#i have tried texting back but they arent sending???
januaryrabbit · 4 months
seventeen with a tall s/o who flusters them!! (๑>◡<๑)
pairing: svt x gn!reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: mild cursing because i can’t be normal
other disclaimers/notes: author teasing/poking fun at svt LOL, barely proof read because i am sleepy and its 2am
a/n: hi everyone, I'M FINALLY BACK WITH ANOTHER POST lmao~ hope you all enjoy and THANK YOU MY TALL 😈 ANON HANNIE STAN FOR REQUESTING!! <3 i have more things in the works that i want to post soon, some svt, ateez and nct dream~ pls stay tuned, but for now enjoy!!!
✩‧₊˚seungcheol: SULK!!!!!!!!!!y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he will still try to protect you He Does Not Care. every time you get flirty with him he just starts pouting like “why are you treating me like this im a grown man…” kinda thing. he will literally try to reach things for you even though he can’t like he’s actively trying to beat you to the punch constantly LMAO!!!! he back hugs you a lot, and you just stand there awkwardly like “pls let me hug you, arent you uncomfortable with your face against my back???” and hes like “No im perfectly fine like this, i just want to give my s/o a hug thanks.” and hes like SO serious. it is actually is kinda uncomfy for his neck tho so after a while he gives in and lets you hug him LOL, but he;s not happy about it >___> (he is!)
✩‧₊˚jeonghan: this man lies for fun………..he messes with people like it’s his JOB…………so when his tall s/o flusters him he tries his BEST to just try to do it back. HOWEVER unbeknownst to you, jeonghan his having a fucking existential crisis over this in his mind. every time you tease him, it sends him into a spiral, questioning his entire god damn life. jeonghan literally lays down in bed one day after hanging out with you and he’s like “this feeling…………what is it……………………my face……..why is it WARM……………” he will literally google (in incognito mode. can’t have the bros seeing this after all) “what does it mean when you feel shy-embarrassed-butterflies in your stomach” because he this feeling is FOREIGN to him!!!!! once he realizes that this is what it means to be flustered he’s just like “oh my god. who have i BECOME!!!!!!!!!!!” and then his eyes widen. “am i the babygirl??????”
✩‧₊˚joshua: i feel like if it’s applicable to the situation, joshua is going to do everything in his power to try to repeat the gesture back to you to fluster you back. i swear to god joshua makes your relationship the Flustering Olympics. he will try to outdo you at any turn. one time you ruffled his hair and he was like You know what. and then he reached up to ruffle YOUR hair!!!! you kiss his cheek, he’ll reach back up to give you one too. he refuses to be the only one who’s constantly feeling shy and mushy - it’s gross and not fair. 
 ✩‧₊˚jun: he is STRUGGLING…..like. i feel like he’s oblivious to your teasing at first, like why are they always reaching to get stuff for me….what’s up with all the headpats??? do they think I’M ACTUALLY A CAT?????? i feel like jun would just straight up ask you that unprompted. like “y/n we need to talk, why do you keep petting me and pinching my cheeks, do you think im a real cat we need to get you checked out grandma.” and youre literally like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LIKE ACTUALLY, I JUST THINK YOU[RE CUTE AND SMALL………..anyway he gets real embarrassed after you say that and just accepts the babygirl title that has been thrust upon him
✩‧₊˚hoshi: he is the babygirl of seventeen so he is absolutely RELISHING in this. he will let you do whatever you want with him and he even plays into it too like tbh i think hoshi likes being taken care of even though hes part of hyung line and the performance leader :3 bro is giggling every time you lean down to pinch his cheeks or use his head as an arm rest lmao. this is his world and you’re just in it !!! always asks you to take pics of him when you;re out doing things together, and always gives you picture credit in his captions lol. is the type to drunk text you asking you to pick him up and drive him home from drinking with the boys, and is super clingy to you as you both say your goodbyes to everyone. yeah if you treat him as such, this guy will become a domestic baby girl for you LMFAO
✩‧₊˚wonwoo: quietly flustered at all times. this guy unironically does NOT know how to fcking react when you tease him like this….he’s seriously the type to be like “y/n stop this is seriously bad for my heart wtf” like one time you leaned down and kissed his cheek and he just froze. he was convinced that for a min he was Actually Not Breathing. he’s the type who’s always like ahhh why are they so cute… whenever you tease him…he’s literally so down bad for you!!! btw every time you ruffle his hair or make it known in some way that he’s smaller than you he will without fail crinkle his nose in embarrassment and shyness lol
✩‧₊˚woozi: angry cat vibes from this man. i have a feeling you two would have a tom/jerry type relationship where woozi WILL NOT tolerate you patting his head, bending down to his eye level, and ruffling his hair. he is a grown man. he might need your help to reach some groceries, but YOU’RE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT and HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN IT OFF THE SHELF IF HE COULD. i feel like woozi may be one of the only members who would have to ask you to tone it down maybe and not tease him as much LOL. of course he appreciates you and likes affection, but i just think woozi would be like -___- i can take care of myself y/n -__- i can also take care of U y/n -___- let me take care of us -____-
✩‧₊˚minghao: a warmhearted man who just genuinely appreciates the gestures you display for him. sometimes will ask you to reach things for him first just because he knows you’ll do it and it just makes him feel cared for. doesn’t really get flustered per se, but i think he his heart would melt every time you show him any kind of affection :) i think he’s the type to appreciate his partner taking the initiative an equal amount in the relationship, so i think he’d be pretty happy w you doting on him a bit lol. he doesn;t realize your intention is to fluster him at all and you end up never telling him because the look of love he has when you pinch his cheeks is worth anything
✩‧₊˚dk: he’s literally svt #1 dude kisser like HE’S usually the one causing people to blush,,,,,......if someone behaved that way toward him, i think he would die because i don;t think dk 100% understands how easily he catches people off guard with his physical affection!!! so like when it happens to him he’s just like OH MY GOD IS THIS HOW WOOZI FELT WHEN I KISSED HIM………….i feel like if you bent down to kiss his cheek suddenly he would become quiet af and suddenly can’t look you in the eyes LMAO like YOU KILLED HIM!! HE’S DEAD!!! btw he reacts this way every single time 
✩‧₊˚mingyu: mingyu is puzzled. he wasn’t aware that these emotions were ones he would ever experience. he recalls seungkwan scolding him in the past for purposely doing things to fluster girls (i.e. flexing his muscles to people at the gym, flashing his smiles at baristas when theyre getting coffee, etc), and he never understood why seungkwan always told him to stop behaving like that until he started dating you. being constantly doted on like his was literally killing him…he;s never been on the receiving end of playful teasing like this before, and he;s literally so shy that he doesn’t know what to do with himself!!
✩‧₊˚seungkwan: he is crisis….he wakes up everyday looking in the mirror and is like “you will NOT get flustered today. you WILL be normal, and unphased, even if they kiss your forehead.” and everyday he fails himself. every time you hand him a mug from the top shelf, every time you slink an arm around him, every back hug you give him, he can’t help how warm his face gets - it’s actually kind of annoying how much of an affect you have him. one time he was thinking about the sudden cheek kiss you gave him before work while pouring himself a glass of water and it literally began to overflow. seungkwan remembers that day as a particular sickening reaction to your tomfoolery….
✩‧₊˚vernon: lmao i feel like the first time you like give vernon a headpat in his mind he’s just like “oh shit why am i getting nervous, i didn;t know i was into this lmao” dfjsdklfjsd. like every time you fluster him hes just pleasantly surprised and goes along with it because he kinda likes being the one taken care of. i’d say that he gets flustered most of the time you try to get a reaction out of him, but sometimes when his tolerance is particularly high, he’s able to flirt back to fluster you too. i think the longer you two have been together, the easier it is to throw back that behavior at you LOL. i feel like you both are always teasing each other and laughing all the time ~___~
✩‧₊˚dino: a BABY GIRL WHO WON’T ADMIT IT!!! bro talks a big talk to his friends about how he isn’t a kid anymore and how he’s a grown man now and yayayayayyayaya. but the moment you headpat him, he’s reduced to a blushy mess. i think if you reached down to boop his nose, he would literally Die on Impact. like. he really thinks he’s normal and the more dominant one in the relationship but lean down to make eye contact with him or rest your head on top of his and he will fucking pass away. after the initial resistance, i think hes someone else who would relish in being babygirl, but only in private!!!! there are things his hyungs do NOT need to know…………………..
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vhstown · 1 year
time out (part 1)
[boxer au] — 42!miles g morales x gn!reader
summary: Miles Morales makes boxing history. Your boyfriend isn't there to celebrate.
warnings: angst-ish, description of (boxing) injuries, self-destructive behaviours, briefly implied death, pov switch (yay), gtranslate spanish
word count: 3.9k
a/n: ive never written 42 miles before but he's a cool lil guy split into two parts cuz it was too long 😭 semi-edited (for the millionth time)
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"Just six rounds in, Miles Morales knocks out the Vulture!"
Screams and cheers exploded from your phone as you laid in bed, watching the recap of your boyfriend's boxing match. Your eyes were straining from how close you were holding the screen to your face; this was probably the third time you’d watched Miles’ win. After training to hell and back, he’d made it to the national league with you and Aaron to support him. He did more than just “make it”, in fact. His “revolutionary” victory was plastered all over social media and the news. Everywhere you looked was: “17-YEAR-OLD NYC BOXER OVERTAKES LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION ‘VULTURE’ IN US NATIONALS”. Miles Morales — your boyfriend — had made boxing history.
The giddy grin on your face only grew wider as he came up again on screen, sporting the stoic expression he'd perfected over the last few months behind the overly-done editing and animations of the recap. As much as you'd wanted to go out and see him live (though begging your family to let you go to Vegas wasn’t exactly feasible), he'd made it clear he didn't want you, or anyone for that matter, in that arena. It was something about having "total focus" — and it must've worked, you thought, as you watched him give his post-fight interview.
“I jus’ hope you watchin’, cause I’m here. Miles Morales made it!”
Despite his boyish, adrenaline-fuelled shout at the mic, the quiet laugh you let out was one of pride rather than embarrassment. He had every right to celebrate, and you were watching, even if it wasn’t live. Everything he'd done up until this point was well worth it: the constant training, sparring, the late nights and early mornings — maybe even the countless unanswered texts and missed calls too. Miles had worked himself to the bone, and while it might've worried you at the time, it was nothing compared to the satisfaction you felt while watching him on screen. He knew what he was doing; Miles was semi-professional at this point. You had to let him do his own thing, even if that meant letting him go for a while.
Right now, though, Miles was home from Vegas. Tapping out of the video, you scrambled to your messages. The last ones were from you, sent weeks ago, a "good luck" and "i love you" read and without a response. Your fingers kept missing the keys, and you frowned at yourself until you finally were able to hit send.
CONGRATS BABY!!! Not delivered
IM SO PROUD OF YOU Not delivered
You tried resending them, only to be met with the same red message.
why arent my texts sending Not delivered
miles??? Not delivered
Not delivered? It'd almost been three days since the tournament; Miles always had his phone on.
"To leave a message, please press one—" The call went to voicemail for the third time. Your stomach swirled with something like uncertainty. It didn't even ring at all. Miles made it a habit to always be available, so why...?
Boxers needed time to recover, he was probably just tired and turned his phone off. Or he could be busy with an interview; Miles Morales was sort of a celebrity right now — who wouldn't want to talk to the 17-year-old boxing prodigy? You knew you wanted to, prodigy or not.
It was probably because you hadn’t seen Miles in so long, but possibilities kept forming in your head, disappearing just as fast. What if he blocked you? Or he could’ve changed his number. Were you over? No. Nope. No way. Not like this.
There was one other reason that made some sort of sense, but you decided to think against it. Miles had made it to the semi-finals in entire the National League. It was over; he'd gotten what he wanted. He was supposed to be resting right now.
Miles wasn't that stupid, right...?
You pulled up Rio's contact. It was better to be safe than sorry.
Riiiiiiing, riiiiiiing…
Better for him to be safe than sorry — or stupid.
"Hola, tía, uh, could I speak to Miles?" You felt just a little crazy as you held the phone to your ear, but there was no harm in calling his mom.
"Ah, he's not home right now — said he was going out with his tío."
"Oh… Do you know where they went?"
"I'm not sure. Something important. About a... contract?"
"Contract…?" you muttered to yourself. “Okay… thank you.” It wasn't like you knew anything about a contract, though it wasn't like Miles would tell you anyway. At least he was safe, and with Aaron. It was probably important, official — something that didn't involve you. Not a lot of things in Miles’ life involved you, it seemed.
"How have you been?” Rio's voice interrupted your thoughts. You had called her out of nowhere, and after a while. "Have you eaten yet?"
"Oh, um..." The last time you'd talked to Rio was… right before Miles had left for Vegas. Well, you hadn't exactly talked. All you remember is just comforting her in silence. "Yeah, tía. Have you?"
"I have, but I've just been all over the place recently. So many reporters…" Rio's voice lifted up slightly in exasperation. You could only imagine what it was like for her. Your feelings suddenly felt a lot less significant, and you were back to your comforting mode all over again.
"I see. Must be exhausting." You attempted a polite laugh, which came out more like a sigh. If only you could be as patient as Rio…
"I'm so proud, though." Her voice warmed with a smile. If your chest ached with melancholy or empathy, you didn't know. "I didn't want him to leave home so soon. I still think this whole… professional thing is a bit too much, but… I want to trust him also."
"I'm sure he'll be fine, tía. If he's in the nationals already, he's probably getting a lot of support." It was more like you were trying to convince yourself. "I'm sure he has great coaches... and he's got me and Aar— uh, his uncle, too."
"I know…" For a moment, you weren't sure if either of you had anymore to say.
"…If not, I'll have to go there myself and give them a piece of my mind, eh?" she continued. You weren’t sure if it was a joke, but a smile formed on your lips anyway.
"Yeah…" A quiet laugh leaving your mouth at the image of Rio cussing out Miles' poor manager, in two languages no less. No wonder he was such a good boxer — Rio must have passed down her fighting spirit. "Maybe you'd even get signed,” you joked, the image of that even more amusing (and a scary possibility.)
