#i had to stop before it got too long and rambly with random stuff i remembered inbetween
ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU drabble - Moving
Hello I am back and I got another idea for this little silly au that I have @spotaus to thank for for the original idea :3 Though I think this may be officially becoming one of my AUs hahahaha
First part Prev Part Next part
Also yes. I know it would work better to number these uploads but also i am not writing these in any set order so it will become miserable for all of us if i number them because either they will be out of order or I will have to rework all the names and I am already editing links I don't need that extra energy in my life.
Next part! The one I lovingly clal in my head - The one where the gang finds a more permanent temporary home. (also yes. Before this they all speed-run the whole Parental bonding and emotional bonding to the idea of having a babybones. Which honestly can and probably will make four different drabbles)
Horror stares at the door and wonders once again how he got to this point.
Well, no. That is a lie. He knows exactly how he got to his point.
He glances over his shoulder where the other four at hiding off to the side. Out of view from the doorway but still visable for Horror if he looks just right. Seems like Dust won the discussion, again, and is holding Nightmare, again.
Horror wants to say it is surprising how quickly they all just... accepted the situation they got into but he really isn't. Monsters are weird like that. Forced adoption is not that wild all things considered when you are talking about beings made of magic and emotions.
Horror stares at the door and raises his hand before knocking twice.
He really hadn't wanted to do this but they have no other choice. As he waits he can't help but think back to what made them decide this.
Cross walks from side to side "That was way to close! That was the third time we came across the Stars with Nightmare out. Third!"
Killer nods from where he is sitting wiht the sleeping Nightmare in his lap "Yeah no kidding. It is annoying as shit that they are hunting us."
Dust shrugs "Not surprising. Nightmare 'disappeared' after all. We are their only lead."
Killer grins "We were lucky Cross managed to lie his way out of the last one." and he shoots Cross a wink.
Cross sputters "I panicked!"
Killer grins and winks "Sure sure daddy crossy."
Horror holds up his hands between his two... co-parents "This is not the time. We need to figure out where we can go." and he thinks things over.
Cross sighs "I don't get how they keep finding us!"
Dust huffs as he packs their bags "We go to too little universes. Makes it easy for Ink and Dream to pick us out because they recognise us personally."
Killer frowns "Meaning. we need a big universe?" he taps his chin "But also mostly positive as we still don't know how obvious Nightmare would be otherwise."
Cross frowns "I think it will be fine. He can't feel the balance anymore right? And no one seems to have a reaction to him like they had before nor how people have a reaction to Dream's aura thing. Maybe with the corruption gone he really is just... ex-guardian now?"
Killer groans "I hope so. I am not a fan of child labor."
That is when it hits him. Horror sits up "I think I know a place."
All of them turn to him and he immediantly regrets saying anything. See? This is why he normally tries to limit what he says.
Either way. Here they are now and Horror prays this works. Please. They need one thing to work in their favor.
The door opens and a gasp "Horror! It has been ages! It is great to see you. How have you been?" Crop smiles at him.
Horror steels his nerves. Come on. Too much hangs on this moment "Hey Crop. Nice to see you. I am... okay. How are you?"
Crop frowns at him instantly "You sure? You don't sound okay. Trouble at home?"
Horror chuckles "Kinda? Not exactly. Euh... Can't go back to that place now?"
Crop frowns "Why? Need a place to stay? I got a spare room."
Okay yes! this is going great! just... gotta make sure he knows.
Horror nods "I do need a room. Not just for me though..." Crop starts to frown and Horror raises his hands "Just temporarily!"
Crop frowns "Did... something go wrong?"
Horror pauses and thinks this through once more. He trusts Crop. Crop has never been anything but kind even when Horror had been an ass. Even when he had to once drag Dust here to get healing before they could make the jump back home.
Horror looks to the side and he sees the others just beyond the treeline, hidden in shadows and waiting. Crop takes a look as well but he can't quite spot them. Crop looks back up at him.
Horror takes a deep breath "You need... to promise me, no not just promise you need to swear. That what you are about to learn will not leave this universe."
Crop frowns as he immediantly looks uncomfortable. It is the reaction a promise gets from most of them. But Crop also shoots him a considering look before he nods. He holds out a hand "I swear and promise I will not share the about to be giving information. UNLESS! It endangers anyone." and he waits.
Horror stares at the hand and thinks. That... That is fine right? That should be fine. Nightmare being a child doesn't endanger anyone. Only them and Nightmare. Horror nods and shakes the hand.
Crop nods and steps aside "Come inside. I bet you will be more comfortable explaining there." he glances at the forest "Do your... friends? Want to come in too?" a guess clearly. probably on multiple fronts.
Horror shakes his skull "Not yet. Need to know your answer and reaction first." He turns to the forest and makes a signal to wait a bit longer. He sees a thumbs up shot his way back. Probably Killer. He never bothered with the signals they had learned together.
Crop nods as he steps aside and Horror walks in, having to duck slightly for the door. The door closes behind him and Horror sees the small living room with fireplace.
Crop leads him to the kitchen "Lets talk there. I will get some tea."
A few minutes later they are both seated and with a cup of tea. Crop looks at him expectingly.
Horror takes a deep breath and takes out their most valuable resourch. The Dreamtale book. And places it on the table. Crop frowns at it before looking at Horror.
Horror nods to it "It will help explain... Very long story short... Nightmare was never an adult. He was a child with a magical shield of some type. That magic has ran out."
Crop stares at him for a moment, then he pulls the book closer and starts reading it. He pauses at the title before opening it.
And now he waits.
Crop sits wiht his skull in his hands. Horror just sits across from him, with his empty cup of tea. Crop's own cup has grown cold a long time ago. Horror just waits for anymore questions but Crop hasn't said anyhting in the last ten minutes.
Horror looks back at the book and sees that Crop has turned the pages back to the one with the drawing of Nightmare's head being cracked open. The image makes a very clear show on how small Nightmare was compared to the ones attacking him.
Horror still thinks the book doesn't do it justice. Nightmare is much smaller in person than the picture makes him seem. The cracks had been much worse than the picture showed. But it is the closest they got.
Crop finally sighs and speaks. He doesn't look away from the picture "I don't... Know a lot about this whole... multiverse stuff. It isn't my place at all. And that is fine." he pauses for a moment "But this... You are telling me... That the one being that had everyone afraid. That everyone saw as a demon. Is a child... is this child?"
Horror nods before he explains more "Nightmare... gained a lot of magic and powers when he ate those apples. At least that is what the story implied. We haven't managed to get him to tell us yet, mostly because well... he is six again." Crops pulls a face as well, yeah. Horror agrees. A PTSD filled six year old is not easy. But they are managing.
Horror nods "so... What Cross nad Dust think what happened is that... The magic and negativity of the apples bond itself to Nightmare. Which game him the magic and powers he would use. The connection to the balance because the apples were part of the balance. and more importantly, an adult form and mind to fit all the magic. There was just no way all that magic and energy would have fit a babybones. Especially one that hadn't shown much magic beforehand." an assumption on their end as Nightmare was never said to use magic in the book.
"We think... We think that this magic of the apples just. ran out. We had been in battle at the time and Nightmare had been hit but it shouldn't have had that much of an effect. it was the same type of attack he had been hit by before. Dust thinks it was just the last bit of magic that the apples had having run out. Meaning that with the magic and energy so went the form." all a theory of course. But it is the only thing they have.
Crop nods as he clearly thinks "And as he was suddenly an adult. instead of just being afraid and scared. all that pain and emotions took a more violent turn. As he was an adult and was suddenly able to realise that it was unfair which made him angry..." Crop pauses.
Crop glares back at the table and shakes his skull "It is... It is a whole story about victim blaming. A victim is blamed for the abuse they suffered. They are made to believe they deserve it and should be abused. Then as soon as they fight back and defend themselves they are seen as guilty." Crop takes adeep breath as he leans back "What I don't get... Why come here? I can't help with any of this."
Horror shakes his skull "This isn't about any of the big stuff. We don't even care about it. We just... Nightmare is himself again. His real self." he taps the page lightly "Not his aged-up self that the corruption enabled him to be."
Crop stares before his face changes to shock "You are trying to hide him." Then a frown "Why not go to your own home? Has it been compromised?"
Horror snorts "At this point? probably." a confused look and Horror continues "Nightmare used his magic to shield off an universe and make a castle." he shrugs at the glance "Nightmare likes to read. I imagine he liked to read back then too. He may have been an adult technically but he was still a child at soul. Child him wanted a home and wanted that to be a castle and adult him made it happen... probably... that is Killer's theory at the moment."
Crop laughs and nods "Suonds reasonable- oh... and with his magic disappearing."
Horror sighs "When I left his universe the castle had already been decaying..."
Crop frowns "Left? The five of you you mean?"
Horror looks to the side and feels the shame return "We.... we did not react well... when we saw the changes at first... we... we obviously dind't know what was going on and well." he looks down "We abandoned him. I know it was wrong and stupid and we all regret it. We came back but we still did it." shame.
shame shame shame shame shame shame shame-
A hand on his shoulder. Horror glances up and Crop smiles at him "It is okay. You are trying to fix it now right? obviously. Not cool that you abandoned a child... but it can be nerve wrecking. Suddenly going from a position where a person is mostly guiding you, to going to a position where you suddenly are responsible over that same person."
Horror looks to the side "We still left." he can't believe they just left!
Crop nods "But you returned." he grins "And you are trying to fix it."
Horror nods again "We are..." he chuckles "Not that we have been doing a good job at it. Jumping from place to place."
Crop hums "So you are looking to settle, at least for a little bit, while also hidding. Why this universe?"
Horror nods "Yeah..." He looks to the side "We... we don't know how everyone will react. To him being like this. Maybe they will react well. Maybe not. We don't want to risk it. Risk him."
Crop stares at him for a long time and nods "There must be better places?"
Horror shakes his skull "The Stars kept finding us. Dust figured out we needed a big universe that leans towards positive. Yours is one of those. It is one of the wider and bigger ones. And overall leaning towards positive."
Crop frowns "It can't be the best one..."
Horror shrugs but continues "True... there are bigger and more positive ones. But those are busy. Many people. many places. Yours is quieter. more empty. Gives peace and room to work from."
Crop frowns as he taps his chin. He thinks deeply before sighing "You guys got any type of backstory we can use? The multiverse thing isn't a known thing here and the only reason my brother and I know is because you crash landed here."
Horror blinks "You will let us stay?"
Crop nods "Sure." and he grins "Can't kick out four parents with a babybones." and he gets up.
Horrro shakes his skull "That isn't... Well I mean technically." He knows that Killer has come close to killing quite a few people with how protective he has grown over Nightmare and that isn't even including the motherhenning of Cross nor the clinginess that Dust has.
Crop chuckles as he nods towards the stairs "The attic is messy and should be cleaned but can be used by you four, well five. There is an old bed and an old lounge chair up there." more thoughtful "How big is he exactly? we will need some clothes. Probably also get a healer to check him if he is developing okay after all those magical shenanigans."
Horror stares for a moment before smiling "Thank you... I know it is a lot."
Crop shrugs as he opens the linnen closet "Horror. Taking care of milking all the cows on your own is a lot. Having to fix your roof in the middle of a thunderstorm is a lot." He straightens his spine with blankets in his arms "Helping a friend and his friends who have somehow aqcuired a babybones, while strange, does not compare to either of those. Now get your friends out of those woods. They will make the animals nervous." he grins "I am excited to be one of the first ones to meet the real Nightmare."
Horror smiles as he packs his book and goes towards the door. "Thanks again Crop."
Crop waves it off as he moves the piles upstairs.
Boom! and they are staying in FarmTale for now! Horror and Crop are homies and Dust is more of an acquaintance of Crop but it works. Aged-up Nightmare knew that Horror had an universe he liked to visit but never demanded details. *shrugs* Nightmare didn't see the point. as long as horror wasn't going to betray him what did it matter he didn't tell him?
Surprise Nightmare, this is your temporary home now. For a bit. or maybe longer? They are still figuring it out.
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0097linersb · 1 month
Little White Lies (m)
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Pairings: Satoru Gojo x Reader
Genre: Smut, basically pwp, kind of fluff for a bit
Word count: 5k~
Summary: Satoru gets too excited at the thought of being your husband.
Follow me on twitter: marmitasatosugu <3 I´ll proofread this some other day
You thanked God every day that Satoru had the attention span of a 2-year-old considering that you often got away with stuff solely because he was walking around pointing at random clouds or rambling about what movie to watch later. Shoko joked once that you should just leash him after he rushed excitedly to feed some pigeons on the street, but you just laughed it off – you loved the way he was, fully and completely.
Now to quote an example: after a few years of dating, sometimes you found yourself telling a little white lie around, simply because it was so much easier to just call Satoru your husband rather than your boyfriend, especially since it made people take you so much more seriously. It started small, workers had been referring to the man as your spouse for so long that at some point, you just stopped correcting them. It was great, it was practical; people would treat you with more respect and you would have fun inside your little fantasy world.
“My husband will pay for it, the one with the white hair over there.”
“Good afternoon, I´m looking for a gift for my husband.”
“My husband will pick it up later, thank you.”
“Put it on my husband´s tab, please.”
Satoru never caught on to it and you´d much rather that he never did – but once again, the probabilities of it happening were low: if you weren´t holding his hand, he was probably far from you, exploring the big world around him and all its wonders. But oh well, your luck couldn´t last forever.
“Good afternoon, Ms. Y/N,” The receptionist with the Hawaiian shirt smiled once you and Satoru walked inside the resort hand-in-hand. “This must be your husband, welcome to Crystal Waves, Mr. Gojo. Congratulations on the wedding!”
Frozen in place for a second, you couldn´t for the life of you look at your boyfriend. It´s not that you were ashamed, it was a silly little thing that you knew Satoru wouldn´t mind or judge you for, it´s just that… He would tease you so much, you´d never hear the end of it.
You had forgotten all about how when making the reservations, after a long conversation with the lady on the phone, somehow you ended up with free upgrades because apparently it was your honeymoon – Technically, all you said was that the reservation was for you and your husband, she was the one who, probably trying to be nice, commented that she was surprised because you sounded so young, therefore asking if you were newlyweds, so naturally you agreed because the little lie you told was now too far along to take back.
That was almost two months ago, of course you´d forgotten about it. If you hadn´t, you could have just filled Satoru in on the little story, he would love to play pretend, and this was right up his alley. But you didn´t, so before he could say anything, you swallowed down the embarrassment and pretended normality, “Good afternoon, Martha. Yes, this is he.”
You still didn´t look at Satoru, but you heard him thanking her amusedly.
“We´re so glad to have you here,” She smiled as another worker brought you welcome orange cocktails with a beautiful pink flower decorating the glass before guiding you towards the front desk for check-in.
“Did you have a chance to look at all the activities we offer?” Martha asked after you finished signing the paperwork. “For some of the schedules, we ask for the reservations to be made in advance.”
“Yes, that´s understandable. I´m interested in the SPA treatments; we can book it for tomorrow if you have any spots available.”
