#i know he’d be so proud of the person she became
lovelytech9902 · 29 days
Omega adjusting Techs goggles just like he used to do
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gucciwins · 3 months
Harry is in awe of his girlfriend
A/N: something short and sweet while I work on other stories.
Y/N loved her students. 
It was obvious by all the care she put into her classroom. She got help every year to set it up with a new theme. The motivational posters, the reading chart decorated with her student’s doodles. Every detail in her room tells a story. It’s her second year, but Y/N knows it is something she wanted to do. The impact she is making may not be seen now, but years down the line they’ll see it started during their time in school.
Y/N was in charge of planting the seed, she knew she didn’t always get to see the flower flourish. 
This week, Y/N had students invite parents to read the children a book of their choice. Y/N had many parents come, it allowed for the student to show off their parent during this time. It reminded her of when her dad made time out of his busy schedule to come in for her. 
Today, Harry was coming in to support his niece as he loved being involved. He was eager too because Harry knew Isabela was in her class. Of course, there was no special treatment but Isabela did get to enjoy lunch with her some days.
Harry got here early, and entered the classroom quietly as to not disturb the class but Y/N noticed him. He took a seat at her back table knowing he’d have to wait until they were home to have all her undivided attention. 
“My friends, you’re all doing great. I know math is not our favorite but I appreciate the volunteers that wanted to come up. You can always come to me during for support. ” Y/N knows what it was like to be anxious in class not knowing if it was okay to ask for extra help. She goes over a few math problems, allowing the students to asks questions. 
From the back of the room, Harry sees how Y/N manages to make every student feel seen and heard. Not once does she raise her voice to get their attention, the class stays focused on her every word and Harry is in awe. He always knew Y/N was good at her job but seeing it in person was something different. 
Y/N had always been a kind soul, he knew that from the moment he met her. Yet in the classroom it seemed as if she only became more open, softer he’d like to say. 
People go in look of their true calling, some find it in dancing or art sometimes never at all but he can say that Y/N found her gift in people. More specifically students. She was helping our future genteration grow and that is something he will always be proud of. Harry decides to text her to share all the joy he’s feeling seeing Y/N flutter around teaching her students. 
You are so pretty. 
Your room feels safe and comforting. 
You are amazing. I’m in awe of you. 
I love you.
Harry knows she won’t see it until lunch time and he’s okay with that for now he’ll remain admiring his girlfriend. 
“Now, I’ve got a special guest here today,” Y/N gestures to Harry to stand and make his way next to her. He does so while giving Isabela a small wave. “This is Mr. Styles.” 
“Hi Mr. Styles,” the class greets in unison. 
“Hello, thank you for welcoming me into your class. I’m Isabela’s uncle.”
Isabela cheers, rushing over to give her uncle a hug after Y/N gives her the okay. “Now friends, let’s remember to be respectful to Mr. Styles. While he gets settled in, why don’t we sit criss cross applesauce on the carpet.” 
The children begin to file in, careful not to push each other making sure they sit next to their friends. While Harry reads the title of the bookY/N walks over to her desk. She checks the time on her phone when she catches a glimpse of Harry’s text. Y/N turns her head to see if he’s watching her but finds him deep into the story, using a new voice for each character. The students are hanging on to his every word. Y/N knew Harry was happy to be here to support her. She felt the outpouring of his love from the moment he walked in. 
Yeah, Y/N was lucky to have him.
this was the inspiration behind the story
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anifever · 17 days
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Gang w/ a Sandy!Reader ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The Outsiders x Fem!Reader
୨୧ : HC’s of the gang with a reader whose like Sandy Olsson from Grease
A/N : This doesn’t mean specifically being Australian, blonde, white, blah blah- just her personality and stuff 😭 anyways I watch grease at least once a month
˖⁺‧₊˚ 🎙️ ˚₊‧⁺˖
୨ He thinks you’re precious
୨ Probably not the type of person he thought he’d end up with, but he doesn’t care
୨ On the contrary, could’ve been a high school sweetheart situation where he played football and you did cheer teehee
୨ Anyways, no matter when he first met you happened to be, he was mainly worried about how you’d handle the boys LMAO
୨ Tells the guys off whenever they tease you about something
୨ You kind of remind him of his mom which is comforting (not in a weird way, go away Sigmund Freud)
୨ That being said, you become somewhat of a mother figure over the group
୨ Ponyboy looks up to you a lot, Johnny loves how nice you are, and Soda thinks talking to you is refreshing
୨ Overall, he’s happy that you also bring them so much comfort
୨ Him wearing a light blue button-up shirt to match one of your lil’ pastel blue dresses 😋😋
୨ Fussing when they all come back from a rumble- you would’ve been extremely against the idea in the first place
୨ Getting sick when you see the blood all over him
୨ Him assuring you he’s fine but still freaking out, but you take a breather and try to help clean him up nonetheless
୨ You’re really good at helping him relax wether it’s massaging his shoulders or cracking a joke to try and lighten the mood
୨ He’s overall really protective over you
୨ If you ever asked to go watch a rumble, which would be unrealistic anyways, he’d immediately refuse and die on that hill
୨ He also really likes that you’re still able to stand your ground and speak your mind
୨ He ALSO likes that you have manners, it’s the bare minimum but it makes him love you more
୨ Says the NASTIEST stuff to you just to see your reactions
୨ Has definitely pulled the thing he did with Marcia where he playfully offers her tobacco
୨ You were at a party either he or your friend dragged you along to or something and he offered to get you a beer but you said you didn’t drink
୨ He then offered you a cig and you hastily declined and he was just like “You’re real pure, ain’t ya baby?”
୨ Some clip of Elvis performing came on the TV once and you got all flustered/uncomfortable and he got giggly about it
୨ Anyways, his little sister thinks you’re an angel
୨ She’s always talking about your perfectly styled hair, painted nails, pretty outfits, etc
୨ He responds pretty coolly when she does it with a lil’ grin, but he’s so proud of himself on the inside
୨ Imagine having tea parties with her and him just watching from the doorway with a lovey dovey smile ARGGAHAHAGAG
୨ If someone dares to call you stuff like “wet blanket” or a “goody goody” he will be coming for them HARD
୨ The insults would be so creative
୨ He’s probably convinced you to drink just once and you threw up immediately after
୨ Never again.
୨ Absolutely thought you were a prude at first
୨ Even after he got to know you better, he still teased you about it
୨ One-sided enemies to lovers 😇😇
୨ You coming into the DX and him just mumbling under his breath while Soda rings you up
୨ Then proceeds to gossip about you after you leave; not without you giving them both a big smile and filling the tip jar first
୨ “Ain’t ever seen a girl that cheery. She apparently hasn’t even kissed anybody, y’know that? 🙄” and Soda’s just like “Man, who cares..”
୨ Soda slowly notices how much he talks about you and realizes what’s happening
୨ He brought it up and Steve was like “NUH-UH”
୨ Even with that, it was extremely obvious
୨ He constantly stares at you whenever you come into the store, he sees you at school, or just anywhere in general
୨ Anyways yada yada he finally asked you out after some subtle flirting that slowly became more obvious
୨ EVERYBODY is surprised
୨ An innocent, friendly soc with a greaser mechanic who does backflips off of cars; not a common pairing
୨ If you ever happened to swear ONCE, he’d have a field day
୨ A “damn,” “hell,” or “shit” slips out and it’s like someone died- he’ll never let it go
୨ He’s the type to tease you then get pissed when someone else joins in
୨ He’s “Only I’m allowed to do that” in the flesh
୨ Caught off guard at first
୨ Deadass didn’t believe anyone could be as big of a goody-two-shoes as you are
୨ Fs teases you but you slowly grow on him- he sees the innocence as a challenge (not surprising)
୨ Found out you didn’t even have pierced ears and was like ?????
୨ Dare I say he’s a Kenickie variant
୨ Then again, the scene where Danny’s like “I don’t do parents” when Sandy asks him to come over is so him too
୨ Knocked on your window in the middle of the night and saw your nightgown and started chuckling about it, and you then proceeded to try and shut him up because you were horrified of your parents hearing him
୨ Going to Buck’s with him and either staying in his room or just sitting uncomfortably in a corner
୨ You might watch a pool game but all the smoke and alcohol would overwhelm you
୨ Unfortunately, he’s the type to pull the thing Danny did at the drive in, in which you’d ofc react the same way Sandy did
୨ You calling Buck’s car a “sin wagon” would be so accurate
୨ He tries to make it up to you by showing up to your front door (much to your parents dismay..) and giving you his Christopher again along with some flowers that he definitely didn’t pick from some rando’s garden
୨ I’m lying. He did.
୨ He also takes you on a real date afterwards, which is saying something
୨ Like Steve, he’s also the type of person to get mad when another person thinks they can make fun of you
୨ You’re so understanding and forgiving that he’s kinda confused a lot of the time LMAO
୨ Luckily for him, your good reputation probably gets him out of a lot of trouble
୨ Oh my god he’s so nice about it
୨ He’s head over heels
୨ Obviously he goofs off with the boys, but he’s overall the nicest/most open minded
୨ You two are so smiley all the time and it makes everyone SICK
୨ Gets a kick out of you not understanding sexual jokes or innuendos
୨ You guys look so good together it’s insane
୨ You’re so calming compared to the stress of being in between Darry and Pony’s arguments constantly
୨ He also loves how bubbly and kind you are to everyone because of it
୨ Going to drag races with him simply because he likes them and you like seeing him happy (the scene where Sandy watches Danny race reference⁉️)
୨ He is not the brightest in the head but you’re extremely patient with him
୨ He’s also extremely protective over you
୨ Like imagine you’re visiting him at the DX and some other soc’s come by and start teasing you to his face when you head inside for a second
୨ He proceeds to get one of the hoses off the pump and start spraying them with gas 😋🤍
୨ Before they can get out, he just keeps spraying them in the face or something which makes them drive away
୨ He just laughs to himself and puts the nozzle up as you come back outside and you’re like “???? Babe what happened?” when you see the trail of gas and all he replies with is “Nothing sweetheart!! 🤗”
୨ He knows Steve’s gonna complain about having to help clean up the mess later but it was worth it to him
୨ Probably the most chill with it??
୨ He thinks it’s sweet
୨ Also thinks you’re somewhat of a breath of fresh air from the guys, along with soc’s in general too
୨ Definitely thought it was kinda odd you didn’t drink or smoke or anything, but thought it was nice to meet someone who didn’t for a change
୨ You guys take walks through town from time to time and it’s a huge contrast
୨ A denim-clad boy covered in a bunch scars with a preppy looking girl who radiates happiness
୨ You help him get a better outlook on life with how positive you are
୨ Loveslovesloves all the pastel clothes you wear
୨ When he met you for the first time he couldn’t believe how nice you were
୨ Watching a movie either at the drive-in or Curtis house and some form of nude scene coming on, you covering your eyes, and him just grinning at your reaction
୨ Doesn’t hesitate to talk back to Dallas if he says something bad about you
୨ You never try to force him out of his comfort zone or anything and he appreciates that
୨ He said something about “a weed” to Dal and you had no clue what they meant
୨ “Hey Dal, you got a weed?”
୨ “Huh?”
୨ “Uh, I asked if he had a weed.”
୨ “..A what? What’s that mean?”
୨ Dallas chimes in from the bg and is like “Yo.. Johnny, man, is she kiddin’?”
୨ The main problem he has with it is the fact you don’t smoke and don’t like it in general
୨ He def tries to cut down for you/at least not do it in front of you though
୨ Started when he lit a cigarette while you guys were walking together and you started coughing like a maniac while he was just like 🤨
୨ Since he’s the youngest out of them all, he isn’t super used to hanging out with girls so it doesn’t phase him
୨ He thinks it’s different than most people for sure, but he knows what it’s like to feel that way so he relates
୨ He admires how nice you are to everybody
୨ Especially to greasers
୨ You’re so soft-spoken that it makes him giggle and kick his feet sometimes
୨ You’re a good student so you probably help him with work a lot
୨ Steve probably said something mean about you once and he got all sassy and made a remark to him
୨ “Heard you’re dating some priss now, ‘s that right, Pone?” and he’s like “Why don’t you go stick you and your big nose in someone else’s business if it’s that important?”
୨ Safe to say Steve kept his thoughts on you to himself after that
୨ Another one who thinks the way you dress (and look in general) is gorgeous, he’s left gobsmacked every time he sees you
୨ He’s always admiring you and has probably drawn you at least once
୨ His sass sometimes comes out on you when you don’t know something, but it’s jokingly
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
♡ Pairing: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Platonic!Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: Bucky is so in love with you it hurts, and he doesn’t know if he can keep his feelings locked away from you anymore.
♡ Warnings: light angst, hints to past suicide attempt, mentions of imprisonment, fluff, bucky being oblivious and adorable
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“You’re staring again… Kinda creepy.” Sam mutters to Bucky, snapping him from his thoughts. Which were all of you of course.
Bucky glanced to Sam, smiling with red cheeks at being caught gazing upon you. But he couldn’t help himself. He was so in love with you, it hurt. He was lovesick, his thoughts consumed longing for you. The lack of emotionally and physically connecting with you eating away at him.
Sam smirked at Bucky getting lost in his thoughts again, glancing from him to you with a knowing look. Bucky wasn’t one to express how he felt, but he’d confessed, and Sam knew he was falling apart.
You had come from a rough past, growing and adapting slower than most. You were kept trapped away from any human interaction for five years, which resulted in you becoming a whole different person.
Fact was you didn’t remember who you were before, you had remembered the basics, your name, parents. But that was about it. You felt like you had started over in life, but along with a fresh start you had issues that lingered.
You had been given a second chance at life some would say, but it was a life that would be tainted, haunted with ghosts from your previous one. So was it really a fresh start?
You didn’t know.
You met Sam and Bucky soon after you’d been freed of isolation. They were shocked to find out you had used to be a well respected agent, before everything happened. Feeling terrible that all your training, hard work was thrown away, now having to start all over again. Some was muscle memory, an instinct that never left you. But you found yourself re-training with the two. You found yourself healing slowly in the company of them. Of course you’d grown attached, and so did they. The three of you stuck together, a deep bond having formed.
While you and Sam had more of a sibling bond, there was something extensive about you and Bucky. He was able to empathize with you, knowing full well how badly you’d suffered, and that was something you’d grown to appreciate. Having someone able to relate, was reliving in a weird way, made you feel less alone.
Bucky had immediately liked you, admiring your strength, finding your kindness infectious. You were a rare pure soul, that didn’t deserve the suffering you’d endured. At first glance he was protective, his mother-like instinct kicking in at the sight of your skittish form.
Months had gone by, and you were doing much better. You were still a little slow, and you became overwhelmed quicker. You were to be treated with a little more care than most. Nevertheless, Sam and Bucky were proud of how far you’ve come.
“You should tell her.” Sam startled Bucky from his thoughts once again, looking over at him with a hesitant expression.
“I don’t know man… I don’t wanna pressure her. She’s been doing so well, I don’t wanna jump the gun and freak her out.” Bucky rambled on, anxiety clouding his mind.
“You aren’t going to freak her out, she loves you Buck. I can tell.” Sam assured him, no teasing tone lingering.
“You can’t know that. Have you talked to her?” Bucky wondered.
“No, but it’s hard not to think otherwise with the way she looks at you.” Sam pointed out.
“How— how does she look at me?” Bucky pushed, not believing he could be that oblivious.
Sam on the other hand, thought he was completely oblivious.
“Seriously Buck? Are you missing your eyes too?” Sam asked incredulously, “She looks at you like you’re her whole world.”
Bucky thought back to the days he’d caught you glancing at him and Sam.
“She looks at you like that too.” Bucky argued.
“It’s different… I’m like a big brother she’s never had,” Sam stated, “Then you… It’s different.”
Bucky took in Sam’s words, and he couldn’t deny that yes, you and Bucky had an amazing friendship. But he was afraid that’s all it was. His chest ached at the thought that you wouldn’t want to be something more with him.
Bucky was about to respond, when Sam interrupted him, grabbing him by his shoulder.
“Your girl is looking this way.” Sam told him, motioning his head to you.
Bucky glanced to you, his eyes meeting with yours. You were holding his gaze, your eyes warm and glowing. It’s like he had never seen it before, but now that he was gazing into your orbs, he felt like your eyes were saying a million words. It was giving him hope, that you might feel the same way.
Bucky excused himself from Sam, heading towards you. Getting closer he was careful not to interrupt the little girl talking with you, the sight making Bucky watch with fondness.
“My friend is being mean to me!” The little girl whined, crossing her arms with a huff.
“Oh, well that’s not okay. Where’s your friend?” You asked, ready to scold a kid for being rude to this sweet girl.
“She’s standing right next to you.” The little girl said as if it was obvious.
Your eyes widened slightly in horror, and glanced to either side of you, furrowing your brows in confusion when you saw no one.
“She is?” You asked her, receiving a nod, “Uh… I don’t see her.”
The little girl started laughing and you faked a smile, scratching the back of your neck.
“No one can see her, she’s invisible.” She told you with a wide grin.
