#i loved singing my head off but i felt so silly all night! even looking at videos from today
taylorswiftdebut · 1 year
i’m gonna say it: i hated the eras tour
the actual physical show/performance itself was amazing the visuals and time and effort put in was astounding, taylor swift is genuinely superhuman and there will never be another like her
but being at the actual show and watching it around others sucked fucking ass. which is so strange to say and come to the realization because getting tickets was so mentally draining and she’s my favorite artist and it was such a privilege to be able to go and be on the floor but i genuinely don’t think it as a concert was worth the time and money i put into it. no one was dancing, people were barely singing, it was so hard to see because everyone had their phone held up so high recording every little bit, if taylor came near you people started screaming and making grabbing motions at her like she is subhuman and it just flat out wasn’t fun and that’s only half of it coming online after was even worse.
people will make comments such as “what did this city ever do to deserve this” and “you literally won” and “if you got this surprise song i hate you” and so on and so forth just such vile comments that sure are “all in good fun” but are they? and everyone being like she should have done this at MY show it’s just exhausting. concerts shouldn’t have to be a competition, live music is an art it’s supposed to be fun but i don’t believe anyone but those in the nose bleeds are actually having fun! and even still on this online aspect in the most picky way possible but i hate the quality of gifs this go round because they are so smooth and high quality which no fault to gif makers but what happened to overexposed shaky videos because people were jumping too hard.
it all feels so much a symbol of status and so fake like who’s a better fan who had the better surprise songs who had prettier costumes did taylor give a good speech tonight was there a deviation in the dance moves
i know more about this show than i ever wanted to know about anything in my entire life nothing was ever truly a surprise even when avoiding spoilers it was everywhere it just idk people keep asking me if it was everything i ever dreamed and honestly? no and all i have to show for it is 70 cents in my bank account from buying friendship bracelet supplies (and i didn’t even make enough apparently even though i thought it was a lot!) and outfit supplies and whatever else i needed to “prove” i was a good fan and i deserved to be there and calves that won’t stop cramping from standing and dancing for 6 hours. the best part of the night was hearing about it from my sister who was in the parking lot because she wasn’t preforming for anyone she was just enjoying an artist that she loves
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mystic-writings · 4 months
out like a light | steve harrington
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PAIRING — steve harrington x fem!reader
SUMMARY — you and steve have been living a happy, simple life in hawkins. the return of an old friend flips everything on its head.
WARNINGS — angst, verbal arguments, cheating, steve and reader are married
WORD COUNT — 2,856
NOTES — loosely inspired by 'out like a light 2' by ricky montgomery
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Steve Harrington was all yours. 
It started out as a silly promise, a quiet whisper between lips and sheets in the early days of your relationship. But it was a promise nonetheless, and Steve intended to keep it for as long as you would let him. 
You seemed to have one of those picture perfect relationships; one that everyone envied, even if the path that led you there was anything but. It took time to get to where you were, and a lot of pain. Effort. But it was worth the heartache, the uncertainty. Because you were happy. 
According to the social class guidelines of your high school career, you and Steve even being friends with each other was something nearly unthinkable. But neither of you could care too much about something as stupid as that — your relationship meant too much. You’d been through too much together. 
And, somehow, through the nights spent singing to Queen on the radio and driving along the long abandoned Hawkins roads, you fell in love with Steve Harrington. And he fell in love with you, too. 
Your relationship didn’t go without its trials and tribulations. You weren’t that lucky. 
The first big fight you could remember happened right after your high school graduation. There was no forgetting it; it was the first time you’d ever told him you loved him. 
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“Why are you being so ridiculous, Steve?!” You shouted, standing with a heaving chest in his parent’s living room. You’d been shouting at each other for an hour, now. Maybe longer. Steve’s parents weren’t home, so you didn’t mind being so loud. Then again, they never were. “You’re not even listening to me!” 
“I’m not being ridiculous, here! I’m just—” he huffed, carding his fingers through his hair. “You’re going off to college in two months and I’m staying here, I just don’t think it’ll work out.” 
You felt like your lungs were robbed of air. “Don’t say that.” You pleaded, eyes brimming with sudden tears. “You don’t get to decide that. It’s not fair.” 
“You deserve better.” Steve decided. “A lot better than me.” 
“And what makes you think that, Steve? What, because you didn’t get into any colleges?” Your voice was soaked in emotion, and you didn’t have the energy to try to hide it from him. You didn’t want to. “You can try again next year, you know. With Robin. Save your money and just try again.” 
Steve seemed to deflate at your words, but you weren’t done. 
Taking a hesitant step closer, you began to close the gap between you, words trembling on the tip of your tongue. “I love you, Steve Harrington. Nothing is going to change that. I’m all yours. No one else’s. I don’t want to be, baby.” 
“Don’t,” Steve nearly begged. His heart swelled at your words, almost unbearably so, a terrifying reminder of why he was doing this. “I don’t want to hold you back.” 
“From what?” You asked, voice a mere whisper. “What could you possibly hold me back from?”
Steve sighed, his head dropping. He could barely stand to look at you; at the pain he was causing you. Your red rimmed eyes searched for his, and his resolve almost crumbled. The sinister voice in the back of his head reminded him that this was for the best. The calming one told him to hear you out. 
“From a life away from here, from Hawkins.” Steve said, scrubbing his face with his hands. “I’m just— I’ll always be the reminder of this town. Of the things we’ve been through. And I know how much it all hurt you. I don’t want to do that to you.” 
“If there’s one thing you’re not, it’s that, Steve,” you told him, taking another step forward. “If anything, you’re my reminder that there’s still good in this place. You help me forget.” 
A strangled sob slipped from Steve’s lips, and you rushed forward, wrapping your arms around his neck. Steve’s head fell into the crook of your neck as one of your hands cupped the back of his head, your lips pressing gentle kisses to his hair. 
“I love you,” he whispered, grabbing your sweater by the fistful. 
You sighed, tucking your face into the crook of his neck. “I love you, too.” 
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Being high school sweethearts and making it through college was a feat you didn’t think most people could achieve. But you and Steve had been so in love that somehow, someway, you did. The thought that you couldn’t never even crossed your mind. 
All of the friends you made through college all said the same thing — you were made for each other. Soulmates. The perfect couple. 
A perfect picture of love and happiness. 
Eventually, after that first fight, Steve had proved you right. He and Robin attended college together, graduating the year after you did. You never once doubted his ability to do what he wanted in life. 
You built a life for yourselves together. Steve began working for his dad, with a higher title than he could’ve ever gotten without a degree. You put your knowledge to use, working with the freshmen at Hawkins High. Even if Steve had wanted a life for you outside of the town, you didn’t mind staying. You’d go anywhere if it meant you were with Steve. 
He proposed Christmas after his college graduation. You got married two springs later, and moved into a brand-new, red brick house with four bedrooms — enough room to start a family. 
It was the simplest of lives, but you relished every single day of it. If it meant that there were no more monsters crawling out from the depths of hell to try and kill you, you would enjoy every single day. 
But it seemed that Steve didn’t want the life you did anymore. 
You should’ve seen the signs earlier. After being married for half a decade, and together for almost twice that time, you should’ve seen it when Steve first began pulling away from you. 
Nights spent late at the office, leaving you to eat dinner alone. Business trip after business trip, where Steve barely made the effort to call before bed. The declining amount of date nights, both out and in the comfort of your home. Steve’s lack of enthusiasm to hear about your day, or to just spend time with you in general. The way that every conversation began with snipping remarks that eventually turned into meaningless shouting matches. 
It should’ve been no surprise when you found the root of it all. 
Nancy Wheeler moving back to Hawkins was a surprise. Though, she was by no means Nancy Wheeler anymore. She’d been Nancy Byers for just under four years when she and Jonathan came back to their hometown. 
You were eager to catch up with her when she moved back to town. She and Jonathan had been living in Boston ever since they graduated college — her degree coming from Emerson, and his from Quincy, a community college from what you’d heard. With them, they brought a one-year old boy, with eyes like his mother’s and a quiet demeanor like his father. Benji Byers, short for Benjamin. 
The couple seemed content to move back for their son’s sake, to live out the rest of their life in the quiet town, now no longer plagued by the horrors you’d experienced in your teenage years. You were just glad you had someone familiar to talk to again; Robin stayed in Chicago after college, and only really visited for the holidays, wherein she’d crash in your spare bedroom for a month with her girlfriend, Jess. You loved the company.
You spent a lot of spare time with Nancy, Jonathan, and Benji. They’d moved back to town around the time of year where Steve was away more often than he was home, and you couldn’t get enough of Benji. 
“Why don’t you and Steve don’t have kids yet?” Nancy had asked one day as you sat in her living room, a cooing Benji in your lap. You knew she had meant well, but the stutter in your heart and the hesitation before your response told her everything she needed to know. 
“We’re just not ready yet.” You said with a tight lipped smile. “Steve’s just so busy right now, and I think we’re still enjoying ourselves for now.” 
You just hoped your face didn’t show it as you relived the countless arguments over having kids that seemed to happen between you and Steve. Shouts of ‘I’m not ready’, always to be countered with your rebuttals of how much of a lie Steve’s words were. There was nothing you were more ready for than having a child. 
But it seemed Steve had his eye on something else. 
The Byers family moved back to Hawkins, and in less than a year, your marriage was nothing but a pile of rubble and shattered glass. 
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The shuffling of feet and a clatter somewhere in the house roused you from your uncomfortable sleep. 
“Steve?” You mumbled from your place on the couch, voice raspy. 
An open book lay face down on your thigh, darkness drenching the space around you as your eyes adjusted. The last you remembered was flipping the page on your book, the clock reading quarter-past midnight, as you waited for Steve to get home safe. 
The shuffling stopped abruptly, and you stretched out your stiff limbs before closing the book and making your way to the kitchen, where light was spilling from the archway. Bleary-eyed, you glanced at the clock, almost unsurprised to find it reading twenty minutes to four. 
“Where were you?” You asked, finding Steve’s back to yours as he stood at the sink, hands gripping the counter. A bottle of whiskey and a half-full glass sat on the counter next to him. 
“Nowhere,” Steve said, knuckles turning white, head hanging low. “I, uh— I went to the bar with some of the guys, that’s all. Go to bed, I’ll be up in a minute.”
You sighed, shuffling into the room. “Steve,” you whispered. “Come with me. Please.”
Steve’s shoulders tensed beneath his crumpled button down, and it was now that you noticed the state he was in. Most of his outfit had been wrinkled, the sleeves haphazardly rolled halfway up his forearms. His hair was a mess, almost as though the gel he’d put in it that morning was never there in the first place. And the closer you looked, the easier you could see it. 
His hair was wet. 
You had known for a fact that it wasn’t going to rain tonight, mostly because you were planning to cook a barbeque dinner for yourself and Steve. 
The pieces seemed to click into place in an instant, and your blood ran cold. The thought of it made your stomach turn, your heart shattering in your chest, shards ripping and tearing at the skin of your soul. 
“Steve, where were you,” your tone was low, soaked in emotion. 
In an instant, Steve was turning to face you, anger twisting his face. “Jesus, I already told you! I was at the damn bar, Y/n!” 
You stepped back at Steve’s flailing limbs, horrified to find that the front of him looked no better than the back. 
The tie he’d put on that morning was no longer around his neck — in fact, it was missing altogether. The top five buttons on his shirt were undone, exposing the white tank top he wore underneath it. It also exposed the angry red marks that littered his chest and neck, forcing a strangled, quiet gasp from your throat like the last breath of air before you drowned beneath the weight of it all. 
“Who is she?” 
“What?” Steve hissed, following your eyes to his chest. His shoulders sagged, fingers fumbling to button his shirt, as if hiding the evidence of his infidelity would make you forget about it. “Y/n it’s not— don’t—” 
“Who is she?” You said, voice dripping with anger and pain. You could barely see your husband through the wall of tears building in your eyes, but you refused to take your eyes away from him. You would not break. 
Steve gnawed on his lip, heart racing. He knew he couldn’t lie to you, to his wife. 
“Nancy.” He spoke barely above a whisper, the name coming off his tongue like a bullet, aimed at your already shattered heart. 
The staggered breath that came from you made Steve’s chest fill with guilt. When he looked up, he found you staring at him, eyes tearful and cheeks stained with the ones that had already fallen. 
And yet, the response you gave was one he wasn’t expecting. 
“She’s a mother, Steve. How could you?” The more you thought about the entire situation, the more your sadness turned to rage. “She has a child! What did you think was going to happen, hmm?! You’d break up two marriages and ruin that poor boy’s life because— because, what, you got bored of me? That you’d raise someone else’s son because you couldn’t stand to think of having one with me?” 
As soon as the words slipped past your lips, it seemed the brief fire within you went with them. Your stomach turned at the thought, hands carding through your hair. “You… She has a son… Oh, God.” 
“Y/n—” Steve rushed forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
You pushed your husband’s arm away from you, taking several steps back. “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me, Steve. I can’t believe you.” 
Turning on your heel, you rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs, Steve shouting your name as he followed after you. 
“Y/n, come on, let’s just talk about this,” 
You spun around in your bedroom doorway, chest heaving. “You want to talk about this?” You scoffed. “Why don’t we talk about the fact that every time I’ve brought up kids you said you didn’t want any yet! That you weren’t ready! Let’s talk about how I’ve spent the past four months— longer than that, even— trying to find a way to fix our marriage while you screwed your high school ex-girlfriend behind my back! About how you ruined two marriages because you couldn’t stand living a normal life!” 
“That’s not true!” Steve shouted back, following as you moved to grab a suitcase from the closet. “You know that isn’t true, Y/n!” 
“Yeah, right, it’s not true.” You admitted, stopping between where the suitcase sat open, empty on the bed, and where the dresser sat. “You wanted that life. The white, picket fence, Church on Sundays life. You just didn’t want it with me.” 
Steve stood in your bedroom — the room you shared, as husband and wife — dumbfounded and heartbroken at the sight of you. He had been the one to cause this hurt, and for what? To relive his teen years? To go back to the time that seemed to be the highlight of Steve’s life? 
His mind started back up again when he noticed the clothes you were packing into the suitcase. They were his. 
“What— Honey, what are you doing?” 
“Don’t call me that.” You snapped, shoving everything he owned into one of his suitcases. “And if you really want to know, I’m packing. Because if you really love Nancy that much, you can go sleep on her couch. I’m not sharing my bed or this house with a cheating asshole.” 
Steve’s chest deflated, struggling to catch another breath. “What?”
“You heard me. You made the choice to sleep with another woman. A married woman. Now deal with the consequences.” The zipping of the suitcase on the bed punctuated your words, and Steve watched, practically glued to the floor as you hauled it out of the room and into the hallway. 
It wasn’t until it thumped heavily down the stairs that Steve jumped, legs finally kicking back into gear. 
Your footsteps followed the tumbling suitcase. Steve watched from the top of the steps as you grabbed it, and he followed you as you moved to the front door, wrenching it open. 
“Y/n, Y/n, wait—” 
Steve was unable to stop you as you tossed it out onto the paved walkway, the suitcase skidding along the concrete as you turned to look back at him. 
“Get the hell out of my house.” 
Upon catching the look in your eye, the fury mixed with unimaginable despair, Steve knew there was nothing to be done to salvage your relationship. As he passed you by, Steve stopped at the threshold and whispered, “I’m sorry,” 
You didn’t acknowledge him as he walked out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him. 
And with the click of the lock latching, and the metal door cooling your skin as you pressed your forehead against it, you let the dam break. Sobs wracked your body, shaking your bones as you slid to the floor, curling up against the front door. 
Steve Harrington had once promised that he was all yours. But promises get broken, and people, more often than not, turn out to be liars.
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forever taglist: @mazerunnerrose @theboldandthebootyful @miraclesoflove @heliads
steve harrington taglist: @theweasleyslut @starjane312 @the-romanian-is-bae @lillsxd @jemimah-b99 @heavcnslyre @xitsyaiizax @magicalxdaydream @timeladygallifrey @cadencebeat2662 @jamespotterslover @whoreou @mariecoded @suranne-doesstuff @hehehehannahthings @alexwritesthingssometimes @unic0rntaking0ver17645 @wecallhimbrowneyess @erospecies @pariahsparadise @alexxavicry @imabee-oralizard @bluesongbird @1-800-isabellapotter @ajordan2020 @g4ys0n @sunshine-daisies-library @tsaidelrey @moonlightsgirl
taglist form!
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
congrats on 3000!!! 🎉🍾🎊💖
For the sentence prompt: "I'm just gonna go freak out for a minute first."
Thank you!!!! ♥️
Steve was holding his hand while the doctor checked his stitches. It wasn’t really that weird for him to be holding his hand, not since he woke up half-dead in the hospital.
It was a little weird that he was rubbing his thumb against the side of his thumb, though.
And probably a little weird that his other hand was resting on his head, a weight that was comforting and confusing all at once.
“Looks great, Eddie. I’d say by the next visit, we’ll be able to get them out and let these finish healing naturally,” the doctor smiled at him as he pulled his shirt back down.
Steve’s hand squeezed his, and he couldn’t help looking over at the sunshine in the seat next to him.
It had to be pretty obvious how he felt about Steve. He’s lucky none of the kids have caught on and started teasing him yet.
Robin has, but at least she knows to do it privately.
“I’ll have the front desk schedule you for two weeks out. You can grab an appointment card on the way out. Keep them all clean and don’t do any heavy lifting or physical activity quite yet,” the doctor reminded as she pulled off her gloves and threw them in the trash. “You boys have a nice day.”
As she left the room, Steve helped Eddie sit up slowly. He didn’t really need the help anymore, but he’d be an idiot to admit it with how much Steve touched him.
“Two more weeks, Eds! That’s better than what they thought last time,” Steve was so excited for him. His smile was lighting up the room and he looked five seconds away from bouncing on his feet.
“Yeah, it’s great.”
“Aren’t you excited?” Steve’s smile dropped at Eddie’s tone.
“Yeah! Yeah, it’ll be great to have less limits. Might be able to get the guys together for a jam session,” Eddie gave a small smile.
Eddie sighed. “But then you won’t be around anymore, right? Like, other than when we all hang out on movie nights. You only stuck around because no one else could really help me every day. Everyone had work or families that wouldn’t let them out of their sight.”
Steve looked heartbroken, and Eddie couldn’t figure out why.
“Eddie, I’m not gonna leave you just because you don’t technically need me anymore,” Steve shook his head. “We’re- we’re friends, aren’t we?”
“Of course! I mean, I thought so. But I know it could just be that you feel bad and I wouldn’t expect you to stick around because of that.”
Steve grabbed his other hand, his grip tightening on Eddie’s skin almost painfully.
“I wanna stick around for a lot of reasons, Eds.”
Eddie was caught in his gaze, his wide, pleading eyes almost too much.
“Like what?”
“Like because you’re fun to be around. You’re funny and talented and smart. You taught me about Hobbits! Love those guys,” Steve stepped closer. “You’re brave and you care about all of us. You-“ Steve swallowed. “You see me. The real me.”
“What do you mean?” Eddie’s heart was racing as he looked between Steve’s eyes, down to his lips where his tongue had poked out momentarily to wet them.
“You’ve seen me when my parents have come home and made me feel like shit and you just distracted me with singing whatever pop songs are on the radio and helping me cook dinner. You’ve been there when I had a two day long migraine and couldn’t even stand up to go to the bathroom. You made grocery shopping fun! I fucking hate grocery shopping, but you just keep being silly and making me laugh and I had fun.” Steve leaned in so his forehead was touching Eddie’s. “You laugh at my jokes, even when they aren’t that funny. You listen to me when no one else pays attention. You see who I am and you let me be who I am and I don’t feel scared that you’ll run.”
