#i hope you like this !!
4-man · 4 months
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delzinrowe · 4 months
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happy valentine's day ღ to my favourite yuta girlie @just-jordie-things
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rerefundslocals · 1 year
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Summary: jungkook just wants to cook for you and love on you as a newly married couple.
>>pairing: husband!jungkook x wife!reader (she/her)
>>trope: established relationship
>>genre: fluff, fluff and fluff
>>word count: 917
>>warnings/tags: jungkook is just cheesy, mentions of jungkooks past with cooking(that one run bts ep), some tears of LOVE and Joy, short brief kisses, they're just vv cute :( lmk if I missed anything!
a/n - welll, uhm, I liked the live but damn bro at 4am? 😭 anyway, please enjoy this short piece of work, I'll be gone for a while. Please send feedback through reblogs or asks, it helps authors stay very motivated <333 {work is not proofread}
{Listen to 'Adore you' by Harry Styles as this is inspired by the song.}
"You don't have to say,you love me
You don't have say nothing
You don't have to say ,you're mine
Honey, I'll walk through fire for you
Just let me Adore You."
"You're gonna cook for me?"
"Of course. who else is gonna cook for my wifey?" Jungkook leans down at your figure sitting on the couch, placing a peck on your lips.
You both had just got back from your honeymoon and this is the first night in your shared home, and after a whole day of grocery shopping, Jungkook had decided to stand up and make a meal for you both.
You simply chuckle at his antics, deep down feeling a wave of worry as the last time Jungkook had cooked for you both, the food had stuck onto the plate.
"McDonald's can cook for us too, Kook and it'll be ready in no more than 30minutes." You suggest, hoping he would catch on.
But he doesn't.
"No, that's very unhealthy, we had nothing but unhealthy food during our honeymoon, so let's have something different. Hmm, Wifey?" He asks, head tilting to the side as he awaits your answer.
Looking at him draped in his White Nike shirt, that you suppose he got from Japan and his Grey Joggers ; you pout at him, hoping to persuade him.
Sighing you let out, "argh, fine. Promise you won't poison me?" As your response.
Fists meeting the air in victory and a funny walk that has him tilting to the side all the way to the kitchen, he let's out a strained response, "Don't worry, Princess! You're in good hands."
"Okay, My Prince Charming!" You shout back.
During the time that you scroll through the smart TV and your phone, it's clear to hear the tunes your Husband sings in the kitchen and it has you smiling from ear to ear.
What a beautiful voice he has. And he can sing to you all day and night, cause he adores you that much.
You're pulled out of your thoughts when Jungkook hardly places the pot on the countertop, making you flinch at the sudden hit.
"Come, Princess!" He ushers.
You walk to the kitchen, dressed in something similar as him. Grey sweats and a oversized Prada shirt that belongs to Jungkook, while your hair is styled the way you like.
"Hmm, what's this, baby?" You question, peering at the meal in the pot.
He smiles at you, feeling proud and it had you feeling shy because of how he stares into your eyes when he explains.
"So, Princess. This is my famous Seaweed rice, with fried rice mix along with chicken breasts mixed in with sesame oil, soy sauce and gochujang. And that all for my Wifey." He finishes, lips meeting yours for a loving peck and when he pulls away, you almost want to dive right in for more.
Deciding to tease him, you walk closer to him, hands going around his neck, playing with the hair by his neck. In response his hands wrap around your waist as they rest above your ass.
"Am I the only one you've cooked this for? Just asking since it's so 'famous'."
"Yes, Baby. I used to eat this in college before I met your pretty ass." He responds coyly, Smirking at you, gaze never leaving your figure.
"Mhm okay, l-let's eat." You stutter.
You quickly let go of him, feeling hot all of a sudden as you grab a spoon to eat.
"Wait- let me show you how to eat it." Jungkook stops you, gently taking the spoon out of your hand.
He scoops some rice first and goes over to the pot, scooping his mix into it as well, and when he's done with that, he brings it up your lips, ushering you to open your mouth.
"Open, Princess."
You can't help but ask, "you sure this ain't poisoned, Mr Jeon?"
"Yes, Mrs Jeon. Now eat, you look very hungry, my angel." He chuckles.
You open your mouth to where the spoon can enter and he shoves the food into your mouth.
You chew it up, savoring the flavors, while Jungkook watches with doe desperate eyes waiting for your- preferably praises and compliments to his food.
Lowering the hand covering your mouth as you swallow, you dramatically wipe your hands, head nodding like a food critic.
"Its so good! Give me more." You burst into giggles as you watched Jungkooks eyes relax when you give him a compliment as loud as that.
He questions, "it's good, baby?"
You nod at him as you scoop the mix onto your rice, "soo good! Cook this for us everytime okay?"
Jungkook nods at you, making a cute noise with his mouth as he joins you, eating from the pot.
He feels very happy at this moment with his newlywed wife, in the kitchen eating from their newly purchased pots, in their newly purchased home that they worked very hard for.
"I adore you so much." He whispers in your ear, making you shiver from the baritone in his voice.
You shyly cower as you swallow the last bits of your food, "really?" You look up at the taller figure, staring deep into your eyes.
"Really. I love you so much, Mrs Jeon. Thank you for allowing me to be your husband."
"Aww, Kook. You're gonna make me cry- !I love you more." Tears build up at the corner of your eyes and you hide them by kissing Jungkook senseless.
It's not filled with tongue or the desire for sex, just filled with love and feelings.
Cause in this moment he just wants to adore you and you want to adore him too.
All rights reserved @rerefundslocals. Do not copy my work, I'll find you.
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Imagine Soap realizing that he doesn't know when Ghost's birthday is. Soap begging Price to tell him the date and being so annoying that Price finally gives up and tells him. Turns out it's soon and Soap has no idea what to get him.
But then he notices that the jar with Ghost's favorite tea is almost empty, so he gets him the exact same. He sees that the skull print on the balaclava got washed out, Johnny gets a new one. He looks at his Lt. And notices that the black paint around his eyes isn't as black as always or that one of Ghost's favorite knifes is missing.
On lieutenants birthday he has a whole lot of things to give him. Soap is so embarrassed about it, that he just leaves each thing he bought somewhere for Simon to find himself all day.
Simon does, and is extremely confused but quickly realizes what's going on. He finds each thing and every single one melts him. He doesn't even mind that he doesn't know how Soap got his birthday, he himself forgot it was today.
At the end of the day, Ghost finally finds Soap sitting alone in gym with weights in hands. He sits beside him, Soap stops.
"Thank you Johnny." Ghost says i a low voice.
Soap blushes, but smirks. "Did ya like em?"
At that Ghost just hooks his ankle with Soap's and nods.
Soap shines and his smirk turns into a wide smile.
"Happy birthday Simon."
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jsuga · 1 year
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I have a gift for @raplinenthusiasts ₊˚✶
⤷ cr. 0613data
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
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Inspired by The Definition of Love and All Things Ineffable by @elvensorceress on ao3
Everything is still. Quiet. He stares like he’s never seen. He probably hasn’t. But it sings through every cell in his body. Eddie… the things Eddie sees as love…
Eddie breathes slowly and wets his lips. “All I know about the kind of love you’re asking about? Is you. Love, to me, is you.”
