#i like when joker can be actually funny and cute
bepoucorp · 8 months
Wait, your joker is inspired by both the rancid ass Arkham joker AND the Lego Movie Joker? Noice
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YES!! they're my fav jokers!!
my joker's the perfect mixture of both nasty and cute... Sometimes he's silly sometimes he's fucked up! hes my everything... twirling him around
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hungermakesmonsters · 4 months
(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Nine
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : R
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Smutty behaviour, use of toys. More sickening cuteness. All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 5.3k
A/N : It's party night and that can only mean one thing; lots of drama and fun...
Chapter Nine
Within an hour, the penthouse was full.
The string quartet in the corner started to play and the wait staff started to circulate with trays of drinks. You’d lingered off to the side, near Billy but giving him enough distance to greet his guests without things being weird. You were there as his employee first and foremost as he’d reluctantly explained to you before the first guest arrived. Everything else was too complicated, and you were quick to agree with him; no one else needed to know your business.
But he pulled you towards him when Karen and her boyfriend Frank arrived. Karen gushed over your dress and you did likewise. Frank gave you an uncomfortable look from behind his mask, like he was sizing you up, but his attention quickly turned back to Billy. So did Karen’s.
You quickly came to realise that Billy had that effect on the people around him. Eyes were always on him, he was always the centre of attention. And Billy seemed to revel in it. You felt yourself almost shrink away as he spoke to his friends, until you felt his finger tip ghost your bare thigh through the slit in your dress.
“There’s someone I want to introduce Frankie to. Karen do you mind...?” He left the question unfinished but everyone understood. He wanted Karen to babysit you.
“Of course!” You spoke before you had the chance to say anything, putting her arm around. “Come on, I think Foggy and Matt are already here.”
You gave Billy one last look, catching his gaze darkening as she led you away. As you both made your way through the crowd, Karen stopped one of the wait staff and grabbed two glasses of champagne and handed one to you.
“So, what do you think of all this?” She asked, scanning the crowd, obviously looking for her friends.
“It’s -” you started before you’re breath caught, feeling the toy start to softly vibrate inside you. 
“Yeah, it’s a lot, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you answered, looking around and managing to spot Billy right where you’d left him.
The vibrations continued for a few seconds as your eyes caught his and he smiled. You held his gaze as he lifted his phone and finally stopped the toy.
“Don’t worry,” Karen said, hooking her arm through yours and giving a gentle tug, “I won’t let you get into any trouble.”
She gave you a smile that you didn’t entirely understand; whatever she thought of your relationship with Billy, it was clear she didn’t have a clue what was actually going on between the two of you.
“I guess I’m just a little nervous,” you explained. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been around this many people...”
“Oh don’t worry, you’ll love Matt and Foggy,” she told you, “Foggy is so funny and Matt is -”
“I’m what?” She was interrupted by the appearance of two men at her side, both smiling widely at her.
“I was going to say real pain in the ass, but you’ve ruined the surprise now,” Karen answered back before quickly introducing you to her friend.
They were both lawyers in Hell’s Kitchen, you quickly discovered. Foggy was the joker of the pair, while Matt was quieter, with a drier, charming sort of wit. You didn’t realise that Matt was blind until you noticed his cane. Neither asked what you were doing at the party or how you knew Billy, and you were more than happy to keep that information to yourself, in favour of learning all about them.
When they started talking in a way that close friends do, they still tried to include you and make sure you felt like part of the group, and it was something you’d never really experienced before. It felt nice, like you could be one of them one day, like you could have your own little group of friends and a normal life. All you needed to do was make it through a whole year with Billy and you’d be able to have the sort of life that you wanted.
Your hand trembled as you brought your glass to your lips, another unexpected wave of vibrations started and your thighs clenched. Turning, you looked around the party, trying to spot him, but in a room full of masked men in tuxedos, it was almost impossible. The vibrations intensified and you could almost feel his eyes on you; you could picture his smile as he watched you struggling to keep a straight face.
It felt like your cheeks were burning, every fibre of your being overcome with embarrassment at just how close you were to coming in such a crowded room. Trembling fingers adjusted your mask, your hand lingering, covering your face as your breath became short, uneven pants. You clenched around the toy, but that just made it worse.
A sigh of relief slipped from your lips when the vibrations suddenly stopped, leaving you on the precipice of an orgasm.
Finally, you were able to concentrate on Foggy again, trying to catch up with the story he was telling - something about Matt getting caught outside their dorm room in college in nothing but his underwear.
“You okay?” Karen asked suddenly, derailing her story and drawing everyone’s attention to you.
“Fine, just a little warm,” you lied. “I’m going to go grab some water.”
“I could do with some water too,” Matt said, “mind if I join you?”
“No, of course not,” you told him, taking a step forward and lightly placing your arm on his so he could follow you towards the kitchen.
“I hate that story,” Matt muttered, leaning towards you so you could hear him over the party as you walked together towards the kitchen. “Foggy always insists on telling it in front of pretty girls.”
Instantly, your cheeks started to warm.
“You mean Karen?” You dared to ask, trying to swallow down the lump in your throat.
“No, I don’t mean Karen.”
“But how -”
“He wouldn’t tell the story if you weren’t pretty,” Matt explained before you could finish the question. “He was trying to put you off me.”
“I thought he was your friend?” You asked, more confused than ever.
“He is, I just have a bit of a reputation and -”
You gasped as the toy started to vibrate again, the intensity stronger than before and catching you completely off-guard. It stopped just as suddenly as it started, but your shock hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Are you alright?” Matt asked.
“Yeah,” you answered, “just my shoes pinching my feet.”
Fortunately, you’d managed to reach the kitchen and had the counter for support as you got a glass of water for Matt and then one for yourself.
“Thank you. I never could get used to the expensive stuff they serve at these things,” he explained.
You smiled and, suddenly, the intense vibrations started again but, this time, instead of cutting off after a couple of seconds, it carried on. It didn’t take long for you to realise what was going on; the first time had been a warning, this was the punishment. 
Billy was watching you and he was getting jealous. He wanted all your thoughts on him and not the man standing in front of you.
“Karen explained your situation here,” Matt went on, “but when you’re done working for Russo, if you ever want to go for dinner or coffee, or something...”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, barely thinking about what Matt was asking you.
You squeezed your thighs together but that just made the vibrations feel more accute.
“I know some great places in Hell’s Kitchen...”
Matt’s smile widened, completely unaware of your torment and just how wet your panties were. You pursed your lips and tried desperately not to let out the moan that was threatening to spill from you as Matt continued.
As awful as you felt the moment you had the thought, you were glad he couldn’t see the way you were squirming and the discomfort on your face as you struggled not to come in  front of him. Your eyes searched the crowd again, trying to find Billy wanting to plead with him to relent.
“There’s a great Vietnamese place that -” Matt’s fingers brushed your arm suddenly and you almost came.
“Hey Murdock, I think Karen wants you.”
Your breath caught as Billy appeared seemingly from nowhere
“Russo,” Matt muttered curtly.
“Said she needed you to settle a bet or something,” Billy told him, but he didn’t take his eyes off of you for a single second
Matt nodded, his attention briefly turning to you before he left; “don’t forget my offer.”
Billy barely waited until he was out of earshot to speak; “having fun?”
There was an edge to his tone, something that you didn’t like, something that you hadn’t heard before. He wasn’t used to sharing you and, clearly, he didn’t like it.
“If you didn’t want me to talk to people, you shouldn’t have left me on my own,” you answered back.
“I didn’t leave you on your own, I left you with Karen.”
Your breath caught as he stepped closer, placing a hand on the counter at your side, and making you feel boxed in.
“You can’t force Karen to babysit me. I wasn’t doing anything, I was just talking. I thought that was why you let me come tonight, so I could be around people.” You looked at him, finding uncertainty in his expression. He looked lost. “What’s wrong?”
His eyes found yours from behind his mask and, for a moment, he just stared at you, unsure whether to answer or not. He took your wrist in his hand, placing his fingers over your pulse before letting out a slow exhale.
“I can’t hear your heartbeat,” he told you with a longing that you knew he hadn’t wanted to share, like he was going through the worst torture imaginable. “I can’t -” he cut himself off with a frustrated huff.
There were no words, there was nothing you could say in response to any of it. You hated the frustration and agony on his face, hated the fact that there was nothing you could think of to do to fix it. 
So, instead, you stayed quiet, letting him keep his fingers over your racing pulse for as long as he needed to, while your hand discretely slipped into his jacket to rest on his waist. You remained that way for a few minutes, until Billy seemed to relax again.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered softly. “We don’t have to keep playing if you don’t want to.”
“I-I want to keep playing,” you answered just as softly.
“Yeah... you said you wanted me to spend the night thinking about you, but I -” you bit your lip and dropped your gaze for a moment, “- I want to know you’re thinking about me too,”
Billy leaned close and, for a second, you thought he was going to kiss you but he stopped himself.
“Of course I’m thinking about you,” he confessed, “you’re the only thing I can think about, little hummingbird. When I saw you over here with Murdock all I could think about was -”
He stopped abruptly, lips pulling into a snarl at whatever thought was tormenting him.
“What?” You gently prompted.
“That night, after we had dinner together. The way you begged and moaned as I fucked you with my fingers,” his voice turned low and dark, his gaze fixed on yours. “All I could think about was how wet your pussy was and how hard you came for me against this counter.”
Your thighs clenched and you struggled to draw breath. You knew he could feel just how fast your heart was racing and it seemed to settle him further - the fact that he could make your heart pound so hard seemed to relax him.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “I want to touch you.”
“Not yet. Not here. When everyone’s gone,” you told him, tearing your eyes away long enough to glance past him towards the party. “We should...”