“I’m not running.”
“I know. I love that you aren’t, that you won’t.” Steve closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, they were watery. “I love you.”
Eddie was certain he was dead. Maybe the last month had all been some coma-induced dream and they finally pulled the plug. Maybe he actually died in the Upside Down and the last month was his final goodbye to everyone in his own head.
He stood up slowly, trying not to push Steve away, but having to guide him away from the table he’d been laying on.
“Where are you going? You’re not leaving, right?”
“Nope. I’m just gonna go freak out for a minute first.”
Eddie smiled, leaned in to kiss Steve’s cheek, and pulled away.
“Give me a minute. This is either the most realistic dream I’ve ever had or the best day of my life.”
Steve snorted, but let him walk to the door and stand outside of it for a moment.
When Eddie came back in, his cheeks were red, but he looked determined.
He pulled Steve into him by his hips, crushed their lips together, and smiled so hard their teeth clacked against each other. It was a little messy for a first kiss, but they could get better.
“You love me? Really?”
“I thought it was obvious,” Steve laughed as they pulled apart.
“I thought I was obvious!”
“Not really. I was convinced I was imaging things! Robin had to explain to me what the hanky code was before I even believed you liked guys!”
They both laughed so hard they cried, forgetting entirely that they were still in the doctor’s examination room.
Someone knocked on the door and they broke apart quickly, trying to stop the laughter for a moment to deal with whoever was at the door.
A nurse poked her head in. “Sorry, don’t wanna rush you, but just wanted to make sure everything was okay? Did you need to see the doctor again?”
“No, no. Sorry. We’re heading out. He just needed a minute,” Steve said quickly, smiling back at her.
She nodded and left, leaving the door open as a silent reminder that they needed to disinfect the room for the next patient.
“I love you, too.”
“You don’t have to say it just-“
“I’m not. I’m saying it because I love you. I see you, remember? There’s a lot there to love.”
Steve turned a bright red, and Eddie decided then he would do just about anything to see that shade on Steve’s cheeks and neck as often as possible.
“Let’s go home,” Steve finally said when he recovered. “Wanna kiss you more.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
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Safe space
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Pairings: gojo x reader
Warnings: smidge of crying, gojo's a silly little attention seeker
a/n: I miss him so muchhhh. every week is torturous. My baby needs some comforting ASAP.
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the last thing you were expecting to see was your ex-boyfriend Gojo Satoru standing in your doorway with a bruised eye and a busted lip.
"I almost died today" he said, almost not believing his own words, all the while you watched him in horror. "Satoru" he looks like a wet puppy you can't even bring yourself to be harsh "what the fuck happened to you". "I got beat up" he chuckled lowly "part of the job description i suppose". You pull him in seating him on your couch as your hands instinctively went to his face examining it as you gently touched the bruised areas "how did it get this bad" you said sort of wondering out loud "the simplest way to put it is that I got jumped" he tries to lighten the mood "jumped? how do you expect me to believe that satoru? how am i to believe that you of all people could take this much damage just by being jumped?". Why were you angry?
"i did not see them coming, I swear" he says, all giddy at your outburst. As usual, he loves to get a reaction out of you. "Can i stay the night?" his question popped out of nowhere "I- sure. Sure, stay the night. I'll get the guest room ready. " You give in, knowing full well you could never say no to him, not when he's like this. As you try to make past him, he pulls you back onto the couch, clutching onto your tee desperately. "Please stay." Those goddamn eyes. Everytime. It's almost like he knows the kind of effect they have on you.
"I'm only going to get your bed ready satoru" you try to free yourself but to no avail "I just want you right now. just wanna be close" i pulls you closer. All you could do was freeze up in his arms. The familiarity was piercing your heart.
Moments later you felt hot wet tears on you arm which instantly alarmed you. "Satoru" "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he sobbed into you holding you close by your torso "I thought I was better off alone. I was wrong. So wrong. So so wrong. i'm sorry". His sobs were erratic and you ran your fingers through his hair in order to comfort him. "You were and will be the only best thing in my life. I want you to constitute my every waking second. It's the only way i can breath" his hands made their way up your tee grabbing and squeezing your waist. "Satoru you can't just show up and proclaim shit out of the blue" his only response was the chaste kiss he placed on your tummy before looking up at you with flushed face and those wet lashes and glossy lips. God why does he have to be this enamouring? Your face instantly heated up (the way I'll die from from a nosebleed if I ever see him like so).
"Y/N. Sweets. Please" that's all it took to break your resolve as you hug him back. He took it as a sing to pull you onto his lap. One of his large hands caressing your lower waist while the other cups your cheek as he look at you like you were something so divine for that is how he felt.
He slowly brought your face closer as he connected your lips encompassing your senses and numbing the surroundings. A little while later he pulled back leaving you dazed "god you make me crazy" he went right back in rougher, needier, sloppier. The raw emotion was spinning your head as you melted and gave up trying to decipher what's goin on. His hands all over your bare skin inching towards your chest as you struggled to catch up. Your little moans fuelled him as he pulled you even closer if that was even possible, sliding his tongue into your mouth sucking on yours. The only breaks were to take a sharp breath and to chant out little 'i love yous'.
You struggled to pull yourself together "Satoru your wounds" you say worried "oh these silly things" he snickered healing them with his reverse cursed energy. You just sat there in his lap dumbfounded as to who how you ever even trusted HIM.
"GOJO SATORU" you grabbed his collar "owwww so rough sweets. could have just asked me to remove my shirt" he said with his infamous shiteating grin "get outttt" "no wayyyy" he pulled you into his chest pepperring your neck with little kisses "I just got you back".
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johnsgunbelt · 9 months
Hello hello perhaps!!!
141 gang (or whoever you’d like) with a gender neutral reader who owns a motorcycle.
And not only that, but they are low key a pretty cool and pretty silly motorcycle rider. Who wears their helmet all the time like it’s their face
🏍️ 💨💨
Like if you’ve seen little videos like these https://www.instagram.com/reel/CytvzeMvcH9/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
And let me say, they are just this silly and outrageously confident cause their helmet grants them this anonymity to keep their identity a secret. And tucking away their social anxiety cause NOBODy knows who’s under there 😌😌😌
Motorcycles - 141
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pairing: 141 x fem! reader SFW
warnings: none, just pure fluff
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John 'Soap' MacTavish:
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When he first met you, you were wearing a bunny helmet and doing wheelies on the highway and at the next red light he stopped with you and got your instagram.
Definitely notices how you don’t ever show your face at ALL under any circumstances which makes him more intrigued with you
He messaged you as soon as he got home and scheduled for you guys to go riding the next night and he got your # and address (Score for him:p)
He notices that even when you’ve known him for at least 4 months you never showed him your face and maybe it's because of the stunts you do publicly.
Like that one time you fell off your bike while stopped and he had to help you off the ground
Or the time you started singing extremely loudly with people in there cars
But he loves that you’re not afraid to be yourself, at least with your helmet on
And then finally one day while he went to come pick you up he asked to see your face, after 20 minutes you finally caved and took off your helmet for him
He always knew you were pretty but when he saw you for real, he could have sworn he fell in love right there.
“Wow-I mean uhm wow-I mean uhm shit.” He was struggling to find words about how pretty you were but just know after a month or two he asked you out and now he can compliment you all the time.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick:
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Now He met you when you went to a car show and showed up on your very cute pink motorcycle that complimented your pink helmet. He came over to you and he made small talk with you until he got your number
When he went home he noticed you actually texted him first, he IMMEDIATELY replied.
“Hey! It’s ____ from the car meet <3 just felt like texting you!! It was really nice meeting you tonight.”
“Hey, it was nice meeting you as well. We should definitely go riding sometime.”
“Oh definitely just let me know a time and place!!:)”
Kyle wouldn’t show it directly of course but he was so excited. As soon as he told you to meet him at a local parking lot he was so excited to see you pull up
When you pulled up in front of him he took off his helmet expecting you to do the same but when you didn’t he looked at you confused as you tilted your head
“You don’t take your helmet off huh?” He said softly to you and you just nodded your head as he put on his helmet and invited you to follow him as you rode all night
Eventually the night came to an end and he drove back with you to your place as you parked your bike you said something you’d probably later regret.
“Wanna stay the night..? Youdonthavetoifyoudontwann-" “Alright Alright calm down love of course I wanna spend the night.”
And that’s exactly when he saw your beautiful face.
He looked at you for 10 minutes not saying a word as he admired you 
And to this day while you're laying on his chest 4 months later, he still thinks about that night.
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Simon 'Ghost" Riley:
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Now the way you two met was at a bar, when he pulled up not on a bike, but a car instead.
He hit on you so fast he got your number in 5 minutes tops.
Now in my mind I think after about 2-6 months you guys became official and he started just spending every night at your house no matter if you went out or not on your bike
But what he didn’t tell you is that he KNEW how to drive a motorcycle matter a fact he had one for about 6 years before selling it 
He always tells you he worries about your safety on your bike but you reassure him you’ll be fine but one particular night you said something you’d later find out to be false 
“You’ve never even driven a motorcycle, what do you know silly?”
“Oh? Is that what you think lovie?”
And then he opened the door to the garage and hopped on your bike as he started it and looked at you as he put on one of your spare black helmets
“You just gonna sit there n stare or ya gonna hop on?”
You then quickly hopped on the back wrapping your arms around his broad body
He then backed out of the driveway and sped down many many roads.
And then he brought you to an abandoned little parking garage as he parked the bike all the way at the top for a nice view
“I had a bike for…I wanna say 6 years. I know how to drive a bike lovie s’not that hard.”
You were absolutely shell shocked
“You never told me!! Why?”
“Wasn’t important to me.”
And then from there on out you were his backpack most nights.
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'Captain' John Price:
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Now you and price have known each other for about 6 months he’s seen your face and he like ghost spends most nights at your house
Only difference is he knows how to ride a bike and told you prior to him driving you on your bike
He has a truck but had a bike for about 8 years prior to his truck
He ended up buying another bike just so he could ride with you on some nights.
He loved watching you do your little silly activities like wheelies and when you stopped at red lights and little kids would admire your bike and you would fist bump them his heart would melt
Now because he's a male biker I like to believe he’s had his fair share of girls hitting on them
Usually they back off when you pull up next to him
But sometimes they don’t get the message so if they don’t he’ll say something
“Already married.” “I’ve got a wife.” “That's my wife next to me.”
And the best part is you’re not married he just likes to call you his wife because it makes you all giddy.
Now when you do backpack him he tries to go slow for you but if you tell him to speed up he will 
He lets you basically control the speed and he loves when you’re his backpack regardless of the speed.
THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT SO WORTH IT AHHHHH!! I loved writing this :p.
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littlepadika · 2 months
If you aren't taking requests it's otay but I'd REALLY love to read one of daddy Joel getting us ready for bed. Bottle, changing into pjs, story and tucking in pwease!!!!!!
ahhh bb you inspired me!! I loved imagining this one.
warnings: ddlg, little!reader, jackson Joel, sucking on daddy fingies
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Joel and your house in Jackson was small, one bedroom, so you sleep in daddy's bed with him. You were very needy so even if you could have your own room you'd still want to be in daddy's bed.
Joel would play some guitar to wind down at night and you'd sing along until you were rubbing your eyes.
"Ready for bed, petal?" He'd stop playing with a small smile. You were just too cute.
"No wan one more song." You'd protest even through a big yawn.
"Mmmm I think it's time for bed." Joel would respond, and you knew not to argue with daddy. "Come on, little one." He'd take your hand and lead you into the bedroom. "Up." He'd instruct helping you take off your clothes of the day and slip into one of his shirts. Your PJs is one of Joel's t-shirts. He asked you many times if you wanted a nicer set but you always said no. You liked how it smelled like him and how it made you feel safe.
"Thankie daddy." You'd hug his middle.
"My pleasure, petal." He'd hum. He sits you on his lap next and gently brushes your hair. Depending on if you showered or not sometimes it would take a long time to get all the tangles out. He could feel the tension leaving his body with every pass through your hair. He'd sometime go for a few minutes longer than necessary just to relax some more. He feels you slump against him as you get more sleepy.
"mmm such a good girl." He kisses your head.
He has to lift you up to the top of the bed because you're so sleepy. You blink slowly taking, basking in his loving touches. He tucks you into bed with april next to you. The sheets were an off white and a bit scratchy but they were heaven compared to a hard ground he was used to. The blanket was wool and a bit scratchy. Joel was going to get a softer one once it got a little cooler, something that suited you more.
He usually sits on the edge of the bed until you fall asleep, singing or telling stories. Tonight you do something unexpected and start sucking on your fingers for comfort.
"What are you doing, silly girl?" Joel gently pulls your fingers from your mouth.
"Wan somefing." You mumble. You wanted something to comfort you as you drifted off.
Joel didn't have any bottles. He'd have to trade for one without drawing too much attention. So that night he gave you his fingers to suckle on until you were drifting off to sleep. You held his big hand with your two small ones. It wasn't arousing but more endearing. You were so so little and precious and beautiful and strong. Joel felt an intense urge to curl around you so nothing could ever hurt you.
"Hush little baby don't you cry. Daddy's gonna sing you a lullaby..." He found himself singing low in his chest.
"Sweet dreams, my petal." He whispered as your lips slackened around his fingers. "Daddy's gonna get you everything you need."
He slowly stood up and started changing into his pajamas, every now and then looking back at you to make sure you were still asleep. As soon as he slid under the blanket you twisted around him like a baby koala.
daddy masterlist
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Grief ( A Friend Indeed) Part 11
Here we finally get the singing love songs at each other, a misunderstanding, and it's resolution. The next chapter is the last one. Thank you all who've come along with me on this journey.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Steve woke up the next morning feeling like the world had been taken off his shoulders for the first time since he ran back into the Byers’ house and throw his lot in with would-be monster killers.
Yeah, the thing with Hopper still hadn’t been resolved and maybe never would be, but he had someone who understood. Eddie understood.
The next few days went without incident. Steve still talked to Robin whenever he could, but now he had someone else to talk to, too. He called Percy as well.
But that was reserved for when Eddie wasn’t around. He wanted to talk to someone about being in an gay relationship. And even without knowing Eddie’s romantic history, there was still no doubt that Percy had way more experience than his friend.
It felt good.
Soon it was their last night in Ashland and they were all at Hal’s Bar. Penny, Danny, Wayne, too. Oliver was watching Gale while everyone else went out.
Granted he had only agreed to babysit if Penny and Danny bought him a Nintendo system for his birthday, but it was still nice.
Danny got up and sang Donovan’s Sunshine Superman to Penny, who laughed.
“I’ll tell you right now,” Danny sang, “Any trick in the book now, baby, all that I can find!”
Steve laughed along with her but he couldn’t help but think of Eddie when he heard the lyrics “A you-you-you can just sit there a-thinking on your velvet throne, Bout all the rainbows a-you can a-have for your own, when you make your mind up forever to be mine!”
That silly little throne he insisted on having at every D&D game, that finally Steve got Dustin and Lucas to help him steal it from the drama department when Eddie graduated and install it in Steve’s basement so that he could continue to be King of the Freaks.
Eddie had nearly cried when he saw it. As far as graduation presents go, it really couldn’t be topped.
Steve shared a glance with Eddie who blushed. And maybe they were thinking of the same thing.
They even got Wayne up there to sing House of the Rising Sun.
Steve nudged Eddie with his elbow. “And you said he couldn’t carry a tune. I think he did a bang up job with that one,” he teased.
Eddie grumbled something about hiding talents under bushes or some such shit.
Steve got up and sang “Head Over Heels”.
Just belted his heart out.
Eddie and Lauren were sitting there sipping their drinks, Hal, having gave Eddie a bottle of beer since his birthday was so close and Lauren sipping on her Dr Pepper.
“So did you hear that Steve turned down Beth of all people?” Lauren said with derision.
Eddie smiled around his beer. “Oh yeah, but Steve was never gonna tap that, even under more ideal circumstances than attending a funeral.”
“Yeah, why’s that?” she asked.
“His type is leggy brunettes with soulful eyes and curly brown hair,” he said with a smirk.
Lauren turned to Eddie in shock. “So he really would have changed the pronouns that first night if he hadn’t thought that the crowd would shank him outside the bar after.”
“Holy shit!” She downed the rest of her soda. “Which means the person he has chance with...”
“Is from home, but not at home at the moment?” he teased. “Oh yeah. No doubt he was talking about me.”
“Wait,” Lauren hissed. “How did you know that’s what he said?”
“I may have overheard the conversation on my way to the bathroom,” he admitted with a wince.
She smacked his arm. “You sly dog! You’ve known this whole time and didn’t tell me!”
“It wasn’t my place to tell,” Eddie defended. “He hasn’t even told me she was the reason he wanted to get out of town in the first place.”
She eyed him warily. “Fine.” Lauren crossed her arms over her chest.
“Fine?” he asked, unsure.
“Yeah, it sucks,” she said. “But I get it.”
She looked up at Steve who was finishing the song. “That song is also about you.”
“In my mind’s eye, one little boy, one little man. Funny how time flies,” Steve crooned.
Eddie grinned. “Yeah, I know that too.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” Lauren said.
Eddie got up and gave Steve a hug as they passed each other. Hal had already hooked up the amp so Eddie could play.
He grabbed the guitar and put the strap over his shoulder. “Hey, guys! I have one more song for you before I go back to Indiana.”
“Mh-hm-hmm, yeah, yeah,” Eddie began. “Holy Diver. You’ve been down too long in the midnight sea. Oh what’s be coming of me?”
Steve blushed.
Lauren tilted her head to look at him and then back at Eddie on stage. There was something about the song Eddie was singing that got Steve embarrassed.
Well, maybe that wasn’t the right word. Flustered? That might be closer to the mark.
“Holy diver!” Eddie continued to sing. “You’re the star of the masquerade. No need to look afraid!”
A few minutes later the song was over with and was absolutely star struck.
When Eddie loped back over to their table Steve said, “Dude, you really should be famous for your playing.”
Eddie grinned. “But not my singing, right?”
Steve pushed him playfully. “For that too, drama queen.”
Eddie cackled and sat back down.
Steve watched as other patrons got up and sang too. None were as good as Eddie. But then he was pretty sure he was bias.
Eddie walked out with Steve and Lauren at ten despite being told he was welcome to stay.
“So what’s the deal with Wayne and Hal?” Steve asked. “They spent the whole night huddled in that corner booth.”
Eddie laughed. “Hal and Wayne go way back. Since Uncle Danny and Aunt Penny got married. They’ve been inseparable.”
Steve just hummed.
Lauren looked at him. “What’s up?”
Steve scratched his cheek. “It’s just that if either of them had been a woman, it would have looked they were trying to change their last name.”
Lauren and Eddie frowned unsure of what he meant but Lauren caught on first.
“You thought they were flirting?” she gasped.
Steve shrugged. “One of my uncles is gay and if I hadn’t seen them act the same way as Wayne and Hal...”
Eddie stopped in his tracks and then burst out laughing.
“That sly dog!” Eddie crowed. “That’s what he meant when he said that he understood me better than I thought he did when I came out to him when I was sixteen.”
Lauren’s eyes went wide. “I have two gay uncles?”
Steve laughed too. “I didn’t mean to rock your world.”
Lauren looked back at the bar. “I think I know how to get Hal to bend the rules for me.”
Eddie smacked her hand. “No blackmailing Uncle Wayne’s boyfriend. That’s mean.”
Lauren pouted. “Fiiinnnne.” She grinned. “Does that mean I can blackmail Uncle Wayne?”
“No!” Steve protested. “Absolutely not!”