Buck knows it’s true because he feels it. He’s always felt it. He’s never really doubted the strength and depth of their bond, just how to qualify it.
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jasmines-library · 10 months
Hey Jude
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Summary: When a demon hunt doesn't go to plan, the Winchesters have to rush to save their little sister. Though to make matters worse, once back home in the safety of the bunker her wound gets infected. With their angel friend MIA, Sam and Dean must battle time to find a way to help their sister.
Warnings: (Kinda Graphic) description of injury, Near death experience, infection and illness, one? swear word, angst, fluff,
Word count: 2.8K
Note: this is my first spn fic so I hope you enjoy :)
It came from almost nowhere.
You hadn’t sensed it coming, too tied up with the demon before you. She was tall and wore her dark hair slicked back in a ponytail. With much effort, you had managed to pin her up against the wall, away from her three friends who your brothers were occupied with. Dean managed to gank the blonde one with Ruby’s knife. She lit up like a candle before slumping lifelessly to the ground. He glanced in your direction to see that you were managing fine, before slinking off to help Sam who was juggling two demon skanks of his own. 
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritu-” 
The Latin had barely slipped from your lips when shit hit the fan. The woman got a hit on you, sending you reeling away from the graffitied wall, enough for her to slip out of your binding grip. You narrowed your eyes at the woman, reeling your arm back for another punch. She just smirked, her black eyes glistening under the moonlight. And that was when you felt it. A blinding white pain that blossomed across your abdomen and tore its way around body like someone had lit a bomb and your veins were the fuse. You collided harshly with the damp concrete, the sound ricocheting across the narrow street. You could feel the crushing weight of the hellhound above you and feel its hot breath fanning across your neck as you struggled, desperate from some sort of release though you could hardly move, trapped within the agonies of the invisible claws buried inches deep within your skin. Your cry of anguish had your brothers’ heads snapping towards your writhing frame. Their screams lost within your own. You gaped blindly at the dog above you. If it wasn’t for the hellhound’s snarling, or the blood seeping from the lacerations on your stomach, you would have had no clue what hit you. It felt like an eternity before the crushing weight was lifted from you and Dean came into view. The knife in hand was dripping with blood. He quickly discarded it on the floor and was by your side in an instant, pressing down harshly on your abdomen to slow the bleeding. He recoiled slightly when you let out a cry of pain. 
“I know, I know it hurts. I'm sorry sweetheart.” Dean tried to soothe you, but he could already see the blood oozing between his fingers.
You watched him through blurry, pain tinted lenses, eyes moving frantically, struggling to focus on one area too long. Dean’s panicked complexion never left your body. His green eyes trailed your damaged body, swimming with worry.
“De…” what came out of your mouth in between your ragged gasps for air was hardly audible. Dean would have missed it if his senses weren’t so honed in on you.
“Shh,” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t talk kiddo. Sammy’s coming. Sammy’s gonna get here and then we’re gonna take you back to the bunker and we’re gonna fix you up okay?”
You nodded feebly.
There was a squeal of rubber and the blinding light of the Impala’s headlights filling the dingy alley before Sam’s mop of hair came into view.
The ghost of a smile found its way onto your lips as your breathing began to slow. “Sammy...” you mumbled, watching your older brother move to your side.
“I’m here, kid. ” He reassured as he slid one of his arms under your knees and the other under your back. The brothers shared a silent look before they stood up, shifting you from the cold concrete. You screamed and cried out in pain as you were jostled around in Sam’s arms. Dean’s bloody hands were replaced with one of his flannel shirts which Sam was plastering to your wound as the two of them raced the short distance to the car. It hurt Sam to watch the way that your face contorted in pain with each giant step he took. Each whimper that escaped your lips had Dean shuddering. Once you were secured against Sam’s chest in the car, Dean had never moved quicker than he did to the front seat to press his foot on the gas and send the car hurtling down the road to the bunker. 
Your head lolled against Sam’s chest as he held you close and whispered reassurances into your ear. He wasn’t sure if he was trying to reassure you or himself. A deep pit had settled at the bottom of his stomach. “You’re gonna be fine. We’ve got you.” he repeated like a mantra when you whimpered. When you didn’t respond, he glanced down to see that your eyes had begun to droop closed, the effort of keeping them open had just become too much as you slowly lost sensation across your body. Your fingers and toes had began to go numb, all feeling lost within them
“No, no.” Sam cupped the side of your face with his hand and tilted it gently towards his. Your skin was pale and clammy and your cheeks were lined with tracks of tears that had beaded down your face. “Look at me Y/N, don’t close your eyes.” Sam’s voice seemed to raise an octave as he choked out his worry. 
You tried to keep them open. You really did, but your eyelids had begun to feel like lead and keeping them was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You struggled, but as the black spots began to consume your vision, you gave in and let unconsciousness claim you.
Sam cursed and tapped the side of your face desperately. Dean glanced back at his younger siblings. He saw the way that your frame was curled up against Sam’s, looking even smaller than you were supposed to in his arms. He pressed his foot even harder on the pedal when he saw the way that Sam’s face ignited with fear as he listened to the soft thrum of your heart; all out of beat and losing time. 
When you peeled your eyes open, and they had adjusted to the harsh light in the room, the first thing you were aware of was the throbbing in your abdomen. Gingerly, you had tried to push yourself up, much to the protests of the muscles in your shaky arms. You had barely managed to get halfway up before you were being eased back down again by a pair of calloused hands. 
“Take it easy, kid.” Dean said. He had been slumped in a old green chair half asleep when you had begun to rouse. There were dark bags under his eyes and he looked as if he hadn’t slept since he got back. That was something you knew Dean did when he was worried.
You blinked groggily. You looked like you had had a run in with death. I suppose you weren’t too far off. Your head was pounding and your skin was still devout of its colour, besides the dark bags that dropped beneath your sunken eyes. The throbbing around your stitches had quickly begun to feel much worse as the itchiness set in. “How long was I out?”
“ ‘Bout a day.” he told you, tracing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. His skin was rough from years of hands on work, but his tough was gentle and far from what you’d expect for a man in his line of work. “Sammy sewed you up.”
You hummed gratefully, gathering your brewing for a moment. Once you had had a moment to think, it all seemed to come flooding back to you.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered. 
“What?” Dean had to do a second take. “Sweetheart, what are you sorry for?”
“If I had ganked the bitch faster then-”
“No. No. This isn’t your fault.” Your brother said sternly. “If I had gone to you instead of Sam then-”
A tall figure appeared in the doorway to the infirmary, he had to hunch slightly to fit the whole of his tall frame in. He bore two cups of coffee in his hands and too looked as if he hadn’t slept a wink in a few days. Stubble had begun to make itself prominent on his cheeks.
“Dean, for the last time, this isn’t your -” Sam stopped when he saw you staring at him. He was at your side in seconds after placing the coffee on the table by Dean, then pulling you into a hug. You groaned at the pull of your stitches. “How you feeling?”
“Like I've been hit by a bus.”
Sam chuckled, though he furrowed his brows. “That bad, huh?” 
You shrugged. 
Gesturing towards your stomach, Sam asked “Mind if I take a look?”
“Go ahead.”
