#i have like vauge ideas for this au at this point... ;;;
phantom-donuts · 1 year
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This has been like an AU idea stuck in my head for years now. I needed to force it outta my system a bit before it kept eating at me. ;;;
The only people in this AU who just kinda takes someone's position rather cleanly is Neku as Nate and probably Beat taking Buck's place (I feel like that'd fit fine). The others are like a hodgepodge of characters. ;;;
Examples of more hodgepodge roles is Joshua being a mix of Lucas and Whisper? Him taking Lucas' role is funnily fitting to me. Both can be found earlier in the plot before they're properly introduced. Both hunted down by a guy who wants their position and who are tied to altered mobs (taboo noise/white yokai). Neither seemingly wanting to keep that position anyways. Neither are human, but neither can be really separated from their humanity. Also I think it's funny to put a guy with Jesus imagery in the position of the guy named after Lucifer.
Shiki is more of her own thing tbh? I'd mostly be snatching Nate/Hailey's interactions with jibanyan/usapyon. Initially I wanted Shiki to be the one to interact with jibanyan the most because man... if I had a nickle for every character I know whose self worth was crushed by the misinterpreted words of an aspiring fashion designer they admired before they died I'd have 2 nickles. So why use originyan in place of jibanyan? I think it'd be neat if Shiki eventually gets around to dying originyan in her own colors. In the meantime, I think it'd be funny if originyan just snatches Mr.Mew to posses from time to time.
The way this AU got shot into my head was because of a little funny thing that happened in my old phone gallery years ago. And then it haunted me ever since, never letting me know peace. OTL
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tizeline · 2 months
You know how in the movie Casey jr has that scene with Leo over his whole leadership thing and how that got all of his brothers in serious danger with Raph getting kidnapped?
Well, in your AU it could be that CJ instead has an argument with Mikey over his hostility towards CJ and humans in general and how that got Donnie kidnapped and Raph and Leo hurt.
I can see Mikey being hostile since the moment CJ appeared and Donnie arguing about it which is what lead to the situation where Donnie sacrificed himself for Mikey, with CJ being non confrontational about it since he KNOWS what future Mikey is like and he is so sweet and kind and caring and like an uncle to him and he literally blew up his own body to at least save CJ from the Kraang. Can also see Mikey initially blaming CJ for the Donnie situation as he was the focus of the arguing.
Which ends up boiling over like in canon, leading to some good old drama and character development™️
Oh yeah, that's what I'm planning >:) That scene where CJ confronts Leo about his questionable leadership-tactics, where gonna get CJ chewing Mikey out for being a little shit. In general it's really weird for CJ to see Master Michelangelo of all people act so hostile towards him and Donnie. He knew vaugely about The Drax Trios inital animosity towards humans and that they and Donnie didn't immedietly get along, but the Michelangelo he knew growing up had gotten past all that already and had gotten really close with Donnie. So yeah, eventually CJ's just like "what's your fucking deal???"
In the movie, right after Raph gets taken, Leo at first gets angry at CJ and blames him for not warning them about it, but pretty quickly gets over it when CJ explains that he had no idea that this was gonna happen because it didn't in his timeline. In the AU, Mikey lashes out in a similar manner and blames CJ for Donnie being taken, difference here is that he stays mad at CJ even though he knows, logically, that it's not CJ's fault. But Mikey is being consumed by guilt and anxiety over the entire situation and it's easier to take out his negative emotions on CJ considering Mikey already didn't like him simply because he was human.
Actually, when CJ first shows up, Donnie's pretty skeptical of him as well considering he's a stranger, but when he notices that Mikey obviously doesn't like him either, Donnie flips a switch and is all like "welcome to the family, new guy!!" just to annoy Mikey 😭 And that just makes Mikey more annoyed at both Donnie and CJ lmaooo
As for Mikey possibly (at this point probably) sacrificing himself similarly to Leo in the movie to end the invasion would happen both because he feels guilty and blames himself for everything bad that happened. But also because this is when it finally clicks for Mikey that no, the prophecy warning about the fall of yōkai-kind wasn't refering to humans as the threat, but rather the krang! So Mikey figures that he was literally made to prevent the krang-invasion and as such is able to accept that it might come at the cost of his own life (he's still very much dealing with main-character syndrome lol)
Lmao imagine Draxum's reaction to all this though- Draxum: You have the duty of saving the world. Mikey: Okay! *dies* Draxum: nOT LIKE THAT-!
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
I just have vauge thoughts about Fandom, and Creator Notices, and Boundaries, and I'm just gonna ramble for a second here.
Okay, so you end up really liking a show or event to the point that you want to make something for it, generally you want to show it off. You want to share it with other people who like the show or event, and have them go !!!!!!!. That's fun, that's normal. We all want to be enthusiastic about [show/event] together. That's our starting point.
Enter social media and official actor/streamer/writer accounts.
Now fan artists, a good portion of the time, can make their art and then thanks to the wonders of social media, they can go straight up to the actual people who made the show and show their art, and have them go !!!!, and get the actual creators to like it. Maybe not if they're drawing hard gore or NSFW, but if you're drawing a soft canon family moment, or a cyberpunk au, or behind the scenes look illuminated, or kick-ass character design, you can get a creator notice.
Fan writers, by and large, do not get creator notices. This is because looking at art takes two seconds, and reading a fic takes between ten minutes to ten hours. Creators can be out there scrolling art in a way that most of them, frankly, do not have the time to devote to Ao3 searches sorted by kudos. And I think among writers there's a little bit of a sense that that's unfair, and writing is just as much as art as visual art is, so we should be getting creator notices, and we should all act as though we might get a creator notice at any time. On all platforms. Cause what we're doing is real art, right? And we all saw the art get retweeted?
And this sense that creator notices— cause we've all seen them happen with art— spreads until we all think that they could happen at any time. Thanks to the wonders of social media. And very rapidly, the "you can get a creator notice" turns into "the highest honour is a creator notice", and we're all gunning for that, and you SHOULD be gunning for that. You should be looking for the creator to weigh in on your art. You should make sure that there's nothing in your work that the creator doesn't like. If you're an artist, you shouldn't be playing with gender in your art, or draw them being tortured, or anythign NSFW, and if you're a writer, you need to make sure that you don't have anything "weird" in your writing. In practice, let's be honest, this just turns into demonizing NSFW work and saying that anything we don't like is NSFW. Looking at you the "you can't draw the streamers with boobs" discourse.
Anyways, I think going after creator notices is a bad idea for many reasons— a, let them rest, b, bad atmosphere for the fandom, c, let's be honest, an awful lot of fandom stuff is weird from the outside. Let it stay in the fandom.
First thing is like, there are only so many hours in a day. Fan artists can tag their people but it's SO much of a huge and rude demand on someone's time to ask them to read your fic and tell you if it's good. That's the request you make cautiously to your beta reader, and then everybody else on this planet earth gets to opt in to your work. Do not TTS stories to people, do not hand them copies at cons, like— if they want to find it they can find it.
Second thing, creator notices hovering over the fandom like a sword is not a good attitude for creativity. Fan work is supposed to be transformative, it's about taking the original work and going "oh but what if they didn't die" and "what if they lived in space" and "what if they were a family" and "what if they kissed". Gunning towards a creator notice at all times takes you from an independent person following your creativity to a contractor working under someone else's vision. All the time.
