#i have surprisingly many and surprisingly few ship thoughts
curedeity · 1 year
five favorite mfb ships aside from madokaru bc that is just too obvious
You wont let me talk about women? How dare.
1. Poly team dungeon: masamune/zeo/toby/king
After madokaru, this is probably the relationship i have the modt fun writing and care the most about. That kight be because zeo and masamune are some of my favorite characters. In a genuine sense though, i find this dyanmic as both a team and ship fascinating. In my eyes, this is honestly the only way i can even see them. The eay the og trio all learns to communicate and be emotionally available to each other at the end of masters is precious to me, and i think fury threw that away in favor of emphasizing just how important king is to masamune. Despite that. King provides an excellent foil to the team dungeon dynamic, both challenging them to get over their issues while they challenge him to think more. Theres many interesting stories and themes i think their ship can tell.
2. Gingka/Hyoma
Childhood friends to lovers what can i say? Genuinely like the dynamic these two have and think it would be a good progression of both their arcs for them to figure out a relationship together. It allows Gingka to finally return home, and for Hyoma to have to get used to being in a relationship with someone who wanders but also keepsnin contact while gone.
3. Kyoya/Tsubasa
I used to care about these two a lot, but genuinely they have a great dynamic. I think the end of fusion showed just how great they could be together, and i think they foil each other well. I think while masters and fury forgot abt it, masters did give a good setup to them interacting again. Not to mention kyoya standing up for tsubasa in front of ryuga is one of his best moments imo.
At this point i am having to open up my ao3 to remember what ships i care about. Im going to be honest im pretty much a multishipper and i think i have a weird relationship to ships
Wow i have not written many ships.
4. Lera and her entourage.
Idk what to pick because i do think lera genuinely has good romantic chemistry with lots of characters and i kinda do judt like seeing her happy in a relationship. Aleksei and Selen are probably the people id ship her with most. I like the way she and Aleksei oppose each other and often challenge each other. Also nb lesbian aleksei yknow yknow. I think Selen would get her in a way most dont though, seeing the lengths Lera is willing to go to and understanding them. Similarly, Lera understands Selens priorities better than a lot of the cast could. Id also totally ship Lera with Madoka and maybe Hikaru, they could have very intriguing dynamics.
5. Gasher Gals: Madoka/Selen/Motti:
I think of this ship in terms of "let madoka get over her problems of needing to be the most useful person in the room and let her let loose." I think they just genuinely would bounce off each other more, Madoka able to keep the other two from going too far and being the moral compass. Selen challenging the other two the most to widen their perspectives. And Motti reminding them to just have fun and take life and its best
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yumeka-sxf · 10 months
In addition to Yor's epiphany scene, this scene was the other one I was most looking forward to in season 2 - a scene that, in my opinion, is one of the most Twiyor-ish scenes in the series so far 💖
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Why is it so significant? Because there was no reason for Twilight to put on any Loid Forger acting in that moment. He wasn't conversing with nor being scrutinized by anyone. So why would he give that soft smile followed by such affectionate, comforting words as "お疲れ様/otsukaresama"? (this can be translated in many ways, but generally it's something you say to thank someone for their hard work).
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The answer is because it's something he truly felt...he understood the sacrifice Yor made for Anya's happiness and genuinely appreciated it (if only he knew the sacrifice she made on the larger scale, lol). While he's a bit perturbed at first since some onlookers were snickering at him, it didn't take long for him to soften and then graciously carry his queen and princess the girls back to the ship 😭
But Twilight overall was really soft in this episode and I loved it~ From his blush upon seeing Yor to the several times he gave that same soft smile when talking with/looking at her...I think Anya was right when she called him out on the ship about missing his wife 😅
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I liked how the anime conveyed his shock when noticing her bruised face...what must have been his thought at that moment? 👀
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The scenes of the family activities translated better in animated form in my opinion. While they were each only a single panel in the manga, they lasted a few seconds each in the anime, plus the addition of the insert song helped the with the comfy, wholesome vibe~ Also the part where Yor inadvertently chucks Anya across the ocean is still hilarious.
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Loid's dorky skip at the beginning of the episode translated very well in animated form too 😅
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The ending of this chapter in the manga always felt a bit rushed to me...it quickly jumps from the aforementioned scene of them returning to the ship, to suddenly being home, reuniting with Bond and Franky, having a meal together, then Twilight meeting Sylvia, all within a few panels. Even though I wish the anime added more than just some additional scenes of the ship leaving the island, I felt it flowed much better in the anime since, just like the family activities, each scene in the ending lasted a second or two instead of being a single illustration.
But I love how this chapter/episode ends, with Yor, Anya, and Bond napping while Anya draws about her family vacation. This seems to take place the next day or maybe later the same day they got home, so makes sense they'd still be tired from the trip!
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By the way, the manga has this additional scene showing that Olka and company are safe. Weird that the anime didn't stick it in at some point.
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Also, the anime team didn't have to go so hard with this episode's key visual but they did...and I love it 😍 Might actually be my favorite of the key visuals so far!
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I was very happy to see the "surrounded by liars" panel finally animated! This is such a funny scene and a great way to fully wrap up the cruise arc.
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I also burst out laughing at Yuri's locker 🤣
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Damian is surprisingly laid back in this episode. I think the reason is because Anya's antics aren't directly involving him. He tends to go total tsundere only when she's actually talking to him, lol.
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The new scene of Yor getting the keychains for her coworkers was a nice addition! Guess it's canon that Yor and Anya didn't sleep for the entire trip back, lol. Glad they got to spend family time on the ship too! (though I wish we could have seen Yor's reaction waking up in Loid's bottom bunk bed, haha. He must have brought her to his room since he wouldn't know where her room is. Unless she woke up before he even put her in a bed, in which case she would have been super embarrassed knowing he was carrying her around in public 😆)
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Looks like next week the anime will be changing the order of things a bit and giving us the Becky home-wrecking and Fiona chapters (the latter of which seems to have some anime original content?) The Becky chapter is one of my favorite stand-alone chapters...I'm already dying of laugher thinking about it 😂
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schrijverr · 8 months
Batman Pulling Out the Thumb to Get the Schmutz Off
Nightwing is late to a meeting due to an exploding building. Batman goes to check him over, licking his thumb to clean his face. As Nightwing complains about it, they learn that no one realized that Batman is his dad.
Based on this post.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
“Sorry, I’m late, there was an explosion on the way here I had to deal with,” Nightwing interrupts the start of the annual review meeting of the Justice League.
“It’s alright,” Superman smiles kindly. “Is everything okay in Blüdhaven? If you need to go back to help, we won’t stop you.”
“Nah, it’s okay, Blüd isn’t new to explosions here and there. Thank you, though,” Nightwing assures him.
Before he can go and take his seat so they can resume the meeting, everyone gets jump-scared by Batman, who suddenly appears next to Nightwing. Not many had noticed him anxiously watching the door for the past ten minutes and how he was not playing attention to the meeting, instead listening to someone on his coms.
They watch in confusion as he wordlessly, tugs Nightwing towards him, before starting to check him over, like he sometimes does with victims they’ve saved.
Before anyone can ask what’s happening, Nightwing rolls his eyes, saying: “I’m okay, I’m okay, it wasn’t anything big, you know. Just a warning to between gangs that one was entering another’s turf. Just the usual minor stuff, you know?” Nightwing surprisingly isn’t fighting Batman’s weird overbearing checking, just letting him move him about, even though he’s usually incredibly stubborn around getting injured.
Everyone watches the two with confusion, the meeting even more interrupted than it already was. A few are starting to wonder if anything happened to Batman, but no one is sure how to interrupt tactfully, since the two seem close all of a sudden.
“You were still nearly caught up in it,” Batman says, voice low. It would almost sound like a threat or reproach, if it weren’t for how gentle his hands are being.
“I know exploding warehouses are touchy, but I’m totally fine,” Nightwing assures him. “Didn’t even touch me.”
Batman pokes his ribs and he flinches away slightly. Batman says: “Bruised ribs say it did.”
“It’s nothing,” Nightwing huffs, batting Batman’s hands away, apparently having decided that enough is enough. It’s the most normal thing he’s done yet, though it immediately gets weird again when he sulkily adds: “And you only know that, because O told you.”
“No,” Batman says, taking off his glove – a thing that has never happen before, because their resident Bat is paranoid about someone stealing his fingerprints – before licking his thumb. He brings it up to Nightwing’s face and starts rubbing at his face, admonishing: “I know, because you always forget your jaw when cleaning off soot.”
Again, Nightwing bats Batman’s hand away, but this time he whines: “Daaaaad.”
He sounds embarrassed, but the Justice League doesn’t really care about whether or not having your dad clean your face as an adult is embarrassing, because they’re still wrapping their heads around the fact that Nightwing just called Batman dad.
While Robin calls the man father sometimes, both he and Red Robin are always nothing but professional when in the field with the older heroes. And Batman is always professional back. He never lets paternal feelings slip through in public.
So, to suddenly see it play out how Batman would be as a father – with someone they didn’t know was related to him and without introduction to the concept – is quite the shock.
Seemingly oblivious to most of the Justice League around them blue-screening, Nightwing finally manages to wrangle Batman away from him, saying: “I’m too old for this. Go clean Robin’s face.”
Then, right as they think they’ve gathered themselves, Batman replies sadly: “Soon you’re all going to be too old for this,” sounding genuinely heartbroken at the thought.
Nightwing winces, then goes to comfort the older vigilante, patting his back as he says: “Ahw, don’t mope, B. We’re never going to be too old for you embarrassing us in front of everyone.”
Weirdly enough that seems to comfort Batman, who gives Nightwing a final one over, before being satisfied. Then he turns back and says: “Apologies for the interruption, Superman. Please, continue.”
“Wait, hold on just a second here,” Flash says. “You’re Nightwing’s dad?”
“Yes?” Batman replies, his voice giving away that that is obvious. Even going so far as to share a look with Nightwing that screams ‘what the fuck are they on about’ as if the League is being weird instead of them.
“Since when?” Flash exclaims.
“Since I was nine,” Nightwing exclaims back, throwing his hands up. “You know me, uncle Flash. Me and Walls were in YJ together. What the fuck?”
“He never mentioned a Nightwing,” Flash frowns, trying to go through the rolodex of friends his cousin brought around to see who matches up.
“Oh my god, of course not. I used to be Robin, don’t you know that?” Nightwing rolls his eyes, exasperated. A beat of silence. “Okay, wow, so you all didn’t know that.” He turns to Batman and asks: “Why didn’t they know that?”
“You wanted to be your own hero. Besides, if we had a connection, it could be used against us,” Batman replies, not even having the decency to sound apologetic about hiding it.
Nightwing facepalms at that, before taking a calming breath. Meanwhile, everyone else is on the edge of their seat to see how Batman will react to that blatant disrespect. Many of them have never dared to try.
Batman doesn’t react, just stands there as Nightwing says: “B, we had a talk about your paranoia. I get it, but this is unnecessary. Most of them already knew me before I joined.”
“It was more a lie by omission, not a true attempt at obfuscating,” Batman argues and it’s almost a little childish sounding. What the hell has today been? Are they in an alternate dimension? Again.
“Please tell me you have not been omitting my horde of siblings,” Nightwing asks, sounding a little strained as he steeples his hands in front of his lips.
“Siblings?” Superman asks cautiously. “Like Robin and Red Robin? We know them. Not really a horde, but…”
“Oh my fucking god,” Nightwing exclaims. “B!”
“They never asked,” Batman defends himself.
“Okay, I’m getting kind of scared now, define a horde,” Green Lantern interjects cautiously, taking one for the team.
“Do not,” Batman warns, but Nightwing ignores him as he starts listing on his fingers: “Well, obviously there is me, then there’s Red Robin and Robin, you know them. You have Red Hood, Black Bat, and Signal. Oracle, Spoiler and Bluebird are kind of honorary siblings. Batwoman is our aunt and Batwing kind of the uncle slash cousin and Flamebird is also our cousin.”
“What the hell, Spooky!”
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sleepingelvhen · 9 months
Sleeping Spider Lily Pt. 2
Blade/Reader NSFW Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 -- [🌹Part 4🌹] Minors DO NOT interact MASTERLIST Your world was turned upside down when you discovered the love of your life was alive and a completely different person. Now, you need answers, even if it was risky.
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Nighttime on the Luofu was the most peaceful. For you, at least. Not many enjoyed strolling the less patrolled streets as you did, the mara-struck a blight upon the planet-ship that kept most everyone away. It made things easier for you; the further you strayed from civilization, the fewer guards there were, and the less likely you were to get reported to Jing Yuan for completely going against his request.
Maybe your logic was slightly skewed from the complete lack of sleep that muddled your logical thinking. Possibly also combined with the questions that consumed your mind. Questions only Blade would be able to answer if he was willing. If this reckless plan went wrong however…well, it’s been a while since you’ve sparred with someone.
Slipping through the shadows, you avoided another group of guards within Stargazer Navalia. Hood up to cloak your face, a deep breath to calm your nerves, and a moment to take control of a docked starskiff, soon you were flying through the Luofu, guiding your way to the only place you believed Blade would hide out. 
The one place you haven’t been to in a few hundred years now.
Complicated machinery was quickly replaced by sand and the ripples of waves. A reminder of where the races of the Luofu came from before their home developed to soaring through space. 
It was a familiar sensation when your feet sunk into the thin beach sand, a wave of nostalgia in your heart making you feel so lightweight it felt for a moment you were floating.
He was here, he had to be. It was like a second sense, something you once believed was a supernatural connection you had had with him. A bond that connected the two of you so that you would always know he was near. Part of you wanted to believe it to be true, but if you had gone this long not knowing he was even alive…well love makes you delusional.
Scalegorge Waterscape was beautiful enough to cause your eyes to water a bit as you approached the main entrance. Memories of friends…family…a love you had lost…they all appeared as ghosts in your mind now drowned by the now risen sea levels. Only a part of it still really existed, a platform with a statue depicting the Imbibitor Lunae, another friend you had lost all those years ago.
Eyes fixated on the statue, it took you a moment to really notice that you weren’t alone. You felt his presence, knew he was there. But a part of you didn’t want to look, scared to really face the reality of the situation.
“He must face his betrayal,” his darkened voice pulled you from your mind. A bit of a reminiscent tone within words that he attempted to make sound completely careless. “No one can run from a price to be paid.”
You finally turned to look at him. Surprisingly, he looked quite peaceful here, eyes staring up into the statue of Dan Feng. You thought you saw a flash of sadness in his eyes, maybe a bit of hope that he could return to the past. Or maybe that was just a bit of your own hope peaking through.
“Why have you come here?” Red eyes met your own then, you hadn’t even noticed he had turned to acknowledge your presence. Just like before, eyes filled with disdain and a desire to kill. But it was just what he was, it seemed. There was no desire in him to attack you, there was no intent to kill you. He was simply filled with bloodlust and it caused a shiver to climb up your spine.
“I…” your voice caught in your mouth. “I need answers.”
“Don’t we all?” He looked away from you again, eyes fixated upon the stretching ocean. You followed his gaze there, reminded of how this place used to look. Once filled with life, now beneath languid waves. Just a reminder of what you both had lost.
“Do you…remember me?” It was the only thing you could really think to ask. While it sounded so simple coming from you, it was just…the only thing that left the fog of your chaos-filled brain.
Blade huffed, almost a laugh. Aeons have you missed that. Blade never had a loud laugh like many, it was always cocky and short. One thing you had loved about him. Something that made your heart pang when you heard it again.
“I remember you…” His voice softened, eyes closed, refusing to turn to face you. “You seem to have changed.”
You gritted your teeth then and clenched your fists. With a deep breath, you walked forward, joining him where he stood. The silence was louder than the waves, louder than the crunching sand beneath your feet.
“We both have.”
Blade dipped his head in agreement, no reaction to you moving next to him. He didn’t move away, didn’t step closer, just stood there, staring out at the sea. You closed your eyes, trying to enjoy this for a moment, pretending it was like old times. The man beside you was Yingxing, and you were his lover. Standing upon Scalegorge Waterscape, simply reveling in the silence and one another’s company. 
Back then, you would gently take his hand in yours and he would squeeze it to tell you he was there and would always be there. Back then, he would tell you about his day and about the ways he was improving in his craft. Or maybe he would show you a sword he was proud of. You thought fondly of the day he showed you Shard Sword, proud upon its flawless creation. The smile upon his face was one you had tucked away into your memories, so vivid you could look at it whenever you pleased.
“You came here seeking answers,” the growl in his voice pulled you away from your thoughts, your eyes opening, your head turning to see him staring down at you intensely. “Ask your questions.”
He had blue eyes once, you remembered. But the red, it was entrancing and almost suited him better than the blue. Despite all the changes he still looked like himself, still looked so gorgeous. It was always so easy to get lost in his eyes, so easy to search for the feelings he kept hidden. You saw it there, a subtle flash of vulnerability. Eyes awash with affection.
“How are you alive?” You watched as his mood fell a bit, his brows lowering, a sharp intake of breath hinting at something painful inside. 
“The mara,” he simply said, unsheathing his sword, Shard Sword, and gliding his fingers against the golden marbling of its perfection. He hummed in consideration, nicking the pads of his index and middle finger, blood dripping down onto the blade, then onto the ground beneath him. Then, you watched wide-eyed as the deep cuts glowed and healed in simply a few seconds. Blade closed his eyes and sighed. “I pay my price in blood…and endless life.”
“Yingxing—Blade…” You stumbled over your words, correcting the name when you saw him turn his head away from you upon hearing his old name. He sheathed his sword, clenching the fist that he had previously cut.
