#i planned this one to have way more to do with world building and particularly with humanity
whumpitisthen · 4 months
Next chapter of Auden's story is written!!!! Once i edit it you will get to see just how powerful His Majesty is, a tiny bit of how humanity survives through literal Hell
and a little bit of Grim being a nuisance, as per usual, because he is important to me and a bastard
We'll get back to Auden after this it's kinda weird how it's his story and he hasn't been here for two chapters............ Dont you worry the angel boi will continue being harmed and traumatised :3 i just had to introduce our whumpers properly
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colonelarr0w · 2 months
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Promised Protector
Sypnosis - When a particularly pushy Araj begins to make Astarion revert to a past self that he had been trying so desperately to grow from, it leaves you to step in. It leaves Astarion with a small realization -- you did care for him, really truly cared for him.
Warning(s) - mature themes, foul language, mentions of abuse (physical and sexual), Araj being an ass, slightly OOC Astarion
Word Count - 1.8k
A/N - Trying my hand at BG3 fanfiction. I have yet to actually play the game, so I'm going purely based off of the playthroughs of others and random clips that I've found sprinkled around YouTube. I do plan to write more for this little vampiric shit, so y'all can leave requests for him as well!
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“Must we be here darling? I’m not rather fond of dungeons with … medieval torture devices.”
You bite back the breathy chuckle in your throat as you continue forward, eyes expertly searching your surroundings to ensure that no creature in the dark would ambush you or Astarion. 
“For a creature that usually prefers the dark, you’re quite the complainer,” you bite back, tilting your head to cast a glance at the vampire over your shoulder. He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, shooting you a warning glare – one that you laugh off. 
“And for a creature as clumsy as yourself, you’re doing quite well in avoiding any potential traps.” Astarion’s eyebrow raises as you now shoot him a glare. His shoulders rise and fall in a nonchalant shrug as he moves to walk in sync with you, scarlet eyes scanning his surroundings before they allow themselves to return to you.
“I am not clumsy. It was one time,” you roll your eyes, continuing forward and clenching your jaw as Astarion dares to chuckle at your side. “Rich coming from the one who threw a tantrum even after I revived him.”
“Darling, need I remind you that you dropped an entire building on my head?” Astarion whips his head to the side to face you, his eyes narrowed now in a pointed glare that only brings a wide smile to your face. In any other situation, he too would have smiled simply at the sight of your own, but your revealed teeth only make his chest twist in faux anger. 
“And need I remind you that it was an accident?” 
“In what world is dropping a building on someone an accident?” Astarion murmurs under his breath, stopping when you do. Your eyes flicker to a figure standing just a few feet in front of you – a drow. 
She turns as your footsteps and Astarion’s become more audible, curiosity painting itself onto your face as you both approach. Her eyebrows raise, and you’re not sure if her expression is one of intrigue. 
“Hello,” you say politely, bowing your head in greeting as the drow eyes you curiously, irises raking over the entirety of your figure before they curiously flicker to peer at Astarion. 
“Araj Obladra, a pleasure,” the drow returns just as politely as you, her head dipping in the same bow that you had offered her. “How nice it is to stand in the presence of a True Soul … and her paled companion.”
Astarion’s eyes roll at the nickname, you catch it just out of the corner of your eye. But you choose to ignore it for the sake of not wanting to stir up any unnecessary drama – you had come to Araj for a reason, after all. 
“I’ve traveled to inquire about your services if you’re willing to provide them,” you explain, already noticing a glint in Araj’s eye. You’re not quite sure what expression it’s meant to convey, but from the way that she shifts from one foot to another, your gut tells you that it may not be the most positive. 
Another thing you notice … how her gaze continuously flickers to Astarion. 
“But of course,��� Araj replies without hesitation, angling her body so that it faces Astarion rather than you. Your eyes narrow, brows momentarily pinching together. Just what was she playing at?
“You seem … interested in my pale friend here,” you think aloud, immediately wishing that you could swallow your words the moment that you register both Astarion and Araj’s reactions. 
“It is not every day that one encounters a vampire spawn,” Araj notes, the term bringing a disgusting taste to Astarion’s tongue. His nose scrunches in that same disgust, and for a moment, a flicker of anger dares to flare up within the depths of your chest. “After all, in exchange for blood, I craft potions.”
A hum rumbles in your throat, though you say nothing. Araj continues, choosing to ignore the expression you wear – the anger that you so clearly display. 
“All I truly need is a single drop, and then whatever potion you require … well, I can brew it,” she explains, finally moving from where she stands to circle you and Astarion. It reminds you of a predatory lion, one with slit-like pupils that eyes its prey before promptly pouncing on it. 
“And with the rest of it?” you prompt with a raise of your eyebrow. “My blood, I mean.”
“I shall keep it for myself … other potions need to be crafted, as you well know.”
She steps forward, extending her hand and holding her palm out to you. For a moment, you simply think, pondering whether or not you should even trust the drow – especially considering how her eyes still dared to flicker to Astarion. Why was she so interested in him?
You can sense Astarion’s worry from over your shoulder, the feeling rippling off of him like rolling ocean waves. But even with it, you lay your palm over Araj’s. 
“There, finished,” Araj says, already stepping back from you the moment that your skin comes into contact with her own. Her eyes, once again, meet Astarion’s. 
“And now wh—“
Araj’s attention turns completely now to Astarion, who momentarily falters underneath her gaze. His worry for you morphs silently into disgust directed at the drow. 
“There’s still much to discuss,” Araj comments, a smirk just barely pulling at the corners of her mouth. “Such as your paled companion.”
Astarion glances at you, and in return, he’s met with an expression of suppressed anger and jealousy — that would be a conversation for later, he dictates. 
“He’s a vampire, is he not? Or vampire spawn?” Araj’s eyes wander over Astarion, drifting down his entire body and ignoring the way that his eyes narrow in a glare at her. She turns then back to you, once again choosing to ignore the fury that glints in the depths of your eyes. 
“He belongs to you, am I correct?”
If you weren’t angry before, you were now. Your eyes flicker to Astarion, his expression a mixture of hurt and shock – it was one that you had never seen him wear before, and with the way it made your heart positively crack, you never wanted to see it again. 
“The last I checked, he was his own person,” you turn to Araj angrily, “he does not belong to anyone.” 
Araj bites back the chuckle that threatens to crawl up her throat, lifting a hand in front of her mouth as she laughs breathily into the skin of her palm. Your teeth grind against each other, jaw setting into place as the drow regains herself. 
“Oh, you were serious?” Her eyebrow lifts, the sight of it taking everything in you to not lunge at her and promptly wedge the blade of your dagger into the skin of her neck. “It’s adorable really … if he truly believes you, that is.”
Astarion swears he could hear one of your teeth chip with how roughly you set your jaw into place. His eyes wander down to your hands, taking note of how they clench into white-knuckled fists. Your fingers itch towards the blade in its holster, but you fight the urge to remove it. 
“Does your spawn have a name?” Araj shifts her attention back to Astarion, eyeing him once again. He opens his mouth to speak, but with a speed that feels almost inhuman, you answer for him. 
“His name is Astarion, and if you dare to call him my spawn again, I will surely–”
“Now, now darling!” Astarion’s hand closes around your mouth, palm pressing to your lips as he flashes you a too-sweet smile – hoping to whatever God was above him that you wouldn’t turn your anger onto him and plunge a dagger between his eyebrows. “Let’s be civil, yes?”
You bite back the angered insult that bubbles up in your chest, swallowing your words and settling back on your feet. Astarion nods, slowly removing his hand from your mouth before he turns to Araj.
“It’s been quite the dream of mine, being bit by a vampire … spawn or the like,” Araj explains, her tone taking on an almost dream-like lull. You can already feel the bile rising in your throat.
And it seems that Astarion shares your sentiment, what with the way that his eyebrows raised and his lips curled in that adorable little scowl. 
“I’ll have to decline,” Astarion is quick to answer, shaking his head and taking a tentative step away from Araj, almost as if he’s trying to hide his body behind your own. You allow it, going so far as to then sidestep him and stand protectively in front of him – an action that he smiles gently at. 
“I’ll compensate–”
“He said no, thank you very much,” you butt in, glaring down your nose at the overbearing drow. She falters on her feet for a moment, but just as quickly, she recollects herself. “We’ll be going now.”
You turn on your heel, reaching swiftly for Astarion’s hand before promptly leaving – not once sparing a glance to the disappointed drow over your shoulder. 
< … >
“Darling?” Astarion hesitantly lifts the flap of your tent, ducking beneath it and entering. You hum from where you sit at your desk, tilting your head slightly to show your acknowledgment. “Are you alright? Your lively presence was missed. You left me to deal with … them … on my own.”
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose as you turn in your seat to look at Astarion. At the sight of your face, he falters, his expression softening. 
“You’re still upset over that vile drow, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am Astarion!” you rise from your place, throwing your hands up. He flinches, not having expected a violent outburst from you. 
“She … she thought that I had ownership of you! All because of what, the fact that you’re a spawn and not a vampire? The nerve of some creatures disgusts me! I mean honestly–!”
You pause, head lifting so that your gaze finally meets Astarion’s awaiting gaze. His eyes are soft as they gaze at you, lips turned upward in a smile of equal softness. He approaches you, offering his hands to you – which you take without hesitation. 
“I want you to know that I … appreciate what you did for me today,” Astarion admits quietly, speaking low enough that you could barely hear him. “It has been many years since I was able to choose my own.”
You soften, squeezing at his hands. “Astarion, you deserve to have your own voice. Nobody should be able to control what you do besides … well … you.”
He draws you closer to his chest, arms locking around your waist as his face buries itself into your hair. You chuckle lightly, returning his embrace and laying your face against his shoulder. 
For 200 years, Astarion had never known the sound of his own voice. 
But now?
Now he knew the sound of it, and he knew that it mattered. 
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writing-for-marvel · 8 months
Day 22: Balcony Sex
Mob!Bucky's Kinktober Honeymoon
Mob!Bucky Barnes × Wife!Reader
Summary: Bucky has other ideas while you’re watching fireworks on your hotel balcony.
Warnings: strictly 18+, smut, public sex/exhibitionism, unprotected vaginal sex, creampie
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: dividers by me, please do not use. Banners by @vase-of-lilies
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“Why are you sitting all the way over there?” Bucky asks when you sit down, cocktail in hand.
Everyone else in the world views your husband as a dark and twisted man, power to control an entire city at his fingertips and ready to slice a man’s throat at the drop of a hat. But right now, he looks like a sad, abandoned puppy simply because you chose to sit at the other end of the settee.
“Just wanted to take in the view.” You’re seated on the balcony of the presidential suite, seemingly on top of the entire world, with a spectacular view onto a gorgeous white sandy beach of the bay below and the setting sun along the horizon. Bucky chose this particular hotel because of this world famous view, as well as the annual firework show planned for tonight.
“I prefer this view right here.” Bucky scoots closer to you, taking your chin in his fingertips and pressing a very purposeful kiss to your lips. Even though it’s a cheesy line, it doesn’t stop you from involuntarily smiling and warmth blooming in your chest. He doesn’t take his adoration-filled eyes off you for a single second, and even though you still can’t believe that anyone in their right mind could truly find you that beautiful, he certainly gazes at you like you are in fact the goddess he claims you to be.
When you place your drink on the side table, Bucky’s strong hands quickly find your hips, lifting you from your position next to him and placing you on his lap. In his own words, you two can never be too close.
But that can sometimes backfire on him, like in situations just as this one where you’re positioned in just the right spot to wiggle your hips and grind down on his hardening bulge.
You know what you’re doing. You’re no fool.
Well before your honeymoon started you knew exactly how to titillate Bucky Barnes within an inch of his life, and you’re certainly not afraid of using this knowledge to your advantage.
“You thought you could wear this cute little dress and not let me fuck you in it?” Even though you’re not looking at him, Bucky’s voice has that deep eagerness to it, as if it’s almost strained, a quality you’ve come to know with time indicates he’s particularly aroused. “You think the fact that we’re outside would stop me from fucking you senseless?”
His grip on your hips is tight enough to leave bruises as his lips lock onto the skin where your neck curves into your shoulder. You rock your hips over his very evident hard on, desire clouding your mind and simply moving your body in a way you know will make him feel good, which is confirmed when your name leaves his lips in a breathy moan.
“Bucky, please… I need to feel you.”
You immediately hear the sound of his belt unbuckling, the anticipation of what is about to happen flooding you with even more wetness. As he pulls his cock out, you pull your panties to the side, wiggling your hips as you wait for him to fill you.
“So wet and needy for me, and I’ve barely touched you.” As you position yourself on his thighs, Bucky rubs his bulbous tip through your wet folds, coating himself in your arousal. “You just can’t get enough of this fat dick, can you Mrs Barnes?”
His cock splits you apart effortlessly, the burn as you stretch around him melds with the pleasure of feeling so wonderfully full of the man you have vowed to share the rest of your life with.
With the help of Bucky’s strong hands on your hips, you lift yourself up his shaft before impaling yourself back down on it, over and over again until you build up a rhythm. The upbeat and brisk music from the beach below blares through the night as you grind down on your husband’s cock, his thick length hitting all the sweet spots inside you which makes the knot in your stomach wind tighter.
You can feel every veiny inch of him within you, stretching you out deliciously before making you feel gapingly empty as you lift your body. A gravelly moan escapes both your throats each time you sink down on him, when you can’t determine where he stops and you start, feeling like one soul linked for eternity.
“Let go for me baby, I know you wanna cum. Soak me sweetheart.” He reaches around your thigh to toy with your clit with the annoyingly perfect pressure and angle that has you hurtling even quicker towards your inevitable release.
“Holy shit Buck, just like that!” You scream as his dexterous fingers work to make you come undone.
You feel yourself crumbling under his touch, being split in half, taken apart at the seams and you cum with a shout of his name. Your thighs quiver beyond use, but Bucky sees to it that he thrusts his hips vigorously upwards, to compensate for your lack of movement and prolong your high.
“That’s my fucking girl.” If you could hear Bucky’s thoughts at this moment, it would make you cum again in an instant. All he can think about is how ravishing you look, how gorgeous you sound as he bounces you on his cock. That you were made for him, that he would go to the ends of the earth just to feel your warm walls constricting against his shaft, that he’d burn the world down before he let anyone deprive him of the rapture of your existence. That he simply never wants to be apart from you ever again.
Once you’ve come down from what seemed to be an everlasting high, Bucky urges you onto your feet while still inside you, walking you towards the edge of the balcony and you get a glimpse of the crowd celebrating on the beach below.
“Better hold on tight baby.” Your hands steady yourself on the railing of the balcony as you prepare for the onslaught you know is about to be unleashed upon you.
Bucky’s fingers dig into the curve of your hips as he begins fucking into you, his hips meeting your ass at such a speed that your body almost can’t fully process the immeasurable pleasure firing in every one of your neurons at the same time.
“Let me hear you, darling. You sound so pretty when you’re taking my cock - want the whole neighbourhood to hear who’s making you feel this good.”
God, you’re so fucked.
“Oh Bucky… Oh fuck! Oh my God… You’re so fucking deep… Shit!” You can’t help the profanities spilling from your lips as Bucky roughly fucks into you. You’re too caught up in how Bucky’s thick cock drags against your walls and kisses your cervix to give a damn about anyone on the beach below observing you being utterly ravaged by your husband.
Being on the top floor of the hotel, it literally seems like you’re on a cloud of bliss, wave after wave of euphoria cascading over you, suffocating as each of Bucky’s unhinged thrusts knocks all the air from your lungs that you’re head starts to feel dizzy.
“Darling you’re so fucking tight, this pussy is gonna milk every drop outta me.” With each thrust Bucky brings you closer to your second high, his balls slapping against your puffy clit and his thick cock grazes that spongy spot inside you which makes your vision blurry. “Be a good little slut and cum on your husband's cock in front of all those people.”
That familiar tightness quickly develops in your lower stomach, a promising indicator you’re hurtling towards your release, as you grip the metal railing for dear life. You scream into the dark night with the sheer intensity of your orgasm as the firework show sparks to life in the sky in front of you. Bucky’s name and obscenities are all drowned out by the loud crackles of the pyrotechnics, your body putty in his hands as he doesn’t let up, both extending your own orgasm and chasing his own.
Your legs feel like jelly and your throat is hoarse as Bucky’s thrusts begin to stutter, his vice grip on your waist somehow growing tighter. The sky illuminates with gold chrysanthemum fireworks as you hear Bucky growl behind you, pouring all his warm seed into you.
Bucky pulls out of you and encircles your waist, tugging you back into him as you watch the firework display decorate the sky. He places a soft kiss to your shoulder once the show ends with blinding blue and pink explosions, and cheers from the crowd below.
“Pinch me.” You request, and you can both hear Bucky chuckle and feel the reverberations of his chest against your back as he does so.
“Just wanna make sure this honeymoon hasn’t been some elaborate dream I’m about to wake up from.” Bucky turns you around as the wind sweeps his hair from his face, his smirk completely intoxicating, a lustful hunger and a blazing yearning so evident in those ocean eyes, you can perceive it even in the blanketing darkness of the night.
“I can assure you darling this is no dream. But I have a much more alluring way of proving it to you than by a simple pinch.”
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Mob!Bucky’s Kinktober Honeymoon Taglist: @tilltheendofthelinepal13 @kandis-mom @buggy14 @opheliastark @auntiegigi @alovecraft @cinnxbunny @zincxxx @cultofcarter @rose-alyssa @kaitlin013106 @wandas-gurlfri3nd @beautifulrare4leafclover @queenyamimarrero @littlerya @noobzandboobzandhooz @wanda2themax @lonelywolfheart @Kbananaclip14 @depressed-gays-of-marvel @ur--mommy @jollyfirebattrash @lauratang @casa-boiardi @raging-panda @nicoline1998enilocin @melsunshine @stinkerbelle007 @mememe7147 @happycat547 @matchat3a @Sirmeowertheruthless7 @Inlovewithficnalmen @katiemarsblog @irienanicole @buckyisveryhot @littleravengirl @whyamireadingthis @vase-of-lilies @Mrsrogers77 @saltyshluts @Wwhitewolff @buckysdogtagss @mylastnamesyuh @alexandria-fandom @andth3ywereroommates @avalongreene-09 @sargentbarnxes @keira324 @cherryschaos @missusbarnes-rogers @cherriesnwinee @Ellieangelbee @Shirayukiuzukaze @goldylions @elacinnamoon @buckysdollx @mrsmischief209 @capsbestgirl77 @its-just-smut-haha @ironmansson29 @Slutforderekhale @otome-loves-what @jacesswifey @winterslove1917 @black-mistress-of-evil @buckyscumwhore @purple-vegan
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devildom-drabbles · 1 year
Snippet - Last Name
How would each of the demon brothers react to MC saying that they’ll give him their last name?
“There aren’t any demons or angels that have last names, right?” MC randomly questioned the demon brother they were spending time with.  “Why is that?”
The demon explained how the beings in the Devildom and Celestial Realm were given one-of-a-kind names to distinguish them from others, unlike how many humans can share the same (first) name.  As such, having a second name was unnecessary.  Titles were more common to further establish their individuality, such as “Morning Star” for Lucifer and “Jewel of the Heavens” for Asmodeus when the two of them were angels.
“Do you wish you had a last name?” MC inquired.
The demon was mostly indifferent on the matter, but he did mention how he particularly liked MC’s last name. 
“In that case, I’ll give you my last name someday,” MC remarked in a casual manner.
He opened his mouth to reply but paused upon realizing what MC might’ve been implying.  A human typically would only share their last name with someone else when they were getting married to that individual.
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Lucifer felt a surge of pride in his chest at the notion that MC intended to offer their last name (and their hand in marriage) to him alone.  Still, from how nonchalantly they had presented the notion, he had to make sure that both of them understood it in the same way. “You’re aware of what that would mean for us, right?” he asked them.  “It’s not something to take lightly, even if I’m not human.”  After watching MC nod their head confidently, a small grin tugged at Lucifer’s lips.  “Good.  Seeing as how you already belong to me, MC, it’s only natural that your last name would become mine, as well.  I look forward to when that day officially comes.”  (Time to start planning a real marriage proposal, Lucifer thought to himself.)
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Mammon managed to choke on his saliva when he pieced together what MC likely was implying, which, on the bright side, provided him with an excuse as to why his cheeks were flushed.  All the money and rare treasures in the Devildom could never compare to the value of having MC’s last name all to himself.  “Th-The Great Mammon accepts your gift!” he declared once he finished coughing.  “If you’re gonna give your last name to anyone, obviously it’s gonna be me.  That means no one else can have it, got it?  No changin’ your mind, either!  A-And...don’t take too long to hand it over to me, ‘cause I’m ready to take it anytime.”  (Well, first, Mammon just needed to narrow down the best ring to give MC from his secret growing collection.)
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Leviathan could've probably rattled off the long title of a human world anime that had a scene similar to this—that is, if he wasn’t currently short-circuiting in front of MC.  “Y-Y-Y-You’d give your l-l-last name to a gross shut-in otaku like m-me?!” he asked incredulously.  “You mean it?!  Are you sure?!”  Once MC reaffirmed their promise, Levi was certain he could die happy (but not right now!).  “Oh man, it feels like I just unlocked the highest ranking class in an RPG!  MC, I’ll wear your last name proudly and do everything I can to make sure you won’t regret choosing me to have it!  ...Uh, when I do get your last name, I mean.”  (Levi started focusing more on anime and game content that included marriage as references for how to be a good husband for MC in the future.)
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Satan was left dumbfounded for a moment as he processed what MC was telling him.  “So then, you’re saying...you want to marry me at some point, correct?” he bluntly questioned them.  MC confirmed his suspicion, which brought a light blush to his face coupled with a pleased smile.  Although there was no record of a demon and human ever marrying each other, he couldn’t deny that he also wanted this with MC.  “All right.  I’ll make your dream a reality, and in return, you’ll share your last name with me.  This means we’ll spend the rest of your days together, too.  Let’s build a love so strong it’ll be the envy of all romance novels and poetry.”  (Afterward, while he was researching human marriage customs, he suddenly wondered if the cats he wanted to adopt with MC would also acquire their last name.)