Trying to adhere to the source material isn't bad in essence, there's a spectrum of "how do you feel about canon" in fan work that ranges from "trying to hit all the same beats just with a twist" to straight up adversarial attacks, and all of that is fine and part of what fan works are. But if the only stuff that gets written is the stuff that we think the creator would approve of, a) that's stifling to both creativity and people who have an adversarial relationship with canon, you shouldn't start to be branded as "weird within the fandom" cause you're mad at a plot arc b) you very rapidly run into the issue where you're adhering to someone else's morals, and sometimes you don't agree with random person's morals. Anne McCaffrey famously said that fan works were okay as long as you didn't make any of the dragon riders gay. I guesture at you about that. Sometimes a creator is way more comfortable with NSFW stuff than you are, that doesn't mean you should feel forced to make NSFW stuff for their approval! You shouldn't have to 100% agree with someone's vision for an art piece to be able to roll up and go "yes but I think there should be like 50% more evicerations in here" and acting like the creators are the ultimate authority in fan spaces is a bad atmosphere for making fan works.
Sure, absolutely, showrunners get to decide canon. But the whole point of fandom is that sometimes I have a better vision for my story, and maybe I don't want to think about what the creator says at all. If I'm not gunning for the creator's approval, let me stay in my little circle with the creator blocked and adding more pregnancy to the QSMP, or whatever. Follow your bliss.
Third thing, like, okay. There has been a move in fan circles, and especially in mcyt circles, to say that if we just cut the NSFW stuff out, everything we're doing isn't weird, and the creators can look at it. I honestly think this is a failure of both imagination and perspective.
If you have written someone being vivisected, it's gonna be a trifle weird for the actor of that someone to come into contact with that. It is doubly weird if you're depicting a character who shares the same name as the actor. Is it bad to write the vivisection? No, this is fandom, we get to do terrible things to characters here, and that's not for the actors, that's for the audience of two hundred people who saw the words "Schlackity vivisection cannibalism necromancy" and said "clear my schedule, I know what I'm doing tonight". Awesome, continue with the gore.
And like, again, this isn't just NSFW. You can have something that is the fluffiest most platonic story in the world, and I'm saying look at me, look at me honestly, consider this; isn't it going to be just a little bit weird for a grown-ass man to open up a story where they've been aged down to four years old and they're lost and sad and their friends are their family and rescue them and there's cuddling and petting and snackies and pet names and they get their blanket and suck their thumb and take a nap. Look me in the eye and tell me that's not gonna be weird for an adult to read that about their character who shares their name. Okay? We're all on the same page here? Awesome. Is it bad to write kidfic? No. Kidfic rocks. I am your target audience, I am clicking through. I am leaving a keysmash comment. It is also, like, look at me here, focus— it's weird if you're outside the fandom. Platonic? Yes. for the actors/streamers? No. And that's because it's not FOR outsiders to the fandom, it's for the fandom. It's for people who rotate the characters so much that they go 'wouldn't it be sooooo cute if they were babies wouldn't it be adorable', it's not for the actual guys who had a meeting with an accountant today.
MCYT in particular has a horrible practice of saying that because everything has to be for the streamers, nothing can be NSFW unless they've approved it specifically, but somehow everything else is cool? I cannot express to you how much stuff I've read and enjoyed that even the smallest amount of thinking about should let you know that we keep that stuff away from the guys driving the block men around. Fine to write it, I say again, go for it. Please completely divorce yourself of the idea of a creator notice for it at the same time.
Should we show the streamers porn? No. We also should not show the streamers the thing where they're physically abusive parents of their friends. We should not show them the stuff where they're babies. We should not show them things where they're bigots. We should not show them things where they have hybrid instincts that tell them to kidnap someone. Really not sure about showing them a story where they're a cop who takes bribes. Like come on now. Really, as soon as you diverge from canon you're getting into stuff that's probably going to be weird for the crdeators. And that's why again, we don't show it to them, because it shouldn't be for them, it should be for the other people who are like "oh you're doing something fun with the character there, awesome" and click through. Weird for the creators, because it's for us.
Fandom should not be for for the creators. We can make stuff for the creators ocassionally, but I really think it's healthier for the fandom, and probably a lot less weird for the actors/streamers/writers, if we stop acting like what we make is all for them and should be shown to them. Some of it is just for us! That's fine! Make it for the people who have an rss feed for "autistic technoblade" on Ao3! Make it for the people who show up in your inbox asking about your "Philza gets arranged married to a different QSMP guy every week" au! ! Make it for the people who have three spellings of "charlie slimecicle" followed on Tumblr! Make it for the people making helsmit fancams! Make it for the fifteen people who suscribed to you after you posted that fic about the various wilbur bursonas kissing each other! Make it for the people who have Puffychu art saved to their phones! Make it for the fandom!
Leave the creators alone, make the fandom for the fans.
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sarilolla · 9 months
I am filled with evil so I want to ask, when you finish the main Hanahaki Branch fanfic, would you be up for writing an alternate universe where he took the potion and forgot his brothers? And then they come to see him and he only knows they exist because of old family photos and vaugely remembering that he got a sickness from loving them so much.
How heartbreaking would that be? He had to pick between forgetting them or death and he decided their memories were not worth his life.
If you don't want to write it that's fine, but I wanted to put the idea out there for everyone to enjoy :)
Well, it’s a good thing I’m also filled with evil, because that was planned since the beginning-
I’ve been debated writing three endings, one good and two bad. Cured of Hanahaki and loved, takes the potion and forgetting, or dying. It’s just… if I can add more angst to Branch’s life, I will take it >:)
Hanahaki Branch au (slight spoilers/alternative ending to not finished fic)
And the thing is, Branch would have to push himself to take the potion. His brothers were his hope, his glimmer of joy for YEARS before Poppy seriously stepped in, and Branch also opened himself for more friendships. He adores his blood family, but he has found one for himself now. Plus, it’s been two decades, if his brothers wanted to find him, they would have by now, right?
So he takes the potion. He still has Poppy, he has the Snack Pack, he has Kismet, and he has friends in the other tribes, so he’s not alone. He thinks before he takes it that he can just blame the memory loss on the fact they left when he was two years old, surely that’s an excuse. He doesn’t want to die and leave the other people he loves.
But seeing four strangers a while later, so similar to him and so sure they know him, he’s certain he should feel loss. But he doesn’t. There’s no memories, no feelings, just old Knick-knacks he is sure was important at one point in his life.