“Yeah... before anyone notices...” he sighed, slowly stepping back.
For a moment you wanted to tell him that it didn’t matter, that you didn’t care if anyone saw, but you reminded yourself that it was for his benefit as much as your own; he’d warned you from the start how people tended to view arrangements like yours.
He forced himself to turn and started to walk away from you, pulling out his phone and making the toy give a gentle buzz inside you, ramping up your arousal all over again and letting you know he was still thinking about you, that he wasn’t going to stop thinking about you.
You made your way back to Karen and, when asked about it, explained that Billy was just checking that you were alright and making sure that no one was bothering you. She gave you a look and you weren’t sure that she believed you, but she let the matter drop.
To avoid causing Billy any distress, you stayed by Karen’s side for the next couple of hours. Every now and then, you’d feel a sudden buzz inside you. Sometimes it’d just be a couple of seconds, other times, he’d leave it a few minutes before turning it off, making you squirm uncomfortably. You tried to hide it by shifting your weight between your legs, telling Karen that your new shoes were hurting you.
But, after your sixth glass of champagne, you found yourself starting to feel a little bit tipsy and in need of the bathroom, so you excused yourself.
When you got there, there was already someone waiting outside.
“Are you waiting for the bathroom?” You asked, trying to be polite, and wondering if it would be quicker to go use your own bathroom on the other side of the penthouse.
She looked at you for a second, a cold smile growing on her lips.
“Oh, you’re the new one,” she remarked, barely containing her derision as her cold fingers brushed against your necklace. “I see he’s still putting collars on his pets.”
Collars? Pets? 
You wanted to say something. Anything. But the words wouldn’t come. 
“Where are my manners?” She laughed, offering you her hand. “I’m Krista Dumont, I used to be you until he got bored of me.”
You took her hand, feeling like you were running on autopilot, the need to be polite far outweighing trying to understand what the fuck was going on. Her skin was cold to the touch and her eyes were dark; there was no mistaking the fact that she was a vampire.
“You’re a pretty little thing, I can see why he picked you,” she continued. “But that’s the problem with men like William; they always get bored and move on to the next pretty thing.”
“I don’t -” you tried, hating how lost you felt.
Krista. Madani had mentioned a Krista, hadn’t she? You shook your head, trying to focus your thoughts, trying to remember the photos you’d been shown. She’d had your job working for Billy, but she was a vampire now...
Did that mean Billy had turned her?
“You poor thing,” Krista cooed, leaning towards you and placing a cold hand on your cheek. “Did you really think you were the first? That you were special? Does he like to listen to your racing heartbeat once he’s done fucking you or was that just for me?”
“No, we haven’t -” you shook your head, cheeks burning hotter despite her cold touch.
It couldn’t be true. Billy had promised not to lie. He’d told you that there hadn’t been any others like you.
You wanted to find him and ask him what was going on, but there was something about her, about the way she was looking at you; you couldn’t move, couldn’t turn away to look for help. You were stuck. Trapped.
“He will eventually. He just can’t help himself,” she told you, her gaze holding yours, forcing you to keep looking, to keep listening. “But it doesn’t have to be like that. I could help you, save you the way I was saved...”
You remained frozen as she leaned towards you, softly pressing her lips to your cheek, tongue lapping up a tear you didn’t even realise had spilled. Your heart was racing, lungs struggling to draw breath. You couldn’t stop her, couldn’t even lift your arms to push her away as her lips started to trail down towards your neck.
Fingers pulled open your necklace and let it fall to the floor.
“Let me show you who you really are,” she muttered against your neck, cold lips leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Yes. You found yourself wanting it, wanting whatever it was she wanted you to want. It was like your mind had turned blank and her voice was all that remained. You were in her thrall with no way of escaping.
Then came the scrape of teeth on flesh and -
You were pulled backwards as she was wrenched away from you. Curtis had her pressed against the wall while a strong pair of arms pulled you away. You felt limp, like a rag doll being half-led, half-carried into the library.
Whatever she’d done to you had started to wear off as you were pressed back against the door, and you realised you were with Billy. Somewhere along the way, both of you had lost your masks, but you couldn’t rightly say where.
His fingers were on your neck, eyes desperately searching for any sign of bite marks. When he didn’t find any, his hands moved to hold your face, catching your eyes with a concerned look that would have broken you at any other time. Then he was on you, his body against yours, pinning you in place while his lips slanted over yours and you sank into a devouring kiss. All you could do to respond was moan softly as his tongue slipped between your lips.
It took a few seconds for you to come back to your senses, and a moment more to realise that you were angry with him. You pushed him away, breaking the kiss. The space you created wasn’t much, but it was enough to see him, and for him to see how upset you were.
“You lied to me.” Your voice threatened to break. “You promised that you wouldn’t lie to me.”
The look on his face said more than his words ever could; he knew that he’d been caught out.
“I didn’t -”
“I asked if you’d done this with any of the others and you said no.”
“I said not like this,” he tried to explain.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I fucked Krista,” he stated flatly. “That was all we did. We didn’t talk about literature or hang out, she didn’t make me laugh, she didn’t sit and watch the sunset with me. We fucked. And after three months of fucking, she wanted more from me. More than I wanted to give her.”
“What did she want?” You asked, even though you weren’t sure you wanted to know.
“Me. This life. She -” he sighed, “- she wanted to be bitten. She wanted me to turn her. She tried to get me to do it during sex when I was...” he trailed off for a moment, leaving you to fill in the blanks. She’d done it when he’d been struggling to control himself. “I told her I wouldn’t, that I couldn’t have her in my bed anymore, and she quit.”
“But she’s -”
“She’s a vampire now. She found someone else to turn her, then came back to me, thinking we could be together. And I - I couldn’t give her that. I didn’t want to give her that.” The more he spoke the more fraught he sounded. “So, yeah, I fucked up. I didn’t see what was right in front of me until it was too late. And if you want to know; yes, I’ve fucked others that have been in your position. But it’s never been like it is with you.”
“Then why didn’t you just tell me that from the start?” Your voice still broken, eyes threatening tears.
“So you could think that I just lure women here to take advantage of them? So you could think I was doing that to you?” He shook his head. “We shouldn’t work. Everything about you, it’s - you’re all the things I never thought I wanted. But I like being around you, I like the way I feel when I’m with you. We could stop all of this, I’d never touch you again, and I’d still want to spend time with you.”
You didn’t know how to respond to any of it. Instead, you found your fingers on your neck, remembering the necklace that was now gone.
“She called it a collar. She called me your pet.” Indignation replaced the upset in your tone.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed again, “I should’ve explained. The necklace was supposed to keep you safe, it’s supposed to signify to other vampires that you’re mine -”
“I’m yours? As in your property?” You asked angrily. 
“I just wanted to keep you safe. I know you’re not mine... I know that you’ll never be mine,” he said bitterly.
“How could I be yours when we can’t even have sex?”
You regretted the question the second it left your lips and you saw his face drop.
“You’re right,” he answered before letting out a humourless huff of laughter, dragging his fingers through his hair. “Irony is that I did everything different this time and it still got fucked up. I let myself enjoy just being with you, I tried to take things slow. I let myself care - but I couldn’t even do that right. I’ve been lying to myself, pretending that anyone could want me for me. But even you don’t. If it wasn’t for the money, you wouldn’t even be here...”
You watched as he took a step back and started to turn away from you but, before he could get away, you were reaching for his hand, pulling him back towards you. He gave you a confused look but didn’t say anything while you sorted through your conflicting emotions.
“I -” you started and stopped, not sure what you wanted to say, only knowing that you wanted to say something, “- I haven’t been doing any of this for the money. I like you, okay? A lot. I know that’s not what we agreed to and I know I’m not supposed to, but I can’t help it. That’s why it hurt that you lied to me, because you obviously liked her enough to sleep with her, and I -”
Before you could finish, he was on you again, pulling you into another eager kiss. The floor disappeared beneath your feet as he lifted you and carried you further into the library, not putting you down until he reached his desk. Your fingers grasped his jacket, keeping a tight hold of him while he kissed you.
“Let me show you how much I like you,” he muttered.
He sank to his knees without warning, his hands pushing your dress up and pulling your panties down. He took a moment to appreciate just how wet they were before throwing them over his shoulder. It was only then that he seemed to remember that the toy was still nestled inside you. With a wicked grin, he took his phone from his pocket and set the toy to a low vibration.
“Billy...” you breathed, watching as his head disappeared under your dress. 
The cold press of his lips on your thigh had your heart racing, and a quiet moan slipped from you when you felt him start sucking little marks into your skin, like he was claiming you. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion, each press of his lips and drag of his tongue bringing him closer and closer to where you desperately wanted him. Before he got there, you noticed his finger clumsily swiping at his phone, ramping up the vibrations.
His fingers parted your folds and you gasped as his tongue started to tease your clit.
You moaned, already feeling overwhelmed, feeling the pressure of a whole night's worth of teasing start to fill you. Your legs trembled, held apart by Billy’s strong hands, leaving you completely at his mercy, as he licked and sucked your throbbing, swollen clit. Gripping the edge of the desk, your back arched, and your moans only got louder and more desperate. Struggling to hold off the inevitable until -
“Come for me,” he groaned in that eager but commanding tone.
And you did as you were told.
Your whole body shook, finally able to relieve the tension that had been coiling in you since the moment he’d filled you with the toy. More wild moans escaped your lips and Billy’s tongue kept going until you were too sensitive to take anymore. The vibrations finally stopped and you felt Billy pull the toy from your trembling body and heard it drop but you didn’t look down.