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Asmodeus squealed and bounced cheerfully in place before wrapping his arms around MC in a tight embrace.  Normally the concept of being permanently tied to someone would be unappealing to Asmo, but those qualms became nonexistent when it involved MC.  “I love you so much, MC!  I’ll make you the happiest human in all the three realms as Asmodeus [Last Name]!  Oh wow, my name was already gorgeous by itself, but with your last name added to it, it’s even better!  Come on, let’s get a pre-engagement photo together.  I can’t wait to brag to everyone on Devilgram about this.”  (Since MC already offered him their last name, Asmo decided that he’d be the one to get them an engagement ring.  But if MC buys him one, too, he certainly won’t complain.)
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Beelzebub’s eyes twinkled with pure joy at MC’s promise.  “Really?  I’d like that a lot, MC,” he told them.  His words may have been a bit of an understatement, considering MC’s declaration filled him with so much glee that it was enough to satisfy the seemingly endless void in his stomach.  He couldn’t hold back his wide grin as he took their hands in his own and continued, “When I have your last name, we can finally be our own family.  We’ll wake up together, make breakfast together, go out for lunch together, eat dinner together...  Oh, yeah, I guess we mostly do that already, but it’ll be even more special than it is now.  Hehe, I can’t wait.”  (Despite the frequent distractions of thinking about wedding cake, Beel did take active steps to ensure that he’d be able to actually receive their last name.)
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Belphegor perked up in surprise from MC’s words, the constant nagging urge to sleep vanishing in an instant.  He feared he may have accidentally dozed off mid-conversation and only dreamed of MC wanting him to have their last name.  Fortunately, the look on their face assured him that he had been awake, so his expression softened into genuine delight as he replied, “Okay, I like the sound of that.”  Rather than ending it there, his mischief (and inner excitement) got the better of him, causing him to add, “Although, if you’re planning to give your last name to me, then that also means I can take it anytime I want, right?  Even if it’s sooner than you expect?  Because I might just do that.”  (Belphie now had an unusually high level of motivation to take the next step in his relationship with MC.)
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Hello! I am SO hyperfixated on the fact that the overblot form CAN be controlled??? That’s the case with Malleus isn’t it? And I guess on one hand I can see how Idia can control it too because of his “curse/blessing” (and sheer will and spite).
Maybe this is foreshadowing that maybe it’s possible for the other OB boys to do so as well???? I don’t know how it’ll work with them but I’m so excited. Overblot cards potential AAAH
I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on this!
[Referencing this post!}
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Yeah, I definitely think that OB Idia battle segment opens the floodgates for potential SSR Overblot Troublemaker(s) cards 💀 (RIP to the OB gang fans)
As a refresher for everyone (since it has been a while), alllllll the way back in book 1, Crowley and Cater describe “overblot” as thus: “[… being] overcome by negative energy and[…] losing control of [one’s] magic and emotions,” and “evil berserk mode”.
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We’ve seen many examples of these traits in the main story campaign; oftentimes, the OB boy in question is impossible to reason with and has to be subdued via battle. However, it’s important to note that while the OBs may be primarily driven by their emotions, it is not purely rage but rather negative feelings in general. Yes, many OBs (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Vil, etc.) do attack others—but other OBs demonstrate moments of calm (ie when their demands are met). For example, Jamil is tame when he believes he has banished Kalim, secured hypnotized Scarabia mobs, and reigns over the dorm as its new leader. I do believe anger is still a large component of the behavior of one who has overblotted though; that rage most certainly clouds a person’s judgment and compels them to strike out at the slightest thing.
Now, about the idea of “controlling” OBs… I don’t that that can actually be done?? We have to remember that Malleus is a VERY powerful mage—and this alone could give him an “edge” that others don’t when it comes to being fully aware while in OB (though I believe both Malleus and Vil indicate early on they notice their blot building). As Idia’s dad states, Malleus is drawing his magic from nature itself and therefore has a limitless supply it. Secondly, I wouldn’t call Malleus’s OB “controlling” it to begin with. It’s clear that he’s still running high on emotions and is unwilling to hear others out or have them interfere with his plans. These are still traits associated with OB; it’s not as though Malleus is “overriding” the unreasonable thoughts, he is still ruled by them and acts on them. I think what you (maybe?) mean is that Malleus has a much more calculating approach and more precise control over how he wields his power rather than indiscriminately smashing stuff in his path. This, again, could do with his insane power level compared to his peers. Unlike most other OBs, his goal (at least in his own framing) before he overblotted to begin with wasn’t to “take away”, but rather to “gift” happy endings to everyone. This sets him apart just based on interests alone, and that’s perhaps why he acts the most different in the lot.
Now let’s consider the circumstances under which Idia OBs a second time: it’s in a dream, meaning it’s questionable whether or not this would transfer over to real life. Because it’s Idia’s dream, he has more autonomy in it, particularly because he is now “awake”/conscious of the fact that it is a dream. Secondly, Idia bears the Shroud family’s curse/blessing, which allows him to “power up” the more blot is present, as it serves as fuel for his magic. This alone makes him a “special case” which could explain the unusual amount of control he exerts over his OB form. (Again though, I’d wager it’s mostly the dream environment.)
I do see maybe the other OB boys doing a similar “oh, lemme OB to help you guys fight” in a dream situation where there are fewer limits on what they can do, but not in a real world setting. It would put them all at risk anyway, as they lack Idia’s curse/blessing or Malleus’s fae powers. Is that worth the risk, knowing they could all die or potentially turn on their classmates?
I just don’t see OB becoming a “tool” or a magical girl transformation the characters could pull out for combat purposes in the story (though this is possible for like the gameplay outside of the story). I highly doubt OB is like something you could train yourself to control; it’s less like bulking up at the gym and more like pushing yourself to keep exercising while you’re high on adrenaline… Sooner or later, you’d burn out and injure yourself in that overexertion.
If there ever are OB cards, I can easily see them as being the type that don’t come with vignettes because… what reasonable story could you conjure up to explain the OBing again? If there are vignettes, then they most likely won’t fit into the main story canon. You’d have to frame the OB cards as “within the moment” of whatever book they OB’d in, and perhaps go more in-depth about the trauma or something along those lines.
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Leaving The Web [Part 4] - Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Daughter Symbiote Spider Reader
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Summary: Imagine having a day off and deciding to spend it as Spider-Woman exploring the city. However, your plans take an unexpected turn when Miguel O'Hara attacks you and tries to take you back to your own universe by force. Luckily, you are able to rely on your ally, Venom, to take care of him. But, there is a concern that Venom's Symbiote tendencies may cause harm to your loved ones, particularly your father. Will Venom be able to control himself and keep everyone safe?
The black web connected to the next building as you swung through the in-between of the city in your Black Spider-Woman Suit; there wasn't any trouble to deal with today but it's a peaceful way to spend your day off, at least that's what Venom tells you. He was the one who wanted to get a breath of fresh air - he's content with staying inside your body during the day but he wants to have some time just swing around and you take the passenger seat for once.
"You having fun there, V?" You asked your Symbiote, only getting a chuckle from him.
"Yes, it's nice getting out and spreading out legs. You really need to exercise more; we were getting a bit chunky with all that chocolate and tater tots." V said as he pulled your body up and landed on the side of the building before sticking to it and looking at the city bustling below; some people noticed you and took your picture while others waved and sang your praises.
"You're the one that always wants to eat the leftover chocolates from Kristen's Chocolate Shop. If you found something else to eat, then we wouldn't be gaining so much weight; ever thought of that, V?" You asked in your smartass tone of voice.
"Well, if you want us to stop eating so much chocolate, maybe we can start eating the brains of the villains we capture? They are scum anyway, who would miss them?" Venom asked but you just groaned.
"We talked about this when we came to this world, V, we can't just go around & eat whomever we please. We're the heroes of this world and if people started seeing us eating people, it would make them scared of us. Do we want that, V?" You asked.
"No. No, we do not want that. I guess we will have to stick to eating chocolate." Venom said as he lifted your arm to swing to another building when your spider-sense started going off. Venom looked around but saw no one coming until he heard a yell coming from behind him; he turned your body around but you were tackled off the wall by a towering figure and headed to the ground. You looked at the body and saw the familiar dark blue and red colors that you wanted to forget more than anything and Venom caught on quickly.
"Miguel/Miguel!" You and Venom said in unison as you took control from Venom and Gorilla smashed Miguel in the back, making him grunt in pain before letting you go and crashing into the wall as you shot a web and swung away from the scene; knowing Miguel O'Hara, he was going to follow you and you need to keep the people safe from this confrontation. You swung until you reached the top of the building a few distances away from where you were and you waited - soon enough, Miguel showed up with his mask off. You had Venom remove the mask and glared at him with your brown eyes.
"What the hell are you doing back in my universe, O'Hara? There are no Anomalies for you to take this time." You demanded to know but Miguel just pulled out a bracelet, the same bracelet you left behind when you left his universe. "What are you going to do with that.
"I've waited long enough. You're coming home, mija, and there is nothing you can do to stop me this time. I know this world doesn't have any Canon events and it wouldn't collapse if you were here but I am your father and i want you home - in our universe, where you belong." Miguel said as he held to bracelet out for you to take but you just glared at him.
"V." You said.
"Yes, [Name]?" The Symbiote asked.
"Take care of him, don't kill him just hurt him enough to know that I want nothing to do with him." You said as you closed your eyes as your mask returned to your face.
"Understood!" Venom said as the symbiote took over and grew into his muscular body - showing that he wasn't going to hold back anymore. Miguel looked very horrified at the massive body before him as Venom charged at him and punched him in the face, making him drop the bracelet and skip on the roof like a stone.
"Venom! Stand down! I'm just trying to bring [Name] home!" Miguel said as he put his mask back on.
"Then, you'll have to break my body then." Miguel said.
"With Pleasure!"
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guillotinebypierre · 8 months
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Ryujin POV
If I was to try and describe what I was feeling, what I have been feeling every since this little affair started, this is what I'd choose. It is as if I had these cartoony angel and devil figures on my shoulders, criticising my every move and trying to sway me into rethinking my every step. On one side I knew what I wanted, I knew I wanted to stay loyal to my childhood sweetheart, leave all this idol bullshit behind and live somewhere quiet, have a nice and relaxed life but I knew it wasn't what I needed. I needed to be an idol, I needed to live this larger than life lifestyle, touring the world, singing and dancing and performing to my hearts desire day in day out. I knew I wanted [redacted] but I needed Y/n.
Nobody touched me like this. He was like a drug coursing through my veins, an unhealthy obsession, he was a constant high in my life, the personification of dopamine. He was the human equivalent of what I felt whenever I performed, he was my own private idol lifestyle, he was someone so unapologetically removed from anything related to the industry that it made me mad. He was an anchor, a way of ridding my stress, the build up of multiple weeks of training until I literally couldn't, the person who took care of me when I needed it.
He wasn't what I wanted, at least not originally, or maybe he was and I'm just delusional and trying to convince nobody but myself, but he is what I need.
This night started as they always do, with a simple phone call. Phone calls at two in the morning, normally not something anyone would want, but for us it was different. The past few months were getting to me, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't. But then again, after all these years of dealing with toxic bosses, annoying netizens who sit in their room the whole day and think they have the right to comment on anything and everything, I've learned how to push these things down and ignore them until I couldn't. The last two comebacks didn't go as planned. They still did well on the market, but internationally, people said some pretty messed up things. We also have a tour coming up, which meant that training was pushed to a max, no matter if we could handle it or not.
Y/n told me once that pressure was a privilege, or at least that's the thing I could make out after he fucked my brains out, rendering most of my senses useless for the rest of the night. He was incredibly understanding, I knew he had to have made some harsh experiences in his past, but I never pushed further. Even though I'd love to know more about him, about how he thinks, what he thinks, I couldn't. And that was a good thing. He took care of my needs, I took care of his, there was no need for feelings. Or thats what I keep telling myself. I know I don't- no I shouldn't want him. But I needed him.
Thats the second reason I called him tonight. Tonight my sleep was particularly bad. My mind clouded with the past failures and bad decisions I made, the promise I made to my childhood crush, that we'd stay in touch and eventually date, in my mind as I cursed myself to hell and back for falling for someone else. My bed felt empty, my heart felt empty. But my mind was crowded, full of his ridiculously handsome face. That smug grin that I could only get rid of by sitting on it, his stupidly perfect teeth that he used to tease my nipples, his incredibly muscular body that I stared at a bit too long, leading to his annoying teasing. His strong arms that held me close at all times, offering me comfort I never really got with anyone else.
I tried replacing him, I really tried, but it was like anyone and everyone was a lesser version of him, a cheap replacement, it was like going back down to economy after flying first class for the first time. They weren't what I needed, they were cheap replacements, I wanted to stop thinking about him, relying on him, but those attempts were futile in the end. I needed him.
My phone was completely charged and absent of any notifications. It was two in the morning, after all. My schedules for tomorrow were moved to another day, leaving me with a day of relaxing, but I knew I couldn't, not until I quenched this undying thirst for that stupid son of a bitch and his magical touch. It was like whenever I saw him I lost all motor function, like he had done a spell on me. If he wanted to, I'd be on the floor for him, doing things I'd never do for anyone else. And what makes it worse is that he knew what effect he had on me. What made it worse was that I've seen the way my members look at him, the way other idols look at him.
He works at a popular restaurant among the rich and famous of Seoul, a very luxurious one at that, even for rich people standards. One that offered plenty of privacy for all kinds of famous people. I've seen the way my fellow idols tipped him, the way they'd touch him and make advances. It irked me, especially because he went along with it every time, accepting the small pieces of paper with their numbers they'd slip him. God knows how many of my colleagues he has fucked by now.
I find myself questioning if Karina was able to make him cum like I did. If my unnies from Twice were able to take him as well as I did. If those aunties from Girl's Generation were even able to keep up with him. Like seriously, Taeyeon was over a decade older than him, theres no way he could go all out with her. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about how these whores would be moaning my man's name, but then I realised, he wasn't my man. And that's on me, I suppose. After all a relationship is what he wanted, but it wasn't what I needed. Or at least that's what I thought back then when he asked me. I proposed the idea of staying as fuck buddies, the casual booty call, but seeing how he interacted with women, most of which I'd fuck myself in a heartbeat, made the devil on my shoulder grow rigid and put some bad ideas in my mind.
He spoke to the phone, calling my name, leading me to question whether he had just picked up or if I had left him to talk to himself for god knows how long.
"Noona it's two in the morning, what do you want?", he asked in a raspy, deep voice that made my legs quiver.
"I want you.", I replied as I moved my fingers into my slightly wet panties subconsciously.
"Noona didn't we just fuck yesterday-"
"I don't care I just want you in me."
"But what about your members? Last time Yuna and Yeji almost broke your door in while complaining about the noise."
"We don't have any schedule tomorrow and they're heavy sleepers, they only woke up last time because we started before they fell asleep"
"Fine I'll see you in ten minutes"
"You'll be here in five or I won't give you any pussy for the rest of the year."
"I'll see you in five minutes."
He arrived quicker then he promised, probably due to the lack of cars, and thereby lack of traffic, outside at this time. We sneakily made our way into my room, trying to not alert anyone, before closing the door behind us and starting immediately. I smashed my lips against his as the familiar taste of his coconut flavoured lip balm made its way into my mouth, his minty fresh breath following soon as his hands roamed around my body. His lips moved in sync with mine, as if he was trying to take the friction from them. His large hands palmed my ass as he tried to finger my asshole, only to be stopped by a wall of an pink, crystal shaped buttplug.
"I've been wanting to try something new", I shyly said as his penetrating gaze landed on my face, looking me into my eyes.
"I can tell", he replied before smirking and capturing my lips again.
We moved backwards towards my bed as I fell back and layed there. My body sprawled out as he took in every bit of skin that I was showing. I felt a bit judged by his look, my body heating up and cheeks forming a small blush as I looked everywhere but his face. My mind, however, went numb as soon as I felt the all too familiar feeling of his hot tongue pressing against my center. His wet muscle expertly moved around, licking and slurping my juiced while his thumb circled around my clit and his fingers curled inside of my pussy. My eyes rolled back as I felt the first of presumably many orgasms approach me. Nobody knew how to touch me like this. I looked down at him, his gaze meeting mine as he stared into my eyes while eating me out, his intense look intensifying the pleasure, pushing me over the edge as my hands grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and pressed his mouth harder against my body. I squirted onto his face, the warm and sticky liquid drenching his entire upper body as he simply opened his mouth and trues catching as much of my juices in his mouth as possible.
Breathing became hard, my vision became blurry as I felt the devil on my shoulder overpowering the angel, putting bad thoughts into my head, telling me to tell my childhood friend to fuck off and let me live my life. Y/n wasn't like anyone else. Everyone was a 'want' but he was a need. And he continued proving that to me every single time we spent time together.
I looked at Ryujin, her flushed face being lit so beautifully by the moonlight. A cool breeze ran through her room, subconsciously making me shudder as the thought of a possible relationship with her shook me to my core. I was hurt by being turned down, hell who wouldn't be hurt by that, but I guess I wasn't what she wanted.
My life had been a rollercoaster of experiences. When I finished studying culinary arts I didn't expect myself to be working for celebrities all the time, nor did I expect to work in South Korea in the first place. The job was good, though. It paid well, the tips I received were more than friendly and the company was nice. I never thought that I'd become some kind of player but after Ryujin turned me down I sought love in other places, in other people. Deep down I knew there was no place for Ryujin in my heart, at least not anymore. That place belonged to Jimin, or Momo and Mina, or Taeyeon depending on the night, but I just couldn't see myself in a scenario where Ryujin wasn't close by.
The idea of telling her that I didn't want to be 'just' her booty call and borderline sex toy anymore crossed my mind every so often, but that thought was thrown out the window again every time I saw her like this, naked, heavy breathing, flustered and soft under my touch.
When I was woken up from that call I knew it was a bad idea. I knew I should've just ignored it and continued sleeping, coming up with literally any excuse as to why I didn't pick up. But my heart didn't allow that. Much like staying away from sweets during a diet, like quitting smoking or drinking after doing it for so long, I wasn't able to. I craved for her sweetness, I desired the dopamine that was synthesised every single time I saw her smile, stroked her hair while she laid on my chest and vented about the stress she had to suffer from. I was an addict and Ryujin was my drug.
I slowly stood up from my kneeling position, the corners of my mouth dripping with her cum as I licked it clean as well as I could. I ditched my shirt, throwing it somewhere in the corner of Ryujin's room, where it would probably would stay as she was keen to steal my stuff. The light wind, courtesy of the open windows passed by my back, making the hairs on my arm stand up. Although the distant noises of the city could be heard, the room was quiet. Heavy breathing was the only thing anyone could register as Ryujin tried calming herself from her high. In moments like these the devil on my shoulder whispered in my ear, telling me that I should try seducing Ryujin into a relationship, but I knew better, I knew not to hurt myself with ridiculous expectations and delusional ideas.
My brain tried figuring out whether or not any of her members heard her scream just now, as the sudden sounds of metal clashing against each other ripped me out of my train of thought. I looked down and saw a dazed Ryujin fighting my belt for access into my underwear, her senses still a bit cloudy from her high just mere moments ago. A few seconds later, she managed to unbuckle it and in one swift motion threw my pants and boxers onto the ground, my large member smacking her in the face as I kicked both pieces of clothing left on my body away.
According to her, I was the largest she had ever seen. Ryujin never told me, but I knew she had other partners. It was obvious that we both knew that we weren't meant for each other, we both knew falling for each other would be a mistake, but something pulled us together. I always cursed at god for making me feel these one sided, unreciprocated feelings for her, as I thought this was a cruel, sick prank pulled by the one above us as a way of punishing me for not going to church that often anymore but whether I liked it or not, it didn't change anything.
Ryujin, once again took me out of my mental dilemma as she started stroking my dick, her fingers brushing against the tip, spreading my precum around the member, using it as lubricant. She looked up at me, a small blush still on her cheeks while her mouth curved into a smirk, followed by a lip bite. Her left hand soon joined in pleasuring me as she started fondling my balls before, finally, taking my cock into her mouth.
Her throat felt tight, wet and hot. Her tongue brushed across my base, stopping only to lick the tip as she played with the slit on my head. Her throat muscles worked around my shaft as her head continued going down inch by inch, desperate to throat everything and reach the base. I grabbed her hair, making a makeshift pony tail as to keep the hair out of her face. The formerly silent room was now filled with wet slurping noises and gagging sounds as she impaled her face on my crotch.
I closed my eyes in pleasure as my hips started moving on their own, fucking into Ryujin's throat, reaching as deep as she could take, before I slowly backed up and allowed her to breathe. Ryujin gasped for air, her saliva connecting her lips with my dick in a long string of spit. Her chin was soaked, spit and precum dripping down it and onto her sheets. Ryujin practically pulled me into her as she formed a tight vacuum around my dick, blowing bubbles at the tip before going back down and deep throating as much as she could fit.
The oral pleasure continued for a while, my climax nowhere near close but making itself known before I pulled myself out of her and told her to lay down with her legs spread. Ryujin looked me in the eyes hungrily, for the first time this night without blushing at the mere sight of me, indicating that she had reached the 'zone', a state in which one is focused on nothing but the task at hand. Her body was godly, something straight out of a painting, often making me question whether or not she was real, a feeling I felt every time I saw an idol up close.
Her pussy was soaked, a small bush visible, wet from a mixture of her arousal and my own saliva from before. Her nipples were erect, her chest rising and falling as she looked at me in anticipation. Her hair clung to her forehead as sweat glistened on her body.
"Are you going to stare at me the whole time or will you start fucking me soon?", she asked annoyed.
I rolled my eyes at her antics. I knew she didn't mean that. She had told me before that she appreciated it greatly how obviously I thought she was gorgeous. Ryujin had a hard time in the beginning of her career due to the ridiculous beauty standards in that field and the entitled and obnoxious netizens. She had always looked great, and I admired her ever since she debuted and we got to know each other, but she still got harassed online because of her looks. I remember last year, in the night of their 'Loco' release, she called me crying, in fear of what people would say about her. To me, that night will always stay close to my heart. We didn't have sex that night. I didn't want to. It felt wrong, like I was abusing her vulnerability. I think that that night changed everything about us.