“Yes, of course. Are we going for the complete package, back massage, facial, scalp treatment, hot stones, body rub…?”
“I think the back ma-”
“Complete package,” Satoru interrupted, tightening the hold on your hand.
“Ok, perfect. 9 AM, 2 PM or 5PM?” Martha asked, clicking away on the computer, smiling up at Satoru for his romantic gesture.
“9 sound goods.”
“Any other plans?”
You waited for Satoru to answer, since he was the one who spent days rambling about some of the stuff he wanted to do, but since he stayed silent, you cleaned your throat and took it upon yourself, “The parasailing one, what days do you have it available?”
“Will it be just your husband or you´ll be going as well?”
“Both of us.”
“Looks like we have an opening two days from now at 3 PM, does that sound good?”
“Perfect, and what about the White Stones Trail?”
“It happens every Monday at 8 AM, should I book it for the two of you?”
“Oh God no, just for my husband, please.”
You didn´t even notice you got carried away in the role until Satoru dropped your hand, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you slightly closed, his thumb rubbing the skin on your side. You still refused to look at him.
“Booked. Anything else?”
“We´d like to go scuba diving on Tuesday.”
“We have a boat leaving at 10 AM.”
“Sounds good. I guess that´s all for now.”
“All set then, these are the keys to your room. The elevator is at the end of the hall to your left, press 10. Your bags are already waiting for you inside. Hope you have an incredible stay and please find me if you need anything.”
You both thanked Martha before you spun in your heels and tried to make a run for it, your escape plan being quickly ruined by Satoru´s hand finding yours once again, holding you close. Taking a deep breath, you accepted defeat and prepared yourself mentally for the next days of hell.
“So…” Satoru started once you were out of earshot from the main desk. You didn´t look at him but you could tell just by the tone of his voice that he was smiling as you walked down the hall.
“Don´t start,” You warned.
“Too late. Husband, huh?”
“Listen, don´t get your panties in a twist-”
“Oh, I´m absolutely getting my panties in a twist.”
“There´s a logical explanation for all of this,” You informed as he pressed the elevator button.
“Which is?”
“I don´t want to talk about it.”
“But you will.”
You sighed, “When I made the reservations, I told them it was our honeymoon so we´d get upgraded and get like, some free stuff.”
The elevator doors dinged open and you walked in, not even being able to appreciate the paradisiacal panoramic beach view inside. Satoru dropped your hand now that you had nowhere to run, leaning against the glass window and crossing his arms to look at you attentively – At least that´s what you guessed since your eyes were glued to the ceiling.
“Y/N, I´m rich,” He stated as a matter of fact, because well, it was true. “You don´t need to lie to get stuff.”
He caught you on your semi-lie - and he knew it too by the way there was a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You shouldn´t have looked at him.
“Fuck, ok,” You rolled your eyes, annoyed that he wouldn´t just accept your answer and move on. Taking another deep breath, you carefully measured your words: “Sometimes, for practical reasons, I just tell people we´re married.”
“For practical reasons?”
“Yes, it makes my life easier in certain situations.”
“And how long have you been doing this for?”
Would this damn elevator never reach your floor?
“A few months.”
“And what are you telling people I am?”
“Are you stupid? If we´re married, you´re my husband.”
“Which makes you, my wife.”
The doors finally opened and Satoru reached for your hand, practically dragging you along with his abnormally long legs as you stared at his back.
“Yes Satoru, that´s the correct term.”
“So, you're telling people that you´re my wife?”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, struggling to keep up with his pace and confused at his reaction. You expected insufferable teasing for the next few days and not… Whatever this was.
“Yes Sato – Are you ok? Did you hit your head or something?”
“No,” He finally stopped in front of your room, turning around to look at you with a huge smile on his face as you caught your breath. “I´m just so hard right now.”
“You- You´re what now?” You choked out as he searched his pockets for the magnetic card that opened the door. Your eyes automatically trailed down his pants and he was indeed not lying about his current state. “Do you have a thing for elevators?”
Satoru celebrated when he found the key, positioning it against the lock and smiling when he heard the engines turning, eyes back on you as he opened the door eagerly, “No, but I do have a thing for you calling me your husband.”
He didn´t wait for an answer, pulling you into the room and practically banging the door closed before pressing you against it. Satoru ripped his black glasses off, throwing them somewhere on the floor before bending down to your height so your faces were only inches apart.
“Say it again.”
“Satoru, let´s look around the room first, enjoy the view -”
“That can wait, I´d rather enjoy this view for now.”
“´Twas expensive,” You tried again.
“I´d spend all my money on you. Now say it again.”
“Call me your husband.”
You were still so confused, was this a trap? For some reason, Satoru seemed to be enjoying it, a bit too much even. You let your walls crumble down slightly, wrapping your arms around Satoru´s neck so you´d be more comfortable.
“My husband?” You tentatively obeyed.
He instantly groaned, crashing his lips against yours with so much need that you felt like this was your first time all over again. He started by holding your face, his hands so big that he could hold your jaw with his palms while his fingers dug at the roots of your hair on your nape. He just held you like you were absolutely everything in the world to him and that got your legs weak. His tongue massaged yours and you were whining against his mouth in no time, hands clawing at his black shirt harsher every time he grinded against you. Satoru was equally as worked up, his chest heaving up and down as his hands left your face to grab at the back of your thighs, pulling you up so you could wrap your legs around his hips.
It was so much easier kissing him like this, since you were actually able to reach him. Unfortunately though, this new position got your boyfriend´s throbbing cock right against your core which you know, did nothing to calm you down. You grabbed at his hair in pure need, making a mess out of it as he left your swollen and wet lips alone to attack your neck.
“You´re so beautiful,” He groaned against your neck after he sucked at your jugular, his hips subconsciously bucking against yours. “Can´t believe you´re mine.”
“Satoru,” You moaned as he bit into the junction of your shoulder and neck.
His lips caught yours once again in another messy and aggressive kiss, his right hand leaving your thigh to start bunching up the bottom of your dress until he could see your panties.
“I could just take you right now,” He groaned against your lips.
“Then do it.”
The corner of his lips tugged up in amusement, “Now that´s no way to treat my wife, is it?”
His own words seemed to light another fire inside him, before you could even react, he was kissing you roughly once again, spinning the two of you around and carrying you towards the bed, where he threw you unceremoniously. You yelped at the impact and once more when he grabbed at your calves, pulling you to the edge of the bed. You supported yourself up on your elbows, so you could see when he went down to his knees in between your legs.
He stayed there on the floor for a few seconds, simply admiring the wet spot on your panties, your legs folded up so they wouldn´t be dangling from the edge of the bed. As you were about to complain, he pressed his thumb right on your clit over the fabric, before slowly rubbing circles with the pad of his finger, staring at what he was doing like he was hypnotized. A gasp left your lips at the surprise feeling and his eyes, which were so focused, snapped out of the trance to look up at you.
As your eyes met, he smiled, “My wife.”
“What´s up with you?” You shakily asked as he gently slid your panties down your legs, throwing them away somewhere.
“I just like the sound of it,” Satoru answered as he grabbed at your thighs once again, positioning them on his shoulders, placing a wet kiss on your inner tight.
Your head fell back in pleasure when he bent down, slowly licking your slit from bottom to top before giving your clit a light suck. He then pulled away slightly and you could already see his lips glistening, his arms wrapped around your tights firmly.
“Tell me you´ll marry me.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, not familiar with this type of foreplay and not sure if this was the right setting for this type of discussion. In response to your silence, he dove back in, his tongue eagerly working on your clit – Why did your boyfriend, besides being rich and extremely hot, also have to be good at just fucking everything?
As soon as you left a moan out and he felt your body start twitching at his ministrations, he leaned back once again, “Tell me.”
He looked at you so hungrily that you heard yourself answering before even realizing, “I´ll marry you, Satoru.”
“And that we will have a big, beautiful family.”
And suddenly, it all made sense: Gojo Satoru, the single most powerful sorcerer in the whole world, unraveled at the thought of marrying you, of you being his, of being loved and having a happy family. Your chest filled with so much love suddenly; your boyfriend was such a loser.
“I´ll give you all that,” You agreed.
Even if it was a fantasy, for this moment it didn´t have to be.
You gave him the answer he wanted, and he excitedly went back to his job after hearing your words. His tongue expertly lapping at you in between kisses and sucks, one of your hands flying to grab at his hair to try and ground yourself. Even after years with this man, you´d never be able to get used to just how good he was at fucking you - and today especially, after a long time of not being touched because either you or him were always away for work, you were feeling extra sensitive.
Satoru knew exactly what to do to get you squirming in record time, flatting his tongue to draw circles against your clit, flicking his tongue from side to side, up and down, fucking it into you and it just drove you absolutely crazy. Even his groans of pleasure as he ate you out with so much hunger, vibrating against you, got your head spinning.
“I´m close,” You moaned, as if he didn´t already know.
“Not yet, hang in there,” He stopped, breathing hard and turning his head to the side, vehemently kissing the inner part of your thigh twice more before sitting up on his knees. “I´m having fun.”
He completely ignored your whines of protest, sitting you up so his face was now right in front of your boobs. Satoru smiled in victory at the view, softly sliding the two straps of your dress down your shoulder until all the fabric fell to your waist. Your boyfriend wasted no time, kissing all over the skin of your chest and leaving what soon would be many deep purple marks, his thumb teasing your nipples.
“Have I told you how much I love your boobs?”
“A few times,” You joked in between gasps, you both knew he would tell you that like, at least once a day.
“If I could just hold them all day I´d be the happiest man on earth,” Was the last thing he said before his mouth latched around your nipple, your back arching into the touch.
Once Satoru was satisfied with his work, he gently pushed you back into bed and climbed on top of you, supporting his weight on his two arms. At this point, you were just praying that he would fuck you already, you were dripping, walls clenching around nothing so desperately it hurt – and your boyfriend wasn´t much better, in this position you could feel very clearly how much his cock was throbbing.
You whined in need as he stared at you with his pretty blue eyes and laughed at your desperation – as if you couldn´t see he was about to cum in his pants too.
“What does my baby want?” He smirked condescendingly, amused at your need.
“To be fucked,” You groaned.
“Ah, anything for my wife,” He agreed, now only supporting his weight on his left arm as he snaked his other hand in between your bodies. “Just let me open you up first.”
You would complain you didn´t need to be prepped, but before you could say anything, his middle finger was already inside you and you forgot what you were going to say. He gently and languidly pumped his finger in and out a few times, adding another when he considered you were good to go.
You were a whiny mess, especially when he curled his fingers and found spots no one ever could before.
“Will you take my family name?” Satoru asked suddenly, his face right in front of yours, attentively watching your expression, his hair tickling your forehead. You were too out of it to even process the words coming out of his mouth. “You know the Gojo Clan is one of the most important and powerful clans in the country. It would sound nice, Gojo Y/N.”
He smiled kind of sadistically at your dazed expression before continuing, his fingers not stopping even once, “Or I could take your last name, I don´t mind. Who gives a fuck about the Gojo Clan anyways? I just suggested it ´cause I´d love everyone to know you´re mine.”
Satoru sped up his fingers and you grabbed his arm, your whole body shaking as your high approached, “But if you accept, you´ll be the heiress of everything, everything will be yours, including me. You can do anything you want, order whoever you want, and spend whatever you want, I´ll let you rule over it all, one snap of your fingers and it´s yours. My wife, the head of the Gojo clan.”
A dragged-out moan left your lips not only because of his restless fingers inside of you, but also because of the whole scenario he was painting, he wanted you to have it all, he wanted to be the one to give you everything. He felt the way your walls were squeezing around him and smiled, slowing down his fingers, “But for now, I´ll be a good husband and fuck my beautiful wife until she´s crying.”
At that, your eyes lit up, quickly sitting up to unbutton his shirt as he unzipped his pants. Once he was done with his trousers, he started helping you with the buttons and you abandoned your task, deciding to litter the already exposed parts of his chest and abdomen with kisses, an “I love you” leaving your mouth in between each touch of your lips on his skin – Because you did, you loved him so much.
The show of affection drove Satoru crazy, harshly throwing his shirt away. You were equally insane at the sight of your boyfriend in just his boxers, practically salivating as if this wasn´t the thousandth time you´d seen him like this. He caught you looking at him in pure awe and smiled, leaning over you for a quick sweet kiss before getting rid of his boxers.
“I´ll get you a ring so big it´ll weigh on your finger,” He informed as he climbed on top of you. “Everyone will be able to spot it from miles away.”
“Don´t want it, just want you.”
“You already have me,” He held your face, his eyes so intense you froze for a second. “Always had, always will.”
“What a simp,” You teased as if you weren´t right about to cry.
“Only for my wife,” He smiled, admiring your face.
“And now will my husband finally please fuck me?”
You said it kind of jokingly, but the title appeared to do the trick anyways; you felt his cock twitching against your thigh before he grabbed at one of your legs, pushing your knee slightly up and groaning as he grabbed his member to position it against you.
After all this lovey-dovey talk, you kind of expected Satoru to want to make slow gentle sappy love to you, and you wouldn´t exactly mind since that was amazing as well, but oh you were so wrong. You had miscalculated how horny the thought of being your husband got your boyfriend, because as he entered you, a loud groan left his lips and while normally he would wait for you to adjust to his size, this time he just kept going. At least he was slow with it, slow enough that you could feel every vein, every inch of his skin against your walls, every ridge, every bump.
You dug your nails into his back to distract yourself from the discomfort as he bottomed out, his lips open in a silent moan, and you caught yourself thinking about how lucky you were; out of everyone in the world, you were the only one who got to see the Honored one like this, so vulnerable and beautiful and yours.
“You feel so good,” He breathed out, beginning to drag his cock out. “Every fucking time.”
You didn´t care if it hurt, you wanted him to destroy you, “Satoru?”
“Yes, beautiful?”
As he started fucking into you again, you lost your words, but the pleading look you gave him and the drag of your nails down his back sent him the message loud and clear.
“Oh,” He smirked. “How am I so lucky?”
You felt his lips on yours as he began to speed up his hips, his right hand wrapping around your thigh so he could pull you flush against his cock. You cursed, feeling like you were being impaled, “Fuck.”
“To have a beautiful sweet loving wife who wants to be fucked like a slut.”
His hips were so smooth yet so fast, knowing all the right angles to get you biting at his shoulder and squeezing your walls around him.
“And you know what´s the best? All these men wanting you will have to know you´re only mine.”
It came as a surprise to you after a few months of dating that Satoru Gojo was a jealous boyfriend. It made absolutely no sense to you, considering that he was… well, Satoru Gojo. Like, what do you mean the strongest and most powerful man in the world, who could end all civilization with a flick of his finger if he wanted to, got bothered when you and Nanami took a cooking class together?
However, you kind of liked his possessiveness over you, especially when it made him thrust harder into you, got his tongue in your mouth in public, or his hand around your neck at a bar.
He felt the way you clenched at his words, breaking apart from you with a groan and flipping you around before you could even process what was happening. The way he could just throw you around so easily got you moaning into the sheets as you arched your back waiting for him.
