#i just want to spend time with family. and talk. and lounge on a couch with a cat. and share meals with people again
supercantaloupe · 7 months
the one weekend i have free to leave town and visit home (90 minutes away) or a relative (45 minutes away) and take a fucking Break from my life for a couple days and it's the one weekend both of my parents and said relative are out of town
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tim-drake-scholar · 6 months
I just think someone should write a batfam fic where none of the kids are getting along or their training is a little sloppy so he takes them upstate to like a wilderness retreat (Clark, Conner, and Jon are also invited). Chaos ensues
Like Damian doesn’t want to admit he wants to share a room with Jon (he insists they’re NOT friends!! and that he wants to share a room with Dick.
Dick was planning to share a room with Barbara, but Jason calls dibs first (Jason is using this opportunity to undermine Nightwing and the Robins so he finally crush Batman) (ie. just annoy his family)
Bruce and Clark are so happy that Conner and Tim are really getting along and are excited to share a room? And wait- is that a hickey??
Steph was invited, cancelled at the last minute, and then showed up 2 hours late and has to sleep on the couch in the living room.
Conner sitting in a lounge chair wearing his sunglasses looking bitchy as hell while he watches everyone play in the lake. He keeps looking at Tim like he is a snack!
There’s an obstacle course and Dick does it perfectly every time. And he keeps looking at Babs for approval.
Jason gets bitten by 100 mosquitos and gets a rash from poison ivy and it turns out he actually hates the outdoors. He is a city boy.
Tim starts to get twitchy without all of his gadgets and technology. He needs a phone. A tablet. A laptop. Something!! Conner spends half the trip trying to teach Tim to relax (turns out Conner also doesn’t know how to relax)
Bruce and Clark walk around in Hawaiian shirts forcing their children to do bonding activities while they sip cocktails and gossip about the justice league.
Damian keeps getting annoyed that he has to keep doing group activities bc he just wants to work on his water colours.
Stephanie and Barbara spend 90% of the time gossiping and drinking wine coolers. They show up for group activities (they always win) and go back to girl talk. Conner joins them to talk shit.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 7 months
maybe general dating headcanons of the succession characters? like the type of partners/lovers they are? thx 😸
hi anon!! so sorry this is late AKDJSJF hopefully you like it x love u thank u for requesting <3
listened to “i see the light” on loop while I wrote this so now it’s the size of a oneshot
dating them (succession main cast)
ᝰ idc what you have to say, words of affirmation is his TOP love language
ᝰ all the others apply to him but like
ᝰ that one is his favorite
ᝰ both to give and to receive
ᝰ he’s always making sure you’re happy
ᝰ in the moment and just in general
ᝰ and it’s like his world comes crashing down when you express you’re feeling insecure
ᝰ he’s your #1 supporter in self love
ᝰ once you’ve moved in together, he starts leaving you notes where he know’s you’ll find them
ᝰ things like “you’re loved” with crappy doodles of hearts and two stick figures that you think are supposed to be the both of you
ᝰ he likes treating you to nice things whenever he can
ᝰ fancy dinners, jewelry, watches, vacations
ᝰ he has the money; it’s not like he’s just going to NOT spend it on you
ᝰ and he’s your biggest advocate in everything
ᝰ sometime’s he’s lowkey rude about it
ᝰ like if your order comes out wrong at a restaurant
ᝰ he’s all “um, actually, no, this isn’t right”
ᝰ and you’re just “ken calm down”
ᝰ “no, you deserve the best, which is what you’re going to get.”
ᝰ maybe he’s not so much into kissing in public, but he’s always touching you one way or another
ᝰ he’s always holding your hand, or you’ve taken his bicep or elbow, or he has his hand on the small of your back, your hip, your shoulder
ᝰ the paparazzi is always around, and he wants you close and safe
ᝰ and he also likes that everyone can see that the two of you are involved
ᝰ committed to each other
ᝰ at the end of the day, he’s just happy you’re his
ᝰ you make him a better man
ᝰ and he’s eternally grateful that he has you
ᝰ he’s your big ol softie
ᝰ physical touch and quality time
ᝰ you spend all of your evenings together cuddled up and murmuring to each other about your days
ᝰ can’t cook for the life of him, but when he can, he makes you breakfast
ᝰ if your hair is long, he’ll learn to braid just so he can spend mor time with you
ᝰ under all the jokes he’s really just soft and sapp
ᝰ he treats you with so much car
ᝰ everything he does is thought out as to how you’ll receive i
ᝰ he only takes you out to dinner when he knows you’ll be able to have your favorite table
ᝰ he learns how to make different kinds of soup for you when you’re sick
ᝰ subtle pda king
ᝰ if you’re at dinner with his family, his hand’s on your thigh
ᝰ if you’re out walking in the street, he’s holding your hand
ᝰ if you’re lounging around on his dad’s yacht, his head’s on your stomach
ᝰ and he’s snoring but that’s not the point
ᝰ he loves just being with you
ᝰ he sits right up against you when you’re on the couch
ᝰ he lets you sit in his lap whenever you want
ᝰ his arm’s around you in every picture you take
ᝰ your cheeks smushed together in a bunch of selfies
ᝰ you’re his phone wallpaper
ᝰ work and home
ᝰ he loves talking about you
ᝰ at work galas he absolutely adores introducing you as his spouse
ᝰ or if you’re not there he asks “oh, do you happen to know my partner?”
ᝰ and then talks about you nonstop
ᝰ at a dinner you leave him to go get something for you both to drink
ᝰ before you make your way back, you spot him talking to a colleague
ᝰ he has his wallet out, and he’s showing the colleague something
ᝰ you get closer and realize it’s a picture of you
ᝰ she treats you like a queen
ᝰ she’s a physical touch girl
ᝰ but really she loves words of affirmation
ᝰ and gift giving
ᝰ giving you gifts, specifically
ᝰ her favorite part of life after meeting you is spending lazy mornings in, cuddled up, kissing, touching
ᝰ she particularly enjoys going on long walks with you
ᝰ down piers, beaches, whatever
ᝰ her hand in yours, her eyes towards the sky
ᝰ she loves bringing things back for you from work trips
ᝰ or any trip she takes
ᝰ chocolates, matching bracelets, trinkets that remind you of her
ᝰ she makes all your days brighter
ᝰ one day on a visit to her office to bring her lunch, you find out there's literally seven framed pictures of you on her desk
ᝰ you are her phone wallpaper
ᝰ but she has it so it changes every time her phone closes
ᝰ so it's really thirty different photos of you are her wallpaper
ᝰ most mornings, she’s tucked up against you
ᝰ face buried in your neck
ᝰ it’s her favorite place to be
ᝰ just with you
ᝰ despite all of her peacocking and chest puffery, she just needs your support
ᝰ she needs you
ᝰ she needs her rock
ᝰ your love
ᝰ she tends to overthink and stress herself out
ᝰ but when things look like they’re going bad, she knows she can come to you
ᝰ and you’ll kiss her, tell her she’s beautiful, coo to her with that perfect voice of yours
ᝰ and suddenly everything is okay again
ᝰ for that, she knows you deserve the world
ᝰ she pampers you
ᝰ spoils you
ᝰ a tradition between the two of you is an annual trip down to the caribbean
ᝰ you both spend all your time out on the beach
ᝰ either splashing each other in the water
ᝰ or her curled up on top of you, skin pressed to yours
ᝰ she loves doing your hair and picking out outfits when you let her
ᝰ she loves doting on you when you’re sick
ᝰ she can’t bear it when you’re hurt
ᝰ but obviously won’t ever show it
ᝰ what she will show is how much she loves you
ᝰ everywhere you go, you feel loved
ᝰ she’ll never stop loving you
ᝰ mr. quality time
ᝰ literally does not care what you’re doing; he’s with you
ᝰ all he wants is to be with you
ᝰ you bring him peace
ᝰ his favorite pastime is cuddling with you in bed
ᝰ specifically with your jaw cupped in his hand, anchoring your head to his chest
ᝰ along with quality time, he’s huge on gift giving
ᝰ every week, he comes home with flowers
ᝰ and there’s always a fresh vase on your work desk
ᝰ he LOVES writing you notes
ᝰ love letters, even
ᝰ every new bouquet of flowers that show up at your work come with a heartfelt note
ᝰ in every single one, he tells you he loves you
ᝰ then writes about whatever it is he has going on in his day and how he’s thinking of you
ᝰ while he’ll never admit it, he loves pda
ᝰ specifically when you initiate it
ᝰ it makes him all smiley and happy
ᝰ he especially loves it when you’re hanging off of his arm at work things and he gets to show you off
ᝰ he just thinks you’re the most gorgeous person to exist ever
ᝰ he can never go to sleep without his arms around you
ᝰ he started wearing those nasal strips because he knows he snores and doesn’t want to keep you awake
ᝰ this man loves him a good restaurant
ᝰ but only if you’re there with him
ᝰ he can never get behind sitting across from you unless you’re in a booth
ᝰ he says that it’s more intimate when you’re sitting next to each other at a square table
ᝰ ALWAYS lets you eat from his plate
ᝰ if he ever ‘stoops as low’ (his words) as to go to a fast food place, he always asks if you want fries
ᝰ he knows to get you an order regardless otherwise you’ll just steal from him
ᝰ not that he cares anyway
ᝰ he also particularly loves watching the sun set with you
ᝰ something poetic about the sky almost being as beautiful as you
ᝰ you both try to watch it whenever you can
ᝰ because you only have so many days on this earth
ᝰ he wants to spend as many of them as physically possible with you
ᝰ you’ve noticed, though, over the sunsets, he doesn’t really pay attention to them after a certain amount of time
ᝰ he just stares at you
ᝰ and whenever you catch his eyes, they’re so full of love
ᝰ just for you
ᝰ only for you
ᝰ acts of service warrior
ᝰ LOVES doing things for you
ᝰ whether it be chores or bringing you coffee at work
ᝰ he likes feeling useful
ᝰ especially if he feels useful to you
ᝰ it’s a different sort of ecstasy for him
ᝰ you like buying him bracelets
ᝰ he wears them everywhere
ᝰ you’d gotten him an “i love my partner” (those like i <3 my gf) pin as a joke and he unironically wears it around on his waystar lanyard
ᝰ "yeah, my partner got that for me!"
ᝰ he’s a bit panicky and overthinks too much
ᝰ but he just has to look at you and his anxieties come under control
ᝰ he’s always running around, so he really enjoys just laying with you in bed
ᝰ he sleeps like a dying victorian child
ᝰ slumped over on you like the life was sucked from him
ᝰ he likes going on miniature adventures with you
ᝰ they’re nothing crazy; just dates that push him out of his comfort zone
ᝰ like kayaking
ᝰ you had to force him into the boat to go kayaking with you
ᝰ like physically
ᝰ yeah he’s scared, he doesn’t want to get hurt
ᝰ he doesn’t want you to get hurt
ᝰ but he hears you laughing and sees your gorgeous smile
ᝰ and that’s when he realizes he can just suck it up
ᝰ because he wants you happy
ᝰ he learns how to make those braided bracelets for you
ᝰ it’s a calming hobby, and he likes seeing them on your wrists
ᝰ he made something for you
ᝰ and you like it
ᝰ that’s all he could ever need in life
ᝰ he learns how to cook your favorite meals for you
ᝰ and he’s a surprisingly good cook
ᝰ his hyper vigilance over the food makes it come out almost perfectly every time
ᝰ unless he’s having a breakdown
ᝰ which happens less now that he’s gotten with you
ᝰ you make things calm
ᝰ he loves calm
ᝰ he loves you
ᝰ he’s so extra
ᝰ literally every single love language under the sun is his favorite one
ᝰ showers you with little trinkets that just remind him of you
ᝰ if you collect something, he’s constantly gifting you specifically that
ᝰ he spends as much time as he can with you
ᝰ as long as he’s not working, he’s perfectly content just sitting in silence with you
ᝰ he’s a massive fan of the water
ᝰ may it be yachts, jetskiis, floating gazebos
ᝰ he likes making special dates out of things like that
ᝰ he wants you to feel like everything you do together is new
ᝰ he doesn’t want you getting bored
ᝰ he’s worried you will, actually
ᝰ if he buys you jewelry, it’s hella expensive
ᝰ and diamond studded
ᝰ if you’re a watch person, he’s even worse
ᝰ he buys you every watch you ever look at
ᝰ goes the most bananas over pda out of everyone
ᝰ internally, anyway
ᝰ he doesn’t make it kown, but his some of his favorite moments with you are when you’re both bustling through a crowd in italy or something
ᝰ but you’re clinging to each other so neither of you get lost
ᝰ did i mention he likes traveling
ᝰ he likes traveling
ᝰ and you’re the only person he’d ever even consider traveling with
ᝰ at night in greece, he discovers he likes the pinky holding thing
ᝰ he saw it on tiktok
ᝰ so when you’re walking back to your hotel, he hooks his pinky with yours
ᝰ and it becomes a thing between you two
ᝰ also is for some reason obsessed with giving you his jacket when you’re cold
ᝰ it could be below freezing and you already have a jacket on
ᝰ and he’d give you his blazer or coat anyway
ᝰ and he’ll stand there shivering with this dumb grin on his face
ᝰ it always ends with you two sharing a scarf
ᝰ you think he does it on purpose, just do be close
ᝰ just to have an excuse to have an arm around you
ᝰ and really, you’re right
ᝰ he just needs you
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ikigaisvt · 10 months
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in which your boyfriend realizes how lucky he is to have you.
pairing: idol!jeonghan x gender neutral!reader words: 1.6k content: fluff, comfort warnings: jeonghan is exhausted/sad and he cries, petnames (for jeonghan: angel, babe, baby, love / for reader: precious), mention of food and eating. note 1.0: omg sammy posting smth?!?? thought we'd never see that again,,, felt like writing fluff lately since i feel there's a Lot of smut for seventeen so here i am feeding my own wishes note 2.0: this idea came after seeing the last inside seventeen where jeonghan looked tired at the end (and it's so unusual of him, to show how tough something is). also felt awful yesterday night, and instead of being comforted by him, i wished to comfort him. minors are allowed to interact but please don't follow. hope everyone likes it, please be nice i haven't wrote anything in month,, reblog/feedbacks are always appreciated!
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Jeonghan has always felt lucky to be an idol. Of course, as any job does, it has its downsides – and this one has a lot, despite what he can say. He never once complained about his job, no matter what can happen. Being able to share his love for music to his fans, his brothers by his side is the biggest blessing of his life. That is well known to his family, his fans but mostly you, his partner, who hears him pours his heart out about his job until dawn.
However, there are days when it is harder than usual; days where practice or filming is so hard, he wishes to go home and sleep the worries away; days where he questions if he actually was made for that job. Today, that came in the form of a hard practice. What maybe Jeonghan hasn’t realized yet is how lucky he is to have you, especially at the end of a tough day.
 You haven’t seen your boyfriend a lot lately as he was busier than usual; preparing for his new comeback as well as going overseas to film content. However, as he has been back from Hungary a few days ago, you knew you’d be able to see him again today. You spent hours cleaning your apartment, cooking his favorite meals and stocking up on his favorite drinks, picking shows and music to listen to so you could spend the night talking, catching up together and laughing at the new memories he made. You were looking forward to it, but most importantly, you were looking forward to seeing him again. To feel his presence, to hear his voice and laugh and to be able to touch him. Oh, how much you missed him.
As you finished preparing everything for him, you were lounging on your couch, the TV playing quietly in the background. Looking at the hour on your phone, you realized it was almost 11pm – which meant you were only minutes away from seeing your boyfriend. Getting up from the couch, you went to the kitchen to warm up his meal. You started pulling out different plates – jajagmyeon, tangsuyuk, kimchi pancakes and tteokbokki. "Okay, maybe I made too much this time, but I just want him to eat well," you think out loud. While you were filling smaller plates with side dishes, you heard the door opening, signaling that your boyfriend was finally home. Leaving the food behind, you left the kitchen to find your boyfriend – disheveled, hair picking out in all ways and tiredness showing on his face, struggling to get his shoes off.
“Jeonghan,” you call out to him softly, his head lifting up to find your eyes. And that’s when you realize how tired he really is. His smile is meekly showing up, his hair looks like he ran his hand through it multiple times – which is something he does when he is frustrated, dark circles are showing under his eyes but mostly, his eyes look sad, the usual playful lightness in them gone. “Are you okay?” you ask, your hand reaching out to him to let him know he is not alone.
“I-” he starts, his voice breaking a little bit, before clearing his throat, “I’m okay, I just can’t seem to get my shoes off.” he says, bending once again to work on the shoelaces.
You watch him for only a few seconds before sitting on the little step in your entryway, “Here, let me help you,” you say, gently tapping the floor in front of you, silently telling him to put his feet forward as you chase his fingers away.
“Babe, no-” he starts protesting, his fingers brushing with yours, trying to untie the knot faster.
“Shh,” you say calmly, getting a hold of his fingers, squeezing and letting go to work on the knots again, his feet slightly moving towards you, “You really tightened those well. That’s good, don’t want you falling down on your shoelaces during practice.” You say lightly, trying to make your boyfriend lighten up. You get his first shoe off, placing it gently next to yours, before working on the second one. As you were almost done with the second knot, you feel something wet falling on your hand, and you look up to see Jeonghan looking down at you, eyes filled with tears.
