#i need to say it to the whole world XD
ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 725: Towards a new trial!!
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Pag 1
1: Sohoku will become even stronger!!
An injection of will-power to power up!!
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Pag 2
1: The Izu Peninsula is a group of massifs perched on the Pacific Ocean, with a view of Mt. Fuji and Hakone
2: In the center of the peninsula there's the hot spring Shuzenji
3: Since a long time ago, a railway for the hot-springs has been made
4: And it made it prosper as a tourists attraction
5: About 10km east of Shuzenji, climbing a ridge in the mountains
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Pag 3
1: There's the sports park circuit for bicycles
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Pag 4
1: Ohh, woah.... it's so huge, teh
Waaaaa this is incredible Rokudai!!
2: A huge pylon!
It looks like an hotel from that anime with the cars
3: It's- it's huge, teh
Where should we run, I don't kow this level!
4: You've never come here, Kinaka-kun?
I... I've ran in races, but I only went as far as Saitama, it's the first time I come here!!
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Pag 5
1: This is Shizuoka!!
When we in the car, we even saw Mt. Fuji...!!
2: Th-th-th that's Mt. Fuji, teh!!
Wooah, it's true! It's so huge! It's more huge than in pictures
3: The camera makes it look smaller
You're right, teh
5: They're in high spirits, those two
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Pag 6
1: They were chose for the quaolifiers.... and won...
Of course they're excited
3: Let's go, the meeting is soon, Furuya
Yeah, Murakami
5: From now, for the next four days, the training camp will start!!
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Pag 7
1: Those of you who get injured or don't feel good, report it immediately
There's no need to overdo it, you can retire in the middle
2: So we can retire, too?
I'm glad
3: However
4: This training campalso serves as a selection for the six members who will participate in the Inter High
5: Those of you who want to run in the national competition, the Inter High
6: those of you who want to make a name for themselves, those of you who want to contribute to the team, and those of you who have the secret ambition of playing a flashy active role....
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Pag 8
1: Run with everything you have!!
Squeeze out beyond your limit!!
This training camp's finishing order...
2: The first
3: six people
5: Will be the Inter High members regulars!!
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Pag 9
1: This course has a 5km long climb
The practice menu for these four days
2: is to run
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Pag 10
1: 1000km!!
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Pag 11
1: 1000km!
2: Running 1000km is the only practice menu!!
3: Kinaka-kun....!!
4: 1000km... don't tell me
5: Yeah, it's an impossible number
My father's family home is in Aomori, so every year we go there by car, and to go there by car it takes half a day
6: How far do you think it is from Chiba to Aomori!?
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Pag 12
1: It's 700km!!
3: 1000km is 300km longer than that!!
4: It's longer.... than from Chiba.... to Aomori.... teh
5: And tht's not all
10: This training camp is simple but intense
Naruko-san said it
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Pag 13
1: This electronic scoreboard will show the distance and number of laps accumulated
2: There's a chip installed on your bikes
3: So you'll know the individual number of laps and ranking
4: So I don't have to count them myself?
I'm glad, it'll be comforting
1000km, so, uhm...?
5: You can check after every lap
How many laps you did
6: And how many laps did the others!!
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Pag 14
1: “How many laps the others did”..... that means that you can see your own rank on the eletronic scoreboard!!
You have opponents to fight.... in other words, this is a “race”!!
2: During this training camp
A race of 1000km....””
3: It's not just running, it's about how to reach the goal faster than the other members
4: We're being tested!!
5: No!! Wait, Kinaka- the third years are included too, and including both the second and third years, there's no way we can be in the top six!!
6: If it's just running... then isn't this training camp is useless?
7: We're too much at a disadvantage!!
It's too much for us first years!!
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Pag 15
1: No.... I don't think we have no chances at all!! At the end Naruko-san talked about “requirements”
I think those might become our breakthrough!!
2: Requirements”!!
3: Breakthrough!? How!?
Well.... somehow- I've been thinking about various things...
See, as expected it's impossible
4: As nexpected, Kinaka-kun is thinking about how to make a breakthrough, teh!!
5: The “requirements” for the training camp that the Sohoku racing team organized to work towards the Inter High....
6: How to run during the training camp is basically up to you
Think for yourself and run
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Pag 16
1: But there is one “requirement”
Huh? A requirement, what is it!?
Like they'll give us handicaps?
2: Until now, in mine and Hotshot's personal experience in Sohoku training camp
3: many things were used to bind us and made each of us stronger
4: But we talked about it and decided not to use them this time
Those who want to do it can do it on their own accord
5: Instead of that
6: For the next 15 minutes, discuss with each other and choose a partner
Huh, a partner!?
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Pag 17
1: The onw you choose will be your buddy for this training camp!!
3: Buddy!?
4: They a partner... who you'lll... run with?
Among us!?
Can I choose anyone?
5: What do we do?
Can we choose someone who's around as strong as us? How about that
6: Sure
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Pag 18
1: “Fighting in pairs”
This is this training camps “requirements”!!
2: Kinaka-kun!!
3: Rokudai!!
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Pag 19
1: I'll say it once again!! Will you run with me, Rokudai!?
Okay!! Yeah, teh!! Kinaka-kun!!
4: The stickers on their helmets!!
5: To make it easy to identify your chosen buddy, stick the same stickers on your helmets
6: Ugh... the two who participated in the qualifiers
Furuya, we can't lose either
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Pag 20
1: Being a pait means that we can protect each other from the wind
That's right
2: And we can cooperate with other pairs, as four people!!
Alright!! Let's settle aqnd run!! No, as six people!!
I have a feeling this is gonna be okay
4: The other first years wioll be a bit of an hindrance
I want to scatter them as soon as possible
5: Can I ask you that?
6: Kaburagi-san!!
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Pag 21
2: As expected
3: I guess they started already
We're a little late
4: Sorry, Danchiku
No, it's alright....
5: Uhm... so it's really.... not good?
7: Yeah
It's better to stop
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seven-thewanderer · 1 month
also so random there is a lot of misinformation (or disinformation) being spread throughout the Dandy’s World communtiy (at least I think)
Like I remember being told when I first got Astro he increased the stealth of others, so run in front of them when they’re being chased & use ur skill!!
Apparently Astro increases stamina not stealth, and I’ve horrified many kiters into running into the twisteds (I’m sorry) by trying to increase their stealth when they’re about to get cornered
And apparently people are going around telling Tishas that their skill extracts faster (instead of their skill speeding others up), I forgot a YouTuber said they were doing this until yesterday I saw a Tisha waste her skill on the machine and I was like “oh my gosh no” she died before I could tell her the truth
I didn’t realize this was a spread of (mis/dis)information, until someone pointed it out, there’s a large amount of people in Dandy’s World thinking the Twisted has to kill them to get research? When you just have to Aggro them?
idk of there’s more but. Dang. This community really loves sharing misinformation/disinformation (probably disinformation honestly)
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coreene · 3 months
When companions reject to do the love test with you...
... they are not pulling back any punches xD Here are the burns you can bestow upon Tav by asking someone with low approval to join you for the love test.
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Partnered - It can't hurt, I suppose - unless you embarrass me. Then you might find yourself hurting in a whole manner of ways. (half-joking warning to a lover.)
High Approval - Love, is it? I hadn't realised I'd bowled you over that much. Give it a try, then - impress me. (playful)
Positive Approval - I say you'd better start looking for your true love, because it's not me.
Negative Approval - What do I say? Melon... donkey... sunrise? Whichever words will get you to leave me out of this.
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Partnered - Yes. But be warned - I play to win.
High Approval - Chk. I don't see the harm.
Positive Approval - Not today. Or any other time, come to think of it.
Negative Approval - I'd sooner slice off both my hands and feed them to a rabid boar.
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Partnered - Yes, yes, yes! Let's do it!
High Approval - Hah! Absolutely. This is gonna be great fun.
Positive Approval - Mmm, I don't think so. Seems a little... I don't know. Just no.
Negative Approval - With you? Please. That story's written in stone, and it ends with you on one side of the world and me on the other.
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Partnered - Oh my love, how could I say no?
High Approval - Oh I'm the one you love? Well my dear, how could I say no?
Positive Approval - A sweet gesture, but all... this? It's not really for me. (refusing to take a 'love test' from a dryad.)
Negative Approval - Wait, I'm the one you love? Oh no - oh that's so sad. (shocked, laughing - someone he didn't like just asked Astarion to take a love test with them) But no, there's absolutely no way this is happening. (amused, but emphatically refusing to take a 'love test' from a dryad)
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Partnered - I'm more than game. Let's do it.
High Approval - Why not? Could be good for a laugh.
Positive Approval - I don't think so. But I appreciate the offer.
Negative Approval - No. Just no.
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Approval over 50 - Minsc is flattered, but surely you must know that his heart is already of the hamster shape. And twice as fuzzy. (player has just propositioned Minsc to have their prospects as lovers be estimated by a dryad - tone is affectionate)
Approval under 50 - ...Boo? Does our friend know another Minsc? One that they might be courting, perhaps? (player has just propositioned Minsc to have their prospects as lovers be estimated by a dryad - tone is dumbfounded, a stage whisper to Boo)
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Approval over 50 - I'm flattered, but pick another. Watching the dryad make you cry will be entertainment enough.
Approval under 50 - Hm? Oh, the dryad is comely enough - but you? Don't poke at questions you don't want the answer to, cub.
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Partnered - Thoroughly magical. Let's have at it. (enthusiastic)
High Approval - Well, if you insist... (slight hesitation)
Positive Approval - Perhaps you're overestimating my affection towards you a tad? You'd better seek a partner-in-embarrassment elsewhere. (unconvinced)
Negative Approval - No thank you. Sounds as appealing as milking cottage cheese directly from a geriatric cow. (ruthlessly disinterested)
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Partnered - I know my heart - and yours - better than this creature ever will. But we can indulge it if you wish.
High Approval - Fine. But if this creature can truly look into my heart, it best be careful what it reveals.
Positive Approval - The creature need not look into our hearts to see that I barely tolerate your existence.
Negative Approval - No. And if you refer to me as 'my dear' again, I will cut out your tongue.
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Partnered - Gladly. We each know the other's heart to the fullest - there is little to fear here.
Partnered (secondary) -  I thought you may have bestowed the honour on someone else. But if this is what you wish, so be it.
High Approval - I suppose we've braved greater dangers together than public embarrassment. Do as you wish.
Positive Approval - You flatter me... but also overestimate our bond, I think. Perhaps there is another you can turn to.
Negative Approval - Nature is my true love. You, I merely tolerate. (scornful)
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iz-star · 2 months
About Zayne's possesiveness...
With Sylus calling us "kitten" all the time, I've seen Sylus mains being torn between if they like being called that or not, for some It's totally fine but for others is such a mood killer and I'm not a Sylus main but I'd be the second one for sure.
Then I remembered that Zayne once mentioned that I was his "favorite kitty" or that I was "his pet..." something like that? And I was like "where did he say that and why didn't I cringe when he said that? Maybe this is the effect of love (xD) maybe I understand Sylus mains better? I need to find out"
Then I remembered:
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If Zayne is my personal Mr Kitty Cat, then I don't mind being his favorite kitty, we were basically the ones that initiated it and even put cat ears on him... So yeah, the whole vibe of this is totally different from Sylus' pet names.
However... He calling us "his pet" was a whole different story:
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The way he lets his possesiveness slide for a second? You know, all of the guys are possesive somehow, they only show it differently, in this case, Zayne's possesiveness doesn't show too often cause he's aware that to be possesive of something is to allow yourself to show your weakness, to implicitly say "This person has a great power over my feelings or my behaviour bc It's mine..." that's why he stops himself when he says "Don't leave it with anyone else or I'll—" and then changes the approach "Do you want to leave it with someone else?"
And as the player, it leaves us hanging... Thinking "What would you do, Dr Zayne? What are you willing to do?"
We have to think about these questions from the perspective of Zayne's persona, of the kind of guy he is. We know the other guys have a bounty and have committed crimes/ killed people, while Zayne has done none of that and it's on the completely opposite side of things: He's a well respected doctor, has saved tons of lifes, is obssesed about saving people, a workaholic cause he knows the world needs him. The worst thing he's done (as far as we know) is that he had to kill his friend William when he was turning into a Wanderer and even so, it was William the one who asked this of him after Zayne desperately tried to save him against all odds.
Zayne is not someone who would even think of hurt others easily, even if he's quite able to cause others harm, just as much as the other LIs, but all versions of Zayne have in common that they're really kind. Sure, Dawnbreaker is a serial killer but we know he doesn't kill people out of joy but instead mercy. Sure, Foreseer was quite severe when MC first met him but It's not as if she didn't deserve it when she literally intruded his place, lied to him and tried to steal his powers (lmao) and we know he was wary of Astra all the time so he didn't want anyone to enter the Tower for their own sake and he paid with his life the price to keep MC alive. Master of Fate was supposed to kill MC but instead he chose to seal her powers to give her another chance to keep on living the life she told him she wanted to live (even without him).
So it's interesting to think what would Zayne do for MC? Us? If he decides to be selfish and fulfill his desires, what would he do? It seemed like he was even questioning himself, showing too much of what he's not used to show (And now with SS we just know how much he needs MC/us).
So that's why he changes the approach. His feelings are involved in this sudden and unexpected show of weaknesses, so he asks us "Do you want to leave it with someone else?" Now asking us about what we feel but not quite giving us time to reply.
The way he calls us "his pet" comes now more like he's gained control of his feelings again and is calling us that as a punishment for making him go through this unwanted jealousy but he's so ambiguous and smooth about it, that is giving "if It's too much don't take it" vibes because he neither confirms nor denies that he was talking about us.