Satoru didn´t leave you waiting for long, a second later he was already bottoming out inside you once again, and the hotel sheets were proven to be good quality when they didn´t rip under your fingers as he fucked you like his life depended on it.
You were completely lost, brain scrambled as you communicated through moans and gasps, especially when he pulled you up by the neck so your back stood against his chest. His hand stayed there, holding you in place and choking you as his other hand teasingly found its way down your abdomen, finding your clit as its destination.
Your whole body was shaking, Satoru´s arms were probably almost bleeding with how harshly your nails dug into it so you wouldn´t scream.
“You were made for me. Your pussy was made for me,” His moan was raspy against your ear. “Mine. Only for me. Your husband.”
Satoru was close and you were doing your best to buck your hips back to meet his thrusts, already at the edge too with the way his finger kept rubbing number eights against your clit. You stretched your hand back to grab at his hair, stupid at the feeling of being fucked open. He groaned at you pulling his hair, biting your shoulder to warn you he was about to cum.
“Inside,” You rasped.
He literally shivered at your words, a loud moan leaving his mouth as he thrust into you deeper than anyone had ever been before, including himself. Your vision went blank, your orgasm hitting you without warning and no time for you to prepare yourself, your body twitched violently as gasps left your lips, knowing you would have fallen like a doll if Satoru hadn´t been holding your neck.
“Oh, fuck. Fuck,” He cursed, losing control at the way your walls were crazily clenching around him.
His wet and warm mouth was soon on your shoulders, desperately kissing the bite marks he was leaving. You barely felt as he came inside you, or how his cock twitched against your walls, or how you could barely breathe with how tight he held your neck once his orgasm hit, too lost in your own pleasure. You did hear the beautiful noises coming out from his lips, prolonging your orgasm.
Once the two of you came back to reality, breathing hard, Satoru gently let go of your neck, softly rubbing his thumb over the red marks. As expected, your legs failed to hold you and your chest met the bed a second later, your eyes closed to try and come down from your high.
Satoru stayed on his knees, eyes glued to the way you were dripping out because of your walls´ spasms. He just couldn´t help himself, gathering all his cum that spilled with his fingers, ignoring your whines of protest, and pushing it all back in.
“Just a second baby,” He answered dazedly, his fingers still working.
He was obsessed, addicted to the view. No matter how much your body twitched because of the overstimulation, he couldn´t stop pumping his fingers into you, feeling how wet and slick you were around him. He groaned at the way your lips were swollen because of him, thumb gently rubbing your clit. He continued until your whines turned into moans, until your hips stopped trying to run away and instead bucked back against his fingers, until he felt himself getting hard again.
You didn´t complain when you felt his cock entering you once again, his lips worshiping your back as your eyes remained closed, slightly arching your hips to give him better access as he slowly and gently fucked you. Satoru caressed your hair and kissed your temples, your nape, your eyes, all while calling you beautiful and telling you how much he loved you.
“Gojo Satoru.”
Sensing your tone, he didn´t answer in pure fear.
The silence made you leave the bathroom, staring at your boyfriend who was in bed looking at you with wide eyes, “What´s wrong, baby?”
“We´re at a beach resort,” You said in between gritted teeth. “How the fuck am I supposed to go to the beach when it looks like I have been mauled by a bear after being dragged around town by a car?”
“I´m sorry, I got carried away.”
“Oh my god, call Martha and cancel the SPA day tomorrow.”
“I can give you a massage-”
“You´re never touching me again, Satoru.”
He smirked at that, “Yeah, give me a few hours and we´ll see.”
You hated that he was right.
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ I was wondering maybe u can write headcanons for percy with nyx daughter!reader where they're literally the same person personality wise and same sense of humor and sarcasm and same interests etc.. ❞ — 🪼
in which percy dates a daughter of nyx
pairing percy jackson x nyx!reader
warnings none!
on the radio . . . remember that night? (sara kays)
Your first proper introduction comes during Capture the Flag. Annabeth, one of the few children of the Olympians you spoke to, had asked you to play on her team
You usually didn’t play, seeing it as a game for the children of the Gods, not a demi-primordial such as yourself. However, after lots of begging (and agreeing to buy you the good chocolate from the outside world), Annabeth convinced you to join in
On the day, she quickly explained the rules to you then pulled you to the side, distress etched on her face as her head whipped around, clearly looking for someone
“Percy, you’re late! You almost ruined my plan,” she said, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him to where you were standing. The boy started rambling something about two hippocampi needing his help with their housing situation, giving the two of you a sheepish look until Annabeth interrupted him
“This is Y/N, daughter of Nyx. You’ll be working with her today,” Annabeth said, “the two of you will be stationed at our flag, which I put near the lake. Y/N, I’m gonna need you to use your powers to blind anyone who comes near our flag so that Percy can use the element of surprise to his advantage and spray them with water. Got it?” Before you could say anything, Annabeth ran off to be with her siblings, leaving you with the flag and Percy Jackson
It was really awkward at first. Percy walked circles around the flag while you played around with your shadow, making it turn into all sorts of shapes
You weren’t keeping track of how long the game had been going on for, but you were bored. You didn’t agree to play Capture the Flag just to stand around the flag with some random guy (even if he was really handsome)
Eventually, you were no longer interested in your shadow and decided to strike up a conversation with Percy, asking him about the hippocampi he mentioned earlier
“Well,” Percy began, cheeks turning pink as he realised how silly his story was, “these two hippocampi broke up, but neither of them wanna move out of the cove they’re living in, so I’ve been trying to find a cove just as nice that’ll hopefully convince one of them to move,” he finished, hoping you wouldn’t think he was weird
To his surprise, you started laughing, “so you’re their divorce attorney?” You managed to ask through fits of giggles, “that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day.” 
Percy was relieved. He was so worried he’d embarrassed himself in front of a really beautiful girl, but you were actually amused! 
People started showing up for the flag, but the two of you defended it like your life depended on it. You worked your magic, causing the area around the people from the opposite team to turn as black as the night, while Percy sent them away with a wave of water
Soon enough, you heard cheers erupt as Annabeth and everyone else from your team came running towards you with the other team’s flag. After celebrations took place, people started heading back to their cabins and various other activities, leaving you and Percy alone
You began to walk away, missing the comforting darkness of your cabin, when suddenly someone stopped you in your tracks, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder
“Hey, Y/N, I had a lot of fun playing Capture the Flag with you today,” Percy said, “you’re really cool and stuff… and I was wondering if, you know…”
“If we could hang out? Sure, Percy! I had a lot of fun with you too. Come to my cabin tomorrow!” You said, giving him a smile before leaving
Percy sighed. He meant to ask you out on a date.
He still showed up at your cabin. You didn’t specify a time, so he hoped first thing after breakfast was alright
(It was. He could’ve shown up at 3am and you would’ve been fine with it)
You started to get to know each other, realising with every passing minute how incredibly similar you were
Both of you spoke sarcasm like it was a second language, you both enjoyed rock music, skating, basketball, and of course, sea animals. Whatever Percy liked, there was a high chance you liked too, and vice versa (I had to look up Percy’s interests on reddit)
He began showing up at your cabin more often, and then you started showing up at his, and soon enough you became known as one package
You still weren’t dating though. You were both worried the other only saw you as a friend
One day, a half-asleep Percy was making his way to the dining pavilion (is that what it's called?) when he overheard your siblings talking
“She’s so in love with him!” One of them said to the other, giggling. Percy didn’t like to eavesdrop, but he couldn’t help himself. This could be about you, after all
The other nodded enthusiastically, “I think Percy’s in love with her too, they’re both just oblivious about it.” Okay, so it was definitely about you. You’re the only person Percy could ever be in love with
Grinning, he began to plan his confession
In the middle of the night, you heard knocking on the front door of your cabin. Exhausted, you dragged yourself away from the comfort of your bed to go and answer.
You were ready to berate whoever your visitor was, until you discovered it was none other than Percy. With a finger in front of his lips, he took your hand and walked you all to the beach
There, Percy finally deemed it safe for you to talk. He watched as you took in what was in front of you: a midnight picnic consisting of a blue tablecloth and a wide range of blue foods
“Perce, what is this?” You asked, unable to hold back the smile that was making its way onto your lips. This might’ve been the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you
“I wanted to stargaze today, and thought I should bring the expert with me,” he replied as you sat down, opening a bottle of blue coke and handing it to you
You looked up at the sky and marvelled at how clear it was that night, “I love the stars, they’re so pretty. They remind me of home,” you told him, mesmerised by the way they glimmered in your mother’s domain
“They are,” he said wistfully. Turning to him, you found that he had never been looking at the stars to begin with, but at you
According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves
Slowly, you and Percy inched closer and closer together. When you finally kissed, you felt reunited with your other half.
Now that my essay of a backstory is done, we can move onto the dating
You have midnight feasts all the time. Most of the time, you do them at his cabin, since he’s the only one there and you’re less likely to be caught by the harpies, but sometimes you do them at that spot at the beach (it’s been dubbed ‘Percy and Y/N’s spot’ by everyone at camp because Percy’s weirdly territorial over it)
Percy loves spending time at your cabin too. Specifically spending time with your siblings. Being the children of night, you can easily camouflage yourselves within the night and shadows, which means you can eavesdrop on whoever you want
Therefore, your siblings know EVERYTHING and Percy loves hearing about it all
He used to be scared of the dark, as it meant losing an important sense, but you showed him all the beautiful parts of it. Now, the dark feels like a warm blanket reminding him of home (you) <3 
He still has nightmares though, and waking up to a pitch black room after a nightmare isn’t the best feeling, so one day, you help him out
You woke with a start as you felt Percy shift next to you, clearly trying to process the nightmare he just had. Pouting, you felt your heart ache at his pain. He deserved a good night’s rest
You put your hands together and began to make a ball of light, illuminating the room. Now, you could see the unshed tears in Percy's eyes
“What is this?” He asked, reaching his hand out to touch it. You let go, giving it to him
“Your own star, for when I’m not here. It’s like a night-light. You turn it off by tapping it.” Percy let go of the star, opting to hold you instead
Kissing the top of your head, he mumbled “thank you, sweetheart, you’re the best.”
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rhetoric-86 · 1 year
Pairing: Eddie Munson X Reader (no use of YN) friends to lovers
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, smut, oral (female receiving), PinV unprotected sex, graphic descriptions of sexual content, slight praise link if you blink.
Damp skin kissed by the warm summer air. Hair a mess and nerves buzzing with a frequency you've never experienced before as you lay on the floor of this familiar van.
Your mind is racing with thoughts of every way you may have just messed this up.
You risk a glance at your best friend and find his eyes, intense on yours. His expression is hard to read but those chocolate eyes are searching you.
"Was that...ok?" he asks.
You can't help but to laugh. "Ok? That was..." you trail off, trying to catch your breath, to slow your pounding heart. "That was beyond ok. It was incredible."
His expression cracks into a soft smie and he allows a small laugh to escape his plush lips.
"It was pretty incredible." he agrees and in an instant, he's searching again. Needing confirmation to ease his own racing thoughts. "Are we ok?"
You consider for a moment. You know exactly what you want. It may just be what you've always wanted but what if it isn't a mutual desire?
You replay the events of the evening, a blur, just to assure yourself of how you got to this point to begin with.
Your morning had started like any other until your boyfriend showed up in your driveway unannounced while you were eating breakfast. You knew something was wrong when he wouldn't come in and instead asked if you would walk out to his car. He swiftly let you know that he had developed feelings for a coworker and he was done with you. an unexpected blow that left you reeling. On top of that work was brutal. Time seemed to slow to a snails pace on Friday Nights. You busied yourself with alphabetizing the new shipment of books onto the categorized shelves of the shop. Every now and again you would stop to skim a few pages of a new release or read a description off the back of a novel. You found yourself stopping on the spine of a paperback...the font alone told you this was going to be a cheesy romance and when you pulled it from the shelf your suspicions were confirmed by the image of a damsel in distress being held tightly by a muscled man with long flowing hair and a torn open shirt. You glanced up to the front to assure the shop was still empty and allowed your curiosity to get the best of you. You flipped to a random page. The descriptions were vivid and extremely detailed. You flushed, feeling the heat going to your cheeks, among other places. As your eyes took in the lurid ramblings unfolding in your hands you must have missed the chime of the front door.
"Wow...look at that guy. No wonder he managed to score a noblewoman like that."
You almost jumped out of your skin, the book clattering to the floor as Eddie's voice broke you from your stupor.
"What are you doing here, Munson?" you snap, defensively.
"It's Friday. You close the store on Fridays, I didn't want you walking home alone." he shrugged.
You instantly warmed at this. Eddie was always thoughtful beneath his hard exterior and, you supposed he had taken notice of how your boyfriend had "worked late" and been unable to pick you up in recent weeks.
"Oh!" you smiled. "That's...that is really nice of you, Eddie."
"Yeah, well...I'll announce myself next time. Wouldn't want to disturb you while you're reading porn again!" he said, sarcastically.
You laughed out at that, slapping his arm gently.
"Shut up, Eddie. It was surprisingly tasteful."
"Sure. Yeah I only like tasteful stuff, too." he nodded.
You smirked at him, sticking your read back into it's place on the shelf and retreating to the counter. You bent to retrieve the package that you had stored beneath the register.
"Actually, glad you're here, Eddie. I've got something for you!"
He approached slowly and reached for the box in your outstretched hands.
"Why did you get me something?" he asked.
"Thought it might help you with your next campaign!" you replied simply.
He opened the box to reveal a hardcover book: Dungeon Master's Guide, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons First Edition.
His jaw went slack and he looked up to see you flash a smile at him.
"No problem. It's 9, I'll count out the register and meet you by the van?"
Eddie's van was comfortable. Warm. Familiar. Ever since he had gotten his license you had spent more time in this van than in your family's car.
The silence between you was soft, no hint of awkward tension. It stayed that way for a few minutes before you broke it to ask if he wanted to smoke before he took you home.
He smirked back at you and turned off on to a back road that lead to the woods near skull rock.
You were unbuckled and climbing into the back before he had even rolled to a complete stop.
"You're in a real hurry, Princess." he said, popping the glove compartment to grab a joint that he had tucked between papers and napkins.
"Tonight sucked, Eddie. Please just smoke me out."
"Consider it done." he climbed back and settled in next to you, his knee barely touching against yours as you sat with your backs against the side wall of the van.
Your eyes shot to the area his leg grazed against yours. Suddenly accutely aware of the contact between you.
"So what happened tonight, princess?"
You rested your head back against the wall and peaked over at him.
"Dennis cheated on me." you replied simply.
Eddie's eyes grew wide. "Is he insane?"
You sighed, taking the joint from Eddie, feeling a rush as your fingers grazed his in the process. He leaned in and cupped his hand over the joint, sparking a light as you inhaled deeply. The smoke filled your lungs with a delightful burn and you could feel the weight of the day start to lift.
