#i need to read the initial special stories of him after this
cheesiedomino · 3 months
RentABoyfriend.com ꙳ ੭ * ‧
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synopsis: you’re tired of being single so you to take an unusual route in helping with that— but what happens when you start catching real romantic feelings for your rental boyfriend?
genre: seo changbin x fem!reader | fake relationship/dating au wc: 5.1k tags/warnings: fluff, v minor angst, mild cursing, (kinda) nerdy changbin, use of pet names, mentions of alcohol usage, just overall very cute story dw <33
[this is part of my valentine’s series where i write a short story for each member surrounding themes of love, newfound romance, relationship hardships & more.]
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“I have a date tomorrow guys.”
Everyone’s head instantly lifts up from their phones at this sudden announcement, collectively drawing their attention at you. You weren’t expecting all of them to gasp and swap such looks of genuine confusion. It’s starting to make you think maybe this situation was a lot more serious than you’ve bargained it out to be.
You couldn’t fathom it either honestly, the realization of you going out with someone probably won’t settle in until you’re physically on the date. Based on their initial responses though, you might regret everything you’re about to say, but it’s far too late to retract any of your statements now.
“No way.. with who??” Danielle is the first out of everyone to ask.
Taehyung chimes in as well, “Yeah, who’s the lucky person? They’ve gotta be something seriously special to be talking to you.”
Well, you suppose you could put it that way.
You already have a preconceived notion of what they’re going to think of this “idea”. Mentally preparing yourself to receive a flood of questions and critique from your close friends.
“Actually… I rented him. For the week.”
Now they’re all looking at you like you’ve officially lost it. The room got scarily quiet, no one wanted to be the first to speak. You should’ve anticipated on their reactions being like this, it isn’t everyday someone just openly admits to buying a partner online. Nowadays there’s a lucrative market for just about anything, when you stumbled upon an ad for this service called ‘RentABoyfriend.com’ you didn’t think much of it. You laughed the concept off at first, thinking how lonely people must be to buy someone else’s time.
But the ads kept popping up, they wouldn’t stop showing in almost every YouTube video you were watching— even one of your favorite YouTubers promoted them before! So one day you finally decided to check this website out, you wanted to see what the hype’s all about so you signed up just for shits and giggles. You weren’t expecting to actually be somewhat interested in trying this thing out, but after going through a couple different profiles and reading hundreds of positive reviews you were practically sold.
“You rented out a boyfriend..? Seriously ___? I mean, I’m not judging but you’re a gorgeous girl you can easily get a boyfriend without paying for someone’s companionship, I don’t see why you need to rent one.” Mark bluntly expressed his opinion, he was probably the most outspoken out of all of you guys.
Taehyung and Danielle both agreed in unison, it’s practically 3 against 1 at this point. You knew you should’ve waited to tell them but you weren’t anticipating on them being this judgmental about it. You were hoping for a little more support, as they’re all way more experienced than you in the dating scene and could lend some helpful advice about your first date, ever.
See, the thing is you’ve never tried dating before so you wouldn’t know the first thing about it or what to expect from your future partner. You’ve never had a boyfriend, let alone held hands or kissed someone of the opposite sex. Being in your twenties it’s kind of embarrassing to say you’ve never done those things, but you thought what better way to try it out than renting a full-on experience that can give you just that? Well minus the kissing part, but you can make it work.
You were skeptical of doing this whole ‘rent-a-boyfriend’ thing at first because you didn’t think there’d be anyone you’d find suitable enough. A big part of the reason that you’re still single is because you’re extremely picky, you want to date a guy who’s so perfect that he must’ve came straight out of an indie romance film. Your friends would tease you for having such unrealistic standards when it came to dating but you were the all-or-nothing type, you’ll be single with fifty cats before you settle for less. Renting a boyfriend is definitely an unconventional idea of easing into dating but you thought it might be worth a try anyway.
What’s the worse that could happen?
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( 1 day earlier )
Hovering your cursor over the bold red text of the website, you read over the main rules before going on to select the person you want for your date.
‘The rules are simple:
You are allowed to see only ONE person at a time, if you want to switch boyfriends you’ll have to pay a $50 fee.
MUST be over 18 to rent a boyfriend, we have implemented an age verification system before the date as we do not tolerate anyone under this age to use our services.
NO kissing, or sexual intimacy allowed. If this is found out later on by our agency we will terminate your contract and ban you from using our services in the future.
Remember to have fun !! ^_^ Our services are great for people who are new to dating or have never been in a relationship. We provide the ~ultimate~ boyfriend experience to all our clients. Customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed ! (NO REFUNDS)’
Well jeez… they seemed a bit strict but you can deal with those rules and restrictions for the most part.
After hours of skimming through hundreds of profiles, you have a hard time choosing which you like most. Did you want an artsy, shy kind of guy? The tattooed, bad boy aesthetic type? You really couldn’t pick one until you stumble upon a particular profile that catches your eye almost immediately.
5 Facts About Me: I’ve traveled to over 50+ different countries and counting (ask me which my favorites are), I can speak 4 languages (working on my fifth), love to sing and used to have a rap trio with my buddies from college, I can & will easily lift you up ;) also have a secret talent for cooking, there’s nothing I can’t do!
Why Choose Me? First of all, why not choose me? I’m the best candidate for whatever kind of date you need, something casual, social gatherings, weddings, you name it! I’m very social and can make most people laugh (unless they’re the literal Grinch reincarnated), I’m able to get along well with anyone and just love to have a good time. I hope we can get to know each other and make great memories in the future :)
Going through his pictures you couldn’t believe someone was capable of being this humanely attractive. Don’t even get started on those impeccable muscles either… He really had to sport them in every other one of his photos, wearing the tightest shirts to show the outline of his insanely sculpted frame. You might have just been mesmerized from his godlike visuals alone. They even had a Valentine’s Day deluxe package that comes with seven dates in total for half the price, which they specified was for a limited time only.
$600 later you’ve got a full week of dates lined up with the hottest guy you’ve ever seen in all your years of living. You should’ve definitely went shopping before considering all this because now you actually have a reason to get dolled up for someone.
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You were so nervous about going on this date you almost cancelled last minute out of fear. Typing out several different elaborate paragraphs to Changbin on why you couldn’t make it. You didn’t have his real phone number, it was all through an app facilitated by the rental company that was included in the package. Even though you were feeling overwhelmed and practically shaking with anxiety about meeting up with a guy, you still forced yourself to go anyway. You didn’t just dish out all that money just to not show up and waste his time on top of all that.
Your rental boyfriend texted you the location to meet at, it was near a train station so you both could see each other out in a public open space. The outfit you wore was fairly simple, a black mini skirt with warm tights underneath and a cropped turtleneck sweater. You accessorized the look with some dainty jewelry, a thin scarf, and knee high boots to pull everything together. It wasn’t something you usually wore but you had certain clothes you saved for a special occasion like this.
Upon your arrival, you notice him standing near a vending machine and waves over at you with the biggest smile plastered on his face. You awkwardly wave back, giving a soft smile as you slowly walk up to him. He looks even better in person, you don’t even feel adequate enough to be in such a gorgeous man’s presence. No wonder he’s so popular on the site, he’s practically unreal.
“Hi, you must be ___. It’s so nice to finally meet you, might I add you look really beautiful today, I think you’re making my heart race just by looking at you. Happy Valentine’s Day!” Changbin introduces himself, buttering you up with some sweet compliments before handing you the most insane bouquet of roses you’ve ever seen.
You take the flowers and almost stumble backwards from how heavy they were, “Wow, thank you!” Changbin prevents you from falling, quickly coming up behind you to get your balance back.
“Careful honey, can’t have you injured on our first date!” He voices with concern, “I hope you love the idea I came up with, I’ve only been to this place once before but I’m sure it’s still as fun as I remember it, let’s go!” Eagerly grabbing your hand to begin the journey, he turns around again to examine your body language.
“You seem a little tense babe? Do you need a massage?” He asks in a concerned tone again, this is all really beginning to freak you out. You know this is what you signed up for but this was all starting to feel a bit too personal, all the nicknames and sweet talk he’s giving is just something you aren’t used to.
“Uh, no! It’s o-okay.” You shook your head, denying anything suspicious going on. Truth be told you were barely able to contain your composure right now.
Changbin keeps on insisting, “The massage is included in the package so you don’t have to worry about getting charged extra.”
“N-no it’s okay, really. I’m just nervous that’s all, sorry I just don’t meet up with guys…” you shyly admit, finding it hard to look him in the eye.
He nods in understanding, “No need to be nervous with me sweetheart. I’m here to make you feel as comfortable as possible.” The smile he flashes at you instantly makes you warm on the inside, he seems like a genuine, caring person. You think things might go well for you after all.
The rest of the night was full of only good vibes and laughter by the end of it all. Changbin took you to an adult arcade that had old video games like Pac-Man, Super Mario, and Space Invaders, the other side was a bar where people could sit, drink, and socialize. He bought all your drinks that night, let you use up most of his tokens and overall had the most fun you could’ve ever had with someone. He was so easygoing but also knew when to act super caring and would be all lovey dovey with you. He was gentle, nurturing, and could have conversations about anything. You loved that he’d randomly drop some interesting fact you never knew about, or talked about a certain niche topic that he’d go on multiple rants over. It didn’t feel like you were renting someone out to date you, it felt natural— like you’ve known him for longer than a couple hours. Changbin walked you home and held your hand the entire time, along with the flowers he provided a teddy bear and a heart shaped box of chocolates. If that didn’t scream boyfriend goals then you don’t know what does.
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The next day you wake up to Changbin blowing your phone up this morning. You had over 26 messages from him, which was pretty excessive in your humble opinion. The first thing he said was good morning then he goes on to express how fun yesterday was and he can’t wait to do it again. He even sent a couple mirror selfies of him at the gym, ‘conceited much?’ You thought. But then again, if you were Seo Changbin you’d probably be full of yourself too.
For today’s date you wore a pretty red sundress that made your skin glow in the sunlight. It’ll definitely get him to compliment you even more— which you secretly love when he does. Changbin calls you before he heads out to the date, letting you know how excited he is to see you again. You couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot on the train as you made your way to the destination, thinking about what he’s planned for you two next. This time you’ll be meeting up at a park but you still have no clue what you’re doing.
Changbin texts you where exactly he is in the park, it was pretty huge so it took you a while to get to him. As you get closer you see him sitting on a large blanket by the lake, on top of it were a bunch of different foods and snacks scattered all around that came out of a huge picnic basket. You were speed walking at this point trying to get to him. His arms opened out for a hug and you lean right into him, what you didn’t expect was for him to suddenly stand up and lift you in his arms to swing around you like a doll.
“Put me down I’m scared of heights!” You squeal out in fear of being too high up in the air. Maybe you really should’ve taken the bio on his profile more seriously when he mentioned certain things.
Finally putting you down after minutes go by of you protesting, Changbin sits you back onto the blanket. He brought an assortment of breads, cheese, fruits, lemonade that he made himself and a couple seltzers. You’ve never seen anyone put such time and effort into a date before, even being here with him is like living in a daydream. He was definitely succeeding in making you feel comfortable, which is something you never thought was possible with men. He actually took his time getting to know you and didn’t sound arrogant whenever he talked about himself, Changbin was so different than other guys who’ve tried hitting on you in the past. He was actually respectful, intelligent, and could easily carry a conversation without long, awkward pauses.
He was literally everything you’re looking for in a guy. But you’ll be seeing him for this week only then it’s bye bye forever. That revelation makes you a little upset, but you try pushing those thoughts in the back of your mind. It’s irrelevant and unnecessary to think about. Yet you can’t help but wonder about certain things though, wanting to know more about his job and what it’s like on a daily basis for him.
“Can I ask you something? I need you to answer it honestly.” You say out of nowhere, hoping that didn’t come out as weird as you thought.
Changbin nods, “of course, shoot.”
“How many clients do you usually get?”
This question definitely catches him off guard, he’s never really been asked this before and he’s debating on if he should as it might be a breach of privacy.
“I don’t think I can answer that, sorry.” He responds in the nicest way possible, but deep down he wants to know why you’d want to know how many other people he sees a day.
You were going to push him a bit more to try and get an answer but you decide to let it go and just enjoy the rest of the picnic. You didn’t want to bring the mood down with your odd questions and/or end up making him feel so uncomfortable that he won’t want to see you anymore. It was definitely something you shouldn’t have asked but you were curious to know anyway. Overall besides that small incident, you had another wonderful time with Changbin and couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come any faster.
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Changbin had a foolproof way of getting you to blush like a giddy high school teen whenever he texted you. He’d always refer to you as ‘pretty girl’ or ‘princess’ which gave you insane amount of butterflies. You loved how clingy he could get and would double text when you don’t reply fast enough, always needing constant attention from you which you never minded giving.
He texted you at around three in the afternoon, proposing his next plan for today’s date.
‘Let’s go out for drinks tonight, it’s all on me ;)’
You liked his message, replying that you’ll be there and put a series of hearts at the end. Speaking of hearts, yours is fluttering at high altitudes from the way you can’t stop thinking about your “boyfriend” Changbin. This has been better than anything you could’ve expected, you never want this week to come to an end. It’s only been three days but you’ve begun to grow feelings for him, they weren’t too strong just yet but they were most definitely there. You couldn’t let that halt you from having a good time tonight, you’ll have to accept it soon enough he’s not your actual boyfriend. He’s doing this because you paid him to, if it wasn’t for your money he wouldn’t be here right now.
‘This relationship is purely transactional’ you unfortunately keep reminding yourself of the reality you’re in. Psyching yourself out of this sudden somber mood that’s consuming you, distracting your pessimism by raiding your closet for some cute clothes to wear tonight’s date. After what seemed like hours of tearing your entire room apart, you decide to settle on this sparkly black mini tube dress, pairing it with a leather jacket and more platform shoes because you’re obsessed with feeling tall. Once it’s 7 PM you head out to the bar you’re seeing Changbin at, he was already waiting for you inside the place. Eyes instantly lighting up when he sees you coming towards him, just like he always does he motions for a hug, pulling you in tightly like he hasn’t seen you in years.
His hugs felt so cozy, like sitting in front of the fireplace on a crisp, snowy winter’s evening. You never wanted to escape the warmth of his arms, it was one of those forms of physical touch that felt so overly personal to you. The thought of him hugging someone the same way he hugs you slightly enrages something in your spirit but again, it isn’t your place to get genuinely upset over him doing his job. You’re not entitled to him exclusively, but you feel like if you keep this up feelings will only continue to develop. This wasn’t something you considered when going into this and now you feel like you’ve just made a huge mistake.
“You okay babe?” Changbin notices you acting a bit strange, choosing not to pursue it after telling him you’re fine. He knows something’s wrong but doesn’t want to mess up the flow of the date, instead he orders a drink for the both of you and switches on to a lighter subject. “Let’s go shopping tomorrow at that new centre that just opened last week. I need to buy some new AirPods, I accidentally lost one of them in a taxi..”
“Sure,” you nod at his suggestion, in desperate need of some new clothes anyway. “Sorry about your AirPods, that sucks!”
He takes a sip of his bubbly drink that’s now on the table, “Eh, it’s okay this is probably the fourth time this has happened so far.” This has pretty much become a regular occurrence for him by now.
As the date progresses, things continue getting better. You’re both laughing, engaging in much deeper conversation than ever before. You definitely had more than enough alcohol in your system by now, feeling congested and claustrophobic as more people came into the bar. Changbin takes note of your discomfort and asks if you want to get some fresh air outside, you wasted absolutely no time to agree.
While you two were outside continuing your chat about some wild conspiracy he read about online, Changbin’s attention was soon drawn to a different building nearby. Gazing up in confusion at his sudden outburst of excitement, you wonder where he could be leading you next.
“Noraebang!” He shouts loud enough anyone miles away could’ve heard that, he’s now grabbing your hand to frantically drag you along with him.
You were never one to carry a tune but Changbin was actually very good at karaoke and singing in general, he had such a lovely voice. You could seriously listen to him sing all night— which you basically did since you kept begging for an encore until it hit 4 am. That’s when you both decided to finally call it a night, you wanted to pay for the Uber since he’s paid for all the drinks and every other expenses for today. You felt bad because you were the one renting him to be your boyfriend yet he’s constantly shelling out money left and right. He still insisted on paying and ultimately won the whole debacle, making you swallow your pride and get into the Uber with him. Changbin’s definitely not just someone you’re going to forget about after this week is over. You dread the day this all comes to an end, wishing there was a way to relive these moments again and again.
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“I’m a little under the weather today, sorry I can’t make it Binnie.” Your voice is hoarse from coughing and unbearable throat pain. You’ve already consumed half a bag of cough drops, throat lozenges, and random cold medicine you’ve found in your cabinets.
He sounds mildly disappointed, but springs back up with a new proposal, “I can come over and bring some soup if you’d like!”
You appreciate his gesture but still refuse, you know he’s only saying all this because he has to, not because he wants to. “N-no you don’t have to, I’m sure you can go see other clients today. One less person to worry about right?”
The call went silent for a minute, he wasn’t quite sure how to respond to such a deprecating comment.
“I don’t want to see other clients, I want to see you ___.” He sighs, unwilling to give up so easily, “I’ll be at your place soon, m’kay?” He hangs up before you could even respond or say no again.
You had no choice but to wait for Changbin to show up now. Before you got sick, the last two dates you went on were debatably the best so far. You had gone out shopping together, accidentally wearing almost the same kind of outfit. Changbin was wearing a white graphic tee with blue baggy jeans and you wore something practically identical. The two of you looked like a real, official couple and people would stare as you walked hand in hand, it really did seem like the perfect relationship on the outside.
You got even closer when he came over the following day, resulting in you two cuddling while watching movies and baking cookies. He’s expressed that he’s never been to another client’s home before but it wasn’t “technically” against any rules. The more you kept hanging out together, the harder it was coming to terms with the fact you’re actually falling for Changbin. He made every experience with you more exciting than the last, which he did exactly that night. When the cookies were done you fed a piece to him, making little airplane sounds as you do it, he eagerly takes a bite of the chewy treat and compliments both your efforts.
“These taste way better than I thought, oh my god they literally melt in your mouth. Try it!” He takes another cookie from the tray and feeds it to you this time.
There was something so overly domestic about that moment you couldn’t shake the feelings of wanting to kiss him right then and there. But you can’t. If you did such a thing you’d never be allowed to see him again, plus you don’t want to be known as that one creepy client who just couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. As you were cuddling on the couch though, things may have taken a turn for the better… or worse?
Changbin would “yawn” at the movie and subtly wrap his arm around you, he’d subconsciously pull you in closer and it didn’t make it any better that you were under the same blanket. You weren’t complaining at any of this though, you were pretty much in heaven. It took everything in you not to look up and stare, gluing your eyes to the movie that was displayed on the TV. But as the night progressed you were practically snuggling up with him like he was your real boyfriend. The way he’d run his fingers gently down your back, soothing you in a way that could lull you asleep. His touch was the most relaxing thing ever, you were so calm with him and loved how he brought a side of you that’s never been shown. After this encounter you can no longer deny the way you feel— you are officially falling deeply in love your rental boyfriend, Seo Changbin.
The sound of your doorbell ringing alarms you of a new visitor, who was none other than your “boyfriend” waiting patiently outside the door for you. You feel and look like death itself, coming downstairs to answer the door still in your PJ’s and hair a disheveled mess. Every five seconds was interrupted with you coughing your lungs out, barely able to speak above a whisper. Changbin looks thrilled as ever to see you, even when you clearly don’t look your best he’s still coming up to hug you tightly. His hugs are always blocking off your airways from the way his muscles squeeze you, it’s even worse when you’re sick— practically gasping for air.
“Sorry babyy, I just missed you so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day and soon as you said you’re sick I dropped everything to go make you this soup. It’s a specialty I make whenever my friends are sick, the perfect remedy to cure my princess.” He goes into your kitchen to heat up the soup in your microwave, making you wait patiently on the couch as you’re wrapped up in multiple blankets.
Your body feels like it’s -2 degrees, you were freezing. The crazy thing is your thermostat was set to 80 degrees, it was definitely you that was the problem. He propped your feet up on the table, rested a tray in your lap and set the bowl of soup on top. Brushing a couple strands of hair out your face he looks at you intently, examining your symptoms as if he’s a doctor.
“It’ll be okay soon love, I’m here to nurse you back to health again. Can’t see my pretty baby sick like this, makes me all sad.” He pouts, giving you a soft head pat like you’re a delicate kitten.
He takes a spoonful of the hot soup, slightly blowing on it before telling you to open up so you can eat. You don’t know what’s gotten into you but you feel like he’s gone too far with all this. It’s not fair for you to continue on if it’s just become torture now. He’s practically dangling in your face that you’ll never have a partner as perfect as him in your life.
“I- I can’t do this anymore Changbin..” you say lowly, refusing to eat the soup he made.
“What do you mean? I’m just feeding you soup, it’s my duty as your boyfriend to-”
“This isn’t real… none of it is. I’m stupid for even doing this but I was lonely.. I’m sorry but I’d prefer something that isn’t temporary.” You cut him off to express your pent up frustrations, ready to be let down and rejected by him as gently as possible.
“Then let’s make it real,” he proposes without any hesitation, “honestly I stopped faking it around our third date, it was all me after that. I never said anything because well… this is my job and I’ve never fallen for a client before so this is still all very new to me..”
You’d be screaming right now if you weren’t sick, instead you’re internally freaking out at this confession, it feels like your hearts doing cartwheels and somersaults.
“Seriously?” Eyes widening as you look at him, suddenly your body heat rises and you know it’s not because of the soup or the layers of blankets that’s covering you.
He nods, “I thought it was kinda obvious when we kissed yesterday..”
Oh yeah… you forgot that did happen. You thought it was another fever dream you might’ve just made up in your head. You shared your first kiss with someone you deemed so special and important to you, someone you never would’ve guessed could come into your life and shift the entirety of your world like magic. There was no one else in existence you wanted more than Changbin.
“Doesn’t that mean you’ll have to quit your job? I don’t want to be the reason you stop making such good income.. I’ll feel so bad.” You knew deep down you didn’t feel that badly about him quitting to date you instead. It was just the thought of him leaving something he’s been doing for years behind all for some girl he’s known for simply a week.
He shrugs at your comment, “I’ll be just fine, I was planning on finding a new job soon anyway. It gets kinda old after a while, I felt like I was on autopilot most of the time. You were able to get me to open up and show my true self, I could never thank you enough for that ___.” Changbin couldn’t resist the urge to plant a kiss to your forehead.