Instead your eyes were fixed on Billy, as he finally emerged from beneath your dress. He stood and your arm instantly wrapped around his waist, while the hand of the other tenderly cupped his cheek, your thumb brushing over his wet lips.
“I like you too, hummingbird. A lot,” he finally dared to admit, drawing the softest laugh from you.
He leaned in to kiss you again, his hips settling between your thighs. You let out a soft moan against his lips, pulling him closer, needing him as close as possible, feeling the way his cock was straining against his pants. Now that he’d said the words, you felt closer to him than ever and you didn’t want the moment to end. When he pulled back, the look on his face was all it took to have you fumbling to undo his pants and free his achingly hard cock. Your hand ran up and down the length of him while he just looked at you.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked, already sounding a little breathless.
“I want you,” you answered. 
Billy hesitated, looking almost reluctant, and it took you a couple of seconds to realise why; this was usually the point when he started to lose control and things fell apart.
Your free hand moved back to his cheek. “Are you here with me? Are you in control right now?”
“Then I want this.”
Billy relented with a nod. You took a breath as his arm hooked beneath your knee, lifting your leg, making sure you were spread open for him. Your hand dropped from his cock and moved to grip his jacket again as he pressed forwards. The tip of his cock parted your folds and pressed against your wet entrance and you felt your whole body start to tremble in nervous anticipation. He kissed you again, this time softly, savouring the taste of your lips as he slowly started to nudge inside you, drawing a moan from you.
Your grip on his jacket tightened and you tried not to wince as he stretched you. You knew there was going to be some initial discomfort because of his size, but you didn’t care. You wanted to finally feel him inside you.
“Are you still with me?” you asked him softly, trying in vain to hide your discomfort.
Billy nodded, lifting your leg a little higher, opening you further, enough for him to slowly start sinking deeper, almost enough for him to -
Suddenly the noise of the party spilled into the room and Billy recoiled, pulling out and leaving you trembling.
“You fuckin’ kiddin’ me, Bill?” An angry voice pulled you back to the moment and your heart stopped.
Billy pulled away, fumbling with his pants, turning to face Frank. Your shaking hands tried to right your dress as you got off the desk, your face burning with embarrassment as Frank leaned down to pick your discarded panties off the floor, a disgusted look on his face.
“You plannin’ on fuckin’ up that poor girl too? Can’t keep your dick in your pants, that it?”
“What -” the word left your lips in little more than a whisper and it was completely ignored.
“Fuck off, Frankie,” Billy growled. “It’s got nothing to do with you.”
“I ain’t lettin’ you fuck up another one, Bill. I told you, you don’t get to fuck around like this no more.”
“And I told you, you don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re the one that did this to me, Frankie. You don’t get to keep fucking up my life.” Billy answered back, pointing an angry finger at Frank.
Your embarrassment doubled when you realised that Karen was there. She moved past Frank, stepping towards you and offering you her hand. “Come on, they need to talk this out.”
Billy didn’t even look at you, he was too busy looking like he was about to tear Frank to shreds with his bare hands. 
You hated yourself for how easily you took her hand and let her lead you out of the library; like a child, being removed from a room by your mother because the adults were talking. You felt so lost, so completely and utterly mortified, that you barely even noticed that Karen led you back through the party and to your rooms, and into the kitchen.
“Are you okay?” Karen asked, closing the kitchen door and sealing you both in the tiny room and away from the sounds of the party.
“No, I’m not okay,” you responded sharply, “what was that?”
“Look, Billy is just -”
“Not Billy, you and Frank,” you clarified.
“I know you’re probably confused right now, but Billy really shouldn’t -”
“How is it any of your business?” You interrupted again, your voice shaking, tears threatening to spill. 
“Because it isn’t safe. Billy - when he’s like that, he isn’t safe,” she tried to tell you. “He’s sick, he -”
“I know.”
Karen faltered, obviously not expecting you to know anything about it. “He told you?”
“I’ve seen it,” you snapped, hating that you were being made to feel like a child who had no idea what was going on. “I’ve been helping him with it. And that, in there - it wasn’t that.”
Scrubbing at your eyes, you refused to cry in front of her, you refused to show anything but anger.
“I know it might seem like -”
“Like what? That he likes me?” Your voice threatened to break. “Is that really so hard to believe? That he might actually like me? That someone like him might actually want me?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Karen tried to explain, reaching out, trying to put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
You shrugged away from her, moving towards the door and pulling it open. “Just get out.”
“I know you’re pissed, but I’m just trying to help,” Karen tried again, obviously trying to keep her own temper in check.
“I don’t need your help. I don’t want it. So, just go.”
She looked ready to argue but quickly gave up. You watched as she left and made her way back into the penthouse. 
You thought about going back to Billy but you couldn’t face anyone, you felt so embarrassed and angry, you felt like there was still so much going on that you didn’t understand. And you hated it. It made you feel like you were back home, with everyone around you making decisions for your life without bothering to consult you.
Heading to your room, you locked the door behind you and changed into your pyjamas before crawling into bed, burying your face against the bear he'd bought you as the tears started to fall.
End Note : We're now referring to Frank as Frank-cockblock-Castle, and I hope everyone enjoyed some of the little cameos, some of them will be back in later chapters to cause more trouble. Anyway, hope this chapter lived up to expectations 😅 As always, thanks for reading/commenting/liking/reblogging, it really does mean so much to me every week!! Have a great weekend!!
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carcarcraziiv2 · 10 months
Heartsteel Ezreal Boyfriend HC's
On a side note, I'm using wet--milk's gifs on like all of these wanna say thanks for clippin good gifs person!
~To the cute green haired Ezreal~
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~Floof, mostly just floof honestly -shrug- as always enter at your own risk!~
Ezreal is the kind of guy who does not G.A.F about PDA. He will kiss you, hug you, smother you in affection no matter where you are. Ironically, he was shy when the two of you first met, but that flew out the window as soon as he realized how amazing you treat him and how you accepted him so purely. Contrary to his general attitude, if anyone starts giving you any extra attention that makes him or you uncomfortable, he will confront them. He will be brave and walk up to them and tell them who he is to you and make sure they know not to f around. "You're so cuuute! Come here. -Hug-. Honestly, y/n, I never want to let you go." "Is there a reason you're talking to my partner? Carry on, see what happens."
Ezreal is THE joker. He acts shy a lot of the time, but he is a huge goof ball. He will constantly be scheming with his bandmates for a silly prank to pull on you. As a matter of fact, Ezreal and Sett have pulled quite a few pranks on you. They never let you in on the ones against Kayn and Aphelios though, and certainly it can't be because they don't want you to know all their secret plans, right? On the contrary, it is hilarious to prank him especially to scare him, because he has the best reactions! Usually, you team up with his other victims to get back at him, and it makes it all the more worth it. "Hehehe, sorry my love. We just thought it would be funny. Please don't be mad at me? Awh, I knew you couldn't stay mad at this face!"
Ezreal is... an attention seeker. All his life he has been striving to be in the spotlight, and that is no different when it comes to you. He will be attached to you by the hip wherever you go. He even took it upon himself to steal some of "his" posters from his bandmates rooms and hang them up in your bedroom, so you always see him even if you aren't together. If you ignore him to rile him up, be prepared for an onslaught of tackle-cuddles and kisses when it's just the two of you. He will also take it upon himself to shower you in attention. When you dress up for him, for example, he will lower his glasses and look at you through his lashes with his jaw dropped. He is your ultimate hype man. "Do you like them? Yeah, I used to be in a band before Heartsteel, can you believe it? What? No, I'm not taking them down!" "Come here, why have you been ignoring me? -1000 tiny kisses all over your face- You have no choice but to pay attention to me now!"
Ezreal's kisses are sporadic, chaotic, and messy- but not in a bad way. He has this way about him that makes him almost seem desperate when he kisses you, like he's a man starved. Sometimes he will even push you against the wall, groaning into your mouth when you finally let him in. He will back away from you, pulling at his hair and biting his lip to show you how much you affect him. On the other hand, if you take the lead he will literally melt into a puddle. If you grasp his face, pull him close and kiss him gently, he releases little whines that make butterflies erupt in your stomach. "Gods, you're so perfect. I'm not going to stop kissing you. Ever. You got that?"
Ezreal is a pouter when you argue, but he is also such a joker that it's hard for him to tell when you're actually upset with him. Once he does, he will do literally anything to make sure that you aren't mad at him for long, even if it means contradicting what he thought was right in the moment. He will become a soppy mess if you actually show him your anger. May even shed a tear. By the end of it, you feel so bad you have to give him loving to make up for it all. "Love, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were serious... I promise I'll pay more attention next time, okay? Come here, let's cuddle about it."
Ezreal just doesn't say goodbye. As a matter of fact, he just assumes he is going with you wherever you go, and vice versa. If you somehow end up somewhere without him, if he doesn't know where you are, he may just go into a slight panic? Usually running to Yone for help, eventually getting a text back from you (he sent SO MANY texts). His separation anxiety is cute, even though it's sad, and it makes you hyper aware of just how obsessed with you he is. "Where ARE you, my love? Oh my gods, you scared me! Please don't leave me again, I don't think my heart can handle it."
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trappednyourheart · 5 months
I'm so braindead( not actually ) and my stupid ass made an prompt
Haunted mansion!
( It's Sam's idea! Shush shut up!)
It's the Halloween day and Sam's plan was to make a haunted mansion! The school had like some kind Halloween charity and every student of Casper high had to participate because of Fruit loops!-..ehem the Mayor of Amity Park for charity ( he's going to overshadowed someone to be more rich isn't he?)