Peeling back the white sheets and lifting up the hem of your shirt, Sam revealed the white bandage fitted snugly to your body. He then untucked the bandage and gingerly unravelled it to reveal the angry redness and the pus that had gathered around the neat rows of stitches. 
“Shit.” Dean uttered. He was trying not to panic, but the way forehead etched with concern gave it away. 
“What’s going on?” You craned your neck to try and see the damage, but you were hit with a wave of vertigo that made you slump back against the bed. 
“It’s infected.” 
Sam’s gaze followed the length of your stitched skin. 16 stitches in total, all in three rows across your abdomen and down towards you right hip. They would leave a nasty scar, but nothing that a Hunter wasn’t used to. He followed the red lightning-like pattern that the infection had left on your skin. 
“How the heck did it get infected, Sam? Didn’t you clean it?” Dean demanded. 
“Of course I cleaned it.” Sam shuddered at them memory of pouring the alcohol into your wound. He remembered the way you unconsciously flinched as the needle sank into your skin. He remembered the way that your heart and your breathing slowed as Dean raced towards the bunker. 
“Well clearly-”
“Stop.” You whispered. “Please.”
Both men stopped their bickering and turned to you. You looked so small and fragile lying there in that bed; your complexion nearly as pale as the room around you. Sam looked guilty. His eyes found the ground and he fiddled with his hands nervously in his lap. Dean’s furious features softened. He knew it wasn’t Sam’s fault really, he had just let his worry morph into anger. The alley had been filthy and in the rush to stop the bleeding, he wasn’t surprised that some of the dirt had managed to conceal itself. The wound was deep and time was running thin. 
“Come on. Let's get you sorted out.”
The infection had taken hold of you quickly. Despite the brothers cleaning your wound and dosing you up on antibiotics, only after a day or so; you were now fighting a fever. 
Sam placed a hand on your forehead. Your skin was too hot and clammy, but shivers racked your body like you had just been dunked in an ice bath. Sam moved some of the hair that had stuck to the beads of sweat on your forehead away from your eyes and frowned deeply, his eyebrows knitting together in the middle of his forehead. You were curled up on your bed, trying your hardest to pull the sheets even closer to your body. Your brothers had moved you out of the infirmary and into your room a few days ago after they had discovered that your wound was infected. Dean had insisted that it would provide you with a better sense of comfort than the eerily pristine walls and uncomfy beds of the infirmary. Your room was also a lot closer to theirs, which meant that they could keep an eye on you easier. That had put a small smile on your lips, what took it away however was when Dean refused to let you have your thick blankets. Your protests nearly made him cave and give them back, but he knew that if he did you would overheat and they couldn’t risk that with how high your fever was running.
A dry coughing fit tore its way through you, leaving you wheezing once it had subsided. Since the fever took you in its clutches a few days ago, the boys had watched you deteriorate. It broke them to see you like this; a ghost of the person you usually were. Sam knelt down to face you on the bed. Your eyes were barely open as you struggled against the exhaustion, but the fever wasn’t letting you sleep. “Y/N?” Sam asked gently. 
You pushed your eyes open weakly. 
“Hey.” He smiled at you and reached blindly for the glass of water that was on the bedside table. Easing you up, he held the cup to your chapped lips and helped you take small sips of the water and then another antibiotic. He placed the glass back on the side and moved to pull the covers away from you. You tried to turn away, but whimpered when pain flared through your wound.
“I know, I know. But we have to change them.”
Reluctantly, you allowed your brother to pull the covers away from your body. You felt like the air was stabbing you with icicles when it hit your body. You shuddered and Sam looked at you with pity. Watching your brother work as he removed the bandages was what you opted to do take your mind off of the way you were feeling. Sam’s face scrunched as he concentrated, his hair falling across his eyes. He pinched hs bottom lip between his teeth as he unraveled your wound. Your brothers had tried desperately to stop the infection from spreading, but now the wound had swelled to twice the size and it had become an even darker shade of angry. Sucking in a breath, Sam began to redress it with fresh bandages. 
Sam and Dean had been taking great care of you. You were barely left alone and they always seemed to have everything you needed on hand. The pair would take it in turns to sit by you for hours and make sure your fever didn’t get too high, while the other searched for any way to help you. Dean had tried a million times to get Cas down here, but he was always left with no reply, only a silence that seemed too loud. He had even tried threatening him, but still, the angel never showed. He then moved on to help Sam with the stack of books that he was skimming through. It seemed as though the pile would never end as the two of them searched. Logically, one of the first things they had considered was driving you to the nearest hospital, but they had opted out of it, figuring that it was too dangerous to move you that far in your state and that it would be too hard to explain how you received wounds like that. Of course, then they were hoping that Cas wouldn’t ignore his angel radio, or that they would have found a spell within one of these books much faster.
Sam sat with you for a while, tapping his foot repeatedly and playing with his hands as he made conversation with you, trying to bring smiles to your sunken features. Sam loved it when you smiled; they were pure, golden. you could light up a whole room with one. When the three of you were younger, when you still wore your hair in pigtails and were too young and to go on hunts with your brothers and your dad, Sam remembered how he used to yearn for that smile whilst he was away, how they made him feel whole again when he returned and he’d wrap you up in his arms and you’d greet him with a big smile on your face.
Sam told you stories of his hunts, of embarrassing stories that he swore he wouldn’t tell anyone and of his favourite memories of the three of you until he thought you had finally let sleep take you under. You had stopped interrupting his stories with your own quips, or giggling at his jokes, though when he stood, the old chair creaking as he rose, and began to move as quietly as his boots would let him towards the door, your meek voice spoke up.
He hummed at the nickname. 
“Thank you.” You said.
“Anytime kid.” He smiled sadly, placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re gonna be okay Y/N. I promise.”
Not too long after Sam had left your room, Dean floated in. He wasn’t sure whether to be surprised or not at the fact you were still awake, gazing vacantly into empty space. Dean knew that sleep had never come easy to you, even as a small child. You used to crawl into his bed at night, seeking comfort. Another cough shook your frame as your eldest brother came further into the room. After ensuring you were okay, he replaced his brother in the seat beside you and took your hand. 
“Can’t sleep, huh?”
You shook your head. That was when Dean climbed in to the bed behind you, tucking you to his chest like he used to when you were just small. He ran his fingers through your hair as he listened to your raspy and short breaths. He felt you shift to look up at him.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Sing to me? Like when we were little?”
Dean smiled as you pulled yourself closer to his chest. You breathed in the scent of his old band shirt and his cologne as he began to sing.
“Hey Jude, don't make it bad, Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, Then you can start to make it better.
Hey Jude, don't be afraid You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin, Then you begin to make it better.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain, Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder.”
Dean was still singing when Sam came back to your room with a bowl in hand. His face lit up at the sight of you curled up in Dean’s arms. When Dean finally lifted his head away from yours and looked up to see his little brother hovering in the doorway, Sam was singing with him under his breath. It only took him a few steps to cross the distanced between the door and your bed and when he reached you, he pulled the book out from the arm it was tucked beneath and placed the bowl on your desk. The book was leather bound, and was at least an inch or so thick. It was once red, though with time and use it seemed to have lost its colouring to the grey fraying around the edges. The pages of the book were dirty too, thinned by age. The bowl, carved from wood and decorated with an ornate gold, seemed to be filled with herbs and other mojo that Dean didn’t even want to know about.