I leaned down, kissing her as I knew this was the only way of shutting her up. My hands rubbed her inner thighs, kneading the soft flesh before aligning my cock and pushing inside her. Her pussy stretched around my member, her eyes rolling back as her body became even more flushed than it was before. Her chest started rising and falling faster as she adapted to the new feeling. Ryujin wrapped her legs around my torso and her hands around my neck as I felt her lips kissing and sucking my neck and collarbone. I thrusted into her, reaching as deep as I could inside her pussy as her moans grew louder and louder, to the point where, no matter how heavy of a sleeper her members were, I'm sure they'd wake up.
The sounds of cars honking and drunk adults shouting was now entirely blended out as Ryujin's room filled with mewls and groans of our names, the former being much louder than the ladder. Skin slapped against each other, wet squelching noises being produced as my dick slid in and out of her soaked womanhood, her nails digging into my back as she searched for anything to hold on to. Ryujin threw her head back into the pillows to the point where it looked like she was trying to disappear inside them. Her legs shook before becoming jelly as her mouth hung open and her screams grew louder. She tightened her grip around me as her walls contracted around my cock, milking me dry another orgasm hit her.
With one last cry she pushed my head into her shoulder and moaned my name into my ear as her juices sprayed all over my torso and the sheets of her bed. My hips never stopped moving as I felt my own high coming soon. I burrier myself deep as I felt her tap my shoulder, indicating that I should pull out. My thrusts grew sloppy and less consistent as the thought of leaving this comforting warmth broke through my mind like a sledgehammer, before I ultimately pulled out and stroked myself for the last few seconds, erupting in a sea of semen, coating Ryujin's toned stomach, her breasts and nipples and her face.
I fell back onto my ass as I tried catching my breath, sweat dripping down my forehead as I felt a pair of eyes on my frame.
3rd Person POV
Ryujin slowly stood up, her legs having little to no energy left in them as she scooped up the cum from her body and put it into her mouth. Her breathing was still heavy, uncontrolled, but as was her lust. Her needs weren't satisfied, her frustration with the situation she had put herself in wasn't gone and as weren't her feelings. Ryujin looked at Y/n, like a predator would look at its prey, even though their dynamic was more like predator and weaker predator, and slowly crawled towards him.
"You can still go, right?"
"You did say you wanted to try something new", he responded as his arms wrapped around her body, playing with her the outside of the diamond shaped plug inside her asshole.
He slowly pulled at it, before pushing it back in, teasing her and making her anticipation rise. Every time she felt him pulling at her plug her breath hitched, yet he never fully committed to it until finally, with a satisfying *pop* she felt her puckered hole feel a lot less full.
She looked at Y/n as he examined the pink diamond shaped object in his hand before throwing it to the side and kissing Ryujin again, this time with much more vigor.
The pair fell back onto the bed, their hands exploring each others bodies for what felt like the fiftieth time this night. Y/n's lips traveled across her body, leaving marks in every area he knew she would hide on stage as Ryujin's breathy voice called out to him.
"Y-Y/n. There's a- mHm bottle of lube in the fIRST drawer AHH"
Y/n's left arm roamed around the drawer until finding the small bottle of neutral scented lube.
"Turn around", he told her, completely neglecting any kind of honorific towards his elder.
Ryunjin did as told without opening her mouth, pushing her head into her pillows, arching her back and putting her ass up, swaying it lightly as if she was teasing Y/n.
Y/n took in the view in front of him, her glistening pussy, dripping in arousal, the cum from before still on her lower stomach, her asshole clenching as if it was trying to suck him in. He leaned down, sticking his tongue out as he licked around her asshole making the hairs on Ryujin's body stand up from the new sensation. His hands spread her ass cheeks apart as he dove in, eating her out and lubricating with his saliva.
Ryujin's moans grew loader as the new sensation befell her, Y/n's tongue doing wonders on her as she pushed her head deeper into the pillow and her ass harder against Y/n's awaiting tongue.
After a few minutes of oral pleasure he stopped, the warm feeling of his wet tongue being replaced by cold lube which he spread around her asshole before taking two fingers and sliding them in, spreading it and stretching Ryujin's unused hole even more. He took a generous amount of the same lube and put it on his hard member, spreading it by giving it a few strokes before aligning it between her ass cheeks and slowly inserting himself.
The feeling was different to her other two holes. It was tighter, rougher and warmer. It was almost suffocating, as if it was quite literally sucking him in and keeping him there. Ryujin shuddered as she felt herself stuffed to a degree unknown to her up to that point. She bit the pillowcases as to not scream in pleasure, her knuckles turning white as she held onto the sheets tightly.
They stayed in that position for a while, Y/n giving his lover enough time to get adjusted to the feeling before slowly thrusting in and out of her. He threw his head back in pleasure as Ryujin's tight hole sucked him dry, using any kind of self control he had to not cum inside her immediately.
Y/n, not wanting to reach his climax first, decided to play unfairly. He grabbed Ryujin's hair, making her look up at him as he thrusted into her. He kissed her, her eyes being shut closely as pleasure overtook her. His other hand slapped her ass cheeks, altering between the two, leaving both of them red with his hand print on them. He soon switched tactics, letting Ryujin's head fall into her pillow and instead using one hand to stimulate her pussy. His fingers trailed around her labia, teasing her, before sticking them in, penetrating her from two ends at the same time. In the meantime, his thumb circled around her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body.
All of this stimulation soon culminated into her high, the biggest one for the night, as she screamed in a volume that surely had woken up at least one person, her pussy spraying what had to be the equivalent of a small waterfall of cum onto the now completely soaked through sheets under them. Her body collapsed and fell down onto the bed as her legs trembled and her eyes kept shut.
Y/n continued thrusting into her, now in a prone bone position. He was satisfied with his work and now allowed himself to cum. He continued thrusting, deep and hard, his member pulsating with each passing second before finally exploding in a wave of long, thick, hot and sticky spurts of sperm, painting and coating the entirety of Ryujin's insides white.
He held himself above her for a few seconds, unloading everything he had, before his arms gave up and he fell down next to her, his cock slick due to a mixture of their cum and the lube.
He was a mess, his hair completely all over the place, his body sticky with residue of Ryujin's cum and his sweat, his back full of marks caused by Ryujin's nails and his neck and chest full of hickeys.
Ryujin herself was even more of a mess. A pool of thick cum seeping out of her asshole and onto her thighs, her pussy and asscheeks red and beaten up, her body equally as sticky and sweaty and her chest full of hickeys.
The pair caught their breath as Ryujin used whatever strength was left inside her and made her way onto her lover's chest. The two stayed in that position for a while, not saying anything, just listening to each other's heartbeats.
It was as if time had stopped. I looked at her sleeping figure and smiled to myself. It was a bittersweet feeling. My heart longed for something more than whatever we were having, but I knew it wasn't possible. I sighed as I stood up, quietly as to not wake her up. I put my clothes on in silence, going to her drawer and taking out a small piece of paper. I wrote a note on it, explaining where I'd gone to, and kissed her on her forehead, leaving afterwards. It was probably better that way.
Dear Ryujin,
I apologise for not staying the night, noona, but I have work in the morning and I'm sure you'd rather rest in an empty bed than one where I'd take up most of the space. I put as much as I could into the washing machine but you still need to change the sheets. I've been thinking about our situationship for a long time and I now know that I can't do this anymore. I can't just stay friends with benefits. It's not what I need, nor is it what I want. I apologise again for doing it this way, but I think it's the easiest and least painful way to do it. I will always hold you close to my heart and I will always be glad to cater to your and your group's needs, but I can't stand the idea of having you and still not having you, if you know what I mean.
Love always,
I sighed as I exited the room, closing the door slowly behind me.
"You know the two of you really need how to learn to be quiet.", a voice called out to me.
"Jesus, Yeji noona, you scared the shit out of me"
"YOU woke me up like three times. Seriously there's no way your dick is that good."
"If not for Ryujin stealing you I'd have tried for myself but-"
"Yeji, me and Ryujin will not be seeing each other anymore.", I interrupted her.
"I should get going. Sorry for waking you up, I hope you have a good night, though."
As I opened the door I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body. My heart dropped as I thought this was Ryujin but my nose told me it was someone else.
"If you want to talk about it, I'm always here to listen to you, Y/n", Yeji said in a small voice.
"Thank you noona, I really appreciate it."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not right now, thank you."
"Thats fine. Just remember, whenever you need someone, I'll always be here, with open arms and open legs-"
"Love you too, noona. Stay safe and have a good night. I'll see you sometime at the restaurant.", I said while going out the door.
I made my way to my car, walking across the parking lot quickly. It was a cool night, a light breeze but nothing too serious. I opened the door and just sat there, starring into space and thinking about nothing in particular. I felt something drop on my lap and realised that I had been crying. Silent tears rolled down my face as I realised my biggest fear had come true.
My relationship with Ryujin was no more.
A small buzz from my pocket took me out of my frozen state as I went to check the notification. It was just Yeji texting me once again that she felt sorry for whatever happened and that she'd be there to listen to me.
I replied to her and just as I was about to close my phone, another message popped up.
>hey Y/nn~ I don't know if you're still up, I don't even know why I'm up myself but the preparations for my concert have just finished and I was thinking about you before going to sleep ;)
>are you free this weekend? I'd love to have you at my concert, I could get you backstage if you wanted to.
>there will be a lot of my old colleagues and other idols but I still feel like I'll perform better with your support.
>I can also give you a private show afterwards if you want, you know as a thank you for all the tasty meals you've given me in your restaurant and my bedroom ;)
>let me know if you have time, I'd love to have you there~
'hey noona, i'm still awake, can't sleep tonight haha.i'd love to be there and i actually don't have anything planned for this weekend. it'd be an honour to be backstage and support you from up close, you know how much i love you and your music. i was actually thinking about meeting up tomorrow, do you have time or is your schedule still busy from preparations and last minute rehearsals?'<
>I'm a bit busy tomorrow but you know I can always make time for you, handsome~
>just swing by the SM building tomorrow around 7ish and I'll have my manager pick you up and drive you to my place.
>see you tomorrow~
This woman will be the death of me.
to be continued
242 notes · View notes
[Yet Another] 'Questions for Fic Writers'
I need to get back into the fic-writing mindset, so I'm posting my own list of writer asks. Send me a number (and feel free to reblog)!
What inspired you to start writing fanfiction?
How do you come up with your plot ideas?
Are there any specific themes you enjoy exploring in your fics?
How do you channel characters' voices and personalities?
What techniques do you use to create believable dialogue?
Do you prefer writing shorter, standalone fics or longer, multi-chapter stories?
How do you handle writer's block or moments of creative stagnation?
Do you have any rituals or habits that help you get into the zone?
Have you ever collaborated with someone else on a fic?
What's your favorite part about the fic writing process?
Are there any tropes that you particularly enjoy writing?
Are there any clichés or tropes that you actively avoid in your fics?
What's the most challenging aspect of writing fanfiction for you?
How do you go about researching details or canon information?
Do you plan your fics or prefer to let the story unfold as you write?
How important is it to you to stay true to the original creator's vision while writing fanfiction?
What's the most memorable comment or review you've received on one of your fics?
Are there any fics or authors that have been particularly influential or inspiring to you?
What's the most unusual or unique setting you've used?
How do you approach action sequences or intense moments?
Have you ever used fanfiction as a way to explore your own emotions or personal experiences?
What role does humor play in your writing? Do you enjoy adding comedic elements to your fics?
How do you write endings for your fics? Do you prefer open-ended or conclusive conclusions?
What advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing fanfiction?
Are there any specific writing tools that you find helpful?
How do you approach plot twists or surprises in your fics?
What two (or more) fandoms would you like to see a crossover for? Would you ever write it?
What's the most ambitious or challenging fic you've ever written?
Are there any characters, relationships, or general character dynamics you've never written about but would like to try?
How do you handle writing multiple storylines or subplots?
Do you prefer writing from a single character's perspective or switching between different viewpoints?
Have you ever participated in fanfiction contests, challenges/fests?
How do you incorporate world-building elements into your fics?
Are there any fic writing tips or tricks you've learned along the way that you'd like to share?
What do you enjoy most about being a fic writer?
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“Well, that’s upsetting.”
Keith rubs his eyes in the vain hope that when he opens them again, the scene in front of him will change.
No luck.
Still a pile of ashes.
“So when you said you made reservations at the fanciest restaurant in town way in advance…” Lance starts.
“I did so before the building burnt to the ground, yes.”
Lance’s mouth twitches. “And you didn’t, like, call to confirm, or anything.”
“I didn’t think I had to! There was — in what world could I have predicted this?! It’s not like anyone did a news report on it!”
Lance says nothing for a second, tapping away at his phone. Keith turns his attention back to grand scene of disappointment in front of him, wondering if he can maybe get his deposit back.
Probably not.
“Says here it was burnt down two weeks ago by three former employees who were fired for attempting to form a union,” Lance says, flipping his phone over to show Keith the screen. “If that makes you feel better.”
Keith glances at the article. “…It does, actually. Good for them.”
Lance laughs, tucking his phone away and then leaning over to press a kiss to Keith’s cheek. He grabs their hands, twining them together and carefully pulling them away from the ruins of the restaurant. “It’s okay, babe. I appreciate the gesture. Let’s head to my apartment and watch movies; Hunk’s gone till late so we can bang on the couch if you want.”
“What?” Keith protests. “No!”
Lance pauses, frowning. “You love banging on the couch.”
“No, not that.” He squeezes their hands together so Lance doesn’t get the wrong idea. “That’s great. I just mean…I feel like we always just chill in your apartment. It’s great, and there’s no one I’d rather hang out with than you, but I wanted to do something. I had plans. I wanted to treat you.”
A close lipped smile appears on Lance’s face; small, like he’s trying to contain it, making his nose scrunch adorably. He glances down at his sneakers, kicking slightly at the concrete, and his ears are delightfully red. He looks embarrassed and pleased — maybe Keith’s favourite expression on him.
“Alright,” Lance says eventually. He squeezes back. “Let’s go somewhere. Got any other fancy-schmancy places that aren’t burned down? We’re dressed for it, at least.”
Keith frowns, trying to think. It’s true that they’re both decently dressed up — Keith is wearing the slacks that make his ass look fat as hell and Lance is wearing his least scruffy converse — but Keith genuinely can’t think of a single fancy place that will let them in on such short notice on a Friday evening. The best place he can think of is the particularly well-maintained Dairy Queen on the other end of town, and that won’t cut it. Not that Lance would mind (he likes to be treated but has made it abundantly clear that he just likes spending time with Keith), but they’ve just done that before. Keith wants to do something special.
He brightens as the idea dawns on him. It’s no high-dining, but he knows Lance will like it.
“C’mon. Get in the car, I’ve got an idea.”
Lance grins. “Aye-aye.”
He lets Keith open the door for him, although he does roll his eyes (Keith knows his goober romantic ass is preening on the inside), and messes up Keith’s pre-set radio stations the second he has his seatbelt on.
“You could just plug in the aux, you know,” Keith grumbles as he carefully pulls onto the street.
Lance waves a dismissive hand. “The music is more enjoyable when I know I’m inconveniencing you later.”
“You’re such a brat.”
“You’re so in love with me that it’s embarrassing for you.”
Keith sticks out his tongue, but doesn’t argue, because he can’t. Instead he reaches over and grabs one of Lance’s hands again, listening idly as Lance hums along to the radio.
Twenty minutes later, Keith pulls into a massive parking lot, stopping a couple spots away from a silver minivan.
“Costco?” Lance questions, looking out the window like if he stares hard enough the building in front of him will change. “Why are we at —”
“Be right back,” Keith interrupts, leaning over and pecking his boyfriend on the lips. “Don’t go anywhere.”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Lance trails off, confused.
Keith dashes off without a backwards glance, ducking in through the exit doors so he doesn’t get asked for a membership card.
Twenty minutes later, he rushes back out of the building, getting to his car as quickly as he can. He taps the passenger door gently with his foot, hands full, making Lance jump.
“We you trying to hotwire my car again?” he asks as soon as he opens the door.
Lance shrugs unapologetically. “You took too long. I got bored.” He squints at Keith’s bounty. “Did you buy…six hot dogs?”
“And two drinks!“
Lance’s brows crease, torn between amused and exasperated. “That’s nearly a pound of hot dog meat each.”
“We’re both gonna fuck up a bathroom tonight.”
“Most likely.”
“Those things cost less than a dollar. They’re probably made of possum.”
“And they’re delicious.” He waves a hotdog enticingly at Lance. “Come sit on the hood with me.”
Finally, a grin breaks out on Lance’s face, wide and toothy and fucking breathtaking. “Okay.”
He steps out of the car, following Keith over to the front of the vehicle and heaving himself up on it. Keith sets the food and drink beside him, then digs out his keys and steps back.
“Hold on a sec,” he says.
Lance picks up a hot dog and unwraps it. “Absolutely not waiting for you. Hurry up or I’m gonna eat your hotdogs, too.”
Completely aware that Lance is not kidding, Keith sprints to the trunk, unlocking it and digging out the supplies he needs. He slams it shut and sprints back, hopping on the hood next to Lance and fluffing the blanket he grabbed on top of them, making Lance nod approvingly.
“Nice touch.”
Keith sets the other item he got in front of them.
Lance squints at it for several moments.
“A…megaphone,” he says slowly.
Keith nods. “Yes.”
“That you just…have in your trunk.”
“From pride,” Keith explains. “Pidge likes to sit on my shoulders and make fart noises at protestors.”
“Ah, makes sense.” He pops the last bit of his first hot dog in his mouth, wasting no time to open the second. “And you have brought it out because…?”
Keith unwraps his own hotdog, using it to point at a guy in horrible (even by Keith’s standards) cargo shorts who is abandoning his shopping cart in the middle of the street. “Figured you might like to heckle some assholes as you devour your possum meat hot dogs.”
Lance lights up. He carefully sets down his hotdog on the blanket, then picks up the megaphone the way a mother might pick up her newborn baby.
“Keith,” he says seriously, “this might be the best date I have ever been on.”
Keith grins. “I’m glad.” He takes a long, obnoxious sip of his soda as Lance gleefully turns on the sparkly rainbow megaphone and holds it to his mouth.
“Excuse me, Cargo Shorts,” he shouts. Cargo Shorts jumps out of his skin. “You are being a massive jackass. Please return your cart to the cart area.”
Cargo Shorts scowls at him.
“There’s a big red sign that says ‘Cart Return Area’,” Lance continues, unbothered. “In case you’re having trouble reading that, it’s the big cage with other carts in it, to your left, good sir.”
Cargo Shorts looks like he’s debating stomping up to Lance and strangling him. He glances at Keith, who glares harshly at him, and then wisely reconsiders, stomping his way to the cart return and then stomping over to his obnoxiously massive pickup truck.
Lance turns to Keith, beaming. “Seriously. This is the best. I love you.” He leans over and places a smacking kiss to Keith’s cheek, making an exaggerated ‘mwah’ noise. Keith turns his head to catch him in a real kiss.
He tastes like hotdogs. Keith is sure he does, too. It’s nasty.
He doesn’t care.
“Can’t take credit for it,” he says, polishing off his second sandwich (are hotdogs sandwiches??). Lance winces at his full mouth, but doesn’t say anything. “Shiro took Adam to do this very same thing many years ago. It’s where he proposed, actually.”
Lance looks at him in disbelief. “And that worked for him?”
Keith snorts. “He’ll never admit it, but Adam is down bad. He always has been. He likes to say his proposal had that small town charm that made him say yes, but everyone knows it’s just because it was Shiro who did the asking.”
Lance opens his mouth to say something, then he notices a woman who’s trying to leave her cart in the middle of a disabled parking space. The megaphone is on and wailing faster than Keith can blink.
“Absolutely not, lady! Keep ‘er moving! Yep! That’s it! Cart goes to the cart return area! Just like a matching game! There you go!”
He sets the megaphone back down as the lady huffily returns the cart — as if she has been so wronged — and turns back to his meal, poking his straw into his soda cup.
“You better not have a ring in your pocket, Kogane,” he warns. “It might have worked for your brother, but I’ll tell you right now I’m gonna say no. Absolutely not.”
Keith blinks at the subject change, then laughs a little too loudly, unable to hide the slight hurt bleeding through his voice. They haven’t talked about marriage yet, sure, but that seems a little…final. A little like the mere idea is ludicrous.
They’ve been dating for two years now. Keith has been subtly looking for a way to get Lance’s ring size. Is it really so strange for them to want to make things official in the eyes of the law?
“‘Cause I want the whole nine yards,” Lance continues, oblivious to Keith’s crisis. “The secretive bullshit, the talking to my parents, the cheesy speech. I know you have it in you. I am hereby forbidding the small town charm. I love you, and I also love being treated like I’m hot shit.”
“You are hot shit,” Keith says reflexively. Then the rest of Lance’s rant finally clicks, and he grins, wider than he knew he was capable of, turning to his boyfriend. “You want to get married?”
“Obviously,” Lance scoffs, rolling his eyes, but he’s avoiding Keith’s gaze and his cheeks are just slightly red. “Doofus.”
“Hey. Lance. Sweetheart. Look at me.”
Keith wipes his hand on a napkin the reaches out and rests two fingers under Lance’s chin, gently turning his head so they’re facing each other. “Look at me, my love.” He waits a second, heat pouring off his boyfriend’s face, for those brown eyes to flick up and meet his own. “I want to marry you too, you know.”
Lance rolls his eyes. His mouth twitches. “I know. I borrowed your laptop the other day and you had a tab open for a jewellry store. Coincidentally, my grandmother’s ring has gone missing, and I know I didn’t lose it, so.” He clears his throat. “I’m a size six. I’m rings. In case you were wondering, for no particular reason.”
Keith grins. “Noted.”
“This doesn’t count as a proposal. Or as me saying yes.”
“I want you to kiss me now.”
“If you say ‘noted’ one more time I am going to fucking say no when you ask me for real.”
Keith hesitates.
“Do not,” Lance orders.
He bites his lip.
“Keith, I fucking swear to God.”
“Noted,” he says, laughter bubbling out of him, and Lance is whacking him repeatedly before he can even finish.
“Okay! Okay! Stop! I’m sorry! Stop!” He grabs Lance’s hands, pushing him back and pinning his wrists against the window.
“Cut it out,” he murmurs, leaning in close.
“Make me,” Lance whispers back.
