#i just judge people for their actions and if you act like an asshole that's how you'll get treated
dyns33 · 2 months
Family honor
So Alfie x Y/N Shelby wife will be a little series now
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There were several differences between a Gypsy wedding and a Jewish wedding.
The most obvious being that gypsy marriage was not recognized by anyone except gypsies.
But if it wasn't celebrated, you could walk past a priest, a rabbi, an imam or the fucking King himself, to live for years with the same person, under the same roof, with children, that would not have the slightest importance for the gypsies.
Alfie Solomons muttered several times that none of this was kosher, but he respected all the rites and traditions of Y/N's family. Even drinking alcohol, he who hated having a foggy mind.
"Already quite foggy the rest of the time, love. But if your savages of brothers insist…"
“The savages insist.” John said, giving him a whole bottle of whiskey.
“I can’t believe this asshole is going to become one of us.”
"Oh, Arthur, I'm touched that you accept me so quickly into your heart."
It took several people besides Tommy and Y/N to stop them from killing each other, when they were completely drunk.
Then they insisted on walking together in the horse field, the older Shelby brother ending up giving his blessing before falling asleep under a tree, making it clear that he would slit Alfie's throat if he did not treat his beloved little sister correctly.
The wandering jew left him to return with the others, who were dancing and singing. A perfect wedding, completely normal.
If he was offended when Y/N told him that the Jewish marriage was practically the same, he didn't show it, just made a strange sound with his nose.
There may have been less alcohol, and it was legally recognized, but the rest was a gathering of a lot of loud people, not speaking English, jumping around and congratulating them on their union.
Y/N, however, quickly noticed the biggest difference between gypsy marriage and Jewish marriage.
Although they had been a little surprised and worried by her choice of husband, her family had decided to give a chance to Alfie Solomons, whom they judged solely because of his actions. The rest didn't matter in the slightest.
With the Camden community, it wasn’t so simple.
“Your lovely wife is going to convert ?” an old woman asked, although it sounded more like an order than a question.
"Ah, frau Aldermann. It is true that I am such a pious man myself, it is a very important subject that my wife and I have talked about a lot. Isn't that right, treacle ?"
“Good, good.” sighed a man, patting his shoulder, not seeming to understand Alfie's sarcasm. "This is very important, especially for such an admired member. Perhaps your mother was of Jewish parentage ?"
She could have replied that she had not really known her mother, and therefore even less her family, but her husband saved her from this discussion, which he considered ridiculous, by inviting her to dance.
A true act of love, for him who hated dancing, in addition to suffering terribly because of his back.
It didn't take long for her entire family tree to be dissected in every way. The old harpies of Camden were like all the harpies of London.
The fact that she couldn't answer their question was almost a good thing. This mystery made it possible to say that if we could not verify that she was Jewish through her mother, we could not verify that she was not either. And everything always went through the mother.
The deplorable past of her father and the Shelby family could then have been forgotten.
The problem was mainly that her mother was not Mr. Arthur Shelby Sr. wife, which made Y/N a bastard. A gypsy bastard at that.
Even when she didn't understand the language, she guessed that people were talking about her. These looks and these laughter, she knew them well. Her brothers had suffered them when they were younger, before they used their fists to silence the ignorant and conquer Birmingham.
But she wasn't in Birmingham. Her brothers were not there, and it was her husband's kingdom.
Alfie wasn't the last to comment on gypsies.
"You know, I expected to have to sleep in a caravan for our honeymoon. It would have been terrible for my back, I don't know if Thomas took pity on us or if his petty posh side is to be thanked."
“They had a tent for us, but Finn threw up in it.”
"Fuck off, love. You're kidding me !"
“Then we would have danced naked around a fire asking the moon to give us happiness, health and above all a lot of fucking money.”
"… Yeah, you're totally kidding me, you little rascal." Alfie said, mock irritated, pulling her in for a kiss.
He didn't seem to notice that every little word spoken against her family and their traditions was beginning to weigh on her.
At least it was never completely mean when it was him. Almost innocent, full of prejudice and stupidity, but not crossing certain limits.
The rest of the community was not so kind. Many had not appreciated that the King of Camden, such a prized party, war hero, respected gangster, charming man, ended up with a girl like her. It must have been business, blackmail, or black magic.
There was no other possible explanation.
For several months, she decided to be the reasonable adult, remaining calm and polite, taking the blows as best she could. Tommy had taught her how to do it.
He had also taught her the pride of gypsies. Honor.
So there came a day when she was walking through the bakery, and some of the employees made a little joke about stealing and fortune telling, laughing like the idiots they were.
Normally, she would have ignored him. But Y/N was exhausted, and Polly's voice repeated in her head that no Shelby would ever allow themselves to be treated like this, so before they had time to react, she grabbed the hair of one of them, placing a knife to his throat.
"Tell me another joke about gypsies. Then I'll tell you a joke about Jews. Then I'll kill you."
The boy squealed, calling to his colleagues for help with his big, frightening eyes, but no one dared to move. Because they knew she would go faster. And even if she wasn't moving fast enough, she was Tommy Shelby's sister and Alfie Solomons' wife. Literally untouchable.
"Come on." she whispered in his ear. "Make me laugh. No ? No more jokes ? You're going to play the victim. It's funny, people who complain about being mistreated, then do exactly the same thing to others while thinking they're superior. You're all the same."
She didn't comment on the puddle under his legs, nor the little cry of panic when she released him.
Everyone stood still, watching her leave, and when she met Ollie's gaze, she knew she had just made a mistake. She only proved that she was indeed the savage they all described, the bad person.
Alfie probably wouldn't be happy when his right hand man told him what happened.
He did indeed seem to be in a terrible mood when she found him waiting for her in the living room, sunk into the sofa, indicating that his back was hurting badly, but that he would refuse to talk about it.
"Come, love, have a sit. Come on, sit down here."
Not wanting to act like a child, she remained silent as she took a seat in the chair he indicated to her.
This was obviously not what he expected, because he didn't speak either, staring at her intensely, hands crossed, displaying a small pout.
“Do you want to tell me what happened at the bakery today ?”
“Why ask if you already know ?”
“I would like your version.”
"I threatened to slit the throat of one of your workers and disrupted production. Do you want to spank me ?"
"Tempting. Why did you want to slit his throat ?"
"Unimportant, uh ? Unimportant, love ? Because Ollie came to tell me that some guys were talking bad about me wife."
Groaning slightly, Alfie stood up just enough to push a piece of paper and pencil in her direction onto the table between them.
"I want the names, treacle. I've already gone around the bakery telling everyone that insulting me wife and her family was insulting me, and I don't like being insulted. Names."
“You always make fun of gypsies.”
"Wrong." he retorted, holding up a finger as if that proved his point. "I do it when your brothers are around, because Thomas can be a little prick, and it's hilarious to see Arthur react like a mad dog. But I have nothing against gypsies. Lovely people. The proof, look at you. And look at me. The two most wonderful creatures our communities could spawn, right ?"
Despite all her strength, Y/N couldn't help but smile, which seemed to please her husband. He then placed his victorious finger on the paper, insisting on names.
If she had shown mercy by not cutting, this would not be the case with the wandering jew, king of Camden Town.
No one insulted his wife. No one looked at his wife badly, no one criticized her, no one tried to take away from her, no one thought of her with bad thoughts.
“Not even you ?” Y/N asked with a mischievous smile.
