#i need everyone to know right now i WILL be bending these rules a tiny bit
I’m so unbelievably devastated about how much Aviators’ songs are losing, they’re so good and more people should appreciate them. This is an Aviators shoutout, if you haven’t listened to his music, please please do! Mechanical Instinct, Jaws, Our Little Horror Story, and Alive are some of my absolute favorite FNaF songs of all time and I think they deserve more recognition! (I feel like a lot of people don’t even know Alive exists, which is a real tragedy.)
I honestly did not expect Our Little Horror Story to get SWEPT this round, I thought for sure it had a chance against the musical :( Sweet Dreams also died round 1 and that's a banger! Though I can understand people voting for the song that (I believe) has been around longer.
Actually, this is a very good time for me to ask something I've been wondering for a while!
I've been considering making a second tournament after this one with the same nominated songs. The difference being that all of the BIG artists (the living tombstone, ck9c, dagames, jt music, griffinilla, etc) are excluded so there isn't a chance they just sweep everything.
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evilminji · 3 months
Okay, but... now I'm wondering >.>
@the-witchhunter We talked about Danny being Morningstar's feral, probably engineering oils and ectoplasmic goo covered, mad scientist/himbo hybrid (attack) purse dog. His special lil guy.
I seek your Knowledge(TM).
From second hand accounts? He seems to HATE the hypocrisy. The blaming HIM for humanity's own choices. The rat race and endless song n dance of "Righteous Good VS. Cartoonish Evil". Because it let's humanity paint themselves the helpless victims. Because it's all surface level. Because it is not so easy to escape the ugliness of your Sins, yet they keep trying to scapegoat him.
Fuck um.
He was tired of it.
But? He still has CONSIDERABLE POWER. It's probably written down. And the Ring Of Rage? Is proooobably not the loveliest of artifacts? I imagine, like the Crown, it's NOT leaving Danny alone. One of those "we don't CARE if there is no throne left to sit upon, you WILL wear us, as King" sort of systems.
It genuinely would not and DOES NOT matter, if not a single soul in all the Zone bows to him. Did he defeat the previous holder of their Right To Rulership? Yes or No.
If No, fuck off.
If Yes, new monarch.
Is it hurting him? Not the rings problem. Nor the Crown's. Heavy is the weight, etc etc. But! DANNY would certainly care. He is... is ANGRY all the time now. Has no idea who would even MAKE this bullshit ring. Why JUST Rage? Yeah, it makes ghosts stronger, but at what COST?
He can't even get rid of it!
......by himself.
Luckily, he's still clear headed enough to know that he's NOT in this by himself. And it's amazing what "mom, dad, this ring is trying to drive me insane. Help me" in a terrified and tearful voice, can brush over. No one threatens their baby and all that.
It would honestly be hilarious, seeing the extended Fenton clan decend like LOCUSTS on Pariahs Keep, searching for clues, terrifying the local ghosts, if... if he wasn't so tired.
God he's so tired.
It's Aunt Alecia who... "politely encourages" a passing scholar to lend them the book they need. Took the poor sucker right out of the sky. Guy never stood a chance. RIP.
He learns he has to head..... over? Like... 27 that-ish way, then up. Huh. 27 WHAT?
Realities, apparently. He's in the wrong bundle. Branch? Neighborhood? Eh. Clan Fenton rolls back out, he packs his bags, and hilariously enough? Goes off to the devils night club. Hopes he likes rings. Or hates them.
Thankfully, being "king" means the Zone? Kinda... humors him? Like... it still has RULES(tm). He can... can FEEL that now. But it's willing to bend some for him, if he asks. And anything NOT against the rules? If it's in the right mood? He need only ask. It's weird. Being suddenly so powerful, yet NOT, at the same time.
Cause none of it's his.
All he has is the Zone's attention. The ability to ask pretty please. If you don't mind. And then? The highways between... ALL will just? Shift and change for him. He can see how it went to Pariah's head. The Zone is pretty agreeable. Is by nature Amoral, cause it's not a Being, it's... well, it's the Zone.
And everyone wants him to ask things. Do things. Demand this or that. Use this power.
Maybe he doesn't WANT too! Maybe he didn't WANT to be king! Doesn't he have the right to say NO? To refuse? Why do they think he OWES them service? An eternity of politics and people trying to kill him, for something he never wanted in the FIRST PLACE.
He's so tired.
The nightclub's pretty cool.
So he comes to ask, politely of course, cause the guy's probably busy, if Morningstar could... dunno, fix or destroy it? Want a ring, maybe? Also he heard you MADE the stars. Huge fan of all of that. Can I ask about the process? Or are you in the middle of something?
And? Lucifer? Turns around, from where he's Leaning Seductive Yet Elegantly(tm) to see... scrawny. Tiny corpse child. No... half? Corpse? Alive. Dying. Alive yet dying. Huh. Well, that is different. And here he didn't think he'd get see anything NEW. You, child, are NOT a zombie. What are you?
I have no idea what that is. What do you want?
He gets shown the ugliest, crudest, peice of shit ring imaginable. A genuine foul little curse. Really stinks up the place. He destroys it, obviously. This club has STANDARDS. Hope that wasn't important?
Kid just smiles the biggest fangy lil grin. No. No it was not.
Obvious, lie, but cute lil teeth. He'll allow it.
He gets dragged into talking about the stars. And talking. And talking. Mostly bragging and explaining. Kid hangs off his every word. Follows him around as he makes his rounds. Asks good questions. Completely focused, dispite the booze and barely dressed dancing all around him.
Lucifer can't help notice the crown.
Lovely little thing. Space ice and star dust, glittering like jewels and light catching the mist. If he remembers right... that one iiiiiis..... not Limbo, it's.... Zone! That crown is the Zone, it changes to suit the wearer. He recognizes the vibe. Awfully young, aren't you?
And.... it all burst forth. He didn't even need to press. Use persuasive words and honeyed tones. Like an inflamed, festering wound. The merest brush is enough to spill everything.
Negligence, greed, blood lust. Bigotry and xenophobia. A tyrants endless quest for power. Ah, humans. They truly don't change do they? Realities away, dead or alive. Now they're harrasing a child. He honestly looks miserable. Whereas just a moment before, listening to Lucifer talk about his work on the stars, his soul practically GLOWED with light. A tiny little star unto himself.
.......maybe it's the big ol "I'm you BIGGEST FAN" eyes. The sad wet cat aura. Perhaps the scrawny "could snap you like a twig" teenager, all elbows and knees. The fact he is, in fact, NOT human; for all that he once was. But?? The kid? Is... not terrible company.
He'd even go so far as to say? It's like having a pet intern.
He can sleep on the couch.
Tell you what, you stay here? I'll keep taking about stars and YOU can do the chores I don't feel like doing. I'll take care of you and all that.
And Danny? Honestly was sold at the word "stars" but? This sounds like a phenomenally terrible idea... and he has yet to meet one of THOSE he hasn't made out sloppy still with, so deal! But as a minor, that DOES make you his new gaurdian for the next four-ish years. He's legally obligated to finish schooling.
.....well shit.
(Just? Local stressed 14-15 year old Ghost King does RESPONSIBILE thing and finds Adultier Adult. With more qualified Adult powers. Unfortunately for everyone, the adult is Lucifer Morningstar, night club owner. Even MORE Unfortunately, said ghost kind has pack bonded with the Nice Star Man, who saved him from the Bad Ring, and effectively offered to let him crash on his swanky couchs.
Now Morningstar has to? Somewhat VAGUELY pretend he gives a shit local schooling system, as he puts his charge INTO it. Actively giving waking terrors to the magical community. What evil plot is afoot? Where did he get this tiny minor death god? What is his end goal FOR said child?
No one knooooows~
But Lucifer is just doing this cause he's a Being of his word. He hates the tedious minor chores he'll be foisting off onto Danny. And? Most importantly? Look at that face. *shoujo sparkly eyes of Star Sempai Noticed Me!* it's like having a golden retriever puppy. Ffs he has STANDARDS.)
(It'd be hilarious to watch the hostile 5th dimensional chess DC characters have going on in the background, all while? Danny is like? Man! Isn't this universe GREAT? Everyone here is so CHILL! And nice to me! I'm so relaxed now! Finally, I can finish my education in peace.)
@hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @mutable-manifestation
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dark-and-kawaii · 7 months
༺ 𝒜 𝒟𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓁 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 ༻
You never expected a Devil to be your savior, never expected to be cherished by him…
PRT 2 (CLICK HERE) - Fluff - Soft Raphael - Past Talk About Abuse
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Gazing outside his balcony, you watched as yet another red storm began to stir throughout Avernus. The wilted trees bend to the will of the fiery winds. The overcast clouding your view of the mountains, and with a deep sigh this dreary day has brought back memories you had thought you’d forgotten. A life full of pain and restrictions… But the devil took you away from it all, and gave you a new life with new meaning.
With a subtle startled expression as you felt your hand graze one of the small buttons on your wrist, you look down with a warm smile as you continue to run your hand along the soft cotton of Raphael’s opulent dress shirt. You nearly had forgotten that on days such as this you quite enjoy stealing his shirts. They always brought you such comfort and joy, who would’ve thought… A devil bringing you such comfort. It’s laughable really. Holding your arm to your lips you can smell the scent of cherries and sulfur, it relaxes your muscles and you can’t help but to thank him aloud to yourself, “Thank you, my devil.”
“For what, pray tell little mouse of mine?”
And just like a tiny mouse, squealing wasn’t the right word for the noise you had just made… But with a tiny cute noise, you hastily turned around on his silken bed to face the devil himself, Raphael… He was always so handsome no matter the form he took, right now though he appeared human. His milk chocolate eyes watching you with interest, his hand resting on his chin. Everything about him was so grandiose and each time you looked him in the eyes your heart would skip a beat.
The Devil wasn’t perfect, he had his flaws just as everyone else did… He also had his own ambitions to rule the 9 hells… But, for whatever reason, those flaws made him even more special to you. Yes, he was the son of Mephistopheles. Yes, he is technically one of the “bad” guys, but… unlike the last villain that had captured you… Raphael was soft with you, treated you as if you were some sort of delicate flower that would break apart if not careful. He had his souls he enjoyed to flail and torture, yet with you it was different… the devil had no need to put you through such horrors. He cherished and protected you like a dragon with its hoard of treasure.
“R-Raphael- I uh-… Thank you… For…”
Just his presence alone made you flustered, it couldn’t be helped.
“It would seem that the cat has caught this little mouse’s tongue.” A small laugh emanated from his chest, “How, precious.”
You grin at his response.
Damn near everyone would disagree with you, but in your eyes, Raphael wasn’t foul, not like Astarion was… This devil you came to know throughout your adventure didn’t hold you by a leash… Didn’t force you down whenever he pleased, or gauge your neck with his teeth to prove a point- Your flushed face reducing to a pale complexion as your hand cups where Astarion left his mark on you. A chill runs down your spine remembering when Astarion the Ascended chained you for days… All because you wanted to run out into the city for some fresh brioche and to say hello to Gale.
Raphael, a devil, son of Mephistopheles… Never chained you nor held you against your will. He let you run out into the real world… Let you do as you pleased. You knew he’d make Korilla follow after you. But it wasn’t due to lack of trust, it was plainly because he wanted to keep you safe and out of the Vampires grasps.
Like a falling feather, you gracefully glide off Raphael’s bed. His shirt on you flowed at the bottom thanks to it being far too big on you making this scene before him look like it was out of a book- and into his chest you fell. Your arms wrapping around him while your cheek pressed against his arm that crossed against his chest.
“What’s better than a devil you do know?” You looked up at him questioning.
“By all means please do enlighten me.” His hand never left his face and his other arm stayed crossed over his chest as you embrace him.
“A devil thats your savior…” -You looked away from him, staring back out the balcony-, “I don’t think you’d ever find a quote like that in a book, but I’m thankful for you, Raphael. Truly. Thank you.” You press your face into him, your lashes fluttering close.
Raphael would never tell you how he waited for your hope to whittled down to the very marrow of despair- how he waited for you to whimper his name between sobs while chained to the vampires personal bed. The Devil would also never admit how it pained him to see such a treasure being handled in such ways, yet he wanted you to call out to him. He’s still a devil after all… So he waited all that year, waited for you to call out his name for help, pleading to sign whatever it is he desired…
“You didn’t belong with such filth.”- you didn’t need to look up to know he was scrunching his face, you could hear it in his voice- “Fine beauty such as yourself belongs in a much more suitable home.” He finally moved his hand from his face to the top of your head. Petting you like some adored pet.
Raphael, from the moment he laid eyes on you, knew he'd make you apart of his plan forever someday. He just didn’t expect you to vanish all of a sudden… The damn vampire had ascended and taken you… All those years you were caged like some sort of animal. Nowhere to go, forced into things you wanted no part of… Living like a rat.
A rarity had shown its face as Raphael peered down at you, you didn’t see it and Raphael could only hope for once that Haarlep didn’t see the concern on his face.
Astarion still walks among the living, and Raphael can’t be everywhere…
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crucifiedfaerie · 7 months
Kylo Ren — SFW Alphabet
no warnings, just lots of fluff and lil bit of angst !! however, just bc its SFW, doesn't mean i want minors interacting w this, BEGONE !!! TO THE GLUE TRAP YOU GO !
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— AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
in the beginning of your relationship, affection was very scarce. kylo wanted so badly to open up to you more, but was too afraid to, so when he would catch himself getting too close or too affectionate he would pull away and become that cold and calculated kylo again who you knew all too well. when he did finally admit his feelings, he couldn't get enough of you, as if he were making up for all of the lost time he spent pushing you away.
"i cant believe i waited so long to do this, what a fool i am."
— BEST FRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?)
the only hc i have for you as best friends would be if you grew up together in jedi training... and you guys would fuck w each other CONSTANTLY. like practically bully each other, it's all in good fun though. luke would refer to the two of you as partners-in-many-crimes because of the several messes you'd make doing stupid shit. one time ben almost burned the hut down because you dared him to light fireworks outside of luke's window while he slept. bad fucking idea.
"you idiot, he's going to kill us, you know?"
— CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?)
kylo loves holding you. his favorite is when your head is on his chest because it makes it easy for him to play with your hair. he also loves being the big spoon, wrapping his strong arms around your small frame. in those moments you were a tiny, precious thing that he wanted only to love and keep safe.
— DOMESTIC (thoughts on settling down? how would they be helping out around?)
kylo wanted nothing more than to make you his and his only forever. despite how kylo treats literally everyone else, he is a very doting partner and has a huge soft spot for you and only you. he's better at helping with cooking than he is cleaning. anytime he would try to clean, he'd never do it right or fully and you'd end up telling him to stop and do it yourself lol.
"what do you MEAN i'm not doing it right?!"
— ENDING (how would breakups go?)
its simply not happening. if he broke up with you, he didn't actually mean it and said it out of anger in the heat of the moment. if you broke up with him, he would probably lose his mind. his cold façade would shatter into a million pieces and he'd promise he would change, do better, do whatever it was you needed him to do. you were his and the mere thought of anyone else ever having you filled him with insurmountable rage and sadness.
— FIANCEE (how do they feel about commitment?)
kylo is devoted to you wholeheartedly. being his empress and ruling over the first order by his side would only solidify that.
— GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
when he isn't being a freak, he handles you as if you are made of glass. a pretty, precious thing that could break at any moment. if you fall asleep next to the fireplace, he will pick you up and carry you to bed, making sure the blankets are tucked around the both of you in the way you like, so you don't wake up cold in the morning.
— HUGS (do they like hugs? what are their hugs like?)
kylo loves hugging you, and you love hugging him. bc of his height, you are dwarfed by him and his hugs feel like getting tightly wrapped in a large, warm blanket. usually he just bends down to hug you, but sometimes he picks you up.
— I LOVE YOU (how long does it take for them to say the L word?)
again, kylo is terrified of showing weakness, so in the beginning of your relationship he's very cold towards you. every time he was around you he had to fight the strong urges telling him to be honest with you. after a long while, he did finally say it though. he was so nervous when he first said it, his eyes scanning your face for a reaction and his palms sweating. now he reminds you that he loves you all the time, especially if he's going out on a mission and won't be back for a couple weeks.
"don't look so sad, my star. i love you, you know i always come back to you."
— JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get?)
kylo is as jealous of a man as you can get. the mere thought of someone trying to take you from him fills him with a rage that rivals the fire of a thousand suns. one time he heard a guard having very loud, impure thoughts about his empress so kylo killed him. you have always been much more passive than he is, so you were not happy to see that he had killed someone on your living room floor.
"but my love- his thoughts were so loud! what else was i supposed to do?!"
— KISSES (do they like kissing? what are their kisses like?)
kissing you is kylo's favorite past time. if you both are out and his helmet is on, all he's thinking about is getting home so he can kiss you. sometimes if no one's around, he will lift his mask up just enough so it only exposes the bottom half of his face so he can get a quick kiss or two or eight in. his kisses are warm and never fail to send tingles down your spine, and you always say kylo tastes of cinnamon and smoke. to him, you taste of summer fruit.
— LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?)
he's indifferent towards other peoples children, thankfully he's less harsh on them than adults, but he isn't pleasant to them either. one time he blew up on a servant boy that was no older than eleven, and you scolded him afterwards. "he's just a child kylo, don't be so hard on him." he has such a soft spot for you and admires the empathy you have for others that he will never have. he promised you he would try to be a little nicer. yours and his children however, he treats as well as he treats you. they are an extension of his beloved, after all. i hc that kylo is a wonderful father, making sure they receive the fatherly love he never got.
— MORNINGS (how do your mornings with them go?)
sometimes on busy days, he's gone by the time you wake up. you always look so beautiful and peaceful when you're sleeping, so he doesn't dare wake you up. instead he kisses your head and whispers that he loves you and that he will return shortly. he knows you can't hear him, but he likes to tell you anyways. on days he doesn't have to leave so early, you stay in bed together. kissing, cuddling, talking, other things. kylo is content doing anything as long as it's with you.
— NIGHTS (how do your nights with them go?)
this is a sfw post, therefore i cannot describe how your nights with kylo would go lmao. please refer to the nsfw abc's. afterwards though, kylo is a doting partner that takes care of you, cleaning you up and tending to every single mark he left on your body that he worships so much.
— OPEN (how open are they? when will they tell you more about themselves?)
the first few months of your relationship is like dating a brick wall, it is not easy getting kylo to open up. once he does though, he makes sure not to hide anything from you anymore. it took a lot of work and patience, but he loves and trusts you wholeheartedly.
— PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
kylo has a temper, and he tries so hard, but he does have slip ups sometimes. any time he blows up on you though, he apologizes immediately. you know he loves you because he absolutely hates admitting he was wrong.
— QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
everything. every detail, every like, every dislike, your favorite color, your favorite flower, your blood type, your fears, hopes, and dreams. this man remembers EVERYTHING about you. at least fifty percent of his brain is an archive of facts about you.
— REMEMBER (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time you told him you loved him. it was the first time anyone told him they loved him, and you made him feel like he was ben again. he used to be so scared of being that boy he tried so hard to kill, but you held that part of him so tenderly, that he knew he'd be an absolute fool to try to push that away.
— SECURITY (how protective are they of you?)
kylo protects you with his own life and would kill thousands for you, despite your disdain for unnecessary violence. you are the most important thing to him, and he would have to be dead before he let anything happen to you.
— TRY (how much effort do they put into dates/special occasions?)
kylo ren has an ungodly amount of rizz and i stand by that. this man buys you your favorite flowers, he sets up candlelit dinners, he watches the sunset with you, he makes you personalized playlists like every other fuckboy except he doesn't send it to seven other women. whether you're his empress yet or not, he treats you like royalty. @enviedear and i also have a hc that kylo is the type of guy to pick out your nail polish color for you, and then buy a tie to wear that matches.
"you'd look so heavenly in this shade of red, my star."
— UGLY (what is a bad habit of theirs?)
kylo has an awful temper and is prone to outbursts. he tries SO hard to not have a temper with you, but everyone makes mistakes. he always apologizes to you though. i also hc that kylo is a nail biter, idk it just makes sense ?? that man is a caged animal and emotionally damaged, he definitely has anxiety.
— VANITY (how insecure are they? what are they insecure about?)
our poor babygirl is sooo insecure about everything, no matter how much you tell him how beautiful he is. your loving words of affirmation always make him feel a little better though.
— WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?)
without you, kylo would return to the broken, shell of a man he was before you. if he somehow lost you, hundreds of innocent lives would be lost due to the rampage he'd go on.
— XTRA (a random headcanon about them)
another hc that liv and i came up with was kylo's and ben's music taste. kylo listens to typical male manipulator music like radiohead, the smiths, and deftones with some angrier shit like slipknot and korn. ben is a different breed of male manipulator that listens to the weeknd and pulls up blasting solo by future. we also hc that both cry alone to lana del rey.
— YUCK (what are some things they dislike?)
anything and everything that isn't you. his least favorite thing though, is when he can hear people's rude or impure thoughts about you. he hasn't told you this, but he's killed at least fifteen people for doing just that.
"personally, i think fifteen isn't enough."
— ZZZZ (what are their sleeping habits like?)
for the first few months of your relationship, he did not sleep around you. you were convinced he didn't sleep... like ever. after he became more vulnerable with you though, he would. you love how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. i also hc that sometimes he gets terrible, vivid nightmares that he wakes up crying from :(
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irondadgroupie · 4 months
Tony being a notoriously crazy driver. He will get you where you need to be but to him speed limits are suggestions. Hey, if the road is free why not revv a bit?
With Peter on, Tony will not compromize safety. He still goes with the flow but is more careful and attentive and doesn't speed as much. Alright, he still speeds much more than the average driver but only when it is safe to do so.
"Shit..." Tony mutters when the light turns yellow. He could still stop but that would mean immediate breaking and he thinks 'fuck it'.
"Mr Stark!"
"Old greens, Pete." The man waves his hand. "Everyone does it."
"You're really bending the rules."
Once they cross the intersection, Tony hears a siren and sees a flash.
"Oh shit." Peter says and Tony bops him on the forehead.
"Hey! You never tell me off for cursing!"
"Yeah, well, a police man is coming our way, we don't want to appear anything more than law abiding citizens."
Tony rolls his window down and smiles slightly.
"Good evening, sir. Did you notice you ran a red light."
"It was still yellow when I entered the intersection-"
"It turned red while you were there."
"I know, my bad, I am usually more careful."
Peter snickers a bit despite his anxiety. Or maybe due to his anxiety. He glares at the boy, tells him wordlessly to shut up.
"Driver's licence, please."
Tony hands him the plastic card and the officer raises an eyebrow.
"What?" Tony asks. "I live here, you know."
"Yeah, I know. I noticed the resemblance but I thought-"
"Yeah, that's the thing with meeting celebrities. You never think it will happen to you."
"Well, I love what you do as Iron Man."
He nods and smiles, his gesture more genuine than before.
"Wait here, please."
Tony sighs and sink back against the seat.
"... How long will you be in jail?"
"In- what? Kid, you don't go to jail for what I did!"
"But I've heard-"
"Look, I've not gotten a ticket in- what- two years. This was just one tiny mistake. They won't even fine me and if they do it's not the end of the world."
And what would you know, the officer comes back with his licence.
"Okay, everything was in order. Given your record and the nature of the mistake I'm going to let you go with a warning but if this happens again-"
"I will assure you, I'll be more attentive in the future."
But the officer is no longer watching him. Instead his eyes are glued on Peter. Or rather-
"Your kid isn't wearing a seat belt."
"What?" Tony jerks his head to the right and to the innocent looking child with no seat belt. "Peter!"
"You left in such a hurry and I had a hard time clasping it-"
"You must always wear a seat belt in a car! That is the number one rule!"
"I know and I always do but I think it got jammed or-"
"You should have told me! Screamed! Something to let me know!"
"I didn't want to bother you-"
"You're definitely getting a ticket now."
"What?!" Tony snaps and points at Peter. "He is the one not following rules! Why am I being punished?"
"Because you're a driver and he is a minor under your care. You should have made sure the seat belt was on."
"I'm sorry, Mr Stark." Peter's face was red with embarrassment. "I can pay it."
"Oh, you will, kiddo." Tony glares at him. "You're in lab scrubbing duty for a month."
Peter cringes. Tony's lab was huge, with the tables and delicate surface cleaning it was a real pain. "Can't I just give you money."
Tony gives him a blank look and shows him the ticket. Peter pales at the sum.
"Umm..." he does some mental calculations, adds up his allowance and the worth of his Star Wars figurines. Yeah, there was no way he was going to get the money in a reasonable time. "Lab duty?" he smiles at his mentor and Tony rolls his eyes but his look is now much softer.
"Well, I guess I made the right choice. A couple of hundred dollars versus you flying through the windshield... I've faced worse odds."
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winterlovesong1 · 1 year
for your lyric game: nace + ‘if i only could i’d make a deal with god and i’d get him to swap our places’
I wrote two drabbles for this one so double prizes I guess lol
Placing them under the cut since it's a little lengthy...
send me a lyric, au scenario, or one sentence + characters/ships, and I'll write a little drabble
Drabble 1
“If I could…” the words breathed out like a message tucked away under the folds of his heart, revealed now in this tiny corner of Icarus Hall they’ve been trapped in for an hour.
“You’d be an idiot,” grumbled back in both resentment of being held here behind locked doors and frustration over not having the slightest clue what was at work outside. Pressing her palms firmly against the cold stone tile, she lifts herself up to begin pacing away her irritation.
“You’d be safe.”
A matter-of-fact statement that only made her annoyance bubble over further as she steers her emotions toward the locked steel door, away from him.
Why did they need to be kept in here? They knew the consequences. How reckless could her friends be to…
“I never needed you to be noble,” snapping her head back over her shoulder as she shifts her walk and swings her distilled anger back toward to the wall where he happened to still be leaning against.
Dipping her eyes and clenching her fists against her hips, she mutters, “that’s not what…”
She can’t cross a line in this small space and her, she has a feeling she just ran across one.
“Then what was that whole month about?  Nancy, you lied to me because I’m cur…”
“Don’t say it.”
Frozen now in the middle of the room at the impending error. It wasn’t a rule, but she hated saying the word. She hated any of them saying the word. So it became an unspoken guideline to keep the term to a minimum. To keep it inside. Concealed.
Like everything else.
She lifts her eyes to see his features look like he knows he was about to cross over a line himself and yet, he knew only one of them could afford to be careless right now.
(and she had already done that so well moments ago)
He rises from his titled position against the bricks and walks to where she’s painted herself in the middle of the dank gray room, not having enough energy to both argue and pace.
(she’s so tired lately she wears easily)
“So, keeping you safe is somehow wrong. Me wanting you…”
Why he pauses to let that phrase linger…
(she swallows hard and presses her hands further at her hips)
“Me wanting you protected is not a crime, Nancy.”
His worry blooms on her cheeks and she wishes this moment could end differently. She wishes she didn’t have to brush by his shoulder and sit back down on the floor and wait, legs knelt up by her chest and arms folded across her bended knees.
She wishes she didn’t have to ignore his plea. She wishes she could take it in and agree. Press her alliance with him into his lips, tell him she’s always on his side, that she never meant to cross over a line.
But that’s not how her life works.
(that’s not how curses work)
Drabble 2
George swept Nick away in a jolted fury to practice what she’d been studying. It was about time she put all those hours of skulking through thickly bound books to good use. And Nick never objected to an ask for company from George - especially as of late.
(it was nice to see them happy again)
(even if they weren’t announcing it)
Bess was fluttering away in the library the next room. She felt dizzy just listening to her, so she went to sit herself over on the bench by the bay window.
That’s when she noticed Addy drifting into the room and eventually, settling herself beside her.
It felt like the one person that she could somehow speak freely too, knowing everyone else was a little too close to the problem.
“You ok?”
When the others ask that same question, she prepares one of three excuses, rotating them out, making sure not to use one consecutively, making sure she switches up her tone, rolls smoothing into each one and never trips herself up.
But when Addy asks, she tends to lean away from those excuses and a bit more into the truth.
“Just tired.”
Addy is quiet sitting with her in the muted chaos of Bess sorting and flipping through books somewhere in their vicinity. Addy lets her answer be, not prodding for further information, but telling her amid the silence, however she was feeling was ok. It was valid. And important.
Her eyes start to well at the generosity and she reaches for her hand instinctively.
“You know, I asked how he was doing, and he said the same thing. You aren’t alone Nancy. He feels it too.”
She wants to ask, but does he feel exhausted? Do his eyes have lines of puffiness that blush after a bought of tears? Does his hair tangle at the ends because brushing it seems like a waste when you’re constantly on the run? Does he stare at the ceiling and flicker through frame by frame of what was - of what they had - of the past?
Does he feel the same shade of tired she does?
When Addy squeezes her hand and holds comfort with her in her steady gaze, she knows.
He has lines forming between his brow because desperation and concentration don’t mix well for focus. He’s starting to wear a beanie more because the length of his hair is now to his shoulders, longer than it’s ever been because maintenance of his hair is permanently removed from his attention. And he has sleepless nights too - not remembering what was missed - but because he sees it - now - ever present in his sight - and he knows what’s at stake if they don’t fix this - if they don’t make this right.
He’s tired too.
And maybe once this is all over, they’ll both now what rest feels like.
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roscgcld · 3 years
GOJOTWINS!AU || greatest gift
request: I have a request for the twin-sided-with-Geto AU if you're up for it (as angsty or as fluffy as you like)? As a last request, Y/N twin asks Satoru to look after his niece/nephew. A child that looks just like Geto but with his sister's eyes.
note: hmmm....I was more concerned between if I want to make it angsty or make it fluffy, since this idea was definitely interesting for me to explore. However! This definitely gave me some creative juices! The entire ‘jjk men as parents’ trope is honestly so cute >< I wish Gege showed more scenes of Geto with his two ‘daughters’ - domestic!Geto sounds so fucking hot 😣😣 but writing this also makes me want to write something like ‘the adventures of uncle gojo and his niece’
warning: spoilers for anime-only fans! proceed with caution
pronouns: she/her
gojotwins!au masterlist
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“You need to finish your veggies, Rei-chan. You know the rules.”
The young girl that sat before Gojo pouts softly, crossing her tiny arms over her chest as she turns her puppy eyes up at the older man. Gojo looks down at the pouting girl, his own oceanic blue eyes were shining behind the darkly tinted sunglasses as the young girl - Rei, as she was named - tried to use her puppy eyes to get out form eating all the ‘tiny trees’ that sat on her bear themed child plate. 
From the outside you would assume that Gojo was probably just babysitting the toddler; the man is wearing an odd uniform in Japanese norms, but it is still certain that he is in school. And from the looks of things, he is definitely a young adult - no older than a college student, despite how good looking he was. And they were right to some extend; the young girl, besides the eyes, does not look like Gojo Satoru at all. 