Keith does. Or he tries to. He closes the gap between them, pressing their lips together, but both of them are smiling too widely to kiss properly, giggling nonstop, chest shaking and bumping with the effort, skin covering in goose flesh.
Keith hates giving his brother credit for anything, but Lance is right — this is the best date they’ve ever had. Not-proposal and all.
based on this post (seventh slide)
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talkdutchtome · 7 months
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Glitch- chapter six
pairing . . . max verstappen x reader / mason mount x reader )
summary . . . when mason mount finds out that his assistant has been harbouring feelings for him for years, he makes it clear he doesn't feel the same way. but once he sees her become closer with formula 1 world champion max verstappen, he realises he may have underestimated his feelings towards the girl he has now pushed into the arms of another )
genre . . . angst )
song . . . glitch- taylor swift )
series masterlist . . . available here )
a/n . . . this isn’t proof read because between this and my uni work i’ve been staring at my laptop all day so my eyes are killing me, sorry! )
Mason's living room buzzed with the friendly banter and laughter as Y/N, Ben, Reece and Mason gathered for a night in. It had been a while since the four of them had spent time together casually, so they all found time for a night of takeaway pizza, beer and video games. The glow of the TV screen illuminated their faces, casting a warm ambiance across the room and the air was thick with the camaraderie of a makeshift FIFA tournament.  
Ben and Reece started them off, their thumbs dancing across the controllers in a fierce match. It was a close call, but Ben emerged victorious, celebrated with an exaggerated victory dance that drew laughs from the others. Up next was Y/N and Mason, it was no secret that Y/N wasn’t particularly skilled in FIFA, in comparison to Mason who had dedicated a large portion of his teenage years to the game. The game had started with Mason going one goal up in a matter of seconds, however once he had seen a look of subtle disappointment spread across her face, he very slightly adjusted his play, letting her take the win. She was more than taken aback when she secured an unexpected win and Mason's mock disappointment was met with Y/N's triumphant grin, and a knowing look passed between the man and his friends as they sussed out what he had done.  
As the next match kicked off between Ben and Y/N, the room echoed with a mix of playful taunts and infectious laughter. The game was fast-paced, and because Ben had no reason to let Y/N win; she quicky found herself trailing a few goals behind.  
“So, Y/N, when’s your next date with Max?” Reece asked her as she was trying and failing to stop her opponent from scoring once again.  
Ben, momentarily distracted from the game, swiveled his head in surprise, "Wait, you guys went on a date? Why am I always the last to know?" 
Mason remained silent, observing the situation and wishing that Reece hadn’t brought up Max. Y/N, with a nervous chuckle, downplayed the encounter, "It was just a casual thing. Next time, I promise to give you a heads-up, Ben." 
Reece, ever perceptive, probed further, "Any plans for a follow-up date?" 
Y/N sighed, an air of disappointment trailing her words “I don’t know, we wanted to do something but it's so hard with our schedules and being so far away. He’s in the UK this weekend but with the charity gala on Sunday I’m just swamped with stuff to do.” 
The sadness in Y/N’s eyes was unmissable to Mason and without a second thought he blurted out, "Why don't you invite him to the gala?" The suggestion hung in the air for a moment, and he felt a twinge of uncertainty. Reece shot him a subtle, questioning glance, recognizing the potential complications, but Mason's gaze was fixed on Y/N.  
A spark of hope flickered in Y/N's eyes, and she hesitated for a moment before responding, "You don't have to do that for me, Mason." 
Yet, Mason could see the excitement building in her, so he insisted, "I know I don't have to, but I want to. Invite him. It'll be a good time." 
Y/N's response was a delighted squeal, and she abandoned the ongoing FIFA match with Ben to envelop Mason in a tight hug. Ben, interrupted mid-game, groaned theatrically, but Y/N didn’t even hear his complaints; too busy thanking her best friend. As she hugged Mason tightly, he couldn't deny the warmth that spread through him. Her joy was infectious, and he found solace in the simple act of having her in his arms. The comfort of their embrace was undeniable, a familiar feeling that stirred emotions he had grown accustomed to. 
Yet, beneath the surface, there lingered a bittersweet tinge. Mason couldn't ignore the slight disappointment that crept in when he realized it was the thought of Max that lit up Y/N's eyes so brilliantly. He cared for her deeply, and her happiness mattered more to him than anything, even if it meant setting aside his own desires. 
The evening past quicky, and soon the men found themselves alone, with Y/N going home to get an early night. The second she left though, Mason found himself getting whacked over the head semi-gently by Reece.  
“Ow man what the fuck was that?” he asked, completely baffled as to what he had done to make his friend do that.  
“Why the hell would you tell Y/N she can invite Max on Sunday?” Reece asked, before smacking his best friend around the head again. 
“Fuck ow stop that” Mason said pushing him away and sighing “I don't really know. She looked sad, disappointed, and I wanted to cheer her up. So, I suggested she invite Max to the gala. It's not a big deal." 
Reece, never one to let things slide, persisted. "You remember the last time you had to be around them together, right? And that was when they were just starting to get to know each other. Now, they've been on dates. How are you going to cope with that?" 
Mason waved off the concern, a forced nonchalance in his tone. "It had been a bad few days that weekend. I'll be fine now." 
Ben, chiming in with a touch of confusion, asked, "What's the problem? Y/N seems to really like Max. Isn't that a good thing? You can stop worrying about her liking you." 
Mason managed a half-smile, but there was a depth of complexity in his expression. "Yeah, exactly. That's why I suggested she invite him." Despite his words, a tinge of dejection lingered, and Reece caught on. There was something more beneath the surface, but he decided not to press further in front of Ben, though as they continued their evening, he couldn't shake the feeling that Mason's nonchalant demeanor masked a more profound turmoil. He silently resolved to keep a watchful eye on his friend, sensing there might be more to Mason's emotions than he was letting on. 
As Sunday approached, Y/N found herself immersed in a whirlwind of preparations for Mason's charity gala. The days leading up to the event were a blur of coordinating details, arranging decorations, and ensuring everything was in place. In the midst of her busy schedule, Y/N managed to invite Max, who enthusiastically accepted the invitation. 
However, as the day of the gala arrived and Y/N finally had a moment to breathe, a wave of anxiety and anticipation washed over her. The realization that she would see Max again, especially with Mason also present, brought a mix of nerves and excitement. The thought of navigating the evening with both men in attendance added an extra layer of complexity to her emotions. 
Mason, for his part, seemed to have reverted to his old self. Their interactions resumed a sense of normalcy, with one notable exception – the majority of their physical contact had faded away. Y/N understood the reasons behind this shift, but it still contributed to the charged atmosphere surrounding the gala 
As Y/N adorned herself in an elegant ballgown, Mason arrived to pick her up for the gala. The moment he laid eyes on her, he was utterly gobsmacked by her beauty. A quiet awe filled the space between them as he took in her appearance. 
Driving to the venue, Y/N attempted to focus on the logistical details of the event, discussing what needed to be done throughout the night. However, Mason interjected, informing her that she had the day off. He insisted that he could handle the responsibilities, emphasizing that she deserved to enjoy the evening without being burdened by work. 
Surprised by his gesture, Y/N questioned his decision, pointing out the multitude of tasks that required attention. Mason simply responded, "I've got it covered. You should spend the night with Max; it wouldn't be fair to bring him here and then have you running around all night." 
Grateful for his consideration, Y/N thanked him again, a genuine smile gracing her face. They stepped out of the car, and she couldn't resist giving Mason another appreciative hug before entering the venue. 
Max arrived shortly after in a tailored black suit, looking effortlessly sharp. Y/N couldn't help but notice just how good he looked as he kissed her on the cheek and complimented her appearance. They made their way to the table where Mason, Reece, Ben, and Ben's girlfriend were seated. Max greeted everyone with a warm smile, shaking hands with each person. Mason, determined to appear calm and collected, reciprocated the gesture with a firm handshake. 
As the night unfolded, the group engaged in lively conversation. Max, ever polite, directed his attention toward Mason, expressing genuine interest in the charity work he was involved in. Mason shared his longstanding commitment to Together for Short Lives, explaining that he had been supporting the organization since the early days of his football career. He emphasized his desire to give back and contribute to meaningful causes. Y/N chimed in, “Mason has always been so great with this stuff, I love working with someone who devotes so much time to helping people”. Mason, though modest, felt a surge of pride at Y/N's words, appreciating her admiration. 
Dinner was served, and the atmosphere around the table buzzed with conversation and laughter. Y/N and Max, engrossed in their own dialogue, spoke quietly, creating an intimate space between them amidst the lively ambiance of the event. Mason couldn't help but find his attention drawn toward them, curious about the nature of their conversation. He observed Max leaning in, whispering something that prompted Y/N's laughter. The sight of her hand resting casually on Max's biceps, the way she bit her bottom lip while looking at him, stirred a complex mix of emotions in Mason. It was an involuntary response to witnessing the dynamics between them. 
As Y/N and Max excused themselves to go to the bar, Mason's eyes followed their every move. He noticed Max's hand gently placed on the small of Y/N's back as they walked away. Reece, observing Mason's silent contemplation, sipped his whiskey, sensing the tension in the air. The quiet yet intense scrutiny Mason directed toward Y/N and Max didn't go unnoticed. At the bar, Mason watched with an almost laser-like focus as Y/N leaned in, whispering something to Max. The image of her cherry-red lips grazing Max's skin lingered in Mason's mind, leaving an imprint that he couldn't quite shake. 
Y/N, however, was far too wrapped up in Max’s company to notice Mason’s lingering gazes. Any anxiety that she had that things between them would be awkward after she ran away from their date was quickly proved wrong, with the pair of them seemingly only getting closer. 
“Have a mentioned how beautiful you look tonight Y/N” he whispered in her ear, prompting a small giggle to escape from her lips. 
“Oh, only a few dozen times I think” she feigned uninterest before breaking into giggles, resting her head on the Deutchmans shoulder beside her; suddenly feeling herself becoming very flustered.  
"Do you want to step outside for a bit? It's a bit crowded in there." 
Max agreed, and Y/N slipped her hand into his as they strolled away from the lively gala. They found a quiet bench under the stars and sat down, the ambient sounds of the night surrounding them. 
"Thank you for inviting me," Max said, breaking the comfortable silence. "I've had a lot of fun with you tonight." 
Y/N smiled warmly. "I've had a great time too. I just wish we could see each other more." 
Max's eyes sparkled as he responded, "I'm racing in Austria next week, I’d love for you to come along. And, I know you said you want to take things slow and I respect that, but you know, the offer to take you to Monaco is always open." 
His words hung in the air, and Y/N found herself looking at him, drawn in by the magnetic connection between them. Before she could process her own actions, an unexpected surge of courage propelled her forward. Without a second thought, she leaned in, capturing Max's lips with hers. The kiss was a revelation, a moment suspended in time. Y/N felt a gentle warmth spreading through her, a tender acknowledgment of shared feelings. Max's lips were soft against hers, and the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that quiet corner under the stars. 
For Y/N, the kiss was nothing short of magic. It was a sweet exploration of a newfound connection, a silent affirmation of the unspoken desires that had lingered between them. Their lips fit together like they were made for each other, and when Max deepened the kiss Y/N saw stars. As they pulled away, she couldn't help but marvel at the enchantment of that stolen moment, leaving her heart fluttering with anticipation. She had never had a kiss like that before, there was so much passion and chemistry it left her feeling a little dumbfounded.  
The gala resumed its vibrant atmosphere as Y/N and Max returned, smiles adorning their faces. Unbeknownst to them, Mason's eyes were fixed on the faint smudge of red lipstick around Max's mouth. His attempt to remain calm was futile as a whirlwind of emotions swirled within him. 
Max and Y/N rejoined the table, the shared moment still lingering between them. Mason, increasingly agitated, couldn't shake the unsettling sight before him. The barely-there mark on Max's face became a glaring symbol of something he couldn't fully comprehend. 
Unable to contain the whirlwind of emotions, Mason downed the remainder of his whiskey in one gulp before abruptly standing up, his chair scraping against the floor. He mumbled something about needing a moment and hastily excused himself from the table. The others exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what had transpired. Y/N, sensing that something was wrong with her best friend, began to stand up, but Reece, ever perceptive, also rose from his seat. He looked at Y/N and asked, "Mind if I go see if he's okay? I think he might need a moment." 
Y/N nodded, still puzzled, and watched as Reece followed Mason out of the gala. The atmosphere at the table became tense, shrouded in uncertainty, as they all wondered what had just occurred. 
Reece stepped out into the cool night, his eyes scanning the surroundings until he spotted Mason pacing in a corner, his hands running through his hair in a display of frustration and turmoil. The sight was disconcerting, and Reece quickened his pace. 
As he approached, he noticed the raw emotion etched on Mason's face, a mix of anguish and vulnerability. It looked like he was about to burst into tears, and Reece could sense that something profound was troubling his friend. 
"You were right," Mason's voice cracked, his eyes desperately searching for some semblance of understanding. Reece furrowed his brows, concerned about the depth of Mason's distress. 
"I was right about what? What's going on, Mase?" Reece inquired; his voice laced with worry. 
Mason, unable to contain the storm of emotions within him, continued to pace, his fists clenched in frustration. "I can't watch him all over her, I can't. I fucking love her, mate, and I don't know what to do. I pushed her away; I pushed her into him. I was scared, and I panicked, and I've ruined everything." 
Reece felt a wave of shock wash over him. Mason's raw confession about his feelings for Y/N was unexpected, and it left him grappling with the weight of his friend's emotional turmoil. As much as Reece wanted to comfort his friend his frustration surged to the surface as he spoke, a mix of concern and disappointment evident in his voice. "Mase, I don't want to be harsh, but you've got to get your act together," he urged, his eyes piercing through the darkness. 
Mason, taken aback by Reece's directness, listened intently, unsure of what was about to unfold. 
"You treated Y/N so unfairly when you found out about how she felt. You pushed her away, and it broke her," Reece continued, his tone unwavering. "She loved you, and you found out, told her she ruined everything. She would never tell you this, but that broke her." 
Mason's expression shifted from surprise to a dawning realization of the impact of his actions. 
Reece, not mincing words, pressed on. "If she's found somebody that makes her happy, then if you're her friend, if you really care about her, then you will shut your mouth and not tell her any of this. It's not fair. I know you've known her longer than me, but anyone can see that she is the sweetest girl in the world. And no matter what or who comes along, she will always love you. She deserves to be happy, and if Max makes her happy, then let her be happy with him. Don't confuse her with your feelings, not now. Not after what you did." 
The weight of Reece's words hung in the air, and before Before Mason could respond to Reece's blunt but necessary words, Y/N and Max approached, their entwined hands a visual testament to the complexity of Mason's emotions. “Hey guys, I think we’re going to head off if tha-” she started before  
observing the tension etched across Mason's face, and immediately picking up on the strained atmosphere. Her concern seeped into her voice as she inquired, "What's going on, guys?" 
Mason hesitated, teetering on the edge of transparency. His gaze flitted between Y/N and Reece, contemplating whether to lay bare his inner turmoil. However, as he looked at Y/N standing beside Max, Reece's earlier counsel echoed in his mind. He realized that now wasn't the time to burden her with his feelings. 
A forced smile appeared on Mason's face as he replied, "Everything's perfectly fine." Y/N, unconvinced, began to ask again, but Mason, interrupting her, expressed gratitude, "Thank you both for coming. Max, your generous donation means a lot. It was lovely to see you again." 
Y/N's perceptive eyes searched Mason's face, detecting something amiss. However, Reece subtly signaled to let it go. With a parting goodbye, Y/N walked away with Max's arm around her waist. 
Mason watched them leave, the internal struggle vivid on his face. The desire to run after her and ask her to stay battled with the understanding that letting her find happiness, even if it wasn't with him, was the right thing to do. 
Max navigated the city streets, his fingers lightly tapping on the steering wheel as he drove Y/N back to her apartment. The car's interior cocooned them in a tranquil atmosphere, the hum of the engine blending with the soft music playing from the radio. As they merged into traffic, Max couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. "Mason seemed really bothered by something tonight," he remarked, glancing at Y/N. She nodded, her brow furrowed with concern. "I don't know what's wrong with him, but I'm really worried," she admitted. 
Reaching over, Max placed a reassuring hand on Y/N's thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze. "I'm sure he'll figure things out. Sometimes, it just takes time," he offered, his gaze returning to the road. 
The rest of the drive continued in comfortable silence. Eventually, as the city lights painted a picturesque backdrop, Y/N broke the quiet with a nervous giggle. "I think I would like to come to Monaco with you at some point, if that's still up for grabs." 
A broad grin stretched across Max's face. "Of course, it is, I’d love that" he replied, his eyes briefly meeting hers. 
When they arrived at her apartment, Max, displaying a gentlemanly gesture, asked if he could walk her up to her door to ensure she got in safely. Y/N agreed, and they strolled together through the dimly lit corridor. Upon reaching her door, the ambiance shifted. Max leaned down, capturing Y/N's lips in a gentle kiss. Y/N’s hands reach up the back of his neck, her fingers lacing themselves in Max’s hair as their lips moved against each other. Their connection lingered for a moment before they pulled away, breaths slightly labored as Max rested his forehead against hers.  
“Do you want to come in?” 
Tag list-
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eksvaized · 3 months
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Part Eight König / Ghost / Reader [ Previous 〡 Next ] ︱AO3 ︱Wattpad ︱ taglist (if you want to be added - let me know!): @strawberrygato, @ghostslittlegf, @eskalotte, @abcdbleh, @yawning-grave81, @liamwholover, @valira-demaur, @idek101-01, @mizu-bozu, @pinkslaystation
Each time you find yourself wrapped in the comforting embrace of Simon’s arms, you can’t help but feel a pang of guilt. It’s as if you’ve broken a solemn promise you’ve made to yourself—a vow, a pledge, a commitment to stay away from him. This whirlwind of emotions, this cycle, has become a repeated pattern, a recurrent loop that seems to have no end.
After every night spent tangled in the sheets of Simon’s bed, you sternly tell yourself, and him, that this was indeed the last time. You assert, with a firmness that lacks any genuine conviction, that you won’t be crossing the threshold of his doorstep again.
However, this proclamation, this denial has turned into a part of a routine, too. It’s just like the part when Simon, with that irresistible charm of his, teases you. A mischievous glint twinkles in his dark eyes as you hurriedly gather your scattered clothes from the floor, peeking under the bed to look for your missing panties, only to stand up and see Simon twist the thin, soft fabric around his fingers.
His voice dances around you, a teasing melody of amusement, challenging your resolve. He doesn’t believe you can resist him, and his assertion fills the room. A knowing smirk slowly, almost lazily, creeps onto his face. Then, he always adds, with a hint of anticipation in his voice, “I won’t lock the door—in case your bed gets too cold. Again.”
You dismiss his words with a casual flick of your hand, a facade of indifference masking the turmoil within. You declare that you plan on spending the night at your own house, in your own bed, under your own roof. Yet, no matter how hard you push Simon away, how intently you try to maintain the distance, how determinedly you try to build walls around yourself, an invisible, magnetic force always lures you back to him. It pulls you back into the warmth of his arms, back into his bed, back into a world where nothing else seems to matter…
These days, it seems to be more of a rule than an exception that you find yourself spending the night at Simon’s place. This is particularly the case when König isn’t around to notice your absence. However, even when König is present, his attention is far from you. He’s usually engrossed in his phone, busily dealing with work politics, rumours, and gossip. This scenario provides you with ample opportunity to sneak away, and you seize it on numerous occasions.
Every time you cross the street, leaving your house behind and heading towards Simon’s, a heavy cloak of guilt wraps itself around your shoulders. It’s like a shadow, constantly trailing behind you, tracing your every step. Yet, the adrenaline rush you experience from the risk of being caught in the act at any moment works like a balm. It momentarily drowns out the shame and guilt, providing a temporary respite from your inner conflict.
There were one or two close encounters with König, where you almost got caught red-handed. But each time, you managed to think on your feet and concoct a believable excuse. And each time, König, in his naivety, accepted your hastily made up excuse without suspicion.
Simon has grown into an obsession, more than just a fleeting thought. He’s an insatiable fire consuming your every waking moment, infiltrating your thoughts, spreading tendrils of longing and desire through your day and night. No matter what you’re doing or where you are, he’s always there, at the back of your mind. And the mere thought of him - his presence, his voice, even his laughter - is enough to send a giddy rush of excitement coursing through your veins. Everything about him, from his gaze to his infectious smile, makes your heart flutter in a way that you haven’t felt in a long time. It’s as if you’re a schoolgirl with her first crush again, blushing uncontrollably and giggling at the slightest provocation. And after what seems like an eternity of waiting and wanting, of yearning for something more, you’re finally receiving the attention you’ve been desperately craving.
However, you’re well aware that you need to end things with König. It’s a task that’s easier said than done, especially given the circumstances. You haven’t been able to muster the courage to break things off yet, knowing all too well that König will demand to know why. He will want answers, and you’re not yet ready to confess that you’ve been having an affair.
It all reminds you of the time when you wanted to confront König about his own infidelity. You kept telling yourself that you’ll do it tomorrow, but when tomorrow came, you found another excuse to delay the confrontation. It’s the same with your confession now — each night before sleep, you promise yourself that you will talk with König in the morning. But when the morning comes, fear and guilt make you push that conversation further and further into the future.
* * *
It’s one of those long, seemingly endless nights where you are lying wide awake in bed, enveloped by the frigid sheets. The evening’s chill seems to seep into your bones, making the bed feel colder than it is. The day has been a marathon, filled to the brim with copious amounts of coffee—a decision you’re now regretting as the caffeine courses through your veins, denying you the sleep.
Your mind aimlessly wanders, drifting to thoughts of König, who’s been dispatched on yet another mission, leaving you alone to endure the deafening silence of your home for the next few long days.
Drained yet restless, sleep eluding your desperate grasp, you reach out for your phone. You scroll through your contacts until you land on Simon’s name and decide to send him a text.
Minutes that feel like hours pass as you wait anxiously for his reply. The oppressive silence of the room is punctuated only by the faint, rhythmic ticking of the clock in the hallway. When a response doesn’t come, a pang of disappointment courses through you, but you decide to send another message. A more direct invitation this time. “Come over?” you type, hoping he’s awake and willing to offer you a much-needed distraction from the loneliness.