“Hey, hey, hey,” you say, getting a hold of his hand, “You’re okay, it’s fine,” you reassure him, squeezing his fingers tighter as he looks away from you, ears slightly red from the embarrassment of crying in front of you, his girlfriend. That’s such a Jeonghan thing, you tell yourself, “Let me get this one off and then we’ll get you to the couch, okay?” you tell him, earning a little nod as an answer. You get his second shoe off in record time and gently get up from the ground as you reach out for his hand, pulling him behind you as you lead him to the living room.
Reaching the couch, you make him sit down first before sitting down next to him, pulling your linked hands on your lap, your thumb slightly caressing his hand, “Are you okay?” you ask gently, trying to find his eyes but all he does is look down at his lap.
“I’m okay- Sorry about all this, practice was hard and I know you were excited about having a good time but stuffs happened and yeah-” he starts ranting as you listen intently to whatever he has to say, “Ah, sorry again. I’m rambling. I’m okay,” he says again, almost as he tries to convince himself, too, “Really.” He confirms as he meets your eyes, his smile not even reaching his cheeks.
“Love, you may be able to lie to your members but this doesn’t work with me,” you chuckle slightly, “What can I do?”
“I-” he starts, blush creeping on his neck again, his eyes looking around the room, “Will you hold me?” he whispers, hoping you heard him right as he finds your eyes again.
“Of course, angel,” you say as you lean back on the couch, opening your arms for him, his head finding a place to rest on your chest, “Let’s just stay like that for a little while, hm?” you whisper as you start running your fingers through his hair, “You can tell me anything, in case you need to pour it out.”
A few minutes passes by where you can only hear his soft breath – and little sniffles, his body slightly relaxing into yours as if it realizes it’s now finally home. “Practice was so hard today,” he says softly, his arm squeezing your waist a little more, your shirt getting wet with more tears, “That new choreography requires so much attention to details and we need to keep our energy up throughout all of it. I guess I wasn’t prepared to put that much work in it today.” He sighs as you let him know you’re still listening through little hums, “And we’ve just been back from Hungary, my body is still used to that time zone so I have a hard time sleeping. Also, I’ve missed you so I haven’t been able to recharge my batteries at all.” He admits, knowing he would have felt better if he saw you more in the past month.
“I’ve missed you too,” you tell him, leaving a little kiss on the top of his head.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes again, “For my mood and for ruining tonight.” He says softly, as more tears fall down.
“Baby, angel,” you say, your voice almost breaking to seeing your boyfriend like this, “Please don’t ever be sorry. Your job is not easy, you’re doing so much at all times and you do it well. It’s only normal for you to break down from time to time,” you whisper, running your fingers down his back, “I am so glad you decided to still come to me. It means the world. Please always come to me,” you tell him as he looks up at you, “Anytime you break down, I’ll help you build yourself up stronger, okay? You didn’t ruin anything, you’ll never do so. Your presence is always welcomed, no matter your mood. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, precious.” He says, as he gets up a little to meet your lips. You can taste the sadness – and the saltiness of his tears – on his lips as you take it away from him, take everything bad away from him, lodging it deep in your own body. So it can never hurt him again. You kiss once, you kiss twice, you kiss thrice; you kiss until there is no more sadness within him. You kiss until he can feel how you will always be here for him.
“Feeling better?” you question as you pull away from his lips, brushing hair out of his face and meeting his now shining eyes.
“Very much so,” he chuckles lightly, his forehead resting on yours, “Thank you,” he says, leaving a kiss on your forehead before finding rest on your shoulder.
“Wanna eat now?” you ask, still running your fingers along his back.
“Yes actually,” he says, looking up at you, “I’m so hungry,” he says in a whisper, still making no attempt to move away from you.
 “I made so much, I hope you’ll love it,” you answer him, still not getting up either.
“Let’s just- Let’s just stay like this for a little longer, hm?” he tells you, wrapping his arms around your middle, cuddling even closer – if that’s even possible, “Food can wait.”
Jeonghan truly feels lucky to be an idol – on most days, at least. But if he had to mention one thing, he feels the luckiest about – it’s to be your boyfriend.
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aaaaa thank you so much for reading! i forgot how nervewracking it was to post something- please like, reblog, comment and i'll love you forever!!
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step bro jschlatt?
YES OMG my first request! Thank you so much, anon!18+ (Or what ever your legal adult age is below the cut!)Disclaimer: I am a pathetic virgin so this probs won't be good. (I'm figuring you'd wanted smut...) so sorry if i mistook that.
When your mom first introduced you to Jeremy and his son, you were polite, of course. This guy made your mom happy, and you weren't going to do anything to ruin that, God knows your dad made her upset enough before he did you all a favor and left. That's not to say that it was easy, considering how obnoxious Schlatt was.
Schlatt made it painfully obvious he wanted to be anywhere but at that dinner. The entire time, he was fixated on his phone, not paying attention to anything being said, or the glares his dad kept shooting him, and undressing every waitress that passed by with his eyes. What a dick. He was even so full of himself to not go by his first name.
A few months down the road after Jeremy proposed, you and Schlatt were forced to spend more time with each other, being the maid of honor and best man. Venue tours, tastings, wedding details to be discussed in your new family chat, Schlatt of course only chiming in when he was forced.
Walking down the aisle next to Schlatt was the closest you two had ever been, stiffly linking your arm with his, cheesy picture day smiles stapled to your lips, pretending like you didn't hate each other.
As the years went on, you relationship with Schlatt changed. You still didn't like each other, but he talked more at family dinners and didn't seem like he wanted to off himself anytime you had to go somewhere together.
The downside of Schlatt getting more comfortable in the new family dynamic was now you argued like brother and sister.
You were watching a movie by yourself one day, lounging on the couch in the living room when Schlatt walked in, stood in your way for a minute, and then when you asked him to move, proceeded to halfway sit on you.
"Schlatt get off of me!"
"I'm not on you."
"Yes you are asshole, now get off." You told him, shoving and kicking him off you.
"Kids, please you're both in college. You don't need to argue like this all the time anymore." Jeremy shouted from the kitchen.
"But Dad he started it!" you cried. Schlatt just scoffed.
"I did not, the little princess is taking up the entire couch."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Y/N, Jonathan, so help me I hear one more word from either of you you're both grounded." your mom cut in.
Glaring at Schlatt you sat up so your feet weren't taking up so much space as Schlatt moved to the other end of the couch.
"You guys will have the house to yourselves tomorrow, your mom and I are going out of town to visit a friend, and we won't be back until Saturday night." Jeremy informed.
Answering disinterestedly, you and Schlatt kept watching the movie.
After school the next day, you waited for Schlatt at his truck. It'd been a long day, and you were getting a headache; you just wanted to go home and sleep.
"Alright Ted, I'll see you later. Yeah, 7:00 sounds great, see you then." You heard Schlatt speak into his phone, finally walking up.
"You going out tonight?" You asked, hopeful that you'd have the house to yourself for a nice, quiet night.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? No, Ted and Charlie are coming over." Schlatt answered, dropping into the drivers seat next to you and starting the car.
"Do they have to come over tonight? I was kind of just wanting a quiet night, go to bed early." You knew how loud and annoying Schlatt could get with his friends.
"It's not my fault you're fucking lame, princess. The world doesn't revolve around you." He answers, looking over his shoulder to back out, hand on the back of your head rest.
"Fine, Schlatt." You rested your head on the window, not in any mood to argue.
After getting home you dumped your bag on the kitchen table before heading to the medicine cabinet searching for ibuprofen.
Popping a few you headed upstairs to your room.
"I'm heading to bed early. Please try to be quiet with the guys tonight." you practically begged.
"You feeling okay?" Schlatt asked, seeing you take the medicine.
"I'm fine, just a headache. Goodnight."
You passed out pretty quickly, waking up a few hours later, your stomach growling.
Hearing the strangely quiet house you walked downstairs to find something to eat, seeing Schlatt sitting on the couch by himself, scrolling through his phone with some show playing in the background.
Noticing the time, you figured that his friends would be here by now.
"Where are Ted and Charlie?" you asked, voice rough from sleep, startling Schlatt.
"I told them I changed my mind." Schlatt said plainly. You wondered if it had anything to do with your headache.
"Too bad." you said, rubbing your eyes.
"I ordered a pizza, there's some left if you're hungry." Schlatt called, looking over his shoulder at you.
"Oh. Thank you." you whispered, seeing the pizza box sitting on the counter.
Walking over and opening the cardboard lid you saw your favorite toppings. Schlatt was always sure to make fun of your tastes in pizza whenever you had it as a family, so you were surprised. Nevertheless, you took a slice, quickly eating it before you took another piece and walked into the family room, sitting by Schlatt on the couch.
"What are you watching?"
"Hm? Oh. I'm not sure, haven't really been paying attention.
You sat in a strange silence. Not the usual comfortable 'We're-not-firends-but-we're-forced-to-be-around-each-other-so-we'll-deal-with-it' kind. This was...awkward.
"So-- how are you feeling, princess?"
Schlatt must have noticed it too.
"Oh, um. Better. Thanks."
Back to silence.
"What made you change your mind about tonight?"
Your step-brother was quiet for a moment.
"I figured you'd wanted you sleep. You seemed quiet on the ride home and then you took the medicine-- I just thought it'd be best if it was just us tonight."
"Thank you, Schlatt. That was --sweet --of you."
This was different. This was the nicest you had ever been to each other.
"You're welcome, (y/n)."
Another heavy silence.
"This is weird right?" You asked.
"Oh, so fucking. I'm glad you caught that too."
Smiling you reach over and steal the remote off the couch arm next to him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing with that?" Schlatt moved to take it back.
"I wanna watch a movie and you're not even paying attention to the TV right now."
"Was too."
"Was not."
Schlatt smiled towards to you. This was normal. This was how it was supposed to be.
"Fine, just don't put anything stupid on."
"I would never do such a thing. Alexa play Twilight Breaking Dawn." you say, looking straight into his eyes and trying not to laugh.
"Shut the fuck up it was all fake?"
"A vision of the future, yes."
"Unbelievable. This series actually puts in a good scene and that's what they do with it? Take it all back?"
You and Schlatt had been making fun of the movie the entire time, it was the most fun you'd ever had with him. You actually had close to the same humor and were getting along pretty well.
Calming down from you laughing fit you let out a big sigh as you lean your head back.
"Why don't you think we've ever gotten along?" You ask, turning to face him.
"What do you mean?" He asks, leaning back into the couch.
"You've always seemed like you hated me or something. Like I was this big inconvenience that came into your life."
"I never hated you, princess. I don't know, I think it might have just been hard, you know? Mom had been gone for what seemed like 10 minutes and all of a sudden Dad is dating this woman and I have a new step-sister. It kinda seemed like he'd forgotten her and our family."
"I've never thought about that."
You knew that Schlatt's mom hadn't been gone long before Jeremy was out on the dating scene again, only a few months really, but you didn't think about the fact that Schlatt actually loved his mom, had a good relationship with her. It wasn't like you, who hadn't cared about your other biological parent.
"I'm sorry, Schlatt." You said, putting your hand on his shoulder and squeezing.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way all this time, Princess."
Schlatt looks over at you, and you can tell he's the most sincere you've ever heard him speak. And in that moment, you realized how bright his eyes were when he was happy, more of an amber instead of the chocolate brown you'd originally thought. His slight smile, the scar on his strong chin you'd learned he'd gotten from playing baseball when he was little. So many little things you were too busy hating him to notice before. And then, you noticed how close you were sitting, bodies turned towards each other, his arm across the back of the couch behind you. You didn't have time to register any of it before you noticed his lips on yours.
The kiss was warm, gave you chills, firm, soft, hungry, caring, everything it could be all at once. And wrong. But god, it felt so right. Your eyes fluttered shut --
And then it ended. Schlatt pulled away, and scooted as far back from you as he possibly could.
"(y/n) I am so sorry. I kind of just got caught up in the moment, and you were sitting there and you had that sweet look on your face that you always have, and your hair looked so good, and your lips looked so soft and -- God i'm so stupid. I'm so so sorry--"
"I know, it shouldn't have happened. It just felt right in the moment and I--"
"Would you shut the hell up? I'm not mad."
"You're not?"
"Listen, yeah the situation isn't exactly ideal. But it's not like you're actually my brother."
Schlatt scooted the tiniest bit closer to you. You could see the little hamster wheel in his head spinning, calculating every little move he did.
You decided to test the waters and scooted closer to him.
His hand inches closer until it's resting on your thigh, but once it is he can't keep them off you. You're pulled into him, one hand in your hair, the other pulling your leg over his before sliding it up your back. His lips are fighting hard for dominance over yours, and just for good measure his tongue decided to come out to play too.
"Schlatt-" you whisper a moan. Pulling away to catch your breath, your head leans back and Schlatt moved to suck on your neck. Catching his lips in a kiss you mumble out a soft admonition.
"No hickeys."
"Wanna mark you up baby." Schlatt growls out.
"But what would mom and dad say?" You weren't necessarily the most popular with guys at school and you'd never brought a guy over.
Groaning Schlatt moves away from your neck.
"I know you're right, but, fuck Princess." He looks all over your flushed face, before racing his eyes over the rest of your body, his once shining amber eyes dark, pupils blown wide with lust.
Smiling you press your lips against his again, craving something you'd gone so long without.
You can feel Schlatt smile as his hands trail down your back before sneaking past your shirt, tickling the small of your back.
It wasn't enough for you. Reaching down you pull your shirt over your head and hear a repressed moan from the man sitting beneath you.
"You're perfect." Schlatt breathes before leaning in and kissing your bare chest, thanks to your decision to forego a bra during your nap.
Tangling your fingers in his thick chocolate curls you tug, trying to assert the slightest bit of dominance.
Schlatts fingers dug hard into your hips, holding you tight to his lap, making sure you could feel what you were doing to him between your thighs.
Rocking slightly seeking for any kind of friction, you're almost immediately pushed on your back, lying with Schlatt hovering over you. His body was so warm...so hard against yours....
"Gotta be careful, Princess," Schlatt pulled you from your thoughts. Leaning down to brush his lips against yours, he mumbles a quiet "or I won't be able to stop myself from fucking you right here."
This was it, there was no coming back from what had been said. Both of you knew that, and something told you neither of you cared in the slightest.
"Then don't." You leaned up, pressing your lips fully against his, trying to show him how much you needed him.
Schlatt returned the kiss with the same if not more enthusiasm, before lifting himself slightly to take his shirt off. He didn't outwardly show it, but Schlatt was built like a mountain, strong and broad, and no one had ever looked so good to you.
Leaning back down to kiss you, you place your hands on his mutton chops, slightly scratching his cheeks with your nails as his hands travel from your neck down your chest, stopping to slightly tease your hardening nipples, drawing a whine from you.
"Aww, does my baby like that?" Schlatt moves to your neck again leaving hot open mouthed kisses.
"Mmhmm," you babble, your pleasure making your brain foggy. You can feel Schlatt chuckle against your throat.
Giving one of your nipples another quick flick, Schlatts longer fingers tickle down your stomach, stopping to run along the waist band of your leggings, which you'd decided were too hot to wear any longer
"Please take them off, Schlatt."
"Please what, Princess?"
"P-Please, Daddy."
"Good Girl" Schlatt purred into your ear before sitting up to slide your leggings down your legs.
Schlatt watched with wide eyes, taking in every inch of revealed skin.
"God, baby. These legs are going to be the death of me."
"Oh. Shame, I thought maybe it'd be drowning between them." You whispered.
And then immediately cringed.
Schlatt barked out a laugh. "That was the lamest thing you've ever said, and you've said a lot."
"Fuck you."
"Oh, no, Princess. I think you've got that confused." Schlatt leaned back in once your leggings were off and captured you lips with his, letting his tongue explore every inch of your mouth.
God was he a good kisser. You were already nearly out of breath and moaning into his mouth. Your fingernails were digging into his back, holding on for dear life, too out of it to even think that you might be hurting him.
But as good as this was, you knew you needed more. Needed him, all of him on top of you, inside you, under you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you tried your best to push his sweatpants down.
Schlatt took your hint and pushed his sweats and boxers down, letting his dick spring out, harder than anything you'd ever seen and perfectly curved.
His kisses became desparate before moving to your neck, sucking hickeys before you could stop him as he ripped your damp thong off.
Breaking the kiss you look down in surprise. "Schlatt!"
"Shut up i'll buy you a new one I promise." He barely spit out before kissing you again.
Letting his tip kiss against you your back arched from the stimulation you'd been craving.
"Good baby girl. You like that, huh? Like feeling Daddy's cock? God it's barely touching you, you little slut."
All you could do was nod, who the fuck knows what he was saying to you.
Kneeling, Schlatt looked down, watching him push further into you.
"Shh. It's okay honey. I know, I know it feels so good, doesn't it? Now open that gorgeous little mouth for me."
Letting you mouth fall open Schlatt pushed in two of his fingers, making you gag.
"Oh, are they too much for you, sweetie? Are my fingers too thick for you? Jesus Christ how are you ever going to take my cock? Come on, baby, you need your practice. Suck on your Daddy's fingers."