You understood immediately what she was saying, and felt embarrassed that you hadn’t caught on. You weren’t used to hanging around kids, and you weren’t really good at talking to them.
“Of course, how could I forget?” You asked the girl playfully, trying to will your cheeks back to normal color.
Luckily for you, the little girl’s attention span had her running away to a group of kids, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Why did that interaction stress you out so much?
Bucky’s face hurt from how much he was smiling, but he couldn’t help it watching you talk with the little girl. Something about seeing you with kids had his stomach full of butterflies. You made him feel like a nervous school boy with a crush.
“Hey doll, making some friends?” Bucky teased you, and you met his gaze, smiling warmly at him.
“I think so, the kids are adorable.” You told him, the kids even though they were difficult sometimes, they were precious.
“You seem good with kids.” Bucky acknowledged.
“Oh not at all, I was actually very nervous. I feel like I talk to kids like they’re dumb sometimes… And I don’t mean it— Of course not, I just don’t have like any experience with kids.” You rambled on, while Bucky thought you were adorable.
“Well, don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re better with kids then I am.” He admitted, though the kids he’d seen today had taking a liking to him, which warmed his heart.
It was quiet for a moment, the two of you taking in each other’s company. Then you thought of a random question.
“Have you ever wanted kids of your own?” You asked him, your question taking him by surprise.
Bucky hadn’t always thought of the idea, but he found his mind wandering towards the idea more, ever since he’d gotten close with you. Though he assumed it was impossible, maybe back in the 40’s. But after everything that had happened with HYDRA, he wasn’t sure if his body was physically able to.
“Never really thought about it.” He lied, “You?”
“I’ve never really gave it much thought either, but it would be cool to have a mini-me running around.” You admitted, though the overall idea of kids terrified you.
Bucky smiled at the idea of a miniature you, the idea warming his heart.
“Uh, so actually… I wanted to talk to you doll.” Bucky started, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“We are talking Buck.” You said with a giggle, the sound giving Bucky butterflies.
“No no,” He chuckled, “I mean about something kinda serious. Something that I need to get off my chest.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at the word serious, watching his playful expression slowly fade.
“Oh? Is everything okay?” You asked him, growing concerned.
“Don’t worry, everything’s fine. I just wanna talk.” He assured you, calming you with his genuine expression. "Come on, let's go on Sam's boat."
Bucky grabbed your hand, helping you stand. The two of you walked onto the boat.
You immediately started fiddling around with the helm of the boat, pretending to be at sea. Bucky watched with heart eyes, leaning against the doorway.
“You know…” He started, getting your attention, “I’m super proud of you. For how far you’ve come.”
You smiled at his praise.
“Wouldn’t be here without you.” You told him truthfully, he was your rock. Sam too of course. But Bucky was special.
“I’m always gonna be here to help ya, but you gotta give yourself some credit.” He stated.
“I do…” You started to argue.
“No I do,” You trailed off, getting serious all of a sudden, “But sometimes I think back when things were pretty bad and… Well you were there. I really do mean it— I wouldn’t be here without you.”
Bucky immediately knew what you were talking about, and he cursed his mind for remembering the haunting image so vividly. You had been at a very low point in your recovery, and you tried taking yourself out of this world. His world. His hands clinging onto your crimson covered wrists was an eye opener, that he didn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t exist. The very thought horrifying him to his core, his body frozen with dread.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bring it up I just—”
“No no, don’t apologize doll,” His voice wavered, “Just hate that you ever felt that way is all.”
Despite rehashing over rough memories, you couldn’t help your chest from feeling warm, seeing Bucky care so much about you, had you feeling fuzzy. He had been so protective over you since that day, and some would call it overbearing, but you found yourself feeling safe. You knew Bucky would stop anyone from even blowing a breath of air your way if that meant you’d be in danger.
Bucky recognized that warm glow in your eyes again, as you gazed into his. He took a deep breath, seeing as this was his best chance.
“(Y/n), I like you… A lot.“ He rushed out, and you were still smiling, no shock shown on your face.
“I like you a lot too Buck.” You shot back, stepping away from the helm and closer to him.
“You— Really?” He wondered if this was all his imagination.
Sam was right? Psh, no way.
“Really Buck. I’m not good at expressing emotions— feelings, or any of that stuff. But I do know that I always want to be with you, I always want you around, even if we aren’t talking to each other. Just knowing you’re near is enough.” You confessed, hoping that what you said made sense.
By the look on Bucky’s face, you assumed you said just the right thing.
“Doll, I’m crazy about you. You’ve got me wrapped around your tiny little finger, I’m yours.” He told you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to his chest.
“Buck?” You whispered, cupping his face with your small hands, feeling him lean into your touch.
“Yes doll?” He whispered back, looking at you like you were his entire world.
Well, because you were.
“I think I love you.” You told him shyly, your cheeks reddening.
Bucky’s heart nearly gave out at your words, but he couldn’t help the overwhelming rush of joy that your confession had given him.
“I think I love you too doll.”
A/N: my ideas come to me at the most random times, this one came to me a couple days ago while I was eating cereal 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️
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saintmuses · 2 months
❝𝙣𝙤 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙘𝙖𝙣❞
Jonathan Crane x Innocent!Reader
They were best friends since high school then he broke her when she became his Patient X.
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Warning(s): Dub-con. Pervert/depraved!Jonathan. Implied corruption. Implied abduction. Power imbalance. Naivety. Nudity. He struggled with his feelings for her. This is dark due to mental health and toxin usage. Minors, dni!
Word Count: 1.5k
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“The mind can only take so much.” He had once said that to one of his minions, and he knew that it was true when he was accosted by his own toxin. He had seen things, the things he wished he hadn’t seen. His best friend dying over and over. The only person he’d ever cared about.
The door closed behind him with a quiet thud, he threw his scarecrow burlap mask to the side table in the foyer carelessly. 
Something was different tonight, and he couldn’t put a finger on it.
“Jon?” A voice murmured from the end of the hallway, making him inhale sharply.
He exhaled softly before turning to her, “it’s time to go to bed, my dear.” He murmured; his eyes raked over her figure to ensure nothing was out of place.
He used his creation to experiment on her phobia, and after so many trials and tribulations, he had broken her. Not in the way he had imagined, but he broke her, nevertheless.
She went from one of the smartest people he had ever got to known with fire that could scorch everything, reverting to an innocent docile person that he had to take care of. Obviously after what happened, he couldn’t give her back to her family, but it had been five years since he took her in. Of course, he had to implant a farce where she was abducted and declared she was dead.
Something was different tonight, and he did not understand what it was.
He sat down on the edge of her mattress, fingers brushing against the hem of her t-shirt, his touch lingering as he slowly lifted them. She was delicate in his hands, and he couldn't help but feel protective and possessive over her this time. To him the feeling felt foreign.
With a gentle tug, he pulled the shirt over her head, revealing the smooth skin beneath. Her breathing quickened, and Jonathan could tell she was nervous. He shushed her gently, assuring her as he did every night. "It's okay.” He cooed softly, she was his best friend and only she got to see the side of him that no one else would ever get.
He traced his fingers along the waistband of her pants,  and with a subtle tug, they slid down her legs, leaving her standing before him in nothing but her bra and underwear.
He could see right through the bundle of energy she was radiating. "Y/N, you don't have to be afraid of me," he assured her once again as he gently tugged at her bra strap, loosening it. "I'd never hurt you."
You broke her. His mind whispered, almost viciously teetering on victorious as if he was proud that he broke his best friend.
“I know you won’t.” she murmured shyly. Her voice was soft and sweet.
"That's my good girl," he said softly, his warm breath brushing against her arm. With gentle fingers, he unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor, taking in the sight of her perfect breasts. His possessiveness spiked once more.
He had never once looked at her breasts or anywhere on her body when he would help her to change clothes.
After what happened in the Arkham Asylum, being sprayed in the face with his toxin, and seeing what he had saw, it shifted something inside of him.
Perhaps there was a reason why he kept her like a singing docile bird in a gilded cage. The one that did not fly too far, always circling around him.
He turned to the side slightly on the bed and grabbed a large t-shirt from beside him.
She looked at it, confusion flitted her curious gaze. “Is that my shirt?”
"No, this shirt is for you to sleep in tonight," he explained gently, guiding her to slip it over her head. It was huge on her, dwarfing her frame, but it was comfortable, and that was all that mattered.
He could feel the heat emanating from her body as he slid his hands up her thighs, feeling the soft skin beneath his fingertips. His touch was gentle yet strangely possessive as he reached for her underwear under the shirt, slowly sliding them down her legs. "There we go.”
As soon as his fingers enclosed the underwear that she had stepped out of, he froze when he felt something damp on the fabric.
His heart skipped a beat at the sound of her sweet, innocent voice calling him "Jonny". He couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions - protectiveness, possessiveness, and something else he couldn't quite put his finger on.
He could feel her looking at him. “Are you okay?”
Clearing his throat "I'm fine, my dear," he said reassuringly, forcing a smile as his fingers tightened on the fabric. "Now, how about we get you into bed?”
He watched her climb onto the bed, his eyes never leaving her. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret as she turned away from him. It was then that he brought the underwear to his face, inhaling deeply. He couldn't help but inhale her scent, memorizing every detail of it. It was intoxicating, like a drug to him. As she turned her face to him, he quickly tucked the underwear away in the pocket of his dress pants, trying to regain his composure.
She looked concerned, “Jonny?”
"I'm fine," he repeated, his voice more shaky than he would have liked. "Now, why don't you snuggle under these covers and get warm?"
When he was helping her lifting the comforter up, the long t-shirt ridden high on her thighs while she accidentally spread her legs while trying to get underneath the comforter.
He couldn't help but notice how her legs spread, revealing more of her soft skin of her thighs. His possessiveness flared once more, and he couldn't resist reaching out to gently pull the shirt down further, covering her thighs completely.
He noticed the slight blush on her cheeks and knew she was embarrassed. He chuckled softly, brushing off her impending apology. "Don't worry about it."
His heart melted at the sight of her sweet smile, and he couldn't resist leaning over to gently press a soft kiss to her forehead. "Sleep well, my dear."
The next morning, she was still sleeping soundly as he opened the door to check on her while wiping down his glasses with a soft cloth before placing it back on his face.
Jonathan couldn't help but notice how adorable she looked, all warm and snuggled under the covers. He strode over to her bed, “wake up, Y/N.”
A groan of protest emitted from her throat as she burrowed into the pillow.
He chuckled softly, knowing she wasn't a morning person. He was comforted to know despite breaking her, she still inhibited some pieces of her old self. "Come on, it's time to start your day." He gently pulled the covers off of her, revealing her body under the t-shirt which so happened to ride up on where her thighs met her ass, revealing a sliver of her bare pussy. He swallowed hard.
He couldn't believe how innocent she looked. The sight of her exposed pussy under the fabric of the t-shirt that rode up under where her thighs were was driving him crazy.
He couldn't resist any longer. With a trembling hand, he pulled the t-shirt up further, exposing her entire pussy to his hungry gaze. It was even more beautiful than he had imagined.
He couldn't help but to release an inaudible groan as he looked at her pretty pussy. It was the most erotic sight he had ever seen. He continued to shake her gently, "wake up, darling." His voice was hoarse before he cleared his throat. “It’s time to get dressed.”
He watched her carefully, noticing the way she stood by the bed. He walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down on it, spreading his legs apart. "Come here." His voice was soft but commanding.
His heart raced as she stood between his legs. He could feel the heat radiating off of her, making it hard for him to concentrate on anything but how much he wanted her. "We’re going to do something a bit different today," he murmured, “turn around.”
He watched her turn around despite her confusion, revealing her back to him. He then laid a hand on the middle of her back, telling her to bend over.
The t-shirt ridden up to her upper thighs as she bent over, and he bit down his bottom lip as he lifted the hem of the t-shirt to reveal her pussy again.
“Aren’t you supposed to put an underwear on me first before you do anything else?” she asked quietly.
He smirked softly, "Not this time." He leaned in closer to her, his warm breath brushing against her skin. He could feel himself trembling as he looked at her exposed pussy.
He leaned in as close as he could towards her pussy without touching her and then he inhaled deeply, smelling her pussy then his eyes rolled back in pleasure, feeling the familiar sensation of his cock swelling in his dress pants. He took a deep breath, savoring the sweet, feminine scent that bombarded his senses.
“Jonny?” His eyes refocused when he heard her sweet voice.
"Shh, darling.” He whispered. "I was just making sure everything is fine," he lied as he inhaled deeply again, his eyes closing.
Something was different last night, and it showed when he saw her differently.
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alreadyblondenow · 3 months
Virgin as you can be | Lee Taeyong (TEASER)
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✦ Taeyong x Female Reader
✦ Smut, filthy, fluff and Angst. Mature College AU
✦ 1/2 Taeyong Smut Series: I found you
Summary: More than friends but less than lovers. Taeyong meets you, a virgin, through an online dating app and offered you a once in a lifetime opportunity. An opportunity to have fun and enjoy your last year in college differently. Knowing that you’re a virgin, Taeyong plans on keeping it that way for as long as he wanted to. He’s taking his sweet time until he finally takes your virginity.
Warnings: This is pure fiction, this is the filthiest most smuttiest fic I’ve ever written, foreplay galore, use of sex toys like vibrator and dildo, mentions of pills, the reader will someday use pills in the story, oral sex, nipple play, oil massage, mentions of alcohol.
A/N: if you enjoyed the story, please leave something in my inbox and tell me how you feel. Also please support ‘TAP’, Taeyong’s masterpiece 🥹 I’m super proud of him!!!
Let me know if u want to be tagged!
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He has been counting the days until he can see you again and spend time with you again. You are the only person in his mind, thinking about what you’re doing every second of the day. He misses you, but he can’t put it into words. He tries to compose a message, but ends up deleting it until he’s already busy again… and he never got the chance to send the text.
“Dude, just finish the fashion week then spend time with her again” Johnny says, as someone who’s been in a long distance relationship.
“So this is what long distance—“ Taeyong did not finish his sentence.
“you two are in a relationship?” Johnny confirms, surprised at what Taeyong said. Jaehyun was all ears too while he’s on the chair for his hair and makeup.
“No” Taeyong defends. His voice automatically surrounded the room. “Were not in a relationship— were just having fun” Taeyong explains while he fixes his Loewe outfit that’s perfect already.
The fashion week is the busiest for Taeyong, you know this because Taeyong is a famous Loewe ambassador outside school… but oh you wish he could tell you that he’s busy, that he’s not available, that he’d call you back… but he never did. What do you expect?
You’re not his, and he’s not yours.
“So are you coming tonight?” Your friend asks you with a smirk. She doesn’t know about Taeyong, no one does. “Let’s go meet some boys???” She asks again.
This is a good opportunity to help yourself. Help yourself to forget the person who made you feel good in all the right places with just a single touch. An opportunity to forget someone who’s beyond perfect.
And you can’t have him.
Reality hits you.
“Yeah. I’ll come with you guys” you answered your friend with the most uninterested tone.
The night continued to be loud and wild, a perfect setting to forget about Taeyong even just for a few hours. You just wanted to stop missing him and his touch because you’re about to get crazy about him. It’s not that you’ve fallen in love with him already, it’s the feeling that he made you experience. Every secret. Every kiss, every touch. Everything in between… you became addicted to receiving it.
Shot by shot you drink everything until you blacked out and dozed off on the bar table. Your friends are clueless with how to bring you home because they’re drunk and wasted too. But suddenly you received a call.
A call that you’ve been waiting for weeks.
A call that will rescue you in your drunken state.
“Hi! This is not Y/n… but whoever you are. Can you pick her up at 127 bar? She’s drunk and so am I byeee….”
Taeyong was speechless over the phone while listening to your friend. But even so, he hurried himself and drove straight to 127 bar. Even though he’s tired, even though all he wanted to do is sleep… he chose to pick you up. Blushing on his way, excited to finally see you.
When he arrived you were the only one left sleeping at the bar, Taeyong was quick to cover you with his jacket and carefully walked you towards his car. Holding you close to him, not giving a fuck about anyone who sees him holding you. ‘Let them talk’ he thought. Right now he just wanted to keep you safe and drive you home.
It’s not that you weren’t aware that Taeyong is the one holding you right now, in fact, your embrace tightened when you smelled his expensive perfume. You knew it was Taeyong. But you were just so drunk that you couldn’t bring yourself to talk to him. All you could say is ‘I want to be with you’ and slept through the entire car ride.
The next day, the familiar broad shoulders of Taeyong is the first thing you saw the moment you opened your eyes. He was sleeping soundly, while holding your hand. You have the most space of his bed, while he was the one squeezing himself on the side. You felt sorry and pulled him gently, careful not to wake him up but you failed. He greeted you with sweet smile. The one that makes every girl in school crazy for him. But this time, you’re the only one seeing this beautiful smile first thing in the morning.
“Hi,” he started and pulled you closer to him. Wrapping his arms around you, kissing your forehead and feeling his heartbeat against his bare chest. This is the first time you see him bare like this even though you’ve done crazy things already. And you can’t help yourself to look at every tattoo he has, tracing it with your fingertips, leaving you speechless.