Not too long after, the front door groans as it swings open. You had hidden a spare key outside, tucked away beneath an unassuming rock, specifically for Simon. You lock your phone, its screen dimming before you toss it onto the plush mattress without a second thought. Your fingers weave through your unkempt hair, soothing your excited nerves as you sit up in anticipation.
Simon has been in your house before and is familiar with the layout, so you don’t bother leaving the comfort of your bed to greet him.
The sound of heavy, determined footsteps reverberates through the house, growing louder and closer with each passing second. Each footfall stirs a flutter of excitement within the depths of your heart. However, the rhythmic footfall abruptly ceases. An unsettling, eerie silence envelops the house. As you look at the gap under the bedroom door, a flickering shadow catches your eye.
“Simon?” You call out, your brows furrowing in confusion.
Though you’re aware, he’s likely just pranking you, attempting to scare you, you find it more irritating than entertaining and wish he would just drop the act. Reaching over, you flick on the lamp. Its warm, comforting glow bathing the space in a soft light. “Stop playing around,” you demand again. This time, there’s a hint of irritation in your tone, laced with an undercurrent of budding anxiety.
No answer. Your patience, already worn thin, finally snaps, and you rise from the bed, determined to confront Simon and put an end to his childish game.
As you tiptoe, each step taken with extreme caution, you inch closer towards the closed door, pressing your ear against it. The faint sound of Simon’s breathing reaches your ears, and you can’t help but smirk at the realisation that he probably didn’t hear your soft footsteps. You decide to scare him.
“Boo!” With a sudden burst of energy, you swing the door open in one fluid, swift motion, your fingers slipping off the cool metal handle because of the abrupt movement.
However, the smirk that was plastered across your face fades away almost instantly when you see he isn’t here. The hallway is dark and empty. It’s as though he has dissolved into the very shadows, leaving behind only a frigid silence that gnaws at your courage.
“Simon? This isn’t funny anymore,” you call out, your voice echoing through the silence. You wonder how he was able to move so quickly and silently — you should have heard him walking away.
Yet again, your words are met with no response.
An icy shiver runs down your spine, like cold fingers tracing your back, sending a wave of unease rippling through your entire body. Like a creeping fog, fear seeps into every inch of you, its grip paralysing you, forcing you to stand still. With wide, frantic eyes, you scan the eerie surroundings, your gaze flitting from one corner to another, desperately searching for any trace of Simon.
A terrifying thought crosses your mind, causing your heart to beat faster. But... what if it’s not Simon messing with you? After all, he didn’t respond to your text. He may still be asleep in his house, and instead, you are now playing hide and seek with a stranger who has broken into your home.
A sudden noise—the sound of shattering glass��from the kitchen breaks your train of thought. Your heart plummets and, in a state of panic, you dart back into the room, slamming the door shut louder than you intended.
You’re now certain that it’s not Simon who’s lurking in the shadows, and you realise that you’re left with two choices. The first option is to gather your courage and try to escape, but the overwhelming fear glues you to the spot. So, you stumble towards the bed instead—your second option is to call for help and hope that it arrives in time.
As you frantically search for your phone, your hands glide across the lumpy mattress, tossing pillows and other items onto the floor in your haste. You mentally chide yourself for carelessly throwing your phone onto the bed instead of placing it on the nightstand. But finally, your fingers wrap around it, and you let out a shaky breath of relief. Yet, just as you unlock the phone, a hand clamps over your mouth. A body presses against yours.
“Caught you,” a low voice whispers into your ear, and an arm slinks around your waist, effectively immobilising you and preventing any chance of escape.
Simon. Your heart slows down when you realise it’s him. The phone slips out of your trembling hand and falls back onto the mattress. As you swallow the scream that had been building in your throat, a faint smile pulling at the corners of your lips.
You attempt to turn around because you want him to push him away and curse him for scaring you. But as soon as your body moves, his grip around you tightens. Like a python ensnaring its prey, his arms pull you deeper into his embrace, binding you closer to the heat of his body.
“You shouldn’t have been so desperate, you know,” he murmurs, his voice a low whisper that sends a shiver down your spine. “... your neediness for attention made it easy for me to manipulate you.”
You are not sure what he is talking about, but you don’t want to listen anymore. Whatever twisted game he’s playing, you want him to end it now. You want him to leave your house—leave you alone. Yet his hand remains firmly clamped over your mouth, his arm still wrapped tightly around your waist. His fingers dig into your side with such force that you know it will leave a bruise.
In a fit of desperation, you sink your teeth into the soft flesh of his palm. He responds with a hiss—a sharp exhale of pain that sounds like steam escaping from a pressure valve. His hold on you slackens momentarily. That brief second is all you need, and you push him away with all the strength you can muster.
Before you can whirl around and deliver an ultimatum, your vision starts to distort. A wave of darkness washes over you, pulling you down into its inky depths. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you stumble, struggling to stay upright. But it’s no use. Your body gives up the fight and you crumple to the ground.
As you regain consciousness, a harsh, persistent ringing fills your ears, drowning out the silence of the room. A throbbing, pounding pain pulses rhythmically at the back of your skull. It takes several agonizing, disorienting seconds for your memory to return, filtering through the fog of confusion that clouds your mind. When it does, your eyes widen in terror and scan the room.
Simon is gone and you are… tied to the bed; your hands are fastened tightly above your head to the headboard, your mouth sealed with a piece of tape, the distinct aroma of the glue filling your nostrils and making you nauseous.
A wave of panic engulfs you, washing over you like a chilling tide. You begin to thrash around in desperate, futile attempts to free yourself, to escape the bindings that hold you captive. However, the unyielding restraints only seem to gnaw into your skin even deeper, tightening their grip on you, etching themselves into your flesh.
Simon’s chilling voice reverberates reaches your ears. It paralyzes you, causing your body to turn rigid, as if encased in a tomb of ice. Your breathing becomes shallow, each intake of air a struggle as you try to muffle your whimpering cries. Your vision blurs as tears well up in your eyes; hot tears sting, like a thousand tiny needles pricking at your pupils, causing you to blink rapidly in a frenzied attempt to clear your sight.
Despite the bedroom door being firmly shut, you can hear the distinct sound of Simon pacing anxiously in the hallway. You can’t physically see him, but you’re certain he’s talking with someone on the phone conversation with someone.
“...Hurry up. I have her—there’s not much time,” he commands, the authoritative tone in his voice chilling you to your very core. His voice gradually recedes as he moves away, the sound of his footsteps growing fainter. Only to become audible again, a haunting echo, as he draws closer to the door. “No, but what other choice did I have? She would never have willingly gone me...”
Wrestling against your restraints, you make a vain attempt to sit upright. Like a captured bird flutters against the bars of its cage, you tug and twist at your bindings, shifting them in an effort to loosen them. The rough texture, like sandpaper against your skin, grates, and rubs, and the constant friction only serves to magnify the uncomfortable pressure on your already raw and chafed wrists.
The low murmur of Simon’s voice is a constant in the background, his words washing over you in a disjointed rhythm. “... I would, but I can’t just toss her over my shoulder and carry her to...” His voice, muffled and distant, keeps fading in and out, like a radio struggling to find the right frequency.
While you’re unable to grasp the entire conversation, the fragments you do catch are enough to elicit dread, making it clear that it isn’t going to end well for you.
“... I doubt Sarah will keep König distracted for much longer—he puts up with her because he knows he has to,” Simon says in a matter-of-fact tone. The mere mention of König’s name sends a shiver down your spine, causing you to freeze in place. And… and Sarah? Why would she be involved in all of this? “And unless you want König to cut your head off for touching his girl, I suggest you move your ass....”
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daysofyellowroses · 4 months
red rose
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kerry von erich x afab!reader | 10.9k | 18+ minors dni | tw: mentions of death, language, some smutty implications
It wasn't exactly something you had planned for, certainly not at this stage of your life. Then again, life never did seem to work out the way you had expected. After a very happy and loving childhood and slightly turbulent but overall great teenage years, your world got turned upside down when you turned eighteen. 
so i finally finished this, i did not expect it to be over 10k 🫢 i am already thinking i want to write a little part two for this, but i got a whole lot more to write before that! i hope you enjoy this, and if you perservere the whole way through i love you! 🫶🏻💗
The drive took hours, the immense heat didn't help the feeling of exhaustion that settled over you. It was a rare occasion that you drove back home to Denton from Austin, particularly in the last few years. Now you wouldn't just be visiting, you would be staying. 
Your mom had been driving home from work when she got into a car accident, one which ultimately claimed her life. It left an empty space in your heart, one you felt could never be filled. Her death felt impossible to process, you couldn't do anything but feel totally numb. You hadn't cried when you were told by the doctors that she had passed away from her injuries. You hadn't cried when you went to her funeral. You couldn't, the tears wouldn't come. There was just a hollow void in you, you couldn't focus on anything. 
After the funeral, you received an acceptance letter from college, which you ignored. You weren't in the right headspace for it, and despite your dad trying to convince you to go, you refused. That was when the guilt sunk in. Why should you get to go on with your life, have new experiences when your mom would never have that opportunity again? 
Your dad withdrew into himself too, the two of you didn't talk and when you did it was to fight and argue, both unable to handle your grief.
You needed to get away, and planned to go to Dallas for a new start. That didn't pan out, so you headed to Austin instead, with a renewed determination to start over. And you did, you got yourself a place to stay, a job in a bar, and started getting back on your feet. Over time you got your own apartment and started working in a hair salon, doing basic jobs at first before deciding to professionally train.
After about six months you had gotten in contact with your dad again. It started slow, occasional phone calls or letters, then you visited one Christmas. You weren't super close, but he was the only other person in the world who loved your mom as much as you did, your tether to her. Then, a year or so ago, just when you had thought you were starting to really build a solid bond with your dad, he went quiet. Barely any calls, wouldn't let you visit. 
You feared the worst when two months went by with no contact. The neighbors would have contacted you, you knew, but you still worried. Then you got a call from a stranger, who turned out to be your dad's nurse. She explained that he hadn't wanted you to worry, sympathizing when you said you only worried more if he was silent. There was a knot in your stomach when you asked what was wrong, trying not to imagine your dad slowly wasting away in front of you or losing his memories of your mother and you. 
When the nurse informed you that your father had rheumatoid arthritis, the knot in your stomach loosened, but only slightly. You learned that the nurse could only visit your father three times a week, and his insurance didn't cover more care. So, you took the decision to give up your life in Austin and head back home to look after your dad. 
The sun was just beginning to set when you drove down the familiar road, passing the few neighbors' houses. You turned eventually, heading down the long driveway. Your heart thudded as you spotted the large garage, dozens of cars dotted about in the yard. None of them had been worked on for a long while, you suspected, the owners no doubt not pushing for a quick return.
You drove up to the house, taking a deep breath as you parked your truck. You only took one suitcase up to the door with you, deciding to get the rest of your stuff later. Pushing the doorbell, you took a step back and glanced at the light blue bird feeder hanging by the door. Your mom would sit on the porch for hours and watch birds come and go, she always looked so peaceful when she did.
A few moments later, the door opened and revealed your father on the other side. Neither of you said anything, neither of you moved for a moment before you both stepped forward and wrapped your arms around each other. 
“You didn't have to come,” Your father murmured, holding you close. “I'm fine.”
“I know you are,” You nodded, gently rubbing his back. “I wanted to come. Now let me get my things inside, I want this unpacking out of the way.”
Once you had taken your things up to your old bedroom and unpacked, you sat on the end of the bed for a moment. It had been a while since you'd visited, but you got the same feeling you did every time. The memories came back full force, from playing with barbies with your best friend to sneaking a boy in through your window late at night. The teddy bears, posters of bands and trophies had been put into storage but the bedsheets were the same ones you'd had as a teenager. There was still a cork board above the desk with faded concert tickets, photos and birthday cards pinned to it.
You made your way downstairs, finding your dad in the living room and letting him know you'd make dinner. It was easy, moving through the kitchen again. Every time you'd visited the muscle memory came back. It always stung a little that your mom wasn't there, singing along to the radio as she chopped vegetables, the knife moving in rhythm. She always made up her own lyrics when she couldn't remember the real ones, her version always stuck in your head when you heard the songs again.
Once dinner was ready, you brought the plate to your dad on a tray in the living room. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, the way he struggled with his knife. He didn't ask for help and you waited until he set his cutlery down in frustration before you quietly got up and cut up his dinner for him.
It was only when you were laying in bed later that night that you realized that things like that would be your life from now on. Parents look after their children, then children look after their parents years and years later. It felt too soon to be looking after your dad. He wasn't even retired yet, you weren't even thirty yet. But, life doesn't always go to plan.
In the morning, you thought you were dreaming when you woke up. It took a minute to adjust, to remind yourself you weren't just visiting. There was nowhere else to call home anymore. You took a shower and got dressed before making breakfast, having more small talk with your father. You noticed his shirt wasn't quite buttoned right but elected to ignore it. 
“I'm gonna take a walk,” Your father informed you after breakfast. “the air is fre-”
“Freshest this time of day,” You smiled, giving him a nod. “I remember. I'm gonna clean up, is Carla coming today?”
“Tomorrow,” Your father replied, clearing his throat. “She comes on different days each week. She covers a big area.”
“I see,” You nodded, watching your father for a moment before clearing the plates. “Well I got this under control. Enjoy your walk.”
Once you'd cleaned the kitchen, you decided to do the rest of the house too. It wasn't bad, just needed a little sprucing up. When you got to your dad's bedroom you took a breath before walking in. Your mom's things weren't there anymore, they had been put away into storage, but her presence was still there.  As you made the bed you thought about all the times you'd climbed into your parents bed after a nightmare, the birthdays and mother's days you'd take your mom a tray, feeling so proud when she told you she loved it.
When you were vacuuming, you glanced out the window and spotted a figure heading into the garage, unable to make them out clearly. You made your way out of the house and over to the garage, the air already feeling hot. 
“Hello?” You called, holding your hand over your forehead to shield your eyes as you turned into the garage. “Can I..”
You let out a sigh as you spotted your father leaning over the hood of a truck, lowering your arm.
“Dad, what are you doing?” You asked, walking over and folding your arms. “You told me you were taking a walk.”
“I was,” Your dad nodded, looking over to you as he gestured to the truck. “Then I remembered I had this sitting in here. I gotta get it back by tomorrow, Ed’s gonna need it.”
You took a deep breath, slowly lowering your arms and stepping closer to the truck. 
“If it really needs to be fixed by tomorrow, then let me do it.”
“Let you do it?” Your father repeated, a concerned look on his face. “I couldn't ask you to do that.”
“Then good thing you're not asking,” You smiled. I'm a little rusty but you can just give some guidance if I'm going wrong. I didn't spend half my teen years here for nothing.”
“Well, if you're up for it,” Your father nodded, taking a step back. “Give it a whack.”
An hour or so later, you popped the key in the ignition and let out a cheer when the truck started. Your dad stood up from where he'd been sitting, walking over to the window.
“Well look at that,” He smiled, opening the car door for you. “You never lost it.”
“Apparently not,” You grinned, turning off the ignition. “I can drop this over to Ed, if you want?”
“If you want,” Your dad nodded, looking down at his shirt and frowning slightly before looking back to you. “You'd be doing me a favor really. He said he wasn't in a rush but..I don't want to delay him.”
“Okay, I'll drop it over,” You nodded. “I'll pick something up for dinner, too. Do you need anything else?”
Your dad thought for a moment before shaking his head and gently patting the door of the truck. 
“I'm all good. I'll let you get off.”
“Alright, I'll see you later.” You smiled, closing the door and starting up the truck. You presumed Ed lived exactly where he always had, and honestly you were a little amazed he was still alive. When you were a child he was about a hundred years old, god only knew what miracle was keeping his heart ticking.
When you were out on the road, you lowered the windows and turned on the radio, enjoying the fresh air as you sang along to the music.
‘So smile for a while and let's be jolly, love shouldn't so melancholy, come along and share the good times while we can..’
When you arrived in town, you drove to Eds's first, parking up outside and looking up at his house. The place hadn't changed in probably 50 years, not so much as a paint job. You took the keys and headed to the front door, pushing the door bell before taking a step back.
After a few minutes, a woman you didn't recognise opened the door and you wondered if you'd somehow gotten the wrong house. She certainly didn't resemble Ed, with her kind eyes, warm smile and curly brown hair. Ed looked like Mr. Magoo on a bad day.
“Hi,” You smiled, gesturing over your shoulder to Eds's truck. “I'm looking for Ed Hicks, I'm dropping off his truck.”
“That thing,” The woman rolled her eyes with a smile. “He shouldn't even be driving it, yet he still gets it dropped for repairs. Come on in darling, he's here.”
You followed the woman inside, heading into a living room that looked like it should have been in a shack in the woods. In the corner, Ed was sitting on an armchair watching the TV, looking exactly as you'd remembered him.
“You got a visitor Ed,” The woman told Ed, raising her voice. “This young lady has come to drop your truck back. Don't tell me you've been driving again?”
“Nope, cross my heart,” Ed patted his chest before looking over to you. His eyes were so pale you were amazed he could see you but he recognised you right away.
“You back at your daddy's then?” Ed asked once you'd walked over and shaken his hand, giving him a nod.
“Yes, I am,” You told him. “He was busy so I thought I'd drop your truck back, needed to head into town anyway. How have you been, Mr. Hicks?”
“Oh you know me,” Ed shrugged, looking back to the TV. “I get by. Still waiting for this one to marry me though,” He gestured to the woman. “any day now.”
The woman laughed affectionately as she shook her head. 
“Stop it you, you old charmer. Now I need to get going, you need anything else?”
“I'm all good, you get yourself gone,” Ed waved his hand. “I got my stories.”
You said your goodbyes and left the house with the woman, turning to her as she closed the door.
“I know this sounds a little strange, but your voice is really familiar,” You raised a brow. “Have we met?”
The woman looked at you for a moment before nodding and smiling, folding her arms.
“I was thinking the same thing, we most certainly talked recently. I'm Carla, I'm a nurse, I do a lot of home visits around here.”
“Carla..of course,” You smiled. “I think you look after my dad?” You gave her the details and noticed her face lit up a little as she nodded.
“I certainly do,” She smiled. “So you must be the daughter he's so proud of,” She grinned. “You know I gotta say, it is really admirable what you're doing. If I could, I'd be out at your dad's more but..I can just about manage to hold onto the days I do have.”
The two of you walked down the porch steps and towards the curb, stopping by a little red car.
“You need a ride somewhere?” Carla asked, opening her purse and taking our her keys. “I've got another visit but I can take you somewhere if you need.”
“I just need to go to the supermarket, if that's okay?” You asked, deciding to worry about getting home later. 
“Of course,” Carla nodded, unlocking her car. “Hop on in.”
You got in the car and put on your seat belt, looking over to Carla as she started the engine.
“Can I ask you something, if you don't mind?”
“Of course you can honey,” Carla smiled, looking over to you before looking back and pulling away from the curb. “What's on your mind?”
You looked out the window, taking a deep breath. 
“My dad..it's bad, isn't it? His condition? Like..I know a lot of people function just fine with arthritis but I've noticed little things he can't do anymore.”
Carla let out a soft sigh, her hand gently touching your arm.
“I won't lie to you darling, your dad's arthritis is severe, in fact..the hospital wants to run more tests just in case he might be developing Parkinson's. You came at a good time, he's going to need the extra help.”
“Yeah,” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the world outside the window. “I think I did. It just feels..strange. How do you do it every day? Look after people, see them become frail in front of you?”
“Well I love my work,” Carla replied, gently squeezing your arm before letting go. “It feels like I'm making a difference. You'll get that feeling, it just takes time. And your dad isn't so frail, he just needs more time to accept his limitations. It hasn't been easy on him.”
“I know,” You nodded, looking over to Carla. “I'm sorry I haven't been around much, but I'm glad you've been looking after him. He can be a little stubborn about accepting help but I hope he hasn't been too difficult.”
“He's been a dream,” Carla smiled. “I know that he's frustrated that he can't do all the things he used to, but he's getting a little better at accepting it every day. The hardest part seems to be work. He keeps telling me he's gonna get back out to the yard and fix up all the trucks but..it's just not possible.”
You nodded before looking back out the window, the familiar sights flashing by. 
“I found him by Eds's truck this morning, I told him I'd do it and let him tell me what to do but..I could tell he wanted to be doing it himself.”
“Well that's not a bad thing,” Carla looked over to you. “He may not be able to work himself but if he feels like he's contributing then that might ease the disappointment. Are you a mechanic yourself?”
You smiled to yourself as you shook your head, glancing over to Carla.
“No, I'm a hairdresser. I used to help my dad out in the yard when I was a teenager, picked up some things. I never really thought of it as a job, more just a hobby.”
“Hobby or not,” Carla raised a brow, gently touching your arm. “Might be something to think about. Is here okay to drop you off hun?”
“Perfect,” You nodded, glancing at the window. “Thank you so much.”
“Anytime,” Carla smiled. “I'll be out at yours tomorrow, see you then.”
The afternoon passed by quick enough, you got a coffee in the diner, made small talk with people you knew in another life,  went to the supermarket, bumped into one of the neighbors who offered you a ride home. It was like you'd never left, the familiarity sinking into your bones.
Your dad was watching TV when you got home, a sight you never thought you'd see on a warm afternoon. You made your way to the kitchen, trying to ignore the knot in your stomach as you unpacked the groceries and started preparing dinner. You turned the radio on, humming along to the music as you moved about the kitchen with ease. When you were plating up dinner, you felt the knot in your stomach tighten as you got a knife and fork to cut up your dad's food. It was spaghetti, which made it easier to disguise that it had been cut, but you knew you'd have to keep doing it.
You took the plates into the living room, placing a tray on your dad's lap before sitting down yourself. 
“How was town?” Your dad asked, picking up his fork and glancing over to you. “Anybody about?”
“A couple,” You nodded, dipping your fork into your pasta and pushing it around a little. “Nobody too exciting.”
“Ah, never is,” Your dad shrugged, looking back to the TV. “Oh turn up the volume, the match is coming on.”
You reached for the remote, raising the volume and glancing over to your dad.
“What match?”
“Wrestling,” Your dad explained, pointing to the TV. “David's making his debut tonight. Should be a good one.”
