#i never saw or read alice in wonderland
definetelynotavampire · 4 months
sigma in wonderland ♤♡◇♧
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Sigma as Alice ♡ and Dazai as the weird drug bug caterpillar thing
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i-dont-r3member · 10 months
Does anyone else remember a book series from like…idk prolly the mid to late 2010s (or at least that’s when I think I read it it was probably older) where the main characters could like travel through mirrors??? And there was like this whole world in between the mirrors and these big bug creatures that they had to feed (?) so they would bring them to the correct exit mirror and there was like a lord of this mirror plane/world/dimension who was a jerk and they ended up like fighting(? Im p sure they outsmarted him technically) because I only remember this specific aspect and now I HAVE to know the series so I can remember the context around why they traveled by mirror
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amourane · 12 days
down the rabbit hole
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pairing: theodore nott x reader
genre: fluff!!! just a short drabble <3
w/c: 0.6k
summary: in which it's blatantly obvious that theodore nott has fallen down the rabbit hole of love.
warnings: none!
a/n: just something short just to make sure i'm not depriving you guys c:
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“Theo, Theo!” 
You stumbled past objects in your path, eager to reach your boyfriend. You climbed the steps like they were walls, holding the new book you had just received like a prized trophy. It had just arrived and your owl had just had it delivered to you. As soon as you saw the wrapping you knew what it was and it only caused an excited bubble to burst within you. The book had been one that Theo had recommended to you and since both of you had a passion for reading you just had to get it. You were nearly at his dorm now and you couldn’t contain your excitement. You pushed open the dorm door and your expression was bright and cheerful, you didn't notice that your boyfriend had company as you rattled off.
“Look look! It’s the book you were talking about the other day - Alice in Wonderland!” You never really read muggle books but your boyfriend had managed to get you into it, proclaiming that despite them being written by muggles they were surprisingly good, and now you were just as addicted. “I can’t wait to read it, Lily saw me holding it and said it was really good and that I’d totally enjoy it not to mention its cover is so pretty!”
You continued your tangent, too absorbed in what you were ranting about to your boyfriend to notice you had interrupted a conversation between his friends. Theo didn’t mind though he was also enraptured by what you were saying. If he were a cartoon character, his eyes would be hearts, gazing at you with such love. You made him so happy, and Theo loved you more than anything.
Draco and Blaise were watching their best friend and snickering behind their hands. It wasn’t unknown that Theodore Nott was so deeply in love with you and vice versa. The two of you were the power couple of the century. His three best friends watched as he somehow managed to fall deeper into the hole of love just for you. They whispered behind their palms as you jumped up and down excited for the book you had in your hands.
It was only then that you noticed that you had interrupted something and your cheeks flushed with heat and you tried to hide your face with the book.
“I’m so sorry, did I interrupt a conversation?” You asked sheepishly although you kind of already knew the answer. 
Theo shot the boys with a dirty look before turning to you and gesturing for you to sit on his lap. “You didn’t interrupt us, principessa, don’t worry.” 
He placed a kiss on your forehead and you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face. Truth is he didn’t really remember what he was talking about to his friends because the moment you had barged in all his attention had been on you. 
Draco and Blaise held back their laughter as they knew what Theo was actually thinking. The two of them knew how much he loved you and they always made it their top priority to remind him how whipped he was for you. They understood though. Their best friend was in love and that was what love did. 
You settled comfortably on Theo’s lap, still bubbling with excitement. He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he peeked at the book. “I can’t wait to start reading it! Should we read it together, Theo?”
He smiled, his eyes twinkling with affection. “Of course, mia cara. I’d love that.”
Draco and Blaise exchanged amused glances, already planning their next round of teasing. For now, though, they were content to watch their friend bask in the happiness that only you could bring him.
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yaoyaobae · 1 year
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for following me, its my first time sharing about my twst ocs so I’ll give it a shot ✊
Warning: Hallucinations 🙇‍♀️
Alison Wondre
School: Royal Sword Academy
Favourite food: Cookies
Pastime: Reading children’s books, Daydreaming
Family: Mother, Father, Older sister
Role: Head of Alice/Wonderland dorm
Alison is a second year student at RSA and dorm head. Unlike Riddle who upholds rules, Alison is the polar opposite of him in every way.
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Alison adopts a carefree and playful attitude, he enjoys teasing uptight people until they blow (like Riddle).
He tends to mention strange things like how he saw some singing flowers the other day or his craving to take a bite out of a bread-and-butter-fly. From the way he dresses to his wild, childish imagination its no surprise that many students believe he’s gone mad. But it is agreeably fitting for someone who is head of the Alice/Wonderland dorm.
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Alison has an older sister whom he adores greatly and spends most of his time with. When he was a young boy, he didn’t listen to his sister’s heeding to not stray off from the path and ended up falling into a deep hole in a forest. He slowly started hallucinating monsters and cried himself to sleep, wishing he had listened to his sister. Thankfully, the authorities found him a few days later and he was sent to a hospital.
However, it was clear that Alison became an entirely different person after the incident. He began telling his sister stories about funny creatures he had met during his “adventure” which was rather worrying to her. While Alison was in the hospital for a few months,he picked up several children’s picture books which he still brings around with him in school till this day. As he grew older his imagination became wilder as he forgets the fine line between reality and his “wonderland”. He takes afternoon naps to “meet his friends”. Its a given rule to never wake him up.
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Of course despite his eccentric character, Alison is still a caring and reliable leader when he needs to be(just that he conveys it in his own ways). He will not hesitate to listen to a fellow dorm mate’s worries and give vague advice, hoping they can figure out the riddle. He encourages them to “stay curiouser and curiouser” as life becomes a little more colourful that way when you experience new things. When it comes to thinking out of the box, no one can beat Alison to it.
Alison finds joy in teasing serious individuals, namely Riddle, until they throw a tantrum. He doesn’t mind getting the magic collar so as long as he can poke fun at the red haired queen. In serious situation, Alison would cooperate with Riddle and provide creative solutions.
If both of them share a similarity, it would be the fear of being held back and stuck in a dark place alone. Like Riddle who grew up having to follow his mother’s rules and forbidden to see his friends, Alison can somewhat share the same pain as he is still afraid of not waking up and/or seeing his sister again because of his ignorance in the past.
Alison is generally carefree around others, but when it comes to this cunning cheshire cat he will not waste a single second to curse him. Many students find it strange how two eccentrics from the same dorm can never get along. Alison finds Chenya a nuisance who disrupts his afternoon naps, often pestering him. In addition, Chenya always gives Alison close-to-useless advice even when the latter didn’t ask for any. Guess its like a taste of his own medicine 😂
While the two do not get along, they are always seen together in school bickering nonsense. Sometimes Chenya would purposely wake Alison up from his nap to share about the strawberry tart he stole from his two childhood friends, the sleepy blonde would just doze off back to dreamland while nodding his head.
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Well, I think that is all I can share about Alison! I hope you will like him too, thank you to those who have loved him since the beginning!! Talking about my children is fun ☺️
Until next time!
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bindeds · 4 months
⋆。 °⛧ Willy Wonka headcanons ! 🖇️✩ ₊˚
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gif is by @thisgameissonintendo <3
do lmk if you’d like more posts like this!! I’m planning to write a wonka fic soon so stay tuned ;)
requests are open ! mlist. wonka nsfw hcs.
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he’s good at lockpicking & pickpocketing, so he’d make a very good thief but he doesn’t do it because he knows he was taught better by his mother and he doesn’t want to disappoint her
he is only a workaholic when it comes to his chocolate. This man would find the easiest and fastest possible way to do most other tasks
one of the only tasks that are an exemption of the above are clothing. He’s particular in what he wears, not that he has high standards but he wants to dress unapologetically like himself, and that includes deep shades of purple, red and pink for his overcoats, and more mute colors for anything below that
LOVES to read now that he can. He often visits the library and even started a mini book club with Noodle and the rest of the gang (Piper, Larry, Abacus and Lottie) but they assign themselves more than one book per month sometimes because the rest are not as fast to read books as the two of them
He is IN LOVE with Alice in Wonderland, especially the Mad Hatter.
He loves poetry too, and learned how to write his own pretty quickly and always reads it out to Noodle when he writes new poems
his guilty pleasure for books is definitely romance. He likes the thought of devoting yourself to one person, because he knows how it feels like to devote himself to chocolate, and imagining a whole other person to share everything with just fills him with so much hope and light.
this man smells just like vanilla and chocolate, and he wants to keep it that way so he learned to make his own perfume that has the unique smell of his own chocolate (this headcanon partially inspired by this fic! I love the writer sm)
definitely looks up and says ‘sorry mama,’ if he does something questionable, even if he has good intentions
unaware of ‘gender norms’ because he lived by a river with his mother as a child then stayed on sea for seven years with roughly the same group of people, so those things weren’t imposed on him especially since he was mostly raised by only his mother.
following the headcanon above, he knows both the female and male parts of the waltz and other ballroom dances and has no problem wearing skirts or dresses (though prefers pants because he’s used to wearing them and it’s easier to move around in)
and because he was raised with only a small group of people around him almost his whole life, he lives life ‘unfiltered’ which is why he is seen as eccentric and wild, because his mother found it endearing and the boat crew saw how brilliant he was and never told him to ‘tone it down.’
loves shopping with Noodle, and they have an especially good time trying out clothes together
if the Barbie movie came out around the same area and time period, him and Noodle would have definitely dressed in all pink and only Wonka would have bawled his eyes out while Noodle begrudgingly consoles him
definitely goes back out to sea for a whole month once a year, and with the same crew he was first seen with in the beginning of the film. He misses them dearly, and always shares his chocolate with them free of charge
this man has chocolates for everything—chocolates to sleep better, chocolates to enhance focus and even chocolates to calm down (either from panic attacks or intense emotions like anger)
he probably even sells chocolates with vitamins inside, mostly also for children who don’t remember or don’t want to take their vitamins, but he was careful not to make it too good so they won’t take more than the necessary daily amount
he learned to cook after the events of the movie, finding that knowledge in that area would help enhance his skill in chocolate-making. He’s good, but of course he’s not a sous chef
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3d-wifey · 6 months
And They'd Find Us in A Week - Chapter 12
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Reader Word Count: 8.4k Synopsis: Here! Playlist: Listen up! Tag list: - @melancholicmelanin, @yvy1s, @glomp-me, @honethatty12, @swftlore, @hashcakes, @antoheartit, @finnickodaddy, @lilifl0wer, @antoheartit, @kermitcrimess, @persophonekarter, @aawdrea, @obaewankenobis, @xyxlyn, @meandurdaughtergotaspecialthing, @innercreationflower, @kisskittenn Chapter Summary: There's a certain kind of pain in reading or watching something from the perspective of a character who doesn't know about the tragedy ahead of them. It's like watching a scary movie and going, "No, don't go to sleep! He's behind the door!" Like in The Song of Achilles, we all know how the original story ends. We know how the actual prophecy plays out. We know that the moment Patroclus's heart stops, Hector and Achilles fates are set in stone. You wince whenever Achilles says he has no reason to kill Hector because "What has Hector done to me?" You want to tell him that Hector will do the unforgivable to him. You want to tell Patroclus not to go on the field. Tell Achilles to get his damned head out of his ass as he disguises Patroclus as himself because he is at risk of losing something far more important than his pride. You hold your breath as Patroclus is speared in the back and as Achilles realizes the consequences of his actions. You knew it was coming, and yet, you still read the story because a part of you hoped. You hoped for the hopeless. All this to say that knowing and still having hope regardless is crueler than complete ignorance. A/N: I imagined your stylist as Anne Hathaway in Alice in Wonderland.
Past (xiii) - You [22 & 23] - THE CAPITOL
If you were from any other district, maybe it would have surprised you how attached Rue is to you. But the sense of community in Eleven breeds this need for kinship. You’re social creatures; you’re not meant to be on your own. Certainly not in a place like the Capitol. It’s how you end up hugging your knees to your chest, an unnamed ocean projected on your wall as you try to get lost in the tides the night before the tributes will be marched into the arena.
No one talks about this part, or maybe they just don’t want to think about it. The part where being forced back into the room you slept in during your own Games eats at you—that anxiety that courses through your veins and leaves your body thrumming. Because no matter what you tell yourself, your body isn’t entirely convinced that you won’t be the one entering the arena tomorrow. You close your eyes and suddenly you’re fifteen again, gripping the sheets so hard you could tear holes in them as you fight the vomit threatening to ride the wave of acid reflux.
Sleeping beside Finnick helped. He reminded you that you weren’t fifteen and alone and wishing you’d die in your sleep so you wouldn’t be slaughtered live. And now? Well, at least there’ll always be the ocean.
There’s a knock on your door, so tentative that you would have missed it if you weren’t already so keyed up.
You pause the projection of the ocean, assuming the sound woke someone up. You get up and go to open it, only to see Rue. Suddenly you’re shamefaced and embarrassed, like you’ve been caught doing something pathetic, even though it’s doubtful she even knows what the sound was, let alone the significance of you listening to it.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Was I being too loud?”
“No.” She shakes her head, shifting from foot to foot. “Um, I couldn’t sleep. And I just—I saw that your light was on and thought maybe you couldn’t sleep either?”
That may be true, but you don’t think it’s the only reason. Rue is the oldest of six and they all live in Shacktown. With all those people in one house, you’re sure Rue’s never slept alone a day in her life. It makes you wonder how she managed these past few days.
You’re an only child; your dad was killed before your parents could have any more, so you can’t say for certain that you understand what she feels. Yet, you reminisce on the fact that you’ve never really gone through a year of mentoring without Finnick being within arm’s reach.
She stares up at you with those big, pleading puppy-dog eyes, and you twist your mouth to the side.
“C’mon.” You move so you aren’t blocking the entrance anymore and you nod your head towards your room. “How ‘bout you sleep in here with me tonight? You don’t have to, of course, but we might as well stay up together.”
You know you’ve made the right choice when she grins big, rushes in, and takes a running start to jump on your bed. You shake your head fondly as she scurries to get under the blanket, lying down with them pulled under her arms and getting comfortable like she belongs there. The door slides shut behind you and you twist the dimmer until the only light comes from the projector. You settle into your bed beside Rue and you can’t help but snort at how she keeps smiling at you.