Rio let out her own laugh, and your smile only grew; talking to her always made you feel better. "Me? Boxing? Nunca (Never.) — I'll work in that hospital until the end of me."
There was another stretch of silence. You thinned out a sigh, trying not to let the smile leave your face, even if she wasn’t there to see it.
"Come over for dinner tomorrow. I'll tell Miles to come and get you."
"Sure, tía, I'd love to." He probably just needed a break. Not from you specifically, but in general.
"You know tú y Miles sois mi vida, ¿bien?" (you and Miles are my life, right?) It wasn’t often Rio said that, but you always remembered every time she did, and how it made you feel — like you were family. Rio was pretty much a second mother to you. It made you wonder what Miles' father would've been like.
"Well, it's getting late, and I have a lot of laundry to fold." Rio's tone had a fake sort of enthusiasm — tiredness? You couldn’t really tell with her; the woman was always upbeat. "Take care of yourself, okay?"
"I will." It was late, you realised, and the sky outside your window was a lot darker than it had been before. "You too, tía."
“Descansa, ¿sí?” (Get some rest, yes?)
“Sí, tía.”
The call ended, and you were left facing your messages, a bittersweet feeling hugging you from behind. Right now, Miles was out with Aaron, about some contract, probably to do with boxing…
But why weren't your texts going through?
miles are you ok? Not delivered
im really proud of you Not delivered
i wish i couldve seen you live Not delivered
It wasn’t like there was much point, but…
i love you Not delivered
Maybe it was just out of habit; maybe you just missed him. Your reflection frowned at you behind the messages, thumb hovering over the power button to shut your phone off, until your phone pinged with a notification — Aaron was texting you.
Hey man
Out of town
LMK if miles breaks in
You sat up immediately, fingers floating uselessly above the keys for a moment.
sure Read at 11:24PM
are you out of town already? Read at 11:25PM
@ Queens
Miles was with Aaron about some “contract”... and Aaron was in Queens?
You knew Miles hadn't blocked you, or turned his phone off — he had no signal. And there was only one place in Brooklyn you could think of that had no reception, and that MIles had any reason to be in. It was also the one place you didn't want him to go to: that damn warehouse.
The place he’d spent training all those weeks — what reason did he have to be there right after finishing the tournament? Putting on your jacket, blinking back the sleepiness and collecting the fleeting remains of patience you had left, you could only hope that Miles had even a shred of common sense with him.
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"Mierda..." (Shit...) Miles hissed, drawing his glove away from the punching bag. His hand was paralysed for a moment, a deep, gnawing pang running through his fingers down to the rest of his arm. The tight gloves only suffocated him more, doing nothing to ease the pain as he gritted his teeth and waited for it to dull down.
Why was he even here? It was over — that Norman bastard had blown him off hours ago. It felt like a couple minutes, the words still fresh in his mind. Searing pain shot through his hand when he tried to flex his fingers, the rest of his muscles starting to ache too. This was going to hurt after the adrenaline wore off. Damn it, Morales.
The walls flashed white all of a sudden, a faint rumble of thunder interrupting the pounding of his heartbeat as he tried to straighten himself out. It was quiet, except for the sounds of the incoming storm. The playlist he was listening to had finished ages ago — your playlist. If he didn’t want to think about you, he wasn’t doing a good job of it.
Rain blasted quietly against the windows, and Miles’ eyes stung with dryness as he squeezed them shut. There was no way he'd be able to go back now, not to you, definitely not to his mom. She'd probably go on and on about how he should've taken his jacket, how he ruined his hair in the rain again, maybe how he wasted his damn time being a boxer...
It was probably fair; his mom had enough on her plate trying to support them both — especially him right now. She’d done everything in her power to make sure he got to Vegas, and he’d just left her alone again right after. But how was he meant to face her now? He was supposed to make her proud, make his dad proud, but it wasn’t like he had any pride left after he’d lost his contract. The Green Goblin had probably set the record for fastest knockout when Miles lost to him. Of course just the semi-finals weren’t enough; Norman Osborn was the big shot of boxing, and if Miles lost to some rookie in just about 15 seconds, then maybe he wasn’t worth the investment.
It didn’t make sense — nothing about The Green Goblin (or “Harry”, whatever they liked to gossip about) made sense. He’d just debuted, but didn’t even look like a boxer; he didn’t stand right, his style was inconsistent, his head movement was all over the place, but his punch had almost knocked Miles’ brain straight out of his skull. It was almost superhuman. Even with no openings, the freak of nature had forced his way through like an animal. And he was scrawny, not nearly as built as Miles at least, like he should’ve been in the weight class down. Either way, the asshole was being celebrated, and Miles was out of a contract.
And Miles had just stood there, while Norman berated him and tore Miles’ dream apart right in front of his very eyes. Maybe he’d hoped too much as an “amateur” boxer. That’s all he was, apparently — no matter how hard he worked, or what he achieved, or what he promised.
“Why should I keep you? The Vulture was destined to lose at his age.”
“Even rigged matches wouldn’t get you anywhere.”
“I mean, you’re as good at fighting as one of those street kids.”
“That’s all you were before I decided to give you a chance, no?”
The image of the Norman’s uncanny, sneering face sent his good fist reeling towards the punching bag. Should’ve pummelled his pelirojo (redhead) ass to the ground—
The glove crumpled mid-air against the bag, arm going rigid. It was silent as he let out a breath through his teeth — he wasn’t hearing things, was he?
The rush was starting wearing off, his mind starting to cloud and pain faintly radiating again from his other hand. His good fist tightened inside the glove, pushed against the bag which was still and awkwardly tilted.
You’re losing focus, just punch the damn thing—
"Miles, what the hell are you doing here?"
The noise of the door shutting made him turn around, floor squeaking under his stumbling feet. It was you by the door, breathing just as heavily as him and dripping head to toe with rain, in a jacket that was way too thin for any sort of weather.
Dios... (God...) He knew he couldn’t be hallucinating that disapproving look on your face.
Rain was pattering gently against the glass as he pulled his arm away away from the bag, letting it swing in front of him before his eyes met yours.
"It's midnight, what are you..." A sharp intake of breath interrupted your words — a shiver.
"What’re you doin’ here...?" Miles asked instead through a grimace. His voice came out wrong — hoarse. Cold sweat was clinging to his skin, and his throat was dry and tightening. A mess — that’s what you were talking to right now, barely your boyfriend. All he could do was stare as the rush died down and his senses were coming back to him. The fog in his mind made it hard to speak, even harder to look at you.
"My texts and calls weren't going through— You weren't with Aaron or your mom, I just..." You sucked in another breath through your teeth; raindrops were glistening on your skin. He should’ve just stayed home, damn it. "Was just worried."
Well, he certainly looked worrying, even more so than you. Swallowing back his breathlessness wasn’t helping; it was like he’d ran a marathon with his fists. The pain from his knuckle was starting to bleed into the rest of his hand so much so that it might’ve been broken.
"'M good... You, though?" He let out a bit of a growl to clear his throat before deciding to cut straight to the chase: you’d come here in the middle of the night, in the rain, by yourself. As much as he was being an idiot right now, the amount of times he’d told you to not do any of those things, pleaded with you even, was making you look like the delirious one in his eyes. Miles was being stubborn, but he knew you were worse.
“You insane…?” he muttered, taking a step away from the bag. “Did Aaron tell you to come here or sumn’?"
"No, he was supposed to be with you," you shot back, eyes narrowing at him from under your hood before thunder bellowed from all around. The rain was growing into a loud static noise, and your voice was muffled as your expression grew more exasperated. "You came home 3 days ago and you didn't even text me. Yeah, I probably should've texted you, and I tried, but now you're here training alone again when your mom thinks you're with Aaron and—"
"You come here to scold me?" His jaw crunched a little as he tried to keep the annoyance out of his voice. Miles wasn’t trying to be mad at you — he was just mad in general. It just so happened to be in your direction right now.
“Huh? No, I came here because you scared the hell out of me — and Aaron told me to not let you break into his place.”
If it was supposed to be funny, the laugh he let out was anything but amused. At least Aaron wasn’t here for him to disappoint too, or get a weirdly-phrased life lesson from, or both. “Well I’m not breakin’ in, and I told you, I’m good, so I don’t get why you’re still here.”
You stepped a little closer, and Miles’ heels dug into the ground to keep himself from moving. “Isn’t it obvious? Or are you just being difficult on purpose?”
“Difficult?” he mirrored dryly, trying to push back the growing exhaustion clouding his head.
“Can you not just take a break for once? It’s over, Miles; you already won—”
“I didn’t win.” The walls echoed with his voice, words having escaped on their own. It wasn’t at you, but he didn’t know what he was mad at, resolve fading as he watched your face straighten with realisation.
“Don’t tell me that’s why you’re here…”
His fingers unconsciously clawed into the boxing glove, pain shoot through his hand. Nothing came out of his mouth, but his silence was loud — incriminating. That was the reason, right? That he didn't win?
“Kid didn’t stand a chance.” What was the point of you being here?
“A one-punch concussion — on a newbie, no less.” It was over, like you said.
“It’s a shame, I bet on him too.” Everyone had given up on him.
“You should be resting right now— you’re shaking, Miles.” So why wouldn't you?
“No ‘m not…” is all he could muster, flexing his shoulders uncomfortably. Your hand was on his arm before he could realise, and he was met with a stern look as he tried to keep his gaze from shaking too.
The velcro on his gloves crunched as you started undoing them, and he couldn’t bring himself to stop you. It’s not like he had the energy.
“You coulda’ got hurt on your way here.” The croak in his voice made him sound more hopeless than reprimanding as you slipped off the first glove, pausing half-way down his palm. His bare palm.
“…I could’ve got hurt?” Miles held back a sigh as he was made to look at his own hand. Bruised, blackened, branded with anger — it hurt more to look at it than anything. “You didn’t wear your wraps?”
The other glove slid off, revealing the fresh, festering swelling coming from his middle knuckle — the aftermath of that sickening cracking noise. You took his curled hand, easing up his middle finger and making him hiss under his breath.
“Think you can straighten it?” you muttered, gently trying to do it yourself only to lose his hand from your grip.
“’S gonna be fine,” he mumbled, eyes fixed to the side as his hand closed back up.
“It won’t if you can’t move it properly.”
“You a doctor now?”
“Nah, but your mom’s a nurse.” You carefully held his hand by palm, thumb tracing over the tender, split skin, his fingers wrapping around the side of your hand in futile protest. He’d have to bother his mom again — he didn’t even think about that. “You basically just punched yourself.”
Everything you were saying was right — it always was. He hated that fact.
“You a boxing expert too?” he thought to retort.
“Thought that was supposed to be you.” Miles’ eyes narrowed, and yours narrowed in response. “I don’t get it, baby...” you sighed, shaking your head a little as you put down the gloves to the side.
Baby. His breath almost hitched. You were dating, and it didn’t even seem like it anymore. Not after all those weeks apart. The word didn’t even feel endearing, it was condescending, like he didn’t deserve it. Maybe he was being a baby, and maybe he always had been. You were the one who always had to drag him out of this make-shift gym. Right now was no different, except…
“…Why are you still doing this?” he heard you mutter, still turned away with his hand in your grip. You didn’t even know the half of it.
“Why are you still here?” His hand tried to slip away again, but you only took it by the wrist instead, now facing him.
“Why won’t you answer my questions, Miles?” Your voice deadened into a whisper, only serving to frustrate him.
“I don’t know why you care so much.” He let out a quiet huff, staring at your hand when your grip ceased to relax.
“I care because you look like you’re about to pass out and I can’t let my boyfriend kill himself over something stupid—”
“I’m not killing myse—” A pained groan escaped his mouth as you ruthlessly pushed up his injured finger.
“Don’t push me, Miles.” Oh, you were serious.
“You’re pushin’ sumn’,” he strained through gritted teeth. “Mierda… quit it already.”
The pain tore on another moment, and he was just now realising how bad it actually hurt. All you were doing was staring at him, brows knitted together. “Cariño, please…” he whispered, a wince forming on his face.
Your hand loosened, and he let out a quiet, frustrated, somewhat relieved sigh.
Still a sucker for nice words... He didn’t say them as much as he would’ve liked.
“You need to take a time out,” you stated after a beat of silence. The expression on your face was serious again, killing any sense of tenderness you might’ve shown.
He freed his hand from your grip with the opportunity, before giving you a dubious look. “Like, for kids?”
“Like for boxers, dumbass.” Your gaze followed his retreating hand for a moment before falling back on his eyes. “But if you want me to treat you like a kid…”
“I’m good.” Another roar of thunder rang out before he could add anything, and the rain was so heavy that anything you could see from the windows became a blur.
“…You got your jacket?” you suggested, without much hope.
The idea only made Miles’ eyes squeeze shut again. A shallow exhale left him, and he tried not to let his fatigue cloud his judgement. If he kept talking stupid to you, he’d probably have worse to worry about than a broken knuckle. “You think imma go outside?”
All you could do was sigh. It seemed like the two of you would be in “time out” for a while.
thank you for reading part 2 soon but then again its not my fav fic in the world 💔 i rewrote this like 8 trillion times and it still wasn't clicking for me 😭 idk i just got sick of editing it again and again
this isn't as short as my usual fics because i felt like i needed to add context... I've never written an au or anything remotely original so this is just yeah... im tryna figure it out! i have . too much lore for this au
reblogs appreciated lmk if you did like it (i hope this is someone's cup of tea lmao)
catch my atsv masterlist here !
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 11 months
Obey Me! Leviathan's, Satan's & Asmodeus's reaction to: Mc & the strange noise.
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Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
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Imagine Mc is up late at night doing whatever. Mc hears a really strange noise, so they pull out their D.D.D and text the HoL group chat. "Hey did you guys hear that noise??" Mc waits a few minutes after hearing the noise a second time, Mc decides to message the group chat again. "Helllloooo?? Guys??" Mc sits in their room anxiously waiting for at least one of the brothers to respond. Why were they not responding? What could the noise be? What if its something bad? The longer Mc waits the more anxious Mc gets. When Mc hears the noise for a third time they decide they'll deal with the noise themselves. Mc sends one last message to the group chat "Fine ignore me, I'll go check out the noise myself." With the message sent Mc goes to leave their room. With an uneasy feeling Mc decides they need a weapon, they either grab one or decide to get one along the way. The brothers arent answering better safe than sorry right? Mc finally heads out into the dark hallways of HoL, in search of finding the source of the noise. What will happen next??