"Don't know. I honestly...I had no idea. Like I know he kept picking up hours at work and I guess I just took his word, I didn't give it any thought. He showed up today and basically told me theres some girl at work and he...he was falling for her or whatever cheesy shit he said. He apologized. He left...that was it." you shrugged. "I had shit to do, I distracted myself but then the shop was so empty it's like I ran out of things to occupy my thoughts."
You could feel the threat of tears breaking through and sharply inhaled, trying to stave them off.
Eddie was silent for a moment, taking it in. He took the joint back, inhaling and exhaling slowly before risking the question, "Did you love him?"
"I don't think I did. I liked him? He was fun...he was...good." you laughed and nodded, a slight smirk. "But...no, I didn't love him. That doesn't make rejection suck any less though, does it?"
Eddie shook his head. "Nah, guess it doesn't. Sorry you didn't get to be the one to decide, killer." he glanced back at you, passing the joint, eyes wandering to your lips as they delicately wrapped around the filter. "This mean I'll be seeing more of you now?"
You felt a rush of guilt. Dennis had been uncomfortable with how close you were to Eddie, so, in the three months you were with him you missed a lot of time. All but dropped out of Hellfire, didn't catch as many rides or sporadically show up to help him study. Alongside that guilt though you felt something else, something unfamiliar to you in this space...heat. His notice of your absence, his desire to have you back it made you feel something.
Your eyes met his and you took note of how he had been fixed on your lips, watching your pull and exhale with purpose.
"I'm sorry, Eddie."
"It's ok. He hated me." Eddie smiled.
"Nooo..." you tried to protest and then broke into a laugh when his expression cracked. You pinched the joint between your fingers and brought it to his waiting lips.
"He did!" you nodded. "He hated you so much. He found one of your shirts in my room once and lost his mind."
"The one you wore home after Gareth smashed his drink off the table in Hellfire and covered you in Coke?" Eddie snorted.
"Yeah, that one." you reached to take the joint back and Eddie swatted your hand away, pulling again and more deeply.
"You're hogging it now!" you chided and he turned to you, blowing the smoke into your face.
"Don't worry, princess! I'll share. You've earned it."
The accidental shotgun filled your senses but more so, Eddie did. It's like your eyes had been opened for the first time. His dimpled cheek, his surprisingly perfect teeth, his piercing eyes and how delighted he was in this moment, with you.
He brought the joint back to his lips and you reached to take it, instinctively his hand covered yours and it hit you like an electric shock.
The change in his expression gave you confidence that maybe he felt the same way. The air between you was different tonight.
"Do that again." you whispered quietly.
"What?" he asked, surprised.
"You know. Do it again, Eddie. Please."
He visibly gulped. You watched his adams apple bob and could feel palpable nerves as he inhaled, slowly. Deeply.
He leaned forward. You leaned forward. Your lips so close any move could cause them to brush and the anticipation felt better than any high you had ever experienced. You parted your lips and he exhaled into your waiting mouth.
You swallowed it into your lungs and, urged on by the confidence brought on by the floaty feeling beginning to overtake you, closed the gap.
Delicately your lips grazed his and he gasped. It took a moment for his mind to catch up to his body but then, he took over.
He laced his fingers into your hair, bringing you closer. Your hands found purchase on his chest, fingers gripping his shirt and the other gently cupping his cheek as he leaned further into you.
His tongue parted your lips and explored you hungrily. Heat beginning to build in your core.
You didn't hesitate to turn, lifting your leg over and situating yourself in his lap.
His hands fell from your hair to travel the expanse of your back, down further still to cup your ass. He leveraged you up, breaking the kiss to trail his lips across your jaw, down your neck where he began to suck deep violet bruises into your flesh.
You craved friction, trying to find his thigh or his growing bulge but he raised you ever so slightly more to drop his face into the valley of your exposed cleavage. He licked and sucked every inch of skin he found but he wanted more. You wanted more.
He relented the kneeding of your ass to instead trail his fingertips up your curves and slightly under the hem of your shirt. He looked up, asking permission and you nodded fervently.
He grabbed the bottom and raised your shirt up, noticing the way it caught on your full breasts. You lifted your arms to help him and he threw the shirt across his van. You grabbed his and immediately did the same. Inhaling sharply as your hands touched his skin, soft and supple beneath you. Your finger tips tracing the smattering of ink on his chest.
He wrapped his arms around you and brought your body flush against his, pressing his lips to yours once more.
You melted into him, allowing your weight to drop into his lap and finally find the friction you desired.
He moaned into your mouth as you instinctively ground your core down onto his straining cock.
He deftly undid your bra and guided the straps down your arms.
With a hand on the back of your head to cushion your landing he hoisted you off of him and laid you back, crawling on top of you in the process.
He caressed your breasts, finding your pebbled nipples and pinching them between his thumb and forefingers. His lips trailed back down your neck, tongue sliding over the ditch by your clavicle. A spot that drove you wild and partners rarely found. On instinct you wrapped a leg around Eddie and brought him closer, his clothed cock grinding briefly against you, a moan escaping your lips.
He continued his ministrations, now reaching your breasts and nipping at the delicate skin before wrapping his warm lips around your nipple, teasing it with his tongue.
You reached between you and undid the fly of his jeans, pushing them as far down as you could and cupping your hand over his length, hidden now only by his tented boxers.
He released your nipple with a pop and leaned up. His hand ran down your body, reaching the back of your right knee and lifting your leg, guiding his fingers up the inside of your thigh raising your skirt in the process.
"Pink?" he raised an eyebrow, tracing his finger over the outline of your slit beneath your soft cotton panties. "Didn't expect that...you're usually so..."
"Dark?" you offered.
He smiled at you. "In a good way!" he added. This moment of honesty, discovery, almost made you forget the situation you had found yourself in with your best friend until he took the opportunity to slip his long finger beneath your panties and trace it through your slick folds. You bucked up into the contact and be bit his lip, his eyes taking you in.
You grabbed the waistband of your skirt and pulled your skirt and panties down together. He helped you, guiding them off of your legs and spreading you out before him. He shoved his jeans the rest of the way off and took off his boxers. You licked your lips hungrily as you watched his cock spring out, already beading precum at the head. You reached to grip him and he caught your hand by the wrist, bringing it above your head and collecting your other wrist. He held your arms above your head with one of his large hands and his dark eyes devoured you, bare before him for the first time.
"I must have imagined this a million times princess." he felt your flesh with his free hand and brought it between your spread legs. "Never did I ever think it could be this good though. Look at you." he continued. His finger tracing your slit and finally sinking through, grazing your hole and collecting slick, trailing it up to your throbbing clit.
"Eddie!" you gasped as he started pressing quick circles against your bundle of nerves. Your entire body alive with the sensation he was giving you.
"I like it when you say my name, princess. Does that mean I'm doing good for you?"
"Y-yes, Eddie. So fucking good." you choke out as he suddenly relents on your clit and instead plunges his index finger into you. Your warmth enveloping him and sucking him deeper, he grunts and ruts himself against your thigh.
"I can be better, baby. You want me to be better?" he asks.
Unsure of how what he's doing could ever possibly be better you don't reply and instead throw your head back, breathing harshly and trying to thrust his long finger deeper into your aching cunt.
You cry out as he suddenly removes his finger. He brings it to his lips and sucks your juices off, releasing your wrists with his other hand and you immediately reach out for him again.
He leans in and kisses you, hard. His bare cock grazing against you and your thoughts are a blur. You want him, all of him in every conceivable way.
He breaks the kiss and descends your body, sliding himself to lay between your legs and you lean up on your elbows to watch.
He spreads your plush thighs with his strong hands and his deft fingers begin to work you again, first one and then quickly adding a second finger.
Tentatively he leans down and his tongue glides over your folds, ghosting your clit. You respond, bucking into him and he wastes no time, fully taking your hint. He envelopes your clit with his lips, lightly sucking as his fingers slam into you. The sound of your juices gushing out around his fingers, his tongue lapping at your cunt, it is all consuming in the space of the van. Every nerve in your body dances to the rhythym he created and the most delicious pressure builds in your core.
Unable to hold yourself up any longer you fall back, your hands immediately find purchase in his curls, pulling him impossibly closer and you grind yourself into his face.
There was no shame, taking what you wanted from him so blatantly. With anyone else you may have been embarassed but in that moment, with Eddie you knew. He was there for you to use in whatever way you needed.
"Eddie" you whined out, practically pleading. "Eddie, I'm so close."
"Good." he replied between licking, sucking, tasting... "I want you to cum, princess."
"But I want to cum on your cock, Eddie" you managed, trying to hold off your orgasm.
He stopped, immediately bringing himself up to meet your eye. Your slick coated his beautiful features, his pupils were blown so wide you could barely see the dark coffee color that normally surrounded them.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
You nodded, kissing him deeply. Your taste still fresh on his tongue.
"Please Eddie."
He rested himself against you, his head sliding gently between your folds. No resistance due to how impossibly wet he had already made you.
You wrapped your legs around him, drawing him down, closer, his cock gliding into you, slowly. You could feel every inch as your walls clenched and pulled him in, deeper, deeper.
"Shit" he dropped his head to bury his face in your neck, an obscene moan and your name falling from his lips.
You bucked into him, causing him to bottom out and a string of curses escaped you as you adjusted to him. His size, surprising to you and something you would have to get used to if this were to continue.
After a moment of savoring the closeness, he began to move.
He started slowly, you could feel every inch. Every vein. His head reaching the soft spongy spot inside of you that you only knew from exploring yourself.
The sensation of Eddie was more than you could ever have imagined.
He picked up his pace slightly and you matched him. Bringing your bodies together in a beautiful collaboration. The pressure began to build again.
His lips left delicate kisses, small bruises, his tongue danced anywhere he had access. His hands either gripped you tighter to his body or fondled your breast. You held tightly to his shoulders for leverage or scraped your nails down his back. You bit into his neck, just enough to trigger another moan and you sucked a mark of your own. Branding him.
He kissed you again, harder, more passionately as his speed increased. All but slamming himself into your needy cunt.
It felt like a dam about to burst. You clenched tightly, locking your legs around him.
White heat spread through you like nothing you had ever known. Blinding.
You screamed his name as you released, gushing all over his pulsating cock, he spilled his own release into you.
He collapsed on top of you. Sweating, labored breathing, curls stuck to his forehead and you held him gently. Before long he rolled over, pulling you to his chest.
And there it was, the question...are we ok?
"I need us to be, Eddie." you replied simply."You aren't some guy...you're..."
"Everything." he said softly.
"Yes." you agreed.
"So, yeah." he sighed. "I think we are going to be ok, princess."
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soap-ify · 9 months
cw — angst, hurt / no comfort, major character death. italic paragraphs are flashbacks!
moon, tell me if i could / send up my heart to you ?
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It wasn’t that the love between Johnny and you ever died.
It was still there. Pure, unadulterated, always burning just like a fire. And Johnny, too, was like a fire — boisterous and powerful, smart and fiery.
He kept you warm, but he stung too.
Marrying him was the best decision of your life. But everyone gets selfish sometimes, and the selfish part of you started craving his presence more in your home, rightfully so. You knew that there would be instances like this, where he’d be gone for too long and with no contact, sometimes making it feel as if he was just a hallucination you had fallen in love with all along. Given the radio silence, of course.
Him coming back had started becoming less joyful. You no longer ran up to hug him, and he no longer smothered you up with kisses. You were exhausted, and he was too. A brief eye contact and a soft smile was enough to show that you were grateful he came back alive. A mutual understanding between you two.
You knew he never stopped loving you, and it somehow hurt you even more. Love wasn’t always going to fix a marriage, it seemed. No matter how much you cry and swatted at his chest, distressed whenever he’d come back with a new injury.
You were the one who watched him change after all. More distant, more tired, too focused and tense. He was scared just like you. Yet never short in giving you his love.
“M’gonna get us a wee kitty.” He said one random morning, hair all messy after just having woken up, a sleepy grin adorning his lips, arms lazily wrapped around your waist. “We’ll raise it together.”
You sometimes wished you had his optimism.
“I love ye, I do!” He raised his voice in agitation, blue eyes wide in desperation while you were on the verge of tears, anger simmering beneath you. “But I can’t just quit my work like tha’...”
“I miss you, Johnny… I-I am tired of being scared all the time when you’re gone!” You choked back on a sob, shifting on your feet, careful to not step on the shattered pieces of the vase you had bumped against earlier.
“I know…” His voice cracked too, and something in your heart broke, knowing that he wasn’t going to back down from this mission. “I’ll come back, I promise. I promise m’never gonna leave ye alone like this.” He tentatively stepped forward before wrapping his arms around you, letting you cry on his chest.
Johnny never stopped loving you, and sometimes a weird part of you wished he did, because it wouldn’t hurt this much when he’d break his promises.
It wouldn’t hurt this much when the knock on your door turned out to be Johnny’s Captain and not him. It probably would have stung less if you both had stopped loving each other.
“John was the best of us. He’d’ve fought the world bare handed.”
Price’s words were forever ingrained into your brain, bitterly so, and it made you want to jump on that Captain and wrap your hands around his neck tight. You couldn’t even protect my Johnny.
You didn’t touch Johnny’s dog tags for a good two weeks, not even looking at it, simply pretending that he was still on his mission
“I won’t let you step into this house when you get back.” You said in a broken, frustrated voice while he stepped out of the house with that damn duffel bag, not giving you a single response.
You don’t recall what the argument was. Just a silly thing that got you both frustrated. All you remember was that those were your last words to him, and it hurt. You never meant it, and you knew he didn’t mean all the stuff he said to you too. That’s just how marriages were, right?
But if you knew that was going to be the last time you’d see him, you’d cry and hold him tight, ramble about every single thing you loved and hated about him, tell him about everything.
You wished you were more selfish, somehow able to convince him to not leave the house. Just for once.
Your hands mindlessly reached out for the dog tags after what felt like an eternity, wincing at the cold material. The warmth was no longer there, replaced with this icy air that was rotting you slowly.
Your fingers slowly wrapped around the dog tags, bringing it towards your face, your lips gently pressing a kiss against his name while beads of tears begin rolling down your cheeks for the nth time since the last two weeks, a broken hic leaving your mouth as your breaths gently fanned the steel in attempt to warm it up, your wedding ring gently grazing against the chain.
Your legs finally led you out of your bed, taking you towards his office that was just a few steps away from the bedroom. You never really stepped in there — especially not since he died, and you didn’t want to, knowing that his scent had probably vanished away.
Your trembling hand gently turned the knob down, opening the door with a click while your other hand tightly clutched onto his dog tags, too terrified to let him go.
His office was neat, just a few papers tucked out of a slightly open drawer. The place was sickeningly cold, making you feel nauseous while your eyes stung with the incoming tears, your throat burning up.
Your eyes landed on a canvas at the edge of the room, right beside the window, a stool placed in front of it while a white cloth was neatly draped over the canvas, some paint smudges adorning the visible wood of the canvas’s stand. He never told you he was working on something.