“So…What were you watching?”
“Uh.” You pick the remote up to unmute the device and the sound of crashing ocean waves fills any remaining silence. “The ocean.”
She looks over, seemingly transfixed by the drag and pull of the water. The nearest ocean to Eleven is the one that rests just outside of the towering fence and only serves as a deterrent for escaping. This very well may be her first time seeing one outside of a textbook. “Why?”
“Well, I,” you let out a weighted breath, "I thought it would make me feel better. Help me sleep.”
“Oh.” Says Rue and then she looks at you. “Why?”
You let out a surprised laugh. “Um. I guess the ocean reminds me of my friend and—I don’t know. It’s just easier to sleep with him around."
“Is he your crush?” Crush? Such an innocent question feels surprisingly weighted considering your current relationship with Finnick. Or lack thereof. Is it a crush now that it’s unrequited?
“I love him.” You tell the wall and it’s the sad truth. You still do. You wouldn’t be so hung up if you didn’t.
"Whoa. You like like him.” Like like. It’s been years since you heard that. It brings to mind how young she is. It’s not as if you needed another reminder. “It’s okay, I won’t tell. I like someone too.”
“Oh? And what’s his name?” You smile. You both flip over to face each other. You picture little you and little Sage, shyly holding hands during downtime, and find yourself hoping this boy liked Rue back.
“You can’t tell anyone.” She narrows her eyes and makes you swear, which you do with a pinky promise. “Coriander.” Her voice goes all quiet and timid as she hides her face and you wonder if you’ve ever seen anything cuter.
“Ah, I think I might know him.” She looks at you with wide eyes as you tease her, peering out from between her fingers.
“Nuh-uh, no way.” She denies it as you tap a finger on your chin and pretend to think about it.
“No, no. I think I do. He’s got pink hair, no teeth, and walks with a waddle, right?”
“No!” She giggles and you can’t help but giggle along with her. You take a moment.
“Finnick. The boy I like.” You provide when she looks confused. “His name is Finnick.”
“Oh! Oh! Is he that boy from Four? The victor?” It’s hardly shocking that she recognizes him. He’s one of ‘the greats’. You nod and she gasps like that’s the juiciest piece of gossip she’s ever heard.
“He’s pretty.” She whispers.
“He is.” You laugh.
“Is he nice?”
“The nicest,” you say without thought or contempt. Finnick’s indeed been nothing but kind to you since you’ve met him, current behavior not included. You find that even when you’re mad at him, you can’t actually disparage him. And you don’t want to lie to Rue. “He made me this." You lift your wrist and show her your bracelet. You’ve been wearing it around your ankle while you’re out in public, but when you’re on your own, it goes back to its rightful place.
“Cori made something for me too.”
She pulls her necklace up for you to see. It’s woven grass attached to a wooden charm shaped like a flower—you squint—or maybe a star? Definitely the handiwork of a child. Adorable. It reminds you of Cane.
“Your token?”
“Yep. He gave it to me when everyone came to see me off after I was reaped. He ran all the way home and back to give it to me. He almost didn’t get back in time, but I waited for him. I knew he’d come, and that’s why it’s good luck.”
“Makes sense.” You nod and she nods with you, like she’s happy that you get her logic. “He must like you a lot to go through all that.”
“Yeah. He’s sweet.” She smiles, fidgeting with the charm.
“I bet he is.” You push some of her curls out of her face. Just two doomed girls talking about their equally doomed crushes.
It’s silent for a moment; ocean noises make your eyes feel heavier with the pull of each tide. You watch as the shadows cast from the projector paint the ceiling in a series of swirling blues. You think you can see Finnick’s favorite color hidden amongst the other shades.
“Were you scared? When you went into the arena?” Rue asks and you still can’t find it in yourself to lie to her.
“Really? You’re so brave though?” She sounds so genuinely confused that you have to hold back your laughter. You don’t want her to think you're making fun of her. You appreciate the vote of confidence. It’s more than you have in yourself.
“I think…being brave means doing something even if you are terrified.” You look away from the ceiling to make eye contact. “It’s okay to be scared, Rue. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” She mumbles like she doesn’t actually believe it.
“I think you’re incredibly brave.” You know she regularly went foraging for food for her siblings, and she took on more hours than what was required of her. Who knows how many times she’s entered her name for Tesserae?
And she’s still so young.
“Oh, definitely.” You laugh at her skepticism. You’ve laughed more with Rue in the short time you’ve had with her than in the last two years combined. Sadly, there hasn’t been much of a reason for you to. Realizing that this is the last night you two will laugh together is devastating. “I was fifteen and I felt like I was on the edge of breaking down the entire time. How are you so calm?” She’s only twelve years old—not even a teenager. If you were in her shoes, you’d have dehydrated yourself from how much you were crying.
“I am scared, but…" She drags out the ‘uh’, then shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t feel real.”
“Hmm. I get that.” You don’t tell her that it won’t start feeling real until she either wins or dies. It’ll only make her feel worse. She closes her eyes and you two are quiet for a time—so long that you think she’s fallen asleep.
Her voice is small when she asks, “Can I hold your hand?”
“Of course.” You hold your right one out for her to take, and her little fingers lace with yours. Her palms are callused too. Not as much as yours. No, she’ll never have enough time to catch up to yours.
Rue moves closer to you and you wrap your left arm around her. You feel her say your name more than you hear it and you hum in response. “Thank you.”
You pull her closer to your chest, your linked hands resting between you. “Of course, sweetheart.” You say this into the crown of her head, wishing that you could have done more for her and Thresh—wishing you weren’t so helpless.
But you can do this. You can give her this last comfort, this last embrace from home. You hold her tight as you both fall asleep and you only let her go when they come to take her away in the morning.
You do not cry.
You miss him, you decide one day. You thought you hated him after you got through your self-pity, but the words "hate" and "Finnick" are too oxymoronic to ever stay together for long. You were so angry at yourself, angry at the world, but you sat with that anger long enough to know what it truly was. Grief. You miss him the way you'd miss a limb. You're so used to having it that you only remember it's gone when you notice the space it used to occupy and feel the phantom aches of what it used to be—what you used to have and took for granted.
Chaff has described in detail the pain of losing his hand. But, he said, nothing hurts worse than remembering it’s not there.
You've never taken Morphling and you don't know anyone personally who's gotten hooked on it, but you imagine this is what withdrawal feels like. You haven't seen him since before he sent that letter, and it feels like he's actively avoiding you. You said years ago, after Annie's Games, that you could handle just being his friend if he decided he didn’t want you anymore. But he never gave you the chance.
That’s alright. It’s perfectly fine. You know when you’re not wanted around, you can take a hint.
Maybe it's for the best. There’s no telling what you would do if you ran into him again. Something pathetic, probably, like begging him to take you back. There's a specific moment when you really feel your loss. A few days into the 74th Hunger Games. Chaff is finalizing the transaction with the money Eleven gathered to send bread for Rue and Thresh, so you’re on your own. 
“Your girl is something else.” You tell Haymitch from where you stand beside him, arms crossed, as you split your attention between him and the Games.
He cocks his head slightly, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, then returns to watching Katniss and Rue rehearse their strategy. “I can say the same to you.” You hadn’t expected Rue to team up with anyone, but you can’t say you are surprised that it’s Katniss. The girl did volunteer for her little sister, after all. Primrose, was it? But you’re concerned that your little speech about being brave by doing things that terrify you may have swayed her to come out of hiding and help Katniss.
You can’t take full credit, though. Rue—well, she’s far too kind for her own good.
You look him over, a glass of something alcoholic in one hand while the other remains buried in his pocket. Honestly, you’ve never seen him this invested in the Games before, but you could hazard a guess why. You weren’t just blowing smoke up his ass about Katniss. She’s honestly got a pretty good shot of winning, if not making it to the top five. She’s already a fan favorite, along with Rue, Peeta, Glimmer, and Cato. She’s exceeded your expectations, along with Haymitch’s. No wonder he’s been networking his ass off. If she’s actually got a chance at surviving this, he owes it to her to try.
That’s when it happens.
Rue’s screams echo in your ears as Katniss races through the forest. Something has gone wrong—she's been captured or the Careers are using her as bait, or—you wipe your sweaty hands on your dress and then recross them, wanting more than anything to bite at the skin around your nails. You hold your breath, hoping beyond hope that she’s saved from whatever fate has befallen her.
She’s by herself in the clearing. Caught in a net, but not hurt. Katniss manages to get Rue out and your muscles begin to untense, but the relief is incredibly short-lived. 
Marvel, that cocky little boy from two, throws his spear with deadly precision, lance soaring past Katniss to pierce Rue in the abdomen.
Your hands are numb as they cover your mouth, but then you remember where you are and drop them just as quickly. She pulls the spear from her chest and you want to yell at her not to, that taking it out will only make her bleed quicker. Like it even matters at all when she’ll bleed out regardless. You think you need to sit down.
Katniss catches her before she falls. You’re lightheaded.
Katniss sings to her after she whispers something that the mics can’t pick up and it feels like your heart is being wrung dry. You think of Rue’s mother. You think of her six siblings, who all look up to her. You think of Coriander. You think of how small she felt in your arms and how tightly she held your hand. You think of a lot of things in the time it takes for her heart to stop beating.
The cannon fires and all eyes go to you. Ranging from curious to pitying. Some are even tearful. She was a fan favorite, after all. Mentors and Capitols alike split their attention between you and the screens to catch your reaction, but your face is deceptively blank. You stare ahead silently, your eyes unseeing as they remain on the screen.
You will not give them the pleasure of seeing you break down. Katniss will leave and Rue’s body will be airlifted out and that will be the end of it.
This is nothing new for you. You’ve gone through this twelve other times. Why would she be any different? She isn't. You tell that to your shaky hands and they only tremble further. You tell your heavy lungs and they only get heavier. You try telling your chilly skin, but all it does is make you feel colder. Why is she different?
You want to close your eyes as Katniss grieves. To be able to save one little girl but not another, it must weigh heavy.
“I’m so sorry." Someone comes to stand beside you, some Capitol elite. “One less chance for your district to win.” You look at him from the corner of your eye and Haymitch scoffs on your other side. For one stupid moment, you thought he was offering his condolences.
“Right. Well. There’s still Thresh.” He nods along to your words, thoughtful, like you’re talking about the likelihood of a horse winning a race.
“Yes, he’s the big one, right? I have money riding on him or Cato winning.” Of course, he remembers his name and not Thresh’s. You close your eyes before they can roll out of your head. “I’d like to send him something to eat as a sponsor. I worry—what is she doing?” You open your eyes to see what tribute has captured his attention, only to see Katniss again. But she’s still with Rue, kneeling next to her body with an armful of flowers—
“She’s giving her a funeral.” You bite your bottom lip to keep it from trembling. Rue rests on a bed of flowers—white daisies and lavender. She tucks a bouquet of daisies in her little hands and you wonder if Katniss knows the significance that being surrounded by flowers has for your people. Or maybe that’s something your two districts have in common. All that’s missing is fruit and it would be a proper Eleven funeral.
A funeral for a little girl. Your heart grows heavy with that realization and your mouth curls into a scowl.
You shouldn’t think about how she clung to you before she was sent into the arena. You shouldn’t think of Coriander’s childish hope dying with her. You shouldn’t think about her family watching this. You shouldn’t think of how her mother woke up this morning with six children and will go to sleep with only five. You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t—
“Oh, how sweet.” The man coos.
“Yes.” Katniss faces the camera, kisses her three middle fingers, and salutes the cameras—salutes District Eleven. You don’t think of Coriander sprinting to the train clutching a grass-woven necklace with a good-luck charm that wasn’t very lucky. “Very sweet."
On instinct, you reach to the left for Finnick, but there's no hand to hold other than your own.
You need Finnick, and he isn’t here and for the first time since you've become a mentor, you have to brave the games by yourself and shoulder your grief alone. 
“Kid…” A flinch rolls through you at the unexpected voice, and you look to your left at Haymitch’s face as he goes through a range of emotions before settling on sympathy. No. Empathy. For a moment, you forgot he was beside you. But he hasn’t forgotten you. 
He does something that surprises you again. He places a big hand on the nape of your neck, warm and callused, and squeezes. You exhale sharply, your face twisting minutely, and it’s the closest thing to crying that you’ll allow yourself to do. He pulls you into his side, and it’s a battle not to burrow into him—a battle you lose. Your image will allow you to do this much. Allow you to be comforted while many of the other Capitols in the room do the same thing because it’s all very sad. You wrap your arms around his waist from where you’re held tight against his side and his hand goes down to rub your back soothingly.
No words are said between you two, and that’s enough. It has to be. Past (xiii) - Finnick 
[22 & 23] - DISTRICT FOUR Finnick has never felt worse.
The sky is clear, the stars are bright, and Finnick has never felt worse.
It’s a particularly quiet night on the beach. There’s no one walking along the shore, no bonfires, no night swimming. There’s only Finnick. 
He sits with his legs crossed under him; the coarse sand is warm against the exposed skin of his legs and feet. He’s always been able to come down to the beach to think and unload any weight on his shoulders. With how heavy his heart feels, he’s never needed that release more. A cool breeze carries the smell of the ocean, but it’s not as comforting as it should be. 
He reaches into the ornate box sitting between his thighs and just rests his hand there, letting his fingers ghost over the pages upon pages of parchment paper. He’s kept a tight lid on this box, hoarding your letters and your scent inside like a corvid. Even now, outside on the shore, your smell wafts around him—concentrated and stiff. He blinks past the tears in his eyes.
He doesn’t look inside; he doesn’t think he can handle it. To see the length of your relationship measured by words on paper, to know he’ll never be adding to this box again—it’s too much.
He pulls out a letter at random. 
His eyes have already readjusted to the darkness as he uses the moonlight to read. He traces the looping lines of your handwriting. 
This is the letter you sent along with that pretty picture of yourself in case he forgot what you look like. A beautiful sentiment, but largely unnecessary. Finnick knows your reflection as well as he knows his own, if not better. Even now, with all this space, time, and hurt between the two of you, he could draw your portrait blindfolded. Not that anything could ever live up to the real thing. Nothing can compare to you.