"Not at all. Now you brought up spanking. You brought it up first, love, not me."
“My brothers would be furious to hear that you beat me.”
"Don't tempt me, I can spread false rumors all the way to Birmingham just for the thrill of them all running here, and finding us…"
“You’re the one who deserves a spanking.”
"Ungrateful wife. Threatening me, under my own roof, when my back is killing me and I have just condemned half the city for the love of her."
The Shelbys never knew about their sister's difficult first months in Camden. Tommy noticed that he seemed to be treated with a little more respect when he walked the streets, but neither Y/N nor Alfie talked about what had happened before this outpouring of acceptance from the community.
On the other hand, Arthur noticed marks on his little sister's neck, and he tried to strangle Alfie, even after realizing that it wasn't what he thought, because it wasn't really better for him.
And Solomons reminding him that he was his brother-in-law didn't help at all.
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autolenaphilia · 4 months
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LMAO. Here it is, the creed of the anti-kink puritan: "thinking about bad things is bad in itself."There seems to be zero understanding of the distinction between thoughts or fantasies and actual actions in the real world.
Ms. thesituation here, she seems to have a general problem with distinguishing thoughts from reality. There was the time she outright lied about a trans woman to make her into a pedophile via guilt by association, by just making up the association. Thesituation seems to think that because she can imagine a particular trans woman being buddies with pedophile, that somehow makes it reality.
What she is fighting for is not a basic sense of morality, it's the concept of thought crimes.
I attach basically no moral weight to thoughts or fantasies, because they are not reality, it's what a person actually does in the real world that matters. Fantasizing about murder doesn't make you a murderer. When you fantasize about a murder you are not taking the life of a living breathing person, the thing that makes actual murder bad. It is not real.
The same thing applies not just to private fantasies, but to multiple people playing pretend with a particular fantasy. Pretend-murdering someone in a play or a movie isn't murder, because fiction is not real.
And the same applies to sexual roleplay, like cnc. Two consenting adults play-acting rape is not rape, because there is consent. It's two adults playing pretend, not actual rape. Similarly if two consenting non-related adults do fauxcest roleplay, calling their girlfriend their "sister" or whatever. This is all fine, what two or more consenting adults do sexually is none of my business, and when you aren't involved it's not your business either. And I think you are an arrogant, paternalistic, judgemental, moralist asshole for judging them.
But these people never just judge, but launch outright harassment campaigns. And let's be honest here, the kind of callout campaigns against the evils of sexual perversion these people start are usually focused on transfems, and are deeply transmisogynist in nature.
And they have obvious conservative roots too. Anti-kink views spring directly out of sexual conservatism. And the whole "Your private thoughts determine your moral character" bit is drawn directly from the darkest depths of certain sects of christianity.
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AITA for abandoning my party in the middle of a notoriously tough dungeon?
i (26m) was playing ffxiv and had just unlocked a new dungeon. all my friends were asleep and i was too excited to wait, so i decided to go against my social anxiety and run it with randos.
the scant handful times i'd run dungeons with randos before went great - earlier that day after another dungeon i'd even gotten player commendations from two of the players in a party i was healing for - so i was more or less confident this time would be fine as well.
boy oh boy was i wrong...
i got matched with three players we will simply call tank, healer, and dps (age and gender unknown for all three). i went in as a bard (all my other jobs were too underlevelled), filling the remaining dps role.
things went awry almost as soon as we set foot in that dungeon. i died in the first room to some enemies that aggro'd on me and ganged up on me. the rest of the party left the room pretty much immediately after all enemies were dead.
i politely asked to be resurrected, to which healer reluctantly complied. they told me to "just rez next time", which would've sent me to the beginning of the dungeon. in hindsight that would've prolly been fine since it was only the first room.
after i caught up to the others i once again got swarmed with monsters. this is gonna be a pattern if you couldn't tell. after i'd died to this pattern a couple times tank yelled at me for "constantly pulling everything ffs".
for those who don't know, tanks (at least in this game) have a special ability that basically acts as an aggro magnet. i have a strong suspicion tank wasn't using said ability considering how often i got swarmed, but we'll never know for sure.
now the mid boss was where it truly went to shit. no matter how much of a distance i kept from that damn thing, no matter how well i evaded its aoe attacks, i just kept dying over and over again. one time the rest of the party even got sent back somehow. i'm not sure how.
and why did i keep dying you may ask? because healer never healed me. not once after they resurrected me at the beginning did i notice my hp go up aside from when i used hi-potions or my one (1) healing spell, both of which have a very long cooldown. i think they were glued to tank the entire time, completely neglecting me and dps.
and yet, i was the one taking the blame for everything. for pulling the enemies tank should've pulled. for constantly dying, which i couldn't help because healer never once touched me after that first resurrection.
it was really starting to affect me so after i let my dead body be sent back to the beginning of the dungeon i finally put my foot down and left the dungeon. this disbanded the party, not only kicking everyone from the dungeon, but likely also penalizing all 4 of us because of my actions.
i will clarify that this wasn't just any old dungeon; it was aurum vale. it's a dungeon you need to be at least level 47 for. while i don't know much about it myself, judging by the way my friends talk about it the semi-universal verdict is that it sucks major balls. it' would's not be a fun dungeon to have to redo, that's for sure.
i was on the verge of tears for well over 30 minutes afterwards, both from the emotional afterquakes of fear and anger but also from the guilt of abandoning these people like that.
so, am i the asshole? am i too sensitive? should i just have sucked it up and kept going?
tldr; i felt like my party of randos were blaming me for being the weakest link while doing their own jobs poorly, and decided to prioritize my own feelings by leaving the dungeon, dissolving the party and forcing the others to start all over again
Oh no. Oh honey. I am so sorry Aurum Vale is just like that. I'm gonna put the poll here and some extra INFO/advice under a readmore because it's a bit long, but please read on before voting.
First: don't let leaving bother you too much, it didn't kick everyone from the dungeon, that's not how it works. If one person leaves, the queue just refills the party with a new person and the dungeon continues like normal, or everyone else now has the option to leave without penalty.
Aurum Vale's first room is a motherfucker--basically it's an older design with lots of wandering monsters, so on the first room especially you need to hug the left hand wall as tight as you can to aggro as little as possible. Let the tank go first and grab aggro on mobs. Don't pull for the tank, especially at this level range. Let them do their job. I can't say for sure whether they had their aggro-generating stance on, could go either way, but I can see why they got annoyed at someone pulling stuff they weren't ready for yet. While wall-to-wall pulling is pretty standard in this game, that's the tank's call to make, not the dps's--and some of these older dungeons with funky level syncing or enemy pacing make wall-to-walling more difficult and not for everyone.
(BTW, as an aside, tank stance works as a personal buff, not a magnet--they do still need to hit things to grab their aggro, sometimes more than once if someone else has already established on them. If they already have a pack they're working on and you grab something way on the other side of the room, you'll have to bring it over to them so they can take it off you!)
If you do die to mobs between bosses, sometimes the best thing to do is just release and respawn! If you get a rez, you'll have a debuff that makes you weaker for a while. Definitely if it's the very first room, releasing is the move most of the time.
As for dying to bosses: was it definitely the mid boss, the cyclops? Because the other two (the plant and the morbol) both have mechanics that make you take slow damage over time unless you eat a fruit to get rid of it. You want to eat a fruit every 2-3 stacks of the debuff that you get because that's where the damage starts to get more severe; before then, the healer can probably handle you.