But Gojo and Rei definitely shared a unique relationship than your average ‘babysitter and child’ one. “Come on, bunny - you gotta eat all the greens if you wanna grow big and strong like your daddy.”
At the mention of her father, Rei perked up immediately; yet immediately deflated at the sight of the broccoli that was held out to her by Gojo once more. Rei lets out a soft whine and a huff, yet she reluctantly leaned forward before she ate the broccoli; making a face at the taste of it on her tongue. “Not a fan, huh?”
“The tiny tree taste bad..,” Rei mumbles quietly as she finishes chewing her mouthful of broccoli, pulling another face that has Gojo chuckling quietly as he grabbed a napkin from the napkin dispenser to clean Rei’s chubby cheeks. “I know they do, bunny. But you gotta eat them to make sure you grow strong, right? You wanna be a sorcerer like me one day, don’t you?”
Geto Rei was not your average child; born with Gojo blood flowing through her veins, she is the ‘love child’ of Gojo Y/N and Geto Suguru; Gojo Satoru’s twin sister and her boyfriend. When Geto first went ‘rogue’ and kill the village he was sent to, Y/N had found out that she was pregnant with his child. She was sure it was his, since Y/N and him have been dating for about a year up to this point. There was no denying who the father was. And that terrified her; she was worried that the elders will do something bad to the child that was growing inside of her. 
Even if she is one of the strongest sorcerers of the century, she is still a woman first - and women who are to have kids outside of marriage, and with someone who isn’t approved by the elders of the clan, are just asking for trouble. And whilst she was sure she can take on whatever the elders will put her through, the thought of her unborn child having to deal with the leftover anger from her parents’ actions, to be brought up in a world where others would shun the little bean, was too much to bear. 
So, even with Gojo’s pleas for her to stay, Y/N had packed up and left without a trace for others to find her. Yet Gojo was certain she had upped and left so she can spend her ‘future’ with her boyfriend, even if she knows that their love story will only end in tragedy. So you couldn’t believe Gojo’s shock when he opened the door of his apartment one random night, having been roused from his slumber in the early mornings; only to find a baby sleeping peacefully in blankets placed at his doorstep. 
Pinned to the front of the baby’s blanket was a simple letter addressed to him, and immediately Gojo knew what the content of it was. There was no denying who the young baby, who Gojo found out was a baby girl, was either. Because in the morning, when the little youngster finally opened her eyes, were a pair of his very own Six Eyes staring up at him curiously as a thick and fluffy head of black hair surrounding her.
“Dear God...wait until ma and pa find out about this...”
That is how Gojo found himself today; third year college student quietly coaxing the young toddler to eat her veggies as they waited at a café for another two kids he had ‘adopted’ to get off from preschool. He was honestly questioning everything he is doing with his life right now. “Since you’ve been a good girl...maybe later, when ‘Gumi-nee and ‘Miki-nii come over, we order some ice cream~”
Just the mention of the frozen treat had the little girl perking up in excitement, causing Gojo to laugh as he gently rests a hand on her head; already being able to sense the waves of excitement that is coming from Rei. “But in exchange, you have to finish your veggies,” Gojo continues as he gestures towards the child plate before Rei; which held a few pieces of veggies from the small salad that came with her meal.
So that was how the Fushiguros found the two in the café, having grabbed some lunch whilst they waited for the two to get off from school. Rei, who looked over when the café doors were pushed open, perked up at the sight of the familiar duo walking towards them. Gojo just grinned and picked her out of her babychair before he sets her down on the ground, watching in amusement as Rei ran towards Megumi and Tsumiki on her chubby little feet.
Megumi, who was her target today, paused before he bends down to catch her as she stumbled into him; scowling over at the smirking Gojo who was still seated at the table. “Don’t worry Megumi-kun. I was 100% sure that you were going to catch her~,” Gojo called back teasingly, his grin only widening at Megumi’s annoyance as the young shikigami user made his way towards the table where Gojo was seated at once more. “Turn that frown upside down, Megumi-kun - try to be like Tsumiki-chan more, she’s super cute.”
Megumi just rolled his eyes as he settles down in a free seat, letting Rei cuddle up into the younger male whilst Tsumiki giggles at Gojo; who had reached over to playfully tug at her cheek. Soon though Gojo gestures for the two kids to order what they want for lunch before they go home; a habit of theirs now since Gojo cannot for the life of him cook. 
The one time he tried cooking...well...lets just say the kids have since begged for him to never attempt cooking ever again. 
Hence why, after a brief lunch and a brief visit to the grocery store, the four of them made their way back towards Gojo’s home. He had long since moved out from the apartment that he rented in the beginning, understanding how important it is for Megumi and Tsumiki to have their own private spaces to retire to after a long they. Because after all that they’ve been through and are going to be going through in the future as people touched by the jujutsu world, they are still growing kids first. So Gojo had invested in a nice home close that is close to the college, yet not too far away from the city where the kids might feel cut off from their friends on the outside. 
“Alright, time to get you into the shower,” Gojo grins at a giggling Rei, who he had set in her baby seat as he puts away the groceries; Tsumiki had offered to make some katsudon for everyone for dinner tonight. Hence the brief stop at the grocery store. Since it was still little early into the afternoon, the two Fushiguro children retired in their rooms to unwind and catch up with homework before preparing for diner. So for now, Gojo and Rei were alone once more. “Gotta make sure you’re cleaned up before your nap~”
Rei just giggles and smiles over at the older man, reaching her arms up so the man can carefully picked her up as he made his way towards his bedroom. It was a normal routine for him to give Rei a shower after coming home from the outside, worried that she was going to be carrying dirt and germs into her bed before she is laid down for her nap. So Gojo carefully filled the baby tub he set out inside his shower stall before he carefully filled it with warm water and bubbles; making sure the water was warm enough before he carefully strips Rei and sets her in the warm bath. 
Many people have questioned him before as to why he was taking care of her like she was his own child. Even though she is her niece, her parents are Curse Users; they defected from the jujutsu world in order to live in a life of crime. Or more so Y/N leaving behind her family and friends for something as feeble as her ‘love’ for Geto Suguru. Many people call her delusional, stupid, naïve - no one can picture just what was it that made her choose between the life on the run with Geto, for the luxurious life that the Gojo estate has, and still would, provide to her. Even after Rei was born.
However, to Gojo, he just knew she saw it differently. 
If there was one person who he can rely on completely, without having to fear of judgement, it was definitely Y/N. She was his twin sister, someone who ‘cursed’ with the same power as he was, and knows all the struggles and stress that comes with being ‘the strongest’. When she had found out she was pregnant, she was terrified - running into his room in the middle of the night with the positive pregnancy test in hand. She was scared shitless with the entire idea that she was going to be a teen mum alone.
And no matter how much Gojo had tried to reassure her that if Geto was here, he would be ecstatic with the idea that he was going to be a father, Y/N was inconsolable. She was terrified at the idea that not only would the baby will not have a father, they might even have to suffer through the stigma of having a parent that was a murderer in their world. Y/N was also going through it as well; it was clear as day that Geto was the last thing that was truly keeping Y/N sane. Although Gojo and her had a special bond, it was like Geto was that extra support that made sure both of the Gojo siblings were still staying strong. 
Maybe it was the stress of the idea that she was going to be called out by the elders of the clan, or her parents might be disappointed in her, or maybe the idea that she was going to be a teen parent itself officially cracked her. Gojo, to this day, isn’t 100% sure as to why Y/N chose to do what she did; chose to stay with Geto even though she knows that it will bring more stigma onto her daughter after she was born. 
At one point even Gojo had admitted to himself that she was naïve and selfish for choosing what she did instead of facing the brief music that will come from the adults in her life.
But as he playfully makes animal noises at a giggling Rei, Gojo hopes that Y/N rest easy knowing how many people loves Rei. How Shoko, Mei Mei, and even Utahime had essentially dubbed themselves as Rei’s godmothers and spoil her even more than he does; and that is saying a lot. Sure, the elders were not as welcoming to Rei, even more so because she was not carry the Gojo name on top of the fact that her parents were not married when they had her, were definitely not helping her case.
However, Rei was special. She was born her with her mother and uncle’s Six Eyes; and it was because of this that the elders have yet to officially cut Rei off from her surviving biological family. 
Whilst he was thinking back about everything, Gojo’s body went on autopilot as he bathe, dried, and dressed Rei like usual. He kept her occupied to the best of his abilities, but from the trip they had earlier today plus the grocery store trip, Rei was already nodding off when Gojo was blow drying her soft black hair. This caused him to smile as he carefully gathered the little girl in his arms, letting her curl up against his chest as he made his way towards his messy study desk. 
Even if he is a sorcerer and taking care of 3 young kids, he still needs to do mundane things like homework before he can fully graduate from Jujutsu Tech. And as much as he wants to just cuddle Rei and sleep as well - he’s been putting off this essay for about 3 days now. And its due date is tomorrow; so he has to get cracking on this essay if he wants to be eligible for the final exam this year.
“I wish I can live as carefree as you do, Rei-chan,” Gojo mumbles quietly to the young girl in his arms, glancing down at her sleeping features as she rests her ear above his heart. It was quite jarring honestly, since the little girl looked like one of his best friends, Geto Suguru. A man who he sometimes wish late into the night that he had made a better effort into reaching out to when they are at their lowest.
Gojo knew that the death of Riko had effected all of them in their own ways; and although Gojo had asked Geto a few times if he was alright, he just wished he tried harder. Maybe if he wasn’t so full of himself, that he tried to spot more of the chances in Geto’s behaviour - just maybe, he might still be here right now. He would be the one who witnessed Rei saying her first words (it was ‘dog’ because of Megumi’s Divine Dogs that he lets out at home), to her standing up on her own for the first time, to her first steps. 
Gojo felt guilty for being the one to witness all of her firsts when her parents should be the one to do that.
“I hope you know just how much your parents love you, bunny,” Gojo mumbles quietly to the sleeping toddler in his arms as he cuddles her closer, his somber eyes watching her tiny back as it rose and fell with each one of her deep breaths. “I know you don’t really understand things now, but I hope you do not grow up resenting your parents for giving you away before you even have a chance to know them. Your mother is a brave woman; she knew what she had to do in order to ensure that you’d get to live a fair and comfortable life.”
Only silence greeted Gojo after his soft admission, yet all that did was make Gojo let out a brief chuckle through his nose. “She may call me a dumbass, but she trusted me enough to know that there was no way I am going to let you fend for yourself in this cruel world,” He hums as he reaches up to stroke her chubby cheek ever so slightly, a soft and fond smile tugging against the corner of his lips at how Rei just cuddled closer to him in her sleep. 
“Because at the end of the day, you’re the greatest gift that has ever been gifted to all of us.”
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Warnings: so much fluff and a bit of spice
In which you and bakugou witness your child’s quirk for the first time
Early mornings were the best in your opinion. The warmth of the blankets hugging every inch of your cold body, the sound of cars zipping by outside the cracked window, and the familiar wandering hands that belong to none other than your boyfriend. It’s quite a sight, seeing Katsuki all vulnerable with his head angled just right into the base of the pillow, a pool of drool collecting on it. Usually he’s an early bird, waking up before you to cram in a quick workout then head off making breakfast in the kitchen. However, the routine switched up when a little bundle of joy enterd both of your lives.
Everyone, including you, was surprised you managed to settle Katsuki down let alone have him become a domesticated father. Of course it scared the living shit out of you. Sex with Bakugou was amazing, tenfold even, but one night both of you made an irrational decision to not use protection while being intimate, resulting in you heaving yourself over the toilet the following weekend.
“Stomach flu, right?” Katsuki reasoned anxiously.
“Right.” You reassured him with a crooked smile.
Nine months later you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. To say you were happy was an understatement. Hell, everything you ever wanted landed graciously on your lap like a silver plater. Even though you and Katsuki weren’t planning having kids for a long time, the moment when your daughter finally arrived, it’s like both of y’all knew she came into your lives at the right time.
Now she lays crushed between Katsukis chest, his arms wrapped protectively around her as though something were to have grabbed her in the middle of the night. Their breathing synchronized each time they inhaled and exhaled. For a second, you admire the two figures in front of you. She sure inherited the looks from your boyfriend. Same blonde hair, toothy grin, and crimson eyes. At least she had more of your personality and mannerisms. Although occasionally her sudden outbursts reminded you of Katsuki when he was a teenager.
Your daughters head was in a awkward 45 degree angle, making her blonde hair cover half of her face. Instinctively, you reached over and brushed aside the tangled mess, making her squirm in place at the sudden touch. She opened her eyes finally and obnoxiously yawned, stretching out her small arms. One of her arms accidentally whacked Katsuki in the face during the process.
“Ugh you fucking gremlin...” Katsuki mumbles, playfully swatting his daughters hand away from his face. Your daughter eventually unlatched herself from his arms and began to jump up and down in the space between you and your grumpy looking boyfriend.
“Daddy’s up! It’s time for breakfast!” Your daughter joyfully proclaimed while bouncing around on the king sized bed.
“No it’s not.” He swept his feet that weren’t covered by the devet under hers, causing her to land softly against the bed. You knew she enjoyed the harsh playfulness when you heard her cries of laughter. You giggled and looked over at Katsuki, who at the moment had a temporary scowl across his face.
“Squirt you know the rules. Get yourself cleaned up and then we’ll start making breakfast,” you promised her.
Her eyes lit up at that moment like it was Christmas morning and hoisted herself off the large bed. She closed the door behind her, like you taught her, and scurried off to the shared bathroom. You wanted to have a moment of peace before she comes barging in again. Closing your eyes, you hummed in satisfaction and snuggled more into your pillow. Across from you, Katsuki had other plans in mind. He closed the space between you and laid his hand on the base of your waist, the other bunching up your shirt. Wanting to feel your skin, he slipped his hand under your shirt and rubbed circles around your abdomen. The coldness that clung to your skin immediately warmed up by his gentle touch. The sensation dragged a familiar sensual feeling down your body. A feeling that you haven’t felt in a while. Opening your eyes to where they’re just tiny slits, you can make out Katsuki staring right back at you.
“I know you’re still awake dumbass,” he softly spoke, his breath fanning the crook of your neck. So close he took the opportunity and started kissing the sensitive area. His tongue darted out, licking a small strip in the crevice. You didn’t need a third party to know a bruise was already forming.
“K-Katsuki. Not right now. Our d-daughter is just down the hall from us,” you manage to croak out as he attacked your neck with love bites. Oh how you missed these small little interactions with him. You knew they resorted to adultry, but anything involving foreplay with Katsuki excited you.
He sucked and bit some more of your supple flesh, causing you to ripple out a soft moan.
“Oh baby, how I missed your fucking moans.”
His morning voice mixed in with his already deep brooding one made you even wetter by the minute.
Soon the hand that was rubbing circles around your stomach extended to your breast, grabbing it playfully in tune to his tongue massage on your neck. Katsuki flicked his thumb over your perky nipple, giving it much desired attention. You parted your mouth slightly at the action, letting him latch his lips onto yours. Thankfully your moans were muffled, or else your daughter would’ve heard.
To return the favor, you carelessly grope Katsukis member through his boxers, earning a groan from him within your mouth.
“Fuck baby. You almost made me...cum by just... doing that,” he said in between sloppy kisses.
Without breaking the kiss, you shifted yourself on top of him, straddling his waist with your bare legs on display. His hand left your breast and replaced itself onto your hip, massaging the skin that was exposed. You removed your mouth from his, catching some air you forgot existed until he meshed into you. The two of you were a panting mess.
“It has been awhile, hasn’t it?” You whispered into his ear.
If looks could melt, his infamous smirk would. “Quickie? Before the brat ruins the fun.”
You huffed and pinched his cheek to the point where the flesh turned red.
“Ow fuck! Okay shitty woman. I take back what I said.” He smacked your ass as revenge and kissed the corner of your mouth. “For later then.”
You triumphantly smirk and peck his lips for good measure. Despite being cold turkey from sex, you knew punishing him by having him wait was the best part. You pushed yourself off him and rejoiced to the warm feeling of his chest. Defeated, Katsuki begrudgingly snaked his arms around you, kissing the crown of your forehead. He had to admit, he’d rather enjoy your body next to his than underneath all sweaty with lust. Don’t be fooled, he loves that too.
“What’s taking that brat so long-“
A loud beep startled both you and Katsuki to sit up straight in bed. It was your fire alarm. An alarm that hasn’t gone off since when you first moved in. Katsuki activated his quirk by accident one time in the kitchen, emitting the same annoying blast of noise this morning.
Leaving the bed in shambles, you both hurried out the door in search for your daughter. A foul scent of smoke and ash was wafting through the air. What you weren’t expecting was for the living room and kitchen to be perfectly pristine of any flames or smoke. You checked the perimeter of the area a second time to make sure you weren’t going crazy. Nothing. Maybe the fire alarm was glitching out? You were pull out of your daze when Katsuki slipped on his own feet coming out from the long hallway.
“I think I found out where the smoke is coming from,” he said breathlessly.
He dragged you along with him to your daughters room. Scared and confused, you turn the nob and slowly open the door. There sat your daughter, in the middle of the room laughing hysterically at something. She then noticed you two standing there and smiled widely. Gosh, she looked so much like her father there.
“Mommy daddy, look what I can do!” She said before plugging her nose and lighting herself on fire.
You’d think, this image would scare you, but no. You stared at awe towards your inflamed daughter, basking in at how the flames protected her body and moved with her. It finally came the day where your child’s quirk manifested. She was basically a lone torch. Katsuki mirrored the same emotions you were feeling as well. Your daughter extinguished herself and trailed over to where you both stood. She hugged your lovers leg, cranking her head to where they can directly look at each other.
“Does this mean I can be like you daddy? I can be a future hero just like you?”
Katsuki couldn’t help but to chuckle and bend down to grab her and place her on his hip.
“Just don’t be hanging out with extras when you’re older kiddo.” He reached around and started tickling her aggressively on the sides.
“I promise d-dad n-no stupid extras!” Her laugh with the combination of Katsukis childish taunts was like music to your ears.
And that wasn’t the last of the rude awakening mornings. Nevertheless, you cherished them more now than ever.
(Might be a reoccurring story bc I love daddy katsuki with a torch daughter)
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP 173 (The Sculpture) x Reader | NEW CHARACTER
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
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(Don't ask about that GIF)
I did change 173 slightly in a way that he can move his limbs and communicate verbally, so Peanut here would be a tiny bit OC
First Encounter
You both met in 173's cell
For some reason, when you blinked, 173 just stood in front of you
Like, this peanut didn't kill you or anything
It was more as if he was interested in you
He somehow found the ability to talk
Even patted your head to your surprise
This also supposed the whole of the facility since they've only observed 173 spanning everyone's neck and teleporting
And they've never seen him move his arms since he's a literal peanut statue that secretes poop (and blood I guess)
Your feelings for him
You began to realise you fell for him after someone had mentioned how often you visited the statue
Definitely would try to hide it, to begin with (Cuz it's odd that y'all be falling for a peanut statue)
But later on, you decide to drop hints about it to your crush, Peanut
He looked as if he was clueless
But he definitely has gotten the hint way before you even realised your feelings for him
Because you make him feel butterflies
If anyone tries to flirt with the statue, you would become furious (Cuz you paid for this statue)
Most likely would tease you at times
His Confession
Probably would plan it out
Which didn't work at all
So 173 would just do it out of the blue
To which you agreed of course (Cuz y'all need some Jesus! At least you weren't like Clef when he- nvm)
Definitely surprised the foundation as well since nobody has ever fallen for this statue before (Aside from Clef)
Some would give you both odd looks while others were more curious about your relationship
Probably would conduct tests between the both of you
Only because they want to see if 173's behaviour would change
Like if someone blinked while standing behind you
Since the foundation doesn't let 173 out of his cell, most of your dates would be in there
173 would be similar to 035 since he's pretty chill and laidback
You both would be laying on the floor and looking up at the ceiling
Probably talking about a lot of BS
Probably would tell you his favourite method of killing (which totally isn't snapping necks)
You both would tell each other about your day and peanut would joke around a lot
Is rather sassy as well so if anyone judges, you can always count on 173 to save you
Most likely by snapping their necks
Or sassing them out to the point of no return
When he gets jealous
It's rare to see 173 jealous since he's quite laid back and doesn't really mind who you're with
If 173 does get jealous he would most likely snap their neck
Or just teleport behind you and just stare at whoever is hitting on you
Or he would bend down to their height (if they're short ofc) which does are them off quite a bit
Would definitely drag you back into his cell to which surprised the researchers
Because they found out that the cameras were working and they heard screaming coming near/from his cell
Peanut can be slightly possessive of you
Especially when he knows somebody is hitting on you on purpose regardless of whether they knew you were taken or not
Most likely would ask you who you are hanging out with and for how long
When there's a containment breach
There's a 50% chance that he caused the breach
Whether he did it or not he would look for you
As he's looking for you he would snap some necks
Even gave 682 a heart attack
More than once actually but we don't talk about that here (cuz that hurts 682's heart)
Could care less about every other SCPs/workers
If you were hurt peanut would hunt down whoever did it to you
Probably would stroll down the facility instead of teleporting
To which you giggled
The look on the researchers' faces when they saw 173 frolic across the hallway and back into his cell was priceless
You were even there to witness it and everyone looked at you like they've just seen a ghost
Would lock you up in his cell
Probably would tie you up as well
Definitely would torment you by teleporting in front and away from you
Sometimes would blindfold you
Not even the researchers could get you out
They've even asked 131 for some help and it didn't work as effectively as they thought for whatever reason
If you somehow managed to escape your freedom wouldn't last long
173 would manipulate you to the point that you felt that there weren't any way out for you
So in the end, you just stayed in his cell (probably regretting life choices while you're at it)
At least he's nice enough to let you eat proper food served in the foundation (had to make that clear in case y'all didn't get the hint and thought he gave you smth else to eat)
His younger sister
You're both alike and very close indeed
The foundation was shocked at how alike you both were
And you both were inseparable
So every time there's a breach and they see either of you, they know the other is just around the corner
You both would be sassy, sarcastic and funny
The foundation would be entertained by your remarks
Although you may or may not snap necks like peanut, you do display some form of curiosity towards the foundation staff and the SCPs
Like that one time when there was a containment breach and you leaned in rather close to this rookie and he just screamed as he laid on the floor
He did get quite a lecture afterwards but you decided to just tease him whenever you both meet
When his kid says their name for the first time
Would be joyful af
Nobody would hear the end of it
Like imagine the last words you hear is 173 telling you how his kid spoke their name
Like it took them so long to just get the pronunciation right
Tries to get them to swear late on though
Much to your dismay
173 is a cool and laid back type of dad so you wouldn't have to worry too much when you're away
Unless it's about being a good influence then you should (Not that it matters anyway...)
Probably would teleport to whoever/whatever just tp tell them about it
Even bothered 682 to the point that the lizard begged the foundation researchers to remove either of them
When his S/O is angry
Would run/teleport 10000000000000000000 miles away
Especially if you're mad at him
Probably because he broke your favourite cup and didn't tell you about it because he know that your best friend gave it to you as a gift (Don't say y'all don't have friends)
Would try to calm you down after a while though
Which didn't work too well because you still wanted to rip his head off
If it was somebody else who made you mad he would probably be entertained
Unless it affects himself of course
Probably would try to hold you back and get you to calm down
In which you wanted to rip off his head as well which ended so well for peanut
If 173 cant run anywhere he would just hide in the corner and cry
Probably would as the researchers for some help as well
They don't because they don't want to die either
When someone tries to steal you away
When peanut finds out he would hunt down whoever tried to steal you without hesitation
Would snap his neck and everyone else who were involved or knows about it
Takes you back to his cell
Checks if you were hurt even though you were looking at the kidnapper's @ss
Would try to stay by your side at all times even though he knows he can't
Stares at the researchers every time they talk to you
If it was a D-class they would die in an instant
Has a burning hatred for certain kinds of people
When his Pregnant!S/O gets hurt by accident
Cries without a doubt
Would bandage you up without a doubt
Would cheer you up by doing weird dances and impressions
Most likely would tell you off as well but your puppy eyes get to him
So he would just take that back and just baby you
Would kneel down to talk to the unborn child about your bad behaviour
You swore you felt it kick
173 would get all excited and more protective than usual
Wouldn't let anyone near you unless you were going into labourr
Meeting a Fem!Dragon!Hybrid!Reader
Would be quite curious about you
Finds you rather cute because you're so pure, kind and small
Wants to adopt you without a doubt
The researchers would have mixed feelings about you being in the same cell as 173
Peanut was lowkey terrified when you breathed fire
Was somewhat ok with you crying lava and levitating objects for a bit
Somehow managed to get 343 and/or Scarlet King to help you improve your telekinesis
Definitely would play hide and seek with you and some others
They don't get a say otherwise peanut would snap their necks
When he accidentally kills you
It was when some guy unintentionally pushed you which angered 173
Like he teleported to him and his friends
You tried to explain but 173 didn't listen so he proceeds to snap everyone's necks
Trying your best to defend the poor guy, you stepped in front of them which lead to 173 snapping your neck as well
The guy was shocked but managed to run before anything happened
Word got around that 173 had snapped your neck and was now permanently depressed
Like, he stopped snapping everyone's neck for quite sometime
Felt so guilty that he went to 049 to see if he can fix you
But he wasn't able to so he went to SK and God
They were transported to another facility so they weren't able to do much for this statue
Yandere!173 x Evil!Reader
Not as dense as some of the other SCPs but 173 wouldn't have guessed that you worked for another GOI other than the foundation
Since you used your knowledge of 173 to your advantage, 173 would find out rather late
173 found out who you were working with since the late arrival of the Black Queen came by to collect you
173 would try and kidnap you back into his cell at the Foundation but failed miserably
Would try and warn the foundation but they couldn't get you back either
Since you were with the Black Queen, 173 was plotting to get you back without any distraction
The foundation realised how dangerous 173 has become and isolated him far from the other SCPs
At times, the foundation would use your name in order to get 173 to work with them which worked 50% of the times
Trying McDonald's Sprite
Would be confused about this 'Sprite' from McDonald's since he doesn't eat or drink anyways
173 would be rather curious about this beverage and does give it a try
Finds it tasty and you soon realise he has officially become a sweet tooth
Was probably a mistake but if you ever needed to bribe 173, get him some Sprite that's specifically from McDonald's
Like that one time you bought him Sprite from Tesco's, he said it tasted more disgusting and refused to finish the drink
You should probably give him some apple pies, pancakes and some other sweet stuff from McDonald's
Sometimes the foundation would even give him some Sprite whenever the cleaners are cleaning his cell
Would find it amusing that the only way to get him to stop snapping necks are Sprite
When his kids swear
Would 100% be ok with it
173 probably is the one who taught his child to swear
Probably would let them drink alcohol at a young age as well
Maybe around their teenage years, but would let them try a sip if they're under 10
Wouldn't even be mad if his kid swears accidentally
Peanut would most likely encourage it
Doesn't mind if his kid swears at others, but the others would probably complain
When Child!Reader scares him
Wouldn't be hard to scare 173 tbh because you're so small
You'd be running around and giggling while doing whatever
Until there's some silence
173 would probably brush it off at first until he didn't hear a sound for 20 minutes
Does check around his cell to make sure you're still there
Panics because he can't see you
Until he turns around and had a full-on heart attack because you jumped on him
The researchers definitely hear a screech coming from his cell
They all started laughing once they found out
When the reader pole dances/aerial silk dances
Very similar to 035
Would be in awe of you dancing for him
If you were pole dancing he would probably watch you with those eyes~
Most likely end up in you both performing in another activity
If you were aerial silk dancing, 173 would probably be amazed
Would try and dance with you but fails terribly
Because he keeps dropping like dead flies
Most likely broke his back
Sometimes the researchers wonder how it's even possible for 173 to break his "bones"
Having a Pregnant!S/O
Would crack a lot of dad jokes here and there
Follows wherever you go
Rubs your belly whenever he can
Definitely would make a full conversation with the unborn child
Sometimes would read stories that do make you feel sleepy
Does whatever you tell him to do
Cracks some necks if he can't give you what you need
Would cry whenever you have your mood swings
During labour, you grabbed his arm so hard that it almost broke him
When you try to commit suicide
Would teleport to your side at an instant
Wouldn't let you out of his sight ever again
173 would try to cheer you up which may or may not work
Definitely would kill whoever made you feel this way if any
Make you stay in his cell for a while
Maybe even permanently
Wouldnt let anyone touch you
If you had any scars 173 would cry
Peanut would try his best to stop you from feeling that way
Having a Hopelessly Romantic/Easily flustered GN!Reader
Would definitely tease you
173 would find it adorable that you fluster easily and is hopelessly romantic
I'd say he's pretty hopelessly romantic to a certain degree
Will kill if anyone teases you
Because your adorable flushed look is only reserved for him
Although he would tell all the other SCPs about you
049 and 035 get it the hardest but 035 is completely fine with it
049 would rather just stay in his cell than to hear 173 talk about you for 200 hours
Probably knows more about you than peanut himself
173 would boop your snoot whenever you have that cute look
When you're about to be executed - Yandere!173 x D-Class!Reader
173 would snap everyone's neck and kidnap you back to his cell
If anyone ever mentions your name, 173 would instantly snap their necks
And if they ever tried to find you, he would know and would hide you somewhere else
If you ever tried to flee, 173 would teleport to your side and bribe you to stay 'home'
By bribe, I mean he would force you to return by teleporting the both of you
If anyone sees the both of you, 173 would stalk them to no end
Would torture them if they were to tell the foundation about this
Not even the other SCPs could help
When you curl up in their lap
Would find you the cutest thing on Earth
Aside from 999 of course
If he's exhausted from doing nothing, he would probably just rub your head/back
Definitely would tickle you whenever he can
Finds it comforting when you do curl up in his lap
Thinks that you're so cute to the point that he would kill for you
When you kiss his neck
10000000000000% loves it
Would definitely be vocal because he has no shame
Most likely would ask you to do it again
Even if you were in the middle of talking to someone and they hear him
If you were in the mood, you could tease him with neck kisses for hours on end
Probably would ask you to move on to the next activity but you know he loves being teased
Then after that go back to cuddling
173 would scream but the last time that happened the whole foundation went deaf and you gave him the cold shoulder for a while
Definitely cried about that so he tries to restrain himself
But you feel bad so you just carried on
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xtinyaurora · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a Yandere!Ateez reaction to you running away? I know it’s the standard but I thought it would be easier for the beginning :)
Yandere!Ateez reaction: Their Y/N tries to run away
➼ requested: yes
➼ genre: yandere, smut
➼ gender neutral + Ateez / gnxateez
➼ Word-count: 1386 words
➼ Warnings: nsfw content, strong language, cursing, spanking, slapping, punching, pet names, degradation, yandere themes, psychopathic, blood, violence, yelling, cuffing,...
➼ Note: This is not based on their real behavior or meant to represent real life. This is simply a fan fiction. In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging or promoting yandere behavior or lifestyle. Read at your own risk!!!