Zayne is the kind of guy that would spoil you and shows his love through different ways: taking care of you and your health, acts of service, affirmation, sparing time for you, having you as his top priority, always offering his time/ himself (Have you notice how Zayne says "My free time is all yours, do with it what you want" while Sylus says "Who is your free time for if not me? " or how Xavier asks "Do you want to sleep with me?" while Zayne asks "Do you want me to sleep with you?"), he gives and gives (and lord knows how much he's tried to change and be more careful about his words and actions so they don't come across as alof, bc yes, Zayne hates to be mistaken as a heartless person) but of course he's also willing to do all that as long as you work for it and earn it too and if you misbehave, he makes you pay for it and knows how to give you a firm "No" when you try to backpedal or get away with it.
He knows (or tries) to balance his depth love by spoiling you while at the same time letting you know that nothing comes for free (even if he'd give it for free). Balance is a word that fits him best in all the aspects of his life, especially when it comes about love. He shows his feelings if you show them too (he both says "I never thought I'd have only one person in my eyes" accepting you're the only thing he sees and he also says "I want to be the only one in your eyes and for you to be mine" expressing what he desires too in a soft way) and when he shows his possesiveness, he's letting himself to lose this balance and he probably knows that you are the only thing that could make him completely lose this balance. His evol seems to be an analogy of this behavior, Zayne is always hyperaware that he could lose control of it at any given time and maybe, when it comes about his feelings, does he feel the same? ("It wouldn't be love if I could control it"). He's scared of hurting you but is he scared of the things he'd do for you?
Especially bc, all his other lifes and the current Zayne have always shown the opposite of possesiveness, they sacrifice themselves and their happiness for your own happiness and your well being. When MC asks Foreseer Zayne "Didn't you say you don't want to lose me again?" his literal reply was "I will never lose you as long as you're alive and well" and when Master of Fate was supposed to kill MC, he chose to seal her powers away even if it also meant to sacrifice his presence in her life (even after he promissed that they would always be together and promissed not to leave her and desired fulfill those promises). Dawnbreaker's only solace is MC, he only yearns for her and nothing else, a powerful quote they say in his anecdotes is "It's better to die with clarity than living as a walking corpse" referencing to ppl that turns into Wanderers but this quote applies to Zayne too, in the sense that he's basically a walking corpse cause he doesn't live his own life. MC is the only thing that keeps him alive somehow and she's not even in his own world. Dr Zayne says "When you and the world wake up, I hope we do not meet again" bc he knows this is the best for you.
All Zayne's are filled with pent up yearning, want, need, desire, to a point It's seems it is about to overflow and he does a goddam good work at hiding it; no wonder why Dr Zayne is taking all the available chances with MC, but even he seems to be aware that this won't last forever and even in such period of time, why he seems so afraid to loose up... lose control of himself? Especially cause Dr Zayne seems to be the balance amongst all Zayne's, he's not as dark and depressive as Dawnbreaker, nor as cold and severe as Foreseer, nor as happy and carefree as Master of Fate but at the same time holds a little of all of that.
So the question here is, how a showcase of the loss of this balance would be? For now we can only imagine and come up with assumptions but I'm quite curious to see it playing fully ingame, you know? Altho I'm not sure if I'd like it if it comes at the cost of him getting hurt again.
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tizeline · 1 month
Giggling at the fact that Donnie probably has a lot of only child habits like only getting food for himself and eating it Infront of them and getting genuinely annoyed if they try to steal some. Astonished when they borrow anything of his without permission (WHO MOVED MY PENS?!). Being genuinely perplexed when one of his chores gets done randomly 😭
Poor Donnie isn't in on any of the inside jokes probably 😔
LMAO yeah I've been thinking about Only Child Donnie a lot XD
For example, Donnie having no idea how to differentiate between normal sibling bickering and genuine fights. After Raph starts hanging out with Donnie and Leo, he'll get to see way more of that classic sibling bickering in action. And considering Leo's tension with the rest of his family during this time because of the whole Dark Armor incident, he'd worry that Leo and Raph still feel some actual resentment towards each other. Leo and Raph are arguing with each other to the point they start play-wrestling and Donnie is all like "shit shit what do I do they're gonna hurt each other" and the next second Leo and Raph are laughing at random some joke and Donnie is just left confused over the whole interaction because what even was that?? Weren't they mad at each other just a second ago??
I will say though, me and my sibling weren't the type to just share each others stuff freely. Well, we did when we were young, most of our toys we both played with. But maybe because of that we got a bit possessive over our own stuff as we got older (we also shared a room until I was like 10-ish, so we were probably both a bit desparate to become separate induviduals at that point). Point is, if my bastard of a sibling even DARED to step foot into my sacred abode (my room) without my express permission, they would be forced to face my unbridled fury (I'd gently beat them up with pillows)! And if they were to steal as much as a single pencil from my treasury, my wrath would lead me to even more drastic measures (I'd snitch to our parents)!
That being said, I have no idea how The Drax Bros behaved regarding this when growing up. IF they were the type to just yoink each others stuff constantly (which I definitely think is possible) you are completely right that it would drive Donnie up the wall if they did the same to him XD
In my experience and from what I've observed with others, when you have siblings close in age to you, you tend to develop a very intense obsession with everything always needing to be 100% fair and equal. For example, if you're cutting up cake and your siblings piece is as much of a millimeter wider than your own piece, it's basically the end of the world. I can see Leo and Donnie sharing a pizza and afterwards Leo's all outraged over Donnie getting more pizza than him. Donnie's confused cuz they each got an equal amount of slices, but then Leo accuses Donnie of getting all the SLIGHTLY bigger slices and as such got a LITTLE bit more pizza than Leo! Completely unfair!
Actually, Donnie being a math nerd would be good at measuring food in this scenario, his brothers would constantly try to get him to divide any food they're sharing to make sure it's as even and equal as possible. Donnie quickly gets tired of this, but the alternative is the other turtles all arguing with each other over who gets which piece which is even more annoying so he just goes along with it lol.
And oh yeah, Donnie definitely feels quite left out whenever his brothers joke about or even mentions something they did growing up that he did not get to partake in (little does he know that his brothers feels similarly whenever he and April do the same thing and references stuff from their shared childhood that they did not get to be part of)
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ashrayus · 1 month
DUDEE!!!! really happy u asked but also omg this got long agaiN who would have thought (!) i added summaries this time tho :)
here is part one of my fic recs XD
andd heres the new ones!! pls give them some love if u read them :D
Dick and Jason:
how lonely to be something that nothing wants to kill by sunlitlemonade
There were blood drops dripping down his fingers to the ground. The puddle was big enough for it to have spread around more than half the tub. His breaths shuddered, they were shallow and waning. But he was breathing and Dick’s world centered around that.
starting strong with Angst go read all of sun’s fics i always die and get revived <333 pls mind the tags on this one
cast on/cast off by hellsreluctantheir
“This is surprisingly non-destructive for Jason,” Dick comments, lightly. In the parking lot, Jason pulls a grenade out of one of his pockets, yanks the pin, and tosses it through the roller door and out of sight, before tearing out of the parking lot in chase of the truck. “Well, for a minute there,” Dick amends. He takes a step back towards the alley the batmobile is parked in, giving Bruce a quick glance. “We following? “No,” Bruce says, as the grenade goes off. “He’s cleared the warehouse. We can get into the office.” Dick sighs again. But Jason knows he can call in if he needs help.
time loop!!! read most of this writer's fics and fell in love with them all,, go read fr
bloodstained by hellsreluctantheir
“I know where the clinic is, asshole,” Jason said. The wad of gauze he was using to keep pressure kept slipping against his shoulder. The knife had caught the space between two panels, split to allow movement. Lucky shot. “Ok, let me make sure you get there without passing out from blood loss,” Dick said, a deliberate evenness to his tone, like he was doing his best to accomodate someone who was being completely unreasonable. Shithead. “I’m not going to pass out,” Jason said, ignoring the fact that he was actually feeling pretty unsteady on his feet. He caught himself with his good shoulder on the entry to the bathroom, took a deep breath. “What would Daddy Bats think if he knew you were here, trying to help me?” “I assume something like, ‘Wow, Dick, you’re such a good brother, trying so hard to make sure Jason is ok even when he’s being a complete idiot about it,’” Dick sniped.
heres another one from them. jasons scars and dick. andd another one next
brothers in arms by hellsreluctantheir
It wasn’t like none of them went undercover. Jason practically lived there. And he’d punch anyone who tried to make it a sob story for him, to cluck over the times he’d been alone in a pit of vipers, act like it was some tragedy. But given half a minute to think about it, Dick somewhere completely cut off from everyone but Bruce, no allies on hand, surrounded by enemies. Angry as he was at the lie, there was something about that he just fucking hated. or Thinking your brother is dead and then finding out he's been alive the whole time really has a way of making you rethink the relationship.
Shelter by Ptelea
Two safe houses, two nights dealing with the aftermath of fear toxin, multiple conversations, several meals. Written for Sholio's September 2020 Comfort Fest for a prompt from Musesfool. Warning-wise, there's nothing graphic here but there are definitely references to past canon trauma for both the characters.
the way they are written here <33
Rotten Fruits by couldyoublameme
“I’m fine,” Dick assured gently, sitting up slightly. “Just a bad night, is all.” It’s a familiar phrase he has used so often. Whenever the addiction crawls back into his mind, a parasite he can never truly get rid of. The family knows what it means. Knows what the ‘bad’ is. Knows what to do. “Oh,” Jason says. “Why?”
absolutely murdered me. pls do mind the tags
You Can Do Better Than That by AlexaAffect
All Jason could hear was his own ragged breathing. He desperately gasped for air, each breath more exhausting than the last and his lungs and throat burned with the effort. In. And, he needed a second longer with every breath he took, out. His arms had been suspended for the last… 15? minutes? Jason had quit keeping track of the time, he’d been too preoccupied trying to hold himself upright, trying to ease his position, switch it up, anything to prolong the guaranteed death. “Red Hood?” That was Dick’s voice. Huh. So they had found him fast enough. Or alternatively; Dick finds a kidnapped Jason shortly before he asphyxiates.
this fic is just oddly comforting to me idk. very precious
Equivalent Exchange by Lysical
Apparently favors don't expire on death. --"What do you want, Dick?" "For you to be happy, Jay." Dick leaned over and pinched his cheek. Jason reached up and swiped at him, scowling. "And world peace."
ADORABLE and fun
Just for Now by Lysical
Jason was back in Gotham and the timing couldn't be worse for him to need assistance on a case. He didn't want to see any of the Bats and he was sure the feeling was mutual. Nightwing was the worst option for Oracle to pick to help him out.
To Reconcile by CasualDanger
“Babs slapped me at your funeral.” Jason goes to laugh, but it’s just a cough and his mouth barely even twitches up. “She hated me in that moment. I mean, really, really hated me, like I did Talia after I found out Damian had died. And I wondered,” his voice cracks, eyes glassy now, “did you hate anyone when I was gone? Because I was gone?”
he ain't heavy, he's my brother by someplacewarm
Dick's been putting off meeting with Jason for a while now, but when a distress call comes through, he has no choice but to answer. Or the one where Dick and Jason talk, fight, get high and cuddle. In that order.
making gold out of it by vmkhoney
Dick talks himself back down on the bathroom floor, clinical and detached. (For someone whose primary skill is manipulating his body, it’s not very often that he feels connected to it.) - Or, five years after Blockbuster, Dick begins teetering on the ledge of processing what Catalina did to him.
a wonderful dick grayson fic, and jason is there being a good brother. mind the tags
What Hurts You by blueyeti
Dick comes to Jason's aid when he's injured in a fight, or at least he thinks he has.
jason has no scars!! and thats also sad
at me, too, someone is looking by bacondoughnut
Dick Grayson knows he's got problems when the Red Hood's busted leg somehow becomes his concern. aka; How Dick Grayson finds out Jason Todd is alive. A story about healing.
a rather long one for my standards XD (very short attention span) but this made me sit down and read. very fun jason
Bruce and Jason:
Saltwater and Desperation by bacondoughnut
Jason's not sure how he even manages to get himself out of the harbor. He's just glad Bruce is there when he does. Not that he'll ever, ever admit as much out loud.
same writer, love this jason (and bruce) so much
Insomnolence by navree
It's not like he slept much as a kid anyway; this is just a return to the status quo. He's not overly tired, and even if he's been sleeping less than his already limited amount throughout April, that's still not any of her business. Bad memories are already bad enough even before they spend the next few years in the aftermath becoming nightmares.
navree being The bruce and jason writer for me all of their fics are so o(- (
Ash Into The Wind by navree
This is his dad in there, the first man he ever called Dad, at any rate, and even after everything, booze and jail and Bruce and death and then death again, there's never going to be a part of Jason that isn't gutted that he's dead. One night, a wraith in a red helmet slips onto the grounds of Blackgate Penitentiary to steal one specific thing.
another one from them
Trapped by lurkinglurkerwholurks
BatFam Week 2018, Day Two. Prompt: Trapped Yes, the prompt is "trapped" and it's a Jason fic. I'm so, so sorry. (Not really, though.) Please see tags for potential triggers.
binge read this writers fics recently they write them so nice
Overcoming Our Antecedents by Batbirdies
Bruce swallows, closing his eyes for a brief moment before he takes another, steadying breath and presses both hands to his face. He just needs a moment. Needs to remember where he is, what year it is, that Jason is not actually fifteen, he only looks like he is. This is temporary. This is just a temporary problem that needs to be contained until they can change Jason back. This is not a repeat of events already passed. This is not a second chance.