Mc was up late playing some game on their D.D.D. Levi refused to play the game with Mc so Mc refused to hang out with him. Its a cringe game Mc, give the mans a break. Mc found it odd that Levi didn't respond in the group chat, hes always on his phone and he's usually up late, it makes Mc uneasy that he of all people didn't respond in the chat. With a glance around their room Mc decides the only weapon they have is their manga. Mc walks over to their desk where there's piles of manga strewn across the desk. Mc picks up a manga and then decides it wouldnt be sturdy enough, so Mc grabs three and stacks them together so it would have more force. Mc leaves all the other mangas strewn across their desk like normal. Finally with their manga weapon in one hand and their D.D.D in the other Mc ventures out into the dark hallway, determined to figure out what the noise was.
The noise sounded like it came from the bathroom. The everyone bathroom not the just Asmo one. Using their D.D.D's flashlight Mc heads towards the bathroom. Their heart pounds in their chest and Mc tries to keep their footsteps silent. The closer to the bathroom they get the more sounds MC hears. It sounds like a bunch of crashing. Mc furrows her eyebrows in confusion but continues to venture forth nonetheless. As Mc approaches the bathroom they can see that the bathroom doors cracked open and there's a light coming from the inside. Mc clutches the mangas they had brought as a weapon tightly, taking a few more steps they arrive at the bathroom door. With a deep breath and their weapon on the ready Mc opens the bathroom door to see.... ..Satan..? ...And a muddy cat...? Satan appears to be trying to give the muddy cat a bath, but the cat seems to be fighting back intensely. The cat has knocked over all kinds of things in the bathroom, so the bathroom was a mess & there was mud everywhere due to the cat being muddy. Satan had visable scratch wounds that were bleeding, but was still trying to coax the muddy cat into the bath. Mc shook their head and silently left the bathroom they didn't want to have to get involved in that. Mc chuckles to themselves as they head back towards their room, still using their D.D.D as light. What were they even scared of? Nothing bad happened!
(This is meant to be read as if its happening at the same time as that ^^ its basically Leviathan's POV) Levi had been up watching anime, he whipped around to talk to Mc about something that happened in the anime just to realize they weren't in his room. ..That's right.. I didn't want to play that game and they said they wouldn't hang out with me then. Sad Levi. Levi sighs and pauses the anime. Everythings more fun with Mc. Levi decides he'll play the game just to hang out with Mc, but when he goes to text Mc he sees the messages they sent the group chat. Levi's immediately freaking out with worry. What noise?!?! Mc went alone?!??!?! What if something happens to them?!?!?!? Levi is not a hero, but he wont let his Henry Mc do this alone!! Levi nervously leaves his room. Its dark and it takes his eyes long to adjust even tho he's a demon because mans stares at a computer all day but he knows the house layout so he heads towards Mc's room. Levi's heart slams against his chest and he anxiously plays with his hands. Hes scared okay?!? What if something happened to Mc?!?!?
Levi finally reaches Mc's room, he notices their door is open and gets even more worried. "M-Mc?!?! Y-You in there??!?" Levi peaks his head into Mc's room, the only light on in their room is a lamp at their desk. Levi slowly walks into Mc's room nervously calling out for them, even though their obviously not in their room. Levi walks over to Mc's desk and sees all the mangas strewn out across it. See what i did there. I brought it back bby. Levi being Levi, gets distracted and picks up one of Mc's mangas, and begins to read the cover.
(Back to Mc's POV!) Mc walks back to their room, satisfied that they found out what the noise was. When they go to enter their room they see Levi, reading one of their mangas. Deciding to have some fun, Mc quietly walks back out of their room. Mc silently closes their door, not all the way just mostly. Then MC bursts through their door yelling 'This is the police you're under arrest!!!' What Mc did not expect was for Levi to throw their manga at them out of fright. The manga hits them in their face causing them to stumble a little. Mc wastes no time yeeting throwing one of the mangas they had been carrying as a weapon at Levi in retaliation, it hits Levi in the chest. "Ah!!! Mc!!! I'm so sor-!!! Did you just-?!? I-!! I threw mine on accident!!!" Levi seems incredibly upset by Mc's retaliation. Even after Mc apologizes Levi still seems to sulk. Mc decides to make it up to him by doing whatever he wants! Levi seems to cheer up a little, Levi drags Mc to his room with them. "I was watching this anime and I think you'll love it Mc!! It's called: My best friend died and became a ghost! Now we solve ghost crime together! The plot is so good and the characters are perfect! I really like it so far!" Levi makes Mc sit down and begins to set up for their anime marathon. Once everything was set up, Levi sat down next to Mc and started the first episode of the anime. Mc lays their head on Levi's shoulder and yawns quietly. Mc watches the first few episodes with Levi before they accidently fell asleep. Levi had said sonething about the anime and turned to see why Mc didn't respond. Noticing they were asleep Levi pouted. "You could have told me you were sleepy... I would have waited to watch the anime with you." Levi sighs and turns the anime off, he wasn't tired so he played games on his D.D.D until he eventually falls asleep with his head resting on Mc's head.
Mc was been reading a new book and had lost track of time when they heard the noise. Looking around their room they decide the only weapon they have is the book they were reading. Mc walks out into the dark hallway holding their D.D.D in one hand and the book in the other. Mc uses the flashlight of their D.D.D to glance around, when they dont see anything suspicous they head towards where they heard the sound come from, which happened to be the library. Mc thought it might be one of the cats Satan brings home frequently, they sometimes wind up getting out of his room. Mc felt a little at ease knowing it might be an adorable cat instead of something scary.
As Mc walks towards the library they can't help but feel anxious. What if it was actually something bad and not a cat? What would happen then? Mc tried to be brave, taking deep breaths they slowly approached the library. The library light was on and shining out of the room, illuminating the dark hallway. Mc instinctively turns off their D.D.D's flashlight and tucks their D.D.D into their pocket, leaving only their book for a weapon in their hands. Mc told themselves that someone must be in the library for the lights to be on.
(This is meant to be read as if its happening at the same time as that ^^ its basically Satan's POV) Satan was being Satan. He had been reading a book since dinner and he was completely engrossed in it. It wasnt until he finished his book and wanted to tell Mc about it that he picked up his D.D.D, when he sees the messages MC put in the group chat his eyebrows immediately furrow. He sets his now finished book to the side and gets out of his comfy spot with a stretch. Almost like a cat. Satan immediately leaves his room in search of Mc. Whatever the noise is could be dangerous, and he couldn't have Mc getting hurt. Satan walks down the dark halls of the house, even though his steps are determined and quick they are still somehow silent. Satan can hear what he assumes to be Mc's footsteps, Satan begins to head in the direction of the footsteps, determined to make sure Mc was safe.
As Satan follows the sound of the footsteps it brings him in the direction of the library, a path he knows well. Satan can't help feeling confused but he continues anyways, when he approaches the library he can see the lights on, but he can also see a figure in the dark. Upon closer inspection he can tell its Mc, Satan suddenly feels like he should announce his presence to Mc. What if Mc thought that Satan was in the library because the light was on, what if something bad was in the library? Satan steps forward and places a gentle hand on Mc's shoulder... ..Just for Mc to let out a screech in fear, Satan watches Mc whip around, for a split second thanks to the library light shining in the hallway Satan can see Mc's eyes are closed in fear, but hes quickly snapped to the pain he feels as Mc hits him full force with a book in their hand. Satan stumbles back in shock and pain, almost feeling breathless, he expected to feel wrath but instead he feels proud, he didn't expect his human to be so strong. He's quickly snapped out of his thoughts as Mc starts profusely apologizing. Satan smiles at Mc reassuringly- "You have nothing to apologize for my dear, I should have made you aware of my presence before touching you" when Satan finishes talking, a strange noise comes from the library again.
(Mc's POV again!) Mc turns towards the library door, clutching their book of a weapon against their chest. Satan moves past Mc, basically pushing them behind him, they both peak their heads into the library to see..... ..a random hellfire pigeon?? I dont know just go with it man. The hellfire pigeon was freaking out flying all around the library. The occasional sounds was it crashing into something during its panic. One of the library windows seems to have been left open, presumably the birds entry point. Mc and Satan both seem shocked, but they both hurried into the library in hopes of helping the scared bird. They both quickly opened all the windows in the library, so the bird could ecape. Then they got out of the way and tried to coax the hellfire pigeon towards one of the open windows. It took a good amount of time probs like 15-30 minutes but eventually they both helped the pigeon get out of the library. They both sigh in relief before they close all the library windows, didn't need that happening again. Mc and Satan both exchange a smile, happy they helped the bird.
Satan had a teasing smile on his face as he asked Mc- "Would you like to tell me about the book you hit me with?" Mc smiles at Satan, playfully hitting him with their book again, this time it was like a light tap, no where near as bad when Mc hit him out of fear. Satan gently nudges Mc in retaliation, they both exchange another smile before heading off to Satan's room to talk about the book. The playful banter between the two continued on long into the night, light teasing or light hitting or pushing, nothing ever harmful just play fighting. Eventually, after lots book talk and play fighting, the two settle down and Mc rests their head on Satan's chest as he reads to them. Satan has one arm wrapped around Mc, holding the book with both hands, like a pro Satan reads out loud until Mc is lulled into sleep by his comforting voice. Satan sets the book aside he's actually already read it, Satan turns off the lamp right beside his bed, that he had been using as a light source to read. Satan adjusts his body slowly and gently, trying to not wake Mc as he gets in a more comfortable sleeping position. Once Satan's comfortable he wraps his arms around Mc and cuddles close to them. Satan whispers a quiet goodnigit and kisses Mc's forehead. Satan then lets himself drift to sleep, knowing Mc is safe & sound.
Mc had been up late studying hard for an upcoming test. Mc knew Asmo said beauty rest was a must but Mc had to pass this test or they'd have to deal with Lucifer's long lectures, if loosing beauty sleep meant avoiding the dreaded lectures it would be worth the eye bags. When the noise happened and Mc texted the group chat they weren't suprised Asmo didn't answer. If Asmo wasn't out partying or doing his long skin routine, then he'd be sleeping this late at night. Mc found it odd that none of the other brothers besides Belphie answered. Mc looked around their room and decided that they didn't have any weapons in their room. So with their D.D.D as their flashlight Mc ventured into the dark hallway unarmed in search of the strange noise.
The noise sounded like it came from the living room. Mc felt a little uneasy but they started walking towards the living room anyways. Each step Mc took echoed throughout the quiet hallway, their D.D.D's flashlight only illuminated a small amount of the dark hallway. Mc tried to stay calm, it was probably nothing right? As Mc approached the living room they noticed the light was off, that made Mc's heart slam against their chest. If the light would've been on then it could have been one of the brothers. What did- what's in there makes sound??!?! Mc takes a deep breath trying to calm down. They came all this way they might as well find out what the noise was, Mc walks into the dark living room, only illuminated by their D.D.D's flashlight, Mc glances around quickly before turning on the living room light. With the light on Mc can see better than with their flashlight, they immediately notice a cat, presumably one Satan brought home. The cat rests on top of a shelf in the living room. Some of the items that had been on the shelf were locked down and the cat lays comfortably where the items used to be. Before Mc can even react, a hand touches Mc, Mc being on edge and being motivated by adrenaline, whips around and slaps the person touching them. They didn't care where they slapped, they just where reacting out of panic.
(This is meant to be read as if its happening at the same time as that ^^ its basically Asmodeus's POV) Asmo had been up late doing his skin care routine, he was trying a new product so it was taking him longer than usual. When he finally finished doing his routine he checked his phone just to see the messages Mc sent in the group chat. A noise?? It was probably nothing! But Mc was a damsel in distress that needed saving!! Hero's get rewards after all~ Asmo slowly left his room heading out into the dark hallway, in search for Mc. When Asmo heard Mc's footsteps he smiled and started following them, excited to be Mc's hero. Asmo walked quickly, but his footsteps where still somehow silent, especially compared to how loud Mc's footsteps were. Mc's footsteps eventually came to a stop and Asmo assumed by the path he was taking that Mc stopped around the living room. When Asmo walks to the living room he can see Mc's flashlight shining around. Asmo giggles happily but quietly. "Found you little lamb~" Asmo whispers before reaching out and trying to grab Mc's arm, but as soon as he touches Mc, Mc whips around and ... Slaps him?!?!?! The most beautiful creature in Devildom slapped?!?!?!??! ....oh wait... "Mc, hon if you wanted to spice things up you could've just said~" Asmo has no shame.
(Back to Mc's POV?) Mc tries to explain that it was an accident but Asmo was Asmo- "you don't have to make excuses hon, I know im irresistible :)" Mc eventually has to give up and just shake their head with a smile. Asmo will drag Mc to his room, telling them that he needs compensation for them slapping him. If Mc doesn't want to do anything to crazy then he will gladly accept cuddles and kisses. Asmo is more than happy to accept the role 'damsel in distress' he's dramatic and he loves attention, so the next time theres danger Mc better come save him. Mc had to stay up snuggling and kissing Asmo until he fell asleep, then Mc was finally allowed to drift off into their own slumber. But before they drifted off to sleep, Mc mumbled one more apology to Asmo, before snuggling closer to him.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! I'm doing Beel and Belphie next. Im still on the fence on doing the other characters reactions, so let me know if you want to see their rections! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy. ‹𝟹
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sickiehugs · 1 year
Favourite sick fic trope?
AA DIDN'T SEE THIS i will answer now, will most likely turn into a very l o n g list bc i get carried away easily haha plus i am EEPY so i will ramble
so ya, my favorite tropes and also some random scenarios i came up with added to the mix
a is the sickie, i always make a the sickie i have no idea why
When they're on a date and B caresses A's cheek or holds A's hand or anything like that, and it's like so unnaturally hot that B stops being romantic, their expression shifts to one of concern as they move their hand up to A's forehead and feels burning heat.