He sighs, twisting his bracelet around his wrist absently. He feels the cool grooves of the fish charm between his thumb and pointer finger as he looks at the stars. There are more stars than there are grains of sand. Each tiny, flickering dot is a blazing inferno, the likes of which he can hardly comprehend. They don’t shine nearly as brightly as you do in his memory. 
He just…he just wishes he could have told you that.
Unconsciously, his eyes fall on Cassiopeia. Punished for boasting about the beauty of her daughter. It’s not fair. Her only crime was loving her child, and for that, she was forced to give her up for the safety of her kingdom.
Sacrificing someone you love for the greater good. He can’t tell if he wants to scoff, scream, or cry. Maybe all three.
Are you looking at the same sky as him? Even now, are the two of you still connected? Is it cruel to hope for that? It has to be, but Finnick has found that he's grown rotten in his misery. Rotten and incredibly selfish. 
Over the past year, you’ve sent him letter after letter and he read each one with ravenous eyes—desperate for you in any way he could have you. You were angry, you were hurt, you were confused. You alternated between begging him and demanding him to reply. So he did. Of course, he did. He could never deny you anything.
He just never sent any of them.
He kept them stashed in a drawer, locked away so he didn’t have to look at them—wouldn’t have to look at his bleeding heart. It wasn’t healthy; he knows that, but still. He just wanted to pretend, just for a little while, that everything was back to normal. That he hadn’t ripped out his soul by tearing yours apart. 
Those letters had been a constant staple in his life for nearly seven years, and—he was going to wean himself off of it, off of you, really, he was. 
But he never got the chance to before they stopped coming a few months ago. They just stopped.
He should be happy about that. He should be pleased that you're moving on. He should be a lot of things that he's not, but, as it turns out, he’s getting pretty fucking sick of performing for an empty audience. You've given up on him, and you have every right to, but— 
God, it hurts.
It’s for the best. It’s what he wanted—no, it’s what he needed to happen for both of you. And it’s certainly better than the alternative Snow offered.
Knowing all that doesn’t make it hurt any less; it doesn’t make the pain any easier to bear.
He takes out another letter, and it’s…it’s the first one? The first letter you left him after you spent the night in his room. He remembers waking up on the floor, tired and raw from that conversation on the balcony. He was fully prepared to act like it never happened. He was a little disappointed to wake up alone, but he was sure that it only proved that you wanted to forget about it too. Imagine his surprise when he rolled over—not to the empty space he was expecting, but to a note on your pillow.
I really appreciate…
Thank you for…
Just thank you.
He was left floored. He was seventeen years old and he couldn’t remember the last time anyone thanked him for anything.
Finnick brings the note to his nose and your perfume floods his senses, drowning him in memories. Memories of long train rides home from the Capitol, his only company being the smell of you on his clothes.
And try as he might, he can’t forget. He can still feel the blood caked under his fingernails and flaking at his wrist. Can still feel the warmth of your beating heart in his hand after he ripped it out. That’s his punishment. Remembering it all, good and bad.
He’s broken from his musing by the crunching of sand approaching him from behind.
“You’ve been out here for hours. Aren’t you cold?” Annie's soft-spoken voice is almost lost in the wind. No. He isn’t. He’s the exact opposite, actually. He’s scorching from the inside out. He’s burning bright and hot and one day he’ll implode under the weight of it all like a supernova. The only respite he can imagine is the cool relief of your touch. He’s scared he’ll forget what that feels like. 
She sighs when he doesn’t answer. “We know you’re hurting, Finnick, and we’re worried. You can talk to us. You don’t have to just…talk to your letters. We’re here for you.”
He doesn’t look up; he doesn’t have the strength to, but he nods anyway. Of course, they can tell he’s hurting. A blind man could spot his suffering from a mile away. He hadn’t bothered to hide it outside of the Capitol.
“...Try not to stay out here too long, okay?
Annie squeezes his shoulder before walking back up the beach, leaving him alone, and he's thankful. She shouldn't have to see him like this. She shouldn't have to see him break down. 
I'm allowed to, he thinks, I'm in mourning.
But how can he mourn something he killed?
He reaches into the box one more time, pulling out a stray scrap of paper and a pen. His hands shake along with his shoulders, his handwriting so bad that only he and you would be able to understand it. He writes:
Dear Heart,
I don’t know who Finnick Odair is without his love for you.
Every day, I think I can’t possibly miss you more than I already do. And then another day passes and I prove myself wrong.
Is there a fate crueler than this?
I just want to see you again. I just want to hold you again. One last glance, one last smile, one last laugh, one last kiss. If I knew the last time I saw you would be the LAST time I saw you, I never would have blinked. I’d have made the moment last forever. But forever isn’t nearly enough, is it?
Do you think you could ever forgive me?
-I love you I love you I love you,
Present (XI) - Finnick
“I thought I’d find you here."
“Haymitch.” Finnick leans in the doorway of your room, wiping sleep from his eyes. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep. He wanted to stay awake and bask in the little time he had left with you, but he hadn’t slept next to you in so long and it felt like he was lured in.
“Listen,” the man rubs at his scruff, “it’s not what I came here for, but I’m happy you two figured out whatever the hell…” He trails off with a particularly constipated look, waving a hand vaguely in the direction of your room.
“...Right. Thanks.” Finnick clears his throat. “I’m, uh, I’m happy too.”
“Yeah…Anyway.” He sighs. “There've been a few last-minute adjustments to the plan.”
That wakes Finnick up, his mind running over what Haymitch has already told him to do in the arena. “Oh, should I wake Star—”
“No, no. This is just for you. We realized you’d have no way of knowing when you should be heading to the pickup point, especially since things out here can change on a dime.” He steps closer, burying his hands in his pockets. “Once all of the necessary players are gathered in the arena, a sponsor gift will be sent down, probably some kind of food. Pay attention to the district and the amount that’s sent.���
Finnick squints. “Why?”
“The district tells you the day we’re coming and the amount tells you the hour—do not get the two mixed up.” Haymitch raises a hand, staring Finnick down until he nods. 
“Alright, I won’t. And the pickup point?”
“When in doubt, Beetee will know.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair. He’s sure working behind the scenes and acting as a messenger is harrowing work, especially with Snow on such high alert. “Our girl managed to get in Peeta’s good graces. Not that I’m surprised; they probably bonded over how ‘fun’ and'rewarding' it is to help the less fortunate or something. Having her plus Beetee and Wiress will definitely give Johanna and Blight some credibility in Katniss’s eyes. You, on the other hand, are gonna need to rely on something other than your good looks and Mags.” He fishes a flash of gold out of his pocket—some kind of bracelet.  
Finnick takes it gingerly, examining how the light makes it shimmer.
“Take it into the arena as a token. Show it to her, preferably before she shoots you between the eyes. And, shit, if that doesn’t work, ask her…tell her to remember who the real enemy is.”
He wants to ask what that means outside of this very specific context; he wants to know what this bracelet means to him and Katniss if just seeing it will be enough for her to make him an ally. But he doesn’t. He feels like it’ll bring on more questions than it’ll answer.
“I’m gonna need you to hold onto something for me then.” He reaches into one of the deep pockets along his billowy pants until he feels the familiar shape against his fingers. He’s almost hesitant to give it away. When the Quell was announced, he was sure he would die with it on him. But it’s a part of you and he can’t take the chance of it getting destroyed. “It’s, um. It’s a photo she gave to me a few years back, I always carry it on me—”
“You don’t need to explain.” When it’s handed to him, Haymitch takes a moment to look at you. Finnick feels a little self-conscious of how faded it is from years of him running his fingers along your face—faded from years of being well loved. “I’ll make sure she gets back to you.” He’s careful when placing your photo in his pocket and Finnick feels relieved that there’s someone on the outside who wants to get you out of the arena just as much as he does.
“Good luck, kid.” He squeezes Finnick’s shoulder and hesitates. His eyes shift to the walkway that leads to where you’re resting. “When she wakes up, tell her…Tell her I said…” He trails off, his face severe, and Finnick understands painfully well.
“I will.” He promises. Haymitch purses his lips before giving a nod. Finnick watches his back as he leaves and wonders if that will be the last conversation he has with the man, one of his oldest friends.
Present (XI) - You 
[23 & 24] - THE CAPITOL; THE ARENA “Your tracker.” The Peacekeeper yanks your arm up wordlessly and waits for you to pull your sleeve back. You squint around the sharp pain as he jabs the needle into your forearm, burying the tracking device under your skin. You glare at his back and rub at your now-raised skin. 
You grip the straps of your seatbelt as the hovercraft begins its ascent.
As relayed from Haymitch to Finnick to you, Peeta brought you up as an ally, and, luckily enough, Katniss wasn't against the idea. It might have something to do with the conversation you and she had before the Chariot Rides or maybe it’s the fact that you're the only person Peeta suggested. It hadn't been your intention to get on his good side when you offered to train him, but you're glad you did. It makes your job that much easier.
“It's a very breathable, lightweight material, so I’m thinking of a humid environment, maybe tropical. Large bodies of water for certain. Have you decided on a token?" Your stylist pipes up from her seat beside you.
“Oh. Yeah.” You lift your hand to show her the blue bracelet sitting snugly on your wrist. She gasps and you pull your wrist away, looking around the carrier for anything that could be the cause of the sound. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing!” She waves you off with a flippant hand. “It’s just, I didn’t think I’d see you wear that bracelet again. I know Finnick never took his off, but—” You yank your arm back against your chest, holding your bracelet almost as if you can hide it.
"Wha-what..how do you, how…?”
“Us stylists confide in each other, and, well, those of us behind the scenes thought the two of you were just so cute together! I never saw you without that bracelet for five years straight and then one day, it was just gone. Poof! Oh, we were worried sick something happened with you two. But now it’s back!” She cheers, clapping her hands.
You gape at her. “You…you knew? All of you? And you never…?” Never leaked the gossip to the tabloids? To Snow?
“What? Heavens no! We're not heartless, dear. It wasn't our place. Besides,” she leans over, her crimson-painted lips pulled into a smile as she pats your thigh. Her eyes are glossy enough that you’re almost certain she’ll start crying. “You two deserve to be happy.”
You nod stiltedly, rocked by this new information. Did Finnick know? No. If either of you did, you would have been a bit nicer to your stylists. You’re quiet for the rest of the flight as she talks to you. This time around, you do try to listen to what she’s saying, nodding along at the right moments to show you’re paying attention. It’s a bit late, but you feel like you owe it to her.
She walks you down to the tube that’ll take you to the arena.
“This is it, my dear.” She sniffs, raising a hand to her mouth as she actually starts crying now. “Oh, I’m a mess. I’m sorry.” She apologizes, fanning her pale face. You don’t think about it too hard; instead, you step toward her and pull her into a tentative hug.
“It’s okay, Shimmer,” you comfort her. “And for what it’s worth, thank you.”
“It’s not okay. It’s not fair at all.” You let her squeeze you tight, allowing the hug to go on longer than you normally would. She inhales and then pulls away. She holds you by your shoulders and takes you in. “It’s been an honor working with you, my dear.”
“Same here.” You smile, but it feels more like a grimace.
You step onto the platform.
The door slides shut behind you and you start feeling sick as you rise. Sick enough that you worry you might vomit before you even make it into the arena. Your heart beats in your teeth. It’s starting to dawn on you, you realize, just how fucked you are. There’s the revolution, but there’s no guarantee you’ll even live long enough to be saved. You’ve been training like crazy, not that it was that hard with the way you grew up. It’s one thing to use your skills for physical labor; it’s another to use them in a fight to the death. That wasn’t how you survived your Games.
You hold your breath, gathering and reminding yourself of what’s important. The plan. And the plan hinges on you getting to the Cornucopia and surviving.
Your stylist tearfully waves you off as you rise, her elaborate and puffy white gown the last you see of her. You look up at the hole of light as you approach it, your nails digging into your palm.
The drastic temperature change makes you shiver and squint, raising your hand to block the blinding rays of the sun. This heat is different from the kind you’re used to. Heavier, somehow even more humid than Eleven’s muggy summers. The sun disorients you and the little wind that comes through carries the smell of salt. You push through the fog of your senses and force yourself to see.
There’s water—a shit ton of it. Saltwater if your nose is to be trusted. Shimmer was right.
The first thing you do is look for Finnick. You can’t help yourself; the need to know where he is is stronger than your need to acclimate. Your gaze bounces from tribute to tribute in your search for him. Sweat is already gathering on your brow when you finally find him. You see him, but only barely, on your left. He’s about three sections away, close enough that you make eye contact with him. It’s brief and fleeting, but long enough for your stomach to settle and your heartbeat to slow. 
You’re all divided by rocky strips of land that protrude from the island the Cornucopia rests on like the spokes of a wheel. And in between each spoke are two tributes. That would mean there are twelve sections.
Mentally, you try to map out where everyone is. You note that Finnick is standing beside Chaff.
On your immediate left is Johanna, sectioned off from you by the long line of rocks. You nod at each other and relief courses through you knowing you won’t have to search for her. Beetee stands with Cecilia in between Finnick and Johanna’s respective sections. Was this placement intentional or just luck?
With half of your group near you, your eyes rove around for the missing two and—
“Shit.” You curse. You’ll have to go looking for Wiress. That’s the first part of the plan: Johanna gets Beetee, you get Wiress, and Blight waits for the four of you away from the Cornucopia. You’re lucky to be placed next to Beetee and Johanna, but it would have been nice if Wiress was a little closer. Or within your line of sight, at least.
“Let the 75th Hunger Games begin. May the odds be ever in your favor.” 
The sound of Ceasar’s cohost echoes throughout the arena and you rush to gather more information. On your immediate right is the woman from Nine, about the same distance from you as the strip of land on your left. You know she never stepped foot in the training center, so you’re confident in the fact that she isn’t a threat. A little further down are Peeta and the man from Ten. You do a double-take. You hadn’t expected him to be so close to you and you have to force yourself to ignore him. You beat back the instinct to watch him like a hawk; that isn’t your job right now—it’s Mags and Finnick’s. The next section houses Woof and Mags and beside them are Enobaria and the female morphling. That’s as far down as you can see.
Your muscles tense up when he begins the countdown. 