Park Seonghwa
He slowly traced the knife over your naked body, you laying on the bed, cuffed and blindfolded. The only thing heard were your tiny whimpers, until his chuckle broke the silence. „What’s wrong, baby, did I ruin your plans?” Well, he did. Yes, you might be dumb for trying to run away, but it seemed so easy. Seonghwa was gone, going grocery shopping and since you weren’t locked in your room this night, you took that opportunity and broke the tiny bathroom window (since the other doors & windows were locked). So as you were trying to squeeze yourself through that window, Seonghwa returned. Scared and confused about his early return, he told you about the cameras. After harshly pulling you out of that widow, he got you into your current state. You cried, begged and tried to apologize but he didn’t wanted to listen to you. „Pathetic” said the male in front of you with an angry yet unimpressed face. The sound of his belt was heard. „Let’s teach you a proper lessen, yea?”
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Kim Hongjoong
He told you to follow his rules, or there will be bad consequences. You didn’t listen. Oh how dumb you are to beak one of his most important rules. „Please, I will do everything you want but please stop!” you cried out loudly. Hongjoong only looked at you with his demonic eyes, smirking at you. „Oh, you want me to stop?” he mocked you with a voice, similar to your own. „Want me to stop pulling out your nails, to stop with the constant whipping and punching and to stop biting your skin so it doesn’t bleed? No, slut, I am not gonna stop, because I’ve told you many times not to break the rules. I’ve told you to never try and run away from me, but, you didn’t listen. So take responsibility for your actions and live with the consequences, dumb pet.”
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Jeong Yunho
„You’ve hurt me.” said the guy in front of you, disappointed and angry. „Yunho, I am so sorry, but I can’t do this anymore, please try to understand me.” you cried, kneeling in front of him, hands behind your back. „No, I don’t understand, and I won’t ever understand and do you know why? Because I give you everything you want, everything you can dream of, take care of you and love you to death, and this is the way you repay me? Are you serious, Y/N?” He started to form tears in his eyes while talking. Honestly, you felt kinda bad and ashamed because he was right. He actually really treats you like a royalty, expect for not letting you out of course. He never forgot to buy your favorite flowers before coming home and he never failed to realize when you felt down, taking care of you and not leaving your side for a second. „I am sorry, but I need to show you that you can’t always have it your way, baby. You’ve tested my patience... Come on turn around and get on all fours.”
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Kang Yeosang
Stupid. That’s what Yeosang thought of you right now. How could you be so stupid, asking his friends for help? Since you knew his phone password, you texted his friends and tried to explain what kind of a psycho your boyfriend was and that you needed help to escape. Of course, no one believed you. After deleting everything, you putted his phone back, sitting on the couch quietly. „Here.” your boyfriend gave you a bowl of popcorn, starting the movie you were planning to watch. After 10 minutes, Yeosang took his phone from under the pillow, checking what you were up to since he saw how you typed on it before. One of his best friends, Wooyoung, texted him, asking about what his lover told them earlier. Yeosang got red out of anger. „Hey, baby?” he asked. You slowly turned you head in his direction, panicking. „Yes?”. „Did you play with my phone?”. Silence. Now he looked at you and before anything else, you felt his fist in your face. Not once or twice but around 12 times in a row, face starting to bleed. „Stupid thing, what do you think you are doing?! I will make you regret this.”
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Choi San
„Yea, you like that, slut?” growled the male behind you. He’s in the middle of ripping your ass apart, punishing you for trying to run away. You idiot thought you could cuff him to the bed while he was sleeping and take his keys to get out of there. Oh how dumb you are. „You little piece of shit, I am going to hurt you so bad. How dare you to pull something like this, huh?!” did the psycho scream at you. He turned you around, grabbing your neck, putting pressure on it and spitting on your face. Then he started slapping you in the face. „Learn your place, pet. Don’t you dare to do something as stupid as this again because next time, I am not only going to break those pretty legs but your arms too, is this understood?”. You only nodded, too terrified to speak. „Good. Now let me get a knife, so I can crave my name into your beautiful soft skin, hm?”
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Song Mingi
You were tied to a chair, sitting in the cold and scary basement. Slowly, you heard the door opening. Mingi entered the room looking at you coldly. He had a small bag in his left hand, slowly placing it on the table a few feet from you. He then opened the bag, pulling out a hammer, a knife and an axe. He stared at them for a minute, until he took the axe into his hand and came towards your frightened figure. You began to panic, violently shaking your head. „Oh my god, please don’t.” you begged. As he didn’t stop, you closed your eyes. He kneeled down in front of you, placing the axe above your left knee. „I’ve told you to never run. I’ve told you that if you do something as stupid as this, I will hurt you. Not because I want to, but because I have to.” After finishing his sentence, he raised his hand, ready to chop you leg off.
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Jung Wooyoung
You’ve seen this boy get mad, but this time he was completely different. This boy was an ass, now adding more annoyance and brutality to it. He made fun of your crying figure, calling you a crybaby and telling you to shut up. „Cut it. I said that I don’t want to hear your fucking voice. Annoying brat.” did he say while giving you another harsh spank with his belt. Your whole body felt numb at this point. Even if you wanted to move, you just couldn’t. „Ohhh, already giving in?” He laughed. „Come on you can do better than that. Straighten that back!” he started yelling at you. Since you failed to move nor talk, you remind quiet, angering him even more. He pulled you up by your hair so you could look him deep into his eyes. He then started to smirk „Oh, we will have so much fun tonight!”
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Choi Jongho
Smack! A few more following close behind. Your ass probably had the shades of red, no, purple by now. I mean, Jongho is a strong man, of course his hits are a lot harder. He had you bend over his leg for over 30 minutes now, not a single glimpse of pity. You felt how the blood floated over your tights all the way to the ground. „What? Does it hurt?” you couldn’t make out any emotions in his voice. Was he still mad or was he trying to show some sympathy? You nodded your head, hoping that he would stop. But the only thing coming out of his mouth was a simple „Good.” When he stood up, you thought it was over but dang it, how dumb you were to think that. He placed you on the bed, then took his clothes off. He grabbed his phone and told you to strip. He stared filming you while so, fucking you roughly afterwards, still filming. „After our little session, I will send and post this everywhere so everyone know who you belong to and who’s names matters to you. Show everyone how good you can be for me, come on.”
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nyxerebus · 3 years
Unlikely Companions (Daryl Dixon x Female reader/ PLATONIC! Carl x Reader)
Summary: Carl was running for his life, being chased by walkers after he went on his own looking for Sophia. When he is corned by the walker a stranger woman saves him. She is looking for her Fiancee for the old world, but offers her help returning him to the farm. They bond over the days in the woods and she learns she might have another reason to find the farm.
Words: 3.1 k
“Carl?” Lori shouted across the farm. She hadn’t seen the boy all day and was starting to get nervous. “Have you seen Carl?” Maggie shook her head. “Not since breakfast” She answered in her southern accent. “Maybe he is with Rick? Or Shane?” Lori just nodded, but didn’t feel any safer. Where was her son?
Carl was running for his life. The two walkers were closing inn. He knew better than to shout and call for help, knowing it would probably attract even more walkers, but right now he didn’t care. “MOM!” He quickened his pace. “DAD!” Two walkers turned into four as two more appeared at his side. Tears was now streaming down his face as he was sure he was going to die here. He looked back again, ready to face death. But the walkers didn’t close inn on him. Instead arrow after arrow filled the air and all the walkers dropped. When Carl turned back around, fully expecting to see Daryl standing there, was surprised to see a stranger. “Are you okay?” The stranger asked him. Carl looked up at the woman. He was inn shock and didn’t know what to say. “You got a group? A family” She continued to ask him. When she tried to approach him, he backed up. “Hey, you don’t need to worry, I won’t do you any harm. Look” She dropped her cross bow and unleased her knife from her holster. When both fell to the ground, she could see him relaxing more. “Can I ask your name?”
“Carl, Carl Grimes”
“Well, Carl Grimes. I’m (Y/N) (L/N). I’m looking for my fiancée. But I can help you return back to you family. Someone as young as you shouldn’t be out here alone”.
Carl was still unsure about her. Remembering her mother’s speech about stranger danger. But those were the rules of the old world. Here in the new world they should accept help form anyone who invites it, right? After thinking it through, he nodded. “Okay, okay. This is a good start. How far away is your camp?” Carl looked down, a bit embarrassed. “I don’t know”
“Do you know the directions?” He shook his head. “Well shit, looks like were in quiet a pickle huh?” She smiled at him, trying to ease him. “I don’t know this area, never been here before. So, I say we head in one direction and hope for the best. What do you think?” He nodded. “Great! Lets go then!”
And so they started to wander. (Y/N) in front, with Carl a meter behind. “Sooo, do you have a favourite movie or something?” He just stared at her. “What! Come on, were going to be stuck with each other for a while, might as well get to know each other”. After a minute of silence, he spoke. “Iron Man”
“That’s a good movie! Mine is probably that or Pride and Prejudice”. Carl scrunched up his nose almost in disgust. “But that’s so girly! All they do is talk about their feelings and kiss!” She looked back at him, offended by his remarks. “And!? It’s a great love story that is still relevant to this day” She played up her offence more hoping it would make him laugh. It did. “Its still so girly” He said between giggles. “Never mind, were is the nearest walker. I’m feeding you to it” (Y/N)’s giggling was now a full on laughter. “Nooo!” Carl was laughing too. (Y/N) was relieved he was laughing, afraid the incident had traumatized him badly.
Back at the farm, panic was settling inn as no one knew were Carl was. “Who was the last to see him?” Rick asked the group. “I saw him after breakfast” Andrea spoke up, she and Carol was comforting Lori, who was having a full blown break down. “He probably went out looking for Sophia alone” All looked to Shane. “I’m mean why else would he suddenly leave”.
“I think your right, but he is still healing from the gun wound, he wouldn’t get far. And if a walker got him, he wouldn’t have much fight in him”.
“My baby!” Lori cried out in agony. “We need to send out search groups, he couldn’t have gone far”. Everyone agreed with Rick. “And with some luck we might find Sophia as well” Daryl nodded at Carol. She smiled back.
The sun had set and the night was creeping closer. (Y/N) had set up an alert system around the small camp they built for the night. Barb wire around them with empty cans tied up. They would rattle if a walker came close and waking them up. It was how (Y/N) had been sleeping every night.
“Go to sleep, I’ll look out for walkers” (Y/N) said leaned back against a tree. She had laid down her sleeping bag that he could use. “I wont fall asleep” Carl complained. “Try”.
“Can you tell me a story” She looked at him weird. “Aren’t you a bit old for fairy tales?”
“Not fairy tales, stories about your life, from before this?” She still looked at him weirdly. “My mom used to tell me stories from her collage days so I could fall asleep when I was younger. Can you please?” When he looked at her with those poppy eyes, (even though it was hard to see with only their small campfire as a light source), who could say no?
“Okay kid, one story than you go to sleep. Deal?” He nodded “What do you want to know?”
“You are engaged right, how was the proposal?” She giggled at the memory but started to tell about the best day of her life:
“Daryl! What are we doing here?” She was a bit frustrated as the redneck pulled her along the streets. It was midday and pretty damn hot. She pulled down her dress skirt as the wind picked up. “Have some patience’ damn woman” She giggled at his bruteness. One of the things she loved about the man, one of many. When they stopped in front of a new bookshop, he could see the hearts in her eyes. “I dint know they opened a new bookshop here!” She exclaimed. “Saw it last night and thought you might like it” Lies. He had known they were opening here for the past month, doing everything in his power to make sure you dint know. They actually had opening night a week ago.
Now it was her turn to drag him along. It surprised her to see the shop empty, seeing as the streets were pretty full. But she didn’t think much of it. Running between shelves after shelves, the one book in hand turning into two, than four and now finally six books. But when she turned around, all the books fell too the floor. Because there before her was her lovely boyfriend, down on one knee with a ring between his fingers. “Oh my god” She whispered into the silent shop. As if on cue, the speakers played her favourite song.
“(Y/N) (L/N), you are the love of my life. And I just want to be your man’ for the rest of your life. And, shit you know I aint’ good with my emotions, but when I’m with ya’ it seems so easy. Shit, I’m messing it all up” He was stumbling over his own words, clearly forgetting a pre-rehearsed speech. “no, please continue” tears were forming in her eyes. “I love ya’ (Y/N), my Sunshine. You book crazy mad woman. I love everything about ya’. So, will ya’ marry me?” He was ready for a rejection, ready to see her walk out of his life forever. But she didn’t.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, a million times yes” Tears were streaming down her face. He stood up and kissed her. His arm wrapping around her waist, bending her down a bit so he could kiss her more passionately. Like in the movies. They only broke off so he could slip the ring on her finger, it fit her perfectly.
“Did he rent out the bookshop?” Carl asked, clearly very invested. “Yeah, cost him way too much, but he didn’t care. That idiot was never good with money” She giggled at the memories. “What about after, what did you guys do?”
“Nah nah nah, the deal was one story than you go to sleep. I can tell you more tomorrow”. Carl huffed in annoyance but turned around in the sleeping bag. “Good night”
“Good night Carl”.
“Rick, it’s been a whole night! Where is he?” Lori was completely lost; she hadn’t slept all night. To worried about where her son was. “What if his trapped, oh god! What if those walkers got him?”
“We can’t think like that! He is fine. He has to be” Rick did everything he could to try and look confident and comfort his wife, but the worry was eating him up as well. The same thoughts were running through his head as well. Those terrible images of his baby boy being ripped apart by the walkers.
“Okay, open your mouth” Carl did as instruct and tried to catch the berry she threw into his mouth. She missed, but only with an inch! “You suck!” Carl teased her. “Hey! I’m not the one with a tiny mouth!” She teased back. “Alright, lets start walking big man”. He nodded and helped her clean up the camp. “Can I ask a question?” The boy asked as they continued to walk. “Sure”
“What happened between you and your fiancée? Why aren’t you together now?”
She took a deep breath. “When the outbreak happened, we weren’t together. He was off god know where with his brother, probably bailing him out or something-” Carl looked at her questioning, “That’s another story. But yeah, we weren’t together. I was at campus and that turned into a mess, I lots a lot of friends there. Mass panic and everybody evacuated. I and a couple of other students bunkered up a dorm room. Living of the instant noodles and beer we found. That lasted maybe 4 days. So, we left and split off, I wanted to go into the woods, where he would be and the rest wanted to go to back to Atlanta. And since than I have been looking for him. Living in the woods like a mad man.” Tears started to form in her eyes when she relived the horrible times at the campus.
“Sorry I asked”. He looked down. “Its alright” She smiled at him. “What were you studying?”
“Heh, literature. Not much help in the apocalypse, I guess”.
“Than how did you learn to use the bow and hunt?”
“He taught me” She smiled at the memory, and thanked him desperately for teaching her:
“Why do I need to learn this? I live in the city, I will never hunt or live in the woods!” Daryl just scuffed at her and placed the bow he bought in her hands. He had brought her out to the woods after her classes to teach her hunting. “ya’ need to be able to fend for yourself and feed yourself” She just looked him with a raise brow, but eventually gave in. “Fine, fine. Teach me”. A smirk played out on his face, happy with his little victory. Truth be told, he needed to know that you could fend for yourself and be independent, in and out of the city. It eased him at night, in a weird way. “Why cant I learn the crossbow like you?”
“First bow, than crossbow. Alright Sunshine’”
Shoooo! The arrow flew through the air and hit the squirl in the head. “Score!” (Y/N) exclaimed. She fastened the squirrel two her belt, joining the five others she had shot. “We eating good tonight!” Carl looked at the squirrels with a lot of scepticisms. “What? Don’t tell me you’re a picky eater”
“No, it just looks so weird like that” They bickered back and front while they walked in the direction, they thought the farm was inn. They had changed their direction a couple of times, hoping to get closer and see sign of life.
They had spent the entire day walking, and as the night came closer they found a spot to camp up. Carl set up the wires while (Y/N) started a fire to cook the squirrels. While they ate, Carl told her about his family and the people they were in the camp with. “What the hell! You got shot?!”
“Yeah!” Carl had a proud grin on his face, finally having something that made him look cool. “Shit, man your tougher than me if you can bounce back like that”. He laughed and continued to brag about the experience. It was a nice conversation. He talked a bunch about his family, mostly about his dad. Clearly his hero. But than he mentioned a familiar name.
“Wait! Daryl? Daryl with a crossbow?” Carl just nodded. “Does he have a west with angel wings? Brother named Merle?” When Carl nodded again. Tears started to from in her eyes. She was going to be reunited with Daryl, her Daryl. He was alive. That night when Carl finally fell asleep, her mind wandered to all the amazing memories with the man.
It was cold in the room. The window was wide open and letting the moonshine lighting up the small bedroom. (Y/N) and Daryl was huddled together for warmth on the bed. It had been an long night. From a failed date after the place Daryl wanted to take her to was closed, she got catcalled which ended up with her having to drag Daryl of the stranger. And when they got home, he showed her his scars. She was the first romantic partner he had ever shown. The night ended with their naked, sweaty bodies pressed together, while both worked to please the other. It was their first night together, her first night with anyone. When they lied down together basking in the aftermath of their climax, it was one of the happiest times in her life. He wrapped his arms around her and puller her on top of him. Her head resting on his chest, with his arms wrapped around her, caressing her back with one hand, the other squeezing her thigh. “I love ya Sunshine”.
“(Y/N)! Wake up!” Carl shook her awake. “What’s happening” She immediately reached for her bow and charged it ahead of her, ready to attack any enemy that threatened them. “I can see the farm!” The night had made it harder to see a head of them, but now that the sun was lighting up the world, they could see the farm a head of them. (Y/N) realised her bow and the breath she was holding. They packed up the camp at record time, both wanting to reach the farm as quickly as possible. The walk over to the farm was quiet. When they reached the outcast of the woods, a voice stopped them from going any further.
“Well, well, well, look at that. Do you guys see this fine piece of ass” A man walked out from behind a tree with a gun raised at them both. Three other guys came out, all with their weapons raised. “Sure do boss. Haven’t seen a woman this fine in what feels like ages. I’m just aching to be inside of her”.
(Y/N) placed herself protectively in front of Carl. “What do you guys want? Our food, weapons? You can have that, just leave us alone” Her voice trembled a little afraid of what they will do to them. “Oh, we don’t need your left overs or those teeth pickers you call knifes, no baby. We want something different” He grabbed his crotch when he said the last part. “Carl, run”.
“What? I cant leave-” “Carl! Run!” One of the guys tackled her down. Holding her down on the ground. “Get the kid” The boss said to the guy closest to Carl. “RUN!” She shouted before her mouth was covered. Carl finally ran away, when the guy ordered to catch him started to run after him.
When he made it out of the forest and ran across the fields to the farm, he started to shout out for help. “MOM! DAD!”.
“Do you guys hear that?” Glenn asked the group as they sat around planning the move for the day. “That’s Carl” Lori ran towards the field and saw her son running across it being chased by a stranger.
“Carl!” All the guys saw it too and started to run to Carl. The guy chasing him, saw the men running towards him and turned around to warn the others. “Carl!” Rick finally got to hug his son after being missing for 3 days. But the hug was cut short when Carl pushed free. “We need to head back, (Y/N), the girl that helped me is back there and the guys are attacking her!” He pulled his fathers hand and started to move back to the woods, but Daryl stopped him.
“(Y/N), as in (Y/N) (L/N)?” When Carl nodded Daryl took off and ran towards the forest. The others followed, but this time Carl was pushed back behind them. When they got closer they could hear her voice yelling for them to get off. They reached the area Daryl did not hesitate to shoot the guys around her, holding her down while the main guy was cutting up her clothes. When she got her hands free, she leaped on the last guy and grabbed her knife they had forgotten to remove from her belt. When he was pushed to the ground she didn’t hesitate to stab him in the chest. She didn’t stop after one, two three or four. Blood splashed on her face and torned shirt. Her hands were covered in blood.
Rick took a step forward, but stepped on a twig that snaped in two. She leaped up and raised the knife up, ready to protect herself against another attacker. But when she saw Daryl standing there, she dropped the knife. Sobs wracked through her body and she took a stumbling step forward. Daryl closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her waist. He didn’t care that she was covered in blood, just happy that she was safe. She was alive.
Her knees buckled and she fell down, taking him with her. They were both on their knees holding each other and crying into each other’s necks. Right now, nobody else mattered. Not Rick, Glenn or Shane who was staring at the scene in front of them. Not the bodies of her attackers lying around them. No one. Only them as they held each other for the first time. It seemed as Carl had led her back to her family just as much as she had helped him back to his.
A/N: Part 2 is out! You can read it here : Part 2
Please ignore any spelling mistakes as English is not my first language :) 
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harryskalechips · 4 years
you want to give it a go?
A/N Omg hi guys I’m back with a little update. I’m so sorry I haven’t been writing much. I’ve been super busy with school but I wanted to say thank you to everyone who still supports me on this platform and appreciates my work. I love you guys so much. The friends I made on here are absolutely incredible. You can always reach out to me despite me not posting hahah. Anyway here it is! Hopefully I’ll be back with something new in some time. 
Y/N and Harry are just friends but when they get themselves mixed in a threesome, things change. 
Word count: 3.7k / Masterlist
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Harry and Y/N are just friends. They met back a year ago through Nick at his birthday party and ever since that they clicked. 
He enjoys the time he spends with her after all, everything felt normal. There was never a discussion about his fame or her anxiety about who will see them together. Instead, their friendship was always just about them and that was all. 
Harry may have been seeing someone and although he never thought it was serious, Nadia was coming over during the nights where Y/N was supposed to be hanging out with him. It was fine and dandy since they decided to hang out together as Nadia knew her “boyfriend”’s best friend wasn’t much of a threat. This continued for months until one night, Y/N brought some wine to celebrate her big promotion earlier from the day.
 The three were having a great conversation on the floor as they smoked some weed and had some messy Chinese takeout on Harry’s living room floor. It was just about 9 PM when Nadia sparked up a new question in their group. A rather dirty one perhaps. 
“Have you guys ever been in a threesome before?” She smiles as she stares innocently at the man in between her and the other girl. Harry sips his wine as his eyes widened a bit. He waits for Y/N to answer first but she doesn’t reply. Instead, her cheeks turn red as a tomato. “Be honest! I’ll say it first. I’ve never been but I’ve always wanted to try it.”
“I may have?” Harry mumbles as he rubs his bottom lip.
“What type of answer is that?” Nadia laughs as she puts her joint in an ashtray on top of the coffee table. “I won’t get mad.” She shakes her head.
“I remember doing stuff with other girls and guys but I don’t remember clearly.” He answers truthfully and looks at his best friend. “What about you, Y/N?” He didn’t know what to expect. Would he feel a bit angry or protective?
“Why are you guys asking this?” She tries to change the topic and laughs. “Who wants some more wine?” Nadia leans over Harry’s legs to grab the glass out of Y/N’s hand.
“Answer the question.” She laughs at her as she rubs her boyfriend’s thigh. Harry coughs again and tries to drink some more wine. Luckily, he still had some left.
“No. I haven’t been.”
“Would you want to try it?” Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t Nadia who asked but instead, Harry.
“Oh, I don’t know.” Y/N tries to brush it off. “Maybe, one day.”
“Here, I’ll let you think about it.” Nadia giggles. “I can make out with Harry and if you feel like joining you can.” Not a surprising act from Nadia to be honest. She was always the type of girl to try anything.
“Na-” Harry tries to stop her. He didn’t want to pressure Y/N into having a threesome. He especially didn’t want it to be awkward for their friendship. Isn’t rule #1 of threesomes is that the third person is someone you don’t know?
“Harry, it’s fine. The most she’ll feel is uncomfortable but I mean, she’s seen us kiss before.” Nadia straddles him as she wraps her arms around his neck. She begins to softly kiss his jaw as she moves her soft pink lips to meet his. Her hips softly rock into his, that as his eyes watch Y/N -he held Nadia by her waist. 
A soft moan comes out of his mouth which makes Nadia pull away. She takes her shirt off and tosses it at the girl watching them. Harry looks at her with his pouty lips. Y/N looks at him too as she tries to read his mind. Does he want me to join in? Would this get weird? Do I want to actually do this?
“It’s a one-time thing. We don’t have to talk about it ever again.” Nadia smiles as she unbuttons Harry’s shirt. Harry’s thumb slides down her bottom lip as he looks at Y/N again.
“What do you think H?” Y/N could feel her heart beat fast as she watched him. She knew she didn’t like him romantically so she was not concerned about catching feelings. She was scared of how her performance would be. Maybe, they would judge her?
“Come on.” Harry whispers reassuringly as he takes his hand out for her to reach. Nadia immediately gets off him as she runs to his room, taking her clothes off in the process. Although Harry leads Y/N  to the room hand in hand, he was nervous as fuck yet he couldn't deny his excitement. 
Nadia lays down in the middle of the king bed as she watches her boyfriend take Y/N’s clothes off. Maybe, since she was new to all of this he wanted her to feel special? No biggie. She thought. 
She watches Harry lean in to kiss Y/N which the girl reciprocates without any complaint. Of course, she was a bit hesitant but she couldn’t ignore the fact how she could hear his heartbeat so fast as if it was in sync with hers. His hands slid from her waist to the bottom of her shirt as he carefully helped her take it off. “You’re doing so well, baby.” He kisses her a bit more deeply as he unbuttons her pants. He drops to his knees and kisses her tummy as he takes her underwear and her jeans off together. 
“I’m getting a bit lonely here.” Nadia quietly complains. She sits up immediately and approaches Y/N from behind to take her bra off. She kisses her neck as she gropes her chest. “How are you feeling?” She asks sweetly as they both watch Harry take his clothes off.
“Really nervous.”
“You want to do this, for real?” Harry asks. He knows it’s a bit too late but he needed to hear it from her just to be sure. Because as much as he wants to have this night for themselves, there’s a tiny part of him that wished it was just him and … No, she’s your friend and you have Nadia. 
“Yeah.” She purses her lips as she eyes his chest. God, she’s checking him out right now and for the first time, he’s actually aware.
 “Alright. Nadia, go to the bed,” Harry instructs her as he bites his lip. He sits on the edge of the mattress as he fists himself slowly. “Come here and suck it.” His voice deepens. Nadia smirks as she kneels on the floor. Her hands replace his as she confidently spits on him to jerk him off. Y/N stands in the corner of the room watching the couple. She definitely felt like she was intruding. “Come here.” Harry’s voice softens. His hands intertwined in Nadia’s blonde hair softened as he watched his friend walk behind her to sit beside him.
 “Should I do something?” Y/N asks as she covers her chest. Harry laughs as he removes her arms. 
“Baby, why are you covering up?” This nickname seems to be a popular word tonight. It made Nadia’s focus from their pleasure to just observing them. “Why won’t you come a bit closer,” Harry suggests. His hand takes her face as he kisses her. Nadia goes faster trying to deep throat him so she can try and get his attention back on her but all he does is ignore her as his hands play with Y/N’s chest. Groping and sucking and overall, just loving.
 “Fuck.” Y/N mumbles out loud as she watches Nadia suck her best friend’s dick. 
“You want to give it a go?” Harry takes himself out of Nadia’s mouth. He slaps her cheek and moves himself to the bed. “Y/N, come here.” She obeys. He gestures her down as he grips himself in front of her. He helps guide it into her mouth as he cups one of his balls. The pure image of her laying down on his bed sucking his dick made him already want to burst. “Fuck, baby you’re such an angel aren’t you?” 
Nadia helps herself onto the bed and without a word, she sits on Harry’s face so she doesn’t have to hear him talk. She didn’t even face Y/N because she realized this was a big mistake. Her fault for drinking too much wine. 
Harry’s hands held onto Nadia’s thighs as he ate her out but once he felt Y/N gagging, they immediately went to her instead. His big hands removing her hair from her face as he slowly forced her head down. Her eyes rolled back a bit as he thrusts himself involuntarily into her mouth.
 Nadia pulls his hair and puts more pressure onto his face so he can direct his attention back to her. He gropes her boobs as well but that didn’t stop him from thinking of the dirtiness Y/N was doing. He instantly tapped Nadia off him as he pushed himself up. He made Y/N sit up so he can push her onto the bed where the pillows were. He held her arms above her head as he sucked on her nipples. His tongue bouncing in and out of his mouth as he left soft licks down her torso until he reached her wet centre. His fingers going into Nadia’s mouth before rightfully so inserting them into Y/N’s core. Soon after he fingers her at a quick pace. He ignores the fact Nadia sat on the bed, just looking at them speechless. 
“Fuck, I know you’re fucking beautiful but the way you look right now is driving me absolutely mad,” Harry mumbles as his hands tightened on Y/N’s neck. As she reaches her first orgasm, Harry reaches over her to put on a condom. After permission. He rocks himself forward, putting one of her legs on his shoulder. Nadia hovers over Y/N’s chest to kiss Harry but she slowly pushes his chest to make him stop focusing on Y/N. Harry for once got her message. He takes his condom off and tosses it onto the table. He puts a new one on and forces Nadia on all fours. He fucks her behind as he pulls on Y/N’s hair. His eyes watching her chest and her centre as she laid down beside Nadia touching herself. Nadia leans over to make out with her but all Harry wanted to do was fuck Y/N all over again. 
Not after long, Harry pulls out of Nadia without another word. He takes his condom off and stands from the bed and pulls Y/N from her legs. He flips her around and bends her over the mattress. He slaps her ass and holds her arms down as he fucks her hard. His hand eventually tugging on her hair as he let out grunts. Naida watches her boyfriend fuck his best friend bare as she hears him mumble, “Best fuck ever”
The following day, Harry leaves Y/N in his bed as he goes to the kitchen looking for Nadia. He was wondering where she was. Yet there she sat in his shirt, crying at the counter. 
“Are you okay?”
“You’re really asking me that?” She wipes away a tear as she sarcastically laughs. 
“I know you like her.” She closes her eyes. “You told me there was nothing to worry about but the way you treated her last night… it’s a whole new story.”
“Nadia, we had a lot to drink I’m sorry if I made you feel like that.” Harry tries to reason with her. There is no way he likes Y/N. she’s normal and he’s famous. She wouldn’t want to be part of his mess. She’s basically out of his league anyway. 
“Harry! You legit fucked me for 3 minutes while making you and her cum five times.” Harry covers his face with his hands. 
“You suggested it, didn’t you?” He retaliates. “I don’t know what happened last night. You should’ve said something. It was her first time.”
“I think you’re forgetting it’s my first time too.” Nadia mumbles. Harry immediately shuts up as he feels the guilt in his chest. Nadia puts her coffee mug in the sink before going up to him. “Be honest. Do you like her? Was last night really the best fuck you ever had.”
“I don’t fucking like her Nad!” Harry groans. “She’s my best friend and I did that because I didn’t want to make her feel left out. I’m sorry.”