Cool cloth being gently placed onto A's forehead as they're half asleep in bed, and like 10 minutes later the cloth is lukewarm because the heat from A's forehead warmed it up. B has a bowl of ice water on A's nightstand, they wring out the cloth and re-soak it in cold water and place the folded cloth back onto A.
B going to A's apartment in the afternoon because A hasn't responded to any calls or texts all day. They open the door to A's room and find them out cold on their bed, laying curled up on their side, a puddle of vomit on their mattress in front of their sleeping face. Oh, that's why...
"Guyss, I... p-promise I'm fi--" *collapses*
Every time A blinks, B is in a different spot above them doing different things; reaching to feel their forehead, holding a thermometer, measuring medicine... A starts to wonder if the brief moments their eyes are closed are actually a lot longer than they think.
Sick and overworked A is fast asleep at their desk, laptop still open, head resting on their arms. B takes off their jacket and puts it over A's shoulders. Bonus points if B mumbles "You work too hard..."
B is trying to piece together what on earth made A sick; there arent any bugs going around, neither of them ate any meat recently so it couldn't have been food poisoning, A already got their flu shot weeks ago... In reality, A has been hiding an infected wound from B this entire time.
Bilingual!A is quite delirious and is having a hard time remembering different words in the language they're speaking, and they keep tiredly replacing those words from one language with the other.
It's the middle of the night, and A tried to run to the toilet as fast as they could, but they weren't fast enough. With shaking hands, they open the door to the bedroom and sheepishly wake up their partner and mumble, "B... I c-couldnt make it *hic!* to t-the bathroom..."
A curling up into a tiny little ball in bed, they look so small and B's heart sinks to the floor.
B's eyes widening as they read the number on the thermometer; "Jesus, 104!?!?"
A sending hundereds of delirious, nonsensical texts to their friends, none of which they remember sending.
B entertaining A's delirious rambles, no matter what silly bs is coming out of A's mouth B is like "Yeah...? Mhm...?" with an exasperated smile on their face.
B carrying A to bed, tenderly placing them down as if they're the most fragile thing in the world, like they'd just break if B wasn't as gentle as possible.
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bridgyrose · 4 months
Ruby stared at her scroll, Weiss’s name in bold with a picture of her from Atlas before they fell into the Ever After as the profile picture. Her thumb stayed just above the call button, almost shaking as she hesitated to press it. Finally, she pressed “Call” and listened to her scroll ring, eyes closed as she waited for Weiss’s voice. 
“Hello?” Weiss asked as she answered. “Who is this?” 
*Of course she removed my number,* Ruby thought to herself. “I-its Ruby. I wanted to ask-” 
“You waited four years to reach back out?! What could you possibly want now?!” 
Ruby flinched a bit at Weiss’s tone, her voice hesitant as she tried to speak again. “I-I wanted to invite you over. To try to catch up and maybe… maybe try to be what we were again.” 
“Only if Blake and Yang are coming,” Weiss said. “After all that time you spent trying to get Penny back, I need to know this is something you really want and not trying to relive the past.” 
“This isnt about reliving the past-” 
“Then prove it.” 
Ruby let out a heavy sigh as the call hung up, her scroll dropped to the table. While she didnt expect Weiss to take her finally calling well, she had at least expected a small conversation instead of what she got. Still, it was better than what it could’ve been. 
She picked up her scroll again and scrolled down to Yang’s contact and stared at it as her finger hovered over the call button once more before pressing it. She readied herself to hear the same disdain that Weiss had for the conversation, body tense as she waited for Yang’s voice. Seconds had felt like minutes until she finally heard her. 
“Hey Rubes.” 
“Yang, I’m… I’m surprised you answered,” Ruby admitted as she felt her body relax a bit when she heard the familiar nickname. 
“What do you want? You only ever call if you want something.” 
Ruby recoiled a bit, the accusation stinging her. “Cant I call to catch up-” 
“We both know you arent. Just tell me what you want.” 
“I… I’m calling to invite you and Blake over to visit for a couple days. I-I really do want to try to catch up again and… you know… try to be-” 
“-a team again.” Ruby paused a bit as she waited for an answer, hesitant to try to explain anything further until she was sure she was allowed. She rubbed the back of her neck, her voice shaking as she spoke. “I may… have… gone a little overboard, but… I’m better. I’m much better.” 
“And what do you define as better?” 
“I want to fix what I broke.” 
“And if this cant be fixed?” 
“Then I have to try.” Ruby sighed and wiped away a couple of tears that started to roll down her cheeks, voice cracking as she tried to speak again. “I-I know I messed up. I know I made mistakes that pushed you all away, but I… I want… I want to… I need to at least try to fix this. Even if things wont go back to how they were no matter how much I want that.” 
Yang went silent for a few seconds, then finally spoke again. “Your place then? Blake and I will be there.” 
“And… can you ask Weiss if she’ll come?” 
“Sure. But I cant promise that she will.” 
“Alright, I’ll send the date.” 
“I’ll pass it along to her. And Ruby.”
“Thank you for reaching out.”  
As the call ended, Ruby felt her body relax even though her heart still raced in her chest. Everything had gone better than she had anticipated, and yet, she couldnt help but worry that it went too well. No yelling, no arguing, still enough room for everything to go wrong. 
She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed as she looked around her apartment. With a quick text, she sent Yang the details of when to come around and sighed when she saw the work cut out for her. “Clean up first, then… figure out a way to tell them about Penny.” Ruby pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. “They’re going to hate me.” 
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tinykonig · 2 years
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x Reader headcannons
i physically can not stop thinking about this man
so good at communicating. he gets angry/sad but he always tells you whats wrong and why it makes him feel that way and he will always hear out your side and come to a compromise
you guys start as friends and the relationship grows naturally into something romantic. he takes you out and confesses he likes you and there isnt even a hint of nervousness, this man exudes confidence
has a note in his phone with all your coffee/food preferences and loves to bring you little surprises
whenever you smile, his expression mirrors yours
you and him have so many inside jokes. when yall hang out with others its like you two are speaking your own language
gives piggy back rides and never has to be asked twice. carrying you makes him feels so happy and protective
he’s protective but not jealous. literally being jealous never crosses his mind
but if he senses any danger around you- he would spring into action
arm around your waist kinda guy
playful banter
loves when you get along with his friends and family, he loves to surround himself with a large support system
quality time is his love language 100%, he wants to be around you as much as possible.
grocery shopping, running to the post office, road trips, even just existing silently in the same room, he lives and breaths that shit
he is obsessed with lotions/hand soaps that smell good. he has the softest most florally scented hands in the world
loves skin care nights with you
holding your hand grounds him, if he’s upset about anything he will search for your hand to seek the warmth and contact
sleeps literally clinging to you in every way
and hes a space heater
has an extensive collection of fuzzy blankets
buys extra comfy clothes to share with you, he absolutely loves when you steal his hoodies and shirts
likes to decorate for the holidays, and helps you bake holiday goods as well!!
he’s big on hiking/camping/outdoorsy things. absolutely goes fishing with price and shows you pictures of him holding the fish he catches (he releases them back after)
always notices if you change your hair or anything. HYPES YOU UP
will never let you be self deprecating and it’s actually one of the only things that you do that can upset him
he tries to be understanding of your insecurities but it just makes him angry when you talk bad about yourself
makes sure to compliment you anytime he can and makes sure you know you are loved wholly
king of spoiling his partner, you are his number one priority
when hes away from you, texts you and calls you frequently so he knows your safe and you know he is
reunions with gaz are so heartfelt. he probably cries a little
his phone wallpaper is a picture of you two, its his favorite picture and he will not change it
is a big animal person, wants a pet with you but doesn’t care what animal it is. secretly wants a rat
he can tell immediately by your tone of voice if something is wrong
plays acoustic guitar!!!!! writes you songs and poems and will play them for you does not care if you are embarrassed. he is serenading you its too late
he loves when you cook and ask him to come taste the food
its so domestic and he just MELTS for it
even if you arent particularly skilled at cooking he compliments you so much. texts you while hes away that he misses your food, and then when hes with you he tells you your cooking tastes like home <3
sends you tiktoks. also sometimes you guys will just lie in bed watching tiktok before bed for hours
tell you everyones secrets he loves to gossip but only with you
you guys spend every christmas with price and his family
would love if you join him at the gym and will come by and sneakily smack your ass when he thinks no one is watching
one time a guy saw him and started cussing him out like "leave them alone they are trying to work out in peace what the fuck is wrong with you"
and you are like "NO he's my boyfriend its okay" and Gaz shook this mans hand and thanked him for looking out for you
was kind of embarrassed after so he never did it again
you tease him about it and he still kind of blushes
he feels bad that someone thought he was objectifying you like that and he would never
if you wanna wear something skimpy and sexy out, he is ALL FOR IT
again, he never gets jealous. honestly he's just proud of you and how beautiful you are and kind of turned on
probably will try to make you guys leave early or take you into a private room if you know what i mean
which leads me to....
he has a very high sex drive
he's a fucking every morning and night kinda dude
shower, kitchen, couch, bed, desk, he doesn't care
very passionate and a helluva dirty talker
roses on the bed and candles all around on your birthday type of man
asks you to sit on his face all the time, he fucking loves it
loves when you ride him, but in the shower he is fucking you from behind
if you send him nudes... you are getting FUCKED as soon as he gets his hands on you
particularly wet, soaped up nudes
and he sends you the most delectable nudes back as well. knows his angles
has no shame in sending you voice audios while he gets himself off if he is away
facetime sex!!!
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hauntedwizardmoment · 3 months
HI i'm sorry this took forever but i needed to figure out what i wanted to talk about and i think im gonna expand on peregrine and jace's + porter and ghorza's whole deal in it's a three-way call and he knows nothing
my initial concept for this fic was just straight-up the one day where we did a ton of posting about starbreaker cheating on their partners with each other, and then the image of jace having an absent husband who he cheats on sprung forth fully-formed like athena from zeus' forehead.
i needed to pick somebody to be his absent husband and figure out why they were absent. i landed on an OC from blood and turpentine for his husband (peregrine is kind of my go-to Guy To Get Mad At because i made him up specifically to suck and be jace's shitty ex, so in this timeline he is jace's shitty husband). and the concept of "jace gave up an adventuring career for his relationship" because thats the kind of thing that happens a lot irl (happened to my friend who got married right out of high school actually!!) and it's smth that would definitely build a lot of resentment for my version of pre-shatterstar jace who really values his autonomy and self-determination
i also wanted to get across the feeling of "there was once a LOT of love here, but it's gone now" so i tried to figure out what were some qualities that would make jace fall in love with someone, then find ways that those qualities would evolve into something repulsive. i landed on protective and doting (he likes feeling desired! he likes feeling like someone has his back!) and turned those into patronizing and cloying (now his freedom is being restricted and he's being treated like some little purse dog).
i think something that jace really struggles with in his relationship is feeling excluded from peregrine's life; he's an adventurer, he's out on the road all the time, he's not allowed to share details of his missions with jace due to [handwavey council of chosen rules], he can't even text jace from his work phone because that's for Business Only. jace's main motivation for his affair is feeling seen and held by someone, and being part of something bigger than himself. it's why he wanted to adventure full-time after graduating, and it's why in this timeline you see him still getting set up to be part of porter's plan.
peregrine is a good fighter, he's very protective of his whole party, but he's fundamentally a very scared and insecure person. the idea of losing jace terrifies him so much that he begs him to quit his job and retire to elmville/play housewife forever. he's scared that his relationship will fall apart if he doesn't provide, so he takes any mission the council sends his way. he worries that jace will get hurt while working at aguefort so he gets him magic items (a ring and cloak of protection) and doesnt want to see him working at aguefort (he graduated from there, he knows the school's reputation). he views all of these as his noble sacrifices. and when jace doesn't show him enough appreciation for making said sacrifices, or god forbid implies that he's unsatisfied, he gets upset and throws them in his face (his job pays for the house), minimizes jace's own work (says jace 'plays around' with spell components, as if they arent part of his Literal Job as a sorcery teacher), and is generally a HUGE dick about it.
re. ghorza, she's actually a PC from a campaign i was in, played by one of my irl friends lia who has let me talk her ear off about toxic yaoi as of late. the way lia played her was as a very buff viking barbarian who is also into philosophy and poetry and has a Sensitive Side, and eventually she abandons her initial goal of conquest to help liberate the kingdom our PCs were saving. i didn't get into her and porter's relationship a ton because this fic was very jace-centric BUT i do picture her and porter as having an open relationship. she knows about jace and has been angling for a threesome, but porter correctly identified that jace would freak out at the whole "i have a wife" thing so he lies to jace about that. what she truly doesn't know about is the groundwork for porter's plan, because porter doesn't want someone equally matched with him in strength as a minion, he wants someone easier to push around, and jace fits the bill.
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heichou-ackerman · 1 year
Texting Levi fluff pt. 2
Levi hates texting but he likes you. A little continuation from pt. 1 and will probably make more since I love portraying our captain’s attitude through text stuff
TW: Some slight cussing but nothing MORE
- Levi had a strange love/hate relationship with how bold some of your message had become over the course of you two being officially together
- While most of them were harmless (and he could easily ignore for a bit), it was obvious you were riding on some wave as you became a bit more needy and demanding with him
>you didn’t say anything about the meme I sent you! >I’m literally at work.
>you can still make some time to look and say something
>I am working.
>you arent if you’re replying to me rn
>I’m on my break so sue me.
- You were getting a little annoying truth be told, but he appreciated the clinginess despite this. Work was becoming hectic and he was getting swamped with a lot of things. It wasn’t like he was ignoring you intentionally, at least this time.
- The next message you sent was a surprising one as you usually weren’t one to send actual snapshots of yourself. Levi opened your message and was soon met with a selfie of yours, with the world’s most exaggerated pout on your face. It border-lined both cute and really, really fucking annoying.
>Did you spill your milk or something, what the fuck is this?
> no just how sad it makes me feel when you ignore me
> Okay, I guess. I don’t see how that’s my problem.