Taking a deep breath you shut your eyes, doing your best to focus on sucking on his fingers, pressing your tongue against them.
"That's it, angel."
Once he had you preoccupied he trailed his other hand across your thigh. "I'm going to push all the way in now, Angeltits. It's going to hurt, but I'll go fast I promise."
Nodding against his fingers, Schlatt pulls them from your mouth, now covered in your saliva and placing both of his hands against your hips before pushing the rest of his length in.
Throwing your head back you gasped, hot tears falling from your eyes and a sharp stinging taking over.
Schlatt immediately leaned down, hands coming up to hold yours against the bed on either side of your head, kissing your tear streaked cheeks before whispering reassurances against your lips
"Shh. I know baby, I know. Just hold on, it's going to feel so much better, I promise. I'm gonna take care of you honey. That's my girl. So good for me, aren't you Princess? Just hold on to me baby."
"It's so much, Daddy."
"I know. Don't worry that's all you'll have to take until your ready, yeah? M'right here my love."
Hearing the sweet words fall from his lips another round of tears form in your eyes for an entirely different reason. Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him close to you, chests pressed against chests, wanting him as close as possible to you.
After a while and the paid had faded you started to feel how full you were and how nice it felt. It was like a piece you never realized was missing was put back in place and you were whole.
Kissing Schlatt's cheek you nod, silently asking him to keep going.
"Mm. Slowly?"
"Of course, baby. Anything you want."
Schlatt slowly starts to move back and forth, inch by inch, letting you get used to the feeling. He knew this was your first time, and he was going to make sure that it was the greatest experience for you.
And what an experience you were having. You didn't even know something could make you feel as good as you felt right now. Even when you would try to take care of yourself, it was nothing compared to this. The feeling was making you arch your back, crane your neck, grip the cushion beneath you, doing anything you could to just--let out this feeling.
"Shit-" You let out.
"Feeling okay, sweet cheeks?" Schlatt smirked out.
A moan chased away whatever you were about to say as he hit a spot inside you. A spot that had your toes curling.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Once Schlatt reached a steady pace of moving in and out of you, his hand moved between your legs, gently brushing against you.
"So wet, baby."
He continued his ministrations and hip movements, going faster and faster and each thrust he seemed to press his hips harder against you, like he was trying to break through a brick wall that would let his dick claim more of you.
You had no clue how much time had passed, but it was enough that you were both covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and you could feel it running down your forehead and down your neck. Your hair was curling around the edges, and you felt sticky. Looking up at Schlatt took your breath away, no longer seeing your step brother but an Adonis above you, his thick hair damp and pressed against his forehead, his eyes closed in pleasure and mouth hung open as if in silent prayer.
You began to feel a burning between your legs, that delicious pressure building and buliding in your tummy.
Schlatt could only nod quickly, falling to stick his face in your neck, breathing in your scent and panting hard against you.
"Come on, baby. Let go. I"m right here, right there with you."
A few more thrusts had you seeing a bright lights and your ears ringing as you sank your teeth into Schlatt's shoulder. You could feel Schlatt groan and felt his warm cum spill inside of you in thick spurts.
Lounging in the afterglow, both of you panting, Schlatt leaned his neck up to place a long, slow kiss against your lips.
"You did so good for me, Princess. I'm so proud."
Giving Schlatt a sweet smile you kissed him again, your eyes growing heavy with exhaustion.
Slowly sliding out of you to avoid any more stimulation, Schlatt leaned down to pull up his boxers, kicking off his sweats and heading to the guest bathroom and bringing back a warm damp washcloth.
"Here we go, baby. Come on, lets get you cleaned up."
Gently wiping your thighs clean, Schlatt took care of you, making as much of the sticky feeling as he could go away.
Putting the washcloth on the coffee table, he helped you pull on his sweats and letting his shirt fall over your head, picking you up and letting you wrap around him like a koala before heading to the stairs to his room.
Looking over his shoulder you see the mess the two of you had made, washcloth on the coffee table, your clothes strewn about, cushions all over the place and the large wet spot where you'd been laying.
"The couch-" you mumbled tiredly.
Schlatt turned to see what you were talking about before giving you a sweet smile and kissing your temple.
"It's okay sweetheart. We can clean up tomorrow before our parents get home. But right now we have to go to bed, okay?"
Nuzzling into his neck you place soft kisses in agreement and let your eyes fall shut.
You were already half asleep when Schlatt lied you down and pulled the blanket over both of you before pulling you in to his chest and letting you turn to rest your head on his chest, letting his quick heartbeat and fingers softly grazing down your arm lull you to sleep.
"Love you, Princess." You heard him whisper before you fell asleep, thinking about your step brother.
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cher-rei · 3 months
afterglow pt- 11 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
genre(s): friends to lovers, fluff, slowish?? burn
[wc: 4.2k] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 12]
notes: so many things are happening at once, I kid you not.
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“that reminds me.” you snapped your fingers in realisation. “are you free this weekend? I wanted us to go to the planetarium.”
clara who was sat opposite you on the couch at the axa training lounge hummed in thought, despite her already knowing the answer. “unfortunately not. I have family coming over.”
you dropped your phone into your lap with a groan at the familiar answer. this was the third time in a month that she's been unable to hang out. “dude are you serious? are you ditching me because you're like secretly a spy or something.”
your retort made her laugh, but she shook her head. you couldn't deny that it made you feel slightly upset that clara has been busy whenever you wanted to hangout, and there was a flicker in your mind wondering if she was being serious or just didn't want to be around you too much.
you continued to scroll aimlessly through your phone while clara watched with a somber look. “why don't you invite you know who over?”
without saying anything you simply looked at her, the look in your eyes being enough of a tell tale of how you felt about that. trent had been over at your apartment nearly everyday for the past week— not that you were complaining of course. over the course of the week, you'd gotten closer than you expected.
it's not like either of you had anything better to do, so your afternoons after work consisted of making supper, for two instead of just yourself, and lounging around just for the fun of it. however, this week he'd be busy with his physio and you didn't want to interrupt that part of his routine.
so you started to mentally plan out your weekend which you'd be spending alone. “how do you feel about mason mount by the way?”
the question was out of the blue, seeing as you just saw an edit of the footballer on your for you page and it got you thinking. you and maya had talked about it before, she liked to call it “the downfall of mason mount”. at some point, there was a bit of delusion in you that believed that chelsea would take him back.
something flickered in clara's eyes, and she visibly stiffened for a moment. what do you--” she tucked a loose strand of her behind her ear and cleared her throat. “--what do you mean? I feel normal about him, yeah like the normal amount.”
your face scrunched at her answer. “okay? but what do you think about him?”
once again, she began rambling and you wondered if she was even understanding the words coming from her mouth.
“what's that supposed to mean?” she laughed, but the awkwardness didn't go unnoticed. “It's not like I know the guy.”
that wasn't what you meant at all but clara misunderstood entirely. your gaze traveled to her hands that was fidgeting with the hem of her shirt but you pushed the thought to the side. with a sigh you nodded slowly. “uhm, okay then. world cup mason was an era though, ugh take me back.”
“yeah, the best,” clara trailed off and all you could was stare at her blankly, your lips slightly parted in confusion.
the day came to an end quickly, so when you finished up answering the last of your emails and going over the footage of the new ‘up the reds!’ episode, you called it a day and dashed straight to your car.
seeing as it was friday, you didn't need anything and took the liberty of hopping straight into the shower when you got home. of course, you were tackled by a very excited honey on your way in and gave her the necessary attention for a bit.
“hm, we can definitely take a run tomorrow,” you said and gave honey a quick kiss on her head.
you ran yourself a hot relaxing bath and decided to treat this as a self care weekend. it was a peaceful evening which was just what you needed to unwind from the last few weeks of work and confused feelings. when you got out of the bath, you stayed in your towel for a bit and began prepping your supper.
when you finished up with your skincare and got into your pajamas all you needed to do was finish up with your supper. you had the music blasting from your living room, your taylor swift playlist being as bipolar as ever.
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liked by fía.messi and 1 324 223 others
spamjam._. weekend reset🌙
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fía.messi smash. [liked by spamjam._.]
no.elle look at honey 😭 [liked by spamjam._.]
→ spamjam._. uhm hello??? girl where have you been??
→ no.elle studying 😭 but I'm back now!!
→ spamjam._. studying for 4 years straight 😃 you left me for germany!
→ no.elle. shut up you're making me sound like a horrible person!
→ spamjam._. I'm gonna need a very long explanation then, my dms are open bb xx
saffiekahn woah there, second pic 🤭 [liked by spamjam._.]
→ curtisjr ??? literally what
→ saffiekahn don't worry about it hun xx
you sung and danced along to your shuffled playlist in the kitchen while plating your food. and by the time you were finished, your phone started to ring. the music was quickly paused and you answered the video call with an excited smile.
“I saw your instagram post and I felt the need to rush over immediately,” sofía said from the other end if the line.
a laugh ticked at your throat as you set your phone up and sat at the bar stool while you ate. “how are you holding up?”
a heavy sigh left your friend's mouth and she went off camera for a moment to shut her room door. “I'm okay. but I'm not the one recovering from an acl injury anymore.”
a frown formed on your face at her answer and you realised who she was referring to. “I can't imagine how he must be feeling right now.” you picked at your food for a moment. “but it was nice of you to offer to help him you know?”
sofía smiled, and made herself comfortable under her blanket. “pablo's strong, he’s just a little lost right now.” there was a hint of hurt in her voice as she thought back to the day that gavi tore his acl, recalling just how her stomach dropped when she got the call from his mother.
“and he means a lot to me so I want to be with him right now. jamie you should've seen the look in his eyes when I got to the hospital.”
sure you weren't there but you saw the videos and could account for the pain in his eyes as he limped off the pitch. an acl injury was no joke either, so this was really a tell tale of how much sofía truly cared for him even if she was always complaining about him.
the two of you continued to chat for a bit, catching up since so much had happened since you last saw each other at the last clasíco. “and how are you and trent?”
sofía's question made you cringe. “don't go quiet on me now, I know that somethings up.”
yes something was up. but you weren't sure what it was. “uhm, i think it's going somewhere. it's still too early too tell though, but moves are being made.”
on the other end of the line sofía sighed in relief, causing you to roll your eyes. “and I thank clara for that.”
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the following day, you started your morning off with a some fruit oatmeal and coffee before changing into a pair of leggings, a tank top and a zip up hoodie to throw over for your walk with honey.
the weather was a bit chilly despite the sun beating down on you. you and honey took a trip to the park and played around for a while, got some coffee and then went back home. after your shower, you fed honey and got yourself something to eat and sat down to do some work.
you checked the team's schedule for the rest of the month and made notes for filming days and photoshoots, as well as the football match that you and trent had agreed upon a while ago. it was going to be a charity match, which you'd be organising and setting up.
then there was the efl cup final at the end of february as well. the next few months were going to be hell and you could feel it creeping up already. you packed up your work things at about 12:45 and decided to watch some t.v for a bit.
with honey in your lap and the t.v playing in the background you scrolled through your socials when something popped up on your feed. your jaw dropped at clara's post.
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liked by maya.carter and 98 234 others
clarashaw weekend with my babies 💌
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you didn't know whether to call her or wait it out. she lied to you about having family over, but you weren't even mad. heck she had a boyfriend!
honey squirmed in your lap and you soothed her back to sleep. “your aunt is a liar. but we'll call her tomorrow so she can enjoy her little date weekend.”
“guess who's back?” you joked and waved at your viewers through the camera.
it had been so long since you last streamed, and you missed it. even if you were just here to chat for a few hours, you felt the need to catch up with your fan base who were more than delighted to have you back.
“how is everyone doing? it’s been so long since we've done this.” your eyes ran along the comments on your monitor, when one caught your eye. you hurriedly hopped off your chair and left the room, coming back with honey in your arms.
the live chat started flooding with comment on how cute she was. the puppy in your arms wagged her rail in excitement as she saw herself on the monitor. “this is an official introduction. trent was the first of everyone to see her, and I took her to work the other day where she was treated like a celebrity by the way.”
you spoke to your viewers about how work had been so far, and how you had the opportunity to meet so many people. everyone already knew about sofía, but there was one person that was more recent.
“okay, so we can play a little game,” you said with a cheeky smile. “I'll give you guys a hint, she's the wag of someone who's club we played recently.”
immediately your chat was flooding with names of every wag to date, which had you rolling your head back in laughter. after a while you gave them one last hint— she was someone that you mentioned on stream a very long time ago, and that you described her as “a gift from the heavens”.
from that, the correct answer came in. “yes!! sophia weber!!”
you put your hand to your heart at the remembrance of your meeting at the emirates stadium the week before. you were coming down from the press table when you bumped into her. she flashed you the most breathtaking smile and you felt your knees go weak, fumbling over your words as you tried to apologise.
“and the best part is that she knew who I was!” you gawked. “like who even am I? I'm no one and she knew my name! and said that she'd like me to sit with her the next time we play arsenal.”
the topic then changed to the lastest television drama as you shared recommendations for shows and movies.
“firstly I think they did a great jo–” you were interrupted by your phone buzzing on your table. with a smile you answered seeing that it was jobe, probably calling to check up with you.
“hi, my angel what's up? you're on speaker by the way,” you answered and he went silent for a moment, not having registered that you were streaming.
when he got the message he greeted the stream as well, followed by a bashful laugh. “I called to check up on you. you know, to see if you're alive and all.”
the sound of jobe's voice made you smile. “oh, so you didn't call because you missed me?”
a scoff echoed through the other end of the line. “me? miss you? never in a million years.”
you hummed and played along with his antics, clearly he didn't want to be embarrassed. suddenly you recalled the fiasco from earlier on in the week when trent came over. “also can you please explain how you blocked me from our netflix account to everyone? I'd really appreciate a full explanation.”
jobe burst into a fit of laughter at that, and you sat patiently and waited for an explanation. you, jobe and jude shared a netflix account and have for years, and when you tried to log in the other evening after trent left, the password was wrong.
“it wasn't me though! jude changed the password, I didn't even know I swear,” he defended himself by shamelessly throwing his older brother under the bus.
you shook your head and looked at your camera. “I'm the one paying for the account by the way.” you paused at the sound of his resounding laughter through the speaker. “not the two professional footballers.”
“I'm like 99% sure that you make more money than I do.”
the call didn't last long after that, but you appreciated the call. you hung up after wishing him luck for his match the following day, waiting until he said that he loved you to fully end the call.
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the weekend was finally coming to an end. and that meant one thing— clara was about to get beat up (obviously that was an exaggeration). it was after lunch that you called her, but you stayed silent on the line for a good few minutes to emphasise your feeling of betrayal.
you were in the kitchen when the sound of the front door opening rung through your apartment, as well as honey’s excited barking. that was a clear indication that trent was here so you weren't worried.
clara was rambling on about explaining herself when you felt the presence of someone behind you, his hands resting on your sides to tickle you but you fought him off with a stern look.
“I'm not mad that you have a boyfriend, I'm just confused that you lied to me,” you said honestly which caught trent's interest.
he watched with curious eyes as you took a seat on the island and stood opposite you, waiting for an explanation. to this you raised your hand, telling him to hold while you got the full story.
trent was impatient as he listened to you talk to clara, having no clue what was being said from her side. all he got was that she had a boyfriend and that you might know him.
you sighed at clara's words. “yeah but what was the big de– you're what???!”
both honey and trent jolted at the sound of your scream. the look of utter shock in your eyes told trent that this was groundbreaking information and he needed to know. he'd been silent for long enough, his curiosity was eating him up.
this was when you got off the counter and began pacing the kitchen, with him following after you like a lost puppy. he tried to get you attention but you waved him off every single time.
you stood with your hands in your hips. “how long have you known? were you surprised? you'be been engaged for how long?? clara you've been screwing the enemy for 4 years!?”
trent's mouth fell agape, and he couldn't help himself. “screwing the enemy??”
your hand flew to cover trent's mouth, because clara didn't know that he was there until he decided to speak up. you tried to divert the conversation again and shot the footballer a look but all he could do was focus on the lack of space between the two of you.
your body was pressed up against his, so he took the liberty of snaking his arms around your waist and to his surprise you didn't mind. you were barely focused on him at all, which wasn't ideal but he loved the proximity.
then you heard a voice in the background of clara's and you couldn't help yourself. “that's him isn't it? don't lie to me clara, put me on speaker right now.”
after a bit of reluctance she obliged and you did the same, earning a smile of victory from trent who was listening intently until the sound of the familiar male voice.
“hi mason, it's jamie,” you greeted in your nicest voice possible, fighting back the laugh in your throat because of trent's look of disbelief and confusion.
“jude's friend jamie?” he asked clara and she nodded, causing him to smile. “yeah, I remember we met a while ago during the world cup. how are you?”
you pursed your lips at his question. you couldn't be mad at him like this, he was being too nice. “I'm doing great. I should be asking you since you're going to be a father.”
“clara’s pregnant?!”
you slapped trent on the chest but he couldn't stay quiet any longer. your friend om the other hand was more than upset.
“you said that trent wasn't there,” she argued but you were just as fed up and argued back with a scoff.