And what's more perfect for a half dead teen vigilante, a goth girl, a tech geek (if I spelled that right? Oh Ancients I've been in this community and I don't even know tucker much!?💀) to participate? Much more! There going to held it at the most crimiest ( if that's a word?) city in the world!
Yeah lady Gotham was kinda strict but just those cute puppy eyes from the trio and especially from his Majesty ( Yes it's Danny ghost king au? But much more secretive) so she did let them know a few rules
* they can kick jokers ass
*be low as possible from the radar of her dark knights (cough*‼️ furries‼️*cough*)
*and have fun,
* and also can his Majesty like take that nasty shit of ectoplasm away from her red knight
Danny: ( oh yeah sure!)
Lady Gotham: ( that's so kind of you, your majesty 😇 *blinks*blinks*)
So they set up the haunted mansion from a literally haunted mansion, the old couple who own the place back 1988 was very nice and goodheartedly, let them use there home to make it a haunted mansion. ( Which was funny cause it was haunted, well it's the king! Who wouldn't disagree with those kind eyes, unlike some guy *coughs* Pariah Dark *coughs* I swear i have asthma)
It was going great! Street kids were in line, men, women, children, they were having a blast from this new haunted mansion, when it's Halloween, the crimes would go higher more and the bats and birds would patrol much more...
Well someone had to ruin it- meet The JOKER! and let the rules progress much faster, so let's kick his Ass!
*cue the situation, you can imagine what happen,I'm like so tired that I don't have the time to make a whole ass fight scene*
So that's how the Bats and The Bee$- I mean Bats and the Birds- I mean sorry- the Bats find out a very beat-up and full of bites marks,( there clearly sure might have a been a dog,) and floating in the air, and is being shredded by zombies staff mascots that look so high as fuck in Lazarus pits effect (Danny duplicates DUH🙄)
And a certain crime lord laughing his ass off, cheering them!
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 6 months
joker out in oslo 17/03 gig report time! this is long so under a read more. have some footage from my terrible phone and not very good angle :)
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while waiting in the queue we were right next to the door and they all came past us to get in. vita, damon, and a woman i assume is sadie sink (with a big suitcase) got locked out and waited for ages and were joined by nace, bojan, and jure. jan came on his own a few minutes later and was also locked out.
regnvær and hearts were really good! at one point, the lead singer of regnvær started playing a song in the wrong key on his guitar and took three tries to get it right. the lead singer of hearts kept saying "yoker out" in a strong swedish accent. they both knocked over mic stands as well it was very chaotic
the security guard was VIBING to the dj between acts it was so funny! he sang along to barbie girl what an icon
now the actual show:
my first thoughts as they came on stage: holy fuck jan is beautiful. NACE GLASSES! bojan's outfit?!?!?!
the stage was too small for the cool props and i couldn't see jure most of the time sadly
bojan did a whole speech about how he'd learnt how to say hello/good day in norwegian (god dag) and joked about it sounding like good dog, and he patted nace while saying it
at one point, nace was at the front of stage and jan came up behind him and pretended to try to push him off and they had a little mock fight while playing it was adorable!! yeah they janced a lot... every time they looked at each other they couldn't stop grinning or making faces at each other
lots of really good krisjan and krisnace moments tonight as well! kris sidled up to nace in ona and jan got in the way again but this time to play with kris. other than this i didn't really see much of kris though
someone get bojan some glasses because every time he tried to read a sign in the crowd he squinted so hard
before vkv someone had a sign that said they'd ask out their crush if they played padam and bojan said he would as kiki gave him his guitar. then they were like 'oh i've asked them out now' and bojan joked about not needing to play padam anymore. and he played the chorus but doesn't actually know it so got some of the chords wrong and it was awesome and very funny! then he dedicated vkv to them and said 'i hope your date goes better than that'.
in behind those eyes, jan and nace did a super slow version of their mating dance circling each other. i had wanted bluza but you can tell they really love playing behind those eyes so i still really enjoyed it
bojan dedicated omamljeno telo to a friend from primary school who'd flown from slovenia and had been a fan before joker out actually formed!
nace's glasses flew off in the middle of omamljeno telo right before jan's solo and bojan put them back on for him agdjafhkl
bojan couldn't keep his hands off nace in plastika as usual
bojan did the kakaka in carpe diem like he used to! but jure didn't come out at the end of it and they didn't do the hearts! it was very sad
it was someone's birthday and bojan sang a cute improvised happy birthday to them during umazane misli
literally the whole first half of umazane misli was jan and nace messing around - jan put a tiny fake hand on one of his guitar's tuning pegs and nace high fived it twice. he was turning in to nace to show him the hand and nace turned his bass upright and started playing it like that?
nace and jan just. lay down. in the um karaoke??? and started playing from the floor? NACE FLOWER CROWN! when he sat up and i could see him again i nearly had a heart attack istg.
the tiny fake hands made another appearance while bojan was introducing novi val and jure, nace, and jan all took turns stroking each other's faces with them it was so funny! nace stroked kris with one at one point. jan and nace did a high five with them too!
no pijano tonight sadly. but holy shit jan looks ethereal playing guitar i totally get why nace looks at him all the time lmao
anyway it was awesome and i had an amazing time!!
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aztarion · 25 days
hiii jez, your sol tag is incredible and i love everything about her!! best aesthetic & best most fucked up vampire bbgirl of all time <3 do you have any interesting facts or random tidbits of lore about her that you are willing to share or link me to? wish to know everything & more about her asap tysm 🥰
whaaaat hi bree!! 😭 that oc tag is so thrown together and unorganised girl youre insane putting yourself through that but omfg its til death do us part now 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
i dont really post writing with my ocs much on tumblr but i blabbered for like an hour here im so sorry in advance i hope its a little entertaining…. tw for ed mention and self harm but its just your regular vtm stuff if youre familiar with the background ttrpg
soledad is her courier alias, she usually goes by that or the inevitable nickname sol, which doubles as a small remnant of her old life — her real name is solona ^^
she is first gen mexican-filipina, grew up in california before moving to arizona
didn’t care for academics much; preferred working with her hands — she dropped out of studies as soon as it was acceptable and went into business training under her dad and older brother as a mechanic
very laidback, easygoing, quietly contented; never had sprawling ambitions or aspirations and she was cool with that (was and is a little bit of a perfectionist with her work tho). this created a wedge with her mom who did nawt like the notion of her only daughter wasting prime years and a pretty face in a dingy garage. (i never get it *exactly* how i want in art & have never found a faceclaim i love, but i kinda picture her overall look as like. a timeless, slightly restless sort of dark beauty; like her eyes are always trying to tell you something in spite of herself, even when she looks totally serene lol)
anyway! one of moms fears are realized — sol ends up with a very noticeable facial scar (semi glasgow smile? mouth to under ear and a little further than that even, cheek just super spliced) due to an accident in the garage. sad! oh well she’s the joker now (or she will be after julian)
wait actually while im yapping about backstory i deviate a little from the game options just to make things more juicy and personal but! to me she first meets julian having to work on his suzuki and they hit it off. pre-night road as mentioned she is very easygoing — easily charmed and is herself charming — they def get along like a house on fire. julian would no doubt mentally take note of her whole roll-with-the-punches, laissez-faire attitude — naturally that just seems like a quality that might come in handy when you bite someone and turn them into a creature of the night. also the attentive, methodical approach she takes to her work, and when needed, her on the spot workarounds — he doesn’t want some dumb unreliable chump childe. and alright bear with him here: so it’s not relevant strictly in terms of her being thee potential great american embrace candidate he may be planning for right now, but man shes kiiiiinda cute and the scar is kiiiiiiiinda badass and its kiiiiinda hot that she knows exactly what she’s doing under the hood.…….Julian’s of course no slouch but he prefers it when others are doing the dirty work for him and she knows her stuff. so he’s thinking yeah this might work out. wait did she just say she plays nintendo too — oh this is definitely working out.
well it didn’t work out — sol ends up caitiff. julian accidentally botched her embrace 👍 whoops. but he teaches her blood sorcery as soon as possible — she can fly under the radar as a regular banu haqim. so it does work out! the sire/childe bond likely did some heavy lifting in terms of their relationship but sol was still pretty dopey heart eyes for julian in the beginning, like truly thought he was brilliant and funny and followed whatever he said no questions — really trusted him, figured with him being more experienced and so whipsmart and knowledgeable that he was utterly infallible. julian knew best and like didn’t he keep her safe trying to cover for the whole clanless thing……how could he have anything but Good Intentions dot dot dot……
in the decade after julian goes MIA, sol’s entire demeanor takes a nosedive. in the ingame text, julian and d’espine are described as being ‘fledgling-like’ in that they still have that liveliness to them, like a constant subtle Blush of Life effect. sol had that too in the years w julian, but after so long alone and having to maintain that isolation in order to ghost by in both the human world and undead while drugrunning & couriering, she gets cold — corpse and mind. outwardly she’s very composed; there’s little to no animation (no once-effortless smile, not even a ghost of the dimple in her unscarred cheek ! ) but her inner monologue is distrustful, has aged — is honestly a little paranoid and bitter sometimes — and overly nervous where she once would never have been. when julian returns it’s noted how young he still seems in comparison. that doesnt help the grudge she holds
i think her nerves skyrocket even more so when she feels aila stir. while u cant choose merits/flaws in night road like the table top, i feel like she would have the bulimic derangement that causes a kindred to gorge or throw up blood at random after feeding due to stress — she’s literally just THAT internally anxious. the game makes a point ensuring youre well fed on your next visit to tucson’s elysium since you showed up starving at the beginning, but after the office confrontation with lettow asking what happened to aila — which despite going successfully & having an excellent relationship with him — sol still probably LEGS it out of the viper once dove interrupts and ends up vomiting in an alley before jumping in her car🤦‍♀️ so much for paying alexander to acquire blood and making a good impression this time…..what a waste. and u know what Riga probably saw the whole mortifying ordeal too smh
ok im sorry i could talk abt the entire game like this i have so many headcanons
ooh straight up just facts & a little tldr:
so she’s 5’8; long pretty neck, slim hourglass figure with soft heavy curves, distinctly confident arms and legs, various tattoos: depictions of scorpions and snakes, the sun, spanish and tagalog script in black and red ink. she’s around whatever Julian’s human age wouldve been, i guess mid twenties range
is Julian’s Childe but due to a botched embrace ends up caitiff. masquerades as a banu haqim that, when in the presence of more prejudiced vampire society, in turn masquerades as something traditionally camarilla-fronting: malk/toreador/ventrue, whatever. it’s complicated! por los clavos de cristo does she wish she was back in that shitty little garage 20 yrs ago
throws up when nervous; is constantly a little hungry and risking an oops moment but for the most part maintains iron composure — its become a whittled and useful hard shell
learns blood sorcery right off the bat from julian, learns protean from lettow after staking reremouse w him. she usually keeps things clean and impersonal with a gun and deft precision (and elena with more guns!) but she still likes working with her hands: in close combat, especially when it involves other supernaturals, she keeps elena out of the fight and doubles up that weird combo of blood sorcery + protean — is frankly just a messy blur of slit wrists bloody sigils and slashing claws. (ough wanna draw this ugly visual so bad but omg i just know it wouldn’t work out w my skillset rn)
omg i feel like ive gone on forever in a bunch of directions while saying nothing helpp. ill stop here and spare you! thank you so much for asking bree!! :D <3 you have to tell me about your courier now!!