Basically, it seems like this party mistook inexperience for malice and was rude to you in response. Not healing you, for example, is absolutely inexcusable. You did some things suboptimally that made the dungeon harder for the group, but honestly we were all there once, don't let it get to you too much. Try it again with your friends bearing the stuff I mentioned in mind, and it'll go much better! But as an aside it SUCKS to heal, if you have a more experienced friend you should let them handle it haha
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faggot-greg-house · 4 months
house is autistic i will accept no criticism
i have so many thoughts about house and autism. this might be the most unhinged post on my tumblr yet but here we go so house had the illusion of normalcy forced on him from a young age. i dont think thats like, full canon, but house talks about how his father abused him on more than one occassion and talked about how he was never satisfied or happy with house no matter what. so i truly dont think its a far reach to say that he would not have tolerated a "weird child." the thing that i think, though, is that all of his actions are a response to the fact that he's not particularly great at masking. he's afraid if he lets people close to him he won't be able to hide the fact that he's "weird" (aka bad). he intentionally pushes people away with his weird creepy comments and being an asshole and that's both him masking (if he's aggressively mean all the time no one will bother to look further) and a way of coping with the fact that he cant mask. the more he pushes people away the less likely it is that they'll see that he cares about things and that he's not "normal" like he's always been told. i also think that as the show went on, he got less and less concerned about masking. he constantly stims, he hyperfocuses and burns out, he panics about change, he treats his fellows a lot more like family. once he got to a point in his life where his "weirdness" is not something he can be ruined for (he's tenured and he has people who will fight for him) he found himself a lot more able to be aggressively autistic, even if he struggles with it due to trauma.
a huge Autism Moment in the show for me is when foreman quits and house fires chase. house has been afraid his whole life of showing who he actually is, as mentioned. his fellows, though, are his People, they knew all of his shit and they never ran awayy from it. they didnt question who he was and what he knew, only his methods, and they were willing to fight back against him (something he's shown he loves). but then foreman quits because he "doesnt want to be like house" and this is house's worst nightmare. this is exactly why he had normalcy beaten into him, because being weird only makes it that people will run away once they know you. he dared to let people see a bit of who he actually is and how he thinks and acts and foreman essentially said "i cant stand to be like you." on top of that fear, his team became Different. he doesnt know if chase or cameron thought the same things as foreman, if they were also judging him or hating him for being autistic. it sent him into fucking panic mode because how is he supposed to trust them when he doesnt know if they agree with foreman!!!!! and even if he could, the team is Different and its for a reason he cant control and he cant just go back to normal. his method of interviewing his new fellows also shows this - how is he supposed to be able to tell if someone will be okay with who he is and if they'll work well together based off a short intervew where he's almost certainly masking the whole time???? anyway. to end this absolutely unhinged post ive put together an inconclusive list of autistic traits and actions from house, and i want to say that so much of this is him being written off as an antisocial eccentric genius and, while he is an ass that cant be debated, it clearly runs deeper than that!!!!
he doesnt understand how ppl feel (he repeatedly talks about how small talk is like a guessing game for him and he doesnt know what to say)
he doesnt like to be touched (for a lot of the show people just do Not touch him, wilson excluded)
he stims constantly and he needs Sensations
he's blunt, rude, somewhat monotone, etc
he has a hard time making friends
he has a hard time saying what he feels (he'd rather joke or be mean than analyse his emotions)
he has a routine that he Sticks To (even thgh its not exactly the same because of patients etc, he goes to work late, he talks to the same people, he sits in his same office. he's shown coming to work sick at one point and he doesnt rly go on vacation. plus when cuddy took his bloodstained carpet it was such a fundamental change to his life that he couldnt deal)
he notices Everything (yes ik this is a sherlock holmes thing but consider sherlock holmes - also autistic)
he has a method and train of thought that works for him and he is unwilling to break from it (he's shown at least once stopping the fellows from writing on his whiteboard, and after he loses the og three he continues trying to hold ddx's because its how he Thinks)
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blossomthepinkbunny · 2 months
Poor rendition of queer characters in HH and HB
Here I am again talking about queer representation in Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, this time just more generally. Because it's always a little weird to me when people claim HH/HB to have good queer representation, when in actuality most of the queer characters are either just blatant stereotypes or get mishandled somehow. And with Helluva Boss recently winning the Queertys - Web series reward I think that this is probably a pretty good time to acknowledge that kind of stuff (as people have done before).
TW: Sexual assault, R@pe (when referring to the actions of characters)
Blitzø (Pansexual): is very sexual and seen on screen multiple times either having sex or just having had sex. Pretty much fits the general stereotype of queer men always being sexual and also the stereotype of pansexuals just sleeping with everybody. Like, he literally screwed the mutual Ex of his coworkers even though he knew how much that guy hurt them.
Stolas (Gay): also mostly sexual (from how he was introduced) and he is in a pretty terrible "relationship" with Blitzø, which includes coercion, SA, Power dynamics and fetishization. Another very sex-driven queer man. Also just great proof for the people assuming that queer relationships are inherently predatory, unhealthy and never work out.
Moxxie (Bisexual): is often forced into a very feminine role because even in relationships with women, queer men always have to be pointed out to be feminine and putting a guy in a dress is funny I guess.
Fizzarolli & Asmodeus (Queer): they're actually better than a lot of the other characters here but there is still some of that uneven power dynamic going on with them and there are obvious issues with their relationship. Overall they aren't too bad though. They didn't get that much sexual focus and what they got is kinda warranted since Ozzie is the Lust demon. But there is that one scene with Fizz stepping out of his car with Dildo confetti canons (I think) and that was sorta weird, since in an episode before that they presented Crimson as being homophobic and stereotypical for assuming queer men are all obsessed with dicks. Which is just interesting because thats most of the queer men in Vivzepops stories.
Chaz (Queer): just a sexually abusive asshole because we definitely needed more predatory queer men in this show.
Sally May (Trans mtf): basically the single recognized trans character in both shows and she only had one line. After that they made fan merch for her which consisted of her in a bikini with her bulge being drawn pretty visibly (multiple times). Of course there's nothing wrong with Trans people who don't have surgery but it's just a tiny bit weird to me that fanservice merchandise is what she got reduced to, when something like that wasn't even the joke of the only line she had in the show and because she hasn't recieved any kind of focus after that.
Angel Dust (Gay): now there is a lot of stuff that could be said about Angel. On one hand he is another very sexual gay man whose screentime often just consists of sex jokes and references. On the other hand that's a big point for his character. How he tries to act confident in his sexuality when in reality it's the main source of his problems. Though he does often harass other men in the show and that's just so unnecessary. Talking about Angel mostly leads into discussing if he is good representation for SA victims or not, which is something I don't want to talk about that much because I feel like it's not my place to judge that as someone who never has experienced SA. I'm gonna say that I do find Viv's treatment of him outside of the show insensitive (with the pro-shipping, diminishing Valentino as an Abuser and general sexualization of the characters) but as far as the portrayal of him in the show goes I've heard different opinions and you should read the discussion's of actual r@pe survivors about this topic if you want to know about more about it.
Husk (Queer): I don't have anything to say about Husk. He is a very refreshing queer man in these show's and there is nothing bad about him I could think of right now.