Your body worked faster than your brain and before you knew it, you were in front of the canvas, hand hastily reaching out to remove the piece of cloth and—
It was you on the canvas, a big goofy smile adorning your lips while you held someone’s hand, probably his. You looked so happy, warm colours adorning the painting, only half done. It was unfinished.
Your legs gave out and you fell onto your knees, your hands covering your mouth in shock, the dog tags slipping from your fingers and hitting the ground loudly. Tears blurred your vision and a loud, distressed wail finally left your lips while you crumbled, hands desperately clutching onto your hair, chest heaving.
He was drawing you. He was drawing you before going on that mission. He was always drawing you, every inch of your face forever memorised in his brain, never letting you go. He couldn’t even finish the painting, he hadn’t even started coloring his hand — the only visible part of him in the painting.
A distant meow halted your sobs as you looked around, the cute little ginger kitten he had gotten you two walking over to you, another soft meow leaving it.
“It’s just you and me now…” You sniffled and gently pulled the kitten on your lap, fingers running through its fur in a desperate attempt to ground yourself, your eyes moving back onto the painting, every fiber of your body feeling as if it was punched and squeezed tightly.
“When I die, m’gonna send ye little angels from above.” His drunk words caused you to giggle softly, nuzzling into him while his hands held you by your waist, both of you lazily swaying in the living room to some sappy old song.
“Don’t say that, Johnny.” You huffed playfully, though still meaning your words.
He chuckled and pressed an affectionate kiss on your nose, smiling cheekily. “Ye are bloody right. We’re gonna die old and happy together, yeah?”
Johnny really never stopped loving you. Though just like a fire, he too, vanished into thin air and left behind this undying cold.
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plants-are-fun · 9 months
”it’s ok, just eat”
I have struggled with this in the past and it comforted me so hopefully it can do the same for others
toxic mom(same), toxic personal trainer
shitty writing
heavy angst, fluff, semi happy ending
small use of y/n
Chris’s pov
i don’t know how I didn’t see it before. Every single time we went out to eat, y/n would pretend to eat. She would slide her food around, cut it, even offer me some, but she would never actually take a bite.
throughout our whole relationship she would be constantly tired and cold, but to be honest I thought that was just a woman thing. I wanted to have her in a car video, but she would refuse and her only reason was “i don’t want them to see me”. I didn’t push it, but that explanation never sat right.
as she started showing the desire to be in our videos, she started rapidly losing weight, but when I asked her about it she would just say it’s what her personal trainer had been working on. I should have pushed it.
so now, here we are in our minivan prepping to film.
“hey mama what do you want to eat?” I say going as matt pulls into McDonald’s. I look back and all she does is get red and start to fidget.
“it’s ok Chris I don’t need anything” She stutters. “Besides, if I were to eat I think that I would throw up. I’m so nervous”
“you need to have something to eat. These videos can get kind of long.” Nick says as he glances over at me looking worried. Matt nods.
“okay Nick just order her a dr pepper to make sure her blood sugar doesn’t crash” I look over to make sure that’s good, but all of the color previously is not drained from her face.
“U-um can you make it a diet?” She whispers.
I honestly just passed that as nerves.
After we got our food and we made it to a random parking lot, Nick passed out the food and may set up the camera.
“shit” she says
“what’s wrong ma?” At this point I am starting to get very worried.
“it isn’t diet.” She says. I look up at her and she looks like she could cry.
“it’s ok, I’m sure it’s not that big of a deal” I say obliviously. “Do you want a fry?”
she starts to stutter some excuse when Matt comes back in and Nick introduces the video.
After Nick starts some random argument with Matt I realize that something is seriously wrong. I can hear my girlfriends breathing start to get heavier and even her stomach growl.
“hey kid I can hear your stomach from here” I say handing her a couple of fries.
“I don’t want to take your food” she says
“it’s ok, just eat.” She takes a fry and starts to nibble on it. As Nick starts up on some dumb rant about his newest fear, I hear the car door slide open and running. Nick just stares at her in aw and starts laughing, but I’m already on my feet.
I run over to her as I hear gagging and heaving. I pull her hair back and rub my hand against her back.
as she comes back up all she is doing is sobbing and rambling apologies
“I’m s-so sorry I r-ruined your video I didn’t mean to I didn’t want to eat but I-i didn’t want you to ask questions! I’m sorry Chris please forgive me-“ I cut her off with a hug.
“baby what happened? Are you ok? What do you mean you didn’t want to eat? Do you feel sick”
I lead her to a sidewalk curb as she slumps over in exhaustion. She spills everything.
“my whole life my mom has always made me watch what I eat. She used to tell me to suck in my gut and all of that overbearing mother stuff. Then when I started dating you I had already not been eating much, but I really really wanted you to like me and I thought I was too big for that. So I cut back on my calories and went to the gym more. My personal trainer has been calling me fat. He says it’s for motivation but it’s just making it worse! Then when you said you wanted to introduce me to your fans, I just got so scared because I know how intense they are, so I stopped eating all together. But I didn’t think that it would backfire so much that I would ruin the video. I’m sorry Chris, I really am.”
she just leans her head against my shoulder and hiccups lightly.
I feel like the worst boyfriend ever for not seeing the signs. Sure, I’ve been busy, but only an oblivious asshole wouldn’t see the love of his life struggling so much.
“first things first, you didn’t ruin the video. Your safety is far more important. We also are going to FIRE that personal trainer. I’m so sorry I didn’t realize you were hurting until now. When was the last time you ate?”
“when we went out and I got that salad” my heart drops. “baby, that was 3 days ago…” she just starts crying again.
“it’s ok, let’s go get something light to eat. Maybe water based? Then we can go to the doctor, or get you a therapist.”
“ok” she whispers
“I love you so much baby” I say kissing the top of her head.
“we’ll get through this together.”
eek I can’t tell if that was good or not but I’m too tired for anything else 😥
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dc-marvel-life · 1 year
Slipped My Mind
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x reader 
Summary: Bruce forgot a very important day and the whole family is making sure he knows it. He tries to fix the mistake before you get home
Word Count: 917
Bruce was sitting in the Batcave on the bat computer going over some files after a night of patrol. It has been a strange day for Bruce because no one is giving him the time of day today. It all started this morning when he woke up to an empty, cold bed without you. He didn’t think too much about it because you both are busy people with jobs. You own a very popular restaurant downtown. 
Alfred comes down to the Batcave to give Bruce his nightly coffee. Once Alfred is next to Bruce he just throws down the tray in front of Bruce. Bruce looks at Alfred wondering why he just did that, but Alfred just has a straight face. Bruce lets out a sigh and nods his head. He picks up the coffee and spits it out.
“Alfred why is the coffee cold and bitter” Bruce grabs the napkin on the tray and cleans his mouth. 
“I bet that is how Mistress Y/N feels about you today,” Alfred says under his breath then walks away. Bruce looks at him wide eye not understanding where that just came from. He ignores it now and will talk about it later with him. Right now Bruce is tired and just wants to see and cuddle his wife. 
After a bit, the boys come back from patrol. They didn’t want to work with Bruce tonight. They didn’t give a good reason. They just mumbled under their breath and left. 
“How was patrol tonight boys?” Bruce asked trying to make conversation since he was being ignored all day.
“Why do you care about how patrol is when there are more important things to be worried about right now,” Jason says taking off his helmet. Bruce looks at Jason with narrowed eyes trying to understand what he means by that. 
“Jason is right and you need to do better or you are going to lose her,” Dick says with anger behind his tone. 
“Lose her..” Bruce says to himself.
“Have you not noticed that she hasn’t been here all day because I have and miss her!” Damian yells. Bruce starts to think; are they talking about you not being here?
“Y/N isn’t here because you have forgotten your 10-year anniversary,” Tim says out loud. Bruce's heart stops for a second and he looks at the date. They were right, it was you and Bruce’s 10-year wedding anniversary and it has slipped his mind.
He stops everything that he is doing and runs out of the Batcave. He takes off the suit, gets into one of his many cars, and drives to the nearest store at this hour. He goes in and buys everything that you like and rushes back home to get everything set up for you. 
After about an hour you arrive home after a very long day. You go up to your shared room with Bruce and open the door in awe. There are rose petals everywhere with lit candles and all your favorite snacks, candies, and drinks. You look at Bruce with a serious face.
“Are you cheating on me?!” you say angrily. 
“Why would you think that?” Bruce says confused.
“Baby, I love you and everything but you aren’t the most romantic person in the world sometimes. You know how to treat a woman very well but you don’t really show it too much. Now I come home on a random day and this is all done. I have to think that you are cheating on me and got caught” you explain and Bruce starts to laugh.
“Oh, this is great. You also forgot” Bruce smiles and walks over to you.
“What did I forget?” you start to think about what was so important about today, and then you remember. Today is your anniversary. 
“Bruce I am so sorry that I forgot. I was so busy this morning getting stuff for the kids. Dick was wearing too small of clothes, so I went shopping for him. Jason needed new guns because somehow he lost them. Tim needed new computer parts. Damian has a field trip so I had to drive to the school and drop it off. Barbara needed help getting somewhere today. Then the restaurant was understaffed tonight so I had to jump in” You ramble on but stop one Bruce pulls you into a hug and leans in to give you a deep, passionate kiss that takes your breath away. 
“Happy anniversary dear. We both forgot and that’s okay” Bruce says and you both laugh at it.
“Wow we really did forget, but it has been the best 10 years of my life” You give Bruce a chaste kiss. 
“Now I haven’t been able to see my wife all tonight and the boys have been giving me the cold shoulder because they think you are mad at me for not remembering,” Bruce says.
“Let me go talk to the boys and explain what really happened,” you say and try to leave Bruce’s hold but can’t get out of his strong grip on your waist.
“Now we still have a few hours left in our anniversary and I want to spend it taking care of my hard-working wife who has been on her feet all day,” Bruce says and picks you up with ease.
“I like the sound of that” You wrap your arms around Bruce’s neck and kiss him. You both spend the night remembering why you got married in the first place. 
Request are open
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jaelvr · 5 months
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Home | NCT 127 masterlist |
Requested : no
Prompts ; 59. “you can stay as long as you want.” + 67. “no, don’t stop. i like the sound of your voice.”  + 64. “i’m falling in love with you.”
Pairing : best friend! Taeyong x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff
Word count : 1k
Warnings : mutual feelings, friends to lovers, college!au, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
A soft smile settled on his face as he listened to you ramble, making sure to intertwine your hands as you exited the cinema, not wanting to lose you in the massive crowd. He made sure to take a deep breath every now and then, reminding himself to play it cool and not be too over the top on the date. "Sorry, I'm rambling a lot-" you apologised, shooting him a nervous smile and a small giggle escaping your lips. He gently squeezed your hand. "no, don’t stop. I like the sound of your voice." You could see that he had a little smile on his face as if he was enjoying listening to everything you were saying. As you left the cinema, his hand gently squeezed yours, almost as if he wanted to hold it tighter than usual. He looked at you with a soft smile, as if he was admiring you. "You're not rambling at all. I love listening to you talk. Grinning widely at him, you kept your hands intertwined as continued walking to his car. "Promise?"
"I promise. I could listen to you talk for hours. you have a beautiful voice." His fingers laced with yours as you continued to walk in the direction of his car. The sun shone down, sending a ray of light directly on the two of you. Taeyong couldn't help but look at you again, taking a deep breath and admiring the moment as his gaze locked with yours. It was almost as if time had stopped and everything was suspended. His heart rate quickened as your hands were laced together. A small smile settled on his lips. Taeyong kept his gaze on you for a moment, slightly smiling as you thanked him for opening the door for you. He helped you get into the car and made sure that the seatbelt was on before he got into the car himself. As he pulled out of the car park, a small smile settled on his lips. He looked at you while he was driving, trying to keep his eyes on the road while at the same time taking a glimpse of you.
As the music played on the car radio, you softly sang along with the song. At times, he joined in on the songs you knew by humming to the lyrics. He gently squeezed your hand every now and then as he continued driving, feeling slightly content as he was able to hear and listen to your beautiful voice. He glanced at you occasionally while he was driving, almost as if his eyes were drawn to you, finding it difficult to take his eyes off you. A warm smile settled on Taeyong's lips every time you sang a song together. The two of you arrived at your house. As he parked and turned the engine off, the music stopped. Taeyong sat quietly for a moment, not knowing whether he should ask you to come over or not and potentially ruin the moment. Instead, he decided to take the risk. "May I come in?" He asked softly.
"Please." you murmured, sharing a gentle smile with him before getting out and unlocking the front door. "My roommates are out so it's just us." Taeyong softly smiled as he watched you unlock the front door. Once you unlocked it, he followed you inside and smiled gently as you told him that it was just the two of you. He took a deep breath, feeling slightly more calm and relaxed now that he knew there wasn't anyone else there. He followed you into the living room, still slightly admiring the moment and the house you lived in.
He was head over heels.
It was late at night now and you both had been cuddling and talking while sharing a bottle of wine. It was just the two of you in the living room, feeling very relaxed and content. The silence was only interrupted by your occasional ramblings about random stuff, which he found very amusing. Taeyong took another sip of his wine, slowly getting somewhat tipsy. He looked at you, his gaze locking with yours as if he was admiring your beauty and wanted to admire it for as long as he could. "..Do you want to stay the night?" you murmured softly, brushing hair out of his face. Taeyong's heart rate quickened as he heard you murmur softly, wondering about the idea of spending the night together. He took another sip of his wine, finding it slightly difficult to breathe and process his thoughts. His gaze locked with yours, noticing the movement as you brushed the hair out of his face. His eyes were glued onto you as the idea of him staying the night sank in. He took a deep breath to collect his thoughts. "yes. I would love to… if I may."
"you can stay as long as you like." you whispered, a slight smirk on your face as your forehead rested against his. He softly smiled back as your forehead rested against his, feeling comforted by the sensation. The idea of spending the night together brought butterflies to his stomach, the thought of it both soothing and exciting. He brought his hand up to your cheek, his fingers gently sweeping across your face. "I would like to spend the night… next to you." he murmured back with a slight smirk on his face, his tone filled with a hint of flirtation. "Can I say something that might sound crazy?" you whispered, slightly slurring your words and giggling. Taeyong gently chuckled as you slurred your words, finding your giggles very cute. your question caught his attention as his gaze remained locked on yours, now with a hint of curiosity. "sure, go ahead. you can say whatever you want." he murmured, leaning in towards you slightly as he listened intently to what you were about to say.
"I think I'm falling in love with you." you confessed, cheeks warm from both your words and the alcohol. Taeyong's eyes widened a bit as you confessed to falling in love with him. His blush deepened even more as he gently tilted his head to the side as he listened intently to your words. He felt warm from both the alcohol and your words. He felt his chest flutter from the confession, his heart rate quickening again as he wanted to say the words back to you as well.
"I think I might be falling in love with you too,"
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
can we get a phoebe spengler dating and/or friendship hcs please im starving out here 🫶🏼🫶🏼
oooo yeah sure!! I apologize if this ends up being kinda short 😔🙏 ; thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!!
