#i just he hearing him and think : all men do is cheat and lie
juanitasupreme · 10 months
You made a post once saying that Jun.K sings like he cheats on his girlfriend and I've never been able to get that out of my head
Jun.K sings like a man who got married, then divorced (because of infidelity) but his wife took him back. He also got a baby mama with whom he still messes with. And he got at least two other side chicks on the side. He met the first one at some random bar after work, she saw the ring and she don't care, and the other one is actually his wife's best friend. Like im sorry but you can't have this voice and not cheat.
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maxtermind · 3 months
Can I request some more angst 🫠🫠 I’m a sucker for your sad fics
tell me, why'd you have to hit-and-run me?
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★ : summary :: finding out your boyfriend was dared to date you ★ : feat :: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, lando norris ★ : genre :: ANGST; no hea ★ : word count :: 4k+ ★ : a/n :: how are we feeling with the daily posts ending tom and shifting to alternate day posting🤭 babe you asked for angst and i delivered, lmk how you like it <3 bet y'all thought you needed tissues for something else😏
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Max Verstappen
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“Mate, you still haven’t told her?” you heard Lando whisper, making your eyebrows shoot up. What were they talking about? As you finally decided to approach your boyfriend and his friend, you heard Max whisper.
It was low, so low that you almost didn’t catch it, but the way your hand froze on the knob and the utter stillness of your heartbeat indicated that you heard him loud and clear when he slowly said, “I don’t know how to.”
That. That was the reason you froze. You were processing what you heard. Your heart pulled from its rightful place—no, it was ripped out.
God, you thought, anything but that. Anything but cheating because how could you even confront him if he confessed to cheating on you right there on the spot in front of one of his friends?
“It has been going on for too long, Max.” Lando took a deep breath. “You should tell her you love her; she’ll understand.”
Ah. Okay, he loves you; this was okay. But then why was your heart still beating so loudly that you could hear it in your ears?
“How do you think I should go about it?” Max asked, and that was when you finally had enough. You turned the knob, but Lando was already speaking, and his words had you freeze again.
The boys' heads snapped up, eyes wide when they saw you walk in. You felt your eyes burn as Lando’s last words finally processed.
“You should’ve thought about it before you decided to make a stupid bet with those dumb men.”
“Bet?” you wondered aloud as you saw Max stumble over to you. What bet?
“No bet!” you heard your panicked boyfriend almost scream. You were so confused you didn’t even know what you were saying out loud.
“For fuck’s sake,” Lando said as he stood from the couch, glaring at Max. “Y/N deserves to know.” You kept your eyes on Max, trying to gauge an explanation from his clearly messed-up state.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” you finally looked at your boyfriend’s best friend. “I clearly shouldn’t have trusted Max to—”
“I think you should leave,” Max groaned out as if it pained him to hear Lando talk, almost hissing out the last word. They started bickering back and forth, and through your hazy mind, you could only make out a few words.
But they were enough. You took a deep breath as you stepped away from Max towards the door. He was too busy focusing on Lando anyway.
“Y.. you’re saying I was a bet?” Your voice cut through the chaos, and it was Max’s turn to go dead silent and freeze on the spot.
“You asked me ou—” Oh god, you didn’t want to cry, “—because of a dare?”
Max’s eyes were wide with horror, his face pale as he took a step toward you, his hands reaching out in desperation. “No, Y/N, it’s not like that, please, let me explain.”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks uncontrollably. “Explain what, Max?” Your voice cracked on the last word, the pain too raw to hold back when you saw Max was also crying. “How a…all i have be— this relationship has been is a fucking lie?” The moment you said it out loud, you heard Lando take in a sharp breath. Max looked disheveled, he could just tell that this was the only time he could repair this. You looked a minute away from walking out and the thought of that had him talking even through his closed up throat.
His voice broke, choked with emotion. “No, Y/N, I swear, it wasn’t like that. It started as a stupid dare, yes, but then... then I fell in love with you. I fell so hard, it—” His words stumbled over each other, barely coherent through his tears. “I called the whole thing off.”
You cut him off, your voice trembling and thick with hurt. “You should have told me right then. As soon as you called it off, you sho—” Your body shook, barely able to stand under the weight of your heartbreak. “How could you do this to m.. me?”
Max rushed forward to hold your hands, breathing heavily to get himself under control so he could talk as he sobbed. “I was so fucking scared, Y/N. I didn’t want to lose you. You mean everything to me.”
You looked down at your joined hands, feeling your heart shatter all over again. It was one thing to know someone’s apology was sincere and another to know that they had faked being sincere from the very beginning. So how could you even tell the difference now? Your voice came out in a broken whisper. “How can I trust you now? How can I believe anything you say?” You were almost gasping for breath, each word an effort as you tried to hold back the sobs wracking your body.
Lando’s voice was soft but firm from behind you, though his own eyes were hard. “He’s telling the truth, Y/N. He was an idiot, but he’s been head over heels for you for a long time.”
Max’s tear-streaked face looked up at you, his eyes pleading. “Please, Y/N. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. Anything. Just... don’t leave me.” His voice broke, the last word coming out as a wail of despair.
You turned away, unable to bear the sight of him, your voice barely above a whisper but laced with raw agony. “I can’t be here.” You could barely see through your tears, your entire body trembling.
Max’s anguished sobs followed you as you walked away, your heart feeling like it was being torn from your chest with every step. The pain was unbearable, and you stumbled, nearly collapsing under the weight of your sorrow but Lando caught you as he held you by your shoulders.
You needed to be alone, to process everything, and to decide if love could truly overcome betrayal. But right now, it felt like your world was ending.
Lewis Hamilton
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“Y/N, baby please—”
Lewis’s voice pleaded as you shut the door behind, your heart splintering into a thousand pieces. Tears blurred your vision as you staggered away from your apartment, the weight of betrayal crushing your chest.
To think that you used to gush about him, about this, the vague lie you had to others. Not even a few steps away from your apartment, you were bent over, retching into a nearby dustbin.
How could luck be so cruel? How could you have been so blind?
You wandered the streets, tears falling down your cheeks as your brain replayed the moments when Lewis first approached you at a random club party, despite your friends warning you that someone like him must have nefarious reasons. But you were smitten.
“I’m sorry, but I don't know what you’re doing here,” you had said to him, feeling your heart beat faster when a smirk adorned his face in return. He looked majestic under the club lights. “Where else would I be?” he muttered, mesmerized as he looked at you, “If not with the most beautiful girl in this club?”
He made you feel special, validated in a way you had never felt before. Now, the memory turned sour in your mind, leaving you feeling sick and disgusted. You dry heaved again.
At least he had the decency to confess. Standing here in the cold, his words from when he sat you down with him echoed in your ears— his pleading, his apologies, his desperate attempts to explain. But what did it matter now?
“How could you?” you whispered, thump! thump! thump! your heart pumped as you heard it in your ears, your voice barely audible through the tears streaming down your cheeks. “Was I just a game to you?” That was the first thing you said after his almost ten-minute rant.
You had stopped listening though, right when he had told you what exactly made him approach you. Your first meeting was so magical, so precious to you, but it was all ruined now.
His friend had dared him because Lewis’ morale was down. He was having the worst day of his life after losing an almost sure race win, and his friends knew the only way to cheer him up was through a challenge.
Lewis reached out when he saw that you were lost in your thoughts, his voice desperate and shaky. “No, Y/N, please listen to me—”
You shook your head, cutting him off. “Don’t. Just don’t…”
“Please,” he pleaded, looking nothing like the man you loved, his voice cracking with emotion. “I love you, Y/N. I messed up, but I love you more than anything.”
You felt your heart breaking all over again because you genuinely couldn’t recognize the man standing in front of you— the man who had played you, was probably still playing you. “You should have thought about that before…”
Unable to bear another moment, you left, leaving his words hanging in the air like a dark cloud. You were nothing more than a pawn in his game of masculine pride and insecurity. The realization hit you like a freight train, leaving you gasping for air as you collapsed against a nearby wall, sobs wracking your body.
How could someone who once made you feel so alive now leave you feeling so broken?
Carlos Sainz
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The evening was warm, and the restaurant buzzed with laughter and conversation. You sat with your boyfriend, Carlos, his friends, and a few of your own. It was a casual dinner, the kind you rarely held since Carlos was so busy.
“I can't believe we wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t dared Carlos to ask you out,” Javier chuckled as he saw you lean forward to kiss your boyfriend.
Laughter erupted around the table but quickly died down when they realized the utter horror on your face. An uncomfortable silence settled in, and you noticed the tension.
Your wide eyes moved from one face to another, finally landing on Carlos, whose expression had turned serious. He glared at Javier, and you sensed something was wrong. You felt uncomfortable, and the need to flee clutched you.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice small yet cutting through the awkwardness as you held Carlos’ hand under the table. He squeezed it in return.
“Uh, nothing,” Javier stammered, realizing his mistake. His discomfort was evident, triggering your fight-or-flight response.
You turned to Carlos. “What’s going on?” Your voice held a very tiny hope, hoping this was all a prank that would be over soon.
He sighed as he squeezed your hand again, his frustration evident. “We should talk about this at home.”
You pulled your hand away from his, your confusion and hurt growing. The others at the table exchanged looks of pity, further igniting your anger.
“No, we’re talking about it here. What’s going on?” you demanded as a shaky breath left your lips.
Carlos looked around nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t want to tell you like this.” He stopped himself again.
“Tell me what?” Your voice grew louder, drawing the attention of nearby diners.
Before he could respond, one of your friends, Beatrice, chimed in, “Just tell her, for God’s sake!” You looked at her in solitude, glad that you had some kind of support here.
“I dared Carlos to ask you out as a joke!” Javier blurted out just as you were managing to form a small smile to pass to your friend.
Your heart pounded in your chest. “What?” The chair creaked under you as you pushed it away from the table, and your boyfriend held your hand again.
“Please, it wasn’t like that,” Carlos tried to calm you down, but he was panicking himself. He was still whispering that you could not feel anything else in the world anymore. That was enough evidence.
You stood up, knocking your chair over as you once again snatched your hand away from his. “Wasn’t like what? You made me believe this was fucking real!”
Other diners began to whisper and pull out their phones, recording the scene as he stood up as well. With a desperate look, Carlos reached out to you, but you stepped back.
“This whole time, I was just a fucking… dare to you?” you shouted.
People around the restaurant started filming, their phones pointed at the escalating scene. Carlos's anger boiled over. He grabbed a nearby phone and smashed it against the table. The room fell silent, shocked gasps filling the air.
“Carlos, stop!” One of his friends tried to pull him back.
“You all think this is funny?” Carlos yelled at the onlookers, distracted now, and you knew what you were going to do as he turned around to yell again. “Get your own fucking life!”
You stood up, tears streaming down your face. “I’m done with this,” you said, your voice breaking. You were already walking away when you felt your friend follow you.
As you left the restaurant, you could hear the whispers and see the flashes of cameras. You knew this would go viral, but at that moment, you didn’t care. Your heart ached with betrayal and anger.
Carlos realized a bit too late that you were gone. Frustrated, he ran out to catch up with you and tried to call you again and again.He didn't know at the time that he would never catch a hold of you after this.
Charles Leclerc
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You were scrolling through social media when a notification from an unknown sender caught your attention. Despite knowing that you shouldn’t, curiosity got the better of you, and you clicked on the thumbnail showing your boyfriend at a party.
The video started playing. It was from months ago, showing Charles in an outfit that you recognized but couldn’t remember from where. Ethan's voice could be heard clearly over the music. “I dare you to ask that girl out,” Ethan said, laughing, but you still couldn’t tell who he was pointing at. “Bet you can't do it.”
Charles grinned, looking a little tipsy. “You're on,” he replied, to the cheers and jeers of his friends. The grainy video ended with Charles approaching you. A deafening silence enveloped you when you realized this was from the day you first met him.
Charles had a determined look on his face, but the video faded into the background. Your thoughts echoed painfully in the emptiness, the truth of your lover's betrayal reverberating within you.
Your heart sank further as you sat in silence to process. You felt a rush of emotions— betrayal, hurt, and anger. Tears welled up in your eyes as you replayed the video, hoping it was some sort of sick joke. But the evidence was right there, undeniable.
At that moment, the door to the apartment opened, and Charles walked in, a smile on his face. “Hey, love. What are you up to?” he asked, not noticing your distress at first.
You turned to him, your eyes brimming with tears. “What is this?” you demanded, holding up your phone with the video paused at the damning moment.
Charles's smile faded instantly, replaced by a look of horror. “Baby, how did you—” he started, stepping towards you as he felt the room spin a bit, all the blood rushing to his head.
“Does it matter?” you snapped, your voice shaking with anger as tears gathered under your eyes. “When you only even looked at me because of a stupid bet?”
“It started as a bet, yes,” Charles admitted, his voice pained. “But it's not like that now. I fell in love with you, Y/N. Everything we've had since then has been real.” He was quickly getting closer to you, but you flinched away and that stopped him dead in his tracks.
You shook your head, unable to believe what you were hearing. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” You were so angry, your ears so warm that it wouldn’t be impossible if smoke started coming out of them.
Charles reached out, but you stepped back once again. “Please, Y/N. I was an idiot. I shouldn't have agreed to that dare, but I did. And yes, that's how it started. But the moment I got to know you, everything changed. I love you more than anything.”
“Do you have any idea just how humiliating this is?” you shouted, your voice breaking. “I thought what we had was special. I thought it was real. And now I find out it was all… a gamble to you.” You hated that you were showing him so many emotions but fuck, it hurt so much and you wish you could hurt him back.
“It is not a gamble,” Charles pleaded, tears forming in his eyes. “Not after I got to know you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Please, don't let this ruin us.” He could actually feel you slipping through his fingers.
“Fuck you, you’re the one who ruined this!” you said, turning away, trying to gather your thoughts, willing yourself to leave and hating yourself when you couldn’t. “Seriously,” you said quietly, not looking at him. “Fuck you.” You laid emphasis to show that you actually meant the words. “You’ve ruined me”
“Baby,” Charles's voice broke when he heard you say that he ruined you, but the way you glared at him because of the nickname had him backtracking. “Y/N, please just let me show you how that was all a lie. I love you. I can't fucking lose you over this.”
You walked to the door, needing to escape the suffocating atmosphere. “It is still all a lie,” you declared in a voice that showed you were shutting down, barely above a whisper.
As you stepped out of the apartment, you heard Charles crying behind you, but you didn’t stop to mend his heart because you couldn't even feel yours in your chest.
Lando Norris
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Lando’s phone buzzed with notifications as he stepped out of the room and you glanced at it absentmindedly, not intending to invade his privacy. But the screen lit up with messages from his friends’ group chat, and the first few lines caught your eye, seeing your name in them.
“Can’t believe Lando actually went through with it.” “I know, right? It’s hilarious that she still doesn’t know!”
Your heart sank as you read further, each message a dagger to your trust. They were discussing you— about Lando making a bet involving you. Your hands trembled, and you scrolled through the conversation, your worst fears unfolding before your eyes.
“Thought he’d be gloating but he hasn’t contacted at all.” “Shit, man, he’s been with her for a year. I'm not paying him that much!”
You felt sick to your stomach. The room spun around you as you struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the betrayal. All those times you believed in Lando, trusted him with your heart— were they all just part of a cruel scheme? A fucking game?
You heard Lando approaching, unaware that you had seen everything. His smile faded as he saw the look on your face, the phone still clutched tightly in your hand.
“What’s wrong?” he asked cautiously, sensing the tension in the air as he approached you with wide eyes.
This has happened before. Lando was always scared of coming home and finding it empty because you had found out about something he was afraid to tell you but in the past he was always wrong. It was a show, a friend, a book making you cry but today was different.
You held up the phone, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt. “Care to explain this?”
Lando’s expression shifted from confusion to dread as he realized what had just happened. He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off with a bitter laugh.
“Fuck, you really had me convinced!” Your voice was sharp, cutting through the air like a knife. “You made a bet? How much have you made so far, Mr. Norris?”
“Don't say that,” Lando looked like you had slapped him across his face. He reached out to you, his face pleading for forgiveness. “Y/N, I swear it wasn’t like that—”
“How much was it?” you demanded, the words laced with bitterness. “Bet you made a lot the day you finally got laid, huh?” “No!” Your boyfrie— ex-boyfriend screamed. His eyes were carrying moisture and you couldn’t help but scoff but he carried on. “I never took a single penny, Y/N. I.. I promise, I hadn’t even talked to them since the day i realized what assholes they were and—”
Lando’s face fell, his words faltering as he rushed forward to catch you in his arms, his tears finally falling once he saw your wet face. But the truth hung heavy in the silence between you, suffocating any hope of reconciliation.
Tears fell down your cheeks onto his arm as he kissed your head and whispered sweet nothings and sorry, I’m so sorry so so sorry sorry sorry, again and again against your head, blurring your vision. “I trusted you,” you whispered, voice breaking. “I loved you.”
The weight of it all settled on you, and you sank deeper into the couch, overwhelmed by the betrayal. The anger that fueled you moments ago now gave way to a deep, searing pain. How could he have done this to you?
Lando kneeled down before you, his own tears betraying the magnitude of his mistake. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, reaching for you. “I never meant for you to find out.”
He carried on but your ears started ringing when the words registered. Wouldn’t a person with nothing to be guilty about, accept the truth and make up? Why was he so hell bent on keeping it under a hush?
His words felt hollow, empty promises in the wake of his betrayal and you cut him off as you pushed him away from you . “Get out,” you managed to say, your voice hoarse.
Lando hesitated, torn between wanting to explain and knowing that no explanation would mend what was broken. “Please,” you whispered and it was so small, so scared that he got up immediately and nodded.
He kissed your head again and you let him linger as you closed your eyes,“I.. I’ll be back, baby.” With a final, agonized look at you, he turned and left, leaving you alone in the wreckage of your shattered trust.
The silence enveloped you, broken only by your ragged breaths and the echoes of his footsteps fading away. You hugged yourself tightly, trying to hold together the pieces of your heart that he had callously shattered.
As the tears continued to fall, you felt a different kind of ache—the ache of knowing that the love you had believed in was now a painful memory because yes, he was coming back but you wouldn’t be here.
Later, Lando would enter the house in hopes of finding you but just like his worst nightmare, you wouldn’t be there. You wouldn’t be there to hold him as he’ll slowly lose it running across the house while he’ll look for you. None of your things would be there.
Yes, he destroyed you but also himself.
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( writing masterlist \ main masterlist \ drop a request ) ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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wandanatw0rld · 3 months
+18 | men&minor denied
beefy!natasha romanoff x pillowprincess!female reader x college!au
warnings: girlxgirl; Natasha being a boxer; biceps drives reader crazy, so biceps kink(?); semi-public sex; sex on Yelena's car; tattooed Natasha being a popular hot ass; reader being popular as well and Wanda her (platonic?) bestie; a little bit of agnst; smut; brief thigh riding (flashback); Natasha is head over heels about reader boobs and her skirts, supposed cheating, strap on use (r receaving); not proofread.
Just a heads up:
((a) ... - ... (a.))
It means that I'm going to post something about it soon
I guess that's it, have fun ;D
Natasha Romanoff is an asshole and you hate her with all of your being. That's what you're going to say to everyone, but in reality, you really miss her. Wanda lost the count of how many times did you two broke up and she was there to catch the pieces of your heart; sometimes it was just a small piece, but this time it's a big one. Being popular helpt a bit to forget about the red hair, but not fully since you see her on your class break.
You really liked Natasha, but appearly she liked other women and flirted with them.
On fridays, normally you have a party to go, but not this one, you need to study for finals and join Wanda at her dorm to do this together. You put the backpack strap on your shoulder, but before coming out of the class room, you give a final look in the mirror to check how you look. Hair falling on your back, strawberry lip gloss, light make up on the eyes, perfect as always, but the outfit is probably the most important part of you. Pleated skirt, long sleeve shirt under Natasha's favorite rock band t-shirt, The Marvels, and a your black boots. You know the outfit will drive Natasha insane and you love it.
Leaving the classroom, everyone is looking at you, the most popular girl in the college, good grades, polite and gentle, who see you at first will imediatelly thinks you are a shallow whore, but you're not. However, something that people envy about you, every girl, especially the one you hate the most, is that you date, after you, another popular student in the Avengers University.
Natasha Romanoff has even better grades than you, she is mostly quiet and nice, great at sports, loves boxing. She works at the gym next to campus, so many girls go there just because of her, you hate it, but makes the red hair really happy that people trust and follow her instructions.
You used to love seeing Natasha training, punching hard the bag, her tattoed muscles shining while she was sweating. Her biceps always turned you on, especially when you were doing your homework sitting on the corner, legs crossed, writing things down. Some brief moments, when you look at her and wanted being fucked so bad. And she did. She always did. Natasha never says no to her favorite girl.
(a) ...
"You're so hot in this skirt, Detka" Her fingers stretching you out, you're so wet that they keep slipping out.
"Nat- please... Mhmm... Fuck!" She bites the soft skin on your neck, her sweating body against yours makes you moan really loud. Natasha keeps pushing her digits into your pussy, letting a growl coming through her lips when your nails scratch deep her forearm while the orgasm hits you hard.
"So perfect, malyshka".
... (a.)
You washed your thoughts while walk through the hallways, nodding almost gracefully for some students greeting you, so immersed in your on courtesy that doesn't hear someone calling your name.
"Hey, wait" It's Clint, Natasha's best friend. He's carrying some books. "I've been calling your name like forever. Have you seen, Nat?" So she didn't tell him that you two broke up, Natasha tells him everything.
"No, why?" You didn't lie, really not seen her since that night.
"You know, the finals are coming and has two days that she doesn't come to class. She needs to study" Natasha Romanoff skipping classes, something really critical must happened. Having you two broken up before, she always attended classes. "Can you take these books to her? She is probably at the gym".
No I can't, cause we broke up. You wanted to say that, but instead, you just say:
"Ok, I'll take them" Clint leaves with a short wave and you call Wanda.
"I'm waiting for you" She hums.
"I'm gonna get late, Wands. Clint gave me some books to deliver to Natasha" Wanda rolled her eyes while separating some ingredients on her cabinet. "He said that she's skipping classes".
"You really broke her heart this time, honey" She laughs. You always knew that they both never get along, but never known why - actually you do, although prefer to ignore. "You're gonna get late cause you're gonna get laid" Wanda mocks.
"No, I'm not. Bye, love ya".
"Love ya". Wanda, goofly, smiles.
The gym is closed apparenlly, but just for cleaning or something else that you didn't bother to read. You entered, there's loud rock music and you're sure that's Natasha, The Marvels playing really loud. You know that she do this when mad, the last time was about her father, she was so angry that her punches almost fall apart the punching bag plus you had the most insane orgasm when she fucked you from behind in Steve's office.
(b) ...
"Malyshka, you're so good to me" Her nails digging on your waist, her hips bumping against your butt, strap sliding real smooth because of your soaked cunt. "So beautiful accepting everything for me" You feel her front on your back, teeth biting hard the skin on your ribs.
Natasha's fingers starts rubbing your needy bud.
"Nat... I'm gonna... Fuck!" You bite your hand, the small room insanely hot. People, who starts their activities at the gym, their voices on the other side of the door add another layer of lust.
"It's okay, pretty girl. You can cum on my cock" The walls tighten Natasha's cock, she grip your jaw very softly, way more different than what her hips are doing, turning you to face her, kiss feather-like, her tongue tangled on yours. You feels the nod in your stomach undoing.
"Oh God... Fuck!" Your teeth marked on the back of your hands.
... (b.)
Slowly, you went to the room. You were right, Natasha was angry, fists punching so hard that it's seems the whole world was shaking. Sweating and shining biceps made you moan in your mind. She sees you, then stops the music.
"Hi". You greet, Natasha analyzes you up and down, don't get to see it but her pupils has grownth in lust when she sees you in that skirt, it always worked to turn her on. You take a few steps closer, her red hair tied with a braid, she's wearing a top tank blue shirt, breasts beautifully together, cotton shorts. "Why aren't you going to classes?".
"Cause I didn't want to" She answered, cold and sharp.
"Clint asked me to bring you these" You show her books, steps getting closer, very carefully. "What's going on? You just do this when you're mad".
"I'm fine, thanks" She took the books from your hands.
"Okay. Bye" You turn your back to leave.
"Wait" Natasha licked her lips, the sweat make some strands of her hair stick on her cheeks and temples. "Yelena is coming".
"But you love your sister".
"I do, but not this weekend" You sat on the edge of the ring.
"Why?" Natasha's breath finally gets in order.
"She bringing her girlfriend to a double date" .
"Double date with- Oh" You understand, Natasha follows your action, sitting, being this close, you can smell the sweat mixed to her woody perfume, it drives you crazy.
"And my parents are coming too and I didn't tell anyone that we broke up" You look at her, arms cross, her tattooed biceps all sweat and firm, God you love her arms.
"Malyshka, it tickles" your teeth dragging on her arms, fingers squeeze them while your hips start moving on her thigh.
"I can't helped. I love your arms" You find the right spot and then starting to move on that.
"Do you, detka?" She kisses your neck, her fingers on your waist, helping with friction on your needy bud.
"Fuck" Your nails scratching her forearms.
"Do you want to sit on my arms and make a mess on them?" You nod, her husky voice made you moan next to her ear. "That's what you want, pretty girl?"
"Yeah" Your moves are frantic, everything you could do is to imagine. "Oh God, I want".
"Yeah, I'm your God. Am I?" You just nod, rubbing more and more your pussy against her thigh, clit desperate to attention.
... (c.)
"I was thinking... Maybe you can pretend we're still together?" Natasha is very close now.
"Nat, I don't think is good idea".
"Please, I'll do anything" Her green limpid eyes never failed to make you crumble, especially when she needed something.
(d) ...
"Pretty please, malyshka" You're under her body, hands sat on her shoulders. "Just a little bit, I promise".
"Nat, it will hurt" Natasha would never do anything to harm you, but she needs your boobs so badly now. Just a tiny little bit, it won't kill.
"I'll be quick" You know that's a lie, when it comes to play with your breasts, Natasha is never quick. "You can even stay lying. Please...".
"Okay, but be carefull, you know they're sore".
"I will, detka" Natasha pull up your shirt, it's actually hers, but you love to use. Your nipples pinch in pain, being on your period, both of you not having sex for almost a whole week made Natasha really desperate, seeking for any opportunity to get physical. Not being allowed to touch your breasts, her favorite part of you, drives her crazy.
You moan in a mix of pain and relief when her tongue circled your left nipple.