Eddie giggled. “Uh-huh, you got him to use his mom no. You’re in so much trouble now.”
“I do not have a mom no,” Steve protested. “Don’t listen to him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
Eddie cackled. “It’s the same no you used with Red in her trailer.”
Steve’s jaw dropped. “Well, shit.” He turned to Lauren. “Apparently I have a mom no.”
She laughed.
Steve was really going to miss her. Maybe he could convince her to come out later this summer, too.
Eddie was not having a good morning. He couldn’t find his Metallica shirt, tore up the whole room looking for it, only for Wayne to point out he was wearing it.
And then he spilled hot coffee on his pants and to change them.
Then the tarp they were going to use to cover the furniture they got was ripped in three places. So Danny had too take Wayne to buy a new one, because the one he had was too small.
So they were late getting out. The skies were darkening and a huge storm was rolling in.
Cue one very grumpy Eddie.
Steve wasn’t fairing much better but that was more that he wasn’t fully awake yet.
“I’ve got to go with Wayne,” Eddie grumbled. “I see you at the truck station we stopped on the way down, k?”
Steve nodded, his lips pursed. “Got it. See you then.”
Eddie nodded and trudged back to the truck.
Wayne wisely said nothing and they both slid into the cab of the truck.
“Your boy going to find the truck stop okay?” he asked to break the oppressive silence.
“He’s not my boy,” Eddie grumbled. “Not yet anyway.”
They started driving and Wayne looked in the review mirror to make sure Steve was following him.
He frowned. “Is he okay?”
Eddie looked back at the Bimmer and saw that Steve was hitting the steering wheel, waving his arms about and he couldn’t be sure. Not at this distance. But it looked like he was crying.
“Shit!” he cursed. “Stop the truck!”
Wayne slammed on his breaks and Eddie threw open the door and ran back.
About half way to Steve’s car the skies opened up and just pummeled the earth with rain.
Eddie picked up speed and yanked the passenger side door open. He hurried in and slammed the door.
“Eds?” Steve croaked confirming the crying as easily as the tears on his face. “What–how–I mean...”
Eddie grabbed his face and gently wiped away his tears. “You seem to be laboring under some misconceptions out here. So I’m going to clue you in.”
Steve blinked. “Huh?”
“One, I have go with Wayne to keep an on the tarp over the heavy furniture,” Eddie explained, hands never leaving Steve’s cheeks. “He needs a second person as a spotter to make sure nothing flies into traffic.”
Steve gulped. “Yeah?”
“Yes,” Eddie said firmly. “Two, I would much rather be in this car with you. Getting to spend this week with you have been amazing because I got to know you better and I loved that. I love just being with you.”
“Oh,” Steve said, his breath stuttering in his chest.
“Yeah, oh,” Eddie said. “And you better listen up to this bit, Steve Harrington, because I’m going to make this a clear to you as I can. I am absolutely head over heels in love you.”
“So what’s going to happen,” Eddie finished, “is this. I’m going to kiss you senseless, then I’m going to run back to Wayne’s truck in the fucking rain because the weather decided to be a bigger dramatic bitch then I am, and then I will meet you at the truck stop to repeat step one a lot.”
Steve face shivered into something like happiness. It wasn’t a smile, not yet, but Eddie could feel the change of mood.
“That okay with you?” Eddie confirmed.
Steve smiled at last banishing the last of the gloomy thoughts. “Yeah.”
“Good,” Eddie said and proceeded to kiss Steve senseless.
“Wow,” Steve murmured when they broke of the kiss.
Eddie cackled. “Back 'atcha, Stevie.”
“You better get back to Wayne, before you flood the cab of his truck because you left your door open.”
Eddie turned in front of him. “Oops! See you, sweetheart!” He kissed Steve’s cheek and was dashing back into the rain, jacket pulled over his head.
He got to the truck and slipped back in. The seat was wet, but so was his pants so it really didn’t fucking matter at that point.
“So you still wanna argue he’s not your boy?” Wayne asked with a smile.
“Nope.” Eddie just crossed his arms and hunkered down on the bench.
“You not going to tell me about what just happened?”
Eddie looked at him, grinning from ear to ear. “I don’t kiss and tell.”
Wayne shook his head and started driving again. This time Steve immediately followed.
Pt 12
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster @r0binscript @awkotaco24 @ilikeititspretty
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 1
Samantha Carpenter x GN Reader.
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New York City has always been a bustling hotspot for restaurants, opportunities, and some “night activities.”
And yet Samantha Carpenter can’t shake this emptiness she feels everyday in her life.
(Sam’s Pov) It was a busy friday evening and I had just gotten off my shift at the diner. The Manager let me go home early with my regular pay as a reward for working hard.
Truth is. There’s a reason why I don’t take days off and constantly work.
I wrapped up my leftovers in a bag for dinner later and walk back to the apartment since the gym was closed today ‘that’s where I usually spend my time’.
New York being the big city it is, I had to bump through crowds, junkies and greeted some couples. When I got to my complex, some people were already shooting looks at me, one threw a paper ball at me.
‘Looks like our neighbors know I’m the daughter of a small town serial killer.’
After getting past the death glares, I enter my apartment and put my leftovers in the fridge. Then I pour a cup of whiskey, sitting down to collect my thoughts, not bothering to turn on the tv.
I hear the door open a half hour later “Sam! Im home” hearing that voice always brings a little smile to my face.
Tara sets her shopping bags down and sits on the couch next to me, turning on the tv. I felt a bit of joy knowing I’m giving Tara what she always wanted. A degree, a boyfriend, and freedom to live her life provided she be careful of the dangers.
I took a sip of my drink “So how was your date with Chad?”
Tara jumped in excitement “Amazing! We went to a nice restaurant that had an open mic. You should have seen Chad try to sing “All of me” he did it a little off key but reassured that it was a “song picked just for me.” Tomorrow we’re going to an arcade that just opened. Want to join us?”
I felt an ache in my chest and it wasn’t the whiskey “Thank you Tara….but I don’t want to impose. Especially since I’m letting you live your life freely.”
Damn. I didn’t do much to hid my emotions and Tara was quick to notice.
“Is everything ok?” She asked putting a hand on my shoulder. Normally, I hate being asked that but this is my sister ‘sigh’ “I guess….I guess I’m just lonely to tell you the truth.”
Tara was confused “Lonely? Aw don’t be silly, you have me and the twins.”
I sipped my drink once again “I mean you know….lonely.” Tara playfully slapped her forehead. “Ohhh I see. I mean, I can try to help you find a date.”
I smiled a bit. “That would be nice, I just hope I find one. It’s not that easy when you’re the daughter of the first Ghostface.” Tara nodded “If that worries you, I can take a break from Chad and spend some time with you.”
“But Tara, you love him.” My sister nodded “I do. But you’re my sister and I love you more. All you have to do is say the word.”
I sniffled heavily before wrapping my arms around Tara “Oof. How can a (Guy/Girl) not love a woman with big muscles?” I laughed a bit.
(1 month later)
(Tara’s pov) True to my word, I spent more time with Sam. Even though she assured me that it was ok with me bringing Chad to the apartment or going on dates with him.
Since Chad is still asleep from finishing that assignment, I’m eating breakfast with Mindy and Anika. They were surprised that I chose to eat at the place Sam works at.
“I think I know what i want.” I said as Mindy looked up from her menu “T. Did you choose this place because it’s that good?”
“Or did you want a free meal from your sister?” Anika finished, laughing.
I rolled my eyes “No….I’m going to pay for-“ I felt my pockets “Shit! I forgot my wallet!” Mindy shook her head “Didn’t you forget it the last time you went with my brother to that restaurant.”
I blushed from embarrassment “Y-yes but I gave him the money back when I got paid.”
Anika nodded “What you really need is one of those wallet chains so you never have to lose it again. Plus it would look hot on you.”
Mindy playfully smacked Anika’s arm as Sam came by to take our orders “Now, now. Don’t kill each other until AFTER you eat.” As we took our orders, I picked mine which was a bit pricey ‘Sorry Sam.’
“Umm big sis. You think you can spot me for this one?”
Sam rolled her eyes “Again? How many times do I have to tell you to stop forgetting your money?” I smiled playfully “Pleaseeee. I won’t forget next time and I will pay you back, I promise.”
(Sams pov) I shook my head, not wanting my sister to throw a tantrum or steal somebody else’s food “Fine. I’ll hold you to that.” I gathered up the menus and took the orders to the kitchen. After that, I decided to wipe down the counter since it was a slow morning.
I was finishing the display case until a new customer walked in. “Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like
I looked up from the case and was at a loss for words when I set my eyes on the person that walked in.
(Sorry I had to. Lol)
Their (gothic/eccentric) attire was stunning enough to make a lot of heads turn. I shook my head, hiding my blush “ ‘Ahem’ Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like a booth or a table?”
(He/She) requested a booth saying they have a friend meeting them here for a class assignment. My shoulders tensed as I dropped the menu on the floor, running to get new one “Sorry about that”
I took a quiet breath and awaited their order.
(Tara’s pov) Another waitress brought our food and we were in the middle of a feast until I spotted Sam making eyes at the new customer that just walked in. I tapped Mindy on the shoulder “Ooh! Direct hit Cupid.” Mindy whispered.
“I’ll say. I think this is the first time I’ve seen my sister as a drooling lovesick puppy.” I nearly laughed when she dropped the menu and went to snatch a new one off another table “Smooth move Casanova” Anika whispered.
After Sam took her potential lovers order and brought their food out, she stepped outside telling her boss she was taking her fifteen. “Looks like someone needs a little push Tar” Mindy said.
I nodded as I went outside to find Sam with a hand on her chest, trying to control her rapid breathing.
“Someone’s got a crushhhh. Someone’s got a crushhh” I said in a singing voice, handing Sam a water bottle from my bag.
Sam wasn’t amused and showed her blush “Look. Try to talk to them Sammy. This is your chance to finally get a (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
She took a sip from her water bottle “B-but what if they don’t like me? What if they find out who I really am and never talk to me again?” I gently squeezed her shoulder
“Sam, you won’t know if you don’t try. I’ll be right there to comfort you if anything happens. Just introduce yourself and ask if you can sit with them until their friend shows up, make some small talk my hot sis.”
(Sam’s pov) I shook my head, smiling “I’m not really that hot but I’ll still make small talk with them.” We both head back inside the diner, seeing that the new customer is already eating their food.
I check my watch “Ok still on my break, time to make my move” I whispered.
I walk over to their table “Hi. Um, do you mind if I sit with you? I’m currently on break and my coworkers are having a football debate back there.
The customer looked up and smiled “Sure. I could use the company, seeing my friend is running a bit late.”
I hid the excitement in my stomach and sat down. “I’m Y/N by the way Y/N L/N.” They said extending their hand “Samantha….Carpenter. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’ll say. It’s not often I see a pretty girl wanting to have lunch with me.”
I was flattered “So you think I’m pretty?” Now it was their turn to blush “Um s-sure? I mean I would really like to get to know you more.”
I felt my phone vibrate. I open it to see laughing emojis from Tara saying we are “Both hopeless with the small talk.” I shot a look at her, shaking my head.
I took a breath and engaged in a conversation like our favorite hobbies, movies, latest tv shows. I was amazed by how much we have in common unlike Ritchie who never liked almost all my hobbies. Sometimes I question why I got with him in the first place.
Anyways we talked a bit more along with me complementing their outfit, saying it “Makes them stand out and look more attractive.” I didn’t realize how long we were talking until I realized I was five minutes over my break.
I quickly jumped from the booth and back to my station in a flash but not before leaving my number on the receipt if they want to talk more.
(One shift later)
(Sam’s pov) This day was very slow and tiring. I was anxiously waiting for the time to fly by and luckily it did. But earlier, Tara didn’t help by eating loud and throwing trash on the floor. I swear my sister has the manners of a child. I rest my case when she let out a loud belch which ‘sigh’ everyone heard!
“Sorry! Excuse me!”
I cleaned the rest of the floors and whatever trash was on the tables as the last 30 mins approached. When it was time, I clocked out and said bye to my coworkers and boss.
Heading outside, I put my apron away and check my phone for any new messages. I got one from Tara who once again teased me that I was in a rush to see my new “lover.” I rolled my eyes and left that on read.
The next message was from….Oh Y/N and they asked if I wanted to watch a movie together. I responded back to it being a plan. We’ll watch a movie at my place and I’ll make the best dinner.
(Tara’s pov) I sat on the couch waiting to go to the arcade. Chad really needs to stop staying up late and sleeping in late. It’s getting pretty hectic but I still end up dealing with it.
I check my phone “Hm, still got an hour left” I turn on the tv and snack on a few corn chips.
I got halfway through an episode of South Park until Sam came by with a hand vac, “Tara! I just cleaned here. Must you always be so messy.”
I scoffed “Looks like someone’s eager to keep the place clean for their new (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
Sam snatched the chips away from me “They’re not my lover. I just want spend time with a new friend, and that is making sure this place looks presentable.”
I nodded “Sure and I’ll be a millionaire one day. Look I get it. You want to make a first impression and that’s ok. No more lone wolf tonight Sam, it’s time for a new chapter, go get (him/her) tiger!”
(Sam’s pov) After cleaning Tara’s mess for the second time, I take a long needed shower and put on something simple. An hour later, the doorbell rings. “Y/N! Nice to see you again. It’s me uh Sam….from the diner” We both shared a hug before they went to the living room to pick out the movie.
Tara left for the arcade but not before ripping into me again “I swear you have no game sis. How did you even end up with Ritchie?” She whispered, laughing as she closed the door.
Damn it Tara! Why do you have to be such a gremlin? Though she’s not wrong, I really need to work on my pull game.
‘Just be yourself Sam, just be yourself.’
As I got the cooking utensils ready, I called from the kitchen island “So baby. Did you choose a good movie for us to watch?” I slapped my mouth
‘Of course! Leave it to Sam Carpenter to find a way to fuck a simple question up!’
Y/N smiled, laughing a bit “Hmm not yet. Maybe you should pick, baby.” They said, winking.
‘This is gonna be a long night…..good, I hope it never ends’
After Y/N selected the movie to watch, (he/she) joined me in the kitchen to help prepare the food.”
“Ok let’s make some of my famous pasta. Normally we charge $19.99 for this at the cafe.” Y/N was shocked “$20 for pasta?!” I nodded “It’s a family recipe, my um….father knew the right spices to use.”
Then we set the noodles and water to a boil. As it was cooking along with the sauce, we took the opportunity to take some silly pics together then post them. When the food was done, we set the plates and ate on the coffee table (Sam made sure it was clean after her sister put her bare feet on it recently. She really let Tara have it afterwards)
“I hope this isn’t a gory movie. I don’t want to lose my dinner.” Y/N shook their head “No this is more of an action movie. It’s called John wick.” I smiled “I don’t think I ever heard of that movie.”
A few hours into the movie, I was blown away by how ruthless this man was all over a car and…well I guess it makes sense with the dog.
(Y/N’s POV) After the movie was over and we cleaned up, I got my jacket and was about to head out seeing it was late. I said my byes but right as I was about to leave, I felt a hand on my arm “Stay with me….please?”
I smiled ‘How can I say no to that face?’ “Alright but um….I don’t have any sleepwear. I might have to sleep in my underwear if you don’t mind?”
I saw sweat pouring down from Sam’s forehead “N-No…I don’t mind at all.” I gave her a kiss on the forehead ‘probably shouldn’t have done that’ but she shrugged it off and led me to her room.
As Sam was in the bathroom, changing into her night clothes, I stripped down to my underwear. I put my clothes next to the bed on the floor. Few minutes later, Sam came back wearing said night clothes but she stood like a deer in headlights.
I was confused for a minute but then realized “Ah, you like what you see here? I said, showing off my body a bit.
Sam swallowed “Mmhm” was all she said before pulling me into bed with her.
Sam had a tv in her room so we watched a show just to fall asleep to but mostly talked a lot rather than watch the show or even drifting off to sleep.
I decide to try my luck “Snuggle me?” Sam was hesitant “Y-you want me to snuggle you?” That got me nervous, hoping I didn’t push things too quick besides the kiss of course. “Yes…but I understand if you don’t want to. I’m not here to make you uncomfortable.”
I felt some relief when she giggled “Come here.” She said extended her arms which I fell into perfectly. I felt butterflies in my stomach as she nestled next to me. “Sorry I was a little confused at first because no one I dated asked me to be the big spoon.”
I faced her a bit “Hm? Who wouldn’t want a woman with big biceps wrapped around them so safe?” Sam smiled “Probably because, they were jealous that I was more fit and muscular than them.”
I shook my head “I guess they forgot the definition of “Exercise” and “Workout” I said. “I do workouts myself but I been meaning to find a partner to go to the gym with.”
Sam rubbed my arms sounding a bit tired “I’d be happy to fill that role and go to the gym with you.”
I felt myself blush ‘Part of me really wants to kiss Sam for real this time but I don’t know if she wants a relationship now…or one with me. That might not be true, maybe just maybe I might have a chance at love again….I hope.’
I stayed awake for a bit hoping to ask Sam if she’s interested but I didn’t realize that sleep has taken her until I heard a snore from said girl. “Maybe tomorrow….yeah tomorrow’s ‘yawn’ a good day to tell her.” I felt my eyes get heavy, then fell asleep into Sam’s arms, holding me in place.
(Later on into the night when the pair were fully asleep, Tara came home and went to check on her sister. She had to stop herself from squealing at the sight that had emitted her eyes.
“This is definitely going on my page.” Tara said as she snapped a quick photo then left, closing the door.
“Goodnight Sam….Goodnight Y/N. I think you just brought the light my sister needed in her dull life.”
To be continued
Btw there’s the idea of the reader but the choice is still yours if these pictures don’t cut it
You got the gothic(eh maybe) or the elegant reader lol.
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biggestsimp12 · 5 months
Hi could I request the toy animatronics interacting with a young child reader that gets left behind after closing?
{Hi! Sorry for the late response, I had some health problems lately and couldn't bring myself out of the laziness and fatigue to write. But I'm all better now and ready to write! So here it is! ^^}
Child Reader who gets left behind x toy animatronics! (+puppet)
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You were simply a mere child, whose parents left you at a friend's birthday party in the famous Pretty smart to leave your child alone in a strangers supervision, right? Not. For some reason, your friends decided it was a good idea to play hide and seek, just before closing time. Of course, you found the most phenomenal spot to hide, which was behind puppets music box. It was rather naive of you, to think someone will actually search for there. That's why you hid there on the first place. Time flies by, yet slowly but surely, less and less voices could be heard around. It was rather strange, but you, the determined kid who loved to win on hide and seek remained curled up in a ball, dead silent with a small grin on your face, falsely believing that you will eventually get pinpointed by your friends and go home as the winner of hide and seek. Your grin quickly vanished off your face when the lights went out, leaving you baffled. As the night sky gets darker, you ducked out of your hiding spot and started looking around the now empty pizzeria, feeling alone and frightened. You were the only one left behind and locked in after all their friends had gone home. The sound of the animatronic characters' movements is unnerving and you feel vulnerable being alone in this place. You start to walk around the pizzeria, hoping to find a way out. Suddenly, the remaining lights go out and you are left in total darkness, the sound of the animatronics' movements echoing in the empty pizzeria. You curled up into a ball as you sat on the cold tiled floor, sobbing uncontrollably whilst shaking. Out of the blue, sounds of metallic steps could be made out, as if they were approaching you. An animatronic with a pair of glowing green eyes stepped past you, heading towards the rather noisy vent, as if it had abnormal ideas of whereabouts. Watching a little, you realised it was one of the toy animatronics, none other than Toy Bonnie. You hesitantly walked up to him, pulling on his artificial fluffy tail. The animatronics' head twisted in your direction, emanating some sounds as if it was scanning you.
