, it'll last longer.” Sam laughs, inserting a dollar into the machine and punching in the code for what he wanted.
"Gladly. Strike a pose, would you?" You grin, raising your phone.
“Maybe when I’m not covered in sweat.” Sam counter offers and you accept with a thumbs up.
“You going to the parade, Sam?” You toy with the can in your hands.
“I’ll be working security, so probably.”
“Sarge?” You take a swig of your drink.
“Huh?” He snaps back into the conversation, putting a stop to the mental list of reasons he was making of why you could be here at the same time as him. He knew your schedule, it wouldn’t be very hard for you to figure out his.
“You coming to the parade on Sunday?” you ask again.
“I guess.”
You wince.
“What?” he asks instantly, curiosity making him a lot sloppier than usual.
“It’s just- you wear so much black.” You gesture to his current getup to prove your point. ”I feel like all the bright colours would vaporise you if you looked at them.”
He doesn’t look amused.
“You know, like Prince Philip.”
“I think I’ll be fine.” He gives you a sarcastic smile.
“You comin’ Buck?” Sam laughs, unwrapping the bar he bought from the machine.
“You go ahead, I’ll catch up,” Bucky says offhandedly, still glaring at you innocently drinking your soda.
Sam chews absentmindedly on his protein bar as he walks out, amused at the situation Bucky pulled himself into.
“What’d you do?” Bucky asks, studying your body language.
“I bought a soda.” You lift the can to prove your point. “And now I’m drinking it.”
“Why are you waiting for me?”
“I thought I’d return the favour,” you point out. “I’m supervising you.”
“Don’t.” He walks to the vending machine, pulling out his wallet for some loose change. There was a Snickers bar he had been craving since morning that he bought every alternate day. Small joys.
“Why? I have the time.” You take a sip, setting it down with a clang.
“You’re only here for this week.” Bucky counted the coins he had. He’d use a dollar but he was trying to get rid of the jingling in his pocket that made him sound like a fucking clown when he walked.
“Actually,” you begin innocuously, “Tony offered me a full-time position.”
Bucky’s movements stop, hunched over the money in his palm.
“Yeah.” You nod seriously. “A full nine-to-five as a researcher here.”
“And you’re taking it.” He shakes himself out of the minor shock to assess the damage.
“I don’t know. I got a lot of things to consider.” The chair scrapes against the tiled floor as you stand up. “But maybe you should get used to seeing me a lot more around here.”
He punches in the code for his Snickers. The row whirs forward slowly.
“See you at the lab.” He hears you discard the empty can in the trash before exiting.
He waits patiently for his bar to drop while his mind internally screams about the consequences of having you work here. You wouldn’t be evil anymore. Unless you were here to steal secrets from the Tower. On the pro side, his weekend would be free again. On the con side, his weekend would be free again.
His bar stops right at the edge of the row. He waits for it to fall over. It doesn’t.
He shakes the machine, suppressing the primal urge to beat the shit out of it when the damn bar refuses to fall.
He punches in a few random buttons hoping that at least it would give his money back.
The little monitor instead flashes a new message across the screen.
‘Have a good day, sarge <3’
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Captain America looks less daunting up close, you realise. But he is still a very large man with very large shoulders. You know at least four people who would like to scale him like a tree, not that you’d ever tell him.
“Hey, Y/N.” He sends you a small smile when you walk into the room for a mid-week update. A clipboard in your hand, report attached and a few stationery items in case some points needed to be noted done, you look professional and ready.
“Afternoon, Captain.” Tony saves a seat for you and Bruce beside him since you’re on the same project. You almost miss the fact that Bucky isn’t in the room.
He walks in a few minutes late; tall, dark and brooding, immediately bringing the excitement in the room down by 40% by just existing. 
Bucky surveys the room before catching your eye. He picks up his chair with ease and drags it over to where you are, sitting right beside you, ignoring the small cry of protest from an agent whose view he now obstructed. Everyone else just silently shifted over.
“Clingy much?” you whisper at him, eyes still trained on Steve who had waited till everyone was seated to continue.
“I’m supposed t’be keeping an eye on you,” he rebuffs in a hush.
“Well, you’re late. What if I went rogue, huh?”
“Therapy ran overtime,” he mumbles.
“Oh.” You blink. “How was it?”
“Same old.”
“You good?”
He refrains from answering when Steve starts addressing the room but yes, he was fine. He sends you a nod to confirm. 
“This is just a usual checking in. We’ve received all your reports, but just to keep everyone on the same page-”
Bucky logs out mentally. He knows what his job is, he’ll probably lead a division of the security team or join the mission to neutralise the threat in case they find it first. Either way, he’ll figure it out without having to listen to an intern nervously stammer their way through their team’s report. 
