#i keep hoping that when im not fat anymore it will stop and people will just see a skeleton
calpalsworld · 5 months
I just realized Im over 6 months on T...!!!
My genuine review of T for others who may be considering or just interested in the topic.
Keep in mind that everyone will have different results on T. For me I am on a small dose because my T levels were already high to begin with.
Reasons why I went on T:
Was living out publicly as non binary but I would still feel upset when strangers would misgender me.
Had been wishing that I was more masc body wise and voice wise since at least high school.
Didn't have intense dysphoria but I felt very neutral about my body. It felt strange and like it wasn't progressing how I imagined it would. I had certain features that pissed me off, which I knew T would change.
Dysphoria was triggered in public interactions and when I had to acknowledge my body by myself. I felt like strangers weren't seeing me as me, and felt that I wasn't experiencing my body in the way I wanted to.
Voice that surprises me with how deep it is sometimes. When I lean back against a chair and speak I can feel my diaphragm rumble.
Menstruation stopped almost immediately.
(May be TMI but this is a major thing yet the only thing that I did not know was going to happen before starting). Rapid and significant genital changes. Psychologically helpful for me.
Hairier arms, stomach, and thighs.
Stomach fat and face fat increase. (potentially boob and thigh fat decrease but it may be placebo or just in contrast).
More facial fuzz.
Slightly veinier hands.
Slightly thicker/more muscular arms.
Looking at myself and seeing someone who looks good and confident and masc/butch and feeling great about it. Sometimes I look at myself in the reflections of building windows and get excited.
Being able to discuss T with other friends who are on T.
People misgender me as he/him and a man (Im non binary and go by they/them) more often than misgendering me as she/her and a woman now. This is still not ideal but it bugs me less.
Random queer strangers asking "are you on T!?" and being excited.
Knowing I dont have to live my life as a lie.
My pre existing erotophobia (I'm triggered and obsessive over certain things relating to sex) has been activated as I experience new things.
My pre existing paranoia being rebranded into a trans related experience (I worry sometimes people are stalking me and planning to kill me for the slightest things I do wrong, now I worry that its because Im trans). This will go away once I work through my mental illness and internalized bigotry.
Voice hurt when the changes started (like a sore throat for a few weeks as if I was sick).
I cant do a lot of funny voices that I liked doing anymore, but I can do new voices.
New and strange sensations in genital area, during the first few weeks it was very painful (I have Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Vaginismus so this may not be a universal experience).
Became slightly stinkier and oilier when I started, but it seems to have gone away.
I'm non binary and I still feel connected to women and I get anxious that people won't be able to comprehend that. (examples: others might not like me calling myself "butch" or sharing my experiences with womanhood). But this is internal rather than reflective of anything I've experienced. This may be entirely in my head.
Family awkwardness. Family members assuming crazy stories about how I feel. (generic things like: thinking i hate myself and am scared of men so i want to turn myself into a man?!?!😭😭😭). But friends and others do not assume these things.
(TMI but true) Thick buttcrack hair is annoying.
Future thoughts:
I feel very fortunate that my experience with T is going very well.
I know the best parts of T takes time and patience to become apparent so I am excited that I started at 21.
I am proud of achieving what I thought might only be a fantasy, and I hope I can have access to T for the rest of my life.
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sleepy-achilles · 5 months
This song is so them all coded it's unbelievable.
The Black cats and their white cats.
The German shepherd's and their golden retrievers.
Drew refused to give up on Leon. He believed so strongly the man only saw him as a friend. It wasn't until he caught up on the program after he was knocked out by the bloodline to see that murderous look on Leon's face as he destroys the entire Bloodline. Drew watches in shock. Leon insisted he didn't want the belt, he wants nothing to do with that bloodline mess. And yet here he was holding Romans belt above his head as the champ and his family are sprawled out on the matt. "Touch Drew again. And I'll break every bone in the Anoa'i Family's bodies." Leon growls as he throws the belt, allowing it to his Paul sending the fat man flying.
"You wouldn't dare." Roman coughs. Leon chuckles darkly and leans down close to the injured man. "Thats where your wrong. I'd kill for Drew. I'd die for him. Either works for me." Leon whispers.
That's when Drew realised...this man would burn the world for him.
John felt destroyed. He had promised so many he'd defeat the rock and his big ego. And he failed. "How could I be so st-" "You wanna speak up boy?" John pauses at the curtain at the Rocks voice. He looks in and is taken back to see Randy squaring up to the bigger man. "You can disrespect me all you want. But you keep John's name out of your mouth." Randy growls. "Since when did you care aye? Last time I checked you were chasing the younger michaels." Rock chuckles. John's heart tightens. He isn't as stupid as everything thinks. He knows something happened between Randy and Leon. It broke his heart.
His eyes widen as Randy bounces a chair off the rocks head. "Oh thats where your wrong. Id kill for john. Ill die for him." Randy chuckles as he throws the chair against the wall and stands over the man. "Come near John again and I'll destroy you. You and everything you care about. You'll never be able to step foot in an arena again without pissing yourself." Randy growls before kicking the man and storming off. John's heart races as he stares at the others back.
"Awe look Uso. He's gonna cry" Shawn frowns and steps back. "Im not in the mood." Shawn whispers. He's already had enough off the harts, he didn't need this either. "Ha he is go-" Shawn looks up as the man falls silent. He's shocked to see Taker stood infront of him, a dark fire burning in his eyes. "You can go now Shawn. They won't be bothering you anymore." Taker states calmly. "I...okay" Shawn whispers. The man turns to his side to let Shawn past. Shawn can't help but stop and turn to the man.
Taker faces his friends. "You leave him alone." Taker tells them. "Since when did you-" "You leave him alone before I'm making you dig your own graves." Taker growls. "So what everyone else can tease him-" "I just got back from telling Hart to stay away from what's mine. I reminded him what I do to people who touch and hurt what's mine. That i will kill for him. Ill die for him" Taker levels them.
Shawns eyes widen and he covers his mouth to muffle a gasp. It doesn't work. His back hits the wall around the same corner Taker just came from as the men turn. He hopes they didn't see him.
Did Taker not only just threaten his only friends but call Shawn his?
Shawn clenches his fists against his rapidly beating heart as his eyes close.
"You really like him."
"I'd let the world Burn for him."
Cassies hands shake. How had everything escalated so quickly?
She was supposed to be marrying this man. Now she's watching him get beaten on live TV.
Rhea slams the chair against Austins head, splitting it. She throws the chair against the wall as he falls. "You had her. You had the perfect woman. The best girl ever and you failed her. You didn't treat her like the princess she is. You were selfish!" Rhea yells at him. "Rhea!" Austin croaks trying to escape the woman. She leans down and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. "I'd never do that to her. I'd destroy this world for her. Just so she could sit comfortably on her throne. I'd die for her. I'd kill for her. In fact, you owe the fact your still breathing to her." Rhea growls quietly. She shoves him back to the floor before walking past him. "I see you near her, you'll be waking up in a grave. She's mine now. Not yours." Rhea barks as she walks off.
Cassies heart races.
She has someone who'd risk their life to keep her safe. Someone who'll always put her first.
Cassie looks at the door as it opens, she quickly switches the tv off.
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floshav · 2 years
yearning for you pt.1
Tumblr media
pairings: regulus black x fem! reader
wordcount: 1.6k ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
warnings: mean draco, mean blonde girl (smh) im sorry blondies, 2 heartbreaks, mentions of regulus's fingers being attractive(idk why this is a warning) Oh yea we have phones in this fic so kinda modern au?
summary: when draco seemingly leaves her for the pretty new thing of hogwarts, she finds her once bright heart slither into nothing but a dark piece of cold coal trying to wonder what she's ever done wrong to be left for, until someone that once lurked in the shadows comes to light and brings the fire back into her black coal heart once more. That person being the infamous regulus black that everyone seemed to misunderstand.
It had been 2 months. 2 months exactly of Draco and y/n officially being together. Today marked their 2nd anniversary and it was all that occupied y/n's "lovestruck" mind
"So..... What'd you think he's gonna do this time?" Daria sang sweetly as she began flipping through her selection of same coloured robes to choose for the day, like it made a difference at all which one she'd choose.
"I don't know, maybe a bouquet of flowers? a box of chocolates? They all seem a bit cheesy tho-" y/n sapped out whilst playing with her fingers as if they were the most interesting on earth.
"Oh come on y/n.. atleast he's gonna give you something rather than forgetting like Dean did last week." Daria sighed whilst finally picking out her final robe of choice
"Okay but Dean was an absolute git for that." Y/n gave her friend a look of pity before continuing "Look i dont know, lately Draco's been a bit... well.... a bit distant. I rarely see him nowadays."
It'd been true, what once was a 7 day meet-up together had turned into thrice a week, thrice a week into once a week, and once a week later turned into once every few weeks or whenever Draco felt like it. Whenever y/n tried to 'bump' into him in the halls in hopes of getting a kiss or some sort of affection she'd been ever so yearning for, he'd always blow her off saying he was running late for either it be class or quidditch. It was always something.
It was like she was an object for him to show off whenever he felt like it or a toy sitting on a shelf waiting to played with. The whole relationship didn't really seem that... real. It was all just a facade to show people that she managed to pull the playboy Draco of Hogwarts, but deep down.. was it really worth it?
time skip to Breakfast
"There, he's at that damn table again." y/n complained as she played with her screaming soggy wizards cereal waiting to be eaten
"Y/n. Stop yapping around and maybe try approaching him about this??" Daria let out exasperatedly before dropping her spoon down and moving to cup both sides of her face
"i-i don't know he's been an awful lot touchy with the newbie." Y/n moaned out whilst looking over at the horrific scene of Draco and Heather. That damn perfect pretty new blonde girl.
"Y/n! i will not stand for your idioticness! That's it if you won't do it i will." Daria raged before getting up to approach the two
"No! Daria get your white ass back here!" Y/n screamed out looking stupid as ever
"Hi~ Draco and... Holly? Polly? Sorry your names quite basic round' here" Daria whistled out sarcastically whilst crossing her arms
"It's Heather. Though i dont think someone like you would remember such basic info considering you can't even remember the names of the three forbidden curses or anything else for that matter.. seeing your recent test marks." Heather spat out abrubtly as if she had the whole speach memorised whilst gripping onto Dracos arm more as if she couldn't make it anymore painfully tighter.
"Who told you that!" Daria yelled with a flushed face remembering (ironically) that the only person she'd ever told was y/n
"Lil ol' Dracky here" She hummed sweetly with a big fat fake smile plastered on her smug face.
"Sorry Daria, looks like y/n over there cant keep her fat mouth shut." Draco said whilst shaking his overgrown bangs out his eyes
"Y-y/n? W-wait here." Daria said with red cheeks as she stomped back over to the place she was previously sat at
"Where else are we gonna go? Is she dumb or something." Heather and draco conversed as if Daria couldn't hear them from a mile away
"Y/n! What the hell? You told draco about my test marks?" Daria raged whilst causing a scene to erupt around her
Oh shit.
"Listen! I didn't mean to- i-it just blurted out when we were discussing academic things! I swear!" Y/n defended with a sunken heart as if everything was shattering down a long with her
"Still! What the actual hell y/n! I Thought you could keep a secret! Let alone a humiliating one!" Daria yelled before storming out the main door that led into the great hall
"Fuck." y/n muttered under her breath as she gathered her stuff to leave too
The whole ordeal seemed a bit surreal and dramatic, but what could you do? They were all hormone raging douchebags anyway.
"Hey y/n." She heard the familiar voice of the boy who was supposed to love her yet pained her instead.
"D-draco? what do you want." Y/n said clearly mad at the ignorance she'd been receiving from him lately
"I just wanted to let you know that i dont think i want to see you anymore." Draco said cold heartedly as y/n's whole world came to a stop.
First Daria, now Draco? What else could possibly happen. Just as she was thinking, the final cherry on top was placed as the new girl was presented clutching onto his side like no tomorrow.
"Hmmm yea. Looks like i'm the new replacement for the rusted old one. Blonde hair and everything! What an upgrade." Heather intoxicatingly served out as she laid her head onto Dracos broad shoulder
"Fuck you. Fuck you and your whole life Draco." Y/n said just below a whisper before doing the exact same thing Daria did just a few minutes ago.
Time skip to after all classes
The air was more cold than usual at y/n's spot. The air crisp and cool as strikes of wind made its way past her hair. She thought back to the events of the day, how everything came crashing down even more quickly than when it was put together. A small stream of tears found its way to dampen her dirty robes just as the air around her dried it.
suddenly, an unfamiliar voice cooed out to her from behind.
"Y/n?" hushed the unknown voice
"Who's there" y/n said unbothered at this point without batting an eye
"Regulus from potions, d'know if you remember me let alone know me." He laughed out, and it was the prettiest sound y/n had ever heard."
"Oh yea, Regulus"
she sighed
"ive seen you around."
"Yea.. so, what has brought the fine majesty of potions to this ruged place today? Such a place is no match for the delicacy of Hydrangeas." Regulus questioned out in an equestrian like royal voice
"Hydrangeas?" Y/n chuckled out whilst smiling at him wide
"I've heard of many nicknames, but Hydrangeas? Thats a first." Y/n smiled to herself as a loose strand of hair fell into her field of view.
Regulus thought it was the most precious thing ever and made sure to capture a photo of it in his mind.
"Well what can i say, their my favourite." Regulus semi smiled out whilst looking into the abyss
"You're turn."
"Why are you here mysterious man?"
regulus chuckled at the nickname
"Y'didnt answer my question yet dangea, wouldn't be fair for me to trade my secrets for nothing in exchange"
He'd shorten the nickname, and you liked it. You liked it a lot.
"D'know. Just here coz schools a bitch."
There it was, that pretty sound regulus made
"Yea. Yea i totally agree, schools a bitch." Regulus breathed
"Im just here coz it takes my mind of things." Regulus mumbled while tracing his slender pale fingers on the concrete you both sat on, feet dangling on the edge.
His fingers, you thought. Such pretty fingers
"You wanna see something?" Regulus inquired with curiousty blooming, just like Hydrangeas did when water hit them.
"Sure, why not."
He foraged around his robes pocket, to pull out what looked like a box filled with small papers.
He muttered a spell under his breath charming the paper to hold his precious digits on it.
"Wow, i never knew proffesor flitwick would teach us to be this smooth with charms." she chuckled before taking the piece of paper he gently handed to her
It read out his number, with a cute smiley face on the side and that was enough to make her day a lot times better.
"So... call me? Whenever schools being a bitch to you again that is."
"Yea.... i guess schools gonna be acting like a bitch for a lil while then." She smirked to herself, knowing all the times she could ring him up now just to hear that pretty little voice of his.
"Well drangea, I best get going. Got dinner in a while, i expect you to notice me at the tables now." Regulus chuckled before handing her an arm to get herself on her feet too
She hessistantly grabbed onto his lean arm not used to touch, and felt all the right tingles spark in her chest making her feel all flustered and hot. She wondered dangerously... how he could make her feel if all those tingles were just from his mere touch. Enough y/n she breathed.
"W-well! See you around mystery man. Wouldn't wanna bother you too much now that i've snagged your number."
"Ah, dont worrybout it ol' drangy." He said whilst making his way to the exit that sat on the roof.