Jason and Batfam:
Names and Neapolitan by Muddell
“Goddamnnit Robin,” Hood is there, pulling him into his arms. Robin sees that helmet, he sees the green eyes, the dark hair, he sees open, gray, Gotham sky, and hears tires squealing, and then he sees stone. He sees the cave. Bruce is there. Alfred is there. Dick is there. And Hood is there. Robin rolls in and out of consciousness. He reaches out, snatches the smell of copper and the touch of leather, and he holds Hood’s hand and he does not let go. He’s allowed to say it now. “Jason,” he says. “Don’t leave.” Or, following Dick telling Tim about his older brother, to Tim actually knowing him.
read a couple fics from this writer all so good!!!
Six Ways to Sunday by Muddell
Jason catches Duke hiding a headache and says, is anyone going to deal with that?
same writer!! really love their jason
Settle Down and Sleep by OberonBronze
A series of vignettes about seeking comfort. Damian tries his hand at being a comfort animal; Tim shows up at Jason’s place for an impromptu sleepover; Jason bonds with his older brother after a damaging fear toxin trip; Dick and Bruce have a long-overdue conversation.
really liked jason and dick in this :)
Tuck Me In by OberonBronze
Bruce Wayne and his long-standing habit of tucking his kids into bed.
think how great it is to fall asleep (and how terrible it is to wake up) by mikkal
Jason was fifteen, barely five foot, and underweight for his age when he died. When he came back to his body, suddenly he was too tall, too scarred, too much, too different. And he just... never got used to it. (Or: 5 times a Bat noticed/discovered his body dysphoria post resurrection)
Stranger Danger by alchemistsarego, whumpinaheartbeat (alchemistsarego)
There was never one particular moment that Damian registered that he was losing consciousness. Everything simply flashed from one thing to the next, even though some part of him understood that time had been passing in between. He had been sitting upright, rolling his eyes at something someone had said, then he was on the ground being pinned by some unknowable weight. All at once the weight was gone again, replaced instead by something not only lighter, but much warmer too. A blanket? No, a jacket.
jason and others:
Past Experience by Rookblonkorules
He thinks he might be dying. Again.
clark and jason :)
Bats in the Belfry by endlessnepenthe
Hal idly wonders how long he has before he's found. Probably not very. The Bat's freaky like that. (Or, Hal goes to Gotham and discovers that Batman's brand of freaky isn't exactly one of a kind.)
jason and hal jordan??! and slade? and magic.
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maissafespace · 11 months
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Always There.
Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: what hasn’t he gone through, would be a good question. all that was bound to break him more than anything, people left, people died, but somehow he could still feel warmth in his heart. it was all because of you, you were always there and he was grateful for it.
warnings: fluff. close friends, intimacy, may/may not have slept together, suggestive, gojo being a flirt to not show feelings, reader is a year younger, canonverse after volume 0. light angst. gojo’s trauma, gojo bottling up, crying.
a/n: don’t really know where i was going with this, i don’t know if there will be a part two or something but i wanted some fluff with gojo, hope you like it! reblog and comment! t!p if you can XD.
Masterlist • Masterpost.
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walking through the gardens surrounded by utmost silence would’ve been routine for you, relax without anyone annoying you, but, today of all days, your heart was heavy in your chest as you walked toward Satoru’s residence.
you had only come back to Tokyo today in the early morning and had been notified by Yaga of the events that occurred this last week.
noticeably, Suguru’s return.
you had remained shook at the everything that happened, Suguru’s new plans or former plans for the Jujutsu world. so much, that you could not go to Satoru right away, you had to clear your own mind before ever going to comfort him at all.
you greeted the workers with a small smile, making your way through the hallways and stairs till you were in front of his door and made your way in.
the whole room was dark even though it was late afternoon, a few rays of light got through, brightening the little it could, enough for you to see the silhouette of his body on the bed, lying with an arm over his face, his bare chest going up and down with his breathing and legs crouched with a pair of sweatpants on.
you sighed, taking the dark blue uniform off you and throwing it on the couch on the other side of the room, leaving you in your panties and a t-shirt.
“satoruuu…” you called him softly and calmly, climbing on the other side of the bed, sitting on your knees beside him. your hand poking his side waiting for a reaction. “satoru.” but nothing.
a bit annoyed you made the move. with another sigh, your hands sat on his chest, throwing your leg on the other side of his waist. you saw immediately that stupid grin on his face with his free hand going on your thigh in a millisecond.
“this is a good feeling.” he said with a chuckle. “heard you got back today from some lost place in South Africa, i’m offended you didn’t come to greet me first thing, babe.”
“right, can we go right to the point, honey.” you got his arm off his face but his eyes were still closed. “maybe you could look at me to start off.”
he breathed deeply, the amusement falling off for a second into numbness, he opened them, looking to the side for a moment before looking at you. you smiled sadly at the single glance to his beautiful light blue eyes. a pair that held so much behind them, feelings that he didn’t show easily.
“do you want to talk?” you asked him softly, your thumb brushing the side of his cheek, along his jawline.
“there’s something more productive i’d like to do. you, for example.” his fingers were playing with the elastic band of your panties.
“and they say romance is dead.” his light laugh and snort made a faint smile on your face appear. “if that were true, i’d feel you poking into me then i’d reject you as i’ve done before. but that’s not the case.”
“i mean, it doesn’t really take a lot…” his finger was going to the front of your panties, bringing them down till your own hand brought him out of them, back onto your waist. “we both need it, y/n, a nice distraction and consolation.” he sighed.
“i’ll consider it if we talk first. come on, we have done this before, satoru.” you were trying to be patient, keyword is trying, but that’s all, you have been through this countless times already, you knew the flirting and cute words were just to distract you from the purpose, though he knew you were not a flatterer.
“have i told you how pretty you look today?” he said with his hand lightly stroking your chin. you smiled, kissing the tip of his fingers.
“i love to hear such things from a handsome man.” you leaned down on him, chest to chest, your forearms keeping you up enough to still face him. “but we still need to talk. now you’re trapped, so start talking before we stay for days on this bed.”
“what about your trip? tell me about it? was the special grade curse as bad as people were making it out to be?” you sighed. you cupped his cheeks fully, inches away from his face. looking directly into his eyes, your heart beating fast at the way you would break the ice so abruptly.
“‘toru, tell me what happened with Suguru.” you asked.
you felt the way his chest stopped their movement for a second, you saw how his breath hitched and his eyes widened quickly. yet, no response came, you were just looking at him continuously, to the point where you didn’t realize how your positions changed.
he was on top of you, your legs wrapped around him as he breathed heavily. “satoru… i’m here. i’ve always been here.” you reminded him, trying to give him some faith and trust in yourself.
he collapsed gently, his head on your chest, his big figure sprawled on top of you and between your legs.
your hand brushing through his hair gently, rubbing his scalp and nape like a feather as he took his time.
“he’s gone.”
you hummed at his choked tone of voice. his shoulders were slightly trembling, then the sniffling started and then you felt your t-shirt dampening of his tears.
you just held him as he cried.
nobody was unaware of the relationship they had when they were young and in school, they had a friendship like no others, they were friends, brothers, family, maybe soulmates. you had just come in accidentally, being a year younger gave you all the time to admire your superiors, just one day you had found him wondering around alone, sighing.
sighing was a bad indicator for anything. you approached him and till now you had become something similar to a diary or a therapist, perhaps.
he told you the place each person had in his life, suguru was something like the sun in the hell of a childhood he lived, he was an anchor of life for him. when he left, it was visible how his life seemed to have been sucked out of him, you hated to see him like that. he slowly recovered from it but it was never the same, the walls were built.
it was worse the first months, he wouldn’t talk about it, he wouldn’t utter a word, he put on an act, then he’d get annoyed, then he’d try to run and make you leave, yell even, till you pressed and finally he opened up. he cried then too, he let his vulnerable side out in the world with you and you cried with him the first time. but now it was different.
you were in no way trying to involve yourself, or understand what he was going through, even though you did, since you had lost Yu after all, but right then it wasn’t your job to play who had it worse or make it about you, it was a moment of “let it out, before it consumes you.”
his body was calming down after some time.
his arms were even tighter around your torso, his body growing in heat, letting you reach around you to drop a blanket over the both of you before he got sick.
he cleared his throat, his voice still hoarse but he started to tell you in detail everything that had happened while you were away. you hummed here and there, asking a few questions as well, still rubbing your hands on his back and shoulders, seemingly comforting him.
“so up till now, you have not eaten a single thing.” you asked. “that’s not good, satoru, come on, we got to get out of bed.” you patted him, he whined in response.
“i disagree with that notion. we can cuddle and snuggle, maybe have some great sex-“
“see, no.” you tried to pull him off you but he didn’t let go. “i have a date tonight, but i need you up on your feet before i go, because if we wait you’ll be rotting tomorrow. wait!” in a moment and costing your neck, you were up, straddling his lap. as he looked up with a frown.
“what do you mean date? we have never agreed to this.” he really looked incredulous.
“you didn’t. i did. life is continuing outside the Jujustu world, my dear friend.” you slapped his cheek softly. “get up, you are having dinner right now.” you got out of his arms and out of bed, reaching for the couch as you put your pants back on. you turned on the lights and looked at him, his hand was ruffling his own hair while he still sat on the edge of the bed.
“satoru?” you called him. you walked back to him, taking his hands from his knees and have him stand up. “let’s go.”
you guided him slowly, he just complied, he followed after you, looking down at the your intertwined hands.
he looked at you as you talked friendly to the maid, asking her to please cook a little something in big portions to feed him for the days he had not eaten, and once everything was prepared he wanted to laugh at all the food laid out in front of him but you sat there with your arms crossed, looking at him intensely.
he just complied. starting to eat as you watched with a small smile, sometimes it fell into sadness to then turn into fondness.
it was dark outside by the time he was done. he laid back on his back with his legs still under the table, breathing heavily waiting for his stomach to do its job. “that was too much.” he muttered.
“now, you’ll think twice about starving yourself. i’m turning into a granny by worrying for you.” you said getting up, ready to get out of here and into the world.
“i’ll need you even if you’d turn into a granny. you’d be a hot granny.” you chuckled, reaching his side, receiving the invite of his hand reaching for you. you sat down with him one last time. looking directly into each other, his lips formed a weak smile, guiding his hand with yours in it to his lips and kissing it lightly.
he wanted to grin at the slight blush on your cheeks, but he refrained from doing that. “thank you.” you smiled genuinely at his words. “thank you for always being there for me. i haven’t been the best for you, but you’re always here. so, thank you.”
the smile on your face widened, your eyes almost completely invisible by it. “love to hear it.”
there was a moment of silence before the maids started to come in and the shiny atmosphere was disrupted. “i have to go now. i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“all right, see you later, y/n.”
he sat up, watching you walk away and out of his residence with a big smile while he sighed and stood to walk back to his room.
he stood under the hot water, thinking. and thinking. and thinking more.
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shit ending i know, but i didn’t have the inspiration for the conclusion. not my best work.
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redbullgirly · 8 months
Hellooo 👋, can you write enemies to lovers with fernando alonso maybe with some angst? 🤭
It's totally alright if you don't want to! Thankssss :))
EL DESTINO [FA14 oneshot]
Fernando Alonso x reader
Summary: Y/N works for Alpine, and even though Fernando Alonso isn't part of the team anymore, they can't forget their distaste for each other. The driver seems to think she's just an irresponsible party girl and Y/N doesn't like him because he's, well... annoying and mean and doesn't care about anybody but himself. Though could they be both wrong in their prejudices?
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Not much, maybe they're kind of mean to each other and stupid at the start, but that's the point of enemies to lovers, right? XD
Author's Note: Hello Anon and thank you for the request! I didn't expect it to turn out so long, but hey XD. I hope you and everybody else will like it. Also I tried for a little bit of angst, but I'm not sure if I'm good at it... you can let me know :).
If anyone could read your thoughts at the moment, you’d probably end up locked behind bars and with the key from your cell thrown far away. Whoever's great idea was to allow the group of inexperienced interns to touch the important data and statistics deserved to rot seven feet underground. Chopped into small pieces. And doused in poison that eats their lifeless body until there's nothing left.
Okay, that's maybe a bit too violent, but still not far from the truth.
You rubbed your tired eyes, not caring about smudging the mascara anymore. There was basically no one left in the building, just a few mechanics desperately needing the cars to be in perfect condition tomorrow – or should we say today? And then there was you, who stupidly agreed to fix the disaster caused by too much excitement and not enough cautiousness. You knew the interns didn't do it on purpose, and blaming them wasn't going to help you, but still. It wasn't them who had to sit there long after their working hours ended, staring into a too bright computer screen.
When you finally managed to save all the damaged data, it was almost three in the morning, and before you made it back to the hotel, you weren't sure if it was even worth going to bed. Because of the emergency, you didn't have time to finish your usual duties. And even though it wouldn't be fair to want the analysis from you, that wasn't how the game was played in motorsport.
Legs almost giving out under you, you dragged yourself to the elevator. The poor lady sitting at the receptionist desk looked at you skeptically, but didn't say anything as you stepped in and pressed the button with the number of your floor on it. Generic music started playing, numbing your brain even more.
The metal door was about to close, but then a hand came between it. Before you blinked and processed what's happening, a man slipped into the elevator right next to you, pressing his own number.
You see, everything could have been fine. You could've just survived the thirty seconds of embarrassing silence, then mumble a polite goodbye and go to sleep in peace. But no. Fate apparently had other plans for you.
Because as the man turned to you and the bright light hit his face, you realized it wasn't just some stranger.
Suddenly, the silence shifted from the normal elevator weirdness to tension. You pressed your lips together, silently cursing the higher power that decided to mess with your life just today, when you looked like a zombie. With smudged mascara. Perfect.
For someone, maybe it would be a fulfilled dream to be in an elevator with Fernando Alonso. Two time World Champion, great driver, loved person. And a dickhead that almost ruined your whole career.
“You look like you had a wild night,” he murmured with a thick Spanish accent. You narrowed your brows, trying to control the anger bubbling inside of you. Was he trying to insult you? You wouldn't even be surprised.