And the four strangers who looks like they lost the world when he said he didn’t know them
Anyway, I went on a ramble, that thing will be more filled out and cohesive when that time comes :)
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
I get-
Beta read fic's
Give opinions on works (art/writing)
Propose plot ideas and get your vibe
Share theories on what you think will happen (gotta gauge if foreshadowing is working or if its too apparent)
You get-
Fic commissions
Fanart commissions
(Yes these can include other fandoms besides HP)
Spoilers to my shit
Return beta read/advice for your works (if you want of course)
Edit- FANDOMS INCLUDE HP Golden era Marauders/Skittles Batfam (Even MORE info below)
___________________________________________________________ Me asking for Betas, but make it a cat for emotional manipulation
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My current works include-
"Ill Never Wear Your Broken Crown" Plot summary- Fix it AU w/ Slytherin Morally grey Harry trying to navigate the extended HP world and survive the constricting fate tied to "the boy who lived" Ships- Percy/Oliver/Marcus (ask about the rest due to spoilers) Length- Currently at 80k but planning to cover every book, realistically this will probably end up a stupidly long fic which is exactly why I want someone to bounce off of and keep track of all the strings im lining up. Need- Someone to bounce plot points off of, due to this being an AU a lot of canon is changing and while I have established a lot of change there are some things that remain murky and I would love help in ironing them out ahead of time
"Rose covered Graves" Plot summary- The Rosier twins own a mortuary/funeral home. Barty is the son of the sherrif and decides to intern there as rebellion/an escape from his "fate" but of course falls in love. Lots of supernatural funky stuff and bending the laws of reality, and might lean very heavily into crime drama genre. Ships- Barty/Evan, James/Regulus, Remus/Sirius, Dorcas/Marlene and Pandora/Lily (Rosekiller and Jegulus being main while the rest are background) Length- Short fic for my standards so under 100k, for now im aiming at a max cap out of like 50 but knowing myself that might spiral Need- Keep track of ships make sure everyone gets their moment to shine and charecterization/foreshadow stays consistant rather than gimicky
SO YEAH- Trying to keep this vauge so the post isnt stupidly long but you can absolutely dm/comment asking for more info and im very open to negotiations depending on what you are down for!
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scourge-sympathiser · 3 months
tell us more abt the beetlestar AU?!
YAY sure the basic idea is tht instead of thistleclawz patrol meeting tiny on his venture into the woodz it waz white eye, thought she still attackz him ofc not going as hard as tigerpaw did, in passing she makez a remark abt him not having wht it takez 2 make it in the forest & tiny is like. ok well fuck u *stayz on the border out of spite & leanz 2 hunt thru watching patrolz*
evebtually of course the clanz pick up on this guy hanging out by the border & whiteeye reconizez his scent & confrontz him, at which point he askz 2 join & she agreez 2 let him talk 2 sunstar in large part due to his visual similarity her longtime crush leopardfootz newly dead kit
sunstar agreez bcuz he seez tiny as a sort of like. apologie gift from starclan abt pinestar just fucking off, thw twoleg place takez a cat it givez a cat back
breifly he still goez by scourge- he claimz 2 hav been a rogue for slightly more cred thn a kittypet [he managed 2 get his collar off in this bcuz othrwize the bell would alert any mice he waz hunting], whiteeye becomez his mentor & he growz up beside tigerpaw. thy fucking hate eachothr
he endz up quazi adopted by whiteeye & eventually she getz togther w/ leopardfoot, which meanz tigerclaw is sort of his brother. thy both hate this
firepaw joining is both easier and harder- on 1 hand itz been done before itx not unheard of. on the othr ofc catz conplain tht thunderclan is declining all roguez & kittypetz now!! at first beetlebite resentz firepaw for reminding evry1 of wht he used 2 be.... but of course the SECOND firepaw findz out he didnt orginally come to the forest just like him he attachez himself like a little leech. eventually beetlebite begrudgingly becomez fond of the little sucker
i cant remember exactly wht my plan w/ ravenpaw is but i do k o it doez him a lot of good to hav an adult he like actually fr trustz in the clan, since beetlebite is extremely ready & willing to disagree w/ tigerclaw n fight him abt it
beetlebite also haz a clandestine relationship with mudclaw bcuz i think it would be funny. thy continue to date evn as thy both become leaderz [tallstar caught onto their relationship & thus didnt take the deputy spot from mudclaw as he was pretty sure he wasnt abt 2 start a war w/ his boyfriend & thus fireheart is safe & sound in thunderclan] basically evrybody thinkz their clanz r about 2 clash hardcore bcuz thy both spend evry gathering glaring at eachothr. thy arnt. itz actually a loving look thy both just hav resting bitch face
itz still vauge but in the main plot tigerclaw actually doez become the leader of thunderclan- fireheart getz chased out & endz up staying w/ princess, eventually he discoverz tht beetlebite is alive thru his sisterz girlfriend violetz brothrz who haz been obsessed with this bone guy who recently got caught by a spay and release program and well at the vet talked a lot to the black cat in the cage next 2 him.... somhow he getz him out idk yet *wavez hand*
he still killz tigerstar but itz less impressive given the dudez only got 1 life
therez more but like i cant stop... for now..........
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Sincerely, Yours 💌
AN: Okay so here's the thing. I'm a sucker for soulmate au ideas. I always have been. So, I decided to try writing one myself. Check out more soulmate au ideas from @ausforsoulmates (p.s. this is where I got the soulmate au from, the Now or Never AU).
Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Male!Reader
Summary: You received your soulmate letter over 20 years ago. The vaugeness of it kept you on a wild goose chase around the galaxy for years. After so many failed leads you return home. Only to find a small green child being watched by a Mandalorian.
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"It's you." You whisper the moment you see the child.
Child of green shows he's not mean.
A line from the piece of paper that sat closest to your heart.
Honestly, the first time you had read over the paper, you grimaced.
Vaguely written was an understatement when it came to your soulmate letter. The thing looked as if it had attempted to make itself rhyme alongside being vague. And only that single line stood out to you the most.
Well, it had at one point. Until you realized the galaxy had a multitude of green children.
The part you never focused on was the shows he's not mean one. Which you most likely should have until now.
But it didn't matter anymore because you understood.
A Mandalorian, for Maker's sake, stood close to the child. One of the fiercest known warriors in the galaxy.
Shows he's not mean.
He was listening to a woman you faintly recognize, yet you couldn't put a name to her face. She looked as fierce as the Mandalorian even without the beskar armor.
They both seemed relaxed for the most part.
Something that was bound to change now that you were there.
"Uncle, you're back!" The bright cry of Winta tore you from your thoughts as the little girl jumped into your arms. Warmth flooded your chest when she nuzzles into your shoulder. It felt like ages since you had last seen your niece.
"Ah, starflower. Look how much you've grown."
Pride was an understatement when you looked at her. She was growing into those rich eyes of hers and the too-big ears.
A chuckle rumbles from your chest as you ruffle her hair.
"Uncle, look, look! A nice man saved the village. And look at the monster he helped us beat." She motions towards the Mandalorian before bouncing in your arms and pointing at the AT-ST.
It was the soft tug at your pants that drags your attention down from trying to follow Winta's wild gestures.
The small green child peers up at you. His tiny three-clawed hands grasp your right leg. The trust he held in his deep galaxy eyes made your heart ache.
So, it begins. You couldn't help thinking as you hum.
"Well, what do we have here?" You knelt down by the child as Winta giggles at the movement. "Who is this little tooka kit?"
Winta tugs on your sleeve, saying, "It's the nice man's son. Isn't he cute?" She continues babbling about the child as your sister approached.
Omera was as beautiful as you remember her being. Elegant, yet simple as always.
It seems the ache of her husband's death still haunted her. You could tell from the relief that swam in her eyes at seeing you. A relief that only one who experienced tremendous loss could have.
"You're home." You settle Winta on the ground next to the child before straightening up.
It didn't take long for Omera to step forward to wrap her arms tightly around you, crushing you in her embrace. For such a delicate-looking woman, she was unbelievably strong.