"Call me!" He yelled before shutting the door on her.
She smiled. She smiled very wide at the events of the day.
like this up if ya'll want pt 2 pls LMAOOA
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theplaypenparklogs · 11 months
LOG 1 - [Divorce Pop Tarts]
So frankly, I don’t recall much of it, but since you’ve asked, sure. But also, why would you even want to hear this? It’s been too long, for me and for you.
You still wanna?
So you remember when she used to hit us with those plastic hangers? The big fat ones? Compact and slightly heavy? Hurts like a bitch when you would accidentally fling it off into your face? Yeah, don’t remember? Yeah, thought so too, don’t worry, I also don’t, I just made that up.
Since all I remember is the pain, then I’ll be as dramatic as possible and also I hope you stop listening at some point and I can drop this retelling or whatever so we can get to other important stuff.
You still wanna?
Damn sure. Ok, so when she used to hit us, I wished super duper hard she would be quick yknow? Like, I don’t know about you, since you don’t remember much, but I knew, she would never completely stop, just sometimes it would last longer or sometimes, it was quick. So yeah, I usually hoped she would go at it quicker and then ignore us cuz it always hurt more when she dragged the hanger sessions on and off.
Yeah, anyways, so one day, I remember, she hit my head, it dragged out my hair and by some whatever bad luck, also dragged my body to hit the corner of the table. The mahogany table yknow? The super solid, clunky one, we hid under the table and all? You don’t remember?
You still wanna?
Yeah, so I was saying, old table, kinda stank. Like old people yeah? It was from our grandparents, grandparents, grandparents and so on it went, super ancient. Never asked how old it really was. Decrepit looking. Yeah. That table. Hit my head there, started bleeding, got all woozy and shit. Table was dark wood so It didn’t show much but still, it was the first time the pain actually registered as serious. It was also the last time.
It hurt.
Like a lot, I’m thankful you never got hurt as seriously as I did cuz I’m pretty sure I lost half of my braincells that day. Like the permanent vacation kinda lost. Yeah, so she saw the bleeding, and I like to think she thought she fucked up and all because she ran outta the room and called a number, which now that I think of it. Was probably our aunt, because no self-respecting people like her would actually call the emergency to treat the kid they were hitting.
She started whispering and i just sat there, near the table, kinda cloudy and all. Couldn’t think straight at all, at that time. But there was one clear thing I really wanted.
I didn’t wanna see her anymore and I didn’t wanna be hit by her anymore.
It hurt. It still hurts sometimes yknow?
So yeah, oh, and I also wanted pop tarts.
I really wanted it yeah.
And that’s all I can remember about that day. After, I remember, our aunt came to treat me, and she brought a box of pop tarts, so that was nice, cuz yknow, I really wanted some! I’m still surprised  though, she usually always brought that same flavour of pop tarts, I think it was called .
uhh, the blueberyy one, like, tasted kinda mediocre-ish? You don’t remember?
You still wanna?
Uhh, yeah, so she brough this time a different flavour, it was like, plain on top, but with white frosting in the center with some dark specks in it. I’m not too sure, maybe chocolate? Dunno. But yeah, that day, she brought a new flavour of pop tarts, bandaged my head and then left.
She was really nice. She’s still really nice, I should bring you to her one of these days, I don’t think we’ve met up with her often these past few years.
My bad, I keep going off onto other things, sorry.
So right, im sorry, it’s just the taste of those pop tarts, it was really good, I dont even know what it actually tasted like, but It was just so good. Delicious.
Uhrgh, sorry, sorry. Ok, yeah, so I ate those, and then during our cousins sleepover, we all finished the box. I was pretty sad about it not gonna lie. But it was enough for a few days since they couldn’t cook for us. I think they were really busy that time of the year, so no time for breakfast or lunch or anything.
So yeah, anyways, I wished for her to stop it and miraculously, after that day, she did! They got a divorce like you know. It went as well as it could and here we are, both housing with him.
You don’t remember?
You still wannaaa??
Then I don’t have much to say anymore. All I can remember is pop tarts, a really bad headache and lucky us divorce!
Yeah that’s it.
Ok, now, go to sleep. I know you won’t be studying tonight since I saw you buying that new game, the dating sim one, yeah, I know what you’re doing, ok, now, bye bye.
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pwkcy · 1 year
hi guys, i’ve been feeling a relapse coming up and i haven’t been active on this blog for YEARS so today i want to write down what exactly happened and what i want to do next🖤
Hopefully some of you will relate to my experience and any advice is welcome 🖤
4-5 years ago i started having disordered thoughts and habits around eating (even though i’ve always been and felt fat even as a child) and started dieting at my highest ever weight at the time - 74.3 kg. I wanted to reach 50kg as ugw and started losing slowly at first, but got more and more obsessed with time and restricted more harshly. Eventually after a year and a half or so of constant restricting/binging (heavy on binging) i got to my LOWEST EVER weight of 62.6 kg. (I recall feeling absolutely ecstatic when i saw that number as i hadn’t been that weight since i was maybe in middle school). Since then, everything went to shit. Over that year’s summer i started to gain weight very slowly since i was going on vacation with family and generally staying at home for summer break.
Then covid happened… and there was almost no way i could stop gaining weight over the lockdown. Problem is i gained A LOT of weight (back to my original weight of 75kg) but even after the regulations were lifted, i kept gaining weight. With time and getting more mature i was beginning to accept my body and adopt body neutrality as a state of mind. I felt less insecure and stopped feeling bad about my food choices. Unfortunately that went completely backwards because i spiraled into eating a lot of junk minus the guilt i used to feel after, so I wasn’t being any healthier tbh. So 4 years later after my lowest weight of 62kg here i am at 95 kg, so 30+ kg heavier. I look worse than i ever have and i might have triggered some health problems (constant painful bloating and back pain).
I want to reactivate this blog by writing down my progress everyday - to keep me motivated to lose this weight the only way I’ve ever known how, aka heavy restricting and possibly purging if i can handle it. I’ll start slow but not TOO slow cause i guess it’s not my first time at the rodeo.
Unfortunately I dont own a scale anymore so until i buy one I can’t weigh myself.
I will start tracking down my calories
I will eat in a smaller time frame (8hr?)
I will walk at least 5k steps a day
I will drink heaps of green tea and water (im really excited for this one actually) thinking 3L per day
I will stop getting takeout
I will stop accepting food from other people
I will limit my drinking
I will get diet pills and/or laxatives, currently waiting on the effect of one that im trying for the first time
And obviously i will restrict and/or fast and I’m hoping to reach 1200cal/day by the end of the month; right now, I probably eat around 2600-2700/day (i know.)
I will give updates hopefully if i can stay motivated and i would appreciate any further tips!! Wish me luck!!!🤞🏻
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journalcovrtni · 29 days
In The Most Interesting Turn of Events
she gave me so much peace by admitting to me that she is in fact the low life loser I thought she was. I think she knows full well that Jordan is a piece of flaming shit and I think she likes it. I actually love that for her. I always knew they were both horrible people but more validation and confirmation is always great. I love thinking about how I dont even think of Malachi or Eli anymore and as the days pass and I go to school and take my walks and navigate this small town looking to the future, the day is getting closer and closer when I will see Jordan the same way. just a passing thought when the thought passes and nothing more. his step mom called me today because his dad thinks she told me that he was working at the bakery with his fat ass girlfriend. I didnt. I found that out all by myself when I was dropping my work equipment off right before I moved. I took E Campbell Rd and ended up seeing his car there. I put two and two together and when my mom called for the drill, she figured "if hes gonna ignore me he wont be able to ignore when I call that bitch" so she did. And his stupid ass called her back immediately like the punk bitch he is. Mark is being manipulated by his son. Jordan thinks that ignoring his parents is a good idea. theyre not getting any younger and his bio mom is already sitting pretty in a wooden box. Hes gonna be sick when something does actually happen to his dad and he looks back on how he treated him. I hope im around to see it. I will be rubbing that shit in his face. "you treated him like shit when he was here and now that hes gone you think you have the right to cry? Of course you do. You always thought you had the right to do shit that you didnt. thats 2 wooden boxes In your closet and all you have to show for it is a fat ugly girlfriend and a bunch of tools that im surprised you never sold for drugs."
It's crazy because neither of them are really a big fan of Jordans right now. but they love him because he's their son. as they should. But the way he's moving is absolutely disgusting and when he mentioned letting them meet her, they were both so mad and angry. Apparently he was like "yeah I want you to meet my girlfriend." and they were like "we already met your girlfriend...". but by then I was long gone. it's really telling when you cheat on a girl and then your parents still dont consider the one you cheated with to be the one you chose. Mark will always pretend to like her because he wants to stay in contact with Jordan who is more than willing to ignore his father regardless of how it makes him feel. Mark counts down the days when he can hear Jordans voice and Jordan doesn't give a fuck because hes an awful human being. But part of that is on Mark for allowing Jordan to play in his face like that. It's the sole reason why Jordan cant stand Pam. She wont tolerate it and if Jordan cant manipulate and mistreat you, he will discard you. Thats why if little miss Kassie thinks she wants him, she better keep on being the low life bitch he decided that he wanted because the second she stops putting up with his loser ass he will go on to one of the other girls I saw in his phone when I went through it the night I found out he was cheating. But anyways, they want nothing to do with her and theyre hoping like hell that he never gets her pregnant because then they'll be stuck with her and they know that the two of them will never be good parents. I never wanted kids and thats one of the reasons he cited for cheating on me. (what a fucking loser). Anyone that would have kids with Jordan on purpose deserves everything they get from him.
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puckjay-blue · 3 months
you ever play a solo ttrpg instead of working and accidentally write a short story that reads vaguely like a trans allegory? Anyways here's Julie, it's a short story I wrote using Fetch by Grant Howitt.
I am made of swamp. Where there would be fat they put peat and dirty water. My bone are dry wood, I break them every day. Where my voice goes in my throat there is a toad, ugly and mean, covered in warts. Mom thinks I am clumsy, and I stopped brushing my teeth. That the stench in my gut is some kind of condition. Jillian thinks I am sad. He brings me fresh roses to cover up the smell. I think he is still in love. But he might not have loved Julie that much if he hasn’t even noticed im not her. I noticed. I was brushing my teeth. The toad didn’t like that. He screamed and one of my teeth fell. When it hit my hand it was a rock. With a round, wet rock in my hand and an angry toad in my throat, I noticed I was not real. No one else did.
I look at the swamp too much. I can’t help it. It smells like things half-rotten, old leaves and still water. The trees are sparse but the reeds are thick, so thick the people need a wooden path to go through. It’s ugly. It stinks. I bet it would itch if I had any flesh for mosquitos to bite. It’s always there. The stench and the sounds of animals and bugs and, a year later, echos of screms long gone : « Julie ! ». It’s there the second I close the empty gashes I have for eyes. Because I am made of swamp, and of the echos still screaming for Julie.
I tried to tell Mom, I tried to tell Jillian not to follow. I wish they had listened. I wish they had noticed. That I am not Julie, that I was always going to leave, that I was always going to be gone, that I was never really there in the first place. That I look just like the swamp and nothing like Julie. I can hear them, behind me, somewhere. They sound just like the echos, « Julie ! Julie ! ». But I am not Julie, and they should have noticed. So I let the reeds take them.  I give wordless permission to roots that feel like my own fingers to wrap around their ankles and throw them off the wooden path into thick, muddy water and I hope they drown.
I hate the toad. He doesn’t let me breathe. He chokes me on purpouse when I need to run or when I need to talk. I don’t need to talk anymore. I don’t need to run. So now the toad is quiet. But I won’t leave him be just yet. I guess as much as I am mad at everyone, I am mad at him. He made me notice. It’s his fault I am not Julie. The wood in my bones wants to reach into my throat and crush him until he pops into a puddle of clotted blood. The water in my lungs wants to hold a hand out to my mouth and leave him on a beautiful lillypad. I listen to the water and I say goodbye. I will know that there was a toad that noticed I was not Julie. I fucking hated that asshole toad, and he will be spared.
I keep walking and it smells like magic, and it itches. Hunched trees make crooked houses, often-trod paths push away the vegetation to reveal snakes of white clay-like sand. There are beds of clay with holes in them, about the size of coffins. One of them is the womb where I was borne. There are people here, people that are more people than in Julie’s home. They are not scared of being ugly. The leave mud caked between their six toes, kidlewood mat in their hair, moss suck and grow on their oily skin, bird bones and feathers stuck between their teeth. But they don’t have an attentive toad in their throat to notice me, sot hey are not scared because they don’t know that I am here.
They are here, in a bed of clay. Their hands are thin and long, dexterous and blue. I watch them make a pot, first a simple bol, a bit too deep and a bit too thin. They crumble it to make more clay. This one I realize will not be made of swamp. It will be made of smooth clay and careful craftsmanship. I look at blue hands as they make a vase and then they make a face. They make shapeless dirt into a me. They lay it down on the ground. They light a fire that dires my lung. When the fire touches the new me, it screams. It sounds like broken pots. They cackle, pleased, delighted. I break the last of my bones snapping their neck.
Julie shouts. Then she quiets, sits down and looks into the distance, dim and dull eyed. There is a beautiful clay necklace, carved with pretty patterns on her throat and I wonder why mine only had a toad. I wasn’t given precious dirt and careful hands, but she was. Even though she is dull and empty, even though she has not even a spark and I am a fire. She gets precious dirt and careful hands. I get mud and dirty water heaped into a quick pile. I wish she’d notice how unfair all of it is. She doesn’t, she is too sick, too far-gone. Goodbye, goodbye Julie, you lived a short life and I bet if you knew no one noticed you were replaced by an ugly pile of rotting swamp you’d kill yourself, so I’ll put you out of your misery.
Cley bed wombs and people who are too people to be people make the swamp sick, itchy, magic. I can feel it. Well, the murky water in my lungs told me. I think of the toad. I am made of swamp, I am made by this place. I know which one I like better, which one broke my bones and which one was broken. They are making smooth fired clay out of my swamp. The peat catches on fire and it doesn’t stop for the too-people-people. But i twill stop for the toad. The toad is too much of a dick to die like this. And he is too smart. I, well, I just set on fire the magic that made me smart, so I guess I’m not anymore. But I am not dead. I am made of swamp and the swamp is made of me.