“I left as I was cursed. Determined to die. Instead I became this. Immortal. Mara-struck. A blade to be used." His explanation made you understand truly what had happened. His allegiance with Dan Feng, his betrayal of the Luofu. Yes, they had found immortality in their search to revive their friend, but he was living proof of what that did to a short-life species. 
“You have your answers.”
But you didn’t leave, you just stared at him, tears in your eyes. You were exhausted, heart-broken, and…still absolutely in love with this man despite who he had become. A criminal, betrayer of the Luofu, ally to the Stellaron Hunters, and the love of your life. 
He took a sharp breath when he saw you staring, eyes darkening as he looked down at you. He cocked his head to the side, watching you carefully. 
“Your general would not be pleased if he discovered you here,” his voice was low and breathy, as if he was whispering.
“Jing Yuan would understand,” you simply said, unable to take your eyes away from him.
“Hm,” Blade turned his head, gaze still fixated upon your face. The noise he made sounded like a growl, or a huff of irritation. He used to do that when Jing Yuan would get too close to you, too friendly. A dusting of pink colored your cheeks as you looked down at your feet.
“I missed you…you know. Every day.”
Blade didn’t answer you. Instead, two fingers lifted your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes, flickering with something that looked all too familiar. Intrigue, affection, and hesitance. 
“Every day?” He asked, his voice husky.
“Every day,” you answered, your own voice growing warm and soft.
You swore you saw a ghost of a smirk grace his face, a glimmer of his arrogance. 
“Hm…you are tired,” Blade pulled his fingers away slowly, the feeling of his touch lingering on your jaw. A soft gasp left your lips when he leaned in close, his lips against the shell of your ear, his whisper breathing a warm breath against your skin. “Go sleep, little dove. You will see me soon.”
He took your hand in his, his fingers slipping a piece of paper into your now weakened grip. As soon as he had been so close to you, he was walking away, hands behind his back as he regarded his environment. 
You wanted to stay, taking a step forward to reach for Blade before you stopped and bit your lip. He was right, you were on the verge of falling asleep right here right now. And nighttime was almost over. You fought the urge to stay, and left the Waterscape, gliding back home on the stolen starskiff. 
Once back in your room, you slipped into your sleeping clothes, sitting on the edge of your bed with the paper in hand. It was soft against your fingers, making your mind reel as you wondered what was within. Hesitance didn’t stop you as you opened the small slip of paper, revealing the message Blade had given you.
An address and a meeting time. He was hiding within a small building. Right here in the Divination Commission.
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nevadancitizen · 3 months
synopsis: connor and you have a conversation. it's not uncomfortable, per se, but it's weird. connor's acting weird.
word count: 2.4k
ships: Connor/Reader, Hank Anderson & Reader
notes: me? projecting onto y/n? it's more likely than you think
HoFS taglist: @catladyhere , @foggy0trees0 , @princessofenkanomiya , @n30n-f43 , @igna4400 (if you'd like to be added to the taglist, just ask!)
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Connor’s sitting in his unofficially designated chair in the corner of the android autopsy room, and you’re puttering about, stealing glances at him out of the corner of your eye.
Again, the loud and prideful creature in you is baying and yowling like a dog near death. It’s telling you to kick him out – that his kind-of-aggression and kind-of-manipulation is completely unforgivable. It curses at you for your faults, for being weak for him when he feels absolutely nothing for you. 
But you swallow it. You stomp it down and tell it to be quiet for now. 
You pat the autopsy table. It’s surprisingly loud, and startles you a little. “Khm… if you’d like to get started on the memory transfer, you can get up on the table.”
Connor stands and moves over to the autopsy table. He sits on it and leans forward, his elbows on his knees. 
You pull a couple of cables from a drawer in your desk and plug them into the side of one of your computers. When you turn to Connor, you hold up the other ends of them. “I need to plug these into your ports.”
Connor turns his head to the side and presses behind his ear. The plastic of his skin slides back, revealing two small ports. 
“Jacking in. Don’t move.” You grab Connor’s jaw to steady him, then jack in the ports one at a time. 
You pull away and turn to your monitor before you fully register what you just did. You’re so used to doing it out of instinct that you didn’t realize you were holding his face. You feel the tips of your ears start to burn, but clear your throat and try to shake it off. 
“I’m going to sift through your memory banks,” you say without turning to look at him. “Have you had this… well, I usually call it an operation, but it’s not really one. Have you had a query run on your memory before?”
“Not by an external source,” Connor says. “But I do recall the events that happened throughout the day and process them while in standby or rest mode.”
“So you call queries on yourself?” You say. “Huh. Never heard of androids doing that before. But I guess you are a prototype.”
You put your head down and start to type. “Give me temporary access to your systems?”
A pop-up appears on your monitor:
> Android “Connor” (model RK800) giving admin access to Memory Banks. Accept access? Y/N
You click accept and multiple windows appear on your screen. You sort through them and find what you’re looking for. You quickly type:
//=> ‘?Jericho’ {date=11-08-2038} 
A short clip comes up after a few seconds of load time. It starts with a first-person shot of Connor looking at you (god, did you really look that worried?), then takes off and charges the deviant. He connects with the other android, and then you see it: Jericho, painted on a piece of rusty metal, just like how Connor described. Then, Connor is ripped from his connection. The video ends.
“That looks like a…” you mutter to yourself. You don’t finish the sentence. 
“Looks like a what?” Connor pipes up from behind you. 
You rewind the footage from Connor’s memory banks and look at it again. “I was going to say it looks like a boat, but…”
“It’s highly unlikely that the deviants are residing on a boat,” Connor says. “There aren’t many abandoned boats along the Detroit River, and certainly not one big enough to house most of the deviant androids.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, too,” you say. “It’s not like there’s just a freighter floating around for them to take.”
You put your head down again and put in the commands to copy the video to your desktop. After a few seconds, it’s done. 
“Okay.” You pull away from the keyboard and turn to Connor. “I’m done.”
“Actually, Officer?” Connor asks.
Your eyebrows furrow. “Yes?”
He glances away, then back to you. “Do you have the equipment required to run a diagnostic on an android?”
“Uh…” You let out an exhale of air with something between confusion and disbelief. “Yeah? Yeah, I do. Why?”
“Can you run a diagnostic on me?” Connor asks.
“Wh…” Your face twists in confusion. “Why would you want that? I thought you had the operating power to run diagnostics on yourself.”
“I do,” Connor says, and it’s almost like there’s a hint of defensiveness in his tone. “But… I’d just like a second opinion.”
You nod, slowly. “Okay. I’ll… I’ll get that up and running.”
You turn back to the computer and close the running programs to make space for the ones you open. When you’re done, you move over to Connor and remove the cables after warning him. You almost cradle his head as you press your left palm to the port behind his ear, your thumb on his cheek. (The proud creature inside you whines and barks and kicks your liver at that.)
The wires from your glove quickly replace the cables that were just there a moment ago. Connor’s eye twitches once. 
You look over your shoulder at the computer. It’s already automatically running the diagnostic you queued up – way too slow for your liking, might you add.
“Do you have any more books on Russian literature?” Connor asks out of the blue.
You turn back to him. “Yeah. Russians of the past loved to philosophize and think. There wasn’t much else to do when most of the year was spent below freezing for most people. Why do you ask?”
“I was just curious,” Connor says. “I want to know more about you.”
You do your best to hide the bitterness that boils up in your belly. You honestly can’t tell if this is Connor trying to make conversation or another one of his little manipulative tactics. You can do nothing but operate on blind faith.
Connor glances at you out of the corner of his eye, then looks forward. “What is Russian literature about?”
You hem and haw and collect your thoughts before speaking. “It has sobornost, metaphysics, religiosity, intuitionism, positivism, realism… but I like the ones that are more universal. The ones that can apply to everyone.”
“What do you mean?” He says.
“The books about the fear of failure, and the fear of death. How it sucks to be Russian.” You shrug with one arm, trying not to jostle Connor too much. “I mean, all national literatures are – only the name of the nation changes.”
“Hm,” Connor hums and looks down. Looks like you’ve given him something to think about for the time being. 
You look over your shoulder, and the computer screen shows that the diagnostic is nearly done. When it finally finishes, you disengage the wires, the palm of your hand and fingers cool where it touched Connor’s skin. 
You step back and turn to the computer, looking over the diagnostic report. Everything seems normal, and the ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL! message at the bottom of the page confirms that.
“Yeah, you’re fine,” you say. “Not a hair out of place.”
You turn and lean back against the desk. Connor is looking down at the ground. He stays like that for a second, then looks up at you.
“Do you have books on the history of the USSR?” He asks. You internally note his (maybe unintentional) dismissal of the diagnostic report.
“Yeah.” You open a drawer and pull out the first book you see, then hold it up for Connor. It’s a book that was published in the late 1900’s, named The Reversal of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: How the Death of Agent Ekaterina Nechayeva Prevented the Collapse of the USSR. 
“This one is about the Kollektiv 2.0 Disaster and how the death of Major Sergey Nechayev’s wife inadvertently prevented things from…” You think for a moment. “Well, not from going wrong, but from things getting worse.”
You look down at the book. “It’s the same butterfly effect Archduke Franz Ferdinand created, but in reverse. She saved lives by dying instead of ending them.”
“That’s interesting,” Connor says.
“Somewhat.” You put the book back and shut the drawer, then look back up at Connor. “Kind of like… you. You could’ve died killing that deviant in Stratford Tower – the station android. But you risked that to save human lives.” You narrow your eyes at him. “Why?”
Connor looks at you with those big doe eyes. He blinks and tilts his head to the side. “If the deviant succeeded in its mission of a mass shooting, it would’ve most likely killed Lieutenant Anderson, too. Like I said a few days ago, I need both the Officer and the Lieutenant for maximum efficiency when solving this case.”
“So you put your secondary mission above your first,” you say. “Because hunting deviants is your top objective, yes? So you put the safety of Hank above your primary mission.”
“I…” Connor’s LED turns yellow, then returns to blue. “Yes, I did. Because Lieutenant Anderson’s safety was compromised at that moment.”
You hum and lean back, crossing your arms. You didn’t exactly love putting him in situations like this – ones where he was forced to reflect inwardly, guided by your hand. How you both somehow rounded back to these conversations and topics was almost like a base instinct, spurred on by your primal reptilian hindbrain and his innermost motherboards. 
“Why do you keep doubting my non-deviancy status?” Connor finally asks. 
“I…” You exhale sharply. “I’m just not used to being around androids that are so expressive. I know it’s part of your… social relations program or your interrogation software, but still. Maybe I’m just a fool.”
You tap the front of the drawer you just shut. “Not a fool regarding books or cybernetics or polymer, but a fool regarding relationships.”
Connor looks at you weirdly. “Officer, we’re not… in a relationship.”
“Not like that!” You feel your face grow warm. “We’re two people that have met each other. By definition, we have a relationship.”
“Oh,” he says. “Well, what do you think of our relationship?”
“I mean…” You look up at the ceiling, your eyes tracing the outlines of the tiles. “I’ve always had trouble putting people into boxes. My mind seems to blur the lines between stranger, acquaintance, and friend. So most people, even friends, just default to some weird in-between.”
Your eyes return to Connor. “Are we… friends? Because I don’t know if we are. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I just… truly don’t know.”
Connor tilts his head to the side. It kind of reminds you of a puppy looking at something it doesn’t understand. “I believe so.”
You allow yourself to feel just a spark of hope, but you’re careful to not let it ignite into a Californian wildfire. You bite the inside of your lip to keep from smiling too widely. “It would be nice to be friends. But… you have to promise me something.”
“Yes?” He says.
You steel your expression. “You admitted to basically manipulating me to get into my good graces. Please, don’t do that again. I don’t want you to be fake around me. I…” You swallow thickly. The creature of pride in your belly is baying and scratching at the walls of your stomach. “I don’t want the Connor who kisses ass at every opportunity, or the one who worships the dirt I piss on. I want the real Connor. Even if… even if the real Connor is just a machine.”
Connor just stares at you, almost unblinking. His LED is circling in on itself in a steady yellow. You feel your face start to burn hot with shame and you’re just about ready to fall through the ground. Your eyes fall to the floor.
“Uh, never mind, forget I said –”
“No,” Connor cuts you off. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have done that. I’ll try my best not to… ‘kiss ass’ in the future.”
You feel a laugh bubble up in your throat and you can’t even stop it before it spills from your lips. It’s so sudden that you have to bring a hand to your mouth to try to silence yourself.
Connor looks at you inquisitively. “Why are you laughing?”
“You…” You giggle, then clear your throat. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you curse. It sounds weird coming from you. Like it’s foreign.”
“I’ve always been able to curse,” Connor says. “I just don’t feel the need to.”
“I know,” you say. “It’s just… odd, is all. I’m not used to it. Like when someone tells you the sky is blue. You have to pause for a moment, then you think, ‘Oh, of course. That’s obvious.’ Not because you didn’t know that the sky is blue, but because you’re not used to people stating the obvious like that.”
“Huh.” Connor looks down at the floor. “You talk a lot. It’s useful for my machine learning algorithms.”
You perk up a little at that. To hear Connor say that he likes when you talk, even in a completely roundabout way, is… weirdly comforting. (You can faintly feel the dry grass around the spark of hope catching fire in your chest. The proud beast stomps out the growing flames and keeps it in check to make sure it stays just that – a small, flickering spark.)
“Well, khm…” you look away and scratch your cheek. “Thank you.”
Connor nods, but doesn’t speak.
You glance at the clock on one of your many monitors. It’s nearing seven in the evening. “I should probably get going. It’s getting late.”
“It is,” Connor says. 
You quickly save everything on your computer and shut off the monitors. You grab your coat from the back of your chair by your desk and shrug it on. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You say. 
“Yes.” Connor’s eyes twitch and his LED flashes yellow for a moment. “Lieutenant Anderson has just alerted me that his request for a meeting with Elijah Kamski has been accepted. It’s set for 11:20 AM tomorrow.”
You nod. “And I’m assuming Hank will swing by to pick me up.”
“Yes,” Connor says. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Officer. Have a good night.”
You smile at him, a lightness in your chest. “You too.”
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terry-perry · 2 months
Questions About Hell’s Cutest Couple Answered:
Who was interested first?
Y/N. She had a crush on Alastor since she first saw him at an Overlord meeting. She found him charming and funny but never thought he’d give her the time of day. You can imagine her surprise when he approached her one day to ask her out for coffee. His feelings developed a little later, but when they came, they came strong! He didn’t even realize how bad he had it until it was too late.
Who said I love you first?
Surprisingly, Alastor did. It was for all to hear during a radio broadcast. They finally went public with their relationship, which meant the press trying their hardest to get a closer look at them as a couple. Both despised the unwanted attention (it was another reason they wanted to keep things hush-hush in the beginning), so when someone had the nerve to get a few shots of them on a date, Alastor used this as an opportunity to send a message:
“Before we get to our next song, I'd like to announce something: those who choose to involve themselves in my relationship will receive an exclusive look at the Radio Demon. Just ask this aspiring journalist who stopped by to not only take photos of our private outing but also ask very in-depth questions about our activities in the bedroom."
Cut to the guy’s pained screams pleading for forgiveness and for it all to end.
"Anyway, I'd like to dedicate this ballad to my beloved Y/N. I love you sugar, and I can't wait to see you tonight. It'll be just the two of us!"
Who's more protective?
Both are protective in their own ways. As we know, Alastor always wakes up and chooses violence, and ensuring no harm comes Y/N's way is no exception. If anyone says anything uncouth towards her, flirts with her, or threatens her, they'll have him to answer to.
Y/N, meanwhile, has inherited the Carmine composure and doesn't let too many things bother her. However, she doesn't mind whacking a few heads regarding people she cares about. In the past, she's done so for business purposes. She's more than willing to do the same for Alastor.
Who cleans more?
Definitely Y/N. Whether it's cleaning up after they've eaten or a body one of them needs to dispose of, she's the one who always jumps up to take care of things. Alastor will find a way to help if it means less work for her.
Who eats the most?
Alastor! We all saw the deer right? He might've taken his time with it, but it was still a lot! Y/N can have a big appetite, but it's nothing compared to her cannibal cutie's.
Who spends the most money?
Y/N. She comes from a rich family, which means spoiling her loved ones. She loves buying things for Alastor like vintage radios and instruments he can play. He does his fair share of gift-giving, but she's the shopaholic who tends to ship things to him.
Who is most likely to start an argument?
Whether intentional or not, Alastor is the one whose actions lead to the most arguments. Y/N knew he could be a handful before they became a couple, but that doesn't mean she has enough patience to put up with him. He does find ways to make it up to her, be it through gifts or sincere apologies. She forgives him eventually.
Who falls asleep first?
Y/N. Alastor doesn't sleep much, if at all, and mostly spends his time lurking around while occasionally watching her sleep.
Who is more annoying?
Definitely Alastor! We already know how much of a smartass he can be and how invasive he is with others' spaces. Y/N is no exception, especially when she's annoyed with him. Eventually, he'll drop the act to be sincere with her and either comfort her or apologize if he did something that resulted in him owing one.
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kit-williams · 3 months
Male Lead: Konrad Curze/Solruthis Uadasha/The Night Haunter (Sol being his nickname) Female Lead: Reader/Sorsollia (sun that illuminates)
I'm sorry I love Zalgo text a lot it says HIS
tw: yandere, broken bones, physical assault, torture
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
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Another successful compliance! As they didn't receive as much fighting as he had forseen but he was certain that would please Sorsollia. The smile on his face disappears seeing another scribe there waiting for him... you were the main scribe they were to collect when he had to do these frivolous talks of what he had done.
The other scribe bows their head and he feels a sense of anger... perhaps disgust that someone else is here... but he swallows the feeling and gets the talk over with. As they are packing up their tablet he stops them. "Where is Sorsollia?"