"H-hello mr bon bon... Can you help me find my parents? My friends left me here alone.. Do you think they will come back?"
You wistfully stated, looking at the animatronic with those innocent pleading eyes. You weren't sure if he was going to hurt you or even understand you for that matter. Before anything could occur, a black slender palm was placed over your head, making you flinch slightly. Your gaze moved to the slender figure, which was the indistinguishable, Puppet. It's minimal glowing orbs were gazing over you, as if asking you to trust it. The puppet was one to always frighten you but for some reason, it just felt right to trust it right now, as no one else was currently there for you. It lightly scooped you in its long arms, carrying you to the other toy animatronics. Like magic, the animatronics turned on, all gazing towards you. The puppet kindly placed you down, leaving you to play with the toy animatronics. Toy chica brought you a real cupcake, feeding it to you while Toy freddy was singing to you and toy Bonnie was making rather silly poses for you. It only cheered you a little bit, though it was nicer than being alone, even though you could only see their glowing orbs. Just as your sobs died down, a sound of the security camera was heard and it's flashlight turned on, making you squint your eyes. Not even a second later, running footsteps were creeping out of the halls as a security guard rushed to you, freaking out to why was a literal child at almost 1 a.m in the freaking pizzeria?! After lots and lots of questioning, (and lots of unresponsive calls)
the security guard finally managed to contact your parents, which were very upset with your friends "responsibility" (as if theirs was any better)
Long story short, you were never ever going to a party without a capable family member ever again and that friends' parents weren't throwing poorly supervised parties anytime soon..
The end
{have a good day/night :)}
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ichijager13 · 2 years
There’s no good in evil
Summary :  In a city full of crimes and atrocity Dazai have found a shelter in you. He always ends up in your place when he needs to wash away his dark soul before leaving you again with souvenirs of your shared moments. This time was no different.
A/N: Happy new year !! Here’s a fic I wrote and published on AO3 last summer. The story takes place right before the movie dead apple. 
I wrote this fic listening to Duvet by Bao. 
Enjoy reading lovelies :* 
Word count: 2,6k
You couldn’t believe this day was finally over. You have never felt this tired before. Opening your apartment door you were daydreaming about the bath you will sink in and that piece of ice cream cake you have in the freezer when you heard a voice humming a song. It was his voice, there was no doubt. It’s been almost two months since you last saw him. you quickly took off your shoes and put your coat on the hanger before heading to the kitchen.
“And you don’t seem the lying kind
A shame that I could read your mind
And all the things that I read there
Candle lit smile that we both share
And you know I don’t mean to hurt you”.
You leaned against the kitchen door frame admiring this strange man singing and swaying ridiculously. “That’s not your double suicide song, changed your mind?”. You taunted.
“Hello there, no I didn’t. I’m only waiting for you to accept to do it with me”. A silly smile crept across his lips. “Besides this one reminds me of you”.
“Really? How come?”. Your brows furrowed.
“I can read your mind easily and I never wanted to hurt you”. He answered still turning his back to you.
“And what are you making?”. You were now standing behind him.
“A ramen, it’s cold and you had to stay outside till this late. You need something warm”. Smiling you propped your head against his back.
“Thank you”.
You remained like this for a while before you broke the silence.
“How are you Dazai?”.
“As fresh as a daisy”. He turned and held your face in his hands. “But you, you don’t seem alright. Did you miss me that bad”. Blushing you look away. You always wondered how can he read you like in an open book. You could never hide anything from him.
“I’m here now”. He smiled sheepishly.
“For how long?”
Ignoring your question, he asked you to go change and prepare yourself for dinner.
It has always been like this; he shows up unannounced and then he disappears just as fast. You lost count of how many times you resolved to never let him in again, to change your door lock, and other unfulfilled decisions. You even screamed and kicked him out of your place before falling into his arms. Dazai wasn’t one to settle down, he is like the wind he once told you, you can never lock him in. he was so drunk that night he even apologized for what he was putting you through. He confessed that wherever he was and whatever he was doing he always finds his way back to you. like there was some sort of gravity always pulling him back to you.
“Where are you?”. he called in that annoying high-pitched sound he uses to taunt you. “Dinner is ready”.
You came out from your bathroom hair wrapped in a towel. “A person cannot take a shower after a long day at work anymore?” you snickered.
“Not allowed”. He shook his index finger. “Not without me”. He shot you a determined look making you giggle.
“I’ll try to remember next time”. You hummed loudly. “The smell is amazing”. He grinned before sitting across from you.
“You added a new bookshelf”. You nodded. “And you bought a new pan and changed the blinds of the living room”.
“Yes, mister detective”.
“And you cut your hair”. He paused. “It looks good on you”. reaching a hand to caress your hair.
“Thank you”. you took a sip from your beer. “What happened to your face?”
“A small accident during work”. He simply answered. “Do you mind if I spend the night here?”. He tilted his head.
“When did I mind such a thing”.
“Good! And would you play with my hair as well?” he pouted. “Pretty, pretty please”.
“Okay, okay”. You let out laughing.
You were now laying on your bed while he was showering. You have always kept his items in case he ever appeared again. It wasn’t an easy thing to deal with but you couldn’t throw them away as well. You never knew what to do or think when it comes to him and it infuriates you.
Looking up you were met with his dark eyes. He was standing at the door drying himself and watching you.
“What are you thinking about?” how come he always decodes every move or facial expression you make while you were unable to understand the simplest thing about him. “By the way, thank you for keeping my stuff. Nothing compares to fresh and clean clothes”. He hung the towel before putting on sweats and crawling into the bed next to you.
You smiled at him and caressed his face. Closing his eyes, he leaned into your touch.
“I don’t deserve you, you’re too good for me”. he breathed. “I should have let you go a long time ago but I’m too selfish to do such a thing”. He placed a kiss on your wrist. “you’re everything I’m not”.
“But you always come back”. You whispered.
He nodded, “I do, I know I shouldn’t but I always do. I’m sorry”.
You vigorously shake your head, “Don’t be. I could’ve changed the door lock or simply moved to another place. But I never did”.
“Yeah, you never did”. He fell on the pillow. “You’re the only thing making me hold on to life, and believe that there are still people with pure hearts. What I can never understand is how come someone like me…”.
You placed your finger on his lips preventing him from saying more. “There is good in evil you know. And I believe that deep down inside you there is pureness”.
His gaze was on you as a lazy smile appeared on his face. “I missed you… and I need you. I need you to be able to keep doing good things, ‘cause there is no good in me”. He brought you closer to him. “I need your light to chase away the shadows that haunt my soul”. His breath was now all over your face and neck. “I need you to be able to continue living”. He rested his head on your chest and closed his eyes. “And now, can you please play with my hair as you promised earlier”. He said in a childish voice, it’s crazy how he can switch from dead serious and depressed to childish and filled with joy. Without a word you buried your hand in his hair and started scratching his skull. “Ah, like that”. He sighed happily.
“So, how’s work?” you inquired.
“Interesting, the new gifted I told you about the other time, Atsushi he is getting better and seems to manage his ability. Oh, and you won’t believe what I have done to kunikida last time”. A mischievous smirk appeared on his lips. “He nearly lost his mind”.
“Don’t you think you should give him a break?”. You said amused.
“Never”. He stood up. “Never ever ask me such a thing again”. He was completely on top of you now. “That’s the only thing that entertains me”. his face was inches away from yours, you don’t know for how much time he remained like this. You gave up counting and calculating with him because whether you like it or not, he always wins. He will kiss when he feels like it, not before not after. But that didn’t stop your body from anticipating and aching for his touch. Each time his hands or lips were placed on you, your body was set on fire. When Dazai was around everything you submit to him, you simply lose control of everything. Your eyes were closed when he finally connected his lips to yours and started kissing you. you let out a low moan when his tongue slipped between your parted lips. “I missed this as well”. He whispered against your mouth, before tucking at the waistband of your shorts. “Why do you wear this many clothes when I’m around huh?”. His finger was now pulling your panties down.
He stopped. “What is it?”. From the tone of his voice, you can tell he is frowning.
“Not tonight, please”. You propped yourself on your elbows. “I’m really exhausted. I won’t be able to keep up”. you smiled lazily. “Let’s leave it till tomorrow, deal?”
He pulled your panties back to their place whining, “That’s not fair”. He fell on the mattress and brought you against him. “Can I at least hug you?”.
You smiled softly, “Couldn’t ask for better”. You put your hand back in his hair and buried yourself in his embrace. “I missed this too”. You muttered before drifting into sleep.
It was still dark when you opened your eyes. You woke up to the feeling of someone watching you. feeling the warmth of his body and his hands inventing invisible schemes on your back you buried yourself in his embrace.
“You’re still here”. you whispered then you fell back asleep. He knows what he is doing is wrong but he is as helpless as you are. He knows he can’t be with you but each time he leaves something breaks inside of him. each time he comes back he tells himself it’s the last time he puts you through this but he always ends up at your door. And even then, he wishes you have changed the door lock or moved out. He even found himself hoping he’d find someone at your place. He knows he can never make you happy, not with the way he was living his life. He had even thought about committing suicide at your place but the sight of your sad pretty eyes made him change his mind.
Behind his goofiness and heartless attitude hide a broken and bruised soul and he didn’t want to get you stuck in the middle of this mess, his mess. Was it too late to do the right thing? Can he keep his promise this time and leave you alone? What if you both run away and settle down in a calm small town or even a farm? Lots of questions and ideas were going through his mind. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts and sleep, but it didn’t work. Giving up he picked up his book and started reading.
It was right before dawn when he felt you moving. With a sleepy smile plastered on your face, you hugged him. “It always feels good to have you near”.
He brought you closer for a kiss. “Good morning my angel”. You peppered kisses all over his face smiling at his words. Your lips traveled down his neck, and torso ‘til his lower abdomen.
Dazai half sit and asked, “What are you doing?”
“I tasted you in my dreams, now I know what I want for breakfast”. You smiled at him.
“Is that so?” a wicked smirk stretching his face.
You glanced once more at the dark-haired man before yanking both his sweats and underwear down freeing his shaft. You started caressing it softly, and as soon as it began to harden you started pumping it making him gasp. That was the only sound you managed to earn from his parted lips until you moved things to the next level. Locking your gaze, you dragged your tongue up and down his cock. It was when you sucked his tip that you made him groan deeply.
“If you keep doing this to me each time, ah, I believe I’m gonna end up forgetting about suicide”.
You had him now entirely in your mouth; moving your head up and down and changing the rhythm from time to time you were doing your best to pleasure him. when he finally came undone, he brought on his chest and caressed your hair for a few minutes silently.
“What time is it?” you asked.
He checked his phone, “4 am, feeling tired sweetheart?”. You nodded and he secured you in with his arms. “Then let’s go back to sleep shall we”.
When you woke up again it was 9 am, the place beside you was empty and the house was quiet. At first, you thought he was showering or in the kitchen making breakfast but while resting your back against your headboard you noticed a folded paper on your nightstand. With shaky hands, you took and unfold it. It was dazai’s handwriting.
“My lovely angel,
Months after I met you, Odasaku told me that you bring out the good in me. That day I laughed at his words and told him that there is no good in evil. And I was right, the three of us knew that I was. I have to go somewhere; I might even be gone by the time you wake up or at least I hope so. During the couple of years I spent with you when I left the port mafia, you made me realize that Odasaku was right about something. there is good, but not in me. There is good in this world. You, Odasaku, and Atsushi helped me understand it and I’m glad people like you do exist. I’ll keep helping people and doing good things but this will never change my nature. I’m just doing it for Odasaku and for you.
This, my angel, will be the last time I be seeing you. I figured leaving you alone is the best thing I could offer you. you deserve better than the suicidal manic and twisted man that I am. I hope you meet someone who will be able to give you all the things I couldn’t offer you. that you will live a long and happy life. I wish you all of this because even though I always play dumb and oblivious, I do realize that you mean a lot to me. In fact, I’m in love with you. I fell in love with you the first day you discovered me laying on the side of the road after my suicide attempt. And it bugs me to be unable to give you what you deserve. But what upsets me the most is that I always hurt you. so, I decided to put an end to this vicious cycle I have created years ago. I’m setting you free.
Please take good care of yourself and continue to be the cheerful young lady you have always been.
I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you. I hope one day you’ll be able to forgive me.
Dazai Osamu”
You covered your mouth with both hands and let out a deep groan before falling onto his side of the bed sobbing. This time the pain was stronger and more violent. This time there was no hope he’d be back days, weeks, or months later. This time he was gone for good. You hugged his pillow and cried harder. You have always known that this day would inevitably come but that never kept you from hoping he’d just let you have a normal relationship. You were never prepared for this. You cursed your heart for loving such a man. You cursed him for always finding a way to hurt you. you cursed yourself for not running away when you first decided to, for always opening your arms and house for him, and for truly believing that you had a chance to be happy. You know what he did was the right thing but that didn’t ease the pain let alone make you feel better. You closed your eyes and tried to recall his face and voice one last time. You smiled bitterly at the memory and then fell asleep once more curled up in your bed with his pillow brought against your body.
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matttgirlies · 5 months
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - mentions of drug use,, mentions of cheating,, physical violence
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 12
Now I could spend every minute with Matt. There were times when we’d shut ourselves off from the rest of the world for days. Matt would leave word that he wanted “no calls unless it’s my dad or an emergency call from Colonel.” It was my time, and no one could interfere. He was all mine.
When we got hungry, I phoned down to the kitchen and ordered our food, which was brought up and placed outside our bedroom door. After we finished, we stacked our empty trays neatly back in the same place.
We saw no one, nor even the light of day. The windows were insulated with tin foil and heavy blackout drapes to prevent any hint of sunlight from entering. Time was ours, to do with as we pleased, for as long as we pleased. Matt had a few months free between film commitments, and there was no pressure to return to Hollywood. We always seemed to be more in love when we were alone. I loved those times, when he was just Matt, not trying to live up to an image or a myth. We were two people discovering each other.
Only in the privacy of our own quarters did Matt show me a side of himself which had rarely, if ever, been seen by others. With no Colonel, no scripts, no films or music, nor any other people’s problems, Matt could become a little boy again, escaping from the responsibilities of family, friends, fans, the press, and the world. Here with me, he could be vulnerable and childlike, a playful boy who stayed in his pajamas for days at a time.
One day he was the dominant one and would treat me like a child, often scolding me for an incidental action. On other days I was the stronger one, looking after him like a doting mother, making sure that he ate everything on his plate, took all of his vitamins, and didn’t miss any of his favorite TV shows like Laugh-In, The Untouchables, The Wild, Wild West, The Tonight Show, and Road Runner. We listened to early Sunday morning gospel singing—our favorites were the Stamps, the Happy Goodman Family, and Jake Hess—and we watched the old movie classics that Matt loved: Wuthering Heights, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street.
When we weren’t watching movies, we played silly games like hide-and-seek, or we’d have pillow fights that often ended in heated discussions of who hit whom the hardest. Our arguments were usually playful, but I noticed that they could become serious, especially after we’d each taken a couple of diet pills.
One evening we had both taken uppers and were wrestling with each other. I threw a pillow at him. He ducked it, and then, laughing, threw it back. I hurled another one at him, and then another, and without giving him a chance to recover, I threw another one. The last one hit him in the face. His eyes flashed with anger.
“Goddamn it!” he snapped. “Not so rough. I don’t want to play with a goddamn man.” He grabbed my arm, throwing me on the bed, and while demonstrating how hard I had thrown the pillows, he accidentally hit me in the eye. I flung my head to the side and jumped up, accusing him of hitting me on purpose.
“You can’t play without winning,” I yelled, “even with me. You started throwing harder and harder. What did you expect me to do?”
I stomped off to my dressing room and slammed the door as I heard him yelling, “You’re not a goddamn man.”
That night, we went to the movies. My arm was bruised where he’d grabbed me, and my eye was swollen black and blue. To make matters worse—and to make sure he felt bad—I wore a patch over the bruised eye. Everyone teased me, and Matt joked, “Couldn’t help it. She tried to get rough with me. I had to show her who’s boss.”
That night I got named “Toughie.”
Despite his teasing, Matt felt terrible about the incident. He had immediately apologized to me and kept apologizing for days.
“Baby, I’m really sorry,” he said. “You know I’d never hurt you in any way, that I’d never lay a hand on you, don’t you? That was a real accident.”
Yet the incident frightened me.
From then on, I began taking fewer pills and eventually stopped. I tried to persuade him to do the same. I started to question the quantities even though I knew he had various ailments causing pain which necessitated taking prescribed medication. I did everything I could for Matt and we shared many wonderful happy times together. However, his harsh objection to stopping made me realize that there could be a problem. I assumed he knew best for himself.
Colonel William’s theory was: “If you want to see Matt Sturniolo, you buy a ticket.” Once you started passing out freebies, it meant a lot of lost income. He stuck to that policy.
Matt agreed with the Colonel, feeling that Colonel knew best, saying, “Colonel doesn’t mind taking the blame.”
When life got boring you could count on Matt to concoct some new escapade. He was extraordinarily inventive. One particularly dreary day he decided out of the blue that he didn’t like the looks of an old house located on the grounds in back of the mansion. His uncle Travis had once occupied the place, which was now used for storage. Matt took a long look at it, called his father, and told him to get a bulldozer over there right away and get rid of it.
I could imagine what was going through James’s mind: Good God, what’s he up to now? He knew if Matt was at home and bored between films, anything could happen.
When the bulldozer appeared, Matt insisted that he was going to do the honors, convincing his father—and the local fire and demolition departments—that he could handle the job himself.
Wearing his football helmet and his big furry Eskimo coat, Matt proceeded, as his entourage cheered him on, to bring down the house and set it afire. This brought the fire trucks screaming through the gates. “You’re a little late, fellows,” Matt said, a happy, mischievous smile on his face.
Another time, he ordered his go-carts to be brought out and readied to ride. He held the record, of course, for the fastest time around the large circular drive.
Trying to prove that I was just as good as the guys, I tried to equal his time. Terrified, I would speed along as Matt clocked me on his stopwatch, giving me an approving grin when I reached the fifteen-mile-per-hour mark.
He turned Graceland into a private playground for us all. He’d have gun-shooting contests and also “screaming thrill rides” when he’d pack several people into his custom-built golf cart and race around the grounds at top speed.
Graceland’s backyard had more holes in it than the moon has craters—all from Romancandle fights. On the Fourth of July Matt always spent a fortune on fireworks, which arrived by the boxload. The boys would team up sides, aim candles directly at one another, and fire.
Although there were casualties—burned fingers and singed hair—no one seemed to care. Matt himself was as carefree as a young kid, hiding and then sneaking around the opposition with surprise attacks. Matt knew how to play hard and have fun.
Unfortunately, the time came for him to go back to Hollywood. He was due to begin his new film, Viva Las Vegas. His bus was parked in front of the white stone lions flanking the front steps of Graceland, loaded and ready to go.
I hated to see him leave. Arm in arm, we walked out the door.
Suddenly I pulled him back and tried to tell him what I was feeling, but there were distractions all around—people saying goodbye, music blaring from inside the bus, Alan yelling to George Klein to keep the sound rockin’ and rollin’.
I thought, If only it were quieter, if only Matt would take me aside so we could have some privacy.
But his attention was on all the activity and he was caught up in the excitement of going back to work.
“What is it, Baby?” he asked.
“I just wish you didn’t have to leave so soon,” I said, still unable to tell him what was really on my mind. “Just when we were starting to get used to each other, you have to go. I wish there were more time.”