0 notes
everyone says im fucking annoying. maybe i am.
i tried being nice and being considerate. i dont want much i just wan someone to care and acknowledge me. im tired of being the stupid one, the one who has to consider ive tried so god damn hard to make it easy for you people but every thinf i do seems to annoy you i feel like every time i try to talk to you you start getting annoyed and maybe youre right and im spoiled and im a brat i wont do that anymore, i’ll try my god damn hardest to not leave a trace in this house . since being in your presence seems too much for you i try not asking for anything anymore. i’ll stop complaining i’ll keep everything to myself. you want that right? i wont be a bother anymore. iltt stop trying to care for you or beg for your praise and affection. i can look for it by myself.  why is making a suggestion about my birthday such a big deal for you i can do whatever i want on “MY” birthday why does me talking about it piss you off. fine i wont celebrate my goddamn rbirth and iwont celebrate it again. i wont care anymore about whattever. ill be out of your way. im sorry im even alive and pullking you dfown and im such a waste of space and im an obese trash elepphant ‘who cant stop eating and whos spoiled and a bitch with no manners and cant do anything right i cant do anything at all and i should never have fucking existed i keep wishing that i nevere existed. every second of every day i wish you to be happy and to just let me not exist anymore.
i cant keep wishing because nothing ever fucking happens i wish i just died when i could, every near death experience i hope it killed me and i hope i never s here. i hate being in a place where everyone and everything i do is considered wrong and im always wrong and always bad and always a bitch whos spoiled and a child. i want to die. and its  not a joke anymore. i just want someone to love me and understand that i make shit thats not good and that i dont always say the right things and that im always trying my best to be considerate. but being considerate is not enough for everyone. im already ugly and im already fat and stupid if i just died everyone would forget about me in a week and in a yer everything will be better for everyone becuase i am just a dumb rock thats a burden to them and if i go then my sister will have her oen room and all my parents love and they can finally give her the care she deserves. if i go D could finally be happy with her new friends and let go of our group to be herself. F and H will be fine . E and H and A will be too. im not a big part of their lives, C and A will have forgotten me by now. and my parents have one less problem now, they can focus on my sister, and after she moves out theyll be free from the horrible kid they have. ill be free from putting myself esteem as high as how others apreciate me. because everything i am is what evereybody else thinks of me. and im nothing no one will remember me in a year . i die now. i wish i died now i wish i just fell asleep and died. im so sorry to the people whos lives i disturbed i hope you guys will ignore all my shit and all the crap i put you through it must have been so so annoying. i wish i died back then. and i wish i die here and maybe i can gain enough courage this year. who knows i sure hope i do. i dont think i can handle life. to the new friends i made im sorry you had to put up with me . im really sorry mom and dad im sorry your second kid is a piece of shit who cant do anything and always humiliates you and annoys you .. i wish i wasnt here too and i wish i was dead so long ago. i hope truly one day i can finally go through with something and maybe thats the only thing i can get right..
0 notes
megalony · 1 year
Early Arrival
This is an Evan (Buck) Buckley imagine requested by Anon, I hope you like it I had a lot of fun writing this.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@butlegendsneverdie@langdonzvoid@jennyggggrrr@rogmeddows@radiob-l-a-hblah@rogertaylorsbitontheside@chlobo6@rogertaylors-lipgloss@sj-thefanthefan@omgitsearly@luckytrashgooprebel@scarsout@deaky-with-a-c@killer-queen-ofrhye@bluutac@vousmemanqueez-blog@jonesyaddiction@milanosaurus@httpfandxms@saint-hardy@7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls@mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @missdreamofendless
911 Masterlist
Summary: During a bad storm that delays services and keeps everyone trapped in their homes, (Y/n) goes into labour with only Evan there to help her through it.
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Raising the bottle to his lips, Evan took a large swig and leaned his forehead against his other arm that was smudging into the fogged up window. It was getting so bad outside that he couldn't see the street anymore. The rain was beating down against the window like bullets spraying down so hard and fast they looked as if they would break the glass.
It was supposed to be two in the afternoon but it looked more like two in the morning. The sky was a dark blue and grey haze and cars were whizzing past with full beam lights shining through the blackness. Although there weren't a lot of cars out in this.
Evan could hear the forecast blaring from the tv and it was telling people to stay inside unless they urgently had to leave the house. People were advised not to drive in this weather, buses were being delayed and stopped. Emergency services were stretching thin from the amount of accidents being called in.
God, he was glad he wasn't at work today.
He hadn't been at work all week and he wasn't going back for another month yet. Evan could just imagine the phone call he was going to get from Eddie tonight, telling him what a lucky bastard he was for missing the amount of callouts they were going to get today.
Pushing away from the window, Evan drained the last of the beer in his bottle and moved to sit down on the sofa.
He quite liked how cosy the apartment felt with the lamps on and the candles (Y/n) had lit earlier. There were over ten candles spread around the living room, dotted in front of the tv, on the coffee table and along the shelves on the wall. If they experienced a power cut today at least the couple would be alright.
He just changed the channel over to a movie when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He dropped his head on the back of the sofa and glanced over to the stairs and a gentle, warm smile flooded his face when his eyes set on his wife.
"How do you feel, babe?" His eyes followed her as she took very slow steps down and padded across towards him.
A warm, if pained smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips when she watched him rest his left leg up on the sofa and open his arms wide, waiting for her to fall into his embrace. She eased herself down onto the sofa between his legs and slumped back into his chest as he wound his arms around her waist, resting his hands on her bump. She could feel his lips pressing to the top of her head and his arms pushed into her sides, squeezing her lightly.
"You look a bit better," He commented quietly as he slouched back into the sofa so they were practically lying down in the den of pillows littering the sofa.
Evan had been worried this morning when (Y/n) started to feel sick and couldn't stomach breakfast. She'd felt worse when a headache formed behind her eyes and the only good thing was the sound of the storm outside had sounded soothing and relaxing to (Y/n) for some odd reason. For the last hour and a half she had tried to sleep off her unease and left Evan downstairs to his own devices.
"Your child is a handful," (Y/n) closed her eyes and nuzzled her face into Evan's neck. She moved her hand and held his wrist, slowly moving his hand lower down her abdomen so he could feel the movement that had been persistent for the last week.
"They take after me, what do you expect?"
He began rubbing his hand up and down her stomach, pressing his fingertips a bit firmer against her skin like some kind of massage when he noticed (Y/n) shifted like she was in some sort of discomfort or pain. Every time he felt the baby wriggling or kicking he stopped his movements and rested his palm against her stomach. Her stomach was hurting and it felt like she was going to turn stiff but Evan’s massage was helping.
(Y/n) wasn't sure how long they laid there in a comfortable silence, her mind kept cutting off and dozing for a while. Her face was burrowed into Evan's neck and every now and then her fingers would graze up and down his bare arm.
But after a while, (Y/n) moved her hands to his thighs that were caging her in and tried to push up so she could sit up properly. She felt his hands graze up her sides until he was holding her chest and he gently nudged her forwards to help get her sitting up. When she was sat up, (Y/n) kept her hands clenched down on Evan's thighs and she tilted her chin down into her chest as her eyes closed.
"Babe, you alright? Do you feel sick?"
When a spluttering 'Oh God' left her lips, Evan shot upright and his hands clamped down on her hips. He leaned his head over her shoulder to try and see what was wrong but he couldn't figure it out. Her eyes were snapped closed and her nails were onw puncturing into his thighs, but when she opened her eyes, he followed her line of sight.
Her eyes were downcast to her thighs.
(Y/n)’s waters had broken.
Tears started to fall from her eyes and she couldn’t find it in herself to wipe them away as she just stared down at her thighs like there had been some kind of mistake or like she was waiting to wake up from a dream.
Why was this happening now? Right in the middle of the storm?
The only silver lining (Y/n) could think was that Evan was actually here with her when this happened. They had both been nervous that she would go into early labour before he finished and went onto annual leave and he would be on a callout when it happened. Bobby had given him his time off starting from this week since (Y/n) was thirty-seven weeks pregnant now and labour was going to be anytime soon. Her pains and feeling sick for a few days was a sign labour might be early.
Evan just didn't think it would be this early. His child had impeccable timing to decide to arrive when they were overtaken by a storm raging through the city.
"Oh fuck! babe I- I can't drive you out in this, it's too risky. Let's get you settled and I'll have to call 911 for backup." There was no way Evan was driving the truck out in this, he never drove the fire truck when the weather was bad because he didn't trust himself.
He couldn't go out with his wife in labour because if someone crashed into them or the tyres skidded in the rain and went off the road, help would be delayed. It would be the safest bet to stay home and call for the emergency services to come out to them. This way, (Y/n) was somewhere warm and safe and Evan had helped Bobby deliver a few babies, he knew the basics.
"It's your choice where you want to be, up or down," Evan motioned to the stairs before he very carefully eased himself from behind her so he could kneel down on the floor.
"What?" Why would she want to go and try to get settled in bed when an ambulance would soon come out to take them to the hospital? It seemed more practical to stay downstairs and wait here.
"Baby… help won't get here as fast as it usually would, the storm's causing crashes and makes the teams go slower. You've just got me,"
He started to smooth his hands up and down her thighs when she started to cry. This wasn't what she wanted when she envisioned having their baby. (Y/n) wanted to be in the hospital with Evan holding her hand, not delivering their baby. And she wanted Maddie here with them and the midwife they had been seeing since they found out about this pregnancy.
This wasn't fair.
"I can't move,"
"Sofa it is then." His smile was calming and (Y/n) felt one of the hundreds of burning nerves within her calm down at his pouting smile. "I'll call 911 now and go grab towels and everything we need. Just to be safe."
Deep down, Evan knew it was more than just wanting to be safe in case help took a while. He knew how long it could take emergency services to reach a situation and he didn't want to just sit and wait for them like a sitting duck. He wanted everything ready so if his wife started to push, he would be prepared to deliver his own child.
Evan rummaged around in his pocket for his phone as he bolted up the stairs and went towards one of the cupboards. He grabbed a pile of towels and some flannels and a sheet, and took a handful of (Y/n)'s hair bobbles in case he couldn't find anything else to use as a clamp for the cord.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Hi, this is firefighter Buckley, I'm at twenty-one Hill court and my wife is in labour. I need whatever service you can get out to me."
"How far along is she?"
"Thirty-seven weeks." Evan stayed stood at the top of the stairs, just out of earshot of (Y/n) because he knew what was coming next.
"Okay sir, all of our dispatch teams are currently busy or being diverted but someone will be with you as soon as possible. Try and make your wife comfortable and keep a track of contractions, they should be a while apart and labour can take a few hours-"
"Her water already broke and contractions are coming quick, I think she's been in labour since last night."
Evan could see in hindsight that (Y/n) had most likely started labour during the night when she had been restless and uncomfortable and feeling sick. He couldn't be sure how long she had been in labour for but he needed help soon, the baby was coming now.
"I've updated dispatch of your situation, they will be there as soon-"
He hung up. He didn't need that bullshit that wasn't always true. They couldn't give him a time frame because teams were currently being told where to go and being changed from one scene to the next. When things started to progress Evan would call them back and see if Maddie was on shift so she could talk him through it. Until then, he would do what he could and wait for any sign of a dispatch team.
"Evan, fuck!"
(Y/n) closed her eyes and buried her face in her arm and dug her nails into Evan's thighs. She could feel his hands smoothing up and down her shoulders and he nudged his knees into her sides, silently telling her that he was listening.
She was knelt down on the floor in front of the sofa, resting uncomfortably between Evan's legs as he sat on the edge of the sofa, holding her up. The old bedsheet Evan had found was spread out on the floor beneath (Y/n) and she was left wearing her bra and Evan's button up shirt, having kicked off her underwear and leggings earlier.
(Y/n) took as many deep breaths as she could manage but her lungs were on fire. They were burning like she was breathing in smoke and she could feel her lungs inflating and deflating which was something (Y/n) never normally felt and it was horrible.
She stayed limp and let him move her so he could ease from beneath her so he could move beside her. Her arms fell onto the sofa and she pressed her forehead into the seat, arching out her back as Evan bent down to try and see if she was dilated or not and how far they had gotten.
"Alright, I'm calling back, I think you're ready."
(Y/n) was past the point of caring about that now, someone would turn up to help them eventually but right now Evan was the only one here who was able to do something and to help so he needed to help. When another contraction tore through her already broken body, (Y/n) pushed her head further down into the cushion as she let out a scream. Her eyes snapped closed but a small wave of relief shot through her when she felt Evan’s hand taking her own.
"911 what's-"
"This is firefighter Buckley, again, put me through to dispatcher Maddie Kendal. Now."
He wasn't playing around anymore, someone should have been here by now he didn't care how bad this storm was. His team should be out there somewhere and they should have heard all the dispatch calls. They should be on their way to him to help deliver his first baby. He needed his sister on the phone to walk him through this.
"Buck? What's going on?"
"(Y/n)'s in labour, like, pushing! I need someone to walk me through this I'm on my own here." He reached over and set the phone down on loudspeaker on the sofa so (Y/n) could have some peace of mind too.
He had seen Bobby deliver a few babies but Evan had never been alone in this situation to do it himself and he didn't want to be doing this alone. If something happened or went wrong he had no medical team here to take over or rush in with advice and do it for him. If something bad happened to his family, Evan was the only point of help and he didn't like that.
"Oh God… alright, whereabouts is (Y/n) right now?"
"I'm- I'm in-"
“Baby, baby stop pushing.” Evan’s words confused (Y/n) and she opened her eyes to look at him but she could see something in his eyes that worried her but she couldn't do what he asked. The pain was excrutiating but it felt better when she pushed, she wanted this over with.
“It hurts.” (Y/n) breathed through the words as she finally stopped pushing when the pain subsided for a moment.
"I know baby but you need to trust me. Maddie I can't see the head… I can see the feet. The baby's breach."
The look on Evan’s face made (Y/n) shudder because she could see all the emotions he was feeling and she knew each of them too well. He had sorrow and fear glistening in his eyes. The times he had seen labour, the babies hadn't been born breach. They came the normal way, head first, feet last like this baby should be. Evan knew this complicated matters.
A sob left (Y/n)’s lips as she relaxed all of her muscles instead of holding them tensed, feeling like she was sinking into the floor that she wanted to swallow her whole. She remembered reading about babies being born breached like this, they could get stuck or they could try and breathe whilst their head wasn’t born and suffocate. (Y/n) felt like she was going to be sick at the thought of the baby getting stuck when there was no professional here who would be able to help.
“I c… I can’t just wait here Evan.” (Y/n) whimpered as she felt her lips pulling down at the corners trying to release another sob. She could already feel her stomach tensing and the muscles tearing, it was going to be physically impossible for her to not push on the next contraction. She couldn’t just lie here and wait for help, she had to push.
"(Y/n), how are you positioned, are you lying down in bed?"
"She's knelt on the floor in front of the sofa."
"Good, that's good, okay Buck I need you to move her up onto the sofa, get her sitting on the very edge. Trust me, this will be a safer and easier position, gravity will be on your side. I can walk you both through this until help arrives and I've put you as a code red someone will be there soon."
"Alright," Evan slowly held (Y/n)'s arms and looped them around his neck, twisting her body so she was facing him instead of the sofa.
He felt her muscles go limp for a few seconds and she let him move her around. He pulled her up onto buckling knees and shaking legs before he turned her around and perched her on the very edge of the sofa, just like his sister said. Once Evan was sure (Y/n) was alright and wasn't about to collapse or scream in agony, he knelt down on the sheet on the floor and held onto her thighs for a few seconds.
Evan could see the logic here; if their baby got stuck, gravity would hold onto them and help pull them down.
"I need to push!"
"(Y/n), you start pushing again that's good and Buck, you'll need to help unhook the feet and let the legs dangle once they're out."
When (Y/n) cried out and tucked her chin into her chest, Evan grabbed a few towels to place around and have ready before he dared look again and see if the baby was any closer to being born yet. (Y/n) dug her hands into the sofa to the point she could feel her nails scraping through into the fabric as she tried hard to hold herself steady but she felt like she was going to fall forward into Evan.
His hands were both shaking horribly as he reached out and held onto the newborn’s legs that he could see. He tried to be gentle and uncurl them so they dangled down and didn't get caught or stuck.