“Did you have a good time last night?” he added.
You feel like you needed to apologize so you told him the truth, about what you felt when he was away. About the things that keeps you awake at night, the worries you keep on thinking, “I just thought I lost you and… I will never see you again just because you didn’t like…what I did, the last time we spent together” you were talking about the blowjob that you gave him. You faintly remember how he looked so frustrated that time.
Taeyong let out a cute laugh, looking so angelic under this morning light. His hand is perfectly wrapped around you. “I can’t believe you’re stressing yourself with the things that aren’t true. I was just busy at work but during those times, I can’t stop thinking about you. I want to be with you… I miss you” he explains.
You were once again speechless because of his honesty and feelings.
“Let’s just forget the time that we weren’t together and pick up where we left off? What do you say?” He says as if he’s suggesting to do something.
Of course he is.
And you’re up for it.
“What do you have in mind?” You said, smiling.
“It involves my tongue… on your cunt,” he whispered seductively beside your ear. Feeling his lips on your neck, trailing kisses until he reaches your lips, “and your legs getting weaker by the second” he added and showed you how much he misses you through his kisses and you see Taeyong’s smile clear as the day, a sign that you didn’t lose him at all.
You feel his hands roam on your body, putting his hand inside your sweat pants, his fingers were cold but you didn’t care. You still remember the first time his hand was inside your panties for the first time and how his fingers felt so good against your wet cunt. It felt like yesterday you thought to yourself… And today, he will once again become your first time.
“Can you go in all fours?” He requests while he kisses you deeply. Of course you comply to his request, you love how every time you feel his presence behind you and in between your legs, you have no idea what’s coming next. You’re always clueless about his next move. He did mentioned that there will be oral sex again, but knowing Taeyong… he will not go right into it… he likes to take his sweet time and play.
He started with something you’re familiar with. His touch and kisses. He spreads kisses on your back, hands gently massage you from behind. Removing your sleepwear and making you moan from time to time with every teasing and touch he does. It’s relaxing but a different kind of relaxing, you feel tingles in between your legs, you feel wetter by the second and his very touch turns you on.
Slowly you feel his hands trail up from your waist, until he reaches the sides of your boobs which are damn sensitive. It makes you weak whenever he touches you on these parts, swirling his fingers on the sides of your boobs and cupping it both hands in the softest way possible to make your nipples hard and sensitive.
“Do you like it?” Taeyong asks then left a kiss on your lower back. You can only answer with a soft moan.
He did the same things again and again and again until your whole body is sensitive and your nipples are hard as fuck from his teasing. Until he proceeds to the main event without a warning. From behind, he licked your wet panties and teased your wet pussy with his tongue and fingers. Moving up and down slowly, tickling your cunt with his fingertips softly.
Even that thin barrier between Taeyong’s tongue and your cunt feels good you thought. And when Taeyong was done playing, he removed your panties in swift move, spreading your legs good for your own benefit. Without any warning he started with a few good licks that took your breath away. So this is what it feels like being licked by the cunt. It made you nervous, it gave you a tingly effect, it made you want to close your legs, at made you want more.
“Good?” He asked, you nod.
For the second time, you’re now on your back, enjoying the comfort of Taeyong’s soft bed. But now it wasn’t just Taeyong’s tongue making you feel good, his lips were involved this time. It was like he was kissing your cunt with tongue, a wet kiss that felt like your pussy juices won’t stop flowing because Taeyong is doing such a great job. Licking you up and down, licking your clit while reaching for your hard nipples and pinching it. By that, you earned your first orgasm through Taeyong’s tongue.
But he was not yet done.
Using his fingers, he spread your pussy lips and started licking aggressively. Pushing his head towards you more, feeling his nose on your pussy. This time you really couldn’t stop yourself and try to close your legs, calling Taeyong’s name as you moan how good he’s making you feel. Soon you hit another high. He was right, it will make your legs weak.
Others girls would last long, but you don’t. And that’s what Taeyong love about you.
He crawled up to you, comfortable in the position in between your legs while waiting for you to come down from your high. He loves seeing you like this. Horny and ruined all because of him. “Calm down, breathe” he giggles and started kissing your boobs. Sucking and kneading them as he waits for you.
“How can I breathe if you constantly take my breath away?” You asked with a flirty look, the man in front of you couldn’t resist himself and kissed you hard. Asking for another round in an instant. You feel his hard cock inside his sweat pants and you instantly feel bad because you can’t do something in return for him.
Of course Taeyong can see right through you, so he reached for your hand, kissed it before he puts it inside his sweat pants, your eyes went big with what he did. Clearly remembering the last time you touched him and gave him head for the first time.
“I wasn’t frustrated that time,” he moans as he enjoys every stroke you give on his clothed hard cock. “I was frustrated at myself because I couldn’t fuck you that time… but I loved everything you did last time. That pretty mouth if yours sure do know how to make me crazy for more” he says and kissed you to prove what he was saying.
Now that everything is clear and you worried for nothing, you wanted to make it up to him. With bravery, you put your hand inside his boxer briefs and tightened the grip around his hard cock, he already knew what to do of course. He closed is eyes and thrusted hard, moving his hips and fucking your hand. Pretending and imagining that its your hole. You spread kisses in Taeyong’s neck, licking his hard nipples while his imagination runs wild until he cums on your hand and making a mess. Nobody cared. You were both really horny and craving for more.
After a few rounds of fooling around, you and Taeyong spent the whole day kissing, giggling and watching movies in his room. Never leaving each other’s touch.
“When will you take me home?” You asked softly while your eyes were both closed. Enjoying his dimmed room and just basking in each other’s presence.
“I really hate watching you leave” he says, pulling you closer to him and tightening his embrace.
“Have you ever been in love?”
You suddenly asked. The words just came out of your mouth.
You knew a lot of things about him but you’ve never asked him something so personal. You feel like you’ve done something wrong again…
“I’m sorry—“ you apologize.
“Don’t be. It’s just that… I don’t know the answer. But I do know that love is complicated and I don’t like complicated things. Complications ruins things”
You nod and changed the subject.
“How about, first sex?”
“It’s boring. The third one was better” he smirked.
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mvltisstuff · 9 months
could you please write ANYTHING for steven! no one writes for him and i love your writing!
would love a friends to lovers story but im working with crumbs so anything will do
you are in love - s.c
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summary: request
steven conklin x reader
a/n: he looks so cute in this gif i’m crying 🩷 i hope you enjoy this, one of my fav tropes :))
the years had passed by so fast, each one leaving lost confessions in the dust. y/n would always regret it, but then new years came around and she promised herself she would say something. then year one passed, and year two.
she didn’t say anything to steven. she only gave small hints and signs, but he never really saw any of them. little did y/n know was that he was doing the same, sending her little messages with his mind and he broke every time she didn’t notice. it was pure oblivion, neither of them seeing the pure love they had for each other.
they lived as friends for too long. the runs on the beach, the bakery trips, the boardwalk dates were still friendly engagements. it was the complete opposite of what they wanted.
y/n had no idea how steven was missing it, even being valedictorian. he was the first to stand up at her sport games, or any of her activities that she did good at. he’d always have the most loving beam on his face when she showed him a good grade she got on a test. and she was the first one on her feet at his graduation.
she helped him practice his speech all the time, over the phone and even some long weekends in person. y/n was always there for steven, through the good times and the bad. when he achieved his goal, or when he lost susannah. she held him while he cried, listened to every agonizing word that left his mouth. he has no clue how to thank her for any of that, as she was the only consistent support system in his life, the constant source of love that he could never be derived of.
she drove hours to his school, sitting right in the audience with his family as he walked up to the podium. each word of his speech left with such grace, being delivered with his class in a mature way. the moment the last word in the paper left his mouth, she was on her feet, clapping her hands together and getting his attention first. his eyes wandered to her, the most alluring smile illuminating the room he was in. he was surrounded by classmates and their families, but suddenly, he and y/n became the only people there. he stepped down, accepting his diploma and making his way out after the graduation ceremony.
y/n pushed through the crowd of people in their blue gowns and caps, trying to find the only one who mattered to her. as she twisted and turned around the people, seeing no one that was remotely close to steven. he noticed her from far away, pulling away from an embrace with his mother and sister, seeing y/n trying to shuffle through the crowds.
his feet started moving toward her before he could even think straight. he just saw her gorgeous face, the one he just wants to love out of the silence. she finally landed her eyes on him, seeing the diploma being handed off to laurel. she started stepping quicker toward him, but it still felt like slow motion.
her heels clicked on the ground outside, trying to contain the wide smile she had on her lips. she was preparing to be there for steven after his graduation, but only as a friend. she so badly wanted more, but she pushed through their friendship with what seemed like ease.
when they finally reached, he pulled her into his arms, lifting her legs off the ground and her knees bent. y/n wrapped her arms around him, softly squealing in his ear about how proud she was, and that his speech was perfect. she started to blabber on about how amazing he is, moments away from spilling her whole heart out on the floor.
he giggles at her words flying out of her mouth at an insane speed, placing his hands on her shoulder and stealing her from her own mind.
“steven, you don’t even understand how good that was!” she rants in the most adorable way. “i don’t know how else to say how proud of you i am!”
“y/n, listen,” he grins, lifting her chin up to look at him, who stands tall over her.
“i’m sorry! i just needed you to know how amazing you are.”
he can only manage to smile back, tilting his head a bit at her. “can i talk now?” he asks, jokingly, as she quiets down to let him talk.
“i just wanted to say, that i’m leaving the stupid steven in high school,” he begins, leaving y/n’s brows and nose to scrunch up.
he places his two fingers back on the tip of her chin, lifting it closer to his face and planting his lips on hers. it felt so natural, as if they could’ve been doing it for years. y/n simply let it happen, the moment she’d been praying for finally happening.
his soft, warm lips touched against her own, the faint taste of mint gum on lips and the strength of his cologne. a weight was lifted off stevens shoulders as he deepened the kiss, the same load being swiped off y/n’s.
when they finally fell back down to earth, y/n smiled against stevens lips, the sweet grin only making him further infatuated with her.
“you’re the only one i want, y/n,” he says. “i can’t hide it anymore.”
“don’t ever hide it again,” y/n replies, reaching up on her toes to peck his lips again. the firework had finally been ignited, and burst beautifully in the brightest colors in the sky.
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
Hi ! I was wondering if you could do a Neteyam x fem human reader fic where he gifts her an arrow head that’s been made into a necklace ,maybe it’s from his first successful hunt so it’s got a lot of significance to him. It could even be a way of him expressing a romantic interest in her ? 💙
There Is No Heart For Me Like Yours
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Pairing: Neteyam x fem!Human!reader
Summary: Neteyam confess with an arrow head necklace from his first hunt
Word Count: 1036
Warnings: idk, ignore if i get the lore wrong :| :)
A/n: I hope this is good! Thank you for requesting! Enjoy! <33333
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[Name] grew up on pandora, that was all she ever knew. While she was born to two scientists loyal to the Na’vi, she always felt closer to the Omatikaya clan than any of her own. Ever since she wondered out of the lab and into the forest where the Sully found her, she fast friends with the entire family.
This upbringing is something she would say she was proud of if you asked. During her upbringing, she became close to the eldest member of the Sully kids.
[Name] and Neteyam did almost everything together, practicing skills like hunting, or using a bow; exploring the forest, and looking after his siblings. Some may argue they were the closest person to each other.
They were inseparable.
That is why it didn’t come as a surprise to many when the two started walking a little closer, talking to one-another a little softer, looking in each other’s eyes a little longer. The two best friends after all their lives, had fallen for each other. And everyone could see it.
Except for [Name].
Though she felt it, the tug in her chest whenever she was around Neteyam, the fast pace of her heart, the butterflies fluttering in her stomach, and the pure comfort that came from spending time with her best friend, she never thought he could feel the same.
All she could think about is how she was human and knowing about how the Na’vi culture and body, asking herself how it could ever work.
Her thoughts seem irrelevant one day, as Neteyam walked in the lab. Most of the others were out at this time, so it was just the two of them in the bright sterile rooms of the labs. Neteyam was panting lightly, a sign of his rush, [Name] noted. She watched his face with a small smile as he caught his breath. In the corner of her eye she could she his hands moving, fidgeting with something within his long, thin blue hands. This was much unlike him, Neteyam didn’t fidget often, not unless he was nervous. And he was only nervous when his siblings were in trouble.
“Neteyam?” [Name] began, grabbing hold of his hand in attempt to ground him.
“Are you alright, are your siblings alright?” [Name] continued, her words coming out increasingly frantic as her thoughts went to the possibility of his siblings in danger.
Neteyam chuckled, realizing she had interpreted his nervous energy as something more of an emergency situation.
“No, no. Everything is alright, my siblings are fine.” Neteyam spoke in almost perfect Na’vi, smiling down at her as she seem to relax.
“Alright, thats good. So then why are you here?” [Name] smiled, her eyebrows furrowing in question.
“Can’t I visit my best friend?” He teased, gazing softly into her eyes.
[Name] smiled, “Right, that’s why you rushed all the way here?”
Neteyam only laughed, heat rushing to his cheeks as he realized he’d been caught.
“And of course you can visit your best friend. You always do anyway.” [Name] rolled her eyes playfully, smiling at Neteyam once again.
Neteyam took a deep breath in, deciding for what felt like the millionth time whether or not he should go through with this. After a moment, he let out his breath and looked into [Name]’s eyes.
“[Name], I- you are my best friend-”
“As we have established.” [Name] smirked, cutting him off.
“Right! And we have been friends since I can remember…” Neteyam trailed off.
“Yes we have,” [Name] offered, sensing the hesitation in him.
“And…” Neteyam looked down at his hands, where he rolled his gift between his fingers.
“I want you to have this.” Neteyam held out his hands, palms facing up revealing what looks like an arrow head tied to a necklace string.
[Name] let out a small gasp, her eyes quickly flicking from Neteyam’s eyes to the gift in his palm. While [Name] didn’t know the full significance of this gift, she knew that this was an important part of Neteyam and their friendship. You don’t just go around giving your friends gifts of arrow head necklaces.
Beaming, [Name] gently took the necklace from Neteyam’s hands. As she admired it slowly, Neteyam took the time to admire her.
“Neteyam,” [Name] spoke breathlessly, looking up at him. “This is so nice! Thank you so much.” She continued before looking back down at the necklace in her hands.
“It’s the arrow head from my first hunt.” He admitted.
[Name]’s head shot up, two links in her head connecting, like pieces of a puzzle coming into place.
“From your first hunt… But that means.” [Name] hesitating, smiling softly to herself.
Part of her couldn’t believe it, that this was absolutely not happening. The other part of her was absolutely over the moons. She never thought this day would come.
Neteyam was worried for a moment seeing as she indicated no sign of a reaction, but then he saw the smile on her face as she looked up at him and all of his worries flew out the window.
“[Name], I think you are so wonderful, you have been there my entire life and I hope you are there for the rest of it. You are the most wonderful human beings I have ever met-”
“Slim pickings…” [Name] muttered to herself, trying to hold back the laugh at her own joke.
Neteyam rolled his eyes affectionately, “You know what I mean, but I really do hope we spend the rest of our lives together.” Neteyam smiled at her earnestly.
“Neteyam, you have no idea how much I have wanted to hear that.” [Name] quickly spoke before pulling him in a tight hug.
A hug to which Neteyam reciprocated immediately, a big smile taking over his face. Neteyam pulled her back to look into her eyes. Unspoken words passed between them as the smiled before pulling each other in for a kiss.
The kiss told all of the things they couldn’t speak themselves. Longing touches, unspoken promises, hopes and dreams for their future. Through all of it, they just hoped they would never be separated, as they almost never had before. And they prayed that Eywa would bond them for life.
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A/n: Thank you for reading!! Let me know if you wanna be in the avatar taglist!
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Ghost of You | J. Miller (Chapter One)
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Series Summary / Grief is a strange thing. In the beginning it had been all-consuming. There wasn’t a moment of the day where you didn’t cry, didn’t ask yourself why it couldn’t have been you instead. And no-one ever explains the guilt you feel when it isn’t anymore. When it’s just a dull ache and you can finally breathe again, when you can start letting people get close to you again. People like Joel Miller.
Pairing / Joel Miller x Female Reader
Word Count / 3.4K
Warnings / soft!Joel, reader is a widow, in depth discussions and descriptions of grief and depression, will have eventual smut, SLOW BURN.
Authors Note / I AM SO PROUD OF THIS LITTLE STORY YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I've wanted to write soft!Joel for so long so I hope you love it as much as I do! If you do enjoy it, reblogs, asks and likes are my drug so I'd love to know what you think! Also considering following for more!
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Grief is a strange thing. In the beginning it had been all-consuming. There wasn’t a moment of the day where you didn’t cry, didn’t ask yourself why it couldn’t have been you instead. There were days that you couldn’t bring yourself to throw back the sheets of your bed and get up. For the first month, you think you managed to shower three times. No point if no-one was going to see you. You hadn’t left your house since the day of the funeral, life had become a monotonous circle of waking up, soaking your pillow with tears until you made yourself sick, throwing on the same clothes as before and then doing the same thing but led on the couch. 