Valentino (Queer): for him I mostly want to talk about how he is treated outside of the show which doesn't sit right with me. He is a villian in HH so it's understandable that he is gonna do effed up stuff. I also like that the show tries to make a point about how men get sexually assaulted too (wether they succeeded in that inside the show I'm not gonna judge too hard like I said). But there are a lot of people who not only sexualize him, but also his actions and his relationship to Angel and from what I know Viv never really spoke out against that. She actually interacts with people who do that stuff and I it's just kinda gross.
Vox (Queer): I also don't have a lot to say about him. He and Val are a couple so he is dating a r@pist but he is also a villain so you can't really expect more from him. Especially since he would still be interacting with a r@pist even if they weren't dating.
Alastor (Aromantic, Asexual): is obviously not interested in relationships or sex but his identity is pretty much ignored by a huge amount of the fandom. Vivzepop never say's anything about people blatantly invalidating him like that. It seems to me like she doesn't care about characters who can't be involved in shipping but still wanted to have more diversity in her show so she just called him AroAce. In Hazbin Hotel he isn't bad representation though. His sexuality is never the focus but thats fine, it's mostly just the treatment he gets outside of HH which I don't like.
Charlie (Bisexual): doesn't have a lot to her sexuality. This is something I talked about pretty lengthy in my other post, specifically about the lack of Sapphic content in both shows, so I won't go into too much detail here. Her relationship with Vaggie would probably be the best in both shows if it wasn't for the fact that they both never get the real spotlight as a couple. And there is that thing in Vivzepops stories where the women are pretty much sexless without men and that's obviously something that is generally an issue when talking about the lack of Sapphic representation (which is also a topic heavily tied to sexism). Charlie's portrayal isn't necessarily stereotypical but that's just because there is nothing to her identity in the show.
Vaggie (Lesbian): like I said I already talked about the Chaggie relationship so now I wanna focus on something I didn't even mention in that post. Her name literally being Vagina and that's apparently funny because she is a Lesbian so she obviously likes Vagina. That's just incredibly stereotypical and also excludes Trans Lesbians and Asexual Lesbians who don't want sex. The whole joke was that Adam named her that because he is obsessed with sex and he's a jerk. But her name was always Vagina even in the pilot (from what I know Adam wasn't conceived then and neither was the idea that Vaggie even is a former exterminator).
That's all the queer characters I could think of. I hope I didn't miss any.
I thought about including Millie here too. But she was also already included in my other discussion post and I still don't know if she is canonically Bisexual of if that is just a headcannon so I didn't put her here.
I'm just gonna say that i don't have a problem with queer men being sexual (or any queer person in that regard). But it's pretty much every one of her queer male characters. This is especially bad when a lot of the relationships are toxic as well.
I just think too many characters fit stereotypes and to me that isn't good queer representation. If you like the depiction of queer characters in HH or HB that's good for you and you don't have to agree with me. But you also can't really deny a lot of this stuff and you can't expect others to just be fine with bland, hurtful and sometimes even toxic representation like there is in these shows.
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pinktwingirl · 6 months
I think the thing that frustrates me most about the ongoing genocide is how quick people in the Western world are to judge Palestinians for committing violence against the IDF after they’ve been bombed and murdered indiscriminately. Like these people have been through hell and back and you think you get to act like you’re somehow “morally superior” to them? You will never understand what it’s like to live under an occupation. You will never understand what it’s like to have to carry your children’s limbs in plastic bags because that’s all that remains of them. You will never understand what it’s like to have bombs rain down around you on a daily basis while the rest of the world cheers on your murderers. You will never understand what it’s like to have your entire childhood stolen from you because you were convicted in a military court at nine years old. These are people who have been pushed to their absolute breaking point, and yet racist assholes will insist that their actions just show that they’re all somehow “inherently violent”. Like how dare you point to someone at their most vulnerable and desperate point and say that’s just who they are? If you were in their shoes, you’d be doing the exact same thing. Check your goddamn privilege.
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tocomplainfriend · 3 months
saw your thread on valentino and am curious how you would have written him instead (sorry if you have already answered this). Make his abusive actions more subtle? Take more time in establishing his relationship to the other v's so we see that he wears different masks? I wont get into it, but ive been through stuff in the past and i personally am conflicted on how I would (re)write the val character. The problems outside of the show are a different animal entirely (with twitter/the storyboard person), I'm just talking like in the show itself.
He does seem completely different from Episode 4 to Episode 6 (in the cases he is talking with Angel) so there must be something off with his consistency.
I guess for me Im trying to identify what the major mistakes are (of his charcter) and how the show could have handled them better. I doubt there's a consensus since we all experience it differently, but it's a very interesting topic.
Sorry for taking so long!
God writing him! Could go so many ways (sorry for bad English btw)
A really basic idea! :
I personally would've taken the manipulative asshole at once. I think it is important to tell audiences going through something in the past, present, or future, how manipulation happens. Instead of taking, he is too stupid to do so. Many people that are or had being manipulated question themselves about this treatment so much. People don't need to be mastermind to be like this
I think of having the opportunity of having Angel's perspective vs Charlie! I hated they wrote Charlie as knowing what happen but never did anything? I think of having Angel by that point in the relationship where he is coming back to Val even if he constantly realizes how awful he is. Many people constantly judge the position (usually woman) coming back to an awful ex. Even r-pe victims can go thought this and face so much judgment cause people don't understand your actual state of mind nor your situation. Coming back to an abusive person never deletes their abuse. But when Charlie comes in, she meets someone who acts so nice and charming, specially to her being a princess. Which others in hell don't seem to do- thinking Angel is in good hands, making Angel feel more trapped.
Also, coming to Angel, I deal with Hypersexuality due to being a victim as well-. I believe is a really gross way of showing it. Hypersexuality doesn't equal saying cum all the time and sexually harassing others, it's a lot of unwanted thought, guilt, and feeling gross at your self. It is not something to double down on, it's something you shouldn't feel like it's your fault- indulging, without help, makes it worse for you.
Obcioulsy more than just that. Like Val making Angel feel like is worth comes from being under him, feeling like there is nowhere else to go. But again some small stuff, there are many others who their main thing is writing, many better people to ask!
Really basic, really. I'm not going to spend the little writing skills I have on this, sorry! But it was a nice ask anon!
Just a really basic idea.
There are many better writers than me out there! Search for their stuff! I mainly just like complaining than rewriting! I also recommend real stories like biographys of victims of abuse themselves if you want to read some real stuff.
Ty, for being so respectful!
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imwithstupid7 · 3 months
Hii i love your blog <3 can i request a fic with johnny cade x soc fem reader where shes always happy around him and loves physical touch?
The last song I was listening to while writing this:
thank u sm, and of course ♡
౨ৎJohnny Cade x soc fem reader౨ৎ
Johnny a pretty quite person, but he’s still a tough greaser. You forget that he’s a greaser sometimes.
You also forget that socs and greasers being friends is heavily looked down upon. But y/n y/l/n doesn’t care because your head over heels for a greaser.
You were walking off the bus to school and immediately started looking for johnny. You found him along with the rest of his gang siting together on some tables. Right when you locked eyes with him a swirl of anxiety,happiness,and love rushed through your body, feeling nauseous. As you walked up, a smile appeared on Johnny’s face as fast as it disappeared. Wondering why, you quickly find out when you get over to johnny.
Y/n: hi !!!
Johnny: how’s it goin?