“Perhaps I did, thank you very much.” Your voice lacked any signs of friendliness, clearly trying to provoke him. It was quite funny, really, how a minute ago you didn't have energy to think clearly, and now you were ready to argue with this man over anything. Almost like the magic of despising someone.
You noticed his jaw tensing and knew it wouldn't be good. But still, his words hurt: “Maybe if you focused more on doing your job instead of wild nights out, Alpine would do better.”
The sting in your chest was strong, but by some miracle the elevator finally stopped, and the robotic voice announced the twenty-sixth floor. Even life itself took pity on you, it seemed.
Without any other word, you turned away from Alonso and walked into the empty hallway, hearing a quiet scoff and then the door sliding closed again behind you, leaving you all alone in the darkness. How poetic.
Every door you passed looked exactly the same, and you just hoped you remembered your room number correctly.
You didn't even remember taking out the card and entering your temporary home for the weekend. You didn't remember taking your clothes off, removing the remaining makeup with a tissue because you were too tired for your usual skin care routine. You didn't remember responsibly setting up your alarm and then falling into the soft mattress.
All you could remember before the exhaustion took over were his words that cut deeper than he thought, and deeper than you'd like to admit.
You couldn't believe it.
As you walked out of the debrief, you could basically feel everybody's frustration crawling up your spine, mixing with your own. The team, all the mechanics and engineers, pit crew members and marketing, hundreds of people worked so hard the whole week. And for what?
It was already bad when both cars didn't finish the last Grand Prix in Silverstone. But for it to happen again? That was downright embarrassing. Not only did it bring exactly zero points in the Constructors' Championship, but the drivers were angry, disappointed. You could see that in the team, the motivation level decreased quickly. And honestly, you couldn't blame them.
Last year, Alpine was the fourth-best car on the grid. Best of the rest, as they'd call it. But this season, everything was going terribly. You honestly weren't far from crying.
To lighten up the mood, some of your colleagues decided to enjoy a night out in Budapest before you'd have to fly to Belgium tomorrow, to prepare for yet another racing weekend. At first, you declined the offer, insisting you needed to catch up on some work, do analysis for the car and figure out exactly what happened to it. But then, one of the mechanics you were friendlier with saw your drooping shoulders, and pulled you into the club despite all your weak protests.
Soon enough, you let loose and after an hour, you were a few drinks in. Your head was spinning, a big smile planted on your lips and giggles coming out of your mouth uncontrollably. Not that you had low alcohol tolerance, but the last time you got properly drunk was some time ago. Perhaps you just forgot how it felt. The freedom, the sweet mist of oblivion clouding your mind.
Currently, you were sitting at the bar, sipping on a cocktail. You already enjoyed your time on the dance floor, which tired you more than expected. Thank God you went to the club right from the paddock, so instead of high heels that'd kill your feet, you had comfortable sneakers on.
As you waved at the young barman to give you another round of whatever he mixed for you before, you felt someone's eyes on your back. You didn't bother to turn around, thinking it was just another drunken man checking out half of the women in the club.
Then, someone stood behind you. “The drink's on me, hermosa,” the man said, voice smooth like honey. You froze. You knew that deep, thick Spanish accent too well. What the hell was Alonso doing here?
He clearly mistook your silence for an impressed one, or so you thought when he came to sit down next to you, his hand gently brushing your back. That was the moment you turned your head towards him, eyes wide, and his face dropped. So did yours.
You hoped for a split second you could pretend you were total strangers randomly meeting in a bar for just a little longer when he instantly frowned and his demeanor changed from charming gentleman to pain in the ass.
“Y/L/N,” he uttered it in a way that made you wonder if there was something wrong with your last name. “Guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you here.”
And here it was — the instant wave of anger and hurt he managed to bring up by just a few poking words.
“Says the right person.” You rolled your eyes, the flowing feeling the alcohol gave you before now gone. You felt like you were going to be sick. “I bet if it wasn't me you tried to hit on, you'd bring the poor woman to your hotel room tonight.”
“Careful, or you might sound jealous.”
“Oh, you wish, Alonso,” you laughed humorlessly. 
The bartender chose that moment to bring you the requested cocktail you already forgot about. You gave him the cash, though you had no intention of actually drinking it. As always, Alonso left a sour taste in your mouth.
“I see you're drinking the team problems away,” he pressed harder, knowing damn well it was a sensitive topic. You gritted your teeth, reminding yourself to be the better person.
Then you looked into his dark eyes, and your self-control was gone. For some reason, you couldn't stand the look he was giving you. It was full of something that was too similar to disappointment. You hated people being disappointed in you, even if you hated that very person.
Out of nowhere, the alcohol kicked in, and you remembered why you didn't drink in clubs too often — it made you emotional. So stupidly sensitive that you couldn't stop your eyes from tearing up. You shook your head, opened your mouth, wanting to tell him something. Anything that'd make him just as much hurt as you were.
Instead, you bit your trembling lip and abruptly stood up. You almost knocked over the bar stool, though at the moment, you didn't really care.
Was it cowardly to run away from him and his harsh words? Yes, you knew that. But you did it in the elevator, and so you could do it again.
In a rush, you got through other people enjoying their night out, oblivious to the lump forming in your throat.  You needed to get out, breathe in the fresh air and just forget about everything.
It was probably nearing midnight, and even though it was late July, you still shivered when you stepped outside the club. Just then you remembered you left your jacket back in the paddock. And you also realized the mechanic and his group of friends drove you here, and you had no idea where you were or how to get to your hotel room.
“Great. Just fucking perfect,” you mumbled to yourself, a few tears running down your cheeks. You wiped them away, willing yourself to calm down. Budapest couldn't be too different from other European cities, so you'd just walk to the nearest public transport station and then see what you could do from there. Yes, that was exactly what you're going to do, and it's going to be okay.
Having a plan calmed you down, at least a little. You walked in a direction you hoped would get you to the center and took your phone out. The battery was low, and you cursed yourself for not charging it during the day.
“Where are you going?” You winced and nearly dropped the phone when you heard the loud voice calling after you.
When you turned around, you already knew exactly who was standing before the club entrance.
“That's not any of your business,” you tried to sound tough, but it came out tired and weak. So instead, you lifted your head, trying to save the remaining bits of your dignity.
Alonso tilted his head, brown eyes studying you for a moment before he made a step towards you. “Don't tell me you don't have anyone to take you back to your hotel?” The undertone of his voice was strange, and if you didn't know better, you'd think it was worry seeping out.
“Oh, then I won't tell you,” you fired back, satisfied with your own answer as you turned around and left him standing there.
You made it around the block when a strong hand suddenly grasped your hand, and you screamed, prepared to fight whoever attacked you.
“¡Ay dios mío!” Alonso cursed and held his red cheek, where there was a clear hand print now.
You stared at each other in shock. You wanted to kill him for scaring you to death, but at the same time, you were relieved it was just him and not a creepy kidnapper.
“I'd say I'm sorry… but I'm not,” you managed to mumble. A weak attempt, you knew that. But it still seemed to wake him from his trance and make him scoff at you in annoyance.
However, he didn't let go of your hand.
“Let's go,” Alonso urged you back towards the direction you came from.
“I'm not going anywhere with you.”
“Y/N, if you think I would let a drunk girl wander around a city she doesn't know, alone, at night… then you clearly don't know me at all.”
It took a few seconds for his words to hit you, and all there was left for you to do was to look up at him with surprise written all over your face. That seemed to annoy him for some reason, but with alcohol still very much present in your system, you didn't have the capacity to think about it too much.
“Let's go,” he repeated, though this time you didn't protest when he started walking towards what turned out to be his car. You knew it very well, from the years you used to work together, for the same team. Silently, you wondered how the hell did he get it to Hungary, but you soon forgot about that.
Fernando unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for you. Your mom would probably tell you to be more cautious about getting into the car of a man you didn't like and were sure he didn't like you as well. But hey, it's still better than being lost in a foreign city, right?
So you sat down, and before you could reach for the seatbelt, he took it and strapped you himself, mumbling something about safety hazards with drunk people. You were so surprised by that unexpected action you didn't even have time to feel offended.
You closed your eyes, the comfortable seat making you sleepy. You heard him get in the car as well and join the night traffic. For a moment, silence reigned and for the first time in a long time, it didn't feel horrible and tense.
“Isn't it illegal to drive with alcohol?” you whispered, eyes still closed.
“I didn't drink anything in the club. Too busy with you.”
Just then, you realized you actually asked the question out loud.
“Sorry for ruining your celebration night. Probably didn't want to leave it with me,” you laughed quietly. When he approached you in the club, he thought you were a random pretty woman with whom he could share a drink and take her to his bed for a fun night.
“Whatever.” You could hear him shrug his shoulders. “Sorry for ruining your night. Though you don't have much to celebrate.”
That made you open your eyes and gaze at him. He was looking straight ahead, concentrating on the road ahead. The lights of the other cars occasionally landed on his face, and you wondered if he was always so handsome, or it were the cocktails speaking for you.
“Wow, even in an apology there's a hidden insult,” you snickered, though there was a small grin on your lips now. Yes, definitely the alcohol speaking for you, you told yourself.
This time, Fernando actually looked at you before he averted his sight back to the traffic. “I wasn't insulting you, Y/N. I was insulting the team.”
You raised your eyebrows, but didn't comment on it. It was pointless to argue over this, he had his opinion about Alpine and given the fact both your cars didn't finish two races in a row, you didn't have exactly the best arguments to convince him otherwise. After all, he was part of the team last year. And the year before.
For the rest of your ride, there wasn't much more said between the both of you. You were tired — not just because of the night out and drinking, but from the whole week, from the whole season.
Finally, he parked the car before a building you recognized. You didn't ask him how he knew which hotel your team booked, perhaps he remembered it was the same one as the year before. Honestly, you were just glad he helped you get out of the car and walked you inside.
Then, you found yourself in an elevator alone with Fernando, again. Though unlike a month ago, he gently held your hand for support this time.
You told him your room number and somehow, he got you all the way in front of the door. You thanked all the saints in the world when you dug the keys out of your purse. After three unsuccessful tries at unlocking the room, Fernando's patience apparently ran out. He took the keys out of your hand and silently opened the lock.
“Thanks,” you muttered, and let him lead you inside your own hotel room.
When the light switch turned on and illuminated all the papers lying around, he looked at you, flabbergasted.
“What's all this?”
You shrug your shoulders and look at him like he was stupid. Which he was, at least in your humble opinion. “Work. What else?”
“Yes, yes. But why is it… here?” He motions towards the desk, nightstands, and bed.
“Because I don't have time to do it all in the office.”
“You work overtime?”
Now you were starting to get irritated.
“Yes, I work overtime. Maybe if you weren't so insistent in thinking I'm a dumb party girl ever since I made one stupid mistake in your car's analysis a year ago, you'd see I'm actually trying my best.” You hated how hurt you sounded, pathetic in your own ears.
But honestly, who was he to judge you? You never actually stood up to him before, defended yourself against his mean words. You always sucked it up, let him complain about you to your boss, who almost fired you because of the driver's obvious distaste for you. And when he left the team at the end of last year, you never tried to contact him, talk to him. Fix your non-existent relationship.
Today, though, you had enough. Maybe it was the alcohol giving you courage, maybe it was his shocked face when he realized you actually did your job.
“Y/N, I-”
“Get out,” you said in a tone that didn't allow for any objections. Fernando seemed to understand, but the pained expression didn't leave his face when he slowly walked to the door. Like he didn't really want to leave, like he desperately wanted to tell you something.
You didn't care about him. He never cared about you before as well, did he?
And so, with one last, regretful look in his dark eyes, Fernando Alonso left your hotel room. When tears ran down your cheeks, you weren't sure why you were even crying.
You were avoiding him after that. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, but you managed and after surviving the Belgian Grand Prix in Spa, you were excited about the summer break as never before. Almost a whole month without races, which meant you wouldn't have to meet anyone from the other teams, including Fernando.
Usually, the team worked tirelessly through the summer break — it was a great chance to have a proper look into the car's engine and come up with new ideas and improvements. God knew you needed that. Typically, you were amongst those loyal employees, basically living in the Alpine headquarters.
However, this year you really wanted a break. So you used your vacation days and stayed in your flat, finally sleeping like a normal person for once, eating home-cooked meals instead of team catering and enjoying the summer, though the weather could be better in England.
It was the start of August when you started finding flower deliveries on the threshold of your door. First, you thought it's a mistake, though what woman would refuse a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers. When it happened a whole week in a row, you thought about having a secret admirer or, in the worse case scenario, a stalker. Though, you still took the flowers inside every morning, cherishing them.
And then, one day, there was an envelope attached to the bouquet, and you had to curse yourself for being so, so stupid. Of course it's him, Fernando. Begging you to talk to him, to let him explain. One dinner, he said. One dinner, and then he'll let you go on about your life.
When he tried to write a poem in the middle of August, you finally gave in. You found his old phone number saved amongst many other contacts and sent him a simple “okay”.
The next morning, there was a time and address of the restaurant in the envelope.
You didn't let yourself get too excited about any of it. It's Fernando Alonso, the man who almost caused you to get fired from your dream job, the one that was so mean to you after making wrong assumptions about you and your way of life. Yes, he was trying now, but was that enough?
When the taxi dropped you off in front of the fancy restaurant, you took a deep breath. You had a simple dress on, light makeup, and a few accessories.
You walked into the empty restaurant. The waitress smiled at you when you told her the name of the reservation and led you to the only set table. You could see the deep brown eyes looking directly at you from afar.
Suddenly, nervousness settled in your stomach. If you didn't know better, you'd think this was a date — it certainly felt like one.