"Thank the stars..." She murmurs before relaxing her hold on you. "So much has changed since you left."
Your eyes flick to the Mandalorian as he starts making his way over.
"I see," You raise a hand in greeting when the warrior got close enough. "You have my thanks, Warrior. Winta told me you helped our village."
The Mandalorian tips his helmet down enough for you to see before Omera hums, "Come, sit. I'm sure you're tired. And there's much to tell you."
You made your way over to a small bonfire, letting the familiar smells of your homeworld soothe you.
The rich fish-like scent from the krill ponds wasn't particularly one you missed, but the earthy mesh of the forest surrounding the small village was. Especially the hint of native flowers.
Once you settle down, Omera began to explain the events of how the Mandalorian and Cara Dune trained the people enough to fight back. Their plan went surprisingly well for what little time they had to initiate it.
"It seems what you taught me finally came in handy." Omera's tone was warm as she smiles sweetly.
The Mandalorian, who sat across from the both of you with the child sitting between his boots, cocks his head.
"You taught her how to handle a blaster?" His timbre reachs you even through the vocoder. The smoothness of it sent pleasant shivers down your spine.
"I did. It was something I picked up along the way with my travels. Searches, really." For him.
But you wouldn't admit that out loud.
"I'm sure you know how inhospitable the outer rim planets are, Warrior." A sad smile spreads across your lips when you meet his T visor. "I had to learn how to fight to survive."
You weren't the best at fighting or shooting, really. If the scars you bore were anything to go off of. You knew you had a lot to learn about fighting and shooting. And you hope your soulmate would teach you, when the time came.
Something about how his T visor bore into you urges you to speak more. You felt as if he deserved to know he wasn't alone in these dangerous travels.
"But I am glad at least." The Mandalorian leans forward a bit, almost as if he were curious to hear what you had to say. "Learning how to fight seems to have helped my sister protect the village alongside help from you and Ms. Dune."
Cara laughs a deep boisterous laugh as she relaxes against one of the logs further to your right.
"Please, just Cara is fine." You send her a smile and nod before looking back at the child who had managed to make his way towards you.
Just as he reached your boots you see a small red dot appear on his back.
It was small enough not to go noticed by many. But you had seen it enough times to know what it was by now.
You move faster than you ever have in your life to grab the child and twist to the side as a loud bang echoes through the once silent forest. Cara takes off in the direction the shot came from as the Mandalorian moves to shield your body with his own.
Your heart thunders in your ears as you stare down at the child. Shaky gasps leave you when his wide eyes peer back up at you and he cooes.
You scan him for injuries, thinking that maybe he still got hurt and you didn't move fast enough. Yet when you see that he is fine, you heave a sigh. The kid was more amused by the sudden roll than anything.
Warm hands tug you up as the Mandalorian takes the child from you. Giving him a good look over himself before turning his attention to you.
"You're hurt," The Mandalorian sets the child back down before kneeling beside you. "Let me see."
He firmly yet gently grips you right shoulder as you start to notice the white hot agony in your left. A yelp of pain escapes when the Mandalorian grazes his gloved finger over the blaster burn. He retracts his hand immediately murmuring an apology.
Omera is by your other side tightly gripping your hand as she weakly asks if you're alright. You can see her starting to panic.
Her husband had died due to a blaster shot. If she were to loose you too, it would definitely break her heart and Winta's.
"I'm fine sister," You squeeze her hand back gently. "This is not the worst wound I've had before."
The Mandalorian had started moving as you reassured Omera. He held the child lightly in one arm as he stalked to the small barn your sister had set him up in. You watch him go feeling a dull ache appear in your chest.
Focusing back on Omera you see how she seems to put the pieces together. Her earlier panic having faded. Eyes widening a fraction she looks up at you.
"He's your soulmate." The moment the words are spoken to the still air you close your eyes. The truth settles on your shoulders like a warm blanket on a cold night. Soothing the ache and numbing the pain in your shoulder a tad.
You say nothing to Omera as the Mandalorian reappears carrying a small box in his hands. He kneels next to you again and rifles through the box pulling out a bacta spray. Meeting his T visor you hum.
"Is the child okay?" He nods as Omera stands up stating she was going to get you a new shirt. Since the shot burned a hole in the shirt you currently wore.
Cara appears from the woods a frown hardening her features as she approaches you and the Mandalorian.
Unease trickles down your spine as she mutters, "It looks like it's time for you to go, Mando." She holds up a crushed tracker before tossing it next to his knee.
You glance at it before looking over to the barn the child was in. He was in danger here. Because if one bounty hunter knew he was here then many others did as well.
"Do you have a ship?" The Mandalorian turns to look at you just as you're tugging off your shirt to have better access to your shoulder. Heat crawls up your neck as you ball the shirt in your hands.
You had at one point had a ship, but sold it due to not having enough credits for fuel to make it back home. You ended up bumming a ride from a small freighter just to return to Sorgan.
When you shake your head the Mandalorian moves back to clean your wound and spray bacta on it.
Little did you know you earned his trust quite quickly. There was something about you protecting the kid even when you just met and the burning of his own soulmate letter near his heart that made him ask.
"Well, how do you feel about coming with me? I can help you find what you're looking for. It's the least I can do since you saved my Foundling."
The moment he asked that single question in his low baritone voice your fate was sealed. Because he had already helped you find what you were looking for.
"I'd be honored, Warrior."
Closer than what's been told. Heart of gold buried beneath cold. Child of green shows he's not mean. Austerely endures sincerely, yours
AN: I know it's pretty bad but I thought some of it made sense. 🤷 I'm not good at rhyming.
Star Wars Masterlist
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halfadoginatank · 9 months
Children!Au for COD
I’ve just been thinking that Simons dad would totallyyy get distracted by another woman, a concert, etc etc and leave Simon to the Frey. After befriending the other kids, I JUST KNOW that when Simons dad makes him kiss that snake, he’s running to them and lets them take him to Johnnys mom
..that’s all <3
Oh!!! This is interesting, I dont think I hit all the plot points but I definitely liked the idea enough to lose myself in it a little.
Slight content warning for vauge talks of an overdose.
Simon is trying to keep his head down. The weather was good outside, but now the swarming bodies make it terrifyingly warm. People all around him move to the aggressive music, some look like they're fighting the notes themselves. He keeps shuffling through them, some are in crowds others to themselves, it reminds him of being lost in a grocery store for the first time.
“Oh shit! Sorry lil man, didn't see ya there, ya good?”
There's a hand in his face, and a person above him. He looks just as scary and spikey as all the people in this god forsaken venue, but he's the first person to offer him a hand when he's fallen.
Simon blunders, checking the pockets in his hoodie and jeans, “s awight.” He mumbles. The older man is patting his shoulder and checking on him,
“I'll putcha somewhere less crowded, yeah?”
Simon nods and blindly follows. The man sits at the bar, and pats the empty stool next to him. Simon bemoans the effort to get up there without making a fool of himself.
“So whatcha doing here? Pretty sure bars are 21 up, right?”
“Not ‘ere. ‘S 16 and up.” Maybe if Simon looks away the man won't actually look at him too hard.
“Ehhh, I dunno kid, you don't look 16 to me?”
Simon turns around and glares with all the nastiness he can muster. “What's it to you!” He was tall for his age, thank you!