You take stock of your surroundings. Before you is the Cornucopia, and behind you is a beach and a deep forest—no, a jungle. The large body of water surrounding your platform looks pretty clear. Nothing but fish and plants, you’re sure. It’s doubtful they’d put anything deadly in there. Not when so many of the tributes can’t do anything more than doggy paddle. And certainly not this early into the Games. What an odd choice to have water this deep. Especially considering how rare a skill swimming is in the districts.
You watch the red, rotating cube as it flashes down to one, your muscles poised like a spring as you prepare to jump. You take a breath and dive in.
Deep in the woods behind the shack your family used to call home, there was a lake in an area the Peacekeepers seldom patrolled. That’s where your dad taught you to swim. You haven’t done it in a long time, not since before he was killed. You’re more than a little rusty and you wish you had aimed a little more to your left.
The cold water is a shock to your system, but you don’t have time to stay idle. You don’t sink to the bottom like you think you will; you’ve forgotten how much lighter water makes your body. The salt in the water burns your eyes every time you try to open them so you squint and swim towards where you think the strip of land is. It’s a battle. The distance, while a problem on its own, is nothing compared to the strength of the waves. 
You’re panting by the time you make it there, shaky fingers grappling with the wet rocks as you pull yourself up, thanking your forethought to focus on training your upper body strength. The woman from Nine had jumped in the opposite direction, aiming for the beach instead of the Cornucopia. Smart. You’d do the same, but you need a weapon and you need to find Wiress. You push your water-laden hair out of your eyes, getting your feet under you and taking off towards the Cornucopia. 
You're surprised when you make it across without slipping. You have to make the split-second decision between getting a weapon or looking for Wiress first. You glance behind you, and no one seems that adept in the water on your side. Johanna is just now clawing her way out of the waves. You guess there aren’t many reasons to swim in Seven. You make a run for the mouth of the Cornucopia with the sound of cannon fire chasing you and you hope to God that no one sets their sights on Wiress. You glance to your right, and you can blurrily make out Finnick, Katniss, and Mags helping Peeta out of the water.
You skid to a stop, your legs freezing without your actual input.
“Finnick!” You yell, and his head whips up before you fully get his name out. The water weighs his hair down, turning it a darker blond than you’re used to seeing it. You aren’t entirely sure why you called out for him. Maybe it was more for his comfort than yours; he’ll need to know that you weren’t the cause of one of the cannons firing. 
“Star!” He grasps his trident tighter, scanning your surroundings for potential threats. When he sees none, his shoulders relax but his trident remains poised in anticipation.
He looks from you to his group and back again. You shake your head to stop him from taking that step forward. It was only three hours ago that you last saw him. And before that, the two of you stayed up talking about nothing until you fell asleep in each other’s arms. Nonetheless, the desire to run to him is strong. You can see him fight that same impulse you do. When the cannon fires again, Finnick leaps into action, nodding at you with an uncertain gleam in his eyes before placing Mags on his back. 
You watch them all run for the jungle before getting your weapon. You spot a scythe propped up with spears and tridents and can tell immediately that it was planted for you. You take a second to analyze it distrustfully. A metal handle and a deeply curved blade, undoubtedly for show rather than harvesting. You won’t take it. It’s big and cumbersome, and it’ll slow you down in this kind of terrain. Plus, the strength needed to wield this in an actual fight is beyond you. Someone like Chaff or Brutus would get far more use out of it. Maybe even Finnick, if his trident ever fails him. It’ll just tire you out.
Instead, you opt for the twin sickles hanging next to it. They’re also bigger than any you’ve seen in Eleven. With their thick, smooth wooden handles, the blades are sharper than any you have ever used. Their weight will take some getting used to. When you notice more tributes orienting themselves on the rocks behind you, you decide the time for contemplation is over. 
You sprint to your left, eyes scouring the water for a small brunette woman. Wiress is on the other side of the Cornucopia, more floating in the water than swimming.
“Wiress!” You call. She waves her hands as if you can’t see her and you nod, weary of attracting unwanted attention. Luckily, she’s been in the water for so long that the waves have carried her towards the island. It doesn’t take much to pull her out.
“You, you’re hurt?” She speaks in her usually broken speech pattern, gesturing towards you, and you’re quick to look down, thinking you’ve been hurt without knowing it. When you come back with nothing, you look back at her, confused, and she gestures again. You realize it’s a question, not a statement. 
She seems tunneled in on whether you’re hurt or not. Drenched with water and frustration, you spin around in front of her. “I’m fine, Wiress, I’m fine, but we have to go.” She’s a lot more amicable now, allowing you to corral her back to where you saw Johanna last. The bodies littered around give you pause. In front of you lies a woman who is half-submerged in the pinkish water. Taking a deep breath, you step over her and drag Wiress with you.
When you get to the mouth of the Cornucopia, you spot your two allies locked in a fight. That is to say, Beetee huddles behind Johanna as she fights, clutching a spool of wire to his chest as if it were the only thing between him and certain death. Johanna and the man from Nine are locked in the most dangerous game of tug of war you’ve ever seen. They both have their hands on an axe and if this were a game of speed, she’d have him on his knees already. But he’s bigger than her, stronger too, and just as unwilling to let it go.
Her teeth are bared in exertion, legs almost buckling under the strain. He has the blade pushed alarmingly close to her neck and you don’t think about it; your body is pushed into action before you’re even aware that you’re moving. Later, you’ll think back on how easy it was. You’ll think about how quickly he stopped being a human being like you and instead became an enemy—a threat. You’ll think about it—about who he used to be before he became a body—and you will come alarmingly close to crying. For now, you kick the man in the back of the knee and he goes down with a grunt. Johanna uses the leverage the new position gives her and snatches the axe out of his hands with a huff.
You lift the sickle in your dominant hand high in the air, putting your full weight behind it as you drive the blade into the top of his head. The collision of metal against bone ricochets up your arms, leaving your muscles vibrating. He falls forward with a heavy thud and you stumble backwards. Your hands feel like they’re vibrating and the adrenaline coursing through you puts a stop to any panic before it can begin. 
You move forward and have to place your foot on his back, grunting as you use both hands to yank your weapon back out. He makes a keening sound in the back of his throat—the guttural moans of a dying animal. You’re not used to being the one on this side of the slaughter. He’s still alive, but he won’t be for long. You won’t wait for the cannon to go off. 
“Let’s go!” The four of you sprint towards the beach, glancing behind you in case the Careers decide to give chase. There are still plenty of tributes on their platforms, too scared to brave the water. They should hold their attention long enough for your group to get away. Running away as the Careers lay claim to the Cornucopia makes you feel like prey. 
“Blight!” Johanna shouts and your head whips around, searching until you find the burly man a few yards away, waving you over. You all run to him and you take another mental stock.  
Between the five of you, you have an axe, two sickles, a machete Johanna grabbed, a spool of wire, and two brilliant minds. That should be more than enough for the plan. Johanna hands the machete over to Blight and you and her share a glance before wordlessly booking it into the jungle with your charges. Blight leads and you carry the rear. 
You really hope it doesn’t take long to find Finnick.
A/N: ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ Heyyyy, are you mad at me? I hope you didn't mind that rant in the summary. I felt like Rue's death from this perspective hurt a little more bc you know it's coming, but Star doesn't, and sometimes I get carried away with writing my thoughts. ┐(シ)┌ More Finnick audios in the next chapter to make up for the shortage in this one. Come yell at me!!!
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companionjones · 9 months
Goat Legs
Pairing: Charles Xavier x Reader
Fandoms: Marvel, X-Men
Summary: You have the power to see other universes. Sadly, that power controls you.
Warnings: Universes colliding
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"I'm not asking you to take over my position permanently, just for a couple weeks."
Magneto's mood differed from yours completely. While you were relaxed and amused he was annoyed and agitated. "Yes. It starts off with a couple weeks, then you ask for an extension, then, the next thing I know, it's years later, and you and your lover are never coming back."
You laughed, "We're going to Cancun! You're acting as if we're travelling to another dimension."
"How can I expect you to come back here when you don't even want to go home right now?"
That question took you off guard. "I'm sorry?"
"It's time to wake up, Y/n."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"It's time to wake up."
"Stop it, Mag."
"You have to wake up, Y/n."
"I said stop it!"
"You have to wake up right now!"
Charles was in the middle of teaching a class when Raven burst into the room.
"She's awake," was all Raven said.
The professor turned back to his class with quite the worried expression. "Alright, keep reading chapter 12 everyone. Ms. Raven will be taking over for the time being."
The siblings shared a nod before Charles exited the classroom and began booking it down the hallways to get to you.
You were in an isolated wing of the Xavier Mansion. Charles thought it best to house you there so the students didn't hear your screams.
That choice was coming to fruition that day, as it did most days. Charles could hear your screams as he quickly quickly approached your door. His heart always experienced a lot of pain, seeing you like this. He couldn't even read your mind because it was too much for him. Charles could never imagine what it was like for you.
"My love! My love, I'm here. Please, you have to try to calm your mind."
As Charles rushed into your room and knelt at your bedside, you saw many different versions of him. One second, he was older. The next, he was the same age, but in a wheel chair. Then, you saw him bald. You tried to close your eyes to refresh your mind, but all you saw when you blinked was worlds and universes colliding. You screamed out in frustration, and reached out for Charles.
He took your hand and combed your hair with his fingers. "It's alright. It's alright, my love. We're together. We're home. Everything is okay."
"Tell that to Logan. He's lighting his cigar on an on-fire car as the world ends," you described what you were seeing.
It took a couple hours, but your episode had finally ended and you were calming down.
Charles still sat on your bed with you. He still had one of your hands in his, and he was combing through your hair with his free hand.
"You had goat legs," you quietly informed after hours of restless silence.
Xavier appropriately chuckled at that statement. "What?"
"You had goat legs," you repeated. "In one of my visions, you were having a young girl over for tea in the woods, and you had goat legs."
He scoffed. "That sounds like something out of Alice in Wonderland."
"It was quite whimsical," you admitted.
There was another silence between the two of you before you asked Charles, "Tell me about here again?"
He smiled. "We got everyone on our side after Cuba, even Erik. There still some arguments on how we should approach the rest of the world but we all teach the next generation of mutants here, at home."
Despite all the happy news, a tear rolled down your cheek. "I wish I could be more help."
Charles reminded you, "You don't have to be anything more or anything less than you are right now."
"Can we go for a walk? I'd like to see the kids," you told him.
Charles nodded, "Of course," as he helped you out of bed.
Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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moonsanoverthinker · 8 months
Some more TMA headcanons because I’ve thought of some more. Also apologies if this list is a little more chaotic than the other one x (Here’s the first list I make incase anyone’s interested)
Also if people have their own that they’d want to add feel free to because I love reading other people’s x
There’s probably going to be some spoilers for but I’ve tried to keep it as broad as possible :) x
Tim used to steal Jon’s pens - Not because he needed them he did it to annoy Jon
Tim once hid a plastic spider in Jon’s desk then pinned it on Martin
Gerry liked to make puns, Gertrude didn’t like Gerry’s puns - Or at least she pretended not too
Peters changed the locks multiple times but Elias just keeps finding his was back in
Georgie has that really nice kind of swoopy writing - I kind of feel Sasha did as well
Distortion Micheal likes the animated Alice in Wonderland film - Can’t think why… (If I had any artistic talent I’d draw him as the Cheshire Cat but I sadly I don’t have any)
Melanie used to make loom band bracelets - She never gave them to anyone but she’d use specific colours with specific people in mind
Elias likes to shout peoples names then not answer them when they shouted back asking what he wanted
Jon owns a few packs of some nice playing cards (Like the ones with cool pictures and stuff) but no one’s allowed to use them - He let Tim use them once but after he slightly bent the corner of one they became off limits to them all
Jon drinks black coffee because it seems like the mature thing to do
Tim drinks the super sweet coffees because they taste nicer and look pretty
Elias has one of them big spinning office chairs - He’s definitely done the James Bond villain spin
Daisy once told Martin she knew a great place to hide his body - She then proceeded to leave notes around the archives to remind him - Jon would also take the notes down
Not necessarily a headcanon but I just imagine series 5 Jared Hopworth in the garden with a necklace of various body parts and bones
Occasionally Basira would just look out to the fourth wall - I’m imagining it like fleabag style
During their travelling Gerry brought Gertrude a mug from a tourist shop - She kept saying she didn’t like it but once she was back in the archives she would use it all the time
Just Jon wearing some sparkly green nail polish
On the topic of Jon’s nails imagine him with those pointy acrylics - He’d either be in his element or he’d have the same vibe as a dog trying to walk in shoes
Both Micheal and Helen just pinging rubber bands at the backs of peoples head (I’ve got no real explanation for why they do it but then again neither have they)
Jon appreciates badgers - He got a little desk calendar with different pictures of them every month
When Martin was staying in the institute Jon gave him a blanket. He took the blanket with him when he started living at home again and started using it
Tim kept every card Sasha ever gave him
Sasha has a little pot of fake flowers on her desk
Jon pretends to he surprised every time Martin gives him a present - Especially if it’s an out of the blue ‘I saw this and thought of you’ present
Sasha and Tim went ice skating together one Christmas - They claimed it was as friends but Tim did give her flowers
Also some random side notes - Slight spoilers for series 4/5
Listened to 170 and immediately started crying at the end / The descriptions in 172 made me feel physically ill as someone who really doesn’t like spiders / Also I saw a thing on TikTok where someone took Gerry asking to be called Gerry and paired it with I Bet On Losing Dogs by Mitski and it was more upsetting than I was expecting xx
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lilacmingi · 5 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT read/interact with me or my works
Pairing: Cheshire cat!Yoongi x fem reader
Word count: 2,530
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You continued to dart down the uneven stone pathway, running relentlessly even when you felt you were far enough away to stop and walk for a bit. Eventually, your legs started to ache as the adrenaline wore off and fear no longer fueled you. You knew you had to slow down sooner or later, but you feared if you did, it would run the risk of the bandersnatch catching up somehow-that is if Jungkook and Jimin couldn't defeat it.