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^ us night roading
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rotin0 · 10 months
Ok I have had it
Ok guys we have to talk about the huge elephant in the room
Like the big one thats taking up space for the new cabinet I just bought
And that is the fact that ‘kaitou joker x reader’ fanfics ARE DEAD
so kj tumblr fans 🥺👉👈
Kj tumblr fanfic writer fans 🥺👉👈
Can we
Have some kj x reader fanfics out here
Please I am starving for something new
The last kj x reader fanfic i read was amazing because the reader was basically isekai’d into the anime but sadly I think the author left to buy some milk
I’d even go for some kj x reader angst which says alot because I am a fragile person who cries alot when reading angst
What do you think?? 🥺🥺🥺
Here I’ll persuade you with funny pictures
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Maybe one cute one for good luck
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(I actually dont know if people will do it but if you or anyone writes a kj x reader fanfic can you tag me straight away like I would love to see it)
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hyog-blog · 1 month
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White Cat Legend
I was craving something unpretentious, slightly funny, absolutely not loaded with gut-wrenching backstabbing plots, and if possible with a very mediocre level of emotional luggage - and this drama delivered above and beyond!
First of all, Ding Yuxi is a real sweetheart and looks very cute as a Cat-Detective Li Bing. He basically finds himself a human (Chen Shi), just as cats do, befriends him, and takes him to work as his subordinate at the Court of Judicial Review, along with a bunch of lovely idiots who turn out to be very loyal partners as well.
By the time he meets Chen Shi, a simple boy from a small town who comes to the capital to find his brother, Li Bing has been around kitty-cattying his way into the plotty plots of the capital for 3 years, after the death of his father, when some assassins killed him along with all the members of the old Court of Judicial Review. Now, as Li Bing finds out, the new organization consists of the above-mentioned lovely idiots and one vice minister, the daughter of some official, who seems to be in the series just so we have at least one female supporting character in the all-male cast XD. There are lots of BOYS in this show, and they range from handsome to cute to hilarious.
As Li Bing becomes the second vice minister in this case-solving organization, along with the single lady, with whom he has no chemistry whatsoever, he meets his long-lost love childhood friend, a handsome general Qiu Qingzhi, who apparently made it his life's mission to meddle into all Li Bing's cases, take his witnesses, mess with his convicts, and just to be the handsome pain in everyone's ass with a very mysterious and slightly sad aura about him. Qiu Qingzhi is a walking red flag - one minute he jumps to save our boy who's falling from the roof and catches an arrow on his behalf (which nearly kills him), the next minute he's shooting arrows into our boy himself. Go figure, but he's quite obviously involved in the CONSPIRACY, so choices were made.
We get to learn the story of these two later into the show, but the bromance is bromancing strong in this one. Not in that kind of way, but more than one tear has been shed in this brotherly relationship, and these two are pretty much responsible for the most emotional scenes in the series.
So, there are were-cats (apparently the Original who turned our boy into a white fluff comes from the neighboring country, and of course, Qiu Qinzhi knows a thing or two about it). The Original is a joker-style mess of a man, who likes to play games with our boy and with everyone else. He has his own AGENDA apart from shedding blood and stealing people's teeth (yuck).
Of course, there's also a CONSPIRACY because how can you have were-cats and not have dudes in cloaks planning their weird things and looking for eternal life. Probably, were-cats are involved in that somehow, too.
The Lovely Idiots Boy Band consists of:
The Unlucky Boy who's like a walking bad omen, has a cute sad face and a nearly perfect memory for cases and who said what
The Former Army Guy who knows his gong-fu, can infiltrate an enemy base and has also seen a part of the CONSPIRACY
The Foreign Prince who talks with a hilarious Mandarin accent, has lots of money, and two henchmen who help him with stuff
The Youngest Son of a rich family trying to prove his worth to his papa. Has great makeup and cross-dressing skills
Also, there's the Empress, a bunch of officials, and plotty detective cases that are written and filmed well enough to keep your attention until the main storyline starts unfolding. There's lots of friendship, camaraderie, cute silly humor, and funny cat moments with Li Bing. Not nearly enough for him being an actual were-cat, they played down this part, but if you can ignore the not-very-expensive CGI and lack of worldbuilding, the story is more than entertaining, both the small cases and the bigger main CONSPIRACY. And all the brotherly love stuff.
Definitely a great watch if you're looking for something more lightweight and not another fandom to spend half of your life in. Just a cute little drama with CGI cats and killer fluffy paws (my brain literally malfunctions when I see grown-up men with kitty paws killing someone with rawrr and being pretty homicidal and psycho about it, ahah).
If you like cats, detectives, cat-detectives, plotty plots, no romance, and an all-boy cast, this drama is probably right up your alley. Just don't use too much critical thinking, don't expect much, and you'll have a great time watching this. At least I did. A good 8/10.
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dominimoonbeam · 1 year
The Other Way - Part 2
I loved the first part so much that I couldn’t leave it alone. David/Angel are precious and I’m so happy @ejunkiet gave me this meet cute idea!!
Part One.
tags for part two: a very gentle kidnapping, fear of memory wipe, injured snappy davey, feelings
The Other Way - Part 2
When Angel woke up, they were in the backseat of a big truck, their cheek pressed into a thick arm and their body slumped to the side.
Music from the stereo filtered through their senses along with the voices arguing in low tones.
“If they were missing, then someone’s got to be looking for them.”
“Should we let someone know we found them?”
“And then what? Hand them over to explain how some wolves turned into guys and saved them? No, Ash.”
Everything came back to them. The woods, the wolf, the man that was a wolf, the actual wolves, more fucking wolves, and then… fainting. “Oh fuck,” they pushed off the wall they’d been snuggled up against, realizing too late that it was David.
They blinked up at him. He had the prettiest frowny face… They almost told him but then realized they’d drooled on his shirt and blushed instead. He rolled his eyes and looked away. “You’re the worst,” he mumbled, still obviously in pain.
They rubbed the patch of drool they’d left on his shirt. “At least it wasn’t your busted arm…”
Asher laughed in the front passenger seat.
David groaned and closed his eyes. “Surrounded by jokers.”
Angel leaned forward and tried to get a look around. Trees whipped by outside. They were on that awful winding, narrow road back to Dahlia. They reached automatically for their phone only to feel a jolt of panic when they found their pockets empty and realized they didn’t have their backpack either. There hadn’t really been much left in it but still! Leaving it behind was littering, not to mention their favorite backpack.
“Calm down,” David said without opening his eyes.
Asher held up their bag in the front seat. “Don’t worry. We got everything.”
Angel exhaled relief and reached for it.
Asher shook his head and put it back down on the floor at his feet, well out of reach.
“You’ll get it back eventually,” Milo said from behind the wheel.
Angel blinked, looking between the two in the front. “Am… Am I being kidnapped?”
Milo snorted. “Technically, you would already be kidnapped at this point if that’s what was happening.”
“But yeah, kind of,” Asher said.
David and Milo both groaned. “Ash!”
Asher lifted his hands in surrender. “I mean, no reason to lie to them too.”
 David’s head was splitting. His arm was broken and his whole body ached. He hoped it was the only thing broken, but he wouldn’t put money on it. He wanted to get healed and go to bed. The last thing he wanted was a funny roadtrip adventure with Asher and this stranger from the woods.
“We’ll head for the department. They’ll have a healer and we can get a head start on the paperwork for this mess.” He pushed a thumb back at the unempowered human sitting behind him. “They can wipe their memory and drop them at the human hospital.”
It was the smart plan. The right plan. But David saw the way Angel’s eyes went wide and heard their pulse jump in panic. Their whole body tensed up, one hand grabbing at their seatbelt and twisting nervously. “Wipe my memory?”
They were scared. Really scared. And he realized it was the first time he’d seen them scared since the other wolves. They hadn’t really been scared when they were lost, and even less so when they found a giant injured wolf. They hadn’t been scared at nightfall or in the morning when they still weren’t found. They had been…hopeful and stubbornly optimist. Worse, this fear was aimed at him. He was scaring them.