You said with a genuine smile then hugged him tightly, he hugged you back with equal embrace.
Gang of socs: hey greaserssss, oh! whys a pretty soc like you hanging around trash like that y/n?
You looked to johnny and saw his face start to turn read, you grabbed his hand and walked away. At the same time the other greasers started to get in a fight with the socs.
Y/n: don’t listen to them Johnny, they’re just rich snobs who are gonna peak in high school.
You looked at Johnny still holding his hand, and squeezed it a little tighter.
Johnny didn’t say anything.
The school day went on somewhat usual, but Johnny still was acting out of it. No matter anything the gang did he was still being weird, the only person he would at least talk to was you.
The bell rings and now school’s officially over for today
All day you felt guilty for Johnnys behavior and spent most of your time thinking about making him feel better, but eventually came up with an idea.
On your way out of the school building you met up with Johnny and gave him a tight hug as he put his arms around your waits holding you close. He always waits for you after school to walk you home.
Y/n: Johnny?
Johnny: huh?
Y/n: you wanna hangout at my house?
Johnny had a bit of a shock in his face because you two have only ever hung out around town, or at other people’s houses. Besides he’s just thought your parents would hate him for being a hood.
Johnny: sure,but right now?
Y/n: duh!
You said with a smile grabbing onto his hand and skipping along pulling him along.
You two got to your house,and for the first time ever he got to see what your house looked like on the inside
Johnny: wow this is a real nice house you got y/n.
Y/n: thanks! Wanna go to my room?
Johnny: sure.
You two ran up the stairs to your room, after the little tour of your room you gave him, you both laid onto your bed.
After what felt like forever of staring up at your ceiling, as your record player played the Beatles Johnny opened up and told you what’s been going on today.
Johnny: You know you don’t gotta hang around me and the gang right?I know you’re a soc and all and it’s bad for your reputation and I don’t wanna mess that up and embarrass you.
You look over to him with a confused look
Y/n: are you serious? I choose to hangout with you guys, I don’t care who judges me for being friends with greasers. Johnny Is this about when thoes socs came over and started being assholes?
Johnny was silent for a moment trying to muster up something to correctly explain his emotions.
Johnny: I really love you y/n. I’m just worried I’m ruining your life.
You both had nothing else to say. Instead you could only think of actions as a response.
You inch closer to Johnny and hold eye contact then kiss him, pulling back gently he just stares at you. After seconds he kisses you back.
Y/n: I love you to Johnny.
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ikamigami · 10 months
That one hallucination of Moon line:
"If you didn't do anything ... why did you feel like you had to do everything in your miniscule little power to help..."
it cut so deeply... I felt in on a very personal level...
And this is something I talked about in that one post about Sun ("I think I know why Sun yelled at Lunar" or something like that). That he always felt like he made everything worse. From the beginning.
He tried to stop Moon from killing but he feels like he made it worse, that he caused Moon to suffer and it only fuelled Moon's kill code. But at the same time what else Sun could do? He couldn't let Moon kill innocents! Because what brother would let their own brother (and twin at that) to kill someone? Definitely not a good one.
But I think that Sun really feels like he could still do better than that.. like maybe he could do something else to help Moon even though we all know that he couldn't. He couldn't do anything beside keeping Moon inside their head.
I don't know how many of you know how it is to want to help someone you love, someone you care about but being unable to... You're getting more and more desperate as you watch someone harming themselves by their choices... You try your best to help but nothing seems to change anything... Or sometimes you even think that you're making things worse for that person...
I think that's how Sun feels most of the time. I hope that all of you will understand that. But I know that it's hard to understand someone if you're not in their shoes. That's why we need empathy.. because then we can grasp how this person feels without fully understanding the situation.
I was on both sides. I was in Sun's shoes but also in Moon's shoes. I don't know how it is to lose your memories though.. but I can assume that it must to be really hard. But at the same time what Moon is doing right now.. isn't helping Sun at all. I always had a feeling that Moon won't be able to help Sun. Sun needs someone else to help him. Not Moon and not Earth. Someone unrelated to him. Someone who won't shout at him and judge his every word and action. Someone who would just listen. Because that's what Sun needs right now. Someone who will listen to him. After that they can say some of the hard truths because if Sun would open up, he'll be able to listen because he'll be free from the burden of keeping everything in himself.
But Moon isn't the right person for that. I don't even know if Earth is the right person. Sometimes you need someone else. Even kind stranger might turn out to be more helpful than your own family.
The most hurtful thing to me was that in the comments under the latest episode people were justifying Moon's assholness. Just like it was with Old Moon. People were always able to find a way to justify Old Moon's actions. And we need to accept that that New Moon is acting exactly the same way Old Moon was.
New Moon is more caring but it ended quickly. Because Sun was lying to him about his own problems and that Sun was harming himself behind Moon's back. I know that these things hurt. But trust me I was in similar situation. And I didn't act like Moon. Moon is doing exactly the same thing Old Moon would do which is focusing only on his own feelings. Only Moon is expressing his own feelings. Just like always. Sun can't do that because Moon yet again is not letting him.
That's hard truth. But it is something that fandom need to realise. Things are repeating once again. But is it really only Sun's fault? No. It's also Moon's fault as well. If you're unable to see that then that's your problem.
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its-monster-mash · 1 year
Alright so, there’s been a sleep between me and the House of Wax rewatch, so I’m going to TRY to organize my feelings by Chronological order of the movie. This is going to get long, so there will be a cut so I don’t take up too much dash-space for people who want to scroll past.
Basics of it: Bo Sinclair apologism and Let Vincent Have Agency over his own actions. Also people are DICKS to rural people for no reason, like seriously FUCK Wade. Wade Deserved It.
So RIGHT off the bat, with Bo’s first appearance in the woods with his truck—Bo did NOTHING wrong here. I live in a very rural area(I grew up in the middle of the woods, but now I live a ten minute walk from where I used to—there are so many cows). Where I’m from, if the landowner catches you in his woods you’re as likely to get SHOT AT as not. Showing up in a truck and staring at you is kind of a universal POLITE, gun free, warning—most people WILL scramble when someone shows up if they’re trespassing in the woods.
Now, what I think Bo was doing here was taking a headcount—deciding whether or not he wanted to deal with them, and I actually think he decided AGAINST killing them.
Despite the fact that they treated him aggressively and fucked up his truck, I feel like it cannot be stressed enough that BO DID GET THE FAN BELT.
Again, as a person from the middle of nowhere, it made ME fucking furious the way Wade came into town and just started breaking into places and LITERALLY breaking things. And, without prior knowledge that the church was full of wax victims, Wade was so impatient that he just couldn’t wait for Bo to FINISH UP AT THE FUNERAL, and decided to just let himself into Bo’s shop and take a fanbelt—leaving a “This is probably enough” amount of money. The entire time ripping on rural people and how they live(not to mention how he treated LESTER. Lester 100% acted like a normal guy around here. 10/10 girls I knew growing up would have LOVED to see his knife. That was an EXTREMELY normal interaction where I’m from.).
Bo straight up told them they could wait for him while he went ALONE to his house to get the part(also Wade questioning that a MECHANIC has some of his stock at home?? Fuck you man), and it was Wade that insisted on going along.