"Nat..." She's smiling on your breast, caressing, torturing you. Natasha suck it, her thumbs on your stomach going slow, really slow. "Nat, we can't." You stop her hands.
"Don't worry, detka. I know what I'm doing" Her digits passing through the waistband of your underwear.
... (d.)
"If you do this for me, I'll promise to never ask anything to you" You look at her, green eyes still looking deep in your soul. "Pretty please, malyshka" You can smell her scent more and more closely.
"Please, don't call me that" Oh, but I will. Natasha knows exactly what turns you on. When her accent come real thick while she's fucking you, or in the middle of a fight and happened to curse someone. When she calls you 'detka' and even better 'malyshka', you know what these two words means and it's so sexy and smooth that it never failed to make you forget why were mad at her.
"Call you what, detka?".
"I hate you!" You hold your breath.
"No, you don't" Her fingers touch your thighs. "God, I love you in these skirts. Remember how easy it was to put my hands under" And she does, you close your eyes. "Oh... you hate me so much that your panties are this soak... Tsk... So pathetic, malyshka".
"No, you're pathetic" You get up, anger warming your ears up, hating that Natasha have this much effect on you. "You're an asshole, Natasha".
"I'm an asshole?!" Natasha imitates you, getting up. "You're the one who broke up with me".
"I broke up with you because you cheat on me with Maria".
"My god, you're so stupid. I didn't do anything, for the thousandth time, I have zero interest in her" Natasha's nails dig into her palms, you see the red lines in there. "I want you, why is that so hard to believe?".
"Everybody saw you two at Tony's party, Natasha. Or her mouth wasn't glued to your ear, huh?" You never act so insecure before, always knew what you wanted, what to do, but when Natasha came and made you feel like the most important woman in the world, you started to fear losing everything you both had and the red hair realize that she prefers to be with somebody else.
"She was acting like an idiot and I pushed her. I would never do something to hurt you, you know that".
"I don't know anything anymore, Natasha" You turn your back to her, collecting the backpack.
"Please, be my date tomorrow. I want to impress my dad" Natasha is desperate and you feel terrible, almost at least. "Pretty please, malyshka".
"Okay, but will be the last time we'll be together".
"Fine". Natasha's clench her jaw, she takes what she get.
Natasha was in your dorm at eight, the exact time she texted you last night, Wanda was there to support you, they greeted each other seriously and strictly. You went to pick up your things, leaving the two women together at the tiny living room.
"If I see her cry after this dinner, I'll kill you, Romanoff" The now blonde, Natasha, smiled at Wanda.
"Oh, and let her just for you?" Wanda lose her composure just a little. "Nah, I don't think so, witch".
"I'm ready" . Wow. Is everything that Natasha Romanoff can think, the black dress glued on your body, curvy waist well molded by it, but clearly her favorite part of you, your breasts squeezed together, the black high heels wetting up her core. Correction: everything that Natasha can think is how much she wants to devour you.
The stopped car in front of the building is not hers, it's probably Yelena's, but you didn't bother to ask about it. Natasha always liked motorcycles.
"You've changed your hair" Noticing that made Natasha really happy, the blonde hair it's cut on her jaw line, you used to like the red hair, it brings a very 'don't fuck with me' vibes, but now she looks more powerful, plus that suit really fits her. You look her up and down and almost lose the track of what happened between you two, if it wasn't for that, you'll probably grab Natasha to a kiss, her strong hands bring you to her lap, then they go to your butt, squeezing, dipping her nails on it.
"Did you listen to anything that I said?" You both are in front of the fancy restaurant, Red Room, you never went there before, it makes you worried a bit. "Don't worry, my parents will pay".
... (e.)
You're walking alone, if it weren't for you not paying attention to the road on the way with Natasha, you'd probably know where you were going. The dinner was a disaster, Natasha's family and Kate probably think you're crazy or have a mental ill, it's cold and you don't have any idea of what neibourhood is it.
You're feeling terrible, the look in Natasha's face when you look for a confirmation about her mom and dad already knowing about you two made you feel really sad, the whole purpose of having that dinner was to make you both get back together. Thinking and thinking about it, you're more lost than before.
"Hi, cute thing. Are you lost?" A man in a circle formed by five men, asked you. "We can help you?"
"All of us" The other man says, he has a cigarette between his lips, his nails are filthy.
"No, I'm fine. Thank you". You press your arms onto your body.
"Oh don't be like that" The first guy comes to you, his hands touching your skin. "You're so cold. We can warm you up, baby".
"I said no, thanks" You pushed him.
"What a courageous whore, aren't you?" His hands try to grab your face.
"There you are!" You never loved to see Natasha on this night so much than you do now. "I told you to wait that I'd give you a ride. Oh, good evening, gentlemen" Knowing the blonde really well, she's just being polite, but deep down, Natasha wants to kill every men in that street, especially the one who touched you.
"Why don't you join us?" The man ask. You run from his grasp and entered the car.
"No, thanks. We're late to meet our friends. Maybe another day. Good night".
You're freezing and Natasha notices, so she closes the windows and puts her jacket over your shoulders, you grab the fabric staring at your feet. The silent is stranger, but at the same time it is not.
Starting to think about everything that happened, if it wasn't for Natasha you'll probably dead or worse, raped in some alley. You wanted to say 'thank you', but you're too afraid and confuse to do it. The car has stopped at your dorm building.
"Are you okay?" You nod. "Look, about the dinner, I'm-" But what Natasha was going to say has become unknown, your lips on hers, hand on her face while the other one unfastens your seat belt. Tasting her lips after days makes you really happy, you feel the arms circling your waist, trying to bring you close. Your nails scratch the side of her neck, red marks glissining, Natasha push her tongue into your mouth, you releasing her from the seat belt before climbing on her lap. The feeling of having her tongue trapping yours made you moan, wanting more. You can feel the thightness on her pants, she's wearing a strap. God, she is. You push her, hair and lipstick all messy, she is a mount of huff and puffs. "You didn't let me finish".
"I love you too" Your hands captured her face, her beautiful and pierced green eyes are shining, but there's no tears. "I'm sorry for everything, Nat".
"I'm sorry too" She rests her forehead on yours. "I don't want to be apart from you, ever. It sucks had to look at you and not able to talk or touch" Her hands stroke your hair to the back, on your ears. "I want you to be mine".
"Then make me yours" Her eyes are all black, there is no hint of green on them, you pass to the backseat, Natasha does the same. You take off her blazer, hands all sloppy on the white shirt, pop up the buttons, then throw it anywhere. You kiss her jaw line, chin, bite the skin while she smiles at you, going down to her neck, sucking, marking her, your on way to make Natasha yours. Hands unbuckling her pants, strap bulge against your needy cunt. "Nat, kiss me" you don't have to say twice, she kisses you, it's more urgent, breathless, her hands pulling your dress to your waist, the top following it.
"Your breasts are amazing". She grabbed them, pulling together, thumbs circling your nipples, getting hard. Natasha's eyes are shining in adoration, she could watch you forever.
"Nat, just fuck me" You pull her close, tongue licking her upper lip really slow, the action made Natasha moan, desperately taking her pants off and throwing with the shirt. After unbuckling her bra, your fingertips touch every tattoo that the blond hair has in her shoulders, torso, her pierced nipple getting hard while you slightly pinch them.
"Alright, detka" Pulling your panties off your body, she slightly rubs your clit, feeling your wet pussy and then positioned the strap on your entrance, slowly pushing through your folders, her hands resting on your waist.
"Slow..." You softly pushed by her waist bone, it hurts a little, it's been a while since you used the strap, your legs trapping her waist, high heels landed on her ass, throwing your head back while her lips sucks your right nipple. "Nat... Oh f-fuck!" Your nails dig into the back of her head, grabbing the short blonde hair, while hers on your waist. It hurts like hell.
"God, I'd give anything to feeling you tight around me" You bring her to a kiss, her strap starting to hit your soft spot. "I love you. Fuck!" Her thrusts make the car shakes, you bite your lips. "Don't worry, detka. Let me hear your moans, please".
And you do, it's enough to improve her movements, her face in the crook of your neck.
"You're so perfect" Her teeth bite the skin there, she snifs your scent then licks your neck, marking, thumb rubbing your needy bud. "I'm making you mine. All mine. Just mine" Natasha starts to curse in russian, that turned you on even more, you need to learn it, anything to know what's she's saying. Holding her face in your hands, you kiss her again, slow and passionately. Her thumb moving on your clit, nails scratching her shoulders to her lower back, hips moving on her hand, Natasha look down on her cock, your cunt beautifully taking it, she growls on your ear. "You should see this, pretty girl. The way your pussy is taking me". It drives you to insanity.
"Nat... I'm gonna... Fuck" You bite her shoulder, coming down in a painfull and wet way, teeth dipping into her arm, nails in her forearm.
"Hold it, just a bit. I'm coming too" Her thrusts are sloppy, the strap coming off your folders, you need to help her, so your thumb touch her needy clit. "Shit!" It's everything that she can think now.
You came together, her mouth against yours, sharing a messy kiss. Her hips stopping gradually, forehead on your shoulder.
"You were perfect, malyshka" You're breathless, sweating, your hair is a mess.
"Nat, I need to help you. You didn't cum" Natasha sweet smile at you, thankful.
"You don't have to, detka" She kisses your cheek. "I'm alright, don't worry".
"Nat... I'm hungry" You didn't eat anything at the dinner and you're always hungry after sex, Natasha remember all the time to leave some snacks for both of you on her headboard.
"I know, detka. Let me just get myself together".
You both put back your clothes, sharing affectionate smiles, but you wear her jacket now, Natasha smile at you, really happy when your eyes meet the cheeseburger and milkshake in front of you.
"So good".
"I bet it is, malyshka". Her hands stroke your hair behind your ears.
"Your family hates me" You realize while drink a sip of strawberry milkshake.
"No, they don't. Was my father idea to arrange that dinner and try to makes us be together again" Natasha shyly smiles. "My mom say that the only good ideas he had in his entire life was to marry her and coming to America" She laughs.
"Yelena and Kate? My God, they think I'm crazy". Eyes wide open while you wipe your mouth.
"No they don't, but Kate will definitely win twenty bucks".
"Why?" You ask finishing your burger, Natasha seems ashamed to answer, but she does.
"They bet we'll have sex in Yelena's car" You're shocked, your mouth is a perfect 'o', cheeks all red and hot.
"Make her lose".
"Why?" you slap Natasha's arm.
"Because it's your sister's car, Natasha" Hidding your face between your hands, you whine. "It's so embarrasing".
"Come on, detka... We had sex planty of times in Steve's office and Professor Carter class room".
"Oh God!".
"Exactly, you said that everytime".
"I'm sorry" She laughs again. God, she missed being like this with you.
"I'm breaking up with you again" you said embarrased.
"No, please. I'll stop". She kisses your cheek. "No more jokes".
"Thanks". You snuggle on her body, yawning.
"Okay, let's take you home" Natasha grabs a few dollar bills in her wallet and put it on the table.
"Can I sleep with you?" You ask, shyly.
"Of course you can, malyshka".
You both go to Natasha's place, her parents gave to her as gift for entering the college, living all alone, she invites you to live there many times, but always dismissed her. It's warm and quiet, she take off her shoes and you do the same, following her like a little duck and she thinks is adorable.
"Do you wanna take a bath?" You denied, her hands on your hips, while yours play with her blonde hair.
"I just want to get some sleep" You hug her, inhale her scent. "I liked your hair".
"It was Yelena's idea, she said that I had to change to have you back" Lips pressed on her collarbone, her skin so soft and warm. "But I liked my red hair though" You squeezed her, hands passing through her blazer. "I'm happy with your approval". They find a place on her small back, your lips still marking her skin. "Malyshka, it's hard to thinking with you doing this".
"It is?" You said it with a playful smile.
"Yeah". Pushing her, you laced your hands together, Natasha look at it with sweet smile.
"I'll stop then".
"Okay, let's change". Natasha bedroom is almost all white, except to the master wall, the one that the headboard of her bed is. It's a very soft pink, you wondered why she picks that color.
"Nat, why this wall is different from the others?" There's no better time to do it then now, at least you think. She look at you in a very softly and calm way, like when a child ask something really cute.
"Because remind me of you" It's simple, but made your cheeks get all red and warm. "When we were so busy during test weeks, tons of homework and I am really stressed cause we can't see each other properly, I remember of you, of your lip gloss" She is the one with red cheeks now. "It's stupid, but helps me relax".
"It's not stupid" You hold her face, pecking her cheek. "It's cute and I like it". She smiles at you, thankful, and then pull you until her closet.
"You left some clothes in here". You know that, but you're going to grab hers, anyways. "I'm gonna take a glass of water. I'll be right back, malyshka".
"Okay" Natasha leaves the room and it's enough for you to sneek around while putting her clothes. You choose another The Marvels t-shirt, taking off your dress in front of the mirror, there's marks everywhere, on your breasts, neck, Natasha's scretchs all over your waist, thank god is sunday, otherwise you'll have to wear make up.
After brushing your teeth, you snuggled into her bed, the pillows smells exactly like her.
"Sorry for taking so long, I had to comeback to Yelena's car. I forgot this" Your cheeks are red, crimson even, when you see the strap on her hand. "Are you sleepy?" You nod, she's bringing one glass, put it on the table next to bed. "I'm gonna change and then we'll sleep, okay malyshka?".
"Okay, babe". You said, smiling under the blankets.
"Babe? I can get used to that". She caress your nose with hers.
It took a few minutes until Natasha take off her clothes and brush her teeth, top tank shirt and undies. She comes next to you.
"My clothes, huh?".
"Smells like you" You said timid.
"And now, like you" she kisses your neck, hands on your waist, going down, a little bit more on your thighs, nothing sexual, she just loves to touch you. "I love you, malyshka".
"I love you too, babe" Natasha smiles, you strokes her blonde hair on her ears.
"Can you say it again?" .
"Say what? Babe?" .
"Yeah, but say that you love me".
"I love you... Babe" Smiling, she pulls you close, your face on the crook of her neck.
"Good night, malyshka".
"Good night, babe" Natasha chuckles, squeezing you on her arms.
Natasha Romanoff is a soft dork and you love her with all of your being, that's what you're gonna say to everyone from now on. And you'll never want to miss her again.
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salfishersface · 9 months
Fun With Friends || Larry Johnson || Sal Fisher
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Synopsis - A game of truth or dare turns into something more with your best friends Sal Fisher and Larry Johnson. {NOT a Sal x Larry fic!}
Warnings - NSFW.
Notes - Characters are aged 18+!
Word Count - 5k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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You were sitting in Larry’s bedroom in the basement flat of Addison Apartments with both Larry and Sal. The three of you were smoking, drinking and generally just having a good time. It was four in the morning and there was no sign of anybody going to sleep when Larry piped up, “let’s play truth or dare.”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully. It was such a childish game and yet, you couldn’t help but say yes to him. Sal looked to Larry in confusion and asked, “how do you play?” 
“You’ve never played truth or dare?” Larry asked, watching as Sal shook his head while he tightened the loosening prosthetic to his face. You sighed to yourself at this movement. You wish Sal felt more comfortable around you to remove his prosthetic after all, you’d been friends for years. However you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by bringing up the subject. Larry went on to explain the game to Sal, “it’s simple, really. We each ask each other, ‘truth or dare’ and whichever one they pick, we give them! Y/N, let’s go first, show him how it’s done.” 
“Alright,” you shrugged. “Larry, truth or dare.”
Larry thought for a moment, stroking the small hairs on his chin. “Erm, go on then. Give me a dare.” 
Now it was your turn to think. You thought hard, looking around the room for potential dares when your eyes settled on the whisky bottle in front of you. You leaned over to Sal and whispered in his ear so Larry couldn’t hear. When Sal nodded, you pulled away and looked at Larry with a grin. “We dare you to drink that whisky, without stopping, for ten seconds.” 
“That’s it?” Larry chuckled, grabbing the half-empty bottle of whisky from the floor. 
“I don’t think you can do it,” you said playfully, folding your arms. 
Larry opened the bottle of whisky and gave it a sniff before responding. “Well prepare to eat your words.” Larry smiled before he began to chug the bottle of whisky and you and Sal counted down from ten. This was more so to try and put Larry off, but that man was determined to never break a dare. And just like that, his ten seconds were up. When he pulled away from the whisky bottle, Larry made a face of utter disgust but with equal amounts of playfulness. “Tastes better with lemonade that’s for sure,” he chuckled as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. 
You were half impressed with your friend and nodded slowly. “Well, I didn’t think you’d be able to do it.” 
“So… What happens if you fail a dare?” Sal asks, cocking his head to the side. 
“You shook your head and laughed. “Nothing Sal-”
“You’ll just be known as a chicken forever and we’ll lose all respect for you,” Larry interrupted jokingly. You pushed Larry in the side, causing him to fall off the bed and onto the ground with a drunken giggle. 
“I think I’ll take a truth then,” Sal said, smiling underneath his prosthetic. 
Larry stood up and sat back onto the bed next to you while flashing his friend a toothy grin. “Alright Mr Straight A’s. Did you ever cheat on a test when we were at school?”
You could see Sal’s eyes widen through the holes of his prosthetic. He wanted to lie and say no, but what fun would the game be if he lied when he was supposed to tell the truth. So, he nodded. “Once, yeah. It was on a physics test.”
“Why did you do that? You were great at school!” Larry laughed, pouring himself another glass of whisky and lemonade for the three of you. 
“That can be another truth for you and I’ll tell you,” Sal smirked, winking at his best friend before turning to you. “Okay, Y/N. Truth or dare?” 
“Truth,” you said, not even hesitating. 
The two men looked at each other and Larry nodded, signalling that he had a truth for you. “Do you have a favourite best friend?” He asked, pointing between himself and Sal. 
You chuckled and shook your head. “No. I love you both equally.” 
“Come on Y/N, that’s no fun!” Larry pouted, watching as you took a sip of your drink. 
“Next time, ask me a better question then,” you remarked. “Okay Larry, it’s you again. Truth or dare?”
“I pick dare,” Larry said immediately. 
“Erm,” Sal thought before raising up a finger, signalling he had a dare for Larry. “Try to lick your elbow!” 
“Sally, that’s a shit dare,” you said, smiling widely at him. 
“It’s all I could think of,” Sal said with a shrug, smiling back at you awkwardly. 
But once again, Larry wasn’t one to break a dare and so, he attempted to lick his elbow. He failed miserably. You and Sal burst out laughing. “Ha ha ha, so funny. Larry can’t lick his elbow!” Larry said sarcastically, returning his arm to his side. 
“No, no, it’s not that. It was just the look of pure determination on your face!” You squealed, leaning towards Sal and pulling the same facial expression that Larry had pulled. Sal’s laughter echoed through the room whilst Larry pouted at the pair of you. 
“Alright alright,” Larry said in an attempt to get you to stop mocking him. “Sal it’s your turn, truth or dare?”
“Truth, again.”
“Are you crushing on anyone right now?” Larry asked, watching as Sal lifted up his prosthetic slightly so he could take a large gulp of his drink. 
When he had finished drinking, he placed the glass on the bedside table and nodded shyly. “Big time.” 
“Oh my God!” Larry exclaimed. “Who is it? Why haven’t you told me?!” 
Sal found himself shrugging, “I didn’t think it was important to be honest with you.”
Larry looked confused. This was major news and he wanted to hear more about it but you interrupted, a frown on your face. “If Sal doesn’t want to tell you who his crush is, then leave him alone.”
Larry stuck his tongue out at you before asking, “do you know?” 
“Not a clue,” you said truthfully, shaking your head. 
“Hmm, fine. But one day Sally Face, your secret will become common knowledge to me,” Larry said, his voice joking threat. “Your turn Y/N.” 
“I think I’ll go for dare this time,” you grinned, nodding your head feeling confident. The last two dares had been easy ones, ones you would kill for, so you thought your two best friends would go easy on you. But no, Larry had to be Larry. 
“I dare you to take off your shirt,” Larry said with a sly grin. 
You looked between your friends, shock laced your face. “My shirt?” You asked, tugging at the bottom of your shirt anxiously. Larry nodded, a mischievous grin on his face while Sal gulped down a lump in his throat. There was no way you were actually going to do the dare, right? You sighed and began to slowly remove your shirt, exposing your bra to your two male friends. Both of their eyes widened and Sal was thankful for the prosthetic covering his face because he was undoubtedly bright red. 
“Huh, I didn’t think you’d actually do it,” Larry said, biting his lip as his eyes raked across your chest. 
“Didn’t want to be known as a chicken,” you replied, trying to act calmly as you took a sip of your drink. You sat awkwardly looking down at your chest before glancing at your friends. “What? Neither of you have seen a bra before?” You joked, but they both shook their heads. You were slightly taken back by your friends answers, but just nodded your head and covered your chest with your arms before returning to the game. “Alright Larry, truth or dare?” 
You didn’t confer with Sal this time. After his little confession of never seeing a bra before, you had the perfect question. “Have you ever had sex with somebody?” 
That wasn’t the sort of truth question Larry was expecting you to ask and he was slightly taken back by it that he ended up choking on his drink. “W-What?” He stuttered, wanting to make sure he had heard you right before confessing that he had indeed, never had sex before. 
“You heard me, have you ever had sex?” You repeated your question again, this time more slowly. 
Sal looked down at his feet awkwardly, tearing his eyes away from your half-exposed body as Larry shook his head and answered. “No. I’ve not. I mean, I’ve kissed girls but never actually had, you know, sex.” You smirked somewhat triumphantly. It felt as if you had gotten revenge for your dare, but little did you know this just meant Larry was about to ramp up the game. 
“Alright Sally Face,” Larry slurred, the alcohol getting to him now. “Truth or dare.”
“Dare,” he said stoically, although he already feared what his dare was going to be. 
“I dare you to take off your prosthetic and show our lovely Y/N here your face,” Larry said.
Your eyes widened at Larry’s dare for Sal and you shook your head. “Sal, you don’t have to do that-” you started, holding your hand out to touch his shoulder gently in a reassuring manner. But Sal was already removing the straps on the back of his head. When his prosthetic fell off onto the floor, Sal didn’t look at either you or Larry. He kept his head down and his eyes on the ground before downing the rest of his drink. That’s when he looked at you, flashing you an awkward and yet somewhat apologetic smile. You leaned in closer to your friend, pressing a soft kiss to his scarred cheek. “You’re beautiful, Sally.”
“Y-You think so?” He asked through a slurred stutter. You pushed some strands of blue hair away from his face and nodded, a soft and gentle smile gracing your lips. 
“That’s cute,” Larry snickered. “I dare you to kiss now.” 
“But I was going to pick truth-”
“I picked for you,” Larry shrugged. 
You sucked in a deep breath and looked at Sal, a silent way of asking him for permission. He nodded to you, indicating that he was okay with it although he was shaking slightly from anticipation. You were so beautiful to him, and even more so with his prosthetic off. He could see every inch of you and he was loving it, and to know that you weren’t scared or repulsed by him just made his heart sing. You shuffled closer to Sal and wrapped your arms around his neck before pressing your soft, wet lips against his chapped ones. Sal didn’t know what to do with his hands, but he settled on placing them on your bare waist gripping ever-so-slightly. Meanwhile, Larry watched the two of you share a sweet, yet clumsy kiss. You stayed like that for a few moments, allowing yourself to get lost in the feeling of his lips on yours before you pulled away. As you did, Sal smiled softly at you, licking his lips. He had been rendered speechless. 
Larry spoke up once again, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Now, I dare you to kiss me.”
You turned your head to look at him, eyes wide. You looked at Sal before looking at Larry once more, nodding sternly. You moved from Sal, shuffling across the bed to Larry’s position. Before you even bent down to kiss him, Larry’s hands were already on your waist pulling you down on top of his body. The kiss with Larry was more forceful than the kiss with Sal, but it was equally as clumsy. Larry became a little more suggestive as his hands moved along your hips, stroking them before sliding up your back to unhook your bra. A gasp of surprise tumbled from your lips as your bra slipped down your arms and off of your chest, leaving you completely bare to your best friends. 
“But what about the game?” You asked, pulling away from Larry’s lips to look between him and Sal. 
“Fuck the game,” came Larry’s response as he kissed you again. His tongue poked into your mouth and swirled around, savouring the taste of whisky and lemonade on your breath. Both Larry and Sal felt themselves harden at the sight of your exposed chest and Larry couldn’t hold himself back. His hands moved from the top of your back to your chest, pawing desperately at your tits. Then, his lips moved to your neck and Larry began to suck and bite at the soft flesh separating him from your jugular vein. You turned your head to the side to give Larry better access to your neck, taking the opportunity to look at Sal. A soft whimper escaped you as your eyes met Sal’s and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself making any more noise. You could feel the wetness growing between your legs at both Larry’s movements and the way Sal was watching you intensely. As Larry continued to kiss up and down your neck, you used your forefinger to beckon Sal towards you. He hesitated but slowly made his way over to your side. You turned the top half of your body to face him, still sitting on top of Larry and grabbed Sal’s shoulders, pulling him towards your lips again. This time, the kiss was much fiercer. A whimper of surprise left Sal’s lips as he welcomed the kiss, your tongue trailed his bottom lip begging for entrance. Larry looked up from your neck to see you making-out with Sal and in response, bit down hard on your neck. 
“Larry!” You shrieked softly between Sal’s lips. Sal’s eyes widened at the sound of your voice, the mixture of pain and pleasure evident in your tone only seemed to turn him on even more. His cock twitched in his jeans, begging to be released. Your lips moved against Sal’s desperately wanting a reaction from your best friend. Larry continued to palm at your chest as he sucked on your neck, flicking your nipples between his fingertips. 
You pushed Larry away and quickly manoeuvred yourself off of his body and grabbed the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down slowly to reveal his grey boxers. His cock strained against the tight fabric and you could see a wet patch starting to form around his tip as the result of the pre-cum. Larry’s breath was shallow as you finally took off his trousers, eyes gazing up and down your body. He felt slightly embarrassed that you were seeing him in his boxers, but he wasn’t complaining. He had thought about this moment countless times. Once Larry was completely naked and gasped at the coolness of the air against his cock, you turned to Sal and smiled sweetly at him. “Your turn.”
Sal gulped and nodded, allowing your fingertips to grace across his crotch as you unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans almost effortlessly.  “Please Y/N,” Sal whispered, his voice barely audible. 
As you began to slide his jeans down his muscular legs, you raised an eyebrow at him and asked, “what?”
“If we’re really doing this, I don’t want to be teased for my first time, please,” he moaned. Sal’s boxers were looser than Larry’s, but you could still see his distinctive hardened length twitching at your touch. You finally tugged off Sal’s jeans and boxers and threw them across the room to meet Larry’s sweats.