After everything that’s been said and done. What you’ve come to understand is that love is learned, a development that takes time to grow and blossom into something extraordinary. Just like learning a new language or a musical instrument, we learn love from society and cultures we’re raised in, it’s a beautiful thing once we know how to cherish it. Your newfound romance with Changbin is something you’ll learn to cherish forever and ever.
[End <3].
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himegureisu · 4 months
The Gift
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Summary: Out of nowhere, your husband receives a gift from you.
A/N: This came to me last night after thinking of what type of mail people receive. Here's one I hope you enjoy.
The Owl Postal Service in Hogwarts was, if not, consistent in their delivery time.
This time being, the hour after breakfast started for everyone to ensure that no disruptions, except important missives, were to be received during class hours.
Your tawny barn owl sailed through the Great Hall, over the heads of students and staff, and landed on the High Table in front of its’ intended recipient, your husband, their dark and grumpy Potions Professor, Severus Snape.
It was uncommon for the Potions’ Professor to receive anything but Potions’ ingredients, his usual Potions’ Journal subscription, or official mail either from the Ministry or the Order so the package, a neatly wrapped gift in royal green paper, silver ribbon, and a tag attached, accompanied by a letter in your distinct handwriting was bound to attract attention.
“Is there a special occasion?” the Headmaster’s eyes twinkled upon the sight of the young Potions’ Master quite confused,
“No,” Severus answered, “Not that I know of,”
His thoughts a mile a minute through his brain, slowly, internally panicking. His eyes locked at the present in front of him. Did he forget YOUR birthday? God no, you’d thoroughly celebrated every time the day came around. Did he forget his birthday? Did he forget an anniversary? Did he forget a muggle holiday that you loved to celebrate? No, so what was this doing here?
“It’s wrapped beautifully,” Minerva remarked, from across Dumbledore, “Will you open it?”
He does. First, the letter.
“Sev,” your voice echoed through his brain, “I know you’re probably trying to think of any reason why I would send a gift to you on a normal day.”
You know him far too well.
“Just stop. Do I need a reason to send a gift to the one I love when I feel like it?” a soft smile slowly formed on his lips as he read that line, his colleagues’ interest piqued at the change, “It’s from our holiday and other events, I hope you like it. I know I did. I love you, I’ll see you when I get home,”
Your letter was swiftly tucked in his robes after then taking the package from your owl. Severus proffered a treat for them, and they happily ate before it perched itself on his shoulder. His hands gently tugged on the silver to unwrap the gift.
His initials and yours, on the cover of a leather-bound enchanted photo album.
On the first page of your story, the title page, if the album was a muggle document, was a candid photo from your most recent vacation. Your arms wrapped around his. His figure was behind yours in a hug. Your faces were engulfed in laughter after a guide failed to land a joke against him.
“Oh,” Severus whispered, Your gift was amazing. How did he get so lucky to deserve you?
“That’s a rare sight,” Filius said, by his right, “Severus smiling and speechless,”
“She’s beautiful, Severus,” Albus complimented,
“We look forward to meeting her,” Minerva said,
Their words fell on deaf ears.
Beneath the photo album, in a frame, there was another photo of the both of you from afar. This moment was captured by a charmed camera that you didn’t even know was there until after it happened. In the wilds of Wizarding Britain, on your first date, underneath the stars, he’d kissed the back of your hand, admitted his affections, and asked if he could kiss you. To which you shyly agreed, and received the sweetest kiss you’d ever experienced.
This he could place on his desk. The others were not up for public consumption.
“If you’ll excuse me, Professors, I must send a response,”
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fangirl-dot-com · 4 months
Together or Nothing
Pairing: Vettel-Reader x Carlos Sainz Jr.  Genre: Angst/Comfort Summary: Growing up with Carlos, you knew he’d be a special driver. If he asked you to follow him to the end of the world, you’d do it. But when his life in Formula 1 is in jeopardy, how far are you willing to go? 
uhhhhhhh - I was inspired and I made an imagine after the complete clown show that was last tuesday. This is an apology imagine because this week is stacked and there might not be a TDITD update in the near future. So I'm feeding you all now. Never thought that my first imagine would be fore Carlos but here we are.
You had heard the rumors. But that’s what they were supposed to be. Just rumors. 
Your dad had warned you that something big was going to be announced, but you never thought it would be this. 
Well, some rumors can turn out to be true. Your mind was swirling with thoughts as you looked at your screen. Photoshopped pictures of Lewis in red was all that you saw. Conformations, hot-takes, and edits began to follow. People praised the prancing horse for securing the 7-time world champion. Podcast hosts immediately took to talking about how Lewis would be the best teammate for Charles. Everyone seemed honed in on the two drivers. 
Yet, all you could think about was Carlos.
Carlos who had given his all to the Rosso Corsa team. 
Carlos who was the only non-Red Bull winner in 2023. 
Carlos who bled the Ferrari red, even sometimes more than their Il Predestinato.  
Carlos who was slowly becoming forgotten in a matter of minutes. 
Your heart ached for your friend as you read his short and blunt statement on his Instagram story. You could almost feel the sadness through the minimal words. 
Your fingers flew to your messages as you messaged Charles. The Monegasque had known for a while, but had tried to get the Spaniard another contract. He knew that Carlos was one of the better drivers on the grid and disagreed with Ferrari’s decision. 
You knew that Charles had so much respect for Lewis. Hell, everyone did. You don’t just equal Michael Schumacher’s championships every day. No one has even come close to it. Yes, Max was well on his way, but nothing was ever certain in the world of Formula 1. 
Charles even complained about how he might not be number 2 driver in a team that didn’t believe in “driver priority.” Years of experience and 7 World Champions would definitely give someone the upper hand. 
Swiping out of the messages with Chares, you brought up Carlos’s contact. 
Your finger hovered over the message icon and then switched to call, then back to messages before you swiped out of his contact completely. 
You fingers went to a different contact. You knew it was a hard decision, and it would take a lot of convincing, but you were determined. 
Strict words were flown between you and your father. Having ties with a specific car manufacturer got you places, but this was in the wind. No one had asked for something this big – except you. 
After the begging and borderline crying, you ended the call. Exhaustion was creeping up on you, but you had more things to do. 
Once again, you clicked on Charles’s profile and pressed the call button. 
“Hello y/n,” Charles’s voice echoed through the speaker. 
You sighed. “How is he?” 
Charles mirrored your initial sound. “He won’t pick up. I’ve tried texting, but he’s leaving me on read.” 
You nibbled on your lips. “Have you called Lando?” 
“He’s on his way here. He was in Woking for the suit fitting and debut.” 
You let out a sigh of relief. 
“Can you send me his flight info if you have it? When he gets in, I’ll pick you up, then him. We can all three go see…”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” 
An annoyed sound left your lips as you raised your voice. “Charles, be for real. If we’re honest, he bleeds red more than you do. He needs us. Needs his friends.” 
There was silence for a bit, until Charles spoke up. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry. Sending you the information now.” 
With a couple more thank-you’s and apologies, you hung up. 
Lando was supposed to land later that evening and everything was in place. 
A couple of hours later, Lando was in the back seat of your car with Charles in the passenger. The three of you sat in silence as you drove to Carlos’s place in Monaco. Lando was the first to speak up. 
“So what’s the plan. I know you Y/n and if you haven’t made a call yet somewhere then you’re have no plan and this is just pointless.” 
You rolled your eyes as Charles stared at you, waiting for some good news. 
“I made a call to dad. He says he’ll get the ball rolling. We’ll know by tomorrow if they go ahead with it.” 
Charles leaned in and adjusted himself in the seat. “And who is they?” 
You hushed him. “A girl never spoils her secrets.” 
Not long after, your car finally made it to his place. The lights were on, which was a good sign. 
Carlos was home. 
You swallowed thickly as you made your way up the stairs. Your hand lifted and knocked on the door. Charles and Lando were right behind you. 
It took a couple of minutes for Carlos to open the door, but he eventually did. The sight was almost unbearable. 
His normally kept hair was sticking up in different places. His cheeks were red, along with his nose. 
He had been crying no doubt. 
He looked tired as he slouched at the door, but straightened up when his eyes landed on you. They held a certain softness as he gazed at your face. But the softness hardened at the sight of the other two drivers. He opened his mouth to talk, but you raised a hand. 
“They’re here for you Carlos. Please listen,” you pleaded, hand now resting on his chest. He looked down and then nodded, moving to let them in. 
The three of you followed him in. You were half expecting things to be thrown everywhere and broken. Yet, the house seemed to be in perfect shape. He led you to the living room and sat on a chair. 
You, Lando, and Charles all squeezed onto the couch in front. 
A comment about school children and their principal wanted to leave your lips, but you held it back. 
The Spaniard sat in silence as he waited for someone to talk first. 
Charles inhaled sharply. His voice cracked the first time he tried to say something, but he persisted. 
“I didn’t want it to be like this.”
When Charles finally looked up, Carlos could see the tears in the Monegasque’s eyes.
“I tried,” he swallowed, “I tried to get them to keep you on. Even tried to have them do an open ended contract like mine.” 
Carlos spoke up. “Yet, you have said that you’d want Lewis as a teammate.” 
Charles looked down again, almost ashamed. 
“I half-handedly said that, and you know it. If you were asked you probably wouldn’t have said my name either.”  
Carlos looked down at his hands. Charles was right. 
He got up from the couch and crouched in front of Carlos, so they could be on eye level. Charles put his hand on Carlos’s shoulder. 
“Together or nothing, right?” 
Carlos nodded silently as he brought the brunet into a hug. The two men shed some tears as they hugged. 
You knew how hard it was going to be on the Spaniard. 
He often said that his one downfall was to love and love too quickly. 
Lando was truly his first favorite teammate with Charles coming at a close second. He got too attached in a sport that was famous for their driver swaps. 
Moving from McLaren to Ferrari had almost crushed his and Lando’s friendship. It took them months to be able to hang out without sadness hovering over their heads. 
Now, Carlos was determined to not let that happen to him and Charles. Lando also wouldn’t let it happen, and neither were you. 
The three of you stayed for a little longer, with you being invited to stay the night. Your hand was pushing against Lando’s face as he made kissy noises as he walked out the door. Your keys had been given to Charles with the promise that he’d keep your car safe. 
That night, you held Carlos as he cried and cried. And when you thought he was done, he’d cry some more. You ended up not telling him about your plan, simply because you didn’t want to get his hopes up. 
Yes, in the morning, you were being shaken awake by the Spaniard. His phone was shoved right in your face. 
“Is this real?” he questioned, voice cracking with emotion. 
There on his phone was the official announcement. 
The large headlines were giving you a headache, so you simply smiled and closed your eyes. 
“Surprise,” you said, sing-singly and sleepy. 
Carlos just looked at you and you could feel his eyes on your figure. You peaked out at him before sighing, tugging the comforter down as you sat up. 
“If you don’t want it…” 
“I want it.” 
You shivered at the bluntness in his voice. 
He looked from you, down to his phone, then back to you. “You did this?” 
You nodded shyly as you leaned in closer. 
“I know you and Charles have your own ‘together or nothing,’ but I’d follow you to the ends of the earth if it were possible Carlos.” 
You waited for him to say something. Yet, he never did. He did something better though. 
He kissed you. 
“Together or nothing, mi Corazón.” 
carlossainz55 has posted
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carlossainz55 to my heart, I cannot thank you enough. you've given me the second chance that I didn't know I had. Together or nothing. Te quiero
liked by charles_leclerc, porschef1, y/n.vettel, and 104,204 others
vamoscarlos the way I could see y/n convincing her dad to get Porsche to outbid Audi
carlos55 like he could have had a chance with Audi, but y/n wanted to make sure he had an actual seat. can Carlos fight?
charlos4ever I refuse to change my username - did you see them in the joint interview??
charles16 I know right? they looked like the old Carlos and Charles - y/n or seb must have done something carlando betting that they put them both in timeout or the get along shirt
charles_leclerc let's do our very best this season. and always remember that I'll only be a garage down :)
carlossainz55 cabron, did you think that I was leaving leaving?? landonorris he was crying when he called me after you posted y/n.vettel and that was after he called my dad too charles_leclerc IN EVERY UNIVERSE FROM THIS AUTHOR I GET BULLIED FOR CRYING author is it true tho??? charles_leclerc yes.
porschef1 we know it's a season away but we can't wait for for what 2025 brings!
sebastianvettel you better keep my daughter happy or you'll loose a second seat in two seasons
carlossainz55 yes sir
carlos_vettel the way he looks at her in the first picture...when's the wedding??
y/n_sainz all I'm thinking is who is going to take what last name (please hyphenate)
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animehideout · 6 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Men Soft Moments With You🫂🩵
A/N: any Stays here? if you're interested in long stories about Stray kids x reader check out my Wattpad narae_99.
Gojo Satoru:
★ He enjoys observing you as you meticulously remove your makeup and follow your skincare routine.
★ While you stand before your mirror, engrossed in applying your face mask, he sits on your bed, attentively watching, his eyes shimmering with affection.
★ Tenderly back hugging you, he whispers sweet nothings.
"You're so adorable, y/n."
★Energetic and loud.
★He expresses a desire to join in on the skincare fun.
"Come on, y/n, apply that on my face."
Geto Suguru:
★ After a long, exhausting day, nothing brings him tranquility like reclining on your lap.
★ He appreciates the consistent warmth and comfort emanating from your body.
★ Closing his eyes, he enjoys the sensation of your fingers gently brushing through his hair.
★ You, with care, braid it and experiment with various hairstyles, to which he doesn't mind at all.
★ You're literally the only one granted permission to touch his precious hair.
"Ah, it feels so good."
★ Without a doubt, he would drift off into sleep on your lap.
★ Every moment with you is treasured by him.
★ Cooking or baking together holds a special place in his heart.
★ Creating a delightful chaos on the kitchen counter with shared giggles and laughter.
★Engaging in playful flour attacks becomes a cherished tradition.
★ Back hugs and spontaneous kisses are essential elements of these moments.
★Midway through cutting vegetables, he pauses, overwhelmed with gratitude, and gives you a passionate kiss.
"Come here, baby, let me kiss you."
Toji Fushiguro:
★This man works out like a maniac.
★ To alleviate the tension in his muscles, he finds comfort in a long, relaxing bath.
★ Without hesitation, he drags you along.
★ Nothing sexual, just both of you enjoying your time together.
★ The setting includes scented candles, a bath bomb, fruits, chocolate, and background music.
★ Your back against his chest, you both relax in each other's arms.
★ Engaging in a gentle exchange of back and shoulder massages, interspersed with soft kisses on the wet skin.
"Come lay on my chest."
Megumi Fushiguro:
★ On cold, rainy days, both of you find comfort cuddling beneath a soft blanket by the big window, watching the rain.
★ The bed is adorned with piles of books.
★ Seated between his legs, you use his chest as a pillow, his arms wrapped around you, holding your favorite book.
★ He reads the lines out loud, immersed in the narrative.
★ Engaged in the book, both of you give feedback, analyze each line, and subtly judges the characters.
★ Tender kisses are planted on top of your head and near your ear.
★ Despite his cold nature, he reveals a romantic side, needing time to initiate things.
"Which book should I read for you today, my princess?"
★ Both of you end up sleeping in each other's arms.
984 notes · View notes
weebsinstash · 6 months
hey, can I have more husband and wife family dynamics with thragg? maybe more about her pregnancy or the kids' childhood/baby time?
Sure can! It's been pretty fun writing about potential scenarios where this monstrous piece of shit can actually feel love. First and foremost I was watching a video on YouTube going over this scene again and uh Comic Readers KNOW How Fucked This Man Is. um, out of context vague spoilers but, I'm assuming people asking about Thragg have read the comics or are curious about the comics but like yall Need To Know how he treats the kids of his enemies
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I feel like I need to share/remind people of this scene because like, this man can be kind of hard to pin down. He's from this loveless society that sees kindness as weakness and he's like King Dickhead but there are still times when he can be quite courteous, even apologetic, sarcastic, whatever. I think at the end of the day he's just a very selfish, explosive, emotionally impulsive man but revisiting this scene was a little surprising for me since I forgot he was even like, capable of "small kindnesses" like saying sorry or whatever. Like. Is him wiping her tears while smearing blood all over her face a well intentioned accident or is he like waging psychological warfare on this like, i think she's literally 5 years old. What is the purpose of him apologizing to a child for splashing blood of her family member on her when he intends to kill her or leave her for dead in front of her dying parents anyways. I'm still trying to get a feel on this man
THAT BEING SAID, moving on, we're talking about a yandere Thragg today and thankfully that comes with perks
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- it's pretty obvious but like, you are his favorite mate and your children are his favorite children. I like to think of concepts with Reader being Ursaal and Onaan's mother or even the previously mentioned triplet idea with Mark being their sibling (otherwise I'd have to invent new characters and that doesn't, resonate the same, and I also really like Ursaal actually and I feel like there's some real story potential in Ursaal discovering more of her humanity through her mother's kindness and wanting to protect her mother from her father)
-can you imagine like. I still think about the idea where you're actually Nolan's mate but one day you mouth off to Thragg and he "puts you in your place" in front of Nolan as a punishment to you both and like a month later you find out you're pregnant and, I imagine abortions are only done on Viltrum if the fetus is too weak or defective, so you're forced to carry it and you and Nolan are lying that it's his and then one day Thragg just, passes by, sees your swelling tummy, takes one sniff of you, "it's mine" and demands a paternity test. And you'd think, "oh surely he'd just take the baby" which is what you'd prefer but, no it becomes a pretext for him to steal you from Nolan altogether
-you're fed incredibly nutrient dense, protein packed, ultimate pregnancy food because Thragg wants those babies as healthy as possible. Thragg has probably had other alien kids before but these are his first hybrid or nearly fully Viltrumite children and that makes them special. New dad Thragg holding up these little absolute mammoths of newborns with all their chunk and pudge and rolls and he's just so proud, "look at how robust these children are! Surely they have inherited my strength! Fine additions to the Viltrum Empire were born on this day" and you're like half awake in bed and he just, pets your hair
-ok just. Ok just picture it like. You're pregnant and upset and so stressed out because you didn't want to be Nolan's mate after he helped conquer Earth but at least you had known him and liked him initially. You're just constantly stressed out and angry and watching every single word you say around Thragg because you don't know him or what he's capable of, but I imagine a sort of scenario where he's taking you to the doctor and running tests and procedures and just, you know prenatal checkup stuff, but the doctors are all speaking to Thragg instead of you, you aren't even being told your own test results, and the two of you finally arrive back home and you just break down crying and kind of tear into him, "I'm sure YOU have had lots of kids before but I'VE never had a baby before and I don't know what to expect or what's going to happen or- or -" and you're just bawling because, it's not a lie you're scared. You're having a baby and you're gonna be a new mom and it's entirely against your will, out of your control, and that's incredibly stressful. And this becomes a moment where Thragg actually shows some humanity by sitting you down and discussing the doctors visit with you, and that's one of the first times the two of you actually have a civil, extended conversation
Thragg thinking he's so fucking big and tough and then he sees you this little fragile fleshy untrained civillian with the big teary boo hoo eyes with your shaking hands on your little belly as you cry about being scared about giving birth to his baby and he's just, "shit I DO have feelings" and immediately feels the overwhelming need to comfort you. He'll comfort you under the guise of "stress isn't good for the children" which is true but, it's him blanketing his own concern and masking it under an excuse
-I kind of feel like that hypothetical event would be like, a footnote in your relationship. He starts treating you differently, attentive in new ways, more... emotional ways. He'll stop by while he's working on a break or something to check on with you and the assigned caretakers he has guarding you (because the very second you're confirmed pregnant you have 24/7 security) and he'll awkwardly grunt out questions about, have you eaten yet, are you experiencing any pain today, any discomfort, any new symptoms. He'll check in with your guards/nannies privately about if there's anything you're doing that he needs to know about, give tou a nice husbandly shoulder touch and then (reluctantly) getting back to work
-to be blunt part of me questions if he even has sex to create children or if he uses something akin to IVF and I only say this because of the absolute ASSEMBLY LINE he sets up on Thraxia. Trust me though he beats the kitty up with you CONSTANTLY
-I actually think after giving birth is like the ONE time you're allowed any birth control because apparently if you have too many pregnancies in too close time frames it actually sucks the calcium out of your bones and can give you osteoarthritis and Thragg wants you healthy, "for more future children obviously" which is such a lie because let's say you have your miracle birth of giving him twins or triplets or whatever but you hemmorage and become infertile or whatever. Mf is STILL keeping you around. When you think about it he technically doesn't even need you to help raise his children, he has people for that, but he forces you to be part of the process anyways
- tbh I kind of like the idea of Thragg developing some weird fucking like complex where he discovers he feels comforted cuddling you, like man gets hit by oxytocin like a fucking freight train, and it becomes him literally being unable to sleep without you in his arms. You could be in a yelling screaming argument with this man and he suddenly like, just completely shuts you down, "ENOUGH!! I require rest and I won't tolerate anymore of your childish whining!" And you could be spitting mad at him and he's just, picking you up just physically picks you up and drags you to bed anyways. Hooks his arms around your waist as the big spoon and buries his face in your hair even as you spit insults about how you hope he kills himself
Like I think I've mentioned this idea with other characters before but imagine Thragg waking up on the middle of the night IMMEDIATELY PISSED because the bed beside him is cold and he finds you on the couch, on the couch, maybe even without blankets and visibly uncomfortable, because yeah he WILL wake you up to drag you back to bed with him.