People had reassured you it would get easier. That each day it would subside, little by little, and you cursed them for being right. The longer you sat with your misery, the easier it became. One morning, a few months ago, you remember waking up, only this time you didn’t roll over and place your hand on the empty side of the bed and cry when you realized your husband wasn’t there anymore. You got up and showered, taking 15 minutes to brush the matted mess of your hair, and you dressed in new clothes. 
You managed to walk to the market hall and purchase food with your ration cards and Maria had almost fallen over when she saw you in the aisle. That was the worst thing though. You’d been absent from life in Jackson for almost six months, and whenever you left your house people looked at you. Some still had those sympathetic eyes, telling you they were sorry for your loss, but there were the others who judged you. How pathetic you were for falling into despair like you had. 
It wasn’t as if he’d met a violent end, he was quite lucky, actually. In this world death came at the hands of evil, whether it was being taken and tortured by raiders, or torn limb from limb by infected. Your husband had died peacefully, drifting off in his sleep in the hospital. The doctors had said it was cancer, which seemed painfully unkind to him. He’d never smoked in his life and was probably the healthiest person you’d ever known, but when was life ever fair? 
You could tell they whispered once you’d passed. How dare she be so upset when my husband was killed on patrol? How lucky you were to have been able to say goodbye and hold his hand as he passed, when someone else turned into one of those things all alone. So now it wasn’t grief that kept you behind closed doors, but shame. Shame at knowing you thought they were right, that not being able to pull yourself together was selfish. Selfish to all the people who had managed to carry on with their lives after losing someone, selfish to the community for not being able to pull your weight. You were stuck and you had no idea what to do about it. 
The only way you could face leaving your home these days was on Maria’s comforting arm. She’d been your friend for years, she and Tommy seemingly the only people who understood you. Didn’t force you to do anything, let you come to your own decisions when you felt ready. No-one would dare look at you or speak in hushed tones whilst she was around. 
The sun was soaking Jackson now, it was summer, and you were grateful for the warmth of the sun on your skin, everything felt better with the sun on your back. With summer came one of your favourites of life’s simple pleasures. Strawberries. In the market you picked up as many as you could purchase after buying your essentials. Maria walked you home, helped you put away everything and then left with a comforting hug. 
You carefully placed a large handful of the fruit in a bowl, rinsing it under running water. You were about to sit down on your couch to eat them, but the sun was filtering invitingly through your front windows. You stripped off your jacket, leaving you in your simple tank top and jeans before opening your front door to sit on the bench on your porch. You had sunglasses resting on your face, Tommy had found them on a patrol trip a few months ago and you were grateful for the safety you felt from them. People couldn’t walk past and meet your eye. 
You were finishing your third strawberry when Tommy walked past, a man you didn’t know on his left shoulder. He took a look to your house and smiled on seeing you sat in a patch of sunlight, he waved, which you return, then he turns to the mysterious man on his left to say something before they start walking over. 
“It’s good to see you out, honey,” He smiled, walking to lean over the railing of your porch, “What’cha got there?” He asked, motioning his head to your bowl of strawberries. 
“You want one?” You asked, picking the bowl up and walking over to meet him, he gladly takes the biggest fruit in the bowl, pinching the spidery leaves off before putting the whole thing in his mouth, “How about you?” You asked, extending the bowl to Tommy’s mysterious companion. 
He takes a strawberry as well, doing as Tommy did, but he takes smaller bites of the fruit, like he’s savoring it, “This here’s my brother Joel,” Tommy speaks, Joel extends his hand and you take it, shaking it softly in greeting, “He arrived a few weeks back, he’s been getting settled with his daught… with Ellie, but I thought it was high time he started pulling his weight.” 
He had a smirk on his face as he said it and you could see the beginnings of a smile on Joel’s face too, “This one’s a real taskmaster,” You say to Joel, a smirk across your lips, “You’ll be wishing we had a retirement age soon enough.” 
“Can’t think where he gets it from,” Joel chuckles, “You were takin’ notes all the time we worked together before weren’t you?” 
Tommy smiles and nods, “Learnt from the best,” There’s another round of chuckles from the men, “Listen, we should get a move on, but I mean it, it’s nice to see you out like this.” 
“Thanks Tommy,” You offer a small smiled, “Here, take a strawberry for the road.” 
Both men take another fruit gladly before the way and make their way back down the street, leaving you on your own once more. You slide the sunglasses back onto your eyes and take your place in the path of sunlight on the bench. You sit there for a while, eating your strawberries, thinking about all the times you and your husband had done the same, holding hands as the sunset, cuddling up into his side when the temperature dropped. You realized suddenly that you weren’t sad. That the tears that usually threatened to fall were nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was just a feeling of happiness, grateful that you’d experienced love in a world where it had seemed impossible. Sure, you wished he would reach over and take your hand in his like he used to, squeeze it and place a soft kiss to your palm, but you were no longer ruled by the grief that had consumed you all those months ago. 
“She seemed nice.” Joel muses as he walks with Tommy. 
“She’s lovely,” He replies simply, “Just had a pretty rough time of it recently.” 
Joel hums in acknowledgement as his boots hit the ground in time with Tommy’s, “When you said it was good to see her out, what did you mean?” 
Tommy sighs at his question, but not out of frustration like he usually did when Joel asked him questions, more out of sympathy, “Her husband died about a year ago,” He begins to explain, “Nothin’ violent or anythin’ like that, the doctors reckoned it was cancer, but she took it real hard, I don’t think she got out of bed for the first week, and then after his funeral she just kinda withdrew, she’s been all alone in that house for months, refuses to leave unless it’s with Maria because people talk.” 
“People talk about her?” Joel is shocked, in a world where loss in inevitable, what makes someone else’s grief less worthy than others? 
“We’re safe here,” Tommy says, steering him into a building at the end of the street, “But that doesn’t mean people don’t die when they’re out there,” He references his patrol men, he’d lost a few which he would always hold heavy in his heart, “Maria told me once that when she took her to the market a few months ago, some busybody wives were talkin’ about how unfair it was she got to say goodbye, that he’d been sedated and it was easy for him.” 
Joel stops in his tracks, letting Tommy walk in front of him. They’re in the gun store, not for anything in particular, just so Joel knows where everything is so he can stop following his brother round like a lost puppy. His mind inevitably wanders to his own grief in this moment. The pain of losing his own daughter, the all-consuming feeling of ‘what is the point in life anymore?’ without her. The scar on the right side of his face and the hearing loss in the same ear when he’d tried to end it all. He hadn’t been strong, not really. If he hadn’t of flinched that would have been it, the easy way out, as some would have said. He’d struggled for a long time with his survival but that didn’t mean his was worth more than your grief, or yours more than his. It wasn’t that simple. 
“I spoke to them, told ‘em if I heard ‘em gossiping again then we’d have no issues moving them on their way, but I suppose people are always going to talk, they just do it where we can’t hear them.” 
“I’m guessin’ she knows?” 
“Of course she knows, Joel, that’s why she shuts herself away, easier that way I guess.” 
“Doesn’t make it fair though, feelin’ like you can’t leave your house because people are gonna judge the way your husband died.” 
“She’s been better recently,” Tommy speaks, leaning against the table behind him, “Still won’t really go anywhere without Maria, but seein’ her today, it was nice.”  Joel nods his way through Tommy explaining the signing out system for guns, follows him around to the stables where he shakes the hand of the young girl in charge of caring for them and then settles himself next to his brother at the bar for a drink. All the while, he can’t stop his mind drifting back to you and your loneliness, your despair at your loss, or the rotten porch step he’d noticed at the front of your house that might just give him the reason to get a little closer to you. 
A few mornings later, there is a soft knock at your door. Your face contorts in confusion, Maria wasn’t supposed to come until tomorrow. Leaving the coffee pot to its filtering, you walk slowly to the door, opening it to find Joel stood on your porch, toolbox in hand and planks of wood resting against the railing. 
“Good mornin’,” He croons, “Not interrupin’ anythin’ am I?” 
You shake your head, “Can I help you?” You asked, wincing slightly at the defensive tone of your voice. 
“Well, I hope you don’t mind, but when I passed with Tommy the other day, I noticed your porch step was rotting,” He points to the old timbers behind him, “I’m surprised you’ve not fallen through it already, so do you mind if I fix them?” 
Your exterior softens and a small smile pulls at your lips, “Of course,” You say, “I’m just making some coffee, do you want some?” 
“If you don’t mind sharin’, then I’d love some.” 
You leave him on the porch to get started. Your mug is already set next to the coffee pot, you open the cupboard and instinctively reach for the only other mug you ever needed. It had meant nothing to you when you moved in. It was white and had a pattern of sausage dogs printed on it, but it had always been his. You hold it in your hands when you realise what you’ve done. His face flashes behind your eyes. He’s standing in front of you, his hair tousled from sleep, his voice still low and raspy. He thanks you as he takes hold of his mug, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You set it back in the cupboard like it had burned your palms, reaching instead of the plain black mug at the back of the cupboard. 
You rest your palms on the counter, closing your eyes to take deep breaths, feeling the weight of your body through to the ground. Once you don’t feel the wave of sadness flowing through you any longer, your quickly pour the coffee into the mugs, taking them out to the porch where Joel is currently working to take the rotten boards up, not that it’s taking much work, a little force from his hands and the wood in crumbling. 
“Here you go,” You say softly, setting the mug down next to his toolbox, “I hope you don’t mind it black, I spent all my rations on strawberries this week, so no milk.” 
“Just how I like it,” He says, looking up at you, “Thank you.” 
You take a seat on the bench out front, it’s been a long time since you had the company of someone that wasn’t Maria or Tommy and it was nice to watch him work whilst you sat in the sun. 
“Thank you, by the way, I didn’t realise it had gotten so bad,” You remark, and before you can think about what you’re saying, you add, “My husband always used to handle this stuff.” 
You press your fingers to your lips as Joel’s movement still slightly, he knows what you’ve said, but he continues working, “It’s alright, this is what I used to do before all of this, so I’ve got an eye for rotting wood.” 
“You were a builder?” You asked, desperate to steer the conversation away from your loss. 
“I was, Tommy and I were contractors, worked on a bunch of different sites together, kinda annoying the world ended, we’d just booked a really big job, was gonna pay the bills and then some for once, my daughter had already spent the money on a trip to Disney.” 
“Ellie?” You enquire, remembering the name Tommy had given. 
He shakes his head as he sits back on his knees, coffee mug in hand, “No, she’s not mine by blood, she came along a lot later, I lost my daughter on outbreak day.” 
“Oh,” You say simply, “I’m sorry Joel.” 
“It’s alright,” He shrugs, taking a mouthful of coffee, “I struggled, for a long time, didn’t see how it was fair, but it’s been easier recently, all because of Ellie, and this.” He motions around to the town. 
You’re silent for a while, your gaze flits between Joel working and the dregs of liquid in your cup. You understand in a way. The loss is different, but it’s loss all the same. 
“What was his name?” Joel asks quietly as he’s rooting through his toolbox for some nails, “Your husband.” 
“Mark,” You speak quietly, realizing quickly it was probably too quiet for him to hear, “His name was Mark.” 
“Were you together long?” 
“Eighteen years,” You answer, “He was my neighbour in the first QZ I was in, I’d lost my parents a few years before the outbreak so I was on my own, he moved in a year later and would always wake me up every morning when he stomped about to go to work,” You were smiling, recounting how you’d met, “One morning I’d had enough, I went right over there, pounded on the door and gave him what for. Said I was tired of waking up to the sound of his work boots every morning, and I guess the rest is history.” 
Joel smiles as he reaches for his hammer, nailing in the new boards, “Love at first sight?” He asked, worried at first that it’s too personal a question. 
“Something like that,” You offer in reply, “I guess it just kinda happened really, like most things do.” 
There’s silence between you again as Joel hammers in the last of the nails. He stands up, pressing his full weight on the step, “All done,” He declares, shutting away his toolbox, “Don’t have to worry about you fallin’ through it now.” 
You stand up to admire his handiwork, you must admit he was good at what he did. Efficient but thorough, the step had never looked so good, even when you’d first moved in, “Thank you Joel,” You place a hand on his arm and give it a gentle squeeze, “I really appreciate it.” 
“No problem,” He bends to pick up his coffee mug and hands it over to you, “Nothin’ else need sorting?” 
“I mean, nothing that risks death or serious injury,” You jest, “But there is something you might be able to help with.” 
You gesture for him to follow you through the house, setting the dirty mugs in the sink as you pass through. You open the back door and motion for him to join you. The garden is a mess, there’s no beating around the bush here. The grass is out of control, but that’s because you haven’t been able to go and get your gas ration for the lawnmower. The decking out back is fine, Mark’s handiwork in the year before he died, but you point to the unfinished table and chairs in the corner, or rather the pile of wood that never got to become the table and chairs. 
“Mark was going to build some table and chairs, you know, so we could have guests over or sit out here in the evenings, but he got sick before he could really start,” There’s a lump in your throat now and you’re willing yourself not to cry, not now, in front of a man you barely know, but nothing you do can quell the feeling inside of you and a few tears fall down your cheek, “God, I’m so sorry,” You sniffed, “I’ve done so well not to do this today.” 
“Hey, it’s alright.” Joel soothes, he pressed a firm hand to your shoulder for comfort but keeps his distance, which you are grateful for. 
He gives you a moment to compose yourself, watching closely as you rub the tears from your eyes and take a deep breath, “It would just be nice to have somewhere to sit where people aren’t going to watch me.” 
Joel’s heart almost breaks at your words. He doesn’t know you, not in the slightest, but the thought that you felt like you had to hide away, in your own community, the place that was meant to make you feel some semblance of normal, was preposterous to him. 
“I’ll build you something, don’t worry,” He reassures, “Tommy has me on patrol for the next few days, but as soon as I can, I promise I’ll build you the best damn table and chairs you’ve ever seen.” 
You laugh now, through the remnants of your tears, “Thank you.” Is all you can manage to say. 
He’s turning around then, you go to follow him, but he stops in his tracks, eyes admiring the trellis against the back wall of your home, full in bloom of sweet peas, “These are beautiful.” He comments. 
“They’re sweet peas,” You inform him, “Maria found the seeds for me, said something about it being good for me to have something to put my energy into,” You shrug, “I guess she was right.”
You reach out and pluck one of the deep purple blooms, “These are my favourites,” You say, turning the bloom over in your fingers before you hand it to him, he looks confused, “Sweet peas are meant to symbolize kindness and friendship,” You explain, “Also fond goodbyes, but I think kindness is more appropriate here.” 
He takes the bloom and tucks the stem into the breast pocket, the petals of the flower peeking out where you can both see it, “Well then, thank you,” He nods, “I’ll see you soon, sweet pea.” 
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sc0tters · 6 months
Who Thought | Mark Estapa
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summary: wanting to get Marks attention is something you never thought would land you in his bed.
prompt: “you two were practically made for each other.”
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, swearing, drinking.
word count: 2.41k
authors note: not often do I pay myself on the back after writing smut but i am seriously proud of this one. I almost sent @hischierhaze the entire thing I was so excited for people to see it. If you want to see more from the 500 celly you can do so here!
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Everyone knew you were off limits.
Nick had told everyone the moment you walked onto that campus as a freshman when he was a junior that if they went for you they would have been as good as dead. Yet as he graduated some of the boys began to fancy their chances as they started trying to make moves on you. But you never cared for them as they never came from the one boy who you wanted them from.
Mark had been your partner during freshman orientation and from that moment the two of you hit it off. So to learn that he was in some of your classes too only meant all that much more to you as within months the two of you became friends.
Both of you had been with other people during the first two years of college but now as you were both finally single you prayed he’d finally see you the same way you saw him.
So that was how you landed up in your dorm curling your hair as your friends picked out your outfit “you always look unforgettable in this one!” Josie squealed as she handed you your blue bodycon dress “you sure he’s gonna like it?” Nerves ran through your body as you smacked your lips together fixing the ends of your hair in the process.
Clara nodded as she placed her hand on your shoulder “you two were practically made for each other y/n.” Your two best friends watched how you were able to bounce off of his energy and how you two were known as the couple who weren’t dating “maybe I shouldn’t do this.” Your words were met with another seltzer as the girls were doing predrinking in your dorm.
You were helped up as the dress was placed over your arm “go get dressed because once he sees you he won’t be able to get enough of you.” Josie explained as she tapped your nose making it scrunch.
Little did you know just how right they were. Mark hadn’t let his eyes leave your body from the moment you walked in and got pulled into a conversation with Luca he hated how you stuck to the sophomores side. The way your dress hugged the curves of your body and settled just over your ass would have made Nick kill you if he saw you in it. But tonight almost every guy found themselves taking a second look at you.
You had landed up playing against Mark and Ethan in a game of beer pong and at one point it seemed to be a game between you and Mark. It was the constant glares and smirks as the other person got their balls into the silo cups “drink up princess.” Mark smirked watching the ping pong ball land in the cup as it splashed the beer around the table.