On the other hand, you’re not listening either. You were until you saw Bucky’s eyes glaze over while glowering at the window, assuming that he had stopped paying attention when his gaze doesn’t shift.
You should be listening. You’re new here and you should know what’s going on because any bits of detail are crucial to the working of your system. 
Instead, you rip out a sticky note and discreetly place it on the back of Bucky’s metal arm. He doesn’t notice.
You bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling. More post-its from your pile of stationery make their way onto the vibranium, shades of pink, purple, green and yellow decorating his arm like a bulletin board. 
You’re about to contemplate sticking one on his shoulder blade when he whips around to look at you. You freeze, hand in the air with a sticky note. He looks down at his arm, a scoff escaping him in disbelief. 
“Are you serious?” He twists his arm to check the extent of how far you’ve gone. “What are you, six?”
“How’d it take you so long to notice?” You watch as he tugs them off one by one, counting to see how many you had managed to get on there.
“It’s impossible not to zone out in these shitty meetings,” he mumbles, pulling off the last one, crumpling all of them into a ball to throw at you. You skilfully avoid them. 
“Don’t you feel pressure or heat or anything here?” You poke at his metal arm.
“No.” He clenches and releases the fist. “It can block bullets though.”
You snort. “Bet that’s a popular line in bed.”
He rolls his eyes. “I mean, it helps that I can’t feel anything. Sometimes,” he adds the last part as an afterthought. 
“Like when you’re blocking bullets.”
“Especially then.” He nods. 
“Would you ever want to?” you ask casually. “Like if you got the choice, would you prefer having feeling in that arm?”
“I don’t know.” He’s thought about it, but it doesn’t seem feasible in his line of work. He’d like it, though, to feel sand slipping through his fingers and the comforter under his palm. “Maybe when I’m retired.”
“Aren’t you well past that age?”
“Shut up.” He rolls his eyes. “And pay attention. You’re next.”
“So you are listening.” True to his word, Steve asks about what’s going on with your team. “Traitor.” 
Tony shoots off about how you only had to test it out on a small batch first to see if you could acquire the targeted data without compromising anything else. You chime in about a few specifics, and Bruce more or less just confirms what you both are saying, only stopping to let them know that you’d be finished in a day or two.
Steve nods, moving on to the next committee.
“Did I get a good grade?” you whisper when you lean back again.
“B minus at best.” 
“Fuck you, dude. I was great,” you protested. “It’s definitely worth a gold sticker.”
Someone shushes you sharply. You apologise quietly, whacking Bucky’s metal arm when you see a dumb smirk on his face. 
He narrows his eyes at you. 
You try sticking another post-it on him.
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You’re only here for a week. That’s what he’s been told. Over six times, actually, after which he’s been told to go away the next time he asked.
No one’s brought up the job offer so he asks Tony if it was true and all he gets is a dismissive ‘yeah, whatever’. Besides, you haven’t told him if you accepted or denied it yet so isn’t sure if this entire thing is set in stone, per se.
So then why do you have a giant box of your belongings that you’re lugging around the lab, looking to set down?
And why does Tony allow you a table right in the centre of the lab for everyone to see as soon as they walk in?
There are a gazillion trinkets, picture frames and obnoxiously bright stationery that stands out against the dull minimalism of the lab.
“Every single one of these is a fire hazard,” he reports, standing over your desk.
You give him a side glance before reaching over to the side of your desk, pulling up a fire extinguisher and setting it on the table in front of him. “I came prepared, bitch boy.”
He doesn’t dignify that with a response. He chooses to look at what exactly you’ve brought with you because it’s a lot.
There are small cards with ‘thank you!’ sprawled on them in uneven lettering, bits and pieces of paper with small cartoons on them, little clay models and other miniature trophies with ‘you’re the best!’ under it.
“Your students gave you these?” He can’t remember the last time he gave his teacher anything other than a headache.
“Sometimes they learn or communicate better when they have something to keep their hands busy.” There’s a certain fondness in your voice that he isn’t used to hearing. “I end up with a lot of doodles and craft.”
“’s nice of them.” He can tell that this means a lot to you. He hasn’t seen it before.
He thinks the little decorations are adorable and maybe he’d keep another fire extinguisher on hand, just in case. 
Until you start pulling out a set of framed photos and his smile drops.
Several collages of Bucky in flower crowns, him with terribly edited backgrounds of beaches and mountains, a photo of him laughing with ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ next to it in an italicised font.