You looked between the pair of them and smiled sweetly. “Who wants my mouth first?” 
 The pair looked stunned and looked at each other, silently deciding. After a few seconds, Sal nodded and Larry spoke up. “Me.” You looked at Sal, making sure he was okay with being second, but he just shrugged. As long as he got you, he didn’t care. That was all the confirmation you needed to start moving back towards Larry. You teasingly lowered your mouth around him and looked up with your eyes to see Larry staring down at you. Once your lips touched the head of his cock, Larry couldn’t stop the moans. “Oh fuck,” he hissed, watching intensley as you lowered your head between his legs and wrapped your mouth around his length. Your mouth was so warm and wet around his hard dick that he wanted to cum immediately. Larry couldn’t help but grab your hair and keep your mouth still around him for a moment while he got used to the feeling of your mouth. Once he felt he was ready, he pushed your head further down, causing his cock to hit the back of your throat. You gagged slightly, but took his cock expertly. Sal was watching you the entire time, his hand hovering over his own cock desperate to relieve the itch he was feeling. Larry looked at Sal and grinned as he began to thrust in and out of your mouth. You closed your eyes as you began to suck, swirling your tongue around the tip and licking up the droplets of pre-cum oozing from the head. “Oh God.”
You opened your eyes and looked up to see Larry in a state of complete bliss. His eyes were now screwed shut and his mouth was hanging open for the silent moans to leave his throat. You looked at Sal, mouth still around Larry, and held out one of your hands. Sal looked confused and tilted his head to the side, but found himself moving closer to you. From what you could see, Larry and Sal were quite similar in size but Larry’s cock was much fatter whereas Sal’s was thinner. Your hand wrapped around Sal’s skinny length and you began to pump experimentally as you continued to suck on Larry as if he were nothing but a lollipop. Both of the men were moaning your name in perfect harmony, it almost made you laugh at how easily you had gotten them in this state.  
After a few more moments, Larry gasped. His eyes shot up and he jerked his cock out of your mouth. You looked at him in confusion but he quickly answered your silent question. “I was going to cum.”
“I think I’m nearly there myself,” Sal whispered, biting his lip. 
You removed your hand from Sal’s cock and looked between the pair of them, shaking your head. “Not yet. Neither of you.”
Sal couldn’t help but groan as your small hand moved away from him, a cry of desperation leaving his lips. “Why not?” Sal asked, bucking his hips up in the air. 
“Want you cum inside of me. Both of you,” you said, eyes narrowing. Both Larry and Sal widened their eyes at your words and looked at each other. 
“Y/N… Are you sure?” Larry asked, earning a nod of approval from you. Sal didn’t say anything, just watched on in surprise as you began to take off your pyjama pants and underwear. Was this really happening? This was a dream come true for both of the men in your presence that they almost had to pinch themselves to make sure they weren’t dreaming. 
Once you were completely naked, you looked between your best friends. You weren’t as nervous as you thought you would be but maybe it was the alcohol coursing through your veins. You couldn’t be sure though. You lay down on the bed and spread your legs wide, waiting for one of them to make the first move. Of course it was Larry. He pressed his lips to your lower leg and trailed up your thigh, stopping right before your cunt. You were about to look down to see what he was doing, when you felt cool air against your folds. Larry had blown on you and it had sent a shiver of pleasure up your spine, causing you to open your legs further. Larry grinned devilishly at you before plunging his tongue against your folds. You gasped and cried out, grasping at the sheets below you. Larry was relentless against your cunt, lapping and sucking like a dog starved. You never would have thought that this was his first time eating pussy, but it was. Sal waited patiently, watching and licking his lips as the sight of your legs quivering over Larry’s shoulders. 
“Does that feel good?” Larry asked you as he began to nibble on your clit. You couldn’t form a coherent sentence for the life of you, so you just nodded excitedly. Your hands made their way to his long, brown hair and tugged lightly. This made Larry groan and another wave of pleasure spread through your body at the sensation. 
“I think she likes it,” Sal mused, more so to himself than to Larry, but Larry heard and nodded. His hands grasped your hips, hard enough to leave bruises but you didn’t care. You pushed Larry’s head further into your cunt and revelled in the feeling he was giving you. 
“Oh Larry!” You cried out. “I’m going to cum if you keep on going like that.”
“It’s that easy to make you cum?” Larry teased, but you didn’t hear him. Instead, you came. Harder than you ever had before. Your hands on Larry’s hair tightened and you let out a yelp as you squirted over Larry’s face, and that man didn’t waste a drop. He slurped you up like a cold drink on a summer's day. When you came down from your high, Larry was laying on top of you, staring into your eyes. “Oh you look so hot when you cum Y/N. Doesn’t she Sally Face?” 
Sal nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Yeah. Yeah she does.” Sal’s hand was now wrapped tightly around his cock as Larry slicked the tip of his head against your soaked folds, lubricating himself. 
“I already know you’re going to feel so good,” Larry mumbled to you, pressing his lips against yours as he slammed into you. You let out a choked cry and threw your head back against the mattress, eyes meeting Sal’s. 
“Larry, wait!” You whimpered, attempting to stop his hips from moving. You were being stretched and were fuller than you have ever been before that it hurt, but it hurt so good. Larry halted his movements when he saw the tears in your eyes.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He asked, panic lacing his voice. 
You shook your head and smiled at him. “No I’m okay, just… Just give me a minute to adjust before you carry on.”
Larry nodded in response and Sal came over to your side to begin literally kissing your tears away. “You’re okay,” Sal cooed, his hand stroking your head gently. You wanted to reply, but you couldn’t and that’s when Larry started moving again. 
Larry’s pace was brutal. Fast and snappy, just like him. He had been craving this moment since he learnt what sex was and now that it was finally happening, he was going to give it everything he had. Your hands flew up from the bedsheets to Larry’s back, scratching down his skin and definitely leaving marks. Moans tumbled past your lips as Larry continued his strokes, his eyes never leaving yours with each movement he made. It was romantic, in a weird way. Sal continued to pump at his cock as he watched Larry pound into you, eagerly awaiting his own turn. “Fuck you feel so fucking good,” Larry growled as he dipped his head against your neck and began to bite yet again. 
“Larry, oh God Larry!” You cried out, almost screaming. It was a good job that Larry lived alone and in the basement, because you definitely would have woken people up with the noises you were making. The bed began to creak and you feared for a second that it would break from the sheer intensity of Larry’s thrusts, but it held. The headboard, however, began to slam against the wall which only spurred on your arousal. Sal tilted his head to the side as he watched Larry’s cock emerge from your cunt before disappearing again, a sheer coat of wetness ringed around the base of his cock from your arousal and it was obvious that you were close to cumming again. Larry was close also, but he wanted to hold on for you. He wanted to give you one more orgasm before he finished inside of you, so he pulled his cock from your pussy and slipped two fingers inside of you with ease. He began pumping ruthlessly, your breasts bouncing from the force. 
“You’re making it so hard not to cum right here and now,” Larry grumbled. It was then that he felt you clench around his fingers and he knew that you were cumming. You tried to vocalise it, but you had definitely been fucked dumb and could only nod. “Okay. I’m going to cum now, okay?” Larry said to you in a soothing voice. You looked at him through glossy eyes and opened your mouth to beg for him but all that came out was a loud shout as Larry slammed back inside of you, continuing his ruthless pace. Your walls fluttered around Larry’s cock and within seconds he was spurting hot ropes of cum inside of you, moaning your name repeatedly as his head fell against your neck. His hips slowed down to a halt and after a few seconds, Larry pulled out of you. His hands caressed your face and hair as he pressed his lips to yours in a slow, passionate kiss. Then, he sat up and turned to Sal with a grin on his face. “Your turn.”
You lay on the bed completely breathless as Larry rolled off of you and Sal climbed on to you. “Y/N, you with me?” Sal asked. 
“Yeah,” you breathed out. “I’m with you. Please Sal.”
Sal smiled softly at you before slowly inserting himself inside of you, stretching you in a different way to Larry. His pace was slow and sensual, loving almost. As if pouring all of his emotion into making love to you. Sal’s lips were on yours in an instant and you immediately kissed him back. Your hands wrapped around his neck pulling him as close as possible all while Larry lay on the bed next to you and poured himself another whisky and lemonade. “God I love you. I love you so much,” Sal whispered against your lips. Your eyes widened at his confession, but you couldn’t say you were totally surprised. You let out a gasp as the tip of Sal’s cock stroked your cervix and you fell apart immediately. 
“Sally,” you whimpered breathlessly, hands locking through his blue hair. Sal pulled away from your lips and rested his forehead against yours, eyes staring into your soul as he continued to thrust his hips against you. The pleasure felt too good that tears began pouring from your lower lash line. 
“Shh you’re okay,” Sal cooed, pressing his lips against your forehead. You smiled at him in reply and pressed a hand to his scarred face. 
“You’re so beautiful Sal,” you whispered, causing him to tear up. 
“I’m glad you think so,” he let out a breathy laugh and bit his lip as he sped up his pace slightly. 
“Touch my clit,” you whispered to him. Sal trailed a hand down the front of your body and rested it between your legs, fingertips fumbling across your clit clumsily. Although he didn’t know what he was doing exactly, it felt good. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t stop,” Sal reassured you. “I won’t ever stop.” At those words, you felt your third orgasm approaching. You prompted Sal to move his fingers faster across your bundle of nerves and he did, finally pushing you over the edge. You cried out his name with a sob as you gushed around him, wetting the bed sheet and a bit of his torso. Sal smiled lovingly down at you as he felt your pussy clench around his cock. “Can I cum? Can I cum Y/N, please?” 
“Yes Sally, please cum,” you begged, continuously nodding your head. Sal sped up his pace again, the headboard snapping against the wall once more. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and with a loud growl, he came. You felt his cock twitch inside of you, swear you could feel his creamy load filling you up until you physically couldn’t take anymore. 
Panting, Sal kissed your cheek and your lips before whispering to you. “I love you Y/N.”
You let out a sob at his words and pulled him close to you, not allowing his cock to slide out of you just yet. You could feel him softening inside you, felt his and Larry’s mixture trickle down your thigh. It was definitely a feeling that you could get used to. Eventually, Sal moved and lay down next to you on the bed. He stared at the ceiling before he looked at you. You were already asleep, snoring ever so softly. Sal watched as your chest rose and fell with each breath you took, completely enamoured by you. 
“It’s her, isn’t it?” Larry asked quietly, looking at Sal over your naked body. 
“Hmm?” Sal asked, biting his bottom lip as he turned his head to face his best friend. 
“The person you’re crushing on. It’s Y/N, isn’t it,” Larry questioned, although it was more of a statement than an actual question. He already knew the answer.
“Of course,” Sal mumbled, laying down and throwing an arm over you. He was careful not to wake you with his movements. 
“I… Think I love her too,” Larry confessed, gulping the rest of his drink before laying his head down on the pillow and closing his eyes. Sal didn’t respond, just hummed in acknowledgement. There wasn’t much he could say after all. Neither of them knew where they stood and they wouldn’t until you woke up. Did this mean something? Or was it simply just fun with friends? They would ask you in the morning, but for now, they let you sleep peacefully between them.
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Winter's King 16
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: I didn't sleep very well but I'm here.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As you move North, the sunlight fades sooner and rises later, the nights cooling with each mile. Nearly a fortnight on the road, and you return to the service of the queen. Bryce escorts you between the carts, gesturing in passing to his comrades, other times letting past another body on their own mission. You reach the front of the train where men with swords pace and keep watch over the surrounding lands. 
“Evenin’,” Bryce greets the guards outside the queen’s tent and they grumble back. The weariness of travel has overcome many of the travelers. 
You dip your head down and approach the tent flap. Before the card can pull it back for your entrance, it sweeps open from the other side. You step back as another figure falters before you. The king keeps hold of the silk and his eyes skim over you. He tilts his head and moves to hold the fabric open, beckoning you through with his large hand. 
“Your highness,” you murmur. 
His jaw squares but he says nothing. As you enter, the fabric falls heavily behind you. The king’s expression lingers in your mind, his silence even more. The tick in his cheek was hard to miss and you can hear his heavy footfalls as he stalks off. 
Within, the queen sits on a bench, playing with the tassel of her belt. Her father, Lord Dustan, stands to the side, arms crossed as he makes small steps back and forth. He tuts and chews his thumb. 
“Your husband does not behave as son-in-law,” the duke gripes lowly, “he would have let Debray fall to those vandals. He cares only for his frost lands.” 
“Father, he is only eager to be home. As much as I dread the cold, I cannot help but feel as such. I tire of this endless road,” Queen Jazlene yawns into a cupped hand. 
“Ah, but you must be a loyal wife. What of mine? What of your mother? She was alone in the castle.” 
“And you rode out to save her, didn’t you?” Jazlene prompts. 
“I am a lord of the summer lands, I am past my warring days,” Dustan snarls, “he would risk my flesh on an uprising he could crush with his left hand. He tests me!” The duke circles around as he jabs his finger in the air, “I deserve more dignity, more respect. I delivered him his kingdom.” 
“Yes, father, he is a frigid man,” Jazlene bemoans, “as icy a husband. He does neglect us both.” 
“Neglect?” Dustan faces his daughter, “does he not see to his contract?” 
She frowns and bats her doey eyes as she looks away, “it isn’t that he doesn’t fulfill his duty, it is only... how might I get an heir if I lie with my husband only once in a moon?” 
“Does he mean to deceive us? A son will bind us. A son is what we need. Does he think the summer lands will follow a king who does not sow his seed?” 
“I do not know, father. I... I have tried all I can think of.” 
“Mm,” the duke hums darkly, “that won’t do at all. Not at all. When I married your mother, she was swollen with you almost as soon as the vows were said. No, no, it won’t do. I will have word with the king, make certain he does not treat my daughter, his queen, so coolly.” 
Dustan stop and twiddles his fingers. You try to imagine him confronting King Geralt. Surely it is bluster for the sake of his daughter. 
“...we are ruined without an heir...” he mutters. 
Jazlene sits forward on the bench, “ruined, father? I am queen--” 
“Yes, yes, you are queen, but a queen has her duty too,” Dustan insists, “and it cannot be done with a negligent king. Leave it to me, daughter. The next I see the king, I shall handle our business. As I have ever done. Do you believe in me? For I did deliver you a fine marriage, didn’t I?” 
“Yes, father.” 
The duke goes to his daughter and rubs her shoulder. He leans in and you shrink against the tent wall, making yourself small. 
“Should it prove poor judgment,” his whisper scratches from his lips, “I will figure a way out.” 
He kisses her hair and turns to march out. He takes not notice of you though that is expected. Jazlene sighs as the flap falls and she leans back on her hands, swaying her leg. 
“Ah, the maid,” she cheeps, “you will fetch hot water for my feet. They ache.” 
“Yes, your highness.” 
She grins, a catlike expression and sits up straight, “yes, that is right. I am a queen and soon, the king will be certain to treat me as such.” 
You flit off to your duty. As you emerge, your chest stirs with unease. Something about their conversation has you unnerved. Though they said nothing outright, it feels as if there is more laced between the words. The queen and her father hardly sound as allies to the king. 
You try to wipe the apprehension from your mind. You are but a maid and not so well-versed on noble matters. It isn’t your place to unpiece their declarations or untangle their riddles. You are to get the water to sooth the daughter of Debray’s feet, it may yet save you a box to the ears. 
You shiver as the cart bounces over the hard ground. You count a month or so since your departure from the capital though the days blend in a fog. The gradual creep of the chill has advanced upon the part, slowing the wheels, and sending the riders to pause and cover their horses. You keep the fur cloak over your lap as you lean into the corner of the cart though Bryce seems enlivened by the atmosphere. 
The dim sky harkens the crossing of the intangible barrier between the summer and winter lands. Sprawling plains and rounded feels give way to rocky passes and jutting mountains, interspersed with lumpy tundras speckled with patches of mud. Several times, your soldierly escort has had to help yank free the wheels from some rut or another. 
“Are we there?” You ask through as chatter, blowing into your hands. “The Hinterlands?” 
“Mm, by my guess, we are at the Fox’s Tail. You see, it is the little strip of land where no man lives, summer or winter,” he explains, reaching to scratch his beard. You envy the warmth it must give to his cheeks. “Isn’t so cold yet, mouse, better brace yerself.” 
You nod and look ahead at the grey, brown expanse. There are dustings of frost but not snow, only on the distant caps of rugged mountains that shadow the horizon. You hug yourself as Daisy’s breath plumes in misty clouds around her head. 
“Why does no one live here?” You ask. 
“There are no trees, no grass to feed the livestock or game,” he shrugs, “it is barren...” he sucks his teeth and thinks, “there was a war. Hundreds of years ago, maybe more. The summer folk spilled upon the winter lands, some squabble over a slain lord... they put salt to the earth. They did not only want vengeance on the living, they wanted their descendants to suffer for their misdeeds. Starve out an entire people.” 
He snorts and shakes his head, “what the summer people didn’t understand is that the winter skinned do not stay still. They move with the winds. You’ll see, mouse. You haven’t done the last of yer scurrying.” 
You huddle down as another cold breath sweeps through the air. You’re not used to it but you will be. That’s how it always is. You just have to take what you get and make it work. You can’t complain for what you have; a warm cloak, a cart, and a kind companion. 
Your teeth chatter as you hold closed the front of the fur cloak, the hood over your head as you walk the frozen earth. More often than not, you’ve left the prized cape in your cart for your return. It is too heavy to wear while serving the queen but the weather permits you no mercy. It is far too bitter to forgo the extra layer. 
Bryce is unbothered in his mail and the simple fur trim the collar of his wool cloak. He only seems to thrive in the dipping temperatures, stoking a fire for your nocturnal return so that you may sleep in its warmth. His constancy keeps you from mourning the lost summer sunshine. 
He stands behind you as you cross to the queen’s tent, now raised with several layers to insulate the walls. You enter as you do every night, unnoticed as Queen Jazlene mindlessly stares into the pages of a book. She’s grown quiet these last weeks as the travel wears on her, even her wardrobe showing the effects. 
You feel a gust from beneath the tent wall and step away from it. You watch the queen, huddled beneath a blanket on a stool, shaking as she tries to warm her hands in each other. She wears several satin cloaks layered over each other but the fabric is too sleek to garner much heat. 
She puffs into her palms and groan.  
“Damn this cold,” she mutters, then sits up, “maid, tea!” She demands, “Something warm! Anything!” 
You utter a small “your highness” and spin away to your task. You step out into the cold and go off to find a fire and a pot. The queen has some berry tea in her chests.  
You acquire a cup of steaming water from a cluster of servants around a flame. You linger for a moment to absorb some of the fire’s haze then set back toward the royal tent. As you near, a shadow nearly collides with you. You keep the cup balanced as you scramble around the figure. The torch light catches the king’s golden eyes as they meet yours. 
“Your highness,” you murmur. 
He grunts as he stops fully. He stares down at you wordlessly. You cannot read his expression as shadows dance around his features, flickering various emotions across his face. He bows his head and presses on. You turn to watch him go as concern rolls up your throat. 
In those last weeks, months you believe, you’ve not seen much of the king. You’ve wondered after his elusivity. At first, you thought it might be due to the combat at Debray, perhaps he was disheartened by the last act of resistance. Then you surmised it might be evasion of his own wife. Alas, you could not guess and fathomed it was not your place to do so. 
This brief encounter further perplexes you. You can’t help but question if it is you. You recall the last day in the capital, the grit of his voice casting you out. Go. The memory ripples through you. 
You think much of yourself. It wouldn’t be anything to do with a paltry maid. You focus on the hot water in your hand and continue on to the queen’s tent. 
You enter and wrap the dried berries and leaves, steeping them in the steaming water. You hover over the cup, waiting for the water to deepen in hue and cool enough to drink. When you bring it to the queen, you feel her gaze upon you. 
“Your highness,” you hand her the cup. 
She hesitates to take it, only doing so after deep consideration. She holds the tea in one hand as her other tugs on your cloak. She makes an ugly noise. 
“And where did you find this, maid?” She sneers. “Hmm, I sit her in my summer garb and you wear a bear’s skin?” 
Your lips part and you raise your shoulders. You look at the tent wall and frown. You poke your hand outside the cloak and touch the soft fur.  
“Your highness,” you look down at the cloak then at her trembling grasp on the cup. “Would you like it? You look awfully cold.” 
“Yes, I want the damn cloak!” She yanks it hard, “I am the queen and you did not think to offer me a proper cloak? How stupid are you.” 
You bow your head and reach to unbuckle the cloak. When it is loose, you shrug it off and hand it over. You will find a spare blanket. There must be some left among the luggage. 
She shoves the cup at you and stands. She swings the cloak around her and hums as she pulls its snug around her figure. She sits again and rubs her chin against the fur. 
“Much better,” she says, “I’ve been suffering this damnable place for far too long.” 
She takes the tea back, spilling a drop on your hand. You back away, the liquid cooling and sending a new chill through you. You cover one hand with the other and clutch tightly, locking your jaw against the tremor that crawls up your spine. 
The queen slurps from the tea and makes a face. She sneers, “I want wine,” she pouts, “how long must I be deprived? Wine!” She snarls down at the cup, “but I must drink this bile. Oh, but the king bids it,” she raises her voice mockingly, “you must obey your husband.” She shakes her head and takes another gulp, “at least it is warm. At least--”  
She holds the cup away from her suddenly as her face twists. She drops it and recoils, panic washing over her. She keels forward, holding her skirts out of the way as she spews onto the rug spread over the hard ground. She wretches loudly, spasming with the horrid sounds snagging in her throat. 
The smell of her vomit permeates the tent. She stays bent over her lap as she pants. You come forward and offer her a handkerchief to wipe her mouth. She sits up and gulps tightly, her features drawn. She pats her lips. 
“Well, clean it up,” she turns her feet away from the puddle between them. “Stupid maid.” 
She pokes a sharp nail into your arm and you wince.  
“Your highness, are you unwell?” You ask, “shall I fetch a physician? Or some ginger?” 
“No, you stupid cow, I am not unwell,” she flicks her fingers at you before waving away the stench of her bile. She stands and walks away from it, her hand settling on her middle. She faces you and smiles broadly, “I am carrying the king’s son.” Her face darkens as she wrinkles her nose, “I told you, you twit, to clean that up. You best do so before I make you eat it.” 
You nod and bend your neck, “yes, your highness, I will fetch water.” 
“I don’t care, just do it,” she snaps and rubs her stomach. She lets out a shuddery groan and turns her back to you. You watch as she draws tight the cloak and sways with a trill, “I will be a true queen now. He cannot deny me any longer.” 
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tiffsturniolo · 2 months
im requesting some pure fluff with Matt
I swear everything is smut I just want a break 😭
I also don't mind angst with a fluffy ending like maybe he accusses you of cheating or smth and you get in a fight and then you explain yourself and he apologies and it ends with cute cuddles 🥰🥰🥰
~a m.s oneshot
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a/n~ omg i actually like this one? keep sending requests cause i have no creativity 😜
warnings~ angst to fluff, cheating accusations, fighting, kissing, not proof read
friend 1
friend 2
⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚🛍️ ⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚🍒 ⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚🛍️ ⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚🍒 ⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚
“what about this one?” gabby giggles, spraying a bottle of mens dior sauvage onto your wrists
you give your wrist a quick sniff and gasp. the thought of matts face when he sees what you bought him is enough alone to make you smile. “this is so matt! im getting this one, definitely”
“its $62, dont you think you’ve bought him enough other things last time we went shopping?” emily asks
“not at all, he spoilt me so much when it was my birthday, I’ve gotta spoil him!” you smile, walking up to the counter.
its matts birthday in 2 weeks, he’s turning 21. you always go crazy with presents every time its one of your birthdays, but because turning 21 its an even bigger deal, you have to go even crazier.
you’ve been going shopping with your friends a lot recently to try and find the absolute best gifts. every time you go, you only end up buying some little cheap stuff that reminds you of matt, its only today that you’ve bought an actual present
you didn’t want matt knowing your going out to buy him presents all the time, that ruins the surprise. instead, you tell him you’re going to chill round gabbys house for a movie night. its just a little lie, no harm right? and its all for good cause.
you almost drop the keys whilst trying to open the door with the immense amount of bags and presents in your hand.
as soon as you get inside, you rush to shove all the bags deep down in the depths of the cluttered closet. hidden enough right?
you stroll down the corridor, pushing open the door to your shared bedroom with a smile on your face.
oh little does he know you’ve just bought him the best present ever
“hi baby” you smile, kicking your shoes off to one side, rubbing the back of your heel from the pain of walking in shoes that rub
he’s on the bed, scrolling on his phone, when he hears you and lifts his head up and watches as you walk into the room. matt glances you up and down, before looking at you with a frown on his lips.
"you just got in?" he questioned, raising both of his eyebrows. he didn't mean for his words to sound like he was accusing you of something, but he did want to know. the way you’ve been going out more, going more on frequent night outs was making him wonder and overthink.
“oh yeah, we decided to watch the next film in the series” you say casually
“a film huh?”
he looks at you with a slight hint of disbelief in his voice, and his eyes narrow as he gets up from the bed, standing a fair distance away from you
"what film?" he asks although he wanted to ask so many more questions. who did you go with? do you even actually watch this film? where did you go? the way you didn't answer his phone calls, going out more often, it was making him want to know what was the hell was going on.
fuck why cant you think of a film?!
“ra- ten things a hate about you” you say, slightly cringing at the fact that thats not a series of films, only one, but he’s to dense to know that.
he can see the way you look at him and stutter out an answer, matt isn't an idiot, he can tell something's off about the way you’re acting right now. with every step he takes, he slowly closes the distance between the two of you, until he's standing directly in front of you.
matt's expression stays neutral, blue eyes staring down at yours..
“your lying to me” he states, in a voice thats so quiet, it’s intimidating.
“no i promise” you say, that was kinda a shit way to defend yourself
"then why aren't you looking me in the eye, huh?" his hand comes up, gently pressing a thumb and forefinger to your chin, forcing you to look at him. his eyes stay focused on yours, a slight hint of frustration in his voice.
“you go out way more than usual and when you get home you act all strange," he points out. "something's up. tell me."
“wha- i swear im just going out with gabby and emily i dont know what your so pressed about” you mutter
"stop lying to me," he cuts into your sentence, voice getting more stern each time. his hand grabs your chin more firmly, tilting your head up to look at him. the other cups your jaw in a firm hold, keeping you in place.
"you're acting weird and you're out there for hours” he presses. "answer me."