There is an upturn in their heartbeat, "She hasn't been feeling well. I don't know what she is sick with all I know is that she's off rotation for some time." LIAR his mind hisses but he knows his Sorsollia will be displeased if the only other Scribe that he has 'dained to be in his presence is dismissed.
"Thank you." He dismisses them as he sits and broods. His Sorsollia is alive... he would have been told otherwise. So he simply waits for a few hours... and waits... and waits... and waits. Sorsollia does not come... she does not message... there is silence... and Solruthis Usdasha does not like this.
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He moves with the flickering lights... they turn off long enough for him to move to the next hall... to cram himself into the next crevice. Humans are surprisingly unaware creatures though many are Nostroman he passes... he frowns as he heads into the part of the ship that is inhabited by those who do not like it being so dark. Here the prey tends to act skittish... as he watches how one person turns on their heels when they see the hallway lights flicker hiding his movements. The soft nope from their lips would normally make him smile but he is on a mission.
He could easily also push himself into the service halls and move around that way but no... this is his ship and he can slink about how ever he pleases. He comes to her door pushing his thumb over the reader and overriding her locks... after all it is his ship he is the skeleton key.
He moved with unnatural quietness into her abode; spacious given her rank it had two rooms compared to the typical singular room. His ears moved as he heard her pained hiss.
Sorsollia winced as she dabbed the cotton ball against the cut on her forehead her non dominant arm in a sling as her broken wrist was splinted. Most of the swelling on her face had gone down just leaving the ugly bruising. She sniffled hard feeling herself want to tear up and cry again, her eyes went up freezing as there was someone- "Sol?" Her voice cracked as she turned around.
The fearful beating of her heart died as he knew that rushing hopeful beat. His mind was terrifyingly silent as he took a step closer... as he gently grabbed her face and turned her toward him... it was so quiet when he looked over her face... someone had beaten his Sorsollia. Someone had harmed his Sorsollia while he was away. His eyes look at her broken wrist and splinted fingers too he knew a threat he knew what a threat to someone's livelyhood looked like. His thumb absentmindedly wiping away the tears rolling down her cheeks as her legs give way and she lets out a dispared wail. A wail that normally excites him... and oh how it still excited him in a different way. He pulls her out of the small room of the bathroom and holds her close. "Oh my Sorsollia what happened? Did the head scribe order this?" His voice suddenly went cold at the thought of someone abusing her because they were on a power trip.
"No! No... no... no... I don't-"
"Don't lie to me. Sorsollia you know I don't like lying. Don't protect the scum." He snarls holding her tightly, "They must be punished... I am a Primarch no one-"
"I don't know who they were." She sobs into his chest afraid of the repercussions but her Sol was there. "They came to me when you were gone. They didn't tell me who they worked for but to only edit a few documents to make their lord look better. I assume they were thugs for some noble. Because one of them had to have been one... because I talked back to him I was too comfortable in my position working for you because they didn't like a scribe talking back to them." Her voice strained at the end as the tears ran harder. "They knew which hand was my dominant one... so they broke my wrist of the other one to send a message." She was so very ugly when she cried... utterly distressed and distraught.
"And you still told them no?" He probes.
"They told me that they would be back and to use this time to consider it." She hiccups softly.
"When they come back I want you to agree." He says holding her. "I'll make sure I find out who they are and who their employer is." He whispers to her as she sobs into his shirt. Solruthis Uadasha finally truly comes out... there has been a great injustice inflicted upon his charge... upon his Sorsollia. And he will make them pay.
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She was withdrawn... hardly holding the name Sorsollia but he played his role just as she did. They stayed apart as he played the distant ruler and not the attentive lover and she hardly needed goading into her role of the cowed submissive. He held her the night he came back... as she was tired and sleep wasn't coming to her... she was afraid and clung to him but for now she was by herself.
Konrad leaned back on his throne as the chirping of the small cogitatior he planted in her room. His impassive face split into an insane grin as he watches how the three... no four, his eyes spy the man at the door, "faceless" mooks walk with such false swagger. His nails dig into his seat as her arm is grabbed and Sorsollia collapses to her knees trying to get her wounded arm free. Konrad had sat and tended to her wounds to soothe her as she had been living in such sweet fear for days.
His dark eyes narrow at the hand touching his Sorsollia far too affectionately. Konrad gritted his teeth in that manic grin feeling the teeth chipping before healing. But once they were gone he quickly collected his Sorsollia taking the document they wanted her to improve and the name of the noble that had the AUDACITY to threaten what was H̷̨̭́̿Ḭ̴̏̕S̷̢͇̐. He hid her away in his room as Solrithis Uadasha got to work.
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The lookout lay dead and blind... his tongue shredded to ribbons as they went down without saying anything. His torture felt much like an afterthought much just like their role in all of this. The two guards who had beaten and broken his Sorsollia's wrist he was careful in the application of pressure and pulling away... breaking more and more of their bones and perhaps like a Drukhari he twisted their useless limbs into unnatural shapes as the two bleated for death and each day he brought them closer and closer with more and more bones breaking and each day they did not expire he continued to crush and twist.
The lower noble who felt so big to be perhaps within the fucked up standards of society be able to get away with beating the personal scribe of a Primarch. Perhaps he had the right.... perhaps he did... but unfortunately for him he picked the wrong Primarch to try and get away with this crime. He had cut off the hand that he had dared touch what was his and was slowly peeling it bit by bit and feeding the flesh back to him.
Sorsollia was far too kind for her own good... he'd have to see what the laws from where she was were like... He pushed the flesh into the mans mouth grinning. "You know she said that the sins of the father don't pass on." He laughed, it was a hideous laugh one of disbelief that he held affection for someone so blind to the cruelty of the universe. And yet he hesitated to rip the veil from her eyes because once he did that... he was certain she would see the disgusting creature that he was. He craved her affection... he craved her attention... he craved her seeing him as a man. She couldn't be blind to everything... she was a legion scribe... she knew the methods.
There was a nasty thought planted in his mind now... the paranoia and mistrust rearing its ugly head... he left the torture room unable to find satisfaction in conducting the punishments until he figured out why. "Sorsollia." He said entering the room wiping the blood from his hands as she paused what she was listening too looking over at him from the lit corner of his room.
"I need to know something." He walked over.
"Of course I live to serve." She said with a genuine smile but that only heightened his paranoia.
"Why did you want to work for my legion? We are perhaps the most cruel ones... and you had personally applied."
"I had personally applied for both your legion and the blood angels." Her lips became a thin line as she thought of words, "While I don't agree with the methods you employ... your rate of compliance compared to the body count is a good ratio. Um..."
"I just don't agree with it... but it leans more into the necessary evil. Not that you are evil Sol." Sorsollia quickly adds, "Just all of this... the great crusade... perhaps there is a selfishness in my part for hoping that I'm on the correct side of history... instead of simply being a conscientious objector... that maybe this will all be worth it in the end. But what do I know of war and combat... I'm just a helpless Scribe." She says looking at her wrist, "I chose you for the low ratio of bodies to compliance."
"And Sanguninius?" He says not betraying the way his hearts were twisting at the thought of his Sorsollia being in the Great Angel's company... being his Scribe. Konrad wants to claw his scalp at the anxiety that bubbles over at the thought of her being enamored with the perfect angel.
"I've heard he is kind. He gives many chances to accept the imperium's generous offer... but I've heard that the Blood Angels can be... scary. " She nervously laughs, "Me talking about how scared I am of the Blood Angels when I work for the Night Lords. I probably sound stupid..." He's noticed since she's been attacked how critical of herself she has been.
He pulls her into his arms his long fingers combing through her hair, "Sorsollia." He listens for her hum, "In a couple of days this will all be over. I want you to return to being yourself."
The pitying smile she gave him nearly had him snarling, "You're very bad at comforting but I appreciate the attempt. Just..." Her voice sounded so small, "Please promise me this won't happen again? Just... I thought I was safe and-" Her voice breaks as tears flow.
Giving her his child would let everyone know who she was... it would make sure no one would touch her... He kisses away her tears, "Shhh Sorsollia I swear upon one of my hearts that it won't happen again."
That gets her to smile, "If I'm keeping track that means you've sworn on both of your hearts so far."
"So it is. I've already taken care of the thugs that hurt you. They've been punished."
She just nods and hides her face in his chest, "I should probably go back to my room."
"One more day Sorsollia. You slept so fitfully last sleeping cycle... it would make me worry to find out you've been struggling to sleep. And I need to make sure you are comfortable so your wrist and fingers heal."
"Okay Sol. One more night." She sighs happily just feeling that she'll soon be able to put this all behind her. For Konrad he was thinking of what he was going to do to the noble who was so eager to get the Primarch's gaze... oh the dark grin on his face as he certainly had it now. He gave his Sorsollia a kiss on the forehead and swore that the sparkle to her eyes was slowly returning and that made his hearts sing.
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pauking5 · 11 months
Addicting Taste ~ Chapter 1 ~
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Ongoing Series
Synopsis: Enishi Yukishiro was on a mission to execute his piece de la resistance. A plan to avenge his beloved sister. Until you showed up, rattling open the icy closed gates of his heart. Will you be a part of his downfall or will you try to save him?
Pairing: Enishi Yukishiro x fem reader oc
Genre: strangers to lovers, sunshine and grumpy, slow burn, a lot of fluff, occasional smut, angst by the bucket
Words: 6.7k +
A/N: I couldn’t hold back anymore and had to make a fic for Enishi. It won’t exactly follow the Rurouni Kenshin timeline for now but it will later develop into it. This is the first chapter in the series with more chapters coming. It is a reader insert as I couldn’t help but indulge myself in it completely. Powered by Mackenyu’s outstanding portrayal of Enishi’s character in Rurouni Kenshin: The Final, I hereby present you a story ripped from the figments of my mind. I hope you’ll love their story as much as I do. Enjoy lovelies, Paula.
Also thank you @eureka-its-zico for supporting me with this and getting me writing again 🫶
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Bonus Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
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“Just how stupid are you?”
A loud smack echoed in the room upon connecting with his cheek, heavy rugged palm twisting his face to the side. He clicked his jaw menacingly, facing forward once more with another devilish smirk.
“You thought you could just get away with it?”
Another heavy punch collided with his face, this one making him drop to his knees. He might have been kneeling, completely at the mercy of someone with much more power in command, but this show of authority trying to assert him into submission did absolutely nothing for him.
Lest the displeasure of being Shanghai's commander in chief's unexpected catch of the night. Maybe even the catch of his whole career.
“You’re a fool.”
Heard that one before, he prepared to spit out like burning acid crawled out of his throat.
Just as the rims of his mouth opened to let the words out, he got cut off by an uppercut digging hard under his chin, throwing his body backwards. He tasted iron on his lips. The force of the blow made blood pool in his mouth surprisingly. He didn't think the old man capable of this much damage but as it turns out he had a thing for facial damage. A pleasure Enishi wanted so badly to return.
Spitting it out through clenched teeth at the side, staining the limestone carpet with crimson splotches to redecorate the man's office with a little color. He would've added other shades of red to the whole carpet, rounding it up on each and every shimmering golden seam until everyone in the room contributed. If only his hands were not bound behind his back, constricting most of his movement.
The man standing tall before him left his face full of cuts and bruises. But that was the least of Enishi’s worries right now.
Many months were spent tracking down the biggest shipment of weapons set to leave Shanghai for Kanagawa. Tonight, Enishi’s men were supposed to rob the storage by the docks completely dry before the ship set sail in the morning with empty cargo. But it turned out to be a harder task than it was intended to be.
He couldn't tell where it all went wrong.
Was it just bad luck? That would've been a first under the remarkable security he had around the area.
Was it a tip-off from the inside? Highly unlikely. If that was the case, he would've smelled the motherfucker who chirped before they even thought it possible to cross him.
Whatever it was, changed the course of the whole plan, rendering it nothing short of a total fail.
That fail was also what led to his current position - with his hands tied roughly behind his back, bloody with his patience running thinner with each breath, lying on the floor of the most secure precinct in Shanghai.
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A few hours ago
“These dumplings are amazing,” you sighed happily, munching on three baozi dumplings at once.
The lady vendor grimaced at you. Well, less at you and more at your clear lack of manners since you were practically inhaling the soft dough before it even landed in the palm of your hands like a famished grizzly bear.
Leftover crumbs decorated the edges of your lips as you chomped down on the dumplings. You forgot all about etiquette when the food literally melted in your mouth. Heaven was definitely found in food and not in the afterlife and these little desserts were the very proof of it. Your stomach also agreed with that claim every time your mouth touched dumplings in any shape, form or filling.
Who could resist those plump, freshly made babies?
Not me. Ya'll stay safe though.
A little boy walked by with his mother when he caught sight of the dumpling cart. He ran to the cart gluing his face to the glass to watch the lady work the next batch. His breaths fogged up the glass as he gaped at the steaming dumplings in awe and adoration. But when he turned his head and saw the way you were devouring the small pastry like a goblin from the woods his face turned to pure disgust.
What do you want child, you muttered, cheeks filled with the new cherry filling you were trying out. He said nothing, continuing to stare you down as if you had some unresolved business with him.
You were getting annoyed by his staring, so you shot the little boy a slightly threatening look in hopes he would turn back to watch the magic dough rather than try to make enemies with you. Instead he started crying, running off in the direction he came from. You watched until he got tinier and tinier, disappearing somewhere in the depths of the street.
His mother watched the whole exchange from behind you. Upon meeting her burning gaze, she regarded you with a condescending look then followed after her child.
You turned back to your dumplings, chewing slowly in guilt. It wasn't your fault children had the temperament of the unpredictable weather forecast. The vendor lady did not seem to share your opinion, pinning you with an icy authoritative glare typical of her generation. The one that usually scared off the youngsters.
“Can you leave before you scare all my clients away?” she said, irritated with the fact that you’ve been hogging her cart for the past half an hour and you didn't look like you would be leaving anytime soon.
“Listen lady, I am your only client. Plus, I could buy your whole cart if I wanted to. Just let me enjoy these,” you said with your mouth full, reaching for another bag of dumplings on sale. She smacked your hand away, looking down at the bags you were already holding safely on your chest.
“I’ll be the one leaving then," she hissed as she started to put away the steaming buns away and gathered all her tools, folding the cart faster than you could catch up to her. "You might spoil my dough from raising if I stay here any longer,”
“Wait! You can’t just leave -"
By the time you yelled after trying to stop her from leaving with the heaven-sent goodies, she was already gone. Old ladies really are a different breed these days, you thought. Cooking, knitting and chit-chatting were activities that seemingly didn't provide them with enough soul sucking out of people to their heart's content.
Anywho, there went your only meal for the day. At least it was a nice filling one to last you some time and kick in some energy your body desperately needed. You looked down at your stomach with a sigh, patting in a comforting manner before you turned to go on your own way.
The crisp air of mid-October made its presence felt as an icy gust blew against the sleeves of your cotton dress making the material flutter and fill you up with cold air. Your attire was nothing short of inappropriate for the lingering cold season, but the leather bits, like the corset laced up over your chest or the pants under it, kept a fraction of warmth with you.
The chilly weather made it harder to do any jobs, take out hitlist services not requested as much in this period of time. Rage requests usually came with the hot scorching summer rather than the fall of the first autumnal fog. That meant you never knew where your next meal would be coming from most of the time, so you powered through with anything you could find. Though your money was slowly running on empty, you always made sure to keep some aside for your delicacy cravings.
Only mad people walked the streets of Shanghai, the city of all things food confectionery, without indulging in at least one treat from the vendors. Broke or not, you emptied your pockets here on good measure.
There was a downside to all good things in life.
The once bustling street, buzzing with chatter and sizzling pans where savory and sweet scents danced in the air, turned awfully quiet with nightfall. It was the norm in this part of the city. Vendors were quickly packed away and activity was slowly coming to a halt in the wake of the coming night. Any normal person in these parts would know that being on the streets when the last flicker of daylight disappears wasn’t safe in the slightest.
Who would want to be out in the dark with the Shanghai mafia having a full blown war with the commander in chief on the streets until the early hours of dawn? Definitely no one in all faculties of the mind or at least some.
Clutching the rest of your dumplings closer, you made your way down the narrow pathways circling the outskirts of the city. As you padded the cobblestone road, windows hatched closed, doors shut and all light dimmed to ward off danger. The people of Shanghai lived in fear of this war every night. You did too. But at least you had weapons and could defend yourself in case of anything.
The place you resided in for the time being was just a hop down from the city docks. It was a modest room at the top of an abandoned jewelry shop, furnished with a desk, a small wardrobe, and a corner to store the little belongings you carried around. It was not the comfiest nor the safest place in the world, but it provided a space to roll your futon for the night and that was as good as anything.
The bags in your hands shuffled with each step you took. You cast a look at the buns, the delicious smell still wafting up to your nose even as they were covered and tucked inside the paper. On impulse, you bought a bunch of different flavors with all kinds of fillings you haven’t tried before. Just thinking of taste testing all of them made your mouth water and your step quicken with happy strides.
Whilst getting lost in your pastry daydreams, you were shaken back to earth by persistent yelling. As you were making your way further down to the docks, more agitated shouting ensued and the quick pace of your walk slowed down. You were far away from the entrance, unable to really see anything, but the growing commotion piqued your curiosity.
It wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look, right? It's in the way anyway, you shrugged.
Inching closer to the side of the docks entrance, you hid behind an abandoned fishing boat perched up on empty fishing crates. They might've been rusty from being left outside for god knows how long but they still smelled like few days old catch that went off. Ignoring the horrendous smell and tucking your petite form well enough so you wouldn’t be spotted, you looked over the edge of the boat to see what was going on.
Moving your eyes around you counted about twenty masked men, all dressed in black with swords attached to the hip. Mercenaries. You didn't need to see more than the blades and their eyes to be able to tell they were possibly wanted people.