“I d-”
“I’ll make it up to you, okay?” Harry steps forward to put his hands on her shoulders. He didn’t like Y/N. They were just friends. Nadia is who he is seeing. “She wasn’t even that good. I was just showing her the ropes. Every time she made me cum I was thinking of you.” Nadia laughs but Harry gulps as he knows that was for sure a lie. Y/N was a living wet dream last night. He was pretty much still thinking of her when he woke up today with her laying down on his chest.
 “Glad to know.” A voice speaks up. Y/N was dressed in a spare shirt she had in the house as she stood by the archway. She was nervous to see them in the kitchen but she had hope that everyone would forget about last night “Thanks for teaching me.” She sarcastically replies. She leaves the house without another word. 
Harry. Harry, her best friend who basically said yes to her last night was now shoving her dignity up her ass. She could even feel a tear fall down her face after what she heard from him. She knew she was new to it all but to be judged at a time you were the most vulnerable is fucked up. She expected more from them. From his especially, since last night he couldn’t shut up about her. 
“Y/N, don’t go,” Harry yells out as he stood at his door watching her go to her car. “I- That’s not what I meant.”
“Fuck you!” She coldly replies as she opens her door. She tosses her purse and last night’s clothes in the passenger seat before closing the car door for herself.
“Y/N. Baby, don’t go. Nadia was jealous about last night.” Harry pleads as he taps her window. She opens it slowly and sighs.
 “Was she not the one who initiated it?” She snaps as she puts her sunglasses on. “I knew last night was a mistake.”
“Y/N. It wasn’t -hey, get out of the car. Can we talk?”
“I don’t feel like talking. That’s the problem.” She rubs her cheek in frustration. “It’s not your fault okay? I just need time.”
“Time for what?”“
Time to understand that things are different for us now.”
“No, it’s not. You’re my best friend. Y/N come-”
“Harry, I’ll reach out just give me some time.” She repeats to him.
It’s been a week since Y/N ghosted Harry. A week absolutely too long, in his opinion. Their routine used to be solid. They would facetime, visit each other, and honestly just talk. Some nights they watched movies, some nights they made dinner but at least they were together. As much as Nadia was mad about that night, she forgave Harry because he’s right. She initiated it so the most she can do is let go of her anger. But maybe it wasn’t just Harry lying to himself.
 “You okay?” Mitch asks him as they sat in his home studio trying to make a new song.
 “Y/N is mad at me.” He lets go of the guitar on his lap to scratch his nose. “She asked for some space but I don’t know for how long.”
“You miss her.”
“No.” Harry lies because missing her was already another tunnel into a statement he denied. He is not romantically interested in her. “I wish she came back that’s all. She’s stressing me out.”
“You miss her because you realized she wasn’t the problem.” Mitch pushes further. He smirks a bit as he watches Harry become speechless. “I don’t know what happened to you guys but don’t let her out of your sight. You might not realize she’s gone.”
And as Harry pretended to sit there like he didn’t care, a strong feeling in his chest arose. Something that’s been buried deep for way too long.
2 months later.
“Happy birthday Sarah!” Y/N greets her as she walks into her home. It was Sarah’s birthday and Mitch decided to throw her a surprise party. 
“Thank you so much.” She smiles as she hugs her. “I haven’t seen you in so long, where have you been?
”“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy.” Y/N answers truthfully. She puts Sarah’s gift on the table beside them as the birthday girl takes her hand to lead her into the living room.
“Guess who’s here!” Sarah yells out to her friends. Nadia sitting on Harry’s lap was the first one to notice Y/N and soon after the man underneath noticed too. 
“Hi, guys!” Y/N smiles as she tries to ignore the couple on the couch. Harry was about to greet her when a man walked up behind Y/N.
“Babe, here’s your charger.” The guy hands it to her as he puts his arm behind her lower back. 
“Thanks.” She smiles sweetly as she holds his hand instead. “This is Brendan. We’ve been dating for a while.” She proudly introduces him to everyone.
“You finally got a boyfriend?” Mitch teases as he drinks his beer beside Harry. “Nice to meet you.” Brendan nods as he greets him back. Overall, Y/N was happy, he came with her because the way Harry was looking at her made her not feel so good.
As the party continued, Y/N’s boyfriend stuck to her like a lost little boy. At least that’s what Harry thought. After Nadia went swimming in the backyard with some other girls, he sat with Mitch secretly observing Y/N. She looked happy and overall, just pretty... really pretty. 
As other guests walked around the house socializing, Sarah and Mitch sat with Harry at the couches while Y/N and Brendan made their way over towards them. “Glad to see you again.” Harry greets Y/N nonchalantly as he raises his beer to them. His eyes were focused on the TV that was playing some movie. 
 “You too. It’s nice to see you and Nadia still together.”
“Yeah.” He replies and after some silence, he realized he needed to get out of here. “I’m going to the kitchen.” He sighs as he rubs his thighs. Y/N wanted to follow him. She knew it was going to be awkward seeing him again but she didn’t expect him to be this mad. Does he even have the right to be?
“Brendan, I’m going to get a snack actually. Why won’t you ask Mitch about how his job works since you were wondering?”
“Oh yeah, sure.” Brendan looks confused as she steps away from the conversation. Y/N walks to the kitchen and sees Harry biting his cheek as he munched on some chips from the bowls laid out. 
“I know you were mad about me wanting some space but I don’t know why you’re still mad about it.” Harry laughs sarcastically as he watches her. 
“It’s been 2 months and you’re asking me why I’m mad?”
“Well, yeah. I thought you’d be happy to see me again.”
“No, Y/N. I would be happy if you got out of your fucking car that day to talk to me. I would be happy if you just told me why you needed space.
”“You’re telling me it’s not clear to you?” She crosses her arms against her chest.
“I expected you to come back!” He looks around the kitchen and lowers his voice. “It’s a bit hard to see someone everyday then suddenly they disappear.” He scoffs. “You wouldn’t answer my texts or my calls.”
“We shouldn’t have done what we did that night.” She mumbles. “It was the alcohol and the temptation that influenced us and at the end, it’s what destroyed us.”
“Do you regret it?” He closes his eyes, praying she didn’t. Because maybe just maybe, that night meant a lot to her the same way it did to him. Does he love her? Yes, but romantically? He has no fucking idea. He just misses her.
 “I don’t know.” Not the answer he wanted. “Look it’s not your fault nor was it Nadia’s but I think our choice made me realize who I am in your life.”
“Not to be fucking clueless but what does that even mean?”
“Yes, I’m your best friend but at the end of the day, you saw me as a girl you pitied that night. A girl that meant nothing to you but just for your pleasure.” She clarifies for him.
“Y/N what? That’s not true. How-”
“I heard what you said to Nadia.” She shakes her head “I’m not stupid. I know how those work but I expected more from you. I just thought you wouldn’t see me that way. We had so many moments together that night and I finally realized how good of a man you are for me. Yet the next day, I hear you tell your girlfriend that I suck in bed and you were using me. Hurts a bit.” She sarcastically laughs. “Who am I kidding? That hurts a lot.”
“What so you love me now?” He retaliates. “Nadia was jealous. I had to tell her that. It doesn’t mean it’s true!”
“Funny thing is - I do love you, Harry. That night. it made me realize that maybe I was in love with you this whole time! You were so sweet and gentle and it made me feel good. You made me feel safe but I didn’t need you to throw my feelings back at my face!”
“In love with me?” Harry hysterically repeats after her. “You’re dating some loser named Brendan and you’re telling me you’re in love with me?”
“So you’re saying you did not feel anything that night?” She bites her cheek, trying not to cry. He stays silent, pretending to look at the chips and deciding what to eat next. “Goodbye, Harry.”
“Y/N.” He speaks up as he denies her eye contact. “I don’t like you that way. I don’t and I never will.” His last words burned in her head. As well as in her heart. God, she’s crazy. 
But maybe he’s worst.
He said that lie a million times in his head and saying that to Y/N made it feel 100% more real. He doesn’t like her because she’s normal. She’s perfect and she’s his best friend. Friends don’t call their friends baby. Friends don’t look at Y/N the way he does. That’s why he’s going to stick to this decision. If he has to lose her as a friend then fine because no way in hell would he lose her if they were together. 
Because that hurts more and Harry is tired of hurting. 
Part 2 Part 3
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slasherhaven · 4 years
Do you write nsfw stuff aswell? (If yes, would you mind giving us nsfw hc’s for Brahms Michael and Thomas? Since you did relationship hc’s nsfw would be very fitting?) if not pls ignore 👁👄👁
I do! I’m going to add Jason to this because I plan on doing some relationship HC’s for him as well!
Nsft under the cut
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas has two sides of him in this case.
During your first time together, he is nervous. He loves you so much and he doesn't want to hurt you. He doesn't want to do anything wrong. And let's be real, he's not exactly experienced. So he lets you take the lead. He appreciates the guidance but he mainly wants you to feel comfortable and safe.
Towards the beginning of your sexual relationship, he's extra careful and gentle. He will never touch you without consent, even when you tell him that it's completely fine and that you want him to touch you. He's honestly still in shock that you actually want him. Him.
But the longer you are together, the more comfortable and sure of himself he becomes. Especially is you start begging him to take more control or to be a little rougher.
Thomas towers over you in any situation and in the bedroom he absolutely engulfs you.
He loves when you cling to him as he fucks you into the mattress. Loves when you moan his name or beg him for more. He absolutely melts when you praise him, telling him how good he feels and how wonderful he is.
Eats you out like you are a five star meal, and to him you are. His large hands parting your thighs, feeling you shake as you orgasm, loving how your fingers curl and tug on his hair, or how your hips buck against your control.
He likes knowing that he can make you feel good, that he can make you feel like this.
Thomas is huge and strong and he will have the headboard banging against the wall. And everyone else in the house just has to deal with that. Hoyt will comment on it, embarrassing you but at least you get to see Tommy get all protective over you. Luda May tells Hoyt to shut the hell up. She wants grandbabies!
Thomas can be dominant and more rough with you, never hurting you though. And you love that side of him.
But he can also be a huge softy. He thinks you look so adorable and tiny sitting on his lap as you ride him, your hands clutching his shoulders. He can't help but watch in awe. But he isn't one to just sit back and enjoy it, unless you ask him too (because he deserves it after a hard day's work) so his hands will be on your hips to assist you with your movements.
Normally the two of you only get to be together in your bedroom, since there are usually other people wandering around the house. Thomas likes to keep the basement clean so that you can visit him down there and not be grossed out. So the two of you spend a lot of time down there. He's a little more reluctant to have sex in the basement, just because of what else goes on down there, but you both know that you are both completely safe and will be undisturbed.
So it's not too difficult to talk Thomas into taking you down there. Either you'll ride him on one of the chairs but it's more common for him to lift you up onto the large table and take you on that.
Thomas loves to cum inside you, definitely has a breeding kink. It makes him feel closer to you and it makes him think about having a family with you, of you carrying his children. It makes him feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
Michael Myers:
I hope you know what you're getting into with this one.
Michael is always stoic and that includes during sex. Though, if you're lucky, you will catch a glimpse of him showing the smallest amount of vulnerability as his release washes over him.
He's dominant and possessive.
He loves leaving marks on you. Bruises of his hand prints on your hips, waist, and thighs. If he's at the point of taking his mask off around you, he'll be leaving bruises and bite marks as well.
He has (or will) take you in every room of the house. He doesn't care, if he wants you he'll have you. He doesn't even care if there were people watching, luckily that's not exactly a problem when you're at home and your never really together in public.
Loves to wrap a hand around your throat and just hold it there. You both know that he could kill you with ease but he was choosing not too. Something about it is a little thrilling. He'll squeeze his hand, make your breath catch, letting you go light headed and feeling how you clench around him before releasing.
Afterwards you will be sore, covered in various bruises and possibly bite marks. He's not apologetic in the slightest. If anything, he is proud of the state he left you in.
Teasing him never ends well. Whatever you do, you only do because he allows it. When you climb onto his lap, straddling him and holding his shoulders, he is watching carefully and ready to act. If you somehow think he's letting you have some control, you're wrong. He'll let you carry on for a little while, kissing the visible skin of his neck as you roll you hips against his. But once he's had enough, he's pinning you down or bending you over the nearest stable surface.
Michael doesn't care for taking things slow or gentle. Technically he can, he has amazing self control, but he doesn't want too. Taking you roughly and possessively is just more satisfying to him.
He's not a gentle soul but if he's keeping you around, he must care for you in his own messed up way. So, he might not be much of a cuddler but if he's in a good mood he'll carry you to bed and lay you down to rest. If one of his bites or something has made you bleed, he'll tend to it as you sleep or as you watch him through heavy eyelids.
Jason Voorhees:
We all know that Jason doesn't have the most positive view on sex so you're going to be dating for a long time before you get to that stage.
He loves you and gradually gets more and more comfortable with you. He trusts you and that's why he allows you to start easing him into these new experiences.
Starting with some heavier make out sessions to ease him into it. Rolling your hips against his and grinding against his growing hard-on, giving him a taste of how you could make him feel. He's a strong man but his resolve is weakening. Oh the effect you have on him. It probably won't get much further than that the first time.
Slowly but surely, Jason warms up to the whole thing.
Even once you've been sleeping together and it's become a normal thing. He would still need you to seek him out for it even when he desires it. Eventually though, he will start approaching you with his needs. Just be patient with him because he'll definitely be patient with you.
You're definitely going to have to guide him through your first time together, and you'll probably be riding him. Even if it's your first time, he would encourage you to take some sort of control so that you feel comfortable and know that he isn't going to hurt you. Even though you knew he wouldn't hurt you.
Compared to him, you're just so small and fragile. It makes him oddly nervous. He thinks you're precious and never wants to hurt you, never wants to mess up with you.
He kind of likes you taking your pleasure into your own hands and letting him be the person that pleases and satisfies you.
He'll still top though!
Jason isn't into teasing much at all. He just wants to make you feel good.
His cabin is secluded and offers a lot of privacy, so the two of you have plenty of time together. He feels comfortable in the wilderness, knowing the woods like the back of his hand. All I'm saying is that he will definitely hold you up and have sex with you against a tree.
For somebody so big and strong, he's so gentle when he touches you. But don't forget that this man can pick you up and throw you over his shoulder as if you weigh nothing. And who knows, if you ask him nicely he might even start to put that to use in the bedroom...
Brahms Heelshire:
The thing is that once the two of you start having sex, Brahms is going to want it almost all the time. You have unleashed a monster. He just can't get enough.
If he hasn't already taken the mask off around you yet, this is probably what would do it. He wasn't to kiss you properly, to leave marks behind with his mouth, to taste you!
Plus, if you plead with him to let you see his face while you're getting hot and heavy, his chest swells in pride and love. Yes, he can do this one thing for you.
Brahms is a brat and he is needy.
You'll know when he wants you because he makes sure to let you know. He'll come up behind you when you're doing chores and wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you back towards him. Before you can even question him, he rolls his hips against your ass so you can feel how hard he is.
You've got this huge house all to yourselves...he does plan on having you in everything room.
He won't take up too much of your time, promising you that you can get back to your chores soon. If you're doing dishes in the kitchen, he'll lean you over the counter and take you from behind. Then you can finish up afterwards, right?
You'll have to put your foot down every now and again and tell him no. He's not going to make you do anything but he might sulk about it.
Remember that one rule about having to give him a kiss goodnight? It becomes so much more now. He still demands the kiss but by now you're also sharing a bed. He's a cuddler and wraps himself around you, you're not going anywhere even if you wanted too.
He'll nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, his hand stroking over your stomach, and his hips pressing into yours. Thinking he's being sneaky.
He's waiting for you to respond to him, otherwise he'll just keep rutting until he stains his pants.
But if you turn around, laying a leg over his hip and running your hands over him as you press a kiss to his neck or the underside of his jaw, he just melts.
His hands are all over you, kneading and pawing.
Depending on his mood, he can be on top or the bottom.
Brahms will bury his face into the crook of your neck as you cling to him, him fucking you into the bed.
He'll bend you over any surface, pin you up against any wall, lay you down on any piece of furniture.
But he also loves it when you take control and ride him. Whether it be in bed or in the lounge. He'll hold your hips, his head tilted back as moans and whines escape him. Again, he is very needy!
Brahms is insatiable, that's what you need to know.
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titan-fodder · 3 years
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Prima Vista Part II
[ previous ] 
Rating: E (explicit; mdni) Pairing: Mike Zacharias x fem!reader wc: ~ 10.2k
Warnings: specific character attributes (not appearance, mentioned favorite color, movie, etc.), oral, rough sex, multiple orgasms, Erwin is kind of annoying, semi-exhibitionism, too much testosterone  A/N: And, here we go again. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed the first part and told me about it. This one’s for y’all~
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Mike immediately notices when you start to avoid him. You had already been doing it, but now it's to the point of ducking into buildings you have no business being in and walking a little too briskly when you catch sight of him somewhere on campus. You also won't get anywhere near the Pi Kappa Alpha house.
 And, he gets it. He fucked up that night. Or, he didn't fuck up, but he opened up. Too much. Showed that he was willing to be vulnerable, and you obviously had not liked that. 
 The first week of watching you duck and cover from afar isn't so bad. He's a little bummed, yeah, but he figures you'll come around, if not for him then at least for his dick. 
 But, one week turns to two, and Mike gets irritated, a little angry even. Because it's not like he did anything wrong. It's not like you haven't wanted it every time. 
 He doesn't know your class schedule exactly, but he does know when you get out of your 11 AM and have to cross the courtyard to your dorm. It's where Mike caught you last time when he was playing frisbee with Nile, and it's where he catches you now. 
 Your speed walking is no match for his normal stride, and he easily closes the distance between you two and grabs your wrist to tug you toward a more private area by the library. 
 "What the fu—what are you doing?" You spit, pulling yourself free. 
 "What are you doing?"
 "Trying to get to my fucking room to nap! Is that okay?" 
 Mike ignores it, glances over his shoulder to make sure no one is watching, then asks, "Why are you avoiding me?" 
 Scoffing, you mumble an unconvincing, "I haven't been avoiding you."
 "I've just been busy, okay? Midterms are coming up, and I'm falling behind…" He can tell you're lying by the way you can't meet his eyes. "I need to focus."
 "Am I that big of a distraction?" 
 You don't miss a beat—"Yes," and your eyes widen at your own answer like you're surprised by it. 
 Mike raises his eyebrows, taken off guard, and you try to cover your tracks. "I mean, like, I don't have time to be fucking frat boys. And, I know you have the pick of the litter, so it's not like you'll go without." 
 He has to bite his tongue, a confession right on the tip of it—I pick you—but knows that's the last thing you want to hear. It's too early for thoughts like that anyway. You're too closed off, and he's too transparent. It's not like anything serious could work out anyway, and even if it could, he shouldn't tie himself down. 
 "I mean, yeah, but—"
 You hold a hand up, take a deep breath. "Look, I'll be honest with you. You seem like an okay guy, but you should find some other girl to do this with. I don't wanna be another notch on your bedpost—"
 "Then, don't be. We can just hang out."
 "Yeah, we tried that at the party and still ended up sleeping together."
 "We can make it a rule then." He's trying too hard, he knows, but he can't help it. "No fucking. I won't come onto you, and you won't come onto me."
 You snort and pick at the hem of your shirt, obviously not buying any of this. "Why do you wanna be friends so bad anyway? Is it the hard-to-get thing? Is it that I'm making it difficult?"
 "Maybe but not entirely."
 Why does he want to be your friend so badly? You haven't given him any real reason to. You can bond over nerd shit here and there, but other than that, you don't have a lot in common. 
 You just seem… Cool. Aloof. Like you don't give a shit about anyone or anything, and Mike never thought he'd find that attractive in a girl, but apparently he does. 
 "Just come over one more time. We can watch something again or—"
 "I'm not going into your room again!"
 "You don't have to," Mike says, speaking with his hands to emphasize his point. "We can stay in the living room. Totally public. Any of the guys could walk in."
 "Has that ever stopped any of you before?"
 Not a hundred percent of the time. Mike has definitely seen more of Erwin and Gelgar than he'd like, but he can tell a little white lie.
 You stare up at him, a skeptical look on your face, and then, "I'll see if I can pencil you in." 
 "Fuck yeah, I promise I'll show you a good time without, like, showing you a good time." 
 "Yeah, whatever." 
 You're unimpressed, turn to walk away, but Mike is feeling a little too triumphant, a little too bold, and catches you before you can get too far. 
 He premises, "Just to get it out of my system," then bends down and kisses you. Palms covering your cheeks, fingers curling around the back of your head kisses you. He uses both of his thumbs, just under your mouth, to part your lips so that he can slide his tongue past them, and you push at his chest half-heartedly, no real force to it as you let him lick into your mouth. 
 The first whimper that escapes you is what makes you break away, your hands stronger against him to shove him back, and Mike smirks when you glare at him. 
 "You're on thin fucking ice, Zacharias. Thin ice."
 "I'll keep it in mind."
 With that, you leave the little alcove the two of you were in, grumbling and cursing the whole way. Mike just watches the sway of your hips and licks his lips. 
 You come over on a Saturday afternoon. Mike can tell you've tried to make yourself look not cute in loose, ripped jeans and a t-shirt, but it doesn't work. Mike still smiles, and you still roll your eyes at him before kicking your shoes off by the door. 
 "Okay, so what are we doing?" You ask, sitting two cushions away from him on the couch. 
 "I brought my Switch in here, so we have that…"
 "Oh, do you have the SNES games downloaded?" 
 "Dumb question. Of course I do."
 "Rude. Open that shit up."
 He does, and you demand to play Donkey Kong, which Mike has no problem with, but, "A please would be nice."
 You click your tongue, holding your hand out for the second tiny controller and tell him, "You don't get to hear me beg anymore."
 Mike feels his shorts tighten, but all he does is kick a foot over his thigh and warn you, "Best not test my self-control like that."
 "Is that a threat?" You laugh, toggling down to 'Two Player' on the screen and clicking it. 
 "Not a threat." He bobs his head to the theme music. "Just lettin’ you know."
 You get as far as Mine Cart Carnage together, but Mike ends up getting tossed from the cart, leaving you to take over as Diddy. He watches the way you move with your character, sitting up straighter, raising the controller to your chest, swaying one way then the next as if your body is tied directly to the game. 
 Erwin walks in a little while later when you're focused on Stop & Go Station. He sits down in a plush chair, phone in his hand that he ignores in favor of asking, "What are you guys doing out here? Shouldn't you be in Mike's room?"
 Mike glances at him, gives him a look and shakes his head, but you're much less subtle when you snap, "Can it, Smith," eyes never leaving the screen. 
 "Don't count on that," Mike snorts. "I think it’s physically impossible for him to keep his mouth shut for longer than four seconds." 
 "Wooow," Erwin drawls, thick eyebrows high in offense. "I'm supposed to be able to trust you, and now you're just talking shit right in front of me."
 "For some reason, I get the feeling your ego can't get bruised that easily," you muse out loud. 
 "I'll have you know I can be very sensitive," Erwin informs you matter-of-factly. "I have a heart. I have feelings. And, I've been told on multiple occasions that I'm more considerate than most men, so there."
 You laugh, a silly sound that gets stuck in your throat. "Oh, really? And how many of those women—'cause that's what they are, I'm sure—were left behind after they built you up like that, hm?"
 Biting both of his lips, Erwin sits back in his chair and crosses his arms. "I plead the fifth on that one."
 "Uh huh, that's what I thought."
 While you're fixated on the screen, Mike glances over at his friend, sees blue eyes shining as Erwin stares at you, a tell-tale smirk on his face. He's amused by you. Interested, even. 
 You stay for about an hour longer before going back to the dorms. As soon as the front door shuts, Mike swivels around and points a finger at Erwin, uttering a low, "Don't you dare," that makes the blond chuckle. 
 "Wouldn't dream of it."
 You mostly hang out on weekends and only in small bursts. Alternating between movies and video games, it's a little hard to speak to one another, but Mike is still able to pry some information out of you and share more about himself. 
 You're majoring in geological and earth sciences while Mike is working toward a degree in environmental science— "Kinda weird we haven't run into each other before." 
 You played basketball for a year in high school before getting annoyed by the other girls. Mike, on the other hand, made some of his best friends on his old soccer team. 
 You had a ferret growing up and now you'll "Never get another pet again 'cause when he died, I died a little with him." (It's the first time Mike has ever seen tears in your eyes, but you blink them away at record speed). He tells you about the dogs his family has had and how the one at home with his parents now is actually his. (Her name's Scout, and I would take a bullet for her.") 
 Hitch is your best friend even though she irritates the shit out of you, and Mike says something similar about Erwin. "He's a good guy. He's just… Passionate about so many things. He gets obsessive. Drives me insane."
 "Obsessed with that pussyyy," you joke in a deep, stupid voice. 
 Mike snorts, "Perv," and keeps watching the movie that's playing. 
 And, speaking of movies, your favorite Disney film is The Fox and The Hound— "Good taste," while his is Lion King— "Classic." As far as other movies, though, the two of you spend half an hour arguing over which Mel Brooks is the best, end up having to agree to disagree (Young Frankenstein vs. High Anxiety).
 Your favorite color is green. Your favorite food is pizza (“What are you, twelve?”). Your favorite animal is the pangolin. They’re all little facts that Mike stores away, and by the end of the semester, he actually feels like he kind of knows you, and somehow, against all odds, you've managed to not hookup through it all. 
 That's not to say it hasn't been hard (that he hasn't been hard). Sometimes you come over in skin tight jeans or crop tops, outfits that accentuate your body in all the right ways, and Mike is pretty sure that you do it on purpose. 
 You're both careful not to drink too much at parties, aware of the likely consequences, but you hang around him enough to gain people's attention—jealous girls watching in disappointment, curious guys sizing you up. 
 Questions inevitably arise. You complain about Hitch pestering you for details that you will not give her, and he tells you how he has to keep brushing off his brothers. 
 "She doesn't, like, know we've had sex—would never fucking leave me alone if she did. But she and all her other little friends are so annoying about it."
 You're on the steps outside of the frat house, jackets zipped up, nursing steaming cups of cocoa you got from the nearby shop. 
 "So, what do you tell them?" Mike asks. 
 You shrug your shoulders. "That we're not fucking. Just friends. They don't believe me, but that's my story, and I'm sticking to it, dammit."
 Mike laughs through his nose and takes another drink. "I mean, it's not a lie since we're not fucking and we are friends."
 You make a high pitched noise, doubtful, challenging. "Friends is a strong word."
 He's used to you doing that now, denying him every chance you get even in a joking way. You've never once admitted to any type of feelings out loud, and he isn't sure why, some kind of avoidance behavior, but he won't complain because he knows you're at least a little fond of him. You wouldn't keep spending time with him if you weren't. 
 Deciding to change the subject, Mike prompts, "So, Erwin's party over the break," and you glance at him over your cup with interest. "You're coming, right?" 
 "I don't know. Isn't it at, like, his ranch house in bum fuck nowhere?" 
 "Kinda. It's only about a two hour drive from here, but it's definitely off the beaten path."
 "I'll have to see. Need to spend time with my mom while I can." 
 Understandable. He's looking forward to seeing his own parents (and Scout, of course). 
 The last game of the season is played and won, then finals pass after too many all-nighters and too much Red Bull. Mike actually sighs in relief when he slides into his white Wrangler, all packed up and ready to make the drive back to his house. 
 He sends one text before pulling out onto the main road—Be safe—and hopes he won't have to wait an entire month to see you again. 
 Staying with your mom is nice but always slightly depressing. The house is empty with just her in it, less lived in than ever before. You can tell exactly which spots she spends most of her time in—her office to work and the couch in front of the TV to wind down. 
 You sleep in your old bedroom, spend most evenings texting Hitch after your mom goes to bed, but a few conversations with Mike slip in too. He sends you several pictures of Scout—beautiful but always wearing one of those perpetual Boxer frowns—and in return, you send him pictures of the pretty betta your mother has in her office. It's the best you can do. 
 After a week of being in your hometown, you're ready to leave it again. It's not terrible or in a bad part of town. It's just… lacking. You'd never tell your mother this, but you have a feeling she knows. It's probably why she doesn't put up a fight when you tell her you're gonna run off for a couple days to attend Erwin's party. 
 "I promise I'll be back. It's just one night and then the drive back."
 Her tone is very serious when she tells you to stay out of trouble, but then she walks you out to your car and hugs you, watching and waving as you drive away. 
 You text Erwin on the way there to ask if it's okay to arrive early—like a few hours early cause I needed to get out of my house—and he replies enthusiastically.
 Absolutely! Mike and Levi are already here 😃
 You have no idea who this Levi is outside of hearing Erwin mention him a few times, but you very quickly find out when you get to the large but secluded house. You see Erwin's stupid (gorgeous) vintage Mustang parked in the gravel driveway as well as Mike's white Jeep and an unfamiliar, black Prius. 
 All three of them are on the porch occupying outdoor chairs that probably cost more than your fucking dorm expenses, but Mike and Erwin both stand when you make your way up the sidewalk. Staying seated, or really sprawled out with his hands behind his head, is a fairly small man (boy, maybe) with inky hair and sunglasses covering his eyes. He’s dressed much differently than the other two, ripped jeans, Doc Martens, and a striped long sleeved shirt under a short sleeved band tee. 
 “What in the e-boy fuck…” You mutter to yourself, nodding at the blonds and letting Mike take your backpack—not that you really have a choice considering your grip on it is no match for his. 
 “Was the drive okay?” He asks, swinging the bag over his shoulder and making it look incredibly small. 
 “Yeah. Once I hit the backroads I could start going, like, eighty-five, so that shaved some time off.”
 Mike snorts. “You sound like Erwin. Dude’s always speeding.”
 “Don’t fucking start with me. I was in the car with you when you almost hit a pedestrian on a crosswalk.”
 “We don’t talk about that.”
 Everyone follows Erwin inside the house. It’s just as nice as you thought it’d be, sprawling and open with wood floors, plush furniture, and rustic decorations. There are moose antlers mounted in one room and a god damned bear head in another. It makes you roll your eyes, but to say you’re unimpressed would be a flat out lie. 
 “Not everyone is staying the night, but I know you have to, so just pick an upstairs room,” Erwin tells you after the grand tour. “I can take you around on the golf cart once you settle in.”
 You see Mike roll his green eyes and amend, “We can take you around.” 
 “Yeah,” Erwin nods. “That’s what I meant.”
 Levi is making a face up at Erwin, furrowed brow, squinty eyes, and a little grimace. He hasn’t said more than two words to you since you’ve arrived (“I’m Levi.”), but he doesn’t seem like the chatterbox type, a little more standoffish, and you can’t blame him for that. 
 “Just in case you’re wondering, I’m in the middle room,” Mike tells you with a grin.
 “And why, pray tell, would I be wondering that?”
 He basically sings in his deep voice, “No reason,” then walks back downstairs with Erwin and Levi, leaving you to make yourself comfortable. 