“answer what?” you groan, getting frustrated with his wrong accusations
“i was at gabbys house, i came back and now your shouting at me, thats all i can answer” you say with a scoff
his eyes harden at the scoff, and his hands move down to your waist, gripping them so hard it almost hurts. his jaw is clenched tight, and his grip is firm as he stands in front of you, staring you down with so much intensity it makes you want to cower and hide.
“liar” he muttered, voice quiet and filled with anger. "if you think I'm stupid, you're wrong."
you groan. he was so fixated on something that didnt even happen.
“fine. i wasnt at gabbys house but its not what you think!” you snap, pulling yourself out of his grip and stomping the the bed
and thats when he gets a whiff of men’s cologne
he knows you, so he knows you wouldn't cheat, right? at least that's what he tries to reassure himself of. but something's wrong, he's not stupid, he's not blind either. he can see the subtle clues, the little things that add up. he's trying to tell himself that he's overthinking, but you not answering his calls, being out constantly, the scent of cologne , he can't let it go.
god, he wants to believe you, he really does.
his eyes are on you, and for a moment, he's just silent. no words being said between the both of you as he simply stares. he's trying to hold back, but his breathing is slightly uneven, his heart beating faster.
"You smell like cologne," he finally speaks, an almost accusing tone to his voice, like he knows something.
oh you have really got yourself in a pickle
you let out a nervous chuckle
“no no no matt its not-“ you say but get cut off by him shouting
“dont lie!” he raises his voice, pacing around the room frantically. why would you do this to him? after 2 whole years? and his birthdays coming up, why would anyone ever do this?
“explain this! explain to me why you smell like another man!
in one swift movement he drags you off the bed, smelling the air around him. the grip on your wrist is strong.
“your a- your cheating on me” he squeaks out, almost as he cant believe the words he’s saying
thats it.
your eyes start to fill up with water. how could the one person you love think so low of you? does he not trust you?
“its your birthday in 2 weeks so I’ve- I’ve been going out with the girls to try and find and bunch on perfect presents. the cologne- its the cologne i’ve bought for you, i had to smell it before buying it” you say between sobs
when your tears finally spill and you begin bawling, matt hesitates for a moment, his heart faltering at the sight of you crying. he swallows, the anger slowly disappearing from his body as he hears your words, taking in the information until it fully registers.
"b-but you-" he stutters out, voice wavering and a small, confused frown on his lips.
"You've been going out.. trying to.. find me stuff?" He questioned, the firm hold on you loosening as guilt suddenly filled his heart.
you nod, continuing to sob “emily told me it would be a better surprise if i didn’t tell you i was going to buy you things”
he's suddenly feeling so many emotions at once. relief, because you're not cheating on him, but also guilt because of the way he just reacted to you, the way he doubted you.
he doesn't say anything for a moment, his hand slowly letting go of your wrist and bringing it up to rub at his face out of frustration.
"god, I'm- I'm sorry," he mumbled, voice soft. "I just- I thought-"
you shake your head, wiping your eyes.
its not his fault, all the reasons coincidentally added up. any human being would have thought i was cheating on him
matt is still quiet, his body and mind filled with guilt. he can't believe he questioned you like that, the way he accused you. he's trying to process the fact that you weren't cheating on him, that the reason you've been going out more often is because of his birthday. his. birthday.
“god, I’m so sorry,” he mumbled again, his blue eyes staring down at you, before he suddenly brings you closer against him, arms wrapping around your form and pulling you into a tight embrace.
he tries to hold you as close as possible, his broad chest pressing against yours as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, lips softly pressing against your skin. its like he’s trying to get his words out through physical touch.
He knows you're not a cheater, he knows you're not that type of person, but his stupid insecurities just got the better of him.
"god I'm such a dickhead," he whispers against your skin, holding you near.
you hug him back, wiping your tear stained face into matts shoulder.
he gently drags you down onto the bed, still holding you against him, keeping you close to his body. he makes sure your body is practically laying comfortably against his, his hand slowly coming to cup your chin and tilt it up to look at him.
his touch is much gentler now, the way he's holding you is so drastically different from how he was grabbing you a few moments ago. He leans forward, peppering soft, apologetic kisses over your face, from your forehead, to your nose and down to your lips.
his lips continue to trail across your skin, apologising in the only way he knows how to. each press of his lips against you is soft, forgiving. it’s so quiet in the room, he can only hear the sound of his own breathing and his heart beating against his chest.
“m’ sorry, baby,” he mumbled, voice gentle against your skin. He suddenly pulls back a little to look at you. “I should’ve never doubted you.”
⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚🛍️ ⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚🍒 ⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚🛍️ ⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚🍒 ⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚
a/n- longer than i thought it was gonna be!
a/n- i could make this into a pt2.? maybe apologetic smut.? 😉
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myslutwritings · 1 year
BLINKS. Ok so laikkkk. You know how Muzan has that fake wife? IMAGINE LIKE um reader or whatever the fuck it’s called?! FINDING OUT and she’s just standing infront of Muzan Like 🧍🏻‍♀️yo wtf. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE
YES THIS MAKES SENSE! thank you for requesting😭😭
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➤ Fem!Reader finding out about Muzan’s fake wife
➤ SFW headcanons (not proof read)
Muzan kibutsuji x Fem!reader
warnings: kinda angsty also reader does not take shit from men (💀💀)
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Man oh man.
Livid would be an understatement..
Muzan knows you can be scary.
After all, you’re one of those women who doesn’t take shit from men, you’re fiercely independent, you petrify the demon king himself with your audacious and captivating personality.
It was one of the things that attracted this walking menace towards you in the first place.
Now, Muzan does love you, so do not overthink and assume he actually loves his little false wife.
Oh, he couldn’t give a shit about her. But fake wife or not, you’d still consider it cheating.
In hindsight, he knew it was wrong but that didn’t stop him.
Anyway, that thought of you finding out his secret always loomed in the back of his mind.
However, he brushes this off, foolishly thinking this isn’t a humongous deal and you wouldn’t find out.
My god, he couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s embarrassing really..
No one knows how on god mother earth you found out but that night when Muzan returns home you confront him about it immediately. You aren’t going to sugar coat this for him nor pretend like you didn’t catch him in the act? pfft, only pussies do that.
But to be blunt you probably found out because you caught him kissing her in the entertainment district
“Oh, welcome home, dear! Now, do you mind telling me about your second wife? Or am i the second wife?”
Muzan’s response is silence at first. That being the dead giveaway.
You’re honestly just confused, like he already has you?? Why does he need to have this lil side hoe??
Deep down, you’re honestly hurt but you do a pretty damn good job at covering it up with that sarcastic smile of yours.
Meanwhile, Muzan denies it.
This only adds more fuel to the fire.
No way he just lied to your face.
I mean, yeah, Muzan is a malicious demon at the end of the day so of course his interpretation on the human population is going to be fucked up on so many levels.
Thinks all humans are naive and incredibly stupid.
Besides you of course.
But the man isn’t a brainless amateur either he knows you’re different from the rest. Another reason why he actually has romantic feelings towards you.
Anyway, since you’re a girl boss, you obviously call him out on his bullshit lies and it provokes full blown fight between y’all.
You try to fight back tears, all these feelings are too much for you to bare.
You’re honestly crying because of how damn frustrating it is.
It’s also important to add Muzan has never witnessed you cry.
Feels guilty now but doesn’t dare to express it.
You manage to soothe your nerves down and continuously debunk the situation.
In the end, you have him backed up into a corner.
Then you proceed to reveal how you found out.
Muzan realizes that he can no longer escape this situation nor lie to you any longer.
Admitting his defeat, he confesses how he obtains a fake wife but doesn’t even feel anything towards her.
Muzan reassures you that he only has eyes for you, only feels these feelings towards you, assures you that he and his fake wife have nothing serious and that he only uses her to blend in with humanity.
You hear him out, listening to his explanation but then ask why he couldn’t just use you to blend in??
His response is that he desires to keep you safe and secured, if the slayers knew you were his weak point they’d definitely kill you so there is his explanation for cheating.
Bro just doesn’t want to lose you. Witnessing your murder would be his demise.
You calm down entirely, however, you aren’t 100% okay with him having a fake wife.
So you just give him an out.
Like, “it’s either her or me” you express in a very sharp tone to show how serious you are about this.
Of course he chooses you, after all, he always would.
Dislikes how you posses this much control over him. Your dominate nature doesn’t sit right with him.
But kudos to you!! He murdered divorced said wife and now there are no more issues. But you still are upset with him even awhile after that. Yeah, you aren’t going to move past it too quickly and because he’s such a manipulative narcissist your guard is always up around him.
But i mean who can blame you? You’re dating the demon king after all.
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THIS WAS LOW-KEY ENJOYABLE TO WRITE!? i hope it meets your expectations and i hope this made sense! I’m working on multiple requests right now but this one was easier and faster to write due to it only being one character.
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icarusredwings · 28 days
I rewatched Deadpool 2 and took notes.
Disclaimer: He's mentally ill and does mentally ill things (GASP, who would have thought?). Also, violence. A lot of violence. It's really long. Like.. really really long.
The very first words he says is "fuck wolverine"
Then blows his own head off with a shit ton of gasoline. Wonder if he had insurance on that appartment.
He started taking worldwide cases
He also admits to knowing "8th grade spanish"
"Passion of the christ. Then me." Says the man whos marvel jesus now.
I wonder how much wade owes cab guy.
Cab guy killed bandu Lmao
"What is it?"
"My IUD"
"A bomb??" Tell me why he was lowkey excited for it to be a bomb?
I love how serious he gets talking about how scared he is to be a dad.
This empire joke traveled from the first movie too.
"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way but we can try" yes.
When making toaster strudles its almost as if he could sense them coming despite it being so silent. This kind of makes me think that Logans not the only one who just jumps up sometimes.
This man really just said "Fuck it" jumped out of a 2 story window, BOLTED after this guy as fast as he could, got hit by a car, rammed another car, and whole ass hugged this guy before jumping in front of a truck with him. I don't want to see anyone try to tell me he's one sandwitch drop away from jumping off a cliff.
Cinatography by Blind Al.
Directed by one of those guys that killed john wicks dog.
God I love Ryan Reynolds because you know it was him.
Wade stop peeing your pants in public.
Weasel "We still have bowie..." Yeah id lie to him too at this point.
"Yeah im fine"
Fucked up
Needy and
Emotional. Kübler ross apprently.
"Buck no more speaking lines for you" and he meant that shit.
Al is so humble and sweet. Making tea and giggling. Tries to shoot him and then just hears him collapse on the floor. How many times do you think he collapses on the floor a week? Just to be drimatic?
"Sweetheart can you speak up? Its a little hard to hear you with yhat pity dick in your mouth" Oh so shes his mom. Al is his fucking mom. Hands down. And the best one.
I love how he decided to do an entire bag of cocaine before dying. There was no reason for it and honestly was a waste of cocaine until you realize that these cocaine is wades whiskey. Shots dont work for him really, probably because hes already done it so much, but its the same way how Logan chugs that bottle before wade kidnaps him. Its easier to blame it on a substance then accept those were your actions.
Ness is so cute. The poster behind her has "I love you wade wilson" scratched into it. Its nice to know that his version of heaven is literally just a cozy Saturday morning with his wife.
Colossus just walking in to find wades body parts everywhere and put him in a bag like old dirty clothes lol
"Why cant I fucking die" tone was SO serious.
The fact that theres an x men rule book and its lowkey thicker then a bible. I bet you scott and Logan made 80% of those.
"That asshole was me" oh the tears. Baby boyy.
Wait isnt cable literally scotts son.
Im never going to understand this fucking time line jesus christ
Mutant rehabilitation?? What is he a drug addict? That kid is clearly in pain dipshits.
"X men trainee" is so funny
"Please stop cheating on me"
Daniel the pedophile looking ass
Bro casually signs ryan reynolds on the wolverine cereal box and then destroys his knee caps.
"Those guys hurt you??" It was at that moment, wade went ape shit.
Wade having fun in prison is so him. But come on imagine going to prison just for standing up to an abused child. Not to mention, His face when he immediately realizes how fucked he is and that "oh shit I actually DO have cancer now and it SUCKS"
Is it just me or does Cable reminds you of forge with all his cool fix it abilities. Or is he just futurey.
He didn't say were not friends to make him upset but to draw attention to himself. Him just eye rolling when stabbed in the hand was so funny too because he was like "Ouch. God damn it. Ducking OUCH."
Hes literally pleading with russel to find someone else to peotect him or hes gonna get molested because he cant do anything. His entire power is replacing dead cells WITH new cancer cells. His entire body is dying 24/7 but never fast enough to actually kill him, always regrowing way too quickly. Cancerous is better then dead.
"Get away from me kid" yeah cause he knows hes trouble and he REALLY doesn't wanna watch this kid die.
"Who the hell tries to kill a 14 year old boy"
"Kids give us a chance to be better then we used to be"
Dopinder is so wholesome. I love him so much. No i dont care that he killed a guy. Hes the type of friend you call to take to the movies or the zoo once every year and hes stoked just to be invited.
Peter: I just thought it looked fun :D
Dopinder: FUCK
Peter is that one dad whos kids left the nest and now he needs friends and a hobby so searches for the biggest weirdos he can find.
"Grab the boy- NOT INAPPROPRIATELY >:("
i love his crayon maps/plans
Oh my god weasel im not telling you anything ever again you snitch (same dude, cable is terrifying)
After crying over the love he has for his new team (x force) Wade confirms that he spent 10 years in special forces.
I love how supportive wade is with Peter despite him just being a normal dude only for him to immediately die LMAO
He just cassually lets his impulse win in which he steals a moped.
Oh i just noticed Dominos vitiligo. I always loved vitiligo charaters. Theyre so unique and barley ever given movie roles. Like why not?? Why wouldnt you want someone so beautiful? Im pretty sure she just has make up but it would be cool if not.
Something else is that cable just starts yeeting criminals out onto the street lol
"Theres nothing I cant kill" Let me intorduce you to the man whos on a constant road to dying but can never actually get there.
Im assuming cable wants to kill russel because he unleashes a big bad guy or something.
*cassually snaps neck back into place* Oh god that hurt!
Oh I was right! It was Juggernaut :)
Wade: *gets excited about being PHYSICALLY ripped in half*
"Rub my legs mama 🥺 I got growing pains"
"Oh noo! No no no Dp not again!" We love you Dopinder. Do not ever stop caring. "This shits happened before!?" Yes weasel. Sometimes your friends get ripped in half. Get used to it.
Wade just moves her gun to the right position.
Wade talking about saving russel is so serious that it makes you forget that he has a tiny baby ass rn. I couldn't make a deal with someone woth tiny baby legs... just... no. Not to mention that those baby legs are made of cancer.
"50 years from now you're super fucking dead"
Wade standing outside of the xmen mansion with his phone and a picture of a boom box playing music for Colossus to come outside and help him save russel is something i can see happening to Logan. They have a fight and he storms off to the mansion only for wade to stand outside like that.
"Hi Wade🎀✨️" "Hi Yukio!🥹 you guys make a super cute couple 😊 where was I? 🤨"
"So you wear a helmet so your brother cant read your mind?" "Yeaaahh" average kid conversations.
"Lets fuck some shit up is my legal middle name"
Okay sir edgelord.
Apprently wade has a gluten sensitivity
What is it with wade and metal men??? My man has a type.
"Im just gonna use this brick and maximum effort" Same wade. Same.
Yaayy!! Go yukio! Eveyone loves yukio.
"Thats how we do it in mother russia" What? Shoving an electrical cable up their ass and then put them in a pool? Damn. Ok.
That "I never should have never left you in that prison" with the hug? Man hed be a decent dad I think.
"Dont be ive been trying to make this happen for awhile" okay someone supervise him 24/7. Hes on the active watch list.
Wade: *is dying* Hi Yukio :D
Yukio: Hi wade :)
"R-dog" Oh my god hes too cute.
Them carrying the racist joke all the way til the end made me cringe but that was the point.
His last words being "do you wanna build a snow man?" Is such a deadpool thing.
I was NOT expecting to cry at the end of this stupid ass movie, AGAIN
"Dont fuck colossus" VANESSA KNEW
"Is there a knife in my dick?" "There's a knife in your dick."
Oh I just didn't even notice she has heterochromancia! <3 Aahh!!
"Dont scratch!" *shoots himself 8 times* "Love you! Bye."
Wolverine: ???
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
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Summary: Jealousy was not something you were used to feeling, but with your older sister Tess with Joel Miller that's all you seem to feel. One day when you're alone on watch with Joel, you tell him how you feel and Joel's curiosity leads to a night of pleasure between you.
Characters: Joel Miller, & the reader (OC, second person). 
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49656460
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, smut, rough sex, oral (both m + f receiving), cheating, spanking, etc.
Notes: I just wanted to write something short and quick for a Joel one shot. Hope you like it. I'm not used to doing second person as of late, so I hope it's okay.
Jealousy was not a feeling you were used to, especially when it came to your older sister Tess. You loved the hell out of her. But anytime you saw Tess with Joel Miller you felt incredible amounts of jealousy. When your group hooked up with Tommy and Joel, you were the first to meet Joel and immediately you were attracted to him. Both him and his brother had protected you from a group of raiders. When you first laid eyes on Joel, he was brutal. Killing men without question with blood covering his face, but when he spoke to you after he saved you, he was soft spoken and kind. There was something about his southern drawl and his chocolate brown eyes that appealed to you.
But rather quickly him and Tess started to connect and there was nothing that you could do about it. On your journey to the next stop your group was planning you watched Joel and Tess get closer and you felt so jealous of it. You wondered what drew him to Tess and not you. What was it about her that made Joel latch onto her? What were you missing that she wasn’t?
Right now you should have been listening because the group was talking about their next plan to get more supplies. The group was settled in the middle of the woods right now and they always assigned two people to watch over the supplies while the rest of the group went on a run.
Joel and Tess took on the role of the leaders and while they stood before the group all you could do was stare out at Joel as he stood before everyone. His arms were folded out in front of his chest and you felt your throat going dry staring out at him. The veins were prominent in his strong arms and it made your throat go dry while you ogled him. Lowering your stare, your eyes fell to the center of Joel’s pants and the bulge made you lick your lips. You could only imagine what Joel had going on down there. Some nights you heard Joel and Tess together from your tent which made things so complicated for you. With the noises that Tess made, it sounded like Joel was a beast in the sack, but that wasn’t something you should have been thinking when it was the man that was dating your sister. Well, at least that’s what it seemed like. Joel never put a label on things, but with them hooking up that’s what it seemed.
“Hey! Are you listening?” Tess called out your name snapping her fingers at you, pulling your attention back to your sister who seemed frustrated that you weren’t paying attention. “You heard me say that you and Joel are going to be the ones stationed here to protect our supplies?”
“Yeah, of course,” you nodded your head. That was a lie. You didn’t hear any of that, but you weren’t sure how that made you feel. Being alone with Joel for who knows how long was going to be awkward. Especially with how you felt toward him.
“I still think I’m more useful on the road than I am here,” Joel grumbled under his breath and it made you roll your eyes knowing that he likely didn’t want to be stuck here with you. Tess turned him away from the group and you stood up from the ground, kicking at the dirt when you moved near the stream that was by the camp.
You stayed there until people started moving out and after a while you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat as they approached you standing by the water, “You don’t like me all that much, do you?”
“What?” you snickered hearing the familiarity in Joel’s voice and you chuckled at the idea of you being the one that didn’t like him. “I was pretty sure it was you that didn’t like me all that much.”
“What in God’s name would make you think that?” Joel headed over toward the big rock that was in the distance beside the water to take a seat on top of it. “You’re the one that runs off in the other direction anytime I’m around you.”
“It’s complicated,” you noted feeling the heat of the sun over you and you let out a tense breath. Gazing back, you saw that everyone was gone and you shrugged your shoulders. “Plus, you’re not much of a talker Joel.”
“Touché,” Joel stared out at the water hooking his arms around his knees. “What’s your problem with me then?”
“I don’t like you with my sister,” you answered honestly not bothering to look at him when you spoke.
“I’m not with your sister,” Joel corrected shifting uncomfortably on the rock that he was sitting on.
“Then what is it that you would call that you have going on between the two of you?” you inquired, your eyebrow raising in curiosity and Joel huffed.
“I don’t know,” Joel shrugged his shoulders, his face twisting with an emotion you couldn’t read. “It’s complicated.”
“Fair enough,” you breathed out, reaching down to pick up one of the smaller stones that were at your feet. Tossing it out toward the water, you didn’t know what to say to that. On the one hand, you should have been angry that Joel was weird about his relationship with your sister for Tess, but you were just mad about it for yourself. You wanted Joel’s attention.
“Why does it bother you that I’m close to your sister?” Joel wondered, his eyes squinting and his hand raising up to try to block the sun that was shining in his eyes so he could see you by the water.
“Just forget it,” you replied with a frown hating that you brought it up in the first place because he would probably bring it up to Tess later. Which would start a fight between the two of you.
Grabbing another stone, you tossed it out into the water again and heard Joel jumping down from where he was, “You’re doing it wrong.”
“I’m doing what wrong?” you snapped when Joel moved in beside you, kneeling down to search for a certain kind of stone. Once he stood back up, he reached for your hand and you pulled away from him like his touch was fire. “What are you doing?”
“Teaching you something,” Joel frowned moving in behind you to place the stone in your hand. Turning your body had his hand settling in over your hip causing your eyes to slam shut tightly. The warmth of his breath lingered at the back of your neck as he adjusted you once more. “You need a flatter stone like this one. And you have to throw it like this…”
Joel used your body to instruct you on how to throw one of the stones to get it to skip across the water. It skipped three times before stopping and Joel grumbled. Releasing you left your heart hammering inside of your chest. That was the first time that Joel had you in his arms and you were effected by it more than you should have been.
“If you weren’t so tense it should have been more like this,” Joel grabbed a stone for himself to show you what it was like when he skipped a stone across the water. It went on for a bit before finally coming to a stop. “I’m not going to hurt you when I touch you, y’know?”
“Yeah, I know,” you simply stated reaching for one of the kind of stones he had instructed you to grab. Doing what he had taught you, you watched it skip across the water a few times and Joel clapped his hands together.
“See, keep practicing and you will get better,” Joel grumbled, dropping down to the ground to sit near the edge of the water with you standing beside him. “Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to listen to me y’know? I might actually know what I’m talking about.”
“Could you stop acting like I have a problem with you? Because I don’t,” you declared lowering down on the ground beside him and his curious brown eyes were on you. “In fact, I like you. I like you a lot.”
“I’m confused,” Joel stammered, his eyebrows furrowing when he glanced between you and the water. God, men were so blind to things at times.
“That’s the problem Joel. I like you too much,” you confessed finally looking to him feeling a heat flooding into your cheeks. “From the first moment I saw you I was crushing on you. I thought I made it pretty obvious and at first, I thought you liked me back, but then you started hooking up with my sister and I realized pretty quickly that it was just you being nice because you liked my sister.”
“What?” Joel snickered, his dimples becoming clear when he found amusement in what you said.
“You know what? Never mind,” you felt embarrassed that you admitted your biggest secret to him and he laughed at you about it. Before you could stand up, you felt Joel’s thick fingers curling around your wrist urging you to sit back down. “It’s not funny. I’m serious.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Joel wondered, his nose wrinkling and you shrugged your shoulders. There was a silence that filled the air around you and you frowned. “I reckon that makes sense now why you run off all the time. What about Tommy?”
“What about Tommy?” you repeated, irritated at the mention of Joel’s younger brother. “We barely talk as it is.”
“Well he’s closer to your age,” Joel pointed out tossing his hand up in the air trying to persuade you to like his brother and you laughed. “You’re younger than Tommy. It would make more sense with you hooking up with someone like him than it would you hooking up with someone like me.”
“So I’m too young for you?” you confirmed hearing Joel let out a loud exhale and his eyes shifted as if he was trying to think of something to say. “What do you mean someone like you?”
“I mean, I’m older,” Joel waved his hand about and you rolled your eyes. Acting like there was a huge age gap between the two of you was ridiculous. “I’m quiet. A lone wolf. You’re more like Tommy. Talkative. Innocent.”
“Am I not attractive to you?” you felt like he was just making excuses at this point.
“You’re very attractive,” Joel blurt out, holding his hand up to silence you from speaking. “I’m flattered that you like me. I am. But I’m with your sister, I’m not sure what you expect me to do about it.”
“I don’t expect you to do anything about it, but I’m sure Tess will hear all about it and I will get lectured for having a crush on you,” you suggested with a frown, reaching up to pinch at the bridge of your nose damning yourself for even telling Joel in the first place. “Please, just forget that I told you.”
“I’m not going to run to your sister and tell her,” Joel assured you with a grunt, adjusting his positioning on the ground beside you. “I just…even if I wanted to do something with you, I can’t just stop what I have with your sister. It would be awkward and we’ve connected. Your sister would kill me.”
“What made you pick her to begin with?” you were curious, but you knew you would probably hate the answer.
“Your sister is a badass. She’s strong, a natural leader, beautiful,” Joel began waving his hand about and you lowered your head knowing that Tess was always the one that stood out even at home with your family. Tess was always your family’s favorite between the two of you. “And she made the first move.”
“So if I would have made the first move, you would have picked me?” you tossed out the idea and Joel shrugged his shoulders, the face he made was incredibly dramatic.
“We’ll never know because you didn’t make your move,” Joel suggested with a growl, his dark eyes narrowing. “You have nothing but yourself to blame. Speak up next time you want something.”
“Wow, fuck you,” you let out an annoyed breath going to push up from where you were seated. Moving swiftly, Joel’s rough fingers led you toward him claiming your lips in a faint kiss. After a moment like that, you should have reacted better but when Joel pulled back to stare up at you with his dark eyes you found yourself frozen. You knew you could have smacked him for being a dick right before, but you were confused with the kiss. What the hell was that? Joel’s thumb stroked over your chin before he stood up before you, his other hand cupping your face. His palm was rough and it tickled at your flesh causing a shuddering exhale to fall from your throat. “What are you doing?”
“You don’t always have to question everything, y’know that right?” Joel wondered, leaning forward to tease his lips over yours. The warmth of his breath lingering had your eyes fluttering to a close and you tipped your head back. Just barely his lips touched yours, skimming over them and it made a chill run down your spine. “Just relax sometimes.”
After that, he brought your lips together in a stronger kiss. This time it was prominent and it made your lips part allowing Joel’s tongue to brush up against yours and you purred. Maybe being alone with Joel wasn’t so bad after all. Amusement flooded his features when he pulled back just enough to look down at you. Placing your hand over the center of Joel’s chest, you tipped up on your toes in attempts to kiss him further, but he pulled away.