- Thragg being this warrior who literally watched people be disembowled and tortured and conquered races but suddenly you're in labor and he's in the delivery room (he refuses to wait outside) watching you literally scream in pain and he just, takes your hand and tells you to squeeze, and that it'll be alright, and he sees you so vulnerable and scared and emotional and you're looking to him for some kind of help but he can't, even with all his strengths and feats he can't help you right now, however this pregnancy goes is up to fate and the doctors and he feels like an actual visceral HUMBLING sense of helplessness that just makes him, even more obsessively protective over you
- deadass if it becomes a "he can only save one: you or the children" life-threatening pregnancy scenario, he chooses you. Says you can always try again but even if you wind up infertile and "useless" to him, he's too attached to you at this point, it doesn't matter if you "don't serve a function" or whatever bullshit Viltrumite mindset he may have had with previous mates before. You're different to him, and you're making HIM different as a person
- You're just half alive on the couch because Giving Birth is Hard and here's Thragg doing shit like personally bringing you water, feeling your forehead for any fever, monitoring your condition, aggressively interrogating your guards for extra info, sitting beside you with your babies in his arms. He lets you rest after giving birth and nearly bends over backwards
- I feel like at some point you're forced to accept a lot of real fucked up stuff and especially if you are a hybrid Vultrimite yourself and thus will be with Thragg for, basically forever, like some real "mate, do you have any cravings today. What do the children require" "ummm... at the ceremony last month, there was that... blue, little.... crab thing?" "A Florkian. They are incredibly rare" "oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know-" " -and since I observed that you were fond of the taste when you were consuming them, I went ahead and conquered their homeworld and farms have been established. I can have the slaves prepare a dish for you right away" "oh, thank you, ive been craving it ever since i ate it but i didnt want to bother by asking 🥰" "as your mate it is my duty to provide for you. Do not keep any of your desires from me"
- your children are getting trained as soldiers the second they develop powers and that's something you'll have to get used to. If your little babies get their powers at 5, they're still learning combat, getting knocked around, near beaten, "toughened up". Thragg will conceal the full extent of how they're treated from you because the way he sees it, you weren't raised on Viltrum and you're simply ignorant of their culture. He doesn't need you to accept how things are. Your kids will come home with black eyes and bruises and bloodied noses and he'll growl at you not to make them too soft as you weep over Ursaal missing a chunk of her hair because an opponent grabbed her by it and she had to break away and some was ripped out at her scalp, like. The psychological damage of asking your small child how their day with their father went, "it was excellent mother, I made my first kill!!" And then gleefully describing to you in detail how while their father was fighting an enemy soldier, the soldiers child attacked yours, and, your baby killed another kid. Like. That's the sort of thing you have to be raised with to block out of your heart. Going to hug your child who may not even be 10 years old and they have literal blood on their hands
-personal headcanon but also semi canon but I imagine Ursaal is the most competent of your twins and is Thragg's favorite. She just has a better tactical mind on her shoulders and isn't, uh. As horribly sadistically violent as Onaan. Like say your kids become platonic yandere or whatever, or, you have your own kids with thragg and the twins are separate but still attached to you. Onaan is the kid you find killing cats because he's jealous they get more attention than him while Ursaal is like, giving her father incredibly detailed reports and her own insight into what you've been up to, how you're feelings, things you say and do when Thragg isn't around
-so I know y'all see that image I posted with Thragg and his twins. I tried to censor, The Cape last time but I realized like, even with censoring the head it's still super obvious who that is, there's only one white furred creature in this entire show. I imagine after Thragg gets his Beast Drip that, once Throkk's daughter comes for revenge, she is also slaughtered, and her pelt becomes YOUR cape. Or maybe Thragg offhandedly mentions to you that BB Jr has vowed vengeance and you're casually flipping through a book, "is she as strong as her father, like if you had to rate it 1 to 10 with her father being 10 and 1 being a human. If the daughter is at about a 7 or below, Ursaal should be able to handle her, get herself a nice coat to match her father" and Thragg feels this warmth in his chest to hear you're actually observant of his/your children and their prowess, especially to hear you praise Ursaal in such a uh violent context, just casually suggesting his daughter could turn another sentient humanoid creature into a pelt to wear. This is another example of "living the viltrum life will eventually dehumanize you and rob you of certain empathies"
- I don't think you would actually have a title but could you imagine if Thragg decides you're like, officially his true mate, like the mate above all others, like you're the Empress in his little harem of concubines and ladies in waiting. I hc that your official title is something like Grand Duchess or perhaps if this is the twin/triplet scenario something more vaguely historical sounding like The High Mother or Regent Mother or, you get the point
-I still think "Reader turns out to be an incredibly late blooming hybrid" is a neat concept but I also don't know how they would miss that since during your pregnancy and all you're receiving medical care out the ass but like. Thragg personally training both you and the children as a family. Would be kind of humiliating honestly because it's kind of vaguely implied you should learn things before the kids do and if you struggle, here's Thragg, telling his kids in private they have to protect you and keep an eye on you and report any problems back to him
- thragg would definitely be training you in hand to hand but suddenly finds he can't bear hitting you in the face or hitting you at a certain strength. Like. Absolutely 100% you're gonna have a lot of scenarios where you're brawling or wrestling and he pins you and it swiftly transitions to you getting rawdogged from your high on adrenaline husband. Tbh that sex would probably be his favorite, where he has to defeat you in combat and then rewards himself. Can probably border from hatesex to consensual to noncon, not that he has a problem doing THAT to you either
- probably has portraits done of you and him. Idk do you think Viltrum has like enough art culture for portraits to be a thing? Most fascist tyrants have portraits. He would have several done: you and him, just you, you while pregnant, him and you while pregnant, you holding your babies, you and him holding your babies, and family shots as they grow up. Say you conquer a planet together as a family and one day you're revisiting and there's some sort of museum set up amd you find like a wall length portrait of, you and your children soaked in blood tearing carnage through the fire and flames and Thragg is beside you just nodding in approval, "they captured your image rather well"
- goooooddddd imagine you're just a normal human and you progressively start showing signs of aging. You start getting more wrinkles. Your body starts working in different ways, popping, cracking, aching. Onaan, Ursaal, and Thragg all notice and they're like FREAKING OUT HONESTLY. The children don't want to accept that their mother is actually going to be a speck on the timeline of their entire lifespans. Thragg doesn't want to accept that he has to let you go and you're never coming back. They all become obsessed with finding ways to keep you young, keep you alive, fuck it they'll clone you and transfer your consciousness into a new body if they have to! This is comic book world and these are obsessed aliens and they have OPTIONS
- something something "what if Reader isn't a viltrumite hybrid but is still like super-powered or a mutant or whatever and this isn't revealed until you like are fatally injured or even DIE die and suddenly you, pop back up". Cause I feel like this "close call" would drive any yandere literally insane because, what if there's no second chance, what just happened, can you still die, they can never never never never never allow you to get hurt ever ever ever again
Thragg just walks into the kitchen and you have the stove top red hot and you've just got your palm resting on it and you look to him kind of just shocked, all, "look... nothing happens... I just feel some of the warmth" and Thragg just puts his fist through your oven anyways, "you could've gotten hurt" and immediately picking you up and carrying you to some sort of perceived "safer place"
- this is like a specific scenario but like, can you imagine as a mom you like to brush and comb Ursaal's hair and you idly suggest she could always grow it out more and you could help braid it and things, but once it starts getting longer Thragg objects and says it could get grabbed during a fight and orders her to cut it but you step in and say she shouldnt have to, it's HER hair, and you two get into it, and one day Ursaal is brought home by her father and he's all but shaved her head after she had actually grown it out to a decent length. You and Thragg are at odds over how to treat rhe children and Ursaal begins to realize that many of the restrictions her father instills on her are because of a way of life she may not fully agree with, a life filled with violence and bloodshed with no room for love or kindness or creativity. She probably helps you from going over the edge too, honestly. If anything else through this life with Thragg, in your darkest places you may still find yourself thinking you have to keep going to try and help your children
- with others, Thragg is the kind of yandere where he's standing in the same room as you and you're both doing completely different things and he suddenly says, "so I noticed during the meeting that your eyes kept lingering on my mate" and without further warning he's beating up someone on the accusation they were lusting for his wife, no discussion, just fists , and he'll do shit like this a lot to the point people don't feel comfortable being around you and you're just further socially isolated
- I feel like Thragg would have some weird like fondness slash fetish for watching you breastfeed. Like, awww here's his cute little wife with his chubby little babies and you're giving them their nice milk, what a good mom, providing for the babies he put in your belly ❤️ part of me is convinced if you're a viltrumite or hybrid or whatever that you uh. Eventually wind up with a lot of babies. A LOT of babies. Do you think he would want a specific amount or its just vibes. Like you're over 300 years old and you've already got 50 kids with him but he sees you teaching one of your youngest sons how to throw a punch and suddenly he wants another
- all I'm saying is if he ever catches you self harming or attempting to hurt yourself he's gonna have a real extreme reaction. Like he finds you cutting yourself with a broken glass and you're immediately restrained and taken to a hospital, completely stripped, inspected for other wounds, and if there are any and especially a lengthy history of them, you're in such trouble. But I also think it would be extremely difficult to hide this from him since as time goes on you two are constantly having sex or he's inviting himself into your shower to bathe with you. You accidentally bang your arm on a counter or something and get a tiny bruise, this man will know about it and wants a detailed report on where it came from
- even when you guys aren't super familiar with each other and you've "just met" he's already protective and all that. Like you've just been brought into his home and you barely even know him still and he may even act mean and angry to you and then one day he sees you have a large bruise on your arm, "what is this?" ".... it's nothing, Grand Regent" "I asked you a question and you'll answer me: where did this come from" "... I spoke out of turn with one of your advisors and turned to leave without permission, Grand Regent" "And so they grabbed you?" "Yes Grand Regent" "who" "it was my fault, I-" "WHO" and the second you give a name or description he's wordlessly leaving the room and shows up again HOURS later with visible blood on him, "it has been handled. You are not to be harmed or punished without my permission or instruction"
- in some scenario where you leave the kids behind and try to run away, like... he isn't just gonna throw up his hands, "well I already got children out of her, she has served her purpose" and leave you the fuck alone. If anything this man would track you down just to tell you off for having the fucking nerve to disobey and defy him! I can picture an actively captured wife where you are constantly kept on some kind of restraint or have a bracelet or collar or even a LEAD THAT HE HOLDS and you're IMPRISONED rather than "I'm being monitored but otherwise I have my own agency". Thragg will make himself a throne that you can be chained to if he has to. He'll have restraints made that are decorative and complimentary of your features. Imagine he's making some sort of public appearance and while he's speaking he's got an arm around your waist and you're pulled up against him and meanwhile you've got. A bar gag and cannot speak
- really, truly, in a way, you become a symbol, but one of all different kinds. There are Viltrumites who see how their mighty Grand Regent treats his mate and they are viscerally disgusted (Kregg and Lucan comes to mind), like people who really start to question the society they are living in, questioning if it really must be so selfish and devoid of empathy, questioning if they really want to keep living this way and for their children and their children's children to live like this. Then there are others who see the way the Grand Regent controls his mate and see its as a sign of strength and permission to treat their own mates the same.
Mostly, though... the only thing that will take you away from Thragg is death. Until the day one of you dies, you're stuck with him, and there's basically no one around who's stronger than he is, period. You might as well cozy up and get friendly with your new husband, since you're going to be together for a long time and spend lots, and lots, and LOTS of time together ❤️
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twst-rose-prisms · 2 months
Twst boys preferences for their partners
First of all, sorry for taking so long my rosies 😭😭 schools have been getting to me and I'm trying to catch up with the twst stuff again such as reading the story to understand the characters better! My bestie @twst-megane has been helping me a lot with this once again so tysm 🙏🙏🙏
Characters: All NRC students (except Ortho) x Reader Genre: Fluff Reminder: This is just a headcanon post, so even if you aren't your loved one's preference, do not worry! Remember, love might have preference, but it's never the final thing that decides one's partner, so rest assured~ Your lovely twst boys love you no matter what 🌹❤️ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (coming soon)
🐙 Azul 🐙
- If you manage to date a charismatic, handsome guy like him then I'd say his s/o is the world's luckiest person ever~ He isn't a person who would easily give his heart to someone else considering what happened to him in the past, so it takes time for him to genuinely fall for someone, and you just so happen to be very special to gain his affection! - He would need a s/o who is emotionally intelligent enough, someone that be able to pick up his feelings even though the signs are so subtle, he might brush it off mostly to keep up the professionalism but I'm sure you're the only one that he can trust showing his real side to you with the way you genuinely care and love him despite not being super touchy or show it obviously. - Because of the past he had, his insecurities are also something that needs a warm helping hand. A s/o with a caring, loving tendency would do so he won't think lowly of himself whenever he's around them. Perhaps at one point, despite his initial charismatic, calm appearance, he would think that he doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you. How can you care so much for him like that even after knowing his past or all the terrible things he did? Yet you just wipe those thoughts away from his mind with a gentle, soft reassurance as your hands caress his, feeling each other's warmth... and you caught his ears turning red~ - He pays attention to his appearance a lot especially after he comes on land, since he can nicely dress himself up and also even change his scent with different kinds of colognes. So I think he would have preferences for appearance too for a partner, maybe a s/o that knows how to dress themselves nicely enough, no need for fancy make-up or flashy clothing, but would be a nice touch if they like to use perfume like him too. He is pretty keen with his senses, and maybe he took a liking to you due to your scent... but he wouldn't openly admit that it smells really nice (or he gonna end up blushing and getting teased by the tweels). - Bonus: Azul would be the type to fumble at first when he got into a relationship, so being patient and teaching him would get him to fall even more for his s/o. He might study and research beforehand, but nothing comes as close as a real experience after all, he would get really flustered during your first kiss or when you embrace him... like a shy octopus, so just take it slow and intimate with him💖
🐬Jade 🐬
- Being someone who loves to serve someone as his nature, it's no surprise when his s/o usually being the one receiving instead of giving. He wouldn't have a specific preference when it comes to finding a partner, but he would like it if his s/o let him serve them, it's something he likes to do and he wants you to enjoy it too. Being dependent on him, asking for his help with something when you can't do it by yourself, and he would immediately be there to lend a helping hand. Don't hold back or feel bad because like I said, it's something he likes doing after all. - Though I think he would like it if his s/o treated him equally too, like they're both on the same ground and not just a serving/receiving relationship only. He would find it fascinating that someone like you thought of him that way despite how he keeps offering his service to you, it's just... interesting to him, he probably gave you one of those smiles of his and brushed it off to you but little did you know... you have become the most intriguing person in his eyes and he would like to study you more. (Think of it as a good thing! Probably...) - If his s/o happens to show interest in him, he would be curious and start bringing up topics such as his hobby if they're curious about it, like for example: terrariums or mushrooms. Even better if his s/o actually shows genuine attention to them, he would feel delighted as you both talk about the said topic for hours until it's time to bid goodbye and get back. He felt like he seemingly just found a great partner, someone he is interested in as you're also interested in him... I'd say it's a special mutual feeling~ - He probably has researched a lot about the fashion on the land, hence why you see him dress up really well in a lot of times, so I think he would like it if his s/o knew how to dress nicely on the right occasion. Like Azul, he doesn't need you to wear fancy or flashy clothing, but just taking care of your look properly is enough, maybe some light perfume would catch his attention too as he would be able to tell that you were here or you're around this area easier with your scent (It's less work for him in a sense too) - Bonus: I think surprises would get him the most. Maybe something like knowledge about mushrooms or attempting to build a mini terrarium and show it to him, he would be delighted that you actually spent time on something like this just to impress him, and you sure did but that's not the only thing that will happen (his heart will be impressed too) 💖
🦈Floyd 🦈
- The most unpredictable out of all characters, he can have such constant mood swings that make it hard for others to keep up with him, so I think his s/o should be someone that at least be able to handle them and doesn't get impatient with it. The moment he gets bored with someone he'll move on quickly, as such, patience is something that you would need when you date Floyd. If you can't keep up with his eccentric, constantly changing personality or easily get irritated then it'll be hard to put the relationship together. - He is pretty open when it comes to dating or preference because he won't be the one the reciprocate easily, his s/o should be someone who at least show constant interest in him or know how to get loose and have fun occasionally of when the right time come, maybe even know to play pranks too. He would be surprised in a way that makes him all chuckling and laughing in an... interesting way, don't worry, it's just how he usually is so don't get too startled, it just means he's having fun and you'd probably prefer it whenever he does. Also, it means he's having fun because of you, which is a great thing since you're that intriguing to him! - Though, it doesn't have to be someone that know how to have fun all the time, it could be a s/o who is pretty attentive, they can read his body language or treat him with genuine emotions, especially to not treat him like he's stupid or a fool. He might act like that but he needs respect too! I think he would be pretty impressed if you're able to guess what is he thinking right now from his behaviors (considering only Jade would be able to do that) and would squeeze you like a happy eel guy he is. - Unlike Azul and Jade, I don't think he would have a preference for appearance too much since he's pretty open to anything. He also doesn't pay attention to his looks most of the time too since well... You see how he dresses up most of the time. But since he's pretty interested in shoes, maybe if you happen to have a bit of knowledge about them then it'll impress him since he's quite fixated on the said topic. I think he would be pretty keen with his nose too so he can tell what kinda scent you got like Jade, he probably doesn't have a favorite scent but as long as it's nothing too heavy or so then he'll be absolutely whipped~ - Bonus: Squeezing hours is the most effective way for someone like Floyd! He will give you a silly sea creature nickname as a way to show his affection but also hug- I mean, squeeze you often too whenever he caught a glimpse of you around the school. If you treat him well he'll really enjoy being around you, so I hope you're ready for the most random squeezing ever from the silly guy himself 💖
- This big ball of sunshine definitely needs someone who knows how to take care of others or be attentive, knowing how clumsy he can be, he needs a s/o who loves to take care of him or pay a lot of attention just in case he accidentally injures himself again (might as well call you Jamil's sibling-), but when he sees how worried you look whenever you look out for him, he will try his best to be careful with himself too! The last thing he wanna see is your sad face after all so he'll remember your advice as best as he can! - He needs someone who has stability and balance to themselves so they won't feel tired out when they're with him, knowing how energetic he can be. Taking care of himself and making sure he's okay is one thing, but he also wants you to look out for your health too and not just all about him! You both would look out for each other (even though it's mostly your side), it's a relationship of caring and giving mutually and constantly~ - I feel like other than stability, he would like a s/o who knows how to have fun too when the time comes. Who wouldn't like some fun once in a while! He probably drags his s/o around to have fun with him, whether it be having a banquet or a ride with the magic carpet, he wants to see that pretty smile of yours every day, especially when you stay by his side, it just makes things more special to him you know? It's like he's the only one that can make you all bright and cheered up or show you a whole new world! - I think when he gets into a relationship, he can be a bit of a big puppy or touchy, I mean, who doesn't enjoy a warm, loving hug from your loved one? So he might need a s/o that doesn't mind too much skinship at the time or maybe even enjoys sudden hugs out of nowhere. Of course, he still knows how to respect boundaries at times or read the mood, but when he gets too happy he just couldn't help but embrace you! You bring him immense joy, so treasure those moments as much as you can, because there isn't anybody else that's like him after all. - Bonus: It's a bit hard to get him to like someone in a specific way, since in a sense anything could get him to like you, he is pretty easy to gain affection with how soft and kind he is compared to other characters, but if you're being forward and direct with your feelings then he'll surely return those feelings even stronger or brighter like the sunshine he is💖
🐍Jamil 🐍
- Being the vice leader of Scarabia with tons of work every day, I'm sure he can get very tired sometimes even though he doesn't show it on his face; that's why I think he needs a s/o that would be there to take care and reminds him to get loose or to take breaks in between. He's the one giving most of the time so it would be nice if it's the opposite once in a while. It doesn't need to be anything too grand, just a gentle reminder from you or maybe you can be sweeter and put a small note in between his school books with tiny scribbles here in there that reads "Daily reminder: Take a break in between! ;)". He definitely would not show it to anyone else in case he gets embarrassed, but he really appreciates that someone cares for him this much and wants the best for him despite the way he keeps burdening himself with work and chores and doesn't have too much free time. - Like Kalim, he probably needs someone who is also stable and has balance in their life so they can manage themselves better without needing other's help, he would be impressed his s/o knows how to organize things so well without his help (since he usually ended up being the helping hand most of the time) and wonder if you grow up being by yourself or perhaps used to be the same situation as him... Either way, he would compliment you for your independence and admit it out loud, he isn't a person who saves the praising for nothing. Speaking of that, maybe you could give some compliments to him too in return for his hard work. He is used to praises, but if it comes from you then it just hits differently. It feels like he actually got appreciated genuinely with kindness! - He's a member of the basketball club and is very good at the said sport, so I think he would like a s/o that also has decently good stamina to keep up with him. As in whenever he's busy, you can be there to help him out including all the heavy work too. And don't let his "It's okay, I'm used to it" get to you! Or maybe whenever the chances come, be the one that serves him. No, not as in the literal sense of serving like a servant, but just let him sit down, take a breather, and make sure he got enough rest (and no but for him!) - He won't have a preference much for appearance in my opinion, he is pretty open to any type of look, but perhaps he would like someone who is more expressive or cheerful looking than him. He isn't a very emotional person, so if he sees his partner being lively and happy then he'll unconsciously smile before he realizes it, even though he sighs at first after that realization (He does sigh a lot, but it's more like in a "guess it can't be helped then" kinda way y'know). - Bonus: Acts of gratitude and kindness will get him to fall for someone the most. If his s/o is willing to lend a helping hand or make the work lighter for him, he'll be thankful though he might insist that you don't need to help him (since he is used to it), but don't give up! It always takes time for a person to fall in love, and that includes Jamil so just be patient, your kindness will surely get to his heart 💖
👑 Vil 👑
- In my opinion, he would have the highest standard when it comes to appearance out of all the characters in here. I mean, he's the housewarden of Pomefiore we're talking about here, his standard is if not, someone that looks like they take care of themselves well at the very least. He will not stand people that don't do self-care or at least pay attention to their appearance! As the sentence goes "How you look is how you treat yourself", he is definitely taking that motto seriously (and no but!). - However, despite his strict nature, he's still a person with a soft side deep down. If his s/o is someone who isn't confident about their appearance or feels like they look "bad", he's here to erase those thoughts away! He'll make sure his s/o is the most shining diamond in the crowd, that they'll look as pretty as him to show how powerful you two are as a couple, and nobody will get to slander you or your look, not when the dorm leader of Pomefiore is here. Those who bully you will never get to see the sunlight again the moment he find out, he can be very terrifying if he's angry after all, and he isn't someone weak either, only fools would dare to pick a fight with him or you - his precious, beautiful partner. - Do try to not get sad if he acts strict around you, since he's always acting like that in pursuit of beauty, and he also wants the best for you. He will remind you to properly take care of yourself both physically and mentally, and make sure you get the best of the best treatment, even if it comes off as a bit harsh. He wants to see one's hard efforts they put into themselves, how much they went through to appear as they want today, it's just like him too, and that's why he'll feel really proud once his words really come through and see how confident you're in your current look and will praise you for it, like serious, genuine praising, and Vil is definitely not someone that give cheap compliments easily! - When it doesn't come to beauty-related topics, he can actually give you useful advice to improve your health or study. Surprises or not, he is very strong despite his elegant, poised look. Of course, you aren't the only one that gets shocked at this. (As you can see what happened to Ace and Deuce) Even better if you take his advice seriously and start taking care of your health, he'll be really proud that you actually listen to him instead of some other stubborn potatoes out there. - Bonus: He is pretty hard to come through, but I believe acts of genuine emotions will get to his heart the most. Instead of praising and admiring his beauty, you could admire the efforts that he put in instead. Tell him that he has gone through a lot, or that he is very hardworking, very attentive or always wants the best for himself. He'll be delighted to hear that's what you like... no, love about him instead of his usual beautiful look. He'll admit it, for a little potato, you sure know how to really appreciate someone else genuinely that even he can feel it 💖
🍎Epel 🍎
- I think for Epel, he would need someone who wouldn't judge others based on their look and look at their real strength instead. As someone appearing ephemeral and dainty, he would often get called pretty in a way that makes him sound weak, and it's not something he likes at all. So, as his s/o, the first thing you should do is not judging him and treat him equally! He'll like compliments but not those that make him sound too cutesy or fragile. - Maybe his s/o could be someone that has the same situation as him: appearing weak but having a strong and somewhat even rumble personality. You two would get along due to the mutual feelings of understanding each other's struggles. He would find relief knowing someone having the same troubles as him as you guys both talking and laughing to each other, gradually getting relaxed the more you two hung out. Epel rarely ever shows his real self to someone else due to how difficult to make out what he's saying with his accent, but with you, he feels like it's a normal thing as you also show your real side to him as well more than just one time, it's like a mutual thing. It's okay if you didn't get what he meant at first but I think you'll... get it eventually. - I think he would like a s/o that is also physically strong, as he always admires and looks up to Savanaclaw students for that reason, so the moment he found out how easily you can lift up those chairs or have good stamina, our apple boy would be impressed! Even better if you rarely ever show your strength, he will ask you such things like how can you be that strong?? Or teach him your training methods! And maybe he would end up idolizing you even, for how amazing you're to him! - I think he'll like a s/o that is also pretty creative in their work. Since he has a great apple-cutting skill and can turn a normal apple into beautiful pieces of art so they'll attract others better, that's why he'll be impressed seeing someone artistic or creative with turning normal, ordinary things into arts like him. It feels like you're someone who can see the beautiful potential from the plainest thing ever without any judgment beforehand, like how you see the real, hidden strength in him despite his appearance. - Bonus: For someone who is actually very competitive and rumbles on the inside, maybe he'll fall for someone who is on the same level of competitiveness as him. Just you two going around having fun activities, like flying around the school with the broom, playing magishift together, etc. Or even having competitions of the most random thing ever, Epel feels like he doesn't need to restrict himself in any way whatsoever when he's with you, and that would get him to fall for you so much 💖
- A true fan of beauty, he would praise anyone with pretty words or being a bit... overwhelming with it. So I think he doesn't really have a big preference since in a sense he would literally call others pretty, but if his s/o is someone who also loves beauty or somehow gets what he means then he'll be so impressed he starts praising you a whole lot instead. (It's his way of showing affection, so I hope you can keep up with it). He tends to find other people interesting in one way or another, and thus he would feel the same about you, so try to not be too startled if he suddenly appears out of nowhere and greets you in French or asks you the most random question ever (whether you expect it or not). He's pretty affectionate in his own way after all. - Although he may look and act like it, I think he can tell when someone has a beautiful heart or not. If his s/o is someone with an admirable, pretty heart then you're about to catch him painting a portrait of you soon enough with tears in his eyes (he means it genuinely though, looking like it or not). People often find him weird due to his eccentric personality so trust me, you aren't the first one that feels like that... but once you get used to it and start talking to him more often, you'll find out that he's actually a really kind, supportive person. He loves encouraging others and seeing their strength, such a sparkly, beautiful thing to see one's willpower! (according to him) - He is also a pretty sociable person, so maybe his s/o could be someone who can be sociable enough or have enough energy to keep up with random conversations, it would be tiring to be in a relationship with someone like him when you don't like socializing now wouldn't it? Of course, as a (surprisingly) attentive person, he'll know how to set the boundary between you two, but he always hopes you're up for a conversation with him since you're so interesting! He's amazed every time he watches over you and your behavior (it's just one of his habits... as a hunter, or so he said). - Since he has a very specific sense of beauty and art, maybe his s/o could also be a fellow appreciator of art and poetry. Not many people are seriously into arts as they would find it rather "old-timed", so the moment he knows, he'll be super whipped with you and the way you view art in your eyes! It doesn't even have to be historical, renascence type of art, if your sense of beauty is unique, he'll be attracted to them as well and to you, that just means you're so special in his eyes~ - Bonus: He is definitely into surprises no doubt! A small bouquet, a random doodle or sketch or even just a compliment will do, he loves it when he receives such beautiful things from you that he might end up shedding tears (again, but it's a good thing y'know) 💖
To be continued! Stay tuned for part 3~
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fatuismooches · 2 years
hi hi!