It didn’t take you long to wrap your fingers around the cup as you chugged the dry drink not caring that it dripped down the sides of your mouth as you finished it “your turn Estapa.” You pointed out as you steadied yourself to throw the ball.
Luca met you with a celebration as he raised his hands to high five yours “there you go baby.” The Fantilli boy laughed as he wrapped his hands around your waist lifting you up in the process.
That was surprisingly not your first attempt to get Marks attention. As Mark pushed past you after the game all of a sudden your game plan changed “since when has he had an issue with you?” Luca asked crossing his arms not noticing the way your confused expression turned to a smirk “just a rough day I guess?” You shrugged noting how Mark was staring at you as he listened to something that another girl said.
The night had begun to grow old as you moved to the dance floor with a different boy and as alcohol began to cloud your judgement you let yourself dance against one of the guys on the football team. Mark let himself stare as his fists were clenched.
As tough as it was he let himself watch until you were pulled towards the staircase “I don’t think so.” Your blood went cold as you turned to see Mark stood with his hand on your shoulder.
It made the older boy laugh “don’t think that’s what she would want is it?” He stared down at you making you feel small. As both boys waited for your answer you couldn’t help but sigh “I’m gonna go with Mark.” You knew it was the best as he would have gone to Nick to tell him all about what you had done.
The boy next you didn’t stay for long as you glared at Mark “what are you trying to play at?” You furrowed your eyebrows as you crossed your arms.
Sure you wanted Marks attention on you but in this moment it felt like he was trying to protect you rather than trying to make a move on you “I’m trying to protect you!” His words made you scowl as the two of you pushed passed people to get to the door “god I’m an idiot.” You laughed thinking that he actually could have wanted you.
Mark had to remain hot on your tail all the way until the cool Michigan air hit your face “you make me sick.” As the words left your mouth it made him grab your hand as he pulled you close making your chest hit his “you wouldn’t have a clue how much I think about you.” Mark mumbled looking down at you.
It made you blink “then why the hell don’t you fucking act like that!” As you scoffed it all of a sudden made Mark smirk “you want me to show you how much I think about you?” He licked his lips as you nodded.
He didn’t wait for a second more to go by as the hockey player leaned down to kiss you “you’re gonna get me killed.” Mark moaned using his free hand to cup your cheek so that he could kiss you. Your hands wrapped around his shoulders as his tongue ran over your lips as he kissed you.
The two of you stayed there for a few more moments until you pulled away “I need you Mark, please.” Those words rang through his ears all the way until he pushed you into his room “god you’re gorgeous.” Mark groaned watching as you dropped to his bed.
It didn’t take him long to join you as he continued to let nip at the skin on your neck “Mark.” You whined leaning up to bring his head to yours “I need to taste you.” His words made you moan as you shifted up the bed allowing his hands to travel down your legs.
Mark kissed down your thighs making sure to be painfully slow as he loved each of your legs “god.” You propped yourself up on your elbows as your head dropped feeling your thighs tense.
He watched you as the light from the street lamps stared illuminated your face “is that what you wanted all along? My attention.” His words were soft as his breath fanned against your thong causing your hands to clench into fists.
As your body shook Mark hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties allowing him to pull them down “I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good.” He mumbled finally being faced with your bare cunt “if I was with James I would have already-” Mark didn’t let you finish your words as he licked a stripe up your slit making you yelp.
His hands locked around your thighs trapping you on your spot “dear god.” You gasped slapping your hand over your mouth in an attempt to suppress your moans.
Mark smirked as he pressed a kiss against your clit “it’s just me pretty girl.” The nickname make your body turn to jelly “you’ve got such a sweet cunt.” He mumbled to himself as his tongue swirled around your clit.
You felt trapped as your fingers locked locked in his hair “don’t stop.” You begged feeling his fingers thrust into your cunt “Mark you’re so-” you cut yourself off with a moan as you grinded your hips against his face with the little bit of movement that you could do.
He felt himself grow hard as he replaced his tongue with his free fingers “you know how easily you could have had this?” Mark asked as he kissed the inside of your thigh “all you had to do was be a good girl and come to me.” Your cunt clenched at his words as your cheeks turned red.
The air in the room felt humid as his eyes practically took you apart piece by piece “but instead you wanted to play the hard game huh?” The hockey player curved his fingers causing them to hit deeper into your core “asked you a question sweets.” As the wheels in your brain began to visually turn again Mark lowered his lips back down to your clit as his mind began to grow jealous of what his fingers were doing.
You moaned as your mouth grew wet much like your soaked cunt that Mark treated like his last meal “just wanted your attention.” You mumbled feeling a wave of embarrassment coarsed through your veins as you felt your legs shake.
It made you feel like a fool as you came ever so closer to your high “look at you now having it and you can’t even handle it.” Mark laughed as his nose hit your clit “ah!” You gasped grasping at the sheet beneath you.
Mark wasn’t an idiot, the way your breathing became uneven and how the way you drove your hips became ever more desperate as you clenched your cunt with all of your strength. It was clear, you were close “I’m gonna.” You coughed using your strength to look at him.
What you didn’t expect was that Mark responded by dropping your legs to the side as he retracted himself from the bed earning a whine from your lips “surely you didn’t think I’d let you get away with acting like that this easily?”Mark laughed at you as you nodded swearing that Mark would have been good to you.
But before you could complain further his arms raised the ends of his shirt up to let you see his abs “you like what you see baby?” Mark smirked as you tilted your head up to nod. It took him a few seconds to get down to you as he kneeled in the gap between your legs “please Mark.” Your whines for the first time were met with him actually listening to you as he helped you get out of your dress as he bunched it around your waist “gonna make you feel so good.” His words echoed through your ears as you lay your head down against the mattress.
The sound of his belt unbuckling as his jeans dropped to the floor it made you gulp as you saw him grab the condom “been waiting for this for months baby.” Mark groaned as he teased your clit with the covered head of his cock “Jesus!” You moaned as his cock stretched your cunt out making sure to bottom you out as his torso hit your clit.
It made Mark grunt as his hand pressed against the mattress above you “you only got me in here pretty girl.” The hockey player kissed your neck letting his lips nip at the skin “need you to move.” You begged tapping his arms as you pushed against the sheet of his bed.
His thrusts began as your legs found themselves perfectly locked around his hips “Mark.” You whined feeling his chain hit your chin as he repositioned himself to hover over you.
With each move of his cock it seemed that he was hitting a deeper part of your cunt “making me feel so full.” Your hands found themselves against his back as your nails raked over the skin “god this cunt is perfect.” Marks compliment made you whine in a respond as your lips formed a pout attempting to find his lips.
Your nipples throbbed against the fabric of your dress making you only care about getting your first orgasm of the night “made for you.” You moaned as your eyes screwed shut struggling to remain focused “all yours Mark all yours.” Those words made Mark swear that he was going to die.
Mark groaned feeling your cunt clench around his cock “if you don’t shut up I’m gonna come.” He warned as his free hand went to your clit to try to help you come before him “‘m sorry.” You frowned as your words got caught in your throat.
It made Mark smirk as he shook his head “such a sweet baby aren’t you.” Mark cooed brushing his lips over yours “being such a good girl for me.” He groaned feeling your hands scratch his back sure to leave a mark.
The room felt sweaty as his hands were on you and your moans painted the walls of it “I’m close Mark.” You announced forcing your head against the pillow beneath you “want you to let the whole house hear how good I make you feel.” His words weren’t done kind of request, they were ordering you to be vocal and you weren’t going to deny him of that right.
Your throat felt raw as you cried “please don’t stop Mark.” You begged squeezing your legs tighter around his waist “right there oh!” You cried as you came feeling your body writhe between the boy and his sheets as your eyes screwed shut.
Marks orgasm wasn’t far behind as your cunts sporadic movements made his throbbing cock coat his load into the inside of his condom “that was hot.” You blurted out feeling his lips kiss your shoulder.
As he slid his cock out of your cunt your body shook “I’m just gonna get you a cloth.” Mark explained as he smiled getting up to see you still in your fucked out state as you lay on his bed barely nodding in the process.
Seeing you like that honestly made his day as Mark knew that he had you in just the way he wanted.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
can you write another tara x reader story!! maybe some fluff or something having to do with ghostface coming back
Tara Carpenter x reader
This is kinda all over the place but enjoy
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You’ve met Tara at college, she immediately fell for your playful but shy personality while you had a resting bitch face sometimes and you were just way to scared to talk to her. The first time she talked to you at the College gym, she needed someone to spot her and you, while you were brushing like crazy, stood behind her and tried not to look at her. From then on she started to randomly show up next to you on your way to class or the cafe. To the point where you finally started being yourself around her and you guys became unbelievably close, at least when it was just you.
Tara’s friends and sister thought you were imaginary, they hadn’t really ever seen you and Tara together and even when they smiled at you you were quick to turn away and power walk away. It made them suspicious of you, which you kinda got but you got anxiety attacks around them so you just kept doing it. “Y/n, we gotta talk” Tara said as she sat down next to you on your bed. “Oh oh” you grinned and looked at her making her smile too. “Sam and the others said that they don’t want me around you anymore, especially with the whole ghost face thing happening” she told you her hand softly grabbing yours, “but I have a plan. We will act like we had a disagreement and that we don’t talk anymore and then, bam, we can meet in secret” she was proud of her plan and you had to be honest it was the best thing that could happen right now so you agreed.
That night Tara went home and threw her backpack around the room before stumping towards the kitchen, “uh, what happened to you Mrs. Grumpy pants?” Mindy laughed causing Anika to poke her, “y/n and I had an argument, she was so rude. God, I’m done with her” she grumbled, “I’m sorry Tara, but there’s something off with her” Chad said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, “he’s right. But I’m still sorry that it ended like this” Sam added and Anika agreed, the only once’s who didn’t say anything where Ethan and Quinn.
“They totally believed me, can I see you tonight?” -Tara
“Can’t, Ethan decided to invite himself in. I’ve talked to him like twice, don’t have a clue what he wants here”- you
You were really confused what he was doing here, you guys weren’t really friends. “I heard about your fight with Tara and I wanted to see if you needed comfort, she’s a very… specific person” he told you holding out a tissue, “thanks, yeah she is. It was stupid” you answered hoping that he’d leave soon. He didn’t. He kept trying to get you to talk about your opinion on Sam and Tara which seemed weird.
“He only left now, I guess it’s too late for you to come now?” You texted the small brunette who immediately answered, “be there in 10” and she was, she was quickly throwing herself onto your bed after grabbing a hoodie of yours. “What did he want?” She asked as she cuddled into your side, “see if I’m alright after our fight” you answered and kissed her head. “Tara?” You mumbled out as your hand stroked her back, she mumbled a ‘yeah’ which made you continue, “do you trust me?” You asked her, your hand stopping it’s movement on her back, her head lifted so she could look at you. “Of course I do, why?” She asked testing her chin on your chest, “just wanted to know” you shrugged and kissed her softly.
The next few days you kept it on the low, you’ve met in secret so nobody would see you two together, it was working out okay, but due to the ghostface attack it was getting harder and harder to meet up, especially since Ethan was constantly around you.
“Finally” Tara mumbled as you slipped into her dorm immediately attacking your mouth with hers, while pushing you on to the bed. Your hands glided over her body but were interrupted when her phone rang, “it’s Ethan” she mumbled out as she looked at it. “Ignore it” her lips immediately found yours again. So she did, if she had the option to kiss her or talk to Ethan it was obvious what she’d choose. You were sitting in her bed making out when you heard a knock, followed by a “it’s me” from Ethan causing Tara to groan. “Go hide” she mumbled before calling out to the boy “give me a second” she used the time you needed to hide yourself to fix her hair. When you were hidden in the closet she finally opened the door.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” She asked him not moving to let him inside, “well you weren’t answering your phone and i was bored so I decided to come and look for you” she cursed herself for not answering the phone. “Oh, I’m sorry but I don’t really feel good and I still have school stuff to do. Maybe Chad has time?” She tried to be polite while making the conversation end as quickly as possible. The boy just grunted, “it’s smells like y/n’s perfume in here” he mumbled looking around the room. She froze for a second before finding a lie, “really? Ive got a new room spray, the guys next door are constantly smoking weed and it smells terrible in here then” he seemed to believe her lie and said his goodbye.
“He’s gone, you can come out” she said as the door closed, the closet door opening. “What did he want?” You asked and sat on her bed, “wanted to hang out. Why does he know exactly how your perfume smells?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t know. Why?” It wasn’t hard to see that you weren’t really telling the truth. She only answered with a stretched okay, looking at you suspiciously.
The next day the core four sat at the dinner table, Tara constantly being on your phone as she tried to reach you. “I’ve been sleeping with cute boy from next door” Sam suddenly said causing them all to cheer and laugh until they all got send a picture from an unknown phone, it was Quinn getting stabbed. All of them sprang into action, Tara immediately running towards the room but Chad pulled her back and out of the door while Mindy, Sam and Anika were left inside.
You only answered your phone an hour after the attack, nobody died but it was close. Anika nearly fell and had severe injuries, she nearly bled out on scene. “It’s not your fault Sam” cute boy said as he stood next to Sam and Tara, “someone took out knives so we couldn’t defend ourselves. Thank god you send us that picture” she mumbled throwing the cigarette to the ground. “I didn’t send you a picture, I only noticed when you guys were screaming” The sibling looked at each other, confusion written all over their faces, if it wasn’t him, who has it been? The younger carpenters phone rang making everybody flinch, “sorry, just a text from a classmate” she lied, it was a text from you. Asking what she wanted from you as she had texted you several times.
“Where have you been?” Chad screamed at Ethan as he pushed him against a wall, “I had Econ, you can ask everybody from that class. Here, let me call y/n” he said quickly raising his hands in front of him. It made Chad let him go.
“Wanna meet up later? You can tell me what happened” you texted the brunette the next day, sitting at the edge of some park bank on campus. “Can’t. I have a lecture right now and Gale wants to show us something, Kirby and Sam also aren’t letting me out of sight” she texted back making you sigh, “alright be careful” you were about to go to your dorm when you met Ethan. “Y/n, I gotta tell you something”
“Tara” you called out as you saw her and her friends on campus, she turned confused. “So you’ve been fucking him the whole time behind my back huh? That was the fucking reason you wanted to ‘keep it on the low’ wasn’t it!? I can’t believed I ever wanted to be with someone like you” you screamed at her, hurt lacing your voice, “y/n” she mumbled out trying to shush you, there was a crowd forming around you. “No, god I wish you and your psycho sister would have stayed on woodsborow and killed the people there and not the ones here. It’s been you guys all along hasn’t it!? God, I bet you also cheated on Amber with him. No wonder she wanted to kill uoi” There were tears forming in Tara’s eyes but you just kept going. But the slow blinks and the way you tapped the rhythm of her favorite song on the back of your hand made her suspicious. “I don’t ever wanna see you slut or your boy toy again” you turned and walked away, happy that Kirby held Chad back and Gale held Sam back. Otherwise you’d probably be dead.
Tara didn’t talk to anyone the whole day, she looked terrible and it hurt Sam to see her like this but she told her that you’d be bad news all along. “I’m sorry about what happened” she mumbled as she fell into step next to her, “it’s okay. I should have listened to you” she mumbled wiping her tears away. “You guys ready?” Kirby asked from the truck where she had all her stuff ready to track the call.
“Hello Sam” the voice from the other side of the phone said, “why are you doing this?” She asked looking around for anyone who could be the person. “Why are you being so unfriendly? I thought we could chat a bit, I mean, how’s your boy toy from next door?” Sams face fell, “and how is poor Tara? She lost her precious girlfriend didn’t she? They were cute when they were sneaking around, thinking that nobody would notice it” Tara’s eyes reared up again while sams jaw clenched. “Who are you?” She asked again making the person on the other side of the line groan. “You’re no fun” then the line went dead. “I got it, it’s somewhere on the west side” Kirby said, “Gale”
When they arrived Gale was already on the edge of bleeding out but the doctor still found a pulse making them let out a relieved sigh. “We gotta figure out who this is” chad said as all of them sat at the hospital. “He wants me, maybe I should just give myself to him” the older carpenter said making everybody jump up in protest. “Not happening” Tara said, Mindy and Anika nodding in agreement. “Can’t we just go somewhere safe?” Ethan asked, “no, he’d find us everywhere” Tara said, “but we can use that” she continued and explained her idea, quickly calling Kirby. Everybody was so focused on Tara that they didn’t notice Ethan also texting someone.
They decided to use public transportation as itd be harder for ghostface to attack them. And it was, at least until they got separated due to cute boy. But Ethan texted Chad that they’d be in the next train and would arrive 10 minutes later. When the first part arrived and Sam finally explained to Danny that he’d have to stay outside they met Kirby on the inside. “Let’s go look around” Tara said to Chad as Sam tried to get a hold of Mindy. “Uh look, Candy” Chad laughed as he pulled some old ass candy from the counter making Tara laugh, “you want these” she grinned unbelievably close to him, “nah, you can keep them” she mumbled looking up at him. “I’m sorry about y/n” he said as he looked down at her. “It’s okay, some things just aren’t meant to be” she answered before she was suddenly pulled back by ghostface. She whipped around and hit him before Chad and her took off trying to find Sam. “Ghostface” Tara said grabbing Sams hand and pulling her with them. They ran through several corridors trying to find a way out until a second one appeared cutting Chad off. Both of them started aggressively stabbing the boy causing Tara to scream out, Sam pulling her away. Once they found a bit of peace the older girls phone went off, “it’s Kirby Sam, she isn’t even with the FBI anymore. Went crazy they said” Wayne informed them.