Most of them were frantically rushing in and out of the biggest storage on the other side, holding cases filled with… guns?
As more of them came out you realized it wasn’t just guns - there was long and short range artillery, fuses, even more blades and all kinds of artisanal bombs. It looked like the place to be for pyromaniacs and sadists. Depending on which category took your fancy, there was something for every sin you wanted to commit, from arson all the way to testing out painful killing methods.
Whatever these guys were planning was nothing short of mass destruction.
“We’ve secured all the weapons, Master,” a shushed voice spoke in Japanese from your right. He came closer, standing right in front of the boat you were using as a hiding spot.
He looked about half a person in height. If a wild gust of wind blew his way he would most likely topple over and become dust. Besides that, what caught your attention was the unsure nature of his Japanese accent. He definitely wasn't Japanese but whoever he talked to just now was because they replied in a grave pronounced tone, one hundred percent of Edo origin.
“Good work,” said a deeper voice from the left as he approached too. The way he spoke those simple words was enough to make tremors run down your spine in sheer thrill.
Weird, you shook them off trying to get a better view of the owner of the voice. A curly, tangled mop of white hair entered your vision. The roots were darker than the silvery ends shimmering in the pale blue moonlight.
Damn, this guy was long overdue for a haircut. And a hair dye session. Who was this gramps?
Trailing your eyes further down you took in his sturdy physique that was outlined through the clothes he was wearing. Wait. This is no gramps body. You could tell he was trained in some kind of martial arts. No one just walked around with heaps of muscles like those. You could easily draw a map of the world between those wide shoulders if you focused hard enough on just what lay beneath those tight, crunched up cotton creases- Snap out of it, Miyu.
The loud crash of crates rattling to the floor brought you back to reality. You weren't supposed to be there, eavesdropping and peeking like a spy when these people could probably cut you to pieces in one breath.
I need to get out of here ASAP.
You couldn’t risk getting caught and brought in by the commander in chief. If he wasn’t alerted yet he sure got wind of things by now. That man definitely has mutant senses. You didn't need to get caught by this mafia either because from the looks of it they definitely were part of one.
The last thing you needed was them catching wind of your location. You've spent so long staying under the radar and now was not the time to advertise your whereabouts like you were the main specialty on sale in the morning newspaper.
I am void. I don’t care. I haven’t seen anything.
I am not getting involved with this.
Repeating that mantra several times in your head in order to calm down, you had to figure out a way to sneak out as smoothly as possible without alerting anybody. Not even a fly and especially not the strong muscular white mop of hair who hasn’t moved at all from his spot right in front of you. He was probably one of those people gifted with extended field of vision that could see the world in one side to side look like a bird, so any move or choked breath of yours would fall on his alarm sensors instantly.
After a quick scan of your surroundings, you came to two viable options that would help you avoid getting skewered: going left, straight through the docks and to your hideout located just on the other side; or going right, having to circle around the whole city to get back.
It wasn’t hard to figure out which one was safer. You’d rather go around the whole city as many times as you needed if it meant staying away from whatever they had planned. You just had to wait for the right time to make your way out.
Any minute now...
The two continued supervising the undercover operation, not once moving away. Not even one accidental turn of their heads somewhere else.
More like any day...
If you didn't know any better, you'd think they picked up on your scent and were just waiting for you to breathe through the wrong nostril before they jumped you. The singular possibility of that drenched your spine with cold drops of nervous sweat. You've done the stake out thing a million times before, but this one was somehow so different - gut twisting in churns and knots like you took a hit of deja vu different. Like disaster waited patiently at those rusty gates to catch and cradle you sweet like a lover from the very moment your eyes first laid on the docks tonight.
After an agonizing long while, the two men blocking your view finally moved, heading towards the rest of their squad on the other side of the docks. That was your chance. All you had to do was get set, lift your ass from the floor and sprint the hell out of there before someone caught you and made you fish food.
If only things would play out like that but they rarely do for normal people.
Raising to half your height, trying to keep cover behind the boat, you turned to the right. In your rush to escape, you missed a teeny tiny key detail that was in your way to freedom - a dark brown fishing cord extending from the boat to the other pile of empty crates behind you.
You didn't see it in the darkened confined space around you and if you did, you took notice of it too late, barely making it two steps before your leg tangled in it and you were falling face first to the hard concrete floor, taking the crates behind with you. Disaster caught up to you, smiling sickly at your futile attempt to escape so easily.
The steaming buns you tried so hard to keep close spilled all over the ground in the process. That was the least of your worries. What should've worried you was that you just made the loudest sounds known to man that were probably heard under the sea. The clangs from the metal cages rattling on top of each other before crashing to the ground with a thud, rolling into other piles like rumbling waves of a raging sea, echoing deafeningly in your ears.
Once they stopped, the loud screeching of the crates was replaced by the loud beating of your heart with the realization that your body was halfway exposed to the other side of the docks. In full view for anyone to snap your details. The danger alarm rang multiple times in your head but your body just refused to move.
There was nowhere for you to run without getting caught now.
I’m. so. fucked.
“What was that?” growled one of the masked goons on the other side.
Mophead stopped in his tracks, muscles in his back contracting with impending doom. He turned around swiftly, faster than a wild feline, locking eyes on you. Lifting your own gaze from your uncomfortable spot on the floor, you connected it with his. You choked on a breath caught halfway in your throat before it could reach your lungs.
Dark black eyes akin to predators that lurk in the dead of night pierced yours. They screamed murder. The ‘chop you apart for funsies’ kind of murder, in a silent, more maniacal and lethal manner than serial killers normally sported.
But something about those eyes caught you off guard. He was just a few feet away. Close enough to reach for you and squeeze the life out of you. Close enough to catch the blue hue outlining his pupils. Something about those eyes, though eerie and downright terrifying, awaking every urge to take off to safety, was so oddly familiar that it froze you in place.
Where have I seen these eyes before?
He seemed to be stuck in his own reverie, fixed on your own for a good while. A tilt of his head could only signal his confusion to your presence. Or was it recognition? It could be both.
You don’t even know how long you were both stuck soul searching each other until the roaring sound of gunfire descended down on the docks.
Breaking your staring contest apart, you frantically craned your head behind trying to locate where the firing came from. Then it dawned on you.
The commander in chief is here. Knowing him, he was just waiting for his cue to shine like the superstar pawn of the government he is.
Mophead set off in your direction, most likely to grab you, but he only managed to take a step before bullets lined up a few feet in front of him. With a low grunt, he spared you one last deadly stare marking you as a new enemy to his possibly extended list before retreating back to his gang.
The bullets flew closer and closer to your spot and the intense smell of gun powder filled your nostrils. This was your cue to exit stage. In any direction at this point.
You got to your feet in seconds, saving what was left of your steamed dumplings and made a run for it. A few bullets narrowly grazed the low ends of your dress but you quickly made it to the safety of a dark alleyway close by.
Checking on your precious dumplings in the crumpled paper bags, you saw most of them were unharmed and let out a breath of relief. Then you cursed yourself for leaving your weapons on your neatly folded futon the one time you could actually make use of them.
The blaring gunshots halted all of a sudden. The docks were quiet again. Way too quiet. Strange. Did they run out of ammo this fast? I thought the police got endless resources in that field. Nevermind that, the mob had thousands of them at hand, itching for a little assembling and bullets. A showdown between a gang and the authorities couldn't have just ended this fast. Something felt off.
You made sure the shadow of the brick wall covered you whole before peering over to the docks from the corner of the alley. Assessing the situation, you noticed that half of mophead’s party was shot down by the commander’s force. Blood was everywhere, splattered on the cement from the entrance as far as you could see. Possibly all the way to the other end of the pier. Big and burly bodies that were swarming the warehouse and executing orders just moments ago, now laid lifeless next to and on top of some of the crates filled with weapons. Some of them managed to flee the scene when the firing started, abandoning ship cowardly. The rest of them that were still alive and kicking were captured and put in restraints to be taken into custody, together with their leader who must have been a ticking bomb of rage on the inside by now.
The more you looked at it, you didn't take him for someone that would get caught so easily. He gave the impression of the superior kind of thug. The type that calculates and plans until all doubts, variables and collaterals were executed off the table.
Something didn't add up.
What is really peculiar was that this part of the harbor was not even on the open side, clearly to make the storing of arm supplies as reclusive as possible. But anyone who wanted a hit and run, quick and fast, could flee the scene absolutely undetected under the safety of nightfall. The only way you could get caught was if someone chirped like a hummingbird, loud and close to the commander's ear. You nearly giggled at the possibility until you took another look down at the pier and all amusement in you dissipated.
Maybe it was the smug look on the commander’s face as his men rounded up the thugs. Or the way most of his force came out from what looked like stationed places at the other end of the docks entrance. Even the sure nods the officers shared as they shoved the last of the goons to their knees behind their leader.
It almost seemed like they knew mophead and his crew were going to be here tonight, set on stealing the armament.
No way.
Was this a set up?
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Back at the precinct
Enishi was fuming.
Things went sideways too quickly for his liking tonight. The only feasible explanation was that someone talked and he was going to make sure they weren’t seeing the light of day under his watch. Once he made it out of the shithole he was currently held in that was. Which seemed to be somewhere in the far future.
The old man ceased his relentless show of authority punches, changing the plate for questioning, trying to intimidate Enishi. Too bad. Having the man breathe opium smoke in his face did not phase him at all.
“I’m going to ask again," sneered the commander, puffing up his chest with another intake of the drug. "Why were you stealing weapons?”
His patience was running thin, beyond irritation, showing in the way the veins on his neck strained. But he could press on as much as he wanted. Enishi wasn’t going to give him shit.
“Either you talk or your good for nothing squad will suffer in your place.”
He really thought he did something with that line. Those men were disposable. The real ones waited back at the base. He wasn't mad to deploy them for a mission that was supposed to be easy. But this was probably the last time he employed outside resources for a mission.
“I don’t give two flying fucks about them,” spat Enishi. He hoped some of the drops of blood flew to land on the commander's face.
That geature only earned him another punch, this time deep to the stomach. The guards who were holding him let him drop to the floor, more blood dripping on the side of his mouth.
The commander handed his pipe to one of the officers, discarding his coat on a chair before letting his fingers work to roll the sleeves of his shirt up. He moved around his golden desk furniture with the grace of an old dragon, aware of the ways of the world. That was what he wanted his assailants to believe. Truth be told, he was nothing but a puppet for the higher ups.
“I guess I’ll have to beat it out of you then,” said the commander, cracking his knuckles.
Bracing for the commander’s punishment, his thoughts wandered somewhere else. Not to the mission. Not to the missing weapons. Not to his men. But to the girl who was there tonight, hiding behind the boat.
He wasn’t stupid. He sensed someone was eavesdropping from somewhere. It just wasn't in his benefit to do something about it when they weren't showing up to lay claim to the weapons or to stop him from taking them.
But you weren’t supposed to be there. You were a variable in his plan that he couldn’t have predicted. A wildcard? A hidden weapon he could've used? He didn't know. Where a handful of questions swarmed around in his head, three of them stood out the most, distracting him from the incoming hit to his side.
Why were you there tonight?
Who were you working for?
And where have I seen you before?
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Ten armed guards at the front of the building. Another two securing the entrance from the inside. Five more moving around the halls. None on the top floor.
Sliding open the glass window on the roof of the precinct, you snuck in quietly. You landed down swiftly, arching your heels like a cat to keep you steady. Stealth mode switched on in your head as you carefully inspected your surroundings.
The top floor is clear.
Tightening the grip on your twin Remingtons, you straightened and advanced to the walls on your right, opposite to the railing on the other side overlooking the secured entrance. No one seemed to be on this level at all.
As you rounded the corners, you spotted a staircase going down to what looked like a meeting hall.
Angry shouting and what resembled the sound of slapping got louder the more steps you descended. Someone was either receiving a beating or they were just into kinky shit.
You were on the last three steps when a guard's boots fell in step close by. Aligning yourself with the wall, you became one with the shadows. You held your breath, keeping your heartbeat under control as well as any other signs that could get you spotted. On the inhale, he walked by. On the exhale, he continued on his path. As he got further away, you tilted your head towards the glass ceiling and released the breath you were holding.
This was a terrible idea.
What were you even doing here in the first place? This was not your fight.
But your conscience convinced you that you were somehow responsible for the unsuccessful outcome of mophead’s mission. Call it remorseful helping.
You weren’t supposed to be there tonight. It was just incidental. Your stupid craving for dumplings made you come out of your extremely comfortable refuge and one thing led to another and you found yourself in the middle of the crossfire. The very thing you hoped to avoid at all costs.
Without thinking too much of your bad choices for the day, you geared up to save mophead. You didn’t know why you were going this far for someone you didn’t know. But you felt needed for once in a while and like you finally had a job to do. That and the fact that the betrayal under his command hit a little too close to home.
There was something else that bothered you about your encounter with him. The moment he locked eyes with you was branded into your head like a burn wound. Your brain replayed it over and over again for no specific reason until it drove you crazy.
Those eyes bugged you to the world’s end. There was something so addicting and familiar to them. But you couldn’t recall where you’ve seen them before no matter how hard you tried.
You needed to find out who this man is. So, like any normal person looking for answers, you went to ask him. Well, you will ask him. As soon as you busted him out of the most secure precinct in Shanghai.
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In the meeting hall
“This would be so much easier if you just talked,” yelled the commander in chief.
“How about… fuck you. Good talk,” said Enishi with a sick grin.
“You son of a—,” the commander was cut off by the sound of shots being fired outside the meeting hall. Grunting and yelling ensued for a good minute until everything turned quiet. Everyone’s ears perked up listening for what could follow.
A powerful kick thundered against the golden door to the hall, making it come off its hinges and cave in on itself. The bolts creaked, splintering on the sides and the door fell with a loud thud. You stepped over it, the click of your heeled boots bouncing off the echo in the room.
All eyes were trained on you.
“Who’s ready to have some fun?” you chirped, enthusiastically twirling the guns in your hands. They landed perfectly in your hold and you cocked them right at the men in the middle of the room.
“Who are you?,” asked the commander in chief.
“Let’s just say I’m someone you don’t want to mess with,” you said confidently.
“You’re just a stupid girl if you think you can just come in here —“
“This stupid girl just took out most of your guards on duty. It will be her utmost pleasure to take you out too,” you said with a smirk.
Enishi was watching the exchange, his head swimming with confusion for the second time tonight.
Just who exactly were you? And why were you crossing paths again? Also, were you insane to just waltz in the commander in chief's lair like that?
You first show up as a hindrance to his plan and now you’re here to probably mess up more than you already have. He was also kind of blaming you for the situation he was in at the moment. You weren't of any help in his eyes.
At least you proved useful in distracting the guards and the commander so he could work on getting his hands free of the rope tugging at his wrists. Okay, maybe you were useful.
Looking over at mophead, you noticed he freed himself. You haven’t worked in a team in so long so you threw him a look asking for guidance on what to do now. What he saw however, was more of a weird face that kind of creeped him out, but he quickly caught onto what you meant.
He wasn’t sure whether to trust you. But he didn’t have the luxury to audition for partners right now. So, sending a silent nod your way, you let the fun begin.
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Mophead lunged for the commander in chief while you preoccupied yourself with the five guards in the room. You easily took out the first one by the couch at the side. Pointing your gun to the next one, you pulled the trigger but nothing happened. You tried the other gun receiving the same vacant response. You were left without bullets having emptied most of them on the guards outside.
Strapping the guns back to your belt, you took a fighting stance and beckoned the officers to you.
Hand to hand combat it is.
The closest guard lunged at you and your fist connected with his nose. A loud crack echoed upon contact, blood seeping through his hands as he cradled his nose.
“You bitch—,” you cut him off by hooking your leg to the back of his neck, dragging him to the floor.
“Did your mother not teach you how to speak to a lady?”
He got back up and got ready to throw another snarky remark but you wasted no time in shutting him up with a nearby chair. The wood broke to pieces as it made contact with him, knocking him out cold. Once he fell to the floor, you directed your attention at the other three guards that started circling you from different sides. Showtime.
You let them come at you. The taller one came first, swinging a baton at your head. Ducking successfully to avoid having your head turned into a baseball, you went for a roundhouse kick to his head. He got projected to the other side from the force you put into the move.
The last two attacked you at the same time. One of them had a knife that managed to get a few cuts through the sleeves of your dress as he kept swinging at you recklessly. He wasn't even looking where he sent his blade. He probably just hoped they got you. If this was the training they got the armed forces were doomed.
You huffed disappointedly as you lifted a slashed piece to check the damage. “I just got this one."
Getting annoyed with his incessant flailing about, you caught his hand just as a slightly smaller in stature officer came from behind you. Kicking back your right leg into the stomach of the one behind, you got a chance to take the knife, throwing it away and out of his reach. You turned and elbowed the knife wielder in the stomach, directing another knee at his ribcage letting him fall flat to the floor.
One more to go.
Standing face to face with your last enemy, you spared mophead a quick look. He was struggling with the commander as he pushed him face down on the big wooden desk. He quickly turned the power around and got him into a deadly chokehold instead.
You didn’t even notice his outerwear was discarded and he was left only in a tank top. His huge biceps flexed dangerously as he tightened his hold on the commander’s neck, pushing into him with all his strength. Sweat was piling like rain drops down his arms and you found yourself drooling. Maybe you digged the whole white mop of hair look.
You were snapped out of your fantasies by the small garden goblin running towards you with a spiked staff. Where the fuck did he get that from?
Do these guys not have one normal weapon on them? Where do they get all this ridiculous stuff from?