“Maddie the legs are born. You okay baby?” Evan tilted his head up to lock eyes with her but his hands stayed shakily holding onto their baby’s lower half. He didn’t like it, he didn’t want to be doing this. Evan felt like his hands were covered in glue or slime that was sticking them to the baby and it made his stomach churn. He could handle blood and guts when he had to help others but this was something else entirely. This was his own wife and he didn't want to be the one to fix her and hold their baby like this.
“Hmm.” (Y/n) hummed back, nodding her head as she closed her eyes, digging her hands a bit more into the cushion to stabilise herself as she felt another contraction building up.
(Y/n) shivered, feeling her stomach muscles tightening when Evan had to pull on the baby’s arms to make sure they too didn’t get stuck or bent or caught in the way. The moment Evan let go of the baby with one hand to reach out for a towel, his head snapped back to look at (Y/n) as she cried, her foot beginning to tap against the carpet as she squirmed like she couldn’t manage to sit still.
"Buck, how are we looking?"
"I'm holding the body, just the head left."
"Okay. (Y/n), you need a really big push as soon as a contraction hits, we don't want baby waiting long in case they try and breathe too soon."
(Y/n) pulled her legs up a little as she continued to squirm around. It was like there was a weight tied to her and it was pulling on her insides and causing pain. When another pain hit, (Y/n) hit her hand against Evan’s shoulder to grab his attention and nodded that this was it.
"Almost there, keep going baby." He held a towel in his hands and curled it around their baby, trying to keep them stable and warm while he waited for (Y/n) to push again.
As soon as the weight felt like it had been dragged down, (Y/n) let herself flop back into the sofa and braced her weight on her tiptoes so she didn't slide down onto Evan. That was it, she just knew that was their baby out and in her husband's arms. She had done it.
"Maddie I've got them- fuck!"
“What? W-what’s wrong?” (Y/n) leaned her head down to try and see what was happening as Evan took their newborn baby into his arms and set them down on his lap. Her stomach tensed as she watched him quickly unravel the cord that had pressed around the baby’s neck but (Y/n) didn’t know if it had been tight or rather loose. She didn’t know if that had happened during the struggle of labour or if possibly it had been like that before. But it couldn’t have been, she felt the baby moving so it couldn’t have been strangling them for very long.
"Buck what's going on?"
“It’s alright…” Evan seemed to be speaking to himself more than to (Y/n) or his sister as he fumbled to grab the pair of scissors he had found downstairs earlier. He hastily clamped and cut the cord before he turned the baby on their side so he could rub his hand up and down their back to get them breathing.
(Y/n) felt her chest heaving as she tried to regain back the breaths that she had lost but her eyes were focusing on Evan as much as they could with the tears beginning to distort her vision. The moment a small cry flooded through the air, both parents felt like they were going to faint.
“She’s okay.” Evan wrapped the towel tight around his baby girl, rubbing his hands over her frame to make sure she wasn’t cold or still in some state of shock.
When he tilted his head up to look at (Y/n), the grin on his features was like nothing (Y/n) had ever seen before.
Pushing himself up on his knees, Evan leaned over and ever so gently settled the newborn into (Y/n)’s arms before he grabbed another towel ready for the placenta. At least this part was easier and Evan knew to keep the placenta so a doctor could check it was all there. The last thing they wanted was (Y/n) having a retained piece of placenta and needing surgery to get that out.
"She's alright Maddie… you've got a baby niece."
Evan’s legs were the ones to turn to jelly this time around as he slowly sat down on the sofa next to (Y/n), his eyes focused on the bundle in her arms who was well worth the wait. Turning her head, (Y/n) leaned her head on Evan’s shoulder as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. His arm wrapped around her back so he could rest his hand on their girl’s head, brushing his thumb over the small tufts of hair he could see.
“We did it.”
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kermitmentality · 2 years
Okay hi again lol how are you, hope you're doing well UwU There's some mega drama at my school because a teacher was outed for being many disgusting things (being a misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, fat-shaming creep who fixates and has inappropriate relations with his female students).
And - I just - the teacher in question is somehow my friend??? Obviously we aren't friends anymore, but I thought that he was one of those cool teachers who are close to their students and give them candy, life advice and shit.
I feel dumb and stupid and childish for not realizing that he's been very manipulative towards me and honestly I feel disgusting. I was going through my old messages with him (also recounting my in-person experiences with him) and noticing how he's been so creepy this entire time??? And??? I'm in shock???
I've heard him be homophobic before, although when he talks to me he tones it down because the first time he expressed something about how the SOGIE Equality bill should not have been created in the first place in the Philippines I fucking flipped my shit - (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression which seeks to protect and advocate fairness and equality towards not only members of the LGBTQ community, but also to every person in the country) He disagrees with it for all of the wrong reasons because he sees gay people as less and transgender people as even less is just? Bro w h a t -
Yeah, the worse is that there were multiple instances of him asking me to send pictures of what I was doing and making very suggestive comments (both online and in person) that it took me four years to realize exactly how bad the situation was. He also said that I would look prettier if I just lost weight and keeps commenting if my boyfriend (at that time, he's my ex now lol) had already tried being... intimate with me, and going into disturbing details like how he would smell and how it would feel and then getting pregnant? Like? I WAS 15 AT THAT TIME STOP.
So my cripplingly low-self esteem has gotten impossibly lower and now I feel dirty, how is your day going?
um first off i’m so sorry idk when u sent this but i haven’t been able to get on much at all so i just now saw this
anyways, u m m im so sorry that happened to you
but pls know it’s not your fault, i’ve made that mistake myself. and people like that know exactly how to gain your trust and manipulate you. it’s not your fault u didn’t realize it and u aren’t stupid for not knowing, but hopefully now you won’t be in the same situation again :)
im glad that they found out and im
hoping he was fired or idk throwing him in prison sounds like a good option also lol
there are sadly just horrible people out there :( it really makes me so sad bc these things ruin so many peoples lives and they always seem to get away with it too
but yah, once u gain someone’s trust it’s hard to see them as a bad person or to realize that what they are doing is wrong, and they know exactly how to manipulate u bc of that trust. really, it isn’t ur fault at all. pls don’t take it out on urself, u were young at the time.
idk how i can help with your self esteem but once u realize that it wasn’t your fault that u made that mistake, and you happened to fall in a trap so many others do, hopefully it’ll help. 
ily and ty for sharinggg i hope ur doing a bit better now, and hopefully next time u come to me with something i can answer faster 😭😭
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Bakugou’s S/O dies in a crash, leaving him a single father
Hello, gonna be very honest I forgot how to read properly and read a request wrong and wrote a 3000 word fic for it, woohoo! But i mean at least you guys get a fic from it, lol. Italics are flashbacks, bold is reality trying to pull him out of his head, and the regular text is reality. The actual request should be up tomorrow. Reader is neutral and I didn't specify the birthing process! Hope you all enjoy.
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Bakugou’s S/O dies in a crash leaving him a single dad, he has flashes backs of your life together.
TW: Death, depiction of a car crash and blood. Kinde heavy angst
Words: 3052
“I am so sorry sir but there's nothing we could do for them, w-” The doctor went on but the words slurred together in Bakugou's mind. This isn't how it was supposed to go, you were both supposed to grow old together. Supposed to send Kaori to her first day of school together. To bully the shit out of her first significant other. Go all out on each and every one of her birthdays. To give her at least 3 more brats to hang out with...to cry as you sent her off to college. This isn't how it was supposed to go, he was supposed to protect you, to be your hero. Everything you both had promised to each other was slipping through his grasped fist and the flashbacks were not helping either.
“Watch where you are going, Pomeranian.” You said to him.
“Pomeranian? The fuck, watch your mouth shitty extra!” He roared back at you.
“I think you’re the one who needs soap in his mouth, you're cursing every other word.” You cocked a brow at him.
“Whatever you god damn extra, get outta my way i'm gonna be late.” He backed off shocking his small group of friends.
“What the heck bakubro! If I said that to you I would be dead! You’re caught by the balls already!” Denki said pouting
“Whaddyah just say dunce face? I am not and it doesn't matter. I went easy cause they're so insignificant I wont see them again.” He said with a shrug as they walked into the training yard where their class was meeting.
“Alright, today we have a few helpers from other classes to help you with physical combat skills without the use of your quirks. Pair up with them, if you can actually beat them the first go than you pass. If you don’t, then well you fail, and will do supplementary training with me after every class.” Aizawa said, zipping himself into his sleeping bag.
“Hello class 1-A, Im Y/N. I am in charge of everybody you're about to fight, we've all trained in various types of Martial arts, and uhh you're probably all gonna lose but try your hardest alright?! I've got match-ups based on your physical abilities, so let's begin.” You said getting everyone into their pairs.
“So much for never seeing them again, huh?” Sero said laughing at the fuming bakugou.
“Yeah you’ll be seeing a lot more of me Pomeranian boy, but for now let me wipe the floor with you.” You said getting into a fighting position. He remembers how he lost that fight, terribly he might add. You only offered to help him after the loss, ignoring all his cries of protest. He didn't only lose the fist fight, he lost his heart to you. He had hoped you would never give it back to him, but here you are giving him his heart back. He hated these images, he wants them to stop.
“Go on a date with me.” You said as you and bakugou walked back to the dorms together after a sparring session.
“What!?” He yelled at you a deep shade of red.
“You know, on a date, and then you know if all goes well like 2 more before you kiss me and ask me to be officially yours because i'm not easy, you know?”
“Who asks like that!” He continued to yell.
“What did you want some flowers too, bakugou.” You giggled at him.
“You damn, dumbass! Fine but we're going now!” He said grabbing your hand and pulling you away.
“Wait but we are sweaty and I wanted to look nice! You're such a tyrant, Bakugou!” You sang as he pulled you away but slammed into his back as he came to a halting stop.
“Katsuki...call me Katsuki.” He said looking to the side with a blush. This moment was precious to him, your stupid giggle always brought brought blood rushing to his cheeks and made his heart race. As precious as it was, he begged his mind to stop, he didn't want to see what he couldn't have anymore… he wants to forget.
“You know, if i knew you were so messy I wouldn't have moved in with you.” Bakugou yelled to you as he put up one of your many blankets that were always littered around the house.
“Sorry not Sorry, Kat, it's your fault for keeping this damn house like an ice box all the time.” You said as you shoved some more takeout into your mouth.
“And why did you order takeout, i wanted to cook instead of eating that shitty and so unhealthy food.” He nagged you some more but you only giggled. He smiled, that had become his favorite sound.
“Because Mr. Pro- Hero some of us are college students barely staying afloat! It's my last semester so let me live, you ass! Also you are so much like your mother babe, it's kind of funny.” You said to him. His head was bulging in irritation as he sat next to you.
“I can't believe I want to marry you…” He said shaking his head with a sigh. You put down your takeout and stared at him with wide, teary eyes.
“You want to marry… me?” You said to him, he chucked at you before placing a black velvet box in your hand.
“Yeah, so say yes and put the ring on.” He blushed looking away from you.
“You jerk, this is how you ask me? And like an idiot of course I'm putting on the ring with no hesitation.” You giggled around your tears, admiring the ring you had just placed on your finger.
“Yeah, as I recall, you asked me out the same way. Whaddyah want some flowers?” He teased you with a grin. You looked at him with burning passion before your lips met, engaging in a fiery dance of passion. Stop, stop. Please just stop, he begged his brain. At the moment he thought it was perfect, it was so you and so him. Now, he wished he did it on tv or yelled it from the rooftops. Maybe then it would have shown the universe, or god, or whatever was taking him from you just how much he needed and loved you. Just maybe it would have permitted this outcome.
You and bakugou stared down at the little 6 pound baby. She was sleeping peacefully for the first time since the girl came home, which was 4 day ago! Maybe it was because you had just taken her to meet her grandparents and she didn't want to deal with her grandparents much like her father.
“Give me that baby!” his mom said swopping the baby into her hands. You only giggled at her excitement but Bakugou threw a fit.
“Mom! She's a fuc-freaking newborn! You’ve got to be gentle and support her head! You’re gonna hurt her, it's dangerous” He shouted at his mom.
“Oh hush you ingrate. If that was true believe me kid you’d be dead by now, would've saved me a lot of trouble. Now come on little Kaori, I know you've got it.” She said looking down at Kaori.
“What's she got?” You asked curiously. The blonde did not respond, only blew a little stream of air on the baby's nose and then turned her towards you and the blonde next to you who was still pouting. The baby stirred before waking up giving you all the meanest mug you had ever seen come from a baby.  She stared at bakugou and then at you before going back to sleep.
“She’s got the bakugou bitch face or the bakugou glare or even the bakugou mean mug. However you want to call it but that doesn't matter cause she’s got it.” His mom said placing the sleeping baby in the basinet you guys had brought.
“Did that brat just glare at me!?” Bakugou whispers, causing you to burst into full belly laughter.
“What the hell are you laughing at?” he said to you trying to hide his small smile that was brought out by your laughing.
“Nothing, I just love you and I believe you just said H-E double hockey sticks so we're getting takeout on the way home, love.” You said kissing his cheek. He only stuck his tongue out at you before mumbling a quick ‘i love you back’. It's getting more painful now he's drawing closer to the day he knew his mind was counting down to. As much as he wanted to relish in the memory all he could think of was how Kaori wouldn't remember you or your melodious laughing. How he should have said I love you more clearly in that moment. He wanted it to stop, he wanted the flashes to stop, the memories to stop but they wouldn't and he knew because they were telling your story.
“Come here, dumbass I wanna cuddle!” Bakugou yelled from your bed.
“Hold on I just wanna call your mom and make sure Kaori is okay. It's the first time Kaori has been away so long. She’s only eleven months, she's probably scared without us.” You said with the phone in your hand pacing.
“Babe, if you are so worried you should know I called my mom while you were bathing. Kaori is chasings around my mom's fat cat. And my moms gonna call when they are putting her to bed so we can say goodnight. Now, get over here and quit worrying I want to cuddle you.” He said finally getting you relax enough to lay down, you rested your head on his chest.
“You're such a good dad, you were worried enough to phone your mom.” You said breathing in his caramel scent.
“Of course I did, I worry about you and Kaori whenever yall are out of my sight. I love you both too much yet not enough at the same time.” He said to you kissing the top of your head.
“Katsuki I want us to always be this way, I want to always be with you and kaori smiling. I love you both too much too.” You said back to him straddling him to meet his eyes.
“I want some more brats and a cat and a dog. I want everything with you. And I want it for forever” He said looking up at you with passion. He needs it to stop, he can't relive the same nightmare. He didn't want the image of you dying in his hands to replay, but that's where his mind was heading, wasn't it?
“Bakugou!? Can you hear me!?”
“You know when people said you become boring when you have a baby I didn't believe them but were totally boring. We just did 10 over the speed limit to pick up Kaori.” You said taking a glance in the mirror to see her cute little grumpy face.
“Baby I realized we were boring when we went to that baby store on our day off to look at baby stuff and we went “ ohh” and “awhh” to every third object we saw.” He said back to you with a chuckle. You giggled at him and your eyes fluttered shut for just a second, it was a second too long because when you opened them you slammed into a car ahead of you that had just been in an accident causing a pile up. Behind you a semi rammed into your suv doing terrible damage to the car and everyone inside. Bakugou was the first to wake and quickly fought to get himself free. Once he did he was all over you but you were in far worse shape and the metal of the car dug into you, slicing you open, and locking you into place.