“Now I have to go be on watch,” Joel informed you with an entertained smirk, pointing back toward the front. Having him stepping back and away from you just left you confused. “We do have a job to do after all.”
“Joel,” you called out to him when he started to walk away and you felt your heartbeat racing. What the hell was that? Why would he tease you like that? Was he really so cruel that he would be playing with your emotions after you told him how you felt about him.
Throughout the rest of the day, you hardly ever interacted with Joel. He had the front of the camp. You had the back. That’s how things went. And when the group came back, Joel barely even acknowledged you. When you were sitting around by the fire talking before bed, his eyes connected with yours and he smiled but that was it. It was like all of that was nothing but a dream. Why did he even bother to kiss you like that in the first place?
Once you were in your own tent, you found yourself touching your lips. Your thoughts lingered on the way that his lips felt against yours and the way he tasted. Attempting to get comfortable, you heard the sound of the zipper on your tent opening and you pushed yourself up ready to attack whoever was entering your tent.
“At ease soldier,” Joel’s deep voice rumbled causing you to give him an odd expression. Kneeling at the front of your tent, he had one of his hands raised and he was laughing. That was a rare thing from Joel. You weren’t used to that kind of thing from him. Also, Joel never came to your tent at night. Crawling into your tent, Joel zipped it up behind him and stared out at you through the small amount of light that was left from the solar lantern that you had yet to turn off. “You really like me?”
“I do,” you responded, your mouth going dry confused why he was in your tent with you.
“I can’t drop what I have with your sister,” Joel explained reaching for the back of his shirt to pull it from his body causing you to let out a surprised sound. Immediately your eyes were focusing on his shirtless abdomen. Joel’s biceps were strong and so were his shoulders. His stomach was a little soft, but you liked it. Yanking the blanket that you had over you off, he reached for your pants and started to tug at them. You didn’t fight him when he got them down your legs and tossed them aside with your shirt. “But I’m okay having something with you too if that’s what you want. It just can’t be…public.”
“Where’s Tess?” you inquired and Joel gave a half smirk.
“She’s out cold. It was a rough day and I came over here,” he whispered hooking his arms underneath your hips to pull you out closer to him getting you on your back. Hooking his fingers into your panties had you tremoring beneath him and he smiled. “You’re so much more innocent than your sister, aren’t you? See, your sister, she’s the dominating one. But you, you just want to be dominated, don’t you?”
“Joel,” you gasped out watching him lowering down onto his stomach, resting himself between your thighs. Faint kisses were being pressed over the insides of your thighs and you dropped your head back. You should have been telling him no, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to do that. Once his lips found their way to your core, you had to silence yourself knowing that any sound could awaken someone in the camp and that was the last thing you wanted. Lifting your head up, you saw that Joel’s eyes were focused on you while he lapped his tongue at the length of your sex. Circling his tongue around your clitoris had your thighs tensing up and you bit firmly down onto your bottom lip to silence yourself. “Fuck.”
“I know it’s hard sweetheart, but you’re gonna have to stay quiet. If you can’t, we’ll never be able to pull something off like this,” Joel pulled his mouth away with a wet sound outstretching his hand to turn the lantern down to the minimum amount of lighting. You hated that because you would have liked to have seen him clearer, but you understood why he did it. Getting comfortable again, he traced his fingers up the length of your body and hummed when your hips arched up toward him. “Good girl.”
Forcing yourself to stay quiet while Joel pleasured you was incredibly hard. Joel knew exactly what he was doing to you with his tongue and mouth. And he was good at it too. Clasping tightly to the blankets, you bit down on your bottom lip muting yourself while he feasted on you. Every flick of his tongue was strong and powerful before he suckled at your clit causing you to arch up toward him. Tossing your head back, you closed your eyes tightly rocking yourself against Joel’s face while he ate you out. Even the sounds he was making had your body tremoring.
You wanted to scream out his name. You wanted to say something, but all you could do when you felt him inserting one of his thick fingers into you was reach down and hook tightly to his hair. There was no going slow with this. Joel pumped his finger into you at the same tempo of his tongue and soon he had you a shaking mess beneath him when your body gave way to him allowing an orgasm to hit you hard.
Barely giving you any time to come down from your high, you felt Joel crawling in over you and behind hooded eyes you watched him eagerly pulling apart the belt in his pants. Once it was separated, he was pulling at his jeans and opened them. Pushing them down, he urged the front of his boxer briefs down with them and allowed his cock to spring free from behind the material.
“Jesus,” you licked your lips at the sight of him before you amongst the small amount of light. Seeing his cock hard and throbbing before you made your mouth water. Now you got it. The sounds your sister made at night, it was because Joel was big.
“Come here,” Joel’s fingers wrapped around his length, stroking his fingers over his distended flesh had your eyes focused on his movements. Getting up on your hands, you felt Joel’s other hand reaching out to curl around the back of your neck. Leading you toward his erection, Joel teased the tip of his cock over your wet lips. “You have the prettiest lips, y’know that?”
Humming out, you pressed wet kisses against the tip hearing him silently groan while you took your time. After a few teasing kisses, you felt him pushing his cock harder over your lips. Parting them, you allowed him to sink his length into your mouth and he might have been a little too eager because it made you gag at first. Joel was big, it wasn’t like you were going to be able to take him all at once.
Grasping a tight hold of his bare hips, you dug your fingers into his flesh while Joel’s fingers sank into your hair helping you to lead your mouth over his length. Twirling your tongue around the tip allowed you to collect the taste of him over your tongue and you purred. It would have been nice to have a little bit more control, but you understood that with your sister Joel likely never had much of that. So you allowed him to control the movements your mouth made over his thick member.
Wet sounds filled the small tent and when you pulled your mouth back, it made a slurping sound fall from your lips when you licked over them. Looking up at Joel with an innocent stare had him moaning out and his cock twitched before you.
“Please,” you begged causing Joel to swallow down hard enough for you to hear. Grabbing a hold of your shirt, Joel pulled it up and over your arms tossing it to the ground. Helping him get your bra unhooked, you huffed when you felt Joel flipping you over onto your stomach. “Can I look at you first? Please? We can do that soon, but I just…I want to look at you.”
Huffing out, Joel allowed you to turn onto your back and he lowered down in over you. A nervous breath fell from your lips when Joel reached for his rigid cock, tapping the swollen tip against your clitoris. Truthfully? You were nervous. Joel was big and you assumed this was going to hurt.
“Joel,” you whispered out when he got comfortable between your thighs. Tracing your fingers over the side of his face had his brown eyes gazing into yours. Teasing through the facial hair over his jawline, you lifted up to bring your lips together to kiss him tenderly. “Could you be gentle at first? I hear what you’re like with Tess and you’re just big…you can get rougher, but just let me get used to you, please?”
“I’ll do my best,” he breathed out, balancing his weight on his left hand while his right led it toward your entrance. Having the tip at your opening made you want to pull your hips away, but you allowed him to push his hips forward letting him enter you. It was uncomfortable, but in a way, you were willing to continue. Dropping his other hand down, Joel moved in over you and watched your expressions. “More?”
“Go ahead,” you instructed, biting down on your bottom lip when he rolled his hips just slightly watching your hot canal take more of him inside of you. Your left hand was curled around the back of his neck, your right tracing down to his lower abdomen where it was soft to pause his movements. Lifting your head up, you knew you couldn’t cry out. Joel was stretching you. Unlike any man ever had before and it was uncomfortable, but your body craved having him further inside of you. Rocking your hips at his length, trying to open yourself up to what you already had inside of you had Joel’s eyes coming to a tight close. “Just do it.”
“Yes ma’am,” Joel spoke finally rolling his hips forward, his left hand sliding up to cover your lips when he knew you wouldn’t be able to hold back the cry that escaped your lips. Joel lowered down close to you, bottoming out and it made your back arch. Fuck, you thought you were ready for that. Starting to press kisses over the side of your neck, Joel took his time in pulling his hips back before pressing forward. Your legs hooked around his waist, your heels digging into the area just below his bottom allowing you to feel the muscle flex beneath them with every thrust he made. “You’re so damn tight. Goddamn it.”
Whimpering, you felt Joel’s fingers getting tighter around your lips to keep you silent. With every thrust he made, your body started getting use to the feeling of him filling you, stretching you in ways you never had. Joel was used to being quiet, you could tell that. There was no question he had trained himself to be that way. Any source of pleasure was coming from his facial features. And he seemed to like being buried deep inside of you.
Once you seemed to not be as tense, Joel’s thrusts grew strong. His head was buried against the side of your neck while your fingers dug into his shoulder. You knew that you couldn’t leave a mark on him. It was something that Tess would question, so you didn’t hurt him. But hell, the way he was with you, you knew that he would be leaving marks. Attempting to lift your head, you watched his cock filling you again and again, your hips rocking up toward his and you were starting to feel hot all over. Each thrust sounded wetter and you threw your head back. Joel never let go of your mouth and with the orgasm that hit you with his balls smacking up against you it was probably smart. Whining against his hand, you felt him pulling out of you and it made you wince. God, it ached with him in you, but it hurt worse without him.
Forcefully, Joel turned you over onto your stomach and pulled you up onto your knees. Pushing at the center of your back, he still kept your face pressed into the pillows. No doubt in attempts to keep you quiet. Joel’s left hand was at the back of your neck, while his right grasped a hold of your hips. With a powerful thrust forward, Joel was inside of you again pounding away. Each thrust was hard with flesh smacking up against flesh.
Curling your fingers around the blanket, you knew that you would have rather been watching Joel over you, but he was making you his in the way he wanted. And you were certainly going to be feeling it after tonight. Pulling his hand from your neck, Joel’s hands squeezed at your bottom testing the flesh in his grasp. Over and over again he filled you and it felt like he was testing you to see if you would make some kind of sound. If it meant getting to be with him again, you were going to be as quiet as you possibly could.
Wincing, you closed your eyes when you felt Joel spanking firmly over your bottom. It made you bounce forward, but his hands were quick to pull you back to him so he could continue his strong thrusts. Another spank made you bounce your hips forward, your eyes slamming shut when he caressed over your stinging flesh. Smack. There was another and you purred out when the pain started to ease. It was like you were being punished in the most delicious way possible.
“Good girl,” Joel praised you, spanking you once more finding amusement in the way your hips started to bounce back toward his thrusts. “We’ll have your tight little pussy perfect and ready for me whenever we can manage to sneak these visits in.”
In that moment, your body tensed up and he moaned. God, that was rare, but hearing that moan was the most intoxicating thing you had ever heard. It led a chill down your spine and you felt like you were on fire. You wanted to hear more of it and you repeated what you had done before.
“You’re being bad,” Joel moaned out his chest flexing and his balls tightening up. Pushing into your lower back had you laying flat out against your stomach. Crawling in over you, Joel braced himself on his arms when he lowered down, his lips kissing in over your jawline. Urging you to close your legs up left you extremely tight while he thrust into you vigorously. “If you can continue to be a good girl, we can keep this whole thing up. You feel so good, I have no problem doing this again.”
Outstretching his hands, Joel reached for your fingers hooking them with his. Repeatedly he filled you, his cock starting to throb inside of you. Crying out into the pillow, your eyes slammed shut when Joel bit at your jawline. With a groan, Joel pulled his hips back releasing your right hand when he started to pump his fingers around his cock. Warm sprays of his cum over your bottom were felt and the warmth of his breath lingered over your ear. Pressing kisses against your flesh, Joel continued to stroke over his body until the last strand of his cum covered your lower back.
“You did so good,” Joel slurred, nipping at your earlobe. Tapping his cock against your bottom a few times, Joel sighed and started to pull his pants back up over his hips. Pushing his softening cock back into his pants and boxer briefs Joel fell back onto your blankets beside you and panted. You didn’t have the energy to move. Joel wore you out and he did a good job of it. “I reckon that’s everything you wanted.”
“And more,” you whispered, your eyelids heavy hearing him chuckle. Reaching into his pocket, Joel pulled out a tissue and you felt him cleaning up the mess that he made over your ass and back. With an amused sound, Joel reached for his t-shirt and pulled it back over his body. Curling his finger in underneath your chin, he pulled your head up enough for him to place a few kisses over your lips. “Are you leaving?”
“I have to,” Joel replied nodding toward the area you knew the tent that he shared with Tess was. “She can wake up at any time. But this was nice. I liked this. We should do it again sometime soon. Next time you will be more ready for me with that tight little pussy of yours.”
“Joel,” you called out when he went to head for the zipper to get out. “One more kiss.”
With a smirk, Joel pushed forward onto his hands to claim your lips in a kiss. It lingered on with his fingers stroking over the side of your face and a smile followed when he looked you over once you parted.
“Get some sleep,” Joel instructed, nipping your bottom lip. Once he started to undo the zipper of your tent, he sighed. “You’re going to need some rest. Your body needs it.”
And with that, Joel left your tent leaving you alone after your incredible sex with him. Your body was still shaking, your heart hammering inside of your chest and you sighed. What you had just done with the person your sister was close to was so wrong, but you didn’t care. You wanted Joel for so long and if this was the only way you were going to get him, you were going to take it. Because Joel was just too damn good to give up.  
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adorehyyuka · 10 months
bratty!Tae <3
smut mdni
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warnings: sub! taehyun . . .duh, he's tied up, sex toys, degradation, face slapping, hair pulling, derogatory names, slight dacryphilia,mean reader, overstimulation, edging, spanking ?? implied cheating (he was out smooching other men 😞) , mentions of pillow humping, he's a good boy guys :( [lies] idk I feel weird about this one, don't really like it (cries) lmk if I missed anything!
"you still wanna fuck around and be a brat now ? hm ? answer me or that's one more time I'll edge you before you're allowed to come." you spoke with a rough tone, upping the pace of taehyun's fleshlight that you were currently pumping up and down his red cock.
"no, 'm not a brat ! I'm a good boy, I'm your good boy—fuck !" the surprisingly pleasurable new pace of your hand had him digging his feet into the mattress to try and get more of it, blabbing the words he thought you wanted to hear so you'd let up your torture. you scoffed.
"oh, you are definitely not a good boy."
taehyun had been acting like a brat all day, rubbing up against you whenever you were trying to get important things done. toying with you whenever he was around other people, flirting with them and not paying any mind to you or your clenched jaw. he constantly teased you in public by grabbing your waist, your chest, your ass and by pressing open mouthed kisses against your neck.
so no, you did not think he had been a good boy and therefore the reason why he was now tied to the headboard with drool and tears everywhere. at first you thought it might be a bit much, but then you noticed how his eyes sparkled when you pulled out a vibrating butt plug and just knew you had to take it up a notch.
he sniffled and pulled at his wrist restraints. "no ! I have been a good boy, I'm not a brat !" lies, he knew they were.
"yeah ? you think you deserve to come ?"
"yes ! yes, I deserve to come, I've been so fucking good !"
you pouted mockingly, mimicking his whines and sobs.
"I don't know, baby . . . do you think feeling beomgyu up was being good ? you were all over him not even an hour ago, practically jerking him off that's how close your hand was." at the mention of his best friend he began to wail, his head shaking in denial to your statement although he knew what you were saying was true. he only did it to rile you up though !
"t-that was an accident ! didn't mean to. . . 'm so fucking close please !" you laughed and pressed the button to up the vibrations while squeezing your hand around his dick. taehyun squealed, twisting his body to try and escape the overwhelming feeling but also yearning for more.
"you didn't mean to ? saw you giving him a hickey, Tae. was that an accident too? your mouth just happened to fall there ?"
"mhm ! was an accident I swear !" he could have sworn he was getting through to you with his pathetic lies, not really realising how stupid they sounded when he was so close to his eagerly awaited orgasm. but then he heard you chuckle lowly, and then he felt all the stimulation stop.
"you're full of shit, sweetheart." you ignored his mewls and cries of protest, instead groping his ass which was covered in red handprints you'd inflicted upon him earlier. "you were gonna come weren't you ? without telling me, hmm. such a spoiled brat"
"no ! wasn't gonna come !"
"don't lie to me, whore." you landed a slap to his face, grinning as you saw his eyes welling up and his body shiver in delight.
" 'm not a fucking whore . . ." taehyun growled, the tone in which you spoke had him clenching his thighs together in an attempt to get some friction. but when he realised he wasn't feeling anything apart from the sting of his face and the throb of his angry cock he began to mewl out once more.
"didn't I tell you not to lie ?," shit you were pissed, taehyun knew he was absolutely fucked.
"lay down and don't fucking move, if you want to come so badly I'll let you. you're gonna tell me how many times you've kissed Beomgyu, that's how many times you'll come." you spoke through gritted teeth, grabbing your boyfriend's black locks with force and tugging.
the motion had him moaning out. sucking in choked breaths through his teeth. he had to think for a moment, as embarrassing as it was to admit your harsh words and actions had left him a little dumbed down. "five!"
"ah, that's an odd number. why don't we round up to six ?"
taehyun gasped at your words, scrambling to argue, to protest, anything that might save his poor dick from falling off once you were finished with him.
"c-can't do that !"
"awe boohoo, little slut. you'll do it either way. c'mon, start humping your pillow like the pathetic bitch you are."
series mlist
© hyyukas
tag list is open ! @cinnikoi @zzstar @mini-mews
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13as07 · 4 months
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Choose #1
(Kankuro Sabaku)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to NPC-Dion]
Requested by: @tadomikiku
[Original idea by @justmyownreality on tumblr; go check them out!]
Word Count: 3,756
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
     "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," Kankuro mutters for the sixth time, his fingertips still clinging to my shirt as his lips continue to dance against mine. He's been pressed up against me, desperately clinging to any piece of me he can get since we've entered the Kazekage Palace.
     I giggle against his mouth, trying my best to pull away from him, leading to no success. "You have to let me go. I can't leave with you clinging to me."
      "Ya, ya, ya," he mutters, taking a step forward to follow my sorry attempt to walk away. Kankuro's lips capture mine again, another soft kiss, his longing for me already present in it even though I haven't left yet. "All right, I'll see you tomorrow, for real this time," he repeats, another quick peck to my lips before he lets me go.
I float away, still high from our date and our not-so-professional make-out session in the hallway. Well, I feel like I'm floating until I make it to the stairs. My brother's voice rings in my head reminding me to pick up our mission assignments for tomorrow while I'm hanging around the Kage Palace.
My head snaps around, scanning the hallway to see if Kankuro entered our Lord's office yet or not; he has. I let out a low sigh, turning on my heels to walk back down the hallway. Why do I always get so wrapped up in him? Forgetting everything else in the world anytime he's near. It's bad Shinobi behavior, but I guess that's just what the bliss of love does to a person.
The hallway is filled with the soft patter of my shoes, Lord Fifth's voice filtering out from his office the closer I get to it. "You are stringing that girl along," the Lord's muffled voice yaps, his voice harsh as he speaks to Kuro. The tone and the sentence snag my attention. I guess he doesn't have a meeting with Kankuro after all.
"I'm not stringing her along," Ro answers, his voice defeated and flat, my heart quickly doing the same. "I like her, Gaar."
     "You're betrothed to Hana and yet you're prancing around the village with Baki's younger sister. What would you call that?" Lord Fifth's voice peeps up again, a lot calmer this time. My heart is no longer flat-lined; if anything it feels like I just went on a run.
     When no answer comes, our Lord speaks up again. "I would call it having a future wife while you're toying with one of my top Shinobi's only family. You know my loyalty lies with you but I am still the Kazekage. The Kazekage who has Baki as one of his top Shinobis. Baki who has a younger sister who believes the lie that you two are in a committed relationship - "
"I am committed to her," Kankuro interrupts, anger starting to bubble over the deflated tone he had earlier. My heart skips a beat, trying to process the conversation going on. Who's lying in this situation? The village leader I hope.
"Yes, yes. Committed to your wife and your girlfriend," Lord Fifth pokes, what I think is amusement in his voice. "How loyal of you." There's a heavy pause and then a "Choose."
"What do you mean choose?"
"I mean, pick, choose, make a decision. Losing Baki as a Shinobi would be bad for the village, so, choose your wife and break up with your girlfriend, or choose your girlfriend and end the betrothal to Hana."
     Kankuro stays quiet, his voice is soft enough that I can't hear his response. The next sound I hear is the Lord's softly chuckling. "Father set up your betrothal. I couldn't care less if you went through with it or not."
More silence, and then "Give me some time to figure everything out." I swear the world freezes as soon as the sentence leaves Kankuro's mouth.
     I can no longer hear the two men over the sound of my blood rushing in my ears, my heart pounding fast and my lungs all of a sudden doing overtime. I turn around, the conversation replaying in my head as I head back down the hallway, again feeling like I'm floating.
This time it's not because of the bubble of giddiness Kankuro leaves me in. No, this time the bubble wrapping me up is made out of betrayal and disbelief. A drop of sadness is mixing in and slowly taking over the other two emotions.
     He needs 'time to figure everything out'. Well, that's the only thing he'll get from me; time. If he couldn't pick me right away, if I'm not the first and only option, I won't be an option at all. Screw Kankuro, his secret wife, and his lies. I deserve better than a catty love triangle. I deserve better than a lying, cocky Shinobi who wants the best of both worlds.
     My dissociation continues out of the palace, continuing until I stumble down the front stairs. The lack of awareness is finally broken when hands land on my shoulders. "Button?" My brother calls, breaking whatever curse my mind has been under. "You look ill. Did you have any water while you were out with Kankuro?" He mutters, pressing his hand to my forehead, his exposed eyes swimming with concern.
"Ya, I'm fine. I just... it was a rough day," I mutter, closing my eyes and sending him a soft smile. "I would like to go home."
"Alright," Baki mutters, now pressing his hand against my cheeks. "Did you get our mission reports for tomorrow?" I shake my head, lunging forward to wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his chest. I want to hide from the world, I want to feel loved, I want to vanish but hiding in my older brother is a pretty good second. "Well, let's run inside and grab them, then we can go home."
"No!" I yelp, tightening my hold around his waist, trying to shove my face further into his chest. "No. I just... I just want to go home."
He stays quiet, standing frozen for a moment before his arms droop over me. "Alright, we'll just have to get up early tomorrow morning to grab them," Baki whispers, softly rubbing my back, his head tilting down to further wrap me up. "What happened, Button?"
     I stay silent, debating whether I want to tell Baki the truth right away or if I want to think it over for a while. "Kankuro is engaged," I whisper into his shirt, tears starting to prick the corners of my eyes. "He has a wife and I'm just... just the other woman." The words finally make my composure snap, tears pouring down my cheeks and staining my brother's shirt. How could I have been so blind? So unaware?
"Oh, Button," he coos, his hands rubbing up and down my back to comfort me. "It'll be okay, I promise. Let's get you home, alright?"
My brother's eyes are locked on me as he slowly nods his head in acknowledgment of Lord Fifth's debrief on our mission to the Hidden Valley Village. It's a simple three-day trip. A day there, a day in the village, and a day back. I'm not listening to the debrief, something about medical transporting, or something along those lines.
Baki is on edge, the tension between Kankuro and me affecting him. It's affecting all of us, besides the Kage. Both men are staring holes into me; my brother is worried about everything going on with Ro.
Kuro is simmering, me ignoring him most likely being the cause. It's been two weeks since my eavesdropping and I haven't spoken a word to him, much less given him the time of day. Even now I refuse to spare him a glance even though he's only five steps away from me, settled in a chair in the corner of the Lord's office. "Baki-Chan," he calls again, trying to catch my attention.
"Yes?" My brother answers, glancing at the other man before settling his eyes on me again. I know he wasn't calling for Baki, my brother knows it as well, and finally Lord Fifth knows it too. Yet, this is the third go around the two of them have done, both men quickly getting annoyed with each other.
"Screw this," Kankuro grumbles, standing up from his spot before walking up to me. I keep my eyes locked on the Kage, somewhat listening to him now as we both ignore Ro, continuing on his ramble. "Will you acknowledge me, Baki-Chan?" My brother steps forward, ready to jump in if things get too heated. Kuro spares him a glance before his burning sight is back on me.
The tension stays, Baki sizing him up as he stays standing in front of me, my eyes glancing anywhere but him as our Lord continues his debrief. "Whatever, Baki-Chan," he finally grumbles, storming out of the room. As soon as the door closes both my brother and me relax.
     Lord Fifth doesn't seem fazed by anything going on, his debrief continuing for a few more minutes until he falls silent. "Any questions?"
     "No," my brother mumbles, glancing at me once more before his full focus is on the Kage. "Not about our new mission anyway. Button, go wait outside on the stairs," Baki mutters, waving me away as he jumps into his questions about the aftermath of our mission yesterday.
     I roll my eyes, grumbling to myself about my brother taking our job way too seriously but do as I'm told. I wander out of the office, closing the door behind me before heading down the hallway. I keep my mind busy, making a mental packing list to help me ignore everything else going on. The last thing I need is to simmer over the events going on between Mr. I-Am-Betrothed and me, especially right before a mission.
     There's a soft buzzing, quickly paired with the sizzling warmth of Kankuro's chakra strands. A long sigh spills from me, the feeling of his chakra rubbing comfortably against my skin, only pissing me off more. Once the strings are settled around my limbs, they're tugged on, tightening a bit before I'm pulled backward.
     My body is forcibly moved around, sliding back down the hallway, taking a turn, and continually pulling down a different hallway. Despite my attempts to drag my feet across the floor and stop my movements, I'm still at his will, being pulled to whatever room he's hiding in.
My shirt twirls around, skirting from the constant moving chakra flow and the soft breeze it's catching from Kuro's human fishing act. The longer I'm tugged on, the more my anger bubbles up. Why does he think he can have whatever he wants whenever he wants? It's not like he's the Lord and he sure isn't a God.
     Another rough tug and I'm pulled through a door, left in the doorway framed by two ceiling-high bookcases. I look around the space, enjoying the beautifully crafted bookshelves in what I'm assuming is the palace library as the chakra strings melt off of me. Slowly, I turn, enjoying the colorful beauty the spines of the books make against the dark wood of their shelves. The walls almost look like a portrait from all the splashes of color.
My enjoyment, and the beauty of the room all come crashing down once I'm turned around. Kankuro is hunched in one of the overstuffed chairs in the library, the big man looking small in comparison to the seat.
For a second my anger washes out of me, my eyes trailing over him and catching every feature of his perfectly painted face. The longer I look at him, the more tired he seems. Dark circles are under his eyes, the edges of them poking out from the purple stripe painted across them. Kuro's eyes themselves look like they haven't seen more than an hour of sleep recently; constant missions from Lord Fifth I'm sure.