The man waves his hands in surrender,
“Okay okay, we got off on the wrong foot, i'm Alan, you are?”
“Simon! Good cool.”
Alan orders drinks. Waters for both of them. Simon sits there for a while, until the bartender lady comes back and starts talking to Alan, they seem to know each other and Simon doesn't really think he'll be missed, so he slips away trudging to find the restrooms.
“Psst! You don wanna go in there!”
A voice says as he walks into the hallway where the bathrooms split off into genders.
Simon jolts up and looked around, the boy is almost completely invisible, but when the stage lights pulse Simon can sort of see him, squatting in an open maintenance closet .
He leaned down, the boy looked a little younger than him. “Why not?”
The boy shook his head, Simon paused to look at the top of it, where hair seemed to grow longer than the uneven sides. “There's a lady in there! N a weird looking lad! You canna go in there! You dont wanna see it!”
Simon shuffled to sit down across from him, squinting his eyes like that will make the boy's Scottish accent easier to understand. A weird looking man? Running of to the bathroom with a woman? He grimaced.
“S probably my dad, he left a while ago and I can't just run away.”
“Then youre a steamin’ idiot! Ya dont wanna see it nuh uh!”
“Stop being a baby! I told you s probably my dad!”
“Then ur pa belongs in prison!”
The boy shrieked, simon stilled,
The boy pulled up close to Simon's face, “I don’ think the lady's, awright..” he whispered.”
Simon looked away, trying to tuck in on himself.
“Wha's your name?” The boy asked.
“Well I'm John! Mah friends can call me Johnny if I get some coin for it!”
Simon tried to hide his laugh in his hands. “That's stupid. Why would they have to pay?.
“Cause i don like it when they call me that!” John shook his head, “but.. You look like you're having a rough time! So you can call me that for free!”
Simon rolled his eyes, come to think of it. Here, in this club's shotty maintenance closet with no door, is probably the first time in weeks he's talked to someone his age or younger, besides Tommy.
“How old are you?” Simon asked.
“I'm 9! What about you?”
Simon shrugged, “12… maybe?”
“Maybe Johnny, maybe.”
Johnny snorted and went to bonk Simon's shoulder with his own forehead. “Ya called me it!”
[» «]
Simon found out exactly why Johnny didn't want him going in the bathroom after the boy's sister (the pretty bartender) came looking for him.
They parted. Simon thinks he's never really seen a kid that happy, was he like that? Probably not, definitely not.
Not after what happened in that bathroom.
He didn't think he could associate that night with anything else but the rolled back eyes of a dead woman, and his father's manic laughter. (In the years that come, simon will be forced to remember he laughed along with him)
But, in the years past that, Simon will die, be replaced by Ghost and sit at a table in a bar with his task force, the formidable 141, the three men who made his work life more than just that- work.
“Okay then, what's the first time you've ever seen a dead body, since you wanna get ‘deep’”
Gost looked up from his drink, Soap and Gaz flanked him, as the three of them sat around a square table at the bar. Price off talking to Kate on the phone, they had been playing a game, the kind with questions evidently. Though the question was meant for Soap, Ghost traced the rim of his glass with a gloved finger. There had been many bodies in his life, ones he made himself, the ones he would never forget.
He felt a quiet mourning for the first one.
“It was a lass, I remember, but I was pretty young…” Soap began his story and Ghost settled in to listen, Johnny's stories were always engaging, he supposed it's just like him to make even his words pretty.
“I was maybe, nine? My sister went off to college somewhere in Manchester and my parents were off doing god knows what so they sent her to look after me.” Ghost watched as Soap looked into his empty pint glass and chewed on his cheek.
He was more interested now, he hadn't thought hide or hair of his hometown, and frankly Soap had never mentioned any family living there.
“Well, she said she couldn't leave me at her place, so she dragged me to work. Picture this! Me, a tiny little lad following my sister to a damn pub! She made me follow all sortsa rules before she sat me in the break room.” Soap laughed and waves his hands around, Ghost looks more at his face, the wrinkles between his brow. He hasn't forgotten what question prompted it, and from a look at Gaz he hadn't either.
“Well, ah I had to use the john…” Soap quieted down. “Uh, there was a woman in there, wasn't all that well off. A man came in there too, I guess there was some talking goin on before he left.”
Soap cleared his throat,
“Lady died of an overdose, in the stall. I bolted after the man came back. Hid in one of the closets.”
Ghost had a feeling he knew this already, a boy finding a woman dead in a bar in Manchester, hiding in a closet. Only, Simon didn't get a chance to hide once he'd seen it.
“That's all.” Soap put his hands on the table and looked to the ceiling, “pretty much it. Hid there with another boy, older than me, said the guy in there was his dad and we sat there until my sister found me.”
another boy?
It was really only after Simon had put the mask on his nightstand, retired Ghost for the night, that he thought about the night in full. Bothered to remember it, remember the other boy who had told him not to go there, who had protected Simon for a while longer.
He yearned to rush to Soap's room, tell him he was the other boy, the quiet preteen who barely understood him, he wanted to thank Soap, for giving him even a bit of joy during that night.
Instead, Simon began to dream of a world where Johnny and him had stayed friends after that night, some magical world where he lived in Manchester and in Simon's darkest moments, he could run to the MacTavish's and hide with a family less broken than his.
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roseamongroses · 1 year
my shuriri hc/ idea bullet points
some will become full stories others not so much
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notsodailycake · 2 years
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My ko-fi!
Ok ok, sooo, i had this drawing on the works for months, but that ain't a surprise at this point,, it was originally a simple practice doodle i did while bored in class, to work on my perspectives, then i liked it enough to turn it into a full piece! I suffered with shading and background tho, which was and always will be the reason why i take so long, and not because i dont know how, i just panic and forget how to shade and procrastinate on it. But I'm working on that-
Anyways, as for who this is, well, it's the one and only April O'Neil! But from my version of TMNT. I have a whole au, not derived from any specific version, and mostly a mesh-up of my favorite parts of each version of TMNT
Do i plan on doing anything with it? Most likely not, and will only share vauge crap about it if i can (but splatoon has consumed my life so idk). Was originally planning on not sharing anything about this au until I'm done with the main ones' ref sheets, but I'm missing Raph and Casey and i know damn well it'll take more time then it needs to for me to finish that, and I'm not waiting that long for me to share this drawing!!
Also, context for this scene?...none, i have no idea what is supposed to be happening here, my guess is as good as yours ¯\_(ᐛ)_/¯
I just wanted to draw a cool scene-
Unblurred version of the drawing bc i worked to hard on the water details to not show off!! Plus a quick look at April's ref drawing:
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Having a strong fixation on Zenos right about now so we absolutely need to write out our vauge ass headcanond of WoLs we've never made (yet? Maybe, we dislike the idea of doing ARR all over again) so we can actually be normal and have normal thoughts for the time being. This won't be tagged as it's not anything in specific, just said WoL being obsessed with Zenos in a way the other scions either see as increadibly unhealthy or downright terrifying.