“I found a spell.” Sam told him, a grin sneaking across his face. “She’s gonna be okay.”
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mqsi · 1 year
can you please do a pedri smut were they do dry humping first 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Anon, thank you for requesting this. I’m a sucker for this type of fics🤭
warning: smut
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You were currently cuddling with Pedri in the living room, watching movies and munching on snacks.
“Babe I think I’ve lost my phone somewhere in this mess” Pedri announced, shuffling his hands trough blankets and candy wrappers.
You groaned, not wanting to get up to look for it “Maybe you left it on the table behind the couch”
“Can you check?” he asked,grinning. You rolled your eyes, lifting your head from his chest and looking towards the table. And the phone indeed was there.
“Pedro it’s there but pushed to the furthest corner, I can’t reach it without getting up” you replied ready to fall back into his arms before he spoke again
“Try to reach from the couch” he said making a cute face as a plead.
You rolled your eyes and stretched yourself above his head.
“I’m gonna kill you” you said, now placing your leg down further on the bed, straddling his lap in the process. Since you were reaching behind Pedri, your boobs were practically in his face. And not to mention you were wearing a baggy shirt without a bra. Pedri smiled into your shirt, hands going to your back, slowly carresing it.
“Seriously I can’t reach it” you said before being pushed down on his lap. Pedri’s hands were now kneeding your ass making you let out a breath.
“Thanks for the show” he said, one hand reaching under your shirt.
“What?” you asked confused but your thoughts were interrupted by his thumb brushing over your nipple.
“It was exciting” he continued “Let me show you my excitement” he said bucking up his hips. You let out a slight moan from feeling his clothed erection. You kissed him and started grinding your hips, providing the friction both of you now desperately needed.
“Pedri” you moaned before kissing him again. It was sloppy, you were moaning into each others mouth. Pedri’s hands were roaming your body the whole time, before disconnecting your lips and lifting your shirt so he can get a taste of your breasts. His tongue swirled over your sensitive nipples. His hands were on your hips,guiding you against his cock. You threw your head back, moaning in pleasure and tangling your fingers in his hair. You tugged on it, pressing Pedri’s face against your chest.
“Fuck bonita, you’re so fucking hot” he mumbled against your skin. His hands were back on your ass, kneading the flesh. You sped up your movements against his cock, feeling him leave breathy moans into your neck.
“Pedri I’m so close” you moaned.
He started bucking his hips up, lips back on you nipples, giving you the last push you needed. You crumbled down on him,feeling your juieces coat your underwear,staining your shorts as well.
“Babe, don’t stop now” Pedri demanded. His cheeks were red, hair messy, some strands sticking to a thin coat of sweat that formed on his forehead. You were already overstimulated but continued to grind against him.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck” Pedri moaned before spilling in his boxers, head thrown back on the bedframe. You fell against his chest, his hand carresing your waist. The only sound being your fast breathing, slowly coming down from your highs.
“Babe?” Pedri said weakly without moving his head.
“My phone is still on the table”
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the-midnight-sugar1 · 3 months
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Been pretty obsessed with Cult of the Lamb lately and drew some fanart inspired by @bamsara’s fic The Rehabilitation of Death. It’s a great story, I definitely recommend checking it out!
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kgfan829 · 6 days
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They're Family in my eyes, the color schemes are so similar
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seokmingming · 5 months
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Merry Christmas!! @jongside I'm your skz secret santa!!
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rapz-rites · 1 year
Family Time
Damian Wayne x Reader Headcanon
Meeting Damian’s family and getting close with them
A/N: This is my first time writing ANYTHING so plz be nice. I won't do any major writings, just small head canons and maybe rabbles. Saving the big stuff for all you professional writers.
Word Count: 1,704
Warnings: Jealous Damian, injured reader, threats, implied smut
Meeting the Waynes
You and Damian have been dating for about 5 months now.
Damian has already met your parents and they LOVED HIM.
He was polite, respectable and always said the right things at the right moment. DAMN HIM!
Now it was time to meet his family.
You’re pacing back and forth questioning your entire existence while Damian is sitting on the edge of your bed trying to calm you down.
“Do my clothes look good enough? Does my hair look good? What if they think I’m with you for your money? What if they think that I’m a gold digger? Do they know that my family is also very wealthy? What if they think I’m a stuck up spoiled brat? OMG WHAT IF THEY HATE ME?”
You’re digging yourself a deep hole of negativity until Damian grabs you by your shoulders forcing you to look at him.
“Beloved. You’re going to be fine. Everything about you is perfect and my family will love you”
He always knew what to say and when. DAMN HIM!
“Thank you. Ok. I think I’m ready, let's go!”
As damian pulls up to the manor, you start to rethink your decision
“Is it too late to cancel lunch? Would they believe I suddenly got ill?”
“Beloved, as I said before they’re going to love you”
As always he was right.
You and his family immediately hit it off and got along well.
A little too well for his liking.
He knew his family would like you but what he didn’t know was that you would spend more time with them instead of him. DAMN HIM!
Bruce loved you for his youngest son
Damian as had a girlfriend before, Raven, but after they broke up, he thought Damian would never open himself up to anyone again
Even though you and Damian are a kind of opposites and balance each other out, you understand him and what he’s gone through
He was the one of the first people, after your parents and Alfred, to learn about your relationship
Though business isn’t your first option as a major, you still want to learn as a backup
Who better to learn from than the man who runs on of the top companies in the country
Bruce offers to teach you the basics and even a small internship at WE
You refuse the internship but gladly take the lessons
Dick is an acrobat
You did gymnastics for 4 year
What could go wrong?
Dick tries to teach you a double full out
You already perfected a full out
You’ve always had trouble perfecting your landings
It didn’t come a surprise to you when you were able to perfectly do the flip but mess up the landing to bad you twist your ankle
Damian is furious with Grayson for teaching you suck a difficult move knowing there was a chance of you getting hurt
Damian is about to lunge at Dock ready to attack until you stop him
“Damian, stop. I’ve twisted my ankle plenty of times trying new gymnastic moves. I’ll be fine in like 2 weeks. You don’t need to hurt Dick, I knew the risks”
“Ok. But if Grayson teaches you another move and you get hurt, he will need to sleep with both eyes open”
Normally, Dick would be somewhat frightened by one of Damian’s threats but he’s in shock from how quickly you calmed him down
He’s going to call you from now on everytime Damian is angry
You and Jason connect over your interests in books
You two form your own book club
You two discuss the book you picked out for the month and talk about many other books you two have read in the past
Both of you love to read a book and watch the movie/show that goes along with it
You two argue over which aspects were better in the book or the movie/show
“Elena and Katherine are blonde in the books though”
“I know that Jason. I read the book too. But let’s be honest Katherine is better as a brunette than a blonde. It fits her personality in the show way more.”
“You’re right.”
“I think it’s Nina Dobrev.”
“It definitely is.”
“I would have liked to see angel Elena though.”