> awe, I see you’re okay with making your gf feel shitty huh
>If you really think that ploy works on me, you must be beyond stupid 
-He ignored you for a bit as he scrolled through some things mindlessly before he got another message with another photo attached. He rolled his eyes as he opened this up, this time being met with a selfie of you, with the same pout, but with your middle finger smack in the middle. Okay, he couldn’t help but chortle a bit at this one.
>That’s really rude. I didn’t think I was dating such a crass girl.
> didn’t think I was dating such as ass
> Tone it down. The snarkiness is cute to a certain extent.
>oh watch out, levi is mad
>How about you grab a Snickers since you wanna act like a cranky preschooler?
-He felt proud about his comeback to you, and his mouth twisted to a smirk as he saw how immediately you started to type back. He must have struck a nerve and he couldn’t help but continue to follow you along with stupid little games. 
>takes one to know one
>Wow. How long did it take you to come up with that one? You sure got me babe.
>you’re such an ass!
>You started it, don’t dish it out if you can’t handle it.
> I know :/ heehee
-Levi paused for a bit. Yeah, this was fun and all, but he assumed it was kind of a lonesome feeling on your end considering how busy he was at work. You honestly meant no harm, and Levi never asked you to stop as well. 
>Send me a better selfie of you.
>oh! Really?
> Yeah, the pout is something but I wanna see how nice you look today.
-Not even ten seconds later and Levi receives a message with a photo attachment, and opens it up to a simple, but very effective selfie of you giving a goofy peace sign. He smiles to himself, taking observations on how you decided to dress yourself up for the day. You looked nice, and he felt a strong urge to be able to kiss those glossy lips of yours.
>You look cute. >ty! I really tried today 🙂
>I can tell. Why don’t you dress up nice for me?
>huh, I do!
> Would love to mess up that gloss of yours. 
>hah, maybe you can if you wanna kidnap me from work
>That can be arranged. 
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midnighteloquence · 4 days
watashi wa jisatsu shitaidesu
ignore whatever that means its a /nsrs
anyways! lets talk about why i no longer like friend d!
so im gonna split this rant into TWO PARTS!
Part A: things ive noticed myself/seen first hand
okay number one! they said that theyre diagnosed with bipolar, which THEY ARENT. first off, diagnosis are expensive asf no matter what youre trying to diagnose and im not being mean at all but just saying theyre on the free lunches plan soo, two diagnosis takes agessss and they just so happen to suddenly have one??
number two, theyll shit talk like everyone. i only started noticing recently that most of what comes out of their mouth is shit talk. and its fine if you have a lot to say about shitty people but then you immediately talk to them again as if you didnt just say you want to curb stomp them?? it gets confusing and ngl is really bitchy
number three! milked tf out of the fact that one of their friends said they might be autistic. which no. autism isnt something you should milk for attention!! and like the only symptoms they have are the depressive ones which USUALLY should lead you to believe that maybe you just have depression? idk im not a psychologist
on that note, they want to be a psychologist, yet doesnt understand why people act the way they do (like theyll shittalk people for things they cant fucking control) and also has rheir own problems? this would most likely be even more self destructive right? to have to solve others mental health before your own? idk im just thinking
also also they seem to care more about getting into relationships (AT THE AGE THEYRE AT) than grades which uh. yes i am literally on my knees yearning for a relationship but also at least im actually doing school and excelling academically ✌️
plus dont you gotta do good at school to be a psychologist?? thats like a really hard subject
Part B: things ive been told
this part is where it gets more blurry, since some isnt backed up (but most is dw!)
they dated C two years ago and used to do freaky shi to them at the back of the bus (make out, cuddle, touch thighs, etc), which a friend of ours i’ll call F saw first hand! um ew.
they trauma dumped on C first things first which uh
C and F would sit with each other a lot and talk alotttt because theyre both neurodivergent and nd people tend to go well and D got all pissy and like “me when my friends leave me out..” and so to shut them up (shut me up? by msi?) F told them that they might be autistic and they started milking tf out of it
told a bunch of people that C sa’d them which C did not! also told F that C’s sa story was fake and that C mentally and physically abused them (there are screenshot proof of D saying this btw!)
told people that im not autistic and that im faking it because im self diagnosed which THEY LITERALLY ARE + IVE DONE COUNTLESS HOURS OF RESEARCH ON AUTISM LEAVE ME ALONE
something ive noticed but isnt it weird that all their relationships lasted only a couple months? kinda says something
would manipulate people into taking their side by saying “oh dw its my fault not theirs!”
on that note their recent partner broke up with them AND GAVE A WHOLE ASS GOOGLE DOC ABOUT WHY WITH AMAZING EXPLANATIONS + SAYS A THOUSAND TIMES THAT IT ISNT THEIR FAULT, but C twisted it to make them the bad guy which tf he has the best moral compass of everyone ik stfu
jokes alot about substance abuse (which they do btw) but it just gets like “what am i supposed to say?”
ON THAT NOTE OF NOT KNOWING WHAT TO SAY they texted F that they tried killing themselves and F responded with an “oh” because tf are rhey supposed to say to that?? (F told me that they were literally crying when they saw that)
was a terrible friend to F, F noticed and cut off ties (good for them!! They have so much courage because i could legit never i love them for that 💪💪) and then they proceeded to send a lengthy apology which was all bs btw!
ive been told that they faked their trauma, substance abuse, and their eating disorders, but tbh im not sure if that’s true or not (considering ive seen texts theyve gotten from their mum about eating)
minor but they say theyre goth but dont even listen to the music which is the whole point! and also doesnt follow the political opinions of goth!
(did the same with punk, btw!)
not sure if true or if C said this to save their own ass but apparently D got C to shit talk me (i talked about in an earlier rant) which errr…
Secret Part C: small details
this section is in bullet points!
insulted F “jokingly” to the point they had huge gender dysphoria
thought F had a crush on their bf (at the time) when F’s literally a lesbian
not only a pathological liar but a inconsistent one!
okay this is kinda hypocritical but they follow sh blogs that show cvts
+ says the cuts are cute (which is something i dont do. i actually dont even follow them but from time to time i’ll scroll through and want to vomit /nav)
literally gave me a step by step tutorial on how to purge
not lying!
complained about their bf not kissing them in public (which is something you talk to your bf about not me! + boundaries fucking exist?)
very minor but alot of the stuff they like its mostly because it got popular on tt
will say shit like “ive only been catcalled like three times in this outfit!” which no ew + gave me a massive insecurity that im not pretty enough! choose your words wisely!
so to sum it all up theyre a terrible human being and im glad i dont talk to them anymore! thanks for reading this lengthy post!
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mysteriousdisco · 19 days
good evening little lovers hopers, how are you feeling today?
the week started as i never thought it would. i had a tiring monday, got up at 6:30 went to school, had lunch, back to school, then went to the therapist then jiu jitsu practices and just got home at 9:30pm. as i got home and were having my beloved dinner, chicken and rice watching sex and the city is got an instagram dm. who could that be? honestly at that time could be anyone, i had just posted a photo on my close friends about the jj practice and anyone could respond to that. as i rolled down the notification bar to see who was it, BOOM, there was it, the message i was waiting for a long time that i even thought that it never come. pencil asked me out for lunch. lets agree that he is a really confusing boy. i dont know how he is used to text girls and things like these but he is for sure confusing. Last friday i dont know what happened to him and he suddenly texted me asking about my class schedule. we talked a little but it wasnt nothing at all, and he didnt kept the conversation going so didnt i either, and he left me on read. that same day i was walking to the students council classroom as i walked past him and i was really shy since we have talked so little before so i didnt greeted him. he saw that i saw him but i didnt looked directly in his face so its safe. anyways, after that happened i was feeling bad for not saying hi, as i had been really unpolite so as the weekend went on i kept on thinking about sending him a message so he didnt think that i was ignoring him or something. but you know what? i had been thinking about this and boys dont think as girls do. boys arent paranoid as we are you know. one little thing happened and i kept on thinking about different scenarios that the situation would fit into.
so when he texted me on monday night, out of nowhere, asking me to meet up with him, i kept on thinking what made him want to see me? was it the thing that i passed by him and pretended that he wasnt there? was it that i didnt showed that much interest and that i dindt kept on messaging him everyday? well, these types of thoughts and paranoids isnt much of a boys type. they dont even think about things like these, but these things sure have an impact on their actions but they are really involuntary.
anyways. after i did some drama about it, i decided to go but i did take my bsf with me tho. i didnt think i could handle that alone, the pressure. i was goingv to be so ashamed. but it went well. we talked but it wasnt much. guys he is so much taller than me it is just uhgghhh i have to literally look up to talk to him. but is always giving mixed signals. after the lunch i tried to send him a message to starta convo again, he saw and didnt reply. today i saw him and he just said ‘good morning” yeah ok morning asshole on god guys what does on a boys mindddd!!!!!!!!!!
girls stay safe from boys like these!!
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haretic · 2 months
recently i've come into a predicament. my sobriety seems to be causing issues. that or my friends are terrible people.
since a few months ago, i've tried calling quits on drinking and drugs. it is tough, i always feel like an eternally lame teenager, but i'm better off for it.
i don't like who i am or how i feel when i get drunk or high. it makes my dissociation worse, my psychosis worse, and it sends me into these massive spirals.
my friends know this. i've talked to them about it.
since summer break started all they've done is plan hangouts i very distinctly cannot go to. all where drinking and smoking is the main event. i've brought up my sobriety before, they know full well i can't make events like that, but they refuse to do anything that isn't directly centered around intoxication.
i feel utterly and completely alone. only about three of them care enough to plan events with me without intoxicants. everytime i try to make plans in our groupchat, everyone else completely ignores me, leaves me on read or talks over me. they simply do not care if they have to be sober. its no fun for them if they arent sober.
recently, they've all started getting meaner, too. it started with snide comments, then just straight up making fun of my autism, making fun of who i am, making fun of my sobriety, telling me to shut up and find somewhere else to hang out, etc. its hurtful. its really really hurtful.
i don't see why they do it - i try to not bring up my sobriety often, unless it applies. if they're making plans and they ask me to come, i'll just say no thank you, and wish them to have fun. ask them to send me a few pics! i never make myself seem better for being sober, infact, i feel the complete opposite. i feel like a total fucking loser for it. but i know its for the best. when i try to make plans, i try to make sure itll be something fun for everyone. going to hang out at a park when the weathers nice, seeing a movie, stuff like that. they don't care unless theres drugs or booze.
now, on to the topic of tonights cry session, long overdue: they made plans to go on a roadtrip during an event i begged them to attend for me.
they completely ghosted me while i was asking them to come, expressing interest in the event, practically begging them. i looked so pathetic, and they still didn't care about it. so they made plans for when i very specifically couldn't go.
immediately, everyone responded. when i couldn't even get a response from more than two or three of my closer friends at a time. now all the people i had tried to make plans with without a single text back were talking about how fun it would be.
i really wouldnt mind if they said no to my event, thats very much not the issue. i know it isnt for everyone, but i wanted to share my interests and introduce them to the friends i made through it. my issue was that they were entirely ignoring me. i havent gotten to see most of them in a month, maybe longer. i havent even gotten dignified answers from any of them in ages. they act like i dont exist
i dont want to have to break my sobriety just to have friends, but it feels like at this point its the only way i can get people to want to be around me.
i have friends that do care, but i always feel like the people i want to care the most simply don't. not even my own mom cares. she spent the entire time while i was sobbing to her about it defending them. saying it was my fault i got treated this way. made me feel bad about my own sobriety. i feel like im not even liked by the guy i like. i invest a lot of time and energy into him, but i feel like he just doesn't like me to the extent i like him. it kind of sucks.
i just really, really want to be cared for. i want to be cared for and liked and i want people to want to spend time with me. i hate having to bed. i hate having to make myself weak just for people to reject me over and over and over again. i feel pathetic and sad
i just want anyone real, anyone tangible, who can reach out and touch me, to care about me.
i'm done trying though. if they don't want to care about me, they aren't getting that effort back. i officially resign from my position.
which is a total fucking lie. i can't just make myself stop caring. but i've reached a new low point in my depression about it. i feel useless and lost. i have so many friends online who say they care, but that only goes so far. they cant reach out and touch me. they cant force me to leave me house and hangout. and as much as i love them, as much as id want to, i feel like i waste my life away spending it all online.
i want something real. something i can touch. just for once, please. someone who cares unconditionally. someone who will take care of me the way i take care of them. i want someone to be there for me. im tired
i dont know how much longer i can do this. i feel crazy rambling about it. im crying again and i feel totally dead. like someones already hollowed me out like a grapefruit, blended all my insides then shoved them back in the skins like a pate or something then started eating it spoonful by spoonful
ill find a way out soon, i guess. ill find someone who actually wants to care about me soon, i hope.
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ohumokay · 2 months
I saw ur comment on the friend post and even though we have an age gap it baffles me that we seem to be having the same issues in regards to friendships. idk if society has always been cliquey or overly selective of who it lets join in and vice versa. but lately idk whats been up with peoples way of communicating you would think even with all tihs digitalised methods that people would want to but yet it seem no one does either bc theyre so self absorbed or they are "too busy" esp for those that have 100s of friends online but never enough time to every one so some of us sadly get put aside or we just drift apart if they dont align or do enough like i dont even care about gifts and no cards and shit fuck that id rather just have few solid connections than none.
what sucks is the other people who then gloat on their profiles or accounts and ik they "busy" with others. i try to find things in common with others but its so hard sometimes because then you feel like you have to force yourself to genuinely care about shit you dont care about in order to find somewhere to fit in. i recently tried doing online zoom quizzes and they were absolute hell, first off zoom is the worst way to try to feel included in on any sort of group esp when u dont know them right off the bat then these quizzes were god awful to keep up with esp the speedquizzing ones. i only did them cause this was the only way my "friend" would keep in touch long enough w/ me.
its a sad world we are in where people are mostly only interested in themselves, even in school this was the case. idk i just kinda gave up cause i dont think i will ever find who im looking for cause it feels like if im not doing xyz things no one going to care if im not here type thing. yet im tired of finding people only to then feel like they arent pulling their efforts back, again idc for gifts but is it so hard for people to idfk send messages in return or to keep a friendship going? outside of having common interests?
sorry for rambling but i feel like no one really seems to want deep meaningful connections no more. everuthings done for their benefit or for posting online and showcasing it to others their "fake" as fuck connections that they claim to have with people.