"Why do you hate me?" He whispers, voice soft like he's worried he'll startle the dust spread out across the room.
It takes a second for my ears to pick up on Kankuro's quiet words. "I don't hate you," I whisper back, snapping my eyes closed to end my sight of his exhaustion. I force a smile on my face, tilting my head a bit in hopes my gentleness will end - or at least not add to - the rain cloud forming from his being.
The smile hurts, and being gentle with him hurts, sending daggers straight into my heart. Why should I be nice to a man that's been playing me? A man who has had a wife the time we've been together? I should tell him I hate him, tell him I hope he has a happy marriage, tell him I loathe the day we met, but I won't. I want a clean break away and stirring up trouble will only make me hurt more.
"So then, why have you been ignoring me?"
My eyes slowly open, taking in the confusion mixing with the sadness on his face. I let the question hang in the air as my heart fights between wanting to leave and wanting to race forward to kiss away all of Ro's sadness. He doesn't deserve my comfort. If he wants comfort he should ask his wife for it.
     I let my eyes drop down to the floor, all of a sudden finding my shoes interesting. I suck my lip into my mouth, my teeth tugging at the skin of it as I think of an answer. "I've been busy on missions and stuff," I mutter, telling a half-truth. I have been busy with missions, just not more than usual.
     Kankuro's eyes burn into me, making my skin feel like it's on fire. A few moments later the tension is broken by him letting out a soft sigh. "Look at me," he orders, which I slowly obey. His eyebrows are forward, concern dotted across his face as he looks at me. "You know Gaara - Lord Fifth - is my brother right?" No, I didn't know that. How could I not know that? "So, I know when you're on a mission. I know where your mission is and what it is. I know you haven't been busier than usual."
     I suck in a breath, the oxygen hinting into a whistle as it slides through my teeth. "Then you know I have to go," I breathe out, sparing myself a second longer to look at him before I turn away. I think I'm starting to develop a hatred for the color purple.
     With every step I take, it feels like a new crack forms in my chest, making it hard to breathe the further away I get from the library. Why does this hurt more than last time? Because last time I didn't have to face Kankuro or his lies.
     I get halfway down the hallway before rapid footsteps fill the space, making me pick my head up and look around for the source of the rushing. Kankuro is barreling down the hallway, slowing the closer he gets to me. "Baki-Chan," he huffs, chest pumping a bit to help him catch his breath. "Please tell me why you're upset with me. I'm not going to survive having you out of the village knowing you're mad at me."
     "I'm sure you'll be fine," I mutter, turning around to continue my walk away from him. Why can't he just drop it? Why can't he take a hint? Why can't he just leave me alone? It would make things a lot easier.
     This time Kankuro doesn't follow me. He stays frozen in the hallway, giving me the chance to escape the awkward situation. "If you walk away we're over," he yells in a rush of desperation, giving me my turn to freeze.
     I half turn so I can look at him. "We were over the second I found out you had a wife," I answer, my glare pinning the breath he was trying to take.
     Soft sounds of disbelief come from him, his jaw jumping around to try and form a sentence. The wide look of his eyes and the expression of someone who got caught outweigh the purple streaks of his face. My earlier thought was right, I do hate purple.
     Once again, I turn on my heels, slowly distancing myself from the situation both physically and mentally. I have a mission to do for our village, that's all that should be on my mind right now.
     This time Kankuro doesn't chase after me as I leave, letting me freely work back towards the palace entrance. Sadness brews in my stomach as I trudge toward the door. I love him, a lot, but he's a liar, one that couldn't even choose between his wife and me. I deserve a lover better than that, one that'll put me first no matter what.
"Twenty-seven bottles of sake on the wall, twenty-seven bottles of sake. Take one down, pass it around, twenty-six bottles of sake on the wall!" Baki and I belt out, arms looped together as we stumble down the sandy path back home.
     Our mission went well with no hiccups, hence the light airy feel of our travel home. He insists we should celebrate our small victory once we get settled but I think he's just happy I've been too distracted to mellow on my breakup and wants to continue to distract me; not that I'll complain. If I'm too busy or too intoxicated to think about Kankuro, the better off I'll be.
     "Oh," Baki stretches out the word, his tone deep to start the next verse as he tugs me through the gate of the village's barrier fence.
     "Please don't keep singing," a voice cuts him off, making my head snap out of my thoughts. Planted in front of us is Lord Fifth, decorated in his perfectly maintained white robes and the Kage hat he never seemed to grow into. Settled next to him is Kankuro - his brother - igniting angered sparks in my chest.
     "My Lord," we both mutter, bowing our heads at the village leader. "It's quite the honor to have you greet our arrival home at the village entrance," Baki mutters, a strained smile on his face and eyes locked on Kuro. He instantly clocked what this is, just like me; it's Ro throwing the weight of his connection to the Kage around to get what he wants.
"Yes, yes. Perhaps we should go on a walk to discuss your mission? Just the two of us, of course. I'm sure your sister is exhausted," The Lord mumbles back, taking a side step and throwing his hand up to usher my brother forward.
     "I appreciate the offer, my Lord, but - "
     "It was an order, not an offer," Kazekage cuts him off, sending back a mirrored strained smile. "Come along," he adds, turning to walk away. Baki sends me an apologetic look before unwrapping his arm from mine before he wanders after the Kage, leaving me alone with Kankuro.
     Kuro takes a step forward, a shaky grin on his face as he looks at me. "How was your mission?"
     "Did you two end up having any issues?"
     "I missed you. Did you miss me?"
     "No." That's a lie. I did miss him, a lot, but every time I started missing him I'd remind myself of his lies. Of his wife.
His smile melts away as a sigh melts from his mouth, Kankuro's frustration with me starts to grow. Good, now he can be just as pissed with me as I am with him. "We should talk... about the whole wife... thing."
"There's nothing to talk about," I grumble, rolling off the situation. I move forward, trying to sidestep past Kankuro with the thought of getting home and having a nice shower fighting its way to being the only thought in my mind.
He doesn't let me walk past, snatching my wrist to tug me back. "Baki-Chan, please," Kuro mutters, continuing to pull on me until I'm positioned in front of him again. "Just let me explain."
"I'm pretty sure I know how someone gets a wife," I mutter, trying to tug my wrist free. "I don't need you to explain marriage to me."
     "For this one you do," he grumbles, his face falling a bit once the words are out. "Just... let me talk for a moment, okay? Let me explain and then you can go back to ignoring me."
     "Fine," I shoot out, the venom from my tone feeling like it's still dripping out of my mouth.
     Slowly, Kankuro falls to his knees, his fingers wrapping themselves in mine. They're fatherly light, flexing between mine as he looks up at me. "My betrothal to Hana was set up by my father," he starts, leaning forward to rest his chin against my lower stomach. "I have never spoken to her, I have never seen her, I know nothing about her. Until Gaara brought her up I forgot about her."
     "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
     "I don't know," he whispers, shifting so his forehead is pressed against my stomach, his face buried in me. "I ended things," Kuro adds, dropping my hands to wrap his arms around my hips. "Officially. Legally. I would have sooner if I remembered. I'm sorry it took so long for me to sort it out."
     "Okay," I mutter, letting my hands jump up to toy with his hoodie. Kankuro's speech explained the parts of the conversation I overheard. It even helps some of my anger simmer down. "You should have told me."
     "I know," He continues to whisper into my shirt. "I'm being honest, I truly forgot. If I had remembered sooner I would have said something. I'm sorry."
     "I don't trust you anymore," I sigh, keeping my focus on his hood. It always makes me curious how he manages to serve the heat in so much dark-colored clothing.
     "Let me rebuild that trust," Kuro rushes out, snapping his head up to look at me. "Let me start again. Let us start over. Let me take you on a date. We can start from square one. Please, I can't survive without you."
     I let his words sink in, rolling his request over in my mind for a moment. "Let me think about it, Ro."
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mondaymelon · 1 year
— 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 …!
:feat~ alhaitham, kaveh, cyno, tighnari x reader:
⤷ im too obsessed with my sumeru boys i apologize in advance asdfdd ⤷ cw: modern!au, angst !!, you cheated (how could you do this to such fine men)
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open!) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu @solxima, psps come get your sumeru men ♡
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“He’s gone now, you can come over.”
Ah, wait, did you just send that to-
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ALHAITHAM is cold.
He hasn’t taken more then two steps out of your house when he recieves the message, staring at its words for a good minute or two before steeling his gaze. You don’t realize things have gone wrong until there’s a knock at your door, and when you open it, smiling with glittering eyes, only to see Haitham- well, that’s when the confusion begins to settle.
“Ah, you’ve come to greet me so excitedly, haven’t you?” His voice is laced with venom, and his tone sends shivers down your spine. Still, he’s a rational man, and he’s at least willing to listen to what you have to say before condemning you… probably.
“Haitham- What are you-??” You first stare at him, blinking frantically, before subtly turning your head to glance out the doorway - an action that’s not gone unmissed by his watchful gaze.
“Waiting for someone else, are you? I’m afraid your invitation reached the wrong person.” And just like that, his raises his phone for you to see, your two shameful messages on full display. Your breath immediately hitches in your throat - you don’t even need to read the texts, you know full well what they say, and the chilling panic in your heart at the moment is sending your entire body trembling. “I-I can explain…!”
“I’m not interested in hearing another one of your elaborate excuses.” And you can tell, through his cold, closed off glare, that he means it this time. “You should know this. I don’t give out my trust easily, yet still…” For just a split second, his voice trails off as his expression breaks into one that shows the hurt written across his face. Just as quickly as it comes, his true feelings are hidden once more behind is ice-cold facade, and he merely glances at you once more before turning his phone off, placing his familiar headphones over his ears.
He doesn’t want to hear your pleading voice right now. Not now, when his heart still freshly aches from how you’ve shattered him.
“This relationship is over, if you’ve ever even considered it one.”
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KAVEH is frantic.
As soon as his phone pings, he instantly starts to read the texts, even when he’s still 10 steps away from your front door - after all, they’re from you, and every text you send sends his heart aflutter, whether you’re trying to or not… but this time…
“...What… is this…?” Is his screen shaking? Ah, no, it’s his hands, trembling as he feels chills come over his entire body, red gaze flickering. “Nono, I must be misunderstanding something, there’s no way…!”
Shaking his head hurriedly, he shoves his phone back into his bag, before rushing up the path to your house, trying to take deep breaths but failing as he knocks on your door with a shaking fist.
When you open the door, he can see it, the way your hopeful gaze is so warmly expectant, eyes sparkling and expression loving, and the way it falls when the person at the door isn’t the one you had in mind - Kaveh sees it all, and it hurts.
“Ah, sorry, I think I forgot something at your place…” He can’t help it the way the lie slips through his lips, no matter how guilty it’ll make him feel afterward. Right now, there’s only one thought circulating in his mind, and he’s using all of his willpower to stop himself from confronting you about it. Because he knows he will cry, because he can feel the sharp pain in his chest all too vividly. 
“Uhm- okay… Erm… Is it okay if…” He can see the way you’re flickering your gaze to the ground unsteadily, shifting your figure to block the way into the house, like you’re trying to hide something. “I-I give it to you later…?” Surely, you don’t think he’s that much of an idiot to believe such illogical words, do you?
“You don’t have to hide anything anymore, okay? If he makes you feel happier…”
Ah, there it is. He can’t hold it in anymore, the way his eyes are pooling with tears and the way is expression looks so desperate. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t enough.”
“Please, don’t call my name like that. You’ll only make this hurt more than it already does.”
“If you didn’t feel anything for me anymore, you should’ve told me… then maybe, it wouldn’t have come to this.”
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CYNO is regretful.
His smile drops when he sees those seven words, and it’s almost instantly replaced with one of stuttering calm. The kind of seperated calm that he shows to strangers, to the other mahamatra’s, to his admiring scholars, every one of his acquaintances who don’t realize how much of a warm person he actually is. 
Yet, under his cold front, his heart beats painfully. He knows he shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions, but he’s always been paranoid, always been convinced that he wasn’t deserving of you, and now… Well, his fears had been confirmed, and he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to feel relieved, whether or not he was allowed to feel hurt. Because hurt was the feeling that echoed so clearly throughout his entire body, aching and spreading like wilfire, and its clarity was hard to deny, even for someone who had experienced as much as he had.
Somehow, in those moments, all he could think of were the warm memories you two had shared, and the fragments kept replaying in his head in a flurry. A humid night in the rainforest, the two of you in Sumeru City, laying on the grassy fields next to the bustling marketplace and pointing to the stars above…
“Sometimes, I feel like I’m uncapable of doing the right thing.” He had confessed, scared to look you in the eyes, instead tracing the constellations he had learned from one of his few friends, Layla, in his mind. Seeing legendary heroes and mythical beasts run rampart across the endless sea of dark night, only leaving sparkling spots of light that remained as their legacy, was something that left him in a state of awe.
“And why is that?” There was a warm prescence on his hand as your fingers interlocked with his, forcing him to glance at you, laying on your side with a smile. Eyes that adored him, and him only.
“...As a matra, it’s my duty to capture criminals, is it not? Yet, at times…” His voice faltered, but you squeezed his hand, encouragement to continue. “I feel like I’m no better than such prisoners. I’ve condemned countless people to a fate of imprisonment and…!” He couldn’t say more with the shameful flush on his face, with how his heart quivered, with how he so shakingly glanced at you.
The way you comforted him then, the way you smiled at him, the way you kissed him that night, they were all such memories that had been ingrained so heavily in his prescence.
Then, at that moment, he had sworn to be yours, with a fluttering heart and glittering eyes.
But… was it really true that you had never been his in the first place?
“...It hurts.”
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TIGHNARI is denying.
“Hm? A message from…?” His ears perk unintentionally as he glances down at his screen, frowning in confusion to see that they’re from you, the resident of the house he just left. Blinking, he turned the phone on, only to blink several times at the texts. “...What?”
He can’t help the way his ears tentatively begin to press flat against his head, and the way he frantically reads the texts over and over again with a quavering gaze, hands trembling.
“I must be missing something, there’s no way that they would… That’s right, they must be talking to a friend… Or maybe they just forgot to add…” He mumbles to himself, eyes wide as he gnaws on his fingernails through his glove, biting hard enough to draw blood.
“They wouldn’t do that to me. Of course not. I trust them.” His voice trembled with every word.
Trust, he had said to himself, yet there seemed to be none of it as he paced back up to your front door hesitantly, ringing the doorbell after much thought. Certainly, not a soul would believe it if they had seen the sassy forest watcher in such a state, but at that moment, all Tighnari could feel was the animalistic urge to run.
Ah, your voice sounds so excited. Did you sound the same way when Tighnari had come to your house?
The look of disappointment mixed with confusion flickers across your face before you give him a smile. “What are you doing here?”
“...I… haha, I’m not sure myself…” He puts a hand on the wall to steady his balance. “...I just…”
“Uhm- Tighnari… Are you feeling alright?”
You say that, yet at the same time, you’re anxiously glancing past the said man, out onto the road, with nervous, expectant eyes. He pretends not to see the way that you’re hesitant when you touch his forehead, how you’re rushing to get him up and out, how you’re refusing to meet his eyes.
That’s what Tighnari will do, that’s what he will believe. Because you are his, or at least were. You confessed your love to him, and he had returned your feelings, and now everything would happen perfectly as they do in the Sumeru children’s stories, wouldn’t it? The two fall in love, get married…
As he stumbles off your front porch, uneasily gripping the handrail, he fights back the urge to sink onto the ground. At least, not in front of you. He doesn’t want you to seem him in this weak, doesn’t want to give you any more reason to leave him.
However, as soon as he turns the corner, his legs give out. He’s on the ground, laid out as his hands wrench at his chest, where his heart feels like its splitting apart.
“There’s no need to be nervous.” He tells that to himself, ears trembling.
“They love me… and I love them, so what more is there to think about?”
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(a/n) help cyno and nari seem so ooc to me
this is what a 10 hour drive (feat~ google docs offline editing) does to me
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Joyride Part 2
Summary: Can you talk your way out of trouble or are you going to go head to head with Cad Bane? Will you get that shower with Hunter that he promised???
Pairing: Hunter x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut, Angst, Unprotected P in V (wrap it up friends), shower sex, Fluff AND Smut AT THE SAME TIME???? Romantic!Hunter.
WC: 4.5K
A/N: Sorry this took a hot ass minute. I hope I made up for it though. I've been thinking about this man literally NONSTOP.
Part One │ Taglist Form
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Six months ago.
“Kriff… There’s no way out…” Hunter grunts, shining his flashlight throughout the room.
You put your hand up to shield your eyes as he shines it in your direction, turning around and then notice something you’d all missed.
“If there’s no way out of this building, then where are they headed?” You ask Hunter as you nod toward the large womp rats scurrying through the room behind some crates.
You quickly walk over and start pushing them out of the way, Wrecker quickly coming to move the heavier ones for you. You smile up at the large man, pleased, when you find a large enough opening that’s definitely going to be your way out. 
“What, do you want a cookie?” Hunter asks and you shoot him a glare. 
“Asshole.” You mumble under your breath, knowing he can hear you anyway.
“Ignoring that.” He whispers in your ear, as he walks past to inspect the opening. 
You ignore the slight warmth that runs from head to toe from his low, gruff voice. Ugh. Hunter truly irritates you so much, it's a wonder either of you get anything done.
“Let’s get moving.” Hunter tells the group and once everyone goes through the opening down into some sort of sewer system, Hunter offers his hand to help you down, tilting his helmet at you. 
You bat his hand away and jump. But you can’t help but wonder what his hand would feel like in yours.
Present, Lower Levels of Coruscant
“If you touch her, I will rip your throat out.” Hunter’s voice brings you back to the present. You’re still on the garage floor, you realize, your muscles still not strong enough to pull you up just yet. When you try to open your eyes, you feel a cool finger trace down your bare neck and you understand now that Hunter was speaking to whoever the owner of the finger was. 
“I told you, one wrong move and I’ll blast her, didn’t I?” A low drawled voice speaks, evenly and calmly. “Now, you’re going to tell me where Cid is and I’m gonna let this pretty little thing go and then you two can be on your way.” 
You know that voice… And with knowing that voice, you know you’ve met your match. 
Cad Bane… Of course. Why not make your life harder? Maker, you really hate being stunned. 
“Nevarro.” You finally open your eyes, looking up at him. “She’s on Nevarro.” 
“Ah, little lady’s awake.” Cad Bane pulls you up by your dress strap and Hunter struggles against the two men holding him back. 
“Relax.” You whisper quiet enough that Cad can’t hear you but you know that Hunter can.
He stops struggling and settles, looking at you with an expression of concern. 
“Proof?” Cad asks.
“She’s making a trade deal with Arua Stullie. Something about Imperial weaponry.” You lie as coolly as you can. 
“And what does Arua Stullie want with Imperial weapons?” Cad holds the blaster to your neck and Hunter looks like he’s seriously about to run for Bane and rip his teeth out. 
You’ve never seen Hunter look so furious. Hunter isn’t a good liar though. It’s definitely one of his biggest flaws. In fact, none of the Batch are good at lying. Almost humorously so. Except right now. 
Lucky for you, Cid taught you how to lie, steal, cheat, gamble, etc. Basically anything that a morally good person wouldn’t do, you were taught the opposite.
“Arua’s planning an attack on some Imperial vessel. Cid came into the weapons yesterday from some rogue Mandos. Don’t know much more than that.” You shrug, keeping your voice steady.
“That true, handsome?” Cad asks Hunter.
Hunter nods, still glaring, and Cad’s quiet for a moment before letting your dress strap go and dropping you to the floor. 
“Alright. I believe you.” Cad sighs. “You can go.” 
“Wow, thanks so much for your incredible hospitality.” You glare up at him as Hunter rushes to you.
“Next time you plan on crossing my path, don’t.” Cad warns you.
It’s not that you’re necessarily afraid of Cad Bane. He’s just serious about his money and you probably should count yourself lucky that he let you go. 
“Yeah, no worries.” You grunt. 
Cad and whoever these thugs are make out like bandits and Hunter looks at you for a moment, searching your eyes as he gently cups your face. His hands are so warm against your skin. Or maybe your cheeks are warm from the way he’s looking at you so softly right now. 
“Are you alright?” He whispers.
You nod. “I’m fine.” 
“You ever lie to me like that?” He smirks. “You’re scarily good at it.” 
“Not necessarily.” You grin and he rests his forehead against yours. “I have no reason to lie to you, sarge.”
When he stands up, he helps you up and then leads you into the Marauder, shutting the hatch and locking it. You look at him curiously as he guides you back toward the shower. 
“You’re so brave, it never ceases to amaze me.” He pushes you up against the durasteel wall next to the fresher, nuzzling his nose against your neck, breathing you in.
Your breath hitches in your throat as he places a soft kiss to your neck and he lets out a breathy laugh, smiling. 
“Can I admit something?” He asks, quietly.
“Of course.” You whisper, afraid if you move, this moment will go away.
“When we’re in tough… or scary… spots on missions, I listen to your heartbeat to calm myself. It’s rarely ever above 65 beats per minute… You’re always so calm in tricky situations.” He admits, pulling away to look at you.
That’s funny because you feel like your heart is beating right out of your chest. “And now?”
You place his hand over your heart and he kisses you. You rest your hand on his neck, pulling him closer as his free hand grips your hip.
“One-ten.” He smiles against your lips.
“Yeah, that checks out.” You laugh.
Hunter grins and then opens the fresher door, pulling you inside. 
“Permission to take this off?” He whispers, trailing his fingers down the silk material. 
You nod, looking up into his warm brown eyes. “Please.” 
He smiles and then turns you around so you’re facing the sink, looking at yourself in the mirror with him behind you. 
“Pretty dress, by the way. I regret not telling you that before the casino mishap.” He smirks at you in the reflection of the mirror. “You look absolutely beautiful.”
“Thanks.” You feel yourself go warm in the face. “Earlier… my dress slid up my thigh a little bit and you walked away.”
“Yeah, I got fucking hard and thought I was gonna lose it…” He whispers in your ear, kissing just below it.
Goosebumps trail down your entire body as his fingers slide your zipper down. He notices as he runs his fingers down your bare back and a full shudder ripples through your body.
“Nervous?” He murmurs. His eyes stare into yours in the mirror.
You shake your head and he lets the fabric fall to the floor. 
“And here I was thinking you were a good liar.” He turns you around and lifts you up, sitting you on the sink. 
“You caught me.” You whisper, smiling softly.
His lips capture yours again and you moan against his. Hunter’s hands grip your thighs in the most delicious way and you find yourself never wanting him to let go of you. 
“Don’t be nervous, cyar’ika. I’ve got you.” He promises you, softly.
“I trust you.” You promise him back.
Trust is a big thing for you. You think he knows that. 
“You’re too clothed.” You murmur against his lips. “You’re right.” He agrees, pulling away to unbutton his shirt, revealing his gold chain and the continued skeleton tattoo that travels down his torso, disappearing into his pants. 
You gulp loudly, even to your own ears and judging by his smirk as he looks down while undressing, you know he heard it too.
“I knew it.” You gasp when he starts to pull his pants down, revealing the femur tattoo that descends into a fibula tattoo and down to his foot. 
“Knew what?” He looks up at you finally, his brown eyes making you go hot all over.
“That the skull tattoo wasn’t just a skull. I figured that it probably-” You start babbling but he cuts you off by crushing his lips to yours. 
You moan softly against his lips and he starts to pull your underwear down. The moment they hit the floor, he inhales and grips your thighs roughly.
Oh… he smells you, doesn’t he? Fuck… why is that so hot?
Oh fuck, can he always smell you when you’re-
“You have no idea what you do to me…” His lips find your neck, breaking you out of your thoughts, and then your shoulder, and then he’s pushing you back slightly so his lips can latch onto your pert nipples, begging for attention. 
With one hand still gripping your thigh, he reaches into the shower and starts the water. Honestly, you didn’t know the man could multitask so well. The thought makes you chuckle and he lets go of your nipple with a ‘pop’ and looks down at you with a quirked eyebrow.
“What’s funny?” 
He nods, clearly unconvinced, with a mischievous look in his eyes. “Right.”
His hand that was gripping your thigh moves over slightly, down toward your bare warmth and your breath hitches again. 
“Mmhm?” His fingers slide further down and his eyes are still watchful of yours.
“What are you doing?” You smile softly.
“Tell me what’s funny.” His fingers slide slowly over your wet folds, barely entering you, but enough to make you clench around nothing.
“It was nothing.” You try to tell him, knowing if you tell him the truth, he very well might stop. 
“Suddenly… You’re a very,” His finger grazes your clit. “bad liar.” 
You whimper, biting your lip, trying to hold out. For what, at this point, you don’t know. What’s he going to give you for telling the truth? 
“I was just entertained by your ability to multitask.” You gasp when his thumb presses against your clit harder. “W-with turning on the shower while-”
“Oh.” He chuckles, his eyes darkening. “I can show you other ways I can multitask, cyar’ika.”
Before you can ask him what he means, he pulls you up against him, wrapping your legs around his waist as he picks you up and pulls you into the shower, pushing you against the wall as the water falls over the both of you. 
“How about this…” He smiles with a knowing look. “I’m gonna fuck you while I wash your hair and clean you up, so that what happened earlier is out of both of our minds for what I have to show you later.” 
“Ah, yes. The surprise.” You smile. 
He captures your lips softly this time. “How does that sound?” 
“Pretty good, honestly.” You shrug, nonchalantly, making him let out a genuine laugh. 
Hunter’s laugh does something catastrophic to both your heart and your core. Have you always been this attracted to him? Suddenly, you find yourself needing to know what his hands feel like while they wash your hair. What his face looks like when he’s caring for you. 
Why did you waste so much time arguing and fighting when you could’ve had this the whole time? 
Hunter reaches around you, lining himself up with you before pushing in, making you gasp against his lips, loudly. He groans just as loud, if not louder, and you’re suddenly so fucking thankful you’re planets away from the rest of the Batch. 
“I want to be buried in you every day.” Hunter admits, his voice full of need and desperation. 
To be the cause of that desperation is such a satisfying feeling, you can’t help but smirk, looking down between the two of you where your hips meet.
“Whenever you want it, let me know.” You kiss him again and a low rumble in his throat pulls your attention to his face. 
“You can’t just say things like that to me unless you mean it.” He rests his forehead against yours. 
“I do mean it, though.” You whisper. “Pull me into this fresher whenever you want and fuck me like you can’t live without this.” You clench around him and his grip on your ass tightens.
“Cyar’ika…” He pulls out slightly only to slam back into you. “That’ll be every day.”