Shortly after a ghostface appeared in front of them, then a second one and suddenly Kirby who pointed her gun at the two masked killers. “Don’t even act like it Kirby, we know you’re with them” Tara said, her voice breaking but before someone could say something the FBI agent was knocked out by one of the ghostfaces who then circled around the sisters. “Well well well” the sound came from the entrance showing officer Bailey. “This is nice isn’t it” he said as he walked closer, both ghostfaces coming to stand next to him. “It’s you” Sams mouth fell open in Realization. “Of course it’s me” he grinned “and this one here” he pointed to the right “is my son”. The ghost face pulled his mask off revealing Ethan. “If… that only leaves… Mindy?” Sams voice broke when she said her friends name. “Surprise” Quinn suddenly said, causing both of them to gasp as they believed she was dead. “How?” They asked causing the three of them to laugh. “Well, you know. Some fake blood and a different corpse. You wouldn’t believe the things they let you do when your daughter just died. But this isn’t even our best surprise” he said as a third ghostface appeared and again Sam feared that she’d find Mindy under the mask. “Look, when you Tara chose lovely Chad by cheating on poor little y/n, who did everything for you, we decided to choose y/n” and with that Tara’s biggest fear was confirmed. She has never felt so betrayed in her whole life, the person she loved so dearly and who knew about her trauma was doing something like this to her. It was you who hid under the mask a wicked smile on your face. “You should have listened to them, remember what I told you a couple of days ago” you said, your left eye twitching giving her a sign.
“Well, you’re probably asking yourself why we are doing this” Wayne started his speech looking up at the screen where a video of young Richie played. Quinn was watching it with him while Ethan watched Tara, making it your place to watch Sam who glared at you so hard you’d think she could actually kill you like this. You circled the girl, slowing when you were in front of her turning the knife in your hand so the handle showed her way. She looked at you confused but then quickly grabbed the knife while you pulled a second one out so they wouldn’t notice. “He was a limb dick” Sam started making fun of Richie which made his sibling walk towards her giving you a second to check on Tara who was looking at you with hate and sadness. You circled her, waiting for some kind of signal from Sam. The signal came as Sam stabbed Quinn, you acted like you were so perplex that you lost Tara cursing a bit when you noticed. “Go get them” Wayne screamed making the sibling run to them. They carpenters were climbing a railing when the police officer suddenly fired a gun causing Tara to slip and hold onto sams hand. She was slipping more and more while Ethan stood under her, “I’ve always wanted to stick something inside of you Tara” the sentence made you snap. You ran towards him kicking the weapon out of his hand, shortly before Tara jumped down into his arms. “Die a fucking virgin” she stabbed him into the mouth twisting the knife slowly. “Are you alright?” You immediately asked when her feet touched the ground, “don’t you dare even try to speak to me” she growled as she looked up to Sam who just shot Quinn in the head. “Tara come on” you tried but quickly figured out that Sam was in trouble so you ran up the stairs and tackled Wayne to the ground before he could hurt Sam. You were wrestling with him on the ground, “go Sam” you screamed trying to keep the man with the knife down but it was no use. The moment Sam was out of your vision you gave up, causing the man to stab you several times to the point you became unconscious. The last thing you remembered was a blonde woman knocking him off of you.
“Guys guys I figured out who it is” Mindy called out as she arrived at the scene, “it’s Wayne and Ethan” she said proudly, “and Quinn. Long story” Sam added, “and Y/n” Tara added with a small voice. “Well, you know I wasn’t really a big fan of her but she wasn’t really a part of this. She was the one who gave me the knife and she saved me from Bailey” Sam told her with a hand on her shoulder while Tara teared up. “She’s dead now anyways” she was sad, even though you betrayed her she loved you and she will never have the chance to tell you that.
“We got another one, barely alive. We need to go now” the sisters turned to find you on a Carrier, unconscious with several stab wounds and bruises. “Wait” Tara screamed out and climbed into the ambulance. You guys had a lot to talk about.
You woke up a day later, “am I dead?” You mumbled out as you looked around the white room until you heard someone chuckle. “No you’re not” Tara said with a small smile. “I guess we should talk huh” you said as you saw the tears in her eyes.
You had a lot to explain…
Part two with the “explanation”?
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visionofhope04 · 1 year
Hiii I was wondering if you could do Batfam x sister reader being Damian’s twin and rather than persuing the same thing as their dad and being a vigilante she becomes a famous singer (ya know famous name and good music) and she releases and album (maybe emails I can’t send idk something) and like family being there for her first sold out concert and yeah just supportive of her carrere
Angst is my thing but I’ll do my best to make this as fluffy as possible. Not beta read, sorry if there are any mistakes, feel free to let me know. Hope you like it!
“Yes?” Bruce was concerned. You kept shifting your weight and fiddling with your fingers. He’s never seen you this nervous before. He tensed, preparing for the worst.
“Iwanttobeasinger.” You blurted, looking anywhere you could that wasn’t his face.
Bruce blinked. “Can you say that a bit slower please sweetheart?”
You took a steadying deep breath. “I want to be a singer.” You said significantly slower.
Bruce let out a deep breath and let his body sag. He’d never been religious but in that moment he thanked whatever was up there for helping him.
You looked at him, confused.
“I thought you were gonna ask to be a vigilante.”
Your face contorted in alarm. “Me? A vigilante? Never.”
He chuckled and then brought attention back to what you said. “So you want to be a singer? How do you plan on doing this?”
“Y-you don’t care?” You questioned in shock.
“Why would I care? You’re my daughter and I will always love and support you. I’m glad you found something you really enjoy and intend to make a career out of it. Finding something you enjoy doing is hard, being able to make a career out of it is harder. If it makes you happy then I’ll gladly help you with it if you need it.”
“Even though it’s a bad career?”
“Some people in it may be bad but it doesn’t make the career bad. Music is all about self expression and is a great outlet for emotions. It brings people together and makes them realize they’re not alone. I think you’ll be an amazing singer.”
You began to tear up but do your best to hold it back, “Thank you father.”
“I want to be a singer.”
Immediately, everyone stopped talking and looked at you. You did your best to not shrink under the sudden attention. Usually, you never spoke at the dinner table, content to just listen.
“That sounds like a great idea Birdy!” Dick said.
“Lil sis’ gonna be the talk of the town.” Jason smirked at you.
“That’s great! I can’t wait to hear it! Tim exclaimed.
Damian’s reaction is the one you feared the most. He’d always disliked you leaving behind the life of fighting for a mundane one.
“I think that is a respectable profession.”
At your brothers’ approval, you broke out into a wide grin. Bruce was smiling openly at you all and wondered how he got so lucky to have such an amazing, supportive family.
You were backstage, makeup done, earpiece linked, and microphone ready to go. You were really nervous. This was going to be your first-ever live performance since you released your first album. It was such a hit, it became the number 1 album on the charts a few hours after release, with over 30 million streams. You were stuck in your thoughts when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to look at the person, it was your father.
"Don't be nervous, you're going to do great. I'm so proud of you. You're so talented and amazing. They're going to love you out there."
"Thanks dad." You smiled. His words warmed your heart. No one ever told you they were proud of you before. Despite what he said, you still felt a little nervous.
After waiting a bit more, it was time for you to get on stage. You heard cheering in the crowd as you emerged from the darkness. Now in the spotlight, your nerves came back tenfold. The bright lights blinded you, but you could still see the silhouettes of everyone who came to see you tonight. There were way more people here than you expected. You stepped up to the mic and adjusted it.
"Hello," The crowd's cheering picked up. You smiled and waited for it to quiet down before continuing. "thank you all for coming. I appreciate every single one of you. You made it possible for me to be standing here right now and I am so grateful. Enjoy the show!" The crowd's cheering picked up yet again as your first song came on.
You were so tired but so, so happy. The concert was a major success and nothing went wrong. You had so much fun getting to know your audience and calling people up on stage. You got backstage and your whole family was there.
"You did amazing!!"
"You're my new favorite singer."
"She's been my favorite singer, keep up."
"Your voice is unmatched, my dear girl."
"I knew you could do it."
"You were adequate, don't let the praise get to your head."
Your face hurt from grinning, and you could help but feel elated. Your family's support meant the world to you, and you were so grateful for it.
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stitched-mouth · 6 months
Making Porn With The Number One Pro-Hero
Pairing: Toshinori Yagi (All Might/Skinny Might) x Fem! Pro-Hero! Reader.
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Jealous sex (?), Mirror sex, Oral sex (fem receiving), Secret ((established)) relationship, Recording sex (so y’all make porn), Minor hair pulling, Semi-public sex, Intercourse (P in V), you two are almost caught in the act, mention of you two previously being caught in the act, I finally used a condom!! (I usually write about creampies but this time I didn’t), Some bitch tries to touch our All Might but fails, We accidentally punch her in the face, Toshi is pussy whipped.
Summary: You have a sex dream about your boyfriend which leads to a fantasy, All Might wants to achieve that fantasy with you after you punch another All Might slut in the face. The fantasy doesn’t TOTALLY go to planned.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 2.
Writing Time: Over 4 hours (with no breaks, longest amount of time I’ve ever spent on a fic).
Word Count: 3,308.
Day 2 of Kinktober! Enjoy!
The introduction is ridiculously fucking long, idk why but skip to the first —-//— if you’re like me and only interested in the sex. I hate the beginning part anyway and it’s very obvious my writing has suffered from my hiatus, but oh well. It will get better.
Technically you get railed by Skinny All Might in his All Might suit, hope that’s ok.
I have to give this thing a part 2 at some point, this is way too hot and I’m so proud of it.
I kept writing then deleting then rewriting this shit (which is why it took 7 hours) so y’all better let me know if you like it :)
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Being in an secret relationship with the Number 1 Hero was difficult to say the least.
Having to sneak around everyone was fun and slightly erotic at first, but slowly became annoying and a bit painful at times.
You had recently told Toshinori about a sexy fantasy you had of him. To have him fuck you in his dressing room right before an interview, ideally from behind in front of a mirror whilst you record, you two had made porn before (for only you two’s eyes, no one else’s!!) so recording sex wasn’t new to you guys.
Toshinori had giggled like a little schoolboy and covered his growing erection when you told him about your little fantasy, and said it sounded very hot. But after you kissed him and gave him a handy right then and there, he calmed down a bit and explained to you how unlikely it was to happen, he feared someone would walk in and catch you both (one person had before) and possibly tell someone.
Sadly your lover had made it clear countless times before he didn’t want a public relationship for the sake of protecting you and others. You understood completely and was happy Toshinori valued protecting you over everything, but that didn’t mean you didn’t long to hold his hand in public.
Very few knew about you two; Young Midoriya, David Shield, Sir Nighteye (RIP) and Aizawa (Aizawa finding out was an accident, he had caught you two in a compromising position in Toshinori’s classroom after school hours). But you both was content with those who knew about you two, you trusted all of them, and didn’t plan on adding anyone else to the list.
Early on into your pro-hero career, you were introduced to one journalist and news reporter who you honestly couldn’t remember the name of. She was young and very attractive, no doubt becoming the face of her news station because of her pretty face and impressive figure. She was well known to interview pro heroes and flirt with them, and unsurprisingly lot of them would flirt back.
She had interviewed All Might a few times and like usual she would flirt a lot. He’d see straight through her and politely respond in a professional way, so you had no problems with her because you trusted your boyfriend to shut down her advances. She wouldn’t be the first girl to throw themselves at the Number 1 Hero and definitely wouldn’t be the last, so you were used to seeing Toshinori be placed in uncomfortable situations which made you feel bad for him but due to your relationship being a secret you didn’t feel like it was your place to cut in. But Toshinori always handled it well.
One interview you didn’t see coming though.
It was a standard scheduled interview on set of a news station, like Good Morning America or something. Several pro heroes were in to be interviewed, including both you and All Might. With All Might becoming weaker and weaker by the day and unable to hold his form for long periods of time, this was his last scheduled interview. And you were so happy you could be there with him.
You were lucky enough to be able to be interviewed with your boyfriend.
“So, Mr All Might, I’d love to go over some of your best fights of your career…” The news anchor smiled and batted her eyelashes at him.
“Of course! I’d love to!” All Might grinned.
For the millionth time? Really? You rolled your eyes.
“BUT before we do that, I’d like to talk about your more personal life first…” She grinned back, moving closer to him on the long couch you were all sharing.
You moved uncomfortably in your seat and looked around, not really knowing what to do with yourself.
“Ok, sadly I can’t promise I can all questions about my personal life but you can absolutely ask.” All Might smiled.
“Great! So… you have had quite a long career as a pro hero who is very much so in the public eye, I imagine forming and keeping relationships in your personal life can be difficult?” She asked.
All Might moved his head to both sides as if he agreed and disagreed with her assumption, “Well it’s definitely not easy forming them, but keeping the ones I have been lucky enough to form is easy. I’m very lucky to be surrounded by friends and family who I know care about me both as All Might and Toshinori.”
The reporter nodded, “Right. As you mentioned family, are you planning on starting a family?”
You raised an eyebrow, feeling although the question was a bit strange.
All Might laughed, his laugh boomed loudly in your poor ears, “HA HA! Oh no Dear, I don’t so. I am an old man now, I unfortunately missed the opportunity for a family years ago.”
You and Toshinori had only briefly discussed children, you desperately wanting a child later on in your career and Toshinori feel although being Number 1 Hero made having kids not an option and that by the time he retired he was too old. It wasn’t really a conversation you two had managed to find a conclusion to, so you were a little annoyed All Might was talking as if it had been decided.
“Well a lot of young ladies like older men, Sir. I know I sure do. And a lot of young ladies would be more than willing to bear The All Might’s children.” The reporter giggled and moved closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
She had never actually touched him before.
All Might chuckled uncomfortably and carefully leaned back to make her hand fall off him, but her hand stayed put. Without really thinking, you leaned over and picked up the foreign hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder, and threw it back into the reporter’s face. She almost punched herself in the face with her own hand.
You gasped and stood up, “Oh I’m sorry!”
You really didn’t mean to do that. You were only trying to get her hands off your man. You hadn’t meant you almost punch her.
She quickly fixed her hair and glasses and glared at you for only a split second, before laughing nervously and looking into the camera in front of all of you, “Oh Dear! No worries! We can edit that out, this isn’t live.”
The cameraman nodded at her and three of you continued your now incredibly awkward interview. All Might breathed a small sigh and grabbed your hand, you couldn’t tell what the sigh was for.
Backstage you were sat at your vanity table with your head down on the desk, sighing sadly. You felt so embarrassed, you should of just left Toshinori handle her unnecessary touching. The interview went terribly after that and the reporter remained cold to you until the end.
You were also concerned about people questioning your actions, why were you so concerned about some girl touching All Might? It was such a obvious sign of jealously. Oh Well… at least she didn’t touch him again.
A small knock was pressed against your dressing room door and without a response it was opened, “Darling?”
All Might.
He stepped into your room and closer the door behind him as you turned to face him. He immediately deflated in front of you, leaving his skinny scrawny figure in place.
“Hi Love.” You sighed and walked over to him.
He quickly wrapped his long arms around you, pulled you close and began kissing your neck.
You blinked in shock, “Toshi?”
“Oh my Love. I never thought I’d ever see you jealous.” He whispered against you before biting down on you skin.
You moaned in delight, “S-So you’re not mad?”
“Why would I ever be mad Princess?” He laughed a bit, in his Skinny form his laugh sounded so good and didn’t burst your eardrum.
Toshinori carefully walked you back over to your vanity table and placed you down in your vanity chair and stared down at you. You looked up at your lover with nothing but love and lust and crossing your legs, feeling yourself get hot down there.
With you sitting down and him standing in front of you, you could see the massive bulge in his pants. Whilst shamelessly staring at his covered dick, you hiked up your legs and pulled everything covering your lower half off and happily showed your lover your wet pussy. You felt no shame (he had seen it all before anyway), only the desire to be fucked. Finally, your filthy fantasy was coming true.
“Oh my Love…” Toshinori sighed again at the completely lewd sight of you and dropped to his knees.
He grabbed your thighs in his massive hands and gave your pussy a sweet kitten lick. You threw your head back and moaned again. He started kissing and licking you slowly before sucking.
God, his tongue felt good. You were going to lose yourself to it.
“Oh baby I want you so much…” Toshinori whispered in between eating you out, whilst pulling you closer and closer to his hungry mouth, scaring you for a brief second into thinking you’d fall out of the chair.
It was dangerous but Toshi wouldn’t let you fall, ever.
You pulled his head up from your heat and he whined, “Toshi… I’m so empty now…you need to just fuck me…”
Your lewd expression and hushed tone only made him strain against his suit. Without thinking much, Toshinori stood up and ripped a hole into the crotch area of his Silver Age suit.