It didn't take very long for you to realize your surroundings were changing. The cobblestone path was becoming more worn down, the rocks more sparse, and the odd, yet lively plants that surrounded the trail were now replaced with dead tree limbs that resembled long, spindly fingers, and dried up flowers that had lost their color, not to mention the eerie fog covering the ground. Your running slowed to a walk as you scanned the area.
You hadn't the slightest idea where you were. You were lost and alone with no one around to guide you through this unfamiliar land that was so different from home. At that point, you started thinking that staying with Jungkook and Jimin was a better choice, even if you risked getting yourself killed by doing so.
Peering ahead, you saw what looked like a sign with multiple arrows in various sizes pointing in multiple directions. You released a sigh of relief, glad to have found some sort of means to point you in the right direction.
"Thank goodness."
You made your way down the fog-covered path until you reached the sign. Your hopes were immediately crushed when you didn't see Hatter anywhere on it. As a matter of fact, the signs didn't even make sense. All the arrows were pointing in different directions and were labeled: here, there, this way, that way, yonder, turn around, wrong way.
"This doesn't even make any sense." You mumbled under your breath.
Where's there? And what's this way? Better yet, what's that way?
Tears began to well in your eyes. None of the signs were helpful and you didn't know which way would lead you out. It seemed silly to cry over something like this, but your worry and frustration had built up so much that it was being released in the form of crying and there was no way to stop it. You collapsed on the ground, feeling utterly defeated.
"I'll never get out of here." You sobbed hopelessly to yourself, sniffling softly.
"You're a long way from where you need to be, aren't you, little one?"
You lifted your head at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, scanning your surroundings for the source, not seeing a single person anywhere in the vicinity.
"Who said that?"
A deep chuckle came from somewhere up in the trees, your eyes darting frantically about the area trying to find the source of the voice.
"Stop playing around!" You stood up and wiped your eyes. "Where are you?"
"Over here." He tittered lowly.
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, but again, you didn't see anyone. Spinning on your heel, you whirled around and saw a man stretched out on a thick tree limb, except this person wasn't fully a man. He had grey cat ears that stuck out of his long, black hair and a tail with turquoise stripes that swished back and forth lazily behind him.
He sported a leather jacket with a ripped up white t-shirt underneath and black jeans with tears in the knees paired with a pair of chunky leather boots.
His sudden presence made you startle. He chuckled at you, finding your reaction amusing.
"Stop laughing at me." You snapped.
In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of you, leaving gray wisps of smoke in his wake.
"I wouldn't be talking like that to someone I just met." His turquoise cat eyes held a threatening glow. "Who do you think you are?" He inquired pointedly, running his hand down your arm, his eyes examining you from top to bottom sending a shiver down your spine.
"I'm Y/n."
His cat ears perked up at the sound of your name and his sharp eyes widened in interest.
"Y/n?" He echoed.
You gave a single nod of confirmation.
"Hm." He smirked. "What an attractive young woman you've become." His tail flicked side to side as his eyes stayed glued to you.
"Stop that." You backed away.
"Oh, Y/n, don't you remember? We had a lot of fun last time you were here."
"W-what?" You stuttered out.
His shoulders shook as he let out raspy chortles. "I'm kidding." He pinched your cheek affectionately. "You're far too easy to fool. So naive."
"Who are you anyway?" You prodded, pretending not to be offended by his comment.
"I'm Yoongi. You don't remember me?"
"No." You sighed. "I don't remember anything."
His amused expression morphed into one that showed perplexmxent and perhaps even slight disappointment.
"Ah." He murmured, disappearing in a swirl of smoke.
"Hey! Where'd you go?" You asked the air around you, spinning in a circle to try and locate him again.
"Up here."
You looked up but didn't see him anywhere in sight. Then, just as quickly as it had happened the first time, he reappeared on the tree limb he was lounging across moments earlier.
"How are you doing that?" The question spilled from your lips before your brain had a chance to catch up and stop it.
"Magic." He responded while doing jazz hands, though his tone was less than enthusiastic.
His reply left you unimpressed.
"So, what brings you back to Wonderland, little one?" He questioned, swinging his leg back and forth off the side of the tree limb.
"I'm not a child." You retorted in reference to the name little one.
"I didn't say you were." He shot you a brief glance. "You didn't answer my question."
"Bunny boy?"
"Yeah. Him."
"What did he do?"
"For starters, he was hiding in my rose garden. I got suspicious and chased after him, thus resulting in me falling down the rabbit hole."
"How did you end up all the way out here?"
"Jungkook and I ran into Jimin and we got attacked by the bandersnatch. They both stayed behind to fight it." You cast your eyes on the ground. "I hope they're okay."
"Despite both of them being complete idiots sometimes, they're really strong and don't back down easily." Yoongi assured you.
You nodded, hoping that was true, though your mind kept flashing horrifying images of their lifeless bodies lying in the middle of the path covered in bloody gashes. You shivered.
"Why were you crying earlier?"
Yoongi's question distracted you from the gruesome images your brain had decided to put on a mental slideshow unwarranted.
"You saw that?" You questioned meekly.
"I see everything, sweetheart. I may lie around and nap in the trees all day, but I know what's going on around me. So, why were you crying? Tell me."
"I'm lost. After I ran away from the bandersnatch I followed the path but I ended up here."
"Where exactly are you headed?"
"Well, Jungkook and Jimin were trying to get me to the Hatter."
"The Hatter?" Yoongi sat up. "That psycho?"
"Yes?" The statement came out like a question and you furrowed your brows.
"Right. You don't remember."
"Why call him a psycho? What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing, I suppose." He sighed. "That's just my opinion. He's completely off his rocker, that guy."
"Well, do you know how I can get to him? These signs aren't very helpful."
"I can take you." Yoongi volunteered, disappearing from the tree limb and reappearing at your side.
You flinched a little and he chuckled.
"Follow me, sweetheart." He grinned and disappeared, popping back up a few feet ahead. "You coming or not?"
"You have got to stop disappearing and reappearing like that. It's making me nervous."
"Whatever you say, pretty." He tittered.
He waited for you to catch up before the two of you proceeded down the dirt path, headed in the direction of hopefully the Hatter.
You hadn't known Yoongi for very long, but one thing you learned was that he was confident and incredibly flirtatious. He was undeniably attractive, there was no doubt about that, and had this air about him that made him even more attractive if that was even possible. You weren't exactly sure how to describe it other than nonchalant, maybe even a little cocky, or perhaps that was the confidence. Either way, he knew he was hot.
"What's got you so distracted?" Yoongi asked, pulling you from your thoughts.
"Nothing." You lied.
"Don't pretend like you aren't attracted to me."
"I beg your pardon?" You barely managed to get the question out without stuttering.
"You heard me, darling."
Your heart fluttered at the nickname.
He could see the way his suave nature effected you, the way you avoided eye contact with him and pulled your bottom lip between your teeth. He could see right through you.
Turning away, you trained your eyes on the scraggly trees, trying to calm the heat that rose to your cheeks.
Yoongi's footsteps stopped which caused you to stop as well. He placed his finger underneath your chin and turned your face towards his, his bright turquoise irises dropping down to your lips.
"Yoongi?" You uttered, your voice sounding meek.
"Y/n." He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, dark strands of hair falling into his face. "I had no idea you'd grow up to be so irresistibly attractive."
Your mouth opened only to snap shut. You were unable to formulate a response.
"Look at you getting all flustered again. You're completely speechless." He tilted his head, more lengthy strands of his raven locks falling over his eyes as he smirked in amusement.
Your eyes widened at his close proximity and you tried to back away, but his arm snaked around your waist and pulled you to him.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked lowly as he started to lean in.
There was no way to stop or avoid it as Yoongi's lips collided with yours, unexpectedly soft and delicate when they touched your own. Part of you wanted to push him away while another part was enjoying it and wanted it to continue. Choosing to abandon all rationality, your eyelids closed and you allowed yourself to melt in his arms and indulge. One of Yoongi's hands moved to cradle your jaw while his lips massaged yours, gliding fluidly against them like they were made for each other.
The kiss ended almost as quickly as it began and next thing you knew, Yoongi was pulling away, straightening his shoulders.
"Alright. I'd best be getting you to the Hatter." He announced and continued walking.
"What was that for?" You asked, breaking into a brief speed walk so you could catch up.
"What was what for?"
"Stop acting like you didn't just kiss me."
"Stop acting like you didn't like it." He grinned.
You didn't respond.
"I knew it." He chuckled. "Tell me something, Y/n. Jungkook or Jimin didn't beat me to it, did they?"
Your cheeks got hot at the thought of Jungkook ravishing your neck with kisses. Not to mention Jimin kissing your forehead and cheek.
"Good." He smirked proudly.
"Not my lips at least." You muttered under your breath, barely audible.
"What do you mean by that? Did they kiss you?"
You didn't respond, internally scolding yourself for letting that little tidbit slip.
"I'm not telling you."
"Well, judging by that pink spot on your neck I'm guessing one of them kissed you there."
"Hey!" Your entire face was set ablaze while you moved your hair around to cover the spot.
"So where'd the other one kiss you?"
You crossed your arms defiantly. That was information you refused to disclose with him.
"That's fine." He shrugged. "As long as I'm the first to kiss you on the lips, I'm satisfied."
Your jaw nearly fell to the ground. This guy was absolutely shameless.
"My legs are getting tired." Yoongi griped aloud.
Immediately after the complaint left his mouth, his feet lifted off the ground and he started floating in the air, lying on his back with his hands behind his head.
The expression on your face was one of complete and utter shock.
Yoongi merely responded with a sardonic, "I told you. Magic."
"You can't possibly be tired already."
"I am. I'm not used to walking so much. My poor legs can't handle it." He pouted.
"Oh boohoo."
"You know, Y/n, if your legs get tired you're welcome to come up here with me." He gleamed, his Cheshire grin looking more foxlike rather than catlike.
"You're audacious."
"Ah, but you like my audaciousness, don't you, little one?"
He could see right through you and it was embarrassing.
"Forget it, cat boy."
A clear look of offense flashed across his features, his brows twitching.
"That's right. I've got nicknames too." You remarked snarkily.
"Don't call me that."
"You seem to be calling me whatever you want, so why can't I do the same? Hm?"
"I don't like it. It sounds soft." He grumbled.
"I don't know, you seem pretty soft. Especially with those cute ears and that tail."
"I-it's not cute." A faint blush blossomed on his cheeks and you found yourself feeling proud that he stumbled his words.
It felt good to have the upper hand.
"Aw I got the tough guy all flustered now." You teased.
"I'm not flustered—and I prefer the term bad boy."
He was back to his cocky self once again.
An unknown amount of time passed before you started noticing the familiar mushrooms and mix of unique-looking plants showing up amongst the twiggy vines and trees.
"We're getting close." Yoongi stated.
You hummed in acknowledgment.
"Can I be honest with you?"
"Of course."
"I'm upset that you don't remember me, or any of this for that matter." He gestured. "I don't understand how you could possibly forget this place and all of the people you met."
"Trust me, I'm upset too. I've felt like nothing but a disappointment since I got here. Everyone I've met so far expected me to remember my supposed last visit here and I've let them down. Or maybe my mind has let me down. I've asked myself why I forgot so many times." You heaved a sigh. "Jungkook and Jimin said it might come back to me, but I'm starting to think that's impossible. If my memory hasn't been jogged already, I doubt my memories will return."
"Don't be like that. You went through a lot last time you were here. I'm sure your memories of this place are still tucked away somewhere in that pretty little head of yours."
You nodded, choosing to look past the not-so-smooth pretty he threw in there.
The sound of laughter coupled with the clanking of glass and tableware in the distance reached your ears, putting an abrupt end to your conversation.
"We're here." Yoongi announced.
➯ Part 4: Taehyung
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Masterlist ᝰ
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg
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dominicsorel · 1 year
Sora may have opened the door in KH1
This isn’t to say Riku didn’t do wrong in KH1. He did. But, as far as the door and Destiny Islands is concerned, I think we’ve been getting hints for 20 years that it was Sora and Riku just got blamed for it on top of what he DID do.
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How did Riku leave the islands? He disappeared into darkness and woke up at Hollow Bastion. You’ll recall Alice Lidell did the same. A disappearing act, so to speak. Data Riku and Xehanort leave through a dark corridor as well.
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In the film, Alice cried tears and floated into Wonderland. Water plus sadness equals DARKNESS, my friends. She never opened the door.
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Whether KH2 First Visit Belle is a Riku or Sora parallel in this particular scene is in the eye of the beholder. She’s a Disney character in a relationship so she’s one of the characters that it switches depending on the circumstance to create a balance in the relationship that is Sora and Riku but...
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The 3D scene in the dream had me very...curious as to what was going on because we didn’t see Ansem SOD in the original version and sleep holds our memories they say which is why Roxas was able to access Xion’s memories and tell Axel something only Xion would know. That he’d always be there to bring them back. I don’t want to imply Ansem SOD possessed Sora in this moment but it’s plausible since...they met earlier. It always came off as odd to me that Ansem SOD would even speak to Sora if he wasn’t about to use him.
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YMX says that Ansem SOD possessed Riku and saw his experiences in real time which...okay, then why wasn’t he with Riku here...? He doesn’t follow Riku when he runs to the inlet. He doesn’t follow him in the dark corridor either. We don’t even see Ansem SOD again until Hollow Bastion way later on when we KNOW he actually does possess Riku. Riku doesn’t know him in the COM Novel when he meets him on the islands during Departure. HE DOESN’T KNOW HIM. Sora does. Isn’t that...suspicious? All Ansem SOD says is that the door will open soon and Riku goes off to find Sora. He doesn’t open a door!
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He doesn’t remember Ansem SOD being there.
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But he was following him.
Right before this scene, Data Riku states something very interesting after Data Sora accuses him of causing the bugs (the cause being Sora’s shadow). He says: “This world has been connected. Memory and reality now stand tied. It’s time for you to learn the truth.” Ansem the Wise states that data is a clue. The Datascape is shown again in Re:Mind to “remind” us that the future is already written and to go back and revisit the game known as Coded. But I recommend ALL the games on top of that so you can put the pieces together like I have. This is what Remy from Ratatouille was trying to tell Sora and co. about the fruit that he was gathering. (Essentially Nomura trying to hint to the audience that the answers are all THERE if you do enough digging.) He was trying to take the pieces and make it into a dish. In each game, therein lies another hint. Another piece of the puzzle. This is how I work out my theories. I treat each game as apart of each other without the assumption that nothing was planned. This is how Riku laughing like Namine did in COM WORKS even if it’s only finally shown in 3D and KH3. Writing evolves over time and so do characters.