 You take the bedroom at the far end of the hallway out of spite more than anything, but you figure the farther away you can be from Mike the better. After setting your things down and organizing deodorant, perfume, and every day jewelry on the dresser, you join the guys downstairs to find them huddling over the kitchen island talking about plans for the night. 
 “Should we get a keg? It won’t be that many people, but it might be easier to just pour from one,” Erwin thinks out loud. 
 “Don’t bother getting a keg if it’s gonna be the same shitty beer you guys have at Pike parties,” you chime in, hip checking Mike so that he’ll scoot over and allow you join their little meeting. 
 Levi lets out a little laugh, the most expressive you’ve seen him so far, while the other two pout at your criticism. 
 “Why don’t you pick the beer then?” Erwin prompts. “Since you have such refined tastes.” 
 Eyebrows lifting, you laugh. “Oh, we’ve got a smartass in the house tonight.” The blond smirks and dusts off his shoulders, making Mike groan in either annoyance or embarrassment. You can’t be sure which one. 
 “Fuck, is this what it’s always like between you three?” Levi asks, looking between all of you. “Just constant bickering?”
 “More or less.”
 “That seems exhausting.”
 “It is,” you confirm. “‘S’why I can only hang out with them in small doses.”
 “Anyway,” you let your head hang so that all they can see is your shoulders shaking as you giggle, and when you look back up, you make sure that the smile is mostly wiped from your face. “I’m not saying I’m some kind of beer expert, but I at least know that the shit you serve at parties is rancid.”
 “And yet, you always seem to forget,” Mike teases. “I always end up having to finish yours.”
 “You don’t have to. You choose to, you fucking alkie.”
 It’s hard to come to any sort of decision with the non-stop push and pull of the conversation, and eventually Levi just walks away to let the three of you work it out. Erwin orders a keg of Rolling Rock, says something about, “Dad won’t mind me splurging a little since I downsized this whole thing for him,” and you scoff at him. 
 He’s well aware of his privilege, talks about it in an ironic manner that’s both maddening and hilarious— “Father is going to let me take the yacht out this weekend,” and, “Oh, that’s not country club appropriate.” It makes you laugh every fucking time, but it also usually earns him a smack or two. 
 The next few hours are spent gathering party supplies and getting the house ready (as in moving some furniture around and hiding valuables). Erwin leaves to pick up the keg after assuring the vendor on the phone that he can drive to them and pay extra for the short notice. You don’t know how he manages it, but you assume his confidence has a lot to do with it.
 Only about twenty people are supposed to come, “An Erwin Smith exclusive,” Mike jokes with you as you stash a couple of vases in the kitchen cabinets. 
 “Oh, does that mean I’m special?” You play.
 There’s something churning in your gut as you move around downstairs with Mike and Levi, an omniscient feeling, like you know how the night will end, but you’re going to fight it every step of the way. You’ve made it this long without a slip-up, and you’re determined to make it one more night. 
 Erwin gets back with about three hours to spare. He and Mike disappear to change into what you assume to be their usual douche-y attire, and you and Levi sit alone in the large living room waiting quietly. 
 You’re surprised when he speaks first, stating, “You don’t seem the sorority type.”
 Turning, you try to make sense of it, respond, “Well, I’m not.” You’re almost offended that he’d even consider you were.
 “Then what are you doing hanging around with those frat boy fucks?”
 “Oh, that.” You sigh. “Uhh, my friend made me go to one of their parties, and I just… Made an impression, I guess.”
 “You fucked one of ‘em, didn’t you?” Levi is smirking, so sure of himself that you don’t really see the point in denying it.
 “Rich boy or the giant?”
 You look over at him, defenses rising like they did your first night in the Pi Kappa Alpha house. “The fuck is it to you?”
 Holding his hands up, Levi chuckles, “Alright, alright, forget I asked.”
 You cross your arms over your chest, stare off as you wonder if it’s actually that hard to tell. You figured it would be obvious that you’re more comfortable with Mike than with Erwin, but you have been getting more used to the other brazen blond over the last few months, just like you’ve been getting a little more used to Nile and all the other brothers. You haven’t sucked any of their dicks, though. 
 “How’d you meet Erwin?” You try.
 You’re not surprised when Levi snarks, “The fuck is it to you?” 
 You can’t tell if the two of you are going to leave this ranch house as mortal enemies or as friends, but it’ll definitely be one of them. 
 “‘Cause you don’t seem the type to hang out with them either,” you tell him.
 It's definitely odd. He and Erwin have to go back some time to have been able to stick together through their college years and all of their superficial differences. 
 Levi admires the black polish on his nails then informs you in a bored tone, “We’ve been friends since we were kids, but it’s no big deal. Just can’t get rid of him.”
 The corner of his mouth turns upward, so he can’t be too heartbroken over it. You understand that, haven’t quite been able to shake your puppy-dog of a friend since the beginning of the semester, but you’re not as annoyed about it as you pretend to be. 
 “They certainly do get attached,” you hum.
 The two men in question join you once again, looking much more palatable in jeans and v-necks. Erwin has a button-down hanging open and rolled up to his elbows while Mike is wearing a black and white flannel in similar fashion. It’s the most casual they’ve been at a party, and you can’t help but joke, “Wow, look at you two. More human, less lizard people for once.”
 Erwin rolls his eyes while Mike mumbles a Doctor Who reference that makes you suck on the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning. 
 He’s got his charm turned on tonight, the kind that appeals to you, which will definitely pose a problem.
 People start arriving at around eight, some you recognize from the college, some you don’t who you assume to be some of Erwin’s older friends. Gelgar taps the keg within minutes of walking in then plays the role of bartender for the next ten minutes as everyone lines up for a drink. There’s liquor and mixers set up on the counter, and you consider just making your usual, but you figure you should have at least a little of the beer since you’re the one who fought for the more expensive brand. 
 When you get your cup, foam nearly overflowing past the rim, you take one sip only to cough it back up when Mike shows off his usual party trick—appearing out of thin air—and asks, “You gonna finish it this time?”
 You splutter as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand then glare up at him. “I’m gonna try, but it’s gonna be pretty fuckin’ difficult if you keep making me spit up like a god damn baby.”
 He’s amused, light eyes dancing mischievously, and you know you’re in for a long night. 
 Erwin has a playlist filtering through the house’s sound system, a nice balance of several different genres playing at a bearable volume for the first time. Games start up in the kitchen, rage cage around the island, beer pong at the table, and while you’re content to just wallflower in the corner, Mike drags you into it. 
 “You’re just as bad as Hitch," you complain, but he isn't fazed, just plants you in an open spot at the island and stands right beside you. He's gonna regret doing that; rage cage is one of the only competitive games you're actually good at, but he'll find that out. 
 It's fast-paced, full of screaming and laughing, jumping and shoving. You get to slam your cup into Mike's on several occasions, drawing curses from him every time. 
 "Honestly, it's a little embarrassing," you ridicule with a smile. 
 He downs the small amount of beer in the cup he pulls, adds it to the stack, then challenges, "I'll show you embarrassing. Just wait." 
 You've had maybe two beers altogether, but it still sends a jolt down your spine. 
 The two of you play another couple of rounds, and Mike does seem to catch on a little more, but he eventually bows out and pulls you away with him. 
 More beer. Meandering around the party. It's pretty tame in comparison to all the Pike events you've attended, but the later it gets, the rowdier everyone becomes. Music gets turned up to dance. The keg stops being used for pouring and starts being used for stands. You have the absolute pleasure of watching Erwin hold Levi upside down as the smaller man chugs as much as he can. He beats Nile's record, raises his arms in victory as Erwin shakes him by the shoulders in excitement. 
 "They're pretty close, yeah?" 
 Mike looks down at you as you stand on your tip-toes to get closer to his ear as you speak. 
 He nods. "I don't really understand them, but yeah. They've been friends since, like, elementary school, I think."
 "No shit?"
 "No shit."
 You play beer pong against Gelgar and Nile, end up losing by quite a lot, and by the time you finish the remaining cups and another full drink, you're feeling good. Warm, happy, dangerously giggly. 
 Mike stands too close as you make your rounds to talk to people, many of them asking how the lacrosse season went. He puffs his chest a little, tries and fails to act modest, but instead of getting irritated like you usually do, you find yourself resting your cheek against his arm as you shake your head. You don't know if the action is to disagree with him or to get closer, but it makes Mike chuckle and shift so that he can wrap that arm around you and pull you to his chest instead. 
 He smells nice—woodsy with a sweet little bite. It makes your mouth water. You try to call back your determination from before, that readiness to fight and deny, but Mike's body is firm and massive and hot against yours, and he's also drunk and smiling sideways. His eyes are hazy and gorgeous when he peers down at you. His stubble has grown into that perfect length, the kind that feels incredible between your legs, and you can already see your hands tugging at his shaggy hair as he flips it from his face. 
 "You okay?" He rumbles, tongue darting out to lick his lips. 
 He knows. You know he knows. And, he knows that you know that— 
 Fuck. Stop. Just…
 "What do you think?" You're aware of what you're saying. The words make perfect sense. You just can't stop them from falling from your mouth is all. 
 "I don't know," Mike says, a playful lilt to his voice. "Why don't you tell me?" 
 You're not sure if he's asking for your consent or if he just wants to humiliate you by making you spell it out for him. 
 "I mean…" Your gaze travels from his face to his neck to his pecs and downward. "The semester is over."
 "It is," he agrees, hand moving from your waist to your hip. 
 "Don't really need to be, uh… What's the word…" You squeeze your eyes shut, splaying your fingers on his stomach. "Studious," you snap. "Don't need to be so studious on vacation."
 Mike very slowly starts walking backwards toward the staircase, holding you at arms length by both your hips now. 
 "No, you really don't." 
 Voice of reason fading away, you step around him but grab his hand, taking the stairs two by two until you're on the balcony that wraps above the living room. Once you slip into the closer room, yours, you lock the door. 
 Mike's mouth is familiar in its desperation—tastes like beer and want and him. He pulls his flannel off behind him by the sleeves just in time for you to start pushing his shirt up over his abs, in awe all over again at the muscle group. 
 It's really not fair. 
 You pause between kisses to strip, smiling and groaning whenever your lips meet again. You've missed it on some level—the heat, the fucking attraction you just can't shake. All the times you hung out with him, purposely keeping distance, avoiding flirting and touching and staring—you figured it would come to a head. You even guessed there was a good chance that it would be at this party. 
 But, that doesn't mean you're prepared when he throws you onto the bed, doesn't prepare you for the way he bites your lip and sucks on your neck and pinches your nipples until you moan his name and grind against him, and it certainly doesn't prepare you for the way he spreads your legs, runs his nose up the inside of your thigh, then drags his tongue over your slit. 
 "Fuck, Mike." 
 He groans, quick to slide the muscle into your pulsing cunt to taste you. His fingertips are digging into the fat of your thighs, keeping you still save for your trembling which makes the feeling of his mouth even more intense. You want to buck against his face, want to put out the fire raging inside of you by moving somehow, letting some of the energy out, but you can't. All you can do is lay there as Mike licks around your hole and nibbles at your clit and laps up your juices. 
 "Missed this fuckin' pussy," he breathes, sucking on one of your lips and then the other, pulling blood to the surface and making them puffy and sensitive. 
 You card fingers through his hair before fisting your hand in it and shoving his face further into your cunt, trying as hard as you fucking can to ride any part of him you can manage—his tongue, his nose, anything that will give you friction. 
 The sound he makes at your pathetic attempt is bestial, a low, throaty grunt as he rubs his chin up and down your slit, drenching himself in your slick and quickly overstimulating your swollen clit with his stubble. 
 "Oh fuck, oh fuck—"
 "You wanted it," he grits. "You pushed your sloppy little cunt right in my face, so now you've gotta take everything I give you." 
 You cry as he continues the motion, pussy drooling as the little bud starts to grow raw. "Mike, please, please…"
 "Gonna make sure you feel this tomorrow." He stops only to lean back down and suck your clit into his mouth. The tip of his tongue is soft in comparison to the coarse hair, but it still makes your hips twitch, and when he grazes his teeth over it, you squeal and kick. 
 It's so close to hurting, right on the edge, but it's that helplessness that has you steadily leaking on the bed. It's what makes it easy for Mike to push a finger into your clenching hole, pump a couple times, then slide another one in beside it. 
 Your climax is coiling in your gut, compressed like a spring and only getting tighter with every thrust of long, thick fingers and every measured flick of his tongue. 
 Gripping his hair again, you ride it out. Mike loosens his grip just enough to allow you to undulate in time with the waves that wash over you, and you moan loudly as he moves to flatten his tongue over your entrance so that you come on and against it. 
 He gives you some time to settle down, but you know he isn't done yet, and since you're not quite ready to take his cock in your sensitive pussy, you pull your legs from the sides of his head and crawl to lay with your head off the side of the bed. 
 Mike gets the picture immediately, and you hear a huff of air leave him all at once before he clambers off the mattress to position himself at the edge. You're a little too low, so he grabs all four pillows to shove under you, and as he does, you lavish his bobbing cock with kitten licks, going as far as sucking on his balls when he leans over you. 
 "Jesus fucking—" 
 You can feel the way they tighten, his cockhead dripping pre that lands just below the notch of your sternum. It isn't until he's thoroughly coated in spit that you stop and let him straighten, then open your mouth and relax your shoulders. 
 Mike is careful as he slides his tip past your lips, letting you adjust to the weight of his cock in your mouth before he pushes in a little further. Your eyes start watering as soon as he passes between your molars, making you stretch your jaw and drool from the corners of your mouth. 
 He pulls out then, taps his cockhead on your cheek, leaving a mix of precum and spit on your skin before lining himself up again and sliding back in. 
 He repeats the process a few times as if it'll actually get you used to his size, but it's just not possible. You gag and gurgle, slurp back drool when you're given the chance, and your entire body throbs when Mike tells you, "I'm gonna give you more now, okay? Wanna see your throat bulge with my cock."
 You moan around him, try to make the passage of your mouth and esophagus as straight as possible then let your eyes roll back as he slips into the tighter sleeve for a few seconds. Your toes dig into the bedspread, fingers clawing at the material as you fight back the panic that comes with not being able to breathe. 
 Mike pulls out panting, and you wish you could see his face, the look in his eyes, but you can't. All you can do is lap at his cock until he pushes it into your mouth again. 
 This time when he slips into your throat, he reaches down to press a hand to your neck, letting out a deep, disbelieving laugh as he feels the way his length moves in it. "Holy shit. I could—" he just barely gives you more, and your responding whine is completely muffled by him, "—Could come like this."
 The thought makes you tingle. Or maybe that's the lack of oxygen. You are feeling a little lightheaded. But the idea of him coming down your throat, right into your stomach, fuck, it makes your cunt pulse again. 
 Mike pulls out, and you suck in deep breaths, a little sob making your chest heave. Tears are streaming from your eyes, getting caught in your hair, and you have to wipe other various fluids from your face. 
 He helps you sit back up, rubs your shoulders and kisses the back of your neck as your heart rate returns to normal. As soon as he sees you relax, though, he's tugging you from the bed and bending you over it. 
 The scream that's pushed from you is hoarse as you're split open on his cock. Mike holds you by the hair, pulling your head back as he snaps his hips forward and back relentlessly. He slides in and out of you easily, but that doesn't mean he isn't stretching you to your breaking point. 
 You shake on the bed, thankful when he lets go of your head so that you can fall back to the mattress, crying and moaning all you want. 
 "Feel so good, baby," Mike groans. "So good."
 He punctuates it with a slap to your ass that causes you to squeeze him, and that only encourages him to repeat the action until both your cheeks are radiating heat and stinging from his hands. 
 He flips you like a doll, and you're finally able to see his face clearly as he stares down at you with a dropped jaw and heavy lids. You know you're a mess, fucked out and sloppy, but as he abuses your g-spot with the ridge of his cock, all you can do is grin drunkenly and let your eyes roll. 
 "So pretty when you smile," he praises. Fingers grip your chin, and when you're able to focus your gaze again you find Mike leaning over you, face level with yours. "Open your mouth for me." His tone is soft yet demanding, and you don't hesitate for a second as you do what you're told. 
 Mike pushes spit through his lips, letting it drip and stretch until it lands on your tongue. It makes you feel cheap and disgusting, but it doesn't stop you from squirting around him. 
 Devolving into nothing more than grunts and groans, Mike continues to fuck into you but straightens so that he can reach your clit better. He flicks it back and forth until your true orgasm hits you, and then he keeps going. 
 You cry out, squirm wildly beneath him, but all it results in is two fingers being shoved in your mouth. Stroking over the back of your tongue, more saliva pours from your mouth just like the slick that pours from your pussy while he toys with your clit. 
 You come again. And again. When Mike finally removes his hand from between your legs, you're nothing more than a puddle, moaning and crying for him. 
 Every orgasm has made your walls swell around him, his cock feeling longer and thicker than ever as he kisses your cervix with every thrust. That lightheaded sensation is back, white dots dancing around your eyes, and you just barely manage out his name, tapping in his forearm. 
 "Need… need…"
 "What do you need, babe?"
 Your arms curl up by your head, fingers moving and spasming as every one of your senses is overwhelmed.
  "Need you to—t-to—to come. Need you to c-come." 
 You've never had to tap out before, but you can't take him anymore. His size. His expression. His lack of fucking mercy.
 "Yeah?" He coos, but his cock is still dragging in and out of you. You nod, but Mike draws it out, asking, "Where do you want me to come?"
 "Don't… Care…"
 "You don't care?" He's still moving, fucking you absolutely stupid as he lists out, "Your face? Your tits?" He gropes your chest, pinching both nipples, and the fact that you don't even whimper must clue him into the fact that he's about to lose you. 
 Your mind is swimming, fading every time he pulls out only to be brought back online when he pushes back in. 
 "What about your pussy? Want me to come all over your pussy?" 
 You moan, the simplest part of your brain apparently finding that appealing, so after a few more thrusts, Mike pulls out entirely and jerks himself off until he covers your folds in hot cum. He gets some on your thighs, some on your pelvis, soaks your peaking clit so that you take in a stuttering breath. 
 His hand is between your legs again, fingertips spreading the viscous fluid around and dipping into your slit.
 Your eyes shoot open for the first time in God knows how long, a panicked, "M-Mike," tumbling from your lips, but he hushes you.
 "I'm not pushing it inside or anything. Just having fun."
 And, fuck, tonight is the night you learn how filthy he is. Mike spends a few solid minutes rubbing his seed over your puffy lips, fingers the raw tissue around your hole so that you leak for him, then uses it to massage your clit slowly and softly, pulling one last orgasm from you that makes fresh tears spring in your eyes. 
 You're going to be in a world of pain tomorrow, but you can't regret it—not when your legs continue to shake long after your climax, not when you can already feel that satisfying ache deep inside of you, not when Mike crawls to sit on the bed and lifts you into his arms. 
 "You okay?" He asks into your hair. 
 He's rubbing soothing circles on your stomach as you drift in and out. You know you need to shower, but you're so tired and so wrecked, you doubt you'll be able to stand for long enough to clean yourself. 
 "Did I hurt you?" 
 "Mm, little bit," you tell him honestly. You can actually feel his heart start to beat harder in his chest, so you reassure him, "Liked it, though."
 You think something like twenty minutes pass, but you can't be sure as you keep dozing. It's hard not to with Mike rubbing your stomach, his body rising and falling in rhythm with every breath he takes. 
 When your eyes open more than halfway, you begin to move, grimacing at the soreness between your legs as well as the mess. 
 "'m gonna hop in the shower," you announce. 
 Mike sits up too, stretches his arms and asks through a groan, "Want me to come with?"
 "You've done enough coming tonight," you snort. "But nah, I can clean myself on my own."
 His eyebrows furrow, but he doesn't say anything, just lets you get up and walk to the bathroom on shaky legs. 
 The hot water almost puts you back to sleep. You manage to rinse off where you need to, step back into the room fully expecting to see Mike passed out in your bed, but he's nowhere to be found. 
 As you crawl under the covers, you try to swallow the feeling of disappointment that's stuck in your throat. 
Mike is up before almost everyone in the house the next morning, so he spends most of it trying to clean up alongside Levi, though he apparently isn't doing a very good job of it according to the smaller man. 
 "Jesus, have you ever mopped a floor in your life?" 
 "Oh, so we're just throwing everything in the same trash bag? No recycling? Your future kids will thank you for that, I'm sure."
 "No, there's no way I’m letting you wipe down the counters. Just move." 
 Levi is lucky Mike is as laid back as he is otherwise he would have thrown the little fuck into the koi pond behind the house a long time ago. 
 Erwin wakes up around nine and walks down looking a little rough, but Mike has definitely seen him in worse states. 
 "Thanks for cleaning up," he says, bent over the island and holding his head in his hands. "Pretty sure I would have thrown up if I'd tried. Several times."
 He tells the other two that pretty much everyone else started heading out at around three and that he has a list of party-goers he needs to text to make sure they made it home in one piece, "When I can actually fucking see straight."
 Naturally, the conversation turns to Mike. Erwin, with his cheek now pressed against the cool, granite countertop, smirks up at him and asks in a sly voice, "So, how was your night?' 
 Mike bites his lip to hide a smile, leans out of the kitchen to make sure you aren't stumbling down the stairs or traipsing about the house, then looks back to his friend and laughs, "Fucking mind-blowing, dude." He doesn't go into explicit detail—that's never been his style—but he does whisper about you taking him better than any other girl and that he's, "Addicted, dude. I genuinely think I am addicted to her pussy." 
 "Don't be fucking dramatic, Zacharias," you pop out behind him, slapping his back as you pass him to get to the fridge. He can see the ghost of a smile turning your lips up, but it's hard to feel satisfied at that when his own face is beet red. 
 Looking at Erwin, Mike throws his hands out by his side, mutters an incredulous, "Dude," that makes the other blond chuckle. 
 You grab a water bottle from the refrigerator, making Levi grumble, "Are none of you guys concerned about the planet? God damn."
 Standing between Mike and Erwin, you take a few gulps, all eyes on you until you swallow and question, "Can I help you?" Now that you're right next to him, Mike can hear a scratchiness to your voice, almost as if you're getting sick, but he knows better, knows exactly where it came from, and fuck if it doesn't make him twitch in his sweats. 
 "Have a good time at the party?" Erwin pries once again. 
 You look at him with a deadpan expression, then answer, "Seems like you already got the deets, so sure. I had a grand time."
 Mike isn't sure if you're being sarcastic about it just like you are everything else. You had just kind of left him hanging when you'd gone to shower. He hadn't thought too much into it even if he'd been a little bummed, but he thinks he understands. You just need more space than he does. 
 Or, it could have been that you hadn't enjoyed yourself. Oh god, what if you'd just been faking? What if you'd lied to him when he asked if he hurt you? What if you're in pain right now and just hiding it? 
 Mike zones out while you talk with Erwin and Levi about plans for the day, works himself into a nice little panic but is still able to hear you tell them you're just gonna head back to your mom's. 
 "You sure?" Erwin asks. "I know you only planned to stay one night, but you're more than welcome to hang out for longer. We’ll be here for at least another few days."
 Levi adds an, "Unfortunately," that earns him a hair ruffle he swats away. 
 "No, it's cool. I can't leave mom alone for the holiday or she'll start to think I don't like staying at the house."
 "You don't, though."
 "Yeah, but she doesn't have to know that."
 Mike stares after you as you take your water bottle and return upstairs, and it doesn't escape the notice of the other two men. 
 "You're so fuckin' whipped, man," Erwin teases. 
 Mike doesn't deny it, just holds up a middle finger. 
 Erwin isn't entirely wrong, though. Mike has been trying to deny it or play it off as nothing more than lust, but there's more to his feelings at this point. He tries not to be obvious around you, to keep his cards close to his chest because he knows you just want to keep things casual—barely even want that if he's being honest. 
 So he can hide it. He can pretend it isn't happening. In fact, Mike should be thankful that you only want sex (sometimes) because it leaves him to do whatever he wants. He could fuck other chicks left and right, and you wouldn't even bat an eyelash. That's a good thing, right? 
 That worry about last night still has him on edge, though, so before you can leave, Mike catches you in your room as you're packing up and closes the door. 
 He expects you to make some kind of comment about not being able to go again, but all you do is tilt your head to the side in a dangerously cute way. 
 "Hey, I, uh… I just wanted to make sure you felt okay after last night." 
 You blink at him, pause in folding your clothes, then show a wide, real grin. 
 "Yeah, I'm fine. Sore in various places—like, super sore—but I'm fine."
 Mike's mouth twists to hide his smirk, and he mumbles a low, "Sorry."
 "Don't ever apologize for your monster cock," you tell him, setting your shirt down on the mattress before pacing over to him. "Like, unless there's tearing of some sort, which there really shouldn't be since you're good at preparation, whoever you fuck should be okay. Sore but okay."
 His eyes go a little wide when you stop in front of him, looking up with an expression he's really never seen before—or maybe that you've never allowed him to see before—and the longer he stares, the more he realizes that you're god damn glowing. 
 Taking a chance, he finds your waist with his hands, inches just a little closer, then leans down when you stand on your toes and tug him by the shirt. 
 You taste like peppermint and already smell like the perfume you wear every day, the scent that has made Mike dizzy for the past few months. He moves a hand to your back to press your body into his, and when you take his bottom lip into your mouth, biting and sucking, he groans and pulls back before he can get too hard. 
 "What's all this? Why are you so perky this morning?" 
 "I get giddy after good sex," you say with a shrug. "Sue me."
 "That why you run away every time I fuck you?" He questions.
 You nod. "Couldn't run away this time, though."
 "I'm sure it's really bruising your pride, letting me see you all warm and gooey." 
 "I am not warm and gooey," you protest. "I was last night, but—"
 "Aw, gross, why'd you have to say it like that?" 
 You giggle—giggle—then remind him, "You're the one who felt the need to fucking fingerpaint."
 Mike vividly remembers the way your pussy looked covered in his cum, the way it felt to smear it and play with your swollen entrance and clit, and now… Now he is definitely hard again. 
 "Better stop before you end up on that bed again."
 Your eyes are dancing, tone mischievous when you respond, "Only if you're gentle."
 He's got you naked and spread on the mattress in less than thirty seconds, tongue buried in your cunt as he soothes every part of you he can reach. 
 It would be cruel to actually fuck you again. He knows you're probably a little more tender than you're letting on, so Mike settles for licking into you and flicking your clit, never using teeth as it swells in his mouth so that you pant and moan, and promise, "I can handle it, Mike, I can…"
 "I don't care if you can or can't. Just lemme do this."
 And, it's not like he hasn't pulled his cock from his pants, pumping it and coating his length in the pre-cum he drips at the mere sight of you.
 He can tell you're getting close when your thighs start to tense. You alternate between shifting your hips and going slack. It's the latter that you leak the most, pussy opening around his tongue only to clench a few seconds later. 
 "Just one finger, Mike, please, I want—I need something inside me, please, please," you moan. 
 Mike turns his face to kiss your thigh, sighing but giving in easily when he acquiesces, "Only one."
 The noise you make as he slides his middle finger into you is like music, high pitched and drawn out, with an awe one would sing hymns with. 
 "Yes, yes, yes, thank you, fuck, tha—"
 He understands why you wanted it so badly when he pulls it out and sees his finger coated in white, considers fucking you with it to the point of tears, but before he can, the door to the bedroom swings open and fucking Erwin walks in to ask, "Levi and I are going to the store—"
 “Jesus fuck, Erwin!" Mike swears. "A little busy here!"
 His friend is unfazed, but more importantly, you are too, arching your back, pulling Mike's hair to get him back where you want him, then moaning his name like you never have before as you come. 
 You tremble and take in stuttering breaths, and Mike does his best to hide your exposed pussy from prying eyes as he looks at Erwin and barks out a furious, "No, I don't need anything from the store. Get out."
 The blond shrugs and turns, walking out without shutting the door, and Mike swears he's gonna kill him. He's too bold and too entitled and now he's seen far too much of your body, and Mike doesn't like that. 
 "Did you come?" You ask in an airy voice. Mike guesses you could feel the rhythm of his hand on his cock, probably pushing his face harder against you with every pass. 
 "Uh, no. I don't know if you noticed, but Erwin walked in."
 "I noticed," you snort, sitting up on your elbows. "Why do you think I moaned your name like that?"
 "What?" It had seemed a little odd. Mike knows he's pretty good at oral, but you've never made a sound like that before. 
 "Fucker wanted to see what we were up to, I decided to show him. Now he knows how good you are."
 Mike stands, peers down at you skeptically and says, "You're being too nice to me today. It's freakin' me out a little."
 He doesn't think it's necessary to add that Erwin is already aware of his sexual prowess considering they definitely had a threesome with a rather adventurous girl back in freshman year. It's just not pertinent information. 
 "Soak it up, Zacharias. I'm sure the good mood will be gone by tomorrow."
 "Why, cause I won't be at your mom's to fuck you stupid every night?" His voice comes out cocky, but it's stifled by the way you squeal when he slaps a hand over your wet pussy.
 "I'm sensitive, you asshole!" You're smiling even as you whine. "And, here I was about to give you head to get you off."
 "I mean, you can still do that."
 You glare up at him the whole time you slide off the bed to your knees, warn, "Better hope I don't bite."
 After you leave (and after making out against Mike’s Wrangler for a little too long), he goes back inside to find Erwin and Levi lounging in the den with a movie playing. He wastes no time in snapping his fingers at Erwin and commanding, "We're gonna talk."
 "Oh, are we?" Erwin doesn't even look away until Mike grabs the back of his shirt, and only then does he move from his spot. "Okay, okay, watch the wrinkles, bro."
 He follows Mike into the kitchen, out of earshot unless either of them raise their voices which… Could happen. 
 "What the fuck was that?" Mike hisses. 
 Erwin looks at him with big blue eyes and plays dumb, "What the fuck was what?" 
 Taking a deep breath through his nose, Mike makes sure his voice comes out low and steady, "Smith, I swear to God, it's been a long time since I've punched you, but you're fuckin' testing me, dude."
 Erwin smiles, face lighting up with what looks like excitement but could also be fury. 
 "Mike," he starts. "Don't tell me you're getting violent over a girl." His tone is patronizing, his eyebrows are high, and his grin is downright menacing. 
 "I haven't gotten violent yet," Mike grits. 
 "Hey, how was I to know what you two were doing up there?" 
 "It's not about you walking in, dude! It's about you just fucking standing there!"
 Erwin chuckles and blows him off, "Mike, I've seen your dick before. You've got nothing to worry about."
 "That's not what I'm worried about. You just, like, came in when she was in a vulnerable position, and that's fucked up."
 "She didn't seem to mind."
 Mike sucks his teeth, takes another grounding breath, then asks again, "Why? Why did you wait to leave?" 
 "You want me to be honest?" Erwin rolls his neck then his shoulders. Mike has seen him do that many times before lacrosse games to loosen up—to get ready for a fight. 