“What the fuck,” he states, grabbing one of them.
You stifle a laugh, pulling out several more to place along your table.
“Where did you fucking get these?” He starts pulling them off the table one by one.
“I don’t think you know how much the internet is obsessed with you.” You set an especially large one of him in a Hello Kitty bowtie right in the centre. He doesn’t miss the star shaped frame you chose for this.
“What is wrong with you?” He swipes that up immediately, looking for a place to discard, possibly burn these pictures. “Why do you even have these?”
“It’s imperative that people know we’re friends.” You bite your lip, bringing out the last thing to annoy him.
“What is that?” A teddy bear with a blue jacket and a grey felt arm stared into his soul.
“A Bucky bear.” Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh. “Limited edition.”
He snatches it along with the fifteen other picture frames, thinly veiled distress and mostly disgust on his face.
“I hate you.”
“But I love you.” You lift the small heart shaped locket you hung on one of the pictures of your class.
You use both your hands to click it open for him, watching his face morph into one of disbelief.
Bucky my beloved, it read on the right with a small picture of him on the left looking intensely disgruntled. He doesn’t bother asking where you found that specific picture of him outside a Burger King at 3am.
He doesn’t even make an effort to take it away this time. He knows that you’ll simply bring up more and more until you drove him crazy.
“You still have to see the Avengers calendar.” You reach for the inside. “I changed all the pictures to you, it looks great-”
He turns around and leaves before you get a chance to flip open the pages.
He wanders around, looking for the best disposal area he can find. He knows there’s a giant fireplace in the common room in the Tower, and for that, he’d have to go up a couple of floors.
He steps into the elevator, chin pressing down on the several picture frames in his hands to prevent them from falling over.
No one sees him carrying a couple of fan edited pictures and merchandise of him. Which was good.
Unfortunately, the doors ding open on the next floor and his best friend steps on with possibly the worst timing ever.
“Buck?” Steve sounds confused. He should be, considering the sight.
Bucky shimmies slightly to get a better grip on his belongings. “Steven.”
Steve glances at what he’s holding.
“Is this,” Steve pauses, trying to frame his words correctly to sound as supportive as possible, “a therapy thing?”
Steve waits for a further explanation.
“It’s Y/N’s,” he elucidates. Steve’s eyebrows furrow.
“Why are there so many pictures of you?” He looks at the content in his hands a little closer. “And a bear.”
“She’s evil. And I hate her.”
“Alright.” It doesn’t answer his question but his friend looks irked enough.
The elevator dings to the common room floor.
Bucky turns on his heel to head toward the place to set all the pictures on fire. He saves the picture frames to give back to you though, he’s sure those cost money. But he makes sure every last square inch of the picture with several hearts around his portrait burns to ash.
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Bucky knows that by the time Saturday afternoon rolls around, the three of you would have been working for thirty hours straight, scrambling to get the last minute details done.
You’re still at it but he can tell through the adrenaline of the upcoming deadline that you’re exhausted. 
Now he’s grouchy but he’s not an asshole. He’s already done two coffee runs for the team and brought you food when you didn’t show up for lunch. He mumbles something and dismisses it when you call out a ‘thank you’ his way. He considers it a debt repaid for the gyros.
He’s still keeping an eye on you but along with an emergency box of doughnuts for any sugar rushes that may be needed and bottles of water that he occasionally leaves at the corner of the table for you three to subconsciously keep yourself hydrated. 
“Are you sure we checked it?”
“Yes.” Bruce nods.
“Double checked it?”
“Triple checked it.”
You look satisfied enough to move on to the next item. “Pass me the welding torch for a second.”
Bucky has a book in front of him that he hasn’t moved beyond the second page of. He’s more interested in seeing who collapses from burnout first. He has the infirmary on speed dial. 
After another hour or so Tony holds up a silver tablet, roughly the same size as a smartphone, examining it from all sides.
“That’s it,” he states. “The final product.”
You exhale lightly.
“We should name it.” You have your hands on your hips, looking down at it in wonder. Maybe the zero hours of sleep was finally kicking in because you couldn’t believe you were finally done. 
“You got any suggestions?” Tony asks. 
To be frank, no, you didn’t.
“Okay, we’ll do that later.” Tony sets it down, not sounding too disappointed. “F.R.I.D.A.Y, tell the team to get down here, please.”
“Yes, boss.”
Bucky jumps off his chair to join you in the lab, leaving the book behind. 
It only takes a few moments for the others to join. Fury and Steve walk in together, already engaged in conversation.
“Greetings.” You clap your hands together. “We did it. We think.”
“We think?” Nick raises an eyebrow.