Hey... Yeah, I completely understand what you mean. A lot of ppl have shallow ass relationships views nowadays, or avoid real connections.
I think I know which comment you're talking about: the one about my ex-bsf who basically ghosted me. That friendship was not only one sided, but toxic asf. They would shit on my beliefs, make jokes at my expense, and if they were called out for their behavior, they'd say that it didn't matter bcuz they were gonna off themself anyway. It was really shitty, and towards the end, they made it very clear they were a fake friend (literally called themself fake) so I had to cut ties my own way.
I'm sorry your "friend" couldn't compromise in communication. That is such a sucky feeling; trying to keep a friendship afloat, even if the other person isn't. And it's sad that no one in this world can have a normal conversation.
Don't get me wrong, me and the friends I have left (including my new BSF) don't text anything deep. Like, we text all the time, but we usually avoid deep conversations. Not bcuz we can't have meaningful conversation, but bcuz we don't feel comfortable texting; deep shit should be said in person, or,at the bare minimum, over a phone call. So that's why we text pretty shallow, or not at all. But, our friendship is also strong enough to withstand a few days without talking and still being closer than ever.
I understand your exhaustion, for a while I shared your sentiment, but I firmly believe that everyone has a person. A person who they can talk to freely, whenever, without worry of toxicity or emotional distance. A person who is always there with a shoulder to cry on, and advice that one might need to hear, even if they don't want to hear it. A person who will be willing to sit in silence when need be, or rant with them, or simply listens bcuz talking without interruption is therapeutic. A person who is their person, through thick and thin.
And, I know we don't know each other, and have an age gap (tho, idk how large it is), but if you need someone to listen to your rants and rambles, or to talk you through a situation, or to just tell you your heard and appreciated, I'm more than willing. And this goes to anyone who needs it, not just the questioner. I am willing to be a surrogate person until you find your actual person.
I'm not perfect, I might not say the right thing, it might take me a while to respond, but I will always be willing to help a fellow person in need, even over Tumblr ❤️‍🩹
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Today was an... interesting day at school.
A little background.
The school does work in sets of 5 week mods which dont rely on knowing the other mods information. Its a tech school so doing it that way makes it possible to start new students every 5 weeks.
So the mod after I started there were 4 new students. One has dropped by this point (personal issues) so its 2 girls and a guy. Poor guys the only testosterone in a sea of estrogen.
But our story is not with him, rather the 2 girls. One of them was a bit rough around the edges but we've ultimately become friends. The other... well... Shes probably the most entitled cunt I've had the misfortune of knowing. Ever.
From day one she has complained about the workload and bitched about wanting to leave early and so on and so forth. Note that this is a 3 year program crammed into 40 weeks AND we only have to be on campus for 2 days a week. The workload was impressed on us very very heavily from the day we signed up AND she's even been through another program at this school! She KNOWS how it works.
Shes also been reprimanded for sexually harassing the one guy and had to be told that sleeping on the tables during class is unprofessional.
Lovely woman, right?
So fast forward to present. Well, actually 2 weeks ago. Up to this point girl1 had been doing everything she could to befriend this monster for some reason I still don't get. I mean, I'd been nice to her as best I could but I wasn't going out of my way for this rude entitled bint. But G1 was doing everything she could to be a good friend. Picked her up when her car wouldn't start, helped her with homework, even made her dinner a half a dozen times! Now, this girl is not only in school full time but has a full time job, a child, and other commitments I'm not at liberty to mention, just know they require several more hours a week on top of the rest.
Well, one day G1 has a lot on her plate and can't take the time to drop everything and go see the Bint and her new car. This tipped off a torrid of passive aggressive bs in class that evolved into full on harassment online. For 2 weeks! So G1 finally said "enough is enough" and blocks the bint on everything. Of course this pisses the Bint off but G1 has some peace finally.
Till today.
Now, G1 is going to have surgery later this week. Our teacher asks her in class if she's nervous and, well, YA. G1 laughs and mentions all the things her doc says could go wrong is making her even more nervous and says she'll have to have people checking in on her afterwards.
The Bint makes and off hand comment "I ain't checking on anyone."
G1 goes off. I mean, after 2 weeks of harassment, I 100% don't blame her.
Another girl in class manages to get her to leave the room with her. The Bint basically demands to be allowed to leave and does. At least, I thought she did.
Teach says we're gonna take a break and I go to see if G1 and other girl are out in OTs car. They weren't so we (Rosie and me) head back inside and pass the Bint whos screaming into her phone. I thought she left???
I get back inside and find the director of education advising G1 and OT to go home for the day and how they arent in trouble but its best for their mental health not to be there. So teach walks them out and in the interim I find out from everyone else that the Bint had COME BACK IN and actually tried to start a PHYSICAL FIGHT after everything!
I'm both disappointed i missed it and glad I wasn't there. My anxiety was already pretty high from the verbal fight so this shit woulda put me over the edge but DAMN it! I miss everything!
So tonight I'm texting OT what they'd missed and making sure they were ok (shes the one that Rosie acts as an ESA for in class a lot). She then sends a screenshot from another person in class who said she'd gotten a message on fb from the Bint saying the Bint had been dropped from the program.
I feel like fucking celebrating.
No more of her bitching. No more of her drama.
Hate that this is what it took to get her dropped. G1 and OT didn't deserve that at all.
But I'm damn glad its over and so are they.
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lovesaadiqa · 1 year
the unthethered soul
this book is one that keeps on giving or growing me i should say. my second time reading it helped me realized the different spaces i was in before and now. i seldom go back and read my entries, its kinda of cringe for me especially when i don't see in growth from one post to another, stagnation makes me sad. anyway i cried alot the first time i read this book and this time im highlighting like hell. just to catch me up, ive been driving over the road for 5 months now, initially soothing myself with music, empty conversation from random people and as dangerous as it sounds, tv, movies and murder mysteries. the last 30 days has been silent asf on my truck, no nothing! the window down and my thoughts. i gave the book another go round but ive been applying what im reading and this shit is no joke! ive learned how to know when im in the seat of self, how to be aware of my awareness, how to watch my emotions form, how to disconnect from what im seeing and pay attention to how whatever it is im seeing is making me feel. amateur at best but today was another monster and i can see how i definitely will need my awareness to grow and how consistency will play a major role in how fast i can find my freedom.
its 4th of july, no the weekend, the literal day. i'd been driving for 4 hours and go to my receiver super early because when i started my route i forgot the time zone was going to change. i arrived at 1:30 cst and am told the ppl who unload me was changing shifts and i'd have to wait until 3:45.. there's no pressure but its hard asf to find parking in general but especially on a holiday or weekend so idgaf about nothing but finding parking because im less than 1/2 mile aware from a flying j and dont wanna have to get back on the highway to find parking. i get back in my truck, eat and get on social media. i can feel someone unloading me but it's nowhere near 3:45 so i grab my paperwork and march my ass inside hype like "yes, imma be outta here soon" i get in a realize it was an over zealous worker who came in early for holiday pay (i'd still have to wait for my paperwork to get signed). someone shows up in the office right at 3:45 and im told they have to count and verify my freight which would be at least 30-45 more mins. im ok with that because my appt time wasn't until 5pm and im already unloaded before 4. it's gets dumb tricky because im notified im counted and good to go, i get inside and the guy who is to give me my papers says i have to pay a lumper fee. i've never in all my months had to pay a lumper fee, in fact i don't know wtf that is so i call my dm and I get Matt (he's a rude sob and hate hearing his damn voice) who tells me i have to send a message form. i do as im told but get a reference number on my tablet that says give this to the ppl inside to pay, i get inside give them the code and they tell me to put it in the payment slot on the text they sent (in my head im screaming "what fucking text") -- fuck the rest of the story
as im walking back and forth from my truck to the receiver i can feel the agitation building, my responses are on the rude side, i can hear my consciousness forewarning me that im getting heated. i tried to feel what was happening inside of me as im also trying to remain professional. i tell myself that im only frustated because i dont think im going to be able to find parking, im losing it becasue wtf is a lumper fee and wtf you mean i have to pay it, what text did you send me on top of hearing "western express this is Matt" lmmfaooooo. i get to the fucking gate to leave and the bitch gone say "can you pull all the way up im pregnant and i dont feel like walking to the back of your trailer. i legit wanted to run her tf over because bitch you at work and pregnant ppl arent handicapped HOT!!!! In the time it took me to tell myself to calm and actually calming down i ran a stop sign and drove past the flying j entrance.
then i get to my lil to do list and im supposed to read a chapter: Removing Your Inner Thorn (im literally fighting back tears writing this) the second fucking sentence "In order to grow, you must give up the struggle to remain the same, and learn to embrace change at all time" ATE ME TF UP! Im not the same because now i have the awareness to spot, feel and identify my emotions before they have me in a chokehold. knowing all that i still copped an attitude and let them run me. this chapter talks about have a literal thorn piercing a nerve and the options you have to avoid the pain. first option is to avoid anything that will touch, bother, graze, tap, irritate your torn.. second option, remove the fucking thorn all together! a few lines that made me legit get my laptop, come into the pilot and write this entire entry: if you decide you have to keep things from touching the thorn, then that becomes the work of a lifetime; the life of protecting yourself from the problem becomes a perfect reflection of the problem itself; you can actually fell that because you've minimized the pain of the problem, you've solved the problem.. all you did was devote your life to avoiding it; the problem will be back the moment the external situation fails to protect you from what's inside; you are not the pain you feel; the thorns naturally work themselves out if you stop protecting them; you do no get rid of loneliness (or any thorn sadness, depression, anxiety, short temper, a broken heart, abdandonment) you just cease to be involved with it, it just another thing in the universerse like cars, glass or the stars.
i cant began to explain how i did the work and then read the book. there is no joy like getting it. i understand now. im praying for more situations to arise so i can better at this and win inner peace for myself. the ultimate goal for me is to sit in the seat of self and remain there.. i just know with my whole heart i will read this book until the cover falls off because it is a complete guide to spiritual freedom, in my opinion. i have about 6 books on my truck right now and this one is the most got a second read before i finished any of the other one for a first time. im happy to be here. in this space, with this awareness and the understanding of what to do with it and how if benefits me. i will get so fucking good at this!!
i hope when you come back to read this it wont be cringe babygirl. i wish you nothing but healing and total well being. to think that coming face to face with a pain that made you know want to wake up no more got you here is nothing but God's love for you. its so important to realize that it was all necessary! forgive, relax and release Saadiqa but most importantly remain thank for it all. equipped with the know-how to watch your thoughts and detach from them should make this journey so fucking delicious. you are awareness and EVERTHING else is an object of your consciousness. the feelings, the thoughts that get stuck on repeat, other people, aging, your body.. all of it. just a thing/things you've become aware of, they are not you. never, ever, ever forget that. leaving the seat of self is such a massive step down that some people do it for a single thing and they're never able to return again. that is the prize, the gift of a life lived. Chapter 8 over and over and over and over again!!!! please get this Saadiqa it is my life's wish for you NEVER STEP DOWN!
0 notes
morwap · 2 years
𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
brothers best friend!fwb!theodore nott x fem!reader
smut muggle au!, modern au!
nav • t.n m.list
dom!theo nott, sub!reader, b/n = brothers name, protected sex, p in v, fwb!harry potter x reader mention, mention of sending/receiving nudes, jealousy, lowkey toxic, fingering, handjob, oral f! and m! receiving, light praise and degradation, name calling, use of the word cunt, clit slapping, there’s a safe word in place,
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───────✧ 𓆩♡𓆪 ✧───────
your brothers friends were off limits, you knew that, and that’s why you were currently ignoring theodore nott for the life of you, or that was part of the reason you were ignoring him for and the other reason being that a couple weeks ago you saw theo and pansy making out at party on your brothers instagram story.
now that wouldnt be an issue if you hadn’t been fucking theo for the past five months, and your feelings for him grew without you noticing until you saw that god awful post. jealousy filled you and you were taken back by it, literally having to sit your phone down and take a minute. you felt betrayed, theo told you he wasnt with anyone else.
you came up with a quick plan, ghost him to get over him. not that easy since you two go to the same college but youd manage.
and you did, if he got too close you made sure to walk away and stop answering his texts or facetimes and theo noticed about two days into this plan. you expected him to just stop texting but it seemed like he texted more and more.
why arent you answering?
cmon y/n wtf
answer the phone
alr whatever
are you being fr??
those were the messages you got on the daily. you turned off your read receipts and just half swiped on snapchat and didnt check your instagram dms and letting your phone ring every time he called.
you fought yourself from answering his messages, you missed him, missed his touch.
you tried telling yourself it was the sex you missed. that once you fuck someone else you’d have no feelings towards him, and so you let harry potter go down on you but all you could think about was the first time you had gotten with theo.
it was cold, the breeze chilling your legs as you rubbed your hands on your thighs for some warmth in that area.
your date had gone sour, and what sucked was he was your ride home but you both had disagreed about something which caused him to leave. that and you were hoping to get laid but your fingers could get you off just fine.
you pressed your phone to your ear, calling your brother for a ride.
“b/n can you come pick me up? please?” you pleaded, teeth chattering. you would’ve gone inside the nice cafe but it had been closed.
“im at Blaise’s” b/n sighed. you groaned irritably. blaise’s of fucking course he was at blaise’s which was two hours away.
“i can ask theo to pick you up. that good? hes dorm” b/n suggested, you could hear blaise and draco in the background almost feeling bad for calling while he was with his friends.
“yeah yeah theos fine” you said taking up the offer, hell you wouldnt care if it was enzo that picked you up and you and enzo did not get along—he annoyed you more than your brother at some points in time.
b/n hung up and three minutes later you got a text from theo asking where you were at.
theo’s truck came into view and you hurried inside of it. shutting the door and relishing in the warm air coming from the vents. putting on your seatbelt then rubbing your hands on your legs to warm them up faster.