Tim had a nack for tech
You were attached to your phone
Of course you two got along
Tim taught you tricks on the computer and showed you secret games companies hide
You had learned from Damian that Tim was a bit of a caffeine addict
Damian’s words were “Drake will be the caffeine addicted idiot in front of a screen or head deep in a case”
You take it upon yourself to find caffeine substitutes to try and help his addiction
He is reluctant at first but gives it a try
After a few months Tim is drinking less coffee than before
He still drinks coffee but limits himself to only 3 cups a day, much better than 2 an hour
He drinks more water and gets in more sleep than before
Damian who never openly admit it but he’s happy his older brother is being healthier and taking better care of himself
You and Duke bonded over your similar senses of humor
It also helps that he’s also on TikTok as much as you
The two of you jokingly talk in TikTok lingo
“Bombastic side eye”
“Criminal offense side eye”
“Duke this is probably the most important question I’m about to ask… Team Hailey or Team Selena”
“I’m offended that you even have to ask. Team Selena til the day I die. Alex Russo practically raised me”
Everyone else is looking at the two of you confused
Damian is used to this already
When you asked him the same question you went on a 3 hour tangent and it was evident who’s side you were on
Damian didn’t care about “silly celebrity drama” but since he knew it would make you happy, he chose Selena
Cass is a pretty quiet girl, almost mute
With family she barely ever talks, with strangers she uses sign language
Once you learned Cass communicated mostly with sign language you took it upon yourself to learn
When you we were first introduced to Cass you signed
“Hi! My name is Y/N, you must be Cass. My sign is rusty, I’m still learning. Nice to meet you”
Cass gave you a small smile and you were ecstatic
According to Damian Cass almost never smiles and even if she does its for a split second
You both enjoy each others quiet company, watching movies or painting nails and braiding hair with Stephanie
The more time you and spend with Cass the more she opens up to you
After a few months, she starts giving you short answers without signing
“If you could only wear one color nail polish for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?”
“Good answer”
You and Steph connect as feminists
“Anything a boy can do we can do better”
Steph often includes you in any competitions he has that are girls vs boys
Does she include you because you can be used against Damian?
Are you upset about it?
Absolutely not
You love beating Damian in any possible way
Other than competitions, you both love pranking the boys
You two prank damian the least because you know well enough that damian can hold grudge and you love to cuddle at night
Pranking Tim is best
Before he got better he would fall for anything because he was too sleep deprived
He would fall for the simplest broken screen video on youtube almost every time
Once he started getting better, you two had to up your game
Your favorite prank on Tim was the fake virus that played the SHrek opening over and over on blast
You couldn’t forget about Alfred now can you
Whenever you enter the manor Alfred is always the first one to greet you
Whenever you are waiting for Damian at the manor you go straight to Alfred and talk with him
You often assist him with whatever he’s doing
Baking, cooking, cleaning
He finds it refreshing a young person would help him
The others would try and help but often with miss up and make some kind of mess
One year they tried to make Alfred’s favorite cake for his birthday… and failed… miserably
They didn't include Damian because eventually he would take over and the cake would basically be made by him and not all of them, although he would’ve made it perfectly. DAMN HIM!
After 3 failed attempts they opted to buy a cake they knew Alfred would like from his favorite bakery downtown
Though they ruined the kitchen, Alfred was touched at the effort they put to try and make his favorite cake
Even though, none of them, except Damian, are allowed to cook or bake in the kitchen without his supervision
Back to Damian
It soon becomes evident as you spend more time with his family that Damian is jealous
Damian loves that you get along with his family, but he misses the quality time between just the two of you
You felt bad because you thought you were neglecting your boyfriend
So you made the executive decision to make it up to him
“My parents are out of town for the next two weeks”
“Business trip?”
“Yup. Do you want to spend the week?”
“No siblings?”
“Nope just you”
You lean in placing a soft kiss on his lips and pull back
You giggle when you see him lean in for more and he gives you an unamused look on his face because you refused to kiss him back
“So do you want to spend the week? We’ll have the place all to ourselves”
“Let's go. I already have my bag packed”
That entire week is just you and Damian hanging out and enjoying each others company
You give him all the kisses and cuddles he wants
He even knows just want to say to get more 😉
OMG OMG OMG!!! I did it. Took me a hot minute but I got it done. I wish it was this easy with my assignments and homework. But I hope you enjoyed this.
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stinkyme · 1 year
Hello! This is small scenario with BSD men, pulling a prank on them. :)
Characters: Ranpo, Tecchou, Mushitaro, Fyodor, Chuuya x GN!Reader
CW/TW: nothing much, a bit suggestive on Chuuya's part and Mushi is wearing 'I love MILFS' T-shirt lol, ants (?) in Tecchou's part (nothing disgusting), GN!Reader, loving petnames and reader is partner of everyone, but Fyodor in whose part isn't specified
I hope you enjoy and have fun, I wanted to make something a bit different before I move on more filth ;)
I might also do Jouno, Nikolai, Dazai if you enjoy this and would like to read them as well, and of course, if you want anyone else, feel free to request. :)
I apologize for any mistakes in advance! :)
Little pranks on BSD men || BSD characters x Reader
You decided to buy him a cake as you usually do knowning he would be moody all day without his sweets and as you were waiting for your turn in sweetshop.
You noticed a cake with carrots and you got this amazing idea to prank Ranpo and when your turn came you bought small carrot cake and one small chocolate cake in order to apologize once your prank is over.
You were giggling and came back to Detective Agency when Ranpo jumped out of his seat.
"Finally! Just how long does it take to buy a cake! Gimme gimme." Ranpo was impatient as ever.
"Sorry honey, their line was long. Sit, let me feed you." you tried to be as calm as possible so your genius boyfriend doesn't figure your little prank out.
He did as told and opened his mouth wide as you brang small piece of carrot cake to his mouth and he started chewing it making weird expression.
You were holding yourself back from giggling and took another piece making him eat it, this time with a carrot piece as well.
Ranpo's eyes opened wide and he started coughing and gagging as dramatic as always.
"What the hell is this? Just what sick person would do this? Did you buy this on the street, someone is trying to poison the best detective in the world!" he was yelling out.
"It's a carrot, you dramatic manchild." you told Ranpo while giggling.
"A CARROT? Just what sick person makes CAKE with VEGETABLES? No, no, NO, just what sick person buys ME a cake with vegetables?" he was loud and confused, but it made you laugh so much because your little prank worked.
"Sorry, sorry, it was a little prank, here is the apology, your favorite chocolate cake." you gave box to him, opening up so he can see.
"A prank? Well, hmph...I knew it was a prank, obviously." Ranpo scoffed.
"Oh you did? Of course, my bad, so you don't need this as apology." you said while removing box with cake off of his table.
"HEY! I need an apology for you thinking I am stupid enough to fall for something like this, mhm!" he kept scoffing and crossed his arms.
"Whatever you say Ranpo...whatever you say." you said sarcastically because you wanted to give him benefit of thinking you are buying what he said.
"Open wide." you giggled and fed Ranpo chocolate cake.
"Now, this is what I call a cake! You owe me praise too, you know?" Ranpo said while munching.
"Oh is that so? That way you will forgive me?" you said giggling.
"Indeed! I mean, I will think about it...now less talking more praising!" Ranpo ordered jokingly and you both were laughing and enjoying this moment together.
It was his birthday and you waited patiently for your boyfriend to come home with cake, balloons and huge paper behind you that said "Happy birthday love" in his favorite colors.