“Then let it be every day. Every night. Every hour. Whenever.” You promise him. 
With a final groan, he starts thrusting into you and you swear that you see past all of the stars in the Galaxy. This angle is something else entirely, something you’ve never had and don’t think you can live without ever again. 
“So fucking good.” You whisper between pants and whimpers, the sound of skin against skin filling the small fresher so much it’s making you wetter than before. 
When his hips slow against yours, you look at him, confused, and he chuckles, pulling your shampoo down out of the net that everyone keeps their shower stuff in so that it doesn’t get thrown around while on intense missions. 
“Oh, you were serious.” You laugh.
“Dead serious.” Hunter keeps one hand ahold of you, and you genuinely didn’t know he was so strong. 
He flips up the cap and pours the shampoo over your head a bit, the aroma of fresh fruit filling both of your noses. He closes his eyes, clearly enjoying the scent as he caps the bottle shut and puts it back. When he opens his eyes, he starts gently thrusting while simultaneously massaging the shampoo into your hair.
“This… is new.” You smile, softly.
“Good new?” 
“Mmhm. You do this with all your partners?” You chuckle.
“Only you.” He admits, while still soaping up your hair, making sure to get all of it. “I’ve never been this… personal with any other… partners. In fact… It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone.”
“Since before Omega?” You guess.
He nods, pulling you under the water to rinse out your hair, still massaging your head. It feels incredible. You’ve never been given this much attention before, though, so you’re almost not sure what else to say. 
He stills, still inside you, and you look at him softly.
“There was just never… time, I suppose? No one ever caught my eye either.” He explains, his voice so soft, so gentle that you feel like you’re almost in a trance. “Until we met you.” 
Your cheeks go warm under his stare as you realize the weight of what he’s telling you. 
“Anyway.” He clears his throat, awkwardly, as he reaches up for your conditioner. 
You watch each other as he conditions your hair, smiling ever so slightly at the understanding between the two of you. You’re it, for each other. There’s no one else.
When he finishes conditioning your hair, he rinses it out just as he did before. And then, you reach up for his shampoo, pouring a bit into your hand, rubbing it between your hands before reaching up into his locks. He groans at the feel of your fingers against his scalp. 
“I swear I can feel how tense you are just in your scalp.” You smile, making him laugh.
As you get his hair nice and soapy, you can feel his cock grow harder inside of you, you think. When you tug slightly on his hair, his eyes flutter shut and he groans, pushing further into you. 
“You like that?” You murmur, seductively.
He nods, lips parted. “Yeah.”
You guide him under the water a bit and let it run through the soap and your fingers, making it travel down both your bodies, and you realize his shampoo doesn’t have a scent to it. 
“It doesn’t smell like anything.” You murmur.
He nods again. “A lot of scents are overwhelming.”
“Oh… I’m sorry if mine-”
“No. It’s just me, being stuck with my own hair 24/7, you know? I love the way you smell. My favorite smell.” He assures you, grinning. “In fact… you’re my favorite everything to my senses… My favorite smell, my favorite taste.” He kisses you. “My favorite touch.” He runs his hand up to cup your jaw. “My favorite sight.” His eyes run down your body and a shiver runs up your spine. “And your laugh is genuinely my favorite sound. I’d do anything to hear it for the rest of my life.”
“Oh… Hunter.” You get an unfamiliar lump in your throat and you struggle to look him in the face, but he pulls your face back toward his. 
“I love you. You definitely don't have to say it back. I just want you to know.” He rests his forehead against yours again. “I’m so sorry I ever made you feel like I hated you.” 
It’s right this very second that it’s obvious to you. Why it wasn’t obvious to you before, you don’t know… 
“I love you too.”  You grin. 
His eyes widen for a fraction of a second, clearly surprised that you said it back. But then his lips find yours and you're pressed back up against the cool wall. Both yours and Hunter’s hands are in each other’s hair and something changes between you two. Something passionate and all consuming. 
This is only the second time fucking but it feels like the hundredth or more. It’s obvious that the two of you are more than whatever this is the start of. Is there a word for something more than a partner? 
Hunter’s cock pushes into you repeatedly, coaxing the most perfect moans from your lips. It’s obvious that the desperation between you is bubbling up, threatening to push you over your edge. You reach down and rub your clit, wanting so badly to cum for him again. 
How is he reaching into you like this? How does he already know your body so well?
“Fuck…” You groan, your head resting back against the wall and Hunter’s eyes never leave your fingers between the two of you.
“That feel good?” He whispers and you can only nod, your words failing you. “You gonna cum on my cock, mesh’la?”
You whimper and nod, pathetically. 
“Atta girl. Cum for me.” Hunter breathes and you curse again, loudly this time, as you clench around him, cumming even harder than earlier and you bury your face in his neck. 
His grip on you tightens as your pussy coaxes his own release from him, filling you up so full that his cum slides back out over his cock and down into the floor of the shower. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this.” He kisses your neck. “In fact, I know I won’t.”
“You say that now. Just wait til we get into our first real argument as a couple.” You tease.
“Oh, is that what we are?” He teases back and you playfully swat him, making him laugh. “So Cid was right, I guess…”
He said your laugh was his favorite sound but you’re pretty sure that his laugh is the best sound in the Galaxy. It’s so strange that this is how your night ended. But you’re definitely not complaining. 
“We don’t have to put a label on it if you don’t want to...” You tell him, brushing your fingers across his cheek.
“Well, I’m all yours and I’d prefer it if you were all mine.” He smiles.
Your heart does an entire flip at his confession. You’d prefer it that way, too. 
“Couple just seems so… I don’t know. Small? We’ve been through so much together… And your family feels like my own…” You babble slightly, unsure if you even make any sense.
“We clones have a word like that… that’s more than a ‘couple’. Riduur. It’s like a partner or spouse. But it means more.” He explains. “You mean more…”
You grin up at him as he pulls out of you and puts you down gently, still holding onto you. The both of you stay in comfortable silence, between kisses, as you wash each other’s bodies. Your eyes continuously roam over his tattoos and he smirks down at you as he notices. 
“I like you like this.” You shrug. 
He hums, caging you against the shower wall. “I bet you do. Once we get back to Ord Mantell, I’ll show you just how much I like having you like this too.”
Hunter’s lips brush against yours and then all of sudden, he’s guiding you out of the shower and wrapping a towel around your shoulders.
“So, what’s the surprise?” You ask him.
“You’ll see.” He winks, drying off quickly to go grab a pair of fresh clothes. 
You do the same, settling on a sweater and leggings, going for comfort. He looks at you the same way he looked at you in that dress earlier and the realization that he truly does love you, sets in and you know right this very second, you couldn’t go back to what you were before even if you wanted to. 
“Mesh’la.” He kisses you on the forehead before settling into the pilot’s seat. 
You settle into the co-pilot seat next to him as he starts up the ship flying it out of the garage and up the tubal fly lane back to the surface. When he reaches over to take your hand, you look between the two of you at your intertwined hands. 
“I could get used to this.” He squeezes your hand.
“Too bad Tech would never let you.” You chuckle. 
He chuckles and leans over to kiss your hand. “I just meant this… You know? Us.”
When he reaches the hyper lanes, he takes off toward the west. You look at him curiously and he winks. You’re still not a fan of surprises, but you don’t say anything. You just continue to smile at the handsome sergeant. 
“I can feel the tension in your neck from here.” He teases you.
Within ten minutes, you see a mountainous region next to a giant body of water. 
“Is that an ocean?” You let go of his hand to lean forward, looking out of the window. 
He chuckles. “It is.” 
“I didn’t know Coruscant had anything other than cities…” You tell him, amazed. 
He brings the ship down onto the beach, and offers his hand to you when he stands up. Smiling up at him, you take it and he leads you to the hatch, opening it. As soon as it comes down, your mouth drops. You’ve never seen an ocean before. 
Hunter leads you down the steps of the Marauder and you step into the sand. It’s squishier than you imagined it would be. You’re tempted to take your shoes off, but you know that with this job, there’s always the threat of some sort of danger. So you keep your shoes on for now. 
Looking out at the sea, you breathe in the salty air, feeling at peace, the threat of earlier long gone from your mind.
“I overheard you talking to Echo once about how you’d never seen an ocean before.” Hunter tells you. “Once we got on the ship, I knew it’d be a perfect opportunity.” 
You look at him. “Earlier back at Cid’s… you seemed like you didn’t want to go on this job with me.”
“I was just nervous, mesh’la. That’s all.” He kisses your forehead and then leans down in front of you.
Curiously, you watch him as he unlaces your boots and then slides them off your feet, sitting them on the steps of the hatch. The cool sand seeps between your toes and you can’t help but laugh. 
“Feel funny?” He asks and you look up at him, nodding. 
“In a good way.” You shrug. 
He leads you toward the water and you look out at the sun starting to rise. It’s so beautiful here. A little piece of peace in a hellscape. You know right away, you’d like to come back here.
“How’d you find this place?” You ask him. 
“Tech mentioned it during a mission here a while back. After Echo left the squad, I brought Omega here before we went back to Ord Mantell,” he tells you.
He wraps his arms around you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder. It feels so natural like this. So easy.
You rest your hands over his. “I don’t remember that.”
“This was before you came back to Ord Mantell yourself.” He tells you. “I like it here. It’s… different from Kamino’s raging seas… It’s calmer…” Hunter murmurs, looking out at the sea at the rising sun.
“I’m sorry I was such a raging sea in your life before…” You take his hand and bring it to your lips.
“You weren’t a raging sea.” He chuckles, his voice low and calming as you both watch the sunset. “You’re the sunrise. Fiery, bright, beautiful… and something to look forward to seeing every morning.” 
Your chest tightens at his sweet words. You didn’t know before today how much of a romantic Hunter is. You love it, though.
“That was really cheesy.” You laugh, pulling away so you can wrap your arms around his waist and look up at him.
“Doesn’t make it less true.” He kisses you.
The sun glows against his tan skin and you can’t help but be even more enamored. How did you not allow yourself to appreciate his beauty before? How did you not allow yourself to just fall in love sooner?
“Do you want to camp out here today?” He offers. 
“Really?” You ask, softly, with hope. 
“Yeah. I’ll send a transmission to the others and update them about Cad Bane and tell them we’re just exhausted from running into trouble.” He smirks. 
“They’re definitely going to be suspicious.” You smirk back.
“Just Echo.” He shrugs, with a chuckle. 
That’s true. But you think Echo already knew about your feelings before you did. 
“When I get back, we’ll set up camp. I’ll make you something to eat and then we’ll take a nap. And maybe when we wake up, I’ll take you swimming.” He promises, letting go of you with one last kiss. “Don’t go anywhere.”
You sit down in the sand. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He takes one last look at you in the glow of the sunrise and he nearly says “Fuck it.” and just let the squad figure it out on their own. Except he knows Omega will be worried, so he tears his eyes off of you to go send a transmission to them. You sit and bite your lip, trying to keep the excited giggle inside as you think about what a future with Hunter could be like. It’s still crazy to think that you started off the night by arguing with him… and now… you’re on some sort of date. And… you’ve figured out you’re in love. What a wild turn of events.
TAGLIST: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover
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leixwhite02 · 9 months
how do you sleep?
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synopsis: when rafe cheats on reader she can’t comprehend how he can sleep at night when she’s up thinking
warnings: major angst, cheating, mention of sex, no fluffy ending, just pure angst
a/n: i kinda got sad writing this ngl… but i love angst fics when im angry and rn i’m angry 😭
part 2
masterlist || taglist
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it’s been a full week since you found rafe in bed with another girl, to say you were still hurting was an understatement. she was pretty, and looked nothing like you… makes you stay up late at night thinking if he ever loved you.
which is where you’re at now, you glance over at your clock on your nightstand next to your bed. 3:25 am, you don’t remember when was the last time you got a full nights sleep since it’s happened. your up wondering if he’s thinking about what he did, or even giving you a single thought. you sit there and think why you? you thought he loved you… as you’re thinking flashbacks come back to you.
your just now coming home from a long day at work ready to cuddle next to rafe and forget about today. you’re day has been shitty and all you need is your boyfriend.
as you make your way upstairs assuming that’s where he is being no where else in the house. as your walking up the stairs you think your hearing things, hearing a girls moans…
slowly you make your way up the stairs making little to no noise, as you turn the handle and open the door you see what you thought was the unspeakable, rafe and a blonde model like girl having sex, in your bed…
you shake the flashbacks out of your head before it gets too much, wiping the tears that have fallen down your face. you don’t know why you’re still hurting even after a week but you can’t believe rafe who preached he loved you daily, all of it was a lie.
you lay in bed for another 40 minutes deciding that maybe some water might help you sleep, as your going down the stairs all you can think about as you look around your apartment, all the moments you and rafe shared before all went to hell.
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rafes pov
i dread everyday without her, why did i have to be so stupid and make a drunken mistake? he wonders if she’s off with someone new or sleeping peacefully without him there. he’s thought about his choices over the past week, trying to forget but never could.
as he lays in bed, he stares at his ceiling then at the girl laying next to him in bed. he regrets keeping her after the fight with y/n but he needed a distraction. she’s probably off at clubs grinding up against the men anyways, he thinks as he looked at her.
rafe couldn’t even remember her name, all he could think about was y/n, she was the only thing on her mind and he needed to fix things with her as soon as he could. but would she be willing to take him back after everything?
as rafe ponders over what he should do he get out of bed and moves to the en-suite in his room. he looks at himself in the mirror, looking back at him was the monster that hurt a sweet girl.
“fuck” he mutters to him self, deciding to splash water on his face to cool himself down. he walks out of the en-suite and out of the bedroom he walks downstairs to the living room. maybe he should reach out to her? try and fix everything.
that’s exactly what he does, grabbing his phone out of his pocket he pulls up her contact to send her a text. he thinks for a while about what he’s going to say to her, does he send her a long paragraph on being sorry or start simple with a hey?
after thinking for a while he type out the text he wants “hey, can we talk?” and sends it going back upstairs to tell the girl in his bed that she needs to leave.
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a/n: sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger, if you want me to write a part 2 i can when i get the chance! i hope you guys enjoyed this, being my first writing, i would love feedback on how i can make my writing better!
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irlfelixcatton · 9 months
TALK ABOUT THE TRANSMASCULINE ALLEGORY!!! i want to hear your thoughts
ok. the long awaited oliver quick transmasculine allegory post.
to be so real it is mainly me doing 2 (two things)
-using insanely obvious prompts from the text to pull shit out of my ass
i do think that oliver quick's character COULD. MAYBE. be either headcanon'd as trans (BOOORRRINNGG) or a lot of his actions in act one can be closely tied to very common trans experiences.
my biggest thing on 'common' trans experiences as it relates to saltburn, is meeting a cis man and latching onto him with every fiber of your being, because you can't be friends with him, you need to *be* him. the first thing that really prompted me to look at saltburn from this lense was when farleigh goes "[you're almost passing as] a real human boy!", though it's clearly about oliver wearing a rental suit, it's a phrase that i've heard a million times over and over again, and i think that oliver, within this transmaculine concept of his character, dances CONSTANTLY on this imaginary line of "real boy" to "weirdo freak" that i think a lot of trans people can relate to. (i will touch on 'real boy' again later)
theres also an aspect of this incessant watching and dissecting cis men, what they wear, how they talk, how they fuck. and with all of this watching, there's this part of melding your identity into what you're watching, which we see starkly with oliver. at the beginning, when he's this oxford kid, a freak if you will, but he's more or less himself, version A. once he meets felix, he ditches the glasses, the button up shirts, the uptight manner, and turns into this entirely different version of "himself", version B. version B is the version he's taught himself that society will like much more than version A, so it consumes him entirely. version A wasn't someone that girls would fuck, felix would love, and quite frankly be 'enjoyed' by the rest of the world. version A is pre-transition, and version B is post. (all this to say, in relation to irl transition, neither version A or version B are right, good, or bad, they're whatever you want them to be. beauty is in the eye of the beholder)
for me, another piece i think about a lot is the “you’re just so real” (venetia) but that’s a bit more of a stretch. the reason i think this relates to the main point, is so many trans people have to work and rework their personality so that their 'transness' is socially palatable, real. the catton's have no general perception of a real person, they surround themselves with fake, upper class socialites who lie and cheat. but even if they met a real person, they wouldn't know it. and they don't lol. so when oliver comes around, who isn't this upper class socialite, the initial thought is that he's this "real" and "grounded" person. however, the only reason that the catton's (general society in this case) find oliver (trans people) so "real" and more or less worth accepting into their family is because he has worked and reworked his identity to be so similar and likeable to felix's.
there's also the conversation on cattonquick being a really good representation of what a mlm cis/trans relationship can feel like so much of the time. but i'll only really expand on this if any1 is interested lol. anyways pls dm me or comment on this i really want to talk more about it more.
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skunaskitten · 1 year
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The Affair chapter 2
AU: human ceo sukuna x female reader
Contains: fluff, smut, cheating, lying, unfaithful sukuna, falling in love, mentions of gojo and nanami
Summary: Sukuna did all he can to spend as much time with you as he could, even if that ment he had to lie about his true self to you just to keep you close to. It was easy to do this when he wife is gone. But soon all this time with you and the feeling of his heart. Sukuna had to say what was truly in his heart.
Master list of other stories
chapter1 ch2 chapter3
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The next day sukuna went into the office making his morning rounds with his coffee in hand. He stopped by his wife's office and was about to open the door but it was locked. One of his employees walked by him informing him that she didn't come in today. He wondered why.
  He tried to call her but there was no answer. Sukuna went on about his day when his phone started to ring. He thought it could be you but when he saw it was his wife. 
 Being the concerned husband he is he answered it quickly, "hey where are you? You alright?" She sighed and said "yes of course I am alright. I thought you would have seen the email that was sent. I was called to a business trip from a company that wants to make a deal with my part of the company. I will be gone for a week." Sukuna went through his emails and saw the one she was talking about and let out a grunt. 
"Oh and you didn't want to say anything to me about this after I left."
 She hummed with annoyance saying "well I didn't think you cared since you left. So who did you go home with?" "No one. Even if I was with someone it was just a hickey. Or flirting like you did. But I guess have fun on your trip." She smirked and said "have fun with yourself love. When you get lonely just send me pictures. I will be home soon. Goodbye." She hung up on him as he sighed and said "love you too."
 After work sukuna again was feeling stressed and his mind just raced with thoughts of his wife. She didn't even say anything to him about leaving or notified him of what this company does that's taking her on a trip. A lot of business men had their eye on his wife. She is beautiful, sexy and confident in her status. He just didn't feel like she is what he wants for a life partner. Maybe as a business one or a quick fuck but not to have a family.
 As sukuna left work he walked to his car hearing his phone chime then looked at it seeing a message from you and smiled. He checked it seeing a picture of you holding up a plush white tiger with the text 'it reminded me of you because of your tattoos.' Spending his time with you this week should not be so bad he is actually looking forward to being with you. 
 Today you were out with your friends when you sent sukuna the picture of the plush. They looked at you with a giggle seeing the light purple bruising on your neck. "Hey y/n. What is with the hickey?" You looked at them with a blush and tried to cover it with your sweater saying "its nothing." 
"Oh my gosh you had sex!" "Who was the lucky man you slept with?" You heard them asking you questions as you let out a sigh. 
"I uhhh. Slept with sukuna." They begin to squeal and ask you questions. "Give us all the details about him. What does he look like down there?" "Is he big and thick?" 
 You put up your hands saying "hey guys calm down I will talk when we sit down and have lunch."
 When you sat in the food court you told them a few details of sukuna. How his body looked and the tattoos that ran across his upper body. How big he is and how you got the hickies on your neck then the shower you shared with him after. They started to tease you about you and him being in love and wanting to be invited to the wedding.
 Sukuna didn't change out of his dark suit  after work as he sat in his car thinking of what he was going to do today. The first thing is to call just to see how you were doing. He heard the phone ringing waiting for your answer. You looked at your phone see sukuna was calling interrupting in the middle showing  pictures of sukuna. Telling your friends to be quiet as you answered with a flirtatious "hello kuna."
 He smirked starting his car saying "hello beautiful." You blushed hearing the new name as your friends leaned in to you to hear him. "Is everything alright sukuna?" He sighed  and said "yes everything is good just got off work and I was wondering if you want to get lunch?"
"Oh, I am out right now with friends. I just had lunch with them." He rubbed the back of his neck saying "oh ok well then I will let you go and have fun." Your friends gasps as one said "let him come here and join us." "Yea don't be rude to that hot man let him come."
 Sukuna heard the conversation and raised an eyebrow then heard you say "well sukuna do you want to join me and my friends?" He smirked and said "sure thing sweetheart. Just text me where you are at and I will be on my way." You said goodbye to him the hung up seeing your friend smiling and freaking out about seeing him. 
 After a few minutes you got a text from sukuna saying that he was there at the mall. You texted him that you were hanging out in the food court. Just as you looked over your heart stopped gazing at the man of your dreams. 
 Sukuna walked with so much confidence and radiated with a cold fuck off stare to people. His hands in his jacket pockets, the button dark shirt, and the dark jeans with the dark boots. When he noticed you he smirked and your heart fluttered as your friend looked to where you were staring seeing the man you have been telling them about. They stayed silent as he walked over to your table standing in front of you with that proud smirk.
 He leaned down taking your hand and said "hello darling." You stared at him in the eyes feeling his soft lips on your knuckles then saw a smirk forming on his face when seeing your cheeks blush and lips form a smile. You heard squeals from your friends and the both of you pulled away from each other as sukuna cleared his throat. 
 "Sukuna, these are the girls jasmine, Liz, cerin." He smiled at them and gave them a wave saying "I hope you ladies have been good to my girl. Keeping her safe." They all nodded in agreement just staring at him. Liz smiled and said "you are all she talks about." 
 He chuckled and took a seat next to you while the girls just stared at him. You shifted closer to him feeling that this was a mistake, thinking this was just going to be them flirting with him. Sukuna took your hand giving it a squeeze and said "darling you alright?" 
 He snapped you out of your thoughts and hummed a yes as your friends said "hey how did you two meet?" "Yes, tell us."
 You went on to explain the event on how you met sukuna, to the chicken wrap, the cafe and the cupcake. They all started to blush and say aww, making you lean more into sukuna hiding yourself. Jasmine looked to sukuna asking "so out of all the women in the world seeing her. A man like you would be taken by a model or something. So what is your plan, our girl? You better not break her heart, we will come after you."
 He chuckled with a smile and looked over at you hiding the guilt then said "I would never hurt her." Sukuna placed a soft kiss to your cheek then pulled away to look at the girls. "Honestly I've been looking for someone normal, away from my whole business life. Since I work for a company a lot of women look my way but none of them had my interest until I met her. I guess my heart finally found the one."
 They all looked at him and said aww again holding their hands over their chest. You blushed and hid your face against sukunas bicep making him smile and chuckled as your friends started to whisper amongst themselves then looked at you.
"Hey y/n we are going to head out now." "Yea we will talk to you later." "Spend time with your man."
 You stood up saying goodbye while giving them a hug and they all waved bye to sukuna leaving you alone with him. Sukuna stood up and put his hands in his jacket pocket and said "sorry I didn't mean to call and disturb your time with your friends." You turned around and hugged him around his torso saying "you didn't kuna. They are just happy I found someone. They've been trying to get me to go to clubs and other friends' parties to hook up with someone but that is not my cup of tea."
 He hummed, then pulled out his hands to hug you back, placing a kiss on your forehead, then said "want me to take you back home?" You smiled up at him saying "yes! But you gotta stay as well. I am making dinner tonight." He smirked saying "what is on the menu tonight?" "Mac and cheese."
 At home sukuna stood in the kitchen watching you as you started to prepare the water to boil and pulled out a box of mac and cheese. "You know you can go sit in the living room." He looked at you with a chuckle. "Maybe I was thinking of having you for dinner."
 You gasped, turned around, then pointed a wooden spoon at him saying "sukuna that is dirty! Go sit down." A laugh came from him and he walked away to sit down on the couch leaving you to set up dinner. While the water boiled you went to plop yourself on the couch next to him grabbing the remote to turn on the tv to one of the streaming channels. 
"What do you want to watch?" 
"Hmm anything is fine, it's your home up to you." 
 You sat there thinking then put on a romance animation that you liked so much hoping he would like it to. "Have you seen this one?" He shook his head leaning back against the couch as you said "good cause I like this one."
 As you let the title screens play you got up running into your room, sukuna watched you leave then came back with a big blanket and sat down close to him. You nuzzled against his body putting the blanket over him as well, feeling his arm wrap around your side and smiled at you. You giggled then placed a kiss on his cheek and said "kuna pay attention to the movie."
 After minutes have passed you had to remove yourself from the warmth of sukuna and go check the water. "Want me to pause it?" "No, watch the movie. I already know this scene." 
 You continued cooking only taking slight glances to see the scenes and to take peaks at sukuna. "Alright dinner is done!" You made yourself and sukuna a bowl then happily walked over to him handing him his portion with a big smile. "If you need more, tell me there is still a lot more in the pot." 
 There fell a silence between the two of you while you ate and watched the movie. Sukuna really paid attention because of you. He also didn't want you to feel sad that he didn't pay attention to it because all he wanted to do was have his attention on you. His wife never liked to sit and watch movies like this with him, it would always be a way to nuzzle against him trying to make him hard and get into bed.
 When finishing your bowl, you leaned against him under the blanket. He wondered if you were going to do the same as his wife, tease him and get in bed. But you just nuzzled against him watching the movie as sukuna moved to lay down against the couch you took the opportunity to lay on his body. 
 Feeling the warmth of him, being safe in his arms and hearing the sounds of his heart beat mixed with his breathing you closed your eyes relaxing against him. He looked at you and noticed your tiredness and shook you awake. You jolted up looking at him saying "what?" He smirked at you. "Falling asleep now are you." You pouted and laid your head back down on his chest keeping yourself awake to watch the movie again.
 It came to the part you hated to see the saddest part of the movie. One of the lovers died breaking your heart all over again. You begin to tear up and turn away putting your face in his chest. "Damn what is up with this part I thought this was a romance." He said and noticed your silence hearing a sniffle. "Hey sweetheart?"
 Sukuna moved then cupped your face forcing you to look at him seeing the tears fill your eyes. "I am sorry I just hate this part." He smiled softly then used his thumbs to wipe away your tears then pulled you tighter against him. "It's alright beautiful I am right here." 
 When all the sad parts were over with you closed your eyes feeling the comfort in sukuna, falling into a sleep. Sukuna watched the end of the movie and said "well that was cute and sad at the same time. I guess I like it." You didn't answer which worried him. Slowly he sat up seeing you passed out on him making him smile wide. 