I do not think Bo intended for Vincent to go Snip Snip through the floorboards. (On top of that, Wade made the DUMBEST little noises after getting sliced—Bo getting changed upstairs probably 1000% thought “Jesus Christ the fucker is blowing up my goddamn bathroom”. He may not have even known yet that Vincent got him; depending on whether or not he noticed the signs of struggle in the already kind of messy house.
(On THAT note, I got pissed as hell the way Wade was judging the Sinclair Home—like bitch you are the reason moms in the early 2000s went berserk about the house needing to be spotless when guests come.)
Bo was genuinely surprised when Carly LOCKED HIM OUT OF HIS OWN TRUCK. I feel like THAT was the point where Bo decided “Fuck it.”
I think that, up until then, Bo WAS going to fix up their car and get them on their way, because he KNEW they had a whole lot of friends who were coming back for them—Bo may not be the brightest, but I feel like he was smart enough to know that that could have got them caught or hurt.
My best friend and I joked that we would have survived our trip to Ambrose because we simply would not have been assholes. (And we would been HUGE nerds in the Wax Museum, and well, NOT took a lighter to the pieces??? Vincent probably would NOT have shanked us. Tbh we would not have gone into the Sinclair home because when Bo said “You can wait here if you want” we would have simply said “Thank you.”. Well, we wouldn’t have broken into the Museum AT ALL, but given who we are we may have ASKED Bo if we could see it.)
Now, I’m not saying Bo ISN’T a bad guy, like, he very much definitely DID lock Carly in a basement and glue her mouth shut, but I didn’t really see a whole lot of like?? Gratuitous Sadism?? Is there more in a novelization or something?? Like, he threatened her to keep her quiet—but since he and his twin are literally serial killers I think that’s pretty standard?
The fact that Carly was able to so EASILY dismantle the chair makes me kind of feel like it wasn’t really used much? I mean, Bo is a mechanic, you’d think if that were a thing he made a habit of it would be in better repair. I didn’t really get the feeling that this was like, an average Tuesday Night for Bo or anything.
(On that note, I would have been the worst victim because the MINUTE he turned the music on I would have been like “Oh shit dude I like your taste” and he would just “???” Of course, I may have met a completely DIFFERENT fate because I simply would not have locked him out of his truck. There would have been no chase.)
I don’t get where the “Uwu Soft Boy” “Bo’s Victim” thing comes from unless people were just taking Carly’s late-movie assumptions at face value??
Like, Vincent DID very much get in a truck and go into the woods just to hunt Blake and Paige. Like, he had no reason to do that, and Bo was straight up mad about it until he settled down and told Vincent he did good and they’d fit the set. Like, Bo is the one who imprisoned Carly, but Vincent VERY MUCH WAS THE ONE WHO DID THE KILLINGS. Bo did not tell him to do any of that. It kind of makes me mad because it feels like Vincent’s agency is downplayed a lot in the fandom and that it’s just because of Bo snapping on him One(1) Time, and Carly’s assumption in the final chase.
And as far as Bo snapping on him goes!!
Bo had AN ARROW IN HIS CHEST AT THE TIME(Also Bo, I love you, but FUCK WHY DID YOU PULL THE FINS OF THE ARROW THROUGH YOUR ARM??? He should have just?? Cut the arrowhead off and pulled the SMOOTH part through?? This man). I think most people are prone to snapping when they’re in severe pain(and I think the way Vincent IMMEDIATELY rushed in to survey Bo’s wounds shows a lot about how they DO care about each other, like very clearly Vincent is not AFRIAD of Bo—considering even after he snapped Vincent was just like “Whatever, go ahead and bleed, I’m going back to fixing up my mask.”). The sibling of mine I actually KNOW is significantly younger than me, so we didn’t have any kind of antagonism with each other—largely because I was a Parentified Sibling—but every close in age pair of siblings I know can be pretty mean to each other, but always in an “ONLY I CAN PICK ON MY SIBLING” kind of way. Bo calling Vincent a “Freak” and then IMMEDIATELY taking on a softer voice and telling him how great his art is had HUGE “I’m sorry, you can hit me back, don’t tell Mom.” Energy. I really don’t think Bo abuses Vincent.
I mean, he said “You’re not supposed to go anywhere WITHOUT ME”, which implies that they DO go places together; and given how easily Vincent killed everyone he killed in the movie, it makes a LOT of sense that Bo wouldn’t want him going out alone. Especially if(and this is my own speculation) Bo is used to always being around to “Protect” Vincent from people who would make fun of him.
>Inserting this here because I forgot to mention it: I genuinely think all the killing started while Trudy was still alive, because Bo talks about how he and Vincent can “Finish what she started”. Additionally, in the beginning of the movie, Lester gives that little speech about how people can “get used to a lot”. That makes me feel like the brothers were probably RAISED to do the things that they do(supported by the fact that the fucked up machinery Vincent puts his victims in looks OLD, so it’s not unlikely that Trudy used it first). That doesn’t absolve Bo and Vincent, of course, but it does make them ALSO victims.
Moving on to Carly’s speculation at the end—she CLEARLY pissed Vincent off. I mean, she just BEAT HIS BROTHER TO DEATH and then called BO a freak and suggested that BO was behind everything. Not only did she kill HIS twin(and she and Nick would know better than anyone how much pain Vincent must have been feeling in that moment) but she called BO a Freak too. Given the amount of abuse Vincent watched his parents hurl at Bo, that was probably a rehashing of how he felt when his parents would bind and beat Bo and yell horrible things at him. (Also like, FUCK, the fact that Bo’s high chair STILL has fucking blood on it??? Like their father was a DOCTOR, and he just made Bo sit and eat with his Rotting Old Blood right there??? FUCK.)
And finally, Lester sitting on the back of his truck at the end of the movie, Jonesy sitting with him—he was probably waiting around for some sign of what happened to his brothers, and THAT breaks my goddamn heart.
But like, bottom line, I don’t think Bo was the “Evil Twin” much in the same way that Nick wasn’t actually that bad of a guy. The Sinclairs are obviously the result of a very fucked up upbringing, but aside from the whole wax thing and the locking Carly in the basement, Bo actually feels like a pretty normal dude??? By slasher standards??? I definitely don’t get any kind of a “Bo is the mastermind” vibes from the movie—it feels very much more like this is just the life that’s been NORMAL to Bo and Vincent for so long.
Yeah, they should have just left Ambrose and NOT kept killing, but Bo is CLEARLY still trying to get his mother’s love, and I don’t think Vincent even WANTS to stop. I don’t think Bo would have ever left Vincent even if HE wanted to stop.
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
Alright I’m now convinced this was intentional
Guys buckle in cuz it’s time for another installment of Kirk judges someone for doing something morally questionable for possibly good reasons and then finds himself doing something similar/faced with the same dilemma several episodes later.
First round it was the Menagerie and Conscience of the King
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Kirk was mad at Spock for lying and hiding why he took the ship off course with Pike and then literally the next episode Kirk hides his intentions with Kodos as he takes the shop off course until he is confronted. Another fun contrast between the two is everyone except Kirk thinks Spock is acting weird in the Menagire before he explains himself, while in conscience of the king, only Spock notices Kirk is acting off and has to do digging on his own to figure out what is going on because Kirk refuses to explain.
Second round was a taste of Armageddon and the Errand of Mercy.
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In the former, Kirk was pissed at the locals for fighting this war on computers, condemning 3 million to die every year, instead of going to the negotiation table and working this out. So he destroys the computer (their weapon of war) to force them to negotiate.