“thank you” you sighed happily, ready to go to your dorm and take a shower.
“no biggie” theo said and smiled softly at you before he started driving. rain started, theo went slower on the now slick roads. you couldn’t believe how dark it gotten even though it was only seven pm.
“so what happened?” theo asked, glancing over at you for a second, eyes taking in your appearance. you noticed a small almost not noticeable if you didnt look at him in time, a small and quick lip bite.
you laughed softly, leaning back against the leather seats. “date gone sour. he was my ride back to the dorms but we didnt get along and he left” you said summing up the experience for his sake or maybe for yours, rather just forget about it then dwell on it.
theo shook his head, “dickhead” was all he muttered and you laughed softly.
you stilled when theos hand reached your thigh, squeezing a bit. your eyes trailed from his hands—his perfectly sculpted hands to his bicep then to his neck then finally his face. a smug look on his face, butterflies filled your stomach.
was theo always this attractive? yes but did you truly see it before now? no he was just like all your brothers friends and he was the only one you could stand to be around more than five minutes other than blaise.
his fingers traveled up and up and up slowly, finally reaching your silk panties. his fingers grazed over your clothed slit, testing the waters, you let out a soft moan. watching his wrist disappear and reappear from out of your skirt.
moving your panties to the side. his middle finger grazed your clit as you opened your legs a bit for him. he smirked at this, a small chuckle coming from him as he continued to drive.
your clit continued to be toyed with by theo, sometimes moving his finger down to bring some of your wetness up to your clit. you moaned as he did as he pleased.
theos pants got tighter, you could see the print from where you were sitting. biting your lip before moving your hand that was gripping the edge of the passenger seat to his wrist, moving his hand away from you which made him glance over at you with a slightly confused face.
you looked around, the road was empty, not a car in sight. trees all around.
your hands went to his sweatpants, rubbing theos cock through the fabric before getting his cock out fully. theos breathing got quicker.
theo pulled over once you started to suck him off, relaxing into his seat as your tongue swirled around him. theo grabbed your hair, making sure it didnt go into your face.
“fuck—keep going, just like that” theo groaned, his eyes rolling back and his head pushed back onto the head rest a bit. theo pushed your head down quickly causing you to choke a bit. theo laughed a bit before you started sucking on his tip causing him moan mid laugh.
you bobbed your head a few times before theo pulled you off his cock, a string of saliva connecting you to his cock as theo muttered a quick “alright, up” and then the string was broken from him smashing his lips onto yours.
sloppy kisses as he leaned his seat back and guided you onto his lap. his cock pressed between his abdomen and your cunt.
you came at the thought of it which harry’s tongue lapping and sucking at your cunt. you had to hold back from moaning theos name. you went down on harry after then you two just started a little friends with benefits.
you still missed theo, missed sneaking into his truck in the middle of the night more times than you could remember during the winter break whether it was for sex or just to hang out. missed getting goodnight and morning texts from him.
missed sneaking around your brother even though it made thing difficult, you wanted to be able to tell people but you knew you couldnt but the sneaking around part was also exciting.
harry did help, he took your mind off theo at times. you and harry normally sent nudes and sexted but when he wasn’t busy with his school work or his track meets and when you were free, you guys would meet up and give each other head; not having gone all the way yet.
but now, it was spring break. no more having to be aware of where you were and were he was at all times just so you didn’t have a chance of bumping into him.
your parents were so happy you and your brother came home for spring break and not gone with your friends, draco,mattheo and blaise offered you and b/n to go on a road trip with them but you both declined.
three days into spring break and your parents went to your guys’ aunts house to help spring clean. they were going to stay for two nights and for you and b/n to be responsible and not tear up the house.
your phone buzzed, groaning as you moved your hand around trying to find it as you watched american horror story on your laptop. you moved your blanket and your phone finally was found.
cant come over :( ceds having diner with my parents
you sighed, reading over her message. now you had no plans, you were hoping she’d come over and now you were out of luck and didn’t feel like going out plus you didn’t have your own car.
have fun with ced ;)
tossing your phone down with a sigh, turning your attention to your laptop.
your phone buzzed again, you picked it up.
stop ignoring me.
you sighed again then tossed your phone somewhere on your blanket. laying your head down on your pillow then dragging your finger on the mousepad to skip the intro of the new episode.
you groaned as you woke up, it was now dark and “are you still watching” was on your laptop screen.
loud noises were heard from downstairs, you sat up and checked your phone. you had a few snaps from blaise, luna, ginny and ron and a message from theo hours ago just saying “ok” you furrowed your brow as you read it off your notification center.
you moved your laptop to the end of your bed. getting up and stretching before going to your drawer and pulling out a pair of cute pink panties and an oversized shirt.
leaving your room with your clothes and heading down the hall to the bathroom. walking past b/ns room, his door was open which was unusual unless one of his friends were over but no one was in there.
stripping off your clothes then getting into the shower, letting the hot water run down your skin. scrubbing your skin with your favorite body wash then rinsing off your body.
you heard voices, not just your brothers but someone else’s. your heart sank as you hurried and put on your clothes. quickly cleaning up water that had gotten on the floor with a towel then putting it into the laundry basket as your brushed your teeth.
finishing up in the bathroom, after putting on lotion and doing your skin care routine. you walked to your room about to open your door before you heard it.
a laugh, not just any laugh but theodore fucking notts laugh.
maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you. you tip toed to the stairs, taking a couple steps down then crouching to try and see without going all the way down the stairs. peeking through the railing, and there he was.
theo and b/n talking, you cursed at yourself in your head as theo glanced up at you. theo smirked.
hurrying up the couple steps then to your room. chewing on your nails, now you were just going to stay in your room til he left.
this was supposed to be a relaxing break in which you did not have to watch your back 24/7. you plopped onto your bed, groaning in the process. maybe theo was just here to hang out with b/n and that was it, you knew theo wouldn’t pull anything in front of him but it didn’t save you from the awkward tension, or seeing him when walking to the kitchen or bathroom.
just stay in your room and don’t come out, that was your plan.
you spent hours in your room, trying to watch show after show to keep your mind off theo being in your house but you couldnt he kept slipping into your mind and clouding it up with thoughts of only him and no one else.
staring at your ceiling, realizing your first plan was not working and you were not getting over him and perhaps the plan made it worse.
your eyes felt heavy and you started to drift off.
waking up thirsty in your dark room, rubbing your eyes before feeling around you bed for your phone. finally finding it and turning on your flashlight. finding your way to plug in your fairy lights.
now you could finally see. it was 1 am and you heard noises from b/ns room hoping they had moved in there to do whatever they do when they hung out so youd have a better chance of not seeing theo.
putting on a pair of shorts and then opening your door, looking towards your brothers door. hoping they were both in there. you headed to the kitchen, letting out a breath once you finally reached the kitchen.
grabbing a bottle of water, you flicked the kitchen light off before heading back to your room. you successfully got a bottle of water without seeing theo.
you took off your shorts before getting into your bed. checking your messages and scrolling through twitter, your back facing your door and head on your pillow as read tweet after tweet.
you heard your door click open, you put your phone face down before turning over.
“theo what the fuck are you doing in here?” you asked, your voice raising. theo shushed you, as he shut your door.
“shut up, do you want b/n to wake up?” theo scoffed, stepping closer to your bed. you shook your head no.
the tension was thick, watching him take in your appearance then you took in his own. you felt the urge to kiss him, your body longing for his.
theo huffed and ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head a bit. “why are you in here?” you asked, sitting up in your bed. covering yourself with your blanket.
“you know why the fuck im in here y/n” theo said, getting even closer to your bed. you both looking into each other’s eyes, you sat up onto your knees. you hopped he was feeling the same way you were, missing you like you missed him and theo did.
theo had been going crazy since you started ignoring him, not being able to ask b/n about you or tell him too tell you to text him back. theo connected the dots on you viewing the video on b/ns story of him and pansy and then right after you started to ghost him, he knew the video is what caused it.
that was the only time him and pansy kissed, they were both drunk and it was just in the moment nothing more. pansy was strictly a friend, theo and her talked about it after they kissed that he had feelings for you and pansy promised not to tell. theo wanted to tell you in person but you avoided him.
theo leaned down locking your lips roughly, your hands went to his sides and his hands trailed up your hip making your shirt rise and a bit. he started to push you back a bit, getting off your knees and moving back to sit, letting him push you back.
both of you gasping into each other, hands gripping and fondling each other. your legs opened for him to rest between. “i heard you started fucking around with harry” theo said between kisses as his hand rubbed up your thigh to your waist then to your clothed cunt.
you moaned softly, his thumb grazing over your clit, moving up and down teasingly. “its nothing serious” you whined under him, his thumb adding more pressure.
“did he fuck you?” theo asked, looking down at you. you shook your head no, looking up at him. “say it out loud whore” he scoffed, roughly taking your face with his hand and pulling towards him.
“no” you mumbled, his thumb still working on your clothed clit taking away the slight pain from his grip on your face. your legs spread more, a small wet patch on your panties formed.
“good girl” he cooed, his fingers moved your panties to the side then running his middle finger along your bare cunt making you shiver. “my sweet girl” theo added sweetly.
you gasped as his hand lifted then landed on your cunt with a hard smack, your thighs quickly closed as you let out a soft hiss. “you’ve been so bad lately” theo sighed, gently spreading your legs, fingertips brushing over your thighs before smacking your cunt again.
thighs closing quickly, a whimper left your lips. theos grip still on your face, letting the sting calm as he rubbed your thigh. “ignoring me over a five second video we could’ve talked about” theo whispered, your eyes grew wide. theos hand moving your legs open again.
“m’sorry i should’ve talked to you about it” you admitted in a whine, as his middle finger grazed your clit softly. another slap, you moaned. your hand reached to cup your cunt to help calm the sting.
theos lips pressed against your forehead, “and we’ll talk about it later” he whispered, his hand pushing away your hand softly to rest on your bed then his came back to cunt with loving strokes on your clit.
“but for now i’ve missed your cunt” he whispered, letting go of your face and kissing you then trailing the kisses down to your neck, his hand moving from your clit to push up your shirt.
theo tossed your shirt onto the floor before his lips met your skin again, going down and down leaving wet kisses down your chest and abdomen then above your panties. looking up at you, then hooking his fingers around the thin fabric and pulling it down your legs and letting it drop from his hands onto the floor.
one hand pushed your leg back, holding at the bend of your knee pinning it to the bed. theos other hand came to cunt, running his finger along your slit a couple of times before spreading you with fingers. “you’re so wet” theo commented, his eyes trained on your glistening cunt.
“did harry make you this wet?” theo asked in a harsh tone, glaring up at you, theos finger slipping inside you. shaking your head ‘no’ as his finger pumped in and out. his fingers were big, much bigger than harry’s and your own. theos thumb found your clit and rubbed in circles.
theo removed his hand from you, then landing a slap on your clit. “what did i say about saying it out fucking loud” theo spat harshly.
“cmon you whore, tell me, did he make you this wet” theo said, your cunt clenched around nothing.
“no” you moaned out, his fingers finding you again.
“there we go, you can be so good for me when you try” theo whispered against your thigh, biting at your inner thigh as his fingers made you moan and whine out for him to keep going.
you looked down at him between your legs, “something you want princess? you’re gonna have to ask for it” theo teased.
“please, please” you mumbled, your eyes rolling back, clenching around his fingers.
“tell me what you want my love” theo said watching you, admiring you and your state. admiring the way your back arches at his finger tips and how you can’t think straight when he’s touching you.
you whimpered, the coil tightening and tightening. “your cock please theo, please” you begged, theo smiled.
theo kissed your clit before easing his fingers out of you, you leaned up trying not to think of how empty you felt. your hands pulling off theos shirt, then his sweatpants and boxers letting his cock spring out.
you leaned over, opening the drawer in your nightstand then feeling around and finally feeling the condoms you had.
taking one then leaning back to theo, going back to rest on your knees. leaning up and kissing him, taking the condom out of the wrapper as you kissed down his neck.
rolling the condom onto him, theo pushed you back down. theos hands moving your legs to his waist.
theo pulled back, taking his cock, teasing his tip at your entrance before pushing into you. “oh fuck” you moaned, gripping at the pillow above you. your eyes squeezing shut and your mouth fell open. theos hand gripped your thigh harshly, digging his nails into your skin.
theo wanted to tell you how good you felt but couldn’t form words, trying not to cum from just the first thrust in. having to take a minute for himself after being in you fully.
you clenched around him when you felt him start to pull out then push back in. theos hips going slow at first then getting faster and faster as he went.
his name falling from your lips as he continued to fuck you, leaning back and harshly pulling you to him.
theo leaned forward, his head finding its way to the crook of your neck. heavy breathing and theo groans and your whimpers filled the room, the both of you trying to stay quieter since b/n was across the hall.
“let me on top” you whispered, against his ear then a soft kiss followed.
a kiss was placed on your neck, “are you sure?” theo asked still thrusting at a quick pace. you nodded. theo pulled out of you, moving with occasional kisses as theo helped you get on top of him.
theos back rested against your head board, you glanced down, theo helped you line yourself up with him before pushing yourself down onto his cock. your eyes squeezed shut, head rolling back and theo kissed on your neck.
you lifted then went back down, moving on him, feeling him fill you up.
theos kissed went to your mouth as you got closer, your chests almost touching. moaning into each other as you rode him. moving in a way so that your clit would get friction.
his hands gripped your hips, helping you move on him. his cock throbbed in you.