I love ur writing sm tbh, it’s just so heartwarming and FLOOFY
could I pls request headcanons of all the harbingers being the caretakers of kitsune child reader (platonic obviously)
like one day the tsaritsa just tells them they have to look after this fox child she found
just fluffy and soft stuff🥺
if there are too many characters, feel free to add less if you’d like, I honestly don’t mind
(they’re pretty similar to how miko looks and they can also turn into a tiny Fox)
sos if this is a confusing request
thanks in advance! have a wonderful day/noon/night <33
♡ 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ♡
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synopsis: The Tsaritsa orders her Harbingers to take care of a kitsune child she found. Fluff ensues as they all platonically grow fond of you.
includes: all eleven fatui harbingers w/ gn! child! reader
notes: Platonic stuff and found family is so cute! Thank you for this request and your words, it was so cute. I hope you like this!
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All of them are initially cautious at first. Why would a kitsune be in Snezhnaya? Were you actually a spy and just pretending? But the Tsaritsa seemed to take a liking to you, so they were all required to do their part. (Little did they know they would all end up adopting you.)
At first, he keeps you around because of the Tsaritsa’s orders. But since you are naturally curious, you would follow him around at all times which would melt his heart and make him remember his own youth. Pierro would play chess with you. Kitsune are very intelligent and he would want to bring this out of you slowly. Would sometimes lose on purpose if you’re getting upset though. (He’s shocked if you call him an old man.)
The kind of caretaker who would sit you down on his lap and read you bedtime stories. He has a deep raspy voice that’s useful for when they need to put you to bed. I also think this man is very stressed and your fox form would make him feel a lot more relaxed.
I personally think he’d be really soft with animals and they love him in return. So he’d secretly love your fox form. Capitano takes elite care of your fur, ears, and hair. (Imagine you sleeping on top of his head or shoulders while he gives out orders and the Fatui soldiers are struggling to keep a straight face.)
He is your silent protector. Would trail behind you as you run around the Fatui headquarters. When you’re talking to any soldier, he would stand menacingly behind you as a warning to everyone else to not say anything inappropriate to you. Capitano would give you piggyback rides, lift you up into the air, let you hang off his arm, and do any other fun activities. He really treasures how you’re not scared of him at all, and would protect you at any cost.
Columbina + La Signora:
Columbina and La Signora would team up to do your hair. You would have matching rose buns like Signora by the end of it. The two of them would have the best and cutest clothes for you. The three of you probably have fashion shows and an actual runway. They have hats specially made to fit with your ears.
I just know Columbina knows the best spots for naps and scenery. She would take you to her favorite spots and hum a simple tune for you until both of you fall asleep. La Signora would take on a more motherly role. She wants to know about your day and what you learned while she combs out any knots.
To be honest, the other Harbingers endeavor to keep your time with him limited because of his past actions. Dottore doesn’t care much for kids anyway so this is fine to him. But if you continuously seek him out he’ll begrudgingly deal with your presence. Honestly the worst caretaker out of everyone because he has no idea what to do. What do kids like to do? What do they eat? Why are you crying all of a sudden? It’s making his head spin. Passes you off to his clones who research guides on how to deal with kids. They slowly adapt and teach him later.
Might allow you to attach one of his earrings to your ear, but you take it off rather quickly, complaining it’s too heavy for you. You would also copy his maniacal laugh so whenever Dottore laughs they have a mini you following after. Similar to Sandrone, he might teach you about invention and different kinds of science.
The best grandpa who knows every trick in the book. Whenever the Harbingers are at a loss on how to take care of you, they bring you to him and he’s got it under control in a matter of minutes. He wants to know who you are hanging out with and if they’re a bad influence on you. Pulcinella knows when to be strict and when not to. Gives the other Harbingers in-depth caretaking lessons whether they like it or not (especially Dottore.)
He would make sure you have memories of everyone you cherish. Kitsune live so much longer than a human and he doesn’t want you to forget anyone who raised you. Gives you a Kamera and helps you to make scrapbooks of everything you take pictures of.
There were always rumors that the Balladeer was soft around the children and elderly but no one quite believed it until they saw him interacting with you. Initially tried to avoid you because he didn’t want others to see an adorable kitsune child following him. Eventually gave in but kept the fake grumpy facade up so others wouldn’t get the wrong idea.
You probably remind him of Inazuma. Introduces you to Inazuman cuisine and wants to take you there someday. He probably knows kitsune folklore as well so he would retell it to you. He secretly finds it cute when you try on his hat but it covers you completely because you’re so tiny. Scaramouche’s temper is reduced while you’re around because he doesn’t want to make you upset. Whenever you ask him to do something he always acts like it’s a chore for a few seconds but immediately gets a Fatui agent on the job.
He’s a puppet who is probably going to live as long as you, so he silently vows to watch over you and protect you always.
Arlecchino is around children daily in her orphanage but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s great with them. After all, she’s raising them to be warriors and soldiers, not babysitting them. But that doesn’t mean she’s bad either. Arlecchino could pick up on your cues easily - she knows when you’re hungry or pretending to be sick, or when you’re actually tired. She’s still not the most in tune with emotions though so she leaves that up to the other Harbingers. Arlecchino would still be helpful with your health though.
She would let you play with the other orphans because it seems to brighten their days (hers as well.) She seems cold and a bit angry at times but your cheerfulness brightens her day.
He knows what it’s like to be abandoned so he would feel for you. You would be utterly pampered by him. Bubble baths, rubber duckies, any toys you want, the most exquisite of shampoos and conditioners for your ears. He would make sure you receive a proper education and access to any activities you desire. Pantalone would make sure you never left wanting.
He would teach you how to manage money at a young age. You’ll probably never need it but he likes the idea of teaching you something he wished he knew as a child.
She doesn’t care much at first. Sure, her interest is a bit peaked, but she’ll soon forget about you when she’s busy with her Automatons. That is, until she finds out you somehow snuck into her lab and curiously inspected some of her most dangerous robots. Immediately removes you from the premises.
She doesn’t want to involve you in the more cruel and deadly aspect of her work so instead, she’ll help you to create a small robot for yourself. She does most of the work but shows you some fundamental mechanical skills and secretly hopes you’ll take an interest in engineering.
Sews a kitsune doll for you so you can cuddle it to sleep. Sandrone has different robots created that teach you basic skills like reading, writing, math, etc. Even when she or any of the Harbingers are not around with you, you have her robots to play games with and keep you company.
Probably the best caretaker besides Pulcinella. Childe already has multiple little siblings so he knows exactly what to do. However, he has little restraint when it comes to spoiling you which separates him from Pulcinella’s stricter attitude. Childe would cook your favorites with ease but also introduce you to his favorite Snezhnayan dishes. He would comb out your fluffy hair and ears while keeping you occupied with various Snezhnayan stories.
Childe would not want you to fight. He is the protector and defender of childhood dreams so he would encourage you to do what you find fun (and would fund anything you need.) Even though you already know he’s in the Fatui, he wouldn’t tell you anything else about his job because he wants to shield you from harm.
He would introduce you to Teucer and his family quickly. His siblings marvel over your appearance and would play with you often. Ajax understands quite well how it feels to be lonely so he would want you to have strong bonds. Would even allow you to live with his family full time or have sleepovers if you wished.
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morallyinept · 4 months
Heyday Hero - A Valentine's Story - Mature!Marcus Moreno
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This is a story set in the Heyday Hero Universe. You might wanna read that one first if you haven't already.
Summary: Marcus pulls out all the stops to make your first Valentine's Day together really super!
Pairing: Mature!Marcus Moreno x Mature/CurvyF!Reader (No name of reader. It’s you, bub. However Reader is of a similar age to Marcus, who I have made 52 in this story, and Reader is more on the curvier side in body type. Otherwise a blank slate. Images for aesthetic, no reference to Reader.)
Word Count: 7.2k
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I’m doing well, and then, you try to kill me.”
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/Triggers: Both Marcus & Reader have REAL bodies, and very real middle age spread/coming to terms with ageing & feeling obsolete.
Explicit: Established relationship/unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/oral M & F receiving/fingering - Marcus has superpower hands⚡️/lots of kissing/schmaltzy romance/Marcus doesn't fuck, he makes love/all the flowers and pancake mush you can swallow/Marcus being the perfect, romantic fool
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Happy Valentine's Day, lovelies! 🥰 I just had to revisit these two love birds on this heart day. Love you all so much! 😘
HEYDAY HERO <- Main Story
Enjoy! 🖤
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The early morning Austin sun casts a warm glow over Marcus's garden as he ambles among the clusters of vibrant blooms swaying gently in the Texan breeze. 
Clipping blush peonies with thoughtful precision, his mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Missy and you; the two women in his life showering him with more love in abundance than he could ever wish for. 
Fragrant petals whisper to him in the gentle flurry, carrying the promise of a special day he’s woken up to. A day that, for so long, had seemed so mundane - another day ending in a Y. So pointlessly lonely. Just ordinary in his solace without a partner to share the topical mushiness with, even if it was rife with capitalist sentiment sponsored by the fat cats at Hallmark. 
Lost in contemplation as he prunes and snips at stems, Marcus's thoughts are a blend of affection and giddy anticipation, and he can’t wait to see his daughter smile as she inhales in the perfumed fragrance of the florals he’s chosen just for her.
Despite the lack of a romantic partner since the passing of his wife and Missy's mother, his Valentine’s Days since were about showering Missy with love and appreciation, something that she initially resisted, stomping into her unruly teens and it being branded “uncool” to spend time with her father fussing over her as she was reaching maturity.
But he still upheld that tradition nonetheless.
Now a headstrong woman in her thirties, she could appreciate that effort and often sought it out willingly as she would snuggle in closer to him when watching a movie together after a hard day of fighting the world’s enemies and threats, and he would smile as she fell asleep snoring into the soft cotton of his t-shirt, and subsequently leaving a patch of drool on it.
But as much as the superhero father-daughter duo loved one another, Marcus missed the companionship of a partner he could shower with hopelessly romantic sentiment and love of a more intimate kind.
That was until he met you.  
Over the course of the last six months, yours and Marcus’s relationship has bloomed and flourished, much like his garden, evolving into a softly hedonistic timeline woven with shared experiences, laughter, and genuine affection. 
Despite the exciting journey you’re both on, you both carry unspoken anxieties that occasionally cast shadows on the picturesque canvas of your budding romance.
Your dates were a delightfully regular mix of adventures - whether exploring museums, cozying up at home with a homemade dinner and a classic movie, or exploring the wonderland of nature.
And Marcus still can’t get your first meeting out of his mind. The date that solidified it all for him.
He was mesmerised by you, and still is, fearing some days he’ll wake up and realise it’s all been some wondrous dream where he subconsciously created and crafted you from the moulds of his inert loneliness. 
He glances over to the sun loungers by the pool, and his cock pulls tight in his jeans, remembering the two of you sat in one together, listening to your words as you read from your book to him, only a few days ago as the sun set into a fiery orange sky.
He can smell the scent of your skin again now as the tepid heat warmed it as he had you in his arms, basking in the dying rays as he buried himself inside of you from behind. His nose running tracks against the back of your neck as his fingers drew circles on your clit, bringing you to soaring heights without ever leaving the ground.
With the book discarded to the patio, his big hands were resting and stroking on the crinkles of your tummy skin as he whispered how beautiful you are, nipping on your earlobe as the sky blushed above you, an expansive voyeur to your lovemaking.
The gentle, yet enthusiastic, pace of your relationship allows you to savour each moment, creating a foundation of tentative understanding and trust. Yet, as the seasons change, the passage of time invokes subtle insecurities that bleed in uninvited.
It’s human nature, he supposes. Marcus, a retired superhero, whose body had once effortlessly defied gravity, now finds himself grappling with the harsh realities of ageing. The occasional ache and stiffness serve as reminders of the physical toll his heroic past has taken on him.
You, too, are confronted with your own insecurities when you stand in front of the mirror, naked after a shower, and notice things aren't as supple or as perky as they used to be. The mirage of eternal youth begins to dissipate, sands falling in the glass, replaced by the acknowledgement of lines that trace the stories of your laughter, and the gradual changes of a sinking gravity that comes with the eventual movement of time.
As the months towards his retirement from the Heroics had unfolded, Marcus began to notice the subtle changes in his body - the creaky echoes of years spent in the pursuit of justice. The once effortless movements that defined his superhero heydays were now accompanied by a quiet reminder of the toll taken on his physical form. 
Morning stiffness became a familiar companion as Marcus greeted the dawn - a stiffness of a different, less exciting kind.
The pops in his joints were like a cacophony of irritating reminders, a natural clicking chorus that played out, despite him being an unwilling conductor, as he rose from his bed. Aches manifested in areas that once bore the brunt of intense physical exertion.
His shoulders, which had once easily carried the weight of the world, now bore the imprints of past struggles. Welted, faded scars of times when he came close to exchanging his life so others could live, adorned him. White, little lines of jagged lightning against the golden skin that you would run your fingers or tongue over, bringing about a sensual healing in the layers of his marred epidermis with your explorative and worshipping ministrations.  
On some days, Marcus found himself pausing to stretch, a conscious effort to ease the tightness that settled into his muscles. The warm-up routine, once a prelude to high-flying acrobatic adventures, now became a ritual to navigate the nuances of a body shaped by years of gritty heroism.
Yet, despite the stark, physical reminders of ageing, Marcus approached each day with resilience and a quiet acceptance. The aches were not signals of defeat but rather markers of a life well-lived, a testament to the now grey hero who had faced challenges head-on and emerged with stories of grandeur etched into the fabric of his being. 
Observant and empathetic, you stood by Marcus's side as he navigated these physical aches and pains on the mornings you woke up together.
Your gentle massages and understanding glances spoke volumes, creating a space where the vulnerabilities of ageing became threads that wove you both closer together. 
He thinks back to the way your hands glide over his body and soon distract him from the aches to another ache weighing heavy between his legs. The more pleasant vareity of morning stiffness.
His ears are soon filled with your gasps and moans as he zones out under the morning sun, thinking back to mornings waking with you wrapped around him as he slipped inside you and worked you both out. 
In that tranquil corner of the garden, surrounded by the coveted peace of nature, Marcus confronts the uncertainties, but the happiness he feels quells any of that self-doubt in an instance. 
The kitchen, the epicentre of Marcus’s world now, soon becomes a hub of activity as Marcus sets about creating a special morning feast on the day of San Valentín.
The aroma of homemade pancakes fills the air, mingling with the scents of freshly brewed coffee and tarte fruity berries. The vase of peonies adorns the table, adding a touch of colour to the special breakfast spread he’s prepared all morning with love and care.
As Missy enters the kitchen, hair damp and bedraggled, the mild surprise melting away the sleep in her battered eyes, Marcus can't help but beam.
"Happy Valentine's Day, kiddo," he says, presenting her with the hand-cut bouquet.
Missy's eyes light up with unbridled joy as she accepts the vase of flowers with a kiss on the side of his fuzzy face. "Dad, these are beautiful. Thank you."
“Only the best for my muñeca. Sit, I made you some breakfast.” (Doll.)
“You’re not having breakfast with your lovely lady?”
“We’re spending the rest of the day together. I've made plans.” His eyes light up as he says it, pouring out hot coffee.
"Sneaky." Missy smirks.
“This morning is just for you and me.”
“Makes a change not to see you two half-naked and draped all over each other. You know, these walls are paper thin.”
“Shut up.” Marcus says, evidently blushing. 
“I ought to file a complaint, I’m sure it violates some building code… loud noises.”
“Or you could just stay at your place?” He suggests with a grin.
“Pffft. That’ll never happen.”
In the days leading up to Missy and you meeting for the first time - which was inevitable really considering how often your paths had almost crossed with Missy using her key at any God given time of day - Marcus hadn’t been able to shake a lingering sense of angst. He found himself caught in the crossroads of two important relationships intermingling in his life, and the fear of you both not getting along tugged at the edges of his erratic thoughts. 
As he’d prepared the house for your official get-together, Marcus couldn't help but second guess his decision. What if you didn't hit it off? The worry gnawed at him, the uncertainty of your connection becoming a lead weight on his broad shoulders and making him feel somewhat nauseous at the prospect of facing a choice.
He tried to distract himself with preparations, arranging a small dinner, which soon became over the top due to the stress-cooking that ensued, and ensuring the atmosphere was comfortable. 
But every now and then, a wave of anxiety washed over him despite Missy reminding him that he was worrying over nothing. 
If she makes you this goofy, Dad, then I already love her… Missy'd remarked as he clattered about clumsily with pans. 
When the hour finally arrived, Marcus did his best to hide his apprehension despite his squally gut. As Missy and you exchanged greetings, he observed your interactions with a hopeful, yet anxious, heart.
The initial moments were filled with small talk, and Marcus found himself holding his breath, waiting for a sign that you were connecting, and shucking in deep breaths of oxygen when you subtly reminded him to breathe, observing him turn a shade of purple and giving his thigh a reassuring squeeze.
Of course, Marcus needn't have worried - Missy and you got on like a house on fire.
Laughter began to flow naturally, and conversations unfolded effortlessly. The tension in Marcus's shoulders eased as he witnessed his daughter and new partner finding common ground, especially in teasing him, it appeared.
Marcus smirks as he places a plate under Missy’s nose. 
“Heart-shaped, chocolate chip pancakes? You trying to woo me, Dad?”
“Just showing the love for my amazing daughter.” 
“Why, what are you after?” Smiling, she pours the raspberry syrup over the stack.
“Nothing. Just want you to know how special you are to me is all.” He mumbles quietly with pink cheeks frazzling under his thick rimmed specs.
"Your love is causing me to gain five pounds." She muses.
“What’s that?” He asks, nodding over to the skin on her shoulder now revealed as she ties back her hair.
She glances down at the rather large and angry bruise and back at her father’s concerned eyes. 