“Noo.. Kat get Kaori first.” you whispered to him.
“Y/N, i'll get you out first, you're right here. Then we’ll get kaori together.” He said tears spilling from his eyes.
“Katsuki, please get Kaori first. Please, i'll try to get loose myself” You plead with him, he thought about it but you were more stuck than her and you were bleeding heavily from the metal cutting into your abdomen.
“Katsuki Bakugou! Her first, then me! I’ll wait for you, promise.” That was all he needed to hear, his heart ached for his little girl who was crying softly more shocked than hurt.
“It's alright baby we're gonna get you safety and then dadas gonna come get mommy and we’ll all go home cuddle.” He said as he pulled the baby from her car seat, recognizing ‘home’ and ‘cuddle’ she clapped at him. He planted gross, wet kisses all over her face before dashing to the place where he saw all the flashing lights congregating. It was a pretty big pile up so there were a lot of ambulances. He took the first one open.
“This is Bakugou Kaori, she’s eleven months and has no allergies to anything or any medication. I'll be coming back with Bakugou y/n who has a pretty deep gash in their abdomen and isn't allergic to any medication either.” He said as the EMT took his baby from him. He almost didn't want to leave her but he knew you were waiting on him, so he dashed back to your totaled car where he saw people crowding your figure as they had just pulled you out.
“Y/N!” He said dropping to the ground taking you from the girl who was holding you.
“Come on, you're bleeding a lot we’ve got to get you to the ambulance.” He said tears cascading from his eyes as he tried to lift you while simultaneously slowing your bleeding but as he lifted you not only did you scream, blood rushed out of your gash at a very alarming rate.
“We can't lift them, they're losing too much blood, the ambulance got to come down here….They’ll die if we take them down there.” Someone said as Katsuki placed you back on the ground. He wanted to yell at them and tell them they were wrong but he knew they weren't. As well as he knew the ambulance wouldn't fit down here, it was hard for him to fit through the cracks of the cars. He had to try though for you, for Kaori, and for himself.
“You're all hurt, go get to an ambulance and get some help, idiots.... And please, I'm begging you, make one of them come down here.” The group of people nodded as they raced for the ambulances.
“Told you I’d wait on you, Kat.”
“Yeah, you did such a good job, baby! You are so strong, love. They went to get help, everything's gonna be alright.” He whispered to you clutching your body closer to him.
“Who are you trying to convince me or you.” You laughed coughing up blood.
“Stop laughing, dumbass this isn't funny.” He gritted his teeth at you.
“Alright then stuffy, onto the serious business. I want Kaori to grow up knowing what love is, so tell her all our cheesy stories. I want her to grow up knowing she is so loved by you so tell her everyday from me and you that you love her more than anything. I want her to know she can come to you for anything so don't be such a hardass to her when she starts to rebel a little…. I don't want her to forget my face or my voice too much, so as much as it might hurt at first show her all the pictures and videos we took over the years. And when she's old enough to understand what happened tonight tell her she doesn't need to go to my grave if she ever wants to talk to me, I'm always watching over you both, promise.” You paused to throw up some more blood. “And now for you my love, I won't say anything to cliché. Like ‘i want you to find love’ cause we both know I am the jealous type but if it happens don't worry I'm not turning over in my grave. I want you to keep following that dream of yours if anyone can be the Top hero and a single dad it’s you, Kat. I want you to indulge yourself and eat takeout sometimes that stuffy diet of yours isn't fun. Be sad for as long as you need but just don't hold it all inside and try to continue on like everything is fine. It's okay to cry, to need a break or some help or both really. Lastly, Bakugou Katsuki, I love you and I am so sorry we didn't get that always and forever we wanted.” You said using the last of your strength to caress his cheek. He sobbed as he grasped your hand and held it tighter to his cheek.
“I love y-” he tried to say but stopped as he realized you were already gone. You didn't get to hear it back from him… the scream that ripped from him was pure anguish in its finest form. He should've been quicker to say it. He should have said it more often. He just should have. And now he was begging his head to stop playing these flashbacks to stop driving the knife further into his heart, he had a daughter he was trying to live for. He just wanted it to stop.
Just like that he was drawn from his head. He looked around to see his friends and family staring at him in concern and his daughter at his feet with fat tears rolling down her face. He quickly picked her up, cursing at himself as he probably just scared her.
“What are you crying for you, little brat?” He started but paused as fat tears of his own rolled down his sunken cheeks “Everything's gonna be alright soon, so we shouldn't cry for too long okay, Brat.” He said as he hugged Kaori tighter than he should have. Somewhere in his mind he did believe it. That he and his daughter would be okay but for right now he was trying to stay afloat in the waves of suffocating flashbacks.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Tumblr refuses to let me reblog the post again, so this is the second part of me reading the second btg book! ☺️
Still Chapter 211
Son on son violence
Chapter 212
This dude pretty cute ngl
Shit, rip
It's almost like they are a regular father and son 😭🥺💔
Chapter 213
Look how thigh those shirts are hehehoho 🥴
Ooooh there goes my man Jyaku ready to kick some ASS
Baki really just forgot his mom eh, thought you were getting stronger for HER smh
Oh Jyaku vs Retsu? Nvm Jyaku i can only hope Retsu is nice w you
I like how most are like, confused over who to cheer for lmao
I know he won't make it but I'm cheering for Jyaku btw i like him more <33
Chapter 214
Love that title, can't believe Jyaku is gonna ask Retsu out 😍 /j
He really is just honest Igari
I love that he apologizes
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
That smile so cute...
Jyaku is a king
Love it when Retsu throws that pose, though y'all know why
HDGSSGSGF you are coming to Japan wether you like it or not 🔫
Chapter 217
Finally Jyaku got serious too
King is just obsessed i luv him
It does seem like Jyaku is trynna confess his love jfnshdshdf
Chapter 218
I remember i almost laugh cry with my dad when we saw this
His damn beard... 💔
He has a good point
They be calling my man Jyaku a masochist noooo yfjdhdgs
Chapter 219
Okay seems kinda into it <:/
Old man? He doesn't look that old Baki :/
That was so smart 🥺
Chapter 220
Retsu calm down please you are gonna break his back
Oh my god Retsu, oh my god.
He did apologize at least
Chapter 221
Damn dude be a little more gentle with him
Oh, get was picking him up, okay
Chapter 222
I love how everyone completed him (except Yujiro but not surprising), these warriors are such a good team
I want to eat an apple too now
That was fast
I got distracted watching a vsauce react video sorry
Okay I'm glad a comment actually mentioned Sik
Chapter 223
Had to take a uh idk 5 hour break bc lights went out :/
Feet be fuming lmao
Ohhh that's a cool analysis
Chapter 224
What a good punch
That "please",,,
Poor Li man, having to see his brother DIE /j
No, Viêt Long, i have not been hit by a truck before.
Chapter 225
It's so funny how Jyaku lost bc he fought a main charac and only those win
Sad day for the Chinese citizens
Mf got tits in his back
This is gonna be so goodddd
Chapter 226
Look at the size of his tits, the slut
These two are cool fighters
Chapter 227
Old man showing skin
His smile is so fucked up lmao
Chapter 228
Baki what the FUCK are you wearing?
I just remembered when Hana did a flip, that was so good
Retsu babey 🥺
I love how confused Yujiro looks
Chapter 229
Hey, i recognize that name...
Kaku just too op
Yujiro you are gonna pop your testicles if you do that with your leg
Chapter 230
God that's such a good threat
Love Retsu's confusion
Damn bitch you saying we gotta keep up w this whore cuz you were too slow? Ffs Kaku 😢
I love when you can tell someone is still hanging around just quietly by seeing their response in a comment
Chapter 231
God this just feels so good, to see Yujiro actually scared 😍
Chapter 232
I wanna finish this book and start the next one grrr
This fight is so satisfying
That last bit is so cringe but whatever that's okay
Fight so controversial comments were deactivated
Chapter 233
Itagaki hincha de boquita el más grande? 😳 /j
Okay yeah it IS just rude
Hohoooo shit getting nice
Chapter 234
This asshole lmao
Yuji-chan really went "how many times do i have to teach you this lesson, old man?!"
Mfs be doing Jojo references in the comments lol
Chapter 235
Ffs Kaku you are doomed 😢💔
Yujiro so strong my mouse disconnected
Chapter 236
Abs in his back...
Crying and shaking that is NOT true
I thought Yujiro was bleeding for a second there smh
Chapter 237
Yujiro surprised is good shit
Kaku has boyboss energy
Chapter 239
This cover almost gives me a stroke
I love how they all just shat their pants
These minor Chinese characters were so good tbh, sadly i don't think they will ever return
Don't worry Retsu, we the viewers have seen a man revive before
King i don't think any of us understands
It really is
Oh my god i though Yujiro was sitting on the air for a second i almost cry 😭
Coca cola must have paid Itagaki /j
Chapter 240
Oh so the Kaioh part takes the name, not the surname
...is Yujiro wearing a floral shirt? 😭
Jyaku has his eyes fixated on Retsu eh, proud of having him come to Japan lmao
Chapter 241
Jk though i do miss Yuri 🥺
Oh hey Jr
You gonna fuck his girl, bro?
Chapter 242
So straight forward lmao
I'm starting to appreciate Baki's feminist ass every day even more
This page didn't allow me to call two mfs virgins smh, 1984
Chapter 243
Grandpa they shrunk you
Chapter 244
Kings idc about this
Okay true but also he's 70 dude pls... Though idk if this guy will go thru worse than Jack lmao
Such a nice lad
Chapter 245
Baki being such a feminist icon is so meaningful considering how his parents were,,,
Doppo he's called Ali Jr how are you surprised?
These men love throwing their glasses eh
Chapter 246
If only Igari and Toba had done this lol
Me lo re devaluaron a mí pelado eh
Scenes that give me a boner
Such a good callback...
Chapter 247
My man got serious, sweet
Doppo has been trying out his luck a bit too much like he's been betting with his life an uncomfortable lot like king do you need to talk? Are you okay? First asking Gouki to kill him now this like, is everything alright Doppo?
I love that blocking technique
OSHWOWHIWWH "gay ass Orochi, out of option so he touching dick" SHUT UPPP 😭😭💀
I really wish he got kicked in the nuts again see if he's still using his technique
Chapter 248
Poor guys thought he was bout to get murdered
A kiss? 😏 /j
When i saw this in the anime i actually thought Orochi was going to die, i was gonna get sooo angry
Chapter 249
What a way to cockblock em
Feminist icon
Jack is that the only sweater you own?
Chapter 250
I have been thinking of that scene of him eating the whole steak a lot
Jr like 🥺
Imagine being stupid enough to tease Jack like, i get he defeated two masters but they are NOTHING compared to this monster
Imagine jack just smoked some weed right there lmao
Jack needs to bite people more
Chapter 251
My shitty ass son gave me parkinson's
Jack that's not how human anatomy works what the fuck did Kureha do to your body spine?
Chapter 252
Looked like Jack was going for a handful
Those techniques must fuck your neck up so bad
Okay Jack you are going a bit far now don't cha think?
Chapter 253
You are tempting your luck sunny boy
Look at that, you pissed him off!
You cannot just know out jack hanma bro
This was so stupid yet, unironically, iconic
Chapter 254
Bruh i thought it said Pog 😭, ain't manslaughter poggers Mr Hanma?
Such a simp he downed that coffee cup
Grandpa put here cockblocking
Chapter 255
"no he didn't >:/"
These two masters are a pair of fucking idiots like understand this i love my grandpa and i love my man but mfs have to take the L for this one time sksgwjgshgw
Gouki bro my senses gonna shut down if you put your sucks against the dirt again OUGH sensory hell 😭
Chapter 256
Hoho Gouki out here getting a panty shot 😳
Grandpa i love you but this was unnecessary
Chapter 257
Kozue should wear a Korn tshirt
Love how consistently round his hands are, king got no knuckles
King hasn't changed his clothes ever since i see
His shoes look so nice...
Doppo i love you but shut UPPP you lost get over it!! You are just going for the rematch bc you have the higher ground against a injured guy!!! Like Shibukawa didn't have time but you were already getting serious!! Hhhgrrrrrr doppo i love you but I'm going to bark
Hehe nvm he still hella fine... keep talking king 🥴
This was so mean of him sjsgwjwg
Chapter 258
Low-key starting to believe these two mfs plotted against Jr sjshsj
If i didn't know you would get your ass handed in a plate i would be a lil mad he's planning on being that savage
He has been thru worse, sunny boy
Tbh. I don't care anymore. Doppo is in the wrong, but GOD I'm a simp and i love seeing him fight 😍😍🥴
Yeah a comment mentioned it, we all were on Jr side until he threatened to kill Doppo Orochi like, even if not everyone here is as horny as me we all like an og fella
I also love how the prisoners really changed them all, the scars (both physical and mental) those 5 left will be remembered lol
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
01 - You’re Familiar
Tumblr media
This chapters songs:
Daughter Of A Cop; TV Girl
I Hope To Be Around; Men I Trust
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi; Radiohead
— Y. L. Perspective
My breath got louder and louder each second I ran. With my bento box hitting my hips, bag tossing around, and my skirt flying up, there was no way things could get any worse.
But luckily just around the corner, I spotted students climbing onto it, which made my feet run even faster.
Near late on my first day? Damn, Y/n, way to start your year.
   Just then, I heard the sharp hiss of the engine, sending me faster towards the vehicle than I had been pacing myself before. But still, the driver was ignorant, obviously not caring how much I needed this. It wasn't like my parents would take me anyways.
"WAIT..! PLEASE WAIT!" I started on the side of the bus, running side to side with the wheels. After a few seconds of loud disruption, it finally stopped. The break was hard, and students inside were heard making remarks of protest.
Sure, I felt bad for the people who had to get a brake check, but I on the other hand was completely out of breath and near dead. Couldn't they spare me?
"I'm, I'm so.. I'm so sorry I.." My breath is short, and loud while I breathe in and out, trying my best to try and explain my tardiness to the driver. He simply sighs, gesturing for me to seat myself already.
While I stumbled down the aisle, I received a few weird glances from fellow students. Some familiar and some new. I couldn't tell if it was because of my reputation, or because I looked like a hot mess. Either way, it was too early in the morning for one to give a damn. And so, I seat myself next to another student, finally resting from the marathon I had just run.
I sighed, rolling my head back, and placed my fingers on my temples. 'I probably look like a mess right now.' I thought, letting out a huge sigh. Once I sat my fingers back down onto my lap, I observed more of the people I was surrounded by.
Some third years I was familiar with, a few that wouldn't dare speak to me, and some that were strangers. Other second and first years I didn't know at all; throughout high school, I thought it'd be best to stay hidden and introverted, especially if I were to become popular in the music industry. Lots of young stars still went to school, and usually got dirt easily thrown onto their title and that's exactly what I would avoid this year.
Bringing me back to reality, I capture a peek coming from the boy I was seated next to. He had fluffy gray hair and seemed just as tired as me. But the bus was so dark, I couldn't completely make out his features.