You dodged his attacks and his futile attempts at trying to spear you like Dracula, until he got tired and his swings turned sloppy. Finding an opening way too easily, you caught the end of the staff with your right hand and turned your left into an uppercut diving it under his chin. The impact of your hit had him landing in a star shape on the floor. His eyes rolled around unable to focus like birds chirped around his head.
Just as you were finished with him, mophead finally squeezed the living daylights out of the commander and let him fall splat to the floor. He wasn't dead. Just out of service for the day.
Sensing the ruckus in the hall, the rest of the guards from outside started piling up into the hall. You both walked towards each other until you were back to back. In other circumstances you would’ve loved the way your heavy breaths mingled and the way your shoulders shyly grazed each other. But now was not the time to crush on your new partner.
“Any chance you have a plan to get us out of here?” asked mophead. Guards surrounded you from all sides, covering all exit points. The only way to escape was to fight your way out.
“I’m guessing breaking some more necks wouldn’t hurt,” you replied hastily.
“You take the ones on the right. I take the ones on the left,” he directed.
With another nod, you both got into position and waited as the guards descended upon you.
A storm of fists came your way. You tried blocking them as much as you could but five to one was too much to handle without a weapon. Mophead noticed your struggle and tried to get rid of the three baton swingers in front of him. With a low sweep kick to their ankles they all fell over at once, hitting each other with the bats they were holding.
You were holding onto three bats with all your might, pushing your arm muscles to greater strength than they were capable of. Two guards sneaked behind you, ready to deliver a dangerous blow. Enishi intercepted them before they could carry out their plan, catching their arms mid swing and twisting their arms to inhuman angles.
“Don’t you know it’s bad manners to hit a lady, especially from behind?” he said, towering over them, pushing them to their knees as they writhed in pain.
You finally managed to throw the three men backwards, taking to delivering a kick to each of them. By the time you were done with them you were breathing heavily. You were a good fighter, but your stamina was always holding you back. Mophead seemed to be more trained in that field though as you saw him cutting through the lines of guards with ease, taking down two or three at the time. And he was injured.
Five more guards circled both of you.
“Give me a hand,” you said as you ran towards mophead.
He sensed your idea right away. Latching your hand with his, you created enough momentum for him to pull you around in a circle to kick down all of the guards. Once you got both feet back on the ground looking for your next victims, you noticed the secure hand sitting idly on your waist.
Looking up at him, you saw he’s about a head taller than you. He was scanning the room too. Feeling you tense in his hold, he quickly dropped his hand from your waist and trained his gaze on the broken down door.
“We have to go before more of them come.”
“What about your crew? Are you just going to leave them here?”
“They can get out just fine by themselves,” he growled, annoyed and pissed enough to think of those fuckers too.
And with that he grabbed your hand and you made a run for it, stepping over the bodies of the commander's regiment, falling out into the precinct.
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Thank you for reading! Comments, notes and reblogs are always welcome :)
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memoiich · 5 months
Obi wan Headcanons my lord? feed the poor
God, I have a lot of them .I'm going to split this up in a few parts just because it makes sense . Strap in !!!
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Part 0: baby obi wan
His parents noticed that he was a surprisingly bright child, and since they were farmers from stewjon, they weren’t well off. When they had their second child (a son) they brought obi wan to a near by testing unit on the neighbour planet Klommet , in hopes of giving both him and his brother a better chance at survival.
Obi wan was tested at the age 1 and a half. He was clearly gifted but nothing special.
He used to cry a lot when he first got to the jedi temple. Most jedi got rather annoyed at the younglings crying, except one ,qui gon jin .
Qui gon voluntured a lot at the creshe , he believed that crying children needed confort not a lecture. Obi wan got attached to qui gon rather quickly as a 2 year old ( qui gon looks a bit like his late dad)
As he grew up , he got along well with the other children and formed close friendships with them ( po ,kit ,quinlan) . Seeing this, qui gon went back to helping the new kids.
Part 1 : padawan years
Obi wan is rather talented at most things, not on a “ WOW YOU’RE THE BEST “ way but more like a “…that shouldn’t go so easily “ . He picks things up quickly, which causes him to be rather inpatient. Not impulsive, he doesn’t rush he simply hates waiting. That's why he hates meditating. He doesn’t understand it.
He doesn’t know it but when discussing who would get which apprentice , his name fell quite a few times . Obi wan likes to learn and so many suspect that he would be a nice well behaved padawan.
He was so happy when they informed him that qui gon would be his master . Qui gon had always stood out as the nicest jedi , not that the others weren’t but he had seemed to understand obi wan a bit more.
The first thing qui gon asked of him was to meditate. Obi wan started stressing immediately, and it went pretty bad in the beginning. Qui gon thought it was hilarious how quickly he was distracted. “ the wall paper does not need your attention right now “ he would quip or “ breathe through your nose and dont rush it” . It took obi Wan's a year to truly be able to meditate properly.
Luckily time wasn’t wasted because his fight skills and knowledge were unmatched.
Piloting took some getting used to. Not only was he scared of heights , but he also wasn’t a fan of rollercoasters. Qui gon always noted how slow he was . “ If you keep flying like this, we won't get there before im 60 “ or “ we can always walk , it might be faster” . But his master did help him, he would go to more desserted planets with obi wan . The planets that even if he would fly faster, he couldn’t hit anything . Obi wan got his red piloting bead 5 months later with the promise to let go a little.
He picks up quickly with missions , like i said he’s a natural . His first mission was a bit stressful but after that hes pretty much set . Also when they get back to their ship , qui gon cooks a home cooked meal because hes not going to let obi wan live on war rashens and blue milk.
He also teaches him how to cook
Obi wan starts feeling a bit quilty because he starts thinking of qui gon as his dad since well he is a little. But the jedi code says no attachments and he will follow that . Until he has a nervous breakdown because if qui gon is a jedi master that follows the jedi code he probably doesn’t care about him , he ends up getting in quite a lot of danger on a mission because of this . When he confesses to qui gon why he did all that he doesn’t respond,he just pulls his padawan into a hug . “ you are my kid obi wan “
When he turns 20 , he starts to really push qui gonn to let him take his trials. He just wants to be a jedi master.
That all changes a bit when he meets the dutches of mandelore Satine . He falls inlove quickly but he’s a real coward about it ( Satine notices) . Satine ends up pulling him into a kiss 2 months later at a gala she had to attend. They had a night together……
Qui gonn knows 100% . He finds it hilarious how his bumbling fool of a padawan got himsel into this mess . He prepares for the inevitable “ im leaving the order “ not that he wants him to . Obi wan is just that kinda kid .
When he sees obi wan the next morning, he looks like he cried acts rather somber and asks when they are leaving . Qui gon figures out what happened but doesn’t say anything. They leave and he gives him some space .
For the next 2 years it all goes smoothly until…
Part 2: early Anakin years
Obi wan isn’t too happy with the orphan. They are on a dangerous mission in the middle of who knows where with the queen of a planet that’s about to die . And now they have Ani , he wasn't going to lie it was a sweet child . But why now.
Obi wan has a quiet panic attack when qui gon says he will take anakin as his apprentice . He doesn’t feel ready to take the trials since his self esteem plummeted a bit after the Satine debacle and no one helped him take care of that ( fuck the jedi council) .
During the flight back to Naboo, padme went to her room and qui gon had a call with the council, leaving obi Wan to babysit ani . The child would yap non stop “ Did you make your own lightsaber?” “Yes” “can i hold it?” “No” “ when do i get mine?” “ When you're ready” “ but i am ready” “ no you’re not “ “yes i am “ “ no you’re not “ “ Did you choose THAT color?” “ Yes, i did” “ It's kinda ugly” “…” . A true test of patience but strangly lovable.
About 2 hours later was when the child fell asleep next to obi Wan . Anakin was still shivering , tattooine was a warm planet, something the ship heaters couldn’t compete with. Obi wan draped his long outer coat over the boy in hopes of giving him some warmth . Seeing the child peacefully asleep, Obi wan realised why his master liked him.
It took 48 hours to get to Naboo . It also took 48 hours for Obi wan to look at Anakin as his little brother.
When he first sees Maul he’s scared . He doesn’t want to be, but he simply is . Back in school him and his friends would joke about the sith and how cool it would be to defeat one . Right now , face to face with the first sith in ages , he’s horrified, and the red zebrak seems to kick on it
All he hears are the red force feels buzzing . He doesn’t hear his own scream or the blood dripping from his master . He feels an immense amount of pain, but the moment those shields lay down, he's up . He only focuses on gett to his master in time .And when he’s hanging in the hole , he snaps back into his jedi mind. The sith shows a new hubris, and he sees his chance. He wins
When qui gonn tells him his final wish , he can only lie to him . He doesn’t feel fit to be a master ,he might be the only jedi who pased the old trials ( to kill a sith ), but he feels like a fraud to weak to safe his master. Qui gon passes in his arms and obi wans let the tears fall.
He sees Anakin after he returns from his “trip” and he almost wants to cry again . Anakin looks so confused “ where’s qui gon ?” “ he passed away , anakin” The tears start to well in the little boys eyes, and all that obi can do is pull him into a hug .
The next weeks are quite hard , anakin becomes his padawan, and he becomes a jedi master. They attend qui gons' funeral, and anakins enters the academy since he needs to do both his padawan ship and the basic training. He is a bit pissy about it , but obi Wan cheers him up with home cooked meals .
They are not allowed to go on mission yet together just obi wan alone, and its extremely hard breaking to leave anakin alone .
When they are home together, obi wan pampers the little guy rotten. He brushes and braids anakins hair he buys him miniatuur planes in hopes of getting a better piolet than he is . He helps him with his homework, and he is just a total single dad .
When about a year has passed obi wan realised that he didn't know his birthday so he asked ani and he didn’t know either . They chose marche 5th because its a week from then and obi Wan can plan his birthday.Ani loved it.
Anakin doesn't make a lot of friends in school or anywhere. Which bothers obi Wan greatly , he thinks anakin is a great kid who can do no wrong. It all escalated when a child calls Anakin a slave ( obi wan does not know how they got here )
Obi wan threatens to destroy him to the boys face . He ends up crying, and Anakin isn’t bothered ever again. ( the jedi council was not happy )
And so it pretty much continues for a few years
Part 3: late anakin years
Anakin is now 20 years old, which is double the age he was when obi Wan met him .
Many people think that obi Wan is past his prime, but this man is absolutely ribbed. He has perfect physique, he’s just covered in robes and coats and stuff
He keeps extra kyber crystals around because Anakin keeps losing/breaking his lightsaber
Anakin requested black robes, and the council wouldn’t let him because of the association with the sith, and obi wan was like “ No , let my padawan express himself . Plus, I killed the last sith years ago “ so they let him because nothing is scarier than getting on obi wans' bad side
When they meet padmé again, obi Wan is almost laughing at how bad anakin is hiding his feelings for her . He also realises that he will have to talk to his padawn about it .
Obi wan gets a little stricter over the last year since anakin definitely doesn't think before he does anything
When the council decided to let Anakin go with Padme , he couldn't help but warn anakin once again. He reminds him of the problems that might occur or the heartbreak ( he's definitely not projecting)
When shmi dies, he tries his best to support anakin best he can . He doesn’t remember his parents, but he assumes it's like losing Qui gon, so he does everything he needed back then . Home cooked meals ,hugs ,pep talks, pulling him out of mission….
He noticed from the moment they set foot into the arena that they were together. On the one hand, he was extremely nervous about it, and on the other, he was a bit proud of his boy.
ALSO, he gets that shiver down his spine because he realises that qui gon knew about him and Satine, and he's a bit embarrassed about it .
He doesn't tell it to anakin because just like his master he thinks that it might be better to give them space .
He gets really offended that he wasn't invited to the wedding. He knows it was supposed to be undercover, but please
Padme and anakin will sometimes invite him for dinner as if they aren't dating, and he truly enjoys those evenings together.
He likes padme immensely . She helps to calm anakin down, and she's all around a great person .
She's also the first out of her and anakin to realise that obi Wan knows . Sadly, this happens after the wedding, so now it's like a shared secret.
Now that anakin left the nest , he gets to enjoy hobbies. He starts experimenting with cooking until Kit , Quinlan and Po are so done with it that they start ordering out . Then he gets a pet a feathered veractyle he names boga , when the planet he’s visiting allows it she will be his transport . He also keeps a variety of plants ( they remind him of qui gon) and books .he collects golden trinkets. Anakin jokes that it all goes against the jedi code, but he likes it .
HE ALSO LOVES TO GOSSIP with his clones anakin padme kit po anyone that wants to listen.
Talking about his clones , he loves them dearly not as much as anakin but like coby is one of his closest friends.
212 has tried to give him nicknames before, but it never sticks , they do like saying the negotiator in funny voices .
Obi wan thinks that his clones are the best clones, but it seems that every jedi thinks that.
He is now a jedi council member, and he still has that off feeling that he doesn’t deserve it . His ideas dont link with the others, and he feels that he doesn't have a lot of influence on it . Qui gon was never part of it, and he understands why more and more. He loves being a jedi master but kinda hates the council.
That also makes it really hard for him to help Anakin with his dissatisfaction with his position rn . Being on the council but not a master feels like the worst-case scenario, but he has to help anakin not be pissy, so he does . It is a great honor to be on the council.
He didn't know about padmé being pregnant. So he just thought anakin was so stressed out about his career and the jedi order . After everything happened as it did , he felt that he didn’t support anakin correctly.
Obi wan objected when they wanted anakin to spy on Palpetine . He doesn’t want his boy near any danger and definitely not in the front line . He yells and fights for it until it goes to a vote, just as his seat on the council, obi Wan would leave the council immediately if it meant that Anakin was 100% safe . In the end , the vote goes for the spying and obi wans demands to tell anakin himself. It doesn’t go well, obi Wan feels like he's betraying his brother.
In the coming weeks, he will see the loveable orphan of tatooine change to a traumatized war veteran, and he's not happy about it. He tries to calm him down and speak to him just like he did when shmi died . Sadly, this time, it doesn’t seem to work.
When his clones betray him , he feels fear for the first time since the deul of the faiths . Not only is he in danger, but they are in danger , anakin might be in danger . He feels his life falling from betw his fingers . Boga and some of his dear clones die when he gets back to his ship . He calls to anakin, but he doesn’t pick up . He flies to the temple.
When yoda and him visit the temple, dread fills his mind. He still didn’t receive anything from anakin and was really worried about it . They see the temple lithered with death children, and all he sees are small Anakin's death on the floor . Then they see the footage of the night before, and the world falls beneath him . Anakin is a murderer, a sith, and still his brother . Obi wan chooses to go alone to face him ….
{that one deleted scene }
The deul with anakin is the worst moment of his life. Nothing compares to it . He tries to enter with an open mind and the little voice in the back of his mind telling him to redeem anakin . Sadly hes to far gone. The deul ends with his dying friend near the fire , obi wans whole life in pieces and a almost death padme.
The birth of Luke and leia is a small piece of hope, but padmé passes away . Obi wan has no one anymore.
He's extremely happy with the organas asking to adopt leia, and he himself asks to adopt Luke, but that did not happen because of the circumstances. If the sith starts hunting jedi , Obi wan will be at the top of the list
In the end, he lives near Luke until he grows to be a jedi .
He tries to meditate, but his bond to the force is pretty much broken .
Part 4: obi wan alone
Since moving to Tatooine, he has got some new dreams . He gets flashbacks to his childhood before being a jedi, but the worst once are the anakin once . They all start the same , meeting ani quick flashes through their years together and then Mustafar .
He believes that he killed anakin and that he burnt to death .
He has mixed feelings towards his actions. On the one hand, he as a jedi had to kill him, but as his brother, he is simply broken.
He doesn’t think of himself as a jedi anymore. Over the years, he has come to question the jedi order . For how they treated anakin and ahsoka even padme . He promised to himself that he wouldn’t teach Luke to throw away his emotions.
When darth maul shows up on tattooin, he's in some strange way. Sorry for him . They were both just children raised for war , he wished partly that they could have got Maul out before Naboo or that he wouldn’t hold the anger he had towards him for the death of his father . He took a deep breath and let it go . In the end, Maul died in his arms , the same way he had hoped he would have pulled anakin up after their duel.
He tries to meditate again in hopes of connecting to qui gons' spirit or anakins . He hopes to apologise to anakin to pet his hair and tell him it's alright to get one last evening diner with padmé and Anakin . From qui gon, he just wants comfort a long hug or a smile that shows him he’s proud of his padawan, even a home cooked meal .
He starts working as a butcher for sand whales . In the beginning, he used to walk there, but then lars pointed out that that was really suspicious for the other people in town . So he went shopping for a transport that was nice and easy to maintain . That's how he ends up with his eopie Akkani .
Akkani is a bit of a lazy animal , she just wants to eat and walk and eat again. He's happy he has a pet, tho because he gets a bit lonely.
He keeps all of his jedi things in a chest in his gave , including his own lightsaber and 2 sets of beads . One set is his own padawan braid beads, and the other are anakins . He also has some other stuff such as qui gon' s old kitchen knife and some pictures of his clones scrabs of r2d2 when he needed repairs a feather of boga some model airplanes anakin used to play with and so on. ( NO BURYING IN THE DESSERT I HATE THAT)
He really wants to train Luke, but Lars won’t let him . Which hurts obi Wan a lot . He wouldn’t push Luke to be a soldier like the once before , he would connect him to the force just like qui gon wanted with Anakin .
That's why he started reading up on the ancient scripts about the jedi . He loves the Yawa sellers just because he can buy his books without the empire noticing.
He will wait forever in hopes of setting the universe back to balance for the mistake he made on Mustafar.