“We know,” Bruce clarifies quickly, stepping in. “We’re positive it works. We tested it out.”
Tony pulls up the holograph of F.R.I.D.AY’s system, sliding the tablet to the middle of the table.
“Is it secured under FRIDAY’s core?”
“Locked and loaded.” Tony hits the table lightly to signify that it was safe.
“I think we’re ready,” Bruce confirms.
“We better be, or else half the country is suddenly going to lose their internet connection,” you say under your breath.
“What?” Bucky’s eyebrows knit together.
“Nothing,” you beamed, “Okay F.R.I.D.A.Y., run sequence, global parameter.”
“Running sequence,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. parrots. 
There was no going back now. 
From what Bucky can see, Tony looks fairly confident but you have your bottom lip caged between your teeth, chewing on it nervously. 
There are several hundreds of photographs popping up and disappearing within a minute. Everything looks like it’s going according to plan.
The giant holograph of the AI dims. Your face drops when F.R.I.D.A.Y. seems to sputter to a halt. 
No one breathes.
In the midst of the tension, Clint mutters if they should play some background music. It’s followed by a swift ‘ow’ when Natasha flicks him in the shoulder.
You could hear a pin drop.
It suddenly picks back up again, running faster than the last time and the sigh everyone collectively heaves is almost comical.
It runs for a few seconds more before a list of names suddenly pop up accompanied by a series of photographs and geo locations.
“Sequence complete. Six names detected, zero encroachment on public or private databases,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. broadcasted. “Location determined to be Holland. Exact coordinates are computed into the quinjet.”
You let out a small cheer, looping your arm around Bruce, squeezing him in a half hug. He has a smile on his face, dropping his head as he laughs slightly. 
“How dangerous are they?” Tony, however, continues to ask.
“A few prior convictions and a series of similar threats. Danger level determined to be at approximately five out of ten.” 
“That’s not bad,” Steve commented. “Looks like we don’t need the full team there.”
“Romanoff, Barton, Wilson, Rogers can go ahead and take care of that,” Nick finally spoke up. “Everyone else is working security tomorrow, just in case anyone else decides that terrorism is on their fuckin’ to-do list for the day.”
“Buck, assemble a team and go over strategy for tomorrow,” Steve adds on. “Everyone else go suit up, wheels up in thirty minutes.” 
“Fuckin’ Holland,” Sam scoffs, shaking his head. “Of all the places.” 
“What do you have against Holland?” Nat asks as they leave together.
“Just don’t like ‘em.” Their voices grow faint the further they get.
“Hey.” A small greeting from behind you has you turning around.
Wanda stands in front of you and you have to ignore the fact that the most powerful being on Earth is talking to you. 
“Hey,” you say back.
“I just wanted to say congratulations. You did a great job.” Bits and pieces of her accent poked out. She didn’t seem like she was putting in the effort to cover it up as opposed to the press interviews you had heard a few years ago. 
“Thank you.” You smile. “T’was a team effort.”
“Well, we owe you one anyway,” Steve joins the conversation, leaving aside Tony who was still talking to Bruce.
“I wish I was humble enough to turn it down but I’m not.” You laugh. “It’s nice to have an arsenal of superheroes at my disposal.”
Steve looks like he’s going to respond but his attention is drawn towards F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s announcement that the quinjet was ready to go. He shoots you an apologetic look but you sign for him to go on, you’d meet with him later.
You watch as he claps Tony on the back, telling him to go get some sleep and something with more nutritional value than a pizza pocket in him, nodding at Bruce before taking leave. 
“Y/L/N,” Nick stands beside you, looking ahead at the conversations being had as Steve tugs Clint along with him.
“Nicky,” you tease.
“I know at least seven underground prisons I can put you in if anyone hears you calling me that,” he says stoically. 
“We all know you won’t get rid of me.” You shake your head. “Who’s gonna send you a Christmas card then, huh?”
He simply shakes his head, jutting his hand out and offering a handshake. “Not sure anyone here could handle another day of a highly caffeinated, sleep-deprived Stark.”
“Just say ‘thanks’, Nick, geez.” You roll your eyes. 
Bucky watches the entire interaction unfurl; only the body language, not employing the lip-reading ability. 
“You’re welcome.” You let go of his hand, a devilish look on your face. “You know what I want in return.”
Nick gives you a long, hard stare that could probably melt through Steve’s shield before turning around to leave. 
But Bucky doesn’t miss the subtle high-five he gives you while walking out, unbeknownst to anyone else, bringing the biggest grin to your face.
He makes it a point to ask you what the fuck kind of leverage you have over the man for him to play favourites with you. 