"Something wrong?" I said to him.
He jumped a little, adjusting his eyes back down to his phone. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I just- I think I know you from somewhere."
"Lots of people know me, buddy—" I lifted my head, facing him. 'Hey, this guy does pretty familiar. But there's no way I'd forget a face like his. Then again, I have the memory of an 80-year-old woman.' I think to myself, examining his features in an awkward mood.
"Wow, it is you. (Y/n), it's been quite a while!" He smiled widely, reaching a hand out to me. I only froze, too confused to comprehend the situation. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you're doing well!"
"I-Im sorry?" I question, wondering why a stranger would confront me this way. But something was off— I knew him, I just couldn't remember where from. Maybe from previous classes, or from a concert?
He turns slightly, growing a smile on his pale face. "I was trying to figure out if it was you or not, but it is! It's great to see you're better. How are you?"
"Who are you?" I ask back, a bit frightened.
"Uhm, well, I sat next to you in math class during my first year. Remember? I was a little ditzy, kind of annoying, I never shut up about volleyball..?" He asks, hoping to get a hint of nostalgia. "Come on, you've gotta recognize me, right?"
"Wait, Sugawara!" My finger jumps out, pointing to his sitting figure. "I'm sorry I couldn't recognize you! It sure has been quite a while. But I definitely remember you, now! You were one of the people who talked to me during my first year.. thanks for that. Anyways, how've you been?"
"I think that's my line, L/n." Suga pats my shoulder, then places his hand onto his lap. "You've changed so much! I've gotta know how you're doing!"
"I-I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing in your perspective, but thanks anyway. I've been doing just fine." I explain before a yawn escapes my mouth. Sure, this conversation was energetic, but I certainly wasn't.
"Again, so very sorry for being so forgetful. I don't remember much from first year, especially not anything in math, but I sure do recognize you now." I say, hoping my rudeness from before wouldn't have any effect on how he viewed me. Not that I cared, of course.
Luckily, Sugawara was forgiving that day. With a wide grin, he replies, "No need to apologize. People change drastically during high school; we're no exceptions. Although, I would've enjoyed being mutuals with you throughout most of it! I wonder why I haven't seen you around until today... I believe the last time we had talked was around the last day of first year."
"Yeah, we didn't have any classes together. If we had, I'm sure we would have stirred up a discussion. You seem very kind. " I gently smile, rubbing the nape of my neck. I tend to forget any bad memories, and the beginning of high school sure was a fat one.
"What a shame, you too seem wonderful.." He comments, gazing towards me for a split second, before reverting his focus. "A-anyways, it's a bit of a surprise I saw you here. Have you always ridden the bus? I usually take it in the mornings as well."
"I've actually just moved into this neighborhood. My parents work more hours than ever, so they decided it's best if I'm closer to school so that I can get to school and back quickly." I explain, tapping the sage green bento in my lap, before setting it on my side.
Sugawara nods, understanding the circumstances. "That makes sense. I'm sure you'll enjoy it now that you've got a friend in the neighborhood. Although, a girl like you must be quite familiar, right?"
'Is that intended to be disrespectful, or am I just tripping?' I think to myself, asking him to spell out the meaning of that remark. "I'm sorry, what? A girl like me?"
"Oh, crap! I didn't mean that to sound rude— I meant because of your band! I understand you guys are the talk around school, considering you're getting pretty popular in the field."
A sigh of relief leaves my lips, preparatory to my correction. "Oh, my band. I'm not sure I necessarily make friends, more like connections and acquaintances. Only a couple of students know about the band, and usually just the down-low ones. But enough about me, what about you, hm? I assume still volleyball obsessed."
I had obviously steered in the wrong direction with our conversation, for Suga's aura quickly altered at the mention of the sport. "Eh, I'm not as excited about it as I used to be." He says, along with a hint of dissatisfaction in his raspy voice.
"No way. What happened to cheerful Sugawara who asked me, the lamest, to join the girls' team?" I ask, hoping a bit of that childish personality was still inside the older version of Suga. The one which was taller, more masculine, more of a man than before.
"Honestly, can't tell you. 'Teams has been a mess ever since I've joined." He leans back in his seat, stretching his arms out, before placing them around his neck from behind. "We're hanging on my a very thin thread."
"Dang, that really sucks. You never know, things can always turn out better." I say, doing as he did, and resting against the leather seats.
"Yeah, of course. I guess it's pretty hard to keep going after so many fails, haha." A sad chuckle leaves his mouth, as he sighs.
"Anyway, nice talking. I'm outta take a quick power nap; I barely got sleep last night. Mind waking me up when we get to school?"
"Yeah, of course," Sugawara replies. With that, I'm left with laying music in my ears like always, and nodded off to slumber.
"Hey, sleepyhead. We're at school," I hear someone say, feeling a tap of a cold finger on my nose. Almost immediately, I shoot up from my position, standing directly above Sugawara while students leave the bus with their bags, having loud discussions of excitement. Was there anything more embarrassing than falling asleep on someone who ghosted you as a friend?
"Dear God, I'm terribly sorry." I panic, brushing down my blue skirt. "That happens on rides, it was a mistake."
"Oh, it's no big deal! Don't worry—" Suga chuckles, standing up from sitting. But before I could let him talk anymore, I started making my way towards the exit of the bus.
"Uhm, I've gotta go! Great talking, though. I'll catch you later, have a good day," I mumble, before frantically leaving the vehicle. 'What a morning.'
— K. S. Perspective
Before I could grant Y/n a polite goodbye, she'd disappeared in just a few seconds. But even so, the measly to,e I'd discussed with her was quite enjoyable. I couldn't believe how much she'd changed.
Long ago, the beginning of high school, Y/n was the type of girl you could barely see, as if she were invisible. I think the only reason I ever even noticed her was because we were seated next to each other in math class, and she immediately caught my attention. But thank goodness I had at least tried making an effort to talk to her, or else we wouldn't have had our conversation this morning. But it wasn't her fault she was so gloomy; supposedly she had lost someone close to her the year before.
Although our talk was brief, it still meant a lot to me. Especially since I was informed that she was finally happy. Looking down at the seat she used, there was a small box with a handle at the top, and a few anime stickers covering it.
'Is this what was making that loud tapping noise on the way here?' I asked myself, examining the box more. Small initials marked 'Y.L.' We're at the bottom, informing me it was Y/n's. At first, I considered handing it to our bus driver, but for the few years I've known him I learned he doesn't return lost things. And so, I leave the bus with it in my hands, ready to start my morning.
"Suga!" I hear a familiar voice call out to me. Looking up, I see my friend, Daichi, and another fellow behind him, Tanaka. The two of them jog towards me, with their scarfs unfolding in the wind. Both I had met in volleyball, and they've been my buddies ever since.
"Hey, Sugawara!" Tanaka exclaims, roughly slapping my back. The bento tosses in my hands, thankfully not spilling onto the floor. Unfortunately, he notices the box and snatches it right out of my hold. "Wow, feeling a bit girly, are we?"
I laugh in response, quickly taking it back. "It's not mine, it belongs to the person who sat next to me today. Hopefully, if I see her again I can give return it."
"Hopefully?" Daichi teases, as we all begin our walk towards the school doors. "Do you know her name?"
"Yeah, her name's Y/n. Know her?"
He lights up at the mention of their name, replying "Oh, I know her! That girl you never shut up about I in first year, correct?"
"Ha, yeah."
Tanaka doesn't understand, digging deeper into the situation. "What?! I've never known good ole' Suga to genuinely have feelings for a girl, unless it was some fling."
"I don't! I used to. There's a difference." I say, as we enter the building.
"If she rides your bus, then why don't you just give it to the driver? She'll probably go looking for it later at the end of the day. That is unless you wanna see her again.." Daichi teases me.
"You see, I would. But the bus driver is sort of a thief, and this girl has had a rough morning as it is. I just wanna be nice." I explain to him. Though a part of me did want to see her again and hope that we could talk longer than we did before.
"Sure you do," Tanaka says, patting our backs. "Listen, this is my stop. I'll catch you guys at practice?"
"Sure thing, bye." We say our farewells, and make our way towards the third-year halls. "What about you, Daichi? Got anything exciting happening this hour?"
"If stressing about volleyball counts, then yes! Most definitely.." He says, clearing his throat. "Watch, like, two people show up."
"Actually, Kiyoko informed us in the group chat that we've got at least four! That's better than last year, right?" I try my best to cheer him up, but it only made him even more nervous. I couldn't blame him. Too much was even more of a burden, but too little was a disappointment and would leave us exactly where we left off.
"It's okay, Suga. I have a lot of faith in our team. I know it's been rough lately, but as long as we try our best, we'll work this out." Daichi smiles, turning towards a separate hallway than mine. "I'm off to homeroom. See you later!"
"Yeah, see ya!" I'm left by myself, giving me more time to focus on what should happen today. - 1st, I have to go through each class and say hi to a couple of familiars, and hopefully not see anyone I've had a conflict with.
- 2nd, I had to give Y/ns bento back to them, but that could only happen if we happened to have a class with each other before, or if we had the same lunch.
- 3rd, volleyball tryouts were this afternoon. I had to make sure and represent myself as a role model, and make it clear I was vice-captain. I wanted nothing more than for the new players to feel safe.
But internally, I knew none of those plans would work out. Especially if I wasn't focused on them. Currently, all I could think about was Y/n, and how refreshing it felt to be around her again. When I was first around her was at the same time when things in my life started to fall apart, and my little crush on her made me feel better about it all. I guess you could say she was my comfort corner, even if she talked to me only once or twice during the week. And sometimes on her bad days, I would be able to at least get a laugh out of her, even if it meant making a complete fool out of myself.
All I wanted was for her not to harm herself or feel lonely, which took a quick turn towards me once the year had ended. Not only had my thing for her end, but my family soon fell apart after my mother had passed away. Of course, I still had my responsibilities like volleyball club and helping my younger sister and my father get through it. But it seemed that everyone would do their own thing, so I did the same. And for a while, I was lonely and didn't cope with the loss very well. Just like Y/n, I distanced myself.
This went on throughout my entire second year of high school, while she on the other hand started to get her life together. She started her band, made and covered a couple of songs, and finally healed from her hard year. Honestly, I didn't even really believe that she was in such a good state, but I was proven wrong today. Ultimately, she truly inspired me to pick myself up and start fresh. And now that she popped up so suddenly, I was back to square one.
'It's been a while, Y/n'
Give me notes.
SO, I've finally rewritten the first chapter of my fanfiction!! It took a while, but I did it. If you didn't know, I started this story about eight months ago, and I had no writing experience. Now that I'm reaching the climax of this story, I decided I should edit the chapter, especially since they sucked ass! Nothing much was changed, just far more detailing and extra feelings.
Overall, thanks so much for reading the first chapter. Please vote if you enjoyed it!! It helps others know that it's worth reading. And if not, no worries. Thanks anyways. I love you all so much!
- your friendly Suga simp
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
Robowhump 5
Continuing that March of robots- whump edition story with @whumptopia ‘s robot whump prompt list. Today was “forced reboot” so here!
TW// self harm, manipulation, non con body modifications, abuse, torture, emotional abuse, burning and cuts mention
(I think it’s time to say, my writing is explicit and so, proceed with caution)
The first time Exia opened its eyes, it saw Ian´s father. A man with gentle black eyes and gray hairs. A programmer like his son and wife. Not as talented as either and certainly not as famous as his wife. He was humble and cared for Exia. It didn´t remember anymore, but it had been him who had given it its name.
“I´m trusting Ian to you, Exia” the man said as it sat Exia on the back of the car. Crossing the car’s seatbelt on its chest, because he didn´t want to put him (because he refered to Exia as him) on a box again. “He´s really good. I´m sure he will make some wonderful upgrades to you” he smiled at the android. There had been hope in his naivety and oblivion to his son´s nature.
Exia had recorded the man´s voice for Ian. “To encourage” him as the man put it.
But after Ian smiled and thanked his father for the gift, waved his hand as goodbye and closed the door. Ian had made Exia lay on a table and erased all previous commands.
Except its name.
Mainly because it would be troublesome to remember any other name.
And so, that was the first reboot Exia had.
The next time happened after Ian tried adding a few lines and had forgotten to put a simple comma. Causing Exia to bump into walls and keep walking as if it was on a videogame.
The third time was when Ian wanted to test Exia´s receptors and blew its hearing.
The fourth time had been purely accidental. Ian hadn´t slept in three days and put his homework code into Exia´s by mistaking the keyboards. The conflicts made Exia´s core to overheat and made it move erratically.
The eigth time Ian´s professor wanted them to test simple commands on androids. Making them lift eggs and the like was too old fashioned, so the challenge was making them handle jelly. Exia made a great demonstration but slipped out Ian had helped the other’s for money. It had been the first time Exia had seen Ian angry at him.
The nineth time, Ian had met Creek and was living with him now. Creek showed him the download sites for the pain emulators. When Ian tied Exia to a chair, the android had done it with a smile. But after the download, it had to be rebooted after many repairments were made. Out of panic mode conflicts that triggered self destruction tendencies and damaged a liquid deposit on Exia´s head. Causing leaks sometimes.
The tenth time, Exia had begged Creek to stop. That it hurt when it installed new body parts when it was fully responsive and the pain emulators were active. Creek had limited to laugh and continue assembling the new parts into Exia. It screamed quite loud, but Creek just turned their headphones volume higher. Tightened Exia´s restraints if it moved too much and ordered it to stop leaking from its eyes without much success. Of course, the leaking wasn´t something he could control now.
By the twelfth time, Ian had developed a back up. So, when they were testing Exia’s skin durability and had it trembling, tied to the working table with a face half burnt, Exia came back with the memories of it being burnt. Just new skin.
It would know what pain was even after rebooting now.
And Exia wasn’t allowed to say anything to Ian’s father. It would smile and say “Im doing my best performance to satisfy Mister Ian. I thank you for your concern” whenever a new patch of cheap skin was glued to a spot Creek had burnt, marked, teared apart or simply removed. “Exia has a lot to learn however” it would say while blinking three times rapidly and then stop for a bit before continuing.
“Im happy to see he’s well!” Ian’s father said to him as he chomped down his food “I like that yellow bang too” he said referring to the strand of hair, both boys had stolen from a broken down robot “Fits you”
“Thank you, sir” Exia replied keeping its blinking rythm.
“´It´, dad.” the boy stressed  “It’s a robot, not a person” Ian said slurping on his noodles. The ramen ya they were on was pretty popular at that time. Just before the last few trains went on their way.
“Oh yeah right” the man awkwardly replied. Silence ensued as Exia simply stared at them eat. Wondering…
“What are you..?” The man lifted his eyes as Exia swallowed their beer. “Exia, no!” He stood up quicker than Ian and grabbed the android by the shoulders but it was too late. The liquid leaked to its core and circuits in a second.
The seventeenth time, Exia opened its eyes on a dark place. The closet, it recognized. Battery was running low and its limbs had been taken away.
Oh. It muttered to itself.
Im going to be abandoned.
It leaned its head on the wall. And noticed it had its Clothes taken off as well. Of course, a useless machine like Exia didn’t need to cover itself. Even when Creek had added a member simply to test the receptors and emulators.