You bought him a small teddy bear that contained a small sound box with you saying 'I am thinking of you and I love you' so he can carry it in his pocket or around his belt and press it anytime he was away on mission unable to call you.
However, as a small prank you also collected ants in container with holes and giggled thinking how horrified he will look when he sees that.
You heard door knob turning and got prepared.
As Tecchou came in you yelled out "Happy birthday love!" and jumped on him into a big, long hug.
Tecchou looked around the room, surprised how you made all this for him.
"Thank you darling, you are so kind, all this for me?" he said his face covered in warm smile and he gave you gentle kiss on the lips.
"It's nothing, come come, you need to blow out candles!" you took his hand and brought him to the cake and he lowered himself, closed his eyes to think of a wish and blowed them.
"Yaaay, let's move to the gifts!" you said excited and took a bit of frosting to put on Tecchou's cheek. He smiled and took it off with his finger and licked it making confirming expression because he liked the taste.
"Okay, stay put, here it is!" you giggled as you handed out a container with ants inside and red, shiny bow on top.
"Hm? What is this?" he took a container and moved it around to take a look and see what exactly it is.
"Ants!" you said excited waiting for him to get terriffied.
He kept looking inside a box and put it down on the table and pulled you into a bear hug. You were confused with his reaction.
"Um..baby?" you said evidently confused.
"I love it so much, thank you, honey. You know, I actually adore ants. I will keep them next to our bed and take care of them." he said softly.
"UM SUE, DARLING, I WAS JOKING." you said a bit stunned by his reaction and moved away from hug and took mini teddy bear you actually had in mind as his gift.
"This is my gift for you, press it." you gave it to him and he was inspecting it and pressed on little tummy to hear a message you left behind.
He started tearing up and pulled you again into a big, soft hug.
"Sue? Are you okay?" you asked smiling gently.
"Yes darling, I am just overwhelmed..not only you got me ants, but this beautiful teddy bear too. I couldn't be more grateful. Now, I only have to think of the names for all little buddies I got." he said and smiled gently at you, petting your head.
Well, prank gone wrong but in good way.
You smiled at him.
You knew how your boyfriend loved style and everything style related so you decided to lie to him and have some fun yourself. You went to the local print store and printed out 'I love hot MILFS' on a white T-shirt. You had no idea will Mushi be actually that naive, but he was gullible, so why not try to prank him.
You packed it in nice, fancy bag and went home to give him your little 'present'.
As you opened the door Mushitaro came to hug and kiss you.
"Oh my god baby, you won't believe what I just found! This new T-shirt, it's all over the internet and everyone want one, I had to fight two men in order to get it for you, can you believe that?" you said trying to convince him with your surprised and excited voice.
"Oh? Let me see, love." he said as he raised his eyebrows. Got him, you thought and showed him T-shirt.
"I love...hot MILFS? What is MILFS?" he asked confused.
"Oh, I think name of the fashion line making those, but trust me, you need to wear it today. You meet up with Ranpo and Poe, yes? Rub it in their face how you have something so wanted, hehe." you giggled putting more oil to fire.
"Hm, is that so? You are right, that Poe has insane amount of money, but you see, he doesn't have this, HA!" he laughed proudly as he put T-shirt on, you barely holding your laughter in.
"Hell yeah, you show him babe! So handsome! Have fun and enjoy your day." you said and he kissed your lips as he left the house, his walk and mannerism as dramatic and attention seeking as always. However people gave him weird, dirty looks and he brushed it off as jealousy, smiling to himself.
"Hello peasants." he said jokingly to Poe and Ranpo showing off his T-shirt.
"What the hell are you wearing?" Ranpo asked blunt as always.
"This is new fashion line, jealous, huh?" Mushitaro chuckled as he slicked back his hair.
"Um...are you sure?" Poe asked anxiously.
"MILFS? I didn't know your partner was.." Ranpo continued.
"The hell you mean? It's name of the fashion line." Mushitaro asked confused.
"MILF is like hot, older woman, usually has a kid and MILFS means Moms I like to fu...oh" Ranpo said and started laughing.
"WHAT?" Mushitaro screamed out.
"You are lying!" he kept yelling.
"No, no, I googled it. Take a look." Poe said and showed him definition of a MILF.
Mushitaro started sweating and got red in his face thinking how you are at home laughing at him which indeed you were.
"Why do you even know what that means Ranpo?" Mushitaro tried to move topic off of himself.
"Asks a dude who wears a T-shirt like that." Ranpo scoffed.
"Just wait till I come home, they will see what I will do to them for this prank." Mushitaro thought to himself embarrassed, but lightheartedly, he truly didn't care as long as it was a gift from you as embarrassing as it was.
You had some knowledge on programming and computer languages and with that one day you decided to make a small change in Fyodor's well known rat logo.
You sat down on his computer and worked your way through changing his rat logo into Pikachu one. You designed it so Pikachu holds a grenade, threating but cute and you giggled to yourself as you moved away from computer.
You were going around the DoA shelter, cleaning and trying to entertain yourself.
Fyodor came out of his working room.
"We have an issue, come here at once. Call Gogol and Sigma too." he said firmly which made you uneasy.
Three of you came to his office and stood there like three naughty children waiting to be scolded.
"It came to my attention that instead of original rat design, there is a new one with some weird character. I am not sure what exactly this means as I just saw it, however it might be that Detective Agency and their outside friend broke our digital security. Take a look." he gestured towards the screen, three of you coming forward and leaning down to take a better look.
You knew it was your fault but why not play along.
Nikolai, Sigma and you started laughing your asses off.
"SPLENDID, SPLENDID, WHAT A GREAT JOKE!" Nikolai was literally hollering.
Sigma grabbed his stomach, brushing away tear off of his face.
"A grenade too? But it's so cute!" he said through laughter.
"Those ADA bastards have some great humor!" Nikolai kept going, his laughter drowning yours and Sigma's.
"Pikachu with a grenade? I love this!" you continued his thought innocently and laughed.
"Pikachu? What is that? Is it symbol for something?" Fyodor ignored your laughing fit, asking seriously.
"Pikachu is a pokemon, from that anime, you know?" Sigma said confused.
"I am surprised I know about it and you don't." Sigma continued his thought.
"I don't engage in such activities, Sigma." Fyodor said in monotone voice.
"Well then, let's get moving, I need you out for the mission." he continued.
Crap. Well, you must tell him.
"Uh..Fyodor, I made that, heh." you chuckled nervously.
"Pardon? What did you say?" he said, his gaze cold.
"Uhh, yeah, I thought it would be funny prank, I didn't mean for it to go this far, I just changed your logo, but you can reverse it back.." you said while sweating.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA I NEVER KNEW YOU HAD THAT INSIDE YOU, WHAT A SPLENDID JOKE Y/N!" Nikolai enjoyed this too much and put his hand up to high-five you. You hesitantly put your hand to meet his.
"Get out." Fyodor said firm, sharp and cold. All three of you buckled up and basically fought who will leave first. Sigma got out, then Nikolai and lastly you.
Fyodor turned towards his computer and sighed out. He took another look at Pikachu with grenade and chuckled a bit before starting his work on bringing old logo back.
He had meeting with Mori, Kouyou and rest of Mafia executives this morning.