“Aw, don’t worry,” Asher said, twisting around in his seat to look at the human. “It won’t hurt and you’ll be back to your normal life like none of this happened.”
“What if I don’t want to?” Angel asked, a desperate strain sneaking into their voice, like something was tightening inside their chest.
David didn’t like this.
And he didn’t like the way it made his instincts feel ragged.
Milo snorted in the front seat. “Just sit back and relax,” he said and then frowned at Asher next to him. “And you, sit your ass down and buckle up!”
Asher ignored him, chin on the headrest. “It’s going to be okay,” he tried again.
Angel twisted the seatbelt against their chest. “I won’t tell anyone. I swear. Just drop me off and I’ll get home on my own.”
Asher frowned.
Something in David’s chest hurt and it wasn’t his ribs. He didn’t like the pleading smallness of their voice. He didn’t like the way fear was staining their scent.
“Please,” Angel tried again, unshed tears shining in their eyes. “I promise.” They looked to David with naked fear. “I won’t tell. Just forget you saw me.”
David couldn’t think before the words came out. “Okay. Shut up.”
Angel snapped their mouth shut. It would have been comical if it weren’t for the one tear that bounced off their lashes.
David groaned and leaned his head back. Asher was staring at him.
“Milo, drive us to my place and call your mom.”
Milo watched him in the rearview mirror.
Asher broke the stretch of silence by stage whispering to Milo, “I think he has a head injury…”
Milo nodded imperceptibly.
David groaned and closed his eyes. “Then Marie can heal it and we’ll go from there.”
Angel leaned forward in increments, like they thought he wouldn’t notice, reaching out and gesturing for Asher to pass them their backpack.
“Don’t,” David said without opening his eyes. “No phone for the human for now.”
Angel didn’t argue or make anymore remarks about being kidnapped. He was pretty sure they were still working under the assumption that their stay of mind wiping was contingent on shutting up. He let himself fall asleep, wondering how long they’d actually stay quiet.
The answer was actually a little over an hour, until they’d gotten back to Dahlia and both of them woke up again.
“Am I still being kidnapped?” Angel asked, voice quiet like if they whispered it wouldn’t count.
David bit the inside of his lip to keep from smiling, forcing a stern frown instead. “Yes.”
Angel nodded, like they had suspected it and it wasn’t so bad. “If I’m going to be kidnapped all night, can I just call to let people know they don’t need to look for me?” they whispered quickly.
Asher was grinning. Milo rolled his eyes and parked in front of David’s building.
David growled lowly.
Angel put up their hands and sat back. “Yep. Sorry.” They did the zipper motion in front of their mouth.
“Your instincts are the worst,” he griped. “First you tried to feed and pet a wild animal.”
“I didn’t try…”
“And now you think you’re kidnapped but going along with it.”
“David…” Milo said in a gently warning tone.
“Should I kick and scream?” Angel asked.
Asher laughed, getting out of the truck and then opening David’s door. He didn’t move right away though, glaring at Angel instead. “If you were actually being kidnapped? Fuck yes! You’re in a car with three men twice your size—”
“Three times at least for you…” Angel muttered.
“And we’re going to take you upstairs to my apartment and you’re just going to toddle along with us?”
“David…” Milo again.
Angel blinked across the backseat at him. They were dirty and tired, circles under their eyes and hair a mess, but somehow they still looked so open. “Are you saying you’re going to assault me?”
David physically recoiled at the idea, a growl deep in his chest. “No. Of course we aren’t!” His ribs ached but fuck his ribs.
Milo had killed the engine and gotten out, opening the door on Angel’s side. He reached in and grabbed their arm, like they might make a run for it. David snapped off a quick snarl without thinking, leaning deeper into the cab, toward Angel and Milo. He almost reached out, almost grabbed this unempowered human to pull them away from Milo.
Milo’s eyes went big. He let go of Angel almost as quickly as he’d laid a hand on them, palm open and up like proof.
Angel blinked at David and then smiled slowly. “…You like me.”
David blinked back, realizing what he’d done, and groaned. “Fuck you.” He turned to get out of the car, finding it a lot harder than he’d expected.
On the sidewalk, Asher waved Angel out of the cab too and led them inside the apartment building. “You know, you’re my first kidnappee,” he said, wearing their backpack. It looks absurdly small and bright on him.
Angel looked up at him, cheeks still streaked in tears and dirt, but beaming. “Really?” They sounded excited.
Insane. They were both insane.
Milo stood close by.
David winced. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why… I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” He knew Milo wasn’t going to hurt Angel. He knew Milo wouldn’t hurt anyone who didn’t definitely have it coming.
Milo shook his head and stepped closer.
“Really, Milo. I’m sorry. And you’re right about what we should have done but I just…” He looked at the building where Asher and Angel had gone. “I can’t.”
Milo nodded and waited.
David sighed and tried to take a step away from the car, having to stop and will his legs not to give out. He needed help. His whole body hurt in a way that was seriously threatening to drop him on the pavement. He lifted his good arm and Milo stepped into his side, like that was exactly what he’d been waiting for—like he’d known there was no way David would make it to the door on his own but being Milo, he wasn’t going to point it out.
Milo easily took his weight and walking him inside. “So… do you really have a head injury or are you into this human?”
David groaned. “I don’t know. Hopefully a head injury…”
Milo huffed a laugh, hitting the button for the elevator. “You had us scared, you know…”
David looked at Milo, wondering if he was still talking about the human and his bad choices surrounding them. No, that wasn’t it. He meant the fall and disappearing for a night in the woods. David sighed and begrudgingly admitted, “They might have saved me.”
Milo glanced up at him on the elevator like he expected it to be a joke, sobering when he realized it wasn’t.
They’d given him water and food.
They’d howled.
That was how Milo and Asher had found him.
Milo nodded and half-carried David down the hall to his apartment, Asher standing in the open doorway and talking to Angel about David’s video game selection.
“For fuck’s sake, don’t let them touch my shit!” David groused.
Asher pouted. “Oh come on, big guy, we can’t kidnap them and not give them anything to do.”
“Stop saying we kidnapped them,” he growled in a whisper. Someone was going to overhear them and call the police. Although, with Angel’s survival skill deficiency, they’d probably lie to the cops if they knocked on the door.
David would have definitely chosen to stretch out on his bed if it weren’t for Angel on his couch. He settled in the corner and put his legs up on that arm of the sectional.
Angel was on the floor going through his games. “Jesus, these are all awful.”
Asher snorted.
“Fuck you,” David ground out, letting his heavy lids drag shut.
Milo was on the phone with his mom in the other room.
“Ash, water,” David mumbled.
Asher jumped to, in the kitchen and back in a flash. He held out a bottle of water to David.
David blinked at it and then frowned and shook his head, pushing Asher’s arm in the direction of the human.
Asher grinned and David pointedly closed his eyes again.
“Oh, thanks!” Angel chimed when Asher offered them the water.
David listened to them gulp it down and felt something deep in his core ease a little
Angel’s stomach rumbled.
David sighed. “Ash…Order food.”
“On it!”
David almost fell asleep listening to Asher order an incredible quantity of food. And then he realized Angel had scooted over to sit on the floor beside him, wedged against the corner of the couch, their shoulder to his hip. “Thanks,” they said softly. “I promise, I really won’t tell anyone.”
David sighed, resisting the strong urge to touch them.
Marie got there sooner than the food, and to David’s dismay, he did not have a head injury.
He did have two broken ribs, a broken arm, and an unempowered human with a direct line to pull at his heart.
Marie could only heal the bones.
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hotcat37 · 1 year
JO Pokémon teams
Thank u @chezgender for giving me the idea to make teams for Joker Out as well!! <3
Bojan: Togetic (it's a Pokémon that only the pure of heart can own and I'm 100% sure Bojan would be cocky about having one lmao) Dachsbun (it's based on a Daschund dog which Bojan has irl 💖💖) Roserade (I was gonna put Boltund here for the dogboy status Bojan has but a Roserade fits him sooo well and B is already associated with roses anyways) Altaria (Jigglypuff could work too since I went with a Pokémon known for its melodic voice but aesthetically Altaria fits better I think) Sylveon (an elegant cute looking Pokémon that is actually very powerful, the theme of Bojan's team is looking deceptive and to contradict Jere's more rough looking team) Quaxly (a Pokémon that puts a lot of effort into its appearance, specifically its hair haha)
Nace: Ursaluna (Nace is a teddy bear so he needs a bear Pokémon and aesthetic wise I think Ursaluna works the best for him) Forretress (it's a lame reason but this Pokémon on his team is supposed to represent how Nace eventually breaks out of his shell and becomes more confident within the band haha) Sentret (a Pokémon that's always looking out for danger, which Nace does by being attentive to his bandmates and their mental health) Cutiefly (a lill bug Pokémon that hovers around him at all times, he thinks it's cute so he caught it :3) Dondozo (a very large powerful Pokémon but who is mostly useful when paired with Tatsugiri👀) Turtwig (turtle Pokémon for Nace <3)
Jan: Metagross (crazy intelligent Pokémon, it's funny to imagine Jan with an absolute tank of a beast and being casual about it lol) Tatsugiri (another intelligent Pokémon that especially thrives when paired with Dondozo, Jance matching Pokémon moment teehee) Glimmora (why is this beeven sparklative??) Thievul (mischievous fox Mon, Jan vibes all over) Dhelmise (I think he'd be sooo fascinated with weird ghost type Pokémon, he needs one on his team) Omanyte (Jan somehow managed to revive a fossil Pokémon...Jan=BOG ☠)
Kris: Cinccino (a tidy Mon that likes things to be clean and in order :3) Mudsbray (absolute tank and hard working horse Pokémon) Espeon (an Eeveelution to match Bojan's, I think aesthetically Espeon is the best for Kris) Gallade (an elegant Pokémon to match an elegant man 🔥) Bunneary (Bojan gave it to him out of spite because this Mon is extremely hard to evolve, you need to have a very high friendship level with it. Kris is insistent on raising it) Feebas (for a while he was obsessed with evolving it into a Milotic but he's grown to appreciate it for what it is)
Jure: Sunflora (it looks like him) Rillaboom (drummer Mon!!) Skitty (obligatory cat Pokémon on the team) Littleo (baby lion Mon that I think fits his personality :3) Snorlax (evolution friendship, Pokémon that loves to eat and Jure loves to cook so the evolution went very fast) Stunfisk (I just knowww Jure loves pathetic little Pokémon that serve no purpose to his team whatsoever, he's their biggest fan lmao)
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ozrockbitway · 8 months
Do you have any Vanguard OCs? 👀 (Or possibly any ones you'd want to see in a deck)
no unit??? OCs??? YET....but I want my funny Solrairon/Kheios/Mikani ship to have a kid...who let you have 3 dads??? they could be related to glitter or be one of those duel nation units
anyway SLAPS DOWN MY OC info that I still have thank god I saved this- I really should use toy house............