Am I doing this right? Is this how you make "below the cut" posts? Maybe
Concept 1 (inspired by a comic we saw where the WoL takes Zenos' eye. Seemingly for differijg reasons), the WoL sees Zenos fuse with a dragon for their "final" fight, and being an Au Ra who is constantly compared to the wyrms and often being criticized as "weaker" and not cut out to be the hero of this world, our WoL seeks to do the same. This sheer fury the WoL harbors causes them to completely ignore her fellow scions, she keeps Zenos from taking his own life, and then fights him, again. Due to his weakened state it only lasts mere seconds, several of the Scions are more than confused. Why would WoL do this? They've never been one to kill for the sake of killing? Was it a prusuit of revenge? Was she proving a point to him? Does he have some influence over them? They do not know.
Shortly after the WoL begins barking orders, telling her fellow Scions to leave her be and that she has "Business to attent to". When they hesistate the WoL in their hazed state threatens them right there, with no thought for what will come after. She *needs* this power he has, she pines for it, obsesses over it. In what felt like an eternity staring down at Zenos' corpse she succumbs to her deepest desires.
The WoL, using a method she thinks will work, this needs to work, and relieves him of one of his eyes. If Nidhogg's was the eye of hate, anger, and revenge, then Zenos' was the eye of obsession, yearning, and most of all... power. She needed this power all for herself, but was not in such a trance as to take both lest she simply become a vessel for Zenos. She also was not enough of a fool to leave any evidence behind of the tampering. She drank of the blood that seeped from his socket before placing her now discarded eye into his head. Using glamour, both eyes were made to look like they were there the whole time.
The WoL, silently showed herself amoung her comrades once more, but without a word, had teleported elsewhere. Where she chose to go off to is a mystery.
(And for the sake of storytelling let's say that it is now at a time where Zenos is back alive and seen near the WoL, or relatively near considering they aren't actively fighting, by the scions.)
Something seems off about the two, something oh so present to all else in the area. They have what seems like a connection, as if both parties are wordlessly speaking a thousand tales that they're absolutely enamoured by.
Later in combat with unrelated foes, it was as if the WoL was bending to the will of an unseen force. From Fandaniel's prespective, Zenos did not seem entirely himself, this obsession with the Warrior, it was not one born of hate or even a yearning for battle. It was one born of seeking, seeking as if she had taken something from him, but also seeking for other, unrelated reasons. Both Zenos and the Au Ra knew what she had done to him, and both knew why.
Zenos was utterly fascinated with this revelation. He could see into the Warrior's intents, see into her very soul, she could keep no secrets from him. Though.. the same can be said both ways. It's as if they can speak to eachother at any time, through their very thoughts. As if they resided in eachother's heads. That is because in reality thanks to the WoL's impulsive actions, they did.
Zenos sought to use this to find out what truly made the Warrior tick, what could without a doubt grasp her attention, what could get her crawling back to him and willing to bend to his will. Did he wish to have his eye returned? No he wished for her to keep it actually. For how else would he have such valueble insight into the ever elusive Warrior. No carefully selected words, no barriors behind one's own mind, nothing could keep him from finding out what he wanted, and being able to feel the WoL's emotions, being able to read her soul so intimately would make this next bsttle all the more interesting. No, he would get her whatever her heart desired at the small cost of one more battle... one to blot out even the brightest of stars in the flames of their passion. One where even those on the opposite sides of reality could feel their entire lives being poured into this very battle. This wasn't too costly was it? After all she has done so much to achieve true dragonhood, her greed almost causing the fall of an entire nation in it's wake. Such a simple solution and all she had to do was rid the world of Zenos once more, then the Warrior could finally become a dragon as she wished to be, could finally ascend to what the world she had once sought to protect wished of her.
Though he wouldn't be one to admit it, he saw this as a weakness. Just another distraction in the coming battle, would she really be giving it her all and more if she wasn't only thinking about him, and destroying him? If the thought of finally getting what she wanted stirred ever present in the depths of her being? Could he settle for such a thing? No, he could not.
He needed to battle in the deepest pits of their souls, he needed to battle the wyrm within the warrior. He needed to have this dragon on a short leash. But just how would he do that? Blackmail? Threatening? Bribery? No... no... he would give her the very thing she sought before the battle even began, he would transform her into the wyrm of her dreams, ever mighty, without equal, and unkillable. All she would need to do is ask, ask, listen, and OBEY.
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cakeboxie · 4 months
Okay so this is really out of date bc I hadn’t actually finished 2.2 yet but also. I might keep it as an au where I ship Dmtryo with him instead of (my si, not his sister) Robin
I’m thinking about Sunday selfship lore this evening, minor spoilers for 2.2 (I talk extremely vaugely about some things we learned, no details)
Particularly like- the overall path of their relationship, bc the nice thing with my hyv s/I is that he’s a travelling merchant who never actually stays around, and he doesn’t have an address to send mail to (in genshin- in star rail you could text him but he likely won’t reply) so once he leaves he’s pretty much unreachable. So I get to write fun endings and very quick intense relationships that don’t necessarily fizzle out, so much as get cut short.
Fun fact, all my hyv ships happen in the same universe, like- all my genshin ships (not that there’s many) have happened in one guys life.
I’m off topic
The idea is ??status?? turned partner turned unwaveringly loyal thrall turned ????
The beginning and end elude me (I’ll probably figure out the end post 2.2 with the things I know thus far)
But like
The beginning.
We know about him and robin’s childhood, but also not enough for me to be confident adding yk? Bc I am unfortunately a bitch who likes to be lore compliant. So I don’t want to go the childhood friends route
I considered, briefly, the idea making my s/I a part of the family (particularly a low ranking member of the Alfalfa family) but that isn’t viable with the rest of his lore unless I make an AU specifically for shipping w sunday and I don’t. Want to do that. I also don’t want to deal with someone inevitably saying something fucking stupid about him being a pepeshi like what happened with Charlie and zevlor (I *still* get nasty asks about him sometimes)
The rest of his lore being that he’s a travelling merchant and a member of the intelligentsia guild, who is more inclined to accept books and information for in exchange for his wares in place of credits or local currency
There’s more to it but like, that’s what’s relevant here.
I’m also trying to figure out how to justify getting him into penacony in the first place, bc this man is perpetually broke (re: doesn’t usually sell his goods for money) so he’s definitely not paying for a room.
It’s not like he’s getting an invite if he shows up around the charmony festival, he’s literally Just Some Guy, plus then I’d have to hash out how he would manage to interact w Sunday and Robin without getting mixed up with the express folks bc he’s not set to meet them until later. (As per his lore w welt and joining the express.)
… okay wait actually I’ve had an idea.
Someone offered him a voucher for a week in penacony in exchange for ????? Something high value man idk. I’m thinking it was some rich collector after something niche that he happened to have.
So he’s on penacony now, I think he lept at the chance to visit the moment of sol (has a big ass museum of penacony’s history, big library, big school.) and ends up spending the vast majority of time there.
I think he meets Sunday through Robin bc of an incredibly convoluted string of events- shits fucked but they’re friends-ish. They’re at that weird point where they’ve spoken enough times and know too much about each other to be acquaintances but not enough to really be friends.
I was originally gonna go the route of {Event} forces them to engage more but bc of the limited time I like the idea of Robin playing matchmaker and making them spend more time together more. Also I think Robin and March would be the world’s most obnoxious (/pos) bffs.