You decided to prank him a bit before he left. You took his phone and changed his ringtone in cupcakke song that goes 'Vagina! Deepthroat circus!', you were giggling and left his volume on because you knew he almost always had it on vibration.
He left shower, got dressed and took his phone.
"I will be back quickly angel, you rest more." and gave you kiss on the lips. He was so loving, it made you feel bad a bit, but show must go on. You kissed him back and waved goodbye.
You waited until 9:15 to make a call, you were nervous, excited and giggling, hoping he didn't turn his volume off.
"That's why we need.." Mori was saying suddenly interrupted by loud noise.
Everyone looked around confused and horrified, even Chuuya, not realizing it was his phone.
"You might want to pick up, Chuuya." Kouyou said covering her mouth with her hand, giggling.
Chuuya's eyes got wide realizing it is, in fact, his phone.
He saw your name calling him and picked up, frozen.
"I am in a meeting.." he got caught off with your laughter and everyone in room could hear, trying to keep in their laughter not to annoy Chuuya any further.
"This was your doing, little bastard?" Chuuya said lightheartedly. You kept laughing in his ear.
"Maaaaaybe...I don't know what you are talking about though." you said innocently.
"Hah, I will give you deepthroat circus once I come back, you hear me?" he said through a chuckle and everyone's eyes got wide.
Mori coughed.
"Oh crap, um, angel, I got to go." he got off call, trying to stay as calm as possible, everyone's gaze on him after his reaction.
"That's why we need..?" he asked acting like nothing happened, trying to be as put as possible earning couple of giggles.
The End :)
I hope you enjoyed and had fun! :)
Thank you for reading and all love you showed me so far! <3
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hotdamnitsmoony · 2 months
james had glow stars on his ceiling growing up. when he went to hogwarts and learnt all about the stars in astronomy, he came home at christmas and rearranged them all to make the constellations he had loved learning about.
on regulus’ first night at potter manor, many years later, james gave him a tour. the first thing he noticed in james’ room was the stars, and he asked about them. james told him that he’d put them like that in his first year, and left them there because it meant that he got to look at his ceiling every night and think of his favourite people.
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I just came up with a small Soap & Ghost headcanon...
So, I think we have established that Ghost is really expressive under his mask. So expressive that he quickly realizes how much he smiles around Soap. It's not a problem at all.
Well, its not a problem until they got to a point where Soap wanted to see Ghost's face some more. Of course- Soap did see his face, but only for short periods of time.
It's not like Soap was pushing Ghost to walk around him maskless- not at all. Ghost just could see the silent longing in the Scot's eyes every time Ghost put his mask back after showering or those short moments when he just let himself be maskless.
And the worst thing was that, Ghost really wouldn't be more glad to walk maskless around Soap. To be able to fell Johnny's hands on his cheeks, fell the heat on his face when he hides his head in the crook of Soap's neck.
Ghost knows that Soap thinks he is attractive, he is being reassured about that every day. But there is one thing that Ghost is still very insecure about.
Like I said- he smiles a lot around Soap and when it's embarrassing to Ghost how much he is actually smiling it's not the problem.
The problem is that if he smiles for to long- his lips start to twitch and he has no control over it. He doesn't even know why it's happening, it just does and he hates it.
Soap has such a beautiful smile, full of warmth and love and- it's just so Johnny! But He? He can't even smile properly. It's like he didn't have a reason to smile for so long that his body just forgot how to.
So when Ghost is around Johnny he wears the mask just to hide that stupid trembling of his lips. Knowing well that the Sergeant will make him smile sooner or later, and without a mask he would see the twitching- think it's weird or that he is faking his smile.
Ghost isn't faking it. He is so fuckin far from faking it.
One night they lie in bed, ready to fall asleep, Ghost has his mask pulled over his nose to make sure he doesn't suffocates himself in his sleep. He doesn't mind having his lips uncovered now, since they are supposed to go to sleep, no reason for smiling now.
But then Soap starts whispering to him about their future plans, he talks that they could rent a place together and maybe adopt a service dog. Johnny paints an amazing picture of their future in his mind.
And before he knows it, he is smiling while on the verge of sleeping. What pulls him out is the filing of his lips twitching.
He opens his eyes, wants to pull his balaclava down- maybe Johnny didn't notice yet.
But he did. He is looking straight at his lips.
But Soap looks at them with adoration, because he is just so fuckin happy that he is the person making Ghost smile. He gets to make Ghost happy.
And to make Ghost happy so much that his lips are twitching? It's like a prize.
Soap runs a finger over Ghost's lips and closes the distance between them.
He can feel Ghost's lips tremble in a smile under his and oh does he love it.
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mysaintkitten · 8 months
Reminiscence | Kitten Braden x fem!reader
prompt: kitten gets caught reminiscing on your shared past and you decide to help her out (NSFW, no minors)
word count: 2k
WARNINGS: masturbation, top!kitten, mentions of public sex, fingering, unprotected sex (p in v), prostate play
this is my first time posting any sort of smut so please be gentle 💔 if any of you like this, feel free to send me suggestions!
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you had come home from work a bit earlier than anticipated due to an unexpected family emergency involving your boss and his wife. you didn’t know exactly what had happened, but you decided to just appreciate getting off work early.
you unlock the door to yours and kittens shared flat and you’re met with a silence. normally kittens in the living room, lounging, writing, dancing, whatever her spirit decided. but today there was nothing, not a trace of her in sight.
“kitten?” you call out, no response. you lock the door behind you, take off your shoes, and place your bag on the coffee table before further exploring your flat to try and find kitten
“kitten?” you say again, still receiving no response, “patricia?” you add, you don’t call her by her first name much, unless you feel things are serious
you turn into the hallway that leads to your shared bedroom, where you see the doors cracked open. you begin to approach before you hear some whimpers and little gasps
you tiptoe, trying your best to not make any loud noises. once at the door, you push it open ever so slightly, just enough to get a look inside
there, you see kitten in bed. she’s touching herself in nothing but a lacy little bralette. her cheeks are flushed and her mouth hangs agape as she pumps her hard cock. with her legs spread and one bent, she has her other arm wrapped around while plunging her middle and ring finger into herself. her hairs frizzy and her lips are swollen, likely from her biting on them.
you feel the air being sucked from your lungs and can almost immediately feel yourself becoming slick.
it isn’t until you fully push the door open that she snaps out of it, removing her fingers from herself and closing her legs.
“oh pretty girl..” you purr, approaching the bed, “don’t stop the show now.”
she smiles at you weakly and huffs, using her shaky hands to try and straighten out her hair
you crawl into bed, laying beside her before tracing your finger along her hip bone
“what got you all hot and bothered?” you whisper, leaning into her neck, placing warm kisses on her neck and jawline
“while i was cleaning up in the living room, i thought about the other night when we went out for some drinks.” she starts, shifting her body to face you better
“and how we were dancing .. and you looked so pretty .. and smelt so nice .. and you kept grinding on me ..” she continues, her gaze travelling down your body
“‘n you took me out back and rode me. knowing anyone could stop and stare .. that alone was getting me excited. but then i found the dress you had worn that night, and your perfume was still lingering on it” her voice begins to trail off at the end as her hands find their way to the hem of your shirt, toying with it slightly
you pick up on her hints and swiftly take off your shirt, discarding it onto the bedroom floor
“i just couldn’t help it y/n .. i was so desperate.” she huffs, furrowing her brows, “i wanted to wait for you, really, i did, but i needed it.”
you chuckle at her attempts to defend herself, “it’s okay, baby. i’m here now, aren’t i? what do you want me to do?” you cooed, running your fingers along her still exposed, and still very hard cock.
her body tenses slightly before relaxing into your touch. her hips shift beneath your hand.
she gulps before whining, “anything, dear. touch me, taste me, fuck me. o-or i could just touch you ..”
her eyes make their way down to your clothed crotch again, making you clench them together in burning arousal.