I've only draw a semi full pic of Michi...everyone else has a picrew cuz Im lazzzyyyy...mamoeni kid does have a headshot tho
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renai fankid. Kagero user. Psyqualia. A really nice kid. A bit lethargic and has his head in the clouds. He’s mostly daydreaming about vanguard and Cray. He keeps an optimistic attitude regardless of how others treat him. He can be a little sneaky and playful, using things to his own advantage (ie. using his cute charms for a headpat) but never had any ill intentions. Thanks to his best friend ‘mothering’ him he is a little spoiled and tends to expect the same from others. When he was younger, he was bullied and kept that to himself, not wanting to make his best friend or anyone else worried. He doesn’t want to feel like a burden to others. Is aware that he is a little ‘weird’ and is labelled as an ‘outcast’ so doesnt want others to fall into that same pit.
Link Joker user. transfer from Hong Kong (chinese/japanese) and knows the Soryuu family. Was supposed to be an Aqua Force user. A very serious cardfighter. Dislikes nicknames. Has a hard time getting along with others who are the ‘fooling around’ type. Isn’t mean but does speak his mind. He is actually a very chill and kind person but loses his chill when around kousuke and michi (mostly Michi). Doesn’t laugh a lot, more on the stoic side. Can knit. Might be nominated for Student Council president??
Momoka (Momo)
Mikuru’s daughter. Pale Moon user. A vanguard nerd who keeps up to date with everything, it helps that she works at card capital. Keeps her job a secret bcuz she’s not supposed to have one but she doesnt work all the time. More like 1-2 days a week, 3 at most. Her mom wanted to be an idol and she does to so she has a stressed life. She’s not that popular, yet. Hardworking and determined but doesn’t really give herself a break. She comes off as tired but its worth seeing people smile, on or off the stage. Her stage name is the Pale Moon Witch? Uses a wig or lets her hair down as an idol, keeps it a secret.
Tatsunagi OC (I never named her cries)
Tatsunagi family (takes over after Nome). Like the others, she is simply an observer watching between Earth and Cray. Knows about the half units on Earth.
Shadow Paladin half unit. One of the Dark Dragon’s Grade 4 kids. Meant to oppose the Ezel half unit. Emotionless and sticks to the mission. Is somewhat curious about Earth and doesn’t know how some things work. Goes to Fukuhara. Clueless about relationships and is just a pawn to the Dark Dragon.
Mamoeni fankid (never named her either RIP)
nonbinary? Angel Feather/Gear Chronicle. Good and quiet child with a heart of gold but stricken with an illness.
Mamoru’s gf. Shadow Paladin user. Has a bad habit of smiling when nervous. Has to live up to older sister’s legacy but can’t handle it so she tries to come off as indifferent/nonchalant. Family thinks she’s heartless. Doesn’t know if she hates her sister or not because thanks! you left me with shit to deal with. Not lazy but hates being compared to her sister. Good but snarky.
Haru (not pictured here waaaaa)
Angel Feather user. sadistic/masochistic type of person. works as a bartender. an ex-delinquent. is still physically strong and can kick your ass outside a cardfight. doesn’t always think plays through, but lady luck is on his side so it turns out in his favor. doesn’t cuss at work but will 100% cuss outside of work.
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do you take your ocs for that ask game .. isel
WHY NOT itd be funny to do that
favorite thing about them
i like that hes jsut like the worlds sluttiest oldest 30 year old man who talks in the most obtuse overdone way and everyone loves him for it. except that some people hate him for it. hes a funny guy
least favorite thing about them
hmm hard to say because all his flaws are like. specifically very interesting to me. like the way hes pushy with others and secretive about very basic details about himself are technically things to hold grievances with and he does kind of eat shit about it sometimes but its like. yuuup dudes traumatised and has very underdeveloped coping skills it makes sense....
uh actually i do have an answer. i hate how much he lives in my mind like literally if any of my friends ever ask me like "oh name a character" my first thought will indubitably be ISEL "oh who should i draw" ISEL i dont like him and i hate him actually. for being so handsome and nice
favorite line
ones at the front of my mind come from a play scene i edited last night. i like it when hes mean
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i think his connection with freya is sweet. codependent guys with god complexes, isel acting as a sort of dying ringmaster directing freya and also protecting her.... theyve got some baggage between them but they do care for each other so much
sigh him and olzhas will forever be famous to me their arcs are so entwined and they were very precisely designed to like. complimentary to one another. ive written so much about the meta between them its complicated but theyre annoying and they love each other and it rules
mazin and isel is also very personally funny to me because it feels like basically the only humorous "guys who hate each other" ship and also because i think the idea of isel of all people being mazin's introduction to bicuriosity would hurt him
i also think the hypothetical isel olzhas thuyết polycule is worthwhile. pretentious old men who will argue with each other about anything. its fine
hmm aside for like. evidently weird ones. i dont think i can call any hypothetical pairing between him and anyone else bad i think theyre all funny in some way.
random headcanon
hmm treating this as an opportunity to think of my favorite trivia about him. i think his hobby in like. maintaining old music for himself and being all old-fashioned about record players and the genres of music he likes is cutes
unpopular opinion
i think hes ugly or something
song i associate with them
so many.... found this specific song earlier today so ill share this one
favorite picture of them
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i think he looks cute here i like his expression a lot.... i like pictures of him where his like. a stupid little joker facade is lessened
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SIDE 1A: ROUND 1: Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)/Clover Ebi (RWBY) VS Gregor (Star Wars the Clone Wars)/Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
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Propaganda for Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Clover Ebi:
Okay so, I don't know if you've heard of it or not but there's this roleplay I do with my buddy called DTLS, okay, so, when we started I'd planned on having Clover in a secret relationship with Cinder (I know, I know, but I was feeling really spiteful about both of them and making them both straight seemed like a power move) BUT then my partner was like "tee hee what if Fenton has a crush on him as a fellow superhero?" oh by the way, he's a superhero in this crossover, anyway, so I thought "hee hee we can have funny unrequited silliness" but then at the end of their first thread my boy was like "sike guess what" and decided he was going to date Fenton actually, and fuck my plans, and I was all "whaaaaaat" but I let him, anyway long story short now they're engaged and they adopted a penguin girl who stowed away on the Sunchaser on the way back from Antarctica.
Propaganda for Gregor/Harley Quinn:
Gregor does not have a no killing rule. While I admire the Batfam for their stance and so would Gregor, it's not a rule he follows. He's also a highly competent, specially trained soldier of the greatest army ever. So he will be putting those skills to use to kill the Joker. There are many reasons for that, not least of which is all the abuse Harley has suffered at the hands of the Joker. Gregor isn't letting that clown hurt her again.
Gregor is an absolute mad lad in the best way possible. He can match Harley's energy and would love to be a part of all her hijinks.
Harley thinks Gregor's laugh is cute. He might not be able to control it, and when he's frustrated by that, she's ready to support him. She knows he's not trying to be a jerk when he laughs at the worst moments (unlike a certain ex of hers.)
They would wreak absolute havoc together. Become one of Batman's biggest headaches that he doesn't actually want to get rid of. Gregor already has plenty of experience working outside of and running from the law as a rebel.
They would teach all the local kids how to swear in Huttese and Wookie.