 Mike's fist clenches at his side. "Yeah, I do."
 "You've been making yourself crazy over this girl since the start of the semester, and I want to know why."
 "What do you mean?" Mike doesn't know why he asks, has a pretty good idea of what Erwin is alluding to. 
 The blond still dodges the question but in about the worst way possible. "It's not like you two are exclusive or anything."
 Mike feels the way his lungs fill to the point of burning, how his jaw clenches until his molars begin to ache under the pressure, and before he really knows what's happening, he's bowing up to his best friend. 
 Erwin matches him, only a couple inches shorter, chin tilted, that maddening light in his eyes. 
 "Walk away, Mike," he warns. "And, we can forget this little spat even happened."
 Mike peers down his nose at him, trying to rein in his emotions because Erwin is right. You two aren't exclusive. You don't want to be. You told him it was because you need to focus on school, but it could be that you want other options. 
 But fuck, Mike doesn't want Erwin to be one of them. He's stolen more than a few girls right from under Mike's nose with his stupid charm and stupid face and stupid money. He doesn't want you to fall prey to all of it too. 
 Mike doesn't even register the quiet footsteps padding into the kitchen, but Levi's smartass, "You guys about to kiss or somethin'?" definitely snaps him out of his head. 
 Stepping back, Mike resists the urge to punch the counter and break his fucking hand, then turns and strides out. 
 He's supposed to stay at the ranch house for a couple more days, but Mike needs to distance himself before he does something stupid. 
 When he comes back downstairs with his bag on his shoulder and his keys in his hand, Erwin seems to realize his error on at least some level and stands from his place on the couch. 
 "Mike, come on, I'm sor—"
 "Let me cool off, dude,” Mike snaps.
 Erwin shuts his mouth and sits back down, smart enough not to follow Mike outside.
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Agitation (or disturbance of the mind)
Here is my piece for the Harringrove Big Bang!! I’m so so proud of how this piece turned out and I’m so excited to share it! @harringrovebigbang
Read on Ao3 (highly recommended. It’s over 16k).
Special thanks to my beta readers @thinger-strang @crispysteve without whom this story would’ve been scrapped in many fits of emotions.
Art for this story to be linked soon by @thedogsled
Check out this amazing moodboard by @memes-saved-me !!
Steve Harrington is a liar. 
He always has been. 
Nearly everything about him is a perfectly crafted facade. 
From the story of his family’s move to Hawkins when he was eight, to the smile that slides easily onto his face when he tells Robin I’m fine. 
Steve is a liar. 
But it's all out of necessity. All for the greater of some good he isn’t all that clear on anymore. 
It was always about protection. 
Protecting his friends and everyone in Hawkins from the truth about Hawkins National Laboratory. 
Then it was about protecting himself from his powers. 
From the way his words had a knack of worming their way into someone’s brain. Of setting up shop inside and clanging around until they could do nothing but bow to his suggestion. 
Just because he could get his way with the right inflection and the telltale shiver down his spine, didn’t mean that that was okay. 
It was drilled into him the first night he arrived in Hawkins. 
After his file was stamped with a large red mark that read defective, he was given to one of the scientists and her husband. 
The Harringtons. 
A normal new family from Eastern Oklahoma. 
That’s what they told everyone. 
That’s what they made sure Steve parroted to everyone in his brand new school. 
His new father took a cigar to the tattoo on his wrist, welting the flesh with an ugly burn. He ignored Steve’s screams and tears. 
You have to fit in here, Steven, he had said, the cigar smoldering between his fingers, Steve clutching his wrist, eyes shining with tears. You have to fit in and be normal. 
So Steve lied. 
He smiled and told everyone he came from a normal family from normal Oklahoma. He said that he lived in a normal house, and read normal books, and played normal sports. 
And he tried, and failed, to convince himself the lab was a dream.
“We should do something after this.”
Steve was careful to keep his voice casual. He didn’t want to let Robin in on how much he was dreading returning to his empty house tonight. 
Robin didn’t acknowledge him. She was sorting the returned movies, placing them in piles of genre so they could easily be returned to their proper section. 
Steve quietly lifted his leg, and lightly kicked her hip. 
She glared at him. 
“Quit ignorin’ me. Just say yes, or no.” It’s not like if she said no it would crush him or anything. No. It’s fine. 
“I just have a bunch of homework that’s all, like, due tomorrow,” she said it slowly, as though telling him a beloved relative had died. 
Was it that obvious how lonely he is?
“Don’t worry about it, Buck.” Robin took school real serious. She had perfect grades every year and had already applied to sixteen colleges and universities, including four Ivy League options. 
So Steve didn’t blame her for not skulking around with him. 
With college-less, nowhere bound Steve. 
“I’m really sorry,” she began, getting that sad look in her eye like that night in the mall bathroom when Steve spilled his drugged-out guts. Literally, and metaphorically. 
“Nah, I was just lookin’ for something to do. It’s okay, Robin. Really.”
And it was. 
It’s just that, Steve’s not got a lot going for him right now. 
He’s got a big empty house, and a brain that likes to give him excessive nightmares, and one age-appropriate friend in the whole place. 
But he doesn’t wanna talk about all that shit. 
And Robin looked like there was something on the tip of her tongue. Something her teeth were barely holding back. 
So Steve just scooped up the stack of neatly ordered Action films, and made his way over to the far shelf, taking himself out of the situation before it would get to a place that would only make him lie more and more. 
Robin means well. He knows she does. 
It just feels like a lot of her well-meaning chats end up with Steve lying through his fucking teeth and Robin nearly in tears of frustration at his lack of openness with her. 
She feels like being tortured and drugged together gives them a close kind of kinship very few share. 
Steve feels like he’s got just too much fucked-up baggage to dump on her. 
Not when they’re trying to put the Upside Down behind them. 
Not that Steve could ever put it behind him. 
He felt something build in his gut. Something hot and heavy. Something that always meant his powers were scraping at the walls of the neat little cave he had shut them in. Something that meant his skin would burn until he unleashed some of his pent-up energy. 
He took a deep breath, blowing out the air slowly through his nose. 
He had rules to his power. Rules he had given himself, mostly. Things he’d never use his powers for. 
He tried to avoid his powers at all costs, but he had seen what could happen if he tried to tamp them down. It was less dangerous to open the lid of the box just a tiny bit. 
Especially if he did it right. 
He made his way back over to Robin, finding that spot in his brain that made a shudder zip down his spine. The spot that was made of cold and electric heat. 
It was always too simple when he let the power take over. 
Locate her feeling. Let him consume him. 
And then just, twist it as much as he wants. 
“Robin,” he spoke slowly, honing his suggestion. “You don’t have to feel bad about not spending time with me tonight.”
He felt her sadness and guilt about the evening recede about as fast as the tide. 
She really shouldn’t feel bad about ditching him, especially not when her education is the main priority. 
He matched her lazy grin, wiping his nose discreetly, only a small drop of blood smeared against his hand. 
The rest of the shift passed without incident, and the roaring feeling in Steve’s gut had been sated enough for the time being. 
So he pushed it back out of his mind, and returned to his empty house. 
He was saving up to get his own place. He really was. But it was easier this way. He didn’t pay any bills, had lots of space to himself, and a pool in the backyard (that he never used). 
And it’s hard for him to explain, but there’s something tugging him back into this house all the time. 
He doesn’t know if it’s because it’s the only home he ever knew after the pain and fear that was his childhood in the lab, or if it’s something else that makes him feel tethered to the too-big house. 
Sometimes he thought there was a sense of safety in the old place. 
With parents that spent excessive amounts of time doing research for things he didn’t understand but was sure were important, it was largely an emotion-free place. 
Which was good for Steve. 
High emotion situations made his power boil up and spill over the edge like a pot of water on the stove. 
A place like his empty house, he could keep everything in check. Not get his feelings tangled with those around him. Not catch thoughts that were just beginning to be molded into something brand new. 
He clambered into bed, punching his pillows around in a way that was decidedly not petulant. 
There was a steady silence in the old house. A silence that was as depressing as it was easy on his brain. 
And there wasn’t silence. 
Creaks issuing from downstairs. From the floorboards in the hallway. 
Steve was out of bed in a second, bat held aloft in as close to ready position as he could maintain while bolting down the stairs in his socks and faded green gym shorts. 
He knew how to navigate the house without a sound. Practice of tip-toeing around a volatile not-father kinda ended up giving him something useful. 
The creaks were still progressing, moving up the hallway from the back of the house, where his parents’ empty bedroom sat still. 
The person was getting closer, lumbering slowly as if they were trying to be quiet themselves. 
Steve adjusted his grip on the bat, taking proper batting stance, ready for the intruder to round the corner into his section of the hall. 
First sign of a person, and Steve would swing. 
No questions asked. 
The floorboard before the bend in the hall gave a loud sound, and he could’ve sworn he heard someone curse under their breath. 
He closed his eyes, and swung. 
His bat sailed through the air, and connected with, not an intruder. 
And then he was filled with an overwhelming sense of fear. A completely feral state of fight or flight made him nearly bare his teeth in an animalistic growl. He felt fear, and dread, and pure stubborn, stupid resolve. 
It nearly blinded him, the emotions were so thick and clear. 
And then there whooshed out of him, as though being sucked up by a feelings vacuum, leaving him empty and confused. 
His top lip was covered in blood. 
He had a lot of fucking questions as he stared at the bat, hanging by it’s long nails in the hallway wall, the ominous creaking moving past him towards the stairs. 
The footsteps that were caused by no one. 
It’s official. 
Steve’s lost it. 
He’s fucking crazy. 
He’s hearing footsteps and voices swearing quietly, and he’s going mad and completely batshit and should be tucked away in a padded room for the rest of his life. 
He didn’t even bother to wrench the bat out of the wall as he stumbled after the imagined footsteps. 
He clearly needed to get a good night’s sleep, and to forget that anything happened at all tonight. 
Billy hates Harrington’s house. 
He doesn’t, really. It’s given him excellent shelter while he pulled himself together, and it’s out of town enough to serve as a good base for the little gang of Lost Boys he had accumulated. 
It’s just that, the old house likes to make a lot of noise. 
It keeps him on edge. 
Every squealing door hinge, and every creaky floorboard sets his teeth on edge and makes him whip around in a frenzy, expecting to see a demogorgon snarling at him from the sitting room. 
He nearly had a heart attack when he heard the thuds coming from upstairs. 
He generally liked to avoid the top floor of the house. 
Harrington’s bedroom was up there, and it wigged him out something fierce. He’d only been in the dilapidated version of it one time, his first night in the house he had claimed for safety. 
He didn’t intend to stay the night in there, he had just stumbled upon it, and curled up in the bed. 
He remembers not sleeping the entire night. He was so scared after coming to in the library, something slimy and disgusting slipping its way out of his throat. 
The whole place had been screaming, as though the Upside Down itself was alive. Alive and being horrifically murdered. 
He didn’t know what it was called then, all he knew was that Harrington’s house was the first one he came across, and that Harrington’s room was depressingly empty and impersonal. 
But, there was a thudding coming from that general area, and if some kinda shitty creature was making its way into the house, he needed to hedge it off before it did any damage. 
He took hold of his ax, never far from his side these days, and slipped out of his cot. 
The floorboards in the hallway were creaky, and he tried to walk slowly, muffling his footsteps as much as he could in his heavy boots, not wanting to warn the monster he was coming for it. 
He cataloged the crew in his head: Hopper had his troop of three in the basement where they were resting up for the supply run tomorrow. Timothy was on nightwatch with his team of five. Billy was in a pack with four others; Heather Holloway, her mother, Janet, and the two boys they found skulking around the library the same night everyone seemed to wake up. One of the boys was called Andrew. The other hadn’t spoken a single word the entire time they’d been trapped. 
Billy liked to call him by different names each time he referred to the kid. Trying to get him to laugh. He couldn’t’ve been more than seven years old, and he was trapped in this fucking hellscape with the rest of them. 
Andrew was thirteen. Billy didn’t like to look at him much. Andrew reminded him of Max. Which made Billy feel empty and achy in a way he didn’t think was very productive for survival.
But Andrew took a shine to Janet Holloway. Probably missing his mother and needing more comfort than his thirteen-year-old self was willing to admit.
The Holloway women were a hell of a lot feistier than Bill originally gave them credit for, saving his ass in a scrap just as often as he had been there for theirs. Heather and Janet were equal parts caring and soft, with the right amounts of clever and bossy to take point on their team. 
Billy let himself be the muscle. 
He let himself be the watchdog and attack dog. He took nightwatches and never let his weapons out of his grasp.
Everyone had a role. 
And that was perfectly okay.
They had to keep together in this world. They wouldn’t survive it otherwise. 
They’d all lost enough people to understand that. 
One of the boards gave a hefty creak under his left foot, and he breathed a quiet fuck through his bandana, listening for more of the thudding. 
It had stopped about forty seconds before, Billy had counted, and he couldn’t hear any other sounds of something forcing its way inside. Plus, the nightwatch hadn’t sounded any alarms. 
He took another step, ax held ready and aloft in case he came face to ugly face with one of the horrible creatures that prowled the night. 
He rounded the corner, and there was a loud bang on the wall next to his head. 
He jumped as paint chipped off the wall and flew all over him. 
He was hit with a feeling of intense fear, and adrenaline rush that caused all the blood in his ears to rush. He looked wildly around, seeing, nothing. 
Billy bared his teeth, ready to go down fucking swinging. 
As long as he took the fucker down with him, that’s all that matters. 
Save the rest. 
And he stood, ready to fight, ready to die. 
And there was nothing.
Nothing in the hallway. He was all alone. 
None of this shit made any sense. He hadn’t dreamed the wall cracked beside his head, and looking back, there were holes in the wall, and a big dent that had splinted the white paint and drywall beneath it. 
There was some fucked up shit going on, and Billy didn’t like it one bit. 
He continued down the hall, creeping to the stairs to check the original source of the noises that had woken him up. 
Harrington’s room was pretty much just as he remembered it from that first night in the house. 
It was sparse and sad-looking. The covers on the bed were all jostled and thrown around, the horrible spindle-like vines covering nearly every surface in the room. 
They had cleared the tendrils in other rooms, cutting them and burning them back, ensuring the vines didn’t start creeping over them when they weren’t looking. 
Billy didn’t fancy being covered and tethered by the slimy black vines. He was pretty much over all this Upside Down shit. 
He took a cursory look around Harrington’s room, not noticing any signs of forced entry from a creature, really nothing was out of place. 
The meager school trophies on the bookshelf next to the closet looked rotted and tarnished, just like everything else in this absolute hell called a parallel universe. There were few pictures in this room, much like the whole house. It had taken Billy a long time to notice the lack of inhabitancy the house had. The way it seemed to feel so cold and empty, it would be that way in the real world too. 
His eyes swept over the dilapidated dresser, cataloging the room quickly for anything that should worry him. 
Billy deemed the whole scene safe, and made sure to close the door tightly as he retreated back downstairs. 
Steve’s going fucking crazy. 
He was still in bed, his alarm clock ringing angrily at him as it had for the past six minutes. 
He hadn’t slept at all last night. 
Something just felt. Off. 
The feelings in his chest were scrambled, and they felt foreign to him. Like he had taken in somebody else’s emotions. 
But proximity was the key to his power, and he was alone. Alone alone. 
Like, the closest person was Mrs. Gardfeld in the next house, all the way across their combined, much too big, yards. 
It felt like. It felt like someone was in the house with him. Someone was in the house with him, and they were scared, and stubborn, and tired, and a flurry of things that made Steve feel ill. 
And he couldn’t push them out. 
He couldn’t find the chasm between this slew of someone else’s shit, and his own messy cocktail of feelings. 
The other feelings were like those awful vines in the tunnel. Snaking around under his feet, wiggling up his ankles and keeping him stuck in the mud. Wrapping around his own emotions and squeezing until they just merged into one. 
He’s lost the metaphor. 
Doesn’t matter. 
His feelings are fucked and his brain is fucked and his day is fucked. 
And he has to work a double at Family Fuckin’ Video. 
He found his way out of bed. Not going very far, just standing next to his warm nest of blankets, debating getting back in and hiding for the rest of his life. 
He was going to be late for work. 
He didn’t really give a fuck. 
Keith would be all smug and probably make some remarks about Steve not even being worth the less-than-minimum wage he was making. 
He took a shower, not so much cleaning himself as letting the lukewarm water cascade down on him and hope it got rid of the stench of sweat and anxiety and bad sleep that was clinging angrily to his skin. 
His brain was empty. 
Empty save for the pounding otherness that were these horrible fucking feelings. 
Robin didn’t even have the heart to call him out for being nearly half an hour late.
“You look like shit.”
No, she just called him out for looking like shit. 
“Y’know, it’s really wonderful to have such a caring and thoughtful friend in these trying times.”
She rolled her eyes. He always told her one day she was gonna get stuck like that. With her eyes permanently fixed towards the ceiling in exasperation. 
“Drop the attitude, Steve Harrington. Just because you didn’t sleep doesn’t mean I have to suffer.” 
Sometimes it was hard to tell if she was joking. Steve just clenched his jaw and stared at her blankly. Either she would get mad at him, or sigh and roll her eyes. 
She sighed and rolled her eyes. 
She wasn’t actually mad at him. 
“You okay?”
“Jus’, some weirdness. Bad vibes.”
He couldn’t give her more than that. Couldn’t say I can feel someone else in my house and I don’t know if someone is hiding in my house or if I’m going crazy, oh and by the way, I was one of those freaky lab kids and I can manipulate and feel people’s thoughts and emotions, by the way.
That’s too much for a slow shift on a Saturday morning. 
That’s too much for really any time of any day.
No, Steve fully plans to take all that shit to the grave. Like a real man, his dad would say. 
“Well, if you could take your bad vibes back to rewind duty, that would leave all the good vibes up here to me.” She shooed him off with her hand, landing a quick slap square on his left asscheck when he groaned and dragged his feet dramatically on his way to the back room. 
Not that Steve would ever actually complain about rewind duty. Steve preferred doing it to anything else in the place. Especially re-shelving. That was just asking for someone to come ask him for a movie recommendation. Steve only watched the same five campy old westerns and when he recommends any of those, people seem to wanna get out of his face right quick. 
No, rewinding was dull and monotonous and solitary, all the shit that Steve really needed on a day like today. 
There was a strict routine and he didn’t have to think or do anything. 
Just sit. New tape. Rewind. Put in case. Put in re-shelve bucket. New tape. Rewind. Put in case. And again and again and again until all the tapes were ready to go. 
Hawkins tended to take out a lot of movies on the weekend. Not much else to do when you aren’t sixteen and ready to hit up any party you could possibly weasel your way into. 
So, Steve had about fifty some odd tapes to rewind from the past few days and he was feeling benignly excited about sitting in the small room for most of his shift. 
It was easy to pass the shift like that. 
Sitting with the quiet whirring of the tapes being tracked back to the beginning. Not having to deal with anyone’s thoughts except his own tedious ones about when he should take his lunch break and reminding himself to check the TV Guide for anything good tonight. 
It was an odd emptiness that took hold of him throughout the day. And he almost felt, well. 
He almost felt lonely. 
Which is fucking bonkers because that horrible feeling of someone else had well and truly fucked him over last night, and well into this morning, but he kind. Missed. The other presence. 
He’s officially crazy. 
Someone find this boy a padded fucking cell because Steve Harrington has officially gone all kinds of batshit bananas wacky. 
He’s feeling lonely because the horrible not his feelings of fear and anger and betrayal and desperation aren’t clogging up his little brain sink. Even when they were, the brain sink was threatening to burst and leak all over his brain kitchen. 
Or something to that effect. 
He let his eyes unfocus, watching Jaws at double speed and backward for the fourth time that day. 
There was something about the foreign feelings he just couldn’t quite wrap his head around. 
Something twinging in the back of his brain, screaming at him to open his eyes and pay attention. 
But that’s never been Steve’s strong suit. 
“Stupid. Fucking. Vines .”
Hopper muttered to himself a lot. 
It was usually too muffled underneath his own bandana face covering and the hefty beard he had been sporting to discern whatever he was thinking, but it’s not like hating the awful black tendrils of gross plant/monster/everything-that-made-up-the-Upside-Down hybrid of vine-ish tentacles was something that just Hopper experienced. 
It was a sentiment they all shared as they hacked away at the new growth in the dilapidated Bradley’s Big Buys. 
They had already ransacked the general store five times over, and took as much as they could salvage from the wreckage of the other-dimensional mall. 
Supplies were needed, and they had to be smart about it. 
Things had been quiet lately. 
Not many beasties out and about since the night they all seemed to come to. 
Hopper had said something about the gate closing and the brain being cut off from the body. 
Billy hadn’t listened. 
He’d been scared off his ass and all that had really registered was clear for now. 
So, they made supply runs. And poked around town for any survivors left to take back to Basecamp Harrington. Only Billy called it that. 
They had the runs down to a system. 
Pry away any vines they could, burning them back as they went, making enough room to slip into the bargain store, gather as much canned food and grimy medical supplies as they could manage, and book it back to the relative safety of the big house on the edge of the forest. 
Nobody talked about what they’d do when they ran out of supplies. When they’d exhausted their resources and were stuck with nothing but the vines on the ground and the spores in the air. 
Billy got it. 
It’s not like he wants to hear he’ll probably die of starvation and/or a gangrenous infection before he’s eighteen. 
They just. Make do. 
Ration food and keep each other safe. 
Always thinking about the minute they’re in and the minute coming up. Not looking too far forward. 
There’s nothing to see too far in the future. 
Billy crashed the blunt end of his ax through the sliding door at the front of the store, clearing away as much as he could. 
Janet and Andrew would slip inside first go, taking as much as they could carry with them. Next round, Heather would take the little one and gather anything left. 
Billy would keep watch. 
He always kept watch. 
Things had been too good for too long. 
After the first wave of those who didn’t make it, the whole broken side of the Earth was too kind to them. Not sending horrible fleshy monsters to nearly suck out their very souls. 
Billy didn’t think this could last for much longer. 
Heather took the little one by the hand, rushing past her mother and Andrew as they returned with their supplies. Billy did a quick scan of them, noting no new injuries. Nothing out of the norm. 
Supply runs were choreographed down to the minute. 
Should the group not return in forty-five minutes, a search team was sent out. 
The small group trudged back to the Harrington safehouse, keeping in the shadows, not a single one of them daring to speak. Billy walked slightly behind the others, never letting himself relax for a single second. 
Things were too quiet.
The feeling hit Steve over the head like a sack of bricks being whacked against his skull. 
Walking into his home was like walking into a stinking den of fear and anxiety. The air was clogged with so many emotions Steve felt like he was choking on them, slowly being crushed under their weight. 
Whoever was emitting all these, Steve felt sorry for them. He can’t imagine living with this much bad energy taking up space in someone’s brain. He could barely cope with his own terrible bullshit. He doesn’t know how someone could cope with this. 
He tried to move through his evening to the best of his ability. 
He nearly set the house on fire when he left the tin foil covering on his frozen meal, causing the microwave to spark angrily at him, the potatoes underneath the corner of foil that had nearly caught fire to smolder and blacken. 
Even in the shower, the water as hot and steamy as he could stand, he felt that prickle he couldn’t get rid of. 
Like if he could just close his eyes and reach out far enough, his fingers would brush someone else. Someone nearby. 
He’s felt it before. That there was a person just out of reach. A person he could feel clear as a bell, but couldn’t alter. Couldn’t manipulate. Just had to experience everything that was going on inside and try to hold on for the ride. 
He wore headphones to bed, blasting a mixtape Robin had made for him last month. Something with a lot of heavy guitars and girls wailing about society. 
He doesn’t think it was all that good, but it helped. Helped him feel like maybe the person wasn’t seeping into his own soul. 
And the whining synth of Patti Smith finally let him get some goddamn sleep. 
It was his house. 
But it wasn’t his house. 
It was a blank void. It was nothing. It was nowhere. 
But for some reason, his brain kept telling him it was his house. 
It was Billy. Hargrove. 
But it wasn’t Billy. 
He was dirty, covered in soot and horrible black sludge that made Steve’s stomach churn. 
“Why are you in my house?”
Billy looked around the blank void all around them. Water sloshed on the floor, lapping at Billy’s black boots. Steve observed his own toes. 
He was barefoot, but he couldn’t feel the water. 
“This is your house?”
Steve didn’t want to explain. 
“You’re dead.”
“Could be soon.”
Nothing Billy said made any sense. But then, Billy never made much sense when he was alive, either. 
He was an enigma to Steve. A big question mark all wrapped up with a gorgeous face and perfect body.
“Where is this to you?”
Why was Steve’s brain so adamant on declaring this place his house?
“Somewhere safe.”
That’s something. 
Dreaming about Harrington. 
Not necessarily something that Billy wanted to have happen to him while he was experiencing the worst possible time in his life. 
Or maybe he did. 
He’d said it in the dream. 
Somewhere safe. 
It’s what he felt in that blackness. 
Safety. Warmth. Hope. 
All the shit he hasn’t felt since he opened his eyes in the rank-ass library. 
That darkness was like a harness, keeping him grounded to something real. Tucking him in gently at night and kissing him on the head. 
It made waking up that much shittier. 
Knowing he’d be on nightwatch with Heather and Janet tonight, he used resting up as an excuse to lay on his cot, hardly moving in the clouded air. 
He needed to process. 
There was something so fucking weird about that dream. 
It felt real in the moment, and he didn’t question anything that had happened. 
Why there was water on the ground at his feet? Why Harrington was there wearing pajamas Billy could only describe as skanky? All of this made perfect fucking sense to dream Billy. 
Awake Billy, had some fuckin’ questions. 
Mostly, those previously listed. As well as: what the fuck?
He blames seeing Steve specifically on being in his house. That makes sense. You tend to think about a guy quite a lot when you’re living in the broken shell of his family home. He blames seeing Steve in those itsy-bitsy shorts and a homemade cropped t-shirt on the well repressed sexual interest he refused to admit he felt towards the guy. 
All that made sense. 
But everything else. 
Steve said he was dead. 
Was he dead?
Was this Hell?
He’s read The Divine Comedy, and this doesn’t quite match up with any of the shit Dante waxed on about. 
And dream Billy didn’t think that was a weird thing to say to someone. To accuse them of being dead. He just said could be soon and then acted like that was a normal fucking response. 
His head was spinning out of control. 
The only thing that made sense was when Billy said they were somewhere safe. 
Because, they were. 
Even in the void place, he knew they were safe. 
There was a small tapping sound on the wall next to the open door frame. 
The door had long since rotted right through. 
“Miss Janet sent me to see if you’re alright.”
Andrew was always calling Janet Holloway Miss Janet. 
It makes Billy wonder if manners like that were beaten into him by a father like Neil. 
He hopes not. 
He likes Andrew too much for that. 
Andrew hovered around while Billy swung himself out of his cot. 
He changed out the bandana over his mouth and nose. 
Most of them slept fully dressed, even with their shoes and socks still firmly on their feet. 
You had to be ready to go at the slightest sound of Bad in this place. 
Plus, everything was so goddamn dirty, what’s a little mud in the sheets in the grand scheme of things? And the rancid rotting smell of the Upside Down did wonders to cover the smell of body odor.
Billy followed Andrew down the L-shaped hallway, to the sitting room where he found Janet and Heather huddled together on one couch, the little one between them. 
“Apparently something happened on the run last night.” 
Billy’s blood ran cold. He couldn’t make out Janet’s expression under her face covering. The little one got up from his spot on the couch, standing in Billy’s shadow. He liked to do that. Billy figured he felt safe behind someone so much bigger and stronger than him. Someone with a big fuckin’ weapon that was never too far away. 
“Who’d we lose?”
“No one. Everyone’s okay. Hopper just called all of us for a discussion, then went to the basement.”
The basement was Hopper’s domain with his little chunk of the crew. 
He had found some busted up H.A.M. radio from somewhere he refused to explain, and spent all the time he wasn’t watching over his shoulder for threats or gathering supplies from smashed grocery stores, trying to fix it up, tuning it to different crackling stations, and yelling into it. 
El. El, I need you to copy if you can hear me. El!
The pillow was a mess of blood the next morning. 
It was congealed and cracked and tacky against his face and made the pillowcase stick to his cheek and his bloody upper lip in a way that kinda made Steve wanna puke a little bit. 
His nose had bled in the night. 
He never got nosebleeds. 
Unless he used his power. 
And that dream. 
That blank void space and that mucky scraggly Billy lookin’ like the hunky star of some apocalypse movie.
Blood forgotten, smeared on his face and neck, Steve tossed himself towards the phone on his nightstand, smacking his shoulder against the wooden corner and tumbling to the floor, his legs still tangled in his sheets on the bed. 
He couldn’t deal with anything, snatching the phone up and punching in the only number that was grinding through his head. 
“ Pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up, ” he muttered into the receiver. 
His upper body was still flopped over to the plush carpet, legs twitching and shaking on the bed with his anxiety. 
He’s had some massive fucking realizations and he needs backup. 
“This is the Byers.”
“Put El on the phone.”
“Oh. Steve’s covered in blood again. The Upside Down must really be back,” Dustin said in complete monotone as Steve opened the door. 
Steve couldn’t give less of a fuck right now. 
He felt like he was on the verge of a major breakthrough, all coming in the neat package of a major breakdown. 
He felt manic and shaky and so what if he forgot he was covered in the aftermath of a superpower-nosebleed-explosion?
“Shut up. Just get in.”
El had rallied the old troops from St. Paul, calling everyone at the ass-crack o’fuck in the morning and saying something about catching some weird Hawkins vibes all the way from Minnesota. 
It was a fucking weak excuse, but explaining the whole Steve situation was just not really in the cards today. 
He’s got an agenda and they need to stick to it. 
Robin said she’d gather Max on the way to Steve’s place, and Nancy was probably hauling Mike and Lucas over faster than a speeding gun or whatever that expression is, so all Steve had to do was get his story straight. 
“And maybe you should think about putting on a clean shirt? At the very least. I’d say, maybe just start over. Take a shower. Powerwash your face, even.”
“When the fuck did you become sarcastic ?”
“Right after you became friends with the coolest chick on the planet and then decided you’re too good for her.”
“ Chick. Don’t call Robin a chick. And I’ve told you, we’re just friends. I’m not too good for her.”
Really, Steve thought she was too good for him. 
Well, that, and there’s the whole part where she’s super totally not into guys at all. 
“So, what’s this all about, anyway? Mike said on the phone that El called him and left a really cryptic message.”
“Look. She called me to explain and ask if everyone could meet here,” Steve lied. “I’ll give you guys a recap once the rest of the gang shows.”
“But she thinks there’s something going on with the Upside Down? Again ?”
“I think she knows there’s something going on with the Upside Down.”
The more Steve sat with the memory of how Billy looked in that dream, the more he was certain of where he was. 