“yeah and you told me that you had family coming over.”
it was mason's turn to speak during the unfortunate encounter. he was so oblivious to what was going on, and you could hear the excitement in his voice when he realised that trent was there, seeing as they were friends and called out to him just to check.
you gave trent a look, gesturing for him to answer. he cleared his throat and said hi. “hi mate, it's been a while. how are you holding up?”
the conversation didn't last too long and after a mutual agreement clara ended the call. you looked at your screen with a groan, this was not what you had expected at all. absentmindedly, you rested your head on trent's chest, trying to process what had just happened.
it came as such a shock to you, and by trent’s confused rambling he was having a hard time comprehending it too.
“so clara is getting married and she's pregnant,” he repeated to make sense of all the information. “and it's mason mount, who's also the father and they've been together for 4 years and nobody knew at all.”
the only question you had at the moment was why everyone was either getting married or pregnant. what happened to taking it slow? them again you had no right to speak seeing as you weren't even sure if you were ever going to make it that far.
“what are you doing here by the way?” you llifted your head to look up at trent, who merely shrugged. it only dawned on you then that his hands were resting on your waist which caused you tense up.
the pit in your stomach grew and you tried your best to seem as casual as possible. he must've noticed because he was eager to break the silent tension and told you about his physio assessment as he limped over to the couch. the lack of warmth on your wasit was harsh, almost foreign even though it wasn't something that's happened between the two of you before this.
the past two weeks had been a blur regarding your relationship. it was more than obvious by now that there was something going on, but neither of you addressed the topic. a few days ago you called maya to ask her for advice and she said that he was probably waiting for the right time.
which made sense. things always seemed to get messy whenever the two of you got closer, for example, skylar showing up, the recent speculation of him having a girlfriend (who wasn't you), and now his injury. only this time, you weren't planning on backing away and were prepared to stay until it was clear that you had no chance with him.
the rest of the month flew by without any further issues. the team was performing well, trent's recovery was going great and you officially met mason and absolutely melted at him and clara's relationship.
you joined them at clara's house not too long after the call you had with her, and needless to say, you were extremely happy for her. there wasn't a couple that you've met that smiled at each other more than they did. you could practically feel the love and adoration floating through the air when you were around them.
then something else shifted.
you knew something was up when a meeting was called after work hours that friday. but you couldn't think of any issue so you went in with little care, ans sat down at the table beside clara as per usual. it was when you scanned the room that you realised it was just the media team in the room and not the coaching staff as well.
just as you were about to bring it up with clara, jurgen walked into the room with a lopsided smile. he shut the door behind him carefully and took his spot in front, preferring to stand instead of taking a seat.
“good afternoon everyone, I'm sorry for keeping you all after hours but I just finished talking to the boys,” he apologised which had you questioning.
he continued on but it took him a while to get to the point, but eventually he made eye contact with you and smiled but it was somber. the usual excitement wasny present in his eyes, so you sat up in your chair and waited.
“I will be retiring as the team's manager at the end of the season.”
you wanted to throw up, hoping that this was just some sick joke for april fools but the issue was that it wasn't april. the room broke out into mummers and questions for jurgen who looked as if he wasn't taking the news well himself.
he tried to keep it as short as possible, and proposed the idea of content being pushed out as well as a formal announcement video by the end of the month– which was in five days.
the meeting ended after 20 minutes of discussion and more apologies for the late and abrupt news. of course everyone was devastated, and you were literally fighting back tears. then it hit you that the team just got told as well, and all that sadness tripled and hit you like a truck.
there was still three months left of the season, and this could either motivate the boys or ruin everything.
to your surprise jurgen asked you to stay behind for a moment. when the media team finally left, it was just you and your broken heart.
“you know I didn't even feel this broken when I broke up with my ex boyfriend,” you said and shut your eyes to force back the tears daring to escape.
a hearty chuckle echoed through the room and he came to sit next to you. it was silent for a moment again, to give you some time to process the news. “do you know why I make sure that you're so involved with the team?”
you looked at jurgen with furrowed brows at the question, not quite catching on. you agreed that there was a drastic difference between other clubs and their media managers, as opposed to you who showed up to all the matches, travelled with them, stayed during training and got the opportunity to form an actual bond with them.
“because I knew that when I leave, I'll need someone to be a sort of pillar for them.” he hummed and tried to find the correct way to put what he was saying into words. “a new coaching staff will be hired, people who the boys have been with for most of their careers will be gone but I want them to have a familiar face.”
you nodded in understanding. it was difficult for people to leave most of what they know behind and start fresh and grow comfortable with their surroundings so you could account for his reasoning. that didn't mean that any of this would be easier for them though.
“I just need them to feel at home, and you've been doing that exceptionally well from the moment you started working here,” jurgen said and laughed, recalling the early morning that you joined them at the training center.
there was a curious but nervous look in your eyes that day, and just by looking at you then he knew that you'd be a vital part of the team for as long as they stood. and now more than ever, was your role as detrimental as ever and you were determined to make jurgen's departure one that he'll remember.
that evening when you got back to your apartment, you weren't surprised to see your phone blow up with messages from the group chat.
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gilverrwrites · 7 months
i’ve sent this request to river-rat69, but wanted to see how you would potentially interpret it >_>
exploring interests with jack and finding a common one? like art? perhaps?
just a cute idea idk
Finding common interests with Jack
Author note: That is super cute! I'm note sure if this is what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
I will also note, I know a common opinion is that Jack is like a child in an adult body, but I always read him more as like an adult with minimal world or social skills.
Can be read as romantic or platonic.
Rating: General
Genre: Pure fluff
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Please be kind to your mind ❤︎
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I feel like if Jack wants to make a connection with someone, he will try anything at least once.
He's a 20-year-old who has never had to make friends before. Cas and the Winchesters are family, thats different. Friends he has to make an effort for. (At least in his head.)
If he thinks you really enjoy something that he doesn't, he won’t want to hurt your feelings. He wants you to like him.
So even if he doesn’t enjoy something that much, he’ll try to pretend.
It’s up to you to figure that out and stop him from torturing himself.
He’s too nice, loyal to a fault.
Although, the many sceptical questions and the suspicious looks are a dead giveaway.
“Is it supposed to smell this strong?” Yep “And I can’t eat it?” No, Jack, it’s soap! “And we’re wearing gloves because? It’s dangerous, yep, got it.” “Is this what a headache feels like? NO! It’s fun! If you like it, I like it.” “It takes HOW LONG to cure?”
Probably stay away from things like candle and soap making.
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He likes stability, so I think having a set day each week, or a couple of hours each night to do stuff together, would be ideal for him.
He’d love bonding over shared interests in films and TV.
He doesn’t have to eat, but I think he would enjoy trying new foods.
So: having a weekly film night would be awesome. Where you can both veg out on the couch together, eat whatever new or different foods you find at the supermarket, and watch horror (primarily zombie) and/or sci-fi films together. 
Or spend the weekend binge-watching The Walking Dead or The Cornetto Trilogy (+ Paul, non negotiable).
Video games too: Left 4 Dead, Fallout etc
Then fall asleep where you're lounging, talking about your faves and your fan theories. 
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I don’t know that he would be into making art, per se, but I think he would like crafts.
I feel like Jack would really like those diamond painting thingies. Or just like, bedazzling things in general.
Like, I can see him contracting some weird cosmic-being version of the flu, being quarantined with an Angel!Reader and it being like that one episode of Malcolm in the Middle. 
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Also legos. Just things that take a lot of attention to detail, something that can take his mind off of the constant pressure he is under, that you can really focus on, but that has a cool pay off at the end.
Animation as well, both watching (more 2D stuff like Batman, Invincible, Nimona)
And doing– probably more like stop motion, with again, legos, or claymodels. 
(I’m totally not projecting because I am an animation nerd)
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He would, however, enjoy art galleries and museums.
Being able to admire and learn about things created by humans throughout history would be so astounding.
Would like to have you with him so you can observe, learn, and discuss together.
If you’re interested but unable to go with him, he’ll memorise everything so he can relay it all to you later, or pick up a bunch of leaflets for you to read. Or he’ll make a note of all his favourite parts so he can take you there another time.
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He would have a similar sentiment if you are an artistic person. 
He doesn’t want to draw or paint stuff with you, but he would like watching you and your creative process (if you don’t mind being watched)
Like absolutely fascinated by your ability to create something from nothing. Something that evokes emotion or tells a story – wow!!
Your number one supporter. Gift him your art, and he’ll put it on his bedroom wall.
Those galleries I mentioned earlier, he’s buying you both tickets to go see your inspirations shows or displays.
Wants to look through all your old works, he doesn’t care if that horse you drew when you were 12 is the wrong shape and has wonky eyes, he thinks its so cool that you tried, and practiced, and learned. That’s human ingenuity.
You’re so cool.
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lucysgraybird · 5 months
whoa...part 3 of modern!university!coriolanus x fem!reader, and it's 18+? who is she. anyways part 1 here, part 2 here
warnings: mdni, oral (f&m receiving), p in v (unprotected), blood mentions (minor), religious imagery (minor)
The summer between junior and senior year comes and goes, as does the first semester of your last year in college. It's filled with internships and grad school applications, but you're still going strong with Coriolanus. You get through the most unguarded you've ever seen him – the weeks leading up to the release of LSAT scores. You're actually unaware that it's coming up because he's been so private about the whole process until you get into a screaming match in the Snow apartment with him about something you can't even remember now. When you threaten to leave if he can't be polite, he breaks down crying – something you didn't even know he was capable of. He apologizes and explains himself, and though you suspect his tears aren't genuine, you catch him in a hug and hold him on the couch until he falls asleep. 
A week letter, his score comes in the mail: a perfect 180. The celebration is quiet – just you, his family, and his boss, who Coriolanus is closer with than you knew. He's an interesting man – his name is Strabo Plinth, and you learn that he's the CEO of a company that manufactures weapons for the government. You want to tell your boyfriend that such a job may not play well on his resumé at the polls, if that's where he wants to end up, but it's not your place and you're sure he's thought about that. 
All in all, by the time the spring semester rolls around, your futures are beginning to take shape. You both get into your dream schools, him for law and you for intelligence analysis. When that letter comes in, Coriolanus teases you up and down about being the stereotypical academic recruit into the CIA, but you care more to understand these agencies than work for them. You won't attend school together anymore, but it's not more than an hour by train to visit, and there's been no indication of the end of your relationship nearing. In fact, when your parents come down for parents’ weekend, Coriolanus spends about forty minutes talking to your father away from you and your mother, and when they rejoin the group, your father claps you on the shoulder and tells you that you found a good man.
There's a brief, blissful period at the end of the year before graduation when everything's been turned in and you can just enjoy the sunshine and new warmth. One of these days finds you and Coriolanus lounging on the quad on a blanket. Your head is in his lap as he plays with your hair, working his fingers through the small tangles that the early May breeze has created. It is quiet, and you are bored.
“Oh, Coriolanus,” you say, opening your eyes to lock on his. The midday light turns them almost white, like his eponymous snow. It takes a lot of willpower not to pull a face. 
“Yes, darling?” A nickname he's picked up in the last month or so. It made you laugh in shock the first time he said it, but now it feels lush. 
“I got an email from the dean the other day. I made valedictorian,” you say with a toothy, cruel grin.
You're hoping for a reaction, maybe a flash of anger. It dances across his features for the barest fraction of a second, enough to work a little adrenaline through your body, and then you get a neat smile and a cock of his head.
“You're not mad?”
“Why would I be? You've worked hard, you deserve it. I'm not going to get upset over a silly title.”
You sit up and turn to stare at him. “What do you mean, silly?”
Coriolanus rolls his eyes. “Don’t be like that. I mean that I decided it wasn’t important to me anymore, now that I’ve gotten into law school. I thought you had gotten over it too, but since it’s important, congratulations.”
He’s deflecting, obviously, and you tell him as much. 
The corners of his mouth quirk up and he shrugs. “Okay.”
“No, you are! What, did you get salutatorian? Since when are you fine with second place?”
“Since first place wouldn’t have gotten me anything, darling. You’re ruining this for yourself, okay? I’m glad you got what you wanted.”
You’re left with nothing to say, searching his face for any mark of that brief rage from earlier before flumping back into his lap. He laughs. 
“I’m sorry, baby. You don’t need to pout. I would’ve said something else if I had known it was going to upset you like this.”
“I’m not upset.”
“Whatever you say.”
“I’m not,” you say, giving him a gracious smile, having found a new mate-in-one. “Whether or not you wanted the title anymore, we’ll always know who’s smarter.” 
Your face says teasing – your tone has teeth. Coriolanus’ eyes narrow. 
“That’s not what this means.”
“It’s what it means to me. And you clearly don’t care about that, so it should be no problem if that’s how I’m taking it.”
And ooh, you know it’s petty. You know this is possibly the most childish conversation you’ve had with anyone in years. But he doesn’t reply, opting instead to settle back on his hands and stare across the quad. There’s a mean tension in the air now, blooming hot, fizzy pride in your sternum. It’s nearly suffocating, but you breathe through it until it’s just another triumph. 
Graduation goes as smoothly as anything run by the school can – which is to say, too long and a bureaucratic clusterfuck – but you give your speech and get your diploma and take about forty pictures of Coriolanus onstage, and it feels like the perfect punctuation on this chapter of your life. After seemingly endless festivities and photoshoots with various family members, you’re dropped back at your apartment. There is no work to be done, for once: nothing to write or study, and your lease doesn’t end for another month, so nothing to pack. For the first time in your memory, you are truly idle, and you’re learning that it is not a feeling you enjoy. You pick up your phone and call your boyfriend.
“Hi, darling,” he says when he picks up. His voice is brighter than usual, a sure sign that he’s been drinking. “Did you get home okay?”
“Mhm. Did you?”
“Just laying in bed now.”
“Oh.” You try to keep yourself from sounding too disappointed, but from the huff of laughter on the other end of the call, you know he’s picked up on it. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to come over, but if you’re in bed, then nevermind.”
“Come over, like–”
“If you want.” You have yet to go this far with him, but tonight seems like as good a night as any. 
“Um, okay. Yeah, I’ll be right over.” 
The line goes dead, and you have to laugh. For all his airs and poise, he is still just a man. 
The benefit of today being important is that you’re already pretty done-up: your makeup is still perfect, though your lipstick gets a reapplication, your hair looks good, and you have matching, nicer undergarments on. Honestly, you’re not really sure what you’re supposed to do for this, not with him, and the confidence you had calling Coriolanus is fading fast. 
Unfortunately, it’s too late to be having those thoughts, because within twenty minutes, he’s knocking on your door. You let him in. He's still in his button-down, tie, and slacks from graduation, though he's shed his suit jacket. He leans down to catch you in a quick kiss. You wrap a hand around the Windsor knot in his tie, though whether it's to steady yourself or pull him closer is a mystery even to you. Not like it makes a difference; it elicits an electric, low groan from him anyways, his mouth opening over yours and deepening the kiss. He tastes like champagne, sweet and shimmery and young. It is a contrast to the way he grabs your waist with a heavy hand and presses his tongue in to fight yours, which feels like whiskey; all heady, stinging heat. You have not had anything to drink: you are starting to wish you had. 
When he pulls away to catch his breath, his lips are swollen and slick and stained with your blood-red lipstick and finally, finally, something alights in your chest and in your stomach and even lower, a ball of fire sitting in the cradle of your pelvis. You release his tie and drag a manicured thumbnail under the line of his bottom lip, smudging away the rouge you left there.
“Pretty,” you murmur, though you're not sure where that comes from. He is pretty, though, especially like this; undone and imperfect and desperate (you can tell as much by the way he's pressing into your hip), all for you. 
A growl releases from Coriolanus' throat and his hand goes to the belt of your dress, deftly undoing the buckle. He is desperate, but desperate for you to know that you haven't made him weak. You can only have from him what he is willing to give, he will take from you anything he wants. Or, at least, that's how he thinks as he starts dragging the zipper of your dress down, crowding you against your apartment wall.
“I have a bed, Coriolanus,” you protest weakly, the complaint dying on your lips as his latch onto your pulse point. He scrapes his teeth over the tendon in your neck, and you recall how he smiled at you when you were first dating, like he wanted to eat you. You realize he could now, if he tried, open his maw wide and sink sharp canines into the side of your throat, pierce the carotid artery and stain perfect teeth red with blood. Tipping your head back against the wall, you shiver and give him better access.
“Let’s go, then,” he murmurs, not stopping his ministrations on your collarbone, where he's working a bruise into the hollow between your clavicle and the muscle of your shoulder.
You shove his head back gently and lead him to your room, which is tidy save for your desk, which is still scattered with papers from exams. Coriolanus doesn't seem to care, just crowding you back towards your hospital-cornered bed. Once you're down, he's crawling over you and returning to suck marks down your shoulders and chest as he tugs your dress off your body. When he gets to your bra (a small, silk thing, meant to lay smooth under the dress you wore today), he just stares for a moment, tracing a finger over the fine fabric. Just as you're about to tell him to do something, Jesus Christ, he latches his lips over your nipple and mouths at it through the cloth, sending sparks down your spine and a wavering moan up your esophagus. When he switches to the other side, the wet patch is exposed to the air and the sudden chill is almost more electric than the warmth of his tongue. You wonder if he could push you over the edge with just this; it certainly feels like he could. Then he shoves a hand under your back to release the clasp and tear your bra off, and the two seconds his mouth is off your skin gives just enough reprieve that when he returns and bites down, the rush of pleasure drops straight to your core with an ache that has your hips canting up. This inspires a breathy, warm chuckle from Coriolanus.