Art Credit: Fenton/Clover edit by me, @/astro-b-o-y-d Gregor/Harley edit by @/karlyanalora
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DC crossover anon: OKAY OKAY SO CONSIDER… Kate and Dick Grayson. The PARALLELS. Dick knows what it’s like to just be a normal guy on a team full of powered people, to feel like you need to earn your seat at the table. Dick fought for respect as Robin, as Nightwing… Kate did it as Hawkeye. She went toe to toe with Steve for this right. Dick struck out in a new town like Kate did in taking off for the west coast. They understand the hero worship, only to be struck with how human your mentor really is. And listen, if Kate had a nickel for every time she wound up running with a former circus performer who pretends to be a himbo but is actually really fuckin smart…? Well, she’d only have two nickels, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
A/N: I am so sorry this has been languishing in my drafts for months and even though i have more thoughts i want to post it because hi i am IN LOVE with them ilu dc nonny
Oh my godddd ohhhhhmy goddddddddddd
I am seeing them getting ready for (superhero) work and realizing they picked up the wrong batons which is so DUMB and so CUTE or maybe they even got as far as superheroing and Kate is like HUH well THAT wasn't supposed to happen as she's standing over some twitching goon and calling Dick like "Hey babe I think we need to label the batons better just a thought" and Dick who is FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE because Kate doesn't have tasers is like YA THINK???? (I am so sorry for yelling babe I wasn't mad at you I was mad at the situation and also the literal clown I was fighting)
Do they meet at a rich person gala and Kate is trying to figure out if Bruce is Tony Stark rich dude or Justin Hammer rich dude and realizes what better way to infiltrate this sus billionaire than by getting tight with his kids? They both absolutely know how to ballroom dance. Do they meet because Kate decides to take some aerial classes??? DUO ACRO ROUTINE MY BELOVED?!?!?! (OH my goddddddd Dick teaching circus classes? Kate and Clint taking circus classes and he critiques Dick the whole time but they bond over how the Joker is a bad clown. Not like evil, but like, bad at being a clown. The fucking audacity of him.)
Universe mash up where the Avengers et al and the Justice League et al come together for some reason and Nightwing and Hawkeye are impressed with one another in a professional way and then Bruce(Wayne) and Steve(Rogers) decide to set them up by sending them on fake missions together only because Kate is Kate it keeps backfiring and the fake missions all become real missions. It's OK though because they all come together to defeat an interdimensional villain and then there's a frantic makeout session
Kate and Dick would be able to pull off one of my favorite tropes "we've been dating for 3 1/2 years but everyone thinks we just team up to fight crime." Everyone thinks the teamups are because their teamup name is NightHawk. Obvi. Whatever version of them getting together, a total of three people know. One of them is Damian who Does Not Care Thank You Very Much (he does. He cares SO MUCH. when is the wedding he wants to know he had BETTER be a GROOMSMAN, RICHARD. He's already training Lucky to be the ringbearer. But he super mega doesn't care he thinks they're idiots.)
UGH SECRET IDENTITY SHENANIGANS (assuming a crossover where Kate can maintain a secret identity for more than 30 seconds) does the general public think that Dick is dating Hawkeye? That Kate is dating Nightwing? DO THE BUTTS MATCH????
How long before she gives up and starts calling him Dick? She absolutely can't at first, stop LAUGHING, Tommy, and at first the Batfam thinks she's kind of posh and weird like Damian because she's calling him "Richard" does he even actually want to be called Dick she doesn't know!
How into it is Dick when they go to some super shitty bar in Bludhaven and she kicks his ass at pool? He is so super into it its not even funny, honestly any time Kate kicks his ass he is VERY into it.
Kate is out here a small business owner where she is LITERALLY a detective and then at night saving the world? Dick why does that weirdly sound like Bruce? Dick? Do you call Kate daddy Dick WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY ITS A SERIOUS QUESTION
Also I was looking at this on my phone and my eye caught the phrase "struck out" and I am obSESSed with Dick striking out with Kate (trying to date her to get intel on her dad?) while Jason actually gets her to agree to dinner and obviously Jason will never let Dick forget this ever. After dinner--during dinner?--something happens and that's when they realize that Hawkeye (who has been flirting with Nightwing and they're sort of crime fighting dating) just went on a date with Red Hood (they shoot at each other once a week) and that Kate TURNED DOWN the guy she has actually sort of BEEN DATING FOR TWO MONTHS???
Tim texts the entire Batfam about this. Babs steals Kate's phone and texts her entire team. It's terribly embarrassing for Dick and Kate but really brings their teams together.
DICK ADVISING KATE ON GETTING A SIDEKICK?!?!? Damian trying to convince kid!Loki to be Kate's sidekick? DAMIAN AND KATE TEAMUP WHEN DICK IS SICK!?!?! And just. The amount the Batfam would adore Kate. Because she's Kate, because of how happy Dick is when he's with her, because she shares interests with like all of them, Kate and Damian SWORDFIGHTING
I can't decide if Dick's acrobatic training is the only reason he can beat Kate in a fight, or if it's the only reason Kate can beat Dick in a fight (I think they're pretty evenly matched.) On the one hand, Dick's use of acrobatics in his fighting style is pretty unusual and even trained fighters are going to be unprepared for some of his moves. On the other hand, I can see Clint either showing Kate some tricksy moves from his circus days, or Kate just picking it up by observing him. Idk it would be very funny because the acrobatics thing is unique, it gives Dick's moves an edge and he's honestly not used to losing fights and then Kate just. Fucking clotheslines him.
Now that I think about it,
Okay. okay. For Kate, fighting Dick is a lot like fighting Clint. They're built similar and have the acrobatics background. Kate is used to fighting people like Dick. Dick is less used to fighting people like Kate. You remember that picture of an eagle sitting next to a housecat, where it was captioned "I eat things like you, but not your size/I eat things your size but not like you"? That's them.
They also do yoga together after a long night of fighting crime. Also Kate is so protective of Dick it's kind of funny, Dick is ABSOLUTELY capable of taking care of himself but he is SO OKAY with Kate taking care of him, of her being a little feral about him in public, he wants the title of Boytoy. Tim says that Dick is Kate's poor little meow meow and look. points were made. Dick is just SO GOOPY about her in private but if you so much as look at Hawkeye in that tone of voice Nightwing will wreck your shit.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Batsister! Reader tells Bruce she wants to date, get married and build her own family so he just buys her The Sims as a substitute.
No crushes! No boyfriend! She goes out with the family for a rare outing for a special occasion and if she as much smiles at a guy she finds cute and he smiles back at her there WILL be a world of trouble waiting for him later. If she manages to escape and stay hidden long enough to meet someone and date, have sex and maybe move in together... Oof. Not good when they find her.
You hit your "rebellious phase" (which would be a really funny thing to call it if you're just straight up a grown woman) and you manage to use all the tips and tricks you've picked up to sneak out of the house, and you sneak into a huge raving house party where you're dancing and drinking and your phone is just BLOWING THE FUCK UP like some real "12 missed calls from Bruce (maybe you had him as Dad in your contacts before and he just feels his heart break lmaooo), 20 missed calls from Jason, 10 missed calls from Damien" and just like tons of text messages and shit, and you're just ignoring it as you're in a guy's lap practically sucking the tongue out of his mouth because wow he's a man and he sees you as a woman and isn't like totally looking down on you or treating you like a little girl like he WANTS you and you're totally completely ready to fuck that guy even if he's a total loser
You take him into a bedroom or something and his hands are under your shirt to start stripping you when SOMEONE KICKS THE DOOR IN just SPLINTERS THAT SHIT and your bed-partner-to-be just has his eyes bulging out of his head "fucking BATMAN???" And he's scrambling out of that room faster than you can breathe, and maybe for extra rebellious points Bruce can't help but notice that disgusting little punk who doesn't deserve to touch you has like, a Joker neck tattoo and now Bruce can lull himself into a false sense of security that this is just you acting out for some kind of attention and not the truth which is, maybe you were always kind of weirded out by your "familyhood" and the way he kind of scooped you up and housed you and now you're ready to set out on your own again and by this point he's too convinced that you need some sort of caretaker or guardian and FUCK letting anyone else do what he considers HIS job
Reader: I don't want to run around in a costume anymore. I want to actually be an adult. I want to have a job. I want to have a boyfriend.
Bruce, shoving all the best VR and Simulator games his money can buy at you: we've got jobs and boyfriends at home
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transamus · 9 days
WAIT YOU LIKE MAHJONG... I'm from datapacks so I don't follow like. YOU I follow your packs so this is news to me. I'm new and bad at mahjong but I'm wishing you many tsumo and ron! What's your favorite tile on a traditional set? Mine is the uhh red five of circles [idk what it's actually called ackkkkk she is just five red flowery circles but I like her I lot]
i love mahjong very much yeah! thank u for the wishing me many tsumo and ron but this has not been my luck. ive just been in tenpai for like the last 4 games in a row without Any completed hands its been Horrible. like ive had everything from absolute junk hands to li shanten on xiao san yuan (little three dragons) but just NOT been able to pull it off.
hmmmmm... genuinely its a tossup between:
Center (Red Dragon) bc its history is really cool to me (It was originally a Fifth Wind, hence the character being "Center", but then Good Fortune (known in the west as Green Dragon) was added, and the Blank Slate replacement tiles started being known as White Dragon, which led to more replacement tiles having to be added, which in american mahjong eventually became the Joker / "wildcard" tiles, which led to EVEN MORE replacement tiles being added in american mahjong, its rly funny; but basically if not for the Center / Red Dragon tile having originally been "Center Wind" i.e. a wind that Anyone can form a triplet of at any time, we wouldn't have had dragon tiles at All, & its really neat viewing the "dragon" tiles through the lens that they Are functionally just Wild Wind tiles, especially when. american joker tiles end up being Wild tiles),
the One Coin / One Dot / One of Circles / etc because on some sets every single One of Circles tile has a different design, which is really subtle and really cute!
the One of Bamboo / One of Sticks / etc is iconic as hell though too like. i love the variation in the bird across sets & as someone who collects playing cards it reminds me of how many different card decks will have their own unique Ace of Spades card, & given that all playing card suits come from the same historic place as mahjong (chinese money-suited playing cards) I wonder if there's a like connection there.
if we're getting pedantic as hell, red five of circles (akadora five of circles) isn't traditional! the red tiles are from japanese mahjong / riichi mahjong, and a part of riichi mahjong's Dora system (which is really cool too dgmw) which i would normally not bring up at allllllll but that i worry u might not have the context for my last choice: i really like the plum Flower Tile its cute :-)
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