This took so long and its not even all of it .( i left out the kenobi series because i didn’t want to rewrite it and i couldn’t figure out how to add to it without rewriting it srry)
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Also i wrote a little obi wan reacting to ahsoka being Anakins padawn not that long ago ( link below )
And i left his later relationship with satine and maul out because it might be a bit long . If you want that you can always ask in my requests ( i do have some thoughts about those)
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randomrecsknifedrawer · 6 months
OPLA Zosan Fic Rec (P1)
For the truth, break me loose by MarionetteFtHJM
“What?” He grunts, crossing his arms over his chest
“What is your problem with Sanji?” She hisses lowly.
He shrugs but keeps silent. He was hoping it would take her longer to notice that there indeed was a problem. Honestly, he thought he’d have a few more days at least. But she’s quick and sharp and nothing escapes her eye.
“Nothing, he’s just annoying.” He settles on saying and it’s true, she can’t deny it and he sees the protest forming on her lips. “He’s annoying.” He repeats, trying to urge her to drop the subject but she seems to instead read something in his inflection because her eyes widen and her mouth rounds.
“Oh, Zoro.” The shock quickly morphs into a sly grin that he doesn’t like one bit – her eyes are sparkling.
aka Zoro has a lot of pent up emotions about Sanji and how annoying he is.
Word Count: 13,227 - Enemies to Lovers, Getting Together, Flirting, First Time, OPLA, Explicit
For All The Times I Never Could (I’ll Be Good) by Apocalypic_Space_They
After his defeat at the hands of Dracule Mihawk, Zoro wakes up back on the ship, feeling equally physically and emotionally beat.
Luckily the Straw hat pirates had a distracting new cook who was determined to get him to stop brooding and eat.
Zoro doesn't actually hate that.
Aka Sanji brings Zoro soup, they snarky flirt.
Soup is maybe Zoro's new favorite thing.
Word Count: 3,156 - Pre-Relationship, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Getting to Know Each Other, Fluff, OPLA
Laws of Men by Blasphemyandtheboys
Sanji has a lot to learn about love and attraction, the Strawhat pirates are his unwitting teachers.
Word Count: 10,042 Chapters 4/4 - Character Study, Internalized Homophobia, Platonic Relationships, Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, OPLA
Get a Room Series -- by Blasphemyandtheboys
the tragedy of the dreamer by encyclopediabitch_jpeg
“People care, cook. People trust you, so return the favour. Trust that they’ll listen. That’s what a crew does,”
“I’ll take that advice if you will mosshead,”
“Alright. You’ve got a deal,”
What Zoro does
Word Count: 5,087 - Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, OPLA
Complimentary by TastyTaboo
It’s surprisingly not as easy as his crew members make it seem to compliment Sanji’s food.
Word Count: 4,716 - Compliments, Food, Praise Kink, Pinning, OPLA, Explicit
a single nail, a single ruby by okayprairie
In a large bowl, beat a cup of heavy cream with a tablespoon of powdered sugar and a dash of vanilla until stiff peaks form.
"Stiff peaks?” Zoro mutters, frowning, flipping the page back and forth. The Going Merry lilts gently beneath his feet. “What the hell are stiff peaks?”
/ / /
Sanji eats like a line cook. Zoro learns the uses for tenderness.
Word Count: 4,181 - Getting to Know Each Other, Food, Crew As a Family, Tender, OPLA
How to save a life by anthea_tesdinic
Zoro is very familiar with how heavy an unconscious body can be. He’s carried several hundred pounds worth of ruthless pirate captain many a time to collect his bounty. Somehow, none of them have felt as heavy as Sanji feels in his arms at that moment.
Or: Zoro is bad at communicating, but good at saving Sanji's life. And catching feelings.
Word Count: 7,508 Chapters 2/2 - Mutual Pining, Drowning, First Kiss, Idiots in Love, OPLA, Mature
103 notes · View notes
I absolutely love the hype Bill’s getting and I’m here to contribute ꨄ︎ My request of today is; Remember the celeb crush thing I requested a while ago for Tom? Well my love for Bill is taking over and I’d love to see how you’d adapt it for him! To make it more interesting, I thought maybe the reader is already a fan and confidently goes out to talk to them even though the language barrier is present. Couple days later she goes and surprises them at a concert and makes this a little tradition til she and Bill realize they’ve developed feelings for each other but of course, work and distance is a huge obstacle
(Hello, lovely! Sorry this took so long and I didn't know if u wanted a oneshot but I was pretty lazy so here ya go! Enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz x Celeb-Crush Reader
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He actually was pretty calm when he first noticed you
He had been one of your fans for a bit, seeing you in tabloids and online and had even gone to one of your concerts when him and the band weren't really well known
You were actually an example of his dream of being young but making it big
And as he grew up in fame, you never really left his mind because you also grew with your fandom and fame
Your style may not have been the same, your music either, but Bill still loved watching you on stage and on videos
He was almost starstruck when he actually saw you in the flesh when they were performing
YOU were at THEIR concert?!
By choice?!
He almost freaked out on stage but surprisingly hid it well
He just smiled, flashed a wink at you and somehow kept making eye contact
And you didn't look away and you fed into it from the crowd!
He tried so hard not to faint
When it was all over and he went backstage he was ranting to Tom, Gustav and Georg the whole time
"She looked at me! She looked at me- huh?! Who?! (Name)!"
Bill almost knocked Georg out right then and there
They then clicked in their mind he was actually talking about the one star he could rave about for-literally-ever
Bill was still a mega-fan, and the boys were dragged into it or ranted too
But what really almost killed Bill was after the concert and they were meeting with fans and signing stuff
He had just finished up taking a photo and signing a T-shirt and looked up to see you!
He took a moment and was just staring, mouth open and looking to Tom to see if he was hallucinationing
Tom laughed at his brother as Georg and Gustav watched as Bill almost dug his grave
You had to snap him out of it as you asked for a autograph
You almost out him in cardiac arrest because he rushed to find a marker
He snatched Tom's marker in the moment but he didn't give a shit
He was so giddy you asked him for his signature and was so happy
He tried to strike up a conversation but failed
Not to worry, you were absolutely glad to talk to him
Bill was so happy, and he and you had much in common and actually flirted surprisingly
Once he got over his shock, of course
You guys actually clicked
Turns out, you were a fan too, which shocked Bill
There was a language barrier, but Bill spoke a bit of English so he could at least speak to you
You knew a bit of German due to playing there either solo or in a band and you guys figured out a way to understand each other
As time went on, even after you guys parted ways, you somehow kept in touch
You would go to their concerts and he would be glad to go to yours
You guys were spotted by photographers leaving hotels, walking in the city on "dates" as they called it and many more
Fans went crazy and so did paparazzi, chasing you guys down almost all the time
You and Bill didn't mind, even enjoying it in photos and you guys got a few photoshoots together
You guys were a pretty popular celebrity ship but would never admit it, even with the looks and smiles you two would give over time
Bill always thought he was in a fever dream
Because no way his celebrity crush would actually like and be a fan of his, much less spend time with him
You and Bill developed a tradition of traveling to see each other
You mainly did yours in surprise, but sometimes it was difficult
You were on tour and so was he, so spending time and being together for a bit scarce
You did your best hut Tom and you spent less and less time together and it was actually quite sad
Until you surprise him by showing up backstage, which he was shocked and ecstatic to see you
It was a tradition, either of you would sneak off and find one another no matter where
But it got a bit complicated as fans doubled down on this ship and your friends always compared your "relationship" and labeled it more than a friendship
Maybe there were feelings, maybe there wasn't
But the red dust and smile on Bills face would choose the latter option
290 notes · View notes
terasumono · 3 months
I translated Ushio's initial SSR card story!
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**Please don't use my translations for bots or claim them as your own.**
Feel free to let me know if you catch any mistakes!
Man Proposes, God Disposes (First Half) 
MC: (The new travel bag sure looked cool. That shop always carries a lot of designs that resonate with me...hm?) 
??: Haa? This is a scam, right? They’ve got to be manipulating the results behind the scenes.  
MC: (Is that Ushio-kun’s voice? .....Ah, I thought so.)  
MC: Ushio-kun? 
Ushio: Geh. Why are you here...? 
MC: There’s a store I like here...what about you? 
Ushio: Where I am and what I’m doing has nothing to do with you, does it? Are you infringing on my privacy? 
MC: S-Sorry. I’ll be off then.  
Ushio: Wait. I’m sure you have nothing better to do anyways. Aren’t you thirsty? 
MC: Huh? Well...now that you mention it, I haven’t had anything to drink yet so I am a little. 
Ushio: Then...cola, chocolate, and matcha—which do you prefer?   
MC: No way, are you going to treat me?  
Ushio: I am always under your care. So, which will it be?  
MC: Then, I'll go with cola.  
Ushio: “Shouta’s Passion-filled Spicy Craft Cola”, yeah? 
What, so this means Chief’s oshi is also Shouta... 
MC: Eh? Oshi?  
MC: Then, I'll go with chocolate.  
Ushio: “Sweetly Melting, Reito’s Popular Choco Milkshake”, is it. Huh, didn’t expect that.  
MC: What are you talking about...? 
MC: Then, I'll go with matcha. 
Ushio: “An and Kazari’s Double Heroine Matcha Latte ~Garnished with Candy Art~”, yeah? 
You have surprisingly refined tastes. 
MC: Yep, I feel like drinking some every now and then.  
Does this one come with candy as well? 
Ushio: ......It doesn’t matter, does it? I’m going to go buy it so twiddle your thumbs and wait here.  
MC: Ah, okay... 
MC: (Ushio-kun can be hard to grasp...) 
MC: (At any rate, this cafe is really bustling with people...) 
Female A: It’s no good~ They said today’s reservations are full and there've been no cancellations either. 
Female B: Seriously? I wonder if we’ll be able to make a reservation during the event period. Let’s give up on the food and just get drinks today then. We should be able to get take-out for the drinks at least.  
Female A: Yeah...Hey, if I order my oshi1’s drink, do you think he’ll come home after all?  
Female B: It’s random, so it'd be super exciting if a miracle like that occurred...! But wouldn’t you be moved if you ordered your ship’s other half or the rival instead and he still came out?  
Female A: True! It’d end up feeding my delusions...!  
MC: (I don’t really get it, but they seem incredibly excited... 
This seems like a limited-time cafe, so maybe there’s some kind of bonus with each purchase? If I had to guess, that’s probably what Ushio-kun's after too...)   
Ushio: Thanks for waiting.  
MC: Thanks...huh, wait? There’s two?  
Ushio: I felt like drinking something too. Now then... 
MC: (He turned around...and is clearly doing something secretly...) 
Ushio: Tch... 
MC: (He clicked his tongue...? I wonder what’s wrong.) 
Ushio: You want seconds? 
MC: Huh? 
Ushio: If you’re still thirsty, they have a variety of different drinks—— 
MC: I'm happy for the consideration, but it’d cost money so this is more than enough.  
(I couldn’t possibly allow Ushio-kun to pay for everything either.) 
Ushio: ......ttle. 
MC: Huh? 
Ushio: It’s because this is....a battle.  
MC: Hm?? 
Ushio: There’s value in things you can’t buy with money...it’s just like travelling, don’t you think? 
Giving up just because it hasn’t come after a few tries, when you haven’t even done all you can....Isn’t that way more of a loss?  
MC: Y-Yes.... 
Ushio: That’s how it is, so just wait here.  
MC: ...... 
(He was so enthusiastic that I couldn’t turn him down...) 
(This is the fifth one...At the rate he’s going, we’re going to go through the entire menu...) 
(I know he’s buying the drinks because there’s something he wants, but...) 
Ushio: AH——! Geez! How many has it been now?! If this is how it’s going to be, I’ll put everything I have on the line to settle this...!2 
MC: U-Ushio-kun, I can’t drink anymore...my stomach is going to burst... 
Besides, the thing that you want is— 
Ushio: ...Washroom. Once I get back, we’re going another round. 
MC:  Eh, another round?! Wai—Ushio-kun! Hey, Ushio-kun! He’s gone... 
(To think that there’s something he wants so much that he’d become so dejected... 
I wish he would have the same amount of passion when giving hospitality3. In order to do that...) 
...Okay! We’ve come this far anyway—one last try won’t hurt! The line is...over here.... 
Shop Clerk: Thank you very much~.  
MC: (Every drink comes with one silver bag.  
So this is what Ushio-kun's been opening since earlier. Let's see, inside is...) 
This is... 
Man Proposes, God Disposes (Second Half) 
MC: This is...a coaster? 
(It seems like a paper coaster. I feel like the character drawn on it resembles Nanaki-kun somehow...) 
Female A: E-Excuse me...! 
MC: Ah...yes, what is it? 
Female A: If it's okay with you, would you be willing to give Reito...give that coaster to me? I’ll pay for the drink.  
MC: (It’s the person who was in front of the cafe earlier... I wonder if this person was also after this?) 
Female A: That’s the character’s name! 
...I can’t believe you don’t know Reito, are you a bandwagoner? 
You aren’t qualified to have him, so I think it’d be better if you handed him over to me.  
MC: H-Haa... 
Ushio: My bad, the washroom was full... 
(If I remember correctly, they’re that ReiShou shipper...!) 
Female A: (They’re that ReiOu shipper..!) 
MC: Is this character really that popular?  
Female A: That’s right! *rustling noise*  
MC: Wah, it’s a bag full of Reito (?)-kuns... 
Female A Whose Life Has Been Taken Over By PatiBato4 : This is the limited gacha can badge they sold at this year’s PatiFes. Reito’s character tax is high so it was hard collecting these!  
Ushio: <......One’s love for their oshi isn’t something that can be measured in numbers.> 
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Female A Whose Life Has Been Taken Over By PatiBato: Ahem! Reito is a character from a series known as “PatiBato!”. “PatiBato!” is an unprecedented shounen manga that combines sweet confections and hot-blooded battles!  
MC: I-I see... 
Female A Whose Life Has Been Taken Over By PatiBato: At a super difficult-to-get-into technical school for pâtissiers named “Framboise”, everything is decided by battles between fellow pastry chefs...just like a Sengoku Period5 of sweets! 
Ushio: <Ha, someone who looks like they’ve never even made sweets before doesn’t suit it at all.> 
Female A Whose Life Has Been Taken Over By PatiBato: The main character is an energetic boy named Shouta who excels at baking, and Reito is a scholarship student who specializes in chocolate sweets, and is Shouta’s first rival, as well as the object of everyone’s admiration!  
Ushio: <Can a ReiShou shipper with zero reading comprehension please not speak about Reito?> 
MC: (Why is this turning into a heated argument...?!) 
T-Thank you for the explanation...!  
I see, so he’s a character from such a popular series.  
Female A Whose Life Has Been Taken Over By PatiBato: That’s right. So give Reito to...  
MC: I’m sorry, I can’t give this to you. 
Female A Whose Life Has Been Taken Over By PatiBato: Huh?! 
Ushio: ...! 
MC: (This might be the coaster Ushio-kun wanted after all...) 
Female A Whose Life Has Been Taken Over By PatiBato: .........Fine, I get it. Make sure you treasure him.  
MC: ......haah~~! That person was super passionate, wasn’t she! She seemed like an acquaintance of yours, but do you know her? 
Ushio: ...You think I’d be acquainted with a sinner who ships ReiShou? 
MC: (He definitely knows her...) 
Ushio: ...That coaster you were holding earlier—I wouldn’t mind throwing it out for you. 
MC: Ah, right. Was this what you wanted?  
Ushio: ?! I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just that a coaster from a series you don’t even know may as well be trash—    
*phone ringing* 
MC: Sorry, it’s a call from Kafka. Yes, hello— 
Ushio: ...... 
MC: That was a collaboration cafe for “PatiBato!”, wasn’t it? 
Ushio: ... 
MC: I can see why Reito-kun would be popular~.  
He looks kind, and he’s certainly got the good looks.  
Ushio: ... 
MC: You like the character named Ouji-kun as well, don’t you, Ushio-kun? 
The pudding milkshake inspired by him was also delicious—! 
Ushio: ...Hey.  
MC: Hm? 
Ushio: T-That coaster from earlier, I wouldn’t mind receiving it from you.6  
MC: Eh... 
Ushio: No, that’s not it...What I mean is...uh... 
MC: Oh, that’s right! Sorry, here you go! 
Ushio: ...Huh. 
MC: You wanted Reito-kun's coaster, right? 
Ushio: ......puya7...y....yeah..... 
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MC: (Thank goodness. He seems happy.)  
Ushio: ...W-Well, you did accompany me in getting those drinks and all. I wouldn't mind taking your request the next time I bake something. 
MC: Eh, are you sure? Hehe, I’m looking forward to Ushio-kun's homemade sweets~!   
Ushio: You’d better look forward to it.  
MC: Yup! 
Ushio: (What a weirdo...But, well, I was able to get Reito’s coaster...) 
TL Notes:  
1. One's favourite (member of an idol group, character in an anime, player in a team, etc.) –Jisho 
2. 「こうなったら泣きのもう一発を…!」I wasn’t sure how to translate this but I believe it comes from「泣きの一回」, which apparently is a term used in sports when you’ve lost against an opponent and would like to request another match for a chance at victory. The 一発 that Ushio says instead comes from 一発勝負, which changes the phrase to mean “to bet everything on one final contest/bout for a complete reversal of the situation”.  
3. The urge to just leave this word as “omotenashi” is as great as the urge to leave “Chief” as “Shunin”. 
4. Likely short for “Pâtissier Battle”.  
5. The Sengoku period, also known as Sengoku Jidai (lit. ‘Warring States period’) is the period in Japanese history in which civil wars and social upheavals took place almost continuously in the 15th and 16th centuries. –Wikipedia  
6. He makes it sound like he’s doing us a favour by accepting the coaster from us lol.  
7. Ushio has a speech tick where he acquires a lisp (?) of sorts when he’s surprised. I think his “puya” here is just him expressing he’s happy, and I’m going to leave it as is, as it’s very cute. 