Without a word, he helped you sit down on a chair across from him and the waitress handed you the menu. It was without prices, but you were certain this place was lavish and expensive. Perhaps Fernando didn't want you to worry about it and let you order anything you wanted. And you tried not to be too impressed by that.
“You look very beautiful, hermosa,” he spoke after a minute of tense silence while you pretended to be interested in the menu. You didn't miss the fact he used the same nickname like that night in the club, when he thought you were someone else.
“Compliments won't make it easier for you.” Maybe you lied, because you liked him calling you beautiful.
“I know, but I couldn't help myself.”
The waitress came back with a bottle of wine that Fernando must've ordered before you arrived. You took a sip and it tasted like heaven. It almost made you forget about everything, almost.
“Please, can we talk?” You never heard his voice sound so… unsure.
“Aren't we talking right now?”
“Y/N.” The way he said your name was so soft, so delicate.
“Fernando.” You saw him flinch, and you realized it was probably the first time you called him by his first name. Suddenly, the whole situation felt more intimate.
He gulped, but there was determination written all over his face. Fernando Alonso wasn't the type of man to give up, you knew that. His amazing racing career was proof of that.
“Listen to me, please. I know that you have the right to never speak to me again after how I treated you. But I want to fix it, Y/N.”
Those brown eyes were going to be the death of you, burying themselves into your soul, your heart.
“I want to fix all of it, Y/N,” he repeated with all seriousness. “If you let me,” Fernando added.
And how could you say no to him? Deep down, you always admired him. Liked him, even. Before that fuck up with his car's analysis, you thought he might like you back. You always wanted his approval, and that was one of the reasons why his words and insults hurt so much.
Sometimes, people deserved second chances. Especially when they were looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
Slowly, you nodded. “I think I might let you, Fernando.” You smiled, liking how his name felt on your tongue. “But it's not going to be easy, I'm telling you that,” you warned him with a raised finger.
“I wouldn't dream of anything less,” he replied with a thick Spanish accent that was stronger when he felt emotions. Fernando returned your smile and clinked his glass with yours.
Brazil was a good race. Both Alpine cars ended up in points and Fernando, your Fernando, got another podium. You clapped along with others during the podium ceremony, eyes just for him. A proud feeling settled in you, and as he accepted his trophy for well deserved third place, he looked down at the gathered crowd. Mostly people from Aston Martin, McLaren, and Red Bull.
And then there was you — in your Alpine t-shirt, clapping for the driver who scandalously left your team last year, without a care in the world. That was when he knew he loved you, and that he'll always will.
You knew you loved him too when, after all the celebrating around the circuit died down or moved to clubs and private parties, instead of going to his hotel room, he knocked on the door of yours. Checking on you.
“Hermosa, I hope you're not working.” He rolled his eyes as he stepped in, seeing you indeed staring into your notebook at some data he probably shouldn't see as a part of a rival team.
“But Nando, I need to finish these-”
He cut you off the best way he could — hugging you from behind, gently turning your head towards him and placing his lips on yours. You instantly melted into the kiss, giving up the fight before it could even start.
“I think you need to properly celebrate your boyfriend winning,” he smirked, biting your lip teasingly. You felt like a teenage girl when the butterflies took off in your stomach.
Fernando slowly walked you to the bed, never parting your lips, as if his life depended on kissing you. You sat on his lap, your hips grinding against his as you moaned into his mouth.
And he couldn't help himself. He wanted to take you out on a magical date and tell you there, but how could he keep it a secret when you were sitting on him, so beautiful that his heart clenched. Smart and pretty girl. His smart and pretty girl.
“Te amo,” he whispered into your sweet lips, and your breath caught.
You pulled back a little, looking at him, silently asking if you heard him correctly.
“Te amo, Y/N,” he repeated. You knew enough Spanish for your eyes to tear up. “I love you very much.”
There was a heartbeat of silence, probably the longest one in your whole life.
“I love you too. So much,” you whispered back. And then, for him: “Te amo, Fernando.”
Now it was his turn to tear up, hold your face in his hands and press your foreheads together.
Perhaps the fate and its plans for you weren't so horrible after all.
Author's Note: Wow, if you read it all to the end, thank you very much! I'll be glad for likes, comments, reblogs, follows and every other way of support. Let me know how you liked this story and if you'd maybe like another oneshot from this "universe" because I have to admit, this version of Fernando and Y/N kind of grew on me... Have a great day and see you at the next post! :)
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Absolutely - Spencer Reid
A/N: I have absolutely NO idea where this came from and I know nobody asked for it but here it is xD number two of the story winners :) depending on how this story goes I might reopen the Criminal Minds fandom :D and I also want to thank @mycobrakai1972​ so much for your help, love :) 
Warnings: Spencer being an asshole (so he may be a bit OOC and it’s just in the beginning, but he apologizes :D) the reader stutters when she’s nervous and I think that’s it but always please let me know if I missed anything!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Criminal Minds :D gif isn’t mine :)  
This is the story of a girl Who cried a river and drowned the whole world And while she looks so sad in photographs I absolutely love her... when she smiles
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It had all started as a shitty day.
"Good morning, Spencer" you smiled when he walked inside the break room.
"Morning" he replied, grumpily, making his way over to the coffee maker.
"Are you okay?" you asked, worried. It wasn't like Spencer to come in late. And you knew that if he was late, most likely he hadn't had breakfast. And you knew that if he hadn't had breakfast, it meant he had a headache.
"Yeah, I just have a headache" he confirmed your suspicion, pouring his coffee with sugar.
"Um... maybe you should eat something instead?" you suggested, knowing by experience that coffee would only make the headache worse and wondering if this was something that he should know, being a genius and all, or he simply didn't care. "I brought some banana muffins if you'd like one" you offered, grabbing the plate of muffins.
"I'm not hungry, thanks" he muttered, ignoring the grumble on his stomach. He loved your banana muffins.
"Oh, okay" you said, making Spencer feel slightly bad when your smile dropped. He had never declined one from you. "I also have some aspirin on my desk if you need-"
"I'm fine" he smiled firmly at you.
"Um, wait" you said before he could leave. You felt a little bad when you heard him sigh frustrated, but you still tried to smile at him. "Sorry, um... would you mind getting my mug down for me? Please?" you asked, pointing at the top shelf where he saw your mug. Spencer didn't say anything, but he placed his mug on the counter before he reached for yours and handed it to you.
"Why do you always put it on the top shelf?" he asked annoyed, not really waiting for a response as he left the room before you could even tell him it wasn't you who put it there or before you could even thank him.
You sighed, making yourself some coffee before you walked over to your desk, next to Spencer. He silently watched you offer the banana muffins to Derek, in front of you, and the rest of the team quickly came to get one. He heard his stomach grumble again. He didn't know why he had turned you down. He just wasn't in a good mood and really didn't want you to see him that way. He brushed it off, thinking maybe he could get one from you later, once his headache was over. Which was obviously getting worse with his coffee. But he knew it would pass.
Except it didn't. It had to be one of those long, horrible days filled with nothing else than boring paperwork. Morgan came over every ten minutes to go over something on his paperwork when Spencer fully knew it was because he wanted him to do it for him. He was too tired and fatigued to argue with him, so he would just correct what was needed and hand it back to him.
"Thanks, kid" Derek smiled, walking away from him. He had noticed you looking at him from time to time, but you quickly looked away when you were caught. "Hey, pretty girl" Spencer saw Derek walk over to you. "Is it okay if I take the last muffin?" he asked, pointing at the plate that only had one muffin left.
Spencer felt his leg shaking. He wanted to walk over there and said he didn't get a muffin earlier (skipping the part of you offering them to him before anyone else) and grab that last muffin. But he didn't. He saw you looking at him and he quickly went back to his work.
"Um... sure" he heard you say shyly as you looked back at Derek. "I don't think anyone else wants it" you replied.
"Thanks, doll. You're the best!" Morgan said, grabbing it, and walking away to the break room.
By lunchtime, everyone had picked up on Spencer's foul mood and had been avoiding him like the plague. It was unusual for the young genius to be so grumpy. But you imagined that him being late and disrupting his entire routine, not having had anything to eat, having a headache, and having to fix Morgan's mistakes, he was bound to explode at some point. Which is why everyone seemed to be tip-toeing around him.
When Penelope asked if you wanted to come to lunch with her and Morgan, you declined, saying that you were behind on your paperwork, which was a lie. You were almost done, and you wanted to help Reid with his since, you noticed he was actually behind, which was another odd thing to happen. But you could tell he wasn't being able to concentrate since he would press his hand to his forehead every few minutes, which meant his headache was getting worse. Once the bullpen was empty, you carefully approached Spencer and placed your hand on his shoulder, making him jump on his chair.
"Sorry, sorry, I... didn't mean to scare you" you apologized. "I just... wanted to know if you... um-"
"Yes?" he asked annoyed.
It was like you were delaying him on purpose. But in your head, this was your chance to get him to go to lunch with you. And maybe he could eat something, relax and you can give him the surprise you had brought for him.
"Would you want to go to have lunch with me? I n-noticed you haven't eaten anything a-and-"
"I can't. I need to finish this" he simply said, feeling even worse because of how deflated you became.
"Oh, well, I'm a-almost done with mine. I can help you i-if you'd like and just grab some sandwiches from-"
"That's okay. I can handle it" he told you.
"Oh, I d-didn't mean that-"
"Seriously, you should just go to lunch" he said, looking at you in a way he hadn't before. You felt a small pain in your heart and you decided to drop it.
"Um... o-okay" you said nervously. You walked over to your desk and opened your first drawer to take out a package of cookies. You at least had to try to get some food in him. "Hey, Spence, did you know that Fig Newtons are named after a town in Massachusetts and not after the scientist?" you asked with a small smile, walking back to him. Your smile instantly fell when he glared at you. He actually glared at you.
"Yes, I knew that" he lied. That was probably one of the very few things he didn't know. And he actually found it really interesting.
"Oh" you chuckled sadly. Of course, he knew. He's a fucking genius. "I just... thought it was an interesting fact" you muttered, placing the cookies on his desk. "Take a break and eat something, okay?"
You were gone before he could say anything else. Leaving him alone with the package of cookies in his hand.
The day was almost over. This was going to be your best opportunity. You opened your bottom drawer and saw the neatly wrapped book you had gotten for Spencer. He had barely acknowledged you for the rest of your shift. And now, that everyone else was gone, it was your last chance.
You saw Spencer coming back from the breakroom with his probably fifth cup of coffee and you noticed he didn't even wave goodbye to Emily and JJ who were just leaving. You took a deep breath and tried to convince yourself that this was still a good idea. You grabbed the gift, stood up, and slowly made your way towards his desk.
"Hey, uh, Spence-?" You startled him, making him jump a little and his coffee got on his shirt and some of the papers that he was working on. "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry, I-"
"What? What could you possibly need now?" he snapped, not even looking at you as he grabbed some napkins to clean himself and his desk up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Oh no, of course you didn't. This is just classic of you. I mean, things just sort of happen around you and it's never your fault" he said, upset.
"S-Spencer, I get that you're upset, b-but I was just t-trying to-"
"Do you? Do you really get it because it doesn't seem that way! You have tried to annoy me all day!" he said, making your heart break into a million pieces. Spencer had never talked to you like this, or anyone else for that matter. His voice was full of anger. "Everyone else seemed to notice that I just wasn't in the mood to talk, but not you. Of course, you would still be here, trying to get my attention on something! You were really too much today! I just wanted to be left alone but you refused to just give me some peace! You can't just take a hint when you're being a lot, can you?"
The second the words left Spencer's mouth he felt like complete shit. He had no right to talk to you like that. Especially when you had tried all day to be nothing but nice to him. And when he turned around to face you and was ready to apologize, his heart shattered into a million pieces when he saw the wrapped present in your hands. You remembered. He was certain that everyone had forgotten. But not you. And he had just yelled at you. The look in your eyes was so broken, if anyone else had spoken to you that way, he would instantly want them dead. But it had been him. He had caused you that pain. Spencer could swear he saw the second the light in your eyes stopped. The light that was always there when you looked at him and now it was shut down. And it was all his fault.
"I j-just... uh-" you stuttered, something that Spencer hadn't seen you do in a very long time. "I w-was g-going to ask if you uh- n-nevermind" you said, quickly looking away from him and begging that the tears wouldn't fall from your eyes. "I'm s-sorry" you said, making him feel sick to his stomach. You were sorry. He snapped at you, and you were saying sorry. "Happy birthday, R-Reid" Reid. Not Spencer. Reid. You quickly placed the gift on his desk and left as fast as you could not noticing Spencer sighing and hitting his desk out of frustration. He was an idiot.
The next day, Spencer was the first one to come in. His leg kept bouncing up and down as he eyed your empty desk, waiting for you to arrive. However, he was interrupted when Penelope burst into the bullpen, heading out straight for Spencer's desk and making a fuzz about forgetting his birthday. She apologized endlessly and insisted that the whole team had to go out that night to make it up to him even if Spencer kept on insisting it wasn't a big deal.
He missed your entrance because everyone was surrounding his desk but he noticed when Penelope turned around to walk over to you.
"Hey, my favorite sugar plum" she smiled at you. "We're taking Spencer out to dinner because of his birthday" she explained. "Are you in?"
Spencer felt his heart racing, waiting for your answer. He desperately wanted you to come. Some part of him still hoped that you could forgive him for his previous behavior even though he knew he didn't deserve it.
"Oh" you smiled wearily and quickly looked in Spencer's direction. "I'm uh- I'm s-sorry, I can't t-today" you lied.
"Why not?" Penelope demanded. "This might be your chance to finally ask him out" she whispered so only you would hear.
"Yeah... I decided n-not to do that, Pen" you said, sadly. "I really d-don't think he's interested."
"Wait, did something happen?"