Sukuna turned the tv off then pulled the blanket off and moved carefully to pick you up into his arms. You groaned a little and held onto his shoulders, nuzzling your face in his chest as he felt his heart flutter. Walking into your room, he laid you on the bed, seeing you were still in your clothes for today which he knew you would not be comfortable to sleep in and decided to at least remove your shorts. 
 He gulped and reached his hands to the hem of your shorts you wore today then carefully unbutton them. That was enough for you to open your eyes looking at him in shock and he stared right back at you freezing in place.
 "You fell asleep so I was trying to make you comfortable sorry. I wasn't doing anything weird." You sighed and wiggled yourself out of the clothes leaving you in just underwear. "Are you going to stay tonight?" 
"Do you want me to?" You gave him a nod with a smile and he said "well then I am staying."
 Sukuna covered you with a blanket and said "stay in bed I am going to the bathroom." You hummed and rolled onto your side and nuzzled against the pillow. When sukuna came out of the bathroom with no shirt he saw you already asleep as he chuckled and left the room into the kitchen to put the food away. He went through the cupboards finally finding the plastic ware that was animal shaped to put the mac and cheese away.
 He chuckled at the childish things you had in the kitchen then started to put the dirty dishes in the skin as a knock on the front door stopped him. He looked at it and growled but curious to see who would be at your front door. It wasn't late but he didn't want anyone to disturb you. Sukuna walked over looking through the peephole seeing a young looking man outside your door. He let out a grunt and opened the door revealing himself to the man.
 Seeing his eyes gaze over sukuna who was not wearing a shirt, he didn't know about you having a man. "Can I help you?" 
 The man stared at sukuna for a moment then cleared his throat saying "is uhh y/n home?" Sukuna crossed his arms staring at him and said "she is asleep. Why do you ask?" "I uhh..brought her some cookies..I just moved in a few days ago and I only met her for a moment. So I wanted to bring her a neighbor-friendly treat." 
 He felt nervous under sukunas presences as he showed him the box of cookies. Sukuna just stared at him, hearing the neighbor say "I didn't know she had a.." "husband." Sukuna cut him off with an answer. "She doesn't like to say anything to people about me because of my reputation. But I will take these cookies." He leaned over taking the box from his hands and gave him a smug smirk. "I will be sure to tell her you stop by. Now go away." 
 Sukuna closed the door in his face then opened the box looking at the cookies. He picked one up and squeezed it, seeing it crumble in his hand. "Pathetic quality of cookies." He walked over to the kitchen and tossed them in the trash then walked into the bedroom slowly closing the door behind him. He made his way over to the bed and unbuttoned his pants letting them drop to the floor then laid down in the bed carefully beside you.
 You woke up a little feeling him move around but you smiled and nuzzled against him. Sukuna turned on his side, putting his chest to your back and an arm under your pillow with the other around your side. With moments like this he wishes to never leave.
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The room was quiet as you opened your eyes to see the sun coming through the window making you groan. You didn't believe how fast you fell asleep and stayed asleep, only a few times of waking up to use the bathroom as sukuna held you down because he didn't want you to leave. 
 But when you put your hand behind you, sukuna was not there which made you pout. You sat up feeling sad thinking he might have just left you, then you heard a bang coming from outside the room.
 You got up quickly putting on a shirt that was on the floor then a wave of sukunas scent hit your nose, making you freeze in place. You looked down at the shirt seeing the dress shirt unbutton. A smile formed on your face to know that he is still here but you were still curious of the noise. You opened the door to your bedroom then quietly stepped out walking down the hall to the kitchen and saw sukuna only in underwear cooking. 
 A blush filled your cheeks as your eyes scanned over his back seeing the way his muscles flexed and eyes trailed down to his ass making you giggle. You quickly covered your mouth then he looked over with a smirk. "Hello darling. Wearing my shirt."  You looked down, keeping the front closed and nodded with a shy smile. 
"What are you making?"
"Breakfast." "Alright smart ass. What kind?"
 He smiled back at you and said "pancakes and eggs. I had to explore your kitchen to find things. You know some of the things you have in here makes me think you might have a kid." 
 You pouted, crossing your arms and said "you know they are easier to handle and more cute." He smiled hearing you walk over to him and felt your arms wrap around his torso feeling your bare breast touch against his skin. "It smells great sukuna." Sukuna turned off the stove then turned around to look at you and leaned down placing a kiss to your forehead. "Get ready for breakfast, I will set the plates."
 You smiled and ran off into the room as he stood there letting out a sigh and turned away to set up the table. He looked at the two plates of food and rubbed his face then looked at his phone seeing nothing from his wife giving his heart a heavy feeling. Soon you came back dressed in shorts and a long sleeve then walked over to him handing him his shirt you were wearing. You took a seat close to him already digging into your food but he didn't touch his yet.
 Looking at him with concern you looked at the food then back to him saying "did you not make it right?" He smiled slightly and said "no I did, it's just I am feeling upset. It's nothing though so just eat, don't worry about me alright darling." 
 You put your fork down then stood up, moving his arms away while he looked at you confused. Sukuna watched you sit onto his lap and cup his face with your hands, feeling the warmth and softness of them as he looked in your eyes. 
"Kuna do you like me?" "Of course I like you." 
"Do you really like me sukuna?" "Yes".
 You smiled and moved to put your arms around his neck nuzzling your cheek against his saying "sukuna you should know that you can always talk to me. I care about you a lot. So please talk to me."
 He sighed, finally holding you tight and said "it's been so lonely lately at home. The people I care about have not talked to me in three days and I am worried." You rubbed his back saying "do they do this often?" He sighed and said "recently they have been doing it a lot to me only." 
"Well, it sounds like they do not deserve your time. Focus on what you want and feel sukuna." He turned his face to look at you then pressed his lips to your cheek giving you a quick kiss. "I should hurry and eat. I have to go to work." You sighed and removed yourself from him then sat in your own spot to finish your breakfast. 
 After finishing the breakfast you put the dishes in the sink then walked sukuna out the door telling and kissing him goodbye. Sukuna drove back to his single home and picked out his suit for the day then headed off to his building. 
 Just walking in already getting the attention of the other females in the building as they stared at him with flirtatious smiles and hellos. Every woman here wants to have him in bed but they never trespassed because he is a married man, that still didn't stop the flirting.
 You stayed inside for the day cleaning up your apartment, doing the dishes and reorganizing your books. When you looked down inside the trash to the kitchen you saw a white box that was not familiar. Curious you pulled it out seeing a note that read "enjoy the cookies love the new neighbor."
 You smirked while letting out a sigh, shaking your head to think that sukuna had a run in with the new neighbor and wanted you to have nothing to deal with him.
  On sukuna's lunch break he sat at his desk with his food and called you since his wife was never going to. When he heard you answer a smile formed on his face and said "hello sweetheart."
 "Hey kuna. How is work?" He sighed saying "boring and slow I might leave early but sadly I won't be able to see you today I have to get food for the week." You hummed and said "well can I come with you. We can shop together. I need to go shopping too." He smirked and said "sure I will like your company." "So you met the neighbor and threw away his cookies." Sukuna froze not thinking you would find it. "Yes the cookies were poor quality and I did not want you to eat them. Only the best for you."
 You giggled while laying down in bed and said "kuna that is not nice but if you think there are better cookies out there then show me." "Is that a challenge?" "Yes it is." Sukuna smirked wide and said "alright then I will find the best and you will love it. I will pick you up after work. I should go eat now before my lunch is over." You smiled as the two of you stayed silent for a moment but you broke it. "Kuna be careful." He smiled and said "I will. Goodbye beautiful." "Bye kuna."
 Sukuna went home after a short day at work to get changed out of his work suit and put on his casual clothing. Hearing his phone ring put a smile on his face thinking it was you but he looked at the screen seeing his wife calling. He sighed then answered her hearing that she missed him and that she was doing great. She went on about this so-called lovely businessman who showed her around. Sukuna stood there with no interest; he already had a feeling of what she was really doing. He had to cut her off. "Hey look dear i got to go I am very busy right now. I will text you later. Goodbye."
 All she did was scoff and say whatever and hung up on him first. Is this how it was going to be between them now, the bickering back and forth and not being respectful to each other. It was already too late for faithful hearts, she was planning on cheating if she hadn't already and he had already slept with you.
 Sukuna drove over to your place annoyed and just wanted to see you as soon as possible. You were the only one that made him happy, that made him feel loved.
 Hearing the knock at your door you opened it to see sukuna giving him a wide smile and slammed yourself into his body giving him a hug. He chuckled, almost stumbling back, hugging you tight. "I am guessing you missed me?" "Yes of course I did. Let me get my shoes and we can leave."
 You ran back inside as sukuna followed you through the door and waited for you to get ready. When you went back to him,  he saw the outfit you wore. Shorts and stockings  that went just up passed your knees. A gray zip up sweater with a small little tail on the back and ears on the hood and some ankle high boots. "I am ready! Let's go."
 Sukuna walked you to his car seeing your wide eyes and carefully stepped to the car looking at it. "It's so pretty. And expensive looking." "It's the cheap one." You gasped and said "that is the cheap one. Do you have more?" 
 He shrugged, opening the door for you as you got inside thanking him for being a gentleman. Sukuna gave you a slight bow of his head before he closed the and quickly got to the driver's seat.
 You gazed around the interior of his car while putting on the seat belt, seeing the dark trimming color of a steel black color and dark leather seats with red stitching to the leather. "This car is just like you." He smirked saying "it's a good thing then." You looked over to him seeing him put on a dark pair of sunshades, giving him a more intimidating look, the way he held so much confidence a don't fuck with me look while he drives.
 One hand on the wheel with his elbow resting on the driver door, the other resting on his lap and touching the bottom of the wheel. "You want music? What kind do you like?" You hummed and said "anything is fine honestly." As soon as sukuna turned the radio on you sighed hearing the song and said "oh I hate this song." He laughed then said "I thought you said anything was fine." "Yea but not that song."
 He chuckled and said "well then press this to change the stations." You leaned over changing through different stations till you found the romance and sexy song station. Sukuna slightly looked to you, hearing the sexual song that was playing and chuckled lightly.
 "Are you trying to seduce me in my car?" 
 You laughed hiding your face and said "no it's just they have good tunes to their songs. But what if I am?" He looked over to you then back to the road saying "then I will pull off somewhere no one will bug us and I will take you on my lap while I thrust into you making you scream my name." You blushed and shifted your legs feeling the slight growing wetness just at the thought of what he said about taking you in his car but you were bold to tell him. "Sounds like fun. We have to try it sometime."
 Sukuna looked at the road and turned away from you, slightly hiding his growing wide smug smirk on his face. All he could think of is, that's my girl. 
When you arrived at the store you saw it was one of the more expensive with all the better food but more of it. You looked over at him saying "sukuna this place is way out my budget." He parked the car with a smirk then got out with no response. You just watched him walk in front of the car to your door opening it for you to step out.
"Darling don't worry, I will pay for it." "What?! No your not I don't want you to waste your money on me." You told him trying to drop his offer but all he did was chuckle and take your hand helping you out the car then he went into the back seat grabbing a black beanie to put on. You raised an eyebrow saying "you look better without it."
 He was only wearing it because he didn't want people to recognize him here with you and question things. 
 Sukuna walked alongside you into the store then looked at you saying "so where to go first." You bit your lip with a hum and looked around saying "I have never been here before so I don't know what is here." "Well then we can just walk around till you see what you need."
 You stayed close to him until something caught your eye down the aisle and went to look at it. You looked at a couple cookies and found a big box you liked but after seeing the price you put it back and sighed. Sukuna watched you walk away from the spot not getting the box, he grunted then took two boxes placing them in the cart as you looked at him. "I told you y/n that I will pay for it just get whatever you want."
 After walking through half the store the cart was half full of stuff from both you and sukuna but you still felt bad for making him pay for everything. You got a lot of things you never tried but heard that they are really good sukuna just got his usual groceries to make food for himself. 
 You were satisfied with the things and just followed him to the checkout but sukuna could feel his heart beathard. The cashier knows who he is but not enough of his personal life. Though she always bugs him by touching his arm or winking at him he is curious to see how she will act with you next to him.
 When he got to the front the cashier smiled looking at him then said "sukuna hello. You have a bad hair day today." He chuckled and said "something like that." You stayed out of the conversation and helped put the stuff on the belt from the cart while listening.  You picked up a container of ice cream you didn't see him grab and raised an eyebrow seeing it was the flavor you liked but bigger size. "Kuna what is this?"
 Sukuna looked at you, catching the girl's attention as she was biting her inner lip. "Well darling of you remembered a few days ago. That nightly fun we had, you said I owe you ice cream." You blushed looking at the cashier looking between you and sukuna then you looked away feeling embarrassed. He chuckled as the cashier continued to scan the items while she kept side eyeing you. 
"So sukuna how is life? Still working hard to get any free time?" You looked up to him then felt him put an arm around your side pulling you closer to him. "Work is still a pain as always and my life has been better since she came into it." You smiled slightly and waved a little saying hello. She just gave you a quick hey quickly ignoring you. Sukuna let you go to pull out his card while you walked over to the cart and put the bags inside. 
 Sukuna gave you a wink but the girl was trying to get all of his attention. After putting everything in the cart you looked over to see her smiling at him then gave him a wink saying "see you later kuna." A light growl filled your throat. Only that name can be used from you, that was his nickname from you. 
 You watched him walk over to you noticing the pout on your lips. "Hey, why are you pouting?" You looked up at him then grabbed him by the shirt making him smirk and raise an eyebrow. Sukuna felt you tug on his shirt pulling him down towards your frame feeling you smashing your lips against his. Giving a scene right in front of the cashier. Sukuna pulled away giving you a bright smile knowing what you were doing then heard you say "my kuna." 
 Sukuna laughed lightly then took the cart out of the store with you following beside him seeing him take off the beanie, tossing it into his car. After putting the stuff into his car and a quiet ride to your place you took his free hand and held it while playing with his fingers. He smirked looking at the road feeling the warmth of your thigh and soft skin, his fingers started to trail under the fabric of your shorts.
 "Sukuna, stop. Not now." You giggled pushing his hand away. "Oh what, now you are shy." "Sukuna at least make it romantic." He smiled wide with a chuckle as you looked at him, seeing the corner of his eyes wrinkle up and the sunset glow through his hair. He is such a beautiful man and you still don't know how you have him in your life.
 When you got home sukuna helped you put away the groceries but sukuna had a hard time not looking at you from behind whenever you bent over. 
 "I guess it's time for me to go home." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. You let out a slight groan with a pout then went over to wrap your arms around his neck. "Sukuna, I don't like it when you leave. I wish you can stay with me. I am sorry if I am being possessive. I just had a really hard time finding a relationship. Now that I got you I just don't want to screw it up."
 Sukuna pulled you tighter against his body giving you soft kisses against your cheek. You both let go as he gave you a smirk saying "don't be sorry darling. I like to know that I have an effect on you. I am more worried about messing up. Besides I think it's sexy to see you, how should I put it, taking a little control. Showing your dominance." He spoke as he leaned in closer to you then gave you a quick soft bite to your ear.
 "Just call me if you need me to come over." He gave you a kiss and one last hug goodbye. 
 An hour after he got home while laying on the couch he saw a message from you, a picture you sent of yourself eating ice cream with a follow up text of 'thank you kuna'. He smiled slightly and texted back 'anything for you beautiful.'
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 The next day, going into work you notice how quiet and boring the day was. You wished hard to be with sukuna right now, wanting anything with him rather than being here today. You loved working at the bookstore and everything there is great. The owners are sweet but sometimes the job is sometimes to easy that you work through anything quickly. You texted sukuna on your breaks or restroom breaks but he never answered back any of them.
 You started to worry wondering why he wasn't texting you. He is a busy man so you think nothing of it, probably just dealing with work. It must be hard on him but you didn't mind giving him a relaxing release in bed or just cuddling. 
 Sukuna was not having a good day on his end he had to fix a slip up because one of his employees was slacking and he had to do the work himself then another sent the wrong info in an email. He had to go to that part of the building and yell at everyone to do their job right. To top it all off his wife had nothing to say to him. He still worries about her but it is slowly draining any care he has left for her. 
 One of his right hand men, Nanami, another great worker that helps with the other side of the building that sukuna can not get to, had noticed the stress and anger radiating from sukuna. "Ryomen. You are having too much over time." 
 Sukuna groaned, closing his laptop while rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I can't just stop and let these idiots run this place. Seems like I need to do everything around here. Doesn't help when my wife is off running around somewhere." 
 Nanami was seeing the distance between them lately but he never stepped boundaries, it was none of his business, but he still wondered.
"Just go home I got it. I will keep a eye on satoru as well." 
 "That man needs to be watched after what happened last time I let him take part in the birthday celebrations. He turned my damn office into some sort of night club." Nanami waved his hand telling sukuna to just go home already.
 Sukuna got in his car taking off his suit coat and tossed it into the back seat and let out a heavy sigh. He placed his hands on the steering wheel then laid his forehead on top of them letting out a growl. 
 His mind started to drift to you, maybe going on a small date should lift his spirits, get him in a better mood. He took out his phone calling you hoping you would pick up since you should be off work now. Hearing your phone ring you ran over and smiled wide seeing sukuna was calling.
 He heard you answer with a flirtatious tone of his name, a wide smirk formed on his lips. "Hey darling, get dressed in something cute and relaxing. I am taking you on a date somewhere. I will be waiting in the car."
  He quickly hung up not giving you time to process anything then you went into panic. You went through your clothes throwing some shirts on the floor then picked a low cut black shirt and quickly put it on. You found a skirt that would be cute to wear, giving him something to look at. Just as you were putting it on you heard your phone chime for a text then you panicked more. You grabbed your phone seeing it was a text from sukuna that he was here. "Shit". 
 You ran out the room to the front door struggling to put on sandals and almost tripping yourself as you tried to walk. After closing your door you ran straight to his car opening it see him with a smile. "Hello sweetheart." "Hi kuna". 
 During the drive you just looked at the landscape go by and begin to get curious to where he was taking you since you were heading outside the city.
"So are we going to a restaurant?"
"Are we going to the park?"
"To the mall?"
 He chuckled and said "be patient y/n its just going to be us."
As you left the city life heading up into the mountain terrain you began to question. 
 "Are you going to murder me?"
He laughed not answering your question and drove to a lookout spot just near his home where he was staying alone. You saw the spot as it looked over the city and the sun beginning to set. 
"We are here." 
"Sukuna its so beautiful up here. You can see everything. Can we step outside."
He gave you hum with a nod then got out of his side and walked over to yours to help you out. His eyes scanned over your body seeing the skirt you wore and the tight shirt that showed off everything. He never took his wife out to these types of things. She never like the idea, but with you, he felt his heart flutter every time.
 Sukuna took a seat on the hood of the car as you walked over and pressed your back against his chest sitting between his legs looking at the scene in front of you. He looked at the side of your face then rested his chin on your shoulder tilting his head to press his lips against your neck. 
 You could feel his arms snake around your torso holding you against him while kissing your neck lovingly. The feeling of warmth and softness of his lips was putting chills through your body. 
 "Why do you make me feel this way?" You moved slightly to look at him saying "make you feel like what?" 
 Sukuna looked into your eyes seeing the colors of the setting sun reflect in them, making his heart stop. He didn't know he could ever feel like this with someone. He can not complain how beautiful his wife looked on their wedding day but she was all dolled up. Here you are just your natural self looking more gorgeous than his wife everytime he sees you.
"Sukuna? Make you feel what?"
 He was so caught up in the sight of you he forgot his words all he could say is "you're beautiful."
 You blushed with a shy smile but then you felt him grab your face cupping your cheeks then pressed his lips softly moved over yours. It didn't take long for the kiss to turn into something passionate. You turned around fully facing him, lips moving in sync as he hands moved from your cheeks then placed them to your hip gripping them and pulled you against him. 
 His hands started to wander down over the hump of your ass then slipped them under the back of your skirt giving your cheeks a squeeze. You couldn't help but to moan into his mouth then slightly pull away, taking his lower lips between your teeth. Sukun let out a light groan as he gave you a seductive smirk, you could feel the flips of your heart as it beat against your chest feeling the flutter through your lower abdomen.
 He then moved one of his legs slipping his knee between your thighs then moved in to hungrily kiss your lips again while you felt a hand trail over to the front of you under the skirt. A blush filled your cheeks and heart racing to be out in the open doing something that should only be behind closed doors. 
 Sukuna could feel how wet were through the fabric of your panties making him smirk against your lips while he pushed aside the fabric and slid his fingers across your leaking folds, the pad of his thumb pressing onto your clit giving it a circling motions while his fingers sank into you. You moaned louder but it was muffled by his mouth. One hand of yours moved to squeeze his bicep on the arm that was now wrapped around you keeping you close while your other drifted to the button of his pants.
 You could feel how hard he is, the bulge straining and ready to break through. His fingers continued to pump and curl inside of you, feeling him press against the good spot while you struggled to free his cock. Sukuna could feel you struggling and pulled his lips away with a chuckle escaping him. "Let's get in the car. I am going to give you a ride."
 You felt his fingers pull out slowly from you and watched him lick them clean making you breath out a sigh of satisfaction. Taking a few steps back you let him walk back to the driver door watching him unbuckle his belt then open his door as he singled you to come over with a curl of his finger with the wide playful smirk on his face.
You just quickly ran over to him with no hesitation or question then watched him whip his belt from the loops of his pants and tossed it into the car.
 Sukuna got into his seat sliding down the pants enough to not struggle with it later, then his eyes gazed to you waiting to see your next move. "Don't worry, no one is here. It's just us." 
 You stepped closer to him then started to take off your sandals handing them to him so he could put them on the passenger floor but when he looked back over to you. He watched you put your hands under your skirt and slide your panties down your legs and toss them onto his lap. Sukunas eyes landed on them seeing the inner part of them soaked. He smiled then looked to you saying "do you know how fucking sexy you are? Fuck. Get on my lap."
 You did as you were told climbing onto his lap straddling him and shifted around enough to get into a comfortable spot. Sukuna leaned over grabbing the door and closed it then stared at you waiting for the sign to continue. 
 In the moment of silence and staring at each other, both of you clashed lips together, hands roaming each other's bodies, and you rolling your hips against him, already desperate to feel him inside you. 
 As your hands roamed across his chest you felt the buttons of his shirt and started to unbutton them but the frustration was getting to you. Sukuna pulled away, giving out a laugh while pushing your hands away and said "here let me do it." 
 Sukuna unbuttoned his shirt with skill making it look so easy as his mind started to drift. He never felt so much thrill like this with a sexual partner. Not even remembering any thrill like this with his wife, all he could see was the bad things with her now.
 While sukuna undid his shirt you grabbed the bottom of yours and lifted it over your head, then reached in front of your bra to unclip it letting your breast free. He noticed the style of bra and gave you a smug smirk. "I like that bra. Makes it easier for me to get through." 
 You giggled tossing it with his shirt then wrapped your arms around his neck pressing your bare chest against his. Feeling the warmth and burn of his flesh against you, wanting to be as close to him as possible. Sukuna lifted his hips and pushed down the rest of his clothing further to finally let his cock spring out between the two of you. 
 Taking the chance to raise your self as he positioned his tip at your entrance and sat down slowly feeling him stretch you with every inch of his length. Breathy moans escaped both of you and he quickly grabbed your hips under your skirt watching himself disappear inside you. "Go ahead darling take the ride."
 The car was soon filled with moans, the squelch sounds of your cream and scent of sex. You could feel your bodies getting moist from sweat and the warmth in the car. Sukuna left more love bites across your neck decorating your sink with slight red marks of his teeth and pink purple bruising. His hips bucked trying to thrust deeper in you but the space was making it harder for him so you helped with that by rocking yourself down onto him. 
 His hands gripped tighter around your hips and gazed over your lustful eyes, blushed cheeks and swollen kissed lips. He could feel your hands gripping his shoulders digging your nails into his skin, the roll of your hips becoming harder and faster feeling close to your release.
 You had a feeling that if anyone did show up they probably would have seen the car rock, but you didn't care you loved it. This thrill, the sex, him. That was all you thought about. Just sukuna and that was all you could say, the chants of his name. 
 Sukuna could feel you growing wetter and squeezing around him, he is on his last few thrust as well. "Cum baby. Release yourself on me. Cream my cock."
 Hearing his words made you completely come undone and gushed around him. Sukuna gave a few more thrust squeezing your hips as he shot thick ropes of hot cum inside you. 
 You threw your head back yelling his name but as you leaned your body backwards pressing against the steering wheel and hearing the car horn go off scared you. You yelp and jump forward hugging him around his shoulder hiding your face into the crook of his neck feeling your heart race.
 Sukuna put an arm around you laughing a full deep laugh. It had been a while since he laughed like that. You could feel the joy through the shaking of his chest hearing his laughter fill the car. You couldn't help but to smile and laugh along with him as you did, you could feel yourself squeeze around him.
 Looking at you with a loving smile and feeling you shift then lift yourself off him. When he pulls out from you, hearing the squelch sound and feeling of cum dripping from you knew it was most likely going to stain his pants.
 He raised his hips again to fix his pants and put his shaft away then stared at you. Sukuna could see the last glow of the sun behind you making his heart swell. How much more beautiful can you get?
 Feeling your hands lightly touch the back of his neck and run your fingers up into his hair pulling the locks on the back. His crimson eyes scanned over the features of your face while his fingers grazed across your back. 
 It was this moment he knew it had gone too far, so deep. He can not let you go. You dug your way into his heart, pushing his wife out of the way and took that spot. The spot he so badly wanted to fill with true love and affection.
"I am in love with you."
 Sukuna was so lost in your eyes he didn't even realize the words slip out from him. Seeing your eyes go wide. The flip and twist of your heart, the blush filling your cheeks. You never thought he would say it so soon but what did you expect with all that you two had been doing lately. 
"Sukuna. I love you." 
 You could feel your heart thump, nervous that he might change his mind and push you away but he didn't. Sukuna cupped your face and smashed his lips against yours, kissing you hard but passionate. After the battle of tongues the sun was fully gone leaving you two in the dark.
 Sukuna felt himself starting to panic his heart thumped with worry. He just fucked up by saying those words and hearing them from you. But seeing the loving smile on your face as he cupped your cheek made his heart throb. He can not hide how he truly feels about you.
"Beautiful I love you more."
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ahhh thank you so much for reading!
Finally sukuna had spilled out his feeling to you by saying those three words but now he is scared. What is going to happen when his wife comes back?
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