“On the road ahead, more than one truth will come to light.”
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What strikes me as even odd is that what they use to put Sora in a deeper sleep in 3D is things that happened back when the Islands fell but one of them wasn’t Riku holding out his hand or Kairi being swept away from darkness. It was something we never saw. It’s Ansem SOD coming up close to Sora while he’s either sitting or lying down. Perhaps...before he took a nap at the start of the game even. Hopefully, you’ve read my meta on how Replica Riku has some of Sora’s memories. Horrifying really as he’s used to play on Sora’s guilt as a way to get him further into the castle. But there’s one line in particular that bothered me to no end in the COM novel.
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Ventus didn’t remember what happened to Strelitzia nor taking the book for himself. Baldr didn’t initially remember what happened to Hoder. It’s not that hard to grasp Sora might...not correctly remember a good chunk of things. Especially with how vaguely he describes his KH1 hurt in KH3. I imagine a person whose eyes cannot lie like Master of Masters...might educate him on the truth and it will probably be very ugly. My understanding is Sora’s true darkness will involve remembering. Yes, forgetting can hurt but knowing the truth will hurt you even more. I think remembering everything will be what breaks Sora. It certainly didn’t have a good reaction on Ventus or Baldr, now did it?
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A very small bonus. Yuffie, a memorable “thief”, opens a door and hurts Donald in the process in the world right after the door opens and the darkness carries Kairi away so...there’s that. Sora is shown running through it also.
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TLDR; check out the rest of this scene from KHUX below.
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Alice is on trial for opening the door to Wonderland and she didn’t do it but is found guilty despite the lack of evidence against her. Hm...but how did Player get into Wonderland, I wonder? Ever consider that?
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*glances at Sora*
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amomentsescape · 5 months
Hello :) please may I request a extra fluffy Jervis Tetch x reader one shot with reader being obsessed with Alice in Wonderland and their outfits are nearly always influenced by it and the characters? ❤️🥰
Alice and the Hatter
Jervis Tetch x Reader
Summary: Jervis only wants to fuel Reader's love for Alice in Wonderland by showing them just how much they care.
Warnings: Mentions of Reader wearing a dress, mentions of past judgment towards Reader (not from Jervis)
Word Count: 1,089
A/N: This sounds like the perfect match for Jervis!
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"Darling, I am growing rather impatient out here."
You tried to stifle your giggle behind your hand.
Jervis always had a hard time waiting to see you in your newest outfits. If it were up to him, he'd be in that fitting room with you right now, helping you into the silk dress.
But you enjoyed torturing him just a bit. Making him wait to see the full outfit with the shoes, jewelry, and other accessories always filled you with a sense of excitement. Jervis always praised you and made you feel so warm, making it impossible to not crave it every time.
Unfortunately, you weren't always met with such positivity in the past.
Your love for Alice in Wonderland started back when you were a child, having fell in love with the novel right away. And when you watched the Disney film, it only solidified that passion for you.
Your friends and family thought it was sweet that you found something you loved so much. But as you got older, they began to make remarks about it being childish and odd.
You were an adult now; you were supposed to like adult things.
This caused you to feel judged in a way that almost made you stop your obsession altogether. But meeting Jervis quite literally flipped the switch for you.
You've never met anyone in your life who accepted you and supported you as much as he did. You swore that you could wrap a plastic bag around your legs and he'd say that you were absolutely stunning.
And loving Alice in Wonderland only fueled that connection between you two.
The first moment he looked at you, wearing a light blue top and white pants with your hair styled softly, his eyes went wide. You'll never forget how he looked at you that day.
It was scary, falling in love with one of Gotham's most notorious criminals. But Jervis was willing to prove to you just how much you meant to him in every way.
Impromptu trips to the store to get you any clothing item or piece of jewelry your heart desired, waking up to the smell of freshly baked cakes for a tea party later, and even gentle massages with words of praise were all things Jervis regularly spoiled you with.
Of course, not all of these adventures were easy-going. There was a part of Jervis that liked being a criminal. He often stole from stores if he saw something he thought was perfect for you. And Jervis would not hesitate to discard lives like trash if it meant doing something that would make you happy.
It was scary at times, but you and Jervis were one and the same. There's a part of you that also enjoyed the thrill.
With that being said, you still loved the down time you both would share instead too.
Every night, he'd ask you to read to him from the Alice in Wonderland novel, staring up contently at you.
He was just as loving behind doors as he was out in public. He always said you were his muse, and Jervis had a way of making you believe it.
You finally met someone who loved the book and fantasy world as much as you did. It honestly felt like a match made in heaven.
Jervis pulled you from these thoughts with a soft knock on the fitting room door.
"Darling, please don't make me wait any longer. I am dying to see you."
The slight rasp in his voice had you melting.
You took one last look in the mirror and pulled open the door, meeting Jervis's relieved face.
His eyes widened a bit as he took you in, a growing smile spreading across his lips.
You had found the perfect dress at this store. A baby blue silk dress with a white sash fit wonderfully across your waist. The material stopped right at your knees and flared out a bit, accentuating your figure beautifully.
You had even found a pair of black heels that fit perfectly with the dress. You felt like a princess, like you were in your own wonderland.
Jervis took your hands in his and pulled you close to him, his eyes lifting to meet yours.
"You are the most remarkable person I have ever met," he spoke softly, lifting your right hand to his lips.
Even after all of this time together, you still couldn't help but flush at his words.
He raised your arm up and made you do a little spin so he could get a better look at your outfit.
"I feel like I look just like her," you remarked, referring to the character you adored so much.
He chuckled a bit. "I would say even better."
He took a couple steps back and admired you some more, making you feel a little shy once again.
"I think you're missing something, however."
You tilted your head in confusion at this.
"What?" you asked softly.
It was then that Jervis pulled out a small black box, handing it to you.
"For you, my love."
You could feel the smile that graced your features stretch even more as you took the box and began to undo the elegant ribbon wrapped around it.
Once the lid was off, your eyes were immediately fixed at the glittering sight before you.
In the box sat an antique necklace, the pendant being a small clock that was ticking along with the seconds.
You could feel your jaw drop open at its beauty. Out of all the accessories and clothes Jervis has gotten you, this really took the cake. You had always rambled on and on about finding something like this, and now seeing it right in front of you only proved to you that this was the perfect choice. There was no way you were ever going to take this off once it was on.
"Jervis..." you whispered, still completely in awe.
"It took me ages to find it," he responded just as quietly.
You gently traced your finger along the gold exterior, relishing in how the cool metal felt against your skin.
"I love you," was all you could get out.
There was not another thought in your mind other than this.
You looked up at him and found him still gazing at you, his eyes a bit glassy.
"As do I love you."
He pressed a warm kiss to your lips, only pulling away to help clasp the exquisite piece of jewelry around your neck.
As you played with the little clock hanging against your chest, Jervis was already leading you out of the store, ready to start the surprise date night he had planned.
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stayinguplate · 2 months
Chapter 1 falling down
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Okay so before I get into this this is an AU created by @moshispace I had offered to write the story for them and they agreed but most of the credit is for them since they came up with this amazing AU , I’m just the writer the only thing I own and will be doing is the art for the story ( reader as Alice in picture above). So this is a yandere ROTTMNT ( rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles)AU Alice in wonderland and you can check out @moshispace to see more on how they describe it .this is going to be a mix of the live action and animated movie.also I’m going with the reader having they /she/her pronouns please don’t attack me ₍^ ܸ. . .ܸ ྀི^₎ʃ
Okay enough yapping from me . WARNING: this story will have yandere tendencies if you are uncomfortable with that topic please don’t read, there will also be some dark themes so please be aware. There will also be some slight bad language
As a child reader always had an odd imagination
but they always had amazing ideas her father
was always encouraging them to keep going with
their ideas ,reader always told her father about
her ‘friends’ and how they had odd but amazing
and crazy adventures ,always mentioning the
snapping turtle with a pocket watch and a trench
coat who led them to the entrance to
the adventure with the others ,at first readers
father was worried that there was an actual
dangerous snapping turtle but after observing for
30 minutes he knew that no snapping turtle was
there because they didn’t have or live near a
pond .
As the years passed reader grew turning 8 and
their adventures grew more less frequent , they
Had just stopped playing outside and started to
Get more interested in painting and spend their
Time in their room painting out unique
landscapes that have never been seen before they
seemed so wonderland like it was odd .
( not me having to do math to get the years right on readers age ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ ♡)
Though readers father adored the art that they
had made it was just as unique as there odd
personality .
7 more years passed by and reader eventually
became a beautiful young woman turning 15 ,one
day readers friend sunita had came over offering
to go to the flower field by the river just to read
And hang out ,reader had agreed thinking it
would be fun, they had told their father and
headed out with sunita.
After 10 minutes we had finally made it to the
flower field we had finally settled down in a nice
spot, sunita had been peacefully reading her book
that she had brought while I had been working on
a flower crown , After I Finish, The Flower, Crown I
Realized that sunita fell asleep I smiled softly as I
gently placed the flower crown on her head, I then
heard a ticking sound ,a sound of which a clock
makes , it felt so familiar I got up, stretching as I
look around, not hearing anything. I shrug as I
was going to wake. Sunita to go home, but then I
heard it again the soft ticking .
I looked and walked around to see if I would hear
it again not even a second later I heard it again it
was coming from the forest. It wasn’t like a scary
force, though it was just the one that always had
the usual river that people will go to have a picnic.
Sometimes I remember my dad and I used to go
sometimes when my mom was alive.  as the
sound kept ticking I decided to investigate and
see because there couldn’t just be a random
clock in the forest. 
I had inside the forest looking around. It seemed
like the tick kept getting farther and farther away
or that’s what I thought until it stopped. I walked
around confused before I felt something, grabbed
my ankle and tug as I screamed in shock as I trip
and fell. 
I looked down as I fell. It seems like I was falling
into a hole, except there was stuff my adrenaline
was rising. I couldn’t really focus on what I saw
but my falling didn’t last too long as I fell to the
I grunt softly in pain as I lay on the ground for a
few seconds before slowly sit up extremely
confused I then slowly stood up as I then looked
up seeing the place I felt from I then began to see
my surroundings as I saw a small door I crouched
down on my knees as I tried to open the door but
as I twisted the doorknob I realized it was locked i
sigh as I looked around as I then saw a glass table
that had a key and a small glass bottle that had a
note tied to it saying ’ drink me ‘ and a small little
cookie that said ‘ eat me ‘ .
I then paused as I then felt like I was
hearing whispers. I turned around and looked to
see my surroundings.’nothing.’ I thought to myself
as I grabbed the little bottle and little cookie. 
I then took a sip of the bottle I grimaced slightly
from the bitter sweet taste ,but then I felt my
stomach twist as I then realized I was shrinking I
let out a small gasp, confusion as I look at myself
I then realize my clothes did not fit as I grabbed a
pice of fabric to look like it would fit and tied it
together. I was happy with my work as I got out
from under the big piece of clothing that I shrank
out of . I realize then that i left the key on the table
i sigh as i then realized i dropped the cookie i then
scurried to it as took a bite it was surprisingly very
good but then i dropped the cookie as I felt
myself grow, as i grew to the ceiling i grunted as i
carefully, picked up the key, I then grabbed the
tiny bottle drinking the last of it I went a little as
the taste was still very bitter. I then shrink down
to tiny again, thankfully I had the key now and I
was the right size enough to fit through the Door .
I then put the key in the door and unlocked it. The
door creeped open as it showed as somewhat
cloudy sky, but it was still blue and a garden like
landscape I then walked through after taking a
few steps. I hear the door creaking close behind
me. As I walked down the stone steps with the
Mossy greenness on the steps a few odd
insects pass by I looked around confused, there
was odd large flowers odd insects I didn’t
understand what was happening, but it all felt so
familiar deep down.
As I turned around for a moment walking
backwards through an overgrown plant stone
Entrance “ this is all so odd but so …familiar “ I said to myself
“ see i told you it was her!”
I jumped in shock as I then heard a voice I then
quickly turned around as my eyes widened in
absolute shock
Okay so hopefully this was good and i really hope you all liked it especially the original person I offered to write it for but other than that, I hope you all have a good day or night or even afternoon. I’ll see you later. 
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writers-wrongs · 23 days
Could you do either BTAS Mad Hatter or Riddler as platonic yanderes? Perhaps with a nerdy non-binary reader?
im in a hattery mood tonight, so we'll start with him and maybe ill do riddler at a later date. also, didnt know what specifically you wanted when you said nerdy, so i went in terms of hobbies
platonic!yandere!btas!jervis tetch x nerdy!nonbinary!reader
-im gonna start this after hes already established as the mad hatter and has already moved on from alice (side note- its weird that he only had one episode where he was after her, right?)
-he doesnt know what came over him, he just saw the most interesting person walking by his hideout and simply had to follow them home! hes used to flights of fancy regarding random people, but most of his fixations fade after only a few days. the only people who have held his attention for longer have been alice and now you. he loved alice, and if you captivate him like she did, he must love you too, right...? but then, why does his interest in you feel so different?
-he cant exactly bump into you in public, hes a wanted criminal, but he has to meet you somehow. he feels like if he just spoke to you, he could make sense of his feelings. so he dons a disguise and follows you to the library. hes seen all the little pins and patches on your clothing, he knows what sort of books you like, so he stations himself in that aisle, hoping he'll be able to chat with you
-and lucky him, you reach for a book right next to him! he takes note of the title- its no alice in wonderland, but it seems interesting enough. he asks you if its any good, and that leads to a wonderful conversation about literature! oh, hes so delighted to be speaking to you, especially when you mention your schedule for library visits. he already knew, of course, but now he can freely pop up there without seeming like a stalker. you part ways for the day, but you cant help but notice how he watches you as you leave...