"No" you quickly said. "N-nothing happened I just... think it's best if I m-move on, you know? I'm gonna go get some coffee" you said, walking away before she could press into the matter any further.
Penelope turned to look at Spencer, who quickly pretended he wasn't just looking at that entire interaction and stood up to follow you.
Spencer's voice startled you as you stood on the counter trying to reach for your mug. Because you jumped a little, you miscalculated where you placed your foot, making you stumble, miss the counter, fall to the ground, and hit your head.
"Shit!" you muttered under your breath.
"Oh my- shit!" he said, walking closer to you and kneeling down to help you. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?"
"I'm f-fine" you said, bringing your hand up to your forehead.
"Why were you on the counter?" Spencer asked confused.
"D-Derek keeps putting my m-mug on the top shelf" you explained, making Spencer feel bad for thinking that it was you who placed it there so he would have to help reach for it.
"How do you know it's him?"
"I just heard him laugh about it with uh- Emily" you said as he helped you up.
"Well, that's mean, why don't you ask him to-?"
"It's fine, S-uh-Reid" you corrected yourself, missing the pain in Spencer's eyes when you didn't call him by his first name. "He only does it so-" you stopped midsentence. You know Derek did that so you would have to ask Spencer for help. They were all in on it. Even Hotch. You were sure. "N-nevermind" you finished.
"Um-" he said awkwardly before he easily reached out for your mug and offered it to you. "Here."
"Thank you" you said, quietly. You then moved over to make your coffee, hoping that Spencer would leave, but of course, he didn't.
"Um- listen, I wanted to apologize to you" he said, making you look back at him.
"You don't have to apologize, R-Reid" you told him.
"Yes, I do" he insisted. "I'm sorry I snapped at you" he said.
"Look, you were stressed, I g-get it. It happens. Honestly, don't worry about it. It's fine-" you said, trying to walk out of the break room, but he blocked your way.
"No, it's not fine" he told you. "While I appreciate you understanding that I was stressed, I still had no right to talk to you that way" he said, quietly. "Or said what I did-"
"It's o-okay" you insisted. And then, you said something that broke Spencer's heart even worse than it already was. "It's not like you're the f-first person to say it. I get it. I can be a lot" you told him.
Spencer was an excellent profiler. Everyone knew that. So, of course, he saw the way you were trying to brush it off as a casual comment. But your eyes were your biggest tell. And he knew that he had struck your weak spot.
"Hey, kids" you were grateful to hear Rossi coming in. "We got a new case. Conference room. Now" he instructed. Spencer sighed and looked at you before he walked out of the break room. "You okay, kid?" David asked, looking at you.
"Yeah" you nodded with a small smile. "Thank y-you."
"Don't mention it" he winked at you as you both made your way out and to the conference room.
The first thing Spencer noticed about the change in your behavior was your stutter. When you started in the BAU, this was the first thing he noticed about you. When you were so nervous to even speak out loud. He also noticed how it lessened once you started feeling more comfortable with the team.
And now, it was back. Not only that but because it was back, you became remarkably more silent. Because he knew this was something you didn't particularly like about yourself. He realized he hadn't paid as much attention to you as he should have. Because he had never really asked you about it, assuming you didn't like talking about the subject.
Also, now that you were not sitting next to him, as you usually did, it was the first time he noticed the way you took notes in your notebook. He saw that you took notes with different colors depending on which one on the team had made the observation. He wasn't sure if each color meant something to each person but he did see that his notes were purple and he wondered if it was a coincidence or if you knew that this was his favorite color.
On the flight, he noticed how quiet you were and that you did not talk unless you were spoken to. Mostly when Hotch would ask about your opinion on something, but other than that, you would only scribble away in your notebook. It killed him. He realized how much your input and your thoughts meant to him. You often participated a lot more even if it was just adding to someone else's comment. But now, it was as if you were almost afraid to speak again. And he knew it was his fault. And he also knew that he wasn't the only one who noticed.
The thing that surprised him the most was when you arrived to interrogate the family of the unsub's latest victim. While Emily and David went to the crime scene, Hotch assigned JJ and Derek to talk to the husband, Spencer and you were assigned to her son. When the kid's father informed you that he was deaf, you smiled kindly at him to let him know that you knew ASL. Spencer looked at you, surprised. He had no idea that you knew sign language. He turned to look at Hotch, who only nodded, meaning he probably knew and that's why he had assigned you to talk to the kid, and he followed you.
He watched you interact with the small scared boy who was about eight years old. Spencer saw his anxious face as the two of you entered the room and walked closer to him.
You knelt down to his level and placed your hand on the table, making him look up at you and you smiled kindly at him.
"Hello" you signed to him before spelling your name while also saying the words so Spencer would understand you. Spencer could tell you somehow felt more relaxed for some reason. "This is Dr. Reid" she introduced him. Spencer saw the boy look quickly at him and then back at you signaling quickly. You chuckled lightly. "No, he's a different kind of doctor" you informed him. "What's your name?" Spencer saw the young boy nervously sign his name and you smiled sweetly at him. "Luke?" you signed back. "Like Luke Skywalker?" you said, making a bright smile appear on the small boy who nodded happily. "You know, he was my favorite character in Star Wars. Dr. Reid made me watch them all" you signed to him.
"I did not" Spencer complained.
"Luke, do you mind if Dr. Reid and I ask you a few questions?" you signaled, ignoring Spencer's comment. Luke then signaled something to you that made you laugh, and it made Spencer realize how much he had missed your laugh. And he couldn't remember the last time you laughed with him.
"What?" he asked, curiously.
"He likes that your socks are different" you informed him, making Spencer smile at Luke.
Realistically this had been one of the shortest cases the team had in a very long time. Thankfully, you were able to catch the unsub on time, and in a couple of days, you were on the jet back home.
But for Spencer, this had felt like the longest case in his career. For some reason, it hadn't dawned on him, until now, how big was your part in his life. He had easily grown accustomed to you being there. Sitting next to him, talking to him about the latest movie you watched or the book he had recommended for you to read. Asking him to teach you to play chess. You were always there for him. He was only now acknowledging how much you actually meant to him. And he had screwed everything up.
"You haven't talked to her yet?" Spencer was snapped out of his thoughts by David, who sat next to him and he looked at him briefly before his eyes traveled back to you.
You were sitting by yourself in the back of the jet, with your headphones on. Aside from him and David, you were the only one that was awake. Even Hotch was at least resting his eyes, which rarely happened.
"She uh-" he cleared his throat. "She doesn't want to talk to me" he said sadly. "And I don't blame her" he told David.
"Well, that's where you apologize, genius" David informed him.
"You don't think I've tried?"
"That day in the break room? That was it?"
"Well, I just..." he sighed. "I don't even know what to tell her anymore. It's like she's a completely different person now" he said.
"So... this whole genius thing, does it not work when it comes to women?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're just realizing this. Now?"
"Realizing what?"
"That you're in love with her" David pointed out.
"What? I'm not- huh-" he chuckled. "I'm not in love with her... am I?"
"You tell me, kid. You're the one that has not been able to stop thinking about her and is desperately trying to get her to forgive you for... whatever it is you said to her" he explained.
"Yes, because it's the right thing to do. I upset her" Spencer said, trying to be logical.
"Yes, but you already apologized once. If it were me, or Hotch, or, Emily, would you still feel the need to apologize to us?"
"I've never said anything that hurtful to either of you. Or to anyone really" he insisted. "And the worst part is that she was just trying to be nice to me. She was the only one that remembered my birthday and all day she had tried to make me feel better" he explained.
"Well, that's what people do for the people they love" David told him.
"You didn't know that either? You know, I'm starting to doubt if this whole genius is actually true" he laughed, making Spencer glare at him a little.
"She doesn't love me" he insisted. "We're just friends!"
"Uh-huh, so that's the only reason why she's always reading the books you recommend or watching the movies or the shows you like, so she has something to talk to you about" he started. "Or learning new fun facts to tell you about. And did you know that she's actually a really good baker? But for some reason, she only brings banana muffins into the bullpen. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the first time she brought them in, you casually mentioned that they were your favorite" he explained.
And suddenly, everything made sense to Spencer.
"Why didn't I realize this before?"
"My guess? You took it for granted" Rossi shrugged.
"Well, what do I do now? I just started noticing things that I didn't before. I didn't even know she knew sign language and she..." he looked at you with his eyes filled with sorrow.
"She started stuttering again" David pointed out, making Spencer look down at his lap, sadly. "Do you know why she stutters? Or why she knows ASL?"
"No" Spencer admitted.
"Well, you can maybe start by... asking her" David suggested.
"But isn't that intruding on her personal life?"
"Or... maybe... she would feel like you're finally taking an interest in her" he told him. "You know, as she has been with you all this time" he instructed, grabbing his book and going back to the page he had marked.
"Hold the elevator!"
After landing, the team still went to the office to finish the case's paperwork. This time, Spencer was the first one to finish, while you were the last one. But he waited until you grabbed your things and made your way out. You held the door of the elevator, cursing a little at yourself for not letting it just close as Spencer walked inside.
"Hi" he said, with a small, awkward wave and you smiled at him. But it wasn't the same smile you always had whenever you saw him and it broke his heart.
"Hi" you said, quietly.
"Did you get to finish all your paperwork?" he asked and you simply nodded. "At least we have to morrow off" he smiled. "Do you have any plans?"
"Um... I don't know" you replied silently, looking down at your hands. Spencer felt a small pain in his heart. You were shutting him out.
"Could you please... look at me?" he said softly, waiting for you to do so but you kept your eyes on your legs. "Look, I am extremely sorry for what I said to you" he stated.
"It's f-fine-"
"No, it's not fine" he insisted before he pressed down the 'Stop' button and the elevator jumped a little before it completely came to a halt.
"S-Spencer, what are you doing?" you asked. He had no idea, but he was back to Spencer so he was not backing up now. "Don't you hate confined spaces?"
"Yes, I'm not particularly fond of them since I got stuck in one with Derek and-"
"Sorry, not the point! I need to talk to you, okay? I know you said it was fine but, what I said to you is it's not fine! Firstly, because I was an enormous jerk to you when you were only trying to make me feel better" he continued. "But mostly, because what I said wasn't true. It wasn't true at all! I know what being called something like that feels like. I know you've noticed how everyone reacts when I start rambling about my facts and you always listen to them and even ask me some questions about it even if you are not interested in them. And not just that day but, you've actually been doing this since I met you. And it is so stupid of me to not realize this until now, and I am so sorry and I am an idiot. I know I don't deserve it, but I really hope that you can forgive me. You can take as much time as you need. And I would love to get to know you better because you are honestly one of the most interesting people that I know. I didn't even know you knew ASL and if it wasn't for that and you being able to talk to that little kid, we might have not even been able to solve this case as quickly as we did. So, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for snapping at you and being an asshole to you. I'm sorry for not paying the attention that you deserve, I'm sorry for taking you for granted, and if you let me, and forgive me, which again, I know I don't deserve, I would really like to make it up to you" he rambled incredibly fast before he pressed the button again and the elevator started moving once more, arriving at your destination. "W-well, I guess that's it" he said, awkwardly as he exited the elevator. "I could walk you to your car if you'd like- or-" he sighed. "N-nevermind" he said, before he turned around and was about to walk away.
"Do you need a ride?" you asked, walking out of the elevator after Spencer and he stopped, looking back at you. "Um- I know that y-you didn't drive today a-and it's on m-my way-"
"I'd love one" Spencer blurted out. You nodded firmly, smiling and walking over to your car with him. The ride was silent. It was too silent for Spencer's liking, but you were slowly talking to him again and he was not going to ruin it by pushing you to talk more than you wanted to. He would take what he could get.
"M-my brother is deaf" you said, suddenly, making Spencer stop and look back at you. "My l-little brother" you continued. "That's why I know sign language" you explained, noticing the hopeful gaze in Spencer's eyes as he looked intently at you. "I learned since I was a kid. M-my dad and my two older brothers were... n-not very nice people" you told him. "After my m-mom passed away, I only talked to m-my little brother" you smiled sadly. "Eventually I s-stopped talking altogether. For years. When I started t-talking again, it came back with a stutter" you told Spencer. "It still comes out when I'm n-nervous" you said.
"I still think it is really impressive that you know ASL" Spencer told you, making a small smile appear on your face. "I'm sure your brother appreciated it too" he said.
"He does" you nodded. "He's actually coming in a f-few weeks to visit" you continued.
"That's great" Spencer said, feeling optimistic that you were opening up to him. "Maybe you can teach me ASL. I have always wanted to learn" he told you.
"Wow" you gasped, dramatically. "Something Dr. Spencer Reid doesn't know that I get to teach him?" you mocked, laughing a little, which was music to Spencer's ears as you parked in front of his home.
"Hey, um... I really don't want to push my luck here but... since we're off tomorrow if... you don't have any plans m-maybe you'd like to go to eat or something?" he asked, nervously. "I mean, if you're not busy. And if you want to, I understand if you prefer to-"
"Um... well" you said, feeling yourself smile at how sweet he looked nervous. "I'm... not doing anything right now. And I'm actually really hungry" you said, looking at him.
"Oh... OH!" Spencer smiled back at you, making you chuckle a little. "Um... would you like to go somewhere? Or we can order something and w-watch a movie" he suggested.
"Takeout and a movie sound nice" you said, turning the car off, and the two of you walked over to Spencer's apartment.
"So, um-" Spencer started, as you noticed he got closer to you and your hands suddenly linked and neither of you bothered to remove it. "Are Fig Newtons really named after a town in Massachusetts and not after the scientist?"
"I think so" you smiled. "I saw it on an episode of the Big Bang Theory."
The End
A/N: ahhh xD I hope you liked it! :D again, depending on how this goes I might reopen tje Criminal Minds fandom to write more for it :) so, let me know what you think!