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double-vandammage · 2 months
Title: Stripped
Word count: 2,192
Rating: 18+
Ship: Bret Hart x Shawn Michaels
Tags/Warnings: Shawn POV, Jealous!Bret, Strip tease, Pet names, Biting, Anal sex, hand jobs, play fighting
Also posted to my a03: aa_beatrix
Oh my this took a lot out of me. 🫣 I spent many nights wrestling with my thoughts on how to write a sexy strip tease and this was the result. I listened to Cherry Pie by Warrant more times than I care to admit to help move this thing along. It turned out WAY smuttier than my first Hartbreak fic I was originally embarrassed to write. 🥴
I got inspiration from the In Your House: HBK vs. Goldust Dark Match for the WWF Title (10/20/1996). That gave me a mixed bag of emotions and I am still thinking about it. 😵‍💫
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Shawn waited for Bret leaning against the side of the ring. The stadium seats were vacant and shrouded in darkness save the overhead lights illuminating the empty ring. The match he had with Goldust was sure to have ruffled a few feathers, including one Hitman. The two had been messing around for months on and off. They would meet in private before, after, and in between various matches or promos. Nothing got Shawn going faster than when Bret would berate him in front of a live audience. Surprisingly enough Bret had made the first move. What began as a fistfight ended with a kiss. Shawn found himself backed into a wall, preparing for a punch. Instead he was met with Bret’s lips on his. It was lust at first fight. 
“Quite the show you put on with Goldie.” came Bret’s low voice from out of the shadows. Shawn smiled, eyeing Bret’s delicious frame striding down the entrance aisle. “Aw, you know Goldie ain’t mean nothin’ by it.” he grinned. Bret placed his hands on either side of Shawn, bracing himself with the edge of the ring. “You kissed him.” Bret said, those dark eyes searching him. “All part of the act, sugar.” Shawn drawled, hooking his fingers into the belt loops of Bret’s jeans, and tugging him closer. He moved in for a kiss, but Bret was quick to grab a handful of hair to stop him. Shawn let out a sharp hiss in response. “Not so fast boytoy.” Bret commanded, swiftly twisting Shawn around to face the ring. “Someone needs to teach you a lesson…get in the ring.” he growled into Shawn’s ear, nipping at the skin.
Shawn hurriedly jumped up and rolled under the ropes, standing to lock eyes with the Hitman. Bret began to leisurely make his way around the ring, never breaking his focus with Shawn. “Take off your clothes.” he demanded cooly. Bret was never usually this forward and never asked him to strip. May have had something to do with his entrance. Maybe. “Really?” Shawn asked, eyebrows raised. Bret stopped, “Now.” he ordered. “Well okay darlin’.” Shawn beamed, moving center stage. He wasn’t used to a party of one and no music, but who was he to argue with Bret The Hitman Hart?
He watched as Bret pulled a chair from under the ring, setting it up in the aisle. He had strategically placed the chair just before the overhead lights, obscuring the older man from Shawn’s view. Shawn shrugged out of his jacket first, swinging it a few times before letting it fly. Slowly he undid his belt buckle, gliding the strap from his waist. He paraded around as he usually did, untucking his t-shirt and giving Bret just a peak of his chest and stomach before covering back up. He removed his hair tie, giving his head a few good shakes to show off his soft blonde hair. Shawn knew how much Bret secretly salivated over how his lengthy hair would cascade past his shoulders and down his back. 
He fell to his knees, bringing his t-shirt back up to expose his stomach and chest again, placing the hem of the t-shirt in his mouth. Unfastening the button and zipper of his jeans, he leaned back to then kick off his boots. Bret remained reserved, continuing to hide in the black. “You can join me anytime Bret baby.” he cooed, shedding his t-shirt and flinging it to the side. He lied down, stretching out on the mat, and began to sluggishly peel off his jeans. He slid his boxers down just enough for Bret to admire the cut of his hips. “Leave 'em on.” Bret said sharply, voice echoing. “Ya wanna take ‘em off cowboy?” Shawn teased, biting his lower lip. The chair Bret was sitting in, scraped across the floor as he stood up. Shawn’s heart began to race with anticipation as Bret approached him, his dick already hard.
Bret entered the ring in between the ropes, kneeling to crawl towards Shawn, and moving among his legs. He kissed his knee, beginning a careful ascent with his lips to his thigh and hip. Bret’s fingers dug into the waistband of his boxers, pulling them only to expose the heart tattoo above his ass. Shawn was well aware of Bret’s stance on his tattoos, he heard it regularly during the show but now he only seemed too pleased to see it. Bret licked at the tattoo, tenderly sucking at the skin. He shifted back to kiss his inner thighs, taunting Shawn’s erection. His breath caught as Bret bit down on his flesh. “Holy Jesus, don’t keep me waiting.” Shawn begged, his hands finding Bret’s mess of hair, trying to guide him towards his dick. Instead Bret rose to a standing position, holding Shawn’s legs in the air. “Oh shi-, oh come on!” he managed to squeak out before he was forced and curled into a sharpshooter. 
Shawn felt his back scream as Bret contorted his body and held fast with his most notorious move. “Fuckin’ ow.” he wheezed, scrabbling against the mat. Bret gritted his teeth, adamant in keeping Shawn stuck. “How you doin’ boytoy?” he asked, mocking. Shawn smiled, “Jokes on you mark man, I’m only getting more turned on.” Bret squeezed, tightening his hold. “Is that so?” he freed Shawn, allowing his legs to flop to the floor. Not wasting any time, Bret flipped him; his back smacking harshly into the mat. Bret pried off Shawn’s boxers, nearly tearing them to reveal his slick and pulsing member. “He sure is happy to see ya.” Shawn said, highly amused. Hastily in an effort to avoid another opening for Bret, he knocked Bret’s feet out from under him, and caught him in a headlock.
“Fuck.” Bret snarled. “Not much fun being on the receiving end huh?” he jabbed. Shawn knew he would much prefer for Bret to be inside him right about now, but holding him in a naked headlock was too good. He could practically feel Bret’s seething annoyance. “Are you ready to play nice?” he asked, continuing his solid grip on Bret’s neck. “Not quite.” he grunted, slithering out of his grasp to firmly wrench Shawn’s arm up and behind his back. Again he found himself face first into the mat, Bret letting his full weight rest on top of him. “Ah– god damn.” he panted into the ground. Bret leaned down, kissing the length of his shoulder and running his tongue up the side of his throat. He sank his teeth into his skin, biting him again. Shawn winced, a mix of pain and delight flooding his body. 
Bret fumbled around for his jacket pocket, withdrawing a condom and small tube of lubricant. “Such a boy scout.” Shawn groaned, as Bret began to work him open, inserting his fingers leisurely one by one. He could sense Bret’s impatience, wanting badly to punish him. He closed his eyes, listening to the shuffle of Bret undoing his pants and pushing them down. He inhaled sharply as he felt Bret enter him. Bret let his head fall onto Shawn’s back, his breath hot against his flesh. He kept one hand attached to Shawn’s hip while the other continued to contain his arm behind his back. Bret sank into him slowly at first with each thrust becoming more and more vigorous. “Bret baby…” he whined, reaching to touch his own leaking cock.
“I don’t think so.” Bret said, bending Shawn’s arm to join the other; preventing any further movement. “Oh fuck you.” Shawn moaned with agony. He squirmed under the weight of the Hitman driving his dick deeper, keeping his rhythm unrelenting. The side of his cheek rubbed into the mat as he turned to whip away his long hair clinging from his face. His body was already drenched with sweat. After what felt like an eternity of depriving the desperate ache between his legs, Bret began a rapid stroke to match the pace of his hips. Shawn’s body turned weak, unable to sustain the arch in his back. He had no more snarky remarks left, he was reduced to whimpering nonsense.
“Jesus, you feel so good.” Bret gasped. Shawn was in a haze, Bret’s motions becoming more erratic as he pounded into him. He felt Bret’s teeth rake at his shoulder, biting down harshly and grunting a string of obscenities as he came. Shawn yelped over the sudden sting at his shoulder, it was definitely going to leave a mark. The sensation would only fuel his pleasure, threatening to throw him off the edge. Bret licked at the fresh wound he inflicted, causing Shawn’s heart to stutter. “Motherfucker-…” he choked, his face still rigid against the mat. Bret remained inside of him, dick pulsing. Shawn’s arms were released, sore from being restrained. He steeled himself as Bret kept him propped on his knees. Bret continued to pump his cock, his cadence turning torturously slow.
Shawn thrashed around in a frenzy, his hips bucking into Bret’s fist. He knew as another form of punishment, Bret was only going to let Shawn cum on his terms. Bret lowered their bodies to relax onto the mat so he could nuzzle his face into the back of Shawn’s head. “You gonna behave?” Bret muttered, his words muffled through Shawn’s damp hair. “God no.” Shawn exhaled, ready to blow through his fervent euphoria. His answer to his amazement was well received as Bret quickened his strokes. He believed Bret inwardly relished his constant disobeyment, otherwise they wouldn’t be fucking around like they were.       
Bret held Shawn in place as he came, white strands coating his palm and dripping onto the ring. Shawn was instantly flipped over to face him, as if Bret wanted to admire his work. He knew his face was flushed, hair wet and wild. His body trembling as he tried to adjust from the convulsions of his orgasm. Shawn met Bret’s stare, his eyes conveying possibly something more than just lust. Bret ran his fingertips along the bite mark he had indented on his neck, “Shit…” he said concerned. They typically hid their bites and bruises well, but they weren’t always careful. Occasionally and usually Shawn had to be creative with his wardrobe to conceal their enthusiasm. “Don’t worry about it.” Shawn said, bringing his hand up to caress the skin of Bret’s forearm.
Bret rolled off of Shawn to lie flat on his back. They never spent much time together afterwards, it was always just sex and nothing more. Shawn moved to his side, propping a hand behind his head to rest on his elbow. He reached out to wipe the sticky hair from Bret’s forehead. He knew he was lingering too long as he began to trace the outline of his face, his fingers languidly smoothing Bret’s bottom lip. Bret shied away from his touch, “Stop Shawn…” he said, his voice horse. “Okay.” Shawn said as he watched Bret hoist his pants back up. He selfishly wondered if Bret was sleeping with anybody else backstage. Shawn reached for his discarded boxers and slipped them back on. Bret was usually the one to bounce as soon as his appetite was satisfied. Shawn found he was longing for some semblance of affection from the older man.
“I gotta go.” Bret stated, straightening his clothes. Shawn in a bleak attempt to keep Bret just minutes more, grabbed the lapels of Bret’s jacket to drag him forward. Shawn’s lips were starving for a kiss he was denied. To his surprise Bret returned the kiss, his hands on Shawn’s waist pulling him closer. They kissed until both of their lips were red and swollen. Bret broke away first, their breathing shallow. Shawn held fast to Bret’s jacket, urging him to stay. “Bret…I-” he stammered. Bret gently pushed his hands away, his mouth forming a hint of a smile. “Gotta go.” he repeated. Shawn sighed, his hands fidgeting. “Yeah. Yeah, I know.” He watched as Bret departed through the ropes, jumping to the floor. Shawn followed, but stopped short in front of the ropes. He leaned over, watching Bret’s shape disappear into the darkness of the arena. He foolishly hoped Bret would reconsider and choose to spend the rest of the night in his hotel room. 
He never expected their relationship to become more than just casual. If anything, he thought Bret would form an attachment first. The Heartbreak Kid with a broken heart. Total bullshit. He collected the rest of his clothing and got redressed outside the squared circle. The overhead lights were suddenly too bright and too hot. Time to go. He gave the ring one last glance, the remnants of their affair still drying on the mat. Shawn snickered quietly, shaking his head. It wasn’t the first time he had a sexual encounter in the ring and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. He was also never sure he and whomever he was with was completely alone either, but he didn’t care.
Shawn made his own way out of the arena, already scheming on how best to infuriate his Hitman in a match once again.               
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bluegalaxygirl · 1 year
Distraction (Zosan X reader)
Zoro X sanji X reader, polly relationship, established relationship. reader is Female (Sorry). Was listening to Rihanna while writing this. S&M, Rude Boy, only girl, Hard,
Plot: its your's and nami's job to distract some pirates in a night club while the rest of the crew steal from their ship. Theirs only one problem, those pirates get a little too handy. Basically you being super sexy in front of them
Warning: Strong language, SFW but slight sexual content, seduction, jealousy, blood, violence, making out.
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It was all Nami's idea, she wanted to steal form the big pirate ship but there where too many guys to take on and a marine base near by. Luckily there was a night club in the town and after a few days of flirting with those men she managed to convince most of them to meet her at the club that night. she promised she would bring friends so none of them got left out. Those friends being you and Robin, it has been a very long time since you've been to a club but your a surprisingly good dancer, you often Tango with Sanji in the kitchen. Sanji and Zoro were against it form the get go but Nami fought them on this saying her plan would be ruined "Why Not just you and Robin?" Zoro yelled pointing at the black haired woman "Because theres like 15 of them, us two can't distract all of them" Nami fights back getting in Zoro's face "I dont think we should do this at all, what are those guys gonna do to you beautiful lady's?" Sanji asks getting panicked at the thought of other pirates touching his girls.
Robin places a hand on your shoulder trying to get you to calm the two down. You didn't think this plan was a bad one and you only had feeling for the two boys so what was the problem. You sign and walk over to Zoro placing your hand on his shoulder "Its going to be ok. Im not letting them do this on their own." Zoro's face quickly turned to you before he could say anything you smiled and turned to Sanji "They don't mean anything to use. just more money in our pockets. we need it to buy supply at the next place, plus free drinks" The two boys look at each other and sigh. Theirs no point in arguing with you but there is something the can do "Fine but were going with you. I know you can handle yourselves but I'll be there in case you need me" Sanji pipes in earning a nod from Nami and Robin "Me too" Zoro nods not wanting to leave you.
With that the plan was set and everyone in agreement. You, Nami and Robin went to get changed, Nami gave you one of her dresses to wear since you didn't have any "Sexy" cloths as she called it. You did each others hair and makes up before leaving the room walking down to the kitchen where everyone was getting ready. Usopp, Brook and Franky gasped when you all entered. Nami in a shiny blue short dress, the hem just going past her waist, the straps going around her neck leaving her back exposed and a long v neckline showing her cleavage. Her hair long and straitened, red lips and blue eye shadow. Robin in a pink glitter short dress, the hem just touching her knees. Straps dangling off her shoulders and a heart shaped neckline, hair tied up in a long pony tail and pink eye shadow. You in a purple glitter dress going down to the middle of your thighs, a slit on either side going up to your waist only being held togeather by some black string and a heart shaped neckline with no straps. Your hair was down but curled, not a lot of makeup just a bit of eye liner and nude lip gloss. "We'll what do you think?" Nami said posing for everyone in the room earning nods of approval before turning to leave "Lets go then"
As everyone left the room you where dragged back in by a pare of strong arms, the door slamming shut. Sanji's hand made their way around your waist while zoro's hand was on the door both staring at you intensely. "You've been holding out on us?" Sanji whispers into you neck before kissing it and slightly biting "Its Nami's dress and dont bite, you'll leave a mark" you tried pushing his head away but Zoro grabs your arms "Let him. im gonna leave one too" Zoro's voice got even deeper, it made your heart skip a beat, they were both so hot in that moment. Sanji pulls away form your neck leaving a nice small bruise near your shoulder "So sexy. i cant wait to see you dance" he whispers to you, Zoro lets go of you so Sanji can turn you around to face him, eagerly crashing his lips onto yours while Zoro goes for your neck, biting and sucking next to the hickey Sanji left. You moan into Sanji's mouth bringing your hands up and into his hair pulling him closer, Sanji's tongue slipping into your mouth. The door behind you three slams open "Seriously?? I know she looks hot but don't leave marks" Nami yells the three of you breaking away form each other to look at her. she was so scary when angry and eyes full of fury as she takes out a compact from her small bag. "Come on lets cover those up"
Zoro and Sanji entered the club first getting drinks and sitting in one of the winding booths, Sanji lighting a cigarette and blowing out the smoke. The only seats where those winding black booths curving around to another set. Small black tables placed in different areas where people gathered. the place was packed, playing upbeat music and the DJ headbanging slightly to his own tunes. The walls where black but with all the different shades of blue lights hitting them it made it look like you were under water. Their where two bars one on either side of the large building a dance floor jampacked with people in between. You, Nami and Robin where waiting outside for the pirates to show and when they did they all seemed super happy "Hay lady's. You kept your promise you did bring some beauties" the leader seemed to say the other nodding along. "I never disappoint" Nami answered hugging his arms "Shall we" she says walking in with them, it was only then you realized how many there were, Nami was right there was 15 of them but you were confident with your friends around, you know how to dance and you know you look sexy. A few of them walk after their boss while the others guide you and Robin in, their Hands on your lower backs.