“I know, Little One. Just give me a couple of weeks to get into the film and maybe you can come out for a while. Be a good girl, and I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and boarded the bus, the doors slamming shut behind him. Then I heard the familiar shout, “All right. Let’s roll it!”
With a roar, the bus cruised down the hill and through the Music Gates where, as always, his fans were loyally waving goodbye and urging him to “hurry home!”
I watched until I could no longer see the red taillights fading out on Highway 51.
Cursing myself, I wondered why I couldn’t tell him what I feared. I’d been upset ever since I’d learned that his new leading lady was going to be Julia Ernst, the fastest-rising starlet in Hollywood. Julia Ernst had made only a few movies, including Bye-Bye Birdie, but she’d been dubbed “the female Matt Sturniolo.” Matt was curious about her, pointing out that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”
I realized that even had I told him my fears, he could have said nothing to put my mind at ease, because one evening he had made the mistake of telling me about the romances he’d had with many of his costars. Trying to listen calmly to these stories, I justified his behavior by reminding myself that I’d been living in Germany during those years and that we’d had no real ties then.
Now I was in his territory, living in his house with his friends, his family, and mementos of the past. It didn’t occur to me then, but I was living the way he wished—out of Hollywood society, the girl back home. I adapted. I wasn’t with him, but in a sense I was. And I assumed that he would be as faithful to me as I was to him.
Each time I would get ready to join Matt in Los Angeles he would delay my visit.
“Baby, now’s not the time to come out. There’s a problem on the set.”
“What kind of problem?”
“It’s just that all hell’s broke loose. I’ve got some crazed director madly in love with Julia. The way he’s directing it, you’d think it was her movie. He’s favoring her in all the goddamn close-up shots.” He paused, his anger rising. “Not only that, they want her to sing some of the songs with me. Colonel ’bout blew a fuse. Told ’em they’d have to pay me extra to sing with her.”
As I listened to Matt rant and rave, I tried to sympathize with him and his situation, but emotionally I was far more concerned about his leading lady than his director.
“Well, how are you and Julia Ernst getting along?” I asked.
“Oh, she’s okay, I guess.” He casually dismissed her with the line, “a typical Hollywood starlet.”
My concern was temporarily allayed. I knew that his attitude toward actresses was unfavorable. “They’re into their careers and their man comes second,” he’d say. “I don’t want to be second to anything or anyone. That’s why you don’t have to worry about my falling in love with my so-called leading ladies.”
I wanted to believe him, but I couldn’t help noticing the national gossip magazines and the headlines about the torrid affair on the set of Viva Las Vegas. The problem was that the affair was not between Julia Ernst and the director. It was between Julia Ernst and Matt.
We were talking on the phone one night and I asked, “Is there anything to it?”
“Hell, no,” he said, immediately becoming defensive. “You know how these reporters are. They blow everything out of proportion. She comes around here mostly on weekends with her motorcycle. She hangs out and jokes with the guys. That’s it.”
But that was enough for me: She was there and I wasn’t.
Infuriated, I declared, “I want to come out now.”
“No, not now! We’re wrapping up the film and I’ll be home in a week or two. You keep your little ass there and keep the home fires burning.”
“The flame’s burning on low. Someone had better come home and start the fire.”
Matt laughed. “You’re beginning to sound like me,” he bragged. “I’d better watch it. There can’t be two of us walking around. I’ll be home soon, Baby. Get everything ready.” By the end of our phone call, I was eagerly making plans for his return.
I took out my calendar, counted the days until his homecoming, and then crossed them off one at a time. Threatened with doubts and fears, I did everything I could to please him, from educating myself about the gospel music he loved to taking good care of Graceland.
My eagerness to please Matt was so overwhelming that it almost angered him. He always had an excuse why his other relationships hadn’t worked out. “They were either too hometown and couldn’t fit in with my Hollywood life-style,” he said, “or they were actresses too into their careers.” But how could he get out of a commitment to such a willing partner as me?
I often felt sorry for myself, and angry at Matt for putting me in a situation in which I was forced to be alone for literally weeks at a time.
Bored, I resorted to exploring the attic at Graceland. I’d asked Grandma once what was up there, and she’d answered, “Oh, nothin’, Hon, jus’ some old junk. God, I haven’t been up there in ages. No tellin’ what’s up thereor who.”
There was no question that something was stirring around in the attic. Many nights strange noises were heard above the kitchen. Grandma said she’d heard the noises herself, lying awake, praying for daylight before even closing her eyes for sleep.
She imagined that it might be Mary Lou’s spirit up there, watching over Matt.
“Do you believe in spirits, Grandma?” I asked.
“Ah, yes, Hon. Sometimes I wander through this house and I can just feel ’em all around. Ask Hallie, she knows. She’s felt ’em too.”
Hallie was a large dark-skinned woman, our faithful and devoted companion. She stayed with Grandma and me at night while Matt was away, guarding us with her life—and a small gun that she tucked securely under the bed each night.
One evening, after Hallie turned out the lights, I asked her, “Hallie, do you think there’s spirits there, like Grandma does?”
“Well, Miss y/n, all I can tell you is that I hear strange voices I ain’t never heard before in any house I’ve ever been in, and sometimes it gits awful quiet here, a kind of stillness that I ain’t never felt neither. But don’t you lay there and worry, child. If there are any spirits, they’ll do you no harm.”
“Amen,” Grandma said.
The next day, I decided to venture up to the attic, to see for myself what was there. As I walked up the stairs, I rubbed my hand up and down the gold-painted banister, noting the chipped paint. I called out, “Don’t you think this should be repainted, Dodger?”
Grandma, standing at the bottom of the stairs, lifted her dark shades to get a closer look. “Yes, Hon, we’d better tell James. That does look bad.”
“Maybe we should do it before Matt gets home and surprise him. I’ll ask Mr. Sturniolo in the morning.”
At the top of the stairs I entered the attic and discovered Matt’s world.
Several trunks were filled with his military gear. There were old television sets and furniture that had been in his bedroom years before. I ran my hand over a couch, wondering who’d sat there with him. Jealous, I walked away.
I found two closets side by side and opened one. It was filled with clothes from Matt’s early days—black leather jackets, motorcycle hats, and a pink shirt I’d seen in pictures. I loved the way he looked in that shirt and wished he’d wear it again.
With growing curiosity, I sorted through everything. I felt closer to Matt just by touching his things, and all I could think of was what girl he’d been with at the time—Lucy, Judy, Nicole, Bonnie? I was so possessive, I had to know.
Then I came across some letters hidden under an old sweater, letters from Nicole, all addressed to him in Germany. I put them in dated order, from his arrival in Germany to his departure, and sat there for hours poring over every one.
Nicole had written at least two letters a week, all saying basically the same thing: she loved him, missed him, and was counting the days until his return—just as I had done. She had been in the process of acquiring him as a lover just as I’d been losing him. Clearly Nicole had been telling her that she was the only one in his life. Confused and hurt, I realized that he had been writing to his “Little Bit,” as he called her, that he couldn’t wait to come home and see her, at the same time that he had been holding me tightly, telling me he couldn’t bear to leave his “Little Girl.”
I felt betrayed, as I’m sure she felt when she read and heard about me. Returning the next day to investigate the adjoining closet, I came upon Mary Lou’s belongings—her clothes, her old photos and papers. It was strange to see all her dresses, hanging neatly. I knew Matt had had them put there. He couldn’t have faced throwing away any of her personal belongings.
I tried on one of her dresses and could tell that she liked soft materials on her skin, just as I did. By the size of her dress, I could see she was a small woman, and by the texture, I knew she cared more about the feel of a dress than about fashion or style. She liked to dress simply and comfortably. I felt guilty in her dress, but it gave me a better sense of Mary Lou Sturniolo: a woman, as Grandma had described her, with a heart of gold—yet you never wanted to cross her. When she was angry, “she cussed like a sailor and had the wrath of God in her.”
I felt sad—for Matt, for Mary Lou, for us all because we have to contend with death. Life could be so different if Mary Lou were here, I thought, weeping as though she were my own mother. I felt Mary Lou’s presence in that little room, also her grief and loneliness. Maybe it was her spirit that Grandma and Hallie sensed.
All of a sudden, Hallie’s face appeared in the doorway. We both screamed with fright, yelling, “What are you doing up here?”.
“Child, this ain’t no place you should be. Too many sad memories. B’sides, it’s dark and scary. Only reason I come up is ’cause Miss Minnie was worried ’bout you.”
Then, as Hallie walked away, waving her hands above her head, she said under her breath, “No ma’am, I don’t like it up here.”
The next time Matt returned to Los Angeles, where he was to begin filming Kissin’ Cousins, I flew with him. I loved L.A. It was exciting compared to the slow pace I had grown accustomed to in Boston. Best of all, I felt a part of Matt’s world. His hectic schedule and daily life were realities to me now, no longer just remote events chronicled in our nightly phone calls.
The problem was that his life still included Julia Ernst, despite the fact that their film, Viva Las Vegas, had been completed six weeks before. The newspapers were reporting their “blossoming” affair daily, each article hitting me like a slap in the face. I thought, When will this be over—the news, the gossip, the headlines, the affair.
Matt returned from the studio one afternoon, carrying a newspaper and fuming. “I can’t believe she did it.” He flung the paper against the wall in disgust. “She had the goddamn nerve to announce we’re engaged.”
Though I was pretty sure of the answer, I asked, “Who?”
“Julia Ernst. Every major newspaper in America’s picked it up. The rumor’s spread like a goddamn disease.”
Turning to me, he said, “Honey, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. The press will be hanging around the gate and following me all over for a statement. Colonel suggests maybe you should go back to Boston till it calms down.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Suddenly all the months of unbearable silence broke and I screamed, “What’s going on here? I’m tired of these secrets. Telephone calls. Notes. Newspapers!” I picked up a flower vase and hurled it across the room, shattering it against the wall. “I hate her!” I shouted. “Why doesn’t she keep her ass out of here where she belongs?”
Matt grabbed me and threw me on the bed. “Look, goddamn it! I didn’t know this was going to get out of hand. I want a woman who’s going to understand that things like this might just happen.” He gave me a hard, penetrating look. “Are you going to be her—or not?”
I stared back at him, furious and defiant, hating him for what he was putting me through.
After a long pause, our tempers cooled considerably. Once again desperate to please, I said, “I’ll leave tomorrow. I’ll be waiting in Boston.”
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - 3 songs for extra long chapter!! (can you tell i like ultraviolence😬) 🎀
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blushblyme · 2 years
One Admiral's Daughter (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader)
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Simpson!Reader
Summary: Of all the people in the bar, Bradley's eyes decided to set themselves on a forbidden fruit.
Warnings: Light cursing, sexual innuendos (but nothing happens really), fluff, sexual tension
Words: 4,107
Author's Note: I whipped this out of my brain the last minute because I thought that it has been months since I wrote and this has been in my drafts for as long as I can remember. I hope you like it :')
Damn, it's bitter. You thought as the warm remains of the vodka scratched your throat. You shoved the glass away from you as you stared at it with so much hate.
"What did the glass do, dear?" Penny asks as she places a cold glass of beer in front of you. You groaned as you leaned away from the counter.
"I'm bored, Pen. Why can't I just work for you?"
Penny smiles, "You know I can't hire you, that's an order from your Dad."
You rolled your eyes and sighed. Your dad always loved to ruin everything for you. You never know how he always knew what you were doing despite him being really busy with his work. Sometimes, you'd even think he had been sending someone to spy on you when he was not around. "Fine, I guess I'll just sit here and try not to go mad with boredom."
Penny ruffled your hair as she chuckles. "Silly, why don't you just go to your office or the base to kill your time?"
You shook your head. "First, office hours are 'till 1 pm only, and second, Dad's office is too quiet for me. The Hard Deck is literally the only place that's keeping me sane, Pen."
"Well, what about you go dancing now since it's almost 7pm and customers are already flooding in? Maybe you could get yourself a dance partner or something."
You grimaced. "No, thanks. I'd rather stay here and keep myself company."
"See? You won't even lift your butt out of that chair," She shakes her head, "I'll go take some orders now. Ring me up when you need more." She adds as she tapped the side of your beer mug.
You smiled at Penny before drinking from your beer again. It's going to be a long night.
"Hey, Rooster. Check her out," Payback elbows Rooster on the stomach as Rooster looks at where he was pointing.
"I love me a woman in red." Payback adds as he continues to look respectfully at the girl on a red sundress by the bar counter.
Rooster shrugged. "What about it?"
"What do you mean what about it, man? She's hot."
"How do you know that? You haven't even seen her face." Rooster punches his friend's chest lightly before looking in the girl's direction again. This time, the girl was already facing their direction, talking to a stranger with a beautiful smile on display.
Rooster forgot to breathe for a second. "What about now?" Payback asks Rooster as if he'd sensed his friend's sudden change of heart.
"You wanna know what I think?"Rooster asks, eyes still on the girl, "Hold my beer." He shoves his beer mug onto Payback's chest as he made his way to the stage.
"Oh, come on, man! I don't like where this is going." Payback groans as he saw Rooster grab a microphone.
Rooster then made his way to the jukebox to type in a song. "Trust me, Payback, " He says as the song starts, tapping Payback's chest before making his way toward his target. "This is how you get a girl."
As you drank your second beer of the night, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder. "Excuse me, miss," You turned to see who it was and saw an unfamiliar man with a mustache who had a Hawaiian shirt on with a white tank top underneath.
Your brows furrowed in confusion when another man shoved him aside. "I'm sorry, miss. He's just drunk--" His words got cut off when the mustached-man shoved him aside as well.
"I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight, I've never seen you shine so bright," He sings, stepping much closer to you. You chuckled, looking around as you saw people gather around your space to watch him sing.
"I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance, They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance, and I have never seen that dress you're wearing or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes, I have been blind;" He continues, as he points at you accompanied with his dramatic gestures as he sang.
You continued watching him sing since he had a wonderful voice to begin with and people started to sing with him. He then grabs a rose from a bouquet he saw at a random table, handing them to you before he concluded his song.
You gladly accepted the rose from him as he smiled in victory, mindlessly handing the microphone to his friend from earlier. "You've got a nice voice, do you sing like that to every woman you see?"
Rooster chuckles as he pulls a seat for himself. "Just the pretty ones."
"Well, how many were they?"
"Just one."
"Oh, so that makes me the second one?"
"No, the first one. I've never actually done this before," He laughs, grabbing a beer from the counter as he drank on it. "Y'know, It's crazy how I went through that just to get your name." He adds, making you giggle in response.
"You could've just asked," You shrugged, extending your hand toward him. "I'm (Y/N) Simpson."
You saw him wince at your response. "What's wrong?" You asked.
"Nothing, it's just...I've never thought of the chances of me dealing with another Simpson for today, you know?"
You tilted your head in curiosity. "Oh, you could tell me about it."
"Over beer?" He asks as he places an empty bottle on the counter. You grabbed him another cold one and placed it right in front of him. "Yup, over beer."
He muttered a small thanks as he drank before speaking. "Well, we have this superior officer at work who can be insufferable at times. Last time, he made us train 'till the wee hours of the night and uhm...I'd love to tell you more, but I think I've stressed out how much of a jerk he can be sometimes."
You leaned back against your chair and shook your head. "That sucks, like what are they? a god or something?"
"Of the Navy I suppose, he's an Admiral." He replies, making everything make sense to you.
"So, I take it that you're from the Navy." He nods. "So, you're a pilot?" You asked as he nods again, making you smile mischievously. You realized that he was actually talking about your Dad so you decided to get the whole gossip from him without him suspecting anything.
"You know what? Tell me more about this Admiral Simpson. Get it out of your chest." You encouraged him as you leaned closer to listen more carefully. He didn't seem to realize what you were doing so he continued to speak ill about your Dad the whole night.
There were times that you agreed with what he said since your dad was a bit annoying, and there were times that you'd laugh at their experiences during their training. Overall, the night became less boring when Bradley stepped in.
"So, this is it, huh? When can I see you again?" He asks as he leans his arm beside your waist, his height towering over your seated figure.
You tilted your head as you smiled at him. "I think we'll be seeing each other more often, Bradley. You can count on it." You winked at him before pushing him away gently by his chest, leaving the bar and leaving him wanting more.
The next day, you decided to spend the rest of your day at your dad's office since you just got off of work and The Hard Deck was still closed. "You could've just stayed home, (Y/N)." Your dad says as he busies himself with his paperwork.
You sat on his guest couch as you reached for the hidden stash of fashion magazines underneath his wooden center table. "It's too boring at home, dad. I promise to be on my best behavior here." You replied as you flipped the colorful pages of the magazines.
"You better be." He adds before he calls his assistant. "Yes, sir?"
"Call Lieutenant Bradshaw and Lieutenant Seresin to my office."
The assistant then leaves as you looked at your dad. "Are they gonna be here for long, dad?"
He looks up at you for a brief second before he flips the pages of his paperwork. "No, I just have to tell them something. I don't want to hear any word from you over there, am I clear?"
You rolled your eyes as you grinned wickedly, giving your dad a small salute. "Yes, sir."
As you scanned the pages of your magazine, you found an interesting read about bags, practically hiding half of your face with your magazine. You heard the door open as you saw two large figures enter the room through your peripheral vision.
"Well, gentlemen. I just want to tell you that you have done a good job on this mission," You heard your dad say as you continued to read, not minding their praise stories about some mission.
"And of course, there will be another special training detachment that both of you and the rest of the Dagger Team will execute. It will take place 3 weeks from now and I'll have Maverick relay the rest of the details of this mission. For now, I want both of you to lead the team in exercises."
"Yes, sir!" They replied in unison, making you look up at them in irritation.
Your irritation suddenly turned into fascination as you saw who it was. Bradley. He was standing upright and proper in front of your father on his flight suit. You grinned as you closed the magazine you were reading, propping your head on your hand as you crossed your legs in the process.
Oh, how you couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he notices you. As your father dismissed them, they turned in your direction to head to the door and Bradley stopped in his tracks when he spotted you.
You swiftly glanced at your dad who was currently busy signing his paperwork before turning your eyes toward him again as you waved at him and gave him a smile. A flash of realization washed over him as he walked out of the office with heavy footsteps.
Bradley looked like he had seen a ghost as he walked away from the Admiral's office. "Hey, Bradshaw. What's wrong with you?" Hangman asks, snapping him out of his thoughts.
Instead of answering, Bradley only shakes his head before he continues to walk away from Hangman. He couldn't believe it. He just couldn't believe that he was talking shit about the Admiral to the person who turned out to be his superior officer's daughter.
He mentally punched himself as he headed to the ready room before slumping himself on the couch to sulk the whole afternoon. The last thing he wanted was to ruin his career by dallying with an Admiral's daughter.
You, on the other hand, asked permission from your Dad to go out and get some fresh air. You actually just wanted to roam the corridors and explore the whole base without your dad appointing someone to chaperone you all throughout your exploration.
You still grinned at Bradley's reaction when he saw you at your dad's office. Where could he be right now? You thought, peeking at every room you passed by, hoping to see him at least.
You saw a room in the corner with a half-opened door. You headed straight to it before peeking inside. Your lips curled up in a smile as you quietly pushed the door open upon realizing who was in the room.
"So, Lieutenant Bradshaw, huh?" You spoke as you closed the door behind you, making him get up from the couch as he looks at you in shock.
"What are you doing here?"
You placed a hand on your chest and acted as if you were offended by his question. "What am I doing here? Am I not allowed to visit a friend?" With your emphasis on friend, he cleared his throat before he stood from the couch.
"Look, last night was a mistake. I didn't mean all of that." He stutters as you make your way toward him slowly with your arms crossed on your chest.