PHOEBE SPENGLER ; dating hcs
summary ; dating stuff with phoebe
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; I'm not a professional when it comes to autism (because it's like 50/50 canon) so please give me feedback if any of the traits or anything in general is wrong for phoebe and if I should change it!! the sources I used don't seem like they're written by autistic people themselves but I'm putting my trust into these psychologists
word count ; 471
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she caught your eye with those horrible dad jokes of hers
it was the effort and thought that counted
tried using a science fact to reel you in but you were already head over heels 😭😭
you were just like "can I please take you out to do something fun? just us? please?"
she's like "...sure?" like she hasn't had a crush on you for the past solid 15 minutes from across the room
she talks about it to her mom, and she's all excited for her and she just doesn't understand the hype
baby's first date because trevor lives a double life around callie 💯
callie actually takes pictures 😭 and phoebe is just wearing a casual outfit like?? this isn't a fancy occasion mom
she's literally so scared but doesn't really know how to feel
you find it cute and endearing 💔
once you actually start dating, she's still very nervous around you because she's not trying to drive you away
she's obsessed with you though, you're actually perfect in her eyes and she'll do anything to prove that to you (vice versa as well 🫶)
she just stares at you sometimes and it's the cutest thing ever, like whole ass loses focus on whatever she's doing just to look at you. whether you're just chilling across the room or laughing and talking with podcast, she can't take her eyes off of you
she'll ramble about whatever she's fixated on / her special interest at the most random times, it's adorable
trevor will just see her staring at you while you're busy fixing something and be there like "stop staring" and without loosening her gaze on you, will reply "I can't help it"
he's mad she found actual love before him 😭 /hj
she'll hang on to anything and everything you seem to have an interest in
she seems like the type to make one of those pages long essays about how much she l-words you and mail it to you because she's too scared to give it to you herself
she's genuinley head over heels, there is no honeymoon phase that is just how she is
will proudly ramble about her ghostbuster duties to you whenever she can
loves taking walks with you even if it's just in silence
will 100% show you how everything in the proton packs and traps work
she'll have late night theories and scientific ideas and text you to not forget and just to let you know, even if you're asleep
"y/n I have an idea" "hit me"
you're her biggest fan
you made her a little "I got arrested" pin after she did actually get in trouble with stuff LMAO
she got you a little ghostbuster patch because you didn't want to really join them, but she can't help but wanna make you feel included
you, her, and Podcast are seriously an unbreakable trio
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Hi you really don’t have to do this…… anyway I’ve been told I act like near from death note so could you do a mha x child male reader where the reader acts like near from death note like he pulls out toys in the middle of class stacks cups at lunch and is very quiet and stuff oh yeah could you make it class 1-A + Aizawa maybe other teachers in there too sorry if it’s too specific
Ofc! I haven't gotten that far into death note yet so I had to watch a Near compilation on YouTube, so I hope I got a good enough grasp of him in that time lol
Also I'm describing you as antisocial rather than shy, because near didn't strike me as the shy stuttering pushover type, and seemed just withdrawn or disinterested, and I also high-key headcanon izuku may have ADHD. I will not elaborate <3.
𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 1𝐀 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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It draws a few sets of eyes every time you pull out a pack of tarot cards or dice to play with in the middle of class, but noone really got distracted as long as you were quiet enough. Though, a few times you've knocked over a power ranger or transformer doll while taking notes and drawn the classes attention.
During break on your second week of school, you find yourself approached by the 'bakusquad'. Kirishima introduces himself politely and mina stares in awe at your tarot collection, but Bakugou looks livid.
He doesn't expect you to meet his glare directly with an unamused stare, and he's a second away from lunging at you and taking it as a challenge before Kaminari and Kirishima simultaneously bonk him in the head.
"Dude you don't even know him, give him a chance!"
You can't stop yourself from raising an eyebrow at the statement, figuring that these two must be the perfect balance for Bakugou's... Overbearing personality.
The next thing that catches your attention is the green haired boy that joins into the conversation, quietly asking you a question with a cute tilt of his head. "Have you maybe got ADHD? I've just seen a few of the signs on you- It's perfectly okay if you do! You won't be looked at differently!"
You already like this one, he's so precious.
Your eyes look straight into his as he studies you, and it's very intriguing to watch the gears turn in his head while he figures you out like some sort of puzzle. You could definitely get along with him. "No, I don't believe so."
He seems a little surprised by your words, but then again, you very well may have ADHD. You were never allowed to get tested for it, because your parents refused. Without a diagnosis, they can pretend there's nothing "wrong" with you.
He studies your eyes, figuring that you may have an irregular sleep schedule from the dark circles under your eyes, and that your eyes seem to be very sensitive to light because of how wide your pupils are. It's almost unnerving, to be honest. Your eyes look almost fully black.
Over the next few days you're scolded a few times by Aizawa Sensei for being too loud when knocking over your dice or your robots, but he never once asked you to put them away. All he asked in return was for you to be a little more active in the lessons.
"You get to keep your toys as long as you answer questions and participate a little more. Does that sound fair?" You nodded, slowly backing away to walk back to your desk and wait for break to finish, but from then on, you start drawing attention to yourself.
At first the attention is unwanted, and as you sit Criss cross applesauce on your chair, playing with your tarot cards, Izuku comes to sit next to you, starting to ramble about a random hero that you don't know anything about. He's very easy to get used to, however, and you quickly become what some would call friends.
Everyone's a little creeped out by your social awkwardness, and the fact that you never seem to talk, until they start to include you more, and you're forced to make new friends.
That doesn't mean you don't have trouble opening up though, and during lunch you sit in silence with your new friends as they chatter and smile at you, stacking cups that Izuku gave you to help you focus on something other than the amount classmates you have crowding you.
It takes a few more months for even Izuku to pry anything even remotely emotional from you, and even then it only shows in the waver of your voice, but he's proud nonetheless.
He would escort you around school because he didn't want you to be alone, and after a while your newfound closeness with Izuku branches out as mina comes to join the two of you.
She gives you an absolutely radiant smile as she grabs your hand, izuku taking hold of your other side for them to both drag you away to some part of the school you're not familiar with. The warmth of their hands in yours leaves you in shock, though, and your mind blanks a little when you feel the greenette squeeze it reassuringly, a tiny, pale blush creeping into your cheeks. This feeling, it was something you wanted to feel every day. It's so warm and comforting.
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dootznbootz · 1 month
Don't get me wrong, I hate the telegony with every FIBER of my being. HOWEVER!! I feel like there's so much yummy angst potential with Odypen.
Like?? Imagine Penelope holding Odysseus' dead body. And it reminds her so much of when he'd fall asleep in her arms, in their bed holding an infant Telemachus. Because little baby Telemachus wouldn't stop crying so he had to be held in his papa's arms :3
But he's still crying to this day,, crying in the background, sobbing, hugging his mother from behind as she's holding her dead husband. Her husband that she waited 20 YEARS for. Her husband that's literally been threw hell and BACK, yet who never gave up because he wanted to see HER and their SON!!
He could've stayed with Calypso, he could've stayed with Kirke, he could've. But he DIDN'T. And I know damn well the moment he came back, and she saw him, she SAW on his face he's been threw shit. And imagine that, imagine the pain of someone you love more than the Sun experiencing that. Imagine that, and they did all of that, to see you.
People undermine that Penelope loves Odysseus just as much as Odysseus loves Penelope. It's been 20 years. She had every right to assume he's gone or get remarried. But she didn't. She had faith the entire time.
And she waited so long, and he went threw so much, just for him to get killed by some borderline (Not fully) rapeling. That's so heart-wrenching.
And for Telemachus, who never even KNEW his father. To suddenly see him again, to see how happy his mother is, how happy he is. Just for some bastard he has to call his half-brother to kill him. Telemachus knew so little of his father, only the stories Penelope told him. And now, sadly, it'll stay that way.
Telemachus and Penelope would fucking despise Telegonus. They've been waiting so long for this man, and this man has waited and had to go threw so much. All three of them did not go threw all that just for Telegonus to kill him. I don't care if it was an 'accident'. It doesn't matter if the killer didn't want to do it, it matter's that the victim's family lost someone they FUCKING LOVED.
Penelope would NEVER marry Telegonus, and Telemachus would never marry Kirke.
But Odysseus death gives us some JUICY angst. I hate it. But good god it scratches that angst-loving part of my brain SO GOOD. 😼
Feel free not to answer since this is a rather long ask/ramble :'D And ye, take care Mad! <3
Oh, also, just so it's not ALL just angst, a few Penelope and Baby Telemachus headcanons/shenanigans? They mean the world to both Odysseus AND me 🥹
So, this is a really fun ask...But I don't think you're going to get the answer you'd like from me :')
As many folks know, I am a big lover of fluff and very soft stuff. I have angst but even then I would consider it more hurt/comfort in a way as I do plan for the "comfort" to be what's most important :) I also just think of "angst" as just the "something that makes sense storywise".
The Tele-GONE-y to me, is just blatent whump. Not really my cup of tea.
Also the Tele-GONE-y has the whole bullshit about Odysseus doing fuck all in random war, getting married and having children with a random af woman, before coming back to get killed. So that's just...ew. All of it is ew.
And I don't even like the idea of Telegonus existing in any form. At most, Telegonus would only exist in my mind as Polites' son. (not based on Epic at all. This Polites is my own special guy. He's my lil weird goober of my own design reeeeee) My dear friend thehelplessmortals is the only person who I feel explores it in a way that makes sense to me and seems canon.
As you put it into words:
"And she waited so long, and he went through so much, just for him to get killed by some borderline (Not fully) rapeling. That's so heart-wrenching."
And it's just TOO heartwrenching for me :') I can't do it. It's honestly such a horrifying scenario that I got nauseous the first time I heard about it. (that's not even getting into the gross out of character marriage circle and Odysseus fucking around away from his family)
For me, I cannot see Circe (my Circe definitely) as a mother regardless. She wasn't made for motherhood. Also Odysseus and her only have sex once in my writing in exchange for his men to be turned back into humans. (as it's only stated explicitly once in the Odyssey)
The Odyssey also says that Odysseus' line only has one son each. That's Telemachus. (OdyPen can have a daughter though! >:3 Girldad Odysseus is very tasty for me)
If you're just into the angst of Odysseus' death, I got a bit of that though :'D
Penelope being 75% Naiads will live a long life. And Odysseus, being her husband, gets the advantages of having a magic Water wifey and that affects him in how he will live a long life as well (Calypso also gave him ambrosia/nectar to keep him alive. as he was nearly dead when he washed up.)
BUT. He is mostly mortal. He lives way beyond what is normal for Mortals but still.
His hair now fully gray. His breathing raspy and slow. He's slow to move...
Penelope lives a bit afterward. Sleeping and taking comfort in their nest that cradles her as she sleeps. She feels him everywhere. She grieves him endlessly.
Their nest starts to wilt. Only when she goes too does it come alive again.
And for some random Penelope and Telemachus headcanons :P
Nereids have lined bioluminescence, while NAIADS have spots. Like the black spots on the beloved rainbow trout 🥹 (they don't have the black spots. they just have spots that glow in their own control lol)
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Telemachus gets "spots" from both his mama (naiad scales/glowbit) and his papa (freckles) 🥹
It's what they use to communicate underwater. And it's nice because even if you're not full naiad and don't have as many scales, you can still communicate as it's about the flickers :3 (Odysseus can understand these to a degree)
Very rarely do they "just randomly glow" as you know, don't wanna give away your thoughts. But it's cute because Odysseus will occasionally have a lightshow when one of them is dreaming.
I know a lot of people have Penelope see Odysseus in Telemachus constantly, and while she does to a degree, she is actually one of the few people who really emphasizes that he's his own person. You don't have to be good at whittling, you make such beautiful pottery. You like green, not orange. You don't have to pick that color when it's not your favorite and because other people simply get excited about you being like your dad sometimes. That type of stuff.
You take care too, Dear Anon! :D
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transboysokka · 8 days
pls allow me to make a long life update ramble here bc im sick of irl people not understanding at all
I feel like I have a feel disconnected points to make
People like me aren’t meant to get bachelor’a degrees and we’re DAMN SURE not meant to get master’s
I’m 1000% just in survival mode right now and there’s theoretically a month left to go but idek if I’ll make it that long tbh
It has taken me YEARS to figure out a healthy/sustainable work-life balance that goes with my executive dysfunction but that’s NOT POSSIBLE working full time AND doing a degree
I’ve been feeling guilty for resting at all lately (and probably should) but yet if I don’t my health suffers majorly
It has always been hard for me to get simple things done, but now I can’t even THINK about simple necessary errands like walking to the supermarket or going to get a cell phone number or updating shit at the bank because ALL my energy goes to keeping me and my dog alive, keeping a job, and trying to stay in this program
I have delayed my transition by YEARS to pay for all this which was definitely the wrong call ughhhhh
I worked SO hard all of K-12 to get into a good university, when it came down to it didn’t even want to go, was too depressed to apply to hardly any, chose my best option still not knowing what I wanted to do but forced into it and forced to take out all of these loans when I didn’t even know what they meant.
Ended up never dealing with audhd shit, trauma shit, didn’t know what I was doing with my life, tried to get jobs to pay for school but couldn’t handle class and jobs at the same time so got more depressed until I stopped going to classes altogether and got kicked out
That would have been great for me tbh but I still didn’t know what else to do so I begged them to let me back in which they did and I ended up barely graduating with some pointless major I just chose to get me a degree. And also $80k of student debt I had no way to even comprehend knowing how to use
Didn’t know what to do after that either so I ended up in retail for a couple years before I got a random rare opportunity to get me out of there and doing what I always wanted
Well. I felt like I needed to make up for lost time degree-wise and ended up basically begging myself into this half-shitty program that culminates in this masters. I applied maybe five years ago, waited a little over two to start until I had money to pay for it (this is after fleeing the US and the 80k lmao) and somehow killed the first year of it.
I took another year and a half off trying to figure out the rest of the money which I eventually did and that’s how we end up here. I will hopefully have the degree in October but will still be paying for it the rest of the school year rip
So financially this sacrifice is obviously huge and on one hand I never thought I’d be able to do it so yay me and on the other hand I have NOT been able to pursue v v important trans stuff which I notice and deal with eVERY GODDAmn day thanks AND I will also probably not be able to make my every-18-month visit home next summer with my family which also gODDAMN SUCKS because family was EVERYTHING to me growing up and they’ve all forgotten it and probably think I have too but I miss those mfers so much and they would never buy a flight to come see me so.
ANYWAY yeah in undergrad I could NOT do a job and school at the same time so I’ve been proud of being able to handle it this time around but the last fourish months of this program are so intense and I am NOT handling it
Like I have done SO WELL up to now so I feel like I just GOTTA keep going but it’s SO HARD and I’m TOO STUPID and I’ve been told my whole life I’m not meant for higher education and now BOY DO I KNOW IT
I’m just trying to keep going. I order food and groceries to my house. I’m putting off super important errands and appointments as long as I can because I JUST CANT GET THERE I CANNOT WASTE SPOONS ON CELL PHONE PLANS RIGHT NOW I’m just trying to stay alive holy shit
I hate feeling so incompetent in my personal life especially because I’ve always put my professional life first out of like. Fear of losing it. and I KNOW this “laziness” is justified bc I’m spread so thin AND have executive dysfunction and a chronic illness but holy shit it still feels bad scoob. So fucking bad.