You gasped, “Toshi! Your suit!”
“This suit can be fixed, Dear. But later I’ll need you to go to my dressing room and bring back something to wear when we’re done.” He smiled softly while pulling you up and out of the chair.
Toshinori picked up the chair by the armrests and placed it against the door, locking you both in. He turned back to you and smiled again.
You smiled back before turning against and bending over against the vanity table, giving your lover another nice view of your ass and pussycat. You watched him in the mirror grin at your behind and give you a nice loving smack. You bit your lip from the harsh contact and moved your legs further apart for him.
“Fuck…” Toshinori whispered, he was incredibly turned on by the sight of you bent over showing him everything you had to offer.
He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a Trojan, ripping the wrapper off with his teeth and pulling it down his proud length. You could tell by his fast movements, he was just as eager to get inside of you as you was.
Toshinori then rubbed your aching entrance with his great throbbing cock. You whined for him to just put it in and he was happy to appease you.
Toshinori always started with slow gentle strokes only with the tip but that wasn’t good enough for you now, he had already worked you up from eating you out just a few seconds earlier and the idea of your fantasy had you too desperate now. So you whined again and tried to fuck yourself on his cock at the pace you need. Toshinori caught on pretty quickly and grabbed your hips and pulled you fully around him.
Both of you groaned from the sudden action. Toshinori began moving again, this time fast and rough. You managed to pick up your phone that you had left on the table, turn on the camera, point it at the mirror in front of you and hit record.
The sight was beyond erotic. The Number 1 Hero drilling his secret lover from behind in dressing room on set of a news station. God, it made you so wet. The grin on your face with your moans made it evident.
Because of the mirror, both of you were able to see each other’s faces. Toshinori’s brow full of sweat and mouth covered in your cum and his own salvia was godly. Not to mention his look of determination as he continued pounding you brought you closer and closer to edge.
“All Might!” You cried, not really hearing yourself over the sound of his balls slapping your cheeks.
But he heard you (and possibly some others in the building) and he groaned in your ear, “Princess! Oh my good little girl!”
He knew calling you ‘little girl’ made you crazy.
“Oh All Might please!” You begged.
You knew you sounded like a bad pornstar, but you didn’t care. You knew Toshi loved it and was about to give into your begging.
But before he could, the worst thing you could imagine happened next. A loud knock on the door.
Both you and Toshinori froze and stared at each other in the mirror in fear and shook.
“Y-Yes?!” You answered.
“Miss, your driver is here waiting for you. They are outside.” It was likely one of the crew members of the station. They turned the door handle, shooting fear through you so bad you could scream, but it didn’t open.
The chair Toshinori had put against the door temporarily saved you two. Realising this, he slowly began moving inside of you again. You moaned softly at the feeling and quickly covered your mouth with your free hand (hand not holding up your phone that was still recording).
The crew member must of wondered why the door wasn’t opening, considering none of the dressing room doors had locks on them for safety reasons, but didn’t ask why or for you to open the door and instead just let go of the handle.
“Oh o-okay…t-thank you. Out in a miiintue!” You quickly choked out.
“Great. Do you happen to know where Mr. All Might is? His car arrived first but he isn’t in his dressing room.”
“Nooo!” You whined.
You could see the see the evil smile on your boyfriend’s face in the mirror. No question, you were going to (try to) kick his ass after this.
“Ok, no worries. Thank you for coming Miss!”
Footsteps were heard leaving the door, presumably to go find your man. Toshinori laughed slightly and pulled your head back by your hair and started moving at the same fast pace he was before.
You groaned at the small pain and glared up at your soulmate, “You like torturing me, asshole?”
“Maybe a little.” He smiled.
“Oh please just make me cum, Toshinori.” You sighed, giving him your best doe eyed desperate-for-sex expression.
Your lover was more than happy to fulfil your request. This was definitely by far would be the best sex tape you two ever made.
Later on the two of you were getting ready for better, you had finally finished your night skin care routine and was headed back to you and Toshinori’s shared bedroom. He was still up reading a book in bed like usual, he looked and smiled when you walked into the room.
“Toshi,” You began as you got comfortable in the bed, “What changed your mind today?”
“About what, Love?” He asked and put his book away to pull you closer to him.
“When I told you about my sex dream, you said it wouldn’t happen.” You pouted at him.
Toshinori’s cheeks darkened, “Well, you got me all hot and bothered during the interview.”
“How?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I like to see you handle touchy women for me.” Toshinori smiled shyly now.
“Oh really?” You giggled, “You like having a jealous girlfriend?”
“A bit, yes.” He admitted.
“Aw… maybe I should set them straight more often.” You grinned and kissed his neck.
Toshinori shivered, both from the idea and the attention you was suddenly showing his neck, “Yes please…good girl.”
You felt your heat burn at his words as well as his erection grow under the duvet and you eagerly wanted to head down under the duvet. But you both still had something to say.
“I’m sorry love, I was just a little scared about people finding out about us, and being intimate outside our home has got us caught before…and I feel like we already take a big risk with recording our moments together.” Toshinori sighed.
“So you don’t want to record anymore?” You looked heartbroken.
“Oh no, Princess! Of course not!” He pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist (you could feel his lover’s boner, which you wonder if he forgot about), “I love have something to remind myself of our best moments.”
“We don’t have to record anymore if you’re worried it could get out.” You replied, still looking sad.
“Honey, that’s not what I was saying..” Toshinori kissed your head, “I love you and I love how excited you get by the camera. And I love watching our little videos.”
You looked up at him, “I love you Toshi. And I just want you to be comfortable.”
“I am comfortable, I’m always comfortable when I’m alone with you.” Toshinori smiled.
You turned to look at him and kissed one of his sunken cheeks, “Ok… so if I keep your female fans in line… what will you do for me?”
“What do you want love?” Toshinori asked.
“I want a reward, All Might.” You grinned and slowly stroked your lover’s excited friend.
He shivered again. Mustering up all his strength, Toshinori transformed into All Might. His erection underneath you went from poking you ass to almost straight up penetrating you. A loud moan came from your throat, the ending of it was muffled from All Might gently pushing you off his lap and all the way down till you were face down onto the end of the bed and ass up.
The muscular blonde Silver Fox gently rubbed your ass with one hand whilst the other fought off this sweat pants (that did absolutely nothing to hide his lower reigns). Once his pants were off and his length was fully exposed, All Might picked up his phone from his nightstand, pointed the camera down at you and hit record.
“Little Princess… do you think my cock at full size is a good enough reward for being such a good girl for me?”
The camera got a very lovely shot of your wetness soaking through your sweatpants just from his words. You felt your cunt clench around nothing and you looked back at your lover.
“Yes please Daddy.”
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folkloresthings · 9 months
Okay okay okay, last oneeeee!!!
May I please ask for a NORTHANGER ABBEY with my sunshine boy Daniel Ricciardo and the “who did this to you?” trope?? That trope makes me feral and I just know you’d be an amazing person to write it!!
Thanks in advance, definitely thanks again for doing this amazing event, and I hope you’re doing well, darlin’! 🤍🩵🩷
this is heavily inspired by that one normal people so enjoy the pain i’m so sorry
FIX YOU. ❨ daniel ricciardo x reader ❩
✩⡱ warnings: toxic family environment, a violent scene but nothing too graphic i hope 🫶
growing up had not been kind to you. life hadn’t dealt you a fair deal — you were the odd one out. all throughout school, you worked hard and focused on the goals you had set out in your head. this meant sacrificing a social life, being cool, having friends. the weird girl in the corner.
life at home hadn’t been much better. with no father around, your mother turned selfish. she became a workaholic, cold and miserable, uncaring for the feelings of her children. your brother was four years your senior and a mean kind of person. constantly teasing, taunting, dangling a rope in front to wait for you to bite. his torment of you was his entertainment.
when you met daniel, you never knew something could be so good. he was everything you’d never had, everything right about the world. and for the first time in your life, you felt loved. daniel looked at you and only you. he loved you, and only you.
“darling,” he’d whisper to you in the middle of the night. “i’m not a religious person, but sometimes i think god made me for you.”
what had been so horrible in your early life didn’t matter anymore. daniel was goodness and light. he was a new beginning, completely disconnected from any bad memories of your life before. you’d told him a thing or two about your family, but never the full truth. never how bad they were.
maybe it was fear of scaring him off, but not once did you invite him home with you. you’d met his parents, they’d taken you in like one of their own, but he’d never once met your mother or brother. he understood, respecting your boundaries, and when you needed to go home he let you go. you always came back.
once or twice a year you returned back to your home for a few days, just to appease your mother and give her nothing bad to say about you. it just so happened that this weekends race wasn’t far from where you’d grown up, so two birds were knocked with one stone.
daniel was busy with practice, giving you enough time to have dinner with your mother and get back to your boyfriend in time for the new episode of the kardashians. your brother wasn’t supposed to be there. but he was, and drunk. stumbling over his own feet, grumbling insults when he noticed you there.
excusing yourself from his stench, you wandered into the kitchen to clear your plate. he followed behind, stalking you like some prey ready to be pounced one. he taunted and taunted but you blocked it all out. you’d learned to blur his words out, stubbing out the knives before they could pierce your skin.
“give me that,” he snatched at the plate in your hand, grabbing until it smashed against the skin, barely missing slicing your hand. you glare up at him, pushing his hands away. your feet carry you quickly towards your old room, unchanged from when you turned eighteen. your bag was there, your plan to get it and go back to daniel powering you on.
you barely realised he was following you until the door you’d just slammed flies back open, crushing you between it and the wall. your nose took most of the blow, and you feel the blood begin to gush your face in an instant. your brother’s eyes are dark when he sees what he’s done, no regret or sorrow behind them. in fact, he’s proud.
when you found your phone, you don’t know. but daniel’s contact is on the screen and it’s ringing out, him answering in only a few seconds.
“hi baby. how was dinner?” the australian chirps, and your heart squeezes with how happy he sounds. the tissue you had pressed to your nasal is damp with red now.
“somethings happened. can you come get me?” you whisper, locked in the bathroom. amongst all of the commotion, your mother hadn’t come to check on you. she didn’t care.
the keys in daniel’s hand jingle in the background, someone calling him as he hurries out of the drivers briefing. he wastes no time in obliging, hearing the urgency in your voice. he doesn’t know what’s wrong, but something is. that’s all he needs to know.
“i’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
his blood runs cold when you come to answer the door. the blood has dried now, around your lips and chin. your nose is already turning blue. he grasps at your arms as soon as he can, softly moving the tissue out of the way to get a good look at the damage.
“who did this to you?” daniel seethes. never in his life had he felt so angry, not when he’d been crashed into or fucked over by strategists. he’d never felt so scared. behind you, he sees your brother slink in from the shadows. he looks at him, then at you, and he knows. “did he do this?”
you don’t even need to nod, the look you give him says it all.
“go wait in the car,” daniel tells you, not giving you a chance to argue. “go. i’ll be there in a minute.”
he waits until you’re out of site before he pounces on your brother. hands on his chest, pinning him to the wall. danny hovers inches over the other, glare piercing through his cocky demeanour.
“if you ever, ever, touch her again, i swear to god i’ll rip you apart,” daniel’s voice is low, and he’s glad you’re not there to see that side of him. the side that would kill for you. “stay away from her.”
your brother sheepishly nods, hitting the wall with a thump when daniel shoves him back. the driver turns on his heel and leaves the house, for what he swears will be the first and last ever time. you’re waiting in the passenger seat, sniffling as you try desperately to clean yourself up.
daniel slides into the drivers seat, turning the heat on and turning towards you. he feels his heart crack to pieces at the sight of you. he’d sworn to protect you a long time ago, and he hadn’t been there. it had been a feeling of hate he’d never felt for himself before.
“no one will ever hurt you like that again,” daniel swears to you, his voice soft but stern. his hand rests delicate on your cheek, the porcelain of your skin threatening to break under his touch. you sink into his touch, a tear slipping onto his thumb.
but you believe him, amongst all of the blood and ruin. you know he’ll do all he can to keep you from harm from this day on, be it caused by him or another. because he’ll never survive seeing you like this again.
“let’s go home.” daniel kisses your blood stained cheek, starting up the car and taking you away from the worst of the night. little does he know, you’re already home. home is wherever he is.
dolly!! 🧚 i know you sent a few other requests before this and i will get to them but i wanted to write this from the minute it came into my inbox
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jaemmphilia · 1 year
★ 𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 ★ || b.c
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★ summary: an accidental confession gone wrong, and fate forcing you to meet the one person you never wanted to see again.
★ characters: bang chan, cannon y/n (he/him pronouns and a masculine frame), holland (the sweetest gay idol in the entire world)
★ warnings: lots of hurt, the reader is an idol, and his stage name is Mars (for the sake of the story, reader also has a last name), so much heartache, grab your tissues bc channie is about to break your heart...this story doesn't follow exactly how chan became an idol, so for the sake of the story, he moves to korea after high school, internal homophobia, mentions of depression, reader has an anxiety attack :(
★ word count: 3.7K
★ requested?: yes, thank you to @cheeseflirty47
★ binnie's thoughts: ohhhh this one is a doozy, yall... i love writing angst so much, and i'm no stranger to rejection and heartbreak, so this is gonna be a little personal for me, so i hope i do it justice...I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE BUT I STRUGGLED SO BAD
★ disclaimer: this fic in absolutely NO way represents the stray kids members as people. this is just for fun, so don't take it to heart. just enjoy!
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Having a dad who grew up with his best friend from diapers all the way into adulthood, meant that you were required to get along with his best friend’s son. It didn’t matter if you and Chan liked different things, you had to get along with him, according to your old man. Lucky for the both of them, you and Chan got along perfectly. You were both born in the same month, just 3 days apart, with Chan being the older one. You two did everything together growing up, mischievous little boys who rolled in dirt and played with bugs. As you got older, you both realized how much music meant to you.
Music was a staple in your home, your mother was in her school’s choir, and she was in theater. Your father was in a band that he formed with Chan’s father and two other friends, and they would perform for the neighborhood whenever there was a cookout or barbeque. So it was no surprise that you picked up on their musical talent, at such a young age on top of that. 
You and Chan were going on a fishing trip while your mom was on a three-day trip with her middle school music class. You and Chan are playing with the wrestling figures that you brought along with you in the back seat, the two of you making punching noises with your mouths as your characters duke it out. The radio plays softly in the car, your dads making conversation as the car rolls smoothly on the road. Suddenly, your favorite song in the entire world, The Girl is Mine, by Michael Jackson featuring Paul McCartney comes on the radio and you gasp, immediately kicking the back of your dad’s seat. 
“Dad, turn it up!” Your voice calls out, ignoring the super important heavyweight champion match you were previously having with Chan. Chan just pouts, he was so so close to winning. He had your character pinned in a finishing move, and was about to count to three. 
Your dad turns up the radio a little with a shake of his head. You wiggle from side to side in your seat, the music taking over you as you begin to sing the lyrics. As your little voice fills the car, Chan’s dad looks at your dad with an incredulous look. Since when did you have such a good singing voice, and why are they just now hearing it? 
“What? You didn’t know my boy had the voice of an angel? Believe me, I was surprised too.” Your dad says, a cocky tilt to his voice. Chan’s dad lets out an awed whistle. 
“He sounds real good, mate,” Chan’s dad starts, taking a sip of his soda as he looks at you belting your heart out in the back seat, “Do you think he’d be famous one day?”
Your dad has definitely thought about you growing up and becoming famous one day. He would be so proud, but he would never force you into a life of fame if it wasn’t something you wanted. “Yeah, but I feel like it’s too soon to think about that, you know? He may not even want to be a singer when he gets older.” Chan’s dad hums, and then he hears another voice joining in on your singing, although it’s much quieter. He breaks out into a smile, knowing that the voice belongs to his very own son. He knows Chan is shy about singing in front of people, so he’s glad to know that you bring out that side of him. He's really happy that you and Chan are close. 
Things remain the same as you and Chan get older. You both have ventured into high school. You still hang out with Chan every single day, you study together after school, and then you ride your bikes to the park and you play a little bit of soccer (or football, whatever you want it to be) until it’s time for you to part ways for dinner. 
Things do change when Chan gets a girlfriend. Vanessa Clovers. A pretty girl with wavy black hair that stops at her shoulder. She has tan skin, probably from playing softball for the school. She had soft blue eyes hidden behind a pair of thick glasses, her teeth covered in silver braces. She was known as one of the prettier girls in your grade, everyone wanted to get with her. Well, everyone but you.
 Chan had expressed interest in her to you before, and you felt this weird rumble in your stomach. You just dismissed it as you being hungry, and you clapped Chan on the back, encouraging him to go talk to his crush. As you watched him approach the girl, you turned back to your open locker, your eyebrows furrowed. You couldn’t understand why you were feeling so… angry. You turned your attention back to Chan, who is deep in conversation with the girl. She’s laughing at something, her arm coming up and playfully slapping Chan’s arm. You close your locker quietly and rush off to class without Chan, something you’ve never done in your life. 