"Even the part that you found me pretty?"You whined, making him sigh in return as you giggled at his reaction. "We both know that it wasn't a mistake, but don't worry. I won't tell on you," You added as you took some steps back to lean on the door to block the exit.
"Good. Because that won't happen again." He says as he walks in your direction. You stood your ground on the door as you continued to stare at his towering figure.
"You're leaving? So soon?" You knitted your eyebrows together as you looked up at him with an innocent doe-eyed look.
Bradley sighs in frustration as he ran his hand through his hair. "Please move away from the door, miss." He says, making you pout at the sudden honorifics.
You sighed as you trailed your hand up his chest, tracing your fingers on the patches of his fight suit as he looked at you with dark, brooding eyes. "Why don't you make me, Lieutenant?"
He closed his eyes as he clenched his jaw before grabbing your wandering hand on his chest. "It's best if you leave me alone, miss. It would be better for the both of us." He says before pushing you gently aside as he hurriedly exits the room.
It has been like that for months. Bradley ignoring you and you trying to get his attention. You would even show up in your dad's office in a sundress on a daily basis, the ones that your dad had claimed "had a shortage of fabric", but you didn't care. The moment Bradley saw you on it, you knew how it affected him since he couldn't take his eyes off you when you roamed around the base.
It was starting to frustrate you when you couldn't get him to look at you or even talk to you. Sometimes, you'd even follow him around just to coax a reaction from him or get him to talk, but he always acted like you weren't there.
One day, you've decided that you've had enough of his indifference and devised a plan to corner him.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw, Admiral's office, now." Bradley heard the assistant say as he leaves the ready room to head to the Admiral's office. When he arrived, the door was wide open, and he proceeded to enter the room.
He sat on the chair in front of the Admiral's table. The Admiral wasn't there or in any corner of his office. His brows knitted in confusion before he heard the door close and the lock click. He turned back and saw you walking towards him with a sultry smile.
"The Admiral's not here. He's on sick leave, but I promised to take care of things that I can handle." You said, moving your dad's name plaque to the side before hopping to sit on the table as you crossed your legs, revealing an ample amount of skin in Bradley's view.
"Why did you call me here? Do you have any idea what you're doing?"He stands as he glanced at the door as if he was afraid of someone walking in on both of you.
"Relax, I locked it." You giggled. "Besides, what do you think I'm doing? I called you here to ask you about something," You tilted your head at him. "Unless you thought---" Bradley quickly cut your words off with his.
"I wasn't thinking that!" He retorted almost too quickly.
You sighed before waving your hand in front of his face to dismiss the unruly topic. "Enough of that. Why have you been ignoring me, Bradley? I've been talking to you for months now but you're always acting like I'm not there."
"I'm not obligated to talk to you, miss." He replies curtly, making you gasp.
"After all we've been through--"
"We've been through nothing, okay? Because we were never friends nor lovers. I don't know what you've planted in your mind to make you even think that we had something." He said. You hopped off the table as you took a step closer to him.
"You know what? You're such a jerk." You spat before leaving the room in a haste, heading home to drown yourself in tears and in vodka.
Bradley stood there as he composed himself, internally applauding himself for holding himself back and mentally punching himself for saying those things to you.
These past few months, Bradley had been trying to avoid you since he didn't want to spark an issue that he was interested in an Admiral's daughter. Even with your advances towards him, he was holding on to his patience for dear life not to drag you inside of a room and ravish you.
He just couldn't, he can't risk his career for this. Knowing Admiral Simpson's character, he personally wouldn't let it slide if he found out about Bradley's feelings for his daughter. Keeping that in mind gave him somewhat of a reason not to even touch a single strand of your hair.
Two weeks passed and Bradley's mind was a mess. You stopped coming over to your Dad's office and you weren't at the bar, too. He started to wonder where you might be. His wonders managed to get in the way of his training as well and it caught Maverick's attention.
He approached Bradley who was sitting on the couch with his head on both of his palms. "Hey, Brad. Talk to me. What's going on with you?" Maverick sits beside him as he places his hand on Bradley's back.
"I'm fine, Mav. Don't worry about it." He says, running both of his hands through his hair before burying his face in his palms again.
"I wouldn't be asking if you are. You've been distracted during training for a while now. Talk to me, what's going on?"
Bradley sighs. "I...I kind of got involved with someone."
Maverick's eyes widened. "You got someone pregnant?"
"No, I didn't. God, Mav." Bradley groans as Maverick sighs in relief. "Oh, thank god. Then who did you got involved with?"
"Well, she seems to be a nice girl. What's the problem?"
"Well, the problem is, she's Admiral Simpson's daughter. I can't get involved with an Admiral's daughter."
To Bradley's surprise, Maverick burst out laughing. Bradley looked at him in confusion. "You know, you might not be my son, but you sure take after me, too."
"What does that mean?"
Maverick calms himself before speaking. "Well, back in my prime, I was involved with an Admiral's daughter, too. It didn't get me in any sort of trouble like what you currently have in mind, but it did appear on my record."
"Your point is?"
Maverick taps Bradley's shoulder. "The point is, you might be worrying for nothing. It's not like you have plans on hurting the Admiral's daughter, right?"
Bradley shakes his head in response. "I don't, but it can hurt my career, Mav."
"Well then, you pick. Pursue the girl with clean intentions and be happy with her or be a mess like this forever and be the one to hurt your career because you wouldn't be able to think straight anymore."
"Are you saying I should risk it?"
"Well, if you're fine with waiting for 30 years to take her dad out of the picture, then don't risk it."
Bradley chuckles. "30 years? Who the hell waits that long, Mav?"
Maverick shrugged. "I did." Bradley leans back in surprise. "You know who the Admiral's daughter is?"
"No way.."
"That's right, It's Penny Benjamin." Maverick smiles to himself as he looks at Bradley.
"There's no way I'm going to wait that long, Mav." Bradley stands from his seat as Maverick did, too. "Go for it, son." He tapped Bradley's shoulder before Bradley ran out of the ready room, thinking about the places you might be at the moment.
Good thing he knew just where to look.
You brushed your hair as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Was I not attractive enough? You thought. You didn't really know what to think at the moment. You did everything in your power to get him, but he didn't want to.
You sighed as you rolled your eyes and thought that it was his loss anyway. While you were deep in your thoughts, you heard a loud thump on your balcony as you were brushing your hair.
You quickly grabbed something random from your dresser as you stood up, making your way toward the curtained balcony. You gasped in horror when a tall, broad, hooded man pushed the curtains aside and made himself known before you.
You threw the thing you were holding toward him, which turned out to be a wooden hairbrush, that hit him on the head. "Ow, what was that for?" The mysterious man winced in pain.
Your brows creased in confusion. That voice, it's familiar.
"W-Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?!"You asked, grabbing your unplugged hair straightener as you pointed it at him. The man pushed his hoodie back and revealed who he was.
It was Bradley.
However, since you were still furious with him, you threw the thing you were holding at him anyway. This time, he was able to dodge it as he looked at you with a baffled expression. "What the hell are you doing in my room and how did you even get past the guards?"
Bradley shrugged. "I have my ways," He took a step closer as he sighed. "I'm here to talk to you."
"There's nothing to talk about, okay? You made it perfectly clear that I meant nothing to you---"
"Okay, I didn't mean it, okay? I didn't mean all of it. I just...I was scared that maybe you're just flirting with me and I didn't want to risk my career for nothing, but I really can't stop thinking about you. You keep messing with my head and--"
You crossed your arms, leaning beside the intercom in your room. "Do you really expect me to believe that?"
Bradley sighed as he pointed at the balcony. "I think I've proven myself well enough, considering the fact that I could've died down there in the hands of your guards."
"It's not my fault you snuck in like a thief," You said as you pushed yourself away from the wall, making your way toward him. "Is that all you have to say for yourself?" You added, trailing your hand up his chest to his nape, making him look down at you.
"Well, I..uh..I want to ask you out on a date.." He mindlessly said as he drowned himself in your eyes. God, you were beautiful. He thought.
"That was the lamest thing I've ever heard." You giggled before pulling him in for a deep kiss. He pulled you in, gripping your waist for dear life.
The kiss was passionate and all that both of you didn't notice that the door suddenly opened, revealing your dad and his fuming disposition. You immediately broke the kiss and gently pushed Bradley away as both of you composed yourselves.
"What. is. the. meaning. of. this?!"
Your eyes widened at your dad's exasperated question as you looked at Bradley. "I must've accidentally pressed the intercom button earlier."
"It's okay, I'll talk to him." He gave you a small smile before you sighed and cursed yourself.
"You, young man. Out. You're going to explain yourself in detail how and why the hell are you in my house and why on earth would you even dare touch my daughter." Bradley nodded slightly as he walked towards the door.
"You stay out of this, (Y/N). I'll talk to you later." Your dad said with finality in his voice, slamming your door shut.
You sighed as you bit your lip, remembering the kiss from earlier,
What an idiot, he could've just went straight to the entrance and talked to your dad. Instead, he settled with the thought of sneaking in the Admiral's home; worse, inside the Admiral's daughter's room and was caught red-handed.
You smiled at his idiotic ways and laid in your bed, thinking about what could happen to Bradley.
Surely, he wouldn't be subjected to any torture or any sorts of punishment.
This arrangement was bound to happen anyway whichever ways he could have done it.
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insanitybl00m · 6 months
Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree Chapter 6 - The Tailor
Philza stayed awake. His brain was still shot with adrenaline. His brain was screaming danger danger danger. 
“Deep breaths,” he whispered. Missa was safe and that was all he cared about. Right now all he needed was for Missa to get sleep and he could rest tomorrow night.
The late hours of the night stretched into the early hours of the morning. Eventually, the sun rose above the horizon.
“Missa. We’re ok.”
“Good, now you can get some sleep,” Missa murmured, trying to grab at Phil to pull him into the mess of bedrolls and half-burnt cloaks.
“No silly. We need to get to the village. You need new clothes and I’m fine.”
“But it’s early~” Missa whined. He blinked open his eyes and gave Phil the most pathetic puppy-dog eyes possible. 
They really did need to leave. It wasn’t safe to stay in one spot for too long. 
“What would convince you to get up wisteria.” The nickname felt soft on the top of his tongue. 
“Your wings are soft, I want to hug them.” 
“And you promise you’ll get up?”
“Promise.” Phil sighed and extended his wings. Missa did the same thing he did yesterday when he first saw them and ran his hands over them, as if he was testing they were real, before resting his head against them. 
“Why do you like my wings so much?”
“They’re soft. And warm. And cozy.”
“Yeah, but they’re just wings.”
“They’re like angel wings.”
Waking up and getting to hug Phil’s wings was probably the best feeling ever. Missa would never get over how soft they were. 
“Ok, that’s enough of that,” Philza said with an awkward laugh.
“Fine. I keep my promises.” Missa slowly got up. He brushed his fingers through his hair. Burnt pieces of hair touched his hand. 
“Did the dragon fry my hair?” He asked.
Philza squinted at his hair. “It doesn’t look like it.”
“Feel it, idiot!” Missa grabbed Phil’s hand and placed it in his hair. 
“Oh. Yeah, the tips are singed.”
“No mames.”
“You still got the dagger?”
“I put it in my bag. Why?”
“It's the best thing to cut hair that we’ve got.”
“No. There’s no way you’re cutting my hair with a literal knife.”
“It’s either that or hair that’s burnt.”
Missa sighed. “Fine. Don’t you dare fuck up my hair.”
Phil laughed as he moved to grab the dagger from Missa’s bag. “You trust me to save your life but not to cut your hair.”
“Nope, don’t trust you with my hair.”
Another laugh. “Liar.”
“Just cut my hair bird boy.” Phil did, carefully cutting off burnt hair.
“Can I even it out, like, making it all normal.”
“Yeah.” And so he did, hair kept falling and Missa’s long hair became much more mullet-like. 
“All done?”
Missa grabbed his bag. “All ready to go?”
“You realize that you can’t just leave the hair lying around. You do realize that locks of hair are a part of fae courting rituals right?”
“They’re what?”
“Have you read the entry on fae?”
“Not yet…”
“When you get the chance you should.”
“So where is the hair going to go?”
“I’ll keep it here,” Phil held up a small bag. “If that’s ok with you of course.”
“Sure.” Phil took the hair and put it in the small cloth bag.
Phil had to tuck his wings under his shirt, which was much more uncomfortable than hiding them under a cloak. But Missa was still clinging onto the shreds of his cloak, not that it would do much anyway.
The pair made their way back to the village in a few hours, getting a few weird stares probably due to the state of their clothes.
“Do you know the way to a tailor?” Missa asked a young woman who looked them both up and down before answering.
“Uh, yeah. Left at the fountain in the town square. A big sign that says ‘Roier’s Woven Wonders’.”
“Roier’s place! Oh, I’ve met him before, he’s a great tailor, C’mon Wisteria.” Phil tugged on Missa’s arm and they took off towards the town square. 
“Who’s Roier?”
“You’ll see!”
“This better be good,” Missa grumbled.
“Trust me you’ll love him.”
When they stopped outside the shop Missa had to admit that the dark brick stood out against the rest of the shops. It was decorated nicely.
“Oi Roier!” Phil yelled as he entered the shop.
“Felipe? Felipe Craft? No mames!” A tall, wiry man appeared from seemingly nowhere and tackled Phil in a hug.
“Hey mate, long time no see!”
“Who’s this?” Roier said, finally looking at Missa.
“Oh, this is Missa.”
“I thought we weren’t using names with strangers?” Missa asked, confused.
“Roier isn’t Fae.”
“Fuckin cursed by them,” Roier said. “But that’s not what you two are here for. You need clothes.”
“How did you– Oh right our clothes are ruined,” Missa said. 
“Dragon?” Roier asked Phil, who sighed before responding.
“You came to the right place then. Set up a shop since you last saw me. Putting my skills to good use.”
“I see that, how’s Cellbit?”
“Good, he’s with Bagi.”
Missa was left confused as the conversation drifted towards things he had no part in. 
Phil mentioning his name is what clued him in that he should start listing “–Missa and I need clothes made of spider silk.”
“You do realize that you want six outfits made out of spider silk. That would take me months to make enough string for that.”
“What’s spider silk?” Missa interjected.
“The highest quality silk in the world,” Roier explained.
“Why do we need spider silk clothes?”
“Temporary precaution in case we get stuck in the Underdark,” Phil explained.
“Get stuck where?” Missa asked.
“Underdark is the realm of nightmare creatures,” Roier explained.
“It’s only a precaution. It will keep us warm enough in the underdark but it will also help at night too.”
“The most spider silk I can spare is for your cloaks and a basic set of clothes for each of you.”
“And you have normal cloth right?” Phil asked. 
“Ay Felipe,” Roier turned to Missa. “Can you believe him? Your husband is trying to rob me of everything I’m worth.”
“Husband?” Missa asked.
“Wait Phil–” Roier started.
“Last time we met I told Roier I was done traveling until I found someone to share my adventures with. He must have assumed that meant a husband, right Roier?”
Phil shot Roier a pointed glance.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry about the assumption. I’ll need measurements for each of you. Once I have those I should only be an hour.”
“An hour?” Missa asked.
“Speedy hands,” Roier said with a flourish. “Phil, you first.”
“What the hell was that bullshit? Not your husband? I could smell the bond on him from a mile away. You gave him fae food?”
“Roier you don’t understand–”
“You think I don’t understand how fae work?” He pulled up his sleeve revealing a sigil branded onto his arm. Phil winced and looked away. “I’m eternally bonded to one. I know the signs.”
“He gets to choose.”
“But to all fae you meet, they will see the two of you as partners.”
Phil felt his cheeks go warm. “Yes.”
“So, what’s next?”
“I court him the human way. If he rejects me then I break the bond.”
“That sucks dude, human courting is weird.”
“Weirder than exchanging names, eating food, and gifting locks of hair?”
Roier laughed. “I know your clan is weird about the idea of ‘kidnapping’, which by the way isn’t kidnapping.”
“It is–”
“Don’t care, anyway look at him, he’s literally clinging onto the cloak you gave him.”
“He’s cold.”
“That shred of fabric ain’t warming him up but keep believing that if you want.”
“He knows about my wings,” Phil said his brain had lost its filter. 
“He didn’t run away screaming.”
“You want me to design some slits for your wings in the back of your clothes? That way they can still be covered by the cloak but more comfortable than normal stuff.”
“That would be great, you have no idea how many shirts I’ve ruined by making slits for them.”
“I’ve already got the measurements from the last time you visited, you should be good. I just needed to get you to fess up about your crush on your little human.”
“Shut up.” Phil paused. “Can I ask you for a favor though?”
“Always, you’ve only saved my life like twice.”
“Add some green designs into Missa’s clothes for me.”
Roier muttered curses under his breath. “You think I’d learn to not blindly accept deals with fae.”
“He should be ready to take your measurements now,” Phil said after leaving the backroom.
“Thanks,” Missa said.
“Close the curtain behind you.”
“Okay?” Roier took off his jacket and revealed a… second set of arms?
“Fastest sewer in the world.” He said, flexing his arms.
“I bet. How did you…”
“I was cursed by a fae. Became an arachnid. Basically a giant spider beast. When I got turned back I was left with these. Curse residuals. Nothing can get rid of them. I’m also eternally bound to the fae who cursed me.”
“This thing on my arm: it’s the mark of my curse.”
“Oh wait, spider beast. Spider silk!”
“Yep, now let me get your measurements.” Roier took his measurements surprisingly quickly. His extra set of arms really did make him a better tailor. “Done, now you can go wait outside with Felipe.”
Phil was sitting down on a bench, he was writing a new entry in his journal of the fae creatures.
“What’s that one about?”
“Fae curses, specifically ones that transfigure humans.”
“Like Roier?”
“Yeah…” He let out a yawn.
“I told you that you need sleep.”
“I’ll be fine.” Another yawn.
Missa took the journal out of his hands. “You’re sleeping, you need a break.” He sat down next to Phil.
“Where?” Missa sighed and moved so that he could be a comfortable pillow. When Phil rested his head on Missa’s shoulder he felt Phil relax a little bit. “Thank you.”
“I’ll read that entry on Fae you were talking about.”
Fae (General)
Also known as Faery, Fairy, tricksters, Elven folk, or Magical beings.
Most Fae fall under a different classification, such as changelings for example. 
This is an overview of most Fae. Separate classifications will be separate entries.
Fae are tricksters. At the end of the day, they put themselves and their clan above all else.
Clans are a sense of family. Although there are many clans most specialize in certain areas.
For example, the king’s clan specializes in trickery, maintaining balance, and helping other fae.
His ‘children’ (faelings in his clan) are helpful but they tend to follow their father’s more mischievous tendencies.
Clans can be quite small with a singular head of the clan or they can be quite large with up to five heads per clan.
Fae are immortal. With few exceptions to this, most Underdark creatures can kill fae. Venom, dark sabers, etc. Fae born in the Underdark are truly immortal, but a fae born in the Underdark is very rare considering how dangerous that realm is for Fae. They look very different from normal fae.
Most Fae have wings. Butterfly wings, Dragonfly wings, or any other type of insect wings are common. Bird wings are rarer. And the rarest are dragon wings. Dragon wings are exclusive to Underdark fae and Dragonborn fae. 
Fae and Humans
Fae are known for their unique relationship with humans. 
Fae food, gifting names, and giving locks of hair are way to bond yourself to a fae. 
-Fae food can send you to fairyland but it can also bond you to the person who grew/made the food.
-gifting names. Don’t share your name with a stranger . However, if a fae gives you their name and you give yours in exchange it can be seen as an act of courting.