I think what I need to do is arrange time off work just to get this all sorted and finished but I’ve literally never taken a day off in my life so I’d feel bad and have MORE anxiety figuring out how to do it lololol ahhhhhhhh
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hi! I just saw your requests are open and I love your writing and was wondering if you can do something with either ghost or gaz where reader is going to school for their masters in communications while working with the 141 and asks them to read their thesis but instead ghost/gaz makes them take a break/go to bed or something? I've been reworking my thesis from this last semester and I'm losing my mind lol....keep up the amazing writing and thank you so much love!
Here To Serve
Hello love! Thanks for coming my way with this ask because i just needed an excuse to write for Gaz. :D Be prepared to be fall in love with this man, i did. I tried to keep it simple, i hope you'll like it.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Reader
Summary: Gaz finds you glued to you computer, tired an worn out and he takes the matter in his hands.
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Uh-oh. It slips out of Kyle's mouth when he stops in front of his flat. He hears the last notes of Rihanna's Umbrella song before some classical takes over, even louder. He can't hear his own keys jingle opening the door, he can hear every instrument from the blasting music, ears already ringing. He can't prepare himself for the sight hat he's about to see.
You are just a small figure on the sofa, completely buried in papers, books and sharpies. And he can't help but chuckle at how lost you look, a manic expression on your troubled face, furiously typing on the keyboard. He's sure if you see him standing there, a smile on his face while you are on the edge of going crazy, you'll bite his head of for being so insensitive. He would watch you longer if the damn music wouldn't rip his brain out.
The room is a mess, and he finds the speaker under another pile of scratched out paper. He just lowers the volume, your head snaps up immediately at the loss of the stimulating background noise.
You look honestly horrifying.
"Oh no. You are home early." You smile, sheepish, almost embarrassed. Your eyes are glossy, makeup smudged over your cheek, messy hair peeking out of his grey hoodie that you are wearing.
You sudden surprise to see him sooner than you thought is quick to dissolve, you start rambling when Gaz sends you that scolding gaze. "Okay, so i had an idea. But that turned out worse than the previous one. So i had to rewrite half of it. But then i realized i may or ma no the original one better, so i..."
"Love.." Gaz puts down the Mexican food he got on his way home, finding his way to you over books and random stuff he wouldn't think about using while preparing for a thesis. Crouching next to you, a soft look easing the tension in your shoulders. "We talked about this."
"But i done it. Seriously." You turn your laptop towards him, to show a folder that was there weeks ago, perfect and ready. "I just need you to read it and tell me what's wrong with it."
Gaz shakes his head with a faint smile. "Oh no, no more of that nonsense. Give it to me."
With that, the computer is out of your reach, his skillful hands stealing it from your iron grip you had on it for hours now. You just now feel your sweaty palms, and an aching back and neck. "No, Kyle, please. I gotta double check if it's okay now."
"You will not do such thing tonight, and if it's up to me, ever." He take the laptop to the other end of the room, saving the folder beforeshutting it down. You want to protest more, but honestly your body is like stone, rooted on the same spot where you sat down in the early afternoon.
He's wearing casual clothes, one of your favorite jacket, that dark brown leather one, his skin is glowing from the wetness of the rain, cologne leaving a scent trail behind. You missed him so much.
You sigh, defeated, you know he won't let you touch anything that is related to your studies.
He walks back to you, your tired eyes searching for comfort in his gaze that he's more than happy to offer with a quick peck on your lips when gets back to you. He brushes the hair out of your face, soft fingertips caressing your skin. He doesn't linger too long, turning to the bag he placed on table, probably finding the only free space on it.
"Hey, where are you going?" You pout, unhappy about his absence in your personal space. He has that calming effect on you, and the loss of it makes your brain tick, circling back to your thesis.
"Uh-uh, do not think about it! I brought food, just gon' grab soda from the fridge and we can dug in, copy?" You nod, starting to arrange the books on the table, pushing everything in a big unstable pile in the middle.
He returns quickly, flashing a wide smile, eyes sparkling with love. You watch him fish out the food from the takeaway bag, the smell of Mexican food hitting your nose. He places mystery food bags in front of, making you wonder what deliciousness is inside them. "There you go, love."
You dive in together, eating in silence, a soft piano and violin duo making some background noise, occasionally letting out some huffs and satisfied hums.
You both watch the other in secret, laughing like teenagers when catching a glimpse of the other staring. Times like this you remember how young you both are, despite the lifes you live. On the field, his youthfulness presents itself as strength in body and mind, in quick reflexes and sharp ideas. At home, he is just a guy, feeding his significant other, making sure they are well rested and cared for. He's an idiot in love.
You inhaled you food while he eats comfortably, no rush in it. So you just memorize this moment, him eating in complete piece, enjoying the flavors, shutting his eyes for a seconds longer, maybe the taste is better that way. You are in awe of how full of life he is, and you would be the happiest person on this earth to keep watching him.
He opens his eyes, the last bite gone too. "Wha?" He's bushing, his accent popping off with the question.
"Nothing." You hold up both your hands, or rather the arms of the hoodie that swallowed your limbs.
Breath caught in his throat every time he sees you in his clothes. Yeah, you wore it ten minutes ago too, when he arrived home, but as your face beams like the rays of sunshine, a stupid smile plastered on your perfect lips, your body hiding under his own clothing, he feels like he's in heaven. His scent hugging your skin, the thought that you are so cozy in his clothes is just intoxicating. Makes his heart skip a beat.
"Come 'ere." That voice, raspy like in the mornings, when hes turned on, or when his emotions strike him at once. He pulls you close to his side, arm hugging you close, securing your body next to his. You snake your limbs over his body, leg hooked in his, arm grabbing his shirt for support.
When you settle, he sighs into your hair, planting small kisses on the crown of your head.
"Thanks for the dinner." You smile, turning our face upwards to meet with his gaze. "And for the distraction."
"Anytime, love. Here to serve." His cheeky smile makes you giggle, oh how madly in love you are with him.
"Hmmm... Well in that case, where the hell is the dessert soldier?" You ask, not able to hide your smile.
"Your dessert is right here, darling." He point at himself, utterly proud of his answer.
You laugh into his mouth, closing that already small distance between your lips, sharing a longing kiss. A kiss you yearn all day.
You break the kiss, trying to be as serious as you can. "But you brought dessert, right?"
He laughs, head thrown back, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. "Yeah, i brought dessert."
He kisses you with fiery eyes, tenderly, lovingly, the softest way a man is capable of. That dessert might have to wait a little more.
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green-socks · 2 years
(Do You) Share My Affection
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw (aka hangster)
Summary: Bradley and Jake end up on a date with each other through an anonymous dating app (because they are just a little bit idiots about each other). The date is the wakeup call they needed.
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: suggestive/mature language, making out, oblivious idiots to lovers, very vague IceMav in the background.
Notes: So, I saw a screenshot from somewhere of two people having a pretty random convo, but one of them said "Wow, there's way more sexual tension now that I hate you" and I went oh that's Bradley flirting with Jake. Thanks to those unknown people for inspiring the text exchange in this! This was supposed to be a quick silly/horny thing and it got a little more serious than originally intended but it is what it is. And yes, they use the app from Ted Lasso, because I thought it worked perfectly for what I wanted. Once again many thanks to @a-reader-and-a-writer for betaing (most of this), listening to my rambles, and for coming up with Jake's username <3 Same goes for @writeforfandoms with the rambles. Everything I write is for you two basically <3
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CloudWrangler: Well, you know, I like long walks on the beach, getting flowers.. and blowjobs😉
CloudWrangler: That's the first date already planned right there. You’re welcome😘
Bradley hadn’t looked up from his phone all day, spending nearly every moment chatting with this nameless (unless you counted his username, which Bradley did not) guy. He was never like this. Normally Phoenix gave him shit for taking forever to answer her texts. Called him a grandpa for often calling her rather than texting.
Originally when Payback had suggested Bradley try out this new dating app, Bantr, he had been more than a little skeptical. He had never used a dating app before, having been content with finding his hookups the old-fashioned way – bars. Hadn't had any trouble with it either, so what did he need an app for? But this new app wasn't picture-based like many others, instead just having faceless people chat and try to connect that way. Bradley supposed that seemed less superficial than even his usual method, which is why when Maverick of all people had badgered him to get out there and make a profile, he'd complied. Mav and Ice had even helped set it up (came up with the username too), which Bradley would never admit to anyone, thank you.
Despite his initial wariness, the app seemed to have a point after all. CloudWrangler had messaged him the day before, and they hadn't stopped talking since. Bradley thought the total anonymity was actually kind of freeing, and found it really easy to talk to the other person, even without knowing what he looked like. Bradley didn't even know how old the man was, but based on some things they'd talked about, he assumed they were roughly the same age. They had talked about mostly superficial, casual stuff like movies, but sometimes the conversation derailed to downright weird nonsense with them arguing over something inconsequential, making Bradley laugh out loud even. He was honestly having fun flirting and, well, bantering with this random man.
Which was why Bradley had asked if they should actually go out and see if they'd have fun in real life too. Sure they could have continued getting to know each other better by texting, but Bradley was still holding on to his ways of preferring a face-to-face conversation. Since Bantr was more of an honest to god dating app and not just for hooking up, Bradley hoped his wanting to meet so soon didn't scare the other man away. Even if their messages had gotten progressively more suggestive too.
Chuckling to himself, Bradley wrote a reply.
Gosling84: 🙄
Gosling84: Yeah well I don’t know, I like nice tits. That’s about all I need
Gosling84: Let me know if you’re up for it
CloudWrangler: I’ll have you know I’ve been told I have very nice tits indeed. But you’re gonna have to give me a bit more if you wanna get to know them, so you let me know if you’re up for it
So yeah, CloudWrangler seriously had no filter, but neither did Bradley. They both shared equal blame in escalating the flirting, which also had turned into a one-upping contest. Bradley was particularly proud of asking the other man if he was a fitted sheet since he was complicated and infuriating but Bradley needed him on his bed.
Gosling84: Fair. But I’m honestly having a hard time coming up with more requests for our date right now
CloudWrangler: And they call me easy…
Gosling84: Wait
Gosling84: How do you feel about baseball?
CloudWrangler: Eh. I can watch a game every now and then. More enjoyable if I go to the game instead of watching at home. Much more of a football kind of guy🤘🏻😎
Gosling84: Ugh
Gosling84: There’s somehow more sexual tension now that I hate you
CloudWrangler: Hate sex is fun sex babe, let’s go
CloudWrangler: I do have one last question though
CloudWrangler: Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?
Gosling84: Hell yes.
CloudWrangler: jfc. Hate sex it is
CloudWrangler: You free tonight?
Bradley snorted to himself slightly. It was nearing eight on a Saturday evening and he'd been talking to the guy all day. Yeah, he was free.
They ended up agreeing on a dive bar far enough from base that Bradley felt comfortable he wouldn’t be running into people he knew all night. He was glad the other man – whose name he still didn’t know – had suggested it. Not that Bradley had a problem with people knowing if he went on a date, it was just easier to avoid a) someone giving him shit for going out with a man, or b) one of his squad mates just giving him shit for going out in general. Like Hangman, who seemed to live for being a pain in his ass, and had essentially cockblocked Bradley the couple of times a girl had approached him at The Hard Deck. Not that Bradley had truthfully minded very much, since he had still been in no condition to do anything anyway. But now it had been months since he'd last gotten laid, what with deployment, the mission, and the healing after the mission, so he was ready to be getting back in the game. Maybe going on this date wasn't such a bad idea.
He decided on his usual attire of nice jeans, a white tank top, and one of his father’s old Hawaiian shirts. It was casual but still nice, and most importantly it made Bradley feel confident. He knew he looked good, but it was still kind of nerve-wracking to go on what was essentially a blind date, since the other guy didn’t know what Bradley looked like any more than Bradley knew what CloudWrangler looked like. Besides that he apparently had nice tits.
Shaking his head, wondering if he was insane for doing this, Bradley grabbed the keys to his Bronco and set off.
Jake was nervous. And when he was nervous he was early. Only Bob was as bad as he was about being early everywhere, and somehow Jake managed it even when spending a good amount of time on his hair. He'd been sitting at the booth for 15 minutes now, watching the door like a hawk for every person who walked in, wondering if they were his mystery man.
Would they have the same chemistry in person too? Would there be a physical attraction? Usually he could count on there being that (often only that). This was his first ever Bantr date. He was much more used to Grindr hookups, but this was different. He never talked to guys on Grindr for this long before meeting up, and usually it was just straight to fucking anyway. Not much talking was required there. This was the first time he didn't have just his good looks to rely on. It was new for him in many ways.
He decided to leave one more message to the guy.
CloudWrangler: I'm at the second booth from the back, left side of the counter. Wearing an orange shirt. Come find me😉
Now he just had to wait for the guy to arrive. At least there was no one important to witness it if he got stood up or something. Trying to get his nerves under control, he stuck a new toothpick in his mouth, just as the door opened once again.
And then the toothpick fell out.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" he croaked to himself as none other than Bradley fucking Bradshaw walked in, strutting like the rooster he was.
What were the chances that Rooster would arrive at the same bar as he was?? What the fuck?
Rooster had frozen a few steps from the door, looking down at his phone and then looking up straight at Jake. And then repeating it three times, shock and recognition warring on his face.
No. No way. No fucking way. This was not real.
Jake buried his face in his hands, groaning at the mess that was his personal life, as the mustached menace sat himself down at the booth opposite him.
"Bradshaw. Whatare you doing here?" It was more of a rhetorical question, since the answer was becoming quite apparent.
Bradshaw answered anyway, "Well, as I understood it, I think I was supposed to give you a blowjob in exchange for getting to see your tits, or something like that."
Jake's mouth dropped open as his hands finally fell back into his lap.
"First of all, I should have asked why did this happen to me, and second of all, who said you were blowing me? I just said I like blowjobs."
Jake didn't know what possessed him to say that, but he thought it may have served its purpose when Rooster's mouth dropped open as well. At least they were now even.
He felt like he was slowly gaining back his footing in this bizarre situation, so he continued teasing, "Besides, you didn't even bring me flowers."
Rooster's eyes shot open (when had he closed them?) and inexplicably, his face flushed red.
"Now, don't laugh," the brunet started, "but I actually did."
"You said you liked getting flowers, so I stopped to get some. That's what took me so long," Rooster mumbled.
There was a faint buzzing in Jake's head. Was this real life? Had he hit his head? Had Rooster?
"Wh- Well, where are they?" Jake asked, bewildered.
Rooster blushed even harder, positively scarlet now.
"They're still in the Bronco. I chickened out on actually bringing them inside."
Jake was going to die, here at this booth. Yes he was.