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beehindblueeyes · 2 years
Fandomization: IT , a similar story
So I’ve talked about fandomization several times on this account, it’s still pretty prevalent and ive now seen some other people calling attention towards it…. In ways that miss the mark. They’re right there. Right on the issue. But then call it something other than what it really is. Blaming some other factor of fandom. Basically I’m here to ramble again so sit tight
Let me take you back to 2017-
The IT remake is at its absolute peak. Content is being pumped out every few minutes. Fanart, fics, little analytical pieces on clothing , scares etc! It’s great… but as months go on… it’s a very similar picture. Fandomization settles in. Characters are reduced to tropes and singular personality traits. Ideas and fears are gone in place of high school AUs set in the modern day. One ship rules them all and if you even dare to think you’d get content about anyone else? I pity you.
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A similar thing happened with Stranger things. It was also brand spanking new at the time and set in the 80s the same way. I think it’d be season 2 or at least filming it. Same situation of deteriorating. there was not a singular ship to rule them all… there was two and they are still fuckinh fighting to this day. However with it also being set in the 80s there was crossovers with IT…. Without taking into account that It takes place in 1989 and season one and two of stranger things is 1983-84 …. Guys the IT kids are like Holly’s age.
What are we seeing with the black phone? Starts out same. Fanart, fanfics, analytical content, gifs, screaming and fanning over characters and background details, soon? Characters slowly Start getting reduced … content becomes a X reader only, one ship immerges on top. However Black phone is unique because it’s without a doubt the first time I saw it almost exclusively x reader and not have at least a few ships more popular than that.
Same with IT and stranger things there’s a LOT of sexualisation of the underage cast, either by adults are kids the same age… which, is different but not all the much better. Point is. Circle
Here’s something… back in 2017 a good majority of us were kids! I know I was making wildly ooc stuff trying to keep up with my friends in the space no matter how frustrated I was with bad characterization (Richie is still fighting to this day rip fam). It’s understandable, and for me to judge a bunch of us when we were 13-16 wouldn’t be fair? I feel like the same is sort of similar with the black phone, it makes sense the kids are around the same age 13. I get it
As Much as I can understand it doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed a bit. The issue is that’s all their is. Analysis, gif sets, background detail posts, none x reader fics are …. Almost non existant now. All the other content that I like to engage in now and did back then is just.. a drop in a huge sea. And if your like me and you complain a little bit but then don’t make the content you want to see? Cmon now….
Confronting bad criticism-
Going to keep this Anonymous and vauge as this is not a call out! It’s more a look at fandom cycles as a whole. But this is me looking at and addressing that criticism I was talking about at the beginning so close but so far. basically It was talking about the “It-ification” of the black phone fandom. Which, I agree with…. But then said “by making into a gay rom com” and compared Brance to reddie - sit down we have a lot to unpack.
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1.) The problem was never Reddie as a ship in itself. It makes sense and it’s sort of backed by every version of IT.
The problem was the fandom wide characterization. It’s when they become so universally ooc that it might as well be ocs. This is the “owo softboy” and “edgy talkative bad boy” thing comes from. It’s the oocness AND the fact that was all there was. Soon there was nothing for anyone else in the movie- if there was they were in the background or a mouth to talk to in relation to Reddie. It was rare to just see something of all the kids hanging out and being kids.
2.) Brance is not remotely comparable
The number one criteria Is that it has to have taken over everything. It has to be all there is. It has to meet that certain level of almost fandom wide ooc characterization. Brance just… doesn’t. Hell it’s relatively popular but again it’s a small drop in the sea to X reader or Rinney. If we are going to compare anything it’s Rinney. I can already see hints of them doing the “Finn is a soft owo boy” robins the “bad boy” thing… but the black phone is a unique case that comes with a lot of modern horror in that most actual character content goes to the wayside for X reader.
3.)softer content not automatically bad
Now I hope you can see where I’m going with this If you sat here long enough. None of this stuff is automatically bad or a problem but it becomes so if that’s all there is. I can’t blame kids for writing something fluffy and more care free about characters they love, but at the same time… hey it won’t kill anyone to have some dark and more serious content about a movie that’s like 90% dark and serious. You know? Like I 100% get where the criticism is coming from… I didn’t enjoy fandom being 99% fluff piece for one ship either but “gay rom com”?? Idk something doesn’t fit right with me with that wording.
All there is-
So stated again before but back to my whole point. The problem isn’t x reader or ooc characters but that it’s the only thing out there! Kids and younger fans should be able to go as wild as they want, I or anyone else shouldn’t dictate how they relate to the movie or just have fun but it becomes annoying and a problem when there’s nothing else. When there’s not a lot of in character, non x reader , fics , art, analysis , rambling etc for there to be a balance.
There’s no balance! Is that I’m saying. This isn’t to say there’s not other stuff out there but there’s more people with the complaint then actually making that other content! I can’t work alone I’ve said this a million times, make what you want to see and we can have a wide array of content and stuff to engage with and everyone’s happy.
* brief note-
I have nothing against x reader fans or people who like x reader but I’ve just never been a fan. It’s awkward to me and I’ve never had a thing for a character in that way and when it’s the only content out there? Well I get really annoyed and sort of paint a broad brush/pin issues. I’m sorry, it’s nothing personal but I want to talk about horror movies every once and awhile and not just that? You know? Idk
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russilton · 2 years
Hiya! I am loving this Rebull!George au! I literally love reading anything about it! I see that you keep saying that interacting and answering questions is helping you flush out the story!? - Is that true? If so is there anything you need to flush or just generally need to write about? Would love to hear anything and everything about this fic!
(This is mainly my way of getting more snippets and spoilers from you 😂)
It really does help!
@thatsmemate can attest after 5 years of knowing me, I am one chatty fucker. I don’t really know when to shut up. Especially when I’m asked to comment on things. My brain is full of opinions only I get to hear and that’s frankly a pain sometimes. How she tolerates me when I can’t and I spend 24/7 with me is astounding . I adore her. The first fic I wrote was directly into her DM’s. I didn’t even realise it was one till she smacked it on a Gdoc and edited it for me… she’s been my no 1 since the beginning hahah.
Gushing aside, it’s a bit like using prompts to put a puzzle together. It’s not a magic cheat code, spamming “okay but what next” doesn’t yield much, BUT getting asked questions? That does. Building a big story like RB George is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, I have a photo of the end result, I can build up the outline alone, but then I’ve got an empty box, and a collection of blank pieces. While I can work it out alone, having someone hold up a piece and go “hey, where does this go?” Helps prompt my brain to start finding the slot for that one specific piece. In the same way, someone going “so are there any red pieces?” I can start looking for red parts, then arranging them in a place that fits. Someone going “what next” can sometimes leave me stuck because there are so many choices .
At the end of the day tho, the final step? Only I can do that. And that requires a sit down and intense focus, but the bigger grid vaugely placed pieces I have, the better.
Redbull au spoilers below the cut, but the boring kind, plot notes and race result graphs!
But there isn’t much left to go plot wise! I have the whole story split into 4 arcs, I have placed the start and end of those arcs on specific races. I have placed all the points George and Lewis have sex, figured out what kind it is, how it’s initiated, what precedes it, and I have a lot of “this is what Lewis is thinking” notes, and they’re all set to a specific race calendar! For now it’s just filling little bits in and getting started! The only races I’m looking to fill out better are COTA and Turkey, because they’re in the interim period of Lewis approaching Toto about signing George , and the dinner.