Some men went to get a drink for you all while you, Nami and Robin lead the rest over to the dance floor. By now their ship would be getting raided so you three just had to keep them here for a while. The music was loud but fun to dance too, you started to have fun only really focusing on your friend's until a hand went up the outside of your leg and a body presses again your back swaying with you. Nami gave you a nod giving you the confidence you needed to show off "Hello" he whispers in your ear, you put on the best fake smile you can muster and turn to him quickly placing a hand in his shoulder while you sway your hips going up and down slowly as you did, your other hand running up threw your hair to the music "Nami mentioned you guys were cute but she was wrong... your all very handsome" You lie getting in his face so he can hear you, the smile on his face got big placing his hands on your waist stopping you from going lower down again "Your more beautiful than i thought you'd be" he said back pulling you closer "Flattery will get you many places" he leaned in to try and kiss you only for you to grab one of his hands and spin under it, twirling out but keeping your hand in his "Now now, don't want to make your friend's jealous do we?" you ask letting go of his hand one of guys friends behind you grabbed your hips and stated to dance with you "Come on man, you always rush into things, take it slow for once" the guy behind you says inviting the man from before to join you two. As more of the guys gathered around you, you looked around the room trying not get noticed by the pirates around you. You spotted your two boys sitting in a booth, both staring at you. You don't know why but you wanted to tease them, your gonna pay for it later but it'll be worth it, you smile at the two a real one and wink, keeping your eyes on them as you lean in closer to the man behind you, putting your arm up and around the back of his neck keeping him close to you as you move. instead of swaying side to side you started moving your waist back and forth, your hips moving with it as you slowly went down the man following with you. You only kept you eyes on Sanji and Zoro smiling at them with seductive eyes, you did wish the man behind and in front of you were them, dancing with you and feeling your body. The guy behind you let his hand wonder down your leg grabbing your inner thigh only for you to slap it away. Only your boys get to touch you there no one else, you made sure of that.
The two men sat drinks in one hand and holding each others hand watching the show. Sanji found it very sexy the way you danced taking puffs of his cigarette, his eyes looking over your body until you were joined by a man. His hand tightened on Zoro's catching his attention looking at his boyfriend before looking back at his girlfriend. Zoro leaned back and took a sip of his drink "She looks good" The comment snapped Sanji out of what ever he was thinking about to look at Zoro then back at you "Yea. i just wish it was us there" He sighs leaning back with Zoro laying his head on the sword mans shoulder "I know, I hate it too but she wont let anything happen" He states watching as you pull away form the guy that tried to kiss you. "See" Sanji sighs at Zoro not fully convinced "A lot can happen in seconds, we're both men, we know that their thinking, where their eyes are. Makes me sick" Zoro looks around before placing a kiss on Sanji's head "That's why we're here". As they sat and watched your eyes shifted to them and they realized what you were doing. "That bitch" Zoro leaned forwards a cocky smile on his face watching you, the glass in his hand threatening to brake under his grip. Sanji's eye twitched leaning forward and slamming his glass on the table, the music was too loud for anyone but Zoro to notice. Your eyes never left theirs and it made them want you more than ever. A growl left Zoro's lips his hand tightening around Sanji's "She knows what she's doing" Sanji smiles a little watching you move your hips putting his cigarette out in the ash tray. "She'll be getting it later" Zoro groans slightly his eyes widening when the mans hand went to your thigh, it was all fun and games up until that moment watching you slap away the mans had. The boys noticed the mans face crinkle up into an angry look as he pulled your hair from your neck, You and the man spoke for a few seconds, noticing you had stopped moving but the man was still trying to sway your hips with him. Zoro and Sanji's eyes turned to rage when you turned and slapped the man right in the face.
You enjoyed the cocky smiles on your boyfriends faces. You wanted them to love you, think your beautiful and sexy. The man seemed to notice something pulling you hair away from your neck "Such a slut" he whispers shocking you out of you trance and stopping your hips form moving. The man still tried to dance with you, his hands gripping your hips in a death grip "What?" you asks hoping you didn't hear him right "You have hickies on your neck, some ones already had a go at you. Your such a Slut" he said it to be seductive but you hated that word, it hit you hard, no longer feeling sexy, a sickness rose in you causing anger to hit you and in turn you whipped around pulling away from the man and slapping him hard in the face, his nose starting to bleed instantly. "Your ass better show me some respect" You spat as the other men looked at you in anger
"Y/N?" Nami asks stopping dancing with the leader to see if you were ok. The leader didn't let her go though "Don't worry lass my boys are only trying to have fun". Robin tried to chime in but the men she was dancing with grabbed her arms "Hay get off me" she yelled out, the crowd now starting to notice. Seeing your friends in trouble you decided it was time to teach these boys a lesson, your not an object, your strong and your about to show them that. You turned to the leader and kicked him right in the face, your heal making contact with his jaw, Nami was let go and she turned to punch the same man in the face. The force of both of you sent the man tumbling to the ground the crowd running off to get away from the fight. The men around Robin yelled out in pain and fell to the ground letting go of her, Zoro and Sanji appearing in front of her, them being the cause of their pain. "Fucking Bitch's, Kill them" The leader yelled holding his jaw blood coming out of his mouth and nose. The other pirates pulled out their weapons and come in to attack. Zoro ran slicing a few of the men while sanji lite his foot on fire kicking a few in the face. Robin used her powers to grow hands out the backs of some, pulling their heads back with a crack. Nami and You stood back to back punching and kicking anyone that came at you. It was a fun fight but your attention was drawn to the leader again as he got up pulling out a gun. You didn't notice he had one this whole time, pushing Nami away as he fired missing the both of you. The gun shot got Zoro's attention running at the man and slicing his gun in two before shoving his sword in the mans face. With the leader now at Zoro's mercy the fighting stopped, the mans crew stepping back watching to see if their leader would die. "Well i guess this is a great time for you to empty your pockets as a sorry for giving us a hard time" Nami chimes up a smug smile on her face. The leader sighed and nodes, his crew pulling out everything they had, Nami, Sanji, you and Robin taking any money or things of value before getting ready to leave.
You spotted the man who called you a slut before leaving. Zoro and Sanji walking behind you as you approaches taking his wallet and looking threw it, taking the money he had and shoving his the wallet into his chest "Word of advice.... never call a woman a Slut, That's how you get your nose broken" his eyes shot form you to the two angry men behind you, it was like he was looking at two guard dogs ready to sink their teeth into him and rip him apart on your orders. He then realized that your slap didn't brake his nose and you knew that too. Punching the man square he fell to the ground screaming, his nose broken and bleeding badly. You shook his blood off your hand only for Sanji to take your hand and pull out a napkin to wipe your knuckles, kissing them after its clean making a show of it before leaving your hand in his. Zoro placed his hand on the small of your back walking you out the Club following Nami and Robin.
The sunny set sail, all the treasure form the other ship on the grass deck, it was a lot more than anyone expected and the berry signs in Nami's eyes showed how happy she was. Drinks where given out and Brook played music to celebrate their victory. You, Zoro and Sanji were sitting away form the other, you on Zoro's lap Sanji's hand on your thigh and Zoro's arms around Sanji's waist "You were so hot out there baby" Zoro smirked in your ear kissing your neck. Sanji's hand tightened on your thigh "You kicked that guy's ass good my love" Sanji complemented his face on the other side of you neck. "Y/N, Sanji, Zoro" Luffy yelled running over causing you three to look up at him "Heard you got into a fight. How was it?" your captain asked "It was fun" You says Zoro humming and going back to your neck kissing it and biting it. "I dont think now's a good time luffy." Sanji laughed seeing Zoro's eagerness, Zoro's other hand wrapping around your waist holding you close to his chest. "Arrrrrrr but Nami wont tell me either" Luffy pouts but you manage to make him happy again "Im sure Robin would love to tell you about it" Luffy smiled and looked over to where robin was and nodded "Thanks Y/N" your captain said running off. "Good job" Sanji commented before getting an idea "Hay how about we dance? i want you to move the way you did before. only this time its us holding you" Sanji grabs your chin making you look at him "Anything for you two" you whispers Sanji placing his lips on yours before helping you up, Zoro didn't hesitate to get up with you. he normally wouldn't dance but after today he wanted both you and sanji to dance for him.
You three still stayed away from the group but enjoyed dancing togeather. Sanji deiced after a while that Zoro wasn't doing a good enough job and stood behind the swords man holding his hips "Follow my lead" The cook whispered in Zoro's ear guiding his hips to sway. you turned to place a hand on Zoro's shoulder "Need a hand?" you asks seeing Zoro's face is slightly red but enjoying himself. "That's it , Follow Sanji's lead" You encourage Zoro bringing you in by your hips "Gods your perfect, both of you" he comments making you and Sanji smiles kissing his neck togeather. he groans at the two of you shoving his leg in between yours. you pull away to dance with him more helping him move down and back up, his hand sliding from your hips to your ass. Sanji's lips still on Zoro's neck, his hands slide down to the sword mans thighs making their way in to the middle of his thighs. Zoro crashes his lips onto your and sliding his tongue into your mouth, you both groan at the feeling. In this moment you felt so loved, so beautiful and sexy. You couldn't imagine being with anyone else but the two in front of you. Behind you a loud voice shouted at you three "JUST FUCK ALREADY" Usopp yelled before shoving a hand over his mouth not meaning to say it out loud. You pulled away laughing along with Sanji and Zoro. The rest of the crew joining in the laughter Nami grabbing usopp "Shut up and let them have their fun". Now that the plan was over she didn't care what the three of you did but she was happy at how those two made you happy.
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Hope you liked, I don't know if im going to do something else with this or not. it depends what i think of but if you have any suggestions that would be great, there are only a few things i wont do, NSFW, child or teen stuff, sibling romance, Pregnancy/miscarriage and Domestic with character . Iv been threw a lot in life so im actually ok with writing things like comfort after you got assaulted or worse.
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admiral-mason · 16 days
SAGAU x Ultrakill Part 2
Comment from the last post:
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Okay @bk-4-trash-fire here's some more gremlin content
This is part 2 to my original SAGAU x Ultrakill post
Gender neutral reader
In Inazuma
After visiting and causing enough shenanigans in Liyue, you received a letter from the Raiden Shogun detailing that she desired you to visit Inazuma.
So you two hitched a ride on the Alcor with Captain Beidou and the Crux, but V1 thought the ship was too slow.
"...V1, why do I feel like you're gonna do something drastic again?"
"Because I am!"
Right after that sentence, V1 fired a frozen rocket with the Freezeframe rocket launcher yet again (it's quite the useful mobility tool at this rate) before deciding to carry you bridal-style and unfreezing the rocket to fly to Inazuma.
Timeskip brought to you by:
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After a while of flying in the air and your constant worries of falling off, V1 safely landed on his two feet before placing you down.
"Rocket riding is always great-" You then stared at him directly in his eye with an expression that screamed a mixture of anger and distress.
"Never pull that shit again on me V1."
"I cannot guarantee that but okay!"
Walking into Inazuma, you and V1 made your way to the Tenshukaku, taking in the sights and getting your friend some more blood until you heard dashing noises followed by running in Inazuma City's streets.
"Lmaoaoao can't catch me you spear-wielding dumbass humans have too many skill issues!"
You two saw V2 being chased be what appeared to be a group of Shogunate soldiers until he stopped.
(V2's voice from this video, V1 added as well)
"Okay I'm actually getting tired of you guys so here."
V2 jumped and ground slammed to knock the soldiers back before knocking a few out with his right arm before switching over to his left Knuckleblaster arm; the same one that V1 stole. Somehow he managed to get it back.
"Hey V1 how the heck did he get his arm back??"
"I'm about as confused as you-"
V2 then turned his head to you two and crossed his arms.
"You know, V1 I really would fucking kill you right now."
"Likewise here, glorified security drone!" V1 replied with a snark before taking out the Slab Piercer revolver and pointing it at him.
"But I'm not going to, because I finally have my original arm back! Oh and who's your friend?" V2 said as he pointed to you with his Knuckleblaster.
"Oh! This guy helped me take your arm!" V1 said, still holding the revolver.
You just stared at V1 with a deadpan face since being around him desensitized your danger senses. "Bruh V1 you really had to do me like that-"
V2, however, was surprisingly calm about it. "Meh, okay. The past is the past, I have my arm back so no need to continue my murder spree for it."
V2 offered his hand for a handshake and you did so hesitantly. V1 lowered his revolver in result.
"So, wanna join us?" You asked.
"Sure, before those guys wake up and murder me." He said, pointing at the knocked-out guardsmen.
It didn't take long for you and your robot friends to make it to Tenshukaku where Ei resided. Upon entering the palace and finding Ei she smiled at you and your mechanical dyad.
"Greetings, your grace. It is an honor to meet you in the flesh. Uh, who are your friends though exactly?"
"This is V1, and this is V2." You pointed the two of them out respectively.
After some introductions, you all spent a bit of time with Ei, mostly just chatting about various things and the Electro archon just eating away at an egregious amount of desserts.
It was mostly peaceful, until this part.
"Hey, I got a question," V2 said, raising his hand a little.
"If you are a shogun why the hell do you have that boob window?"
You could visibly see Ei taken aback by that statement. "Pardon?" She replied.
"I mean what I said. Why do you have that large boob window?"
But V2 continued. "Actually no better question, why the fuck are you a woman?"
Ei looked both bewildered and slightly angered at this point while you and V1 just looked at each other. Then you took a couple of Tricolor Dango whilst V1 made sure to figure out how to save these memories in his hard drive.
Then, the argument truly commenced with V2 kicking it off.
"Weren't great leaders of nations always men or something? Because I never expected that you would be outside of the fucking kitchen."
"You insolent red thing-! I will have you know that I lead with the interests of my people in mind!"
"First, I am a machine, not a thing. Second, didn't you like fuck up your society after you placed a machine to lead? I know that we machines are great at warfare but we're shit at leading lmao."
This statement got the three of you taken aback, but moreso you and V1. You both knew that V1 and V2 originated from a different universe; how did V2 know about Ei's blunders? Thankfully, V2 looked at you two and provided an answer.
"I asked the locals here about any recent conflicts and they told me about the Vision Hunt Decree. They did seem very off-put about it though."
Ei looked frustrated, and not the 'anime girl-esque' type of frustrated. "Listen here, V2. I am a changed archon-"
"You still suck ass lmao" Ei slammed her hands after that.
"Will you let me speak?!"
"No, also you are fucking out there in that with all that fabric like a skate out of water. Just disgraceful. Back in my day, humanity dressed with some semblance of modesty. No flanges, no tassels, no wack shit just good ol' functional garbs to get us through our days. That's not even mentioning those thigh windows. Now go make me a sandwich woman."
That statement was the final straw for Ei and when she reached for her chest you knew that it was over for V2...
...At least, until V2 literally used his Knuckleblaster arm to prevent Ei from taking the Musou Isshin out of her chest.
"Oh shit V2 how are you doing that??" You asked with a bewildered expression.
"You forget that I'm a blood-powered machine far more capable than a human in destructive combat, human."
Thankfully after a very long talk, you managed to get Ei and V2 to calm down.
You had to cuddle with her for the rest of the day though.
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questionablemorally · 2 months
Okay, I lied, I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to do something for a Sebagni fic but I genuinely have no energy…
Instead how about some more Sebagni HCs so I can make up for it? And I will get to ACTUALLY writing a modern au for them… eventually!
So, as always, here’s some HCs for the ship that has my heart currently - warning: this one contains nsfw under the cut.
Agni is a very affectionate person everywhere - he loves showering Sebastian with compliments and talking about him to everyone, and he’s a fan of PDA. However, Sebastian is a lot more reserved on this - he will absolutely speak well on Agni if he’s brought up in conversation, and he will lean into Agni’s touch, but he’s mainly affectionate in privacy, to maintain his aesthetic. He has no problem teasing the other in public, though.
They barely ever argue or disagree, as they have similar opinions on the things they normally talk about, and what Seb does disagree with Agni on, he is instead shown a new perspective that leaves him thinking more deeply about it.
Saying this, when they do argue (which, again, I couldn’t see them doing often. It would be a very rare and unfortunate occurrence), everyone notices how Agni is a lot more anxious and a little impatient, and Seb is a LOT more irritable and snappy.
Ciel and Soma are like their adopted children. Whenever the two get into trouble as kids do, Sebastian is the one they face lecturing from. Agni makes sure they are okay, but isn’t ever harsh on them, so Seb has to be strict for the both of them.
They are very protective over one another. Agni in the sense that he really cares for everyone in his life, and Seb in the sense that it’s ‘his human’. So if somebody insults/upsets one of them, they should watch their back.
As far as relationships in kuroshitsuji go, theirs is genuinely pretty healthy (or as healthy as it can be). I feel like if Agni did actually know Sebastian is a demon, he might be surprised, sure, but otherwise not really bothered about it. He is of the firm belief that anyone can change and be a good person - just as he did - so, even if Seb is a being of sin, he would still love and protect him.
One time, Soma flung the doors to Agni’s room open in the morning, and was shocked to see Sebastian sitting in Agni's bed, wrapped in his khansama's arms as they had been enjoying the early hours together. The prince may be young and energetic, but he wasn't about to separate the two - who he thought were so clearly soulmates - so he immediately apologised and left.
In terms of their sex life, Agni is really soft. He likes praising his partners, kissing them gently, taking his time, and I could see him doing body worship. Sebastian sometimes manages to convince Agni to be a bit more rough with him but, surprisingly (to himself too), he enjoys the praise a lot more than he’d expected...
Aftercare is Agni’s expertise. He tends to feel really guilty if Seb mentions any pain after their nights together, and is so sweet with him right afterwards - cuddling, bringing him water, cleaning them both up, immediately tending to any wounds… even just light bruises.
Agni loves it when Sebastian rides him. To him, it’s like the ideal position - facing each other, close proximity to allow for kisses or touches, etc. As soon as Seb learnt this, he also found out that, to get Agni flustered and heated quickly, he just had to straddle him. He uses this way too much, and it still works every time.
Sebastian doesn’t have many stand-out preferences, but there are a few that catch him off guard. One of these, Agni learnt, is fingering - especially while kissing. Seb prides himself on his physical self-control, so both were just a little concerned when he started shaking and gasping into the kiss. It also helps that Agni has his blessed right hand…
Last, quick one: Agni often cries in the act, and Seb finds this incredibly endearing.
That’s it for now, thank you for reading and I will write the modern au fic soon! Let me know me if you want it super sweet or angsty or nsfw etc. I don’t mind, I need to practise more lol.
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