“Impatient,” he teases. 
You swallow hard. “It's not my fault you're…”
“Good at this?” He says, dipping his hand between your legs and dancing his fingers over the gusset of your panties, eliciting a whimper and an honest nod from you. 
“You don't know the half of it, darling,” and he hooks his arms under your knees to drag your hips forward until they're nearly off the bed. He's knelt between your legs like he's taking the Eucharist, ready to devour the blood and body of all that is holy. You watch his blonde head through fluttering lashes as he licks a line up the inside of your thigh before biting down right where it meets your hip. He breaks the skin, soothes the little wound with his tongue as he works your underwear down your legs. The way he stares at you – all of you – while he's still fully clothed, no mark of the past half-hour except his loosened tie and lipstick-marked mouth, makes you squirm. He braces your hips down with a strong forearm and looks up at you with a hunger in his icy eyes that is yet unfamiliar to you.
“Pretty,” he whispers like the beginning of a prayer, echoing your earlier utterance, and collects your wetness on his index finger as he runs it through your folds. 
The foreign feeling makes you whine. Coriolanus’ tongue flicks out over his lips like a snake before he dives into your cunt like a man starved. When your hand shoots down and grabs his hair, the groan that he lets out against you has you jerking like you've been electrocuted. He only grabs the fat of your hips harder, the pads of his fingers pressing in so hard that you're sure you'll have little dotted bruises there in the morning. It's almost embarrassing how quickly he works you to orgasm, your body trembling and your breath stilted as you teeter on that peak. His eyes flash and one hand releases you. Before you can ask what he's doing, he plunges two fingers into you and curls them up right as he sucks your clit hard, and that pain-pleasure of the sudden intrusion combined with his mouth has white-hot flames engulfing your body as stars explode in your vision and your legs very nearly go numb. His tongue and fingers don't stop until you're coming down and pleading with him in a broken voice, an orison to the congregant turned deity drunk on newfound power. He acquiesces, though, crawling up your body to kiss you and lick the taste of your pleasure into your mouth. Underneath it, there's the bitter, sanguine taste from his bite to your thigh, a reminder of the vulnerability necessary for that blessing. 
Legs still shaking, head still a little fuzzy, you use his determination to kiss you breathless to flip the narrative so you're straddling his hips, his growing need heavy and hard against you through the fabric of his dress pants. One eyebrow twitches up as he grins, though it wavers when you shift on him. 
“My turn?” He asks as he smooths his hands down your thighs, and you know he can feel the way your muscles twitch and jump under your skin.
“Your turn,” you reply, and shift so you can undo his belt. 
The metal of the buckle is cold in your hands, your skin still feeling a little like it's been set aflame, but you get it off and shove your hand into his boxers, unceremoniously pulling out his cock. He lets out a choked groan at the speed, and you think his eyes roll back in his head when you slide down his body. You allow yourself a moment of hesitation, having never done this before (or even really thought about it) before taking the head in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it. The moan he lets out is primal, raw, and you are determined to get another from him as you hollow your cheeks and sink down further, minding your teeth enough to let them just graze the shaft. He shudders and jerks upward, hitting the back of your throat, and though it makes you gag, there's a certain pride in knowing you're breaking his composure, so you hold him there for a moment until he whimpers and slides a hand into your hair and you know you've taken the power back that he stole from you a moment ago. You swallow around him there before slowly moving back up, flattening your tongue against the underside before licking over his slit and sinking back down as far as you can bear, and his voice cracks around a moan as he cums down your throat. 
When you pull off him and swallow, he has an arm thrown over his eyes as he catches his breath.
“Where did you learn to do that?” He asks. His hair is tousled, sweaty strands stuck to his forehead and you grin, toothy and mean.
“Beginner’s luck,” you say as you take his softening dick in hand and watch how quickly he sits up.
“What are you-” he starts, but cuts himself off with a whine as you slide your hand up and down a couple times, trying to work him back up. “Stop, stop, that-”
Another moan, and you watch, pleased, as he starts to harden again in your grip. To be honest, you don't know where you're going with this, or what you expected to happen, you just wanted to see what other reactions you could get from him, how far you could take your regained power. 
As it stands, not very far, because he's hissing as you slide your thumb over the tip and flipping you over again so his elbows are braced next to your head.
“You're on the pill, right?” He reaches down between you to swipe his fingers over your clit.
You nod and buck your hips up into his hand, and with a breathy chuckle, he takes himself in hand and starts to guide himself into your entrance. There's a slight sting - he's bigger than anyone you've ever been with before - but he takes it slow, an uncharacteristic tenderness.
That is, until he's buried to the hilt and staring down at you, then snapping his hips in a way that should hurt but doesn't. It feels full and close and warm, his skin sliding against yours, sweat and other fluids mingling. You sneak a hand down to your clit and rub quick and hard, the way you do when you're alone at night and just need to get off and go to sleep. You're determined to reach your release before he does and you succeed, catching him in a kiss just as you cum, muffling your moans against his lips. The way your walls clench around him has him going rigid and giving you the most raw, tearing groan as he spills deep inside you, clearly not having expected to get there as quickly as you forced him to. He doesn't pull out immediately, opting instead to kiss you again, and you're not sure where you end and he begins, every bit of you mixed, in some way, with every bit of him. You stroke over the tense muscles in the back of his neck and he lets out a shaky breath onto your skin. Somehow, you know you've won this round, taken a weakness from him that he never meant to show you. When he rolls off you and tugs you into his side, you close your eyes, sleepy and sated in more ways than one.
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
PT2 to bring Feysands housewife, HOSTING FAMILY DINNERS WITH THE INNER CIRCLE 🤭😱 everyone praising you for your cooking, making the living room all cozy for game night, blankies, pillows, candles EVERYWHERE I need this to be my life asap 😩😩 I’m getting worked up just thinking about it
Housewife hc pt 2
Feysand x reader
A/n: I hope you liked part 1 anon ❤️ these two were so cute I loved writing them
Warnings: suggestive at the end
Family night was one of your favorite week nights
As much as you love having Feyre and Rhys to yourself you do love spending time with everyone (even though they are at the house everyday but this is different)
Tonight is all about fun and family. No work talk, no politics, nothing but food and games exist in this little bubble you create every week
The first time family night happened after you moved in you insisted on cooking. Rhys had asked you why since the house could prepare and serve the food. You told him it was nice the house did that but you liked cooking, it felt more personal and like the meal was full of love
You go all out for these dinners too, especially on holidays
You pick the bottles of wine for the night from Rhys’s collection in the cellar
You spend all day preparing ingredients for dinner and your favorite part, dessert
Once everyone gets to the house you bring out a small appetizer that Cassian is always the first to dig in to. That male can eat and he loves your cooking
Everyone mingles giving you time to lay out everything. You announce dinner once all the dishes are steamy and set
Something you pride yourself on is a well set dining table. Rhys has such pretty plates that he keeps in an cabinet and they deserve to be used along with the matching wine glasses and silverware
Everyone thanks you for making dinner and says how delicious everything smells
Cassian and Mor always give over the top reactions to your food. Elain always compliments you too and begs you to let her cook with you so she can learn your recipes
You love sharing recipes with her, especially for the pastries she makes. That girl is a bread wizard you’ll never understand how she does it
The conversation flows with the brothers and Lucien talking about what they’ve been up to at home. Lucien has been building Elain a green house while Az has taken on the project of building Gwyn her own library/lounge
You, Feyre, Nesta, and Gwyn chat about the newest Sellyn Drake book
You even talk with Amren about a new puzzle Arian got her
You and Amren have a special relationship. Amren wasn’t sure of you and your intentions with Rhys and Feyre, especially Rhys since it’s her job to look out for him and the court. Although she scared you you always made it a point to be kind to her
Months after the war she was still complaining about how she hadn’t really found food she liked. You offered to cook for her and the room went silent. Cassian and Azriel giving you a ‘do you really want to do that’s look. Amren gave you a curious, assessing look. Like she was figuring out if you would poison her or not
You just kept giving her your little airhead smile until Amren nodded, “Fine girl. Let’s see if you can make anything I would like.” Ever since then she had been a friend. Besides Rhys and Feyre, Amren is also very protective of you
After dinner you let the house clean up. You hate doing dishes and magic can make them spotless so why not
Moving on to the high light of the night, games!
You set up the living room earlier in the day. You always have to keep Rhys and Feyre out the whole day or they’ll mess up your set up before everyone gets there
You have all the pillows you can find set up on the floor and couches along with blankets so everyone can be comfortable
The large coffee table is moved to the center of the room with the games laid out along with the after dinner wine
You usual start off with a board game in teams, all the couples together while you’re with Feyre and Rhys
If Emerie isn’t there Amren and Mor team up which usually ends with them arguing with who’s in charge of the team
Games tend to get intense, especially card games where you’re all involved
The boys take poker very seriously
Nesta cheats and then loses on purpose to drive them insane
You all lose on purpose so it’s just the boys left, watching them yell at each other like children is so entertaining
Cassian is the biggest complainer before Rhys. He claims Lucien and Azriel have unfair magical advantages that can let them see other cards
Finally, when they’ve had enough of each other and are laughing hysterically everyone mellows out
After one more drink everyone heads to their rooms and Amren heads home
The 3 of you go to your shared room and they pamper you before bed
They do your skin care routine, Feyre braids your hair, and Rhys dresses you in one of his shirts for bed
In bed Feyre and Rhys squish you between them and give you small pecks all over your face and neck and shoulders
“Dinner was wonderful darling, you always do such a good job with family nights. We can’t thank you enough.” “You’re so sweet to do this baby.” They coo at you.
You get shy and blush, trying to hide your face from them
“Hey, don’t hide from us sweet girl. We mean it, y/n. It feels like you keep this family together more than we do.” Rhys says. “Thank you. That means a lot from you two.” You kiss both of them on their cheeks before laying back down
Feyre’s hand trails up your bare leg, tracing small patterns on your thigh
You smirk at her as Rhys attaches his lips to your neck, nipping and licking at you
“I think our sweet girl deserves a reward, don’t you Feyre darling?” “She absolutely does.” She says sweetly, dipping her head to connect her lips with yours
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icyg4l · 6 months
PAC: What Should You Do for Spring Break?
For my college babes who need ideas on what to do for the next couple of days or next month, I got you with this one! This marks one of two posts being made today! Yayyy! Without further ado, please pick your pile.
Left-to-Right: (1-3)
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Pile 1: Pile One, you need to play it cool for your spring break. I feel like you really just need to let loose. Flirt a little. I see the wing of an airplane in my third eye, which lets me know that you should book a last minute flight. Try to go to a place that’s not a hot spot. Where do you feel called to? I also think you do some exploring within your city. Take a mini road trip! I specifically see a bar at night but with dancing, square dancing. Do any of you live in Texas? If not, you should take a road trip down to Texas! This is for a very select group of you, but you should elope with your significant other. It sounds crazy but your ancestral team supports it. If you’re single and ready to mingle, then you should go on a date. Perhaps a sip and paint? Maybe go to a lounge? I see a stable relationship forming from this date. You should go to a sporting event, if you can score some tickets! I saw a bowling ball, so you should definitely go bowling as well.  And lastly, you should do something that helps you recalibrate like go to a spa! You deserve it girl! 
Cards Used: Queen of Cups, Page of Wands, 2 of Discs, Temperance, King of Discs, Ace of Cups, The Hierophant, Queen of Wands. 
Signs: Pisces, Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus. 
extras: “youngin.” bounce back. rainbows. nickleback. forty ounces. legs. promenade. bad memory. punta canta. tallahassee. white chicks. grimace. kissy face.
Pile 2: Pile Two, you need to retreat. I feel like you’ve been separating yourself from the crowd for a reason. You definitely need to be by yourself at this time. Take some time out for yourself and just relax. I don’t think this pile does this often, so you should take a smoke break. I saw the meme of that girl talking about conspiracy theories while smoking a blunt lmao. I also heard the word “cleansing”, so you should definitely take the time to release any past energies. Let it all go. Honestly, if you’re in a relationship, it’s time to leave it in the past. I do see that it’ll be a mutual decision so no one will really be broken hearted. Some things simply just run its course. Refrain from doing anything impulsive, it will backfire. I think that you should also spend more time with your family (chosen or biological). You tend to take them for granted & you need those moments to bond with them. Focus on setting goals for the springtime. You have a lot that you want to accomplish and it won’t get done if you don’t take action. 
Cards Used: Queen of Cups, 7 of Discs, 10 of Cups, The Moon (RX), Eight of Cups, The Fool (RX), The Lovers (RX), Ace of Discs, 7 of Cups. 
Signs: Leo, Gemini, Aries, Capricorn, Virgo. 
extras: normani. LAX. number 7. walking on water. valerie. virus. calling an 800 number. rotating dial. pleasure seeker. 
Pile 3: Pile Three, this is the perfect time to get situated. Start spring cleaning so that you can get rid of those loose ends. Do any tedious chores that you've been procrastinating on. Cut your grass. Wipe/dust your walls. Clean out your refrigerator. Another thing that you can do is write letters to your future self and hide them. I feel like this pile is wondrous and always like to plan ahead. So why not put your hopes of the future all on one page? Pile Three, you need to be comfortable with just doing nothing at times as well. I think that after all of this cleaning, you owe it to yourself to be a couch potato. You aren’t a slacker if you just sit down and crack open a bag of potato chips to watch Orange is the New Black. It just makes you human. But after all of this, you could also make an appointment with a spiritual advisor to get a spiritual cleansing or get a tarot reading from them, specifically someone who is new to you. If you do not have access to a spiritual advisor, give yourself a spiritual bath or an egg cleanse. It is best to make new connections at this time, specifically with those who have friends in higher places if you know what I mean. I channeled Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog. And lastly, what you could do during spring break is implement new workout habits. This could be going to the gym, taking daily walks, finding a yoga routine, going to a pilates class, hiking or even taking a kickboxing class. Spirit wants you to not be super inactive during this break. It’s called balance. You need to learn how to not be so extreme, Pile Three. You can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time, you know? 
Cards Used: The Emperor, The Fool, The High Priestess, 10 of Discs, 4 of Cups, The Hermit (RX), 7 of Wands, The Sun. 
Signs: Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius. 
extras: lovely day. “pardon me.” obsession with teyana taylor. abs. long natural nails. fiber intake. dog fur. headband wig. “shawty.” spooky. virginia. love letters. less fortunate. excess. lonely spell. castaways. 
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
Hey!!! It's my birthday! So I was thinking if you could write something of az x yn birthday fluff?🥺 even a small blurb would be ok. If not I totally understand!
Summary: Y/n and Azriel spend some time together on her birthday, which leads to unexpected confessions.
A/n: Happy birthday sweetheart, hope your day goes great 🥳🫶 Its small, hope you don't mind!
Also, this is set right after the war.
Y/n walked to the fireplace of her small apartment, the tray in hand laden with all the stuff dhe loved and some of her favourite tea. She was going to read a book and enjoy a quiet evening on her birthday. It was a gift to herself.
She hadn't heard from any of her friends today, despite it being her birthday. But knowing them, they probably had something elaborate plan and wanted it to be a surprise.
But honestly, even if they forgot about it, she wouldn't mind. She needed some quiet time to herself after months of continuously being in their presence. With countless meetings for the war planning, she had barely been alone for more than a couple of hours.
It wasn't that she didn't like spending time with the inner circle. But they could be too much at times.
A quiet knock sounded on the front door, making Y/n groan inwardly. She got up, making her way to the door and opening it to find Azriel standing there, smiling.
Her heart stopped in her chest before starting again. She smiled back at him, opening the door to let him in.
He stood there awkwardly, not having visited her before, not really. Whenever he had come to her place, it was always because she was needed somewhere. He had never come in.
She tugged him to where she had been lounging a moment ago, telling him to settle down.
"Tea?" She asked.
"No, thank you." He said. "How are you doing?"
"I'm good. How are you?" She passed him a cookie that she knew he liked. He accepted it with a smile.
"Good enough. I didn't see you around the house, so I wondered where you were. That's why I came to check if everything's okay. Oh, by the way, happy birthday." He leaned closer to kiss her cheek, and she blushed fiercely.
The male she had been pining for centuries for was here, in her apartment, and she didn't know how to react.
"Th–thank you." She tried to hide her face and he chuckled. She swallowed in an attempt to calm the butterflies in her stomach.
They sat talking for quite some time, when suddenly he stood.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yes. Its just that I somehow forgot that Feyre and Mor had told me to get you the River House."
"Oh." She sounded disappointed, even to herself. She shouldn't have been, but she didn't want her time with Azriel to end.
He smirked. "We can stay here if you dont want to go."
"That's not–"
He was suddenly leaning down, his hands on the couch by her shoulders, his face in front of her. And then he was kissing her. She stared before her eyes fluttered shut.