“I can handle it, Dad.” She reminds him as he visibly tenses. 
“I know. But I’m always going to worry. Even if you are a Moreno badass.” 
She laughs and then sighs, pulling her cardigan on and covering up the bruise. “Comes with the territory, right?"
He nods, sadly. "It does."
Missy picks up her fork to dig in and then hesitates. "Did you... did you ever have those days when you thought about throwing in the towel?”
Marcus nods again. “All the time.”
As Marcus reminisces about his past, memories of battles lost and wounds endured flood his mind like unwelcome guests crashing a solemn reunion. There were moments etched in his memory with the vividness of fresh lacerations - times when victory had slipped through his fingers like sand, leaving behind scars that ran deeper than mere flesh and bone.
“How did you keep going? How did you… find the strength?” She sighs and Marcus can only helplessly observe the features of her own face, young, but carrying that weight of the world is starting to age her quicker than he would like.
He remembers the deafening roar of explosions echoing in the night as he fought valiantly against insurmountable odds, only to find himself battered and broken, his spirit and pride bruised more than his body.
There were battles where the enemy's strength seemed limitless, where every blow landed with the force of a freight train, threatening to crush his resolve beneath its weight.
In the aftermath of defeat, Marcus found himself questioning everything he had once believed in. The wounds he bore were not just physical; they were a reflection of the doubts and insecurities that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.
He considered putting away his katanas many, many times, walking away from the life of a hero and leaving behind the chaos and destruction that seemed to follow in his wake.
But even in the darkest moments of despair, a flicker of hope remained - a stubborn ember that refused to be extinguished. It was the memory of those he had sworn to protect, the faces of innocence that haunted his dreams and whispered words of encouragement in the depths of his despair mid-fight.
Marcus leans over the counter on his arms and pinches a raspberry from Missy’s plate. 
“For you. I wanted to make the world a better place for you to grow up in. Safe.”
Missy smiles like a dim bulb about to burn out as she eats. “You did a pretty good job of that, Dad. I've had some big shoes to fill.”
He smiles, running his tongue around the raspberry pips now lodged in his teeth. 
“You’re doing great, kiddo.”
He reaches for another raspberry and she bats his hand away as he chuckles. 
“You know, you’re the only man who's ever gotten me flowers…” She says a few minutes later, eyeing the fluffy heads with a slight dip on her face, and Marcus can’t help but furrow his brow in unison.
Missy looks up at her father with twinkly eyes that mirror the melting chips in the pancakes. “I love you. You know that, right?” 
“Te quiero mucho, mucho.” (I love you very, very much.) He nods as they eat together. 
“I should get going-” Missy states after she finishes her plate, which only seems to be after a few hefty shovels.
“No, stay.”
“As much as I love being a third wheel, it’s Valentine’s Day.” She reminds him. 
“Hey.” Marcus takes her elbow gently. “You know this is your home, you're always welcome here, no matter what. I always want you here.”
“I know. But you guys should do the whole love thing today. Alone.” 
“What about you?” He asks, concerned at the thought of Missy sitting alone in her apartment on the most love-filled day of the year. 
“I’ll be fine.” She assures with a tight smile. “Might see if Miss Starlight or Renegade wanna hang. We can all be lonely and miserable together.” She snorts. 
A thoughtful pause follows before Marcus tentatively broaches the idea. "Have you ever thought about giving online dating a try? You know, like the dating app profile you made for me? I hear it’s all the rage these days."
Missy raises an eyebrow, a playful grin forming on her face, "Dad, are you suggesting I join the world of swipes and emojis? Because that ship has long sailed. I’m knee deep in dilfs on the regular." She grins.
Marcus chuckles nervously, "I have no idea what any of that means.”
“Probably best.”
“Well, I mean, it's one way to meet people. You might find someone who appreciates your eloquent wit and charm."
“Don’t forget the potty mouth.”
“That too,” he smiles. “I know what it’s like. Being the world’s hero leaves you somewhat… lonely. I don't want that for you.”
Missy nods contemplating. “I’ve been giving it some thought.”
“Yeah, you two seem really happy together. I guess I miss having that sometimes.”
Marcus, feigning surprise, replies, "Really? Well, I guess you can thank your old man for staying on top of the trends and leading by example."
Missy rolls her eyes playfully, "Oh, I will, Dad. You're my dating app guru now."
“Hardly.” He scoffs.
“This is true, you lucked out on round one. You didn’t get to kiss any gnarly toads or do the walk of shame.”
“The walk of shame?”
“I'll tell you about it when you’re older some day,” Missy quips with a grin. 
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There’s always a subtle restlessness, a physical awareness that manifests in the anticipation of your next meeting.
The memory of your kiss lingers on his lips, he can still taste you long after you're gone, and the mere thought of your touch again sparks a warmth that courses through his veins, burning him up from the inside.
His body has changed so much, and yet you make Marcus feel like he’s young and nubile again when the butterflies begin to flap around, and that tingle surges deliciously down the length of his cock.  
With a sense of heady excitement and a touch of mystery, Marcus decided to plan a special surprise for you for Valentine’s Day.
One that he hopes you won’t forget in a hurry. 
He arrives at your place, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, and the breath torn from his lungs as he beholds you opening the door with that gorgeous smile just for him. 
Every time he has the chance to see you again, whether for a planned date or an unexpected visit, Marcus feels a powerful surge run through him, making his fingers crackle with a pulsing intensity that makes them buzz almost uncontrollably. He doesn't bother shaking the feeling away anymore, instead he revels in it.
The moments leading up to your regular reunions are filled with a blend of eagerness and a touch of nervous anticipation, as if each meeting holds the promise of uncovering something new and extraordinary.
In those stolen glances and shared moments, Marcus discovers that missing someone can be a beautiful ache, a testament to the depth of his feelings for you, absent hearts and all that spiel. 
An ache that is soon satiated when you open the door and smile at him like he’s the only man in the world. 
His lips find yours almost instantly as you grasp onto his broad shoulders in the doorway, the pair of you almost toppling through in your desperate haste. The soft groans that escape him makes your blood throb inside your veins.
His tongue slips into the comforting home of your mouth, and you feel it over every nerve ending in your body, tingly and visceral. And not just from his crackly fingertips.
“Hey you,” you eventually manage to sigh into his plush mouth, feeling the silk of his greying beard smoothing against your cheeks. 
“Hey, mi Dulzura…” (Hey, my Sweetness) he murmurs dreamily as he plants delicate kisses along your jawline and inhales the scent of your perfume. It’s the vanilla and jasmine one he likes so much when he can smell it lingering on his pillows. 
He’s all hands and enthusiastic smooches the moment he sees you. Unable to abnegate himself away from the basic needs of touch and affection that you give back to him in equal abundance.
You can't get enough of one another. 
You feel his large hands squeeze your hips gently, and your body flares as he pulls you in closer to him, crushed right up against his stacked, warm chest as he kisses you more with a heated groan. 
Reluctantly pulling away he suggests, "How about we go on a little adventure today? I've got something special planned."
“You spoil me, Mr Moreno.” You cluck, running your hands over the soft leather jacket adorning his arms. 
“Always,” he confirms with a grin. “You look great, so beautiful,” he says, eyeing your tight jeans and pretty floral shirt combo. 
“As do you, you scrub up well.” You marvel at the jeans, leather jacket and green t-shirt he’s casually adorned in, pulling tight in all the right places. You stroke over the soft swell of his tummy as you lean in for another kiss.
He pulls something silken out of his pocket and you glance at it with raised eyebrows. “May I?”
“Kinky shenanigans planned on my doorstep?” You query as you allow him to blindfold you. “The neighbours will love that…” You giggle.
“Even better,” he whispers into your ear salaciously. 
“You hound.” You swipe out playfully to him, but miss when you can’t see anything at all now.
“Woof.” He growls, pausing to nip on your lobe and revelling in your desperate whine in response.
After a short drive through town, Marcus finally pulls up. "Trust me, you're going to love this," he assures as he guides you out of the car.
He carefully leads you along a path, each step heightening the sense of anticipation. As you walk blindly, his arm around your waist, and your hand holding tightly onto his other, you can feel his own sense of excitement as it buzzes into your skin with those pleasant tingles and crackles.
“Just a little further.” He assures as he pushes open a door and you step through to inhale a moistness in the air; a balmy heat that’s different from the outside that settles into your pores. 
“Where are we?” You question with a jaunty, excitable tinkle. For a moment, the smell reminds you of a swimming pool.
“Just wait…” You can hear him grinning. 
When you reach your destination, Marcus removes the blindfold, unveiling the breathtaking scene of the Austin botanical garden before you.
The vibrant colours, the fragrant blossoms, and the serene atmosphere creates a picturesque display that leaves you in absolute awe.
You’re surrounded by flowers in abundance, the scent of them driving you wild as they all scramble to make you smell their perfumes first. You’re even more stunned to find it all completely empty.
"Welcome to the botanical garden.” Marcus says, tucking the blindfold into his leather jacket pocket. “It’s one of my favourite places.” 
“Wow!” You smile, turning a full three-sixty as you take it all in. “You know, I’ve always been meaning to come here. I don’t know why I haven’t before…”
“I thought we could spend the day here," Marcus announces with a grin. “Look,” he points over to a small set up of a picnic on a grassy area under an intricate arch of purple orchids in the shape of a heart.
“Looks like a giant purple heart emoji.” You smile at him. 
He nods, eyebrows wiggling above his specs.
“You really know how to romance a girl,” you smile, stroking under his chin. 
“I booked this place out just for us.” His hands slide down your lower back pulling you into him. “We’re completely alone…”
“Yeah. We have the whole day here, if we want.”
“I want. Very much.” You nod and pull him forward by his lapels for a deep kiss. 
“I don’t know what to say,” you smile, cupping his cheeks and gliding your nose over his. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, mi Dulzura. Feliz Día del Corazón.” (My Sweetness. Happy Heart Day.)
He kisses you, gently nipping onto your lips as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck. 
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The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers as you stroll together along lush pathways, surrounded by an array of captivating plant life.
The Orchid Pavilion, the base for your picnic, is adorned with hanging baskets of intricate orchids, showcasing a kaleidoscope of colours - from delicate pastels to vibrant hues. 
After eating together, an array of home baked, sweet treats Marcus had prepared himself, you wander through a section adorned with curtains of exotic orchids, and Marcus can't contain his enthusiasm as he takes on the role of your personal tour guide.
A role he takes very seriously, much to your amusement. 
"Did you know orchids have a fascinating way of attracting pollinators? Some mimic the appearance and scent of certain insects to lure them in. It's nature's way of flirting, I suppose." He rambles excitedly.
You chuckle, finding Marcus's nerdy fascination endearing. "Flirting through flowers, who would've thought? Tell me more, Mr. Botanist."
You continue your fascinating journey, hand in hand, and Marcus points out a cluster of carnivorous plants. 
"These are pitcher plants. They have specialised leaves that form a pitcher-like structure to trap insects. It's like having a tiny garden predator."
“Have you got these in your garden?” You query, peering into their tube-like structures, like tiny trumpets in the grasses. He has so many of his own plants it's hard to remember them all.
“No. I do have a Venus Fly Trap though. She’s very bitey.” He nips on your neck making you yelp as he walks you forward. 
“Ah. Audrey II, of course.” You smirk. 
“Of course.” He muses. 
As you reach a serene pond surrounded by water lilies, Marcus shares another tidbit. 
"Water lilies close their flowers at night and reopen in the morning, and they…. what?” He stops to look at you quizzically, noting the expression spreading over your face. “W-why are you looking at me like that?”
You shake your head smiling, all teeth bared at him. “You're so sexy when you geek out.”
He blushes beet red and smirks. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until we get to the cacti garden. I will be insufferable.”
"Hot." You chuckle.
You meander through a section dedicated to succulents and cacti, where the desert's resilience takes centre stage. The ground is adorned with various prickly shapes and sizes, from the elegant arms of Saguaro cacti to the whimsical arrangements of succulents that seem to defy gravity as their spiky tendrils reach towards the sky. 
The sun bathes this arid landscape in a warm glow through the high glass ceilings, casting shadows that play on the pebbly, sandy ground like a dance of desert spirits conjured by mystical forces.
“You were right, it’s pretty awesome.” You say. 
“Not as awesome as you,” he whispers, kissing you again. 
A serpentine path leads you to the Aquatic Garden, where more water lilies float gracefully on the surface of a tranquil pond. Golden Koi Carp glide beneath the water, adding a splash of movement as you both sit by it chatting. 
The reflections of the surrounding greenery dance on the water, creating a mirror-like effect that seems to amplify the selection of plant species all around you. You dip your fingers into the pool, the fish swimming curiously around at a safe distance, and Marcus watches with a smile that makes his cheeks ache. 
“You like butterflies?” He asks you. 
You nod, smiling as he takes your hand and leads you to the Butterfly Conservatory, a whimsical space alive with fluttering colours of Black Swallowtails, Red Admirals and Cloudless Sulphurs.
Thousands of butterflies dance around, their delicate wings creating a haze of hues that add an extra layer of enchantment to the garden that stuns you into silent giggles at such a place.
“I wish I could fly sometimes.” You smile as the butterflies flit around, some landing on your sleeves as you admire their delicacy with a splendid awe.
You bring your arm closer to your face, your nose wrinkling in delight as the tiny butterfly shows off its wings just for you. 
“Funny you should mention that.” Marcus teases.
You eye him carefully. “What do you mean?”
“I have something else planned for you today. If you’re up for it?”
“I’m always up for it.” You smirk.
“Come on.” He takes you by the hand once more and leads you towards a garden that’s outside and full of roses in every shade of pink and red that exists on the colour scale. 
“This is stunning,” you say, slowing down as you take them all in.
Akin to being lost in the Queen of Heart’s gardens, it takes you a few minutes of wandering back through the maze of rose bushes, interwoven with clusters of pale lavender hydrangeas, to find Marcus handling some belts and clips near a device you’ve never seen before. 
“Is that what I think it is?” You question with wide eyes as you notice the large contraption hovering just a few inches above the grass, whirring silently.
It has two large circular fans and belts that lead from it to Marcus’s waist as he clips himself securely into it.
“You wanna fly?” He queries and you nod enthusiastically, feeling a surge zap through you and your toes tingle in your shoes. 
You feel him navigate a similar belt around your waist, willingly holding your arms out. He runs his nose against your neck as he does it, and you hear him groan in satisfaction as he inhales.
“Mouth watering...” He murmurs as he kisses your skin and your feel it pulse in your core as you clench around nothing. 
You watch as he clips your belt into his and tugs against it.
“Are you ready?” Marcus asks you as you step closer to him.
“No.” You giggle.
“Do you trust me?” He questions with a serious face, thumb stroking down your cheek.
You nod looking into his deep, cocoa eyes. “With my life.”
Marcus smiles at that, wrapping his hands around your waist. “I’ve got you. You’re safe, okay?"
"Okay." You nod, smiling.
"You’re not afraid of heights, are you?
“Bit late to ask me that now,” you chuckle, and so does he. "Are you going to run me through the pre-flight safety checks?"
Marcus smirks. "Hold onto me. That's it."
"Well, shit." You cling onto him as the whirring starts to get faster, the blades of grass blown out into flat circles, and you can feel the belt cinch tighter around your waist as it lifts you both off the ground. 
“Oh my God!” You clutch onto him tighter and he chuckles softly. “This is really happening!”
“Let’s go see the city.” Marcus smiles, placing a kiss on your head. 
Once a soft breeze, the wind grows more ferocious around you, your body becoming free from the reassuring surface of the world.
The wonder in your eyes grows to questionable proportions, and you’re soon completely bewildered at the fact that you're really flying.
He tips forward in a smooth motion so you’re both lying horizontal in the air when the device reaches the desired altitude.
“You ready?”
You nod eagerly as he propels forward with a simple push of his upper body, steering, as you both zoom off towards the Austin city skyline, your giggly gasps ringing in his ears.
Your eyes meet his in wonder as you grip onto him tightly. “Marcus! We’re flying!”
You feel like you’re shouting over the wind whipping against you, eyes wide and gleaming at the sight of the city approaching in a block chart of colour and twinkles of lights. 
It feels colder, but being crushed against his body keeps you warm enough. You’re too exhilarated to feel any change in body temperature. 
You brave yourself to look at the sky above sinking into an inky twilight of orange and cerise hues as the sun sets. 
“Welcome to my world,” Marcus says, nuzzling into you.
You feel his grip lessen and glance at him with alarm, but the look in his eyes convinces you he’s not going to let you fall.
He simply reaches for your hand with one of his, and you drop subtly beneath him, the belt keeping you close as he takes your other hand and you’re spread out beneath, back against his chest, arms wide as they can go as he holds them out parallel with his.
“Oh shit!” You gasp as he flies you both faster, curving and twisting around the breadth of the skyscrapers; your giddy reflection in the mirrors of the glass windows ara a blur as you pass. 
You don’t notice when he lets go of your hands, his arms around your waist instead as your own arms stay out in front of you as you rip through the air. 
“Better than the butterflies?” You hear him call.
“So much better than the butterflies!” You laugh, almost hysterically, as he loops back towards the botanical garden, after a few more laps around the city. 
As soon as you’re back on the ground in the rose garden, a wave of adrenaline surges through you, and you lunge at him with shaky limbs, almost knocking him off balance.
A melody of gasps and breathy pants puff out of your mouths as you kiss frantically through tinctured groans. The whimper in the back of his throat conveying more than words ever need to about his desire for you in this moment. 
Marcus unclips the belts, yanking them off of the both of you with a fumbling fervour, glued at the mouth with you. Clumsy kisses, teeth clashing against one anothers in your mutual haste, as you push his leather jacket down over his shoulders and his fingers eagerly untuck your shirt from your jeans. 
“That was incredible,” you gasp into his mouth, unzipping his jeans. 
“You’re incredible,” he groans as you take his swollen cock in your hand, squeezing and stroking gently as you lavish kisses over his bronzed neck. 
“Oh God,” Marcus moans.
Subtle flicks of your tongue leave him gasping, his hands running through your windswept hair as you make tracks over his chest littered with sparse, greying hairs as you both tumble to the grass and push his t-shirt up further. 
Tasting all the way down his sternum and lingering over the soft paunch of his tummy, a place you always nuzzle against, he glances down at you with a bashful smile.
Then a gentle nibble on his hips before your tongue wanders into the small, neatly trimmed thatch of hairs around the back of this thick, weeping cock. 
“Oh, please…” he whines biting down on his lip. 
You lick up from the base of him, your eyes transfixed on his as he gasps, watching you run up the full length of him to kiss the top of his leaking head gently. You stroke his thighs and he parts them further making room for you as you settle into making out with his cock. 
You’ve mastered the art of taking your time with him, enjoying the sounds that flutter out of his mouth as you take him deeper and deeper. Those unbridled whimpers as you suck fill your ears, and you swear you’ve never heard a more perfect sound escape him. 
It's when you take him all the way down is when he loses his calm, polite composure. 
“Fuck!” Marcus gasps, his head lolling back. “Mm, just like that…” 
You smirk to yourself as you feel fingers knotting in your hair and subtly tugging on it.
“Yeah… so fucking good. Oh my God… Yes.” He pants.
You let him have free reign over your body too, as he buries two fingers inside you and licks you to orgasm. His favourite place is between your legs, his second is a garden. When the two collide, it's even better.
“Marcus, please…” you pant, words tumbling from your mouth as your legs shake.
“Tell me, tell me what you want, mi Dulzura.”
“I want you inside me.”
“Right here?” You feel his buzzing fingers plunger deeper, stroking on that spot that makes your thighs shake harder as you feel the tingles ramp up. “You want me filling you up, hmm?” 
“Yeah.” You pant as he circles your clit. The heavy throb undeniable on it from the crackling in the tip of his thumb.
“That feel good?” He smirks.
You fist the grass, tearing blades from it that stick to your palms as you grasp his face, fingernails digging into his skull behind his ears as your exhale and puff into his face. 
“Oh my God, yes, Marcus!”
His glasses dig into your cheeks as you strain and wail, your breath fogging them up a little.
“Come for me. Come all over my fingers, come on.” He chants watching you, foreheads crushed together as he zaps and strokes harder inside you. 
“Come, mi Dulzura. ¡Dios mío, eres tan malditamente hermosa!” (My God, you're so damn beautiful!)
The Spanish whispers send you over the edge. “M-Marcus!” You cry out, squeezing around his fingers as your whole body shakes; tingles flooding all over and making you feel like you’re still flying, all the way up there in the pale lilac sky above you as your eyes roll back into it.
You feel him kissing over your neck, humming softly muffled words of praise and desire into your skin as your slick coats his fingers just like he wanted.
"So fucking perfect for me," Marcus croons.
“I need you.” You whisper. 
“God, I need you, too.”
His large, perfectly sculpted nose crushes into the side of your jaw as he fills you; your gasps and whines echoing around the rose garden as he slides into your utterly drenched pussy.
He loves how the stretch of you around his cock brings you to orgasm almost right away; a few gentle thrusts as you adjust to his thickness, and you’re shuddering for him, coating him in your slick before he plunders deeper with that gentle, rhythmic pounding.
He loves how you're completely insatiable for one another, despite the ravishes of age rendering your bones heavier, your paces slower.
Despite it all, you still embark on a journey of a healthy sexual appetite, even if you both have to navigate it with a little more preparedness sometimes; it still rocks your world.
He still has it, and so do you. 
“You feel so good,” You whisper to him as he nuzzles into your face. The wind of his hips into yours, hits you at the perfect angle, again and again. 
“We feel so good together,” he breathes with a smile. “Fuck, I can’t get enough of you. I don't think I’ll ever stop getting enough of you.” 
You kiss him again as he thrusts a little harder, a little faster. 
The vulnerabilities of being so exposed, so spread before him like this, revealing all the parts about yourself you’ve scrutinised scathingly in the mirror with abhorrence, fade away.
It’s all those wrinkled, stretched, sagged parts of you that he worships with his crackly fingers and tongue. He spends time appreciating them, fawning over them and lavishing them with the attention they so thoroughly deserve as he rolls with you so you’re on top now.
How you watch as your less-than-perky breasts tumble into his face as he pulls them out of your bra, but he licks and suckles at them as his cock notches against your hole and he groans out as you sit on him fully. Running his tongue around those stiff pebbles unabashed, sucking them into his mouth as you grind on him. 
“Come for me…” Marcus pants as he watches that dreamy glaze settle into your eyes as you ride him; that glittery feeling about ready to burst out of your pores as he pushes up with his hips to meet you. “Need to feel you soak me.” 