"Same old Rooster," he chortled. "That's… goddamn adorable. What did you get me?" he couldn't help asking.
"Uhh.. It was just a bouquet that I thought looked nice. I don't really know much about flowers, and I didn't know what he – you, that is – liked. There were some daisies I think. Reminded me of mom a little bit," Rooster admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jake was sure he would have loved the flowers. Who doesn't love getting flowers? They make you feel special.
An awkward silence settled at their table. Jake had no idea how to continue from here. Would they still have the date? Would it be weird? If he was honest with himself, now that the initial shock had worn off, he was kind of relieved. He already knew Rooster, was already attracted to him (obviously), he already..... liked Rooster.
Shit. This was his opportunity to have it all, only Rooster probably wouldn't want to…
"Do you–"
"Do you–"
They both started at the same time and then cut off, motioning for the other to go on, chuckling awkwardly. Jake groaned internally. Why were they like this?
For all Jake's jokes about Rooster's perch, he was the one to actually take the leap this time.
"Do you want to maybe go for a walk? I feel like we should talk, and it's getting louder in here," the brunet asked.
It wasn't really that loud at the bar, but Jake admitted that it might be easier to have whatever conversation they were about to have in a more private setting, so he agreed.
"It's not really a walk on the beach but," Rooster shrugged, "we can walk as long as you'd like at least."
Jake arched an eyebrow at him. "You're really angling for that blowjob, huh, Roo?"
"No, it's not that! I mean, I just–" he broke off with an exasperated sigh. "If I'd known it was you, I would've planned a proper date."
"What? Why?"
"Well, you know. You deserve a proper date."
He did not know. In fact, Jake was very much not in the know right now.
"Besides," Rooster continued, unaware or uncaring of Jake's confusion, "I'm probably not what you were looking for tonight."
Alright. Here went nothing.
"Are you kidding me? I mean yeah, I didn't expect you, but I was on that dumb app trying to forget about you in the first place," Jake said, trying to sound a lot cooler about it than he felt. "Javy said I was being stupid, that I should at least try shooting my shot with you first before assumi–"
Jake suddenly noticed that Rooster had stopped a few paces ago.
"Well, why didn't you?" Rooster demanded, as if he was personally offended by this revelation.
"Well, I thought you were straight for one thing!"
"Oh." Rooster blinked. "Well, I'm not."
"I kind of got that now, yeah," Jake rolled his eyes.
"What's stopping you now then?"
Jake froze. Rooster was calling his bluff, but Jake could do that right back. Trying to look unaffected still, even with his heart hammering wildly, he threw back as cockily as he could muster, "The fact that you're standing over there and I'm over here?"
What he hadn't anticipated – even though he probably should have – was Rooster taking those few steps to come stand right in front of Jake, so close that he had to slightly tilt his head up to meet Rooster's dark eyes. And damn if that didn't thrill him.
"What about now, Jake?" the other man asked in a low voice.
At the sound of his first name coming out of those lips, Jake let out a sound that was purely plosives.
Bradley – because yeah, this was getting way too intimate for callsigns – reached out and cradled Jake's jaw in one big hand. 
"In case there's still something stopping you, let me tell you what was stopping me. I was just the dumbest man alive. I didn't even realize it before the moment I saw you tonight, that the reason I was having so much fun talking to the guy on the app was that it reminded me of you. I was having fun because I was talking to you, and not some stranger."
Jake blinked. Oh. Okay then.
"I guess we're both a bit dumb," he said, huffing out a laugh. "I should've known it was you. Who else loves pineapple on pizza?"
Bradley rolled his eyes, smiled as if that was the best joke he'd ever heard, and leaned in to kiss him.
Bradley really didn't know how he'd been so dumb. Kissing Jake felt so right he wondered how he had ever kissed anyone else. And Bradley liked kissing. This was just.. different somehow. Better.
He moved his hand to cup the back of Jake's neck just as the blond let out the tiniest, breathy little moan. Bradley wanted more of that. All of it. He felt Jake step even closer so that they were pressed together from head to toe, Jake's arms coming around Bradley's waist, running across his back.
His tongue had wandered off to explore Jake's mouth a good while ago, and Bradley vaguely thought that he might never pull it back to his own. He'd just have to live like this, his face plastered to Jake's. Didn't sound like a bad idea.
Jake evidently disagreed. He pulled away just a little bit to catch his breath, but Bradley didn't mind. He could continue his project of inhaling every piece of the other man he possibly could, instead bending down a little to kiss and nip at his jaw, down toward his neck.
"Br– Bradley?" Jake panted. "D'you wanna.. maybe go somewhere? You know, somewhere more private?"
Bradley blinked a few times to clear his head. "Yeah, yeah that sounds good."
Then he remembered they were more than a half an hour's drive away from their homes. Shit. That was a long time in a situation like this. In separate cars.
"Is the back of my Bronco private enough?" Bradley asked, hoping Jake knew this was just to take the edge off and that he would treat the blonde like he deserved when they got home. And talk. They'd talk more, later.
"Shit, yeah, that's good enough for now," Jake grunted and grabbed Bradley's hand to drag him back toward the bar's parking lot.
"As long as we don't destroy my flowers. I still want them."
"Of course, sweetheart," Bradley murmured, pressing a kiss to Jake's knuckles, and enjoyed the way his cheeks went a little pinker.
Bonus: telling you how it went when IceMav helped BradBrad set up the profile, courtesy of Vee. Cause Mav and Bradley were in the kitchen while Ice was in the living room, occasionally intervening because he had to. As his voice wouldn't carry that far, he texted Mav his opinions instead.
*ding* "Geez, Ice! I said we won't say it!" *ding* "I said fine!" *ding* "Then you come do it!" *ding* "Oh. That is better."
thank god for Ice
tagsies: @wildbornsiren @mayhem24-7forever @callsign-phoenix @hederasgarden @lt-natrace @marvelousmermaid @luckyladycreator2 @alexxavicry @blue-aconite @writercole
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poetic-beats · 7 months
Sometimes when I come back to this blog it just makes me cringe. Mostly because whenever I’m manic I start a ton of new projects whether its crappy art, jumping around to different sites for my poetry that I eventually ditch, different business ideas that I start but never finish, bad poetry I have written things I like but there’s also just bad poetry that served a purpose for me to vent but objectively is bad. It’s also a very open book of the events and stages I’ve gone through and some of you have followed me from the beginning and I just cringe at the thought of what it must look like seeing my erratic postings. And it’s a monument to all of my sadness and trauma and struggles and I don’t find that a bad thing though I guess because writing was helpful and I’m not ashamed of what I’ve struggled with but damn this blog was almost as much of a mess as my mind. Life has changed so much in the 7 years since I started this blog, I’m 30 now which is scary to be so old ( I know 30 isn’t actually old old but in context of where I am in my life) and yet feel like I’m so behind in adulting. It’s like when I hit 30 in my mind it changed you know until I hit that number I was still in my 20’s even if it was 29 it felt like okay I’m not an ‘adult’ adult yet so it’s fine my shits not together but its like okay I’ve hit 30 now I should’ve started checking some boxes off the list and whilst some things have improved I still have a long way to go. I’m in therapy now I managed to start early last year privately ofc because NHS sucks ass. Luckily she’s good about pricing clearly not in it for the money; was my old MH teams lead therapist before she quit didn’t know she’d gone private, found her by dumb luck. She’s really good & it’s already helped me so much. I managed to acquire a few new diagnoses at the end of last year not a surprise though nothing new or unexpected as such but sometimes does feel like it’s a never ending list. Oh I got a second cat!!! His names Shrimp and he’s adorable. Bagel loves him I’ll have to post a picture of them both at some point and after having not written/barely written anything for awhile I recently started writing poetry again. Not sure why I slowed down/stopped I guess things got really busy & I managed/coped in different ways I also just kinda lost it like I had a mental block when I did try writing. Anyways so I wrote some new stuff recently sadly it’s not exactly happy it’s more of a throwback to when I first started this blog, writing as a way to cope in the moment when emotions were too much, to sort of purge it from my mind. I’ve had some difficult things to deal with and it’s been a lot so being able to write again is bittersweet. I also can’t vouch for its quality but hey it helped me cope so does it really matter, guess not. Anyways idk that’s enough rambling from me now don’t know why I wrote this out on here I mean my blogs mostly dead apart from these random check ins I do where I give these life update posts which I”m not sure anyone even cares to read because this blog is so inactive now but here I am doing it anyways.
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Ramblings Reuploaded #2
My Trans story so far (2024)
Hoi there, and happy trans day of visibility. I can't possibly be more vissible then this right? I had to share my story with someone a few months back when i came out to them, and ever since then i had the idea of making it my next post in this inconsistent and confusing series.
I say series because this is part two. Here's part 1 on...sonic cd. yup.
So the format is simple. I take something i already typed and try to make it more legible for a blog type racket. No reason not to get right into it. Beware of typos, and transphobes begone!
I'm a kid in a barber shop. My grandpa is talking up a storm to some random clerk. I'm extremely bored. There are some toys though. Poly pocket. I never seen these before. These are so cool. I wish i had one of these but they don't make boy versions right?
Some time in 2022, I was at work dealing with closing cleaning type things which let my mind wander. I started thinking about a fairly innocuous interaction I had in FFXIV no earlier then 2021. The race I wanted to play was gender locked so I was playing as a female character. Two players starting joking around with me and the whole time they used fem pronouns for me. I didn't think too much about it back then but on that day in late 2022 it made me question why I was so ok with that use of language towards me
That was the day my egg cracked.
I spent the rest of 2022 trying desperately to figure out what my relationship to gender was. Just what the heck was I and did that even mean anything? Maybe I was gender fluid. It was hard to feel fem at work. Or oh! Maybe i'm just a drag queen in the making. But why did I not want that to be true and did that mean anything? Well clearly i wasn't actually trans right? Nevermind that gender fluid was trans. I thought maybe that I only felt that way because I was playing a character. So I made up my mind. In 2023, at the start of a new year I would begin to experiment.
It's around the era of the nintendo wii and something is bothering me feircly. I spent days on my gamecube on my tiny crt and realized I was picking princess peach a lot on my precious 'cube. I confide in my friend that I really must have a crush on her. When pressed I can't say why. I'm so glad he doesn't embarss me for my stupid feelings. It was a little weird I didn't like her as much in that one game though. Not my fault she just looked better in a dress.
I stopped cutting my hair and started trimming my beard and prized mustache so I was always smooth and baby faced. Anyone who asked I simply told them that it was a new year and a new me. Except for my friends who were the first to know.
My imposter syndrome was HIGH. And it remaind so for a long time. so afraid was I that I was actually, secretly, a fake trans. I had no evidence for this except piss poor self confidence. I only talked myself out of it much later with the idea that "Being trans and just really thinking you're trans is functionally the same so it doesn't mater if i'm 'fake' "
Unfortunately, my friend group wasn't doing a lot of online gaming at the time. I got a little desperate to see if my new pronouns fit. To my shame I basically asked one of them to contrive reasons to put pronouns into a sentence so they had reasons to use my new ones. They did not oblige.
Another pokemon game for my precious nintendo 3ds. I pick the girl because clearly they'll have better fashion options. I had just learned my lesson from Pokemon Y. No other reason. A few other simular things. I pick up megaman zx for the first time and choose the girl because, obviously, only female megaman.
I got a break when I was invited to a short lived DND group. I started hanging out with a separate friend group I was already beginning to know before gender stuff started. With ample chances to try my gender out I realized that something felt right.
So I went deeper. I remember wandering around a good will trying not to draw ire or eyes as I went and both tried on a dress and managed to bring it home. The few times I wore it felt great. Would feel much better if it actually fit.
It's my childhood again and i'm sat in front of the ps1 with my little brother. Namco museum only had one true co-op game. Toy Pop. I pick the girl so he won't have to.
In days to come I kept experimenting. I started to realize all the small signs. You already know many of them. I've peppered them througout my story. Unbeknownst to me I had already started to experiment with gender. Awhile ago I, once again trying not to get attention, bought some thigh highs from a party store. I really enjoyed wearing those. Everyone except for me knew I was trans before me, including me.
When I was dead certain on my path I set up an appointment with planned parenthood. I told my grandparents I was simply heading to Dave and busters which was technically not untrue. I began my medical transition but I was also urged to come out to people. I couldn't live in the closet forever. So I did so with my very obviously gay manager… And it went nothing like I expected. It went well, but not how I thought. I ended up coming out to the whole work force as well.
The right wing had tricked me into thinking any "regular" person would react with shock and confusion on a reveal of my new gender identity. All the media I consumed had colaborated this.
I'm just entering furry twitter when I see quite a few posts of male characters in dresses, usuasly of the maid variety. How cute, i think. I'm allowed to do this one because it's a shared joke. So i draw the one dress.
And then a few more.
"I wish I could look as good as my characters do right now"
Eventually I managed to come out to my grandparents. They were confused but attempting to be accepting. Things have mostly been rocky in the sense that they haven't made any effort to treat me the way I ask, but they don't deny me. The parents who raised me are forbidden to know their daughter.
I even came out to my astranged mother. (seperate from my step mother mention a second ago). When I was in highschool she moved back in town and we started to rekindled our relationship. Being the first to know I was ace, it was a shock when she became a born again christian. I thought she'd never accept me and I was almost right. Behind closed doors she tells my younger sister to not refer to me by my pronouns, or so i'm told.
After I was out for awhile something weird happened and I stopped.. Policing my own behavior. How I held myself. The words I used. I was my own women. I didn't need to fit into a box. The more I went on the more free I felt!
I started holding my hands in gay little ways. I crossed my legs. I walked however the hell I wanted. I used 'hon' whenever i felt like it. I wore this cute little collar I owned out to my weekly dnd meetings. Who cares. I'm me now. This cat can't be boxed.
The longer I've been on this journey the more I felt right. And here we are now. A two year or more journey still ongoing
It's 2023 and i'm attempting to put on eyeliner for the first time. It goes horribly. I laugh, inform my friends of my mistake, and we play games through the night. I wear my favorite of the two dresses. I ask them if it's ok to do so. They laugh. What and absurd thing to ask. Why would a woman not be allowed to wear a dress?
I would like to thank a huge number of people for their help in my journey but my brain is mush so i'll try to get as many as I can
@tuttifruttifox my ex who's been supportive of my journey and put up with my experimentation @biddyfox girl you are my sister and I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you so much for everything. @bigbadkingboomboo for casually replying to my nervous bullshit with "ma'am this is mcdonalds" which was simultaneously very funny and very affirming.
@cynical-cy for being you. Honestly just being a out trans woman who's art I happened to enjoy did wonders I think. Sorry to tag you. I know we're not really friends.
@patricia-taxxon that one fucking video you made on just being a furry and doing your own thing litterally changed me. You made me stop hidding who and what i am.
Honorable mentions to my friend xio. he doesn't do tumblr, but He's been my best friend through everything and his support is invaluable to me. I love you buddy.
if you think you should be on this list too, let me know and i'll add you cause honestly it takes a village to raise a catgirl.
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