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twisted-king · 4 months
Hello! Since you also write genshin, I've thought about reader or F!S/O being from Teyvat. But that isnt really the main point. How 'bout their F!S/O is from Sumeru and is strictly bestfriends with Cyno and Alhaitham. How would Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil feel about their F!S/O having boy bestfriends back at her world? Maybe if they're jealous, reader tries to comfort them by saying that Alhaitham is engaged(to Kaveh)XD Lol
You dont have to do this if its to much♡
Oddly specific but I like the cut of your jib!
Also can be read as genter neutral, I don't reall mention gender on this one?
Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil X F!SO from Teyvat
who is also besties with Cyno and Alhaitham
Trey Clover
Well youre from a whole different world! Magic seems to exist in some capacity at least.
He doesn't know what a Zatyun peach or a Sunsettia is.
But he tries v hard to make you things that remind you of home sometimes!
He actually does a pretty good job at it too!
And thats where the issue arives.
Whenever he asks about your homeland he knows he is going to hear about your best friends
He's trying SO hard to be normal about this
Trey loves you so much but, he gets a little jealous!
You've done so much with these two!!!
"And Cyno's jokes are the absolute WORST! I swear some of the things he says are worse than Ace's!" "Oh that's... nice!"
but they're your best friends! He really shouldn't be jealous.
"I still don't understand why Alhaitham is so jacked, like all he does is read books all day!"
He really shouldn't be jealous
"And I'm kind of glad its never too hot around here! Like I know he works primarily in the desert but like put a shirt on sometimes! You know?"
But damm its hard.
He tries to be subtle (not really)
"So have you ever like... done anything with one of these guys?" "What do you mean?" "Like have you dated one of them..?"
oh.... OH!
You laugh at that, he's embrassed "Oh gosh NEVER! They both have boyfriends anyhow! Alhaitham is engaged!" "Oh."
You nod and give him a little kith
Wow he's relieved!
Azul Ashengrotto
He loves learning about you and your home world! Truly!!!
Azul thinks your mind is briliant, you're so smart and quick on your feet due to years of travel!
With travel comes a lot of experiences
a lot.
without him.
He's playing it cool though! suuuper cool
"Oh I remember Alhaitham would never answer anything that wasnt formatted or completed properly! maybe you could do the same? it would certainly free up some time, no?" "Of course it woudl free up some time, dear... But" "buut?" "Well it wouldn't be fitting of my benevolent nature now would it, my love?"
Azul keeps trying to prove he's a better boyfriend than your old friends
He needs you to know he's the best option for you <3
"And could this 'Cyno' make you a delightful seafood pasta like this?" "No, not really, he was more into rice." "I see..."
Oh hey he made you curry and rice
You know, by the way. He is NOT sneaky
After another bout of showing off, you finally say something.
"They have boyfriends, you know?" "huh?" "Cyno and Alhaitham? they have partners. You don't have to be jealous." "Why would I be jealous, dearest?"
Denies his jealous to this day but he gets happier after you reassure him.
Jade Leech
Yeah he's super cool about this!
for the most part...
He's extremely interested in learning about the flora in your world!
and he thinks those vishap creatures you compare him to sound rather interesting.
Jade being rather curious in nature comes in handy! since he doesnt seem to get jealous.
His questions are... odd, though. they kind of make sense?
"Cyno once took out like-- 10 guys in like a MINUTE! it was so cool! "Is he that fast in the depths of the sea?" "No-" "I see..."
Sometimes he's a little less slick though
"OH my gosh Alhaitham is so weird about soup! He hates the stuff because it could get on his books of all things!" "Does he consume beverages as he reads? tea perhaps?" "Yeah, sometimes." *Pleased eel noises*
He's just being careful :)
Jade often prefers to dicuss your best friends while in the kitchen. he likes spending this time with you!
And he has his knives and mushrooms at his disposal.
*chop chop chop* "And so Haitham and I used to skip out on akademiya meetings together-" *chopchopchop-* "But Cyno would ALWAYS 'catch' us just before the meeting would actually ends-" *ChopChopChopChop-* "So then he'd bring us to Kaveh, Alhaitham's fiance to-" "He has a fiance?" "yeah,why?" "no reason." *chop~ chop~ chop~*
He's still keeping the information from his... questioning in mind.
Can't be too careful, after all.
Floyd Leech
He loves his shrimpy's stories!!!
He hates his shrimpy's stories :((
Floyd is reaaal conflicted. He thinks you're so interesting! your world seems like fun!! he wants to go there with you.
But not with those men you keep talking about
"So sometimes there are these HUGE mushrooms that kind of act like a launchpad! they're super springy." "Eh? Jade might like soemthing like that... OOOH! do ya think if I throw someone (Ace) on one of those they'd still bounce?" "Yeah they would! one time while going after a criminal, Cyno had to-" "Eeeeh I'm bored. You coming to my next game?"
Subtlety? not THIS eel
He audibly groans when you bring them up sometimes.
But he still loves hearing you talk! so it really confusing sometimesz
"So genius invocation uses 8 elements, 7 from the nations, one is omni. Usually the cards are based off of vision users like Diluc of mondstadt, Arataki Itto, from Inazuma... OH! there is one of my best friend, Alhaitham, he's dendro and Cyno's is electro, its actually" Oh he's no longer looking at you.
You get an idea... "There is one of Haitham's fiance, Kaveh" "Oh really?"
You're his girlfriend, you know him best.
He's a little less weird about listening to your stories now, he's way more enaged.
He still tugs you closer to him when you mention other men, but thats kind of normal for him now.
Jamil Viper
A confident king? He's not really jealous. He knows he can be better than them.
Plus they're just friends to you.
But in all honestly he like... doesn't care too much about Teyvat.
You're here now, with him. not them.
Don't get him wrong, Jamil likes hearing about what your world!
There's only oneee little thing he doesnt love hearing.
"Sometimes I miss the food from Teyvat... Cyno always made the best Tahchin." "The best you say?" "Yeah! he shaped it like a pyramid every time he made it!" "Have you ever tried mine?" "You make tahchin!?"
He's smug, you'll love his cooking more than that Cyno's.
He serves you a plate of tahchin, golden brown, perfectly seasoned, barberries topping the rounded rice dish "So, what do you think?" "This is so good! I kind of miss the padisarah petals though.."
The hell is THAT?
"Is it... not up to your expectations, my flower?" "No its delicious! I think I just miss the way my friend would make it.."
He's a little grumpy about it!!
Jamil gets kind of huffy with you next time you're together.
He's not ignoring you but just don't bring up food for a while.
Snake man will just respond with "Why don't you ask Cyno." when it comes to cooking for the next day or two...
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gaoau · 3 months
i've been thinking a lot about Suo and i need it to stop, so i wanna analyse him a little bit and say things into the void. normally i like to psychoanalyse characters in fics but i've seen that side of the fandom and i do NOT wanna go there, so i'm saving myself by pulling the same thing i did with Nanao ig.
disclaimer: this isn't necessarily a theory about his backstory as much as it is what i personally wanna see happen. see, if i were writing him, i'd do very specific things that could go in various directions, but since i am not, unfortunately, writing him and he's not my character to fuck with, all i can do is yap. which, also, probably won't be very eloquent.
manga spoilers for literally the whole manga up to date btw.
i don't think we won't be getting a backstory on him, to be honest. with a character like him, yeah, the mystery is part of the charm, and having this much anticipation can suck ass if once the secret gets revealed, it doesn't stick the landing. but i doubt Nii Satoru doesn't have something planned for him. why would bro be leaving Suo's room illustration out of the fanbook if there wasn't something there to talk about? what is in his room to talk about? but that's not what this is about.
anyway i'm gonna be so fr Suo's built like a dog. he's clearly full of shit, and yknow, that's fine, good for him, but there are things that are so painfully obvious he's just straight up lying about. after his fight with Kanuma, which is deadass the first time we see him fight, he says he "doesn't usually get so emotional," which ?? shut the fuck up? that's not true.
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i know a liar when i see one. we've seen him fight five times? six if i wanna be generous; in three of those he got crazy emotional (Kanuma, keel, and Endo), and just a tiny bit miffed with the gymnast guy idr his name fuck that freak. which, listen, to be fair, if someone touched a single hair on Nirei's head in front of me, real me too i'd kill a guy. but look me in the eye lil bro don't lie to me. real talk, though, he was more than ready to kill the keel dude, and was going to. he wanted to. he was shaking while Sakura held him back, don't play with me. he wasn't gonna stop just cause someone was interjecting.
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bro was itching to kill, side-eyeing Sakura, spitting snark cause how's the hot-headed mf who jumps head-first into a brawl without a second thought staying more rational than him, the rational one? Sakura's talking to him the same way i talk to my dog after she tries to kill my cat. i'm ngl my dog has better self-restraint than this kid. he also just straight up xd's his way out of it? like "oh whoopsies! mb gang! i was just feeling silly goofy! 🤪" like he forgets he's not supposed to glare at people with murder in his eyes.
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speaking of murder! this is where i want him to have killed someone before Bofurin. he's, like, 15? so there's not much time to work with, but the same way Kaji was going feral at idk 8 years old, i can see a world in which Suo actually went overboard when he was a younger kid. (i'm not saying this is what things are pointing at, but i want this to be the case. i would do this myself.)
he is emotional, i don't think that's up for debate. i understand why he gets so emotional and i do think it's very noble and cool and swag of him, that's a good person, somewhat, he cares about his friends and it pisses him off when they get hurt. i fuck with that. that's great, get him an ice cream (if he even eats fucking weirdo). but why are we acting like "i am chill ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ" when, clearly, that's not true?
here's where his teacher comes in. for how much grief i'm giving him, i don't think he's all lies at all. i don't think him liking Nirei and Sakura enough to not only speak highly of them, but also fuck a guy up for them, is a lie. i think he is as kind as Umemiya describes him to be, cause honestly, if Umemiya says someone is kind, then they probably are.
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i don't think this is necessarily fake as much as i think it's borrowed. it's learned behaviour. it's teachings passed down to him by his teacher. it's discipline. it's not something that comes naturally to him, but it is something a person he respects and looks up to taught him, so he tries to live by it. he's very clearly been disciplined, probably got beaten into the ground by his teacher, got his ass handed to him again and again and again until he sharpened his reflexes and learned how to control himself in a fight.
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he talks a lot about adulthood, talks a lot about maturing, talks a lot about self-control and whatnot. which, by the way, this is a child? lil bro you're fifteen go play on your switch idk. but i'd like to think this comes from someone telling him, "hey, what you did was not okay. you have a lot of strength and you're not an animal. use it wisely so you can one day grow into a proper adult." solely cause i want him to have killed someone. that's all i want.
i think it would make sense, really. how funny would it be if he was living similarly to Sakura? i've seen people headcanon him as a rich kid, but he lies a lot, and i wouldn't put it past him to be living in a sad, lonely one-room apartment. there's a billion ways things could be done with him. maybe his parents didn't care to try disciplining him, maybe he grew up with no parents at all. he has a short fuse, that's easy to tell, even if he acts like he's got everything under control. it's a very Suzuri type of situation, so maybe it's not the direction Nii Satoru is gonna take things, but one can dream.
as for the eyepatch, i haven't really thought much about it. the way i see things, he's gotta come from a neglectful background, so losing an eye would make sense. or maybe he did it himself, i'd love to see that (i would do that with a character like this if he was mine). if his eye is even missing at all, cause all things considered, it might be sort of just a way to give himself a handicap to remind himself not to go overboard.
which, circling back to the self-restraint thing, i like to think that's the reason he doesn't really use much excessive force. not to say he doesn't kick and punch, cause lil bro packs a mean punch, but he doesn't gravitate to hitting people. he's usually using his opponent's weight and momentum against them, which is why i was decently surprised when i saw him grab the keel dude and wind back to bash his face in. he's not violent, until he lets go of what little self-restraint he has, and then he is. it's values and principles that come from someone else telling him how to behave, except he still struggles to hold himself back.
to put it in simple terms, if he were my character, this is what i would do. i'd have him kill someone by going overboard as a kid, have him be taken in by this teacher, have him disciplined and clean his act up by beating his ass, and then have him parrot all these teachings at people he meets later. cause that's essentially what he's doing, he's just repeating things someone else told him. what does bro know about being an adult he doesn't even pay taxes go do your trig homework. but he tries, and you can tell he's trying, even if it doesn't come natural, he cares about his friends and he cares about becoming a better person, he's just a little too quick to snap.
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you know what i mean? he cares about Nirei in particular, he loves Nirei, he tries to learn from Nirei. (guys i love Nirei i wont shut the fuck up). but fr, he's got that Nanao complex where he instigates things or sets things into motion and doesn't quite participate. he watches from the back, for better or for worse, but he doesn't necessarily involve himself in things. he keeps a distance. he feels like the other side to Sakura's coin sometimes, learning about people and how warm they actually are. he's all prim and proper and nonchalant, but he recognises he's no match for Sakura and maybe even Nirei. after all, it's always Nirei the one grabbing both of them by the arm and dragging them places.
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he talks so big and maturely about not meddling too much with people who can't quite handle friendship yet, and then goes "!" when Nirei tells him "? fuck are you talking about? that's the more reason to teach Sakura about friendship." it's the look on his face after Nirei, despite Suo's long-winded and logical argument, goes to Kotoha and insists they help Sakura anyway. he's learning from Nirei too. also Nirei's crazy endearing so real me too but that's beside the point.
i don't think these parts of him are fake, but they might just be artificial. he's still integrating them into his own person and making them his, but he still slips here and there. he's not quite there yet. i hope he killed someone when he was 8yo. that's all thank you for reading thumbsup
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
I also want to know more about your Minecraft boyos
You do? :0 Well sure! :DD Here I have a pretty old sketch of the whole Minecraft gang together. And a more recent sketch of just Melvin and a few others.