-you become good friends soon, meeting at the library and discussing what youve read lately. youve never spoken to someone who listens so intently when you ramble about your interests, and its refreshing when he apologizes after incorrectly assuming your pronouns. and hes so respectful, promising to never give you a reason to correct him again. its a bit strange how much he cares, seeing that youve only known each other for a month or so, but nobodys really tried to be your friend before, so maybe youre just overthinking it
-you call him a good friend to his face, and he... sort of freezes. with alice, it always stung when she called him a friend, but with you? it feels like everything finally makes sense. of course he wasnt romantically attracted to you, youre nothing like alice! his mind had never wandered to thoughts of kissing or marriage like it had when he was pining for her, it had always been thoughts of a nice tea party and the like! he loved you, yes, but just as friends! friends... what a wonderful, positively frabjous word!
-after his little epiphany, he seems much brighter and eager than he did when you first met. that just makes it all the scarier when youre late to your library hangout after an unfortunate mugging. despite assuring jervis that youre fine and the only thing you really cared about losing was one of your pins, you can hear him muttering under his breath about how he wont let this stand. the mood is off for the rest of the day, but theres nothing to be done about it
-you wake up the next morning to a knock at the door. its jervis, in full hatter attire, presenting your stolen pin to you. while you question how you didnt notice that your library friend was a notorious criminal, he locks the door behind him and makes himself comfortable. he sits you down and explains how he was drawn to you from the moment he saw you, and he simply had to know you better. he regrets having to lie about his identity, but it was necessary, dont you see? if he was recognized, he never wouldve gotten the chance to become such good friends with you! but of course, he cant let his dearest friend get hurt! he had always worried for your safety, but your mugging was the last straw. he simply cant allow you to go out into gotham anymore, its far too dangerous!
-before you can protest, he slips a card behind your ear and you black out. when you wake up, youre in his hideout, in a room specifically tailored to you. your favorite books are on the shelves, theres posters of your favorite movies and shows on the walls, the tv has a few consoles plugged into it, he even got records of all your favorite music! here, he explains, youll be kept safe and happy. your own personal wonderland
-if youre alright with this new arrangement, expect jervis to hover over everything you do. not because hes suspicious, he just wants to understand your interests. he'll get you unbirthday gifts every day (except your birthday, of course), and youll have tea parties at least once a week. oh, what a wonderful time youll have together!
-if you still want to leave... oh, dear. he doesnt take rejection well, he never has. its almost worse this time, because you considered him a friend before! whats changed? hes still the same man you met all those weeks ago, why wouldnt you want to be friends with him now? hes learned from alice, a card on your head isnt the solution to his problem, but boy is he tempted. he supposes youll just have to spend some time alone before youll see reason. despite all the entertainment in your room, you still need human interaction, so youll probably go a bit mad before you see him again. but at least you want to spend time with him now! he doesnt care about your sanity, just that youre with him. after all, we're all mad here
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sillyromance · 2 months
Good day everyone!
Recently I have come across a beautiful character Time from Tim Burton's "Alice through the Looking glass" and decided to write a small fanfic about him and my OC for this universe. Hope you'll like it!
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A deeper meaning
Time was listening. Chronometers were ticking gently above him, counting seconds of each life in Wonderland. Every day it was a day of someone's death and birth, new grief and new happiness. Tears and laughter, dancing and agonizing, love and loath - so many things, so many emotions contained in a simple monotonous sound: "Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock..." But Time could read it through like an open book. He knew everything - and didn't judge, but watched. Time cherished all living beings lying at will of his hand.
Suddenly his attentive ears caught something different.
Fast little steps. Shallow breath. Harsh heartbeat.
Time turned around. He saw Hannah a few meters away, her cheeks rosy due to running; she was panting, her plump lips opened just slightly. Grey wings were wrapped around her tiny figure not being higher than a quarter of his leg. The girl studied him nervously, as if asking if he was mad at her coming here. Though, it still was a glimpse of hope in her eyes. Time couldn't get angry even if he wanted to; she was small and weak, just a fly comparing to him. Now, when she was that tiny, it was brutally clear that even an originally six feet tall girl was yet nothing but a girl: young, awkward and fragile. A girl who was hard not to fall in love with.
- What is it, Hun? - He lowered down and made a welcoming gesture. - Why did you leave your apartments?
She rushed closer, but stopped right beside his hand, throwing shy glances at it.
- I just came to ask if you need anything. You overworked. - She murmured, opening her wing "shield" a little bit, but didn't come any closer.
Witnessing her hesitation, Time smirked kind-heartedly and leisurely picked the girl up from the ground. Fluffy, tiklish feathers touched his cheek and the man’s smile grew wider.
- I guess you are right, dear. - Time sat her on his shoulder and took his hat off revealing his beautiful brown hair - the same color Hannah had. – And… don't be afraid of me so much. It has been much of me already!
- M... Hm... - She nodded, moving closer to his face and settling in her favorite spot beside his neck. Young valkyrie dared to look in his shiny, sky-hue eyes and saw nothing but kindness and warmth.
- I guess it's a right time for dinner, since the Time is rather hungry!
The man turned on his heels and headed straight to the exit. His passenger giggled at the joke and hid in her thick feathers from the wind. She wasn't always that shy, actually. It was just... Him. They had been living together for two months, however, that uneasy feeling was too stubborn to set her free. Sometimes, he would scare her: with his loud voice, soldier pace, piercing gaze, hot temper – his breathtaking largeness, at the end. Besides, he was a lover of a mad woman who once wanted to force Hanna kill innocent people only because she was a valkyrie. A monster, as they say... She was kind of glad she drank that mixture and became small - at least, she wouldn't be that easy to find...
And, despite all that, Time accepted her. He knew who she was, what plans Red Queen was making about her, but he didn't tell a soul she was here. Why? It was hard to say for sure. Hanna wanted to believe he liked her, though it would be too good to be true...
The pair went through the Time-shaped corridor and took their course to the private quarters of the castle. The huge building was a unique piece of art: high ceilings painted by the best masters of Underland, the walls decorated with gold and black wood, specular floors so clean that, if you looked beneath your feet, you would think you were floating in the air like a balloon... It would be difficult to describe the whole glory of that wonderful place. Hanna never got tired of gracious, harmonious lines, of endless columns and pilasters, complicated patterns and pictures fascinating viewers with their colors and stories. There was a tale of the whole Wonderland written by hundreds of generations and carefully kept by Time itself, remembering each day, each life, each destiny.
At such moments, Hannah always thought about connection between a person who gave her shelter and a huge dial in the main hall. Behind a facade it was an immortal, the most powerful creature in the world, not just a cute man with funny German accent.
Maybe, that was the reason why every time she talked to him her knees shook, despite everything she had gone through.
Finally, they found the right door and Time laid a hand on a door knob, but suddenly a low metallic grumble thundered in the halls. The echo roared:
- Where is this clock head!? Find him immediately you fools! I know she is here, and he won't get away with this now! Oh, how angry I am! And he was telling me he loved me! Liar! Liar! Pathetic, disgusting liar!
Hannah would recognise that crispy, deafing scream from the thousands. She tensed and her eyes got poured with horror.
If they had come for her - and they definitely had - she was dead. She turned to Time – his face darkened. Gears on his neck were moving with abnormal activity.
- Don't worry, she won't hurt you. – He whispered gently, concern and anxiety in his artificially blue eyes. – I'll make sure of that.
Something about his tone wasn’t right, though Hannah didn’t pay much attention to that - and instantly regretted it. She couldn’t possibly imagine what was about to happen. Hanna let him reach her, hold her in his hands, bring her close to his lips and...
To say that she was terrified was to say nothing. She tried to struggle in his grasp, but his grip on her torso and wings was firm - it was impossible to make a move, and if she did, she would hurt herself, cutting her skin with various rings on his fingers. Her legs were squeezed by his throat, and no matter how hard she tried to kick them out of there, they only slid further downwards with each gulp. Very soon she saw a row of white teeth over her chest. The girl shut her eyes and waited for him to cut her head off, but... It didn't happen. Instead, very gently, she was guided to the pharynx and swallowed whole.
It was slick, and humid, and dark, and tight; strong contractions of the flesh – or whatever material it was – quickly overwhelmed her. The girl felt dizzy and nauseous – something between terror and disgust occupied her quivering soul. Time promised to protect her, and instead he did... This...
Why? How it supposed to help?
Was it a trap all along?
What… What if she was going to die?
Everything around her was ticking, scratching, whining, rotating - it was like being thrown in a huge old mechanism which the man actually was. Though she couldn't see, the girl could sense every cog doing its job. There were no organic sounds at all, and that startled the valkyrie even more. Still wiggling in poor attempts to at least slow down her glide, she was travelling along a slimy - or rather oily - tube to the core of Time and trembled, predicting what awaited her when she would reach her destination.
Suddenly, the walls squished the girl more intensively than usual - with a pitiful moan, she was expelled in a bigger room. It was soft and a little stiffy like an old laundry; as she crawled forward, her hands dove in a pool of viscous liquid. Like a mouse from a cat, Hanna jerked from it to the side and pressed her little palms against slippery inner surface of the pouch.
- Time! Time, don't leave me here! Please, let me out! What did I do wrong? Please, I'm scared... Time...
The valkyrie hit that elastic flesh and cried. She didn't get an answer, no matter how much she yelled into the pitch black nowhere. It was pointless - it was all pointless. At least... At least it would save her from the fate of becoming a murderer. There he was right - Red Queen wouldn't get to her here. No one would be able to get to her ever again.
Soon she stopped protesting and pleading, and just laid limp on the soft floor, burring herself in her wet feathers. The stomach was warm, and plushie - not the worst way to pass out. But he abandoned her. He... She thought, he was her friend.
Well, she forgot - time is a friend to no man.
Meanwhile, Time was at a very critical situation himself. Iracebeth came across him at the very second he felt his stomach swell, and that was good - she didn't know where Hanna was. However, the woman was so furious, Time could start worrying about his own well-being. She unceremoniously dragged him to the side and pushed into a living room where two guards stood beside an armchair. He was thrown there, and his "lover" sank him in an ocean of questions which were constantly interrupted by her complaints, threats, lamentations and drizzling of broken items she ran into while restlessly wondering around like a tiger in a cage. Although, it wasn't like Time really listened - his hand was on his middle, and he carefully examined his sensations coming from within.
He had to warn her...
Time heard Hanna's desperate screams, they broke his mechanical heart, but he couldn't reply to them, thought he really wanted to. She must have been very scared in there. She must have thought she was going to die... Poor girl. She suffered so much already, and now, when it seemed he managed to help her, he destroyed everything again. The only good thing was that she would be fine. He really hoped she would - if not mentally, then physically. Though, he couldn't really say he was fine - all that happened left him in pure shock.
Rubbing at the spot where he could feel the valkyrie's little body, Time mutely stared at the pissed off Queen and waited for her hysteria to burn itself out. His long experience with that woman taught him that at such occasions patience was the best tactic.
As he expected, thirty minutes passed and she gave up. After breaking one more vase, Red Queen, breathing heavily, sat on a sofa before him and gave her partner a venomous look. She was exhausted.
- ... And after all of that you don't even try to defend yourself? Fool.
- Why would I need to? - The man replied calmly, his gaze confident and clear. - I'm not in any trouble. You were definitely tricked, your majesty.
- What!? How dare you say such nonsense!
- I do dare because the girl you are talking about is not here and I have never seen her in my life.
- I hardly believe it. - The queen took out a big handkerchief and wiped her teary eyes. – And don’t call her that! She is nothing more than a beast. Ah! Even you deceived me!
Time accumulated all his will not to show sarcasm. He could understand everything - Iracebeth's aggression, her hatred towards sister, her sadness and tears, but sometimes her manipulative habits and cruelty were just too obvious. He would still feel bad about her no matter what since, unlike many others, he could see the whole picture of her bitter fate. But that time he stood on the other side of the barricade.
He had to make her leave. And, which was not less important, to keep their relationships in a safe bay.
- Well, I challenge you to test my devotion, love. Order your guards to look around my castle - I can assure you, you won't find any evidences against me.
- Your assurance doesn't worth anything. - She scoffed, turning away. - But you gave me a good idea. Guards!
The red soldiers immediately straightened up, waiting for her words.
- Search through this palace - look under every stone and on every shelf, shake it from the roof to foundation, but find me that winged freak. Alive! And don't stand like useless statues, go for it, now!
The guards obediently left.
While Red Queen wasn't looking, Time exhaled, relieved – Hannah’s quarters were hid well, only he knew the path. So, the game was already over.
At the meantime, in his stomach, the girl who seemed to settle down, suddenly came to life. Oh, it was pure luck only he could catch her voice out here. She sobbed. Gosh, that pretty tiny bird would give him a heart attack! Time didn't stop secretly stroking his taunt middle through the clothes, feeling how the clock in his chest ached as if someone stabbed it with a knife. He tried to convince himself she would be all right. Just some more minutes. He could afford it.
Hannah heard him speaking to someone, possibly Red Queen. Nothing bad happened yet, and still she felt very helpless, and hopeless. It was unnerving to be stuck in complete darkness, figuratively and literally. The only "entertainment" she had was something touching her back lightly as if in attempt to soothe her, however, the valkyrie couldn’t know for sure – perhaps, it was just her lively imagination. She felt indescribably lonely. And that unchanging, never-ending ticking - cold, indifferent - it drove her crazy! She wanted, no - she demanded to get a sign, to hear a single word meant for her, anything showing that he remembered...
Hannah got up again and dug her fingers into the silk flesh once more, struggling to reach the source of slight sensation. Her lungs burned of crying. Choking and sniffing, she called:
- Time, please!.. Please, say something. I can't bare this anymore... Answer me!..
No respond. The girl pushed harder, but the wall softly sprang under her hands and Hannah slammed over the bouncy floor. Her wings felt numb and sore – lack of space didn’t allow them to stretch even on a half of their capacity. Moreover, they were soaked in that oily liquid and visibly weighted: the valkyrie couldn’t stay straight for long or it would make her back dangerously creak.
Time didn't hear her, or pretended that he didn't. The girl didn't know what was worse. Her love for him had a violent battle with disappointment and sorrow. It wasn't like she hated him, no. She just couldn't understand why. Now, when she thought it was the end, "why?" was the only question lingering in her tired mind.