“Oh shit, I’m coming!” You shake on top of him, gasping. Head thrown back as you rock and grinning as you see stars explode across the sky above you. 
Yeah. Marcus Moreno has still got it.
“That’s it, like that. Fuck, I’m gonna come too! Fuck! Fuuuck!”
Marcus stiffens, his whole body tenses as his hips jerk, and he fills you up. Floods you until he's dripping warm and pearly out of you, all over his soft belly, as you lean upwards to kiss him some more.
Afterwards, as you both lay in the grass half dressed and satiated from the highs of flying and your lovemaking, Marcus reaches up above you both, plucking a single, red rose from the bush and hands it to you. 
You sniff the fragrant petals and smile at him with glittery eyes that wander over his face looking back at you. You run the rose head gently over his cheek and he smiles, and you think you've never seen anything more beautiful in your life.
The way he’s looking at you right now literally renders you mute and unable to breathe. 
But he's a tempest under that sweet smile.
He’s felt it for a while now, that tether between you becoming tighter, knotting into something unbreakable and deepening, but he finds himself grappling with a gnawing worry - one that whispers doubts in the quiet moments of contemplation.
He fears the weight of those three simple words that are on the cusp of his tongue: I love you. 
It wasn't that he doubted the sincerity of his emotions; rather, it was the fear of the unknown, the uncertainty of how those words might alter the delicate balance of your relationship.
Is it too soon? Is it too much? Is it foolish at his age to even begin to allow himself the same giddy excitement he felt when he was much younger? Would uttering those words irrevocably change the dynamic between you, shifting the fragile equilibrium you had both carefully cultivated?
There's also the fear of rejection, of laying his heart bare only to have it met with silence or crippling hesitation. What if you might not feel the same way yet, or even at all? That his declaration of love might drive a wedge between you rather than bring you closer together causes a reaction within him that makes him physically tense.
“I can feel your heartbeat speeding up,” you say, regarding him quizzically with your hand already resting on his chest. Little fluttery pulses thrum under your fingertips.
Looking at you gazing up at him, a mixture of awe and concern, Marcus knows he has all he’s ever wanted and needed right here in his arms, and he can't deny the truth that simmers beneath the surface of his hesitations. 
He loves you with a fierceness that defies logic - defies gravity, even. A love that transcends the boundaries of time and space. And as he grapples with his fears, he knows deep down that the only way forward is to take a leap of faith, to trust in the strength of your forged connection that grows stronger between you every day. 
He decides he has to be bold. To be brave.
To be heroic. 
“I love you. I-I’m in love with you.” Marcus says softly, wrinkled almond eyes swimming with a mix of euphoria and worry. “Be my Valentine?”
You reach for him, stroking your fingers in the soft silk of his greying jawline. 
“También te quiero, Marcus.” You say, before he grazes his lips across yours. (I love you too, Marcus.)
“You learned some Spanish.” He whispers in awe, pulling his smile wide and eyes glistening behind the lenses of his specs.
“I figured I should. After all, I wanna understand all the special things you whisper in my ear.” 
“Sólo las cosas más especiales, y sucias, para ti, mi amor…” (Only the most special, and dirty, things for you, my love.)
“Yeah, I’m not fluent.” You chuckle as he kisses you, pulling you over fully onto his body where he crushes you against him. 
“Yet,” he smiles, as he sucks your bottom lip into this mouth for a deep kiss. 
“So, are we flying home, or…?” You ask.
“You’re an adrenaline junkie now,  hmm?” 
“What can I say, you’ve taken me to new heights, Mr Moreno. I might become addicted.”
“I already am.” Marcus says, nuzzling into you. 
“We should go soon, someone might find us?”
He shakes his head. “I told you, we have the whole place to ourselves, for a little while longer anyway. What do you want to do?”
You smile at him, devilishly.
“Make me fly again…” You whisper, as you feel his re-hardened cock dipping into your sticky folds. 
You push back as he slips fully inside you, hips bucking up to fill you full of him once more, and Marcus does exactly what you ask of him; he lets you fly. 
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Thank you so much for enjoying this story! I'd love to know your thoughts and would really appreciate a re-blog too so others can enjoy some Mature!Marcus Moreno. Isn't he just dreamy? Happy Valentine's Day! 🖤😘
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toastermoth · 5 months
playfighting hcs with obey me brothers? them with a mc who is always playfighting, over the smallest matters, mc just finds it funny
Playfights OM!Brothers x GN!Reader (Can be seen as platonic or romantic)
Lucifer: 1st Born
He finds it annoying at first
One day he's doing his work and you ask for his advice and he blows you off
"Y/n I need to get this work done."
Insert you making this face -> 0:<
Next thing he knows he's pushing you with ONE FINGER while you're trying to climb on him
Now that was at first, eventually he finds it amusing especially since he has the height advantage over you
Occasionally he'll take a break from his work and playfight with you
He doesn't try to do anything drastic since he also has the strength advantage over you (He's a literal fookin demon-)
Sometimes will let you win just to see the satisfaction on your face
"Okay okay you win Y/n."
He finds it very cute when you win and will overtime make it harder for you to keep challenging you
Will never admit it but he always finds it fun for him and for you.
Mammon: 2nd Born
He'd probably the the person you playfight the most with
And most of the time it isn't you who makes the first move it's HIM
But when you do initiate it he will hold some restraint because he doesn't want to hurt you but will play more rough with you than Lucifer.
His face looks like this when you beat him -> ):<
Probably will play dirty like sitting on your back when you're down, tickling you, ect.
So you're also gonna need to play dirty >:)
Tickle him and you will 90% of the time win-
He likes playfighting especially when he gets a rise out of you and challenges you or you challenge him to multiple rounds
Has fun even if he loses and will always think of it as a way to get closer to his human
Levi: 3rd Born
Tbh would playfight you the least next to Asmo.
Poor boy would be too scared he'd hurt you :(
If you'd initiate it he'd feel more comfortable and wouldn't do anything drastic maybe only tickling
Overtime however he'd probably be more up to doing things! (Only if you do them first-)
If you beat him in a game one he usually wins at, he will playfight you first when you're never expecting it.
"Hwa- LEVI WHA-"
Insert you being tickled profusely with Levi not letting up
Would get embarrassed after your playfight session usually-
He's very happy and feels special when you playfight with him, even if you do it to the rest of the brothers he still feels special knowing he has a friend that he can playfight with.
Satan: 4th Born
Would probably be one of the meanest when you playfight-
When he's at school or reading he'll probably just blow you off
However if you and him are just at the house of Lamination he will happily playfight with you
He can go easy on you, but chooses not to so expect most of the victories to be his
"If I recall you're the one who started this playfight and I won by sitting on you when you were down. I'm simply taking advantage of this opportunity."
Probably would be the smuggest motherfucker out of all of them-
He would let you win sometimes however
"Haha! The victory is yours, I am at your mercy Y/n."
Has one time forgot he was sitting on you and you had to punch his leg to get him to get off of you so you don't break your fookin back-
Since he usually is knife and neck with Lucifer he never really saw the use in 'playtime' but loves the times when you choose to playfight with HIM and he'd definitely warm up to it quickly.
(I love Satan sm-)
Asmo: 5th Born
Would playfight the least since they think that it'll ruin his beauty
After a while and lots of small tacklings he'll playfight with you!
"heyyyyyy SURPRISE ASMO!!!"
"WAH- Oh you rascal come here you!!"
Since she doesn't want to be seen as a 'brute' he doesn't really fight you- mostly just play around by tickling you or like Satan will sit on you and test makeup on you!
However if you win expect a very cute giggly Asmo
"Okay you win I lose! I'll do whatever you want now sweetie!"
Also would probably be the most fair-
if you lose he gets to do whatever they want to you (Usually makeup and fashion shows)
If he loses they'd let you do anything to her
Even though the fights may not be 'pretty' they still mean a lot to Asmo and they know it means just as much to him as it does to you.
Beel: 6th Born
The gentle giant of the brothers and wouldn't do anything to hurt you
Even tickling would make him nervous :((
Does that stop your chaotic ass? Nope!
However he does see sometimes playfighting as a way to get stronger physically and but he still gets nervous at least the first few times.
"Hey Beel guess what? "
"Hm yea y/n- WHA-?"
He quickly warms up to it tho and eventually goes along with it tho he does sometimes the same things as you-
"Hey y/n?"
So if you do that to him and win he will do that to you and win (question mark?)
Will playfully wrestle you too over time (he lets you win tho because he's awesome)
He cares about your wellbeing physically but also mentally and if you find it fun then he's alright with it!
Extra: One way to win quickly is if you climb on him and basically ride his shoulders-
Belphie: 7th Born
He will act annoyed and will not playfight... unless you challenge him.
"Well I guess you're too scared to face me Belphie!"
"Is that a fucking challenge?"
Expect most of the playfighting to take place on bed or couch. He needs to be on something squishy and comfy (and so do you because fluffy blankets and pillows)
Lots of wrestling and pillow fights-
"HAHA I WI-" *insert you hitting him right in his face with a pillow*
He'd probably playfight you the 2nd most because he will fight you over everything.
Poke him? You get hit with a pillow.
Try to wake him up? Expect to be wrestled down and a snuggle buddy.
Hit him with a pillow? You will get hit with two pillows on either side. Do not underestimate this man with pillows.
If you lose expect to be slept on and if you win then you'd have to drag him to wake him up-
He may act like he doesn't enjoy it, but him seeing how much fun you have can't make him but smile at how much fun he's having
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istoleyoursk1n · 5 months
Hello there! I’ve seen your stuff and it’s very good! I have one for the main crew with a Dhampire!Tav. That’s essentially a half vampire born from a mother infected with vampirism and they have all the benefits of being a vampire with no, minus the thirst for blood that’s more a craving and provides a power boost, negatives. Tav tries to abstain from blood as much as possible, but does give in for emergencies.
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How would they react to a Dhampir!Tav
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“Ugh. Just so you know, there can only be one. And it doesn't take much to see who’s the better vampire, darling. You best not go snacking on the delights I've claimed for myself.”
You’d think he’d be relieved but he's more so irritated by your presence at first. You’re quite literally everything he wished he was, something that makes him envy you.
You don't have to constantly satiate your thirst for blood and you can walk in the sun! Sure, he can do so now, but that's only because of the squirming little parasite in his head.
However, over time, he’d get over his bitterness, realizing that perhaps he cared for you more than he initially thought.
Sure, you have advantages he only dreamed of obtaining himself but having another vampire by his side did prove to have its own perks. All so suddenly you are both drinking goblets of blood in place of wine, dancing in the glow of the luminous moonlight as the nocturnes you are.
He's a horrible influence because there's no doubt he made you indulge in your blood cravings more than you ever used to.
Though, he’d have it no other way. He does quite enjoy the sound of a vampiric power couple racing through the night, it appeals to every fanatical dark dream he's ever had and it makes it all the more special.
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: ̗̀➛ WYLL
“To see not one but two fanged companions join us on our little adventure? Well, I can't quite tell if I should be relieved or tense. Regardless, it's a pleasure to have you.”
It was conflicting enough to have one vampire in camp but two? His job was to slay monsters but you don't seem to be posing a threat at all. Less of a threat than Astarion at least.
He very quickly moves past his whole ‘but aren't I meant to kill monsters?’ conflict in favor of befriending such a compelling companion, one he finds himself growing quite fond of.
And there was just something so incredibly romantic of being a monster hunter himself and falling for a creature of the night (and sun at this point).
As corny as it sounds, he’d been dreaming up that fantasy for a while now, finding himself going out of his way to woo and win over a vampire's undead heart.
One blissful dance by the lake against the twinkling stars of night, hands interlocked, and the sudden burn of piercing fangs caressing his skin only for his own soft kiss to follow—romance and its finest.
All so suddenly he's fallen head over heels for the same type of beasts he's sworn to rid of, though you are no beast in his eyes, more of an angel whose sharpened teeth could be nothing more than a sweet blessing in disguise.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
“The more the merrier I suppose. You never know when one needs four sets of fangs in the journey ahead. Perhaps, you could talk sense into another particularly bloodthirsty friend of ours, hm?”
And then there were two.
He didn't quite trust you around him at first, you were still a vampire, and frankly after the Astarion encounter, he’d rather not be bled out dry.
Over time, he’d grow curious. It's not every day he encounters a dhampir out and about. He’s read about them of course but studying an actual dhampir was a whole different story.
He would often compare you to the books he’s read about your kind to the actual information you provide him, noting that once the whole absolute mess is over, he’d gladly rewrite the dhampir section of his book collections.
Eventually, the fact that you're a dhampir would easily go over his head. He can't see you as anything else except for the companion he's grown to be incredibly fond of.
Perhaps he’d try to find other ways to satiate your blood cravings if he's ever reminded of them, doing his own little research as to what the best substitute could be. It's more so for convenience so he wouldn't have to witness another chicken being drained raw.
Other than that, he's completely contented with you, fangs included. There is no other he could have chosen to have endured this treacherous journey with.
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“Fucking hell! Another vampire?! Well, shit, I must be pretty damn lucky or something. Between you and me, I think it's great to have another fanged friend join us, you have got to meet Astarion!”
She gets excited over the fact that you're a dhampir for about a day before it goes over her head.
She's seen far more threatening things than a human half-vampire to ever feel the slightest bit of intimidation at your presence.
Besides, if you ever do try biting her, good luck handling blood as hot as the flames of Avernus. That’ll give her a good laugh.
She has a lovely little thing for nicknames and if she gets to call Astarion ‘Fangs’ you’re being called ‘Fangers’. Cheesy, but it makes her all the more happy.
And if the need for blood ever arises, fret not, she would gladly beat the shit out of some bastard goblin for you to snack on (if you don't mind the taste of goblin blood of course.)
Overall, the fact that you’re slightly vampiric never bothered her at all. You’re the best thing that's ever happened to her and she wouldn't mind no matter what form you took.
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“It seems that another vampiric acquaintance joins this strange little party of ours. I suppose finding ways to satiate another vampire’s odd diet wouldn't be too much of a hassle with all the dead goblins lying around. Enjoy the meal.”
She was a bit apprehensive at first. She was already a little put off by Astarion being a vampire, she didn't quite trust herself bearing her neck around that man and now there's you.
You’d have to slowly build some trust in her if she were to ever let her guard around you, of course, there are the playful jabs here and there but she seems mostly impartial with your presence for now.
Her weariness fades soon enough, it's not as though your blood cravings are bad enough for you to turn to your own companions for a taste. She’s only ever seen you feast on animals.
Over time, she’d grow contented with your presence, hardly ever pointing out your own vampiric features as you seem quite normal for the most part.
Your advanced healing at least gives her a break from having to constantly use her healing spells so she's at least grateful for that.
She truly doesn't have any qualms about you now that she fully understands your capabilities and who you are as an individual. You are a lovely companion to have and it's fairly nice having you by her side.
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: ̗̀➛ LAE’ZEL
“Chk. Best you keep your thirst for blood on our foes lest I pull out your sharpened fangs from your gnawing mouth. I will not have you or anyone come to draw blood from my own skin.”
As long as you don't intend on placing her fangs anywhere near her, she doesn't care.
She’ll base her opinion on you depending on what use you could provide to her, and seeing as you are essentially a vampire without all the negative effects that come from being one, that's perfect!
You are quite effective in and out of battle, an admirable trait she has directly told you on a handful of occasions.
It's rather flattering to hear ‘compliments’ or more so tactical observations come out of her mouth from time to time but she does seem quite impressed by your abilities.
Even the part of you that craves blood is one she doesn't quite mind as long as you aren't senselessly draining out the blood of every creature you pass.
If you two do grow close, she does actually hunt animals for you, bringing them back to you as ‘tokens of appreciation’ so you’d have something to snack on (She doesn't want to show it but seeing you indulge makes her happy).
At the end of the day, she truly sees you as a worthy companion to travel alongside her. A companion she wishes to treasure and travel with for as long as time allows her.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
“How lucky am I to have lived long enough to witness vampires having the capacity to walk in the sun? Truly such a special gift to have especially for someone like you. Perhaps one day all of your kin could have the chance to see the sun again.”
The least concerned out of all of them.
He’s lived long enough to understand whether or not you could possibly pose a threat and honestly? You don't even seem intimidating enough to phase him.
The only thing he's actually upset about is the fact that you have to kill precious creatures of nature to satiate your occasional cravings for blood.
He wished there were other alternatives, and honestly, he’d rather see you snack on a goblin than the poor critters living in the forest. Though, he does understand how foul the taste of goblin must be.
At some point, he probably would have offered himself as a substitute for your blood cravings. Better him than the animals. Though, you couldn't quite tell if he was nervous or excited about the prospect of you biting into him.
It turned out to be both when you first tried, and now it's become quite a normal thing for you two. Halsin doesn't seem to mind and you get to have a free snack from time to time.
Besides, there's something about your fangs that makes his own heart beat a tad bit faster than usual. A detail you don't miss at all and something he's very much aware of.
He trusts you enough to not drain him, and regardless, he treasures you as a companion. What you are could never stop him from being as close to you as he is now.
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bulkingjourney · 8 months
"Bulking Up for the Game" -Pt 1
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Tom had always been the star player of the high school football team, known for his incredible agility, lightning speed, and pinpoint precision on the field. But his coach, Coach Williams, had something different in mind for him. Coach Williams believed that to reach the next level, Tom needed to bulk up – not just in terms of raw strength, but also in sheer size. He wanted Tom to become a powerhouse, a near-unstoppable force on the field. At the time, Tom weighed in at a lean and wiry 185 pounds, and he had no idea just how transformative his journey was about to become.
The turning point occurred one day after practice when Coach Williams called Tom into his office. As Tom took a seat, Coach Williams leaned in and said, "Tom, you're already the best player on this team, but I see even more potential in you. We need you to bulk up, and I mean really bulk up – a dirty bulk."
Tom was taken aback by the request. He had never considered gaining weight in such a manner before. But he trusted Coach Williams, knowing that he had a reputation for turning promising players into legends. Coach Williams introduced Tom to a specialized training and nutrition program tailored to promote muscle gain. This program involved high-calorie meals, a variety of protein shakes, and grueling workouts that pushed Tom to his limits.
As weeks turned into months, Tom could see and feel the changes in his body. Muscles rippled and expanded across his frame, turning him into a football powerhouse. His teammates were in awe of his growing strength and size, and they could see his transformation taking shape.
However, there was one change that surprised Tom the most – his belly. As his muscle mass increased, so did his waistline. His once flat stomach started to push outward, forming a burgeoning belly. Initially, Tom was concerned about this development, but Coach Williams assured him it was all part of the plan. "That belly will give you the added leverage you need on the field," Coach Williams explained.
Tom embraced the process, even as he had to gradually upgrade his uniform. He had started with a medium-sized jersey, but as his muscles swelled, he progressed to a large, and then an extra-large. By the end of his transformation, he was wearing a 2XL jersey that barely contained his muscular frame.
As the big game approached, Tom's confidence was at an all-time high. He had become a dominant force to be reckoned with – a harmonious blend of strength, speed, and even unexpected agility for a player of his size. His belly, once an area of concern, had now become a symbol of his transformation and a testament to his dedication to the team and the sport he loved.
On the day of the game, Tom felt a new power surging through him. He was a force to be reckoned with, a blend of strength, speed, and surprising agility for his size. His belly had become a symbol of his transformation, a testament to his dedication to the team and the sport he loved.
In a thrilling match, Tom's team secured victory, and he had become an unbreakable wall on the field. His size had played a pivotal role in the win, and Tom's teammates couldn't have been more grateful for his extraordinary dedication.
After the game, Tom returned to Coach Williams, a triumphant grin on his face. "I did it, Coach," he said, patting his robust belly. "I never thought I'd bulk up like this, but I'm glad I did."
Coach Williams smiled, recognizing the pride and accomplishment in Tom's eyes. "You've become an inspiration to your teammates and a formidable player, Tom. That belly of yours? It's a badge of honor. You've shown what determination and trust can achieve."
As the season progressed, Tom's belly continued to grow, but so...
Read the rest of this story for free
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jessamine-rose · 7 months
ʚ✿⚘ Forbidden Fruit ⚘✿ɞ
Welp I was very busy this Kinktober thanks to WHB. More headcanons, anyone?? (*-`ω´- )
Characters:: Bathin, Marbas, Barbatos, Naberius, Satan, Zagan, Astaroth
Note:: Nsfw, pls take note of each character’s paraphilia before reading, MINORS DNI
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♡ Bathin usually travels alone, but he is always open to your company. He will prioritize scenic routes and hidden gems, anything to make your journey more exciting. Once the moon rises, the two of you can take evening strolls, compare the night sky to Niflheim’s, and savor each other’s presence in an otherwise unfamiliar place. Not to mention the hours spent in your hotel room—there is a reason why you always share a bed.
♡ Technically, Marbas can undo his restraints during meals, but that hasn’t stopped you from offering your help. Hand-feeding him takes less time, after all, especially with candy or fruit. And it means you can tease him by sitting on his lap, tracing his lips for stray crumbs, getting your fingers sticky with his favorite strawberry caramel. Neither can he stop you when you pull him into a sweet kiss, slipping an aphrodisiac into his mouth~
♡ Barbatos likes to see you at different times of the day. Noon, illuminated in radiant sunshine. Sunset, colored in light and shadow. Night, when your visage is painted in the soft shades of borrowed sunlight. In return for indulging his kink, he will be the one to provide sunscreen and thoroughly apply it to your skin. Now he just needs to coax you into sunbathing with him; the both of you would look beautiful against the roses.
♡ Naberius is weak to pet play. There are many ways to rile him up, from soft headpats to harsh commands to a personalized collar engraved with your initials. And what is the best form of control if not Pavlovian conditioning? All it takes is the sound of his name spoken in your voice, in a stern tone used only during sex, for his animalistic urges to take over. “Hey, Naberius, have you forgotten who your owner is? …Oh? That’s my good boy~”
♡ The easiest way to end an argument with Satan is through makeup sex. Depending on the seriousness of the issue, he can’t help but feel turned on by your wrath—directed at him, no less. He hasn’t even apologized before you’re already at his throat, a slap to his face followed by a passionate kiss. To which he smiles and kisses you back, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood. You truly are an interesting human~
♡ Zagan is attentive to your physical mannerisms, which makes it easy for him to gauge your emotions. Every shudder, every flicker of discomfort, spurs him to stop moving and ask if you’re okay, if you need a breather, if he has failed as your lover. Do reassure him, won’t you? His skill is also useful during workouts! He will examine your form, manually adjust your body, and, in a shy voice, propose a final exercise in his bedroom.