-Locks of hair are special. They must be willingly given and often used when negotiating a deal with a fae.
Fae food that sends a human to fairyland must be given. Not sold. If anything is given in exchange for fae food it nulls the ability for it to transport humans.
Fae partners are often called “beloveds”. Beloveds are immune to aging. They will not die of old age however they can still die by any other means.
Fae Courting
The strength of the bond goes as follows, from weakest to strongest. Names exchanged, food given, hair exchanged.
Often the hair that is exchanged is used in a ceremony called handfasting. Ribbons meant to represent the couple are braided together along with the hair that was exchanged. It is used to represent commitment to each other. Hands are bound together using this braided rope. 
This ceremony officially declares that a human is now a beloved. Most fae do not consider this ceremony a requirement to consider themselves partners.
Certain clans have rules about the courting of humans. These clans may specify that the human must be in full agreement of the bond before they are able to travel to fairyland. Some exceptions to this can be made but these clans strictly forbid the capture of humans for servitude.
To these clans humans are special. They may be more overprotective around other fae and more “claiming” may be involved. Claiming means different things to different clans but most bonded have a significant mark. A tattoo, a charm, a necklace; something to remind other fae around that the human is theirs.
Missa sighed. His brain was overwhelmed with information. He felt the emerald still in his pocket from earlier. He carefully took it out, careful not to disturb Philza who was still fast asleep on his shoulder.
The gem was almost like a teardrop. However, it still had jagged edges like it had only been smoothed partially. It would make a perfect necklace. He reached into his bag and fished out his pocket knife, he probably should have asked Phil to cut his hair with this rather than a dagger.
He angled the knife and started to carve out a small hole towards the tip of the teardrop, just thick enough to slip a small piece of cord through. He carefully untied a string of his bag and threaded it through the tiny hole, making the gem hang from the center. While he was tying a knot, one of those adjustable ones, Roier stepped out of the backroom.
“All done!”
“Has it really been an hour?”
“Yep. How’s the sleepy head?”
“Well, he’s asleep.”
“You should make sure the measurements are accurate.” Roier handed him the stack of clothes. “Everything should fit but make sure to try on both the spider silk and the normal outfits. The material could fit differently.”
“Okay.” Missa carefully stood up, only moving Phil a tiny bit. It didn’t really matter though, Phil was fast asleep.
He went into the back room and changed into the outfit made of spider silk. Roier was right, it was warm. It also fits perfectly. Roier really did know how to make clothes. He then tried on the normal clothes next. They weren’t as soft as the spider silk but they were much more breathable.
Missa looked at himself in the mirror. The pants were black and the shirt was a deep blue. The sleeves had green designs and they resembled flowers, if Missa squinted he could also see hearts and feathers incorporated into the design. He also admired the cloak which was made of spider silk. It had a similar design as the sleeves, but the green slowly blended into the rich purple of the cloak.
“Is this good?” Missa asked, stepping out of the back room.
“Much better.”
Missa looked towards Phil. “He’s still asleep huh?”
“I can wake him up!” Roier offered, eager to annoy his friend. 
“No, don't! He barely slept last night.”
“Then do you want to come upstairs? I’m sure Cellbit left some tea lying around somewhere before he left.”
“That would be great.”
Missa noticed the necklace he left on top of his bag. He tucked it into his pocket before he followed Roier up a small set of stairs towards the back of the shop.
“Pepito! We have guests!” 
“Apa Roier!” A small boy yelled before grabbing onto Roier’s leg.
“AY!” Roier picked up the boy, “Pepito, Pepito, Pepitooooo! Did Apa Cellbit leave some tea in the kitchen?”
“Mhm, and some cocoa powder! Can I have some?”
“What’s the magic word?”
Missa was suddenly struck with an overwhelming amount of homesickness for Chayanne. 
“Alright I’ll boil us some water, go draw Pepito, I’ll call you when yours is ready.”
“Thanks apa!” The boy bounded off for another room down the corridor. 
“Sorry about him.”
“No, no, don’t be. My son is the same way.”
“You have a son?” The two made their way into the kitchen. 
“Yeah, he’s seven. Had my friend watch over him so that he’d be safe.”
“Pepito is four, a bundle of energy, but he tends to put it into his drawings.”
“Chayanne is the same way.” Missa laughed. “Except he uses his energy to try and fight his friends with wooden swords. Nearly gave me a heart attack the first time I saw him fighting.”
Missa smiled at the fond memory. His son was roughly the same age as Pepito when Missa caught him making a wooden sword. He smiled and said “Look, papa! Now I’m like you!” Missa nearly cried that day.
The sound of boiling water distracted him from his memories. “Shit.” Roier quickly poured the water into three mugs. He was adding tea to two and cocoa powder to another. 
“Pepito cocoa!”
The three sat down at the table, Pepito’s legs swinging back and forth. “Hello Mr.”
“Hi pepito.”
“What’s your name?”
“Great! Apa, Mr. Missa has very pretty clothes. Did you make them?”
“I did Pepito, why?”
“I want you to make me pretty clothes!”
“Pepito, I already made you plenty of clothes.”
“But I want flowy ones like Mr. Missa’s.” The four-year-old pouted. 
Roier let out a laugh. “I’ll make you flowy ones.”
“Yay!” Pepito went back to drawing on the blank paper with crayons.
“What’s that?” Roier pointed at the cord falling out of Missa’s pocket.
“Oh. Nothing special.” He took it out of his pocket and put it on the table.
“Who’s it for?”
“Who said it was for anybody?” Missa sputtered.
“You just don’t strike me as the type of guy to wear jeweled necklaces.”
Missa paused, he should not be asking Roier if— “Does Phil like these types of necklaces?” He was done for.
Roier’s grin turned sharklike. “I bet he’d love it. But you should use a different material for the cord.”
“Like what?”
“Let me go grab some.” Roier stood up and headed into the hallway.
What was Missa going to do while he waited? Pepito was distracted drawing. Roier had left. Tea. He’d drink his tea. 
“Got some!” Roier came back into the room with a handful of ribbon. “Purple and green ribbon. You should braid them together, it’ll go with the clothes I made him.”
“Oh. Okay.” Missa took the ribbon from Roier and braided the ribbon together. It looked rather pretty when he was done with it.
“Now you can take that plain cord out and replace it with this! Much more personal don’t you think?” 
“Yeah.” Missa admired the necklace. It did look a lot better this way. 
Phil blinked his eyes open. Did he really fall asleep? Missa was right, he really was tired. “Missa?”
He looked to his left. No Missa.
“Missa?” He said, this time a bit louder.
“He’s upstairs with me Felipe!” Roier called. 
Phil noticed the stack of clothes on the table in front of him. He had to check on Missa first. 
The first thing he noticed was the necklace on the table, then Pepito, and then the designs on Missa’s clothes. Then the wicked grin on Roier’s face. That mother fucker.
“Hi, Pepito. How are you, buddy?”
“Hi Tio Philza, I’m good.”
“I left your clothes on the table downstairs,” Roier said. 
“Oh yeah, I noticed that.”
“They’re really comfortable,” Missa said. “You should change.”
“Oh ok.” Phil instantly walked downstairs and changed into normal clothes. Missa could ask him to do anything and he’d instantly do it. 
The clothes looked like Missa’s. Roier even added similar detailing on the sleeves, except his was purple and the main color of the shirt was a deep emerald green.
The slits in the back fit his wings perfectly. He grabbed his cloak but he decided not to put it over his wings. He would give them a moment to stretch. 
When he came back upstairs he noticed Missa’s trailing eyes staring at his wings. “So uh, what’s happening guys?”
“Nothing much,” Roier said. “Waiting for you to wake up and then Missa showed me something he was working on.”
“Roier!” Missa shouted, pulling the necklace off the table.
“Show him it!” Roier urged. Phil pretended like he didn't see it. 
“Fine, I will.” He pulled out the necklace and handed it to Phil. “It’s for you. I got the emerald from the dragon’s hoard. Roier gave me the ribbon.” Missa was hiding his face from Phil. 
“You’re welcome,” Roier said before standing up and grabbing Pepito. “I’m going to put him down for a nap then we can discuss payment.”
Phil still hadn’t said anything about the necklace. When he took a peak at Phil he wasn’t standing across from him. “Can you put it on, I can’t quite reach.” Missa nodded and tied it, face still hot. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“No problem.” He stuttered as Roier came back into the room.
“Alright, Pepito is asleep. Now Phil, spider string outfits are going to cost you. The rest are free but I can’t give out premium outfits for free.”
“15 gold.”
Roier barked out a laugh. “Are you insane? I charge that much for a normal shirt. 100. Each.”
Phil scowled. “150.”
“I’m giving you a deal on 100 each, the lowest I’ll do is 175 for the two of them.”
“Fine. My bag is downstairs.” They all headed downstairs and Phil pulled the money out of his bag. “175. As you asked.” Phil threw his cloak on, careful to hide his wings. “See you around again mate.” 
“Hope you two have fun on your little adventure,” Roier said with a wave. 
“It was nice meeting you, Roier,” Missa said as he also put his cloak on, mirroring Philza.
“Bye, mate,” Phil said before they left the shop. 
“Three hours until sundown. We should have enough time to get out of the area and set up camp.”
“Why do we need to leave so soon?”
“Just a precaution. The scent should be thrown off by the change of clothes and the amount of people around us in that village but I’d rather be safe than sorry.”
About an hour or two later the sky was turning almost pink. “This should be good right?”
“Yeah, I spotted a river nearby too.”
“I’ll set up the bedrolls if you want to get a bucket of water for the fire.” Phil nodded, set down his bag, and left for the river with a bucket in hand. 
Missa rolled out the bedrolls, and gathered some firewood, before sitting on his bedroll to take off his cloak. He put it down next to him as Phil got back.
“Wow you got firewood and everything, that’s great!”
“Mhm.” Missa scratched at his hair, despite all the burnt pieces being cut off he could feel some ash still clinging to the roots of his hair.
“What’s wrong Wisteria?”
“You seem uncomfortable, is there anything you need?”
Missa sighed. “My hair feels a little dirty but it’s fine I swear.” 
“I could help you wash it, we’ve got the water anyway.” 
“Isn’t that for the fire?”
“It’s warm enough out tonight. We should be fine without one.”
“How would you even wash my hair? I don’t have any shampoo or anything, I've been using stuff from the inns.”
“I’ve got my own shampoo, don’t worry about how I’ve got it all taken care of. If you want me to, I will.”
Missa considered it. He did trust Phil. He did want his hair cleaned. But was this too much? This was a lot. But Phil offered. He didn’t have to do that. He probably wouldn’t have offered it if it had been an inconvenience for him.
Missa had agreed to let him wash his hair. His brain was yelling thousands of things at him but he had to drown them out. He needed his shampoo and brushes, so he grabbed them from his bags. He wanted Missa to be comfortable. 
“Over here should be good.” Missa followed Phil and sat down next to him. “The water is going to be a little cold but I’ll do my best to avoid getting the water in your eyes. Can you lean back a little?”
“Yeah.” Phil splashed some water until he could lather on the shampoo. “You know I used to do this with my son, especially when he was younger. He’d complain that I washed his hair better so I should just do it for him.”
“Yeah?” Phil started to scrub at Missa’s scalp. It was a calming feeling, knowing Missa trusted him this much. Not only to allow him to wash his hair but to share stories about his son.
“He loves to be babied sometimes. He puts on this strong facade but at the end of the day when it’s just me and him he just clings to me like he’s little again.”
“That’s really sweet.”
“He has this huge bedroom, it’s honestly bigger than mine. But for years he would crawl into my bed in the middle of the night. Eventually, I just started putting him to bed in my bed then I’d clean up the house a little and head back to bed. Now his bedroom is basically just a huge playroom.” Philza leaned Missa’s head back so he could rinse off the shampoo. “I miss him a lot.”
“I bet. He sounds like he’s your whole world.”
“He is.”
“You mind if we go back to the bedrolls, I left a small towel in my bag and your hair kind of needs to be dried a bit more before I can brush it.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I already have my brushes out,” Phil said as he helped Missa up. 
The two made their way over to the bedrolls and Phil dried Missa’s hair.
“Are you sure? My hair always tangles because of how long it is.”
“Believe me, I’m sure Wisteria.” Phil touched the emerald that hung at his neck.
“Do you mind if I tell you more stories about my son, it feels good to talk about him.”
“Of course, I love hearing them.”
Missa laughed, before launching into a tale about the time his son got stuck in a toy bin. Philza just listened as he brushed through the knots that had somehow formed in Missa’s hair.
“Do you mind if I tie your hair up? Like half of it, so it stays out of your face while you’re sleeping. I always hate it when my hair is in my face.”
“Do whatever, I’m getting a bit tired though.” Phil reached into his bag and found a bit of purple and green ribbon in there. Roier must have slipped it in there while he wasn’t looking. He took a bit of the green ribbon and used it to tie up Missa’s hair. He then took a small section of hair from behind Missa’s ear and braided it. Slowly whispering the words of a charm he had used so many times before on his kids' hair. 
Protect this one I love.
Protect them from the kiss of death.
Save them with the love I have woven,
And let them stay with me for a little longer.
The charm set with a green shimmer. It wouldn’t unravel unless there had actually been a brush with death. 
“Ok done.”
“Thanks, Cuervo.”
“I’m glad I was able to help.” Missa turned to face him with a soft smile on his face. 
“I’m going to get some rest, you should too.”
“Ok, goodnight Wisteria,” Phil said as he packed the extra supplies in his bag before lying down.
“Goodnight,” Missa murmured. He was already half asleep.
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candied-boys · 7 months
Blarf. I've felt so off the last few days.
So here are silly head canons for a few of the princes looking after you
Warning: uh sicky, owie, :(
Gn reader, sfw, comfort and fluff and a little angst because Licht
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I can't tell if it's a touch of food poisoning or just my ghost period (thanks to great birth control there's no anemia inducing blood loss anymore - only random cramps and fevers and so on! Hurray?). Maybe it's both. Anyway I feel like garbage so...
Jin - upset tummy
"Feels better, right?" he smiles down tenderly at you as you nod.
Something about his big, warm palm rubbing slow circles across your stomach over and over is oddly soothing. You thought it might make you feel worse since the last thing you wanted was any pressure on your already twisted belly, but it really does seem to be helping.
"My mother always used to do this for me when I'd make myself sick eating too much candy."
Just the thought of how much candy he eats now and how much more he would have had to have eaten to make himself sick as a kid makes you queasy, but you're quickly brought back to comfort by the low timber of his voice as he repeats the same chant his mother once did for him.
"Gentle hands are medicine..." 🎶
*the original in Korean is "mommy's hands are medicine" (엄마손은 약손) so I changed it to match.
Licht - a fever
Injury on the battlefield doesn't phase him, but seeing you bedridden with a fever makes him feel so helpless that he makes himself sick with worry. Even with the doctors assuring him that you'll be fine once the fever breaks and Clavis sourcing the best medicine for you, Licht is still a complete wreck.
He doesn't sleep, eat, or even move from your side. He just sits there next to your bed, changing the cool towel on your forehead every 20 minutes like clockwork, making sure you take your medicine twice a day, and helping you take sips of water each time you wake up. In the moments where you're sleeping and he's left with nothing to do but fret, he sings his mother's lullabies for you.
Your smile when you finally wake up feeling better is enough to make any amount of suffering worth it for him. Even suffering your harsh scolding.
Luke - Headache
It hurts. It hurts so much, but it hurts less and less each time his strong hands knead the knots out of your shoulders.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" you whimper and tense when his thumb rolls over a particularly sensitive spot.
"I know, I know," he murmurs and kisses your head. "Ya got so many knots though. I don't think it's just last night ya slept funny. It's gotta be all them books you're carrying around with ya all the time or something. There's no way ya got this tense in one day."
He's not wrong. But you're stubborn and won't let other people carry things for you. And maybe that cross bag you take into town isn't doing you any favours either... And maybe binge reading that new book while hunched up against the bedframe wasn't the best posture... And you should probably be doing those stretches every night but you're just so tired when you fall into bed... And... maybe you're just not 19 anymore......
But maybe it's not weak or selfish to give in to being cared for if it makes the person who loves you happier.
"Thanks, Luke..." you mumble and wince with pain as you tilt your neck to add a little resistance.
"My pleasure," he answers and wraps you in a gentle hug.
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I have thoughts for more, but I'm sicky so not today :(
Lovely banner by @/cafekitsune
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Tachihara x Reader
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Scenario: You get a ride home with Tachihara after attending a company party. On the way back, you decide to attend a shitty pop-up carnival
I had this in my drafts for like over 2 months so I just wanted to like, finally finish it. I think it's silly and idk not the best, still figuring out how to write Tachihara TBH but I think he's a cutie patootie.
Side note this is like 3500 words ?? it's kinda long for tumblr but ima upload it anyway
As the secretary of the Hunting Dogs, you were unfortunately forced to attend their company parties.
If there was someone else in your department, you would have loved to complain to them about how this was 'unfair' and a 'worker's violation' as you were not even being paid to attend these.
Off the clock.
But no one else was dumb enough to take this job, so you were the only person in your department. Seriously, you did the paperwork for 5 people.
The dental was amazing, though.
But that left you as the only 'sane' person forced to witness the antics of the Hunting Dogs while they were drunk. Really, you forced to watch them sober, since you couldn't ever get more than a drink in before the drinking contest began.
You would think Tecchou would be better than this but as of now, he was doing karaoke with the commander while Teruko was laughing at...nothing. She was somehow standing though, which was better than Fukuchi who was shirtless and kneeling on the floor while singing whatever song was playing.
You could barely tell what it was, it might've been Taylor Swift. He seemed...passionate.
If you had to hear whatever sad song it was all night you were going to make your ears bleed.
Although thankfully, you had a backup plan. You couldn't drive - your car was destroyed in a recent bombing attack, so you were lucky that your bed for tonight was your desk.
Which was on the other side of the building, probably far enough away to at least let you sleep quietly.
You could probably get away with it. No one here would notice.
So you took your snacks - which were probably the best thing about these parties, and left for what would be your bedroom
Exiting the room, you could see now that it was quiet and kind of terrifying - a liminal space.
The hallway was now darker than it should have been, settled in an uneasy quiet. The lights above your head had sobered you up quickly, as you walked away from the room, leaving the sounds of laughter and screaming.
You felt something warm pull your shoulder to look behind you. The reaction you had might have been dramatic.
"Are you ok? You aren't scared are you?"
Tachihara was there, smiling as he looked perfectly sober - he didn't even smell of any alcohol, holding a juice box instead.
Now you felt a real fear coursing through your veins. He was going to say something, wasn't he?
"No, I was just heading out."
You weren't shaken easily - unsettled yes, but not truly scared.
"Do you want a ride home?" He said it with a genuine smile, not knowing the genuine terror that was running through your veins right now.
You really did care about Tachihara, as he was probably the most normal member of the Hunting Dogs, but there was one flaw you could not get around.
He drove a motorcycle. You hated motorcycles.
It was nothing short of terrifying every time you saw him riding it, let alone the thought of you getting on it. How could you? It was nothing short of a death trap.
There were no seatbelts either, there was just too much that could possibly kill you.
"No that's ok. I didn't plan on going home anyway, I was going to sleep in my office."
It sounded weird saying it outloud, but you were not going to let him take you on a ride on his deathtrap.
Tachihara just blinked.
"Really? Isn't it closed off still for cleaning?"
Oh. Right.
"Then the lounge. I can manage. Seriously, don't worry about me, just get yourself home, ok? I don't want to be a bother when it's so late."
You tried to sound serious, but Tachihara was still a man that had major flaws. His right now? Being too kind.