It was inevitably the last question, every fucking time...
Old memories waltzed before her gaze, rapidly turning darker and uglier as they did.
It was definitely all her fault... They were right - it was her fault!...
Powerless, she gave up on the attempts to squirm. But, hiding her dirty face in her palms, she continued occasionally calling out for him.
She didn’t believe he would answer anymore.
But it was the only thing she could cling on just to stay conscious. To stay alive.
Time closed his eyes. It was almost over - they didn't find anything and soon the queen would be out. Regardless, any moment prolonging her stay gifted him with a new wave of agony.
- I'm scared... Don't do this to me... I... I beg you - don't be so cruel... – He heard a new faint shout from within and clenched his teeth.
Why didn't he come up with anything else? What was the reason he thought that swallowing Hannah was the best - and the only - option? Analysing it now, he saw countless possibilities aside that one. But... Back then it was something Time couldn't control. He had to keep her safe, yet close, because only then he could be certain the girl wouldn't get harmed. He rarely felt such strong emotions, and that made it difficult for him to find any proper explanation of what it was. But undoubtedly, it was something primal, subconscious. Something like... Hunger.
Time wasn't a human, though he looked like one; he didn't need to eat like normal people did. When he made a joke about dinner, in his case the man ment consumption of things that would simply keep him going, like oil, for instance. So, average hunger or starvation were unfamiliar to him.
However, that pang which struck him at the moment of danger tore a hole in him - at least, that what he felt. The man couldn't help himself, he knew - that was the right choice: to take her in, to become her alive armour, a tower no one could conquer where his tiny princess wouldn't fear anything. To satisfy that empty feeling. And his opened his mouth, and swallowed her whole despite protests and cries.
The only goal he achieved was that now, she feared him.
- I guess, I was wrong about you after all, my darling… - It was incredibly difficult to focus on Iracebeth, but Time forced himself to stand up as she jumped off her seat.
No one would expect so many controversial emotions to fight beneath the mask of courtesy on his face.
- See? I wouldn’t go against you, love...
- But I’m still mad at you! - She interrupted him. Her foot in a high-heel shoe gave the floor a capricious tap.
- What did I do to cause your displeasure, your majesty?
- You knew I was looking for that creature all along and didn’t do anything! If you really loved me, you would have already brought her to me!
- My seconds are working days and nights on that… It seems she is quite smart. Although, not smarter than my dearest, isn’t she? She will be yours, my sweet queen...
His smarmy grin made Iracebeth visibly soften – she smiled back and let her partner guide herself and her servants to the exit.
" Ok, act casual - a smile, a kiss, a bow. Don't let her know. They almost departed."
- Time... Please...
Wilkins opened the gates and the guests finally crossed the last border of his territory. He watched impatiently as Red Queen crawled into her carriage and two bright red horses with long black plumes on their heads swept her away.
Wilkins vanished too. Good.
-Say anything...
- Hannah!
He put all the pain he felt into that word. The man leaned to the locked gates and hugged himself - hugged her inside of him.
- I am here. Please, don't cry - I meant no harm. I... You are safe. Trust me, Hannah - you are safe!
He fought the wish to cough her up right then and there - it would spook the girl even more; she could get hurt. He prayed she would listen. Time have never thought that his own seconds could be that intimidating; the valkyrie in his belly went silent. Deadly silent.
- I'm sorry I didn't say it to you earlier. It would be too dangerous! I... I understand how you feel right now - I will understand if you don't want to speak to me ever again, but I'm not kidding, Hun. I meant no harm.
The last phrase turned into a whisper on his pale lips. He was counting.
- T-Time?
Her voice was cracked and high-pitched.
- You didn't leave m-me? Is it really you?
Thank goodness!
- Hannah...
- I thought... I thought you would... - She trembled. - That you would kill me...
- No, no, of course not! I'm very sorry... Forgive me, Hun. If you can...
He slowly sat down on the floor. Strange, but oddly pleasant sensation of another life wiggling around inside him restarted. He could say she still was kinda edgy, though the movement appeared to be rather curious than panicking. Time pressed a hand a bit harder against his waist, tracing the girl’s way. In return the man received a hesitant pat.
-What is that, Time?
- Don’t worry. It’s just my hand.
- Oh… - Hannah flinched. She put two and two together, and late realization came to her. – So… You… You were with me… I… oh, Gosh... I was an idiot... I should have thought!..
Her emotions was so strong that she couldn’t finish – the valkyrie simply buried herself in soft wrinkles of the stomach and rubbed at the spot where she could feel his presence. All her worries disappeared instantly.
- I’m sorry for rumbling – you don’t like that…
Time laughed drily.
-Do whatever you want and don’t even TRY to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong! It was me who scared you. By the way, I want to tell you: you don’t have to watch your step every moment around me just because I’m “the Time itself”! Sounds ridiculous, I know. However…
He paused, trying to find the words.
– I require honesty, Hannah. You should be honest with me and yourself. I’m honest with you – I care about you! I’m on your side! I won’t hurt you just because I can – there are people like that and you met them often – but I’m not them. I call my seconds stupid. But they are my beloved children I would kill for. It’s as true as the fact that you are my… friend.
Hannah noticed the place heated up. Wait… Was he blushing?
-T-thank you… Time. No one ever said that to me after my parents passed away. – She said quietly. – And, frankly… I couldn’t be happier now. I’m shocked – and glad – that you see me in this way. Because you are my friend too. I like you.
He didn't say anything about that. The space suddenly got even more crumped and the clock above started ticking a little bit off the rhythm – but it was just silence. Not frightening, but rather… fluttering that time.
Mechanical noises coming from here and there lost their flat and unbothered tone – they talked. They sang. A trap turned into a temple; Hannah suddenly thought that she was actually inside of his body. Well, it was obvious. But earlier it sent chills of horror down her spine while now they were the chills of extreme adoration. Before he appeared in her head as an invincible god. In fact, he wasn’t invincible – he could feel pain, he could be broken. She could break him like, right at that moment – or any other moment in the past. Time’s abrupt – almost instinctual – decision to put her under his skin, to give her access to the most vulnerable part of him only to defend her instantly obtained a much deeper meaning she was only about to understand - and deeply appreciate…
She snuggled deeper into the warm flesh, listening to the melodic rhythm of his body. He sat there, curled around her possessively.
They stayed like this for long – it could be an eternity.
Although, everything, good or bad, comes to an end.
-I guess, you want out now. – Time’s voice was slightly tremulous.
-I… I do. No offence. - She admitted shyly. - My wings need some space.
-Sure. – She could feel him straighten up. His palm didn’t let go of her even for a second. – And by the way... After you get ready, we still could have that dinner together. If you still want it, of course…
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bubbleddisasters · 1 month
So I saw a cool ship edit with Jade and Che’nya, and that has given me the confidence to talk about my favorite crackship/Rare pair!
(This is pretty long, sorry!)
Che’nya and Idia!
It originally started out as a joke like “Over Powered Cat Boy x Cat Loving Gamer Boy”, but then I realized how actually good they could be for eachother.
Although they never technically talk in canon, they do meet in Glorious Masquerade for like 6 seconds, but I shipped them prior lol.
Basically, Che’nya would be extremely good for Idia in many ways, I hope its not a bother, but I’ll just list my personal ideas!
(Keep in mind that in Alice in Wonderland, Its stated in “Through the Looking Glass” the Cheshire Cat is the second most powerful being, next to the personification of Time, So I envision Che’nya is pretty op, and theres some evidence to prove that but i’m not going to get in to that right now)
Starting off from Idias side:
One: Lets say Idia refuses to eat or care for himself, Che’nya could teleport away his consoles until he does, or teleport the food to him.
Like : “You won’t shower? Gee I wonder where your routers went.” “Won’t sleep? I opened a portal on your gaming chair that teleports you to your bed” “Won’t drink water? Damn, that figurine near the edge of the table looking real pushable right now.”
We also know that Idia has a huge soft spot for cats. Che’nya is most definitely the most cat like person in the cast. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a cat form. So thats definitely some sway there.
Also, if he does or even if he doesn’t have a cat form, he has a big and floofy tail, and if he does have a cat form, I imagine it to be Mainecoon like (since Che’nya is pretty tall and lanky) so free floof to pet/brush when Idias stressed (also A Whisker Away AU?)
Another thing is Che’nyas invisibility: He can be a comfort for Idia without being seen, so Idias less judged for his anxiousness. Like if Idias in a stressful meeting or something in STYX, He can be there to comfort or calm him without anyones notice. Also, If Idias in a stressful social situation, Che’nya can teleport him or them both away, or make them or just him invisible.
Plus, judging from the most definitely self made artwork on Che’nyas pants, I think its safe to say he’s probably an artist of some sort, and I think he’d be more than willing to indulge/read/play/watch Idias recommendations, and maybe draw something for him. (The requirements are either cuddles or Solving Che’nyas riddles three)
Finally, judging by the fact Che’nya casually waltzes through NRCs magic barrier, which took SEVERAL HIGH TECH STYX STRIKES TO CRACK, often enough for Riddle to be able to say “The Intruder” and everyone just knows its Che’nya.
Also, RSA is THE ENTIRE ISLAND AWAY AND ON A GIANT FUCKING MOUNTAIN, so this means Che’nya is very casually teleporting across the equivalent of atleast a small country without producing jack shit in terms of blot, while (from what we can see on his design) not wearing a mage stone.
He’s also been detaching his own body parts, flying, going invisible, etc since age 5, and from Rollos story we know that amount of magic use would indefinitely kill 80% of people, especially a kid, so knowing that, I’m pretty sure its somewhat safe to say if Che’nya got into S.T.Y.X atleast once so he knows where it is, he’d be able to teleport back in and out (the security team fucking hates him and the blot research team wants to experiment on him.)
With that, Idia wouldn’t feel as if he’s trapping Che’nya down there if they were to tie the knot, and gives the possibility of being able to teleport out to shore for in town dates.
On Che’nyas side, Idia is someone who’s very fun once he sort of lets himself go, and god forbid if those two team up on April Fools.
He’s also someone that is already pretty lonely by nature and I find it extremely plausible Che’nya feels slightly replaced by Cater, and although he definitely still cherishes Riddle and Trey, its nice to have someone that you don’t fear might find a replacement.
Also, at RSA, we know he’s good friends with Neige, but because of Neiges fame, that must be hella stressful when you’re trying to hang out and get jumped by fans or paparazzi.
Not to mention Neige is likely very very busy due to the same factor. I’d also wager most people at RSA are not as much fun to him, considering it’s mentioned they always seem to be perfect and pristine at events.
That cycle of semi- perfect paradise like school days would probably bore him, along with the very bland or stereotypical reactions I can imagine his pranks getting.
So we have on one side the stress of being friends with someone in the limelight at all times, and the stress being chased around when you go to visit your childhood friends + being lowkey replaced.
So someone you can pretty much always count on to be available and a dorm that won’t chase you out (probably too anti-social and/or Socially anxious to do so) and is somewhat willing to indulge in your chaos from time to time, or just play games with.
I could also see Che’nya and Ortho getting along very well too, with Ortho being the most aggressive wingman for Idia. Also, if Che’nya gets Ortho in on pranking Idia, it’s going to turn into a prank WAR.
Also, fun idea, Lilia, Cater and Trey being Che’nyas Wingmen.
I like to imagine Che’nya and Lilia are extremely good friends (They call themselves the Pink Bats and Purple Cats Jumpscarers) and since from what we know, Che’nya only has his grandfather, Lilia emotionally adopted him after Che’nya unintentionally fell asleep in his Cat form in the woods and Lilia told Silver to bring him back because “he was concerned about the high magic levels he sensed” and basically did the equivalent of
Silver: “Father, It might not be a stray-“
Lilia, fully aware its a fae beastman : “Finders Keepers :) “
Basically this snowballs into Che’nya getting invited into the dungeon runs with Idia, and yea.
Trey’s wingmanning is 40% trying to make sure Riddle doesn’t catch Che’nya, 20% trying to make sure he doesn’t blow up the kitchen trying to make something for Idia, and 40% being the sane consultant of date ideas, making sure Cater doesn’t go overboard with ship posts, and the preventive measurer to the date ideas recommended by Lilia.
“Please do not have a sword duel for a date.”
“Nya? I’d be fun!”
“I don’t see why not. I did that with my lovers back in the day. Melanor in her training uniform was quite a sight to behold, Ravaene also looked fine, I suppose. Poor him was always too easy for us to take out however-“
“Lilia, thats uh, not the point. I don’t trust either of them with weapons.”
“Hm? Silver got his first sword when he was 10 or so. Baul and I refereed Sebek and Silvers first real duel when they were…12, methinks? For all Bauls bragging about his grandson, it was my son who won in the end-“
*Camera pans to a very concerned Riddle in the doorway.*
“What kind of a discussion is going on here?!”
Yea, thats pretty much it!
(If you recognize some of the beginning spiel from a comment section on tiktok yes I wrote that and I got mildly lazy and thought past me explained it pretty well so I copy and pasted a few pieces)
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i was js reading alice in wonderland for the first time earlier in class (stopppp ive always heard of the story but ionly know some stuff[?] from watching alice in borderland 😭), the story is so ridiculously, perplexingly, mind-bogglingly, bafflingly nosensical and idk if the author intentionally wrote it to be so confusing or its actually like that 😭
dude the size of their heads in the illustrations- 😨
and i knew the cheshire cat was kinda scary based off the images i saw on the Net a few times but black and white makes it look even worse holey heck
im halfway through the (fairly short) book and i wanna know why the queen keeps yapping "Cut off his head!" all the time like does she have a beheading kink or sth 😭
tell me you haven't lived long on this earth without telling me you haven't lived long on this earth: you've never read/watched alice in wonderland but know alice in borderland.
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alice in wonderland is probably the most relatable story i've ever read and i loved its movie so much its literally one of my fav things ever 😭😭 i loved all that nonsense when i was a kid and i still love that nonsense bc it kinda makes more sense now 😭😭 i love it sm 😭 cheshire cat is the cutest even in b&w don't you dare 😭😭
bro if i was in a position of power like the red queen (and i guess that's why i'm not) guess what my fav line would be she's so relatable.
off with his head!
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