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These OCS were based on a Minecraft world I had with a friend. Everything that happened in that world I translated into these characters in some way. As for what that story is, I wont dig into the nitty gritty to keep it short, just the basics.
Our story starts with Melvin the Donkey. He came from a village of other anthropomorphic animals.. but at some point when he was a teen(?) the village was raided by pillagers and burnt down.. He was the only survivor.. He grew up out in the wilderness by himself. Eventually he found a pillager outpost..
Fueled by anger and a need for revenge, he stormed into the outpost and managed to burn it down and kill all the pillagers. In that outpost though there were 6 trapped Allays. In his blind rage the cages were destroyed. 1 Allay escaped out into the woods. 2 died in the fire Melvin created. 1 was greatly wounded and the last 2 stayed behind to help the injured one. After Melvin snapped out of his rage he saw the 3 remaining Allays and brought them to safety.
He made a campfire and tried to help the wounded Allay.. but alas.. its injuries were too severe. The allay died. The other 2 allays ended up staying with Melvin and traveled with him. In their travels they found the Allay that escaped into the woods, and they became a group of four.
Also during his travels he met Butters. A yellow Axolotl that left his village underground seeking adventure. He ended up becoming Melvin's best friend. Melvin had no say in the matter-
Sometime after that when the group was running through a thunderstorm, a skeleton they were about to run past was struck by lightning. Turning into 4 skeletons riding 4 skeleton horses. The skeletons attacked Melvin so he fought back. Knocking one skeleton off, the horse ran away. Battling the others he killed all 4 skeletons and had to take down the 3 horses.
After the battle was over, Melvin heard struggling nearby. He goes to investigate and finds the 4th horse stuck in a mud pit. He calms the horse down and helps it climb out. New friend aquired!
Now the Librarian, 2 fletchers and the golem came from a village that had been destroyed by pillagers. The golem had grabbed them and ran, knowing it couldn't win against the pillagers. The villagers though had no idea how to survive out in the wilderness. How to find food, how to hunt and kill.. That's when they met Melvin and they struck a deal. Melvin: "You tell your Golem to protect me and my friends, and I will teach you how to hunt, find food and cook said food." "Deal." New friends aquired!
Then lastly the wolves. They were 2 bothers that got separated somehow. Thinking that one of them injured his leg and was swept down a river..? Melvin's group found him and nursed him back to health. later on he was reunited with his brother but they decided to stick with Melvin's group. New friends acquired! XD
Aaaaaaand that's about the gist of it XDD Thank you for reading all of this if you made it that far! :}}
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sigeel · 2 months
I extremely enjoy your art and Punderworld! I am a Demeter sympathizer, I love and adore her character, so when I first read your comic, I was sad that Demeter was a helicopter parent, and it was unfortunately dropped for me. But I found your tumblr soon and realized that you also enjoy Demeter, which made me pick it up again (I love the story so far!!) I have a little question here that I ask here and there : In the scenario that Demeter is in danger, in pain or hurt (she would probably be able to do it herself, but for the sake of this question, let's say she can't) would Persephone help her? Or even be angry at the perpetrator and go rage mode on her? Thank you 😊
Hello!! Thank you so much for giving my comic another chance :D Demeter in my mind is an extremely complex character, she loves Persephone dearly but sometimes parents can overdo that love in a way where they do not want to see them grow up, especially if they make them their whole world. Demeter so far has alienated every God away which is also what is making her want to keep Persephone even closer to her chest.
There is also a bit of lore that involves Persephone and Demeter in my story that I do not want to reveal just yet, but it's also an extra reason why she will be angry her daughter is missing.
Moving forward there will be lots of character development, not just for Demeter but Persephone, Hades and other Gods too! I honestly can't wait to get to the Hades confrontation, that will be both unhinged and fun at the same time XD Its a coming of age story for... a lot of characters haha XD Also to answer your question, yes. Persephone loves her mother and would never want any harm come to her. She would absolutely come to her defense. In one of the recent episodes she also mentions their fight to Hades but waves it off as a: we often do that.
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it is unfortunate that they can't communicate in a calm way but sometimes arguing is equally valid for vocalizing ones wants and needs, despite how hurtful it can be, which in this case was effective because the next morning we see Demeter regretting her harsh words. Just.. sucks Persephone wasn't there to hear it XDDD
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kobb4ni2 · 8 months
Honestly, would love to see One Piece characters simping for Serpent reader, bc I am too LMAOOO I love this character OR like, Serpent reader dropping some insane lore randomly and everyone's like "ayoo what the-"
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TW: Mild suggestiveness, kidnapping and blackmailing
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Since Sea Serpent! Reader is practically hundreds of even thousand of years old, she has a lot of information, but not a lot a lot (I want Sea Serpent! Reader not to be that powerful/knowledgeable) I mean Sea Serpent! Reader only traveled the whole world ONCE before she went to hibernation.
BUT Sea Serpent! Reader lived during the viod century with Joyboy so that alone makes her an enemy or a top secret to the World Government, that’s why she’s under deep surveillance at the Marine base, Imu-sama and the Gorosei would visit her at her costumized room, remember Shirahoshi’s room? Yea that but much more bigger.
The Gorosei knows that Sea Serpent! Reader has a chokehold on them and so with that the Gorosei managed to keep Sea Serpent! Reader on a leash by blackmailing her, they know how strong Sea Serpent! Reader is so the best they can struck upon is her heart for those she saved they will use anything especially a buster call.
With those scenario in hand, the higher Marines would be the only ones she could see, which makes the Marine have more obsessive levels because of how much time they spend with her.
Akainu always reminding Sea Serpent! Reader that she’s on a leash and if she ever tries to do something funny the buster call is ready to be rung. Akainu doesn’t even need to kidnap her, she’s already kidnapped because of the higher ups.
Aokiji before, would also visit you, he’d try his best to warm up on him, but underneath that calming attitude he has, a deep desire to keep you and make you ONLY dependent on him, can really escape with your tail is covered in ice, you’d be much more easier to freeze for how much water you need because of you natural habitat. But after he left the Marines, the whole world already knows about he which pisses him, and the way that the whole Blackbeard crew wants you on their crew in every drunken conversation makes him break the glass that he was holding, his captain is even worst Teach would ask details about you, and when he has to answer it, he would see the dark intent in Teach’s eyes.
Kizaru in the other hand, is somehow like Aokiji, he is very lax indeed but he also needs you to be his, he would visit you almost daily, if he’s in a mission he’d call you, that’s why he’s always late to meetings because of how much time passes when he’s with you, Kizaru too is ruthless he would try to see if you can also get hurt by his light. Kizaru is a complicated one to read so you would never see what he would say or do whenever he calls or visit you at your room aka prison cell.
Fujitora knows how he’s the only Marine you trust, he doesn’t care if it’s because of pity or what but he loves it, he knows how bad being greedy is and he knew first hand, he saw many people full of greed, those people are one of the many reason why he blinded himself, but he can’t help it, he can’t help but be infatuated by you, your voice, smell, touch alone makes him want to be with you even longer, if he can turn back to time, he would met you first then blind himself so the last thing he would ever see is you on your glory.
Lucci is very much like Akainu, he would remind you how much people they could end if you ever slip one unwanted information out your lips, the lips that Lucci desperate wants to be bruised by his rough lips, he want your hand to soft touch his whole his tattered one tremble with pleasure while he’s underneath you…
Kaku is the same coin with Lucci, he’s was not born like an assassin like Lucci but grew up to be like one, he always make bullshit excuse to visit you and he knows that you always have your guard up when it comes to CP0 and that’s where his sweet talking goes into play, he’s always play like he had no other choice but be an assassin and those cruel oh days when he had nothing to eat because of Lucci being better when it comes to a competition. Kaku just needs comfort from you so why not hug him? Just ignore that he’s in a complete love struck when he gets a sniff of your fair [colored] skin.
Oh how much you make the top dogs of the Marine putty and yearning for you…
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Because I read your alphabet for Reiner, I can't help but think now 😭 about... Reiner gathering or mustering up all the courage to tell his SO "I-I want your hand on... on m-my h-head..." which to him might have been the most subtle and the least vulgar way to ask his very innocent SO for some jerking. But since his SO is not very good at sexual cues and stuff, they misinterpret it and gives him headpats instead, and praises him for being good or having worked hard.
Feels like that'd make him feel more needy because of the praise kink. xD
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"I-I want your hand on... on m-my h-head..."
You are interrupted in the middle of your reading by a familiar soft voice. Lifting your head, you see your boyfriend looking away shyly, his cheeks are slightly red as he is fidgetting with his fingers nervousely. It was weird, why would he be so embarrassed about some headpats? Innocent as you are, you smile sweetly to him.
"Sure! Sit down."
You pat the empty place beside you, your interesting book quickly abandoned on the side. Reiner's eyes immediately lits up and he sits down on the couch beside you with shining eyes. He was about to reach the upper button of his pants when he is suddenly startled with your hand resting delicately on his blonde hair.
"I am proud of you; you are always doing your best. I know I'm probably not telling you this enough but I love you."
You say with a proud voice, your fingers ruffling his golden locks with softness. Some days are harder for your boyfriend. However, he always manages to be here for you and gives you his love and affection even when he is feeling like his whole world is crumbling. You could not express how much you loved him so you would just do anything would ask you for.
His face turns bright red as he realizes that you did not get the sexual cues behind his demand, thinking that he wanted real headpats. Reiner's honey eyes look back toward your face where he sees the incomprehension on your delicate face. Craps, he has now to explain why his pants are half-unbuttoned...
"Uh actually-"
A long moment of silence passes before you notice finally the growing bulge in his pants, your eyes widen slightly. Reiner just wants to die right now, his dick starting to harden due to the previous praises that of course, managed to turn him on. Dammit, your attractive voice make him even more needy for your touch on his shaft! He can't help himself, his praising kink taking control over him. You let a little 'oh' sound as you make the connection.
"My hand... on your head... Oh my god! I'm so sorry I thought you wanted-"
He shushes you with his lips quickly, mumbling something about not making it even more embarrassing. You let out a chuckled, glancing down at the ground as you feel quite guilty.
"You are so innocent."
He whispers, hugging you tightly. At least now both of you are blushing and the uncomfortable situation is soon forgotten as you decide to place your hand on his crotch.
"Well, yes I can also put my hand on your head this way..."
The end.
Just kidding, here's the smut part for you, horny bitches:
Soon the room is filled with squelching sounds and your man's moans as you start to move your hand up and down slowly. His eyes are half-closed, holding eye contact with you. You caress the sensitive veins on his dick, the thumb running under his sensitive tip.
"Ah... s-shit!"
Reiner lets out a hissing sound, his hands gripping the fabric of the couch under him, beads of precum dripping from his stimulated tip. You can see that his hips start to thrust into your hand, indicating that he is close. Is he so eager tonight? Your thighs are rubbing against each other as you feel your own excitation building up, completely wetting your panties.
"That's my good boy, are you gonna cum for me?"
Your boyfriend replies with a loud whine mixed with a growl. Shit, you need his thick fingers inside you to stretch you out. You need his dick to fill your pussy up. However, you have to make him come first. Your hand is now going even faster until he throws his head back, his body jerking harshly as his orgasm hits him like a truck.
"That's my good boy, good job!"
Your praises are only making Reiner's climax last longer, your sweet but dirty words sending a shiver down his spine. When he opens his eyes again, he gets the view of you licking your fingers covered in his sperm. This is so hot that Reiner's cock immediately gets hard again. He reaches with his still shaking hands to grip the hem of your pants teasingly.
"Heh, my turn to make you feel good, sweetie."
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anthurak · 5 months
Consider the following:
If Weiss and Yang as a pairing have ‘divorced married couple’ energy,
Then Ruby and Blake as a pairing have ‘Tragic Anime Yuri’ energy.
The kind where they absolutely love each other, yet also unwittingly enable the fuck out of each other’s self-destructive tendencies.
Like in the early volumes, particularly volume 2, I think it’s all too easy to imagine Ruby going right along with Blake’s self-destructive spiral chasing Torchwick and the White Fang if she was more in the loop. Rather than giving Blake the intervention she actually needed like Yang did.
Likewise in later volumes, if we’re looking to single out the teammate who most unwittingly enabled Ruby’s self-destructive hero-complex, I think we should be looking at Blake.
I mean just look at Blake’s heart-to-heart to Ruby in Volume 8. Sure, in the moment it’s cute and heartwarming and Blake is clearly trying her hardest to help Ruby and give her support.
But in hindsight, ESPECIALLY after Volume 9? Yeah, Blake was unknowingly playing right into Ruby’s hero-complex. As in, putting Ruby up on a pedestal with that ‘I look up to you’ statement and generally putting more pressure on Ruby to BE that ‘perfect hero’ that’s eventually going to break her.
It’s subtle, but it’s pretty clear that from Volume 6 on, Blake is absolutely Ride or Die for Ruby, possibly the MOST out of any of Ruby’s friends and teammates. Whether it’s subtle moments like Blake’s ‘We’ll follow your lead, Ruby’ at the start of Volume 7, or more obvious points like Blake siding with RUBY over Yang when the team splits at the start of Volume 8.
And I can’t help but think that this dynamic could lead to any potential romance between Ruby and Blake to burn out in truly tragic and angst-filled fashion.
Like Ladybug is the kind of couple where Ruby makes some big, tragic heroic sacrifice to save the world, and Blake proceeds to burn the whole damn world down for just a CHANCE to bring her back.
As in, I’m talking BIG MadoHomu energy. Or Salem energy for something more show-specific.
As in, Blake going “I will never forgive this world for taking someone so pure and perfect.”
So yeah, I’m certainly not saying any of this makes Ladybug a bad ship.
Kinda the opposite really XD
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