And then in the latter story, the locals of a planet take away Kirk and the Klingons’ ability to fight via disabling all their weapons across the entire galaxy in order to force a negotiation that both sides are hesitant to start.
And round three is Tomorrow is Yesterday and The City at the Edge of Forever.
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In the former, after the enterprise accidentally time travels, Kirk kidnaps some pilot b/c said pilot has seen their spaceship and could change the future. The pilot tries to escape several times to get back to his country and wife, not caring about the consequences, much to Kirk’s annoyance. And the episode ends with them erasing everything, even the events themselves so the timeline is restored.
And of course, in the latter story, Kirk is faced with the dilemma letting the woman he fell in love with die in order to restore the future, or saving her and condemning millions to die in a changed future. He chooses the former, and is so wrecked by this he curses for the first and last time in the whole tv series. And the episode ends not on a shot of the enterprise sailing away to its next location, but lingers on the time portal.
Edit: This one really gets me cuz that pilot was willing to break the timeline to be with his family, something extremely selfish, while Jim was able to let Edith die, sacrificing his personal happiness, saving the timeline.
Big picture is we can watch Kirk both see these dilemmas or actions from an outsiders perspective, and then later he either does the same thing or faced with the same situation personally. In short, it humanizes Kirk in a way that doesn’t make him an asshole.
I love this so much and I hope it continues.
Edit: so it didn’t really continue but I still really like this. You learn what kind of a person Jim Kirk is based on how he interacts with each given episode plot and how he deals with said plots in comparison to other people rather than him just monologuing about himself.
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
Azul Ashengrotto x Great White Shark!reader AU
Here is part 4 ! We got the main series Masterlist loves, just click here.
Pairing(s) : azul ashengrotto x great white Shark!reader
Some people wished for me to tag themso they know when the next part is here and since it is here : @tweetybomb @kaeyamain4life
Warning(s) : reader is on house arrest and put in juvenile detention, angst, comfort/reconciliation, reconciliation, judgement and all that lawyer court shit, swear words/vile language, mentions of violence, attempted murder and bullying, don't worry you can read it but read the other ones if you didn't look through the previous parts. (if this topic is sensitive to you do not read it and I have NO CLUE on how fish man politics work so I'll pretend that it is similar to on land)
The love story of a shark and an octopus Part 4 :
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Things went by in a flash, having not recovered from the shock and realization of your actions. You were silent through the trial, hearing the parents of the other merfolk yell and throw insults at you. The judge kept trying to get everyone calm but how could they stay calm after you practically had slaughtered their children. All of them were now in the hospital, Hugo was as well but he stayed for a shorter period than you and any of his comrades.
In truth you were kept in confinement, even the doctors were terrified in the idea of approaching you. All were thinking that you had gone insane. They thought you lost all sense of control, afterwards, when every time they would ask you to answer a question it would always be : "I'm sorry" "yes." "no."
You weren't trying to lie to get yourself out of this situation, you knew what you had done and now that your anger was out of the way. Things changed for you, people were now furious with your presence for the first time you were looked down upon. The judge declared for a one year sentence of juvenile detention facility including a house arrest for 4 months.
The time you spent in juvenile wasn't any better, still put in quarantine. Only guards were allowed to see you, you occasionally had conversations with your mother/father/guardian. They were saddened, immensely, what did they do wrong for you to end up like this. Nothing, you lost control over your own mind and that was it. You missed your friends but yet you couldn't help but think they had forgotten about you, did they still want something to do with you ? Do they hate you ? Will you end up alone like you started ?
One year passed from your stay in your cell, but if that wasn't enough you had to stay four months in your house. Home didn't even feel comforting anymore, your friends were allowed to come but you knew they wouldn't visit you. Or so you thought.
"[Name] ?" Your guardian/father/mother called out, "mhm ?...what is it ?" "You have a visitor today." Wait what. W-who, who could be visiting you at this time. You wanted it to be azul or even the leech twins, but the possibilities were small.
And you were right because the person you showed up at the front of your bedroom door was none other than...Hugo.
"oh. It's you, come in I guess." He wasn't acting like the guy you knew nevertheless you chose to stand your ground around someone who ruined your life more than once. "What do you want ?" he leaned against the wall and sighed,
"Listen, I know you don't want anything to do with me but-",
Upon hearing his voice it almost made you gag in disgust and rage, your mind snapped, unable to hold back your anger.
He didn't say anything even so he didn't look shocked, hugo knew your misery was his fault and he listened to your outburst.
"[name] Please listen to me-"
"...Look you might think I'm here to hurt you, get you back to juvenile or apologizing because people told me to but I'm not. After I came out of the hospital, I was immediately questioned on what happened. They made me answer truthfully as I had a spell which would shock me if I lied to them."
"I was electrocuted over twenty times and I still haven't recovered from the shock. Once I said what truly happened they decided to put you in juvenile to observe your behavior and also because even if you acted out this way for the sake of another, the damage you created was 'unacceptable', being the sane person you they was no aggression and for more precaution you are now in house arrest."
The burning urge to shred him to bits was burning in you, you hated him for what he had done, you hated him for everything...
"I was also put in juvenile for 10 months but you didn't know because of course they didn't allow you visitors that weren't family."
"I know it must've been hard for you, and I understand that you hate me but I'm willing to let everything go. You didn't do anything and I was the one to show up and knock at your door. I'm sorry..."
You stayed quiet and waited for him to continue but judging by the long silence, he was expecting an answer from you "...Your statement isn't false."
"...It's expected but just so you know, I'm truly sorry..."
"...To be honest, I don't give a fuck about your apology, you can go."
With a sigh Hugo kept going.
"Oh and after I was let go there was a pair of moray eels that kept saying your name and asking where you were, I imagine you know them, right ?"
"Floyd and Jade...?" At that moment, you felt overwhelmed with so many emotions, relief, happiness, doubt, sadness and fear. You were so happy that they still cared about you but at the same time you couldn't help but doubt his words. After all, he was Hugo.
"I guess that's their names, the tako was behind them as well, he was scared to get close to me but eventually asked me to give you these notes, right here."
He dropped what was over twenty letter, "people..wrote to me ?"
"...the trio and some of your old classmates too, I didn't read it because it belonged to you anyways" Hugo crossed his arms as he continued.
"The town was informed of the true situation after my release, they kept pestering me with questions for a while. Most of my squad left this part of the sea to live somewhere else because of their parents thinking you were a menace to this area. I don't blame them, you were brutal"
You listened to his info as you read through the letters he gave you, so many of them came from azul and the leech brothers. Others were small letters of hello and how are you. Yet it made you smile, these actions were small but it had been a year since you saw anyone. having company and finally being home felt good now that you knew they didn't forget about you.
"Eh, I don't know about you but it seems you left quite a good impression on them. The school expelled me but you still have your chance to come back."
You raised your head to look at Hugo who turned around to leave,
"It was nice meeting you, well kind of, but I hope you don't see my face again."
"Wait-", "mhm ?" he stopped to look at you "...Thanks, for you know, this."
Hugo chuckled and gave you a sympathy grin as he looked at you, "you were a good match, better practice those fighting skills !"
"...See ya [name], and I'm sorry for everything."
"..I forgave you already no need to rub it in." You were still a bit shaken by all this change coming from the one who tried to brutally murder you a year ago. Both of you didn't have the best interaction but you were happy to move on from it, and never see that guy's face again.