Blue liquid ran from its eyes. Possibly after-damage of some of their experiments. Or…
Whatever they were they didn’t stop. However they came, fat tears rolled down its cheek.
“E-Exia?” An unfamiliar voice called from outside.
It had been Liam who had taken it outside the closet. Covered it with its own clothes and told it to turn around to plug it to a charging dock.
Exia refused to let Liam touch it.
It was an unwanted machine! It was supposed to run out of batteries and grow forgotten locked away on the closet.
But it was.
It wasn’t immediately that Exia expected Liam’s visits. Waiting for it to come and tell it about outside and about Ian and Creek. As there was no windows there. Exia learnt Liam was a prototype for their final project. A social service android. Designed to treat mentally unstable people. Exia had laughed.
Liam wasn’t surprised to see the android wiggling like a worm on the floor as it laughed histerically at the irony. Aware it was collateral damage to Exia’s system that allowed it to laugh.
Liam was aware of the pain emulators and one time, when Exia was staring blankly at a wall running a dyagnostic, Liam dropped a furry blanket over it. And hugged it.
“Hugging helps humans feel comfort and not alone after a traumatic event” Liam whispered as Exia stiffened and scuffed.
“Are you implying I should be treated like a human after trauma?” Liam took a moment to reply “I don’t know if that helps to lower your leaking, but I searched in my treatment files that panic modes can be smoothened-“
“Ok, ok I get it” Exia interrupted it. It allowed itself to focus on the warmness of the blanket. Its system would catalogue the cumulus of electric signals it felt at that moment as “comforted”.
Exia did feel like wanting more of that “comfort” thing.
And Liam was designed to do so.
Ian stared at the records of Liam’s trips to the warehouse where Exia was kept, everyday. To monitor improvements and adjust Liam’s protocols.
The young boy didn’t like wasting things and would use them to their last breath. Abandoning Exia? Oh no. He had simply planted the situation for Liam’s development.
Ian allowed Liam to put the androids limbs back on their place one day. Liam attached them despite the colors being not quite right and helped Exia up.
Ian had intricately written Liam’s physical therapy commands and tested them with Exia.
But as Liam proofed to be perfect on treating Exia, Exia was recovering too quickly.
So it was time for a final test.
TW// self harm, manipulation, non con body modifications, abuse, torture, emotional abuse, burning and cuts mention
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afterthelastreset · 4 years
Rules Of One’s Soul Ch17 Date
(Mak belongs to @wasted-church )
Strange how one could have so many sleepless nights couldn't it? In fact, when was the last time he had a dream at all? The last time he dreamt was that old memory with Lancer four or maybe five days ago, and that was a rare pleasentry. Well, one could chalk it up to just being too tired with all the stress and emotions going through him lately, but he couldn't care less. He was tired, worn out, and done with the situation he was in. But luckily it seemed things were starting to slowly go back to normal.
Of course, he had no dream that night either. He blamed it on returning home so late at night and being so warn out, he didn't even have the energy to deal with any of his nightly beauty routines and just went down like a sack of potatoes ounce he got in range of the mattress. That night had been quite a blur and he was still sleeping heavily once morning had risen. The sheets were all wrinkled and lazily tossed over the sleeping worm's body, his body slowly rising and falling In his sleep. Including the light snoring, he could easily call himself lazy if he could see himself right now, but since he couldn't he'd have to settle for just dealing with it. Not that he was really complaining to be honest. But if he was awake, he could've noticed the door to the shop slowly opening and the little bell's jingle. Or hear the footsteps that lead up to the entrance of the small bedroom in the back.
Yellow eyes blinked at him. An unsure look upon the small intruder's face. He watched as the worm continued to peacefully sleep, his body laid half way off the bed in an almost comical way but this wasn't the time to laugh. Right now was the time to ask what he actually wanted to ask. Professionally and correctly this time. As Seam put it-
"Do it in a way that normal people do, and not in a way that scares him off. Try approaching him in a calm manor. Im sure he'll be more open if he feels calm around you."
WAIT! Would it have been more professional to knock before entering? He assumed Rouxls would've been awake by now with how precise he insists on being, he didn't think he would find him fast asleep snoring away. Would it be worse if he woke him up? Would he react badly?
He stared at Rouxls for a couple more seconds, just standing there and wringing his hands together. A few more seconds of just silently standing there, he took a deep breath and shuffled forward. Stopping at the edge of the bed, he took a moment just standing there and watched him. His face was calm and other than the snoring, not a sound came from him, it...was rather peaceful to be honest. Now that he got a good look at him, he could better see the small white freckles dotting across his face and the shimmering eyelashes against the cool blue skin. He could feel his face heating up a light purple at the sight. Quite the pretty sight-.....He could also see the scars slashed crossed his face. Blinking, he leaned closer-....There were...scars on his face. Three to be precise. One over the left eye and lower cheek, and one near the right corner of his mouth. It-
It looked like claw markings almost.
The confusion made him blink more, a clawed hand coming up to move a strand of glittering white hair from his face. What the- Where did these even come from? They were too fat in length to be his or Seam's, so that was a relief. But then....what caused them? He turned back to stare at the one over his eye but instead found an open white eye staring back him. Both froze. Neither moving due to the fact that he been caught- In one quick (but slaggy movement due to Rouxls being still half asleep) the worm yelped in shock and pushed himself up and away from the small imp's face. Jevil, in shock, stumbled back and landed on his hind. Yellow eyes panickingly looked up at him and watched the confused worm stare at him. The mitch matched eyes blinked slow and confused at the small imp sitting on the floor, as soon as he recognized who exactly it was, he groaned, yawned and reached a hand up to rub his face.
"What tis thou doing here?"
"I-I....Ahehe-" He gave a nervous smile when the duke turned his attention back to him, raising a brow. "I-I came to make up for last night, last night?"
The worm continued to give him a skeptical look before sighing. "I doth have nay choice. Do I?"
"You promised, promised."
"I didst not think that thou meant first thing in thy morning."
The worm yawned again and this time stretched out his body. A pop sound came from his back and his hands rubbed down the length of his spine as he turned back to Jevil, who by now had stood back up and was looking at him with a hopeful look. There really was no getting out of this was there? But the thought of Jevil bothering him for the rest of the day was absolutely not an option either, he couldn't fathom how he got himself into these situations.....but maybe if- He looked back to Jevil who was now looking less hopeful and more nervous. His hands wringing his tail. What if he could mold this situation to his liking? Yes. This day could still turn out nicely, considering if Jevil coroperates with him this time.
He looked back to Jevil and dared to give him an experimental smile, the purple imp perked up a bit. "So...Thou wantest to make amends with mineself?"
"Oh yes, yes! Hu-ha!" His smile returned in full making Rouxls grit his teeth to keep the smile. "I want to very much, much!"
"Well then....How wouldst thou l-likest to-" He gulped down the bile he felt before pleasantly replying in a sweet tone. "-h-helpest me with a few things today?"
The imp immediately gasped before gigglng in glee at the offer to help Rouxls for the day, tail shooting straight upwards and wagging around like an excited puppy. The site of those eyes lighting up a bright yellow and his giggles sent a very nice but surprised shiver up his spine. "OF COURSE, OF COUTSE! I CAN DO THAT!!"
A smile spread across. Perfect.
"Lovely. Now if thou will please exit mine room so I mayest get dressed accordingly." He pointed a blue hand towards the entrance back to the shop entrance.
"Oh! Yes, yes. Of course." Jevil gave out a few more giggles of glee before turning on his heel and bounding out said entrance. Rouxls watched after him before sighing and reaching up to once again run a hand through his hair. He was still very much tired, but hopefully getting a (hopefully) small headache now will save him from a bigger headache later. With another groan he threw what was left of the blankets off him and flung his feet off the bed-
Jevil waited impatiently on the other side of the counter, casually balancing on his tail like usual. It had only been maybe at most a few minutes but it honestly felt like an eternity. The urge to just pop the question then and there was tempting and he mentally slapped himself for not asking it sooner, but then again the duke seemed really cranky when he woke up. Helping him out with what he wanted would help make up for it and possibly score some extra points. Besides, if Seam could help him so could he! He could help Rouxls even better than Seam could. He could do it! HE COULD DO ANYTHING!!
And he would prove it!
He didn't have to wait much longer. His ears perked up at the approaching footsteps and he turned just as The worm waltzed his way out the door, another fancy suit adorned his body and his hair was neatly draped over his shoulders. How many of those did he have? He smiled as soon as Rouxls's eyes gazed upon him and he could have sworn his eyes became a little softer.
Rouxls rolled his eyes and sighed. Body straightening into a professional pose. "Today I intend to finish up a few jobs I haveth yet to completeth. If thou insists on...'helping' me today, then I will allow it. But on the condition thou behaves thineself?" He raised a brow as Jevil nodded excitedly but decided not to comment on it. "Good. Now first thine on mine agenda is to get mine lock fixed! I don't want anymore thieves taking mine wares. " He took maybe two steps away from the counter before a rumble and groan came from the worm. Jevil tilted his head curiously at the annoyed looking worm before meeting his annoyed gaze. "...Correction. First thing on mine list tis breakfast-"
The ground was already pretty dry, even after the large amount of rain from not too long ago, which was fine to Rouxls, he'd rather not get his good boots. Luckily he was able to satisfy his hunger with what worms he dug up a few days ago, but he still felt empty and rather tired, Jevil had pointed it out when he noticed the bags under his eyes. He sure felt like he was carrying a lot of weight, but since when has that stopped him from doing what needed to be done? The cool wind was nice today. A nice change from the stuffy air that was Seam's shop, hopefully his special touch changed that....Of course Seam did seem the lazy type. He couldn't fathom how he could've possibly let himself make all those bad descisions. Letting dust settle on everything until it looked like a dirt bomb had went off. Keeping useless damaged items around to rot among the shelves. Not cleaning out that fireplace for who knows how long- not to mention it was a dangerous fire hazard- Oh! And not teaching that unruly child some better manners. Seriously, he ought to know. He has Lancer after all-
Oh, he must be causing so much trouble right now. Insisting on riding that engine powered bike through the halls, not understanding his King duties,...Going down to the dungeon. That's what he feared the most. For down there lied the former King Spade. Poor Lancer was so naïve, so....Too nice. He'd be easily manipulated into letting the terrifying former king loose, and what then?! He'd go crazy! He'd take his anger out on everyone....including Lancer. A hand unconsciously went up to touch his face- He needed to get back there and care for his son. No one else would be able to take care of him like he would. He NEEDED him- That train of thought stopped with one single sentence from Jevil-
"Are you feeling, feeling ok?" The worm completely stopped, blinking his eyes at Jevil. The imp floated eye level with the duke and gave a confused look at the worm. "You started talking, talking to yourself."
He blinked a few more times looking dazed before clearing his throat and turning around to continue down the path again. "I-I amst fine. *ahem* N-Now cometh along! We have nay time to dottle."
Jevil made a hum but didn't question his actions just yet. Instead floating after him. " So where are we of to, to now?"
"Well, first order of business is to refurnish mine shoppe. Which is why I brought this!" With a flap of his cloak the worm proudly revealed an old looking bag from his side. Where did he pull that out from? The bag was old and it looked strangely familiar. Was that- "I'm sure Seam wouldst not mindest if I borrow his knapsack for one trip."
....Jevil blinked. "Uh- What exactly, exactly are we going to do with that?"
Rouxls rolled his eyes. "What else? We art picking more of those dangerously calorie filled dark candies for commoners to eat and die a sugary death...And to fillest mine pockets with darke dollars of course. " He pointed to a patch of trees in front of his that was blooming with fresh looking candies from their branches. "Those will suffice. Come."
The small patch of trees were indeed full of plump star shaped candy, some of the biggest candies Jevil had seen honestly. When asked how he knew of such trees, Rouxls explained Lancer had been the one to discover the trees and (forced) convinced Rouxls to come and see his new discovery. His mitch matched eyes crinkled in a smile at remembering the fond memories, his smile showing off the small gap between his upper teeth. A rather cute sight, his own soul thumping at the sight of the rare display of happiness. The ground around them was littered with old branches, leaves, and candies that was just starting to rot away, from last weeks storm no doubt. Rouxls had handed the bag to Jevil and ordered him up towards the branches with the biggest dark candies. Ok. This should be easy. ....It should have been easy. It turns out the duke was extremely picky with his choice of candy. If he found even just the slightest bruising or anything wrong with it, he would order Jevil to immediately get rid of it. Seemed like a waste of good candy, so rather than get tossed on the ground, the candy found itself tossed into the blank abyss that was Jevil's mouth.The next few times had a rinse and repeat pattern. Rouxls would take up to a minute scanning the trees as if trying to decipher a hundred year old puzzle with Jevil floating boredly waiting for orders, until eventually he would point one out. Jevil would pick, and bring it to said duke who would examine it in excruciating painful carefullness, and if up to his standards, the lucky star would be tossed into the sack. It took maybe an hour...or two at most for the bag to even be partly filled because the duke would start a small argument whenever Jevil almost dropped one in without consulting him first, making Jevil roll his eyes and retort with a "You're being too picky, picky". But otherwise he entertained the duke's 'rules', wouldn't want to risk a giant argument when he seemed in a good-ish mood. He just had to follow Seam's advice for now. Relent and make sure he was comfortable and calm around him....Though calm might've not been the right words to describe an overly perfectionist like Mr. Kaard over here. By now the bag was almost filled to the brim with the fat dark candies, and Rouxls took a few more minutes examining the actual fullness of the back before nodding his head in satisfaction at the job well done. Jevil sighing in relief, thank goodness that job was over with.....But then Rouxls asked him to get some of the best dark candy tree leaves he could find, whipping out an empty glass jar of nowhere. When asked why, he simply said "For darke candy tea leaves of courseth! Doth thou have any tastes?". Another round of examining and slight annoyance on Jevil's part followed until the jar had been completely stuffed with dark candy leaves, which Jevil ended up holding along with the bag.
He was again slightly surprised when Rouxls once again pulled another thing from under his cloak. This time a paper and feathered pen...Seriously where did he get that from? He made a small checkmark by the top near some words and Jevil noticed it was a list-
. pick up darke candy
.restock the living courters
. fix thee lock
.reorganize new wares
Yep. This was definately something Rouxls would do. Speaking of which- The worm smiled proudly at the work done but when he went to take the bag off of Jevil, the imp pulled the bag away with a smile.
"I can carry it, carry it! Don't worry about me, me!"
With a little reluctance, Rouxls agreed to let Jevil carry the items, and by 'carry' he meant have them magically float alongside them as Rouxls directed them down the path once again.
"Where to now, now?"
"Seam's shoppe-"
"WHAT?!" Rouxls paused and gave him a look, CRAP! Jevil quickly smiled and awkwardly chuckled. "O-Oh. Really? Why may I ask, ask are we going there?...There."
"Seam tis thee only other shoppe open that is not a part of the castle or myself." He faced back forward and began walking again. "So tis only natural to assume he has what I needeth......Art thou coming?"
Reluctantly he followed after the worm, but now with a sour anoyance to his face. Not that Rouxls seemed to notice or care about, he seemed more focused on getting the things on his list done. So when they came to the Sheap's opening, Jevil grumbled under his breath, ducking in after Rouxls and putting on an annoyed frown. Of course the old cat would be there, smiling as patient as ever. But he did look slightly amused to see the pair and tilted his head.