“Oh,” You raised a brow, looking back to the TV. “I didn't know he was getting into wrestling..does Kevin still do it?”
“Sure does,” Your dad nodded. “He's good too. Reckon he'll be even better now with his brother on side.”
You sat back a little, your eyes watching the screen as the presenter explained the upcoming bout. When it cut to a reporter standing with Kevin and David Von Erich, you couldn't help but smile. They looked so different from when you had last seen them, but they still had that familiarity, a boyish charm. 
When David looked down the camera lens and gave a warning to the opponent, you bit your lip slightly, smiling to yourself as your Dad praised him. The match was fun to watch, your dad's enthusiasm made you think of how he was when you were a child, his passion and support for the things he loved shining through. The last thing you wanted was for him to lose that joy, to have things in his life that brought him happiness.
The actual wrestling didn't interest you all that much, but it was entertaining and fun to see Kevin and David show off their skills, raise their arms triumphantly when they won.
“What did I tell you? They got something special there,” Your dad looked over to you. “You know, you should pop over and visit them one of these days. They'd love to see you.”
“Maybe,” You nodded, getting up and placing your tray on the coffee table. “I have things to do so..I'll have to see when I got some time.”
You gathered up your dad's tray, taking the dishes out to the kitchen and resting them on the counter. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and tried to clear your mind, not wanting to give certain memories an outing.
You focused on cleaning the kitchen, taking your dad a beer when you went back to the living room.
“Just the one,” You smiled, sitting down on the couch. “So don't get too excited.”
“I won't,” Your dad laughed, shaking his head. Hell, even if I wanted another one I couldn't. Carla..the nurse,” He corrected himself, clearing his throat. “She can always tell. Scolds me something terrible.”
“Well she's just doing her job,” You shrugged, sitting back against the couch and smiling as you looked at your dad and noticed the slight smile on his face.
 “She means well.”
“Mm, she does.” Your dad nodded, picking up his newspaper from the arm of his chair and slowly opening it, his face particularly obscured but not enough to hide his smile. 
“Just gotta remember that sometimes.”
“I met her today, actually,” You glanced to your dad as you said it, watching as he didn't look away from the paper but didn't turn the page either. “She said she was coming by tomorrow.”
“Yeah, she will be,” Your dad nodded. “I saw it on the calendar.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile, sitting back and reaching for the remote to find something new.
The next morning, you woke up naturally and stretched slowly in your bed as you glanced to the window. You had left the curtains half open, the warm sunlight filtering into the room. After taking some time to get up, you made your way downstairs and paused in the doorway of the kitchen as you spotted your father sitting at the table reading the paper. It wasn't so much what he was doing but how he looked, with his carefully gelled hair and good brown suit. His shirt was buttoned properly and you felt guilty for wondering how long it would have taken him, if you should have knocked on his door and offered help.
“Morning dad,” You raised a brow, walking over to him and placing a kiss on his cheek. “You're looking snappy. Don't tell me I forgot your birthday?”
“Nah course not,” Your dad laughed softly, shaking his head. “It's just polite to dress for company.”
“Of course,” You nodded, smiling as you put on some coffee. “I'm sure company always appreciates it.” 
You watched the machine brew for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking over to your dad.
“I was thinking..maybe today I could take a look at more of those trucks in the yard.”
“Hm? Why would you want to do that?” Your dad asked, and the knot in your stomach returned as you went to put on some toast. 
“Because,” You began, popping two slices of bread in the toaster. “I enjoyed it. And-” You stopped yourself from speaking the words you knew your dad didn't want to hear.
‘Because you can't anymore.’
“I need something to keep me occupied,” You continued, looking over to your dad. I'll probably only get started on one truck but I want to dust off my old skills. You didn't teach me to waste them right?
“Right,” Your dad nodded after a moment, lowering his paper. “You're right..if you want to take a look I won't stop you.” 
After breakfast you took a shower and got dressed in a simple blue sundress, glancing out the window as you heard a car approach. You smiled as you saw it was Carla's, heading out of your room and down the stairs. Your dad was in the living room, pacing back and forth a little until the doorbell rang and he rushed to answer it. 
“Morning sweetheart,” Carla smiled at your dad after he greeted her, the smile on his face wider than you'd seen for a long while. “Don't tell me I forgot your birthday?”
As Carla was running through some medical checks with your dad, you went out to the yard and made your way to the garage. You took a set of keys and found the truck it belonged to before getting into the garage. The radio was turned on, there was some shelter from the already immense heat, and you soon found yourself getting back into the swing of mechanics. A little while later you were under the hood when you heard a truck coming up the drive. You figured it would be a drop off, possibly just a courtesy one. No doubt the whole town knew about your father's condition.
When the truck door opened and closed and you heard multiple voices, you ducked out from under the hood and grabbed a cloth to wipe your hands, immediately dropping it in shock when you saw who was walking towards the garage.
“Oh my god!” You shrieked excitedly, rushing forward and wrapping your arms around Kevin Von Erich when you got close enough. He laughed and gave you a tight hug back, each of you holding each other's arms as you pulled apart.
“I can't believe it,” You grinned. “It's been..well a long time.”
“Too long,” Kevin smiled, his eyes shining. “We were so sorry not to be here for your last visit.”
You waved your hand, smiling as you looked up at Kevin. 
“Don't be silly. You big shot wrestlers have busy schedules, I get it. Caught you on the TV last night, almost couldn't believe my eyes.”
“You wouldn't be the only one!”
You laughed as Kevin turned around with a playful frown, your smile growing as you spotted Mike. You gently squeezed Kevin's arm before rushing over to Mike, his arms wrapping around you and swaying with you as you hugged him back. 
“You are not Michael Von Erich,” You teased as you pulled back, raising a brow. “you're way too grown up. Look at you!”
“Aw come on I ain't changed that much,” Mike grinned, the tips of his ears growing pink. “It's just been a minute. It's so good to see you.”
“Don't I get a hug?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, giving Mike a wink as you stepped aside and folded your arms.
“I don't know,” You shrugged, raising a brow. “You're a real big mouth hot shot wrestler now, you really need the girl next door hugging you?”
“Yes, right this second.”
“Oh yeah?” You smiled widely as you rushed forward, David's arms immediately wrapping around you and lifting you up as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
When he set you down carefully, he gave you a wink and you gave him one back, stepping back and turning to Kevin and Mike.
“What brings you all over? I know it ain't that truck.” 
The Von Erichs looked at each other for a moment before looking back at you, Kevin clearing his throat.
“Well we heard you were back in town, and..that it's more permanent this time. We were sorry to hear about your dad, hopefully he's doing okay.”
You looked at the three men in front of you for a moment, smiling as you folded your arms.
“Damn, word travels fast. Was it Ed?”
“Ed.” They chorused, making you laugh.
“Of course,” You nodded, dropping your arms. “Well I am back, and thank you,  my dad's doing well. He's got his nurse with him today so..all good.”
“Hope it's not rude to ask if you want to come over for dinner some time?” Mike asked, resting his hands in his back pockets. “and your dad, of course. Mom keeps insisting.”
“So I really can't say no then,” You smiled. “That would be great, really.”
“Perfect,” David grinned, walking over to you and slinging his arm around your shoulder. “Knew you couldn't resist.”
“How could I,” You grinned, resting your hand on David's back. “I've had your mom's cooking before.”
“Amen to that,” David grinned. “Listen, what are you up to later?”
“You tell me,” You raised a brow, looking up at David with a grin. “Do I need to cancel my plans?”
“Absolutely,” David nodded, looking serious for a moment before grinning. “I'm taking you out for a burger, we're catching up properly.”
So, a few hours and one fixed up transmission later, you took another quick shower before changing into a clean t-shirt and jeans. Your dad was in an extremely chipper mood after Carla's visit, and you promised him you would be back in time to make dinner.
When David pulled up outside the house in his truck you felt like a teenager again, skipping down the porch steps and getting in beside him.
“Right on time,” You grinned, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “That a new habit?”
“Not the only one,” David grinned, turning the truck around and heading down the driveway. “You hungry?”
“Starving,” You nodded, sitting back and turning up the radio a little, singing along under your breath.
‘Go lightly from the ledge, babe, go lightly on the ground, I'm not the one you want, babe, I'll only let you down..’
You smiled as David turned up the radio, the two of you singing together as he drove towards town.
‘You say you're looking for someone, who'll promise never to part, someone to close his eyes to you, someone to close his heart, someone to die for you and more, but it ain't me, babe, no, no, no, it ain't me, babe, it ain't me you're looking for, babe..’
When David parked up in town, you were laughing at some silly joke he'd made, wondering if there would be any moment where you didn't feel seventeen again. You both headed into the diner, sliding into a red leather booth you'd sat in countless times in your life.
“I don't need to look at this, but it feels polite.” You plucked the menu from its metal stand and opened it, smiling as the wave of nostalgia hit you. Your mom taking you for a milkshake after school, hanging out with friends, one order of fries between six of you, and of course being there with the boys next door. 
“I don't think you can beat a cheeseburger,” David grinned, sitting back and tilting his head slightly as he watched you read the menu. “I mean why would you not want a classic?”
“To be adventurous,” You teased, putting your menu back. “Try something other than a cheeseburger, chili fries and a coke. Unless you updated your order since we were last here?”
“Hey I know what I like,” David grinned, giving you a wink. “And like you ain't gonna order a chili dog and a strawberry shake.”
“Why would you not want a classic?” You grinned, laughing as David rolled his eyes playfully.
“Fair enough,” He nodded, glancing around the diner and sitting up a little. You were about to say something when two girls appeared at your table, probably just about twenty one. They blushed as they asked David for an autograph, giggling when he winked at them, handing back the flowery notebook. 
“You're really famous now,” You grinned, gesturing to where the girls had stood. “you'll have a fan club next.”
“You could be the president of it,” David smiled, resting his arm along the back of his seat. “Give out all the buttons with my face on them.”
“Wow, you haven't thought about this at all, huh?” You teased, sitting up a little as the waitress came over. You both ordered your classics, choosing to let it slide.
“Oh you know who I met yesterday?” You raised a brow, looking over to David. “Nancy Moss, who apparently still hates my guts even though I ain't seen her since high school.”
“She hates you?” David raised a brow. “Nah, she never hated you.”
You shook your head, sitting back and holding your hands up. “She did, and still does.”
“I don't get it,” David frowned. “Why would she hate you?”
"Because of you," You grinned, pointing over to him. "I think she was jealous."
David looked surprised, glancing around for a moment before leaning on the table and meeting your eyes. 
"Jealous? Of what? It's not like you and I ever dated. Not.." He cleared his throat, looking a little embarrassed in an endearing way. “not technically, anyway.."
"I think that annoyed her more," You shrugged, resting your arms on the table. "We weren't a couple but I got to ride around in your truck, I was always at your house, you were sneaking into my bedroom at night.."
"You were the one sneaking me in," David held up his hand with a grin. "how would she even know about that anyway?"
You shrugged with a smile, resting your hand on your cheek. "I may have said some things that she overheard, not my fault if she was eavesdropping."
“Oh I see,” David grinned, sitting back and gesturing to himself. “Bragging about me huh? Can't say I blame you.”
“In your dreams,” You rolled your eyes with a grin, sitting up as the waitress brought your drinks. You thanked her before sliding your glass closer, lightly swirling the straw in the thick pink liquid.
“How are your parents by the way?” You asked, taking a sip of your milkshake.
“They're good,” David nodded, clearing his throat and sliding his glass closer. “Thanks. We're all good. You should definitely come by, they'd love to see you.”
“Yeah,” You nodded, lifting your straw and slowly dropping it, taking a deep breath. “I'll definitely try and drop by.”
“Good,” David nodded, taking a sip of his drink before leaning a little closer and reaching out to touch your arm. “Oh you know what? You should come to the Sportatorium on Saturday night, bring your dad. We got a big match coming up.”
“That I can't object to,” You smiled, meeting David's eyes. “My dad will be beside himself with excitement.”
“That's great,” David. “So will you be when you see me do my thing.”
“Oh I've seen your thing many times,” You raised a brow with a smile. “Hope it's as good as I remember.”
When you arrived back home, you felt like you were riding on a high. The afternoon had been easy and fun, you couldn't remember when you had laughed so much. You said goodbye to David and went inside the house, finding your dad in the living room reading the evening paper.
“Hey,” You smiled, walking in and sitting down on the couch. “How was your day?”
“Hey darlin’,” Your dad smiled, setting the paper down in his lap. “It was alright, Carla left that for you,” He gestured to a white envelope on the coffee table. “tried to sweet talk her into letting me read it myself but my charms need some polishing I guess.”
“I'll get you a cloth,” You laughed softly, leaning forward to pick up the envelope. “I don't know why she'd leave me something.”
“I don't either,” Your dad sighed, looking down at his paper. “Anyway, how was your date?”
“Date? It wasn't a date,” You grinned, opening the envelope. “Just two old friends catching up.”
You peeled open the envelope and took out the letter inside, your heart sinking a little when you heard your dad mutter ‘that's right, it was the other one.’
“Oh this is nothing, just her contact details in case of an emergency,” You smiled, folding the paper back up. “I'm gonna freshen up then start dinner.”
“Alright sweetheart, take your time.” Your dad nodded, picking his paper back up as you left the room, holding the envelope to your chest.
You made your way upstairs, heading into your bedroom and sitting on the end of your bed. Taking a moment, you let out a breath before taking the letter back out from the envelope. Technically you hadn't lied, Carla's details were indeed on the letter, just written above the rest of it. As it turned out, your father would have to be taken into hospital the following week for some tests, and Carla felt (accurately) it would be better to tell him closer to the time, but didn't want you to be surprised. 
Once you had carefully folded the letter back up and hidden it in your room, you went to the bathroom and splashed some water on your face, trying to push the thought of hospitals from your mind.
A couple of hours later, you placed a tray on your father's lap and sat down on the couch, looking over to the TV. 
“Oh I forgot to say, I got some invites for you,” You smiled. “David invited us next door for dinner, and he's gonna get us tickets for the match next Saturday.”
“You're kidding?” Your dad held the remote in mid air as he looked over to you. “In the Sportatorium? Well, I'll be damned. You thank that boy for me won't you? I can't believe it. Oh just wait til I tell Earl.”
You laughed softly, picking up your own tray from the coffee table and setting it on your lap.
“I wasn't sure about dinner at theirs,” You began, taking a breath. “We don't have to go if you don't want.”
“Don't be silly,” Your dad looked over to you, setting the remote on the arm of his armchair. “Of course we can go. Fritz and Doris are old friends, and good neighbors. Why wouldn't we..” He stopped himself, looking back to the TV and letting out a sigh, his hand moving to his neck. 
“I uh..I believe not all the boys still live at home. Some of ‘em went off, training..”
“I see,” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the TV and trying to keep your heartbeat steady. “In that case I'll tell David we'd be delighted.”
The week seemed to pass slowly, not that you objected. You spent most days out in the garage working on the various cars and trucks, finding yourself enjoying it more and more. Sometimes your dad would come out and give you instructions you didn't need, but followed anyway. You cooked, cleaned, made sure your dad had his good clothes for when Carla visited. You watched his eyes light up when she laughed at his corny jokes. She called you sweetheart and thanked you at least three times for a cup of coffee. You went into town, you noticed people stopped asking how long you were visiting for. Everyone sent their regards to your father.
One evening you and your dad visited the Von Erichs for dinner. It felt like old times instantly, your dad and Fritz putting the world to rights while Doris insisted you didn't need to help with the dishes but gave you all the gossip when you did. Kevin told you about a girl he was seeing, and you already couldn't wait to meet her. Mike invited you to a gig, and you promised you'd go. David constantly took the seat next you and made you laugh so much you ached. 
The evening after, you had gone into town with Kevin and David to meet Pam, Kevin's girlfriend. You adored her instantly, the two of you clicking right away. You hadn't intended to get drunk, but you were having a good time and the drinks kept appearing and you didn't object. When one of the bars you visited was having a karaoke night, you and Pam were up on the stage before the alcohol-induced confidence could fade.
‘Look into his angel eyes, one look and you're hypnotized, he'll take your heart and you must pay the price, look into his angel eyes, you'll think you're in paradise, and one day you'll find out he wears a disguise, don't look too deep into those angel eyes’
By the time Mike came to pick you all up, you were wrapped around David to steady yourself, the world spinning on a loop. You struggled not to fall asleep on the ride home, resting your head on David's shoulder and focusing on the feeling of his hand on your shoulder.
When you got home, David took you inside to make sure you got to bed safely, your eyes closing the second your head hit the pillow.
“I had fun tonight,” You murmured softly, turning onto your side and letting out a sigh. “tell me ‘m fun.”
David laughed softly beside you, his hand gently touching your hair. “You're very fun. And a heck of a lot more.”
“Yeah?” You sighed softly, pulling the blanket up a little. “Then..then why wasn't I enough for him?”
“Hey,” David’s voice was soft and made you want to sleep. “don't be worrying about all that, you hear me? That's all over now. It was all just..a misunderstanding. You need to get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow.”
By the time Saturday came around, you were feeling pretty good, greeting your dad when you went into the kitchen for breakfast. You could have sworn he hid some of his paper but couldn't be sure, there was no reason for him to. You moved about the kitchen getting breakfast ready, unable to shake the feeling your dad was hiding something. 
You waited until he went to get dressed, looking under the table and finding a slightly scrunched up piece of newspaper on the floor. You picked it up and smoothed it out, trying to see what would be so offensive. Heatwave incoming, American athletes to withdraw from the Olympics, Cowboys win game, nothing to write home about. You left the paper back where you found it before cleaning up the kitchen, your suspicions melting away.
The evening came around quick, and you were looking forward to seeing the match. Your dad seemed a little quiet, to your surprise. He'd been so excited all week, now when it was time to go he didn't seem as enthusiastic. You didn't push it, especially when he didn't say anything about it. 
The Sportatorium was already bustling with activity when you got there and parked up, feeling excited for the night ahead. You went in with your dad, finding your seats and smiling when he seemed to relax more.
It was halfway through the match when you saw him.
At first you thought you were just seeing things, imagining it. Imagining him.
But he was there, sitting in the front row with Mike, cheering on his brothers.
You felt your heart sink into your stomach, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. You could hear your dad cheer beside you, the crowd going wild as a body slammed down on the mat. 
You watched the rest of the match and refused to look anywhere else but the ring, wanting to run away more than anything. 
When the match ended, you told your dad you weren't feeling well, needing to get out of the arena as quickly as possible. You felt like you couldn't breathe until you got into your truck, wanting to crawl into your bed and forget the world. 
Your dad gave an enthusiastic debrief on the way back home, and you felt guilty for not sharing his excitement. When you got home you went up to your room and leaned against the door for a moment. You felt sick, your heart pounding in your chest. After getting ready for bed, you opened up the wooden chest at the end of your bed, rooting through it and eventually pulling out your last high school yearbook. 
Taking it into bed, you opened the book and looked through the photos of your old classmates, smiling at some of the quotes, laughing at the others. You flipped to the back of the book, where your friends had written messages on the white pages. You traced your finger over them, smiling to yourself until you found it.
There it was, in black and white. 
‘I love you now & always, can't wait to spend forever with you ❤️ KVE’
“Fucking liar.” You muttered, slamming the book shut and flinging it down to the end of your bed. 
The following morning you didn't want to leave your bed, a restless night leaving you exhausted. You reluctantly got up and got ready, already dreading what was to come. You went downstairs and met your dad in the kitchen, the two of you heading out to your truck.
“I know you hid something from me,” You told your dad as you started your truck. “I wasn't sure why at first but now I know. And I'm grateful, but I can't avoid him forever. He's back, I saw him last night. He's going to be there today, and we will talk to him because we are good neighbors, and I don't want to embarrass you by causing a scene.”
Your dad was quiet for a moment, and you could feel your heart racing. Eventually, he silently reached out and took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I'm proud of you sweetheart, always will be,” He murmured softly. “You can do this.”
When you got to church, you wanted to be anywhere else, especially when you spotted David's truck. You walked into the building with your dad, putting on a smile and making your way up the aisle. You spotted the Von Erichs right away, giving them a polite nod as you walked by, feeling your stomach drop as you realized the only free seats were in front of them. Your dad walked down the pew first, your heart racing as you felt eyes on you. You sat down, almost anticipating a hand on your shoulder, blue eyes burning into yours. 
The service seemed to last forever, you wanted desperately to just turn and run, feeling trapped like a deer in headlights. When the reverend finally ended his sermon, you followed your dad outside and made polite conversation after polite conversation. Eventually you couldn't put it off anymore, and you found yourself with the Von Erichs. You felt like they were all looking at you like you were about to attack, electing to put on your brightest smile and stepping closer to Kerry.
“Well hey stranger,” You gave him a hug, feeling him hesitate for a moment before he hugged you back and the familiarity could have killed you. “It's so good to see you again.”
You pulled away, taking a step back as your dad greeted Kerry, your hand hammering in your chest. David gave you a reassuring smile and Kevin subtly squeezed your arm. After some small talk, you made your way to your truck with your dad. Neither of you said a word until you were back home and in the kitchen. You'd gone to put on some coffee and burst into tears.
Your dad immediately wrapped his arms around you, stroking your back and holding you close. 
“It's okay darlin’,” He murmured, letting out a sigh. “Your mama wasn't shy with the truth, and you know how she knew things about us we didn't even know? She knew all about you. She told me, and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.”
“It's okay,” You whispered, pulling back and wiping away your tears. “It was a long time ago. I just..I just want to forget about it.”
“Alright darlin���,” Your dad nodded, letting out a sigh. “Come on, you need some rest.” 
He refused to listen to your protests, taking you to the living room and draping a blanket over you as you got on the couch. You wanted to insist you were fine but all you could do was wrap the blanket around yourself and close your eyes. 
You were dimly aware of noises around you, your dad reading the paper, the radio playing in the background. A dog barking in the distance. At one point, just as you were drifting between sleep and wakefulness, you could have sworn you heard voices in the hallway. 
‘Please sir, I just need to talk to her.”
‘It's not a good time right now.’
The next day, you went out to the garage after breakfast and focused on fixing things you could salvage. Your dad hadn't confirmed your suspicions there had been a visitor the day before, and you didn't ask. Part of you wanted it to be true, and you hated yourself for that desire.