You were guilty. You were guilty because you hated Vanessa. You hated her because she had something you so desperately wanted, she had Chan. She got him before you did, and she makes him happy. You want to be the one to make Chan happy in that way. You want to be the one to kiss his cheek and hold his hand. You hated her for no good reason, she never did anything wrong to you. She was actually nice to you, and oftentimes tried to have a decent conversation with you. All you could really do was muster a fake smile as the ugly green head of envy consumed your being. 
Considering that your birthdays were only three days apart, it only made sense to combine your birthdays together. This year was really no different. You shouldn’t be surprised when Vanessa shows up to the party, a black gift bag in her hand. She makes a beeline to Chan, who’s standing at the grill talking to his dad. She wraps her arms around Chan, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and you can hear a soft happy birthday, baby, fall from her glossy lips. You roll your eyes before you could stop yourself, looking down at the table you’re sitting at. You all of a sudden don’t want to be here, not when you can see Chan and Vanessa sucking faces just a few short feet away from you. Your younger sister must know that something is bothering you, because she walks over with a slice of cake. 
“Stop moping around like an idiot, it's your birthday party too, remember?” She says, plopping down in the seat next to you, setting down her own slice of cake. You’re so glad she’s here, she always knows when something is bothering you. She always gives you something you like, rolling her eyes while telling you to, “get over it, loser.” All you can do is chuckle at her bluntness, your arms tugging her close as you hug her. She may hate when you hug her or pretend to give her a kiss, but you know she’s glad to have you as her older brother. 
“I’m not moping around. I just don’t feel like celebrating, that's all.” You say, stabbing the red velvet cake with your fork, placing the small bite in your mouth as your sister lets out a scoff mixed with a laugh. You roll your eyes at her dramatics, watching as she points her plastic fork at you. 
“You’re just upset that your only friend is busy with his girlfriend. You feel like this birthday isn’t for the both of you, you feel like it’s only for him.” She says, hitting the nail on the head. It makes you cringe internally. 
You’ve never been good with change, whether it be drastic change or something as small as dinner plans being switched to something else. It always throws you off, making you groan dramatically (dramatics run in your family unfortunately) and complain about the sudden changes. 
“I hate how well you know me, Liz.” You mutter, tugging at your hair as you indulge in the delicious cake in front of you.
“I would consider it a blessing, big bro.”
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You should consider today to be a good one. Vanessa is out of town for some family trip, meaning you have Chan all to yourself. Which is why you should be happy, but you aren’t. You and Chan are chilling out in his room, the only sound in the room being Chan strumming on his guitar. You can faintly hear the hums coming from his mouth, his body swaying side to side as he plays. The two of you haven’t said much to each other, just a short greeting and a side hug. You can’t help but feel like a stranger in the room you’ve been in dozens of times growing up. 
You look around the room, noticing the changes Chan has made to his space. Something pink catches the corner of your eye and you turn your head to look at it. A shirt, a tank top to be more specific. You already know whose it is, and it makes your stomach turn knowing that she’s been here. 
Did she sleep in your spot on the bed? 
You shake your head to get rid of the idea of her sleeping in your spot on Chan’s bed, the churning feeling becoming stronger, making you want to spill your lunch. You decide to just focus on your phone, scrolling through social media. This goes on for hours, until Chan’s phone rings loudly in the once quiet room, scaring the both of you. 
“Fucking hell,” Chan mutters, grabbing his phone. He lights up when he sees who's calling, his cute dimple appearing on his face. You watch him with a soft smile, wishing that it were you making him smile like that. 
“Hey, gorgeous! How’s your trip?” Chan says, holding his phone up to his ear. You try not to listen to their conversation, knowing it isn’t your place to be nosy. But, you are your mother’s son, you can’t help it. You listen as they talk, your heart breaking as Chan talks to Vanessa with such intimacy. 
As their conversation comes to an end, you’re stuck with your thoughts. Thoughts of wanting someone so desperately that you would do anything to be with them. You would change every single thing about yourself if it meant Chan loved you the same way you love him. You don’t stand a chance against someone like Vanessa. She’s everything you aren’t. Maybe things would be different if you had been born a girl. If only you weren’t attracted to the same gender, maybe you wouldn’t be in this predicament. You wouldn’t be hanging on to something that will never be, a small fire of hope so close to being blown out by the harsh wind of reality. 
“Man, I miss her so much.” Chan says, placing his phone down as he looks at you with this lovesick puppy look on his face. It makes your head hurt knowing it’s not directed at you. 
The words spill from your lips before your brain has time to stop it. 
“I love you, Chan.” 
No. This isn’t supposed to happen. Not like this. Your body burns with anxiety, your eyes feeling wet as tears gather. Your mouth is dry, your jaw slack. You start to sweat as you look at Chan’s face. 
You can’t deny the look in his eyes. Humiliation, disgust. Oh, no. You start to sweat, your hands shaking slightly. You can’t seem to bring yourself to do anything.You’re frozen, eyes locked on Chan as his own eyes dart around the room. 
“You know I’m in a relationship, and I’m not into guys.” He says, not looking at you. What he says next makes you want to crawl into yourself and rot away into nothing. His voice is harsh, his tone like a rock. He’s never spoken to anyone like that, much less you. 
“Even if I were into guys, I wouldn’t date you. You’re my best friend and you’re like a brother to me, that’s just weird.” 
You can literally taste the disgust in his voice. So potent and loud, it makes you dizzy. You bite back a sob, tucking your bottom lip in between your teeth. You feel like if you attempt to even say anything, you will throw up. 
“Besides, Vanessa was telling me about how you don’t like her. She said she heard you talking bad about her to your sister at our party. What the hell, Y/N?” Chan says, his expression quickly switching to angry. 
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You know she’s lying, you have never said anything bad about her. Well, not out loud. You want to defend yourself, but your mouth won’t move. Your brain is screaming at you to say something, anything. All you can do is look down at your shaking hands as Chan scoffs at you.
“You aren’t even going to deny it? So what she said must be true. I can’t believe you, Y/N! She’s never done anything wrong to you!” 
You can’t even defend yourself. You sit there as Chan expresses his frustrations to you, his words hitting you hard. He hates you now. All because of some girl that entered his life two years ago, when you’ve been there the whole time. 
“Get out, Y/N. I can’t even look at you right now.” Chan says, opening his door and motioning for you to get out. You hesitate, your legs feeling like the stiffest bowl of jello as you stand. 
The tears don’t stop as you make your way out of the Bahng household, ignoring Chan’s mom as she greets you from the living room. She hears Chan’s door slam and she frowns. Something must have happened, the two of you have never argued. Of course the two of you had little disagreements as kids, but it was easily solved with talking and hugging. She knows this is not a talking and hugging situation. 
You rush home, your vision blurry with salty tears that sting. You enter your home, making a beeline to your room. You close the door softly, not wanting to alert anyone of your arrival. You don’t want to see or speak to anyone. You try to catch your breath, choking on the sobs that come out of your mouth. You grip your chest, feeling your heart racing under your hand. Your heartbeat reverberates in your ears, your body shaking as you drop to your knees. You hear voices in your head, berating you for confessing to Chan. They call you names, they point out your flaws, your weaknesses. 
You wish it would stop.
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You honestly didn’t expect to meet Chan again. Especially not after your debut as a solo artist in South Korea. You recently made your debut and everyone loves you. You go by Mars, one of your nicknames growing up. You’re known for singing soft songs, the words relatable and full of emotion. Your debut album was a hit, causing you to gain fame fairly fast. Your fans liked that you were authentic, not some tasteless blob molded by an entertainment company for money. You were also one of the first openly-gay idols. 
That day you left Chan’s house was the last time you ever saw him and his family. Just a few short months later, they packed up and moved to South Korea. When you found out, it broke your heart, knowing that the last interaction you had with your best friend was a negative one. 
Your sister had found you in your room, you were struggling to breathe as your entire body shook. She immediately called for your mom frantically, not used to seeing you in such a panicked state. Your mother managed to get you to calm down, helping you breathe properly before you passed out. After that, she took you to see a doctor, and you were diagnosed with anxiety disorder and a mild case of depression. Your mother was supportive, she got you into therapy and you slowly got better, but there’s still times where you don’t feel 100%. 
Which brings us to now. An award show. Everyone is there, all of the people you idolized were right in front of you, and a few of them actually expressed excitement about your debut album. You thanked them, telling them that their music inspired you to start making music yourself. 
As you’re sitting in your seat talking to Holland, another idol under your label, and a fellow openly-gay idol, you hear some commotion coming from behind you. You turn your head and see a group approaching you. Normally, that wouldn’t bother you, but when your ex-best friend and previous (he still is) crush is in the front, you tend to freak out a bit. Your eyes go wide and you whip your head to face forward, causing a laugh from Holland. 
“What’s got you so freaked out? You didn’t see a ghost, did you?” He asks, turning back to see what you were freaking out about. All he sees is the group Stray Kids, taking their seats behind you. He turns back around to you, taking in your wide eyes and the way you bite your bottom lip. The pieces start to come together.
“Oh,” he starts, “You are totally crushing on one of them.”
“What, no way! That’s ridiculous!” You sputter, your face heating up. 
Holland just laughs, his hand clapping you on the shoulder. 
You sit on a stool in the middle of the stage, a large piano in front of you. You are belting the words so passionately, the lights shining down on you, heating your body up, making you sweat a little. Everyone in the crowd is moved by your performance, but every time you open your eyes, you keep looking at Chan. 
His face is unreadable, almost as if he knows the song is about him and not some old flame like you claimed in every interview. The lyrics just feel too familiar to him, his mind going back to his teenage years with you. He misses those times with you, laughing and messing with your little sisters. He feels bad for how things ended between you, and he wishes he could apologize. He’s heard your entire album, he’s had it on repeat for weeks. He’s not an idiot, your debut album is about him. He has to find a way to talk to you and apologize. 
Finding you was easy. He catches you backstage after your performance, watching as you talk to a pretty blonde guy. You’re smiling, toothy and bright, and he feels his heart skip in his chest. Where did that come from? He walks towards you, catching your attention. 
He watches your eyes go wide, your entire body freezing as you stare at him as if he grew two heads. He thinks you look silly like that, and he can’t fight the smile on his face. 
“Y/N, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” He says, mentally kicking himself for being so damn awkward. 
You hesitate, your eyes looking everywhere but at him. You noticed that Holland isn’t at your side, and you remind yourself to flick his forehead when you see him. “It has.”
“Do you have a moment to talk? Maybe we can get some dinner and catch up?” He asks, his voice hopeful as he tilts his head at you. Your heart flips at the way he looks, his brown hair flopping to the side. 
You wonder if this is a good idea. You could easily get hurt again, but you would also like some closure. There’s so many questions running through your head, it makes you dizzy.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Dinner sounds nice.” 
You and Chan leave after the awards show, and you go to a secluded sushi restaurant. The air is awkward, but it passes quickly when Chan brings up the time you both filled his parents bathtub with frogs you captured in the mud. You can’t help but laugh, reminiscing about your wild child days. 
“Y/N, I missed you. So much.” Chan says, his eyes on you, not once looking away. You feel your face get warm, and you try to fight the smile creeping onto your face. 
“Chan, I missed you too. But I can’t forget how you spoke to me that day. It really hurt that you believed Vanessa over me.” You say, ignoring the aggressive bounce of your leg as you tell him how you felt that day. 
Chan cringes when he hears that name. “Right, Vanessa. We actually broke up not long after I…kicked you out.” Chan says, and you gape at him. 
“If you don’t mind, why did you break up?” You ask, picking at the loose strings of your sweater; a nervous habit you picked up from your anxiety. 
“It turns out she lied about you being rude to her because she was jealous of how close we…were.” Chan sighs, taking a sip of his drink as he rolls his eyes. You were right all along. She wasn’t to be trusted. 
“I always knew she was the jealous type. She thought I couldn’t see when she would glare at me whenever you and I would talk,” You say, pointing your chopsticks at him. “I never said anything bad about her, that was Liz.” 
Chan laughs at that, knowing that your little sister had quite the attitude. It makes him miss Hannah and the rest of his family. 
“You aren’t still mad at me, are you? Because according to your album, you sound like you hate me.” Chan asks. “If you aren’t mad, then I’d like us to pick up where we left off as friends.”
You thought about it for a second. You would finally have your best friend back in your life, but not in the way you truly desired. Could you live with that? Sure, it can’t be too hard. You’ll always have other people in your life. 
“Yeah, we can go back to where we left off. We’re brothers for life, right?” You ask, a gentle smile on your face as you look at Chan. He smiles back and you both make a toast to rekindling a once broken friendship between brothers.
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panandinpain0 · 6 months
Ravenclaw quidditch player flirts with reader (the granger if ever 👁️👁️) = possessive ron???
(and mione backup 👀👀)
Alternative Motives
So sorry for how long it took me to write this, I hope you enjoy it (or read it at all).
Series Masterlist
Requested by: @mailmango
Ron Weasley x Male!Ravenclaw!Granger!Reader
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Ron is a proud person, but he can admit that he’s also a jealous one. Finding out that (Y/N) has been hanging out with a fellow Ravenclaw didn’t rub him right, and that feeling only grew after meeting him.
(Y/N) had been meeting up with his fellow Ravenclaw, Joshua Hendley, and at first it was to study. But soon Josh was asking (Y/N) to go to Hogsmeade or sneak out at night from the dorms. Sometimes (Y/N) would reject his invitations and other times he would go with him, and he hadn’t really noticed just how upset Josh would get when (Y/N) turned him down.
Not until now.
“I did it! I did it, (Y/N)! I won the game!” Josh had run up to (Y/N), who’d been standing with his sister and friends.
“Good job, Josh! Your team did great, you worked hard for it,” (Y/N) congratulated, patting Josh on the back after he was pulled into a hug.
“Who’s this?” Ron asked, sizing Josh up. Who was this random classmate that was forcing his boyfriend into a hug? His usual grimace overtook his face as he glared at Josh, and (Y/N) picked up on it.
“This is Joshua Hendley, he’s in Ravenclaw with me. We’ve been hanging out together for the past couple of weeks. He was the friend I mentioned to you.” (Y/N) took a step away from Josh after the hug and he didn’t seem to like that, his brow creasing at the word ‘friend’.
“Right… the one that’s been taking you to Hogsmeade?” Ron recalled a conversation they had over dinner the other day.
“Yes. Josh, this is my boyfriend Ron.”
Ron nodded stiffly at Josh, but he didn’t return the gesture. Instead he scoffed, looking at (Y/N) with an anger that (Y/N) hadn’t noticed before.
“Him? Really?” he raised an eyebrow at (Y/N).
Blinking in confusion, (Y/N) linked his hand with Ron’s, “What do you mean?”
“Ronald Weasley. You’re really going to settle for him?”
“Josh, I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“Don’t you realize why I’ve been spending so much time with you?”
(Y/N) took a hesitant step back at the tone in Josh’s voice, and Ron immediately stood at attention, ready to do something he’d probably regret.
“It wasn’t because I wanted to be your friend, cupcake.” The last word was dripping with venom. “I have feelings for you but you’re too dense to see it.”
“I’m sorry, Josh, but-”
“Yes, yes- you’re with this idiot.”
Harry glanced away from his best friend to Hermione, but not soon enough to stop her from standing between the three in front of them.
“Say that again,” she threatened, pulling her wand from her sleeve. She was closest to Josh, weight in the tips of her toes as she almost fully blocked her brother and his boyfriend from Josh’s view.
“Get out of the way, Granger. This isn’t your fight.”
“The hell it is, that’s my little brother you’re shouting at. And Ronald Weasley is ten times the man you’ll ever be. My brother is lucky to have him, and the same goes for Ron.”
Ron seemed taken aback at this, smiling at the back of Hermione’s head. (Y/N) rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb, sharing the smile with him.
Josh snorted, rolling his eyes, “Like you can say anything. What do you know about relationships, Granger?”
(Y/N) went to take a step forward, but if Hermione seemed hurt by this she didn’t let it show. She raised her wand closer to Josh’s face, and her glare became even more intense.
“You will leave my brother and Ron alone. You will not see them or talk to them, am I understood?”
It was now that Josh seemed to realize the severity of his situation, especially when he looked over at Harry who was looking at him with a half-pity, half-anger filled gaze. Putting up his hands in surrender he backed up, glaring at Ron and (Y/N) as he went.
“And keep the Granger’s names out of your mouth!” Ron shouted after him, his arm around (Y/N)’s waist.
“Are you lot alright?” Harry asked as they started to walk towards the castle. “I’m sorry I wasn’t more help.”
“Nonsense, Harry. If you’d tried ‘Mione probably would’ve cursed you,” (Y/N) teased, nudging her arm as she tucked her wand away again.
“I didn’t know you felt that way about me, Hermione,” Ron went further, smirking at her as they climbed the hill, quickly dodging Hermione’s punch.
“I never said it,” she insisted, sticking her nose up as she went ahead.
“Thank you, Ron,” (Y/N) whispered, catching his hand again.
“Anytime, love.” He smiled with a wink.
-Author Max <3
Harry Potter Taglist: @mailmango
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