"Greetings, Duke. Jevil. What brings you to my humble home today? Did you forget something?"
"Nay! I amst simply here because I needst some things for mine comfort for the rest on my banishment."
Seam chuckled. "Well I wouldn't call a break a banishment, but Im always open for customers. Have your look around." The blue man scoffed dramatically before turning back and walking to a shelf near the right wall filled with stocked foods. Making Seam chuckle again, A grumble turned the cat's attention back to the floating companion of the duke. The poor fool looked annoyed to be there, arms crossed, and curious enough, a bag and jar floating alongside him. He chuckled good naturedly at the frown the jester adorned, making him frown a bit deeper. "And here I thought you would be entertaining the young king today. Did you get fired old friend?"
He gave a dry huff and sarcastic smile. "Only if, if- I simply asked the dear child for the day off, off to take of dear Rouxls, Rouxls..... He seemed worried, worried about him."
Seam hummed. "It's perfectly understandable. The boy isn't usually without the duke, or so I've heard. Tell me, how is he holding up?"
Jevil shrugged. "As energetic and clueless a child can be about running a kingdom." A real smile and chuckle graced his face for a moment. "He's causing quite the handful for the other kings and servents. Last night he wanted to order everyone to eat worms for dinner-" He was interrupted by a gag sound coming from the old cat who's fur bristled up at the thought of squirming insects entering his mouth. Jevil of course laughed at that earning a quick curious glance from Rouxls. "Not one for exotic quisine eh Seam?"
"Don't tell me YOU have started eating those things?" He shrugged and Seam shuddered in disgust. "Have you asked the Duke yet?," he asked changing the subject. Jevil's smile immediately faded and he gave a side glance.
"Um....Not yet, yet. He seemed rather..cranky, cranky when he woke up."
"So you're helping him shop?"
"N-No! Im making up for my past mistake, mistake yesterday! Happiness leads to good choices-"
"Oh, I see." Seam leaned against the counter, head in paw. Giving his own version of a smug look. "Jevil. In all our years of knowing each other, I've never took you for a kiss up."
Jevil gasped in a dramatic way, hand on his chest like Seam had just insulted his mother. Seam chuckled harder at the jester's reaction but neither had time to react before the footsteps of the duke approached the counter. He had an aray of items in his arms which included some of the dried or canned foods, and a few smaller things like tissues and some yarn. He placed them all down on the counter and gave Seam an expecting look. Without question, the old cat smiled politely and went to start reading the small price tags attatched to them to calculate the price.
"So how has your day been if I may ask? Or you don't have to say anything. It's none of my business." His one good eye glanced up at Rouxls.
Rouxls sighed and rolled his eyes, but answered, "Doing what I should have gotten done days ago. Getting things organized in an orderly fashion within mine space..." He glanced at Jevil. "With some minor help of course."
Jevil flashed a toothy grin which made the duke slightly cringe at. Seam didn't miss that for one second. The duke didn't go full on defensive mode, so that was a good change of pace at least. He wondered if Rouxls had gotten all his anger and stress out yesterday or if he was just really tired for a moment. The bags under his eyes weren't very impressive- But how the duke slept wasn't any of his business now is it? But he's your soulmate, a voice whispered in his head.
Yes, well he's also Jevil's and doesn't seem interested in persuing romantical feelings with anyone let alone a bouncy, little fool like Jevil or an old torn thing like me.
Then why are you helping Jevil?
He's my oldest friend. It's my fault he was kept from his soulmate for so long. It's the least I could do. Besides. This is nothing but a last game before the end.
Then why are you feeling jealous over this whole thing?
"Hmm?" He looked back up into the raised brow look of Rouxls. He pointed to the ball of blue yarn he was currently holding.
"Thou hast been staring at that ball of twine for quite a bit. Is somethinge wrong?"
"Wha- Oh! Oh. Oh, no. Nothing but an old cat's thoughts."
"...Alright." He continued to watch as the cat sighed...sadly and put the ball of yarn back with a few other colors of yarn. All still with a raised brow, he turned to Jevil with a questioning look, but the imp seemed just as confused as he stared back with a similar facial expression and shrug. He heard cats loved balls of yarn, perhaps he was taking one of Seam's favorites? Or maybe it reminded him of something? He shook his head, who knows what goes on in that cotton filled head of his? Oh well. Soon enough, the old register made some clinging noises as Seam pressed down on some of the keys, with a smile, he turned back to the pair.
"That'll be sixty-four fifty-two, Duke. Of course unless you don't want them anymore."
Rouxls was quick to dig into his pocket and throw down some cash onto the counter, he had places to be after all. To Jevil's surprise yet again, the duke pulled out another bag from under his cloak - ok. This was getting ridiculous. Could he teleport things too, or was there a giant hidden pocket within the underside of the cloak he wore?- Granted, this one looked as if it was homemade from yarn instead of the patchwork rucksack that was seam's. Knitted maybe? Rouxls wasted no time grabbing the items and started stuffing them within the neatly knitted bag. Seam watched with a patient smile as the duke finished stuffing said items into the bad and turned to leave.
"Thank thee. But I must be on mine way if I amst going to make good timing I must be on mine way. "
"Oh. Well In that case I wish you a good day Duke." With a quick glance he turned back to Jevil and smiled again. "I suggest you go to. You never know when your opponent might make a surprise move. Hopefully you'll make yours soon."
Rouxls was grumbling in annoyance again. Surprise, surprise. Even after giving Malius the one hundred dark dollars to fix the lock- This started a whole argument with the blue duke and hammer headed darkner, because as Rouxls said, "ONE HUNDRED?! Whomst charges that much for a simple lock!? Thou art a thief and a cheat if you think I amst paying THAT much for a dam LOCK!!" Luckily Jevil managed to step in and cool Rouxls down and somehow talk sense into him. Enough to get Rouxls to pay Malius in advance to come fix the lock tomorrow- Which made Rouxls even more annoyed because in his opinion, that 'metal-headed jerk' just loved to make him wait on purpose. He would've laughed because seriously, who fights over a door knob? But he decided to remain calm and just try to steer Rouxls away from another dramatic display of shrieking. Plus it would only serve to delay what he so desperately wanted to ask of him, in the meanwhile though- They were walking back towards Rouxls's shoppe. With the duke staring at his list and mumbling to himself, and Jevil floating bordly behind, the bags and jar right behind him. They passed maybe one or two guards and jigsaweries who stared in confusion or hid behind one of the many dark candy trees in fear of Jevil (or to the Jigsawries the dastardly villian Duke who was once upon a time given their jobs by the Ex-King Spade). They paid them no mind though. They had more important things to do right now.
"That whole trip was almost a complete waste of time! What waseth that lunatic thinking?!"
Jevil shrugged and let Rouxls rant his frustrations out. He had gotten the idea it might've been better to let all his anger out other than letting it pent up, no matter how slightly annoying it might've been. Plus wouldn't it be more kind to let him vent? That's what good partners do right? It didn't take too long before the two finally came up to the worm's shoppe, closed sign up in the neatly scrubbed store window so luckily no one came in and took anything while they were gone. The small bell over the door jingled when the duke pushed the door open and waltzed on in, Jevil in two with the supplies beside him. The worm sighed in relief at finally getting back home and getting most everything done for the day, well except for getting his lock fixed and getting more sleep, but that was beside the point. He almost forgot Jevil was there before he spoke up again-
"So what now, now?"
He jumped a bit and blinked back at him. "Um...W-What?"
"What are you going to do with all theses, these things now, now?" He gestured a clawed towards the still floating bags.
.....Rouxls blinked. "O-Oh! Of courseth! Ahaha. How couldst I forget? *ahem*" He reached his arms beside Jevil and grabbed one of the floating bags and the jar of leaves. "I shalt puttest mine personal belongings away, if thou still wishes to helpeth mineself-" He gestured his head begin him towards a shelf with neat crates stacked upon it. "-puttest those ghastly tooth rotting sweets without those. And try not to drop any on mine clean floors."
With that Rouxls turned back towards the counter and started towards the other side of it. Most likely to put whatever he bought from Seam's sheap away. With a sigh, Jevil turned to the shelf and rose a hand. With a motion of his fingers two crates flew off the shelf and into the air, while the old bag full of dark candies floated towards them. With another finger motion the top of the bag opened-
"And put those in there carefully! One byest one if thou hast to. I nay want bruises on my product, only the best are sold in mine presence."
The floating imp threw a 'really? Im so done right now' look over his shouler at the busy worm, but only sighed and decided a fight wasn't worth his breath right now. Turning back to the work at hand, his body turned to a laying down motion with one hand holding his head up and the other one outstretched in the direction of the floating objects. His hand lazily moving in an up and down, making the candies float out of the bags ten at a time and carefully set them within one of the two crates. A small silence filled the room other than the shuffling of Rouxls moving around objects behind the counter or the sound of candies being put inside the wooden crates. It was calming to Rouxls, after dealing with the annoyance of constant bugging and fighting with everyone, it was nice to just sit back and work on his own things. Silence was something he greatly appreciated but barely got to have unfortunately with his many duties and raising a feisty boy, but at least there might be one good thing about this 'break'-
"Rouxls, Rouxls?"
Speak of the Jevil. Rouxls sighed and asked without looking up from the counter, "Yes, Jevil? Didst thou wantest something?"
He couldn't see it, but the small imp was giving him a nervous look from where he was floating. "Y-You are going with Seam as your....date,date for the ball yes,yes?"
That sentence made the worm pause his actions and lean up to look at the nervous jester.....Did he agree to Seam being his..date? Well, he did agree to let Seam go as his Plus One for the ball, but only because he offered to help keep an eye on Jevil. Di- Did that still count as a date? ...Would Jevil go insane if he said yes? Another look at the jester made him have another thought. If he said yes, was he less likely to bother him during that time? He'd have more time to watch over Lancer and help set order at this event.
He pondered his thought for a moment, before looking back to the jester and hesitantly saying. "...Yyyeeesss??"
Jevil's face dropped a little bit upon hearing that, but he just smiled back politely and responded with a polite. "Oh....Seam is a lucky, lucky one."
"I...suppose he is." He began to turn back to the counter-
He looked back to Jevil. "Yes?"
Jevil gulped and smiled wider. "If....someone else, else asked you about a ....d-date, date....W-Would you accept that offer?"
Rouxls continued to stare at the nervously grinning jester in silent shock. Did he just....ask about his romantical standards?
He blinked. "Well....I g-g-guesseth if one whomst asking is one I find a-attractive...t-then maybe? W-W-Why doth thou asks?"
His stomach sank after asking that, because Jevil's face lit up with a new hopeful smile and his tail slightly wagged back and forth with his new smile. Rouxls could feel his pupils shrink, his ears droop as the reality of what was about to happen hit him with the force of a hundred spade kings. Jevil didn't seem to notice though as he asked his next question with hopefully pride-
"Rouxls, Rouxls. Would you m-mind, mind...going on one with me?...Me?"
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romace-tea-cup · 4 years
Imagine being the volturi newest member and Felix acts like he hates you until you find out the reason part Four
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A day after
( Felix knocks on the door while y/n listens to music on her phone but is aware someone is knocking she just does not feel like talking to anyone at the moment trying to come up with an excuse for the masters when the interrogate her later on that day )
Felix : y/n ... The plane is about to land we will be arriving at the castle any minute now .
Y/n then flips him off without even making eye contact with him still looking at her phone .
Felix : Do you have your excuses prepared yet ? Or are you gonna just accept and move on with your punishment huh ?
Y/n : are you just gonna keep talking to me when you know that i don't even wanna smell you and continue to look mad stupid right now ? Or are just gonna go away and take the i don't wanna talk to you ?
Felix : Having a smart mouth wont get you anywhere y/n .
Y/n : Neither will your cockiness babe .
Felix then growled at y/n but just shut the door avoiding anymore trouble with his mate in hope of them fixing there issues between each other.
The time comes where the plane lands and they take the tunnels to head back to the castle and y/n is anxious and nervous not that she would admit it to anyone of course she acted bothered by the situation . However as much as jane liked y/n not that she would tell her or anyone for the matter only her brother knows she even was scolding y/n on the way to the castle .
Jane : Look into the mess you got yourself into y/n ! Why now ? Your first mission and you screwed it up.!
Y/n : Yeah yeah give it a break ! All of this wouldn't have happened if certain SOMEBODY did not had to make a big ass scene and start a whole argument that he can't handle because they know im in the right and can't handle when someone calls them out but its ok when this certain PERSON calls other people out .
Alec : here we go again y/n
He sighed and rolled his eyes while demi had a smirk on his face and felix gave me a death glare and tried so hard to stop the growl from escaping his lips .
Jane : Enough we are here .
I then took a quiet gulp and as we were walking the others noticed the tension and santiago even made the comment " Uh oh something did not go well did it ? Let me guess it was our precious y/n huh? " demi then laughed and added " She got caught making out with one of our biggest rivals , vladimir " then afton and matthias joined in and they all were stunned at the innocent guard wasn't who they thought she was , " Damn ! Hungry for some dick aren't ya ? " said afton " Shit ! You missed up big time y/n haa!! " they all sent a glare and smirk to felix and he just gave them a disapproving look . now were were inside the throne room .
Aro : ahh ! There you guy's are ! How was the mission ?
Jane then looked at me
Jane : The mission was a success ... just a bit of mis conduct master .
We could hear laughter coming from the training room next to the throne room coming from the other guards since they hared the full story already and it spread around quickly .
Caius : Let me guess felix and y/n went at it again ?
Alec : That and y/n was caught making out with someone .
I tried so hard to hold my laughter so i just had a smirk in my face that bothered felix .
Caius : With who !?
Demi : with vladimir sir
Aro then looked at me with.a disapproving look and i became worried
Aro : is this true y/n ?
Y/n : yes .. But the fight could have been prevented in the plane if certain someone kept his fat ass mouth shut and stoped speaking on my name !
Jane : y/n !
Y/n : it's true ! He just doesn't know how to shut his fat ass mouth !
Then the guards from the training room let out loud laugher and saying " Ohhh " like some kind of second graders .
Marcus : my dear y/n your behavior was irresponsible you should have full control of your lips my dear .
Felix : Exactly what i said master .
Y/n : Shut up ain't nobody talking to you .
Aro : i hope that your behavior will have a punishment y/n
Y/n : I know .
Aro : great , you won't be able to fed for a week , and that's that .
Y/n : Fine .
Marcus : Now please try to decrease the cussing dear , its not lady like .
Y/n : But demetri and felix do it all the time so i learn the behavior from some where .
Demi : What !?
Felix : You have control of your actions y/n
Y/n : How does it feel to have someone speak on your name ?
Caius : enough ! Just please go to y'all's stations .
Y/n : alright see ya !
We all bowed and i left the throne room happy , everyone started making jokes about the situation i got myself into but it all went away within 2 or 3 day's . Then the week passed by and everyone was impressed i was not a hungry new born like they expected , i was fine ! Then tanya and kate messaged me saying they were at volterra and that in 2 days there was gonna be a party and that i should tag along , me and the denali sisters got along ! They did not hate me like they did with the rest if the guard so i had a task and that was to convince master Marcus to let me go to the party because i was secretly his favorite and he loved me as a daughter .
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