The sun was high in the sky when you heard footsteps approaching, reaching for a clean rag to clean your hands.
“Almost done, I'll be in to make lunch in a second.”
You took a deep breath as you heard the voice, clutching the rag in your hands before turning and seeing Kerry standing at the entrance to the garage.
“Why didn't you just drive over?” You asked, tossing the rag aside and walking back to the truck in the middle of the garage. 
“I wanted some fresh air.”
“Well now that you've had it you can go home,” You sighed, feeling your hands tremble slightly. “Sorry to make you waste a trip.”
“I'm not going anywhere,” Kerry told you, walking closer. “I need to talk to you.”
“Who says I want to talk to you?” You sighed, keeping your eyes on the engine. 
“Please just let me explain,” Kerry sighed. “You see, I-”
“Explain what?” You interrupted, stepping back and looking over to Kerry. “That you're sorry? You never meant to hurt me, you wish you could take it back, you've lived in regret, blah blah blah. Bullshit. Save your breath.”
Kerry was silent for a moment, keeping his eyes on you before he looked away and nodded.
“I understand that you're upset, but-”
“Oh, you understand,” You scoffed, placing your hands over your heart. “That makes me feel so much better, you understand. If you understood then you wouldn't have done what you did. You never even gave me an answer, you know that? One minute we're planning our future, you're telling me you love me, we're forever, we're going to start a new life. The next minute I'm standing right here waiting for you and you never show. Then I hear you're gone. You're with her and you're heading off to start a future with her. How the fuck could you possibly understand how I feel?”
“David,” Kerry replied. His tone was soft but there was a hardness in his eyes. “That is how I understand. I thought that was all over between you, then I heard you two got back together after our graduation. I took it as you choosing him over me, I had to protect myself.”
“Am I seriously hearing this?” You laughed, shaking your head. “Some idiot told you I was with David and you just believed it?”
“Can you blame me?” Kerry muttered. “Not like you didn't have previous. I wasn't gonna sit around waiting for you again.”
You felt something inside you snapped, and you stormed over to Kerry with a fire in your eyes.
“How dare you say that to me?!” You snapped. “As if you ever sat around waiting for me, don't make me laugh. I was the one sitting around waiting for you to open your eyes.”
“Oh yeah?” Kerry frowned, his voice raising slightly as he stepped forward, his tone growing harsh. “Was this before or after you fucked my brother?”
You took a deep breath, holding Kerry's gaze. 
“Don't you dare, Kerry Von Erich, throw that in my face. You never fucked anyone? Not my best friend, not every girl that was throwing herself at you? And not that it's any of your fucking business,” You held your hand up. “But the only reason David and I started doing anything was because you had stood me up again and he was consoling me. I have been in love with you since I was thirteen years old, and I thought I was destined to be your friend forever. If I couldn't have you then David was the next best thing. But I couldn't officially date him because I knew you'd never want me then. Then I did get you, I finally fucking got you and you saw me, and I..” 
You stopped yourself as you felt tears welling up, trying to push them away. 
“I couldn't believe my luck, I wanted to believe that we could be together forever, you made me feel so loved and so safe and happy then you just ripped it all away. I..I can't deal with this,”
You stormed past Kerry, the tears fully flowing. He called after you, tried to grab your arm but you pulled it away. You could hear him following you, trying to talk to you. You blocked it out, heading up the porch and into the house. Heading into the kitchen, you got yourself a glass of water and tried to calm yourself down.
“Please just let me explain,” Kerry pleaded behind you, fresh tears welling up in your eyes. “I swear I never meant to hurt you.”
You set your glass down, turning around and taking a deep breath. 
“I don't believe that. If you didn't want to hurt me you would have just left, but you left with someone else. You left with my best fucking friend, so don't tell me you didn't want to hurt me.”
You walked past him, heading to the living room and freezing on the spot when you got there. 
“It's not what you think,” Kerry sighed as he approached. “I can explain if you-”
He looked at you before following your gaze.
You felt like time stood still as you ran across the living room and dropped to your knees, your dad lying unconscious on the floor.
“Dad,” You gently shook his shoulder. “Dad it's me, wake up. Come on, wake up now..”
You felt panic set in as he didn't respond, holding your hand to his hot forehead. 
“Dad..please wake up, you're not leaving me. Come on..”
A few minutes later, Kerry appeared by your side, dropping to his knees beside you.
“I called an ambulance, they're on the way,” He explained, gently touching your back. “He's going to be okay, don't you worry.”
“How can you know that,” You murmured, closing your eyes as more tears filled your eyes. “What if I've lost him too?”
“Hey, don't say that,” Kerry wrapped his arms around you and you didn't object, sobbing into his chest. “He's going to be fine,” Kerry whispered, stroking your back. “It's not his time yet, you got him for a whole while longer.”
“I'm still mad at you, you know,” You muttered, taking a shaky breath. “But thank you.”
Everything seemed to happen in a blur. You only remembered clinging to Kerry as paramedics came into the house and got your dad into the ambulance. You held his hand on the ride to the hospital, your head buried in Kerry's shoulder. 
Being back in the hospital waiting room felt like a nightmare. You wanted to be anywhere else, wanted to run away from it all. When Kerry went to get some coffee you wanted to beg him not to leave, but couldn't. When he came back you accepted the coffee with a grateful nod.
“I think we should talk,” You sighed softly, looking over to him. “I don't need another thing hanging over my head. So..just tell me why you left?”
Kerry looked down at his cup for a moment before looking back at you and giving you a nod.
“Alright  let's get this out there. I know that I wasn't perfect, far from it. I swear to you that I had no idea how you felt about me, if I had even suspected you saw me as something other than a friend then..”
He shook his head, laughing softly.
“I wouldn't have been such an idiot. I was crazy about you but I thought you saw me as more like a brother. So I thought I should just date anyone else, try and get over you. Then you and David started hanging out more and I really thought you weren't interested in me. So I just wanted anyone else as a distraction, I was so angry at David for stealing you even though you weren't mine to steal. I would hear you laughing in his room and it would kill me, I just wanted to know why you chose him over me.”
You took a sip of coffee, your heart aching in your chest. After a moment of silence you took a deep breath and looked over to Kerry.
“Why didn't you just come to me when you heard that stupid rumor that me and David were together again?”
Kerry looked up for a moment, letting out a sigh before looking back at you.
“Honestly? I didn't want to hear you confirm it. It would have killed me. I shouldn't have believed it, but I did. I thought you had realized I wasn't good enough for you and I just wanted to get away. So when the opportunity came up I took it.”
You wrapped your hands around your cup, letting out a soft sigh.
“And my best friend?”
Kerry shook his head, clearing his throat. 
“That wasn't anything. We fooled around a little at a party. I was just desperate to get the thought of you being with David out of my mind. She asked if she could come with me when I was leaving but we went our separate ways when we got there.”
You went to reply but stopped when a doctor walked towards you. You reached your hand out to touch Kerry's, hesitating for a moment before he took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
As it turned out, your dad was indeed going to be fine. He had suffered a minor heart attack, and while he was to be kept overnight for observation, he would make a full recovery.
“Don't say I told you so.” You looked over to Kerry when the doctor left. 
“Never would,” Kerry held his hand over his heart. “I promise.”
You took a deep breath, looking up for a moment.
“I should go see him. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to.”
“Go on,” Kerry smiled softly. “I'll be here.”
You made your way to your dad's ward, finding his bed and letting out a shaky breath when you saw him. He was still with you, still breathing. You sat down beside the bed, touching his hand.
“Thought you were gonna leave me too,” You murmured softly, watching his chest rise and fall slowly. “I would have brought you back to life and killed you again for doing that to me. I should've known you'd pull through, you're too stubborn to go this soon, right? And you got a lot more to pack into this life. Asking Carla out, for one. You think she's going to be won over by the jokes? You need to woo her, she'd be good for you.”
You stood up, stepping closer to the bed.
“I'm gonna be right back here in the morning, okay? You're in safe hands. I love you so much.”
You leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead before pulling back with a smile and heading back to the waiting room. Kerry was still waiting for you, and you tried not to feel too pleased about it. 
“I think I'm gonna head home,” You sighed softly, sitting back down beside Kerry. “I'll come back in the morning, I don't really want to spend the night trying to sleep in one of these chairs.”
“Fair enough,” Kerry nodded. “I can call Kev, get him to give you a ride home.”
“Okay,” You nodded. “Thank you.”
“And by home I mean our home,” Kerry took your hand. “You think I'm gonna let you spend the night alone in your place then you got another thing coming.”
Any urge to protest faded away, you nodded and watched Kerry go to phone Kevin to pick you up. You let out a breath, looking up for a moment before smiling to yourself. 
As it turned out, it was exactly what you needed. Kevin came to pick you up, and very kindly agreed not to tell anyone about your dad. He brought you back to the Von Erich household and any fear you had about things being awkward melted away when Kerry and David seemed to be on perfectly normal terms with each other. 
The boys played football and you cheered them on, feeling a lightness settle over you. When Kerry and Mike won they grabbed you and lifted you up like a trophy, your laughter filling the air as the sun dipped lower in the sky. 
You ate dinner and helped Doris with the dishes and sat half on Kerry's lap when you all watched TV, his arm around your waist. You felt as if the last few years hadn't happened, you were back where you'd always felt happiest.
When the time came to go to bed, you insisted Mike didn't need to give up his bed for you, feeling guilty when he insisted he would. You wouldn't sleep anyway, knowing Kerry was in the bed across the room. You stared up at the ceiling for a while for a while before throwing the blanket off and getting up.
You padded across the room before you found yourself standing by Kerry's bed. He was awake too, looking up at the ceiling before he turned and his eyes met yours, the light of the moon making them seem even more blue.
“Can I get in?” You asked, smiling a little as Kerry immediately moved over and pulled the blanket back for you.
“Couldn't sleep either?”
“No,” You sighed softly, getting into the bed and laying down with your back to Kerry. He moved the blanket over you and kept his hand by your shoulder for a moment before pulling it back.
“Today was..a lot. Just feel like I need to come back down to earth.”
“I get you,” Kerry murmured softly. “Sometimes you just need something familiar.” 
“Well this certainly is,” You raised a brow, smiling as you felt Kerry's hand near your waist. You reached down and pulled his arm around you, relaxing into his touch.
“I can't remember how many nights I slept in this bed.”
“Enough to make us experts at keeping quiet,” Kerry laughed softly.
“I know,” You smiled with a groan. “Oh poor Mike..did he ever find out I was sneaking in here?”
“Nah,” Kerry murmured softly, wrapping his arm around you a little tighter. “Sometimes in the morning he'd ask if I got up in the night or he'd tell me I talk in my sleep. I never corrected him.”
“Well I'm glad we really could keep quiet then,” You murmured softly, turning over and meeting Kerry’s eyes.
“I never said but..thank you for being there with me today. I know I didn't say the nicest things to you, and I stand by them, but..I really appreciate what you did.”
Kerry smiled and gently stroked your waist, giving you a slight shrug.
“Don't mention it, honestly. You would have done the same for me, and..no matter what happened between us I still love you, I'll always love you.”
“I'll always love you too,” You smiled softly. “We both did stupid things, we both ended up right back here. I'm sure that means something but I don't want to think about it too much right now.”
“That's okay,” Kerry smiled, letting out a breath. “It's been a long day, why don't you get some sleep.”
“I will,” You murmured softly, glancing down for a moment and taking a deep breath. “But I need to do one thing first.”
You leaned in closer, closing your eyes as your lips pressed against Kerry's. For a moment you worried he wasn't going to kiss you back, but your heart soared when he did, his arm pulling you closer.
In the morning there would be a chat about the future, you would have to bring your dad home from the hospital, carry on with normal life.
But, the night was young enough to not worry about all that, and you planned to make the most of it.
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chaoticpuff17 · 7 months
part 15
Hello, darlings! I know it's been a hot minute. School year started up and kiddos are crazy! Please enjoy the new chapter!--- chaotic puff
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It took two days of rotting and sending both Yoongi and her guards into a frenzy of worry before Margot felt almost like herself again. By her third day she was up and dressed before Yoongi had even begun to stir. The past two days had taken their toll on him as well.
According to her security team, Yoongi had finally gotten the situation at work that had kept him at the “office” until late had finally been taken care of, but between work and his near panic about her rotting away, he was exhausted. When Margot woke up, Yoongi had still been asleep beside her, dead to the world, and that is where she’d left him.
Margot had crept down to the kitchen in the quiet hours of the morning. With Yoongi home, her security team was nowhere in sight, though she was sure that they were lingering somewhere in the building even if they weren’t in the penthouse.
Much to her surprise, Margot found that she quite enjoyed the penthouse when she was alone and all was quiet. Early morning light filtering through the windows was gentle and cast a soothing glow around the space. Curled up on the couch with a cup of tea, she could almost forget that she was a prisoner as she looked out across the city- almost but not quite.
There was still a lingering feeling of unease, an undercurrent to her peaceful morning that told her this wasn’t her home or her choice. It spurred her up from her position on the couch in search of the front door. She hadn’t set foot near it in the few days she’d been at the penthouse. There hadn’t been an opportunity. Either her guards or Yoongi were always with her. With so many eyes watching her every move, she hadn’t been able to investigate the entry to her cell or take in what measures had been put in place to keep her inside.
Much to her surprise, the door didn’t seem as though it had any over the top security systems in place. It was an ordinary door with an ordinary lock system. There didn’t even seem to be anything that kept her locked in from the inside aside from the run of the mill easily undone measures that every lock had.
Tentatively, Margot turned the handle, barely breathing as the door swung open revealing the narrow hall to the elevator and emergency stairs. It also revealed Chul waiting outside scrolling on his phone.
She had to suppress a snicker at the way he fumbled and snapped to attention as he noticed her standing in the open doorway.
“Buin!” He stuttered a little over the honorific. “Is there anything you need, ma’am?”
“No.” she shrugged, knowing full well her lackadaisical escape plan was no more. “Yoongi is still asleep and no one was around. I was exploring.”
Chul nodded, not entirely convinced by her explanation. “I see. Is there anywhere you’d like to go, ma’am?” He asked, giving her clothes a skeptical once over. “
“Not particularly.” she shrugged again. “We do need new dishes though. His are an awful shade of white.” she sighed to herself.
“We could head out as soon as you are ready, ma’am.” Chul stated with a smile. “The boss has said we can take you anywhere you’d like to go and left a credit card for any expenses.”
She raised an eyebrow at that. She hadn’t been aware that Yoongi was so prepared for her to venture into the world. Despite his overtures that she was not a prisoner, she hadn’t really expected him to keep his word on that matter.
“A credit card…” she repeated slowly as though she hadn’t quite heard him correctly. “like for shopping?”
“Yes, buin.” Chul smiled brightly. “We just have to tell the boss we’re headed out, and we’ll be fine.”
“He’s asleep right now.” she shrugged, not really put out by the fact that they wouldn’t be going out. She hadn’t truly believed they would to begin with.
“No, he’s not.” Yoongi’s soft, grumbly voice called from the direction of the entryway. Within a moment, his arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her in as he rested his chin against her shoulder. “Good morning, jagiya.”
She sighed in resigned irritation, but made no move to try to remove his arms. The effort would have been futile. Over the past few days she’d found that Yoongi was extremely clingy when he’d first woken up. Trying to get out of his embrace when he was like this was like trying to remove a barnacle.
“And where are you going, my love?” He murmured, nuzzling into her shoulder, the action sending an unpleasant shiver down her spine.
“Out.” She replied tersely, shoulders tense as he remained draped over her.
He huffed out a little chuckle. “Out where?”
“Out shopping. Your dishes are horrible.”
That earned her a full laugh. “There’s nothing wrong with my dishes.”
“They’re horrendous.”
Slowly, Yoongi untangled himself from her with a gummy smile that told everyone present how little he cared about the dishware. “If you want new dishes, we can get new dishes.”
Margot shot him a disgruntled look.
“There is no we. Your taste in dishware is horrible. You will have no part in this.”
“Is that so?” He asked with a raised brow.
“You kidnapped me. The least you can do is let me pick out my own dishes.” Her tone and expression were flat as she addressed him, completely void of any and all expression.
A wide, gummy grin spread over Yoongi’s features as he processed her words.
While she may have been trying to dissuade him from coming on her half-baked excursion, in his eyes it was a sign of her settling in. To him, this was Margot signaling that she wanted to make the space her own. If she was investing the time and effort to change aspects of the apartment, she wasn’t planning on leaving any time soon.
“Nest to your heart’s content, love.”
Yoongi pressed a kiss to her hairline before stepping away from her entirely.
“Grab your shoes, jagi. I’ll get ready, and then we’ll head out.”
Margot froze, shooting him a look of complete consternation. “You’re not coming.”
“Of course I am. We’ve barely gotten to spend any time together.” Margot made a face, but held her tongue. “And I want to see what you pick.”
“You can see when we get back.” she pointed out stubbornly, trying to deter him despite knowing he was not one to be easily dissuaded.
Yoongi chuckled, ducking back in to place another quick kiss to her cheek. “Not a chance, jagi.”
Margot wiped her cheek in disgust. He’d been overly affectionate since the moment of their acquaintance, and for the most part she could brush it off, but the kisses were off-putting. There was only so much of the casual intimacy that she could take before it became too much to bear.
“We’ll be ready in twenty minutes.” Yoongi informed Chul, softly pushing Margot back into the confines of the apartment as he did.
“Of course, sir. I’ll have the car waiting. Will you be driving yourself today?”
Yoongi paused, mulling it over for a moment. “I’ll drive.”
“You don’t have to come.” Margot grumbled as Yoongi closed the door behind them.
All the humor had left his features as he assessed her now. Instead a small furrow marred the spot between his brows, and his lips set themselves in a grim line.
“I don’t like waking up without you.” He grumbled, scrubbing a hand over his tired features. “I thought, for a moment, that you were gone again.”
For a moment, Margot could have sworn that she heard the slightest wobble in his voice, but it was so faint that she couldn’t be sure.
“Would if I could.” she muttered, under her breath, moving further into the penthouse and away from Yoongi.
Yoongi was quick to catch up, snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her into his chest, eliciting a small “eep” from Margot at the unexpected motion.
“I love you.” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her neck with a smirk as a shiver went down Margot’s spine.
“Gross.” she huffed, pushing his arms away and deeply regretting the choice to wear her hair up. It provided him with far too much access when his intrusive thoughts told him to do something affectionate as though they were a couple. “That’s a bad decision on your part.”
“I think it’s an excellent decision.”
She shook her head sadly as she ventured towards the bedroom in search of shoes with Yoongi trailing behind her.
“So many, many bad decisions.”
Once they reached the bedroom, she headed for the closet while Yoongi headed towards the bathroom.
“I’ll grab a quick shower and get ready, and then we can go. Okay, jagi?”
“Or you could not come!” she called back as she began her single minded search for the particular pair of shoes that she had in mind.
“Not a chance, jagi!” he called back.
When Yoongi said a quick shower, he meant a quick shower. It was barely even ten minutes later when he emerged hair damp with a towel wrapped around his waist as he searched for his own clothes for the day.
“Jesus, Yoongi!” Margot shrieked, throwing her hands over her eyes. “Put some fucking clothes on!”
Yoongi shot her a smirk that she couldn’t see. “I’m not shy, sweetheart. Look all you want.”
Margot made her way out of the closet, scurrying quickly out of the bedroom entirely so as to avoid any more sightings of Yoongi in his towel. She didn’t need to be thinking about how much muscle he’d gained since college or the fact that he looked very very good without his shirt on. Part of her thought that Yoongi must have done it on purpose. He was always pushing the boundaries of where their nonexistent relationship actually was with actions that he thought matched the intimacy of the relationship they had in his head denoted.
It unnerved her just how domestic Yoongi made the entire kidnapping seem. Even today, he was acting as if this was a normal outing to pick dishware for their first home together. He’d called it nesting. In reality it was just a plot to spend his money on things he didn’t actually need and to get rid of the sanatorium white dishes she so despised. But it wasn’t the first thing that Yoongi had done that was domestic either.
Yoongi treated her as if they had been a couple for years. If one ignored the fact that he was a criminal and a kidnapper, you could almost believe that they had been a couple for years. He cooked. He placed sweet kisses on every innocuous piece of skin he could reach. He had even gotten out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to make her tea in an effort to help her get back to sleep. It was almost sickening in its domesticity, and yet he didn’t seem to find any problem with it. But he was the one who had kidnapped her after all. This was what he wanted.
“Are you ready, jagiya?” Yoongi asked, appearing out of nowhere and causing Margot to jump as he startled her.
“You need a bell or something.” she hissed, her hand pressed over her heart, feeling the muscles rapid rhythm against the palm of her hand.
“Noted.” The little smirk stretched across his lips earned him a glare from Margot. “Are you ready?”
“I’d be more ready if you weren’t coming.”
“You look lovely, jagi.”
Margot marched out of the room towards the door with Yoongi following closely behind.
As irritated as she was to have Yoongi coming along, she was also incredibly relieved to be getting to leave the confines of the penthouse. Now that her period of rotting in bed was over, she could clearly tell that the days cooped up in the penthouse had done her no good, and she desperately wanted to feel the sun on her skin and to interact with people who were not Yoongi or her babysitters.
“Slow down, jagi.” Yoongi caught her hand, forcing her to slow down her brisk stride. “There’s no rush.”
“Says the one who’s been outside in the past few days.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes at that. “You aren’t a prisoner, jagi. You are allowed outside.”
“Not unaccompanied.” She pointed out lightly tugging at her hand as it remained in his grip though the movement did little to loosen his hold.
“It’s not so bad,” he shrugged. “Which you would know if you’d attempted to go outside before.”
Margot pursed her lips, keeping a snippy retort leashed behind her teeth as he poked at her though Yoongi quickly took note of the sour look on her face.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed. “That was unkind.”
“We can’t all be feisty heroines, Yoongi.” She replied softly. “Some of us need time to grieve what we’ve lost before we push boundaries.”
“I’m sorry.”
Margot tilted her head to the side, assessing Yoongi as she thought about his apology.