♡ Astaroth’s favorite pastime is to read a book while you cockwarm him. The experience can only be described as your personal hell—fleeting touches, the spikes of his leg harness, his velvety voice narrating a tale of dark romance. How long will your patience last? Has corruption ever tasted this sweet? Don’t worry, he promises to reward you once the story is over. A beautiful rose is not without thorns, just like the flowers tainted by original sin.
Still hornii?? Read my other WHB fics <3
Cheers to Marbas and Astaroth getting more headcanons after Dance with the Devil. Can y’all tell how thirsty I was when I wrote their parts?? Huhuhu _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
Special thanks to @diodellet for beta-reading this and rejuvenating me with your reaction to Naberius. And to my beloved readers, do rot in the tags/ comments and tell me which devil was your favorite. I cherish your feedback <3
Tag a WHB enjoyer!! @sparkbeast20 @2af-afterdark @dreamii-yume @yanmaresu @pinkaditty @h2o2-and-baking-soda @paradivis @gr0tesquerom4ntica @dobaekki @obeythisass @beelsjuicytitties @binar-es @ushitoshii @sulumuns-dootah @devilmen-collector @jazeswhbvault
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writerfae · 24 days
So I read The brooch from the possible future au (this is why it was on my mind when you made that post about Cyrus) and I loved it😭 It hurt, but it was also heartfelt and beautiful and I got really emotional from it so sorry in advance if this rant sounds a little silly.
It was somehow so comforting despite being so tragic.
First of all at the beginning they're just sitting there, being content❤️ (you know I love characters just sitting around (or if you didn't, now you do!)
"Sometimes Aiden still couldn’t believe that this was real. That this was his. He never wanted Talon to stop looking at him like that. "
This says exactly what needs to be said!
Also, I love how much Talon's smiling in this (in the beggining of it)
"Too valuable for someone like me, he thought, but didn’t say it, because he knew Talon didn’t like it when he talked like this."
I don't like it when you talk like this! But it's so cute because it implies that Talon and Aiden did have talks about this!
"Wherever you are, my heart is with you"❤️😭
Now, you probably expect me to scream at you for the second part, but I won't because like I said it is somehow still heartwarming for me.
See, now I want to start quoting again, but then I'd put nearly the whole thing here, so I'll say this:
Every word describes the whole situation so perfectly. It feels like there's not a word out of place, like they are all emphasizing a point that I think isn't really the tragedy, but the love they have for each other.
I also love how much affection Talon is initiating here, trying to comfort both of them.
The fact that Aiden tries to give back the brooch. The fact that Talon doesn't let him, and that THIS comforts Aiden somewhat.
But I do have to quote my favorite part!
"A small sob escaped him as Aiden held out a small object to him, hands trembling. “I think… I think you might want it back. Give it to… give it to her.”
And the last part... it was so hard seeing Aiden like that so I won't go into much detail here. He reminded me of Milan a little.
And if you'll indulge me I would like to go on a little rant about my story and angst:
I don't know if I emphasize this enough but I NEED you to know this:
All the (canon) Ákos angst comes with the inevitable end of Ákos ending up all right. With someone comforting him, helping him, or him realizing that it's okay. Otherwise, I wouldn't do it to him.
You see, the thing is that Ákos is an incredibly strong person. More importantly he has people around him to support him (his parents and siblings).
The reason I talk so much about post story Ákos angst is because aside from those small things that fade with time Ákos goes back to being normal and happy!
He goes back to following Endre around everywhere.
He goes back to exploring the castle a houndred times with Moss.
He goes back to reading in Adél's room.
And when he's not able to do something that he used to be able to do, when he's scared, there's always someone to help him through it.
There's this moment in this holiday special thing (THAT I SWEAR I'LL BE SO SAD IF I CAN'T WRITE THIS YEAR) where they're walking in the winter woods and he wants to run off and look around, but he's a little scared, and Adél notices and follows two steps behind him so he doesn't have to worry. And then, after a while, he doesn't enen need Adél to do this.
Whenever he's having a problem, there's always at least one of his siblings to swoop in and help.
And like I said he's not always having problems!
Also this goes without saying but he will realize that it wasn't his fault.
Most importantly Ákos didn't lose his curiosity which in my opinion would have been the most tragic thing that could have happened (it happens in the villain Adél au). Sure he becomes a little more cautious (especially at first) but no less confident.
I might have mentioned this already but Ákos has always been interested in the Black swamp. And he didn't let what happened to him ruin this.
When he grows up, he will (probably, the specifics of this may change) research history with a special emphasis on the Black swamp, and he'll love it.
Ákos took this horrible experience that he had and made something positive out of it. Something that interests him, something that makes him happy (that down the line even ends up helping others).
Ákos' strength comes from two places:
One is that that's just what he's like
But more importantly because he was influenced by each of his siblings. He has a little bit of each of them in him, plus his own stuff!❤️
I hope you didn't mind this little rant🙈 I was just hoping that knowing this about Ákos gives you at least some fuzziness even if it is bittersweet like the ones I got from reading your short story.
I finally got around to answer this! Thanks so much for your patience 😌
I’m feeling really flattered that you liked The Brooch so much you wrote this ask!
Though I know the possible future au is a very painful one for us Taiden stans, it is really dear to me. And I loved writing this short story for it in particular! Both part one and two!
Part one really is mostly hurt, but it has lots of comfort in it too. I wanted to make the meaning of the brooch for both of them clear. I think I managed that quite well and to be honest, I did tear up a bit while writing the breakup part and the one where Aiden told Ash…
Also you’re not wrong, Aiden in the last bit is a bit like Milan, which is sad if you consider that it’s pretty much what Aiden always feared.
You’re always welcome to rant a little about your story to me!
You really don’t need to justify your Ákos angst to me. I know I complain about it (in a very fond way btw, never in the negative sense), but this is your story and you can do whatever you want! And don’t worry, I’m very aware that Ákos will be alright in the end. And I’m really glad about it ^^
And it’s great his siblings will help him through it all. That’s one of the best things about stories like yours!
(I’m very glad my boy Ákos will be alright in the end btw!)
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Camp Camp Commentary Notes - Season 1, Episode 1: Escape from Camp Campbell
This is the first in a series of posts detailing the various nuggets of behind-the-scenes info found in the commentaries of the Camp Camp Seasons 1 and 2 Blu-Ray. I aim to cover both the writer commentary and cast & crew commentary of every episode in the set (except the holiday specials because they don't have commentaries GRRRR)
Writer’s Commentary
Writers went back to touch up this episode after completing the initial 10 episodes, before going on to the bonus 2 episodes that were greenlit following the positive reception
This episode went through about 12-14 drafts before it was finalized
Pilots are very hard because they both need to be very good and hook the audience so they will want to watch more, you have to juggle introducing all the necessary characters and telling a single solid story
Doubly so since this was the crew’s first shot at writing for an episodic series, all their other efforts had been story-driven up to that point
Irony in that the title of the first episode is about wanting to leave the camp (or show) entirely
Max and David’s dynamic is perfectly set up within 8 lines of dialogue
In older versions of the pilot, Mr. Campbell never showed up in person, only in the introductory video that was later repurposed into promotional material
Most of what was taken out of the pilot ended up being reused in some way, including the intro and the teaser trailer
One of the primary goals was to establish early on that this is not a kids show, like some people who saw the early promo material thought it was
This is why Max swears less than 40 seconds in, and why the rabbit gets swooped up by Timothy earlier (although I’d argue you could make that joke in a more family-friendly show)
First RT series produced in more of a writer’s room style akin to The Simpsons
The writers would come up with episode ideas, divy up who’d want what story, they’d write a first draft, come back to it, workshop the script several times, rinse and repeat until it devolved into Miles and Jordan doing final punch-ups and trimming
This pipeline allowed for lots of easter eggs and background details to be slipped in
Then they effectively do a table-read of the script which allows them to add more
Starting in Season 2, they started recording writer’s room conversations, so if something funny came up and they wanted to add it, they wouldn’t just have to go off of memory
Putting all the campers in the activities field doing their activities seemed like a good way to establish all of their respective camps.
Challenger II is Miles’ favorite visual gag (as of 2018, at least)
Working with Lee Eddy and Travis Willingham was great, Lee especially since they had previously worked with her for Red V.S. Blue
Travis was the first person who recorded for the show, as part of the aforementioned introductory video, and he was great at riffing and ad-lib
What exactly Camp Campbell was was foggy initially (whether or not it advertised that it was a camp of all camps), and the initial pilot didn’t explain it very well because they had built an internal understanding of what it was and didn’t do a very good job conveying it to the audience.
Mr. Campbell really likes the Quartermaster
Looking back on the first episodes is very interesting, especially when you have been working on the show for years at that point, for example, Max’s bond with Nikki hasn’t been established yet, so he has to ask why she’d help him.
Not enough time for the full theme song (hence why no intro), so they thought having Gwen interrupt it was funny
The scene where Max, Neil, and Nikki are running was seemingly the origin of Neil’s raptor arms (oh, excuse me, T-rex arms)
Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy was used as a reference for things like this because the Eds each had distinct walk cycles befitting their personality
First Day buttons were included so the campers would have a means to get away from the counselors
The music sting as the bus is driving away is a nod to the Back to the Future theme
Cast and Crew Commentary
Michael jokes about a sequel or prequel called “Max Max/Maximum Max”
The scream Miles did when David gets hit by the bus gets used quite a bit
The more Max’s parents push him away, the more he tries to cling to him, according to Maggie
Episode was supposedly recorded March 2016, ironically one of the last ones recorded
Recording for the series started November of 2015
Handheld camera movements in the mess hall scene were added by animator Gil Calceta
Lee Eddy was the only person who auditioned for Gwen, the crew saw it as perfect casting
Laserdisc player is not big enough for laserdisc
Campbell’s lazy wear (for lack of a better term) was only made for the one shot, though it would later comeback in Season 4
Michael initially auditioned for Camp Camp not really knowing what it was, and his script was just some typical Max phrases
Older episodes, Max was pitched up because Michael hadn’t quite perfected the voice yet
There was no helicopter assest created, it’s off screen and only implied by Campbell being pulled up by the ladder
The scene of Nikki throwing the button took 3 days to animate
The line “Go to bitch, jail” in the Camp Camp Rap Rap was an ad-lib/outtake
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sialater18 · 26 days
Just watched Kingdom of the Planet of the apes in IMAX and wow, I LOVED ITTTTT
Highlights for me (spoilers below):
Story bits;
The intro with Caesar’s funeral, just straight to the real sobering stuff. Almost like the movie is saying “Caesar is gone. Now witness what life is like after him and what others do in his name”
The Eagles, they’re just dope animals
When Noa, Anaya, and Soona are out hunting for eggs they make note of not emptying the nest. It’s likely tradition at that point in their village but I like how even though the “bonding” is obviously a significant point in their lives, they don’t let it override what they know is right. Hence why Noa climbs a higher point for another nest.
The sequence of Noa and his dad trying to work together to fight off the Gorilla even though the Gorilla is way out of their league. They both tried hard but were beaten, not just physically but in terms of knowledge. Noa at some point climbs onto a support beam but it’s made of metal and the Gorilla electrocutes the beam he’s on which causes him to fall
The fact that Raka (and Caesar’s more devout followers) call humans they see “Nova” . Little Nova from War of the Planet of the Apes was not completely forgotten in a way :’)
Mae. Especially in the moment in the observatory where she looks through the telescope and gets emotional (which is the first sign that leads Noa to believing she’s more than what she seems). I know some people don’t/won’t like her but I can understand her. She’s in a rough place trying to do what she thinks is good. I believe in her last talk with Noa, on the topic of humans she said something like “It was ours (the planet I think) first!” just instinctually, and when Noa asks about the possibility of apes and humans living side by side again, she says I don’t know.
Proximus’s clan killed the entire group of humans she was with and she only barely managed to escape. And the only indication that he regrets what happened is because he didn’t realize they were “special” humans. He’s regretful of the choice because he was not aware of their possible use to him and his goals. So yeah Mae, doesn’t know, hence why she was at first holding the revolver in her hand when she last spoke to Noa. She initiated them talking, after everything they’ve been through she wanted to say a proper goodbye to him but still held the revolver in case something happened. I honestly want to see more of her
Proximus himself. Whoo I needed more if him, he was such a large joyful figure when we see him, getting his clan all hyped hope and being outwardly positive to them in face of a public failure. The fact that he likes being read Roman history, he probably learned of his namesake. I like his acknowledgment of the “proper” definition of evolution. He knows he won’t reach it since evolution takes a long time & he knows of his own mortality. So he instead wants to evolve in a different way with tools he believe is for him and his people.
He has two humans in his kingdom. He welcomed them both, but he’s not likely to trust them as far as he can throw them. He’s focused on the future apes evolving, hence why he keeps bringing apes into one place for his “Kingdom”. The future he pictures is not one of peace as long as humans are still around. So why not get the numbers of Apes up in the meantime? Even when one of his men is shot, he prioritizes not his dead clan member, but a new existence firearm weapons that can be of use to him
Noa’s first “shit” he learned from Mae and then repeating it later when they almost fall to their deaths and Mae just nodding in approval like “yeah that was the right time to use that word” loll
Mae using her first round with the tiny revolver she had against the ape who had a knife to Soona. I’m betting she planned the opposite of letting the apes know a more advanced form of weaponry exist right there in then in the silo. But her want to not see Soona come to harm (partially because of her) won out against whatever logic she was going with
The Flooding sequence in the silo I couldn’t bring my eyes away from. The one thing about this movie was the tension, maybe I’m just a wimp but I was exceedingly tense for the characters. Even when Proximus was simply speaking at the dinner table he had me tense
The fact that Noa & Mae didn’t have a happy little bow on their relationship by the end of it. I wanted them to be attached to each other or just trust each other but life doesn’t work like that often
The entire last 3 minutes or so the film was just particularly astounding to me, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it was the music (the score for the film is stellar) and the editing but something was just so right about it. Seeing the joy at humans contacting other people. The juxtaposition between Noa & Mae moving on to the next stages of their lives.
Technical stuff:
The sound design was magnificent
The cinematography was beautiful, really interesting shots throughout the film
The vfx was hella impressive
The music score was great and added a lot to the movie
All in all, all I’ve got left to say as Proximus would put it, WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY!!
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spiteless-xo · 9 months
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╰┈➤ the point (e) - tbaw. ⋙ an alternate version of chapter 29 where jean and reader's conversation takes place in eren's special spot and things get a little spicy.
why was it deleted. it didn't make sense. there was no reason why reader/jean would hook up at the point aside from making eren miserable lol smut at this point in the story also didn't totally make sense to me and i didn't like how reader initiated it and i didn't like some of the things that happened (from a plot-perspective), so if i wanted to keep it, it would've needed major re-writes anyway. also i think i wrote this with one hand because it is so FILTHY ahhhhhhhhh writing up the content warnings made me blush. this is completely self-indulgent, i'm sorry, i can't be normal about this man. what changed. instead of inviting jean over to reiner's, reader tells jean to pick her up. ft. fem!reader, jean. cw. unedited, fem!reader, explicit language, explicit sexual content (mutual masturbation, fingering, handjob, "just the tip", creampie, cum-eating, oral, face-sitting, ass-eating, vaginal sex, dirty talk, rough sex, light choking, dacryphillia, degradation/name-calling: fuck toy, a bit of ass-play but not anal, multiple orgasms, potential dub-con in the beginning, almost fisting?? 4 fingers, mini-facial, overstimulation, jean kirstein has a big dick). 6,388 words.
Please remember that this scene was deleted for a reason and that nothing that happens here occurs in the actual story posted on AO3. This is just fun bonus content for people who are interested in reading more.
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context. After work, Jean picks up Reader and she gives him directions to The Point, Eren's special spot.
He squeezes your hand tightly, shifting his gaze away from your face and out the front windshield of his car. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend.”
“You won’t,” you insist, leaning forward in your seat. “No matter what, I promise, we will always be friends.”
Jean turns back to face you, leaning forward until his forearm is resting on the centre console. His eyes waver from your eyes to your lips and back again, and you watch his throat bobbing as he swallows. “I miss you,” he says quietly. “I miss you so fucking much.”
“I haven’t gone anywhere, dummy,” you whisper as your eyes flutter shut, both of you leaning forward until your lips meet and -- fuck -- you missed this.
You missed the way his lips move against yours and the way his stubble scratches your face. You missed the way his tongue swipes across your lip before diving into your mouth and the way his hand cups your face to pull you tighter into him.
You find yourself moaning into the kiss as he presses forward, body leaning awkwardly across the console. He tugs you closer to him with his firm hand on the back of your head, deepening the kiss as you clutch at his shirt. 
Jean pulls away suddenly, sitting back against his seat and running both hands through his hair. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” you ask, annoyed. 
“I didn’t bring you here to hook up -- I wanted to sort things out. I just wanted to talk to you and apologize but now…” he gestures vaguely to his lap and you laugh. 
You’re not sure what’s come over you all of a sudden, it’s like you’re in a daze. You want Jean, desperately. After getting a taste of what it’s like to be intimate with him, you feel like you can’t get enough. Even though you know this is a bad idea, it’s like you can’t control yourself.
You reach across the centre console to press your hand on his thigh and he sits up quickly in his seat as you palm at him through his dress pants. He groans, covering his eyes with his palm, “I don’t think we should do this if we’re both all fucked up,” he says as his hips buck against your touch. “I feel like we haven’t resolved anything.”
Jean’s breath hitches in his throat as you undo his belt, biting his lip as you drag his zipper down across his crotch. “Come on,” he says, although it sounds like more of a whimper. “We should talk.”
You slide your hand under the waist and of his underwear, gripping around his semi-hard cock as he squirms in his seat. You give him a few firm strokes before his other hand comes down around your wrist, stilling you. 
He hisses your name as his hand squeezes hard around your wrist and he lowers his other hand from his face to look over at you. “Are we good?”
“We’ve already talked to death,” you hum, brushing Jean’s hand away from you so you can continue your long, slow, strokes. “Everything’s out in the open now, right? We both know what’s going on in eachothers’ heads.”
“I guess,” he groans, head falling back against the headrest as he clenches his hands into fists at his sides. “I feel like we still have a lot to talk about.”
You start to jerk him a little faster as you feel him growing and hardening against your palm. “I think it will take more than just talking to figure this out.”
“Ok,” he says, voice strained. “What do I have to do?”
You can feel him throbbing in your hand as you stroke along his length, precum leaking from his tip. “I don’t know, Jean, but I think it’s going to be a long and hard road.”
He laughs, rolling his head to the side to look over at you and his eyes are dark and heavy. “Fuck, eh? What about fast and rough, too?”
Jean hisses when you run your thumb across his slit, smearing the precum across his head before continuing your strokes. You can feel your panties growing damp between your thighs as you watch Jean’s face flush in arousal.
“We shouldn’t do this,” he groans, biting his lip hard as you squeeze your hand around his cock.
“It’s ok,” you say, horny and desperate. “We can just touch each other. We don’t have to have sex. It’s just relief.”
Jean is already weak from the way your hand has been pumping around his dick, so it only takes the flimsiest of excuses to get him to cave in.
“Yeah -- shit -- ok. Sit on my lap, let me touch you.”
You don’t waste any time, scrambling over the centre console of his car as he slides his chair back to give you room to sit on his lap. You’re thankful you decided to wear a dress today when he pushes the fabric up around your waist with one hand as the other reaches down to rub you through your underwear.
“Shit, you’re already so wet,” he groans, breathing hard as he looks at you.
You laugh airly as you continue to jerk your hand along his cock. “Feeling you get hard in my hand -- feeling you grow, like that, was so fucking hot.”
He laughs too, tonguing his cheek as he looks at you, smug. “Yeah? You like feeling how hard I get for you?”
Jean pushes his fingers gently against your entrance through the thin fabric of your underwear as the heel of his hand grinds into your clit. You try to respond to his question, but your words turn into a strangled moan.
“I like feeling how wet you get for me -- fucking soaked, eh?” he teases, still pushing against the resistance of the fabric. “Pretty little pussy just gets so wet for me,” he groans, eyes alight with mischief. “You ever squirt before?”
His question makes your whole body enflame in embarrassment and your hand stutter along his cock. “I -- what?”
“I said,” he laughs, “Have you ever squirted before?”
You shake your head in small, quick motions as your hips grind down against his hand. “Never.”
“Never,” he repeats, tsking. “I bet I could make you squirt.”
Your whole body trembles in a mixture of fear and anticipation as his eyes turn dark and predatory. He starts to gently push his fingertips inside of you, through the nylon of your underwear and it has you gasping and grinding down on him in need.
“Come on, keep touching me,” he urges, dropping his hand from your waist to grip around yours on his cock. You didn’t realize you had stopped moving until he pointed it out, you’re too lost from his lewd words and teasing fingers.
“Can’t focus, eh?” he laughs, hand wrapped around yours to help jerk himself off as his other hand keeps pushing into you. Your hand is so small wrapped in his and his pace is so much quicker -- tighter.
You pull your hand out from under his to grab at the hem of your dress, pulling it up over your head and tossing it off to the side. Jean’s hand instantly reaches to cup at your breast through your bra, biting his lip as he holds back a groan while you work on unbuttoning his shirt.
“Your tits are so nice,” he says, pinching at your nipple through the thin fabric. “Show me them.”
You follow his command immediately, hands reaching behind your back to unclip your bra before tossing it off to the side with your dress. Jean shrugs his shirt off his shoulders, removing his hand from your crotch just to toss his shirt into the backseat. He grins in excitement, thumb brushing across your already hardened nipple as his other hand finally slides into your underwear to cup at your bare pussy.
“So obedient,” he coos, pushing two fingers inside of you as you gasp against his chest, hands gripping tightly around his shoulders. “What else would you do for me?”
“Anything,” you gasp, grinding down on his hand. “Anything, Jean.”
“Then touch me,” he growls, eyes narrowing. “Don’t make me ask you again.”
You bring one hand up to your mouth, spitting into your palm before reaching down with both hands to grab at Jean’s cock. He groans in approval, head falling back against the headrest of his seat as his dick twitches against your palm.
“Shit, yeah, just like that,” he grunts, fingers pumping into your pussy at the same pace as your hands around his cock.
You let your eyes fall closed as the two of you fall into a rhythm with your motions, breathing hard like you’re suffocating as you imagine Jean’s thick veiny cock pushing inside of you instead. Your pussy squeezes around his fingers as you do and his hips jerk against you in response.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, eyes shut as he lets his head fill with lewd thoughts. “Tell me.”