Once he was gone, you looked at the letters in your arms as you held them closer. "Azul, floyd and Jade...Your great white monster is coming back."
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End of part 4. Part 5 can be found here
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therese-lokidottir · 8 months
You know if we really look loki in thor and avengers 1 , he is not really villain, yes he did something horrible but he have his own reason and his reason was understanding.
Now if in season 2 loki be more asshole villain than he in previous series and films, I am not judge him. I meant he playing nice and polite and trying be compassion (season 1) but unfortunately everyone just look at him as can redemption monster (while they same or worse than him). So if loki deciding really be full villain / bad guy and done playing nice and polite, I am not blame him
You know I really hope mcu loki be more like myths loki, he will destroy everyone that done wrong to him even they was his 'gods family '.
I really want look him angry and apologize to everyone that didn't deserve or earned
Loki is classic Shakespeare villain. He given so much sympathy and humanity for his actions and are layers to his character. Thor2011 is so effective as a tragedy because it's everyone's mistakes that lead to it.
In the series Loki is just treated like an exaggerated cartoon version of himself and la Croix Loki acts some dweeb trying to pretend to be that exaggerated cartoon while falling all over himself. I don't expect anything out of season 2 to change that.
Because he has been completely removed from his time so the idea him trying to make a amends or ever being able to apologize to people he did actually hurt can never happen.
Marvel if they really wanted to could backtrack on this. Like what they did with the Inhumans just push it to the background and pretend it never happened. Resurrect Loki in the main timeline. But there not gonna. They have already sunk so much in this show
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AITA for calling my friend an asshole?
I'm not sure exactly how long this has been going on, but maybe 6 months or so ago, I noticed that whenever we go foreign food marts or restaurants/shops that specialize in a specific region, he brings up the fact that I'm white (and he's not) and insists that every not white person in the store is staring at me.
Now, I'm not going to act like I'm the perfect person and I'm the fucking white savior or whatever. No. Definitely not. But. I WAS raised right and there is no way in hell my mother would ever have allowed me to misbehave in stores, and she DEFINITELY would not have allowed me to be racist and/or disrespectful to POC. So I do not act disrespectfully in stores, ESPECIALLY not someone's personal family-owned store. I am on my best behavior.
I also just generally have anxiety and am insecure. So I'm more self-conscious and self-aware than the average person.
My friend knows all this and if I ever was acting disrespectfully in public, he would call me out on it right then and there. So I know that I'm not actually doing anything. Yet whenever we go to any of these places, after we leave he'll tell me things like "oh all the people in there were staring at you" or "they were probably wondering why a white person was in there, good thing you were with me" or he'll grab random packages that don't have English writing on them and ask me if I know what the product is, knowing damn well I can only read English and then will act like he's the expert in that particular product. (He's probably completely bullshitting)
So one day after spending a few months (we only actually get to hang out maybe once or twice a month due to our schedules, so it wasn't as long as it sounds lol) overanalyzing my actions in public and the strangers around me's reactions, I realized that none of them were paying me any attention at all. The shop employees would say "hi welcome in" when I walked in and would tell me my total and ask if I wanted a bag when paying and that was it. Extremely normal store interactions. No employees or other customers were staring at me and barely seemed to notice I was there.
So I tell my friend this and he still insists that everyone in the stores watch me and judge me and I told him he was an asshole for trying to plant insecurities and self-doubt in me.
So AITA for calling him an asshole and maybe these people ARE actually staring at me and maybe there's some reason why and that's what my friend was trying to tell me?
What are these acronyms?
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visionthefox · 3 months
Aw~ Thank chu for last response and i have more!!
The thing is, if you been a Moon Shape person you been Forgiven way to quickly and if you have the Ray´s, you been judge of any bad action equal missbehave bad similar to Eclipse´s behave. If Sun feeling like poorly, the brothers still bullying him and mention thearpy rather than worring about the health of him and just let him talk out. At times you just need stuff to get it out of the chest.
Moon is trying to protect Lunar with SO much effort, but, he isn´t checking on Solar. He let him overworking himself and he isn´t doing great eather. Where is he sleeping again? Surely, somewhere where it isn´t comfortable.
He is rude of Ruin, even tho he could be innocent and he is already been treated badly before they even have evidence.
Eclipse is treated like he isn´t even a person anymore. Moon have seen his old sake beeing bad and forgiven at the same time. So he could put 1 and 1 together and let him at the very least life somewhere else. That didn´t change the fact that he want him clear gone. Personaly,.. i feel like that he only said recantly in LAES ep, that Eclipse might life, only cause earth was in the room. HE know that earth would give him a second chance.
At the very end, People like Sun and Solar have a mindset of 'i don´t matter as the rest of anyone' emotional pulse. Both need comfort and actually clouse friends.
te quiero mucho anon!! :D on Sun part TOTALLY- oh my god, the valentines video? CANT NOT SEE IT- the moment sun shows DISCOMFORT ?! is the moment I feel Moon was totally being an asshole, it wasnt even funny like , say, Sunny actually having hopes up yet eventually this fails so then Moon is like "ah sorry! I did my best :(" NO MOON JUST WATCH AS SUN GETS MORE STRESS OUT! oh my god.. yet people LOVED IT- THEY LAUGED AND SAY HOW FUNNY THIS WAS?? on that note feels like the show is trying to have Moon be cocky and a asshole yet.. we are supposed to care? feel bad for him when he start to think "oh I was an ass to ruin" HELL NAH he gets to walk away without any deserve dislike or even consequenses! and is annoying.. I do feel Ruin is the one who made Eclipse, yet I believe he did it so he can be part of the family.- that or a bigger act/plan. yet if innocent. he did suffer because Moon is such as ass to first get evidence, then an investigation THEN a comfrontation.. Eclipse is not who he was- he is clearly not even followed anymore for his crimes- how come Moon of ALL PEOPLE is the one acting like Eclipse can not change? sorry, but thats is on LUNAR to act this way- as HE is the one who saw the worst side of Eclipse. New Moon? what beef does he have? hell Sun has more righst to be pissy and sassy than Moon! Sun is HIS FIRST VICTIM! yet so Far? Sun seems to be annoyed yet clearly unable to speak how he TRULLY feels..
I feel like New Eclipse is a desperate way to have drama again- since Ruin is not so interesting- never was (sorry bbgulr) he never was interesting.. BM is waaaay better villain.. and NewMoon acting like an ass is yet another desperate way to have comflicts on Solar and Sun- totally- Solar is two steps to have the inner monologe Sun had on the early days.. you remember anon?
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andreablog2 · 1 year
I don’t get how emotions make people mature or immature. Maturity isn’t an absence of emotions….it’s more so about what actions someone does to deal w those emotions. It’s also so culturally relative like in America people get a hall pass for immaturity if they are feeling joy or rage but crying is seen as immature. It’s more justified to make someone cry then it is to cry & it’s more justified to hurt yourself or others if it makes you happy than it is to not do things bc they make you sad. It feels kind of like brainwashing in a way lol. I always forgive “immaturity” the same way I forgive dorkishness, I just can’t judge people for who they are not even like I feel it’s morally wrong my brain just doesn’t work that way. To me it’s cornier to be a immature Asshole than an empathic cry baby. Certainly one mode of existence is more primed for survival than the other but that doesn’t affect me & people aren’t themselves forever so as long as someone isn’t hurting me idc how they act
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