It wasn’t one that she needed or particularly wanted, but it had been given none the less. What she really wanted from him was something she knew he wouldn’t give. No one went through the trouble of taking someone prisoner just to let them go a few days later without getting what they wanted, and Margot certainly hadn’t given him what he wanted. She doubted he’d let her leave even if she did play along. If anything it would only feed into his delusions more.
And yet despite his delusions, he was genuinely sorry for causing her grief. It was maddening and sweet all at once, but mostly it was just maddening.
“I don’t need your apologies, Yoongi. I just want to go home.”
“You know that’s not an option, jagi.” His expression shuttered, the softness leaving his features as he steeled himself against the grief in her eyes, the soft pleading in her tone.
Just as his expression changed, hers did as well. All gentle pleading left her as quickly as it had come replaced by squared shoulders and a defiant glint shining in her eye.
“Still not your jagi.” she tossed over her shoulder as she moved towards the entryway once more. “Not your anything really.”
“Whatever you say, jagiya.” he chuckled, trailing after her.
Margot couldn’t stop moving as the elevator took them down to the street level. She rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, shifted her weight from one side to the other. Her fingers played with the bracelet on her wrist, twisting it over and over again. Part of her was certain that this was a joke, that Yoongi would take them right back inside when they reached the lobby, but despite that nagging negativity in the back of her mind, she was vibrating with excitement at the idea of being outside and the possibilities it presented.
Suddenly Margot stopped all movement, turning her attention to Yoongi as the elevator opened on the ground floor.
“Can I have my phone back?” she asked, stepping out of the elevator with him.
“Your phone?”
She nodded, giving him a look that suggested in no subtle way that the answer to that question should have been obvious. “My phone. I haven’t seen it since you kidnapped me, and I’m sure that there are people looking for me. My disappearance right before I was supposed to head to the countryside is highly suspicious you know.”
Yoongi scoffed out a sort of half laugh. “Want to contact your detective friend?”
“Namjoon-ssi?” Margot cocked her head to the side analyzing his expression her eyes widening as she puzzled out whatever she saw there. “You’re jealous!” She declared, her eyes dancing with laughter.
“Of course not.” he scoffed, averting his eyes. “Why would I be jealous of some no name detective?”
“You’re totally jealous.”
“He took you on a date.” he grumbled as he led her outside to where the black SUV he typically drove was waiting for them.
“Yeah, to get me out of having to talk to you.” Margot slipped into the passenger seat as Yoongi held the door open for her. “You’re jealous.”
Yoongi scoffed again, closing her door and moving towards his side of the car. “I have nothing to be jealous of. I’m far better than some no-name detective.”
“I don’t know. I actually like Namjoon’s company. Can’t say the same about you though.”
“Are you trying to make me jealous, jagiya?” he asked, leveling her with an unamused look as he slipped into the driver’s seat.
“Nope.” she leaned back, putting special emphasis on the ‘p’ with a little pop as she spoke. “Your feelings of jealously have no affect on me what-so-ever.”
“Careful, jagi. You won’t like me when I’m jealous.” he warned, his hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel.
“I don’t like you currently.” she shrugged.
“Careful, love.” he warned again. “Now, where would you like to go?”
“Somewhere that sells non-horrible dishware.”
part 16
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @dreatine - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x gender neutral!reader
I know the gif is gendered but that doesnt relate to this headcannon I just love the gif and thought it was fitting for the vibe lol
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Dating Spencer Reid Would Include
be prepared for one Flustered Boy™️ to begin with
- very nervous around you, stutters a lot, fumbles for his words and babbles more than ever about facts related to the human body’s response to love
- he’s very surprised when you continue to smile and giggle at his babbling, not seeming bothered by his awkwardness or general flustered state
- instead, you cup his face and kiss his nose or forehead, causing him to blush and smile more than ever
- you throw cheesy pickup lines at him at every opportunity you can,
- be prepared for one flustered boy just to make him laugh or blush
- nobody loves hugs as much as Doctor Spencer Reid. nobody. this is fact.
- after a long day he wants nothing more than to just hold you close to him, to remind him that you’re safe. once he’s in your arms, everything in his world is alright, and when his body relaxes in your arms it is one of the best feelings ever
- if a day has been particularly rough, he’ll all but fall into you, clutching onto you like his life depends on it, because in his mind, it does. you are his life, his entire world, and he would do anything for you
- once he’s more confident and comfortable, Spencer will become a big fan of subtle and sweet PDA, such as kissing your knuckles, temple, and forehead
- holding your hand is his favourite thing to do in public, no matter what scenario, it offers him comfort and joy like nothing else
- he loves swinging your hands between the two of you as you walk, or spinning you around to bring you closer to him
- you’ve never seen two FBI agents all geared up with their vests on and guns in hand, just staring at each other with love in their eyes and bright smiles on their faces as they swing their intertwined hands between them
- hugs from behind are present from both of you, with you kissing his back through his sweater and him kissing the top of your head
- Spencer loves dancing with you, anytime music is playing in your shared home he’ll appear in the doorway, already dancing and holding his hand out to you
“Ever since you said yes to being mine, I’ve got the constant urge to dance, will you dance with me?”
- slow dancing with Spencer is an experience like no other. sure, on occasion there’s stepping on toes because you’re both so clumsy, but for the most part it is just beautiful. some cheesy love song plays in the background as you sway together, Spencer’s head dipping close to your ear to whisper sweet words to you until you’re tearing up
- he’s so gentle with you, his fingers so light in your hair or on your skin you’re surprised you can feel them at all, but you can
- Spencer is very protective of you, even though he knows you can defend yourself, he isnt afraid of confronting anyone who causes you trouble, and if any harm comes to you as a result of someone else, Spencer isnt opposed to physically fighting to defend you
- nobody could ever adore you the way he does, he’s so open and honest in every sweet thing he says to you
- play! with! his! hair! you do it at every opportunity and he absolutely loves it, his eyes close and he lets out this big sigh and just melts into your touch, it’s enough to make your heart sing
- despite living and working together, he still finds ways to surprise you
- you’ll often arrive at work with him by your side and find a bouquet of flowers waiting at your desk that he had picked out himself and had delivered there
- he’ll plan out romantic evenings, building pillow forts, decorating a room in fairy lights, preparing a nice meal, or taking you out for a moonlight picnic
- and when you surprise him? the boy could cry. he’s never had anyone do such kind things for him, you offer him reassurance in everything you do, to the point where he cant deny that you love him, but he still wonders why you do
“I cant understand why someone as wonderful as you loves me.”
Spencer whispers to you as you cuddle inside the pillow fort you had built for him in your living room, fairy lights creating a soft glow against his face.
“How could I not love you? Spence, you are so ridiculously intelligent in everything you say, but you are completely clueless to how amazing you are as a person. I could listen to you babble about anything and everything for hours on end and I would never grow bored, because there is so much passion behind the things you say that facts I’d otherwise have no interest in suddenly become enthralling to me, because it’s you that’s telling me about them! You are kind, considerate, so much funnier than you give yourself credit for, and I love being around you. Also, you have a truly fantastic head of hair.”
Spencer chuckles at your last sentence, before pulling you into a passionate kiss.
- you have been known to just sit and let Spencer talk for hours on end, usually before falling asleep because his voice calms you so much. all wrapped up in his arms with your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat in one ear and his interesting facts in the other
- he’s so interesting and he has no idea, so you do your best to remind him whenever you can
- when he rambles in front of the team he’ll always catch you smiling at him, you’re one of the only ones who is continuously pleasantly surprised and intrigued by everything Spencer knows, and when you give him a kiss on the cheek after hearing him babble, he’s more flustered than ever
- he’s finally found someone who enjoys his tangents, and he cant believe his luck
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starseungs · 1 year
➳ this is how to be in love with you. hjs
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pairing — han jisung x gn!reader
synopsis — dating han jisung was something you had never expected to happen, but now you wouldn't have it any other way.
genre/s — fluff. and i actually mean it this time. (a pinch of angst at the start but its over quick) • 2.1k words
warning/s — cursing, mentions of drinking
note — tbh i wrote this with a fever and dont know wth im writing aside from the fact that im so in love with han jisung it physically hurts
2022 ⓒ starseungs on tumblr. do not steal, repost, or edit.
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It was almost frightening how easy it was to fall in love with Han Jisung.
Who would've thought that the cute part-timer at the convenience store across from your apartment building would have such a huge impact on your relatively boring life? You certainly didn't, and yet his presence alone still hit you hard like a truck.
Everything started on one particularly hard day that ended with you fighting back salty tears in the midst of your dimly lit room. It was not the best sight, nor will it ever be, despite the shimmery streaks of moonlight seeping into the space in a pathetic attempt to provide lighting around you. The clear night sky would've been beautiful to gaze at if only it didn't remind you that your day would be ending soon without a single positive thing happening in the entirety of its hours. You were so so tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep until the sun rose for another day—a fresh new start for you to leave the past behind like you've done just this morning. But it seemed like fate had other plans that prompted you to storm out of your apartment in spite-filled rage.
Admittedly, you didn't have a plan at that time—only knowing you'd be damned if you continued to swallow your frustration alone. The weather outside was average at best; there was nothing too special going on. However, it was for that exact reason that the fluorescent "open" sign of the humble convenience store right across the street seemed to attract your eyes more than it ever did before. And who were you to say no to its obvious invitation? Beggars couldn't be choosers, after all, and you desperately needed something, anything, to distract you until the day officially came to an end.
So here you were, curiously slipping inside the store to find anything that might interest you. You faintly registered the chime of the door when you stepped inside and the polite greeting of whoever was behind the cashier at the back of your mind as your sight immediately zeroed on those eye-catchingly green bottles of fun.
It was just what you needed.
You hurriedly snatched a few bottles of soju with childish glee, already thinking about how perfect this was to end your less than ideal day. Maybe you could still sneak in some enjoyment in the remaining minutes until midnight—not that you thought drinking your problems away was exactly good, but it was certainly better than bottling up your sadness when you could open another type of bottle instead. It was an okay plan, or at least in your books, it was.
"That's quite a few bottles you've got there."
The sudden voice startled your train of thought, bringing your focus back to the real world. "Wait, shit, sorry if I scared you," the voice continued in a panic. "I didn't mean to, I swear. Damn, I'm not even supposed to comment on a customer's purchase."
You blinked dazedly at the person standing in front of you. When you raised your head to find a face to connect the voice with, you didn't know, but you quickly found yourself wishing you had done so earlier.
Because, wow. That face was very attractive.
"Oh, uh—it's fine," you shook your head lightly in an attempt to stop blatantly ogling at the guy. "You're good."
Unfortunately, that only seemed to send him into another spiral of misplaced guilt since he threw out a sudden offer of, "I'll give you a discount."
Your eyes practically bulged out of their sockets at the sentence that came out of his mouth. "What? No! You don't have to, really!" was your hasty reply, to which the guy only hummed as if it were no big deal.
"Would you let me do it if I say it's because I find you cute?"
"I'm sorry, come again?"
You watched as his eyes widened comically, almost like he didn't expect those words to be said out loud—and if you were to say, that might actually be the case. "Okay, yeah, that totally backfired," he exhaled shakily; you could almost hear him screaming internally. Honestly, you couldn't blame him. You would too. "This must be so creepy—I'll place these in a bag and get out of your hair in a moment."
After a few more seconds, the situation finally dawned on you. "Hold on," you wheezed like you just heard the funniest shit ever. "Are you seriously hitting on me right now?"
"No! I mean, yes? Kind of?" The guy ended up groaning in embarrassment at his own answer, running a hand through his hair while awkwardly avoiding your eyes. His actions were oddly charming, forming an unconscious grin on your face. "I meant it when I said I find you cute. You don't have to say anything, though. Just take it as a compliment or something."
"Why thank you, kind sir," was your amused response before composing yourself and giving him a genuine smile. "I needed that."
He snorts at that. "With five bottles of soju? Who would've guessed?"
"I suppose you're not wrong," you went along with his observation, eyes trailing along the bottles he had just finished placing in a plastic bag. "Also, what the hell was I thinking? I can't finish all of this tonight."
"You can give some of them to me if you want. I'll pay you back the amount."
You quirked an eyebrow at him as you handed over your payment. Thankfully, you had half the mind to bring money with you when you stormed out earlier. "Is that really fine with you?"
"My shift is almost over, anyway. A drink after would be nice," he shrugs nonchalantly. The information had you thinking. You'd hate to be drinking alone right now, so perhaps having him as a companion for a while wouldn't be too bad.
You bit your lip lightly before asking, "Do you want to drink a bit with me?"
"Oh," he reacts blankly at first, clearly not expecting the offer. His face revealed his thought process like a window, the gears turning in his head as he tried to piece together what you had just said. It wasn't long until he caught up, though, and with a shy grin he finally answered, "Sure."
You beamed brightly for the first time that day. "Sweet. I'm Y/N, by the way."
"Jisung. Han Jisung."
And the clock strikes twelve.
Just like Cinderella, everything started changing after that night. You had gained a new friend—or at least that was what you called him for now, even if you damn well knew friends certainly did not feel this kind of attraction towards each other. It was almost embarrassing to admit how much your heart leapt in happiness whenever you two were together, and you swore that if it continued any longer, you'd end up floating amongst the clouds. His gaze alone already sent a buzzing shiver all throughout your body, your mind going into overdrive at the sheer amount of emotion Jisung was able to pull out of you with somewhat concerning ease. He could melt you to a puddle on the ground with a single word, no questions asked. Maybe it was his frustratingly smooth voice, but the guy charmed his way into your heart in a matter of literal days. Either he knew what he was doing or you were just a hopeless simp—and no, you refused to ever admit the latter out loud.
So it was to no one's surprise when you agreed to his request to take you out on a date. And after the first one, more followed. Jisung's plans were, as one would say, straight out of fiction. Stuff that you knew existed in real life but never thought would have the same spark as its literary counterpart. Well, you really should have expected it, but Jisung certainly proved you wrong. The guy was an absolute romantic, and that translated well into everything he did between you two. Though you found out through your talks that he had a big love for the angsty stuff—to which you could only wish you wouldn't find yourself in that situation too soon. It was only when you felt a warm hand casually slipping into yours with a reassuring gentle squeeze that you realized.
God, you may have already fallen for Han Jisung.
There was no doubting it. When the night sky you had just cursed out weeks ago for reminding you of the dragging day you had was replaced with waves of affection and happiness, you knew there was no way you could doubt it even if you wanted to. That whenever you closed your eyes to rest, the darkness only brought images of you and Jisung screaming each other's name into the distance in an attempt to replicate a cliched scene of professing one's love during one of your many nightly picnic dates. Joyful laughter echoed under the stars as hands held each other's, a silent promise that didn't need to be said out loud for you to know what it meant. The moon was a witness to the blooming portrait of memories being painted at the very moment when you two had made it official.
You also particularly loved the moments that you shared indoors, where it was just you and Jisung. The comfort of being alone together was one of the things that came more naturally, especially with him leaning on the introverted side. This was where you found him thriving best, and it warmed your chest to see him so in his element. Whether it was his place or yours, there was never a dull moment, even if you two weren't doing anything. Then there were also the times where you did do something—quickly developing a soft spot for your domestic activities with Jisung. The sound of the oven working its magic was faintly heard in the background while he danced you slowly in the flour-covered kitchen from your earlier baking shenanigans.
Loving Jisung felt like second nature to you, as if you'd been doing it for years. Perhaps you did. The concept of soulmates wasn't new to you; only that you hadn't given it any more attention than mere acknowledgement. Yet, something about Jisung made you feel like changing your stance on the matter. Slowly but surely, he had taken over you.
And you didn't fight it one bit.
His lips were an inviting shade of pink as he went on about his newest interest. You really didn't mean to stare, but he made it a challenge for you to not have your full attention on him alone. To the point that you hung onto every word he said, whatever topic he brought up, you made a mental note of it to bring up at other times when it might be appropriate. Oh, how you wanted to stop time and just continue to admire the man Han Jisung is.
Sometimes you couldn't even believe he was yours. You knew your eyes dripped with love every time you had your gaze fixed on him, but it always caught you off guard when you noticed the same look in his eyes—and it was directed towards you. They always shone with tender gratitude and warmth mixed with fondness, making your breath hitch at the sheer intensity. If this was all a dream, you hope you'd never wake up.
"Hey now," you heard Jisung's voice call out to you softly. Warm hands cupped your face gently to ground you back to reality. "What's with that look, baby?"
You sighed dreamily, leaning in more towards his touch. "How are you real?"
"This again?" Jisung chuckles at your misty gaze pinned at him as if he could disappear in the blink of an eye. "I am. And I'm right in front of you."
"You're so good to me," you mumbled in a quiet whisper, starting to feel drowsy from the comfort he provided you at the moment. You could hear Jisung's heart flip at your honest words.
"Which is what you deserve," he leans in closer to press a light but passionate kiss on your lips before pulling away to stare at you with eyes containing hundreds of unsaid dedication. "I love you."
"I love you more."
Dating Han Jisung was something you had never expected to happen, but now you wouldn't have it any other way.
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mastertag 🔖— send in an ask if you want to be added ! 🫶
@tyuniiz @lhskokoro @bookishcalls @comet-falls @starlostseungmin @ameliesaysshoo @jeonginwrld
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minty-drop · 5 months
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Pitaya dragon x reader
Tw: yandere themes, protective and possessive behaviour, kidnapping, isolation, murder, forced relationship
Type: angst, depression, fear, anger
Kinda crappy near the end, because my friend had asked this of me and I had no idea how to put this idea together so here my attempt
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It was well know for the Queen, hollyberry, to venture out of the kingdom to chase down the legendary red dragon, a hunt that had been going on for years. Though even if those constant trips of coming back bruised or bloody, she still stood proud and tall in keeping her kingdom safe within its walls. Including her subjects.
When the dragon striked, it was like all hell had clawed it’s way up from the soil into the kingdom, burning building to the ground, killing the inhabitants almost out of the blue. Even hollyberry did not know what had angered this beast to cause this much chaos that the kingdom had to endure.
But oh you knew..you knew exactly what had angered them.
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The wind was crisp as the autumn glow of the sun seeped through the cracks in the wooden door. You struggled to get the slightly tattered boots on, out grown them years ago but to poor to get a new pair. A small jacket would do, as well as thin gloves and a hat to keep your dough of your head warm. You planned on enjoying a cold august evening in a small but rather beautiful part of forest beyond the guarded walls. But you long have been able to avoid the eyes of the particularly wary guards that stood on the bricks and bricks of the carefully constructed mountain like walls. Today would be no different, you would anticipate for this day each week to spend quality time with the outside world.
With a quiet yet heavy sigh, with all your warm covering on, it would be a breeze to get around without a freeze. The door to your house flew open gently with the help of your hand twisting the doorknob, a prickle that tickled your nose had just arrived. It did not take long to passed the walls, and when on the other side and out of view, you snuck carefully into the bushes where a crooked and bushy dirt path layed behind its green vibrancy. Continuing on this path you did, hoping over fallen branches after branch, already have mapped out where to step and not to step. But a groan had stoped your cookie legs from walking any farther, another much louder groan of pain echoed out through the surrounding area, followed by a quiet mutter of profanity’s.
Both out of curiosity,concern, and a hint of fear, your body had turned to the sound, the fur lining on your jacket gracing the side of your face and tickling the outer parts of your neck. Footsteps of yours pattered over to the trees, in which those trees thick branches had been broken. With some difficulty, you managers to wiggle your way through the sharp edges, only to be greater with piercing red eyes staring back at you, a large spiked sword raised to point at you as the owner layed on the ground helplessly. The interestingly dressed cookie had a gash on his right side, claw marks, stretching from there rib cage to the upper thigh area. A-few other injuries littered the dough, but not as closely as how much blood had leaked out there side. “Back the fuck up or I’ll-“ in a flash the cookie had started to cough up thick red liquid. Now with the blood seeping from his mouth and the now noticeable swelling on his left eye, the cookie suddenly fell backwards on there back, coughing up more of the liquid that invaded there throat, and soon passing out.
And you just watched his happen…wait..I JUST WATCHED A COOKIE DIE? griping the sides of your jacket, running and sitting down beside this stranger you had encounter, and checked for a pulse…there still was one..I can do this..I’m training in medicine I can actually do this..I can help them.
And somehow you had been able to drag this EXTREMELY heavy beast of a cookie back through the wall and to your house. Now you stood over him with a light frown, finishing up the bandages that wrapped around the torso and arms, a-few here and there were not the best bandages you’ve done, but not the less they were secure and keeping the stitching, medical cream and other oddments from beings damaged/ wiped off. The more you got into cleaning the gashes to stitching them up, you had noticed that..he shouldn’t have survived such wound for that long. then it dawned, this wasn’t a cookie..this was a DRAGON. Panic you did, scrambling through your house at the thought. You had just brang a dragon, a fucking DRAGON in the hollyberry kingdom, a kingdom where it’s queen hunter these creatures. But you’ve never seen them in cookie form, you thought it was a myth that dragons could turn into cookies!
It didn’t help that when this beast had finally awoken, they were already trying to kill you while you tried to explain what was happening to him and where he was. The dragon was in raged…until you had offered him food that is. With that words uttered from your mouth, this previously raging dragon made sat down onto the couch that he had previously ripped up, grumbling a “hurry up then”
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That’s how you met them, the legendary red dragon, a feared foe of the queen, chaos itself, raw power in one being. That was months ago. You had grown fond of each other a-few weeks after helping him, and they would visit’s regularly with that same aggression but now almost friendly attitude. He was a friend of yours, a good friend of yours, so much of a good friend you told him about a cookie you had been seeing lately. And oh, that’s when he flipped. He left that day, as quick as he came. Not seeing them since that terrible day, well, until now that is. That rage that had built up over the few days of the incident, was now being let loose on the people of hollyberry kingdom.
Like any cookie would do, you ran. You ran away from the friend that now was tearing apart your home.
Power gusts of wind barrled at your form, making you tumble to your feet. The dragon you once thought had held some sliver of kindness now stood in front of you, towering over you with wing wide and teeth bearing. This was your end. Right?
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This was worse.
Pinned to his side with the strength of his wing, forced to lay beside the red scaled dragon in what looked like there den. It smelled like old blood, magma and a hint of sugar, it made you sick to your stomach to look around at the lifeless cookies that had tried to save you from this nightmare. But they promised himself he would never let you go, even if he has to go through the witches themselves.
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