When he pulled back, she stared at him, her eyes wide.
She couldn't believe it. Azriel had... kissed her.
When she kept searching his face, he faltered, the smile on his face slipping. "I'm sorry, I should have asked if–"
She didn't let him finish, kissing him again. He chuckled when they separated. Y/n swallowed, looking away from him.
"We can stay here, you know. Continue this."
She smiled coyly. "Don't you think they will throw a tantrum? Our family isn't the best at waiting. We're lucky Cassian isnt breaking down my door right now."
He laughed, helping her up from the couch. "We can continue later then."
Her heart fluttered.
She was excited to say the least.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess
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justmystyles · 1 year
Now You're In My Life - Part 11
catch up here
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
*i say it's a plus size reader, but it is not something that i focus on explicitly in my fics, because your size should not define you. it will only come up if it comes into the story organically.*
word count: 3.3k
summary: just as your settling into your long distance relationship, Harry returns for his New Year's visit.
warnings: smut, NSFW, 18+
a/n: nothing of note, just a good old fashioned smutty reunion.m enjoy!
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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Saying goodbye to Harry was significantly more bittersweet than it had been. You had the peace of mind knowing when you would see him again, and where you stood. However, the two of you had just spent ten days together, getting closer and falling further in love. You found it hard to fall asleep without him beside you. You had brought in the pillow he gave you, but it wasn’t even a fraction of the comfort that Harry brought you. 
He called you the second his plane landed, to let you know he arrived safely, and the two of you would talk constantly throughout the day. He would send you pictures of places and things that he wanted to show you when you were finally able to go home with him. The excitement he had to show his world off to you made your heart swell. 
The time apart didn’t go entirely without issue though. Since your birthday, and seeing how thoughtful and elaborate his gifts were, you’d been racking your brain trying to figure out the perfect Christmas gift. You knew he had the means to get himself anything he could possibly want, and that he was likely going to get you something incredibly thoughtful. It was stressful to try to match that. You came up with an idea, but a nagging doubt ran on a loop in the back of your mind.
Christmas was your first holiday as a couple, and you were spending it on opposite sides of the world. The relationship was still new, so it made sense that you would both spend it with your families. The distance was something you’d have to work out at some point, but not yet. 
Before you headed out to your family dinner, you received a FaceTime call from Harry, who was already with his, and slightly inebriated. You laughed at his overexaggerated expressions, and borderline slurred words as he passed the phone around to his family, introducing you to everyone.
“Say hi to my girlfriend.” 
“This is my girlfriend, isn’t she pretty? She’s even prettier in person.” 
The pride in his voice as he told his loved ones about you caused butterflies in your stomach.
Once he had passed the phone around to everyone, he stepped into a quiet corner so that he could have a moment with you. He makes you promise to call him when you get to your uncle’s house so that he can say hi to your family too. You’ve never been with someone who was so excited to be a part of your life, let alone for you to be a part of theirs. Especially not after such a short amount of time. It was scary, part of you was worried you were moving too fast, but at the same time, it all felt so right.  
The night before Harry was scheduled to arrive, you were lounging on your couch in your sweats. The room was illuminated by the combination of your Christmas tree and the television, which was playing a corny Lifetime Christmas movie. Just as the big city career woman kissed her small town childhood love, and the credits began to roll, you were startled by a knock at your door. 
You sat in silence for a moment as the guest knocked again. It was nine at night and you weren’t expecting anyone. You had seen enough cautionary tales on the internet to know that a woman living alone shouldn’t answer the door in this situation, so you continued to ignore it. 
Then, your phone pinged with a new text message from Harry. 
You should probably answer the door. ;) 
You read the message a couple of times, realizing this could have one of two outcomes. Either you were living in a romcom, and your super romantic boyfriend flew in early to surprise you, or you were living in a horror movie, and the killer has spoofed your boyfriend's number… or murdered him and stole his phone, to gain access to your home and kill you. 
“I know you’re in there, princess.” 
A romcom, you were living in a romcom. 
You rushed to the door, opening it with a wide smile. “Harry?” 
“Why didn’t you answer?” He pouted. 
“I thought you might be Ghostface.” You shrugged. He chuckled at your response. “What are you doing here? You weren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow.” 
“I missed you too much, so I pushed up my flight.” 
“Aww… puppy!” You cooed as you rushed into his arms. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he breathed in your scent. Your body shivered as the crisp New England winter air blew around you.
“Maybe we should move this inside?” Harry asked, rubbing his hands up and down on your arms to soothe the goosebumps. You nodded and led him inside, shutting and locking the door. “Much better,” he sighed, holding your face in his hands and pulling it to his. While his hands remained on your cheeks, you snaked your arms around his torso, pulling yourself as close as you could get. 
When you finally pulled apart, you smirked at him. “Perfect timing, I was just about to go to bed.” The suggestion in your voice was clear, causing Harry to groan and press his forehead against yours. 
“But don’t you want your present?” He asked. 
“You’re my present,” you replied as your hands trailed to the waistband of his pants. “Wanna unwrap it now.” 
Harry threw his head back in laughter. “That is an incredibly tempting offer, my love, but I’ve been dying to give you your Christmas gift. We have all night for all that other stuff.” He leaned in, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. “Trust me, it will be worth the wait.” 
You put on an exaggerated pout and back away. “Oh fine,” you pull away and move over to the Christmas tree as Harry gets your gift out of his luggage. “That’s a lot of stuff. How long are you staying?”
“Trying to get rid of me already?” He asked with an arched brow as he came to sit beside you in front of the tree, a small wrapped box in his hand. 
“No, I mean we talked about you coming for New Years, but didn’t really discuss how long. Then you show up with a bunch of bags.” You shrug. “I was just curious.”
He smiled, and leaned in placing a chaste kiss on your lips. “I have to be in New York to do some work in the studio in a couple of weeks. I figured I’d stay here until you got sick of me, and then go straight to New York and stay there for a bit.” 
“Until I get sick of you?” You reiterate his words, he nods. “Then I guess you’re never leaving.” 
“So we get to play house for a while?” He asked hopefully. You nodded, excited by the idea of getting a few uninterrupted, domestic weeks with him. He pulled you in for one more kiss. “Okay, presents now?” 
“Sure,” you chuckle, handing his gift to him. 
He holds a hand up to stop you. “Ladies first.”
He hands you your gift, which you immediately start unwrapping. Beneath the paper is a small jewelry box, you look up at him with wide eyes. Things had been moving fast, but you didn’t know they were moving ‘jewelry for Christmas’ fast. 
You opened the box to reveal a white gold bracelet with a black pendant in the center. “Harry, it’s so beautiful.” 
“It’s not just any bracelet you know.” Harry pulls up his sleeve, showing you his wrist. 
“Aww… we’re twinsies.” You coo. He taps the black pendant on his bracelet, and you look down, noticing a heart light up on yours. “It just lit up?”
“I told you it’s not just any bracelet.” He grinned. “When I tap on mine, yours lights up and vibrates, and vice versa.” He reaches over, tapping your bracelet to show the same reaction on his. “See, now when we’re apart, even if we don’t have our phones on us, we will always be able to connect. Like when I’m onstage, or doing interviews or something.” he taps his bracelet, and yours goes off.  
“Harry,” you sigh. “That’s so sweet. I love this, I love you.” You wrap your arms around him and pull him in for a kiss. 
“I love you too, princess.” He watches fondly as you put the bracelet on your wrist. “Okay, my turn. Gimme.” He reaches his hands out making a grabbing motion. 
You chuckle at his display, hoping to conceal the nerves you have about your gift. “It’s not much, it’s okay if you hate it.” You say dismissively as you hand him his gift.
“Baby, it’s something that you thought of with that pretty brain of yours. I’m sure it’s going to be wonderful.” He assured you as he began to unwrap it. Once the wrapping had been discarded, he examined the notebook before him, the cover of the book adorned with various flowers. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“It’s uh…” you chime in, realizing how cheap and generic the gift seemed without an explanation. “It’s not just any notebook.” He looks at you curiously. “The flowers on there, okay, so every time you’ve gotten me flowers since we met, I saved a couple and dried them out. You know, as a keepsake. Each one of those flowers is from a bouquet you’ve given me over the last couple of months.” You lean over, pointing to each flower and explaining which arrangement they came from. 
You look up at Harry to gauge his reaction, and he’s staring at you with wide, glossy eyes. “You saved the flowers?” You nodded. “Even when you thought this was just a one time, east coast hookup thing?” 
“Even if it was just going to be a couple of days, it was worth remembering. You were worth remembering.” You shrug.
“Y/N,” Harry said softly, his hand coming up to cup your face. “This is incredible.” 
“Yeah?” You ask, still feeling insecure about your gift. 
“It might be the best gift I’ve ever gotten.” He smiles at you, pulling you in for a quick kiss. “It’s going to come with me everywhere,” he smirked. “And I’m going to write so many love songs about you in it.” 
You giggle at his words and lean in, kissing him deeply. His hand slides from your cheek to the back of your neck, his other hand traveling to your hip to pull you closer. You pull out of the kiss, but keep your forehead pressed against his. “So, can I unwrap my other present now?” 
“I’ve created a monster,” he chuckled. 
“Okay, that’s fine,” you tease as you stand from your spot on the floor and saunter away toward the bedroom. 
He hurries to follow you. “Hey hey hey, I didn’t say it was a bad thing.” He came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and trailing kisses down your neck. 
“No, it’s okay,” you sigh. “You’re probably tired from traveling.” 
His lips moved to the sensitive skin just behind your ear, and you were unable to keep up the charade, moaning and arching into him. “I promise you princess, I will never be too tired to take care of you.” 
Harry turned your body so that you were facing him, your breath hitched at the intensity of his gaze. 
“You’ve gotten even more beautiful since the last time I was here.” He said, his voice barely above a whisper as he lifted your shirt over your head. A low growl of approval escaped him when he discovered that you hadn’t been wearing a bra. 
His lips crashed against yours as he cupped your breasts, squeezing firmly. He walked you backwards toward the bed until the backs of your legs hit the mattress, Then his hands traveled down your body, tucking his fingers into the waistbands of your sweatpants and underwear, sliding them down your legs. He followed their descent, dropping to his knees in front of you. 
“Sit,” he commanded, and you immediately complied. “Good girl.” He lifts your leg, kissing the inside of your ankle and slowly working his way up, placing your leg over his shoulder as he goes. 
When he got to your inner thigh, the kisses became rougher, leaving small marks in their wake. You gasp at the sting of his teeth against your skin. He lets out a small grunt when his eyes meet your center.
“So wet, and I’ve barely even touched you.” He blew against your wet folds, causing you to shutter. “Did my girl miss me?” 
“Missed you so much,” you whined, shifting your hips, trying to get closer to him. 
He chuckled at your impatience and gripped your hips, holding you in place. “Patience, my love.” He purred. 
“Please Harry, I need you.” You pleaded, running your fingers through his hair. You massaged his scalp lightly, knowing it drives him wild. 
“Mmm… well since you asked so nicely.” You caught a quick glimpse of his smirk before his mouth descended onto your core. 
He licked a long, slow stripe through your folds. Your head fell back, a loud moan ripping from your lips. He hummed in satisfaction from both your reaction and how you tasted. Your hands tightened their grip on his hair as he wrapped his lips around your clit. 
“Fuck Harry… so good.” Your hands guided him to exactly where you needed him, he complied immediately. 
He continued to work his mouth against you, sucking and licking as if his life depended on it. In that moment, he felt it did. He could feel you nearing the edge, and pulled away briefly. 
“come for me, princess. Give me everything.” He returned to his ministrations, swirling his tongue around your clit before bringing it into his mouth. 
Before long, you fell back on the bed, your back arching as the sounds of your release filled the room. Harry worked you through your release, removing his hands from your hips to allow you to ride out your high. 
When he didn’t slow down or pull away, you began to whimper slightly. “H… Harry, I’m good… please.” 
“I need you to give me another one princess, can you do that?” He looked up at you, taking in your flushed cheeks and rapidly rising and falling chest. You nod your head, and he arches his brow, encouraging you to use your words. 
“Yes, I can.” Your voice trembled. 
“That’s my girl,” he smiled, kissing each of your inner thighs before returning to your center. This time, he inserted two fingers before working his tongue against your clit. 
Your legs involuntarily began to close around his head. He removed his fingers and spread your legs apart. “You’ve gotta keep them open for me, baby.” 
You moan in response, his fingers quickly resuming their work, crooking to hit that spot deep inside you. You gasp at the sensation, already close to your second release. Harry can sense this and picks up the pace, pumping his fingers in time with the movements of his tongue.
Your hips rolled against Harry’s face, tugging on his chocolate locks as you reached your second peak. “Harry… Harry… Fuck!” 
Once he lapped up everything you had to offer, he kissed up your stomach, stopping to lavish each one of your breasts with attention. When he met you face to face, he smiled sweetly and pulled you into a passionate kiss. 
“I really missed you,” he spoke against your lips. 
“Me too,” you giggled. You ran your hands down his chest, stopping to palm his hard length through his pants. He groaned and instinctively thrust against your hand. “Your turn.”
He smirked and sat back on his knees, pulling off his shirt and tossing it on the floor. You sat up, running your hands along his bare chest, tracing his tattoos with your fingers. Your hands continued their descent, gripping onto the waistband of his pants and starting to tug them down.
Harry grabs your hand, bringing them to his lips and kissing the backs of them before getting off the bed and removing them, along with his underwear. You watched as his hard length sprung free, and moved to the end of the bed. You wrapped your hand around him, stroking gently and smirking as you lowered your head, running your tongue along the underside of his cock. 
“Fuck,” he grunted, gathering your hair in his hands so that he could watch you take his length between your lips. 
You take as much of him as you can, working the rest with your hand, your head bobbing up and down at a torturous pace. He groans, watching you intently as you work his cock. 
“Baby… fuck.” He tugs your hair, pulling you off of him, and you look up with a curious expression. “I’m close, wanna come inside you.” He leans down, pressing his lips against yours as he guides you onto your back, positioning himself to hover over you. 
He ran his cock through your folds, still sensitive from your last two releases. You shuttered at the sensation. “Harry, wait.” 
“Is everything okay? Do you want to stop?” He furrowed his brow in worry. 
You smiled, placing your hands on his cheeks and kissed the wrinkle that had formed before moving to his ear. “I want to be on top.”
A low growl rumbled in his chest at your words, his hips grinding against yours. He crashed his lips against yours, rolling onto his back and guiding your hips so that you were straddling his lap. 
“Fuck,” he grunted. “You look so sexy on top of me like that.” 
“Mmm,” you moaned as you positioned yourself over his cock, slowly lowering down onto him, both of you moaning as he filled you. Your hands falling to his chest to steady yourself as his settled on your hips, guiding you. 
“You feel so good, Y/N” Harry ran his hands up your body, stopping to cup a breast in one hand as the other continued its ascent, pulling you down into a deep kiss when he reached the back of your neck.
As your tongues twisted together, he thrust up into you, filling you completely. You moaned into his mouth, and he felt your walls begin to flutter around him. He broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. 
“That’s it princess, come for me again. I want it all over my cock.” He commanded through a heated whisper. 
“Harry… oh god, Harry!” You screamed, burying your face in the crook of his neck, muffling the sounds of your release. 
You began to slow your pace, as Harry continued to thrust up into you chasing his own release. After a few powerful thrusts, Harry’s grip tightened on your hips as he spilled himself inside of you.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, coming down from your high. Harry tapped your thigh softly.
You took the cue, rolling off of him and resting beside him on the bed. “Sorry.”
“Don’t you dare apologize,” he said, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you close. “That was incredible.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Now get some rest, we’re doing that again first thing in the morning.”
You giggle at his words. “Good night, puppy.”
“Good night, princess. I love you.”
“Love you too.” And with that, you drifted off for your first peaceful night’s sleep since the last time you were in his arms. 
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wombywoo · 2 months
25, 30 and 13, because I need to hear more about how Quinn is completely fine. <3 And 22, because why not! XD
thank you for askingg 😚 <33
(I'm gonna put 25 down below because it's a bit...heavier...)
30. How do they self-soothe when they're upset?
For Quinn, it's a cigarette or a hot shower. He's honestly not good at soothing, lol, so he'll probably just isolate himself and try to drown it all out. If he needs to make more of an effort, he'll just cuddle with Fig until he feels better 🥺
If Vincent's in a mood™️, he'll throw on something comfy and lounge on the couch with an old record playing; usually 1940s ballads, to really get lost in the nostalgia. He does meditation as well, sometimes spending hours unwinding inside his own mind
13. What is their deepest, darkest fear and how did it come about?
Quinn--becoming voiceless, paralyzed, incapable of doing anything as he witnesses the world fall apart around him. It's pretty easy to see where this has stemmed from; his visions force him to be a powerless bystander to some catastrophe, and even when he breaks out of them, he often feels like he can't do anything to stop it :(
Vincent's biggest fear is losing himself to the 'monster'; he believes that if he continues to watch everyone he cares about die as he goes on to live, he'll lose his humanity bit by bit. This is even more pronounced now that he's with Quinn--losing Stuart will be devastating for him, but Vincent knows that if he were to witness Quinn die in front of him, he might go back to that 'dark state' and lose himself entirely...