I also have some more work to go into their first meetings and races, trying to strike the balance and find the spark point for their relationship is tough, some of it probably won’t come out till I just start the damn thing.
Now here’s some oh so sexy screenshots from my planning documents
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Fun fact, the only race with no notes is Qatar (George has signed, but it’s before the break check, I don’t have a lot of ideas as to what could be there atm) , and the race with the most notes is Silverstone ( I am British, they are British, OF COURSE THE DRAMA HAPPENS THERE.)
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chaosmax · 3 years
On the whole “does Kaiba die / stay or get stuck in the afterlife?” thing
I never thought Kaiba doesn't get back from the ending of DSoD. Yeah, I know there was the ~untested~ tech that was mentioned but honestly it seemed more like a line thrown in for possible sequel bait or just for the sake of open-endedness/vauge storytelling style a la many Japanese story telling (re: my essay on that). 
And from a character point, no, I don't think there's any way in hell that Seto would gamble the chances of permanently orphaning Mokuba again. No matter how much tunnel vision he got for his goal (and no matter how grieved he was. And I hate it that people spin it to pit the headcanoned romantic love between him and Atem against his canonical love of Mokuba and it's the possible and unconfirmed romo love that “wins”. 
[I am NOT trying to bash on pride here, I actually quite enjoy that ship when work is put into it and all the nuance and complexity isn't sucked out of it for quick hurt/comfort or just turned into a glorified/romanticized toxic love horny fest]. But even if it was confirmed canon, stop pitting romo love against platonic love and have one come out as the "winner" mmkay? There's already enough damaging amatonormativity ingrained in society ok thanks.
Grief makes you do wild things, sure and everyone reacts to grief differently. But Seto has never been a gambler and I don't think after all the character development he's been though he would risk his relationship with Mokuba like that (this is taking consideration of how technically this is the manga continuity Kaiba who has done Death T and all that and messed up pretty bad with Mokuba before). I just don't think he'd run off to see/challenge/get closure from Atem and ditch his precious little brother behind with great odds that he would never see him again. Not after all the times he’s put his life on the line to protect Mokuba.
I've always thought he comes back. It just may have a cost and may not be a straight shot there and back. I think the ~untested~ tech means he doesn't know how long it will take or how much stress it puts on the user, a la the purple particles eating away at Kaiba in the post credit scene that seem to be threatening to send him back to his own dimension (again DIMENSION it's not a time machine). No, I don't think it's anything crazy like YEARS pass before he gets back. I think a couple of weeks at most. And no, I don't think Mokuba was crying and begging Seto to not have this goal in the first place. Mokuba is quite gung-ho the entire movie about getting and defending the puzzle. Hell, he headbutts Diva off the puzzle container when Mokuba had no way to know if he'd land safely or just die. He interrogates Diva to try and get the puzzle piece. He closes up the shop for Yugi and says a happy hi before the tournament. That seems far from someone who wants Seto to just let it go.
This is a bit more on the speculation side for canon hates digging into Mokuba’s feelings much sadly, but I think Mokuba has his own sense of unfinished business with Atem as well which plays a part in his motivation to help this goal. Atem is also someone he had bonded with on some level. He and Yugi were one of the first people to help him, ever, that wasn't Seto. They aided him in Duelist Kingdom. Then again in the Legendary Heroes arc when he had no one else to turn too. He seemed so...surprised in both cases. Clearly someone who's not used to being able to ask for help, much like Seto. 
But now this person is gone. One of the few people Mokuba felt he could go to if he had a problem or needed to ask for help. I can easily see Mokuba thinking, “how come he cared enough to help me all those times but not say goodbye?” (though again, we don’t know exactly what happened there, if the Kaiba brothers were unable to contact or of the main crew literally just didn’t call them up, so I’m in no way trying to assign blame here, but I could see how this is how Mokuba would see it and feel about it).
 I think Mokuba misses him too, or at the very least misses him as someone he can depend on and place his trust in. The following may be a bit of a stretch on evidence for I don't know who writes the lines for Duel Links, but if you challenge Yami Yugi as DSOD Mokuba and win, his expression is sad, saying, “You thought you could run from Seto without one last Duel?" I think Mokuba certainly sees the departure hurt Seto, but I also think it hurt him. I think he’s also trying to say, ‘You thought you could run from us without saying bye?’
So no, I don't think Kaiba runs off to Atem's afterlife forever for whatever reason ship or no ship and ditches everyone and everything (don’t forget KC and Kaibaland, his life’s dream pride and joy) behind in the living dimension. I don't think he fails to get back. While the prospect of something going wrong or the tech failing is an immensely interesting fic/AU/etc idea to play around with or such because of the added mysteriousness (or because it's edgy and dark or whatnot I feel like that’s how the theory Kaiba dies really gained it’s first traction lol) I don't think that's what happened. I think it may take some more time than expected, perhaps have some magical cost that the soft magic system didn't really specify (such as having a set number of uses or something until whatever remnant power in the cube runs out, be physically straining, etc.) 
But I will never believe Seto gambled the chance of possibly orphaning Mokuba. That's my interpretation.
[Note: I’m not here to argue, of course you can have a different headcanon or reading of the events to DSoD, these are just my thoughts, with the textual evidence to back up my thought process.]
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
I’m back with another au idea
Au where the Ninja aren’t Ninja, but instead 4 very gay dudes with a even gayer sister finding out they have elemental powers and they end up saving everyone, pretty much Raising Lloyd and forming a team with the other elemental masters, All without Wu being vauge and beating them up during March of the Oni
Yesssssss! Okay i love this, like actually yes
aight, im making a reason for them to meet without Wu recruiting them all so that this au can happen ✨✨✨
Ok, so their elemental powers all started to show up at arround the same time (appart from Nya though hers do come into this, we aren’t leaving her out until s5 like canon), but the other 4 ofc were really confused, and all reacted in different ways, though all ended up meeting at that weird mountain place from Cole’s backstory, and i’ll explain why
-Zane went there because the cold made his powers stronger and he thought that was cool and the mountain place was snowy so y not, also Zane definitely wanted to have an elsa moment™️
-Kai went there (and took Nya with him) because he was scared of the powers and hoped all the ice and snow would stop things arround him setting on fire (and it did, at first........ 🙂)
-Cole used it as an excuse to get away from his Dad and also discovered that being near the mountains made his powers stronger because of all the rocks and stuff before, it was similar to canon
-Jay was there testing his inventions, it was his glider like in canon, also similar to Kai, he was avoiding accepting that he had elemental powers and so he threw himself into working on that instead
They meet when Cole saves Jay with his powers after he straight up jumped off the mountain in order to test the glider, the others see what happened and they’re like ‘wtf you have powers? Thats so cool, what a coincidence, same 🤩’
At some point after this but before Lloyd shows up, Nya discovers her abilities after Kai nearly drowns and her powers kick in as a way to save him (also yes this is why hes afraid of water in later seasons, also yes Nya does get her s5 moment of struggling to control water, but for this it was her trying to learn to do it on command instead of just in life/death situations)
K so onto Lloyd, I honestly dont know, i’ll be back later with an explanation of how they end up adopting him unless anyone else got any ideas 👀
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