“You,” you whimper, leaning forward to rest your forehead on his shoulder as Jean pushes a third finger into you. “Fucking you -- riding your cock until you make me cum. You’re so fucking big, Jean, I need you inside of me.”
His voice is just a low grumble when he responds. “Fuck -- I bet you’re so good at riding.”
“I’m so good,” you whimper as his hand falls from your breasts to your ass. “So good, Jean.”
“Yeah,” he pants, hips jerking against you as your hands squeeze tighter. “You’d make my cock so messy with this pussy.”
“Yes, yes,” you say mindlessly.
“Do you hear how fucking wet you are for me?” he groans, and you do -- you do, and it would be so embarrassing if Jean didn’t love it so much. “Fuck, I want to feel you squeezing like this around my cock.”
You lift your head from his shoulder to attack his lips. Your kiss is hungry -- messy -- just a tangle of lips and tongue and teeth as you try to devour one another in your lust-filled haze. Jean’s cock is spilling with precum, coating your hands as you jerk along his length and making you so fucking needy for him.
“Fuck me, Jean,” you whimper, barely pulling away to speak. “Please, I need you.”
You remove your hands from around his dick and push his hand away from you despite your body’s needy protests to stay filled. Shoving your underwear to the side, you lift your hips and angle Jean’s cock at your entrance. Just as you’re about to lower down on him, he fists around the head of his cock, stilling your descent.
“No, we can’t,” he groans, but the head of his cock is already buried inside of you and you’re squeezing him so fucking good, he’s not sure he can resist. “We can’t have sex.”
“Please, Jean,” you whine, grinding against his fist as you try to push as much of him inside of you as you can. Just the tip isn’t enough, but fuck, you’ll make it work if you have to. 
One hand grips tightly at his shoulder for stability as your other hand reaches down to rub needily at your clit. Your pussy pulses and squeezes around the head of Jean’s cock and his hips twitch in need.
“Fuck!” he groans, grabbing so hard at your ass that you know he’s going to leave bruises on your skin. “I’m already close, you’re gonna make me cum.”
“I want you to,” you pant, grinding down against his fist. “Please, Jean.”
He moves his grip from your hip to your shoulder, pushing you back until you're lying against the steering wheel. Then he slides his hand back down around your waist to hold you in place. 
“Don’t move,” he hisses and you nod obediently. 
Jean starts to jerk himself off roughly, keeping the tip of his cock inside of you as he grunts and groans. “Fuck, you look so hot,” he pants, eyes roaming across your body and biting his lip hard before spilling his cum into you with a shuddered gasp. 
You can feel each spurt as his cock twitches inside of you and it feels so hot and lewd and you want more. You trust that Jean will take care of you when he’s finished, so you just watch as his face, neck, and chest bloom dark red and his eyes scrunch shut from the pleasure of his orgasm. His mouth falls open into a perfect o-shape and you can’t help but clench around him at the sight. 
“Fuck,” he pants, pulling his cock out from inside of you. He lets you rest on his thighs as he throws his head back, running both hands through his hair to push the sweaty strands off of his face. “Sorry,” he breathes, hand reaching down to recline his seat fully until he’s laying back. 
“It’s ok,” you say, leaning forward to rest your hands on his chest as you feel his release sliding down your thighs.
He hooks both arms between your legs and around your thighs, suddenly pulling and dragging you up his body until you’re sitting on his chest. “Come on,” he says, voice low and husky, “Let me clean you up.”
Your body burns in embarrassment but you allow him to drag you further up his body until your hips are hovering just above his face. He shoves your underwear into the crease of your thigh and looks up at you. 
“Jean, are you—“
“Sit down,” he grunts and you lower your filthy pussy down onto his face. 
It’s so fucking sexy that you feel like you’re losing your mind. Jean’s tongue laps at your entrance, eating his cum out from inside of you and you can already feel your thighs shaking on either side of his head. 
His large hands grab at your waist, pulling you down hard against his face until you’re certain he can’t breathe, but he keeps going. Tonguing and sucking and moaning into you as he worships your pussy with his mouth. 
Trembling, you reach one hand down to fist around a handful of his hair while you press the palm of your other hand on the roof of the car, stabilizing yourself as your hips rock against his tongue. 
“Jesus Christ, Jean,” you whimper, eyes clenching shut as you feel the steady build of pleasure in your gut. 
Jean licks up to your clit, taking the swollen, aching nub into his mouth and sucking on it gently as you moan above him. He presses his tongue flat against it before gently shaking his head from side to side. 
“Ahh — fuck, Jean!” you cry, feeling your pleasure build and build as he moans against your skin. 
Jean’s eyes flutter open to look at you, watching you whining and whimpering above him with your head thrown back. Each noise you make makes all the blood in his head flow down to his cock. His hips buck up into nothing, desperate for stimulation as your tangy wetness lays heavy on his tongue. 
You’re literally riding his face at this point, your pussy smearing against his chin as you rock against his tongue, so eager — so fucking eager to cum for him. It’s making him absolutely feral for you and you can feel it in the way his blunt nails dig into your skin. 
Your whole body shakes when you finally cum, gasping and panting as you clench against his face, dripping more wetness against his chin as every nerve ending in your body explodes at once. Jean keeps his steady rhythm on your clit until each movement has you twitching and crying out from overstimulation. 
Pleased, but unsatisfied, Jean’s hands shift from your waist to your ass, spreading you open and grabbing the string of your thong to pull it aside. He slides your hips forward until his mouth is pressing sloppy, wet kisses against your asshole. 
“Jesus, Jean!” you cry out, hips involuntarily grinding down against his face. 
Jean starts with wet, open-mouth kisses first before you start to feel his warm, slick tongue pressing against your sensitive hole. Again and again, each kiss pushing his tongue against you until finally slipping past the tight muscle inside of your body. 
His grip on your body tightens as he pulls you tight against his face, tongue swirling inside of you as you writhe and cry out above him. Fuck — you’ve never had anyone eat your ass like this before and it’s so lewd and sexy and fuck, you should’ve expected this from Jean. 
Your grip around his hair tightens and he groans against your skin, tongue gently fucking inside of you as you whimper and squirm. It’s so hot you can’t even think, just feeling the burn of heat throughout your body and Jean’s fingers digging into the meat of your ass. You bring your hand down between your legs to swirl your fingers against your clit, eager to cum again on Jean’s face.
This orgasm is more intense than the last, your whole body pulsing with pleasure as you squeeze around Jean’s tongue. He groans in approval, pushing his tongue deep inside of you as you shake and cry above him. 
His movements slow to a stop as you fall forward, both hands gripping hard on to the headrest as you try to calm your spinning head. Jean gently shifts your hips back until you’re sitting on his chest and you make the mistake of looking down at his face. 
His entire face is flushed with arousal, the lower half slick and shining with your juices. His pupils are so blown-out that his eyes are just two dark pools of lust as he pants between your thighs. 
“Fuck,” he groans, leaning forward to sink his teeth gently into the meat of your inner thigh. “Do you want to keep going?”
You offer a jerky nod in response. You’re so lightheaded and weary but when Jean’s looking up at you like this, how could you say no?
You feel his palm shift on your ass until the pad of his middle finger is swirling against the puckered hole. “I wanna fuck your ass so bad,” he growls and the deep vibrations in his chest make you clench in anticipation. “You ever have anyone in here before?”
“No,” you say as he starts to apply a little pressure. 
He grins devilishly below you. “Yeah? This is a virgin ass?”
“Yes,” you whimper, eyes falling closed as he gently pushes against your tight ring. You want him so fucking bad, you feel delirious. Your hips are gently pushing back against his finger, body hot in anticipation of him sinking the slick digit into your virigin ass.
“Shit,” he hisses, removing the pressure and rubbing circles against the entrance. “Next time. When we have lube,” he says regretfully, tugging his lip between his teeth. “Then I’ll ruin this little hole with my fat cock.”
His words cause you to visibly shudder in anticipation, pressing your hands against his shoulders as you struggle to catch your breath. “Ok,” you say, swallowing thickly. “What now?”
Jean’s eyes glint with mischief as he drags your body back down into his lap, one arm wrapped tightly around your waist as he rolls over until you’re pinned beneath him. You love the way he just grabs you and throws you around like a little doll, knees pressing hard against his hips in anticipation as he looms above you. 
“I want to make it up to you for everything I said,” he says, leaning down to kiss along your jaw. “I want to show you how sorry I am,” the kisses trail down your neck, “Show you how much you mean to me,” across your collarbones, “I want you to forgive me.”
You breathe in stuttered gasps as his teeth sink into the soft skin in the curve between your neck and shoulder. He groans in approval, still holding you tight against his chest with one arm while the other hand pushes his dress pants down and off of his hips. The full weight of his body is pressing into you and it’s both suffocating and not enough, all at once.
After kicking his pants off, he brings his hand to your hip, rubbing up and down your thigh as he rolls his hips against yours. “I’m going to make you feel good,” he says, voice gruff against your skin. “So fucking good, ok?”
“Ok,” you whimper as his hand slides between your thighs. 
Jean unwraps his arm from around your waist to press his palm flat against the backrest of the chair, looking down at you as his fingers tease your entrance, your underwear is stretched completely out of shape and pulled off to the side. You’re already so slick and wet from spit and cum, so his hands slide easily up and down your folds, swirling around your clit. 
You whimper out his name when he pushes four of his long, thick fingers inside of you. He presses into the knuckle and your body practically sucks him in, squeezing tightly around his digits. 
Jean’s breathing hard above you as he gently pumps his fingers in and out of your wet heat. The sounds your body makes are lewd and sloppy, but all you can focus on is the steadily building pressure of another orgasm. 
“Close already?” he teases and you hide your face with both palms as your back arches off the seat. “You cum so fast for me, I love it.”
“Feels good,” your slur, whimpering into your hands. 
“You like it when I touch you?”
“Yeah?” he mimics, voice high and airy as his fingers pump and curl inside of you. 
“Yeah,” you repeat, voice just a shaky whimper as you clench your eyes shut. 
“I love watching you cum,” he grunts. “Is that what you want?”
“Yes,” you whine.
“Say it. What do you want?”
“I want you to make me cum,” you gasp as his fingers keep bullying that soft, sensitive spot on the front wall of your cunt.
“You want me to make you cum… what?” he taunts and you have to swallow thickly before you can speak again.
“Make me cum, Jean, please,” you beg.
Jean starts pumping his hand up and down, practically lifting your hips up with each movement as you squirm beneath him. Filling the car with the obscene wet sounds of his hand moving quickly inside of you as you twitch and writhe beneath him.
“Jean -- wait, wait -- I feel like --” you reach forward for him, grabbing hard at his arms as you whimper.
“Trust me, just relax,” he grunts, jaw tight as he continues his rough movements inside of you.
Fireworks explode in your gut and you cry out in pleasure, feeling dizzy and lightheaded as the wet sounds between your legs turn into splashing as liquid coats your thighs, your underwear, and Jean’s hand and arm.
“Fuck, yeah,” he groans, breathing hard above you as he watches you make a mess. “Squirt for me, just like that.”
Jean pulls his hand from inside of you, rubbing his palm across your sore, soaking pussy as your entire body throbs in pleasure. You can feel your hole twitching and gushing against his hand, but the firm pressure and heat of his palm against you helps calm your pounding heart.
“What the fuck?” you mumble, breathing hard. You open your eyes a crack to look up at Jean, who’s staring down at your with a cheeky grin as he cups your overstimulated pussy. “I’m sorry, did I just --?”
“Told you I could make you squirt,” he says, rolling his tongue against his cheek smugly as he looks down at your soaking thighs. “Fuck, that was so hot.”
“Jesus Christ, Jean,” you groan, loosening your grip on his arms to cover your burning face. Your entire body feels like it’s on fire but you’re still covered in goosebumps and shivering -- what the fuck did Jean just do to you?
“Do you need a break?” he asks, shifting above you. You feel his hard cock graze against your thigh and you feel the stir of arousal in your gut once more.
“Keep going,” you beg, voice just a shaky whimper as his palm presses harder against your clit. 
He nods in response, removing his hand to grab around his cock. You watch him pump your slick across his length, swallowing loudly as he lines himself up with your entrance.
“Still friends, right?” he asks, eyes flicking up to your face. Asking again, ridiculously, as if the line is drawn somewhere between stuffing his tongue in your ass and his cock in your cunt.
You nod frantically and watch as his eyes dart back down, watching your pussy stretch for him as he pushes inside of you. 
You’re so wet and messy from everything he’s done to you tonight that his cock slides in easily. Pushing against your tight walls as he stretches you open -- fills you completely with his length. Your jaw hangs open, watching him slide into you until his hips are pressed firmly against yours. You’ll never get over the feeling of Jean’s dick this deep inside of you -- like it’s about to come out your throat.
“Shit, you’re still so tight,” he groans, grinding his hips against yours gently, rocking back and forth in a way that has his hips sliding against your clit. “Even after all of that.”
You can only offer a breathless whimper in response, eyes brimming with tears from the feeling of your sore, overstimulated pussy pulsing around him. Jean raises his hands up to cup your face, pressing his forehead firmly against yours as his thumbs brush away the stray tears.
“Is it too much?” You shake your head gently but can’t seem to make any words form in your agape mouth. “Come on, talk to me.”
He stills completely inside of you and finally -- finally -- you feel like you can catch your breath. Jean pushes the sweaty strands of your hair as he looks down at you with concern. “We can stop.”
“I don’t want to stop,” you answer, throat hoarse. “Please keep going.”
“I’m going to break you,” he warns, but he can’t hide his excitement as his eyes light up. “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you whimper, “Please.”
He bites his lip in a feeble attempt to hide his grin, “Ok. Whatever you say,” he hums. Jean presses his lips against yours softly and you barely have the strength to pucker against his mouth before he pulls away. 
“I’ll try to make this quick,” he says, pressing one palm against the seat while his other hooks your leg up on to his shoulder, gripping your thigh as he holds you close to his chest. “I’m just going to use you, ok?” He shifts his hands so that he can throw your other leg on to his shoulder, until you’re completely bent in half beneath him, knees pressed tightly against the seat next to your chest.
“Ok,” you squeak and his grin turns sinister.
Jean rocks his hips back and forth, pulling back as your pussy tries to suck him back in and then thrusting into you hard. His motions have your eyes rolling back into your head, but you still reach up to lace your fingers together behind his neck, tugging him closer into you and deeper inside.
“Fuck,” he growls, and he doesn’t sound like the same Jean you’ve known these past few years. “You’re just my little fuck toy, aren’t you?”
You moan louder in response, eyes falling shut as you feel his hand shift from your thigh to around your throat. He squeezes gently, not enough to make you feel lightheaded, but enough to make you feel like he could.
“I wanna stuff every single one of these fucking holes,” he grunts, fingers sliding up your chin until they’re hooked into your mouth, pressing hard against your tongue. His pace against you is punishing and you can already feel the steady build of another orgasm as your body clenches around him.
“Fuck, you like that, eh?” he asks, stuffing his fingers deeper into your mouth. “Gonna cum so hard for me -- do you even have anything left?”
He laughs when you whimper around his fingers, lips wrapping around them and tonguing the underside as you imagine it’s his cock in your mouth instead. He starts pumping his fingers in and out of your mouth, in tandem with the snapping of his hips.
“That’s my pretty girl,” he says, but he spits it like it’s an insult. “Fuck, you’re un-fucking-real, you know that?”
You try to open your eyes to look up at them, but they’re so filled with tears from Jean shoving his fingers down your throat that you can hardly see. You can hear him laughing again and -- fuck, he’s so mean but you love it.
Every thought in your head disappears when his hips start to fuck into you harder and faster. Your mouth hangs open as you moan in pleasure, drool spilling down your cheek when Jean pulls his fingers out. He leans down further, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling your head forward until your chin is pressed against your chest.
“Look at how fucking messy this pussy is for me,” he grunts, forcing you to look down between your bodies.
His cock is so thick as it plunges deep inside of you, spilling your wetness against your thighs when he pulls back covered in milky white. You can see the veins in his cock throbbing every time he fucks into you, his hips slapping against your thighs. You reach out with your hands to grab at his thighs, digging your nails into his skin as the lewd sight of Jean’s cock fucking you sends you completely over the edge.
You tremble underneath him, babbling out incoherently as you squeeze around his length. It’s messy and sloppy but -- fuck, it feels so good and all you can think about is the way his dick is pounding into your body, like you were made just to take his cock.
“Fuck,” he hisses, each breath coming out in stuttered pants as he tries to fuck into the tight pulsing walls of your pussy. “Shit, I’m gonna cum.”
You’re unable to form a single word as your body trembles beneath him. So fucking overstimulated and overwhelmed that you don’t even feel like you’re on this planet anymore, grounded only by the tugging of Jean’s hand on your hair.
He pulls out suddenly, cock falling heavy on your stomach as your legs fall on either side of him, and he doesn’t even need to touch himself before his cock is spitting out thick ropes of cum across your breasts and stomach. A few of the spurts of his cum shoot out with such force that they paint part of your face. Jean moans loudly with each pulse as his cock twitches against you until it’s is just drooling the last of his cum from the tip.
You’re both panting like you just finished sprinting a marathon, chests heaving as you struggle to fill your lungs with air. The car is so hot and humid from your body heat, windows fogged completely, and you’re certain that Jean’s leather seat is ruined from all of the cum, sweat, tears, and squirt that’s coating it.
“Shit,” Jean groans, releasing his punishing grip on your hair to reach down for his cock. He gives it a few final strokes before he slides his hand under your lower back, and rolls with you until you’re laying on top of him.
You move your palms to his chest as he wraps his arm tightly around your waist and you can feel the heavy pounding of his heart in his chest. “Shit,” he repeats, running his free hand through his hair to brush the sweaty strands away from his face, before settling his palm on the back of his head.
“Holy shit,” he says again, panting, and this time you laugh. “What?”
“Are you good?” you tease, but your voice is weak and shaky and it doesn’t come across as snarky as you want it to.
“Yeah, shit,” he says, still panting. “Are you good?”
“Yeah,” you agree, swallowing thickly.
He reaches down to finger the window switch on the door of his car and groans when it doesn’t respond. “Shit, I gotta turn on the car for a sec.”
Jean cradles you against his chest as he sits up, scooting forward in his chair until he can step on the brake before thumbing the ignition switch. The car quietly purrs to life so this time, when Jean flips the window switch, it starts to lower.
“S’hot in here,” he mumbles, face pressed against the side of your head and he lowers you both back against the chair. He takes in a slow, deep breath, wrapping both arms around your body and squeezing you close.
The two of you lay like that for quite some time, feeling refreshed with the cool breeze from outside as your body temperature finally lowers to normal. You’re so exhausted that you end up dozing off a little on Jean’s chest to the sound of his heartbeat and the small circles his finger draws on your back.
Jean peppers soft kisses against your face until your eyes flutter back open, looking up at him with dazed, glassy eyes as he smiles softly.
“You good?” he asks again, giving you a small squeeze around your waist.
“I wanna stay here forever,” you admit, closing your eyes again and breathing in his scent. “This is nice.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, hand reaching up to smooth down the hair on the back of your head. “But… I gotta go to work tomorrow, so we should probably leave soon.” You whine childishly, clinging to him tighter while he laughs. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! You could always come back with me.”
Your nose scrunches at the thought and you find yourself pushing yourself up, palms flat on Jean’s chest as you sit on his lap, looking down at his still-flushed and wet face. 
“You’re a mess,” you laugh, reaching forward with one hand to palm at his mouth, cleaning the mess of your mixed fluids off his face.
Jean just smiles in response, reaching a hand down to slowly incline his seat back to it’s normal, upright position. “So,” he says, clicking his tongue. “Does that mean you’re coming back?”
“I can’t,” you say, shaking your head. “I’m housesitting for Reiner.”
“Right,” he nods, hands shifting to rest on your hips. “But after?”
“Maybe after,” you agree and he grins. Jean leans forward to kiss you and it starts slow and soft but when you feel his tongue brushing against your lips, you pull back to keep the kiss chaste. “I’m really sorry about your seat.”
He laughs, eyes crinkling. “It’s fine. That’s what leather seats are for, right?”
“Ew,” you whine, fingers toying with the golden hairs on his chest. 
“So,” you repeat, eyes fixed down at his chest.
“Now that we’ve got our heads clear again, should we talk?”
You snort, eyes darting up to meet his but they quickly move back down to his chest as you feel your face burning in embarrassment. “I don’t know… things are kind of complicated right now.”
“I’m sorry,” Jean says and the hurt is evident in his voice. “I was stupid, I never meant to hurt you.”
“I know, but you did,” you say, eyes still low. “I really like you, Jean, and this… whatever this is, that we’re doing… I like that, too -- but, I need assurance that you’re not going to freak out and push me away again.”
“I don’t want you feel like that but… yeah, fuck.” Jean sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair nervously. “Is this making things more complicated?” he asks, gesturing between the two of you.
“Yes,” you say hesitantly, “Probably.”
“Then, should we not?”
“Yes,” you say, even more hesitantly, “Probably.”
“But, do you want to stop?”
You have to bite your lip to hide your grin but you know it doesn’t work, so instead you lean forward until your chin is resting on Jean’s shoulder. “No,” you admit quietly and he laughs.
“Yeah, fuck.”
His arms wrap around your tighter, pulling you close against his chest as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “You’re so important to me,” he admits, cheek pressing against your neck. “I hate that I screwed things up with you… but I don’t know what to do.”
Your frown, feeling your heart go cold from Jean’s words, and you squirm in his lap. “We should head back.”
Jean swallows loudly, hands ghosting around you as you make your way back to your seat. “Yeah,” he says, “Ok.”
“By the way,” you say as you shimmy back into your clothing, the fabric sticking to your clammy, sweaty body. Your underwear is wet and cold against your skin, and you contemplate just ditching them completely. “Did you know you turn into a completely different person during sex?”
He laughs, searching his car for a cloth or some napkins or something to clean up his wet seat before he pulls on his pants. “Yeah, fuck, sorry.”
“No, I don’t mind,” you assure, watching as Jean decides to clean off his seat with his underwear. “I just didn’t know you’d be like that. You kinda strike me as the romantic type.”
“I can do romance,” he hums, tossing his wet underwear into the backseat before pulling up his dress pants. “It’s just hard to think when all my blood’s in my dick,” he laughs, “I just go into like, demon mode, y’know?”
“Yeah, fuck,” you laugh, “I know.”
He snorts, reaching across the centre console to grab your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Yeah, you like it, too.”
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