Billy had been ratty. His normally perfect hair was long and limp, greasy on top and matted around his face. He was sporting a patchy beard, nothing like the fuckin’ pornstache the guy had been rocking all last summer. 
And he was filthy. Covered in grime and dirt, and Steve’s sure if he’d looked harder, he would’ve seen traces of that viscous black goo that only meant bad news. 
There was a squeal of tires, an alarm signaling the arrival of Nancy in her mother’s station wagon, toting her brother and Lucas. 
“I’m in this now, Lucas Sinclair!” came Erica’s voice from the entryway. 
Steve was tapping his foot impatiently.
“Erica, you accidentally found out about all this!”
“So did you!”
The Sinclair siblings’ bickering was only cut by the sound of the Wheeler siblings snapping at one another in turn.
“Am I the only one that thinks it doesn’t make sense to meet up this early? El and Will are like, seven hours away!”
“Mike! It doesn’t matter. We all have to talk and figure out what’s going on.”
The sounds of arguments all quieted abruptly as the four people rounded the corner and caught sight of Steve.
“Oh, Jesus. Who kicked your ass this time?” Mike snipped at Steve. 
Oh, yeah. He keeps forgetting he’s covered in his own nose blood. 
“What? It’s nothing. I kicked my own ass. Just take a seat.”
“I told you to-”
Steve didn’t wanna hear it. 
He loves all these people, but his head kinda felt like it was full of mushy jelly and runny pudding and all the loud talking wasn’t doing much to help. 
He stepped out onto the porch, snagging the pack of cigarettes he kept stowed in the flower box next to the door. 
It took two to finally tame his nerves any. 
Sitting there with all the people in his house waiting for an explanation, he kinda felt like his haphazard plan was shit and going to fall through immediately. 
Just tell them El called. Tell them she saw Billy in the nowhere place and she thinks he’s alive. Easy as pie. 
The tell-tale sound of a skateboard making its way closer and closer announced Max before he saw her. 
Robin was pedaling next to her, helmet lopsided on her head and not buckled underneath her chin. 
They were talking animatedly to one another, their laughter dying as soon as they saw Steve waiting for them.
“Fuck. So this is real.”
“Why does everyone think I got the shit beat outta me?”
“Your ass gets creamed every time some spooky shit goes down in this place, Harrington,” Max informed him. 
She was a little Billy replica, all the way down to the way the corner of her mouth twitched up when she said his name. 
It would’ve been sad. The way she tried to become her brother after losing him so violently last summer. 
But something like relief settled into his bones, strong and real and wait ‘til I tell her Billy’s not dead and he was laughing. Curling in on himself cackling so hard his stomach had already begun to get sore
“Fuck. He’s lost it,” Robin sighed, ditching her bike next to Dustin’s and heaving Steve up, both hands underneath his armpits.
Nobody dared speak. 
“And you’re sure? You’re positive you heard one of those things?”
Janet had her arms twisted over her chest, her jaw tight as she watched Hopper’s every move. 
“It’s not really a sound you forget.”
Billy’s hand was shaking, he was gripping the ax so hard. 
“So, we’re fucked,” Angela said harshly. Her cold voice sent ice down Billy’s spine. “If those things are back, we don’t stand a fucking chance.”
Hopper scrubbed his hand over his brow, sighing through the cloth over his mouth and nose.
“It just means I have to try harder. I can get to El, I know I can.”
Hopper said that a lot. But he never explained what getting to El meant. 
Heather had explained she met El once, but she said it was weird and she only saw her like some kind of shadow, a figment in this dark empty place. Somewhere as cold and broken as the Upside Down felt. 
The little one was leaned up against Billy, his left hand balled in the edge of Billy’s leather jacket. He stood like that a lot. It was grounding for Billy. Kinda like holding Max’s hand when she was young and still thought he was the coolest person she’d ever met. 
“But, you only heard something, right? So it very well could be nothing.” Timothy was good at keeping mediator. He always kept a level head and talked slowly and calmly. They needed someone like him in this nightmare.
“They make this noise. This kind of wet chirping. Like this gurgle that just sounds like they’re watching you, ready to pounce out at any time, shrieking and attacking. It’s not a sound you forget.” Hopper had this horrible haunted look on his face, and Billy fucking believed him. 
“Then we up nightwatch. Stick together,” Billy offered. He never usually piped up with strategy, but that’s the best he’s got, and frankly, he thinks it’s the only way they’d all be able to make it through. 
“Exactly. We move in a pack now. Keep track of everyone together, and stay aware of what’s around us. I think we should do a major run and then lock up for a few days to see what goes down.” 
Hopper leaned back in the ratty armchair he was taking up, looking around to see if anyone challenged his ideas. 
Billy had given up his alpha male attitude the second Hopper yanked his upper arm and nearly screamed at him, asking Billy if he was ‘one of the flayed’ all while aggressively checking him over for injuries. 
First time any of Neil’s lessons actually sunk in. 
Respect and responsibility. 
If that fucker could see Billy now, doing nothing but respecting authority and taking responsibility for all these peoples’ lives. 
“We should rest up. Take a run tonight. Get a lay of the land,” Timothy said with an air of finality. Nobody argued. 
Hopper nodded. 
Everyone broke out from the Harringtons’ living room, milling around to get prepared for tonight’s run. Taking stock of what they needed to keep going for the next few days. 
Billy was itching to slide back into his cot and try to seek out that space if he can. The empty space where Harrington and that warm feeling of safe existed. 
The little one stayed clinging to his jacket, and Billy took a loose hold of his wrist, trying to provide some kind of basic comfort to the tiny kid. 
“You wanna go raid the cabinet?” The kid stared up at Billy with big eyes. Billy could never tell what color they were in the gloom. He thinks maybe green. 
The cabinet was a large door, built into the wall of the sitting room, and clearly where the Harringtons kept their games. 
They had these excruciating couple thousand-piece puzzles, the pictures peeling and faded on the pieces. They had Trivial Pursuit and backgammon, and all kindsa shit. 
The little one went and pulled out the checkers board. That was the only game Billy knew how to play anyhow. 
He and Max used to sit for hours, playing with this dinosaur-themed checker game Max’s dad got for her one birthday. 
It helped, playing a game. Helped pass the time. Help bait the anxiety. 
Helped them all feel a little bit closer to human.
“I don’t. Get it.”
Apparently, Nancy was not the only one, if the blank stares Steve was receiving from around his living room were anything to go by. 
“Yeah, why did she call you ?” Mike’s snitty tone was really grating on Steve’s fragile nerves.
“She said, she called to make sure everyone could come over here before she told you all to just show up this early on a Sunday morning and then she kinda explained what happened.”
Max was white as a sheet, tracking Steve like he was playing a horrible joke on her. 
“And she saw Billy. Billy Hargrove .” 
Steve nodded at Dustin. 
“Why does she think he’s in the Upside Down?” Robin asked, perched on the coffee table, sitting closest to where he was standing nervously. 
“She just knows .”
It was frustrating, trying to impart the seriousness of the situation without just spilling his guts. 
He rubbed absentmindedly at the cigar burn on his wrist. 
“I just don’t believe this. I talked to her three days ago, and she’s still having trouble with her powers. She can barely move a book, and hasn’t been able to get to the void since July, and you’re saying she accidentally saw Billy Hargrove, who we all saw murder a bunch of people and then get killed -”
“Shut up! He wasn’t himself!” Max shrieked out over Mike, the only time she’d even opened her mouth since Steve had mentioned her stepbrother’s name.
“Even if he is alive, El couldn’t have seen him! It doesn’t make sense!” Mike’s voice rose over Max’s, and Steve has a fucking headache and he’s over it.
“It was me! I had a dream. I went to the void. I saw Billy in the Upside Down. I called El to say she saw him.” 
Everyone went dead silent, staring at him.
“Steve,” Robin began, searching his face.
It was like all the wind that had been filling up his sails, powering his energy ship, had suddenly quit blowing. 
Steve was tired. 
He sank to the floor, crossing his legs where he sat.
“I need you all to shut the fuck up for a moment and let me explain, because I only wanna say all this shit once.” He covered his bloody face with his hands. “I’m like El.”
That statement hung in the air for a moment. 
And then there was a roar of noise.
“How could you keep this a secret?” Dustin shouted.
“Not in a million years !” Lucas decided. Erica yelled something back at him, vaguely defending Steve, which was nice.
“You mean you came from the lab?” Mike had a look on his face like he’d swallowed a particularly bitter lemon. 
“Everybody, shut the fuck up!” Max roared, glowering at each person until they were silent again. 
In all this Robin hadn’t said a word. She was pale, staring at Steve.
“Look, I don’t wanna go into it because it fucking sucks to think about,” Steve still hadn’t uncovered his face. “But yeah. I was in the lab. I got out because they decided I was a failed experiment. My mom worked at the lab and she took me and we pretended like the three of us moved here from Oklahoma and my dad told me never to tell anyone. And I haven’t. Didn’t even tell El. She recognized me from then. Don’t even know how, I left when she was like, three. Doesn’t matter. I’m a freaky lab kid and last night I fell asleep and saw Billy in that-what’d you call it? The void? Yeah, I saw him, and he’s covered in dirt and gross black Upside Down shit, and he’s fucking stuck there, and now we’re here.”
There was another silence. 
Steve didn’t dare to look at any of them.
He didn’t want them to laugh in his face. Tell him he was making all this shit up and leave him alone to deal with Billy trapped somewhere else. 
He wanted them to take his word for it. To quietly believe this crazy fucking shit of a story because the scared other feeling was back and clawing at his spine and making him want to burrow into the ground and find somewhere safe and secure and-
Of course it was Robin. 
It was always Robin. 
Steve let himself look at her. 
She was pale, but she was smiling at him. 
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
Steve nodded once.
“Okay. Uh, great.”
“Wait, if you’re defective, no offense, then how did you see Billy?” 
Steve stared at Max weighing his answer carefully. 
“Because, well, the defective thing, that was all, I didn’t mean to, that was before I really understood what I could do. Don’t get me wrong, it really worked out, but it was an accident.”
“Spit it out, Sailor Man.”
“ Erica .”
Erica just rolled her eyes at Lucas. 
“Okay. Uh, before I explain, just, just keep in mind that I have rules, and I don’t use my powers if I can avoid them, and I’d never use them to be a creep, but-”
“Fine!” The words were right there, ready to tumble out of his mouth and ruin his life forever. 
There was no going back after this. 
The second they knew, everything would be different.
“I can feel other peoples’ emotions and, like, change them.”
Another silence.
“I don’t understand.”
Nancy was the last person he’d ever want to have this conversation with. 
He knows what she’s thinking. He knows that the great anger brewing inside her is because she assumes he made her like him. Made her attracted to him. 
Made her want him. 
“I don’t use it like that. I would never, put something there that shouldn’t be there. It’s just, When someone feels something near me, I can tap into it. Let it become my own feelings. And then I just, change it. Just a little.” He cast around for a harmless example because so far, everyone was staring at him like a goddamn creep. “Robin!”
She startled slightly when he yelled at her.
“Okay, so Robin. I’d never, ever make you feel something not true to you. Like, I’d never make it so you were into me when you’re totally not, right?” He cast a glance at Nancy. “But, like, the other day, when you felt really shitty when I invited you over and you were studying, I just, I made it so you wouldn’t feel bad. I felt all this guilt you had for leaving me alone when you thought I was having a shitty day, and I made it so you didn’t feel guilty because you shouldn’t. That’s the kinda level I allow myself to work on.”
The look Robin was giving him was breaking his fucking heart. 
Worse still, was the feeling of betrayal that began eating away at her. 
“So, right now. You can tell what we’re all feeling?” Even Lucas, ever the level-headed one, couldn’t look him in the eye.
“I don’t want to. I don’t try to, but I can’t really avoid it. I just try to ignore it. But sometimes, sometimes if I bottle it all up for a while, it comes crashing out of me, and that’s when bad shit happens. If I don’t use it occasionally, it only wakes things worse, and I-”
“I can’t hear this.”
Robin’s anger crashed through Steve like a wave, nearly knocking him over. She stood, towering over him. 
“When we were in that bathroom, all drugged out of our minds. I-” she sniffed, rage tears pooling in her eyes. Steve likes her eyes. So crystal blue. “Are we even really friends?”
Her last question was nothing more than a whisper. 
And it made Steve wish he was never born.
He gaped at her like a dead fish.
“Rob, of course we are! I would never-”
“Because I hated you. And then one summer. Two whole months where we’re close enough that you can get all up in my brain, and suddenly I’m telling you shit I’ve never told anyone before.”
“It wasn’t, Robin I swear, that whole time, I never once used-”
She held up her hand, cutting him off. 
A sob caught in his throat as she turned on her heel. 
She slammed the door closed behind her. 
Another fucking silence. 
Steve couldn’t look anyone in the eye.
Their feelings were enough for him now, betrayal and anger and disappointment rushing into his lungs, drowning him. Choking him. 
“You’ve used them on all of us.”
It wasn’t a question. 
It was just a statement. The coldest he’s ever heard Dustin sound. 
“I just want everyone to be happy.”
“Jesus, Steve. You realize that’s actually totally fucked up, right? You can’t just make us feel whatever you want,” Dustin bellowed at him, standing up like Robin had done, looking down at Steve where he sat pathetically on the floor. 
And, when it’s put like that. 
It’s kinda fucked up. 
But he’s only ever meddled in a way that’s good. He only ever tries to make his friends feel the positives. Hell, on the night of that stupid Snow Ball, he’d given Dustin enough self-confidence to make Madonna seem insecure. 
All he does is try to help. 
“All I do is try to help.”
More fucking silence. 
Steve was so goddamn sick of silence. All he had was silence. He had the nothing, empty quiet. And he didn’t want it from the people who were supposed to make his life loud. 
“El won’t be here until later tonight. I think we should just meet up then.”
Steve buried his head in his hands, biting back sobs as the small group filtered out of his house. 
This is why he had wanted to take this secret with him to death. 
He told everyone who he really is, and now they all hate him, and he’s completely alone, and wherever Billy is he’s fucking scared and-
Max’s voice was small, mirroring the way she was curled in on herself in the plush armchair near the wall. 
“Do you really think Billy’s alive?”
Steve nodded at her, desperately begging her to stay. To help him. 
“I know he is.”
“I have an idea.”
He doesn’t remember falling asleep. 
Doesn’t remember much of anything in this place. 
He studied the water lapping at his muddy boots, dragging his toes through it to make the water wave and ripple. 
It didn’t make a sound. 
“I want to help.”
Billy knew Steve was there even before he spoke. 
Something about the warmth he brought to the void place. 
The safety. 
“Don’t know if you can.”
Steve’s lips twitched into a ghost of a smile at that. His face was covered in blood, dried and flaking away from his skin, painted all the way down his face and neck, some staining the collar of his shirt.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“That happens when the only interactions you have with a guy are to beat his ass.”
Steve cracked a real smile at that. Something big and bright that made Billy’s gut twist in a way he didn’t quite like. 
“You’re forgetting all those other times we spent together. You’re not very subtle, you know.”
Yeah, Billy knows. 
Mostly because he wasn’t trying to be subtle. 
He had talked to Steve about his bitchy ex while they both had their dicks out in the shower. He was trying to be very much un-subtle. 
“Wasn’t trying to be.”
“I know.”
Steve knows. 
And all he had done was stare blankly at Billy. 
“I need to know where you are.”
“Because I can help.”
Billy just blinked at Steve. 
“Do you know El?”
Something funny happened to Steve’s face. He kind of gave a little smile that flickered into a frown and landed on something a little pinched and awkward. 
“Yeah. How do you know her?”
“Hopper keeps saying he needs to get to her. None of us know what he’s talking about.”
And with that, Steve’s eyes went huge, and his jaw dropped. The water at Billy’s ankles sloshed quietly. 
“Hopper’s there? Chief Hopper? Jim Hopper is there?”
“Jesus, yeah. Been here since we all woke up.”
Steve acted like Billy had told him that Farrah Fawcett herself was on her way to shave his head. 
Meaning, he looked struck fucking dumb. 
“I’m gonna need you to explain.”
“I don’t know. Don’t remember much. Crashed my car on one of your shitty backwoods roads, and then everything is just, kinda, gone. I woke up in this shithole version of the library and Hopper found me here and we’ve kinda set up camp.”
Billy shrugged lamely. Something was dripping, he could hear the sound of it far behind him.
“There’s more of you? How many?”
“Not as many as there should be.”
Steve’s mouth pinched, and his big droopy eyes went all sweet and sad. 
“Where are you? Where’s the camp?”
Billy was suddenly embarrassed. There was a sound like a stream flowing over rocks.
What’s he supposed to say? The hellscape skeleton of your house oh and by the way all your stuff is here and I slept in your bed once because I was scared and sad.
“Someone’s house. Don’t know whose.”
Steve huffed some air out of his nostrils, his mouth pinching again. 
Billy hadn’t realized someone could make so many different expressions just by pursing their lips in different ways. 
“Find out. We’re coming to get you.”
A crash of a wave, and Billy was back in hell. 
Steve sucked in lungfuls of air, tossing the towel that had been covering his eyes to the ground. 
“You saw him.” 
Max was sitting in front of him, the t.v. playing static behind her. 
“Yeah. He’s okay. I mean, he’s really gross. Like, he’s-sorry. He’s okay.”
Max was still staring at him like she didn’t quite know how to proceed. 
“But he’s in the Upside Down?”
“Yeah. And there’s others. He said Hopper’s there, that he’s been trying to contact El.”
“Wait, Hopper? He’s alive?”
“Billy said all of the flayed woke up after the Fourth of July in the Upside Down. He doesn’t know anything that happened in this world, and Hopper was there and they’ve set up, like, some kind of camp, or whatever. He said they’re in someone’s house. He doesn’t know who.”
“ Fuck .”
Yeah, Steve agrees with that sentiment. 
This whole thing was like, kind of a lot. 
And deep inside him, those other feelings had yet to leave him alone all day. 
There was some kind of disappointment knocking about in his brain. 
He knows it’s Billy. 
All of those other feelings, it’s whatever Billy is feeling right that minute wherever he is. 
And it only happens when Steve is-
“Max, he’s here.”
She whipped around behind her, staring at the front door like Billy could waltz through it at any moment. 
“No, no not here, here .” She clearly didn’t understand. He used the towel to wipe the fresh blood from his upper lip, still having yet to clean himself up any. “The camp, the safeplace, it’s here. They’ve set up in my house!”
It felt like a revelation on par with the greatest inventions. Steve felt like the scientist that landed the man on the moon or the very first person to melt cheese onto fries. 
A genius. 
“So, he’s, I mean, he could be, just, here .” She looked over the room wistfully, and Steve knew how she felt. Like she wanted to pierce her hands into thin air, tearing a hole in between the two worlds and ripping Billy straight outta hell. 
(Really, she just filled him with a wave of fierce determination, but Steve likes to take poetic license on other people’s feelings sometimes.)
“And you can feel him.”
“Is he, okay?”
And he knows this question. 
Not the okay he assured her of when he first saw Billy. Soothing that he wasn’t missing any internal organs or possessed by any monsters. 
She wants to know if he’s held it together. 
“He’s scared. He’s always scared. But he’s really fucking stubborn, and he- I don’t know why he feels these things, but sometimes he gets kinda sad. Almost like he’s lost something, and sometimes, it feels like he’s caught fire, and his insides are just going up in flame and he gets overwhelmed by them. And sometimes he feels-” He hadn’t meant to continue.
“Tell me.”
He’s pretty sure Max knew what he was going to say next. 
She just wanted it confirmed. 
“Hopeless. Sometimes he feels hopeless.”
She sniffed, her eyes shining as she looked anywhere that wasn’t Steve. 
“But, we know now. He doesn’t have to be hopeless anymore. We’ll find a way in, and we’ll get him out.”
He didn’t want to manipulate her. 
He didn’t want to cross the boundaries everyone clearly thought he already had. 
But he was positive he would find a way to Billy. He was positive he would get him out and get him home. 
He sent a wave of that determination and hope and conviction to her. 
“Yeah. We’ll get him.”
“Hopper, man, some funky shit is going down.”
Hopper whirled around quickly, halfway to his feet and asking who's been hurt before Billy raised both hands, acting like he was calming an anxious horse.
“Nah, sorry, shoulda worded that better. I just mean, something’s happened to me. With me, maybe. I don’t know. Just hear me out. This shit’s gonna sound, insane.”
Hopper didn’t say anything as Billy explained, beginning with that night when the wall shattered next to his head, and ending with his most recent trip to the void place. 
Billy shrugged lamely when he finished explaining. 
“So, Harrington, huh? Never woulda guessed he was like her. You sure you didn’t see a little girl anywhere in the blank place?”
“No. It was just us. Both times.”
Hopper leaned back in his chair, scratching a hand through his thick beard. 
“The first time one of the demogorgons showed up on our side was behind Steve’s house. Took Will Byers from his shed. They live some few miles away. Second time was in Harrington’s backyard. Took Barbara Holland.” Hopper sighed, looking in the direction of the busted radio. Billy could more or less see the cogs turning in his head. “If you see him again, tell him where we are. Tell him I think the walls are thinnest here. That maybe he and El could tear through. Better yet, tell him to find me if he can.”
He clapped Billy on the shoulder, looking right at him in that way he did sometimes. It always made Billy feel like a little kid. 
“Thank you, kid. You might’ve just saved us.”
Billy felt awkward and didn’t really know what to do with his face. Thankfully, Hopper turned away from him, cutting the moment short and moving back to fiddling with the old radio. 
Billy ducked his way up and back to the furthest bedroom on the ground floor, taking a seat on his low cot and digging his palms into his eyes. 
He didn’t know how the void happened. If he could only get there in his sleep, or if it was Steve’s doing somehow. 
“C’mon, Steve. Where are you? Come find me, Pretty Boy. We gotta talk.”
When he moved his hands away, he was in that blank place. 
Billy was taken aback a bit, thinking somehow he had created the place around him. 
Until he saw Steve, standing nervously and staring at Billy. 
“I felt you. What’s wrong?”
“Sorry, you felt me? What in the fuck’s that supposed to mean.”
“Don’t worry about it. What happened? Are you guys okay?”
Steve wasn’t covered in blood anymore. 
In fact, he looked freshly showered, his hair slightly damp and soft-looking without product. 
It’s how he always looked right after having a post-practice shower. Clean and warm. Soft and inviting. 
“I talked to Hopper. He told me to give you a message.”
Steve’s eyes lit up, and he took a step towards Billy, the water rippling where his foot disturbed the surface. 
“He said, well. He told me where we are. Apparently, we’re at your place.” Billy tried to smirk a little, act like this was brand new information to him.
“Yeah. I gathered.”
“He thinks the walls are thinnest at your place. Said that maybe you and El could tear through easily. That mean anything to you?”
Steve nodded so hard his bangs flopped right into his eyes. 
He pushed his hair out of his face, tucking some behind his ear. Billy tracked the movement. 
“We’re going to try tonight. Maybe around six. Can you guys be ready by then?”
“We don’t have any way to track time around here. Don’t even know if it’s day or night, really.”
Steve bit his soft bottom lip, looking at Billy like he wanted to cry for him. 
“Then I’ll come and get you before. Warn you when we’re about to start. Make sure everyone stays close. I don’t know how long we’ll be able to keep it sustained, and we want to get everyone out if we can.”
“Steve, man, what in the fuck is going on? I’ve been shut up in this place for, for I don’t even know how long, and all of a sudden, you just start showing up in my head and telling me that you’re gonna take point on this big fuckin’ rescue mission.”
Billy doesn’t want to admit it to anyone, least of all Steve Harrington, but he’s scared, and confused, and he genuinely wishes that he had died in that library instead of waking up. 
“I’ll explain it when you get back.” 
And Steve smiled at him and the corners of his eyes crinkled and Billy didn’t quite feel like he wanted to die anymore. 
“Where are they?”
El didn’t even say hello when she pushed Steve’s front door open, just made straight for Max and Steve in the sitting room.
“They’re all being dicks,” was Max’s answer. “Steve told us about how you two know each other, and everyone kinda freaked.”
“I mean, it’s pretty freaky.”
“Yeah, sure, but they didn’t need to be such shitbirds about it.”
Somewhere between feeling harshly angry at Steve and his powers and hearing her brother’s voice crackle through the television speaker, Max had pretty much ensconced Steve as her sidekick. 
Which he didn’t mind in the least. 
It was kinda odd seeing the Byers in his house. 
Jonathan looked. Exactly the same. 
Like literally. His hair had grown out since his mother had taken a pair of scissors and a bowl to it last summer, and he looked just like the Hawkins Jonathan Steve was used to. 
It was kinda nice. 
At least one thing hasn’t changed. 
Especially because Will is pretty much unrecognizable. 
He had shot up, growing until he could nearly look Steve in the eye. And thank God, he must've followed Jonathan’s footsteps and stopped letting Joyce cut his hair. 
It was longer, adn shaggier, but it made him look so grown up. 
Nearly as grownup as El, her hair nearly down to her shoulder blades, the top of her head coming up on Steve’s chin, showing off the signs of her own growth spurt. 
Even Joyce was sporting a new look. Longer hair with bangs that were swept off her face.
She gave Steve a comforting hug, and those were just the same. 
Unease filled the room. 
Nobody knew what they were walking into. El had to have given them the basics, and Steve figures she explained some on the long drive back to town, but there had been even more developments since the last they had spoken this morning. 
Steve sifted through the borderline panic of Max and the Byers, clinging onto the fierce calm that El was radiating. Probably for his benefit more than her own actual experience. 
“I know where Billy is. We talked. I have an idea.” He took a deep breath, bracing himself for the feelings. “Hopper’s alive.”
It took a second. 
El’s carefully maintained calm wavered for a moment. 
And then it crashed down. 
Disbelief, relief, denial, anger, hope, joy. 
Everything a person could possibly feel at once poured out of El and Joyce both, nearly knocking Steve off his feet with the sheer velocity of the emotions. 
“Saw him?”
“No. But Billy mentioned him. He said he’s been trying to get to you.”
El’s eyes filled with tears, and Steve could feel the satisfaction, the pride, welling up in her that Hopper was still thinking of her. That he was trying to reach out. 
“My powers,” she trailed off.
“Yeah. I know. But, he said, well, he told Billy to tell me, he thinks the walls are thinnest here. Maybe in the woods outback. He thinks we can do it.”
Sorry,” Joyce interrupted. She had gathered herself somewhat, but her feelings were still shaky. 
She always felt like she was trembling emotionally. Joyce felt everything nearly as viscerally as Billy did. 
“I think we’re not on the same page. Steve, you spoke to Billy? El said she sensed him.”
“Steve is like me. From Papa.”
“You mean, from the lab?” Jonathan clarified. 
Everyone was staring at Steve again and he felt like burrowing a hole right through the floor and hiding underground forever. 
“Yeah, I got out when I was a kid. My parents were pretty hell-bent on hiding it from everyone. But. You know. Cat’s outta the bag now. But yes, it was me who saw Billy. He’s in the Upside Down. A bunch of people are. Including Hopper. It sounds like they were all taken and the flayed people out here were like, fake. Like evil twin versions.”
Sure, it’s a shitty explanation.
It’s the best he can do, okay? Leave him alone. 
“So, what’s his plan, then?”
That’s the good thing about the Byers, though. They get the whole, priority thing. Now’s not the time to focus on shit like Steve’s fake life. Not when the Upside Down is concerned. 
“Billy didn’t say much. Just that he thinks maybe El and I could like, band together to open it. I don’t really know how, I mean, I haven’t thought about it much, I just spoke to him, but that's the idea. I told him I would meet him in the void or whatever before we go so he can gather everyone and get ready.”
“So, is it just us?” Will asked quietly, biting the inside of his cheek. He was disappointed. His friends not being where they were needed. Not being there to see him for the first time since his family moved away months ago. 
Steve shrugged.
He was battling his own disappointment and hurt at everyone ditching him. 
“No. Let’s start calling. We need to stick together for this one. Billy hasn’t said anything about how bad the Upside Down has been, and we need to be ready to fight off anything that tries to get through.”
“Max is right. They should be here.” Will was already making his way to the phone placed on the side table. “They need to be here.” 
Jonathan caught Steve’s eye, jerking his head slightly to the hallway. 
Steve followed him, already knowing the line of questioning that was about to hit him. 
“I knew you called El. I picked up this morning. Now the story makes a lot more sense, I guess.”
“Yeah. I’ve been getting this weird feeling for a couple months, but I finally put it all together. Probably would’ve happened faster it is was El.”
“I don’t know. She’s been struggling a lot. She practices every day, but,” he sighed” I don’t know if she’s strong enough to make this work.”
He’s worried, adn scared, and has that exact same tremble-feeling that his mother does. 
“I know. I just don’t think we can leave them any longer. Billy said they’ve already lost people. I don’t know what it’s been like for them, but they’ve been stuck for fucking months, and-”
This time, it hit him so hard he really did blackout. 
His vision clouded around him, and his whole body burned with the raging fear inside of him. 
He could hear something, could hear someone screaming, adn something, something that sounded horrible, and so very very like a-
It’s like it had come out of nowhere. 
This towering figure, long and thin in all the wrong fucking ways.
And the sound. Billy realized what Hopper meant about how it’s not something you forget. 
They were in some form of a ready position. 
Billy among the front of the group, holding his ax he had never let go of in the first place. 
His heart was pounding. 
We’ll be out soon. We’ll be out soon. 
He didn’t believe it. 
How could he?
How the fuck is Steve Harrington going to get them out of the worst place ever? No offense to him or anything, but the guy could barely make a goddamn milkshake without spilling something on the sticky tile floor of Scoops Ahoy! and now, Billy’s life is in this guy’s hands while he stares into the jaws of a monster that looks like it stepped right out of H.P. Lovecraft’s wettest dreams.
It’s not like this is the first time he’s had this realization, but he is in way over his fucking head. 
“Steve,” Billy grumbled to himself through gritted teeth. “If you can hear me, get us the fuck outta here.”
The thing ahead of them wasn’t moving. It stood in the line of the trees behind Steve’s house. 
It was staring down the clump of people on the other side of the backyard. 
The air was still. 
Billy’s ears were ringing. 
He stared the thing down. 
Its long fingers twitched. 
Someone screamed. 
And the thing charged. 
It roared like nothing Billy had ever heard before. A shriek that seemed to vibrate Billy’s bones and tremble the earth underneath his feet. 
It charged. 
Sprinting forward on long thin legs, it loped with a grace that turned Billy’s stomach and made his knees wobble and threaten to give out. 
Plant your feet. 
It rang through his head, Steve’s voice from, some time Billy couldn’t remember. Or maybe Steve was just the little voice that commanded his bravery now. 
Either way, he dug the balls of his feet into the cracked ground, and waited. 
Don’t stop fighting.
He swung. 
The ax clocked right into the side of the thing, barely cutting into its thick leathery skin, but it slowed it down. 
Well, actually. 