22. What belonging do they hold dearest to them?
Quinn hadn't really experienced something he holds dear until he found Fig. She's not a 'belonging', lol, but she's the first thing he thinks about when contemplating what he actually cares about. So yeah--she's his best girl and he's frankly astonished at how much she means to him 😭
Vincent had managed to salvage a few of his family's possessions, so the ones he holds most dear are old photographs of his mother. He keeps them safe at home in a vintage trunk and will sometimes flip through them just to feel...something.
25. Have they ever acted on their intrusive thoughts before? What was the outcome?
Umm..yeah. reeeeeallly heavy answer under the cut (tw for suicide attempt) read at your discretion
Quinn has tried to kill himself before. More than once. Perhaps what can be considered his first 'attempt' was when he was recovering at home from his throat injury. He was alone in his bedroom and on some manic impulse, he pulled the tracheostomy tube out of his neck. It wasn't even an active decision; he was numb to it all at the time, just a constant swell of dark, horrible thoughts, so he didn't quite process what he was doing. Thankfully, his dad came in to check on him in time, and after a brief panic, he brought him to the hospital before he could suffocate. They never talked about it...
The second attempt was more intentional. He was 15 and he just...wanted it to end. After deliberating the best method, Quinn decided on rail suicide; he'd had some experience with pills and drugs by then (another sort of 'attempt'), and knew that there was more risk of surviving; there was the thought of jumping off a building, but he didn't like heights, didn't like falling. So yeah, he wanted to throw himself in front of a train; seemed like his best bet. He had the whole thing planned out, the when and where, he memorized the train schedules, he read news articles about successful attempts, he...he made his peace.
On the day of, he told his dad he was heading to the next town over to see about a job listing. What he hadn't counted on was his sister accompanying him to the station; she'd been visiting on a break from uni and wanted to stop by the city to see a friend. So they ended up going to the train station together and Quinn was....conflicted. It felt awful and cruel to do this with his sister there, but he had already made up his mind. So he nearly managed to convince himself that this was better--to be with Nora one last time, to leave her a note, to get a small chance of saying goodbye.
Nora noticed he was a bit off--he seemed more open for once, almost happy, not as cold and withdrawn as he'd been for years, even offering a few smiles to her when she kept blattering away about something. She mistakenly thought it was a good sign, so she felt nothing when she asked him to watch her bag as she went to grab a croissant from the kiosk at the other end of the station. Quinn sat there for a bit, scribbling his pathetic note and slipping it in her bag, but he got up eventually and walked to the far platform, rocking back and forth as he counted the clock, knowing the line to Leeds was passing through in five minutes. His plan was to jump as the train passed, but Nora's presence threw him off, so he continued pacing and deliberating in front of the open platform, considering hopping down onto the tracks beforehand instead.
Just as he was about to sit on the ledge and commit, a security guard happened to spot him, perceptive enough to catch on to his intention. The guy was very calm, walking over to him slowly and asking him a few questions. But Quinn panicked, knowing the train was now a minute away, he could hear it, he could feel the vibration, he wanted this, he told himself he wanted this...so he jumped down onto the tracks. But the security guy was quick enough to grab his shoulder (the bad one) and hoist him back up in a matter of seconds, the two of them sprawled on the platform as the train rushed past. Quinn had a bit of a fit, wrestling and screaming at the security guard, oblivious to the fact he was now openly sobbing and leaning into the guy's clumsy embrace. Enough of a fuss was made, and by then, Nora had returned to find her bag abandoned, some words scratched on a napkin informing her "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, but I can't do this anymore". She rushed over to Quinn and just..grabbed him, pulling him into her lap as they both cried and cried, saying "I'm sorry" to each other again and again as if this particular brand of guilt could ever be forgiven...
He sought help after that; rather, his family forced him to get treatment. And it was ok for a while. He got better.
Being in the military actually seemed to improve him, believe it or not. He had a goal now, something he could focus on, so that gave him a feeling of purpose that he'd never experienced previously. He had a friend and source of support in Danny, and he tried not to let himself sink to that level of hopelessness (tried, being the keyword)
There were still...moments, though. He rarely sought to purposefully harm himself, but during some of his lapses, there seemed to be an indication that he wasn't doing everything he could for his own well-being--a few bad runs in the field, some injuries that may have been prevented, a tendency to stall when an enemy had him in their line of sight, etc. And with his relapse into thinking he needed his visions again, the self-harm and suicidal tendencies returned.
His relationship with Marc certainly didn't help, and there were a few low, terrible, awful moments where he tried to get him mad on purpose, just to see, just to know what that edge felt like again...
So yeah, Quinn's got some bad intrusive thoughts. And the stranglehold they have over him doesn't seem to lessen...but he is better now, I swear !!!
asdfghjk I know this is such a heavy Quinn answer, I'm sorry 😩 I do have a smaller answer for Vincent, lol, and it's that he does have intrusive thoughts, but his are just that--quite literally someone else's thoughts intruding on him. The German soldier who turned him will occasionally pop into his head, so these thoughts feel entirely separate from his own, which makes it a bit easier to choose to ignore them. For a weaker-willed vampire, it can be difficult to detach one's own self from the other (sometimes multiple) personalities, but Vincent has gotten used to it and is very much the one in control (for the most part....)
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Oh! Then I'll send it again! So I wanted to request rise!Raph dating a bubbly happy reader. She's really bubbly with people around her but when she started dating Raph she gets nervous and really shy. But when Raph and her are alone, she gets really affectionate and clingy! When they're out, Raph gets flirty with her and is very amused when they're alone. IDK FLIRTY RISE RAPH. thank you if you do this btw! LOVE YOUR WRITING. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. -bubble
Only with You
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author’s note: super happy to finally have gotten a good chunk of school work done so I was feeling the fluff, here we go my dear bubble anon
warnings: fluff to the max, cursing
“Guyyyyys!!” You called out as you popped your head past the entry way. “Guess what??” You asked all smiles, happy to see all the turtles were lounging in the common area. “What?” Donnie asked and you made a face, “uhmmm pizza??” Mikey guessed and you shook your head. “You’re a floating head now?” Leo asked wondering why you were still only showing just your face. “Ha ha,” you narrowed your eyes at the blue clad turtle. “Schools out for the holidays?” Raph said with a knowing smile and you finally came into the lair jumping up and down, “ding ding ding ding! and the winner is Big Raphie!” you shot him a wink.
Leo and Mikey were just as excited at this news. If you were out for the holidays so was April. Though Donnie didn’t understand how one could possibly want to miss school. He thought it was one of the greatest places on earth besides the library! “Yeah April should be heading this way in a couple hours, you know how she is, job hunting and all,” you explained as you made your way to Raph’s side of the couch. “Sooo? Plans?!” You said with round eyes, ready to live it up to the fullest with your besties, anddd boyfriend! “We definitely need to make a snowman this year,” Mikey said in thought. “Lameee let’s go to the Hidden City! I’m sure there’s plenty to do during the holidays,” Leo claimed.
Donnie wasn’t interested in doing much else than getting his projects done, it was a miracle he was out in the common area to begin with. “Why are you in the living room?” You asked curiously, “I took a break plus family time,” he explained not looking up from his phone. Donnie’s idea of family time was more like basking in his brothers presence for however long he could stand it while being on his phone, which had you shaking your head. Raph was quiet to this particular question of plans, which surprised you. The two of you had been texting back and forth about plenty of plans! You wondered why he didn’t share it with his brothers. And you wouldn’t find out about what he was thinking until later that evening. After an hour or so of talking, the boys got hungry and you happily ordered pizza, texting April if she wanted any. She replied with a big yes, and saying she’d pick it up on her way over!
After eating and more good vibes and conversation everyone started to part ways and do their own thing. Donnie headed to his lab, ready and rejuvenated to probably spend hours if not days awake working on whatever science-y thing he was creating. Mikey, Leo, and April all had a running bet for who would win at DDR so they all headed to the arcade. You peered over at Raph as it ended up being just the two of you. “You sure you don’t wanna join them in DDR? We all know you’re the dance master!” You smiled, you would definitely place your bet on Raph out of all of them.
“Nahh I was thinking me and you could watch a movie, I got Donnie to set up a mini projector in my room,” he said grinning. Annnd there went your brain, poof, all up in sparks and smoke. You and Raph? Alone? In his room? Watching a movie? Don’t get it wrong, you wanted to, oh you did and you thought the plan was so sweet, he must’ve been thinking about this for a while to get Donnie to help out! And you had no idea! The two of you texted about any and everything. That was how he knew exactly what you wanted everyone to guess earlier that day. “O-oh? Okay!” You nodded, smiling sheepishly as you followed Raph out of the kitchen and to his room.
Oh goodness, you had this feeling in your stomach. Butterflies or maybe even bees! Buzzing around and not giving you a break to calm down. You stayed at the doorway, shifting your weight as you watched Raph become occupied with turning on the projector and making sure it was facing the empty space on his wall. He had plenty posters of Lou Jitsu, Jupiter Jim, and Ghost Bear. “Y/n?” He called you out of your daydreaming, looking over all his posters. “Hmm?” You said meeting his eyes. “You comin’?” He said with amusement dancing across his features. “Right, coming inside your room, me and you, aloneee,” you said taking a few steps in.
Raph chuckled, he knew this shy phase would fade soon. He knew exactly what to expect next, first you would get shy, getting used to just his presence without the buffer of his brothers or April. He patted the bed, signaling you to enter further. “Baby you’re just too cute when you get shy,” Raph snickered, teasing you and your hands went up to your face immediately. “Raphhhh,” you whined, not liking it when your shyness was pointed out. You kept walking forward though, peeking through your fingers to see when to stop just before Raph’s bed. He tugged you down, making you squeal as you landed on the bed next to him. “Alright alright, no more teasing, do you wanna pick the movie?” He asked and that immediately got your attention.
He handed you the remote as your brain momentarily stuttered at the feeling of his hand brushing yours, but you babbled about movie genres. Raph liked everything except horror which was fine with you. Scary movies weren’t really your thing either so you settled on an action movie that had a good amount of romance as well. You and Raph moved to the head of the bed, where a pile of pillows awaited, getting comfortable. As you had something else to focus on you didn’t really feel shy anymore. In fact, you really just wanted to hold Raph’s hand, or even hop over into his lap and cuddle while the movie rolled. “Raph?” You whispered, wondering how much he was paying attention to the movie. “Yeah?” He said giving you a side glance before looking back at the movie, you estimated he was halfway paying attention to the movie. “Can I hold your hand?” You asked sweetly, already reaching out for it. He immediately opened up his palm and you placed your hand inside, his hand closing gently, engulfing yours. You rested your cheek on his arm, snuggling up close so you were pressed against him. He was so warm and you sighed with contentment.
Yes, your next phase was clingy affection. If Raph even dared to move his hand because he thought it was getting a little too sweaty, you’d just ask for his other hand. Or even worse, beg for his hand back until he gave in. But you must’ve been pretty excited all day, after getting comfortable and all snuggled up you fell asleep as the movie started to get good. Raph only noticed when he glanced down, trying to gauge your reaction for a certain scene that had just played when he saw your eyes closed, breathing deepened, your mouth slightly open. His other hand fumbled for his phone wanting to take a picture, he just couldn’t you were so adorable, falling asleep holding his hand!
Raph gushed as he quietly took the picture, double checking to make sure the flash was off before he clicked. “Sweet dreams princess,” Raph murmured kissing the top of your head before turning back to the movie. You’d ask him all about it when you woke up. “Mmmgh Raphie” you muttered half asleep as you turned your head and kicked a leg out to wrap over one of Raph’s. He just knew his arm was going to fall asleep but for you, he’d stay still. He loved how comfortable you were with him, how you trusted him to care for you and protect you while you slept. Or maybe that was just the way his mind worked, because he kept envisioning foot soldiers storming into his room. He’d ninja the hell out of them, silently and swiftly, making sure you wouldn’t even wake up! And he’d be back by your side, holding you close and you’d snuggle your face into his plastron.
Yeah, Raph was totally daydreaming about being a badass and protecting you. Maybe it was because of the action/romance movie. Though honestly he had those kinds of thoughts all the time when it came to you. He couldn’t help it. He used to envision himself saving his brothers, but ever since he met you, you became the star to all his daydreams. Not that you put yourself in dangerous situations or anything. Raph just loved the idea of being your protector. Being someone you could count on, turn to, depend on, he wanted to be it all. So as he blinked out of his own reveries, realizing the credits were now rolling for the movie, he looked around for the remote. Sighing as he noticed it was on the other side of the bed.
The deep breath caused you to slowly wake, and you stretched, groaning to yourself as you asked if the movie was over. “Yeah,” Raph hummed as he took that opportunity to reach across you and grab the remote. Your eyes fluttered open as you felt his arm brush over your stomach. He paused momentarily, his face hovering over yours as blushes overcame the both of you. “Ah, the remote-“ Raph tried to explain, wanting to show you his innocent intentions to pick another movie. But you had other ideas as your eyelashes batted and then closed as you leaned forward silencing his sputtering.
Raph held his breath, as your lips met his. It only took you initiating for him to become confident enough to drop the remote control and kiss you back. His hands going up yours arms, making you shiver. It was slow, sweet kisses, that would break away easily and come back together in a smooth rhythm. His hands were soon cradling your face, angling for more control as he tilted your face ever so slightly upwards. He made a deep rumbling noise in the back of his throat at your compliance. He swiped his tongue across your lower lip, wanting not only your lips but your entire mouth. Tongue and all. At his request you parted and he eagerly met your tongue with his own. It was a hot and heavy makeout sesssion from there that left the two of you breathless.
He pulled back, not realizing how much he had leaned forward, his whole upper body practically covering you. He cleared his throat, bringing a hand up to his bandana, “so?” he rumbled, voice still thick from the earlier activities. “movie?” he continued on sheepishly, glancing at the forgotten remote by your hip. You bit down on your already swollen lower lip, how could you possibly watch a movie after that?! You’d need a cold shower or at least a lap around the lair! Raph’s eyes followed the way your teeth nibbled on your lower lip and he felt envious. Even though he had been the one to make it swollen in the first place. But you weren’t stopping and it was driving him crazy! “Ahh fuck it,” he said forgetting about movies as he swooped down to capture your lips again. Chuckling at your surprised squeals, loving how they quickly quieted down in favor of breathless gasping.
“Raph how am I supposed to walk out of here with these duck lips?!” You said touching your tender, puffy lips. Sometimes he would bite a little too hard. “Shall I carry you milady?” He waggled his brow bones at you from his laid out position on his bed. The two of you had finally watched a second movie, Raph’s choice, a Jupiter Jim film not so surprising. “Wouldn’t that just be even more obvious??” You sighed trying to come up with some clever plan to not be embarrassed by Raph’s brothers. You’d never live it down if Leo saw the state of your lips. “Hmmm sorry sweets I’m all out of plans,” he admitted.
You ended up deciding being carried was better than nothing. So to Raph’s joy, he carried you close to his plastron, looking down to take quick peeks at how cute you were with your face pressed close to his chest. You were doing that so you couldn’t be seen but still! To your surprise, no one was in the living room so the coast was clear for you to climb up the ladder to the surface. “Another movie night tomorrow?” Raph asked smugly and you smacked his plastron as he placed you on your feet. “No, no, we aren’t ‘watching movies’ every night Raph! We are definitely making a snowman and going to the Hidden City!” You chided, knowing he would certainly try to stay in cuddled with you the entire holiday.
“Fine fine, you got me,” Raph laughed, conceding to do his brothers plans… though he would definitely get you to ‘watch movies’ with him again sometime veryyyy soon. Actually! You had started climbing up the ladders, getting to peg three before Raph spoke up, “what?? No goodbye kiss?” He said in devastation. You turned, smiling knowing he had gotten plentyyyy of kisses earlier but still, you let him close the distance. He kissed you gingerly, “get home safe for me,” Raph said softly, noting how he hadn’t needed to bend down to meet your lips. “Don’t worry I will!” You said beaming at him before turning to climb the rest of the ladder, “bye Raphie!!” You called from the top as you closed the manhole. “Text me when you get home!”
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just-wrting · 1 year
Family Time
Title: Family Time
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Summary: It's extreme summer heat and all you want to do is spend time in the pool. Thankfully, you can convince your husband to join you and the kids.
Word Count: 2,923
Master List
A/N: I wrote this when it was super hot outside, 120 Ferhiedt head index, and I wanted to be at the pool with the love of my life so I was just trying to live through this. The next time I post it'll be part 4 I promise! It's just not going how I planned it so I'm, for some reason worried about that.
You do you best to blow a strand of hair out of your face, knowing it’s stuck to your forehead with sweat. It’s almost a hundred degrees outside and you want to melt. You think you might actually be melting, when you feel a bead of sweat travel down your spine.
“Aaron,” you whine, “can you take us to the beach? The ocean is bound to be cooler than the AC.”
Your husband looks up from his paperwork. He’s been inside all day, enjoying the AC, while you went outside with the kids for ten minutes before they decided they didn’t want to be outside either.
“What about the pool? Is that not cool enough?”