A good flaw, but a painful one to fight.
"No it's ok, you aren't a bother. Seriously, your house isn't far off from mine, it'd be very quick I swear."
He was earnest, already leading you in the opposite direction of where you were originally going. You decided not to fight it.
Home was better than a dirty floor anyway, so why not?
You let him guide you to where his vehicle of death was waiting, accepting your fate.
It would be a short ride, so you would just have to suffer through it for only a little bit. That's what you told yourself.
"Oh, Jouno! What are you doing out here?"
Oh god oh please no.
Just at your greatest inconvenience, you found Jouno outside the building, right in front of the parking lot, sitting right at the smoker's bench. His white head of hair peaked from underneath the overhang, nearly impossible to ignore.
"Oh, Tachihara. Are you heading home?"
"Yeah, I was bringing Y/n home too. Do you need a ride? I can't help but notice you're sitting here by yourself..."
Tachihara was too kind. You were already forced to accept his offer, but please, Jouno could take care of himself-
"Tachihara have I ever told you that you're one of the only people I respect on the team?"
Jouno had gotten up, strolling over to where the two of you stood underneath the light. You hated this. Jouno definitely was going to tease you about how scared you were, which was not fun at all.
Also, how were three people going to fit on his bike? It wasn't exactly the biggest, and shoving you between two full-grown men didn't seem ideal.
"Are you sure we're all going to fit? I could just go back inside or call a ride."
You said this in hopes of maybe getting out of it one last time. Jouno just laughed.
"Aw, are you scared?"
Tachihara, the angel that he was, reached over and patted your shoulder.
"You'll have me and Jouno. Know I won't let anything happen to you - swear on it."
"You swear on what?"
Tachihara paused, contemplating his next words.
"Um...my sword."
You raised your eyebrow at him. He patted your shoulder again, trying to put your unease to rest.
"Let's just go."
Jouno walked ahead, towards what will be your sudden demise. You tried to stay calm following behind them as you saw the death trap in waiting.
Tachihara walked towards its side, taking the helmet he had let hang on its handlebar, and gently placed it on top of your head. You didn't bother fighting him, looking to the side as he fiddled with the clasps underneath your chin.
"You probably need this the most. Don't worry though, I'm a safe driver."
"It's not that - what if there's a drunk driver and they hit us? What if I fall off? What if we're all too heavy and we can't turn properly and we crash and explode?"
You felt a hand land on your shoulder as your heart pumped through your ears. Your fear was starting to overwhelm you.
"Don't be a pussy Y/n. Get on, I'd like to go home."
That was really reassuring. Thanks, Jouno.
You straightened up, holding your sandwiches closer to your chest. Tachihara sat on the bike, patting the seat behind him.
You got on, pressing your body behind Tachihara's. You didn't know what to do with your arms, so you just clutched your sandwiches. They were your sense of comfort right now.
"Y/n, you'll fall off if you don't hold onto something."
Oh. With one arm, you grabbed Tachihara's waist, trying your best to keep your head up and look forward.
"Scoot forward."
You felt Jouno sit behind you, pressing you closer against Tachihara. You felt his hand sneak around you, stealing from your sandwich bag. Bastard.
You swatted him away, trying not to fall off. It led to you leaning your full body on Tachihara, who was taking a long time to put his keys in the ignition.
"Did you forget how to drive Tachihara? I'm getting a little cold back here."
Jouno said this with a mouthful of your sandwich. He chastises manners but here he was, a thief and a brat.
"Who said you could have my sandwiches?"
"They aren't yours, know your place Y/n."
"You didn't even stay to eat any of them so shut up-"
The bike started, to Tachihara's joy. You felt the fear course back through your body again, but you didn't get to dwell on it it again as he only kicked back the leg and started bike, not giving you even a chance to adjust yourself.
You tried to hold your head up and stay strong, not show weakness - but the wind picking up around you and all you could do was bury your head behind Tachihara.
You heard Tachihara and Jouno begin a conversation but you didn't even acknowledge it, not even the sandwich stealing anymore as you held onto the man before you as if your life depended on it. Hopefully, his surgeries were enough to protect against your iron grip, as it was the only thing that made you truly feel safe.
The ride wasn't even a full 5 minutes but you felt like you were in hell that whole time. You'd think being pressed against two men like this would be more romantic but you didn't feel that way, instead feeling bile rise up in your throat every time you all turned.
"That stupid carnival is back in the city. I can smell it from all the way over here."
You perked up at that. Jouno had his head up, his hands loosely holding onto your waist - this type of ride really did seem normal to him, as he just looked out somewhere, eating his sandwich.
"Oh that seems fun. Do you wanna go? They stay open pretty late."
Jouno scoffed.
"No, they absolutely reek. I also happen to value my sleep, unlike some people." The people you assumed he was referring to were his teammates, who were most likely either passed out drunk or still singing their godawful karaoke.
"Why don't you and Y/n go, I know you absolutely love carnival rides, don't you Y/n?"
Your heart was speeding up. That was terrifying - you hated the idea of any of that.
"Who says I don't like my sleep either, Jouno?"
"I'd like to go! C'mon, it'd be fun! We can go on rides, maybe we'll even arrest someone!"
Tachihara was being so positive tonight. It was almost suspicious. It was tempting to say yes just because of his attitude alone, but there was that funny feeling in your stomach at the thought of it.
"But what if the ride breaks down and we all get crushed or fall out and die?"
You were simply being realistic.
"I'm a hunting dog, Y/n. I can handle something like that easily. Plus, if that happened Jouno would be there, right?"
"I'm not a chaperone for your little kiddie date. You can handle things by yourselves, the worst is just you guys getting scammed."
Finally, you'd stopped to drop off Jouno. He could've walked this distance, although maybe he had something to gain from the ride. Like your food, which was now all gone.
All you had left was an empty bag, the absolute prick that he was. He also left you a cold back, since you were squished between him and Tachihara during the duration of your ride. From his smirk, as he was walking away, waving goodbye to the two of you, he knew how agitated he had left you.
It made you pull yourself closer to Tachihara, trying to steal his body warmth in order to recoup what had been lost. Tachihara coughed, adjusting himself so the two of you could have more space on the bike.
"So? Let's go to the carnival."
It was a way to break the silence the two of you had fallen into. He said it was a confident smile, as if he practiced this in the mirror twenty times before. You simply nodded, not knowing how to reply.
He revved up the bike, heading in its direction. You didn't know what to say to get out of this, since a part of you did want to go.
It'd be like a fun date, even if you couldn't say that out loud.
"I'm scared of rollercoasters."
You told him honestly. You hoped he wouldn't judge you, seeing as he was a very earnest man.
"I figured. Don't worry, we'll conquer your fear tonight. Exposure therapy does wonders, and plus? I'll be there the entire time, so it's not like you'll be alone."
You said nothing, just holding his waist firmly. This seemed like a better idea than what you had originally planned for tonight, so why not? You could trust Tachihara.
He stopped the bike, in some lot a little walk away from the carnival. You could hear the pop music and screams coming from the place.
Turning towards you, he gave you a warm smile.
"If anything does happen, I'll be sure to protect you, ok?"
You handed him the helmet, giving him a smile. You did appreciate the gesture, as much as it was well-intentioned. That didn't stop you from not wanting to rip your own teeth out of your mouth as you got off the bike and forced yourself the walk towards the carnival, and not away.
"How expensive are these places anyway? I don't actually know if I have my wallet on me."
"Oh don't worry, we aren't paying."
Tachihara turned towards you, a strange look on his face. One you would associate with Teruko or Jouno - a grin that typically held ill intentions.
What was this man dragging you into?
Well, turns out - dubiously legal activities.
Being a hunting dog had its perks. For one thing, his government ID assured him discounts everywhere he went. It was great when he went grocery shopping - you would know, you abused Fukuchi's credit card as a perk of your job.
Although telling the ticketing staff that he was 'inspecting' the rides, and would arrest anyone who didn't comply with his orders, hardly counted as getting a 'free' discount.
You were now forced to play along with this. You didn't even know Tachihara had such a cruel side to him, bullying a bunch of carnival workers who just wanted to get a paycheck by making fun of teenagers and out-of-touch men in their 40s.
It was a hard job to have, obviously.
The staff stalked the two of you as you walked in, giving you goosebumps. It didn't help that the two of you were still in your work clothes, really selling the 'government inspection' that the two of you were giving.
Although by the end of the night, you were expecting your clothing to probably need a good dry cleaning.
The fair wasn't bad - but you could smell vomit near some of the rides, and they looked suspiciously rusty. Clearly, this place was in tip-top shape. You just had to convince yourself that the Ferris wheel wasn't making suspicious creaking sounds every time it started up again.
You clearly were just a bit paranoid.
"So what should we ride first? I'm thinking we start small and then build our way up."
Tachihara had his hands on his hips, looking around for the best ride to start. He was being nice at least, giving you the illusion of choice now that you've gotten this far.
You were stuck. It didn't matter what you did, you were the idiot that agreed.
"I'm ok with that. I don't think the hand gliders look that bad, they seem pretty tame."
It also featured a seatbelt. And a big, nice, safety bar.
The best part? It was a two-seated ride. So if something happened on that ride, you knew that Tachihara would be there with you.
Tachihara smiled, as clearly, this would be a good night for him.
The night was going about as great as you expected it to. Although, you could even say a little better, even.
If this were a date, you might have kissed Tachihara by the end of it. You sure as hell owed him something at the very least, as he had now been your human cushion on several rides, preventing you from being crushed against the greasy metal as they began.
It was a good thing he was a hunting dog. Your body weight against his was nothing to him, although he still felt like complaining once and a while about how much pain you put his ribs in.
As if you were the one with the bright idea to go here.
If he died because you crushed him to death, it was entirely his fault and his fault alone.
"You know what we need to do?"
You watched as he pointed at the ferris wheel - one that loomed over the carnival, due to it's sheer height. Seriously, how tall was that thing?
"I mean...yeah."
There were no arguments against him here. You've gone on every other ride already - you've even ridden the carousel 3 times. Tachihara used the excuse that you were 'inspecting the ride' for imperfections.
You were starting to think he was serious at some point, when he spent 5 minutes grilling a poor fair worker about the importance of safety and on how rusty their bolts were.
There was no time to dwell on that though - Tachihara was smiling as he dragged you to the last stop at the carnival of doom.
"I heard some kid saying that from the top they could see the entire city. That sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?"
He was smiling ear to ear.
You couldn't deny that offer when he looked like that.
So with your head in your heart, you let yourself be dragged through the motions, letting it drop to your stomach as you watched the city fall below you as your body raised to the sky.
You tried to stay at ease even as you were slowly raised higher and higher into the sky, the cart you were sat in shaking back and forth more than you were comfortable with.
It made you scoot closer to Tachihara, squeezing him as if he were your lifeline. He might as well be, since his body would survive a fall at this height while yours would splatter.
"Look! You can see headquarters over there."
He was pointing outward, towards a rather dark spot of the city. But it was visible, which to you felt amazing.
Also terrifying.
You clutched his arm tighter. As insurance.
He was also incredibly warm - it was cold so high up, and unfortunately, your work uniform did not account for this. You were practically trying to melt into him due to how cold you were, but you still had some pride left. You would suffer a little, having your exposed skin go numb from the cold.
"Hey, Y/n. I wanna tell you something."
"Are you going to kiss me?"
It was the perfect moment for it, really. You couldn't blame him. Everything was screaming that this was a "how I met your mother" moment anyway.
"What? Sorry. Um. No. Just-"
Tachihara looked at you, red in the face. He pushed you into his chest, holding you tight. If you squeaked, that was between you, him and the ferris wheel.
"I think I like you."
You blinked. Your hands were awkwardly held up around Tachihara, not knowing where to go. You could feel him awkwardly fidgeting with the fabric on your shoulders in your silence, as you tried to figure out a way to respond.
The ferris wheel creaked in the silence, keeping the two of you alone up top, watching the city.
"Um. I like you too, Tachihara."
You put your hands on his waist, feeling just below his ribcage. He was skinny for a guy, but you could still feel his strength.
"But how much?"
"How much?"
"How much do you like me?"
You huffed, gripping his uniform shirt and pulling him away. His eyes were almost wet with worry as he looked at you, trying to discern what you meant by your words. Fucking idiot.
"Enough to deal with this. And enough to want to kiss you."
You cupped his cheeks with your hands, looking him dead in his honey eyes. His gaze was dead set, looking right at you, not even at the city that was behind you.
"Kiss me. I'm not asking again."
You closed your eyes and waited until you felt his cold lips press against yours, finally obliging your order. It was all enough to distract you from how your stomach dropped at the thought of being so high up in the air, as now your stomach was dropping at his hands reaching down to touch your waist, his knees knocking against yours as he tried to pull you closer.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 9 months
Empty Chairs At Empty Tables
So this is inspired by the song for my favourite musical Les Misérables ‘Empty Chairs At Empty Tables’ where the character Marius sings about loosing his friends during the French Revolution. I feel that this song fits a lot of characters from the HBO war fandom but I was just drawn to writing this fic for Eugene Sledge. Warnings: themes of war, loss, grief, death, death of a beloved pet, PTSD
Thank you so much @georgieluz for proofreading it.
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Deacon watched the couple, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as sat with a lopsided grin. Eugene never saw him move but every time he turned around he was right in his heels. Eugene reached down to scratch his dog's head affectionately, watching as he smiled up at him.
“The way he looks at you, sometimes I wonder whether he’s the love of your life instead,” Y/n joked, laughing as Eugene stuck out his tongue at them.
“You’re just jealous that he got the last sandwich.”
“Not at all, you know I’d do anything for him,” Y/n began scratching Deacon’s arm which caused the dog to flop down onto their lap.
“Which is exactly why I’m not worried about leaving you with him. I know you’ll both look out for each other,” Eugene sat down, a solemn look on his face.
“We’re gonna be just fine, right Deacon? Your Dad has nothing to worry about,” Y/n spoke to the dog and Eugene felt his heart swell for the hundredth time that day as he realised just how much he loved them.
“Gene, please don’t be sad,” Y/n reached over, cupping his cheek. “We’re going to be just fine.”
“I know,” Eugene mumbled, his lip wobbling as the tears began trickling down his cheeks. “I just don’t want to leave you.”
“I don’t want you to leave either, but I know you have to. It doesn’t make it any easier though,” they admitted, running their fingers through his red locks.
“I love you, Eugene Sledge. Come back to me.”
“I promise.”
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To my dearest Y/n,
How I wish I was at home with you. I want nothing more than to be back in that field, on the red-checked picnic blanket with you and Deacon. Those days were so simple. If only all of life could be that simple.
Today I saw a man have his whole leg blown off and he just stood there looking at us, it was as if he didn’t realise what had happened to him until the medics were trying to get him on a stretcher. How does that even happen?
I hope everything at home is going well. Thank you for visiting my parents, it means a lot to them when you visit and Deacon always loves your visits, he tells me so personally. I wish I was there with you. All I want is a hug. It seems silly really, childish even, but to just have your arms around me, even for a second would be enough.
I love you always my darling,
Your Eugene
My Eugene,
I’m sure by now you have received the news of Deacon’s passing from your parents. I am so sorry, my love. Just know that he did not suffer. His old body carried him well right until the end and I spent the last three days and nights of his life by his side. We sat out under the apple trees and I read to him just like you used to. He was comfortable when he passed. The house is quieter without him. Now that I am without either of you I do feel truly alone, not even Sidney is here to support me.
I pray every night for your safe return to me my love.
I love you forever and always
Your Y/n
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Eugene felt his legs shaking as he stepped off the train onto the platform, his hands shaking as he held onto his kit bag tightly. He could see Sidney, leaning against his truck, a cigarette hanging limply from his lips. It was the reunion he was excited for but not the one he had been yearning for. Sid talked all the way back to his house, talking of his fiancée, life since he’d been home, and his family but Eugene barely registered any of it, his mind too preoccupied with the image of Y/n.
“Drop me here, Sid,” Eugene spoke up as the view of the driveway came into sight.
“You sure, I can drive you up to the house?”
“No, it’s okay. I need the walk. I’ve been stuck on the train for hours.”
Sidney pulled up to the end of the driveway, cutting the engine.
“It’s good to have you back, Gene.”
“It’s good to be back. Thanks for the ride, Sid.”
Eugene slung his kit bag over his shoulder, leaving Sid behind him as his legs carried him up the driveway in long strides. As he approached the house he could see them, arranging one of the flower baskets by the front door, their sleeves rolled up and looking just as lovely as the day he’d left. Eugene felt his heart swell at the sight of them and he promised he would tell them every day.
He dropped his kit bag in the lawn chair, approaching them slowly so as to not disturb them.
“Y/n?” He spoke, his hands shaking a little at his sides.
Y/n dropped the flower basket, oblivious to the terracotta shattering across the decking.
“Eugene?” They squeaked, their hands coming to their mouth. “Is it really you? Are you really here?” Y/n stepped down off the decking, moving to stand in front of him. Their hand reached up to cup his cheek, Y/n’s fingers grazing at the soft flesh and Eugene sighed.
“It really is you,” they whispered, tears trailing down their cheeks to match Euegne’s.
“I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
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“It's so quiet, isn't it?” Euegen turned his head to look down at Y/n, as they smiled sympathetically at him.
“You'll get used to the peace again, my love. I promise.”
“It’s not that,” Eugene sighed, shifting to sit up on his elbows, “Deacon always used to snore on the end of the bed. He was so noisy when he slept.”
Eugene could feel the tears starting to trail down his cheeks being brushed away and a chaste kiss placed on his lips. “I miss him every day,” Eugene cried, a sob escaping from his lips as he was enveloped in Y/n’s embrace.
“It’s okay, Gene. We’re going to get through this together.”
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“NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOU WEREN'T THERE!” Gene screamed, throwing another vase across the room and watching as it smashed on the floor, glass shattering like icicles across the hardwood floorboards and the flowers cascading amongst the disarray.
“I know I wasn’t there for you then, Eugene but I’m here now and I am never leaving your side,” Y/n cried, “So don’t keep trying to push me away because I’m not going anywhere.”
“But you have no idea. They’re all dead, they’re all gone and I came back. Why did I deserve to come back? There are houses all around the world with empty chairs where they should be sitting right now,” Eugene slipped down onto the floor beside the smashed vase, his head hanging low as he sobbed.
Y/n couldn’t take it anymore and was by his side in an instant, cradling him close, comforting him. “Shh Eugene, please don’t talk like this. I need you. Your family needs you. I am so glad you came home.”
“But why did I deserve to come home and they didn’t,” Eugene glanced up at them, his large tearful eyes breaking their heart further.
“Because I love you, that's why. Because it wasn’t your time and quite possible because you deserved to come home.”
“And they didn’t.”
“No. You all deserved to come home. What you must do now is decide what you want to do with your second chance. You were given a chance to come home and you must live each day to the fullest for all of those who didn’t make it home. Okay?” Y/n looked down at him and Eugene nodded, resting his head against their chest. Y/n reached down, cradling their fingers through his ginger hair, soft, soothing strokes. Eugene’s breathing soon settled into a more normal rhythm as Y/n heartbeat calmed him.
“I’m glad I came home,” Eugene whispered, “because I have a very important question to ask you.”
“You do,” Y/n replied, looking down at the man they loved.
“Will you stay with me? Always?”
“Of course I will Gene. I’m not going anywhere.” The couple sat on the floor of Eugene’s room, no longer aware of the time or space around them. The only thing that mattered right now was that Eugene was home, and he was safe and with time he would heal from the horrors he had seen.
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @lena-basilone @sweetxvanixlla @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @samwinchesterslostshoe
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