“y’feel so good” theo moaned, he was close and didn’t know how long he’d last from now.
theos fingers went to your clit, rubbing, causing you to shutter against him and whimper loudly, “cum for me princess” theo demanded.
clenching around theos cock as he rubbed your clit faster, theo thrusted up a little. your legs shook, shuddering as you came on his cock.
moans and soft hums came from you as it became too much. theo moving you up and down as you came down, “mmh too much, too much” you whined, clinging onto theo. your head resting in the crook of his neck, his hands moving to your ass, guiding you up and down.
theo moaned as he came, filling the condom with a few thrusts.
your fingers traced shapes on his chest as his hands moved from your ass to your waist and one to your thigh, rubbing comfortably.
his lips pressed against your forehead before moving you off him gently.
theo tossed the condom into the trash, putting on his boxers. grabbing tissues and then coming to clean you up.
opening your drawers for a new pair of underwear and a shirt then coming back to your tired frames and helping you dress.
slipping into your bed, moving your blankets to cover the both of you. theo reached for your phone that laid behind you as you got comfortable with your head on his chest.
theo knew your password, unlocking your phone and getting on snapchat and sending a pic of you on his chest to harry then blocked him, going to messages and instagram and blocking him on there also.
going back to messages and turning on your read receipts for himself then sitting your phone back down.
“you wanna talk about that video now?” theo asked, his fingertips dancing along you back.
you hummed in agreement.
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felixsramen · 2 years
Twos better than one
Warnings: double penetration, blowjob, face fucking, implied poly relationship, Felix is a switch, Chan is a dom, Reader is a sub, degradation, praising
Walking inside your apartment you take off your shoes. You get to your bedroom and see your one of your boyfriends. Felix lays on the bed clearly upset at something. This wasnt like Felix his eyes puffy as if he had been crying.
"Lixie?" You question as Felix looks up at you. "Are you okay?" You say gently to him. You walk up to him and he immediately hugs you.
"Lixie what's wrong?" You say rubbing his back.
"Chan." Felix says softly. Almost like a whisper. Chan must've done something. Felix never just says Chan he calls him Channie.
You look around the room looking for your other boyfriend. Yet theres no sight of him. "What did he do?" You say gently lifting Felix's head.
"I was at the studio with him. You know how he gets when he's working." Felix says as you wait for him to continue.
"He wasn't coming home and I told him that he needed rest. He was pale Y/N like he was sick. I must've angered him when I asked him to come home. He told me to leave him alone. I just wanted him to come home." Felix says pausing.
"So I told him we missed him. Then he yelled at me. Saying we dont understand how important his work is. How much he has to get done by a short deadline. I tried to get up and walk away because I was crying at that point but Chan grabbed my wrist." Felix says. You grab his wrist looking at it softly.
"I'm okay. But what hurt worst was his next words. He told me if we couldnt understand he didnt want us. Y/N he said he didnt want us." Felix says tears falling from his face.
You cant help but feel angry at Chan. Felix just wanted him to take a break. Chan might be frustrated but that doesn't mean he can take it out on you both.
"Oh Lixie. He'll be home tonight. I'll say something." You say as you grab your phone opening your text messages and sending one to Chan.
You grab Felix wiping his tears and getting into bed with him. Putting on a movie so you guys could relax and take your mind off Chan.
Hearing the door unlock and shoes come off you stand up from Felix's embrace. Gently making sure he doesn't wake up.
You walk to the living room to see your second boyfriend going through the fridge for a drink. "Chan?" You say harshly.
He looks up from the fridge rolling his eyes. "What now?" He says opening a soda.
"What is going on with you?" You say concerned and hurt.
"Nothing. I'm just busy." He says sounding annoyed.
"If it was nothing you wouldnt have yelled at Felix. You know you hurt him right?" You say softly.
Chan looks hurt for a second and concerned. "What?" Chan says upset. He comes around from the counter.
"Felix told me you grabbed his wrist. I looked at it. You left a bruise." You say still upset at Chan.
"Y/N I didnt mean to." Chan says coming up to you. Yet you back away from him.
"No Chan. You hurt him. Intentional or not." You say as you look at the hand of the guy who had left a mark on another lover.
Chan starts to back away. He starts crying. "Y/N I dont want to lose you and Felix. I'm just stressed. I didnt mean to say anything hurtful to Lixie. I didnt mean to hurt him." Chan says wiping the tears that continue to fall.
"Channie?" A voice says from behind you. Chan looks up at Felix who is standing behind you.
"Lixie. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Chan says as he never takes another step towards either of you.
Felix walks up to him. He hugs Chan. Chan hugs back scared that you guys will leave him. "Don't leave me please." He says hugging Felix tightly.
"Channie we arent leaving you." Felix says gently.
"You aren't? I messed up really bad." He says upset with himself.
"No we aren't. I'm fine I know you're stressed." Felix says as you sigh finally able to resolve this issue.
Chan gently grabs the wrist he had pulled earlier. He sees the small bruise and it makes his heart break more. "I'm so sorry Lixie." Chan says as he gently kisses the bruise.
"I know you are." Felix says smiling softly at the sweet gesture to make up for it.
Chan gently kisses Felix. Chan pulls away and looks at you. You walk over to him and he kisses you too. Felix smiles knowing Chan is much better now.
"Lixie I want to make it up to you." Chan says as he looks at Felix. Felix smiles at him.
"Of course." He says and Chan kisses Felix more passionate this time.
Chan bites Felix's lips and Felix lets out a soft moan. Chan pulls away from Felix smirking.
Chan looks at you one eyebrow raised. "You just going to sit there and look pretty love?" Chan says as Felix eyes go to you too.
You are too out of it to even hear what Chan said. All the things Chans going to do is all in your mind you not noticing Chan coming closer and grabbing your chin.
"Baby girl are you okay?" Chan says snapping you out of your thoughts.
You bite your lip and Chan already knows your mind is somewhere dirty.
"Lixie look at this little slut. She's so dirty." Chan says chuckling.
Felix stands beside Chan. "Channie I want to fuck her tonight." Felix says pouting.
Chan looks at Felix and glares pissed about Felix not using manners. After realizing he owes you and Felix for everything he's done lately his gaze softens.
"You know I dont like it when you say stuff like it's an order. Next time say please. I'm letting you go this one time." Chan says smiling softly.
"Yes sir." Felix says as his Adam's apple bobs.
Chan looks at you and moves your hair out of your face. Curls everywhere as if you've slept most of the day and just woke up
"So gorgeous." Chan says as he kisses you softly.
Chan pulls away and moves out the way so Felix can do the same.
You and Felix turn it into a makeout session.
"You know what they say love" Chan says as Felix pulls away.
Both boys look at each other.
"Twos better than one."
Chan and Felix smile at each other. "Aw look at our princess Channie." Felix says smirking at you.
"Don't you want that pretty throat of yours filled?" Felix says as Chan puts his head on Felix's shoulder.
You roll your eyes. Felix saying that as if he doesn't take orders from Chan making you annoyed with the younger of the two.
"Ooh what's the sass for love?" Chan says smirking his hands around Felix's waist.
You smirk. "Just how Lixie acts all dominant with me but the moment you say something he gives in. It's almost like Felix can't think for himself." You say softly trying to piss them off wanting the boys to let out there frustrations.
It works because Felix glares at you yet Chan stays with his head on Felix's shoulder.
Chan laughs darkly which sends shivers up your spine. Felix must've noticed because the next second he's smirking.
"Lixie I think our little slut wants to be tossed around tonight. After all the things that happened this week I assumed you and Felix would want to be used gently." Chan says kissing Felix's neck.
Chan chuckles when Felix lets out a soft groan.
"Lixie wants to play nice and be used gently while you on the other hand..." Chan trails off.
"Want to be used like a little slut." Felix says finishing his sentence.
You smirk. "What if I do?" You say walking up to the boys.
"Well I'm sure that can be arranged." Felix says voice never shifting.
You laugh. "Of course not by you Lixie. I mean I'm sure Chan wants his Baby boy in one piece." You say patting him.
Chan lets go of Felix. Felix grabs your hair pulling it.
"Oh so you want to act like a slut? I'll treat you like one." Felix says dragging you to the couch.
Chan smirks and looks from behind the counter and grabs some wine.
You look at Felix who has let your hair go and pushes you to your knees sitting in front of you.
"Sluts dont deserve to talk. The only good thing they can do is suck dick." Felix says pulling off the shirt he had on and pushing down his sweatpant and boxers.
Felix stares at you, watching as you take his cock.
"Oh I know you cant take more than that." Felix says as he smirks clearly trying to rile you up.
"For someone that was so quick to talk shit you seriously have no idea who you're messing with." Felix says as he watches you take him slowly all the way in.
Felix groans and tosses his head back as you slowly bob your head up and down. "God you feel so good princess." Felix says as Chan sits beside him on the couch.
Felix puts his hand on your head and starts throat fucking you.
Chan puts his mouth on Felixs making out. Chan pulls Felixs hair and groans into his mouth.
Felix never lets you take back control. Your jaw is starting to hurt.
Yet as much as your jaw hurts you cant help but to keep letting him use you. You want him to feel better after this morning.
You just find everything sexy about the two men in front of you. They are amazing and know how to please you and learn from their mistakes.
Felix is on cloud 9. He's moaning into Chans mouth.
Tears get to your eyes from how deep he is going in your throat.
You feel Felix twitch in your mouth and you just keep letting him use you.
Chan pulls away after hearing Felixs moans get louder. "Go ahead cum in our princess's mouth." He says as Felix pushes you down one more time.
The moment he does he lets out the loudest moan yet and cums down your throat. He keeps your head in place as he cums and Chan kisses Felix.
Felix comes back down from his orgasm. He slowly pulls you off and watches his cock go soft. Yet the moment he looks back at you he can't help but get a boner at how fucked out you look.
He groans as he sees your face red. Tears running down your pretty face and curls messed up and everywhere. He cant help but notice how puffy your lips are and how he sees his cum on your lip.
He cant help but wipe the cum on his finger and push it into your mouth. His eyes roll back and he lets out a groan as you suck his finger.
"Baby girl I think you're going to be the death of Felix." He says chuckling.
Chan and Felix cant help but feel so lucky and completely in love and find you so gorgeous even with the mess you know you look like.
The boys find you so attractive even when you're not doing it on purpose. They can't help but see how beautiful and sweet you are.
Chan smiles at you and wipes the tears off your face. "You want to play nice now baby girl?" Chan says as you nod.
Chan smiles and kisses your lips. "Want to make it up to us?" Chan says softly as he sits you in his lap.
"Lixie I think you did a number on her." Chan says as he glances at Felix.
"I'm sorry princess." He says softly as he gently touches your jaw and caresses where he knew you needed it most.
Felix looks at you in concern scared he had hurt you without realizing it.
Yet you smile softly to show it'll be fine in a little bit.
Felix smiles back at you kissing your head.
Chan smiles at you and then his eyes darken. "Maybe you can make it up to us by taking us both babygirl." Chan says glancing at Felix.
"Please." You say swallowing the lump in your throat.
Chan and Felix smirk. "She's such a good girl Channie." Felix says coming up to you and touching your lips.
"We can't deny our baby girls request now can we?" Chan says smirking.
"Definitely not. Especially when she asks so nicely." Felix says chuckling.
"Who do you want to fuck you first?" Chan says softly caressing your face.
"Lixie." You say leaning into his touch.
At your words Felix and Chan help you on Felix. "So tight baby girl." Felix says into your neck as he kisses it softly.
Chan smiles and your eyes that were closed open at the warm embrace.
"Want me to prep you?" Chan says softly.
"No I prepped myself earlier." You say breathing heavy because of Felix who still hasn't moved yet.
Chans eyes darken at your words. "You were expecting to get fucked huh?" Chan says smirking.
"Lixie go ahead move." Chan says at his words he thrusts into you slowly.
You and Felix let out a shared moan.
Felix never speeds up knowing eventually he'd have to still inside you and let Chan fuck you.
That didnt mean he wouldnt enjoy it until the few minutes he'd have to stop in.
Chan smiles at seeing the two people he loved with all his being in such an intimate position.
Chan never means to push you guys aside. It's just the stress of producing and taking care of the members.
Chan doesnt notice that Felix had stopped but eventually he was snapped back into reality.
Chan smirks and Felix angles you so Chan has access to your ass.
Chan pulls down his pants and boxers. He hold your hips as he gently pushes inside you.
You moan out and Felix groans.
"Fuck Lixie I can feel you in her." Chan says groaning.
You put your head against Felix's shoulder and bite it. Felix groans out at the pain but also the pleasure of being inside you.
Chan moves after seeing you get comfortable. He pushes into you slowly at first.
After hearing you moan Felix starts moving too.
He's absolutely in bliss right now.
Both boys are so lost in the pleasure. Especially Felix who is already on the verge of cumming.
You guys haven't been this intimate in a while considering both boys and you are working all the time.
Its almost too much for you and the boys can tell.
"Y/N hey it's okay we can stop if you want us to." Bangchan says as he kisses your shoulder.
"Say the safe word and we'll stop." Felix says still groaning against your neck.
Yet you dont. You're already close and so are the boys.
"Going to cum." You say moaning and put your head on Felix's shoulder who is now out of your neck.
"Go ahead cum" Chan says and you do exactly that.
When you cum Felix cums immediately after. Your orgasm sending him into his high.
Felix lets out a deep groan and that must've been the reason Chan came feeling your walls around him and Felix's beautiful groans.
You immediately blank out after all of your energy being used.
You wake up to both you and Felix in Chans arms having ordered food already.
You look to see your dressed in pajamas along with both boys.
Felix looks up at you and sees you're finally awake.
"Hi sleeping princess." Felix says giggling.
"Who changed me?" You say smiling softly at the boy who is looking at you.
"Me of course. Chan did give you the bath though." Felix says and Chan looks at you smiling.
"Hi beautiful." Chan says kissing your head.
"Hi Channie." You say smiling at him.
Felix whines. "Why didnt you tell me hi?" Felix says pouting.
"Hi Lixie." You say rolling your eyes jokingly.
"Hi Y/N." He says smiling satisfied now.
Chan kisses Felixs head too.
"Both of you play nice." Chan says and you all chuckle.
"Me and Chan didnt get you anything because we figured you'd want our food so we just decided we'd all share." Felix says sitting up and grabbing his food.
"You were completely right Lixie." You say laughing.
You sit up smiling at the blonde across from you.
"You know I'm sorry right?" Chan says kissing Felix then you.
"Of course we do." Felix says as he leans his head against Chans.
"We totally forgive you." You say and Felix moves over so you can do the same.
You grab the shared box of food from Felix and kiss him as a thank you.
You're just happy with both boys. Knowing Two's better than one.
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