“or i could taste you. frankly, i think i would finish just from eating you out alone.”
you can’t help but laugh at her honesty, you peck her on the lips before peppering small kisses along her cheek and jaw
“you’re too sweet, angel. but i wanna make this ..” you start before wrapping your hand around her length, making her gasp softly, “all about you.”
after giving her some weak pumps, you remove your hand and straddle kittens lap, feeling her cock pulse slightly beneath you. she whines again, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth. she’s getting the warmth and potential friction she’s been craving, but she needs more.
with a smirk, you run your hands up her chest, stopping at her tits to ever so delicately remove her pristine bralette
“you wanna get fucked, baby?” you taunt, grinding your hips against her. she nods mindlessly, that gorgeous blush returning to her cheeks. without second thought, she places her hands on your hips, guiding you to move how she needs.
you place your hands on top of hers, encouraging her to keep going. you lean forward, still grinding while placing wet kisses on her collarbone.
“i saw you fingering yourself, too..” you moan, your own arousal making it hard for you to think straight.
“do you want something inside you too, pretty girl?”
her hands clench around your hips and her breaths become more shallow, “yeah, yeah” she crooned while lolling her head back
to both of yours disappointment, your movements come to a halt as you bring yourself back up and lean over to the nightstand drawer. you pull out a prostate massager and some lube and toss it somewhere beside you.
you lift your hips off kitten and strip yourself of your pants, panties, and bra. kitten stares in awe at your body, mostly at your tits though. she moves her hands from your hips and moves them to your tits, kneading the plush flesh beneath them.
you place your hands on top of hers again and move them how you’d like, moaning quietly at her soft and warm touch
you then guide her hands lower, making sure to not rush this process. her hands feel so nice, you wished you could constantly be engulfed in her embrace.
once at your pelvis, you lead her hand between your legs, feeling her finger pads graze your slick folds
“oh, angel..” she groans before taking control again and allowing herself to explore. her fingers barely push through the threshold of your hole, just enough to collect your slick and use that as lubrication to rub your clit
“o-oh!” the sudden gesture makes you gasp, placing your hands on her shoulders for stability.
she stares up at you attentively, analyzing your expressions to see what you like and what you aren’t liking.
“so wet, dear.” she praises, speeding up her movements.
“‘n all i could think about earlier was how wet you were when you rode me, absolutely drenched me, love.” she adds, mumbling slightly
you dig your nails into her shoulders and screw your eyes shut, feeling absolutely flooded with pleasure
“you like the idea of someone catching us? does the rush get you wet, baby?” she teases, sliding her fingers from your clit to your hole. the sudden fullness made your eyes shoot back open, as you look at her she’s grinning hard, the essence of arousal was just dripping off of her.
you remove your hand from her shoulder and move her fingers out. she instinctively puts the fingers into her mouth, sucking off the wetness you and coated her fingers in while smiling at you. the small, but filthy act, sent a chill down your spine. you proceed to use your free hand to guide her cock to your cunt. teasing her tip with your eager opening.
she glances down, watching you tease her. she shifts again, trying her hardest to not thrust up into you. grinning at her below you, you place her tip inside, watching her chest fall and brows become furrowed
“keep still, we need to put the toy inside you. if you move, you won’t be allowed to cum until i say so.” you growl, reaching beside you to grab the massager and the lube.
you lube up the toy and reach behind you. you couldn’t see her hole, but by using your hands you were quickly able to find it. she spreads her legs a bit beneath you and you push the toy inside of her, her previous fingering making the process run smoothly
a loud moan escapes her lips and she clenches her fists, wriggling beneath you.
you switch the toy on and slowly slide yourself down onto her, feeling a slight stinging at her size stretching you open.
“g-od.. so warm, dear..” she moans, bringing her hands back up to your chest and gripping your tits gently
you lift your hips and begin to ride her at a quick pace, feeling all of your senses be overtaken by kitten and her cock.
her warm touch, her soft skin, her pretty cock, everything about her was perfect.
“feel so nice, baby. such a good girl.” you praise breathlessly as you bring your fingers to her lips, grazing them gently before pushing them in. kitten eagerly accepts them and sucks desperately on your middle finger
“y-ou feel so..” she moans around your fingers before she gasps and arches her back, eyes rolling back, “so good, so so good..” she rambles
she looks like a pornstar beneath you. so fucked out, small gasps leaving her mouth, all sweaty and flushed with glossy eyes, yet still so gorgeous. you’re convinced she couldn’t look bad if she tried.
removing your fingers, you place the slick fingers on to your clit and place the other hand on her shoulder while slowing down your pace, feeling every inch of kitten inside of you
you’re already feeling close, but you try your absolute hardest to hold off. eventually your teasing becomes too much for even you, so you pick up the pace again.
“y’can move if you want, love..” you whimper, rubbing your clit harder and faster, and kitten doesn’t need to be told twice. she places her hands on your hips and thrusts up, whining beneath you. with the mixture of your wet cunt and the pulsating toy pressing against her prostate, she was having a very difficult time holding her orgasm back.
“y/n .. i’m rea-lly close..” she groans, digging her nails into your hips, you nod feverishly “me too, doll”
“can you come around me? pretty please?” she begs, pouting slightly while continuing to harshly thrust up into you, “need it so bad.” she huffs
a mixture of kittens name, praises, and “yes” falls from your mouth as you come around her, feeling her pace remain relentless as your orgasm crashes through you
everything’s suddenly too much. the toy inside her, your hole clenching around her, your expressions and your noises as you came undone- kitten was done for.
she comes hard inside you, strings of breathy moans pouring from her pretty lips.
she thrusts weakly, riding out her orgasm inside you. suddenly, her demeanour changes slightly. she begins to wince.
“the toy, dear, the toy” she whines before you reach behind you and shut the toy off before sliding it out. then, you slide her out of yourself, you too also wincing.
with shaky legs you crawl beside her and plop down, attempting to regain your composure. since kitten was more put together, she took it upon herself to get a wet cloth to clean you both up.
when she returns, you watch her as she stands there naked, cleaning herself off, before making her way over to you while smiling at you softly
she starts to gently wipe you down, making sure to not apply too much pressure to your sensitive areas. once cleaned, she tossed the cloth into the dirty clothes hamper.
she lays down beside you and brushes your hair out of your face before kissing your cheek, then moving to kiss your lips.
you believe the lesson of this spur of the moment sex session was that you’re both interested in doing it outdoors more, or maybe that you should sneak up on kitten more. you weren’t sure which one was more true, but you didn’t really care.
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