It made it change course from attacking the group as a whole, to honing in on Billy. 
Which was less than awesome. 
Billy wrenched the ax out of its tough body, thick, sticky black goo connecting the ax with its entry point as he drew it away. 
He swung again, nearly hitting the same place. 
The thing cried out, roaring over the sound of screaming and gunshots. 
Hopper had his rifle trained on the flowered head of the one Billy was furiously chopping into like a tree. 
There were two more, two he hadn’t noticed in his preoccupation with the one in front of him. 
He didn’t know who was who. Which gunshot belonged to which gun, which shriek belonged to which animal. 
He didn’t know if the cries of pain were from the awful beasts or the people in his camp. He was hoping the former. 
He swung again. There was a sickening sound of the metal blade connecting with something solid. Something like bone. 
Hopper shot it, once, twice in the head. 
It was whining, making a high-pitched noise as it staggered about. 
One last blow to the side of the thing, and it was finished. 
The monster flopped onto the ground, dark liquid oozing out of it, its body nearly split in half where Billy had hammered it with his ax. A great gaping wound that showed sticky dark entrails. 
Billy turned. 
His brain was working in slow motion as he charged into the battle still raging. 
He didn’t know how many of the things had arrived. 
All he knew was taking them out.
His arms were sore from the force he was putting into each blow with his ax. His muscles threatened to give out at any moment.
Drive them back. We’re coming. 
The thought was shoved into his head. He didn’t know where it came from but he believed it. 
“Help is on the way!” He shouted to no one and everyone. 
He had taken down two more demogorgons with the help of the others. One was missing its body, a petal head lolling on the ground, getting trampled on in the fight. 
Steve had felt the demogorgon before Billy saw it. 
It was an odd feeling, almost like it was a black hole sucking up everything he thought and felt before he could cling onto it. 
It made him feel cold, and empty, and just like the Upside Down felt. 
“We don’t have time!”
El was insisting on contacting the others. She was livid with them for abandoning Steve, but things were taking a turn for the small group trapped in that hellscape. 
“Steve’s right. If there’s a demogorgon there, that means the Mind Flayer has gotten some strength back, wherever he is.”
Steve nodded at Will gratefully.
“But, what’s the idea? You two open the gate. Then what? We wait for those things to come through to our side?” Jonathan asked, kinda harshly, if you ask Steve.
Steve rubbed his eyes, his fists pressing against them so hard he was seeing odd shapes. 
“No. I go through. I get them. I bring them back.” His head was a fucking mess. Billy was all over the place. Fear, desperation, and a horrible calm that only came when things looked like the end. Plant your feet, he thought, trying to get his feelings to Billy through the thin dimensional wall. Don’t stop fighting. “For the past few days, all I’ve been able to feel is somebody else’s fucking fear and this stupid stupid stubbornness and I know it’s Billy, and I know he’s in trouble. Like right now. The demogorgons are coming for them, and he’s so scared. He’s so fucking scared and he thinks he’s gonna die, and he’s trapped .”
He looked at each person individually, glaring at them all in the eye. 
“We don’t have time.”
So it was decided. 
He brought El outside, and stared into the shimmering water of the pool. 
The pool where a demon came out and dragged Barbara to her death. 
It gave him the fucking creeps. Well, it more gave him the severe anxiety, but there was something about it that made it seem like it was the best place to try and rip the fold between himself and Billy. 
Drive them back. We’re coming. 
He wanted Billy to have some hope. Something like a lifeline that would keep him fighting the monsters. 
He had wrenched his nail bat out of the wall it was still planted in from a few nights ago, and stood next to El, ready to try. 
“To be honest, I don’t know how to help you.” It was the only thing that scared him about this plan. “I don’t have the same powers as you. The telekin-the moving stuff around. I don’t know how to open this.”
She looked at him thoughtfully. 
“In Chicago. Kali. When I’m angry my powers are better,” she took his hand. “Make me angry.”
Steve closed his eyes. 
He tried to push Billy to the side, clinging onto the first bit of El he could sense. 
Her anger was like a melted core running through her. Driving her in a lot of ways. 
He grabbed onto it. 
Papa. Everything he did to your mama. Being locked in isolation. Fights with Hopper. Being trapped in the cabin. Feeling alone and not knowing how to fix it. New kids at school being mean. Techs in the lab that treated us like rats. The smell of skin burning. Parents that called you a freak. 
He didn’t know when he had stopped using El’s ready-made rage, and began siphoning his own straight into the beating heart of her fury. 
His gut began to feel white-hot, and he could feel the blood dripping down his lip. 
Lying to everyone. Being abandoned for the truth. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. 
Steve was livid. 
He’s never felt an emotion consume him like this. Felt one feeling take over so completely it’s like there was nothing else in the world. 
He opened his eyes. 
There was blood flowing steadily from El’s nose, and he knew his was doing the same. 
He could feel his heart pounding against his ribs, his body going into overdrive to divert all of his energy to his powers. 
The rift glowed red through the clear pool water, splitting open like a seam on a well-worn shirt. 
The burn on his arm ached, and he pushed into it. 
He remembered being held down on his father’s desk. Remembers the cigar being forced against his skin, bubbling up and disfiguring the tattoo beyond recognition. 
He remembers his father, this is for your own good, Steven. You’ll tell everyone you had an accident. People won’t question a burn like they will a tattoo. 
Like no one would take one look at the quarter-sized mark and know what would make it. 
He remembers getting the tattoo. 
It was nearly the same process. 
He was strapped down in a chair, his screams going ignored as the needle drove into his skin over and over, leaving a neat black number behind. 
Number One. 
The first in a series of children bred for something more, and beaten into acceptance. 
His head felt like it could explode. He didn’t know what was going on around him, was barely aware of El’s sweaty hand in his, and the bright red light coming from the cracked bottom of the pool. 
It was open. 
Number One took a deep breath, and dived into the pool. 
It was the little one that noticed it. 
Billy had been trying to yell at him to get back inside, to keep himself out of harm’s way. 
They had killed six demogorgons, and more were certainly coming. 
The trees in the forest were rustling in a way they never did on their own. 
The little one was pointing frantically, his eyes wide and scared. 
Billy turned, and his blood ran cold. 
Something was moving in the pool. 
It was making the thick non-water slosh around dangerously, the dark liquid lapping over the sides and staining the concrete. 
There were vines crisscrossing over the surface of the liquid, and Billy approached it carefully, hoping whatever was coming out would be trapped underneath them. 
“This is the last fucking thing we need,” Hopper gritted out, cocking his rifle and aiming at the sludge. 
And then Billy’s head felt like it had been cracked open. 
He was blinded with pain and rage and 
Help me, Hargrove!
He started swinging his ax wildly at the vines. Trying to break them apart enough for a body to fit through. 
His heart thundered in his chest, and he dropped to his knees, ripping at the slimy black tendrils. 
He shoved his left arm in.
It was like dousing his arm in ice. Like the liquid was made from the purest essence of cold. 
He searched frantically with his hand, finding something solid and yanking with all his strength. 
He had to put both arms in, grabbing hold of whatever he could, using his body weight as leverage to extract Steve from the cold. 
He was limp when Billy finally got him out, but breathing heavily. 
He opened his eyes, wiping his face free of the goop and blood covering him, and grinned at Billy. 
“Told’ya we would get you out.”
They shepherd him inside, most of the gang speechless and struck dumb from the events of the past while. 
Steve was given a change of almost clean clothes, and allowed to use some of their bottled water ration to clean the freezing black fluid from himself. 
He wasted little time, and was down in the Upside Down version of his living room with everyone else. 
“We can’t be long. El had to use a lot of strength to open it, but she’ll need her strength to close it, too.” 
Nobody knew what in the fuck Steve was going on about. 
Nobody but Hopper, that is. 
He still had disgusting pool sludge all over his front from when he pulled Steve into a tight hug when he had gotten his bearings back from his journey through the rift. 
“We can’t send people through that shit. It took all of Billy’s muscle to get you outta there.”
“So we drain it,” Steve insisted. “My parents drain it sometimes, I know how to do it.”
“I’ll keep watch. Make sure nothing tries to make itself known.”
Billy had barely wiped himself off. 
He didn’t care anymore about how freezing that shit was, he just wanted to surge forward, and get back the fuck home.
Hopper studied them both.
“Bring weapons. Yell if you need help.”
Billy nodded once, and turned on his heel, following Steve out the back door. 
Steve led him to a wooden shed on the side of the house. Billy had to clear the vines away from it before Steve could pry open the doors. 
It was full of pool equipment, and it didn’t take long for Steve to locate a large grubby pump. He knocked it against the wall of the shed until the filter attachment clattered off, leaving bigger openings for the sludge to, hopefully, run through. 
“Shit. This thing is electric. You got electricity?” 
It was the first time Steve had really gotten a good look at Steve since being in the Upside Down. 
He looked exactly as he had in the void place. His hair had a lot more disgusting black fluid in it, and he overall looked kinda shitty with the flecks of grime and blood on his face, but he looked bright. Alive. Strong. 
“How did you do it? Take me to that place. Figure out we were here.” 
Steve flushed. Billy had become overly aware that his face was completely covered under his bandana. Steve should cover his face. 
He drew another one of his back pocket, and, he didn’t know why, but he tied it around Steve’s face. 
Seriously, he could’ve just handed it to the guy and called it good there. But no. He had to set his ax on the ground, propped against his leg, wrap his arms around Steve’s shoulders, and tie the bandana like this was some intricate ritual. 
All while Steve just stared at him with those fuckin’ eyes of his. 
“It’s a long story.” Billy could barely hear Steve speak through the dirty cloth now covering his mouth and nose. “I’ll tell you when we’re back. When we’re safe.”
“I’m holding you to that, Harrington. Can’t have a guy poking around my dreams and shouting in my head without knowing his intentions.”
It was as close to flirting as Billy dared right now. 
Right before they tried to journey between worlds. 
“Good to know you heard me. I was trying to give you something of a pep talk.”
“Well, it worked. I would’ve just put my arms out and let those things rip me to shreds if I hadn’t have known.”
Billy didn’t know what Steve’s face was doing behind the cloth, but his eyes dropped, and Billy imagined that little cinch of his mouth that he had noticed Steve doing so much in that void place.
Billy meant it as a joke. 
He really did. 
And the Billy that was torn to bits in the mall wasn’t this Billy. Wasn’t the real Billy that was made out of real Billy materials and real Billy personality. 
But it still made Steve feel queasy, thinking about his arms spread wide, black goop pouring out of his mouth and nose as the Mind Flayer decimated him. 
“We’ve got a lot to talk about, Billy. Just, not now.” 
And Steve turned off, hauling the pump back to the pool and taking calming breaths. 
The pump sank without much effort, like there was some kind of gravitational pull at the bottom of the pool. 
Steve had connected the thickest hose he could find, adn sent Billy off with the extension cord to find an outlet that didn’t spark and threaten fire. 
Before no time, the pump was humming, and pushing black slime through the hose and onto the dead grass. 
They didn’t need to get it all out, just as much as they could shove everyone through. 
Steve closed his eyes, trying to reach El like he had Billy. 
We had a hold up. Shouldn’t be long. 
He could feel her on the other side. 
She promised she would stay close enough to the rift that Steve could get in touch with her. 
He could feel something slither down his spine, a wordless confirmation from her. 
The liquid in the pool was slowly edging down, leaving a stain on the once-white walls of the pool. 
“Gather everyone up. Tell ‘em to meet out here. Tell ‘em to leave it all behind.”
Billy was still staring at the edge of the forest when he commanded Steve. 
It was odd, being in his house that’s not his house. 
Everything was so. Wrong. 
From the way the house seemed to be crumbling down, reduced to its studs in some areas, to the way it was still clearly his house. Paintings his father had bought. Elegant furniture his mother selected. 
It was all there. Just under a thick layer of dirt and nightmares. 
He thought idly about his bedroom, wondering if it would look like it did on his end. A little messy, the sheets typically rumpled and unmade. 
He resisted the urge to wander upstairs, reminding himself he was on a mission. 
“It’s time. Don’t bring anything. It’ll probably be ruined along the way.”
Everyone looked grave. Steve tried to smile at them, tried to push through some calmness to them all. He had forgotten Billy’s bandana was tied around his face. He sent one last wave of quiet confidence around the room, and led the group through the kitchen. 
They had barely rounded the corner of the kitchen island when they heard a strangled yell from outside. 
Steve put his head down, and sprinted through the shattered glass doors, skidding to a halt in the threshold. 
Billy was staggering backward, his ax forgotten on the ground and his left hand was clinging wildly to his right shoulder. 
His jacket was in tatters, thick blood dripping bright crimson down his arm, standing out like neon against the dark, dirty ground. 
Steve didn’t feel himself moving forward. He didn’t feel his hands raising in front of him. 
He just felt anger. The same anger from before that had ripped through him like a raging forest fire and straight into El. 
The thing shrieked. 
It backed away from Billy, twisting and writhing as its horrible screams filled the air, making the hair on the back of Steve’s neck stand on end. 
Fierce fury was exploding out of him, and he grit his teeth against the pounding in his head. 
“You don’t get to hurt him,” Steve barely barked out. 
All went still, and the demogorgon snapped into pieces. 
Steve felt like he could pass out where he stood. 
He had never felt so wrung dry. 
His vision was waning at the edges, and he felt an arm around his waist, coaxing him toward the red light now barely shining through a thin layer of slime in the pool. 
“Hold your breath, Pretty Boy.”
Steve was limp against him, and Billy was doing his best to ignore the searing pain in his right shoulder as he held Steve close to his side. He had fumbled off both of their face coverings, moving clumsily through the pain of his injury. 
He took one last breath, and jumped into the rip between worlds. 
He plunged into the water, the crystal blue of a chlorinated pool. 
It was the best feeling in the world. 
Being covered and surrounded by clean. The heated water doing more to soothe Billy’s frayed nerves than anything in his life. 
He kicked hard, swimming one-armed to the surface, Harrington a dead weight in his injured arm. 
His head broke the water, and he took in deep lungfuls of clean, crisp air. 
Someone was tugging at Steve, and Billy, for the first time in his fucking life, was glad to see those kids Max was constantly hanging around. 
A woman Billy didn’t know was fawning over Steve, feeling for a pulse, and looking relieved when she felt his hot breath against her palm. 
“There’s more coming,” Billy coughed. 
He barely managed to get the words out, dripping muck and grime on the cement by the pool, when it felt as though he was hit from the side by a speeding train. 
He buried his nose in bright orange hair, hugging Max back as tightly as he could manage. 
He was exhausted, and feeling her there, alive and okay, was all that was keeping him standing. 
“I thought, I mean, we all thought you were dead. We saw it. That thing killed you .” Billy realized, with a whole lotta horror, that she was crying. Sobbing outright into his dirty chest. 
“Yeah, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” How could they have seen when that monster just came at him? 
“Oh, you’re bleeding.”
And if she only just realized he was hurt?
Max frog-marched Billy inside, to a very pale-looking Nancy Wheeler, sitting ready with a first aid kit. 
Billy had to peel his clothes off his body, the fabric stuck to him like a second skin. 
Nobody was speaking, and more of the people locked in the other place came traipsing into the room, fluffy towels wrapped around their shoulders. 
Hopper was the last to come in, holding the woman tight to his side underneath the striped pool towel. 
“Steve and El are closing it back up.”
There was a quiet murmur around the room.
Nancy patched up Billy’s shoulder, Max still stuck to his side like glue, the little boy from camp pasted to his other side. 
He had no idea how much time had past when Steve finally came traipsing into the room with Max’s little friend, both of them sporting matching bloody noses. 
Steve looked like shit. 
His face was covered in blood, old and new, and he still had some of the gross not-liquid in his hair from the Upside Down. 
But Billy doesn’t think he’s ever been happier to see someone in his life. 
“I’m sure everyone has questions,” said the woman tucked against Hop’s side. El, Billy assumes, had taken her place on Hop’s other side, wrapping the towel around her shoulders as well. 
The woman launched into a story that made Billy feel like his brain was oozing out of his ears. 
A monster. One they had all met before. Playing body snatcher in their sleepy little town. 
Apparently, one had been wearing a Billy meat-suit and wreaking havoc around town, which made Billy wanna throw up until he died. 
Which, not-Billy, had died. Fuckin’ brutally. And in front of everyone. Which sure as shit explained why Max wouldn’t let go of his sweaty hand. 
The story made Billy queasy, and he took to studying everyone in the room instead. 
All the kids were there, even the one that had been following Steve around like a little shadow, but they were all glaring in the very much opposite direction of Steve. 
Steve himself was pressed almost against the wall, looking like he’d collapse if the wall weren’t supporting him. 
“What’s up with the cold shoulder?” Billy muttered to Max.
“They’re mad at Steve right now. He’s been lying to us all.”
It was all he got out of her before everyone started moving around. 
The woman, Joyce Byers, he’s learned, had finished her story, and the group from the Upside Down had begun clamoring for rides home, or maybe something to eat. 
Billy just saw Steve manage to slip away before he followed him. 
It took some doing, shaking off the little one, who still wasn’t speaking, and looked ready to burst into tears when Billy told him to stay behind in the living room. 
But Janet Holloway took the kid’s other hand and gently led him back into the living room. 
Billy nodded at her, and sped up the stairs. 
It was weird, being in Harrington’s actual room. 
It was messy, and looked like Steve spent most of his time here tossing clothes on the ground or twisting up in his bed covers like a tornado. 
But it was oddly comforting. 
Being in Steve’s real room, and not some perverse dirty copy. 
Steve was standing, facing the bed, peeling his borrowed jacket from his shoulders and leaving it there on the floor.
“I never said thank you.”
Steve startled at Billy’s voice.
“Yeah. No problem.” Steve’s tone was light and airy, but Billy heard him sniff.
“Max said the little shitbirds are mad at you. Something about you lying.” 
Steve turned around, giving Bily a watery smile.
“It’s a long story.”
“I got time.”
So Steve told him. 
About the lab. 
About the experiments. 
About the torture. 
He explained that he had rules. Never making anyone feel something they already didn’t. Never altering someone’s opinion of, or feelings towards him. 
Billy grit his teeth as he imagined Wheeler giving Steve a hard time about that.
Steve was silent for a moment, not looking at Billy.
“It’s okay if you hate me. I mean, everyone does now.”
“You'd be able to feel if I hated you. You and those powers of yours just saved my life, Pretty Boy. I’m pretty sure I’m feeling the farthest thing from hatred just about now.”
It was as close to a confession as Billy would let himself get. 
But if Steve knows what he’s feeling at any given moment, then that means that he knows, and he didn’t-
“Quit it. Insecurity isn’t a good look on you.”
Steve sounded tired, and he flopped back onto his bed, staring at the ceiling with his arms out. 
At first, it didn’t sit quite right with Billy. 
He had barely even begun to identify what he was feeling when Steve swooped in and just point blank told him what the emotion was. 
Billy spent nearly all of his time being a big fuckin’ facade. 
He tried his very best to hide any emotional tell from anyone around him. 
He prided himself on being a chameleon. That nobody would ever truly know how he felt in any given situation. 
And here’s pretty boy Steve Harrington. Who is feeling just as, if not more, strongly as Billy is. 
But, it takes out all the parts of emotions that Billy hates dealing with. 
Showing them. Talking about them. 
He’d never once had to grapple with the words to explain how he feels to Steve. 
Steve would just. 
He’d know. 
And god, that’s kind of a nice idea. 
Billy sat down gently on the bed. 
Steve’s head popped up to stare incredulously at Billy. 
Billy just grinned at him. 
132 notes · View notes
xpeachesncream · 3 years
perfectly wrong | one
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summary: there were rules that had to be followed: no one could know about you two, there was no ‘getting to know each other,’ and there was absolutely no emotional attachment allowed. if this could be done, there should be no complications. but somehow, the rules always get bended.
pairing: reader x fuckboy!kth
genre: college au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 2301
chapter warnings: cussing, mature language, very slight angst, some hints of jealousy, alcohol consumption
notes: pls remember that this is set a few months after you and tae have been going at it, so it will seem like things are happening a bit fast. i’m not trying to prolong this series. also most importantly, i tend to usually write shorter chapters > shorter, but more chapters published. enjoy!
> series masterlist <
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Jungkook decided he was going to see if he could jump over your couch and land perfectly in a seated position.
"Wait, wait, wait. Absolute silence everybody." He says as he's stretched over, trying to estimate the timing and height of his jump. He had always been super athletic and competitive since you two were small, so there was really no changing his mind on this. He always had to prove something, even if that meant creating his own competition of jumping over the couch.
"It's just me and you." You watched him from the kitchen, making sure the pizza in the oven was baking properly.
"I have an audience, okay? Don't be rude, Y/N." He says as he points over to the fake audience clapping and laughing during a 'Friends' episode.
"Whatever, as long as you don't go breaking my shit, Jeon Jungkook." He was 22, but his mentality was 8. That was for damn sure.
"Siiiiiiilence." He says at a whisper, his eyes shut as he puts a finger to his mouth. He lets out a huff and a puff before he gets the courage to throw himself over the couch and land a perfect landing. "And once again, he sticks the landing!" He stands up with his hands up in the air.
"You're annoying." You laughed, getting paper plates ready for the pizza that was about to be done because you were in no mood to do any dishes tonight.
"Thank you! I'll be here again tomorrow, same time." He calls out to his fake audience.
"No the hell you're not."
"Ouch, nevermind. Someone apparently doesn't want me here." You laugh at how dramatic he is. At this point, you just let him be because that was something you always loved about your bestfriend. He embraced the kid in him and always brought good times. You had similarities, but you also had some major differences. You liked being in your comfort zone & you were labeled the innocent nerd amongst your friends. You just like to consider yourself simple, though. A 'take it day by day' kind of person. Kookie was fun, adventurous and childish at times. He was also shy, but loud at the same time? An introverted extrovert, you could say.
But you loved each other nonetheless, that's why you've clicked so well since you were young. You taught each other things & grew together.
"Here, fool." You placed the pizza in front of him with the paper plates.
"Set it up, I'll grab us the drinks. You want anything in particular?"
"That bottle of Stella Rosa, please." JK knew you loved that Stella Rosa, so he happily grabs the bottle and two wine glasses. He plops back next to you on the couch, pouring your glasses and grabbing a heaping serving of 4 slices of pizza.
You both decided you want a good laugh, so you throw on Kevin Hart's newest installment: Zero Fucks Given. It isn't long before you both are rolling on the floor, almost gasping for air at how much you're laughing at Kevin Hart's stand up. The pizza is gone, the wine is gone, and you're still feeling pretty tipsy. The whole thing sounds nice, until your head starts to wonder what Taehyung is doing and if he'll text you to come over tonight. You know he probably already has plans with another chick though, and that hits you.
Curse this fucking alcohol.
Let's get this straight - the only time you 'talk' is when he's trying to fuck.
And yes bitch, you let him do this to you. You're out that door before you can even fully slip your shoes on. Dick is just that good. It's something about Taehyung that makes you addicted. The way he gives you a stupid ass smirk when he opens his door, the way he touches your skin and gently lays his shit on you until you both become really invested in the moment. So invested that shit hits the roof. It gets messy. It gets rough. It becomes unspeakable.
You aren't friends. No one knows about you two, or that you even know the other exists. You don't know shit about each other. The only thing you know is that he's fucking other girls. He has a whole roster, you'd imagine - a starting five, at least.
He doesn't care about you, and for the most part, you don't either. At least, that's what you like to portray because it's been some months now since this whole thing started and you can't help but feel some kind of emotional tie to him. You're leaving your house between 12-2am in the morning and sleeping in his bed until 6-7am. It's a routine; a routine you've become used to. You skip out on some late night kick-its with your friends cause you anticipate a text to come through from him.
But, he doesn't care. You aren't the only female slipping into those sheets, and boy does it fucking make it hard to swallow. Reality hits hard when you think about it and you feel this huge pit in your stomach. You try to be different, you try to stand out one way or another. But it doesn't work that way. You knew what this entailed going into it, so it makes zero sense as to why you're hurting and getting jealous from time to time.
You know it still doesn't matter to him.
He's only fucking you over cause you let him. You know damn well you're not gonna change and let this go, though. You love thrill of it too much. It's the most thrill your life has had. You're not perfect and you're only human. You make mistakes, but this one definitely puts the cherry on top. Because not only do you refuse to learn, but you let it repeat itself over and over again.
"Aishhhh, my stomach hurts from laughing too much." Jungkook laid his head back and patted his belly. "But that was good though. I needed that."
"Yeah it was. Thanks for coming by to watch that with me, Kook." He tilts his head over to look at you and smiles.
"Sure thing." He checks his phone and sits up. "Yoongi is blowing up the group chat." You check your phone to see multiple unread messages from none other than Min Yoongi himself.
[yoongi] 10:37pm: aye
[yoongi] 10:45pm: all of a sudden, everyone is ghost in this group chat?! you all had a lot to say not too long ago.
[yoongi] 10:52pm: even though you guys are fake as fuck, does anyone wanna come with me to the bars tonight? meet at my place so we can head out.
You and Jungkook laughed at how butthurt Yoongi was in the groupchat. Yoongi definitely was the most serious and blunt one in your group, but he still liked to party and have a good time. It was just how he was. Hoseok was always full of energy and probably the most extroverted one out of all 4 of you. He was never shy. You and Jungkook met Yoongi and Hoseok your first year in college and became inseparable ever since. You all just click with your different attributes.
[jungkook] 10:53pm: lmaoooooooo
[yoongi] 10:53pm: fuck you dude lol
[jungkook] 10:54pm: i'll come through in a sec, i'm at y/n's right now. not sure if she's gonna come though?
[y/n] 10:55pm: i'll pass, i'm tired and wined out.
[hoseok] 10:55pm: ahahahah yoongi shut up, blowing up my phone for no reason. i'm passing on tonight too. im tired from working that overtime *cries*
[yoongi] 10:56pm: you both are boring. i'm especially offended at how i didn't get an invite to your little powwow, y/n. and now you don't wanna hang out?
[hoseok] 10:57pm: she mentioned she was going to watch kevin hart's thing yesterday and offered us to swing by if we wanted to though....... selective hearing, maybe?
[y/n] 10:58pm: ^ okayyyyy and that's on period! thank you hobi <3
[hoseok] 10:59pm: anything for the baby
[yoongi] 10:59pm: lmao you're a brat, y/n. whatever, i'm still hurt by you both! kook, hurry on over so we can drink
"Fuck I regret this, I'm gonna die." Jungkook laughed as he stood up and stretched. He quickly helped you clean up before he figured it was time to go or else Yoongi would have a fit.
"I feel like it has to do with that one girl he's been talking to on and off."
"Perhaps." Jungkook shrugged before putting on his shoes. "We shall see." he sighs before giving you a tight hug. "You sure you don't wanna come out?"
"You don't even have plans tonight."
"Yes I do."
"Doing what?"
"Laying in bed." Jungkook snorted as you shook your head and shrugged. What else did he think you were trying to do? He should know you by now, at the very least.
"Alright, I'm not even going to argue. I'm off."
"Be safe, have fun, text me if you both need anything, okay?" He nods as he shuts the door, leaving you to your lonesome. You swirled the teeny tiny drop of wine leftover in your glass around before picking up your phone.
No new texts. Well, let's be specific: no new texts from taehyung.
You did forget to respond to your oldest cousin though, when he was just trying to check up on you.
[seokjin] 8:35pm: pssst y/n
[seokjin] 8:35pm: psssssssssst
[seokjin] 8:35pm: oyyyyyyyyyy
He was damn near 30 years old and hated talking on the phone so much that he decides to blow up your phone this way. But, he was the cousin you loved dearly and you had a very tight, sibling-like relationship with him. He was like the older brother you've always wanted. He watched you grow, protected you, kept you safe, supported you and cheered you on - especially when your family talked so much shit about how you and him weren't gonna get anywhere with your goals. You know, the fucking stupid ol' saying of 'chasing your passion isn't going to bring you money & wealth.' Your family was all about the titles and money, but Jin was passionate about cooking and wanted to open his own cafe. You, on the other hand, wanted to pursue your art. Jin was the biggest role model for you because he was the first to defy your family's wants and wishes. He was the black sheep of the family with a huge 'I don't give a fuck' mentality and he taught you that along the way.
Don't ever be afraid to do what you're passionate about. Fuck 'em.
[y/n] 11:13pm: hi sorry, jungkook was over and we were watching kevin hart's new thing on netflix over some wine and pizza.
[seokjin] 11:15pm: that sounds fun! sorry, i just wanted to check on you but i see you're doing okay lol
[y/n] 11:16pm: i am. :) i'll hang out with you tomorrow
[seokjin] 11:16pm: how sweet, my freeloading baby cousin is coming by
[y/n] 11:17pm: hahahah shut up! although you're not wrong, i am going to steal some food. but most importantly, i do want to hang out and see my bestest oppa <3
[seokjin] 11:18pm: awww y/n, you're so full of shit <3
[seokjin] 11:18pm: go to bed
[y/n] 11:19pm: haha love you tooooo
And so, that's what you did. You got yourself all ready for bed, believing you wouldn't be leaving your house tonight. You pampered yourself, put on a face mask and got yourself all lathered up in lotion just to lay down. You're in Jungkook's shirt that he left behind (and never looked for, so technically it's yours now) when the guys had stayed the night and some Vicky Secret panties.
You're scrolling through your Instagram feed, seeing Jungkook's newly posted story with him and Yoongi already at the bars, acting a damn fool. You laughed at the video he took of Yoongi trying to dance in a tight, awkward space on the crowded dance floor even though he was never the best at dancing. It lowkey made you wish you went out with them so you wouldn't be stuck here thinking about your feelings and how lonely these hours get.
And then you see Jimin's story from an hour ago. He knew you were friends with Yoongi, and although Yoongi wasn't fond of their group too much, he was still an avid party-goer and mingled with people there. You've only spoken to Jimin once because you had to work with him in the same group on a class assignment. You tried to keep it that way though because he was Taehyung's bestfriend. They went everywhere together, did everything together. He, too, was very popular among the ladies and across campus. I guess it was just their thing.
You assume they were at a party cause Jimin quickly flashes the camera at Taehyung, who's in front of him getting a lapdance from some chick. Jimin quickly turns the camera back to his face as he's laughing uncontrollably then abruptly cuts it off.
She's forsure going home with him tonight.
You set your phone down on the night stand and put on a show on your laptop to help you fall asleep.
Just as you're about to get some shut eye, your phone vibrates. You let it slip at first because you thought it could be one of the guys playing around, but it vibrates again, signaling another text coming through. You pick up your phone just to make sure Yoongi and Jungkook aren't in any trouble and need you to bail their asses out.
[taehyung] 12:17am: hey
[taehyung] 12:20am: come over.
You scoff at how he assumes you're still up and that you'd be coming over. You hated that. He knew he just had your ass.
track two: hit different - sza & ty dolla $ign
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