“Not according to the kids. I didn’t bother going in.”
Aaron raises his eyebrow. “Why not?”
You stare at him. “Do you not remember the several times I’ve told you that the neighbor is a pervert? I’ll go in the pool if you do.”
You can almost see the thought process he’s going through. On one hand, the paperwork has to be done by Monday. On the other, spending time with you and your kids. Not to mention shoving it to the pervy neighbor that he’s the one who’s married to you.
“Alright. An hour or so in the pool doesn’t sound that bad,” he says, pushing away from the desk.
You grin. “Is that the only reason? Or is this just so you have a chance to see me in my swimsuit and tell the neighbor to fuck off?”
He gives you a smile. “Do my intentions matter? It’s not like you have no secondary reason for me going out there either.”
You don’t bother looking embarrassed. Of course you have a second reason for Aaron joining the family in the pool. You’d go to a lot of lengths to see him out of his work attire. Seeing him in a swimsuit would be great.
“Are you profiling me, honey?” You get up from the couch and move over to the desk. “I thought we agreed to leave work at work.”
Aaron’s hands reach up and settle on your waist. His eyes are soft and loving as he gives you a gentle smile.
“I’m not profiling you, dear, I promise. I just know you so well by now. I sure hope I know you well by now since we’ve been married for so long.”
You give him a quick kiss on the forehead. “Just like I know you well enough to know that you’ve thought about telling the neighbor off in a much worse manner than you do.”
Aaron gives you a look that says ‘let’s not talk about that’ and you chuckle. You remember meeting him for the first time. He cared a lot about people, but he was sure to keep his distance. The man in front of you seems so different from your first impression of him. Now, he was soft, sweet, and probably a bit whipped.
“I’ll get the kids back in their swimsuits while you change. That way you’re already outside once I’m changed,” you tell him before kissing him once more.
He’s quick in moving his head enough that it’s not a peck on the forehead. While it lasts mere seconds, you savor the feeling for as long as possible. The last time one of the kids caught you two in a short kiss, you got the typical ‘ew’ thrown at you. Now you two do your best to be discreet about affection.
Thankfully, the kids had chosen to wrap themselves in towels and lounge around in their suits. You do your best to brush out the knots that had settled into their hair. It took gentle persuasion, and perhaps a bribe, to get them all to sit still. Even Jack, as the eldest, didn’t want to brush his hair.
With a quick pat on the back, you send the kids back outside to the pool. You take a moment to eye your husband up and down as he lifts the little ones into the pool. Sure you’ve seen him in nothing, but you don’t think you’ll ever let a chance to see him like this slip through your fingers.
You sigh. As much as staying in the AC while watching Aaron sounds great, you did agree to head back into the heat. That means changing into your own swimsuit. You do your best to not make a face at the large sweat stains on the tank top, and just throw everything into the laundry basket. It’s a problem for another day.
Ignoring the wave of heat is an issue, as you open the back door letting the steam inside the house. You grimace. You despised this sort of hot, humid, and sticky heat. The ground burns your feet as you walk to the pool. With a quick jump, you land in the pool.
The relief is immediate. The way the cool water feels against your skin has you sighing with happiness. The kids clearly wanted to swim in ice as this feels great. You push your head out of the water and wipe the water from your face.
“You kids lied to me,” you scold as you chase down your youngest, Grace. “Why ever would you lie to me? You’re always begging to be in the pool.”
She gives a squeal as you pick her up. The water makes it easier and you quickly dunk her back under. Aaron chases Jack around the pool to give him the same treatment.
“But I wanna go to the beach!” your middle child whines. “The pool is boring.”
You scoff. “Do you know how hot the sand will be, Chase? You’ll burn your little toes off before you even get to the water.”
Grace fills a water gun up and takes aim. You watch as she sprays Chase in the back of the head. The two of them engage is sibling warfare, completely forgetting the beach as the try to get the other to give up.
Jack has made his way around to you. He puts his hands on your shoulders and peers over you. Aaron is still approaching and you can see Jack’s pout in the corner of your eye.
“Don’t you dare get my hair wet, dad,” he says as sternly as he can muster. “You’ll ruin it.”
You know that since you aren’t safe, neither is Jack. Your point is proven when Aaron pulls you off balance and into him. Despite the love in his eyes, his hands reach up to your shoulders and he pushes you under the water. As soon as you are out of the way, shaking water from your hair, he resumes his pursuit of Jack.
You hear a chorus of ‘get him dad’ and ‘no no no’ echo from your kids. It’s followed but a triumphant yell from the younger two as you watch Jack get submerged.
“Ugh now I have to redo my hair for my thing later.”
“Oh so now it’s more than just a movie with some friends. It’s a ‘thing’” you tease him. “Is there gonna be someone you have a crush on?”
His face starts to turn red, and he shoves water at you. Given that he’s almost at that age, you want to tease him a lot, but you opt to leave it be. If he’s like his dad, he’ll talk about it when it get to be too much.
The rest of the hour is spent getting ganged up on by the kids and Aaron. The five of you engage in an exhausting amount of shenanigans that douse you all in enough water to make you sick of the pool. You know you’ve gotten far more water than you’d like up your nose.
“Alright, I think that’s enough. I’ve got more paperwork to do.”
The kids take a moment before settling down. Each has a little pout, and you know that the pleading will start any minute now.
“How about we order a pizza?” you whisper into Aaron’s ear. “Tell them if they’re fast in the shower we’ll get some pizza.”
You both know that wasn’t the original plan for dinner, but it’s well deserved. It was too late for you to start dinner anyway, as the recipe says over an hour and it’s already 4:30.
“If the three of you can be quick, you can order pizza.”
The kids clamor to get out of the pool. It’s a race to get into the showers first and you watch as they nearly trip over their feet. There’s a smile on you face and you know Aaron’s watching you.
Once the kids disappear into the house, you hear Aaron move closer. Soon, his hands are on your hips and his head is in the crook of your neck. Each kiss up your neck and across your jawline leaves you flustered.
“Aaron,” you mumble. “You are aware that you’re being risky, right?”
Even in the heat, you can feel your body get even warmer at his touch.
“I’m not doing anything super inappropriate. If the neighbor didn’t want to see me kissing you, he shouldn’t be watching you.”
He ends his kisses at your cheek. His hands move from your hips to your back, leading you to the edge of the pool. He gets out first. Like the gentleman he is, he helps you out as well. After getting out, his hand doesn’t leave yours.
“So you were just shaming him?” you ask, elbowing him. “We could talk to his wife.”
Aaron has a cheeky grin plastered on his face. “I didn’t want to waste the opportunity to show him you’re taken. I’m not in habit of letting people ogle at you.”
You giggle. “Uh huh. Go shower so you can finish your paperwork. I’m sure the kids would like to have you while they have pizza and movie night.”
He presses one last kiss to your temple. “Of course, my love. I’ll do my best to make sure I’m there.”
You hear a fake gagging noise from the staircase. There, crouched just enough to see you from the top of the stairs, is the two youngest. They’re making faces at you and Aaron.
“Ewwww! They’re in love!” They make more grossed out noises.
“And maybe one day you’ll be in love and want to give someone kisses like this.” You punctuate your sentence by giving Aaron an exaggerated kiss on the cheek.
“Nuh uh!” Grace protests. “I won’t wanna kiss anyone!”
Chase pipes in, “Yeah! I don’t like any of the girls in my class! They have cooties.”
“Well, I don’t love anyone!”
Aaron gives you a wink before putting his hand over his heart. He scrunches up his face and closes his eyes.
“Oh no! I can’t believe that my little girl doesn’t love me!”
Within seconds, her face goes from proud to sad. She runs down the stairs as fast as her legs will take her and wrap her arms around Aaron. You stifle a laugh. You’re going to scold him later.
“I didn’t mean you, daddy!” she cries as her bottom lip trembles.
“But you just said you didn’t love anyone, and I’m anyone.”
She shakes her head back and forth. “I love you! I love all of you!”
Aaron looks down and picks her up. “You mean it? You love me?”
She nods and gives a little sniff. “Uh huh.”
He kisses her cheek. “I’m glad that I’m an exception to you ‘don’t love anyone’ thing.”
You elbow him and he passes her to you. You press as many kisses as you can along her cheeks and she breaks out into giggles. Chase lets Aaron go passed on the stair and you’re the one left with them.
“Don’t worry, he was just teasing you okay?” you reassure her. “I’ll scold him later so do be sad.”
Grace nods and you set her back down. You’ve forgotten how heavy kids get as they get older. It seems like yesterday they were so little you could easily pick them up. Now the only one who can is Aaron.
“How about you two go to the kitchen and figure out where you want pizza from. As soon as Jack gets down here, we’ll order.”
The two of them rush into the kitchen, pulling out the coupon book. You stand in the doorway watching them carefully. They know that you’ll get them what they ask for, since you and Aaron spoil them sometimes.
It doesn’t take long for Jack to join you. He stands next to you and shakes his head.
“Thanks for letting us get pizza. Is dad gonna join us for a movie?”
He looks at you hopefully. You don’t wanna promise him anything, but you want him to be hopeful. So you ruffle his hair and nod.
“I’ll drag him away if I have to. What time is your movie tonight?”
You know the pizza will take about a half hour to get here if the kids want the same place they usually do. Plus if you pick a shorter movie everything should be okay.
“It’s a 7:30. Brandon’s mom is gonna be with us.”
You give him a kiss on his forehead. “Alright. I’ll make sure you make it on time. Can you help them pick a place and toppings while I shower? Your dad will be down in a few minutes.”
Jack is silent, but joins his siblings at the table. He waves you away, and you’ll be sure to give him some extra cash for the movie theater. He said he could pay for it with his allowance, but you appreciate the moments he helps out.
You knock on the master bathroom door and open it a crack.
“Aaron, Jack’s watching the other two so if you could go there after you shower that would be great. I’m going to shower myself.”
Once he agrees, you head to the other shower. You wish you could take your time, but you know how important Aaron’s job is. The kids would be fine for a few minutes, just not the few hours he needs.
Thankfully, you’re quick and it’s nothing more than an in and out shower. You’ve scrubbed the chlorine from your scalp and skin within a few minutes and rub your hair aggressively with the towel. It’s still occasionally dripping down onto your shirt, but you’ll deal.
The rest of the night goes smoothly with little issue. The biggest issue is convincing Grace and Chase to go to bed at their bedtime, but you’re successful. By 10:30, all three kids are at home and in bed. You take this opportunity to go into the office and sink into the extra chair.
“I’m almost done, love. This is the last one for the night, I promise.”
You hum in response but don’t make any move for conversation. Instead you close your eyes and listen to the scribble of pen on paper. You find comfort just in being around Aaron.
“I’ll tell Grace that I was just teasing her tomorrow morning. I hope she wasn’t too upset.”
You give him a soft smile. “She’s not, she just takes everything we say so seriously. She just wants you to that she loves you and everyone else in this house.”
“I know she does. I’ll tell her that in the morning,” Aaron reassures you. “I’ll even talk to the neighbor tomorrow too. Remind him that you’re not available to be looked at like that.”
You sigh, hoping that he doesn’t do something stupid. Sure you want the guy to leave you alone, but as long as you have Aaron you’ll be fine. He won’t let anything happen to you.
Hearing the files be tucked away in the desk causes you to open your eyes. Aaron is closing the drawer, and you make a face. You’ve just gotten comfortable.
“Come here, dear.” Aaron puts his hands out. “Let’s go to bed.”
You set your hands in his, and he pulls you to your feet. For a moment, you linger in front of him. You know that if you hug him, you’re not going to want to let go. You just want him near.
His hand makes its way to your back, and you let him guide you to the bedroom. You flop into the bed and sigh. You’ve been up for far longer than you’re used to. The heat made it a struggle to stay asleep.
The bed dips under Aaron’s weight and you hear him chuckle. You grumble a bit as he rolls you onto your side, not wanting to move. After his arm wraps around you, you quiet. His body is pressed against yours, and while you hate the extra heat you’re glad to be held.
“Thank you, my love,” he whispers into your ear.
“For what?”
He places kisses along your neck and shifts his leg over yours. “For dragging me out of my office. For insisting that I spend time with the family. I think I lose track of time in there and I’m glad you’re here to get me away from the job.”
You twist yourself and press a tired kiss to his lips. “I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t think I could do that. You couldn’t escape me at the office and you can’t escape me here. You’re stuck with me, Aaron.”
When he laughs, you can feel it in his chest. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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sugarsfics · 2 years
Messing Around In IKEA
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Summary: Your pregnant with your second child, with your husband Steve. You have recently moved into a new house. Time to get furniture at the best store there is IKEA. 
Trope: Dad!Steve x Mom!reader 
A/N: I have never been in an IKEA store before :/ so bare with me. Also sorry I thought this posted yesterday and it didn't
Warning: BIG FLUFF, kissing 
Word count: 1.0k 
30 Day Challenge: Day 4 Send Request <3
The Harrington Clan pulled into the big blue store IKEA. “blue” your son Grayson said “Yes baby it is blue good job” your husband said. Grayson squealed at the praise his dad gave him. Steve pulled into a parking spot, turn off the car then quickly got his carbon copy, Grayson out, “no I want to go with mommy” Even though he was Steve’s twin he is the biggest mommy boy there is, that scared you and Steve a little bit because you weren’t sure how he was going to reattract when the baby comes. After he put Grayson into the cart, he helped you out of the car “My wife” he said taking your hand to help you out “My husband” you said back giving him a kiss, even after years of being with each other your kisses still make him blush. “hi mommy” Grayson chirped “Hi my baby” you said kisses his forehand “My boys ready” you asked “Yes” Grayson eyes went huge coming closer to the store “big” he mumbled. The store was huge, long, tall aisles, many displays, many colors. This was going to be hard.  
“Ok where should we start first” Steve asks “Ummm......let’s look for the living room” You had in mind what you wanted a nice big couch to fit all your friends and family, you and Steve want a big family and the house you just brought was going to be your family house. It was a beautiful house it was a light gray with white windows and a lovely porch, 2 story house with 5 bedrooms, a nice big backyard with a pool. It was on the outside of Hawkins, Steve wanted a fresh start and a clean slate to his name, but always wanted to be near his friends just in case they need anything. The gang love coming over at your old place, the harrington house was always so cozy and welcoming, and Grayson loved his aunts and Uncles, especially Uncle Will.  
You had some furniture from your old place but the living room is ten times bigger so you need a new couch to match with your old lounge chairs. Grayson was getting fussy in the cart “down Grayson wants down” he started talking in third person a month ago “Ok hang on "Steve told him as he stopped the cart and brought him down “Hold mommy’s hand ok” he nodded and grabbed your hand “mommy hand” you kept walking till you were met with couches “wow that is a lot” you said row and rows of couches were in front of you, so many colors, shapes, and size. “This is going to be harder than I thought” after spending a good 20 minutes looking at couches “Ok this is not working” Steve said “We need a new strategy” he continued. He grabbed Grayson and walked up to a couch and plopped down on it “STEVE” you pointed at the sign Please no seating on the displays “It says no sitting we are laying down” “Steve” “We need to find out of comfortable the couches are because it will be in our house forever and I don’t want an uncomfortable couch so” he patted the spot next to him “Come sit let's find our couch” 
Every couch you sat on Steve and Grayson made a pros and cons list “This one is very big, but it feels like carboard” “This one is cool but as sharp corners, and we don’t need them hurting you or the baby” “blue” Grayson said for every blue couch he sat on. At about the hour mark of sitting on couches there was a light gray big couch that got your eye “Let’s try this one” Steve helped you off the yellow couch you were sitting on the you waddle on to the light gray one. “Oh, this one is nice” he said “Just imagine movies nights on this” “I am going to 100% fall asleep on this” “It goes with our chair too” “I think we found it” he said smiling at you. Grayson wasn’t making a sound which scared both of you so you quickly looked over at him “Just like his daddy” you whispered he had fallen asleep mouth open on the couch “I think he likes this one” Steve giggled “He looks so comfortable makes me want to take a nap” you leaned your head on Steve admiring you son as he rubbed your belly “I can’t wait to have our house be filled with little Harringtons” he whispered into your ear while kissing your temple “Me too” you sigh  
You don’t remember how it happened, but you were suddenly woken up by a worker “Excuse me um... You're not supposed to be sleeping let alone on the displays” “I'm so sorry it was just such a nice couch and-” “Don’t worry about it this happens all the time would you like to purchase the couch” “Yes please let me wake up my husband” you shook Steve which startled him “What happened” you nodded toward the work “Time to buy the couch” “Oh ok” They wrote down our information and were going to deliver the couch to the house. After paying Steve scooped up Grayson and brought him to the car, he buckled him in then kissed his forehead. He walked over to your side seeing you struggling to get in “I told you, you can’t be getting up and down on things without help” “But you were busy with Grayson and I didn’t want to be a burden” “Babe you are my wife the mother of my kids literally carrying my second child into you there is no way that you are a burden you are my everything” he said sweetly kissing your lips then bring you into the car “Now let's go home I am beat from couch finding” You walked into the house and remember “Babe we didn’t find a dinning set or anything else we needed” 
Tag list: @thefreak0fhawkinshigh let me know if you want to be added
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