You finally collapse at your desk, letting out a loud exhale. You clench your eyes shut, your body finally melting into your chair. You look exhausted.
He’s not sure how to help. You don’t seem like you have the energy to tell him.
Bucky leaves a doughnut and water bottle on the table in front of you before shuffling out of the room quietly. 
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He’s certain that he’s spent far too long in Bruce’s lab this week. He liked the man as much as the next guy, but he probably wouldn’t come down there for the foreseeable future. 
You’re at your assigned desk, reading light illuminating the space. Thankfully you’ve cleared up most of your stuff from the table, leaving no more liabilities to fall over in case he walked into the desk. 
“So you’re done for the week.” His voice surprises you. You were scrolling through your phone, slightly hunched over.
“It appears so.” You put your phone down, swivelling the chair to look at him. 
���How’d it go?” He leans against your table, making sure he isn’t using his full weight.
“Well, I slept for fifteen hours straight, so...” you leave him to connect the dots. He’s done the same several times.
“You’re probably gonna need more,” he says, mostly from his own experience, “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Actually-” you reach beside your table and lug your gigantic box of belongings onto the table with a loud thud, “-you won’t.”
He looks at the box that was nearly overflowing with its contents, the majority of the space being taken up by empty picture frames. “I thought you said Tony offered you a job.” 
“He did,” you confirm. “I didn’t accept.”
“Why?” He watches you shift through a few things, adjusting it so that it wouldn’t fall over.
“This whole thing- it’s cool and all, but it’s not what I want to do.” You shrug. “I like teaching. I miss my class.”
He gaze lands on one of the thank you notes sticking out from the corner of the box. “Ah.”
“Back to school from tomorrow.”
“And evil on the weekends?” he prods, dropping a pen into the heap of stationery. 
“Obviously.” You give him a lopsided smile. “Where else am I gonna use all this brilliance?”
You point to your head. He lets out a small exhale in the form of a laugh.
“Speaking of-” You look like you just remembered something.  
You rummage through your backpack and pull out a small container, handing it to him.
“What’s this?” He turns it over, looking for any hidden clues. “Are you proposing again, because I’ve said no-”
“I’m not proposing,” you interrupt, “yet.”
He gives you a deadpan look.
“Open it,” you urge, and he complies.
Two small squares sit side-by-side. They’re slick black, barely bigger than the face of a dice.
“You put one of them here-” You tap on his bicep “-and the other here.” You tap his shoulder, a few inches below his clavicle.
“What does it do?” He thinks it’s like Nat’s little taser things, a nifty little tool that he could use on missions.
“It, uh-” you hesitate “-it allows you to feel sensation in your metal arm. Heat, pressure, texture.”
His breath hitches in his throat. He doesn’t mean for it to happen, it just does.
“You said that sometimes you’re glad you couldn’t because of the bullets and stuff. They’re detachable, so just take them off when you go on missions and wherever it is you Spandex ambassadors go.” You scoff slightly. 
He can’t remember the last time he felt something soft with that arm or used it for something that wasn’t directly related to his job.  
“I’m not messing with what the Wakandans gave you. It’s the most advanced piece of tech out there.” You shrug. “But if you ever want to feel it when someone attaches sticky notes to your arm, this could work. Just thought it’d be nice to have an option.”
He can’t decipher what he’s feeling right now. He looks up at you, only to catch you eyeing him cautiously, assessing his reaction. When you notice he’s looking at you, a nervous smile makes its way onto your face. 
His stomach does a flip. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly. 
“Don’t mention it.” You sound a little relieved, picking up the box that he’s pretty sure weighed a ton what with all his memorabilia in it. “See you next week.”
He doesn’t know how to explain what it means to him. 
Instead, he shoves his hands into his pockets. “What are you doing later?”
“Nothing.” You pause. “Why?”
“Are you gonna watch the parade?” 
“Yeah, probably.” You shift your weight to your other leg to compensate for the box.
“Want some company?”
“Aren’t you heading a security division?” You have to consciously hide the bewilderment from your voice. 
“Yeah. The place I’m stationed just so happens to have a good look into the street,” he explains, toying with the bracelet on his wrist. “Can’t really promise that I’ll be paying attention to it or that I’d even be there the whole time but for the most part...” he trails off. 
“Uh-” You force yourself to shove aside your surprise at his determination, “yeah, sure. That’d be cool.”
He nods. “Okay. See you there.” 
“See you,” you murmur as you walk to the elevator. 
He opens the tiny container to look at the small chips. They’re still there, silently like they don’t change his world just by existing. 
Next part
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